2023-01-02: News Headlines

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-02). Asesinan a tres personas en Colombia en primera masacre de 2023. telesurtv.net "En este hecho tres personas fueron asesinadas y por lo menos una herida de gravedad", mencionó el Indepaz.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-02). Presidentes latinoamericanos confían en una nueva era con Lula. telesurtv.net "Esperanza, democracia, justicia y dignidad para nuestros pueblos. Con ‚ŶLula, vamos juntos", manifestó el jefe de Estado de Chile, Gabriel Boric.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-02). Incendio en gasera provoca evacuación de 1. 0 personas en México. telesurtv.net El fuego, que causó una gran movilización de los cuerpos de auxilio, comenzó en el interior de un predio donde se encontraban estacionadas las pipas en las que se almacenaba gas.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-02). Motín en cárcel de México deja 14 muertos y 24 internos fugados. telesurtv.net Fiscalía General del Estado de Chihuahua investiga lo sucedido. Capturan a parte de grupo criminal que irrumpió en la cárcel.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-02). Reportan 51 fallecidos por inundaciones y aludes en Filipinas. telesurtv.net Mindanao Septentrional es la zona más afectada, con 25 decesos y 14 heridos. Se procura conocer el paradero de 19 personas.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-02). Presidente argentino impulsará juicio contra titular de Corte Suprema. telesurtv.net Convocó a los gobernadores a apoyar un proceso investigativo contra Horacio Rosatti por violaciones en el cumplimiento de su deber.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-01-02). Nicolás Maduro: "En 2022 consolidamos el clima de paz que hoy tiene Venezuela" telesurtv.net El mandatario venezolano valoró la situación internacional y los retos de la política y la economía internas.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-02). Bombardeo de Ucrania mata a seis civiles en hospital de Donbás. telesurtv.net FF.AA. de Kiev matan a pacientes e integrantes del personal médico en la ciudad de Pervomaisk, en Lugansk. Las víctimas podrían incrementarse.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-01-02). Papa Francisco pide detener el rearme mundial y la guerra. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado lamentó el fallecimiento del papa emérito Benedicto XVI, "que ayer por la mañana partió de este mundo".

Arnold August (2023-01-02). El 1ro de enero y la lección de Fidel para la humanidad: transformar los reveses en victoria. telesurtv.net El pensamiento y las acciones de Fidel constituyen lecciones valiosas para los revolucionarios y comunistas de todo el mundo. No menos importante es el inmortal legado de Fidel de convertir un impedimento en un triunfo.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-01-02). Lula promete volver a poner fin a miseria y hambre en Brasil. telesurtv.net En su discurso inaugural hizo constantes alusiones a su alocución como presidente hace 20 años y sus logros de Gobierno.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-01-02). Lula da Silva toma posesión como presidente de Brasil. telesurtv.net Junto a él lo hacen, el vicepresidente Geraldo Alckmin y los 27 gobernadores de los estados y del Distrito Federal.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-02). Presidente de Venezuela presenta balance de su Gobierno en 2022. telesurtv.net El mandatario de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, concedió una entrevista al escritor y periodista Ignacio Ramonet, que será transmitida este domingo a las 20H00 horas local de Caracas.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-02). Venezuela y Colombia reabren puente Atanasio Girardot. telesurtv.net El gobernador de Táchira, Freddy Bernal, dijo que el puente "se convertirá en una referencia importante para el intercambio de mercancía".

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-02). Croacia se convierte en miembro de Eurozona desde este 1 de enero. telesurtv.net Se convierte en el el 27º Estado miembro del espacio Schengen donde podrán moverse libremente.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-02). Al menos 10 muertos deja atentado en aeropuerto militar de Kabul. telesurtv.net Las autoridades del Talibán acusaron en un principio al grupo terrorista del Estado Islámico como el responsable del atentado.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-02). Corea del Norte fortalece sus capacidades defensivas. telesurtv.net El líder de Corea del Norte, Kim Jong-un, pidió a los militares que aumenten exponencialmente la producción de armas nucleares en 2023.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-02). Estampida durante Año Nuevo deja nueve muertos en Uganda. telesurtv.net La policía territorial de Katwe está investigando un incidente que provocó la muerte de nueve personas durante una estampida de celebración de Año Nuevo en Freedom City Mall.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-02). Conoce cómo Haití consiguió su independencia. telesurtv.net La revolución haitiana sirvió de ejemplo para que los pueblos de América Latina y el Caribe comenzaran su camino a la independencia.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-02). Colombia acuerda cese al fuego con grupos armados durante seis meses. telesurtv.net La Misión de Verificación de las Naciones Unidas instalada en Colombia saludó el anuncio hecho por Petro durante las últimas horas del año 2022.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-02). Presidente de México envía optimista mensaje de Año Nuevo. telesurtv.net "Deseo buen año para todas y todos en el 2023. Confieso, fundamento y transmito mi optimismo. ¡Felicidades!", manifestó el gobernante mexicano.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-02). Canciller Rodríguez destaca aniversario 64 de Revolución cubana. telesurtv.net "A 64 años de su triunfo, la Revolución Cubana se ratifica hoy como uno de los sucesos más transformadores de la realidad y la cotidianidad de los habitantes de este archipiélago", aseveró Prensa Latina.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-02). Venezuela reporta una constante mejoría de la actividad económica. telesurtv.net La Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Cepal) pronosticó que Venezuela crecerá en un 5.0 por ciento durante 2023, el más alto de la región.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-02). Detienen a implicados en vandalismo en Santa Cruz, Bolivia. telesurtv.net Once de los detenidos fueron imputados por delitos de asociación delictuosa, instigación pública a delinquir, incendio y robo agravado.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-02). Rusia logra liberación de 82 militares de cautiverio ucraniano. telesurtv.net Los uniformados liberados recibirán en Moscú tratamiento médico y rehabilitación psicológica.

_____ (2023-01-02). Time for Some Linguistic Housekeeping, America. strategic-culture.org By Peter Van BUREN | With the year 2022 soon behind us, it is time for some linguistic housecleaning, America. | I'd like everyone to please stop using the term side hustle. Call it a part time job or a small business. Either way, it rarely works out despite the incessant flow of trash from the media about how it is some sort of new thing. Historic data on small businesses shows a remarkable record: no matter how long you look back or what the economic climate is, around

