2023-03-25: News Headlines

Staff (2023-03-25). General de EEUU admite que su país ha entrenado a militares que luego lideraron golpes en àÅfrica. cubadebate.cu El congresista republicano Matt Gaetz interrogó al general Michael Langley, jefe del Comando de EE.UU. en àÅfrica, sobre el número de soldados africanos que recibieron entrenamiento militar estadounidense y posteriormente encabezaron golpes de Estado. Langley señaló que el EE.UU. entrenó "como mínimo" a unos 50 000 soldados africanos.

Staff (2023-03-25). Protestas de ecologistas en Francia dejan saldo de decenas de heridos. cubadebate.cu Decenas de personas entre manifestantes y fuerzas del orden resultaron hoy heridas en la centroccidental localidad francesa de Sainte-Soline, donde grupos ecologistas lideraron una protesta contra la construcción de embalses para la irrigación agrícola. Los hechos de esta tarde complican aún más el panorama en Francia, donde los sindicatos y partidos opositores siguen movilizados contra la reforma de la jubilación.

Staff (2023-03-25). La Hora del Planeta: Actuar de manera decisiva ante el cambio climático (+ Video). cubadebate.cu La Hora del Planeta se celebra cada año el último sábado del mes de marzo. Este 2023 corresponde al día 25 de marzo. Esta es considerada la campaña de concienciación ambiental más difundida e importante a nivel mundial, para reflexionar acerca de la necesidad de actuar de manera decisiva ante el cambio climático y contrarrestar su impacto.

Staff (2023-03-25). Presidente Putin anuncia acuerdo para despliegue de armas nucleares tácticas en Bielorrusia. cubadebate.cu Moscú y Minsk han acordado desplegar armas nucleares tácticas en el territorio de Bielorrusia, según declaró este sábado el presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, en una entrevista para el canal de televisión Rossiya 24.

Staff (2023-03-25). Ellas en la candidatura: Las cifras por dentro. cubadebate.cu Este domingo, cuando pongamos nuestra boleta en la urna, estaremos votando por una Asamblea Nacional que se parece bastante al país que somos. Si algo no ha faltado en las últimas semanas, son datos acerca de esa candidatura. Justo entre las estadísticas más comentadas se posiciona la participación mayoritaria de mujeres.

Staff (2023-03-25). Fiscalía de Venezuela adelanta detalles sobre investigación anticorrupción. cubadebate.cu El Fiscal General de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, dio una rueda de prensa con relación a la captura de altos funcionarios públicos y ciudadanos comunes, basado en la trama de corrupción descubierta en la estatal Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) y otras acciones judiciales. Un total de 25 personas han sido detenidas.

Staff (2023-03-25). Ecuador: Docentes marchan en defensa de la educación y contra Lasso (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu Profesores de Ecuador marcharon hoy por las calles de Quito en defensa de la enseñanza pública y en respaldo al pedido de juicio político contra el presidente Guillermo Lasso. Convocados por la Unión Nacional de Educadores (UNE), cientos de docentes de diferentes provincias llegaron este sábado a la sede de la Corte Constitucional.

Staff (2023-03-25). Juegos Panamericanos de Santiago 2023 en apuros por examen antidopaje. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno de Chile está desactualizado en las normas establecidas por el Código Mundial Antidopaje, lo cual podría causar dificultades en la celebración de los Juegos Panamericanos de Santiago 2023. Expertos de la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA) revelaron problemas en 43 de los 242 aspectos revisados en inspección efectuada en enero.

Staff (2023-03-25). Cuenten siempre con Cuba en el empeño de consolidar un mundo más justo, solidario y sostenible. cubadebate.cu Cuenten siempre con Cuba en el empeño de consolidar un mundo más justo, solidario y sostenible, que avance hacia el desarrollo y la prosperidad de nuestros pueblos, de los hermanos de sangre, de historia, de batallas y esperanzas. Desde estos deslumbrantes territorios de América, que inspiraron en Alejo Carpentier la idea de lo real maravilloso, siempre que estamos juntos, nos crece la certeza de que sí podemos.

Staff (2023-03-25). Sesiona segmento de alto nivel en XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana. cubadebate.cu Con la presencia de trece jefes de Estado y dos Jefes de Gobierno de Iberoamérica, dos vicepresidentes y seis cancilleres, arrancó este sábado en República Dominicana la primera sesión de alto nivel de la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana. El presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, preside la delegación cubana a la cita.

Mike Walter (2023-03-25). The Heat: Trump Investigation. america.cgtn.com Former US President Donald Trump warns of potential 'death and destruction' if he's charged in a criminal case under investigation in New York. A grand jury in New York is thought to be close to wrapping up its work deciding whether there is 'probable cause' …

_____ (2023-03-25). The Collapse of U.S. Policy in the Middle East. journal-neo.org Now, it is abundantly clear that the United States' dishonest and aggressive Middle East strategy, which is at odds with the aspirations of the Arab world, has utterly failed. The establishment of a multipolar world by Russia, China, and Iran was a significant milestone in this process. The convergence of these three nations and the […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

A Guest Author (2023-03-25). Antiwar statement from inside Ukraine. workers.org The statement below is from the Union of Political Emigrants and Political Prisoners of Ukraine to the March 18 antiwar rally organizers and "to all participants of the peace-supporting events in the U.S. and the E.U. on March 18 and after." Dear Friends! WW PHOTO: Workers World Dear comrades in . . . |

AbdulRahman A Saied (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Nigeria's National Mental Health Act 2021: any challenges ahead? thelancet.com Although mental health problems are widespread in many African nations, they rarely receive the attention they merit. Stigmatisation is a prevalent factor that makes patients reluctant to seek mental health care in most African countries. As knowledge about mental health increased, some African countries, such as Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, and Zambia, began passing legislation and laws to safeguard the rights of individuals who have mental health problems. In 1916, Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, enacted its first mental health legislation, which was called the Lunacy Ordinance.

Angela (2023-03-25). Sunday 3/26: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Blue Box" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Anmol Arora (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Synthetic data: the future of open-access health-care datasets? thelancet.com In modern health care, medical datasets are increasingly being used to improve patient care, including through population health analysis and the development of diagnostic machine learning algorithms. This trend has been a key driver for the development of open-access datasets, giving researchers access to local or national data shared by different institutions. Open-access data can be used to train machine learning algorithms on diverse datasets that have been carefully curated, or to test algorithms that have already been trained by researchers elsewhere to assess their performance when applied to new data.

AS EDITOR (2023-03-25). 19 years after the coup d'état: Statement from Fanmi Lavalas Political Organization. workers.org This Feb. 28 statement from Fanmi Lavalas, a people's party of Haiti, commemorates the February 29, 2004, coup d'état that overthrew Haiti's first democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Fanmi Lavalas honors those who fell during the coup and outlines its call for a Haitian solution to the crisis that has . . . |

Ben Norton (2023-03-25). 'Mexico Is Not a US Colony!': AMLO Condemns Invasion Threats, Celebrates Nationalization of Oil, Lithium. orinocotribune.com By Ben Norton — Mar 22, 2023 | Mexico's leftist President AMLO condemned "hypocritical" Republicans who want the US military to invade, declaring "Mexico is an independent and free country, not a US colony or protectorate!" In a massive rally, López Obrador also celebrated the expropriation of oil and lithium, condemning exploitative foreign corporations. | Mexico's leftist President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) organized a massive rally in the heart of the capital, honoring the anniversary of the country's nationalization of its oil reserves and expropriation of foreign corporations. | AMLO also used…

Benoit Breville, Serge Halimi (2023-03-25). War poker and Imperial moralism. indybay.org After the fall of the Soviet Union, the "war on terrorism" began, which, according to George W. Bush, would end "tyranny in the world." Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq – the U.S. democratic crusades not only cost several million lives, they also brought the restriction of freedoms, McCarthyism, the hunt for whistleblowers. And a series of alliances with dictators…

Bill Scheuerman, Sid Plotkin (2023-03-25). American Labor: Prospects and Possibilities. dissidentvoice.org Starbucks workers at over 100 sites greeted Spring and the company's new CEO by walking off the job. Some pundits hail this action as a reflection of labors' growing new strength. Public approval of unions is at a fifty year high, petitions for union elections are on the upswing, and the recent well-publicized organizing victories …

Canadian Tire Fire (2023-03-25). Canadian Tire Fire #56: International Day Against Police Brutality, Protesting Grocery Store Price Gouging, Mining Convention Disrupted. itsgoingdown.org This week we cover news from the International Day Against Police Brutality, and actions disrupting business as usual at a grocery store and a mining conference. In Montreal, a banner was dropped in solidarity with those arrested for fighting Cop City in Atlanta, and in remembrance of Tortuguita. "At the edge of Weelaunee forest, every…

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-25). New Eastern Monarch Butterfly Count Indicates Pollinator Still Threatened. indybay.org Long-Term Decline of 90% Going Into Endangered Species Act Decision…

Clean Energy Wire (2023-03-25). German Electric Car exports rise more than 65 percent in 2022. juancole.com By Edgar Meza | — ( Clean Energy Wire ) — German exports of electric cars rose more than 65 percent last year to some 500,000 units valued at 24.2 billion euros, statistical office (Destatis) reports. While foreign trade of electric vehicles is growing in significance, combustion-engine automobiles still accounted for the majority of German …

Colin Todhunter (2023-03-25). Bellies of the Rich Swell Further on the Back of Hunger. globalresearch.ca

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-25). Saturday 4/22: WAR REFUGEES: "THREE MINUTES: A LENGTHENING" + SACHS' "ALL ELSE FAILED" indybay.org 992 Valencia St on the corner of 21st and Valencia…

Craig Murray (2023-03-25). Why Would China be an Enemy? globalresearch.ca

Dan Shan (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] China's bewildering medical education pathways. thelancet.com The medical education system in China is widely considered one of the most complex and perplexing in the world. Unlike the standardised medical training in Europe and North America, where all medical graduates hold the same degree and possess a uniform level of clinical proficiency,1 China has multiple, distinct medical education pathways that can last from 3 to 8 years. As a result, medical students in China can receive an entry-level medical degree at varying levels of graduation, allowing them to take the Chinese Medical Licensing Examination and become licensed practitioners.

Defend Democracy Press (2023-03-25). Stop the War, Stop Sending Arms to Ukraine. An Appeal from Brussels. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-25). AUKUS, the Australian Labor Party, and Growing Dissent. globalresearch.ca

East Meadow Action Committee (2023-03-25). East Meadow Update 3/17/23. indybay.org On March 15 and 16, 2023 the UC Regents took up UCSC's latest proposal for Student Housing West. With almost no deliberation they approved the proposal unanimously.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Chinese sports brands see bumper 2022. ecns.cn Major Chinese sports enterprises such as Anta, Xtep and Li-Ning enjoyed considerable growth in 2022, according to annual financial results released in recent days.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). China outmaneuvers U.S. in offering peace plan for Ukraine crisis: former U.S. diplomat. ecns.cn U.S. President Joe Biden watched as China presented to the world a peace plan which China hopes will lead to a peaceful resolution of the year-long Ukraine crisis and which was immediately complimented by Russia and Ukraine.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Expanding Ayakum replaces Bosten as largest lake in Xinjiang. ecns.cn Researchers have observed that Ayakum Lake at the eastern foot of the Kunlun Mountains in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has expanded rapidly, replacing Bosten Lake as the largest lake in Xinjiang.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Huawei achieves breakthrough in EDA tools for chips. ecns.cn Huawei Technologies Co said it has successfully developed electronic design automation, or EDA tools, for chips above 14 nanometers process by partnering with domestic partners, marking a crucial breakthrough for China's semiconductor industry amid the U.S. government restrictions.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). China to further deepen global economic, financial ties. ecns.cn China will advance high-level opening-up of its financial sector as always and further deepen international economic and financial cooperation, a top financial regulatory official said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Chinese envoy urges Security Council to address adverse effects of sanctions on DPRK. ecns.cn A Chinese envoy on Thursday called for the Security Council to address the adverse impact of sanctions against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). PLA warns off US warship for the second time in two days. ecns.cn The People's Liberation Army's Southern Theater Command warned off a United States warship that illegally entered China's territorial waters in the South China Sea for the second time in two days, the Defense Ministry said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Spring break welcomed for some colleges. ecns.cn An announcement for a seven-day spring break from Sichuan Southwest Vocational College of Civil Aviation created online buzz, Beijing Youth Daily reported.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). China extradites murder suspect from Russia. ecns.cn Chinese police have recently extradited a murder suspect from Russia who had been on the run for 27 years, the Ministry of Public Security said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Insights | Rana Mitter: China's poverty reduction achievement an inspiration to global south countries. ecns.cn The just-concluded "Two Sessions" have chartered the future plan for China's development. Amid mounting economic pressures globally, how will China's economy maintain steady growth with resilience and vitality? Rana Mitter, a professor of modern Chinese history and politics at the University of Oxford, shares his views during an exclusive interview with China News Network.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Chinese scientists discover higher yield, alkaline tolerant crop gene. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have identified AT1, a key gene involved in crop alkaline tolerance that may greatly improve crop yield in sodic environments through genetic engineering.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Chinese institute houses most ancient vertebrate animals, humans in Asia. ecns.cn The specimen museum of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) houses over 460,000 fossil and human remains specimens, and has developed into the largest collection institution of ancient vertebrate animals and ancient humans in Asia.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). PLA warns off US warship for the second time in two days. ecns.cn The People's Liberation Army's Southern Theater Command warned off a United States warship that illegally entered China's territorial waters in the South China Sea for the second time in two days, the Defense Ministry said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Spring break welcomed for some colleges. ecns.cn An announcement for a seven-day spring break from Sichuan Southwest Vocational College of Civil Aviation created online buzz, Beijing Youth Daily reported.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). China extradites murder suspect from Russia. ecns.cn Chinese police have recently extradited a murder suspect from Russia who had been on the run for 27 years, the Ministry of Public Security said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Insights | Rana Mitter: China's poverty reduction achievement an inspiration to global south countries. ecns.cn The just-concluded "Two Sessions" have chartered the future plan for China's development. Amid mounting economic pressures globally, how will China's economy maintain steady growth with resilience and vitality? Rana Mitter, a professor of modern Chinese history and politics at the University of Oxford, shares his views during an exclusive interview with China News Network.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Chinese scientists discover higher yield, alkaline tolerant crop gene. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have identified AT1, a key gene involved in crop alkaline tolerance that may greatly improve crop yield in sodic environments through genetic engineering.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Chinese institute houses most ancient vertebrate animals, humans in Asia. ecns.cn The specimen museum of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) houses over 460,000 fossil and human remains specimens, and has developed into the largest collection institution of ancient vertebrate animals and ancient humans in Asia.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Insights | Brazilian economist: I'm impressed by China's resilience. ecns.cn The subjects and policies discussed during the top legislative and political advisory meetings (or the Two Sessions) further demonstrate China's resilience, and the country's scientific and technological development and rural revitalization strategy are of great significance, said Alessandro Teixeira, special economic adviser to former President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). China's first maglev tourism line starts test run. ecns.cn China's first domestic maglev tourism line, the Guangdong – Qingyuan Maglev Tourism Line, started joint debugging and testing on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Ganging up to seek decoupling finds little support: Chinese FM. ecns.cn In response to Hun Sen's remarks, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said they speak to regional countries' aspiration to have peace and cooperation over conflict and confrontation and opposition to coercion and bullying.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). U.S. government urged to stop suppressing foreign companies. ecns.cn Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman on Friday urged the U.S. government to stop suppressing foreign companies and provide an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for those operating in the U.S.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). DPRK tests new underwater attack weapon system. ecns.cn The underwater nuclear attack drone, named "Haeil," has undergone more than 50 shakedown tests for the past two years, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). China presents national report on nuclear safety to IAEA. ecns.cn China presented its national report on nuclear safety during the Joint Eighth and Ninth Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) on Thursday at the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Forum speakers urge respect for diversified approaches to democracy. ecns.cn A group of senior officials and renowned scholars criticized the falsely touted narrative of "democracy versus autocracy" during the opening ceremony of the second International Forum on Democracy: The Shared Human Values in Beijing on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Chinese firm unveils self-developed flight simulator platform expected to provide training support for C919. ecns.cn A Chinese company unveiled a self-developed flight simulator platform on Thursday, and the system is expected to provide technical support for pilot training on aircraft such as the C919, the company said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). China launches polymer material R&D platform. ecns.cn A research team at East China University of Science and Technology recently launched a platform for polymer material research and development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Migratory birds return to Bayanbulak Wetland in Xinjiang. ecns.cn Large numbers of migratory birds, including swans, red ducks, spotted geese and grey cranes returned to the wetland in Bayanbulak when snow began to melt.

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Culture Fact | City of culture: Luoyang. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). In Numbers: China's higher education enrollment ratio reaches 59.6 pct in 2022. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-25). Cradle of Civilization: Mount Wuyi. ecns.cn Mount Wuyi, located in China's southeast province of Fujian, has unique, rare, and exquisite natural landscapes and profound historical and cultural connotations. Mount Wuyi was inscribed on the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List in 1999.

Editor (2023-03-25). The movement against the pension reform. mronline.org On the Threshold of an Uprising?>

Ellen Brown (2023-03-25). Banking Crisis 3.0: Time to Change the Rules of the Game. dissidentvoice.org On CNN March 14, Roger Altman, a former deputy Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration, said that American banks were on the verge of being nationalized: What the authorities did over the weekend was absolutely profound. They guaranteed the deposits, all of them, at Silicon Valley Bank. What that really means … is that they have …

F A Klok, B Siegerink (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Ordinal outcomes add value to clinical trials. thelancet.com We have read with interest Jason Weatherald and colleagues'1 review of novel approaches for achieving more efficient pulmonary arterial hypertension trials. Indeed, the challenge lies in defining meaningful outcomes that are relevant to patients, health-care professionals, and society and also allow for trials that can change clinical practice but require low patient numbers.

Geoff Watts (2023-03-25). [Obituary] Beryl Rica Benacerraf. thelancet.com Renowned radiologist and pioneer of ultrasound in antenatal diagnosis. She was born in New York, NY, USA, on April 29, 1949 and died of cancer in Cambridge, MA, USA, on Oct 1, 2022 aged 73 years.

Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (2023-03-25). Friday 3/24: Rights of Nature: UN Water Conference – SDGs for Protection of Earth's Water Ecosystems. indybay.org Online streaming of in-person U.N. Water Conference session…

Hamaiyal Sana, Paola Ortega, Daniel Scott Corlew, Emmanuel Makasa, Manon Pigeolet (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Orthopaedic surgical needs during disasters. thelancet.com The earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria on Feb 6, 2023, have left behind a massive burden of injuries, of which a large proportion are likely to be orthopaedic injuries.1 Generally, orthopaedic surgery is a field that is highly dependent on expensive equipment and supplies and, in most low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), relies heavily on donations. Türkiye, as an upper-middle-income country, faces different challenges than the war-torn, lower-income country of Syria. However, both are set to face barriers in obtaining sufficient materials specific to their context.

Jan Oberg (2023-03-25). The Iraq War 20 Years Ago — No Shame. No Lessons Learned. No Arrest Order on NATO State Leaders. Jan Oberg. globalresearch.ca

Jason Weatherald, Marc Humbert (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Ordinal outcomes add value to clinical trials — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We thank F A Klok and B Siegerink for their interest in our article and for their suggestion to consider ordinal outcomes for pulmonary arterial hypertension trials. Indeed, an ordinal outcome not only improves the granularity of patient-relevant outcomes compared with a dichotomous outcome, such as mortality, but it can also allow for smaller trial sample sizes than with a mortality outcome.1…

Jeff Pekrul (2023-03-25). Sunday 4/2: The U.S. & Israel: Old Dilemmas, New Problems. indybay.org 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalist Association of San Francisco…

Jeff Pekrul (2023-03-25). Sunday 4/23: Understanding the Movement to Ban Library Books That Challenge Right-Wing Perspectives. indybay.org 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalists Association of San Francisco…

John Mullen (2023-03-25). John Mullen: 'To defend pensions in France, we need a general strike'. greenleft.org.au John Mullen describes the escalating revolt against pensions attacks in France and argues for an indefinite strike to defeat Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron's attack on workers.

Jonathan Turley (2023-03-25). Combating "Skepticism": Federal Grant Funds New Effort to Combat "Misinformation" globalresearch.ca

Juan Cole (2023-03-25). Constitutional Crisis Threatens to Tear Israel Apart as Att'y-Gen. takes on Netanyahu and 200 Reservist Pilots refuse to Fly. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — On Thursday, the Israeli parliament passed a law preventing the Supreme Court from removing a sitting prime minister for inability to carry out his or her duties. This move was tactical, not strategic. Prime Minister Netanyahu is on trial for corruption, and he agreed with the Supreme Court in 2020 …

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-25). Senior Climate Activists Stop Dirty Banks. indybay.org "We will not go to our graves quietly knowing that the financial institutions in our own communities continue to fund the climate crisis," said longtime environmentalist Bill McKibben.

Labor Video Project (2023-03-25). The Pajaro Levee Break, Immigrants, Labor & Climate Crisis With PVFT1936's Pamela Sexton. indybay.org PVFT Local 1936 Delegate Pamela Beth Sexton adult education teacher talks about the effect of the broken levee on the immigrant farmworker community, systemic racism and the role these farmworkers play in our economy.

Labor Video Project (2023-03-25). SEIU99/UTLA Membership Voices On Their Strike & Struggle: United We Stand, Divided We Fall. indybay.org Thirty thousand SEIU 99 LAUSD service workers went out on a three day unfair labor practice strike on March 21, 2023 to March 23, 2023. The UTLA members joined the picket line and this united action was a first. Workers spoke out about their conditions and struggles.

Lee Siu Hin, National Immigrant Solidarity N (2023-03-25). Spring 2023 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Immigrant Justice News Alert! indybay.org Under Biden Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the U.S., Anti-Asian Hate Crimes in the U.S. are the Direct Result of Washington's Foreign Policy…

Liyang Sun, Hangdong Jia, Tian Yang (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Chinese medical personnel after the COVID-19 pandemic. thelancet.com As the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end in China,1 medical personnel who have worked tirelessly to fight the omicron (B.1.1.529) variant are now facing a new challenge. Despite their heroic efforts, many of them are now struggling to receive the financial compensation they deserve.2…

Marco De Ambrogi (2023-03-25). [Perspectives] Love and inequality. thelancet.com Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare's story of the two star-crossed lovers written in 1597 and set in Verona, Italy, has fascinated audiences for centuries. The appeal of the tragic fate of two adolescent lovers driven to a dramatic end by the opposition of their families continues to resonate among young generations. There have been many modern adaptations of Romeo and Juliet, including the musical West Side Story and Baz Luhrmann's movie Romeo + Juliet. Welsh playwright Gary Owen has now created his own adaptation, Romeo and Julie, set in modern day Splott, a suburb of Cardiff, in Wales, UK.

Martha Grevatt (2023-03-25). Michigan: Movements spur legislative victories. workers.org The scene at the Michigan Capitol in Lansing March 14 was reminiscent of mass protests there in December 2012. At that time union members packed the State House to pressure then-Governor Rick Snyder not to sign a bill making Michigan a "right-to-work" state. But Snyder broke his campaign promise not . . . |

Mary T Bassett (2023-03-25). [Perspectives] Black women in medicine in the USA: telling their stories. thelancet.com The name Elizabeth Blackwell is probably familiar. Born in the UK, she was the first woman in the USA to be awarded a medical degree. In Twice as Hard: The Stories of Black Women Who Fought to Become Physicians, from the Civil War to the 21st Century, Jasmine Brown spans over 150 years to introduce nine less well known names: Black American women who became physicians. These were remarkable women. Rebecca Lee Crumpler (1831—95) was, in 1864, the first Black woman to earn a medical degree in the USA.

Matildo Khan (2023-03-25). Imran Khan, a Zionist Army Chief, and Pakistan-Israel Normalization. dissidentvoice.org Historical Precedent While many base Pakistan's enmity towards Israel on the latter's post-1948 transgressions such as occupying Gaza and West Bank, military incursions in Gaza, ethnic cleansing of Arabs, building unlawful Israeli settlements, and innumerable other events, this is an incomplete story. Pakistan's opposition to Israel can be traced back to Muhammad Iqbal and Muhammad …

Matt Kennard (2023-03-25). BP Extracted Iraqi Oil Worth £15BN After British Invasion. globalresearch.ca

Michael Harris (2023-03-25). 11th Annual Pan African and Global Trade and Investment Conference Media Event Luncheon. indybay.org Early support for our 11th Annual, Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference is from our Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development, key California Legislative leaders, California Chamber of Commerce, California Black Chamber of Commerce, California Farm Bureau, California State University Sacramento and University of California, Davis.

Michael Harris (2023-03-25). Friday 3/24: Media Event / Luncheon for 11th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference. indybay.org Town and Country Grand Ballroom | 1215 J Street | Downtown Sacramento…

MichaelMoore (2023-03-25). Friday 3/24: "Bowling for Columbine" 20th Anniversary of Oscar Win – Watch for FREE. indybay.org Watch online for FREE…

Nayvin Gordon, M.D. (2023-03-25). General Strike Can Root Out "Taliban" Embedded in U.S. Government and Supreme Court. indybay.org Religious fanatics are taking away our rights and replacing them with god-given rights—this must be stopped…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is the best sleeping position? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most people spend a third of their lives either asleep or resting, according to the Sleep Foundation. During sleep, the body recharges and repairs itself. And a good night's sleep often can be determined by what position you are lying in bed. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/F_x-SDYUvZk Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 11) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Back-sleepers beware. "I know…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Know the signs of strep throat in children. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Image courtesy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is monitoring an increase in invasive group A Streptococcus infections in children. "Group A streptococcal disease is a group of conditions caused by a bacteria called 'group A strep,'" says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. "The one that people are probably most familiar with is strep throat. Strep throat is a relatively common infection,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Consumer Health: Are you at risk for MS? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MS Awareness Week will be observed March 12—19, which makes this a good time to learn about who might be at risk of developing this potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis, or MS, affects nearly 1 million people living in the U.S., according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. With MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers, and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Consumer Health: Nutritional needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org March is National Nutrition Month, which makes this a good time to learn about your nutritional needs during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. During pregnancy, the basic principles of healthy eating remain the same — get plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. However, a few nutrients in a pregnancy diet deserve special attention. The nutrients to pay special attention to while you're pregnant include: CalciumYou and your baby need calcium for strong…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Science Saturday: New standards and open access can help natural language processing. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Clinical notes in medical records are rich sources of data about human health. But tapping them for medical research can be challenging because these data come from various sources — and they all look different. "There's no standardization in how data is organized and classified across medical records systems," says Sunyang Fu, Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic biomedical informatics researcher. Even the language people use to talk about health can insert discrepancies in how data are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How a heart condition affects the kidneys and causes swelling. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently began experiencing swelling in my legs, feet and hands, as well as fatigue. Testing led to a diagnosis of pericardial constriction. Can you explain what this is and how it's treated? Is there anything I can do to reduce the swelling? ANSWER: Pericardial constriction is a condition with multiple possible causes. It can be due to underlying medical conditions and may even result from certain medical treatments. Swelling, or edema, is one…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic Minute: How is kidney cancer treated? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org More than 50,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with kidney cancer each year. Risks factors for developing this type of cancer include environmental exposures, such as smoking, high blood pressure, a history of kidney failure, obesity or not having a healthy weight. And there are also hereditary syndromes that may increase your risk for kidney cancer. Dr. Thai Ho, a Mayo Clinic oncologist who specializes in genitourinary malignancies, says there are no screening tests…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Travel safety tips. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a group of friends with whom I love to travel. We plan several trips a year, and this spring we are planning to go outside the U.S. and visit the Caribbean. We will stay at an all-inclusive resort in a popular destination and do a few sightseeing day trips in the area. Are there things we should do to be safe while traveling? ANSWER: Travel is always a fun activity to enjoy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Pelvic floor issues aren't just a woman's health condition, Kegels can work for men, too. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org LA CROSSE, Wis. — Women often are told about the importance of Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. It turns out that men should think about doing the exercises as well. Statistics show that 32% of women will have at least one pelvic floor disorder (PFD) at one time in their life. However, a recent study suggests that although much attention is directed toward women pelvic floor disorders, 16% of men have also been identified…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you using a salt substitute? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Salt substitutes can be an effective way to help lower your blood pressure and fight heart disease. But experts warn that overuse of certain salt substitutes or alternatives can be dangerous for some people. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains why you should use caution with using a salt substitute. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/h_cy5G5EBPs Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting a massage from a robot may seem like something out of a science fiction story, but it could be a reality in the not-too-distant future. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is looking into the possibility of robotic massage as an answer for patients' pain relief and alleviating some staffing burdens. Watch: Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic youtu.be/GXEXUCCCGzI Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 17) is in the downloads at the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic in Rochester top ranked on 'America's Best Fertility Clinics' in Newsweek rankings. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic in Rochester was ranked No. 9 in the nation by Newsweek in its list of "America's Best Fertility Clinics," released in February. This ranking is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the Reproductive endocrinology and infertility team at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. "Our clinic is in the top 10 among the 100 top fertility clinics," says Samir Babayev, M.D., Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, IVF Clinical Director. "This is a recognition of the excellence…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic opens patient information office in Indonesia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org JAKARTA, Indonesia — Mayo Clinic has opened a patient information office in Jakarta to assist patients, their families, referring physicians and insurance brokers in Indonesia. The office is Mayo Clinic's first in Southeast Asia. The office staff, fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, will help patients, their families and physicians who refer patients to make appointments at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London. "We…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Women in science: Q&A with Robin Patel, M.D. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Robin Patel, M.D. Two events held early each year are opportunities to support and recognize the contributions of women in scientific fields. In February, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science promotes full and equal access to and participation in science. Women's History Month in March is an opportunity to recognize women who have made significant contributions to science. Mayo Clinic physician researcher Robin Patel, M.D., shares her perspective and advice for others pursuing a research career in this…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). How does red tide impact beachgoers? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Florida beach along Gulf Coat, 2023 Many people are flocking to the Gulf Coast for spring break. However, toxic red tide algal blooms have put beachgoers and residents on alert. In the Gulf of Mexico, red tide is caused by a microscopic organism called Karenia brevis. The organism was detected in 172 samples along Florida's Gulf Coast earlier this week, according to Florida officials. Dead fish and other marine life are washed ashore on beaches because of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Match Day at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Fourth-year students at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota learned where they will continue their residency training on March 17. Also, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education learned who would be its incoming Mayo residents through the National Resident Matching Program. The medical students opened their envelopes at 11 a.m. CDT discovering their future specialties and residency training locations. Match Day, held on the third Friday in March, is when medical school students and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Five ways AI promises to transform organ transplants. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to become a valuable tool for transplant to save more patients' lives. Recent studies have already shown promise in using AI to analyze large sets of data to discover important trends and patterns. In this expert alert, Mayo Clinic transplant experts share how this technology may improve outcomes for patients. "Physicians once practiced medicine without CT scans and with only limited lab tests. Now, these tools…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Ready to Run: Mayo Clinic Health System gives tips on planning for a long race. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MANKATO, Minn. — You've thought about it for years. You've dreamed of crossing the finish line. It's on your bucket list, or maybe it's become a tradition. You've registered for a long-distance race like a 5K, 10K, half-marathon or marathon. So now's the time to plan and prepare for your big day. This critical process will be shaped by your experience and fitness level. First, get real and be honest with yourself. It can take…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic cancer expert highlights advancements in treating multiple myeloma. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — March is Myeloma Awareness Month, and Sikander Ailawadhi, M.D., hematologist/oncologist at Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, shares details about new advancements in research leading to better outcomes for patients with multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon form of blood cancer in the bone marrow that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, according to the American Cancer Society. While there is no cure, the disease can be treated with…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-25). Mayo Clinic Minute: Can the MIND diet improve brain health? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You might be hearing more about the MIND diet of late. A recent study has added to the evidence that the diet, which includes a variety of brain-friendly foods, may help protect against Alzheimer's disease. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Angie Murad, a registered dietitian and nutritionist and patient educator at Mayo Clinic, explains the benefits of incorporating foods included in the MIND diet. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/hoPg4bkKemQ Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 01) is…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-25). Multipolarity Was Triggered by the 2003 US Invasion of Iraq. orinocotribune.com By Karin Kneissl — Mar, 20 2023 | Twenty years after the unlawful and destabilizing US-led invasion of Iraq, Washington must face the ultimate consequence of that war: UNSC powers China and Russia laying the foundation for a genuine, UN Charter-based system of multipolarism. | On the night of 19-20 March, 2003, the US air force began bombing the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. The EU and NATO were deeply divided on whether to join the aggression: While newer NATO members from Central and Eastern Europe were in favor of the war, European heavyweights Paris and Berlin opposed it. | The Iraq war also marked the onset o…

Peace for Ukraine (2023-03-25). Anti War March Draws Some Counter Protesters. indybay.org Several hundred anti war demonstrators and a handful of counter protesters in San Francisco's Mission District on March 18.

Phillip E Morgan, Ragai R Mitry (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Recent cases of acute hepatitis in children. thelancet.com Potential causes of the cases of acute hepatitis in children in the UK over the past year were discussed by Anil Dhawan and Sunitha Vimalesvaran,1 noting the presence of adenovirus subtype 41F in the majority of cases and suggesting the hepatitis was caused by an aberrant immune response to the virus rather than by the virus itself.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-25). Twelve Years Ago: The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria. Who Was Behind the 2011 "Protest Movement"? globalresearch.ca It was not a protest movement, it was an armed insurgency integrated by US-Israeli & allied supported "jihadist" death squads. From Day One, the Islamist "freedom fighters" were supported, trained & equipped by NATO & Turkey's High Command.

Ralph Nader (2023-03-25). The 20th Anniversary of the Sociocide of Iraq by Bush/Cheney. globalresearch.ca

Ramon du Houx (2023-03-25). Elected officials and coalition groups urge the Legislature to enact price gouging bill. indybay.org EOPA California, representing over 462 elected officials from 49 counties, strongly supports protecting consumers from oil price gouging with SBX1-2. EOPA California has a letter specifically for elected officials to sign in support of SB1-2 (Skinner). In just five days 108 have signed, and the number is rising daily.

Richard Horton (2023-03-25). [Comment] Offline: The XX paradox. thelancet.com "Women and Black researchers are less likely to hold multiple NIH grants." "Female scientists miss out on career advances abroad." "Time stands still for white male dons of Oxford." Three recent headlines from Science, Nature, and The Times. Despite The Lancet's proclamation in 2019 that "Feminism is for everybody", the truth is that women remain excluded from many of the most senior roles in medicine and global health. An important report published by Women in Global Health last week—The State of Women and Leadership in Health—sets out the gap between words and deeds.

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). Georgian head of state again warns of coordinated coup/new war front campaign. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaMarch 24, 2023 PM Again Talks "Second Front" and Criticizes the Opposition On March 24, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili was questioned in the Parliament under the interpellation procedure…..[T]he PM once again spoke about the ongoing war in Ukraine and the efforts to open a "second front" in Georgia in this context, accusing the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). Latvia: Canada leads NATO combat exercise near Russian border. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMultinational Corps NortheastMarch 25, 2023 NATO eFP Battlegroup Latvia proceeds with Combat Readiness Evaluation SZCZECIN, Poland — Having completed their preparation exercise Wolverine Shield/Strike, NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) Battlegroup Latvia has kicked off exercise Crystal Arrow 23, which will serve as a Combat Readiness Evaluation (CREVAL) test for this Canadian-led unit comprising multiple NATO …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). NATO in Estonia: King's Royal Hussars pass baton to Queen's Royal Hussars with support of French Foreign Legion. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMultinational Corps NortheastMarch 22, 2023 The Queen's Royal Hussars take command of NATO eFP Battlegroup Estonia supported by the French Foreign Legion On March 19, the Tapa Military Base, Estonia, saw the transfer of authority ceremony from Britain's own The King's Royal Hussars to The Queen's Royal Hussars (QRH) who took the helm of NATO's …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). NATO killed international law 24 years ago: Serbian president. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com TanjugMarch 24, 2023 Vucic: International law died 24 years ago, but Serbian spirit was not broken International law died 24 years ago, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday at the main ceremony commemorating the anniversary of the start of the 1999 NATO aggression on Serbia, noting that, at the time, big powers had tried …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). NATO's northern flank: Nordic nations form 250-advanced-generation warplane joint force, may house U.S., Canadian counterparts. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense NewsMarch 24, 2023 Nordic countries move toward linking their air forces: 250 planes The Nordic countries have moved to deepen air force cooperation to bolster the region's air defenses. The initiative, covered by a Joint Declaration of Intent (JDI), takes place against the backdrop of persisting security tensions…impacting the High North and Baltic Sea …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). Photo, video: Serbs mark Day of Remembrance of the Victims of NATO Aggression. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com B92March 24, 2023 24 years since the NATO attack; Growing number of people gather in Sombor Exactly 24 years ago, sirens announced NATO aggression against Serbia. In 11 weeks, about 2,500 civilians and about 1,000 soldiers and policemen had died. In Serbia, the Day of Remembrance for those killed in NATO aggression is being celebrated, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). Swedish FM bemoans: haven't we debased ourselves sufficiently, extradited enough Kurds? antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The LocalMarch 18, 2023 Swedish foreign minister disappointed by Turkey not acting on Nato bid Turkey has sought the extradition of dozens of Kurdish and other suspects it accuses of ties to outlawed militants and a failed 2016 coup attempt. On Friday, the Turkish head of state said Sweden had still not agreed to extradite …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-25). U.S. NATO contingent in Europe: dancing for WWIII. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com U.S. Army Europe and AfricaMarch 16, 2023 66th Military Intelligence Brigade hosts women's health panel U.S. Army Lt. Col. Erica Kane, commander, Wiesbaden Army Health Clinic, Regional Health Command-Europe, speaks about women's health and putting people first during a Women's Health Question and Answer Panel….

Sarmad Ishfaq (2023-03-25). The Terrorist Forefathers of Israel: The Irgun and Lehi. dissidentvoice.org To the unbiased eye, Israel's true colors are not obfuscated due to its innumerable crimes against the Palestinians whether in the form of innocent Gazans being killed or the proliferation of illegal settlements in the West Bank. It is interesting to note that the state of Israel and the IDF's (Israel Defence Forces) terrorist proclivities …

Sima Barmania, Michael Reiss (2023-03-25). [World Report] Pope Francis and health. thelancet.com On his election 10 years ago, Pope Francis was hailed as a voice of modernisation. Has his papacy made a difference to health? Sima Barmania and Michael Reiss report.

Sixty Plus (2023-03-25). Are You in Your "Third Act"? These Older Folks Demonstrated to Save the Climate. indybay.org Despite some of the stormiest weather San Francisco has seen in a long time, these brave elders showed up and cut up to stop climate change.

Steven Sahiounie (2023-03-25). Richard T. Perle's 1996 "Clean Break" Report to Destroy Syria and Iraq. globalresearch.ca

Suds, Snacks,, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-03-25). Saturday 4/1: What are the Prospects for World Peace? indybay.org The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705 | Also accessible online…

Sunitha Vimalesvaran, Anita Verma, Anil Dhawan (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Recent cases of acute hepatitis in children — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We thank Phillip E Morgan and Ragai R Mitry for their letter regarding our Correspondence entitled Hunting down the cause of acute hepatitis in children.1 Our focus in that Comment was to summarise existing data on the increase in the number of cases of acute hepatitis in children and possible pathogenesis of this condition. Morgan and Mitry propose an additional lifestyle component (in particular, foods containing additives such as some colourings) that could have exacerbated hepatocyte damage during the co-infection period.

Talha Burki (2023-03-25). [World Report] The health consequences of crowd-control weapons. thelancet.com Two new reports outline how the increasingly indiscriminate use of weapons such as rubber bullets, tear gas, and batons on protestors is harming health and human rights. Talha Burki reports.

teleSUR -dcdc, DRL (2023-03-25). Presidente brasileño pospone un día viaje a China por neumonía. telesurtv.net China es el principal socio comercial de Brasil, por lo que el gobierno del líder progresista buscará ampliar los intercambios.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2023-03-25). Bolivia impulsa Organización de Países Productores de Litio. telesurtv.net El vicecanciller de Bolivia planteó como un desafío "intercambiar información, tecnología y cooperación" entre los países que cuentan con reservas de litio.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2023-03-25). Nigeria ultima a 40 terroristas del llamado Estado Islámico. telesurtv.net Un vocero nigeriano declaró que al menos 18 miembros de los grupos Boko Haram y el autodenominado Estado Islámico de la Provincia de África Occidental fueron asesinados.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-25). Posponen visita de rey Carlos III a Francia debido a protestas. telesurtv.net Desde el Palacio del Elíseo se explicó la suspensión del viaje debido al anuncio de nuevas protestas contra la reforma de las pensiones.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-25). Exigen libertad para defensores del agua en El Salvador. telesurtv.net En Centroamérica, El Salvador es el país con el mayor deterioro de los bienes hídricos: posee la menor reserva de agua dulce y el 90 % de sus ríos están contaminados…

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-25). Admiten a trámite solicitud de juicio político contra el presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net La decisión de llevar el pedido de juicio político contra Lasso a la Corte Constitucional recibió cinco de siete votos a favor.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-25). Cancilleres concluyen encuentro previo a Cumbre Iberoamericana. telesurtv.net Los documentos incluyen una propuesta nombrada Ruta Crítica de Seguridad Alimentaria, Incluyente y Sostenible en Iberoamérica.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-25). México presenta propuesta para organizar Juegos Olímpicos de 2036. telesurtv.net Ebrard resaltó que en muchas regiones, México cuenta con la infraestructura necesaria para albergar unas olimpiadas exitosas.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-25). Denuncian falta de transparencia electoral en Guatemala. telesurtv.net Rechazan maniobras del Tribunal Supremo Electoral. Señalan que violenta las leyes para excluir a los candidatos de los pueblos indígenas de los próximos comicios.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-25). México rechaza declaraciones de funcionario de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Presidente de México afirma que no hay lugar en su país donde no haya presencia de la autoridad.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-25). Arriban líderes a Santo Domingo para Cumbre Iberoamericana. telesurtv.net Participan jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de América Latina y el Caribe junto a España, Portugal y Andorra.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-25). Eligen a Dilma Rousseff como presidenta del banco de los Brics. telesurtv.net El banco fue creado "con el propósito de movilizar recursos para infraestructura y proyectos de desarrollo sostenible en el Brics".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-25). Evacúan a más de 1.500 personas por incendio forestal en España. telesurtv.net En la tarde estaban desplegándose por la zona activa 18 aviones y helicópteros y más de 500 bomberos.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-25). OPS insta a reforzar medidas contra la tuberculosis. telesurtv.net "Es nuestra responsabilidad colectiva poner fin a esta enfermedad prevenible y curable", precisó el organismo.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-25). Registran 375 casos de tuberculosis en Costa Rica en 2022. telesurtv.net En el 2021, el Ministerio manifestó que se produjeron un total de 34 fallecimientos.

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-03-25). Acaba huelga escolar en Los àÅngeles pero anuncian más protestas. telesurtv.net La protesta terminó este jueves con una manifestación masiva en el Parque Histórico Estatal de Los Ángeles.

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-03-25). Suman diez días de ataques de narcos en Rio Grande do Norte. telesurtv.net Se ha vivido tensión y poco acceso a servicios públicos como recolección de basura, sanitarios no esenciales o clases.

teleSUR, nama, YSM (2023-03-25). ONU: el hambre anula esfuerzos para la estabilización de Haití. telesurtv.net Muy cercana a la categoría de hambruna, se encuentran áreas del sur, el noroeste y el noreste de Haití.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-25). Comienza la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net La Cumbre se inauguró en la fortaleza colonial de Ozama, primera estructura militar permanente de América.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-25). Declaran emergencia sanitaria por leptospirosis en Durán, Ecuador. telesurtv.net Según las autoridades, los 51 contagios superan las estadísticas que se tienen de años anteriores.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-25). Italia devuelve a México 43 piezas arqueológicas prehispánicas. telesurtv.net La devolución tuvo lugar en la sede de la Embajada de México en Italia, ante la presencia de la secretaria de Cultura, Alejandra Frausto Guerrero…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-25). Paraguay acumula 60 muertos por chikungunya. telesurtv.net Según indicó la cartera sanitaria, en las últimas semanas se han confirmado 13.010 casos de chikungunya.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-25). Parlamento de Ecuador evalúa requisitos de juicio contra Lasso. telesurtv.net El titular del parlamento, Virgilio Saquicela, convocó para las 15: 20 (hora local) la sesión que será de manera virtual.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-25). Nuevo bombardeo de EE.UU. a Siria deja al menos ocho muertos. telesurtv.net Los ataques estadounidenses fueron contra supuestas instalaciones de grupos cercanos a la Guardia Revolucionaria iraní.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-25). Organizaciones argentinas se movilizan en el Día de la Memoria. telesurtv.net Alberto Fernández afirmó que "como cada 24 de marzo, nos abrazamos y marchamos poniendo en valor la memoria colectiva".

The Green Arcade (2023-03-25). Saturday 4/15: A Celebration of the Life of Poet and Writer Jim Nisbet. indybay.org The 3rd Floor Edward McRoskey Loft | 1687 Market Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Thomas Walter & GW Smigielski (2023-03-25). Financial crisis – it's crashing again and The time of change. indybay.org

UFCLP (2023-03-25). Monday 3/27: Jail Former SF Federal Reserve Member & Silicon Valley Bank President/CEO Greg Becker. indybay.org San Francisco Federal Reserve | 101 California St. | San Francisco…

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-25). Eight Remain in Jail from March 5 Weelaunee Forest Raid, 15 Released. unicornriot.ninja

via Russell Brutsche (2023-03-25). Friday 3/31: Santa Cruz Hi-Rise. indybay.org Resource Center for Non-Violence, 612 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz…

Workers World Boston bureau (2023-03-25). Masking for COVID-19 mitigation and safety is anti-capitalist solidarity. workers.org On Feb. 6, the Boston branch of Workers World Party collectively decided and unanimously voted, prompted by young and disabled comrades and candidates, to reaffirm our Party's position of solidarity with our class regarding the pandemic with the resolution below, explaining the branch's masking protocols to the movement. Members and . . . |

WSWS (2023-03-25). Lawsuit over Vermont Law School murals depicting slavery lands in Court of Appeals. wsws.org Kerson's mural, comprising two 8'àó24′ panels titled Vermont, the Underground Railroad and Vermont and the Fugitive Slave, is significant from a historical, political and artistic perspective.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Treasury secretary Yellen twists to the power of money. wsws.org Over the course of three days this week, Yellen flip flopped on the question of guarantees for ultra wealthy bank depositors before predictably falling into line with the demands of Wall Street.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Teachers in Bolivia stage national strike against police repression by MAS government. wsws.org The government of President Luis Arce made clear its rejection of any concessions by unleashing riot police against a march of teachers in La Paz on Wednesday.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Los Angeles teacher: Pay for school workers "is not enough to support a family" wsws.org On the first day of the Los Angeles schools strike, the World Socialist Web Site spoke with Max, a fifth grade teacher who has been teaching for 24 years in LAUSD.

WSWS (2023-03-25). US bombs Syria in defense of its illegal occupation. wsws.org The air strikes along with the continuing occupation of Syria are among the myriad of war crimes committed by US imperialism across the Middle East.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Canada's Waterloo University backs down on threat to cancel IYSSE anti-war meeting. wsws.org The University of Waterloo has backed off from its threat to arbitrarily cancel an International Youth and Students for Social Equality anti-war meeting to be held next Tuesday, March 28, at its campus in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario.

WSWS (2023-03-25). IMF declares its Sri Lankan program a "brutal experiment" wsws.org The government's ruthless austerity drive, dictated by the IMF, is to pay the international credit sharks and boost corporate profits.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Bring down the Macron government! wsws.org This week's tumultuous events in France have torn the "democratic" mask off the capitalist state, exposing it as a dictatorship of the financial oligarchy.

WSWS (2023-03-25). IMF props up Ukraine with $15.6 billion loan package. wsws.org The IMF loan package is intended to bolster a government dedicated to continuing an imperialist proxy war that continues to ruin countless lives.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Norfolk Southern CEO stonewalls on safety in second US Senate hearing on East Palestine, Ohio derailment. wsws.org Both Democratic and Republican senators on the Commerce Committee made clear in Wednesday's hearing that they had no intentions of developing meaningful safety regulations if they cut across the industry's profit margins.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Strike wave sweeps across the Netherlands. wsws.org This new wave of strikes takes place against the backdrop of relentless anti-Russian hysteria and intensified propaganda in the media to justify NATO's war in Ukraine.

WSWS (2023-03-25). US Congress holds anti-China witch-hunt at TikTok hearing. wsws.org On Thursday, the US House Energy and Commerce Committee put on a five-hour spectacle of xenophobia, anticommunism and anti-Chinese invective, focussed on demands to ban TikTok, the sixth most popular social network in the world.

WSWS (2023-03-25). Manhattan district attorney in sex scandal case receives mail death threat as Trump warned of "death and destruction" if charged. wsws.org The New York Police Department confirmed that a package sent to DA Alvin Bragg's office contained "suspicious white powder."

WSWS (2023-03-25). The revival of the Berlin-Tokyo Axis. wsws.org The rapprochement between Germany and Japan comes at a time when both countries are abandoning all military restraint and massively rearming.

Anonymous103 (2023-03-25). In Video: Fighting For Ruins In Maryinka. southfront.org Illustrative Image | The town of Maryinka located on the south-western outskirts of Donetsk was completely destroyed by heavy battles. Clashes in the city began in March 2022 and continue to this day. | After Russian forces took control of the eastern and central districts, clashes continue in the western part of Maryinka. On March 24, the acting head of the DPR Denis Pushilin commented on the ongoing battle for the town, claiming that Ukrainian forces are in control of a small area in the western part of the town. The DPR could cla…

Staff (2023-03-25). Alina Balseiro: "El país está listo para asumir las elecciones nacionales" (+ Video). cubadebate.cu "El país está listo para asumir las elecciones nacionales. Hemos controlado cada dificultad que existió en la prueba dinámica del pasado domingo, en aras de que este 26 de marzo sea una jornada de triunfo para Cuba", afirmó la presidenta del Consejo Electoral Nacional Alina Balseiro Gutiérrez en la Mesa Redonda de este viernes.

Staff (2023-03-25). Danhiz Díaz Pereira: Ser diputado es una oportunidad que conlleva un compromiso moral (+ Fotos y Podcast). cubadebate.cu Si la teoría de que los líderes nacen fuera cierta, Danhiz Díaz Pereira sería la prueba fehaciente que confirma esa hipótesis. Desde su etapa estudiantil son muchos los que lo siguen y acompañan en un camino que eligió desde que tuvo conciencia de que dedicaría su vida a hacer por los demás y a no descansar en ese afán de tener una Cuba mejor.

Staff (2023-03-25). Serie Calendario: Conflictos más agudos para que seamos mejores seres humanos (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu La primera temporada finalizó y los muchachos del 9no 3 crecieron y ahora vuelven vestidos de azul, en el preuniversitario, en una segunda temporada, con problemas más oscuros y crueles como las drogas o la muerte del hermano pequeño de Leonardo. Amalia detrás, como fiel guardiana, acompañando a sus estudiantes e intentando inyectarles una dosis de sensibilidad.

Staff (2023-03-25). 26 de marzo: El voto es por la Patria. cubadebate.cu En ameno diálogo con productores de la finca La Claudia, concluyó este viernes el recorrido de los siete candidatos a diputados nominados por Arroyo Naranjo, en La Habana. Sobre episodios de nuestra historia nacional, la obra revolucionaria en beneficio del campesinado cubano, la relevancia de estas elecciones nacionales y del voto por todos, reflexionaron los participantes en el encuentro.

Staff (2023-03-25). Celebran el aniversario 55 del Jardín Botánico Nacional. cubadebate.cu La trayectoria y resultados del Jardín Botánico Nacional de Cuba como centro de referencia para los estudios botánicos en el país, sus aportes como espacio de ciencia, docencia y recreación con un contenido ambiental fueron destacados este viernes durante el acto por el aniversario 55 de la institución adscripta a la Universidad de La Habana.

Staff (2023-03-25). Entregan Premio Nacional de Cine 2023 a Magaly Pompa Batista. cubadebate.cu El Premio Nacional de Cine 2023 se entregó hoy a la especialista en maquillaje Magaly Pompa Batista, en la Casa del Festival del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano en La Habana. Magaly ha trabajado en más de 40 producciones nacionales e internacionales, entre las que destacan Lucía (1968), Cecilia (1982), El Benny (2006) y José Martí: el ojo del canario (2011).

Staff (2023-03-25). Las 3 del día: Qué debe saber sobre la tuberculosis, las relaciones entre China y EEUU y otras noticias de la semana (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Las periodistas Karina Rodríguez y Claudia Fonseca nos acompañan como cada viernes para actualizarnos de lo más trascendental ocurrido en los últimos siete días. Comenzamos hablando sobre la Tuberculosis y después profundizamos en cómo marchan las relaciones entre China y Estados Unidos. Además el Canciller cubano Bruno Rodríguez nos adelanta las expectativas de Cuba sobre la 28 Cumbre Iberoamericana.

Staff (2023-03-25). Ministerio del Transporte desarrolla proyectos con firmas extranjeras para mejorar sus servicios. cubadebate.cu De varios proyectos con firmas foráneas, algunos en negociación y otros ya en marcha, dispone el Ministerio de Transporte (MITRANS) con vistas a captar la mayor cantidad de divisas con las cuales incrementar y mejorar los servicios destinados a la población, además de la infraestructura y logística de sus instalaciones y medios.

Staff (2023-03-25). Conmemoraron aniversario 65 de la Comandancia de El Aguacate en el II Frente Oriental. cubadebate.cu Con una ceremonia político cultural fue conmemorado, este 23 de marzo, el aniversario 65 del establecimiento por el entonces Comandante guerrillero Raúl Castro Ruz, de la primera Comandancia del Segundo Frente Oriental Frank País García, el 26 de marzo de 1958, en las montañas del actual municipio de El Salvador, en Guantánamo.

Staff (2023-03-25). Ecuador: Aprueban solicitud de juicio político contra el presidente Guillermo Lasso. cubadebate.cu La Comisión Especializada Ocasional por la Verdad, Justicia y la Lucha contra la Corrupción de la AN, aprobó un informe que recomienda un juicio político contra el mandatario. Sería por "la comisión por omisión", lo que implicaría que el jefe de Estado, conociendo los actos de corrupción en las empresas públicas, habría preferido callar y no actuar.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-25). Al menos 24 muertos deja paso de tornado en sureste de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Un tornado arrasó la noche del viernes una zona rural de Mississippi y Alabama, destruyendo edificios e interrumpiendo el servicio eléctrico…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-25). Manifestantes en Surinam piden renuncia del presidente. telesurtv.net La manifestación se realizó en la Plaza de la Independencia en el centro de la capital, cerca del Palacio Presidencial, en contra de la ley electoral de Surinam.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-25). Cuba se declara lista para las elecciones del domingo próximo. telesurtv.net La jornada electoral dará inicio a las 07: 00 hora local (11: 00 GMT) y concluirá a las 18: 00 (22: 00 GMT), detalló Balseiro.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-25). Acusado del magnicidio en Haití se declara culpable. telesurtv.net El hombre de origen haitiano-chileno declaró haber entregado "apoyo material y recursos" para secuestrar y asesinar a Moïse.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-25). Aumentan casos de dengue y chikungunya en Argentina. telesurtv.net En lo que va del año 2023, se ha notificado en la nación un total de 9.388 casos de dengue.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-25). Explosión en fábrica en Pensilvania, EE.UU., deja dos muertos. telesurtv.net La alcaldesa de West Reading, Samantha Kaag, pidió que cualquier persona en un radio de una cuadra se mantuviera alejada.

teleSUR- jah, JGN (2023-03-25). Conoce cinco obras esenciales del escritor Rodolfo Walsh. telesurtv.net Rodolfo Walsh conjugó su rol intelectual con el talento periodístico en función de aportar a la lucha contra la dictadura militar.

Weekly Trust (2023-03-25). California will respond to the Pan African Congress call for better seed movement. indybay.org Our California Pan African World Food and Ag Pavilion will offer proposed opportunities towards solutions that offer greater access to global seed research and development. 'We need to hear from farmers how we can continuously and sustainably bridge the gap between seed companies and the farming community, now more pronounced mainly by the negative impact of climate change. On our side, we will endeavor to work with the farmers to help increase the resilience and profitability of African farming in the face of climate change and other challenges,'

Felix Abt (2023-03-24). How Zelensky was Prevented From Making Peace in the Donbas. covertactionmagazine.com

infobrics (2023-03-24). China's Energy Investments in Russia. infobrics.org Chinese state energy giants have made a number of multi-billion dollar investments in Russia, one of China's top oil and gas suppliers, across various stages of the energy supply chain…

infobrics (2023-03-24). India's Russia Exports in Feb up 25%. infobrics.org India's exports to Russia have exceeded the levels before the war outbreak in Ukraine…

infobrics (2023-03-24). The China-Russia Border City of Heihe Where Harmony Lies. infobrics.org Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Moscow to meet with President Putin at a diplomatic juncture. The town of Heihe bordering both nations is a sign of the unity between the two…

infobrics (2023-03-24). Global South increasingly alienated by Western demands for alignment. infobrics.org The Global South is fed up with "alignmentism" which is largely promoted by the political West. Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts.

infobrics (2023-03-24). Russia's 'inexplicable' ability to withstand Western aggression. infobrics.org We often hear that Russia is just a regional power with an economy the size of Spain's, a military budget that has been consistently smaller than the Saudi one, etc. And indeed, on paper, this may seem true. Taking into account nominal GDP as the only measure of power, one might fall into the trap of believing such statistics. However, the reality is quite different.

infobrics (2023-03-24). US to relocate its warplanes to intimidate Moscow and Beijing. infobrics.org Warplanes previously stationed in the Middle East are being transferred to regions nearer Russia and China.

infobrics (2023-03-24). German-Japanese military cooperation does little to deter China at sea. infobrics.org Germany and Japan revive WWII alliance with new military cooperation.

Alan Macleod (2023-03-24). Iran International: Inside the "Saudi-Funded" Network Promoting Regime Change in Iran. mintpressnews.com Iran International: Alan Macleod reveals how a network of Western and Saudi interests converged to create the ultimate propaganda tool in a failed bid to overthrow the government of Iran.

Fight Back (2023-03-24). U.T. Austin students speak out to defend Indian Child Welfare Act. fightbacknews.org Austin, TX – On Wednesday, March 22, members of Austin Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) gathered on a busy street, Speedway, on the University of Texas-Austin campus to speak out against the judicial attack on the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). | SDS members chanted, "When indigenous rights are under attack. What do we do? Stand up, fight back!" and "Defend indigenous sovereignty! Defend ICWA!" SDS also passed out fliers and gave speeches about how repealing ICWA would hurt thousands and further erode indigenous sovereignty. | Students also connected this to an ongoing struggle at UT to return stolen a…

Fight Back (2023-03-24). Fight for Venezuelan diplomat's freedom intensifies due to health concerns. fightbacknews.org Caracas, Venezuela – It has now been more than 1000 days since Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab was first kidnapped by the U.S. government on the island of Cabo Verde, off the west coast of Africa. Since then, he's been subjected to physical, psychological and chemical torture and moved to a federal detention center in Miami, Florida. | Two members of Minnesota's Anti-War Committee met with Saab's wife, Camilla Fabri Saab, on Tuesday, March 7, alongside a delegation from the Alliance for Global Justice and progressive lawyers with the Free Alex Saab Movement. Camilla, Fabri Saab, mother to their two young daug…

Fight Back (2023-03-24). PFLP: We salute the victory of the prisoners. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine | We salute the victory of the prisoners in this battle and call for the continuation of a broader process of political, on the field, media, and popular support, considering that their cause is one of the main issues of the struggle against the enemy. | The participation of the Palestinian Authority in the Aqaba-Sharm el-Sheikh meeting is a coup against the popular will and a rebellion against the decisions of the national consensus that reject this participation and warn of its consequences. | T…

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-03-24). 'It is coming to your state soon': Attacks on child labor laws aren't going away. therealnews.com

Chris Hedges (2023-03-24). How Mexico's epidemic of murdered journalists is an ominous warning to the press everywhere. therealnews.com Over 100,000 people have been disappeared in the course of the destructive drug war waged in Mexico over the past two decades. Among the deceased are more than 150 journalists murdered for their work to expose the dense network of corruption and violence that links government officials, police, and the military with organized crime. The case of Regina Martinez, an investigative journalist assassinated in her home in the state of Veracruz in 2012, is emblematic of this war being waged against the press.

Brett Wilkins (2023-03-24). US Progressives Stand Against 'Xenophobic' TikTok Ban. therealnews.com

Taya Graham, Stephen Janis (2023-03-24). Weymouth police demanded to see his ID. His refusal led to assault charges. therealnews.com Across the US, people who attempt to resist the seemingly limitless power of the police often find themselves ensnared in a legal system that ostensibly exists for their protection. When a local police officer approached Paul Brophy of Weymouth, Massachusetts, and demanded to see his identification, Brophy attempted to invoke his constitutional rights. The officer then escalated the situation to an arrest, claiming Brophy attempted to reach for his weapon. Police Accountability Report examines the facts of the case, speaking to Paul Brophy himself about the incident. | Studio: Stephen Janis | Studio/Post-Pr…

Mike Walter (2023-03-24). The Heat: Climate Change Crisis. america.cgtn.com Two new reports issue urgent calls for action as climate change heats up. The world is on the brink of catastrophic warming, that's the conclusion of a new report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivered a blunt assessment …

Xiaolu Sun (2023-03-24). Ohmyhome, first Singaporean company on Nasdaq in 2023. america.cgtn.com Ohmyhome, the first women-only founded property technology business makes history as being the first Singaporean company listed in the U.S. this year by ringing the Nasdaq closing bell.

Luis Chirino (2023-03-24). Cuba's International Agriculture Fair promotes trade and investment opportunities. america.cgtn.com Cuba's International Agriculture Fair opened this week at Havana's Rancho Boyeros exhibit grounds, with the participation of some 25 global companies from this region and Europe. See more.

Mark Niu (2023-03-24). Microsoft launches AI-powered Copilot. america.cgtn.com Microsoft brings the power of generative artificial intelligence to its most popular software programs, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook. Find out more.

_____ (2023-03-24). 2014 and 2022 — Discrediting Russia's image in Mongolia? journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-24). Operation Enmity: A Holding Action. journal-neo.org My country is failing, falling into the same dismal slough all dying empires are swallowed by. The Senators and Caesars of America have one last hope of holding onto their gain. If they can sew hatred and bitterness between brothers on the Russian steppe, the old western world order can buy time. They can hang […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-24). Russia and Africa Building a New Multipolar World Together. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-24). G7 vs BRICS — Off to the Races. strategic-culture.org Last summer, the Group of 7 (G7), a self-anointed forum of nations that view themselves as the most influential economies in the world, gathered at Schloss Elmau, near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, to hold their annual meeting. Their focus was punishing Russia through additional sanctions, further arming of Ukraine and the containment of China.

