2022-12-27: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). China issues trial measures for supervisory rating of foreign banks' branches. ecns.cn The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on Tuesday released trial measures for the comprehensive regulatory rating of foreign bank branches.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). China to resume passport, visa issuance from Jan. 8, 2023. ecns.cn China will optimize immigration administration policies and measures starting from Jan. 8, 2023 in compliance with the country's downgraded COVID-19 response measures.

infobrics (2022-12-28). 'Despite Uncertainties, Our Relations Remain Robust': Russian Deputy Chief of Mission on India Ties. infobrics.org While implementing the Indian phase of the Regional public organisation 'BRICS: World of Traditions', in New Delhi, the Russian Deputy Chief of Mission called this project 'important' saying that it will take the relationship forward…

infobrics (2022-12-28). China Is Set to Become Russia's Main Gas Importer to Replace EU. infobrics.org China to boost gas imports from Russia by B cubic meters through construction of Power of Siberia 2 pipeline, which is expected to be operational by 2030…

infobrics (2022-12-28). Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant to Reach 6,000 MW Capacity by 2027. infobrics.org Union Minister of State for Atomic Energy Dr Jitendra Singh stated in the Rajya Sabha that the remaining four units of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant (KKNPP) will be completed by 2027…

unitedEditor (2022-12-27). After the attack in Paris. uwidata.com In the neighborhood of Strasbourg Saint Denis in Paris, is also referred to as the "Little Istanbul", an attack was conducted on a street where also one of the PKK center is located. 3 people were dead including some PKK members, while 3 more were injured. The culprit of the attack, a French citizen named …

Ana Zorita (2022-12-27). Peru: Widespread uprisings continue after coup, despite police violence. greenleft.org.au Massive protests continue in Peru in a widespread rejection of the right-wing coup against President Pedro Castillo on December 7, reports Ana Zorita.

Human Rights Watch (2022-12-27). Iran: 'Bloody Friday' Crackdown This Year's Deadliest. juancole.com Human Rights Watch ) (Beirut) Iranian security forces using unlawful lethal force, killed and wounded several dozen protesters in Zahedan on September 30, 2022, killing the most people during the protests on a day being called "Bloody Friday," Human Rights Watch said today. The newly established United Nations fact-finding mission on Iran should …

The Conversation (2022-12-27). Ukraine war: Putin has been weaponising energy for years, here's what to look out for next. juancole.com By Thomas Froehlich, King's College London | Not since the 1970s oil crisis has the west seen such a focus on energy security. Suddenly in 2022 it became a critical part of the battle for Ukraine. Russian attacks on energy facilities have left millions of Ukrainians without power during a freezing winter. Since it …

Al-Shabaka (2022-12-27). Challenging Israel-inspired Anti-Boycott Legislation in the US. juancole.com By Tariq Kenney-Shawa | ( Al-Shabakah) The Israeli regime's defenders across the US are ramping up efforts to criminalize the constitutionally protected right to boycott. Beyond violating the rights of Palestine solidarity activists, this threatens to undermine the tenets of a healthy democracy. Al-Shabaka's US Policy Fellow, Tariq Kenney-Shawa, examines this development and …

Juan Cole (2022-12-27). The Unbearable Whiteness of Being French: Murderer of Kurds 'William M.' Treated with kid Gloves. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) Last Thursday, one "William M.," a retired French train conductor, went to the Kurdish Cultural center in the 10th Arondissement of Paris with a gun and shot six people, killing three and wounding three others, all Kurds. Some were in a hairdresser's shop. So write Nathalie Birchem et Denis Peiron …

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-27). Gobierno de Dina Boluarte destituye autoridades locales en Perú. telesurtv.net Parte de la ofensiva del nuevo gobierno contra personas que estarían vinculadas al destituido presidente Pedro Castillo.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-27). Lluvias afectan a casi 70.000 personas en Filipinas. telesurtv.net La institución confirmó asimismo que en la actualidad, unos 60.905 Paquetes de Alimentos Familiares (FFP, siglas en inglés) están disponibles para entregar.

Labor Video Project (2022-12-27). How About Living Wages? Three Hundred UFCW5 Members Strike SF Macy's Union Square Store. indybay.org Three hundred members of UFCW 5 went on strike against Macy's at the Union Square store in San Francisco. They are fighting for living wages.

Lynda Carson (2022-12-27). Judge Donna Ryu condemns City of San Francisco's attacks on the homeless encampments. indybay.org Protest Against Attacks On San Francisco Homeless Encampments:…

WSWS (2022-12-27). After Zelensky's Washington trip, Ukraine launches another attack inside Russia. wsws.org With the United States massively expanding its involvement in the conflict, the world faces the horrifying prospect that the 200,000 military and civilian casualties suffered by both sides in the course of the war in 2022 could be just a downpayment.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Sarath Kumara: Sri Lankan Trotskyist fighter dies at 57. wsws.org Sarath was a principled working-class fighter for Trotskyism until the very end—a life shortened by the economic circumstances and social misery created by capitalism.

Here's Your Ticket (2022-12-27). Off to Space with You, Elon Musk! indybay.org Union and labor activists facetiously called for Elon Musk to leave earth for the red planet with a protest at Twitter headquarters in San Francisco on December 19th.

LaborFest (2022-12-27). "Ticket To Mars" Concert At Elon's Twitter San Francisco Headquarters: Oligarchs Gone Wild. indybay.org The first "Get Your Ticket To Mars" concert took place at Elon Musk's Twitter headquarters on December 18, 2022. Musicians, poets, tech and labor organizers spoke and artists painted a mural on the side of the building.

Roberto J De Puente, Jeffrey Sachs (2022-12-27). The Prince of Hell and Peace in Ukraine is possible. indybay.org There is little truth in war. If you want to survive, any means must necessarily be acceptable. In this scenario, lying is not a sin, not something to be outlawed, but simply an option to achieve one's own goals. It is therefore normality. Basically, no one who is in a war can be accused of lying, because the logics of humanity and decency are then suspended.

WorkWeek (2022-12-27). Starbucks Strike SF , SF "Ticket To Mars" Concert , Removal of TWU2 a Pres& UAW180 Strike. indybay.org WorkWeek radio covers the Starbuck's in San Francisco. A Starbucks Worker In SF Speaks Out, "Ticket To Mars" Concert In SF, Murder Threats & Removal Of TWU2 a President Roger Marenco and UAW Case Holland Tractor 7 Month Strike and their fight for justice.

Julia Conley (2022-12-27). Protesters: "No Democracy With Oligarchy" at Twitter HQ. indybay.org Dozens of artists, labor advocates, and climate campaigners answered a call from Climate Justice Arts on Sunday, arriving at Twitter's headquarters in San Francisco to paint the company's famed bird logo on the street outside along with pro-democracy messages.

_____ (2022-12-27). Implementation of the rocket decisions of the WPK Congress. journal-neo.org The middle of December 2022 was marked by several important events that were not so much an aggravation of the situation on the Korean peninsula, but rather an important step in implementing the decisions of the 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea regarding the development of the DPRK's nuclear missile capabilities. On December …

_____ (2022-12-27). Sudan on the verge of political change. journal-neo.org Various centers of power in Sudan, experts say, may have signed a framework agreement designed to return the country to civilian government after the military coup in October 2021. However, doubts from NGOs and academics, as well as persistent street protests in the capital Khartoum, warn against over-optimistic expectations. The agreement announced on December 5 …

_____ (2022-12-27). The Fate of the USS Bonhomme Richard. popularresistance.org The Navy has convinced the public that its ships are protected against catastrophic fires because they are all outfitted with extremely sophisticated firefighting sprinkler systems equipped with aqueous film-forming foam known as AFFF, or "A triple F." In the case of the tiniest flame, the sensitive system was designed to automatically douse a fire in just a few seconds, so we were led to believe. | Since 2015 or so, the Navy had become very aggressive in its public posturing in defense of the highly carcinogenic foams because of increasing public concerns regarding the health of servicemembers, civilians in clos…

_____ (2022-12-27). Fighting the 'Psyopcracy'. strategic-culture.org It is a hard thing to combat because it's not a physical enemy but rather messages that lodge themselves in millions of people's minds. And it has come to rule over us. | By Joe LAURIA | Cathy Vogan, the executive producer of Consortium News' webcast CN Live!, recently coined a new term to describe rule by psyops, or psychological operations: psyopcracy. According to

_____ (2022-12-27). The High Cost of Blowing Up the World: Ukraine and the 2023 NDAA. strategic-culture.org Will Americans wake up to the reality that they've been walking on the wrong side of history for too long or has the point of no-return been crossed? | Bipartisan insanity was on display again this week as the U.S. congress responded to Biden's requested $37 billion in additional aid to Ukraine by giving him The aid was part of an overall omnibus spending bill passed by both houses of…

_____ (2022-12-27). The Democrats Are Now the War Party. strategic-culture.org

_____ (2022-12-27). Will Mbappe Have to Leave France Over Racism? strategic-culture.org France has a deep-seated problem with racism, but due to the official French political ideology, France denies they have any problem, and denies that racism exists in France. | Yesterday's

A Guest Author (2022-12-27). ILWU must oppose the U.S./NATO-provoked war! workers.org The slightly edited statement was released on Dec. 15, 2022. We, members and retirees of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), are very concerned about the Coast Committee's public statement of March 3, 2022, on the war in Ukraine. It diverges from the many antiwar positions that our union . . . |

Abayomi Azikiwe (2022-12-27). Netherlands Prime Minister Apologizes for Atlantic Slave Trade. Dispels the Payment of Reparations. globalresearch.ca

Alex Koplos (2022-12-27). Stop racist repression: Allow all migrants entry to the U.S.! workers.org El Paso, Texas On Dec. 19, 400 Texas National Guard soldiers were deployed in my hometown of El Paso to "assist" with the mass migration at the border with Juarez, Mexico. The state deployed these imperial special bodies of armed men as the city was anticipating the end of Title . . . |

Alison Weir (2022-12-27). As usual, defense bill gives millions of dollars to Israel, but no one tells Americans. indybay.org Israeli media report that the 2023 defense spending bill just signed into law contains over $ 0 million for Israel (just the tip of the iceberg of billions of dollars for Israel)… AIPAC commended Congress…

Ambassador Majdi Khaldi (2022-12-27). Occupation: On Christmas, Israel Denies Palestinian Christians Their Rights. globalresearch.ca

Angela (2022-12-27). Sunday 1/15: Q&A Discussion of two short documentary films about Apartheid. indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Animal Liberation Press Office (2022-12-27). 4000 More Captive Mink Find Freedom in Michigan, Farm Sabotaged. indybay.org In an anonymous communique received by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office, activists have claimed responsibility for the liberation of 4000 captive mink from Scholten Farm in Wayland, Michigan (260 139th Avenue). This is the fourth liberation from an American fur farm in the last 2 months. Extensive damage to ten farm vehicles, the water supply and killing devices were also claimed.

Animal Liberation Press Office (2022-12-27). Largest US Fur Farm, Recently Raided by ALF, Closes. indybay.org Ohio: The largest mink farm in the U.S. is closing on Friday. The owner of North America's largest mink farm, located in Van Wert County, Ohio is closing down the business and selling it, according to the farm's operations manager, Eddie Meyer.

Anonymous Contributor (2022-12-27). News From Anowarà :ke: On the Struggles of Mohawk Mothers in Canada. itsgoingdown.org

Art Moore (2022-12-27). Top Oncologist: Cancer in Patients Exploding After COVID Shots. globalresearch.ca

Ben Norton (2022-12-27). UN Experts: US Sanctions Violate Iranians' Human Rights. globalresearch.ca

Brett Willkins (2022-12-27). President Boric Says Chile Will Open Embassy in Occupied Palestine. indybay.org "We cannot forget a community that is suffering from an illegal occupation, a community that is resisting, a community that is seeing its rights and dignity violated every day," Chile's leftist president said.

Cindy Harper (2022-12-27). Pfizer CEO, Who Said Online "Misinformation" Is Criminal, Is Found Guilty of "Misleading" Vaccine Statements. globalresearch.ca

Colin Todhunter (2022-12-27). Of Economic Crises and Pandemics — Facebook as Fact, Government as Truth, Big Pharma as God. globalresearch.ca

County "Health Service" Workers & HPHP (2022-12-27). Santa Cruz Homeless Death List for 2023: Follow-Up. indybay.org Two public ceremonies were held December 21st where the names of the unhoused dead for the year (some of them) were read. My response was the attached flyer, reprinted in the Serf City Times, suggesting some obvious but likely to be ignored remedies to ward off the 2023 deaths list. Also attached is the Homeless Persons Health Project/County report.

Dan Rosenbaum (2022-12-27). As e-bike Fires Rise, Calls Grow for Education and Regulation. globalresearch.ca

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-27). China Launches Major Drills Around Taiwan in Response to New US Military Aid. news.antiwar.com China on Sunday launched major drills around Taiwan in response to the new US military aid for Taipei that's included in the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) President Biden signed into law on Friday. "The Eastern Theatre Command of the PLA organized joint combat-readiness patrols and joint firepower strike drills in airspace and waters …

David Giesen (2022-12-27). Wednesday 12/21: Environmental economics for dummies featuring THE LORAX. indybay.org ZOOM: us05web.zoom.us/j/84595777949?pwd=cEpMVFUxNXRPRUJEVU5OSnhXOXZGdz09

David Giesen (2022-12-27). Friday 12/23: Environmental Economics for Dummies, featuring The Lorax. indybay.org ZOOM: us05web.zoom.us/j/84595777949?pwd=cEpMVFUxNXRPRUJEVU5OSnhXOXZGdz09

DJ Mouse (2022-12-27). Goodbye Moral High Road, Tracy, Riva,Steve, Jack and Carol at Feb. 2020 press conference. indybay.org Tracy Rosenberg, Riva Enteen, Steve, Jack Heyman, Carol Denny and more on the sabotage from the top of our once favorite network…

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2022-12-27). Country for Bad Dreams: Vandalism on the Australian Nullarbor Plain. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2022-12-27). Pfizer's Shots Aren't Safe and Were Never Shown to be. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Peter McCullough (2022-12-27). Wide Range of Neurologic Syndromes after COVID-19 Vaccination. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2022-12-27). "Sometime they'll give a war and nobody will come." globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). SOEs ramp up inland infrastructure projects. ecns.cn State-owned enterprises focused on infrastructure construction are ramping up efforts nationwide, especially in central inland provinces and with more focus on key livelihood projects, to inject more impetus into the nation's recovery.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). SOEs also winners at 2022 FIFA World Cup. ecns.cn China's State-owned enterprises weren't on the pitch, but they scored a lot of points at the recently concluded FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). High-end manufacturing on fast track. ecns.cn China's high-end manufacturing sector is on a fast development track with an increasing number of companies going public, gaining higher profits and expanding their footprints overseas"ÄÇ…

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). China mulls revising company law to improve corporate system. ecns.cn Chinese lawmakers are mulling a draft revision to the country's Company Law to improve the corporate system, with rules for greater responsibility for shareholders and better corporate governance.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). China's largest ultra-deep oilfield produces over 3-mln-tonne oil, gas equivalent in 2022. ecns.cn The Tarim oilfield branch of PetroChina, China's leading oil and gas producer, said on Monday that the Fuman oilfield in the Tarim Basin had so far produced 3.09 million tonnes of oil and gas equivalent in 2022.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). First super-large natural gas field with annual output of bln cubic meters built in China. ecns.cn The annual output of natural gas in Changqing oilfield in northwest China hit .6 billion cubic meters on Tuesday, which means China has finished building its first super-large gas production area with annual output of billion cubic meters.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Chinese online celebrity Li Ziqi and Weinian reached settlement after mediation. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). China's GDP up 8.4% year-on-year in 2021. ecns.cn China's GDP increased 8.4 percent to 114.92 trillion yuan in 2021, according to the updated data of the National Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Private sector support lifts confidence. ecns.cn China's latest emphasis on supporting the development of private companies is injecting more confidence into entrepreneurs, and encouraging them to double down on innovation to seek breakthroughs in business and technology.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). More new rail lines improve connectivity. ecns.cn Chinese railways adopted new schedules on Monday, adding more passenger and cargo services to improve efficiency and capacity with increased demand expected following the easing of epidemic measures…

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Shanghai clinics dealing with surge in infections. ecns.cn Ruan Sheng, an ambulance driver at the South Branch Center of Shanghai Medical Emergency Center, has run an average of 20 trips each day for the last week with his teammates, Doctor Li Zhu and Wang Xiaodong, a paramedic.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Hotels offer 'self-isolation rooms' for infected patients. ecns.cn With Zhejiang province bracing for a possible surge in COVID-19 infections in the coming months, hotels there have started to offer self-isolation rooms for people infected with the virus.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). National crackdown on COVID drug profiteering. ecns.cn Authorities have recently intensified the crackdown and supervision of the illegal sale of epidemic drugs and materials and on acts of hoarding and profiteering as the number of COVID-19 infections is rapidly increasing.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Ukrainian president hopes for quick implementation of agreements with U.S. ecns.cn Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday voiced his hope for a quick implementation of agreements with the United States reached during his recent visit to Washington, the presidential press service said.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Quarantine to end for inbound overseas travelers. ecns.cn International travelers will no longer need to quarantine upon arrival in China starting Jan 8, according to the country's latest policy on epidemic control.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). China lifts COVID restrictions to int'l arrivals. ecns.cn China will cancel nucleic acid tests for international arrivals starting from Jan. 8, a statement on the Chinese Foreign Ministry website said on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Ex-S.Korean President Lee Myung-bak granted special presidential pardon. ecns.cn South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol on Tuesday granted his special pardons to former President Lee Myung-bak as well as some other politicians and former government officials, according to the Ministry of Justice.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). China revises 2021 GDP growth. ecns.cn China's statistics authority on Tuesday revised the country's gross domestic product (GDP) growth for 2021 to 8.4 percent in its final verification.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). U.S. not to succeed in suppressing multipolar world order: Russian FM. ecns.cn Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Monday that Washington's attempts to preserve its complete ideological hegemony, stop the course of history, and suppress the formation of multipolar world order will fail.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Biden approves federal aid to New York amid deadly blizzard. ecns.cn U.S. President Joe Biden approved an emergency declaration on Monday for the state of New York amid a deadly blizzard.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). China's top legislature starts standing committee session. ecns.cn The Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress, China's top legislature, started its 38th session Tuesday to review multiple draft laws and law revisions.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). 0-year-old handwritten family tree discovered in north China. ecns.cn A handwritten family tree dating back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) was discovered in north China's Hebei Province.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Researchers develop UAV-mediated drug delivery for first aid. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have developed an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-mediated first-aid system for targeted delivery (uFAST).

