Monthly Archives: December 2022

2022-12-03: News Headlines

WSWS (2022-12-03). "The political parties don't represent the people": US workers furious after Biden signs bipartisan anti-strike legislation. The rapid move by both parties to impose a contract rejected by workers has shocked and angered workers across the country.

____ (2022-12-03). EU plans to criminalize violation of sanctions against Russia. The European Commission on Friday proposed making the circumvention of the European Union's (EU) sanctions against Russia a criminal offense.

Kyle Anzalone (2022-12-03). Zelensky Looks To Ban Christian Denomination With Ties to Moscow. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced he is seeking to ban all religions with ties to Russia. He claims the move is needed to "guarantee spiritual independence to Ukraine."This law will target millions of Ukrainians who identify as Russian Orthodox.During his nightly address on Thursday, Zelensky announced he was introducing legislation that would eliminate religious organizations …

Kester Kenn Klomegah (2022-12-03). Russia, China and the "Multipolar World". The Kremlin's Evolving Relations with Africa.

SP Editor (2022-12-03). Who Will Pay for an Overheating Earth. Unlike the northern powers largely responsible for the greenhouse gases that created this growing set of disasters, as Stan and Priti Gulati Cox explain, the countries of the Global South can't afford to pay for what's happening to them.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). EU training 15,000 Ukrainian soldiers: Borrell. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — In continuation of the European military and financial aid to Ukraine, the EU Foreign Policy Chief announced that the first group of Ukrainian soldiers are currently spending their training services in Poland.

WSWS (2022-12-03). ONLINE RALLY: Defend the railroad workers! Down with Washington's illegitimate anti-strike law! All rail worker supporters are urged to attend Tuesday's meeting at 7 Eastern, where they will hear from railroad workers and their allies in other industries.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). 4 killed, injured in Turkish warplanes attack on Sulaymaniyah. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Turkish warplanes' attack on Sulaymaniyah province in northern Iraq left one dead and three wounded.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Turkish Army targets Syria's Raqqa with artillery. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Syrian sources on Saturday reported that Turkish army forces targeted areas near the Tell Abyad region on the northern outskirts of Raqqa with artillery.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Assad rejects requests to meet with Erdogan: report. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has rebuffed Russia's efforts to arrange a meeting with Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan, citing Turkey's upcoming elections and the presence of Turkish troops on Syrian soil.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Iran oil cargo previously seized by US unloads in Syria. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — An Iranian-flagged tanker on Friday delivered an oil shipment to Syria which the United States had previously confiscated around Greece, a ship tracker said.

Felicity Arbuthnot (2022-12-03). Ukraine: US Launches a Fascist Government, and World War Three? It all started on March 5, 2014: a US sponsored fascist coalition government under the disguise of democracy was installed in Ukraine. | With historical foresight pertaining to the dangers of a Third World War, this article by Felicity Arbuthnot was …

WSWS (2022-12-03). High excess mortality as coronavirus death rates rise in Germany. The reckless approach of governments at all levels in lifting the remaining coronavirus protections despite the enormous excess mortality illustrates the indifference of the ruling class to human life.

_____ (2022-12-03). Bringing The People's Voices Into Government. This episode was broadcast LIVE FROM BOGOTàÅ with guest Lilia Solano, Vice Minister of Social Dialogue and Equality for the government of Colombia | Host Teri Mattson has been in Bogotá since 24 November attending several encuentros organized by Vice Minister Lilia Solano. In this episode Teri and Lilia discuss the Petro government's vision of bringing the 1991 Constitutional reform of direct democracy to reality among the Colombian people and the creation of social movements to develop informed citizens, build political formation and continue to create electoral candidates for the continuation of the Pacto…

Agency (2022-12-03). Elon Musk's New Direction for Twitter: Not "Free Speech," but Banning the Left while Welcoming Fascists. Agency looks at billionaire Elon Musk banning various anarchist and antifascist accounts on Twitter at the bequest of far-Right trolls as the social media giant moves to embrace the far-Right. On November 25, at the urging of a far-right troll, Elon Musk banned the @crimethinc Twitter account. The account had some 67,000 followers on the day of its…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-12-03). China's Donation to Cuba Will Meet 'Most Pressing Needs' Created by US Blockade, Economist Says.

Fight Back (2022-12-03). SDS stands with railroad workers. Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). | Students for a Democratic Society stands in unconditional solidarity with the railroad workers of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Division (BMWED-IBT), SMART-TD, the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, and the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen as they fight determinedly for a fair contract and livable conditions on and off the job. We stand with them in their rejection of the appalling deal crafted by the Biden Administration, and we stand with them in defending their right to strike…

Fight Back (2022-12-03). Theory: Reproductive labor and the family. Mother Bloor, a Communist revolutionary who fought for women's suffrage, emphasized that women couldn't just stop at the right to vote. Working women still had to organize against the capitalist ruling class, which forced them to endure long hours, low wages and suffocating labor conditions. The vote was just another tool in that struggle. The suffrage movement relied on people like Bloor – workers who recognized that women's liberation depends on the struggle for socialism. | This struggle has always brought out the hardest fighters for women's liberation, and in recent decades it has empowered the LGBTQ movemen…

_____ (2022-12-03). US Midterms and What They REALLY Mean For the Rest of USEveryone Else. US midterm elections don't usually have much relevance outside the country. A change of President can have a profound effect on the world around, but the composition of Congress is much more of an internal matter, until recently. Americans are very proud of their democratic system, which can be regarded as the world's first liberal …

A Guest Author (2022-12-03). They want to lead us into war — interview with historic African leader from Mali. By Raphaà´l Schmeller This interview with Aminata Dramane Traoré was first published Nov. 30 in the German newspaper junge Welt (jW). Traoré is an author, human rights activist and former Minister of Culture in Mali. She discusses the chaos caused by Western states in the Sahel and the interests of . . . |

Alfonso J Rodriguez-Morales, Fatma A Amer (2022-12-03). [Comment] Monkeypox virus infection in women and non-binary people: uncommon or neglected? In 2022, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, monkeypox re-emerged globally as a new and additional infectious threat for countries outside Africa, and it was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by WHO.1,2 During this multicountry monkeypox outbreak, which has comprised more than 80‚Äà488 cases to Nov 21, 2022 according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, new epidemiological and clinical features have been observed, including genital primary presentation, an association with sexual activity, and a predominance among men, particularly adult men who have sex with m…

Allen Forrest (2022-12-03). The Veracity of Vaccine Makers. The shots are produced, owned and distributed by the Department of Defense in the US and other military departments world wide and are property of the DOD until they are injected into people.

Andrew Robinson (2022-12-03). [Perspectives] Mummies, myths, and medicine in ancient Egypt. This year marks the centenary, and the bicentenary, of two crucial revelations about ancient Egypt. The tomb of Tutankhamun, who died aged only 19 years in circa 1323 BCE, with his gold-masked mummy, was discovered in 1922. The young pharaoh was then virtually unknown even to Egyptologists—unlike some other pharaohs such as Rameses the Great, known to the ancient Greeks as Ozymandias. Imagine for a moment that the huge crowds visiting the glittering Tutankhamun exhibitions during the 20th century had been told by Egyptologists: sorry, we do not know this pharaoh's name and have no idea what the hieroglyphic…

Angela (2022-12-03). Sunday 12/11: Q&A Discussion of "Come and See; Go and Tell – Next Year in Palestine"

Angela (2022-12-03). Saturday 12/3: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "In the Pocket of Oslo"

Aula Abbara, Naser Almhawish, Ibrahim Aladhan, Redwan Alobaid, Nabil Karah (2022-12-03). [Correspondence] Weaponisation of water. We read Sharmila Devi's World Report1 on the cholera outbreak in Syria and would like to emphasise how the weaponisation of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) has affected the emergence of preventable communicable disease outbreaks. This weaponisation includes deliberate interference with WASH, and the use of WASH as a military tool, a tool of cooperation, or a tool of domination and legitimacy.2 Water infrastructure is often indirectly damaged due to secondary reverberating effects of attacks on urban infrastructure.

C, C Butterwegge & Sybille Pirklbauer (2022-12-03). Social division in the schools and 7 challenges to the welfare state. The most difficult task will be to redefine prosperity not only in philosophical concepts, but also in concrete tangible and experiential terms detached from consumption. Many are already working on this. The United Nations adopted a strategy for a "blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet" with the Sustainable Development Goals 2015.

Craig Baldwin (2022-12-03). Saturday 12/3: Ukrainian Benefit – Curtis' Traumazone + Stone's Ukraine on Fire. 992 Valencia Street in San Francisco's Mission District.

Craig Baldwin (2022-12-03). Saturday 12/3: UKRAINIAN BENEFIT – DEC.3: CURTIS' TRAUMAZONE + STONE's UKRAINE ON FIRE. 992 Valencia Street in San Francisco's Mission District.

Craig Baldwin (2022-12-03). Saturday 12/10: NO NAME CINEMA – DEC. 10: RHODY/SMITH/KUJAWSKI's MINIMAL EXPANDED CINEMA. 992 Valencia Street in San Francisco's Mission District.

Craig Baldwin (2022-12-03). Saturday 12/10: Nonewsauthor"> Cinema – Rhody/Smith/Kujawskis Minimal Expanded Cinema. 992 Valencia Street in San Francisco's Mission District.

Craig Baldwin (2022-12-03). Saturday 12/17: AVANT TO LIVE – DEC. 17: NEW EXPERIMENTAL WORK. 992 Valencia Street in San Francisco's Mission District.

Craig Baldwin (2022-12-03). Saturday 12/17: Avant to Live – New Experimental Work. 992 Valencia Street in San Francisco's Mission District.

Dongsheng News (2022-12-03). Urumqi Fire and New Covid Outbreak. This week's News on China in 2 minutes. ‚Ä¢ Urumqi Fire and new Covid outbreak ‚Ä¢ Pop singer sentenced to 13 years in prison ‚Ä¢ Local elections in Taiwan ‚Ä¢ New findings from the frontal region of the brain…

Dr. T. P. Wilkinson (2022-12-03). What System Governs the People's Republic of China? "Socialism With Chinese Characteristics"

____ (2022-12-03). Tesla delivers 1st electric semi trucks. Tesla on Thursday delivered the first batch of electric Semi trucks to PepsiCo at an event held at the company's Gigafactory in Sparks in the U.S. state of Nevada.

____ (2022-12-03). Number of first-time married Chinese hits 37-year new low. The number of married people in China has been decreasing with first-time marriage age delayed and the number of single people expanding. Official data shows China registered 7.643 million marriages in 2021, below 8 million for the first time since 2003.

____ (2022-12-03). Cross-sea subway route in NE China enters trial operation without load. Dalian Metro Line 5 in Liaoning Province, the first cross-sea subway route in northeast China, started no-load trial operation on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-03). Comicomment: Gunshots shatter illusion of US-style human rights.

____ (2022-12-03). Chinese scientists design wearable energy harvester on cattle to build smart ranch. A group of Chinese scientists proposed a zero-energy smart ranch with wearable sensors entirely powered by cattle's movements.

____ (2022-12-03). China-Laos Railway promotes friendship, provides development opportunities. The China-Laos Railway has deepened the friendship between Chinese and Lao staff and provided development opportunities to both countries and peoples.

____ (2022-12-03). Snow leopard spotted in China's giant panda national park. Images of a snow leopard has been captured by two infrared cameras in the Wenchuan area of the Giant Panda National Park in southwest China's Sichuan Province.

____ (2022-12-03). Security Council to feature debate on reforming multilateralism in December. Reforming multilateralism will be debated at the UN Security Council in December, the council's president said Thursday.

____ (2022-12-03). Guangzhou updates COVID-19 assessment standards. Standards for designating high-risk areas and those who have close contact with infected people have been updated in Guangzhou, Guangdong province.

____ (2022-12-03). 10th Straits Youth Festival begins in Fujian. This year's Straits Youth Festival, an annual exchange event across the Taiwan Straits, has attracted an estimated 3,000 young people from Taiwan, according to the organizers.

____ (2022-12-03). Chinalco's cargo vessel rescues six Guinean fishermen. Jing Hai Xing, a subcontracted cargo vessel for Aluminum Corporation of China (Chinalco)'s bauxite project in the Republic of Guinea, rescued six local fishermen in the open water close to the Western African country on Nov 29.

____ (2022-12-03). World's first high-speed railway in extremely low temperatures transports 670 mln passengers in 10 years. The world's first high-speed railway operating at high latitudes and extremely low temperatures in winter, Harbin-Dalian high-speed railway, has transported 670 million passengers since it began service ten years ago.

____ (2022-12-03). China's two meteorological satellites put into operation. Two meteorological satellites, along with their ground application systems, have officially started operation, said the China Meteorological Administration on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-03). Profile: Jiang Zemin's great, glorious life. Jiang Zemin was an outstanding leader enjoying high prestige acknowledged by the whole Communist Party of China (CPC), the entire military and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups.

____ (2022-12-03). Chinese people mourn Jiang Zemin. Chinese people were saddened to hear the news of the passing of their former leader Jiang Zemin, who died Wednesday in Shanghai at the age of 96.In the city of Yangzhou, east China's Jiangsu Province, flower bouquets lined the entrance to the former residence of Jiang.

____ (2022-12-03). Asian, African diplomats in China mourn former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin. Diplomatic envoys from Asian and African countries visited China's Foreign Ministry on Thursday and Friday and offered their condolences over the passing of former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin.

____ (2022-12-03). China-Laos Railway marks first anniversary. The China-Laos Railway has transported a total of 8.5 million passengers and 11.2 million tons of goods as of Saturday, since its launch on Dec. 3 a year ago, according to China State Railway Group.

____ (2022-12-03). Chinese spokesperson says U.S. lets ally Europe pay price of crisis. Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian on Friday said the United States is letting its ally Europe pay the price in the crisis.

____ (2022-12-03). UN chief Guterres calls for renewed efforts to end slavery. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday called on governments and societies to recommit to eradicating slavery, and underscored the need to recognize the painful legacy of slavery and the growing of its modern forms.

____ (2022-12-03). More world leaders mourn passing of former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin. Leaders of many countries and international organizations continued to express their deep condolences by phone, letter and other means to Chinese President Xi Jinping over the passing of former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin.

____ (2022-12-03). Aerial view of traffic flow in Guangzhou after COVID control eased. More districts in Guangzhou have lifted temporary control measures to bring life and work back to normal amid the COVID-19 control.

____ (2022-12-03). Traditional handmade shoes in Shandong gain popularity on market. A woman makes traditional Chinese cloth shoes at a factory in Heze, east China's Shandong Province, Dec.1, 2022.

____ (2022-12-03). Shanghai's largest heritage complex reopens after renovation. Built in 1882, Zhang Yuan or Zhang's Garden, a community filled with hundreds of shikumen houses in downtown Shanghai's Jing'an district is widely known as Shanghai's largest, best-preserved and most diverse shikumen compound.

____ (2022-12-03). Decoding tea culture in Song Dynasty.

____ (2022-12-03). Cradle of Civilization: Ancient Luoyang City of the Sui and Tang Dynasties. The ancient Luoyang City of the Sui and Tang dynasties is now part of Luoyang City and its outskirts in Henan Province. Built in 605, the ancient city was the eastern capital of the Sui and Tang dynasties.

____ (2022-12-03). In numbers: China's tea industry at a glance.

____ (2022-12-03). Culture fact: Chinese tea culture.

____ (2022-12-03). (100 great changes) Mobile Payments Inject New Momentum into China's Economy. China has also moved quickly in Digital Currency Electronic Payment, piloting the new money in major cities including Beijing and Shanghai. Transactions using the digital money has surpassed 100 billion yuan (13.9 billion dollars).China will move forward building infrastructure of the digital money and its ecosystem and improving the system's security and reliability.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Iran condemns US sanctions at UN BWC Revision Conference. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Managing director of the Foreign Ministry International Peace and Security Office in a speech at the Ninth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention condemned US sanctions, which he said breach conventions.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Bagheri Kani, Ryabkov hold meeting on JCPOA in Moscow. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Deputy heads of the Foreign Ministries of Iran and Russia, Ali Bagheri Kani and Sergei Ryabkov, met in Moscow to discuss the prospects of full-scale implementation of the JCPOA.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Human rights turned into toy for several criminal governments. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Referring to the martyrdom of Palestinian youth by the Zionist regime, the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said that human rights have been turned into the toy for several criminal governments.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). European Union become victim of terrorist groups' ambitions. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — The Iranian Foreign Mminister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian says that the European Union has become a victim of terrorist groups' ambitions.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on Dec. 3. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Mehr news agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Saturday, December 03.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). 44 Boko Haram terrorists killed in Nigeria. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Nigerian Defence Headquarters said that 44 Boko Haram terrorists have been killed in the Northeast region.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). IAEA chief says ties with Iran need to get back on track. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Referring to Iran's compensatory measures in response to the recent BoG anti-Iran resolution, IAEA chief Grossi said that the IAEA-Iran ties need to get back on track.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). ISIL leader killed by Syrian security forces in Daraa. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Despite Washington's announcement that the leader of ISIL was killed by so-called "Free Syrian Army" terrorist group, Syria reported that the leader of ISIL chieftain was killed by the security forces of this country.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Bombs discovered in Iran's Shiraz. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Some bombs were discovered from a ringleader of riots in Shiraz City, southern Iran.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Iran begins procedures to build Darkhovin Nuclear Plant. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — The construction project of the Darkhovin Nuclear Power Plant began in the presence of the Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami, and a number of senior nuclear officials in Khuzestan province.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Iran gets 4 medals in 2022 Asian Rowing Championships. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Iranian athletes have received four medals at the 2022 Asian Rowing Championships underway in Thailand.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Iran spared no effort in offering services to Afghan refugees. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Iran's ambassador and permanent representative to the Geneva-based UN says that Iran has during the years of the past four decades spared no effort in offering services to the Afghan refugees despite the sanctions.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Iran calls for ties expansion with Russia to combat terrorism. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Head of the Iranian Supreme Court called for bolstering ties with Russia to fight against terrorism and organized crimes.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Iran asked Iraqi Kurdistan to extradite terrorists. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — A commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says Iran has already asked Iraqi Kurdistan Region to dismantle terrorist groups and hand over terrorists to the Islamic Republic.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). 2 cheetah cubs born in Touran Wildlife Refuge. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Although cheetahs often give birth in early spring, two cheetah cubs were born in Touran Wildlife Refuge in autumn.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Mass rally in Argentina in support of Palestine. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Dozens of people gathered in front of the Zionist regime's embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina in support of the Palestinian people.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). VIDEO: US Air Force unveils newest stealth bomber aircraft. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — The US Air Force on Friday unveiled its newest stealth bomber aircraft, the B-21 Raider, in Palmdale, California.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Iran Army exercise maximum security at all borders. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Iranian Army Ground Forces Commander says stable security has been established at all country's borders as a result of the strategic and tactical advancements made by the ground forces of Iran's army.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). China's consulate office to be set up in S Iran: official. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — China's consulate general will be set up in Iran's Bandar Abbas soon, a deputy governor-general of Hormozgan province said.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). VIDEO: Australia police shoot protestors with shotgun. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Following the protests in Australia, the police are trying to disperse the protesters in Melbourne by firing direct shots from shotguns.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Resistance forces shoot at Zionist troops in Jenin (+VIDEO). TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Palestinian news sources reported that the Resistance forces have carried out several shooting operations against the Israeli regime forces across Jenin in West Bank.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Magnitude 6.4 quake hits Indonesia's West Java. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — A magnitude 6.4 quake hit Indonesia's West Java area on Saturday at a depth of 118 km (73 miles), the country's geophysics agency BMKG said.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Iraqi parliament gives votes of confidence to 2 ministers. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Local Iraqi media said Saturday Iraq parliament gave votes of confidence to the candidates of the Ministries of Environment, Construction, Housing, and Municipalities and Public Works, by an absolute majority.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Venezuela, Chevron sign oil production contracts. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Venezuela's state oil company PDVSA signed contracts with the American oil company Chevron on Friday, media have reported.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Turkey to build security strip along its southern border. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Saturday said Turkey will complete the 30-kilometer-deep (18.6-mile) security strip along its southern border.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). US, European countries have never been trustworthy. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — The deputy Iranian parliament speaker has said the US and European countries have never been trustworthy, adding US's withdrawal from the JCPOA is a clear example of Washington's disrespect for international agreements.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Iran sanctions 8 Canadian individuals, entity. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — The Iranian Foreign Ministry has imposed retaliatory sanctions on a Canadian entity and several individuals over their support for terrorism and acts of violence against the country.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Blast in Afghanistan's Jalalabad leaves 6 injured. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Local media in Afghanistan reported Saturday that 6 people were injured in an explosion in Jalalabad city in Nangarhar province.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-03). Front pages of Iran's English dailies on Dec. 03. TEHRAN, Dec. 03 (MNA) — Here are the front pages of Iran's English language dailies on Saturday, Dec 03.

Eye Zen (2022-12-03). Friday 12/16: Revolution is Not a One Time Event. Studio A.C.T @ 30 Grant Avenue san Francisco California 94108…

F. William Engdahl (2022-12-03). Climate and the Money Trail. The very mega-billionaires behind the globalization of the world economy who have wreaked so much damage to our environment are the leading backers of the "grassroots" climate movement. Is it pangs of guilty conscience, or could it be a deeper agenda of the financialization of the very air we breathe and more?

Fuck TERFs (2022-12-03). Monday 12/5: Warning: Transphobes Kara Dansky and Lierre Kieth plan to stage protest in Oakland. René C. Davidson Courthouse | 1225 Fallon Street | Oakland, CA 94612…

Fumi Okamoto, Yoshitaka Nishikawa, Yousuf Twalla, Takeo Nakayama, Siraji Masai (2022-12-03). [Correspondence] Ebola outbreak in Uganda: patient values and preferences. The Ebola virus outbreak in Mubende district, Uganda, in September, 2022, was caused by Sudan virus. It was expected that with an effective government response this outbreak would be quickly under control.1 Nevertheless, seven suspected patients reportedly left their hospital quarantines on Sept 26, ahead of their scheduled release.2 One of these individuals ran to seek a traditional healer. Additionally, his family wanted a traditional ritual to be carried out before a potential burial.3 It has been argued that understanding and respecting local cultural practices and placing trust in communities is essential fo…

Geoff Watts (2022-12-03). [Obituary] Lewis Henry Kuller. Revered cardiovascular epidemiologist. He was born in New York, NY, USA, on Jan 9, 1934 and died of pneumonia in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, on Oct 25, 2022 aged 88 years.

Hans Stehling (2022-12-03). Palestine-Israel: The History and the Evidence. (2022-12-03). Imperial graduates win £1m Earthshot Prize for seaweed packaging invention.

International Human Rights Day Coalition (2022-12-03). Friday 12/9: Unite and Fight for our Rights, Lives, and planet. Gather at the New Federal Building 7th and Mission | March to Powell and Market and Union Square…

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-12-03). Dr. Lamont Hill: My Bookstore Was Burglarized In Philly And I Wouldn't Press Charges, I Met With The 2 Brothers. Dr. Marc Lamont Hill recently shared he doesn't just preach decriminalization, he practices it. "My store WAS burglarized during the pandemic. The police caught the 2 brothers who did it. They asked me to press charges. I said no. They charged them anyway. They asked me to come to court. I refused. Instead I found …

J Goldberg, A Leisewitz, G Wiegel & M Zander (2022-12-03). Lockdown light – Corona crisis and capitalism. The pandemic and countermeasures have effects shaped by the neoliberal form of capitalism[6] that has dominated since the 1980s. Three aspects are worth mentioning: 1.the independence of the financial sphere,2.the fragmentation of the labor markets, and | 3.the weakening of social systems. In the financialized economy, measures to cushion the crisis strengthen the haves.

James A. Lucas (2022-12-03). The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 "Victim Nations" Since World War II.

Joe Parkin Daniels (2022-12-03). [World Report] Cholera surges in Haiti. Efforts to stem the outbreak are being hampered by fuel shortages and violence. Joe Parkin Daniels reports.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-12-03). Rosa Louise McCauley Parks – Patron Saint – Women's Political Council of Montgomery, AL. If the Women's Political Council of Montgomery, Alabama is known, then the efficacy of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement is placed in proper context, #Womanity.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-12-03). Golden Harvest Ceremony – Growing food in Historic Negro Bar, Lake Natoma, California. 1848 Negro Hill, Mormon Island and Negro Bar Gold Mining District on Ancient Indigenous Lands in California. "It's important to keep the focus squarely on the culprit that brought us to this point today. And that's the US government. Its subtle and overt expansion of White supremacy is to blame here. These are two incredibly aggrieved, hyper-marginalized groups,"

Labor Video Project (2022-12-03). Biden & Republicrats Union Busting Bill Against Railway Workers & Their Fight For Sick Pay. The Biden administration with the support of most of the Democrats and Republicans in Congress pushed a bill that imposes a reactionary contract that severely limits sick pay and benefits BNSF railroad owner Warren Buffet and the other railroad corporations.

LaborFest (2022-12-03). Saturday 12/10: Get Your Ticket To Mars. Twitter Headquarters San Francico | 1355 Market St. | San Francisco…

Lee Siu Hin, National Immigrant Solidarity N (2022-12-03). Winter 2022 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Immigrant Justice News Alert! Racist Hate and Migrantphobia Continues Under Biden…

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-12-03). Meet the Bay Area Photographers Safety Group. Bay Area Photographers Organize for Safety in face of increasing armed robberies…

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-12-03). Rain or Shine, Grannies Rage for Abortion Rights. Action at Federal Building part of Nationwide Protest…

Melinda Hughes (2022-12-03). Monday 12/5: No Men In Women's Prisons. Steps of R. C. Davidson Courthouse, Oakland…

Michael Welch (2022-12-03). Haitian Democracy. Under the Thumb of UN, US and Canadian (White) Saviors!

Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center (2022-12-03). Saturday 12/17: 14th Annual Peace and Justice Awards Dinner.

____ (2022-12-03). On A Lighter Note For Friday. If Billie Jean was Irish. Delightful))Enjoy… I did))

Norman Solomon (2022-12-03). Hype About Democrats Passing the Torch: Don't Get Fooled Again. The past masquerading as the future…

Paul Anthony Taylor (2022-12-03). Putting Marketing Before Science: Mainstream Media's Hyping of New Drug for Alzheimer's.

People for the American Way (2022-12-03). Sunday 12/4: "Voting Rights: The Struggle To Be Counted" – History Film on Black Voter Suppression. Online event…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2022-12-03). "Economic Warfare" Directed against China? The Shanghai "Covid Zero Tolerance Mandate" Extends its Grip to Major Industrial Cities. "Covid Tolerance Zero" has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai's financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people, requiring the imposition of PCR tests, using the QR code as a means of social control.

Ricardo Gomez (2022-12-03). YOU LOVE TO SEE IT: A Labor Revolution Arrives In The South. Read the full story: | Sign up now to read the full story and get access to all paid posts. | Already have an account? |

Richard Horton (2022-12-03). [Comment] Offline: FRENCH-ARRIVE—elles accusent. The accusation is direct and unflinching. The FRENCH-ARRIVE trial "obeys a pseudo-scientific rational logic" that is "a denial of what childbirth and motherhood mean to women". Claudine Schalck and Raymonde Gagnon are both registered midwives. Their book, When Inducing Labor Compromises a Woman's Motherhood (L'Harmattan, 2022), is one of the most remarkable denunciations of an ongoing research study ever published. It is also a sustained critique of the contemporary approach to obstetric care in many western nations today.

Roger D. Harris (2022-12-03). The Volatility of US Hegemony in Latin America (Part III). A surging Pink Tide has brought left electoral victories in Latin America and the Caribbean protesting the neoliberal model imposed by the US and its collaborators. Neoliberalism has failed to meet the needs of the peoples of the region and is losing its legitimacy as a prototype for development. However, the countries of the region …

Ron Ridenour (2022-12-03). Is History Repeating Itself? And Who Will Be Today's Ted Hall? An Interview with the Director of "A Compassionate Spy" [In this piece, Ron Ridenour interviews Steve James, the director of A Compassionate Spy, and Joan Hall, Ted Hall's wife. See Ron's review of the documentary here.—Editors] QJoan, how do you think the world would look today had Ted Hall not given vital information to the Soviets, in order to avoid a monopoly of nuclear …

Rose Ramirez (2022-12-03). Reproductive Rights Repertory on the Streets of San Francisco. Photos by Rachel Podlishevsky, | Please credit the photographer…

San Francisco is Pro-Choice (2022-12-03). Cleverly Executed Demo for Abortion Rights in Top San Francisco Mall. Award winning Westfield Mall was already decorated in lights and Christmas colors when demonstrators arrived to "green it up" for abortion rights on busiest shopping day of the year.

SF on National Day of Action (2022-12-03). Street Theater for Abortion Rights on Anniversary of Dobbs v. Jackson. Street theater and songs for abortion rights | 1 min mp4 video by Lis Cox.

Sharmila Devi (2022-12-03). [World Report] Concern after Mali bans French NGOs. The decision is thought to be in response to France's announcement that it is freezing all development aid to Mali. Sharmila Devi reports.

The Lancet (2022-12-03). [Editorial] Lecanemab for Alzheimer's disease: tempering hype and hope. The Alzheimer's disease community has become accustomed to false hope, disappointment, and controversy. With an estimated 55 million people worldwide affected by dementia, the need for an effective treatment is undeniable. But efforts to develop a drug that can modify the course of Alzheimer's disease, by using antibodies to clear amyloid-beta (AŒ≤) from the brain, have endured numerous setbacks over the past 20 years. Almost a decade ago, the first anti-AŒ≤ antibodies tested in phase 3 trials, bapineuzumab and solanezumab, did not improve clinical outcomes in mild to moderate Alzheimer's diseas…

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2022-12-03). The Cult of Globalism: The Great Reset and Its "Final Solution" for "Useless People"

Udani Samarasekera (2022-12-03). [World Report] A missed opportunity? Anopheles stephensi in Africa. A malaria vector new to Africa threatens to undo decades of progress. Udani Samarasekera reports.

WSWS (2022-12-03). Timothy Snyder's Bloodlands: Right-wing propaganda disguised as historical scholarship—Part Two. The role that Snyder is playing in justifying the imperialist proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and the alliance of US imperialism with the Ukrainian far right make it imperative to investigate his book more closely.

WSWS (2022-12-03). South Korean trade unions isolate striking truckers amid government threats. Cargo Truckers Solidarity is allowing drivers to burn themselves out while refusing to expand the struggle to other sections of the working class.

WSWS (2022-12-03). Sri Lankan president hints at dangers of conflict in Indian Ocean. Sri Lanka is coming under intensifying pressure to line up with the US-led confrontation with China in the Indo-Pacific.

WSWS (2022-12-03). Stronger than expected US jobs report sparks calls for further interest rate hikes. The financial markets reacted negatively to the jobs report for November, seeing the higher than expected employment numbers as a setback to plans to create a recession to crush the mounting strikes and wages struggles of the working class.

WSWS (2022-12-03). Will Lehman, socialist candidate for UAW president, wins 4,777 votes amid anemic turnout. Despite a massive effort at voter suppression by the United Auto Workers bureaucracy in the union's presidential election, Lehman won 4.6 percent of the vote, having run on an explicitly socialist and internationalist program.

WSWS (2022-12-03). Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals slams Trump, vacates special master for Mar-a-Lago state secrets documents. A three-judge panel of the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals has ordered the dismissal of Trump's lawsuit challenging the FBI search of his Mar-a-Lago resort, ending the special master's review of the documents seized.

WSWS (2022-12-03). Western Australian industrial court threatens to deregister nurses' union after strike. The Industrial Relations Commission threat is in line with a broader assault, spearheaded by Labor and the unions, on the basic rights of workers to oppose attacks on their jobs, wages and conditions.

WSWS (2022-12-03). Jacobin promotes student debt bankruptcy. Students are evidently expected to be grateful for the chance, compliments of the Democratic Party, to go into bankruptcy to avoid penury and homelessness.

WSWS (2022-12-03). University of California academic workers counter efforts by UAW bureaucracy to sell out strike. Against the overwhelming and vocal opposition by the rank and file, UAW bargainers are dropping strikers' most fundamental demands.

Xiaolu Sun (2022-12-03). Flu hospitalizations rise in the U.S. The strain is being felt across the U.S. with 44 states reporting high flu activity over the last week, according to the CDC. Find out more.

Zachary L Cox, JoAnn Lindenfeld (2022-12-03). [Comment] STRONG start for implementation of guideline-directed medical therapies. Several publications have proposed potential strategies for novel, rapid optimisation of guideline-directed medical therapy to address the sizeable gap between evidence and implementation in patients with heart failure.1—4 The benefit of an optimised guideline-directed medical therapy regimen consisting of an angiotensin receptor-neprilysin (ARN) inhibitor, Œ≤ blocker, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, and SGLT2 inhibitor is substantial, adding an estimated 6 ∑3 years of additional survival for individuals aged 55 years with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction compared with subopti…

Zero Hedge (2022-12-03). San Francisco Police Department Proposes Letting Robots Kill Suspects.

Staff (2022-12-03). Quinto lugar para Cuba en la XVII Copa Mundial de Softbol. Cuba alcanzó el quinto lugar en la XVII Copa Mundial de Softbol de Auckland 2022, en Nueva Zelanda. El elenco antillano no pudo llegar a la discusión de las medallas de bronce, luego de caer ante Canadá el viernes con marcador de 2×0. Con esta derrota, los nuestros terminaron en un meritorio quinto lugar, con el cual mejoran el décimo puesto en República Checa 2019.

Staff (2022-12-03). Hoy Messi llega a 1 000 partidos como jugador profesional. Lionel Messi alcanza hoy la mágica cifra de °1000! partidos como profesional. El argentino disputa ante Australia su encuentro 169 con la selección, a los que hay que añadir 778 con el Barcelona y 53 con el PSG. Unos números muy buenos que tienen todavía más mérito si se computan las estadísticas que ha dejado en ellos.

Staff (2022-12-03). Países Bajos derrota 3-1 a Estados Unidos y es el primero en cuartos de final en Catar 2022. La selección de Países Bajos consiguió el primer billete para los cuartos de final del Mundial de Catar después de imponerse este sábado a Estados Unidos (3-1), en un partido en el que el combinado neerlandés exhibió pegada con los goles de Memphis Depay, Delay Blind y Denzel Dumfries, ante un combativo conjunto norteamericano que puso fin a su sueño en la competencia.

Staff (2022-12-03). Eyeife 2022 del 7 al 11 de diciembre: Música electrónica con sello cubano. El Festival Eyeife apuesta por las disimiles variantes de música electrónica que se cultivan en Cuba, a partir del intercambio cultural entre las más diversas expresiones y géneros musicales de la mayor de las Antillas.Del 7 al 11 de diciembre regresa a los escenarios de Fábrica de Arte Cubano este evento que impulsó Suylén Milanés.

Manlio Dinucci (2022-12-03). Un Afghanistan nel Cuore dell'Europa. "Gli Alleati stanno fornendo un sostegno senza precedenti all'Ucraina e continueranno a farlo", annuncia il segretario generale della NATO Stoltenberg. Con centinaia di obici forniti dalla NATO, le forze di Kiev sparano in un solo giorno migliaia di proiettili, più …

Staff (2022-12-03). EN VIVO: Países Bajos 2 – 0 Estados Unidos en la Copa del Mundo. La selección de Países Bajos llega a este encuentro tras haber sido líder del Grupo A con siete puntos y apenas un gol en contra.

TeleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-12-03). Quinta ola de covid-19 inicia en Paraguay con 621 nuevos casos. El director de vigilancia epidemiológica afirmó que el número de personas hospitalizadas se duplicó, pues fueron internados 44 pacientes, entre ellos cuatro embarazadas.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-03). PNUD apoyará recuperación de áreas afectadas por conflicto en Etiopía. El funcionario del PNUD se reunió con el canciller etíope Demeke Mekonnen Hassen y la titular de Planificación y Desarrollo, Fitsum Assefa Adela.

TeleSUR, jap, MER (2022-12-03). Suiza clasifica a octavos con triunfo ante Serbia en Qatar 2022. Con el marcador 3 a 2, los serbios intentaron conseguir dos goles para remontar, pero el resultado no varió.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-12-03). FMI aprueba a nivel técnico revisión del acuerdo con Argentina. El entendimiento está sujeto a la revisión del directorio del FMI y si procede Argentina accedería a un desembolso de 6.000 millones de dólares.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-12-03). Denuncian el asesinato de un líder social colombiano en Nariño. El Indepaz apuntó que con este caso suman ya 179 líderes asesinados en lo que va de 2022 y 1.399 desde la firma del acuerdo de paz.

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-12-03). Sexualidad y discapacidad: importancia de un mundo inclusivo. "Las desigualdades sanitarias sistémicas y persistentes, muchas personas con discapacidad corren el riesgo de morir mucho antes", precisó la OMS.

TeleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-03). China rechaza contrabando de petróleo sirio por parte de EE.UU. De igual manera, subrayó Zhao Lijian que también "el ataque con misiles de Estados Unidos contra Siria también es ilegal".

TeleSUR, mcs, JDO (2022-12-03). Lula se reúne con líderes sindicales y escucha demandas de trabajadores. Presidente electo de Brasil continúa escuchando a sectores del país como parte del proceso de transición hacia su Gobierno.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-12-03). Presidente venezolano sostiene reunión con sector de oposición. Este encuentro se enmarca en el contexto del diálogo de paz con los sectores de oposición del país.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-12-03). Venezuela logra récord Guinness con rueda de salsa casino más grande. Los bailarines superaron el récord que tenía España desde 2019, cuando fue establecido con 1.291 participantes.

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-12-03). Zurda Infinita analiza desempeño de Uruguay con Carlos Aguilera. Aguilera destacó la importancia de ganar el primer partido en la primera fase para evitar sufrir hasta la última fecha.

TeleSUR-mcs, DRL (2022-12-03). Registran sismo de magnitud 5,4 en Nueva Zelanda. De acuerdo con las autoridades locales, hasta el momento no se reportan fallecidos como consecuencia del evento telúrico.

Staff (2022-12-03). Centrales domina a Agricultores en el estadio 5 de septiembre. Ataque de siete jits impulsó a los Centrales en su éxito de 4×0 contra los Agricultores, que no encontraron descanso en el estadio 5 de Septiembre. En el equipo de Armando Jesús Ferrer Ruiz, la actuación del pitcher Fredy Asiel àÅlvarez Sáez fue meritoria. No recibió carreras limpias, solo cinco hits en siete capítulos. Tampoco regaló boletos y ponchó a cuatro oponentes.

Staff (2022-12-03). Argentina irá contra Países Bajos en cuartos de final tras derrotar a Australia. Argentina vence a Australia (2×1) en los octavos de final del Mundial de Catar, en un partido marcado por el dominio del balón del conjunto albiceleste. El rival del equipo de Messi en la próxima ronda de la competición será Países Bajos, que hace unas horas venció al conjunto de Estados Unidos.

Staff (2022-12-03). Somos naciones pequeñas frente a retos colosales (+ Video). Los orígenes históricos y étnicos de nuestros pueblos son similares; no todos hablan un mismo idioma, pero en las demás cosas somos muy parecidos. Es una historia de familia y de solidaridad. "Somos naciones pequeñas frente a retos colosales", dijo el presidente cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, a los países participantes en la pasada Cumbre Caricom-Cuba.

Staff (2022-12-03). El Ministerio de Comunicaciones responderá interrogantes de la población mediante foro debate. La Comisión de Atención a los Servicios de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular convoca este 5 de diciembre, entre las 9: 00 a.m. y 12: 00 p.m., al Foro interactivo sobre la rendición de cuentas del Ministerio de Comunicaciones, a través del sitio web del Parlamento cubano. Este es el segundo foro debate convocado por el Parlamento en su nueva web institucional.

Staff (2022-12-03). Elon Musk revela cómo Twitter censuró escándalo sobre el hijo de Joe Biden. Elon Musk, dueño de Twitter, desató una nueva controversia al revelar el papel de esta red social para "suprimir" una nota sobre Hunter Biden, hijo del presidente estadunidense Joe Biden, semanas antes de las elecciones presidenciales de 2020. Las publicaciones, retuiteadas de la cuenta del periodista Matthew Taibbi, se han dado a conocer como "Twitter Files".

Staff (2022-12-03). Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras: Sede del acto central por el Día de la Medicina Latinoamericana. Con la presencia de Manuel Marrero Cruz comenzó el acto central por el Día de la Medicina Latinoamericana en el Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Hermanos Ameijeiras. La institución fue elegida como sede por ser centro de referencia para la asistencia médica de alta especialización y arribar, justo hoy, a su aniversario 40 de fundada por el Comandante en Jefe.

Reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-12-03). Rita Segato: Raza, decolonización, patriarcado, feminismo… Rita Segato: "Elegimos una teoría por la dirección de la historia en la que queremos ir"

Staff (2022-12-03). Agricultores se escapa… øy los jonrones también? Otra barrida de Agricultores en la Liga Elite del Béisbol Cubano (LEBC) -su quinta en lo que va de campeonato- pudiera haberse ganado el motivo de estas líneas, si no fuera porque a la par que el equipo de Carlos Martí se escapa en solitario hacia la postemporada, el llamado "gol" de la pelota, los jonrones, han escapado también, pero a un lugar desconocido.

Staff (2022-12-03). Somos naciones pequeñas frente a retos colosales. Los orígenes históricos y étnicos de nuestros pueblos son similares; no todos hablan un mismo idioma, pero en las demás cosas somos muy parecidos. Es una historia de familia y de solidaridad. "Somos naciones pequeñas frente a retos colosales", dijo el presidente de la República de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, a los países participantes en la VII Cumbre Caricom-Cuba.

Staff (2022-12-03). La trova cubana es declarada Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación. La Comisión para la Salvación del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, Perteneciente al Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural validó la solicitud de declaratoria de la Trova Cubana, en aras de contribuir a su sostenibilidad, visibilidad y viabilidad. La declaración sucedió en la ciudad de Manzanillo, a 50 años de la fundación del Movimiento de la Nueva Trova.

Staff (2022-12-03). Comienza Díaz-Canel gira por países del Caribe. El presidente cubano Miguel Díaz-Canel arribó hoy a San Vicente y las Granadinas, como parte de una gira por el Caribe que también lo llevará a Granada y Barbados e incluirá su participación -junto a varios ministros- en la VIII Cumbre Caricom-Cuba la próxima semana. Es la primera vez que un Jefe de Estado cubano visita este país caribeño.

Staff (2022-12-03). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este sábado 3 de diciembre. Con el objetivo de mantener informados a sus lectores, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este sábado 3 de diciembre en el mercado cambiario del país.

TeleSUR, as, MER (2022-12-03). Países Bajos se medirá a Estados Unidos en octavos de Qatar 2022. El ganador de este duelo enfrentará al triunfador del encuentro entre Argentina y Australia.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-12-03). Senado aprueba ley para evitar el paro ferroviario en EE. UU. Se estimó que una huelga en el sector ferroviario tendría un impacto financiero de 2.000 millones de dólares por día.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-12-03). Italianos realizan huelga contra Gobierno de Georgia Meloni. La protesta de los sindicatos es contra la estrategia económica del Gobierno, por la paz y otras demandas económicas.

TeleSUR, ev, MER (2022-12-03). Argentina se enfrentará a Australia en octavos de Qatar 2022. Este será el primer partido que disputen las oncenas de Argentina y Australia desde el amistoso realizado en 2007.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-03). OMS estima que casos semanales de mpox han disminuido un 90 %. El director general develó que la mayor parte de los casos de mpox se han identificado en Latinoamérica.

TeleSUR, JAP, DRL (2022-12-03). Uruguay ganó pero no alcanzó clasificación a octavos de Qatar 2022. El conjunto africano llegaba al encuentro tras una derrota ante Portugal 3-2 en su debut, así como una victoria 3-2 frente a Corea del Sur.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-12-03). Bomberos controlan incendio en zona forestal de Río de Janeiro. Tres equipos trabajaron para combatir las llamas, que se encuentra en una región de difícil acceso, incluidas las agrupaciones de los cuarteles de Copacabana, Gávea y Alto da Boa Vista.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-12-03). Presidente de Cuba inicia gira por varios países del Caribe. La VIII Cumbre Cuba-CARICOM se celebrará el próximo 6 de diciembre en Barbados.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-12-03). Gobierno de Colombia y ELN invitan al campesinado a sumarse a diálogos de paz. Delegados de las partes en el proceso de diálogo que tiene lugar en Caracas enviaron un mensaje a participantes en la Convención Nacional Campesina.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-12-03). Expresidente salvadoreño denuncia campaña de persecución política. "Si de algo puedo enorgullecerme es de carecer de riquezas materiales", afirmó el exmandatario del país centroamericano.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-12-03). Castillo afirma que nada impedirá que siga al mando de Perú. El poder Legislativo peruano tiene programado discutir y someter a votación el miércoles próximo una tercera moción de vacancia (destitución).

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-12-03). Conoce algunas palabras que el idioma euskera heredó al español. Los últimos datos señalan que aproximadamente tan solo 900.000 personas son capaces de hablar en euskera.

TeleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-03). Cuba y Belarús fortalecen relaciones bilaterales. Ambas partes ratificaron su confianza mutua en la necesidad de construir relaciones beneficiosas para las dos naciones.

TeleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-03). OMS: 90 % de la población tiene cierta inmunidad a la Covid-19. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus alertó que la semana pasada se registraron más de 8. 0 decesos.

TeleSUR, mcs, JDO (2022-12-03). Reportan aumento de fallecidos por Covid-19 en El Salvador. De las 36 víctimas confirmadas, la mitad falleció en la última semana de noviembre y la tercera parte correspondió a adultos mayores de 80 años.

TeleSUR, YSM (2022-12-03). Lula prevé anunciar a su gabinete a partir del 12 de diciembre. Lula anunciará los nombres cuando el Tribunal Superior Electoral le otorgue el diploma que lo reconozca como presidente electo.

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-12-03). Estudio muestra casi un 30% de pobreza entre brasileños en 2021. La cantidad de personas en pobreza extrema subió un 48,2 por ciento, para un total de 17,9 millones de brasileños.

TeleSUR- jaa (2022-12-03). Ejército israelí asesina a otro joven palestino en Cisjordania. El joven fue identificado como Ammar Mefleh, quien murió tras recibir un disparo a quemarropa por parte de un soldado israelí.

TeleSUR-mcs, DRL (2022-12-03). FAO registra precio estable de los alimentos en noviembre. Las lecturas más bajas para los cereales, la carne y los productos lácteos en noviembre compensaron la subida de los precios de los aceites vegetales y el azúcar.

William Elson, Maria Zambon, Simon de Lusignan (2022-12-03). [Correspondence] Integrated respiratory surveillance after the COVID-19 pandemic. We welcome Thedi Ziegler and colleagues' Comment on the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System and believe its proposals could strengthen global sentinel surveillance.1…

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-03). Autoridades peruanas aseguran que gripe aviar está controlada. El titular del Midagri afirmó que "hay que seguir consumiendo la carne y los huevos, no hay que preocuparse".

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-03). Promulgan en Bolivia ley para aplicar resultados del censo. Presidente Luis Arce denunció a la oposición por aplicar "una lógica dictatorial" contra quienes no apoyaron el paro.

Labor Video Project (2022-12-03). Is AFL-CIO Pres Schuler Betraying US Labor Movement In Rail Fight? LA Union Leader Speaks. AFL-CIO president Liz Schuler has said that " "I commend and thank | rail workers and their unions for tenaciously taking on some of the biggest corporations in America over the last three years to reach a contract." The bill that was passed imposed an agreement that left out sick pay. Los Angeles Roofer's Local 36 Business Manager Cliff Smith discusses why this is a betrayal during this interview.

Lee Camp (2022-12-02). The Secret Reason the US Is Still in Syria. It's tough to overstate how bad things are in Syria. According to the UN, "90 percent of all Syrians today are forced to live below the poverty line with around 12 million grappling with severe food insecurity."

Fight Back (2022-12-02). UW-Milwaukee SDS rallies against transphobia and police violence for Trans Day of Remembrance. Milwaukee, WI – On November 21, a dozen members from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at UW-Milwaukee and Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) gathered in Spaights Plaza at UWM to condemn transphobic violence and to advocate for a hiring freeze on UWM's police department. A moment of silence was also observed to honor the victims of the Club Q shooting in Colorado that occurred two days before the event. | Speeches condemned the increase in anti-LGBTQ+ bigotry that has occurred in recent years, the erasure and criminalization of trans people, and advocated for UWM Police Department funding to be redi…

Fight Back (2022-12-02). Wisconsin: Banner drops in Milwaukee and Appleton in solidarity with Palestine. Milwaukee, WI – On November 29, activists in both Milwaukee and Appleton dropped banners over busy highways with a message that read "Long live the popular Palestinian resistance, from Milwaukee to Palestine." The banner drops coincided with the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People and were intended to raise awareness about the ongoing resistance to U.S.-backed Israeli occupation. | "We're came out today to show solidarity to the people of Palestine and support their struggle for freedom," said Farzad Ghodsi, a member of the newly formed Milwaukee Anti-war Committee. "And with the recent i…

Fight Back (2022-12-02). Chicago: Community Commission halts launch of police gang database. Chicago, IL – Monday, November 21 marked an important day in the fight for community control of Chicago's police on two fronts. | First, Monday was the last day for candidates running for District Council to file to be on February's upcoming ballot for election. The newly created positions, established by the ordinance for Empowering Communities for Public Safety (ECPS), are a central part of the mechanism to move towards community control over the police in Chicago. Once elected, the District Councilors will represent their communities on policing issues and implement public safety initiatives. | As petitioning…

_____ (2022-12-02). Who prevents Palestine from becoming a full member of the UN? Granting Palestine full member state status at the UN would, according to many politicians, be a practical step that could preserve the two-state solution and help reinvigorate the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians. And this view is constantly making its way on the world stage and within the UN walls. Several consultations have been …

_____ (2022-12-02). China's Leadership Shines Bright In Asia's Moment. Asia possesses many of the world's largest and fastest-growing economies. In this era of growing discord and crisis in the West, the majority of nations around the world are looking to Asia to set a different example. The region took center stage in the week of November 11 to 18 as the emerging economies of Cambodia, Indonesia, and Thailand hosted the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit, the G20, and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting respectively. These important exchanges provided numerous opportunities for major countries to assert their leadership on the w…

_____ (2022-12-02). ÔªøDemocrats, Then Republicans Smite Rail Labor. While Railroad Workers United (RWU) finds it despicable — but not surprising — that both political parties opted to side with Big Business over working people yesterday and vote against the interests of railroad workers – not once, but twice, within hours. We suffered a one-two punch at the hands of, first the Democratic Party; the second served up by the Republicans. | First, responding to the wishes of President Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the House voted to legislate a contract that the majority of U.S. freight rail workers had previously voted to reject. The Senate would quickly follow s…

_____ (2022-12-02). Innu Communities In Quebec Say Logging Threatens Their Cultural Identity. The Montreal Gazette reports: "Two Innu communities on Quebec's North Shore say they are 'exasperated' by the province's 'inaction' when it comes to protecting the woodland caribou, a species threatened by logging." | "They say the Quebec government is not taking seriously 'the irreversible damage the loss of biodiversity' has on the Innu." | The article adds: "Councils representing the Pessamit and Essipit communities on Tuesday accused the province of dragging its feet on a proposal to create a 2,700-square-kilometre biodiversity reserve, about 150 kilometres north of Saguenay." | Marielle Vachon, head of the I…

_____ (2022-12-02). Innu Communities Say Logging Threatens Their Cultural Identity. The Montreal Gazette reports: "Two Innu communities on Quebec's North Shore say they are 'exasperated' by the province's 'inaction' when it comes to protecting the woodland caribou, a species threatened by logging." | "They say the Quebec government is not taking seriously 'the irreversible damage the loss of biodiversity' has on the Innu." | The article adds: "Councils representing the Pessamit and Essipit communities on Tuesday accused the province of dragging its feet on a proposal to create a 2,700-square-kilometre biodiversity reserve, about 150 kilometres north of Saguenay." | Marielle Vachon, head of the I…

_____ (2022-12-02). Joe Brewer's Bold Quest To Help Restore A Bioregion. Disaffected with his way of life in the US and concerned about the multiple ecological crises bearing down on humankind, Joe Brewer set off on a journey to learn what he might be able to do. He had considerable background in the earth sciences, studied cognitive linguistics and philosophy, and had worked with the activist group, The Rules. But restoring an entire ecosystem would be a novel challenge. | In 2019, Brewer ended up in Barichara, Colombia, with his wife and infant daughter, where he soon found himself helping to catalyze a "living laboratory of regeneration" of a degraded landscape, an arid tropical fo…

_____ (2022-12-02). Maligned in Western Media, Donbass Forces are Defending their Future from Ukrainian Shelling and Fascism. Smeared, stigmatized, and lied about in Western media propaganda, the mostly Russian-speaking people of the Donbass region were being slaughtered by the thousands in a brutal war of "ethnic cleansing" launched against them by the neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv, which the U.S. installed after the CIA overthrew Ukraine's legally elected president in a 2014 coup. | Although the Donbass people had been pleading for Russian military aid to defend them against the increasingly murderous military assaults by the Ukraine government forces, which killed more than 14,000 of their people, Russian President Vladimir Putin declined…

_____ (2022-12-02). Maligned In Western Media, Donbass Forces Are Defending Their Future. Smeared, stigmatized, and lied about in Western media propaganda, the mostly Russian-speaking people of the Donbass region were being slaughtered by the thousands in a brutal war of "ethnic cleansing" launched against them by the neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv, which the U.S. installed after the CIA overthrew Ukraine's legally elected president in a 2014 coup. | Although the Donbass people had been pleading for Russian military aid to defend them against the increasingly murderous military assaults by the Ukraine government forces, which killed more than 14,000 of their people, Russian President Vladimir Putin declined…

_____ (2022-12-02). The U.S. military is poisoning Okinawa. An Okinawan group of activists and physicians known as the Liaison to Protect the Lives of Citizens Against PFAS Contamination has taken the extraordinary step of collecting and analyzing blood samples from 387 residents of the tiny island who live near several U.S. military installations. The results confirm the worst fears of Okinawans regarding the military's reckless use of PFAS over the last 50 years. | Average blood levels for three PFAS compounds: PFOS, PFOA, and PFHxS, were about 25 nanograms per milliliter, (ng/mL), or parts per billion, for those tested from the cities of Ginowan, Kin Town, and Chatan.

_____ (2022-12-02). The US Military Is Poisoning Okinawa. An Okinawan group of activists and physicians known as the Liaison to Protect the Lives of Citizens Against PFAS Contamination has taken the extraordinary step of collecting and analyzing blood samples from 387 residents of the tiny island who live near several U.S. military installations. The results confirm the worst fears of Okinawans regarding the military's reckless use of PFAS over the last 50 years. | Average blood levels for three PFAS compounds: PFOS, PFOA, and PFHxS, were about 25 nanograms per milliliter, (ng/mL), or parts per billion, for those tested from the cities of Ginowan, Kin Town, and Chatan.

_____ (2022-12-02). The Volatility Of US Hegemony In Latin America, Part I. Latin America and the Caribbean have again began to take on a becoming pink complexion, all the more so with June's historic electoral victory in Colombia over the country's long-dominant US-backed rightwing and a similar reverse in Brazil in October. These electoral rejections of the rightwing followed left victories last year in Peru, Honduras, and Chile. And those, in turn, came after similar routs in Bolivia in 2020, Argentina in 2019, and Mexico in 2018. | This electoral wave, according to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, speaking at the Climate Summit in November, "open[s] a new geopolitical age to Lati…

_____ (2022-12-02). US Airline Workers Join Railroaders In Fight Against Abusive Work Conditions. Growing militancy among US airline workers over intolerable work conditions and low pay is fusing with the rebellion by railroad workers, who are heading toward an historic confrontation with the Biden administration and the US Congress with the passage of legislation imposing a contract that workers have rejected. | Airline workers are in virtually the same situation as railroaders, with flight crews facing short staffing leading to overwork and potentially catastrophic pilot fatigue. While airlines are raking in bumper profits, boosted by massive government subsidies, airline workers, whose pay has long been st…

_____ (2022-12-02). Eurozone Faces Record-High Inflation. The euro area is facing rising prices, with energy prices being the main drivers of inflation. Having decided to cut energy ties with Russia, the EU is doing its best to keep energy prices growing. | (Click on the image to enlarge)…

_____ (2022-12-02). NATO Expands but Original Anti-Russia Mission Is Static 73 Years On. The organization is the heir to the throne that was vacated after Nazi Germany's defeat. | The foreign ministers of the NATO military alliance met this week for a summit in the Romanian capital Bucharest for what was a celebration of the bloc's expansion. | The anti-Russia rhetoric and hostility were also effervescent. "Russia does not have a veto," It's astounding how such ghoulish warmongering…

_____ (2022-12-02). Srebrenica in the Ukraine. Even Even

Abayomi Azikiwe (2022-12-02). Unjust Measures Imposed on Labor and African Americans After Midterm Elections.

Ajamu Baraka (2022-12-02). The crisis of Western imperialism and the imperative of war and repression. The world as we know it must change. Humanity cannot survive under imperialist and capitalist structures.

Allen Forrest (2022-12-02). Euthanasia "life now reflects art" Canadian clothes retailer Simons is actually using suicide to market their products. No, this isn't made up. It's part of a sweeping effort to introduce medically assisted suicide as a treatment for mental illness, PTSD and even children with defects in Canada. Euthanasia "life now reflects art"

Amy Goodman (2022-12-02). New Film Exposes Israel's Cover-Up, US Response to Shireen Abu Akleh's Murder. More than six months since the Palestinian American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was killed while reporting in the occupied West Bank, "there is still no accountability in what happened," says journalist Sharif Abdel Kouddous. He is the correspondent on a new Al Jazeera documentary for the program "Fault Lines" that investigates Abu Akleh's May killing. It draws on videos and eyewitness accounts… |

Amy Goodman (2022-12-02). Oath Keepers founder guilty of seditious conspiracy for plotting to violently overthrow US gov't. The case marks the first time in nearly three decades that a federal jury has convicted defendants of seditious conspiracy.

Ana Perdigón (2022-12-02). Venezuela's Manufacturing Sector Grew 13.6% in Third Quarter of 2022 (Conindustria Report). On Wednesday, November 30, the ultra-conservative Venezuelan Confederation of Industrialists (Conindustria) The president of Conindustria, Luigi Pisella, noted that this represents an increase of 13.6 points in this sector as compared with the same period in 2021. | In 2021, the operation of the i…

Anand Naidoo (2022-12-02). The Heat: U.S.-France Ties. U.S. President Joe Biden hosts his first state dinner with French President Emmanuel Macron. The two leaders met earlier to discuss the Ukraine conflict, trade, cooperation in space, cyberspace and the ever-growing energy concerns in Europe. The touchiest topic though terms of the U.S. Inflation …

Anonymous Contributor (2022-12-02). Labor Betrayed: Why Democratic Party Failure Is By Design. Editorial from David Van Deusen, President of the Vermont AFL-CIO. See our interview with David on our podcast, here. Rail unions went into this bargaining season with not a single day of paid sick leave in their contract. Achieving paid sick leave was the top priority of union members. And today, because of an act…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-02). Newly Leaked Documents Reveal Network Of SBU Agents In Donbass. | The Ukrainian security services continue to provide Russian forces with all the necessary information about the Ukrainian secret activities against the pro-Russian population of the Donbass region. | Another batch of secret documents of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) left by the staff of the SBU in the city of Mariupol. This is already the third batch of documents shared online by Russian sources. | Read the documents in Ukrainian The newly l…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-02). Russia Now Says US & NATO "Directly Participating" In Ukraine War. Source: AP | Originally published by Earlier this week CNN reported that the Biden administration is

Anonymous587 (2022-12-02). Foreign Mercenaries: Kiev Regime's War Is Full Of Corruption, Deceit And Dirty Deals. | With the beginning of the war in Ukraine, President Zelensky launched a full-scale campaign to attract foreign military volunteers to strengthen the capabilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Citizens of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, and Israel were among the first to arrive. Later, entire squads of foreign soldiers of fortune were formed, equipped with the most advanced Western weapons. However, it soon became clear that this war is not 'a walk in the Ukrainian fields' but a fierce battle un…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-02). Amaq Shares Photos Of ISIS Terrorists Pledging Allegiance To Their New Leader. On December 1 and 2, ISIS's official news agency, Amaq, released photos of the terrorist group's cells pledging allegiance to their new leader Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurashi. | Abu al-Hussein succeeded

Anonymous669 (2022-12-02). Houthis Are Preparing To Attack Oil Facilities With Support From Iran: Yemeni Army. , source: the Houthis media wing. | The Houthis (Ansar Allah) are preparing to launch more attacks on Yemeni oil facilities, terminals and tankers, a spokesman for the Saudi-backed wing of the Yemeni Armed Forces warned on November 30. | The spokesman, Brigadier General Abdo Magali, said that the Houthis are currently preparing to attack with help from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and are sending repeated warnings and threats. | The Houthis have already launched several attacks…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-02). Identity of ISIS Slain Leader Finally Revealed. The identity of ISIS former leader Abu al-Hasan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi who was recently killed in Syria has been finally revealed. | On December 1, Al-Quds Al-Arabi's journalist Wael Essam revealed on Twitter that Abu al-Hasan real name was Nour Karim al-Mutni. According to the prominent Arab journalist, Abu al-Hasan was originally from the town of Rawa in the western Iraqi province of al-Anbar. He was a member of the Bu Obaid tribe. | After ISIS rise to power in 2014, Abu al-Hasan worked as…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-02). Israeli Border Police Officer Shot, Killed Alleged Palestinian Attacker In West Bank (18+ Videos). Screen grab, via Twitter. | On December 2, an officer of the Israeli Border Police shot and killed a Palestinian man who alleged carried out a stabbing attack in the northern West Bank town of Hawara. | The Border Police said in an initial statement that one of its teams was operating in Hawara when the suspect attacked with a knife and managed to wound an officer, adding that the suspect was later "neutralized" by other officers. | In a later statement, the police said that the suspect tried to enter a…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-02). SDF Halt Joint Operations with U.S.-led Coalition As Result Of Turkish Attacks On Northern Syria. Click to see full-size image. Source: | The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) had stopped all joint counter-terrorism operations with the United States-led coalition as a result of Turkey's repeated strikes on its territory in northern Syria, the Reuters news agency reported on December 2. | Turkey launched an operation against Kurdish forces in Syria and Iraq, codenamed Claw-Sword, on November 20, in response to the November 13 deadly bombing in Istanbul. Ankara believes t…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-02). Two Egyptian Soldiers Killed In Suicide Bombing, Clashes Near Suez Canal. . | On November 27, two soldiers were reportedly killed when ISIS cells attacked a key checkpoint of Egyptian government forces near the Suez Canal. | The attack on the checkpoint, which is commonly known as the Thulathi, started with a suicide bombing then terrorists moved on foot and exchanged fire with government troops. The terrorists apparently came from the western part of the Sinai Peninsula. | The Egyptian Armed Forces quickly dispatched reinforcement…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-02). U.S. Is Considering Supplying Ukraine With Rocket-Propelled Bombs That Can Hit Russia's Crimea. The GLSDB system. Source: Saab Group | The Pentagon is considering a proposal by Boeing to supply Ukraine with rocket-propelled precision-guided bombs that would allow Kiev forces to strike far behind Russian lines, Sources in the United States military industrial complex told the news agency that B…

Anonymous765 (2022-12-02). Ukraine Assesses Damage: Downplays Losses But Exaggerates Funds Loaned From West. |

April Lanuza (2022-12-02). Saving a historic African America cemetery from climate change. Historic sites in the United States have long fought for preservation funding and recognition. But now, many of them are facing a new challenge: climate change.

Binoy Kampmark (2022-12-02). Gallic Rebuke: France and the US Rules-based Order. Gérard Araud was not mincing his words. As France's former ambassador to Washington, he had seen enough. At a November 14 panel hosted by the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft titled "Is America Ready for a Multipolar Word?", Araud decried the "economic warfare" being waged by the United States against China, expressing the view that …

Binoy Kampmark (2022-12-02). Climate change to make Tuvalu the world's first 'digital nation'. In response to the existential threat of climate change, the Tuvaluan government has announced it will become the world's first "digital nation". Binoy Kampmark reports.

Brian Berletic (2022-12-02). New Atlas LIVE: Protests in China, US Setbacks in Taiwan.

Brittani Banks (2022-12-02). Cuba Goes on a Diplomatic Tour in an Increasingly Multipolar World. On November 27 morning, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, walked into a voting station in the Playa neighborhood to vote in Cuba's municipal elections. He had landed in Havana an hour earlier from an intense tour of Algeria, Russia, Turkey, and China. The tour, which started on November 16, was both a journey into the past …

Brittani Banks (2022-12-02). Why Does Our Skin Wrinkle in Water? The pruning up of fingertips when we bathe or swim is a phenomenon of the human body that is so common and yet little understood. Despite many decades of scientific inquiry, until recently, the reasoning remained elusive. A common belief was that the wrinkling of wet skin was caused by osmosis. But a definitive study …

Caitlin Johnstone (2022-12-02). What My Little Project Here Is All About. Listen to a reading of this article: | Every year around my birthday I've been tapping out an explanation of where I stand and what I'm trying to accomplish in this humble little slice of the digital universe here. As a In short, what…

Calla Walsh (2022-12-02). US youth observe Cuba's elections and learn about real democracy. A delegation of youth from the United States observed Cuba's November 2022 municipal elections and offer an inside look into a true people's democracy, where workers decide who will govern them, not wealthy oligarchs and corporations.

Carl Wood (2022-12-02). Railroad struggle reminds us, interfering in the right to strike is never okay. Yes, a strike of railroad workers could bring the national economy to a halt, including stopping the flow of millions of dollars a day in profits to the railroad companies. But let's keep in mind that it's big business —not workers—that has crashed the nation's economy at least three times in recent memory. There was …

Carlos Edill Berríos Polanco (2022-12-02). Puerto Rico Debt Restructuring Delayed, Again. Debt restructuring efforts for the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority's $9 billion debt have come to a new standstill after almost six years of negotiation. Multiple failed attempts to exit bankruptcy have led nowhere.

Chris Hedges (2022-12-02). Richard Wolff: The Fed's response to inflation is another upward transfer of wealth. The Federal Reserve has responded to runaway inflation by hiking up interest rates at the same time that Americans are drowning in historic levels of personal debt. With interest rates up, prices will only rise faster than wages, hitting the vast majority of people with stagnant or declining wages in real terms. The result is yet another upward transfer of wealth to the minority of capitalists responsible for the crisis in the first place. Economist Richard Wolff joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss the origins of the inflation crisis, the Fed's response, and what this all means for working people. | <...

Chris Walker (2022-12-02). FL GOP Plans to Alter State Law to Help DeSantis, Should He Run for President. Republican lawmakers in Florida appear poised to change state law in order to benefit Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) should he decide to run for president in 2024. A law passed by the state Republican legislature in 2018 requires any elected official seeking a different political office to resign from their current one after announcing their candidacy. This kind of statute, sometimes referred to as a… |

Chris Walker (2022-12-02). Kevin McCarthy Vows to Investigate January 6 Committee Once GOP Takes the House. On Wednesday, House Republican leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-California), the next presumptive Speaker of the House, issued a warning to members of the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, telling them to preserve their records and expect to be investigated once the GOP assumes power in the House of Representatives next month. |

Colin Todhunter (2022-12-02). Who Needs or Wants GMOs? Not the Public, Not India's Farmers.

Cristina Escobar (2022-12-02). We Finally Have a Latino Hit in 'Wednesday' (REVIEW). Latino viewers have become accustomed to cancelations, when something like HBO's 'Gordita Chronicles' earns strong viewership numbers, gets rave critical reviews, and still gets canceled. But Netflix's 'Wednesday,' starring Mexican American and Puerto Rican actress Jenna Ortega, seems destined for a different fate.

Dana Sanchez (2022-12-02). U.S. Government Opens Investigation Into SBF's FTX: Substantial Allegations Of Criminal Fraud Committed By Executives. A U.S. Justice Department official is calling for an independent investigation into the sudden collapse of the FTX crypto exchange, describing it as "the fastest big corporate failure in American history" akin to the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy of 2008, according to a Dec. 1 court filing. Already looking into the fall of Sam Bankman-Fried's Bahamas-based …

Dana Sanchez (2022-12-02). Economists Recommend To Calif. Reparations Task Force $223K Payments For Descendants Of Slaves For Housing Discrimination. Economists hired by the California Reparations Task Force have come up with an estimated compensation recommendation of around $569 billion or $223,200 per person, and that's just for housing discrimination — one of five areas in discussions for compensation. In addition to housing discrimination, the task force, created by legislation signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom …

Dana Sanchez (2022-12-02). Are You Entitled To $2,100 From The Experian Settlement? Some Say It's Easy Money To Pick Up. Experian, one of the three credit reporting agencies, has agreed to pay $22.45 million to settle a class-action lawsuit accusing it of failing to properly verify false information sent out in consumers credit reports to third parties. As a result, the lawsuit claims many consumers were wrongfully denied credit opportunities they would otherwise have received …

Dana Sanchez (2022-12-02). Houston Police Arrest Patrick Clark In Murder Of Migos Artist Takeoff. Houston police have arrested two people in connection with the Nov. 1 murder of renowned Migos artist Takeoff, who was shot outside a downtown bowling alley. An innocent bystander in someone else's argument, Takeoff was in the wrong place at the wrong time, according to police. He was 28. Patrick Clark, 33, was arrested Thursday …

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-02). Draft NDAA Includes $3 Billion in Annual Military Aid for Taiwan. A draft of the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes billions in military aid for Taiwan, but Congress isn't sure if the funds will be approved, Defense News reported on Thursday. The funding includes $10 billion in the State Department's Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program over five years, giving Taiwan $2 billion each year …

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-02). Russia Says US, NATO Directly Involved in Ukraine War. The US and NATO are directly involved in the war in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday. "You shouldn't say that the US and NATO aren't taking part in this war. You are directly participating in it," Lavrov said at a press conference. "And not just by providing weapons but also by …

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-02). US, Israel Hold Joint Aerial Drills Simulating Attacks on Iran.

David Killingly (2022-12-02). Forum discusses fight against fossil fuel industry. Climate Coalition Sydney organised a forum that heard from four union and environmental activists fighting against the Australian government's fossil fuel expansionism. David Killingly reports.

Dean Baker (2022-12-02). Unemployment Steady at 3.7 Percent as Economy Adds 263,000 Jobs in November. The economy added 263,000 jobs in November, again coming in ahead of expectations. Perhaps more importantly, wages continue to grow at a rapid pace, as the October average hourly wage was revised up by 6 cents. The annual rate of wage growth over the last three months was 5.1 percent, the same as the rate over the last year. The rapid pace of wage growth paints a very different picture than we… |

Deweylaura (2022-12-02). The right to strike can never be compromised. Yes, a strike of railroad workers could bring the national economy to a halt, including stopping the flow of millions of dollars a day in profits to the railroad companies. But let's keep in mind that it's big business—not workers—that has crashed the nation's economy at least three times in recent memory. There was …

Donald Shaw (2022-12-02). Drug Industry's Chief Lobbying Group's Revenue Surpassed $609 Million in 2021.

Donnie Ray Saxton (2022-12-02). I'm Proud of My Transgender Son. The Health Care He Needs Shouldn't Be Up for Debate. I have not always understood what it means to be transgender, and I did not always support transgender rights. But, as I watched my son Parker suffer, I learned more, and I keep trying every day to understand what he goes through. Seeing firsthand the benefits of gender-affirming healthcare for Parker has opened my eyes to see that this is definitely the right thing. | I wish I could say that my little dude has spent his entire life being comfortable in his own skin, but that is just not true for Parker. Before he started his gender-affirming medical care, Parker was depressed, anxious, and withdrawn. I worrie…

Dr. Birsen Filip (2022-12-02). Multinational Agrichemical Corporations and the Great Food Transformation.

Dr. Gary Null (2022-12-02). America's Cultural and Social Collapse.

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2022-12-02). Banking on a Shot in the Dark. Big Pharma is Fast Tracking mRNA Vaccine Boosters, Ignoring all Scientific Protocols.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2022-12-02). It Is Official—the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Is Weaponized. The Alleged January 6, 2021 "Attack on the Capitol"

Dr. Peter McCullough (2022-12-02). Why Indiscriminate Mass Vaccination Has Worsened the Pandemic.

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2022-12-02). Assoziieren wir uns mit den Mitmenschen, um als Spezies Mensch zu àºberleben!

____ (2022-12-02). CNOOC ups investment in Brazil. CNOOC Petroleum Brasil has doubled its stake in the Buzios oilfield in Brazil to 10 percent from 5 percent, its parent China National Offshore Oil Corp announced on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-02). Workers begin returning to iPhone plant. Some 10,000 workers have returned to the world's largest Apple iPhone assembly plant in Zhengzhou, Henan province since Monday, and more are on their way, Foxconn said on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-02). New major gas pipeline begins trial operations. The Shenmu-Anping coal bed methane pipeline, China's longest such pipeline, was put into trial operation on Thursday, which will eventually ensure sufficient domestic gas supply.

____ (2022-12-02). 100 billion parcels sent so far this year. More than 100 billion parcels have been handled in China this year as of Thursday, evidence of the sector's resilience amid sporadic COVID-19 outbreaks.

____ (2022-12-02). Alibaba establishes beachhead in Spain. Chinese tech heavyweight Alibaba Group Holding Ltd on Thursday launched new e-commerce platform Miravia in Spain.

____ (2022-12-02). ABB's largest robotics factory starts operation in Shanghai. Swiss tech giant ABB on Friday officially opened its largest and fully automated robotics factory in Shanghai where "robots make robots."

____ (2022-12-02). Elon Musk says Neuralink could test brain chips in humans in 6 months. Tech billionaire Elon Musk said Wednesday that he expects a wireless brain chip developed by his company Neuralink to begin human clinical trials in six months, though that timeline is far from certain.

____ (2022-12-02). Chinese commodities on e-commerce platforms popular in S Korea. Chinese commodities on cross-border e-commerce platforms are very popular in South Korea during shopping festivals both in China and abroad, such as the Double Eleven online shopping event and Black Friday.

____ (2022-12-02). Nov manufacturing PMI remains in contraction status on COVID cases. China's factory activity contracted in November as renewed COVID-19 outbreaks disrupted output and subdued demand, a business survey showed on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-02). Guangzhou eases more COVID-19 controls. More districts in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, have announced measures to bring life and work back to normal amid the COVID-19 control.

____ (2022-12-02). China to conduct 5th national economic census in 2023. China will conduct its fifth national economic census in 2023 to take stock of the country's economic and social development.

____ (2022-12-02). China, EU enjoy strong economic symbiosis: commerce ministry. China and the European Union (EU) have formed a strong economic symbiosis under the guidance of their respective leaderships, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce said Thursday.

____ (2022-12-02). Jiang Zemin's remains transferred to Beijing. The remains of Comrade Jiang Zemin were transferred to Beijing from Shanghai aboard a special flight on Thursday afternoon. Cai Qi and others escorted Jiang's remains from Shanghai to Beijing.

____ (2022-12-02). Draw for Paris 2024 ticket sales starts. An online public draw kicked off on Thursday until January 31, 2023 for those who wish to buy the tickets.

____ (2022-12-02). Female refereeing trio take charge of men's match for the first time. For the first time in men's World Cup history, all-female has taken to the field as referee. French referee Stephanie Frappart became the first woman in the history of the World Cup to referee a finals match in the men's tournament.

____ (2022-12-02). Chinese national flags flown at half-mast to mourn death of Comrade Jiang Zemin. Chinese national flags flown at half-mast to mourn death of Comrade Jiang Zemin at China's embassies, consulates and other agencies stationed overseas…

Editor (2022-12-02). Should we be worried about eight billion people? Our immediate crisis is caused by a system that encourages endless growth, exploitation, waste and energy use.

Editor (2022-12-02). The Global South births a new game-changing payment system. Challenging the western monetary system, the Eurasia Economic Union is leading the Global South toward a new common payment system to bypass the U.S. Dollar.

Editor (2022-12-02). The narrative of sham elections. Every mainstream media outlet described the referenda in September in the Donetsk, Lugansk People's Republics (LPR and DPR), Kherson Region and part of Zaporozhye as a "sham" and therefore "rigged."

Editor (2022-12-02). America's 'Zero' Strategy. By Mark Fiore / Original to ScheerPost China's "zero Covid" policy has sparked rare protests across the nation of nearly a billion and a half people. Which led me to think about our very own failed "zero" policy here in the United States. Zero corporate tax. To be fair, it's not a policy per se, but is …

Editor (2022-12-02). Evangelical Lobbying Threatens Supreme Court's Independence. By Marjorie Cohn / Truthout Recent exposés have uncovered an emerging pattern of improper lobbying of right-wing Supreme Court justices by wealthy evangelicals. They reveal serious threats to the independence of the judiciary. But equally alarming is that the Supreme Court is unconstrained by a code of judicial ethics. From 1995 to 2018, the right-wing …

Editor (2022-12-02). Israel Set to Deport Palestinian-French Human Rights Defender Salah Hammouri. Having spent nearly a decade in occupation prisons, Hammouri was most recently placed under administrative detention in March. In 2020, Israel revoked his residency status, an often-used tool of ethnic cleansing deployed against Palestinians in East Jerusalem.

