Daily Archives: November 19, 2022

2022-11-19: News Headlines

Alexander Rubinstein (2022-11-19). Zelensky, media lackeys caught in most dangerous lie yet. thegrayzone.com With Kiev exposed for a lie that could have triggered a third world war, it is time to examine past deceptions that Western media promoted. A missile that exploded on Polish soil on November 15 killed two civilians and destroyed farm equipment. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Western corporate media rushed to blame the explosion on Russia in apparent hopes of triggering NATO's Article 5, which requires NATO states to defend one another militarily when attacked by a hostile force. …

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). Ukraine trying to provoke conflict between Russia, NATO. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said on Friday that Ukraine is trying to provoke a direct military conflict between Russia and NATO.

Anonymous103 (2022-11-19). US Aid to Ukraine Invested in Corrupt Crypto FTX Scheme. southfront.org CEO of FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried (right) with Blair and Clinton. Facebook"Instead of using funds to fight Russia, the money was invested in the FTX Ponzi scheme." | Written by The sudden collapse of a crypto exchange linked to the Democratic Party in the US, has revealed that FTX presently suffers from $10-$ billion in liabilities and virtually no assets. And among those liabilities, are "invest…

Rajan Menon, Daniel R. DePetris (2022-11-19). We Cannot Allow NATO's Article 5 to Be a Flip-Switch for World War 3. commondreams.org After yesterday's NATO crisis that wasn't, it's clear we need to get a grip on what the alliance's obligations are—and what they aren't.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-11-19). Asesinan a otro líder social en Valle del Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net La víctima fue identificada como Mario Oscar te, quien era presidente de la subdirectiva de la Asociación de Trabajadores Campesinos del departamento.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). Ukrainian missile fragments probably fell in Poland. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — Ukraine's air force spokesman Yuriy Ignat admitted that at least some missile fragments that fell in Poland earlier this week could have been Ukrainian.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2022-11-19). The Downing of Malaysian Airlines MH17: The Quest for Truth and Justice. Review of the Evidence. globalresearch.ca The MH17 Inquiry has been conducted in an insidious fashion. Important pieces of evidence including eye witness reports, audio & video material transmitted through Ukraine Intelligence (SBU) have been manipulated or excluded from the Dutch inquiry, which largely endorses Washington's accusations directed against Moscow.

_____ (2022-11-19). Why is Ukraine asking the West for longer-range missiles? journal-neo.org The anti-Russian hysteria instigated by Ukraine and Poland, supported by certain members of the current Russophobic military-political elite in the West, around the incident of the two missiles falling in Przewodów, has clearly confirmed not only the fragility of the current system of universal security, But also the fact of active search by neo-Nazis, primarily …

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). IAEA Board of Governors resolution extremely untimely. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — The resolution of the IAEA Board of Governors initiated by Germany, the United Kingdom, and France is extremely untimely, said a Russian senior diplomat.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). Eight people killed in gas blast in Russia. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — Eight people were killed in a gas blast that occurred at an apartment building on Russia's Far Eastern Sakhalin Island, the region's governor Valery Limarenko announced.

Jenny Pierson (2022-11-19). University of California Comes to a Standstill as Academic Workers Strike. independentmediainstitute.org Nearly ,000 academic workers at the University of California launched a historic strike on November 14 after contract negotiations with their employer failed. Postdoctoral scholars, researchers, trainees, fellows, graduate student instructors, readers, and tutors, who are from 10 UC campuses across the state and are unionized with United Auto Workers, walked out of their jobs. …

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). Israeli regime missile attack on Syria leaves causalities. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — During the missile attack launched on Syria's port of Baniyas by the Israeli regime, several people were killed and injured.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). Iran expresses sympathy with Iraq over Sulaymaniyah explosion. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Ministry Nasser Kan'ani expressed sympathy with Iraq over the gas explosion incident in Sulaymaniyah.

A Guest Author (2022-11-19). COP27 ‚àí Latin American leaders unite their voices against climate change. workers.org By Alejandra Garcia Nov. 10, 2022 Note: This article first appeared in Resumen Latinoamericano English. The eyes of the world are on Egypt, as this African country is now hosting the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention (COP27), where hundreds of heads of state, ministers, . . . |

Aarathi Prasad (2022-11-19). [Perspectives] David Williams: finding solutions for racial inequities in health. thelancet.com David Williams was born "in the Dutch Caribbean island of Aruba", and "raised in, at the time, the British colony of St Lucia". His parents had not attended high school but they were, he recalls, "avid readers who had a lot of books at home" and his mother, who became a nurse aged 62 years, was a powerful source of inspiration for him. Over his influential career, Williams, who is the Norman Professor of Public Health and Chair of the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health and Professor of African and African American Studies and of Sociology at Harvard Univer…

Anand Naidoo (2022-11-19). The Heat: APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting. america.cgtn.com World leaders gather in Thailand for the 29th APEC Economic Leaders Meeting. What's at the top of the agenda? Chinese President Xi Jinping spoke Friday at the first in-person APEC meeting in four years. He expressed the need for peace and stability and a shared …

Barbara Fraser (2022-11-19). [World Report] Efforts to improve medical education in Peru hit obstacles. thelancet.com Efforts to tighten medical licensing are in limbo after a study finds that many medical school graduates failed a basic final-year examination. Barbara Fraser reports.

Ben Radford (2022-11-19). Iran and Turkey deport more than 240,000 Afghan refugees. greenleft.org.au The Iranian and Turkish governments have deported more than 240,000 Afghan refugees this year, in violation of international law, reports Ben Radford.

Colin Todhunter (2022-11-19). What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. "Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy"? globalresearch.ca If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the implications would be? And why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations…

Dana Bryazka, Max G Griswold, Marissa B Reitsma, Emmanuela Gakidou (2022-11-19). [Correspondence] Alcohol and health — Authors' reply. thelancet.com In our analysis,1 we estimated the theoretical minimum risk exposure level (TMREL) and the non-drinker equivalence of alcohol use, using a new approach to weight relative risk (RR) curves by estimated disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) in every region, age, sex, and year. This differed from our previous research where we used global DALYs to estimate alcohol risk. Our current analysis showed that the TMREL increases with age and varies across regions, ranging from zero to two standard drinks per day.

____ (2022-11-18). China ready to coordinate with New Zealand for peace, stability in Pacific Islands region, says Xi. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping said in Bangkok on Friday that China is willing to coordinate closely with New Zealand to jointly promote peace, stability, development and prosperity in the Pacific island countries region.

____ (2022-11-18). China ready to join Chile for stronger comprehensive strategic partnership, says Xi. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping said in Bangkok on Friday that China is ready to join Chile in pushing for further development of their comprehensive strategic partnership.

ELEL (2022-11-19). [Department of Error] Department of Error. thelancet.com AlKhaldi M, Najjar S, Al Basuoni A, et al. National health workforce accreditation and regulation in Palestine: a qualitative assessment. Lancet 2022; 399: S23—In this Abstract, details of Mohammed AlKhaldi's affiliation with the Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Faculty of Communication, Arts and Sciences, Canadian University Dubai (CUD), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, had been omitted, and details of his collaboration with An Najah National University had been mistakenly included. These corrections have been made to the online version as of Nov 17, 2022.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). Iran's exports of mining products exceed $6.6b in 7 months. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — A total of 25.55 million tons of minerals and mining industry products worth $6.66 billion were exported in the first seven months of the current Iranian year.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). Iran calls on intl. community to condemn terrorist incidents. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — In reaction to the recent terrorist attacks in the country, the Iranian Foreign Ministry in a statement called on the international community and forums to condemn terrorist incidents in Iran to prevent further violence.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). Iran-Oman brotherly, cordial ties to further deepen relations. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — President Ebrahim Raeisi on Saturday said that the brotherly, close, and historical ties of Iran and Oman will further reinforce bilateral relations in the future.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). Massive explosion heard near Tel Aviv. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — Media sources reported late Friday that a massive explosion was heard near Tel Aviv in occupied territories.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on November 19. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — Mehr news agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Saturday, November 19.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). Two firefighters killed in Peru as plane hits fire truck. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — Two firefighters were killed Friday at Lima's airport when a passenger plane hit their fire truck during takeoff and then crashed on the runway, officials said.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). FM Amir-Abdollahian meets Omani counterpart in Tehran. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — Omani Foreign Minister arrived in Tehran on Saturday morning to hold bilateral talks with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). Leader describes Isfahan as city of jihad, art, science. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in Tehran received a large number of people from Isfahan province on Saturday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). Leader receives people of Isfahan. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in Tehran received a large number of people from Isfahan province on Saturday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-19). Front pages of Iran's English dailies on Nov. 19. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) — Here are the front pages of Iran's English language dailies on Saturday, November 19.

Geoff Watts (2022-11-19). [Obituary] John Michael Walshe. thelancet.com A leading authority on Wilson's disease. He was born in London, UK, on April 24, 1920 and died of bronchopneumonia in Hemingford Grey, UK, on Oct 14, 2022 aged 102 years.

Georgina Ferry (2022-11-19). [Perspectives] Matilde Montoya: fighter for women's medical education in Mexico. thelancet.com In 1887 Matilde Petra Montoya (1859—1939) became the first woman to qualify as a doctor in Mexico. By 1937, a further 83 women had graduated from Mexico's principal medical school at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in Mexico City. "For many of her contemporaries, her professional examination was a watershed", explains Montoya's biographer Ana María Carrillo Farga, Professor of the History of Medicine at UNAM, "establishing the right of Mexican women to study and practise the liberal professions".

Jacqui Thornton (2022-11-19). [World Report] Prescriptions for the planet. thelancet.com A Finnish city is introducing planetary health to its residents, aiming to prevent illness through nature while saving the environment at the same time. Jacqui Thornton reports.

Mika Kivimà§ki, G D Batty (2022-11-19). [Correspondence] Alcohol and health. thelancet.com The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) is a comprehensive observational study which has been central to understanding health challenges worldwide. A study using data from GBD 20201 concluded that the optimal amount of alcohol consumption for health varies substantially by location. This variation could be real or ascribed to the limitations in GBD 2020 data.

Philip Ball (2022-11-19). [Perspectives] The evolution of a family. thelancet.com In 2021, a report prepared by a committee called the History Group at Imperial College London, UK, recommended that the name of the 19th-century naturalist Thomas Henry Huxley be removed from the college building that now houses the mathematics and computing department. Huxley's racist ideas, said the group, made it no longer appropriate, in the age of the Black Lives Matter movement, to celebrate him in this way. According to the report, he "espouse[d] a racial hierarchy of intelligence, a belief system of 'scientific racism' that fed the dangerous and false ideology of eugenics; legacies of which are still felt…

Richard Horton (2022-11-19). [Comment] Offline: COVID-19—the lessons that science forgot. thelancet.com Remember the pandemic? Barely. Economist Impact, a policy research team within The Economist Group, supported by The Lancet's publisher Elsevier, last week launched Confidence in Research—a report exploring attitudes of scientists to the practice and communication of science during the pandemic. Based on a survey of over 3000 researchers worldwide, Economist Impact identified important actions that should be considered if mistakes are not to be repeated during future health emergencies.

Susan Jaffe (2022-11-19). [World Report] US CDC begins agency-wide changes after pandemic failures. thelancet.com An independent review made several recommendations for improving the public health agency. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC…

The Lancet (2022-11-19). [Editorial] Will the Qatar World Cup be good for health? thelancet.com Kicking off on Nov 20, the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar has been hailed by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, as "a unique opportunity to show how sport can promote health". WHO, the Qatar Ministry of Public Health, FIFA, and the organising committee hope to create a "Legacy for Sport and Health", aiming to protect the health of all those involved, promote healthy lifestyles, and promote health at future mass gatherings. But will this World Cup really be good for health?

WSWS (2022-11-19). Corporate media fears rail strike as major unions close contract vote. wsws.org The two largest rail unions are set to finish their contract votes and announce the results this Monday.

WSWS (2022-11-19). UC strike pits academic workers in battle against the Democratic Party. wsws.org Striking workers are trying to break through the limits imposed by the United Auto Workers apparatus, which is working to impose a deal acceptable to the budgetary restraints set by the Democrats.

WSWS (2022-11-19). Nine refugees, mostly children, die in fire in Turkey: A social crime. wsws.org The fire that killed nine people, eight of them children, in Bursa, Turkey last week was a product of the horrible conditions in which refugees fleeing the devastation of imperialist wars are being condemned.

WSWS (2022-11-19). Ontario education workers speak out ahead of strike by 55,000 workers Monday: "We were kept in the dark on negotiations for almost 10 days" wsws.org All of the education unions are bargaining behind the backs of their members with the aim of cooking up another round of concession-filled contracts with Ford. In addition to CUPE, four teacher unions are currently bargaining for 200,000 teachers who have been without a contract since August 31.

WSWS (2022-11-19). Explosion and fire in apartment complex in Gaithersburg, Maryland, kills 1 and injures 14. wsws.org Several incidents within Montgomery County in recent years, both involving natural gas, have cast concerns regarding gas lines in the county.

WSWS (2022-11-19). Third COVID wave worsens in New Zealand. wsws.org Modelling shows that case numbers and hospitalisations from COVID could return to a level similar to July, when New Zealand had the highest per-capita deaths in the world.

WSWS (2022-11-19). All Quiet on the Western Front: A strong anti-war film, and at the right time. wsws.org The new film adaptation of the anti-war classic is an impressive depiction of the horror of the First World War and the ruthlessness with which an entire generation were sent to the slaughter.

WSWS (2022-11-19). More Australian workers support November 20 public meeting to initiate united action to fight COVID-19. wsws.org "For me, the past three years have been a mixed bag of face-to-face and online work; and, most recently, unemployment." — Petra, a tertiary educator…

WSWS (2022-11-19). West Australian nurses denounce union sellout and state Labor government gag. wsws.org Australian Nursing Federation leaders have been booed at nurses' meetings and deluged with texts, emails and other messages by nurses denouncing the union's blatant betrayal.

WSWS (2022-11-19). Massive snowfall fueled by climate change hits Buffalo and Great Lakes region. wsws.org Global warming is increasing the likelihood and intensity of lake effect storms like the one currently hitting Buffalo and areas of Western New York.

WSWS (2022-11-19). Infections, hospitalisations and fatalities rise as COVID-19 surges unhindered throughout Australia. wsws.org Federal and state governments have issued tepid recommendations for mask wearing and social distancing, while refusing to announce any significant restrictions to halt the spread.

WSWS (2022-11-19). New state election in Berlin: The SGP gives opposition to war a voice and a perspective. wsws.org On Wednesday, the Berlin Constitutional Court ruled that elections for the House of Representatives and all 12 districts must be re-run in full because of serious electoral irregularities.

WSWS (2022-11-19). Washington Post backs Republican-led witch-hunt against scientists. wsws.org On Thursday, the Washington Post published an editorial renewing its promotion of the Wuhan lab conspiracy theory, presenting an absurd, semi-literate attack on the research of scientists Michael Worobey and Kristian Andersen.