_____ (2023-03-24). Iraq and Syria Survived the U.S.-NATO Attack and the Destruction. strategic-culture.org March 2003 and March 2011 have a great deal in common, but that is not where the story begins, Steven Sahiounie writes. | The 20th anniversary of the U.S. attack on Iraq for regime change coincides with the 12th anniversary of the U.S. attack on Syria for regime change. March 2003 and March 2011 have a great deal in common, but that is not where the story begins. | The destruction of two nations, sitting side by side in the Middle East, began in 1996 with the strategy paper called "

_____ (2023-03-24). Iraq War 20 Years On… Collective Western Amnesia Over Anglo-American Crime of Century. strategic-culture.org The morally bankrupt Western media lied to start the Iraq War as they did dutifully about starting other wars for their imperial masters. Twenty years after, the Western media are at it again. | This week, March 20, saw the 20th anniversary of the U.S.-British war launched on Iraq. The war resulted in over one million deaths and a decade of brutal military occupation. It spawned sectarian civil war, millions of displaced and destitute, and terrorism that engulfed the entire Middle East, as well as large swathes of Africa and Asia. Iraq and several other ancient nations have been destroyed because of the Anglo-Ame…

_____ (2023-03-24). U.S. Officials Really, REALLY Want You to Know the U.S. Is the World's 'Leader'. strategic-culture.org In response to questions he received during a press conference on Monday about Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin cementing a "new era" in strategic partnership between China and Russia, the White House National Security Council's John Kirby made no fewer than seven assertions that the US is the "leader" of the world.

A Guest Author (2023-03-24). Another form of gig work: the 2020s sex-work boom. workers.org By Janisse Miles Three years ago, people in the U.S. were notified that they had to celebrate Women's History Month in their own homes, as thousands of organizations were shutting down for what was hoped would be two weeks but proved to be longer. The lockdown that started in mid-March . . . |

Aaron Maté (2023-03-24). Aaron Mate at UN: OPCW cover-up denies justice to Syria victims. thegrayzone.com At the United Nations, Aaron Maté debunks the OPCW's latest attempts to whitewash the cover-up of its investigation into the alleged April 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria. Speaking to the United Nations Security Council, Aaron Maté of The Grayzone calls out the OPCW's ongoing cover-up of its investigation into the alleged April 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria. Aaron also debunks the latest efforts by the OPCW, in a new report put out by the watchdog's Investigation and Identification …

Adriaan Alsema (2023-03-24). Colombia's cocaine market collapsed: farmers. colombiareports.com Farmers from multiple parts of Colombia say cocaine sales have collapsed after a surge in the production of the illicit drug. In an interview, coca farmers' representative Leidy Diaz told…

Albert Bender (2023-03-24). Indigenous gather to protest birthday party for genocidal U.S. President Andrew Jackson. peoplesworld.org NASHVILLE—Indigenous people and their supporters gathered here on March 15 to protest a celebration for the 256th birthday of the deservedly-maligned seventh president of the United States, Andrew Jackson. The infamous leader's birthday party was held at the Hermitage, Jackson's historic home in Nashville. The event included children's activities, gallery talks, an annual presidential wreath-laying ceremony …

Alex Koplos (2023-03-24). International Working Women's Day in El Paso and Ciudad Juarez: "Down with patriarchy!" workers.org El Paso, Texas Young "feministxs" organizers held a rally and cross-border march in El Paso on International Working Women's Day, March 8, calling for the end to "machismo," transphobia and state violence against femme and trans migrants. Representative of La Via Campesina speaks on International Working Women's Day, El Paso, . . . |

Allen Forrest (2023-03-24). Who Has Right on Their Side? dissidentvoice.org In Henrik Ibsen's An Enemy of the People, the character Dr. Stockmann says: The majority never has right on its side. Never I say! That is one of those social lies against which an independent, intelligent man must wage war. Who is it that constitute the majority of the population in a country? Is it …

Amy Goodman (2023-03-24). Judge Denies Bond for 8 People Rounded Up in Mass Arrest for Opposing Cop City. truthout.org In Atlanta, a judge has denied bond for 8 of the people indiscriminately arrested at a music festival against the proposed "Cop City" police training facility in the Weelaunee Forest. Jailed since March 5, they are charged with domestic terrorism based on scant evidence like muddy clothes or simply being in the area at the time of the festival. We're joined by Micah Herskind… |

Ann Brown (2023-03-24). Does The Congressional Black Caucus Have A Problem With The Silicon Valley Industry Bailout? moguldom.com The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank on March 10 has had broad ramifications. It was the largest bank by deposits in Silicon Valley, holding the money of some of the country's wealthiest individuals. Silicon Valley's aggregate household wealth is nearly $1.1 trillion, Cal Matters reported. Because they are SVB depositors, Silicon Valley billionaires and millionaires were indirectly …

Ann Brown (2023-03-24). Viral Video Criticizing Reparations Activists: Just Give All The Black Votes To Democrats, Don't Threaten Party Masters With Staying Home. moguldom.com There's a video that has gone viral on TikTok and Twitter from an influencer who goes by the social media name Lady Whistledown in the Hood in which she is criticizing reparations activists for threatening to withhold their votes from the Democrats until a reparations bill is passed. During the past two presidential elections, there …

Ann Brown (2023-03-24). Beyoncé Follows Kanye West Out Of Adidas Partnership: Was The Math Mathin'? moguldom.com Many people saw this coming. Superstar Beyoncé and Adidas have parted ways. Her troubled Ivy Park activewear line will no longer be under the Adidas brand. This break comes on the heels of Adidas ending a multi-year deal with Kanye West that has cost the German sneaker company at least $1billion. Beyoncé and Adidas entered …

Anonymous103 (2023-03-24). Battle For Bakhmut: Despite Superior Ukrainian Grouping, Wagner Fighters Do Not Stop Advance. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | The Wagner PMC which is fighting for the city of Bakhmut warned that the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have trained about 200 thousand reservists and received a large amount of military equipment from NATO. The Ukrainian military is expected to attempt large-scaled offensive operations on the Donbass front lines, including in Bakhmut. The head of the Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin urged the Russian Defense Ministry to join forces, because the "Bakhmut meat grinder" c…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-24). Slovakia Transfered First Four Mig-29 To Ukraine (Video). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On March 23, Slovakia transferred the first batch of MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine. The country promised a total of 13 planes to Kiev. The U.S. has already announced its readiness to supply Bratislava with attack helicopters and Hellfire missiles as a reward."The first four MiG-29 fighters were safely transferred to the AFU and have already left the territory of the Slovak Republic," Slovak Defense Minister Jaroslav Nad wrote on Facebook. | According to the head of the Ministry of Defe…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-24). White House Scribe — The Limits And Hypocrisy Of The U.S. Media. southfront.org Illustrative ImageSouthFront received the following article from one of our constant readers who is "concerned that the US media has been widely criticized for its self-contradictory reporting and selective silence in the Nord Stream pipeline explosion and the Ohio train derailment, which is run counter to "liberal democracy", shows the limits and hypocrisy of the media." | The SF team expresses him its deep gratitude for sharing this valuable opinion. The article was published without any editing. | We encourage our…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-24). Russian T-90M Tanks Outshines German Leopard 2, British Challenger 2 & American Abrams: Medvedev. southfront.org T-90M. IMAGE: Uralvagonzavod | Russia's T-90M "Proryv 3″' main battle tank outshines German-made Leopard 2, British-made Challenger 2 and American-made Abrams tanks by its performance characteristics, Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview with Russian media outlets and users of the VKontakte social media network on March 24."We produce worthy types of armament, military and special hardware and weapon systems. The brand names are well known and I can mention just several of them. It is quite obvious th…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-24). Saudi Arabia Confirms Normalization Talks With Syria. southfront.org File image. | Saudi Arabia and Syria are in talks over a resumption of consular services between the two countries, a source in the kingdom foreign minister told the state television on March 23. | Riyadh cut all ties with Damascus when the war first broke out in Syria more than a decade ago, then went on to support the rebels. However in recent years, the kingdom adopted a more pragmatic stance on Syria."Within the framework of the kingdom's keenness to facilitate the provision of necessary cons…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-24). Suspected Iranian Drone Kills U.S. Contractor, Wounds Five Other Service Members In Syria (Video). southfront.org File image. | A United States contractor was killed and five U.S. service members and one additional U.S. contractor were wounded early on March 23 after a suspected Iranian suicide drone struck a maintenance facility on a coalition base near the northeastern Syrian city of al-Hasakah, the Pentagon said in a statement. | Two of the wounded service members were treated on site, while three additional service members and the U.S. contractor were medically evacuated to coalition medical facilities in neighboring Iraq."T…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-24). Suspected ISIS Terrorists Slaughter 15 Civilians, Tribal Fighters In Central Syria. southfront.org File image. | On March 23, terrorists believed to be members of ISIS killed 15 people who were hunting for truffles in Syria's central region, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). | The London-based monitor said that the victims were a part of a group that included dozens of truffle hunters. The terrorists ambushed the group between the areas of Jurf Marina and Hariba to the east of the town of Salamiyah in the eastern Hama countryside. | The victims were all slaughtered. Seven of them we…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-24). Syrian Army Killed 11 HTS Militants While Repelling Attack In Western Aleppo (Photos). southfront.org © Sputnik / Iliya Pitalev | On March 23, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) repelled a large attack by al-Qaed-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) on its positions near the town of Kafr Amma in the western countryside of Aleppo. | In a statement, the Syrian Ministry of Defense said that the terrorist group launched the attack from its positions in the so-called Greater Idlib region at the time of Iftar, the fast-breaking evening meal of Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan. | SAA troops killed eleve…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-24). Ukraine Lost More M777, Krab & M109 Howitzers To Lancet Drone Strikes (Videos). southfront.org MOSCOW REGION, RUSSIA — JUNE 25, 2019: A ZALA Lancet-3 attack drone developed by Kalashnikov Concern on display at the Army 2019 International Military Technical Forum at Patriot Park. Marina Lystseva/TASS | On March 23 and 24, several videos documenting recent Russian strikes with Lancet loitering munitions on howitzers of Kiev forces surfaced online. | The strikes damaged or destroyed two American-made M777 towed 155 mm howitzers, two Soviet-made 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled 122 mm howitzers, a Polish-made Kr…

Anonymous765 (2023-03-24). Israel Frustrated As Syria Returns To The Arab World. southfront.org |

Ashley Curtin (2023-03-24). Fifth annual assessment of air pollution ranks cities, nations and regions around the world. nationofchange.org The study confirmed that only six countries met the World Health Organization's (WHO) updated safe levels of the deadly air pollutant, particulate matter (PM) 2.5.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-24). Narendra Modi's Cricket Coup. dissidentvoice.org What a coup. Nakedly amoral but utterly self-serving in its saccharine minted glory. India's showman Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who otherwise appears to have clerkish, desk-bound qualities, had what he wanted: an accommodating, possibly clueless guest in the form of the Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese; a common interest in India's national sport cricket, and …

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-24). No Place for Whales: The U.S. Military's Legacy in Indian Country: Reckless Toxic Dumping. indybay.org From the mustard gas pit on Walker River Paiute lands, to the napalm burn site on Fallon Paiute Shoshone lands, to the undetonated bombs in the Lakota Badlands, to the experimental explosives at Fort Wingate in New Mexico and secret radioactive waste dump near the Tohono O'odham Nation capital of Sells, Arizona, to the widespread illegal hazardous waste dumping, and leaking of toxic waste, in many of the Alaskan and Hawaiian islands — there is enough documented cancer-causing waste to fill an encyclopedia.

Brian Shea, Will Hodgkinson (2023-03-24). Boston personal care attendants demand 'living wage, now!'. workers.org Around 200 people with disabilities and the personal care attendants who help them gathered at the Embrace Statue March 1, honoring Martin Luther King Jr. on the Boston Common and demanding living wages and benefits for Massachusetts PCAs. Boston Commons, March 1, 2023. Photo: Megan Smith Organized by Service Employees . . . |

Brittani Banks (2023-03-24). The Long Arm of Washington Extends Into Africa's Sahel. independentmediainstitute.org On March 16, 2023, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced—during his visit to Niger—that the United States government will provide $150 million in aid to the Sahel region of Africa. This money, Blinken said, "will help provide life-saving support to refugees, asylum seekers, and others impacted by conflict and food insecurity in the region." …

Brittani Banks (2023-03-24). LA Schools' Lowest-Paid Workers Walk Out, With Teachers by Their Side. independentmediainstitute.org Tens of thousands of Los Angeles teachers went on strike March 21-23, 2023, for the first time in four years, shutting down the nation's second-largest school district for three rain-soaked days. But this time the United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) did not walk out in order to demand better working conditions for educators. Rather, …

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2023-03-24). Changing Society: Nature, Life, and Resistance in Culture Today. globalresearch.ca

Chris Walker (2023-03-24). Trump Preemptively Blames Manhattan DA for His Own Loyalists' Violent Protests. truthout.org This week, former President Donald Trump made several racist and antisemitic posts on his Truth Social website, criticizing Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who is investigating accusations that Trump falsified business records to hide hush-money payments to an alleged mistress. Trump also suggested that his followers might engage in "death & destruction" if he is indicted. Last weekend… |

Chris Walker (2023-03-24). WI Supreme Court Candidate Defends Campaigning With "Stop the Steal" Organizer. truthout.org A conservative candidate for the spring Supreme Court election in Wisconsin has dismissed concerns about the fact that he has campaigned alongside a person who planned several "Stop the Steal" rallies, and who was on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol building during the January 6 attack on Congress, alongside a mob of loyalists to former President Donald Trump. Dan Kelly is embroiled in a close race… |

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-24). Soulja Boy, Lil Yachty, Ne-Yo And Akon Targeted By SEC, US Government For Illegally Pumping Crypto Tokens To Fans. moguldom.com Four black music and recording artists are among eight celebrities who have been targeted by the SEC in a lawsuit filed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for promoting crypto tokens to fans without disclosing that they were paid to do so. The lawsuit, filed on Wednesday in federal court in New York, names …

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-24). Federal Reserve Member Bullard: If America Abandons 2% Inflation Target, It's Headed To 1970s-Style High Inflation. moguldom.com For the past 18 months, Americans have been hit with the highest yearly price increases in 40 years along with warnings that the economy could go into recession and predictions that high inflation may be here to stay. "Through it all, we've heard an almost mantra-like refrain from the Federal Reserve: We're still not close to …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-24). Pentagon Leaders Say New Budget Will Help Prepare for War With China. news.antiwar.com Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told Congress at a Thursday hearing that the Pentagon's 2024 budget request will help the country prepare for a future war with China. Milley insisted the Pentagon's massive $842 billion budget request is meant to deter war but said …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-24). US Launches Airstrikes in Syria After Drone Attack Kills US Contractor. news.antiwar.com The Pentagon announced on Thursday night that it launched airstrikes in Syria after a drone attack killed a US contractor and wounded five US troops near Hasakah in northeast Syria. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said that at the direction of President Biden, he authorized "US Central Command forces to conduct precision airstrikes tonight in …

Derek Seidman, Truthout. (2023-03-24). Immigrant Women Workers Fighting To Close Disney's Gender Pay Gap. popularresistance.org Workers with the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) Local 631 say a major pay gap exists at Disney World that leaves workers in traditionally feminized jobs, such as costume-making, earning significantly less than workers in traditionally masculinized jobs with comparable skills levels, such as stagehand labor. | The union — which represents the skilled crafts people who work behind the scenes in Disney World entertainment, from costume workers to cosmetologists to stage technicians — is demanding in bargaining that Disney close this gender pay gap by raising wages in traditi…

Diana Johnstone (2023-03-24). Anti-War Views Criminalized in Germany. Diana Johnstone. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-03-24). Are These the 19 Most Important Dietary Supplements to Take? globalresearch.ca

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-03-24). Wann werden wir uns zur Einheit des Menschengeschlechtes bekennen? globalresearch.ca Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb des Namens des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Folgen Sie …

Drago Bosnic (2023-03-24). Washington Admits Exploiting China-India Border Disputes to Derail Their Rapprochement. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). China vows green future for oil and gas works. ecns.cn China has vowed to vigorously promote the integrated growth of oil and gas exploration and development with new energy, while actively expanding the scale of green electricity utilization by oil and gas enterprises.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). More shoppers go electronic for bountiful offerings, high-quality goods worldwide. ecns.cn People between 26 and 35 make up the demographic that most frequently purchases imports and foreign brands, accounting for nearly half of the total of all age groups.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). China, Germany shining examples of globalization and friendship. ecns.cn With their mutually complementary economic advantages, there is no so-called dependence of one side on the other between China and Germany, Shu Jueting, a spokeswoman of the Ministry of Commerce, said on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Policies help increase Tibet's trade overseas. ecns.cn The Tibet autonomous region stepped up its policy support for foreign trade with its total exports and imports growing steadily last year.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Survey: 98 percent of Chinese satisfied with nation's democracy. ecns.cn Democracy, which the people of a country are in the best position to judge, should be focused on how it can deliver to the people, senior politicians and experts said on Thursday, as called for greater respect for how each country chooses to develop.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). ChatGPT fever sparks plans for better alternatives in China. ecns.cn Although they might not be as technologically advanced as the US, I believe the Chinese market and Chinese companies will win," he said in an interview with China Daily.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Consumers warned of bogus product reviews. ecns.cn China's consumer association has warned people about being misled by vloggers on social media who review consumer products, saying that some of them offer misleading information or may have conflicts of interest or may be deliberately influencing buyers for their own commercial gain.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). 5.4-magnitude quake hits Izu Islands, Japan region — USGS. ecns.cn An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 jolted Izu Islands, Japan region at 04: 25: 26 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). China renews blue alert for severe convection weather. ecns.cn China's meteorological authority on Friday renewed a blue alert for severe convection weather in parts of the country.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). First 3D-printed rocket fails to make it into orbit. ecns.cn The world's first 3D-printed rocket made it off the launch pad in Florida but failed three minutes into flight to make orbit.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Renminbi retains high position in global payments. ecns.cn The renminbi has retained its position as the fifth most active currency for global payments by value in February, with a share of 2.19 percent, according to Swift.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Anti-China bills pile up in Texas Legislature. ecns.cn Republican lawmakers in Texas continue to propose legislative bills in the name of national security to single out China, Russia, Iran and North Korea and impose more restrictions.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). 2nd Dialogue on China's Famous Mountains of 'World Natural and Cultural Heritage' kicks off in Huangshan. ecns.cn The Second Dialogue on China's Famous Mountains of "World Natural and Cultural Heritage" has begun at Tunxi County, Huangshan city, East China's Anhui Province, with the theme of World Heritage Protection and Regional Sustainable Development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Driving through sea of cherry blossoms in spring. ecns.cn Traveling along the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway during cherry blossom season is like passing through a wonderland in Guizhou.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Wild giant panda captured on camera in Sichuan. ecns.cn A wild giant panda is captured by infrared camera sniffing a tree to mark territory on a mountain at Wawushan National Forest Park, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Feb. 28, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Pottery jars with inscription of ink writing excavated in Shanxi. ecns.cn The jars were excavated from Dongjiaying tomb of the Western Han (206B.C.-25A.D.) in Yuncheng, north China's Shanxi Province.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). U.S. propaganda hides truth of Iraq's war: Al Jazeera columnists. ecns.cn U.S. military invasion of Iraq 20 years ago was largely framed in news media to meet strategic objectives, and the skewed media narratives continue to hide many truths, said an opinion piece published on the website of Al Jazeera on Monday.

Editor (2023-03-24). Can we still limit global warming to 1.5 ∞C? Here's what the latest science says. mronline.org Is it still possible to limit future global warming to 1.5 ∞C above pre-industrial levels? Or has that ship sailed?>

Editor (2023-03-24). STRATCOM says China has more ICBM launchers than the United States — we have questions. mronline.org In early-February 2023, the Wall Street Journal reported that U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM) had informed Congress that China now has more launchers for Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) than the United States.

Editor (2023-03-24). Behind the #StopCopCity Domestic Terrorism Warrants. scheerpost.com By Ryan Fatica and Chris Schiano / Unicorn Riot Atlanta, GA — The Georgia Bureau of Investigation, in collaboration with several other law enforcement agencies, charged 23 more people with 'domestic terrorism' for their alleged involvement in the ongoing effort to stop 'Cop City' and to defend the Weelaunee Forest in unincorporated DeKalb County southeast …

Editor (2023-03-24). Michael Moore: Guns Don't Kill People, Americans Kill People. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-24). Private Opulence and Public Squalor in the US. scheerpost.com

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-03-24). U.S. Politics and the "Ugly Truth of 9/11". Richard Gage Interviews Emanuel Pastreich, Independent Candidate for President of the U.S. (2000). globalresearch.ca

Eric Zuesse (2023-03-24). A Huge Difference Between America's and Russia's Governments. dissidentvoice.org In 2010, U.S. President Barack Obama met privately in the White House with the democratically elected President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, to get him to end Ukraine's neutralist position ever since 1991 and join the U.S. Government's EU and NATO alliances against Ukraine's next-door neighbor Russia, but Yanukovych said no. And, then, Obama's Secretary of …

Esther Schrader (2023-03-24). Weeding Out Justice: Alabama capital city considering tickets, not arrests, for marijuana possession. splcenter.org

Eva Cuervo (2023-03-24). México — Logros de la 4T a cuatro años de gobierno. globalizacion.ca En el gran universo de la sociedad mexicana, existe el microcosmos de la derecha mexicana, traumados por el triunfo en las elecciones del 2018 del movimiento Obradorista. | Todavía hasta hace poco tiempo, se comportaban como si todavía detentaran el poder,…

Gabriel Loza Tellería (2023-03-24). øMinicrisis bancaria global? globalizacion.ca A principios del 2023 en mi artículo de opinión en La Razón ´ øRecesión con crisis financiera? ª, había concluido que "estamos en un contexto de alta incertidumbre mundial, de tal manera que cualquier evento relevante, como el caso de las viviendas …

Gerardo Villagrán del Corral (2023-03-24). Kerry homenajeó en Oaxaca a Benito Juárez, en medio de tensiones diplomáticas con México. globalizacion.ca Después de varias semanas de tensiones entre México y Estados Unidos, con un "gracias por su compromiso con la democracia, con la paz y con el futuro", agradeció John Kerry, asesor de la Casa Blanca para el Cambio Climático, haber…

Global Research News (2023-03-24). Selected Articles: Rage Against the War Machine: What Rage? 'When will they ever learn?'. globalresearch.ca By In his iconic 1950s anti-war hit song

Global Research News (2023-03-24). This Week's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca

Guest Contributor (2023-03-24). 2023: Year of the Nuisance? ukhumanrightsblog.com Introduction 2023 has already been a landmark year for nuisance, with the Supreme Court handing down its controversial decision in Fearn v Tate Gallery (as discussed on this blog). The good news for those with a particular interest in the bothersome behaviour of neighbours is that Fearn is only the start. This month, the Supreme Court will hear not …

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-24). Imperial's international scholars reflect on life-changing opportunities. imperial.ac.uk More than a hundred international scholars from 37 countries joined diplomats, academics and funders to celebrate their achievements at Imperial.

In These Times. (2023-03-24). Biden Betrays Youth With Willow Project And Breaks His Own Promise. popularresistance.org Despite overwhelming outcry by young people and climate justice advocates, President Joe Biden broke under the pressure of the fossil fuel industry March 13 to approve ConocoPhillips's Willow project‚Äâ—‚Äâthe single largest oil project ever proposed on U.S. federal lands. It's $8 billion of fossil fuel infrastructure in Alaska that impacts Indigenous communities, that will destroy wild landscapes north of the Arctic Circle and will erase nearly all of the climate benefits of Biden's current renewable energy projects on public lands. | Willow also concretely breaks Biden's…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-24). Russian Diplomacy in a Changing World. libya360.wordpress.com Sergey Lavrov Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's article for Razvedchik (Intelligence officer) news magazine, March 24th, 2023 It is a privilege for me to submit this article to Razvedchik news magazine and share with its readers my understanding of the current international developments, as well as Russia's foreign policy priorities. We live at a time of…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-24). Separatist Somaliland Escalates War on Somali Unification Movement. libya360.wordpress.com Pavan Kulkarni Evidence of shelling of SSC. Attacks by Somaliland, a breakaway region of Somalia whose sovereignty claim has no international recognition, have caused over 1,500 injuries since February 6 in Las Anod, which is at the heart of the movement to reunify the Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) with Somalia Somaliland is a self-proclaimed…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-24). The Georgian Protests: Another Chapter in the Color Revolution Playbook? libya360.wordpress.com Stavroula Pabst Recent Georgian protests rejected foreign agents' legislation proposals as undemocratic, but a closer look suggests ongoing western meddling according to the intelligence community's infamous "color revolution" playbook. Recent protests rocked Georgia's capital Tbilisi against a duo of proposed foreign agents bills, which would have required groups and individuals with significant funding abroad to register…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-24). The US' Rejection of China's Peace Plan for Ukraine Exposes its Warmongering Intentions. libya360.wordpress.com Andrew Korybko By rejecting Beijing's 12-step proposal, Washington exposed its warmongering intentions for the rest of the world to see and vindicated Moscow's criticism that it wants to fight this proxy war "to the last Ukrainian". The majority of the international community that resides in the Global South and which is most adversely affected by…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-24). Why Britain's Uranium Ammo Decision a Big Deal. libya360.wordpress.com Scott Ritter The United Kingdom Ministry of Defense announced that it would be sending anti-tank ammunition for the Challenger 2 tanks being delivered to Ukraine that contain depleted uranium. According to the British MoD, depleted uranium, or DU, "is a standard component and has nothing to do with nuclear weapons," adding that "The British Army has…

It's Going Down (2023-03-24). This Is America #184: Eric King Prepares for Release; Interview with Directors of "Elements of Mutual Aid" itsgoingdown.org Welcome, to This Is America, March 24th, 2023. On this episode, we speak with two members of the support crew for anarchist political prisoner, Eric King, who talk about a current fundraiser to help Eric get back on his feet as his release at the end of the year nears. We discuss how Eric has…

Jake Johnson (2023-03-24). Nuclear Plant Shuts Down After New Leak Near Mississippi River. truthout.org The operator of a Minnesota nuclear power plant said the facility would be taken offline Friday to repair a new leak near the Mississippi River, an announcement that came a week after the company and state officials belatedly acknowledged a separate leak that occurred in November. Xcel Energy insisted in a statement Thursday that the leak at its Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant poses "no risk… |

Jake Johnson (2023-03-24). US Bombs Syria 2 Weeks After House Voted Against Withdrawing Troops. truthout.org The U.S. launched airstrikes in Syria on Thursday after one American contractor was killed and five service members were injured in an attack by a drone that the Pentagon claims was of "Iranian origin." The drone attack on a maintenance facility in northeast Syria and the U.S. response came two weeks after the House of Representatives voted down a bipartisan resolution that would have required… |

Janice Rothstein (2023-03-24). Californians tell Speaker McCarthy: Preserve, improve, expand Social Security. peoplesworld.org BAKERSFIELD, Calif.—In between the historic storms directly hitting this area of California, members of the Communist Party's San Joaquin Valley Club drove long distances to attend a March 17 rally for Social Security at Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's local congressional office. Their message of what to do with Social Security: "Preserve — Improve — …

José Luis Granados Ceja (2023-03-24). 500,000 Rally in Support of Mexican President and Against US Intervention. truthout.org Ricardo Valdez Ponce left his house late Friday night in his hometown of Matamoros, Tamaulipas to board a bus for the 15-hour journey to Mexico City in order to take part, the next day, in the mass demonstration called by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, known widely as "AMLO," in defense of Mexican national sovereignty. "I do it with great pleasure because we've never had a president like… |

Juan Cole (2023-03-24). Why are We There? Biden Bombs Syria, after Drone Kills US Contractor, wounds 5 US Military Personnel. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — President Joe Biden ordered air strikes on Thursday (Friday in Syria) against militiamen in the Harabish neighborhood just outside the city of Deir az-Zor, who are suspected of having launched an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drone against an American base in northeast Syria. The metro area of Deir az-Zor …

Juan Guahán (2023-03-24). En el pico de la ola de calor, hierve la inflación en Argentina. globalizacion.ca Durante la primera quincena de marzo gran parte de nuestro país, con las provincias de Buenos Aires y Santa Fe a la cabeza, transitó unas tardías oleadas de calor que no aparecían desde hace largas décadas atrás. Sólo faltaban los…

Julio C. Gambina (2023-03-24). Argentina — Canje de bonos con organismos públicos. globalizacion.ca Hay nuevas medidas enunciadas hoy ante operadores del sector financiero desde el Ministerio de Economía. Es una iniciativa, como muchas otras encaradas últimamente para ganar tiempo en un año electoral. | La preocupación gubernamental que justifican los anuncios está asociada a…

Jyotsna Singh (2023-03-24). Yes, we can stop patents getting in the way of TB treatment. peoplesdispatch.org A day ahead of World TB Day, the Indian Patent Office rejected pharma giant Jannsen's application for a patent extension on drug bedaquiline. If the patent had been extended, public and family budgets would have remained burdened by unjustifiably high costs of the drug…

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-24). Cancer patients challenge Biden admin's refusal to lower price of lifesaving drug. nationofchange.org "This is a drug that was invented with taxpayer dollars by scientists at UCLA and can be purchased in Canada for one-fifth the U.S. price."

Kevin Gosztola (2023-03-24). How Chelsea Manning's Court-Martial Laid the Groundwork for Julian Assange's Prosecution. dissidentvoice.org Adapted from Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case against Julian Assange Private First Class Chelsea Manning received the harshest punishment any United States military officer or federal government employee has ever received for leaking classified information to the press. Colonel Denise Lind, the military judge presiding over her court-martial, sentenced Manning to thirty-five years at …

Kevin Gosztola (2023-03-24). In Push To Dismiss Lawsuit, CIA Says Americans Who Visited Assange Had No Privacy Rights. thedissenter.org This article was funded by paid subscribers of The Dissenter. To support journalism on whistleblowers and related press freedom issues, The Central Intelligence Agency and former CIA director Mike Pompeo contend that attorneys and journalists, who visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, had no "legitimate expectation of privacy" when it came to conversations with a "notorious wanted fugitive in a foreign embassy." | "There is no plausible argument that it would be unreasonable or indiscriminate…

KQED Live (2023-03-24). Tuesday 4/4: Tasty Foods for a Thriving Planet. indybay.org KQED Headquarters | 2601 Mariposa Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

Kurt Nimmo (2023-03-24). UK to Send Nuclear Weapon to Zelenskyy Regime. globalresearch.ca

Latino USA (2023-03-24). 'Argentina, 1985': History And Memory (A Latino USA Podcast). latinorebels.com Antonia Cereijido interviews former prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo about his real-life experience that inspired the Oscar-nominated film 'Argentina, 1985.'

Lee Camp, Mintpress News. (2023-03-24). The Banking Collapse, Housing Insecurity And More. popularresistance.org The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the 50 billion dollar injection to Credit Suisse highlights the precarious state of the banking system. While the banks claim that they are too big to fail, the reality is that the people who suffer the most when banks collapse are ordinary Americans. The rich can protect themselves by moving their money into offshore accounts or investing in other assets. But the poor and working-class Americans who have their savings in these banks will lose everything if banks collapse. | On this episode of Behind the Headlines, Lee Camp interviews James Fauntleroy, a regular contributor…

Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-24). 20 Years After Iraq, Corporate Media Defends US War Crimes. popularresistance.org United States troops began the invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003 under the direction of president George W. Bush. The death toll estimates for Iraqi civilians vary between 275,000 and 654,000 as a direct result of warfare, with one study estimating as many as 1 million deaths . If even the lowest figure is correct, the U.S. committed a horrific war crime, a deliberate attack on a civilian population. | In 2003 thousands of people massed in protest across the country. On February 15, 2003 , millions gathered around the world in the largest protests since the Vietnam war. While public opinion was divided, the corp…

Maribel Acosta Damas (2023-03-24). øElecciones en Cuba? Desmontando mitos. globalizacion.ca Cuba es tal vez el país del mundo con más mitos elaborados contra su proceso revolucionario. øPor qué? Porque en el llamado mundo de la democracia, paradójicamente no cabe la otredad. Una y otra vez aparece la pregunta øhay elecciones…

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-24). Republicans' so-called 'Parents Bill of Rights' is cover for racism, homophobia, and censorship. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON (PAI)—Several of the nation's largest unions, led by the Teachers (AFT), teamed up the week of March 22 to try to defeat the House's ruling Republicans and their so-called "Parents Bill of Rights" bill. The House Education and the Workforce Committee approved it March 8 after a long work session with almost all Democratic-offered …

Matt Kennard (2023-03-24). Revealed: Boris Yeltsin Privately Supported NATO Expansion in 1990's. globalresearch.ca

Maureen Clare Murphy (2023-03-24). Palestinians mark Ramadan amid Israeli repression. electronicintifada.net Amir Abu Khadijeh, 25, "assassinated" on first day of holy month.

Michael Berkowitz (2023-03-24). Nixon's secret plan for ending the Vietnam War? Nuclear annihilation of Vietnam. peoplesworld.org Public Broadcasting's American Experience Series' new film The Movement and the Madman is the colorful, brilliantly told story of an important turning point in U.S. history—how the Vietnam War led to the growth of the American anti-war movement. In the Fall of 1968, Richard Nixon was elected U.S. President with the pledge to end the …

Michael F. Brown (2023-03-24). US will fund Israel whether it's a "democracy" or not. electronicintifada.net Congresswoman Susan Wild thinks grassroots Democrats don't know enough to be more sympathetic to Palestinians than Israelis.

Michael K. Smith (2023-03-24). Worse Than Trump: The Invasion of Iraq Twenty Years On. dissidentvoice.org "The hypocrisy in … the Bush administration's overall national security strategy — is monumental. If having weapons of mass destruction and a history of using them is a criteria, then surely the United States must pose the greatest threat to humanity that has ever existed … While the U.S. is massively expanding its biological weapons …

Michael Welch (2023-03-24). IRAQ 20 Years after "Shock and Awe." The Wealthy Prevail at the Expense of World Safety and Freedom. globalresearch.ca

Mickey Z. (2023-03-24). Female Urinals, Extra-woke Hollywood, Privacy Violations, Mouse Brain Cells, Pizza & Disneyland. dissidentvoice.org This criminal gaslighting ends when enough of us say NO. Starting with next year's Oscars, the Academy will require that a film meet two of the four inclusion standards above to be eligible for a best picture nomination. Read the full Hollywood Reporter article here. Indiana's Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) has been caught selling …

Mike Ludwig (2023-03-24). Police Use "Less Lethal" Weapons to Crush Social Movements Across the World. truthout.org This week, the City of Philadelphia agreed to a $9.25 million settlement with protesters who were brutalized with tear gas and pepper spray during demonstrations following the murder of George Floyd in late May 2020. Such accountability for police who crush protests with crowd-control weapons is rare both in the United States and across the world. The settlement comes as researchers report that… |

Morning Star (2023-03-24). No red carpet: Striking French workers force cancelation of British king's visit. peoplesworld.org Strikes and mass protests continue to paralyze France as millions took to the streets to fight the government's plan to raise the retirement age. Jean-Luc Melenchon, leader of the left-wing France Unbowed party (La France Insoumise) praised what he called "the biggest social mobilization since May '68" as demonstrations were held in more than 250 …

Natalia Marques (2023-03-24). How the Cuban government and people collaborated on the Family Code. greenleft.org.au Natalia Marques spoke to young activists in Cuba to find out how the new law was won through grassroots dialogue.

Natalie Burg (2023-03-24). Who Funds the Fight Against Climate Change? globalresearch.ca

Naveena Sadasivam (2023-03-24). Pipeline Protests in Utah Could Now Get You at Least Five Years in Prison. truthout.org In Utah, protests that hinder the functioning of fossil fuel infrastructure could now lead to at least five years in prison. The new rules make Utah the 19th state in the country to pass legislation with stiffer penalties for protesting at so-called critical infrastructure sites, which include oil and gas facilities, power plants, and railroads. The new laws proliferated in the aftermath of the… |

Newsclick (2023-03-24). US bank collapse: How and why the 1% was saved again. peoplesdispatch.org Tech expert Bappa Sinha analyzes the latest bank crash in the US, its causes and consequences, and how the 1% always seem to come out on top…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Pain in the back: Preventing and treating spinal arthritis. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org EAU CLAIRE, Wis. — Many types of arthritis can affect your musculoskeletal system. Joints are physical points of connection between two bones, and cartilage is the tissue that covers the surface of the bone at the joint. A membrane, called the synovial membrane, lines the joint and is filled with fluid known as synovial fluid. All these components work together to make movement easy. "Over time, the cartilage in joints can break down and cause…

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-03-24). Israel lobby smeared Palestinian American professor, then got him fired. electronicintifada.net Kareem Tannous says he is now blacklisted from teaching.

noreply (2023-03-24). I Don't Know What's The Deal. smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Olivia Rosane, Ecowatch. (2023-03-24). First-Of-Its-Kind Study Casts More Shade On Forest Carbon Offsets. popularresistance.org Yet another report has cast doubt on the accuracy and reliability of the carbon credits companies and individuals purchase to offset their climate-polluting emissions. | The first-of-its-kind peer-reviewed study, published in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change Tuesday, looked at almost 300 projects that made up 11 percent of the carbon credits on offer to date. It found that methods for calculating the carbon credits were often in conflict with scientific best-practices, which increased the risk of "significant over-estimation" of the amount of carbon a project might keep from the atmosphere. The report comes…

Olivia Rosane (2023-03-24). Biden administration unveils nation's first Ocean Climate Action Plan. nationofchange.org "This Ocean Climate Action Plan is the first comprehensive approach that the U.S. has taken to leveraging the power of the ocean in the fight against climate change."

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-24). Abu Ghraib: Horrors of US Occupation of Iraq. orinocotribune.com Abu Ghraib was a prison in the Iraqi city of the same name, located 32 kilometers west of Baghdad. The first buildings were constructed by a British contractor in the 1950s and were designed from the outset as a place of detention. | Under Saddam Hussein | During Saddam's leadership, the Mudiria al-Amn al-'Amm, or Directorate of General Security (DGS), operated the high-security prison where, according to Western media reports, mass torture and execution of political prisoners of the government took place. | In fact, however, there was no evidence that the prison was a political and not a conventional one. The la…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-24). Renewed Peace Movement Lauded as Protesters Marched in Washington, Invasion of Iraq 20th Anniversary. orinocotribune.com

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-24). The Continued Silent Invasion of Haiti. orinocotribune.com By Kerbie Joseph — Mar 19, 2023 | As we demand an end to the U.S. war machine, peace and an end to imperialism everywhere, we have to take the time to talk about the current political situation in Haiti. It has been reported that in coordination with Washington, Canada has begun a "significant military deployment in Haiti," as Carrière continued by saying, "We took over … We delivered armor. There have been t…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-24). Venezuela-US Relations: When 'Maximum Pressure' Fails. orinocotribune.com By Carlos Ron — Mar 17, 2023 | President Maduro has shown two firm convictions. The first is that he will not cede the nation's sovereignty to the pressure of illegal sanctions. But he has also indicated that dialogue and diplomacy is the way; that Venezuela is willing and ready to re-establish relations as long as they are based on mutual respect and an equal footing, writes Valdai Club expert The strategy of "maximum pressure" imposed by Donald Trump on Venezuela has failed to achieve its goal of changing the Venezuelan…

Paul Gregoire (2023-03-24). Christian thugs attack trans rights protesters at One Nation rally. greenleft.org.au "We don't surrender," One Nation's Mark Latham said recently. He is using a legal loophole to try and get two representatives in the NSW Legislative Council to push his bigoted agenda. Paul Gregoire reports.

Paul Haeder (2023-03-24). How Far Do We Go to Save a Species? dissidentvoice.org Robin Waples: University of Washington (NOAA Fisheries, retired) Topic: On the shoulders of giants: Under-appreciated studies in salmon biology with lasting influence. In 1675 Isaac Newton wrote, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." This idea epitomizes the way that science progresses by incremental steps, punctuated occasionally by …

Paul Haeder (2023-03-24). More Like Cousteau's Son, Not Bradley Cooper's Twin! dissidentvoice.org I'm back at the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport Oregon, part of the Oregon State University campus harboring marine mammal-fisheries-benthic-ocean researchers and students. The topic: How humans decimated whale populations through hundreds of years of industrial whaling, leaving some species and populations on the brink of extinction. But despite these impacts, many whale populations …

People's Dispatch. (2023-03-24). Russian Jet Intercepts Two US B-52 Bombers Moving Towards Its Borders. popularresistance.org A Russian Sukhoi Su-35 intercepted two US B-52H bombers that were allegedly moving towards its border over the Baltic Sea, TASS reported on Monday, March 20 citing Russia's Defense Ministry. | The Ministry claimed that the Russian jet had to scramble to intercept the two bombers and only returned "after foreign military planes move[ed] away from the state border of the Russian Federation." It added that the two US bombers were not allowed to violate Russian state borders and the sortie of the Russian jet fighter was performed in strict compliance with international law. | This was the third such air incident betw…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Ahead of Burmese New Year, 400 garment workers laid off at garment factory. peoplesdispatch.org

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Daily Round-up | Investigation launched into killings of Afghans by UK forces & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we take a look at a probe into killings in Afghanistan, protests in Lebanon against the economic crisis, demonstrations against the death of a protester in Peru, and a strike by Starbucks workers in the US…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Indian farmers conclude Long March in a victory. peoplesdispatch.org They walked demanding the government address the problems being faced by the farmers and workers of the state of the Maharashtra. A key demand was remunerative prices for onion crops…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Indian opposition leader Rahul Gandhi expelled from parliament after defamation conviction. peoplesdispatch.org The move came a day after Rahul Gandhi was sentenced to two years in prison in a defamation case. His conviction, as well as his expulsion, has been criticized by the opposition, civil society and legal experts…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Over 10 million in Pakistan lack access to safe drinking water. peoplesdispatch.org Six months after catastrophic floods devastated one-third of Pakistan, a large number of people have no alternative but to use and drink potentially disease-ridden water. Tens of thousands of impoverished, hungry children are fighting a losing battle against acute malnutrition and water-borne diseases, says UNICEF…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Resistance to pension reform in France intensifies. peoplesdispatch.org Massive mobilizations rocked France on Thursday, March 23. Workers have given an ultimatum to French President Emmanuel Macron demanding that his government withdraw the pension reform that was passed without a vote in parliament. | According to estimates by unions, a total of around 3.5 million people hit the streets in more than 250 locations across France on Thursday. | Workers have continued work stoppages in critical areas including energy, transportation, railways, seaports, airports, industries, school, colleges and universities, municipal services including waste management, and tightened blockades of maj…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). US forces carry out airstrikes in eastern Syria, civilian deaths reported. peoplesdispatch.org The strikes were carried out after a drone attack on a US base in Syria's Hasakah killed one US contractor and injured six others. US forces have been illegally deployed on Syria since 2015…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Lebanon: Protesters demand solutions to prolonged economic crisis. greenleft.org.au Hundreds of people in Lebanon staged a protest outside the government headquarters in central Beirut on March 22 in the second consecutive day of protests against the ongoing economic crisis, reports Peoples Dispatch.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Questions grow about Tunisian government response to migrant drownings. greenleft.org.au The latest migrant drownings off the Tunisian coast have led to further scrutiny of Tunisia's treatment of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, reports People's Dispatch/Globetrotter News Service.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Swaziland's anti-monarchy activists face repression ahead of elections. greenleft.org.au Mvuselelo Mkhabela, a 21-year-old activist of the Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS), escaped from a hospital after being shot and tortured by the police, reports Peoples Dispatch.

Peter Koenig (2023-03-24). Credit Suisse Takeover in a Black Box — Untransparent Deal. Implications for the Failing Structures of Global Banking. globalresearch.ca

Philip Weiss (2023-03-24). The U.S. establishment's fever to smash Iraq must not be forgotten. mronline.org Twenty years ago the entire U.S. establishment lined up behind our war on Iraq. It was one of the greatest disasters in history, and there's been no accountability.

Pip Hinman (2023-03-24). Peace activist: 'Metal shops should be helping the climate transition, not preparing for war'. greenleft.org.au Peace campaigners argue that engineering firms should instead be awarded grants to manufacture components for the climate transition. Pip Hinman reports.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-24). The Pentagon's "Ides of March 2021": Best Month to Go to War? globalresearch.ca or the Romans, the month of March (Martius) marked "the time to start new military campaigns." As in the heyday of the Roman Empire, the Pentagon has a mandate to plan and implement a precise "timeline" of military operations.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-24). The US-NATO War of Aggression against Yugoslavia. globalresearch.ca When Belgrade was bombed, the children's hospital was the object of air attacks. It had been singled out as a strategic target. NATO stated that to "save the lives" of the newly borne, they did not bomb the section of the hospital where the babies were residing, instead they targeted the power generator, which meant no more power for the incubators.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-24). Video: China and the Geopolitical Chessboard. Michel Chossudovsky. globalresearch.ca Geopolitics: | US-NATO confrontation directed against the People's Republic of China consists in the militarization of the South China Sea as well as the reinforcement of U.S. military presence in East and South East Asia. | Washington is also intent upon undermining …

Raegan Davis (2023-03-24). How 250 young workers on food stamps brought a billion-dollar institution to heel. peoplesworld.org PHILADELPHIA—Last week, the Temple University Graduate Student Association (TUGSA) ended a historic 42-day strike by overwhelmingly ratifying a contract that included far more than the Temple administration ever insisted it would give. The union faced unprecedented retaliation, persevering as members' healthcare was manually shut off by their employer twice and tuition fees were charged to …

Ramona Wadi (2023-03-24). Israel's new Cycles of forcibly displacing Palestinians. juancole.com Ramona Wadi ( Middle East Monitor ) — US President Joe Biden placed much emphasis on rhetorically opposing Israel's settlement expansion. Hence the reaction from Washington over the Israeli Knesset passing the second and third readings of the Disengagement Law that would allow resettlement of Jewish Israelis in four previously vacated illegal settlement areas in the occupied West Bank. Israel's Ambassador to the US …

Rescue Pacifica (2023-03-24). Tuesday 3/21: Speak Out At KPFA-Defend Pacifica Bylaws and Stop The Sale Of LA KPFK. indybay.org KPFA | 1929 Martin Luther King Blvd. | Berkeley…

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Azerbaijan continues to threaten Armenia, Russia over conquered Karabakh. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com AzertagMarch 24, 2023 In accordance with the tripartite Declaration, Armenia should remove the illegal army units from the territory of Azerbaijan Observations, as well as monitoring, show that the illegal transportation of weapons from Armenia to Karabakh continues in the areas where the Russian armed forces are temporarily stationed….[I]t is very important to remove more …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Azerbaijani state media site calls for "regime change" in Iran. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Excerpts produced verbatim. Azerbaijani sources routinely refer to northwestern Iran as South Azerbaijan. — RR AzertagMarch 22, 2023 Regime change in Iran has become a necessity Iran's international situation and internal turmoil are having a negative effect. As a result of the policy implemented by the regime, Iran is facing the threat of internal disintegration …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Flanked by Russian ambassador, Serbian minister lays wreath at memorial to children killed by NATO bombs. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Tanjug News AgencyMarch 24, 2023 Selakovic lays wreath at memorial to children killed in NATO aggression BELGRADE — Serbian Minister of Labour, Employment and Veteran and Social Affairs Nikola Selakovic laid a wreath at a memorial to children killed in the 1999 NATO aggression on Serbia, then part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. City …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Foreign minister at the time: NATO's war against Yugoslavia destabilized Europe, paved way for endless wars. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Tanjug News AgencyMarch 24, 2023 "The goal was set earlier and Serbia was attacked"; "Then, Kissinger said…" Foreign Affairs Minister at the time of NATO aggression ≈Ωivadin Jovanoviƒá stated the goal of that aggression wasn't to resolve humanitarian or political issues. According to him, the goal was to seize part of the territory of Serbia, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Georgia: German FM rallies "civil society" 5th column for NATO absorption, war for "occupied territories" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaMarch 24, 2023 German FM Annalena Baerbock Visits Georgia Annalena Baerbock has started her visit to Georgia with the meeting with the civil society representatives, followed by the meeting with her Georgian counterpart FM Darchiashvili. According to the information by GYLA, civil society representatives focused on the issues related to human rights situation in …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Georgia: German FM rallies "civil society" 5th column for NATO absorption, war for "occupied territories'. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaMarch 24, 2023 German FM Annalena Baerbock Visits Georgia Annalena Baerbock has started her visit to Georgia with the meeting with the civil society representatives, followed by the meeting with her Georgian counterpart FM Darchiashvili. According to the information by GYLA, civil society representatives focused on the issues related to human rights situation in …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). NATO pushes European Socialists for thirty more years, eternity of new wars. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com From Bosnia to Ukraine, NATO has been waging war — on three continents — for thirty years. Evidently permanently, "for the long term." It could be argued that NATO has presented the world with its first Socialist/Social Democratic wars. (Think of Blair, Schroeder, Jospin, Solana, etc. in 1999.) And a plethora of them at that. …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Polish, Slovakian Warplanes to Enter Ukrainian War, F-16s Likely to Follow. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish, Slovakian Warplanes to Enter Ukrainian War, F-16s Likely to Follow Andy Corbley FULL ARTICLE VARESE, Italy. March 20th, 2023. On Friday, Slovakia's prime minister, Eduard Heger, said the East European country would join Poland in providing MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine for the war effort. The 13 planes will join 4 from Poland to …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Serbian prime minister: We will never forget NATO aggression. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Tanjug News AgencyMarch 24, 2023 Brnabic: We will never forget NATO aggression Video from Brnabic's Twitter page. We will never forget the 1999 NATO aggression, Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said on Friday. "Today, we mark 24 years since NATO aggression, committed against Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia & Montenegro). We will never forget," Brnabic wrote …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Today Serbia marks 24 years since the beginning of NATO aggression. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Reproduced from Tanjug News Agency. Serbia marks 24 years since the beginning of NATO aggression24 years ago, on March 24, 1999, NATO aggression against Serbia, that is, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, started. The order for the attack was issued by Javier Solana, the Secretary General of NATO at the time, to the then commander …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). U.S. ambassador tells Serbs, relatives of those slain, not to carry a chip on their shoulders. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com B92March 24, 2023 Hill to the Serbs: "I believe you can suppress your indignation" US Ambassador Christopher Hill said, on the occasion of the anniversary of the NATO bombing, that he knows that the people of Serbia cannot suppress their pain. However, as the U.S. Ambassador added, he believes that the people of Serbia have …

Robert Inlakesh (2023-03-24). Joe Biden Bombs Syria Again & Claims "Self-Defense" thelastamericanvagabond.com On the direct order of US President Joe Biden, during the early hours of Friday morning, the US Air Force carried out a number of airstrikes against targets in Syria's Deir Ez-zor province, allegedly killing four and injuring a number of others. The US government insists that it had struck "Iran-backed facilities" in response to

Robert S. Becker (2023-03-24). Is Trump so desperate he'd risk getting shot to regain the White House? Without downsides? nationofchange.org How can Trump end up looking like the dumbest, lyingest punk operative who ever escaped from the sneaky Naked City?

Rodolfo Bueno (2023-03-24). Todo está concatenado en la crisis mundial. globalizacion.ca Según Donald Trump, el establishment de la política exterior de EEUU intenta meter al mundo en un conflicto con Rusia, sobre la base de la mentira de que este país es la mayor amenaza para la civilización occidental, pero la…

SAMIR (2023-03-24). After Hebrew U conference cancellation – intensify academic boycotts! bdsmovement.net

SAMIR (2023-03-24). Israeli Apartheid Week Update: Inspiring Worldwide Actions & Unity. bdsmovement.net

Santa Cruz News (2023-03-24). Mayor Keeley Targets the Homeless with Surprise Traffic Median Motion. indybay.org At the March 14th meeting of the Santa Cruz City Council, Mayor Fred Keeley introduced a surprise motion targeting homeless residents who panhandle on traffic medians (watch video below). Keeley's motion was not included anywhere in the meeting's agenda packet, he spontaneously inserted it into an unrelated vote on item #15, which concerned bicycle safety improvements and the removal of automobile parking on Laurel Street. Keeley stated the motion as follows: "Add additional direction that the City Manager return at budget hearings with a plan for installing safety devices that prohibit remaining on traffic islan…

Sarah Taitz (2023-03-24). How Officials in Georgia are Suppressing Political Protest as 'Domestic Terrorism'. aclu.org

scorinoco (2023-03-24). Alex Saab's Life Is in Danger (Statement by Puerto Rican Activists). orinocotribune.com By àìscar López Rivera, Luis Rosa Pérez, Adolfo Matos Antorgiorgi — Mar 23, 2023 | The Venezuelan diplomat, Alex Saab, is still imprisoned in the prisons of the United States of America. His health has deteriorated. His life is in danger. We urge you to join the campaign for his immediate release. | As Puerto Ricans who love justice and freedom, we demand that the government of the United States of America immediately release Alex Saab. | It has been two years and eight months since the US government kidnapped Alex Saab in a gross violation of human rights and international law. The kidnapping and imp…

scorinoco (2023-03-24). PSUV Vice President Cabello Rejects US 'Support' for Venezuela's Fight Against Corruption. orinocotribune.com

scorinoco (2023-03-24). Total Peace in Colombia: President Petro Meets With FARC Leaders. orinocotribune.com The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, met with former leaders of the now defunct armed insurgency organization Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) amid complaints about non-fulfillment of the Peace Agreement signed between the FARC and the government of Colombia in 2016. The meeting, which took place in Casa de Nariño, the seat of the Colombian presidency, on Wednesday, March 22, was attended by the president of the Comunes party Rodrigo Londoño, alias Commander Timochenko of FARC; Pastor Alapé, former member of the FARC secretariat and delegate of Comunes party; and Carlos Lozada, former FARC comma…

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-24). AOC Slams GOP for Banning Children's Book "Life of Rosa Parks" for Being "Woke" truthout.org As the House debated a Republican bill that would unleash a flood of racist, far right abuse on schools and children across the U.S., Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) delivered a fiery speech on Thursday condemning Republicans for their clear embrace of fascism. The bill, which passed the House largely on party lines on Friday morning, would force schools to disclose their curriculum and… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-24). Starbucks Union Unveils 7 Unionizing Stores During Company Shareholder Meeting. truthout.org As Starbucks held its annual shareholder meeting on Thursday, Starbucks Workers United unveiled seven new union filings in states spanning from the South to the Pacific Northwest in the largest announcement of new unionizing stores since last spring. Stores in Colorado, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Oregon and Washington announced their union efforts this week as the union approaches a new milestone… |

splcenter (2023-03-24). Alabama Supreme Court denies Jefferson County judgeship. splcenter.org

Staff (2023-03-24). Archivo CD: Monseñor Romero: La opción por los pobres. cubadebate.cu Monseñor àìscar Arnulfo Romero fue asesinado el 24 de marzo de 1980 en la capital de El Salvador mientras oficiaba una misa, siendo nombrado mártir de la Iglesia en 2015. En este nuevo aniversario de su muerte, Cubadebate comparte en su homenaje el texto Monseñor Romero: La opción por los pobres.

Staff (2023-03-24). Jorge Luis Sánchez Rivera: Retratar la ciudad, la gente, la vida. cubadebate.cu Laborioso, intrépido y dinámico, este artista del lente logra conjugar en sus imágenes veracidad y poesía, porque Jorge Luis tiene inquietudes creativas y para saciarlas trasciende el fotoperiodismo y suelta riendas a la imaginación. Así nos lega imágenes que transpiran ternura, lirismo y cubanía, sin abandonar su razón de ser: fotografiar el acontecimiento.

Staff (2023-03-24). La IA-manía se desata (I). cubadebate.cu Como si presenciáramos una carrera a máxima velocidad en los autos más rápidos del mundo, los lanzamientos de aplicaciones de inteligencia artificial generativa son tan seguidos como prometedores para la tecnología que emplearemos en el futuro más cercano. En los últimos días se lanzaron en el mundo más de 15 soluciones de software a base de inteligencia artificial (IA).

Staff (2023-03-24). El Cristo de La Habana: Un símbolo de la ciudad y su historia. cubadebate.cu Como si fuese el guardián de la capital, imponente erguido, con siluetas y un acabado perfecto, el Cristo de La Habana convida a los ojos de los transeúntes a apreciar la obra escultórica de Jilma Madera, quien ganó el concurso para realizarla en 1953, y la misma quedó inaugurada el 25 de diciembre de 1958. La pieza mide unos 20 metros de altura y pesa unas 320 toneladas.

Staff (2023-03-24). Candidatos a diputados al parlamento cubano culminan recorridos por localidades. cubadebate.cu Candidatos a diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de Cuba culminan hoy los recorridos por las demarcaciones que representarán en la X Legislatura si son electos. Desde febrero, los 470 candidatos a diputados realizan recorridos por las zonas por las que fueron nominados para dialogar con los pobladores y conocer sus inquietudes.

Staff (2023-03-24). Devueltos 64 migrantes irregulares por Servicio de Guardacostas de Estados Unidos. cubadebate.cu El Servicio de Guardacostas de Estados Unidos devolvió este viernes 24 de marzo, a 64 migrantes irregulares (60 hombres y cuatro mujeres) a Cuba. Se trata de la operación 29 del Servicio de Guardacostas con 2072 ciudadanos cubanos retornados en 2023, con la que suman 49 desde países del área y un total de 2894 personas.

Staff (2023-03-24). Llegó Díaz-Canel a República Dominicana para asistir a Cumbre Iberoamericana. cubadebate.cu El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, arribó hoy a República Dominicana al frente de la delegación de la nación caribeña que participará en la XXVIII Cumbre Iberoamericana de Jefes y de Estado y de Gobierno.

Staff (2023-03-24). Nuevo primer capitán de la selección española àÅlvaro Morata: "Ser capitán es un orgullo increíble" cubadebate.cu àÅlvaro Morata, nuevo primer capitán de la selección española de fútbol tras el adiós de Sergio Busquets y las ausencias en la primera lista de Luis de la Fuente de Jordi Alba y Koke Resurrección, reconoció que siente "un orgullo increíble" por portar el brazalete ante Noruega en el primer partido de una nueva etapa.

Staff (2023-03-24). Quinto sismo perceptible del año sacude a provincia de Santiago de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Sin indicios de daños humanos ni materiales, el temblor ocurrió a las 12: 49, hora local, y es el segundo de esta semana, tras el registrado este miércoles, con una magnitud de 4.0 y epicentro en Pilón, provincia de Granma.

Staff (2023-03-24). Un niño muere cada diez minutos en Yemen por causas evitables, denuncia Unicef y llama a la ayuda humanitaria urgente. cubadebate.cu El Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef) denunció este viernes que 11 millones de menores de edad yemeníes necesitan ayuda humanitaria de forma urgente. De acuerdo a la agencia de la ONU, 540 000 menores de cinco años sufren malnutrición aguda severa, potencialmente mortal.

Staff (2023-03-24). Cop City: Judge Denies Bond to People Rounded Up in Mass Arrest for Opposing Police Training Facility. democracynow.org In Atlanta, a judge has denied bond for 8 of the people indiscriminately arrested at a music festival against the proposed "Cop City" police training facility in the Weelaunee Forest. Jailed since March 5, they are charged with domestic terrorism based on scant evidence like muddy clothes or simply being in the area at the time of the festival. We're joined by Micah Herskind, an Atlanta community organizer, who calls the charges "political prosecutions" and a blatant "attempt to repress this social movement that is trying to stop Cop City."…

Staff (2023-03-24). "France Is Furious": Anger Grows at Macron for Raising Retirement Age as Millions Strike & Protest. democracynow.org French unions say nearly 3.5 million people took to the streets Thursday in a nationwide general strike to protest President Emmanuel Macron's deeply unpopular move to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. Macron forced the legislation through the French National Assembly last week, using a constitutional clause to bypass a parliamentary vote. Macron's government survived a vote of no confidence Monday by just nine votes, but public anger shows no signs of abating, with France's major trade unions planning another nationwide protest for Tuesday. "Not only is the government trying to do t…

Staff (2023-03-24). Headlines for March 24, 2023. democracynow.org Netanyahu Shielded from Charges as Protests Rage Against Far-Right Judicial Reforms, Millions Join General Strike in France After Macron Uses Executive Fiat to Slash Pensions, Biden and Trudeau to Announce Deal to Block Asylum Seekers at U.S. Northern Border, U.S. Warplanes Strike Syria After Drone Attack on U.S. Base Kills Contractor, Indian Opposition MP Rahul Gandhi Jailed for Criticizing Modi, House Panel Grills TikTok CEO as Progressives Warn Against Anti-Chinese Scapegoating, Utah Passes Law Requiring Parental Consent for Minors Using Social Media, GA and IA Ban Healthcare for Trans Youth; World Athletics B…

Staff (2023-03-24). The Candidate and the Spy: James Bamford on Israel's Secret Collusion with Trump to Win 2016 Race. democracynow.org In his new book, Spyfail: Foreign Spies, Moles, Saboteurs, and the Collapse of America's Counterintelligence, investigative journalist James Bamford reveals that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dispatched a secret Israeli agent to the United States in the spring of 2016 to help Donald Trump win the presidential election. The agent met with advisers to Trump and offered to share secret intelligence with the campaign against Hillary Clinton. Bamford's investigation finds that while American media fixated on Russia's role in swaying the 2016 election, Israeli interference was completely i…

Staff (2023-03-24). Rep. Ro Khanna on Regulating Banks, TikTok, China, Ukraine & His Vote on the "Horrors of Socialism" democracynow.org We speak with Democratic Congressmember Ro Khanna about the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, regulating the banking sector, and how Federal Reserve interest rate hikes contributed to the banking crisis. Silicon Valley Bank was based in Khanna's district in California, and he has criticized fellow Democrats who supported a 2018 bill that weakened oversight for some banks. "We need to regulate large regional banks the same way that we regulate the Big Four banks," says Khanna. He also talks about growing concern from lawmakers about the social video app TikTok, the Biden adminis…

Staff (2023-03-24). How to Fabricate an Atrocity. davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-03-24). Perú: Protester Killed by 36 Pellets During Boluarte Regime Repression. orinocotribune.com The National Coordinator for Human Rights of Perú (CNDDHH), reported that the young protestor Rosalino Flores died this Tuesday, March 21, as a result of wounds sustained on January 11 from the National Police of Perú (PNP) firing 36 pellets at him during protests against Dina Boluarte and her de facto government. | "After almost two months of agony, Rosalino Flores, a 22-year-old boy who was shot by over 30 metal pellets in his stomach during the protests in Cusco, has died," reported the CNDDHH, cited by Actualidad RT. "With his death, there have now been 49 civilians executed by the law enforcement agencies du…

Staff (2023-03-24). Presidents of Venezuela and Colombia Meet in Caracas, 4th Meeting in 7 Months. orinocotribune.com Caracas, March 23, 2023 ( The first meeting between Presidents Maduro and Petro was held on November 1, 2022, wherein they signed a joint declaration at Miraflores Palace in Caracas, after the resumption of d…

Staff (2023-03-24). The Macabre Shock and Awe Show: 20th Anniversary of US/NATO Iraq War. peoplesparty.org Twenty years ago on this date, the American people were subjected to a macabre form of "reality TV" show, set in Baghdad, in the form of the "premier episode" of

Staff (2023-03-24). Munther Khalaf Mufleh: Prisoners' movement victory is an implementation of unity and true partnership. samidoun.net The following article, by Palestinian prisoner leader Munther Khalaf Mufleh, is republished from the original Arabic, from the Handala Center. After the escalation of Zionist attacks against the achievements gained by the prisoners' movement over the years, and the attempts of the fascist Ben Gvir to seize our rights by enacting laws and policies such …

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Ciudad ecuatoriana de Guayaquil es afectada por inundaciones. telesurtv.net La alcaldesa de Guayaquil, Cynthia Viteri, afirmó que se descartan heridos por las inundaciones.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Fuerzas israelíes asesinan a joven palestino en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Abu Khadija murió en un enfrentamiento armado con las fuerzas de ocupación de Israel.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Taxistas griegos exigen respuestas sobre tragedia ferroviaria. telesurtv.net El Sindicato de Taxistas de Atenas exige una serie de medidas al Gobierno para el alivio de su sector y lo responsabilizan de no garantizar seguridad en las vías férreas.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Comienza el Ramadán 2023. øEn qué consiste?>. telesurtv.net El aspecto más conocido del Ramadán es el ayuno, que consiste en no consumir alimentos ni bebidas desde el amanecer hasta el ocaso.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Iniciará este jueves Encuentro Empresarial Iberoamericano. telesurtv.net En este espacio de la Cumbre Iberoamericana se presentará el informe "Perspectiva Económica de América Latina 2022" y se realizarán cinco paneles.

teleSUR, hvh, DRL (2023-03-24). Presidente Arce revindica salida al mar para Bolivia. telesurtv.net Afirmó que es momento de iniciar una nueva etapa de relacionamiento bilateral con Chile que permita a las partes un diálogo franco y con la valentía para abordar los temas históricos que las separan.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-24). China denuncia invasión en sus aguas por buque de EE.UU. telesurtv.net El portavoz del Comando del Teatro del Sur de China señaló que este acto socava "gravemente la paz y la estabilidad".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-24). Premier ruso resalta fracaso de sanciones occidentales. telesurtv.net El titular del Gobierno señaló que Rusia "ha sido golpeada por las sanciones. Nunca ha habido un golpe de igual fuerza".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-24). Comienza paro contra reforma jubilatoria en Uruguay. telesurtv.net Líder sindical señala que además de criticar la reforma jubilatoria, el fin del paro es que dicha medida no sea votada durante el actual Gobierno.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-03-24). Argentinos celebran 20 años de plebiscito contra mina en Esquel. telesurtv.net En recordación de la consulta popular se volvió a realizar una marcha en la ciudad de Esquel retomando el lema de "El agua vale más que el oro".