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Mayo Clinic Minute: Be realistic with New Year's health resolutions. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting in better shape is consistently one of the most common New Year's resolutions people make each year, but many have a hard time following through. Dani Johnson, a wellness physical therapist with the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program, offers tips to make it easier to stick to a resolution to get in shape. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/9UcuKAFFISg Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Mayo Clinic Minute: Snowblower safety. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Winter is here, and if you live in a region with a lot of snow, investing in a snowblower can save you a lot of time and energy on those mornings when you have to clear the driveway to get to work or school. But Dr. Sanj Kakar, a Mayo Clinic orthopedic hand and wrist surgeon, says those snowblowers can be more dangerous than you think. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/xC1uzCewqbo Journalists: Broadcast-quality video…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Get to the point: Proper disposal of sharps. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org "Sharps" is the term used to describe any device with a sharp point or edge that could cut your skin. This includes needles, syringes, infusion sets, lancets (sometimes called "fingersticks") and auto-injectors, like EpiPens. There are many reasons why you may have sharps in your home. They are used to manage many different health conditions, including allergies, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, infertility, blood clotting disorders and psoriasis. It's important to correctly dispose of sharps to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Flu shots are important for young people, too. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am 28 and consider myself fairly healthy. I have never gotten a flu shot and have never had the flu. I did receive a COVID-19 vaccine series. Do I really need a flu vaccination? My employer is recommending an influenza immunization for everyone, but I am hesitant. I have heard some people get sick from flu shots. ANSWER: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends that everyone 6 months and older…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Cold weather medical emergencies to know about: frostbite and hypothermia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Weather Service says arctic cold and bitter winds will spread across much of the U.S., and some states will experience dangerously low temperatures dipping well below zero. This is especially concerning during the busy holiday week when many people are expected to travel. One concern, if you are exposed to the extreme cold, should be frostbite. Frostbite Frostbite is an injury caused by freezing of the skin and underlying tissues. First, your skin becomes very cold…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Weight gain over holiday season – tips to manage calories at parties. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org If you have noticed you've packed on pounds over the last 10 or 20 years, and wondered how that weight gain happened, here's one idea that might make you consider setting down that extra plate of cookies or latkes during this holiday season. "Studies have shown that, from mid-November until mid-January, people averaged a weight gain in the population of about three quarters of a pound or so. It doesn't sound like much, but it…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Mayo Clinic Minute: Safety tips to keep you out of the emergency department this winter. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Winter brings snow, cold and ice that can create hazardous conditions leading to serious injury. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Sue Cullinan, a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician, discusses some of the most common winter-related injuries that she sees and offers tips on how to keep you and your family safe. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/H08ugUwD_Xw Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Mayo Clinic Minute: Tips to help a frozen shoulder. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Pain and stiffness in your shoulder can make every activity, including sleep, difficult. Worsening shoulder pain, especially at night, could mean you have a frozen shoulder, says Dr. Christopher Camp, a Mayo Clinic orthopedic surgeon. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/OU6-i4dKPKs Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). I've been diagnosed with prediabetes. What does that mean? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org If you've been diagnosed with prediabetes, it means your blood sugar levels are not high enough to be classified as Type 2 diabetes, but are high enough to indicate a need for change. A normal fasting blood sugar level is below 100; whereas, the level of a person with prediabetes is between 100 and 126. Once levels have surpassed 126, it's classified as Type 2 diabetes. This indicates that the body resists insulin or doesn't produce enough of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Advancing treatments for acute myeloid leukemia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), also called acute myelogenous leukemia, is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow, the spongy tissue inside bones where blood cells are made. The disease progresses rapidly, affecting a group of white blood cells called myeloid cells, which normally develop into mature red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. "There are acute and chronic leukemias, explains Dr. James Foran, an oncologist at Mayo Clinic. "The chronic ones tend to happen…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). How to prevent flu, RSV and COVID-19 during busy holiday season. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu infection rates across the U.S. continue to be very high. "As we predicted, this flu season has hit early, and it's hit us hard," says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. "We are seeing high and very high rates of influenza across the country." For those who have yet to get a flu shot, now is an excellent time to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). NIH's All of Us Research Program returns health-related DNA results to participants. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Institutes of Health's (NIH) All of Us Research Program has begun returning personalized health-related DNA results to more than 155,000 participants. The reports detail whether participants have an increased risk for specific health conditions and how their bodies might process certain medications. The All of Us Research Program collects participants' blood, urine, and saliva samples. These biosamples are stored and managed for research at a specialized All of Us Research Program biobank at Mayo Clinic. "It is rewarding for us at the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Mayo Clinic Minute: Best cooking fats for healthy cholesterol levels. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Are you trying to remember which fat is the good fat to use in the kitchen? If you are confused about whether to use unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated or saturated fats when cooking, it's understandable. It can be confusing. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says fats that raise your bad cholesterol levels and increase your risk for heart disease are the ones to avoid. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/drmIcHaxxfM Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of this post….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Self-care steps can keep your heart healthy during the holidays. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have read that heart attacks are more common around the holidays. Why does that happen? Is there anything I can do to lower my risk? I currently take blood pressure medication, and heart disease runs in my family. ANSWER: Heart attacks, along with heart problems in general, are more common around the holidays. Various factors can play into this, including stress, travel, disrupted schedules, changes in diet and even environmental factors. Fortunately, many…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Science Saturday: Researchers investigate precision nutrition to improve health, prevent diseases. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Could prescribing specific nutrients, grains, fruits and vegetables tailored to a person's DNA and other biological characteristics help improve their health? Precision nutrition took center stage at Mayo Clinic's Individualizing Medicine Conference Nov. 2—3, 2022, in Rochester, Minnesota, where some of the world's top experts shared their knowledge of the potential benefits of tailoring nutrients and dietary guidance to a person's genes, metabolism, microbiome and other distinguishing characteristics. The ultimate goal of the holistic approach is to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Antibiotic shortage – what to know if you can't find amoxicillin. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org According to the Food and Drug Administration, a national shortage of different medications, including a common antibiotic, is expected to last several months. "The most notable one is probably amoxicillin. It is a common antibiotic that we use to treat a variety of childhood infections, including ear infections, strep throat, and pneumonia," says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. She says parents may notice this as they take their children to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Healthy for the Holidays: Mayo Clinic Health System provides tips for combatting stress this season. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MANKATO, Minn. ‚Äï During the holiday season, it is easy to get caught up in the stress and chaos that can accompany this time of the year. Already demanding lives become even more hectic as last-minute shopping, cooking and spending combine to add even more anxiety. For many people, the result can be overwhelming. "What if there was a way you could plan ahead to counter the stress? Start with identifying the issue," says Lisa Hardesty,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Mayo Clinic Minute: Holiday driving safety tips. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The hustle and bustle of the holidays can be a hazard on the highway. If you're getting behind the wheel, one Mayo Clinic expert has some tips to keep you and your family safe on the road. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/psGh9P5iKW8 Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 58) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Tips for living younger, longer by preventing disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org While we know that health affects longevity and quality of life, it can be difficult to change bad habits. People often try to make sweeping New Year's resolutions, only to fail. In fact, Jan. 17 is the date that the average America breaks their New Year's resolution. Dr. Stephen Kopecky, a Mayo Clinic preventive cardiologist, says a better approach is to focus on small steps that add up over time. "The answer, I think, is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-01-02). Know the signs of strep throat in children. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Image courtesy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Strep infections may be on the rise in the U.S., as they have been in the U.K., so it's important to know the signs and symptoms, especially in children. "Group A streptococcal disease is a group of conditions caused by a bacteria called 'group A strep,'" says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. "The one that people are probably most familiar with is strep…

Juan Cole (2023-01-02). Rabbi Close to Religious Extremists in Israeli Gov't says Gay Speaker "Diseased," attracting "Evil" on People. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) Al-Hadath reports that 300 former Israeli soldiers have written a letter to their new government pleading with it not to inflict harm on the LGBTQ community. At the same time, two prominent rabbis close to the new government launched an attack on the Knesset members who voted in Amir Ohana, …

Ramzy Baroud (2023-01-02). Deadliest Year for Palestinians in Decades: Israeli Forces Kill 240, including 47 children. juancole.com ( Middle East Monitor ) Another critical year for Palestine has folded. While 2022 has wrought much of the same in terms of Israeli military occupation and increasing violence, it also introduced new variables to the Palestinian struggle nationally, regionally and internationally. Palestine, the War and the Arabs The Russia-Ukraine War starting in …

Cronkite News Arizona PBS (2023-01-02). In One State, Voters backed a Law Exposing Political 'Dark Money' that is hailed as Model. juancole.com By Emilee Miranda | ( Cronkite News) WASHINGTON It could be months before the impact of Proposition 211 is seen in Arizona, but experts are already hailing the new law aimed at exposing "dark money" in politics as a model for the rest of the nation. "Other states have passed laws that …

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-01-02). 2023 GOD's Appreciation Dinner – Remembering CA Pioneers of African Descent. indybay.org January 1, 2023 GOD's Appreciation Dinner hosted by Stockton Black Leadership Council mirrors January 1, 1866 city-wide effort hosted by Reverend Jeremiah King featuring a grand parade through Downtown Stockton with speeches and festivities enjoyed by all. Soon come recognition of the contributions of early California Pioneers of African Descent.

Brenda Norrell (2023-01-02). Enticed by Wealth, the Media is Complicit in the Crimes of Corporations in Indian Country. indybay.org Enticed by wealth and self-glory — the media, corrupt tribal governments, and self-dealing non-profits operate a vacuum for truth, violating the sacred places of origin. The most censored issues in Indian country in 2022.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-01-02). USDA Advisory Committee on Minority Farmers comes to the "Farm to Fork Capitol of America" indybay.org 24th Annual, California State Capitol Kwanzaa Celebration, Room 126, Historic Hearing Room, official Federal Register Notice was received for the first in person USDA Advisory Committee Minority Farmers in many years and indeed it will be held West of the Rocky Mountains, Habari Gani…

Suds, Snacks,, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-01-02). Saturday 1/7: Election 2022: What Does It Mean for the Socialist Left? indybay.org

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-01-02). ENLACES de Red Latina sin fronteras 30.12.2022. indybay.org ENLACES de Red Latina sin fronteras 30.12.2022 | comunicaciones e información para la liberación…

Dieter Funke, Michael Klare (2023-01-02). Utopias and Dystopias as Places of Mental Retreat and Cooperation with China. indybay.org Joe Biden and his foreign policy team are in many ways still entrenched in the Cold War era, and his administration has generally taken a far more antagonistic stance toward China than Obama. It is not surprising, then, that the progress Kerry made with his Chinese interlocutors in Glasgow largely fizzled out as tensions over Taiwan grew more intense.