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Death toll rises to 57 as big freeze grips U.S. ecns.cn A massive winter storm stretching from the Great Lakes all the way down to the Rio Grande along the Mexican border has killed at least 57 people across the United States as of Monday.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Annual output of China's largest gas production base exceeds bln cubic meters. ecns.cn Changqing oilfield, China's largest oil-and-gas field, has produced over billion cubic meters of natural gas so far this year, the company said Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Majority of foreign firms upbeat on Chinese economy in 2023: survey. ecns.cn The majority of foreign firms in China are supportive of the country's optimized COVID-19 response and economic outlook in 2023, a survey by the country's top trade-facilitating body revealed.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). China's Baidu operates driverless taxi night service in Wuhan. ecns.cn Chinese tech giant Baidu announced on Monday that it has expanded the commercial operation area and times of its driverless taxi service in central China's Wuhan.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). China's AG600 large amphibious aircraft gains constant progress. ecns.cn China's AG600 large amphibious aircraft, a key member of the country's large aircraft family, has gained constant progress over 2022 in terms of both aircraft development and market exploration.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). New findings unveiled at Lingjiatan relics site. ecns.cn New findings have emerged at the Lingjiatan relics site in Ma'anshan City, east China's Anhui Province, said the provincial cultural relics and archaeology institute.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Mega water diversion project benefits over 15 mln Beijingers. ecns.cn A mega water diversion project has so far benefited more than 15 million residents of Beijing, local water authorities said on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). International air tickets search volume soars as China to remove centralized quarantine for inbound travelers. ecns.cn The search volume of international air tickets by Chinese people soared as soon as China on Monday announced that it will stop requiring inbound travelers to go into centralized quarantine starting from Jan. 8.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). China's total current price of GDP hit $16.52 trillion in 2021: NBS. ecns.cn China's GDP increased by 8.4 percent to 114.92 trillion yuan ($16.52 trillion) in 2021, according to the data released by National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Monday.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen top three most attractive cities for people born after 1995: survey. ecns.cn Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen are the top three most attractive cities for people born after 1995, who have an obvious tendency of working and living in cities in the east part of China.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Fishermen harvest fish from frozen Chagan Lake. ecns.cn The annual winter fishing, which kicked off in one of China's 10 freshwater lakes on Monday, is a traditional event dating back to the Liao Dynasty (907-1125).

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). At least 27 dead from ongoing winter storm in New York. ecns.cn New York recorded at least 27 deaths from the ongoing winter storm as of Monday morning, bringing the total casualties in the United States to over .

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). China to manage COVID-19 with measures against Class B infectious diseases. ecns.cn China will manage COVID-19 with measures against Class B infectious diseases, instead of Class A infectious diseases, in a major shift of its epidemic response policies.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway marks 10-year operation. ecns.cn A total of 1.69 billion passenger trips have been made on the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway since it went into operation ten years ago.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Fuxing bullet trains operate on Guangdong, Hunan railways. ecns.cn China implemented a new railway operating plan on Monday, and 22 Fuxing bullet trains were newly added to Guangdong and Hunan railways.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Icicles on cliff lure tourists in Henan. ecns.cn Huge frozen waterfall creates a spectacular winter landscape at Yuntai Mountain Geopark, Dec. 26, 2022. Icicles on cliffs draw lots of tourists.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). China launches Gaofen 11-04 satellite. ecns.cn A Long March 4D rocket carrier carrying a Gaofen 11-04 satellite blasts off from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in north China's Shanxi Province, Dec. 27, 2022.

ecns.cn (2022-12-27). Bookings for international destinations surge as China eases measures. ecns.cn The search volume of international flight tickets is surging in China after the country announced to downgraded the management of COVID-19 from Jan 8, the news website chinanews.com reported on Tuesday.

Editor (2022-12-27). New JFK/CIA Revelations & Our Alarmingly Secretive Security State. scheerpost.com By Glenn Greenwald /

Editor (2022-12-27). Before COB on the First Workday of 2023, CEOs Will Make More Than the Average Annual Pay for All US Workers. scheerpost.com Before happy hour time, the typical top exec will have pocketed more than home health aides, firefighters, pre-K teachers, and other essential workers will make the whole year.

Editor (2022-12-27). Illinois Will Be the First State to Eliminate Cash Bail. Here's Why Women Led the Push for Reform. scheerpost.com Grassroots and advocacy groups helped push for the state's elimination of cash bail — a move that will help incarcerated people and family members who must often come up with the money.

Editor (2022-12-27). Israel's New 'Government of Darkness': The Most Underreported Story in the Middle East. scheerpost.com By Patrick Cockburn / CounterPunch If a prize was to be awarded for the most important yet least reported story in the media in 2022, it might well go to the news outlets that failed to report on the escalating violence between Israelis and Palestinians, which is now combining with the likely impact of the …

Editor (2022-12-27). Markets and Technology Won't Solve Climate Crisis. We Must End Capitalism. scheerpost.com

Editor (2022-12-27). Russia Dropping US Dollar for Chinese Yuan—and Fast. scheerpost.com In response to Western sanctions, Russia's central bank is dropping the US dollar and will buy Chinese yuan on the foreign exchange market. The yuan's share of Moscow's currency trading increased from 1% to 40-45% in 2022, while dollar trade halved from 80% to 40%.

Edward Curtin (2022-12-27). Christmas: Passing on the Lyrical Gift of Language. globalresearch.ca

Fight Back (2022-12-27). Anger as Miami judge rules against freedom for Alex Saab. fightbacknews.org Miami, FL – A Miami judge ruled against freedom for Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab on December 24. In a two-week-long hearing to determine Saab's diplomatic status and his right to immunity from prosecution, Saab's defense team presented stacks of evidence proving his status as a special envoy. The defense even used documents from the U.S. government provided by the federal prosecutor, Alex Kramer, that stated as much. None of this made a difference to U.S. District Judge Robert Scola. | In his ruling, Judge Scola wrote, "Saab Moran cannot be entitled to diplomatic immunity because he could not – as a matter of la…

Global Research News (2022-12-27). Selected Articles: The Plan. WHO's Ten Years of Infectious Diseases (2020 to 2030), Leading to World Tyranny. globalresearch.ca By Excess mortality is reported from Norway — and all over the western world or Global North. Excesses never …

Global Research (2022-12-27). WHO Director General Tedros: "Some Countries Are Using to Give Boosters to Kill Children" globalresearch.ca

Hanna Hanania (2022-12-27). When Will the Peace of Christmas Come Home? globalresearch.ca

Hans Stehling (2022-12-27). Britain's National Security Potentially Compromised by Government Membership of Pro Israel CFI Lobby in Parliament. globalresearch.ca

Immigrant Children Are Innocent (2022-12-27). Mayor of El Paso refusing to let undocumented immigrant children in Convention cot shelter. indybay.org When an adult parent is put in prison, the jailers don't throw the children in prison with their parent. The authorities put the children into foster care. In Texas, where the Mayor is refusing entry to the Convention center cot shelter for migrants, he is leaving out in the cold migrants with no immigration papers, he is leaving their babies and small children out in the cold with the parents. That is wrong. The children should immediately be put into foster care, not punished for illegal immigration by being left out in the freezing cold with their parents. The children did not chose to break any immigration la…

infobrics (2022-12-27). BRICS Tourism Market is Projected to Increase at a 4.0% CAGR in 2032. infobrics.org The BRICS tourism market is poised to reach a valuation of US$ 465 Billion in 2022. Sales are projected to increase at a 4.0% CAGR, with the market size reaching US$688.31 Billion by 2032…

infobrics (2022-12-27). Will Brazil's New President Back Russia's Dream of Multipolarity?>. infobrics.org Ahead of Brazil's recent presidential election, in which former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva narrowly beat the incumbent Jair Bolsonaro, the Kremlin was not too concerned about the outcome of the vote. Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that Russia had established "good relationships" with both contenders…

infobrics (2022-12-27). Myth or Reality: Will Rise of BRICS in Geopolitics Edge Out US Dominance. infobrics.org As the balance in Russia-India relations is shifting towards New Delhi, an economic block led by five emerging economies including the top two rivals of the United States appears ready to expand…

infobrics (2022-12-27). Josep Borrell's racism highlights the EU's failure to engage Africa in 2022. infobrics.org Not a single African country sanctioned Russia despite pressure from the West.

infobrics (2022-12-27). Iran arrests agents linked to British intelligence. infobrics.org The suspects were involved in the recent mass protests, showing that there was certainly foreign provocation to operate a color revolution in Tehran.

infobrics (2022-12-27). America's new National Security Strategy envisions greater role for its vassals. infobrics.org With Russia's return and China's rise, as well as the expanding power of various regional players, the US is now pushing its allies and vassals into the spotlight.

Jacob G. Hornberger (2022-12-27). Ukraine's War with Russia Has Nothing to Do with Freedom. globalresearch.ca

Jake Johnson (2022-12-27). Raskin says electoral college is a 'danger' to democracy and should be abandoned. nationofchange.org "We should elect the president the way we elect governors, senators, mayors, representatives, everybody else: Whoever gets the most votes wins."

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2022-12-27). Biden Protects CIA By Withholding 5,000 Critical Documents on JFK Assassination. covertactionmagazine.com Vice President of the Mary Ferrell Foundation calls new release by Biden a "sham" because key documents remain classified. On December 15, President Joe Biden released nearly 1,500 documents on the JFK assassination, but withheld 5,000 critical documents. The move was not surprising given Biden's long track record going back to his days on the …

Julian Rose (2022-12-27). 'The Hijacking of Green': From Beauty and Biodiversity to Fakery and Fascism. globalresearch.ca

Kathryn Shihadah (2022-12-27). Unholy Days and Nights in Bethlehem. indybay.org On December 3rd, amid joyous celebration, the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony took place in Manger Square in Bethlehem, Palestine. In just a few more days, Bethlehem will commemorate the day of Jesus' birth right in the very town where it happened. It is a holy, magical time of year for residents and visitors. We may picture a sleepy, picturesque town surrounded by hills, dotted with sheep, but the reality in the city of Bethlehem and its environs (the Bethlehem Governate) is much different.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2022-12-27). Monday 12/26: 24th Annual, California State Capitol Kwanzaa Kickoff – World Peace Rose Garden. indybay.org California State Capitol World Peace Rose Garden – 15 and L Street – Sacramento, CA…

Kurt Nimmo (2022-12-27). CIA's Deadly "Strategy of Tension" to Destroy Russia. globalresearch.ca

Labor Video Project (2022-12-27). NNU-CNA Sutter Alta Bates Hospital Nurses Fed Up & Strike Against Concession Contract. indybay.org 1800 Sutter nurses at Berkeley Alta Bates and Summit hospitals have gone on a strike for ten days. They are angry at a concession agreement that was being pushed by the NNU-CNA leadership that would allow a two tier contract and would continue the loss nurses to Kaiser where nurses are paid $10 to $12 an hour more.

Lynda Carson (2022-12-27). HUD FY 2023 budget saves subsidized housing units for the poor. indybay.org New HUD Budget For FY 2023:…

Marc Batko, W Meyer, K Chavent (2022-12-27). The Humor of Jesus and The cry of the poor. indybay.org After much meditation and reflection, I firmly believe that Jesus made fun of individualism and profit-oriented economic systems. Winning people to trust the infinite, invisible and transcendent God was surely his central goal. "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?" he asked his calculating counterpart. "No sparrow falls to the ground without your Father's consent. You are worth more…!

Martin Armstrong (2022-12-27). The Hypocrisy Behind the Vaccines. globalresearch.ca

Mobilization for Reproductive Justice (2022-12-27). Saturday 1/21: Counter Protest the Catholic Led "Walk for Life" indybay.org Gather at the Philip Burton Federal Courthouse, 4 Golden Gate Ave to rally. Then march together the short distance to Civic Center where the Walk for Life West Coast will hold its annual rally. Our counter protest will be there.

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2022-12-27). Podcast Ep 70: Palestine in 2022, part 1. electronicintifada.net We take a look at the top stories of the year.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2022-12-27). Today's Russia Is Upholding the Best of the Soviet Legacy. orinocotribune.com By Victoria Nikiforova Dec 5, 2022 | The following essay is written and published by a columnist at Russia's main state media outlet, RIA Novosti. The essay provides an overview of the achievements and the lasting legacy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) for today's Russia and for the world. It is not a comprehensive history of the USSR; that is for historians to continue to write and debate. The essay's most salient feature is the insight into the thinking of the people of the Russian Federation at this very turbulent turning point in their history. | The essay voices the wholesale loss of…

Paige Bennett (2022-12-27). USPS announces electrification of mail truck fleet. nationofchange.org New electric mail trucks are expected to begin servicing postal routes in late 2023.

President Biden Executive Order (2022-12-27). How will California expand active engagement with the Pan African Diaspora? indybay.org President of the United States of America Executive Order on Establishing the President's Advisory Council on African Diaspora Engagement in the United States – How do we expand active engagement throughout California?>

Ray McGovern (2022-12-27). Journalists & Not-So-Much Journalists on Zelensky. globalresearch.ca

Rick Rozoff (2022-12-27). Serbian forces placed on highest combat readiness as Kosovo threatens final solution. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com B92December 26, 2022 Combat readiness of MUP and Serbian Army raised; Kurti will attack North KiM? President of Serbia and Supreme Commander of Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vuƒáiƒá, ordered Serbian Armed Forces to be at the highest level of combat readiness. Defense Minister Milo≈° Vucevic announced this tonight. "The president of Serbia, as commander-in-chief, ordered …

Rick Rozoff (2022-12-27). Crescent and Star war games: Turkey, Pakistan accelerate military integration. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Daily SabahDecember 27, 2022 Turkish, Pakistani militaries hold joint drill in Karachi Turkish and Pakistani militaries took part in a weeklong joint exercise in Pakistan's southern port city Karachi, the Defense Ministry said Tuesday. "Heroes of friendly and brotherly countries are together for 'Crescent and Star'! 'Crescent and Star-2022 Exercise' was held with the participation …

Rick Rozoff (2022-12-27). Final assault on Kosovo Serbs backed by West, synchronized with Ukraine war: Serbian president. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The second feature cites Serbian President Aleksandar Vuƒáiƒá asserting that the U.S./NATO-created (following the 78-day air war against Yugoslavia/Serbia in 1999) pan-Albanian entity in Kosovo has plotted an imminent assault on remaining ethnic Serbs in Kosovo, fully backed by the West (the NATO Quint: the U.S., Britain, Germany, France and Italy), and timed to exploit …

Rick Rozoff (2022-12-27). Georgia's military bases upgraded to NATO standards, for NATO use. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Agenda.geDecember 27, 2022 Military bases across Georgia renovated with int'l standards — PM Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili on Tuesday said all military bases across the country had been renovated "according to international standards" throughout the past year, in his comments summarising the Government's work in 2022. The PM also highlighted the ongoing ‚Çæ70 million …

Rick Rozoff (2022-12-27). Over a quarter of Germany's second-largest annual arms exports went to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Deutsche WelleDecember 27, 2022 Ukraine updates: Germany spent ‚Ǩ2.24 billion on military aidBerlin signed off on ‚Ǩ8.9 billion in arms exports in 2022, with more than a quarter of that heading to Ukraine Germany's government gave the greenlight to arms exports amounting to at least ‚Ǩ8.9 billion ($8.48 billion) this year, making it the second-highest …

Rick Rozoff (2022-12-27). Russia cedes control of key Caucasus corridor to Azerbaijan. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com PanARMENIAN.netDecember 27, 2022 Karabakh corridor out of Russian peacekeepers' control, Pashinyan tells Putin The Lachin corridor connecting Nagorno Karabakh to Armenia has been out of the control of Russian peacekeepers for almost 20 days now, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan told Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting in Saint Petersburg on Tuesday, December 27. "The …

Rick Rozoff (2022-12-27). Turkish press celebrates NATO's strongest revitalization in 40 years. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Anadolu AgencyDecember 27, 2022 NATO's decisive comeback in 2022 2022 was perhaps the most decisive year for NATO since the early 1980s, when the Cold War was re-escalated…US President Ronald Reagan's launch of the Strategic Defense Initiative, and Washington's deployment of nuclear-armed Pershing II missiles in Europe. *** These added to never-ending discussions on the …

Robert J. Burrowes (2022-12-27). Historical Analysis of the Global Elites: Ransacking the World Economy Until 'You'll Own Nothing'. globalresearch.ca

Robert S. Becker (2022-12-27). Comeuppance for the unindicted, domestic, rogue terrorist — and ex-president. nationofchange.org "I disrupt foes like any warlord,/ Back me or face the next civil war."

Sarah Anderson (2022-12-27). The top 10 inequality victories of 2022Ôøº. nationofchange.org Champions of a more egalitarian society made important strides, building the power of workers while reducing the power of wealthy tax dodgers and greedy pharma execs.

Staff (2022-12-27). Cuatro peloteros cubanos renuevan contrato con Dragones de Chunichi. cubadebate.cu Los lanzadores Yariel Rodríguez y Frank Abel àÅlvarez, y los jugadores de posición Pedro Pablo Revilla y Guillermo García, renovaron hoy sus contratos con los Dragones de Chunichi en el beisbol profesional japonés. También oficializó su nuevo acuerdo el otrora estelar jugador Omar Linares, como entrenador de la franquicia perteneciente a la llamada liga central.

Staff (2022-12-27). Informan sobre hallazgo de embarcación abandonada en Cayo Guillermo. cubadebate.cu Las personas naturales o jurídicas con derechos sobre el bien hallado, interesadas en ejercerlos, deberán acudir a la Capitanía de Júcaro, ubicada en Cayo Coco, municipio Morón, provincia Ciego de àÅvila, en un término que no exceda los 30 días naturales, contados a partir de la publicación de esta nota.