Editor (2022-12-02). NATO Narratives and Corporate Media Are Leading to 'Doorstep of Doom'.

Editor (2022-12-02). Peace Candidate, Ex-Marine Captain Matthew Hoh: War Is a Bipartisan Cancel Culture.

Editor (2022-12-02). Putting 'Profits Over People', Senate Rejects Paid Sick Leave for Rail Workers. "Senate Republicans and Joe Manchin have yet AGAIN failed working Americans by voting down seven days of paid sick leave for rail workers," lamented Rep. Jamaal Bowman.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Explosion hits eastern Tel Aviv. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — News sources late Thursday reported a blast near a restaurant in the east of Tel Aviv.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Qatari FM praises Team Melli performance in 2022 World Cup. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani in a phone call with his Iranian counterpart praised the performance of Iran Iran's national football team (Team Melli) in the 2022 World Cup.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Plane crash in northwestern Turkey's Bursa kills 2. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Two people aboard a single-engine airplane were killed when it crashed on Thursday in the northwestern Turkish province of Bursa, the governor said.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). 9 killed in Pakistan coal mine blast. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — A gas blast at a coal mine in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province has killed nine workers and injured four others, police said on Thursday.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Iran, Venezuela oil ministers discuss energy cooperation. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji and his Venezuelan counterpart in a phone conversation on Thursday night discussed the Tehran-Caracas bilateral cooperation in the field of energy.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). At least 40 al-Shabaab terrorists killed in Somalia. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — At least 40 al-Shabaab terrorists were killed and several others wounded in a fresh operation in Somalia's Middle Shabelle region on Thursday, authorities said.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Iran envoy condemns Afghanistan religious school attack. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Special envoy of the Iranian President for Afghanistan Hassan Kazemi Qomi in a tweet on Friday condemned the recent terrorist attack on a religious school in Afghanistan's Samangan province.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Iranian nation turned arrogant threats into opportunities. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Tehran's interim Friday Prayers leader Ayatollah Kazem Sedighi says that the Iranian nation has turned the arrogant threats into opportunities.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Fire erupts in Turkey's Samsun port following blast (+VIDEO). TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — A blast shook the Black Sea port of Samsun in northern Turkey on Friday.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Alarm bells sounded for the Zionist regime, its backers. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Referring to the globalization of hatred against the Israeli regime, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kan'ani said that alarm bells have been sounded for the Zionist regime and its supporters.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Explosion hits mosque in Afghan capital. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — News sources on Friday afternoon reported an explosion that hit a mosque in the Afghan capital of Kabul.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Iran-Iraq cooperation brought stability to region: UN Envoy. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Iraq Jeanine Antoinette Plasschaert says that the cooperation between Iran and Iraq has brought stability to the region.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Italian embassy vehicle destroyed in firebombing. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — An overnight arson attack destroyed a car used by a senior official at the Italian embassy in Athens, an incident that authorities in Greece and Italy condemned Friday.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Anti-Iran claims aim to legitimize West arms flow into Kyiv. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Rejecting claims about Iran's arms sales to Russia to be used in the Ukraine war, Iranian Foreign Minister said that such allegations are aimed at legitimizing the West's military assistance to Kyiv.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Iran condemns armed attack on Pakistan embassy in Kabul. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan'ani on Friday strongly condemned the armed attack on Pakistan embassy in Afghanistan's capital.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). US begged for release of vessels seized in Red Sea. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Iranian Navy Commander says the Americans begged Iran to release their vessels, which were confiscated in the Red Sea in late August.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Glamorous autumn in Hamedan province. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Footage shows the beautiful autumn scenery of Ganjnameh in Iran's Hamedan province.

Eric Horowitz (2022-12-02). NYT Has Found New Neo-Nazi Troops to Lionize in Ukraine. "The Bratstvo Battalion", "The Christian Taliban"

Eugyppius (2022-12-02). Switzerland, Facing an Unprecedented Power Shortage, Contemplates a Partial Ban on the Use of Electric Vehicles.

Finian Cunningham (2022-12-02). America's Fate: Revolution or Fascism? Daniel Lazare in this interview with Finian Cunningham says that the United States of America is locked in a fateful political and economic crisis that will produce either of two outcomes. Either the country is heading towards more authoritarian rule or there will be a second American revolution. | Daniel Lazare is a journalist, author and commentator who specializes in critically analyzing the politics and Constitution of the United States. He has authored several books, including The Velvet Revolution and the Decline of American Democracy. | The Covid-19 pandemic over the past two years exposes the pathological…

Freedom Socialist Party (2022-12-02). Sunday 12/11: Speaker: Fight the Far Right to Win Reproductive Justice! In person in San Francisco (or via ZOOM link below) | New Valencia Hall | 747 Polk Street (at Ellis), San Francisco | (7 blocks from Civic Center BART, on/near #5, 19, 27, 31, 38 Muni bus lines)…

G. Dunkel (2022-12-02). Technology speculation goes bust — tens of thousands laid off. At Amazon [updated November 24] Tens of thousands of workers in the technology sector have been laid off this year. Estimates vary, depending on when you start counting — January or June — and how you categorize the workers. The capitalist class, which has used "high tech" to lower the . . . |

Global Research News (2022-12-02). Last Month's Most Popular Articles.

Gypsy Taub (2022-12-02). Hope a Poem By Gypsy Taub. Gypsy Taub is an activist in California. She was born and raised in Russia. She is half Russian, half Ukrainian. Her poem "Hope" is about the war in the Ukraine. You can find more of Gypsy's poetry and more info about Gypsy at MyNakedTruth.TV or Gypsy's BIO is posted on

Hector Luis Alamo (2022-12-02). Brownlisted: Thank God It's 'Wednesday'. Senior editor Hector Luis Alamo gives a review of some of the most interesting and important things he saw, read, and heard over the past week.

Igor Derysh (2022-12-02). Appeals Court Strikes Down Trump Mar-a-Lago Special Master. A federal appeals court on Thursday overturned U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon's order appointing a special master to review secret government documents seized from former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence. A three-member panel on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta, which included two judges appointed by Trump, issued a 21-page opinion blasting the decision by Cannon… | (2022-12-02). Cell division and quantum leadership: News from the College. Here's a batch of fresh news and announcements from across Imperial.

Infobrics (2022-12-02). 4th Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum Brings Together Executives of Major Companies. Government officials from the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China and executives from over 100 major Russian and Chinese companies have attended the 4th Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum…

Infobrics (2022-12-02). Two University Projects to Receive Support from Russian and Chinese Science Foundations. The Russian Science Foundation and the State Natural Science Foundation of China have supported two research projects by scientists of the Ural Federal University…

Infobrics (2022-12-02). Russia Increases Fuel Shipments to China. According to a report released by China's General Administration of Customs, Russian oil and gas exports to China increased significantly between January and October of this year in comparison to the same period last year…

Infobrics (2022-12-02). Attacks in Spain: another anti-Russian false flag. Recent attacks in Spain using packages with explosives leave many questions unanswered.

Infobrics (2022-12-02). French neocolonialism exposed due to inter-EU conflict. Although Brussels tries to push the narrative that European colonialism is a thing of the past, the harsh reality is that this isn't only false, but it couldn't possibly be further from the truth, as it is inextricably linked to the very foundations of the EU.

Infobrics (2022-12-02). US aggressive subsidies package amid the crisis hurts Europe and could divide West. With post-Nord Stream reality, the so-called Ukraine's fatigue and the energy and economy crises, European-American relationship shows signs of decline.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-02). Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's News Conference on European Security Issues, Moscow, December 1, 2022. Esteemed journalists, Good afternoon. Thank you for responding to our invitation. We considered it important to discuss today problems of European and, hence, global security. In Europe, NATO's members are increasingly claiming global domination. The alliance has already declared the Indo-Pacific region a zone of its responsibility. Events on our continent are of interest not…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-02). Joint Statement by the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation on Security Crisis and Co-operation in the OSCE. 2 December 2022 Reaffirming the commitment to the idea of developing friendly, equal, and mutually beneficial interstate relations in the Euro-Atlantic area and Eurasia as well as to the vision of establishment free, democratic, common, and indivisible Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian security community rooted in agreed principles, shared commitments, and common goals, Emphasizing the need of…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-02). OSCE Nothing More Than a Branch of NATO. Ahmed Adel The West is attempting to turn the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) into a subsidiary organisation of NATO, which is paradoxical because it is meant to be concentrated on peacebuilding, unlike the Atlantic Alliance which fosters tensions to justify its existence in a post-Soviet world. It is for this reason,…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-02). Surrounded: An Ethnography of New Colonialism. Yusuf Serunkuma Julius Nyerere demanding complete independence from the British Empire in 1961 ROAPE contributor Yusuf Serunkuma asks if the pillage we are witnessing on the African continent—mostly from the 1980s-onwards—is worse than the exploitation of the 1884-1960s, where is the resistance? Serunkuma writes that even after decolonisation has been achieved (the academy decolonised, stolen artefacts…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-02). The Pentagon's Trail in Ukrainian Anthrax Labs. Mission Verdad The NGO Judicial Watch obtained access to documents revealing U.S. funding of anthrax laboratories in Ukraine Before the start of Russia's special military operation to protect the Dombas region, it was not entirely clear how dangerous the activities of U.S. laboratories in Ukraine were. Now irrefutable evidence has emerged that their activities are…

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-12-02). Powernomics Author Dr. Claud Anderson: I May Be Leaving Here Soon. Dr. Claud Anderson is among this time's most respected authors and scholars of race and economics. In a recent YouTube interview with on-air personality Vicki Dillard, Anderson expressed his belief that he may not be on earth much longer. "I've known it all my life," Anderson said at the 11: 55 mark in response to Dillard's question about his …

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-12-02). Amazon CEO Says Banning 'Hebrews To Negroes' From Bookstore Would Be A Slippery Slope. After NBA star Kyrie Irving posted a link to "Hebrews To Negroes: Wake Up Black America," the book and movie became a bestseller on Amazon — despite many deeming it hate-filled and antisemitic. The author and creator, Ronald Dalton Jr., disagreed and said many feared the film's message that Black people are the true Israelites by blood …

Jackson Todd (2022-12-02). New School part-time faculty reject university's offer; strike continues. NEW YORK—"It's not very on-brand," striker R. Sikoryac said of New School University administration's handling of strike by part-time workers belonging to ACT-UAW Local 7902. He added, "Although the faculty have been supportive and lived up to the school's mission." Another striker chimed in, adding that she gives the administration an F- on their handling …

JAFAR (2022-12-02). South Sumatra preparing emergency aid for potential disasters.

James Carden (2022-12-02). Writing the Ukraine War History, As It Happens.

Jim McIlroy (2022-12-02). NAB: Stop funding Whitehaven Coal. Climate activists talked to customers going into the Newtown branch of the National Australia Bank about helping stop the bank funding Whitehaven Coal's expansion. Jim McIlroy reports.

Kennedy Hall (2022-12-02). Medical Clinic Treating People Injured by COVID Shot Opens in Italy.

Kristen Lee (2022-12-02). Why the ACLU Supports the Electoral Count Reform Act. As we near the end of 2022 and the second anniversary of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, Congress has the opportunity to pass much-needed reforms to the Electoral Count Act of 1887. The Electoral Count Act governs the process of casting and counting the Electoral College votes for president and vice president. | As the events of January 2021 made clear, the current law contains poorly drafted language governing critical aspects of the election certification process, leaving it vulnerable to exploitation. Attempting to take advantage of the ambiguities in the Electoral Count Act on January 6, the former p…

Latino USA (2022-12-02). Death by Policy: Crisis In The Arizona Desert (A Latino USA Podcast). In this year-long investigation from Futuro Investigates, we dig into how the U.S. government's decades-long "prevention through deterrence" policy has knowingly created a deadly funnel, pushing migrants crossing the border into the deadliest terrain in the country.

Laura Jedeed (2022-12-02). The Eviction Crisis Is Aiding the GOP's Voter Suppression Schemes. In a rare moment of discipline, Donald Trump did not present his usual 2020 election fraud conspiracy to his Mar-a-Lago audience while announcing his presidential candidacy on November 16. He did, however, call for tighter voting restrictions. "To eliminate cheating I will immediately demand voter ID," Trump told his cheering hand-picked crowd. "Same day voting, and only paper ballots. |

Leslie Manookian (2022-12-02). The Peoples' Proclamation of Opposition to the G20 Bali Leaders' Declaration.

Magally A. Miranda Alcázar (2022-12-02). As a UC Academic Worker, I Need a Contract That Addresses the Cost of Living. Earlier this year, I passed a major milestone in my graduate education: I passed my qualifying exams and defended my prospectus. I had just begun looking seriously at my data and engaging with a new set of literature with an eye toward completing the dissertation when my union, UAW 2865, voted to go on strike. The vote was nearly unanimous. Of 48,000 academic workers at the University of… |

MANDO (2022-12-02). The Mandalorian Season 3 Release Date Has Been Delayed — But Not By Much.

Manuel Raposo (2022-12-02). Is Ukraine war at a turning point? Published on on Nov. 21, 2022. Translation: John Catalinotto. Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley said: Ukraine cannot expect a military victory. The information released in recent days about the war in Ukraine, although fragmentary and even contradictory, seems to point in one direction: the U.S. is pressuring Ukrainian leaders . . . |

Marc Steiner (2022-12-02). Democrats are failing Florida's progressives. Democrats were crushed in Florida in the midterm elections, which doesn't bode well for future races where the Sunshine State will play a pivotal role. But state Rep. Anna Eskamani and Rachel Gilmer of Dream Defenders say it didn't have to be that way. Democrats have missed many opportunities in Florida, and earned their defeat through strategic mistakes and a lack of consistent community engagement. Marc Steiner speaks with Florida State Rep. Anna Eskamani and Dream Defenders Co-Executive Director Rachel Gilmer about the stakes of Florida's politics and the prospects for undoing the GOP's stranglehold.

Maria Paez Victor (2022-12-02). Canada and the Kidnapping of Ambassador Saab. By Maria Paez Victor Nov 28, 2022 | Throughout the years I have known some people who were very vocal and eloquent supporters of humanity and its various causes. Yet, personally, they were quite disagreeable people, very unforgiving of the actual humanity that surrounded them, their families, acquaintances and, neighbors. It always made me wonder about their public sincerity when their private actions were so at odds with it. | Something like that happens to me at the broader scale when I think of Canada's foreign policy: big words but mean actions. What great eloquence we get from the prime minister Justin…

Maria Popova (2022-12-02). The Four Desires Driving All Human Behavior: Bertrand Russell's Magnificent Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech.

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2022-12-02). Congress and Biden override rail worker collective bargaining rights. WASHINGTON—Giving in to pressure from Democratic President Joe Biden and corporate rail bosses, the Senate overwhelmingly imposed a four-year contract on 115,000 unionized freight railroad workers—without the seven paid sick days they sought. The contract, which a Biden board crafted, came in legislation the president signed this morning. Biden, in a speech this morning at …

Mark Gruenberg (2022-12-02). Free elections come under attack Dec. 7 at the Supreme Court. WASHINGTON—On Dec. 7, 1941, "a date which will live in infamy," as FDR put it, the Empire of Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor. On Dec. 7, 2022, the empire of the right-wing attacks the United States election system—at the Supreme Court. That's the day when the right-wingers, seizing on two small phrases …

Mark lodhge (2022-12-02). Police investigation after masked man attempts to abduct schoolgirl. Police are investigating after a masked man pulled up alongside an 11-year-old schoolgirl in his van and told her to get in.

Martha Grevatt (2022-12-02). Worldwide actions demand: 'Make Amazon pay!'. Protesting Amazon's treatment of workers and its practices that contribute to the climate crisis, coordinated demonstrations in over 30 countries on five continents demanded, "Make Amazon pay!" Held for the third consecutive year on Nov. 25 — "Black Friday" — the actions were called by a broad global coalition of . . . |

Maureen Clare Murphy (2022-12-02). Israeli officer executes Palestinian at point-blank range. Israeli police chief said "a dead terrorist is what I want to see" days earlier.

Maureen Clare Murphy (2022-12-02). Palestine in Pictures: November 2022. A monthly roundup of photographs documenting Palestine, Palestinian life, politics and culture, and international solidarity with Palestine.

Maximillian Alvarez (2022-12-02). Gov. Ron DeSantis oversaw torture in Guantánamo as a military lawyer.

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J. S. Davies (2022-12-02). Eight reasons why now is a good time for a Ukraine ceasefire and peace talks. People all over the world are calling for a Christmas truce, harkening back to the inspirational Christmas Truce of 1914.

Michael Berkowitz (2022-12-02). 'Bad Sisters' is very good! After Thanksgiving—it's the perfect time to reconsider what should be done about the painfully obnoxious right-wing relative who casts a pall over family festivities! Sharon Hogan's clever, often uproarious, slightly dark new comedy Bad Sisters provides one answer. The brilliant Irish comedienne (Catastrophe, Pulling and Divorce) has previously won Britain's Comedy Award for Best TV …

Mike mohede (2022-12-02). Season 3 of The Mandalorian has finally been given a specific release date on Disney Plus. Season 3 of The Mandalorian has finally been given a specific release date on Disney Plus, which is only a little bit later than anticipated.

Minnie Bruce Pratt (2022-12-02). Sanctions: Dec. 10 webinar exposes U.S. economic warfare. Intensifying U.S. sanctions, imposed on a third of humanity, are sending shock waves through the world economy. Sanctions have boomeranged on the U.S. and EU countries through inflation, supply chain shortages and a looming recession — causing hardship at home. But by far the greatest burden is borne by the . . . |

Natalie Armbruster (2022-12-02). American Forces Needlessly Caught in Turkish Crossfire.

NEWS (2022-12-02). Children's clothing sets recalled over high lead levels. The clothing sets were sold at TJ Maxx, Ross, Burlington, Amazon and other stores.

Newswire (2022-12-02). England went to work after posting a massive total.

Nickie Deahl (2022-12-02). Kamala Harris Blunders Philippines Visit, Stirs Conflict with China.

____ (2022-12-02). Me On RT Crosstalk Yesterday.

____ (2022-12-02). What Happened To (Once) Mighty Bundesmachine… This is not a question. As famous Gary Lineker stated in 1990: "Football is a simple game. Twenty-two men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win." Not the case anymore. In 2018 in the World Cup in Russia tens of millions of Russian fans, including millions who love German football, were salivating in their eager anticipation of seeing 2014 World Champions performing a football equivalent of the 1942 Panzer division on the offensive, but instead… Germany lost to Mexico in the opener and then simply bowed out of the group stage to the astonishment of the fans the world over, including…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-12-02). Iran To Increase Cargo Transit Between Russia and India to Record High. Iran's contribution to the INSTC will reduce transit costs by 30 percent and lower transportation time to just 25 days | The Economic Times of India The agreement was inked during a recent visit by the head of…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-12-02). Ukrainian War Crimes Become the Burden for Europe. By Slavisa Milacic Nov 28, 2022 | The crimes of the Ukrainian army, which we can often see on social networks, horrify the entire civilized world. And if the West is the main financier and logistics provider for the Ukrainian army, the crimes committed by Ukrainian soldiers appalled even them. After the recent Ukrainian war crime in Makiivka, it was the Western media that put pressure to launch an investigation. Unfortunately, despite the pressure from the West, it is difficult to expect that the Ukrainian army will respect the Geneva Convention in the future. It is more realistic to expect that they will c…

Otis Grotewohl (2022-12-02). Staughton Lynd: lifelong advocate for liberation. Longtime anti-racist and antiwar activist turned labor lawyer, Staughton Lynd died Nov. 17, five days before his 93rd birthday. (Left to right) Staughton Lynd, Workers World Party co-founder Ted Dostal and WW contributor 'Mose Peterson,' Youngstown, Ohio, circa 1995. WW PHOTO Born in Philadelphia in 1929, Staughton Lynd was raised . . . |

Paul Craig Roberts (2022-12-02). The Loss of Human Control: Dystopia Is Upon Us. RoboCop Unleashed | That the government of San Francisco, America's most liberal city, on November 29, 2022 by a vote of 8 to 3, authorized robots to have life or death authority over citizens indicates the extent to which Americans have been dehumanized. Perhaps this dehumanization is the consequence of many decades of Washington slaughtering people from Vietnam through Serbia, Afghanistan, the Middle East, North A…

Paul Haeder (2022-12-02). Whales and People: A Tragedy! It was a good live crowd — over a hundred folk, November 30, at Hatfield's new classroom building, Gladys Valley Marine Studies Building Auditorium. And another 100 in "attendance" on the Zoom Doom. I'm a member of the Cetacean Society International, and the American Cetacean Society, and unfortunately for the Oregon group, their meetings and …

Paulo Cabral (2022-12-02). HIV/AIDS progress in Brazil. December 1 is World AIDS Day, a time to raise awareness and show support for those living with AIDS or HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Peter Koenig (2022-12-02). "EU Harakiri"on Behalf of Washington. The Nord Stream Destruction, Is the EC Planning to Destroy the European Union?

Rachel Evans (2022-12-02). NSW anti-protest laws put non-violent climate activist in jail. Climate activist Violet CoCo to 15 month's prison for blocking vehicles, possessing a bright light distress signal and refusing to comply with police directions, reports Rachel Evans.

Ramzy Baroud (2022-12-02). 'Deliberate ambiguity': Israel's nuclear weapons are greatest threat to Middle East. As Western countries are floating the theory that Russia could escalate its conflict with Ukraine to a nuclear war, many of those governments continue to turn a blind eye to Israel's nuclear weapons capabilities. Luckily, many other countries around the world do not subscribe to this endemic hypocrisy. The Conference on the Establishment of a …

Staff (2022-12-02). 21st Georgian soldier killed in Ukraine war. Could provide another photo-op for the never-camera-shy Kelly Degnan, who has encouraged Georgians to fight and die for NATO and the West in Ukraine with her unrelenting vitriol against all things Russian going back over two centuries. ==== Civil GeorgiaDecember 2, 2022 Georgian Fighter Killed in Ukraine See also: U.S. to use "all tools" to …

Staff (2022-12-02). Georgia: top NATO/EUCOM commander praises strategic partnership. Georgian Ministry of DefenseDecember 2, 2022 US European Command chief highlights "fantastic progress" made by Georgian defence forces General Christopher Cavoli, the commander of the United States European Command, on Thursday highlighted "fantastic progress" made by the Georgian defence forces over the years. In his remarks at the Georgian defence ministry, Cavoli noted it was …

Staff (2022-12-02). Pentagon, Raytheon supply Finland with ‚Ǩ1.7 billion worth of missiles for use against Russia. YLE NewsDecember 2, 2022 US approves Stinger missile package for Finland The US State Department has approved the potential sale of 350 portable surface-to-air Stinger missile systems and related gear to Finland, the Defence Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announced on Thursday. The equipment deal is valued at an estimated 380 million US dollars (361 million …

Staff (2022-12-02). Poland: 4th-, 5th-generation warplanes support "U.S.'s forward fighter presence along NATO's Eastern Flank" U.S. Air Forces in Europe & Air Forces AfricaNovember 29, 2022 Lakenheath F-15Es swap Alaska F-22s on NATO's Eastern Flank Royal Air Force Lakenheath's F-15E Strike Eagle fighters from the U.S. Air Force's 48th Fighter Wing are scheduled to begin deterrence operations at ≈Åask Air Base, Poland, November 29…in support of the U.S.'s forward fighter …

Staff (2022-12-02). Poland: U.S. Army leads NATO "multinational, combat-ready force" in war drills. U.S. Army EuropeNovember 25, 2022 eFP Battle Group Poland, Combined Arms, Combined Strength NATO's enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battle Group Poland was established in 2017 as a multinational combined force that included units from the United States, Poland, the U.K., Romania, and Croatia. The mission of the eFP Battle Group Poland is to strengthen the …

Staff (2022-12-02). Polish F-16s take control of NATO air mission aimed at Kaliningrad. Polish Press AgencyDecember 1, 2022 Polish F-16s take over command of Baltic Air Policing mission in Lithuania The Polish Air Force has taken over from Hungary the command of the Nato Baltic Air Policing mission based in Siauliai, Lithuania. Poland's 150-strong Orlik 11 group will now guard the skies over the Baltic Sea with its …

Staff (2022-12-02). Three Brothers bloc: Azerbaijan, Pakistan consolidate strategic military ties. AzertagDecember 2, 2022 Commander of the Pakistan Navy was informed about the Military Institute named after Heydar Aliyev The visit of Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi, Commander of the Naval Forces of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, to our country continues. The press service of the Ministry of Defense informed AZERTAC that on December 2, …

Staff (2022-12-02). U.S. to use "all tools" to evict Russia from Abkhazia, S. Ossetia, thus paving way for Georgia's NATO membership. Agenda.geDecember 2, 2022 United States will use "all tools" to make Russia withdraw troops from Georgia — US OSCE Ambassador Michael Carpenter, the US Ambassador to the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, has called Georgia a "very important, democratic country". The United States will use "all tools" to "one day" make Russia meet …

Staff (2022-12-02). Whatever it takes to win war in Ukraine: Finnish PM says Pentagon is Europe's savior, takes jibe at China. YLE NewsDecember 2, 2022 Sanna Marin: Europe is not strong enough to stand against Russia alone See also: Pentagon, Raytheon supply Finland with ‚Ǩ1.7 billion worth of missiles for use against Russia In an address on Friday in Australia, Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin (SDP) said that Russia's attack on Ukraine has exposed European weaknesses …

Robert Hunziker (2022-12-02). Montreal Biodiversity COP15 December 2022. What is it about a bunch of high-ranking people getting together at a Conference of the Parties (COP) at some major metropolitan center with plenty of 4-star and 5-star hotels in order to figure out how to save the planet, but it never works! For example, the tenth (10th) meeting of the Conference of the …

Robert Reich (2022-12-02). The Fed's inflation mistake continues. Most of the pain is borne by people who are already struggling to keep up with rising prices: lower-wage workers and the poor.

Roger D. Harris (2022-12-02). The Volatility of US Hegemony in Latin America (Part 1). Latin America and the Caribbean have again began to take on a becoming pink complexion, all the more so with June's historic electoral victory in Colombia over the country's long-dominant US-backed right-wing and a similar reverse in Brazil in October. These electoral rejections of the right-wing followed left victories last year in Peru, Honduras, and …

Roger D. Harris (2022-12-02). The Volatility of US Hegemony in Latin America (Part II). The US has long considered Latin America and the Caribbean to be its "backyard" under the anachronist 1823 Monroe Doctrine. And even though current US President Biden mistakenly thinks that upgrading the region to the "front yard" makes any difference, Yankee hemispheric hegemony is becoming increasingly volatile. A "Pink Tide" of left electoral victories since …

Ron Ridenour (2022-12-02). Can An American Scientist Who Smuggled Critical Nuclear Secrets to the Russians After World War II Be Considered a "Good Guy"? New Film Says Yes. Controversial New Documentary Reveals How A Teenage Army Physicistnewsauthor">D Ted Hall Saved The Russian People From A Treacherous U.S. Sneak Attack In 1950-51—And May Well Have Prevented A Global Nuclear Holocaust The provocative documentary "A Compassionate Spy" tells the amazing but almost unknown story of a "near-genius" 16 year-old Harvard junior physics major who …

SAM (2022-12-02). Tax the Rich? We Did That Once.

Sarah Anderson (2022-12-02). Railway Vote Benefits One of the Least Deserving Industries.

Scorinoco (2022-12-02). EU Representative Borrell Defends Europe's Colonization of Latin America. In a November 30 meeting between European and Latin American parliamentarians, the high representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, made a controversial speech in which he defended the "values" of colonization and the Spanish colonization of Latin America. | Borrell addressed the European-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (Eurolat), a multilateral body composed of 1 parliamentarians from various countries of Europe and Latin America on Wednesday, November 30 and listed the reasons why the world is experiencing a "perfect storm" which, in his opinion, requires recalibrating the "s…

Scorinoco (2022-12-02). Mexico's Ban on Genetically Modified Corn to be Addressed at North American Leaders' Summit. In a meeting held at the National Palace in Mexico City last Monday, November 28, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and a US government delegation headed by the US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack finalized the topics that will be discussed during the North American Leaders' Summit to be held in January 2023 in Mexico. The Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs Marcelo Ebrard and Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development Victor Villalobos announced that Mexico's ban of genetically modified corn will be among the discussed topics. | In response to demands from Mexican farmers and agricultural workers, t…

Scorinoco (2022-12-02). Venezuela Backs Regional Integration to Boost Development in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Scott Ferguson (2022-12-02). The Buffalo Institute for Contemporary Art. Money on the Left is joined in conversation with curator Emily Ebba Reynolds & artist Nando Alvarez-Perez, co-founders of the Buffalo Institute for Contemporary Art, or BICA, in Buffalo, New York. | BICA is a new and distinctly heterodox arts organization, offering physical space for artist shows and educational seminars, as well as fiscal space for provisioning micro-grants to local artists.

Sharon Zhang (2022-12-02). Supreme Court Will Hear Arguments for Student Debt Cancellation in February. The Supreme Court has agreed to take up a case originally filed by Republican-led states to challenge President Joe Biden's student debt cancellation plan in a case that will affect the bank accounts of tens of millions of people across the U.S. for years to come. The justices have fast-tracked the case and are slated to hear arguments in February. Until then, the cancellation plan will be on hold… |

Staff (2022-12-02). Economy Adds 263,000 Jobs in November, Unemployment Steady at 3.7 Percent. Wages grew at a 5.1 percent annual rate over the last three months. | The economy added 263,000 jobs in November, again coming in ahead of expectations. Perhaps more importantly, wages continue to grow at a rapid pace, as the October average hourly wage was revised up by 6 cents. The annual rate of wage growth over the last three months was 5.1 percent, the same as the rate over the last year. | Wage Growth is Still Rapid | The rapid pace of wage growth paints a very different picture than we were looking at in October, where the annualized rate was just 3.9 percent. Since we should expect some shift back to wage…

Staff (2022-12-02). Venezuela's National Assembly Approves Communal Economic System Reform Law in First Discussion.

Stephanie Hedgecoke (2022-12-02). Indigenous California peoples fight to save ancient burial mounds. Some 400 supporters joined Ohlone organizers and community Nov. 25 for the annual Shellmound Walk in the San Francisco Bay Area. Since 2005, Shellmound Walks are held the day after "Unthanksgiving" to raise awareness of the struggle of the Native California coastal nations to save the ruins of their ancient . . . |

Steve Watson (2022-12-02). Fauci Caused 7 Million People to Die; "We've Caught Him Red Handed, He Won't Get Away". Sen. Rand Paul.

T.P. Wilkinson (2022-12-02). Transformation of Political Language (Part 1). In response to Jeff J. Brown's article "The Myth of Chinese Capitalism," Ron Leighton wrote an article published at Dissident Voice, Counterpunch, and elsewhere. Dr. T. P. Wilkinson has interviewed Jeff J. Brown about his article and much more. ***** The debate about what system actually governs the People's Republic of China has continued since …

Taya Graham, Stephen Janis (2022-12-02). Cops arrest Kentucky man in traffic stop on drug charges for traces found on dollar bill. Phillip Hamm was on the road with a friend in Paducah, Kentucky, when he was pulled over by local police over a busted tail light. Instead of letting him go, the officer held Hamm for over an hour, during which time he forced Hamm to undergo a sobriety test, searched his person, and demanded access to his vehicle. When Hamm declined, the police brought over a canine unit and searched his car. Despite finding nothing, officers tested dollar bills from Hamm's wallet for methamphetamine and then arrested him on felony drug charges. Police Accountability Report examines the footage of Hamm's arrest as an exampl…

Ted Kelly (2022-12-02). Free Leonard Peltier and all Native prisoners. The slightly edited article first appeared online Oct. 13, 2021. During the era of colonial theft and conquest, North America became a proving ground for European imperialists. This was where strategies of biological warfare and genocide were honed, as well as the industry that has become a pillar of modern . . . |

The Associated Press (2022-12-02). Hospitalized Pelé Thanks Fans During Fight Against Cancer. Brazilian soccer great Pelé thanked fans worldwide on Thursday for the well-wishes he's received since being admitted to a Sà£o Paulo hospital amid his fight against cancer. The 82-year-old Pelé, who had a colon tumor removed in September 2021, was hospitalized Tuesday to regulate his medication, his daughter said.

The Global Research Team (2022-12-02). "The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d'Etat Against Humanity" by Michel Chossudovsky. My objective is to inform people worldwide and refute the official narrative which has been used as a justification to destabilize the economic and social fabric of entire countries, followed by the imposition of the "deadly" COVID-19 "vaccine". This crisis affects humanity in its entirety: almost 8 billion people.

The Lever (2022-12-02). Tell President Biden To Support Rail Workers.

Tom Parker (2022-12-02). Doctors Who Are Accused of Spreading "Misleading Information" Could be Jailed Under New British Columbia Law.

UAW 2865 (2022-12-02). Monday 11/28: UCB UAW March and Rally By Strikers To Office Of President. Meet At Snow Park UCB…

UFCFLPU (2022-12-02). Saturday 12/3: UC UAW Labor Community Solidarity Rally: COLA & Housing For All. UC Sproul Plaza…

Unicorn Riot (2022-12-02). Greek Students Riot on November 17, Commemorate Those Killed by the Junta.

UnitedEditor (2022-12-02). Al-Sisi Erdogan meeting in the World Cup ceremony; Possible meeting between Al-Assad and Erdogan; Cuban President's official visit to Ankara. The public agenda in Turkiye has been busy with three main topics last week. The first was the meeting that was held between the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, in the opening ceremony of the Qatar World Cup 2022. Second was the ongoing debates on a possible diplomatic …

Vijay Prashad (2022-12-02). Mali's bBreak with France is a symptom of cracks in the Transatlantic Alliance: The Forty-Eighth Newsletter (2022). On 21 November 2022, Mali's interim prime minister, Colonel Abdoulaye MaàØga, issued a statement on social media announcing the government's decision 'to ban, with immediate effect, all activities carried out by [French] NGOs operating in Mali'.

Vijay Prashad (2022-12-02). Biden wines and dines Macron, but hostilities simmer between U.S. and France. Editor's Note: Televisions broadcast happy handshakes between President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron as the U.S. leader hosted his counterpart this week. But behind the smiles a competition for influence is underway—in Africa, Australia, and elsewhere. Add the U.K.'s own imperial ambitions to the mix, and it's a formula for trouble for peoples …

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2022-12-02). Mexico's left takes to the streets, celebrates achievements. "Sometimes there are revolutions, but people keep on thinking the same way. But now we are seeing a peacetime transformation process and there is a change of mentality…. I said yesterday that we are winning the battle against racism, classism, discrimination. This is not about material things, not about welfare programs. There's been a change …

WSWS (2022-12-02). Australia: Labor's new anti-strike industrial relations bill approved by parliament. Hundreds of amendments, extra sitting days and horse-trading with an independent senator reflect the determination of Labor to urgently increase the capacity of the industrial courts and unions to crush a mounting wave of working-class unrest.

WSWS (2022-12-02). Chinese vice premier signals shift from Zero-COVID based on lie that Omicron is mild. Sun Chunlan said Wednesday that "preventing the epidemic" would take place through vaccination, making medical resources available and preparing therapeutics, all the while "stabilizing the economy."

WSWS (2022-12-02). University of Sheffield International College staff mount first strike at a UK private higher education provider. A lecturer explained, "If you inject market forces you are getting increasingly poorer education and the money is just being sucked out of the system."

WSWS (2022-12-02). 2022 global art market benefits from an "explosion of wealth" at the top. The "robust" character of the art market mirrors the stratospheric rise in the wealth of the world's richest people over the same period.

WSWS (2022-12-02). Without Russian gas imports, France prepares winter power cuts. Cut off from Russian gas and oil imports, much of the French population faces the prospect of the regular unavailability of heat and light at home this winter.

WSWS (2022-12-02). OECD forecasts worsening global economic outlook. Global growth is becoming "increasingly imbalanced with the major Asian emerging market economies accounting for close to three-quarters of global GDP growth in 2023, reflecting their projected steady expansion and sharp slowdowns in the United States and Europe."

WSWS (2022-12-02). As US police killings are on track to eclipse last year's record number, Democratic-run cities seek to add killer robots to arsenal. The latest figures from Mapping Police Violence indicate that through November 27, 2022, police had killed 20 more people compared to this time last year.

WSWS (2022-12-02). With US police killings on track to eclipse last year's record, Democratic-run cities seek to add killer robots. The latest figures from Mapping Police Violence indicate that through November 27, 2022, police had killed 20 more people compared to this time last year.

WSWS (2022-12-02). Bernie Sanders, DSA play crucial role in passing anti-strike law against railroaders. This anti-strike legislation could not have passed in the form that it did, with the speed that it did, without the support of the pseudo-left.

WSWS (2022-12-02). Train and track authorities prosecuted over fatal derailment in Australia. The charges relate to the February 2020 derailment of a Sydney to Melbourne train that caused the deaths of the train's driver, John Kennedy, and his track pilot Sam Meintanis.

WSWS (2022-12-02). Timothy Snyder's Bloodlands: Right-wing propaganda disguised as historical scholarship—Part One. The role that Snyder is playing in justifying the imperialist proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and the alliance of US imperialism with the Ukrainian far right make it imperative to investigate his book more closely.

WSWS (2022-12-02). Macron warns of "fracturing" of NATO alliance on state visit to Washington. Amid mounting economic conflicts between US and European imperialism, and fears of an energy crisis this winter, Biden and Macron united on escalating the war against Russia.

WSWS (2022-12-02). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Korean shipbuilding and rail workers walk out; Australian airport firefighters and New Zealand journalists to strike.

WSWS (2022-12-02). Flight attendant shares his experience being intubated for 19 days with COVID-19. In this interview for the Global Workers' Inquest into the COVID-19 Pandemic, flight attendant Tim Yoder shares his experiences in early 2020. Tim caught COVID-19 in mid-March 2020 after being told he was an "essential worker" and had to continue flying despite feeling ill when multiple coworkers had already tested positive for COVID-19.

WSWS (2022-12-02). UK: BT workers denounce Communication Workers Union sellout deal seeking end of national strike. The two main responses to the deal among the more than 1, 0 postings by BT employees on Twitter and Facebook were that they would vote to reject the deal in ballot this month, and that many would leave the union.

WSWS (2022-12-02). In letter to Detroit News, Will Lehman says conduct of UAW election is a "travesty" On Tuesday, the Detroit News published a letter by United Auto Workers presidential candidate Will Lehman exposing the undemocratic character of the UAW's first-ever membership vote for top union officers.

WSWS (2022-12-02). Sri Lankan SEP and IYSSE campaign for global anti-war webinar. Students in Colombo, Sri Jayewardenapura, Moratuwa, Peradeniya, Ruhuna and Jaffna, expressed support for the global webinar being held by the IYSSE on December 10 to oppose the war in Ukraine and the drive by the imperialist powers towards a third world war.

Zenfone (2022-12-02). ASUS Zenbook S 13 OLED (UM5302), a Light but Powerful 13-Inch OLED Laptop.

Bennett Shoop (2022-12-02). Drag against fascism: D.C. LGBTQ+ community raises funds for Club Q workers. WASHINGTON—Seven different talented drag performers—Jane Saw, Rico Pico, Jaxknife Complex, Ricky Rose, Dirty Sanchez, Mari Con Carne, and Molasses—took the stage at As You Are, a local queer bar and café in Southeast D.C., on Nov. 27 for a solidarity fundraiser for the workers of Club Q in Colorado Springs. The event was the third …

Mouris Salloum George (2022-12-02). La deuda de todos con las próximas generaciones. Los avances de la reciente cumbre global de naciones contra el cambio climático (COP-27 de la ONU), son muy importantes, incluso históricos, pero insuficientes. Ese fue el consenso en la clausura del magno evento —celebrado en Egipto en la segunda…

Staff (2022-12-02). Retransmitirán Mesa Redonda: La Patria es… El Yate Granma. En un yate con capacidad para 8 tripulantes, 82 cubanos liderados por Fidel entraron a Cuba el 2 de diciembre de 1956 decididos a ser "libres o mártires", de esta historia se habla en la Mesa Redonda "La Patria es… El Yate Granma", transmitida en diciembre de 2017.

Staff (2022-12-02). Imagen y poesía: Izquierdazo. Hoy quiero estrenar unas décimas de Alexis Díaz Pimienta, escritas para una imagen de mi autoría, tomada en la Plaza de la Revolución el primero de mayo de 2005. Fidel, de espaldas al lente, con el dedo índice del brazo izquierdo apuntando al horizonte, y la multitud al frente. øQué estaría diciendo el Comandante en ese instante? Tiene la palabra el poeta.

Staff (2022-12-02). Punto Deportivo: øCómo quedarán los octavos de final de Catar 2022? (+Video). Casi al concluir la fase de grupos y ya con varias selecciones clasificadas a octavos de final de Catar 2022, realizamos un análisis de lo transcurrido hasta el momento, teniendo en cuenta los pronósticos precompetencia.Para ello se contará con los criterios especializados de Yohán Luis Piedra y la conducción de Angélica Arce Montero.

Staff (2022-12-02). La Plata, un lugar enigmático en el corazón de la Sierra. No sabría describir cuanta magia, belleza, espíritu e historia hay en este lugar. La Comandancia General de La Plata, declarada Monumento Nacional, fue en 1958 el lugar escogido por el Comandante en Jefe y sus hombres para establecer un cuartel general con el fin de proporcionar albergue y provisiones a la guerrilla.

Staff (2022-12-02). Ganaderos se imponen por estrecho margen y derrotan a Centrales en sus predios 3×2. En el partido de este jueves, los Ganaderos aumentaron su ventaja sobre los Centrales, para terminar 3×2, con ocho hits, tres carreras y una impulsada. El abridor Alex Guerra, ganador del juego, pitcheó para una carrera y seis hits. Renner Rivero Estrada fue el pitcher derrotado. Caminó 5.2 episodios, donde permitió tres carreras y cuatro hits.

Staff (2022-12-02). Presidente cubano en reunión con empresarios: El camino es la innovación. Desde el Palacio de la Revolución tuvo lugar un fructífero intercambio entre la dirección del país y representantes del sistema empresarial cubano. La jornada estuvo encabezada por el primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel. La empresa "tiene que vincularse con el sector del conocimiento".

Staff (2022-12-02). Otra sorpresa del Mundial de Catar: Corea del Sur vence a Portugal y clasifica a octavos. La selección de Portugal alcanzó el objetivo marcado por Fernando Santos y sus pupilos, pasar a octavos de final como primeros de grupo para disponer de un día más de descanso, pero lo hizo con una triste derrota ante Corea del Sur, que nunca se rindió y acabó encontrando el premio.

Staff (2022-12-02). Rusia negociaría con Estados Unidos sobre Ucrania, pero sin condiciones. Rusia está dispuesta a negociar con Estados Unidos, pero sin que le impongan la condición de que cese la operación militar especial en Ucrania, dijo Dmitri Peskov. El vocero recordó las palabras del presidente de EE.UU., Joe Biden, respecto a que las negociaciones serían posibles "solo después de que (el mandatario Vladímir) Putin se retire de Ucrania".

TeleSUR, em, DRL (2022-12-02). Croacia clasifica a los octavos tras el empate ante Bélgica. Croacia, la selección subcampeona actual, llegaba con un empate sin goles con Marruecos y un triunfo 4 – 1 sobre Canadá.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-02). India asume presidencia del G20 con visión hacia países del Sur. Primer Ministro Narendra Modi señala que los ejes del bloque se configurarán junto a los países del Sur, "cuya voz a menudo no se escucha".

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-02). Consejo de Estado de Cuba convoca a elecciones parlamentarias en 2023. Este proceso en Cuba inició el pasado 27 de noviembre cuando se desarrollaron los comicios municipales y el ciclo electoral culminará con la elección del mandatario.

TeleSUR, jap, MER (2022-12-02). Alemania y Costa Rica quedan eliminadas del Mundial Qatar 2022. El equipo de Luis Fernando Suárez inició la segunda mitad con otra cara y al minuto 58 Tejeda marcó el empate transitorio.

TeleSUR, mcs, JDO (2022-12-02). Desmantelan red de proxenetismo entre Francia, España y Colombia. La red, cuya organización era piramidal, reclutaba a las víctimas con falsas promesas de un futuro mejor en Europa y cobraba los beneficios.

TeleSUR, mcs, JDO (2022-12-02). Inaugurarán festival de cine latinoamericano de La Habana. Cuba y México, cada uno con tres, lideran la presencia de cortos documentales en concurso por el premio Coral de la edición 43 del Festival del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano.

Dr. Peter McCullough (2022-12-02). Por qué la vacunación masiva indiscriminada ha empeorado la pandemia. Un principio de las enfermedades infecciosas es la "administración antimicrobiana", que implica elegir el antibiótico correcto para el paciente correcto y nunca recetar en exceso o cubrir a los pacientes que no necesitan tratamiento. | Otro principio es "reducir el espectro"…

Editor (2022-12-02). Editorial: øA un pelo de la escalada? Durante la jornada del 15 de noviembre, el mundo estuvo a punto de sufrir una rápida escalada de la guerra por delegación de Estados Unidos y la OTAN contra Rusia en Ucrania. Sin embargo, pronto los representantes del gobierno de Estados Unidos hicieron declaraciones que lo alejaron del borde. Por . . . |

Marc Vandepitte (2022-12-02). Trump y la podredumbre política de Estados Unidos. Según los principales medios de comunicación, la democracia ha triunfado en Estados Unidos, ya que Biden ha conservado una estrecha mayoría en el Senado en las elecciones de mitad de mandato. Pero es una lectura superficial. Si profundizamos, vemos una…

Maria Parazo Rose (2022-12-02). Biden propone nueva regla que reduce las emisiones de metano en tierras indígenas. La Oficina de Administración de Tierras propuso una nueva regla que tiene como objetivo reducir el gas natural desperdiciado en tierras federales y tribales, lo que ayudará a reducir las emisiones de metano. Al evitar miles de millones de pies cúbicos de emisiones de gas natural que provienen de fugas no intencionales de equipos o …

Nicolás Centurión (2022-12-02). Uruguay: Corrupción, filtraciones y un presidente a la defensiva. El caso de los pasaportes rusos en Uruguay empieza a perderse en el horizonte ante la filtración de los chats de Alejandro Astesiano, el ex custodio del presidente Luis Lacalle. Los pasaportes fraguados son una perla más en el collar…

Staff (2022-12-02). En busca de un sueño: la gesta del Granma (+ Video). La gesta del Granma destaca por derecho propio dentro de la epopeya libertaria de nuestro pueblo. Frente a gigantescos obstáculos, un grupo de hombres se erigió como paladín de la apuesta por una Cuba mejor. Arriesgaron y dieron su vida por un sueño, por un ideal. Estuvieron a la altura de la encrucijada por ellos mismos definida: libres o mártires.

Staff (2022-12-02). Fidel Castro: "Si salgo, llego; si llego, entro; si entro, triunfo" (+ Video). Una de las fechas más heroicas que tiene la Revolución Cubana es la del 2 de diciembre de 1956, cuando se produce el desembarco del yate Granma, marcando un inicio en lucha contra la dictadura de Fulgencio Batista. A 66 años de esa hazaña, el Sitio Fidel Soldado de las Ideas y Cubadebate recuerdan el hecho a través de las memorias descritas por el Comandante en sus discursos.

Staff (2022-12-02). Terminal de àìmnibus: Pasajeros para afuera, en las penumbras. Las inconformidades continúan, otras se suman, y las preguntas siguen sin respuestas: øPor qué no se usan las taquillas para una mejor organización? øDónde están los televisores, ventiladores y las consolas del recinto? Ahora, cuando hay apagón en la zona, los viajeros tienen que abandonar el interior de la terminal y sentarse fuera, sin razones ni motivos aparentes.

Staff (2022-12-02). Vale la pena… volver a escuchar: Gentileza (+ Podcast). El destacado escritor norteamericano William James, sentenció: "Hay tres cosas importantes en la vida: la primera, ser amable; la segunda, serlo siempre; y la tercera, nunca dejar de serlo". La amabilidad, la gentileza, el buen comportamiento son una necesidad de las relaciones interpersonales, un sanador de las rispideces de la vida cotidiana. Pero hay que cultivarlas.

Staff (2022-12-02). Presenta Ivette Cepeda su nuevo videoclip. La cantante cubana Ivette Cepeda y su Grupo Reflexión estrenaron el videoclip de la canción "Como en la lluvia", un tema incluido en su último disco La rosa de Jericó, compuesto por Karel García. El audiovisual fue grabado en la comunidad costera Cocodrilo, al sur del municipio especial Isla de la Juventud.

Staff (2022-12-02). Brasil cae 1-0 ante Camerún pero termina primero en el grupo G. Brasil, todavía sin Neymar, perdió 1-0 ante Camerún pero aseguró la primera posición del grupo G. El delantero del Arsenal fue uno de los jugadores más activos. Aunque Camerún se llevó la victoria no le fue suficiente, y queda fuera del Mundial.

Staff (2022-12-02). Cadena canadiense Blue Diamond incorpora la gestión del Grand Memories Holguín. La compañía canadiense Blue Diamond Resorts anunció la entrada en operaciones del hotel Grand Memories Holguín, un Todo Incluido en la región oriental de Cuba. Situado junto a las maravillosas playas de la costa holguinera, el alojamiento ofrece 430 habitaciones, para huéspedes de todas las edades. Blue Diamond mantiene su apuesta por el destino Cuba.

Staff (2022-12-02). Cuba y Unión Europea desarrollan su tercer comité conjunto en La Habana. El tercer Comité Conjunto entre Cuba y la Unión Europea (UE) sesionó este viernes, presidido por el director general de Asuntos Bilaterales en funciones del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, àÅngel Villa Hernández, y por la parte europea por el director para las Américas del Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior de la Unión Europea, Javier Niño Pérez.

Staff (2022-12-02). Díaz-Canel: "El 2023 tiene que ser un mejor año" "El 2023 tiene que ser un mejor año; tenemos todas las bases, además de la convicción, de que puede ser un año mejor", así lo consideró el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, al intervenir en la más reciente reunión del Consejo de Ministros, en la que fueron presentados los principales aspectos del Plan de la Economía Nacional y del Presupuesto del Estado para el próximo año.

Staff (2022-12-02). El polémico gol de Japón ante España: øSalió o no del campo? Es una de esas jugadas polémicas que se ven una y otra vez, avivan debates y persiguen a sus protagonistas por mucho tiempo. En este caso, quienes no la olvidarán fácilmente son los futbolistas de la selección alemana. øCruzó el balón la línea de fondo justo antes del segundo gol de Japón frente a España, el de la victoria nipona por 2-1?

Staff (2022-12-02). Propuestas del Festival de Cine este viernes 2 de diciembre. Este jueves inició la 43 edición del Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, que se extenderá hasta el próximo 10 de diciembre. Compartimos la programación de este viernes en el Cine 23 y 12, el Yara, el Charles Chaplin, el Acapulco y la Fundación Glauber Rocha. Disfrute del séptimo arte que inunda por estos días a La Habana.

Staff (2022-12-02). Recuerdan epopeya del yate Granma, a 66 años del suceso. Con un acto político-cultural en el monumento Portada de la Libertad, en Las Coloradas, del municipio de Niquero, cubanos de varias generaciones, en su mayoría jóvenes, rememoraron este viernes el desembarco de los expedicionarios del yate Granma, acaecido hace 66 años en predios de la actual provincia de igual nombre.

Staff (2022-12-02). Suiza vence a Serbia y clasifica de segundo a octavos de final. Suiza vence a Serbia 3-2 y clasifica de segundo a octavos de final.

Staff (2022-12-02). Unión Eléctrica pronostica una afectación de 1 005 MW en el pico nocturno. La UNE estima una una afectación máxima de 800 MW en el horario diurno y 1 005 MW para el pico nocturno. En su reporte habitual puntualizó que la máxima afectación en el horario de la noche fue 1 306 MW. Entre las unidades que se encuentran fuera de servicio por avería están la CTE Guiteras y la unidad 2 de la CTE Felton.

Staff (2022-12-02). Uruguay derrotó a Ghana pero no le bastó para llegar a octavos de final. Uruguay venció a Ghana gracias a dos goles de De Arrascaeta en la primera mitad, sin embargo no le bastó la victoria para clasificar a octavos de final. La victoria de Corea del Sur sobre Portugal (2-1) le da la segunda plaza del grupo a los surcoreanos y la primera a la selección lusa.

Staff (2022-12-02). EN VIVO: Camerún vs. Brasil en la Copa del Mundo de FIFA. Ambas selecciones se han enfrentado en seis ocasiones, siendo el choque de 1994 el primero.

Staff (2022-12-02). EN VIVO: Ghana 0 — 2 Uruguay en la Copa Mundial de la FIFA. El conjunto africano llega al encuentro tras una derrota ante Portugal 3-2 en su debut, así como una victoria 3 2 frente a Corea del Sur.

TeleSUR, as, MER (2022-12-02). Corea del Sur se enfrentará a Portugal en Mundial de Qatar. Portugal ya se encuentra en la siguiente fase del torneo al tener dos victorias, la primera 3 2 contra Ghana y la segunda 2 0 ante Uruguay.

TeleSUR, as, MER (2022-12-02). Zurda Infinita analiza la jornada 12 del Mundial Qatar 2022. Morales y Sorín destacaron el desempeño de la selección de Japón ante España para conseguir su pase a octavos de final.

TeleSUR, avg, HR, SH (2022-12-02). øQué significa el desembarco del Granma en la historia de Cuba. El desembarco del yate Granma a inicios de diciembre de 1956 marcó el inicio de la lucha en la Sierra Maestra contra la dictadura de Fulgencio Batista.

TeleSUR, ev, MER (2022-12-02). Ghana y Uruguay jugarán por el Grupo H de Qatar 2022. El conjunto africano llegará al encuentro tras una derrota ante Portugal en su debut, así como una victoria frente a Corea del Sur.

TeleSUR, gao, DRL (2022-12-02). Denuncian nuevo intento de golpe de Estado en Burkina Faso. El líder de la junta militar, capitán Ibrahim Traoré, dijo que elementos del Ejército querían arrebatarle el poder.

TeleSUR, gao, JDO (2022-12-02). Comienza la 43 edición del Festival de Cine de La Habana. Un total de15 largometrajes de ficción optan por el Gran Premio Coral que otorga el Festival de Cine de La Habana.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-12-02). Denuncian en Panamá injusticia contra líderes sindicales. Conato asegura que la sentencia contra líderes sindicales tiene trasfondo político para privatizar la Caja de Seguro Social.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-12-02). Incrementan en 114 por ciento salario de docentes argentinos. El aumento salarial se realizará en tres momentos, entre diciembre y febrero de 2023, hasta alcanzar los 90.338 pesos (586.38 dólares).

TeleSUR, HR, SH (2022-12-02). Conoce qué productos son fruto de la esclavitud moderna. Algunos de los productos más comunes del día a día son fabricados gracias a la explotación de seres humanos que sufren terribles condiciones laborales.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-02). Asesinan al director de la cárcel El Inca en Quito, Ecuador. Las autoridades penitenciarias repudiaron este hecho, perpetrado en medio de cambios para la seguridad de los internos.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-02). Gobierno uruguayo solicita ingresar a Acuerdo Transpacífico. Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay alertaron que tomarán medidas jurídicas y comerciales para proteger sus intereses y los de Mercosur.

TeleSUR, jaa, SH (2022-12-02). Interpretación del laúd es inscrito en listado de la Unesco. La historia sobre el origen del laúd está basada en una leyenda que hace alusión a los orígenes de la humanidad.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-02). Asesinan a otro firmante del Acuerdo de Paz en Cauca, Colombia. El occiso era José Reinel Cano Medina y según Indepaz, lo asesinaron en la vía Caloto-El Palo, en condiciones desconocidas.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-02). Presidente mexicano anuncia aumento de salario mínimo de 20 % en 2023. Desde enero del 2023, el salario mínimo mexicano será de 207.44 pesos diarios, lo que representa un alza de 1.052 pesos mensuales.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-02). PIB de Brasil crece un 0,4 % en tercer trimestre de 2022. En el tercer trimestre del año, el PIB brasileño fue de 2,544 billones de reales, según el informe de la agencia.

TeleSUR, jap, DRL (2022-12-02). Marruecos hace historia al clasificar a octavos en Qatar 2022. Marruecos llegaba al encuentro tras un empate sin goles ante Croacia y un triunfo de 2 0 frente Bélgica.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-12-02). Corte Internacional de Justicia emite fallo sobre Aguas del Silala. Se reconoce que este recurso hídrico es de curso internacional y que Bolivia y Chile, partes en litigio, han de hacer uso del mismo de manera equitativa y razonable.

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-12-02). AN de Venezuela ratifica segundo acuerdo parcial firmado en México. Los parlamentario destacaron que se han retomado los caminos de la paz y el diálogo.

TeleSUR, lvm, SH (2022-12-02). Lluvias dejan al menos dos muertos en Santa Catarina, Brasil. En la mañana del jueves, el gobernador del estado de Santa Catarina, Carlos Moisés, declaró el estado de emergencia a causa de las lluvias.

TeleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-02). Presidente Arce destaca que fallo de la CIJ ratifica derechos de Bolivia sobre aguas del Silala. En 2016, Chile demandó a Bolivia ante la CIJ por el estatus y uso de las aguas del Silala y en 2018, Bolivia contrademandó a Chile.

TeleSUR, mcs, JDO (2022-12-02). México registra 18 muertes y 68 casos de meningitis por hongo. La autoridad sanitaria reiteró que la evidencia preliminar sugiere que las pacientes se infectaron por procedimientos de anestesia espinal.

TeleSUR, mm, MER (2022-12-02). Camerún se medirá ante Brasil en la Copa del Mundo Qatar 2022. Camerún necesita ganar y esperar que Suiza pierda para obtener el boleto la siguiente fase de la Copa del Mundo.

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-12-02). Serbia se enfrentará a Suiza en la Copa Mundial de FIFA. Ambas oncenas ya se habían visto las caras en la Copa del Mundo de 2018, cuando los suizos ganaron 2 -1.

TeleSUR, odr -YSM (2022-12-02). Confirman quinta ola de Covid-19 ante alza de casos en Perú. La ministra de Salud, Kelly Portalatino, anunció que se evaluará el retorno del uso de las mascarillas en sitios abiertos.

TeleSUR, odr, SH (2022-12-02). Sugieren retomar el uso de mascarillas en República Dominicana. Las autoridades dominicanas sugirieron además observar el cumplimiento de las normas sanitarias por el aumento de casos de la Covid-19.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-02). ONU: desigualdades impiden el progreso para poner fin al Sida. El ente propone acciones urgentes para abordar desigualdades de género, edad, financieras, entre otras.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-12-02). Congreso peruano admite moción de vacancia contra presidente Castillo. El presidente Pedro Castillo afronta el tercer pedido de destitución en menos de un año y medio de su mandato.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-12-02). Presidente peruano llama al diálogo por gobernabilidad de Perú. Pedro Castillo indicó que el informe de la OEA, ratificó que su gobierno viene recibiendo ataques por parte de sectores políticos de derecha.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-12-02). Regresen a Venezuela 266 connacionales desde Perú. De acuerdo al gobierno venezolano alrededor de 30.000 ciudadanos han retornado al país suramericano en los últimos cuatro años.

Xulio Ríos (2022-12-02). La metamorfosis del comunismo en China. Este texto forma parte del libro Centenario del Partido Comunista Chino. Ensayos en honor a Romer Cornejo (Colegio de México, 2022), a modo de contribución personal al merecido homenaje al profesor Romer Cornejo, excelente académico y gran persona, uno de…

TeleSUR, JAP, DRL (2022-12-02). Uruguay ganó pero no alcanzó. El conjunto africano llegaba al encuentro tras una derrota ante Portugal 3-2 en su debut, así como una victoria 3-2 frente a Corea del Sur.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-12-02). Major Outlets Call on the US To Drop Charges Against Assange. "Holding governments accountable is part of the core mission of a free press in a democracy," the New York Times and European media said. | Through a joint letter published on Monday, The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, and El Pais asked the United States to the Espionage Act charges against Julian Assange because it undermines press freedom. | Twelve years ago, those American and European media released excerpts of the revelations obtained in 2 ,000 documents, which were leaked to WikiLeaks by the then American soldier Chelsea Manning. Following that leak, Washington began proceedings to ind…

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-12-02). Argentina rechaza ejercicios militares en las islas Malvinas. La Cancillería argentina advirtió que "llevará adelante una enérgica protesta formal ante el Reino Unido".

2022-12-03 22:20:19 | 22:20 EST | tr | 504 | 2 | 340 | 205 | 0 

2022-12-02: News Headlines

Labor Video Project (2022-12-02). Biden & Republicrats Union Busting Bill Against Railway Workers & Their Fight For Sick Pay. The Biden administration with the support of most of the Democrats and Republicans in Congress pushed a bill that imposes a reactionary contract that severely limits sick pay and benefits BNSF railroad owner Warren Buffet and the other railroad corporations.

WSWS (2022-12-02). Bernie Sanders, DSA play crucial role in passing anti-strike law against railroaders. This anti-strike legislation could not have passed in the form that it did, with the speed that it did, without the support of the pseudo-left.

WSWS (2022-12-02). Train and track authorities prosecuted over fatal derailment in Australia. The charges relate to the February 2020 derailment of a Sydney to Melbourne train that caused the deaths of the train's driver, John Kennedy, and his track pilot Sam Meintanis.

WSWS (2022-12-02). Macron warns of "fracturing" of NATO alliance on state visit to Washington. Amid mounting economic conflicts between US and European imperialism, and fears of an energy crisis this winter, Biden and Macron united on escalating the war against Russia.

Anonymous587 (2022-12-02). Foreign Mercenaries: Kiev Regime's War Is Full Of Corruption, Deceit And Dirty Deals. | With the beginning of the war in Ukraine, President Zelensky launched a full-scale campaign to attract foreign military volunteers to strengthen the capabilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Citizens of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, and Israel were among the first to arrive. Later, entire squads of foreign soldiers of fortune were formed, equipped with the most advanced Western weapons. However, it soon became clear that this war is not 'a walk in the Ukrainian fields' but a fierce battle un…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-02). U.S. Is Considering Supplying Ukraine With Rocket-Propelled Bombs That Can Hit Russia's Crimea. The GLSDB system. Source: Saab Group | The Pentagon is considering a proposal by Boeing to supply Ukraine with rocket-propelled precision-guided bombs that would allow Kiev forces to strike far behind Russian lines, Sources in the United States military industrial complex told the news agency that B…

WSWS (2022-12-02). As US police killings are on track to eclipse last year's record number, Democratic-run cities seek to add killer robots to arsenal. The latest figures from Mapping Police Violence indicate that through November 27, 2022, police had killed 20 more people compared to this time last year.

WSWS (2022-12-02). With US police killings on track to eclipse last year's record, Democratic-run cities seek to add killer robots. The latest figures from Mapping Police Violence indicate that through November 27, 2022, police had killed 20 more people compared to this time last year.

Abayomi Azikiwe (2022-12-02). Unjust Measures Imposed on Labor and African Americans After Midterm Elections.

_____ (2022-12-02). Who prevents Palestine from becoming a full member of the UN? Granting Palestine full member state status at the UN would, according to many politicians, be a practical step that could preserve the two-state solution and help reinvigorate the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians. And this view is constantly making its way on the world stage and within the UN walls. Several consultations have been …

Nickie Deahl (2022-12-02). Kamala Harris Blunders Philippines Visit, Stirs Conflict with China.

Natalie Armbruster (2022-12-02). American Forces Needlessly Caught in Turkish Crossfire.

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-02). Draft NDAA Includes $3 Billion in Annual Military Aid for Taiwan.

James Carden (2022-12-02). Writing the Ukraine War History, As It Happens.

Al Mayadeen (2022-12-02). 11 Years On… UK Gets What It Was Always After; Libya's Oil.

Rachel Evans (2022-12-02). NSW anti-protest laws put non-violent climate activist in jail. Climate activist Violet CoCo to 15 month's prison for blocking vehicles, possessing a bright light distress signal and refusing to comply with police directions, reports Rachel Evans.

Manuel Raposo (2022-12-02). Is Ukraine war at a turning point? Published on on Nov. 21, 2022. Translation: John Catalinotto. Lloyd Austin and Mark Milley said: Ukraine cannot expect a military victory. The information released in recent days about the war in Ukraine, although fragmentary and even contradictory, seems to point in one direction: the U.S. is pressuring Ukrainian leaders . . . |

Anand Naidoo (2022-12-02). The Heat: U.S.-France Ties. U.S. President Joe Biden hosts his first state dinner with French President Emmanuel Macron. The two leaders met earlier to discuss the Ukraine conflict, trade, cooperation in space, cyberspace and the ever-growing energy concerns in Europe. The touchiest topic though terms of the U.S. Inflation …

Maria Paez Victor (2022-12-02). Canada and the Kidnapping of Ambassador Saab. By Maria Paez Victor Nov 28, 2022 | Throughout the years I have known some people who were very vocal and eloquent supporters of humanity and its various causes. Yet, personally, they were quite disagreeable people, very unforgiving of the actual humanity that surrounded them, their families, acquaintances and, neighbors. It always made me wonder about their public sincerity when their private actions were so at odds with it. | Something like that happens to me at the broader scale when I think of Canada's foreign policy: big words but mean actions. What great eloquence we get from the prime minister Justin…

Minnie Bruce Pratt (2022-12-02). Sanctions: Dec. 10 webinar exposes U.S. economic warfare. Intensifying U.S. sanctions, imposed on a third of humanity, are sending shock waves through the world economy. Sanctions have boomeranged on the U.S. and EU countries through inflation, supply chain shortages and a looming recession — causing hardship at home. But by far the greatest burden is borne by the . . . |

Stephanie Hedgecoke (2022-12-02). Indigenous California peoples fight to save ancient burial mounds. Some 400 supporters joined Ohlone organizers and community Nov. 25 for the annual Shellmound Walk in the San Francisco Bay Area. Since 2005, Shellmound Walks are held the day after "Unthanksgiving" to raise awareness of the struggle of the Native California coastal nations to save the ruins of their ancient . . . |

Roger D. Harris (2022-12-02). The Volatility of US Hegemony in Latin America (Part 1). Latin America and the Caribbean have again began to take on a becoming pink complexion, all the more so with June's historic electoral victory in Colombia over the country's long-dominant US-backed right-wing and a similar reverse in Brazil in October. These electoral rejections of the right-wing followed left victories last year in Peru, Honduras, and …

____ (2022-12-02). World's first high-speed railway in extremely low temperatures transports 670 mln passengers in 10 years. The world's first high-speed railway operating at high latitudes and extremely low temperatures in winter, Harbin-Dalian high-speed railway, has transported 670 million passengers since it began service ten years ago.

____ (2022-12-02). China-Laos Railway marks first anniversary. The China-Laos Railway has transported a total of 8.5 million passengers and 11.2 million tons of goods as of Saturday, since its launch on Dec. 3 a year ago, according to China State Railway Group.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-12-02). Major Outlets Call on the US To Drop Charges Against Assange. "Holding governments accountable is part of the core mission of a free press in a democracy," the New York Times and European media said. | Through a joint letter published on Monday, The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, and El Pais asked the United States to the Espionage Act charges against Julian Assange because it undermines press freedom. | Twelve years ago, those American and European media released excerpts of the revelations obtained in 2 ,000 documents, which were leaked to WikiLeaks by the then American soldier Chelsea Manning. Following that leak, Washington began proceedings to ind…

Contributing Writers (2022-12-02). DR. REINER FUELLMICH INTERVIEWED BY MARIA ZEEE INJECTED BEHAVING AS THOUGH LOBOTOMIZED & THE ICIC. channel image Willyalfredo Willyalfredo 4046 subscribers Dr. Reiner Fuellmich joins us to explain what happened to the Corona Investigative Committee, the work of the newly established International Crimes Investigative Committee, and a deeper dive of a new discussion sweeping the world by storm how the injected are being likened to those who have …

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-12-02). Rain or Shine, Grannies Rage for Abortion Rights. Action at Federal Building part of Nationwide Protest…

Angela (2022-12-02). Saturday 12/3: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "In the Pocket of Oslo"

Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center (2022-12-02). Saturday 12/17: 14th Annual Peace and Justice Awards Dinner.

Lee Siu Hin, National Immigrant Solidarity N (2022-12-02). Winter 2022 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Immigrant Justice News Alert! Racist Hate and Migrantphobia Continues Under Biden…

SF on National Day of Action (2022-12-02). Street Theater for Abortion Rights on Anniversary of Dobbs v. Jackson. Street theater and songs for abortion rights | 1 min mp4 video by Lis Cox.

People for the American Way (2022-12-02). Sunday 12/4: "Voting Rights: The Struggle To Be Counted" – History Film on Black Voter Suppression. Online event…

Eye Zen (2022-12-02). Friday 12/16: Revolution is Not a One Time Event. Studio A.C.T @ 30 Grant Avenue san Francisco California 94108…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-12-02). Golden Harvest Ceremony – Growing food in Historic Negro Bar, Lake Natoma, California. 1848 Negro Hill, Mormon Island and Negro Bar Gold Mining District on Ancient Indigenous Lands in California. "It's important to keep the focus squarely on the culprit that brought us to this point today. And that's the US government. Its subtle and overt expansion of White supremacy is to blame here. These are two incredibly aggrieved, hyper-marginalized groups,"

International Human Rights Day Coalition (2022-12-02). Friday 12/9: Unite and Fight for our Rights, Lives, and planet. Gather at the New Federal Building 7th and Mission | March to Powell and Market and Union Square…

Melinda Hughes (2022-12-02). Monday 12/5: No Men In Women's Prisons. Steps of R. C. Davidson Courthouse, Oakland…

Angela (2022-12-02). Sunday 12/11: Q&A Discussion of "Come and See; Go and Tell – Next Year in Palestine"

Craig Baldwin (2022-12-02). Saturday 12/17: AVANT TO LIVE – DEC. 17: NEW EXPERIMENTAL WORK. 992 Valencia Street in San Francisco's Mission District.

Craig Baldwin (2022-12-02). Saturday 12/10: NO NAME CINEMA – DEC. 10: RHODY/SMITH/KUJAWSKI's MINIMAL EXPANDED CINEMA. 992 Valencia Street in San Francisco's Mission District.

Craig Baldwin (2022-12-02). Saturday 12/3: UKRAINIAN BENEFIT – DEC.3: CURTIS' TRAUMAZONE + STONE's UKRAINE ON FIRE. 992 Valencia Street in San Francisco's Mission District.

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-12-02). Meet the Bay Area Photographers Safety Group. Bay Area Photographers Organize for Safety in face of increasing armed robberies…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-12-02). Rosa Louise McCauley Parks – Patron Saint – Women's Political Council of Montgomery, AL. If the Women's Political Council of Montgomery, Alabama is known, then the efficacy of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement is placed in proper context, #Womanity.

J Goldberg, A Leisewitz, G Wiegel & M Zander (2022-12-02). Lockdown light – Corona crisis and capitalism. The pandemic and countermeasures have effects shaped by the neoliberal form of capitalism[6] that has dominated since the 1980s. Three aspects are worth mentioning: 1.the independence of the financial sphere,2.the fragmentation of the labor markets, and | 3.the weakening of social systems. In the financialized economy, measures to cushion the crisis strengthen the haves.

Students4HK (2022-12-02). Tuesday 11/29: Rally: support anti-government protests in China. Portsmouth Square (Kearny @ Clay), Chinatown, San Francisco…

Norman Solomon (2022-12-02). Hype About Democrats Passing the Torch: Don't Get Fooled Again. The past masquerading as the future…

San Francisco is Pro-Choice (2022-12-02). Cleverly Executed Demo for Abortion Rights in Top San Francisco Mall. Award winning Westfield Mall was already decorated in lights and Christmas colors when demonstrators arrived to "green it up" for abortion rights on busiest shopping day of the year.

C, C Butterwegge & Sybille Pirklbauer (2022-12-02). Social division in the schools and 7 challenges to the welfare state. The most difficult task will be to redefine prosperity not only in philosophical concepts, but also in concrete tangible and experiential terms detached from consumption. Many are already working on this. The United Nations adopted a strategy for a "blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet" with the Sustainable Development Goals 2015.

LaborFest (2022-12-02). Saturday 12/10: Get Your Ticket To Mars. Twitter Headquarters San Francico | 1355 Market St. | San Francisco…

Gypsy Taub (2022-12-02). Hope a Poem By Gypsy Taub. Gypsy Taub is an activist in California. She was born and raised in Russia. She is half Russian, half Ukrainian. Her poem "Hope" is about the war in the Ukraine. You can find more of Gypsy's poetry and more info about Gypsy at MyNakedTruth.TV or Gypsy's BIO is posted on

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J. S. Davies (2022-12-02). Eight reasons why now is a good time for a Ukraine ceasefire and peace talks. People all over the world are calling for a Christmas truce, harkening back to the inspirational Christmas Truce of 1914.

Brett Wilkins (2022-12-02). Putting 'profits over people', Senate rejects paid sick leave for rail workers. Forty-two Republicans—and serial Democratic obstructionist Joe Manchin of West Virginia—voted down Rep. Jamaal Bowman's (D-N.Y.) proposal to include seven paid sick days in the tentative contract.

Amy Goodman (2022-12-02). Oath Keepers founder guilty of seditious conspiracy for plotting to violently overthrow US gov't. The case marks the first time in nearly three decades that a federal jury has convicted defendants of seditious conspiracy.

Priti Gulati Cox, Stan Cox (2022-12-02). Paying for an overheating Earth. At a time when the major fossil-fuel companies are still raking in staggering profits off their oil and natural gas supplies, as that line straight out of my childhood went: There oughta be a law.

Ramzy Baroud (2022-12-02). 'Deliberate ambiguity': Israel's nuclear weapons are greatest threat to Middle East. As Western countries are floating the theory that Russia could escalate its conflict with Ukraine to a nuclear war, many of those governments continue to turn a blind eye to Israel's nuclear weapons capabilities. Luckily, many other countries around the world do not subscribe to this endemic hypocrisy. The Conference on the Establishment of a …

Mark Gruenberg (2022-12-02). Free elections come under attack Dec. 7 at the Supreme Court. WASHINGTON—On Dec. 7, 1941, "a date which will live in infamy," as FDR put it, the Empire of Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor. On Dec. 7, 2022, the empire of the right wing attacks the United States election system—at the Supreme Court. That's the day when the right-wingers, seizing on two small …

Carl Wood (2022-12-02). Railroad struggle reminds us, interfering in the right to strike is never okay. Yes, a strike of railroad workers could bring the national economy to a halt, including stopping the flow of millions of dollars a day in profits to the railroad companies. But let's keep in mind that it's big business —not workers—that has crashed the nation's economy at least three times in recent memory. There was …

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2022-12-02). Congress and Biden override rail worker collective bargaining rights. WASHINGTON—Giving in to pressure from Democratic President Joe Biden and corporate rail bosses, the Senate overwhelmingly imposed a four-year contract on 115,000 unionized freight railroad workers—without the seven paid sick days they sought. The contract, which a Biden board crafted, came in legislation the president signed this morning. Biden, in a speech this morning at …

Jackson Todd (2022-12-02). New School part-time faculty reject university's offer; strike continues. NEW YORK—"It's not very on-brand," striker R. Sikoryac said of New School University administration's handling of strike by part-time workers belonging to ACT-UAW Local 7902. He added, "Although the faculty have been supportive and lived up to the school's mission." Another striker chimed in, adding that she gives the administration an F- on their handling …

Vijay Prashad (2022-12-02). Biden wines and dines Macron, but hostilities simmer between U.S. and France. Editor's Note: Televisions broadcast happy handshakes between President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron as the U.S. leader hosted his counterpart this week. But behind the smiles a competition for influence is underway—in Africa, Australia, and elsewhere. Add the U.K.'s own imperial ambitions to the mix, and it's a formula for trouble for peoples …

Michael Berkowitz (2022-12-02). 'Bad Sisters' is very good! After Thanksgiving—it's the perfect time to reconsider what should be done about the painfully obnoxious right-wing relative who casts a pall over family festivities! Sharon Hogan's clever, often uproarious, slightly dark new comedy Bad Sisters provides one answer. The brilliant Irish comedienne (Catastrophe, Pulling and Divorce) has previously won Britain's Comedy Award for Best TV …

Allen Forrest (2022-12-02). Euthanasia "life now reflects art" Canadian clothes retailer Simons is actually using suicide to market their products. No, this isn't made up. It's part of a sweeping effort to introduce medically assisted suicide as a treatment for mental illness, PTSD and even children with defects in Canada. Euthanasia "life now reflects art"

Binoy Kampmark (2022-12-02). Gallic Rebuke: France and the US Rules-based Order. Gérard Araud was not mincing his words. As France's former ambassador to Washington, he had seen enough. At a November 14 panel hosted by the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft titled "Is America Ready for a Multipolar Word?", Araud decried the "economic warfare" being waged by the United States against China, expressing the view that …

Binoy Kampmark (2022-12-02). Climate change to make Tuvalu the world's first 'digital nation'. In response to the existential threat of climate change, the Tuvaluan government has announced it will become the world's first "digital nation". Binoy Kampmark reports.

Caitlin Johnstone (2022-12-02). What My Little Project Here Is All About. Listen to a reading of this article: | Every year around my birthday I've been tapping out an explanation of where I stand and what I'm trying to accomplish in this humble little slice of the digital universe here. As a In short, what…

Colin Todhunter (2022-12-02). Who Needs or Wants GMOs? Not the Public, Not India's Farmers.