Water Protector Legal Collective (2023-01-02). Winnemucca Paiute and Shoshone Remain Evicted from Homes, Denied Justice by Court. indybay.org Winnemucca Indian Colony elderly and disabled remain evicted from their homes by a disputed tribal council whose leader lives out of state. The Inter-Tribal Court of Appeals of Nevada denied the Native homeowners justice.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-01-02). Our "California Grown" Pan African Global Kwanzaa Holiday producing good fruit. indybay.org Historic Alta California and Pacific Island US Territories Minority Farmers and Ranchers have new focus and opportunity, Kwanzaa everyday.

Lynda Carson (2023-01-02). Homeless deaths of the dispossessed and unhoused in 2022 are heartbreaking. indybay.org Makeshift Tombstones Honoring Homeless Persons Who Died In 2022:…

KQED Live (2023-01-02). Saturday 2/25: YR Media Eco-Party Hour. indybay.org KQED Headquarters | 2601 Mariposa Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

KQED Live (2023-01-02). Thursday 2/16: Fire and Wine: How Wildfire Affects Your Cabernet. indybay.org KQED Headquarters | 2601 Mariposa Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

INDYRADIO (2023-01-02). FBI COINTELPRO Document Release. indybay.org It was my original intention to return the stolen FBI documents | to the site where they were hosted.

Werner Neuer, Ivan Illich & Eugen Drewermann (2023-01-02). Astonishment. The Beginning and End of Theology. indybay.org Debt relief is absolutely essential. Making persons morally liable who are materially in debt is a mistake. Condemning the helpless and broken is completely wrong. They urgently need help. Forgiveness of material debts and moral offenses is one and the same for Jesus. Human existence is crucial.

Appreciating Diversity Film Series (2023-01-02). Thursday 1/19: Diversity Film Series: Childcare in America: 'Through the Night.'. indybay.org Ellen Driscoll Playhouse | 325 Highland Avenue near the corner of Oakland avenue | Piedmont, CA 94611…

CNA Alta Bates Nurses (2023-01-02). Sunday 1/1: Solidarity Rally For CNA Striking Sutter Nurses At Alta Bates:Start New Year With Strikers. indybay.org Sutter Alta Bates Hospital | 24 Ashby St. | Berkeley…

Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs (2023-01-02). Keith McHenry, Co-founder of "Food Not Bombs" Global Movement, Arrested Today. indybay.org December 27, 2022 – Keith McHenry, the co-founder of the global movement "Food Not Bombs" was arrested today and is in jail now.

Angela (2023-01-02). Sunday 1/15: Q&A Discussion of two short documentary films about Apartheid. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Brett Willkins (2023-01-02). President Boric Says Chile Will Open Embassy in Occupied Palestine. indybay.org "We cannot forget a community that is suffering from an illegal occupation, a community that is resisting, a community that is seeing its rights and dignity violated every day," Chile's leftist president said.

Strike Debt Bay Area (2023-01-02). Saturday 1/14: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: Less Is More. indybay.org Online: Email strike.debt.bay.area@gmail.com a few days beforehand for the the online invite.

Lynda Carson (2023-01-02). Judge Donna Ryu condemns City of San Francisco's attacks on the homeless encampments. indybay.org Protest Against Attacks On San Francisco Homeless Encampments:…

Labor Video Project (2023-01-02). How About Living Wages? Three Hundred UFCW5 Members Strike SF Macy's Union Square Store. indybay.org Three hundred members of UFCW 5 went on strike against Macy's at the Union Square store in San Francisco. They are fighting for living wages.

Here's Your Ticket (2023-01-02). Off to Space with You, Elon Musk! indybay.org Union and labor activists facetiously called for Elon Musk to leave earth for the red planet with a protest at Twitter headquarters in San Francisco on December 19th.

Immigrant Children Are Innocent (2023-01-02). Mayor of El Paso refusing to let undocumented immigrant children in Convention cot shelter. indybay.org When an adult parent is put in prison, the jailers don't throw the children in prison with their parent. The authorities put the children into foster care. In Texas, where the Mayor is refusing entry to the Convention center cot shelter for migrants, he is leaving out in the cold migrants with no immigration papers, he is leaving their babies and small children out in the cold with the parents. That is wrong. The children should immediately be put into foster care, not punished for illegal immigration by being left out in the freezing cold with their parents. The children did not chose to break any immigration la…

Alison Weir (2023-01-02). As usual, defense bill gives millions of dollars to Israel, but no one tells Americans. indybay.org Israeli media report that the 2023 defense spending bill just signed into law contains over $ 0 million for Israel (just the tip of the iceberg of billions of dollars for Israel)… AIPAC commended Congress…

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). China's Daqing Oilfield annual oil, gas production above 40 mln tonnes of oil equivalent. ecns.cn Daqing Oilfield, China's largest onshore oilfield, said that its oil and gas production at home and abroad had exceeded 40 million tonnes of oil equivalent in 2022.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Record high production at China's major shale gas field in 2022. ecns.cn The Fuling shale gas field in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality produced approximately 7.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas in 2022.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Tarim oilfield builds 200-megawatt photovoltaic power base. ecns.cn The Tarim oilfield branch of PetroChina, China's leading oil and gas producer, said on Saturday that it had completed construction of a 200-megawatt photovoltaic (PV) power project in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). (W.E. Talk) What can be learned from Dunhuang, a model of inclusive Chinese culture?>. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Chinese Kung Fu gains popularity in Malawi. ecns.cn After practicing Kung Fu for 10 years, Meddington Msiska, a member of the Wushu team at the Blantyre Sports Club, is now teaching his fellows various skills of Chinese martial arts.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). China's revised law on protection of women takes effect. ecns.cn China's newly-revised Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women comes into force on January 1, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). China's anti-COVID-19 medical supplies production at full steam. ecns.cn China is ratcheting up production of various medical supplies to prevent and treat COVID-19 infections, after the country optimized its epidemic response.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). 2022 marks another fruitful year of Cambodia-China cooperation. ecns.cn The year of 2022 marked another fruitful year of pragmatic cooperation between Cambodia and China as the two countries have enjoyed bigger trade and investment volumes, officials and academics said.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Over 10 billion yuan of goods benefit from RCEP in Guangzhou. ecns.cn Guangzhou Customs in south China's Guangdong Province issued over 14,000 certificates of origin for goods worth a total of 4.75 billion yuan ($682 million) under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) free trade agreement during the first 11 months of 2022.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Rising passenger flow, logistics mirror accelerated economic recovery in China. ecns.cn China is getting back to its pre-epidemic hustle and bustle as the country's newly adjusted COVID-19 response policy promotes both work and production resumption, driving a surge in passenger and traffic flow.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Beijing bustles again after optimization of COVID-19 response. ecns.cn On New Year's Day, Beijing's popular Xidan business area has been decorated with lights and has a gratifying atmosphere.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Ukrainian capital under air attacks, no casualties. ecns.cn The Ukrainian capital came under air attacks carried out by the Russian forces overnight Sunday, with explosions being reported in several districts of the city, local authorities said.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Xi hails Antigua and Barbuda ties. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping said on Sunday that he highly values developing China's relations with Antigua and Barbuda, and will work with its Governor-General Rodney Williams to jointly create a better future for bilateral ties.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Interpretation safeguards HK national security. ecns.cn The interpretation came in response to a request by Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu for clarification on whether overseas lawyers who are not qualified to generally practice in the SAR can take part in national security cases.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Diplomat: Openness key to global relations. ecns.cn China's diplomatic missions will earnestly expand the country's global partnerships based on equality, openness and cooperation in the new year, senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi said.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). HKSAR, Macao SAR chief executives extend New Year greetings. ecns.cn Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) John Lee and Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Ho Iat Seng have extended New Year greetings to the two SARs' residents, respectively, expecting an even better new year.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Hong Kong selects 40 payload specialist candidates in preliminary screening. ecns.cn A total of 40 candidates from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) have passed the preliminary screening for payload specialists that could possibly join China's future space missions.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Mainland official calls for joint efforts for national reunification across Taiwan Strait. ecns.cn A senior official on the Chinese mainland has called for joint efforts from both sides of the Taiwan Strait to work toward the goals of national rejuvenation and national reunification.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Chinese hospitals go all out to treat severe COVID-19 patients. ecns.cn As multiple regions in China are hit with surging COVID-19 infections, local hospitals are going all out to offer timely treatment, particularly for severe cases.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Efforts urged for peaceful development of cross-Strait relations, reunification. ecns.cn A Chinese mainland official said more efforts will be made to promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and China's reunification.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Int'l experts upbeat about China 2023 | Italian professor of international studies: I hope Europe and China can further increase corporation. ecns.cn Fabio Massimo Parenti, a professor of international studies at the International Institute Lorenzo de' Medici in Florence says: "My best wishes to all of you and we hope we can further increase our corporation between Italy and China, between Europe and China for a better world, because we cannot escape this integration if we want to really solve the current problems."