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-03-24). Aumenta a 69 el número de muertos por lluvias en Perú. telesurtv.net El Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Nacional indicó que se han reportado 10.874 damnificados y 74.022 personas afectadas por las lluvias.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-24). Continúan protestas contra la reforma de pensiones en Francia. telesurtv.net En esta, la novena jornada de huelgas organizada contra la nueva legislación, también se registraron bloqueos en avenidas, represas, huelgas del sector energético y en el transporte.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-24). Registran sismo de magnitud 5,3 en Kahramanmaras, Türkiye. twitter.com Hasta el momento se han registrado varias réplicas, incluyendo una de magnitud 4, pero no han causado daños estructurales ni humanos.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-24). Conmemoran 43 ∞ aniversario de cruzada de alfabetización en Nicaragua. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado calificó el analfabetismo como un virus que "está en todo el mundo, incluso en los países desarrollados, hay estadísticas".

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-24). Presidente de Venezuela sostiene encuentro con su homólogo de Colombia. telesurtv.net En el encuentro de los mandatarios también estuvieron presentes autoridades de ambos países.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-24). Metroviarios de Sao Paulo retoman el trabajo tras huelga. telesurtv.net El Sindicato de los Trabajadores exige a la empresa Metrô el pago de bonos salariales y revocar los despidos por jubilación.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-24). Guinea Ecuatorial confirma ocho casos del virus de Marburgo. telesurtv.net Actualmente en África hay dos brotes conocidos de la enfermedad mortal: uno en Guinea Ecuatorial y otro en Tanzania.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-24). Japón recibe a ganadores del Clásico Mundial como héroes. telesurtv.net En la delegación japonesa estuvieron ausentes cuatro jugadores, entre ellos, el MVP del evento deportivo, Shohei Ohtani.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Cuba promoverá la cooperación internacional en Cumbre Iberoamericana. telesurtv.net El canciller aseguró que la nación antillana, en su condición de presidente del grupo G-77+China, está comprometida al impulso a la cooperación inclusiva y sostenible.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Denuncian impunidad en caso de monseñor Romero en El Salvador. telesurtv.net Este 24 de marzo de cumplen 43 años del magnicidio de monseñor Óscar Arnulfo Romero.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Postulan el joropo venezolano como Patrimonio Cultural ante Unesco. telesurtv.net La firma del documento tuvo lugar en un acto público en el parque Simón Bolívar de La Carlota en el estado de Miranda.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Resaltan diversidad de candidatos al Parlamento de Cuba. telesurtv.net Por medio de un mensaje en su cuenta de la red social Twitter, el mandatario resaltó las evidencias expuestas en las reseñas de vida.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Sector de transporte alemán convoca a huelga por mejoras salariales. telesurtv.net Dentro de las demandas está la exigencia de un aumento salarial del 10 por ciento para los más de 2.500.000 de funcionarios del Estado.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). Nueva masacre deja cuatro muertos en el Putumayo, Colombia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo a Indepaz, en lo que va del 2023 Colombia suma 26 masacres y 31 líderes sociales asesinados.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). Manifestantes reciben restos de Rosalino Florez en Cusco, Perú. telesurtv.net Varios de los presentes exigieron justicia por la muerte de Rosalino Florez a manos de la policía.

The Associated Press (2023-03-24). Mexican President Pushes Back on US Criticism on Cartel Violence. latinorebels.com Mexico's president on Friday angrily rejected comments by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken that the Mexican government has lost control over parts of the country.

The Naked Emperor (2023-03-24). Bill Gates and the WHO Want a "Global Health Emergency Corps" globalresearch.ca

Tom Engelhardt (2023-03-24). Prophecies, Then and Now: My Life at World's End. juancole.com ( Tomdispatch.com ) — Indulge me for a moment. This is how "The Prophecy" in my 1962 high school yearbook began. It was written by some of my classmates in the year we graduated from Friends Seminary in New York City. "Being an historian, I am jotting down these notes out of habit, but what I …

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-24). Ahead of the Final Four, Houston Criminalizes Homelessness. unicornriot.ninja

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-24). FBI Informant 'Microchip' Surfaces in White Supremacist Election Interference Trial. unicornriot.ninja

UUSF Morning Forum (2023-03-24). Sunday 3/26: Solutions are Already Here: Hope for Ecological Renewal. A workshop with Gregory Stevens. indybay.org Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco | In Person: 1187 Franklin St. @ Geary / TSK Room | On Zoom: | zoom.us/j/95797889329?pwd=YzJUUVFXUzdpeTlUU3FDd296UGg2UT09

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute For Social Research. (2023-03-24). Strike The Women, You Strike The Rock, You Will Be Crushed. popularresistance.org What constitutes a crisis worthy of global attention? When a regional bank in the United States falls victim to the inversion of the yield curve (i.e., when short-term bond interest rates become higher than long-term rates), the Earth nearly stops spinning. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) — one of the most important financiers of technology start-ups in the United States — on 10 March presaged wider chaos in the Western financial world. In the days after the SVB debacle, Signature Bank, one of the few banks to accept cryptocurrency deposits, faced bankruptcy, and then Credit Suisse, an estab…

Vijay Prashad (2023-03-24). You strike the women, you strike the rock, you will be crushed: The Twelfth Newsletter (2023). mronline.org What constitutes a crisis worthy of global attention? When a regional bank in the United States falls victim to the inversion of the yield curve (i.e., when short-term bond interest rates become higher than long-term rates), the Earth nearly stops spinning.

Vijay Prashad (2023-03-24). In crises, women are always the resistance leaders—in Africa and everywhere else. peoplesworld.org What constitutes a crisis worthy of global attention? When a regional bank in the United States falls victim to the inversion of the yield curve (i.e., when short-term bond interest rates become higher than long-term rates), the Earth nearly stops spinning. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)—one of the most important financiers of technology start-ups in …

Workers World (2023-03-24). Bronx Parents and Teachers Protest AOC Military Recruitment Fair. towardfreedom.org

WSWS (2023-03-24). Municipal workers in New York City vote on sellout tentative agreement. wsws.org Mayor Eric Adams and the public workers union are pushing a deal for 100,000 city workers containing massive cuts to real wages.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Strike vote by railroaders at CSX over constant underpayment of wages. wsws.org Since a new payroll system was implemented in 2020, workers have complained of continuous underpayment of wages.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. wsws.org Hungarian teachers begin indefinite strike over pay in year-long dispute; strike across West Bank in response to killings by Israeli military as teachers' stoppage continues; Nigerian public sector workers to begin general strike over cost of living…

WSWS (2023-03-24). Autoworkers speak out after Monitor rejects Will Lehman protest of fraudulent UAW election: "The whole thing smells" wsws.org Workers denounced the dishonest character of the Monitor's rejection of Lehman's protest.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Video: SEP (Australia) holds well-attended final NSW election meeting. wsws.org The SEP held an important online meeting Thursday night, ahead of Saturday's New South Wales state election. SEP candidates Oscar Grenfell, Max Boddy and Mike Head addressed the meeting, which was chaired by National Secretary Cheryl Crisp.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Clashes erupt across France as police assault record protests to defend pensions. wsws.org As 3.5 million people marched against Macron's overwhelmingly unpopular cuts, a revolutionary confrontation is emerging between the working class and the capitalist state.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Scientists find extensive wildlife DNA from the Wuhan wet market mixed with SARS-CoV-2. wsws.org Dr. Florence Débarre and colleagues have released their full report analyzing genetic sequences from Huanan wet market that showed wild-animal DNA mixed with SARS-CoV-2 RNA.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Bankstown: A microcosm of Australia's social crisis. wsws.org The social situation in Bankstown, with soaring rents and mortgages, stagnant or declining incomes and mounting social distress, shows that capitalism offers no future for the working class.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Tens of thousands of jobs lost in film, performing arts in the US due to pandemic. wsws.org Why should the US ruling elite blink at the permanent damage done to artists and cultural life?

WSWS (2023-03-24). 65,000 school workers in Los Angeles sent back to work with no contract or raise after third day on strike. wsws.org Despite the enormous show of opposition among school workers and educators, both the SEIU and UTLA union bureaucracies worked to contain and limit the strike.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Teachers around the world send in support for striking Los Angeles school workers. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site has received numerous statements from educators involved in independent rank-and-file committees across the world supporting the three-day strike by Los Angeles school workers this week.

WSWS (2023-03-24). The international pseudo-left and the lifting of Zero-COVID in China: Part 2. wsws.org The pseudo-left's hostility to public health and support for imperialism found its sharpest expression in their demand—echoing that of the Western corporate media and political establishment—that China abandon its Zero-COVID strategy.

WSWS (2023-03-24). New warning strikes in Germany's public sector. wsws.org Hundreds of thousands of workers in Germany are participating in strikes across the country this week. At the same time, anger is growing at the role being played by service sector union Verdi, which refuses to call for joint action.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Netanyahu given UK backing amid deepening Israeli crisis and repression of Palestinians. wsws.org The day before Netanyahu's leaving for London, at least 75 protesters were arrested during the latest anti-government "day of disruption" in Israel.

WSWS (2023-03-24). The value American capitalism places on workers' lives: BP fined $156,250 for the deaths of two refinery operators in Ohio explosion. wsws.org Ben and Max Morrissey were burned to death in an explosion and fire at the BP Husky oil refinery in Oregon, Ohio, just outside of Toledo. For American capitalism, the life of a worker is very cheap.

WSWS (2023-03-24). White House to shut down COVID response task force. wsws.org Eliminating the task force is part of the overall Biden administration policy of claiming the pandemic is "over," even though COVID-19 continues to kill thousands of Americans every week.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Sri Lankan president threatens to impose essential services orders banning strikes on teachers. wsws.org Hundreds of teachers and principals protest in Colombo this week against the government's arbitrary decision to dissolve the Teachers Transfer Board.

WSWS (2023-03-24). UK postal workers expose back breaking working conditions at Royal Mail. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site is publishing further correspondence from postal workers exposing the brutal exploitative regime being imposed by Royal Mail. The latest comes from London, Cheshunt, Luton, Chatham, Houghton Regis, Stalham and Blackburn.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Workers Struggles: Asia and Australia. wsws.org India: Uttar Pradesh power unions betray 100,000-strong strike for higher pay; Bangladeshi teachers demand nationalisation of schools; Western Australia: Maintenance workers strike South32 alumina refinery.

WSWS (2023-03-24). UK: RCN union tries to defend National Health Service sellout deal as nurses rebel. wsws.org Union leaders have begun an operation framed as a "dialogue" designed to pressure members into accepting a rotten deal.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Body of student who shot two Denver high school faculty found in Park County, Colorado after police manhunt. wsws.org Austin Lyle,17, shot and injured two Denver East High School faculty after a handgun was found on him before he fled the school Wednesday.

WSWS (2023-03-24). US congressmen game out war with China in 2025. wsws.org Last weekend, Republican members of Congress carried out a war game, led by a retired US general, envisioning a war with China by 2025.

Zane McNeill (2023-03-24). Wyoming Passes Bill Banning Sale of Abortion Pill. truthout.org On March 17, Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon (R) signed a bill into law that will make it illegal to prescribe, sell or use "any drug for the purpose of procuring or performing an abortion." The abortion pills, misoprostol and mifepristone, have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). While more than a dozen states have effectively banned abortion pills with their prohibitions on… |

Anonymous103 (2023-03-24). Imperial Visits: US Emissaries in the Pacific. southfront.org Illustrative Image: Australia's Canberra Class LHDs conducting exercises with a U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke Class DDG and Nimitz Class CVN | Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark | For some time, Washington has been losing its spunk in the Pacific. When it comes to the Pacific Islands, a number have not fallen — at least entirely — for the rhetoric that Beijing is there to take, consume, and dominate all. Nor have such countries been entirely blind to their own sharpened interests. This largely aqueous region, which promise…

Editor (2023-03-24). In Moscow, Xi and Putin bury Pax Americana. mronline.org In Moscow this week, the Chinese and Russian leaders revealed their joint commitment to redesign the global order, an undertaking that has 'not been seen in 100 years.'

Peter Koenig (2023-03-24). President Xi Jinping's Epic Visit to Moscow and What It Means for the World. Peter Koenig. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2023-03-24). Chapeando: Sí, sólo en Miami (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Sólo en Miami el poder de los grupos mafiosos se usa para atacar símbolos como un juego de béisbol. Pero esos grupos no nacieron de la nada. Emergieron de los grupos armados, entrenados y financiados por la CIA. No olvidar nunca que es la misma gente que llegó a secuestrar a un niño con los mismos fines que ahora boicoteó un partido de béisbol.

Staff (2023-03-24). Del ICAIC y el cine cubano: Grabando, cámara °acción! (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Desde su fundación el 24 de marzo de 1959, el Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos (ICAIC) tuvo entre sus objetivos estimular la creación y la producción nacional de audiovisuales, y también la distribución. Su establecimiento, a solo tres meses del triunfo revolucionario, fue una de las más importantes ganancias sociales y culturales de aquellos años.

Staff (2023-03-24). Las 3 del Día: Adelantos de Calendario y las noticias del 23 de marzo (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Saludos a los seguidores de Las 3 del Día. Hoy la periodista Thalía Fuentes Puebla nos trae un episodio cargado de información con lo más relevante sucedido este 23 de marzo. Dedicamos los primeros minutos a compartir algunas novedades de Calendario por medio de su directora Magda González Grau. Posteriormente realizamos el habitual resumen noticioso de nuestro podcast.

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-03-24). Cifran en 511 muertes provocadas por ciclón Freddy en Malaui. telesurtv.net La tormenta ha agravado la crisis sanitaria en esa nación que enfrenta el peor brote de cólera de su historia.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2023-03-24). Abaten líder criminal en operativo policial en favela de Brasil. telesurtv.net El despliegue fue en el Complejo de Salgueiro, ubicado en la ciudad de San Gonzalo de la región metropolitana de Río de Janeiro.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2023-03-24). Convocan nuevas movilizaciones sindicales y sociales en Francia. telesurtv.net Se convocó a realizar protestas el próximo fin de semana en rechazo a la iniciativa adoptada el pasado lunes por el ejecutivo galo.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-24). Congreso peruano aprueba requisitoria contra dos ministros. telesurtv.net La fecha de citación al pleno del Congreso para el ministro de Defensa y Educación del Gobierno de Dina Boluarte todavía no ha sido informada.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). Argentinos marcharán para conmemorar el Día de la Memoria, Verdad y Justicia. telesurtv.net A 47 años del golpe de Estado, la demanda popular sigue siendo Justicia por los 30 mil desaparecidos y sanción a los represores y genocidas de la última dictadura.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). 11 millones de niños necesitan ayuda humanitaria en Yemen. telesurtv.net Según el último informe de la Unicef, un niño muere cada diez minutos en el país debido a causas evitables.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-24). øCómo serán las elecciones en Cuba?>. telesurtv.net Más de 23.000 colegios electorales se encuentran activos, los que serán custodiadas por cerca de 140.000 niñas y niños.

Timothy Alexander Guzman (2023-03-24). China's Peace Initiatives in the Middle East and Ukraine, US-NATO War Plans for the World. globalresearch.ca

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2023-03-24: News Headlines

AbdulRahman A Saied (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Nigeria's National Mental Health Act 2021: any challenges ahead? thelancet.com Although mental health problems are widespread in many African nations, they rarely receive the attention they merit. Stigmatisation is a prevalent factor that makes patients reluctant to seek mental health care in most African countries. As knowledge about mental health increased, some African countries, such as Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, and Zambia, began passing legislation and laws to safeguard the rights of individuals who have mental health problems. In 1916, Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, enacted its first mental health legislation, which was called the Lunacy Ordinance.

Anmol Arora (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Synthetic data: the future of open-access health-care datasets? thelancet.com In modern health care, medical datasets are increasingly being used to improve patient care, including through population health analysis and the development of diagnostic machine learning algorithms. This trend has been a key driver for the development of open-access datasets, giving researchers access to local or national data shared by different institutions. Open-access data can be used to train machine learning algorithms on diverse datasets that have been carefully curated, or to test algorithms that have already been trained by researchers elsewhere to assess their performance when applied to new data.

Dan Shan (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] China's bewildering medical education pathways. thelancet.com The medical education system in China is widely considered one of the most complex and perplexing in the world. Unlike the standardised medical training in Europe and North America, where all medical graduates hold the same degree and possess a uniform level of clinical proficiency,1 China has multiple, distinct medical education pathways that can last from 3 to 8 years. As a result, medical students in China can receive an entry-level medical degree at varying levels of graduation, allowing them to take the Chinese Medical Licensing Examination and become licensed practitioners.

F A Klok, B Siegerink (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Ordinal outcomes add value to clinical trials. thelancet.com We have read with interest Jason Weatherald and colleagues'1 review of novel approaches for achieving more efficient pulmonary arterial hypertension trials. Indeed, the challenge lies in defining meaningful outcomes that are relevant to patients, health-care professionals, and society and also allow for trials that can change clinical practice but require low patient numbers.

Geoff Watts (2023-03-25). [Obituary] Beryl Rica Benacerraf. thelancet.com Renowned radiologist and pioneer of ultrasound in antenatal diagnosis. She was born in New York, NY, USA, on April 29, 1949 and died of cancer in Cambridge, MA, USA, on Oct 1, 2022 aged 73 years.

Hamaiyal Sana, Paola Ortega, Daniel Scott Corlew, Emmanuel Makasa, Manon Pigeolet (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Orthopaedic surgical needs during disasters. thelancet.com The earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria on Feb 6, 2023, have left behind a massive burden of injuries, of which a large proportion are likely to be orthopaedic injuries.1 Generally, orthopaedic surgery is a field that is highly dependent on expensive equipment and supplies and, in most low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), relies heavily on donations. Türkiye, as an upper-middle-income country, faces different challenges than the war-torn, lower-income country of Syria. However, both are set to face barriers in obtaining sufficient materials specific to their context.

Jason Weatherald, Marc Humbert (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Ordinal outcomes add value to clinical trials — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We thank F A Klok and B Siegerink for their interest in our article and for their suggestion to consider ordinal outcomes for pulmonary arterial hypertension trials. Indeed, an ordinal outcome not only improves the granularity of patient-relevant outcomes compared with a dichotomous outcome, such as mortality, but it can also allow for smaller trial sample sizes than with a mortality outcome.1…

Liyang Sun, Hangdong Jia, Tian Yang (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Chinese medical personnel after the COVID-19 pandemic. thelancet.com As the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end in China,1 medical personnel who have worked tirelessly to fight the omicron (B.1.1.529) variant are now facing a new challenge. Despite their heroic efforts, many of them are now struggling to receive the financial compensation they deserve.2…

Marco De Ambrogi (2023-03-25). [Perspectives] Love and inequality. thelancet.com Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare's story of the two star-crossed lovers written in 1597 and set in Verona, Italy, has fascinated audiences for centuries. The appeal of the tragic fate of two adolescent lovers driven to a dramatic end by the opposition of their families continues to resonate among young generations. There have been many modern adaptations of Romeo and Juliet, including the musical West Side Story and Baz Luhrmann's movie Romeo + Juliet. Welsh playwright Gary Owen has now created his own adaptation, Romeo and Julie, set in modern day Splott, a suburb of Cardiff, in Wales, UK.

Mary T Bassett (2023-03-25). [Perspectives] Black women in medicine in the USA: telling their stories. thelancet.com The name Elizabeth Blackwell is probably familiar. Born in the UK, she was the first woman in the USA to be awarded a medical degree. In Twice as Hard: The Stories of Black Women Who Fought to Become Physicians, from the Civil War to the 21st Century, Jasmine Brown spans over 150 years to introduce nine less well known names: Black American women who became physicians. These were remarkable women. Rebecca Lee Crumpler (1831—95) was, in 1864, the first Black woman to earn a medical degree in the USA.

Phillip E Morgan, Ragai R Mitry (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Recent cases of acute hepatitis in children. thelancet.com Potential causes of the cases of acute hepatitis in children in the UK over the past year were discussed by Anil Dhawan and Sunitha Vimalesvaran,1 noting the presence of adenovirus subtype 41F in the majority of cases and suggesting the hepatitis was caused by an aberrant immune response to the virus rather than by the virus itself.

Richard Horton (2023-03-25). [Comment] Offline: The XX paradox. thelancet.com "Women and Black researchers are less likely to hold multiple NIH grants." "Female scientists miss out on career advances abroad." "Time stands still for white male dons of Oxford." Three recent headlines from Science, Nature, and The Times. Despite The Lancet's proclamation in 2019 that "Feminism is for everybody", the truth is that women remain excluded from many of the most senior roles in medicine and global health. An important report published by Women in Global Health last week—The State of Women and Leadership in Health—sets out the gap between words and deeds.

Sima Barmania, Michael Reiss (2023-03-25). [World Report] Pope Francis and health. thelancet.com On his election 10 years ago, Pope Francis was hailed as a voice of modernisation. Has his papacy made a difference to health? Sima Barmania and Michael Reiss report.

Sunitha Vimalesvaran, Anita Verma, Anil Dhawan (2023-03-25). [Correspondence] Recent cases of acute hepatitis in children — Authors' reply. thelancet.com We thank Phillip E Morgan and Ragai R Mitry for their letter regarding our Correspondence entitled Hunting down the cause of acute hepatitis in children.1 Our focus in that Comment was to summarise existing data on the increase in the number of cases of acute hepatitis in children and possible pathogenesis of this condition. Morgan and Mitry propose an additional lifestyle component (in particular, foods containing additives such as some colourings) that could have exacerbated hepatocyte damage during the co-infection period.

Talha Burki (2023-03-25). [World Report] The health consequences of crowd-control weapons. thelancet.com Two new reports outline how the increasingly indiscriminate use of weapons such as rubber bullets, tear gas, and batons on protestors is harming health and human rights. Talha Burki reports.

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-03-24). 'It is coming to your state soon': Attacks on child labor laws aren't going away. therealnews.com

Chris Hedges (2023-03-24). How Mexico's epidemic of murdered journalists is an ominous warning to the press everywhere. therealnews.com Over 100,000 people have been disappeared in the course of the destructive drug war waged in Mexico over the past two decades. Among the deceased are more than 150 journalists murdered for their work to expose the dense network of corruption and violence that links government officials, police, and the military with organized crime. The case of Regina Martinez, an investigative journalist assassinated in her home in the state of Veracruz in 2012, is emblematic of this war being waged against the press.

Brett Wilkins (2023-03-24). US Progressives Stand Against 'Xenophobic' TikTok Ban. therealnews.com

Taya Graham, Stephen Janis (2023-03-24). Weymouth police demanded to see his ID. His refusal led to assault charges. therealnews.com Across the US, people who attempt to resist the seemingly limitless power of the police often find themselves ensnared in a legal system that ostensibly exists for their protection. When a local police officer approached Paul Brophy of Weymouth, Massachusetts, and demanded to see his identification, Brophy attempted to invoke his constitutional rights. The officer then escalated the situation to an arrest, claiming Brophy attempted to reach for his weapon. Police Accountability Report examines the facts of the case, speaking to Paul Brophy himself about the incident. | Studio: Stephen Janis | Studio/Post-Pr…

Mike Walter (2023-03-24). The Heat: Climate Change Crisis. america.cgtn.com Two new reports issue urgent calls for action as climate change heats up. The world is on the brink of catastrophic warming, that's the conclusion of a new report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivered a blunt assessment …

_____ (2023-03-24). Operation Enmity: A Holding Action. journal-neo.org My country is failing, falling into the same dismal slough all dying empires are swallowed by. The Senators and Caesars of America have one last hope of holding onto their gain. If they can sew hatred and bitterness between brothers on the Russian steppe, the old western world order can buy time. They can hang […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

A Guest Author (2023-03-24). Another form of gig work: the 2020s sex-work boom. workers.org By Janisse Miles Three years ago, people in the U.S. were notified that they had to celebrate Women's History Month in their own homes, as thousands of organizations were shutting down for what was hoped would be two weeks but proved to be longer. The lockdown that started in mid-March . . . |

Adriaan Alsema (2023-03-24). Colombia's cocaine market collapsed: farmers. colombiareports.com Farmers from multiple parts of Colombia say cocaine sales have collapsed after a surge in the production of the illicit drug. In an interview, coca farmers' representative Leidy Diaz told…

Alex Koplos (2023-03-24). International Working Women's Day in El Paso and Ciudad Juarez: "Down with patriarchy!" workers.org El Paso, Texas Young "feministxs" organizers held a rally and cross-border march in El Paso on International Working Women's Day, March 8, calling for the end to "machismo," transphobia and state violence against femme and trans migrants. Representative of La Via Campesina speaks on International Working Women's Day, El Paso, . . . |

Allen Forrest (2023-03-24). Who Has Right on Their Side? dissidentvoice.org In Henrik Ibsen's An Enemy of the People, the character Dr. Stockmann says: The majority never has right on its side. Never I say! That is one of those social lies against which an independent, intelligent man must wage war. Who is it that constitute the majority of the population in a country? Is it …

Angela (2023-03-24). Sunday 3/26: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Blue Box" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Benoit Breville, Serge Halimi (2023-03-24). War poker and Imperial moralism. indybay.org After the fall of the Soviet Union, the "war on terrorism" began, which, according to George W. Bush, would end "tyranny in the world." Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq – the U.S. democratic crusades not only cost several million lives, they also brought the restriction of freedoms, McCarthyism, the hunt for whistleblowers. And a series of alliances with dictators…

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-24). Narendra Modi's Cricket Coup. dissidentvoice.org What a coup. Nakedly amoral but utterly self-serving in its saccharine minted glory. India's showman Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who otherwise appears to have clerkish, desk-bound qualities, had what he wanted: an accommodating, possibly clueless guest in the form of the Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese; a common interest in India's national sport cricket, and …

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-24). No Place for Whales: The U.S. Military's Legacy in Indian Country: Reckless Toxic Dumping. indybay.org From the mustard gas pit on Walker River Paiute lands, to the napalm burn site on Fallon Paiute Shoshone lands, to the undetonated bombs in the Lakota Badlands, to the experimental explosives at Fort Wingate in New Mexico and secret radioactive waste dump near the Tohono O'odham Nation capital of Sells, Arizona, to the widespread illegal hazardous waste dumping, and leaking of toxic waste, in many of the Alaskan and Hawaiian islands — there is enough documented cancer-causing waste to fill an encyclopedia.

Brian Shea, Will Hodgkinson (2023-03-24). Boston personal care attendants demand 'living wage, now!'. workers.org Around 200 people with disabilities and the personal care attendants who help them gathered at the Embrace Statue March 1, honoring Martin Luther King Jr. on the Boston Common and demanding living wages and benefits for Massachusetts PCAs. Boston Commons, March 1, 2023. Photo: Megan Smith Organized by Service Employees . . . |

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-24). New Eastern Monarch Butterfly Count Indicates Pollinator Still Threatened. indybay.org Long-Term Decline of 90% Going Into Endangered Species Act Decision…

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-24). Pentagon Leaders Say New Budget Will Help Prepare for War With China. news.antiwar.com Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley told Congress at a Thursday hearing that the Pentagon's 2024 budget request will help the country prepare for a future war with China. Milley insisted the Pentagon's massive $842 billion budget request is meant to deter war but said …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-24). US Launches Airstrikes in Syria After Drone Attack Kills US Contractor. news.antiwar.com The Pentagon announced on Thursday night that it launched airstrikes in Syria after a drone attack killed a US contractor and wounded five US troops near Hasakah in northeast Syria. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said that at the direction of President Biden, he authorized "US Central Command forces to conduct precision airstrikes tonight in …

East Meadow Action Committee (2023-03-24). East Meadow Update 3/17/23. indybay.org On March 15 and 16, 2023 the UC Regents took up UCSC's latest proposal for Student Housing West. With almost no deliberation they approved the proposal unanimously.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). China vows green future for oil and gas works. ecns.cn China has vowed to vigorously promote the integrated growth of oil and gas exploration and development with new energy, while actively expanding the scale of green electricity utilization by oil and gas enterprises.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). More shoppers go electronic for bountiful offerings, high-quality goods worldwide. ecns.cn People between 26 and 35 make up the demographic that most frequently purchases imports and foreign brands, accounting for nearly half of the total of all age groups.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). China, Germany shining examples of globalization and friendship. ecns.cn With their mutually complementary economic advantages, there is no so-called dependence of one side on the other between China and Germany, Shu Jueting, a spokeswoman of the Ministry of Commerce, said on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Policies help increase Tibet's trade overseas. ecns.cn The Tibet autonomous region stepped up its policy support for foreign trade with its total exports and imports growing steadily last year.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Survey: 98 percent of Chinese satisfied with nation's democracy. ecns.cn Democracy, which the people of a country are in the best position to judge, should be focused on how it can deliver to the people, senior politicians and experts said on Thursday, as called for greater respect for how each country chooses to develop.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). ChatGPT fever sparks plans for better alternatives in China. ecns.cn Although they might not be as technologically advanced as the US, I believe the Chinese market and Chinese companies will win," he said in an interview with China Daily.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Consumers warned of bogus product reviews. ecns.cn China's consumer association has warned people about being misled by vloggers on social media who review consumer products, saying that some of them offer misleading information or may have conflicts of interest or may be deliberately influencing buyers for their own commercial gain.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). 5.4-magnitude quake hits Izu Islands, Japan region — USGS. ecns.cn An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 jolted Izu Islands, Japan region at 04: 25: 26 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). China, Germany shining examples of globalization and friendship. ecns.cn With their mutually complementary economic advantages, there is no so-called dependence of one side on the other between China and Germany, Shu Jueting, a spokeswoman of the Ministry of Commerce, said on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Policies help increase Tibet's trade overseas. ecns.cn The Tibet autonomous region stepped up its policy support for foreign trade with its total exports and imports growing steadily last year.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Survey: 98 percent of Chinese satisfied with nation's democracy. ecns.cn Democracy, which the people of a country are in the best position to judge, should be focused on how it can deliver to the people, senior politicians and experts said on Thursday, as called for greater respect for how each country chooses to develop.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). ChatGPT fever sparks plans for better alternatives in China. ecns.cn Although they might not be as technologically advanced as the US, I believe the Chinese market and Chinese companies will win," he said in an interview with China Daily.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Consumers warned of bogus product reviews. ecns.cn China's consumer association has warned people about being misled by vloggers on social media who review consumer products, saying that some of them offer misleading information or may have conflicts of interest or may be deliberately influencing buyers for their own commercial gain.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). 5.4-magnitude quake hits Izu Islands, Japan region — USGS. ecns.cn An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.4 jolted Izu Islands, Japan region at 04: 25: 26 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). China renews blue alert for severe convection weather. ecns.cn China's meteorological authority on Friday renewed a blue alert for severe convection weather in parts of the country.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). First 3D-printed rocket fails to make it into orbit. ecns.cn The world's first 3D-printed rocket made it off the launch pad in Florida but failed three minutes into flight to make orbit.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Renminbi retains high position in global payments. ecns.cn The renminbi has retained its position as the fifth most active currency for global payments by value in February, with a share of 2.19 percent, according to Swift.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Anti-China bills pile up in Texas Legislature. ecns.cn Republican lawmakers in Texas continue to propose legislative bills in the name of national security to single out China, Russia, Iran and North Korea and impose more restrictions.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). China outmaneuvers U.S. in offering peace plan for Ukraine crisis: former U.S. diplomat. ecns.cn U.S. President Joe Biden watched as China presented to the world a peace plan which China hopes will lead to a peaceful resolution of the year-long Ukraine crisis and which was immediately complimented by Russia and Ukraine.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Expanding Ayakum replaces Bosten as largest lake in Xinjiang. ecns.cn Researchers have observed that Ayakum Lake at the eastern foot of the Kunlun Mountains in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has expanded rapidly, replacing Bosten Lake as the largest lake in Xinjiang.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Huawei achieves breakthrough in EDA tools for chips. ecns.cn Huawei Technologies Co said it has successfully developed electronic design automation, or EDA tools, for chips above 14 nanometers process by partnering with domestic partners, marking a crucial breakthrough for China's semiconductor industry amid the U.S. government restrictions.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). China to further deepen global economic, financial ties. ecns.cn China will advance high-level opening-up of its financial sector as always and further deepen international economic and financial cooperation, a top financial regulatory official said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). 2nd Dialogue on China's Famous Mountains of 'World Natural and Cultural Heritage' kicks off in Huangshan. ecns.cn The Second Dialogue on China's Famous Mountains of "World Natural and Cultural Heritage" has begun at Tunxi County, Huangshan city, East China's Anhui Province, with the theme of World Heritage Protection and Regional Sustainable Development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Insights | Rana Mitter: China's poverty reduction achievement an inspiration to global south countries. ecns.cn The just-concluded "Two Sessions" have chartered the future plan for China's development. Amid mounting economic pressures globally, how will China's economy maintain steady growth with resilience and vitality? Rana Mitter, a professor of modern Chinese history and politics at the University of Oxford, shares his views during an exclusive interview with China News Network.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). China presents national report on nuclear safety to IAEA. ecns.cn China presented its national report on nuclear safety during the Joint Eighth and Ninth Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) on Thursday at the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Chinese firm unveils self-developed flight simulator platform expected to provide training support for C919. ecns.cn A Chinese company unveiled a self-developed flight simulator platform on Thursday, and the system is expected to provide technical support for pilot training on aircraft such as the C919, the company said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Driving through sea of cherry blossoms in spring. ecns.cn Traveling along the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway during cherry blossom season is like passing through a wonderland in Guizhou.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Wild giant panda captured on camera in Sichuan. ecns.cn A wild giant panda is captured by infrared camera sniffing a tree to mark territory on a mountain at Wawushan National Forest Park, southwest China's Sichuan Province, Feb. 28, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Pottery jars with inscription of ink writing excavated in Shanxi. ecns.cn The jars were excavated from Dongjiaying tomb of the Western Han (206B.C.-25A.D.) in Yuncheng, north China's Shanxi Province.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Migratory birds return to Bayanbulak Wetland in Xinjiang. ecns.cn Large numbers of migratory birds, including swans, red ducks, spotted geese and grey cranes returned to the wetland in Bayanbulak when snow began to melt.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). U.S. propaganda hides truth of Iraq's war: Al Jazeera columnists. ecns.cn U.S. military invasion of Iraq 20 years ago was largely framed in news media to meet strategic objectives, and the skewed media narratives continue to hide many truths, said an opinion piece published on the website of Al Jazeera on Monday.

Editor (2023-03-24). Can we still limit global warming to 1.5 ∞C? Here's what the latest science says. mronline.org Is it still possible to limit future global warming to 1.5 ∞C above pre-industrial levels? Or has that ship sailed?>

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-03-24). U.S. Politics and the "Ugly Truth of 9/11". Richard Gage Interviews Emanuel Pastreich, Independent Candidate for President of the U.S. (2000). globalresearch.ca

Eric Zuesse (2023-03-24). A Huge Difference Between America's and Russia's Governments. dissidentvoice.org In 2010, U.S. President Barack Obama met privately in the White House with the newly elected President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, to get him to end Ukraine's neutralist position ever since 1991 and join the U.S. Government's EU and NATO alliances against Ukraine's next-door neighbor Russia, but Yanukovych said no. And, then, Obama's Secretary of …

Gerardo Villagrán del Corral (2023-03-24). Kerry homenajeó en Oaxaca a Benito Juárez, en medio de tensiones diplomáticas con México. globalizacion.ca Después de varias semanas de tensiones entre México y Estados Unidos, con un "gracias por su compromiso con la democracia, con la paz y con el futuro", agradeció John Kerry, asesor de la Casa Blanca para el Cambio Climático, haber…

Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (2023-03-24). Friday 3/24: Rights of Nature: UN Water Conference – SDGs for Protection of Earth's Water Ecosystems. indybay.org Online streaming of in-person U.N. Water Conference session…

Global Research News (2023-03-24). Selected Articles: Rage Against the War Machine: What Rage? 'When will they ever learn?'. globalresearch.ca By In his iconic 1950s anti-war hit song

Global Research News (2023-03-24). This Week's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca

It's Going Down (2023-03-24). This Is America #184: Eric King Prepares for Release; Interview with Directors of "Elements of Mutual Aid" itsgoingdown.org Welcome, to This Is America, March 24th, 2023. On this episode, we speak with two members of the support crew for anarchist political prisoner, Eric King, who talk about a current fundraiser to help Eric get back on his feet as his release at the end of the year nears. We discuss how Eric has…

Jeff Pekrul (2023-03-24). Sunday 4/2: The U.S. & Israel: Old Dilemmas, New Problems. indybay.org 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalist Association of San Francisco…

Jeff Pekrul (2023-03-24). Sunday 4/23: Understanding the Movement to Ban Library Books That Challenge Right-Wing Perspectives. indybay.org 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalists Association of San Francisco…

Juan Cole (2023-03-24). Why are We There? Biden Bombs Syria, after Drone Kills US Contractor, wounds 5 US Military Personnel. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — President Joe Biden ordered air strikes on Thursday (Friday in Syria) against militiamen in the Harabish neighborhood just outside the city of Deir az-Zor, who are suspected of having launched an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drone against an American base in northeast Syria. The metro area of Deir az-Zor …

Juan Guahán (2023-03-24). En el pico de la ola de calor, hierve la inflación en Argentina. globalizacion.ca Durante la primera quincena de marzo gran parte de nuestro país, con las provincias de Buenos Aires y Santa Fe a la cabeza, transitó unas tardías oleadas de calor que no aparecían desde hace largas décadas atrás. Sólo faltaban los…

Julio C. Gambina (2023-03-24). Argentina — Canje de bonos con organismos públicos. globalizacion.ca Hay nuevas medidas enunciadas hoy ante operadores del sector financiero desde el Ministerio de Economía. Es una iniciativa, como muchas otras encaradas últimamente para ganar tiempo en un año electoral. | La preocupación gubernamental que justifican los anuncios está asociada a…

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-24). Senior Climate Activists Stop Dirty Banks. indybay.org "We will not go to our graves quietly knowing that the financial institutions in our own communities continue to fund the climate crisis," said longtime environmentalist Bill McKibben.

KQED Live (2023-03-24). Tuesday 4/4: Tasty Foods for a Thriving Planet. indybay.org KQED Headquarters | 2601 Mariposa Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

Kurt Nimmo (2023-03-24). UK to Send Nuclear Weapon to Zelenskyy Regime. globalresearch.ca

Labor Video Project (2023-03-24). The Pajaro Levee Break, Immigrants, Labor & Climate Crisis With PVFT1936's Pamela Sexton. indybay.org PVFT Local 1936 Delegate Pamela Beth Sexton adult education teacher talks about the effect of the broken levee on the immigrant farmworker community, systemic racism and the role these farmworkers play in our economy.

Maribel Acosta Damas (2023-03-24). øElecciones en Cuba? Desmontando mitos. globalizacion.ca Cuba es tal vez el país del mundo con más mitos elaborados contra su proceso revolucionario. øPor qué? Porque en el llamado mundo de la democracia, paradójicamente no cabe la otredad. Una y otra vez aparece la pregunta øhay elecciones…

Michael Harris (2023-03-24). 11th Annual Pan African and Global Trade and Investment Conference Media Event Luncheon. indybay.org Early support for our 11th Annual, Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference is from our Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development, key California Legislative leaders, California Chamber of Commerce, California Black Chamber of Commerce, California Farm Bureau, California State University Sacramento and University of California, Davis.

Michael Harris (2023-03-24). Friday 3/24: Media Event / Luncheon for 11th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference. indybay.org Town and Country Grand Ballroom | 1215 J Street | Downtown Sacramento…

Mickey Z. (2023-03-24). Female Urinals, Extra-woke Hollywood, Privacy Violations, Mouse Brain Cells, Pizza & Disneyland. dissidentvoice.org This criminal gaslighting ends when enough of us say NO. Starting with next year's Oscars, the Academy will require that a film meet two of the four inclusion standards above to be eligible for a best picture nomination. Read the full Hollywood Reporter article here. Indiana's Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) has been caught selling …

Natalia Marques (2023-03-24). How the Cuban government and people collaborated on the Family Code. greenleft.org.au Natalia Marques spoke to young activists in Cuba to find out how the new law was won through grassroots dialogue.

Nayvin Gordon, M.D. (2023-03-24). General Strike Can Root Out "Taliban" Embedded in U.S. Government and Supreme Court. indybay.org Religious fanatics are taking away our rights and replacing them with god-given rights—this must be stopped…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is the best sleeping position? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most people spend a third of their lives either asleep or resting, according to the Sleep Foundation. During sleep, the body recharges and repairs itself. And a good night's sleep often can be determined by what position you are lying in bed. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/F_x-SDYUvZk Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 11) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Back-sleepers beware. "I know…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Consumer Health: Are you at risk for MS? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MS Awareness Week will be observed March 12—19, which makes this a good time to learn about who might be at risk of developing this potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis, or MS, affects nearly 1 million people living in the U.S., according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. With MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers, and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Consumer Health: Nutritional needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org March is National Nutrition Month, which makes this a good time to learn about your nutritional needs during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. During pregnancy, the basic principles of healthy eating remain the same — get plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. However, a few nutrients in a pregnancy diet deserve special attention. The nutrients to pay special attention to while you're pregnant include: CalciumYou and your baby need calcium for strong…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Science Saturday: New standards and open access can help natural language processing. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Clinical notes in medical records are rich sources of data about human health. But tapping them for medical research can be challenging because these data come from various sources — and they all look different. "There's no standardization in how data is organized and classified across medical records systems," says Sunyang Fu, Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic biomedical informatics researcher. Even the language people use to talk about health can insert discrepancies in how data are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How a heart condition affects the kidneys and causes swelling. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently began experiencing swelling in my legs, feet and hands, as well as fatigue. Testing led to a diagnosis of pericardial constriction. Can you explain what this is and how it's treated? Is there anything I can do to reduce the swelling? ANSWER: Pericardial constriction is a condition with multiple possible causes. It can be due to underlying medical conditions and may even result from certain medical treatments. Swelling, or edema, is one…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: How is kidney cancer treated? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org More than 50,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with kidney cancer each year. Risks factors for developing this type of cancer include environmental exposures, such as smoking, high blood pressure, a history of kidney failure, obesity or not having a healthy weight. And there are also hereditary syndromes that may increase your risk for kidney cancer. Dr. Thai Ho, a Mayo Clinic oncologist who specializes in genitourinary malignancies, says there are no screening tests…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Travel safety tips. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a group of friends with whom I love to travel. We plan several trips a year, and this spring we are planning to go outside the U.S. and visit the Caribbean. We will stay at an all-inclusive resort in a popular destination and do a few sightseeing day trips in the area. Are there things we should do to be safe while traveling? ANSWER: Travel is always a fun activity to enjoy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Pelvic floor issues aren't just a woman's health condition, Kegels can work for men, too. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org LA CROSSE, Wis. — Women often are told about the importance of Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. It turns out that men should think about doing the exercises as well. Statistics show that 32% of women will have at least one pelvic floor disorder (PFD) at one time in their life. However, a recent study suggests that although much attention is directed toward women pelvic floor disorders, 16% of men have also been identified…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Pain in the back: Preventing and treating spinal arthritis. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org EAU CLAIRE, Wis. — Many types of arthritis can affect your musculoskeletal system. Joints are physical points of connection between two bones, and cartilage is the tissue that covers the surface of the bone at the joint. A membrane, called the synovial membrane, lines the joint and is filled with fluid known as synovial fluid. All these components work together to make movement easy. "Over time, the cartilage in joints can break down and cause…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you using a salt substitute? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Salt substitutes can be an effective way to help lower your blood pressure and fight heart disease. But experts warn that overuse of certain salt substitutes or alternatives can be dangerous for some people. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains why you should use caution with using a salt substitute. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/h_cy5G5EBPs Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting a massage from a robot may seem like something out of a science fiction story, but it could be a reality in the not-too-distant future. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is looking into the possibility of robotic massage as an answer for patients' pain relief and alleviating some staffing burdens. Watch: Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic youtu.be/GXEXUCCCGzI Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 17) is in the downloads at the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic in Rochester top ranked on 'America's Best Fertility Clinics' in Newsweek rankings. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic in Rochester was ranked No. 9 in the nation by Newsweek in its list of "America's Best Fertility Clinics," released in February. This ranking is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the Reproductive endocrinology and infertility team at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. "Our clinic is in the top 10 among the 100 top fertility clinics," says Samir Babayev, M.D., Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, IVF Clinical Director. "This is a recognition of the excellence…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic opens patient information office in Indonesia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org JAKARTA, Indonesia — Mayo Clinic has opened a patient information office in Jakarta to assist patients, their families, referring physicians and insurance brokers in Indonesia. The office is Mayo Clinic's first in Southeast Asia. The office staff, fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, will help patients, their families and physicians who refer patients to make appointments at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London. "We…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Women in science: Q&A with Robin Patel, M.D. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Robin Patel, M.D. Two events held early each year are opportunities to support and recognize the contributions of women in scientific fields. In February, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science promotes full and equal access to and participation in science. Women's History Month in March is an opportunity to recognize women who have made significant contributions to science. Mayo Clinic physician researcher Robin Patel, M.D., shares her perspective and advice for others pursuing a research career in this…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). How does red tide impact beachgoers? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Florida beach along Gulf Coat, 2023 Many people are flocking to the Gulf Coast for spring break. However, toxic red tide algal blooms have put beachgoers and residents on alert. In the Gulf of Mexico, red tide is caused by a microscopic organism called Karenia brevis. The organism was detected in 172 samples along Florida's Gulf Coast earlier this week, according to Florida officials. Dead fish and other marine life are washed ashore on beaches because of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Match Day at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Fourth-year students at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota learned where they will continue their residency training on March 17. Also, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education learned who would be its incoming Mayo residents through the National Resident Matching Program. The medical students opened their envelopes at 11 a.m. CDT discovering their future specialties and residency training locations. Match Day, held on the third Friday in March, is when medical school students and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Five ways AI promises to transform organ transplants. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to become a valuable tool for transplant to save more patients' lives. Recent studies have already shown promise in using AI to analyze large sets of data to discover important trends and patterns. In this expert alert, Mayo Clinic transplant experts share how this technology may improve outcomes for patients. "Physicians once practiced medicine without CT scans and with only limited lab tests. Now, these tools…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Ready to Run: Mayo Clinic Health System gives tips on planning for a long race. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MANKATO, Minn. — You've thought about it for years. You've dreamed of crossing the finish line. It's on your bucket list, or maybe it's become a tradition. You've registered for a long-distance race like a 5K, 10K, half-marathon or marathon. So now's the time to plan and prepare for your big day. This critical process will be shaped by your experience and fitness level. First, get real and be honest with yourself. It can take…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic cancer expert highlights advancements in treating multiple myeloma. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — March is Myeloma Awareness Month, and Sikander Ailawadhi, M.D., hematologist/oncologist at Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, shares details about new advancements in research leading to better outcomes for patients with multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon form of blood cancer in the bone marrow that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, according to the American Cancer Society. While there is no cure, the disease can be treated with…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Mayo Clinic Minute: Can the MIND diet improve brain health? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You might be hearing more about the MIND diet of late. A recent study has added to the evidence that the diet, which includes a variety of brain-friendly foods, may help protect against Alzheimer's disease. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Angie Murad, a registered dietitian and nutritionist and patient educator at Mayo Clinic, explains the benefits of incorporating foods included in the MIND diet. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/hoPg4bkKemQ Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 01) is…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-24). Venezuela-US Relations: When 'Maximum Pressure' Fails. orinocotribune.com By Carlos Ron — Mar 17, 2023 | President Maduro has shown two firm convictions. The first is that he will not cede the nation's sovereignty to the pressure of illegal sanctions. But he has also indicated that dialogue and diplomacy is the way; that Venezuela is willing and ready to re-establish relations as long as they are based on mutual respect and an equal footing, writes Valdai Club expert The strategy of "maximum pressure" imposed by Donald Trump on Venezuela has failed to achieve its goal of changing the Venezuelan…

Paul Gregoire (2023-03-24). Christian thugs attack trans rights protesters at One Nation rally. greenleft.org.au "We don't surrender," One Nation's Mark Latham said recently. He is using a legal loophole to try and get two representatives in the NSW Legislative Council to push his bigoted agenda. Paul Gregoire reports.

Paul Haeder (2023-03-24). How Far Do We Go to Save a Species? dissidentvoice.org Robin Waples: University of Washington (NOAA Fisheries, retired) Topic: On the shoulders of giants: Under-appreciated studies in salmon biology with lasting influence. In 1675 Isaac Newton wrote, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." This idea epitomizes the way that science progresses by incremental steps, punctuated occasionally by …

Peace for Ukraine (2023-03-24). Anti War March Draws Some Counter Protesters. indybay.org Several hundred anti war demonstrators and a handful of counter protesters in San Francisco's Mission District on March 18.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Daily Round-up | Investigation launched into killings of Afghans by UK forces & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we take a look at a probe into killings in Afghanistan, protests in Lebanon against the economic crisis, demonstrations against the death of a protester in Peru, and a strike by Starbucks workers in the US…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Resistance to pension reform in France intensifies. peoplesdispatch.org Massive mobilizations rocked France on Thursday, March 23. Workers have given an ultimatum to French President Emmanuel Macron demanding that his government withdraw the pension reform that was passed without a vote in parliament. | According to estimates by unions, a total of around 3.5 million people hit the streets in more than 250 locations across France on Thursday. | Workers have continued work stoppages in critical areas including energy, transportation, railways, seaports, airports, industries, school, colleges and universities, municipal services including waste management, and tightened blockades of maj…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Lebanon: Protesters demand solutions to prolonged economic crisis. greenleft.org.au Hundreds of people in Lebanon staged a protest outside the government headquarters in central Beirut on March 22 in the second consecutive day of protests against the ongoing economic crisis, reports Peoples Dispatch.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Questions grow about Tunisian government response to migrant drownings. greenleft.org.au The latest migrant drownings off the Tunisian coast have led to further scrutiny of Tunisia's treatment of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, reports People's Dispatch/Globetrotter News Service.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-24). Swaziland's anti-monarchy activists face repression ahead of elections. greenleft.org.au Mvuselelo Mkhabela, a 21-year-old activist of the Communist Party of Swaziland (CPS), escaped from a hospital after being shot and tortured by the police, reports Peoples Dispatch.

Philip Weiss (2023-03-24). The U.S. establishment's fever to smash Iraq must not be forgotten. mronline.org Twenty years ago the entire U.S. establishment lined up behind our war on Iraq. It was one of the greatest disasters in history, and there's been no accountability.

Pip Hinman (2023-03-24). Peace activist: 'Metal shops should be helping the climate transition, not preparing for war'. greenleft.org.au Peace campaigners argue that engineering firms should instead be awarded grants to manufacture components for the climate transition. Pip Hinman reports.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-24). The Pentagon's "Ides of March 2021": Best Month to Go to War? globalresearch.ca or the Romans, the month of March (Martius) marked "the time to start new military campaigns." As in the heyday of the Roman Empire, the Pentagon has a mandate to plan and implement a precise "timeline" of military operations.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-24). The US-NATO War of Aggression against Yugoslavia. globalresearch.ca When Belgrade was bombed, the children's hospital was the object of air attacks. It had been singled out as a strategic target. NATO stated that to "save the lives" of the newly borne, they did not bomb the section of the hospital where the babies were residing, instead they targeted the power generator, which meant no more power for the incubators.

Ramon du Houx (2023-03-24). Elected officials and coalition groups urge the Legislature to enact price gouging bill. indybay.org EOPA California, representing over 462 elected officials from 49 counties, strongly supports protecting consumers from oil price gouging with SBX1-2. EOPA California has a letter specifically for elected officials to sign in support of SB1-2 (Skinner). In just five days 108 have signed, and the number is rising daily.

Ramona Wadi (2023-03-24). Israel's new Cycles of forcibly displacing Palestinians. juancole.com Ramona Wadi ( Middle East Monitor ) — US President Joe Biden placed much emphasis on rhetorically opposing Israel's settlement expansion. Hence the reaction from Washington over the Israeli Knesset passing the second and third readings of the Disengagement Law that would allow resettlement of Jewish Israelis in four previously vacated illegal settlement areas in the occupied West Bank. Israel's Ambassador to the US …

Rescue Pacifica (2023-03-24). Tuesday 3/21: Speak Out At KPFA-Defend Pacifica Bylaws and Stop The Sale Of LA KPFK. indybay.org KPFA | 1929 Martin Luther King Blvd. | Berkeley…

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Azerbaijan continues to threaten Armenia, Russia over conquered Karabakh. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com AzertagMarch 24, 2023 In accordance with the tripartite Declaration, Armenia should remove the illegal army units from the territory of Azerbaijan Observations, as well as monitoring, show that the illegal transportation of weapons from Armenia to Karabakh continues in the areas where the Russian armed forces are temporarily stationed….[I]t is very important to remove more …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Azerbaijani state media site calls for "regime change" in Iran. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Excerpts produced verbatim. Azerbaijani sources routinely refer to northwestern Iran as South Azerbaijan. — RR AzertagMarch 22, 2023 Regime change in Iran has become a necessity Iran's international situation and internal turmoil are having a negative effect. As a result of the policy implemented by the regime, Iran is facing the threat of internal disintegration …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Flanked by Russian ambassador, Serbian minister lays wreath at memorial to children killed by NATO bombs. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Tanjug News AgencyMarch 24, 2023 Selakovic lays wreath at memorial to children killed in NATO aggression BELGRADE — Serbian Minister of Labour, Employment and Veteran and Social Affairs Nikola Selakovic laid a wreath at a memorial to children killed in the 1999 NATO aggression on Serbia, then part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. City …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Foreign minister at the time: NATO's war against Yugoslavia destabilized Europe, paved way for endless wars. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Tanjug News AgencyMarch 24, 2023 "The goal was set earlier and Serbia was attacked"; "Then, Kissinger said…" Foreign Affairs Minister at the time of NATO aggression ≈Ωivadin Jovanoviƒá stated the goal of that aggression wasn't to resolve humanitarian or political issues. According to him, the goal was to seize part of the territory of Serbia, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Georgia: German FM rallies "civil society" 5th column for NATO absorption, war for "occupied territories'. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaMarch 24, 2023 German FM Annalena Baerbock Visits Georgia Annalena Baerbock has started her visit to Georgia with the meeting with the civil society representatives, followed by the meeting with her Georgian counterpart FM Darchiashvili. According to the information by GYLA, civil society representatives focused on the issues related to human rights situation in …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). NATO pushes European Socialists for thirty more years, eternity of new wars. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com From Bosnia to Ukraine, NATO has been waging war — on three continents — for thirty years. Evidently permanently, "for the long term." It could be argued that NATO has presented the world with its first Socialist/Social Democratic wars. (Think of Blair, Schroeder, Jospin, Solana, etc. in 1999.) And a plethora of them at that. …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Polish, Slovakian Warplanes to Enter Ukrainian War, F-16s Likely to Follow. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish, Slovakian Warplanes to Enter Ukrainian War, F-16s Likely to Follow Andy Corbley FULL ARTICLE VARESE, Italy. March 20th, 2023. On Friday, Slovakia's prime minister, Eduard Heger, said the East European country would join Poland in providing MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine for the war effort. The 13 planes will join 4 from Poland to …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Serbian prime minister: We will never forget NATO aggression. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Tanjug News AgencyMarch 24, 2023 Brnabic: We will never forget NATO aggression Video from Brnabic's Twitter page. We will never forget the 1999 NATO aggression, Serbian PM Ana Brnabic said on Friday. "Today, we mark 24 years since NATO aggression, committed against Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia & Montenegro). We will never forget," Brnabic wrote …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). Today Serbia marks 24 years since the beginning of NATO aggression. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Reproduced from Tanjug News Agency. Serbia marks 24 years since the beginning of NATO aggression24 years ago, on March 24, 1999, NATO aggression against Serbia, that is, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, started. The order for the attack was issued by Javier Solana, the Secretary General of NATO at the time, to the then commander …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-24). U.S. ambassador tells Serbs, relatives of those slain, not to carry a chip on their shoulders. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com B92March 24, 2023 Hill to the Serbs: "I believe you can suppress your indignation" US Ambassador Christopher Hill said, on the occasion of the anniversary of the NATO bombing, that he knows that the people of Serbia cannot suppress their pain. However, as the U.S. Ambassador added, he believes that the people of Serbia have …

Rodolfo Bueno (2023-03-24). Todo está concatenado en la crisis mundial. globalizacion.ca Según Donald Trump, el establishment de la política exterior de EEUU intenta meter al mundo en un conflicto con Rusia, sobre la base de la mentira de que este país es la mayor amenaza para la civilización occidental, pero la…

SAMIR (2023-03-24). After Hebrew U conference cancellation – intensify academic boycotts! bdsmovement.net

Santa Cruz News (2023-03-24). Mayor Keeley Targets the Homeless with Surprise Traffic Median Motion. indybay.org At the March 14th meeting of the Santa Cruz City Council, Mayor Fred Keeley introduced a surprise motion targeting homeless residents who panhandle on traffic medians (watch video below). Keeley's motion was not included anywhere in the meeting's agenda packet, he spontaneously inserted it into an unrelated vote on item #15, which concerned bicycle safety improvements and the removal of automobile parking on Laurel Street. Keeley stated the motion as follows: "Add additional direction that the City Manager return at budget hearings with a plan for installing safety devices that prohibit remaining on traffic islan…

Sixty Plus (2023-03-24). Are You in Your "Third Act"? These Older Folks Demonstrated to Save the Climate. indybay.org Despite some of the stormiest weather San Francisco has seen in a long time, these brave elders showed up and cut up to stop climate change.

Staff (2023-03-24). Cop City: Judge Denies Bond to People Rounded Up in Mass Arrest for Opposing Police Training Facility. democracynow.org In Atlanta, a judge has denied bond for 8 of the people indiscriminately arrested at a music festival against the proposed "Cop City" police training facility in the Weelaunee Forest. Jailed since March 5, they are charged with domestic terrorism based on scant evidence like muddy clothes or simply being in the area at the time of the festival. We're joined by Micah Herskind, an Atlanta community organizer, who calls the charges "political prosecutions" and a blatant "attempt to repress this social movement that is trying to stop Cop City."…

Staff (2023-03-24). "France Is Furious": Anger Grows at Macron for Raising Retirement Age as Millions Strike & Protest. democracynow.org French unions say nearly 3.5 million people took to the streets Thursday in a nationwide general strike to protest President Emmanuel Macron's deeply unpopular move to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. Macron forced the legislation through the French National Assembly last week, using a constitutional clause to bypass a parliamentary vote. Macron's government survived a vote of no confidence Monday by just nine votes, but public anger shows no signs of abating, with France's major trade unions planning another nationwide protest for Tuesday. "Not only is the government trying to do t…

Staff (2023-03-24). Headlines for March 24, 2023. democracynow.org Netanyahu Shielded from Charges as Protests Rage Against Far-Right Judicial Reforms, Millions Join General Strike in France After Macron Uses Executive Fiat to Slash Pensions, Biden and Trudeau to Announce Deal to Block Asylum Seekers at U.S. Northern Border, U.S. Warplanes Strike Syria After Drone Attack on U.S. Base Kills Contractor, Indian Opposition MP Rahul Gandhi Jailed for Criticizing Modi, House Panel Grills TikTok CEO as Progressives Warn Against Anti-Chinese Scapegoating, Utah Passes Law Requiring Parental Consent for Minors Using Social Media, GA and IA Ban Healthcare for Trans Youth; World Athletics B…

Staff (2023-03-24). The Candidate and the Spy: James Bamford on Israel's Secret Collusion with Trump to Win 2016 Race. democracynow.org In his new book, Spyfail: Foreign Spies, Moles, Saboteurs, and the Collapse of America's Counterintelligence, investigative journalist James Bamford reveals that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dispatched a secret Israeli agent to the United States in the spring of 2016 to help Donald Trump win the presidential election. The agent met with advisers to Trump and offered to share secret intelligence with the campaign against Hillary Clinton. Bamford's investigation finds that while American media fixated on Russia's role in swaying the 2016 election, Israeli interference was completely i…

Staff (2023-03-24). Rep. Ro Khanna on Regulating Banks, TikTok, China, Ukraine & His Vote on the "Horrors of Socialism" democracynow.org We speak with Democratic Congressmember Ro Khanna about the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, regulating the banking sector, and how Federal Reserve interest rate hikes contributed to the banking crisis. Silicon Valley Bank was based in Khanna's district in California, and he has criticized fellow Democrats who supported a 2018 bill that weakened banking oversight for some banks. "We need to regulate large regional banks the same way that we regulate the Big Four banks," says Khanna. He also talks about growing concern from lawmakers about the social video app TikTok, the Biden…

Staff (2023-03-24). Perú: Protester Killed By 36 Pellets During Boluarte Regime Repression. orinocotribune.com The National Coordinator for Human Rights of Perú (CNDDHH), reported that the young protestor Rosalino Flores died this Tuesday, March 21, as a result of wounds sustained on January 11 from the National Police of Perú (PNP) firing 36 pellets at him during protests against Dina Boluarte and her de facto government. | "After almost two months of agony, Rosalino Flores, a 22-year-old boy who was shot by over 30 metal pellets in his stomach during the protests in Cusco, has died," reported the CNDDHH, cited by Actualidad RT. "With his death, there have now been 49 civilians executed by the law enforcement agencies du…

Staff (2023-03-24). Presidents of Venezuela and Colombia Meet in Caracas, 4th Meeting in 7 Months. orinocotribune.com Caracas, March 23, 2023 ( The first meeting between Presidents Maduro and Petro was held on November 1, 2022, wherein they signed a joint declaration at Miraflores Palace in Caracas, after the resumption of d…

Staff (2023-03-24). The Macabre Shock and Awe Show: 20th Anniversary of US/NATO Iraq War. peoplesparty.org Twenty years ago on this date, the American people were subjected to a macabre form of "reality TV" show, set in Baghdad, in the form of the "premier episode" of

Suds, Snacks,, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-03-24). Saturday 4/1: What are the Prospects for World Peace? indybay.org The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705 | Also accessible online…

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Ciudad ecuatoriana de Guayaquil es afectada por inundaciones. telesurtv.net La alcaldesa de Guayaquil, Cynthia Viteri, afirmó que se descartan heridos por las inundaciones.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Fuerzas israelíes asesinan a joven palestino en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Abu Khadija murió en un enfrentamiento armado con las fuerzas de ocupación de Israel.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Taxistas griegos exigen respuestas sobre tragedia ferroviaria. telesurtv.net El Sindicato de Taxistas de Atenas exige una serie de medidas al Gobierno para el alivio de su sector y lo responsabilizan de no garantizar seguridad en las vías férreas.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Comienza el Ramadán 2023. øEn qué consiste?>. telesurtv.net El aspecto más conocido del Ramadán es el ayuno, que consiste en no consumir alimentos ni bebidas desde el amanecer hasta el ocaso.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-24). Iniciará este jueves Encuentro Empresarial Iberoamericano. telesurtv.net En este espacio de la Cumbre Iberoamericana se presentará el informe "Perspectiva Económica de América Latina 2022" y se realizarán cinco paneles.

teleSUR, hvh, DRL (2023-03-24). Presidente Arce revindica salida al mar para Bolivia. telesurtv.net Afirmó que es momento de iniciar una nueva etapa de relacionamiento bilateral con Chile que permita a las partes un diálogo franco y con la valentía para abordar los temas históricos que las separan.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-24). China denuncia invasión en sus aguas por buque de EE.UU. telesurtv.net El portavoz del Comando del Teatro del Sur de China señaló que este acto socava "gravemente la paz y la estabilidad".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-24). Premier ruso resalta fracaso de sanciones occidentales. telesurtv.net El titular del Gobierno señaló que Rusia "ha sido golpeada por las sanciones. Nunca ha habido un golpe de igual fuerza".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-24). Comienza paro contra reforma jubilatoria en Uruguay. telesurtv.net Líder sindical señala que además de criticar la reforma jubilatoria, el fin del paro es que dicha medida no sea votada durante el actual Gobierno.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-03-24). Argentinos celebran 20 años de plebiscito contra mina en Esquel. telesurtv.net En recordación de la consulta popular se volvió a realizar una marcha en la ciudad de Esquel retomando el lema de "El agua vale más que el oro".