WSWS (2022-11-19). Autoworkers voice support for lawsuit by UAW presidential candidate Will Lehman to defend right to vote. wsws.org Workers from Detroit, Warren, Chicago, Belvedere, Kansas City and Macungie, Pennsylvania spoke with the WSWS.

WSWS (2022-11-19). Musk's attack on Twitter workers brings company to the brink of collapse. wsws.org Media outlets and technology experts are warning that Twitter may collapse or go bankrupt following the mass exodus of another 1,200 employees from the company.

WSWS (2022-11-19). Economic hardship, COVID and political instability dominate today's Malaysian election. wsws.org Political turmoil and the harsh economic conditions prevailing for the working class and rural poor make the election outcome far from certain.

WSWS (2022-11-19). Attorney General Garland appoints special counsel to oversee Trump investigations. wsws.org Garland's move comes in the context of the Republican takeover of the House of Representatives just 22 months after the Republican Party and its current leaders backed Trump's attempted coup of January 6.

WSWS (2022-11-19). Australian university union's "historic win" at WSU exposed. wsws.org Even the brief discussion at a hastily-called NTEU branch meeting at Western Sydney University further revealed the true nature of the "WSU model."

Anonymous669 (2022-11-19). Four Service Members Killed In New Wave Of Israeli Airstrikes On Syria (Photos). southfront.org An Israeli Air Force F-15 fighter jet flies during an aerial demonstration. (photo credit: AMIR COHEN REUTERS) | On November 19, a new wave of Israeli airstrikes hit military positions on the Syrian coast and in the country's central region. "At around six thirty in the morning, the Israeli enemy carried out an aerial aggression over the Mediterranean Sea from the direction of [the town of] Banias, targeting some positions on the coast and in the central region," a military official told the state-run Syrian Arab New…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-19). Senior IRGC Intelligence Officer Stabbed To Death In Western Iran. southfront.org Colonel Nader Beirami. Source: the Tasnim News Agency. | On November 18, a senior intelligence officer of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) was stabbed to death in the western Iranian province of Kermanshah. | According to the semi-official Tasnim News Agency, the officer, identified as Colonel Nader Beirami, was in charge of the IRGC intelligence service in the city of Sahneh. He was stabbed in the heart while trying to protect a pedestrian against protesters who were rio…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-19). U.S. Consulate In Erbil Warns Of Near Turkish Operation In Iraq, Syria. southfront.org FILE PHOTO: Turkish soldiers seen at the border town of Akcakale © Reuters / Murad Sezer | On November 18, the United States Consulate General in Erbil, the capital of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, issued a security alert warning American citizens of a near Turkish military operation in northern Iraq and northern Syria. "U.S. Consulate General Erbil is monitoring credible open-source reports of potential Turkish military action in northern Syria and northern Iraq in the coming days. The U.S. government continues to…

Editor (2022-11-19). COP27: Corporate courts versus developing world. mronline.org As rich countries move away from dispute-settlement mechanisms that give corporations power to block environmental protections, Manuel Pérez-Rocha says they keep imposing them on developing countries through trade pacts.

Editor (2022-11-19). Qatar Claims the 2022 World Cup is Carbon Neutral. It's Not. scheerpost.com Md Shaifuzzaman Ayon, CC BY-SA 4.0 By Jessie Blaeser / The opening game of the 2022 FIFA World Cup is just days away, and all eyes are on host country Qatar, which has been getting ready to host the international soccer tournament since 2010. The preparations for the event, which organizers pledged would be "carbon-neutral," have stirred up a significant amount of criti…

Editor (2022-11-19). You're Living in a World Wrought by the Federal Reserve. Notice Anything Wrong? scheerpost.com In her new book, veteran Wall Street watcher and economist Nomi Prins warns that central bank strategies deployed since the financial crisis are destroying the real economy, worsening inequality, and creating societal chaos.

It's Going Down (2022-11-19). Building Autonomous Mutual Aid Infrastructure in the Wake of Hurricane Ian. itsgoingdown.org On this episode of the It's Going Down podcast, we speak with someone from Mutual Aid Disaster Relief about autonomous responses in the wake of Hurricane Ian, which rampaged through the Caribbean and slammed into the coast of Florida in late September of 2022. During our discussion, we talk about both the response from the…

Janna Corredor (2022-11-19). Meeting of Sà£o Paulo Forum Working Group Starts in Caracas. orinocotribune.com On Friday, November 18, the meeting of the expanded Working Group of the Sà£o Paulo Forum started in Caracas, Venezuela, to work on consolidating the strategic plan to advance towards regional integrity and the sovereignty of Latin America and the Caribbean. Adán Chávez, vice-president of International Affairs of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), inaugurated the event, which is being held at the headquarters of the International University of Communication (IUCOM), in Caracas, during November 18-19. | During these two days, representatives of leftist parties from various countries of the world…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-11-19). Fact Check — Iran Has Not Sentenced '15,000' Protesters to Death. orinocotribune.com

Prabhat Patnaik (2022-11-19). The outflow of finance from the periphery. mronline.org In the current calendar year an estimated $200 billion has already flown out of India which amounts to a third of India's exchange reserves.

Rqorinoco (2022-11-19). Venezuela Asks UN to Incorporate Impact of Sanctions in Its Agenda. orinocotribune.com On Friday, November 18, the vice president of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, requested the new high commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations, Volker Tàºrk, to incorporate into his work agenda the impact of the unilateral coercive measures on Venezuela. | "We have requested the incorporation of the aspect of Venezuela as a blockaded country, as a victim of unilateral coercive measures that impact the enjoyment of human rights of the Venezuelan people," Rodríguez told the press after her meeting with High Commissioner Tàºrk in Geneva. | The vice president added that the negative impact of unilater…

Donald Cohen (2022-11-19). Our Only Hope is to Defeat the Right-Wing Effort to Destroy Public Institutions. commondreams.org Conservatives are bent on destabilizing, weakening, and even destroying public institutions. We have to fight back.

Dylan Ryan (2022-11-19). France's Plan for Parking Lots Could Start an Urban Renewable Revolution. commondreams.org A strategy to unleash the green energy potential of vacant space in towns and cities should begin—and not end—with car parks.

____ (2022-11-19). EU threatens retaliation in response to U.S. Inflation Reduction Bill. ecns.cn The European Union (EU) has threatened to take retaliatory measures against the U.S. over electric car subsidies that favor domestic manufacturers, according to an AFP report.

____ (2022-11-19). President Xi Jinping Continues to Attend the 29th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting. ecns.cn On the morning of 19 November local time, President Xi Jinping continued to attend the 29th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Bang-kok.‚ÄÇ…

____ (2022-11-19). Xi's speech at 29th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a speech titled "Shouldering Responsibility and Working Together in Solidarity to Build an Asia-Pacific Community with a Shared Future" on Friday at the 29th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders' Meeting.

____ (2022-11-19). Xi calls for building South China Sea into sea of peace, friendship, cooperation. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday called on Brunei and other members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to work together to build the South China Sea into a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation.

____ (2022-11-19). Xi says China develops ties with Pacific Islands not targeting third party, no geopolitical intentions. ecns.cn China does not target a third party nor has any intentions in geopolitical competitions when it develops friendly relations with Pacific island countries, Chinese President Xi Jinping said in Bangkok, Thailand on Friday.

____ (2022-11-19). Xi expects more China-U.S. understanding to reduce misjudgement. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping said Saturday it is hoped that China and the United States will further enhance mutual understanding, reduce misunderstanding and misjudgement, and work together to bring bilateral relations back to a healthy and stable track.

____ (2022-11-19). Xi calls for free, open trade at APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping said Saturday that free and open trade and investment are the purposes and principles of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and also the pillar for the realization of the Putrajaya Vision 2040.

____ (2022-11-19). Time-lapse video shows construction of Lusail Stadium in Qatar. ecns.cn Lusail Stadium, the main arena of the coming 2022 World Cup Qatar, was built by Chinese construction enterprises. The construction of it started on November 21, 2016, and its main part was completed on September 30, 2021.

____ (2022-11-19). Herd of wild red deer spotted foraging in NW China. ecns.cn More than 50 wild red deer have been spotted foraging on the snow-blanketed Jiangbulati Grassland, which is located in Changji City, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

____ (2022-11-19). (100 great changes) Beijing Municipal Administrative Center: the 'City of the Future'. ecns.cn Tongzhou District, the sub-center of Beijing, is located about 20 kilometers east of Tiananmen Square.

Eryn MacDonald (2022-11-19). Knowing the Difference Between These Nuclear Explosions. commondreams.org Any time nuclear use of any kind is a realistic possibility you can be sure we have moved into a whole new, and incredibly dangerous, state of the world.

Nadia Ahmad, James Langford (2022-11-19). Florida Democratic Party Blown to Smithereens, Seeking to 'Clean House'. commondreams.org The state's Democratic Party infrastructure under Diaz's leadership has fallen apart at the seams.

Jane Welford (2022-11-19). Saturday 12/10: Hookers in the House of the Lord. indybay.org St. Francis Lutheran Church | 152 Church Street, | San Francisco, CA…

____ (2022-11-19). Full text: Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Thailand. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday held talks with Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha in Bangkok, with both sides reaching a consensus on building a China-Thailand community with a shared future.

____ (2022-11-19). Chinese President Xi Jinping holds talks with Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha at the Government House in Bangkok on Saturday. The two sides announced the consensus on building a China-Thailand community with a shared future for enhanced stability, prosperity and sustainability.

____ (2022-11-19). Two giant pandas spotted tumbling in the snow. ecns.cn Giant pandas Youyou and Sijia living in the Yabuli Panda House were spotted "playing football" and tumbling in the snow.

____ (2022-11-19). Argali sheep spotted in Inner Mongolia. ecns.cn Wild argali sheep have been spotted foraging on the grassland in Xilingol League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

____ (2022-11-19). Rare light pillars appear in China's northernmost village. ecns.cn The miraculous light pillars appeared in Beiji village on a cold night, and illuminated skies. Beiji Village, also known as China's Arctic village, is located in Mohe City, China's northeast Heilongjiang Province.

Julia Conley (2022-11-19). 'Colossal Fossil': US 'Isolated' in Opposition to Loss and Damage Fund at COP27. commondreams.org A draft proposal put forward by Egypt on Saturday included funding for countries devastated by the climate crisis, but like an earlier draft left out a phaseout of fossil fuel use.

Tynetta Hill-Muhammad (2022-11-19). Chicago Votes in Favor of Removing Police From Mental Health Crisis Response. truthout.org In Chicago, the Treatment Not Trauma campaign won overwhelming community support for a non-binding referendum calling for investment in public mental health centers and a non-police crisis response system. Authored by 33rd Ward Alderperson Rossana Rodriguez and envisioned by a coalition of community groups and stakeholders, the ordinance calls for developing a On November 8, residents in three wards said "yes" to the…

Victoria Law (2022-11-19). Oklahoma's "Child Abuse" Law Doesn't Protect Children — It Criminalizes Mothers. truthout.org Karina had been looking forward to Christmas. In November, she had reunited with her 6-year-old daughter, who had been staying with Karina's sister after Karina was evicted. That month, the family celebrated Karina's younger daughter's first birthday — complete with her first teetering steps. | Karina moved in with her father and, trying to save for her own apartment, had been working two full-time restaurant jobs, often going straight from one to another. Although she was an enrolled member of the Shawnee, she was too far from the tribal area to utilize their assistance. | Instead, she relied on her boyfri…

Ramón A. Rodríguez Montero (2022-11-19). América Latina le da la espalda a Estados Unidos. telesurtv.net A pesar de las presiones de los Estados Unidos, los países de América Latina y el Caribe demuestran cada vez más sus deseos de cortar vínculos con esa nación, actuar como Estados independientes y proteger sus intereses.

TeleSUR -odr -YSM (2022-11-19). Paraguay reporta siete nuevos casos de chikungunya. telesurtv.net En lo que va de año, 190 personas se han contagiado con chikungunya y 188 personas de dengue en el territorio paraguayo.

TeleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-11-19). Conozca 10 curiosidades de las copas del mundo de la FIFA. telesurtv.net Brasil, Argentina y México son los países con más asistencias a Copas del Mundo de la FIFA.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-11-19). Atacan con misiles mayor base militar de EE.UU. en Siria. telesurtv.net Según Washington, el ataque no provocó pérdidas humanas ni materiales, aunque puso en peligro a sus fuerzas.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-11-19). Vicepresidenta de Venezuela califica de exitosa visita a agencias de ONU. telesurtv.net En sus encuentros con funcionarios de ONU se subrayó el impacto de las medidas coercitivas unilaterales impuestas contra Venezuela.

TeleSUR, mcs, JDO (2022-11-19). Chile sancionará a padres que no paguen la pensión alimenticia. telesurtv.net Entra en vigor el Registro de Deudores de Pensiones de Alimentos, que recogerá constancia de quienes incumplan este deber para con sus hijos.

TeleSUR, mcs, JDO (2022-11-19). Registran sismo de magnitud 6,8 en Indonesia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con la agencia local de meteorología, climatología y geofísica, el movimiento telúrico no implica peligro de tsunami.

Ferruccio De Lorenzo (2022-11-19). [Correspondence] Is prevention at the heart of UK health policy? thelancet.com On March 8, 2022, Mr Sajid Javid, former Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, gave a speech on health-care reform at the Royal College of Physicians in London, UK.1…

Staff (2022-11-19). Dinámica demográfica: Retos para la gobernanza y las políticas públicas en Cuba. cubadebate.cu El miembro del Buró Político y primer ministro, Manuel Marrero Cruz, encabezó este jueves la reunión de chequeo a la dinámica demográfica, asunto que se mantiene entre los ejes centrales del trabajo del Gobierno. Se conoció sobre las alternativas para el cuidado de los adultos mayores, estrategias que marcan grandes retos para la gobernanza y las políticas públicas en Cuba.

Staff (2022-11-19). Fihav 2022 muestra transformaciones económicas en Cuba. cubadebate.cu La Feria Internacional de La Habana (Fihav) 2022 concluyó tras mostrar las transformaciones aprobadas en Cuba para impulsar su desarrollo comercial, destacó la ministra interina del Comercio Interior y la Inversión Extranjera, Ana Teresita González, quien a su vez lanzó la convocatoria de la próxima edición de la bolsa, que se desarrollará del 13 al 17 de noviembre de 2023.

Staff (2022-11-19). Más de 40 aerolíneas extranjeras operan en Cuba al inicio de la temporada alta de turismo. cubadebate.cu Con la apertura de la temporada alta de turismo, en Cuba operan alrededor de 45 aerolíneas extranjeras, entre regulares y chárter, y se realizan aproximadamente unas 400 operaciones semanales de vuelos en ocho de los diez aeropuertos internacionales de la Isla.

Staff (2022-11-19). Sismo de magnitud 6.8 sacudió el oeste de Indonesia. cubadebate.cu El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos (USGS) registró este viernes un sismo de magnitud 6.8 en la escala de Richter, el cual sacudió la provincia de Bengkulu, en el oeste de Indonesia. En reporte difundido a través de la red social Twitter, el ente precisó que el sismo ocurrió a 212 kilómetros al suroeste de Bengkulu a las 13H37 hora local.