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Ringing in 2023, Xi stresses hard work, unity to make tomorrow's China a better place. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday stressed hard work and unity, and called on the young generation to shoulder their responsibilities to deliver China's ambitious blueprint for the future.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Multiple Chinese regions release COVID-19 infection rate. ecns.cn Provinces such as Hainan, Zhejiang and Sichuan recently released COVID-19 infection data via surveys, CCTV.com reported on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). 诗画节气 Seasonal China in 24 Solar Terms. ecns.cn The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. The ancient calendar has never faded from Chinese daily life. It reflects the emotional bond, wisdom and creativity of the Chinese, who respect and live in harmony with nature.

ecns.cn (2023-01-02). Content creator Rafael: 2023 is going to be a wonderful year. ecns.cn "I believe, after these 3 years of difficulties, 2023 is definitely going to be a wonderful year that will bring a lot of great things for China and the Chinese people," says Rafael a content creator.

Editor (2023-01-02). The Chris Hedges Report: A New Book of Migrant Stories Exposes Europe's War on Refugees. scheerpost.com In their book, 'Map of Hope and Sorrow,' co-authors Helen Benedict and Eyad Awwadawnan trace the stories of five refugees trapped in Greece's brutal refugee camps.

rqorinoco (2023-01-02). Twitter Promoted Pentagon Propaganda to Whitewash Occupation, War Crimes in West Asia. orinocotribune.com By Fayha Shalash — Dec 27, 2022 | Raja' sat quietly in her living room, staring at her son's picture on the wall. She loved the way he smiled, and said she sees him in every corner of the house. But now, she only has painful memories, knowing his body is detained by Israeli occupation forces in an Israeli morgue. | Martyrs' families in the West Bank say Israeli policy to hold their children's bodies is a form of collective punishment. | Some of the bodies have been held since 2016. More than 118 Palestinian martyrs are still in the Israeli morgues, while 253 are buried in unknown cemeteries called 'the ceme…

Victor Castellanos (2023-01-02). Venezuela Present at Lula's Inauguration in Brazil. orinocotribune.com This Sunday, January 1, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was sworn in as Brazil's president, while harshly criticising former far-right president Jair Bolsonaro and promising a change of course to rescue a nation plagued with hunger, poverty and racism, all of which were exacerbated during Bolsonaro's rule. | The president of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, arrived in Brasilia on Sunday afternoon as the official representative of the Venezuelan State. | "On behalf of the President of the republic Nicolás Maduro, we arrived in the city of Brasilia to accompany our Brazilian brothers and sisters in the…

Staff (2023-01-02). Entrevista a Nicolás Maduro, por Ignacio Ramonet: "En el año 2022 hemos consolidado este clima de armonía, de paz, de convivencia que hoy tiene Venezuela" (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Esta entrevista se va a desarrollar en torno a tres temas como hemos hecho hasta ahora, tres temas principales. Primero, vamos hablar de política interior, de la situación interna en Venezuela. Segundo, vamos a hablar de economía, la economía venezolana; y tercero, vamos a hablar de política internacional. Tres preguntas para cada temática.

Staff (2023-01-02). Fidel hace 60 años: En este pueblo revolucionario, no encontrarán jamás claudicación los imperialistas (+Video). cubadebate.cu °Podremos morir, sí, pero claudicar jamás! °Podremos morir, sí, pero moriríamos con libertad y con dignidad! °Podremos morir, no porque despreciemos la vida, no porque despreciemos la obra creadora que nuestro pueblo realiza, no porque no vemos el porvenir luminoso a que tenemos derecho con nuestro trabajo, sino porque las vidas de todos nosotros!.

Staff (2023-01-02). Accidente masivo en Pinar del Río deja 11 personas lesionadas. cubadebate.cu En el puente de acceso de la autopista al consejo popular de Herradura, pasadas las 6: 30 PM se volcó el camión matrícula B156662, perteneciente a la Empresa Integral y de granos Los Palacios.Como resultado del accidente hay 11 lesionados, de los cuales 6 tienen tienen traumas craneales, en principio 3 diagnosticados como graves, 2 traumas abdominales.

Staff (2023-01-02). Bernard Arnault destrona a Elon Musk como el hombre más rico del mundo. cubadebate.cu Elon Musk, que ha cedido su puesto como la persona con más dinero del planeta, lugar que ahora ocupa Bernard Arnault. El presidente de Louis Vuitton Moà´t Hennessy sigue la racha que ya tuvo en 2021, gracias a los buenos datos de la industria del lujo, y salta de la tercera posición a la primera arropado por sus 164. 00 millones de dólares de patrimonio.

Staff (2023-01-02). El PSG estrena el 2023 con una derrota ante el Lens. cubadebate.cu La vuelta a la competición tras el Mundial no le ha sentado nada bien al PSG. Ya le costó ganar en casa al Estrasburgo con un gol de penalti en el descuento y esta vez, inauguró 2023 con una dura derrota ante su inmediato perseguidor en la Ligue 1.

Staff (2023-01-02). Las grandes empresas tecnológicas del mundo han despedido 1 000 empleados en 2022. cubadebate.cu Unos 1 .000 empleados de un millar de grandes tecnológicas del mundo han sido despedidos en este 2022, que se estrenó con los mejores augurios por una pandemia en la que las contrataciones se dispararon y se zanja tras un noviembre negro, cuando se han anunciado salidas masivas en Amazon, Meta y Twitter.

Staff (2023-01-02). Líderes de Emiratos àÅrabes felicitan a Cuba por el triunfo de la Revolución. cubadebate.cu El Presidente de Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos, Su Alteza el jeque Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, ha enviado este domingo un mensaje de felicitación a Miguel Díaz-Canel, presidente de Cuba, con motivo del Día Nacional de su país. El primero de cada año se conmemora la fecha del triunfo de la Revolución Cubana que tuvo lugar el 1 de enero de 1959.

Staff (2023-01-02). Messi gana el título de mejor goleador internacional del 2022. cubadebate.cu La Federación Internacional de Historia y Estadística de Fútbol (IFFHS), resaltó este domingo 1 de enero del 2023 que Lionel Messi, es el ganador del título como mejor goleador internacional en la modalidad masculina del 2022.

Staff (2023-01-02). A 65 días del Clásico Mundial: Cuba y las convocatorias. cubadebate.cu El 7 de marzo a las 11 de la noche (Hora de Cuba) nuestra selección nacional debutará en el V Clásico Mundial de Béisbol contra Holanda. Pero sobre los rivales del grupo: Italia, Panamá y Taipéi de China; el nuevo sistema de muerte súbita que se aplicará en esta edición para cuartos de final y semifinal; y algunos pasajes históricos de estos certámenes habrá tiempo para escribir.

North Shore Counter-Info (2023-01-02). NYE Noise Demos in Hamilton, 2022. itsgoingdown.org Report on New Year's Eve noise demos in so-called Hamilton, Ontario outside of local jails. Originally posted to Northshore Counter-Info. This was our 14th consecutive year of marking New Year's Eve in Hamilton with noise demos outside our local prisons. This year, we visited the Arrell Youth Prison on the Hamilton mountain before making the…

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-01-01). Why I'm Glad Joe Biden Beat Donald Trump. orinocotribune.com

_____ (2023-01-01). 2022 Saw Historic Strikes In The United Kingdom. popularresistance.org Even as 2022 is drawing to a close, the strike wave that swept the UK this year, with hundreds of thousands of workers in the public and private sector downing tools to fight for better conditions, is showing no signs of slowing down. | On Saturday, December 31, over 1,000 members of the National Union of Rail, Maritime, and Transport Workers (RMT) who are working on contract as cleaners in the railways are set to walkout in the first national strike of its kind. Workers at private companies including Atalian Servest, Churchill, and Mitie are fighting for a £15 ($18.04) per hour wage, company sick pay, good…

_____ (2023-01-01). Building Solidarity And Strength On The Streets Of Pittsburgh And Chicago. popularresistance.org From 'hood to 'hood and city to city, we stand the most to gain in uniting, as an oppressed community capable of liberating ourselves from our collective social conditions! Over half a million people are experiencing homelessness here in the US, 580,466, as of January 2020. However, more than 16 million housing units in the United States are vacant. In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the same social contradiction exists, where over 800 people are documented as homeless. | According to the Pittsburgh Quarterly, however: | The city of Pittsburgh has nearly 24,000 vacant properties, including 7,500 vacant houses and build…