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-03-24). Aumenta a 69 el número de muertos por lluvias en Perú. telesurtv.net El Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Nacional indicó que se han reportado 10.874 damnificados y 74.022 personas afectadas por las lluvias.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-24). Continúan protestas contra la reforma de pensiones en Francia. telesurtv.net En esta, la novena jornada de huelgas organizada contra la nueva legislación, también se registraron bloqueos en avenidas, represas, huelgas del sector energético y en el transporte.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-24). Registran sismo de magnitud 5,3 en Kahramanmaras, Türkiye. twitter.com Hasta el momento se han registrado varias réplicas, incluyendo una de magnitud 4, pero no han causado daños estructurales ni humanos.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-24). Conmemoran 43 ∞ aniversario de cruzada de alfabetización en Nicaragua. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado calificó el analfabetismo como un virus que "está en todo el mundo, incluso en los países desarrollados, hay estadísticas".

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-24). Presidente de Venezuela sostiene encuentro con su homólogo de Colombia. telesurtv.net En el encuentro de los mandatarios también estuvieron presentes autoridades de ambos países.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-24). Metroviarios de Sao Paulo retoman el trabajo tras huelga. telesurtv.net El Sindicato de los Trabajadores exige a la empresa Metrô el pago de bonos salariales y revocar los despidos por jubilación.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-24). Guinea Ecuatorial confirma ocho casos del virus de Marburgo. telesurtv.net Actualmente en África hay dos brotes conocidos de la enfermedad mortal: uno en Guinea Ecuatorial y otro en Tanzania.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-24). Japón recibe a ganadores del Clásico Mundial como héroes. telesurtv.net En la delegación japonesa estuvieron ausentes cuatro jugadores, entre ellos, el MVP del evento deportivo, Shohei Ohtani.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Cuba promoverá la cooperación internacional en Cumbre Iberoamericana. telesurtv.net El canciller aseguró que la nación antillana, en su condición de presidente del grupo G-77+China, está comprometida al impulso a la cooperación inclusiva y sostenible.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Denuncian impunidad en caso de monseñor Romero en El Salvador. telesurtv.net Este 24 de marzo de cumplen 43 años del magnicidio de monseñor Óscar Arnulfo Romero.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Postulan el joropo venezolano como Patrimonio Cultural ante Unesco. telesurtv.net La firma del documento tuvo lugar en un acto público en el parque Simón Bolívar de La Carlota en el estado de Miranda.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Resaltan diversidad de candidatos al Parlamento de Cuba. telesurtv.net Por medio de un mensaje en su cuenta de la red social Twitter, el mandatario resaltó las evidencias expuestas en las reseñas de vida.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-24). Sector de transporte alemán convoca a huelga por mejoras salariales. telesurtv.net Dentro de las demandas está la exigencia de un aumento salarial del 10 por ciento para los más de 2.500.000 de funcionarios del Estado.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). Nueva masacre deja cuatro muertos en el Putumayo, Colombia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo a Indepaz, en lo que va del 2023 Colombia suma 26 masacres y 31 líderes sociales asesinados.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). Manifestantes reciben restos de Rosalino Florez en Cusco, Perú. telesurtv.net Varios de los presentes exigieron justicia por la muerte de Rosalino Florez a manos de la policía.

The Green Arcade (2023-03-24). Saturday 4/15: A Celebration of the Life of Poet and Writer Jim Nisbet. indybay.org The 3rd Floor Edward McRoskey Loft | 1687 Market Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Thomas Walter & GW Smigielski (2023-03-24). Financial crisis – it's crashing again and The time of change. indybay.org

Tom Engelhardt (2023-03-24). Prophecies, Then and Now: My Life at World's End. juancole.com ( Tomdispatch.com ) — Indulge me for a moment. This is how "The Prophecy" in my 1962 high school yearbook began. It was written by some of my classmates in the year we graduated from Friends Seminary in New York City. "Being an historian, I am jotting down these notes out of habit, but what I …

UFCLP (2023-03-24). Monday 3/27: Jail Former SF Federal Reserve Member & Silicon Valley Bank President/CEO Greg Becker. indybay.org San Francisco Federal Reserve | 101 California St. | San Francisco…

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-24). FBI Informant 'Microchip' Surfaces in White Supremacist Election Interference Trial. unicornriot.ninja

UUSF Morning Forum (2023-03-24). Sunday 3/26: Solutions are Already Here: Hope for Ecological Renewal. A workshop with Gregory Stevens. indybay.org Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco | In Person: 1187 Franklin St. @ Geary / TSK Room | On Zoom: | zoom.us/j/95797889329?pwd=YzJUUVFXUzdpeTlUU3FDd296UGg2UT09

Workers World New York bureau (2023-03-24). Bronx parents and teachers protest AOC military recruitment fair. workers.org Dozens of Bronx public school parents, teachers, students and community activists gathered on March 20, the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, to oppose a military recruitment fair, hosted by U.S. House Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Adriano Espaillat, at Renaissance High School in the Bronx. The grassroots . . . |

WSWS (2023-03-24). Strike vote by railroaders at CSX over constant underpayment of wages. wsws.org Since a new payroll system was implemented in 2020, workers have complained of continuous underpayment of wages.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. wsws.org Hungarian teachers begin indefinite strike over pay in year-long dispute; strike across West Bank in response to killings by Israeli military as teachers' stoppage continues; Nigerian public sector workers to begin general strike over cost of living…

WSWS (2023-03-24). Autoworkers speak out after Monitor rejects Will Lehman protest of fraudulent UAW election: "The whole thing smells" wsws.org Workers denounced the dishonest character of the Monitor's rejection of Lehman's protest.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Clashes erupt across France as police assault record protests to defend pensions. wsws.org As 3.5 million people marched against Macron's overwhelmingly unpopular cuts, a revolutionary confrontation is emerging between the working class and the capitalist state.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Scientists find extensive wildlife DNA from the Wuhan wet market mixed with SARS-CoV-2. wsws.org Dr. Florence Débarre and colleagues have released their full report analyzing genetic sequences from Huanan wet market that showed wild-animal DNA mixed with SARS-CoV-2 RNA.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Bankstown: A microcosm of Australia's social crisis. wsws.org The social situation in Bankstown, with soaring rents and mortgages, stagnant or declining incomes and mounting social distress, shows that capitalism offers no future for the working class.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Tens of thousands of jobs lost in film, performing arts in the US due to pandemic. wsws.org Why should the US ruling elite blink at the permanent damage done to artists and cultural life?

WSWS (2023-03-24). Teachers around the world send in support for striking Los Angeles school workers. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site has received numerous statements from educators involved in independent rank-and-file committees across the world supporting the three-day strike by Los Angeles school workers this week.

WSWS (2023-03-24). New warning strikes in Germany's public sector. wsws.org Hundreds of thousands of workers in Germany are participating in strikes across the country this week. At the same time, anger is growing at the role being played by service sector union Verdi, which refuses to call for joint action.

WSWS (2023-03-24). The value American capitalism places on workers' lives: BP fined $156,250 for the deaths of two refinery operators in Ohio explosion. wsws.org Ben and Max Morrissey were burned to death in an explosion and fire at the BP Husky oil refinery in Oregon, Ohio, just outside of Toledo. For American capitalism, the life of a worker is very cheap.

WSWS (2023-03-24). White House to shut down COVID response task force. wsws.org Eliminating the task force is part of the overall Biden administration policy of claiming the pandemic is "over," even though COVID-19 continues to kill thousands of Americans every week.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Sri Lankan president threatens to impose essential services orders banning strikes on teachers. wsws.org Hundreds of teachers and principals protest in Colombo this week against the government's arbitrary decision to dissolve the Teachers Transfer Board.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Body of student who shot two Denver high school faculty found in Park County, Colorado after police manhunt. wsws.org Austin Lyle,17, shot and injured two Denver East High School faculty after a handgun was found on him before he fled the school Wednesday.

WSWS (2023-03-24). US congressmen game out war with China in 2025. wsws.org Last weekend, Republican members of Congress carried out a war game, led by a retired US general, envisioning a war with China by 2025.

WSWS (2023-03-24). Video: SEP (Australia) holds well-attended final NSW election meeting. wsws.org The SEP held an important online meeting Thursday night, ahead of Saturday's New South Wales state election. SEP candidates Oscar Grenfell, Max Boddy and Mike Head addressed the meeting, which was chaired by National Secretary Cheryl Crisp.

Anonymous103 (2023-03-24). Slovakia Transfered First Four Mig-29 To Ukraine (Video). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On March 23, Slovakia transferred the first batch of MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine. The country promised a total of 13 planes to Kiev. The U.S. has already announced its readiness to supply Bratislava with attack helicopters and Hellfire missiles as a reward."The first four MiG-29 fighters were safely transferred to the AFU and have already left the territory of the Slovak Republic," Slovak Defense Minister Jaroslav Nad wrote on Facebook. | According to the head of the Ministry of Defe…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-24). Suspected Iranian Drone Kills U.S. Contractor, Wounds Five Other Service Members In Syria (Video). southfront.org File image. | A United States contractor was killed and five U.S. service members and one additional U.S. contractor were wounded early on March 23 after a suspected Iranian suicide drone struck a maintenance facility on a coalition base near the northeastern Syrian city of al-Hasakah, the Pentagon said in a statement. | Two of the wounded service members were treated on site, while three additional service members and the U.S. contractor were medically evacuated to coalition medical facilities in neighboring Iraq."T…

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Chinese envoy urges Security Council to address adverse effects of sanctions on DPRK. ecns.cn A Chinese envoy on Thursday called for the Security Council to address the adverse impact of sanctions against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). PLA warns off US warship for the second time in two days. ecns.cn The People's Liberation Army's Southern Theater Command warned off a United States warship that illegally entered China's territorial waters in the South China Sea for the second time in two days, the Defense Ministry said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Spring break welcomed for some colleges. ecns.cn An announcement for a seven-day spring break from Sichuan Southwest Vocational College of Civil Aviation created online buzz, Beijing Youth Daily reported.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). China extradites murder suspect from Russia. ecns.cn Chinese police have recently extradited a murder suspect from Russia who had been on the run for 27 years, the Ministry of Public Security said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Chinese scientists discover higher yield, alkaline tolerant crop gene. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have identified AT1, a key gene involved in crop alkaline tolerance that may greatly improve crop yield in sodic environments through genetic engineering.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Chinese institute houses most ancient vertebrate animals, humans in Asia. ecns.cn The specimen museum of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) houses over 460,000 fossil and human remains specimens, and has developed into the largest collection institution of ancient vertebrate animals and ancient humans in Asia.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Insights | Brazilian economist: I'm impressed by China's resilience. ecns.cn The subjects and policies discussed during the top legislative and political advisory meetings (or the Two Sessions) further demonstrate China's resilience, and the country's scientific and technological development and rural revitalization strategy are of great significance, said Alessandro Teixeira, special economic adviser to former President of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). China's first maglev tourism line starts test run. ecns.cn China's first domestic maglev tourism line, the Guangdong – Qingyuan Maglev Tourism Line, started joint debugging and testing on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). DPRK tests new underwater attack weapon system. ecns.cn The underwater nuclear attack drone, named "Haeil," has undergone more than 50 shakedown tests for the past two years, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Forum speakers urge respect for diversified approaches to democracy. ecns.cn A group of senior officials and renowned scholars criticized the falsely touted narrative of "democracy versus autocracy" during the opening ceremony of the second International Forum on Democracy: The Shared Human Values in Beijing on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). China launches polymer material R&D platform. ecns.cn A research team at East China University of Science and Technology recently launched a platform for polymer material research and development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). Culture Fact | City of culture: Luoyang. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-24). In Numbers: China's higher education enrollment ratio reaches 59.6 pct in 2022. ecns.cn

Fight Back (2023-03-24). Fight for Venezuelan diplomat's freedom intensifies due to health concerns. fightbacknews.org Caracas, Venezuela – It has now been more than 1000 days since Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab was first kidnapped by the U.S. government on the island of Cabo Verde, off the west coast of Africa. Since then, he's been subjected to physical, psychological and chemical torture and moved to a federal detention center in Miami, Florida. | Two members of Minnesota's Anti-War Committee met with Saab's wife, Camilla Fabri Saab, on Tuesday, March 7, alongside a delegation from the Alliance for Global Justice and progressive lawyers with the Free Alex Saab Movement. Camilla, Fabri Saab, mother to their two young daug…

Fight Back (2023-03-24). PFLP: We salute the victory of the prisoners. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine | We salute the victory of the prisoners in this battle and call for the continuation of a broader process of political, on the field, media, and popular support, considering that their cause is one of the main issues of the struggle against the enemy. | The participation of the Palestinian Authority in the Aqaba-Sharm el-Sheikh meeting is a coup against the popular will and a rebellion against the decisions of the national consensus that reject this participation and warn of its consequences. | T…

Fight Back (2023-03-24). U.T. Austin students speak out to defend Indian Child Welfare Act. fightbacknews.org Austin, TX – On Wednesday, March 22, members of Austin Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) gathered on a busy street, Speedway, on the University of Texas-Austin campus to speak out against the judicial attack on the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). | SDS members chanted, "When indigenous rights are under attack. What do we do? Stand up, fight back!" and "Defend indigenous sovereignty! Defend ICWA!" SDS also passed out fliers and gave speeches about how repealing ICWA would hurt thousands and further erode indigenous sovereignty. | Students also connected this to an ongoing struggle at UT to return stolen a…

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-24). Imperial's international scholars reflect on life-changing opportunities. imperial.ac.uk More than a hundred international scholars from 37 countries joined diplomats, academics and funders to celebrate their achievements at Imperial.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-24). Know the signs of strep throat in children. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Image courtesy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is monitoring an increase in invasive group A Streptococcus infections in children. "Group A streptococcal disease is a group of conditions caused by a bacteria called 'group A strep,'" says Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a pediatric infectious diseases physician with the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. "The one that people are probably most familiar with is strep throat. Strep throat is a relatively common infection,…

Staff (2023-03-24). Chapeando: Sí, sólo en Miami (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Sólo en Miami el poder de los grupos mafiosos se usa para atacar símbolos como un juego de béisbol. Pero esos grupos no nacieron de la nada. Emergieron de los grupos armados, entrenados y financiados por la CIA. No olvidar nunca que es la misma gente que llegó a secuestrar a un niño con los mismos fines que ahora boicoteó un partido de béisbol.

Staff (2023-03-24). Del ICAIC y el cine cubano: Grabando, cámara °acción! (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Desde su fundación el 24 de marzo de 1959, el Instituto Cubano del Arte e Industria Cinematográficos (ICAIC) tuvo entre sus objetivos estimular la creación y la producción nacional de audiovisuales, y también la distribución. Su establecimiento, a solo tres meses del triunfo revolucionario, fue una de las más importantes ganancias sociales y culturales de aquellos años.

Staff (2023-03-24). Las 3 del Día: Adelantos de Calendario y las noticias del 23 de marzo (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Saludos a los seguidores de Las 3 del Día. Hoy la periodista Thalía Fuentes Puebla nos trae un episodio cargado de información con lo más relevante sucedido este 23 de marzo. Dedicamos los primeros minutos a compartir algunas novedades de Calendario por medio de su directora Magda González Grau. Posteriormente realizamos el habitual resumen noticioso de nuestro podcast.

teleSUR -dcdc, DRL (2023-03-24). Presidente brasileño pospone un día viaje a China por neumonía. telesurtv.net China es el principal socio comercial de Brasil, por lo que el gobierno del líder progresista buscará ampliar los intercambios.

teleSUR, dcdc, DRL (2023-03-24). Nigeria ultima a 40 terroristas del llamado Estado Islámico. telesurtv.net Un vocero nigeriano declaró que al menos 18 miembros de los grupos Boko Haram y el autodenominado Estado Islámico de la Provincia de África Occidental fueron asesinados.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-24). Arriban líderes a Santo Domingo para Cumbre Iberoamericana. telesurtv.net Participan jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de América Latina y el Caribe junto a España, Portugal y Andorra.

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-03-24). Cifran en 511 muertes provocadas por ciclón Freddy en Malaui. telesurtv.net La tormenta ha agravado la crisis sanitaria en esa nación que enfrenta el peor brote de cólera de su historia.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2023-03-24). Abaten líder criminal en operativo policial en favela de Brasil. telesurtv.net El despliegue fue en el Complejo de Salgueiro, ubicado en la ciudad de San Gonzalo de la región metropolitana de Río de Janeiro.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2023-03-24). Convocan nuevas movilizaciones sindicales y sociales en Francia. telesurtv.net Se convocó a realizar protestas el próximo fin de semana en rechazo a la iniciativa adoptada el pasado lunes por el ejecutivo galo.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-24). Congreso peruano aprueba requisitoria contra dos ministros. telesurtv.net La fecha de citación al pleno del Congreso para el ministro de Defensa y Educación del Gobierno de Dina Boluarte todavía no ha sido informada.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). Argentinos marcharán para conmemorar el Día de la Memoria, Verdad y Justicia. telesurtv.net A 47 años del golpe de Estado, la demanda popular sigue siendo Justicia por los 30 mil desaparecidos y sanción a los represores y genocidas de la última dictadura.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-24). 11 millones de niños necesitan ayuda humanitaria en Yemen. telesurtv.net Según el último informe de la Unicef, un niño muere cada diez minutos en el país debido a causas evitables.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-24). Parlamento de Ecuador evalúa requisitos de juicio contra Lasso. telesurtv.net El titular del parlamento, Virgilio Saquicela, convocó para las 15: 20 (hora local) la sesión que será de manera virtual.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-24). øCómo serán las elecciones en Cuba?>. telesurtv.net Más de 23.000 colegios electorales se encuentran activos, los que serán custodiadas por cerca de 140.000 niñas y niños.

via Russell Brutsche (2023-03-24). Friday 3/31: Santa Cruz Hi-Rise. indybay.org Resource Center for Non-Violence, 612 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz…

Phil Miller (2023-03-23). Britain is supplying depleted uranium rounds to Ukraine. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in The UK will send "armour piercing rounds which contain depleted uranium" to Ukraine, for use with the tank squadron donated by the British army. | Defence minister Baroness Goldie made the <...

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-03-23). Chicago mayoral candidate Brandon Johnson's plan to reduce violence and rein in the police at the same time. therealnews.com With Lori Lightfoot ousted, Chicago's mayor seat is up for grabs in a Democratic Party runoff election between Brandon Johnson and police union-backed candidate Paul Vallas. A former public school teacher backed by a wide grassroots coalition, Johnson has soared in the polls in recent months as a serious challenger to the Democratic establishment in a city where the party machine has dominated for generations. With questions of public safety and police violence at the center of Chicago's politics, Johnson's platform seeks to address the conjoined problems of violence and police domination of the city's budg…

William Denselow (2023-03-23). Ming and Qing dynasty artwork showcased in NYC museum. america.cgtn.com The 'Flowers on a River' exhibition showcases some of China's finest examples of flower-and-bird paintings.

Jim Spellman (2023-03-23). TikTok CEO testifies in front of Congress. america.cgtn.com The future of the wildly popular app in the U.S. is at risk, as some lawmakers seek to ban TikTok over allegations of security concerns and Chinese influence.

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-03-23). Global War: The 101s of US Empire – the USA is a WAR MACHINE! podcasters.spotify.com Welcome to a (possible) new series – Global War – where we will focus on the developing conflicts, events, wars and regime change efforts of the US Empire and its NATO and other allies. In this episode we discuss, very very briefly, how the US came into existence, Spanish, English, Dutch and other European "exploration", corporations, and colonization. We talk about the many many wars the US has and is fighting since it's "founding" as a "Constitutional Republic" in 1787, before then, after then, and today. We bring up WW1 and WW2, Korea, Vietnam, China and the Opium Wars, Iraq, Iran, Guatemala, Venezuela, Peru,…

_____ (2023-03-23). China is Making the 'New' Middle East. journal-neo.org This was inevitable. When the US started to strategically withdraw from the Middle East and shifted its focus towards Southeast Asia and (Eastern) Europe to contain its two rivals (China and Russia), the Middle East was left without a traditional balancer. Without making an orientalist argument and arguing that the Middle East always needed an […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-23). Japan's Prime Minister at the Center of Recent Regional Developments. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-23). Lebanon's Tragedy and the difficulties in overcoming it. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-23). Yoon Suk-yeol Turns to Japan. journal-neo.org One of the most significant festivals in the Republic of Korea is March 1, which honors the widespread protests against Japanese colonial rule. Under President Moon Jae-in the holiday became a memorial to martyrs, a reminder of unresolved grievances, historical disputes, and the need for the Japanese to weep, repent, and pay. In his speech […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-23). Putin and Xi Standing Firm on the Right Side of History. strategic-culture.org The world is changing before our eyes. Western imperialist regimes are being exposed for the warmongers they are, and a new multipolar order of partnership and peace is emerging. | The historic summit this week between the Russian and Chinese leaders provoked paroxysms of angst in the Western media. President Vladimir Putin's hosting of China's Xi Jinping in Moscow was presented as the "world's two most prominent autocrats" purportedly establishing a hostile "anti-West axis". | The American and European media — slavishly echoing the talking points of their imperialist regimes — were in hyper-bogeyman…

_____ (2023-03-23). Seymour Hersh Accuses U.S. of Nord Stream 'Cover Up'. strategic-culture.org In a follow-up to his explosive story accusing U.S. President Joe Biden of ordering the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, veteran U.S. journalist Seymour Hersh charged Wednesday that the White House — in collaboration with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz — is attempting a "cover-up of its operation" by "feeding" false alternative narratives to the press, most prominently The New York Times.

_____ (2023-03-23). The Eight-Year-Old's Iraq. strategic-culture.org Twenty years after the Iraq invasion: It was the last period of true optimism, with a sense that somewhere in the unknown unknowns we would meet destiny. | By Jude RUSSO | Iwas an avid supporter of the Iraq invasion in 2003. I believed that Saddam Hussein was a tyrant and a danger to American interests; I believed that, as a civilization, we had a God-given mission to the world, helping those we've subdued and warring down the still-arrogant. We beat Nazism; we beat communism; now it was time to beat radical Islam (although the "radical" got left out as often as not in those heady days), or, as the real connoisse…

_____ (2023-03-23). Why Vladimir Putin Cannot Be Arrested by International Criminal Court. strategic-culture.org One should remember how many illegal invasions, brutal unprovoked aggressions, orchestrated colour revolutions and wars have the USA and NATO started and waged in the last century for years and decades to get a "bigger picture". | All of you must have heard that an arrest warrant was issued a couple of days ago for Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin by the International Criminal Court. If it ain't so funny, we would cry our hearts out for the farcical potential of it and its underlying flawed logic. But first things first. | The 20th February 2023 is the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. One has to wonder…

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-03-23). South Africa, Russia, China and the Shifting World Situation. globalresearch.ca

Adriaan Alsema (2023-03-23). Armed conflict in Colombia displaced more than 180,000 people in 2022: ICRC. colombiareports.com Armed conflict in Colombia forcibly displaced more than 180,000 people last year, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The ICRC's annual report on Colombia said that…

Ahmed Adel (2023-03-23). Russia's Economy Recovers While Dozens of US Banks Face Collapse. globalresearch.ca

Ajamu Baraka (2023-03-23). Commemorations of the Attack on Iraq March 20 and Libya March 19 Reaffirms that the U.S.-EU-NATO Axis of Domination Remains the Greatest Threat to International Peace on our Planet. dissidentvoice.org The International Criminal Court should uphold an objective and impartial stance, respect the jurisdictional immunity enjoyed by the head of state in accordance with international law, exercise its functions and powers prudently by the law, interpret and apply international law in good faith, and avoid politicization and double standards. — Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang …

Ajamu Baraka (2023-03-23). Commemorations of the attack on Iraq March 20th and Libya March 19th reaffirm that the U.S./EU/NATO axis of domination remains the greatest threat to International peace on our Planet. mronline.org Iraq and Libya were both targeted by the U.S. in the month of March. The anniversaries of these war crimes must be commemorated, and the nature of the US/EU/NATO war machine must be understood.

Al Jazeera. (2023-03-23). 'Black Thursday' Strikes In France Over Macron's Pension Reform. popularresistance.org French workers angry that the pension age is being increased blocked access to a terminal at the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris on a day of nationwide protests. | The demonstrations on Thursday forced some travellers to get there on foot. | Train services were also disrupted and some schools shut while garbage piled up on the streets, and electricity output was cut, as unions pressured the government to withdraw the law that delays retirement by two years, changing it from age 62 to age 64. | Plumes of smoke were seen rising from burning piles of debris blocking traffic on a highway near Toulouse, in southwes…

Allen Forrest (2023-03-23). What Does the Data Reveal? dissidentvoice.org

Andrew Korybko (2023-03-23). The U.S. Attempts to Mislead the World Into Thinking That India Is Its Ally Against China. globalresearch.ca

Andrew Murray (2023-03-23). The British Empire: Culture War and Actual War. globalresearch.ca

Andreína Chávez Alava (2023-03-23). Venezuela Stacks $21.2B in Unpaid Oil Sales, Maduro Appoints New Minister. venezuelanalysis.com Pedro Tellechea takes charge of the oil industry amidst a high-level corruption probe that revealed $3.6 billion in losses from untracked crude sales.

Ann Brown (2023-03-23). Who Is 19-Year-Old NASCAR Racing Prodigy Lavar Scott? 5 Things to Know. moguldom.com There is still less than a handful of Black National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) racers. One of the latest to disrupt the status quo is a 19-year-old stock car racer named Lavar Scott. Here are five things you should know. 1. Team Scott He races full-time in the Automobile Racing Club of …

Ann Brown (2023-03-23). FAMU Community And Alumni Mourn The Loss Of Kofi Hemmingway. moguldom.com Kofi Hemmingway took being an alumnus of an Historically Black University (HBCU) seriously. He graduated from Florida A&M University (FAMU) and continued to use various platforms to promote the school and its football team, the Rattlers. Jacksonville, Florida-based Hemmingway died unexpectedly on March TK at the age of 52. He passed away at his home …

Ann Brown (2023-03-23). NAACP President: The Official And National NAACP Position Is A Demand For Reparations For Descendants Of American Slavery. moguldom.com The president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Derrick Johnson, went to Twitter on March 22 to clarify the civil rights organization's stance on reparations. This comes on the heels of a statement tweeted out by the San Francisco NAACP charter president earlier this month that seemed to read that …

Anonymous Contributor (2023-03-23). South Florida Anti-Repression Committee Launches Solidarity Campaign. itsgoingdown.org Announcing the creation of the South Florida Anti-Repression Committee, which is supporting two pro-choice community activists in Florida facing repression. Miami, Florida—In an unprecedented use of the FACE Act (a law intended to protect abortion access and abortion clinics), two pro-choice community activists in Florida have been charged under the FACE Act. In addition to…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-23). In Video: Ukrainian POW Describes Russian Tactics And Morale Of Ukrainian Soldiers On Northern Donbass Front Line. southfront.org Translated by @Frontstories A Ukrainian POW captured in Kremennaya described Russian tactics in the region. According to him, the…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-23). Military Situation In Donbass On March 23, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | The AFU reportedly took back control of military positions north of Stepove; | The Russian Army made slight advances in the Novobakhmutivka area; | Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Bakhmut and its outskirts; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Ugledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Mariinka; | Up to 80 Ukrainian servicemen, 3 pickups and 2 armored vehicles were destroyed…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-23). Military Situation In Syria On March 23, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-23). Military Situation In Ukraine On March 23, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On March 22, Russian forces destroyed 3 maritime and 1 aerial UAVs near Sevastopol; | The Russian Army destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Lastochkino; | The Russian Army destroyed a fuel depot of the AFU near Zaliznichnoye; | Russian forces destroyed five motor vehicles near Kherson; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Kupyansk; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-23). Military Situation In Yemen On March 23, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-23). US Army Establishes 1st Permanent Garrison On NATO's Eastern Flank. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Originally published on The US Army has officially opened its first permanent military garrison on NATO's "eastern flank" in a ceremony on Tuesday. | Stretching from the Baltics to the Black Sea, the eastern portion of the North Atlantic bloc is made up of eight nations — all former members of the USSR or Warsaw Pact. The US Army'

Anonymous669 (2023-03-23). Explosions Hit Large Base Of Iranian Forces In Syria's Deir Ezzor: Monitoring Group. southfront.org Iranian-backed forces massing around Deir Ezzor city. | Late on March 22, a series of large explosions rocked a large base of Iranian-backed forces in the eastern Syrian governorate of Deir Ezzor, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR). | The base, dubbed Imam Ali, occupies some 20 square kilometers to the southeast of the town of al-Bukamal in the southern Deir Ezzor countryside. It was reportedly established by the Quds Force, the external wing of Iran's Iranian Islamic…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-23). Houthi Send Warning To Saudi Arabia With Large-Scale Drills (Video). southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Source: almasirah.net.ye | On March 22, the Houthis (Ansar Allah) announced that their armed forces had conducted large-scale drills, in an apparent warning to Saudi Arabia who led a military coalition into Yemen nearly eight years earlier. | The drills, dubbed "Withstanding the Aggression," simulated an attack on several targets in a variety of terrains, including mountainous, desert-like and forested areas. All infantry units took part in the drills along with specialized forces,…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-23). Israel Destroyed Iranian Radar During Recent Attack On Syria. southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Source: (@Israel_Alma_org) on Twitter. | Israel destroyed an Iranian-made Matla-ul-fajr radar during a recent attack on Syria, the The radar was deployed at al-Dabaa Air Base near the key town of al-Qusayr in the southern countryside of Homs. The air base, which is located a few kilometers away from the border line with Lebanon, is known to be a deploym…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-23). Israeli Army Says One Of Its Drones Crashed In Syria. southfront.org A "Skylark" Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) on display at the 2005 Naval UAV Air Demo held at the Webster Field Annex of Naval Air Station Patuxent River. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Daniel J. McLain. | On March 22, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced that one of its drones had crashed in Syria during "routine activity." | In a brief statement, the IDF said that there had been no breach of information and the incident was under investigation. The statement did not provide any details…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-23). Russian Fighter Jets Flew 25 Times Over Syria's Al-Tanf Base In March: U.S. General. southfront.org A Russian Su-24 strike aircraft in the sky over the Khmeimim airbase in Syria. Photo: Dmitriy Vinogradov / RIA Novosti | Russian fighter jets have flown over a United States military garrison in the southeastern Syrian area of al-Tanf nearly every day in March, Lieutenant General Alexus Grynkewich, combined forces air component commander for U.S. Central Command, told According to the commander, Russian fi…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-23). Syria, Saudi Arabia Reached Breakthrough Agreement To Restore Relations — Report. southfront.org Syria flag (flickr). | Syria and Saudi Arabia have reached a breakthrough agreement to reopen their embassies, An unnamed regional source aligned with Damascus told the news agency that talks between Damascus and Riyadh had gained momentum after the recent China-brokered agreem…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-23). Ukraine Denies Its Pilots Are Training On French Mirage 2000C Fighter Jets. southfront.org French air force M2000 Mirages await a mission for Red Flag-Alaska 07-1 in April at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. (U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Jonathan Snyder) | On March 22, a spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force (UAF) said that a recent report by

Anonymous765 (2023-03-23). On Eve Of Battle For South-Eastern Ukraine. southfront.org |

Art Persyko (2023-03-23). Tuesday 3/21: Pollution in Bayview-Hunters Point, its impact on residents, & what we can do about it. indybay.org Zoom: us02web.zoom.us/j/86465752525?pwd=Tzh1YVh5SE9mdWkzdjI2clZrVEczdz09; Meeting ID: 864 6575 2525; Passcode: 465295; by phone: 1 669 900 9128…

Ashley Curtin (2023-03-23). School support workers strike closing more than 1,000 LA schools. nationofchange.org More than 1,000 schools are closed because of the strike, which impacts 422,000 students.

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-03-23). AMLO Condemns Invasion Threats, Celebrates Nationalization Of Oil, Lithium. popularresistance.org Mexico's leftist President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) organized a massive rally in the heart of the capital, honoring the anniversary of the country's nationalization of its oil reserves and expropriation of foreign corporations. | AMLO also used the demonstration as an opportunity to publicly condemn US politicians who have proposed militarily invading Mexico to combat drug trafficking. | "We remind those hypocritical and irresponsible politicians that Mexico is an independent and free country, not a colony or a protectorate of the United States!" López Obrador declared. | "They can threaten us with comm…

Ben Norton (2023-03-23). 'Mexico is not a US colony!': AMLO Condemns Invasion Threats, Celebrates Nationalization of Oil, Lithium. globalresearch.ca

Betsey Piette (2023-03-23). Philly activists sue cops over 2020 attacks, win $10 million. workers.org Philadelphia At a press conference at the Paul Robeson House on March 20, attorneys representing 343 plaintiffs announced a $9.25 million settlement with the City of Philadelphia. The agreement stems from rampant police brutality in 2020 against demonstrators protesting the Minneapolis Police Department murder of a Black man, George Floyd. . . . |

Brett Wilkins (2023-03-23). Furious over railway disaster, Greeks take to the streets in nationwide general strike. greenleft.org.au Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of cities and towns across Greece on March 17 to protest the government's handling of last month's Tempi railway disaster and the capitalist system that puts profits before people, reports Brett Wilkins.

Brian Shilhavy (2023-03-23). California Farmers: "We've Lost Everything" — $ Billions of Food Lost in Floods in State that Produces Half of America's Agriculture. globalresearch.ca

Brittani Banks (2023-03-23). How the Cuban Government and Its People Collaborated on the Family Code. independentmediainstitute.org On September 25, 2022, Cuba passed one of the world's most progressive codes on families. All in one go, the small island nation legalized same-sex marriage, defined and upheld the rights of children, the disabled, caregivers, and the elderly, and redefined "family" along ties of affinity rather than blood. This opens the concept of "family" …

Brittani Banks (2023-03-23). How LA's Teachers Are Making Good on Their Promise to Support Community Schools. independentmediainstitute.org "We should have been miserable," said Emily Grijalva, recalling the first days of the 2019 strike by Los Angeles teachers. Grijalva, who is currently the community school and restorative justice coordinator at Felicitas and Gonzalo Mendez High School, joined her colleagues on the picket line in 2019 despite the biting cold and an unusual, prolonged …

Burning Spear (2023-03-23). United States Imposes Economic Sanctions on Black Community Projects. towardfreedom.org

Cairns News (2023-03-23). Weather Man Who Makes It Rain in Australia. globalresearch.ca

Chris Walker (2023-03-23). Democrats in Wisconsin Introduce Bill to Restore Abortion Rights in State. truthout.org Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers (D) and Democratic lawmakers in the state legislature introduced a bill earlier this week that would restore abortion rights in Wisconsin to where they stood before the overturn of Roe v. Wade last summer. After the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe, several states reverted back to abortion statutes that were in place prior to that ruling. For Wisconsin… |

Chris Walker (2023-03-23). DeSantis Admin Seeks to Expand "Don't Say Gay" Restrictions to Older Grades. truthout.org Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis's administration is moving to expand provisions of a current law that bans the discussion of LGBTQ issues in the state's public schools. The Parental Rights in Education Act — better known nationally as the "Don't Say Gay" law — currently disallows classroom discussion on gender identity and sexual orientation in grades K-3. Such discussions are currently… |

Chris Walker (2023-03-23). Principal Fired Over Parent Complaints on Lesson Showing Michelangelo's "David" truthout.org A principal of a Florida charter school was forced to resign from her position after parents of children in a classical art class complained about their kids being exposed to one of the most famous pieces of classical art, Michelangelo's "David." The sculpture, which depicts the biblical character in the nude, was part of a sixth-grade class's art lesson. Ordinarily, a letter is sent to parents… |

Christopher Black (2023-03-23). Video: The Criminalisation of International Justice. Christopher Black. globalresearch.ca

Clau O'Brien Moscoso, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-23). Bloodshed, Tear Gas Bombs And Mudslides: 100 Days Of Dictatorship. popularresistance.org Perú has plunged into chaos since the December 7th congressional coup that ousted President Pedro Castillo. This past Friday the 17th of March marked 100 days of terror from the Peruvian coup regime, with deaths topping 80 , severely injured over 1000 and political prisoners also over 1000 taken. Protesters from the various provinces and Lima marked the day with vigils to honor the 3 months of the massacre in Ayacucho on March 15th, a march to Barbadillo where President Castillo is held as a political prisoner and demonstrations throughout the capital city and country. We caught up with a delegation from Asillo,…

Colonel Ann Wright (2023-03-23). Don't Let the Media Cheerlead Us Into More Wars Like It Did in Iraq. globalresearch.ca

Consortium News. (2023-03-23). Iraq Invasion, AUKUS Blasted In Rousing Sydney Rally. popularresistance.org A week after Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese agreed in a meeting in San Diego with President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to spend A$368 billion to buy nuclear submarines from the two countries, anti-war activists met in a sweltering Sydney town hall on Sunday on the 20th anniversary of the start of the war against Iraq to hear why the submarine deal is a disaster for Australia that must be stopped. | Greens Party Senator David Shoebridge, former foreign minister Bob Carr, retired diplomat Alison Broinowski and Colin Powell's former chief of staff, Lawrence Wilkinson (via video hook…

Corporate America (2023-03-23). An Update on East Palestine: How Chemical Cleanup Leads to Harmful Exposure. thelastamericanvagabond.com The hazardous waste incinerators being used to rid Ohio of harmful chemicals have a history of leakage. The proposed solutions may be contributing to more problems than we originally thought. Here's what you should know. In an already poorly handled situation, the same people who created the mess are being tasked with finding ways to

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes (2023-03-23). Lack of safe drinking water for city dwellers to double by 2050: UN report. nationofchange.org The report found that water scarcity is also becoming more common in rural areas, with water shortages affecting from two to three billion people for at least a month out of each year.

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-23). America And Jerome Powell Stay The Course And Hike Interest Rates, Markets Sell Off: 5 Things To Know. moguldom.com The three major stock indexes fell Wednesday as Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell announced a new interest rate hike of 0.25 percent — the ninth rate hike in a year and the first after two weeks of banking turmoil — bringing the benchmark funds rate to a range of 4.75-to-5 percent. The interest rate-setting Federal …

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-23). Top Short Seller Targets Cash App Parent Block: Stock Crashes 22 Percent After Fraud, Fake Account Allegations. moguldom.com Shares of Jack Dorsey's financial technology company Block tanked by more than 20 percent Thursday after U.S. short-seller Hindenburg Research alleged that the Silicon Valley-based payment conglomerate — owner of the hugely successful CashApp — had facilitated fraudulent activity. Criminal activity on Cash App included payments for illegal drug sales and sex trafficking, according to …

Daphne Kamino, Elysa Widjaja, Rollin Brant, Linh G. Ly, Eva Mamak, Vann Chau, Aideen M. Moore, Tricia Williams, Emily W.Y. Tam (2023-03-23). [Articles] Severity and duration of dysglycemia and brain injury among patients with neonatal encephalopathy. thelancet.com Maximum glucose concentration in the first 48 HOL is predictive of brain injury after NE. Further trials are needed to assess if protocols to control maximum glucose concentrations improve outcomes after NE.

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). China Hits Back at US Criticism of Ukraine Peace Efforts. news.antiwar.com China on Wednesday hit back at US criticism of Beijing's efforts to push for peace talks to end the fighting in Ukraine as Chinese President Xi Jinping concluded his three-day visit to Moscow. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Tuesday that China was not "impartial" due to its relationship with Russia, comments …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). AFRICOM Says African Coup Leaders Share 'Core Values' With US Military. news.antiwar.com Gen. Michael Langley, the head of US Africa Command (AFRICOM), was grilled by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on Thursday about African soldiers who received US military training and went on to carry out coups. Langley insisted only a "very small number" of Africans who receive US training later go on to be involved in coups …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). Report: Saudi Arabia Agrees to Establish Ties With Syria. news.antiwar.com Saudi Arabia and Syria have agreed to establish ties and reopen their embassies after over a decade of not having formal diplomatic relations, Reuters reported on Thursday. Unnamed sources told Reuters that contacts between Riyadh and Damascus gained momentum following the surprise Saudi-Iran normalization deal that was brokered by China. Tehran is a major ally …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). Senate Votes Down Sen. Rand Paul's Resolution to Repeal 2001 AUMF. news.antiwar.com The Senate on Wednesday voted down an amendment introduced by Sen. Rand Paul to repeal the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) that was passed in the wake of the September 11 attacks to invade Afghanistan and is still used to justify wars today. The bill didn't come close to passing and …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). Turkish Parliament Committee Approves Bill Ratifying Finland's NATO Membership. news.antiwar.com The Turkish parliament's foreign affairs committee has approved a bill that would ratify Finland's NATO membership after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country would approve bringing Helsinki into the alliance without Sweden. Turkey's full parliament, the Grand National Assembly, still needs to approve the bill, and ratification is expected to happen before Turkey's May …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). US Sails Warship Near Chinese-Controlled Islands in the South China Sea. news.antiwar.com On Thursday, the US sailed a warship near the Chinese-controlled Paracel Islands in the South China Sea amid heightened tensions between Washington and Beijing in the region. China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) said it drove away the guided-missile destroyer USS Milius after it "illegally" sailed near the disputed islands. The US Navy's Seventh Fleet disputed …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). World Bank Says Ukraine's Reconstruction Will Cost at Least $411 Billion. news.antiwar.com The World Bank said in a new report that Ukraine's reconstruction will cost at least $411 billion over the next ten years, a number that will rise as the war drags on. The report said the $411 billion figure should be seen as a "minimum as needs will continue to rise as long as the …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). Zelensky Tells Europe Give More Weapons and Add Sanctions on Russia. news.antiwar.com Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday demanded that European countries provide more military aid and add more sanctions on Russia, warning that not doing so would prolong the war. Zelensky said in a virtual address to EU leaders that they should provide longer-range weapons and Western-made fighter jets. He thanked Slovakia and Poland for providing …

Dave Kamper, Labor Notes. (2023-03-23). What's Fueling The Graduate Worker Union Upsurge? popularresistance.org The Twin Cities saw one of its biggest-ever snowstorms the week of Presidents Day. But for labor activists the snow was overshadowed by the launch of the University of Minnesota Graduate Labor Union. | In its first 24 hours, the new union—affiliated with the United Electrical Workers (UE)—gathered more than 1,700 authorization cards representing nearly half the entire bargaining unit. Eight days in, they had a strong majority. And this week they filed for election with 65 percent support. | Such a first day bodes well for the success of the campaign, despite five—count 'em, five—previous e…

Dave Welsh (2023-03-23). San Francisco labor opposes racist land ownership bill in Texas. workers.org San Francisco Recalling California's shameful history of prohibiting Chinese and Japanese residents from owning land in the state, the San Francisco Labor Council voted March 13 to condemn a similarly racist bill currently before the Texas state Senate. The vote by SFLC delegates was unanimous. Texas Senate Bill 147, if . . . |

Demanding an End to War (2023-03-23). Anti War Protest in SF: US Out of Everywhere. indybay.org March 20th marked 20 years since the US criminal invasion of Iraq. It was the perfect time to rally and march in San Francisco.

Derrick Broze (2023-03-23). Accused Serial Child Abuser David Hamblin Granted 100k Bail in Ongoing Ritual Abuse Investigation. thelastamericanvagabond.com Former therapist and accused serial child abuser David Hamblin has been granted a $100,000 bail as he awaits multiple trials for felony sexual abuse of children related to the Utah County Sheriff's ongoing investigation of ritualistic child abuse. On Wednesday, as protesters gathered outside the courthouse and in the courtroom, Utah Judge Mandy Larsen set

Diego Ramos, Scheer Post. (2023-03-23). Russia And China Summit: The Reconfiguration Of World Power. popularresistance.org Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed newly re-elected Chinese President Xi Jinping for a three day summit in Moscow earlier this week. As they conclude their three day meeting, Putin and Xi leave a paper trail of documents demonstrating a significant development in Sino-Russian relations, with both leaders expressing admiration and allegiance for each other's countries. | From the war in Ukraine to economic cooperation to Latin America, the two leaders found themselves eye to eye on a number of issues and even went as far as welcoming the "new era" with two joint statements: on Deepening the Comprehensive St…

Dr. Peter McCullough (2023-03-23). "The Covid States Project" Gives New Hope to Unvaccinated. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Paris reveals Olympic air-taxi service target. ecns.cn The company operating Paris's airports says the French capital aims to have the world's first air taxi network up and flying in time for next year's summer Olympic Games.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Hurun Global Rich List sees drastic changes. ecns.cn The world's billionaires with a personal wealth of at least $1 billion reported the biggest slump in record last year, with the total number down by 8 percent to come at 3,112.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Chinese expert optimistic about 6 percent or higher growth target in 2023. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Controversial munitions for Ukraine spark fears. ecns.cn The United Kingdom has decided to send battle tanks and armor-piercing ammunition containing depleted uranium to Ukraine, while the United States announced on Tuesday that it will speed up its delivery of tanks.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Foreign investors bullish on A-share market. ecns.cn Foreign institutions' interest in China assets and investment opportunities in the Chinese market has remained robust amid rising market volatility elsewhere due to the banking credit crisis.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). LA schools close amid strikes for better pay. ecns.cn Thousands of service workers, backed by teachers, began a three-day strike against the Los Angeles Unified School District on Tuesday, shutting down education for a half-million students in the nation's second-largest school system.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Monitoring ensures water protection. ecns.cn The system is composed of video cameras at various observation spots, a private network that allows realtime video feeds, and a management platform, forming an important part of the ecological monitoring network in Sanjiangyuan.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Hainan to host two subforums on trade. ecns.cn Hainan province will host two subforums on March 29 at the 2023 Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference, according to a news conference held on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Foreign trade to receive further tech, policy backing. ecns.cn China's efforts to build modern industries and expand institutional opening-up will create new advantages in international cooperation and competition, especially given the challenges of slowing global demand, geoeconomic shocks and soaring global commodity and energy prices.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). China's Wu Yibing into Miami Open second round. ecns.cn China's Wu Yibing advanced to the second round of the ATP Masters 1000 Miami after defeating Britain's Kyle Edmund 7-5, 7-5.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Olympic-ring theme apparel available online for first time. ecns.cn The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has put Olympic Collection apparel into the market for the first time, the IOC announced on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). More measures introduced to encourage childbirth. ecns.cn The newly released measures have received a mixed response from the public with some welcoming the subsidies, while others say the tuition benefit is too little and too far off to make an impact.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Yangtze River Delta continues to lure China's best, brightest. ecns.cn The government of Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang province, has said it is to further relax rules for household registration, or hukou, to attract a wide range of talent and bolster the development of the digital economy.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). China reveals logos for three manned space missions in 2023. ecns.cn The China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) has revealed logos for three missions of China's manned space program this year, namely the launches of the cargo craft Tianzhou-6, and the crewed spaceships Shenzhou-16 and Shenzhou-17.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Australian senator slams AUKUS nuclear submarine deal. ecns.cn Australian Senator Jordon Steele-John has slammed the government's nuclear submarine agreement.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Chinese mainland luxury goods consumer confidence rebounds: report. ecns.cn The Chinese mainland has seen rapid economic recovery and rebounding consumer conferences, and the luxury goods market is expected to recover within this year, according to the China Luxury Forecast 2023 jointly presented by Ruder Finn and Consumer Search Group on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). PLA expels U.S. destroyer trespassing Chinese territorial waters off Xisha Islands. ecns.cn The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) expelled a U.S. destroyer when the latter trespassed into Chinese territorial waters off the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea on Thursday amid continued U.S. attempts to destabilize the region.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Xi's Russia visit promotes global strategic stability. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping wrapped up his three-day state visit to Russia on Wednesday, a trip of special significance in boosting bilateral ties and promoting global strategic stability amid the ongoing Ukraine crisis.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Chinese scientists find oxygen on early Earth partly from rocks. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have revealed their new findings about the origin of initial oxygen on the early Earth, suggesting it may mainly derive from rocks.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Researchers discover exotic, rare plant species. ecns.cn Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden announced they had discovered a tree with funnel-shaped, red-orange flowers called Pterocymbium macranthum in southwestern China's Yunnan province.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). In Numbers: China-Russia trade injects strong momentum into bilateral ties. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Landscape of Tianshan mountain ranges in Xinjiang. ecns.cn Aerial view of the landscape of snow-covered mountain range of Tianshan in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, March 21, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). China sends four meteorological satellites into space. ecns.cn A Kuaizhou-1A carrier rocket carrying Tianmu-1 meteorological constellation with four satellites blasts off from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, March 22, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Tokyo welcomes cherry blossom season. ecns.cn People enjoy the cherry blossoms on Chidorigafuchi Moat, northwest of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan, March 32, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). 'Terrifying' plastic rocks emerge in remote Island paradise. ecns.cn Melted plastic has become intertwined with rocks on the island, located 1,140 km from the southeastern state of Espirito Santo, which researchers say is evidence of humans' growing influence over the earth's geological cycles.

Editor (2023-03-23). Biden, Scholz secretly discussed NordStream sabotage this month: Hersh. mronline.org 'Pulsing the system' is what Hersh argues the CIA was responsible for doing to wash out the claim behind Joe Biden being the one who ordered the pipeline bombs.

Editor (2023-03-23). On the Agency of Former Soviet Republics. mronline.org The ongoing war in Ukraine has been framed in multiple ways by multiple commentators of international affairs.

Editor (2023-03-23). With child labor violations on the rise, new report shows that child labor laws are under attack in states across the country. mronline.org Both violations of child labor laws and state legislative proposals to roll back child labor protections are on the rise across the country, according to a comprehensive new Economic Policy Institute report on child labor standards.

Editor (2023-03-23). Ellen Brown: Banking Crisis 3.0: Time to Change the Rules of the Game. scheerpost.com By Ellen Brown / Original to ScheerPost On CNN March 14, Roger Altman, a former deputy Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration, said that American banks were on the verge of being nationalized: What the authorities did over the weekend was absolutely profound. They guaranteed the deposits, all of them, at Silicon Valley Bank. What …

Editor (2023-03-23). 'Mexico Is Not a US Colony!': AMLO Condemns Invasion Threats, Celebrates Nationalization of Oil and Lithium. scheerpost.com Mexico's leftist President AMLO condemned "hypocritical" Republicans who want the US military to invade, declaring "Mexico is an independent and free country, not a US colony or protectorate!" In a massive rally, López Obrador also celebrated the expropriation of oil and lithium, condemning exploitative foreign corporations.

Editor (2023-03-23). Scott Ritter: G7 vs BRICS — Off to the Races. scheerpost.com An economist digging below the surface of an IMF report has found something that should shock the Western bloc out of any false confidence in its unsurpassed global economic clout.

Eduardo Vargas & Dylan Gamez (2023-03-23). Los Angeles public school workers continue to fight for fair wages in historic 3-day solidarity strike. liberationnews.org In a historic show of solidarity, 65,000 public school workers from Service Employees International Union Local 99 and United Teachers Los Angeles are striking for three days, from March 21-23. Local 99 represents cafeteria workers, custodians, bus drivers and many other service professions. The union is currently bargaining with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) for a 30% wage increase, more full time positions, equitable access to health care, and more in an effort to provide a livable income and a better work environment.

Elena Teslova (2023-03-23). Russia Slams UK Plans to Send Depleted Uranium Shells to Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Eric Black (2023-03-23). Michigan Senate repeals right-to-work, sends bill to Whitmer for signature. peoplesworld.org LANSING, Mich.—To huge cheers from workers who packed the galleries, the Michigan Senate voted 20-17 along party lines on Senate Bill 34 to officially end "right-to-work" laws in Michigan on March 21. The State House passed its version of the bill, HB4005, previously on March 8. According to sources within the United Food and Commercial …

Fatima Hussein (2023-03-23). Federal Reserve didn't do its job in overseeing banks before collapse. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON (AP)—The Federal Reserve is facing stinging criticism for missing what observers say were clear signs that Silicon Valley Bank was at high risk of collapsing into the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history. Critics point to many red flags surrounding the bank, including its rapid growth since the pandemic, its unusually high level of uninsured …

Fight Back (2023-03-23). Picketing Milwaukee Sheriff for justice, transparency and end to in-custody deaths. fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI – On Tuesday, March 21, members of the Justice for Brieon Green Coalition picketed in front of the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office. The picket was originally planned to pressure Sheriff Denita Ball after she failed to hold the promises she made to the coalition – allowing members to tour the county jail and upload the standard operating procedures to the website for public access. | However, less than two days after this picket was called, media reported that Terrance Mack, age 37, had died inside the county jail. Mack represents the third death inside the county jail since December. Thus, the pi…

Fight Back (2023-03-23). Behind the failure of Silicon Valley Bank. fightbacknews.org In 2023, there have been many announcements of layoffs by technology firms. This is a result of what the media calls post-COVID normalization. But this "normalization" has also shown that many technology companies that boomed during the pandemic were in fact overproducing and building new capacity too quickly, forcing them now to scale back. | In the past ten days this slowdown in the technology industry spilled over into the banking system, triggered by the failure of Silicon Valley Bank, based in Santa Clara, California. Soon after the failure of SVB on Friday, March 10, regulators shut Signature Bank in New Yo…

Fight Back (2023-03-23). Massive anti-war rally held at White House on anniversary of Iraq War. fightbacknews.org Washington, DC – On Saturday, March 18, several thousand people gathered at Lafayette Plaza in front of the White House to protest ongoing U.S. wars and interventions. The rally was organized and attended by the Answer Coalition, United National Antiwar Coalition, Codepink, Veterans for Peace, Black Alliance for Peace, Students for a Democratic Society, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Workers World Party, and Socialist Unity Party, amongst many other organizations. First the crowd heard speeches from various organizers of the rally. | Christly Carpio of Students for a Democratic Society gave a speech condemn…

Florida Phoenix (2023-03-23). Texas Plaintiffs targeting Abortion Pill want Judge to Overrule FDA: Why that might not even be Possible. juancole.com By: Sofia Resnick ( Florida Phoenix) — At the center of the federal anti-abortion lawsuit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is the abortion drug mifepristone and the regimen that reportedly accounts for the majority of abortions in post-Roe America. That's why the whole country is bracing itself for a ruling from a notoriously anti-abortion judge in Amarillo, Texas. The …

Global Research News (2023-03-23). Selected Articles: From Hegemony to Multipolarity: How Post-Cold War U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Russia Is Creating a Modern Eurasia. globalresearch.ca By The present conflict between Russia and Ukr…

Hamilton Nolan, In These Times. (2023-03-23). Make One Big Higher Education Union. popularresistance.org Higher ed is unionizing. Like crazy! Last year, every single one of the five largest filings for NLRB union elections in America‚Äâ—‚Äâeach representing more than 3,000 members‚Äâ—‚Äâwere for graduate workers at various universities. University of California workers pulled off the biggest strike of 2022. New units of more than 1,000 people, rare in most of the union world, have become commonplace in academia. This wave shows no sign of slowing. Just this month, thousands more grad workers at the University of Minnesota and Duke filed…

Hassan Diab Support Committee (2023-03-23). Imagine a Life Like This: The Relentless Persecution of Hassan Diab. globalresearch.ca

Igor Carvalho (2023-03-23). Lula gov't celebrates 20 years of public policies to tackle racism and launches new measures. peoplesdispatch.org Twenty years ago, the National Human Rights Program was instituted in Brazil, which included combating racism as one of its priorities. Since then, several public policies have been implemented with the objective of promoting racial equality. The establishment of the National Human Rights Program was celebrated by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party) on Tuesday, March 21, in an event at Planalto Palace. | "No country in the world will be a democracy while skin color dictates the opportunities people will have throughout their lives," the leftist politician explained. In 2003, Lula was in his first…

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-23). Imperial collaborates with composer to explore moons through music. imperial.ac.uk Imperial College London has partnered with a composer on a new educational programme that brings together space science and orchestral music.

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-23). Podcast: Supersonic flight, toxic pet treatments, and fighting TB with maths. imperial.ac.uk In this edition: The future of supersonic flight, how toxic flea and tick products are reaching the environment, and how maths can help eradicate TB.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-23). In Moscow, Xi and Putin Bury Pax Americana. libya360.wordpress.com Pepe Escobar Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin attend a reception in honor of the Chinese leader's visit to Moscow at the Kremlin, in Moscow, Russia. © Sputnik / Pavel Byrkin In Moscow this week, the Chinese and Russian leaders revealed their joint commitment to redesign the global order, an undertaking that has…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-23). Latin America: The United States Improvises in Confronting the Silk Road. libya360.wordpress.com Claudio Katz The United States is losing economic primacy in Latin America in the face of the overwhelming presence of China, unable to find recipes to counterbalance this protagonism that threatens its traditional domination. The domination of the United States over Latin America has no equivalent in other parts of the world. In no other…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-23). Niger: Terrorism and the Voracious French Presence. libya360.wordpress.com Guadi Calvo Niger's President Mohamed Bazoum and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken In the context of this reality of violence in the Sahel, it is important to pay attention to Niger… A recent investigation into the growth of Wahhabi violence in Africa says that it increased during 2022 by fifty percent over the previous…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-23). Paradoxes of Poland ºs Rise: Regional Integration & War. libya360.wordpress.com Ladislav Zemanek Poland ºs role in Central and Eastern European affairs has been strengthening. The country is a pillar of NATO ºs presence in the region and is among Washington's closest allies. Its role has been further elevated in connection with the conflict in Ukraine, in which Warsaw has played an active part since the very beginning….

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-23). President Guelleh's Iron Grip on Djibouti Erodes. libya360.wordpress.com Dr. Abdiwahab Sheikh Abdisamad The legacy of colonialism and interference from the U.S. and other states keeps Djibouti's president in office after 25 years. Djibouti needs democracy and sovereignty for its people. Djibouti is a tiny country of one million people, formerly French Somaliland, sitting on the mouth of the Red Sea, at the intersection…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-23). Racism in Tunisia Betrays the Legacy of Ahmed Ben Bella and Gamal Abdel Nasser. libya360.wordpress.com Phethani Madzivhandila A Pan-African struggle that includes Arab countries can only succeed by dismantling the idea that blackness is not indigenous to North Africa On 21 February 2023, Tunisian President Kais Saied convened a meeting of the National Security Council to take immediate action "to address the phenomenon of a large influx of irregular migrants…

Jack Rasmus, LA Progressive. (2023-03-23). Today's Banking Crisis: Deep Origins And Future Directions. popularresistance.org It's been a week since the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank, the 16th largest bank in the US at the time of its collapse and reportedly a source of funding for half of all the tech start ups in the US. | It's now become clear the more general banking crisis that has emerged is not due simply to a rogue, mismanaged bank that over-extended itself during the recent tech boom and then somehow mysteriously imploded in just 72 hours, March 7-9, until seized by the FDIC on the morning of March 10, 2023. | Deeper, more systemic forces are at play—in the case of both the SVB collapse and the now spreading contagi…

Jake Johnson (2023-03-23). Seymour Hersh Accuses US of 'Cover Up' Over Nord Stream Sabotage. globalresearch.ca

Joe Piette (2023-03-23). Protests denounce U.S.-NATO wars. workers.org Washington, D.C. WW PHOTO: Joe Piette Over 2,500 antiwar activists converged in front of the White House on March 18. The main demand of the action was to put an end to the U.S./NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Coalitions representing the most active antiwar and anti-imperialist movements cooperated . . . |

Julia Conley (2023-03-23). Attempts to Ban Books Hit a Record High in 2022, New Report Says. truthout.org Librarians from across the United States released a report showing that pro-censorship groups' efforts to ban books with LGBTQ+ themes and stories about people of color have driven an unprecedented rise in the number of book challenges, with right-wing organizers pushing library workers to remove works ranging from the dystopian novel The Handmaid's Tale to children's books about foods enjoyed in… |

Julia Conley (2023-03-23). Democrats Introduce Housing Is a Human Right Act. truthout.org Declaring that homelessness and housing insecurity is the result of "a structural failure of a country that has refused to make safe and affordable housing a priority," U.S. Reps. Pramila Jayapal and Grace Meng on Wednesday reintroduced the Housing is a Human Right Act and called on the federal government to provide $300 billion to end the crisis facing unhoused people. |

Julia Conley (2023-03-23). Democrats propose $300 billion investment to treat housing as human right. nationofchange.org "The crisis of housing instability is one that can be fixed by investing in housing infrastructure and supportive services for vulnerable communities."

Julie Varughese, Toward Freedom. (2023-03-23). Renewed Peace Movement Lauded As Protesters Marched In Washington. popularresistance.org Washington, D.C.—An estimated couple of thousand of people to "several thousand" marched on March 18 in downtown Washington D.C., calling for an end to the U.S. imperialist project that they hold responsible for 20 years of a "War on Terror" on millions of people. The weekend marked the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. | U.S. interference in the form of military invasions and other types of activities since 2001 have caused the global displacement of 38 million people and the death of at least 900,000 people, according to the Costs of War Project. Those are conservative estimates.

Kelly Hayes (2023-03-23). Labor History Can Help Us Learn to Fight Like Hell. truthout.org In this episode of Movement Memos, host Kelly Hayes talks with Kim Kelly, labor reporter and author of Fight Like Hell: The Untold History of American Labor, about labor history and how understanding union struggles, past and present, can help us get free. Music: Son Monarcas, Sven Karlsson, Wellmess, Under Earth, Def Lev, Three-Armed Scissor & Sightless in Shadow Kelly Hayes: Welcome to Movement… |

Kennedy Rogers, Noah Leininger (2023-03-23). Indianapolis police killings underscore issues with mental health emergency response in United States. liberationnews.org To meaningfully address the cascading mental health crises created by our society, a shift away from impatient, deadly police is desperately needed.

Labor Video Project (2023-03-23). SF Anti-War Protest: Stop The War In Ukraine & WinThe War At Home! indybay.org As part of a national day of protest against the war in Ukraine an anti-war rally was held in San Francisco on March 18, 2023. Speakers talked about the war abroad and the war at home.