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-02). Russia Says US, NATO Directly Involved in Ukraine War. The US and NATO are directly involved in the war in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday. "You shouldn't say that the US and NATO aren't taking part in this war. You are directly participating in it," Lavrov said at a press conference. "And not just by providing weapons but also by …

David Killingly (2022-12-02). Forum discusses fight against fossil fuel industry. Climate Coalition Sydney organised a forum that heard from four union and environmental activists fighting against the Australian government's fossil fuel expansionism. David Killingly reports.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2022-12-02). It Is Official—the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Is Weaponized. The Alleged January 6, 2021 "Attack on the Capitol"

____ (2022-12-02). CNOOC ups investment in Brazil. CNOOC Petroleum Brasil has doubled its stake in the Buzios oilfield in Brazil to 10 percent from 5 percent, its parent China National Offshore Oil Corp announced on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-02). Workers begin returning to iPhone plant. Some 10,000 workers have returned to the world's largest Apple iPhone assembly plant in Zhengzhou, Henan province since Monday, and more are on their way, Foxconn said on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-02). New major gas pipeline begins trial operations. The Shenmu-Anping coal bed methane pipeline, China's longest such pipeline, was put into trial operation on Thursday, which will eventually ensure sufficient domestic gas supply.

____ (2022-12-02). 100 billion parcels sent so far this year. More than 100 billion parcels have been handled in China this year as of Thursday, evidence of the sector's resilience amid sporadic COVID-19 outbreaks.

____ (2022-12-02). Alibaba establishes beachhead in Spain. Chinese tech heavyweight Alibaba Group Holding Ltd on Thursday launched new e-commerce platform Miravia in Spain.

____ (2022-12-02). ABB's largest robotics factory starts operation in Shanghai. Swiss tech giant ABB on Friday officially opened its largest and fully automated robotics factory in Shanghai where "robots make robots."

____ (2022-12-02). Tesla delivers 1st electric semi trucks. Tesla on Thursday delivered the first batch of electric Semi trucks to PepsiCo at an event held at the company's Gigafactory in Sparks in the U.S. state of Nevada.

____ (2022-12-02). Elon Musk says Neuralink could test brain chips in humans in 6 months. Tech billionaire Elon Musk said Wednesday that he expects a wireless brain chip developed by his company Neuralink to begin human clinical trials in six months, though that timeline is far from certain.

____ (2022-12-02). Chinese commodities on e-commerce platforms popular in S Korea. Chinese commodities on cross-border e-commerce platforms are very popular in South Korea during shopping festivals both in China and abroad, such as the Double Eleven online shopping event and Black Friday.

____ (2022-12-02). Number of first-time married Chinese hits 37-year new low. The number of married people in China has been decreasing with first-time marriage age delayed and the number of single people expanding. Official data shows China registered 7.643 million marriages in 2021, below 8 million for the first time since 2003.

____ (2022-12-02). Cross-sea subway route in NE China enters trial operation without load. Dalian Metro Line 5 in Liaoning Province, the first cross-sea subway route in northeast China, started no-load trial operation on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-02). Nov manufacturing PMI remains in contraction status on COVID cases. China's factory activity contracted in November as renewed COVID-19 outbreaks disrupted output and subdued demand, a business survey showed on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-02). Guangzhou eases more COVID-19 controls. More districts in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, have announced measures to bring life and work back to normal amid the COVID-19 control.

____ (2022-12-02). Chinese scientists design wearable energy harvester on cattle to build smart ranch. A group of Chinese scientists proposed a zero-energy smart ranch with wearable sensors entirely powered by cattle's movements.

____ (2022-12-02). China-Laos Railway promotes friendship, provides development opportunities. The China-Laos Railway has deepened the friendship between Chinese and Lao staff and provided development opportunities to both countries and peoples.

____ (2022-12-02). Snow leopard spotted in China's giant panda national park. Images of a snow leopard has been captured by two infrared cameras in the Wenchuan area of the Giant Panda National Park in southwest China's Sichuan Province.

____ (2022-12-02). Security Council to feature debate on reforming multilateralism in December. Reforming multilateralism will be debated at the UN Security Council in December, the council's president said Thursday.

____ (2022-12-02). Guangzhou updates COVID-19 assessment standards. Standards for designating high-risk areas and those who have close contact with infected people have been updated in Guangzhou, Guangdong province.

____ (2022-12-02). 10th Straits Youth Festival begins in Fujian. This year's Straits Youth Festival, an annual exchange event across the Taiwan Straits, has attracted an estimated 3,000 young people from Taiwan, according to the organizers.

____ (2022-12-02). Chinalco's cargo vessel rescues six Guinean fishermen. Jing Hai Xing, a subcontracted cargo vessel for Aluminum Corporation of China (Chinalco)'s bauxite project in the Republic of Guinea, rescued six local fishermen in the open water close to the Western African country on Nov 29.

____ (2022-12-02). China's two meteorological satellites put into operation. Two meteorological satellites, along with their ground application systems, have officially started operation, said the China Meteorological Administration on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-02). Profile: Jiang Zemin's great, glorious life. Jiang Zemin was an outstanding leader enjoying high prestige acknowledged by the whole Communist Party of China (CPC), the entire military and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups.

____ (2022-12-02). Chinese people mourn Jiang Zemin. Chinese people were saddened to hear the news of the passing of their former leader Jiang Zemin, who died Wednesday in Shanghai at the age of 96.In the city of Yangzhou, east China's Jiangsu Province, flower bouquets lined the entrance to the former residence of Jiang.

____ (2022-12-02). China to conduct 5th national economic census in 2023. China will conduct its fifth national economic census in 2023 to take stock of the country's economic and social development.

____ (2022-12-02). China, EU enjoy strong economic symbiosis: commerce ministry. China and the European Union (EU) have formed a strong economic symbiosis under the guidance of their respective leaderships, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce said Thursday.

____ (2022-12-02). Jiang Zemin's remains transferred to Beijing. The remains of Comrade Jiang Zemin were transferred to Beijing from Shanghai aboard a special flight on Thursday afternoon. Cai Qi and others escorted Jiang's remains from Shanghai to Beijing.

____ (2022-12-02). Draw for Paris 2024 ticket sales starts. An online public draw kicked off on Thursday until January 31, 2023 for those who wish to buy the tickets.

____ (2022-12-02). Female refereeing trio take charge of men's match for the first time. For the first time in men's World Cup history, all-female has taken to the field as referee. French referee Stephanie Frappart became the first woman in the history of the World Cup to referee a finals match in the men's tournament.

____ (2022-12-02). Chinese national flags flown at half-mast to mourn death of Comrade Jiang Zemin. Chinese national flags flown at half-mast to mourn death of Comrade Jiang Zemin at China's embassies, consulates and other agencies stationed overseas…

____ (2022-12-02). Aerial view of traffic flow in Guangzhou after COVID control eased. More districts in Guangzhou have lifted temporary control measures to bring life and work back to normal amid the COVID-19 control.

____ (2022-12-02). Traditional handmade shoes in Shandong gain popularity on market. A woman makes traditional Chinese cloth shoes at a factory in Heze, east China's Shandong Province, Dec.1, 2022.

____ (2022-12-02). Shanghai's largest heritage complex reopens after renovation. Built in 1882, Zhang Yuan or Zhang's Garden, a community filled with hundreds of shikumen houses in downtown Shanghai's Jing'an district is widely known as Shanghai's largest, best-preserved and most diverse shikumen compound.

____ (2022-12-02). Decoding tea culture in Song Dynasty.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Explosion hits eastern Tel Aviv. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — News sources late Thursday reported a blast near a restaurant in the east of Tel Aviv.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Qatari FM praises Team Melli performance in 2022 World Cup. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani in a phone call with his Iranian counterpart praised the performance of Iran Iran's national football team (Team Melli) in the 2022 World Cup.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Plane crash in northwestern Turkey's Bursa kills 2. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Two people aboard a single-engine airplane were killed when it crashed on Thursday in the northwestern Turkish province of Bursa, the governor said.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). 9 killed in Pakistan coal mine blast. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — A gas blast at a coal mine in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province has killed nine workers and injured four others, police said on Thursday.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Iran, Venezuela oil ministers discuss energy cooperation. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji and his Venezuelan counterpart in a phone conversation on Thursday night discussed the Tehran-Caracas bilateral cooperation in the field of energy.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). At least 40 al-Shabaab terrorists killed in Somalia. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — At least 40 al-Shabaab terrorists were killed and several others wounded in a fresh operation in Somalia's Middle Shabelle region on Thursday, authorities said.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Iran envoy condemns Afghanistan religious school attack. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Special envoy of the Iranian President for Afghanistan Hassan Kazemi Qomi in a tweet on Friday condemned the recent terrorist attack on a religious school in Afghanistan's Samangan province.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Iranian nation turned arrogant threats into opportunities. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Tehran's interim Friday Prayers leader Ayatollah Kazem Sedighi says that the Iranian nation has turned the arrogant threats into opportunities.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Fire erupts in Turkey's Samsun port following blast (+VIDEO). TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — A blast shook the Black Sea port of Samsun in northern Turkey on Friday.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Alarm bells sounded for the Zionist regime, its backers. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Referring to the globalization of hatred against the Israeli regime, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kan'ani said that alarm bells have been sounded for the Zionist regime and its supporters.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Explosion hits mosque in Afghan capital. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — News sources on Friday afternoon reported an explosion that hit a mosque in the Afghan capital of Kabul.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Iran-Iraq cooperation brought stability to region: UN Envoy. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Iraq Jeanine Antoinette Plasschaert says that the cooperation between Iran and Iraq has brought stability to the region.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Italian embassy vehicle destroyed in firebombing. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — An overnight arson attack destroyed a car used by a senior official at the Italian embassy in Athens, an incident that authorities in Greece and Italy condemned Friday.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-02). Glamorous autumn in Hamedan province. TEHRAN, Dec. 02 (MNA) — Footage shows the beautiful autumn scenery of Ganjnameh in Iran's Hamedan province.

Eugyppius (2022-12-02). Switzerland, Facing an Unprecedented Power Shortage, Contemplates a Partial Ban on the Use of Electric Vehicles.

Freedom Socialist Party (2022-12-02). Sunday 12/11: Speaker: Fight the Far Right to Win Reproductive Justice! In person in San Francisco (or via ZOOM link below) | New Valencia Hall | 747 Polk Street (at Ellis), San Francisco | (7 blocks from Civic Center BART, on/near #5, 19, 27, 31, 38 Muni bus lines)…

Global Research News (2022-12-02). Last Month's Most Popular Articles. (2022-12-02). Cell division and quantum leadership: News from the College. Here's a batch of fresh news and announcements from across Imperial.

Infobrics (2022-12-02). 4th Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum Brings Together Executives of Major Companies. Government officials from the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China and executives from over 100 major Russian and Chinese companies have attended the 4th Russian-Chinese Energy Business Forum…

Infobrics (2022-12-02). Two University Projects to Receive Support from Russian and Chinese Science Foundations. The Russian Science Foundation and the State Natural Science Foundation of China have supported two research projects by scientists of the Ural Federal University…

Infobrics (2022-12-02). Russia Increases Fuel Shipments to China. According to a report released by China's General Administration of Customs, Russian oil and gas exports to China increased significantly between January and October of this year in comparison to the same period last year…

JAFAR (2022-12-02). South Sumatra preparing emergency aid for potential disasters.

Jim McIlroy (2022-12-02). NAB: Stop funding Whitehaven Coal. Climate activists talked to customers going into the Newtown branch of the National Australia Bank about helping stop the bank funding Whitehaven Coal's expansion. Jim McIlroy reports.

Kennedy Hall (2022-12-02). Medical Clinic Treating People Injured by COVID Shot Opens in Italy.

Leslie Manookian (2022-12-02). The Peoples' Proclamation of Opposition to the G20 Bali Leaders' Declaration.

MANDO (2022-12-02). The Mandalorian Season 3 Release Date Has Been Delayed — But Not By Much.

Mark lodhge (2022-12-02). Police investigation after masked man attempts to abduct schoolgirl. Police are investigating after a masked man pulled up alongside an 11-year-old schoolgirl in his van and told her to get in.

Mike mohede (2022-12-02). Season 3 of The Mandalorian has finally been given a specific release date on Disney Plus. Season 3 of The Mandalorian has finally been given a specific release date on Disney Plus, which is only a little bit later than anticipated.

NEWS (2022-12-02). Children's clothing sets recalled over high lead levels. The clothing sets were sold at TJ Maxx, Ross, Burlington, Amazon and other stores.

Newswire (2022-12-02). England went to work after posting a massive total.

____ (2022-12-02). What Happened To (Once) Mighty Bundesmachine… This is not a question. As famous Gary Lineker stated in 1990: "Football is a simple game. Twenty-two men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans always win." Not the case anymore. In 2018 in the World Cup in Russia tens of millions of Russian fans, including millions who love German football, were salivating in their eager anticipation of seeing 2014 World Champions performing a football equivalent of the 1942 Panzer division on the offensive, but instead… Germany lost to Mexico in the opener and then simply bowed out of the group stage to the astonishment of the fans the world over, including…

Robert Reich (2022-12-02). The Fed's inflation mistake continues. Most of the pain is borne by people who are already struggling to keep up with rising prices: lower-wage workers and the poor.

Staff (2022-12-02). Economy Adds 263,000 Jobs in November, Unemployment Steady at 3.7 Percent. Wages grew at a 5.1 percent annual rate over the last three months. | The economy added 263,000 jobs in November, again coming in ahead of expectations. Perhaps more importantly, wages continue to grow at a rapid pace, as the October average hourly wage was revised up by 6 cents. The annual rate of wage growth over the last three months was 5.1 percent, the same as the rate over the last year. | Wage Growth is Still Rapid | The rapid pace of wage growth paints a very different picture than we were looking at in October, where the annualized rate was just 3.9 percent. Since we should expect some shift back to wage…

T.P. Wilkinson (2022-12-02). Transformation of Political Language (Part 1). In response to Jeff J. Brown's article "The Myth of Chinese Capitalism," Ron Leighton wrote an article published at Dissident Voice, Counterpunch, and elsewhere. Dr. T. P. Wilkinson has interviewed Jeff J. Brown about his article and much more. ***** The debate about what system actually governs the People's Republic of China has continued since …

Ted Kelly (2022-12-02). Free Leonard Peltier and all Native prisoners. The slightly edited article first appeared online Oct. 13, 2021. During the era of colonial theft and conquest, North America became a proving ground for European imperialists. This was where strategies of biological warfare and genocide were honed, as well as the industry that has become a pillar of modern . . . |

UAW 2865 (2022-12-02). Monday 11/28: UCB UAW March and Rally By Strikers To Office Of President. Meet At Snow Park UCB…

UFCFLPU (2022-12-02). Saturday 12/3: UC UAW Labor Community Solidarity Rally: COLA & Housing For All. UC Sproul Plaza…

WSWS (2022-12-02). Australia: Labor's new anti-strike industrial relations bill approved by parliament. Hundreds of amendments, extra sitting days and horse-trading with an independent senator reflect the determination of Labor to urgently increase the capacity of the industrial courts and unions to crush a mounting wave of working-class unrest.

WSWS (2022-12-02). Chinese vice premier signals shift from Zero-COVID based on lie that Omicron is mild. Sun Chunlan said Wednesday that "preventing the epidemic" would take place through vaccination, making medical resources available and preparing therapeutics, all the while "stabilizing the economy."

WSWS (2022-12-02). 2022 global art market benefits from an "explosion of wealth" at the top. The "robust" character of the art market mirrors the stratospheric rise in the wealth of the world's richest people over the same period.

WSWS (2022-12-02). OECD forecasts worsening global economic outlook. Global growth is becoming "increasingly imbalanced with the major Asian emerging market economies accounting for close to three-quarters of global GDP growth in 2023, reflecting their projected steady expansion and sharp slowdowns in the United States and Europe."

WSWS (2022-12-02). Timothy Snyder's Bloodlands: Right-wing propaganda disguised as historical scholarship—Part One. The role that Snyder is playing in justifying the imperialist proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and the alliance of US imperialism with the Ukrainian far right make it imperative to investigate his book more closely.

WSWS (2022-12-02). Flight attendant shares his experience being intubated for 19 days with COVID-19. In this interview for the Global Workers' Inquest into the COVID-19 Pandemic, flight attendant Tim Yoder shares his experiences in early 2020. Tim caught COVID-19 in mid-March 2020 after being told he was an "essential worker" and had to continue flying despite feeling ill when multiple coworkers had already tested positive for COVID-19.

WSWS (2022-12-02). In letter to Detroit News, Will Lehman says conduct of UAW election is a "travesty" On Tuesday, the Detroit News published a letter by United Auto Workers presidential candidate Will Lehman exposing the undemocratic character of the UAW's first-ever membership vote for top union officers.

WSWS (2022-12-02). Sri Lankan SEP and IYSSE campaign for global anti-war webinar. Students in Colombo, Sri Jayewardenapura, Moratuwa, Peradeniya, Ruhuna and Jaffna, expressed support for the global webinar being held by the IYSSE on December 10 to oppose the war in Ukraine and the drive by the imperialist powers towards a third world war.

Zenfone (2022-12-02). ASUS Zenbook S 13 OLED (UM5302), a Light but Powerful 13-Inch OLED Laptop.

Carlos Edill Berríos Polanco (2022-12-02). Puerto Rico Debt Restructuring Delayed, Again. Debt restructuring efforts for the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority's $9 billion debt have come to a new standstill after almost six years of negotiation. Multiple failed attempts to exit bankruptcy have led nowhere.

Latino USA (2022-12-02). Death by Policy: Crisis In The Arizona Desert (A Latino USA Podcast). In this year-long investigation from Futuro Investigates, we dig into how the U.S. government's decades-long "prevention through deterrence" policy has knowingly created a deadly funnel, pushing migrants crossing the border into the deadliest terrain in the country.

The Associated Press (2022-12-02). Hospitalized Pelé Thanks Fans During Fight Against Cancer. Brazilian soccer great Pelé thanked fans worldwide on Thursday for the well-wishes he's received since being admitted to a Sà£o Paulo hospital amid his fight against cancer. The 82-year-old Pelé, who had a colon tumor removed in September 2021, was hospitalized Tuesday to regulate his medication, his daughter said.

Bennett Shoop (2022-12-02). Drag against fascism: D.C. LGBTQ+ community raises funds for Club Q workers. WASHINGTON—Seven different talented drag performers—Jane Saw, Rico Pico, Jaxknife Complex, Ricky Rose, Dirty Sanchez, Mari Con Carne, and Molasses—took the stage at As You Are, a local queer bar and café in Southeast D.C., on Nov. 27 for a solidarity fundraiser for the workers of Club Q in Colorado Springs. The event was the third …

Staff (2022-12-02). Ganaderos se imponen por estrecho margen y derrotan a Centrales en sus predios 3×2. En el partido de este jueves, los Ganaderos aumentaron su ventaja sobre los Centrales, para terminar 3×2, con ocho hits, tres carreras y una impulsada. El abridor Alex Guerra, ganador del juego, pitcheó para una carrera y seis hits. Renner Rivero Estrada fue el pitcher derrotado. Caminó 5.2 episodios, donde permitió tres carreras y cuatro hits.

TeleSUR, em, DRL (2022-12-02). Croacia clasifica a los octavos tras el empate ante Bélgica. Croacia, la selección subcampeona actual, llegaba con un empate sin goles con Marruecos y un triunfo 4 – 1 sobre Canadá.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-02). India asume presidencia del G20 con visión hacia países del Sur. Primer Ministro Narendra Modi señala que los ejes del bloque se configurarán junto a los países del Sur, "cuya voz a menudo no se escucha".

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-02). Consejo de Estado de Cuba convoca a elecciones parlamentarias en 2023. Este proceso en Cuba inició el pasado 27 de noviembre cuando se desarrollaron los comicios municipales y el ciclo electoral culminará con la elección del mandatario.

TeleSUR, jap, MER (2022-12-02). Alemania y Costa Rica quedan eliminadas del Mundial Qatar 2022. El equipo de Luis Fernando Suárez inició la segunda mitad con otra cara y al minuto 58 Tejeda marcó el empate transitorio.

TeleSUR, mcs, JDO (2022-12-02). Lula se reúne con líderes sindicales y escucha demandas de trabajadores. Presidente electo de Brasil continúa escuchando a sectores del país como parte del proceso de transición hacia su Gobierno.

TeleSUR, mcs, JDO (2022-12-02). Desmantelan red de proxenetismo entre Francia, España y Colombia. La red, cuya organización era piramidal, reclutaba a las víctimas con falsas promesas de un futuro mejor en Europa y cobraba los beneficios.

TeleSUR, mcs, JDO (2022-12-02). Inaugurarán festival de cine latinoamericano de La Habana. Cuba y México, cada uno con tres, lideran la presencia de cortos documentales en concurso por el premio Coral de la edición 43 del Festival del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano.

Reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-12-02). Rita Segato: Raza, decolonización, patriarcado, feminismo… Rita Segato: "Elegimos una teoría por la dirección de la historia en la que queremos ir"

Maria Parazo Rose (2022-12-02). Biden propone nueva regla que reduce las emisiones de metano en tierras indígenas. La Oficina de Administración de Tierras propuso una nueva regla que tiene como objetivo reducir el gas natural desperdiciado en tierras federales y tribales, lo que ayudará a reducir las emisiones de metano. Al evitar miles de millones de pies cúbicos de emisiones de gas natural que provienen de fugas no intencionales de equipos o …

Staff (2022-12-02). En busca de un sueño: la gesta del Granma (+ Video). La gesta del Granma destaca por derecho propio dentro de la epopeya libertaria de nuestro pueblo. Frente a gigantescos obstáculos, un grupo de hombres se erigió como paladín de la apuesta por una Cuba mejor. Arriesgaron y dieron su vida por un sueño, por un ideal. Estuvieron a la altura de la encrucijada por ellos mismos definida: libres o mártires.

Staff (2022-12-02). Fidel Castro: "Si salgo, llego; si llego, entro; si entro, triunfo" (+ Video). Una de las fechas más heroicas que tiene la Revolución Cubana es la del 2 de diciembre de 1956, cuando se produce el desembarco del yate Granma, marcando un inicio en lucha contra la dictadura de Fulgencio Batista. A 66 años de esa hazaña, el Sitio Fidel Soldado de las Ideas y Cubadebate recuerdan el hecho a través de las memorias descritas por el Comandante en sus discursos.

Staff (2022-12-02). Presenta Ivette Cepeda su nuevo videoclip. La cantante cubana Ivette Cepeda y su Grupo Reflexión estrenaron el videoclip de la canción "Como en la lluvia", un tema incluido en su último disco La rosa de Jericó, compuesto por Karel García. El audiovisual fue grabado en la comunidad costera Cocodrilo, al sur del municipio especial Isla de la Juventud.

Staff (2022-12-02). Díaz-Canel: "El 2023 tiene que ser un mejor año" "El 2023 tiene que ser un mejor año; tenemos todas las bases, además de la convicción, de que puede ser un año mejor", así lo consideró el Primer Secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, al intervenir en la más reciente reunión del Consejo de Ministros, en la que fueron presentados los principales aspectos del Plan de la Economía Nacional y del Presupuesto del Estado para el próximo año.

Staff (2022-12-02). EN VIVO: Camerún vs. Brasil en la Copa del Mundo de FIFA. Ambas selecciones se han enfrentado en seis ocasiones, siendo el choque de 1994 el primero.

TeleSUR, as, MER (2022-12-02). Corea del Sur se enfrentará a Portugal en Mundial de Qatar. Portugal ya se encuentra en la siguiente fase del torneo al tener dos victorias, la primera 3 2 contra Ghana y la segunda 2 0 ante Uruguay.

TeleSUR, as, MER (2022-12-02). Zurda Infinita analiza la jornada 12 del Mundial Qatar 2022. Morales y Sorín destacaron el desempeño de la selección de Japón ante España para conseguir su pase a octavos de final.

TeleSUR, avg, HR, SH (2022-12-02). øQué significa el desembarco del Granma en la historia de Cuba. El desembarco del yate Granma a inicios de diciembre de 1956 marcó el inicio de la lucha en la Sierra Maestra contra la dictadura de Fulgencio Batista.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-12-02). Senado aprueba ley para evitar el paro ferroviario en EE. UU. Se estimó que una huelga en el sector ferroviario tendría un impacto financiero de 2.000 millones de dólares por día.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-12-02). Italianos realizan huelga contra Gobierno de Georgia Meloni. La protesta de los sindicatos es contra la estrategia económica del Gobierno, por la paz y otras demandas económicas.

TeleSUR, ev, MER (2022-12-02). Ghana y Uruguay jugarán por el Grupo H de Qatar 2022. El conjunto africano llegará al encuentro tras una derrota ante Portugal en su debut, así como una victoria frente a Corea del Sur.

TeleSUR, gao, DRL (2022-12-02). Denuncian nuevo intento de golpe de Estado en Burkina Faso. El líder de la junta militar, capitán Ibrahim Traoré, dijo que elementos del Ejército querían arrebatarle el poder.

TeleSUR, gao, JDO (2022-12-02). Comienza la 43 edición del Festival de Cine de La Habana. Un total de15 largometrajes de ficción optan por el Gran Premio Coral que otorga el Festival de Cine de La Habana.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-12-02). Denuncian en Panamá injusticia contra líderes sindicales. Conato asegura que la sentencia contra líderes sindicales tiene trasfondo político para privatizar la Caja de Seguro Social.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-12-02). Incrementan en 114 por ciento salario de docentes argentinos. El aumento salarial se realizará en tres momentos, entre diciembre y febrero de 2023, hasta alcanzar los 90.338 pesos (586.38 dólares).

TeleSUR, HR, SH (2022-12-02). Conoce qué productos son fruto de la esclavitud moderna. Algunos de los productos más comunes del día a día son fabricados gracias a la explotación de seres humanos que sufren terribles condiciones laborales.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-02). Asesinan al director de la cárcel El Inca en Quito, Ecuador. Las autoridades penitenciarias repudiaron este hecho, perpetrado en medio de cambios para la seguridad de los internos.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-02). Gobierno uruguayo solicita ingresar a Acuerdo Transpacífico. Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay alertaron que tomarán medidas jurídicas y comerciales para proteger sus intereses y los de Mercosur.

TeleSUR, jaa, SH (2022-12-02). Interpretación del laúd es inscrito en listado de la Unesco. La historia sobre el origen del laúd está basada en una leyenda que hace alusión a los orígenes de la humanidad.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-02). Asesinan a otro firmante del Acuerdo de Paz en Cauca, Colombia. El occiso era José Reinel Cano Medina y según Indepaz, lo asesinaron en la vía Caloto-El Palo, en condiciones desconocidas.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-02). Presidente mexicano anuncia aumento de salario mínimo de 20 % en 2023. Desde enero del 2023, el salario mínimo mexicano será de 207.44 pesos diarios, lo que representa un alza de 1.052 pesos mensuales.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-02). PIB de Brasil crece un 0,4 % en tercer trimestre de 2022. En el tercer trimestre del año, el PIB brasileño fue de 2,544 billones de reales, según el informe de la agencia.

TeleSUR, jap, DRL (2022-12-02). Marruecos hace historia al clasificar a octavos en Qatar 2022. Marruecos llegaba al encuentro tras un empate sin goles ante Croacia y un triunfo de 2 0 frente Bélgica.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-12-02). Gobierno de Colombia y ELN invitan al campesinado a sumarse a diálogos de paz. Delegados de las partes en el proceso de diálogo que tiene lugar en Caracas enviaron un mensaje a participantes en la Convención Nacional Campesina.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-12-02). Corte Internacional de Justicia emite fallo sobre Aguas del Silala. Se reconoce que este recurso hídrico es de curso internacional y que Bolivia y Chile, partes en litigio, han de hacer uso del mismo de manera equitativa y razonable.

TeleSUR, lvm, MER (2022-12-02). AN de Venezuela ratifica segundo acuerdo parcial firmado en México. Los parlamentario destacaron que se han retomado los caminos de la paz y el diálogo.

TeleSUR, lvm, SH (2022-12-02). Lluvias dejan al menos dos muertos en Santa Catarina, Brasil. En la mañana del jueves, el gobernador del estado de Santa Catarina, Carlos Moisés, declaró el estado de emergencia a causa de las lluvias.

TeleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-02). Presidente Arce destaca que fallo de la CIJ ratifica derechos de Bolivia sobre aguas del Silala. En 2016, Chile demandó a Bolivia ante la CIJ por el estatus y uso de las aguas del Silala y en 2018, Bolivia contrademandó a Chile.

TeleSUR, mcs, JDO (2022-12-02). México registra 18 muertes y 68 casos de meningitis por hongo. La autoridad sanitaria reiteró que la evidencia preliminar sugiere que las pacientes se infectaron por procedimientos de anestesia espinal.

TeleSUR, mcs, JDO (2022-12-02). Reportan aumento de fallecidos por Covid-19 en El Salvador. De las 36 víctimas confirmadas, la mitad falleció en la última semana de noviembre y la tercera parte correspondió a adultos mayores de 80 años.

TeleSUR, mm, MER (2022-12-02). Camerún se medirá ante Brasil en la Copa del Mundo Qatar 2022. Camerún necesita ganar y esperar que Suiza pierda para obtener el boleto la siguiente fase de la Copa del Mundo.

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-12-02). Serbia se enfrentará a Suiza en la Copa Mundial de FIFA. Ambas oncenas ya se habían visto las caras en la Copa del Mundo de 2018, cuando los suizos ganaron 2 -1.

TeleSUR, odr -YSM (2022-12-02). Confirman quinta ola de Covid-19 ante alza de casos en Perú. La ministra de Salud, Kelly Portalatino, anunció que se evaluará el retorno del uso de las mascarillas en sitios abiertos.

TeleSUR, odr, SH (2022-12-02). Sugieren retomar el uso de mascarillas en República Dominicana. Las autoridades dominicanas sugirieron además observar el cumplimiento de las normas sanitarias por el aumento de casos de la Covid-19.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-02). ONU: desigualdades impiden el progreso para poner fin al Sida. El ente propone acciones urgentes para abordar desigualdades de género, edad, financieras, entre otras.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-12-02). Congreso peruano admite moción de vacancia contra presidente Castillo. El presidente Pedro Castillo afronta el tercer pedido de destitución en menos de un año y medio de su mandato.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-12-02). Presidente peruano llama al diálogo por gobernabilidad de Perú. Pedro Castillo indicó que el informe de la OEA, ratificó que su gobierno viene recibiendo ataques por parte de sectores políticos de derecha.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-12-02). Regresen a Venezuela 266 connacionales desde Perú. De acuerdo al gobierno venezolano alrededor de 30.000 ciudadanos han retornado al país suramericano en los últimos cuatro años.

TeleSUR- hvh, DRL (2022-12-02). Estudio muestra casi un 30% de pobreza entre brasileños en 2021. La cantidad de personas en pobreza extrema subió un 48,2 por ciento, para un total de 17,9 millones de brasileños.

TeleSUR-mcs, DRL (2022-12-02). FAO registra precio estable de los alimentos en noviembre. Las lecturas más bajas para los cereales, la carne y los productos lácteos en noviembre compensaron la subida de los precios de los aceites vegetales y el azúcar.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-02). Autoridades peruanas aseguran que gripe aviar está controlada. El titular del Midagri afirmó que "hay que seguir consumiendo la carne y los huevos, no hay que preocuparse".

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-02). Promulgan en Bolivia ley para aplicar resultados del censo. Presidente Luis Arce denunció a la oposición por aplicar "una lógica dictatorial" contra quienes no apoyaron el paro.

TeleSUR, JAP, DRL (2022-12-02). Uruguay ganó pero no alcanzó. El conjunto africano llegaba al encuentro tras una derrota ante Portugal 3-2 en su debut, así como una victoria 3-2 frente a Corea del Sur.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-12-02). Argentina rechaza ejercicios militares en las islas Malvinas. La Cancillería argentina advirtió que "llevará adelante una enérgica protesta formal ante el Reino Unido".

Matthew Cunningham-Cook (2022-12-01). Senators Help Donors Derail Paid Sick Days.

Nino Brown (2022-12-01). Interview with the Socialist Movement of Ghana: The IMF and the class struggle. "We need to take control of our system, our resources, and distribute them for the benefit of the ordinary Ghanaian and the ordinary African."

Elijah Blanton (2022-12-01). Part-time faculty at the New School strike for a better quality of life. On a picket line in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, more than 2,000 people gathered at the New School University Center to mourne. "The New School's Progressive Values" was written on the lid of a small cardboard coffin. Wearing funereal clothing but cultivating the atmosphere of a Second Line, the mourners marched from the University Center, to Parsons School of Design, to Arnhold Hall. In a final showing of their grief, students and part-time faculty conducted a seance in an attempt to reach the dead, and those present engaged in wailing.

Mark Gruenberg (2022-12-01). Trump's troubles keep piling up. WASHINGTON—Donald Trump's troubles keep piling up, pointing the way ever more towards holding the former Republican Oval Office occupant accountable for his misdeeds and malfeasance in and out of the White House. On Nov. 29 alone, the Supreme Court, in a one-sentence order, ended Trump's long struggle to keep six years of his tax returns …

_____ (2022-12-01). In the Netherlands, a Discriminatory Algorithm has Impoverished Thousands of Families. By Alexia EYCHENNE | Aided by an algorithm, the Dutch tax office has plunged into distress tens of thousands of families — in particular, foreign-born mothers, in wrongfully demanding from them staggering sums. The state is proving incapable of setting things right. | Rotterdam. Each day, Sabrina Sliep picks up her telephone to listen to the same despairing stories. There are families evicted from their residence, today camping with relatives or friends, mothers who work two jobs to keep their heads above water, parents who struggle with depression. Personal trajectories broken one day by a letter from the…

_____ (2022-12-01). The Pentagon Budget Keeps Soaring Up, Up, and Away! When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 and the Cold War ended, I heard a lot about peace dividends. It was time to become a normal country in normal (more peaceful) times, said Jeanne Kirkpatrick, an early neocon who served under Ronald Reagan. More than thirty years later, America still awaits its peace dividends from the Cold War.

_____ (2022-12-01). Ukraine Demands Yet More NATO Weapons and Generators. Although Ukraine's power grid has been heavily hit, it is as nothing compared to what Syria is suffering this very day. | NATO's BBC outlet reports that their NATO masters have promised to supply the rump Ukrainian Reich with

_____ (2022-12-01). Moon Jae-in Under Attack: the North Korean Issue. In a previous article, the author described how the authorities were closing in on Moon Jae-in. However, the most serious anti-Moon allegations are not those related to corruption, but those regarding the "North Korean issue," as they put into question Moon's main achievement the improvement of inter-Korean relations. It is important for the Conservatives …

_____ (2022-12-01). New UK PM Enters Whilst the Rest of the World Gangs Up Against the Schoolyard Bully, America. The ongoing debacle in Ukraine demonstrates that the US and the "allies of the willing" are no longer the main power block in the world. There are new camps forming, alliances, and these are often connecxted to old colonial wounds and shared pain. Collectively they are ganging up against the schoolyard bully, the US, and …

_____ (2022-12-01). Taiwan's ruling party suffers major defeat. At first glance, Taiwan's local elections on November 26 may seem like a sideshow when compared with the development of the current phase of the "Great World Game." However, this is a false impression, which is at the very least contradicted by the fact that the preliminary results (which were completely unexpected even for the …

_____ (2022-12-01). Ten Years Later, The Fight For $15 And A Union Continues. On Nov. 29, 2012, over 100 fast food workers in New York City walked off the job to demand that their wages be increased to $15 an hour and to finally have a voice in their workplaces through union representation. That walkout was the beginning of a movement—a movement that articulated and emerged out of the need for human dignity and democracy in the workplace; a movement that has forcefully asserted that highly profitable industries dominated by multi-billion and multi-million dollar corporations can afford to pay their workers a living wage and allow workers to safely voice their concerns and address iss…

_____ (2022-12-01). Elbit Systems UK Fired From £280 Million Worth Of Defence Contracts. Minister of State for Defence Procurement Alex Chalk has confirmed that Elbit Systems UK, a subsidiary of Israel's largest arms company Elbit Systems LTD, has been forced out of lucrative contracts to deliver training for Dreadnought submarine and Royal Navy crews [1, 2]. The Ministry of Defence has ejected Elbit from a contract worth £160m to deliver Dreadnought crew training, and is 'negotiating the departure' of Elbit from a £123m contract for 'Project Selborne' Royal Navy training, stating that Elbit now falls short of 'operational sovereignty standards for the UK's highest priority capabilities'.

_____ (2022-12-01). Is The 'Conscience Of The Congress' Unconscious? In the 1960s, Rep. Charles Diggs (D-Mich.) established the Democracy Select Committee (DSC) to bring the nine elected African American House members together. They were organized in order to help them strategize around their common issues and develop policy initiatives that would address the problems facing their African American constituents. "The sooner we get organized for group action, the more effective we can become," Diggs said. The operative words in Diggs' statement are "group", "action" and "effective". Is the current iteration of the CBC as a group taking effective action? | By the beginning of the 92n…

_____ (2022-12-01). The Academic Proles On The Barricades. In her 2019 book Squeezed, Alissa Quart gave a name to the middle class that was just getting by in today's middle-class-unfriendly economy: the middle precariat. | One group that may just manage to ascend, wobbily, to the ranks of the precarious middle are the 12,000 striking postdoctoral scholars who reached a tentative agreement with the University of California earlier today to boost their wages and benefits. Under the agreement, which will shortly be presented to…

_____ (2022-12-01). The US Can Get To 100% Clean Power Without New Nuclear. There is a widespread view that nuclear energy is necessary for decarbonizing the electricity sector in the United States. It is expressed not only by the nuclear industry, but also by scholars and policy-makers like former Energy Secretary Steven Chu, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who recently said that the choices we have "…when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine" are "fossil fuel or nuclear." I disagree. | Wind and are much cheaper than new nuclear plants even when storage is added. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimated the cost of unsubsidized utility-scale plus batte…

_____ (2022-12-01). We Need A New Approach To Giant Tech Firms Like Google. Since the 1970s, economists buying into the Chicago School of Antitrust have waved off the dangers of lax antitrust policies, professing that "the market" would sort out issues of competition and punish companies that abuse size and power. The Chicagoans' narrow focus on direct consumer costs as the sole measure of harm didn't consider the impact of consolidation on small businesses, start-ups, workers, or, for that matter, democratic norms. Nor did it raise red flags for tech platforms that were touted as "free" for users (while monetizing our attention and personal data). | A growing number of critics argue tha…

_____ (2022-12-01). We've (Probably) Averted A Rail Strike — Now What? What I can share is that we have almost certainly averted the chance of a legal, national rail strike. The House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to step in and force rail laborers to accept the tentative agreement brokered by the White House in September. The House also passed legislation guaranteeing seven days of paid sick leave. | The Senate likely votes Thursday on that legislation. | We've seen an interesting range of politicians speak out about Congress' intervention into this strike. As you could expect, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., spoke out against any legislation tha…

A Guest Author (2022-12-01). Voices from behind the walls. The following are a small sample of the letters Workers World newspaper receives from brothers, sisters and siblings enslaved by the U.S. carceral system. You can help Workers World provide them monthly print issues of our newspaper for free with your donation through Patreon. Dear Workers World, I have recently . . . |

Alasdair Baverstock (2022-12-01). Promoting plant-based diet in Mexico. It's been well documented that eating a meat-based diet contributes to global warming, with livestock farming tied to significant CO2, methane and nitrous oxide emissions. And while plant-based alternatives may be common options in the U.S. and across Europe, the vegan movement remains small in many …

Ali Abunimah (2022-12-01). Will Macron stop Israel's expulsion of Salah Hammouri? Palestinian-French human rights lawyer may be deported as soon as Monday.

Amy Goodman (2022-12-01). Critics Slam NYC Plan to Involuntarily Hospitalize Those With Mental Illness. New York Mayor Eric Adams announced this week that police and emergency medical workers will start hospitalizing people with mental illness against their will, even if they pose no threat to others. Rights groups and community organizations have slammed the move as inhumane and are demanding better access to housing and other support for people struggling with mental illness and homelessness. |

Andreína Chávez Alava (2022-12-01). Venezuela: Maduro Welcomes Chevron License, Demands All US Sanctions Lifted. Venezuela's PDVSA and Chevron will sign contracts in the coming days for oil extraction framed in the country's legislation.

Anjoulie Woodhead (2022-12-01). UN Climate Conference Agrees on Fund to Address Climate Change Impacts in Developing Count. COP27 Agreement Asserts Climate Change Results in High Debts and Development Failures…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-01). 1 US Nuclear Weapons In Europe But Moscow Holds More Atomic Warheads In The World And The New Powerful Russian Sarmat ICBM. Written by Fabio G.C. Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO A few months ago the superb President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky spread…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-01). British PM: The "Golden Era" With China Is Over. Click to see full-size imageRishi Sunak believes it was "naàØve" to think closer economic ties would lead to reforms in China. | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | On November 28, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak delivered his first long speech on foreign policy. Sunak said that the "Golden Era" with China was over. He also described the belief that closer economic ties would lead to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) making internal political reforms as "naà&…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-01). Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On December 1, 2022 (Map Update). The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Novomikhailovka; | The Russian Army is advancing in the south of Debrova; | The Russian Army took control of Andriivka village; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bakhmut; | The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Novomikhaylovka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Soledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bilohorivka. | MORE ON THE…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-01). Military Situation In Iraq On December 1, 2022 (Map Update).

Anonymous103 (2022-12-01). Military Situation In Syria On December 1, 2022 (Map Update). On December 1, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded 1 hostility and ceasefire violation in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours; | On December 1, Turkish artillery shelled SDF positions in the Ain Issa area; | On December 1, Turkish aircraft struck SAA positions in the east of Ain al-Arab city. Three SAA servicemen were reportedly wounded; | On December 1, Turkish artillery shelled SDF positions in the west of Tal Abyadh city; | On December 1, Turkish Defence Mini…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-01). Military Situation In Ukraine On December 1, 2022 (Map Update). Russia struck the AFU positions near Slavyansk with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Zaporozhye with high-precision missiles; | The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Kuzemovka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Stelmakhovka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Chervonopopovka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Bakhmut; | The Russian Army took control of…

Anonymous349 (2022-12-01). Battle Of Bakhmut And Short-Term Prospects Of Russian Offensive In Donbass. | On December 1, clashes between Russian forces and units loyal to the Kiev regime continued in the sector of Bakhmut (Artemovsk). Following the recent advances, the Russians are attacking positions of pro-Kiev troops in the areas of Opitnoe, Podgornoe and around Kurdymovka. Currently, Bakhmut is in fact isolated only from the western and northwestern directions. Nonetheless, it remains under the permanent threat of the full encirclement if at one moment Kiev's forces defense collapse in northern or southe…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-01). ISIS Leader Was Killed In Russian-Backed Syrian Security Operation. FILE IMAGE:/ Iliya Pitalev. | ISIS former leader Abu al-Hasan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi was reportedly killed in a Russian-backed Syrian security operation that took place in the southern Syrian governorate of Daraa. | The terrorist group announced the death of its leader in an audio message that was released on In a statement released a f…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-01). Israel, U.S. Held Joint Air Drills Simulating Strikes On Iran And Its Allies (Video). Click to see full-size image. Source: the Israeli Defense Forces. | On November 30, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) shared details on a series of joint air exercises it held with the United States military over the last 48 hours, simulating strikes against Iran and its allies in the Middle East. | During the exercises, which took place over Israel and the Mediterranean Sea, four F-35i fighter jets of the Israeli Air Force (IAF) accompanied four U.S. F-15 fighter jet, while an American KC-135 aerial refueli…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-01). Russian Lancet Drones Take Out Ukrainian Fighting Vehicle, Battle Tank (Videos). Lancet-3, screen grab from Russia-24 report. | The Russian military continues to use Lancet loitering munitions against the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) with much success. | On November 30 and December 1, two videos documenting recent Lancet strikes on AFU equipment in the special military operation zone surfaced online. The first strike targeted a Soviet-made MT-LB amphibious armored fighting vehicle, while the second hit a Soviet-made T-80 battle tank. | The Lancet was developed by the ZALA A…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-01). Turkey's MİT 'Neutralized' PKK Intelligence Commander In Special Operation. Click to see full-size image. Source: the Anadolu Agency ( | Turkey's National Intelligence Organization (MİT) has "neutralized" a senior intelligence commander of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in northern Iraq, the Anadolu Agency reported on November 30. | A Turkish security sources told the state-run news agency that the commander, Fatma Onur, was targeted while she was moving from Qandil Mountains, a stronghold of the PKK, to the district of Sinjar.

Anonymous669 (2022-12-01). Turkish Loitering Munition Hit Syrian Army Position Near SDF-Held Kobane (Videos). On December 1, a Turkish loitering munition struck a position of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the village of Koran to the east of the town of Kobane in the northeastern countryside of Syria's Aleppo. | Kobane is a stronghold of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Several units of the SAA were deployed near the key town in 2019 to maintain peace under a Russian-brokered agreement. | According to the Hawar News Agency, which is linked to the SDF, the Turkish strike left an officer…

Anonymous669 (2022-12-01). U.S. Defense Minister Warned Turkey Against New Ground Operation In Northern Syria. Click to see full-size image. Source: | The United States Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told his Turkish counterpart, Hulusi Akar, of his "strong opposition" to a new Turkish ground operation in northern Syria during a telephone call on November 30. | In a statement, the Pentagon said that the secretary voiced concern over the escalating situation in Syria and expressed condolences over the November 13 Istanbul bombing."He also expressed concern over escalating action in northern S…

Anonymous765 (2022-12-01). Russian Advances And Ukrainian Counteroffensive On Donbass Front Lines. |

Ariadna Eljuri (2022-12-01). President Maduro Demands Return of CITGO to Venezuela.

Arturo Domínguez (2022-12-01). Border Patrol Union Stoking Anti-Latino Animus (OPINION). In an attempt to shift negative attention away from the problematic and troubled agency, the National Border Patrol Council is deploying social media posts to spread misinformation and blatant lies.

Ashley Curtin (2022-12-01). San Francisco approves police deployment of potentially lethal, remote-controlled robots. "Robots will only be used as a deadly force option when [the] risk of loss of life to members of the public or officers is imminent and outweighs any other force option available to SFPD."

Barry Healy (2022-12-01). Ways of seeing Australia through capitalist and Aboriginal eyes. Barry Healy reviews two Perth art exhibitions exploring the Australian landscape as seen through the eyes of invading capitalism and surviving Aboriginality.

Ben Bartee (2022-12-01). Celebrity COVID Vaxx Injuries.

Ben Norton (2022-12-01). Latin America's plan to challenge US dollar with new currency and 'regional financial architecture'. Advising Brazil's President-elect Lula, Ecuadorian economist and leftist presidential candidate Andrés Arauz made a blueprint for a "new regional financial architecture" to unite Latin America, including an international currency to challenge the hegemony of the US dollar and IMF.

Binoy Kampmark (2022-12-01). Julian Assange and Albanese's Intervention. The unflinching US effort to extradite and prosecute Julian Assange for 18 charges, 17 of which are chillingly based upon the Espionage Act of 1917, has not always stirred much interest in the publisher's home country. Previous governments have been lukewarm at best, preferring to mention little in terms of what was being done to …

Binoy Kampmark (2022-12-01). Albanese must act to free Julian Assange. Anthony Albanese publicly revealed that he had been lobbying the Joseph Biden administration to stop proceedings against Julian Assange, reports Binoy Kampmark.

Brittani Banks (2022-12-01). 'The Ax Always Falls on the Most Vulnerable': Pakistan Demands Debt Cancellation and Climate Justice. Even as the floodwaters have receded, the people of Pakistan are still trying to grapple with the death and devastation the floods have left in their wake. The floods that swept across the country between June and September have killed more than 1,700 people, injured more than 12,800, and displaced millions as of November 18. …

Caitlin Johnstone (2022-12-01). NATO Exists To Solve The Problems Created By NATO's Existence. Listen to a reading of this article: | NATO has Antiwar's Dave DeCamp

Canadian Constitution Foundation (2022-12-01). Video: Trudeau Did Not Have Authority to Invoke the Emergencies Act. Canadian Constitution Foundation's Closing Argument.

Carter Dillard (2022-12-01). Populist climate action requires thinking about freedom from specific oppressors—not just species survival. The climate crisis is a form of oppression by a wealthy few.

Chauncey K. Robinson (2022-12-01). 'Run Sweetheart Run' review: A therapeutic #MeToo must-see horror film. When the hashtag #MeToo went viral online in connection to countless women stepping forward with their stories of sexual harassment and assault, it felt as though a social reckoning was upon us. It was an emboldening time, with society seemingly ready to reflect and hold accountable not only abusive men in power, but the system …

Children's Health Defense (2022-12-01). Children's Health Defense Seeks Access to Sworn Depositions in Lawsuit Alleging Feds Colluded with Big Tech to Censor COVID Content.

Chris Slee (2022-12-01). 24/7 protest demands permanent protection for Iranians. Iranian refugees are continuing their 24/7 protest demanding permanent visas outside the Immigration department. Chris Slee reports.

Chris Walker (2022-12-01). House Ways and Means Committee Obtains Trump's Tax Records. The Treasury Department has reportedly handed over six years of Donald Trump's federal tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee, about a week after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to entertain an appeal from the former president to prevent the transfer of his records. The committee had formally requested Trump's tax documents in 2019 and 2021. After years of legal opposition from Trump… |

Chris Walker (2022-12-01). Jan. 6 Committee Will Likely Decide on Criminal Referrals to DOJ This Friday. The House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol building will meet later this week to discuss its final report and the possibility of forwarding additional criminal referrals to the Department of Justice (DOJ). The department is already investigating attempts by Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 presidential election. But criminal referrals from the… |

Dana Sanchez (2022-12-01). CEO Thought To Be Modern 'Crypto Madoff' Gets Claps, Sympathy After $Billions Go Missing. Former FTX CEO Sam "Crypto Madoff" Bankman-Fried was applauded Wednesday while being introduced during his most high-profile public appearance since his $32 billion crypto exchange declared bankruptcy on Nov. 7, burning customers. FTX allegedly misused customer funds with $8 billion still owed to those who are out-of-pocket. Bankman-Fried said he was going against lawyers' advice by …

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-01). NATO Members Discuss Ways to Confront China at Bucharest Summit.

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-01). Biden Says He Has 'No Immediate Plans' to Contact Putin. President Biden said Thursday that he has no plans to contact Russian President Vladimir Putin but that he'd be willing to talk with the Russian leader if he was prepared to end the war in Ukraine. "I have no immediate plans to contact Mr. Putin," Biden said at a joint press conference with French President …

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-01). EU Tentatively Agrees on $60 Per Barrel for Russian Oil Price Cap. The EU has tentatively agreed on setting the price cap on Russian oil at $60 per barrel, Reuters reported on Thursday. The plan would also include an adjustment mechanism to keep the price cap 5% below the market value. The EU is setting the price cap at the request of the G7, which asked for …

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-01). Lavrov Says Russia, China Stepping Up Military Cooperation in Response to NATO. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Thursday that the US and NATO's move to focus on countering China in the Asia Pacific has led to an increase in military cooperation between Moscow and Beijing. "We know how seriously the People's Republic of China regards these provocations [by NATO in the South China Sea], let alone …

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-01). US Imposes New Sanctions on North Korean Officials After ICBM Test. The US on Thursday imposed sanctions on three North Korean officials said to be tied to the country's weapons programs following Pyongyang's November 18 ICBM test. Since North Korea is under such heavy sanctions, the measures will have little impact, but they will ensure that tensions on the Korean Peninsula remain high. North Korea has …

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-01). Australian PM Tells US to Drop Charges Against Julian Assange.

Dick Nichols (2022-12-01). Scotland: British court blocks independence referendum. The British Supreme Court has ruled that the Scottish parliament does not have the power to legislate for an independence referendum. Dick Nichols reports.

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2022-12-01). We Will be Sacrificed for Global Standardization of Systems.

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2022-12-01). Wie und mit wem kà∂nnen wir die Gesellschaft umgestalten? Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb desnewsauthor">Ns des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Folgen Sie …

Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović (2022-12-01). Turkey's Repression of the Kurds, Kurdistan as an Independent State, "The Kosovo Syndrome"

Drago Bosnic (2022-12-01). Zelensky's $1 Trillion 'Reconstruction' Pipe Dream.

____ (2022-11-30). Deliveries on track despite outbreaks. Although a small number of parcel delivery stations have been closed due to the latest COVID-19 outbreaks, China's parcel delivery network has been operating smoothly in general, the State Post Bureau of China said on Tuesday.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese envoy calls for collective int'l efforts to solve Palestine question. A Chinese envoy on Wednesday called for collective international efforts to solve the Palestine question.

____ (2022-11-30). U.S. approves new drug addressing type 1 diabetes. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently approved a new therapy that slows the onset of type 1 diabetes.

____ (2022-11-30). U.S. House Democrats elect new leadership. Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives elected new leaders on Wednesday for the next Congress.

____ (2022-11-30). UN Security Council extends mandate of committee on weapons of mass destruction. The UN Security Council on Wednesday extended the mandate of a committee tasked with monitoring a resolution on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, for 10 years.

____ (2022-11-30). Beijing optimizes nucleic acid testing rules. From Wednesday, Beijing residents who do not engage in social activities are no longer required to participate in community nucleic acid screenings if they do not need to leave their homes, according to local authorities.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese premier meets with Lao president. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with Thongloun Sisoulith, general secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party Central Committee and Lao president, on Wednesday in Beijing, calling for enhanced bilateral cooperation.

____ (2022-11-30). U.S. should create conditions for complete, thorough nuclear disarmament: FM spokesperson. The United States should seriously reflect on its nuclear policy and step up to its special, primary responsibilities in nuclear disarmament.

____ (2022-11-30). China to enhance prevention, control of invasive alien species. China will enhance its capabilities in preventing and controlling invasive alien species to safeguard agriculture development and biodiversity.

____ (2022-11-30). China-Europe freight train service sees steady progress. The number of China-Europe freight train trips has increased rapidly in recent years, helping stabilize the international supply chain, according to the provincial government of east China's Jiangsu.

____ (2022-11-30). China to further upgrade its virus control policy. China's COVID-19 prevention and control work is facing new situations and new tasks, with the weakening pathogenicity of Omicron, increasing uptake of vaccination and growing disease response experience.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese, Russian air forces hold 2nd joint strategic patrol of the year with 1st warplane exchange visits. Chinese and Russian militaries conducted a joint aerial strategic patrol in the Asia-Pacific region on Wednesday, the first time Chinese aircraft have landed in Russia and Russian aircraft have landed in China in such a joint patrol.

____ (2022-11-30). Two Shenzhou crews meet in Tiangong space station. The six Chinese astronauts from the Shenzhou XIV and Shenzhou XV missions marked a historic moment on Wednesday as they met inside the country's Tiangong space station.

____ (2022-11-30). China, Laos agree to push forward shared future. China and Laos agreed to push forward building the China-Laos community with a shared future to bring more benefits to their peoples and promote regional peace, stability and development.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese, European leaders seek stable ties. On Nov 10, a group of German business executives wrote a joint opinion article for the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, warning against pressure to withdraw from the vast China market that has served the German economy well.

____ (2022-11-30). Forecasts suggest 2023 may be good for China GDP and local equities. China's economy is expected to rebound next year and sustain the rally in Chinese equities, though market volatility could remain elevated, prominent investment banks and wealth managers said on Wednesday.

____ (2022-11-30). Work starts on major high-speed rail projects. Construction has begun on two major high-speed railways in southwestern China, which are expected to be completed in 2027 and 2028, improving the region's high-speed railway network and boosting socioeconomic development.

____ (2022-11-30). Nov manufacturing activity weakens. China's factory activity contracted at a steeper pace in November amid renewed domestic COVID-19 cases and slackening domestic and external demand, adding pressure to the country's slow and bumpy economic recovery.

____ (2022-11-30). Temporary controls in Guangzhou lifted. Closed-off management measures temporarily implemented across districts of Guangzhou, Guangdong province, were lifted on Wednesday afternoon as part of more scientific and precise COVID-19 interventions.

____ (2022-11-30). Ministry's regulation clarifies rules for talent agents. As the country's entertainment industry grows, so does the demand for talent management.

____ (2022-11-30). Foreign firms flourishing in Shanghai. As a move to better enhance foreign-invested enterprises' role in the city's economic development, four ranking lists for 2021 foreign-invested enterprises were unveiled.

____ (2022-11-30). Xi holds talks with Lao president. Xi Jinping held talks Wednesday with Thongloun Sisoulith, general secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee and Lao president.

____ (2022-11-30). China hopes Britain will nurture bilateral cooperation: FM spokesperson. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian on Wednesday said that China hopes Britain will create a fair business environment for Chinese companies and favorable conditions for bilateral cooperation.

____ (2022-11-30). Guangzhou gradually resumes normal order. Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province, gradually resumed normal production and life order on Wednesday.

____ (2022-12-01). China's auto export accelerates to new record. China's auto export industry registered steady growth amid headwinds such as chip shortage, rise of raw material prices, and the pandemic, with export totaling 2.46 million units in the first 10 months, up 54.1 percent on a yearly basis.

____ (2022-12-01). Over 100 billion parcels handled this year, postal bureau says. China has handled more than 100 billion parcels this year as of Thursday, evidence of the sector's strong resilience amid the COVID-19 epidemic as carriers strive to maintain the flow of goods to meet people's demands.

____ (2022-12-01). China's longest coal bed methane pipeline begins trial operation. China's longest coal bed methane pipeline, the Shenmu-Anping pipeline, was put into trial operation on Thursday, said its operator China National Offshore Oil Corp, the country's largest offshore driller.

____ (2022-12-01). China's courier sector handles over 100 bln parcels. China's courier sector saw its delivery volume exceed 100 billion parcels seven days earlier than in 2021 amid a continued expansion of the courier business, according to the State Post Bureau.

____ (2022-12-01). Hainan FTP exports first cross-border e-commerce goods using '9710' mode. A batch of commodities exported by cross-border e-commerce enterprises in Hainan Province went through customs at Hainan Free Trade Port on Wednesday.

____ (2022-12-01). Canada needs independent thinking before imitating U.S. intervention in Indo-Pacific. The Canadian government released an Indo-Pacific Strategy imitating the U.S. in which the country stated that "In areas of profound disagreement, we will challenge China."

____ (2022-12-01). Harbin-Dalian high-speed railway sees 670 million trips on its 10th anniversary. The Harbin-Dalian high-speed railway, the world's first to operate in extremely low temperatures, has seen 670 million trips on its 10th anniversary on Thursday, said the China Railway Harbin Group.

____ (2022-12-01). Experts say COVID stress can be eased. Putting down the mobile phone, talking about negative feelings with friends or seeking professional counseling are some of the methods to help tackle depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 outbreak, experts said.

____ (2022-12-01). Death penalty upheld for woman convicted of killings. The Jiangxi Provincial High People's Court on Wednesday upheld the death sentence handed down to Lao Rongzhi for her involvement in the deaths of seven people.

____ (2022-12-01). Regulator promotes sector's high-quality development. Greater efforts will be devoted to improving the quality of intellectual property while seeing a surge of IP-related registration, in a bid to promote China's high-quality development, according to an official at the country's top IP regulator.

____ (2022-12-01). $1.4 bln in China-Laos freight shipped in line's 1st year. The value of international freight handled on the China-Laos Railway has surpassed 10 billion yuan ($1.4 billion) nearly one year after the railway was put into operation.

____ (2022-12-01). Patent Law regulation amended to improve IP protection system. IP protection as a major principle was highlighted in the Civil Code, the nation's fundamental law for regulating civil activities, and punitive damage was also supported in relevant IP laws, including the Patent Law and the Trademark Law.

____ (2022-12-01). Tonnes of millennia-old coins found in east China. An ancient coin hoard containing 1.5 tonnes of coins dating back to the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties has been discovered in east China's Jiangsu Province.

____ (2022-12-01). UN Security Council observes minute of silence for former Chinese President Jiang. Members of the UN Security Council on Wednesday observed a minute of silence in memory of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

____ (2022-12-01). Xi holds talks with European Council president. Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with visiting President of the European Council Charles Michel in Beijing on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-01). Ancient artifacts unearthed in southwest China. Archaeologists have unearthed 53 sites of ancient cultural remains and 278 relics during an evacuation project in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality from April to October.

____ (2022-12-01). UN chief saddened by passing of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Wednesday that he was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

____ (2022-12-01). Two volcanoes erupt simultaneously in U.S. Hawaii for first time in nearly 40 years. China's first medical team in the Solomon Islands on Wednesday provided free health services to people in Gizo, capital of the Western Province, which marked the third free clinical activity the team has conducted since its arrival in the country.

____ (2022-12-01). Beijing reports fewer new HIV/AIDS cases. 1 (Xinhua) — Beijing saw a year-on-year drop in new HIV/AIDS cases in the first 10 months of 2022, the municipal health authorities said Thursday.A total of 1,462 new HIV/AIDS cases were reported in the city from January to October, down 11.61 percent year on year, the Beijing Municipal Health Commission said.

____ (2022-12-01). Chinese medical team provides free health services in Solomon Islands' Western Province. China's first medical team in the Solomon Islands on Wednesday provided free health services to people in Gizo, capital of the Western Province, which marked the third free clinical activity the team has conducted since its arrival in the country.

____ (2022-12-01). Former U.S. President Bill Clinton tests positive for COVID-19. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton said on Wednesday that he has tested positive for COVID-19.

____ (2022-12-01). Russia gets moving on plan to make drones. Russia has announced that it will begin to mass-produce a self-designed drone next year, as the United States and Europe pledged to provide more air defense equipment to Ukraine.

____ (2022-12-01). 2 killed in clash between army, terrorists in NW Pakistan. A soldier and a terrorist were killed in an exchange of fire between the Pakistani military and militants in North Waziristan district of Pakistan's northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, a military statement said.

____ (2022-12-01). Japan's power saving scheme goes into effect amid supply concerns. Japan began a power saving scheme on Thursday in a bid to ensure a stable electricity supply throughout the winter months amid concerns over a possible power crunch.

____ (2022-12-01). Landslide hits Brazilian highway, kills 2, leaves 30 missing. The landslide that came down on a motorway in southern Brazil has left at least 30 people missing, the regional government of the state of Parana said late on Wednesday.

____ (2022-12-01). China's Yunnan passes regulation on protecting centuries-old tea trees. Southwest China's Yunnan Province has passed a protection regulation on its ancient tea trees, stipulating that wild and cultivated tea plants aged over 100 years should be better protected in the province.

____ (2022-12-01). HK social groups back call to clarify overseas lawyers' status. Various civil service and business groups threw their weight behind the HK government's request for the standing committee of the nation's top legislature to clarify conditions for overseas lawyers to engage in national security cases in the city.

____ (2022-12-01). U.S. pursuing two-tiered trade policy with China. U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo on Wednesday acknowledged that the United States reaps huge benefits from trade with China and pledged not to decouple from it.

____ (2022-12-01). Latest Fengyun weather satellites enter official operations. The Fengyun 3E and 4B weather satellites and their ground application systems officially entered operation to support global forecasting and emergency disaster reduction on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-01). Tsinghua making moves to draw world-class talent. Tsinghua University, one of the most prestigious universities in China, aims to build itself into a hub for global talent by 2035.

____ (2022-12-01). Chinese envoy asks committee on weapons of mass destruction to heed needs of developing countries. A Chinese envoy on Wednesday asked a UN committee on weapons of mass destruction to heed the needs of developing countries.

____ (2022-12-01). Many services resume in Guangzhou. Dine-in services at restaurants in low-risk areas in the Haizhu, Liwan and Tianhe districts in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, were allowed to resume on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-01). Additional relics of Nanjing Massacre collected. It had collected 453 sets of historical relics so far this year, including evidence of "comfort stations", biological weapons and the militaristic education of Nanjing children by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II.

____ (2022-12-01). Memorial meeting for Comrade Jiang Zemin to be held on Dec. 6. A memorial meeting for Comrade Jiang Zemin will be held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Dec. 6, according to an announcement from Comrade Jiang Zemin's Funeral Committee Thursday.

____ (2022-12-01). Understanding China through videos and speeches. A string of TED talks that can enable international audiences to better understand China recently went online.

____ (2022-12-01). Stores in Lhasa reopen after Covid pandemic under control. Lhasa gradually eased pandemic control measures and stores reopened after the COVID-19 resurgence was under control.

____ (2022-12-01). New evidence of Nanjing Massacre released. A total of 453 pieces (sets) of historic materials, including photos and albums, have been collected as new evidence of war crimes related to the 1937 Nanjing Massacre perpetrated by the invading Japanese troops.

____ (2022-12-01). Distant black hole caught annihilating a star. Photo released on Nov. 30, 2022 shows an artist's impression illustrating how it might look when a star approaches too close to a black hole, where the star is squeezed by the intense gravitational pull of the black hole.

____ (2022-12-01). Tarim River in Xinjiang becomes prime habitat for migrant birds. Xinjiang has carried out a number of projects to improve local ecological environment and became the prime habitat for migrant birds.

____ (2022-12-01). (100 great changes) E-commerce facilitates rural revitalization in China. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, scientific and technological development has never stopped and e-commerce has constantly creating miracles in rural areas.

Editor (2022-12-01). China pushes lifting of Zero-COVID after anti-lockdown protests. In the aftermath of last weekend's protests in several Chinese cities, the country's National Health Commission (NHC) held a press conference Tuesday calling for speeding up the implementation of the 20 measures announced on November 11 which initiated the lifting of the country's Zero-COVID policy that has suppressed numerous outbreaks over the past three years.

Editor (2022-12-01). 'The world now faces the challenges our people foretold'. Leonard Peltier: "Being my age and having spent these many years in prison plays on your heart to the nth degree. I am here because I wanted to make a difference for our people, and I want to encourage others to do the same."

Editor (2022-12-01). Cops Are Asking To Kill People With Robots. What Could Go Wrong? By Jerry Iannelli / The Appeal The U.S. military has been killing people with robots for decades now, and the nation's local police now seem eager to get in on the action. Drone strikes abroad have become so commonplace that the mainstream news media barely bothers to cover them anymore. For years, the military has …

Editor (2022-12-01). Four British Ministries Refuse To Say if They've Discussed Assange With US.

Editor (2022-12-01). House, Senate Agree to Add $45 Billion to Biden's 2023 Military Budget Request.

Editor (2022-12-01). Top Antitrust Expert: We Need a New Approach to Giant Tech Firms Like Google.

Editor (2022-12-01). Ukraine's Nurses Face Brutal Winter as Health Austerity Collides With War.

Elizabeth Woodworth (2022-12-01). David Ray Griffin (1939-2022). The Man and His Work: A Synopsis.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). 'Days of Ignorance' to vie at 3 international film festivals. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Written and directed by Iranian filmmaker Abolfazl Tajik, the short documentary 'Days of Ignorance' is scheduled to take part in 3 international film festivals in Bolivia, India, and Mexico.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Raeisi visits Kordestan to inaugurate water project. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — The Iranian president Ebrahim Raeisi arrived in Sanandaj, the capital of western Koredstan Province on Thursday morning to inaugurate major projects in the Kurdish-populated city.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Argentina, Poland qualify to World Cup knockout stage. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Argentina struck twice to beat Poland to qualify for the knock-out stages of the FIFA World Cup tournament on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Israeli regime martyrs 2 Palestinians, injure 3 in Jenin raid. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — The apartheid Israeli regime martyred 2 Palestinians and injured 3 more in Jenin in the occupied West Bank on Thursday morning.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on Dec. 1. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Mehr news agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Thursday, December 01.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). UN approves a resolution in support of Palestine. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution regarding the anniversary of the occupation of Palestine (Nakba Day) despite the opposition of the United States, Britian and the Zionist regime.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Iran fully ready to counter any foreign threat: Army cmdr. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — The chief commander of the Iranian Army say the country's Armed Forces are fully prepared to take on any foreign threat that could be facing the Islamic Republic.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Kordestan's people have always disappointed enemies: Raeisi. SANANDAJ, Dec. 01 (MNA) — President Ebrahim Raeisi said Thursday that the people of Kordestan province like all other sections of the Iranian nation have always rejected the foreign intervention led by the United States in Iran's internal affairs.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Lebanese parliament fails again to elect new president. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) —The members of the Lebanese parliament failed for the eighth time in electing a new president for the country on Thursday.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Enemy targets Iran's security because angered at its progress. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — The Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolution Guards Crops (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami said the enemy has targeted Iran's security because it is angered by the country's progress.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Large fire in Saudi city of Jeddah extinguished. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Local Saudi sources reported a big fire in the city of Jeddah that was extinguished by the civil defense forces.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). VIDEO: Resistance groups missile test in Gaza. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — The Palestinian Shahab news agency announced that the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip test-fired three test missiles towards the Mediterranean Sea this morning.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). VIDEO: President Raeisi talks to people in Sanandaj's streets. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — On a visit to Kordestan Province on Thursday, President Raeisi went to the Sanandaj market and talked to the shopkeepers in the Western city.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Zionists backers in no position to talk about human rights. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — The Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said the backers of occupying, terrorist and racist Zionist regime of Israel are in no position to comment on human rights in other places.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Morocco and Croatia advance to World Cup knockout stage. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Morraco and Croatia qualified for the knockout stage of the 2022 World Cup on Thursday.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Front pages of Iran's English dailies on Dec. 01. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Here are the front pages of Iran's English language dailies on Thursday, Dec 01.

Eric A. Gordon (2022-12-01). Despite the ban, queers made important contributions to U.S. Communist movement. Ordinarily a person cited, interviewed and profiled in a book wouldn't be the appropriate person to review it. But we are not dealing here with an ordinary book, an ordinary author, nor an ordinary reviewer! And what is "appropriate" anyway? Much of this book talks about who and what were considered "appropriate." The book under …

Eric Zuesse (2022-12-01). Debunking Lies About the War in Ukraine.

F. William Engdahl (2022-12-01). War on Global Agriculture: The Unsustainable 'Sustainable' UN Agenda 2030.

Federico Fuentes (2022-12-01). Latin America: What will it take to defeat the radical right? Pablo Stefanoni, editor of the progressive Latin American magazine Nueva Sociedad discusses the situation in South America after the left's victory in Brazil.

Fight Back (2022-12-01). Dallas celebrates People's Thanksgiving. Dallas, TX – On Saturday, November 26, more than 60 activists gathered at the Pan-African Connection bookstore in Dallas to celebrate People's Thanksgiving, a celebration honoring those who struggle against imperialism, capitalism and national oppression. | The event was emceed by Ammar Hussein of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, who gave an opening speech welcoming the many organizations and participants to the event as well as praising the struggle of indigenous peoples for whom Thanksgiving is a national day of mourning. | "We reject the colonialist myth of Thanksgiving, and we stand in unwavering sol…

Fight Back (2022-12-01). Grand Rapids holds solidarity rally for Palestine Day. Grand Rapids, MI – The Palestine Solidarity Committee of Grand Rapids organized a sign-holding in conjunction with groups across the world recognizing the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, November 29. The event was part of a call to action put out by the US Palestinian Community Network. | Drivers were met with Palestine flags and chants of, "From the belly of the beast – no justice, no peace!" and "Hey, hey, ho, ho! The occupation's got to go!" at the busy intersection. A few onlookers joined in on the call to "Free Palestine," while others honked their horns in support. | "I would…

Fight Back (2022-12-01). Tallahassee condemns Police Benevolent Association moves against Taylor Biro. Fight Back News Service is circulating this statement from the Tallahassee Community Action Committee. | On Nov. 16th, Florida Police Benevolent Association Big Bend Chapter, which represents TPD officers, called for the removal of Citizens Police Review Board (CPRB) member Taylor Biro. PBA Chapter President Richard Murphy targeted Biro over a sticker on her coffee mug which reads "Abolish the Police," but has been consistently misreported as saying "F**k the Police". Murphy decried that her mug promoted an "inappropriate, incendiary, and anti-police message", and called for her immediate removal from the CPRB.

Fight Back (2022-12-01). Tallahassee FRSO hosts October Revolution event. Tallahassee, FL – On November 6, the Tallahassee District of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization held a celebratory meeting at Florida State University to honor the 105th anniversary of the October Revolution. | The October Revolution is the 1917 revolution that saw the overthrow of the czar, a Russian monarch, and the establishment of working-class power led by the Bolshevik party. | About a dozen or so students and community members gathered to learn about the October Revolution and the lessons it presents for today. | The event was facilitated by FRSO members Alex Carson, Regina Joseph and Delilah Pierre.

Global Research News (2022-12-01). Selected Articles: Celebrity COVID Vaxx Injuries. By There is no shortage of examples of the celebrity COVID vaxx injury phenomenon, particularly among those who virtue-signaled their vaccinations. Actor Bob Odenkirk, an otherwise seemingly healthy 58-year-old Hollywood … (2022-12-01). World needs urgent action on climate change to prevent food crisis, say Kalibata. The world needs to stop global temperatures rising by 1.5 degrees to prevent a global food crisis, says AGRA's Dr Agnes Kalibata.

Infobrics (2022-12-01). Russia Is Now India's Fifth-Largest Trading Partner, Up from 25th Position Last Year. Because of a surge in oil deals, imports soared five times from $4.2 billion in April-September 2021 to $21.3 billion in the first half of FY23…

Infobrics (2022-12-01). BRICS Think Tanks Symposium Held in East China. The International Symposium for BRICS Think Tanks 2022 has been held in Xiamen, east China's Fujian Province, highlighting efforts to promote global development and cooperation…

Infobrics (2022-12-01). New Development Bank Headquarters Building – Gorgeous Presentation of NorthGlass Super Glass. The architectural design concept of the New Development Bank with triangle symbolizes stability and balance, and the power of rotation represents innovation and development…

Infobrics (2022-12-01). Moldovan citizens dissatisfied with anti-Russian policy. Thousands of people protest against high energy prices, a consequence of the Moldovan government's refusal to negotiate gas supply with Moscow.

Institute for Energy Economics, Financial Analysis (2022-12-01). Bondholders Hoping to Recover Bad Debt from Struggling Puerto Rico Ratepayers (OPINION). Almost $9 billion in bad debt and a half-century of high electricity prices hang in the balance in Puerto Rico.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-01). Mali's Break with France is a Symptom of Cracks in the Transatlantic Alliance. Tricontinental SEYDOU KEàèTA (MALI), UNTITLED, 1948—1954 On 21 November 2022, Mali's interim prime minister, Colonel Abdoulaye MaàØga, issued a statement on social media announcing the government's decision 'to ban, with immediate effect, all activities carried out by [French] NGOs operating in Mali'. This announcement came a few days after the French government cut Official Development Aid (ODA)…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-01). 'Not a Choice, but Necessity:' Iran, India Recalibrating Ties Amid Geopolitical Shifts. Zafar Mehdi Following a drop in trade brought on by US sanctions, New Delhi and Tehran — boosted by their mutual strong relations with Moscow — are set to revamp ties in a new era of Eurasian multipolarity. "Not a choice, but a necessity." That's how Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani stressed the importance…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-01). Of Collective Security: An Interview with Michael Jabara Carley. Michael Jabara Carley, Interviewed by…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-01). Reflections on Events in Afghanistan. M. K. BHADRAKUMAR At least 100 children were killed in a terrorist attack at a school in Kabul, Afghanistan, September 30, 2022 41. US brings culture wars to Afghanistan The time has come to pick up threads from my blog of January 27 titled The West co-opts the Taliban. Indeed, the wheel has come full circle…

It's Going Down (2022-12-01). How Transphobia Built a Coalition of Eco-Radicals, White Nationalists and Right-Wing Think Tanks. Last month, antifascists and members of the LGBTQ+ community, mobilized against a group of TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists), holding events across the US, under the banner of "Let Women Speak." While these rallies were small, drawing only a few dozen and opposed by much larger crowds, they also brought out far-Right anti-trans activists and members…

Jason Ditz (2022-12-01). Pentagon, ISIS Confirm Leader Qurayshi Killed in Syria's Daraa Province.

Jessica Corbett (2022-12-01). New Bill Targets Hedge Fund Stranglehold on Housing Market. As millions of Americans struggle to afford rent and mortgage rates, U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley on Wednesday unveiled legislation intended to stop major Wall Street investors and hedge fund predators from continuing to exacerbate the nation's housing crisis. "Everyone should have a safe, affordable place to call home," the Oregon Democrat said in a statement. "In every corner of the country… |

Jesús Inojosa (2022-12-01). Venezuela Will Control Expenditure of Unfrozen Funds, Says Jorge Rodríguez (Mexico Talks). The head of the Venezuelan government delegation for the Mexico Talks, Jorge Rodríguez, highlighted that with the signing of the agreement in Mexico, the extremist sector of the opposition recognizes the negative effect that the sanctions imposed by the United States and Europe have had on the population. | "With this agreement, for the first time, this extremist sector of the Venezuelan opposition recognizes the existence of sanctions and the existence of frozen money that belongs to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela," Rodríguez said during his participation in a press conference offered by President Nicolás…

Jim McIlroy (2022-12-01). Australia must pull back from a war with China, forum told. The so-called China threat was discussed at a webinar on November 30 of around 150 people. Jim McIlroy reports.

Jim Spellman (2022-12-01). World AIDS Day: U.S. fight against the HIV/AIDS. December 1st marks World AIDS Day, a day to focus on the toll HIV/AIDS has taken and to look towards better ways to prevent and treat the disease. See how the day is being observed in the U.S.

