Author Archives: admin
2024-02-07: News Headlines
2024-02-06: News Headlines
2024-02-05: News Headlines
2024-02-04: News Headlines
2024-02-02: News Headlines
(2024-02-02). Socialist Korea and People's China strengthen ties. Representatives of the People's Republic of China and the Democratic People's of Korea (DPRK) held a meeting in Pyongyang, North Korea, Jan. 26, that they described as productive. The meeting indicated growing solidarity between the two socialist countries. Sun Weidong, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Chinese ambassador to the DPRK . . . |
2024-02-01: News Headlines
(2024-01-31). Are North Korea's Latest Threats Rhetorical or Real? It's not too late for the United States and South Korea to offer Kim Jong Un an offramp from the conflict he has yet to initiate.
2024-01-30: News Headlines
(2024-01-30). Philippines: Western North Pacific | 2023 Tropical cyclone season | DG ECHO Daily Map – 29/01/2024. Countries: Cambodia, China, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Guam, Lao People's Democratic Republic (the), Micronesia (Federated States of), Northern Mariana Islands (The United States of America), Palau, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Thailand, Viet Nam | Source: European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations | Please refer to the attached Map. | The tropical cyclone season across the Western North Pacific basin lasts throughout the whole year, averaging nearly 27 typhoons/tropical storms per year during the reference perio…
(2024-01-30). Kim oversees strategic cruise missile test. Kim Jong-un oversaw the test-fire of the newly developed submarine-launched strategic cruise missile "Pulhwasal-3-31" on Sunday, the official Korean Central News Agency reported on Monday."ÄÄ…
(2024-01-29). Great satisfaction: Kim Jong-Un oversees strategic missile launch. Pulhwasal-3-31 missiles were in air for 7,421 seconds and 7,445 seconds, KCNA reports without specifying range…
2024-01-26: News Headlines
2024-01-25: News Headlines
(2024-01-25). North Korea reports testing new cruise missile. TOKYO, North Korea | TASS | On January 24, North Korea conducted the first test launch of Pulhwasal-3-31, a cruise missile of a new type which is still under development, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on Thursday. The tests were carried out by the DPRK Missile Administration. "The test-fire had no impact on the security …
(2024-01-24). Geopolitics is moving North Korea's way. In less than three years, the erosion in the U.S. hegemony that began cascading with the defeat in Afghanistan in August 2021 spread to Eurasia, followed by the massive eruption in West Asia by the end of 2023.
(2024-01-24). Geopolitics is moving North Korea's way. In less than three years, the erosion in the US hegemony that began cascading with the defeat in Afghanistan in August 2021 spread to Eurasia, followed by the massive eruption in West Asia by the end of 2023. As 2024 …
(2024-01-24). Japan's Growing Militarism: The Drums of War in Support of the American Empire. It seems that Japan is making strategic decisions to join their US and NATO allies in preparation for a global war against their long-time adversaries, China, North Korea, and Russia. The latest deal Tokyo made with Washington for the purchase …
(2024-01-25). Corea del Norte lanza varios misiles de crucero hacia el mar Amarillo. Es la primera vez que Pyongyang realiza pruebas de misiles de crucero desde septiembre del año pasado, cuando también realizó lanzamientos al mar Amarillo.