Latino Rebels (2023-03-23). LGBTQ Rights Under Attack. latinorebels.com Julio welcomes Karma Chavez, professor of Mexican American and Latina/o Studies at the University of Texas at Austin and author of 'Queer Migration Politics: Activist Rhetoric and Coalitional Possibilities,' to discuss the current legislative assaults on LGBTQ rights.

Lee Camp (2023-03-23). The Banking Crisis, Housing Insecurity and Preparing for the Coming Economic Collapse With James Fauntleroy. mintpressnews.com Discover the precarious state of the banking system and the need for regulatory reform in this incisive interview with James Fauntleroy, a regular contributor to the Revolutionary Blackout Network, as he discusses the potential for a catastrophic economic crisis.

Lucas Estanislau (2023-03-23). What is known about the corruption investigation in Venezuela's state-owned oil company. peoplesdispatch.org An operation led by the Anti-Corruption Police and the Public Prosecutor's Office has hit the Venezuelan political scene hard. The authorities are investigating alleged cases of corruption on the part of judges, mayors, governors, and especially the leaders of PDVSA, Venezuela's state-owned oil company. | After several arrests made since last Friday, March 17, the Minister of Petroleum, Tareck El Aissami, resigned from his position and President Nicolás Maduro promised to restructure the company "at the highest levels of command." | The incident has provoked a crisis in the sector, which had been struggling to re…

manager (2023-03-23). Thirteen Years After Passage of ACA: Real Progress Has Been Made, But US Needs Medicare for All. cepr.net Signed by President Obama 13 years ago, the Affordable Care Act was an essential step toward ensuring that health care is a right, not a privilege, in the United States. About 48 million non-elderly people were uninsured in 2010 when the ACA became law. The number of uninsured people under age 65 declined sharply — …

Mark Gruenberg, John Bachtell, Roberta Wood, Scott Marshall (2023-03-23). Starbucks workers take nationwide coffee break and walk off the job. peoplesworld.org CHICAGO — How did Marvin, a lovable skeleton, become the mascot of striking Starbucks workers in this city's historic Greektown neighborhood? This location is blocks north of the giant University of Illinois campus. It is one of more than a hundred stores in the country where the workers filed for union representation and voted to …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-23). East Palestine resident brings town's woes from big rail wreck to Senate. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—What's it like now, six weeks after the massive train wreck in East Palestine, Ohio? Misti Allison brought the story to the U.S. Senate on March 23. Allison is the first resident of the small Ohio town, a stone's throw from the Pennsylvania border to tell officials and lawmakers what it's really like living in …

Martha Grevatt (2023-03-23). Courageous women of the Paris Commune. workers.org This article was originally published on workers.org March 23, 2021. This month marks the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Paris Commune. The Commune was established during a bloody intercapitalist conflict called the Franco-Prussian War. In 1871, Parisian workers were in revolt against France's Government of National Defense, seated . . . |

Matt Sà∏yland (2023-03-23). Inmates go on hunger strike over conditions at Illinois jail. liberationnews.org Hunger strikers' mothers speak to Liberation News…

Matthew Cunningham-Cook (2023-03-23). How Vallas Helped Wall Street Loot Chicago's Schools. levernews.com

Media Education Foundation (2023-03-23). Video: After 20 Years, Will US News Media Finally Admit Its Craven Complicity in Iraq War? globalresearch.ca

Michael Jansen (2023-03-23). Here We Go Again! Publicity for Ukraine War vs Campaign to Justify 2003 US War on Iraq. globalresearch.ca

Middle East Monitor (2023-03-23). On World Water Day: By 2036, 18 of World's Water-Scarce Countries will be in Middle East. juancole.com Elif Selin Calik CalikSelin ( Middle East Monitor ) — The Middle East may have an abundance of oil and gas, but it has very few natural water sources. This is fast becoming a source of tension. According to three UN Secretaries-General, water may well be the cause of future conflict …

Miko Peled (2023-03-23). The Glaring Hypocrisy Surrounding Bezel Smotrich's Genocidal Comments. mintpressnews.com Bezalel Smotrich has never hidden or disguised his opinions or violent tendencies, and neither his hate-filled opinions nor his violent past has stood in the way of his meteoric rise in Israeli politics.

Mothers on the March (2023-03-23). Friday 3/24: POA: Shut It Down! indybay.org On the sidewalk in front of the San Francisco Police Officers Association: 800 Bryant @ 6th Street in San Francisco…

Nafis Faizi (2023-03-23). "No cool helicopters" to save those at risk of cholera. peoplesdispatch.org An ongoing pandemic of cholera puts at risk the lives of thousands of people around the world, as shown by a growing number of outbreaks in different regions. In order to address it, there is a need for a strong health system response, adequate supply of cholera kits, vaccines, and improved surveillance, apart from access to safe water and sanitation…

Nazz Aboutabl (2023-03-23). People's Action Proudly Endorses Brandon Johnson for Mayor of Chicago. peoplesaction.org Organization Adds Johnson to its People's Slate WASHINGTON, D.C.—People's Action today endorsed Brandon Johnson to represent Chicago as mayor. Johnson is running a movement politics, people-powered campaign and will work to govern alongside People's Action's member groups to advance wins for the multiracial working class. Johnson is also endorsed by People's Action affiliates The People's …

Newsclick (2023-03-23). Mega financial crisis coming? The background | With Aunindyo Chakravarty. peoplesdispatch.org In the first part of a series on the current economic and banking crisis, senior journalist Aunindyo Chakravarty takes a look at the catastrophic 2008 recession and the factors that led to it…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic Minute: What's the right colorectal cancer screening option for you? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Colorectal cancer is a cancer of the lower digestive system, which includes the colon and the rectum. If you feel like you are hearing a lot about this topic lately, it's because March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. The goal is to increase awareness and encourage people 45 and over to get screened. And that doesn't just mean a colonoscopy. Did you know that there's more than one option for a colorectal cancer screening? That's…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Is it allergies or a sinus infection? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have had allergies since childhood, suffering during both the spring and fall seasons. This past month, however, I am experiencing more congestion and mucus, and I even have some facial pain. I'm beginning to wonder if my symptoms are really from allergies or if they may be caused by a sinus infection instead. How can I tell the difference? ANSWER: Allergies and sinus infections often are mistaken for one another. But they are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). 'Deaths of Despair' contribute to 17% rise in Minnesota's death rate during COVID-19 pandemic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — According to a new study published by Mayo Clinic researchers, the COVID-19 pandemic was linked to a 17% increase in the death rate in Minnesota during the first year of the pandemic compared to the two previous years. Deaths were driven by both COVID-19 and other causes linked with preventable "deaths of despair," such as overdose, alcohol use and malnutrition. The study analyzed Minnesota death certificate data available through the Rochester Epidemiology…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic monitoring rising avian influenza cases, preparing for potential human-to-human outbreak. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The recent death of an 11-year-old girl in Cambodia's Prey Veng province infected with avian influenza has reinvigorated concern over the virus potentially gaining the ability to spread among humans. And while experts maintain the risk of that happening "remains low" at this time, the World Health Organization has said that increasing reports of avian influenza infection in humans are "worrying." Matthew Binnicker, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic's director of Clinical Virology, agrees. "The primary concern is…

Nick Giambruno (2023-03-23). The World's Largest CBDC Trial: A Preview of the Elite's Cashless Vision for You. globalresearch.ca

noreply (2023-03-23). Another American Icon Is Gone. smoothiex12.blogspot.com

noreply (2023-03-23). Larry's Excellent Elaboration… smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Olivia Rosane (2023-03-23). This is the make-or-break decade for climate action, IPCC declares. peoplesworld.org Decisions made this decade will largely determine whether world leaders can limit global warming to 1.5 or two degrees Celsius of warming below pre-industrial levels and avoid the increasingly more drastic impacts of the climate crisis. That's one key takeaway from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) Synthesis Report of the findings gathered in its …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-23). Cuba Revolution, US Embargo: Al Mayadeen Interviews Cuba President (I). orinocotribune.com In an exclusive interview for Al Mayadeen, the Cuban President touches on the Cuban Revolution, its challenges, and achievements, as well as US manipulations. | Al Mayadeen Media Network Chairman Ghassan Ben Jeddou conducted an exclusive interview with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel, during which the latter discussed the Cuban Revolution and its challenges, international relations, the situation in Latin America, and the blockade imposed on Cuba. | In the first part of the interview, the Cuban President touched on the concepts on which the Cuban Revolution was based and Cuba's position on the progressive, revo…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-23). Peru Dictatorship Denies Castillo Right to Phone Calls. orinocotribune.com Pedro Castillo is being denied his right to a phone call by Peru's dictatorship, led by Dina Boluarte. Since the December 7 US-backed coup, Castillo has been detained without charge and without direct contact with his wife and children who are currently exiled in Mexico. | This was denounced by Castillo's wife, Lilia Paredes, and his daughter, Yenifer Castillo, on Saturday in a joint interview with

People's Dispatch. (2023-03-23). 65,000 Los Angeles Education Workers Are On A Historic Three-Day Strike. popularresistance.org Los Angeles, California – 65,000 workers from Service Employees International Union Local 99 and United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) began a three-day strike on Tuesday, March 21. SEIU Local 99 workers are striking amidst contract negotiations around higher salaries, more full-time work schedules, better treatment, and more staffing. The SEIU workers represent a broad cross section of school staff, such as bus drivers, custodians, campus aides, and cafeteria workers. The union claims that apart from refusing to budge on key workers' demands such as a 30% raise and more full time hours, the Los Angeles Unified Sch…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-23). Belarusians pay tribute to victims of Khatyn massacre on its 80th anniversary. peoplesdispatch.org On Wednesday, March 22, progressive groups in Belarus paid tribute to the victims of World War II's Khatyn massacre on its 80th anniversary. Delegations from political parties including the Communist Party of Belarus (CPB), the Federation of the Trade Unions, youth groups including the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM) and the League of Communist Youth (LKM), the Belarusian Women's Union, the Belarusian Public Association of Veterans, and others laid flowers at the monument to the Unconquered Man and the Eternal Flame at the Khatyn memorial complex near Minsk to mark the occasion. Several ministers and gov…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-23). British forces killed multiple civilians in Mosul during anti-ISIS airstrikes in 2016-17, says investigation. peoplesdispatch.org A investigation carried out by The Guardian and anti-war organization Airwars busts the UK government's claims that its forces did not kill any civilians during the war in Iraq…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-23). In just three months, 30 coal miners died in Pakistan. peoplesdispatch.org

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-23). Lebanese protesters demand solutions to the country's prolonged economic crisis. peoplesdispatch.org Hundreds of people in Lebanon staged a protest outside the government headquarters in central Beirut on Wednesday, March 22. This was the second consecutive day of protests against the ongoing economic crisis in the country. | The protests were

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-23). Peruvians demand justice following death of protester who was shot with 36 lead pellets by police. peoplesdispatch.org According to Peru's Ombudsman's Office, with the death of 22-year-old Rosalino Florez Valverde, the death toll from state repression of anti-government and anti-congress protests rose to 67…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-23). Progressives in Belgium mark International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination. peoplesdispatch.org To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21, progressive and anti-racist groups in Belgium—including Platform/e 21-03, Workers' Party of Belgium (PTB-PVDA), student-youth groups such as COMAC and RedFox, trade unions, refugee rights groups, and women's rights groups—organized demonstrations and campaigns across the country on Sunday, March 19. Mobilizations took place in cities including Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Charleroi, Ostend, La Louvière, Liege, Leuven, and Namur. Marchers demanded an end to discrimination and police violence, and that refugees in the c…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-23). U.S. Act of War against the European Union: President Biden Ordered the Terror Attack against Nord Stream. High Treason against the People of Europe. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-23). Video: Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History. Michel Chossudovsky. globalresearch.ca We are currently at the crossroads of the Most Serious Economic and Social Crisis in World History. It is an outright war against all humanity: the Planet's 8 billion people. | Starting with the corona crisis in late January 2020, the …

Prof Rodrigue Tremblay (2023-03-23). American Recurring Banking and Financial Crises: The Historical and Regulatory Context. globalresearch.ca

Prof Souad N. Al-Azzawi (2023-03-23). Iraq War Remembrance, March 20, 2023: How the U.S. Contaminated Iraq with Depleted Uranium. globalresearch.ca The following text was presented to the Kuala Lumpur International Conference to Criminalise War, Putra World Trade Centre, 28-31 October 2009. | For more than three decades [since 1991], the United States of America and the United Kingdom have been waging …

Rebecca Burns (2023-03-23). Facing Collapse, Trump-Linked Bank Fought Regulators. levernews.com

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). Blinken: "Azerbaijan has long border with Iran," needs further integration with NATO, Pentagon. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Azeri Press AgencyMarch 23, 2023 US Secretary of State responds to pro-Armenian senator: Azerbaijan has a long border with Iran, which needs defending VIDEO Azerbaijan has a long border with Iran, which needs defending, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said answering provocative questions from pro-Armenian Democratic Senator Bob Menendez…. Menendez was expressing concern with …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). EU to ship million artillery shells to Ukraine; warplanes, long-range missiles may be next. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Deutsche WelleMarch 23, 2023 EU leaders set to sign off on Ukraine ammunition deal EU leaders meeting in Brussels on Thursday are set to endorse a deal to ramp up the supply of artillery shells to Ukraine…diplomats say. The two-day European Council summit, which is also to focus on other issues, including energy supply, has …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). NATO commander inspects NATO-Georgia Joint Training and Evaluation Centers, plans joint war games. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Georgian Ministry of DefenseMarch 23, 2023 Major General Norbert Wagner was on a working visit to Georgia Commander of the NATO Joint Forces Training Center (JFTC), Major General Norbert Wagner was on a working visit to Georgia. The JFTC Commander was hosted by the Deputy Commanders of the Defense Forces of Georgia — Major General …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). NATO HQ in U.S. integrates six warfighting domains: air, land, sea, cyber, space, cognitive. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Command TransformationMarch 22, 2023 Ongoing Military Transformation, Leading to NATO 2030 — Multi-Domain Operations, Deterrence and Defence, Improved Understanding NATO's Allied Command Transformation leads transformation across NATO entities. Unified, agile, and cross-functional approaches are critical for emerging threats from hybrid warfare, cyberspace, and climate security. These ongoing challenges require…synchronization across the Alliance as NATO …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). Pentagon continues to move equipment throughout Europe for combat mission. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com U.S. Army Europe and AfricaMarch 22, 2023 21st TSC Sets the Theater for Atlantic Resolve through ports in Denmark, Latvia and Greece The 21st Theater Sustainment Command will receive, stage and transport equipment supporting the 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division's Atlantic Resolve rotation from ports in Esbjerg, Denmark; Riga, Latvia; and Thessaloniki, Greece, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). Russia backs Azerbaijan against Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia, Iran — again. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Digest compiled by RR. See also: Blinken: "Azerbaijan has long border with Iran," needs further integration with NATO, Pentagon Azeri Press AgencyMarch 23, 2023 Russian Foreign Ministry comments on the idea of sending international mission to Karabakh: Baku's consent is also required Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). Slovakia: U.S., EU offer financial recompense, attack helicopters in exchange for fighters to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Associated PressMarch 22, 2023 US offers helicopters to Slovakia for giving jets to Ukraine The United States has offered Slovakia 12 new military helicopters as compensation for the MiG-29 fighter jets the European country is giving to Ukraine, Slovakia's defense minister said Wednesday. Under the offer, Slovakia would pay $340 million for the Bell AH-1Z …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). Turkish parliamentary committee approves Finland's NATO membership. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Hàºrriyet Daily NewsMarch 23, 2023 Turkish parliamentary committee OKs Finland's NATO bid The Turkish Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee approved Finland's NATO membership bid on Thursday. Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee started discussions on the approval of Finland's membership earlier in the day. The General Assembly of the Turkish Parliament still needs to approve the bill for …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). U.S., NATO allies, partners conclude 38-nation African exercise. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com In the list below NATO members are in bold print, NATO partners are in italics. ==== U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa/U.S. Sixth FleetMarch 23, 2023 African Maritime Forces Summit concludes in Cabo Verde The first African Maritime Forces Summit concluded today in Sal Island, Cabo Verde, March 22, 2023. The three-day summit, hosted by …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-23). U.S.'s NATO allies, partners pledged $1 trillion in military spending in one year. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com India, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand are not yet formal NATO partners, though Singapore supplied troops for NATO's war in Afghanistan. ==== Breaking DefenseMarch 23, 2023 $1T in new defense spending pledged by key US partners in 1 year: AnalysisIn the last year, 37 nations have combined to announce defense spending increases of over …

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-03-23). Rage Against the War Machine: What Rage? 'When will they ever learn?'. globalresearch.ca

Rohima Miah (2023-03-23). United States: Thousands rally for peace and against US imperialism. greenleft.org.au Rohima Miah reports from Washington DC that on the 20th anniversary of the United States invasion of Iraq, thousands of peace and antiwar activists rallied in the nation's capital under the banner Fund People's Needs, Not the War Machine!

Ryan Fatica, a contributor, Chris Schiano, Unicorn Riot. (2023-03-23). Behind The #StopCopCity Domestic Terrorism Warrants. popularresistance.org Atlanta, Georgia — The Georgia Bureau of Investigation, in collaboration with several other law enforcement agencies, charged 23 more people with 'domestic terrorism' for their alleged involvement in the ongoing effort to stop 'Cop City' and to defend the Weelaunee Forest in unincorporated DeKalb County southeast of Atlanta. This brings the total number of 'Cop City' opponents charged under the statute to 42. | Most of those arrested are currently being held at the DeKalb County Jail after being denied bond by Magistrate Judge Anna Watkins Davis on March 7. Four arrestees, including attorney Thomas Jurgens,…

SAMIR (2023-03-23). Palestinians call for boycotting Netanyahu's UK visit. bdsmovement.net

Sara Sneath, DeSmog. (2023-03-23). Black Residents Of Cancer Alley Sue Local Government. popularresistance.org A discrimination lawsuit filed Tuesday in the Eastern District of Louisiana alleges that the St. James Parish Council steered polluting facilities into Black neighborhoods along the Mississippi River. As a result, Black residents there are forced to breathe in more pollution and face a higher risk of related health problems, according to the suit filed by Inclusive Louisiana, Mount Triumph Baptist Church, and RISE St. James. | "We're being ignored and we have to do whatever we have to do to stop it," said Myrtle Felton, a lifelong resident of St. James Parish and co-founder of Inclusive Louisiana, a community gro…

Sarah Anderson (2023-03-23). Where are the Women CEOs? Should We Care? inequality.org For the first time ever, women CEOs now make up more than 10 percent of Fortune 500 leaders. But that's hardly a reason to celebrate. On every indicator, white men still dominate the upper rungs of the economy, while women — particularly women of color — continue to be overrepresented in low-paying jobs. And even …

Scott Ritter, Consortium News. (2023-03-23). G7 VS Brics — Off To The Races. popularresistance.org Last summer, the Group of 7 (G7), a self-anointed forum of nations that view themselves as the most influential economies in the world, gathered at Schloss Elmau, near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, to hold their annual meeting. Their focus was punishing Russia through additional sanctions, further arming of Ukraine and the containment of China. | At the same time, China hosted, through video conference, a gathering of the BRICS economic forum. Comprised of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, this collection of nations relegated to the status of so-called developing economies focused on strengthening…

Seymour M. Hersh (2023-03-23). The Cover-Up: The Biden Administration Continues to Conceal Its Responsibility for the Destruction of the Nord Stream Pipelines. globalresearch.ca

Shane Quinn (2023-03-23). America's Vulnerable Energy Security. globalresearch.ca

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-23). GOP Is Seeking Rich, Self-Funding Candidates as Party Is Outraised by Democrats. truthout.org As the Republican Party veers further into fascism, the party is facing an election fundraising problem: Democrats in competitive Senate races are consistently outraising Republican candidates, and the party has lost control of the chamber. The party's solution? Turning to ultra-rich candidates who can afford to fund their own campaigns, according to new reporting from Politico… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-23). Republican Who Rails Against Student Loan "Bailout" Got $1.5M of Loans Forgiven. truthout.org On Thursday, Republican Rep. Burgess Owens (Utah), who has declared personal bankruptcy five times and had $1.5 million of his debt discharged, held a hearing aimed at attacking President Joe Biden's student debt forgiveness plan to forgive up to $20,000 of debt for borrowers. In the hearing by the House Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Development, Owens railed against the concept… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-23). Sanders Introduces Bill to Stop Bank CEOs From Serving as Fed Bank Regulators. truthout.org Gregory Becker is the CEO of Silicon Valley Bank, the second largest bank to fail in U.S. history. He was also, up until the day the bank failed on March 10, a member of the board of directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, one of 12 Federal Reserve Banks in the country charged with keeping institutions like Silicon Valley Bank healthy and solvent. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) is… |

Special to People's World (2023-03-23). You're invited to a free Paul Robeson 125th birthday celebration in L.A. peoplesworld.org LOS ANGELES — The Robey Theatre Company is inspired by Paul Robeson, the Black social activist, humanitarian, actor, singer and athlete, born in 1898. On Sun., April 9, from 1: 00 to 7: 00 p.m., The Robey will celebrate the man, his accomplishments, and his legacy on the occasion—to the day!—of Paul Robeson's 125th birthday. This birthday …

Staff (2023-03-23). De Meteorología, desafíos y anhelos (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Cada 23 de marzo se celebra el Día Meteorológico Mundial, una ciencia que no es distante para los cubanos, por la calidad de nuestros especialistas en la materia y la comunicación que establecen de forma directa con el pueblo. A los logros y retos actuales de la Meteorología en la mayor de las Antillas se acerca este reportaje de Cubadebate.

Staff (2023-03-23). Candidatos a diputados de Santa Clara continúan intercambios con la población (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Con un recorrido por la comunidad Aeropuerto, en el municipio villaclareño de Santa Clara, continuaron hoy sus intercambios con el pueblo los candidatos a diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular de ese territorio, entre ellos el presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel. El recorrido incluyó el círculo infantil Pequeños Constructores y la minindustria "A tu gusto".

Staff (2023-03-23). Casi medio millón de estudiantes en casa por huelga de trabajadores escolares en Estados Unidos (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Más de 420 000 alumnos del Distrito Escolar de Los àÅngeles se quedaron el martes en sus casas durante la primera jornada de la huelga de tres días convocada por personal de centros educativos públicos, agrupados en un sindicato que representa a 30 000 trabajadores. Exigen un aumento salarial del 30% y un extra de 2 dólares más por hora.

Staff (2023-03-23). Científicos de EEUU visitan el Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Pedro Kourí" cubadebate.cu Funcionarios del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS) y del Instituto Nacional de Alergias y Enfermedades Infecciosas (NIAID), de los Estados Unidos, visitaron hoy el Instituto de Medicina Tropical "Pedro Kourí" (IPK), donde se reunieron con especialistas de ese centro y autoridades del Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba.

Staff (2023-03-23). Consejo Mundial de Atletismo prohíbe a las atletas transgénero competir en las categorías femeninas. cubadebate.cu World Athletics, el órgano rector del atletismo mundial, prohibió a las atletas transgénero competir en las categorías femeninas a nivel internacional si han pasado por la pubertad masculina. El presidente del organismo, Sebastian Coe, dijo que la prohibición entrará en vigor a partir del 31 de marzo.

Staff (2023-03-23). Detienen en México a nueve policías por el caso de los "43 de Ayotzinapa" cubadebate.cu Autoridades de México detuvieron a nueve policías del sureño estado de Guerrero por su presunta responsabilidad en la desaparición de los 43 estudiantes de la escuela normal de Ayotzinapa en 2014, informó el gobierno estatal.

Staff (2023-03-23). Equinoterapia, un programa esperanzador en Sancti Spíritus (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu Con 17 años de creado y 44 niños incorporados en la actualidad, el programa de equinoterapia de la provincia de Sancti Spíritus continúa consolidándose hoy en la promoción de esta práctica como complemento a otras técnicas de rehabilitación, una acción que mucho agradecen las familias cuyos hijos presentan algún tipo de discapacidad.

Staff (2023-03-23). Falleció el reconocido actor cubano Rubén Breña. cubadebate.cu El reconocido actor cubano Rubén Breña, con una destacada trayectoria en radio, televisión, cine y teatro, falleció hoy en La Habana, confirmaron a Cubadebate autoridades del Ministerio de Cultura. Breña nació en Pinar del Río el 21 de septiembre de 1953 y desde pequeño mostró aptitudes e inclinación hacia diferentes manifestaciones artísticas.

Staff (2023-03-23). Gerencia de Silicon Valley Bank expuso al banco a "riesgos significativos y fracasó gravemente", advierte Reserva Federal de EEUU. cubadebate.cu El presidente de la Reserva Federal de Estados Unidos, Jerome Powell, criticó duramente a la directiva de Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), culpándola de falta de juicio por llevar a la quiebra uno de los bancos más grande del país. Powell enfatizó que los problemas que no pudo subsanar SVB eran inusuales y no reflejaban la situación sistémica de la banca nacional.

Staff (2023-03-23). Keith Richards recuerda concierto en Cuba: " °Qué noche aquella!" cubadebate.cu El guitarrista Keith Richards recordó hoy el histórico concierto ofrecido por la banda británica The Rolling Stones en Cuba hace siete años, cuando personas de varias generaciones gozaron la electrizante música de "Sus Satánicas Majestades". "El 25 de marzo de 2016, fuimos a La Habana, Cuba. ° °Qué noche aquella!!", escribió el icónico artista en su cuenta de la red social Twitter.

Staff (2023-03-23). "Disaster": Iraqi Journalist Ghaith Abdul-Ahad on U.S. Invasion, Sanctions, Occupation & What's Next. democracynow.org As we continue to mark the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, we are joined by Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, an award-winning Baghdad-born Iraqi journalist and author. Abdul-Ahad has received the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism, the British Press Awards' Foreign Reporter of the Year and the Orwell Prize. His new book is A Stranger in Your Own City: Travels in the Middle East's Long War. "I want the history to be told properly," says Abdul-Ahad about his hopes for the future of Iraqi society after decades of dictatorship, sanctions, war, occupation and corruption.

Staff (2023-03-23). Headlines for March 23, 2023. democracynow.org On World Water Day, U.N. Warns 2 Billion Lack Safe Drinking Water, California Storms Kill Five, Swamp Thousands of Acres of Farmland and Spawn Rare Tornadoes, Kremlin Warns U.K. and Its Allies Against Supplying Ukraine with Depleted Uranium, CodePink Activists Disrupt Blinken's Senate Testimony, Call for Diplomacy Over Wars, Russia Raids Homes of Workers from Banned, Nobel Peace Prize-Winning Organization, Ex-Russian President Says Russia Could Bomb International Criminal Court, U.N. Calls for Intervention in Haiti After Gang Violence Claims Hundreds of Lives, Powerful Earthquake Kills at Least 19 People in…

Staff (2023-03-23). A Police Killing Inside a Hospital: Ben Crump on Death of Irvo Otieno During Mental Health Crisis. democracynow.org As new footage is released about the shocking killing of Irvo Otieno inside a hospital in Virginia, we speak with civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who represents Otieno's family. Surveillance video shows seven sheriff's deputies and three hospital workers violently pinned Otieno to the floor and piled on him for more than 11 minutes, suffocating him. New video released Wednesday reveals at least one officer had also repeatedly punched Otieno earlier that day. A grand jury has indicted the 10 men involved on second-degree murder charges. Otieno was having a mental health crisis, which Crump says is too…

Staff (2023-03-23). Jorge Rodríguez: Investigation Against Corruption Just Beginning (+Parliamentary Immunity Lifted). orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela's National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, reported that the authorities have arrested 19 people within the framework of the Nicolás Maduro administration's anti-corruption drive. This was announced this Tuesday, March 21, during a session in Parliament, where Rodríguez further proposed a revision of anti-corruption laws to make them more severe. | "This investigation is just beginning and it is an exemplary response that will not [just] remain in words, since the law will apply to anyone who is involved," Rodríguez stated. "I propose that the internal policy commission of the AN engage…

Staff (2023-03-23). President Maduro Names Pedro Rafael Tellechea New Minister of Petroleum (+PDVSA). orinocotribune.com Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro appointed Pedro Rafael Tellechea as the new Minister of Petroleum on Tuesday. Telechea will also continue in his position as president of the state oil company Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA). | Through his social media accounts, the Venezuelan head of state indicated that, during a meeting with Tellechea, the "transformation process" that will take place within PDVSA was discussed. | "I met with the president of PDVSA, engineer Pedro Tellechea, I appointed him as the new minister of petroleum, within the framework of the transformation process that the industry is undergoing,"

Staff (2023-03-23). Venezuela and Sahrawi Arab Republic Sign Cooperation Agreements. orinocotribune.com Venezuela and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic have committed to cooperation agreements in different strategic areas, in order to strengthen relations between the nations. The signing took place this Tuesday, March 21, at Miraflores Palace in Caracas, after a meeting between the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, and his Saharawi counterpart, Brahim Ghali. | During the signing, 11 memorandums of understanding were agreed to, wherein all projects have an action plan that will be executed between 2023 and 2025. A number of the agreements are listed below: | A memorandum on university education, signed b…

Staff (2023-03-23). Palestinian prisoners declare victory over the jailer in advance of planned hunger strike. samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the Palestinian people and the prisoners' movement as the prisoners declare their victory in the "Volcano of Freedom or Martyrdom." In the late night hours of Wednesday, 22 March, the leadership of the prisoners' movement announced that the Zionist prison service had backed down from all of the sanctions …

Stephen Karganovic (2023-03-23). NATO Pressuring Serbia "to Renounce Kosovo". No to Capitulation! "Self-liberation" in NATO Occupied Belgrade. globalresearch.ca

Tanupriya Singh, People's Dispatch. (2023-03-23). IPCC Report: A Warning, And An Opportunity To Act. popularresistance.org On Monday, March 20, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the final part of its Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), called the Synthesis Report (SYR). | The report is a compilation of the IPCC's three previous assessment reports, which covered the science of climate change, its risks and impacts, and the means of adaptation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The text also covers the 2018 report on the impacts of global heating beyond 1.5 ∞C and special reports on climate, oceans, and land. | The IPCC notes that human activities have "unequivocally caused global warming, with global…

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-23). Presidente Lula establece decreto para igualdad racial en Brasil. telesurtv.net El mandatario brasileño procura que su Gobierno tenga la cara de la sociedad brasileña, mayoritariamente afrodescendiente y mestiza.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-23). Cumbre Iberoamericana inicia trabajos en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net Se espera la presencia de 14 presidentes, dos vicepresidentes, dos primeros ministros y 22 cancilleres en la Cumbre Iberoamericana.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-23). Rusia tomará represalias si Ucrania recibe municiones con uranio. telesurtv.net La viceministra de Defensa británica, Annabel Goldie, declaró que Londres transferirá munición de uranio empobrecido a Ucrania.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-23). Bolivia llama a restaurar el equilibrio mundial de las aguas. telesurtv.net Según la ONU, ante la crisis del agua, son necesarios urgentemente compromisos y acciones en diversos ámbitos.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-23). Corte IDH inicia audiencia sobre aborto contra El Salvador. telesurtv.net En ese país, como en gran parte de la región, está penalizado el aborto en cualquiera de sus causales y no se avizora un cambio en esa política.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-23). Anuncian Asamblea Nacional Popular Comunal en Bogotá, Colombia. telesurtv.net El Gobierno de Gustavo Petro presenta en estas semanas un ambicioso Plan Nacional de Desarrollo y sendas reformas de pensiones y de salud, las cuales busca articular en diálogo con diversos sectores sociales.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-23). Presidente francés defiende impopular reforma de pensiones. telesurtv.net El mandatario señaló durante una entrevista concedida a medios nacionales que "esta reforma es necesaria".

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-23). Elevan a 1.469 los afectados por terremoto en Ecuador. telesurtv.net El sismo ha dejado además 96 viviendas destruidas y 325 afectadas.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-23). Reportan dos heridos por tiroteo en escuela de Colorado, EE.UU. telesurtv.net El Departamento de Policía de Denver ha identificado al sospechoso como Austin Lyle, de 17 años.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-23). Reportan incendio en una planta química de Pasadena en Texas, EE.UU. telesurtv.net La planta pertenece al grupo INEOS Calabrian que se dedica a proveer de dióxido de azufre y varios de sus derivados, usados en varias industrias.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-23). Desmantelan grupo que planeaba asesinar a autoridades de Brasil. telesurtv.net Lanzan operación policial contra banda criminal que planeaba asesinatos y secuestros de servidores públicos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-23). Gobierno de Colombia presenta proyecto de ley de reforma pensional. telesurtv.net Busca ampliar la cobertura pensional y beneficiar a cerca de tres millones de adultos mayores que hoy permanecen sin posibilidad de pensión y enfrentan pobreza.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2023-03-23). Al menos 390 distritos están bajo riesgo en Perú por lluvias. telesurtv.net El Gobierno puntualizó que hasta la fecha las lluvias que afectan al país causaron alrededor de 61 fallecidos y cerca de 12.200 damnificados.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-23). Avanza III Foro Mundial de DD.HH. en Buenos Aires, Argentina. telesurtv.net Entre los principales temas que serán abordados están el acceso a la justicia; ambiente y desarrollo sostenible; derecho a la identidad, entre otros.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-23). EE.UU. expresa apoyo a lucha anticorrupción del Gobierno venezolano. telesurtv.net La declaración ocurre luego que el Gobierno venezolano informara sobre el desarrollo de una investigación en el marco de la lucha contra la corrupción.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-23). Venezuela rechaza uso político de mecanismos de DD.HH. telesurtv.net El Gobierno venezolano expresó que Misión de Determinación de Hechos pretende seguir tergiversando la realidad con falsas matrices mediáticas.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-23). Cruz Roja alerta de un aumento de conflictos en Colombia. telesurtv.net Según la organización humanitaria la población civil se encuentra en una situación difícil en medio de los conflictos.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-23). ONU revela que 2.000 millones de personas carecen de agua potable. telesurtv.net Cada 22 de marzo se celebra el Día Mundial del Agua para concientizar acerca de la importancia de los recursos hídricos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-23). Justicia ecuatoriana ratifica medidas cautelares a Lenín Moreno. telesurtv.net El magistrado confirmó las medidas impuestas al exmandatario de comparecer cada 15 días ante la Justicia ecuatoriana.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-23). Dos muertos tras impacto de avioneta contra un edificio en Brasil. telesurtv.net La aeronave se incrustó en la azotea de la vivienda de dos plantas, cuya parte inferior funciona como supermercado y la superior como residencia.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-23). Registran 3.965 nuevos casos de Covid-19 en Chile. telesurtv.net Chile acumula un total de 5.239.884 casos confirmados de la pandemia y 64.416 personas han muerto a causa del coronavirus.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-23). Exigen justicia por joven que recibió 36 perdigones en Perú. telesurtv.net El abogado de la familia de Rosalino Flores señaló que el joven falleció por una falla multiorgánica producto de los proyectiles que tenía alojados en su cuerpo.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-23). Hallan cuerpos de dos desaparecidos tras caer a un río en Lima, Perú. telesurtv.net Se trata de una mujer y su hijo que estaban en su casa cuando los cimientos se debilitaron por el aumento del nivel del río Rímac.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-03-23). Reportan sismo de magnitud 6,5 al norte de Chile. telesurtv.net El sismo con una profundidad de 240 kilómetros fue perceptible en Arica y Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta y Atacama.

teleSUR- lvm (2023-03-23). Presidente Lula da Silva relanza Programa de Adquisición de Alimentos en Brasil. telesurtv.net En un contexto donde el hambre es una realidad para cerca de 33 millones de personas, Lula refirió que "volvimos a gobernar el país para cambiar la historia una vez más".

The Associated Press (2023-03-23). Former Puerto Rican Mayor Found Guilty of Corruption. latinorebels.com àÅngel Pérez Otero, who was mayor of the northern city of Guaynabo, had been accused of accepting almost monthly payments of $5,000 for nearly two years in exchange for securing a more than $1 million road work contract for a local company.

The Burning Spear, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-23). US Imposes Economic Sanctions On Black Community Projects. popularresistance.org In March 2023, Regions Bank notified the black nonprofit African People's Education and Defense Fund (APEDF) that the bank was "exiting" their 20-year relationship, closing accounts, withdrawing lines of credit and canceling mortgage loans. | This assault on the ability of African people to build economic self-reliance was the latest in a series of actions revealing government and corporate cooperation targeting the black community programs of the Uhuru (Freedom) Movement including its popular Women's Health Center, Black Power Vanguard Basketball Court, "One Africa! One Nation!" Marketplaces, Gary Brooks Communi…

The Haitian Times (2023-03-23). UN Says Haiti Gangs Killed More Than 530 People Since January, Calls for Armed Troops. latinorebels.com The United Nations Human Rights Office is once again calling for a multinational force to intervene in Haiti after its latest report found that gangs there have killed at least 531 people, injured 300, and kidnapped 277 since the year began.

Tim Llewellyn (2023-03-23). UK drowns criticism of Netanyahu with trade deal. electronicintifada.net Israeli prime minister visits London under a cloud of obfuscation.

Tish O'Dell (2023-03-23). East Palestine: "We Basically Nuked a Town with Chemicals So We Could Get a Railroad Open" globalresearch.ca

Tyler Walicek (2023-03-23). Child Labor Is on the Rise as Republicans See an Answer to Labor Shortages. truthout.org A grim truth underlies U.S. industry: the appalling practice of child labor, widely perceived as an anachronism, is far from a thing of the sooty industrial past. U.S. consumers may have a hazy sense that children labor somewhere in foreign sweatshops to manufacture their goods — but such faraway tragedies are too easily forgotten at the checkout. But child labor persists domestically as well. |

Uma Thontakudi (2023-03-23). Saturday 6/17: HDSA 2023 San Jose Team Hope 10K Timed Run and 5K Walk. indybay.org Campbell Park at the Los Gatos Creek Trail | Campbell, California…

via Democracy Now! (2023-03-23). Trump-Appointed Judge in Texas May Restrict Abortion Pill. indybay.org

Victoria Torres (2023-03-23). Cristina Fernández: 'They Persecute us for Defending Equality and Social Justice'. orinocotribune.com This Tuesday, the Argentinian vice president, Cristina Fernández, during an international meeting of the Puebla Group in Buenos Aires, stated that "they persecute us because we defend equality, social justice, and the rights of workers." | During the conference "Popular Will and Democracy: From the Military Party to the Judicial Party" held in Buenos Aires, Fernández said "they are not persecuting us because we are populists, or from the left, from the right, or from below or from above." | "They persecute us because we equalize societies, for social justice, for the right of workers to actively participate in th…

Vijay Prashad (2023-03-23). You Strike the Women, You Strike the Rock, You Will Be Crushed. dissidentvoice.org Arnold BoÃàcklin (Switzerland), Isle of the Dead, 1880. What constitutes a crisis worthy of global attention? When a regional bank in the United States falls victim to the inversion of the yield curve (i.e., when short-term bond interest rates become higher than long-term rates), the Earth nearly stops spinning. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank …

William Manson (2023-03-23). Ideology, Autocracy, and Dystopia. dissidentvoice.org The title of this acutely perceptive memoir is perhaps misleading: the American reader has come to expect lurid, "tell-all" biographies which spare no graphic details of the subject's debaucheries and scandals. Some such unsavory details are of course revealed, but the author—Mao's personal physician for the remaining 22 years of Mao's life (1954-1976)—had a more …

WSWS (2023-03-23). Striking Los Angeles education workers speak out on second day of strike. wsws.org Unable to continue slaving away for poverty wages in one of the most expensive cities in the world, thousands of education workers, including janitors, cafeteria workers, maintenance staff and teachers continued to publicly demonstrate on Wednesday.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Vote for the Socialist Equality Party in NSW state election! Take up the fight against war, austerity and "let it rip" COVID policies! wsws.org Only the SEP has advanced a socialist program to reorganise society to meet the pressing social needs of the vast majority, not the private profits of the super-rich.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Chinese and Russian presidents meet as US targets both countries. wsws.org China and Russia have been driven together, despite longstanding disputes and disagreements, by necessity out of weakness, not great strength, to push back against escalating US aggression and provocations.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Next UAW president will have to beat back "unreasonable expectations" of autoworkers, leaked document from Shawn Fain transition team says. wsws.org The document outlines the strategy the frontrunner for UAW president plans to use to impose management's dictates on 150,000 GM, Ford and Stellantis workers.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Anti-AUKUS demonstration in Australia promotes nationalism, "effective" military spending. wsws.org "Truth Not War" organisers express the sentiments of that wing of Australia's ruling elite that has tactical differences with AUKUS and its submarine program and want a more effective and "independent" Australian imperialism.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Damien Chazelle's Babylon: Disoriented and confused. wsws.org The film deserves at least a brief comment, as it purports both to be an account of the transition from cinema's silent era to sound film and to expose "the real truth" about Hollywood.

WSWS (2023-03-23). What is the struggle by workers at Deutsche Post about? wsws.org The struggles in France, Britain, Greece and here in Germany must be linked to the fight against war and its cause, capitalism. No social problem can be solved without breaking the power of the financial oligarchy.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Biden's Canada visit aimed at girding North American imperialist alliance for war with Russia and China. wsws.org During Biden's two-day visit, he and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will discuss a host of geostrategic issues, including: the NATO-instigated war with Russia over Ukraine; countering China from the Indo-Pacific to the Arctic; NORAD modernization; securing strategic minerals; and "friendshoring" production chains.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Washington D.C. police officer facing murder charge in killing of motorist in moving car. wsws.org If he is found guilty, Enis Jevric's conviction would be only the second time that a Washington D.C. police officer has been found guilty of murder.

WSWS (2023-03-23). The international pseudo-left and the lifting of Zero-COVID in China: Part 1. wsws.org The pseudo-left's hostility to public health and support for imperialism found sharp expression in their universal demand—echoing that of the Western corporate media and political establishment—that China abandon its Zero-COVID strategy.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Canada's Waterloo University threatening to shut down IYSSE meeting opposing Ukraine war. wsws.org The IYSSE calls on all students and workers across Canada and internationally to support our democratic right to hold this important meeting—"The War in Ukraine and How to Stop It."

WSWS (2023-03-23). US Fed attempts a balancing act on interest rates. wsws.org In his opening remarks a press conference following the meeting, Fed chair Jerome Powell said the events of the past two weeks had demonstrated, as history had shown, that "isolated banking problems if left unaddressed, can undermine confidence in healthy banks" and threaten the entire system.

WSWS (2023-03-23). The global significance of the Los Angeles school workers' strike. wsws.org The three-day strike by 65,000 public school workers and teachers in Los Angeles, the largest strike in the US since 2019, is the latest manifestation of the growing wave of international working class struggles.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Macron brazenly defends decision to impose pension cuts without parliamentary vote. wsws.org In public statements before today's one-day national protest strike, Macron claimed that the population does not have the legitimacy to challenge his government.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Sri Lankan president anti-democratically shuts down local government elections. wsws.org Wickremesinghe's cancellation of local government elections is in line with his essential services strike bans and mobilisation of the police and military against protesting workers and students.

WSWS (2023-03-23). UK postal workers condemn corporate greed at Royal Mail and betrayal by Communication Workers Union. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) is publishing correspondence from postal workers exposing the systemic run down of the service by Royal Mail and the unbearable workloads imposed based on an agreement between Royal Mail and the Communication Workers Union (CWU).

WSWS (2023-03-23). French police assault refinery workers striking against pension cuts. wsws.org Macron is requisitioning refinery workers and sending police to assault their picket lines in an attempt to break the strike.

Zach Farber (2023-03-23). Chicago can elect a progressive mayor on April 4. liberationnews.org The April 4 runoff election will feature failed public school executive Paul Vallas (32.9%) against a long-time Chicago Teachers Union leader: Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson (21.6%).

Zane McNeill (2023-03-23). Amazon Sued for Not Disclosing Collection of Customers' Biometric Data. truthout.org A New York class action lawsuit against Amazon is requesting that the company be enjoined from tracking customers' biometric information, such as collecting visitors' facial scans or fingerprints, without alerting customers. The lawsuit is also requesting an award of damages and a jury trial. Upon enacting a new law in 2021, New York City (NYC) became the only major city in the U.S. |

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). 560 million people affected by strong sandstorm: Chinese administration. ecns.cn The strong sandstorm sweeping China recently has affected over 560 million people in a wide range of areas, said China's National Forestry Grassland Administration on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). PLA experts hold emergency medical training for China-Laos Railway. ecns.cn The eighth medical expert team sent by Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) to Laos has organized training on emergency medical response for the staff of the Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. (LCRC) here in the Lao capital.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). China's higher education enrollment ratio reaches 59.6 pct in 2022. ecns.cn The gross enrollment ratio in China's higher education reached 59.6 percent in 2022, up 1.8 percentage points from 2021, the Ministry of Education said Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). ASEAN secretary-general to visit China. ecns.cn At the invitation of Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang, ASEAN Secretary-General Kao Kim Hourn will pay an official visit to China from March 24 to 29, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin announced Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Chinese scientists build world's first Geminiviridae-Plant-Insect Database. ecns.cn A Chinese team of the Institute of Plant Protection(IPP) of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS) has established the world's first GPI Base (Geminiviridae-Plant-Insect Database), in collaboration with other domestic research teams, according to CAAS.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). U.S. warship warned off after entering Chinese waters. ecns.cn The People's Liberation Army's Southern Theater Command mobilized its air and naval forces on Wednesday to monitor the unlawful entry of a United States warship into China's territorial waters and warned it off, the command's spokesman said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Goat grabbing competition held to greet start of spring in Xinjiang. ecns.cn Tajik herdsmen ride yaks to catch a goat to greet the start of spring on the Pamir Plateau in Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County in Kashgar prefecture, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, March 21, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Culture Fact: Traditions during leap month. ecns.cn According to the traditional Chinese calendar, for every 19 years there will be seven leap months. "Leap month" refers to a repetitive month and, this year, there will be two Februarys.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Macao's daily visitor arrivals set new high in 3 years. ecns.cn Visitor arrivals in Macao reached 96,000 on Saturday, a daily record high in three years, the Macao Special Administrative Region's (SAR) statistical agency said on Thursday.

infobrics (2023-03-23). India-Russia Explore Market Access in Railways and Other Sectors. infobrics.org India-Russia trade and economic partnership across sectors including railways, agriculture and pharmaceuticals have received a boost with slew of meetings and arrangements held during the past week…

infobrics (2023-03-23). China-Russia Sci-tech Collaboration Shows 'Strong Momentum'. infobrics.org China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era has boosted sci-tech and innovation cooperation between the two countries…

infobrics (2023-03-23). Russia's Asia Pivot Spurs Boom in Chinese Classes. infobrics.org Russia sees a boom in Chinese classes as it seeks to tighten ties with China…

infobrics (2023-03-23). UK violates new red lines by sending depleted uranium weapons to Kiev's neo-Nazi regime. infobrics.org The situation could lead to a major escalation, possibly having nuclear impacts.

infobrics (2023-03-23). Washington admits exploiting Sino-Indian border disputes to derail their rapprochement. infobrics.org The US is utilizing its ISR capabilities to enhance the underhanded tactics used for stoking tensions between global powers such as China and India. With the Asian giants being the pillars of both Greater Eurasia and the multipolar world led by BRICS nations, it's adamant for America to ensure Beijing and New Delhi remain locked in perpetual border disputes.

Media Education Foundation (2023-03-23). Video: "War Made Easy". "Saddam Hussein has Weapons of Mass Destruction" globalresearch.ca

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-23). Cristina Fernández de Kirchner condemns lawfare against progressive leaders in Argentina. peoplesdispatch.org Argentine Vice-President Cristina Fernández de Kircher said that her mission is to rebuild a democratic state in Argentina, in which the guarantees established in the Constitution are respected…

Rachel Hu, Chris Garaffa (2023-03-23). CovertAction Bulletin — Islamophobia and Imperialism: 20 years after the invasion of Iraq. covertactionmagazine.com In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, Islamophobia became a sort of unofficial religion in the United States. Vigilante street attacks on Muslim people became common. The government surveilled mosques and community centers. Over two decades later, the situation doesn't seem much different. Resistance to bringing refugees from Syria into the U.S. based entirely in racism and Islamophobia. As we mark the 20th anniversary of the war in Iraq in March 2023, the New York Times' major retrospective piece barely mentions the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians who died, and says nothing about its own role in the war or t…

Sonja Van den Ende (2023-03-23). ICC Arrest Warrant Issued to Putin is Hypocritical Propaganda Stunt Aimed to Distract from Growing Protests Against Ukraine War. covertactionmagazine.com With large-scale protests against war and austerity engulfing the streets of Western (EU) countries, the political elite, in full-fledged panic mode, launched a propaganda stunt by indicting Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, at the International Criminal Court (ICC). Lvova-Belova is the Russian Commissioner for Children's Rights. She and Putin are accused of kidnapping …

Staff (2023-03-23). øCómo y qué se tiene en cuenta para elegir nuestros candidatos a diputados a la ANPP? (+Video). cubadebate.cu En la Mesa Redonda de este miércoles, se explicó cómo se eligen los candidatos a diputados de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular y el papel de las organizaciones de masas en el buen funcionamiento del proceso electoral. Para ello se contó con la presencia de Leovanis àÅvila Góngora, miembro del secretario nacional de la CTC y Yamila Sarduy Martínez, miembro del Buró Nacional de la Sección Nacional de la ANAP.

Staff (2023-03-23). Las 3 del día: Los retos de la economía en Cuba para 2023 y las noticias de este 22 de marzo (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Bienvenidos a Las 3 del día. Hoy la periodista Ana àÅlvarez Guerrero les estará comentando, como cada miércoles, las principales noticias de la jornada. Póngase los audífonos o suba el volumen a su altavoz y acompáñenos en este resumen informativo del 22 de marzo en formato podcast.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-23). Luis Arce reivindica salida al mar para Bolivia. telesurtv.net Bolivia señala que el fallo de la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) en 2018 no ha puesto punto final a la reivindicación boliviana y que más bien exhorta a que Bolivia y Chile dialoguen.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-23). Continúan las protestas contra la reforma judicial en Israel. telesurtv.net Los manifestantes se congregaron frente la sede del Paralemento (Knesset) y del Aeropuerto Internacional Ben Gurion.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-23). Cronología de cómo Bolivia fue despojada de su salida al mar. telesurtv.net El 24 de abrilde 2013, Bolivia presentó ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya la demanda contra Chile por una salida soberana al Pacífico…

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-23). Tormenta deja cinco muertos en estado de California, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Hasta este miércoles más de 8.000 usuarios en San Francisco continuaban sin electricidad, de los 78.516 a los que se le afectó el servicio.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2023-03-23). Túnez: cinco migrantes ahogados y 28 desaparecidos en naufragio. telesurtv.net La embarcación partió desde Sfax, en el este de Túnez, con destino a la isla italiana de Lampedusa.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-23). Ministro de Seguridad de Buenos Aires renuncia tras escándalo. telesurtv.net Los cargos contra el funcionario van desde enriquecimiento ilícito e incumplimiento de deberes como funcionario público hasta cohecho, exacciones y peculado.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-23). Detenidos funcionarios públicos implicados en el caso Ayotzinapa. telesurtv.net El arresto fue el resultado de un operativo conjunto entre la Agencia de Investigación Criminal (AIC), la Fiscalía General de la República y elementos de la Secretaría de Marina.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-23). Sismo de magnitud 6.5 deja 13 muertos en Afganistán y Pakistán. telesurtv.net El sismo se produjo en la región montañosa del Hindú Kush, en la confluencia de las placas tectónicas eurasiática e india, a una profundidad de 187 kilómetros.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-23). Franceses se movilizan nuevamente contra reforma de pensiones. telesurtv.net Los sindicatos se han mantenido en pie de lucha desde enero contra el retraso de la edad de jubilación de 62 a 64 años para 2030,…

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-23). Enfrentamientos armados dejan diez muertos en Michoacán, México. telesurtv.net En el municipio de Zitácuaro, agentes de la Guardia Nacional y de la Guardia Civil lograron dar muerte a dos presuntos sicarios.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-23). Congreso peruano aprueba acusar a exministros de Pedro Castillo. telesurtv.net Los tres exfuncionarios del expresidente Castillo están sindicados por los hechos del 7 de diciembre de 2022, cuando el exmandatario intentó disolver el Parlamento.

2023-03-24 18:23:23 | 18:23 EST | tr | 556 | 2 | 344 | 263 | 15 

2023-03-23: News Headlines

_____ (2023-03-23). China is Making the 'New' Middle East. journal-neo.org This was inevitable. When the US started to strategically withdraw from the Middle East and shifted its focus towards Southeast Asia and (Eastern) Europe to contain its two rivals (China and Russia), the Middle East was left without a traditional balancer. Without making an orientalist argument and arguing that the Middle East always needed an […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-23). Lebanon's Tragedy and the difficulties in overcoming it. journal-neo.org

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-03-23). South Africa, Russia, China and the Shifting World Situation. globalresearch.ca

Ajamu Baraka (2023-03-23). Commemorations of the Attack on Iraq March 20 and Libya March 19 Reaffirms that the U.S.-EU-NATO Axis of Domination Remains the Greatest Threat to International Peace on our Planet. dissidentvoice.org The International Criminal Court should uphold an objective and impartial stance, respect the jurisdictional immunity enjoyed by the head of state in accordance with international law, exercise its functions and powers prudently by the law, interpret and apply international law in good faith, and avoid politicization and double standards. — Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang …

Ajamu Baraka (2023-03-23). Commemorations of the Attack on Iraq March 20th and Libya March 19th Reaffirm that the U.S./EU/NATO Axis of Domination Remains the Greatest Threat to International Peace on Our Planet. globalresearch.ca

Angela (2023-03-23). Sunday 3/26: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Blue Box" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Art Persyko (2023-03-23). Tuesday 3/21: Pollution in Bayview-Hunters Point, its impact on residents, & what we can do about it. indybay.org Zoom: us02web.zoom.us/j/86465752525?pwd=Tzh1YVh5SE9mdWkzdjI2clZrVEczdz09; Meeting ID: 864 6575 2525; Passcode: 465295; by phone: 1 669 900 9128…

Ashley Curtin (2023-03-23). School support workers strike closing more than 1,000 LA schools. nationofchange.org More than 1,000 schools are closed because of the strike, which impacts 422,000 students.

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-03-23). AMLO Condemns Invasion Threats, Celebrates Nationalization Of Oil, Lithium. popularresistance.org Mexico's leftist President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) organized a massive rally in the heart of the capital, honoring the anniversary of the country's nationalization of its oil reserves and expropriation of foreign corporations. | AMLO also used the demonstration as an opportunity to publicly condemn US politicians who have proposed militarily invading Mexico to combat drug trafficking. | "We remind those hypocritical and irresponsible politicians that Mexico is an independent and free country, not a colony or a protectorate of the United States!" López Obrador declared. | "They can threaten us with comm…

Betsey Piette (2023-03-23). Philly activists sue cops over 2020 attacks, win $10 million. workers.org Philadelphia At a press conference at the Paul Robeson House on March 20, attorneys representing 343 plaintiffs announced a $9.25 million settlement with the City of Philadelphia. The agreement stems from rampant police brutality in 2020 against demonstrators protesting the Minneapolis Police Department murder of a Black man, George Floyd. . . . |

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-23). No Place for Whales: The U.S. Military's Legacy in Indian Country: Reckless Toxic Dumping. indybay.org From the mustard gas pit on Walker River Paiute lands, to the napalm burn site on Fallon Paiute Shoshone lands, to the undetonated bombs in the Lakota Badlands, to the experimental explosives at Fort Wingate in New Mexico and secret radioactive waste dump near the Tohono O'odham Nation capital of Sells, Arizona, to the widespread illegal hazardous waste dumping, and leaking of toxic waste, in many of the Alaskan and Hawaiian islands — there is enough documented cancer-causing waste to fill an encyclopedia.

Brian Shilhavy (2023-03-23). California Farmers: "We've Lost Everything" — $ Billions of Food Lost in Floods in State that Produces Half of America's Agriculture. globalresearch.ca

Cairns News (2023-03-23). Weather Man Who Makes It Rain in Australia. globalresearch.ca

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-23). New Eastern Monarch Butterfly Count Indicates Pollinator Still Threatened. indybay.org Long-Term Decline of 90% Going Into Endangered Species Act Decision…

Christopher Black (2023-03-23). Video: The Criminalisation of International Justice. Christopher Black. globalresearch.ca

Consortium News. (2023-03-23). Iraq Invasion, AUKUS Blasted In Rousing Sydney Rally. popularresistance.org A week after Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese agreed in a meeting in San Diego with President Joe Biden and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to spend A$368 billion to buy nuclear submarines from the two countries, anti-war activists met in a sweltering Sydney town hall on Sunday on the 20th anniversary of the start of the war against Iraq to hear why the submarine deal is a disaster for Australia that must be stopped. | Greens Party Senator David Shoebridge, former foreign minister Bob Carr, retired diplomat Alison Broinowski and Colin Powell's former chief of staff, Lawrence Wilkinson (via video hook…

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-23). China Hits Back at US Criticism of Ukraine Peace Efforts. news.antiwar.com China on Wednesday hit back at US criticism of Beijing's efforts to push for peace talks to end the fighting in Ukraine as Chinese President Xi Jinping concluded his three-day visit to Moscow. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters on Tuesday that China was not "impartial" due to its relationship with Russia, comments …

Dave Welsh (2023-03-23). San Francisco labor opposes racist land ownership bill in Texas. workers.org San Francisco Recalling California's shameful history of prohibiting Chinese and Japanese residents from owning land in the state, the San Francisco Labor Council voted March 13 to condemn a similarly racist bill currently before the Texas state Senate. The vote by SFLC delegates was unanimous. Texas Senate Bill 147, if . . . |

Demanding an End to War (2023-03-23). Anti War Protest in SF: US Out of Everywhere. indybay.org March 20th marked 20 years since the US criminal invasion of Iraq. It was the perfect time to rally and march in San Francisco.

Dr. Peter McCullough (2023-03-23). "The Covid States Project" Gives New Hope to Unvaccinated. globalresearch.ca

East Meadow Action Committee (2023-03-23). East Meadow Update 3/17/23. indybay.org On March 15 and 16, 2023 the UC Regents took up UCSC's latest proposal for Student Housing West. With almost no deliberation they approved the proposal unanimously.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Paris reveals Olympic air-taxi service target. ecns.cn The company operating Paris's airports says the French capital aims to have the world's first air taxi network up and flying in time for next year's summer Olympic Games.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Hurun Global Rich List sees drastic changes. ecns.cn The world's billionaires with a personal wealth of at least $1 billion reported the biggest slump in record last year, with the total number down by 8 percent to come at 3,112.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Chinese expert optimistic about 6 percent or higher growth target in 2023. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Controversial munitions for Ukraine spark fears. ecns.cn The United Kingdom has decided to send battle tanks and armor-piercing ammunition containing depleted uranium to Ukraine, while the United States announced on Tuesday that it will speed up its delivery of tanks.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Foreign investors bullish on A-share market. ecns.cn Foreign institutions' interest in China assets and investment opportunities in the Chinese market has remained robust amid rising market volatility elsewhere due to the banking credit crisis.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). LA schools close amid strikes for better pay. ecns.cn Thousands of service workers, backed by teachers, began a three-day strike against the Los Angeles Unified School District on Tuesday, shutting down education for a half-million students in the nation's second-largest school system.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Monitoring ensures water protection. ecns.cn The system is composed of video cameras at various observation spots, a private network that allows realtime video feeds, and a management platform, forming an important part of the ecological monitoring network in Sanjiangyuan.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Foreign trade to receive further tech, policy backing. ecns.cn China's efforts to build modern industries and expand institutional opening-up will create new advantages in international cooperation and competition, especially given the challenges of slowing global demand, geoeconomic shocks and soaring global commodity and energy prices.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). China's Wu Yibing into Miami Open second round. ecns.cn China's Wu Yibing advanced to the second round of the ATP Masters 1000 Miami after defeating Britain's Kyle Edmund 7-5, 7-5.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Olympic-ring theme apparel available online for first time. ecns.cn The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has put Olympic Collection apparel into the market for the first time, the IOC announced on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Yangtze River Delta continues to lure China's best, brightest. ecns.cn The government of Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang province, has said it is to further relax rules for household registration, or hukou, to attract a wide range of talent and bolster the development of the digital economy.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). China reveals logos for three manned space missions in 2023. ecns.cn The China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) has revealed logos for three missions of China's manned space program this year, namely the launches of the cargo craft Tianzhou-6, and the crewed spaceships Shenzhou-16 and Shenzhou-17.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Australian senator slams AUKUS nuclear submarine deal. ecns.cn Australian Senator Jordon Steele-John has slammed the government's nuclear submarine agreement.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Chinese mainland luxury goods consumer confidence rebounds: report. ecns.cn The Chinese mainland has seen rapid economic recovery and rebounding consumer conferences, and the luxury goods market is expected to recover within this year, according to the China Luxury Forecast 2023 jointly presented by Ruder Finn and Consumer Search Group on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). PLA expels U.S. destroyer trespassing Chinese territorial waters off Xisha Islands. ecns.cn The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) expelled a U.S. destroyer when the latter trespassed into Chinese territorial waters off the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea on Thursday amid continued U.S. attempts to destabilize the region.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Xi's Russia visit promotes global strategic stability. ecns.cn President Xi Jinping wrapped up his three-day state visit to Russia on Wednesday, a trip of special significance in boosting bilateral ties and promoting global strategic stability amid the ongoing Ukraine crisis.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Chinese scientists find oxygen on early Earth partly from rocks. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have revealed their new findings about the origin of initial oxygen on the early Earth, suggesting it may mainly derive from rocks.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Researchers discover exotic, rare plant species. ecns.cn Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden announced they had discovered a tree with funnel-shaped, red-orange flowers called Pterocymbium macranthum in southwestern China's Yunnan province.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). In Numbers: China-Russia trade injects strong momentum into bilateral ties. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Landscape of Tianshan mountain ranges in Xinjiang. ecns.cn Aerial view of the landscape of snow-covered mountain range of Tianshan in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, March 21, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). China sends four meteorological satellites into space. ecns.cn A Kuaizhou-1A carrier rocket carrying Tianmu-1 meteorological constellation with four satellites blasts off from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, March 22, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Tokyo welcomes cherry blossom season. ecns.cn People enjoy the cherry blossoms on Chidorigafuchi Moat, northwest of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan, March 32, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). 'Terrifying' plastic rocks emerge in remote Island paradise. ecns.cn Melted plastic has become intertwined with rocks on the island, located 1,140 km from the southeastern state of Espirito Santo, which researchers say is evidence of humans' growing influence over the earth's geological cycles.

Editor (2023-03-23). On the Agency of Former Soviet Republics. mronline.org The ongoing war in Ukraine has been framed in multiple ways by multiple commentators of international affairs.

Editor (2023-03-23). The British empire: culture war and actual war. mronline.org The flurry of criticism and counter-outrage over the classical colonial era is no mere academic matter, warns ANDREW MURRAY: what is being debated is whether fresh imperial slaughter can be sold to the public.

