2022-11-15: News Headlines

Speak Up Act Up (2022-11-15). On the SF Peninsula, Creative Protest to Defuse Nuclear War. indybay.org Right now is the closest the world has been to a nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Elderly activists, joined by a few younger folks, recalled those days and protested during a long weekend of national action.

Diablo Rising Tide (2022-11-15). Thursday 12/8: The Case Against Nuclear Power w/ author Joshua Frank. indybay.org 518 Valencia. In the Mission. Just a couple of blocks up from 16th st/Mission BART.

WSWS (2022-11-15). South Korean trade unions hold mass rally in Seoul. wsws.org The KCTU's demonstration was a cheap political stunt aimed at subordinating workers to the opposition Democratic Party and the capitalist state.

____ (2022-11-14). Let's Be Clear: If WW3 Happens It Will Be the Result of Choices Made by the US Empire. transcend.org 7 Nov 2022 – The commander of the US nuclear arsenal has stated unequivocally that the war in Ukraine is just a warmup exercise for a much larger conflict that's already in the mail.

____ (2022-11-14). US Nuclear Forces Chief: 'The Big One Is Coming'. transcend.org 6 Nov 2022 – The commander that oversees US nuclear forces delivered an ominous warning at a naval conference last week by calling the war in Ukraine a "warmup" for the "big one" that is to come. [Having fun yet?>

Staff (2022-11-14). Xi y Biden en otra plática de posturas remarcadas. cubadebate.cu Durante casi tres horas en Bali, Indonesia, Xi Jinping y Joe Biden analizaron con profundidad cuestiones sensibles en lo bilateral y también aquellas de interés común de la agenda global, como el conflicto Rusia-Ucrania, la crisis económica y la desnuclearización de la península coreana. Nuevamente, el tema de Taiwán fue parte del plato fuerte del encuentro.

_____ (2022-11-14). Are North and South Korea rushing blindly towards the danger line? journal-neo.org The events we all can see unfolding on the Korean peninsula at the moment are a good example of the "security dilemma," in which a country upgrades its military potential to protect itself from its neighbor, but that neighbor sees its actions as an act of aggression and upgrades its own military, thus triggering an …

Finian Cunningham (2022-11-13). Scott Ritter: America's Hubris is Stunning and a Threat to World Peace. thealtworld.com In a wide-ranging interview with Finian Cunningham, former US military intelligence analyst Scott Ritter calls out a complex of American-made problems threatening world peace. | The Ukraine war is just one symptom of a bigger disease. The war in Ukraine began with the 2014 US-backed coup d'état in Kiev and the weaponizing by the United States and NATO of an anti-Russian regime over eight years. | "Absurd disconnect" in US foreign policy, "extraordinary provocations" toward Russia, the "scam" of nuclear weapons and US military defense doctrine, and the "stunning hubris" of American national myth-making propaganda…

En.mehrnews (2022-11-13). S Korea president warns Pyongyang over any nuke, missile test. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 13 (MNA) — The president of South Korea warned North Korea of facing a decisive response if it launches another ballistic missile or stages a nuclear test.

En.mehrnews (2022-11-13). European troika is unmasking. en.mehrnews.com TEHRAN, Nov. 13 (MNA) — The European troika, striving to play a mediatory role over the last years between Iran and the US to revive the 2015 nuclear deal (JCPOA) has lately unmasked their genuine intentions that were shrouded in secrecy.

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