Staff (2022-12-27). Las 3 del día: Lo que fue noticia este 26 de diciembre (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu En el podcast Las 3 de día tenemos de todo un poco en materia informativa, para despedir la última emisión de lunes de 2022. Compartiremos noticias económicas, nacionales, internacionales, de índole política, culturales, deportivas, de impacto y otras sorpresas. °Conéctese ya!

Staff (2022-12-27). Profesora de Massachusetts exalta vacunas cubanas e inequidad mundial en el acceso a inmunógenos. cubadebate.cu La profesora Tanalís Padilla, investigadora del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts y autora de numerosos libros, entre estos Una historia de las normales rurales, exalta hoy las vacunas cubanas y la inequidad mundial. El diario local La Jornada inserta hoy un artículo de la profesora de origen mexicano, en el cual resaltó el esfuerzo de Cuba en la confección de sus vacunas contra la covid-19 y empieza con las entregas del biológico a México.

Staff (2022-12-27). Reciben atención más de 200 haitianos que recalaron en Cayo Coco, Ciego de àÅvila. cubadebate.cu Un total de 253 haitianos, incluidos 31 niños y 61 mujeres, que viajaban en barco con la intención de migrar a Estados Unidos, recalaron la medianoche de este domingo en el puerto de Kasasa, en Cayo Coco, Jardines del Rey, al norte de Ciego de àÅvila, donde reciben atención en un centro educacional de la provincia.

Staff (2022-12-27). 2022: Un año difícil para la salud pública cubana y la premisa de defender la vida. cubadebate.cu "En un contexto en el que siguen siendo múltiples los desafíos, es inevitable pensar en cuanto se ha hecho desde los más diversos rincones del país para superarlos y seguir haciendo por la vida de nuestro pueblo", afirmó este martes el doctor José Angel Portal Miranda, ministro de Salud Pública.

Staff (2022-12-27). Conciertos, ofertas gastronómicas y actividades deportivas se desarrollarán en La Habana por fin de año. cubadebate.cu Un concierto de la Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional (OSN) dedicado a los 50 años del Movimiento de la Nueva Trova, y bailables populares, anuncian autoridades de la capital, para celebrar el fin de año y el aniversario 64 del triunfo de la Revolución. Los días 31 de diciembre y primero de enero se ofrecerán cenas especiales en los restaurantes.

Staff (2022-12-27). øCuánto ha avanzado la agricultura urbana en estos 35 años? cubadebate.cu El programa de la agricultura urbana, suburbana y familiar en Cuba, surgió hace 35 años, el 27 de diciembre de 1987, con la expansión de los organopónicos, una indicación del General de Ejército Raúl Castro. En la actualidad, el programa ocupa más de dos millones de hectáreas de tierras cultivables y administra 147 000 fincas suburbanas. Su principio fundamental ha sido la producción sostenible de alimentos sobre bases agroecológicas.

Staff (2022-12-27). El tiempo: Temperaturas en ascenso y lluvias en el norte central. cubadebate.cu Esta tarde las temperaturas estarán ascendiendo a valores máximos entre los 22 y 25 grados Celsius en el occidente y el centro, mientras en la región oriental estarán entre los 26 y 29 grados Celsius, hasta los 33 grados Celsius en la porción sur oriental. En la noche disminuye la nubosidad y las lluvias, excepto en el norte de central donde habrá algunas lluvias hasta el anochecer.

Staff (2022-12-27). Investigadores japoneses descubren un "supermosquito" resistente a los insecticidas. cubadebate.cu Un estudio liderado por investigadores japoneses descubrió la existencia de mosquitos que son más resistentes a los insecticidas. Al analizar esos "supermoquitos", ejemplares de la especie Aedes aegypti en Vietnam, Indonesia, Camboya, Taiwán y Ghana , se comprobó que habían sufrido una mutación del gen L982W.

Staff (2022-12-27). Irán y Rusia apuestan por sacar el dólar de su ciclo económico. cubadebate.cu Autoridades legislativas de Irán y Rusia apuestan hoy por sacar al dólar estadounidense de su ciclo bilateral, entendido como un objetivo principal de ambos países para el saneamiento económico a futuro."Nuestro mayor objetivo es sacar al dólar del ciclo económico del país", aseguró el vicepresidente del Parlamento de Irán.

Staff (2022-12-27). Más de 600 menores de edad palestinos estuvieron bajo arresto domiciliario en 2022. cubadebate.cu Más de 600 menores de edad palestinos estuvieron bajo arresto domiciliario por parte de los tribunales israelíes en 2022, de acuerdo con los datos publicados por la Comisión para Asuntos de Detenidos y Exdetenidos.

Staff (2022-12-27). Participe en el concurso de Cubadebate dedicado al triunfo de la Revolución. cubadebate.cu Cubadebate, en conjunto con el sitio Fidel Soldado de las Ideas, convoca a los usuarios de la telefonía móvil en Cuba a participar en el concurso con motivo del triunfo de la Revolución. El certamen consiste en la siguiente pregunta: øQuién es el autor de la obra musical "El gran día de enero"?

Staff (2022-12-27). Reinauguran en La Habana monumento a pelotero mambí Emilio Sabourín. cubadebate.cu Esta mañana fue reinaugurado en el vedado capitalino el monumento al pelotero mambí Emilio Sabourín del Villar, quien ofrendó su vida por la independencia de Cuba. El homenaje se realizó el día en que se conmemora el 148 aniversario del primer juego de béisbol en Cuba y en vísperas de la jornada dedicada a este deporte en Cuba.

Staff (2022-12-27). Reto viral: Descubre las siete diferencias entre las imágenes. cubadebate.cu Además de ser uno de los más populares en las redes sociales, también se trata de uno de los más complejos ya que pocos lograron detectar las siete diferencias entre las imágenes. Este es un acertijo visual que te permitirá descubre tu nivel de tu inteligencia visual de una forma rápida y entretenida. øTe sientes listo para vencer el reto?.

Staff (2022-12-27). Se extiende el plazo de importación sin carácter comercial de plantas eléctricas. cubadebate.cu La Resolución 328/2022 prorroga hasta el 31 de marzo de 2023, la importación sin carácter comercial, por encima del valor establecido por la vía de los envíos aéreos, marítimos, postales y de mensajería, de las plantas eléctricas de una potencia superior a los 900 vatios, que se presentan a despacho de la Aduana General de la República.

Staff (2022-12-27). Telescopio espacial James Webb capturó el nacimiento de estrellas en la nebulosa Carina. cubadebate.cu Científicos de la NASA realizaron un análisis profundo de una de las primeras imágenes icónicas del Telescopio Espacial James Webb, denominada "Acantilados Cósmicos", y encontraron un nacimiento estelar que había pasado desapercibido para el telescopio espacial Hubble.

Staff (2022-12-27). Un ejemplar de cocodrilo cubano se electrocutó en un zoológico de Washington al atacar un tomacorriente. cubadebate.cu En un comunicado, el Instituto Smithsoniano de Biología de la Conservación y Zoológico Nacional informó que el cocodrilo fue hallado muerto en la madrugada del 17 de diciembre, en su espacio. Dadas las circunstancias en las que lo encontraron, el personal determinó que "el cocodrilo se sintió atraído por un tomacorriente y atacó la infraestructura eléctrica en el hábitat".

Staff (2022-12-27). Musk, Zuckerberg y los multimillonarios dueños de redes y medios. cubadebate.cu Lo curioso es que las principales redes sociales y grupos de comunicación se están convirtiendo en caprichos de lujo de los multimillonarios. Si el más rico se ha quedado con Twitter, otro destacado acaudalado, Jeff Bezos, propietario de Amazon con 114.500 millones de dólares, es también el dueño del Washington Post.

Staff (2022-12-27). Pandemic Poverty: Ray Suarez on How COVID-19 Set Back Low-Income Workers in the U.S., Especially Women. democracynow.org A new series of video reports by the Economic Hardship Reporting Project and The Intercept called "Insecurity" looks at women leaving the workforce, the impact of the expanded child tax credit, and the wave of union organizing during the pandemic. The series spotlights people navigating food, housing and healthcare insecurity — who are falling through the cracks of the social safety net in the process. We feature clips from the series and speak with the host, Ray Suarez, former PBS correspondent and longtime journalist and an author, and Alissa Quart, executive director of the Economic Hardship…

Staff (2022-12-27). "A Criminal Act": Taliban Government Bars Women from University, Working for NGOs in Afghanistan. democracynow.org International aid groups are suspending their relief programs in Afghanistan after the Taliban government announced on Saturday that humanitarian organizations are barred from employing women. The edict is the latest blow to women's rights in the country as the Taliban reimpose draconian rules they employed in the 1990s, when they were previously in power. Last week, the government also barred women from attending universities. We speak with Jan Egeland, head of the Norwegian Refugee Council, which is one of several NGOs to suspend operations in the country, as well as Afghan educator and women's righ…

Strike Debt Bay Area (2022-12-27). Saturday 1/14: Strike Debt Bay Area Book Group: Less Is More. indybay.org Online: Email strike.debt.bay.area@gmail.com a few days beforehand for the the online invite.

teleSUR -odr, YSM (2022-12-27). Fuertes nevadas dejan 17 muertos en Japón. telesurtv.net Los fuertes frentes invernales han dejado varados a cientos de vehículos en las carreteras.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-27). Asesinan a guía penitenciario ecuatoriano en cárcel El Rodeo. telesurtv.net El hecho forma parte de la crisis carcelaria que deja más de 420 presos han sido asesinados en once masacres desde 2021.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-27). Refuerzan seguridad en Brasilia para toma de posesión de Lula. telesurtv.net El nuevo gobierno comenzará a trabajar en la madrugada del domingo para evitar un vacío de poder antes de la ceremonia.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-27). Denuncian asesinato de otro firmante de paz en Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Su muerte lleva hasta 43 el número de firmantes de la paz asesinados este año y a 348 desde los acuerdos de La Habana.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-27). Presidentes de Rusia y Armenia discuten salidas a crisis azerí. telesurtv.net La conversación tuvo lugar al margen de una cumbre informal de la Comunidad de Estados Independientes en San Petersburgo.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-27). Rusia neutraliza grupos vinculados a Daesh en Ucrania y Siria. telesurtv.net Fueron encontrados fotos y videos que confirman la participación de extremistas de este grupo en el conflicto sirio.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-27). Rusia acusa a Occidente de no querer la paz, sino la derrota de Moscú. telesurtv.net El titular de la cartera de Exteriores denunció que el principal beneficiario del "conflicto caliente" es Estados Unidos.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-27). Serbia pone a sus soldados en alerta por tensiones en Kosovo. telesurtv.net En el norte de Kosovo se levantaron nuevas barricadas, una en Severna Mitrovica y otra en Zveƒçan dijo la policía kosovar.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-27). Presidente de EE.UU. declara emergencia en estado de Nueva York. telesurtv.net La gobernadora de Nueva York informó que Biden "aprobó nuestra solicitud de una declaración federal de emergencia".

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-27). Recalan más de 200 migrantes haitianos en Ciego de àÅvila, Cuba. telesurtv.net Las autoridades reportaron 31 niños y 61 mujeres a bordo, quienes arribaron en horas de la noche al puerto de Kasasa.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-27). Moscú prohíbe venta de crudo ruso a países que establezcan tope. telesurtv.net El decreto entrará en vigor a partir del primero de febrero de 2023 hasta el primero de julio de 2023.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2022-12-27). Club Santos de Brasil rendirá homenaje a Pelé. telesurtv.net El equipo colocará un nuevo logo en honor al astro brasileño, máximo goleador de la historia del club.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-27). Aumentan a más de los decesos por tormenta de invierno en EE.UU. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento suman un total de 55 fallecidos, de ellos 27 fueron en Nueva York, según el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Erie (DSCE).

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2022-12-27). Presidente de Bolivia resalta exportación de minerales en 2022. telesurtv.net El mandatario aseveró que las exportaciones en este sector superaron los 6.000 millones de dólares en 2022, lo que representa un crecimiento del 14 por ciento respecto al año previo.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-27). China pone fin a cuarentena para llegadas de extranjeros. telesurtv.net La Comisión Nacional de Sanidad de China anunció que retirará el próximo 8 de enero la exigencia de cuarentenas a la entrada al país.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-27). Armadas de China y Rusia concluyen ejercicios militares. telesurtv.net El objetivo principal del ejercicio fue fortalecer la cooperación naval entre Rusa y China y mantener la paz y la estabilidad en la región de Asia y el Pacífico.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-27). Presidente de Corea del Sur indulta a exfuncionarios y políticos. telesurtv.net Más de 1.300 personas, entre exfuncionarios y políticos, recibieron el perdón presidencial "desde la perspectiva de una amplia unidad nacional a través de la reconciliación, la tolerancia y la consideración".

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-27). Ministro de Reconstrucción de Japón renuncia tras escándalo. telesurtv.net Se sospecha que Kenya Akiba canalizó fondos políticos a su familia y pagó recompensas a los secretarios por su papel en su campaña para las elecciones a la Cámara de Representantes.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-27). Autoridades peruanas acusan de corrupción a exministro de Defensa. telesurtv.net La Fiscalía de Perú allanó viviendas del exministro de Defensa Walter Ayala por presuntos ascensos irregulares en las fuerzas de seguridad en 2021.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-12-27). Asistirán comitivas de 120 países a la toma de posesión de Lula en Brasil. telesurtv.net El presidente electo brasileño llamó este lunes a la paz y la tranquilidad en el país tras la amenaza terrorista por parte de un bolsonarista.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-12-27). Comitivas de 120 países asistirán a la toma de posesión de Lula en Brasil. telesurtv.net El presidente electo brasileño llamó este lunes a la paz y la tranquilidad en el país tras la amenaza terrorista por parte de un bolsonarista.

teleSUR, JGN (2022-12-27). Bomberos controlan incendio en refinería en estado Falcón, Venezuela. telesurtv.net En mayo pasado un incendio se produjo en una de las lagunas de tratamiento de la misma refinería, el cual fue controlado poco tiempo después.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2022-12-27). Más de 600 niños palestinos estuvieron bajo arresto en 2022. telesurtv.net Al menos 835 palestinos permanecen en cárceles israelíes bajo la denominada detención administrativa, sin cargos ni delitos probados.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-27). Registran segunda Navidad más cálida desde 1947 en Francia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con Météo France, la media de 11,3 grados centígrados se registró en las 30 estaciones meteorológicas de referencia.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2022-12-27). Marruecos lanza museo virtual de su participación en Qatar 2022. telesurtv.net La plataforma presenta una galería digital con las imágenes y fotos oficiales del conjunto deportivo africano.

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2022-12-27). Ubican 56 galaxias "gemelas" en el Universo. telesurtv.net La investigación comprendió el análisis de 10.000 galaxias con el propósito de buscar ejemplos de estructuras con atributos similares a la Vía Láctea.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-27). Bolivia reporta ralentización en casos de Covid-19 en una semana. telesurtv.net En los últimos siete días, los casos en Bolivia se incrementaron en 3.547, lo cual indica una reducción en la velocidad de crecimiento de contagios.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2022-12-27). Costa Rica insta a cumplir medidas sanitarias contra la Covid-19. telesurtv.net La titular manifestó que con el cumplimiento de las medidas, colaborará con la prevención de la enfermedad.

teleSUR, YSM (2022-12-27). Honduras extiende alerta en seis departamentos por frente frío. telesurtv.net La alerta se extiende a los departamentos de Cortés, Atlántida, Islas de la Bahía, Colón, Santa Bárbara y Yoro.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-12-27). Presidente argentino acata fallo sobre impuestos a Buenos Aires. telesurtv.net El mandatario afirmó que "las decisiones judiciales son obligatorias aun cuando las estime disvaliosas e injustas".

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-12-27). Gobierno español dicta nuevas medidas para enfrentar la crisis. telesurtv.net Fue aprobada una ayuda de 200 euros para las 4,2 millones de familias con rentas menores de 27.000 euros.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-12-27). Desembarcan casi 200 refugiados rohinyás en Sumatra, Indonesia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con las autoridades policiales, el grupo de inmigrantes está integrado por 83 hombres, 70 mujeres y 32 niños.

teleSUR- jaa, YSM (2022-12-27). Tàºrkiye descubre nuevo yacimiento de gas en el mar Negro. telesurtv.net El líder turco celebró el aumento de las reservas de esa nación que alcanzaron un total de 710.000 millones de metros cúbicos.

teleSUR- odr, YSM (2022-12-27). Accidente de tránsito deja seis muertos en Sudáfrica. telesurtv.net Un chofer de 35 años de edad, un bebé y cuatro pasajeros de entre ocho y 15 años fueron las víctimas del choque.

The Lever (2022-12-27). 2022 FLASHBACK: Exposing The Secret Medicare Privatization Spree. levernews.com

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2022-12-27). Hollywood and Its Useful Idiots: Propaganda for the War in Ukraine, Big Pharma, and Every Other Globalist Agenda. globalresearch.ca

Victoria Torres (2022-12-27). Vuelta a la Patria Program: More than 2 Thousand Venezuelans Return Home in 2022. orinocotribune.com

Vlada Moran (2022-12-27). Saturday 12/31: New Year's Eve Organists' Kaleidophone. indybay.org Peace United Church | 900 High Street, Santa Cruz…

Will Stewart (2022-12-27). 'CIA Is Behind Spate of Explosions in Russia': US Army Special Ops Veteran Claims Intelligence Agency and NATO Ally Are Conducting Sabotage Missions. globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2022-12-27). Germany: Children's clinics on the brink of collapse while the government procures nuclear bombers. wsws.org Germany is currently experiencing a wave of COVID 19 deaths and other severe respiratory illnesses pushing the country's children's hospitals to the brink of collapse. In mid-December the German parliament decided it was better to spend taxpayers' money on procuring nuclear bombers.