Elena Teslova (2023-03-23). Russia Slams UK Plans to Send Depleted Uranium Shells to Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Florida Phoenix (2023-03-23). Texas Plaintiffs targeting Abortion Pill want Judge to Overrule FDA: Why that might not even be Possible. juancole.com By: Sofia Resnick ( Florida Phoenix) — At the center of the federal anti-abortion lawsuit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is the abortion drug mifepristone and the regimen that reportedly accounts for the majority of abortions in post-Roe America. That's why the whole country is bracing itself for a ruling from a notoriously anti-abortion judge in Amarillo, Texas. The …

Global Research News (2023-03-23). Selected Articles: From Hegemony to Multipolarity: How Post-Cold War U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Russia Is Creating a Modern Eurasia. globalresearch.ca By The present conflict between Russia and Ukr…

Hassan Diab Support Committee (2023-03-23). Imagine a Life Like This: The Relentless Persecution of Hassan Diab. globalresearch.ca

Jeff Pekrul (2023-03-23). Sunday 4/2: The U.S. & Israel: Old Dilemmas, New Problems. indybay.org 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalist Association of San Francisco…

Jeff Pekrul (2023-03-23). Sunday 4/23: Understanding the Movement to Ban Library Books That Challenge Right-Wing Perspectives. indybay.org 1187 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 | Unitarian Universalists Association of San Francisco…

Joe Piette (2023-03-23). Protests denounce U.S.-NATO wars. workers.org Washington, D.C. Over 2,500 antiwar activists converged in front of the White House on March 18. The main demand of the action was to put an end to the U.S./NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Coalitions representing the most active antiwar and anti-imperialist movements cooperated to organize this countrywide . . . |

Kennedy Rogers, Noah Leininger (2023-03-23). Indianapolis police killings underscore issues with mental health emergency response in United States. liberationnews.org To meaningfully address the cascading mental health crises created by our society, a shift away from impatient, deadly police is desperately needed.

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-23). Senior Climate Activists Stop Dirty Banks. indybay.org "We will not go to our graves quietly knowing that the financial institutions in our own communities continue to fund the climate crisis," said longtime environmentalist Bill McKibben.

KQED Live (2023-03-23). Tuesday 4/4: Tasty Foods for a Thriving Planet. indybay.org KQED Headquarters | 2601 Mariposa Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

Labor Video Project (2023-03-23). SF Anti-War Protest: Stop The War In Ukraine & WinThe War At Home! indybay.org As part of a national day of protest against the war in Ukraine an anti-war rally was held in San Francisco on March 18, 2023. Speakers talked about the war abroad and the war at home.

Labor Video Project (2023-03-23). The Pajaro Levee Break, Immigrants, Labor & Climate Crisis With PVFT1936's Pamela Sexton. indybay.org PVFT Local 1936 Delegate Pamela Beth Sexton adult education teacher talks about the effect of the broken levee on the immigrant farmworker community, systemic racism and the role these farmworkers play in our economy.

Martha Grevatt (2023-03-23). Courageous women of the Paris Commune. workers.org This article was originally published on workers.org March 23, 2021. This month marks the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Paris Commune. The Commune was established during a bloody intercapitalist conflict called the Franco-Prussian War. In 1871, Parisian workers were in revolt against France's Government of National Defense, seated . . . |

Matt Sà∏yland (2023-03-23). Inmates go on hunger strike over conditions at Illinois jail. liberationnews.org Hunger strikers' mothers speak to Liberation News…

Media Education Foundation (2023-03-23). Video: After 20 Years, Will US News Media Finally Admit Its Craven Complicity in Iraq War? globalresearch.ca

Middle East Monitor (2023-03-23). On World Water Day: By 2036, 18 of World's Water-Scarce Countries will be in Middle East. juancole.com Elif Selin Calik CalikSelin ( Middle East Monitor ) — The Middle East may have an abundance of oil and gas, but it has very few natural water sources. This is fast becoming a source of tension. According to three UN Secretaries-General, water may well be the cause of future conflict …

Mothers on the March (2023-03-23). Friday 3/24: POA: Shut It Down! indybay.org On the sidewalk in front of the San Francisco Police Officers Association: 800 Bryant @ 6th Street in San Francisco…

Nayvin Gordon, M.D. (2023-03-23). General Strike Can Root Out "Taliban" Embedded in U.S. Government and Supreme Court. indybay.org Religious fanatics are taking away our rights and replacing them with god-given rights—this must be stopped…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is the best sleeping position? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most people spend a third of their lives either asleep or resting, according to the Sleep Foundation. During sleep, the body recharges and repairs itself. And a good night's sleep often can be determined by what position you are lying in bed. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/F_x-SDYUvZk Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 11) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Back-sleepers beware. "I know…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Consumer Health: Are you at risk for MS? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MS Awareness Week will be observed March 12—19, which makes this a good time to learn about who might be at risk of developing this potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis, or MS, affects nearly 1 million people living in the U.S., according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. With MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers, and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Consumer Health: Nutritional needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org March is National Nutrition Month, which makes this a good time to learn about your nutritional needs during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. During pregnancy, the basic principles of healthy eating remain the same — get plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. However, a few nutrients in a pregnancy diet deserve special attention. The nutrients to pay special attention to while you're pregnant include: CalciumYou and your baby need calcium for strong…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic Minute: What's the right colorectal cancer screening option for you? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Colorectal cancer is a cancer of the lower digestive system, which includes the colon and the rectum. If you feel like you are hearing a lot about this topic lately, it's because March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. The goal is to increase awareness and encourage people 45 and over to get screened. And that doesn't just mean a colonoscopy. Did you know that there's more than one option for a colorectal cancer screening? That's…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Science Saturday: New standards and open access can help natural language processing. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Clinical notes in medical records are rich sources of data about human health. But tapping them for medical research can be challenging because these data come from various sources — and they all look different. "There's no standardization in how data is organized and classified across medical records systems," says Sunyang Fu, Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic biomedical informatics researcher. Even the language people use to talk about health can insert discrepancies in how data are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How a heart condition affects the kidneys and causes swelling. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently began experiencing swelling in my legs, feet and hands, as well as fatigue. Testing led to a diagnosis of pericardial constriction. Can you explain what this is and how it's treated? Is there anything I can do to reduce the swelling? ANSWER: Pericardial constriction is a condition with multiple possible causes. It can be due to underlying medical conditions and may even result from certain medical treatments. Swelling, or edema, is one…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic Minute: How is kidney cancer treated? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org More than 50,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with kidney cancer each year. Risks factors for developing this type of cancer include environmental exposures, such as smoking, high blood pressure, a history of kidney failure, obesity or not having a healthy weight. And there are also hereditary syndromes that may increase your risk for kidney cancer. Dr. Thai Ho, a Mayo Clinic oncologist who specializes in genitourinary malignancies, says there are no screening tests…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). 'Deaths of Despair' contribute to 17% rise in Minnesota's death rate during COVID-19 pandemic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — According to a new study published by Mayo Clinic researchers, the COVID-19 pandemic was linked to a 17% increase in the death rate in Minnesota during the first year of the pandemic compared to the two previous years. Deaths were driven by both COVID-19 and other causes linked with preventable "deaths of despair," such as overdose, alcohol use and malnutrition. The study analyzed Minnesota death certificate data available through the Rochester Epidemiology…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic monitoring rising avian influenza cases, preparing for potential human-to-human outbreak. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The recent death of an 11-year-old girl in Cambodia's Prey Veng province infected with avian influenza has reinvigorated concern over the virus potentially gaining the ability to spread among humans. And while experts maintain the risk of that happening "remains low" at this time, the World Health Organization has said that increasing reports of avian influenza infection in humans are "worrying." Matthew Binnicker, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic's director of Clinical Virology, agrees. "The primary concern is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Pain in the back: Preventing and treating spinal arthritis. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org EAU CLAIRE, Wis. — Many types of arthritis can affect your musculoskeletal system. Joints are physical points of connection between two bones, and cartilage is the tissue that covers the surface of the bone at the joint. A membrane, called the synovial membrane, lines the joint and is filled with fluid known as synovial fluid. All these components work together to make movement easy. "Over time, the cartilage in joints can break down and cause…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you using a salt substitute? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Salt substitutes can be an effective way to help lower your blood pressure and fight heart disease. But experts warn that overuse of certain salt substitutes or alternatives can be dangerous for some people. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains why you should use caution with using a salt substitute. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/h_cy5G5EBPs Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting a massage from a robot may seem like something out of a science fiction story, but it could be a reality in the not-too-distant future. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is looking into the possibility of robotic massage as an answer for patients' pain relief and alleviating some staffing burdens. Watch: Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic youtu.be/GXEXUCCCGzI Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 17) is in the downloads at the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic opens patient information office in Indonesia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org JAKARTA, Indonesia — Mayo Clinic has opened a patient information office in Jakarta to assist patients, their families, referring physicians and insurance brokers in Indonesia. The office is Mayo Clinic's first in Southeast Asia. The office staff, fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, will help patients, their families and physicians who refer patients to make appointments at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London. "We…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). How does red tide impact beachgoers? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Florida beach along Gulf Coat, 2023 Many people are flocking to the Gulf Coast for spring break. However, toxic red tide algal blooms have put beachgoers and residents on alert. In the Gulf of Mexico, red tide is caused by a microscopic organism called Karenia brevis. The organism was detected in 172 samples along Florida's Gulf Coast earlier this week, according to Florida officials. Dead fish and other marine life are washed ashore on beaches because of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Match Day at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Fourth-year students at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota learned where they will continue their residency training on March 17. Also, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education learned who would be its incoming Mayo residents through the National Resident Matching Program. The medical students opened their envelopes at 11 a.m. CDT discovering their future specialties and residency training locations. Match Day, held on the third Friday in March, is when medical school students and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Ready to Run: Mayo Clinic Health System gives tips on planning for a long race. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MANKATO, Minn. — You've thought about it for years. You've dreamed of crossing the finish line. It's on your bucket list, or maybe it's become a tradition. You've registered for a long-distance race like a 5K, 10K, half-marathon or marathon. So now's the time to plan and prepare for your big day. This critical process will be shaped by your experience and fitness level. First, get real and be honest with yourself. It can take…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic cancer expert highlights advancements in treating multiple myeloma. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — March is Myeloma Awareness Month, and Sikander Ailawadhi, M.D., hematologist/oncologist at Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, shares details about new advancements in research leading to better outcomes for patients with multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon form of blood cancer in the bone marrow that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, according to the American Cancer Society. While there is no cure, the disease can be treated with…

noreply (2023-03-23). Larry's Excellent Elaboration… smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-23). In just three months, 30 coal miners died in Pakistan. peoplesdispatch.org

Pepe Escobar (2023-03-23). In Moscow, Xi and Putin Bury Pax Americana. globalresearch.ca

Prof Rodrigue Tremblay (2023-03-23). American Recurring Banking and Financial Crises: The Historical and Regulatory Context. globalresearch.ca

Ramon du Houx (2023-03-23). Elected officials and coalition groups urge the Legislature to enact price gouging bill. indybay.org EOPA California, representing over 462 elected officials from 49 counties, strongly supports protecting consumers from oil price gouging with SBX1-2. EOPA California has a letter specifically for elected officials to sign in support of SB1-2 (Skinner). In just five days 108 have signed, and the number is rising daily.

Rescue Pacifica (2023-03-23). Tuesday 3/21: Speak Out At KPFA-Defend Pacifica Bylaws and Stop The Sale Of LA KPFK. indybay.org KPFA | 1929 Martin Luther King Blvd. | Berkeley…

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-03-23). Rage Against the War Machine: What Rage? 'When will they ever learn?'. globalresearch.ca

Rohima Miah (2023-03-23). United States: Thousands rally for peace and against US imperialism. greenleft.org.au Rohima Miah reports from Washington DC that on the 20th anniversary of the United States invasion of Iraq, thousands of peace and antiwar activists rallied in the nation's capital under the banner Fund People's Needs, Not the War Machine!

Santa Cruz News (2023-03-23). Mayor Keeley Targets the Homeless with Surprise Traffic Median Motion. indybay.org At the March 14th meeting of the Santa Cruz City Council, Mayor Fred Keeley introduced a surprise motion targeting homeless residents who panhandle on traffic medians (watch video below). Keeley's motion was not included anywhere in the meeting's agenda packet, he spontaneously inserted it into an unrelated vote on item #15, which concerned bicycle safety improvements and the removal of automobile parking on Laurel Street. Keeley stated the motion as follows: "Add additional direction that the City Manager return at budget hearings with a plan for installing safety devices that prohibit remaining on traffic islan…

Sara Sneath, DeSmog. (2023-03-23). Black Residents Of Cancer Alley Sue Local Government. popularresistance.org A discrimination lawsuit filed Tuesday in the Eastern District of Louisiana alleges that the St. James Parish Council steered polluting facilities into Black neighborhoods along the Mississippi River. As a result, Black residents there are forced to breathe in more pollution and face a higher risk of related health problems, according to the suit filed by Inclusive Louisiana, Mount Triumph Baptist Church, and RISE St. James. | "We're being ignored and we have to do whatever we have to do to stop it," said Myrtle Felton, a lifelong resident of St. James Parish and co-founder of Inclusive Louisiana, a community gro…

Seymour Hersh, Scheer Post. (2023-03-23). Seymour Hersh: The Cover-Up. popularresistance.org It's been six weeks since I published a report, based on anonymous sourcing, naming President Joe Biden as the official who ordered the mysterious destruction last September of Nord Stream 2, a new $11-billion pipeline that was scheduled to double the volume of natural gas delivered from Russia to Germany. The story gained traction in Germany and Western Europe, but was subject to a near media blackout in the US. Two weeks ago, after a visit by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to Washington, US and German intelligence agencies attempted to add to the blackout by feeding the New York Times and the German weekly Die Z…

Seymour M. Hersh (2023-03-23). The Cover-Up: The Biden Administration Continues to Conceal Its Responsibility for the Destruction of the Nord Stream Pipelines. globalresearch.ca

Shane Quinn (2023-03-23). America's Vulnerable Energy Security. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2023-03-23). "Disaster": Iraqi Journalist Ghaith Abdul-Ahad on U.S. Invasion, Sanctions, Occupation & What's Next. democracynow.org As we continue to mark the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, we are joined by Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, an award-winning Baghdad-born Iraqi journalist and author. Abdul-Ahad has received the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism, the British Press Awards' Foreign Reporter of the Year and the Orwell Prize. His new book is A Stranger in Your Own City: Travels in the Middle East's Long War. "I want the history to be told properly," says Abdul-Ahad about his hopes for the future of Iraqi society after decades of dictatorship, sanctions, war, occupation and corruption.

Staff (2023-03-23). Headlines for March 23, 2023. democracynow.org On World Water Day, U.N. Warns 2 Billion Lack Safe Drinking Water, California Storms Kill Five, Swamp Thousands of Acres of Farmland and Spawn Rare Tornadoes, Kremlin Warns U.K. and Its Allies Against Supplying Ukraine with Depleted Uranium, CodePink Activists Disrupt Blinken's Senate Testimony, Call for Diplomacy Over Wars, Russia Raids Homes of Workers from Banned, Nobel Peace Prize-Winning Organization, Ex-Russian President Says Russia Could Bomb International Criminal Court, U.N. Calls for Intervention in Haiti After Gang Violence Claims Hundreds of Lives, Powerful Earthquake Kills at Least 19 People in…

Staff (2023-03-23). A Police Killing Inside a Hospital: Ben Crump on Death of Irvo Otieno During Mental Health Crisis. democracynow.org As new footage is released about the shocking killing of Irvo Otieno inside a hospital in Virginia, we speak with civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who represents Otieno's family. Surveillance video shows seven sheriff's deputies and three hospital workers violently pinned Otieno to the floor and piled on him for more than 11 minutes, suffocating him. New video released Wednesday reveals at least one officer had also repeatedly punched Otieno earlier that day. A grand jury has indicted the 10 men involved on second-degree murder charges. Otieno was having a mental health crisis, which Crump says is too…

Staff (2023-03-23). Jorge Rodríguez: Investigation Against Corruption Just Beginning (+Parliamentary Immunity Lifted). orinocotribune.com The president of Venezuela's National Assembly (AN), Jorge Rodríguez, reported that the authorities have arrested 19 people within the framework of the Nicolás Maduro administration's anti-corruption drive. This was announced this Tuesday, March 21, during a session in Parliament, where Rodríguez further proposed a revision of anti-corruption laws to make them more severe. | "This investigation is just beginning and it is an exemplary response that will not [just] remain in words, since the law will apply to anyone who is involved," Rodríguez stated. "I propose that the internal policy commission of the AN engage…

Staff (2023-03-23). Venezuela and Sahrawi Arab Republic Sign Cooperation Agreements. orinocotribune.com Venezuela and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic have committed to cooperation agreements in different strategic areas, in order to strengthen relations between the nations. The signing took place this Tuesday, March 21, at Miraflores Palace in Caracas, after a meeting between the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, and his Saharawi counterpart, Brahim Ghali. | During the signing, 11 memorandums of understanding were agreed to, wherein all projects have an action plan that will be executed between 2023 and 2025. A number of the agreements are listed below: | A memorandum on university education, signed b…

Suds, Snacks,, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-03-23). Saturday 4/1: What are the Prospects for World Peace? indybay.org The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705 | Also accessible online…

Tanupriya Singh, People's Dispatch. (2023-03-23). IPCC Report: A Warning, And An Opportunity To Act. popularresistance.org On Monday, March 20, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the final part of its Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), called the Synthesis Report (SYR). | The report is a compilation of the IPCC's three previous assessment reports, which covered the science of climate change, its risks and impacts, and the means of adaptation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The text also covers the 2018 report on the impacts of global heating beyond 1.5 ∞C and special reports on climate, oceans, and land. | The IPCC notes that human activities have "unequivocally caused global warming, with global…

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-23). Presidente Lula establece decreto para igualdad racial en Brasil. telesurtv.net El mandatario brasileño procura que su Gobierno tenga la cara de la sociedad brasileña, mayoritariamente afrodescendiente y mestiza.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-23). Cumbre Iberoamericana inicia trabajos en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net Se espera la presencia de 14 presidentes, dos vicepresidentes, dos primeros ministros y 22 cancilleres en la Cumbre Iberoamericana.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-23). Rusia tomará represalias si Ucrania recibe municiones con uranio. telesurtv.net La viceministra de Defensa británica, Annabel Goldie, declaró que Londres transferirá munición de uranio empobrecido a Ucrania.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-23). Bolivia llama a restaurar el equilibrio mundial de las aguas. telesurtv.net Según la ONU, ante la crisis del agua, son necesarios urgentemente compromisos y acciones en diversos ámbitos.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-23). Corte IDH inicia audiencia sobre aborto contra El Salvador. telesurtv.net En ese país, como en gran parte de la región, está penalizado el aborto en cualquiera de sus causales y no se avizora un cambio en esa política.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-23). Anuncian Asamblea Nacional Popular Comunal en Bogotá, Colombia. telesurtv.net El Gobierno de Gustavo Petro presenta en estas semanas un ambicioso Plan Nacional de Desarrollo y sendas reformas de pensiones y de salud, las cuales busca articular en diálogo con diversos sectores sociales.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-23). Presidente francés defiende impopular reforma de pensiones. telesurtv.net El mandatario señaló durante una entrevista concedida a medios nacionales que "esta reforma es necesaria".

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-23). Elevan a 1.469 los afectados por terremoto en Ecuador. telesurtv.net El sismo ha dejado además 96 viviendas destruidas y 325 afectadas.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-23). Reportan dos heridos por tiroteo en escuela de Colorado, EE.UU. telesurtv.net El Departamento de Policía de Denver ha identificado al sospechoso como Austin Lyle, de 17 años.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-23). Reportan incendio en una planta química de Pasadena en Texas, EE.UU. telesurtv.net La planta pertenece al grupo INEOS Calabrian que se dedica a proveer de dióxido de azufre y varios de sus derivados, usados en varias industrias.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-23). Desmantelan grupo que planeaba asesinar a autoridades de Brasil. telesurtv.net Lanzan operación policial contra banda criminal que planeaba asesinatos y secuestros de servidores públicos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-23). Gobierno de Colombia presenta proyecto de ley de reforma pensional. telesurtv.net Busca ampliar la cobertura pensional y beneficiar a cerca de tres millones de adultos mayores que hoy permanecen sin posibilidad de pensión y enfrentan pobreza.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2023-03-23). Al menos 390 distritos están bajo riesgo en Perú por lluvias. telesurtv.net El Gobierno puntualizó que hasta la fecha las lluvias que afectan al país causaron alrededor de 61 fallecidos y cerca de 12.200 damnificados.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-23). Avanza III Foro Mundial de DD.HH. en Buenos Aires, Argentina. telesurtv.net Entre los principales temas que serán abordados están el acceso a la justicia; ambiente y desarrollo sostenible; derecho a la identidad, entre otros.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-23). EE.UU. expresa apoyo a lucha anticorrupción del Gobierno venezolano. telesurtv.net La declaración ocurre luego que el Gobierno venezolano informara sobre el desarrollo de una investigación en el marco de la lucha contra la corrupción.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-23). Venezuela rechaza uso político de mecanismos de DD.HH. telesurtv.net El Gobierno venezolano expresó que Misión de Determinación de Hechos pretende seguir tergiversando la realidad con falsas matrices mediáticas.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-23). Cruz Roja alerta de un aumento de conflictos en Colombia. telesurtv.net Según la organización humanitaria la población civil se encuentra en una situación difícil en medio de los conflictos.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-23). ONU revela que 2.000 millones de personas carecen de agua potable. telesurtv.net Cada 22 de marzo se celebra el Día Mundial del Agua para concientizar acerca de la importancia de los recursos hídricos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-23). Justicia ecuatoriana ratifica medidas cautelares a Lenín Moreno. telesurtv.net El magistrado confirmó las medidas impuestas al exmandatario de comparecer cada 15 días ante la Justicia ecuatoriana.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-23). Dos muertos tras impacto de avioneta contra un edificio en Brasil. telesurtv.net La aeronave se incrustó en la azotea de la vivienda de dos plantas, cuya parte inferior funciona como supermercado y la superior como residencia.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-23). Registran 3.965 nuevos casos de Covid-19 en Chile. telesurtv.net Chile acumula un total de 5.239.884 casos confirmados de la pandemia y 64.416 personas han muerto a causa del coronavirus.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-23). Exigen justicia por joven que recibió 36 perdigones en Perú. telesurtv.net El abogado de la familia de Rosalino Flores señaló que el joven falleció por una falla multiorgánica producto de los proyectiles que tenía alojados en su cuerpo.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-23). Hallan cuerpos de dos desaparecidos tras caer a un río en Lima, Perú. telesurtv.net Se trata de una mujer y su hijo que estaban en su casa cuando los cimientos se debilitaron por el aumento del nivel del río Rímac.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-03-23). Reportan sismo de magnitud 6,5 al norte de Chile. telesurtv.net El sismo con una profundidad de 240 kilómetros fue perceptible en Arica y Parinacota, Tarapacá, Antofagasta y Atacama.

teleSUR- lvm (2023-03-23). Presidente Lula da Silva relanza Programa de Adquisición de Alimentos en Brasil. telesurtv.net En un contexto donde el hambre es una realidad para cerca de 33 millones de personas, Lula refirió que "volvimos a gobernar el país para cambiar la historia una vez más".

The Burning Spear, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-23). US Imposes Economic Sanctions On Black Community Projects. popularresistance.org In March 2023, Regions Bank notified the black nonprofit African People's Education and Defense Fund (APEDF) that the bank was "exiting" their 20-year relationship, closing accounts, withdrawing lines of credit and canceling mortgage loans. | This assault on the ability of African people to build economic self-reliance was the latest in a series of actions revealing government and corporate cooperation targeting the black community programs of the Uhuru (Freedom) Movement including its popular Women's Health Center, Black Power Vanguard Basketball Court, "One Africa! One Nation!" Marketplaces, Gary Brooks Communi…

The Green Arcade (2023-03-23). Saturday 4/15: A Celebration of the Life of Poet and Writer Jim Nisbet. indybay.org The 3rd Floor Edward McRoskey Loft | 1687 Market Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Thomas Walter & GW Smigielski (2023-03-23). Financial crisis – it's crashing again and The time of change. indybay.org

Tim Llewellyn (2023-03-23). UK drowns criticism of Netanyahu with trade deal. electronicintifada.net Israeli prime minister visits London under a cloud of obfuscation.

Uma Thontakudi (2023-03-23). Saturday 6/17: HDSA 2023 San Jose Team Hope 10K Timed Run and 5K Walk. indybay.org Campbell Park at the Los Gatos Creek Trail | Campbell, California…

UUSF Morning Forum (2023-03-23). Sunday 3/26: Solutions are Already Here: Hope for Ecological Renewal. A workshop with Gregory Stevens. indybay.org Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco | In Person: 1187 Franklin St. @ Geary / TSK Room | On Zoom: | zoom.us/j/95797889329?pwd=YzJUUVFXUzdpeTlUU3FDd296UGg2UT09

via Democracy Now! (2023-03-23). Trump-Appointed Judge in Texas May Restrict Abortion Pill. indybay.org

William Manson (2023-03-23). Ideology, Autocracy, and Dystopia. dissidentvoice.org The title of this acutely perceptive memoir is perhaps misleading: the American reader has come to expect lurid, "tell-all" biographies which spare no graphic details of the subject's debaucheries and scandals. Some such unsavory details are of course revealed, but the author—Mao's personal physician for the remaining 22 years of Mao's life (1954-1976)—had a more …

WSWS (2023-03-23). Striking Los Angeles education workers speak out on second day of strike. wsws.org Unable to continue slaving away for poverty wages in one of the most expensive cities in the world, thousands of education workers, including janitors, cafeteria workers, maintenance staff and teachers continued to publicly demonstrate on Wednesday.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Vote for the Socialist Equality Party in NSW state election! Take up the fight against war, austerity and "let it rip" COVID policies! wsws.org Only the SEP has advanced a socialist program to reorganise society to meet the pressing social needs of the vast majority, not the private profits of the super-rich.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Chinese and Russian presidents meet as US targets both countries. wsws.org China and Russia have been driven together, despite longstanding disputes and disagreements, by necessity out of weakness, not great strength, to push back against escalating US aggression and provocations.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Next UAW president will have to beat back "unreasonable expectations" of autoworkers, leaked document from Shawn Fain transition team says. wsws.org The document outlines the strategy the frontrunner for UAW president plans to use to impose management's dictates on 150,000 GM, Ford and Stellantis workers.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Anti-AUKUS demonstration in Australia promotes nationalism, "effective" military spending. wsws.org "Truth Not War" organisers express the sentiments of that wing of Australia's ruling elite that has tactical differences with AUKUS and its submarine program and want a more effective and "independent" Australian imperialism.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Damien Chazelle's Babylon: Disoriented and confused. wsws.org The film deserves at least a brief comment, as it purports both to be an account of the transition from cinema's silent era to sound film and to expose "the real truth" about Hollywood.

WSWS (2023-03-23). What is the struggle by workers at Deutsche Post about? wsws.org The struggles in France, Britain, Greece and here in Germany must be linked to the fight against war and its cause, capitalism. No social problem can be solved without breaking the power of the financial oligarchy.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Biden's Canada visit aimed at girding North American imperialist alliance for war with Russia and China. wsws.org During Biden's two-day visit, he and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will discuss a host of geostrategic issues, including: the NATO-instigated war with Russia over Ukraine; countering China from the Indo-Pacific to the Arctic; NORAD modernization; securing strategic minerals; and "friendshoring" production chains.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Washington D.C. police officer facing murder charge in killing of motorist in moving car. wsws.org If he is found guilty, Enis Jevric's conviction would be only the second time that a Washington D.C. police officer has been found guilty of murder.

WSWS (2023-03-23). US Fed attempts a balancing act on interest rates. wsws.org In his opening remarks a press conference following the meeting, Fed chair Jerome Powell said the events of the past two weeks had demonstrated, as history had shown, that "isolated banking problems if left unaddressed, can undermine confidence in healthy banks" and threaten the entire system.

WSWS (2023-03-23). The global significance of the Los Angeles school workers' strike. wsws.org The three-day strike by 65,000 public school workers and teachers in Los Angeles, the largest strike in the US since 2019, is the latest manifestation of the growing wave of international working class struggles.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Macron brazenly defends decision to impose pension cuts without parliamentary vote. wsws.org In public statements before today's one-day national protest strike, Macron claimed that the population does not have the legitimacy to challenge his government.

WSWS (2023-03-23). Sri Lankan president anti-democratically shuts down local government elections. wsws.org Wickremesinghe's cancellation of local government elections is in line with his essential services strike bans and mobilisation of the police and military against protesting workers and students.

WSWS (2023-03-23). French police assault refinery workers striking against pension cuts. wsws.org Macron is requisitioning refinery workers and sending police to assault their picket lines in an attempt to break the strike.

Zach Farber (2023-03-23). Chicago can elect a progressive mayor on April 4. liberationnews.org The April 4 runoff election will feature failed public school executive Paul Vallas (32.9%) against a long-time Chicago Teachers Union leader: Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson (21.6%).

_____ (2023-03-23). Putin and Xi Standing Firm on the Right Side of History. strategic-culture.org The world is changing before our eyes. Western imperialist regimes are being exposed for the warmongers they are, and a new multipolar order of partnership and peace is emerging. | The historic summit this week between the Russian and Chinese leaders provoked paroxysms of angst in the Western media. President Vladimir Putin's hosting of China's Xi Jinping in Moscow was presented as the "world's two most prominent autocrats" purportedly establishing a hostile "anti-West axis". | The American and European media — slavishly echoing the talking points of their imperialist regimes — were in hyper-bogeyman…

Daphne Kamino, Elysa Widjaja, Rollin Brant, Linh G. Ly, Eva Mamak, Vann Chau, Aideen M. Moore, Tricia Williams, Emily W.Y. Tam (2023-03-23). [Articles] Severity and duration of dysglycemia and brain injury among patients with neonatal encephalopathy. thelancet.com Maximum glucose concentration in the first 48 HOL is predictive of brain injury after NE. Further trials are needed to assess if protocols to control maximum glucose concentrations improve outcomes after NE.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). 560 million people affected by strong sandstorm: Chinese administration. ecns.cn The strong sandstorm sweeping China recently has affected over 560 million people in a wide range of areas, said China's National Forestry Grassland Administration on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). PLA experts hold emergency medical training for China-Laos Railway. ecns.cn The eighth medical expert team sent by Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) to Laos has organized training on emergency medical response for the staff of the Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. (LCRC) here in the Lao capital.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). China's higher education enrollment ratio reaches 59.6 pct in 2022. ecns.cn The gross enrollment ratio in China's higher education reached 59.6 percent in 2022, up 1.8 percentage points from 2021, the Ministry of Education said Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). ASEAN secretary-general to visit China. ecns.cn At the invitation of Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang, ASEAN Secretary-General Kao Kim Hourn will pay an official visit to China from March 24 to 29, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin announced Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Goat grabbing competition held to greet start of spring in Xinjiang. ecns.cn Tajik herdsmen ride yaks to catch a goat to greet the start of spring on the Pamir Plateau in Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County in Kashgar prefecture, northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, March 21, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Culture Fact: Traditions during leap month. ecns.cn According to the traditional Chinese calendar, for every 19 years there will be seven leap months. "Leap month" refers to a repetitive month and, this year, there will be two Februarys.

ecns.cn (2023-03-23). Macao's daily visitor arrivals set new high in 3 years. ecns.cn Visitor arrivals in Macao reached 96,000 on Saturday, a daily record high in three years, the Macao Special Administrative Region's (SAR) statistical agency said on Thursday.

Eduardo Vargas & Dylan Gamez (2023-03-23). Los Angeles public school workers continue to fight for fair wages in historic 3-day solidarity strike. liberationnews.org In a historic show of solidarity, 65,000 public school workers from Service Employees International Union Local 99 and United Teachers Los Angeles are striking for three days, from March 21-23. Local 99 represents cafeteria workers, custodians, bus drivers and many other service professions. The union is currently bargaining with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) for a 30% wage increase, more full time positions, equitable access to health care, and more in an effort to provide a livable income and a better work environment.

Fight Back (2023-03-23). Picketing Milwaukee Sheriff for justice, transparency and end to in-custody deaths. fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI – On Tuesday, March 21, members of the Justice for Brieon Green Coalition picketed in front of the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office. The picket was originally planned to pressure Sheriff Denita Ball after she failed to hold the promises she made to the coalition – allowing members to tour the county jail and upload the standard operating procedures to the website for public access. | However, less than two days after this picket was called, media reported that Terrance Mack, age 37, had died inside the county jail. Mack represents the third death inside the county jail since December. Thus, the pi…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Travel safety tips. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a group of friends with whom I love to travel. We plan several trips a year, and this spring we are planning to go outside the U.S. and visit the Caribbean. We will stay at an all-inclusive resort in a popular destination and do a few sightseeing day trips in the area. Are there things we should do to be safe while traveling? ANSWER: Travel is always a fun activity to enjoy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Women in science: Q&A with Robin Patel, M.D. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Robin Patel, M.D. Two events held early each year are opportunities to support and recognize the contributions of women in scientific fields. In February, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science promotes full and equal access to and participation in science. Women's History Month in March is an opportunity to recognize women who have made significant contributions to science. Mayo Clinic physician researcher Robin Patel, M.D., shares her perspective and advice for others pursuing a research career in this…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Five ways AI promises to transform organ transplants. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to become a valuable tool for transplant to save more patients' lives. Recent studies have already shown promise in using AI to analyze large sets of data to discover important trends and patterns. In this expert alert, Mayo Clinic transplant experts share how this technology may improve outcomes for patients. "Physicians once practiced medicine without CT scans and with only limited lab tests. Now, these tools…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-23). Mayo Clinic Minute: Can the MIND diet improve brain health? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You might be hearing more about the MIND diet of late. A recent study has added to the evidence that the diet, which includes a variety of brain-friendly foods, may help protect against Alzheimer's disease. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Angie Murad, a registered dietitian and nutritionist and patient educator at Mayo Clinic, explains the benefits of incorporating foods included in the MIND diet. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/hoPg4bkKemQ Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 01) is…

Staff (2023-03-23). øCómo y qué se tiene en cuenta para elegir nuestros candidatos a diputados a la ANPP? (+Video). cubadebate.cu En la Mesa Redonda de este miércoles, se explicó cómo se eligen los candidatos a diputados de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular y el papel de las organizaciones de masas en el buen funcionamiento del proceso electoral. Para ello se contó con la presencia de Leovanis àÅvila Góngora, miembro del secretario nacional de la CTC y Yamila Sarduy Martínez, miembro del Buró Nacional de la Sección Nacional de la ANAP.

Staff (2023-03-23). Las 3 del día: Los retos de la economía en Cuba para 2023 y las noticias de este 22 de marzo (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Bienvenidos a Las 3 del día. Hoy la periodista Ana àÅlvarez Guerrero les estará comentando, como cada miércoles, las principales noticias de la jornada. Póngase los audífonos o suba el volumen a su altavoz y acompáñenos en este resumen informativo del 22 de marzo en formato podcast.

teleSUR, dcdc, JDO (2023-03-23). Comienza el Ramadán 2023. øEn qué consiste?>. telesurtv.net El aspecto más conocido del Ramadán es el ayuno, que consiste en no consumir alimentos ni bebidas desde el amanecer hasta el ocaso.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-23). Luis Arce reivindica salida al mar para Bolivia. telesurtv.net Bolivia señala que el fallo de la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) en 2018 no ha puesto punto final a la reivindicación boliviana y que más bien exhorta a que Bolivia y Chile dialoguen.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-23). Continúan las protestas contra la reforma judicial en Israel. telesurtv.net Los manifestantes se congregaron frente la sede del Paralemento (Knesset) y del Aeropuerto Internacional Ben Gurion.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-23). Cronología de cómo Bolivia fue despojada de su salida al mar. telesurtv.net El 24 de abrilde 2013, Bolivia presentó ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia de La Haya la demanda contra Chile por una salida soberana al Pacífico…

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-23). Tormenta deja cinco muertos en estado de California, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Hasta este miércoles más de 8.000 usuarios en San Francisco continuaban sin electricidad, de los 78.516 a los que se le afectó el servicio.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2023-03-23). Túnez: cinco migrantes ahogados y 28 desaparecidos en naufragio. telesurtv.net La embarcación partió desde Sfax, en el este de Túnez, con destino a la isla italiana de Lampedusa.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-23). Ministro de Seguridad de Buenos Aires renuncia tras escándalo. telesurtv.net Los cargos contra el funcionario van desde enriquecimiento ilícito e incumplimiento de deberes como funcionario público hasta cohecho, exacciones y peculado.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-23). Detenidos funcionarios públicos implicados en el caso Ayotzinapa. telesurtv.net El arresto fue el resultado de un operativo conjunto entre la Agencia de Investigación Criminal (AIC), la Fiscalía General de la República y elementos de la Secretaría de Marina.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-23). Sismo de magnitud 6.5 deja 13 muertos en Afganistán y Pakistán. telesurtv.net El sismo se produjo en la región montañosa del Hindú Kush, en la confluencia de las placas tectónicas eurasiática e india, a una profundidad de 187 kilómetros.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-23). Franceses se movilizan nuevamente contra reforma de pensiones. telesurtv.net Los sindicatos se han mantenido en pie de lucha desde enero contra el retraso de la edad de jubilación de 62 a 64 años para 2030,…

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-23). Enfrentamientos armados dejan diez muertos en Michoacán, México. telesurtv.net En el municipio de Zitácuaro, agentes de la Guardia Nacional y de la Guardia Civil lograron dar muerte a dos presuntos sicarios.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-23). Congreso peruano aprueba acusar a exministros de Pedro Castillo. telesurtv.net Los tres exfuncionarios del expresidente Castillo están sindicados por los hechos del 7 de diciembre de 2022, cuando el exmandatario intentó disolver el Parlamento.

Staff (2023-03-22). How to Reduce Military Spending. davidswanson.org

_____ (2023-03-22). Canada and Anti-China Propaganda. journal-neo.org Since 2018, Canada, in complete synchronisation with the United States of America, and under its aegis, has accelerated its anti-China propaganda and hostile actions. This is not so surprising, since the Canadian attitude towards China has changed over the decades depending on the requirements of the global hegemon of the time. Before the Second World […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-22). Turkey proposes a parallel project, "TANAP-2″… journal-neo.org With the breakthrough of energy links in the South Caucasus from 1994 to 2006, Turkey gained new favorable opportunities for oil and gas extraction and export to the world market (especially to EU countries). Azerbaijan was the first post-Soviet country to gain access to the western shores of the Caspian Sea. Over the past two […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-22). US Supertankers Pose an Environmental Threat to Europe. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-22). What Kind of Hackers will the USA Use in the Turkish Elections? journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-22). Anti-War Views Criminalized in Germany. strategic-culture.org On the purpose of NATO: "To keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down" — saying attributed to Lord Hastings Ismay, the secretary general of NATO 1952-1957. | By Diana JOHNSTONE | Divide and rule is the eternal law of Empire. | Above all, don't let other big guys get together. Keep them at each other's throats. Half a century ago, stuck in the unwinnable Vietnam war, President Richard M. Nixon heeded Henry Kissinger's advice to open relations with Beijing in order to deepen the split between the Soviet Union and China. | But which big guys, and when? Priorities have evidently shifted. Eig…

_____ (2023-03-22). Self-liberation in NATO-Occupied Belgrade. strategic-culture.org

Abdul Rahman (2023-03-22). China and Russia call for greater cooperation in world politics to promote multilateralism. peoplesdispatch.org During President Xi Jinping's visit to Moscow, both countries agreed that the solution to the Ukraine crisis will only come through political dialogue and diplomacy, and asked the NATO countries to shed their Cold War mentality…

Adeyinka Makinde (2023-03-22). From Hegemony to Multipolarity: How Post-Cold War U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Russia Is Creating a Modern Eurasia. globalresearch.ca

Alan MacLeod (2023-03-22). From Georgetown to Langley: The Controversial Connection Between a Prestigious University and the CIA. orinocotribune.com By Alan Macleod — Mar 15, 2023 | If you have ever wondered, "where do America's spies come from?" the answer is quite possibly the Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS) at Georgetown University. It is only a modestly-seized institution, yet the school provides the backbone for the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, State Department, and other organs of the national security state. | From overthrowing foreign governments and conducting worldwide psychological operations to overseeing drug and gun smuggling and a global torture network, the CIA is perhaps the world's most controversial and dan…

Alejandro Marcó del Pont (2023-03-22). Banco, el elefante en la habitación. globalizacion.ca Los bancos se apalancan para ganar más, la gente se endeuda para financiar esas ganancias | Levantar un edificio financiero sólido sobre los cimiento de una moneda de deuda como el dólar, es algo realmente complejo, de hecho, no puede conducir…

Allen Forrest (2023-03-22). Smartening up about 15-Minute Cities. dissidentvoice.org

Amy Goodman (2023-03-22). The US Owes Iraq "Just Compensation," Says Founder of Muslim Peacemakers Group. truthout.org As we continue to look back on the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, we're joined by Sami Rasouli, an Iraqi native who immigrated to the United States over 35 years ago and became a successful restaurateur and beloved member of the community in Minneapolis. After the U.S. invasion of his home country in 2003, he moved back to Iraq, where he founded the Muslim Peacemakers… |

Andrew Korybko (2023-03-22). The US' Meddling In Ethiopia's Transitional Justice Process Aims To Predetermine The Outcome. thealtworld.com This provocation can be described as yet another example of the US' infamous "humanitarian imperialism" whereby it weaponizes humanitarian issues like transitional justice for the purpose of advancing its imperialist interests. In this case, the US wants to revise history in order to retroactively extend a degree of false credence to its debunked claims of "genocide" against Tigrayans, delegitimize the Government Of Ethiopia as a result, and thus weaken its authority as part of the long-term plot to "Bosnify" this cosmopolitan country. | The Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) reacted angrily to the State…

Andrew Perez (2023-03-22). Verizon Organizer Gets His Job Back. levernews.com

Anita Waters (2023-03-22). Centro Fidel Castro Ruz — Havana's new museum dedicated to Cuban Revolutionary leader's life. peoplesworld.org HAVANA—Throughout his life, Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro famously rejected any public display of himself as the center of a cult of personality. He declared that he wanted no statues, no monuments. Amid the various Che Guevara T-shirts available at tourist markets across Cuba, none depict Fidel. After his death in 2016, officials grappled with the …

Ann Brown (2023-03-22). Banking Crisis Prompts US Government to Consider Emergency Powers To Get Around Legal Constraints. moguldom.com The U.S. is in the midst of a banking crisis. There has been expected fallout from the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. This has prompted U.S. officials to start searching for ways they might temporarily expand Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. coverage to all deposits, a move sought by a coalition of banks. While they are stressing that …

Ann Brown (2023-03-22). Retired Harvard Legal Scholar Dershowitz: Trump Can Legally Run America as President from Prison. moguldom.com Former President Donald Trump alerted his supporters on social media that he would be arrested on March 21. That day has come and passed. Trump is the subject of numerous ongoing investigations but he bet on an impending arrest from a New York City investigation. Trump is still pushing forward in his efforts to regain …

Ann Brown (2023-03-22). Fact Check: Angela Davis Praised Cult Leader Jim Jones. moguldom.com Cult leader Jim Jones promised his followers a utopia in the South American country of Guyana. Proclaiming himself the messiah of the Peoples Temple, a San Francisco-based evangelist group, he led his followers to commit mass suicide, leaving more than 900 dead on Nov. 18, 1978. It became known as the Jonestown Massacre. Of the 900-plus who died, 304 were under the age …

Ann Garrison (2023-03-22). Forever Wars vs. Armageddon. mronline.org The call for the U.S. to end military involvements is often made in order to advocate for new wars against more powerful countries. It appears that the only choices are forever wars or the end of the world.

Anonymous Contributor (2023-03-22). April 28th — 30th: 2nd Biannual Call for Weekend of Distroing. itsgoingdown.org Call to participate in the face to face dissemination of anarchist ideas and mutual aid materials in public settings. This is a call for anyone and everyone to participate in the 2nd Biannual Weekend of Distroing Shit, taking place anywhere and everywhere you can get away with setting up a table, a blanket, a bench,…

Anonymous Contributor (2023-03-22). Community Defense Organizations Disrupt Transphobic Rally in Jefferson City, Missouri. itsgoingdown.org Report on counter-mobilization against a far-Right anti-trans rally in Jefferson City, Missouri. A coalition of Missouri and Kansas-based leftist organizations came together on Monday, March 20th, to intervene in an aggressive and genocidal rally to ban trans health care in Missouri. The rally was organized by various far-Right and fascist organizations dedicated to vilifying and…

Anonymous Contributor (2023-03-22). Corvallis Against Fascism: Five Years of Nazi Tears. itsgoingdown.org Five year analysis and reflection on antifascist organizing and community self-defense by Corvallis Antifa. Download PDF HERE This October, Corvallis Antifa will turn five years old. While this pales in comparison to the decades-long tenures of some other Torch Network groups like CenTex-ARA and Rose City Antifa, we recognize that we have outlasted a lot…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-22). Military Situation In Bakhmut On March 22, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-22). Military Situation In Iraq On March 22, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Iraqi security forces arrested 10 ISIS terrorists in Kirkuk province, according to the Iraqi Intelligence Organization; | The PMU reportedly destroyed eight hideouts of ISIS and discovered three explosive packages in Kirkuk and Salahuddin provinces; | The secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani met with Iraqi officials in Baghdad. Iran and Iraq signed a bilateral agreement on security cooperation during the visit. | MORE ON THE TOPIC: :…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-22). Military Situation In Syria On March 22, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-22). Military Situation In Ukraine On March 22, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On March 20, The AFU attacked Dzhankoy town with at least six Mugin-5 type drones; | The Russian Army struck the AFU positions in Volyansk with high-precision missiles; | The Russian Army struck the AFU infrastructure in Odessa with high-precision missiles; | The Russian Army struck the AFU infrastructure in Kharkiv with high-precision missiles; | Russian forces destroyed three AN/TPQ-37 counter-battery radar stations near Shandrigolovo; | Russian forces destroyed four mot…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-22). Sino-Russian Technological And Military Cooperation Exponentially Strengthens Both Superpowers' Capabilities. southfront.org Illustrative ImageChina and Russia will further expand their cooperation in areas such as information technologies and advanced AI, involving approximately 80 new projects assessed at over $165 billion. This includes aircraft and machine tools manufacturing, space research and strengthening of military cooperation, including further unification of Moscow's and Beijing's know-how. | Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst | After the en…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-22). South Africa Reaffirms Its Support For Russia And The Multipolar World Order. southfront.org Illustrative ImagePutin says that Russia is "resisting neo-colonial ideology" like Africa. | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | The Speaker of the National Assembly of South Africa, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, who attended the 2nd Russia-Africa Parliamentary Conference, announced on March 20 that Pretoria would continue to support Moscow and that her country is committed to building a multipolar world order."We will continue to lean on you, and you can rest assure…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-22). Top US Lawmaker Exposes Weaknesses In American Defense Industry. southfront.org Illustrative ImageAmerica's military-industrial complex is unable to produce weapons fast enough to protect allies. | Written by America's desire of war may be hindered by its own ability to produce weapons. According to an important American politician, the country would not be able to produce weapons fast enough to protect its allies in a conflict scenario. The report comes afte…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-22). Turkish-American Divergences May Hinder Erdogan's Reelection. southfront.org Illustrative ImageWashington could start a campaign against the incumbent president and clandestinely support opposition and even Kurdish groups. | Written by Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts | US-Turkish differences are on the rise and incumbent president Recep Tayyip Erdogan might be facing his most difficult election in 20 years. Erdogan's domestic problems are well known: the country now experiances a 55 percent inflation and last October it had reached a 25-year high of 8…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-22). Houthis Shot Down Saudi-Led Coalition Wing Loong II Combat Drone Over Northern Yemen. southfront.org Illustrative image by the Houthis Military Media. | On March 21, the Houthis (Ansar Allah) announced that they had shot down a Chinese-made Wing Loong II combat drone of the Saudi-led coalition over the northern Yemeni province of al-Jawf. | Brigade General Yahya Sari, a spokesman for the group, said in a statement that the drone was shot down with a "locally-made" surface-to-air missile."The [Yemeni] armed forces affirm that they are ready and present to confront any attempts to breach Yemeni so…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-22). Israeli Army Intercepts Hamas Drone Over Gaza Strip. southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter. | On March 22, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced that the Iron Dome air defense system shot down a drone of the Hamas Movement over the Gaza Strip. | In a statement, the IDF said that the drone did not enter Israeli airspace.The Iron Dome's Tamir interceptor missiles were fired at the drone while it was flying over Gaza. According to the statement, the drone did not pose a threat to civilians in the area surrounding the strip. | P…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-22). Landmine Blast Wounds Two Israeli Soldiers On Front With Lebanon (Videos). southfront.org File image. | On March 21, two Israeli soldiers were wounded when a landmine exploded for unknown reasons near the separation line with Lebanon. | In a statement, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said that the landmine exploded during "routine engineering activity," adding that there was no fear of the incident being an attack. An investigation to find out what set off the mine and why it was not detected by the soldiers had been launched. | The two wounded soldiers were taken to Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya. One…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-22). Nasrallah Says Hezbollah Will Not Comment On Recent Northern Israel Bombing. southfront.org Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah during a televised speech on March 22. Source: Al-Manar TV. | On March 22, Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said that the group will not comment on a recent bombing in northern Israel. | The bombing took place on the Route 65 highway at the Megiddo Junction on

Anonymous669 (2023-03-22). Russia Developed New Long-Range Reconnaissance With Integrated Drone. southfront.org The 400T done, a part of the Blokpost-4T system. | Russia's Astron Opto-Mechanical Design Bureau has developed a new long-range reconnaissance system, Astron CEO Vladimir Popov told The system, dubbed Blokpost-4T, integrates one to four ground-based thermal imaging stations and at least one 400T quadcopter drone. The 400T is Russia's first drone with a domestic thermal imager. It has been already used in the ongoing…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-22). Russian Lancet Drones Hit Howitzers, Air Defense System & Battle Tank Of Kiev Forces (Videos). southfront.org ZALA Lancet attack drone. © Marina Lystseva/TASS | Between March 20 and 22, Russian news sources shared videos documenting five recent strikes with Lancet loitering munitions against Kiev forces within the special military operation zone in Ukraine. | The strikes hit an American-made M777 towed 155 mm howitzer, a Soviet-made D-20 towed 152 mm howitzer, a Soviet-made D-30 towed 122 mm howitzer, a British-made Stormer HVM short-range air defense system and an unidentified main battle tank, possibl…

Anonymous765 (2023-03-22). West Leads Local Conflict In Donbass Towards Global Nuclear War. southfront.org |

Ariela Ruiz Caro (2023-03-22). Crisis financiera y guerra. globalizacion.ca En Estados Unidos, a los conflictos derivados de su injerencia en Ucrania, se suma la actual crisis bancaria. | Estados Unidos, uno de los contrincantes de la pugna por el poder hegemónico mundial, ha registrado esta semana un duro golpe surgido…

Ashley Lomboy (2023-03-22). My Son's Hair is Part of a Thousand-Year-Old Tribal Culture. His School Called it a 'Fad.'. aclu.org My Native American first-grader Logan loves his long braid. It connects my son to our cultural and spiritual traditions as members of the Waccamaw Siouan Tribe of North Carolina. For thousands of years, male members of our tribe have worn their hair long. It is our spiritual belief that a person's hair is a part of the spirit of the person. With his hair arranged in a long braid running down his back, Logan is confident and proud. | Logan goes to school at Classical Charter Schools of Leland in North Carolina (formerly called Charter Day School). I chose that school because the teachers are really focused on e…

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-22). Imperial Visits: US Emissaries in the Pacific. dissidentvoice.org For some time, Washington has been losing its spunk in the Pacific. When it comes to the Pacific Islands, a number have not fallen — at least entirely — for the rhetoric that Beijing is there to take, consume, and dominate all. Nor have such countries been entirely blind to their own sharpened interests. This …

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-22). The War Drive Against China. dissidentvoice.org When will this hate-filled nonsense stop? Surveillance balloons treated like evocations of Satan and his card-carrying followers; other innumerable unidentified phenomena that, nonetheless, remain attributable in origin, despite their designation; and then the issue of spying cranes. In the meantime, there has been much finger pointing on the culprit of COVID-19 and the global pandemic. …

Brasil de Fato (2023-03-22). Lula government relaunches 'More Doctors' program to recruit 15,000 professionals in marginalized areas. peoplesdispatch.org 15,000 professionals will be hired under the More Doctors for Brazil which is a revamped version of the program which was launched during the presidency of Dilma Rousseff. This will ensure greater access to health for 96 million people…

Brett Wilkins (2023-03-22). 20 years on — Iraq war costs still rising. greenleft.org.au A new report documents the ongoing human, social, economic and environmental toll of the Iraq war, reports Brett Wilkins.

Brian Berletic (2023-03-22). Brian Berletic DESTROYS ICC Putin Arrest Warrant as BLATANT Hypocrisy. thealtworld.com Friend of the show Brian Berletic reacts to the ICC's arrest warrant issued to Vladimir Putin for war crimes.

Brian Slodysko, Ken Sweet (2023-03-22). Trump, Republicans, and 'moderate' Democrats united to weaken regulations on banks. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON (AP)—Political consultants thought it was a good idea at the time: Red-state Democrats facing grim re-election prospects would join forces with Republicans to slash bank regulations—demonstrating a willingness to work with President Donald Trump while bucking many in their party. That unlikely coalition voted in 2018 to roll back portions of a far-reaching 2010 …

C.J. Polychroniou (2023-03-22). Three Banks Have Now Collapsed. A Progressive Economist Explains Why. truthout.org Three banks in the U.S. (Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and Silvergate) have collapsed since early March. The collapses of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank are the two biggest bank failures since 2008. Silicon Valley Bank had deep ties to the high-tech industry while Signature Bank and Silvergate were some of the world's biggest crypto-friendly banks. So, why are banks collapsing now? |

Caitlin A. Johnstone (2023-03-22). John Bolton's prominence in the media proves our entire society is diseased. mronline.org In order to narrative-manage the public conversation about the Iraq War on the 20th anniversary of the invasion, those who helped unleash that horror upon our world have briefly paused their relentless torrent of "Ukraine proves the hawks were always right" takes to churn out a deluge of "Actually the Iraq War wasn't based on lies and turned out pretty great after all" takes.

Carlos L. Garrido (2023-03-22). The Significance of the Paris Commune 152 Years After. orinocotribune.com By Carlos L Garrido — Mar 18, 2023 | This is an elongated version of a speech for the I would like to thank the International Manifesto Group for hosting this event, and for inviting me to say a few words about the relevance of that heroic experiment in socialist democracy which took place 152 years ago. | My discussion of the Paris Commune's relevance, and of the relevance of Mar…

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-22). Lawsuit Launched Over U.S. Delay on Petition to Phase Out Oil Drilling on Public Lands. indybay.org WASHINGTON, March 16, 2023 — Conservation groups today filed a notice of their intent to sue the U.S. Interior Department for failing to respond to a petition to phase out oil and gas extraction on public lands.

Chris Walker (2023-03-22). Trump Loyalists Outnumbered by Anti-Trump Protesters at Manhattan DA. truthout.org Few people turned out to protest a potential indictment against former President Donald Trump on Tuesday, despite Trump ordering his followers to do so in a social media post over the weekend. Politico reports that the majority of the protesters gathered outside the Manhattan District Attorney's office on Tuesday were in favor of a Trump indictment, rather than opposed. Though Trump predicted that… |

Chris Walker (2023-03-22). Tucker Carlson Begs Biden to Block Manhattan DA From Issuing Trump Indictments. truthout.org On Tuesday, Fox News primetime host Tucker Carlson seemed to beg President Joe Biden to stop the Manhattan District Attorney's inquiry into former President Donald Trump. Trump claimed over the weekend that he would be arrested this week because of that investigation, which is reportedly examining whether he illegally falsified business records to make hush money payments to an adult film actress… |

Chuck Tripp (2023-03-22). A Message From Utah USA to China With Love. indybay.org March 10, 2023 is the 64th anniversary of the Dalai Lama's flight from Tibet to Nepal to escape imprisonment by Mao Tse Tung's Communist Chinese regime.

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-22). Saturday 3/25: Who Cares Anyway Book Launch. indybay.org ATA Gallery is located on the corner of Valencia and 21st streets in San Francisco's Mission district … 992 Valencia St.

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-22). Saturday 4/1: Alternative Transportation: Freight-Hopping + Biking (+ Green Burials). indybay.org ATA Gallery is located on the corner of Valencia and 21st streets in San Francisco's Mission district … 992 Valencia St.

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-22). Former Lead Of Anti-Surveillance Crypto Monero Denies Being US Government Informant. moguldom.com South African Roberto "Fluffypony" Spagni, the former lead maintainer of privacy-focused cryptcurrency Monero, denies being a government informant after a viral tweet alleged that Spagni was arrested by the South African Interpol and was awaiting extradition to the U.S. The tweet, which included a screenshot of an alleged arrest warrant, triggered speculation on social media …

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-22). US Government: All Bank Deposits Over $250K Aren't Insured Unless Systemic Risk Determined. moguldom.com Less than five years ago, then-U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said she doubted there would be another financial crisis as long as she lives, thanks to reforms in the banking system since the Great Financial Crisis of 2008-2009. A run on Silicon Valley Bank, which funded tech startups, led to its collapse on March 10 in …

Danny O'Brien (2023-03-22). Starbucks workers keep up the fight in Portland. workers.org Portland, Oregon A March 19 community rally in downtown Portland hailed the unionization efforts and successes of Starbucks Workers United. SWU was joined by Workers World Party, Democratic Socialists of America and Jobs with Justice. The many members of SWU, some of whom gave speeches, came from the locations where . . . |

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-22). Arizona State Senate Passes Defend the Guard Act. news.antiwar.com On Tuesday, the Arizona State Senate passed the Defend the Guard Act, legislation that would prohibit the deployment of Arizona's National Guard to combat zones without a declaration of war from Congress, as required by the Constitution. The bill passed in a vote of 16-13 along partisan lines, with Republicans supporting the legislation. The lead …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-22). Israeli Airstrikes Hit Syria's Aleppo Airport for Second Time This Month. news.antiwar.com Israeli airstrikes hit Syria's Aleppo airport early Wednesday for the second time this month as the region is still recovering from a devastating earthquake that hit Syria and Turkey on February 6. "At about 03: 55 am on Wednesday, the Israeli enemy launched an aerial act of aggression with a number of missiles from the direction of …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-22). Seymour Hersh: CIA Planted Nord Stream Cover-Up Story in the Media. news.antiwar.com Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published an article on Substack on Wednesday that said the CIA was instructed to come up with a cover story for the Nord Stream bombings that was fed to The New York Times and the German newspaper Die Zeit. The cover-up story was created to shift blame from the US after …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-22). Ukraine Says ICC Arrest Warrant Means No Negotiations With Putin. news.antiwar.com Ukrainian officials have said the International Criminal Court's (ICC) arrest warrant that was issued last week for Russian President Vladimir Putin has made negotiations with the Russian leader impossible. Mykhailo Podolyak, an advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, wrote on Twitter after the warrant was issued that now that labeling Putin "an obvious international criminal …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-22). US Offers Slovakia Helicopters as Reward for Sending MiG-29s to Ukraine. news.antiwar.com The US has offered Slovakia attack helicopters and Hellfire missiles as a reward for sending Ukraine Soviet-made MiG-29 fighter jets. Slovak Defense Minister Jaroslav Nad said the deal would be for 12 Bell AH-1Z attack choppers, 500 AGM-114 Hellfire II missiles, and training. The sale is worth about $1 billion, and under the offer, the …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-22). US, South Korea to Hold 'Largest-Ever' Live-Fire Drills in June. news.antiwar.com South Korea's Defense Ministry said Wednesday that the US and South Korea will hold their "largest-ever" live-fire drills this June, a move that will anger Pyongyang and ensure tensions on the Korean Peninsula will remain high. The ministry said the drills would be conducted to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the US-South Korean alliance. "The …

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-03-22). Uranwaffeneinsatz der NATO in Serbien 1999: Der Krieg, der nicht zu Ende geht. globalresearch.ca Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb des Namens des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Folgen Sie …

Dr. Suzanne Burdick (2023-03-22). 'Smart' Masks for Cows? Bill Gates Invests $4.7 Million in Data-Collecting "Faceware for Livestock" globalresearch.ca

Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović (2023-03-22). "Market Socialism" and the Destruction of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Hozon starts NEV startups' biggest overseas shipment. ecns.cn A total of 3,600 electric Neta Vs left the Nansha port in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, on Tuesday for Southeast Asian countries including Thailand, marking the biggest overseas shipment of vehicles among China's NEV startups.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). CATL confirms mass production of cutting-edge batteries. ecns.cn Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd, the world's largest electric vehicle battery maker, confirmed to China Daily that the company has achieved mass production of its cutting-edge Qilin batteries.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Hong Kong-Changsha high-speed railway to open on April 1. ecns.cn Passengers can get to Hong Kong from Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, through high-speed railway starting from next month as the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed railway is to operate from April 1.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Envoys from 26 countries and regions visit Chongqing, praise its development. ecns.cn Diplomatic envoys from 26 European, Asian, and African countries and regions visited Chongqing during March 20 through 22, focusing on the construction of the economic circle in Chengdu-Chongqing region and the new western land-sea corridor and cooperation with Chongqing in various fields.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Young Chinese tend to make wills amid social concept changes. ecns.cn The average age of testators continued to decline while among those under 60, people in their thirties accounted for 29.74 percent by 2022, said the 2022 white paper of China Will Registration Center released Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Sandstorm sweeps northern China. ecns.cn Beijing and many other areas in northern China were shrouded in thick sand and dust Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Xi, Putin vow to deepen strategic partnership in fruitful talks. ecns.cn Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, on Tuesday agreed to strengthen bilateral ties based on principles of good-neighborliness, friendship and win-win cooperation, as well as to deepen the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). 6.5-magnitude earthquake jolts parts of Afghanistan, Pakistan. ecns.cn An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 on Richter scale has jolted parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan, causing panic.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Taiwan leader's U.S. 'transit' firmly opposed by China. ecns.cn China has made serious demarches to the United States over Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's planned "transit" through the U.S., Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Tuesday, urging the U.S. to cut official exchanges with the region.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). HK seeks integration with national goals. ecns.cn Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu on Tuesday called on strengthened efforts with Guangdong province to promote high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and to make greater contributions to the nation's development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Bridge traffic up after it opens to tourists. ecns.cn The flow of cars across the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge — a mega project in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area — has continued to increase since the resumption of exchanges between the mainland and the two special administrative regions.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). China releases latest preferential tax policies for chip companies. ecns.cn China has released its latest preferential tax policies for chip companies in 2023, as part of its broader push to encourage the development of the homegrown chip industry.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Giant panda Bao Xin dies from multiple organ failure. ecns.cn Giant panda Bao Xin died of multiple organ failure on March 14, the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in southwest China's Sichuan Province announced late Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Gun violence can affect every part of city life: Philadelphia Inquirer. ecns.cn The lives of thousands of people in Philadelphia, the largest city in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, have been adversely affected by gun violence, and they feel negatively about the city's prospects because of it, reported The Philadelphia Inquirer on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Violence against Black women in L.A. remains high: Brunswick News. ecns.cn Even as the rate of serious crime in Los Angeles, in the U.S. state of California, trends downward, Black women and girls remain at higher risk of victimization than any other demographic, The Brunswick News reported on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). 5.6-magnitude quake hits 118 km NE of Miyako, Japan — USGS. ecns.cn An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 jolted 118 km NE of Miyako, Japan at 07: 37: 01 GMT on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Ambassadors thumb up fantastic Chinese sceneries at 2023 Discovering China. ecns.cn The launching ceremony of 2023 Discovering China was held in Beijing on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). So-called country reports released by U.S. reflect its double standards: Chinese FM. ecns.cn The China-related content of the 2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices is fraught with political lies and ideological prejudice, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Scientists explore potential of floating solar panels in energy supply, water saving. ecns.cn A new type of photovoltaic power station is emerging. Built in reservoirs, lakes and ponds, solar panels floating on the water surface have advantages over traditional ground-mounted solar systems in terms of land conservation, efficiency and water loss reduction.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). 9 killed, 47 injured in earthquake in Pakistan. ecns.cn At least nine people were killed and 47 others injured in northwest Pakistan in the 6.5-magnitude earthquake which jolted the country on Tuesday evening, an official statement said on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Qarhan Salt Lake in Qinghai. ecns.cn Covering an area of 5,856 square kilometers, Qarhan is the largest salt lake in China and boasts abundant deposits of mineral resources.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Five new archaeological discoveries of 2022 in Henan released. ecns.cn Henan unveiled five new archaeological discoveries of 2022 on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Boao Forum for Asia 2023 to be held from March 28 to 31. ecns.cn Drone photo taken on March 21, 2023 shows the aerial view of the Boao Forum for Asia International Conference Center in Boao, south China's Hainan Province.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). S2 train runs through blooming flowers in Beijing. ecns.cn A suburban train runs through blooming flowers interspersed along the S2 line near Juyongguan Pass of the Great Wall in Beijing, March 21, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Sandstorm engulfs north China. ecns.cn Beijing upgraded its yellow sandstorm alert on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Soldiers patrol on snow-capped plateau. ecns.cn Chinese frontier soldiers walk hand-in-hand on a snow-covered mountain to patrol the border area more than 5,200 above sea level in Ali Prefecture, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, March 21, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). 4,000 cotton rose seeds return from space sprout. ecns.cn A total of 4,000 cotton rose seeds have started germinating in Chengdu, and are expected to bloom as early as 2024.