TeleSUR -odr -YSM (2022-11-19). Extienden COP27 por desacuerdo en temas claves. telesurtv.net Falta consenso en cuanto a cómo financiar a los países en desarrollo y reducir la emisión de gases contaminantes.

TeleSUR -YSM (2022-11-19). Declaran emergencia por gran tormenta de nieve en Nueva York, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Se prevé que la nevada afecte once condados neoyorquinos del centro, el oeste, Finger Lakes y North Country.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-11-19). COP27 finaliza y aún no alcanza consenso para acuerdos clave. telesurtv.net Los países pobres y ONG reclaman voluntad de los países desarrollados para establecer un fondo para pérdidas y daños.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-11-19). Señalan responsabilidad estatal en femicidio de abogada en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Parlamento pide iniciar un juicio político contra el exministro del Interior, Patricio Carrillo y el secretario de Seguridad Pública, Diego Ordóñez.

TeleSUR, gao, DRL (2022-11-19). FAO resalta iniciativa rusa de donar alimentos. telesurtv.net Rusia estaría dispuesta a donar medio millón de toneladas de cereales a países necesitados de África y Asia.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-11-19). Transportistas protestan contra precios de combustibles en Guatemala. telesurtv.net Las asociaciones y gremiales del transporte también piden tomar acciones para evitar que sigan aumentando los precios de la canasta básica y medicamentos.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-11-19). Gobierno de Palestina condena plan expansionista de Israel. telesurtv.net La Cancillería palestina enfatizó que estas acciones pretenden completar el asentamiento de forma unilateral.

TeleSUR, jaa, MER (2022-11-19). Reportan dos muertos tras choque entre camión y avión en Perú. telesurtv.net Como consecuencia del choque, la aeronave de la compañía Latam que iba a la ciudad de Juliaca, sufrió un incendio en el ala derecha y en la cola.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-11-19). López Obrador reitera convocatoria a marcha popular en México. telesurtv.net Se realizará el 27 de noviembre en El Zócalo. Ese día presentará el informe de su gestión luego de completar cuatro años en la Presidencia.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-11-19). Gobierno de Colombia y ELN reinician diálogos el lunes próximo en Venezuela. telesurtv.net El comunicado ratificó el profundo anhelo del pueblo colombiano por avanzar en un proceso de paz y de construcción plena de la democracia.

TeleSUR, mcs, JDO (2022-11-19). Colombia suspende orden de captura a mandos de ELN por diálogos de paz. telesurtv.net Fiscalía General del país suramericano ratifica su compromiso de trabajar desde el ámbito institucional para lograr la paz.

TeleSUR, mcs, JDO (2022-11-19). Rusia pide hallar a responsables de sabotaje al Nord Stream. telesurtv.net Autoridades suecas informaron sobre el hallazgo de restos de explosivos en objetos recuperados en el lugar de la explosión.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-11-19). Instalan Grupo de Trabajo Ampliado del Foro de Sao Paulo en Caracas. telesurtv.net La secretaria ejecutiva del Foro de Sao Paulo, Mónica Valente, resaltó la importancia de la organización y unión de los movimientos políticos de izquierda en el mundo.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-11-19). Venezuela destaca rol del Foro de Sao Paulo en unidad regional. telesurtv.net El mandatario aseveró que entre las virtudes del Foro de Sao Paulo está convocar a un debate respetuoso de altura para buscar caminos conjuntos.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM, JGN (2022-11-19). Próximo curso escolar iniciará en Cuba el 28 de noviembre. telesurtv.net Más de 1.000.000 de estudiantes comenzarán un nuevo periodo lectivo, incluidos los alumnos de la provincia de Pinar del Río, recién afectada por el huracán Ian.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM, JGN (2022-11-19). Mueren 15 personas tras explosión de edificio en Irak. telesurtv.net Los rescatistas, además de recuperar los cuerpos de las víctimas, prestaron servicios médicos a una decena de personas.

Reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-11-19). La Otra salud: Libro "Re-cordar, Resistir, Re-existir" indybay.org La Otra salud: Libro "Re-cordar, Resistir, Re-existir" | "La enfermedad se transforma en una herramienta de dominación de pueblos"

TeleSUR, gao, DRL (2022-11-19). Pakistán registra 20 muertos por accidente vial. telesurtv.net Entre los fallecidos se encuentran 11 niños que venían acompañados por padres y familiares.

Free West Media (2022-11-18). US Aid to Ukraine Invested in Corrupt Crypto FTX Scheme. "Instead of using funds to fight Russia, the money was invested in the FTX Ponzi scheme" globalresearch.ca

_____ (2022-11-18). NATO's Frankenstein Monster… Kiev Regime Exposed in Criminal False-Flag Attack on Poland. strategic-culture.org The question is: what will the NATO sponsors do about their Neo-Nazi construct in Kiev? | Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has been caught telling bare-faced lies about a missile strike on Poland this week. Even the United States and NATO backers of the Kiev regime have

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-18). Report: US Told Ukraine to Tread Carefully After Missile Hit Poland. news.antiwar.com Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's reaction to the missile that hit Poland and killed two people led the Biden administration to warn his government to "tread carefully," sources told CNN. The US, NATO, and Poland have concluded that it was most likely a Ukrainian air defense missile that landed in Polish territory, but when the news …

____ (2022-11-18). Xi calls for building an Asia-Pacific of peace, stability. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday called for building an Asia-Pacific of peace and stability, highlighting the critical importance of mutual respect, solidarity and cooperation, and consultation among all parties for the greatest denominator when something comes up.

Editor (2022-11-18). Why Is AP Still Protecting the Source Behind Its False Russia-Bombed-Poland Story? scheerpost.com AP's source claimed Russian missiles hit Poland. This seemed calculated to set off a frenzy and trigger NATO articles to create a wider war. Why won't the AP tell us who the falsifying source is?

Infobrics (2022-11-18). Poland and the Baltics plan to drag NATO into Ukrainian conflict — American military expert. infobrics.org According to experts, Poland and Baltics are looking for "any excuse" to involve NATO in the conflict.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-18). A False Flag Over Poland? There Was No Missile Malfunction. libya360.wordpress.com Scott Ritter Apparent conspiracy to drag NATO into the Ukraine conflict is a direct threat against every human being on the planet As the saga surrounding the arrival of a Ukrainian S-300 surface-to-air missile on the soil of Poland, tragically taking the lives of two Polish civilians, unfolds, several narratives emerge. First is the hair-trigger Pavlovian…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-18). Canadian 'Rights Group' Demands Sanctions on Cuba, Calls for Regime Change. libya360.wordpress.com Aidan Jonah Canadian Conservative senator Leo Housakos reads out a speech on March 24, 2022, written by Democratic Spaces' leader, Michael Lima. Source: Michael Lima's YouTube channel. A Cuban-Canadian 'rights group' that wants Canada to cut diplomatic relations with the Cuban government, has teamed up with the MacDonald-Laurier Institute (MLI) to demand that Canada implements…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-18). Poland and the Baltics Plan to Drag NATO into Ukrainian Conflict. libya360.wordpress.com Lucas Leiroz A deadly missile explosion in Przewodow, Poland, has recently raised fears about the possibility of NATO's direct military involvement in the conflict. As the alliance's norms provide that an attack on any of its members must be collectively responded to, debates began to arise around the possibility of calling NATO to respond militarily…

Staff (2022-11-18). Earning its NATO spurs: Finland provides 10th, largest shipment of arms to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Interfax-UkraineNovember 17, 2022 Finland to provide Ukraine with military assistance worth EUR 55 mln Finland will provide Ukraine with another package of military assistance, which will be a record volume for the Finnish side…. "The President of the Republic decided on the matter on 17 November 2022 on the proposal of the Government," the country's …

Staff (2022-11-18). NATO: the future of global warfare is female. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATONovember 15, 2022 Women, Peace and Security in Professional Military Education On 15 November 2022, the Canadian Defence Academy, in partnership with the Swedish Defence University and the George C. Marshall Centre, hosted an event at NATO HQ, dedicated to Women, Peace and Security (WPS) in the Professional Military Education. This event was organised under …

Staff (2022-11-18). NATO pushes to consolidate control of Black Sea. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Agenda.geNovember 18, 2022 Georgian, Romanian defence ministers discuss cooperation, security matters Security challenges of the Black Sea region and the importance of developing partnership between the countries of the region were discussed on Friday in a meeting between Georgian defence minister Juansher Burchuladze and his Romanian counterpart Angel TàÆlvƒÉr. The meeting between the two ministers …

Staff (2022-11-18). 30-nation NATO war council mulls Ukraine, "warfare development initiatives," "military warfighting capabilities" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Command TransformationNovember 17, 2022 Defence Counsellors Discuss Multi-Domain Operations, NATO 2030, Ukraine Defence Counsellors from NATO Nations visited the Headquarters of NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, General Philippe Lavigne, on November 15th to discuss warfare development initiatives carried out by Allied Command Transformation in order to create military warfighting capabilities — today and in …

Staff (2022-11-18). Finland seeks Polish, Icelandic aid in joining NATO. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com It is an age of exhausted whoredom groping for its god Ulysses, James Joyce YLENovember 18, 2022 Marin to discuss Nato and Ukraine with Polish and Icelandic premiers Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin (SDP) meets with counterparts from two Nato allies as the probes into a missile strike in western Poland and pipeline blasts …

Staff (2022-11-18). NATO "coordinates credible combat credibility" with five carrier strike groups. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The U.S. carrier strike groups each have three or four interceptor missile warships attached to them. American "missile defense" destroyers and cruisers are assigned to other NATO members' carrier strike groups as well. ==== NATOSupreme Headquarters Allied Powers EuropeNovember 17, 2022 Five Allied Carrier Strike Groups patrol waters in NATO's area of operations Five Allied …

WSWS (2022-11-18). Trump-backed Kari Lake refuses to concede Arizona gubernatorial race. wsws.org In a video released on her Twitter account Thursday, Lake, a potential vice presidential candidate for Trump, vowed to pursue legal actions to "correct the many wrongs" from a "broken election system."

Sharon Zhang (2022-11-18). Sanders Seeks Role as Senate Health Chair With "Focus on Universal Health Care" truthout.org Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) announced on Thursday that he is seeking to become the chair of a powerful Senate committee that has wide influence over what he is planning to prioritize in the role: Medicare for All, workers' rights and affordable college. | The Vermont senator is likely to

Staff (2022-11-18). Anuncian sitios de entrenamientos y juegos de exhibición para Clásico Mundial. cubadebate.cu La oficina del comisionado de las Grandes Ligas (MLB) anunció los lugares de entrenamientos y el calendario de juegos de exhibición que agotarán las selecciones que participarán en la porción americana del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol del 2023. La quinta edición del mayor campeonato de naciones se jugará del 8 al 21 de marzo con la participación de selecciones de 20 países.

Staff (2022-11-18). Ciudadano con antecedentes de esquizofrenia cometió asesinato y se suicidó en Colón, Matanzas. cubadebate.cu En la mañana de este viernes, en el municipio matancero de Colón, un ciudadano con antecedentes familiares de esquizofrenia agredió a varias personas (entre ellas su madre, que perdió la vida) y posteriormente se suicidó. La televisora local TV Yumurí informó que el agresor, de 46 años de edad, se nombraba Geovanis Padrón Abreu.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-18). NATO Threats to the Heart of Abya Yala. libya360.wordpress.com Jorge Capelán Hydrographic basins of South America: In green, the Amazon basin,and in purple, the Rio de la Plata basin. In the face of a new wave of governments of self-defined progressive orientation in recent years in several countries of the region, there are alarming maneuvers by the United States and NATO to prevent a…

Staff (2022-11-18). Cubanas aseguran bronce en Panamericano de Softbol. cubadebate.cu El equipo cubano venció a su similar de Puerto Rico y aseguró boleto mundialista y al menos las medallas de bronce del X Campeonato Panamericano Femenino de Softbol de Guatemala 2022.Yilian Tornés tomó la bola ante las boricuas, quintas del ranking mundial de la disciplina, y tiró los cinco capítulos de un juego decidido por nocaut de 12×5.

Fight Back (2022-11-18). Congressional progressives: Support for Ukraine military aid is a mistake. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating this November 16 statement from the MN Anti-War Committee. | The elections are over, and fortunately, the worst right-wing candidates did not prevail in most races. However, the Anti-War Committee remains concerned with the lack of meaningful debate over the Biden administration's policies that are fueling the war in Ukraine, with no end in sight and a growing risk of escalation. In the weeks leading up to Election Day, the Congressional Progressive Caucus issued a letter calling for a negotiated ceasefire in Ukraine. The letter was a small step, but in the right direction.

Igor Derysh (2022-11-18). Lauren Boebert Declares Herself Winner of Election as It Heads to Recount. truthout.org Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., on Thursday declared herself the winner of her congressional race even though the election is still too close to call. | Boebert has been locked in a The ra…

Nilàºfer Koàß (2022-11-18). Video: Kurdistan National Congress' Nilàºfer Koàß answers questions on Ukraine, Iran and Rojava. greenleft.org.au Nilàºfer Koàß, spokesperson for the Commission on Foreign Relations of the Kurdistan National Congress, spoke at the Brisbane session of Ecosocialism 2022. In the Q&A after her presentation, she answered questions on Ukraine, Iran and Rojava.

Scorinoco (2022-11-18). National Congress of Venezuela's Workers' Productive Councils to be Held in January 2023. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced that the National Congress of Workers' Productive Councils (CPT) will be held on January 16 and 17, 2023, to create, discuss and finalize a new manual for the socialist administration model in Venezuela. He made this announcement during an event at the Ana María Campos Complex in Zulia state. | Maduro said that the congress will discuss the regulation of the organic law that created the Workers' Productive Councils, the scientific and training capacity of the CPTs, the creation of a scientific and technical center for the CPTs, the organization of the CPTs inside the…

UnitedEditor (2022-11-18). An election where the topic of abortion dominated heavily over the economy. unitedworldint.com As a result of the midterm elections for US Congress, the Democrats kept the majority in the Senate with a single vote, while the Republicans have won the majority in the House of Representatives. Biden is now expected to face a heavy opposition when issuing any executive order. The Civil War-alike division within the American …

WSWS (2022-11-18). The fight against war and the global expansion of the ICFI. wsws.org These remarks were delivered by Ula≈ü Ate≈üàßi to the Sixth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), held from September 24 to 27, 2022.

WSWS (2022-11-18). Build the Assange defence campaign in the working class! wsws.org The Socialist Equality Party (UK) Congress resolution states, "The international working class must take the lead in the fight to free Assange. It is the sole constituency for the defence of democratic rights, and it alone has the power to wrest the WikiLeaks founder from his captors."

WSWS (2022-11-18). Pelosi retires as House Democratic leader after narrow election defeat. wsws.org The 82-year-old San Francisco congresswoman was a proven defender of American imperialism and the interests of corporate America.

Jake Johnson (2022-11-18). Amid Rampant Union-Busting, NLRB Warns Congress Its Funds Nearly Dry. commondreams.org "The agency has already implemented a hiring freeze and, without additional funding, will likely be forced to pursue furloughs," the NLRB wrote in a letter to Congress.