WSWS (2022-12-27). New York state nurses vote overwhelmingly to strike. wsws.org In a nearly unanimous vote, more than 17,000 health care workers at 12 New York hospitals showed their willingness to strike for higher pay, safer work environments and better staffing.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Australian climate activist Violet Coco speaks on her jailing for Sydney Harbour Bridge protest. wsws.org After being sentenced to 15 months' jail for briefly blocking a lane on the bridge, Violet Coco discussed with the WSWS about the political implications of climate change and Australia's anti-protest laws.

WSWS (2022-12-27). This week in history: December 26-January 1. wsws.org This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Strong support for SGP election campaign in Berlin. wsws.org The Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei election statement calls for €100 billion for nurseries, schools and hospitals, instead of armaments and war, together with a massive hike in wages and the expropriation of all the war profiteers.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Turkey's new minimum wage accelerates collapse in living standards. wsws.org As big corporations and banks reap huge profits, the Erdoğan government's new minimum wage is accelerating the unprecedented decline in living standards.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Death toll continues to mount as extreme winter weather inundates Buffalo and freezes much of United States. wsws.org Freezing temperatures and snow storms are blamed for 57 deaths nationally since Friday. More than 200 million people have been affected by a massive winter storm stretching from Maine in the Northeast down to the Gulf of Mexico and as far west as the Rocky Mountains.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Australian poverty report reveals impact of COVID austerity drive. wsws.org One in eight people in Australia, and one in six children, are now living below the poverty line as cost-of-living pressures increase.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Migrants dumped in front of VP Kamala Harris's home in sub-freezing conditions: Gratuitous cruelty and political reaction. wsws.org On the orders of Republican Governor Greg Abbott, up to 140 refugees were loaded onto buses and shipped like cattle from Texas to Washington D.C., a grueling journey of 36 hours.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Roger Waters releases new versions of antiwar tracks on The Lockdown Sessions EP. wsws.org Internationally renowned rock musician and political activist Roger Waters has released an extended play recording of six songs from his Pink Floyd and solo catalog that highlight his decades of opposition to imperialist war and the threat of nuclear annihilation.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Malaysian parliament endorses unstable new government. wsws.org The current government will be just as ruthless as the previous UMNO regimes in cracking down on social unrest as it seeks to impose the demands of business.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Judge rejects lawsuit by Trump-endorsed Kari Lake seeking to overturn Arizona election defeat. wsws.org Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson ruled against every single one of Lake's claims and noted in his decision that none of Lake's witnesses could point to any intentional misconduct or evidence of a single vote that was changed.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Judge rejects lawsuit by Trump-endorsed Kari Lake, seeking to overturn Arizona election defeat. wsws.org Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson ruled against every single one of Lake's claims and noted in his decision that none of Lake's witnesses could point to any intentional misconduct or evidence of a single vote that was changed.

WSWS (2022-12-27). UK trade union bureaucracy tries to sabotage mounting strike wave. wsws.org The union leaders are terrified that support for nurses and ambulance workers could galvanise millions who see in the attacks on NHS workers a link between the fight to defend public health and their own struggle to defend their livelihoods.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org About 1,800 Sutter nurses at hospitals in Oakland and Berkeley, California have walked on a 10-day strike while Audi workers in Mexico voted down a below inflation pay increase brought back by their union Sitaudi.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Fragile Fiji coalition government installed amid ongoing turmoil. wsws.org With Fiji's ruling elite sharply divided, the coalition government, propped up by an unpopular minor party which is sharply factionalised, will be highly unstable.

WSWS (2022-12-27). Ex-Australian prime minister Rudd appointed ambassador to US. wsws.org Rudd's nomination is another signal by the Albanese government of its readiness to align Australia more closely than ever behind US imperialism and its aggressive confrontation with China.

WSWS (2022-12-27). South Korean pseudo-lefts cover up union sell-out of striking truck drivers. wsws.org Pseudo-left organizations like Workers' Solidarity (WS) helped prepare the betrayal of the truckers' strike by promoting the KCTU's false militant-sounding phrase-mongering as good coin.

Zhiwen Fu, Jinmei Liu, Shijun Li, Chen Shi, Yu Zhang (2022-12-27). [Articles] Treatment-related adverse events associated with HER2-Targeted antibody-drug conjugates in clinical trials: A systematic review and meta-analysis. thelancet.com The incidences of adverse events between two HER2-targeted ADCs were similar in different cancer types, but different HER2-targeted ADCs appeared to have different mean incidences of adverse events. The comprehensive summary of the adverse events of HER2-targeted ADCs is critical for clinicians caring for patients with cancer receiving HER2-targeted ADCs therapy.

| AFP | (2022-12-27). 'Proud and strong': Afghan girl stages solo protest against Taliban university ban. tribune.com.pk An 18-year-old Afghan student endured Taliban taunts and insults at the weekend as she staged a solo protest against the ban on women attending university. | "For the first time in my life, I felt so proud, strong, and powerful because I was standing against them and demanding a right that God has given us," Marwa told AFP, asking not to be further identified. | Women-led protest have become increasingly rare in Afghanistan since the Taliban's return — particularly after the detention of core activists at the start of the year. | Participants risk arrest, violence, and social stigma. But Marwa was adaman…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Get to the point: Proper disposal of sharps. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org "Sharps" is the term used to describe any device with a sharp point or edge that could cut your skin. This includes needles, syringes, infusion sets, lancets (sometimes called "fingersticks") and auto-injectors, like EpiPens. There are many reasons why you may have sharps in your home. They are used to manage many different health conditions, including allergies, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, infertility, blood clotting disorders and psoriasis. It's important to correctly dispose of sharps to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). I've been diagnosed with prediabetes. What does that mean? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org If you've been diagnosed with prediabetes, it means your blood sugar levels are not high enough to be classified as Type 2 diabetes, but are high enough to indicate a need for change. A normal fasting blood sugar level is below 100; whereas, the level of a person with prediabetes is between 100 and 126. Once levels have surpassed 126, it's classified as Type 2 diabetes. This indicates that the body resists insulin or doesn't produce enough of…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-26). 5 Main Lessons From War In Ukraine Financial Times. southfront.org Illustrative Image | The Financial Times has recently named the five main lessons from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The article was based on the interviews with various Western military analysts and experts who attempted to draw the main conclusions for the world and the two countries involved in the hostilities. | One of the key conclusions drawn from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is that after many years of peace, the "big war has returned" to the international sphere, which means that the impor…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-26). BREAKING: Ukrainian Saboteurs Killed While Trying To Enter Russian Territory (18+). southfront.org Illustrative Image | On December 26, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) claimed that a group of Ukrainian saboteurs was destroyed near the Ukrainian border in the Russian Bryansk region. | Four Ukrainian saboteurs tried to illegally cross the Russian border but were killed by Russian security services during the special operation. | According to the FSB of the Bryansk region, Ukrainian militants were equipped with German SIG Sauer MPX submachine guns, communication and navigation devices, as…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-26). Russian President Offers Negotiations While US Senator Calls To "Take Putin Out" southfront.org Illustrative ImageIt is not the first time Lindsey Graham publicly called for this. He made similar remarks back in early March, prompting an official rebuke from the White House. | Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst | On December 25, during an interview on Rossiya-1 state television, President Vladimir Putin stated that the Russian Federation is ready to negotiate a peace deal to end the conflict in Ukraine. However, he once again reiterated his…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-26). Biden Admits He Does Not Want War With Russia Despite Zelensky's Victorious Rhetoric. southfront.org Illustrative ImageBiden prefers to keep using Kiev and Europe as proxies,however tensions may spiral out of control as the US struggles to maintain unity. | Written by Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts | In his

Anonymous103 (2022-12-26). Warren, Jacobs Accuse Pentagon of Vastly Undercounting Civilians Killed by US Military. southfront.org Illustrative Image"This vast difference between independent reporting and the DOD investigation raises concerns and undermines DOD credibility on civilian casualty reporting," the lawmakers wrote. | Written by As U.S. military forces continue to kill and wound civilians in multiple countries during the ongoing 21-year War on Terror while c…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Mayo Clinic Minute: Holiday driving safety tips. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The hustle and bustle of the holidays can be a hazard on the highway. If you're getting behind the wheel, one Mayo Clinic expert has some tips to keep you and your family safe on the road. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/psGh9P5iKW8 Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 58) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Mayo Clinic Minute: Safety tips to keep you out of the emergency department this winter. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Winter brings snow, cold and ice that can create hazardous conditions leading to serious injury. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Sue Cullinan, a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician, discusses some of the most common winter-related injuries that she sees and offers tips on how to keep you and your family safe. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/H08ugUwD_Xw Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Mayo Clinic Minute: Tips to help a frozen shoulder. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Pain and stiffness in your shoulder can make every activity, including sleep, difficult. Worsening shoulder pain, especially at night, could mean you have a frozen shoulder, says Dr. Christopher Camp, a Mayo Clinic orthopedic surgeon. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/OU6-i4dKPKs Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Tips for living younger, longer by preventing disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org While we know that health affects longevity and quality of life, it can be difficult to change bad habits. People often try to make sweeping New Year's resolutions, only to fail. In fact, Jan. 17 is the date that the average America breaks their New Year's resolution. Dr. Stephen Kopecky, a Mayo Clinic preventive cardiologist, says a better approach is to focus on small steps that add up over time. "The answer, I think, is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Mayo Clinic Minute: Snowblower safety. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Winter is here, and if you live in a region with a lot of snow, investing in a snowblower can save you a lot of time and energy on those mornings when you have to clear the driveway to get to work or school. But Dr. Sanj Kakar, a Mayo Clinic orthopedic hand and wrist surgeon, says those snowblowers can be more dangerous than you think. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/xC1uzCewqbo Journalists: Broadcast-quality video…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Mayo Clinic Minute: Best cooking fats for healthy cholesterol levels. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Are you trying to remember which fat is the good fat to use in the kitchen? If you are confused about whether to use unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated or saturated fats when cooking, it's understandable. It can be confusing. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says fats that raise your bad cholesterol levels and increase your risk for heart disease are the ones to avoid. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/drmIcHaxxfM Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of this post….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast: Advancing treatments for acute myeloid leukemia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), also called acute myelogenous leukemia, is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow, the spongy tissue inside bones where blood cells are made. The disease progresses rapidly, affecting a group of white blood cells called myeloid cells, which normally develop into mature red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. "There are acute and chronic leukemias, explains Dr. James Foran, an oncologist at Mayo Clinic. "The chronic ones tend to happen…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Holiday safety. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I'm hosting my extended family over the holidays for the first time in many years. My great-nephew is 2 years old and will be the youngest person in attendance. I do not have any children, so I am not used to having a toddler around. What should I do safety-wise to prepare for his arrival? ANSWER: It's wonderful that you can host your family gathering this holiday season and welcome young and old into…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Science Saturday: Researchers investigate precision nutrition to improve health, prevent diseases. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Could prescribing specific nutrients, grains, fruits and vegetables tailored to a person's DNA and other biological characteristics help improve their health? Precision nutrition took center stage at Mayo Clinic's Individualizing Medicine Conference Nov. 2—3, 2022, in Rochester, Minnesota, where some of the world's top experts shared their knowledge of the potential benefits of tailoring nutrients and dietary guidance to a person's genes, metabolism, microbiome and other distinguishing characteristics. The ultimate goal of the holistic approach is to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Flu shots are important for young people, too. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am 28 and consider myself fairly healthy. I have never gotten a flu shot and have never had the flu. I did receive a COVID-19 vaccine series. Do I really need a flu vaccination? My employer is recommending an influenza immunization for everyone, but I am hesitant. I have heard some people get sick from flu shots. ANSWER: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now recommends that everyone 6 months and older…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Self-care steps can keep your heart healthy during the holidays. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have read that heart attacks are more common around the holidays. Why does that happen? Is there anything I can do to lower my risk? I currently take blood pressure medication, and heart disease runs in my family. ANSWER: Heart attacks, along with heart problems in general, are more common around the holidays. Various factors can play into this, including stress, travel, disrupted schedules, changes in diet and even environmental factors. Fortunately, many…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Know the signs of strep throat in children. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Image courtesy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Strep infections may be on the rise in the U.S., as they have been in the U.K., so it's important to know the signs and symptoms, especially in children. "Group A streptococcal disease is a group of conditions caused by a bacteria called 'group A strep,'" says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. "The one that people are probably most familiar with is strep…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Antibiotic shortage – what to know if you can't find amoxicillin. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org According to the Food and Drug Administration, a national shortage of different medications, including a common antibiotic, is expected to last several months. "The most notable one is probably amoxicillin. It is a common antibiotic that we use to treat a variety of childhood infections, including ear infections, strep throat, and pneumonia," says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. She says parents may notice this as they take their children to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Healthy for the Holidays: Mayo Clinic Health System provides tips for combatting stress this season. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MANKATO, Minn. ‚Äï During the holiday season, it is easy to get caught up in the stress and chaos that can accompany this time of the year. Already demanding lives become even more hectic as last-minute shopping, cooking and spending combine to add even more anxiety. For many people, the result can be overwhelming. "What if there was a way you could plan ahead to counter the stress? Start with identifying the issue," says Lisa Hardesty,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). How to prevent flu, RSV and COVID-19 during busy holiday season. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu infection rates across the U.S. continue to be very high. "As we predicted, this flu season has hit early, and it's hit us hard," says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. "We are seeing high and very high rates of influenza across the country." For those who have yet to get a flu shot, now is an excellent time to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Weight gain over holiday season – tips to manage calories at parties. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org If you have noticed you've packed on pounds over the last 10 or 20 years, and wondered how that weight gain happened, here's one idea that might make you consider setting down that extra plate of cookies or latkes during this holiday season. "Studies have shown that, from mid-November until mid-January, people averaged a weight gain in the population of about three quarters of a pound or so. It doesn't sound like much, but it…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). NIH's All of Us Research Program returns health-related DNA results to participants. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Institutes of Health's (NIH) All of Us Research Program has begun returning personalized health-related DNA results to more than 155,000 participants. The reports detail whether participants have an increased risk for specific health conditions and how their bodies might process certain medications. The All of Us Research Program collects participants' blood, urine, and saliva samples. These biosamples are stored and managed for research at a specialized All of Us Research Program biobank at Mayo Clinic. "It is rewarding for us at the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2022-12-26). Cold weather medical emergencies to know about: frostbite and hypothermia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Weather Service says arctic cold and bitter winds will spread across much of the U.S., and some states will experience dangerously low temperatures dipping well below zero. This is especially concerning during the busy holiday week when many people are expected to travel. One concern, if you are exposed to the extreme cold, should be frostbite. Frostbite Frostbite is an injury caused by freezing of the skin and underlying tissues. First, your skin becomes very cold…

unitedEditor (2022-12-26). Is a Turkish-Russian gas hub to deliver energy to Europe feasible? uwidata.com United World International has organized a webinar with the title "Europe's energy crisis and the prospects of Russian-Turkish cooperation" on December 23rd. The webinar hosted following guests who provided presentations: Stanislav Mitrakhovich, expert of the National Energy Security Fund, researcher at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Dr. ≈ûerife àñzkan Nesimioƒülu, …

| Anadolu Agency | (2022-12-26). Natural disasters lead to deaths, financial losses in 2022. tribune.com.pk Natural disasters negatively affected many countries this year, causing thousands of deaths and financial losses. | While some countries struggled with extreme heat, others were inundated by severe floods. | A total of 232 people died as a result of floods caused by heavy rains in Brazil, while at least 1,000 lost their lives in the 5.9 magnitude earthquake that struck Afghanistan's eastern province of Paktika. | In Pakistan, 1,739 people died and 13,000 people were injured in the floods caused by monsoon rains in about five months. | Jan. 15 | Six people are killed due to the eruption of an underwater volcano…

Edmund Malesky (2022-12-26). Vietnam makes a model recovery from Covid-19. asiatimes.com Vietnam's policymakers can congratulate themselves on a stellar economic performance in 2022. The country will conclude the year as the best-performing economy in Asia, largely due to its ability to attract foreign investment relocating from China. As other emerging markets seek to recover from the damage wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic, many leaders are looking …

Gabriel Honrada (2022-12-26). India's rocket force takes off with China in its sights. asiatimes.com India may have taken steps to build a rocket force amid growing border tensions with China and possibly a failing strategic deterrent posture. Last week, Swarajya reported that India was building multi-purpose storage tunnels in border states to store short-range ballistic missiles (SRBMs) and might soon be acquiring the Pralay tactical ballistic missile. The source notes that …

Middle East Monitor (2022-12-26). Is the New Energy Crisis a Boon for the Green Energy Transition? juancole.com By Elif Selin Calik | ( Middle East Monitor ) The year 2022 saw the energy topic return intensely to the attention of media, political leaders and public opinion after Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February. Russia's war has had huge impacts on the global energy system, disrupting supply and demand patterns and …

Inequality (2022-12-26). The Top 10 Inequality Victories of 2022. juancole.com By Sarah Anderson | Inegality.org | Congratulations to everyone who worked to move the country and the world towards greater equity in 2022. Herewith are 10 of the most inspiring economic inequality victories of the year. 1. The Union Boom No question. The union organizing surge has been this year's top story. Petitions for …

Juan Cole (2022-12-26). Top 8 Political and Geopolitical Shifts in the Middle East in 2022. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) We saw a lot of pivotal developments in the Middle East this year, including the impact of climate change in the form of increasing aridity and massive dust storms. But there were also realignments of interests that affect the U.S. here are some of them: 1. President Biden in July …

The Conversation (2022-12-26). Antarctica's Emperor Penguins could be Extinct by 2100 — and other Species may follow if we don't act. juancole.com By Jasmine Lee, Queensland University of Technology; Iadine Chadès, CSIRO; and Justine Shaw, The University of Queensland | Greater conservation efforts are needed to protect Antarctic ecosystems, and the populations of up to 97% of land-based Antarctic species could decline by 2100 if we don't change tack, our new research has found. The study, published …

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Powerful winter storm continues sweeping across U.S., death toll exceeds 30. ecns.cn The death toll in the United States from a powerful winter storm climbed to over 30 on Sunday, according to a tally by NBC News.