Editor (2023-03-22). 20 years later, the stain of Corporate Media's role in promoting Iraq War remains. mronline.org "It should not be forgotten that this debacle of death and destruction was not only a profound error of policymaking; it was the result of a carefully executed crusade of disinformation and lies," said one prominent critic.

Editor (2023-03-22). Multiculturalism is over in Canada — it's back to Sinophobia. mronline.org How a rogue spy and two reporters are breaking the fragile system for integrating immigrants.

Editor (2023-03-22). I Am the "US-based Kremlin intermediary" That Tried To Help Tucker Carlson Book An Interview With Putin. scheerpost.com Tucker Carlson accused the NSA of spying on his personal communications when he tried to schedule an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. I can corroborate his story.

Editor (2023-03-22). NYT Catches up to Parry But Still Falls Short on October Surprise. scheerpost.com No matter how much evidence Robert Parry produced over the years poking holes in the official story, the establishment media declined to re-examine the case or treat it seriously, writes Nat Parry.

Editor (2023-03-22). Patrick Lawrence: Biden and the ICC: 'A New Level of Farce'. scheerpost.com By Patrick Lawrence / Original to ScheerPost There are many things to say about the International Criminal Court's decision to issue an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin on charges that the Russian president directed the abduction and deportation of thousands of children from eastern Ukraine in the early months of the intervention that began a …

Editor (2023-03-22). 'Regulation' Is Not a Mantra. scheerpost.com By Dean Baker / Beat the Press (CEPR) An item in Ezra Klein's NYT column yesterday really grabbed by attention. Ezra cited a Wall Street Journal column that claimed that the Federal Reserve Board's stress tests would not have detected Silicon Valley Bank's (SVB) problems, because its stress tests did not consider interest rate risk. This struck me as …

Editor (2023-03-22). Russia and China Summit: The Reconfiguration of World Power. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-22). UK to Give Ukraine Depleted Uranium Shells Despite Russian Warning. scheerpost.com

Eric A. Gordon (2023-03-22). Israeli dramatist Hanoch Levin's 'Yaacobi & Leidental' in U.S. premiere. peoplesworld.org LOS ANGELES — Dear Reader, please indulge me for a moment to tell you my favorite Jewish joke—and it won't be the only time in this review that I'll be bordering on the politically incorrect: Two Jews meet on the street. One says, "Hey, would you believe it? My father just turned a hundred years …

Farrah Hassen (2023-03-22). Will There Ever Be Justice for the Iraq War? otherwords.org The wars in Iraq and Ukraine may differ, but both speak to the tragic realities of war. They also make a strong case for strengthening the rule of law instead of undermining it through flimsy pretexts for endless militarism. | Like the 2003 U.S. war in Iraq, which marked its 20th anniversary this March, Russia's year-long war on Ukraine is an act of aggression in blatant violation of international law. | On March 17, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an

Fight Back (2023-03-22). Chicago mayoral election: Progressive Brandon Johnson against reactionary Paul Vallas. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – Brandon Johnson's campaign for mayor of Chicago held an event at Saint James Community Church on Chicago's South Side on Thursday, March 16. The event was organized by United Working Families, a movement group behind Johnson. | The purpose of the event was the launch of the offensive to win big on the South Side, the part of the city with the largest Black population. | Johnson was not well known across the city before he announced for mayor. The South and West Sides of the city were mainly won by outgoing Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Two weeks after the February 28 general election, in which Lightfoot cam…

Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry (2023-03-22). Food Not Bombs Will Not Be Silenced. indybay.org A global war is boiling in the back kitchen with the noisy rattling of a brass kettle on a gas stove left unattended. Millions of us stand at the register discovering our food stamps have diminished leaving our families with half full bellies as the banks of the exploiters slide into insolvency promising to take us all down with them.

G. Dunkel (2023-03-22). France: Workers of all ages in mass revolt to defend pensions. workers.org Bulletin: The vote in the National Assembly took place March 20 and the government survived by nine votes. The battle continues. Protesters hold a banner that reads "Pensions, not an extra day, not one euro less" during a demonstration against the French government's pension reform plan as part of the . . . |

Global Research News (2023-03-22). Selected Articles: Breaking: "Second Russia Offensive" (SRO): Vladimir Sharpens the Cleaver; Volodymyr Fattens the Calf. globalresearch.ca By NATO prophesied a Second Russian Offensive (SRO) on the muddy heals of rasputitsa [Spring]. Then when queried, on February …

Guillermo Castillo Ramírez (2023-03-22). México como territorio de control migratorio regional. globalizacion.ca Los procesos migratorios transfronterizos tienen siglos de historia y han estado relacionados a la conformación del sistema capitalista, así como a la creación y consolidación de los estados nacionales modernos. | No obstante, estas migraciones han aumentado desde las últimas décadas…

Henry Hicks IV, In These Times. (2023-03-22). Black Educators Are Reimagining A Better School System. popularresistance.org Woodbridge, VA – The plastic sign displayed prominently on De'Ana Forbes' classroom door is especially fitting this week. In big bold letters: "Warning! History Teacher Zone. Your understanding of the past may be corrected at any time." | It's early in this sleepy suburb 45 minutes outside Washington, D.C., and the sun is still rising over Freedom High School as students jog inside from late-arriving buses, backpacks half-hung over shoulders with winter coats swinging. They push through crowded hallways and hurry to first period. | Forbes, 28, who teaches U.S. history and social studies, is o…

Igor Derysh (2023-03-22). Judge Orders Trump Lawyer to Turn Over Evidence in Alleged "Criminal Scheme" truthout.org Afederal judge on Friday ordered Trump attorney Evan Corcoran to turn over evidence in what she described as an alleged "criminal scheme" after special counsel Jack Smith's team argued that former President Donald Trump "deliberately misled" his own attorneys about classified materials at Mar-a-Lago, according to ABC News. Prosecutors asked Judge Beryl Howell, the chief judge of the D.C. |

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-22). Changing temperatures increase pesticide risk to bees. imperial.ac.uk Temperature influences how badly pesticides affect bees' behaviour, suggesting uncertain impacts under climate change, according to a new study.

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-22). Government science adviser encourages more researchers to influence policy. imperial.ac.uk Imperial Policy Forum welcomed Professor Dame Angela McLean, Chief Scientific Advisor (CSA) at the Ministry of Defence (MOD) to Imperial College.

infobrics (2023-03-22). South Africa reaffirms its support for Russia and multipolar world order. infobrics.org Putin says that Russia is "resisting neo-colonial ideology" like Africa.

infobrics (2023-03-22). 'Information Shortage Affects Business Opportunities Between Russia and India'. infobrics.org Russian Consul General to South India, Oleg Avdeev, was speaking at the Economic and Investment potential of Altain Region event…

infobrics (2023-03-22). BRICS Member States Currently Work on Criteria for Admission of New Members — Senator. infobrics.org This indicates the seriousness of the organization: not to admit everyone at once under unclear principles, Russian Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko said…

infobrics (2023-03-22). BRICS Now the Voice for South-South Co-operation. infobrics.org South Africa will be hosting the 15th BRICS Summit in August this year. This will be the second time the summit will be hosted on South African shores since 2018…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-22). Canada: More Rogue CSIS Spies Revealed Amidst Anti-China Psy-op. libya360.wordpress.com Aidan Jonah On March 16, 2023, on the CBC's Power & Politics show, ex-Vancouver mayor Kennedy Stewart said two Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) agents visited him in May 2022 and alerted him to supposed Chinese election interference out of frustration in hopes of him taking action. Stewart said the agents did this because they…

Jack Thomas (2023-03-22). Forecasting future socioeconomic longevity inequalities: the impact of lifestyle factors. healtheuropa.com Fanny Janssen, a professor in mortality and longevity, introduces the Future Longevity Inequalities project and discusses how her research could help inform future health policies. In Europe, people with high educational attainment live on average six years longer than people with low educational attainment. This inequality is, in itself, already an important societal problem. Even …

Jake Johnson (2023-03-22). Senate Banking Committee Member Dismisses Calls for Regulations, Bankers Applaud. truthout.org Republican Sen. Steve Daines of Montana garnered applause from a room full of bankers on Tuesday after he dismissed calls for tougher regulations following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. "There are a lot of talking heads out there who are saying that the solution is more regulation, and I strongly disagree," Daines said in remarks to the American Bankers Association's… |

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-03-22). Newly Released Documents Reveal How a Paranoid FBI Amassed a Thousand-Page Surveillance File on Prominent Cold War Hawk, Believing Erroneously He Was a Communist. covertactionmagazine.com Incompetent G-men failed to notice that Walt W. Rostow, National Security Adviser from 1966 to 1969, authored an anti-communist manifesto that was written as a rebuttal to Karl Marx. Throughout his long tenure as FBI Director from 1926 to 1971, J. Edgar Hoover effectively presented himself as a dedicated "red hunter" who protected the nation …

Jim Hightower (2023-03-22). Ailing Seniors Deserve Dignity. otherwords.org What's wrong with us? Our nation's moral compass, I mean. | I don't like being a downer, just focusing on wrongs, but some wrongs stand out as morally abominable, such as this one. | It's about hundreds of thousands of our low-income elders who, toward the end of life — when they're frail and most vulnerable — find themselves cast into a part of the Medicaid system that has been deliberately structured by Congress to subject them to needless deprivations and daily indignities. | These are our loved ones with serious health problems who need long-term care in nursing homes, and two-thirds of them rely…

John Catalinotto (2023-03-22). Putin? Arrest George W. Bush! workers.org March 19, 2023 — Two events reported on extensively this weekend belonged in the same article, yet they were separated. Combining them exposes the criminal hypocrisy of U.S. imperialism and its corporate media. Article's author John Catalinotto speaks at a demonstration protesting U.S. occupation of Iraq at the Bourse in . . . |

John Feffer (2023-03-22). Ukraine and the Lessons of the Iraq War. fpif.org Leaving aside the manufactured justifications, the United States invaded Iraq in 2003 to reassert U.S. power in the Middle East and reduce the influence of Iran. It wasn't terrorism or yellow cake or even Saddam Hussein's appalling human rights abuses that motivated one of the most tragic of U.S. foreign policy blunders. | It was geopolitics, stupid. | According to the fevered imaginations of Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and their neocon compatriots, Saddam would be the first domino to fall, followed by other autocrats (Bashar al-Assad in Syria, Muammar Qaddafi in Libya) until, boom, democracy upended the ayatol…

John Rachel (2023-03-22). What Red State vs. Blue State Looks Like to an Ant. dissidentvoice.org Just watching the two major parties ruthlessly claw at and attempt to malign and delegitimize each other, then seeing people now excitedly lining up on one side or the other like opposing Ninja turtle teams is both amusing and frightening. We can count on the talking heads and modern media to regurgitate a story line …

John W. Whitehead, Nisha Whitehead (2023-03-22). Circus Politics Are Intended to Distract Us. dissidentvoice.org There is nothing more dangerous than a government of the many controlled by the few. — Lawrence Lessig, Harvard law professor It is easy to be distracted right now by the bread and circus politics that have dominated the news headlines lately, but don't be distracted. Don't be fooled, not even a little. We're being …

Juan Cole (2023-03-22). No, Mr. Smotrich, Palestinians are not New in History, and all Nationalisms are Modern, including the Israeli. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Bezalel Smotrich in a speech in Paris over the weekend maintained that there are no Palestinians and that the whole notion of Palestine is no older than a century. This cliocide, a form of genocide involving wiping out the history of a people, has been a common narrative among Zionists …

Katie F., The Real News. (2023-03-22). The State Of East Palestine, Ohio From The Eyes Of A Local. popularresistance.org Timothea is a long-time resident of East Palestine, Ohio and a victim of the Norfolk Southern train derailment. The train transporting toxic chemicals was 150 cars-long, 20-25% longer than the average length of trains in 2017, and it was operated by three conductors, with only 4 paid sick days each— just half of the national average. Of course, the release of 100,000 gallons of chemicals into a town only 3 square miles in size might have been avoided had our so-called "socialist" leaders fought for the rights of the railroad workers to secure a more favorable contract that was already years overdue. Now, Ti…

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-22). Senior climate activists rally across US to 'stop dirty banks'. nationofchange.org "We must break the big banks' addiction to Big Oil."

Khalil Bendib (2023-03-22). Cartoon: Silicon Valley Banking. otherwords.org

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-22). 12th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference returns to Atlanta, Georgia. indybay.org Everyone is welcome to join us in Atlanta, Georgia August 10-14, 2023 in Downtown Atlanta Olympic Village, Morris Brown College and key Agriculture locations.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-22). Friday 3/24: Kickoff Celebration for the 11th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference. indybay.org The Grand Buffet | 1215 J Street | Sacramento, CA. 95814…

Labor Video Project (2023-03-22). Solidarity With East Palestine/Hunters Point & Nationalize The Railroads: Action in SF. indybay.org A rally was held at the San Francisco Federal Building on March 13, 2023 to connect the toxic rail wreck disaster in East Palestine with the Hunters Point-Treasure Island toxic clean-up scandal. Over $1 billion was spent by the US government to pay for a clean-up of the radioactive dump site and Tetra Tech managers were charged and convicted with fraud in the clean-up. The company also retaliated against health and safety whistleblowers with terminations. It is presently being sued by the DOJ and the fired whistleblowers in San Francisco. The same company has been hired by Norfolk Southern railroad company to tes…

Malaka Rodrigo (2023-03-22). As Crop-raiding Animals Reach an All-time High, Food-crisis Hit Sri Lanka Looks for Solutions. asia-pacificresearch.com

manager (2023-03-22). Las Violaciones Eticas de Almagro en la OEA son la "punta de un iceberg grande y mortal" cepr.net Washington, DC — Un nuevo reportaje del Associated Press, que proporciona evidencia adicional de las violaciones éticas cometidas por el Secretario General de la OEA, Luis Almagro, es solo la "punta de un iceberg grande y mortal," dijo Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director del Centro de Investigación en Economía y Política. "Lamentablemente esta no es la única, …

Marcos Salgado (2023-03-22). Operativo anticorrupción sacude Venezuela. globalizacion.ca El ministro de Petróleo de Venezuela, Tareck El Aissami, renunció luego del inicio de un amplio operativo de la Policía Nacional Contra la Corrupción (PNCC), que ya incluye alrededor de una decena de detenidos. Al menos dos de ellos -un…

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-22). Amazon workers at Kentucky air hub go public with organizing drive. peoplesworld.org CINCINNATI-NORTHERN KENTUCKY INTL. AIRPORT—Workers at Amazon's biggest U.S. air hub, an 800,000-square-foot heavily robotized warehouse at the Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International Airport, have gone public—and national—with an organizing campaign allied with the independent grass-roots Amazon Labor Union. In their kickoff rally on March 18 at the KCVG hub, unionizeamazonkcvg.org set goals of $30/hour starting wages, 180 …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-22). The fight against Starbucks law breaking goes to the shareholders tomorrow. peoplesworld.org SEATTLE—Union pension funds and pro-shareholder investment advisors are taking the fight over Starbucks' rampant labor law-breaking to its stockholders. At the Seattle-based monster coffee company's virtual annual meeting on March 23, they'll demand Starbucks name an outside auditor to determine if, or, more likely, how much the anti-union drive has hurt Starbucks's reputation, share price, …

Martin Edwin Andersen (2023-03-22). Cathy A. Harris, LGBTQIA2S+ people & the U.S. Merit(less) Systems Protection Board (MSPB). indybay.org As a private attorney in a Washington, D.C. law firm Cathy A. Harris served as the chair of the firm's Sexual Harassment and LGBT Practice sections. As Acting Chair of the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, she refuses to honestly address anti-LGBTQIA2S+ hate at the National Defense University (NDU) and the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA). You be the judge.

Matthew Cunningham-Cook (2023-03-22). Biden And Becerra Let Big Pharma Profiteer Off Cancer Drug. levernews.com

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-03-22). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's half-year strike. therealnews.com In October of last year, over 100 workers represented by five labor unions—including production, distribution, advertising, and accounts receivable staff—walked off the job on an unfair labor practice strike at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The strike began after the newspaper's management, Block Communications, which is owned by the Block family, cut off health insurance for employees on Oct. 1. As

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-03-22). Wendy Brown: Neoliberalism's anti-democratic stealth revolution. therealnews.com

Middle East Monitor (2023-03-22). For the first time in US History, Sympathy for Palestinians has overtaken Sympathy for Israelis among Democrats. juancole.com US sympathy for Palestinians at unprecedented level as Israel's image is hit ( Middle East Monitor ) — For the first time in US history, sympathy for Palestinians has overtaken sympathy for Israelis among Democrats, according to the latest Gallup poll. Nearly half of Democrats — 49 per cent — have greater sympathy for Palestinians …

Mike Walter (2023-03-22). The Heat: China-Russia Relations. america.cgtn.com President Xi Jinping describes China's relationship with Russia as vigorous, healthy and stable with potential for even deeper cooperation. The Chinese head of state is in Moscow for a three-day state visit that included in-depth talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Tuesday. They …

Mitchell Plitnick, Mondoweiss. (2023-03-22). What The Saudi-Iran Deal Means For Palestine, Israel, US, And Mideast. popularresistance.org In a surprising development last weekend, Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to restore normal relations, reopen embassies in each other's country, and reactivate security and trade agreements that have lain dormant. The agreement has the potential to shake up both regional and global politics, but could also mean a lot less than it initially seems. | It must be emphasized that this agreement, while certainly important, is not a cure-all for the Iranian-Saudi rivalry that has had such devastating effects across the region. That competition will still exist, as it existed before Saudi Arabia cut off relations with Iran…

Mónica Peralta Ramos (2023-03-22). Estados Unidos — Usura y crisis sistémica. globalizacion.ca Estados Unidos, Implosión financiera y escalada militar son dos caras de una misma moneda. Desde el origen de la vida humana las relaciones de poder han engendrado conflictos en torno a distintos intereses en los diferentes ámbitos de la vida…

Nadra Nittle (2023-03-22). Workers in Second-Largest US School District Demand Raises During 3-Day Strike. truthout.org At the School of Social Justice, Julia Quiroz is one of a kind: She's the sole bilingual teaching assistant. Despite her unique role on the campus of more than 400 students — 35 percent of whom are English learners — Quiroz's hourly pay is $16.91, not much more than California's minimum wage of $15.50. The income she receives from the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD)… |

Natalia Marques (2023-03-22). Thousands demonstrate in front of White House to demand an end to the US war machine. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in On March 18, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, over 2,500 people representing over 200 organizations gathered in front of the White House to protest the latest war drive: the escalation and prolongation of the war in Ukraine. | The Iraq invasion and the…

Newsclick (2023-03-22). Mapping Faultlines: Saudi-Iran deal, the Role of China, and a bewildered US. peoplesdispatch.org Former Indian diplomat M.K. Bhadrakumar and NewsClick's Prabir Purkayastha talk about the recent Iran-Saudi deal that was mediated by the Chinese and its implications for West Asia…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is multiple myeloma? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon form of blood cancer that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, according the American Cancer Society. March is Myeloma Awareness Month. People younger than 45 rarely get the disease, and it occurs more in older men than women. And your risk is doubled if you're African American. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/pShHvj3Y3Nw Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 06) is in the downloads at the end of this post….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Science Saturday: Expanding regenerative biotherapeutics to new practice areas. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As a physician at the forefront of new cancer therapies, Yi Lin, M.D., Ph.D., understands the highs and lows that patients experience. Will the latest technologies slow or stop disease? If not, is this the last, best option? Dr. Lin, a hematologist, sees the need for a new class of drugs that provides different treatment choices for patients with complex conditions, such as cancer. As the new associate medical director for Mayo Clinic's Center for Regenerative Biotherapeutics, …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How can hospice care provide comfort to those with terminal illnesses? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a loved one who was referred for hospice care. I'm not sure what this means. Can you share more about what hospice care is and how it may help my family member? ANSWER: Hospice care might be an option for people who are nearing the end of life due to a terminal illness and have exhausted all other treatment options. Unlike other medical care, the focus of hospice care is not to…

Ngakiya Camara (2023-03-22). Proposed Florida Bill Could Allow "Legal Kidnapping" of Trans Children. truthout.org Florida's unrelenting assault on trans livelihood has extended itself to criminalizing close supporters of trans individuals seeking gender-affirming care. On March 13, Florida's Senate Committee on Health Policy voted to pass Senate Bill 254, which would impose criminal penalties on parents, guardians and medical providers helping trans children as they seek gender-affirming care. |

Olivia Rosane (2023-03-22). La recuperación de los bosques puede compensar solo una cuarta parte de la deforestación tropical. peoplesworld.org A medida que continúa la deforestación en selvas tropicales vulnerables y vitales, la recuperación de bosques secundarios o degradados puede desempeñar un papel en la mitigación de algunas de las consecuencias de la pérdida de bosques. Sin embargo, no puede compensar esa pérdida por completo. Un nuevo estudio publicado en Nature descubrió que la recuperación …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-22). NATO Bombed Libya to 'Protect Civilians' 12 Years Ago. This Led to Thousands of Deaths and a Country in Ruins. orinocotribune.com By Moussa Ibrahim — Mar 18, 2023 | The Western war machine only served its own interests in destroying a nation that could liberate Africa | On the 19th of March 2011, the NATO bloc began a violent 8-month long military onslaught of Libya, a sovereign African-Union founding member state, which had enjoyed four decades of stability, prosperity and one of the highest Human Development Index (HDI) scores in all of Africa. | NATO's justification for the aggressive and bloody attack was the now-infamous "protection of civilians" doctrine, formalized under UN Security Council Decree No. 1973. The French Air Force,…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-22). 65,000 Los Angeles education workers are on a historic three-day strike. peoplesdispatch.org Workers are fighting for salaries above their current poverty wages, a demand which the the school district with a surplus of USD 5 billion has refused to accept…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-22). Arrest of Kashmiri journalist under draconian law draws widespread condemnation. peoplesdispatch.org 32-year-old Irfan Mehraj was arrested by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) for allegedly having close associations with "terror accused" human rights organizations. He has been charged under the draconian Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-22). Daily Round-up | Chinese president Xi Jinping hails Russia ties while on 3-day visit & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we take a look at Xi Jinping's visit to Russia, the latest IPCC report, the escalating protests against pension reforms in France, and Brazil relaunching the More Doctors healthcare program…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-22). Earthquake hits Afghanistan and Pakistan, kills 13 and injures over 100. peoplesdispatch.org At least nine people died and 44 were injured in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province on Tuesday, March 21, following an earthquake whose epicenter, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS), was near Jurm town in Afghanistan's Hindu Kush region. | In Afghanistan, four people lost their lives and 50 were injured. The USGS estimated that the shock emanated from a depth of 187 km. | According to

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-22). Public sector employees continue strikes in Germany demanding increase in wages. peoplesdispatch.org Public sector workers across Germany continue their protests and strikes demanding an increase in wages. On Tuesday, March 21, tens of thousands went on strike, raising their demands for the third round of negotiations between trade unions and employers at the municipal and federal levels, which are scheduled to start on March 27. The trade union ver.di has reiterated its demand for a 10.5% increase—worth at least 500 Euros (US$ 539.25)—in the wages of the 2.5 million public sector workers to help them cope with the high levels of inflation. | According to Junge Welt, 2,500 people came to the strike r…

Peter Boyle (2023-03-22). The political cost of Labor's small target strategy. greenleft.org.au Labor's small target strategy offers little to people and further shrinks the already thin political differences between the major parties, argues Peter Boyle.

Peter Certo (2023-03-22). In OtherWords: March 22, 2023. otherwords.org Last week, I took It's not just the human cost of the war itself, although that remains devastatingly high. | Farrah also reminds us that the U.S. invasion of Iraq was illegal under international law, which the Bush administration knew full but pushed on anyway. Farrah sees the echoes of that l…

Peter Koenig (2023-03-22). Warning! Silicon Valley Bank Collapse — A Prelude of Much Worse to Come? Derivatives: "Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction". globalresearch.ca

Prof Denis Rancourt (2023-03-22). Proof That Canada's COVID-19 Mortality Statistics Are Incorrect. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-22). Ukraine's "Neo-Nazi Summer Camp". Military Training for Young Children, Para-military Recruits. globalresearch.ca The Azov battalion supported by its Western partners is not only involved in para-military operations in Donbass, it is also running a Summer Camp military training project for young children.

Prof Nicolas Boeglin (2023-03-22). Acuerdo de Escazú: A propósito de dos nuevas ratificaciones (Granada y Belice) y de otros avances. globalizacion.ca El pasado 20 de marzo, Granada se convirtió en el Estado Parte número 15 al Acuerdo de Escazú, precedida por Belice que lo había hecho el 7 de marzo: véase carta formal con relación a Granada y carta formal con…

Project Censored (2023-03-22). Prospects of a US Led Peace Movement in Ukraine and Looking Back at The US War in Iraq 20 Years Later. projectcensored.org Over the weekend, demonstrations took place in several US cities to mark the 20th anniversary of the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, and to demand that the US and NATO…

Rafael Riera (2023-03-22). The Tao of San Juan Uber Drivers (OPINION). latinorebels.com Moving back to Puerto Rico after 15 years of living on the West Coast can be difficult, but most locals are more than happy to help you fall in love with the island again.

Ramzy Baroud (2023-03-22). Israel Protests Should Not Be Confused With the Palestinian Struggle for Equality. orinocotribune.com By Ramzy Baroud — Mar 16, 2023 | As hundreds of thousands throughout Israel joined anti-government protests, questions began to arise regarding how this movement would affect, or possibly merge, into the broader struggle against the Israeli military occupation and apartheid in Palestine. | Pro-Palestine media outlets shared, with obvious excitement, news about statements made by Hollywood celebrities, like Mark Ruffalo, about the

Ramzy Baroud (2023-03-22). Israel's Humiliating Expulsion from AU Summit Exposes Its Failed Diplomacy in Africa. mintpressnews.com

Richie Merino (2023-03-22). 'Feed the people, not the U.S. war machine!'. workers.org Richie Merino, an organizer with the International Action Center and the United National Antiwar Coalition, gave this talk at the March 18 antiwar demonstration in Washington, D.C. Merino, a writer for Workers World newspaper, is a proud public school teacher in the South Bronx, New York. Richie Merino leads chants . . . |

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-22). Britain providing depleted uranium arms to Ukraine risks nuclear collision — Chinese experts. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Global Timesmarch 22, 2023 UK to set 'bad precedent' if depleted uranium ammunition provided to UkraineBy Chen Qingqing Edited by RR If the UK sends controversial shells containing depleted uranium to Ukraine, it will set a dangerous precedent for the conflict, which could also mean an escalation in weapon supplies, Chinese experts said, warning of …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-22). NATO's Fortress Europe: Swiss defense chief attends North Atlantic Council for first time. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMarch 22, 2023 In a historic first, Swiss defence minister joins meeting of NATO's North Atlantic Council Viola Amherd, Swiss Federal Councillor and Head of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport, visited NATO Headquarters on Wednesday (22 March 2023) for talks with Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, and to meet with NATO ambassadors. …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-22). NATO's 1999 aggression against Yugoslavia: Global turning point. mronline.org This March 24th, the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, Generals and Admirals Association of Serbia, Veterans Association SUBNOR of Serbia and some other independent associations and think tanks, will mark the 24th anniversary of NATO's aggression against Serbia and Montenegro (the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), honoring heroes fallen in the defense of the country as well as all the victims of this illegal and criminal act.

Robert S. Becker (2023-03-22). Is pretend politics—hawking a counterfeit self—the ultimate right-wing propaganda? nationofchange.org For "real" Rethugs one looks in vain —/ It's quicksand, whether frauds or insane.

Ryan Cristián (2023-03-22). EPA Forcing Ohio Toxic Waste On Facilities Not Able To Process Dioxins/PFAS. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/22/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Sara Sneath (2023-03-22). Black residents of Cancer Alley sue local government for discrimination in siting chemical facilities. nationofchange.org "We're being ignored and we have to do whatever we have to do to stop it."

Senior, Disability Action (2023-03-22). Monday 3/20: In Loving Memory of Public Health. indybay.org 1000 Broadway, Oakland. In front of the downtown office of Alameda County Dept. of Public Health…

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-22). 100 Starbucks Stores Strike to Send New CEO a Message: No More Union Busting. truthout.org Hundreds of Starbucks workers from coast to coast are striking on Wednesday to send the company's new CEO, Laxman Narasimhan, a message to break the trend and bring an end to the company's fierce union-busting campaign. Over 100 stores are going on strike, including in major cities like Boston, New York, D.C., Chicago, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Workers are also planning to strike in Seattle… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-22). Michigan Is Set to Become First State in 58 Years to Overturn Right-to-Work Law. truthout.org After Michigan Democrats scored their first trifecta of controlling the House, Senate and governor's office in decades this past election, the state is now set to become the first state in six decades to overturn its anti-worker "right-to-work" law. Democrats in the Michigan House voted on Tuesday to approve a bill repealing right to work in the state, sending the bill to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-22). Sanders Slams Biden for Rejecting Request to Lower Price of $190K Cancer Drug. truthout.org Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) has condemned the Biden administration's decision this week to reject a request to lower the price of an extremely expensive prostate cancer drug that can help extend the lives of patients for months or years. Failing what advocates considered a litmus test of the administration's willingness to act on prescription drug prices on Tuesday, the National Institutes of… |

Staff (2023-03-22). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: Elecciones del pueblo. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu Representantes de la CTC y la ANAP comparecerán este miércoles en la Mesa Redonda para informar sobre la participación de estas organizaciones en las elecciones nacionales y las votaciones del 26 de marzo. Cubavisión, Cubavisión Internacional y Canal Caribe, transmitirán en vivo este programa a las 7: 00 pm.

Staff (2023-03-22). Chapeando: Pena ajena (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Ningún otro equipo sufrió el acoso, los ataques y las amenazas que se lanzaron contra el Team Asere en Miami. Dan pena ajena los odiadores que le amargaron la noche a los verdaderos cubanos.

Staff (2023-03-22). Las lecciones de la guerra de Irak y el periodismo. cubadebate.cu La invasión de Irak hace ahora veinte años se produjo bajo unas premisas aceptadas por una parte importante de los medios de comunicación estadounidenses y europeos. Miles de voces periodísticas en 2003 dieron por buena la mentira de Washington y Londres que aseguraba la existencia de armas de destrucción masiva en poder de Hussein. EEUU había confeccionado una tesis con la que acusaba a Irak de ser una amenaza para el mundo e incluso de tejer alianzas con Al Qaeda.

Staff (2023-03-22). Una Asamblea no es un hospital øo sí? cubadebate.cu Durante 35 minutos Alberto Moronta intentará convencerme de que podría dirigir un hospital, estar al tanto de su hijo, hacer una segunda especialidad y ser diputado en la Asamblea Nacional. Todo eso, al mismo tiempo, sin vacilar ni atormentarse. Me parece exagerado, pero…

Staff (2023-03-22). Vale la pena… volver a escuchar: Falsas legitimidades (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu En ocasiones se produce una confusión de representaciones asociadas al hecho de que "siempre ha sido así", siendo que este "siempre" parece construir la idea de que hacerlo se convierte en un derecho. Si bien como escribió Antonio Machado, "el andar se hace camino", de ahí a pensar que se tiene derecho a un tipo de andar.

Staff (2023-03-22). Japón se lleva su tercer título en el Clásico Mundial. cubadebate.cu El equipo de Japón venció a Estados Unidos en la final del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023 con un marcador de 3 carreras por 2.El Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023 se llevó a cabo del 8 al 21 de marzo de 2023. Los partidos empezaron en Taichung y concluyeron en Miami con la fase final por el título.

Staff (2023-03-22). Las 3 del Día: Del candidato vacunal cubano contra el dengue y otras cuestiones (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Sean bienvenidos a Las 3 del Día, el podcast de Cubadebate donde se podrán enterar de las noticias más importantes de este 21 de marzo. Hoy nos acompañan Darío Extremera y Yilena Héctor en estos minutos de información.En esta ocasión centramos nuestro episodio en el candidato vacunal cubano contra el dengue. Además realizamos el habitual resumen noticioso de Las 3 del Día.

Staff (2023-03-22). Teodoro Pérez, fundador del Inder, falleció a los 87 años de edad. cubadebate.cu Teodoro Pérez Martineaud, fundador del Inder y artífice de su desarrollo durante décadas de intensa labor, falleció hoy a los 87 años de edad a causa de una insuficiencia cardíaca. "Nos deja físicamente un guerrero incansable, entregado a plenitud a las muchas tareas asumidas", tuiteó el presidente del organismo deportivo, Osvaldo Vento Montiller.

Staff (2023-03-22). Venezuela: Asamblea Nacional aprueba proyecto en apoyo a lucha anticorrupción. cubadebate.cu La Asamblea Nacional (AN) de Venezuela aprobó este martes un proyecto de acuerdo en respaldo a la lucha contra la corrupción impulsada por el Gobierno del presidente Nicolás Maduro.

Staff (2023-03-22). Celebran expertos cubanos 20 años de esfuerzos para conservar la flora nativa. cubadebate.cu Sesionó hoy en La Habana la reunión conmemorativa por los 20 años del Grupo de Especialistas en Plantas Cubanas (GEPC). Esta agrupación de expertos nacionales y extranjeros pertenece a la Comisión para la Supervivencia de las Especies de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza y la han integrado especialistas de más de 30 instituciones.

Staff (2023-03-22). Dos miembros del Cuba en el Todos Estrellas del Clásico. cubadebate.cu El tercera base Yoán Moncada y el lanzador relevista Miguel Romero, integrantes de la selección nacional cubana, fueron seleccionados entre los integrantes del Todos Estrellas del V Clásico Mundial de Béisbol…

Staff (2023-03-22). El tiempo: Chubascos y lluvias desde Camagàºey a Guantánamo. cubadebate.cu Estará nublado en zona de la costa norte desde Camagàºey hasta Guantánamo, con la ocurrencia de algunas lluvias, que en el horario de la tarde se extenderán a localidades del interior y sur de esta parte del país. En el resto del país estará parcialmente nublado con la ocurrencia de aisladas lluvias.

Staff (2023-03-22). Encabeza Inés María Chapman delegación cubana que participa en Conferencia sobre el Agua. cubadebate.cu Inés María Chapman, vice primera ministra de Cuba, llegó este lunes a Nueva York, Estados Unidos, al frente de la delegación cubana que participará en la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Agua 2023, del 22 al 24 de marzo, informa hoy la Cancillería. La Conferencia sobre el Agua se celebrará desde hoy, Día Mundial del Agua, y hasta el viernes.

Staff (2023-03-22). Inteligencia artificial: Medio chino estrena a una presentadora virtual de noticias. cubadebate.cu El medio de comunicación estatal chino People's Daily dio a conocer recientemente al nuevo miembro de su equipo de noticias. Se trata de Ren Xiaorong, una presentadora virtual impulsada por inteligencia artificial.

Staff (2023-03-22). La red de telefonía móvil se someterá a mantenimiento en la madrugada del 23 de marzo. cubadebate.cu La empresa de telecomunicaciones informó que continuará realizando acciones de mantenimiento en la red de telefonía móvil durante la madrugada del 23 de marzo, entre las 00: 00 y las 06: 00 horas. Estas intervenciones técnicas podrían afectar el funcionamiento de los servicios móviles, por lo que se pide comprensión a los usuarios.

Staff (2023-03-22). Más de 200 colegios electorales especiales se habilitarán en Cuba. cubadebate.cu Cuba tiene previsto habilitar 250 colegios electorales especiales para que todos los ciudadanos con capacidad legal puedan ejercer su derecho al voto en las elecciones nacionales del domingo 26 de marzo. El objetivo de estos es contribuir al éxito del ejercicio democrático, informó el Consejo Electoral Nacional (CEN), citado por el diario Juventud Rebelde.

Staff (2023-03-22). Ministro de Economía reconoce desafíos y oportunidades para el 2023: Ratifica proyección de crecimiento del PIB en el entorno del tres por ciento. cubadebate.cu Con la presencia del primer ministro cubano, Manuel Marrero Cruz, se desarrolló en la tarde de este miércoles el balance anual del Ministerio de Economía y Planificación. Durante el encuentro se ratificó que Cuba proyecta un crecimiento en el entorno al 3 por ciento para el año 2023.

Staff (2023-03-22). Tony àÅvila presentará su nuevo disco "Universo" el próximo fin de semana. cubadebate.cu àÅvila reconoció la necesidad de hacer tangible el sueño del disco en medio de escenarios complejos, tales como la pandemia de la Covid-19 en pos de mantener a los músicos unidos, superar miedos, aislamiento y agregó que Universos es también la crónica social de una época oscura para la humanidad y, al mismo tiempo, una alerta a salvar el amor.

Staff (2023-03-22). Unos cincuenta bancos estadounidenses podrían quebrar. cubadebate.cu En EE.UU. 50 nuevos bancos podrían declararse en quiebra antes de que las autoridades resuelvan problemas estructurales, señaló este miércoles a RIA Novosti Lawrence McDonald, el antiguo vicepresidente del banco Lehman Brothers, que colapsó durante la crisis financiera global del 2008.

Staff (2023-03-22). Béisbol y libertad… made in Miami (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Imaginen que la selección de béisbol de EEUU juega en Cuba y, desde las organizaciones de la Revolución cubana, se organizan protestas en su contra, por ser el "equipo del imperialismo y del bloqueo" contra la Isla. Imaginen que el gobernador de La Habana anima a la población a llenar de carteles el Estadio Latinoamericano, y que la prensa y televisión repiten, sin cesar, que los beisboleros representan a un imperio genocida y asesino, a una plutocracia y a un régimen violador de los derechos humanos.

Staff (2023-03-22). Andrew Bacevich on China's Rise as Global Superpower & Decline of U.S. Empire After Iraq Invasion. democracynow.org Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have declared a "new era" in Chinese-Russian relations after meeting in Moscow earlier this week. The two leaders reportedly discussed China's 12-point proposal to end the war in Ukraine, with Putin stating that China's plan could be the basis for a peace agreement. Though he has not yet met with Xi himself, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has recently also expressed a willingness to consider China's peace plan. For more, we speak to Andrew Bacevich, co-founder of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft,…

Staff (2023-03-22). Headlines for March 22, 2023. democracynow.org China and Russia Display Alliance; Zelensky Asks Beijing to Back Ukraine's Peace Plan, 10 People Indicted for Murdering Irvo Otieno in Hospital During Mental Health Crisis, Philadelphia Will Pay $9.25 Million to Racial Justice Protesters Brutalized by Police in 2020, Biden Designates New National Monuments in Nevada and Texas in Victory for Indigenous Groups, Indigenous Advocates Testify in Court in Bid to Halt Transfer of Oak Flat to Copper Mining Co., Brazilian Forces Evict Illegal Gold Miners from Yanomami Territory in Amazon, Journalists in Ecuador Targeted with Explosive Devices, Uganda Passes Bill Cri…

Staff (2023-03-22). The U.S. Owes Iraq "Just Compensation": Muslim Peacemaker Sami Rasouli on 2003 Invasion & Aftermath. democracynow.org As we continue to look back on the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, we're joined by Sami Rasouli, an Iraqi native who immigrated to the United States over 35 years ago and became a successful restaurateur and beloved member of the community in Minneapolis. After the U.S. invasion of his home country in 2003, he moved back to Iraq, where he founded the Muslim Peacemakers, a group that works to promote and practice nonviolent conflict resolution and intervention. Rasouli also founded the American Institute for English in Najaf, which was destroyed by a 2020 bombing. He is working on starting a n…

Staff (2023-03-22). Argentina Announces Return to UNASUR. orinocotribune.com President Alberto Fernández announced Argentina's reentry into the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) in a meeting with the Puebla Group and the Latin American Council of Justice and Democracy (CLAJUD) in Buenos Aires. | In the meeting held on Tuesday, March 21, in the Indigenous Peoples' Hall of the Casa Rosada, Fernández announced the reactivation of Argentina's rights and obligations before the regional body. This announcement was reported in a press release from the Argentinian Presidency. | UNASUR was founded in 2008, and by 2010 included 10 South American countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador,…

Staff (2023-03-22). Lula Reactivates 'More Doctors' Health Program in Brazil (+Venezuela Relations). orinocotribune.com In Brazil, president Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva reactivated the "More Doctors" program, a project promoted in 2013 under the administration of Dilma Rousseff. The government initiative aims to increase the number of doctors in small cities in the interior of the country. | On Monday, March 20, from the Planalto Palace, Brazil's head of state announced additional resources for the "More Doctors" program, which he said had been "extraordinarily successful" in the past, providing essential healthcare services for favela residents, those living in remote Amazonian municipalities, and residents of small and medium-si…

Staff (2023-03-22). President Maduro Leads New Corruption Investigation, Special PSUV Meeting. orinocotribune.com On Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro chaired a meeting with the national leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) from the Humboldt Hotel, at the Waraira Repano National Park in Caracas, to report on the events developing in recent hours in which the National Anti-Corruption Police arrested various officials, businesspersons, deputies, and presidents of institutions for their alleged involvement in corruption. President Maduro asked the Venezuelan people to give him their full support "in these difficult, bitter, but necessary, unavoidable hours of the fight against mafias and corrup…

Staff (2023-03-22). Venezuela Condemns Weaponization of Human Rights by UN and Washington. orinocotribune.com On Tuesday, during the 52nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Tàºrk, presented a distorted picture of Venezuela. Following the usual narratives launched by Washington, Tàºrk claimed that severe human rights violations, misery and the struggle for survival in a precarious institutionalized environment mark Venezuela. | "Venezuela continued to face serious human rights challenges in the civil, political, economic and social spheres." Tàºrk continued, stating that he met people who told him about their daily struggle to surv…

Staff (2023-03-22). Gothenburg demonstrates for Palestine against the massacres. samidoun.net On Saturday, 18 March, over 200 people marched through the streets of Gothenburg, Sweden, in solidarity with the Palestinian people against massacres and attacks by the Zionist forces. The demonstration, organized by the coalition of Palestine organizations in the city, also came as part of the International Campaign to Liberate the Remains of Palestinian Martyrs. …

Staff (2023-03-22). New York City demonstration demands liberation of the remains of Palestinian martyrs. samidoun.net On Friday, 17 March, demonstrators gathered in New York City outside the United Nations to demand the liberation of the remains of Palestinian martyrs and express solidarity with the Palestinian people and their struggle for liberation from the river to the sea. The demonstration, organized by Within Our Lifetime — United for Palestine and Samidoun …

Staff (2023-03-22). On Arab Mother's Day: Palestinian mothers demand the return of their children; a message from women prisoners. samidoun.net On 21 March, Palestinians and Arabs celebrate Mother's Day, honoring the many contributions of mothers to the lives of their children and to society as a whole. In Palestine and in exile and diaspora, however, mothers face particular challenges and forms of oppression by the Zionist regime, from imprisonment to the destruction of their homes, …

Staff (2023-03-22). Randa Musa, wife of Khader Adnan, urges popular action to free her husband and all Palestinian prisoners. samidoun.net As the Battle of Freedom or Martyrdom approaches, with seven leaders of the Palestinian prisoners' movement having launched a hunger strike in advance of the 2,000 prisoners scheduled to begin their strike Thursday, 23 March, Sheikh Khader Adnan is on his 46th day of hunger strike. In a press statement by Randa Musa, Adnan's wife, …

Staff (2023-03-22). [LIVE PANEL] Targeted by Surveillance: Julian Assange, WikiLeaks & Networked Repression. shadowproof.com Stella Assange and Kevin Gosztola join Stefania Maurizi for a live panel discussion of the surveillance, monitoring, and control that has oppressed Julian Assange and WikiLeaks for more than 10 years.

Sue Bull (2023-03-22). No support for bigots, Socialist Alliance says. greenleft.org.au Attacks on LGBTIQ protesters outside a church where One Nation leader Mark Latham was speaking have alarmed many activists. Sue Bull reports.

Tanupriya Singh (2023-03-22). Unions, political parties take South African state to court over severe power cuts. peoplesdispatch.org NUMSA and the United Democratic Movement are among 19 applicants who have brought a case against the government and state energy company Eskom seeking relief from rolling power cuts that have inflicted severe damage on the economy and public services.

teleSUR, cdcd- JCM (2023-03-22). Renuevan denuncias sobre esclavitud en zonas agrícolas de Brasil. telesurtv.net Las personas en situación de trabajo análogo a la esclavitud son sometidas a violencia, encarcelamiento ilegal y no tienen una vivienda digna.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-22). Avanza candidato vacunal contra el dengue en Cuba. telesurtv.net Con el candidato vacunal contra el dengue, Cuba pretende evitar la gravedad, incluso la sintomatología de la enfermedad.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-22). Transportistas paralizan servicio en Guayaquil, Ecuador. telesurtv.net Los transportistas ecuatorianos plantean estar al borde de la quiebra por falta de recursos para cubrir los gastos del combustible.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-22). Ataques en República Democrática del Congo dejan 31 muertos. telesurtv.net Algunas partes de la región de Ituri, han registrado durante los últimos meses una grave escalada de ataques de grupos armados.

teleSUR, DRL, JCM (2023-03-22). Terremotos dejan pérdidas de siete mil mdd en Türkiye. twitter.com El 20 % de la producción agrícola de Türkiye se obtiene de la zona del terremoto, lo cual complica las labores de recuperación de la cosecha.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-22). Venezuela y Brasil afianzan vínculos diplomáticos bilaterales. telesurtv.net A principios de marzo una delegación brasileña encabezada por Celso Amorim, asesor especial de la Presidencia y excanciller, viajó a Venezuela en la primera visita oficial de alto nivel en años.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-22). Corte internacional analiza caso de aborto en El Salvador. telesurtv.net En ese país, como en gran parte de la región, está penalizado el aborto en cualquiera de sus causales y no se avizora un cambio en esa política.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-22). Congreso español rechaza moción de censura contra el Gobierno. telesurtv.net Durante todo el debate, el Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez dijo que solo hay dos modelos de país, el de "la derecha y la ultraderecha" y el de la izquierda progresista que "avanza y protege a la mayoría social".

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-22). Gremios franceses siguen protestas contra reforma de pensiones. telesurtv.net Un comunicado de prensa de la Central General de Trabajadores (CGT) expresa que "Nada socava la determinación de los trabajadores, privados de empleo, jóvenes y jubilados".

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-22). Liga àÅrabe condena la negación israelí de Estados vecinos. telesurtv.net Un ministro sionista presentó un mapa de Israel que incluye las fronteras del Reino Hachemita de Jordania y los territorios palestinos ocupados…

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-22). Presidentes Xi Jinping y Vladímir Putin fortalecen asociación estratégica. telesurtv.net Xi Jinping señaló que después de ser reelegido como presidente del país, eligió a Rusia como el primer país para visitar por la alta importancia que le concede a su vecino.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-22). Al menos 12 fallecidos por terremoto en Afganistán y Pakistán. telesurtv.net En la provincia pakistaní de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa murieron al menos 9 personas y 60 personas resultaron heridas.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-22). Kenia acusa a líder opositor de intentar derrocar al presidente. telesurtv.net La cancillería señaló que el exprimer ministro Odinga buscaba "conseguir que él mismo se estableciese como presidente".

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-22). Líder de junta militar de Mali defiende proyecto de Constitución. telesurtv.net El líder de la junta militar señaló que la Constitución es "un paso decisivo en el proceso de reconstrucción".

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-22). Reportan masacre en el departamento del Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Las víctimas fueron abordadas por hombres que los llevaron a la orilla de la carretera donde fueron ultimadas.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-22). Presidente de Bolivia anuncia 42 futuras industrias de litio. telesurtv.net "Se van a derivar de ahí más de 42 industrias, hermanas. 42 industrias que van a generar empleo", señaló Arce.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-03-22). Japón gana su tercera corona en Clásicos Mundiales de Béisbol. telesurtv.net El líder del conjunto japonés, Shohei Ohtani, cerró el juego ponchando a Mike Trout, su compañero en los Angelinos de Los Ángeles de la MLB y uno de los mejores bateadores del mundo.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-22). Aumentan a 494 los heridos por terremoto en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Resultaron perjudicados 39 bienes públicos y 53 privados, y de ese total, fueron destruidos ocho y tres, respectivamente.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-22). Confirman fin de restricciones sanitarias contra Covid-19 en Haití. telesurtv.net El mantenimiento de esta medida dependerá del incremento o ascenso de los casos de la enfermedad en el país.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-22). Venezuela y República àÅrabe Saharaui firman acuerdos de cooperación. telesurtv.net Fueron firmados entre las partes dos memorándums en el sector educacional, así como otros en la agricultura, la cultura, la pesca, medioambiente, entre otros sectores.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-22). Presidente de Argentina responde acusaciones de su par de Ecuador. telesurtv.net El presidente publicó en sus redes sociales la respuesta enviada tras el conflicto diplomático entre ambas naciones por el caso de Duarte Pesantes.

teleSUR, JDO, JGN (2023-03-22). øQué pasaría en el mundo si se acabara el agua?>. telesurtv.net Dado el impacto que tiene la escasez de agua en la vida, se torna un imperativo su ahorro y explotación racional.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-22). Corea del Norte dispara misiles de crucero hacia mar de Japón. telesurtv.net Cancillería norcoreana advierte que exigir a Pyongyang la renuncia a su programa de armas nucleares equivale a una declaración de guerra.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-22). Ayatola iraní responsabiliza a EE.UU. de conflicto en Ucrania. telesurtv.net Seyed Ali Jameneí asegura que Washington provocó las hostilidades por su deseo de expandir la OTAN y beneficiar a su industria militar.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-22). CRK afirma que persecución en su contra es por buscar justicia social. telesurtv.net "Nos persiguen porque igualamos a las sociedades (…) por el derecho de los trabajadores a participar activamente en el producto bruto de lo que producen", dijo la vicepresidenta.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-22). Presidente venezolano designa nuevo ministro de Petróleo. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Comunicación informó en un comunicado que Tellechea también se encuentra a cargo de la estatal Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa).

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-03-22). Aprueban proyecto de ley que reducirá jornada laboral en Chile. telesurtv.net La ministra Camila Vallejo, quien fue promotora de la iniciativa, afirmó que "aprobar las 40 horas es aprobar más y mejor tiempo para las familias".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-22). Denuncian detención de madres palestinas por parte de Israel. telesurtv.net Las fuerzas de ocupación de Israel contra Palestina han cobrado la vida de más de 85 palestinos asesinados desde principios de 2023.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-22). Presidente Fernández anuncia regreso de Argentina a Unasur. telesurtv.net Actualmente, Unasur está integrado por Guyana, Surinam, Bolivia, Venezuela y Perú.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-22). Presidente Brahim Ghali: pueblo saharaui defenderá su dignidad. telesurtv.net El mandatario resaltó que el pueblo saharaui está más que nunca apegado a sus derechos ya que desean vivir libres e independientes.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-22). AN aprueba proyecto de acuerdo en apoyo a lucha anticorrupción del Gobierno venezolano. telesurtv.net El presidente del Parlamento venezolano acotó que, hasta el momento, hay 19 personas detenidas por hechos de corrupción.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-22). México rechaza informe de EE.UU. sobre Derechos Humanos. telesurtv.net López Obrador calificó la actuación de los beisbolistas de México como "una labor destacadísima" en el Clásico Mundial.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-22). Fallece joven que recibió 36 perdigones en protesta en Perú. telesurtv.net La víctima recibió los disparos desde muy cerca, no estaba armado y habría ido a la manifestación a apoyar a los heridos.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-22). Explosión de taller clandestino en México deja siete muertos. telesurtv.net La vivienda también se usaba como bodega de pólvora; de ahí la magnitud de la explosión y el número de víctimas.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-22). Presidente chino concluye visita de Estado a Rusia. telesurtv.net Xi Jinping se reunió en dos ocasiones con Vladímir Putin en una entrevista informal y en negociaciones oficiales.

teleSUR, nama, YSM (2023-03-22). Preven que temperatura del planeta aumentará 1,5 ∫ C entre 2030 y 2035. telesurtv.net El organismo mundial insta a actuar para asegurar un futuro sostenible y habitable para todos.

teleSUR, nbb, JCM (2023-03-22). Flota rusa repele ataque de drones ucranianos en Sebastopol. telesurtv.net Han sido atacados el cuartel general ruso de la Flota del Mar Negro en la ciudad, instalaciones energéticas y aeródromos militares.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-22). Israel ataca aeropuerto en la ciudad siria de Alepo. telesurtv.net Damasco instó al Consejo de Seguridad de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas a condenar las acciones agresivas de Israel.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-22). Nicaragua denuncia a EE.UU. como el peor criminal de guerra. telesurtv.net El Gobierno sandinista exigió respeto a la soberanía de los países y los modelos políticos, sociales y económicos libremente escogidos.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-22). Putin responde a envío de munición con uranio a Ucrania. telesurtv.net La viceministra de Defensa británica, Annabel Goldie, anunció que suministrarán a Ucrania munición incluyendo proyectiles perforantes con uranio empobrecido.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-22). Gobierno de Bolivia rechaza informe de EE.UU. sobre derechos humanos. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores afirmó que no reconoce este tipo de documentos emitidos de forma unilateral.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-22). Registran sismo de magnitud 5,6 en Chile. telesurtv.net Asimismo, se evalúan posibles daños a personas e infraestructuras y a los servicios básicos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-22). Terremoto de magnitud 6,5 deja tres muertos en Afganistán. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento se contabilizan dos adultos y una menor de edad entre los muertos en Afganistán.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-03-22). Cuba denuncia hostilidad contra equipo de béisbol en EE.UU. telesurtv.net En el encuentro "se produjeron lamentables y peligrosos incidentes en contra del equipo cubano", señaló la cancillería.

The Associated Press (2023-03-22). Bullfighting Ban Faces Critical Legislative Vote in Colombia. latinorebels.com After Colombia's Senate approved a nationwide ban in December, the House of Representatives, which narrowly voted down an earlier ban in November, could take up the latest legislation in the coming weeks when it returns from its three-month recess.

The Lever (2023-03-22). üéß LEVER TIME PREMIUM: Fire Fed Chair Powell? levernews.com On this week's episode of Lever Time Premium, our extended weekly podcast for supporting subscribers, Read the full story: | Sign up now to read the full story and get access to all paid posts. | Already have an account? |

The Lever (2023-03-22). üéß LEVER TIME: She Was Blocked for Being Right on Banks. levernews.com

thecommunists (2023-03-22). Caracas declaration: Latin America's vital role in the world anti-imperialist struggle. thecommunists.org The following declaration was endorsed by the participants at the World Anti-imperialist Platform international conference in Caracas, Venezuela, on Saturday 4 March 2023. ***** From the city of Caracas, birthplace of the great liberator Simón Bolívar, the father of Latin-American unity and forerunner of the modern anti-imperialist movement in Nuestra America, we are gathered today …

Uriel Araujo (2023-03-22). US-Turkey Divergences May Hinder Erdogan's Reelection. globalresearch.ca

William J. Astore, Tom Dispatch. (2023-03-22). A Highway To Peace Or A Highway To Hell? popularresistance.org In April 1953, newly elected President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a retired five-star Army general who had led the landings on D-Day in France in June 1944, gave his most powerful speech. It would become known as his "Cross of Iron" address. In it, Ike warned of the cost humanity would pay if Cold War competition led to a world dominated by wars and weaponry that couldn't be reined in. In the immediate aftermath of the death of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, Ike extended an olive branch to the new leaders of that empire. He sought, he said, to put America and the world on a "highway to peace." It was, of course, never…

William J. Astore (2023-03-22). A Highway to Peace or a Highway to Hell? The Vast Power of the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex. juancole.com ( Tomdispatch.com) — In April 1953, newly elected President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a retired five-star Army general who had led the landings on D-Day in France in June 1944, gave his most powerful speech. It would become known as his "Cross of Iron" address. In it, Ike warned of the cost humanity would pay if Cold …

WSWS (2023-03-22). The Turkish-Syrian earthquake and the impending danger to Istanbul. wsws.org The devastation caused by the Kahramanmaraş earthquake shows the horrific loss of life an earthquake could cause in the Marmara region around Istanbul.

WSWS (2023-03-22). The March 18 anti-war rally and the dead end of "pressuring" the Democratic Party. wsws.org Behind the demagogy and bluster, the perspective advanced by the speakers was a thoroughly bankrupt one: placing pressure on the Democratic Party, which is spearheading the war.

WSWS (2023-03-22). US treasury secretary Yellen pledges more money for the ultra-wealthy if needed. wsws.org Such is the fragility of the financial system that the operations of the "free market," through which failed investments are purged, cannot continue to function because any problem threatens to set off a collapse requiring the intervention of the state and its agencies using their capacity to create more money.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Video shows Virginia police murder of man during hospital admission. wsws.org Irvo Otieno was killed while being admitted to a hospital when police and hospital staff restrained him on the floor for 12 minutes.

WSWS (2023-03-22). 65,000 school workers begin three-day strike in Los Angeles. wsws.org Workers in the America's second-largest district, which serves 420,000 students are demanding improvements on short staffing, high workloads and class sizes and poverty wages, made worse by skyrocketing inflation.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Arbitrator orders Metropolitan Opera to pay soprano Anna Netrebko $200,000 after breaking contract. wsws.org The ruling exposes general manager Peter Gelb's complicity in propaganda for the proxy war against Russia.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Big Three autoworkers respond to the firings of Dana workers. wsws.org The intimidation and victimizations of workers at Dana corporation have enraged and encouraged autoworkers at the Detroit Three automakers to respond with support and stories of their own victimizations.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Stellantis fires veteran workers: "The same thing is happening to us as at Dana" wsws.org The intimidation and victimizations of workers at Dana corporation have enraged and encouraged autoworkers at the Detroit Three automakers to respond with support and stories of their own victimizations.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Boris Johnson appears before UK parliamentary committee over COVID "Partygate" scandal. wsws.org The issue is not whether the serial liar Johnson misled the house, inadvertently or otherwise. Johnson, the entire government and the main opposition parties lied to the British working class as they took decisions that resulted in the deaths of more than 208,000 people from COVID.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Why health workers should support the SEP (Australia) in the NSW state election. wsws.org The Socialist Equality Party is the only party in the NSW election offering workers an alternative to the ongoing slashing of wages and cuts to health, education and other social services.

WSWS (2023-03-22). UAW Monitor denies Will Lehman protest, disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of rank-and-file members. wsws.org The Monitor's denial of Lehman's protest exemplifies the fraudulent character of the election and reveals the total contempt with which the UAW, the federal courts, and the Monitor view the democratic rights of the working class.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Georgia's PM warns of World War III, as political tensions grip country. wsws.org Georgia, a tiny nation with a population of just 3.7 million located in the south Caucasus, has long been the object of imperialist meddling, with the US and the EU today seeing it as critical to destabilizing Russia.

WSWS (2023-03-22). UK postal workers expose grinding exploitation by Royal Mail, overseen by Communication Workers Union. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site is publishing correspondence from UK postal workers, angry over the endless drive to ratchet up exploitation by Royal Mail.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Alberta's far-right premier leads charge to criminalize pandemic public health measures. wsws.org Since becoming Alberta's premier last fall, Danielle Smith has criminalized basic public health measures, and solidarized herself with anti-vaxxers, "Freedom" Convoy activists and other far-right elements who openly flouted anti-COVID measures.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Dana worker says he became homeless after being fired on pretense. wsws.org Montel Mickles says he took an emergency vacation day to visit his sick mother in the hospital. He was fired from Dana, got evicted, and is now fighting for his job back.

WSWS (2023-03-22). How to fight back at Royal Mail—A meeting for rank-and-file workers. wsws.org The Socialist Equality Party (UK) and the World Socialist Web Site will be hosting an online meeting of rank-and-file postal workers next Monday, March 27, at 7pm to discuss taking forward the fight against attacks on living standards and working conditions, and the victimisation of their colleagues.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Arrests, convictions and jail terms mount for January 6 attackers—but not for organizers and coup plotters. wsws.org The total number of successful prosecutions could well reach two thousand, but no charges have yet been brought against Trump or his top aides and accomplices in the coup attempt.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Pay offer at Deutsche Post: Make a "no" vote the start of a rebellion against the Verdi union leadership! wsws.org Postal workers have already voted by 86 percent in favour of strike action, and this must now be enforced. But for this to happen it is necessary to break the role of the Verdi leadership as strikebreakers.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Oppose president's suppression of local election! Mobilise working class to defend democratic and social rights! wsws.org The SEP and the IYSSE advance a revolutionary socialist and internationalist program to defeat the threat of dictatorship, and defend social and democratic rights.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Top US official visits New Zealand to strengthen ties against China. wsws.org Washington and Canberra are clearly concerned that New Zealand, a key part of the US-led Five Eyes intelligence network, is not sufficiently aligned with the far-advanced preparations for war against China.

WSWS (2023-03-22). French students denounce complicity of union bureaucracies, National Assembly in Macron's cuts. wsws.org The WSWS spoke with students protesting Macron's anti-democratic passage of the pension reform at the Tolbiac university campus in central Paris.

