Author Archives: admin
2023-05-19: News Headlines
2023-05-18: News Headlines
2023-05-17: News Headlines
(2023-05-16). North Korea Warns NATO is Creeping into Asia. Countercurrents Collective South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol speaks during a meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden at the NATO summit in Madrid on June 29. | KENNY HOLSTON / THE NEW YORK TIMES North Korea's Foreign Ministry has claimed NATO is seeking to increase its influence in Asia, citing growing "military collusion" with Japan, which…
2023-05-16: News Headlines
2023-05-15: News Headlines
2023-05-14: News Headlines
2023-05-13: News Headlines
(2023-05-12). Korea Nuclear Escalation Risks Intensify. The Korean Peninsula has become ground zero for nuclear weapons proliferation. The North Korean government of Kim Jung-un has precipitously moved to expand his nation's nuclear capability, testing and deploying a wide-range of nuclear-capable ballistic missiles. This includes some capable of reaching targets in the Continental US. South Korea has made noises about developing its own nuclear capability, prompting the US to increase its own nuclear posture in the region. The result is a dangerous game of nuclear escalation between the US and North Korea, which leaves the region, and the world, facing elevated risk…
2023-05-12: News Headlines
(2023-05-12). Korea Nuclear Escalation Risks Intensify. The Korean Peninsula has become ground zero for nuclear weapons proliferation. The North Korean government of Kim Jung-un has precipitously moved to expand his nation's nuclear capability, testing and deploying a wide-range of nuclear-capable ballistic missiles. This includes some capable of reaching targets in the Continental US. South Korea has made noises about developing its own nuclear capability, prompting the US to increase its own nuclear posture in the region. The result is a dangerous game of nuclear escalation between the US and North Korea, which leaves the region, and the world, facing elevated risk…