Staff (2022-12-26). Anuncian ajustes a la circulación de la prensa para fin e inicios de año. cubadebate.cu Según lo previsto para la edición, impresión, circulación y venta de los periódicos nacionales durante el fin de año e inicios de 2023, Granma mantendrá su salida el sábado 31 de diciembre y Juventud Rebelde el domingo 1ro. de enero. El lunes 2 de enero de 2023 solo circulará el periódico Trabajadores. El martes 3 de enero lo hará únicamente Granma.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-12-26). Hallan con vida a ocho esquiadores sepultados por nieve en Austria. telesurtv.net Se prevé que continúe este lunes el operativo de búsqueda de dos personas dadas como desaparecidas.

teleSUR, lvm, JCM (2022-12-26). Chile cancela alerta roja en Viña de Mar por incendios. telesurtv.net Dos personas fallecieron como resultado del incendio en Viña del Mar.

teleSUR, lvm, JCM (2022-12-26). Policía detiene a bolsonarista que intentó explotar artefacto en Brasil. telesurtv.net "Eso es una situación que nunca ha existido en Brasil, y no permitiremos una manifestación que puede causar mal a las personas", expresó Robson Candido.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-26). Naufragio deja al menos tres muertos en Ecuador. telesurtv.net El Servicio Integrado de Seguridad ECU-911 indicó que durante la atención de la emergencia en el lago Colta fueron rescatadas 40 personas.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-26). Mueren 11 personas en El Salvador durante fiestas decembrinas. telesurtv.net Según el Observatorio Nacional de Seguridad Vial se han contabilizado 1.312 muertes en accidentes viales en el 2022.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-26). Inundaciones en el sur de Filipinas dejan al menos seis muertos. telesurtv.net La Defensa Civil de Filipinas informó del rescate de más de 176 personas en la provincia de Misamis Oriental.

_____ (2022-12-26). Unraveling the Mystery of Alleged Putin's Monies. strategic-culture.org EU seems to be oblivious to the fact that it is tarnishing their own reputation and demolishing it to pieces unawares. | The Collective West tend to think that they had 'hip, hip hurray' seized Putin's fortunes, but truth be told, they don't know where it is | European Parliament adopted these days the non-binding Resolution to declare Russia a country sponsoring terrorism because of the ongoing Ukraine crisis | If we cast a quick glance at the voting the other day, 494 members of Parliament supported this document, 596 European Parliamentarians voted in total. 58 were against, 44 abstained from voting. Funnily e…

_____ (2022-12-26). John Shipton Interview: Daring to Hope for His Son Julian Assange. strategic-culture.org People around the world need to add their voices to the call for Julian's release from the dungeon in Britain. | John Shipton, Julian Assange's father, spoke to me in an interview this week just days before Christmas. I was bracing for a difficult, anguished encounter, given the appalling injustice meted out to Julian. | The date was December 21, the shortest (darkest) day in the Northern Hemisphere. John was in Melbourne, the longest, brightest day in the Southern Hemisphere. The polar opposites of Winter and Summer Solstice seem befitting now. | And I was surprised that John had a hope-inspiring message… t…

| Reuters | (2022-12-26). Russia can send gas to Pakistan in long term, says deputy PM. tribune.com.pk Russia can send natural gas to the markets of Afghanistan and Pakistan in the long term, said Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak. | He added that this can be possible either using the infrastructure of Central Asia, or in a swap from the territory of Iran. | The deputy premier also said Moscow is ready to resume gas supplies to Europe through the Yamal-Europe Pipeline. | "The European market remains relevant, as the gas shortage persists, and we have every opportunity to resume supplies," TASS cited Novak as saying in remarks published by the agency on Sunday. | "For example, the Yamal-Europe Pipeli…

| Reuters | (2022-12-26). Blizzard kills 13 in Buffalo, N.Y., area. tribune.com.pk

| AFP | (2022-12-26). Save the Children among NGOs halting Afghan operations after ban on female staff. tribune.com.pk Three foreign aid groups, including Save the Children, announced on Sunday they were suspending their operations in Afghanistan after the Taliban ordered all NGOs to stop their women staff from working. | The announcement came as top officials from the United Nations and dozens of NGOs operating in Afghanistan met in Kabul to discuss a way ahead after the Taliban's latest restriction delivered a blow to humanitarian work across the country. | "We cannot effectively reach children, women and men in desperate need in Afghanistan without our female staff," Save the Children, the Norwegian Refugee Council and CARE…

| News Desk | (2022-12-26). OIC condemns Taliban ban on women working for NGOs in Afghanistan. tribune.com.pk The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Sunday condemned the Afghan Taliban's announcement, which ordered all local and foreign non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to stop their women staff from working, saying that the ban is "self-defeating and disserving the interests of Afghan people". | The statement issued on the cooperation's official Twitter handle stated that OIC Secretary-General, H.E. Hissein Brahim Taha expressed his concern over the reported ban, adding that the "move reflects a willful policy by the de facto leadership apparently seeking to further impact Afghan women's rights". | The…

imperial.ac.uk (2022-12-26). What Imperial research taught us about COVID-19 in 2022. imperial.ac.uk From increased understanding of immunity to analysing the success of vaccines, we look back at what Imperial taught us about COVID-19 in 2022.

_____ (2022-12-26). A Day in the War for Reality. journal-neo.org If you live in the United States, every day you wrestle with hopelessness and disappointment. The media has gone insane, and it is that same media, of course, that is your only source for information on how Americans are responding to the sickening lies. We call this a "Catch 22." I woke up today to …

_____ (2022-12-26). What are the goals of the Ukrainian-US project "Turan"? journal-neo.org Against the backdrop of the sheer failure of the West's hybrid war against Russia, including in the formation of a "second anti-Russian front" in Central Asia, the propaganda activities of Ukraine and several Western media outlets began to be clearly manifested by way of promoting the "valor" of the recently created by the Kiev Nazi …

_____ (2022-12-26). Autonomous Winter Support Mobilization: Street Patrol Basic Guide. popularresistance.org According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, approximately seven hundred people experiencing or at risk of homelessness are killed from hypothermia annually in the so-called United States. | Absolutely no one should be left to sleep outside during cold weather yet a range of factors may force people to sleep in the cold; from discriminatory shelters kicking people out, being kicked out of a house during a storm, being forced to flee an abuser, simply being unprepared, etc. Raids sweeps and anti-homeless laws, such as anti-camping ordinances push people to camp in hidden and dispersed areas which puts the…

_____ (2022-12-26). Boston University Historic union win for grad workers. popularresistance.org Over 3,000 new members of the Boston University Graduate Workers Union (BUGWU), Service Employees (SEIU) Local 509, celebrated a 98.1% NLRB election victory Dec. 7, which was months in the organizing. To punctuate that 2022 has been a wildly successful year of rank-and-file union organizing in the U.S., some labor researchers have characterized the 1,414 to 28 vote as "the most lopsided NLRB election win ever by a bargaining unit [of] more than 1,000 people.

_____ (2022-12-26). Boston University Historic Union Win For Graduate Workers. popularresistance.org Boston, Massachusetts – Over 3,000 new members of the Boston University Graduate Workers Union (BUGWU), Service Employees (SEIU) Local 509, celebrated a 98.1% NLRB election victory Dec. 7, which was months in the organizing. To punctuate that 2022 has been a wildly successful year of rank-and-file union organizing in the U.S., some labor researchers have characterized the 1,414 to 28 vote as "the most lopsided NLRB election win ever by a bargaining unit [of] more than 1,000 people." (@dskamper, @gradworkersofBU, Twitter) | Speaking at a Dec. 9 Boston rally marking the one-year anniversary of the first victory for…

_____ (2022-12-26). China's Fake Anti-Lockdown Protests, A Failed Color Revolution. popularresistance.org Late last November, several fringe group of anti-lockdown protests happened across China, dubbed "the A4 paper protests" hyped by western media; led by western-backed Chinese right-wing violent QAnon anti-lockdown/anti-vaxers, supported by Chinese western-backed medical industrial complex and pro-western elites, together they forced the government to abandon the "dynamic zero-COVID" policy. This has been no more than an orchestrated western-backed color revolution, and a Chinese right-wing riot for their selfish agenda, that does not represent the majority of the Chinese and World's opinion. Since the Wuhan outbr…

_____ (2022-12-26). Community Is Central To Building A Post-Neoliberal Future. popularresistance.org "What is it that people really want?" Stacy Mitchell, Co-Director of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, posed at an event hosted by the Center for Political Economy, Columbia Law School, and the Financial Times. Humans have survived for millennia based on our ability to work together to serve each other's needs. "Community," Stacy posits, "is a deeply held biological and spiritual need." | The event, "Rethinking Globalization, Intermediation, and Efficiency," gathered journalists, academics, and advocates to explore new paradigms for a post-neoliberal world. Stacy explained how neoliberalism has "actively dem…

_____ (2022-12-26). 'Every Issue Is a Disability Issue'. popularresistance.org Hey, have you heard about "Medicaid divorce"? It's this trendy thing where people get divorced because it's the only way to allow one partner to qualify for the Medicaid they need to live their lives, because if they're married, they're too rich. | That's a nightmare, not to mention in a country where some people get to forget how many houses they own. But corporate media's response has seemed to be just a bunch of articles about how maybe you, as an individual, might potentially game the system, like Kiplinger's "How to Restructure Your Assets to Qualify for Medicaid."

_____ (2022-12-26). Every Issue Is A Disability Issue. popularresistance.org Hey, have you heard about "Medicaid divorce"? It's this trendy thing where people get divorced because it's the only way to allow one partner to qualify for the Medicaid they need to live their lives, because if they're married, they're too rich. | That's a nightmare, not to mention in a country where some people get to forget how many houses they own. But corporate media's response has seemed to be just a bunch of articles about how maybe you, as an individual, might potentially game the system, like Kiplinger's "How to Restructure Your Assets to Qualify for Medicaid." | And then sort of, "well, would you look a…

_____ (2022-12-26). Overthrow of President Castillo Exposes the Race and Class Divide in Peru. popularresistance.org Unfulfilled campaign promises, accusations of corruption, and even an attempted self-coup cannot turn the many supporters of Peruvian President Pedro Castillo against him. The president has probably ceased to represent hopes for change, but he still symbolizes —perhaps more now than ever— structural discrimination in Peru. | In Lima, the political, economic, and intellectual elites are intrigued. They wonder why the majority of Peruvians in the streets are demanding Castillo's release. They are even more disconcerted by the minority that insists he be reinstated.

_____ (2022-12-26). Peru: Overthrow Of President Castillo Exposes The Race And Class Divide. popularresistance.org Unfulfilled campaign promises, accusations of corruption, and even an attempted self-coup cannot turn the many supporters of Peruvian President Pedro Castillo against him. The president has probably ceased to represent hopes for change, but he still symbolizes —perhaps more now than ever— structural discrimination in Peru. | In Lima, the political, economic, and intellectual elites are intrigued. They wonder why the majority of Peruvians in the streets are demanding Castillo's release. They are even more disconcerted by the minority that insists he be reinstated. It is not surprising that the ruling c…

_____ (2022-12-26). Peru: Congress To Advance Elections As Anti-Coup Protests Intensify. popularresistance.org The decision to change the electoral calendar came following the call for further intensification of nationwide protests demanding the release and reinstatement of ousted left-wing President Pedro Castillo, the resignation of the de-facto President Dina Boluarte, the dissolution of the right-wing dominated unicameral Congress, fresh parliamentary elections, and the establishment of a Constituent Assembly to change the country's 1993 Constitution. On Monday, December 19, several Indigenous, peasant, and social movements from Apurímac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, and Puno regions, among others, called on the citizens to st…

_____ (2022-12-26). Peruvian Congress approves bill to advance general elections as anti-coup protests intensify. popularresistance.org On Tuesday, December 20, Peru's Congress, with 93 votes in favor, 30 against, and one abstention, approved a bill to advance general elections to April 2024, and to conclude the presidential and legislative terms in July of the same year. The elections were originally scheduled for April 2026. | As it is a constitutional reform, in order to take effect, the bill must be ratified in a second vote in the coming months with at least 87 votes. This is the second time the Congress has voted on an early election proposal. Last week, on December 16, legislators rejected a bill that called for holding general elections i…

_____ (2022-12-26). With Nearly 60 Frostbite Injuries In Unhoused Community, Advocates Encourage Denver To Do Better. popularresistance.org Denver, Colorado — Thursday's weather is expected to be one of the coldest on record in the city of Denver due to an arctic cold front, bringing temperatures to well below zero degrees with the wind chill. In the weeks leading up to this potentially record breaking cold, medical health professionals with Denver Health and Hospital Authority and the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless (CCH) wrote a joint letter to two city directors recommending the city "take immediate steps to address current deficiencies in 1) criteria used to determine when warming centers are open, and 2) policies and procedures related…

_____ (2022-12-26). Immigration by the Numbers. strategic-culture.org Numbers can be boring. When discussing immigration blur the lines between sweet old auntie and that bum lapping at the public trough. So let's look at Mr. Jimenez from Ecuador and Mr. Singh from India, alongside some numbers. Both want to come to the U.S., one for illegal work, one to take his family to New York on a vacation.

_____ (2022-12-26). Zelensky's Diaspora Delegation Led by Economic Hit-Woman Who Led Plunder of Ukraine. strategic-culture.org The Grayzone intercepted Volodymyr Zelensky's Ukrainian diaspora delegation outside the US Capitol and encountered Natalie Jaresko, the corporate operative who helped guide Wall Street's pillaging from Kiev to Puerto Rico. Jaresko indignantly justified Zelensky's banning of his political rivals as a necessary wartime measure. | By Max BLUMENTHAL | Steel fencing and police barricades ringed the perimeter of the US Capitol Building hours ahead of the arrival of Volodymyr Zelensky. The Ukrainian president appeared in Washington DC in the early afternoon on December 21, 2022, emerging from a US military jet clad in a…

Allen Forrest (2022-12-26). Mass Media's COVID Worldview. dissidentvoice.org

Ann Brown (2022-12-26). 10 Hip-Hop Artists Who Gave A Shout Out to Noble Drew Ali, Founder of Moorish Science Temple. moguldom.com Noble Drew Ali founded the Moorish Science Temple of America in 1913. He had a following of thousands of converts. His teachings have been said to have influenced the teachings of America and the Nation of Islam. In fact, the leaders of the NOI often praise and give credit to Ali. Despite this, there have been tensions between the two …

Anonymous103 (2022-12-26). UPDATED 18+: Ukrainian Saboteurs Killed While Trying To Enter Russian Territory. southfront.org Illustrative Image | On December 26, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) claimed that a group of Ukrainian saboteurs was destroyed near the Ukrainian border in the Russian Bryansk region. | Four Ukrainian saboteurs tried to illegally cross the Russian border but were killed by Russian security services during the special operation. | According to the FSB of the Bryansk region, Ukrainian militants were equipped with German SIG Sauer MPX submachine guns, communication and navigation devices, as…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-26). In Video 18+: Punishment For Desertion In Russian Ranks. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2022-12-26). Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On December 26, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bakhmut; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Mariinka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Soledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova | Russia struck the AFU 80th Airborne Assault Brigades near Kramatorsk with high-precision missiles; | Russia artillery struck the AFU positions near Ugledar; | Up to 30 Ukrainian personnel, 2 a…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-26). Military Situation In Kharkiv Region On December 26, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2022-12-26). Military Situation In Syria On December 26, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On December 26, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 8 times: 3 in Idlib province, 5 in Idlib province; | On December 26, Turkish artillery shelled SDF positions near Tal Rafaat; | On December 26, Turkish artillery shelled SDF positions south of Afrin; | On December 26, ISIS sleeper cells attacked Asayish headquarters in the Riqqah city. Asayish killed one of the ISIS attackers and arrested another; | On Decem…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-26). Military Situation In Ukraine On December 26, 2022 (Map Update). southfront.org click to see full-size image | Russia struck the AFU 80th Airborne Assault Brigades near Kramatorsk with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU 72nd Mechanised Brigades near Slavyansk with high-precision missiles; | Russia struck the AFU positions near Zaporozhye with high-precision missiles; | Russia artillery struck the AFU positions near Ugledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Kupyansk; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Terny; | Cl…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-26). Russia Conducts Operation With Minimum Civilian Casualties Study Shows. southfront.org Illustrative image showing a 2S5 Giatsint-S howitzer firing. Source: the Russian Ministry of Defense.According to information recently published by a leading research agency, the conflict in Ukraine has one of the lowest numbers of civilian casualty ratios in the history of wars. | Written by According to Western media, the conflict in Ukraine is marked by indiscriminate violence on the p…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-26). South Korea Lost KA-1 Fighter Jet In Attempt To Intercept North Korean UAVs. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On the morning of December 26th, several North Korean UAVs crossed the demarcation line dividing the Korean peninsula and entered the airspace of South Korea. | According to the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces of South Korea, several targets in the border areas at 10: 25 Seoul time. the UAVs were spotted near the capital Seoul, as well as in Gimpo region, on the island of Kanhwa and in Paju. | In total, 5 DPRK UAVs flew into South Korea. One of them managed to reach Seoul and retur…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-26). Three Russian Servicemen Killed In Another UAV Attack On Engels Airfield. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Last night, the Russian Engels airfield in the Saratov region again came under attack of Ukrainian forces. The military facility is located about 0 kilometers from the Ukrainian border and is used by the Russian long-range aviation which is involved in Russian strikes on Ukrainian military and energy infrastructure facilities. | The Russian Ministry of Defence acknowledged the attack on December 26. According to the Russian MoD, Russian air defense systems shot down a Ukrainian UAV at low altitude…

Anonymous103 (2022-12-26). Why Russia, Which Spends One-Twentieth What America Does On Military, Is Militarily More Successful Than America. southfront.org Written by Eric Zuesse Whereas in America (which makes and sells half of all of the world's war-weapons), the manufacturers of war-weaponry…

Anonymous765 (2022-12-26). Nazi Regiment Azov Back To Front Lines. southfront.org |

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-12-26). A Positive Note from TMS Editor. transcend.org 26 Dec 2022 — Dear Readers, Friends, Supporters, I am back on my feet again from COVID. Next week TMS will resume its regular Weekly Digest. Read on…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2022-12-26). Nonviolent Theory on Communication: The Implications for Theorizing a Nonviolent Rhetoric. transcend.org The interrelationship between nonviolence and rhetoric is examined. While we have studied the world of adversarial relationships, conflict, and difference of belief, rhetorical critics have not done as much to understand the practices of seeking mutual identification, cooperation, and learning how to live with diversity and adversity. Nonviolent theory shows rhetoricians that language and culture—our ways of creating and perpetuating our reality—can impose minimal aggression while maximizing the potential for peacemaking.