_____ (2023-01-01). 2022 Saw Palestine Action's Rise And Elbit's Demise. popularresistance.org 2022 started off with a bang, as January saw the publication of news of Elbit's permanent closure of their Oldham factory. The victory came after an 18 month direct action battle waged against Elbit's Ferranti factory in Oldham, which saw 36 arrests and millions of pounds of cumulative damage caused. Despite round-the-clock police patrols and massively heightened security, the efforts of Israel's largest arms firm to protect their beloved weapons factory failed. The win embodied the power of direct action and community mobilisation — a major validation of Palestine Action's strategy. | Next up, we took aim…

_____ (2023-01-01). Legalization For All Network Condemns Anti-Immigrant Supreme Court Ruling. popularresistance.org The Legalization for All Network condemns the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on December 27 to force the government to keep the terrible Trump-era 'Title 42' policy in place that closed the US-México border to asylum-seekers. | Trump invoked Title 42 more than two years ago, during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic to close the border to asylum-seekers attempting to present themselves at the US-México border to request asylum. It is a right under international law to request asylum and have that request considered. That has not happened at the US-México border since Title 42 was imposed. | Trump's implementa…

_____ (2023-01-01). On The Influence Of NeoNazism In Ukraine. popularresistance.org The U.S. relationship with Ukrainian fascists began after the Second World War. During the war, units of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) took part in the Holocaust, killing at least 100,000 Jews and Poles. Mykola Lebed, a top aide to Stepan Bandera, the leader of the fascist OUN-B, was recruited by the C.I.A. after the war, according to a 2010 study by the U.S. National Archives. | The government study said, "Bandera's wing (OUN/B) was a militant fascist organization." Bandera's closest deputy, Yaroslav Stetsko, said: ""I…fully appreciate the undeniably harmful and hostile role of the Jews, w…

_____ (2023-01-01). Pakistan's Imran Khan Compares His Ouster To CIA Coup In Iran. popularresistance.org Pakistan's former Prime Minister likened the US-backed parliamentary coup that removed him from power in April 2022 to the violent CIA operation that overthrew Iran's democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953. | The CIA-organized coup "was a very similar pattern followed in when my government was dismissed," Khan said. | He likewise praised Iran's independence today, stating that Western sanctions means that "the people of Iran might have suffered, but they haven't lost their dignity." | Khan added that, while Pakistan and Iran may have some differences, "you cannot disagree with them stand…

_____ (2023-01-01). State Department Approves $180 Million Arms Sale For Taiwan. popularresistance.org The State Department on Wednesday approved a potential $180 million arms sale for Taiwan amid heightened tensions with China over US support for the island. | The Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) said the deal was for vehicle-launched Volcano anti-tank munition-laying systems and related equipment. The primary contractors for the deal are Northrop Grumman and Oshkosh Corporation. | The State Department's approval notifies Congress of the potential deal and begins a period during which lawmakers could attempt to block the sale. But the sale shouldn't have any issues as there is virtually no op…

_____ (2023-01-01). The First Big Strike Of 2023 May Happen Behind Prison Walls. popularresistance.org All in all, 2022 was a banner year for organized labor. Thousands of workers in a wide variety of industries unionized; they pushed back against union-busting campaigns from oligarchs and corporate hit men; they went on strike and protested unfair treatment, from California to Alabama and everywhere in between. Public support for unions shot up to 71 percent, and the worryingly under-resourced National Labor Relations Board was inundated with more union election petitions than it could handle. Members of Gen Z, the youngest generation of workers, are even more pro-union than their millennial parents, and they are…

_____ (2023-01-01). Washington Blames Record Migration On 'Communism'. popularresistance.org After two years of Joe Biden's presidency, four times as many undocumented migrants are trying to cross the border into the United States, and he's getting desperate to explain away the increase. | In September, the administration discovered a new narrative: that migrants are fleeing "communism." | The White House ignores that fact that in the fiscal year just ended, migrants coming from the three countries he labels "communist" formed less than a third of the total: of the 2.7 million people "encountered" at the border, only a fifth came from Cuba, Nicaragua or Venezuela. | Half of all migrants still come from t…

Anonymous103 (2023-01-01). Russian Military Revealed Goal Of Missile Strikes On New Year Eve In Ukraine. southfront.org Illustrative Image | On January 1, the Russian Ministry of Defence published another daily briefing on the ongoing developments of the special military operation in Ukraine. The Russian military reported on the battles on the front lines in the Donbass as well as on the targets of the recent strikes throughout the war-torn country. | On December 31, air alert sounded throughout Ukraine. The authorities of several Ukrainian regions and cities confirmed the explosions. In particular, according to the mayor of Kiev Vitali Klit…

Anonymous103 (2023-01-01). Military Situation In Ukraine On January 1, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russia struck the AFU positions in Kiev with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions in Zaporozhye with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions in Khmelnitsky with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions in Nikolaev with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions in Zhytomyr with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions in Vinnytsia with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the…

Anonymous103 (2023-01-01). Zelensky's Ridiculous Attempts To Blackmail Netanyahu Revealed Report. southfront.org Illustrative Image | President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky ignored the request of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to vote against the UN General Assembly resolution on the occupation of Palestinian territories because of Israel's position on military assistance to Kiev, according to the report published by Axios which cites anonymous Israeli and Ukrainian officials. | According to the claims of a Ukrainian official, Israeli Prime Minister in a phone call late Friday asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zele…

Anonymous103 (2023-01-01). Military Situation In Syria On January 1, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On January 1, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 4 times: 1 in Idlib province, 3 in Latakia province; | On December 31, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in Kafr Nouran; | On December 31, Turkish artillery shelled SAA positions near Tal Rafaat; | On December 31, as a result of ISIS attack on a SAA headquarters near the city of Palmyra, several SAA servicemen were killed or wounded; | The…

Roger D. Harris (2023-01-01). Latin America and Caribbean Year 2022 in Review Challenges for a Pink Tide Surging Over a Volatile US Hegemony. orinocotribune.com By Roger D. Harris Dec 28, 2022 | 2023 marks the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine. This imperial fiat arrogates to the US the unilateral authority to intervene in the affairs of sovereign states in the Western Hemisphere and to exclude any other power from meddling in what is viewed as Washington's backyard. Two centuries later, the doctrine faces a fragile future. | Going into the new year, the neoliberal model for regional development has been discredited in Latin America and the Caribbean. The socialist model is under siege and the social-democratic model is encountering unfavorable conditions.

Anonymous103 (2023-01-01). Again, Fear on the Run, "Catastrophic Contagion" southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Remember Event 201 of 18 October 2019 in NYC, hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with the WEF (World Economic Forum) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation? Of course, WHO was also present, and so were all the Globalist players, including the World Bank, IMF and — of indeed the UN and many of its sub…

Greg Roest (2023-01-01). Cryptocurrency : the Medium IS the Scam. realprogressives.org In a piece titled "Cryptocurrency: Don't Blame the Medium for the Scam," libertarian Counterpunch contributor Thomas Knapp wholly misunderstands the nature of money and cryptocurrency.

Staff (2023-01-01). First Chevron Tanker Arrives in Venezuela. orinocotribune.com On Friday, December 30, US news agencies reported that the multinational oil company Chevron Corp sent an oil tanker to Venezuela to load the first shipment of crude from the country bound for the United States, after almost four years of no operations, following the unilateral blockade imposed on Venezuela by the White House. | Agencies cited "a person familiar with the matter" who provided the information with "location data" of the ship approaching Venezuelan waters. | That same unidentified source said that "another tanker will arrive at the beginning of January" and it will carry a shipment of diluents to a…

Victor Castellanos (2023-01-01). Venezuela's GDP Grew 17.73% Between January and September 2022. orinocotribune.com On Friday, December 30, the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) reported that Venezuela's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew 17.73% between January and September 2022. | BCV reported that the Venezuelan GDP recorded growths of 17.45%; 23.30% and 13.22% in the first, second and third quarters of 2022, respectively, with which the aggregated January-September GDP closed with a rebound of 17.73%, compared to the same period in 2021. | "With this result, there have been five consecutive quarters in which positive variations are evident in most economic activities, which reflect the favorable performance of the national pr…

_____ (2023-01-01). Air Base Attacks Deep Inside Russia Point to CIA Covert Ops and a Planned War. strategic-culture.org Ukraine was put on a hair-trigger, set to go off as a cover for American aggression against Russia. | An air base deep in Russian territory has been attacked twice with drones in less than one month. It is not some remote outlying facility either. The air base near the city of Saratov houses nuclear-capable Russian strategic bomber aircraft. | The latest attack was on December 26 in which three Russian servicemen were killed from falling drone debris after the weapon was

_____ (2023-01-01). BlackRock Logo to Be Added to Ukrainian Flag. strategic-culture.org Kyiv has announced the addition of a fifth corporate logo to the Ukrainian flag following news that BlackRock will be playing a crucial role in the reconstruction of the nation. The world's largest investment management firm will join Raytheon Technologies, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, and McDonald's upon the now-omnipresent blue and yellow flag.