Leonid Savin (2022-11-18). Ukraine's Military Strategy And U.S. National Interests (I). thealtworld.com The current actions of the AFU in the Kherson direction and the forced withdrawal of the Russian army have inspired unhealthy optimism in both the junta in Kiev and its Western patrons. It is widely believed, with references to various Western politicians and military officials, that Kherson is not a strategically important hub from which it is possible to control Crimea (and strike at it), but an important psychological and moral stimulus for the Ukrainians. Further advancement will allow the Ukrainians to take control of the North Crimean Canal, that is, to cut off the water supply to Crimea. And, in addition,…

Amy Goodman (2022-11-18). Russia's Uranium Sales Help Fund Ukraine War, Exiled Environmentalist Says. truthout.org Image Credit: Facebook: "–≠–∫–æ–∑–∞—â–∏—Ç–∞!" | We continue our coverage from the U.N. climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, with prominent Russian environmentalist Vladimir Slivyak, co-chair of the Russian environmental organization Ecodefense and winner of the 2021 Right Livelihood Award for defending the environment and mobilizing grassroots opposition to the coal and nuclear industries in Russia. Slivyak says the Russian war in Ukraine, especially the Russian occupation of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear powe…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-18). Ukrainian Mykola USV Attacked Russian Oil & Gas Terminal In Black Sea. southfront.org The night before, the naval drone of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reportedly attacked the Sheskharis oil and gas terminal in the Black Sea. | The attack took place on the night of Friday, November 18, near Russian city of Novorossiysk. According to the local experts, the oil terminal was slightly damaged, the attack did not affect the performance of the systems. The Sheskharis transshipment complex loads oil from the fields in Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan for shipment abroad. | The wrecka…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-18). In Video: Russian Kamikaze Drones Hit Ukrainian Troops On Donetsk Front. southfront.org On November 18, Russian sources shared a video documenting an attack with KUB-BLA loitering munitions, commonly called a kamikaze drones, on the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU). | The video shows three strikes on gatherings of AFU troops on a road near the village of Pavlivka on Donetsk front. Several Ukrainian soldiers were apparently killed or wounded as a result of the pinpoint strikes, which were coordinated with the help of a surveillance drone and took place at night time. | The KUB-BLA w…

Anonymous767 (2022-11-18). Video Evidence Confirms Mass Execution Of Russian POWs By Kiev Forces In Makeevka. southfront.org A screenshot from the video | A new video evidence has appeared online showing the mass execution of captured unarmed Russian soldiers by Kiev's troops. | The Russian Defense Ministry said that this situation "confirms the atrocious nature of the current Kiev regime led by Zelensky and those who protect and support him.""Nobody will succeed in presenting the intentional and methodical murder committed by the degenerates from the Armed Forces of Ukraine through direct head-shots 10 immobilised Russian servicemen as a 'trag…

____ (2022-11-18). U.S. reportedly running low on certain weapons to send to Ukraine. ecns.cn The United States is running low on some weapons and ammunition it has been sending to Ukraine amid the latter's military conflict with Russia, CNN reported Thursday.

Editor (2022-11-18). Another Ukrainian missile stunt. mronline.org The 5V55K is an old Soviet produced missile (1978/82) for the S-300 air defense system that the Ukraine is using against Russian cruise missiles.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). US running low on arms to give to Ukraine: report. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — The US is starting to worry about the lack of state-of-the-art systems and ammunition it is sending to Ukraine amid the conflict with Russia, local US media reported.

Infobrics (2022-11-18). How are FTX crypto exchange, DNC corruption and 'Ukraine aid' connected. infobrics.org Fox News political commentator Jesse Watters thinks the evidence, although not conclusive at the moment, cannot be ignored and that the DNC's motives to send billions of dollars to the Kiev regime are not so altruistic after all.

Staff (2022-11-18). Germany weapons trade-off with Eastern European nations prolongs Ukraine war. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Breaking DefenseNovember 17, 2022 With Slovakian deal, Germany expands three-way 'Ringtausch' dance to arm UkraineUnder the Ringtausch program, Germany has sent newer equipment to Slovakia, Greece, Slovenia and the Czech Republic, with those countries shifting older gear to Ukraine The Germans have a specific word for an exchange between at least three parties: "Ringtausch." So …

Staff (2022-11-18). Georgian PM: U.S.-controlled "opposition" pushed for coup, second front with Russia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Agenda.geNovember 18, 2022 Georgian PM alleges Ukrainian officials "openly campaigned" for "second front" of war in Georgia Georgian prime minister Irakli Garibashvili on Friday said representatives of the Ukrainian government had "openly campaigned" for involvement of Georgia in the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine following the launch of the Russian invasion in February. Speaking …

Ryan Cristián (2022-11-18). The Poland Lie Exposed The Propaganda Pipeline & Israel Sent Secret "Strategic Materials" To Ukraine. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/18/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Shane Quinn (2022-11-18). Eight Years on from Malaysia Airlines MH17 Destruction: A Clear Lack of Evidence that Moscow Was Behind It. globalresearch.ca The fighting that erupted in the east of Ukraine can be traced to a US-instituted coup d'état of February 2014 — confirmed by president Obama on CNN when he confided that Washington had "brokered a deal to transition power" in the country, forcing Viktor Yanukovych from office.

Shane Quinn (2022-11-18). Six Years on from Malaysia Airlines MH17 Destruction: A Clear Lack of Evidence that Moscow Was Behind It. globalresearch.ca The fighting that erupted in the east of Ukraine can be traced to a US-instituted coup d'état of February 2014 — confirmed by president Obama on CNN when he confided that Washington had "brokered a deal to transition power" in the country, forcing Viktor Yanukovych from office.

Staff (2022-11-18). Exiled Russian Environmentalist: Russia's Uranium Sales to U.S. & Europe Help Putin Fund Ukraine War. democracynow.org We continue our coverage from the U.N. climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, with prominent Russian environmentalist Vladimir Slivyak, co-chair of the Russian environmental organization Ecodefense and winner of the 2021 Right Livelihood Award for defending the environment and mobilizing grassroots opposition to the coal and nuclear industries in Russia. Slivyak says the Russian war in Ukraine, especially the Russian occupation of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, should serve as a warning to immediately transition to renewable energy sources, not nuclear energy, and to stop relying on fossil fuels. &#…

Staff (2022-11-18). Ukrainian Climate Scientist Says Fossil Fuels Enabled Russian War in Ukraine. democracynow.org We speak with prominent Ukrainian climate scientist Svitlana Krakovska at the U.N. climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, about how the Russian war in Ukraine has intensified calls to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Krakovska is the head of the delegation of Ukraine to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC. "Fossil fuels: it's a root, it's an enabler of the Russian war on Ukraine," says Krakovska, adding that she feels hopeful that the conference will bring politicians and scientists together to instill positive change.

Ted Snider (2022-11-18). Signs of Diplomacy in Ukraine? Finding a Faint Pulse. globalresearch.ca

Editor (2022-11-18). Ukraine at Odds With Western Backers Over Missile That Hit Poland. scheerpost.com

Brian Berletic (2022-11-18). New Atlas LIVE: US vs. China at G20, ASEAN, Ukraine and More… thealtworld.com

_____ (2022-11-18). U.S. Empire Views Ukrainians and Russians as Lab Rats for Weapons Testing. strategic-culture.org

Andrew Korybko (2022-11-18). The "Informal Russia India Iran Troika" on Afghanistan. globalresearch.ca

Anonymous103 (2022-11-18). Russia, India, China, Iran: The Quad that Really Matters. southfront.org | Written bySoutheast Asia is right at the center of international relations for a whole week viz a viz three consecutive summits: Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit in Phnom Penh, the Group of Twenty (G20) summit in Bali, and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Bangkok. | Eighteen nations…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-18). Why U.S. Is Committed to Conquering Russia Before It Conquers China. southfront.org Medea Benjamin | Written by On November 13th, Medea Benjamin and Nicholas J.L. Davies headlined

Anonymous669 (2022-11-18). Russian Military Tricked Ukrainian Air Defenses With Soviet Cruise Missiles Converted To Decoys. southfront.org An of a Kh-55 cruise missile. Via deagel.com | The Russian military has converted ageing Soviet-made Kh-55 cruise missiles to decoys to test and trick Ukrainian air defenses. | The basic version of the Kh-55, which was produced in the 1980s and has a range of up to 2, 0 kilometers, was apparently selected for the use as decoys. For this propose, the active warhead was replaced with an inert one that was designed for use in tests and exercises. | At least one Kh-55 decoy was used durin…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-18). Syrian Forces Found Loads Of Explosives In ISIS Former Hideouts In Daraa City (Video, Photos). southfront.org On November 18, Syrian forces uncovered loads of explosives materials and devices while combing the former hideouts of ISIS cells in the southern part of Daraa city, commonly known as Daraa al-Balad. | Russian-backed local fighters and former rebels

Anonymous765 (2022-11-18). Message To Europe: Russian Strikes On Ukrainian Gas Infrastructure Facilities Begin. southfront.org |

Bilal G. Morris (2022-11-18). When Will Brittney Griner Be Released? Basketball Star Moved To Russian Penal Colony. newsone.com

Contributing Writers (2022-11-18). Italian Activists Against Anti-Russian Propaganda. marktaliano.net

____ (2022-11-18). Fire kills 7 in Russia's Bashkortostan Republic. ecns.cn A fire in a private residential building killed seven people in the Sterlitamak district of Russia's Bashkortostan Republic on early Friday, Russian's state news agency TASS reported.

Infobrics (2022-11-18). Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa BRICS Bloc Grows with U.S. Left Out. infobrics.org An economic bloc led by five emerging economies, including the United States' top two rivals, appears set to expand as Washington struggles to promote its global agenda beyond traditional allies and partners around the world…

Staff (2022-11-18). Videos from Finland: U.S. troops rehearse for war on Russian border. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com On November 5, 2022, in Niinisalo, Finland, soldiers from the 6th Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division operationally directed by the 1st Infantry Division 1 ID participate in Operation Hammer 22. By offering soldiers the chance to pick up new abilities that boost overmatch and lethality, Operation Hammer 22 …

Staff (2022-11-18). "Fossil Fuels Fund Dictatorships": Ukrainian Climate Activist Suspended from COP27 over Russia Protest. democracynow.org Ukrainian climate activist Svitlana Romanko joins us after she was suspended from the U.N. climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, when she accused Russian officials of war crimes and genocide at an event on Wednesday. Romanko is the founder and director of Razom We Stand, an organization demanding a total permanent embargo on Russian oil and gas. "It has been very clear that fossil fuels fund dictatorships all over the world," says Romanko, who has since left Egypt for her own safety. "We wanted to use our freedom of speaking and freedom of attending public gathering to confront people wh…

Vijay Prashad (2022-11-18). Those Who Struggle to Change the World Know It Well. dissidentvoice.org K.C.S. Paniker (India), Words and Symbols, 1968 In 1845, Karl Marx jotted down some notes for The German Ideology, a book that he wrote with his close friend Friedrich Engels. Engels found these notes in 1888, five years after Marx's death, and published them under the title Theses on Feuerbach. The eleventh thesis is the …

Ike Nahem (2022-11-18). The Emperor Has No Clothes! dissidentvoice.org For the 30th consecutive time, dating back to 1992, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has overwhelmingly voted in favor of a Cuban-sponsored Resolution on the "Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial, and Financial Embargo by the United States of America Against Cuba" [N2263517.pdf]. It was accompanied by a thorough, country-by-country damning official report by …

Robert Hunziker (2022-11-18). Greenland is Worse Than Ever, Much Worse. dissidentvoice.org Rain, Greenland Summit Station (Getty Image) A new study finds Greenland's ice sheet thinning much further into the ice sheet core than previously thought, 100 miles inland. 1 The implications are extremely concerning and far-reaching especially for sea level rise. It is a significant development that will prompt climate scientists to recalculate global warming's impact. In …

Colin Todhunter (2022-11-18). Reimagining Food, Farming and Humanity: Ecomodernism's Dystopia. dissidentvoice.org Ecomodernists offer no solutions to contemporary problems other than technical innovation and further integration into private markets which are structured systematically by centralized state power in favour of the wealthy… Chris Smaje "Ecomodernism: a Response to my Critics", Originally published September 10, 2015 by Small Farm Future In 2017, the then Monsanto Chief Technology Officer …

Mickey Z. (2022-11-18). Remember the Vaccine Scandal in Maryland? dissidentvoice.org Let's imagine a hypothetical scenario. What if there was a time when the general population was being relentlessly coerced into taking a particular drug? How would you know what to do? Where would you turn for the necessary context? Surely you wouldn't just take the shot without doing your homework… right? That would be irrational. …

_____ (2022-11-18). Japan plans to buy "Tomahawks" journal-neo.org

_____ (2022-11-18). Bittersweet Freedom for Mutulu Shakur. popularresistance.org After 36 years of incarceration, political prisoner Mutulu Shakur was granted parole after having been denied on nine occasions. Invariably media accounts mention that he is the step-father of the late rapper and actor Tupac Shakur while saying little about his own history. Any of the elder Shakur's accomplishments are given short shrift in favor of an emphasis on pop culture celebrity. | In 1986 Shakur was arrested for his role in the 1981 robbery of a Brink's armored car which resulted in the deaths of three people. He managed to avoid capture for five years but was tried and in 1988 convicted under the Rackete…

_____ (2022-11-18). Bolivia's Right-Wing Orchestrates A Civil Strike. popularresistance.org In the last 21 days former coup leader and current governor of the Department of Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando Camach, has been allowed "to carry out a coup d'état in the city of Santa Cruz," in the words of Pedro Damián Dorado, vice president of the association of municipalities of the department by the same name. Constant media misinformation is the glue that holds together Camacho's base, which can be counted in the nearly 230,000, mostly middle-class people who turned out for his latest political meeting. In late October, Camacho launched the shutdown of the city for the foreseeable future. It is Bolivia's larges…

_____ (2022-11-18). Global Climate Talks Spark Action Against Investment Treaties Favoring Fossil Fuel Corporations Over People And Planet. popularresistance.org In advance of the global climate negotiations taking place in Egypt, several countries announced important actions to curb the power of the fossil fuel industry. | For decades now, a global web of international investment agreements has given corporations excessive powers to block government policies they don't like. Through "investor-state dispute settlement" mechanisms, these agreements grant corporations the right to sue governments in unaccountable supranational tribunals, demanding huge payouts in retaliation for actions that might reduce the value of their investments. Corporations are able to file such law…

_____ (2022-11-18). How The Pandemic Changed The Landscape Of U.S. Labor Organizing. popularresistance.org The story of essential workers during the pandemic is part of the long unraveling of the New Deal. The destruction of the welfare state, the attack on unions, and the rise of neoliberalism provide the historical backdrop for the pandemic labor unrest. As workers' fortunes came under renewed attack in the early 1970s, the historic gains of the New Deal were rolled back decades. Inequality became the defining feature of our economy as we arrived at a second Gilded Age. This was more than unfair‚Äâ—‚Äâduring the pandemic it had deadly consequences. A 2020 study found that in o…