Aram Aharonian (2022-12-26). øPara qué cambiar de año? Nuevas tecnologías y más controles tratan de evitar nuevas ilusiones. globalizacion.ca øPara qué cambiar de año? øQué estamos festejando? Lo cierto es que el mundo aun no termina de salir de una pandemia que causó la muerte de unos siete millones de personas, tras la cual la esperanza de limpiar el…

Ben Norton (2022-12-26). Russia dropping US dollar for Chinese yuan and fast. multipolarista.com In response to Western sanctions, Russia's central bank is dropping the US dollar and will buy Chinese yuan on the foreign exchange market. The yuan's share of Moscow's currency trading increased from 1% to 40-45% in 2022, while dollar trade halved from 80% to 40%.

Brenda Norrell (2022-12-26). Quechan battle lithium mining at Salton Sea, songs carry sacred origins. indybay.org Quechan Elder Preston Arrow-weed led the battle against gold ming here on Quechan sacred land, and now battles a new monster, lithium mining, driven by corporate greenwashing for electric vehicles.

Brett Wilkins (2022-12-26). Greg Abbott Blasted for Bussing Migrants to Kamala Harris's Home in Cruel Stunt. truthout.org Human rights defenders condemned Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and "extremist Republicans' cruel values" after several busloads of migrants were dropped off outside U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris' Washington, D.C. home in subfreezing temperatures on Christmas Eve. For the second time since September, Central and South American migrants were bussed from Texas to the vice president's residence at the U. |

Dana Sanchez (2022-12-26). Accused Murderer Of Takeoff Brings Attention To Search Engine Surveillance And Tracking. moguldom.com Prosecutors say the rapper accused of fatally shooting hip-hop artist Takeoff outside a Houston bowling alley searched Google for information on using fake plane tickets to get an expedited passport and about whether he was a suspect in the case, according to a Dec. 15 court hearing. Takeoff was the youngest member of Migos, the Grammy-nominated rap trio from …

Daniel Kovalik (2022-12-26). Saab Oral Argument Focuses on Legitimacy of Maduro Government. orinocotribune.com By Daniel Kovalik Dec 21, 2022 | On December 12 to 13, 2022, an evidentiary hearing in the case of The United States v. Alex Saab was heard before Judge Robert Scola in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida. In "Saab Hearing Proves He Deserves Diplomatic Immunity, Exposes Prosecution's Duplicity" (

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-26). AFRICOM Says Six Killed in Latest Somalia Airstrike. news.antiwar.com US Africa Command (AFRICOM) said in a press release that it conducted an airstrike in Somalia on December 23 against al-Shabaab, marking the third known US strike in the country this month. AFRICOM said the strike was launched in support of the Mogadishu-based government and that it hit a target about 150 miles northeast of …

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-26). Biden Signs $858 Billion 2023 NDAA. news.antiwar.com President Biden on Friday signed the massive $858 billion 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which is $45 billion more than he requested. Also on Friday, the House passed the $1.7 trillion omnibus bill that includes funding for the NDAA, sending the legislation to President Biden's desk. The mammoth spending bill passed through the House …

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-26). Report: The CIA Is Directing Sabotage Attacks Inside Russia. news.antiwar.com The CIA has been using a European NATO country's intelligence services to conduct sabotage attacks inside Russia since the February invasion of Ukraine, investigative journalist Jack Murphy reported on Saturday, citing unnamed former US intelligence and military officials. The report said that no US personnel are on the ground in Russia but that the operations …

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-26). Three Killed in Ukrainian Drone Attack Deep Inside Russia. news.antiwar.com Three Russian soldiers were killed in a Ukrainian drone attack on the Engels airfield in Russia's Saratov Oblast early Monday, the Russian Defense Ministry said. The Engels airfield is about 300 miles from the Ukrainian border and was targeted by a similar attack earlier this month. In the latest attack, Russian officials said that a …

Dave DeCamp (2022-12-26). Ukraine FM Says No Talks With Russia Until After War Crimes Tribunal. news.antiwar.com Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told The Associated Press on Monday that Russia must face a tribunal for alleged war crimes in Ukraine before direct peace talks can be held between Kyiv and Moscow. The comments are the latest sign that there's no end in sight to the fighting in Ukraine, as Russia would never …

David Skripac (2022-12-26). COP27: Understanding Climate Change and the UN's Hidden Agenda Behind "Catastrophic Global Warming" globalresearch.ca

David Skripac (2022-12-26). Our Species Is Being Genetically Modified. Are We Witnessing Humanity's March Toward Extinction? Viruses Are Our Friends, Not Our Foes. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). National EV brands in top spot as auto industry transforms. ecns.cn China is already a leading player in the smart electric vehicle segment, which experts said may prompt the country to reshape the global auto industry by the end of this decade.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Tesla suspends production for maintenance at Shanghai plant. ecns.cn Tesla is conducting preventive maintenance of its production line at its Shanghai plant, which is putting manufacturing on hold at the carmaker's first overseas facility.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Tesla launches 10,000th supercharger in Chinese mainland. ecns.cn Tesla launched its 10,000th supercharger in the Chinese mainland on Monday, the U.S. carmaker said.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). New railway shortens travel time between Chengdu and Kunming in SW China to 7 hours. ecns.cn A new railway connecting Chengdu and Kunming in southwest China's Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces respectively was put into operation on Monday, shortening the travel time from 19 to 7 hours.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Chinese academic database CNKI fined over $12 million. ecns.cn China's State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) fined China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), a Chinese academic database, 87.6 million yuan (about $12.6 million) for abusing a "dominant market position", the watchdog announced on Monday.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Program to beef up plastics recycling. ecns.cn A joint working group consisting of industrial associations, plastics producers and recyclers has initiated a program to beef up the recycling of flexible plastics in China, a move experts believe will reduce waste and help with national climate targets.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Faster railway links Chengdu with Kunming. ecns.cn A new railway line in China's southwestern region will open on Monday, slashing travel time between the region's two major cities Chengdu and Kunming, capitals of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Busloads of migrants dropped off outside U.S. vice president's residence in frigid temperatures. ecns.cn Busloads of migrants were dropped off outside the residence of U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris in Washington, D.C., this weekend.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Chinese scientists design octopus-inspired color-changing machine. ecns.cn A group of Chinese roboticists have designed a minuscule machine that can mimic octopuses whose cell pigments change color under chemical stress.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). New high-speed railway operational in China's Hunan. ecns.cn A 91-km high-speed railway line, linking the cities of Changde and Yiyang in central China's Hunan Province, entered operation on Monday.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Rail travel in SW China on fast track as new line opens. ecns.cn A railway linking Chengdu and Kunming, two major cities in southwest China, is now fully operational with the opening of its last section on Monday.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Explosion rocks Afghanistan's Badakhshan province, casualties feared. ecns.cn An explosion rocked Faizabad, the capital of northern Afghanistan's Badakhshan province on Monday, with casualties feared, an official said.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). China's cotton output up in 2022. ecns.cn China's cotton output recorded a stable increase in 2022 as sound weather conditions led to a higher yield per hectare, official data showed Monday.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences signs agreement with United Nations FAO. ecns.cn CAAS has signed an Innovation Platform Agreement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway handles 1.69 bln passenger trips in 10 yrs. ecns.cn A total of 1.69 billion passenger trips have been made on the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed railway since it went into operation 10 years ago, official data showed.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region sees growth in foreign trade in Jan-Nov. ecns.cn The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region saw its foreign trade increase by 13.6 percent year on year to about 4.58 trillion yuan (around 655.9 billion U.S. dollars) in the first 11 months of 2022, Shijiazhuang Customs said.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). China adopts new railway operating plan. ecns.cn China implemented a new railway operating plan on Monday to improve the country's railway passenger and freight transport efficiency, according to the national railway operator.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). China goes all out to increase output of medical supplies. ecns.cn China is moving to ensure production of key medical supplies in urgent need as the country optimized its COVID-19 response.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Change of testing booths demonstrates flexibility in COVID-19 fight. ecns.cn Nucleic acid testing booths were a hallmark of China's regular COVID-19 prevention and control work over the past three years. Yet across the nation, many nucleic acid testing booths have been converted into temporary "fever clinics" in an orderly manner.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). China to restore 6.67 mln hectares of desertified land. ecns.cn China will restore some 6.67 million hectares of desertified land during the 2021-2025 period in its long-term fight against desertification.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Snowfall to hit parts of southern China. ecns.cn The southern parts of China are expected to see snowy and rainy weather from Monday night to Thursday, the country's national observatory said Monday.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). China has 13 COVID vaccines available for second booster. ecns.cn A total of 13 types of COVID-19 vaccines, approved for conditional marketing or emergency use, are now available as a second booster dose in China, according to experts with the State Council inter-agency task force for COVID-19 response.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). 18 trapped for over 45 hours in collapsed gold mine in Xinjiang. ecns.cn Rescuers are trying every means to reach the 18 workers trapped underground after a cave-in at a gold mine at around 1 pm on Saturday in Yining county, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Beijing to distribute Paxlovid to community health service centers. ecns.cn Beijing will distributePaxlovid, Pfizer's COVID antiviral drug to community health service centers in the upcoming days. After training, the community doctors will give instructions on medicine use to residents infected with COVID-19.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Beijing shopping malls see growth in human traffic and sales as work and production resumes. ecns.cn Shopping malls in Beijing saw growth in both human traffic and sales last weekend as the city accelerates the resumption of work and production.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). China's largest unconventional gas field annual output hits 30 bln cubic meters. ecns.cn The Sulige Gas Field, China's largest unconventional onshore gas production field, located in Ordos Basin of north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, has reached annual output of 30 billion million cubic meters, which is the first time in China, PetroChina said on Monday.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). China's largest unconventional gas field annual output hits 30bln cubic meters. ecns.cn The Sulige Gas Field, China's largest unconventional onshore gas production field, located in Ordos Basin of north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, has reached annual output of 30 billion million cubic meters, which is the first time in China, PetroChina said on Monday.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Xinjiang produces over 90% of China's cotton in 2022: official. ecns.cn Xinjiang produces 5.391 million tons of cotton in 2022, an increase of 5.1 percent over the previous year, accounting for 90.2 percent of the country's total, the country's National Bureau of Statistics announced on Monday.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). China's pension expenditure of urban residents to hit 836,400 yuan. ecns.cn The total pension expenditure of China's urban residents is expected to average 836,400 yuan ($119,887), according to China's Urban Elderly Care Service Demand Report 2022 quoted by Securities Daily on Monday.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Winter storm blasts Canada. ecns.cn A severe winter storm has left much of Canada battered on Christmas weekend with weather warnings in place across the country.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Scenery of national desert park in Tibet. ecns.cn Scenery of the national desert park in Zhanang County of Shannan, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, Dec. 24, 2022.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Giant rabbit installed in Nanjing to celebrate upcoming Chinese New Year. ecns.cn A 15-meter-high giant rabbit in traditional red costume is displayed in front of the East Gates of Nanjing to celebrate the upcoming Chinese new year, east China's Jiangsu Province, Dec. 24, 2022.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Tidal flats exposed due to drought in Wuhan. ecns.cn Less rainfall is predicted along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River from Dec 2022 through April 2023.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Intoxicating scenery of Sayram Lake in winter. ecns.cn Because Sayram Lake is the last place that the warm and humid air current of the Atlantic Ocean reaches, it is also known as the "Atlantic Ocean's last teardrop."

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). Well preserved Maoya ancient village in C China. ecns.cn Located on the top of Maoya mountain, Maoya ancient village covers an area of 912 square meters with a length of 38 meters from east to west and a width of 24 meters from north to south. It is best preserved among the 1,000 ancient mountain villages in Nanzhang County.

ecns.cn (2022-12-26). World's first C919 launches 100-hour verification flight. ecns.cn China Eastern Airline launched the 100-hour test flight on Monday to confirm the aircraft's safety in operation, reliability in repair and guarantee capability in flying.

Editor (2022-12-26). Chris Hedges: The Democrats Are Now the War Party. scheerpost.com The Democratic Party has become the party of permanent war, fueling massive military spending which is hollowing out the country from the inside and flirting with nuclear war.

Editor (2022-12-26). Abbott Blasted for 'Cruel Stunt' as Migrants Bussed to Kamala Harris' Home on Christmas Eve. scheerpost.com "How Christian of you, Greg Abbott," Rep. Joaquin Castro said sardonically. "Being a heartless POS isn't going to make you the next Republican president."

Editor (2022-12-26). As Temperature Drops, Incarcerated People Prepare for Dangerously Cold Conditions. scheerpost.com

Editor (2022-12-26). The Most Dangerous Architect in America. scheerpost.com

Ediz Tiyansan (2022-12-26). Wild weather causes travel chaos for many in U.S. during holidays. america.cgtn.com The nationwide death toll is rising — with lives lost across at least nine states.

Edward Curtin (2022-12-26). Tucker Carlson and the JFK Allegations. globalresearch.ca

Elliott Wallace (2022-12-26). 2022 sees major surge of migrants at U.S.-Mexico border. america.cgtn.com Biden administration critics say the White House has neglected the issue this year. Immigration is a problem the White House likely cannot ignore in 2023.

Elliott Wallace (2022-12-26). Major gun tragedies plague the U.S. in 2022. america.cgtn.com These are just a handful of the dozens of U.S. cities rocked by mass shootings this year.

Emily Drabinski (2022-12-26). Louisiana Communities Organize to Defend Libraries From Far Right Censorship. truthout.org Lynette Mejia, a self-described "homeschool parent," has raised three children in the Lafayette Public Library System in Louisiana. Until early 2021, "I was the average person sitting around the table complaining about politics," Mejia said. Then Mejia discovered something that troubled her: The Lafayette Board of Control, which governs the public library system in Lafayette, had been stacked with… |

Ernesto Huerta & Todd Emmenegger (2022-12-26). UC Academic Workers win historic contracts after 40-day strike! liberationnews.org After 40 days on strike, 36,000 graduate and undergraduate student-workers across the University of California voted to ratify a historic contract on Dec. 23. The new contract guarantees wage increases of 55 to 80 percent for Academic Student Employees (Teaching Assistants, Tutors and Readers) and 25 to 80 percent for Graduate Student Researchers through 2023 and 2024, as well as many other significant wins.

Ethan Huff (2022-12-26). Many People Fully Vaccinated for COVID Are Now Going Blind. globalresearch.ca

Evelyn Leopold (2022-12-26). Iran punished for treatment of women. nationofchange.org The U.S. initiates Iran's expulsion from the UN women's commission.

F. William Engdahl (2022-12-26). The Dark Origins of the Davos Great Reset. globalresearch.ca Klaus Schwab is little more than a slick PR agent for a global technocratic agenda, a corporatist unity of corporate power with government, including the UN, an agenda whose origins go back to the beginning of the 1970s, and even earlier.

Fight Back (2022-12-26). A reading from Mao Zedong on his birthday: Combat Liberalism. fightbacknews.org To mark the 129th anniversary of the birth of Chinese revolutionary Mao Zedong on December 26, Fight Back News Service is circulating his famous 1937 article "Combat Liberalism." | Combat Liberalism | By Mao Zedong | We stand for active ideological struggle because it is the weapon for ensuring unity within the Party and the revolutionary organizations in the interest of our fight. Every Communist and revolutionary should take up this weapon. | But liberalism rejects ideological struggle and stands for unprincipled peace, thus giving rise to a decadent, Philistine attitude and bringing about political degenerati…

Frank Cappello (2022-12-26). üéß THE AUDIT: Budgeting Public Harnesses. levernews.com

Graham Peebles (2022-12-26). From excess to simplicity of living and social justice. nationofchange.org As the global crises grow and deepen, there are signs, tentative but strong, that such a collective shift is underway; a growing awareness that something fundamental needs to change…

Hedelberto López Blanch (2022-12-26). °Cuidado! la derecha reaccionaria actúa. globalizacion.ca Los gobiernos progresistas surgidos en los últimos años en América Latina, tienen que estar muy alerta por la amenaza que representan las fuerzas de ultraderecha, con vestigios de fascismo, que están frustradas por los avances nacionalistas que ha tenido la…

infobrics (2022-12-26). Russian Gas Pipeline to China Through Mongolia to Be Completed in 2023. infobrics.org The designing of the Soyuz Vostok gas pipeline to China via Mongolia should be completed next year, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Victoria Abramchenko told journalists…

infobrics (2022-12-26). South Africa BRICS Presidency: Challenges and Future Perspectives. infobrics.org Next year 2023 South Africa, as per stipulated approved guidelines and rules, will hold the rotating presidency of BRICS, the organization of five emerging developing countries made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. This implies that South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has a lot more at hand, especially with the current global geopolitical changes to drum home, to consolidate the growing support underway for few others to join BRICS…

infobrics (2022-12-26). After West Departs, Chinese Selling One-Third of All Cars in Russia. infobrics.org Chinese car brands account for almost one-third of Russia's car market, highlighting China's growing importance to the Russian economy after the exodus of Western companies…

infobrics (2022-12-26). Retired US General McCaffrey says "Ukraine being battered to death by Russia" infobrics.org Meanwhile Zelensky proposes delusional peace plan despite questions on whether Ukraine can win.

infobrics (2022-12-26). Russia conducts operation with minimum civilian casualties – study shows. infobrics.org According to information recently published by a leading research agency, the conflict in Ukraine has one of the lowest numbers of civilian casualty ratios in the history of wars.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-26). Abandoning Afghanistan is Dangerous for its Neighbors. libya360.wordpress.com F.M. Shakil Despite the Taliban's many shortcomings, only a unified, multilateral approach to negotiating with and recognizing the Islamic Emirate will safeguard the borders of neighboring states. Following the withdrawal of US and NATO forces from Afghanistan in August last year, the Taliban-led schismatic government in Kabul appears to have reached a diplomatic impasse. It seems like its…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-26). Netherlands Prime Minister Apologizes for Atlantic Slave Trade. libya360.wordpress.com Abayomi Azikiwe Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte Apologizes For African Enslavement Africans say this is not enough calling for reparations Over the last few decades the demand to pay reparations for African enslavement has drawn support from around the world. Africans on the continent along with those living in other parts of the globe have…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2022-12-26). Sudan: Hundreds More Injured in Anti-Coup Protests as December Revolution Enters Fifth Year. libya360.wordpress.com Pavan Kulkarni Protests in Sudan on the fourth anniversary of the Sudanese Revolution. Photo: Radio Dabanga Attempts by the alliance of foreign powers, domestic right-wing parties and the military junta to consolidate an authoritarian state in Sudan will be defeated by mass-movements, insists the Sudanese Communist Party Country-wide anti-coup demonstrations were underway once again in…

Isheka N. Harrison (2022-12-26). 7 Hip-Hop Artists Who Shouted Out Clarence 13X: Leader of The Five Percenters. moguldom.com Clarence 13X was the founder of the Five-Percent Nation, a religious movement many hip-hop artists follow or respect. Also known as the Nation of Gods and Earths (NGE), the five percenters' main teaching is that the Black man is divine, which is where the slang of affectionately referring to one another as "God" derives from. It was …

Jake Johnson (2022-12-26). Following Electric Vehicle Announcement, Advocates Say DeJoy Still Needs to Go. truthout.org Postmaster General Louis DeJoy's widely praised announcement last week that…

Jake Johnson (2022-12-26). House GOP using omnibus fight as 'trial run' for ploy to cut Social Security and Medicare, critics warn. nationofchange.org "MAGA extremists in Congress are dusting off an old conservative playbook for when they seize power," said one progressive watchdog.