John Bachtell (2022-12-01). Reproductive rights voter wave swamps MAGA trickle. On Election Day 2022, November 8, voters, defying political gravity and beltway pundit groupthink, struck a major blow against MAGA Republican extremism. The "blue wall" met the "red trickle" as voters turned out to defend constitutional democracy, the rule of law, the peaceful transfer of power, and, specifically, reproductive rights. The anti-MAGA majority in defense …

John Helmer (2022-12-01). Alexei Kudrin starts his run to succeed President Vladimir Putin. There were only two ways for Alexei Kudrin to become the president of Russia that he and the U.S. government have always wanted.

John W. Whitehead (2022-12-01). Make Way for the "Killer Robots": The U.S. Government Is Expanding Its Power to Kill.

Kelly Hayes (2022-12-01). We Need Harm Reduction With a Liberatory Vision. "Liberatory Harm Reduction is concrete. It is a framework, but it is also a daily practice, and it is also a set of strategies. So what strategies do we need that prioritize self-determination and body autonomy right now? And how can we come up with whatever it is that we need collectively to get us through?" asks Shira Hassan, author of Saving Our Own Lives. In this episode of "Movement Memos,"… |

Ken Epstein (2022-12-01). Will Progressive Victories Mean a More Democratic, Inclusive Oakland? The results were a significant defeat for the moderate, pro-big-business regime of outgoing Mayor Libby Schaaf, her corporate backers and the candidates she groomed and promoted as her legacy. The failure of Schaaf-backed candidates may have had a lot to do with the starkness of that legacy…

La Jornada (2022-12-01). Over 1 Million Citizens Flood Mexico City to Celebrate 4 Years of AMLO's Presidency. According to Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, mayor of Mexico city, 1.2 million people participated in a march called for by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) to celebrate four years of transformation of the country under his leadership. Sheinbaum called the November 27 march "historic," and reported no violent incidents. | "Not a single plate was broken," said Sheinbaum through a brief video message posted on social media. | From her office in the Old City Hall Palace, she added that 1.2 million people from the 31 states of the Republic and Mexico City marched. | "Today, I feel emotional, (it was) a historic…

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-12-01). Green Protest on Black Friday. Green abortion rights balloons fly at Westfield mall…

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2022-12-01). Congress could be ready to kill bargaining rights of rail workers. The late Auto Workers President Walter Reuther once warned that what workers won at the bargaining table workers "could be taken away at the stroke of a pen" by lawmakers. The congressional effort underway today, proves his point. Lawmakers may be about to do exactly what Reuther warned about. And it's not just Congress that …

Mark Gruenberg (2022-12-01). Labor Board outlaws T-Mobile's company union. WASHINGTON The National Labor Relations Board majority decided in November that T-Mobile had set up a company union to counter the Communications Workers' organizing drive among its thousands of call center customer service representatives. And since company unions are illegal under U.S. labor law, a board panel, on a party-line 2-1 vote, ordered T-Mobile's …

Mary Merkenich (2022-12-01). Labor's IR bill doesn't leave workers better off overall. Claims the IR amendments will close the gender pay gap and strengthen equal pay laws are welcome. But, as Mary Merkenich and Sarah Hathway argue the bill will divide workers and weaken the Better Off Overall Test.

Mary Merkenich (2022-12-01). Labor's IR laws don't leave workers better off overall. Claims the new IR laws will close the gender pay gap and strengthen equal pay laws are welcome. But, as Mary Merkenich and Sarah Hathway argue, the laws will divide workers and weaken the Better Off Overall Test.

Matthias Brockers, Michael Haller (2022-12-01). Farewell to the unipolar world and Disaster capitalism: back to Marx! The sanctions have already proved to be a dangerous boomerang because they hit Europe harder than Russia… It is a suicidal illusion to try to win a war against the raw materials giant Russia – which possesses more than a third of all fossil energies and raw materials on earth – and the world's largest high-tech workshop, China, which is united with it.

Maureen Clare Murphy (2022-12-01). When will ICC's Karim Khan break his silence on Palestine? Chief prosecutor urged to deter war crimes and expedite investigation.

Maximillian Alvarez, Mel Buer, Nima Shirazi, Adam Johnson (2022-12-01). Biden and Congressional Dems partner with GOP and corporate media to discipline railroad workers.

Mforinoco (2022-12-01). Cuba's President Made a Fruitful Tour of Four Countries. Havana, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) Cuba gave a boost to political and trade relations with strategic partners during the international tour President Miguel Diaz-Canel has wound up in Ankara, Tàºrkiye. | The tour took place from November 16 to 25 with a program designed to respond to the country's priorities, the efforts to alleviate the effects of…

Michael Petrelis (2022-12-01). Anti-hate, anti-Trump LGBTQ people protest at Twitter building. Twitter protest report back to the community…

Mike Ludwig (2022-12-01). Fracking Firm Agrees to Pay a Small Town's Water Bills for 75 Years. A fossil fuel company was convicted of criminal charges in Pennsylvania on Wednesday, more than a decade after an early fracking operation poisoned drinking water for residents of the small town of Dimock and sparked one of the first major controversies to arise from the oil and gas boom. After years of legal wrangling, the company formerly known as Cabot Oil & Gas agreed to plead no contest to 15… |

Mike Whitney (2022-12-01). Putin's Remedy: A Fragmented, Toothless Ukraine Separated by a 100 Kilometer-Wide No-Man's-Land.

Miko Peled (2022-12-01). UN Resolution 181: 75 Years of Myth Making and False Israeli Legitimacy. Seventy-Five years after the United Nations' fatal decision to partition Palestine, the carnage and oppression of Palestinians by those who would claim they represent the Jewish people continues — and it promises to get much worse. | Some claim that Zionism came to save the Jewish people from another Holocaust, that they speak for defenseless Jews so that they will never again have to endure a genocide the likes of the Nazi genocide of the Jews in Europe. But these assertions are merely excuses to allow the Zionist regime to exercise its cruelty and brutality without interruption. | The United Nations Parti…

Misión Verdad (2022-12-01). Israeli Journalists Ignored at World Cup in Qatar.

Morning Star (2022-12-01). China pushes for peace in Ukraine as Russia and EU escalate threats. Chinese President Xi Jinping urged the European Union to seek negotiations on a peace deal in Ukraine at a meeting with European Council president Charles Michel in Beijing Thursday. Xi said that "solving the Ukrainian crisis through political means is in the best interests of Europe and the common interest of all countries in Eurasia." …

Paul Craig Roberts (2022-12-01). It Is Official—the DOJ Is Weaponized. Two of five people charged with "seditious conspiracy" for attending the rally for Trump on January 6, 2021 have been convicted by a Washington D.C. jury in a political trial with more resemblance to Soviet-era trials than to American justice. All five of the defendants were convicted of obstructing an official proceeding. | Widely misreported by the media including even RT as a "riot at the US Capitol," the small disturbance was provoked by federal agents who had infiltrated those present. | Trump and his supporters were too unfamiliar with Washington to realize that the rally would be used by Democrats and the…

Peter Boyle (2022-12-01). Challenges for Malaysia's new 'national unity government'. Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj from the Socialist Party of Malaysia discusses the recent election result and the challenges facing the new government.

Peter Boyle (2022-12-01). The new protest wave in China. Peter Boyle spoke about the new wave of protests sparked by harsh anti-COVID-19 restrictions with Choo Chon Kai, who is working with the movement for democracy in China.

Peter Boyle (2022-12-01). Video: The new protest wave in China. Peter Boyle spoke about the new wave of protests sparked by harsh anti-COVID-19 restrictions with Choo Chon Kai, who is working with the movement for democracy in China.

Peter Boyle (2022-12-01). West Papua flag raised at Leichhardt Town Hall. This December 1, for the twelfth year in a row, there was a West Papua flag-raising on the historic Leichhardt Town Hall, courtesy of the Inner West Council, reports Peter Boyle.

Peter Boyle (2022-12-01). West Papua flag raising at Leichhardt Town Hall. This December 1, for the twelfth year in a row, there was a West Papua flag-raising on the historic Leichhardt Town Hall, courtesy the Inner West Council. | "On December 1, 1961 the West Papuan Morning Star flag was flown for the first time officially alongside the Dutch tricolour," explained Joe Collins from the Australia-West Papua Association.

Peter Byrne (2022-12-01). The Befouling of Point Reyes National Seashore. Author Peter Byrne exposes an environmental cover-up at Point Reyes National Seashore…

Peter Koenig (2022-12-01). Ukraine — Russia War: Is a Doomsday Scenario Looming? Or Is There Reason for Hope?

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2022-12-01). "Economic Warfare" Directed against China? The Shanghai "Covid Zero Tolerance Mandate" Extends its Grip to Major Industrial Cities. "Covid Tolerance Zero" has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai's financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people, requiring the imposition of PCR tests, using the QR code as a means of social control.

Prof. Claudia von Werlhof (2022-12-01). Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity. World leaders are meeting in Glasgow at COP-26. All eyes are now on "the imminent dangers of CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions". The "climate emergency" is a timely instrument of propaganda used to distract people from questioning "the real crisis", namely the Covid-19 "plandemic".

Rafael Riera (2022-12-01). Teaching the Old Ladies of Puerto Rico Self-Defense (OPINION). "It bothers me how the producers, the world-famous martial artist, and I didn't stop to think about how poorly it reflects on our island that such a segment needed to air in the first place"

Ramona Wadi (2022-12-01). Lapid exploits UN resolutions to further Israel's security narrative. The Israeli government is portraying itself as being worried about international delegitimisation at the UN. As the UN General Assembly

Ramzy Baroud (2022-12-01). Xi vs Trudeau: How China Is Rewriting History With the Colonial West. By Ramzy Baroud Nov 25, 2022 | Though brief, the "If there was sincerity on your part," the Chinese Presiden…

Ramzy Baroud (2022-12-01). Deliberate Ambiguity: Israel's Nukes Are the Greatest Threat to the Middle East. US support for Israel is not confined to ensuring the latter has a 'military edge' over its neighbors, but to also ensure Israel remains the region's only superpower, even if that entails escaping international accountability for the development of WMDs.

Rania Khalek (2022-12-01). US & Europe Want to Make Africa Cold War Battleground Against Russia & China w/Mikaela Nhondo Erskog. The US and Europe have tried to make Africa a battleground in their Cold War against Russia and China. They've even labeled Africa as NATO's "Southern Neighborhood" and are using AFRICOM as a mechanism to control the continent under the guise of protecting it from malign Chinese and Russian influence. | What does this mean for sovereignty and independence across Africa and how are African countries pushing back? To help break it all down Rania Khalek was joined by Mikaela Nhondo Erskog, a researcher at the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research and a member of No Cold War and the Dongsheng News Collective.

Staff (2022-12-01). Blinken: NATO nations have provided $40 billion in weapons to Ukraine, more on way. UkrinformNovember 30, 2022 Blinken: NATO members and partners have provided $40B worth of weapons to Ukraine, even more is on the way The United States, along with NATO Allies and G7 partners, intends to further increase the amount of aid to Ukraine…. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken made a corresponding statement during a press …

Staff (2022-12-01). Stoltenberg: Victory in war with Russia precondition for Ukraine's NATO membership. UkrinformNovember 30, 2022 Stoltenberg: Victory in war with Russia is prerequisite for Ukraine's NATO membership NATO Allies are currently focusing on providing Ukraine with immediate and urgent assistance…as any talks about Ukraine's full-fledged NATO membership will be possible only when Ukraine prevails as a sovereign…nation. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated this today in Bucharest …

Staff (2022-12-01). Pentagon, Raytheon to deliver $1.2 billon missile system to Ukraine. Polish RadioDecember 1, 2022 Pentagon signs $1.2 bn deal to produce NASAMS systems for Ukraine: report The US Department of Defense has signed a USD 1.2 billion contract for the production and purchase of advanced NASAMS air defense systems for Ukraine…. "Raytheon Co., Tewksbury, Massachusetts, was awarded a $1,216,207,829 firm-fixed-price contract for the procurement of …

Staff (2022-12-01). Top NATO/EUCOM commander in Georgia to solidify military outpost. Georgian Ministry of DefenseDecember 1, 2022 Minister of Defense of Georgia met with General Christopher Cavoli The Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe and the Commander of the US European Command, General Christopher Cavoli , is visiting Georgia. The American general was hosted by the Minister of Defense of Georgia Juansher Burchuladze at …

Rima Najjar (2022-12-01). In the World Cup Arena and in Israel, Might Makes Right. By Rima Najjar Nov 26, 2022 | Marco Balich, the creative director of the opening ceremony of the Qatar 2022 World Cup, probably has no idea that "bridging distances" when it comes to Palestinians and Israelis is a euphemism for normalizing Israel's apartheid and settler colonialism, its brutal subjugation and dispossession of Palestinians. | For Palestinians and their supporters, more than football is afoot at the games. The World Cup has presented a great opportunity to raise international awareness of the Palestinian struggle for liberation and return. Several campaigns have been launched on social media…

Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights (2022-12-01). Thursday 12/1: Street Theatre/Protest: Legal Abortion Nationwide! Rain or Shine. Philip Burton Federal Courthouse 450 Golden Gate, San Francisco, CA 940012…

Roselena Ramirez (2022-12-01). A Decades-long Land Conflict is Killing Hundreds of Indigenous People. They've been involved in a land dispute for over 1 years. Generation after generation, Indigenous communities in Guatemala have been attacking each other — over a territorial conflict that seems impossible to resolve. And as Harris Whitbeck reports, illicit activity in the region is making …

Roselena Ramirez (2022-12-01). Gulf Clan Stronger than Ever in Colombia. The illegal drug business is once again booming in Colombia. The country just reported a 20-year record high yield for coca crops used to make cocaine. President Gustavo Petro has made it his mission to eradicate the problem by using a new approach. Toby Muse …

Roselena Ramirez (2022-12-01). "Hinchada Argentina" is hopeful of winning the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Football is deeply rooted in the hearts of Argentineans. Stadiums are always packed with fans, and people even wear their team jerseys to the office. Argentina won the World Cup in both 1978 and in 1986. And there are big hopes for them this year, …

Roselena Ramirez (2022-12-01). Mexican-American Football Players Switching Sides Ahead of the 2022 World Cup. They were born in the United States, but they decided to play on teams for Mexico, the land of their parents. Nostalgia is one reason these football players make this decision. But it's also a matter of opportunity. Mike Kirsch tells us more with this …

Roselena Ramirez (2022-12-01). The Chinese Influence in Mexican Cuisine. When it comes to gastronomy, Latin America has a variety of options to offer. But Mexican food may be the most famous worldwide. What's Mexico's secret? Alasdair Baverstock tells us about the roots of Mexican flavors and the Chinese influence behind them.

Scott Ritter (2022-12-01). The Hell With the Peace Movement, I'm Joining the War Movement. By Scott Ritter Nov 25 | I once helped lead a million-person march against the war in Iraq through the streets of London. | I spent untold hours traveling the width and breadth of the United States and the world advocating against the war in Iraq. | I wrote articles until my hands cramped and spoke until my voice went hoarse. | I sacrificed everything in support of peace, and against war. | As such, I feel I am in a good position to say the following: | The peace movement in America is dead. | Aside from a handful of dedicated activists who have stuck to their anti-war guns over the years, the peace movemen…

Setareh Ghandehari (2022-12-01). Number of Immigrants Under Punitive Surveillance Quadrupled on Biden's Watch. Over the past two years, despite President Joe Biden's campaign promises to bring fairness to the immigration system, the current administration has quadrupled the number of people enrolled in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) so-called "alternatives to detention" (ATD) surveillance program, and has doubled the number of people held in immigration jails. There is no acceptable… |

Shadrack Omuka (2022-12-01). Kenyan Women Speak Out About Kafala Exploitation in Gulf States. As many as 89 Kenyan domestic workers have been killed in Saudi Arabia over the past two years. That's why former domestic workers warn others about traveling to the Gulf countries to work under the Kafala system. But change may be on the horizon with government officials discussing ways to mitigate migrant worker abuse and exploitation. Shadrack Omuka reports from Kenya.

Sharon Zhang (2022-12-01). Starbucks Must Bargain With Hometown Union After Breaking Law, Labor Board Rules. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled on Wednesday that Starbucks must negotiate with a union formed at an upscale Seattle location after officials determined that the company broke federal labor laws by refusing to bargain — an action the company has admitted to. Though the Starbucks roastery, located in the company's hometown, voted to unionize in April, the company has refused to… |

SP Editor (2022-12-01). More Evidence Elon Musk Is No Genius.

SP Editor (2022-12-01). What Comes After the Decline of American Democracy?

Staff (2022-12-01). President Maduro Demands Lifting All Sanctions and Return of CITGO. The sanctions and unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States government against Venezuela must be completely lifted on the oil industry, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, said on Wednesday, November 30. | During a press conference at the Miraflores Palace, with national and international media, the head of state stated that Venezuela "has the right to freedom of trade and production." | "All colonialist sanctions on the Venezuelan oil industry must be lifted," he said, "because they violate the agreements of the World Trade Organization (WTO)." | He added that "all the licenses (those tha…

Staff (2022-12-01). Actions and events honour Arab revolutionary intellectual Samah Idriss. On the first anniversary of the passing of renowned Arab revolutionary writer and intellectual Samah Idriss on 25 November 2021, political, cultural and social events were organized around the world to commemorate his legacy of struggle and vow to follow in the path of his words: " If we abandon Palestine, we abandon ourselves." Samidoun …

Staff (2022-12-01). #JusticeForSalah: Massive banner unfurled in Paris urges freedom for Salah Hamouri #LiberezSalah. Photo credit: @tulyppe On Thursday December 1 in Paris, a huge banner was unfurled over a busy street, calling for the immediate release of Salah Hamouri, the French-Palestinian lawyer imprisoned without charge or trial under Israeli administrative detention regime since 7 March 2022. The banner was widely seen by many passers-by, both pedestrians and drivers …

Staff (2022-12-01). Take action in Canada for #JusticeforSalah Hamouri: Send a letter to government officials. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is joining with Just Peace Advocates, the Canada Palestine Association, Palestinian and Jewish Unity and Palestine House to launch a letter-writing campaign targeting Canadian officials following the statement of Zionist officials on 30 November that they intend to forcibly deport imprisoned Palestinian lawyer Salah Hamouri to France this coming Sunday …

Stansfield Smith (2022-12-01). Behind the Decline of the US Left. The left has not become marginalized because of exhaustion or infighting. Its decline was caused by the US government's more than century long police state operations, purging the left from its historic home in the working class movement, so that it now has only tenuous connection with the organized working class. The national security state …

Taylor Giorno (2022-12-01). Walker-Warnock Race Most Expensive in 2022 Cycle as Runoff Intensifies. The U.S. Senate race in Georgia is the most expensive contest of the 2022 cycle, according to OpenSecrets data, with spending by general election candidates and outside groups skyrocketing to $380.7 million as of Nov. 29. Money is still pouring into the Senate race between incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock and Republican nominee Herschel Walker. The Georgia contest advanced to a runoff… |

Unicorn Riot (2022-12-01). Asking for Leonard Peltier's Clemency, Senators' Co-Sign Letter to President Biden.

Unicorn Riot (2022-12-01). Queer Colorado Community Responds to Club Q Shooting.

UnitedEditor (2022-12-01). Mali strikes back at French NGOs and at Francafrique. Mali has banned NGOs financed or supported by France. The country's leadership, led by Prime Minister Colonel Abdoulaye MaàØga took such a decision due to the attempt of Paris to influence the internal situation despite the withdrawal of its troops, as well as the general growth of anti-French sentiment in the country. The ban will …

UnitedEditor (2022-12-01). How Venezuela broke the diplomatic encirclement. "The U.S. decision gives the opportunity for much broader discussions on bilateral relations", comments Roy Daza. He is referring to the Biden Administration's recent decision to permit the US company Chevron limited activities in the Venezuelan oil sector. Daza is Vice-President of the Venezuelan National Assembly's Commission for Foreign Policy and a Member of the …

WSWS (2022-12-01). Workers' Party of Turkey's Erkan Baş's call for a "Peace Accord": A middle class delusion. The TİP's call for a "peace accord" aims to direct growing social opposition against the cost of living and war behind pro-imperialist establishment parties.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Workers in Germany reject IG Metall's collective bargaining agreement. Following the union's acceptance of a miserable deal for the metal and electrical industries, workers' anger with a contract cementing the third consecutive cut in real wages is growing.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Taiwan's local elections a blow to ruling DPP and Washington. In its efforts to goad China into a war over Taiwan, the US has relied on the support of Taiwan's president Tsai Ing-wen and her DPP.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Ruben àñstlund's Triangle of Sadness: Today's "master class" and "subject class" The English-language film is uneven, but its skewering of capitalism is certainly welcome.

WSWS (2022-12-01). NZ tertiary union takes legal case over job cuts. The Tertiary Education Union has suppressed any further national industrial action and isolated university staff in New Zealand in the face of attacks on jobs and wages.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. Healthcare workers across Europe strike to defend pay, public services and staffing; further strikes in UK by Royal Mail and railway workers as nurses and ambulance workers announce walkouts over pay and staff shortages; steel and car workers' pay strikes in Iran as protests continue over police murder of Mahsa Amini; public sector pay strikes to continue in South Africa as picketing resumes.

WSWS (2022-12-01). US airline workers join railroaders in fight against abusive work conditions. As railroad workers head toward a confrontation with the Biden administration and a bipartisan conspiracy by Congress against their interests, airline workers across the US are facing similar abusive conditions.

WSWS (2022-12-01). German parliament declares 1930s famine in Ukraine a genocide: Falsification of history in the service of war propaganda. The German parliament explicitly places the "Holodomor" on par with the Holocaust and the Nazi crimes against the Soviet Union. With this line of argument, the Bundestag places itself squarely in the tradition of the Ukrainian and international far right.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Defeat Unite's sabotage of London bus strikes! Vote NO to sellout pay deal at Metroline! Unite's immediate gift to Metroline is preventing coordinated strikes by Metroline and Abellio drivers planned on December 1, 2 and 3.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Socialist candidate Will Lehman on pace to win thousands of votes in UAW election with suppressed turnout. Initial results from the first-ever direct election in UAW history show an important level of support for rank-and-file socialist candidate Will Lehman, as well as widespread alienation from the UAW apparatus, as reflected in the abysmal 10 percent turnout.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Youth in Australia speak out against war, promote IYSSE global anti-war webinar. "I am against war, as many others are. I also believe that international socialism is the only way to end war for good."

WSWS (2022-12-01). Workers in three UK national strikes speak to the WSWS. Reporters spoke to striking postal, university and sixth form workers involved in national walkouts Wednesday and Thursday.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Democrats move to ban rail strike, impose settlement opposed by workers. The House of Representatives voted 290-137 to force a contract on 120,000 rail workers with a bill that would make a strike illegal.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Australian parliament censures ex-PM: An extraordinary coverup. The fiction presented during yesterday's proceedings was that the entire affair was simply the product of one man, seemingly a megalomaniac.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Rank-and-file workers resolution: Congressional imposition of railroad contract is "completely illegitimate" The resolution, adopted on Wednesday, states, "As representatives of rank-and-file rail workers, we declare that, as far as we are concerned, there is no contract, whether Congress passes legislation or not."

WSWS (2022-12-01). Belgian rail workers mount three-day nationwide strike. The strikes in Belgium adds to the growing wave of rail workers' struggles against job cuts, inflation, and dilapidated infrastructure internationally.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Millions placed under two-day boil water advisory in Houston, Texas. From Sunday to Tuesday, approximately 2.2 million water customers were told to boil water for at least two minutes before preparing food, drinking, bathing or brushing their teeth.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Fed chief Powell spells it out: workers are its chief target. In his Inflation and the Labour Market speech, Powell insisted even the sub-inflation wage increases of the recent period were considered to be too high and that economic growth would need to be suppressed for a "sustained period.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Mississippi-based United Furniture Industries fires 2,700 workers without notice on eve of Thanksgiving holiday. A class action lawsuit has been filed in US District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi on the behalf of Toria Neal, a longtime employee, and "potentially thousands" of other workers, against the company which is headquartered in Tupelo, Mississippi.

WSWS (2022-12-01). No COLA, No Contract! Build rank-and-file strike committees across UC campuses and beyond! For a counteroffensive against the attacks on the working class! Our struggle is at a critical point, and the rank and file must organize to stop a repeat of the sellout of the 2020 wildcat COLA strike.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Australian PM says "legal action" against Assange should end. Albanese broke a longstanding silence on Assange, but his comments fell far short of a demand for the immediate and unconditional freedom of the persecuted Australian journalist.

Claudio Della Croce (2022-12-01). Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay advierten a Uruguay por atentar contra el Mercosur. Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay, los socios de Uruguay en el Mercosur, amenazaron al gobierno de Luis Lacalle con adoptar medidas de represalia en caso de que insista en negociar un acuerdo de libre comercio fuera del bloque con el Acuerdo…

Staff (2022-12-01). Los 15 años del Hospital de Ojos José Martí de Montevideo. Hoy soy un hombre feliz, que puede ver a su familia, y soy útil porque me incorporé al trabajo en el campo. Y además de todo eso, la puedo ver a usted. Y usted y sus colegas son mi visión, no lo olviden nunca. Muchas gracias siempre. Yo me emocioné mucho. En sus palabras estaba su familia, su pueblo y el mío que nos trajo hasta aquí. Y yo lloré, con aquel hombre tan humilde, que recordaba perfectamente, que hizo un viaje largo y me buscó por todas partes para enseñarme sus ojos nuevos para ver la vida.

Staff (2022-12-01). Por donde entró la libertad. El periodista Pedro Vera tenía 22 años el 2 de diciembre de 1972. A él, "un muchacho lleno de sueños e ilusiones", con año y medio ejerciendo la profesión, le tocó darle cobertura a la fundación del Movimiento de la Nueva Trova, en la ciudad de Manzanillo, Granma. Hoy se repite la historia en la XXVII edición del Festival de la Trova Carlos Puebla In Memoriam.

Staff (2022-12-01). Proviene del cuatro esquinas, pero como tal es béisbol 5 (+ Video). Esta semana, aunque estén todas las miradas en Catar 2022, saldamos una deuda pendiente con el béisbol 5 cubano, que conquistó la cima en la primera Copa Mundial de la disciplina.Eros Hernán Morales, jefe técnico nacional del béisbol 5, explica a Cubadebate antecedentes, características y proyecciones de la modalidad en Cuba.

Staff (2022-12-01). Crean comisión de alto nivel para colaboración interparlamentaria entre Cuba y Rusia. El instrumento constituye un importante paso en aras de continuar fortaleciendo los vínculos entre los dos países, con acciones concretas para la venidera etapa de trabajo en áreas de interés mutuo.

Staff (2022-12-01). Departamento de Justicia de EEUU recomienda rechazar conexión a través de cable submarino con Cuba. El Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos recomendó este miércoles a la Comisión de Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC) negar un permiso para la instalación del primer cable de telecomunicaciones submarino que conectaría a EE.UU. con Cuba. Washington dijo que sería la única conexión directa por cable submarino comercial entre ambas naciones vecinas.

Staff (2022-12-01). Abrirá sus puertas nuevo hotel en Varadero. Gaviota-Grupo Turismo anunció a través de la red social Facebook la entrada en operaciones el primero de dos hoteles de la parcela Oasis en Varadero. La Plaza Oasis capta la atención de visitantes nacionales y extranjeros desde hace algunos meses con ofertas gastronómicas y de esparcimiento compatibles con la calidad de los productos turísticos de la Península de Hicacos.

Staff (2022-12-01). Croacia empata con Bélgica, que se despide del Mundial con nueva decepción de su generación histórica. La selección de Bélgica empató sin goles con Croacia este jueves, en la última jornada del grupo F, y se despidió de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol Catar 2022. Los belgas atacaron mucho, sobre todo al final, pero la falta de precisión, y suerte, determinó el empate.

Staff (2022-12-01). Denuncia vicecanciller cubano negativa de EEUU a instalar cable submarino. El vicecanciller cubano Carlos Fernández de Cossío denunció este jueves en Twitter la negativa del Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos a instalar un cable de telecomunicaciones submarino que conecte a ambos países. El pretexto es que las relaciones de Cuba con China y Rusia serían un riesgo para el Gobierno estadounidense si se concretara la conexión del cable.

Staff (2022-12-01). En PDF, el libro Intervencionismo y guerra integral. La lectura de este libro es fundamental para comprender la naturaleza de la Tercera Guerra Mundial en que estamos embarcados. Como allí bien se dice, nadie la ha declarado pero las acciones tornan superfluas los altisonantes informes oficiales de antaño en las cuales explícitamente se anunciaba la ruptura de relaciones con un gobierno y el inicio de las hostilidades.

Staff (2022-12-01). Japón sorprende también a España y pasa primero de grupo a octavos en Catar 2022. Los nipones sorprendieron a La Roja de Luis Enrique y vencieron con dos goles al principio del segundo tiempo. Los españoles dominaron la primera parte. En la segunda, el guion cambió. Los japoneses, rápidos e incisivos, se le atragantaron a La Roja, que, aunque tuvo alguna ocasión, no pudo dar vuelta al marcador.

Staff (2022-12-01). Rusia siempre podrá contar con la amistad de Cuba. El reforzamiento de las relaciones económicas, comerciales, financieras y de cooperación con la Federación de Rusia es vital para nuestro país. El impulso de procesos importantes en el ámbito financiero y energético, así como en el sector agroalimentario es de trascendental relevancia. Para ello agradecemos poder contar con el apoyo de ustedes. Consideramos imprescindible la participación activa de las empresas rusas en proyectos de inversión en Cuba, a partir de las enormes posibilidades que brindan la Ley 118 para la Inversión Extranjera y la Zona Especial de Desarrollo Mariel. En ese sentido, alentamos a las r…

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-01). Fuerzas de ocupación israelí asesinan a dos palestinos. Un menor de edad murió luego de permanecer un mes en el hospital herido con impactos de bala del Ejército israelí.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-01). Belarús alerta que Ucrania trata de implicar a OTAN en conflicto con Rusia. Presidente Lukashenko señala que sus argumentos se sostienen en los recientes ataques con misiles de Kiev contra el territorio de Polonia.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-01). Parlamento libanés levanta octava sesión sin elegir al jefe de Estado. El candidato Michel Moawad recibió el mayor número de apoyos, con 37 votos. El resto de los aspirantes no superaron los cuatro votos.

TeleSUR, mcs, JCM (2022-12-01). Canciller ruso de reunirá con su homólogo azerí en Moscú. Ambos titulares de Exteriores abordarán el desarrollo de las relaciones bilaterales, así como una serie de temas actuales de la agenda regional…

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-12-01). Costa Rica se medirá ante Alemania en Qatar 2022. Los dirigidos por Luis Fernando Suárez han entrenado con el objetivo de repetir lo hecho en Brasil 2014, cuando llegaron hasta cuartos de final.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-12-01). Presidente Maduro dialoga con exsecretario general de la Unasur. Durante la reunión el presidente Maduro y Ernesto Samper conversaron sobre el alcance de las relaciones diplomáticas y bilaterales con Colombia.

_____ (2022-12-01). China To Run United Nations Biodiversity Conference. As the world parses what was achieved at the U.N. climate change conference in Egypt, negotiators are convening in Montreal to set goals for curbing Earth's other crisis: loss of living species. | Starting on Dec. 7, 196 nations that have ratified the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity will hold their 15th Conference of the Parties, or COP15. The convention, which was adopted at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, is designed to promote sustainable development by protecting biodiversity — the variety of life on Earth, from genes up to entire ecosystems. | Today, experts widely agree that biodivers…

Dianne Mathiowetz (2022-12-01). Un tribunal anula la prohibición del aborto en Georgia. Manifestación a favor del aborto frente al edificio del capitolio estatal, Atlanta, 2 de octubre de 2021.Credit: Kelly Jordan Atlanta El 16 de noviembre, el juez del Tribunal Superior del Condado de Fulton, Robert McBurney, ordenó la restauración de las regulaciones sobre el aborto que existían antes de la implementación . . . |

Juraima Almeida (2022-12-01). El gobierno de Lula, entre la destrucción bolsonarista y el peligro militar. La derrota del ultraderechista Jair Bolsonaro parece haber liberado a Brasil de las trabas que el modus operandi que éste impuso al funcionamiento de las instituciones estatales. Ya se conocían los efectos de la debacle bolsonarista en las políticas públicas…

Reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-12-01). México: Reflexiones sobre las luchas de las zapatistas øfeministas? México: Reflexiones sobre las luchas de las zapatistas øfeministas? | Dra. Sylvia Marcos…

Reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-12-01). Enlaces Red Latina sin fronteras 26.11.2022. ENLACES de Red Latina sin fronteras 26.11.2022 | comunicaciones e información para la liberación…

Staff (2022-12-01). Chapeando: øProhibido hablar de tráfico humano? (+ Podcast). øPor qué medios de prensa y periodistas que saben perfectamente que se trataba de una clásica operación de tráfico humano salieron a decir lo contrario y a acusar de crimen a los guardafronteras cubanos? Lo que nadie puede negar es la contundencia de la denuncia, la fuerza de las evidencias y de los argumentos expuestos.

Staff (2022-12-01). Gladiadores quieren coronarse. El fútbol parece un juego totalmente distinto tras la increíble racha de triunfos de los Gladiadores de Artemisa. Mientras el Mundial de Catar enloquece al planeta, una cancha artemiseña abriga la pasión de un grupo de chicos que buscan ceñirse una corona.

Staff (2022-12-01). Idania Valdés en Zona de Arte: "Amor de Bolero" (+ Video). La voz de Idania Valdés enamora a los oídos que la escuchan. Esta intérprete le canta a la vida y al amor y ha sabido ganarse el cariño del público cubano. Esta semana en Zona de Arte, un espacio de Cubadebate TV, esta cantante habla de "Amor de bolero", su último videoclip que forma parte de su fonograma "Idania Valdés, más allá del Club Social".

Staff (2022-12-01). Evoluciona favorablemente salud de joven clavadista cubano. El Instituto de Medicina del Deporte (IMD) actualizó hoy sobre el estado de salud del clavadista cubano Luis Gustavo Cañabate àÅlvarez, quien se encuentra "clínica y humoralmente mejor" tras el accidente sufrido a mediados de noviembre. Cañabate sufrió un accidente por caída en su escuela en horas de la madrugada del 12 de noviembre pasado.

Staff (2022-12-01). La recuperación de la vivienda, el principal desafío que dejó el huracán Ian. En Pinar del Río el principal desafío continúa siendo la reconstrucción de 93 mil 929 viviendas afectadas por el evento climatológico, cifra que ha disminuido a partir del proceso de verificación de daños, apuntó la Primera Secretaria del Partido en Vueltabajo. Hasta este miércoles 11 mil 017 familias ya solucionaron los problemas constructivos de sus moradas.

Staff (2022-12-01). Alemania cae eliminada en fase de grupos por segundo Mundial consecutivo. La Mannschaft fue eliminada en fase de grupos por segundo Mundial consecutivo a pesar de vencer 4-2 al seleccionado de Costa Rica. El equipo de Hansi Flick quería golear a los costarricenses y necesitaba una victoria o empate de los españoles que nunca se concretó.

Staff (2022-12-01). Asociación Cubana de Comunicadores Sociales analiza su gestión durante el periodo 2020-2022. El Consejo Nacional de la Asociación Cubana de Comunicadores Sociales (ACCS) hizo un balance este miércoles, en el Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana, de su trabajo durante el periodo 2020-2022. Pérez Gutiérrez destacó que se hicieron avances en la orientación a organismos y entidades nacionales.

Staff (2022-12-01). Cimex desmiente que empresas extranjeras gestionarán comercio minorista en La Habana. La cadena de tiendas Panamericana desmintió un mensaje que circula en las redes sociales, en el que se indica que a partir del 1 de enero empresas extranjeras operarán en La Habana y gestionarán la actividad comercial minorista en la tienda Fin de Siglo y el supermercado del Focsa.

Staff (2022-12-01). Cuba: Por una respuesta integral al VIH, también desde la igualdad. Los estigmas, estereotipos, prejuicios y otras formas de desigualdad impactan en que las personas accedan eficientemente a servicios de manera general y a servicios de salud en particular, lo cual puede limitar el alcance de las acciones en pos de frenar la epidemia de SIDA, de ahí que este año las actividades por la fecha lleven por lema "Igualdad, la mejor respuesta al VIH".

Staff (2022-12-01). Estrenarán obra sobre la esclavitud y la herencia africana en la cultura cubana. "Alma: La revolución de un sueño", una saga musical y danzaria, tendrá su estreno mundial el viernes 16 de diciembre a las 8: 30 p.m. en la Sala Avellaneda del Teatro Nacional. La protagonista es Yaya, una mujer guerrera, líder de una aldea africana, que es capturada y llevada por la fuerza como esclava a Cuba a fines del siglo XVI.

Staff (2022-12-01). Fallece la actriz Herminia Sánchez, Premio Nacional de Teatro 2019. El Consejo Nacional de las Artes Escénicas informó sobre el fallecimiento este jueves, a los 99 años, de la actriz cubana Herminia Sánchez, Premio Nacional de Teatro 2019 y Premio ACTUAR por la obra de la vida. Tuvo papeles en "Lucía", "Hello Hemingway" y "Habana-Eva". Además, publicó textos para el teatro.

Staff (2022-12-01). Marruecos vence a Canadá y termina primero en el grupo de Bélgica y Croacia. Los marroquíes ganaron 2-1 a la selección de Canadá y terminaron la fase de grupos como primeros en el grupo F. Los Leones del Atlas se adelantaron en el minuto 4.

Staff (2022-12-01). EN VIVO: Canadá 1-2 Marruecos en el Mundial de la FIFA. Marruecos llega al encuentro tras un empate sin goles ante Croacia y un triunfo de 2 0 frente Bélgica.

TeleSUR, DRL, JDO (2022-12-01). Conozca algunos avances y retos en la lucha contra el VIH/Sida. Tras 40 años de pandemia global de Sida, todavía queda mucho para lograr la meta de igualdad en el acceso a los tratamientos.

TeleSUR, em, MER (2022-12-01). España y Japón irán por un cupo a octavos de la Copa del Mundo. Este será el primer enfrentamiento entre Japón y España en una Copa del Mundo, pero en partidos amistosos registran solo un encuentro en 2001.

TeleSUR, ev, MER (2022-12-01). Croacia y Bélgica se enfrentarán en la Copa del Mundo. Un empate le vale a Croacia para sellar su nombre en los octavos de final, mientras que una victoria a Bélgica le daría el pase a la siguiente ronda.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-12-01). Ascienden a 26 los casos de viruela símica en Paraguay. Todos los casos confirmados son masculinos y residen en el área metropolitana de Asunción y el departamento Central.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-12-01). Nueva masacre en Haití deja al menos 12 muertos. El alcalde de Source Matelas advirtió que la población tiene miedo a posibles ataques por parte de miembros de la banda criminal.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-01). Explosión en embajada de Ucrania en Madrid deja un herido. Las autoridades señalaron que la deflagración se produjo sobre las 13H00 (hora local) en el jardín de la embajada.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-01). Bombarderos de Rusia y China ejecutan patrullaje aéreo conjunto. Las autoridades rusas enfatizaron que la operación se realizó conforme a lo establecido en el derecho internacional.

TeleSUR, hvh, JDO (2022-12-01). ONU rechaza ocupación israelí de los Altos de Golán sirios. El seno de la ONU ratificó que la ocupación de Israel de estos territorios constituye un obstáculo contra la estabilidad regional.

TeleSUR, jaa -YSM (2022-12-01). Parlamentos de Rusia y Cuba amplían lazos de cooperación. Ambos parlamentos persiguen cooperar en sectores como la agricultura, salud, educación, energía y turismo.

TeleSUR, jaa, SH (2022-12-01). Venezuela y Dominica estrechan lazos de cooperación bilateral. Ambos altos funcionarios revisaron los acuerdos que persiguen fortalecer los mecanismos de integración regional.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-01). Bolivia duplica valor por venta de litio en lo que va de 2022. El cloruro de potasio boliviano se exporta a naciones de la región como Brasil y Chile.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-01). Desempleo en Colombia baja y se sitúa en 9,7 % en octubre. Respecto al mismo mes del año 2021, la disminución registrada fue de 2,3 puntos porcentuales.

TeleSUR, jap -MER (2022-12-01). México vence a Arabia Saudita, pero está eliminado de Qatar 2022. Ninguno de los dos equipos pudo abrir el marcador para dejar el empate a cero goles al final del primer tiempo.

TeleSUR, JCM, JDO (2022-12-01). Presidente de Venezuela celebra recuperación de recursos secuestrados. El mandatario venezolano destacó que los recursos se destinarán a obras de electrificación y agua, educación, salud y mitigación de los daños por lluvias.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-12-01). Exigen cese de deportaciones de haitianos desde República Dominicana. Denuncian que esa práctica del Ejecutivo que preside Luis Abinader tiene un carácter racista y discriminatorio.

TeleSUR, lvm, SH (2022-12-01). Eurostat estima 10% de inflación en la eurozona en noviembre. Eurostat señaló que en cuanto a los principales componentes de la inflación de la zona del euro, se espera que la energía tenga la tasa anual más alta en noviembre.

TeleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-01). Declaran emergencia sanitaria ante brote de gripe aviar en Ecuador. La influenza aviar no constituye un riesgo para la salud de quienes consumen huevos y carne de pollo, dijo el Ministerio.

TeleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-01). Disminuye actividad del volcán Chaparrastique en El Salvador. El Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil indicó que Chinameca, San Jorge y San Rafael se encuentran en alerta verde.

TeleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-01). Gremios dominicanos marchan para exigir seguridad social digna. Los manifestantes defienden un seguro nacional de salud que cubra todos los servicios y medicamentos.

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-12-01). Zurda Infinita resalta clasificación de Argentina a octavos. Analizaron el desempeño de Argentina en el partido que le permitió obtener el pase a la siguiente ronda y quedar primero en la tabla de posiciones del Grupo C.

TeleSUR, odr, SH (2022-12-01). Confirman ocho nuevos casos de viruela símica en Panamá. Con los nuevos casos de viruela del mono, se elevó a 56 la cantidad de contagios confirmados en el país.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-01). Declaran la Semana Santa de Guatemala Patrimonio de la Humanidad. La Unesco manifestó que la Semana Santa es una celebración religiosa y cultural que forja la identidad de los guatemaltecos.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-01). INPE: deforestación en Amazonía brasileña supera 11. 0 km2 en un año. El dato indica un descenso del 11,27 por ciento respecto al período anterior, cuando se perdieron 13.038 kilómetros cuadrados de selva.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-12-01). 339 millones de personas necesitarán ayuda humanitaria en 2023. La ONU solicitó recaudar 51. 0 millones de dólares para ofrecer ayuda humanitaria en el 2023.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-12-01). Perú declara emergencia sanitaria por brote de influenza aviar. El Senasa emitió la pasada semana una alerta sanitaria por 180 días tras confirmar tres casos de influenza aviar H5N1 en pelícanos.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-12-01). Petro pide perdón a nombre del Estado por masacres en Colombia. Petro recordó que en 2006 la Corte IDH condenó al Estado colombiano por estos hechos y obligó a investigar a los responsables de la matanza.

_____ (2022-12-01). Campaigners Warn Against Corporate Capture Of UN Plastic Treaty Talks. Representatives of almost 200 nations began a meeting in Uruguay on 28 November to address the scourge of plastic pollution. At the five day-long talks, delegates in the seaside city of Punta Del Este are charting a path to the first global plastics treaty. | Plastics are implicated in the multiple environmental crises the world faces. They are proving deeply damaging to marine and terrestrial life, meaning they are contributing to both the biodiversity and ocean crises. Moreover, plastics are made from fossil fuels and generate greenhouse gases throughout their life cycles. So as Inger Andersen, Executive Direct…

Staff (2022-12-01). Iniciará el próximo sábado transición parcial a la televisión digital en Pinar del Río.

TeleSUR, gao, SH (2022-12-01). Bolivia y Chile esperan fallo sobre las aguas del Silala. Ambas partes esperan una sentencia mutuamente favorable para relanzar las relaciones bilaterales.

TeleSUR, jap, MER (2022-12-01). Marruecos buscará clasificación a octavos del Mundial Qatar 2022. En el histórico, Marruecos no ha perdido en los tres partidos que ha disputado contra Canadá en todas las competiciones.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-01). OMM alerta que fenómeno La Niña prolongará sequías e inundaciones. Se pronostica que continuarán los cambios en las temperaturas y precipitaciones, aumentando las sequías e inundaciones en distintas partes del planeta.

TeleSUR, gao, JDO (2022-12-01). Mueren otros dos jóvenes palestinos bajo el fuego israelí. La más reciente agresión israelí a Jenin, perpetrada este jueves, provocó dos muertos, un herido y cuatro palestinos apresados.

TeleSUR, gao (2022-12-01). Condenan a muerte en Myanmar a 11 jóvenes disidentes. La junta militar retomó la pena capital como práctica represiva.

Frank Cappello (2022-11-30). LEVER TIME PREMIUM: How The Fossil Fuel Industry Lied For Decades. Read the full story: | Sign up now to read the full story and get access to all paid posts. | Already have an account? |

David Sirota (2022-11-30). LEVER TIME: The Debt Ceiling Fight Is Already Brewing. In the new episode of our weekly podcast Lever Time, Andrew Perez sits down with Lindsay Owens, executive director of the progressive think tank Groundwork Collaborative, to talk about why the upcoming fight in Congress over the debt ceiling is so pivotal. Owens explains how inflation will play a role in the negotiations, and discusses whether or not President Joe Biden will allow the conflict to be used as an excuse to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits (7: 32).In addition, David Sirota is joined by comedy legend David Cross, known for his roles in Mr. Show and Arrested Development and one of the most sub…

_____ (2022-11-30). Israelis Are Not Welcome in Qatar During the 2022 World Cup. The 2022 World Cup in Qatar has been the first of its kind and may be a breakthrough in calling out Israel and its Israeli citizens and journalists are allowed in Qatar in a FIFA agreement during the 2022 World Cup now underway in Doha. Being allowed to enter a country to watch football, or to cover an event as a journalist or media crew, is far different than being welcome. | Israeli journalists have reported numerous interactions with football fans and locals in Qatar that let them know they ar…

_____ (2022-11-30). Zelensky's War Machine Is Running Out of Fuel. Expect More Panic Attacks Soon. Zelensky believes faking an attack or creating an environmental calamity will repeat history. But he is woefully misinformed as he is ignorant. | When the lights go out, the water no longer comes and there isn't even a scrap of wood to keep Ukrainians warm, Zelensky will need Sean Penn's Oscar for help. | How long has President Zelensky got, before his political support wains, given then it is widely known that he is often bullied by western elites out of talks with Russia? There is a certain panic setting in within the Zelensky cabal which is making him more and more capricious, to the point of being out of con…

_____ (2022-11-30). Bahrain: what the recent elections have shown. The fraudulent parliamentary elections in Bahrain (a small kingdom in the Persian Gulf) were roundly condemned in many countries, as all opposition parties were officially banned from participating. Those who could have stood for election and competed with the ruling regime were instead sentenced to death, sexual violence, beatings, sleep deprivation and other ill-treatment. But since …

_____ (2022-11-30). Russia strengthens cooperation with its allies in the East. The start of the special operation to denazify the Kiev regime was essentially a dividing line, revealing not only the true Russophobic attitude towards Russia of the current US political elite and their Western allies, but also clearly highlighting the outspoken defenders and sponsors of today's neo-Nazis. These circumstances have defined and deepened the sharp …

_____ (2022-11-30). Why is Soros leaving Tajikistan? As per the statement posted on the website of the Open Society Foundation ("Open Society" or Soros Foundation — which was declared an undesirable organization in Russia back in 2015), the so-called "charity" of American billionaire George Soros, whose fortune is estimated by Forbes at $6.7 billion, has decided to close its branch — the …

_____ (2022-11-30). Brazil's President-Elect Lula Calls To Free Julian Assange. Brazil's left-wing President-elect Lula da Silva has called for journalist Julian Assange to be freed from his "unjust imprisonment." | Assange, the founder of whistle-blowing journalism publication WikiLeaks, has languished since 2019 in a maximum-security British prison, where he has suffered from prolonged torture that could threaten his life, according to the top United Nations expert. | The United Kingdom is preparing to extradite the Australian journalist to the United States, where he is facing up to 175 years in prison on politically motivated charges based in part on illegal CIA spying and threats. | On…

_____ (2022-11-30). DC Government's Racial Equity Plan Is Elite Capture By The State. D.C. Mayor Bowser's "Draft Racial Equity Action Plan " (REAP) is a public relations document which reflects a continued commitment to the systemic foundations of racial inequities. As a follow-up to the empty gesture of painting the words "Black Lives Matter" on 800 16th Street Northwest, Washington, DC and declaring that space "Black Lives Matter Plaza ", the REAP suggests that the state structures which maintain settler colonialism and capitalism can be a remedy for racial inequity. | "It is our charge and our responsibility to put in place policies that are intentional about ending structural racism and revers…

_____ (2022-11-30). Every Union Contract Right Now Should Be The Best Ever. If your union goes into negotiations right now and doesn't win its biggest raise ever, you're leaving money on the table. | Soaring inflation means it takes a bigger raise just to break even. And with unemployment low, labor has extra leverage to win more. | Dining hall workers at Northeastern University in Boston just approved a new contract that will raise them to $30 an hour by 2026—triple the $9 they were making in 2012 before they unionized. | After a rowdy mass picket, Sysco food delivery Teamsters in Massachusetts won a 39 percent raise over five years. | Here in Seattle, Providence Swedish hospital…

_____ (2022-11-30). Film Recounts Latina-Led Fight Against Military Sexual Abuse. Two years ago, city hall plaza in our hometown, Richmond, CA., was the scene of a protest vigil organized by Estefany Sanchez and her two sisters. Estefany is a Richmond resident and an Army veteran whose experience of sexual harassment in the military led her to identify strongly with the tragic case of Vanessa Guillen, a 20-year old soldier at Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas. | Guillen was sexually harassed by fellow soldiers, at a base with one of the highest rates of sexual assault, sexual trafficking, suicide, and murder anywhere in the military. Her complaints to superior officers were repeatedly ignored before…

_____ (2022-11-30). How Co-ops Are Transforming Quebec's Food Deserts. Montreal, Québec, Canada – In French, the word for food processing is the same as the word for sweeping social change: transformation. Alex Beaudin dreams of doing both. | Beaudin, 25, is the coordinator of Le Grénier Boréal, an agricultural co-op in Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan, a village of around 450 people in northeastern Quebec, 550 miles northeast of Montreal. Longue-Pointe is one of about 20 villages strung like beads on a necklace, between Route 138 and the vast St. Lawrence River. The highway and the river are the villages' lifelines, and depending on either one for supply shipments — as the Nord-Cà&yen…

_____ (2022-11-30). Ben-Gvir's Appointment As Minister For National Security Is Bad News. The racist thug Itamar Ben-Gvir has not yet set foot in his new office as Minister of National Security, but the effects of his rise to power have already been felt throughout Palestine. As I write these words, Palestinian human rights activist Issa Amro was arrested by the Israeli Army. He recently published a video showing an IDF soldier attacking and beating an Israeli activist in the city of Al-Khalil (also known as Hebron). The actions of the soldier and the sudden unwarranted arrest of Issa are signs of things to come. | From Al-Khalil, Issa runs Youth Against Settlements, one of the most important and effe…

_____ (2022-11-30). Railroad Workers Protest Joe Biden's Interference In Fight For Their Rights. As the date for a possible national railroad strike nears, President Joe Biden stepped in this week to force a contract on the railroad workers. | On Monday, November 28, the While House released this statement, which begins with: | I am calling on Congress to pass legislation immediately to adopt the Tentative Agreement between railroad workers and operators — without any modifications or delay — to avert a potentially crippling national rail shutdown. | After some encouraging words from progressives Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Jamaal Bowman on Tuesday, Lauren K. Gurley reported today t…

_____ (2022-11-30). The Greenwashing Scam Behind COP27's Flop. As the annual UN climate conference, COP27, came to a close in late November, the talks produced a lot of lofty rhetoric but little concrete progress on the gravest threat facing humanity today. | There was one very important positive development: After years of demands by poor countries in the Global South suffering the worst impacts of climate disasters, the COP27 agreement finally established a "loss and damage" fund for the wealthy countries most responsible for climate change to compensate poor countries for climate disasters. | Much remains undecided, including the size of the fund, its governance structure…

A Guest Author (2022-11-30). Leonard Peltier's greeting to National Day of Mourning. The following slightly edited statement from imprisoned political prisoner Leonard Peltier (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians) was read by Herbert Waters IV (Wampanoag) on Nov. 24, 2022. See for more information. Leonard Peltier Greetings my relatives, friends, loved ones and supporters. First, I want to say how deeply . . . |

Alex Bainbridge (2022-11-30). Giant flag drop for International Day in Solidarity with Palestine. The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People was marked by Justice for Palestine Meanjin — Brisbane with a giant flag drop from the Goodwill Bridge. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Ana Perdigón (2022-11-30). Ecuador: Former Vice President Jorge Glas Released from Prison. The former vice president of Ecuador, Jorge Glas, was released from prison on Monday, November 28, after a judge issued a precautionary measure in his favor. | The release measure was approved by the judge of the Santo Domingo Criminal Unit, Emerson Curipallo. The decision stipulates that the former vice president will have to present himself once a week at the Litoral Penitentiary in the city of Guayaquil, and is prohibited from leaving the country. | Following this decision, the National Comprehensive Care Service for Adults Deprived of Liberty and Adolescent Offenders (SNAI), published a statement to announce…

Ana Perdigón (2022-11-30). Ecuador: Former Vice President Jorge Glas Released. The former vice president of Ecuador, Jorge Glas, was released from prison on Monday, November 28, after a judge issued a precautionary measure in his favor. | The release measure was approved by the judge of the Santo Domingo Criminal Unit, Emerson Curipallo. The decision stipulates that the former vice president will have to present himself once a week at the Litoral Penitentiary in the city of Guayaquil, and is prohibited from leaving the country. | Following this decision, the National Comprehensive Care Service for Adults Deprived of Liberty and Adolescent Offenders (SNAI), published a statement to announce…

Andrew Korybko (2022-11-30). Russia's Energy Geopolitics With China & India. The top takeaways from this analysis are several. First, Russia's energy geopolitics with China and India are mutually beneficial. Second, China's energy diversification strategy is being balanced out by India's insatiable appetite for discounted Russian resources. Third, India is rapidly replacing China as Russia's top partner. Fourth, neither the aforesaid nor the ongoing Sino-American discussions over a New Détente are zero-sum for Moscow or Beijing. And finally, a new global strategic balance is emerging. | The RIC Core Of The Global Systemic Transition | China and India are Russia's top two partners in the w…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-30). American Armaments Sales in Europe Booming Thanks To The War In Ukraine: "US Colony after Nato Coup" Written by Fabio G.C. Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO Head of the Russian State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, considered that the current…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-30). Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On November 30, 2022 (Map Update).

Anonymous103 (2022-11-30). Military Situation In Kharkiv Region, Ukraine, On November 30, 2022 (Map Update).

Anonymous103 (2022-11-30). Military Situation In Syria On November 30, 2022 (Map Update). On November 30, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours; | On November 30, Turkish artillery shelled SDF positions in the Ain Daqna area; | On November 30, one SAA serviceman was killed by IED explosion in the Sabikhan area; | On November 29, an IED explosion was reported in the city of Daraa; | On November 29, Russian military police carried out a patrol in the Tal Tamar area. | MOR…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-30). Military Situation In Ukraine On November 30, 2022 (Map Update). Russia struck the AFU ammo depot near Dnepropetrovsk with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Chasov Yar with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Zaporozhye with high-precision missiles; | The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Novomikhaylovka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Chervonopopovka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Novosyolovskoye; | Clashes…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-30). Musk: Twitter Has "Interfered In Elections" Originally published on Twitter owner Elon Musk on Wednesday confirmed what everyone with two functioning brain cells and intellectual honesty already knew; the social media giant has "interfered in elections." | In a discussion over a Reuters article in which the company's former head of trust and safety says Twitter is 'not safer' under Musk, user @EvaFoxU posted: "Twitter has sho…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-30). In Video: Russia Deploys Heavy Howitzers On Frontline With Turkish Forces In Northern Syria. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ulyana Solovyeva | The Russian military grouping in Syria has deployed heavy howitzer near an important frontline with Turkish forces in the northern countryside of Aleppo. | A video that surfaced online on November 30 shows a Russian battery of Msta-B towed 152 mm howitzers moving in the direction of the town of Tell Rifaat. The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that the battery was deployed at a newly-established position in the nearby village of Tell Ji…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-30). ISIS Says Its Leader Was Killed In Combat, Appoints New One. In a surprise announcement on November 30, ISIS said that its top leader Abu al-Hasan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi had been killed. | In an audio message titled "They Kill and Get Killed," a spokesman for the terrorist group said that al-Hashimi, an Iraqi national, was killed "in combat with enemies of God", without elaborating on when or where this took place. | The spokesman identified the terrorist group's new "caliph" as Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurashi. As of now, next to nothing…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-30). Israeli Navy Test-Fired New Interceptor Designed To Counter 'Advanced' Cruise Missile (Video). Screengrab. Source: the Israeli Ministry of Defense. | The Israeli Navy has successfully test-fired the LRAD long-range interceptor which was especially designed to counter "advanced" cruise missile | On November 30, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and Ministry of Defense said in a joint statement that a Sa'ar 6-class corvette INS Magen successfully test-fired the LRAD missile earlier this month. The warship launched the missile after detecting a "target that resembled an advanced cruise missile" and des…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-30). Senior Syrian Air Force Officer Survives Assassination Attempt Near Damascus. Click to see full-size image. Via Facebook. | On November 28, a senior officer of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) survived an assassination attempt near the capital, Damascus. | The officer, identified as Colonel Basil Ibrahim Wassouf, was reportedly lightly wounded when an explosive device ripped through his car in the district of Kiswah to the south of the capital. | Col. Wassouf is hardened fighter jet pilot of the SyAAF. The nature of his current work wi…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-30). Turkey Completed Preparations For Ground Operation In Northern Syria — Report. FILE PHOTO: Turkish soldiers seen at the border town of Akcakale © Reuters / Murad Sezer | Turkey has completed all military and logistic preparations needed to launch a ground operation against the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern Syria,

Anonymous669 (2022-11-30). U.S. Approves Sale Of Unique Anti-Drone System To Qatar For $1 Billion. The FS-LIDS anti-drone system with the Coyote Block 2 interceptor (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) | The U.S. Department of State has approved the potential sale of a unique anti-drone system to Qatar in a deal valued at $1 billion, the pentagon said on November 29. | In a statement, the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency said that Qatar requested to buy ten Fixed Site-Low, Slow, Small Unmanned Aircraft System Integrated Defeat System (FS-LIDS) as well as 200 Coyote Block 2 interceptors, Counter Unmanned Elect…

Anonymous765 (2022-11-30). Turkey Continues Strikes On Syria, Suffers Losses In Iraq. |

Anti-Capitalist (2022-11-30). Friday 11/25: Observe Buy Nothing Day. Virtual: Anywhere: Planetary…

Ashley Curtin (2022-11-30). 175 nations start negotiations for legally binding international treaty on plastic pollution. Negotiators from 175 nations will create a team of scientists to address the plastic pollution crisis worldwide.

Belén Fernández (2022-11-30). Beware Western Hypocrisy When It Comes to Human Rights at the World Cup. As the old saying goes, look in the mirror before you judge others.

Ben Radford (2022-11-30). Deep-sea mining: Capitalism's next destructive frontier. Mining companies argue that deep-sea mining is necessary to achieve the global transition to renewables, reports Ben Radford, but this is a lie.

Brett Wilkins (2022-11-30). As Corporations Enjoy Record-High Profits, Experts Urge Congress to 'Rein Them In'. "Today's record corporate profits mirror what we have been hearing on earnings call after earnings call: Corporations are gleefully reporting that their strategy to burden families with unnecessary price hikes is working."

Brett Wilkins (2022-11-30). 'Donald Trump Has Finally Run Out of Places to Hide' as House Dems Get Tax Returns. "It's no longer a question of if he's hiding something big," one watchdog group asserted, "it's a question of what he's hiding."

Brett Wilkins (2022-11-30). Evidence Grows of Left-Wing Twitter Purge Directed by Musk. "Elon Musk appears to have outsourced decisions about who to ban from Twitter to the platform's right-wing extremists," said The Intercept's Micah Lee.

Brian Berletic (2022-11-30). Malaysia's New Prime Minister: The Impact on US-China Tensions in Asia. Malaysia's new prime minister Anwar Ibrahim has spent decades in the service of US interests, chairing the IMF in the 1990s and working with the US National Endowment for Democracy ever since. | His opposition party, a street front he has helped lead, and media networks promoting him across Malaysia's information space have all received funding from the US government through the NED. | What impact has Anwar Ibrahim already had on Malaysia's sovereignty and development and what impact will his premiership have on Malaysia's future? | References: | US State Department, Office of the Historian Courses of Ac…

Brittani Banks (2022-11-30). Is Russia Really the Reason Why Mali Continues to Push France Away? On , Mali's interim Prime Minister Colonel Abdoulaye MaàØga posted a statement on social media to say that Mali has decided "to ban, with immediate effect, all activities carried out by NGOs operating in Mali with funding or material or technical support from France." A few days before this statement, the French government …

C.J. Polychroniou (2022-11-30). The Fed's Response to Rising Inflation Protects the Wealthy at Workers' Expense. The specter of inflation is haunting the world's economies. Surging prices since 2020, especially in food and energy, have eroded global living standards, though inflation varies considerably across countries. However, inflation is hitting the working class and lower-income people harder than wealthier households, triggering protests around the world, especially in countries with strong trade… |

Caitlin Johnstone (2022-11-30). US Officials Concern Troll About World Press Freedoms While Assaulting Them.

Caitlin Johnstone (2022-11-30). The Guardian Could Help Assange By Retracting All The Lies It Published About Him.

Carlos Edill Berríos Polanco (2022-11-30). LUMA Contract Extended as Protests Continue in Old San Juan. On the same day it was set to expire, the Puerto Rico Public-Private Alliances granted LUMA Energy an extension of its provisional contract that will only end once the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority's debt restructuring is completed.

Charles Piller (2022-11-30). Second Death Linked to Potential Antibody Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease.

Chris Walker (2022-11-30). Oath Keepers Founder Convicted of Seditious Conspiracy for Role in Jan. 6. A federal jury in Washington D.C. has convicted two members of the far right Oath Keepers — including founder Stewart Rhodes — of seditious conspiracy for their involvement in the attack on the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021, and for their attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Three other members of the group were also convicted of obstruction of an official… |

Chris Walker (2022-11-30). San Francisco City Board Approves Use of Police Robots to Kill Suspects. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted by a margin of 8-3 on Tuesday to grant the city's police department the legal authority to use remotely controlled robots to attack and kill suspects in certain circumstances. The measure was widely condemned by civil liberty and police oversight organizations. City officials and members of the board who voted against the authorization said that the… |

Chris Walker (2022-11-30). Senate Passes Respect for Marriage Act to Protect Same-Sex Marriage Rights. The U.S. Senate has passed the Respect for Marriage Act, legislation that aims to enshrine federal protections for same-sex marriages in the United States. The bill passed in the upper house of Congress on Tuesday evening by a vote of 61-38. Just 12 Republican lawmakers voted in favor of the bill, while the remaining members of the party voted against it. A similar bill passed earlier this year in… |

Dan Beeton (2022-11-30). Preview: What to Expect in the November Jobs Report. The November jobs report should provide further evidence of the economy normalizing after its rapid bounce back from the pandemic recession. The big questions will be whether wage growth has slowed to a pace consistent with the Fed's inflation target and whether job growth has slowed to a sustainable pace. Wage Growth Likely to Remain …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-30). Russia Says It Delayed Nuclear Arms Control Talks Over Differences With US. Russia on Tuesday said it delayed nuclear arms control talks with the US that were set to start this week due to differences with Washington and tensions over Ukraine. "We have encountered a situation where our American colleagues not only demonstrated a lack of desire to take note of our signals, acknowledge our priorities, but …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-30). Report: US Considers 'Dramatically' Expanding Training of Ukrainian Forces. The US is considering "dramatically" increasing its training of Ukrainian forces, CNN reported on Wednesday, citing unnamed US officials. The plan under consideration would aim to train up to 2,500 Ukrainian troops each month at a US base in Germany. The report said that since Russia invaded, the US has only trained a few thousand …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-30). US, Israel Hold Joint Aerial Drills Simulating Attacks on Iran. The Israeli military on Wednesday published pictures of joint aerial exercises with the US that were held this week and simulated attacks on Iran. The drills were held over Israel and the Mediterranean Sea. According to the Times of Israel, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said the exercises involved four Israeli F-35 fighter jets that …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-30). US Pushing Allies to Give Ukraine Aid to Fix Its Energy Infrastructure. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday from the NATO summit in Bucharest that the US and its allies have agreed to form a group to help repair Ukraine's energy infrastructure, which has been decimated by Russian missile and drone strikes. The State Department announced Tuesday that it would provide Ukraine with $53 million in …

Dean Baker (2022-11-30). Census and WaPo at Odds Over Effect of Inflation on Low-Income Families. It is getting almost as bad as propaganda from an authoritarian regime. We keep hearing major news outlets tell us that inflation is whacking lower-income families. The Washington Post did it yesterday in an editorial demanding more rate hikes from the Fed to throw people out of work. Lower-income people, like everyone else, are paying …

Dean Baker (2022-11-30). The Washington Post Tells Us Low Income Families Are Especially Hard Hit by Inflation but the Census Bureau Says Their Homeownership Rate is Up: Who to Believe? It is getting almost as bad as propaganda from an authoritarian regime. We keep hearing major news outlets tell us that inflation is whacking lower-income families. The Washington Post did it yesterday in an editorial demanding more rate hikes from the Fed to throw people out of work. Lower-income people, like everyone else, are paying …

Devin Thomas O'Shea (2022-11-30). Pruitt-Igoe: A Black community under the "atomic cloud" This story originally appeared in The true story of the Pruitt-Igoe Housing Complex may never be fully declassified. But what we do know is this: it involves the unlucky architect of the World Trade Center, a lost stockpile of a hundred thousand baby teeth, and mountains of recently disclosed U.S. Army records that describe secret radiological experiments conducted on unsuspecting citizens in Minneapolis, Winnipeg, and…

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2022-11-30). G20 Signs Declaration for International Vaccine Passport.

Dr. Naomi Wolf (2022-11-30). Thanksgiving in a Victim World. Resuming Our National Holidays After a Mass Violation.

____ (2022-11-30). China to tighten supervision of Covid testing firms amid public outcry over illegal activities. China's National Health Commission (NHC) vowed on Tuesday to continue stepping up supervision of nucleic acid testing firms and will severely punish illegal activities like giving false results, following some individual nucleic acid testing fraud cases that have attracted nationwide attention.

____ (2022-11-30). Baidu shifts into high gear on robotaxis with world's top service area. Chinese tech company Baidu Inc announced on Tuesday that it plans to scale up the operation area for its fully autonomous driving robotaxis and build the world's largest fully driverless ride-hailing service area in 2023.

____ (2022-11-30). Dutch chip producer faces U.S. sales pressure. The head of Europe's second-largest semiconductor equipment maker has accused the United States government of putting pressure on companies in friendly countries to help enact its tough export policies against China.

____ (2022-11-30). Parcel delivery still operating smoothly, postal authorities say. Although a small number of parcel delivery stations have been closed due to the latest COVID-19 outbreaks, China's parcel delivery network has been operating smoothly in general.

____ (2022-11-30). Shenzhou-14 and Shenzhou-15 crews meet at China Space Station. Shenzhou-14 and Shenzhou-15 taikonauts met at China's first space station Tiangong at 7: 33 a.m. on Wednesday, Beijing time, said China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).

____ (2022-11-30). 15 pilots obtain C919 Type Rating: CAAC. A total of 15 pilots, including COMAC flight instructors, obtained the C919 Type Rating after the China-made airplane completed related training specification test of the Flight Standardization Committee, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC).

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese tea processing techniques included in UNESCO heritage list. China's traditional tea processing techniques and associated social practices were added to the intangible cultural heritage list of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Tuesday.

____ (2022-11-30). Construction of two new high-speed railways in NW and E China begins. The Nantong-Ningbo high speed railway in east China and Xi'an-Yan'an high speed railway in northwest China began construction on Wednesday, according to the China Railway.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese official to head UN's top auditing body. Hou Kai, auditor general of the National Audit Office, will hold the chairmanship of the United Nations Board of Auditors for two years starting on Jan 1, the board decided at its 52nd special session held in Santiago, Chile, on Tuesday.

____ (2022-11-30). COVID strategies optimized. Authorities will accelerate the lifting of unnecessary restrictions put in place after the recent Omicron-fueled outbreaks to reduce the disease control strategies' economic fallout and other resulting "inconveniences".

____ (2022-11-30). HK DOJ seeks to delay trial of Apple Daily boss. Hong Kong's Department of Justice on Tuesday applied to postpone the trial of Jimmy Lai Chee-ying's national security case.

____ (2022-11-30). China to further boost COVID-19 vaccination among elderly. The Chinese government has released a work plan to ramp up vaccination among its elderly population to protect this vulnerable group against COVID-19.

____ (2022-11-30). Measures lift stock, currency markets. The Chinese stock and currency markets rebounded strongly on Tuesday amid more supportive measures and government policies.

____ (2022-11-30). Chongqing inspects nucleic acid testing labs. Chongqing has been conducting a special law enforcement inspection on 16 private nucleic acid testing agencies in the central urban area recently to ensure the quality of mass testing, local officials said at a daily briefing on Monday evening.

____ (2022-11-30). China's manufacturing PMI down in November. The purchasing managers' index (PMI) for China's manufacturing sector came in at 48 in November, down from 49.2 in October, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Wednesday.

____ (2022-11-30). China's non-manufacturing PMI down in November. The purchasing managers' index (PMI) for China's non-manufacturing sector came in at 46.7 in November, down from 48.7 in October, the National Bureau of Statistics said Wednesday.

____ (2022-11-30). China-built Jakarta-Bandung HSR sees landmark progress. With a 900-metric-ton beam being safely positioned along the No 24 Bridge on the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway on Oct 16, all the box beams on the line had been successfully installed, meaning that track-laying work can begin.

____ (2022-11-30). Nation's foreign trade on healthy track. China's foreign trade recorded steady progress during the January-October period, with both imports and exports hitting record highs.

____ (2022-11-30). Members of U.S. far-right group found guilty of seditious conspiracy in Capitol riot. Stewart Rhodes and his associate Kelly Meggs were found guilty by a jury on Tuesday of seditious conspiracy and other charges for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

____ (2022-11-30). China sees 191 million underage internet users: report. The number of underage internet users in China hit 191 million in 2021, leading to an internet penetration rate of 96.8 percent among Chinese minors, according to a report released on Wednesday.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese court affirms Lao Rongzhi death sentence. A Chinese court Wednesday upheld the death sentence for Lao Rongzhi, a woman who was convicted of murder, robbery and abduction.

____ (2022-11-30). China's digital industry clusters power growth. China's digital industry clusters have gained momentum as the country's digital economy continues its rapid growth.

____ (2022-11-30). Cross-border e-commerce surges tenfold. The cross-border e-commerce trade has become an important tool to stabilize foreign trade and promote consumption thanks to such advantages as online transaction, contactless delivery and short transaction chain.

____ (2022-11-30). China to enforce new law on fighting telecom, online fraud. China will from Thursday enforce a new law on fighting telecom and online fraud as part of efforts to build an industry-wide and whole-of-society system to prevent and combat such crimes.

____ (2022-11-30). Fujian sees 13.2 pct trade growth with ASEAN. Trade volume between east China's Fujian Province with members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) reached 340.29 billion yuan (about 47.41 billion U.S. dollars) in the first ten months of 2022, up 13.2 percent year on year.

____ (2022-11-30). Announcement by Comrade Jiang Zemin's Funeral Committee (No. 1). To express the incomparable esteem and profound mourning of the whole Party, the entire military and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups for Comrade Jiang Zemin, it has been decided:…

____ (2022-11-30). Comrade Jiang Zemin's funeral committee formed. A funeral committee for Comrade Jiang Zemin, who passed away on Wednesday, has been formed, with Xi Jinping as its chairman.

____ (2022-11-30). Juvenile netizens in China exceed 190 mln by 2021: report. China had more than 190 million internet users aged under 18 by the end of 2021, accounting for 96.8 percent of the country's total juveniles, according to a report on China's internet use among juveniles.

____ (2022-11-30). China-U.S. relations are always important to the world: Indian scholar. To International observers, the China-U.S. relationship is deemed one of the world's most important bilateral relationships. Recently, on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, Chinese President Xi Jinping held face-to-face talks with U.S. President Joe Biden, with their meeting drawing global attention.

____ (2022-11-30). U.S. warship tracked after entering Chinese waters. The Chinese military has been monitoring a U.S. guided-missile cruiser that illegally entered Chinese waters near the Nansha Islands on Tuesday morning, a spokesman from the People's Liberation Army said.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese envoy calls for preservation of Syria's sovereignty, territorial integrity. A Chinese envoy on Tuesday called for efforts to preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria.

____ (2022-11-30). Xi sends congratulations to UN meeting marking Int'l Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People. Chinese President Xi Jinping extended congratulations to a UN meeting held on Tuesday to commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

____ (2022-11-30). China is the world's fastest country in improving air quality: report. China has become the world's fastest country in improving air quality with a dramatic drop in the emissions intensity of major pollutants and carbon, said an environmental NGO report.

____ (2022-11-30). Rare Royal Turtle with severely fractured shell rescued in Cambodia. A fisherman living along the Sre Ambel River in southwest Cambodia's Koh Kong province has recently spotted a nearly extinct Royal Turtle with a severely fractured shell, a conservationist group said on Tuesday.

____ (2022-11-30). Cold waves sweep most part of China. China on Tuesday continued to issue an orange alert for a cold wave, forecasting big temperature drops and gales in vast regions.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese-made FPSO device delivered in Qingdao. The 118-meter-tall Penguins FPSO weighing 32,000 metric tons made by the Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd. was successfully delivered on Tuesday.

____ (2022-11-30). Shenzhou-15 crews meet with another taikonaut trio at Tiangong space station. The three astronauts aboard China's Shenzhou-15 spaceship entered the country's space station and met with another astronaut trio on Wednesday, a historic gathering that added the manpower at the in-orbit space lab to six for the first time.

____ (2022-11-30). Bohemian waxwing captured in Inner Mongolia. Bohemian waxwing is a species of migratory birds. It mostly feeds on insects and fruits during the breeding season.

____ (2022-11-30). Dunhuang embraces first snow in 2022 winter. Snow scenery of Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring scenic spot in Dunhuang City, northwest China's Gansu Province, Nov. 27, 2022. Dunhuang embraced its first snow of this winter on Sunday.

____ (2022-11-30). Suwalong Hydropower put into operation in Sichuan. Photo taken on Nov. 30, 2022 shows the Suwalong Hydropower station at the upstream of the Jinshajiang River at the intersection of the Mangkam County of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region and the Batang County of southwest China's Sichuan Province.

____ (2022-11-30). MOFA refutes Sunak's accusations against China, denying alleged assault of BBC journalist. On the night of November 27, to maintain public order, local police in Shanghai asked people who had gathered at a crossroads to leave. One of those at the scene is a resident journalist from the BBC.

____ (2022-11-30). China remains source of driving force for global prosperity and development. In the face of complex and challenging situation both at home and abroad, the fundamentals sustaining China's steady and sound economic growth in the long run remain unchanged and China remains a source of driving force for global prosperity and development.‚ÄÇ‚ÄÇ…

____ (2022-11-30). (100 great changes) China's aerospace shifts from follower to world leader. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has made fruitful achievements in aerospace, shifting from "following" others to "leading" the world in some aspects.

____ (2022-11-30). (100 great changes) 'Dual-Olympic City' beams with glamour. This is the ancient capital of Beijing. From "One World, One Dream" in 2008 to "Together for a Shared Future" in 2022, the two convergences of the Olympic Games and Oriental civilization have made Beijing the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.

Editor (2022-11-30). 'Holy Land Foundation 5' are victims of America's unjust persecution of Palestinians. The case against the "Holy Land 5" led to the wrongful conviction and unjust long-term imprisonment of five highly respected Palestinian men. Three of them, Mufid Abdulqader, Ghassan Elashi, and Shukri Abu Baker, remain imprisoned today.

Editor (2022-11-30). U.S. commits to reignite space race during new Cold War vs. China, Russia. Artemis I is a dry run for the return to the moon, a test of the new Space Launch System rocket and Orion capsule that will bring astronauts into lunar orbit on Artemis II and onto the surface on Artemis III.

Editor (2022-11-30). Zero-Covid and the China protests: look at the bigger picture. Ever since the world's first Covid outbreak in Wuhan, the virus has been used as a stick to beat China.