_____ (2022-11-18). Mass Twitter Walkout Follows Musk's Failure To Invest In The Health Of The Platform And Protect Its Employees And Users. popularresistance.org On Thursday, hundreds of Twitter employees left the company, further depleting a workforce needed to maintain the integrity of the site and its content-moderation system. This follows Musk's layoffs of half the Twitter staff, and a series of high-profile departures from key Twitter trust and safety; security; privacy; and compliance personnel. | Musk had given Twitter's employees until 5 p.m. ET, Thursday, to decide whether they wanted to commit to his employment terms, which included a call to be "extremely hardcore" and work very long hours. Refusing to do so would effectively signal resignation, according to a…

_____ (2022-11-18). One state mandates teaching climate change in almost all subjects — even PE. popularresistance.org There was one minute left on Suzanne Horsley's stopwatch and the atmosphere remained thick with carbon dioxide, despite the energetic efforts of her class of third graders to clear the air. | Horsley, a wellness teacher at Toll Gate Grammar School, in Pennington, New Jersey, had tasked the kids with tossing balls of yarn representing carbon dioxide molecules to their peers stationed at plastic disks representing forests. The first round of the game was set in the 1700s, and the kids had cleared the field in under four minutes. But this third round took place in the present day, after the advent of cars, factories…

_____ (2022-11-18). Psl Editorial — 'Managed Competition' With China Or Real Peace? popularresistance.org President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping held their first meeting since Biden took office today, a high-profile summit meant to set the tone for U.S.-China relations in the coming period. Outwardly, the two leaders remained cordial and affirmed their willingness to maintain dialogue with one another, with Biden going so far as to say "there need not be a new Cold War" between the two powers. The two sides agreed to restart regular talks relating to cooperation in the fight against climate change, and Secretary of State Blinken is set to travel to China for follow up discussions in the near future. | But i…

_____ (2022-11-18). The US Is Evading Its Responsibility On Climate Change. popularresistance.org Eugene Puryear of BreakThrough News talks about the failure of the United States to fulfill its responsibilities in combating climate change. The US is the largest polluter in historical terms. However, it has failed to provide enough funds or take the necessary steps to meet the goals it has set to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. | Eugene explains the domestic conversation and policy-making around climate change and also talks about how globally, it has taken extremely positions that hurt the interests of the Global South.

_____ (2022-11-18). FDA Oversight of Clinical Trials Is 'Grossly Inadequate,' Say Experts. strategic-culture.org Covid-19 vaccines and drugs were developed at "warp speed" and now experts are concerned that the US Food and Drug Administration inspected too few clinical trial sites. Maryanne Demasi reports | On 25 September 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) received a complaint by Brook Jackson who had been working for Ventavia Research Group, a Texas based company hired to run clinical trials for Pfizer's covid-19 mRNA vaccine. Jackson, a regional director, had witnessed problems at three trial sites she was overseeing and complained to an FDA inspector about a range of problems including falsified data, un…

_____ (2022-11-18). Istanbul Terror Attack May Prompt Turkish Invasion and Deportations. strategic-culture.org As President Assad has said before, be careful when you feed a monster because it can later turn to bite you. | On November 13, a Among the dead were Arzu Ozsoy and her 15-year-old daughter Yagmur Ucar, a nine-year-old girl and her father, and a married couple. All were Turkish citizens. | Later, politicians…

_____ (2022-11-18). Our materials in Telegram (12.11 — 18.11). strategic-culture.org

Abayomi Azikiwe (2022-11-18). Peru President Pedro Castillo Threatened by Attempts to Stage Right-wing Coup. globalresearch.ca

Adam Johnson (2022-11-18). New York Times draws sweeping conclusions when reform district attorneys lose, ignores them entirely when they win. therealnews.com

Alan Macleod (2022-11-18). Call of Duty is a Government Psyop: These Documents Prove It. mintpressnews.com A closer inspection of Activision Blizzard's key staff and their connections to state power, as well as details gleaned from documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, reveal that Call of Duty is not a neutral first-person shooter but a carefully constructed piece of military propaganda, designed to advance the interests of the U.S. national security state.

Alexander Rubinstein (2022-11-18). Top Zelensky Advisor Threatens War With Iran. orinocotribune.com By Alexander Rubinstein Nov 12, 2022 | Mykhailo Podolyak, an advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has called for attacks inside Iran as the country's drones cause setbacks for the Ukrainian military. | On November 5, Mykhailo Podolyak, an advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has advocated for military strikes on drone production sites located in Iran. President Zelensky echoed Podolyak's belligerent rhetoric the following day,

Ana Perdigón (2022-11-18). Conviasa Offers 1000 Seats to Go to Qatar World Cup. orinocotribune.com

Angela (2022-11-18). Saturday 11/19: Free Virtual Screening of the Film "Occupied Palestine" directed by David Koff. indybay.org

Anonymous103 (2022-11-18). Gulf Of Oman False Flag — Following The 2019 Script. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2022-11-18). Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Networks Infiltrate European Far-Right Organizations. southfront.org Ukrainian Neo Nazi networks are infiltrating European far right organisations and promote terrorism threatening the lives of the Europeans. Italian special forces have recently arrested four suspected members of the extremist organization "Order of Hagal" which has close ties with the Ukrainian paramilitary groups. | The Order of Hagal is an organization based in the area surrounding Naples which has subunits across the country. Besides Nazism and anti-semitism, it promotes subversion and wh…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-18). Central Syria: ISIS Terrorists Kill Or Wound Five Pro-Government Fighters In Two Separate Attacks. southfront.org . | On November 17, ISIS cells in Syria's central region killed or wounded five pro-government fighters in two separate attacks. | In the southeastern countryside of Raqqa, the terrorists ambushed a convoy of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Military Intelligence Directorate (MID) near the town of al- Sabkhah. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said that an SAA soldier was killed. An army officer and another from the MID were also wounded. | At around the same time in…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-18). Government Supporters Attack U.S. Forces With Stones In Northeastern Syria (Video). southfront.org Syrian Arab Army soldiers and supporters of the Damascus government confronted U.S. forces in Syria's northeastern region on two occasions in the last few days. | On November 16, a convoy of the U.S.-led coalition, made of up of six armored vehicles, was intercepted at an army checkpoint near the town of al-Bwaladiyah in the northern al-Hasakah countryside. | Syrian soldiers prevented the convoy from entering the town, while the locals attacked the armored vehicles with st…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-18). Rocket Attack Hits U.S. Base In Northeastern Syria Few Days After Deadly Israeli Airstrikes. southfront.org . (Credit: U.S. Army) | Late on November 17, an indirect fire attack targeted the U.S.-led coalition's Green Village base in the northeastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor. | In a statement, the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said that several rockets hit the base, which is located within al-Omar oil fields in the southeastern countryside of Deir Ezzor. According to the command, the attack didn't result in any casualties or material losses. U.S. forces in northeastern Syria are now investigating the attack."

Anonymous669 (2022-11-18). The U.S. Is Skeptical That Iran Has Developed Hypersonic Missile. southfront.org IMAGE: twitter.com/FarsNews_Agency/ | The United States is skeptical that Iran had developed a hypersonic ballistic missile, Sabrina Singh, a Pentagon spokesperson, told reporters on November 17. | Iran's semi-official

Arielle Swernoff (2022-11-18). Faith Leaders, Zombies, Moms and Kids Agree: It's Time for Wall Street to Stop Funding Fossil Fuels. commondreams.org Activists are not slowing down: it's clear that Wall Street holds an outsized responsibility for the death, destruction, and chaos caused by the climate crisis.

Berkeley, Beyond (2022-11-18). UC Workers Strike in Protest of Unfair Labor Practices. indybay.org November 16 marked the third day of protests by academic workers across the University of California system in the largest walkout in the history of US higher education. Their union, UAW2865, represents 48,000 graduate student instructors, postdoctoral scholars and academic researchers. Many faculty members are striking in solidarity.

Bilal G. Morris (2022-11-18). In Philly, 'Real Talk Drives Real Change' Tour Talks Mental Health & Wellness. newsone.com Source: iOne Digital / iOne Digital | The third installment of Therapist and mental health advocate, Celeste The Therapist; journalist, Gia Peppers; TV host and author, Mike Hill; pastor and gospel artist, Tye Tribbett; and spiritual teacher and thought leader, Bishop Carlton Pearson, sat down with host, pop culture expert and political analyst, Mike Muse, to…

Brian Shilhavy (2022-11-18). 48,817 Dead and 5,107,883 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions. globalresearch.ca

Brittani Banks (2022-11-18). The Waters Are Running Red in Africa's Great Lakes Region—A War Is Raging We Can't Ignore Any Longer. independentmediainstitute.org In early November, foreign ministers from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Christophe Lutundula Apala Pen'Apala, and Rwanda, Vicent Biruta met in Luanda, Angola, to find a political solution to a conflict that has been ongoing in eastern DRC for decades. The foreign ministers agreed that the "peace roadmap" agreed to in a July meeting …

Brittani Banks (2022-11-18). How Union Solidarity Improves Everyone's Health Care. independentmediainstitute.org Alyssa Stout and her 800 coworkers banded together to keep Oroville Hospital open throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, working around the clock to save countless lives. But these union members didn't stop there. They brought that same unwavering solidarity to the bargaining table earlier in 2022 and won a new contract with safety enhancements and other …

Bruce T. Boccardy (2022-11-18). Midterm Mayhem and the Economy for Working People. commondreams.org Our country continues on a trajectory that corrodes its best spiritual and secular values. This occurs while a tiny number of oligarchs manipulate and deceive working people into voting against their own economic interests.

Contributing Writers (2022-11-18). Bradford Hill Criteria For Causality And COVID-19 Vaccine Outcomes. marktaliano.net

Contributing Writers (2022-11-18). Chrystia Freeland's Nazi Problem/ By Scott Ritter. marktaliano.net Scott Ritter responds to a subscriber's criticism Original Link Here: Chrystia Freeland's Nazi Problem Scott Ritter Extra One of the interesting aspects of publishing on Substack is the feedback loop that exists, where subscribers can (and often do) submit comments which are then forwarded to the writer's email account. While this inevitably results in …

Contributing Writers (2022-11-18). Dr. Mike Yeadon Ex Pfizer VP We're Into Double Figures Of Millions Who Have Been Killed by the experimental MRNA Gene Injection. marktaliano.net READ MORE: Leading British Cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, and Dr. Peter McCullough Independently Come to Same Conclusion/ By John Leake…

Dan Bacher (2022-11-18). Edge of extinction: Zero Delta smelt caught in CDFW trawl survey for the fifth October in a row. indybay.org The last time Delta smelt were found in the CDFW's fall midwater trawl survey in was in October 2017. Only 2 of the endangered fish were caught by state biologists at the time.

Dean Baker (2022-11-18). The Pandemic Treaty, Crypto, and Inequality. cepr.net The World Health Organization is in the early phases of putting together an international agreement for dealing with pandemics. The goal is to ensure both that the world is prepared to fend off future pandemics by developing effective vaccines, tests, and treatments; and that these products are widely accessible, including in low-income countries that don't …

Derrick Crowe (2022-11-18). People's Action: Thank You, Speaker Pelosi. peoplesaction.org WASHINGTON, D.C.—People's Action today issued the following statement from Executive Director Sulma Arias, congratulating Nancy Pelosi on her historic tenure as Speaker of the House. "Speaker Pelosi not only made history as the first woman to lead the House of Representatives—she paved the way for and inspired many women to run for office. We honor …

Douglas Macgregor (2022-11-18). Poland WWIII Scare Shows Why Top US General Wants Peace. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2022-11-18). Wars Tend to Bury Facts: The Polish Missile Narrative. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2022-11-18). 1 in 5 Young Adults Dies from Excessive Alcohol Consumption. Alcohol Intake Skyrocketed During Pandemic. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2022-11-18). Is Your Body the Legal Property of Big Pharma? globalresearch.ca

Dr. Peter McCullough (2022-11-18). US FDA Willfully Blind on the Safety of COVID-19 Vaccination. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović (2022-11-18). From the History of Global Politics and International Relations: The Clausewitzian Viewpoint of War. globalresearch.ca

____ (2022-11-18). Chinese giant pandas meet the public ahead of World Cup in Qatar. ecns.cn Two giant pandas Jing Jing and Si Hai from China made their first public appearance on Thursday at the Panda House at Al Khor Park in Doha ahead of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022.

____ (2022-11-18). Nanning launches 4 new air routes to ASEAN countries. ecns.cn Nanning Wuxu International Airport in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has launched another four international routes to Kuala Lumpur, Phnom Penh, Bangkok and Singapore, covering major ASEAN destinations.

____ (2022-11-18). World Health Forum 2022 hosted by Tsinghua University opens. ecns.cn The World Health Forum 2022 (WHF 2022) that focuses on reducing inequalities and "leaving no one behind" in healthcare systems opened on Friday.

____ (2022-11-18). Giant panda Tuan Tuan suffers 4 seizures: Taipei Zoo. ecns.cn Giant panda Tuan Tuan gifted by the Chinese mainland to Taiwan in 2008 suffered four seizures starting 4: 41 p.m. on Thursday, said Taipei Zoo on Friday.

____ (2022-11-18). APEC to deepen regional ties. ecns.cn Xi's attendance at the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting demonstrates that China will voice its message and contribute its wisdom in promoting the development of the regional organization, improving global governance and bolstering world economic recovery.

____ (2022-11-18). Reputation of China's universities rises steadily. ecns.cn China continues its climb up the global university reputation rankings, with Tsinghua University leading the way by rising to ninth place from 10th last year, becoming the highest-placed Asian institution, according to a recent report.

____ (2022-11-18). President Xi urges Asia-Pacific integration. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping said on Thursday that the Asia-Pacific region is no one's backyard and should not become an arena for big power contests, and he called for advancing regional economic integration and building an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future.

____ (2022-11-18). APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting kicks off with focus on sustainable growth. ecns.cn Leaders of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies started their annual meeting on Friday to pursue balanced, inclusive and sustainable growth across the region and beyond.

____ (2022-11-18). Xi calls for solidarity to build Asia-Pacific community with shared future. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday stressed the need to follow the spirit of the Asia-Pacific family, look after one another like passengers in the same boat, and steadily move toward an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future.

____ (2022-11-18). China to advance broader agenda of opening up across more areas and in greater depth, Xi says. ecns.cn China will advance a broader agenda of opening up across more areas and in greater depth, follow the Chinese path to modernization, and put in place new systems for a higher-standard open economy.

____ (2022-11-18). Xi Focus: Development and unity — China's proposals at G20, APEC envision shared future. ecns.cn With the world finding itself in a time of many challenges, China has pledged to promote peace and development and to build a human community with a shared future.

____ (2022-11-18). China considers holding 3rd Belt and Road Forum for Int'l Cooperation, says Xi. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Friday that Beijing is to consider holding the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation next year to give…

____ (2022-11-18). Xi calls for promoting prosperity for all in Asia-Pacific. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday stressed the need to make sure that development is for the people and by the people, and that its fruits are shared among the people, calling for efforts to promote prosperity for all in the Asia-Pacific.