_____ (2023-01-01). Elon Musk and the Free Speech Lie. strategic-culture.org On December 15, 2022, Elon Musk incited the greatest outrage from leftists yet when he banned a slew of progressive journalists from Twitter, including prominent figures such as CNN's Donnie O'Sullivan, the New York Times's Ryan Mac, and Vox's Aaron Rupar. Though their accounts were later reinstated, insults had already been hurled by the left-wing media, Musk labeled an oppressive right-wing tyrant. The incident even has its own Wikipedia page.

Benjamin Wehrmann (2023-01-01). 3/4s of German Homeowners are Ready to Put Solar Panels on their Roofs: Survey. juancole.com ( Clean Energy Wire ) Three in four houseowners in Germany wish to put a solar PV array on their roofs, according to a survey commissioned by the country's solar industry lobby group BSW Solar. One in five houseowners aims to install solar PV arrays within the next twelve months, the survey by pollster …

Middle East Monitor (2023-01-01). Will electing the most Far Right Extremist Government Ever cost Israel International Support? juancole.com By Mohammad Makram Balawi | ( Middle East Monitor ) The results of the last round of Israeli elections must have represented a big blow to US hopes and efforts as they placed their bets on the former caretaker Prime Minister Yair Lapid. However, the results have shown that they bet on the …

The Conversation (2023-01-01). The Climate Emergency can be Overcome: Why some Scientists are Hopeful. juancole.com By Patrick Omeja, Makerere University; Abay Yimere, Tufts University; Desta Mebratu, Stellenbosch University; and Jennifer Fitchett, University of the Witwatersrand | (The Conversation) Can our planet recover from climate change? Commissioning Editor, Kofoworola Belo-Osagie, asked scientists to share the reasons they believe there is hope. Jennifer Fitchett, Associate Professor of Physical Geography, School …

_____ (2023-01-01). A Black-Led Bike Share Company Is Charting A New Course. popularresistance.org Youngstown, Ohio – From protecting the planet to serving the public of entire cities with accessible and affordable transportation options, the missions of bike share services across the country and around the world are often broad. They're intended to serve large swaths of a population, yet people of color, low-income folks, and others from marginalized communities are often left out as services bend toward wealthier and whiter neighborhoods and urban centers. | Most bike shares also rely on corporate sponsorships for their existence. When this critical financial support evaporates at the whims of said corporati…

_____ (2023-01-01). A New Book Of Migrant Stories Exposes Europe's War On Refugees. popularresistance.org Over the past 20 years, the Mediterranean Sea has become a graveyard as the EU's brutal "Fortress Europe" policies unleash brutal hostility against migrants and refugees. While mainstream media has often sensationalized the problem as a "migrant crisis" or "refugee crisis," little scrutiny has been placed on the role of Europe and other countries of the Global North in producing this crisis of mass displacement through the War on Terror or the historic underdevelopment of the former colonial world. Authors Helen Benedict and Eyan Awwadawnan join The Chris Hedges Report to discuss their book, Map of Hope and Sorro…

_____ (2023-01-01). Civil Society Organizations Condemn Israel's Targeted Smear Campaign. popularresistance.org On 14 December 2022, Israel's mission to the United Nations in Geneva smeared the respected and eminent UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Palestinian Territory Occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese, in a direct attempt to attack and undermine the mandate she has been entrusted with and thwart her expert human rights work on Palestine. The statement which contains baseless accusations of antisemitism, raises concerns about the "impunity that exists today regarding antisemitism and antisemitic comments made by UN officials". More specifically, it refers to a historic Facebook post made…

_____ (2023-01-01). Declassified Intelligence Files Expose Inconvenient Truths Of Bosnian War. popularresistance.org The established mythos of the Bosnian War is that Serb separatists, encouraged and directed by Slobodan Milo≈°eviƒá and his acolytes in Belgrade, sought to forcibly seize Croat and Bosniak territory in service of creating an irredentist "Greater Serbia." Every step of the way, they purged indigenous Muslims in a concerted, deliberate genocide, while refusing to engage in constructive peace talks. | This narrative was aggressively perpetuated by the mainstream media at the time, and further legitimized by the UN-created International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) once the…

_____ (2023-01-01). FBI Cointelpro Is Back And Worse Than Ever. popularresistance.org Elon Musk has opened the floodgates to expose the FBI's latest war on Americans' freedom of speech. The FBI massively intervened to pressure Twitter to suppress accounts and tweets from individuals the FBI disapproved, including parody accounts. The FBI and other federal agencies also browbeat Facebook, Instagram, and many other tech companies. | Thus far, most of the American media has ignored or downplayed the story, known as the Twitter Files. Since many of the individuals who the FBI got squelched were pro-Trump, the violation of their rights is a non-issue — or a cause for quiet celebration. At this po…

_____ (2023-01-01). Imran Khan: Pakistan Should Be Non-Aligned In Cold War. popularresistance.org Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan was overthrown in April 2022 in a soft coup supported by the United States. Khan argued that he was targeted due to his independent foreign policy, comparing his ouster to the CIA coup in Iran in 1953. | Since leaving office, Khan has held massive protests across the country, blasting the unelected coup regime for surrendering its sovereignty to Washington. | "The US has made Pakistan a slave without having to invade it," Khan fumed. "The people of Pakistan will never accept the imported government." Khan has also become a leading voice on the international stage calling for t…

_____ (2023-01-01). Lack Of Good Analyses Contributes To The Decline Of The 'West'. popularresistance.org What really hit me last year was the dearth of correct analyses in main stream media and in politics with regards to the war in Ukraine. Little if anything is based on facts. More than 90% of the published output is propaganda. | The 'western' plan was to draw Russia into Ukraine to then 'kill' it by economic sanctions. As Biden said when he announced those: | We have purposefully designed these sanctions to maximize the long-term impact on Russia and to minimize the impact on the United States and our Allies.And I want to be clear: The United States is not doing this alone. For months, we've been building a coal…

_____ (2023-01-01). Latin America And Caribbean Year 2022 In Review. popularresistance.org 2023 marks the 200th anniversary of the Monroe Doctrine. This imperial fiat arrogates to the US the unilateral authority to intervene in the affairs of sovereign states in the Western Hemisphere and to exclude any other power from meddling in what is viewed as Washington's backyard. Two centuries later, the doctrine faces a fragile future. | Going into the new year, the neoliberal model for regional development has been discredited in Latin America and the Caribbean The socialist model is under siege, and the social-democratic model is encountering unfavorable conditions. | Paradoxically, the very problems that t…

_____ (2023-01-01). Russia Says Ukraine's Conditions For Peace Summit Are Not Acceptable. popularresistance.org Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov reiterated his country's unwillingness to engage with Ukraine on the basis of the peace formula proposed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. He alleged that Zelensky's proposals were "illusory" and said that it was clear that "Kiev is not ready for the dialogue," RT reported on Thursday, December 29. | Earlier this week, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dymtro Kuleba proposed a peace summit in February under the leadership of United Nations Secretary General António Guterres. In an interview with the AP published on Tuesday, Kuleba said that such a peace summit may include…

Angelika Albaladejo (2023-01-01). Colorado Law Could Force Boulder to Sell Oil and Gas to a Private Company. truthout.org Extraction Oil and Gas, a Denver-based energy company, sent Boulder County an offer this summer. It's one that local officials don't want, but can't refuse. The company, a subsidiary of one of Colorado's largest oil and gas producers, Civitas Resources Inc., gave the county three options: Sell access to its oil and gas, partner up as a working interest owner or get thrown into a legal process… |

Anonymous103 (2023-01-01). Dozens Of Russian Servicemen Killed By Ukrainian Strike In Makeyevka. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Last night, Ukrainian forces dealt a heavy blow to the Russian military. At night, the AFU struck a college building in the village of Makeyevka located on the north-western outskirts of Donetsk. | The building was reportedly used for accommodation of Russian servicemen. The AFU shelled the area with the US-made HIMARS MRLS at around midnight when Russian servicemen were celebrating the New Year. | According to the reports, the building was completely destroyed. As a result of the strike, doz…

Anonymous103 (2023-01-01). Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On January 1, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bakhmut; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Soledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU were reported near Neskuchnoye; | Up to 1 Ukrainian servicemen, 1 armoured vehicle and 2 pickups were destroyed by Russian artillery shelling on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the Russian MOD; | Up to 110 Ukrainia…

Anonymous103 (2023-01-01). Military Situation In Iraq On January 1, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-01-01). "The Consequences Could Be Fatal": Abandoned US Military Equipment Found On Ebay Risks Afghan Lives. southfront.org Originally published by ZeroHedge After the Biden administration's chaotic withdrawal from transfer of power to the Taliban in Afghanistan, abandoned US military equipment…

County "Health Service" Workers & HPHP (2023-01-01). Santa Cruz Homeless Death List for 2023: Follow-Up. indybay.org Two public ceremonies were held December 21st where the names of the unhoused dead for the year (some of them) were read. My response was the attached flyer, reprinted in the Serf City Times, suggesting some obvious but likely to be ignored remedies to ward off the 2023 deaths list. Also attached is the Homeless Persons Health Project/County report.