Editor (2022-11-30). Biden's Student Debt Relief Program Is Now in the Hands of the Supreme Court. By Marjorie Cohn / Truthout More than 40 million lower-income people burdened with student loans are still waiting for clarity about how much they will owe and when their next payments will be due, as the Supreme Court decides if it will rule on whether to allow President Joe Biden's student debt relief program to …

Editor (2022-11-30). Could China Help Brazil To Overcome Its Economic Crisis? The economic partnership between Brazil and China, which has advanced greatly in the last two decades, may be one of the keys to reversing the crisis that Brazil faces. But some challenges will need to be faced with diplomacy and strategic planning.

Editor (2022-11-30). Cryptome Founder Asks to be Indicted With Assange. John Young, the founder of the Cryptome website, has asked the U.S. Justice Department to also indict him as he published un-redacted State Dept. files before WikiLeaks did, reports Joe Lauria.

Editor (2022-11-30). Inequality and Dishonesty Will Kill Democracy. By Jim Mamer / Original to ScheerPost On November 2, 2022, less than a week before the recent national election, President Biden delivered a speech warning against voter intimidation, political violence and threats to democracy. He also added that those who question the results of any election they lose are attempting to "subvert the electoral …

Editor (2022-11-30). Israeli Forces Kill Four Palestinians in Occupied West Bank, Including Two Brothers. The three Palestinians killed overnight were identified as Jawad Rimawi, 22, Thafer Rimawi, 21, and Mufid Ikhlayel, 44. A fourth Palestinian was killed later on Tuesday morning after carrying out a car-ramming that left one Israeli wounded.

Editor (2022-11-30). New York Times Fails To See Its Own Hypocritical Practices. In a long and detailed Twitter thread, Scott Hechinger dives into the malpractices of the New York Times when it comes to reporting on certain criminal justice elements.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Relying on domestic potentials to yield independence. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri said that relying upon the high potential and capabilities will result in independence and self-sufficiency of the country.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iranian oil ministry opens office in Iraq. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The Iranian oil ministry's office in Iraq was opened in the capital of the neighboring country on Tuesday, an Iranian oil official said.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran's foreign trade hit $69 bn in 8 months. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Iran's exports stood at 70.4 million worth $32.36 billion, registering a 16% decline in terms of weight, but a 4.44% rise in value during the eight months to Nov. 21.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Goods transited from W Iran up four-fold: official. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Commodities transited from Customs of Iran's Kermanshah have seen a four-fold hike during 8 months, according to a provincial customs official.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). S. African envoy urges boosting trade ties. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — South African Ambassador in Tehran has called for further boosting bilateral relations in the trade sphere with Iran.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iranian envoy holds talks with Syrian deputy FM. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Iranian envoy to Syria met and held talks with the Syrian deputy foreign minister Iman Susan.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Sana'a gov. warns enemies about continuation of agrression. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — In a statement on Tuesday, Yemeni officials warned the country's enemies over Sana'a determination to destroy them in the future war.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran, Bangladesh eager to cooperate on pilgrimage. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Iran and Bangladesh welcome the expansion of cooperation in Hajj and pilgrimage areas.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran's Army Navy focuses on developing maritime diplomacy. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The Commander of Iran Army Navy Rear Admiral Shahram Irani said that the development of maritime diplomacy is one of the main programs of Iran Army Navy Force which will be followed up op seriously this year.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). US national team forward Timothy Weah praises Team Melli. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — United States national football team forward Timothy Weah has sent a message on social media praising Iran's team in the 2022 World Cup.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran deserved at least a draw against US. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Iran coach Carlos Queiroz said Team Melli deserved at least a draw against the American squad after their 1-0 defeat on Tuesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran received ‚Ǩ1.6bn of Iraq's arrears for gas export. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Iranian Minister of Oil Javad Owji said that Iran has received about ‚Ǩ1.6 billion of Iraq's arrears related to its gas export.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). VIDEO: Massive fire hits building in Iraq's Kirkuk. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The footage shows a massive fire broke out in a large building on one of the major streets of Kirkuk, Iraq.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). 12m tons of Russian goods to transit via Iran to India. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Following India's External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar's visit to Moscow in November, Russia and Iran have agreed to allow the passage of 12 million tons of Russian goods via Tehran.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). PKK senior member killed in northern Iraq: Turkey. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Turkish intelligence forces neutralized a senior PKK terrorist in northern Iraq, security sources said on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Stop arming Kiev otherwise no talks, Zakharova warns US. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Russia is not going to discuss the New START Treaty with the United States as long as Washington keeps arming Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Major fire in Russian thermal power plant leaves 2 injured. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The roof of a department at a thermal power plant in Perm in Russia's Urals is on fire, an emergencies official told news media on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). World Cup shows how world hates Israel, supports Palestine. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kan'ani condemned the recent atrocities by the Zionist Israeli regime against Palestinians in West Bank, adding the Qatar World Cup shows how the world despises the apartheid regime.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). At least 35 killed in religious school blast in Afghanistan. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — At least 35 people were killed and 23 suffered injuries in a blast that hit a religious school in the Samangan province in northern Afghanistan on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). West seeking securitization of Iran case, says MP. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — Member of the Iranian Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Committee said that the West by raising the issue of human rights parallel to the nuclear issue in the IAEA is seeking securitization of the Iranian case.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Raeisi stresses meeting nurses needs on their national day. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi commemorated National Nurses' Day on Wednesday and said that the nurses' efforts and sincere services must be appreciated and compensated for by the government.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran's trade with Africa surpasses $990 mn in 7 months. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Trade between Iran and African countries reached 1.89 million tons worth $992.77 million during the first seven months of the current Iranian year (March 21-Oct. 22).

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran, Turkmenistan discuss developing energy cooperation. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The Iranian energy minister on Wednesday met the president of Turkmenistan in Ashgabat during his visit to the Asia Pacific country.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Azerbaijani, Russian FMs to meet in Moscow. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov will meet with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov on December 5 in Moscow, Spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iraqi PM visits holy Iranian city of Mashhad. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — On a visit to Iran, Iraqi prime minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani visited the holy city of Mashhad to pay a pilgrimage visit to the holy shrine of 8th Shia Imam, Reza (AS) on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Russia to focus on nuclear arms infrastructure in 2023. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Russia will pay special attention to building infrastructure for its nuclear forces in 2023, Russia's Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Letter bomb explodes in Ukrainian embassy in Madrid. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — A letter bomb exploded in the Ukrainian embassy in Madrid on Wednesday, a police source said.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). 13-year-old Palestinian martyred by Zionist forces in Negev. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Palestinian sources on Wednesday evening announced that a Palestinian child was martyred after sustaining severe injuries from a shot by the Zionist regime's forces.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). EU chief's comment on Ukrainian military losses retracted. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Ursula von der Leyen had earlier said around 100,000 Kiev troops had been killed to date.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Hungarian FM warns NATO against turning into anti-China Bloc. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto warned NATO against turning into an anti-China bloc as the global security situation is already tense.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). ISIL says its chieftain killed, appoints successor. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The leader of the terrorist ISIL group Abu al-Hassan al-Hashemi al-Quraishi was killed, the group's spokesman said on an audio…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). 5.7 magnitude earthquake strikes Hormozgan province in S Iran. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — A 5.7-magnitude earthquake shook the ground around Kong, in the southern Iranian province of Hormozgan on Wednesday afternoon.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Story of Team Melli in 2022 World Cup. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — By gaining three points, scoring four goals, and receiving seven goals in total, Team Melli said goodbye to the 2022 World Cup and could not advance to the knockout round.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran summons French envoy over foreign minister remarks. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The French ambassador to Tehran was summoned by the Iranian foreign ministry on Wednesday to lodge a protest over the anti-Iran remarks by the French foreign minister.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Australia shock Denmark to qualify for next World Cup stage. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Australia reached the World Cup last 16 for the first time since 2006 after Mathew Leckie earned them a gritty 1-0 upset win over Denmark in their final Group D match on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Spectator runs onto pitch in Wed. match with Palestinian flag. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — A supporter wearing a Tunisia shirt and holding a Palestinian flag ran on to the pitch at Education Stadium during the second half of the World Cup Group D game between Tunisia and France on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran's Mahalat home to red willow tree. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Mahalat country in the Markazi Province of Iran is home to the red willow trees. As a natural resource, this kind of tree plays an important role in the local economy.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iraqi premier's visit to Imam Reza holy shrine. MASHHAD, Nov. 30 (MNA) — On a visit to Iran, Iraqi prime minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani visited the holy city of Mashhad to pay a pilgrimage visit to the holy shrine of 8th Shia Imam, Reza (AS) on Wednesday.

Fabio G.C. Carisio (2022-11-30). American Armaments Sales in Europe Booming, Thanks to the War in Ukraine: "US Colony After NATO Coup"

Fight Back (2022-11-30). Biden: Hands off rail workers and their right to strike! On Monday, President Joe Biden publicly called on Congress to force union rail workers to accept the sub-par contract terms he helped craft. This is shameless union busting and pre-emptive strike breaking on behalf of the billionaire railroad bosses. | The members of four unions representing the majority of rail workers already voted down the contract terms negotiated by President Biden and Labor Secretary Marty Walsh. The Biden deal was widely criticized by the rank and file because it does not include any paid sick days – a basic right in most countries, and a sticking point for rail workers. | The votes to rej…

Frances Kuo (2022-11-30). How one small business creates sustainable jewelry. Sara Patino has made a name for her company by using only sustainable materials.

Free West Media (2022-11-30). Dutch Government to Close Down 3000 Farms.

Freedom Socialist Party Bay Area (2022-11-30). Sunday 12/11: Conversation with an Australian Feminist: Fight the Far Right to Win Reproductive Justice. New Valencia Hall | 747 Polk St (@ Ellis), SF | (7 blocks from Civic Center BART, on/near #5, 19, 27, 31, 38 Muni bus lines) | Also online (REGISTER:…

Gerald Tan (2022-11-30). Sustainability in the U.S. food industry. CGTN's Gerald Tan sat down with two industry professionals in Denver to discuss what sustainability means for the U.S. food industry.

Global Research News (2022-11-30). Selected Articles: Pfizer CEO, Who Said Online "Misinformation" Is Criminal, Is Found Guilty of "Misleading" Vaccine Statements.

Global Research (2022-11-30). "The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d'Etat Against Humanity" by Michel Chossudovsky. Book Launch.

Guochen Liu, Yanling Feng, Jing Li, Ting Deng, Aijun Yin, Lei Yan, Min Zheng, Ying Xiong, Jundong Li, Yongwen Huang, Chuyao Zhang, He Huang, Ting Wan, Qidan Huang, An Lin, Jie Jiang, Beihua Kong, Jihong Liu (2022-11-30). [Articles] A novel combination of niraparib and anlotinib in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer: Efficacy and safety results from the phase II, multi-center ANNIE study. Niraparib plus anlotinib showed promising antitumour activity in patients with PROC. This oral combination warrants further investigation as a potential novel, convenient treatment option for patients with PROC.

Hamza Abu Eltarabesh (2022-11-30). The fire Gaza will never forget. An entire family has been wiped out in Jabaliya refugee camp.

Hannah Story Brown (2022-11-30). Shame on "Union Joe" Biden for Not Siding With Railway Workers. If rail workers are so important to our economy that a single week of striking could cost the economy $1 billion, and if their demands are so modest that any decent employer would easily exceed them, then meeting their demands seems like the obvious solution.

Higher Education Action Team HEAT CCSF (2022-11-30). CCSF HEAT Supports 48,000 Striking UC UAW Education Workers. Higher Education Action Team's statement on support for 48,000 striking UC UAW members.

Ian MacDougall (2022-11-30). What's really at stake in a politically charged Supreme Court case on elections. Moore v. Harper could transform the law—but not in the way that many pundits, or even politicians, anticipate. (2022-11-30). Imperial and NTU Singapore form wide-ranging partnership to expand collaboration. Imperial and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have formed a wide-ranging partnership in research, education, innovation and enterprise.

Infobrics (2022-11-30). Lula's Re-Election in Brazil Augurs Well for Brics Expansion. President is likely to call for more South American countries and others to be brought in…

Infobrics (2022-11-30). Are We Seeing the Return of a Multipolar World. It would be a mistake to overestimate the extent to which the world is multipolar or the certainty of such a moment arriving…

Infobrics (2022-11-30). Chinese Refiners Seek More Russian Oil. State firms ask for assistance from Beijing ahead of EU sanctions…

Infobrics (2022-11-30). Stoltenberg admits impact of Russian strikes, contradicting Western media. However, NATO plans to use this as an excuse to prolong the conflict by sending more air defense systems to Ukraine, instead of searching for a diplomatic solution.

Infobrics (2022-11-30). Pentagon cannot account for $20 billion worth of weapons in Ukraine while another $19 billion for Taiwan is missing. Very few in the US have admitted that they don't have the production capacity necessary to concurrently arm the Kiev regime and the government in Taipei.

Infobrics (2022-11-30). China aims to diminish US influence in Latin America by boosting trade relations. Asia challenges the US' Monroe Doctrine on Latin America.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-30). At Stake in Ukraine Is the Future of Globalized Capitalism. Samir Saul and Michel Seymour Photo by Dmytro Smolienko/Ukraine Territorial Defense Forces/Twitter Ukraine is only one front in an all-round confrontation The far-reaching war in Ukraine is only one phase of a world-wide conflict that began earlier. In international relations, the driving forces are often obscured by surface occurrences, such as immediate military events and the din…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-30). Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy is Pro-Military and Anti-China. William Ging Wee Dere After teasing Canadians for years, the Indo-Pacific Strategy, released November 27, disappoints on many levels in terms of substance and cold war mentality in attitude. The policy strengthens Canada's commitment to the military industrial complex with half a billion dollars being allocated over five years. The money will be used to…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-30). Conflict in Ukraine is Doomed to Escalate. M. K. BHADRAKUMARDefining moment in the Battle of Donbass, as the 4-month long defiant Ukrainian resistance to the Russian offensive is ending The meet-up location of NATO foreign ministers on November 29-30— Bucharest — was where ten years ago, former US President George W. Bush persuaded America's transatlantic partners that Ukraine and Georgia should one…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-30). Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's Interview for the Film, Nazism on Trial, Moscow, November 26, 2022. Nothing would have happened without external forces, neither glorification of the Nazis, or the transformation of Nazism into the current Ukrainian government's theory & practice. Question: Today, we are being told (primarily by the Ukrainians) that the Russians have "made things up" and there are no Nazis in Ukraine and there have never been any. However, we remember…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-30). Returning to the Path of UNASUR: Proposal for a Transition Agenda. Pedro Sassone The UNASUR headquarters in Quito, Ecuador This proposal responds to the call made by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro Moros to "retake UNASUR", as he stated in declarations to the press; it is also part of the development of a research work on the geopolitical vision of Commander…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-30). "Rules Based Order": The Mantra of US Propaganda. Luciano Lago Every day, more fires of war are being created around the world, from Iran to the Caucasus to Ethiopia to Yemen, where the hegemonic superpower seeks to sow chaos to destabilize and overthrow governments and regimes that do not conform to its rules, fomenting riots and civil wars. Meanwhile in Ukraine the conflict…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-30). The Coming Wave of Revolutions Have No Place for America's Imperialism-Compatible Left. Rainer Shea There's an incurable detachment between the reality of the global class struggle, and the illusory view of the world that America's "left" is always going to cling to. Therefore for revolution to come to the imperial center, the class struggle here will need to be guided by something other than its current default…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-30). The Crisis of Western Imperialism and the Imperative of War and Repression.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-30). Worthy and Unworthy Protest. Margaret Kimberley Protesters at 2021 Kill the Bill march in London (Photo: Extinction Rebellion) Protesters in some nations are celebrated. Others are ignored. Protest is a human right to be respected but instead can be used as a pretext for nefarious motives such as regime change. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is on…

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-11-30). Study: Young Black Men Are Now Dying 10 Times More Than Average American From Guns. A newly released study found gun deaths have reached a 28-year high and the homicide rate of young Black men is now ten times that of the overall death by firearm rate in America. The study was published on Tuesday, Nov. 29, in JAMA Network Open, a new online-only open-access general medical journal. Researchers reviewed 1.1 million …

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-11-30). John Legend is Helping Build A Library In Louisiana State Penitentiary: Here Is How You Can Help. "Reading is fundamental" and "Education is the great equalizer" are well-known adages that speak to the transformative power of literacy. It's why mega-star John Legend is asking others to join him in funding a library at the Louisiana State Penitentiary. "I am supporting @million_book with @letsfreeamerica to fund a library at the Louisiana State Penitentiary …

James W. McConnell (2022-11-30). Russia's Winter Offensive and NATO's Response.

Jason Ditz (2022-11-30). Kurdish SDF Asks Russia to Mediate Security Deal With Syria. With Turkish officials talking up another imminent invasion of northern Syria, the Kurdish SDF are keen to negotiate a more formal alliance with the Assad government. They are Turkey's invasions are aimed in part at curbing Kurdish autonomy, and propping up rebels they believe would be better for Turkish interests. The SDF has allied with the US in the past. | Kurdish hopes the US would put a stop to Turkish attacks haven't amounted to anything, however. That and US hostility toward Assad seems to have convinced many that Russ…

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2022-11-30). Why Does U.S. Navy Allow Officers to Commit Gory Murders and Other Atrocities with Impunity? And even more disturbingly, why are the men who commit these crimes revered in American popular culture? "The thrill of killing [is] like a drug; the greatest feeling I've ever experienced in my life." — Eddie Penney, Navy SEAL Team 6.[1] In January 2012, Chris Kyle's book American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal …

Jessica Corbett (2022-11-30). 'Egregious': PFAS Firefighting Foam Spills at Notorious Red Hill Naval Facility in Hawaii. While officials said there is no evidence that drinking water was contaminated, the incident generated further local frustration with the closing fuel storage complex.

Jessica Corbett (2022-11-30). Rights Groups Rip NYC Mayor Over Forced Hospitalizations for Mental Illness. "Forcing people into treatment is a failed strategy," said the head of the NYCLU. "With no real plan for housing, services, or supports, the administration is choosing handcuffs and coercion."

Jim Hightower (2022-11-30). The Defrocking of Saint Ron DeSantis. Breaking news: After years of failed Republican efforts to uncover any proof of widespread voter fraud by Democrats, Republican Governor Ron "Tough Guy" DeSantis of Florida found not one, but 20 ineligible people casting ballots. | Like Donald Trump and a gaggle of other GOP governors, DeSantis has used the phony bugaboo of an illegal voting epidemic as a political ploy to keep true believers believing. They spend millions of taxpayer dollars on partisan wild goose chases — DeSantis even created a new police bureaucracy, the "Office of Election Crimes," to snoop on voters. | It was all just silly political…

Jim Hightower (2022-11-30). The GOP's Absurd and Cynical Hunt for Non-Existent Election Fraudsters. Republicans like Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida reached a new level of political degradation this year by literally gamifying their obsession with nonexistent voter fraud.

Jim Hightower (2022-11-30). The GOP's Absurd, Disingenuous Hunt for Non-Existent Election Fraudsters. Republicans like Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida reached a new level of political degradation this year by literally gamifying their obsession with nonexistent voter fraud.

Jim McMahan (2022-11-30). Mushroom workers keep up the fight. Seattle Workers from Ostrom Mushroom Farms traveled 200 miles from Sunnyside, Washington, to picket the Metropolitan Market in Seattle on Nov. 20. The workers demanded the upscale Metro Market support them in their struggle for union recognition of the United Farm Workers. They asked that the Market communicate this commitment . . . |

Jim Spellman (2022-11-30). U.S. House votes to block potential rail strike. U.S. House votes 290-137 and passed legislation Wednesday to block potential rail strike. See the latest.

Joe Lauria (2022-11-30). Media Serve the Governors, Not the Governed. By Joe Lauria Nov 24, 2022 | [Joe Lauria gave the original version of this speech at a rally for Julian Assange in Sydney on March 3, 2019. The video of the speech can be watched In his 1971 opinion in the Pentagon Papers case, US Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black wrote: | In the First Amendment the Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. The press was to serve the governed, not the governors. The Government's power to censor the press was…

John Feffer (2022-11-30). What Climate Debt Does the North Owe the South? To keep the planet from overheating, there's just so much more carbon that humans can pump into the atmosphere. From the onset of the Industrial Revolution until today, humanity has used up approximately Equ…

John Wojcik (2022-11-30). Pro-labor lawmakers move to add sick days to Railway Deal. WASHINGTON URGENT UPDATE: Contact your senator By a 221-207 vote, the House this afternoon put the Senate, President Biden, and freight railroads all on the spot, adding seven days of paid sick leave to a previously passed freight railroad contract. Three Republicans joined all 218 Democrats in voting for paid sick days. Rail workers and …

Jon Queally (2022-11-30). 'Put Up or Shut Up,' Says Sanders as Progressives Move to Add 7 Sick Days to Railway Deal. "If you can't vote for this," said the independent Vermont senator, "don't tell anybody that you stand with working families."

Jorge Majfud (2022-11-30). In the Cynicalnewsauthor"> of "Freedom," DeSantis Puts Academia Under Attack. A specialty of the so-called "champions of freedom" is to prohibit everything that does not suit their interests.

José David Delgado (2022-11-30). Colombia Appoints New Diplomats in Venezuela.

José David Delgado (2022-11-30). Colombia Celebrates the Return of Diplomats to Venezuela.

Julia Conley (2022-11-30). Progressives Say Congress Must Raise Debt Limit Now to Protect Social Programs. Progressives on Wednesday warned that time is running out for Democratic leaders to take Republicans at their word regarding slashes to social safety net programs, as U.S. Sen. John Thune indicated the GOP will use a potential fight over the debt ceiling next year as leverage to push cuts — unless the Democrats act now to raise the debt limit while they still control the Senate and House. Thune (R… |

Julia Conley (2022-11-30). DeSantis-Backed Education Purge Begins After School Board Takeovers in Florida. "The new playbook of total ideological control is in full swing," said one free expression advocate.

Julia Conley (2022-11-30). Lame-Duck Dems Must Lift Debt Limit, Advocates Say as GOP Doubles Down on Social Security Threats. "Democrats must do whatever it takes to defeat Republican attacks on our earned Social Security benefits," said one advocate. "That means raising the debt ceiling this year, before Republicans take control of the House."

Keean Bexte (2022-11-30). Hypocrite Trudeau Supports Chinese COVID Protests But Not Canadian ones.

Kenny Stancil (2022-11-30). Democrats, Progressive Groups Push DOJ to Publish Database of 'Corporate Lawbreaking'. "The Corporate Crime Database Act will bring transparency to the corporate crime crisis so that the DOJ and other law enforcement agencies can better reckon with this greed-driven menace," said one advocate.

Kenny Stancil (2022-11-30). 'Finally, Some Justice': Fracking Company to Pay Millions for Poisoning Town's Water. "This case proves once and for all that drilling and fracking contaminated our drinking water," said one Dimock, Pennsylvania resident.

Kenny Stancil (2022-11-30). House Passes Paid Sick Leave for Railway Workers Despite Opposition of 207 Republicans. "Now let's get it through the Senate," said Rep. Jamaal Bowman, who led the fight to add seven days of paid sick leave to a White House-brokered contract that failed to provide any to railroad workers.

Kerry Smith (2022-11-30). Refugees demand Labor grants them permanent visas, as promised. Refugees and their supporters converged on Parliament to demand the federal government act on its promise to give 19,000 refugees permanent visas. Kerry Smith reports.

Khalil Bendib (2022-11-30). Hate Speech, Freed at Last.

Kit Klarenberg (2022-11-30). Palestine Action puts Israel's war industry "on trial" A hostile judge couldn't stop protesters against Elbit Systems turning a court appearance to their advantage.

Kyle Anzalone (2022-11-30). White House Considering Transferring Patriot Missiles to Ukraine, Kremlin Threatens Response.

Manager (2022-11-30). Escobari and Hoover's "Difference Estimates" Are Driven by Geography — Not by "Fraud" This is the eighth in a series of blog posts addressing a report by Diego Escobari and Gary Hoover covering the 2019 presidential election in Bolivia. Their conclusions do not hold up to scrutiny, as we observe in our report Nickels Before Dimes. Here, we expand upon various claims and conclusions that Escobari and Hoover …

Marc Vandepitte (2022-11-30). High Fuel Prices Likely to Kill More Europeans Than Fighting in Ukraine. The Economist.

Maria Parazo Rose (2022-11-30). Biden administration proposes new rule targeting methane emissions on indigenous land. The Bureau of Land Management proposed a new rule Monday that aims to reduce wasted natural gas on federal and Tribal lands which will help tamp down methane releases. By preventing billions of cubic feet of natural gas emissions that come from unintentional equipment leaks or deliberate venting and flaring, the federal government hopes to curb the …

Mark Gruenberg (2022-11-30). Pro-Warnock union campaigners get positive reception in Georgia. SANDY SPRINGS, Ga.—When Raquel Mogollon knocked on the door of a large house in the upscale Atlanta suburb of Sandy Springs, Ga., she got a welcome surprise. Mogollon was going house-to-house—mansion to mansion is more like it, she says—in the progressive and integrated community, seeking and confirming supporters for Sen. Raphael Warnock (D) in his …

Mark Gruenberg (2022-11-30). Republican presidential wannabe Pompeo uses teachers, Weingarten as punching bag. WASHINGTON—How do you know the presidential campaign season is upon us? When a right-wing presidential hopeful, Mike Pompeo, uses U.S. teachers, in general, and Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten, in particular, as a punching bag to harvest votes. Left unsaid is that Pompeo, former Oval Office occupant Donald Trump's last Secretary of State, is catering …

Mark Taliano (2022-11-30). The West Seeks War, Not Peace.

Martin Hart-Landsberg (2022-11-30). Recession alert: we need a new unemployment insurance system. With the Federal Reserve pushing up interest rates, we appear headed for a new recession.

Marwa Osman (2022-11-30). Al Quds Douple OperationMES EP 186. The Israelis are paranoid from the return of the resistance bombings, which had been absent for more than 15 years, but returned to occupied Al Quds last Wednesday, with the implementation of the "AlQuds operation." For many years, Palestinians attacked Israeli occupation forces targets with stabbing, run-over, shooting and stone-throwing operations in response to the Israeli occupation aggressions and human rights violations. | But the most effective of all to this moment was the scenes at the bombing sights of buses stations in the heart of the occupied commercial centers were illegal colonial settlers roam ter…

Mary Clare Jalonick (2022-11-30). Historic same-sex marriage bill wins Senate passage. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate passed bipartisan legislation Tuesday to protect same-sex marriages, an extraordinary sign of shifting national politics on the issue and a measure of relief for the hundreds of thousands of same-sex couples who have married since the Supreme Court's 2015 decision that legalized gay marriage nationwide. The bill, which would ensure …

Maryanne Demasi (2022-11-30). British Medical Journal: "COVID-19 Vaccines and Drugs Were Developed at "Warp Speed""

Misión Verdad (2022-11-30). Myths About Chinese 'Police State' and Recent Protests Over COVID-19 Measures. The recent protests against government measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 infections in China cover the headlines of mainstream Western media. Given the rarity of the event, the opportunity to promote anti-China propaganda was obviously not going to be passed up. | The BBC, for example, argued that the protests are actually more against Xi Jinping's repressive communist government rather than the sanitary measures. What followed was to be expected: a romanticizing of the brave protesters standing up to the "monster" of the Chinese state. | "Across the country, 'want freedom' has become a rallying cry for a g…

Morning Star (2022-11-30). Russia and U.S. repeatedly on the verge of a prisoner exchange. Russia and the United States have repeatedly been on the verge of an agreement on a prisoner exchange, a senior Russian diplomat said on Tuesday. The White House has reportedly been trying to negotiate the exchange of Women's National Basketball Association star Brittney Griner and corporate security executive Paul Whelan for Viktor Bout, a Russian …

Nitza Soledad Perez (2022-11-30). Hurricane season in Florida. See how hurricane season hits Florida this year.

Owen Fairclough (2022-11-30). Global economic year-end review. Inflation engulfed much of the global economy in 2022. See what the summary of the global economy is this year.

Paul Craig Roberts (2022-11-30). The economic outlook is just another manipulation. As some readers have remarked in their messages to me, I ceased a while back my monthly reports on the Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs reports and inflation rate. The reason is that the numbers are not good enough to be able to discern what is the actual state of the economy. Yet every new number is treated with attention by the financial presstitutes. | The reports in the financial media make no sense. We hear simultaneously that consumer confidence is high but that a number of large firms are laying off 10,000 employees each, that credit card debt is reaching new highs, that housing prices are falling, but empl…

Paul Oboohov (2022-11-30). IPAN conference examines the US-Australia military alliance. The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network's annual conference criticised federal Labor for failing to pursue an independent foreign policy. Paul Oboohov reports.

Pepe Escobar (2022-11-30). The Global South births a new game-changing payment system. Challenging the western monetary system, the Eurasia Economic Union is leading the Global South toward a new common payment system to bypass the US Dollar. | The Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) is speeding up its design of a common payment system, which has been closely discussed for nearly a year with the Chinese under the stewardship of Through its regulatory body, the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), the EAEU has just extended a very serious proposal to the BRICS nations…

Peter Boyle (2022-11-30). Well-paid Reserve Bank chief demands we sacrifice. Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe apologised to those who took out home loans on the basis of his promise not to raise interest rates. But he had no apology for wage earners trying to make ends meet amid sharply rising prices. Peter Boyle reports.

Peter Boyle (2022-11-30). PSM's Jeyakumar on challenges for the Malaysia's new 'govt of national unity'. Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj from the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) spoke to Peter Boyle about the challenges for Malaysia's newly formed "government of national unity'" headed by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim from the Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope).

Peter Boyle (2022-11-30). Video: PSM's Jeyakumar on challenges for the Malaysia's new 'govt of national unity'. Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj from the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) spoke to Peter Boyle about the challenges for Malaysia's newly formed "government of national unity'" headed by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim from the Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope).

Peter Boyle (2022-11-30). Video: Socialist Party of Malaysia on challenges for the new 'government of national unity'. Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj from the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) discusses the challenges for Malaysia's newly formed "government of national unity", headed by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim from the Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope).

Peter Certo (2022-11-30). In OtherWords: November 30, 2022. From Thanksgiving to Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Years, the holiday season can be a painful time for all families who've lost loved ones. | This year alone,

Prof. Sam Ben-Meir (2022-11-30). Culture and the Arts: 'King Pleasure' Lives Up to Itsnewsauthor">. Jean-Michel Basquiat.

Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights (2022-11-30). Thursday 12/1: Protest: Legal Abortion Nationwide! The Overturning of Abortion Rights Was Illegitimate. Philip Burton Federal Courthouse 450 Golden Gate, San Francisco, CA 940012…

Robert S. Becker (2022-11-30). Blessings and curses of a losing Trump finale: A boon to Democrats could hurt the country, if not mankind. It's not clear whether benighted, garden-variety Republicanism (or Democratism) is a better stimulant for Progressive politics vs. another vapid, sensationalized, chaotic Trump circus stunt.

Rosalind English (2022-11-30). The Weekly Round-up: Scottish independence referendum, retained EU law and social media. In the News… The Supreme Court has ruled unanimously that the Scottish parliament does not have the power to pass legislation that would allow for a second referendum on Scottish independence. Such legislation, the Supreme Court found, would touch on 'reserved matters', that is, matters affecting the United Kingdom as a whole. The Scottish government unsuccessfully argued …

Roselena Ramirez (2022-11-30). Native American Children Suffered Mental and Physical Abuse in Boarding Schools. According to a recent investigation by the US Department of the Interior and Indian Affairs, hundreds of Native American children died in the last century while attending boarding schools. The US government or Christian organizations ran the schools. According to the report, for decades, American …

Roselena Ramirez (2022-11-30). The Killing of Ex-Guerrilla Members is Threatening the Peace in Colombia. In 2016, the government of Colombia and the country's main rebel group committed to end a 5-decade armed conflict and live in peace. But year after year — violence has been escalating and the number of deaths increasing, as some have decided to take up …

San Francisco Public Library (2022-11-30). Saturday 12/3: Facing Life: Pendarvis Harshaw & Brandon Tauszik in Conversation. San Francisco Main Library | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

San Francisco Public Library (2022-11-30). Sunday 12/4: Film: He Had Wings and Panel Discussion. San Francisco Main Library | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

San Francisco Public Library (2022-11-30). Sunday 12/11: Author: Sara Kruzan and Cori Thomas, I Cried to Dream Again. San Francisco Main Library | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

Scorinoco (2022-11-30). The Future of China-Cuba Economic Relations. By Alessandro Golombiewski Teixeira Nov 25, 2022 | Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermudez embarked on a two-day visit to China at the invitation of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Díaz-Canel is the first head of state from Latin America and the Caribbean region to visit China after the 20th CPC National Congress. It's important to highlight that this visit carries more than a traditional friendship visit between two comrades and leaders of the communist parties. The Cuba-China relationship goes beyond good friends and good c…

Scott Ritter (2022-11-30). Scott Ritter Ukraine Russia War Update 11-30-22.

Sharon Zhang (2022-11-30). High-Ranking Senate Republican Reveals GOP Plan to Slash Social Security. The GOP is preparing to use next year's debt limit talks to potentially hold the economy hostage in order to slash crucial anti-poverty programs like Social Security, according to a new interview with the Senate's second ranking Republican. Sen. John Thune (R-South Dakota) said that slashing such programs would be a "solution" to the national debt — an issue that Republicans only bring up in… |

Sharon Zhang (2022-11-30). House Passes Rail Contract With 7 Days Paid Sick Leave in Win for Workers. In a win for workers, the House passed a resolution on Wednesday to force the adoption of a railroad labor contract with, crucially, the inclusion of a hard-fought amendment for seven days of paid sick leave for rail workers. The resolution advanced with a 290 to 137 vote, while the amendment providing sick leave passed largely on party lines, with only three Republicans joining all Democrats in… |

Sharon Zhang (2022-11-30). Lawmakers Set to Propose Record $847B for Defense, $45B Over Biden's Request. The United States's already colossal and record-breaking defense budget is about to get even bigger, with congressional negotiators slated to propose a staggering $847 billion for defense for 2023, new reporting finds — a $45 billion increase over President Joe Biden's already massive defense budget request. Four people familiar with negotiations told Politico that House and Senate lawmakers from… |

SP Editor (2022-11-30). What If the U.S. and China Really Cooperated on Climate Change? Michael Klare takes a tiny bit of genuine good news — the U.S. and China, the globe's two greatest carbon emitters, are again at least talking about climate change — and tries to imagine where those two governments could actually go if they truly decided to cooperate.

Staff (2022-11-30). Headlines for November 30, 2022. Senate Passes Marriage Equality Act in Bipartisan Vote, House to Impose Deal Blocking Rail Strike Despite Objections from Workers, Progressive Dems, U.S. Announces Ukraine Infrastructure Aid as Europe Calls for Tribunal for Russian War Crimes, Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes Found Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy, Qatari World Cup Official Says 400- 0 Migrant Workers Died While Working on FIFA Tournament, Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin Dies at 96, Blast at Religious School in Northern Afghanistan Kills at Least 15
| , Missouri Executes Kevin Johnson After SCOTUS Denies Stay
| , Democratic Congress…

Staff (2022-11-30). "Enough Is Enough": Rail Workers Decry Biden's Push to Impose Strike-Breaking Labor Deal. President Biden is pushing Congress to block a pending nationwide rail strike and push through a contract deal that includes no sick days and is opposed by four of the 12 rail unions. Biden's latest request is an attempt to "legislate us basically back to work, before we've even had a chance to strike," says locomotive engineer and Railroad Workers United organizer Ron Kaminkow. "Workers should have the right to take off work for a reasonable amount for whatever reason they need it," says labor professor Nelson Lichtenstein, who urges the rail workers to strike anyway.

Staff (2022-11-30). Striking Univ. of California Grad Students Speak Out on Nation's Largest-Ever Higher Education Strike. The largest higher education strike in U.S. history has entered its third week in an effort to secure livable wages, more child care benefits, expanded family leave and other demands. Some 48,000 academic workers at all 10 University of California campuses are on strike, including teaching assistants, postdoctoral scholars, graduate student researchers, tutors and fellows. We speak with a professor and graduate students at three campuses in the UC system, as a tentative deal with postdoctoral scholars and academic researchers was announced Tuesday by the University of California that does not cover graduate stude…

Staff (2022-11-30). The International Monetary Fund's Special Drawing Rights: Why a New Issuance is Necessary and Feasible at this Time, and Would Save Many Lives. PDF 1. The SDR issuance last year probably saved hundreds of thousands of lives, if we use, e.g., the Bank for International Settlements' research on the relation between recessions and mortality. 2. Yet the US Treasury Department is holding up the proposed issuance for this year and announced just weeks ago that a new allocation …

Staff (2022-11-30). New attack on Salah Hamouri: Occupation threatens to forcibly deport him on Sunday, 4 December. Salah Hamouri, the imprisoned French-Palestinian lawyer and human rights defender jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention since March 2022, has been told by occupation prison administrators in Hadarim prison that he will be forcibly deported to France and stripped of his Jerusalem ID on Sunday, 4 December. His detention is scheduled to expire …

Staff (2022-11-30). #PalestineDay: Actions around the world stand with the Palestinian people's liberation struggle. 29 November marks the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People — infamously, it marks the anniversary of the United Nations' Resolution 181 in 1947, which planned for the partition of Palestine over the objections and resistance of the indigenous Palestinian people. On this 75th anniversary of the partition of Palestine, organizers around the …

Steve Watson (2022-11-30). Rand Paul Calls Out Complete Lack of Oversight on Ukraine Aid.

Steven Day (2022-11-30). Defending Democracy While Waiting for the Cavalry to Arrive. The progressive viewpoint of many young Americans didn't grow out of youthful wild-eyed idealism, but from the realities of their lives. They are the nation's best hope.

Susan Price (2022-11-30). International condemnation mounts against Turkey's war on the Kurds. Turkey has struck more than 90 villages and towns in North East Syria since November 19, reports Susan Price. Meanwhile, international voices of condemnation are growing.

The Associated Press (2022-11-30). Colombia Asks for Legal Status for Its People Already in US. Colombia wants the Biden administration to grant temporary legal status to its citizens now living in the United States, noting its own efforts to address regional migration by hosting two million Venezuelans who fled their homes.

Tyler Walicek (2022-11-30). San Francisco Has Voted to Tax Corporate Landlords for Leaving Housing Vacant. With nearly 60,000 unoccupied units, San Francisco has a significant vacancy problem, in addition to an acute affordable housing shortage. This creates something of an irony: The city simultaneously has too few and too many rooms available. The contradiction is explained by the priorities of developers and capital taking precedence over the needs of populace. It can only be resolved when all… |

Unicorn Riot (2022-11-30). Nicholas Kraus Gets 20 Years for Ramming Protest, Killing Deona Marie.

UnitedEditor (2022-11-30). Israel-Lebanon agreement and restructuring in the Eastern Mediterranean. By Prof. Dr. Ata Atun * As if the rapid change of balances in the world will lead to the reconciliation of resentments and the re-determination of ranks… For example, after Israel completed the exploration and extraction of gas in the Karish field, political relations between Lebanon and Israel were positively affected by the certainty …

UnitedEditor (2022-11-30). Renewed US criticism of the S-400 deal: What it proves about Tàºrkiye-Russia and Tàºrkiye-US relations. Political scientist and United World International author Onur Sinan Guzaltan was the guest on Russia Today TV channel on 25 November. Gàºzaltan made evaluations on Tàºrkiye-Russia relations, about which the US has once again raised concerns by criticizing the S-400 deal. Gàºzaltan spoke about US-Tàºrkiye relations and their possible future, Tàºrkiye's cooperation with Russia and …

Victor Castellanos (2022-11-30). President Maduro Announces Reactivation of Loans for Tourism Industry. At the closing ceremony of FitVen earlier today, the Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced the availability of additional funding for the execution of tourism projects. | After speaking with the head of the economy, Delcy Rodríguez, it was decided "within the economic growth plan … to revive in a special plan the banking investment portfolio for tourism," said President Maduro. FitVen 2022, the International Tourism Fair of Venezuela, has been held since November 26 in Anzoátegui state. | The president announced that the plan includes "credits in international currency, in dollars, from private and publ…

Will Hodgkinson (2022-11-30). 'We have survived and flourished': Massive turnout on National Day of Mourning. Plymouth, Massachusetts Nov. 24, Plymouth, Massachusetts. WW PHOTO: Rachel Jones Kisha James (Aquinnah Wampanoag and Oglala Lakota), co-leader of United American Indians of New England (UAINE), opened the rally by telling the history of NDOM, which was founded in 1970 by her grandfather, the late Wamsutta Frank James. Kisha James . . . |

WSWS (2022-11-30). UAW local covering 11,000 University of California postdoc and academic researchers announces sellout agreements, as union seeks to shut down strike. The agreements, which cover just over one fifth of the 48,000 striking UC workers, are aimed at dividing workers and forcing through agreements at a point when the strike is having its biggest impact.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Major study finds that bacterial infections were the second leading cause of death globally in 2019. The study, based on data prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, found a marked disparity between the rate of fatalities due to bacterial infections between relatively wealthy and poor populations.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Former US Navy secretary calls Australia the "tip of the spear" against China. Richard Spencer proposed placing Australian naval personnel on US nuclear-powered submarines.

WSWS (2022-11-30). UK: Communication Workers Union agrees sellout deal to end BT strike, pledges itself as partners in £3 billion cost-cutting agenda. On the union's own social media platforms, workers described the deal as "shameful" and a "stab in the back".

WSWS (2022-11-30). UK: Communication Workers Union agrees sellout deal to end BT strike, pledges partnership in £3 billion cost-cutting agenda. On the union's own social media platforms, workers described the deal as "shameful" and a "stab in the back".

WSWS (2022-11-30). Mother Lode and Our Movie (Nuestra Película): Two documentaries examine work and politics in South America. The films address their respective subjects through allusions to Italian neorealism, the manipulation of archival footage and the observation of children as they come of age under difficult circumstances.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Berlin teachers speak out against war, austerity and the spread of COVID. On Friday, some 2, 0 salaried teachers, social pedagogues and school psychologists in Berlin took part in a day-long warning strike called by the Education and Science Union (GEW).

WSWS (2022-11-30). WSWS speaks with New Zealand Long Covid sufferer. Paul, who had to stop work and has lost his home due to Long Covid, denounced the lack of government recognition and support for people with the condition.

WSWS (2022-11-30). One year since Omicron was declared a variant of concern: A balance sheet. Estimates of the real global death toll via excess deaths over the past year places the tally at 5.2 million, a quarter of all the lives lost during the pandemic.

WSWS (2022-11-30). What Biden and Congress' move to ban railroad strike reveals. The move by Washington to override a clear vote by railroaders to reject a White House-brokered contract and impose it unilaterally is a major assault on the basic democratic rights of the working class. It is also a strategic experience whose lessons workers must learn.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Execution of Kevin Johnson goes forward after US and Missouri Supreme Courts deny stay. Missouri executed Kevin Johnson Tuesday evening after the US Supreme Court denied Johnson's request for last-minute stay despite a special prosecutor's finding that race played a "decisive factor" in his death sentence.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Trade union leaders speak at UCU London rally—rhetoric and reality. The aim of the trade union bureaucracy is not to reverse the catastrophic fall in their members' standard of living but to win back their seat at the table in enforcing cuts to wages, jobs and conditions as an industrial police force.

WSWS (2022-11-30). NATO summit vows to continue troop surge to Russia's borders. NATO has "increased our presence on the ground, we have more presence in the air," said Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg ahead of the meeting.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Australia: Qantas moves to overturn court ruling that outsourcing 2,000 workers was illegal. The airline is set to appeal the 2021 Federal Court ruling, promoted by the Transport Workers' Union as "a watershed moment for workers in Australia," in order to set a legal precedent for further cost-cutting operations.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Under conditions of murderous exploitation, a worker dies at Amazon in Leipzig, Germany. The death of a worker at Amazon Leipzig has cast a spotlight on the horrendous conditions that exist at such logistics giants.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and top lieutenant found guilty of seditious conspiracy. All five members of the militia group were found guilty of obstructing Congress, however only Stewart Rhodes and Kelly Meggs were found guilty of the Civil War-era charge.

Yesenia Barrios (2022-11-30). Gentrification in East Harlem Forcing Latino Community Out. Wealthier newcomers have been transforming New York City neighborhoods for generations, but what makes gentrification in East Harlem different is that it is changing the historical reputation of a working-class neighborhood that has held up against such forces for so long.

Yves Engler (2022-11-30). Hey CIJA! Conflating Jews with Israel is Racist. Charges of "antisemitism" have been degraded to the point where they often sound like a 6-year-old telling other kids not to play with Johnnie because he has cooties. Recently federal NDP executive member Ryan Painter quote-tweeted me saying "Don't listen to anything Yves Engler says. He's Canada's leading antisemite and doesn't want anything more than …

Gerardo Villagrán del Corral (2022-11-30). EE.UU. y el FMI impusieron al nuevo presidente del BID. El apoyo de la administración del presidente Joe Biden fue fundamental, con Estados Unidos controlando el 30% de las acciones con derecho a voto del banco, casi el triple de la cantidad que ocupan Brasil y Argentina, que ocupan el…

Staff (2022-11-30). Con Filo: Seguimos en el Trillo (+ Video). En el programa Con Filo este martes se habló de la tángana de hace dos años en el parque Trillo y de las recientes elecciones municipales y el sabor agridulce que dejaron.

Staff (2022-11-30). Los 70 años de la UCLV: La universidad que está en el corazón de Cuba. La Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas ha hecho realidad el hermoso sueño del Che de que se pintara con los colores del pueblo, que vibrara con el pueblo en cada una de sus proezas cotidianas y ha sido, por esa razón esencial, un baluarte irreductible de las ideas revolucionarias y progresistas que constituyen el legado más sólido y trascendente de la Nación cubana. A 70 años de su fundación, Cubadebate recorre su historia y los múltiples logros conquistados desde sus aulas.

Staff (2022-11-30). Controlan incendio ocurrido en vagón de tren que transportaba tabaco de Pinar del Río hacia el Oriente del país. Fuerzas Especializadas de Bomberos del municipio de Los Palacios, en Pinar del Río, con el apoyo de autoridades del Partido, Gobierno y del pueblo, controlaron en la tarde de hoy un siniestro ocurrido en un vagón de tren que transportaba tabaco hacia el Oriente del país.

Staff (2022-11-30). Exige Lula que Assange sea liberado de su "injusto encarcelamiento" El presidente electo de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, exigió que el periodista australiano Julian Assange sea liberado de su "injusto encarcelamiento", luego de reunirse con dos miembros de WikiLeaks. El líder progresista reafirmó su defensa de Assange y de la libertad de prensa.

Staff (2022-11-30). Australia domina a Dinamarca y consigue el pase a los octavos de final. El equipo de Australia consiguió su pase a los octavos de final venciendo a la favorita Dinamarca. En este grupo D, Francia ingresó a la siguiente fase como primer clasificado. El encuentro se disputó en media cancha con pocas incursiones sobre las áreas, pero fue Dinamarca quien buscó el gol necesario para acceder a la siguiente fase.

Staff (2022-11-30). El tiempo: Algunas lluvias en la costa norte. Amanecerá parcialmente nublado en zonas de la costa norte y se nublará de manera ocasional con aisladas lluvias, poca nubosidad en el resto del país. Desde el final de la mañana estará parcialmente nublado gran parte del país y se nublará al final de la tarde en la costa norte occidental y central con algunas lluvias que se extenderán hasta el interior de occidente.

Staff (2022-11-30). Juego del día: Argentina derrota a Polonia y clasifica a octavos de final. Argentina se impuso este miércoles por 2 -0 ante Polonia y clasificó a los octavos de final de la Copa del Mundo Qatar 2022. Durante los primeros 45 minutos del compromiso, los dirigidos por Lionel Scaloni presionaron la salida de Polonia y desde el primer minuto buscaron abrir el marcador con un juego asociado por las bandas entre Di María, Messi y àÅlvarez.

Staff (2022-11-30). Túnez vence a Francia, pero no pasa a la siguiente fase de Catar 2022. El equipo de Túnez se impuso este miércoles por la mínima diferencia a Francia, pero no le alcanzó para clasificar a la siguiente fase de la Copa del Mundo Qatar 2022. Túnez salió a presionar y buscar el gol de a victoria desde el arranque del compromiso, con un juego veloz por las bandas, mientras tanto Francia no superó a su rival.

Staff (2022-11-30). Unión Eléctrica estima una afectación de 1135 MW para el horario pico nocturno. La máxima afectación en el horario de la noche fue 1101 MW a las 18: 30 horas, coincidiendo con la hora pico. El servicio quedó restablecido a las 01: 53 horas de la madrugada de hoy y a las 05: 15 horas se comenzó a afectar nuevamente el servicio en el SEN por déficit de capacidad de generación. Para el horario pico se estima la entrada de 117 MW en motores diésel.

TeleSUR, em, JCM (2022-11-30). Senegal clasifica a octavos de final tras eliminar a Ecuador. En juegos amistosos, ambas selecciones se enfrentaron en dos ocasiones que terminaron con victorias para la oncena africana.

TeleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-11-30). Revelan que incidentes con armas van en aumento en EE.UU. En el periodo analizado hubo 1.110.421 muertes por armas de fuego y se experimenta un incremento del 20 por ciento entre 2019-2021.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-30). Al menos dos muertos deja deslave de tierra en el sur de Brasil. Según el último boletín del Gabinete de Crisis , instituido por el Gobierno de Paraná, en el sur de Brasil, para monitorear la situación, seis personas fueron rescatadas con vida.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-30). Deslizamiento de tierra arrastra coches y camiones en Brasil. De acuerdo con información preliminar, ya se rescató un cuerpo, pero aún no hay información sobre la cantidad de personas desaparecidas.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-30). Camioneros levantan paro tras acuerdos con el Gobierno de Chile. El paro, que empezó el 21 de noviembre, se extendió por ocho días, con bloqueos en distintas carreteras del país.

TeleSUR, mcs, JCM (2022-11-30). Presentan moción de vacancia contra presidente Castillo en Perú. El documento fue promovido por el congresista no agrupado Edward Málaga y cuenta con 67 firmas.

TeleSUR, mm, MER (2022-11-30). Argentina irá por un cupo a los octavos de final de Qatar 2022. Ambas selecciones se han enfrentado en 11 oportunidades, con seis triunfos para Argentina, tres para los polacos y empate en dos ocasiones.

TeleSUR, odr, JGN (2022-11-30). Irán e Irak firman acuerdo de seguridad fronteriza. El convenio fue rubricado para ratificar la colaboración bilateral relacionada con los límites comunes.

_____ (2022-11-30). Hundreds Of Thousands Mobilize In Support Of President AMLO. Mexico City, Mexico – On Sunday, November 27, hundreds of thousands of Mexicans flooded the streets of the capital Mexico City in support of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and his pro-people policies. People of all ages and from all walks of life arrived in the capital from different states of the country to participate in the march called by President AMLO to commemorate his four years in office. | Supporters began gathering in the Paseo de la Reforma avenue early in the morning. At around 9 am (local time), they began marching from the Angel of Independence monument to the Zócalo, waving flags and…

Allan de Campos Silva (2022-11-30). Meatpacking Giant Tied to Child Labor, Deforestation and Mass COVID Infection. In early November, the U.S. Department of Labor filed suit against the Brazil-headquartered, global industrial meatpacker JBS for hiring child labor. Children as young as 13 were hired through a contractor to clean up bloody meatpacking plants in Minnesota and Nebraska. The suit, filed in the name of U.S. Secretary of Labor Martin Walsh, alleged JBS hired children through Packers Sanitation… |

María Fernanda Barreto (2022-11-30). El reinicio de diálogos entre el gobierno colombiano y ELN en Caracas. Caracas tiene un testigo excepcional de su historia, la hermosa montaña a cuyos pies fue construida, y que hace once años recuperó oficialmente el nombre que los pueblos indígenas le dieron, el Waraira Repano. Subir por sus senderos los domingos,…

Staff (2022-11-30). Resultado del ejercicio de control interno, hoy en la Mesa Redonda. Gladys María Bejerano Portela, Contralora General de la República de Cuba y otros directivos de ese organismo hablarán sobre la organización, desarrollo y resultados del ejercicio de control interno.

Staff (2022-11-30). Black Adam y el héroe que nunca fue. "Black Adam" logra algunos momentos de emoción efímera, pero todo intento de originalidad, es sepultado por la misma forma de contar la historia. El filme se convierte en otro espectáculo olvidable que vive solo para justificar su escena poscréditos.

Staff (2022-11-30). Catar 2022: El Mundial de las trifulcas. Absortos, muchos aficionados han recibido por estos días las numerosas noticias llegadas desde Catar sobre problemas internos en algunos equipos. A priori, a nadie interesarían estos chismes, o más bien, informes de gente cercana a los vestuarios, pero cuando incluso jugadores los han confirmado en rueda de prensa, entonces la situación adquiere otro matiz.

Staff (2022-11-30). øQué revela la investigación pericial sobre los sucesos de Bahía Honda? (+ Video). Como parte del proceso investigativo resultante de los hechos acaecidos el pasado 28 de octubre de 2022, en el que colisionó una lancha procedente de los Estados Unidos y una unidad de superficie de Tropas Guardafronteras, se dieron a conocer nuevos detalles de la pesquisa realizada y se determinó que "no hubo acciones invasivas ni agresivas contra la lancha infractora".

Staff (2022-11-30). Concluye temporada ciclónica 2022: Se formaron 14 ciclones tropicales. Desde su inicio el primero de junio pasado de la temporada ciclónica en el Atlántico Norte—concluye este miércoles—, hasta la fecha, se formaron 14 ciclones tropicales (tormentas tropicales y huracanes). Solo en ese período se organizaron ocho huracanes, Danielle, Earl, Fiona, Ian, Julia, Lisa, Martin y Nicole y de ellos llegaron a ser de gran intensidad Fiona e Ian.

Staff (2022-11-30). Inscriben a "Los saberes de los maestros del ron ligero cubano" en la lista del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad. La embajadora cubana ante la Unesco, Yahima Esquivel, y representantes del Movimiento de Maestros del Ron Ligero agradecieron la inscripción de los saberes de esos expertos en el Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad. Este elemento que forma parte de la identidad de Cuba y refleja la práctica social del conocimiento transmitido a través de generaciones.

Staff (2022-11-30). La francesa Stéphanie Frappart: Primera mujer en la historia que arbitrará un partido en un Mundial de fútbol masculino. No es la primera vez que Frappart, que es una de las tres mujeres entre los 36 colegiados seleccionados para el Mundial de Catar 2022, hace historia al dirigir partidos masculinos de las principales categorías. En el 2019, fue elegida para pitar el duelo por la Supercopa de la UEFA entre el Liverpool y el Chelsea.

Staff (2022-11-30). Miguel Díaz-Canel preside el Claustro Solemne por los 70 años de la Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. El presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez está en la Universidad Central de Las Villas Marta Abreu para participar en la celebración por los 70 años de esta distinguida institución, donde además estudió y ejerció como profesor.Informa presidencia Cuba que el primer tributo para su maestro y amigo, José Luis García Cuevas.

Staff (2022-11-30). Presidente cubano asiste a celebración por los 70 años de la Universidad Central de las Villas. El presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez está en la Universidad Central de Las Villas Marta Abreu para participar en la celebración por los 70 años de esta distinguida institución, donde además estudió y ejerció como profesor.Informa presidencia Cuba que el primer tributo para su maestro y amigo, José Luis García Cuevas.

Staff (2022-11-30). Reportan explosión en la embajada de Ucrania en Madrid. Una explosión ha tenido lugar este miércoles en la Embajada de Ucrania en Madrid, al abrir una carta que contenía un pequeño artefacto explosivo de fabricación casera. Como consecuencia, un empleado de la sede diplomática ha resultado herido leve. Según fuentes policiales, el trabajador acudió por su propio pie a un centro hospitalario de la capital española.

Staff (2022-11-30). Sabor y Tradición: Habichuelas a la española, sopa de repollo y flan de calabaza. Hoy les traigo habichuelas a la española, acelgas cocidas en ensalada, sopa de repollo de col y flan de calabaza. Espero le sean de su agrado.

Staff (2022-11-30). Sesiona Consejo de Ministros de noviembre: Analizan situación actual de la economía nacional. Este martes sesionó la reunión del Consejo de Ministros correspondiente al mes de noviembre, encabezada por el primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, y dirigida por el primer ministro, Manuel Marrero Cruz. En la agenda de la reunión resaltó el análisis de la situación actual de la economía nacional.

Staff (2022-11-30). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este miércoles 30 de noviembre. Con el objetivo de mantener informados a sus lectores, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este miércoles 30 de noviembre en el mercado cambiario del país. Podrá conocer las tasas de cambio de compra y venta en las Cadecas, así como la tasa de compra vigente en los aeropuertos de todo el país.

Staff (2022-11-30). Telescopio Hubble capta el remanente de una supernova más brillante jamás hallado en una galaxia vecina. El telescopio Hubble ha captado de nuevo el remanente de la supernova DEM L 190, el más brillante jamás hallado en una galaxia vecina. Se encuentra a 160.000 años luz de la Tierra, en la galaxia satélite de la Vía Láctea, la Gran Nube de Magallanes.

Staff (2022-11-30). Meet Puerto Rican Journalist Bianca Graulau, Featured in Viral Bad Bunny Video on Injustices in PR. Puerto Rico's financial oversight board has voted to extend a contract with LUMA Energy — the private U.S.-Canadian corporation that took over the island's power grid and is widely denounced by residents on the island for its inconsistent service and high prices. The privatization of Puerto Rico's power grid, supported by an unelected board appointed by the U.S. government, represents the "everyday consequences of colonialism," says independent reporter Bianca Graulau, whose latest documentary is called "País de Apagones," or "Country of Blackouts."…

Staff (2022-11-30). EN VIVO: Arabia Saudita vs. México en la Copa Mundial de FIFA. México sale a conseguir su primera victoria en este mundial después del empate ante Polonia y la derrota frente a Argentina.

TeleSUR -odr -YSM (2022-11-30). Declaran saberes indígenas de Colombia como patrimonio de la humanidad. El Comité del patrimonio cultural inmaterial reconoció a las culturas originarias arhuaco, kankuamo, kogui y wiwa de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, en Colombia.

TeleSUR, as, MER (2022-11-30). Australia y Dinamarca jugarán por el Grupo D en Qatar 2022. Un empate es favorable a los australianos para pasar de ronda, mientras que a los daneses solo les sirve la victoria.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-11-30). Cinco libros imperdibles de Oscar Wilde. A propósito del aniversario 122 de la muerte del escritor, poeta y dramaturgo de origen irlandés.

TeleSUR, em, JCM (2022-11-30). Túnez sorprende a Francia pero queda fuera del Mundial de Qatar. Francia ya se encuentraba clasificado para los octavos de final, mientras que Túnez aún se aferraba a la esperanza para conseguir el pase.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-30). Atentado terrorista deja tres muertos y 28 heridos en Pakistán. El acto terrorista ha sido reivindicado por el movimiento de los talibanes nacionales, Tehreek-e-Talibán Pakistán (TTP).

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-30). Cristina Fernández comparece en última fase del caso Vialidad en Argentina. La expresidenta afirmó que "esto más que un tribunal del lawfare es un verdadero pelotón de fusilamiento".

TeleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-11-30). Organización denuncia 2.769 asesinatos en Haití en 2022. Más del 80 por ciento de las víctimas mortales fueron por disparo de arma de fuego.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-11-30). Israel asesina a otros dos palestinos en Cisjordania. Uno de los occisos fue identificado como Raed Ghazi Na'ssan de 20 años y, hasta el momento, se desconoce la identidad del otro.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-11-30). Reportan 11 heridos por explosión de ducto de petróleo en México. La explosión sucedió tras una fuga de etano en el municipio de Agua Dulce, sito al sur de Veracruz.

TeleSUR, jap -MER (2022-11-30). México vence a Arabia Saudita pero está eliminado de Qatar 2022. Ninguno de los dos equipos pudo abrir el marcador para dejar el empate a cero goles al final del primer tiempo.

TeleSUR, jap, JCM (2022-11-30). Australia hace historia al pasar a octavos de final en Qatar 2022. En el segundo tiempo, un gol de Túnez contra Francia, en un partido que se disputaba en forma simultánea, advirtió a ambos equipos que el empate los eliminaba.

TeleSUR, jap, JCM (2022-11-30). Países Bajos vence 2-0 a Qatar en la Copa Mundial de FIFA. Con la victoria, el cuadro de Louis Van Gaal se aseguró la presencia en los octavos de final, fase en la que se medirá al segundo del Grupo B, que conforman Inglaterra, Gales, Estados Unidos e Irán.

TeleSUR, JCM, JDO (2022-11-30). Presidente de Venezuela celebra recuperación de recursos secuestrados tras firma de acuerdo en México. El mandatario venezolano destacó que los recursos se destinarán a obras de electrificación y agua, educación, salud y mitigación de los daños por lluvias.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-30). Senado aprueba proyecto de ley sobre el censo nacional en Bolivia. La propuesta legal, aprobada el sábado por el pleno de Diputado, recoge en esencia los contenidos del Decreto Supremo 4824 que fija para el 23 de marzo de 2024 la realización del Censo de Población y Vivienda.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-30). Pelé hospitalizado en Sao Paulo tras presentar algunos malestares. El Rey del Futbol tiene 82 años y está en tratamiento de quimioterapia…

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-30). Asamblea aprueba ley para derogar reforma tributaria en Ecuador. El texto será enviado al Ejecutivo para que en un plazo de 30 días presente sus observaciones.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-30). Cámara de Diputados votará hasta diciembre reforma electoral en México. Tres comisiones de la Cámara de Diputados de México aprobaron el dictamen de la reforma constitucional en materia electoral.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-11-30). Corte avala que el ejército apoye tareas de seguridad en México. Por mayoría de votos, los magistrados consideran que ello no viola la Constitución, no militariza el país y contribuye a hacer frente a elevada criminalidad.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-11-30). Maestros del ron cubano incluido como patrimonio de la humanidad. A la presentación asistieron los primeros maestros roneros Juan Carlos González y César Martí.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-11-30). Fallece expresidente chino Jiang Zemin a los 96 años de edad. Jiang nació en la localidad oriental de Yangzhou en 1926 y fue nombrado secretario general del PCCh en 1989.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-11-30). Petrolera estadounidense Chevron volverá a operar en Venezuela. La reunión se produjo tres días después de la licencia especial que despachó la Oficina para el Control de Activos Extranjeros (OFAC) de EE.UU.

TeleSUR, lsl, JGN (2022-11-30). Casos reales del uso de armas químicas en conflictos armados. El uso de las armas químicas en diversos conflictos ha causado severos daños a poblaciones civiles.

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-11-30). Sube a 10 cifra de fallecidos por deslizamiento en Isquia, Italia. Un miembro del cuerpo de bomberos de Nápoles refirió que "la búsqueda de desaparecidos continúa las veinticuatro horas del día".

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-11-30). Casi 5 millones de paraguayos podrán votar en elecciones partidistas. Los paraguayos que se encuentran en Argentina, España y Estados Unidos podrán acceder a las 78 mesas receptoras de votos que se instalarán.

TeleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-11-30). Indepaz: 23 grupos armados confirman intención de sumarse a la paz en Colombia. En el mes noviembre de 2022 se acordó el restablecimiento del proceso de diálogo del Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) y el Gobierno.

TeleSUR, mcs, JCM (2022-11-30). Estado Islámico nombra nuevo líder tras muerte de Hasan al Qurashi. Esta representa la segunda muerte en un año de un líder del autodenominado Estado Islámico.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-11-30). Participa en el concurso #MiHistoriaConD1OS de teleSUR. Para participar debes contarnos tu historia en un tuit y usar la etiqueta #MiHistoriaConD1OS…

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-11-30). Estados Unidos avanza a octavos de final tras vencer a Irán. Al minuto 38 Christian Pulisic puso el primer gol del encuentro tras una jugada que la armaron McKennie y Dest, poniendo a ganar a Estados Unidos.

TeleSUR, odr -YSM (2022-11-30). Argentina insta a aplicar dosis de refuerzo contra la Covid-19. La ministra Carla Vizzotti indicó que Argentina vive un pico esperable de Covid-19, sumado a los virus estacionales.

TeleSUR, odr, JGN (2022-11-30). ALBA-TCP ratifica apoyo a la soberanía del pueblo de Palestina. El ente de integración latinoamericana y caribeña exigió el cese de las acciones contra Palestina en el estricto respeto al derecho internacional.

TeleSUR, YSM (2022-11-30). OMM: el planeta experimentó mayores niveles de sequía en 2021. Para 20 más de 5.000 millones de personas no accederán apropiadamente al agua al menos un mes al año.

TeleSUR, as, MER (2022-11-30). Zurda Infinita analiza décima jornada del Mundial Qatar 2022. En esta ocasión, el invitado fue el exfutbolista y exentrenador franco-español, Luis Fernández.

TeleSUR, ev, MER (2022-11-30). Túnez se medirá ante Francia en la Copa del Mundo. La selección francesa ha logrado romper esa curiosa "maldición del campeón" al pasar a la siguiente ronda.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-30). Rusia y China consolidan cooperación energética bilateral. El mandatario ruso señaló que el foro consolida el diálogo bilateral entre diversos actores del sector energético.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-11-30). Frente Amplio uruguayo denuncia espionaje contra dos senadores. El presidente del partido añadió que esta acción pretende presionar a los políticos, extorsionarlos, para levantar denuncias realizadas contra el Frente Amplio.

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-11-30). México se enfrentará a Arabia Saudita en Copa del Mundo. Los mexicanos deben ganar y depender del resultado del partido entre Argentina y Polonia para acceder a la siguiente ronda.

John Perry (2022-11-30). Nicaragua's Inconvenient COVID Victory: Western Media Covered Up Its Success. By John Perry Nov 24, 2022 | In Nicaragua, Latin America's third poorest country, people who don't work don't eat. Three-quarters of jobs are in small businesses and farms or the informal economy. So, when its first Covid case was diagnosed on 18 March 2020, Nicaragua's President Daniel Ortega knew that shutting down the economy would be catastrophic. | He was under pressure from all sides to introduce strict restrictions. Among Nicaragua's neighbours, El Salvador registered its first case on 18 March and imposed a lockdown two days later; Honduras did the same; Costa Rica imposed a lockdown on 16 March and…

Victoria Torres (2022-11-30). Signing Contracts With Chevron Will Promote Oil Industry Development in Venezuela. Venezuelan Minister of Oil Tareck El Aissami announced through social media that he will be signing contracts with the Chevron company. | El Aissami published photographs of the moment he met with Javier La Rosa, president of Chevron Venezuela, stressing that Chevron will celebrate 100 years of operations in Venezuela next year. | The meeting between El Aissamu and La Rosa was possible thanks to the second partial agreement for the protection of the Venezuelan people, which was recently signed in Mexico. Additionally, the US government is to issue permits for Chevron Corp to resume its imports of oil and oil prod…

Editor (2022-11-30). Book Review: 'Before Crips' dismantles dominant narrative on gangs. For the past several decades, the media has severely manipulated the question of gangs and their socio-economic origins. John C. Quicker and Akil S. Batani-Khalfani's new book, "Before Crips: Fussin', Cussin', and Discussin'" among South Los Angeles Juvenile Gangs, exposes the mainstream stigmas and half-truths surrounding gangs.

Ramon du Houx (2022-11-30). LA City Councilmember Koretz's Last Call For Aggressive Climate Action. Koretz introduced three pieces of aggressive climate legislation: one aimed to ban the sale of new gas cars in stages, beginning in 2028 with the most expensive vehicles to fully implement by 2030; one to create a significant greenhouse gas emissions fee for private jets landing at Los Angeles airports; and one aimed to use the truth of the dangers posed to LAX and Silicon Beach by the SoCalGas Playa Vista Natural Gas Storage facility to shut it down…

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2022-12-01: News Headlines

Eric Zuesse (2022-12-01). Debunking Lies About the War in Ukraine.

Staff (2022-12-01). Stoltenberg: Victory in war with Russia precondition for Ukraine's NATO membership. UkrinformNovember 30, 2022 Stoltenberg: Victory in war with Russia is prerequisite for Ukraine's NATO membership NATO Allies are currently focusing on providing Ukraine with immediate and urgent assistance…as any talks about Ukraine's full-fledged NATO membership will be possible only when Ukraine prevails as a sovereign…nation. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated this today in Bucharest …

Staff (2022-12-01). Blinken: NATO nations have provided $40 billion in weapons to Ukraine, more on way. UkrinformNovember 30, 2022 Blinken: NATO members and partners have provided $40B worth of weapons to Ukraine, even more is on the way The United States, along with NATO Allies and G7 partners, intends to further increase the amount of aid to Ukraine…. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken made a corresponding statement during a press …

Drago Bosnic (2022-12-01). Pentagon Cannot Account for $20 Billion Worth of Weapons in Ukraine While Another $19 Billion for Taiwan Is Missing.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Democrats move to ban rail strike, impose settlement opposed by workers. The House of Representative voted by 297-137 to force a contract on 120,000 rail workers, with a bill that would make a strike illegal.

WSWS (2022-12-01). US airline workers join railroaders in fight against abusive work conditions. As railroad workers head toward a confrontation with the Biden administration and a bipartisan conspiracy by Congress against their interests, airline workers across the US are facing similar abusive conditions.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Belgian rail workers mount three-day nationwide strike. The strikes in Belgium adds to the growing wave of rail workers' struggles against job cuts, inflation, and dilapidated infrastructure internationally.

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-01). Australian PM Tells US to Drop Charges Against Julian Assange.

_____ (2022-12-01). Taiwan's ruling party suffers major defeat. At first glance, Taiwan's local elections on November 26 may seem like a sideshow when compared with the development of the current phase of the "Great World Game." However, this is a false impression, which is at the very least contradicted by the fact that the preliminary results (which were completely unexpected even for the …

WSWS (2022-12-01). German parliament declares 1930s famine in Ukraine a genocide: Falsification of history in the service of war propaganda. The German parliament explicitly places the "Holodomor" on par with the Holocaust and the Nazi crimes against the Soviet Union. With this line of argument, the Bundestag places itself squarely in the tradition of the Ukrainian and international far right.

John W. Whitehead (2022-12-01). Make Way for the "Killer Robots": The U.S. Government Is Expanding Its Power to Kill.

Children's Health Defense (2022-12-01). Children's Health Defense Seeks Access to Sworn Depositions in Lawsuit Alleging Feds Colluded with Big Tech to Censor COVID Content.

Binoy Kampmark (2022-12-01). Julian Assange and Albanese's Intervention. The unflinching US effort to extradite and prosecute Julian Assange for 18 charges, 17 of which are chillingly based upon the Espionage Act of 1917, has not always stirred much interest in the publisher's home country. Previous governments have been lukewarm at best, preferring to mention little in terms of what was being done to …

Stansfield Smith (2022-12-01). Behind the Decline of the US Left. The left has not become marginalized because of exhaustion or infighting. Its decline was caused by the US government's more than century long police state operations, purging the left from its historic home in the working class movement, so that it now has only tenuous connection with the organized working class. The national security state …

_____ (2022-12-01). Moon Jae-in Under Attack: the North Korean Issue. In a previous article, the author described how the authorities were closing in on Moon Jae-in. However, the most serious anti-Moon allegations are not those related to corruption, but those regarding the "North Korean issue," as they put into question Moon's main achievement the improvement of inter-Korean relations. It is important for the Conservatives …

A Guest Author (2022-12-01). Voices from behind the walls. The following are a small sample of the letters Workers World newspaper receives from brothers, sisters and siblings enslaved by the U.S. carceral system. You can help Workers World provide them monthly print issues of our newspaper for free with your donation through Patreon. Dear Workers World, I have recently . . . |

Ahmed Adel (2022-12-01). China Aims to Diminish US Influence in Latin America by Boosting Trade Relations.

Angela (2022-12-01). Sunday 12/11: Q&A Discussion of "Come and See; Go and Tell – Next Year in Palestine"

Anjoulie Woodhead (2022-12-01). UN Climate Conference Agrees on Fund to Address Climate Change Impacts in Developing Count. COP27 Agreement Asserts Climate Change Results in High Debts and Development Failures…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-01). 1 US Nuclear Weapons In Europe But Moscow Holds More Atomic Warheads In The World And The New Powerful Russian Sarmat ICBM. Written by Fabio G.C. Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO A few months ago the superb President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky spread…

Anonymous349 (2022-12-01). Battle Of Bakhmut And Short-Term Prospects Of Russian Offensive In Donbass. | On December 1, clashes between Russian forces and units loyal to the Kiev regime continued in the sector of Bakhmut (Artemovsk). Following the recent advances, the Russians are attacking positions of pro-Kiev troops in the areas of Opitnoe, Podgornoe and around Kurdymovka. Currently, Bakhmut is in fact isolated only from the western and northwestern directions. Nonetheless, it remains under the permanent threat of the full encirclement if at one moment Kiev's forces defense collapse in northern or southe…

Ben Bartee (2022-12-01). Celebrity COVID Vaxx Injuries.

Binoy Kampmark (2022-12-01). Albanese must act to free Julian Assange. Anthony Albanese publicly revealed that he had been lobbying the Joseph Biden administration to stop proceedings against Julian Assange, reports Binoy Kampmark.

C, C Butterwegge & Sybille Pirklbauer (2022-12-01). Social division in the schools and 7 challenges to the welfare state. The most difficult task will be to redefine prosperity not only in philosophical concepts, but also in concrete tangible and experiential terms detached from consumption. Many are already working on this. The United Nations adopted a strategy for a "blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet" with the Sustainable Development Goals 2015.

Caitlin Johnstone (2022-12-01). NATO Exists To Solve The Problems Created By NATO's Existence. Listen to a reading of this article: | NATO has Antiwar's Dave DeCamp

Canadian Constitution Foundation (2022-12-01). Video: Trudeau Did Not Have Authority to Invoke the Emergencies Act. Canadian Constitution Foundation's Closing Argument.

Chris Slee (2022-12-01). 24/7 protest demands permanent protection for Iranians. Iranian refugees are continuing their 24/7 protest demanding permanent visas outside the Immigration department. Chris Slee reports.

Craig Baldwin (2022-12-01). Saturday 12/3: UKRAINIAN BENEFIT – DEC.3: CURTIS' TRAUMAZONE + STONE's UKRAINE ON FIRE. 992 Valencia Street in San Francisco's Mission District.

Craig Baldwin (2022-12-01). Saturday 12/10: NO NAME CINEMA – DEC. 10: RHODY/SMITH/KUJAWSKI's MINIMAL EXPANDED CINEMA. 992 Valencia Street in San Francisco's Mission District.

Craig Baldwin (2022-12-01). Saturday 12/17: AVANT TO LIVE – DEC. 17: NEW EXPERIMENTAL WORK. 992 Valencia Street in San Francisco's Mission District.

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-01). NATO Members Discuss Ways to Confront China at Bucharest Summit.

Dick Nichols (2022-12-01). Scotland: British court blocks independence referendum. The British Supreme Court has ruled that the Scottish parliament does not have the power to legislate for an independence referendum. Dick Nichols reports.

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2022-12-01). We Will be Sacrificed for Global Standardization of Systems.

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2022-12-01). Wie und mit wem kà∂nnen wir die Gesellschaft umgestalten? Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb desnewsauthor">Ns des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Folgen Sie …

Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović (2022-12-01). Turkey's Repression of the Kurds, Kurdistan as an Independent State, "The Kosovo Syndrome"

____ (2022-11-30). Deliveries on track despite outbreaks. Although a small number of parcel delivery stations have been closed due to the latest COVID-19 outbreaks, China's parcel delivery network has been operating smoothly in general, the State Post Bureau of China said on Tuesday.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese envoy calls for collective int'l efforts to solve Palestine question. A Chinese envoy on Wednesday called for collective international efforts to solve the Palestine question.

____ (2022-11-30). U.S. approves new drug addressing type 1 diabetes. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently approved a new therapy that slows the onset of type 1 diabetes.

____ (2022-11-30). U.S. House Democrats elect new leadership. Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives elected new leaders on Wednesday for the next Congress.

____ (2022-11-30). UN Security Council extends mandate of committee on weapons of mass destruction. The UN Security Council on Wednesday extended the mandate of a committee tasked with monitoring a resolution on the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, for 10 years.

____ (2022-11-30). Beijing optimizes nucleic acid testing rules. From Wednesday, Beijing residents who do not engage in social activities are no longer required to participate in community nucleic acid screenings if they do not need to leave their homes, according to local authorities.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese premier meets with Lao president. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with Thongloun Sisoulith, general secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party Central Committee and Lao president, on Wednesday in Beijing, calling for enhanced bilateral cooperation.

____ (2022-11-30). U.S. should create conditions for complete, thorough nuclear disarmament: FM spokesperson. The United States should seriously reflect on its nuclear policy and step up to its special, primary responsibilities in nuclear disarmament.

____ (2022-11-30). China to enhance prevention, control of invasive alien species. China will enhance its capabilities in preventing and controlling invasive alien species to safeguard agriculture development and biodiversity.

____ (2022-11-30). China-Europe freight train service sees steady progress. The number of China-Europe freight train trips has increased rapidly in recent years, helping stabilize the international supply chain, according to the provincial government of east China's Jiangsu.

____ (2022-11-30). China to further upgrade its virus control policy. China's COVID-19 prevention and control work is facing new situations and new tasks, with the weakening pathogenicity of Omicron, increasing uptake of vaccination and growing disease response experience.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese, Russian air forces hold 2nd joint strategic patrol of the year with 1st warplane exchange visits. Chinese and Russian militaries conducted a joint aerial strategic patrol in the Asia-Pacific region on Wednesday, the first time Chinese aircraft have landed in Russia and Russian aircraft have landed in China in such a joint patrol.