____ (2022-11-18). Xi calls for ensuring a clean, beautiful Asia-Pacific. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping called for efforts to ensure a clean and beautiful Asia-Pacific when addressing the 29th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders' Meeting on Friday.

____ (2022-11-18). Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Philippine President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos in Bangkok, Thailand on Thursday, noting that China always views its relations with the Philippines from a strategic height.

____ (2022-11-18). Shenzhou XIV crew completes 3rd spacewalk. ecns.cn The Shenzhou XIV mission crew on board the Tiangong space station completed its third spacewalk on Thursday afternoon, according to the China Manned Space Agency.

____ (2022-11-18). Payouts lure workers back to Foxconn assembly plant. ecns.cn The Foxconn plant in Zhengzhou, Henan province, hit by a recent spate of COVID-19 infections and workers leaving the site in October and the beginning of November, has welcomed a new wave of workers to meet production during its peak period, according to reports.

____ (2022-11-18). Chinese giant pandas meet public in Doha's first Panda House ahead of World Cup. ecns.cn With the 2022 Qatar World Cup just three days away, Doha's first ever Panda House officially opened to the public on Thursday.

____ (2022-11-18). Golden reed flowers add beauty to Bosten lake in Xinjiang. ecns.cn Golden reed flowers are in full bloom, adding beauty to Bosten Lake, China's largest inland freshwater lake, in Bohu County, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Nov. 15, 2022.

____ (2022-11-18). Doha gears up for FIFA World Cup 2022. ecns.cn Photo taken on Nov. 17, 2022 shows the exterior view of Khalifa International Stadium, which will host 8 matches during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in Doha, Qatar.

____ (2022-11-18). Bangkok – host city for 29th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting. ecns.cn The 29th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders' Meeting will held in Bangkok from Nov. 18 to 19.

____ (2022-11-18). Webb telescope captures stunning protostar 'Hourglass' in space. ecns.cn NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has revealed the once-hidden features of the protostar within the dark cloud L1527, providing insight into the beginnings of a new star.

____ (2022-11-18). Scenery of Tongli ancient town in Suzhou. ecns.cn Built in the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Tongli is famous for its canals, stone bridges and well preserved ancient architectures.

____ (2022-11-18). Incredible view of Yaxi expressway in Sichuan. ecns.cn Most of the ladderlike expressway is made up of viaducts and tunnels. It is acclaimed as an "expressway in the clouds" as it ascends by 7.5 meters for every kilometer.

____ (2022-11-18). Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway a flagship project of China-Indonesia B&R cooperation. ecns.cn

____ (2022-11-18). (100 great changes) Chinese medical workers provide global aid. ecns.cn This team has crossed continents and oceans to contribute China's strength to the health and well-being of people around the world.

Editor at NewsOne (2022-11-18). Who Are Shanquella Robinson's 'Friends'? FBI Launches Investigation. newsone.com Shanquella Robinson. | Source: Twitter | UPDATED: 8: 00 a.m. ET with info about FBI involvement. | The tragic and devastating story of Shanquella Robinson is filled with so many questions, but they can all be answered with one word—Justice. | According to The federal agency has allegedly intervened on behalf of Shanquella…

Editor (2022-11-18). Hawai'i—the very first U.S. regime change. mronline.org Illegitimate overthrow of Polynesian Queen Lili'uokalani in 1893 marked beginning of more than a century of American regime-change operations.

Editor (2022-11-18). The Communist Party is the only force capable of challenging ultra-nationalism in Israeli society. mronline.org The collapse of the "Zionist Left" during Israel's most recent elections leaves Hadash and the Communist Party as the only force able to stand against the rise of ultra-nationalism.

Editor (2022-11-18). Corporate Weapons Heaven is Hell on Earth. scheerpost.com

Editor (2022-11-18). How Same-Sex Marriage Gained Bipartisan Support. scheerpost.com The U.S. Senate voted to advance a bill that protect same-sex marriage by a wide margin— thanks to support from 12 Republicans. Same-sex marriage isn't the partisan issue it once was.

Editor (2022-11-18). Israeli Obstruction of the Abu Akleh Investigation Should End the 'Special Relationship'. scheerpost.com Although a US investigation into Shireen Abu Akleh's murder will unlikely lead to accountability, Israel's refusal to cooperate should raise questions about the US/Israeli relationship.

Editor (2022-11-18). Joel Beinin: Israel's Elections Spell More of the Same for the Country, Only With an Even Uglier Face. scheerpost.com Historian Joel Beinin uses his personal experiences to paint a picture of Israel, past and present, as a country and an idea.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). Iran dismisses US Navy claim on sending rocket fuel to Yemen. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations denied the claim of the spokesman of the US Fifth Fleet in the Persian Gulf region that Iran sent rocket fuel to Yemen.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). Resolution could affect Iran's cooperation with IAEA. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — Iran's representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency said that the Western states would get nowhere with their resolution, warning that the resolution could affect Iran's cooperation with the agency.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). US continues imposing sanctions on Iran-related firms. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — In continuation of the anti-Iran campaign, the United States imposed sanctions on 13 companies based in China, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for alleged role in sale of Iranian oil and petrochemical products.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). Iran strengthening cooperation with IAEA: China. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — A Chinese envoy said on Thursday that putting pressure on Iran would not help solve its nuclear issue and would only backfire, especially when Iran is strengthening its cooperation with IAEA.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). North Korea test-fires ICBM with range to strike entire US. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — North Korea fired an intercontinental ballistic missile that landed near Japanese waters Friday in its second major weapons test this month that showed a potential ability to launch nuclear strikes on all of the US mainland.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). US determines Saudi Crown Prince is immune in Khashoggi case. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — US has determined that Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman should be granted immunity in a case brought against him by the fiancée of Jamal Khashoggi, whom the administration has said was murdered at the prince's direction.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). Iran gov. sanctions French automakers: spokesman. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — The Iranian government and industry ministry have sanctioned French automakers for their behavior and will not allow them to put pressure on the Iranian car industry and market with sanctions.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). US sanctions on IRIB in violation of Iranian nation's rights. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — In a post on Twitter, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan'ani lambasted the United States for sanctioning Iranian national TV while letting anti-Iran TV channels wage propaganda warfare against the country.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). Iran offers condolences to Palestinians on Jabalia camp fire. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman expressed his condolences to the Palestinian people over the deadly fire incident in the Jabalia camp in the north of the Gaza Strip.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). Rioters seek to frustrate people with Islamic Establishment. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — The temporary leader of this week's Friday Prayers in Tehran said that the recent riots in the country are orchestrated by foreign enemies with the aim of disappointing the people with the Islamic Republic.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). VIDEO: Funeral for Izeh martyrs. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — A large funeral was held for the 5 people who were martyred by terrorists in Izeh in Khuzestan Province in southwest Iran on Friday. It was reported on Friday that the terrorist were detained while trying to exit the country.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). China May Host Belt and Road International Forum in 2023: XI. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — China is considering holding the third high-level Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation next year, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Friday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). Executions rate in Saudi Arabia doubles this year. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — The media have revealed that the number of executions in Saudi Arabia in 2022 doubled as compared to the last year.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). Death toll from gas tank explosion in Iraq rises to 15. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — The death toll from a heating gas tank that exploded in a residential complex in northern Iraq has risen to 15, an civil defense official told media Friday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). Rocket attack targets US military base in east Syria. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — A military facility housing US occupation forces in Syria's oil-producing eastern province of Dayr al-Zawr has come under a rocket attack from nearby areas.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). Omani FM to arrive in Iran on Saturday for talks. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — Oman's foreign minister will meet and discuss with Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in Tehran tomorrow, Saturday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). English media try to demoralize Iran before World Cup clash. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 18 (MNA) — The Iranian national football team captain, Alireza Jahanbakhsh, has accused the English media of attempting to destabilize his team ahead of their World Cup meeting in Qatar.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-18). Funeral in Izeh for Wednesday's terrorist attack. en.mehrnews.com IZEH, Nov. 18 (MNA) — A large number of people held a funeral for the five people who became martyrs when terrorists opened fire on them during the recent riots in the city. The terrorists were reportedly captured while they sought to escape country.

F. William Engdahl (2022-11-18). Climate and the Money Trail. globalresearch.ca The very mega-billionaires behind the globalization of the world economy who have wreaked so much damage to our environment are the leading backers of the "grassroots" climate movement. Is it pangs of guilty conscience, or could it be a deeper agenda of the financialization of the very air we breathe and more?

Fight Back (2022-11-18). Minneapolis: Police murder of Jamar Clark marked by family, community. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – Seven years after the police murder of Jamar Clark, family members and community commemorated his life with a car caravan and rally in North Minneapolis, November 12. Organizers stated, "Each year we gather to celebrate Jamar's life and galvanize the community to fight for lasting change. Despite promises from Mayor Frey and MPD police chiefs, little has changed; the Minneapolis Police Department continues to prove, through the murders of Amir Locke and Tekle Sundberg , why TCC4J and community members call for a Civilian Police Accountability Commission." | They assembled outside Patrick Henry H…

Fight Back (2022-11-18). Tampa Bay students protest national 'Don't Say Gay' bill. fightbacknews.org Tampa, FL – On November 15, 20 students, led by Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society, gathered in front of the University of South Florida Library in a show of protest against HR 9197, the national Stop the Sexualization of Children Act, more commonly known as the "Don't Say Gay" bill. | This bill aims to ban public funding for and impose penalties on schools and entities that promote events and literature about gender identity, LGBTQ+ issues, sexuality, gender dysphoria, trans people, and the history of the gay or trans movements for children below the age of ten. Following the example of the Don&#03…

Fight Back (2022-11-18). Texas: Students at UT Austin protest against 'Don't Say Gay' bill. fightbacknews.org Austin, TX — On Tuesday evening, November 1, a small group of students from the Austin Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) chapter gathered in front of the Perry Castañeda Library at University of Texas at Austin campus to protest against the national "Don't Say Gay" bill. | The protest was organized as a part of the SDS national week of action against the Stop the Sexualization of Children Act (commonly referred to as the national "Don't Say Gay" Bill), which was introduced by Republicans in October. The bill would prevent teachers from discussing LGBTQ topics and issues in their classrooms, essentiall…

Fight Back (2022-11-18). Milwaukee Alliance demands SOP for Milwaukee police transparency. fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI – On November 15, members of the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression attended the Fire and Police Commission Policies and Standards Committee meeting. This meeting provided important updates regarding the ongoing work to create a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the public release of footage related to cases of misconduct from the Milwaukee Police Department. | After September's meeting, Fire and Police Commission (FPC) Executive Director Leon Todd, and Chair Ed Fallone communicated to the Milwaukee Alliance that they would be drafting their own SOP to compare to the po…

Free West Media (2022-11-18). US Expanding Its Military Presence in Syria. globalresearch.ca

Gavin OReilly (2022-11-18). Regime Change in Iran: Gulf of Oman False Flag, Following the 2019 Script? globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2022-11-18). Selected Articles: US-Dollar Dominance vs. China's Yuan as an International Trading Currency. globalresearch.ca By For Chinese people, t…

Global Research News (2022-11-18). This Week's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca

Ibrahim Husseini (2022-11-18). Israel's Right Wing Religious Coalition Seeks to Annex West Bank Settlements. globalresearch.ca

Imperial.ac.uk (2022-11-18). Sea level rise to dramatically speed up erosion of rock coastlines by 2100. imperial.ac.uk Rock coasts, which make up over half the world's coastlines, could retreat more rapidly in the future due to accelerating sea level rise.

Imperial.ac.uk (2022-11-18). Imperial and Germany's TUM to develop new technologies to fight global pollution. imperial.ac.uk Imperial and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Germany have launched a partnership to develop new technologies to tackle global pollution.

Imperial.ac.uk (2022-11-18). Provost's Health and Safety Awards celebrate the work of Imperial staff. imperial.ac.uk The Provost hosted the Health and Safety Excellence Awards ceremony for this year's winners.

Imperial.ac.uk (2022-11-18). Fusion surprises and COVID scars: News from the College. imperial.ac.uk Here's a batch of fresh news and announcements from across Imperial.

India Monee', Justin Thomas (2022-11-18). What Could Happen Legally In The Case Of Shanquella Robinson? Attorney Discusses Possible Charges. newsone.com Attorney Glennon Threatt shares what he thinks can happen legally in the case of Shanquella Robinson, who was beaten to death in Mexico.

INDYRADIO (2022-11-18). Whistleblower Upends Berkeley Police. indybay.org "Despite these severe allegations, City Manager Dee Williams-Ridley concluded | that the City Council should still confirm Interim Chief Louis tomorrow." | – Nathan Mizell of the Berkeley Police Accountability Board, 14nov22…

Infobrics (2022-11-18). What Will Brazil's Foreign Policy Look Like Under Lula. infobrics.org Bolsonaro's policies threw Brazil into a position of unprecedented diplomatic isolation…

Infobrics (2022-11-18). Chinese Team Wins Big in BRICS Skills Tourney. infobrics.org The Chinese team won 79 medals at the 2022 BRICS Skills Competition in Xiamen, Fujian province, ranking first among all involved delegations…

Infobrics (2022-11-18). The rising dollar is bringing the world closer to recession. infobrics.org De-dollarization is a pre-condition for stability in the emerging polycentric world…

Infobrics (2022-11-18). Harris' visit to Palawan could instigate China into boosting Spratley Island defences. infobrics.org Washington hopes to draw the Philippines further away from China…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-18). Bolivia: The Right Wing Continues Supporting the Coup. libya360.wordpress.com Oscar Rotundo Protests in Santa Cruz last Friday — Photo: Diego Tejerina / DPA In Bolivia, the fascist particracy intends to wear down the government and promote a coup insurrection like the one in 2018, which led to the coup of 2019. Their arrogance and contempt for the people, never permitted them to imagine that…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-18). Euthanasia Used in Canada to Get Rid of Poorest People. libya360.wordpress.com Misión Verdad Pentobarbital, an anesthetic drug, is used in euthanasia. Euthanasia, also called "assisted death," is a measure available in some countries that allows people suffering from incurable illnesses to request medical assistance for a painless death. However, in Canada, it is increasingly used by people living alone and in poverty, yet it is not…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-18). Peru: President Pedro Castillo Threatened by Attempts to Stage Right-Wing Coup. libya360.wordpress.com Abayomi Azikiwe Opposition forces have clashed with leftists and trade unionists over the future of this South American state A tense political situation is developing in Peru where socialist President Pedro Castillo is under siege by conservative interest groups representing the middle and upper classes. Earlier in November, right-wing forces staged a demonstration in the capital of…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-18). The Waters are Running Red in Africa's Great Lakes Region — A War is Raging We Can No Longer Ignore. libya360.wordpress.com Vijay Prashad People are seen at a makeshift market in Bunagana, a border town in the northeastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), on Oct. 1, 2022. (Xinhua/Alain Uaykani) Resources like cobalt, copper, lithium, and the trees of the rainforest continue to be exploited by the rest of the world despite the carnage that has…

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-11-18). Labor Organization Says Brooklyn Nets Violated Federal Employment Law by Suspending Kyrie Irving Over Tweet. moguldom.com As speculation grows that Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving could be on the verge of his return to the NBA court, a labor organization has charged the Nets with violating federal law by suspending Irving. Irving has missed eight consecutive games after being suspended for allegedly promoting content many deemed antisemitic by posting a line to the film "Hebrews To Negroes: …

It's Going Down (2022-11-18). Camp Resolution Pushes Back Against Proposed Mass Eviction in Sacramento. itsgoingdown.org Around residents of a self-organized encampment known as Camp Resolution, which has been occupied since late September of this year, are now celebrating after the Sacramento City Council was pushed to pass a unanimous vote against a sweep by police, leading to a pause in a scheduled mass eviction. While the future of the…

Jake Johnson (2022-11-18). Biden Administration Calls for Immunity for Saudi Crown Prince in Khashoggi Case. truthout.org The Biden administration said in a U.S. federal court filing on Thursday that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman should be granted sovereign immunity in a civil case brought by the fiancée of murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi, a stance that human rights advocates condemned as a betrayal of the president's vow to hold the Saudi leader accountable. | Lawyers for the U.S. Department of Justice wrote in the new

Jake Johnson (2022-11-18). 'Morally Deplorable': Biden Admin Recommends Immunity for MBS in Khashoggi Case. commondreams.org "The Biden administration has not only shielded MBS from accountability in U.S. courts, but has effectively issued him a license to kill more detractors and declared that he will never be held accountable."