James A. Lucas (2022-12-26). The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 "Victim Nations" Since World War II. globalresearch.ca

James Corbett (2022-12-26). Video: The Weaponization of the WHO. globalresearch.ca

James J. Zogby (2022-12-26). Navidad en Palestina: Hoy como ayer. globalizacion.ca La historia de la Navidad, tal como se cuenta en Occidente, contiene elementos atemporales que han dado forma a nuestra cultura de manera significativa. A medida que la contamos, año tras año, la historia transmite a quienes la escuchan temas…

Jeferson Miola (2022-12-26). Continuidad de campamentos terroristas frente a cuarteles: øEl Ejército cómplice? globalizacion.ca La continuidad de los campamentos terroristas frente a los cuarteles, incluso después del intento de explosión de una bomba en las cercanías del aeropuerto en Nochebuena y los ataques terroristas en Brasilia el día de la toma de posesión del…

Jenny Brown (2022-12-26). Amid Inflation and Short-Staffing, Labor Organizers Demanded More in 2022. truthout.org Was it the pandemic? Was it new disasters from climate change? Was it the fact that employers are still begging for more workers? Whatever it was, workers were ready to throw down this year. In the face of inflation and short-staffing we demanded more money in our paychecks, and more time for our lives outside of work. We organized; we even exercised our strike muscles. And crucially… |

John Terrett (2022-12-26). Wall Street sees major ups and downs in 2022, while crypto goes more mainstream. america.cgtn.com Nowhere more so than on Wall Street which has been wrestling with inflation, rising interest rates and the collapse of the latest asset class — cryptocurrency.

John Terrett (2022-12-26). Wall Street sees major ups-and-downs in 2022, while crypto goes more mainstream. america.cgtn.com Nowhere more so than on Wall Street which has been wrestling with inflation, rising interest rates and the collapse of the latest asset class — cryptocurrency.

Ken Lawrence (2022-12-26). To Defeat Fascism, We Must Win Over a Substantial Segment of the Social Strata that Make Up its Mass Base. covertactionmagazine.com Anti-fascists should emulate the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and its organizing efforts in the 1960s and 1970s. We must realize that fascism is a movement of the disappointed and of those whose existence is ruined. Therefore, we must endeavor either to win over or to neutralize those wide masses who are still in the …

Manlio Dinucci (2022-12-26). The Boom of the War. Christmas gift exchange between Zelensky and Biden. globalresearch.ca

Mark Steele (2022-12-26). Fifth Generation (5G) Directed Energy Radiation Emissions In the Context of Contaminated Nanometal Covid-19 Vaccines with Graphite Ferrous Oxide Antennas. globalresearch.ca

Maya Srikrishnan (2022-12-26). States Take Tax Revenue Vital for Funding Tribal Services. truthout.org This article was originally published by the Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit investigative news organization based in Washington, D.C. This story is published in partnership between the Center for Public Integrity and ICT (formerly Indian Country Today). Osage Nation — On a crisp November morning, Teresa Bates Rutherford gazed at the construction site of her future home — her mind on her… |

Mickey Z. (2022-12-26). When the Upper Echelons of the Parasite Class‚Ñ¢ Flex Their Power. dissidentvoice.org Preface: Paul, a subscriber/regular commenter, recently mentioned Gen. Smedley Butler the other day and it inspired me to share an edited excerpt from my first book. During the early 1930s, Franklin Delano Roosevelt stated that he was "deeply impressed" with Benito Mussolini and referred to the Italian dictator as an "admirable Italian gentleman." Despite …

Mike Whitney (2022-12-26). Why Putin's Winter Offensive Will Prompt US Entry Into the War. globalresearch.ca

Nathan King (2022-12-26). 2022 Year in Review: China-U.S. relations. america.cgtn.com The U.S. policy towards China in 2022 was a lesson in the difference between rhetoric versus reality.

Nathan King (2022-12-26). Yearender 2022: China-U.S. relations. america.cgtn.com The U.S. policy towards China in 2022 was a lesson in the difference between rhetoric versus reality.

Nicolás Centurión (2022-12-26). Uruguay: De libertad, chats y un presidente espía. globalizacion.ca "Si en cinco años los uruguayos son más libres, habremos hecho bien las cosas". Así decía uno de los pasajes del discurso de asunción del neoliberal presidente Luis Lacalle en marzo de 2020. Es difícil medir la libertad, aunque algunos…

Olivia Rosane (2022-12-26). Hundreds of thousands more U.S. service members exposed to toxic forever chemicals than DOD acknowledges, report finds. nationofchange.org "It's not just that they purposefully underestimated how many service members were exposed… it's that they didn't tell anyone."

Padre Elias Zahlaoui (2022-12-26). Carta Abierta al Papa Francisco desde Siria. globalizacion.ca Santo Padre, | Dentro de unos días el mundo entero celebrará, de una forma u otra, el aniversario de la Natividad de Jesús. | Me hubiera gustado presentarle mis mejores deseos en su calidad de Su Representante en la tierra, pero me…

Peter Koenig (2022-12-26). El Plan: Los 10 años de enfermedades infecciosas de la OMS (2020 a 2030), que conducen a la tiranía mundial. globalizacion.ca Se informa un exceso de mortalidad en Noruega, y en todo el mundo occidental o el Norte Global. Excesos nunca antes escuchados. En los rangos de entre 15% y 25%. En algunos países incluso más alto. Inquietante. No se pueden…

Peter Koenig (2022-12-26). Look Up! Wake Up, People! You Are Being "Suicided in Warp Speed". globalresearch.ca Don't look up lest you could see what nobody wants you to see — namely the Big-Big Lie. As time goes on and Agenda 2030, alias The WEF's Great Reset progresses, the asteroid approaching Mother Earth is ever moving closer.

Peter Koenig (2022-12-26). The Plan. WHO's Ten Years of Infectious Diseases (2020 to 2030), Leading to World Tyranny. globalresearch.ca

Rick Rozoff (2022-12-26). 27th nation: Turkey provides drones to Albania for new Balkan war. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense PostDecember 26, 2022 Albania Orders Three Bayraktar TB2 Combat Drones From Turkey Also see: Turkey trains Kosovo army to use Bayraktar drones for final assault on Serbs The Albanian government has inked a deal with Turkish defense firm Baykar to acquire three unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Under the agreement, Baykar will deliver TB2 armed …

Rick Rozoff (2022-12-26). Kosovo to local Serbs, Serbia: "Welcome to hell for anyone who wants to die prematurely" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com B92December 26, 2022 Kosovo police prevented Patriarch Porfirije from entering Kosovo and Metohija Kosovo police at the administrative crossing of Merdare did not allow the car with Serbian Patriarch Porfirije to enter territory of Kosovo today around 2: 30PM. The patriarch stayed in the car for a few minutes on the side controlled by the Kosovo …

Rick Rozoff (2022-12-26). Over 500 U.S. military personnel have sought Washington's okay to work for foreign governments: case of Azerbaijan. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com PanARMENIAN.NetDecember 6, 2022 Two U.S. generals sought to profit from connections with Baku but Air Force objected During the height of the war in Afghanistan, U.S. military leaders flocked to Azerbaijan to embrace its president, Ilham Aliyev, despite a report from the U.S. Embassy comparing the mustachioed strongman to mafia bosses in "The Godfather." Setting …

Rick Rozoff (2022-12-26). Turkey: "arrogant," "impertinent" Greece "disregards basic principles and values of NATO" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Daily SabahDecember 25, 2022 Tàºrkiye urges NATO to 'stop' Greece's 'impertinence' Amid Tàºrkiye's "well-intentioned approaches" to make the Aegean and Mediterranean a "sea of friendship," Defense Minister Hulusi Akar on Saturday called on NATO to urge Greece to "stop" its "impertinence." "….Greece continues to provoke and escalate tensions and its unlawful attitude," Akar said at …

rqorinoco (2022-12-26). Twitter Promoted Pentagon Propaganda to Whitewash Occupation, War Crimes in West Asia. orinocotribune.com The social media giant 'whitelisted' accounts run by the Pentagon that promoted the Saudi-led war in Yemen and the illegal occupation of Syria | Twitter has reportedly collaborated with the Pentagon for at least five years to wage a secret "PsyOps campaign" across West Asia, in a scheme to sway public opinion in favor of Washington's military interests in the region. | According to an investigation of Twitter's archives, emails, and internal tools by

Sanket Jain (2022-12-26). India Becomes Top Sugar Producer As Sugarcane Workers Fall Into Debt Due to Climate Change Destabilizing Farming. towardfreedom.org Oppressed people in India have helped build India into one of the largest sugar producers. But with that has come the bitter taste of labor-law violations and an endless loop of debt. Sanket Jain reports from the sugarcane fields of western Maharashtra.

scorinoco (2022-12-26). I Witnessed the Truth About Nicaragua. orinocotribune.com By Wawen Ewimbi Dec 18, 2022 | Contextual History of Struggle in Nicaragua | 1909-1933: The US is cementing itself as the world's police in the 20th century; the marines invaded Nicaragua in 1909 "to help stabilize the country". The US occupied the land until 1933. | In 1927, revolutionary political leader Augusto Sandino began leading a tiny, fervent guerrilla army, the Army for the Defense of Nicaraguan National Sovereignty (EDSN), to successfully eject US imperialism from Nicaragua in 1933. | 1934-1979: A civilian entrenched by the glittery wickedness of the United States, Antonio Somoza assassinated…

Silicon Valley Interreligious Council (2022-12-26). Wednesday 12/21: Ninth Annual Homeless Person's Interfaith Memorial Service in San Jose. indybay.org Plaza of SCC Gov. building | 70 W. Hedding Street | San Jose, CA 95110…

Staff (2022-12-26). La agricultura urbana: 35 años, hoy en la Mesa Redonda. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu Directivos del Movimiento de la agricultura urbana, suburbana y familiar comparecerán este lunes en la Mesa Redonda para hablar sobre el desarrollo y retos de este movimiento a 35 años de su creación.

Staff (2022-12-26). Las mejores fotos científicas de 2022, según National Geographic. cubadebate.cu El certamen fotográfico FOTCIENCIA19 es organizado por el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT). Según sus organizadores pretende mostrar la belleza oculta de la ciencia a través de las imágenes.

Staff (2022-12-26). Liga Élite: Pronóstico para una semifinal ømás animada de público? cubadebate.cu El reto mayor para los organizadores está en convencer a los aficionados para que regresen a los estadios cabecera o sedes principales en Bayamo, Matanzas, Pinar del Río y San José de las Lajas, aunque defendemos que se pueda extender a Las Tunas y a La Habana algún partido de Agricultores y Portuarios.

Staff (2022-12-26). Perú, un campo de ensayo para los golpes de Estado. cubadebate.cu El caso peruano y su supuesto caos permanente (aunque estable en cuanto a las concesiones para la explotación minera, petrolera y pesquera) debe observarse detenidamente. Nuestra región es, una vez más, laboratorio de ensayo para la desestabilización democrática. Como Bolivia, Argentina o Brasil, Perú es en este momento uno de esos experimentos.

Staff (2022-12-26). Asociación Internacional de Boxeo rechaza posible exclusión de ese deporte de JJOO París 2024. cubadebate.cu La Asociación Internacional de Boxeo (IBA) respondió duramente, en las últimas horas, a la amenaza del COI de sacar a ese deporte del programa de los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024. Además de acusar a Lausana de actuar por razones políticas y de nacionalidad (antirusa), la IBA fustigó los desmanes de su expresidente.

Staff (2022-12-26). Cerca de un tercio de los equipos de bombeo de agua funcionará con energía fotovoltaica. cubadebate.cu El Grupo Empresarial Agua y Saneamiento impulsa un proyecto inversionista para sustituir la matriz energética en 1 312 equipos de bombeo de agua potable menores de diez kilowatts (kW) de potencia por energía fotovoltaica en todo el país, informó José Antonio Hernández àÅlvarez, director general de Gestión de Agua, Saneamiento y Drenaje de esa entidad.

Staff (2022-12-26). Domingo muy frío en el occidente de Cuba: Temperaturas máximas no sobrepasan los 20 ∫C. cubadebate.cu El día resultó frío en occidente, donde, excepto una, todas las estaciones meteorológicas registraron valores máximos inferiores a los 20 ∫C, informó el Centro Nacional de Pronósticos del Instituto de Meteorología. La presencia de nublados, vientos y lluvias persistentes influyeron en que la sensación térmica fuera muy inferior a las temperaturas registradas.

Staff (2022-12-26). EEUU: Tormenta invernal provoca cortes de electricidad, interrupciones de los viajes y temperaturas gélidas. cubadebate.cu Muchos residentes de Florida vivirán su Navidad más fría: será el 25 de diciembre más frío desde 1983 en Miami, Tampa, Orlando y West Palm Beach. La ciudad de Nueva York registró temperaturas frías récord en Nochebuena en varios lugares, incluidos los aeropuertos JFK y LaGuardia.

Staff (2022-12-26). Encabeza Lionel Messi lista de nominados al premio The Best. cubadebate.cu La Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Fútbol (FIFA) informó hoy que el argentino Lionel Messi encabeza la lista de nominados al Premio The Best, programado para el 27 de febrero de 2023.

Staff (2022-12-26). Asiste Esteban Lazo a discusión del Plan de la Economía y Presupuesto para 2023 por la Asamblea Municipal de Arroyo Naranjo. cubadebate.cu El miembro del Buró Político del Comité Central del Partido Esteban Lazo Hernández, presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular y del Consejo de Estado, participó este lunes en la primera sesión ordinaria de la Asamblea Municipal del Poder Popular de Arroyo Naranjo, en su XVIII período de mandato.

Staff (2022-12-26). Aumenta la tensión entre Corea del Norte y Corea del Sur. cubadebate.cu El Ministerio de Defensa de Corea del Sur informó este lunes que unos cinco aviones no tripulados de su vecino del Norte habrían cruzado al espacio aéreo al sur del paralelo 38, lo que llevó al ejército surcoreano a desplegar aviones de combate y helicópteros de ataque y, a derribar al menos cuatro. De acuerdo al primer comunicado del ministerio de Defensa, el ejército de Corea del Sur disparó contra los drones.

Staff (2022-12-26). Centro de Investigación Económica y Empresarial prevé recesión de la economía mundial en 2023. cubadebate.cu La economía mundial experimentará una recesión en 2023, debido al aumento de los precios de los préstamos destinados a combatir la inflación, según un informe publicado hoy por el Centro de Investigación Económica y Empresarial. El estudio indicó que la economía global superó la marca de los 100 billones de dólares por primera vez en 2022, pero se estancará en 2023.

Staff (2022-12-26). El tiempo: Día invernal en el occidente. cubadebate.cu La tarde será invernal en el occidente, con temperaturas máximas entre 17 y 20 grados Celsius en occidente, fresca en el centro con valores entre 24 y 27 grados Celsius. En la región oriental la tarde será cálida, con temperaturas máximas entre 29 y 32 grados Celsius.

Staff (2022-12-26). La obra de Gerardo Alfonso será llevada al canto lírico. cubadebate.cu Gerardo Alfonso Bel Canto se titula el concierto homenaje al destacado cantautor y músico cubano, que tendrá lugar el 12 de enero en la basílica menor del capitalino convento de San Francisco de Asís. El espectáculo mantendrá el propósito original de este proyecto, que permite disfrutar desde otra mirada musical la obra de autores.

Staff (2022-12-26). Machado Ventura constata desarrollo de fármacos naturales en centro científico. cubadebate.cu El Comandante del Ejército Rebelde José Ramón Machado Ventura realizó una visita de trabajo al Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Medicamentos (Cidem) para dar seguimiento a la introducción de productos naturales. Este Centro ha desarrollado importantes productos farmacéuticos a partir de tecnologías propias, los cuales integran el arsenal terapéutico del país.

Staff (2022-12-26). Marrero Cruz participa en balance nacional del programa de la Agricultura Urbana, Suburbana y Familiar. cubadebate.cu En el marco de la implementación de la Ley de Soberanía Alimentaria y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional, subrayó el Jefe de Gobierno, resulta oportuno que en todas las localidades se diseñen acciones gubernamentales, políticas, empresariales y técnicas, que permitan utilizar el potencial de la Agricultura Urbana en la producción de alimentos para la población.