____ (2022-11-30). Two Shenzhou crews meet in Tiangong space station. The six Chinese astronauts from the Shenzhou XIV and Shenzhou XV missions marked a historic moment on Wednesday as they met inside the country's Tiangong space station.

____ (2022-11-30). China, Laos agree to push forward shared future. China and Laos agreed to push forward building the China-Laos community with a shared future to bring more benefits to their peoples and promote regional peace, stability and development.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese, European leaders seek stable ties. On Nov 10, a group of German business executives wrote a joint opinion article for the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, warning against pressure to withdraw from the vast China market that has served the German economy well.

____ (2022-11-30). Forecasts suggest 2023 may be good for China GDP and local equities. China's economy is expected to rebound next year and sustain the rally in Chinese equities, though market volatility could remain elevated, prominent investment banks and wealth managers said on Wednesday.

____ (2022-11-30). Work starts on major high-speed rail projects. Construction has begun on two major high-speed railways in southwestern China, which are expected to be completed in 2027 and 2028, improving the region's high-speed railway network and boosting socioeconomic development.

____ (2022-11-30). Nov manufacturing activity weakens. China's factory activity contracted at a steeper pace in November amid renewed domestic COVID-19 cases and slackening domestic and external demand, adding pressure to the country's slow and bumpy economic recovery.

____ (2022-11-30). Temporary controls in Guangzhou lifted. Closed-off management measures temporarily implemented across districts of Guangzhou, Guangdong province, were lifted on Wednesday afternoon as part of more scientific and precise COVID-19 interventions.

____ (2022-11-30). Ministry's regulation clarifies rules for talent agents. As the country's entertainment industry grows, so does the demand for talent management.

____ (2022-11-30). Foreign firms flourishing in Shanghai. As a move to better enhance foreign-invested enterprises' role in the city's economic development, four ranking lists for 2021 foreign-invested enterprises were unveiled.

____ (2022-11-30). Xi holds talks with Lao president. Xi Jinping held talks Wednesday with Thongloun Sisoulith, general secretary of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee and Lao president.

____ (2022-11-30). China hopes Britain will nurture bilateral cooperation: FM spokesperson. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian on Wednesday said that China hopes Britain will create a fair business environment for Chinese companies and favorable conditions for bilateral cooperation.

____ (2022-11-30). Guangzhou gradually resumes normal order. Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province, gradually resumed normal production and life order on Wednesday.

____ (2022-12-01). China's auto export accelerates to new record. China's auto export industry registered steady growth amid headwinds such as chip shortage, rise of raw material prices, and the pandemic, with export totaling 2.46 million units in the first 10 months, up 54.1 percent on a yearly basis.

____ (2022-12-01). Over 100 billion parcels handled this year, postal bureau says. China has handled more than 100 billion parcels this year as of Thursday, evidence of the sector's strong resilience amid the COVID-19 epidemic as carriers strive to maintain the flow of goods to meet people's demands.

____ (2022-12-01). China's longest coal bed methane pipeline begins trial operation. China's longest coal bed methane pipeline, the Shenmu-Anping pipeline, was put into trial operation on Thursday, said its operator China National Offshore Oil Corp, the country's largest offshore driller.

____ (2022-12-01). China's courier sector handles over 100 bln parcels. China's courier sector saw its delivery volume exceed 100 billion parcels seven days earlier than in 2021 amid a continued expansion of the courier business, according to the State Post Bureau.

____ (2022-12-01). Hainan FTP exports first cross-border e-commerce goods using '9710' mode. A batch of commodities exported by cross-border e-commerce enterprises in Hainan Province went through customs at Hainan Free Trade Port on Wednesday.

____ (2022-12-01). Canada needs independent thinking before imitating U.S. intervention in Indo-Pacific. The Canadian government released an Indo-Pacific Strategy imitating the U.S. in which the country stated that "In areas of profound disagreement, we will challenge China."

____ (2022-12-01). Harbin-Dalian high-speed railway sees 670 million trips on its 10th anniversary. The Harbin-Dalian high-speed railway, the world's first to operate in extremely low temperatures, has seen 670 million trips on its 10th anniversary on Thursday, said the China Railway Harbin Group.

____ (2022-12-01). Experts say COVID stress can be eased. Putting down the mobile phone, talking about negative feelings with friends or seeking professional counseling are some of the methods to help tackle depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 outbreak, experts said.

____ (2022-12-01). Death penalty upheld for woman convicted of killings. The Jiangxi Provincial High People's Court on Wednesday upheld the death sentence handed down to Lao Rongzhi for her involvement in the deaths of seven people.

____ (2022-12-01). Regulator promotes sector's high-quality development. Greater efforts will be devoted to improving the quality of intellectual property while seeing a surge of IP-related registration, in a bid to promote China's high-quality development, according to an official at the country's top IP regulator.

____ (2022-12-01). $1.4 bln in China-Laos freight shipped in line's 1st year. The value of international freight handled on the China-Laos Railway has surpassed 10 billion yuan ($1.4 billion) nearly one year after the railway was put into operation.

____ (2022-12-01). Patent Law regulation amended to improve IP protection system. IP protection as a major principle was highlighted in the Civil Code, the nation's fundamental law for regulating civil activities, and punitive damage was also supported in relevant IP laws, including the Patent Law and the Trademark Law.

____ (2022-12-01). Tonnes of millennia-old coins found in east China. An ancient coin hoard containing 1.5 tonnes of coins dating back to the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties has been discovered in east China's Jiangsu Province.

____ (2022-12-01). UN Security Council observes minute of silence for former Chinese President Jiang. Members of the UN Security Council on Wednesday observed a minute of silence in memory of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

____ (2022-12-01). Xi holds talks with European Council president. Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with visiting President of the European Council Charles Michel in Beijing on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-01). Ancient artifacts unearthed in southwest China. Archaeologists have unearthed 53 sites of ancient cultural remains and 278 relics during an evacuation project in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality from April to October.

____ (2022-12-01). UN chief saddened by passing of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Wednesday that he was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of former Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

____ (2022-12-01). Two volcanoes erupt simultaneously in U.S. Hawaii for first time in nearly 40 years. China's first medical team in the Solomon Islands on Wednesday provided free health services to people in Gizo, capital of the Western Province, which marked the third free clinical activity the team has conducted since its arrival in the country.

____ (2022-12-01). Beijing reports fewer new HIV/AIDS cases. 1 (Xinhua) — Beijing saw a year-on-year drop in new HIV/AIDS cases in the first 10 months of 2022, the municipal health authorities said Thursday.A total of 1,462 new HIV/AIDS cases were reported in the city from January to October, down 11.61 percent year on year, the Beijing Municipal Health Commission said.

____ (2022-12-01). Chinese medical team provides free health services in Solomon Islands' Western Province. China's first medical team in the Solomon Islands on Wednesday provided free health services to people in Gizo, capital of the Western Province, which marked the third free clinical activity the team has conducted since its arrival in the country.

____ (2022-12-01). Former U.S. President Bill Clinton tests positive for COVID-19. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton said on Wednesday that he has tested positive for COVID-19.

____ (2022-12-01). Russia gets moving on plan to make drones. Russia has announced that it will begin to mass-produce a self-designed drone next year, as the United States and Europe pledged to provide more air defense equipment to Ukraine.

____ (2022-12-01). 2 killed in clash between army, terrorists in NW Pakistan. A soldier and a terrorist were killed in an exchange of fire between the Pakistani military and militants in North Waziristan district of Pakistan's northwest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, a military statement said.

____ (2022-12-01). Japan's power saving scheme goes into effect amid supply concerns. Japan began a power saving scheme on Thursday in a bid to ensure a stable electricity supply throughout the winter months amid concerns over a possible power crunch.

____ (2022-12-01). Landslide hits Brazilian highway, kills 2, leaves 30 missing. The landslide that came down on a motorway in southern Brazil has left at least 30 people missing, the regional government of the state of Parana said late on Wednesday.

____ (2022-12-01). China's Yunnan passes regulation on protecting centuries-old tea trees. Southwest China's Yunnan Province has passed a protection regulation on its ancient tea trees, stipulating that wild and cultivated tea plants aged over 100 years should be better protected in the province.

____ (2022-12-01). HK social groups back call to clarify overseas lawyers' status. Various civil service and business groups threw their weight behind the HK government's request for the standing committee of the nation's top legislature to clarify conditions for overseas lawyers to engage in national security cases in the city.

____ (2022-12-01). U.S. pursuing two-tiered trade policy with China. U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo on Wednesday acknowledged that the United States reaps huge benefits from trade with China and pledged not to decouple from it.

____ (2022-12-01). Latest Fengyun weather satellites enter official operations. The Fengyun 3E and 4B weather satellites and their ground application systems officially entered operation to support global forecasting and emergency disaster reduction on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-01). Tsinghua making moves to draw world-class talent. Tsinghua University, one of the most prestigious universities in China, aims to build itself into a hub for global talent by 2035.

____ (2022-12-01). Chinese envoy asks committee on weapons of mass destruction to heed needs of developing countries. A Chinese envoy on Wednesday asked a UN committee on weapons of mass destruction to heed the needs of developing countries.

____ (2022-12-01). Many services resume in Guangzhou. Dine-in services at restaurants in low-risk areas in the Haizhu, Liwan and Tianhe districts in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, were allowed to resume on Thursday.

____ (2022-12-01). Additional relics of Nanjing Massacre collected. It had collected 453 sets of historical relics so far this year, including evidence of "comfort stations", biological weapons and the militaristic education of Nanjing children by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II.

____ (2022-12-01). Jiang Zemin's remains transferred to Beijing. The remains of Comrade Jiang Zemin were transferred to Beijing from Shanghai aboard a special flight on Thursday afternoon.

____ (2022-12-01). Memorial meeting for Comrade Jiang Zemin to be held on Dec. 6. A memorial meeting for Comrade Jiang Zemin will be held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Dec. 6, according to an announcement from Comrade Jiang Zemin's Funeral Committee Thursday.

____ (2022-12-01). Understanding China through videos and speeches. A string of TED talks that can enable international audiences to better understand China recently went online.

____ (2022-12-01). Stores in Lhasa reopen after Covid pandemic under control. Lhasa gradually eased pandemic control measures and stores reopened after the COVID-19 resurgence was under control.

____ (2022-12-01). New evidence of Nanjing Massacre released. A total of 453 pieces (sets) of historic materials, including photos and albums, have been collected as new evidence of war crimes related to the 1937 Nanjing Massacre perpetrated by the invading Japanese troops.

____ (2022-12-01). Distant black hole caught annihilating a star. Photo released on Nov. 30, 2022 shows an artist's impression illustrating how it might look when a star approaches too close to a black hole, where the star is squeezed by the intense gravitational pull of the black hole.

____ (2022-12-01). Tarim River in Xinjiang becomes prime habitat for migrant birds. Xinjiang has carried out a number of projects to improve local ecological environment and became the prime habitat for migrant birds.

____ (2022-12-01). (100 great changes) E-commerce facilitates rural revitalization in China. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, scientific and technological development has never stopped and e-commerce has constantly creating miracles in rural areas.

Elizabeth Woodworth (2022-12-01). David Ray Griffin (1939-2022). The Man and His Work: A Synopsis.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). 'Days of Ignorance' to vie at 3 international film festivals. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Written and directed by Iranian filmmaker Abolfazl Tajik, the short documentary 'Days of Ignorance' is scheduled to take part in 3 international film festivals in Bolivia, India, and Mexico.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Raeisi visits Kordestan to inaugurate water project. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — The Iranian president Ebrahim Raeisi arrived in Sanandaj, the capital of western Koredstan Province on Thursday morning to inaugurate major projects in the Kurdish-populated city.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Argentina, Poland qualify to World Cup knockout stage. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Argentina struck twice to beat Poland to qualify for the knock-out stages of the FIFA World Cup tournament on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Israeli regime martyrs 2 Palestinians, injure 3 in Jenin raid. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — The apartheid Israeli regime martyred 2 Palestinians and injured 3 more in Jenin in the occupied West Bank on Thursday morning.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on Dec. 1. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Mehr news agency takes a look at the headlines of Iran's Persian-language dailies on Thursday, December 01.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). UN approves a resolution in support of Palestine. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution regarding the anniversary of the occupation of Palestine (Nakba Day) despite the opposition of the United States, Britian and the Zionist regime.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Iran fully ready to counter any foreign threat: Army cmdr. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — The chief commander of the Iranian Army say the country's Armed Forces are fully prepared to take on any foreign threat that could be facing the Islamic Republic.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Kordestan's people have always disappointed enemies: Raeisi. SANANDAJ, Dec. 01 (MNA) — President Ebrahim Raeisi said Thursday that the people of Kordestan province like all other sections of the Iranian nation have always rejected the foreign intervention led by the United States in Iran's internal affairs.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Lebanese parliament fails again to elect new president. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) —The members of the Lebanese parliament failed for the eighth time in electing a new president for the country on Thursday.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Enemy targets Iran's security because angered at its progress. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — The Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolution Guards Crops (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami said the enemy has targeted Iran's security because it is angered by the country's progress.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). Large fire in Saudi city of Jeddah extinguished. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Local Saudi sources reported a big fire in the city of Jeddah that was extinguished by the civil defense forces.

En.mehrnews (2022-12-01). VIDEO: Resistance groups missile test in Gaza. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — The Palestinian Shahab news agency announced that the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip test-fired three test missiles towards the Mediterranean Sea this morning.

F. William Engdahl (2022-12-01). War on Global Agriculture: The Unsustainable 'Sustainable' UN Agenda 2030.

Federico Fuentes (2022-12-01). Latin America: What will it take to defeat the radical right? Pablo Stefanoni, editor of the progressive Latin American magazine Nueva Sociedad discusses the situation in South America after the left's victory in Brazil.

Fight Back (2022-12-01). Dallas celebrates People's Thanksgiving. Dallas, TX – On Saturday, November 26, more than 60 activists gathered at the Pan-African Connection bookstore in Dallas to celebrate People's Thanksgiving, a celebration honoring those who struggle against imperialism, capitalism and national oppression. | The event was emceed by Ammar Hussein of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, who gave an opening speech welcoming the many organizations and participants to the event as well as praising the struggle of indigenous peoples for whom Thanksgiving is a national day of mourning. | "We reject the colonialist myth of Thanksgiving, and we stand in unwavering sol…

Fight Back (2022-12-01). Grand Rapids holds solidarity rally for Palestine Day. Grand Rapids, MI – The Palestine Solidarity Committee of Grand Rapids organized a sign-holding in conjunction with groups across the world recognizing the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, November 29. The event was part of a call to action put out by the US Palestinian Community Network. | Drivers were met with Palestine flags and chants of, "From the belly of the beast – no justice, no peace!" and "Hey, hey, ho, ho! The occupation's got to go!" at the busy intersection. A few onlookers joined in on the call to "Free Palestine," while others honked their horns in support. | "I would…

Fight Back (2022-12-01). Tallahassee condemns Police Benevolent Association moves against Taylor Biro. Fight Back News Service is circulating this statement from the Tallahassee Community Action Committee. | On Nov. 16th, Florida Police Benevolent Association Big Bend Chapter, which represents TPD officers, called for the removal of Citizens Police Review Board (CPRB) member Taylor Biro. PBA Chapter President Richard Murphy targeted Biro over a sticker on her coffee mug which reads "Abolish the Police," but has been consistently misreported as saying "F**k the Police". Murphy decried that her mug promoted an "inappropriate, incendiary, and anti-police message", and called for her immediate removal from the CPRB.

Fight Back (2022-12-01). Tallahassee FRSO hosts October Revolution event. Tallahassee, FL – On November 6, the Tallahassee District of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization held a celebratory meeting at Florida State University to honor the 105th anniversary of the October Revolution. | The October Revolution is the 1917 revolution that saw the overthrow of the czar, a Russian monarch, and the establishment of working-class power led by the Bolshevik party. | About a dozen or so students and community members gathered to learn about the October Revolution and the lessons it presents for today. | The event was facilitated by FRSO members Alex Carson, Regina Joseph and Delilah Pierre.

Freedom Socialist Party (2022-12-01). Sunday 12/11: Speaker: Fight the Far Right to Win Reproductive Justice! In person in San Francisco (or via ZOOM link below) | New Valencia Hall | 747 Polk Street (at Ellis), San Francisco | (7 blocks from Civic Center BART, on/near #5, 19, 27, 31, 38 Muni bus lines)…

Global Research News (2022-12-01). Selected Articles: Celebrity COVID Vaxx Injuries. By There is no shortage of examples of the celebrity COVID vaxx injury phenomenon, particularly among those who virtue-signaled their vaccinations. Actor Bob Odenkirk, an otherwise seemingly healthy 58-year-old Hollywood …

Gypsy Taub (2022-12-01). Hope a Poem By Gypsy Taub. Gypsy Taub is an activist in California. She was born and raised in Russia. She is half Russian, half Ukrainian. Her poem "Hope" is about the war in the Ukraine. You can find more of Gypsy's poetry and more info about Gypsy at MyNakedTruth.TV or Gypsy's BIO is posted on (2022-12-01). World needs urgent action on climate change to prevent food crisis, say Kalibata. The world needs to stop global temperatures rising by 1.5 degrees to prevent a global food crisis, says AGRA's Dr Agnes Kalibata.

Infobrics (2022-12-01). Russia Is Now India's Fifth-Largest Trading Partner, Up from 25th Position Last Year. Because of a surge in oil deals, imports soared five times from $4.2 billion in April-September 2021 to $21.3 billion in the first half of FY23…

Infobrics (2022-12-01). BRICS Think Tanks Symposium Held in East China. The International Symposium for BRICS Think Tanks 2022 has been held in Xiamen, east China's Fujian Province, highlighting efforts to promote global development and cooperation…

Infobrics (2022-12-01). New Development Bank Headquarters Building – Gorgeous Presentation of NorthGlass Super Glass. The architectural design concept of the New Development Bank with triangle symbolizes stability and balance, and the power of rotation represents innovation and development…

It's Going Down (2022-12-01). How Transphobia Built a Coalition of Eco-Radicals, White Nationalists and Right-Wing Think Tanks. Last month, antifascists and members of the LGBTQ+ community, mobilized against a group of TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists), holding events across the US, under the banner of "Let Women Speak." While these rallies were small, drawing only a few dozen and opposed by much larger crowds, they also brought out far-Right anti-trans activists and members…

J Goldberg, A Leisewitz, G Wiegel & M Zander (2022-12-01). Lockdown light – Corona crisis and capitalism. The pandemic and countermeasures have effects shaped by the neoliberal form of capitalism[6] that has dominated since the 1980s. Three aspects are worth mentioning: 1.the independence of the financial sphere,2.the fragmentation of the labor markets, and | 3.the weakening of social systems. In the financialized economy, measures to cushion the crisis strengthen the haves.

Jason Ditz (2022-12-01). Pentagon, ISIS Confirm Leader Qurayshi Killed in Syria's Daraa Province.

Jim McIlroy (2022-12-01). Australia must pull back from a war with China, forum told. The so-called China threat was discussed at a webinar on November 30 of around 150 people. Jim McIlroy reports.

Ken Epstein (2022-12-01). Will Progressive Victories Mean a More Democratic, Inclusive Oakland? The results were a significant defeat for the moderate, pro-big-business regime of outgoing Mayor Libby Schaaf, her corporate backers and the candidates she groomed and promoted as her legacy. The failure of Schaaf-backed candidates may have had a lot to do with the starkness of that legacy…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-12-01). Rosa Louise McCauley Parks – Patron Saint – Women's Political Council of Montgomery, AL. If the Women's Political Council of Montgomery, Alabama is known, then the efficacy of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement is placed in proper context, #Womanity.

LaborFest (2022-12-01). Saturday 12/10: Get Your Ticket To Mars. Twitter Headquarters San Francico | 1355 Market St. | San Francisco…

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-12-01). Green Protest on Black Friday. Green abortion rights balloons fly at Westfield mall…

Leon Kunstenaar (2022-12-01). Meet the Bay Area Photographers Safety Group. Bay Area Photographers Organize for Safety in face of increasing armed robberies…

Mary Merkenich (2022-12-01). Labor's IR bill doesn't leave workers better off overall. Claims the IR amendments will close the gender pay gap and strengthen equal pay laws are welcome. But, as Mary Merkenich and Sarah Hathway argue the bill will divide workers and weaken the Better Off Overall Test.

Matthias Brockers, Michael Haller (2022-12-01). Farewell to the unipolar world and Disaster capitalism: back to Marx! The sanctions have already proved to be a dangerous boomerang because they hit Europe harder than Russia… It is a suicidal illusion to try to win a war against the raw materials giant Russia – which possesses more than a third of all fossil energies and raw materials on earth – and the world's largest high-tech workshop, China, which is united with it.

Medea Benjamin (2022-12-01). Eight Reasons Why Now Is a Good Time for a Ukraine Ceasefire and Peace Talks.

Mforinoco (2022-12-01). Cuba's President Made a Fruitful Tour of Four Countries. Havana, Nov 26 (Prensa Latina) Cuba gave a boost to political and trade relations with strategic partners during the international tour President Miguel Diaz-Canel has wound up in Ankara, Tàºrkiye. | The tour took place from November 16 to 25 with a program designed to respond to the country's priorities, the efforts to alleviate the effects of…

Michael Petrelis (2022-12-01). Anti-hate, anti-Trump LGBTQ people protest at Twitter building. Twitter protest report back to the community…

Mike Whitney (2022-12-01). Putin's Remedy: A Fragmented, Toothless Ukraine Separated by a 100 Kilometer-Wide No-Man's-Land.

Norman Solomon (2022-12-01). Hype About Democrats Passing the Torch: Don't Get Fooled Again. The past masquerading as the future…

Peter Boyle (2022-12-01). Challenges for Malaysia's new 'national unity government'. Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj from the Socialist Party of Malaysia discusses the recent election result and the challenges facing the new government.

Peter Boyle (2022-12-01). The new protest wave in China. Peter Boyle spoke about the new wave of protests sparked by harsh anti-COVID-19 restrictions with Choo Chon Kai, who is working with the movement for democracy in China.

Peter Boyle (2022-12-01). Video: The new protest wave in China. Peter Boyle spoke about the new wave of protests sparked by harsh anti-COVID-19 restrictions with Choo Chon Kai, who is working with the movement for democracy in China.

Peter Boyle (2022-12-01). West Papua flag raised at Leichhardt Town Hall. This December 1, for the twelfth year in a row, there was a West Papua flag-raising on the historic Leichhardt Town Hall, courtesy of the Inner West Council, reports Peter Boyle.

Peter Boyle (2022-12-01). West Papua flag raising at Leichhardt Town Hall. This December 1, for the twelfth year in a row, there was a West Papua flag-raising on the historic Leichhardt Town Hall, courtesy the Inner West Council. | "On December 1, 1961 the West Papuan Morning Star flag was flown for the first time officially alongside the Dutch tricolour," explained Joe Collins from the Australia-West Papua Association.

Peter Byrne (2022-12-01). The Befouling of Point Reyes National Seashore. Author Peter Byrne exposes an environmental cover-up at Point Reyes National Seashore…

Peter Koenig (2022-12-01). Ukraine — Russia War: Is a Doomsday Scenario Looming? Or Is There Reason for Hope?

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2022-12-01). "Economic Warfare" Directed against China? The Shanghai "Covid Zero Tolerance Mandate" Extends its Grip to Major Industrial Cities. "Covid Tolerance Zero" has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai's financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people, requiring the imposition of PCR tests, using the QR code as a means of social control.

Prof. Claudia von Werlhof (2022-12-01). Global WAR-NING! Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity. World leaders are meeting in Glasgow at COP-26. All eyes are now on "the imminent dangers of CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions". The "climate emergency" is a timely instrument of propaganda used to distract people from questioning "the real crisis", namely the Covid-19 "plandemic".

Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights (2022-12-01). Thursday 12/1: Street Theatre/Protest: Legal Abortion Nationwide! Rain or Shine. Philip Burton Federal Courthouse 450 Golden Gate, San Francisco, CA 940012…

San Francisco is Pro-Choice (2022-12-01). Cleverly Executed Demo for Abortion Rights in Top San Francisco Mall. Award winning Westfield Mall was already decorated in lights and Christmas colors when demonstrators arrived to "green it up" for abortion rights on busiest shopping day of the year.

SP Editor (2022-12-01). More Evidence Elon Musk Is No Genius.

SP Editor (2022-12-01). What Comes After the Decline of American Democracy?

Students4HK (2022-12-01). Tuesday 11/29: Rally: support anti-government protests in China. Portsmouth Square (Kearny @ Clay), Chinatown, San Francisco…

UAW 2865 (2022-12-01). Monday 11/28: UCB UAW March and Rally By Strikers To Office Of President. Meet At Snow Park UCB…

UFCFLPU (2022-12-01). Saturday 12/3: UC UAW Labor Community Solidarity Rally: COLA & Housing For All. UC Sproul Plaza…

Unicorn Riot (2022-12-01). Asking for Leonard Peltier's Clemency, Senators' Co-Sign Letter to President Biden.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Workers' Party of Turkey's Erkan Baş's call for a "Peace Accord": A middle class delusion. The TİP's call for a "peace accord" aims to direct growing social opposition against the cost of living and war behind pro-imperialist establishment parties.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Taiwan's local elections a blow to ruling DPP and Washington. In its efforts to goad China into a war over Taiwan, the US has relied on the support of Taiwan's president Tsai Ing-wen and her DPP.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Ruben àñstlund's Triangle of Sadness: Today's "master class" and "subject class" The English-language film is uneven, but its skewering of capitalism is certainly welcome.

WSWS (2022-12-01). NZ tertiary union takes legal case over job cuts. The Tertiary Education Union has suppressed any further national industrial action and isolated university staff in New Zealand in the face of attacks on jobs and wages.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Socialist candidate Will Lehman on pace to win thousands of votes in UAW election with suppressed turnout. Initial results from the first-ever direct election in UAW history show an important level of support for rank-and-file socialist candidate Will Lehman, as well as widespread alienation from the UAW apparatus, as reflected in the abysmal 10 percent turnout.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Youth in Australia speak out against war, promote IYSSE global anti-war webinar. "I am against war, as many others are. I also believe that international socialism is the only way to end war for good."

WSWS (2022-12-01). Australian parliament censures ex-PM: An extraordinary coverup. The fiction presented during yesterday's proceedings was that the entire affair was simply the product of one man, seemingly a megalomaniac.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Millions placed under two-day boil water advisory in Houston, Texas. From Sunday to Tuesday, approximately 2.2 million water customers were told to boil water for at least two minutes before preparing food, drinking, bathing or brushing their teeth.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Fed chief Powell spells it out: workers are its chief target. In his Inflation and the Labour Market speech, Powell insisted even the sub-inflation wage increases of the recent period were considered to be too high and that economic growth would need to be suppressed for a "sustained period.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Mississippi-based United Furniture Industries fires 2,700 workers without notice on eve of Thanksgiving holiday. A class action lawsuit has been filed in US District Court for the Northern District of Mississippi on the behalf of Toria Neal, a longtime employee, and "potentially thousands" of other workers, against the company which is headquartered in Tupelo, Mississippi.

WSWS (2022-12-01). No COLA, No Contract! Build rank-and-file strike committees across UC campuses and beyond! For a counteroffensive against the attacks on the working class! Our struggle is at a critical point, and the rank and file must organize to stop a repeat of the sellout of the 2020 wildcat COLA strike.

WSWS (2022-12-01). Australian PM says "legal action" against Assange should end. Albanese broke a longstanding silence on Assange, but his comments fell far short of a demand for the immediate and unconditional freedom of the persecuted Australian journalist.

Staff (2022-12-01). Los 15 años del Hospital de Ojos José Martí de Montevideo. Hoy soy un hombre feliz, que puede ver a su familia, y soy útil porque me incorporé al trabajo en el campo. Y además de todo eso, la puedo ver a usted. Y usted y sus colegas son mi visión, no lo olviden nunca. Muchas gracias siempre. Yo me emocioné mucho. En sus palabras estaba su familia, su pueblo y el mío que nos trajo hasta aquí. Y yo lloré, con aquel hombre tan humilde, que recordaba perfectamente, que hizo un viaje largo y me buscó por todas partes para enseñarme sus ojos nuevos para ver la vida.

Staff (2022-12-01). Proviene del cuatro esquinas, pero como tal es béisbol 5 (+ Video). Esta semana, aunque estén todas las miradas en Catar 2022, saldamos una deuda pendiente con el béisbol 5 cubano, que conquistó la cima en la primera Copa Mundial de la disciplina.Eros Hernán Morales, jefe técnico nacional del béisbol 5, explica a Cubadebate antecedentes, características y proyecciones de la modalidad en Cuba.

Staff (2022-12-01). Crean comisión de alto nivel para colaboración interparlamentaria entre Cuba y Rusia. El instrumento constituye un importante paso en aras de continuar fortaleciendo los vínculos entre los dos países, con acciones concretas para la venidera etapa de trabajo en áreas de interés mutuo.

Staff (2022-12-01). Departamento de Justicia de EEUU recomienda rechazar conexión a través de cable submarino con Cuba. El Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos recomendó este miércoles a la Comisión de Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC) negar un permiso para la instalación del primer cable de telecomunicaciones submarino que conectaría a EE.UU. con Cuba. Washington dijo que sería la única conexión directa por cable submarino comercial entre ambas naciones vecinas.

Staff (2022-12-01). Abrirá sus puertas nuevo hotel en Varadero. Gaviota-Grupo Turismo anunció a través de la red social Facebook la entrada en operaciones el primero de dos hoteles de la parcela Oasis en Varadero. La Plaza Oasis capta la atención de visitantes nacionales y extranjeros desde hace algunos meses con ofertas gastronómicas y de esparcimiento compatibles con la calidad de los productos turísticos de la Península de Hicacos.

Staff (2022-12-01). En PDF, el libro Intervencionismo y guerra integral. La lectura de este libro es fundamental para comprender la naturaleza de la Tercera Guerra Mundial en que estamos embarcados. Como allí bien se dice, nadie la ha declarado pero las acciones tornan superfluas los altisonantes informes oficiales de antaño en las cuales explícitamente se anunciaba la ruptura de relaciones con un gobierno y el inicio de las hostilidades.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-01). Fuerzas de ocupación israelí asesinan a dos palestinos. Un menor de edad murió luego de permanecer un mes en el hospital herido con impactos de bala del Ejército israelí.

TeleSUR, mcs, JCM (2022-12-01). Canciller ruso de reunirá con su homólogo azerí en Moscú. Ambos titulares de Exteriores abordarán el desarrollo de las relaciones bilaterales, así como una serie de temas actuales de la agenda regional…

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-12-01). Costa Rica se medirá ante Alemania en Qatar 2022. Los dirigidos por Luis Fernando Suárez han entrenado con el objetivo de repetir lo hecho en Brasil 2014, cuando llegaron hasta cuartos de final.

TeleSUR, SH (2022-12-01). Presidente Maduro dialoga con exsecretario general de la Unasur. Durante la reunión el presidente Maduro y Ernesto Samper conversaron sobre el alcance de las relaciones diplomáticas y bilaterales con Colombia.

Reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-12-01). México: Reflexiones sobre las luchas de las zapatistas øfeministas? México: Reflexiones sobre las luchas de las zapatistas øfeministas? | Dra. Sylvia Marcos…

Reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2022-12-01). Enlaces Red Latina sin fronteras 26.11.2022. ENLACES de Red Latina sin fronteras 26.11.2022 | comunicaciones e información para la liberación…

Staff (2022-12-01). Evoluciona favorablemente salud de joven clavadista cubano. El Instituto de Medicina del Deporte (IMD) actualizó hoy sobre el estado de salud del clavadista cubano Luis Gustavo Cañabate àÅlvarez, quien se encuentra "clínica y humoralmente mejor" tras el accidente sufrido a mediados de noviembre. Cañabate sufrió un accidente por caída en su escuela en horas de la madrugada del 12 de noviembre pasado.

Staff (2022-12-01). La recuperación de la vivienda, el principal desafío que dejó el huracán Ian. En Pinar del Río el principal desafío continúa siendo la reconstrucción de 93 mil 929 viviendas afectadas por el evento climatológico, cifra que ha disminuido a partir del proceso de verificación de daños, apuntó la Primera Secretaria del Partido en Vueltabajo. Hasta este miércoles 11 mil 017 familias ya solucionaron los problemas constructivos de sus moradas.

Staff (2022-12-01). Cuba: Por una respuesta integral al VIH, también desde la igualdad. Los estigmas, estereotipos, prejuicios y otras formas de desigualdad impactan en que las personas accedan eficientemente a servicios de manera general y a servicios de salud en particular, lo cual puede limitar el alcance de las acciones en pos de frenar la epidemia de SIDA, de ahí que este año las actividades por la fecha lleven por lema "Igualdad, la mejor respuesta al VIH".

TeleSUR, em, MER (2022-12-01). España y Japón irán por un cupo a octavos de la Copa del Mundo. Este será el primer enfrentamiento entre Japón y España en una Copa del Mundo, pero en partidos amistosos registran solo un encuentro en 2001.

TeleSUR, ev, MER (2022-12-01). Croacia y Bélgica se enfrentarán en la Copa del Mundo. Un empate le vale a Croacia para sellar su nombre en los octavos de final, mientras que una victoria a Bélgica le daría el pase a la siguiente ronda.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-01). Explosión en embajada de Ucrania en Madrid deja un herido. Las autoridades señalaron que la deflagración se produjo sobre las 13H00 (hora local) en el jardín de la embajada.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-01). Bombarderos de Rusia y China ejecutan patrullaje aéreo conjunto. Las autoridades rusas enfatizaron que la operación se realizó conforme a lo establecido en el derecho internacional.

TeleSUR, jaa -YSM (2022-12-01). Parlamentos de Rusia y Cuba amplían lazos de cooperación. Ambos parlamentos persiguen cooperar en sectores como la agricultura, salud, educación, energía y turismo.

TeleSUR, jaa, SH (2022-12-01). Venezuela y Dominica estrechan lazos de cooperación bilateral. Ambos altos funcionarios revisaron los acuerdos que persiguen fortalecer los mecanismos de integración regional.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-01). Bolivia duplica valor por venta de litio en lo que va de 2022. El cloruro de potasio boliviano se exporta a naciones de la región como Brasil y Chile.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-01). Desempleo en Colombia baja y se sitúa en 9,7 % en octubre. Respecto al mismo mes del año 2021, la disminución registrada fue de 2,3 puntos porcentuales.

TeleSUR, jap -MER (2022-12-01). México vence a Arabia Saudita, pero está eliminado de Qatar 2022. Ninguno de los dos equipos pudo abrir el marcador para dejar el empate a cero goles al final del primer tiempo.

TeleSUR, JCM, JDO (2022-12-01). Presidente de Venezuela celebra recuperación de recursos secuestrados. El mandatario venezolano destacó que los recursos se destinarán a obras de electrificación y agua, educación, salud y mitigación de los daños por lluvias.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-12-01). Exigen cese de deportaciones de haitianos desde República Dominicana. Denuncian que esa práctica del Ejecutivo que preside Luis Abinader tiene un carácter racista y discriminatorio.

TeleSUR, lvm, SH (2022-12-01). Eurostat estima 10% de inflación en la eurozona en noviembre. Eurostat señaló que en cuanto a los principales componentes de la inflación de la zona del euro, se espera que la energía tenga la tasa anual más alta en noviembre.

TeleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-01). Declaran emergencia sanitaria ante brote de gripe aviar en Ecuador. La influenza aviar no constituye un riesgo para la salud de quienes consumen huevos y carne de pollo, dijo el Ministerio.

TeleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-01). Disminuye actividad del volcán Chaparrastique en El Salvador. El Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil indicó que Chinameca, San Jorge y San Rafael se encuentran en alerta verde.

TeleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-01). Gremios dominicanos marchan para exigir seguridad social digna. Los manifestantes defienden un seguro nacional de salud que cubra todos los servicios y medicamentos.

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-12-01). Zurda Infinita resalta clasificación de Argentina a octavos. Analizaron el desempeño de Argentina en el partido que le permitió obtener el pase a la siguiente ronda y quedar primero en la tabla de posiciones del Grupo C.

TeleSUR, odr, SH (2022-12-01). Confirman ocho nuevos casos de viruela símica en Panamá. Con los nuevos casos de viruela del mono, se elevó a 56 la cantidad de contagios confirmados en el país.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-01). Declaran la Semana Santa de Guatemala Patrimonio de la Humanidad. La Unesco manifestó que la Semana Santa es una celebración religiosa y cultural que forja la identidad de los guatemaltecos.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-01). INPE: deforestación en Amazonía brasileña supera 11. 0 km2 en un año. El dato indica un descenso del 11,27 por ciento respecto al período anterior, cuando se perdieron 13.038 kilómetros cuadrados de selva.

Staff (2022-12-01). Iniciará el próximo sábado transición parcial a la televisión digital en Pinar del Río.

TeleSUR, jap, MER (2022-12-01). Marruecos buscará clasificación a octavos del Mundial Qatar 2022. En el histórico, Marruecos no ha perdido en los tres partidos que ha disputado contra Canadá en todas las competiciones.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-01). OMM alerta que fenómeno La Niña prolongará sequías e inundaciones. Se pronostica que continuarán los cambios en las temperaturas y precipitaciones, aumentando las sequías e inundaciones en distintas partes del planeta.

Staff (2022-11-30). Striking Univ. of California Grad Students Speak Out on Nation's Largest-Ever Higher Education Strike. The largest higher education strike in U.S. history has entered its third week in an effort to secure livable wages, more child care benefits, expanded family leave and other demands. Some 48,000 academic workers at all 10 University of California campuses are on strike, including teaching assistants, postdoctoral scholars, graduate student researchers, tutors and fellows. We speak with a professor and graduate students at three campuses in the UC system, as a tentative deal with postdoctoral scholars and academic researchers was announced Tuesday by the University of California that does not cover graduate stude…

Staff (2022-11-30). "Enough Is Enough": Rail Workers Decry Biden's Push to Impose Strike-Breaking Labor Deal. President Biden is pushing Congress to block a pending nationwide rail strike and push through a contract deal that includes no sick days and is opposed by four of the 12 rail unions. Biden's latest request is an attempt to "legislate us basically back to work, before we've even had a chance to strike," says locomotive engineer and Railroad Workers United organizer Ron Kaminkow. "Workers should have the right to take off work for a reasonable amount for whatever reason they need it," says labor professor Nelson Lichtenstein, who urges the rail workers to strike anyway.

Staff (2022-11-30). Headlines for November 30, 2022. Senate Passes Marriage Equality Act in Bipartisan Vote, House to Impose Deal Blocking Rail Strike Despite Objections from Workers, Progressive Dems, U.S. Announces Ukraine Infrastructure Aid as Europe Calls for Tribunal for Russian War Crimes, Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes Found Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy, Qatari World Cup Official Says 400- 0 Migrant Workers Died While Working on FIFA Tournament, Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin Dies at 96, Blast at Religious School in Northern Afghanistan Kills at Least 15
| , Missouri Executes Kevin Johnson After SCOTUS Denies Stay
| , Democratic Congress…

Yves Engler (2022-11-30). Hey CIJA! Conflating Jews with Israel is Racist. Charges of "antisemitism" have been degraded to the point where they often sound like a 6-year-old telling other kids not to play with Johnnie because he has cooties. Recently federal NDP executive member Ryan Painter quote-tweeted me saying "Don't listen to anything Yves Engler says. He's Canada's leading antisemite and doesn't want anything more than …

Kit Klarenberg (2022-11-30). Palestine Action puts Israel's war industry "on trial" A hostile judge couldn't stop protesters against Elbit Systems turning a court appearance to their advantage.

Hamza Abu Eltarabesh (2022-11-30). The fire Gaza will never forget. An entire family has been wiped out in Jabaliya refugee camp.

_____ (2022-11-30). Bahrain: what the recent elections have shown. The fraudulent parliamentary elections in Bahrain (a small kingdom in the Persian Gulf) were roundly condemned in many countries, as all opposition parties were officially banned from participating. Those who could have stood for election and competed with the ruling regime were instead sentenced to death, sexual violence, beatings, sleep deprivation and other ill-treatment. But since …

_____ (2022-11-30). Russia strengthens cooperation with its allies in the East. The start of the special operation to denazify the Kiev regime was essentially a dividing line, revealing not only the true Russophobic attitude towards Russia of the current US political elite and their Western allies, but also clearly highlighting the outspoken defenders and sponsors of today's neo-Nazis. These circumstances have defined and deepened the sharp …

_____ (2022-11-30). Why is Soros leaving Tajikistan? As per the statement posted on the website of the Open Society Foundation ("Open Society" or Soros Foundation — which was declared an undesirable organization in Russia back in 2015), the so-called "charity" of American billionaire George Soros, whose fortune is estimated by Forbes at $6.7 billion, has decided to close its branch — the …

_____ (2022-11-30). Brazil's President-Elect Lula Calls To Free Julian Assange. Brazil's left-wing President-elect Lula da Silva has called for journalist Julian Assange to be freed from his "unjust imprisonment." | Assange, the founder of whistle-blowing journalism publication WikiLeaks, has languished since 2019 in a maximum-security British prison, where he has suffered from prolonged torture that could threaten his life, according to the top United Nations expert. | The United Kingdom is preparing to extradite the Australian journalist to the United States, where he is facing up to 175 years in prison on politically motivated charges based in part on illegal CIA spying and threats. | On…

_____ (2022-11-30). Cryptome Founder Asks To Be Indicted With Assange. The founder of a U.S.-based website that earlier published the same un-redacted documents that WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange was later indicted for has invited the U.S. Department of Justice to make him a co-defendant with Assange. | "Cryptome published the decrypted unredacted State Department Cables on September 1, 2011 prior to publication of the cables by WikiLeaks," John Young wrote in a Justice Department submission form, which Young posted on Twitter on Tuesday. | "No US official has contacted me about publishing the unredacted cables since cryptome published them," he wrote. "I respectfully request t…

_____ (2022-11-30). DC Government's Racial Equity Plan Is Elite Capture By The State. D.C. Mayor Bowser's "Draft Racial Equity Action Plan " (REAP) is a public relations document which reflects a continued commitment to the systemic foundations of racial inequities. As a follow-up to the empty gesture of painting the words "Black Lives Matter" on 800 16th Street Northwest, Washington, DC and declaring that space "Black Lives Matter Plaza ", the REAP suggests that the state structures which maintain settler colonialism and capitalism can be a remedy for racial inequity. | "It is our charge and our responsibility to put in place policies that are intentional about ending structural racism and revers…

_____ (2022-11-30). Every Union Contract Right Now Should Be The Best Ever. If your union goes into negotiations right now and doesn't win its biggest raise ever, you're leaving money on the table. | Soaring inflation means it takes a bigger raise just to break even. And with unemployment low, labor has extra leverage to win more. | Dining hall workers at Northeastern University in Boston just approved a new contract that will raise them to $30 an hour by 2026—triple the $9 they were making in 2012 before they unionized. | After a rowdy mass picket, Sysco food delivery Teamsters in Massachusetts won a 39 percent raise over five years. | Here in Seattle, Providence Swedish hospital…

_____ (2022-11-30). Film Recounts Latina-Led Fight Against Military Sexual Abuse. Two years ago, city hall plaza in our hometown, Richmond, CA., was the scene of a protest vigil organized by Estefany Sanchez and her two sisters. Estefany is a Richmond resident and an Army veteran whose experience of sexual harassment in the military led her to identify strongly with the tragic case of Vanessa Guillen, a 20-year old soldier at Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas. | Guillen was sexually harassed by fellow soldiers, at a base with one of the highest rates of sexual assault, sexual trafficking, suicide, and murder anywhere in the military. Her complaints to superior officers were repeatedly ignored before…

_____ (2022-11-30). How Co-ops Are Transforming Quebec's Food Deserts. Montreal, Québec, Canada – In French, the word for food processing is the same as the word for sweeping social change: transformation. Alex Beaudin dreams of doing both. | Beaudin, 25, is the coordinator of Le Grénier Boréal, an agricultural co-op in Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan, a village of around 450 people in northeastern Quebec, 550 miles northeast of Montreal. Longue-Pointe is one of about 20 villages strung like beads on a necklace, between Route 138 and the vast St. Lawrence River. The highway and the river are the villages' lifelines, and depending on either one for supply shipments — as the Nord-Cà&yen…

_____ (2022-11-30). Ben-Gvir's Appointment As Minister For National Security Is Bad News. The racist thug Itamar Ben-Gvir has not yet set foot in his new office as Minister of National Security, but the effects of his rise to power have already been felt throughout Palestine. As I write these words, Palestinian human rights activist Issa Amro was arrested by the Israeli Army. He recently published a video showing an IDF soldier attacking and beating an Israeli activist in the city of Al-Khalil (also known as Hebron). The actions of the soldier and the sudden unwarranted arrest of Issa are signs of things to come. | From Al-Khalil, Issa runs Youth Against Settlements, one of the most important and effe…

_____ (2022-11-30). Railroad Workers Protest Joe Biden's Interference In Fight For Their Rights. As the date for a possible national railroad strike nears, President Joe Biden stepped in this week to force a contract on the railroad workers. | On Monday, November 28, the While House released this statement, which begins with: | I am calling on Congress to pass legislation immediately to adopt the Tentative Agreement between railroad workers and operators — without any modifications or delay — to avert a potentially crippling national rail shutdown. | After some encouraging words from progressives Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Jamaal Bowman on Tuesday, Lauren K. Gurley reported today t…

_____ (2022-11-30). The Greenwashing Scam Behind COP27's Flop. As the annual UN climate conference, COP27, came to a close in late November, the talks produced a lot of lofty rhetoric but little concrete progress on the gravest threat facing humanity today. | There was one very important positive development: After years of demands by poor countries in the Global South suffering the worst impacts of climate disasters, the COP27 agreement finally established a "loss and damage" fund for the wealthy countries most responsible for climate change to compensate poor countries for climate disasters. | Much remains undecided, including the size of the fund, its governance structure…

_____ (2022-11-30). Israelis Are Not Welcome in Qatar During the 2022 World Cup. The 2022 World Cup in Qatar has been the first of its kind and may be a breakthrough in calling out Israel and its Israeli citizens and journalists are allowed in Qatar in a FIFA agreement during the 2022 World Cup now underway in Doha. Being allowed to enter a country to watch football, or to cover an event as a journalist or media crew, is far different than being welcome. | Israeli journalists have reported numerous interactions with football fans and locals in Qatar that let them know they ar…

_____ (2022-11-30). Zelensky's War Machine Is Running Out of Fuel. Expect More Panic Attacks Soon. Zelensky believes faking an attack or creating an environmental calamity will repeat history. But he is woefully misinformed as he is ignorant. | When the lights go out, the water no longer comes and there isn't even a scrap of wood to keep Ukrainians warm, Zelensky will need Sean Penn's Oscar for help. | How long has President Zelensky got, before his political support wains, given then it is widely known that he is often bullied by western elites out of talks with Russia? There is a certain panic setting in within the Zelensky cabal which is making him more and more capricious, to the point of being out of con…

A Guest Author (2022-11-30). Leonard Peltier's greeting to National Day of Mourning. The following slightly edited statement from imprisoned political prisoner Leonard Peltier (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians) was read by Herbert Waters IV (Wampanoag) on Nov. 24, 2022. See for more information. Leonard Peltier Greetings my relatives, friends, loved ones and supporters. First, I want to say how deeply . . . |

Alex Bainbridge (2022-11-30). Giant flag drop for International Day in Solidarity with Palestine. The International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People was marked by Justice for Palestine Meanjin — Brisbane with a giant flag drop from the Goodwill Bridge. Alex Bainbridge reports.

Ana Perdigón (2022-11-30). Ecuador: Former Vice President Jorge Glas Released from Prison. The former vice president of Ecuador, Jorge Glas, was released from prison on Monday, November 28, after a judge issued a precautionary measure in his favor. | The release measure was approved by the judge of the Santo Domingo Criminal Unit, Emerson Curipallo. The decision stipulates that the former vice president will have to present himself once a week at the Litoral Penitentiary in the city of Guayaquil, and is prohibited from leaving the country. | Following this decision, the National Comprehensive Care Service for Adults Deprived of Liberty and Adolescent Offenders (SNAI), published a statement to announce…

Ana Perdigón (2022-11-30). Ecuador: Former Vice President Jorge Glas Released. The former vice president of Ecuador, Jorge Glas, was released from prison on Monday, November 28, after a judge issued a precautionary measure in his favor. | The release measure was approved by the judge of the Santo Domingo Criminal Unit, Emerson Curipallo. The decision stipulates that the former vice president will have to present himself once a week at the Litoral Penitentiary in the city of Guayaquil, and is prohibited from leaving the country. | Following this decision, the National Comprehensive Care Service for Adults Deprived of Liberty and Adolescent Offenders (SNAI), published a statement to announce…

Andrew Korybko (2022-11-30). Russia's Energy Geopolitics With China & India. The top takeaways from this analysis are several. First, Russia's energy geopolitics with China and India are mutually beneficial. Second, China's energy diversification strategy is being balanced out by India's insatiable appetite for discounted Russian resources. Third, India is rapidly replacing China as Russia's top partner. Fourth, neither the aforesaid nor the ongoing Sino-American discussions over a New Détente are zero-sum for Moscow or Beijing. And finally, a new global strategic balance is emerging. | The RIC Core Of The Global Systemic Transition | China and India are Russia's top two partners in the w…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-30). American Armaments Sales in Europe Booming Thanks To The War In Ukraine: "US Colony after Nato Coup" Written by Fabio G.C. Carisio VERSIONE IN ITALIANO Head of the Russian State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, considered that the current…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-30). Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On November 30, 2022 (Map Update).

Anonymous103 (2022-11-30). Military Situation In Kharkiv Region, Ukraine, On November 30, 2022 (Map Update).

Anonymous103 (2022-11-30). Military Situation In Syria On November 30, 2022 (Map Update). On November 30, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours; | On November 30, Turkish artillery shelled SDF positions in the Ain Daqna area; | On November 30, one SAA serviceman was killed by IED explosion in the Sabikhan area; | On November 29, an IED explosion was reported in the city of Daraa; | On November 29, Russian military police carried out a patrol in the Tal Tamar area. | MOR…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-30). Military Situation In Ukraine On November 30, 2022 (Map Update). Russia struck the AFU ammo depot near Dnepropetrovsk with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Chasov Yar with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Zaporozhye with high-precision missiles; | The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Novomikhaylovka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Chervonopopovka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Novosyolovskoye; | Clashes…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-30). Musk: Twitter Has "Interfered In Elections" Originally published on Twitter owner Elon Musk on Wednesday confirmed what everyone with two functioning brain cells and intellectual honesty already knew; the social media giant has "interfered in elections." | In a discussion over a Reuters article in which the company's former head of trust and safety says Twitter is 'not safer' under Musk, user @EvaFoxU posted: "Twitter has sho…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-30). Stoltenberg Admits Impact Of Russian Strikes, Contradicting Western media. Click to see full-size imageHowever, NATO plans to use this as an excuse to prolong the conflict by sending more air defense systems to Ukraine, instead of searching for a diplomatic solution. | Written by On November 29, the foreign ministers of NATO member countries met in Bucharest for a conference about the current issues involving the organization. One…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-30). In Video: Russia Deploys Heavy Howitzers On Frontline With Turkish Forces In Northern Syria. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ulyana Solovyeva | The Russian military grouping in Syria has deployed heavy howitzer near an important frontline with Turkish forces in the northern countryside of Aleppo. | A video that surfaced online on November 30 shows a Russian battery of Msta-B towed 152 mm howitzers moving in the direction of the town of Tell Rifaat. The London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that the battery was deployed at a newly-established position in the nearby village of Tell Ji…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-30). ISIS Says Its Leader Was Killed In Combat, Appoints New One. In a surprise announcement on November 30, ISIS said that its top leader Abu al-Hasan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi had been killed. | In an audio message titled "They Kill and Get Killed," a spokesman for the terrorist group said that al-Hashimi, an Iraqi national, was killed "in combat with enemies of God", without elaborating on when or where this took place. | The spokesman identified the terrorist group's new "caliph" as Abu al-Hussein al-Husseini al-Qurashi. As of now, next to nothing…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-30). Israeli Navy Test-Fired New Interceptor Designed To Counter 'Advanced' Cruise Missile (Video). Screengrab. Source: the Israeli Ministry of Defense. | The Israeli Navy has successfully test-fired the LRAD long-range interceptor which was especially designed to counter "advanced" cruise missile | On November 30, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and Ministry of Defense said in a joint statement that a Sa'ar 6-class corvette INS Magen successfully test-fired the LRAD missile earlier this month. The warship launched the missile after detecting a "target that resembled an advanced cruise missile" and des…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-30). Senior Syrian Air Force Officer Survives Assassination Attempt Near Damascus. Click to see full-size image. Via Facebook. | On November 28, a senior officer of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) survived an assassination attempt near the capital, Damascus. | The officer, identified as Colonel Basil Ibrahim Wassouf, was reportedly lightly wounded when an explosive device ripped through his car in the district of Kiswah to the south of the capital. | Col. Wassouf is hardened fighter jet pilot of the SyAAF. The nature of his current work wi…

Anonymous669 (2022-11-30). Turkey Completed Preparations For Ground Operation In Northern Syria — Report. FILE PHOTO: Turkish soldiers seen at the border town of Akcakale © Reuters / Murad Sezer | Turkey has completed all military and logistic preparations needed to launch a ground operation against the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern Syria,

Anonymous669 (2022-11-30). U.S. Approves Sale Of Unique Anti-Drone System To Qatar For $1 Billion. The FS-LIDS anti-drone system with the Coyote Block 2 interceptor (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) | The U.S. Department of State has approved the potential sale of a unique anti-drone system to Qatar in a deal valued at $1 billion, the pentagon said on November 29. | In a statement, the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency said that Qatar requested to buy ten Fixed Site-Low, Slow, Small Unmanned Aircraft System Integrated Defeat System (FS-LIDS) as well as 200 Coyote Block 2 interceptors, Counter Unmanned Elect…

Anonymous765 (2022-11-30). Turkey Continues Strikes On Syria, Suffers Losses In Iraq. |

Anti-Capitalist (2022-11-30). Friday 11/25: Observe Buy Nothing Day. Virtual: Anywhere: Planetary…

Ashley Curtin (2022-11-30). 175 nations start negotiations for legally binding international treaty on plastic pollution. Negotiators from 175 nations will create a team of scientists to address the plastic pollution crisis worldwide.

Belén Fernández (2022-11-30). Beware Western Hypocrisy When It Comes to Human Rights at the World Cup. As the old saying goes, look in the mirror before you judge others.

Ben Radford (2022-11-30). Deep-sea mining: Capitalism's next destructive frontier. Mining companies argue that deep-sea mining is necessary to achieve the global transition to renewables, reports Ben Radford, but this is a lie.

Brett Wilkins (2022-11-30). As Corporations Enjoy Record-High Profits, Experts Urge Congress to 'Rein Them In'. "Today's record corporate profits mirror what we have been hearing on earnings call after earnings call: Corporations are gleefully reporting that their strategy to burden families with unnecessary price hikes is working."

Brett Wilkins (2022-11-30). 'Donald Trump Has Finally Run Out of Places to Hide' as House Dems Get Tax Returns. "It's no longer a question of if he's hiding something big," one watchdog group asserted, "it's a question of what he's hiding."

Brett Wilkins (2022-11-30). Evidence Grows of Left-Wing Twitter Purge Directed by Musk. "Elon Musk appears to have outsourced decisions about who to ban from Twitter to the platform's right-wing extremists," said The Intercept's Micah Lee.

Brian Berletic (2022-11-30). Malaysia's New Prime Minister: The Impact on US-China Tensions in Asia. Malaysia's new prime minister Anwar Ibrahim has spent decades in the service of US interests, chairing the IMF in the 1990s and working with the US National Endowment for Democracy ever since. | His opposition party, a street front he has helped lead, and media networks promoting him across Malaysia's information space have all received funding from the US government through the NED. | What impact has Anwar Ibrahim already had on Malaysia's sovereignty and development and what impact will his premiership have on Malaysia's future? | References: | US State Department, Office of the Historian Courses of Ac…

Brittani Banks (2022-11-30). Is Russia Really the Reason Why Mali Continues to Push France Away? On , Mali's interim Prime Minister Colonel Abdoulaye MaàØga posted a statement on social media to say that Mali has decided "to ban, with immediate effect, all activities carried out by NGOs operating in Mali with funding or material or technical support from France." A few days before this statement, the French government …

C.J. Polychroniou (2022-11-30). The Fed's Response to Rising Inflation Protects the Wealthy at Workers' Expense. The specter of inflation is haunting the world's economies. Surging prices since 2020, especially in food and energy, have eroded global living standards, though inflation varies considerably across countries. However, inflation is hitting the working class and lower-income people harder than wealthier households, triggering protests around the world, especially in countries with strong trade… |

Caitlin Johnstone (2022-11-30). US Officials Concern Troll About World Press Freedoms While Assaulting Them.

Caitlin Johnstone (2022-11-30). The Guardian Could Help Assange By Retracting All The Lies It Published About Him.

Carlos Edill Berríos Polanco (2022-11-30). LUMA Contract Extended as Protests Continue in Old San Juan. On the same day it was set to expire, the Puerto Rico Public-Private Alliances granted LUMA Energy an extension of its provisional contract that will only end once the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority's debt restructuring is completed.

Charles Piller (2022-11-30). Second Death Linked to Potential Antibody Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease.

Chris Walker (2022-11-30). Oath Keepers Founder Convicted of Seditious Conspiracy for Role in Jan. 6. A federal jury in Washington D.C. has convicted two members of the far right Oath Keepers — including founder Stewart Rhodes — of seditious conspiracy for their involvement in the attack on the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, 2021, and for their attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Three other members of the group were also convicted of obstruction of an official… |

Chris Walker (2022-11-30). San Francisco City Board Approves Use of Police Robots to Kill Suspects. The San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted by a margin of 8-3 on Tuesday to grant the city's police department the legal authority to use remotely controlled robots to attack and kill suspects in certain circumstances. The measure was widely condemned by civil liberty and police oversight organizations. City officials and members of the board who voted against the authorization said that the… |

Chris Walker (2022-11-30). Senate Passes Respect for Marriage Act to Protect Same-Sex Marriage Rights. The U.S. Senate has passed the Respect for Marriage Act, legislation that aims to enshrine federal protections for same-sex marriages in the United States. The bill passed in the upper house of Congress on Tuesday evening by a vote of 61-38. Just 12 Republican lawmakers voted in favor of the bill, while the remaining members of the party voted against it. A similar bill passed earlier this year in… |

Contributing Writers (2022-11-30). Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganà≤: The COVID Pandemic Farce Served as a Trial Balloon for the New World Order. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganà≤'s address to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International (MD4CE International). 'There can be no neutrality, because when there is a clash between two armies, those who choose not to fight are also making a choice that affects the outcome of the battle.' By His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganà≤ Global Research, November 25, …

Contributing Writers (2022-11-30). Fitts on Variable Batches and Jab Dangers. READ MORE: Top Oncologist: Cancer in Patients Exploding After COVID Shots Australia Sees 63% Drop in Births After Introduction of COVID "Vaccines" — What Will the Government's Excuse be? Global ResearchGlobal Research Centre for Research on Globalization…

Dan Beeton (2022-11-30). Preview: What to Expect in the November Jobs Report. The November jobs report should provide further evidence of the economy normalizing after its rapid bounce back from the pandemic recession. The big questions will be whether wage growth has slowed to a pace consistent with the Fed's inflation target and whether job growth has slowed to a sustainable pace. Wage Growth Likely to Remain …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-30). Russia Says It Delayed Nuclear Arms Control Talks Over Differences With US. Russia on Tuesday said it delayed nuclear arms control talks with the US that were set to start this week due to differences with Washington and tensions over Ukraine. "We have encountered a situation where our American colleagues not only demonstrated a lack of desire to take note of our signals, acknowledge our priorities, but …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-30). House, Senate Agree to Add $45 Billion to Biden's 2023 Military Budget Request. The House and Senate have agreed to increase the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by $45 billion more than President Biden requested, POLITICO reported on Wednesday. The $45 billion increase was agreed on by the House and Senate Armed Service committees, but other details of the NDAA are still being finalized. The increase the …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-30). Report: US Considers 'Dramatically' Expanding Training of Ukrainian Forces. The US is considering "dramatically" increasing its training of Ukrainian forces, CNN reported on Wednesday, citing unnamed US officials. The plan under consideration would aim to train up to 2, 0 Ukrainian troops each month at a US base in Germany. The report said that since Russia invaded, the US has only trained a few thousand …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-30). US, Israel Hold Joint Aerial Drills Simulating Attacks on Iran. The Israeli military on Wednesday published pictures of joint aerial exercises with the US that were held this week and simulated attacks on Iran. The drills were held over Israel and the Mediterranean Sea. According to the Times of Israel, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said the exercises involved four Israeli F-35 fighter jets that …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-30). US Pushing Allies to Give Ukraine Aid to Fix Its Energy Infrastructure. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday from the NATO summit in Bucharest that the US and its allies have agreed to form a group to help repair Ukraine's energy infrastructure, which has been decimated by Russian missile and drone strikes. The State Department announced Tuesday that it would provide Ukraine with $53 million in …

David Sirota (2022-11-30). LEVER TIME: The Debt Ceiling Fight Is Already Brewing. In the new episode of our weekly podcast Lever Time, Andrew Perez sits down with Lindsay Owens, executive director of the progressive think tank Groundwork Collaborative, to talk about why the upcoming fight in Congress over the debt ceiling is so pivotal. Owens explains how inflation will play a role in the negotiations, and discusses whether or not President Joe Biden will allow the conflict to be used as an excuse to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits (7: 32).In addition, David Sirota is joined by comedy legend David Cross, known for his roles in Mr. Show and Arrested Development and one of the most sub…

Dean Baker (2022-11-30). Census and WaPo at Odds Over Effect of Inflation on Low-Income Families. It is getting almost as bad as propaganda from an authoritarian regime. We keep hearing major news outlets tell us that inflation is whacking lower-income families. The Washington Post did it yesterday in an editorial demanding more rate hikes from the Fed to throw people out of work. Lower-income people, like everyone else, are paying …

Dean Baker (2022-11-30). The Washington Post Tells Us Low Income Families Are Especially Hard Hit by Inflation but the Census Bureau Says Their Homeownership Rate is Up: Who to Believe? It is getting almost as bad as propaganda from an authoritarian regime. We keep hearing major news outlets tell us that inflation is whacking lower-income families. The Washington Post did it yesterday in an editorial demanding more rate hikes from the Fed to throw people out of work. Lower-income people, like everyone else, are paying …

Devin Thomas O'Shea (2022-11-30). Pruitt-Igoe: A Black community under the "atomic cloud" This story originally appeared in The true story of the Pruitt-Igoe Housing Complex may never be fully declassified. But what we do know is this: it involves the unlucky architect of the World Trade Center, a lost stockpile of a hundred thousand baby teeth, and mountains of recently disclosed U.S. Army records that describe secret radiological experiments conducted on unsuspecting citizens in Minneapolis, Winnipeg, and…

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2022-11-30). G20 Signs Declaration for International Vaccine Passport.

Dr. Naomi Wolf (2022-11-30). Thanksgiving in a Victim World. Resuming Our National Holidays After a Mass Violation.

____ (2022-11-30). China to tighten supervision of Covid testing firms amid public outcry over illegal activities. China's National Health Commission (NHC) vowed on Tuesday to continue stepping up supervision of nucleic acid testing firms and will severely punish illegal activities like giving false results, following some individual nucleic acid testing fraud cases that have attracted nationwide attention.

____ (2022-11-30). Baidu shifts into high gear on robotaxis with world's top service area. Chinese tech company Baidu Inc announced on Tuesday that it plans to scale up the operation area for its fully autonomous driving robotaxis and build the world's largest fully driverless ride-hailing service area in 2023.

____ (2022-11-30). Dutch chip producer faces U.S. sales pressure. The head of Europe's second-largest semiconductor equipment maker has accused the United States government of putting pressure on companies in friendly countries to help enact its tough export policies against China.

____ (2022-11-30). Parcel delivery still operating smoothly, postal authorities say. Although a small number of parcel delivery stations have been closed due to the latest COVID-19 outbreaks, China's parcel delivery network has been operating smoothly in general.

____ (2022-11-30). Shenzhou-14 and Shenzhou-15 crews meet at China Space Station. Shenzhou-14 and Shenzhou-15 taikonauts met at China's first space station Tiangong at 7: 33 a.m. on Wednesday, Beijing time, said China Manned Space Agency (CMSA).

____ (2022-11-30). 15 pilots obtain C919 Type Rating: CAAC. A total of 15 pilots, including COMAC flight instructors, obtained the C919 Type Rating after the China-made airplane completed related training specification test of the Flight Standardization Committee, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC).

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese tea processing techniques included in UNESCO heritage list. China's traditional tea processing techniques and associated social practices were added to the intangible cultural heritage list of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Tuesday.

____ (2022-11-30). Construction of two new high-speed railways in NW and E China begins. The Nantong-Ningbo high speed railway in east China and Xi'an-Yan'an high speed railway in northwest China began construction on Wednesday, according to the China Railway.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese official to head UN's top auditing body. Hou Kai, auditor general of the National Audit Office, will hold the chairmanship of the United Nations Board of Auditors for two years starting on Jan 1, the board decided at its 52nd special session held in Santiago, Chile, on Tuesday.

____ (2022-11-30). COVID strategies optimized. Authorities will accelerate the lifting of unnecessary restrictions put in place after the recent Omicron-fueled outbreaks to reduce the disease control strategies' economic fallout and other resulting "inconveniences".

____ (2022-11-30). HK DOJ seeks to delay trial of Apple Daily boss. Hong Kong's Department of Justice on Tuesday applied to postpone the trial of Jimmy Lai Chee-ying's national security case.

____ (2022-11-30). China to further boost COVID-19 vaccination among elderly. The Chinese government has released a work plan to ramp up vaccination among its elderly population to protect this vulnerable group against COVID-19.

____ (2022-11-30). Measures lift stock, currency markets. The Chinese stock and currency markets rebounded strongly on Tuesday amid more supportive measures and government policies.

____ (2022-11-30). Chongqing inspects nucleic acid testing labs. Chongqing has been conducting a special law enforcement inspection on 16 private nucleic acid testing agencies in the central urban area recently to ensure the quality of mass testing, local officials said at a daily briefing on Monday evening.

____ (2022-11-30). China's manufacturing PMI down in November. The purchasing managers' index (PMI) for China's manufacturing sector came in at 48 in November, down from 49.2 in October, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Wednesday.

____ (2022-11-30). China's non-manufacturing PMI down in November. The purchasing managers' index (PMI) for China's non-manufacturing sector came in at 46.7 in November, down from 48.7 in October, the National Bureau of Statistics said Wednesday.

____ (2022-11-30). China-built Jakarta-Bandung HSR sees landmark progress. With a 900-metric-ton beam being safely positioned along the No 24 Bridge on the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway on Oct 16, all the box beams on the line had been successfully installed, meaning that track-laying work can begin.

____ (2022-11-30). Nation's foreign trade on healthy track. China's foreign trade recorded steady progress during the January-October period, with both imports and exports hitting record highs.

____ (2022-11-30). Members of U.S. far-right group found guilty of seditious conspiracy in Capitol riot. Stewart Rhodes and his associate Kelly Meggs were found guilty by a jury on Tuesday of seditious conspiracy and other charges for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

____ (2022-11-30). China sees 191 million underage internet users: report. The number of underage internet users in China hit 191 million in 2021, leading to an internet penetration rate of 96.8 percent among Chinese minors, according to a report released on Wednesday.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese court affirms Lao Rongzhi death sentence. A Chinese court Wednesday upheld the death sentence for Lao Rongzhi, a woman who was convicted of murder, robbery and abduction.

____ (2022-11-30). China's digital industry clusters power growth. China's digital industry clusters have gained momentum as the country's digital economy continues its rapid growth.

____ (2022-11-30). Cross-border e-commerce surges tenfold. The cross-border e-commerce trade has become an important tool to stabilize foreign trade and promote consumption thanks to such advantages as online transaction, contactless delivery and short transaction chain.

____ (2022-11-30). China to enforce new law on fighting telecom, online fraud. China will from Thursday enforce a new law on fighting telecom and online fraud as part of efforts to build an industry-wide and whole-of-society system to prevent and combat such crimes.

____ (2022-11-30). Fujian sees 13.2 pct trade growth with ASEAN. Trade volume between east China's Fujian Province with members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) reached 340.29 billion yuan (about 47.41 billion U.S. dollars) in the first ten months of 2022, up 13.2 percent year on year.

____ (2022-11-30). Announcement by Comrade Jiang Zemin's Funeral Committee (No. 1). To express the incomparable esteem and profound mourning of the whole Party, the entire military and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups for Comrade Jiang Zemin, it has been decided:…

____ (2022-11-30). Comrade Jiang Zemin's funeral committee formed. A funeral committee for Comrade Jiang Zemin, who passed away on Wednesday, has been formed, with Xi Jinping as its chairman.

____ (2022-11-30). Juvenile netizens in China exceed 190 mln by 2021: report. China had more than 190 million internet users aged under 18 by the end of 2021, accounting for 96.8 percent of the country's total juveniles, according to a report on China's internet use among juveniles.

____ (2022-11-30). China-U.S. relations are always important to the world: Indian scholar. To International observers, the China-U.S. relationship is deemed one of the world's most important bilateral relationships. Recently, on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, Chinese President Xi Jinping held face-to-face talks with U.S. President Joe Biden, with their meeting drawing global attention.

____ (2022-11-30). U.S. warship tracked after entering Chinese waters. The Chinese military has been monitoring a U.S. guided-missile cruiser that illegally entered Chinese waters near the Nansha Islands on Tuesday morning, a spokesman from the People's Liberation Army said.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese envoy calls for preservation of Syria's sovereignty, territorial integrity. A Chinese envoy on Tuesday called for efforts to preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria.

____ (2022-11-30). Xi sends congratulations to UN meeting marking Int'l Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People. Chinese President Xi Jinping extended congratulations to a UN meeting held on Tuesday to commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

____ (2022-11-30). China is the world's fastest country in improving air quality: report. China has become the world's fastest country in improving air quality with a dramatic drop in the emissions intensity of major pollutants and carbon, said an environmental NGO report.

____ (2022-11-30). Rare Royal Turtle with severely fractured shell rescued in Cambodia. A fisherman living along the Sre Ambel River in southwest Cambodia's Koh Kong province has recently spotted a nearly extinct Royal Turtle with a severely fractured shell, a conservationist group said on Tuesday.

____ (2022-11-30). Cold waves sweep most part of China. China on Tuesday continued to issue an orange alert for a cold wave, forecasting big temperature drops and gales in vast regions.

____ (2022-11-30). Chinese-made FPSO device delivered in Qingdao. The 118-meter-tall Penguins FPSO weighing 32,000 metric tons made by the Offshore Oil Engineering Co., Ltd. was successfully delivered on Tuesday.

____ (2022-11-30). Shenzhou-15 crews meet with another taikonaut trio at Tiangong space station. The three astronauts aboard China's Shenzhou-15 spaceship entered the country's space station and met with another astronaut trio on Wednesday, a historic gathering that added the manpower at the in-orbit space lab to six for the first time.

____ (2022-11-30). Bohemian waxwing captured in Inner Mongolia. Bohemian waxwing is a species of migratory birds. It mostly feeds on insects and fruits during the breeding season.

____ (2022-11-30). Dunhuang embraces first snow in 2022 winter. Snow scenery of Mingsha Mountain and Crescent Spring scenic spot in Dunhuang City, northwest China's Gansu Province, Nov. 27, 2022. Dunhuang embraced its first snow of this winter on Sunday.

____ (2022-11-30). Suwalong Hydropower put into operation in Sichuan. Photo taken on Nov. 30, 2022 shows the Suwalong Hydropower station at the upstream of the Jinshajiang River at the intersection of the Mangkam County of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region and the Batang County of southwest China's Sichuan Province.

____ (2022-11-30). MOFA refutes Sunak's accusations against China, denying alleged assault of BBC journalist. On the night of November 27, to maintain public order, local police in Shanghai asked people who had gathered at a crossroads to leave. One of those at the scene is a resident journalist from the BBC.

____ (2022-11-30). China remains source of driving force for global prosperity and development. In the face of complex and challenging situation both at home and abroad, the fundamentals sustaining China's steady and sound economic growth in the long run remain unchanged and China remains a source of driving force for global prosperity and development.‚ÄÇ‚ÄÇ…

____ (2022-11-30). (100 great changes) China's aerospace shifts from follower to world leader. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has made fruitful achievements in aerospace, shifting from "following" others to "leading" the world in some aspects.

____ (2022-11-30). (100 great changes) 'Dual-Olympic City' beams with glamour. This is the ancient capital of Beijing. From "One World, One Dream" in 2008 to "Together for a Shared Future" in 2022, the two convergences of the Olympic Games and Oriental civilization have made Beijing the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.

Editor (2022-11-30). 'Holy Land Foundation 5' are victims of America's unjust persecution of Palestinians. The case against the "Holy Land 5" led to the wrongful conviction and unjust long-term imprisonment of five highly respected Palestinian men. Three of them, Mufid Abdulqader, Ghassan Elashi, and Shukri Abu Baker, remain imprisoned today.

Editor (2022-11-30). U.S. commits to reignite space race during new Cold War vs. China, Russia. Artemis I is a dry run for the return to the moon, a test of the new Space Launch System rocket and Orion capsule that will bring astronauts into lunar orbit on Artemis II and onto the surface on Artemis III.

Editor (2022-11-30). Zero-Covid and the China protests: look at the bigger picture. Ever since the world's first Covid outbreak in Wuhan, the virus has been used as a stick to beat China.

Editor (2022-11-30). Biden's Student Debt Relief Program Is Now in the Hands of the Supreme Court. By Marjorie Cohn / Truthout More than 40 million lower-income people burdened with student loans are still waiting for clarity about how much they will owe and when their next payments will be due, as the Supreme Court decides if it will rule on whether to allow President Joe Biden's student debt relief program to …

Editor (2022-11-30). Could China Help Brazil To Overcome Its Economic Crisis? The economic partnership between Brazil and China, which has advanced greatly in the last two decades, may be one of the keys to reversing the crisis that Brazil faces. But some challenges will need to be faced with diplomacy and strategic planning.

Editor (2022-11-30). Inequality and Dishonesty Will Kill Democracy. By Jim Mamer / Original to ScheerPost On November 2, 2022, less than a week before the recent national election, President Biden delivered a speech warning against voter intimidation, political violence and threats to democracy. He also added that those who question the results of any election they lose are attempting to "subvert the electoral …

Editor (2022-11-30). Israeli Forces Kill Four Palestinians in Occupied West Bank, Including Two Brothers. The three Palestinians killed overnight were identified as Jawad Rimawi, 22, Thafer Rimawi, 21, and Mufid Ikhlayel, 44. A fourth Palestinian was killed later on Tuesday morning after carrying out a car-ramming that left one Israeli wounded.

Editor (2022-11-30). New York Times Fails To See Its Own Hypocritical Practices. In a long and detailed Twitter thread, Scott Hechinger dives into the malpractices of the New York Times when it comes to reporting on certain criminal justice elements.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Relying on domestic potentials to yield independence. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri said that relying upon the high potential and capabilities will result in independence and self-sufficiency of the country.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iranian oil ministry opens office in Iraq. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The Iranian oil ministry's office in Iraq was opened in the capital of the neighboring country on Tuesday, an Iranian oil official said.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran's foreign trade hit $69 bn in 8 months. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Iran's exports stood at 70.4 million worth $32.36 billion, registering a 16% decline in terms of weight, but a 4.44% rise in value during the eight months to Nov. 21.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Goods transited from W Iran up four-fold: official. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Commodities transited from Customs of Iran's Kermanshah have seen a four-fold hike during 8 months, according to a provincial customs official.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). S. African envoy urges boosting trade ties. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — South African Ambassador in Tehran has called for further boosting bilateral relations in the trade sphere with Iran.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iranian envoy holds talks with Syrian deputy FM. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Iranian envoy to Syria met and held talks with the Syrian deputy foreign minister Iman Susan.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Sana'a gov. warns enemies about continuation of agrression. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — In a statement on Tuesday, Yemeni officials warned the country's enemies over Sana'a determination to destroy them in the future war.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran, Bangladesh eager to cooperate on pilgrimage. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Iran and Bangladesh welcome the expansion of cooperation in Hajj and pilgrimage areas.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran's Army Navy focuses on developing maritime diplomacy. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The Commander of Iran Army Navy Rear Admiral Shahram Irani said that the development of maritime diplomacy is one of the main programs of Iran Army Navy Force which will be followed up op seriously this year.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). US national team forward Timothy Weah praises Team Melli. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — United States national football team forward Timothy Weah has sent a message on social media praising Iran's team in the 2022 World Cup.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran deserved at least a draw against US. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Iran coach Carlos Queiroz said Team Melli deserved at least a draw against the American squad after their 1-0 defeat on Tuesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran received ‚Ǩ1.6bn of Iraq's arrears for gas export. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Iranian Minister of Oil Javad Owji said that Iran has received about ‚Ǩ1.6 billion of Iraq's arrears related to its gas export.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). VIDEO: Massive fire hits building in Iraq's Kirkuk. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The footage shows a massive fire broke out in a large building on one of the major streets of Kirkuk, Iraq.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). 12m tons of Russian goods to transit via Iran to India. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Following India's External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar's visit to Moscow in November, Russia and Iran have agreed to allow the passage of 12 million tons of Russian goods via Tehran.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). PKK senior member killed in northern Iraq: Turkey. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Turkish intelligence forces neutralized a senior PKK terrorist in northern Iraq, security sources said on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Stop arming Kiev otherwise no talks, Zakharova warns US. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Russia is not going to discuss the New START Treaty with the United States as long as Washington keeps arming Ukraine, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Major fire in Russian thermal power plant leaves 2 injured. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The roof of a department at a thermal power plant in Perm in Russia's Urals is on fire, an emergencies official told news media on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). World Cup shows how world hates Israel, supports Palestine. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kan'ani condemned the recent atrocities by the Zionist Israeli regime against Palestinians in West Bank, adding the Qatar World Cup shows how the world despises the apartheid regime.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). At least 35 killed in religious school blast in Afghanistan. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — At least 35 people were killed and 23 suffered injuries in a blast that hit a religious school in the Samangan province in northern Afghanistan on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). West seeking securitization of Iran case, says MP. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — Member of the Iranian Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Committee said that the West by raising the issue of human rights parallel to the nuclear issue in the IAEA is seeking securitization of the Iranian case.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Raeisi stresses meeting nurses needs on their national day. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi commemorated National Nurses' Day on Wednesday and said that the nurses' efforts and sincere services must be appreciated and compensated for by the government.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran's trade with Africa surpasses $990 mn in 7 months. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — Trade between Iran and African countries reached 1.89 million tons worth $992.77 million during the first seven months of the current Iranian year (March 21-Oct. 22).