Jake Johnson (2022-11-18). Twitter Verges on Collapse as Workers Quit in Revolt Against 'Notorious Union-Buster' Elon Musk. commondreams.org "One anti-worker, union-busting, sniveling, sack o' shit billionaire is casually torpedoing the livelihoods of thousands of precarious media workers in the name of 'free speech,'" tweeted a labor journalist.

Jenny Tuazon (2022-11-18). G20 Summit Closes Civic Space on Freedom of Speech. globalresearch.ca

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2022-11-18). Was the CIA Behind the Jonestown Massacre? covertactionmagazine.com [This article continues CAM's series on political assassinations and CAM's inquiry into the CIA's criminal history.—Editors] "I think the Jonestown incident was an extension of In Search of the Manchurian Candidate. I think those people were conditioned to act in certain ways and would have probably just moved from Montreal [where CIA mind control experiments …

Jim McMahan (2022-11-18). Seattle human service workers demand improved wages, services. workers.org Seattle Unionized Seattle human services workers rallied at City Hall Plaza Nov. 8 to demand wage increases and better services for the homeless. With the rising cost of living, austerity has forced many of these workers, stuck with low wages, to quit, leaving 300 vacant positions for homeless services. Seattle . . . |

John Tully (2022-11-18). Video: Inaugural Kobane Day lecture by Professor John Tully. greenleft.org.au Historian and Kurdish solidarity activist John Tully gave the inaugural Sydney Kobane Day Lecture at New South Wales Parliament House.

Jon Greenaway (2022-11-18). What the hell is going on with the British Conservative Party? therealnews.com For anyone seeing the international news about the UK's currently-ruling Conservative Party, it can be difficult to follow just what the hell is going on. Prime Ministerial resignations have been followed by reshuffle upon reshuffle of the British government, and, after unceremoniously dumping the shortest-serving prime minister in British history out the back door, the UK government is facing an almost-unprecedented financial crisis, a seismic cost-of-living crisis, and a brand new prime minister all at once. | Any kind of successful internationalism depends upon understanding the situation accurately and hav…

Jonathan Cook (2022-11-18). Cop27: The dirty secret Europe is hiding at the climate summit. mronline.org Grand declarations at Cop27 on tackling the climate emergency are sabotaged by a treaty from the 1990s that sees European nations held to ransom by the energy companies.

Josh Pallas (2022-11-18). Video: NSW Civil Liberties Council president Josh Pallas — 'Fight for the right to protest as if our lives depended on it!'. greenleft.org.au NSW Civil Liberties Council president Josh Pallas gave a presentation on anti-protest laws and the right to protest at Ecosocialism 2022.

Joshua Holzer, Westminster College (2022-11-18). Runoff Voting Has A Racist Past, But Georgia's Senate Race Is A Sign Of Progress. newsone.com Former President Barack Obama raises hands with Stacey Abrams and U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock at a Oct. 28, 2022, campaign event in Georgia. | In the U.S., all elections are administered by the states. But not all states use the same rules. | Georgia uses a version of

Julia Conley (2022-11-18). Thousands of Italian Students Declare 'No Meloni Day' to Protest Far-Right Government. commondreams.org Student groups organized demonstrations across the country, decrying Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's education plan.

Julia Rock (2022-11-18). Will Biden End An Illegal $ Billion Tax Giveaway? levernews.com

Katharine Neill Harris, Rice University (2022-11-18). Racial Disparities Among Marijuana Arrests Still Persist Despite Growing Legalization Trend. newsone.com

Kenny Stancil (2022-11-18). Huge Methane Leak in Pennsylvania Sparks Fresh Call for Fracking Ban. commondreams.org "Methane is a scourge wherever people drill for oil and gas, and leaks are an inevitable byproduct," said one environmental advocate.

Kerry Smith (2022-11-18). Vigil to call on Labor to drop racist refugee policy. greenleft.org.au Activists are set to protest Labor's cruel immigration policy of keeping refugees in limbo. Kerry Smith reports.

Kevin Gosztola (2022-11-18). Unauthorized Disclosure: Medea Benjamin, Richard Roth. thedissenter.org We have two interviews for you in this week's episode of "Unauthorized Disclosure"—One with Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK, and the second with attorney Richard Roth.Medea recently co-authored the Later, Medea highlights the work that CODEPINK did on COP27, the climate conference which was held in Egypt. They challenged Egypt's…

Linda Winter, Alec Johnson (2022-11-18). Capitalists push carbon capture lies in Iowa as broad coalition pushes back. liberationnews.org On Nov. 8-9, capitalist schemers met in Des Moines, Iowa, to continue their push for a carbon capture pipeline. Summit Carbon Solutions, Navigator and Wolf corporations plan a 2,000-mile pipeline through five states, including Iowa, under the guise of reducing CO2 in the atmosphere.

Linda Winter, Alec Johnson (2022-11-18). Capitalists push carbon capture lies in Iowa; a broad coalition pushes back. liberationnews.org On Nov. 8-9, capitalist schemers met in Des Moines, Iowa, to continue their push for a carbon capture pipeline. Summit Carbon Solutions, Navigator and Wolf corporations plan a 2,000-mile pipeline through five states, including Iowa, under the guise of reducing CO2 in the atmosphere.

Lorraine Liriano Chávez (2022-11-18). 'Puerto Rico Not for Sale!'. workers.org At the Halloween Parade in New York City this year, the Puerto Rico Is Not For Sale campaign decided to take an audience that normally has little to no information about Puerto Rico by surprise, by educating them on the terrors of U.S. colonialism. The contingent marched in the parade . . . |

Manal Shqair (2022-11-18). Organizing Under and Against Apartheid: The New Unions in Palestine. socialistproject.ca The Palestine New Federation of Trade Unions (the New Unions) started as a small union organizing workers in the agricultural sector, known as the Union of Workers Associations in the Food Industries and Agriculture (UWAFIA). In October 2007, eighty Palestinian workers who used to work in Seoul Orr, one of the seven factories located in the illegal industrial settlement zone of Nitzani Shalom (on land confiscated by an Israeli military order from Palestinians in Tulkarm, occupied West Bank) went on an open strike. | The strike was a protest against the animal-like working conditions the workers endured for yea…

Michael F. Brown (2022-11-18). Democrats will keep Israel policies as leaders change. electronicintifada.net Hakeem Jeffries, expected to replace Nancy Pelosi as Democratic leader, denies Israel practices apartheid.

Michael Shellenberger (2022-11-18). Crypto Fraud Exposes Woke Capitalism as a Scam. globalresearch.ca

Michiel Willems (2022-11-18). Revealed: Brits Are Paying the Highest Electricity Bills in the Entire World. globalresearch.ca

Monet Bailey (2022-11-18). Air pollution exposure linked to high blood pressure in teenagers. healtheuropa.com King's College London researchers have found that long-term exposure to air pollution increases the risk of high blood pressure in teenagers. Air pollution exposure is quickly becoming a growing health burden on the general population. Many studies have illuminated the detrimental effects, including causing irreversible damage to important body parts such as the lungs. A …

Monet Bailey (2022-11-18). Poor oral health affects nearly half of the world's population. healtheuropa.com A new report provides the first-ever analysis of oral health with data profiles for 194 countries, providing insight into the burden of oral diseases worldwide. The Global Oral Health Status Report published by the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that 45% of the global population suffers from poor oral health and diseases, with three out …

Monet Bailey (2022-11-18). Researchers discover new target for Alzheimer's treatment. healtheuropa.com An international study involving University of Liverpool researchers has found a new potential target for Alzheimer's treatment. New research shows that medin, a protein, is deposited in the blood vessels of the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients along with the protein amyloid-Œ≤. This could potentially lead to new targets for Alzheimer's treatment. Medin is in …

Nina Mast, Lea Woods, Jennifer Sherer (2022-11-18). Midterms Voters Turned Out for Progressive Economic Solutions. commondreams.org A review of key ballot measures from the 2022 midterm elections.

Oakland Privacy (2022-11-18). Wednesday 12/7: Oakland Privacy: Fighting Against the Surveillance State. indybay.org Please email contact@oaklandprivacy.org a few days before the meeting to get up-to-date location information or obtain Zoom meeting access info.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-11-18). Iran, Venezuela Expand Economic Cooperation. orinocotribune.com The cooperation documents were signed in the petrochemical, energy, agriculture, science, and technology fields | On 15 November, government officials of Venezuela and Iran signed six cooperation documents during the high-level joint commission in Tehran, according to MEHR News Agency. | The Minister for Productive Agriculture and Land of Venezuela, Wilmar Castro, said that "during the closing ceremony of the Iran-Venezuela high-level delegation, representatives of the two allied nations signed six agreements in various strategic areas such as educational training, nanotechnology, biotechnology, petrochemistry, r…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-11-18). The 'Garden Versus Jungle' Worldview of the EU's Top Diplomat Is Not Only Racist, It's Delusional. orinocotribune.com By Graham Hryce Nov 13, 2022 | Josep Borrell's neocolonial comparison fails to notice the West's decline, caused by elites like him | Josep Borrell, the European Union's foreign policy and security chief, gave an important speech to the European Diplomatic Academy in Bruges, Belgium in mid-October. | Being amongst fellow members of the global elites, Borrell felt able to set out his views on the relationship between Europe and the West and other nations with an unusual degree of honesty and candour. | "Europe is a garden" declared Borrell. "We have built a garden. Everything works. It is the best combinatio…

Peter Koenig (2022-11-18). US-Dollar Dominance vs. China's Yuan as an International Trading Currency. globalresearch.ca

Peter Koenig (2022-11-18). Covid Tyrannei: Offener Brief an den Schweizerischen Bundesrat. globalresearch.ca Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb desnewsauthor">Ns des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Folgen Sie …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2022-11-18). "Preemptive Nuclear War": The Historic Battle for Peace and Democracy. A Third World War Threatens the Future of Humanity. globalresearch.ca US nuclear doctrine consists in portraying nuclear weapons as a means of "self defense" rather than a "weapon of mass destruction". There are powerful financial interests behind Joe Biden's $1.3 trillion nuclear weapons program initiated under Obama.

Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, Rev. Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove (2022-11-18). Reverends to Democrats: 'Invest in a Strong Economic Message'. commondreams.org Midterm results across the country reveals that the heart of the Democrat's strength—and their greatest potential to grow a governing majority—lies in uniting people around an economy that works for all of us.

Revolution Books (2022-11-18). Tuesday 11/22: Film: The Secret Fatwa. indybay.org Revolution Books | 2444 Durant Avenue | Berkeley…

Rian Overy (2022-11-18). The impacts of monkeypox on women. healtheuropa.com An international collaboration of clinicians has published a new case study on the impacts of monkeypox infection on women during the 2022 outbreak. The study, which was led by Professor Chloe Orkin at Queen Mary University of London, covered the effects of the disease on cisgender (cis) and transgender (trans) women and non-binary individuals assigned …

Rian Overy (2022-11-18). NICE approve mobocertinib to treat aggressive lung cancer. healtheuropa.com Around 100 people will benefit from mobocertinib, a new treatment for rare and aggressive lung cancer after NICE published its final guidance on recommending the new targeted therapy. Mobocertinib is designed to treat people with the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) exon 20 insertion gene mutation-positive form of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), who have …

Rian Overy (2022-11-18). Radiotherapy treatment can only stop cancer recurrence in the short-term. healtheuropa.com Radiotherapy treatment for breast cancer only reduces the risk of cancer returning for ten years, having no effect thereafter, according to research from the University of Edinburgh. The findings come as a result of one of the longest and most up-to-date follow-ups of randomised controlled clinical trials of breast-conserving therapy. This unique research will provide …

Ricardo Gomez (2022-11-18). The Low-Profile Runoff That Could Change Louisiana's Climate Trajectory. levernews.com

Richard Matousek (2022-11-18). After Bolsonaro, Can Brazil Move Beyond Neoliberalism and Toward Greater Global Cooperation? towardfreedom.org Almost three weeks after the second-round Brazilian presidential election, President Jair Bolsonaro still has not explicitly conceded. The chances Bolsonaro could stage a successful coup have diminished rapidly. Now what's next for Brazil as Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva transitions into office? Richard Matou≈°ek reports from Recife.

Staff (2022-11-18). Deputy chairman of Turkish ruling party: Nagorno-Karabakh belongs to Greater Turkey "until doomsday" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com AzertagNovember 18, 2022 Numan Kurtulmu≈ü: Karabakh is Azerbaijan and it will be Azerbaijan until the end of the world France refrains from imposing sanctions against Azerbaijan. First of all, France should talk about whether, as the co-chairman of the Minsk Group, it has said a sentence or taken a step regarding the solution of the …

Robert Inlakesh (2022-11-18). Politics Out Of Football Says The West, Unless It's The Right Kind Of Politics. thelastamericanvagabond.com The Qatar 2022 World Cup has been the target of much controversy in recent months, with Western nations making things political. Whilst it was once the standard to bar politics in sport, it is now fine to include political messaging, except if your message violates Western government guidelines. Despite FIFA, UEFA and the IOC's explicit

Saniya Patel (2022-11-18). After over a decade, Australia is finally starting to act on climate change… actionaidusa.org Australia's parliament has finally passed the country's first climate change law in over a decade. The bill's goal is to cut carbon emissions by 43% by 2030 with the aim of achieving zero carbon emissions by 20 . While it is a good step forward, it is not enough and definitely not consistent with a 1.5…

Shannon Dawson (2022-11-18). Tiffany Cross Hires Gabrielle Union's Former Attorney Amid MSNBC Dispute. newsone.com Earlier this month, Tiffany Cross was ousted from her anchor position at MSNBC. Now, the fiery on-air host has sought out legal representation to fight back against the network.