Dan DiMaggio (2023-01-01). Some of the Biggest Labor Contracts Are Expiring in 2023. truthout.org Negotiations will take place in 2023 for some of the biggest contracts in the labor movement, including at UPS and the Big Three automakers. Workers are hoping to take advantage of a tight labor market to reverse years of concessions and win big raises to help cope with inflation. New leaders in the Teamsters, and potentially the Auto Workers (UAW), have promised to put up a more aggressive fight. |

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). All ski resorts in Xinjiang fully open. ecns.cn All 84 ski resorts in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have opened fully to the public. More than ,000 vouchers were issued to boost local ice and snow tourism, a regional government spokesperson said Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). Xi hails social, economic development achievements in 2022. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday hailed the achievements in the country's social and economic development during the year 2022.

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). Perseverance, solidarity mean victory as China enters new phase of COVID response: Xi. ecns.cn Noting that China has entered a new phase of COVID response, President Xi Jinping on Saturday called for an extra effort from the people to pull through as perseverance and solidarity mean victory.

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). Xi remembers late leader Jiang in New Year address. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping on Saturday paid high tribute to late Chinese leader Jiang Zemin, praising his "towering achievements and noble demeanor."

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). Full Text: 2023 New Year Address by President Xi Jinping. ecns.cn On New Year's eve, President Xi Jinping delivered his 2023 New Year Address through China Media Group and the Internet. The following is the full text of the address:…

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). China keeps to national character in face of adversity: Xi. ecns.cn At every turn of the year, we always think of the great character of resilience that the Chinese nation has carried forward through millennia, President Xi Jinping said on Saturday in his 2023 New Year Address.

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). China's non-manufacturing PMI down in December. ecns.cn The purchasing managers' index (PMI) for China's non-manufacturing sector came in at 41.6 in December 2022, down from 46.7 in November, the National Bureau of Statistics said Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). China's manufacturing PMI down in December. ecns.cn The purchasing managers' index (PMI) for China's manufacturing sector came in at 47 in December 2022, down from 48 in November, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). Full text of Xi Jinping's speech at New Year gathering of CPPCC National Committee. ecns.cn Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivered an important speech at the New Year gathering of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). Xinjiang's opening-up pace not a cause for concern: spokesperson. ecns.cn The prospect of opening-up in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is not a cause for concern, a local official said on Friday, after foreign media cast doubt about its pace.

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). Xi's speech at 1st plenum of 20th CPC Central Committee to be published. ecns.cn Qiushi Journal, the flagship magazine of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, will on Sunday publish a speech delivered by Xi Jinping at a key Party meeting in October.

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). National legislature set to convene annual session on March 5. ecns.cn The 14th National People's Congress, China's top legislature, will kick off its first session in Beijing on March 5, according to a decision made by the NPC Standing Committee on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). Qin Gang: China remains committed to global peace, development. ecns.cn Qin Gang, China's current ambassador to the United States and now newly named foreign minister, said China is committed to its foreign policy goals of upholding world peace and promoting common development, while remaining dedicated to building a community with a shared future for mankind.

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). Today's China is country where dreams become reality: Xi. ecns.cn Today's China is a country where dreams become reality, said President Xi Jinping on Saturday, citing the achievements made by the country in 2022.

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). China revises law on wildlife protection. ecns.cn Chinese lawmakers on Friday voted to adopt a revised Law on the Protection of Wildlife, which will take effect on May. 1, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-01-01). Int'l experts upbeat about China 2023 | Taihe Institute advisor: China will have a very sharp V recovery. ecns.cn Einar Tangen, content advisor at Taihe Institute, says: This idea of Chinese consumption driving the economy and also attracting investment is the essence of this Dual-Circulation economic strategy that China has adopted.

Editor (2023-01-01). A Year in Review: ScheerPost's Top Stories. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-01-01). Everything to Know About Lula's Inauguration. scheerpost.com

Fight Back (2023-01-01). Philippines: Aim for revolutionary victories in 2023. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines. | The Communist Party of the Philippines extends its revolutionary greetings to the Filipino people, their heroic Red fighters, and all their revolutionary forces as we enter the new year 2023. Let us aim high and make big revolutionary strides this coming year. | The Party is filled with optimism that it can achieve its goals of consolidating its ranks and leading the comprehensive advance of the revolution. The Party and all revolutionary forces owe it to the Filipino people who are determined to resist f…

Jon Queally (2023-01-01). Exposé Reveals Lobbyists Bought Access to Supreme Court Justices With Donations. truthout.org Both alarm and concern were expressed Saturday in response to new reporting about a charitable group with close ties to the U.S. Supreme Court that has been soliciting and accepting donations from corporate interests and far-right activists with cases before the court. The New York Times exposé focused on the activities and fundraising of the Supreme Court Historical Society… |

Jon Queally (2023-01-01). When It Comes to Greed and Tax Dodging, Sanders Points Out "Trump is Not Alone" truthout.org Senator Bernie Sanders is not asking anyone to be shocked that Donald J. Trump was very good at not paying taxes, but he also wants people to know that the disgraced former Republican president is far from the only rich person or powerful corporation who gets away with paying little or nothing each year federal income tax. In a tweet on Friday evening, Sanders said: "When it comes to tax avoidance… |

Katie Tastrom (2023-01-01). I'm Immunocompromised. Here's How I Feel About Masking in 2023. truthout.org I wasn't surprised when the test results from my rheumatologist showed no COVID-19 antibodies, even though I had received all five doses of the vaccine that have been FDA-approved for immune-compromised folks like me. I knew the heavy dose of immune suppressants I take for my connective tissue disease made it likely that I would be in the estimated 3 percent of "moderately to severely"… |

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-01-01). Monday 12/26: 24th Annual, California State Capitol Kwanzaa Kickoff – World Peace Rose Garden. indybay.org California State Capitol World Peace Rose Garden – 15 and L Street – Sacramento, CA…

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2023-01-01). Russia Consolidates in East Mediterranean. globalresearch.ca

Maya Schenwar (2023-01-01). Let 2023 Be the Year of Dismantling Incarceration. truthout.org Over the past year, organizers across the country have been working nonstop to free people from jails and prisons — and yet, of course, millions remain behind bars. Faced with this reality, it can be easy to slip into discouragement at the outset of a new year. But long-time abolitionist organizer and author Mariame Kaba reminds us that "hope is a discipline" — one we must practice even when the… |

noreply (2023-01-01). Will They Sue For "Peace". smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Rick Rozoff (2023-01-01). Armenians turn fire toward Russia as Nagorno-Karabakh blockade enters third week. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com EurasianetDecember 29, 2022 Armenians turn fire toward Russia as Nagorno-Karabakh blockade enters third weekWith Azerbaijani demonstrators settling in for the long haul on the Lachin Corridor, Armenia is questioning whether Moscow is willing or able to end the standoff As the near-total closure of the only road in and out of Nagorno-Karabakh enters its third …

Rick Rozoff (2023-01-01). Kosovo chieftain calls for "massive bolstering" of NATO troops, weapons. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com BloombergJanuary 1, 2022 Kosovo Leader Kurti Calls for More NATO Troops as Tensions Rise Kosovar Prime Minister Albin Kurti is calling for a bolstered presence of NATO peacekeeping forces in his country. "A massive bolstering of NATO troops and military equipment in our country would improve security and peace in Kosovo and the entire West-Balkan …

Rick Rozoff (2023-01-01). Ukraine became de facto member of NATO in 2022: DM. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com UkrinformDecember 31, 2022 This year, Ukraine de facto became part of NATO Reznikov Ukraine's Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov has said that this year, Ukraine de facto became part of NATO, and this cooperation will continue. *** According to him, the spirit of the Ukrainian people and their invincibility demonstrated that Ukraine is the real …

Scott Ferguson (2023-01-01). Making Digital Public Spaces w/ MUSICat. mronline.org This month Money on the Left is joined by the folks behind the MUSICat project, an online music streaming service for public libraries designed to share heterogenous local music with local community members. We speak with Preston Austin and Kelly Hiser from Rabble, the company behind MUSICat, as well as with Racquel ("Rocky") Mann, who coordinates the MUSICat service with Edmontonians as Digital Initiatives Librarian for Edmonton Public Library.