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran, Turkmenistan discuss developing energy cooperation. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The Iranian energy minister on Wednesday met the president of Turkmenistan in Ashgabat during his visit to the Asia Pacific country.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Azerbaijani, Russian FMs to meet in Moscow. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov will meet with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov on December 5 in Moscow, Spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iraqi PM visits holy Iranian city of Mashhad. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — On a visit to Iran, Iraqi prime minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani visited the holy city of Mashhad to pay a pilgrimage visit to the holy shrine of 8th Shia Imam, Reza (AS) on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Russia to focus on nuclear arms infrastructure in 2023. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Russia will pay special attention to building infrastructure for its nuclear forces in 2023, Russia's Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Letter bomb explodes in Ukrainian embassy in Madrid. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — A letter bomb exploded in the Ukrainian embassy in Madrid on Wednesday, a police source said.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). 13-year-old Palestinian martyred by Zionist forces in Negev. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Palestinian sources on Wednesday evening announced that a Palestinian child was martyred after sustaining severe injuries from a shot by the Zionist regime's forces.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). EU chief's comment on Ukrainian military losses retracted. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Ursula von der Leyen had earlier said around 100,000 Kiev troops had been killed to date.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Hungarian FM warns NATO against turning into anti-China Bloc. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto warned NATO against turning into an anti-China bloc as the global security situation is already tense.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). ISIL says its chieftain killed, appoints successor. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The leader of the terrorist ISIL group Abu al-Hassan al-Hashemi al-Quraishi was killed, the group's spokesman said on an audio…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). 5.7 magnitude earthquake strikes Hormozgan province in S Iran. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — A 5.7-magnitude earthquake shook the ground around Kong, in the southern Iranian province of Hormozgan on Wednesday afternoon.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Story of Team Melli in 2022 World Cup. TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) — By gaining three points, scoring four goals, and receiving seven goals in total, Team Melli said goodbye to the 2022 World Cup and could not advance to the knockout round.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran summons French envoy over foreign minister remarks. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The French ambassador to Tehran was summoned by the Iranian foreign ministry on Wednesday to lodge a protest over the anti-Iran remarks by the French foreign minister.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Australia shock Denmark to qualify for next World Cup stage. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Australia reached the World Cup last 16 for the first time since 2006 after Mathew Leckie earned them a gritty 1-0 upset win over Denmark in their final Group D match on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Spectator runs onto pitch in Wed. match with Palestinian flag. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — A supporter wearing a Tunisia shirt and holding a Palestinian flag ran on to the pitch at Education Stadium during the second half of the World Cup Group D game between Tunisia and France on Wednesday.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iran's Mahalat home to red willow tree. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Mahalat country in the Markazi Province of Iran is home to the red willow trees. As a natural resource, this kind of tree plays an important role in the local economy.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-30). Iraqi premier's visit to Imam Reza holy shrine. MASHHAD, Nov. 30 (MNA) — On a visit to Iran, Iraqi prime minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani visited the holy city of Mashhad to pay a pilgrimage visit to the holy shrine of 8th Shia Imam, Reza (AS) on Wednesday.

Fabio G.C. Carisio (2022-11-30). American Armaments Sales in Europe Booming, Thanks to the War in Ukraine: "US Colony After NATO Coup"

Fight Back (2022-11-30). Biden: Hands off rail workers and their right to strike! On Monday, President Joe Biden publicly called on Congress to force union rail workers to accept the sub-par contract terms he helped craft. This is shameless union busting and pre-emptive strike breaking on behalf of the billionaire railroad bosses. | The members of four unions representing the majority of rail workers already voted down the contract terms negotiated by President Biden and Labor Secretary Marty Walsh. The Biden deal was widely criticized by the rank and file because it does not include any paid sick days – a basic right in most countries, and a sticking point for rail workers. | The votes to rej…

Frances Kuo (2022-11-30). How one small business creates sustainable jewelry. Sara Patino has made a name for her company by using only sustainable materials.

Frank Cappello (2022-11-30). LEVER TIME PREMIUM: How The Fossil Fuel Industry Lied For Decades. Read the full story: | Sign up now to read the full story and get access to all paid posts. | Already have an account? |

Free West Media (2022-11-30). Dutch Government to Close Down 3000 Farms.

Freedom Socialist Party Bay Area (2022-11-30). Sunday 12/11: Conversation with an Australian Feminist: Fight the Far Right to Win Reproductive Justice. New Valencia Hall | 747 Polk St (@ Ellis), SF | (7 blocks from Civic Center BART, on/near #5, 19, 27, 31, 38 Muni bus lines) | Also online (REGISTER:…

Gerald Tan (2022-11-30). Sustainability in the U.S. food industry. CGTN's Gerald Tan sat down with two industry professionals in Denver to discuss what sustainability means for the U.S. food industry.

Global Research News (2022-11-30). Selected Articles: Pfizer CEO, Who Said Online "Misinformation" Is Criminal, Is Found Guilty of "Misleading" Vaccine Statements.

Global Research (2022-11-30). "The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d'Etat Against Humanity" by Michel Chossudovsky. Book Launch.

Guochen Liu, Yanling Feng, Jing Li, Ting Deng, Aijun Yin, Lei Yan, Min Zheng, Ying Xiong, Jundong Li, Yongwen Huang, Chuyao Zhang, He Huang, Ting Wan, Qidan Huang, An Lin, Jie Jiang, Beihua Kong, Jihong Liu (2022-11-30). [Articles] A novel combination of niraparib and anlotinib in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer: Efficacy and safety results from the phase II, multi-center ANNIE study. Niraparib plus anlotinib showed promising antitumour activity in patients with PROC. This oral combination warrants further investigation as a potential novel, convenient treatment option for patients with PROC.

Hannah Story Brown (2022-11-30). Shame on "Union Joe" Biden for Not Siding With Railway Workers. If rail workers are so important to our economy that a single week of striking could cost the economy $1 billion, and if their demands are so modest that any decent employer would easily exceed them, then meeting their demands seems like the obvious solution.

Higher Education Action Team HEAT CCSF (2022-11-30). CCSF HEAT Supports 48,000 Striking UC UAW Education Workers. Higher Education Action Team's statement on support for 48,000 striking UC UAW members.

Ian MacDougall (2022-11-30). What's really at stake in a politically charged Supreme Court case on elections. Moore v. Harper could transform the law—but not in the way that many pundits, or even politicians, anticipate. (2022-11-30). Imperial and NTU Singapore form wide-ranging partnership to expand collaboration. Imperial and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have formed a wide-ranging partnership in research, education, innovation and enterprise.

Infobrics (2022-11-30). Lula's Re-Election in Brazil Augurs Well for Brics Expansion. President is likely to call for more South American countries and others to be brought in…

Infobrics (2022-11-30). Are We Seeing the Return of a Multipolar World. It would be a mistake to overestimate the extent to which the world is multipolar or the certainty of such a moment arriving…

Infobrics (2022-11-30). Chinese Refiners Seek More Russian Oil. State firms ask for assistance from Beijing ahead of EU sanctions…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-30). At Stake in Ukraine Is the Future of Globalized Capitalism. Samir Saul and Michel Seymour Photo by Dmytro Smolienko/Ukraine Territorial Defense Forces/Twitter Ukraine is only one front in an all-round confrontation The far-reaching war in Ukraine is only one phase of a world-wide conflict that began earlier. In international relations, the driving forces are often obscured by surface occurrences, such as immediate military events and the din…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-30). Returning to the Path of UNASUR: Proposal for a Transition Agenda. Pedro Sassone The UNASUR headquarters in Quito, Ecuador This proposal responds to the call made by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro Moros to "retake UNASUR", as he stated in declarations to the press; it is also part of the development of a research work on the geopolitical vision of Commander…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-30). "Rules Based Order": The Mantra of US Propaganda. Luciano Lago Every day, more fires of war are being created around the world, from Iran to the Caucasus to Ethiopia to Yemen, where the hegemonic superpower seeks to sow chaos to destabilize and overthrow governments and regimes that do not conform to its rules, fomenting riots and civil wars. Meanwhile in Ukraine the conflict…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-30). The Coming Wave of Revolutions Have No Place for America's Imperialism-Compatible Left. Rainer Shea There's an incurable detachment between the reality of the global class struggle, and the illusory view of the world that America's "left" is always going to cling to. Therefore for revolution to come to the imperial center, the class struggle here will need to be guided by something other than its current default…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-30). The Crisis of Western Imperialism and the Imperative of War and Repression.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-30). Worthy and Unworthy Protest. Margaret Kimberley Protesters at 2021 Kill the Bill march in London (Photo: Extinction Rebellion) Protesters in some nations are celebrated. Others are ignored. Protest is a human right to be respected but instead can be used as a pretext for nefarious motives such as regime change. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is on…

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-11-30). Study: Young Black Men Are Now Dying 10 Times More Than Average American From Guns. A newly released study found gun deaths have reached a 28-year high and the homicide rate of young Black men is now ten times that of the overall death by firearm rate in America. The study was published on Tuesday, Nov. 29, in JAMA Network Open, a new online-only open-access general medical journal. Researchers reviewed 1.1 million …

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-11-30). John Legend is Helping Build A Library In Louisiana State Penitentiary: Here Is How You Can Help. "Reading is fundamental" and "Education is the great equalizer" are well-known adages that speak to the transformative power of literacy. It's why mega-star John Legend is asking others to join him in funding a library at the Louisiana State Penitentiary. "I am supporting @million_book with @letsfreeamerica to fund a library at the Louisiana State Penitentiary …

James W. McConnell (2022-11-30). Russia's Winter Offensive and NATO's Response.

Jason Ditz (2022-11-30). Kurdish SDF Asks Russia to Mediate Security Deal With Syria. With Turkish officials talking up another imminent invasion of northern Syria, the Kurdish SDF are keen to negotiate a more formal alliance with the Assad government. They are Turkey's invasions are aimed in part at curbing Kurdish autonomy, and propping up rebels they believe would be better for Turkish interests. The SDF has allied with the US in the past. | Kurdish hopes the US would put a stop to Turkish attacks haven't amounted to anything, however. That and US hostility toward Assad seems to have convinced many that Russ…

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2022-11-30). Why Does U.S. Navy Allow Officers to Commit Gory Murders and Other Atrocities with Impunity? And even more disturbingly, why are the men who commit these crimes revered in American popular culture? "The thrill of killing [is] like a drug; the greatest feeling I've ever experienced in my life." — Eddie Penney, Navy SEAL Team 6.[1] In January 2012, Chris Kyle's book American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal …

Jessica Corbett (2022-11-30). 'Egregious': PFAS Firefighting Foam Spills at Notorious Red Hill Naval Facility in Hawaii. While officials said there is no evidence that drinking water was contaminated, the incident generated further local frustration with the closing fuel storage complex.

Jessica Corbett (2022-11-30). Rights Groups Rip NYC Mayor Over Forced Hospitalizations for Mental Illness. "Forcing people into treatment is a failed strategy," said the head of the NYCLU. "With no real plan for housing, services, or supports, the administration is choosing handcuffs and coercion."

Jim Hightower (2022-11-30). The Defrocking of Saint Ron DeSantis. Breaking news: After years of failed Republican efforts to uncover any proof of widespread voter fraud by Democrats, Republican Governor Ron "Tough Guy" DeSantis of Florida found not one, but 20 ineligible people casting ballots. | Like Donald Trump and a gaggle of other GOP governors, DeSantis has used the phony bugaboo of an illegal voting epidemic as a political ploy to keep true believers believing. They spend millions of taxpayer dollars on partisan wild goose chases — DeSantis even created a new police bureaucracy, the "Office of Election Crimes," to snoop on voters. | It was all just silly political…

Jim Hightower (2022-11-30). The GOP's Absurd and Cynical Hunt for Non-Existent Election Fraudsters. Republicans like Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida reached a new level of political degradation this year by literally gamifying their obsession with nonexistent voter fraud.

Jim Hightower (2022-11-30). The GOP's Absurd, Disingenuous Hunt for Non-Existent Election Fraudsters. Republicans like Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida reached a new level of political degradation this year by literally gamifying their obsession with nonexistent voter fraud.

Jim McMahan (2022-11-30). Mushroom workers keep up the fight. Seattle Workers from Ostrom Mushroom Farms traveled 200 miles from Sunnyside, Washington, to picket the Metropolitan Market in Seattle on Nov. 20. The workers demanded the upscale Metro Market support them in their struggle for union recognition of the United Farm Workers. They asked that the Market communicate this commitment . . . |

Jim Spellman (2022-11-30). U.S. House votes to block potential rail strike. U.S. House votes 290-137 and passed legislation Wednesday to block potential rail strike. See the latest.

Joe Lauria (2022-11-30). Media Serve the Governors, Not the Governed. By Joe Lauria Nov 24, 2022 | [Joe Lauria gave the original version of this speech at a rally for Julian Assange in Sydney on March 3, 2019. The video of the speech can be watched In his 1971 opinion in the Pentagon Papers case, US Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black wrote: | In the First Amendment the Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. The press was to serve the governed, not the governors. The Government's power to censor the press was…

John Feffer (2022-11-30). What Climate Debt Does the North Owe the South? To keep the planet from overheating, there's just so much more carbon that humans can pump into the atmosphere. From the onset of the Industrial Revolution until today, humanity has used up approximately Equ…

John Wojcik (2022-11-30). Pro-labor lawmakers move to add sick days to Railway Deal. WASHINGTON URGENT UPDATE: Contact your senator By a 221-207 vote, the House this afternoon put the Senate, President Biden, and freight railroads all on the spot, adding seven days of paid sick leave to a previously passed freight railroad contract. Three Republicans joined all 218 Democrats in voting for paid sick days. Rail workers and …

Jon Queally (2022-11-30). 'Put Up or Shut Up,' Says Sanders as Progressives Move to Add 7 Sick Days to Railway Deal. "If you can't vote for this," said the independent Vermont senator, "don't tell anybody that you stand with working families."

Jorge Majfud (2022-11-30). In the Cynicalnewsauthor"> of "Freedom," DeSantis Puts Academia Under Attack. A specialty of the so-called "champions of freedom" is to prohibit everything that does not suit their interests.

José David Delgado (2022-11-30). Colombia Appoints New Diplomats in Venezuela.

José David Delgado (2022-11-30). Colombia Celebrates the Return of Diplomats to Venezuela.

Julia Conley (2022-11-30). Progressives Say Congress Must Raise Debt Limit Now to Protect Social Programs. Progressives on Wednesday warned that time is running out for Democratic leaders to take Republicans at their word regarding slashes to social safety net programs, as U.S. Sen. John Thune indicated the GOP will use a potential fight over the debt ceiling next year as leverage to push cuts — unless the Democrats act now to raise the debt limit while they still control the Senate and House. Thune (R… |

Julia Conley (2022-11-30). DeSantis-Backed Education Purge Begins After School Board Takeovers in Florida. "The new playbook of total ideological control is in full swing," said one free expression advocate.

Julia Conley (2022-11-30). Lame-Duck Dems Must Lift Debt Limit, Advocates Say as GOP Doubles Down on Social Security Threats. "Democrats must do whatever it takes to defeat Republican attacks on our earned Social Security benefits," said one advocate. "That means raising the debt ceiling this year, before Republicans take control of the House."

Keean Bexte (2022-11-30). Hypocrite Trudeau Supports Chinese COVID Protests But Not Canadian ones.

Kenny Stancil (2022-11-30). Democrats, Progressive Groups Push DOJ to Publish Database of 'Corporate Lawbreaking'. "The Corporate Crime Database Act will bring transparency to the corporate crime crisis so that the DOJ and other law enforcement agencies can better reckon with this greed-driven menace," said one advocate.

Kenny Stancil (2022-11-30). 'Finally, Some Justice': Fracking Company to Pay Millions for Poisoning Town's Water. "This case proves once and for all that drilling and fracking contaminated our drinking water," said one Dimock, Pennsylvania resident.

Kenny Stancil (2022-11-30). House Passes Paid Sick Leave for Railway Workers Despite Opposition of 207 Republicans. "Now let's get it through the Senate," said Rep. Jamaal Bowman, who led the fight to add seven days of paid sick leave to a White House-brokered contract that failed to provide any to railroad workers.

Kerry Smith (2022-11-30). Refugees demand Labor grants them permanent visas, as promised. Refugees and their supporters converged on Parliament to demand the federal government act on its promise to give 19,000 refugees permanent visas. Kerry Smith reports.

Khalil Bendib (2022-11-30). Hate Speech, Freed at Last.

Kyle Anzalone (2022-11-30). White House Considering Transferring Patriot Missiles to Ukraine, Kremlin Threatens Response.

Manager (2022-11-30). Escobari and Hoover's "Difference Estimates" Are Driven by Geography — Not by "Fraud" This is the eighth in a series of blog posts addressing a report by Diego Escobari and Gary Hoover covering the 2019 presidential election in Bolivia. Their conclusions do not hold up to scrutiny, as we observe in our report Nickels Before Dimes. Here, we expand upon various claims and conclusions that Escobari and Hoover …

Marc Vandepitte (2022-11-30). High Fuel Prices Likely to Kill More Europeans Than Fighting in Ukraine. The Economist.

Maria Parazo Rose (2022-11-30). Biden administration proposes new rule targeting methane emissions on indigenous land. The Bureau of Land Management proposed a new rule Monday that aims to reduce wasted natural gas on federal and Tribal lands which will help tamp down methane releases. By preventing billions of cubic feet of natural gas emissions that come from unintentional equipment leaks or deliberate venting and flaring, the federal government hopes to curb the …

Mark Gruenberg (2022-11-30). Pro-Warnock union campaigners get positive reception in Georgia. SANDY SPRINGS, Ga.—When Raquel Mogollon knocked on the door of a large house in the upscale Atlanta suburb of Sandy Springs, Ga., she got a welcome surprise. Mogollon was going house-to-house—mansion to mansion is more like it, she says—in the progressive and integrated community, seeking and confirming supporters for Sen. Raphael Warnock (D) in his …

Mark Gruenberg (2022-11-30). Republican presidential wannabe Pompeo uses teachers, Weingarten as punching bag. WASHINGTON—How do you know the presidential campaign season is upon us? When a right-wing presidential hopeful, Mike Pompeo, uses U.S. teachers, in general, and Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten, in particular, as a punching bag to harvest votes. Left unsaid is that Pompeo, former Oval Office occupant Donald Trump's last Secretary of State, is catering …

Mark Taliano (2022-11-30). The West Seeks War, Not Peace.

Martin Hart-Landsberg (2022-11-30). Recession alert: we need a new unemployment insurance system. With the Federal Reserve pushing up interest rates, we appear headed for a new recession.

Mary Clare Jalonick (2022-11-30). Historic same-sex marriage bill wins Senate passage. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate passed bipartisan legislation Tuesday to protect same-sex marriages, an extraordinary sign of shifting national politics on the issue and a measure of relief for the hundreds of thousands of same-sex couples who have married since the Supreme Court's 2015 decision that legalized gay marriage nationwide. The bill, which would ensure …

Maryanne Demasi (2022-11-30). British Medical Journal: "COVID-19 Vaccines and Drugs Were Developed at "Warp Speed""

Misión Verdad (2022-11-30). Myths About Chinese 'Police State' and Recent Protests Over COVID-19 Measures. The recent protests against government measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 infections in China cover the headlines of mainstream Western media. Given the rarity of the event, the opportunity to promote anti-China propaganda was obviously not going to be passed up. | The BBC, for example, argued that the protests are actually more against Xi Jinping's repressive communist government rather than the sanitary measures. What followed was to be expected: a romanticizing of the brave protesters standing up to the "monster" of the Chinese state. | "Across the country, 'want freedom' has become a rallying cry for a g…

Morning Star (2022-11-30). Russia and U.S. repeatedly on the verge of a prisoner exchange. Russia and the United States have repeatedly been on the verge of an agreement on a prisoner exchange, a senior Russian diplomat said on Tuesday. The White House has reportedly been trying to negotiate the exchange of Women's National Basketball Association star Brittney Griner and corporate security executive Paul Whelan for Viktor Bout, a Russian …

Nitza Soledad Perez (2022-11-30). Hurricane season in Florida. See how hurricane season hits Florida this year.

Owen Fairclough (2022-11-30). Global economic year-end review. Inflation engulfed much of the global economy in 2022. See what the summary of the global economy is this year.

Paul Craig Roberts (2022-11-30). The economic outlook is just another manipulation. As some readers have remarked in their messages to me, I ceased a while back my monthly reports on the Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs reports and inflation rate. The reason is that the numbers are not good enough to be able to discern what is the actual state of the economy. Yet every new number is treated with attention by the financial presstitutes. | The reports in the financial media make no sense. We hear simultaneously that consumer confidence is high but that a number of large firms are laying off 10,000 employees each, that credit card debt is reaching new highs, that housing prices are falling, but empl…

Paul Oboohov (2022-11-30). IPAN conference examines the US-Australia military alliance. The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network's annual conference criticised federal Labor for failing to pursue an independent foreign policy. Paul Oboohov reports.

Peter Boyle (2022-11-30). Well-paid Reserve Bank chief demands we sacrifice. Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe apologised to those who took out home loans on the basis of his promise not to raise interest rates. But he had no apology for wage earners trying to make ends meet amid sharply rising prices. Peter Boyle reports.

Peter Boyle (2022-11-30). PSM's Jeyakumar on challenges for the Malaysia's new 'govt of national unity'. Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj from the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) spoke to Peter Boyle about the challenges for Malaysia's newly formed "government of national unity'" headed by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim from the Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope).

Peter Boyle (2022-11-30). Video: PSM's Jeyakumar on challenges for the Malaysia's new 'govt of national unity'. Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj from the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) spoke to Peter Boyle about the challenges for Malaysia's newly formed "government of national unity'" headed by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim from the Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope).

Peter Boyle (2022-11-30). Video: Socialist Party of Malaysia on challenges for the new 'government of national unity'. Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj from the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) discusses the challenges for Malaysia's newly formed "government of national unity", headed by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim from the Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope).

Peter Certo (2022-11-30). In OtherWords: November 30, 2022. From Thanksgiving to Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Years, the holiday season can be a painful time for all families who've lost loved ones. | This year alone,

Prof. Sam Ben-Meir (2022-11-30). Culture and the Arts: 'King Pleasure' Lives Up to Itsnewsauthor">. Jean-Michel Basquiat.

Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights (2022-11-30). Thursday 12/1: Protest: Legal Abortion Nationwide! The Overturning of Abortion Rights Was Illegitimate. Philip Burton Federal Courthouse 450 Golden Gate, San Francisco, CA 940012…

Robert S. Becker (2022-11-30). Blessings and curses of a losing Trump finale: A boon to Democrats could hurt the country, if not mankind. It's not clear whether benighted, garden-variety Republicanism (or Democratism) is a better stimulant for Progressive politics vs. another vapid, sensationalized, chaotic Trump circus stunt.

Rosalind English (2022-11-30). The Weekly Round-up: Scottish independence referendum, retained EU law and social media. In the News… The Supreme Court has ruled unanimously that the Scottish parliament does not have the power to pass legislation that would allow for a second referendum on Scottish independence. Such legislation, the Supreme Court found, would touch on 'reserved matters', that is, matters affecting the United Kingdom as a whole. The Scottish government unsuccessfully argued …

San Francisco Public Library (2022-11-30). Saturday 12/3: Facing Life: Pendarvis Harshaw & Brandon Tauszik in Conversation. San Francisco Main Library | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

San Francisco Public Library (2022-11-30). Sunday 12/4: Film: He Had Wings and Panel Discussion. San Francisco Main Library | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

San Francisco Public Library (2022-11-30). Sunday 12/11: Author: Sara Kruzan and Cori Thomas, I Cried to Dream Again. San Francisco Main Library | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

Scorinoco (2022-11-30). The Future of China-Cuba Economic Relations. By Alessandro Golombiewski Teixeira Nov 25, 2022 | Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermudez embarked on a two-day visit to China at the invitation of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Díaz-Canel is the first head of state from Latin America and the Caribbean region to visit China after the 20th CPC National Congress. It's important to highlight that this visit carries more than a traditional friendship visit between two comrades and leaders of the communist parties. The Cuba-China relationship goes beyond good friends and good c…

Scott Ritter (2022-11-30). Scott Ritter Ukraine Russia War Update 11-30-22.

Sharon Zhang (2022-11-30). High-Ranking Senate Republican Reveals GOP Plan to Slash Social Security. The GOP is preparing to use next year's debt limit talks to potentially hold the economy hostage in order to slash crucial anti-poverty programs like Social Security, according to a new interview with the Senate's second ranking Republican. Sen. John Thune (R-South Dakota) said that slashing such programs would be a "solution" to the national debt — an issue that Republicans only bring up in… |

Sharon Zhang (2022-11-30). House Passes Rail Contract With 7 Days Paid Sick Leave in Win for Workers. In a win for workers, the House passed a resolution on Wednesday to force the adoption of a railroad labor contract with, crucially, the inclusion of a hard-fought amendment for seven days of paid sick leave for rail workers. The resolution advanced with a 290 to 137 vote, while the amendment providing sick leave passed largely on party lines, with only three Republicans joining all Democrats in… |

Sharon Zhang (2022-11-30). Lawmakers Set to Propose Record $847B for Defense, $45B Over Biden's Request. The United States's already colossal and record-breaking defense budget is about to get even bigger, with congressional negotiators slated to propose a staggering $847 billion for defense for 2023, new reporting finds — a $45 billion increase over President Joe Biden's already massive defense budget request. Four people familiar with negotiations told Politico that House and Senate lawmakers from… |

Staff (2022-11-30). The International Monetary Fund's Special Drawing Rights: Why a New Issuance is Necessary and Feasible at this Time, and Would Save Many Lives. PDF 1. The SDR issuance last year probably saved hundreds of thousands of lives, if we use, e.g., the Bank for International Settlements' research on the relation between recessions and mortality. 2. Yet the US Treasury Department is holding up the proposed issuance for this year and announced just weeks ago that a new allocation …

Staff (2022-11-30). New attack on Salah Hamouri: Occupation threatens to forcibly deport him on Sunday, 4 December. Salah Hamouri, the imprisoned French-Palestinian lawyer and human rights defender jailed without charge or trial under administrative detention since March 2022, has been told by occupation prison administrators in Hadarim prison that he will be forcibly deported to France and stripped of his Jerusalem ID on Sunday, 4 December. His detention is scheduled to expire …

Staff (2022-11-30). #PalestineDay: Actions around the world stand with the Palestinian people's liberation struggle. 29 November marks the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People — infamously, it marks the anniversary of the United Nations' Resolution 181 in 1947, which planned for the partition of Palestine over the objections and resistance of the indigenous Palestinian people. On this 75th anniversary of the partition of Palestine, organizers around the …

Steve Watson (2022-11-30). Rand Paul Calls Out Complete Lack of Oversight on Ukraine Aid.

Steven Day (2022-11-30). Defending Democracy While Waiting for the Cavalry to Arrive. The progressive viewpoint of many young Americans didn't grow out of youthful wild-eyed idealism, but from the realities of their lives. They are the nation's best hope.

Susan Price (2022-11-30). International condemnation mounts against Turkey's war on the Kurds. Turkey has struck more than 90 villages and towns in North East Syria since November 19, reports Susan Price. Meanwhile, international voices of condemnation are growing.

The Associated Press (2022-11-30). Colombia Asks for Legal Status for Its People Already in US. Colombia wants the Biden administration to grant temporary legal status to its citizens now living in the United States, noting its own efforts to address regional migration by hosting two million Venezuelans who fled their homes.

Tyler Walicek (2022-11-30). San Francisco Has Voted to Tax Corporate Landlords for Leaving Housing Vacant. With nearly 60,000 unoccupied units, San Francisco has a significant vacancy problem, in addition to an acute affordable housing shortage. This creates something of an irony: The city simultaneously has too few and too many rooms available. The contradiction is explained by the priorities of developers and capital taking precedence over the needs of populace. It can only be resolved when all… |

Unicorn Riot (2022-11-30). Nicholas Kraus Gets 20 Years for Ramming Protest, Killing Deona Marie.

UnitedEditor (2022-11-30). Israel-Lebanon agreement and restructuring in the Eastern Mediterranean. By Prof. Dr. Ata Atun * As if the rapid change of balances in the world will lead to the reconciliation of resentments and the re-determination of ranks… For example, after Israel completed the exploration and extraction of gas in the Karish field, political relations between Lebanon and Israel were positively affected by the certainty …

UnitedEditor (2022-11-30). Renewed US criticism of the S-400 deal: What it proves about Tàºrkiye-Russia and Tàºrkiye-US relations. Political scientist and United World International author Onur Sinan Guzaltan was the guest on Russia Today TV channel on 25 November. Gàºzaltan made evaluations on Tàºrkiye-Russia relations, about which the US has once again raised concerns by criticizing the S-400 deal. Gàºzaltan spoke about US-Tàºrkiye relations and their possible future, Tàºrkiye's cooperation with Russia and …

Victor Castellanos (2022-11-30). President Maduro Announces Reactivation of Loans for Tourism Industry. At the closing ceremony of FitVen earlier today, the Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced the availability of additional funding for the execution of tourism projects. | After speaking with the head of the economy, Delcy Rodríguez, it was decided "within the economic growth plan … to revive in a special plan the banking investment portfolio for tourism," said President Maduro. FitVen 2022, the International Tourism Fair of Venezuela, has been held since November 26 in Anzoátegui state. | The president announced that the plan includes "credits in international currency, in dollars, from private and publ…

Will Hodgkinson (2022-11-30). 'We have survived and flourished': Massive turnout on National Day of Mourning. Plymouth, Massachusetts Nov. 24, Plymouth, Massachusetts. WW PHOTO: Rachel Jones Kisha James (Aquinnah Wampanoag and Oglala Lakota), co-leader of United American Indians of New England (UAINE), opened the rally by telling the history of NDOM, which was founded in 1970 by her grandfather, the late Wamsutta Frank James. Kisha James . . . |

WSWS (2022-11-30). UAW local covering 11,000 University of California postdoc and academic researchers announces sellout agreements, as union seeks to shut down strike. The agreements, which cover just over one fifth of the 48,000 striking UC workers, are aimed at dividing workers and forcing through agreements at a point when the strike is having its biggest impact.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Major study finds that bacterial infections were the second leading cause of death globally in 2019. The study, based on data prior to the outbreak of COVID-19, found a marked disparity between the rate of fatalities due to bacterial infections between relatively wealthy and poor populations.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Former US Navy secretary calls Australia the "tip of the spear" against China. Richard Spencer proposed placing Australian naval personnel on US nuclear-powered submarines.

WSWS (2022-11-30). UK: Communication Workers Union agrees sellout deal to end BT strike, pledges itself as partners in £3 billion cost-cutting agenda. On the union's own social media platforms, workers described the deal as "shameful" and a "stab in the back".

WSWS (2022-11-30). UK: Communication Workers Union agrees sellout deal to end BT strike, pledges partnership in £3 billion cost-cutting agenda. On the union's own social media platforms, workers described the deal as "shameful" and a "stab in the back".

WSWS (2022-11-30). China pushes lifting of Zero-COVID after anti-lockdown protests. China's National Health Commission yesterday called for an acceleration of measures to relax the Zero-COVID policy and vowed to "deal seriously" with local governments that fail to do so.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Mother Lode and Our Movie (Nuestra Película): Two documentaries examine work and politics in South America. The films address their respective subjects through allusions to Italian neorealism, the manipulation of archival footage and the observation of children as they come of age under difficult circumstances.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Berlin teachers speak out against war, austerity and the spread of COVID. On Friday, some 2, 0 salaried teachers, social pedagogues and school psychologists in Berlin took part in a day-long warning strike called by the Education and Science Union (GEW).

WSWS (2022-11-30). WSWS speaks with New Zealand Long Covid sufferer. Paul, who had to stop work and has lost his home due to Long Covid, denounced the lack of government recognition and support for people with the condition.

WSWS (2022-11-30). One year since Omicron was declared a variant of concern: A balance sheet. Estimates of the real global death toll via excess deaths over the past year places the tally at 5.2 million, a quarter of all the lives lost during the pandemic.

WSWS (2022-11-30). What Biden and Congress' move to ban railroad strike reveals. The move by Washington to override a clear vote by railroaders to reject a White House-brokered contract and impose it unilaterally is a major assault on the basic democratic rights of the working class. It is also a strategic experience whose lessons workers must learn.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Execution of Kevin Johnson goes forward after US and Missouri Supreme Courts deny stay. Missouri executed Kevin Johnson Tuesday evening after the US Supreme Court denied Johnson's request for last-minute stay despite a special prosecutor's finding that race played a "decisive factor" in his death sentence.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Trade union leaders speak at UCU London rally—rhetoric and reality. The aim of the trade union bureaucracy is not to reverse the catastrophic fall in their members' standard of living but to win back their seat at the table in enforcing cuts to wages, jobs and conditions as an industrial police force.

WSWS (2022-11-30). NATO summit vows to continue troop surge to Russia's borders. NATO has "increased our presence on the ground, we have more presence in the air," said Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg ahead of the meeting.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Australia: Qantas moves to overturn court ruling that outsourcing 2,000 workers was illegal. The airline is set to appeal the 2021 Federal Court ruling, promoted by the Transport Workers' Union as "a watershed moment for workers in Australia," in order to set a legal precedent for further cost-cutting operations.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Under conditions of murderous exploitation, a worker dies at Amazon in Leipzig, Germany. The death of a worker at Amazon Leipzig has cast a spotlight on the horrendous conditions that exist at such logistics giants.

WSWS (2022-11-30). Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and top lieutenant found guilty of seditious conspiracy. All five members of the militia group were found guilty of obstructing Congress, however only Stewart Rhodes and Kelly Meggs were found guilty of the Civil War-era charge.

Yesenia Barrios (2022-11-30). Gentrification in East Harlem Forcing Latino Community Out. Wealthier newcomers have been transforming New York City neighborhoods for generations, but what makes gentrification in East Harlem different is that it is changing the historical reputation of a working-class neighborhood that has held up against such forces for so long.

Gerardo Villagrán del Corral (2022-11-30). EE.UU. y el FMI impusieron al nuevo presidente del BID. El apoyo de la administración del presidente Joe Biden fue fundamental, con Estados Unidos controlando el 30% de las acciones con derecho a voto del banco, casi el triple de la cantidad que ocupan Brasil y Argentina, que ocupan el…

Staff (2022-11-30). Con Filo: Seguimos en el Trillo (+ Video). En el programa Con Filo este martes se habló de la tángana de hace dos años en el parque Trillo y de las recientes elecciones municipales y el sabor agridulce que dejaron.

Staff (2022-11-30). Los 70 años de la UCLV: La universidad que está en el corazón de Cuba. La Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas ha hecho realidad el hermoso sueño del Che de que se pintara con los colores del pueblo, que vibrara con el pueblo en cada una de sus proezas cotidianas y ha sido, por esa razón esencial, un baluarte irreductible de las ideas revolucionarias y progresistas que constituyen el legado más sólido y trascendente de la Nación cubana. A 70 años de su fundación, Cubadebate recorre su historia y los múltiples logros conquistados desde sus aulas.

Staff (2022-11-30). Controlan incendio ocurrido en vagón de tren que transportaba tabaco de Pinar del Río hacia el Oriente del país. Fuerzas Especializadas de Bomberos del municipio de Los Palacios, en Pinar del Río, con el apoyo de autoridades del Partido, Gobierno y del pueblo, controlaron en la tarde de hoy un siniestro ocurrido en un vagón de tren que transportaba tabaco hacia el Oriente del país.

Staff (2022-11-30). Exige Lula que Assange sea liberado de su "injusto encarcelamiento" El presidente electo de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, exigió que el periodista australiano Julian Assange sea liberado de su "injusto encarcelamiento", luego de reunirse con dos miembros de WikiLeaks. El líder progresista reafirmó su defensa de Assange y de la libertad de prensa.

Staff (2022-11-30). Australia domina a Dinamarca y consigue el pase a los octavos de final. El equipo de Australia consiguió su pase a los octavos de final venciendo a la favorita Dinamarca. En este grupo D, Francia ingresó a la siguiente fase como primer clasificado. El encuentro se disputó en media cancha con pocas incursiones sobre las áreas, pero fue Dinamarca quien buscó el gol necesario para acceder a la siguiente fase.

Staff (2022-11-30). El tiempo: Algunas lluvias en la costa norte. Amanecerá parcialmente nublado en zonas de la costa norte y se nublará de manera ocasional con aisladas lluvias, poca nubosidad en el resto del país. Desde el final de la mañana estará parcialmente nublado gran parte del país y se nublará al final de la tarde en la costa norte occidental y central con algunas lluvias que se extenderán hasta el interior de occidente.

Staff (2022-11-30). Juego del día: Argentina derrota a Polonia y clasifica a octavos de final. Argentina se impuso este miércoles por 2 -0 ante Polonia y clasificó a los octavos de final de la Copa del Mundo Qatar 2022. Durante los primeros 45 minutos del compromiso, los dirigidos por Lionel Scaloni presionaron la salida de Polonia y desde el primer minuto buscaron abrir el marcador con un juego asociado por las bandas entre Di María, Messi y àÅlvarez.

Staff (2022-11-30). Túnez vence a Francia, pero no pasa a la siguiente fase de Catar 2022. El equipo de Túnez se impuso este miércoles por la mínima diferencia a Francia, pero no le alcanzó para clasificar a la siguiente fase de la Copa del Mundo Qatar 2022. Túnez salió a presionar y buscar el gol de a victoria desde el arranque del compromiso, con un juego veloz por las bandas, mientras tanto Francia no superó a su rival.

Staff (2022-11-30). Unión Eléctrica estima una afectación de 1135 MW para el horario pico nocturno. La máxima afectación en el horario de la noche fue 1101 MW a las 18: 30 horas, coincidiendo con la hora pico. El servicio quedó restablecido a las 01: 53 horas de la madrugada de hoy y a las 05: 15 horas se comenzó a afectar nuevamente el servicio en el SEN por déficit de capacidad de generación. Para el horario pico se estima la entrada de 117 MW en motores diésel.

TeleSUR, em, JCM (2022-11-30). Senegal clasifica a octavos de final tras eliminar a Ecuador. En juegos amistosos, ambas selecciones se enfrentaron en dos ocasiones que terminaron con victorias para la oncena africana.

TeleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-11-30). Revelan que incidentes con armas van en aumento en EE.UU. En el periodo analizado hubo 1.110.421 muertes por armas de fuego y se experimenta un incremento del 20 por ciento entre 2019-2021.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-30). Al menos dos muertos deja deslave de tierra en el sur de Brasil. Según el último boletín del Gabinete de Crisis , instituido por el Gobierno de Paraná, en el sur de Brasil, para monitorear la situación, seis personas fueron rescatadas con vida.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-30). Deslizamiento de tierra arrastra coches y camiones en Brasil. De acuerdo con información preliminar, ya se rescató un cuerpo, pero aún no hay información sobre la cantidad de personas desaparecidas.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-30). Camioneros levantan paro tras acuerdos con el Gobierno de Chile. El paro, que empezó el 21 de noviembre, se extendió por ocho días, con bloqueos en distintas carreteras del país.

TeleSUR, mcs, JCM (2022-11-30). Presentan moción de vacancia contra presidente Castillo en Perú. El documento fue promovido por el congresista no agrupado Edward Málaga y cuenta con 67 firmas.

TeleSUR, mm, MER (2022-11-30). Argentina irá por un cupo a los octavos de final de Qatar 2022. Ambas selecciones se han enfrentado en 11 oportunidades, con seis triunfos para Argentina, tres para los polacos y empate en dos ocasiones.

TeleSUR, odr, JGN (2022-11-30). Irán e Irak firman acuerdo de seguridad fronteriza. El convenio fue rubricado para ratificar la colaboración bilateral relacionada con los límites comunes.

Staff (2022-11-30). Meet Puerto Rican Journalist Bianca Graulau, Featured in Viral Bad Bunny Video on Injustices in PR. Puerto Rico's financial oversight board has voted to extend a contract with LUMA Energy — the private U.S.-Canadian corporation that took over the island's power grid and is widely denounced by residents on the island for its inconsistent service and high prices. The privatization of Puerto Rico's power grid, supported by an unelected board appointed by the U.S. government, represents the "everyday consequences of colonialism," says independent reporter Bianca Graulau, whose latest documentary is called "País de Apagones," or "Country of Blackouts."…

_____ (2022-11-30). Hundreds Of Thousands Mobilize In Support Of President AMLO. Mexico City, Mexico – On Sunday, November 27, hundreds of thousands of Mexicans flooded the streets of the capital Mexico City in support of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and his pro-people policies. People of all ages and from all walks of life arrived in the capital from different states of the country to participate in the march called by President AMLO to commemorate his four years in office. | Supporters began gathering in the Paseo de la Reforma avenue early in the morning. At around 9 am (local time), they began marching from the Angel of Independence monument to the Zócalo, waving flags and…

Allan de Campos Silva (2022-11-30). Meatpacking Giant Tied to Child Labor, Deforestation and Mass COVID Infection. In early November, the U.S. Department of Labor filed suit against the Brazil-headquartered, global industrial meatpacker JBS for hiring child labor. Children as young as 13 were hired through a contractor to clean up bloody meatpacking plants in Minnesota and Nebraska. The suit, filed in the name of U.S. Secretary of Labor Martin Walsh, alleged JBS hired children through Packers Sanitation… |

María Fernanda Barreto (2022-11-30). El reinicio de diálogos entre el gobierno colombiano y ELN en Caracas. Caracas tiene un testigo excepcional de su historia, la hermosa montaña a cuyos pies fue construida, y que hace once años recuperó oficialmente el nombre que los pueblos indígenas le dieron, el Waraira Repano. Subir por sus senderos los domingos,…

Staff (2022-11-30). Resultado del ejercicio de control interno, hoy en la Mesa Redonda. Gladys María Bejerano Portela, Contralora General de la República de Cuba y otros directivos de ese organismo hablarán sobre la organización, desarrollo y resultados del ejercicio de control interno.

Staff (2022-11-30). Black Adam y el héroe que nunca fue. "Black Adam" logra algunos momentos de emoción efímera, pero todo intento de originalidad, es sepultado por la misma forma de contar la historia. El filme se convierte en otro espectáculo olvidable que vive solo para justificar su escena poscréditos.

Staff (2022-11-30). Catar 2022: El Mundial de las trifulcas. Absortos, muchos aficionados han recibido por estos días las numerosas noticias llegadas desde Catar sobre problemas internos en algunos equipos. A priori, a nadie interesarían estos chismes, o más bien, informes de gente cercana a los vestuarios, pero cuando incluso jugadores los han confirmado en rueda de prensa, entonces la situación adquiere otro matiz.

Staff (2022-11-30). øQué revela la investigación pericial sobre los sucesos de Bahía Honda? (+ Video). Como parte del proceso investigativo resultante de los hechos acaecidos el pasado 28 de octubre de 2022, en el que colisionó una lancha procedente de los Estados Unidos y una unidad de superficie de Tropas Guardafronteras, se dieron a conocer nuevos detalles de la pesquisa realizada y se determinó que "no hubo acciones invasivas ni agresivas contra la lancha infractora".

Staff (2022-11-30). Concluye temporada ciclónica 2022: Se formaron 14 ciclones tropicales. Desde su inicio el primero de junio pasado de la temporada ciclónica en el Atlántico Norte—concluye este miércoles—, hasta la fecha, se formaron 14 ciclones tropicales (tormentas tropicales y huracanes). Solo en ese período se organizaron ocho huracanes, Danielle, Earl, Fiona, Ian, Julia, Lisa, Martin y Nicole y de ellos llegaron a ser de gran intensidad Fiona e Ian.

Staff (2022-11-30). Inscriben a "Los saberes de los maestros del ron ligero cubano" en la lista del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad. La embajadora cubana ante la Unesco, Yahima Esquivel, y representantes del Movimiento de Maestros del Ron Ligero agradecieron la inscripción de los saberes de esos expertos en el Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad. Este elemento que forma parte de la identidad de Cuba y refleja la práctica social del conocimiento transmitido a través de generaciones.

Staff (2022-11-30). La francesa Stéphanie Frappart: Primera mujer en la historia que arbitrará un partido en un Mundial de fútbol masculino. No es la primera vez que Frappart, que es una de las tres mujeres entre los 36 colegiados seleccionados para el Mundial de Catar 2022, hace historia al dirigir partidos masculinos de las principales categorías. En el 2019, fue elegida para pitar el duelo por la Supercopa de la UEFA entre el Liverpool y el Chelsea.

Staff (2022-11-30). Miguel Díaz-Canel preside el Claustro Solemne por los 70 años de la Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. El presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez está en la Universidad Central de Las Villas Marta Abreu para participar en la celebración por los 70 años de esta distinguida institución, donde además estudió y ejerció como profesor.Informa presidencia Cuba que el primer tributo para su maestro y amigo, José Luis García Cuevas.

Staff (2022-11-30). Presidente cubano asiste a celebración por los 70 años de la Universidad Central de las Villas. El presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez está en la Universidad Central de Las Villas Marta Abreu para participar en la celebración por los 70 años de esta distinguida institución, donde además estudió y ejerció como profesor.Informa presidencia Cuba que el primer tributo para su maestro y amigo, José Luis García Cuevas.

Staff (2022-11-30). Reportan explosión en la embajada de Ucrania en Madrid. Una explosión ha tenido lugar este miércoles en la Embajada de Ucrania en Madrid, al abrir una carta que contenía un pequeño artefacto explosivo de fabricación casera. Como consecuencia, un empleado de la sede diplomática ha resultado herido leve. Según fuentes policiales, el trabajador acudió por su propio pie a un centro hospitalario de la capital española.

Staff (2022-11-30). Sabor y Tradición: Habichuelas a la española, sopa de repollo y flan de calabaza. Hoy les traigo habichuelas a la española, acelgas cocidas en ensalada, sopa de repollo de col y flan de calabaza. Espero le sean de su agrado.

Staff (2022-11-30). Sesiona Consejo de Ministros de noviembre: Analizan situación actual de la economía nacional. Este martes sesionó la reunión del Consejo de Ministros correspondiente al mes de noviembre, encabezada por el primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, y dirigida por el primer ministro, Manuel Marrero Cruz. En la agenda de la reunión resaltó el análisis de la situación actual de la economía nacional.

Staff (2022-11-30). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este miércoles 30 de noviembre. Con el objetivo de mantener informados a sus lectores, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este miércoles 30 de noviembre en el mercado cambiario del país. Podrá conocer las tasas de cambio de compra y venta en las Cadecas, así como la tasa de compra vigente en los aeropuertos de todo el país.

Staff (2022-11-30). Telescopio Hubble capta el remanente de una supernova más brillante jamás hallado en una galaxia vecina. El telescopio Hubble ha captado de nuevo el remanente de la supernova DEM L 190, el más brillante jamás hallado en una galaxia vecina. Se encuentra a 160.000 años luz de la Tierra, en la galaxia satélite de la Vía Láctea, la Gran Nube de Magallanes.

Staff (2022-11-30). EN VIVO: Arabia Saudita vs. México en la Copa Mundial de FIFA. México sale a conseguir su primera victoria en este mundial después del empate ante Polonia y la derrota frente a Argentina.

TeleSUR -odr -YSM (2022-11-30). Declaran saberes indígenas de Colombia como patrimonio de la humanidad. El Comité del patrimonio cultural inmaterial reconoció a las culturas originarias arhuaco, kankuamo, kogui y wiwa de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, en Colombia.

TeleSUR, as, MER (2022-11-30). Australia y Dinamarca jugarán por el Grupo D en Qatar 2022. Un empate es favorable a los australianos para pasar de ronda, mientras que a los daneses solo les sirve la victoria.

TeleSUR, DRL (2022-11-30). Cinco libros imperdibles de Oscar Wilde. A propósito del aniversario 122 de la muerte del escritor, poeta y dramaturgo de origen irlandés.

TeleSUR, em, JCM (2022-11-30). Túnez sorprende a Francia pero queda fuera del Mundial de Qatar. Francia ya se encuentraba clasificado para los octavos de final, mientras que Túnez aún se aferraba a la esperanza para conseguir el pase.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-30). Atentado terrorista deja tres muertos y 28 heridos en Pakistán. El acto terrorista ha sido reivindicado por el movimiento de los talibanes nacionales, Tehreek-e-Talibán Pakistán (TTP).

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-30). Cristina Fernández comparece en última fase del caso Vialidad en Argentina. La expresidenta afirmó que "esto más que un tribunal del lawfare es un verdadero pelotón de fusilamiento".

TeleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-11-30). Organización denuncia 2.769 asesinatos en Haití en 2022. Más del 80 por ciento de las víctimas mortales fueron por disparo de arma de fuego.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-11-30). Israel asesina a otros dos palestinos en Cisjordania. Uno de los occisos fue identificado como Raed Ghazi Na'ssan de 20 años y, hasta el momento, se desconoce la identidad del otro.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-11-30). Reportan 11 heridos por explosión de ducto de petróleo en México. La explosión sucedió tras una fuga de etano en el municipio de Agua Dulce, sito al sur de Veracruz.

TeleSUR, jap -MER (2022-11-30). México vence a Arabia Saudita pero está eliminado de Qatar 2022. Ninguno de los dos equipos pudo abrir el marcador para dejar el empate a cero goles al final del primer tiempo.

TeleSUR, jap, JCM (2022-11-30). Australia hace historia al pasar a octavos de final en Qatar 2022. En el segundo tiempo, un gol de Túnez contra Francia, en un partido que se disputaba en forma simultánea, advirtió a ambos equipos que el empate los eliminaba.

TeleSUR, jap, JCM (2022-11-30). Países Bajos vence 2-0 a Qatar en la Copa Mundial de FIFA. Con la victoria, el cuadro de Louis Van Gaal se aseguró la presencia en los octavos de final, fase en la que se medirá al segundo del Grupo B, que conforman Inglaterra, Gales, Estados Unidos e Irán.

TeleSUR, JCM, JDO (2022-11-30). Presidente de Venezuela celebra recuperación de recursos secuestrados tras firma de acuerdo en México. El mandatario venezolano destacó que los recursos se destinarán a obras de electrificación y agua, educación, salud y mitigación de los daños por lluvias.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-30). Senado aprueba proyecto de ley sobre el censo nacional en Bolivia. La propuesta legal, aprobada el sábado por el pleno de Diputado, recoge en esencia los contenidos del Decreto Supremo 4824 que fija para el 23 de marzo de 2024 la realización del Censo de Población y Vivienda.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-30). Pelé hospitalizado en Sao Paulo tras presentar algunos malestares. El Rey del Futbol tiene 82 años y está en tratamiento de quimioterapia…

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-30). Asamblea aprueba ley para derogar reforma tributaria en Ecuador. El texto será enviado al Ejecutivo para que en un plazo de 30 días presente sus observaciones.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-30). Cámara de Diputados votará hasta diciembre reforma electoral en México. Tres comisiones de la Cámara de Diputados de México aprobaron el dictamen de la reforma constitucional en materia electoral.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-11-30). Corte avala que el ejército apoye tareas de seguridad en México. Por mayoría de votos, los magistrados consideran que ello no viola la Constitución, no militariza el país y contribuye a hacer frente a elevada criminalidad.

TeleSUR, JDO (2022-11-30). Maestros del ron cubano incluido como patrimonio de la humanidad. A la presentación asistieron los primeros maestros roneros Juan Carlos González y César Martí.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-11-30). Fallece expresidente chino Jiang Zemin a los 96 años de edad. Jiang nació en la localidad oriental de Yangzhou en 1926 y fue nombrado secretario general del PCCh en 1989.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-11-30). Petrolera estadounidense Chevron volverá a operar en Venezuela. La reunión se produjo tres días después de la licencia especial que despachó la Oficina para el Control de Activos Extranjeros (OFAC) de EE.UU.

TeleSUR, lsl, JGN (2022-11-30). Casos reales del uso de armas químicas en conflictos armados. El uso de las armas químicas en diversos conflictos ha causado severos daños a poblaciones civiles.

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-11-30). Sube a 10 cifra de fallecidos por deslizamiento en Isquia, Italia. Un miembro del cuerpo de bomberos de Nápoles refirió que "la búsqueda de desaparecidos continúa las veinticuatro horas del día".

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-11-30). Casi 5 millones de paraguayos podrán votar en elecciones partidistas. Los paraguayos que se encuentran en Argentina, España y Estados Unidos podrán acceder a las 78 mesas receptoras de votos que se instalarán.

TeleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-11-30). Indepaz: 23 grupos armados confirman intención de sumarse a la paz en Colombia. En el mes noviembre de 2022 se acordó el restablecimiento del proceso de diálogo del Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) y el Gobierno.

TeleSUR, mcs, JCM (2022-11-30). Estado Islámico nombra nuevo líder tras muerte de Hasan al Qurashi. Esta representa la segunda muerte en un año de un líder del autodenominado Estado Islámico.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-11-30). Participa en el concurso #MiHistoriaConD1OS de teleSUR. Para participar debes contarnos tu historia en un tuit y usar la etiqueta #MiHistoriaConD1OS…

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-11-30). Estados Unidos avanza a octavos de final tras vencer a Irán. Al minuto 38 Christian Pulisic puso el primer gol del encuentro tras una jugada que la armaron McKennie y Dest, poniendo a ganar a Estados Unidos.

TeleSUR, odr -YSM (2022-11-30). Argentina insta a aplicar dosis de refuerzo contra la Covid-19. La ministra Carla Vizzotti indicó que Argentina vive un pico esperable de Covid-19, sumado a los virus estacionales.

TeleSUR, odr, JGN (2022-11-30). ALBA-TCP ratifica apoyo a la soberanía del pueblo de Palestina. El ente de integración latinoamericana y caribeña exigió el cese de las acciones contra Palestina en el estricto respeto al derecho internacional.

TeleSUR, YSM (2022-11-30). OMM: el planeta experimentó mayores niveles de sequía en 2021. Para 20 más de 5.000 millones de personas no accederán apropiadamente al agua al menos un mes al año.

TeleSUR, as, MER (2022-11-30). Zurda Infinita analiza décima jornada del Mundial Qatar 2022. En esta ocasión, el invitado fue el exfutbolista y exentrenador franco-español, Luis Fernández.

TeleSUR, ev, MER (2022-11-30). Túnez se medirá ante Francia en la Copa del Mundo. La selección francesa ha logrado romper esa curiosa "maldición del campeón" al pasar a la siguiente ronda.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-30). Rusia y China consolidan cooperación energética bilateral. El mandatario ruso señaló que el foro consolida el diálogo bilateral entre diversos actores del sector energético.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-11-30). Frente Amplio uruguayo denuncia espionaje contra dos senadores. El presidente del partido añadió que esta acción pretende presionar a los políticos, extorsionarlos, para levantar denuncias realizadas contra el Frente Amplio.

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-11-30). México se enfrentará a Arabia Saudita en Copa del Mundo. Los mexicanos deben ganar y depender del resultado del partido entre Argentina y Polonia para acceder a la siguiente ronda.

John Perry (2022-11-30). Nicaragua's Inconvenient COVID Victory: Western Media Covered Up Its Success. By John Perry Nov 24, 2022 | In Nicaragua, Latin America's third poorest country, people who don't work don't eat. Three-quarters of jobs are in small businesses and farms or the informal economy. So, when its first Covid case was diagnosed on 18 March 2020, Nicaragua's President Daniel Ortega knew that shutting down the economy would be catastrophic. | He was under pressure from all sides to introduce strict restrictions. Among Nicaragua's neighbours, El Salvador registered its first case on 18 March and imposed a lockdown two days later; Honduras did the same; Costa Rica imposed a lockdown on 16 March and…

Victoria Torres (2022-11-30). Signing Contracts With Chevron Will Promote Oil Industry Development in Venezuela. Venezuelan Minister of Oil Tareck El Aissami announced through social media that he will be signing contracts with the Chevron company. | El Aissami published photographs of the moment he met with Javier La Rosa, president of Chevron Venezuela, stressing that Chevron will celebrate 100 years of operations in Venezuela next year. | The meeting between El Aissamu and La Rosa was possible thanks to the second partial agreement for the protection of the Venezuelan people, which was recently signed in Mexico. Additionally, the US government is to issue permits for Chevron Corp to resume its imports of oil and oil prod…

Editor (2022-11-30). Book Review: 'Before Crips' dismantles dominant narrative on gangs. For the past several decades, the media has severely manipulated the question of gangs and their socio-economic origins. John C. Quicker and Akil S. Batani-Khalfani's new book, "Before Crips: Fussin', Cussin', and Discussin'" among South Los Angeles Juvenile Gangs, exposes the mainstream stigmas and half-truths surrounding gangs.

Ramon du Houx (2022-11-30). LA City Councilmember Koretz's Last Call For Aggressive Climate Action. Koretz introduced three pieces of aggressive climate legislation: one aimed to ban the sale of new gas cars in stages, beginning in 2028 with the most expensive vehicles to fully implement by 2030; one to create a significant greenhouse gas emissions fee for private jets landing at Los Angeles airports; and one aimed to use the truth of the dangers posed to LAX and Silicon Beach by the SoCalGas Playa Vista Natural Gas Storage facility to shut it down…

Staff (2022-11-29). NYC DA Asks Judge to Drop Murder Charges Against Domestic Abuse Survivor Tracy McCarter. In a remarkable courtroom scene, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg asked a New York judge Monday to dismiss murder charges against Tracy McCarter, who says she acted in self-defense when her estranged husband died from a stab wound in the chest in 2020. Bragg campaigned on a promise to fight to free McCarter of murder charges, though, when elected, advocates say his actions initially fell short. This comes as pressure is growing in New York to end the criminalization of domestic abuse survivors, which happens at a disproportionate rate against Black women. Advocates say 90% of women who are incarcerated in…

Staff (2022-11-29). "Sportswashing & Greenwashing": Ex-Soccer Player Jules Boykoff on Qatar Hosting World Cup. We speak with author Jules Boykoff about the climate and political implications of the 2022 World Cup. The soccer tournament is being played in the winter for the first time due to Qatar's extreme summer temperatures. Boykoff says Qatar and FIFA have greenwashed the event by erroneously claiming the World Cup is "fully carbon neutral" despite blocking an independent review of the games. Boykoff also says Qatar is participating in "sportswashing" by using the games to deflect attention from labor abuses. Boykoff's article in Scientific American is "The World Cup in Qatar I…

Staff (2022-11-29). Abdullah Al-Arian on First Middle East World Cup & Western Media's "Orientalist Outlook" As the 2022 World Cup plays out in Qatar, the first Arab country to host the major sporting event, we speak with history professor Abdullah Al-Arian, who says the international media is projecting an "Orientalist outlook" in its coverage of the games. Al-Arian says despite mainstream discourse, football in the Middle East has historically been used by nationalist movements as "a means of organizing collectively on the basis of achieving their own liberation against colonial rule." His recent New York Times opinion piece is "Why the World Cup Belongs in the Middle East."…

Staff (2022-11-29). Headlines for November 29, 2022. NATO Pledges More Support for Ukraine as Some in Europe Accuse U.S. of Profiting from the War, China Eases Some COVID Restrictions as It Moves to Block New Protests, In Blow to Taiwanese Gov't, Voters Back Opposition Nationalist Party in Local Elections, Biden Sides with Big Business & Asks Congress to Block Potential Rail Strike, Teenage Gunman Pleads Guilty in Mass Shooting at Buffalo Supermarket in Black Neighborhood, Chesapeake, Virginia, Holds Vigil for Walmart Workers Shot Dead by Store Manager, Five Police Officers in New Haven, CT, Arrested After Man Is Paralyzed in Police Van, Arizona Sues Republic…

Ramzy Baroud (2022-11-29). Xi vs Trudeau: How China is Rewriting History with the Colonial West. Though brief, the exchange between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Indonesia on November 16 has become a social media sensation. Xi, assertive if not domineering, lectured the visibly apprehensive Trudeau about the etiquette of diplomacy. This exchange can be considered another watershed …

Declan McKenna (2022-11-29). A short tale of two peace agreements. Comparing the conflict in the north of Ireland (late 1960's 1998 with the conflict in Donbass (2014 — early 2022): * In the north of Ireland, the conflict lasted about 30 years from the late 1960s to 1998. More than 3, 0 people were killed, of whom 52% were civilians, 32% were members of the British …

Binoy Kampmark (2022-11-29). Tuvalu, Climate Change and the Metaverse. When lost to climatic disaster and environmental turbulence, where does a whole nation go? History speaks about movements of people, whether induced by human agency or environment, finding sanctuary and refuge on other terrains, or perishing altogether. In the case of the Pacific Island state of Tuvalu, the response is seemingly digital or, as its …

Paul Haeder (2022-11-29). Black and Blue: The Many Ways of Domestic Violence World. We are in a rape culture. We have a million examples in this neoliberal and neocon country of that. We have the fact of one out of 12 or 15 girls and women losing their viriginity through sexual assault. We have what — one out of five in this country experiencing sexual assault by the …

Ali Abunimah (2022-11-29). UN "peace" envoy lays bare his anti-Palestinian bias. Israeli killings unabated on global day of solidarity with Palestine…

_____ (2022-11-29). Afghanistan and regional security in Central Asia. Having an important geostrategic position and being an essential link in the development of cooperation between Central and South Asia as well as in regional security issues, Afghanistan has attracted a lot of attention from its regional neighbors. The Central Asian countries, objectively interested in multifaceted cooperation with all their neighbors, see Afghanistan not only …

_____ (2022-11-29). ASEAN at the center of recent international fora. In the second decade of November this year, the focus of international political life turned to Southeast Asia. There, in Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand, calendar meetings of several international associations were held with the participation of leaders from the region and beyond. The very concentration of such events in Southeast Asia is further evidence of …

_____ (2022-11-29). Broadening Of Strike Movements In Britain. Far from what we might have feared — "running out of steam", weariness and discouragement, loss of visibility, cumbersome organization of new voting procedures (compulsory when the last strike dates back more than six months) — the struggles of the working class have not only resumed, but have spread and increased. | The organizations that have been at the forefront for several months remain combative. This is the case of…

_____ (2022-11-29). By Forcing A Contract On Railworkers, Biden Betrays Workers Everywhere. Which side are you on? It's the most fundamental question in politics, and President Joe Biden has given us his answer. | Last night, the White House released a statement calling on Congress to impose a contract on railway workers, with more than a week remaining before the December 9 strike deadline. Describing himself as a "proud pro-labor president" and expressing his "reluctance," Biden nonetheless indicates his intention to try and force terms on workers that many already rejected earlier this year. The rhetorical triangulation was even more glaring in the statement released by outgoing House Speaker Nancy P…

_____ (2022-11-29). IEN Denounces COP27 Lack Of Progress For Indigenous Peoples And Climate Justice. Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt – The UNFCCC Conference of the Parties concluded its 27th session in the early hours of Sunday, November 20, 2022 with the adoption of the Sharm El-Sheikh Implementation Plan. Despite the extended COP, Parties failed to take adequate steps and action to address climate change. The most glaring omission in the Plan is a failure of the Parties to cut fossil fuel emissions at the source and there were only vague references towards achieving the Paris Agreement temperature goal of 1.5 degrees Celsius. | False solutions such as REDD+, carbon markets, carbon offsets, climate-smart agriculture, cl…

_____ (2022-11-29). International Day Of Solidarity With Palestinians: Chasm Between Action And Rhetoric. The world marked the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People on Tuesday, November 29. Countries and organizations from across the world reaffirmed their solidarity with Palestinians struggling to achieve their rights and independence from Israeli occupation. | UN Secretary General António Guterres issued a statement on the occasion, reiterating that "the peace must advance — the occupation must end." He emphasized that the UN is "steadfast in its commitment to realize the vision of two states — Israel and Palestine — living side by side in peace and security with Jerusalem as the…

_____ (2022-11-29). Senate Votes To Overturn Covid-19 National Emergency. Just a week after the midterm elections, the Senate voted to end the National Emergency Declaration on Covid-19. This vote, in which Democrats joined Republicans 62-36, comes after the U.S. handled the Covid-19 pandemic in impressively pitiful fashion, with over 1 million dead and millions more grappling with long Covid-19 symptoms. It also comes as winter months approach and respiratory illnesses are on the rise, particularly among children as pediatric intensive care units reach capacity. | Ending the National Covid-19 Emergency declaration could affect anything from the access to medical supplies to helping co…

_____ (2022-11-29). Why The Decision To Investigate Abu Akleh's Murder Is Unprecedented. The recent decision by the United States Department of Justice to open an investigation into the killing, last May, of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh is not a game-changer, but important and worthy of reflection, nonetheless. | Based on the long trajectory of US military and political support of Israel, and Washington's constant shielding of Tel Aviv from any accountability for its illegal occupation of Palestine, one can confidently conclude that there will not be any actual investigation. | A real investigation into the killing of Abu Akleh could open up a Pandora's box of other findings pert…

_____ (2022-11-29). The Two Types Of Death Penalties. A political prisoner is a person targeted or imprisoned because of their political actions, affiliations and/or beliefs. A political prisoner is also an individual, who while incarcerated, transforms themselves from a social prisoner by gaining clarity, embracing and maintaining political struggle. | Thirty-seven-year-old Kevin "KJ" Johnson is scheduled to be executed by the State of Missouri on November 29th; most would not view him as a "political prisoner." However, given the poverty, neglect, suffering and abuse that comes with being a captive in domestic colonies and urban enclaves within a capitalist and im…

_____ (2022-11-29). US Rail Workers Are Poised To Begin A National Strike Next Week. Despite the intervention of the Biden administration, after nearly three years of contract negotiations, workers who operate the nation's freight railroads are poised to go on a nationwide strike as early as next Friday. | "Our members, and all rail labor in general, are frustrated," said Matt Weaver, a Toledo-based rail worker and member of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division (BMWED). "It feels like there's no respect for us." | Last week, the two largest rail unions announced a split decision on whether to approve a tentative, five-year agreement brokered ahead of a strike that was previousl…

_____ (2022-11-29). UC Faculty Announce Work Stoppage. Hundreds of faculty across the system have committed to solidarity with the UAW strike against Unfair Labor Practices by the University of California, recognized by the Public Employment Relations Board. We support the four striking units' demands for wages adequate to their cost of living, workplace and community safety, disability justice, and other fundamental issues. We recognize that, while education should be the University's main mission, its core product is accreditation, which means degrees, which means grades. | 48,000 academic workers across the UC have been on strike since November 14th, 2022. This in…

_____ (2022-11-29). 60-80% of Twitter accounts posting on Russia-Ukraine war are bots, 90% pro-Ukraine. Between 60 and 80 percent of Twitter handles posting on the Russia-Ukraine war may be bot accounts, research by scholars from the University of Adelaide, Australia, has found. Among other influences, these bot accounts may have been pushing people to flee their homes during the conflict between these two countries, the researchers added.

_____ (2022-11-29). Meloni v. Macron — The Colonial End Game. By Tom LUONGO | Sometimes the internet being eternal works to our advantage. Recently, there's been a dustup in European politics over a three-year old video of now Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni stepping on the third rail of European politics. | In that video she openly explained that colonialism in Europe isn't over and she tied it to African immigration into Europe, which Italy has born the brunt of thanks to the EU's rules which force countries to accept anyone that shows up on their shores. | The mechanism for France's dirty colonial secret is they still control fourteen West African nations through a…

_____ (2022-11-29). Pope Francis' War Against Chechens and Buryats. Who, beyond Clown Prince Zelensky, is supplying the Argentinian with his mis-information? | Pope Francis is at it again. This time, as reported by Citing an American Jesuit magazine, the state-controlled BBC has Pope Francis, who is also a Jesuit, claiming he has "much information about the cruelty of the [Rus…

_____ (2022-11-29). U.S.-Turkiye Brinkmanship Won't Reach a Point Of No Return. A conflict of interest between Ankara and Washington over Syria will likely see the two drift apart, with Turkiye aligning more closely with Eurasian powers. | MK BHADRAKUMAR | The

_____ (2022-11-29). What on Earth Is the USA Doing to Its EU Alies? And most importantly, is the EU brave enough to dare oppose the USA? |

Abby Martin (2022-11-29). Ron DeSantis's Military Secrets: Torture & War Crimes. In this Eyes Left/Empire Files exclusive, Mike Prysner sheds light on the shadowy military career of Ron DeSantis.

Alasdair Baverstock (2022-11-29). Latin America explores improving cyber security after attack on Mexican ministry. In a world where life without technology seems unimaginable, how individuals and organizations protect their data is more important than ever. And in Mexico, one recent cyber-attack is leading to serious real-world consequences, and Latin America to look more closely at how it protects itself …

Amy Goodman (2022-11-29). NYC DA Asks Judge to Drop Murder Charges Against Domestic Abuse Survivor. Image Credit: Victoria Law | In a remarkable courtroom scene, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg asked a New York judge Monday to dismiss murder charges against Tracy McCarter, who says she acted in self-defense when her estranged husband died from a stab wound in the chest in 2020. Bragg campaigned on a promise to fight to free McCarter of murder charges, though, when elected, advocates say his actions initially fell short. This comes as pressure is growing in New York to end the criminalization of domestic abuse survivors, which happens at a disproportionate rate against Black women. Advocates say 90% of w…

Ana Perdigón (2022-11-29). FANB Deployed in Bolívar State to Tackle Illegal Mining. The Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) remains deployed in Bolívar state to confront illegal armed organizations, many of whom operate networks involved in black market mining interests. As part of this patrol, FANB troops detained seven rustlers who were transporting 204 stolen cows on a barge to sell them illegally in Bolívar state. | The arrest of the seven subjects took place in the Orinoco River, as reported by the Twitter account of the GNB No. 62 Zone Command of the Bolívar state. |

Anand Naidoo (2022-11-29). The Heat: 2022 A Year in Space Exploration. The year in space from China's space station to hidden galaxies. The third and final module docked with China's Tiangong space station in November, one of the last steps in the country's planned presence in orbit. It was a year filled with advances and a …

Andy Kroll (2022-11-29). Prelude to Authoritarianism? Just in case you didn't notice, authoritarianism was on the ballot in the 2022 midterm elections. An unprecedented majority of candidates from one of the nation's two major political parties were committed to undemocratic policies and outcomes. You would have to go back to the Democratic Party-dominated segregationist South of the 1950s to find such a sweeping array of authoritarian proclivities in an American election. While voters did stop some of the most high-profile election deniers, conspiracy theorists, and pro-Trump true believers from taking office, all too many won seats at the congressional, state, and…

Anonymous Contributor (2022-11-29). Maryville Community Defends LGBTQ+ 'Toys for Tots' Event From Neo-Nazis in Tennessee. Report back from Maryville, Tennessee on community defense of LGBTQ+ toy drive from violent neo-Nazis. Atlanta Antifascists has also posted a photo gallery of the various white supremacists here. On the evening of November 25, 2022, an armed contingent of queers and allied accomplices stood outside of "The Bird & The Book" located in Maryville,…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). Endgame Ukraine; Putin's Battleplan. | Written by Until recently, Russia had largely targeted Ukraine's military and strategic infrastructure (Air Force, Navy, Ground Forces). The shift in Moscow's strategy now consists in targeting Ukraine's civilian energy, transport, and communications infrastructure wh…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). Germany Will Not Send Patriot Missile Systems To Ukraine Despite Polish Hopes. Poland hopes to coerce Germany into deploying troops to Ukraine. | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | Germany will not agree to deploy Patriot air defence missile systems to Ukraine despite insistence from Poland. Policymakers in Warsaw are aware of this fact, but this does not stop large elements of the Polish establishment and political class from trying to enforce this. | German Defence Minister Christine Lambrecht recently announced an agreement with…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). In Video 18+: Russian Forces Storm Ukrainian Strongholds Near Avdeevka.

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). In Video: Ukrainian Roving Mortar Crew Came Under Russian Fire.

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). Launch Nuclear Strike On Nukemap By Alex Wellerstein. Launch a nuclear strike Who created the NUKEMAP? | The

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On November 29, 2022 (Map Update). The Russian Army took control of Kurdyumivka and Ozarianivka villages; | The Russian Army took control of Andriivka village; | The Russian Army took control of Spirne village; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bakhmut; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Pavlivka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Soledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova. | MORE ON…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). Military Situation In Iraq On November 29, 2022 (Map Update). On November 29, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia Al-Sudani met with Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, President of Iran and Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in Tehran; | Several trucks belonging to the US-led coalition entered Syria from the border of Iraqi Kurdistan through the illegal al-Walid crossing; | One Turkish serviceman was killed during the Operation Claw Lock in northern Iraq, according to the Turkish MOD. | MORE ON THE TOPI…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). Military Situation In Syria On November 29, 2022 (Map Update). On November 29, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 2 times: 1 in Latakia province, 1 in Idlib province; | On November 29, Turkish artillery shelled SDF positions near Tal Tamar; | Five SDF members were killed by the Turkish Army in the Euphrates Shield area in the northern Syria, according to the Turkish MOD; | On November 28, Turkish drones struck SDF positions in the west of Tal Abyadh; | On November 29, a…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). Military Situation In Ukraine On November 29, 2022 (Map Update). The Russian Army took control of Kurdyumivka and Ozarianivka villages; | The Russian Army took control of Andriivka village; | The Russian Army took control of Spirne village; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bakhmut; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Pavlivka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Soledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova. | MORE ON THE TOP…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). The Actual Truth Of Bitcoin And Blockchain. SPONSORED: | | For some, the lack of transparency and traceability can serve as a disadvantage in price estimation and negotiation; for others, it can be a security concern. You can check websites like

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). The Big Lie About Ukraine's War. | Written by Before Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky quit negotiations with Russia to settle the war in Ukraine, he told CNN's Fareed Zakaria on 20 March 2022, Zakaria had asked him…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). What Are The Advantages Of Stablecoins Over Bitcoin? SPONSORED: | | With the volume of fiat currencies and assets trading hands, there's a lot of risk in each transaction. Even with central banks on hand to assist, significant variations in value can pose a risk and cause problems when converting funds into another currency. However, platforms like Rather than…

Anonymous103 (2022-11-29). Why Does US Insist On Peace Talks Between Kiev And Moscow? Faced with the possibility of a catastrophe, Washington changes its discourse on Ukraine. | Written by Recently, there has been a subtle pressure from the US for Kiev to resume peace talks with Russia. Despite the Western media insisting on spreading narratives about a "Ukrainian victory", Washington still seems to prefer that the negotia…

Anonymous765 (2022-11-29). Locations Of US Carrier Strike Groups — November 29, 2022. This is the newest update of the 'U.S. Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map' exclusive series showing the approximate locations of U.S. Carrier Strike Groups. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence tracks locations of U.S. aircraft carriers using the available open-source information. No classified information was used in production of the map. | Carrier strike group (CSG) is an operational formation of the United States Navy. It is centered on an aircraft carrier and a carrier air w…

Anonymous765 (2022-11-29). Russian Forces Back To Offensive Operations On Donbass Front Lines. |

Art Moore (2022-11-29). Top Oncologist: Cancer in Patients Exploding After COVID Shots.

Barbara Moens (2022-11-29). Europe Accuses US of Profiting from War.

Ben Bartee (2022-11-29). The Real Environmental Disaster: Toxic 'Forever Chemicals' Everywhere, Even Babies' Umbilical Cords.

Ben Norton (2022-11-29). Brazil's President-elect Lula calls to free Julian Assange from 'unjust imprisonment,' sends 'solidarity'. Brazil's left-wing President-elect Lula da Silva called for journalist Julian Assange to be freed from his "unjust imprisonment" and said he "sent my solidarity," after meeting with his colleagues from WikiLeaks.

Brett Wilkins (2022-11-29). Australian Report Advises 'Urgent Action' to Combat Slavery in Clean Energy Supply Chains. "We need to see industry, government, the financial sector, and civil society working together to provide access to competitively costed, slavery-free renewable energy."