Sharon Zhang (2022-11-18). Musk's "Hardcore" Twitter Ultimatum Backfires Spectacularly as Hundreds Resign. truthout.org Elon Musk's ultimatum this week to the remainder of Twitter's workforce — to commit to a "hardcore" work culture with " The roughly

Simon Pirani (2022-11-18). Greenwashing Governments and Oil Companies Turned COP27 Into a Climate Disaster. truthout.org

Staff (2022-11-18). "A Near-Death Experience": U.K.-Egyptian Activist Alaa Abd El-Fattah Almost Dies on Prison Hunger Strike. democracynow.org The family of imprisoned British Egyptian human rights activist Alaa Abd El-Fattah visited him on Thursday for the first time since he ended his full hunger and water strike, which they say occurred after he collapsed inside his prison shower last week. El-Fattah had intensified his strike on the first day of the U.N. climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh to draw international attention to the country's human rights violations and protest his seemingly indefinite imprisonment. We go to Cairo to speak with his aunt, Ahdaf Soueif, who was among the visitors and says El-Fattah may resume his hunger strike if t…

Staff (2022-11-18). Headlines for November 18, 2022. democracynow.org Negotiations over "Loss and Damage" Dominate Final Hours of COP27 Climate Summit, Nancy Pelosi, First Woman House Speaker, Steps Down from Democratic Leadership After 2 Decades, Democratic Rep. Katie Porter, Famous for Her "Whiteboard of Justice," Wins Reelection, Reelection Bid of Far-Right Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert Headed for Recount, Kremlin Hints at Prisoner Swap Involving Brittney Griner and Viktor Bout, State Department Says Saudi Crown Prince Has Immunity from Lawsuit over Khashoggi Killing, Blaze Kills 21 People at Jabaliya Refugee Camp in Gaza, World Cup Kicks Off in Shadow o…

Stan Cox (2022-11-18). No Red Wave, but Plenty of Red Flags. commondreams.org The new House GOP caucus will include even more far-right extremists than the current one, but won't be able to get climate-hostile bills passed into law, thanks to its narrow majority, a narrow Democratic majority in the Senate, and President Biden's veto power.

Stephanie Hedgecoke (2022-11-18). Leonard Peltier's Walk to Justice rallies in D.C. for clemency. workers.org March to Justice in Washington, D.C., Nov. 13. The Leonard Peltier's Walk to Justice marched over 1,100 miles from Minneapolis to Washington, D.C. — a march to demand President Joe Biden release 78-year-old Indigenous political prisoner and Native elder Leonard Peltier. On Nov. 13, marchers and supporters marched to the . . . |

Susan Kang (2022-11-18). After Midterms, Dems Have Opportunity to Curb Right-to-Work Laws. Will They? truthout.org In addition to members of the House of Representatives, Senate, governors and state legislators, there were many important ballot measures on the line for voters in

The Cradle (2022-11-18). Saudi Arabia Signs $30 Billion Cooperation Agreement with South Korea. globalresearch.ca

The Energy & Environmental Legal Institute (2022-11-18). The Rockefeller Way: The Family's Covert 'Climate Change' Plan. globalresearch.ca First published in December 2016, this article is of relevance to an understanding of the ongoing debate on Climate Change as well the Green New Deal, largely controlled by the financial establishment. The Rockefellers also play a key role in …

The Global Research Team (2022-11-18). "The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d'Etat Against Humanity" by Michel Chossudovsky. globalresearch.ca My objective is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the "deadly" COVID-19 "vaccine". This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people.

Thecommunists (2022-11-18). Support our nurses' struggle for decent pay! thecommunists.org Download this leaflet as a pdf Way beyond breaking point, nurses across the NHS have finally voted to take strike action. The last time they had a real-terms pay increase was back in 2010, since when pay settlements have fallen further and further behind inflation. Throughout that time, many have descended into poverty, as is …

Thomas Gift, Julie Norman (2022-11-18). Trump Is Now In—and It Would Be Foolish to Count Him Out. commondreams.org Democrats and even many Republicans eager to usher Trump off the national stage have latched on to the midterms as the beginning of the end for the former president. Yet haven't we heard that before?

Tia Brown (2022-11-18). Major Corporations and Institutions Are Helping to Build "Cop City" in Atlanta. truthout.org In 2021, LittleSis and Color of Change profiled Despite the United States spending upwards of $100 billion on policing each year, police foundations act as a backchannel for corporate and wealthy interests by funding policing even further, adding to already overinflated budgets without any requi…

Tom Ozimek (2022-11-18). Terrifying Vision of a "Digital Gulag": G20 Promotes WHO-Standardized Global Vaccine Passport and 'Digital Health' Identity Scheme. globalresearch.ca

Torraine Walker (2022-11-18). Opinion: No Voices For Black Men. moguldom.com It's been a wild few weeks for Black men with huge platforms. It all began with Kanye West's October 15 appearance on the popular Drink Champs podcast hosted by N.O.R.E and DJ EFN. During a 3-hour interview, Kanye made comments about Jewish ownership and control of entertainment that outraged many Jewish people. In subsequent interviews …

Toward increased Networking (2022-11-18). Online events w) Nikole Hannah-Jones, Medea Benjamin, Jeremy Lent, Naomi Klein, and others. indybay.org Here are about 14 online events taking place over the next 2 weeks (and starting at 4: 00 pm today (Thursday, 11/17), featuring people such as adrienne maree brown, Susan Raffo, Thenmozhi Soundararajan, Cornel West, Prachi Patankar, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Medea Benjamin, Dean Spade, Mariana Mazzucato, Jeremy Lent, Greta Thunberg, Naomi Klein, and many others. | These events are hosted from various locations all across the country, as well from Canada and the UK (however, the listed times are all for our "Pacific time zone"). Of course, feel free to share this info with others who might be interested in it.

Veronica Koman (2022-11-18). Video: Free West Papua with Veronica Koman and George Dimara. greenleft.org.au West Papuan activist George Dimara and Indonesian Human Rights lawyer and West Papua solidarity activist Veronica Koman spoke as part of Ecosocialism 2022.

Vijay Prashad (2022-11-18). Those who struggle to change the world know it well: The Forty-Sixth Newsletter (2022). mronline.org In 1845, Karl Marx jotted down some notes for The German Ideology, a book that he wrote with his close friend Friedrich Engels. Engels found these notes in 1888, five years after Marx's death, and published them under the title Theses on Feuerbach. The eleventh thesis is the most famous: 'philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point, however, is to change it'.

WSWS (2022-11-18). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and New Zealand. wsws.org India: 5,000 Swiggy delivery workers walk out; Pakistani health workers in Sindh province continue strike; South Korea: CJ CheilJedang food processing workers walk out; Australia: Thousands of academics strike in Queensland…

WSWS (2022-11-18). Floods once again devastate Australia's most populous state. wsws.org As they have done with the coronavirus pandemic, Australian governments have left flood devastated residents to fend for themselves.

WSWS (2022-11-18). Australian workers support online rank-and-file public meeting to fight government removal of COVID-19 safety measures. wsws.org "The reason you have to come to this meeting is that it is not just for doctors, or nurses, or wardsman, or postmen. It's for everyone. Without unity, we have nothing." — Medical specialist…

WSWS (2022-11-18). Video: Attorney for Will Lehman's statement on lawsuit against UAW and Monitor for violating members' right to vote in election. wsws.org "The rights of every single UAW member to participate in a meaningful election have been violated," Lehman's attorney, Eric Lee, declared in a statement Thursday in front of the US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan.

WSWS (2022-11-18). US hospitals are closing as demand for care increases. wsws.org Hospitals' increased expenses and financial losses threaten patients' access to health care and reflect the broader social crisis.

WSWS (2022-11-18). UAW presidential candidate Will Lehman visits HarperCollins picket lines. wsws.org Lehman's fight for workers to take direct control of their struggle comes at a critical point in the strike of 2 UAW publishing workers in New York City.

WSWS (2022-11-18). IG Metall moves toward sellout of metal and electrical industry workers. wsws.org While putting on a "militant" front behind closed doors, IG Metall is negotiating a foul sell-out of nearly 4 million workers in the metal and electrical industries.

WSWS (2022-11-18). Will Lehman sues UAW and Monitor in federal court to guarantee workers' right to vote in election. wsws.org On Thursday, rank-and-file UAW presidential candidate Will Lehman sued the UAW and the court-appointed Monitor to extend the deadline to vote in the first-ever direct elections for UAW leadership and force action that will actually notify the membership that an election is taking place.

WSWS (2022-11-18). Planned strike at University of Sheffield International College suspended by University and College Union. wsws.org With RPI inflation rate running at 14.2 percent to October, the University and College Union's pay claim is well below inflation.

WSWS (2022-11-18). The disastrous implications of lifting Zero-COVID in China. wsws.org The objective laws of viral transmission mean that any shift away from a Zero-COVID elimination strategy carries with it the potential for the situation to quickly spiral out of control.

WSWS (2022-11-18). Evictions in Detroit return to pre-pandemic levels. wsws.org A study conducted by Poverty Solutions, a University of Michigan research organization, shows that the number of impoverished working class families in Detroit being evicted have returned to rates that existed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

WSWS (2022-11-18). Australia: Fair Work Commission suspends Svitzer lockout, strikes. wsws.org This struggle is not just about the wages and conditions of 582 tugboat workers, but a new chapter of class warfare.

WSWS (2022-11-18). Detroit autoworkers support lawsuit to extend deadline on UAW election. wsws.org Workers at the Stellantis (Chrysler) Warren Truck Assembly Plant in suburban Detroit expressed their support for the lawsuit filed by UAW presidential candidate Will Lehman to guarantee the right of members to vote.

WSWS (2022-11-18). Australian wages data shows historic cut to working-class living standards. wsws.org Wages rose by less than half the official inflation rate over the past year—the greatest decline on record.

WSWS (2022-11-18). As fallout from crypto collapse spreads, concerns grow over financial stability. wsws.org The full extent of the fallout from the collapse of FTX has yet to be determined but other firms are certain to go under because of the extent of Sam Bankman-Fried's Ponzi scheme operations.

WSWS (2022-11-18). "It's literally nationwide, and we really have to stand with each other": Striking New School part-time faculty speak out on the picket line. wsws.org The current strike by over 1,600 part-time faculty at The New School in New York City is winning wide support from workers and students throughout the city and across the country.

WSWS (2022-11-18). Three death row prisoners executed over two days in the US. wsws.org The cases of the three individuals being given the ultimate, irrevocable penalty bear all the hallmarks of capital punishment in America, in which questions of legality and humanity are jettisoned in the interest of retribution and barbarism.

WSWS (2022-11-18). Rail workers vote to extend UK national strike action as RMT union holds closed door talks with employers. wsws.org Since the last national one-day stoppage on October 8, the RMT executive has been working overtime to prevent further strike action as it seeks an accommodation with Network Rail and the train operating companies.

WSWS (2022-11-18). Sri Lanka: Glenugie Estate workers return after union betrays strike. wsws.org Tea plantation workers at Glenugie and elsewhere must prepare for a united struggle to defend their wages and basic rights by building workers' action committees, independent of the unions.

Zack Linly (2022-11-18). Black Twitter Hilariously Mourns Death Of Elon Musk's Twitter After 'Mass Exodus' Of Employees. newsone.com

Zack Linly (2022-11-18). Florida Judge Blocks Gov. Ron DeSantis' 'Stop WOKE Act' For The 2nd Time Calling It 'Positively Dystopian'. newsone.com Source: The Washington Post / Getty | I just want to give a quick shoutout to Chief U.S. District Judge Mark Walker, because the Obama-appointed Florida judge keeps putting the kibosh on Accor…

_____ (2022-11-18). Biden Needs To Accept That The US Can't Intimidate North Korea. popularresistance.org An increasingly tense standoff has been simmering on the Korean Peninsula for months, and is now escalating to a potentially "uncontrollable phase," North Korean officials warn. Since August, the US and South Korea have conducted five major joint military exercises and numerous smaller ones—the most recent of which, Vigilant Storm, just concluded on Nov. 5 and involved over 240 military aircraft in the largest ever aerial drills the countries have conducted together. | In the same time frame, North Korea has conducted several rounds of weapons tests involving dozens of ballistic missiles. The largest of the…

_____ (2022-11-18). Global Climate Talks Spark Action Against Investment Treaties. popularresistance.org In advance of the global climate negotiations taking place in Egypt, several countries announced important actions to curb the power of the fossil fuel industry. | For decades now, a global web of international investment agreements has given corporations excessive powers to block government policies they don't like. Through "investor-state dispute settlement" mechanisms, these agreements grant corporations the right to sue governments in unaccountable supranational tribunals, demanding huge payouts in retaliation for actions that might reduce the value of their investments. Corporations are able to file such law…

_____ (2022-11-18). How The Pandemic Changed The Landscape Of US Labor Organizing. popularresistance.org The story of essential workers during the pandemic is part of the long unraveling of the New Deal. The destruction of the welfare state, the attack on unions, and the rise of neoliberalism provide the historical backdrop for the pandemic labor unrest. As workers' fortunes came under renewed attack in the early 1970s, the historic gains of the New Deal were rolled back decades. Inequality became the defining feature of our economy as we arrived at a second Gilded Age. This was more than unfair‚Äâ—‚Äâduring the pandemic it had deadly consequences. A 2020 study found that in o…

_____ (2022-11-18). One State Mandates Teaching Climate Change In Almost All Subjects. popularresistance.org Pennington, New Jersey – There was one minute left on Suzanne Horsley's stopwatch and the atmosphere remained thick with carbon dioxide, despite the energetic efforts of her class of third graders to clear the air. | Horsley, a wellness teacher at Toll Gate Grammar School, in Pennington, New Jersey, had tasked the kids with tossing balls of yarn representing carbon dioxide molecules to their peers stationed at plastic disks representing forests. The first round of the game was set in the 1700s, and the kids had cleared the field in under four minutes. But this third round took place in the present day, after the…

_____ (2022-11-18). 'Managed Competition' With China Or Real Peace? popularresistance.org President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping held their first meeting since Biden took office today, a high-profile summit meant to set the tone for U.S.-China relations in the coming period. Outwardly, the two leaders remained cordial and affirmed their willingness to maintain dialogue with one another, with Biden going so far as to say "there need not be a new Cold War" between the two powers. The two sides agreed to restart regular talks relating to cooperation in the fight against climate change, and Secretary of State Blinken is set to travel to China for follow up discussions in the near future. | But i…

_____ (2022-11-18). The Real Reason The US Is Against The Entire World On Cuba. popularresistance.org The entire world just voted to end the 60-year blockade against Cuba…except for two countries. Can you guess which ones? (Luxembourg was neither of them.) | I take you back to September 1961. The U.S. was a younger, naive nation. We drove around with children in our laps because the seatbelt law was still years away. And the top song of the day was Barry Mann's "Who put the bomp into bomp bah bomp bah bomp?" (Turns out it was Henry Kissinger. He was a childlike 73 years old back then, and he was actually into "bomping" before he was into bombing.) | In 1961 the United States began a massive embargo against the…

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