Staff (2022-12-26). Perú: Gobierno de Dina Boluarte destituye autoridades locales. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno de la presidenta designada de Perú, Dina Boluarte dejó sin efecto el nombramiento de 312 subprefectos distritales en 23 regiones del país sudamericano. Durante su mandato por elección popular, el presidente Pedro Castillo nombró, de acuerdo a la legislación local los subprefectos de los distritos de todo el país, motivo por lo cual son ahora señalados.

Staff (2022-12-26). Sorprendente: Un auto eléctrico recorre 1000 kilómetros con una sola carga solar. cubadebate.cu Un automóvil impulsado por energía solar diseñado y construido por estudiantes de la Universidad de Nueva Gales del Sur obtuvo un récord mundial Guinness como el más rápido de su tipo tras recorrer 1 000 kilómetros con una sola carga en menos de 12 horas, informó en un comunicado la institución académica australiana.

Staff (2022-12-26). Viral: Campeona mundial rusa de nado sincronizado realiza bajo el agua el baile de Wednesday Addams (+ Video). cubadebate.cu La nadadora rusa cuatro veces campeona del mundo en natación sincronizada, Kristina Makushenko, repitió bajo el agua el icónico baile de Wednesday Addams de la recién estrenada serie de Netflix.

Staff (2022-12-26). "An Immense World": Ed Yong on How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us. democracynow.org Ed Yong, the Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer at The Atlantic, talks about his recent book, "An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us."

Staff (2022-12-26). To Catch a Dictator: Human Rights Lawyer Reed Brody on the Pursuit and Trial of Chad's Hissène Habré. democracynow.org In this special broadcast, we speak with Reed Brody, the international human rights lawyer who has been called "the dictator hunter" for his role in bringing historic legal cases against former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and others. Brody's new book is just out, titled "To Catch a Dictator: The Pursuit and Trial of Hissène Habré." Habré, a former U.S. ally, was convicted in 2016 by the Extraordinary African Chambers in the Senegalese court system and sentenced to life in prison.

Staff (2022-12-26). Venezuelan Army Disables 42 Narco-Jets in 2022. orinocotribune.com On December 24, the Strategic Operational Commander of FANB (CEOFANB) General Domingo Hernández Lárez announced on Twitter that throughout the year 2022, the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB), via the Integral Aerospace Defense Command, disabled a total of 42 illegal aircrafts for violating the Control Law for the Integral Airspace Defense. | "During the year 2022, the FANB, in pursuing the defense, sovereignty,…

Staff (2022-12-26). Venezuelan Government Delivers 13 Million Toys for Christmas. orinocotribune.com This Sunday, December 25, Vice President Delcy Rodríguez reported that the Venezuelan Government delivered almost 13 million toys to children this Christmas, under the framework of the Safe and Happy Christmas Plan 2022. | Through her social media account, the vice president explained that these actions "are another gesture of love" for the people. | The vice president w…

SUN (2022-12-26). COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality. Over One Thousand Scientific Studies. globalresearch.ca

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-26). Denuncian el asesinato de otro firmante del acuerdo de paz en Cauca. telesurtv.net Su muerte lleva hasta 43 el número de firmantes de la paz asesinados este año y a 348 desde los acuerdos de La Habana.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-26). Corea del Sur derriba drones de su vecino del Norte. telesurtv.net La última vez que se detectó un dron norcoreano debajo de la frontera de facto intercoreana fue en 2017, dijo Seúl.

teleSUR, DRL (2022-12-26). Rusia neutraliza grupos vinculados al ISIS en Ucrania y Siria. telesurtv.net Fueron encontrados fotos y videos que confirman la participación de extremistas de este grupo en el conflicto sirio.

teleSUR, FCH, DRL (2022-12-26). Conoce algunas frases del líder de la Revolución China Mao Tse Tung. telesurtv.net El líder de la Revolución Popular China, Mao Tse Tung, nació el 26 de diciembre de 1893 y falleció el 9 de septiembre de 1976 en Beijing. Sus restos reposan en el mausoleo de la Plaza Tiannanmen, de la capital.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-26). Brasil reforzará seguridad de Lula para toma de posesión. telesurtv.net Flavio Dino precisó que "todos los procedimientos serán reevaluados, buscando el fortalecimiento de la seguridad".

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2022-12-26). Presidente Putin destaca cooperación entre países de la CEI. telesurtv.net El titular del Kremlin afirmó que "lo importante, es que estamos dispuestos a cooperar y vamos a seguir cooperando".

teleSUR, jaa, SH, DRL (2022-12-26). Cinco grandes obras de Alejo Carpentier para recordar. telesurtv.net La obra de Alejo Carpentier es una de las más importantes dentro de la literatura latinoamericana de todos los tiempos.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-26). Varias ONG ¥S suspenden actividades en Afganistán. telesurtv.net La medida se produce tras la prohibición del Gobierno de los talibanes que prohibió a las mujeres trabajar en dichas organizaciones.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-26). China estima que la relaciones con Rusia son sólidas como una roca. telesurtv.net El ministro de Exteriores de China hizo énfasis en el trabajo conjunto sobre la multipolaridad y una mayor democracia en las relaciones internacionales.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-26). Reportan fuerte sismo en la costa del Caribe colombiano. telesurtv.net Según lo informado por la entidad, la magnitud del temblor fue de 4.3 y su profundidad fue menor a 30 kilómetros, lo que hizo que se sintiera con mayor fuerza.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-26). Médicos de familia franceses inician huelga de fin de año. telesurtv.net El paro, que cerrará cientos de consultas, se produce cuando el Gobierno les había pedido un esfuerzo ante el recrudecimiento de la gripe, de la covid y la bronquitis.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-26). Decenas de rohinyás quedan varados en la isla indonesia de Sumatra. telesurtv.net Telmaizul Syatri, jefe de la oficina de inmigración local, dijo que los refugiados serán alojados temporalmente en una instalación del gobierno local.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-26). Líder maoísta designado como primer ministro de Nepal. telesurtv.net El presidente Bidya Devi Bhandari nombró a Pushpa Kamal Dahal como el nuevo primer ministro del país, indicó la vocera Tika Dhakal.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-26). Rusia está dispuesta a negociar la paz con Ucrania. telesurtv.net El presidente ruso Vladímir Putin indicó que Ucrania y sus aliados de Occidente rechazan el diálogo con Moscú.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-26). Sube a 15 la cifra de muertos por explosión en Sudáfrica. telesurtv.net El Gobierno sudafricano ha extendido sus condolencias a las familias de los fallecidos y ha deseado una pronta recuperación a los heridos.

teleSUR, JCM (2022-12-26). Papa Francisco pronuncia su tradicional mensaje Urbi et Orbi. telesurtv.net Al dar la bendición "Urbi et Orbi", el Papa denunció los diez meses de guerra y alertó de la escasez de alimentos derivada del conflicto.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-12-26). Irán arresta a cabecillas de disturbios vinculados a Reino Unido. telesurtv.net Parte de los arrestados lideró los recientes disturbios contra el régimen político del país.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-12-26). Ejército peruano desaloja planta de gas ocupada por comuneros. telesurtv.net Población ocupaba la infraestructura para exigir el cierre del Congreso y la dimisión de la presidenta designada, Dina Boluarte.

teleSUR, JDO (2022-12-26). Tàºrkiye condena ataque contra kurdos en París. telesurtv.net Cataloga de terroristas las protestas tras el hecho, con saldo de decenas de heridos, 11 detenidos y cuantiosos daños.

teleSUR, lvm, JDO (2022-12-26). Pilotos concluyen huelga en Brasil tras negociación. telesurtv.net Trabajadores del sector aprueban la tercera propuesta del Tribunal Superior del Trabajo. fueron al paro en busca de mejorar los salarios y las condiciones laborales.

teleSUR, lvm, JDO (2022-12-26). China responde a EE.UU. con maniobras militares cerca de Taiwán. telesurtv.net El 22 de noviembre pasado las autoridades chinas precisaron que la cuestión de Taiwán constituye la principal "línea roja" en las relaciones bilaterales con EE.UU.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2022-12-26). Condenan a expresidente de Maldivas por corrupción. telesurtv.net Condenado a 11 años de prisión más una multa de cinco millones de dólares por blanqueo de dinero y actos de corrupción.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2022-12-26). Ataque ucraniano a aeródromo militar ruso deja tres muertos. telesurtv.net La técnica aeroespacial acantonada en el aeródromo de Engels no resultó dañado por el ataque enemigo.

teleSUR, rzr, EFE (2022-12-26). Tres fallecidos y dos heridos por ataque armado en Honduras. telesurtv.net Según relataron testigos de los hechos, dos hombres a bordo de motocicletas irrumpieron a tiros, por causas todavía desconocidas.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2022-12-26). Presidente Vladimir Putin recibirá este lunes a líderes de la CEI. telesurtv.net Los líderes de la CEI harán un balance del año que cierra, abordarán temas de cooperación mutua y debatirán temas de actualidad internacional.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2022-12-26). Alberto Fernández asistirá a la toma de poder de Lula da Silva. telesurtv.net Fernández viajará acompañado del ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Santiago Cafiero, así como otros funcionarios de su gobierno.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2022-12-26). Fiestas navideñas dejan cientos de heridos por pólvora en Colombia. telesurtv.net El Instituto Nacional de Salud contabilizó 171 menores de edad heridos por el uso de pólvora en la temporada navideña.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-26). Sube a 34 la cifra de muertos por temporal invernal en EE.UU. telesurtv.net La gobernadora de Nueva York, Kathy Hochul, advirtió que la cifra de víctimas fatales a causa del temporal podría aumentar en las próximas horas.

teleSUR, SH (2022-12-26). Senado chileno retomará reuniones sobre proceso constituyente. telesurtv.net El 12 de diciembre la mayoría de los partidos representados en el Congreso firmaron el Acuerdo por Chile para dar continuidad al proceso constituyente.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-12-26). Declaran alerta roja por incendio en La Araucanía, Chile. telesurtv.net Las autoridades señalaron que el incendio denominado Loncoyan constituye una amenaza para las viviendas rurales.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2022-12-26). Presidentes de Rusia y China se reunirán antes del fin de año. telesurtv.net El portavoz de la presidencia rusa, Dimitri Peskov, señaló en rueda de prensa que "este contacto está siendo preparado".

teleSUR- lvm (2022-12-26). Resalta Caricom que avanza hacia el Mercado àönico del Caribe. telesurtv.net "Cada aumento gradual, por pequeño que sea, es un paso en el camino hacia el logro de nuestro objetivo de una comunidad resistente", precisó Chandrikapersad Santokhi.

The Lever (2022-12-26). 2022 FLASHBACK: Shaming Biden Into Ceasing Attacks On Student Debtors. levernews.com

unitedEditor (2022-12-26). On the Syrian government's recent general amnesty. uwidata.com By Dr. Najm Al Ahmad Minister of Justice of the Syrian Arab Republic 2012 2017, Professor at the Faculty of Law in Damascus University The President of the Syrian Arab Republic issued Legislative Decree No. (24) dated 12/21/2022, which includes granting a general amnesty for crimes committed before the date of its issuance, so …

unitedEditor (2022-12-26). Australia beginning to escape US trap. uwidata.com By I≈üƒ±kgàºn Akfƒ±rat For the first time in three years, an Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong visited Beijing on an official ecnounter. Australian officials gave the message that the mistakes of previous governments, which undermined bilateral relations along with American policies, will be reversed. The Chinese side welcomed Australia's diplomatic move. Australian Foreign …

WSWS (2022-12-26). An estimated 2 million Chinese people were infected with COVID-19 through December 20. wsws.org The immense scale of the social crime unfolding across China as a result of the Chinese Communist Party abandoning its Zero-COVID policy is increasingly coming into focus.

WSWS (2022-12-26). Netanyahu forms far-right Israeli coalition government. wsws.org Having pushed Israeli politics to the right during his 15 years of premiership, Netanyahu will now head the most right-wing government in Israel's 75-year history.

WSWS (2022-12-26). Workers speak from the picket line during UK Royal Mail Christmas strikes. wsws.org World Socialist Web Site reporters spoke to striking postal workers involved in national walkouts on December 23/24.

WSWS (2022-12-26). UK Communication Workers Union sellout BT deal: A warning to Royal Mail workers. wsws.org The CWU statement celebrated the ending of "six months of unrest", adding "getting back to the negotiating table was a huge achievement.

WSWS (2022-12-26). Six-week strike of 48,000 University of California academic workers betrayed by the UAW. wsws.org The powerful strike upended one of the largest university systems in the world but was betrayed by the United Auto Workers union, which sought to divide and smother a rank-and-file rebellion.

WSWS (2022-12-26). US life expectancy drops to lowest level since 1996. wsws.org Final CDC mortality data for 2021 shows life expectancy dropped by a cumulative 2.4 years in the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

| AFP | (2022-12-26). More NGOs halt Afghan work after Taliban ban on women staff. tribune.com.pk Christian Aid and ActionAid on Monday became the latest foreign aid groups to suspend operations in Afghanistan after the country's Taliban rulers ordered all NGOs to stop women staff from working. | Announcements by the two groups take to six the number of bodies who have paused their operations in the country. | Christian Aid was "rapidly seeking clarity… and urging the authorities to reverse the ban", head of global programmes Ray Hasan said in a statement. | "Whilst we do this, we are unfortunately pausing the work of our programmes," he added. | ActionAid said that if women were banned from working with…

| Amna Zaman | (2022-12-26). 5 worst climate disasters of 2022. tribune.com.pk The world witnessed one of the worst climate-induced disasters in 2022, giving terrifying proof that climate change is a reality. | Climate disasters have global impacts and are not only devastating for the communities that experience them as the effects are wide-ranging and nearly half the world's population is considered highly vulnerable to these impacts. | The wide-ranging effects include rising sea levels, more frequent and intense heatwaves, storms, and other extreme weather events. | According to a report by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), weather-related disasters have increased five-fold…

| news.desk | (2022-12-26). KSA to support Pakistan's flood relief initiatives. tribune.com.pk Saudi Arabia conveyed to Pakistan on Monday its strong support for all initiatives aimed at strengthening and reinforcing Pakistan's post-flood reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts, ahead of an international conference about the country in Geneva next month. | Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari spoke by the telephone with his Saudi counterpart, Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, and apprised him of the upcoming 'International Conference on Climate Resilient Pakistan', in Geneva on January 9 2023, the Foreign Office said in a statement. | The Saudi foreign minister conveyed the Kingdom's "strong suppor…

| Reuters | (2022-12-26). Death toll climbs to 25 in western New York's worst blizzard in decades. tribune.com.pk

| REUTERS | (2022-12-26). Ukrainian drone hits bomber base inside Russia. tribune.com.pk Moscow said on Monday its forces had shot down a Ukrainian drone close to a long-range bomber base deep inside Russia, while Ukraine said the Russians had unleashed heavy artillery barrages on its cities in the past 24 hours. | The drone was allegedly flying near Russia's Engels air base, where long-range strategic bombers that may have been used to target Ukrainian cities and infrastructure are based. | The Russian defence ministry said in a statement three air force personnel had been killed in the incident but no planes were damaged. | However, Russian and Ukrainian social media accounts said a number of pl…

| REUTERS | (2022-12-26). Xi urges steps to 'protect' lives as China battles Covid wave. tribune.com.pk Chinese President Xi Jinping urged officials on Monday to take steps to protect lives in his first public remarks on Covid-19 since Beijing dramatically loosened hardline containment measures this month. | Having mostly cut itself off from the rest of the world during the pandemic, China is now experiencing the planet's biggest surge in infections after abruptly lifting restrictions that torpedoed the economy. | Studies have estimated that around one million people could die over the next few months. Many in the population are now grappling with shortages of medicine, while emergency medical facilities are str…

| reuters | (2022-12-26). Nepal's new govt seeks to balance its ties with India, China in growth pursuit. tribune.com.pk Nepal's new government, led by the former Maoist rebel chief, will try to balance ties with its immediate neighbours China and India as it seeks economic growth in one of the world's poorest countries, officials of the ruling coalition told Reuters. | Also read: Putin says Russia ready to negotiate over Ukraine | The UML leader and former prime minister, Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli, is believed to be pro-China.Nepal is one of several South Asian countries where India and China both seek influence. India has long considered Hindu-majority Nepal, a Himalayan country of 30 million, as a natural ally based on their c…

| REUTERS | (2022-12-26). Ukraine's Zelenskiy seeks India PM Modi's help with 'peace formula'. tribune.com.pk Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Monday said he sought India's help with implementing a "peace formula" in a phone call with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. | The conversation comes at a time when India is seeking to strengthen trade relations with Moscow while Western nations introduce new measures to limit Russia's funding of the war. | "I had a phone call with PM Narendra Modi and wished a successful G20 presidency," Zelenskiy wrote on Twitter. "It was on this platform that I announced the peace formula and now I count on India's participation in its implementation." | Zelenskiy asked the Group of 2…

| Reuters | (2022-12-26). Iran says UK-linked arrests reflect 'destructive role' in protests. tribune.com.pk Iran's foreign ministry said on Monday the arrests of citizens linked to the United Kingdom reflected Britain's "destructive role" in the recent protests in the Islamic Republic. | Iran has accused Western countries, Israel and Saudi Arabia of fomenting the unrest by people from all walks of life in the country, one of the most sustained challenges to the country's ruling theocracy since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. | Asked by a reporter to comment on Sunday's announcement in Tehran of the arrest of seven people linked to Britain, foreign ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said: "Some countries, especially t…

| Reuters | (2022-12-26). South Korea scrambles jets as North Korea sends drones over border. tribune.com.pk Five North Korean drones crossed into South Korea on Monday and South Korea responded by scrambling jets and attack helicopters and opening fire to try to shoot down the North Korean aircraft, the South Korean military said. | As part of its response, the South Korea military also sent surveillance aircraft into the North to photograph its military installations, a South Korean military official said. | "This is a clear act of provocation by the North violating our airspace," a South Korean official with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Lee Seung-o, told a briefing. | One of the five North Korean drones flew near th…

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