Brett Wilkins (2022-11-29). Justice Demanded After Qatari World Cup Official Admits Hundreds of Migrant Worker Deaths. "Until all abuses suffered by migrant workers in Qatar are remedied, the legacy of this World Cup will be severely tarnished by their mistreatment," said Amnesty International's head of economic and social justice.

Brett Wilkins (2022-11-29). 'A Very Good Day for Our Republic' as Key Jan. 6 Insurrectionist Convicted of Seditious Conspiracy. "Now the only remaining question is how much higher did those plans go, and who else might be held criminally responsible," said one former federal prosecutor after Stewart Rhodes, founder of the Oath Keepers militia, was found guilty.

Brett Wilkins (2022-11-29). Biden accused of selling out rail workers by urging Congress to prevent strikeÔøº. "Biden is siding with corporate rail bosses over the rank-and-file workers who voted against this agreement," said one progressive commentator after the president urged lawmakers to take action to force through a deal without paid sick leave.

Brian Berletic (2022-11-29). West Admits Ukraine's Bakhmut Setbacks + Boeing's Long-Range Rockets Proposed for Ukraine. Update on Russian military operations in Ukraine for November 29, 2022 | Western media admits heavy losses by Ukraine around eastern city of Bakhmut; | Pentagon worries Ukraine is expending more artillery rounds than can be supplied by the West; | West appears "baffled" over Russia fighting a battle absorbing huge amounts of Ukrainian soldiers' lives, equipment, and ammunition, despite Moscow declaring "demilitarization" as the first objective of the current special military operation; | US defense contract Boeing proposes sending 1 km long-range rockets for Ukraine's remaining HIMARS and…

Caitlin Johnstone (2022-11-29). China Keeps Aggressively Surrounding Itself With US Bases: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix. Listen to a reading of this article: | Facts: | There are Chinese people with real grievances against their government. | The US empire's propaganda machine will spin current protests in China to advance imperial agendas. | Western intelligence agencies will become more and more involved in these protests the longer they go on. | ‚ùñ | It still amazes me how many people who fancy themselves anti-establishment critical thinkers will spend all day mindlessly regurgitating mainstream media lines about China. | I cannot emphasize enough how little respect I have for anyone who parrots US empire…

Carlos Edill Berríos Polanco (2022-11-29). Extreme Weather Caused by Climate Crisis Threatens Puerto Rico's Ability to Feed Itself. Puerto Ricans will likely spend this Christmas without their time-honored tradition of eating plantains with dinner, after Hurricane Fiona destroyed 80 percent of the island's plantain and banana crops in September.

Chris Walker (2022-11-29). Herschel Walker Hasn't Answered Reporters' Questions Since Start of October.

Chris Walker (2022-11-29). MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Says He's Running to Head the RNC.

Chris Walker (2022-11-29). Trump Says He's Been "Open" and "Transparent" Regarding Docs Kept at Mar-a-Lago.

Christopher Deane (2022-11-29). Leading 'sustainable' investment funds backing fossil fuels, research findsÔøº. "Lack of regulation makes for a Wild West of sustainable fund management", Edward Lander from Ethical Consumer said.

Chuck Collins (2022-11-29). Why We Should Be Very Skeptical of the Billionaires Who Vow to 'Give It All Away'. In the end, voluntary philanthropy will never be an adequate substitute for an effective tax system that forces the fabulously rich to pay their fair share.

Cindy Harper (2022-11-29). Pfizer CEO, Who Said Online "Misinformation" Is Criminal, Is Found Guilty of "Misleading" Vaccine Statements.

Clarence Lusane (2022-11-29). Trumpism Won't Be Defeated in a Single Election Cycle.

Clarence Lusane (2022-11-29). The MAGAfication of America Is a Prelude to Authoritarianism. The warning signs could not be clearer.

Dan Williams (2022-11-29). A look at the stadium for the World Cup final. The final will be played at the Lusail Stadium on December 18. It is an eye-catching arena that has already played host to some memorable games.

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-29). Report: US, Israel to Hold Drills Simulating Bombing Iran. The US and Israeli air forces will simulate attacking Iran during drills over the Mediterranean Sea and Israel this week, The Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday. The report said that the drills will be held from Tuesday to Thursday and will involve both US and Israeli refueling planes and fighter jets. The planned exercises haven't …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-29). Ukraine Says NATO Must Step Up Weapons Production or It Won't Win War. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said Monday that NATO countries need to ramp up weapons production, or Kyiv won't be able to win the war against Russia. Kuleba said that NATO countries must "begin the production of necessary weapons today." If that doesn't happen, he said Ukraine "won't be able to win — as simple …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-29). NATO Doubles Down on Pledge to Eventually Admit Ukraine. NATO on Tuesday doubled down on its pledge to eventually admit Ukraine during a meeting of the alliance's foreign ministers in Bucharest, Romania, a position that played a major role in provoking Russia's invasion. The Romanian city was where NATO initially made the promise to Ukraine back in 2008, and at the time, US officials …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-29). Pentagon Claims China Could Have 1, 0 Nuclear Warheads by 2035. The Pentagon this week issued its annual report on China's military power that claimed Beijing could nearly quadruple its nuclear stockpile by 2035, bringing it to 1, 0 warheads. Current estimates put China's nuclear stockpile at about 3 , although the Pentagon claims the number has surpassed 400. Beijing has signaled it plans to increase its nuclear …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-29). US Officials Pushing for Military Intervention in Haiti. Some top Biden administration officials are pushing for an international military intervention in Haiti over concerns of a migration crisis, The New York Times reported on Tuesday. The government of acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry has been under pressure over growing gang violence in the country and from demonstrators that are demanding Henry resign. Henry …

Dave DeCamp (2022-11-29). US Warship Sails Near Disputed Spratly Islands in South China Sea. A US Navy guided-missile cruiser sailed near the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea on Tuesday in the latest US challenge to Beijing's claims in the region. China's military said that the vessel, the USS Chancellorsville, entered the area illegally, a claim disputed by the US Navy. "The actions of the US military …

David Ray Griffin (2022-11-29). 21 Years Ago, The Invasion of Afghanistan on October 7, 2001: Did the 9/11 Attacks Justify the War in Afghanistan? Will the war in Afghanistan turn out to be "Obama's Vietnam"?

David Ray Griffin (2022-11-29). The 9/11 Commission's Incredible Tales. David Ray Griffin has passed away. | His commitment to 9/11 Truth will prevail. | His Legacy will Live. | This article by award winning author Professor David Ray Griffin was first published by Global Research on September 10, 2013 | At the end …

Dean Baker (2022-11-29). OMG, a Right-Wing Jerk Can Buy Twitter! Media Concentration Matters. It's more than a bit bizarre that until Elon Musk bought Twitter, most policy types apparently did not see a risk that huge platforms like Facebook and Twitter could be controlled by people with a clear political agenda. While just about everyone had some complaints about the moderation of these and other commonly used platforms, …

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar (2022-11-29). Malaysia: Postpone the Enforcement of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (2022-11-29). Gene-based Vaccination — Quo Vadis?

Drago Bosnic (2022-11-29). NATO Running Out of Weapons for Kiev Regime.

____ (2022-11-28). Chinese envoy calls for common security between Israelis, Palestinians. A Chinese envoy on Monday called for efforts to achieve common security between Israelis and Palestinians.

____ (2022-11-28). Weekly flu hospitalizations in U.S. hit record high since 2010: CDC. Over 11,200 patients in the United States were hospitalized with flu in the latest week, the highest rate in the same period of time since 2010, according to data released Monday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

____ (2022-11-28). Chinese gov't spokesperson stresses enforcement of HKSAR national security law. It is imperative to fully and faithfully enforce the law on safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

____ (2022-11-28). U.S. urged to stop politicizing economic, trade and sci-tech issues: spokesperson. It is imperative to fully and faithfully enforce the law on safeguarding national security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

____ (2022-11-28). Premier Li says sound, stable China-Japan ties serve interests of both sides. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang addressed the eighth China-Japan Business Leader and Former High-Level Government Official Dialogue by video link on Monday, saying the two countries, as major economies in the world, enjoy common interests and broad scope for cooperation.

____ (2022-11-28). Xi holds talks with Mongolian president. Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh on Monday at the Great Hall of the People during his state visit to China.

____ (2022-11-28). China to provide training for foreign astronauts. The China Manned Space Agency is doing preparatory work for the training of foreign astronauts to fly aboard the nation's Tiangong space station, said Ji Qiming, assistant director of the agency.

____ (2022-11-28). Policies to stabilize real estate financing. China's latest policies will pump more liquidity into the economy to boost growth, improve real estate financing, stabilize market expectations and help shore up economic recovery in the coming months, industry experts said.

____ (2022-11-28). China, Mongolia agree on shared future. China and Mongolia pledged on Monday to make joint efforts to move toward modernization and work for a shared future featuring peaceful coexistence, solidarity and win-win cooperation.

____ (2022-11-28). China, Russia committed to safeguarding int'l justice. China and Russia have reaffirmed their commitment to rejecting unipolar hegemony and safeguarding international fairness and justice, a move that officials and scholars said is conducive to the peace and stability of the region and the world.

____ (2022-11-28). EU leader's visit expected to boost ties. At the invitation of President Xi Jinping, Michel, president of the European Council, will pay a visit to China on Thursday, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying announced on Monday.

____ (2022-11-28). Nation set to strengthen cooperation with Japan. Healthy and stable China-Japan relations not only serve the interests of both countries and their peoples, but also benefit regional and global peace as well as stability and development, Premier Li Keqiang said on Monday.

____ (2022-11-28). WHO renames monkeypox as 'mpox' to avoid stigma. To avoid racist stereotypes and stigmatization, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended on Monday that the monkeypox virus be renamed "mpox".

____ (2022-11-28). Uproar as HK court allows UK legal defense. Earlier on Monday, the Court of Final Appeal, Hong Kong's top court, upheld a lower court's decision to allow Lai to hire British barrister Timothy Owen as his counsel in his upcoming national security trial, which will start on Thursday.

____ (2022-11-28). China extends tariff exemption on certain US goods. China will continue to exempt certain US goods from additional tariffs until May next year, the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council said Monday.

____ (2022-11-28). Sinopharm wins approval for inhaled Omicron antibody trials. Chinese drugmaker Sinopharm said on Monday it has obtained approval to conduct clinical trials of an inhaled monoclonal antibody against the novel coronavirus, a potentially significant weapon against the dominant Omicron variant.

____ (2022-11-28). Hawaii's Mauna Loa volcano erupts after nearly four decades. The Mauna Loa volcano in the U.S. state of Hawaii, the world's largest active volcano, is erupting for the first time in nearly 40 years, authorities said.

____ (2022-11-28). COVID-19 devastation highlights world's lack of public health preparedness: Fauci. The devastation that COVID-19 has inflicted globally is truly historic and highlights the world's overall lack of public health preparedness for an outbreak of this magnitude.

____ (2022-11-29). First convertor transformer with China-made on-load tap changers starts operation. The first convertor transformer using China-made on-load tap changers have successfully been put into operation on Sunday at a crucial west-to-east power transmission project located in South China's Guangdong Province.

____ (2022-11-29). Polar vehicles from Guizhou province vroom on icy land in Antarctica. With an eye-catching exterior and two 4-meter-long carriages, polar all-terrain vehicles produced by a Guizhou company became a popular topic recently on the internet.

____ (2022-11-29). China's gross ocean product exceeds 9t yuan. China's gross ocean product exceeded 9 trillion yuan ($1.25 trillion) in 2021, up 8.3 percent year-on-year, People's Daily overseas edition reported on Tuesday.

____ (2022-11-29). China's auto export industry climbing to the top. China expected to surpass Japan and South Korea to become the world's largest auto exporter in the future, the People's Daily reported on Tuesday, citing an expert.

____ (2022-11-29). Reopening businesses eligible for tax refunds. Authorities in Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, will help small and medium-sized businesses hit hard by the recent COVID-19 outbreak as the city steps up efforts to restore order in the lives of residents, the city government said.

____ (2022-11-29). Q&A: Beijing's latest COVID-19 outbreak. Li Dongzeng spoke with Beijing Daily about the infectiousness and virulence of the Omicron variant BF.7, the dominant subvariant in the latest outbreak of COVID-19 in Beijing.

____ (2022-11-29). People in high-risk areas helped to return home. The government in Guangzhou, one of many cities in China that are struggling to reduce the spread of COVID-19, is allowing people who live and work in high-risk areas of the city to return to their hometowns after completing precautionary steps.

____ (2022-11-29). Parties agree on COP15 core content, structure. Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity have essentially agreed upon the structure and core content of…

____ (2022-11-29). Study finds raccoon dogs increasing in Shanghai. Raccoon dogs are ballooning in number and expanding their habitats in the eastern metropolis of Shanghai, a new survey on the crafty urban dwellers has shown.

____ (2022-11-29). U.S. warship tracked after illegally entering Chinese waters, PLA says. The Chinese military has been monitoring a United States guided-missile cruiser that illegally entered Chinese waters near the Nansha Islands on Tuesday morning, a spokesman from the People's Liberation Army said.

____ (2022-11-29). Beijing tops Nature Index Science cities ranking. Beijing remains at the top spot in the newly released Nature Index 2022 Science cities, followed by New York metropolitan area, China News Service reported.

____ (2022-11-29). Extreme weather in Xinjiang led to 7 deaths. Seven construction workers were confirmed dead after going missing in extreme weather conditions in Altay city in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, according to a statement released by local government at late night on Monday.

____ (2022-11-29). Scientific issues critical to human society 2022 released. Global scientists have selected the top 10 scientific issues critical to human society development for 2022, the China Science Daily reported on Tuesday.

____ (2022-11-29). Draw for Paris 2024 ticket sales starts on Thursday. Sports fans will first enter a draw this week before they can purchase the 2024 Paris Olympic Games tickets.

____ (2022-11-29). Urumqi rolls out policies to help COVID-impacted residents. Urumqi, capital of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, has formulated special policies to help residents in need overcome the impact brought by COVID-19.

____ (2022-11-29). China's Shenzhen expands rail transit network. A new metro line and a new section of an existing line in the southern Chinese metropolis of Shenzhen have started services.

____ (2022-11-29). Shanghai Disney Resort to suspend operations again. Shanghai Disney Resort said on Tuesday that it will temporarily close from Tuesday due to the COVID-19 control and prevention requirement.

____ (2022-11-29). WHO renames monkeypox as mpox. The World Health Organization announced Monday that it renamed monkeypox as mpox, citing concerns the original name could be construed as discriminatory and racist.

____ (2022-11-29). Covid positive toddler avoids hospital quarantine thanks to warmhearted neighbors. A 2-year-old kid who tested positive for Covid-19 has been allowed to be quarantined at home, with the aid and promise of a warm-hearted neighborhood in Chaoyang District, Beijing.

____ (2022-11-29). PLA Southern Theater Command troops warn away trespassing U.S. warship near Nansha Islands. PLA Southern Theater Command on Tuesday morning discovered that the vessel USS Chancellorsville had trespassed into waters around the Nansha Islands in the South China Sea without China's authorization, and followed and warned away the guided-missile cruiser.

____ (2022-11-29). Xi says ready to strengthen China-Russia energy cooperation. Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday China is ready to work with Russia to forge closer partnership in energy cooperation.

____ (2022-11-29). Japan mulls extending service period of 60-year-old nuclear plants amid fuel shortages. Japanese government on Monday proposed action plans to keep some nuclear reactors operating beyond the current 60-year limit amid the country's policy shift on nuclear energy as a solution to energy supply shortages.

____ (2022-11-29). COVID-19 controls should be lifted in timely manner: NHC. National Health Commission: Areas under COVID-19 control should be accurately identified and have their restrictions lifted as soon as they meet epidemic control and prevention requirements.

____ (2022-11-29). China plans to speed up COVID-19 vaccination rate for people aged over 80. China will speed up the COVID-19 vaccination rate for people aged over 80 and continue to increase the rate for people aged between 60 and 79, according to a notice released by the State Council joint prevention and control mechanism against COVID-19 on Tuesday.

____ (2022-11-29). U.S. urged to stop politicizing economic, trade and sci-tech issues.

____ (2022-11-29). China rebukes Canada for ideologically-biased diplomatic strategy.

____ (2022-11-29). China welcomes Sri Lankan FM's rebuttal of so-called 'Chinese debt trap': spokesperson.

____ (2022-11-29). World's largest active volcano erupts in Hawaii. The Mauna Loa volcano, the world's largest active volcano, has erupted for the first time in nearly 40 year. Local authorities said lava flows are contained within the summit area and are not threatening downslope communities.

____ (2022-11-29). Urumqi gradually restores normal life. Urumqi is gradually restoring the normal order of work and life as the COVID-19 surge has been contained.

____ (2022-11-29). File photos of three taikonauts trained for Shenzhou-15 mission. They have gone through numerous rigorous training programs over the past decade and will carry out the Shenzhou-15 spaceflight mission.

____ (2022-11-29). CPEC is an open and inclusive platform: FM spokesperson.

____ (2022-11-29). Design of main venue for Exop Chengdu 2024 released. The main pavilion is located by the Mohechi ruins park, a manmade lake and a popular spot for relaxation during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The 2024 Chengdu Exop will be held from April 26 to Oct. 28, 2024.

____ (2022-11-29). Horses run on snow-covered prairie in Xinjiang. A herd of horses gallop on snow-covered prairie in Zhaosu county, known as "hometown of pegasus", Kazak Autonomous Prefecture of Ili, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, Nov. 27, 2022.

____ (2022-11-29). Rare robin bird spotted in Qinghai. The red-breasted robin, Britain's National Bird, is 14-centimeter-long and weighs at about 16-22 grams. It was listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's red list of threatened species in 2012.

____ (2022-11-29). Over 1.5 tons of coins unearthed in Jiangsu. Photo released on Nov. 29, 2022 shows copper coins excavated from an ancient coin kiln dating back to Song Dynasty (960-1279) in Yancheng, east China's Jiangsu Province. Over 1.5 tons of ancient copper coins were discovered in Jiangsu.

____ (2022-11-29). Shenzhou-15 mission explained: crew and major tasks.

____ (2022-11-29). Sightseeing rail line in Lijiang starts test run. The first phase of the Lijiang tour train project, which links UNESCO world cultural heritage site Lijiang Old Town and national 5A scenic spot Yulong Snow Mountain, started trial operations in Lijiang city of Yunnan province on Monday, CCTV News reported.

Ed Rampell (2022-11-29). New Documentary Offers Grunt's View of War in Afghanistan During Its Last Nine Months. U.S. imperialism's star-crossed 2001 invasion of Afghanistan and the ensuing 20-year occupation was doomed from the very start. Oscar-nominated and Emmy Award-winning director Matthew Heineman's new 96-minute non-fiction film Retrograde documents the denouement of a deceitful debacle. His film, shot on the ground often amidst intense combat, zooms in on the final nine months of …

Editor (2022-11-29). On the development of China's environmental policies towards an ecological civilization. We are very pleased to republish this important article by Efe Can Gàºrcan, Associate Professor at Tàºrkiye's Istinye University, which originally appeared in Volume 3 Issue 3 of the BRIQ(Belt & Road Initiative Quarterly).

Editor (2022-11-29). The environment may be the number one issue in the new agenda among progressive South American. Petro's, Lula's, and Maduro's positions show South Americans are united about the Amazon; it may reintegrate Venezuela.

Editor (2022-11-29). Western media has not much evolved from the era of the yellow peril in its routine China-bashing. Distorted coverage of alleged removal of Hu Jintao from Communist Party Congress is par for the course along with other recent coverage.

Editor (2022-11-29). A New Union Rises in the South.

Editor (2022-11-29). Biden Accused of Selling Out Rail Workers by Urging Congress to Prevent Strike. "Biden is siding with corporate rail bosses over the rank-and-file workers who voted against this agreement," said one progressive commentator after the president urged lawmakers to take action to force through a deal without paid sick leave.

Editor (2022-11-29). New York Times and Other Major Media Urge US to Drop Charges Against Julian Assange.

Editor (2022-11-29). Patrick Lawrence: Zhou Enlai's Posthumous Triumph.

Editor (2022-11-29). UK Government Deployed 15 Staff on Secret Operation To Seize Julian Assange.

Editor (2022-11-29). WikiLeaks Delegation in Latin America to Rally Support for Assange's Release.

Edward Curtin (2022-11-29). Is There Life After Death?

Elijah Magnier (2022-11-29). 'US using UN Human Rights Council to put pressure on Iran'. Elijah Magnier says the United States is using the UN Human Rights Council to put pressure on Iran. | Press TV's Spotlight UN Iran probe | Tonight's Spotlight on Press TV discussed the recent anti-Iran resolution approved by the UN Human Rights Council and whether the meeting had any legal basis. | The guests were Firas al-Najim, Manager of the NGO Canadian Defenders for Human Rights, from Toronto, and Elijah Magnier, journalist and political analyst, from Brussel…

Elijah Magnier (2022-11-29). Press TV's Spotlight UN Iran probe. Tonight's Spotlight on Press TV discussed the recent anti-Iran resolution approved by the UN Human Rights Council and whether the meeting had any legal basis. | The guests were Firas al-Najim, Manager of the NGO Canadian Defenders for Human Rights, from Toronto, and Elijah Magnier, journalist and political analyst, from Brussel…

Elizabeth Woodworth (2022-11-29). The "Best Evidence" Contradicting the Official Position on 9/11: Excerpts from 9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation.

Elliott Wallace (2022-11-29). Brazilian theatre company put on Black cast for "The Little Prince" "The Little Prince" is a much-loved fictional character for reasons that have nothing to do with his physical appearance. Anybody can carry the book's message to the world. Take a look at how this Brazilian theatre company looks to reimagine the story.

Emilio Alvelar (2022-11-29). Colorado Lyft and Uber drivers strike at Denver International Airport, demand reform. DENVER—"We don't feel like being exploited anymore," said Steven Lustig, an Uber driver and union organizer. On Thanksgiving weekend, Lustig and 1 drivers organizing with Colorado Independent Drivers United (CIDU) switched off their mobile rideshare apps and put on red armbands. The Lyft and Uber drivers' half-day work stoppage at Denver International Airport last Saturday …

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Will Iran beat US again in World Cup? TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — Iran's national team defeated the American squad 2-1 at the 1998 World Cup; the question is whether Team Melli will beat its rival again this time in Qatar.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Iran pistachio exports to EU top ‚Ǩ95 m in Jan-Sep: Eurostat. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — Figures by European Union's statistical office (Eurostat) has said that Iran's exports of pistachio to the EU topped 95 million euros in the first nine months of 2022.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Saudi coalition seizes yet another ship carrying Yemeni fuel. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — Yemen Oil Company on Monday night announced that the Saudi-led coalition has confiscated a ship carrying fuel en route to Yemen in continuation of their hostility towards the impoverished country ofnation.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Iranians mark Hazrat Zaynab birthday as National Nurse Day. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Iranian people each year celebrate the birthday anniversary of Hazrat Zaynab on 5th Jamadi-ul-Awwal and mark the National Nurse Day on the same day on the memorial of the sacrifices of Hazrat Zaynab made after Karbala Battle.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Fars province agricultural exports hit $41m in 7 months. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — Fars Province exported 35.484 tons of agricultural products worth $41.203 million in the first seven months of the current fiscal year (March 21-Oct. 22), said a provincial official.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). 2 Iranian movies awarded at Indian International FilmFest. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — Iranian films 'No End' and 'Nargesi' were awarded at the 53rd International Film Festival of India.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Lebanon security forces arrest Mossad spy. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — Lebanese media reported on Tuesday that a Mossad spy was arrested in the country.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). SA jails social media activist for criticizing unemployment. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — The Saudi regime authorities arrested an activist for critical tweets about the House of Saud and unemployment in the kingdom, in yet another sign of the Riyadh regime's aggressive crackdown on dissent on social media.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Qatar to supply Germany with LNG under long-term gas deals. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — Qatar is to supply liquefied natural gas to Germany under a 15-year deal as the European economic powerhouse scrambles to replace Russian gas supplies that were cut during the ongoing war in Ukraine.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). VIDEO: FIFA releases video of Iran- US face off ahead of game. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — National men's football teams of Iran and the United States will meet each other again in the group stage of 2022 World Cup tonight. This is 2nd time they compete after 1998 World Cup which ended in Iran's dramatic victory.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). China calls for lifting of unilateral sanctions on Venezuela. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — China's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson called on relevant countries to stop interfering in Venezuela's internal affairs and lift unilateral sanctions as soon as possible.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Iran energy minister to visit Ashgabat for bilateral talks. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — The Iranian energy minister is scheduled to visit Turkmenistan capital of Ashgabat on Wednesday morning for bilateral talks.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Leader receives Iraqi prime minister. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on Tuesday evening received Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani and his accompanying delegation.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Any country disagrees with West to be accused of HR violation. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — The Iranian deputy foreign minister Bagheri Kani has lambasted the Western countries for their double standards when it comes to international issues such as the human rights.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Central Iraqi gov. needs to control borders in Kurdish region. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei told visiting Iraqi premier that the securities of Iran and Iraq are intertwined, calling for the Iraqi government's control over the Kurdish region's borders.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Russian embassy voices support for Iran's natl. team vs USA. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — The Russian Embassy in Tehran announced in a statement on its Telegram channel on Tuesday evening that it supports Iran's national football team (Team Melli) against the United States in the World Cup match tonight.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Zionist forces martyr young Palestinian in Ramallah. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — The Ministry of Health of the Palestinian Authority (PA) on Tuesday evening announced the martyrdom of another Palestinian man who was shot by the occupying forces of the Zionist regime of Israel.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Iraq asked not let Iran security to be menaced from its soil. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — Iran's First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber said that Islamic Republic expects neighboring Iraq not allow Iran's security to be threatened from its territory.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Iran fail to advance to World Cup knockout stage again. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — Iran national men's football team lost 0-1 to the USA in the third and final match of 2022 World Cup Group B match and failed to qualify for the next knockout stage in Qatar.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Anti-Iran resolution complicated JCPOA revival talks. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that issuance of anti-Iran resolution at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)'s Board of Governors has complicated talks on the revival of Iran's nuclear deal.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Astonishing autumn scenery in W Iran. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — Footage shows the beautiful scenery of Hir nature, Ardabil province, in autumn.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Autumn beauties in Saqqez. TEHRAN, Nov. 30 (MNA) — The parks in Saqqez, in western Iranian Kordestan Province, are blanketed with leaves of trees during the last month of fall.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-29). Leader meeting with Iraqi PM. TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) — Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on Tuesday evening received Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani and his accompanying delegation during their visit to Tehran.

F. Douglas Stephenson (2022-11-29). Private Equity Is a Parasite Consuming the US Health System. As Americans are overwhelmed with medical bills, patient financing is now a multibillion-dollar business, with private equity and big banks lined up to cash in when patients and their families can't pay for care.

Fight Back (2022-11-29). Bookstore packed for FRSO program release party. Minneapolis, MN — About 70 activists packed Mayday Bookstore, November 20, for the release of the print edition of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization's (FRSO) political program. | FRSO Political Secretary Mick Kelly told the excited crowd, "Our program amounts to a declaration war against the existing order things. It is a clear statement that analyzes the conditions we face, lays bare the laws of capitalism, the need for revolution and socialism – and defines a clear strategy getting from here to there." | The room was filled with many of the movers and shakers in the Twin Cites people's struggles.

Frank Cappello (2022-11-29). LEVER TIME: How To Be Funny In 2022 (w/ David Cross). In the new episode of our weekly podcast Lever Time, David Sirota is joined by comedy legend David Cross, known for his roles in Mr. Show and Arrested Development and one of the most subversive comedians of the modern era. The two Davids discuss the state of modern comedy, the debate around cancel culture and free speech, and what is the most constructive way to make fun of people you disagree with (25: 46).In addition, Andrew Perez sits down with Lindsay Owens, executive director of the progressive think tank Groundwork Collaborative, to talk about why the upcoming fight in Congress over the debt ceiling is so p…

Gerald Tan (2022-11-29). Craft brewery makes sustainability production a priority. As new independent breweries enter the market, they're doing so with sustainability in mind.

Global Research News (2022-11-29). Selected Articles: Australia Sees 63% Drop in Births After Introduction of COVID "Vaccines" — What Will the Government's Excuse be?

Graham Peebles (2022-11-29). Copout in Cairo: 'they' just don't care. "Act now with environmental responsibility at the core of ones daily life; act now to force governments and businesses to respond, or look around in ten years and see ashes in your hands."

Hector Luis Alamo (2022-11-29). Bury My Heart in Chicago (OPINION). The discovery of an old rifle in the woods leads to a reflection on the Native Americans who first inhabited the area around Chicago and the city's early history. (2022-11-29). Dormant microbes can 'switch on' to cope with climate change. Dormant strains of bacteria that have previously adapted to cope with certain temperatures are switched back on during climatic change, study shows. (2022-11-29). Multi-million-pound trial will help rapidly find flu treatments this winter.

Infobrics (2022-11-29). BRICS Economies as a Basis for Creating or Developing National Digitalization. As the digital economy develops, new economic and political forces appear on the world stage that have to compete with the US and the EU. These economic systems are counterbalanced by the BRICS countries…

Infobrics (2022-11-29). Nine Russian Banks Open Special Vostro Accounts for Trade in Rupees. Russia top two banks—Sberbank and VTB Bank —have emerged as the first foreign lenders to receive the approval. Russia's Gazprom, which does not have its branches in India, has also opened this account with state-run UCO Bank…

Infobrics (2022-11-29). Why does US insist on peace talks between Kiev and Moscow. Faced with the possibility of a catastrophe, Washington changes its discourse on Ukraine.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-29). A New Age of Globalization: BRICS and the Challenge of Creating a Fair International Legal Order. Gabriel Dourado Rocha Initially, the so-called BRIC — Brazil, Russia, India and China — was coined in 2001, when it was predicted that the share of Brazil, Russia, India and China in the world's GDP would grow and that this would raise questions about the impact of these countries on economic policies. In this context,…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-29). Across Africa, Water Conflicts Threaten Security, Health, and the Environment. Independent Media Institute Southern Africa drought — Mozambique Adelaide Maphangane stands beside an empty water hole in the district of Mabalane, Mozambique. Many people come to this area to dig for water and often leave empty handed. The holes they are digging to reach water are getting deeper by the day (Photo: Aurélie Marrier d'Unienville…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-29). National Day of Mourning 2022: From Landback to Bodily Autonomy, Indigenous Leadership is Key. Mahtowin Munro Indigenous people and supporters march through Plymouth, Massachusetts, on Nov. 24. Photo: Rachel Jones / UAINE Opening remarks at the 2022 National Day of Mourning in Plymouth, Massachusetts, on Nov. 24. Since 1970, Indigenous people and their allies have gathered at noon on Cole's Hill to commemorate a National Day of Mourning on…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-29). The EU Chooses the Path of Direct Military Confrontation with Russia. Philippe Rosenthal On November 10, the European Commission unveiled the new Military Mobility 2.0 Action Plan. The presentation of this plan was accompanied by a joint communicqué on the EU's cyber defense policy. It is officially stated that these documents aim to address the deteriorating security situation after Russia's aggression against Ukraine and to increase the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-29). The UK Assumes Full Control of Libya's Oil. Mark Curtis An oil and gas platform off the coast of Libya. (Photo: Antonio Sempere via Getty) British oil giants BP and Shell are returning to the oil-rich north African country just over a decade after the UK plunged it into chaos in its 2011 military intervention, which the British government never admitted was a…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-11-29). What to Expect in Russia's Winter Offensive in Ukraine. M. K. BHADRAKUMAR Russian President Vladimir Putin met with mothers of military personnel participating in the special military operation in Ukraine, Novo-Ogaryovo, Moscow Region, November 25, 2022 Wading through the 18,000-word transcript of an hours-long meeting that President Vladimir Putin took with the "soldiers' mothers" last Friday in Moscow, one gets the impression that the fighting in…

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-11-29). Announced in 2000, the International African American Museum is Finally Set to Open in Charleston, South Carolina. After more than two decades of planning, the International African American Museum (IAAM) announced it will open to the public the weekend on Jan. 21, 2023. The museum is located in Charleston, South Carolina, at the former site of Ghadsen's Wharf, once one of the nation's foremost slave ports. IAAM's mission is "to honor the …

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-11-29). Legendary Singer and 'Sparkle' Actress Irene Cara Passes Away at 63. Irene Cara, the beautiful and incomparable actress and singer known for her roles and songs in "Sparkle," "Fame" and "Flashdance" has died. She was 63. Cara's death was announced by her publicist, Judith Moose, in a tweet shared from Cara's official account on Friday, Nov. 26. "It is with profound sadness that on behalf of …

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-11-29). Survey: One Out of Every Three Americans Making At Least $2 ,000 Salary Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck. A survey conducted earlier this year found one-in-three Americans making at least $2 ,000 are living paycheck to paycheck. The survey was conducted by and LendingClub Corp April 6-13 and a summary of the results were published in Bloomberg in June. The findings were most prevalent among millennials, more than half of whom said they …

Jacob Andrewartha (2022-11-29). Victorian election shows dissatisfaction is polarised. As the cost-of-living and housing crises hit hard, Labor was re-elected in Victoria, despite a 5.8% negative swing which went both to the right and left. The socialist vote was encouraging, reports Jacob Andrewartha.

Jake Johnson (2022-11-29). 'All of Rail Labor Is Going to Suffer': Workers Furious Over Biden Move to Preempt Strike. "This is a legacy-defining moment for Joe Biden," said Railroad Workers United. "He is going down as one of the biggest disappointments in labor history."

Jake Johnson (2022-11-29). From Floods to Droughts, Every Region of the World Suffered Water Extremes Last Year: UN. The head of the World Meteorological Organization said 2021's water extremes stemmed from "the impacts of climate change."

Jake Johnson (2022-11-29). Progressives in Congress Begin to Push Back Against Biden Betrayal of Rail Workers. "What we're seeing is an inhumane deal being pushed onto workers even after a majority voted it down," said Rep. Jamaal Bowman.

Jake Johnson (2022-11-29). Because 'Publishing Is Not a Crime,' Major Newspapers Push US to Drop Assange Charges.

Jessica Corbett (2022-11-29). Groups Blast Biden for 'Siding With Billionaires Over Rail Workers'. As criticism of the president's position mounts, some members of Congress are speaking out in support of including at least seven days of paid sick leave in any measure they pass.

Jessica Corbett (2022-11-29). 'Love Wins Again': Senate Passes Bill to Protect Same-Sex and Interracial Marriage. "While Congress has taken an important step," said the head of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, "it is incumbent on all of us to continue to push for passage of the comprehensive Equality Act."

Jessica Corbett (2022-11-29). Progressives Mobilize in Georgia for Dec. 6 Senate Runoff. Advocacy groups backing Sen. Raphael Warnock call the Democrat a "reproductive rights champion" who is also "fighting to stop the climate crisis and create good jobs in the process."

Jon C. Day (2022-11-29). We All Know the Great Barrier Reef Is in Danger — The UN Has Just Confirmed It. Again.

Julia Conley (2022-11-29). State Legislators Proposed 306 Bills Targeting Trans People in the Past 2 Years. An analysis released Monday by NPR details what one rights advocacy group called the Republican Party's Lawmakers in every region of the United States have put forward "

Julia Conley (2022-11-29). Calls for SCOTUS Ethics Probe Grow as Court Lawyer Defends Alito. "Supreme Court justices have avoided accountability for too long," said one critic. "It's time for our elected officials to do their job, and serve as a true check on the judiciary."

Julia Conley (2022-11-29). Senate Report Details Failure to Confront 'Persistent and Lethal' Threat of White Supremacists. "The federal government has continued to allocate resources disproportionately aligned to international terrorist threats over domestic terrorist threats," the report reads.

KATIE (2022-11-29). International Day of Solidarity with Palestine.

KATIE (2022-11-29). Marking the 44th UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

Kenny Stancil (2022-11-29). Puerto Rican Towns Sue Big Oil in First-of-Its-Kind RICO Case.

Kenny Stancil (2022-11-29). Congressional Labor Caucus Demands More Funding for NLRB Before GOP Takes House. "Workers need the NLRB to receive funding that allows it to fully implement its mission," several Democratic lawmakers told House Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Schumer.

Kenny Stancil (2022-11-29). Puerto Rican Towns File RICO Suit Accusing Big Oil of Colluding on Climate Denial. Sixteen municipalities are trying to force Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, and others to pay for damages from the 2017 hurricane season, which was exacerbated by planet-heating fossil fuel emissions.

Kwjorinoco (2022-11-29). Former Consul of Ecuador: Latin American Leaders 'Have the Key' to Free Assange. The support of Gustavo Petro, Lula, and other Latin American leaders for the freedom of Julian Assange may be crucial for his release, former Ecuadorian consul in London, Fidel Narváez, told. For the diplomat, the Assange case is "a political case" that requires "increasing international pressure" against the US. | In dialogue with, Fidel Narváez, who accompanied Assange during his refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in the United Kingdom, acknowledged the importance of the support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro for Wikileaks and the demand for freedom for the Australian cyberactivist and journ…

Leah Watson (2022-11-29). Lessons Learned from Our Classroom Censorship Win Against Florida's Stop W.O.K.E. Act. Earlier this month, a federal judge

Liberation Staff (2022-11-29). PSL Editorial — Rail industry showdown: Joe Biden vs. the right to strike. Who is Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi or any other millionaire politician to tell workers that they cannot exercise their right to strike?>

Linnea Harris (2022-11-29). E-Waste 101: Everything You Need to Know.

Marjorie Cohn (2022-11-29). Evangelical Lobbying Threatens Supreme Court's Independence. Recent exposés have uncovered an emerging pattern of improper lobbying of right-wing Supreme Court justices by wealthy evangelicals. They reveal serious threats to the independence of the judiciary. But equally alarming is that the Supreme Court is unconstrained by a code of judicial ethics. |

Mark Gruenberg (2022-11-29). Rail unions protest Biden's move to have Congress impose new pact. WASHINGTON, D.C. — Several rail union leaders, plus a top rank-and-file group, are protesting Democratic President Joe Biden's request to Congress to impose a new contract on the nation's 115,000 freight rail workers. But their ire may come too late. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., planned to bring the proposed four-year settlement—previously recommended by a …

Mark Taliano (2022-11-29). The Collective West Seeks War, not Peace. The collective West does not want peace for Ukraine. Instead it wants war in an unsuccessful bid to "bleed Russia". The West was not seeking Peace when it orchestrated the bloody, unconstitutional Maidan coup, ousting elected President Yanukovych, who was forced to flee the country. (1) Neither were the West and its agencies seeking Peace …

Matthew Cunningham-Cook (2022-11-29). Biden Is Breaking His Sick Leave Promise To Crush Rail Workers.

Maximillian Alvarez (2022-11-29). Striking Case New Holland workers prepare to spend the holidays on the picket line. This time last year, 10,000 workers and UAW members at John Deere waged a massive strike that became a national news story. This year, workers at another industrial manufacturer are spending Thanksgiving carrying on a strike that has lasted for seven months, but has received significantly less national attention. As Mel Buer reports, "CNH Industrial, a multinational corporation, is an agricultural machinery and construction equipment manufacturer with 13 locations across the United States producing its Case and New Holland brands of equipment. Workers at the Burlington and Racine locations are unionized wit…

Michael Klare (2022-11-29). What If the U.S. and China Really Cooperated on Climate Change? As President Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping arrived on the resort island of Bali, Indonesia, for their November 14th "summit," relations between their two countries were on a hair-raising downward spiral, with tensions over Taiwan nearing the boiling point. Diplomats hoped, at best, for a modest reduction in tensions, which, to the relief of many, did occur. No policy breakthroughs were expected, however, and none were achieved. In one vital area, though, there was at least a glimmer of hope: the planet's two largest greenhouse-gas emitters agreed to resume their languishing negotiations on joint…

Mike Ludwig (2022-11-29). Global Coalition Calls for More Advertisers to Boycott Twitter.

Miko Peled (2022-11-29). Itamar Ben-Gvir's Appointment as Minister for National Security is Bad News For Palestinians, Humanity. The position of Minister of National Security is a new post created specifically for Ben-Gvir. It is an appointment that will give him unprecedented power over the lives of Palestinian citizens of Israel, as well as those living in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Misión Verdad (2022-11-29). The Countries Which Participate in the World Cup of Opportunism. by Ernesto Cazal Nov 24, 2022 | Venezuela is once again a protagonist on the international scene, and on its own merits. Of course, a lot has to do with the current international situation, with disaster capitalism having already devastated the global status quo and the economic dynamics being shattered. | All the factors converge to rekindle the importance of our country on the regional scene and in other latitudes. We can speak with certainty that oil and the political and diplomatic importance that Chavismo holds for other countries is essential for the resolution of multiple crises manifesting themselve…

Niko Leka (2022-11-29). Challenger ticket wins 39% of NSW Nurses and Midwives Association vote. In the first contested election in the New South Wales Nurses and Midwives Union since 2003, John-Paul Marx, who ran on "A Smarter Union" ticket, received 38.7% of the vote. Niko Leka reports.

Norman Solomon (2022-11-29). Beware Corporate Democrats "Passing the Torch" Congressman Hakeem Jeffries is a member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, but that affiliation for the heir apparent to the current House Speaker should not be taken at face value.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-11-29). Masar Badil Calls for Support for the Palestinian Resistance and the Intifada. The Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement, called upon its organizations and supporters to organize mass actions in support of the growing Intifada in occupied Palestine, under the slogan: "With the Palestinian Resistance: Support the Intifada!" | "Our people in exile and diaspora, the supporters of Palestine and the free people of the world will together express their position, as they have always done, in support of the growing uprising in Palestine. The youth of Palestine everywhere will not stand by amid the Zionist crimes against our people in Jenin, Nablus, Gaza, Jerusalem and…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-11-29). Operation Cosette: Hugo Chávez' Cultural Revolution. By Andreína Chávez Alava Nov 23, 2022 | Venezuelanalysis writer Andreína Chávez writes about the Bolivarian Revolution's cultural policies, their impact, and present-day versions. | "You are all readers now! Go read to learn about the past, to learn about the present, and to fight for the future." With these words, President Hugo Chávez used to welcome hundreds of graduates from Venezuela's literacy program Mission Robinson in the early 2000s. He would then send them off to the world with free books under their arms as soldiers ready for battle. | Chávez's cultural revolution and its liberating impact on th…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-11-29). Thuggish Ways: Mike Pompeo, Punishing Leakers and Getting Assange.

Paul Craig Roberts (2022-11-29). My Career as a White Police Officer. Comment by PCR: | Is the article by the career police officer racist or the truth? Is it racist even if it is true? Once truth is racist, how can truth be spoken or written? Calling truth "racist" causes easily intimidated people to flee from truth. | The officer is describing what it is like to be a cop in a city with a diverse population in the era of "affirmative action." He is not using the picture he provides of the black criminal as a portrait of all black Americ…

Peter Koenig (2022-11-29). The Big Lie: Worldwide Energy Shortage Plus Multiple Crises — All Manufactured — Meant for Destruction of Western Civilization.

Philip Giraldi (2022-11-29). Vladimir Putin's Vision of a Multipolar World.

Ramzy Baroud (2022-11-29). Liberating Africa From Poverty Requires Changing Power Relations With the West. By Ramzy Baroud Nov 21, 2022 | Soon after arriving in Oslo, my taxi zigzagged through the city's well-organized streets and state-of-the-art infrastructure. Large billboards advertised the world's leading brands in fashion, cars, and perfumes. Amid all the expressions of wealth and plenty, an electronic sign by a bus stop flashed the images of poor looking African children needing help. | Over the years, Norway has served as a relatively good model of meaningful humanitarian and medical aid. This is especially true if compared to other self-serving western countries, where aid is often linked to direct poli…

Ramzy Baroud (2022-11-29). Symbolic but Significant: Why the Decision to Investigate Abu Akleh's Murder is Unprecedented. Though the US investigation of Abu Akleh's murder is unlikely to result in any kind of justice, it is a very important moment in US-Israeli and US-Palestinian relationships.

Reynard Loki (2022-11-29). Populist Climate Action Requires Thinking About Freedom From Specific Oppressors—Not Just Species Survival. The climate crisis is a form of oppression by a wealthy few. By Carter Dillard, Independent Media Institute 6 min read In September 2022, an international group of climate scientists published a study showing that the world was close to, or in some cases had even surpassed, key tipping points in the climate crisis that …

Staff (2022-11-29). Serbian president: "We have to understand that we are at war" B92November 28, 2022 Vuƒçiƒá: "We have to understand that we are at war" "Putin uses what he has, the others what they have, everyone uses everything, there is no love in war. When many thought that the war was over and that Ukraine was winning, the Russians started to fight better. It will be a …

Staff (2022-11-29). Turkish press posts map detailing killing of over 17,000 Kurds in Syria in last six years. Anadolu AgencyNovember 28, 2022 17,000 terrorists neutralized in 6 years of Turkish ops in Syria In 6 years, Turkish forces have neutralized nearly 17,000 terrorists in the Euphrates Shield, Olive Branch, and Peace Spring anti-terror offensives in northern Syria…

Staff (2022-11-29). Latvia: NATO, EU adjunct, global partners launch cyber warfare exercise. NATONovember 28, 2022 NATO's flagship cyber defence exercise kicks off in Estonia Cyber Coalition 22, one of the world's largest cyber defence exercises, started on Monday (28 November 2022), bringing together some 1,000 cyber defenders from 26 Allies, as well as Finland and Sweden, Georgia, Ireland, Japan, Switzerland, the European Union, and participants from industry …

Staff (2022-11-29). Next armed conflicts: NATO chief says, after Ukraine, Bosnia, Georgia and Moldova. NATONovember 28, 2022 Press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the President of Romania Klaus Iohannis28 Nov. 2022 Stoltenberg: [L]et me thank Romania for hosting the meeting. And also, let me thank you, President Iohannis for your strong personal commitment to our Alliance, to NATO, at this critical time for our security. You …

Robert Downen (2022-11-29). Jewish Texans see surge in antisemitism as a precursor to fascism. As other kids in Austin recovered from trick-or-treating on Halloween last year, Sarah Adelman worried about white supremacists, her mom and their synagogue. After a series of antisemitic incidents around Central Texas, someone set fire to Congregation Beth Israel, where Sarah's mother, Lori, is a leader. "It made me sad and really scared," 10-year-old Sarah …

Ron Unz (2022-11-29). Lost Histories of the Great War (1914-1918). Ron Unz.

Sam Pizzigati (2022-11-29). Inequality kills. But we can stop the killing.Ôøº. So argues a gripping new book from an activist physician who's helped divine the keys to long and healthy life.

Sandra Laville, Bibi van der Zee (2022-11-29). Tentative COP27 agreement fails to call for 'phase-down' of all fossil fuels. The United Nations climate agency published a first draft on Thursday of what could be the overarching agreement from the COP27 climate summit in Egypt. However, much of the text is likely to be reworked in the coming days. The reaction from some nonprofits has been swift and frustrated, with one Greenpeace representative saying it paved the way for "climate hell." …

Sara Wexler (2022-11-29). The 48,000-worker strike at the University of California is still going. This story originally appeared in A strike involving 48,000 graduate student workers, postdocs, and academic researchers across the University of California system is in its third week. Organizers say that the strike is the largest academic strike in US history; it also happens to be one of the largest strikes, period, in the country in the last few years. On Friday, Nov. 18, Jacobin's Sara Wexler spoke with striking grad stude…

Seth Uzman (2022-11-29). The 2020 BLM Uprising Lives On in Houston's Struggle Against Police Violence. The demonstrators repeatedly chanted "Oh sh*t!" outside the Texas District Attorney's Office. These were the words spoken by Houston police officer Shane Privette after he just killed 29-year-old Jalen Randle. Just moments prior body camera footage also picked up

Sharon Zhang (2022-11-29). "Every Worker Deserves Paid Sick Leave": Progressives Rally Behind Rail Workers.

Sharon Zhang (2022-11-29). Warren, Sanders Lost Over 100k Twitter Followers Each After Elon Musk Takeover. In the weeks following right-wing billionaire Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter in late October, Republican members of Congress gained hundreds of thousands of followers on the platform, while Democrats experienced a purge of followers, a new report finds. | According to

Sharon Zhang (2022-11-29). Workers Livid as Biden Urges Congress to Pass Rail Contract Without Sick Leave.

SP Editor (2022-11-29). Ralph Nader: How Raphael Warnock Could Win the Georgia Run-off.

Staff (2022-11-29). Tracy McCarter domestic abuse survivors criminalization. In a remarkable courtroom scene, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg asked a New York judge Monday to dismiss murder charges against Tracy McCarter, who says she acted in self-defense when her estranged husband died from a stab wound in the chest in 2020. Bragg campaigned on a promise to fight to free McCarter of murder charges, though, when elected, advocates say his actions initially fell short. This comes as pressure is growing in New York to end the criminalization of domestic abuse survivors, which happens at a disproportionate rate against Black women. Advocates say 90% of women who are incarcerated in…

Staff (2022-11-29). President Maduro to Meet his South African Counterpart in Pretoria Next Week. Caracas, November 28, 2022 ( On Monday, November 28, the South African Presidency confirmed this information via a

Staff (2022-11-29). PSUV on Mexico Talks: We Signed an Agreement With the UN, the Money is Going to the People and That is What Matters. On Monday, November 28, during the weekly PSUV press conference, Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) Diosdado Cabello stressed that the agreement signed at the Mexico Talks is beneficial for the Venezuelan people. | He pointed out that although the resources will be returned to Venezuela through the United Nations (UN), they belong to the people and will be used for their benefit, which is what matters most. | "We [already] have some project agreements with the UN, and what happens if the UN is there? We don't care. That money belongs to Venezuela," he said, referring to the $3 billio…

Staff (2022-11-29). International statement in support of Palestinian prisoners on the Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra, the Canadian BDS Coalition and others joined numerous organizations from around the world in signing on to this collective statement in support of Palestinian prisoners for the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People initiated by Addameer: This International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian …

The Associated Press (2022-11-29). Mexico Faces Early World Cup Exit Against Saudi Arabia; Messi, Argentina Play Poland for Survival. Mexico is going to have to suddenly find goals — and perhaps even several of them — to extend its knockout-round streak at the World Cup. Meanwhile, Lionel Messi has already come to Argentina's rescue at the World Cup, and he might just have to do it all over again.

The Texas Tribune (2022-11-29). Supreme Court Wrestles Over Biden's Immigration Enforcement Policy. The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday on whether the Biden administration has the right to decide which undocumented immigrants federal agents should prioritize for deportation.

TheAltWorld (2022-11-29). Malaysia's Anwar Ibrahim, US Meddling, and China.

Thierry Meyssan (2022-11-29). Only the plurality of information can prevent war.

Tim Karr (2022-11-29). Serious Question: Is Twitter Worth Saving? This particular social media giant may be beyond saving, but the idea of a public-interest social network is something worth fighting for.

Tim Wheeler (2022-11-29). Celebrate Margaret Baldridge's 80th, donate to People's World! BALTIMORE — I flew east from my home in Washington State to attend the birthday party, Dec. 10, of a dear comrade and friend, Margaret Baldridge, who will have turned 80 the day before. It will be a gala celebration at Baltimore Center Stage, from 7 to 9 p.m., Sat., Dec. 10. We will sip …

Tom Athanasiou (2022-11-29). The Notable Victory on Loss and Damage at COP27. The UN-backed climate summit in Egypt was a failure, no doubt about it. But it was not a systemic failure.

UnitedEditor (2022-11-29). Rummaging through the documents of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China. By Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein * Delving into some of the documents of the XX Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), into its conclusions and repercussions, it is possible to discover aspects that are quite unknown or little disclosed in our countries. I am going to expose four of them that seem substantial to …

Uriel Araujo (2022-11-29). India Role as Balancing Power Increasing Even Amid Deepening Contradictions.

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2022-11-29). Mexico's Left takes to the streets, celebrates achievements. "Sometimes there are revolutions but people keep on thinking the same way. But now we are seeing a peacetime transformation process and there is a change of mentality… I said yesterday that we are winning the battle against racism, classism, discrimination. This is not about material things, not about welfare programs. There's been a change …

William D. Hartung (2022-11-29). Corporate Weapons Heaven Is a Hell on Earth. America is the World's "Top Weapons Maker"

WSWS (2022-11-29). Warning strikes on Austria's railroads and in hospitals. A national strike saw Austria's railways largely at a standstill on Monday. The last weeks have also seen strikes at several hospitals in the capital, Vienna.

WSWS (2022-11-29). Faced with CUPE propaganda campaign endorsing sellout, Ontario education support workers determined to defeat concessions-filled contract. "I was there at the picket lines supporting my co-workers for those two strike days in early November and the anger, resentment, and at times full-blown outrage was on display. Unions missed another opportunity to galvanize that anger and demand a better collective agreement with fair and equitable wages and stronger workplace protections," said a Toronto-based teacher.

WSWS (2022-11-29). Paul Krugman defines one million US Covid deaths as a victory for democracy. Princeton economist, New York Times columnist, and Biden administration flunkey Paul Krugman has posted a column titled, "How China Lost the Covid War." It is a devastating self-exposure of the intellectual, political and moral disintegration of American liberalism.

WSWS (2022-11-29). "This election is unfair": GM Flint workers denounce judge's rejection of 30-day exension of UAW elections. "The low voter turnout is NOT due to workers' apathy, but due to the conspiratorial actions of the bureaucracy to limit voter turnout and to suppress the voices of the rank and file," the committee stated.

WSWS (2022-11-29). COVID vigil participants denounce Australian Labor government's lifting of safety measures. "We are sixteen, we shouldn't have to have our entire future put at risk because of a preventable pandemic. We thought we were safe but we were basically being lied to."

WSWS (2022-11-29). Sri Lankan Telecom workers protest against privatisation. The unions are promoting the illusion that the Wickremasinghe government, which is carrying out an historic assault on workers' living standards and social rights, can be pressured to change course.

WSWS (2022-11-29). Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin proposes right-wing revision of public school curriculum. Youngkin's right-wing revision of the Virginia curriculum is part of a broader attack on public education being carried out by the Republican Party.

WSWS (2022-11-29). Press reports claim Liz Cheney blocks probe of FBI, Pentagon in January 6 attack. The reports by NBC News and the Washington Post suggest that the House Select Committee is covering up key aspects of Trump's attempted coup d'etat.

WSWS (2022-11-29). New Zealand government reaffirms support for US-NATO war against Russia. Following defence minister Peeni Henare's visit to Ukraine, New Zealand's parliament has invited Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to deliver a speech to promote the US-NATO proxy war against Russia.

WSWS (2022-11-29). Form rank-and-file committees to lead a UK general strike! Rank-and-file committees, democratically elected, must be formed in every workplace, dedicated to unifying the growing wave of struggles based on the demand for a general strike to bring down the Tories.

WSWS (2022-11-29). Transcript from hearing in Lehman v. UAW details arguments for extending UAW election deadlines. A transcript of the November 22 court hearing for the case sheds further light on the indifference and even hostility of the UAW apparatus and court-appointed Monitor to workers' democratic right to participate in a fair election.

WSWS (2022-11-29). UK: Guardian suggests Conservative peer Michelle Mone secretly received £29 million from government COVID contract profits. Tens of billions of pounds in get-rich-quick COVID contracts were handed out from Westminster, with almost £20 billion awarded without any form of tendering.

WSWS (2022-11-29). Australians Against COVID holds vigil for 16,000 COVID deaths. SEP National Secretary Cheryl Crisp told the vigil that the mass deaths were the result of "conscious, premeditated decisions in the interests of finance, production, profits and the wealth of the tiny elite."

WSWS (2022-11-29). RMT promotes ScotRail deal as model for ending national rail strike. The union complains that the government is blocking this discussion. If this can be rectified, then ScotRail proves that an additional one or two percent might be all that the RMT requires to proclaim "victory" and end the strike.

WSWS (2022-11-29). Biden calls on Congress to impose rail contract in a major assault on workers' democratic rights. A congressional injunction would be an attack on the rights of all workers, including the basic right to strike and participate in a meaningful contract vote.

WSWS (2022-11-29). Biden calls on Congress to impose rail contract, in a major assault on workers' democratic rights. A congressional injunction would be an attack on the rights of all workers, including the basic right to strike and participate in meangingful contract vote.

WSWS (2022-11-29). Spain: PSOE-Podemos prepares new repressive laws against strikes, protests. The reformulated sedition law criminalises normal forms of protesta picket that blocks the entrance to a factory, eviction protests, students occupying a university or college, and even changing the route of a demonstration not officially communicated to the authorities.

WSWS (2022-11-29). Striking part-time faculty at The New School vote on last, best, and final offer. The university's insulting and provocative offer poses the need for 1,600 part-time faculty members to take the conduct of the two-week strike into their own hands.

WSWS (2022-11-29). Opposition by University of California strikers grows against UAW's dropping of COLA demand. Striking UC academic workers are livid over the decision of United Auto Workers bargainers to drop their critical demand for cost-of-living protections…

WSWS (2022-11-29). Universities Australia volunteers to channel students into war drive. The UA submission to the Labor government's "strategic review" marks a new stage in integrating Australian universities into the military-intelligence apparatus.

WSWS (2022-11-29). Workers Struggles: The Americas. Truckers, urban transport workers and farmers staged protests over fuel price hikes across Peru while the Dominican Medical Association has called for a nationwide walkout November 30.

Rhythmix Cultural Works (2022-11-29). Saturday 12/10: Gaitas con Sabor…Outdoor! Rhythmix Cultural Works | 2513 Blanding Ave | Alameda, CA 94501…

Staff (2022-11-29). De lechadas en la Liga Élite y más noticias del Clásico Mundial. En medio del fuego mediático que genera la Copa Mundial de Fútbol en Qatar y las noticias galopantes que van saliendo del V Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, nuestra primera Liga Elite del Béisbol Cubano (LEBC) dejó un fin de semana de puro pitcheo, con cuatro lechadas en seis partidos y el ascenso de Tabacaleros a la segunda posición.

Staff (2022-11-29). Chapeando: Las elecciones bajo la lupa (+ Podcast). Están calientes las redes de los adversarios, quejosos con las elecciones del domingo. Nos debemos un análisis de los factores que influyeron en una participación significativamente más baja que todo el período anterior. Pero volviendo a los números: los del domingo expresan una realidad y, por cierto, mejor con mucho a la mayoría de los sitios desde donde postean los críticos.

Staff (2022-11-29). Envíanos la foto de tu primer día de clases. øTe tomaste alguna fotografía en tu primer día de clases, en la escuela, con los amigos, los profesores? Envíala a la Tira de los Lectores y la publicaremos el próximo domingo en nuestro sitio web y redes sociales. Esperamos tus imágenes a través del correo

Staff (2022-11-29). Kun Agàºero se vuelve viral al bailar con un grupo de niños en Doha. El futbolista argentino Sergio Agàºero bailó con un grupo de niños en Doha y se viralizó en las redes. Triplets Ghetto Kids es un grupo de baile formado por niños ugandeses de barrios pobres que hace furor en Internet. El Kun Agàºero apareció en un centro comercial en Doha junto a su amigo, el chef turco Burak àñzdemir, y coincidieron con los niños.

Staff (2022-11-29). Locura en Catar: Doble de Neymar acude al estadio y confunde a los aficionados. Con gorra, gafas de sol y camiseta de entrenamiento de Brasil, además de un vendaje en el tobillo derecho para simular que estaba tocado, muchos se pensaron que se trataba del mismo Neymar. Realmente, el parecido del hombre con Neymar es total, lo que justificó la confusión de algunos de los presentes en el Estadio.

Staff (2022-11-29). EN VIVO: Ecuador vs. Senegal por el Grupo A de Copa del Mundo. En juegos amistosos, ambas selecciones se enfrentaron en dos ocasiones que terminaron con victorias para la oncena africana.

TeleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-11-29). China y Mongolia refuerzan lazos de intercambio y cooperación. El mandatario chino aseguró que su país está dispuesto a aumentar los intercambios con Mongolia en áreas como la energía, la minería, la conectividad y otras esferas.

TeleSUR, jap, MER (2022-11-29). Gales e Inglaterra se medirán en un partido clave de Qatar 2022. Inglaterra llegará a este encuentro con cuatro puntos, mientras que Gales tiene uno.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-11-29). Avanza proceso para crear Ministerio de Igualdad en Colombia. "La dignidad se hará costumbre cuando igualdad y equidad se garanticen con eficacia y eficiencia", externó la vicepresidenta Márquez.

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-11-29). Uruguay notifica siete nuevos fallecimientos por la Covid-19. La institución sanitaria indicó que se encuentran 1.026 casos activos de la enfermedad vital con el 49.6 por ciento de camas de cuidados intensivos ocupadas.

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-11-29). Irán se enfrentará a Estados Unidos por Grupo B de Qatar 2022. Este es el primer partido que jugarán Irán y Estados Unidos desde enero del 2000, cuando disputaron un amistoso que terminó con empate.

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-11-29). Zurda Infinita conversa con el cantante brasileño Gilberto Gil. Gilberto Gil recordó lo que significó para Brasil el desempeño de su selección en el Mundial México 1970.

Benjamin Norton (2022-11-29). Europa se queja que EEUU se está beneficiando de la guerra en Ucrania mientras su economía sufre. Varios líderes en Europa están enojados porque Estados Unidos se está aprovechando de la guerra en Ucrania. Las economías europeas padecen alta inflación y una crisis energética, mientras EEUU les vende gas muy caro. Preguntan, " øWashington sigue siendo nuestro aliado o no?"

Staff (2022-11-29). Noyola y Cepero Bonilla: economistas unidos por Cuba en otro 27 de noviembre. Quiso el destino aciago, que dos eminentes economistas fallecieran en un accidente de aviación en Lima, Perú, hace exactamente 60 años.Los dos, cubanos, uno de ellos por adopción y mexicano de nacimiento. Habían asistido a la VII Conferencia Regional de la ONU para la Agricultura y la Alimentación en Río de Janeiro. Raul Cepero Bonilla y Juan Francisco Noyola se inscriben por derecho propio en los orígenes fundacionales de la teoría y la práctica económica revolucionaria cubana, desde las aulas, la prensa y sus funciones como dirigentes…

Staff (2022-11-29). Ciénaga de Zapata, bella y natural: Fotos del segundo Taller de Fotografía de Naturaleza.

Staff (2022-11-29). Realizan fase de pruebas y puesta en marcha de la séptima central flotante contratada por Cuba a Tàºrkiye (+ Video). La séptima central flotante contratada por Cuba a la Compañía turca Karandeniz Holding para servicios de generación de electricidad, ejecuta la fase de pruebas y puesta en marcha de sus seis motores. En la actual etapa de comprobaciones, los tres primeros equipos han entregado cargas al Sistema Eléctrico Nacional.

Staff (2022-11-29). Vietnam y Cuba apuestan por llevar a peldaños superiores los nexos en materia jurídica. El miembro del Buró Político y primer ministro, Manuel Marrero Cruz, recibió en la mañana de este lunes al titular de Justicia de la República Socialista de Vietnam, Le Thanh Long, a quien ratificó la voluntad de seguir ampliando los resultados de cooperación jurídica entre ambos países.

Staff (2022-11-29). øCuál es la nómina de Cuba para la Copa del Caribe de Béisbol? Este lunes fue dada a conocer la nómina cubana para la IV Copa del Caribe de Béisbol de Bahamas 2022.La relación incluye a tres receptores, seis jugadores de cuadro, cinco jardineros y 10 lanzadores, de lo más joven y talentoso que se desempeña en la I Liga Élite del Béisbol Cubano.

Staff (2022-11-29). Cuba fue elegida vicepresidenta de la Conferencia de Revisión de la Convención de Armas Biológicas. En reconocimiento a la labor pacifista y de respeto al derecho internacional, Cuba fue elegida Vicepresidenta, en representación del Movimiento de Países No Alineados, de la Novena Conferencia de Revisión de la Convención sobre la Prohibición del Desarrollo, la Producción y el Almacenamiento de Armas Biológicas y Toxínicas y sobre su Destrucción.

Staff (2022-11-29). Embajador de China en La Habana destaca resultados de visita de Díaz-Canel: Pekín está dispuesta a continuar apoyando el desarrollo de Cuba. El embajador de China en Cuba, Ma Hui, aseguró este martes en conferencia de prensa que el consenso para la construcción de una comunidad de futuro compartido y una declaración conjunta, son importantes resultados de la reciente visita del primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, a la nación asiática.

Staff (2022-11-29). Empresa Eléctrica de La Habana convalidará las cuentas de diciembre de los diez primeros clientes que paguen por plataformas electrónicas. Empresa Eléctrica de La Habana convalidará las cuentas de diciembre de los diez primeros clientes que paguen por Enzona o Transfermóvil, según informó en su canal de Telegram. Seguro siempre está incluido en ambas plataformas 3% de descuento de la UNE por usted pagar la electricidad por esas vías, los porcentaje restantes los dan las propias plataformas.

Staff (2022-11-29). Estados Unidos vence a Irán y se cuela entre los clasificados a los octavos de final. Estados Unidos ha conseguido una importante victoria este martes ante Irán por 0-1 y ha clasificado a los octavos de final del Mundial de Catar 2022.

Staff (2022-11-29). Esteban Lazo llegó a Rusia en visita oficial. El miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido, Esteban Lazo Hernández, presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular y del Consejo de Estado, llegó a la Federación de Rusia para cumplir una visita oficial. Rusia es el primer punto de una gira del titular del legislativo cubano, que incluirá también a Bielorrusia y Tàºrkiye.

Staff (2022-11-29). Inglaterra deja a Gales en el camino, tras vencer tres goles por cero. nglaterra ha derrotado a Gales 0-3 este martes durante la última jornada del Grupo B. A pesar de que la primera parte terminó sin goles, Inglaterra marcó dos tantos en 2 minutos: Marcus Rashford en el 50 y Phil Foden en el 51, y posteriormente Rashford dio la puntilla a los galeses en el 68.

Staff (2022-11-29). Liga Élite: Centrales vence 3×2 a Ganaderos en el Sandino. Ataque de seis sencillos impulsó a los Centrales en su éxito de 3×2 contra los Ganaderos, que no encontraron descanso en el estadio Augusto César Sandino.En la tropa de Armando Jesús Ferrer Ruiz, la actuación del pitcher Eriel Carrillo Suárez fue de una carrera limpia y seis incogibles en cinco innings, además de regalar dos bases por bola.

Staff (2022-11-29). Metallica anuncia el lanzamiento del primer sencillo de su próximo disco. El mítico grupo de "heavy metal" Metallica anunció a través de redes sociales el lanzamiento de su nuevo tema, "Lux àÜterna", el primer sencillo de su próximo material discográfico, "72 Seasons", que estará disponible a partir del 14 de abril del próximo año. El tour incluye 46 presentaciones en 22 ciudades de 12 países distintos.

Staff (2022-11-29). Países Bajos vence al anfitrión y asegura un puesto en los octavos de final. Los Países Bajos se impusieron 2-0 este martes ante la selección anfitriona, Catar, garantizándose una plaza en los octavos de final de la cita mundialista.

Staff (2022-11-29). Palestina 2022, asesinatos, ataques y amenazas: Otro año bajo fuego. Asesinatos, expulsiones, arrestos, ataques y amenazas constituyeron una constante en 2022 en los territorios ocupados palestinos, donde la colonización judía y las demoliciones de viviendas son apenas la punta del iceberg de la política expansionista de Israel.

Staff (2022-11-29). Asociación Internacional de Boxeo dispuesta a apoyar el deporte de los puños en Cuba (+Fotos). El presidente de la Asociación Internacional de Boxeo (IBA), Umar Kremlev, recorrió esta mañana la Escuela Nacional de Boxeo, como parte de una visita al país, para conocer el desarrollo del deporte de los puños."La prioridad son los boxeadores. Sin ellos no existe la Asociación Internacional", dijo en la Holveín Quesada, conocida como finca del Wajay.

Staff (2022-11-29). Asociación Internacional de Boxeo en disposición de impulsar el deporte de los puños en Cuba (+Fotos). El presidente de la Asociación Internacional de Boxeo (IBA), Umar Kremlev, recorrió esta mañana la Escuela Nacional de Boxeo, como parte de una visita al país, para conocer el desarrollo del deporte de los puños."La prioridad son los boxeadores. Sin ellos no existe la Asociación Internacional", dijo en la Holveín Quesada, conocida como finca del Wajay.

Staff (2022-11-29). Reto viral: øDónde está el volumen 6 del libro? Cubadebate vuelve a proponer un nuevo reto viral que está poniendo a prueba a muchos usuarios de las redes sociales.Pon a prueba tu lógica. Encuentra el volúmen del libro que falta, en solo 15 segundos. En esta ocasión tomamos un reto de la página de Instagram de RTplayes.Déjanos saber en los comentarios si lograste resolver el reto.

Staff (2022-11-29). Rusia y China trabajan para crear una forma de pago que evite el sistema interbancario SWIFT. El vice primer ministro ruso, Alexánder Nóvak, ha anunciado este martes que Rusia y China están trabajando en la apertura de cuentas bancarias de empresas en ambos países para evitar el uso del sistema interbancario SWIFT.

Staff (2022-11-29). Senegal frustra el sueño de Ecuador de pasar a los octavos de final. La selección de Senegal se impuso este martes ante Ecuador 2-1 y se clasificó a los octavos de final en la tercera y última jornada del Grupo A del Mundial de Catar en el estadio internacional Jalifa en la ciudad de Rayán.

Staff (2022-11-29). Uganda reporta 56 muertes por ébola y la cifra de contagiados asciende a 142. El Ministerio de Salud de Uganda notificó este lunes que un niño de 28 semanas nació muerto por la enfermedad del ébola, en un contexto donde se reportan hasta el momento 56 muertes. Los casos confirmados ascienden a 142. El presidente de Uganda extendió el fin de semana la cuarentena en los distritos de Mubende y Kassanda.

Staff (2022-11-29). Hablar de las UMAP desde la Cuba de hoy. El silencio en torno a elementos históricos de la Revolución Cubana, siendo algunos de ellos poco mencionados y apenas explicados, ha tenido efectos muy negativos. Sobre las Unidades Militares de Apoyo a la Producción (UMAP), como de otros temas, es necesario hablar, investigar, debatir, publicar de forma esclarecedora y crítica en medios de comunicación para fomentar su conocimiento objetivo. No hacerlo permite su utilización como un mero elemento de propaganda.

TeleSUR, em, JCM (2022-11-29). Brasil clasifica a los octavos de final de la Copa del Mundo. En el estadio 974 se jugó el compromiso entre brasileños y suizos donde el compromiso fue de ida y vuelta.

TeleSUR, ev, MER (2022-11-29). Países Bajos y Qatar jugarán por el Grupo A de Copa Mundial. Este seré el primer partido que disputen Países Bajos y Qatar en su historia en cualquier competición.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-29). Gobierno y grupos armados congoleses retoman diálogo en Kenia. El presidente de la RDC, Félix Tshisekedi, reiteró el compromiso "a apoyar este proceso de desarme y desmovilización".

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-29). CEN: Más del 68% de electores cubanos votaron en comicios municipales. De total de boletas resultaron válidas el 89.11 por ciento, 5.22 por ciento en blanco y el 5.67 por ciento anuladas.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-29). Irán y Rusia acuerdan aumentar exportación de autos. El titular de la Asociación de Fabricantes de Autopartes de Irán señaló que Venezuela y Rusia son dos buenos mercados.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-29). Tropas israelíes asesinan a tres palestinos en Cisjordania. Dos hermanos, Dhafer Rimawi de 21 años y Jawad Rimawi de 22, fueron víctimas de disparos en la localidad de Kfar Ein.

TeleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-11-29). OMS sustituye nombre de viruela del mono por mpox. Ambas denominaciones se utilizarán durante un año mientras se elimina "progresivamente" la de viruela del mono.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-11-29). Cierran escuelas en Trinidad y Tobago tras fuertes inundaciones. La cartera de Educación llamó a los padres a estar alertas y tomar las medidas necesarias en las áreas afectadas para asegurar el pronto retorno de los niños a las aulas.

TeleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-11-29). Presidente de México celebra éxito de gran marcha popular. Para el mandatario, la presencia de más de un millón de personas en la marcha evidencia el efecto de los cambios promovidos por su Gobierno.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-29). Exigen a EE.UU. retirar cargos contra Julian Assange. De ser declarado culpable de espionaje, Assange podría ser condenado a 175 años de prisión.

TeleSUR, JCM (2022-11-29). Cámara de Diputados votará reforma electoral en México. Tres comisiones de la Cámara de Diputados de México aprobaron el dictamen de la reforma constitucional en materia electoral.

TeleSUR, JGN (2022-11-29). Lula exige la libertad de periodista Julian Assange. "Les pedí que enviaran mi solidaridad. Que Assange sea liberado de su injusto encarcelamiento", manifestó el exmandatario (2003-2011).

TeleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-11-29). Presidenta de Honduras destaca avances en combate a la corrupción. "Mi compromiso es levantar el velo de la corrupción e inequidad", refirió la mandataria Xiomara Castro.

TeleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-11-29). Caricom insta a consolidar la integración regional. La secretaria general de Caricom analizó la situación sobre el aumento de los precios de los alimentos y la energía.

TeleSUR, mcs, JCM (2022-11-29). Haití registra aumento en casos de cólera tras confirmar 223 muertes. El auge de la violencia y de los grupos armados dificultan la atención médica y la asistencia a las familias afectadas.

TeleSUR, mcs, JCM (2022-11-29). Presidentes de Rusia y Kazajistán firma declaración conjunta. El jefe de Estado kazajo destacó el significado político de que haya realizado a Rusia su primera visita oficial tras su reelección.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-11-29). Exvicepresidente ecuatoriano Jorge Glas queda en libertad tras decisión judicial. Jorge Glas deberá presentarse una vez por semana en la Penitenciaría del Litoral en la ciudad de Guayaquil.

TeleSUR, MER (2022-11-29). Exvicepresidente ecuatoriano Jorge Glas queda en libertad. Jorge Glas deberá presentarse una vez por semana en la Penitenciaría del Litoral en la ciudad de Guayaquil.

TeleSUR, mm, MER (2022-11-29). Ecuador buscará clasificarse a octavos de final de Qatar 2022. Ecuador se mantiene en la zona de clasificación a la siguiente ronda del torneo luego de una victoria y un empate.

TeleSUR, mv, MER (2022-11-29). Doblete de Bruno Fernandes clasifica a Portugal a octavos. Ambas selecciones irán por la victoria, Uruguay para mantener la esperanza de clasificar a la siguiente ronda y Portugal para concretarlo.

TeleSUR, odr, JGN (2022-11-29). República Dominicana celebrará comicios presidenciales en 2024. La Junta Central Electoral precisó que los próximos comicios presidenciales se llevarán a cabo el 19 de mayo de 2024.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-11-29). Confirman primera muerte por viruela símica en Argentina. Se trata de un adulto de 44 años que padecía del Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) sin tratamiento.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-11-29). Entra en erupción el volcán Mauna Loa en Hawái. Las autoridades declararon estado de alerta en la región, pues el volcán estaba inactivo desde hace cuatro décadas.

TeleSUR- jaa- YSM (2022-11-29). Israel demuele estructuras palestinas en Cisjordania ocupada. En Kufr al-Dik, ubicada al norte de Cisjordania, los sionistas demolieron una casa que se encontraba en fase constructiva.

Thierry Meyssan (2022-11-29). Seule la pluralité de l'information peut prévenir la guerre. Serge Marchand, Thierry Meyssan- Partout dans le monde, nous observons une multiplicité des médias, mais pas de pluralisme parmi eux. Tous se référent aux mêmes sources qui véhiculent la même vision des faits. Or, nous savons tous que si les faits existent de manière unique, la manière dont nous les percevons est multiple. Déjà dans les années 80, l'Unesco avait mis en évidence l' ´ impérialisme de l'information ª; cette manière d'imposer une seule perception et de nier toutes les autres. Aujourd'hui, cette domination se manifeste avec les News Checkers. Le seul moyen de se libérer de ce système est,…

Manlio Dinucci (2022-11-29). Libia: l'Urlo degli Schiavi Soffocato dalle Ong al Festival dei Diritti Umani. La proiezione del docufilm L'Urlo sul dramma dei migranti schiavi in Libia, che il regista Michelangelo Severgnini era stato invitato a presentare al "Festival dei Diritti Umani" a Napoli, è stata interrotta dopo una ventina di minuti dai …

TeleSUR, odr, YSM, JGN (2022-11-29). Comité para el Patrimonio Inmaterial sesiona en Marruecos. Por Latinoamérica, Guatemala, Colombia, Chile y Cuba aspiran a incluir elementos en la lista del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial.

TeleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-11-29). Elevan a 56 las muertes por ébola en Uganda. Entre los contactos que figuran en la lista para un seguimiento, el ministerio ugandés notificó 4.473.

WSWS (2022-11-29). What took them so long? New York Times, Guardian finally call for Assange's freedom. Ten years after Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange was forced to seek refuge at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, and three years after he was arrested and subjected to solitary confinement, the editors and publishers of the New York Times, the Guardian, Le Monde, El País and Der Spiegel have issued an open letter calling on US President Joe Biden to end his prosecution.

Schools, Labor Against Privatization (2022-11-29). Wednesday 11/30: Education Not Privatization. 4: 00PM Meet at OUSD Headquarters (1000 Broadway) | 5: 00PM March to the School board meeting at La Escuelita (1050 2nd Ave)…

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