Steven Sahiounie (2023-01-01). Extremist Christian Militia in Lebanon May Ignite a New Civil War. globalresearch.ca

Suha Ma'ayeh (2023-01-01). What's driving Jordan's fuel protests? asiatimes.com Recent protests in Jordan over rising fuel prices and calls for government intervention have been met with an all too familiar response: Rather than addressing underlying grievances, authorities are responding with an iron fist. After demonstrations began on December 4 in the country's south, Jordanian security forces used teargas and began arresting organizers and activists who …

teleSUR, hvh, JGN (2023-01-01). øCuáles son los objetivos del Gobierno de Lula en Brasil?>. telesurtv.net Lula da Silva enfatizó durante la presentación de su plan de gobierno que la reconstrucción del país es la principal quimera.

teleSUR, jaa, JCM (2023-01-01). Ministro de Defensa ruso felicita a pueblo y soldados por nuevo año. telesurtv.net El ministro hizo un recuento de los peligros y logros evadidos por Rusia y se refirió a la amenaza del fascismo que han tenido que enfrentar en Ucrania.

teleSUR, jaa, JCM (2023-01-01). Tàºrkiye acepta retirar sus tropas de territorios sirios. telesurtv.net Türkiye se comprometió a respetar totalmente la soberanía e integridad nacional siria.

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2023-01-01). Presidente de China resalta importancia de lucha contra Covid-19. telesurtv.net El mandatario hizo referencia al abandono de la política cero Covid y destacó que las acciones de prevención han pasado a otra etapa.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-01-01). Cristiano Ronaldo ficha por el Al-Nassr de Arabia Saudita. telesurtv.net La presentación oficial del ganador en cinco veces del Balón de Oro de France Football está programada para el próximo sábado.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-01-01). Exigen libertad para los presos políticos en El Salvador. telesurtv.net Los integrantes del comité señalaron al presidente del país, Nayib Bukele, de golpear de forma sistemática el Estado de Derecho y el orden democrático.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-01). El mundo comienza a celebrar la llegada del Año Nuevo. telesurtv.net En las respectivas ciudades de Australia y Nueva Zelanda, Sídney y Auckland, en ese orden, se reunieron cientos de miles de personas para vivir una colorida fiesta.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-01). Jornada de paro de 24 horas cierra con violencia y destrozos en Santa Cruz, Bolivia. telesurtv.net Grupos de extrema derecha, conocidos como Comités Cívicos, protagonizaron una jornada de violencia tras la detención del gobernador de Santa Cruz,…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-01). Corea del Norte dispara tres misiles al mar de Japón. telesurtv.net Se detectó los lanzamientos desde la comarca de Chunghwa, alrededor de 60 kilómetros al sur de Pyongyang, desde las 08H00 horas locales.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-01). Comunidad internacional lamenta la muerte de Benedicto XVI. telesurtv.net El funeral por el papa emérito Benedicto XVI tendrá lugar el próximo 5 de enero, informó el director de la oficina de prensa de la Santa Sede, Matteo Bruni.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-01-01). Presidente Putin acusa a Occidente de agredir a Rusia. telesurtv.net En su mensaje de Año Nuevo, que se mostró este sábado en la televisión estatal, el presidente Putin aparece desde la sede del Distrito Militar del Sur (SMD).

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-01). Gobierno de Nicaragua felicita a los revolucionarios cubanos. telesurtv.net Este 1ro de enero se cumplen 64 años del triunfo de la Revolución Cubana, primera de carácter socialista en el hemisferio occidental.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-01-01). Presidente Maduro destaca labor colectiva en recuperar al país. telesurtv.net Presidente venezolano felicita a sus compatriotas por las pruebas superadas durante el 2022 y los éxitos logrados.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-01). Gobierno de Colombia acuerda cese al fuego con grupos armados durante seis meses. telesurtv.net La Misión de Verificación de las Naciones Unidas instalada en Colombia saludó el anuncio hecho por Petro durante las últimas horas del año 2022.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-01). Disidencias de FARC expresan voluntad de negociar paz en Colombia. telesurtv.net Para este proceso, el grupo presentó una delegación plenipotenciaria para un eventual diálogo de paz.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-01-01). Fallece el papa emérito Benedicto XVI a la edad de 95 años. telesurtv.net "Con pesar doy a conocer que el Papa emérito Benedicto XVI ha fallecido a las 9: 34 horas en el Monasterio Mater Ecclesiae del Vaticano", mencionó la nota del Vaticano.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-01-01). Capturan a presunto feminicida de ecuatoriana María Belén Bernal. telesurtv.net El asesinato de la abogada ecuatoriana ocurrió en el interior de la Escuela Superior de la Policía, en Quito.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-01-01). Reportan 49 feminicidios en España en 2022. telesurtv.net Las autoridades indicaron que hubo un ligero incremento con relación a 2021 cuando se notificaron 48 feminicidios.

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2023-01-01). Informan sobre alza de contagios por la Covid-19 en Guatemala. telesurtv.net La cartera sanitaria reportó que en las últimas 24 horas se aplicaron 9,986 pruebas, de las cuales 1,729 dieron un resultado positivo.

teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2023-01-01). Chevron envía a Venezuela primeros dos buques en cuatro años. telesurtv.net El primer petrolero en cargar destino a Estados Unidos será el bahamés Caribbean Voyager. Luego arribará a Venezuela el UACC Eagle con bandera de Islas Marshall.

Xiaolu Sun (2023-01-01). Several new laws take effect in 2023. america.cgtn.com Here are some of the new laws that take effect in 2023 in the U.S.

Igor Carvalho (2023-01-01). Eradication of poverty and hunger key priorities for Lula government. peoplesdispatch.org On Sunday January 1, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of the Workers' Party of Brazil (PT) gave his first speech to the Brazilian people as president at the National Congress. In the speech, he presented a brief diagnosis of the situation and conditions of the country that he will govern over for the next four years. | "It's appalling," said Lula, about the conditions in which he receives the country from his predecessor, former president Jair Bolsonaro of the Liberal Party, who abandoned the country and went to the US just before the inauguration. "They have emptied out the resources for health. They have dismantled th…

Igor Carvalho (2023-01-01). In first speech as president, Lula criticizes previous government and declares: "Democracy forever" peoplesdispatch.org In his first speech as president of the Republic, this Sunday afternoon January 1, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of the Workers' Party of Brazil (PT) criticized the government of Jair Bolsonaro of the Liberal Party. Without mentioning his name, Lula harshly attacked the former president, who on Friday December 30 abandoned the presidency and went to the USA. | "The mandate we have received, in the face of opponents inspired by fascism, will be defended with the powers that the Constitution confers on democracy. To hatred, we will respond with love. To lies, with truth. To terror and violence, we will respond with the…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-01-01). Healthcare now and then: Soviet Georgia to the present. peoplesdispatch.org Sopiko Japaridze, a trade unionist and health activist from Georgia, has experienced healthcare in both Soviet Georgia and under the current government. She has also spent a significant part of her life in the United States. Japaridze, a member of the Solidarity Network in Georgia and a part of the People's Health Movement, compares and contrasts her experience with these three different healthcare models. | This is part one of a two part series.

Staff (2023-01-01). øCuáles son las películas más esperadas de 2023? cubadebate.cu Según los estudios fílmicos y las principales publicaciones especializadas, las películas de 2023 llegarán con barbies, transformers, sirenitas, superhéroes, princesas, asesinos en serie, Willy Wonka, Indiana Jones, Ethan Hunt, John Wick, entre otros personajes atractivos para el público.

Michael D. Yates (2023-01-01). Reinventing Work /w Mike Yates. socialistproject.ca The Socialist Project is proud to present "Reinventing Work," a launch event for Leanne MacMillan and

youtube (2023-01-01). Why You Should Be A Socialist In 2023. youtube.com The capitalist system has shown itself to be incapable of solving the problems it creates.

Anonymous Contributor (2023-01-01). NYE Noise Demo in Minneapolis Celebrates Spirit of Resistance. itsgoingdown.org Report back from New Year's Eve noise demo in so-called Minneapolis, MN. Sometimes it feels like the only trace left by uprisings are their prison sentences. The streets are cleared, the stores rebuilt, the graffiti painted over, but it could be years before the captured ones can taste fresh air. This seems to holds true…

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