A Guest Author (2023-03-22). Health emergency! Free Alex Saab now! workers.org The #FreeAlexSaab Movement issued the following statement on March 17. On March 17, 2023, Camilla Saab, spouse of Alex Saab, reports on the dire health emergency facing the Venezuelan diplomat imprisoned in the U.S. Photo: #FreeAlexSaab On Friday, March 17, 2023, Camilla Saab made an urgent call to the world . . . |

Chaitanya Davé (2023-03-22). Massive Propaganda Machine Brainwashing Americans. globalresearch.ca

Chris Hedges (2023-03-22). The Lord of Chaos. "The Politicians Who Lied to Us Extinguished Millions of Lives". Chris Hedges. globalresearch.ca

Colleen Moore (2023-03-22). The US Must Trade Muscles for Diplomacy to End the North Korean Nuclear Crisis. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Emanuel Garcia (2023-03-22). Transition from Year 1 B.C. (Before Corona). Secrecy and the New Zealand Government in the "Year of Our Democide" globalresearch.ca

Dr. Javad Masoumi (2023-03-22). "The Iran-Saudi deal is a fatal blow to the Arab-Israeli pact against Iran." globalresearch.ca

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-03-22). NATO's Use of Depleted Uranium Weapons in Serbia in 1999: The War that Won't End. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-03-22). When Will We Profess the Unity of the Human Race? globalresearch.ca

Free Alex Saab (2023-03-22). Urgent: Imprisoned Diplomat Alex Saab's Life Is in Danger. globalresearch.ca

Jack Montgomery (2023-03-22). Populist Win: New Anti-Globalist Farmers Win Even More Dutch Senators Than Expected, Are Largest Party. globalresearch.ca

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-22). Georgia: German FM to rally coup forces, push NATO integration, armed conflict with Russia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Rustavi 2March 22, 2023 German Foreign Minister to visit Georgia German Foreign Minister will visit Georgia on March 23-24. According to the German Embassy in Georgia, meetings of Annalena Baerbock with the President, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia are scheduled as part of the visit. She will meet with students, as …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-22). National Endowment for Democracy oversees Georgia's strategic partnership with U.S., Euro-Atlantic integration. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Agenda.geMarch 22, 2023 Georgian PM, National Endowment for Democracy Chair review cooperation, Georgia-US ties Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili on Wednesday reviewed his Government's cooperation with the United States-based National Endowment for Democracy foundation and Georgia's "strategic partnership" with the US in a meeting with NED Chair Kenneth Wollack. The Georgian Government Administration said the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-22). Sweden ends two centuries of non-alignment by voting to join NATO. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The LocalMarch 22, 2023 Sweden's parliament votes by huge majority in favour of Nato accession Edited and graphics provided by RR Sweden's parliament has voted to ratify the country's accession to the Nato defence alliance, with its historic bill to end two centuries of non-alignment passing with a margin of 269 to 37. During the …

Suadad al-Salhy (2023-03-22). Ten Days that Changed Iraq — and Me — Forever. globalresearch.ca

Tamara Ugolini (2023-03-22). Ontario Nurse Faces Disciplinary Hearings for the Crime of Advocating for Patient Well-being. globalresearch.ca

The Good Citizen (2023-03-22). The Empire of Lies: ChatGPT's "Artificial Intelligence" Knows U.S. War Criminals. globalresearch.ca

Walt Zlotow (2023-03-22). For Second Time, US Seeks to Sabotage a Russo-Ukraine Negotiated Peace. globalresearch.ca

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2023-03-22: News Headlines

infobrics (2023-03-22). Sino-Russian technological and military cooperation exponentially strengthens both superpowers' capabilities. infobrics.org China and Russia will further expand their cooperation in areas such as information technologies and advanced AI, involving approximately 80 new projects assessed at over $165 billion. This includes aircraft and machine tools manufacturing, space research and strengthening of military cooperation, including further unification of Moscow's and Beijing's know-how.

infobrics (2023-03-22). Turkish-American divergences may hinder Erdogan's reelection. infobrics.org Washington could start a campaign against the incumbent president and clandestinely support opposition and even Kurdish groups.

infobrics (2023-03-22). BRICS Now the Voice for South-South Co-operation. infobrics.org South Africa will be hosting the 15th BRICS Summit in August this year. This will be the second time the summit will be hosted on South African shores since 2018…

infobrics (2023-03-22). BRICS Member States Currently Work on Criteria for Admission of New Members — Senator. infobrics.org This indicates the seriousness of the organization: not to admit everyone at once under unclear principles, Russian Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko said…

infobrics (2023-03-22). 'Information Shortage Affects Business Opportunities Between Russia and India'. infobrics.org Russian Consul General to South India, Oleg Avdeev, was speaking at the Economic and Investment potential of Altain Region event…

infobrics (2023-03-22). Top US lawmaker exposes weaknesses in American defense industry. infobrics.org America's military-industrial complex is unable to produce weapons fast enough to protect allies.

infobrics (2023-03-22). South Africa reaffirms its support for Russia and multipolar world order. infobrics.org Putin says that Russia is "resisting neo-colonial ideology" like Africa.

Ramzy Baroud (2023-03-22). Israel's Humiliating Expulsion from AU Summit Exposes Its Failed Diplomacy in Africa. mintpressnews.com

Staff (2023-03-22). [LIVE PANEL] Targeted by Surveillance: Julian Assange, WikiLeaks & Networked Repression. shadowproof.com Stella Assange and Kevin Gosztola join Stefania Maurizi for a live panel discussion of the surveillance, monitoring, and control that has oppressed Julian Assange and WikiLeaks for more than 10 years.

_____ (2023-03-22). Canada and Anti-China Propaganda. journal-neo.org Since 2018, Canada, in complete synchronisation with the United States of America, and under its aegis, has accelerated its anti-China propaganda and hostile actions. This is not so surprising, since the Canadian attitude towards China has changed over the decades depending on the requirements of the global hegemon of the time. Before the Second World […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-22). Turkey proposes a parallel project, "TANAP-2″… journal-neo.org With the breakthrough of energy links in the South Caucasus from 1994 to 2006, Turkey gained new favorable opportunities for oil and gas extraction and export to the world market (especially to EU countries). Azerbaijan was the first post-Soviet country to gain access to the western shores of the Caspian Sea. Over the past two […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-22). US Supertankers Pose an Environmental Threat to Europe. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-22). What Kind of Hackers will the USA Use in the Turkish Elections? journal-neo.org

Allen Forrest (2023-03-22). Smartening up about 15-Minute Cities. dissidentvoice.org

Anonymous Contributor (2023-03-22). April 28th — 30th: 2nd Biannual Call for Weekend of Distroing. itsgoingdown.org Call to participate in the face to face dissemination of anarchist ideas and mutual aid materials in public settings. This is a call for anyone and everyone to participate in the 2nd Biannual Weekend of Distroing Shit, taking place anywhere and everywhere you can get away with setting up a table, a blanket, a bench,…

Anonymous Contributor (2023-03-22). Corvallis Against Fascism: Five Years of Nazi Tears. itsgoingdown.org Five year analysis and reflection on antifascist organizing and community self-defense by Corvallis Antifa. Download PDF HERE This October, Corvallis Antifa will turn five years old. While this pales in comparison to the decades-long tenures of some other Torch Network groups like CenTex-ARA and Rose City Antifa, we recognize that we have outlasted a lot…

Art Persyko (2023-03-22). Tuesday 3/21: Pollution in Bayview-Hunters Point, its impact on residents, & what we can do about it. indybay.org Zoom: us02web.zoom.us/j/86465752525?pwd=Tzh1YVh5SE9mdWkzdjI2clZrVEczdz09; Meeting ID: 864 6575 2525; Passcode: 465295; by phone: 1 669 900 9128…

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-22). Imperial Visits: US Emissaries in the Pacific. dissidentvoice.org For some time, Washington has been losing its spunk in the Pacific. When it comes to the Pacific Islands, a number have not fallen — at least entirely — for the rhetoric that Beijing is there to take, consume, and dominate all. Nor have such countries been entirely blind to their own sharpened interests. This …

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-22). The War Drive Against China. dissidentvoice.org When will this hate-filled nonsense stop? Surveillance balloons treated like evocations of Satan and his card-carrying followers; other innumerable unidentified phenomena that, nonetheless, remain attributable in origin, despite their designation; and then the issue of spying cranes. In the meantime, there has been much finger pointing on the culprit of COVID-19 and the global pandemic. …

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-22). No Place for Whales: The U.S. Military's Legacy in Indian Country: Reckless Toxic Dumping. indybay.org From the mustard gas pit on Walker River Paiute lands, to the napalm burn site on Fallon Paiute Shoshone lands, to the undetonated bombs in the Lakota Badlands, to the experimental explosives at Fort Wingate in New Mexico and secret radioactive waste dump near the Tohono O'odham Nation capital of Sells, Arizona, to the widespread illegal hazardous waste dumping, and leaking of toxic waste, in many of the Alaskan and Hawaiian islands — there is enough documented cancer-causing waste to fill an encyclopedia.

Brett Wilkins (2023-03-22). 20 years on — Iraq war costs still rising. greenleft.org.au March 19—20 marked 20 years since United States forces invaded Iraq. A new report documents the ongoing human, social, economic and environmental toll, reports Brett Wilkins.

Caitlin A. Johnstone (2023-03-22). John Bolton's prominence in the media proves our entire society is diseased. mronline.org In order to narrative-manage the public conversation about the Iraq War on the 20th anniversary of the invasion, those who helped unleash that horror upon our world have briefly paused their relentless torrent of "Ukraine proves the hawks were always right" takes to churn out a deluge of "Actually the Iraq War wasn't based on lies and turned out pretty great after all" takes.

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-22). Lawsuit Launched Over U.S. Delay on Petition to Phase Out Oil Drilling on Public Lands. indybay.org WASHINGTON, March 16, 2023 — Conservation groups today filed a notice of their intent to sue the U.S. Interior Department for failing to respond to a petition to phase out oil and gas extraction on public lands.

Chuck Tripp (2023-03-22). A Message From Utah USA to China With Love. indybay.org March 10, 2023 is the 64th anniversary of the Dalai Lama's flight from Tibet to Nepal to escape imprisonment by Mao Tse Tung's Communist Chinese regime.

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-22). Saturday 3/25: Who Cares Anyway Book Launch. indybay.org ATA Gallery is located on the corner of Valencia and 21st streets in San Francisco's Mission district … 992 Valencia St.

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-22). Saturday 4/1: Alternative Transportation: Freight-Hopping + Biking (+ Green Burials). indybay.org ATA Gallery is located on the corner of Valencia and 21st streets in San Francisco's Mission district … 992 Valencia St.

Demanding an End to War (2023-03-22). Anti War Protest in SF: US Out of Everywhere. indybay.org March 20th marked 20 years since the US criminal invasion of Iraq. It was the perfect time to rally and march in San Francisco.

East Meadow Action Committee (2023-03-22). East Meadow Update 3/17/23. indybay.org On March 15 and 16, 2023 the UC Regents took up UCSC's latest proposal for Student Housing West. With almost no deliberation they approved the proposal unanimously.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Hozon starts NEV startups' biggest overseas shipment. ecns.cn A total of 3,600 electric Neta Vs left the Nansha port in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, on Tuesday for Southeast Asian countries including Thailand, marking the biggest overseas shipment of vehicles among China's NEV startups.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). CATL confirms mass production of cutting-edge batteries. ecns.cn Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd, the world's largest electric vehicle battery maker, confirmed to China Daily that the company has achieved mass production of its cutting-edge Qilin batteries.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Large-scale alkene project underway in Inner Mongolia. ecns.cn Construction has begun on the world's first large-scale project to produce alkene, or olefin, using green hydrogen in Ordos, Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Ningxia Baofeng Energy Group announced on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Hong Kong-Changsha high-speed railway to open on April 1. ecns.cn Passengers can get to Hong Kong from Changsha, central China's Hunan Province, through high-speed railway starting from next month as the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed railway is to operate from April 1.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Envoys from 26 countries and regions visit Chongqing, praise its development. ecns.cn Diplomatic envoys from 26 European, Asian, and African countries and regions visited Chongqing during March 20 through 22, focusing on the construction of the economic circle in Chengdu-Chongqing region and the new western land-sea corridor and cooperation with Chongqing in various fields.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Xi, Putin vow to deepen strategic partnership in fruitful talks. ecns.cn Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, on Tuesday agreed to strengthen bilateral ties based on principles of good-neighborliness, friendship and win-win cooperation, as well as to deepen the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). 6.5-magnitude earthquake jolts parts of Afghanistan, Pakistan. ecns.cn An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.5 on Richter scale has jolted parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan, causing panic.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Taiwan leader's U.S. 'transit' firmly opposed by China. ecns.cn China has made serious demarches to the United States over Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen's planned "transit" through the U.S., Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on Tuesday, urging the U.S. to cut official exchanges with the region.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). HK seeks integration with national goals. ecns.cn Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu on Tuesday called on strengthened efforts with Guangdong province to promote high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and to make greater contributions to the nation's development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Bridge traffic up after it opens to tourists. ecns.cn The flow of cars across the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge — a mega project in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area — has continued to increase since the resumption of exchanges between the mainland and the two special administrative regions.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). China releases latest preferential tax policies for chip companies. ecns.cn China has released its latest preferential tax policies for chip companies in 2023, as part of its broader push to encourage the development of the homegrown chip industry.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Ambassadors thumb up fantastic Chinese sceneries at 2023 Discovering China. ecns.cn The launching ceremony of 2023 Discovering China was held in Beijing on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). So-called country reports released by U.S. reflect its double standards: Chinese FM. ecns.cn The China-related content of the 2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices is fraught with political lies and ideological prejudice, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Xi, Putin sign joint statement on pre-2030 development plan on priorities in China-Russia economic cooperation. ecns.cn Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin jointly signed and released Tuesday a Joint Statement of the President of the People's Republic of China and the President of the Russian Federation on Pre-2030 Development Plan on Priorities in China-Russia Economic Cooperation at the Kremlin.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). HK seeks integration with national goals. ecns.cn Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu on Tuesday called on strengthened efforts with Guangdong province to promote high-quality development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and to make greater contributions to the nation's development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Bridge traffic up after it opens to tourists. ecns.cn The flow of cars across the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge — a mega project in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area — has continued to increase since the resumption of exchanges between the mainland and the two special administrative regions.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). China releases latest preferential tax policies for chip companies. ecns.cn China has released its latest preferential tax policies for chip companies in 2023, as part of its broader push to encourage the development of the homegrown chip industry.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Ambassadors thumb up fantastic Chinese sceneries at 2023 Discovering China. ecns.cn The launching ceremony of 2023 Discovering China was held in Beijing on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). So-called country reports released by U.S. reflect its double standards: Chinese FM. ecns.cn The China-related content of the 2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices is fraught with political lies and ideological prejudice, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Xi, Putin sign joint statement on pre-2030 development plan on priorities in China-Russia economic cooperation. ecns.cn Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin jointly signed and released Tuesday a Joint Statement of the President of the People's Republic of China and the President of the Russian Federation on Pre-2030 Development Plan on Priorities in China-Russia Economic Cooperation at the Kremlin.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Xi, Putin stress talks as solution to Ukraine crisis. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a joint statement on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin jointly meet the press. ecns.cn On 21 March local time, President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin jointly met the press after their talks at the Kremlin in Moscow.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). 9 killed, 47 injured in earthquake in Pakistan. ecns.cn At least nine people were killed and 47 others injured in northwest Pakistan in the 6.5-magnitude earthquake which jolted the country on Tuesday evening, an official statement said on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Students returned after illegally entering Myanmar. ecns.cn A number of vocational school students from Anhui province who were tempted into entering Myanmar illegally to work have been returned to China.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Qarhan Salt Lake in Qinghai. ecns.cn Covering an area of 5,856 square kilometers, Qarhan is the largest salt lake in China and boasts abundant deposits of mineral resources.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Five new archaeological discoveries of 2022 in Henan released. ecns.cn Henan unveiled five new archaeological discoveries of 2022 on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Boao Forum for Asia 2023 to be held from March 28 to 31. ecns.cn Drone photo taken on March 21, 2023 shows the aerial view of the Boao Forum for Asia International Conference Center in Boao, south China's Hainan Province.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). S2 train runs through blooming flowers in Beijing. ecns.cn A suburban train runs through blooming flowers interspersed along the S2 line near Juyongguan Pass of the Great Wall in Beijing, March 21, 2023.

Editor (2023-03-22). Multiculturalism is over in Canada — it's back to Sinophobia. mronline.org How a rogue spy and two reporters are breaking the fragile system for integrating immigrants.

Fight Back (2023-03-22). Chicago mayoral election: Progressive Brandon Johnson against reactionary Paul Vallas. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – Brandon Johnson's campaign for mayor of Chicago held an event at Saint James Community Church on Chicago's South Side on Thursday, March 16. The event was organized by United Working Families, a movement group behind Johnson. | The purpose of the event was the launch of the offensive to win big on the South Side, the part of the city with the largest Black population. | Johnson was not well known across the city before he announced for mayor. The South and West Sides of the city were mainly won by outgoing Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Two weeks after the February 28 general election, in which Lightfoot cam…

Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry (2023-03-22). Food Not Bombs Will Not Be Silenced. indybay.org A global war is boiling in the back kitchen with the noisy rattling of a brass kettle on a gas stove left unattended. Millions of us stand at the register discovering our food stamps have diminished leaving our families with half full bellies as the banks of the exploiters slide into insolvency promising to take us all down with them.

Global Research News (2023-03-22). Selected Articles: Breaking: "Second Russia Offensive" (SRO): Vladimir Sharpens the Cleaver; Volodymyr Fattens the Calf. globalresearch.ca By NATO prophesied a Second Russian Offensive (SRO) on the muddy heals of rasputitsa [Spring]. Then when queried, on February …

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-22). Changing temperatures increase pesticide risk to bees. imperial.ac.uk Temperature influences how badly pesticides affect bees' behaviour, suggesting uncertain impacts under climate change, according to a new study.

John Rachel (2023-03-22). What Red State vs. Blue State Looks Like to an Ant. dissidentvoice.org Just watching the two major parties ruthlessly claw at and attempt to malign and delegitimize each other, then seeing people now excitedly lining up on one side or the other like opposing Ninja turtle teams is both amusing and frightening. We can count on the talking heads and modern media to regurgitate a story line …

John W. Whitehead, Nisha Whitehead (2023-03-22). Circus Politics Are Intended to Distract Us. dissidentvoice.org There is nothing more dangerous than a government of the many controlled by the few. — Lawrence Lessig, Harvard law professor It is easy to be distracted right now by the bread and circus politics that have dominated the news headlines lately, but don't be distracted. Don't be fooled, not even a little. We're being …

Juan Cole (2023-03-22). No, Mr. Smotrich, Palestinians are not New in History, and all Nationalisms are Modern, including the Israeli. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Bezalel Smotrich in a speech in Paris over the weekend maintained that there are no Palestinians and that the whole notion of Palestine is no older than a century. This cliocide, a form of genocide involving wiping out the history of a people, has been a common narrative among Zionists …

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-22). 12th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference returns to Atlanta, Georgia. indybay.org Everyone is welcome to join us in Atlanta, Georgia August 10-14, 2023 in Downtown Atlanta Olympic Village, Morris Brown College and key Agriculture locations.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-22). Friday 3/24: Kickoff Celebration for the 11th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference. indybay.org The Grand Buffet | 1215 J Street | Sacramento, CA. 95814…

KQED Live (2023-03-22). Tuesday 4/4: Tasty Foods for a Thriving Planet. indybay.org KQED Headquarters | 2601 Mariposa Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

Labor Video Project (2023-03-22). Solidarity With East Palestine/Hunters Point & Nationalize The Railroads: Action in SF. indybay.org A rally was held at the San Francisco Federal Building on March 13, 2023 to connect the toxic rail wreck disaster in East Palestine with the Hunters Point-Treasure Island toxic clean-up scandal. Over $1 billion was spent by the US government to pay for a clean-up of the radioactive dump site and Tetra Tech managers were charged and convicted with fraud in the clean-up. The company also retaliated against health and safety whistleblowers with terminations. It is presently being sued by the DOJ and the fired whistleblowers in San Francisco. The same company has been hired by Norfolk Southern railroad company to tes…

Labor Video Project (2023-03-22). SF Anti-War Protest: Stop The War In Ukraine & WinThe War At Home! indybay.org As part of a national day of protest against the war in Ukraine an anti-war rally was held in San Francisco on March 18, 2023. Speakers talked about the war abroad and the war at home.

Labor Video Project (2023-03-22). The Pajaro Levee Break, Immigrants, Labor & Climate Crisis With PVFT1936's Pamela Sexton. indybay.org PVFT Local 1936 Delegate Pamela Beth Sexton adult education teacher talks about the effect of the broken levee on the immigrant farmworker community, systemic racism and the role these farmworkers play in our economy.

manager (2023-03-22). Las Violaciones Eticas de Almagro en la OEA son la "punta de un iceberg grande y mortal" cepr.net Washington, DC — Un nuevo reportaje del Associated Press, que proporciona evidencia adicional de las violaciones éticas cometidas por el Secretario General de la OEA, Luis Almagro, es solo la "punta de un iceberg grande y mortal," dijo Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director del Centro de Investigación en Economía y Política. "Lamentablemente esta no es la única, …

Martin Edwin Andersen (2023-03-22). Cathy A. Harris, LGBTQIA2S+ people & the U.S. Merit(less) Systems Protection Board (MSPB). indybay.org As a private attorney in a Washington, D.C. law firm Cathy A. Harris served as the chair of the firm's Sexual Harassment and LGBT Practice sections. As Acting Chair of the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, she refuses to honestly address anti-LGBTQIA2S+ hate at the National Defense University (NDU) and the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA). You be the judge.

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-03-22). The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's half-year strike. therealnews.com In October of last year, over 100 workers represented by five labor unions—including production, distribution, advertising, and accounts receivable staff—walked off the job on an unfair labor practice strike at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. The strike began after the newspaper's management, Block Communications, which is owned by the Block family, cut off health insurance for employees on Oct. 1. As

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-03-22). Wendy Brown: Neoliberalism's anti-democratic stealth revolution. therealnews.com

Middle East Monitor (2023-03-22). For the first time in US History, Sympathy for Palestinians has overtaken Sympathy for Israelis among Democrats. juancole.com US sympathy for Palestinians at unprecedented level as Israel's image is hit ( Middle East Monitor ) — For the first time in US history, sympathy for Palestinians has overtaken sympathy for Israelis among Democrats, according to the latest Gallup poll. Nearly half of Democrats — 49 per cent — have greater sympathy for Palestinians …

Mike Walter (2023-03-22). The Heat: China-Russia Relations. america.cgtn.com President Xi Jinping describes China's relationship with Russia as vigorous, healthy and stable with potential for even deeper cooperation. The Chinese head of state is in Moscow for a three-day state visit that included in-depth talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Tuesday. They …

Mothers on the March (2023-03-22). Friday 3/24: POA: Shut It Down! indybay.org On the sidewalk in front of the San Francisco Police Officers Association: 800 Bryant @ 6th Street in San Francisco…

Natalia Marques (2023-03-22). Thousands demonstrate in front of White House to demand an end to the US war machine. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in On March 18, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, over 2,500 people representing over 200 organizations gathered in front of the White House to protest the latest war drive: the escalation and prolongation of the war in Ukraine. | The Iraq invasion and the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is multiple myeloma? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon form of blood cancer that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, according the American Cancer Society. March is Myeloma Awareness Month. People younger than 45 rarely get the disease, and it occurs more in older men than women. And your risk is doubled if you're African American. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/pShHvj3Y3Nw Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 06) is in the downloads at the end of this post….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is the best sleeping position? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most people spend a third of their lives either asleep or resting, according to the Sleep Foundation. During sleep, the body recharges and repairs itself. And a good night's sleep often can be determined by what position you are lying in bed. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/F_x-SDYUvZk Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 11) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Back-sleepers beware. "I know…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Consumer Health: Are you at risk for MS? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MS Awareness Week will be observed March 12—19, which makes this a good time to learn about who might be at risk of developing this potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis, or MS, affects nearly 1 million people living in the U.S., according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. With MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers, and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Consumer Health: Nutritional needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org March is National Nutrition Month, which makes this a good time to learn about your nutritional needs during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. During pregnancy, the basic principles of healthy eating remain the same — get plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. However, a few nutrients in a pregnancy diet deserve special attention. The nutrients to pay special attention to while you're pregnant include: CalciumYou and your baby need calcium for strong…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Science Saturday: Expanding regenerative biotherapeutics to new practice areas. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As a physician at the forefront of new cancer therapies, Yi Lin, M.D., Ph.D., understands the highs and lows that patients experience. Will the latest technologies slow or stop disease? If not, is this the last, best option? Dr. Lin, a hematologist, sees the need for a new class of drugs that provides different treatment choices for patients with complex conditions, such as cancer. As the new associate medical director for Mayo Clinic's Center for Regenerative Biotherapeutics, …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How can hospice care provide comfort to those with terminal illnesses? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a loved one who was referred for hospice care. I'm not sure what this means. Can you share more about what hospice care is and how it may help my family member? ANSWER: Hospice care might be an option for people who are nearing the end of life due to a terminal illness and have exhausted all other treatment options. Unlike other medical care, the focus of hospice care is not to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Mayo Clinic Minute: What's the right colorectal cancer screening option for you? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Colorectal cancer is a cancer of the lower digestive system, which includes the colon and the rectum. If you feel like you are hearing a lot about this topic lately, it's because March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. The goal is to increase awareness and encourage people 45 and over to get screened. And that doesn't just mean a colonoscopy. Did you know that there's more than one option for a colorectal cancer screening? That's…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Science Saturday: New standards and open access can help natural language processing. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Clinical notes in medical records are rich sources of data about human health. But tapping them for medical research can be challenging because these data come from various sources — and they all look different. "There's no standardization in how data is organized and classified across medical records systems," says Sunyang Fu, Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic biomedical informatics researcher. Even the language people use to talk about health can insert discrepancies in how data are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How a heart condition affects the kidneys and causes swelling. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently began experiencing swelling in my legs, feet and hands, as well as fatigue. Testing led to a diagnosis of pericardial constriction. Can you explain what this is and how it's treated? Is there anything I can do to reduce the swelling? ANSWER: Pericardial constriction is a condition with multiple possible causes. It can be due to underlying medical conditions and may even result from certain medical treatments. Swelling, or edema, is one…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Is it allergies or a sinus infection? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have had allergies since childhood, suffering during both the spring and fall seasons. This past month, however, I am experiencing more congestion and mucus, and I even have some facial pain. I'm beginning to wonder if my symptoms are really from allergies or if they may be caused by a sinus infection instead. How can I tell the difference? ANSWER: Allergies and sinus infections often are mistaken for one another. But they are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). 'Deaths of Despair' contribute to 17% rise in Minnesota's death rate during COVID-19 pandemic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — According to a new study published by Mayo Clinic researchers, the COVID-19 pandemic was linked to a 17% increase in the death rate in Minnesota during the first year of the pandemic compared to the two previous years. Deaths were driven by both COVID-19 and other causes linked with preventable "deaths of despair," such as overdose, alcohol use and malnutrition. The study analyzed Minnesota death certificate data available through the Rochester Epidemiology…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Mayo Clinic monitoring rising avian influenza cases, preparing for potential human-to-human outbreak. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The recent death of an 11-year-old girl in Cambodia's Prey Veng province infected with avian influenza has reinvigorated concern over the virus potentially gaining the ability to spread among humans. And while experts maintain the risk of that happening "remains low" at this time, the World Health Organization has said that increasing reports of avian influenza infection in humans are "worrying." Matthew Binnicker, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic's director of Clinical Virology, agrees. "The primary concern is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Pelvic floor issues aren't just a woman's health condition, Kegels can work for men, too. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org LA CROSSE, Wis. — Women often are told about the importance of Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. It turns out that men should think about doing the exercises as well. Statistics show that 32% of women will have at least one pelvic floor disorder (PFD) at one time in their life. However, a recent study suggests that although much attention is directed toward women pelvic floor disorders, 16% of men have also been identified…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Pain in the back: Preventing and treating spinal arthritis. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org EAU CLAIRE, Wis. — Many types of arthritis can affect your musculoskeletal system. Joints are physical points of connection between two bones, and cartilage is the tissue that covers the surface of the bone at the joint. A membrane, called the synovial membrane, lines the joint and is filled with fluid known as synovial fluid. All these components work together to make movement easy. "Over time, the cartilage in joints can break down and cause…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you using a salt substitute? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Salt substitutes can be an effective way to help lower your blood pressure and fight heart disease. But experts warn that overuse of certain salt substitutes or alternatives can be dangerous for some people. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains why you should use caution with using a salt substitute. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/h_cy5G5EBPs Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting a massage from a robot may seem like something out of a science fiction story, but it could be a reality in the not-too-distant future. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is looking into the possibility of robotic massage as an answer for patients' pain relief and alleviating some staffing burdens. Watch: Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic youtu.be/GXEXUCCCGzI Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 17) is in the downloads at the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Mayo Clinic in Rochester top ranked on 'America's Best Fertility Clinics' in Newsweek rankings. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic in Rochester was ranked No. 9 in the nation by Newsweek in its list of "America's Best Fertility Clinics," released in February. This ranking is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the Reproductive endocrinology and infertility team at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. "Our clinic is in the top 10 among the 100 top fertility clinics," says Samir Babayev, M.D., Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, IVF Clinical Director. "This is a recognition of the excellence…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Mayo Clinic opens patient information office in Indonesia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org JAKARTA, Indonesia — Mayo Clinic has opened a patient information office in Jakarta to assist patients, their families, referring physicians and insurance brokers in Indonesia. The office is Mayo Clinic's first in Southeast Asia. The office staff, fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, will help patients, their families and physicians who refer patients to make appointments at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London. "We…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). How does red tide impact beachgoers? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Florida beach along Gulf Coat, 2023 Many people are flocking to the Gulf Coast for spring break. However, toxic red tide algal blooms have put beachgoers and residents on alert. In the Gulf of Mexico, red tide is caused by a microscopic organism called Karenia brevis. The organism was detected in 172 samples along Florida's Gulf Coast earlier this week, according to Florida officials. Dead fish and other marine life are washed ashore on beaches because of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Match Day at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Fourth-year students at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota learned where they will continue their residency training on March 17. Also, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education learned who would be its incoming Mayo residents through the National Resident Matching Program. The medical students opened their envelopes at 11 a.m. CDT discovering their future specialties and residency training locations. Match Day, held on the third Friday in March, is when medical school students and…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-22). NATO Bombed Libya to 'Protect Civilians' 12 Years Ago. This Led to Thousands of Deaths and a Country in Ruins. orinocotribune.com By Moussa Ibrahim — Mar 18, 2023 | The Western war machine only served its own interests in destroying a nation that could liberate Africa | On the 19th of March 2011, the NATO bloc began a violent 8-month long military onslaught of Libya, a sovereign African-Union founding member state, which had enjoyed four decades of stability, prosperity and one of the highest Human Development Index (HDI) scores in all of Africa. | NATO's justification for the aggressive and bloody attack was the now-infamous "protection of civilians" doctrine, formalized under UN Security Council Decree No. 1973. The French Air Force,…

Peter Boyle (2023-03-22). The political cost of Labor's small target strategy. greenleft.org.au Labor's small target strategy offers little to people reeling from rising living costs, declining real wages and a housing crisis, and further shrinks the already thin political differences between the major parties, argues Peter Boyle.

Ramzy Baroud (2023-03-22). Israel Protests Should Not Be Confused With the Palestinian Struggle for Equality. orinocotribune.com By Ramzy Baroud — Mar 16, 2023 | As hundreds of thousands throughout Israel joined anti-government protests, questions began to arise regarding how this movement would affect, or possibly merge, into the broader struggle against the Israeli military occupation and apartheid in Palestine. | Pro-Palestine media outlets shared, with obvious excitement, news about statements made by Hollywood celebrities, like Mark Ruffalo, about the

Rescue Pacifica (2023-03-22). Tuesday 3/21: Speak Out At KPFA-Defend Pacifica Bylaws and Stop The Sale Of LA KPFK. indybay.org KPFA | 1929 Martin Luther King Blvd. | Berkeley…

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-22). Britain providing depleted uranium arms to Ukraine risks nuclear collision — Chinese experts. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Global Timesmarch 22, 2023 UK to set 'bad precedent' if depleted uranium ammunition provided to UkraineBy Chen Qingqing Edited by RR If the UK sends controversial shells containing depleted uranium to Ukraine, it will set a dangerous precedent for the conflict, which could also mean an escalation in weapon supplies, Chinese experts said, warning of …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-22). NATO's Fortress Europe: Swiss defense chief attends North Atlantic Council for first time. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMarch 22, 2023 In a historic first, Swiss defence minister joins meeting of NATO's North Atlantic Council Viola Amherd, Swiss Federal Councillor and Head of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport, visited NATO Headquarters on Wednesday (22 March 2023) for talks with Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, and to meet with NATO ambassadors. …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-22). NATO's two top military command inspect Military Outpost Iraq. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMarch 22, 2023 The Supreme Allied Commander Europe and the Chair of the NATO Military Committee visit NATO Mission Iraq On 20-21 March 2023, the Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, and the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), General Christopher G. Cavoli, visited NATO Mission Iraq (NMI). During their visit they reviewed …

Santa Cruz News (2023-03-22). Mayor Keeley Targets the Homeless with Surprise Traffic Median Motion. indybay.org At the March 14th meeting of the Santa Cruz City Council, Mayor Fred Keeley introduced a surprise motion targeting homeless residents who panhandle on traffic medians (watch video below). Keeley's motion was not included anywhere in the meeting's agenda packet, he spontaneously inserted it into an unrelated vote on item #15, which concerned bicycle safety improvements and the removal of automobile parking on Laurel Street. Keeley stated the motion as follows: "Add additional direction that the City Manager return at budget hearings with a plan for installing safety devices that prohibit remaining on traffic islan…

Senior, Disability Action (2023-03-22). Monday 3/20: In Loving Memory of Public Health. indybay.org 1000 Broadway, Oakland. In front of the downtown office of Alameda County Dept. of Public Health…

Staff (2023-03-22). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: Elecciones del pueblo. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu Representantes de la CTC y la ANAP comparecerán este miércoles en la Mesa Redonda para informar sobre la participación de estas organizaciones en las elecciones nacionales y las votaciones del 26 de marzo. Cubavisión, Cubavisión Internacional y Canal Caribe, transmitirán en vivo este programa a las 7: 00 pm.

Staff (2023-03-22). Chapeando: Pena ajena (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Ningún otro equipo sufrió el acoso, los ataques y las amenazas que se lanzaron contra el Team Asere en Miami. Dan pena ajena los odiadores que le amargaron la noche a los verdaderos cubanos.

Staff (2023-03-22). Una Asamblea no es un hospital øo sí? cubadebate.cu Durante 35 minutos Alberto Moronta intentará convencerme de que podría dirigir un hospital, estar al tanto de su hijo, hacer una segunda especialidad y ser diputado en la Asamblea Nacional. Todo eso, al mismo tiempo, sin vacilar ni atormentarse. Me parece exagerado, pero…

Staff (2023-03-22). Vale la pena… volver a escuchar: Falsas legitimidades (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu En ocasiones se produce una confusión de representaciones asociadas al hecho de que "siempre ha sido así", siendo que este "siempre" parece construir la idea de que hacerlo se convierte en un derecho. Si bien como escribió Antonio Machado, "el andar se hace camino", de ahí a pensar que se tiene derecho a un tipo de andar.

Staff (2023-03-22). La red de telefonía móvil se someterá a mantenimiento en la madrugada del 23 de marzo. cubadebate.cu La empresa de telecomunicaciones informó que continuará realizando acciones de mantenimiento en la red de telefonía móvil durante la madrugada del 23 de marzo, entre las 00: 00 y las 06: 00 horas. Estas intervenciones técnicas podrían afectar el funcionamiento de los servicios móviles, por lo que se pide comprensión a los usuarios.

Staff (2023-03-22). Más de 200 colegios electorales especiales se habilitarán en Cuba. cubadebate.cu Cuba tiene previsto habilitar 250 colegios electorales especiales para que todos los ciudadanos con capacidad legal puedan ejercer su derecho al voto en las elecciones nacionales del domingo 26 de marzo. El objetivo de estos es contribuir al éxito del ejercicio democrático, informó el Consejo Electoral Nacional (CEN), citado por el diario Juventud Rebelde.

Staff (2023-03-22). Ministro de Economía reconoce desafíos y oportunidades para el 2023: Ratifica proyección de crecimiento del PIB en el entorno del tres por ciento. cubadebate.cu Con la presencia del primer ministro cubano, Manuel Marrero Cruz, se desarrolló en la tarde de este miércoles el balance anual del Ministerio de Economía y Planificación. Durante el encuentro se ratificó que Cuba proyecta un crecimiento en el entorno al 3 por ciento para el año 2023.

Staff (2023-03-22). Tony àÅvila presentará su nuevo disco "Universo" el próximo fin de semana. cubadebate.cu àÅvila reconoció la necesidad de hacer tangible el sueño del disco en medio de escenarios complejos, tales como la pandemia de la Covid-19 en pos de mantener a los músicos unidos, superar miedos, aislamiento y agregó que Universos es también la crónica social de una época oscura para la humanidad y, al mismo tiempo, una alerta a salvar el amor.

Staff (2023-03-22). Unos cincuenta bancos estadounidenses podrían quebrar. cubadebate.cu En EE.UU. 50 nuevos bancos podrían declararse en quiebra antes de que las autoridades resuelvan problemas estructurales, señaló este miércoles a RIA Novosti Lawrence McDonald, el antiguo vicepresidente del banco Lehman Brothers, que colapsó durante la crisis financiera global del 2008.

Staff (2023-03-22). Béisbol y libertad… made in Miami (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Imaginen que la selección de béisbol de EEUU juega en Cuba y, desde las organizaciones de la Revolución cubana, se organizan protestas en su contra, por ser el "equipo del imperialismo y del bloqueo" contra la Isla. Imaginen que el gobernador de La Habana anima a la población a llenar de carteles el Estadio Latinoamericano, y que la prensa y televisión repiten, sin cesar, que los beisboleros representan a un imperio genocida y asesino, a una plutocracia y a un régimen violador de los derechos humanos.

Staff (2023-03-22). Andrew Bacevich on China's Rise as Global Superpower & Decline of U.S. Empire After Iraq Invasion. democracynow.org Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin have declared a "new era" in Chinese-Russian relations after meeting in Moscow earlier this week. The two leaders reportedly discussed China's 12-point proposal to end the war in Ukraine, with Putin stating that China's plan could be the basis for a peace agreement. Though he has not yet met with Xi himself, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has recently also expressed a willingness to consider China's peace plan. For more, we speak to Andrew Bacevich, co-founder of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft,…

Staff (2023-03-22). Headlines for March 22, 2023. democracynow.org China and Russia Display Alliance; Zelensky Asks Beijing to Back Ukraine's Peace Plan, 10 People Indicted for Murdering Irvo Otieno in Hospital During Mental Health Crisis, Philadelphia Will Pay $9.25 Million to Racial Justice Protesters Brutalized by Police in 2020, Biden Designates New National Monuments in Nevada and Texas in Victory for Indigenous Groups, Indigenous Advocates Testify in Court in Bid to Halt Transfer of Oak Flat to Copper Mining Co., Brazilian Forces Evict Illegal Gold Miners from Yanomami Territory in Amazon, Journalists in Ecuador Targeted with Explosive Devices, Uganda Passes Bill Cri…

Staff (2023-03-22). The U.S. Owes Iraq "Just Compensation": Muslim Peacemaker Sami Rasouli on 2003 Invasion & Aftermath. democracynow.org As we continue to look back on the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, we're joined by Sami Rasouli, an Iraqi native who immigrated to the United States over 35 years ago and became a successful restaurateur and beloved member of the community in Minneapolis. After the U.S. invasion of his home country in 2003, he moved back to Iraq, where he founded the Muslim Peacemakers, a group that works to promote and practice nonviolent conflict resolution and intervention. Rasouli also founded the American Institute for English in Najaf, which was destroyed by a 2020 bombing. He is working on starting a n…

Staff (2023-03-22). How to Reduce Military Spending. davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-03-22). Lula Reactivates 'More Doctors' Health Program in Brazil (+Venezuela Relations). orinocotribune.com In Brazil, president Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva reactivated the "More Doctors" program, a project promoted in 2013 under the administration of Dilma Rousseff. The government initiative aims to increase the number of doctors in small cities in the interior of the country. | On Monday, March 20, from the Planalto Palace, Brazil's head of state announced additional resources for the "More Doctors" program, which he said had been "extraordinarily successful" in the past, providing essential healthcare services for favela residents, those living in remote Amazonian municipalities, and residents of small and medium-si…

Staff (2023-03-22). President Maduro Leads New Corruption Investigation, Special PSUV Meeting. orinocotribune.com On Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro chaired a meeting with the national leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) from the Humboldt Hotel, at the Waraira Repano National Park in Caracas, to report on the events developing in recent hours in which the National Anti-Corruption Police arrested various officials, businesspersons, deputies, and presidents of institutions for their alleged involvement in corruption. President Maduro asked the Venezuelan people to give him their full support "in these difficult, bitter, but necessary, unavoidable hours of the fight against mafias and corrup…

Staff (2023-03-22). Gothenburg demonstrates for Palestine against the massacres. samidoun.net On Saturday, 18 March, over 200 people marched through the streets of Gothenburg, Sweden, in solidarity with the Palestinian people against massacres and attacks by the Zionist forces. The demonstration, organized by the coalition of Palestine organizations in the city, also came as part of the International Campaign to Liberate the Remains of Palestinian Martyrs. …

Staff (2023-03-22). New York City demonstration demands liberation of the remains of Palestinian martyrs. samidoun.net On Friday, 17 March, demonstrators gathered in New York City outside the United Nations to demand the liberation of the remains of Palestinian martyrs and express solidarity with the Palestinian people and their struggle for liberation from the river to the sea. The demonstration, organized by Within Our Lifetime — United for Palestine and Samidoun …

Sue Bull (2023-03-22). No support for bigots, Socialist Alliance says. greenleft.org.au Attacks on LGBTIQ protesters outside a church where One Nation leader Mark Latham was speaking have alarmed many activists. Sue Bull reports.

teleSUR, cdcd- JCM (2023-03-22). Renuevan denuncias sobre esclavitud en zonas agrícolas de Brasil. telesurtv.net Las personas en situación de trabajo análogo a la esclavitud son sometidas a violencia, encarcelamiento ilegal y no tienen una vivienda digna.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-22). Ataques en República Democrática del Congo dejan 31 muertos. telesurtv.net Algunas partes de la región de Ituri, han registrado durante los últimos meses una grave escalada de ataques de grupos armados.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-22). Venezuela y Brasil afianzan vínculos diplomáticos bilaterales. telesurtv.net A principios de marzo una delegación brasileña encabezada por Celso Amorim, asesor especial de la Presidencia y excanciller, viajó a Venezuela en la primera visita oficial de alto nivel en años.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-22). Gremios franceses siguen protestas contra reforma de pensiones. telesurtv.net Un comunicado de prensa de la Central General de Trabajadores (CGT) expresa que "Nada socava la determinación de los trabajadores, privados de empleo, jóvenes y jubilados".

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-22). Liga àÅrabe condena la negación israelí de Estados vecinos. telesurtv.net Un ministro sionista presentó un mapa de Israel que incluye las fronteras del Reino Hachemita de Jordania y los territorios palestinos ocupados…

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-22). Presidentes Xi Jinping y Vladímir Putin fortalecen asociación estratégica. telesurtv.net Xi Jinping señaló que después de ser reelegido como presidente del país, eligió a Rusia como el primer país para visitar por la alta importancia que le concede a su vecino.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-22). Líder de junta militar de Mali defiende proyecto de Constitución. telesurtv.net El líder de la junta militar señaló que la Constitución es "un paso decisivo en el proceso de reconstrucción".

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-22). Reportan masacre en el departamento del Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Las víctimas fueron abordadas por hombres que los llevaron a la orilla de la carretera donde fueron ultimadas.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-22). Presidente de Bolivia anuncia 42 futuras industrias de litio. telesurtv.net "Se van a derivar de ahí más de 42 industrias, hermanas. 42 industrias que van a generar empleo", señaló Arce.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-03-22). Japón gana su tercera corona en Clásicos Mundiales de Béisbol. telesurtv.net El líder del conjunto japonés, Shohei Ohtani, cerró el juego ponchando a Mike Trout, su compañero en los Angelinos de Los Ángeles de la MLB y uno de los mejores bateadores del mundo.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-22). Aumentan a 494 los heridos por terremoto en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Resultaron perjudicados 39 bienes públicos y 53 privados, y de ese total, fueron destruidos ocho y tres, respectivamente.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-22). Confirman fin de restricciones sanitarias contra Covid-19 en Haití. telesurtv.net El mantenimiento de esta medida dependerá del incremento o ascenso de los casos de la enfermedad en el país.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-22). Venezuela y República àÅrabe Saharaui firman acuerdos de cooperación. telesurtv.net Fueron firmados entre las partes dos memorándums en el sector educacional, así como otros en la agricultura, la cultura, la pesca, medioambiente, entre otros sectores.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-22). Presidente de Argentina responde acusaciones de su par de Ecuador. telesurtv.net El presidente publicó en sus redes sociales la respuesta enviada tras el conflicto diplomático entre ambas naciones por el caso de Duarte Pesantes.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-03-22). Aprueban proyecto de ley que reducirá jornada laboral en Chile. telesurtv.net La ministra Camila Vallejo, quien fue promotora de la iniciativa, afirmó que "aprobar las 40 horas es aprobar más y mejor tiempo para las familias".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-22). Denuncian detención de madres palestinas por parte de Israel. telesurtv.net Las fuerzas de ocupación de Israel contra Palestina han cobrado la vida de más de 85 palestinos asesinados desde principios de 2023.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-22). Presidente Fernández anuncia regreso de Argentina a Unasur. telesurtv.net Actualmente, Unasur está integrado por Guyana, Surinam, Bolivia, Venezuela y Perú.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-22). Presidente Brahim Ghali: pueblo saharaui defenderá su dignidad. telesurtv.net El mandatario resaltó que el pueblo saharaui está más que nunca apegado a sus derechos ya que desean vivir libres e independientes.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-22). AN aprueba proyecto de acuerdo en apoyo a lucha anticorrupción del Gobierno venezolano. telesurtv.net El presidente del Parlamento venezolano acotó que, hasta el momento, hay 19 personas detenidas por hechos de corrupción.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-22). México rechaza informe de EE.UU. sobre Derechos Humanos. telesurtv.net López Obrador calificó la actuación de los beisbolistas de México como "una labor destacadísima" en el Clásico Mundial.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-22). Explosión de taller clandestino en México deja siete muertos. telesurtv.net La vivienda también se usaba como bodega de pólvora; de ahí la magnitud de la explosión y el número de víctimas.

teleSUR, nama, YSM (2023-03-22). Preven que temperatura del planeta aumentará 1,5 ∫ C entre 2030 y 2035. telesurtv.net El organismo mundial insta a actuar para asegurar un futuro sostenible y habitable para todos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-22). Gobierno de Bolivia rechaza informe de EE.UU. sobre derechos humanos. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores afirmó que no reconoce este tipo de documentos emitidos de forma unilateral.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-22). Registran sismo de magnitud 5,6 en Chile. telesurtv.net Asimismo, se evalúan posibles daños a personas e infraestructuras y a los servicios básicos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-22). Terremoto de magnitud 6,5 deja tres muertos en Afganistán. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento se contabilizan dos adultos y una menor de edad entre los muertos en Afganistán.

Thomas Walter & GW Smigielski (2023-03-22). Financial crisis – it's crashing again and The time of change. indybay.org

Uma Thontakudi (2023-03-22). Saturday 6/17: HDSA 2023 San Jose Team Hope 10K Timed Run and 5K Walk. indybay.org Campbell Park at the Los Gatos Creek Trail | Campbell, California…

Uriel Araujo (2023-03-22). US-Turkey Divergences May Hinder Erdogan's Reelection. globalresearch.ca

UUSF Morning Forum (2023-03-22). Sunday 3/26: Solutions are Already Here: Hope for Ecological Renewal. A workshop with Gregory Stevens. indybay.org Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco | In Person: 1187 Franklin St. @ Geary / TSK Room | On Zoom: | zoom.us/j/95797889329?pwd=YzJUUVFXUzdpeTlUU3FDd296UGg2UT09

via Democracy Now! (2023-03-22). Trump-Appointed Judge in Texas May Restrict Abortion Pill. indybay.org

William J. Astore (2023-03-22). A Highway to Peace or a Highway to Hell? The Vast Power of the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex. juancole.com ( Tomdispatch.com) — In April 1953, newly elected President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a retired five-star Army general who had led the landings on D-Day in France in June 1944, gave his most powerful speech. It would become known as his "Cross of Iron" address. In it, Ike warned of the cost humanity would pay if Cold …

WSWS (2023-03-22). The Turkish-Syrian earthquake and the impending danger to Istanbul. wsws.org The devastation caused by the Kahramanmaraş earthquake shows the horrific loss of life an earthquake could cause in the Marmara region around Istanbul.

WSWS (2023-03-22). The March 18 anti-war rally and the dead end of "pressuring" the Democratic Party. wsws.org Behind the demagogy and bluster, the perspective advanced by the speakers was a thoroughly bankrupt one: placing pressure on the Democratic Party, which is spearheading the war.

WSWS (2023-03-22). US treasury secretary Yellen pledges more money for the ultra-wealthy if needed. wsws.org Such is the fragility of the financial system that the operations of the "free market," through which failed investments are purged, cannot continue to function because any problem threatens to set off a collapse requiring the intervention of the state and its agencies using their capacity to create more money.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Video shows Virginia police murder of man during hospital admission. wsws.org Irvo Otieno was killed while being admitted to a hospital when police and hospital staff restrained him on the floor for 12 minutes.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Arbitrator orders Metropolitan Opera to pay soprano Anna Netrebko $200,000 after breaking contract. wsws.org The ruling exposes general manager Peter Gelb's complicity in propaganda for the proxy war against Russia.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Big Three autoworkers respond to the firings of Dana workers. wsws.org The intimidation and victimizations of workers at Dana corporation have enraged and encouraged autoworkers at the Detroit Three automakers to respond with support and stories of their own victimizations.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Why health workers should support the SEP (Australia) in the NSW state election. wsws.org The Socialist Equality Party is the only party in the NSW election offering workers an alternative to the ongoing slashing of wages and cuts to health, education and other social services.

WSWS (2023-03-22). UAW Monitor denies Will Lehman protest, disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of rank-and-file members. wsws.org The Monitor's denial of Lehman's protest exemplifies the fraudulent character of the election and reveals the total contempt with which the UAW, the federal courts, and the Monitor view the democratic rights of the working class.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Georgia's PM warns of World War III, as political tensions grip country. wsws.org Georgia, a tiny nation with a population of just 10.8 million located in the south Caucasus, has long been the object of imperialist meddling, with the US and the EU today seeing it as critical to destabilizing Russia.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Alberta's far-right Premier leads charge to criminalize pandemic public health measures. wsws.org Since becoming Alberta's premier last fall, Danielle Smith has criminalized basic public health measures, and solidarized herself with anti-vaxxers, "Freedom" Convoy activists and other far-right elements who openly flouted anti-COVID measures.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Dana worker says he became homeless after being fired on pretense. wsws.org Montel Mickles says he took an emergency vacation day to visit his sick mother in the hospital. He was fired from Dana, got evicted, and is now fighting for his job back.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Pay offer at Deutsche Post: Make a "no" vote the start of a rebellion against the Verdi union leadership! wsws.org Postal workers have already voted by 86 percent in favour of strike action, and this must now be enforced. But for this to happen it is necessary to break the role of the Verdi leadership as strikebreakers.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Oppose president's suppression of local election! Mobilise working class to defend democratic and social rights! wsws.org The SEP and the IYSSE advance a revolutionary socialist and internationalist program to defeat the threat of dictatorship, and defend social and democratic rights.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Top US official visits New Zealand to strengthen ties against China. wsws.org Washington and Canberra are clearly concerned that New Zealand, a key part of the US-led Five Eyes intelligence network, is not sufficiently aligned with the far-advanced preparations for war against China.

WSWS (2023-03-22). French students denounce complicity of union bureaucracies, National Assembly in Macron's cuts. wsws.org The WSWS spoke with students protesting Macron's anti-democratic passage of the pension reform at the Tolbiac university campus in central Paris.

WSWS (2023-03-22). How to fight back at Royal Mail—A meeting for rank-and-file workers. wsws.org The Socialist Equality Party (UK) and the World Socialist Web Site will be hosting an online meeting of rank-and-file postal workers next Monday, March 27, at 7pm to discuss taking forward the fight against attacks on living standards and working conditions, and the victimisation of their colleagues.

WSWS (2023-03-22). UK postal workers expose grinding exploitation by Royal Mail, overseen by Communication Workers Union. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site is publishing correspondence from UK postal workers, angry over the endless drive to ratchet up exploitation by Royal Mail.

WSWS (2023-03-22). 65,000 school workers begin three-day strike in Los Angeles. wsws.org Workers in the America's second-largest district, which serves 420,000 students are demanding improvements on short staffing, high workloads and class sizes and poverty wages, made worse by skyrocketing inflation.

WSWS (2023-03-22). Stellantis fires veteran workers: "The same thing is happening to us as at Dana" wsws.org The intimidation and victimizations of workers at Dana corporation have enraged and encouraged autoworkers at the Detroit Three automakers to respond with support and stories of their own victimizations.

_____ (2023-03-22). Self-liberation in NATO-Occupied Belgrade. strategic-culture.org

Andrew Perez (2023-03-22). Verizon Organizer Gets His Job Back. levernews.com

Anita Waters (2023-03-22). Centro Fidel Castro Ruz — Havana's new museum dedicated to Cuban Revolutionary leader's life. peoplesworld.org HAVANA—Throughout his life, Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro famously rejected any public display of himself as the center of a cult of personality. He declared that he wanted no statues, no monuments. Amid the various Che Guevara T-shirts available at tourist markets across Cuba, none depict Fidel. After his death in 2016, officials grappled with the …

Brian Slodysko, Ken Sweet (2023-03-22). Trump, Republicans, and 'moderate' Democrats united to weaken regulations on banks. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON (AP)—Political consultants thought it was a good idea at the time: Red-state Democrats facing grim re-election prospects would join forces with Republicans to slash bank regulations—demonstrating a willingness to work with President Donald Trump while bucking many in their party. That unlikely coalition voted in 2018 to roll back portions of a far-reaching 2010 …

Danny O'Brien (2023-03-22). Starbucks workers keep up the fight in Portland. workers.org Portland, Oregon A March 19 community rally in downtown Portland hailed the unionization efforts and successes of Starbucks Workers United. SWU was joined by Workers World Party, Democratic Socialists of America and Jobs with Justice. The many members of SWU, some of whom gave speeches, came from the locations where . . . |

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Young Chinese tend to make wills amid social concept changes. ecns.cn The average age of testators continued to decline while among those under 60, people in their thirties accounted for 29.74 percent by 2022, said the 2022 white paper of China Will Registration Center released Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Sandstorm sweeps northern China. ecns.cn Beijing and many other areas in northern China were shrouded in thick sand and dust Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Giant panda Bao Xin dies from multiple organ failure. ecns.cn Giant panda Bao Xin died of multiple organ failure on March 14, the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in southwest China's Sichuan Province announced late Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Gun violence can affect every part of city life: Philadelphia Inquirer. ecns.cn The lives of thousands of people in Philadelphia, the largest city in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, have been adversely affected by gun violence, and they feel negatively about the city's prospects because of it, reported The Philadelphia Inquirer on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Violence against Black women in L.A. remains high: Brunswick News. ecns.cn Even as the rate of serious crime in Los Angeles, in the U.S. state of California, trends downward, Black women and girls remain at higher risk of victimization than any other demographic, The Brunswick News reported on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). 5.6-magnitude quake hits 118 km NE of Miyako, Japan — USGS. ecns.cn An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 jolted 118 km NE of Miyako, Japan at 07: 37: 01 GMT on Wednesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Insights | U.S. Scholar: China has weathered the storm to maintain growth. ecns.cn As for China's opening up, Einar Tangen, senior fellow at Taihe Institute, told ECNS that the country is the manufacturing hub of the world, which is why it's essential."China produces a tremendous amount of intermediate goods, basic goods, everything from cloth to chemicals, everything that we have from consumer goods to vitamins," he said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Chinese-made 50-meter steel rails exported to Europe for first time. ecns.cn A total of 6,500 tons of Chinese-made 50-meter steel rails on Tuesday departed Northeast China's Tianjin for Europe, where they will be used in construction projects on the Hungarian-Serbian railway.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Xi leaves for China after state visit to Russia. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping left here Wednesday morning for China after wrapping up a state visit to Russia.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Scientists explore potential of floating solar panels in energy supply, water saving. ecns.cn A new type of photovoltaic power station is emerging. Built in reservoirs, lakes and ponds, solar panels floating on the water surface have advantages over traditional ground-mounted solar systems in terms of land conservation, efficiency and water loss reduction.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Sandstorm engulfs north China. ecns.cn Beijing upgraded its yellow sandstorm alert on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). Soldiers patrol on snow-capped plateau. ecns.cn Chinese frontier soldiers walk hand-in-hand on a snow-covered mountain to patrol the border area more than 5,200 above sea level in Ali Prefecture, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, March 21, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-22). 4,000 cotton rose seeds return from space sprout. ecns.cn A total of 4,000 cotton rose seeds have started germinating in Chengdu, and are expected to bloom as early as 2024.

Editor (2023-03-22). I Am the "US-based Kremlin intermediary" That Tried To Help Tucker Carlson Book An Interview With Putin. scheerpost.com Tucker Carlson accused the NSA of spying on his personal communications when he tried to schedule an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. I can corroborate his story.

Eric A. Gordon (2023-03-22). Israeli dramatist Hanoch Levin's 'Yaacobi & Leidental' in U.S. premiere. peoplesworld.org LOS ANGELES — Dear Reader, please indulge me for a moment to tell you my favorite Jewish joke—and it won't be the only time in this review that I'll be bordering on the politically incorrect: Two Jews meet on the street. One says, "Hey, would you believe it? My father just turned a hundred years …

G. Dunkel (2023-03-22). France: Workers of all ages in mass revolt to defend pensions. workers.org Bulletin: The vote in the National Assembly took place March 20 and the government survived by nine votes. The battle continues. Protesters hold a banner that reads "Pensions, not an extra day, not one euro less" during a demonstration against the French government's pension reform plan as part of the . . . |

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-22). Government science adviser encourages more researchers to influence policy. imperial.ac.uk Imperial Policy Forum welcomed Professor Dame Angela McLean, Chief Scientific Advisor (CSA) at the Ministry of Defence (MOD) to Imperial College.

John Catalinotto (2023-03-22). Putin? Arrest George W. Bush! workers.org March 19, 2023 — Two events reported on extensively this weekend belonged in the same article, yet they were separated. Combining them exposes the criminal hypocrisy of U.S. imperialism and its corporate media. Article's author John Catalinotto speaks at a demonstration protesting U.S. occupation of Iraq at the Bourse in . . . |

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-22). Senior climate activists rally across US to 'stop dirty banks'. nationofchange.org "We must break the big banks' addiction to Big Oil."

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-22). Amazon workers at Kentucky air hub go public with organizing drive. peoplesworld.org CINCINNATI-NORTHERN KENTUCKY INTL. AIRPORT—Workers at Amazon's biggest U.S. air hub, an 800,000-square-foot heavily robotized warehouse at the Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky International Airport, have gone public—and national—with an organizing campaign allied with the independent grass-roots Amazon Labor Union. In their kickoff rally on March 18 at the KCVG hub, unionizeamazonkcvg.org set goals of $30/hour starting wages, 180 …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-22). The fight against Starbucks law breaking goes to the shareholders tomorrow. peoplesworld.org SEATTLE—Union pension funds and pro-shareholder investment advisors are taking the fight over Starbucks' rampant labor law-breaking to its stockholders. At the Seattle-based monster coffee company's virtual annual meeting on March 23, they'll demand Starbucks name an outside auditor to determine if, or, more likely, how much the anti-union drive has hurt Starbucks's reputation, share price …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Mayo Clinic Minute: How is kidney cancer treated? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org More than 50,000 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with kidney cancer each year. Risks factors for developing this type of cancer include environmental exposures, such as smoking, high blood pressure, a history of kidney failure, obesity or not having a healthy weight. And there are also hereditary syndromes that may increase your risk for kidney cancer. Dr. Thai Ho, a Mayo Clinic oncologist who specializes in genitourinary malignancies, says there are no screening tests…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Ready to Run: Mayo Clinic Health System gives tips on planning for a long race. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MANKATO, Minn. — You've thought about it for years. You've dreamed of crossing the finish line. It's on your bucket list, or maybe it's become a tradition. You've registered for a long-distance race like a 5K, 10K, half-marathon or marathon. So now's the time to plan and prepare for your big day. This critical process will be shaped by your experience and fitness level. First, get real and be honest with yourself. It can take…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-22). Mayo Clinic cancer expert highlights advancements in treating multiple myeloma. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — March is Myeloma Awareness Month, and Sikander Ailawadhi, M.D., hematologist/oncologist at Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, shares details about new advancements in research leading to better outcomes for patients with multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon form of blood cancer in the bone marrow that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, according to the American Cancer Society. While there is no cure, the disease can be treated with…

Richie Merino (2023-03-22). 'Feed the people, not the U.S. war machine!'. workers.org Richie Merino, an organizer with the International Action Center and the United National Antiwar Coalition, gave this talk at the March 18 antiwar demonstration in Washington, D.C. Merino, a writer for Workers World newspaper, is a proud public school teacher in the South Bronx, New York. Richie Merino leads chants . . . |

Robert S. Becker (2023-03-22). Is pretend politics—hawking a counterfeit self—the ultimate right-wing propaganda? nationofchange.org For "real" Rethugs one looks in vain —/ It's quicksand, whether frauds or insane.

Sara Sneath (2023-03-22). Black residents of Cancer Alley sue local government for discrimination in siting chemical facilities. nationofchange.org "We're being ignored and we have to do whatever we have to do to stop it."

Staff (2023-03-22). Las lecciones de la guerra de Irak y el periodismo. cubadebate.cu La invasión de Irak hace ahora veinte años se produjo bajo unas premisas aceptadas por una parte importante de los medios de comunicación estadounidenses y europeos. Miles de voces periodísticas en 2003 dieron por buena la mentira de Washington y Londres que aseguraba la existencia de armas de destrucción masiva en poder de Hussein. EEUU había confeccionado una tesis con la que acusaba a Irak de ser una amenaza para el mundo e incluso de tejer alianzas con Al Qaeda.

Staff (2023-03-22). Japón se lleva su tercer título en el Clásico Mundial. cubadebate.cu El equipo de Japón venció a Estados Unidos en la final del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023 con un marcador de 3 carreras por 2.El Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023 se llevó a cabo del 8 al 21 de marzo de 2023. Los partidos empezaron en Taichung y concluyeron en Miami con la fase final por el título.

Staff (2023-03-22). Las 3 del Día: Del candidato vacunal cubano contra el dengue y otras cuestiones (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Sean bienvenidos a Las 3 del Día, el podcast de Cubadebate donde se podrán enterar de las noticias más importantes de este 21 de marzo. Hoy nos acompañan Darío Extremera y Yilena Héctor en estos minutos de información.En esta ocasión centramos nuestro episodio en el candidato vacunal cubano contra el dengue. Además realizamos el habitual resumen noticioso de Las 3 del Día.

Staff (2023-03-22). Teodoro Pérez, fundador del Inder, falleció a los 87 años de edad. cubadebate.cu Teodoro Pérez Martineaud, fundador del Inder y artífice de su desarrollo durante décadas de intensa labor, falleció hoy a los 87 años de edad a causa de una insuficiencia cardíaca. "Nos deja físicamente un guerrero incansable, entregado a plenitud a las muchas tareas asumidas", tuiteó el presidente del organismo deportivo, Osvaldo Vento Montiller.

Staff (2023-03-22). Venezuela: Asamblea Nacional aprueba proyecto en apoyo a lucha anticorrupción. cubadebate.cu La Asamblea Nacional (AN) de Venezuela aprobó este martes un proyecto de acuerdo en respaldo a la lucha contra la corrupción impulsada por el Gobierno del presidente Nicolás Maduro.

Staff (2023-03-22). Celebran expertos cubanos 20 años de esfuerzos para conservar la flora nativa. cubadebate.cu Sesionó hoy en La Habana la reunión conmemorativa por los 20 años del Grupo de Especialistas en Plantas Cubanas (GEPC). Esta agrupación de expertos nacionales y extranjeros pertenece a la Comisión para la Supervivencia de las Especies de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza y la han integrado especialistas de más de 30 instituciones.

Staff (2023-03-22). Dos miembros del Cuba en el Todos Estrellas del Clásico. cubadebate.cu El tercera base Yoán Moncada y el lanzador relevista Miguel Romero, integrantes de la selección nacional cubana, fueron seleccionados entre los integrantes del Todos Estrellas del V Clásico Mundial de Béisbol…

Staff (2023-03-22). El tiempo: Chubascos y lluvias desde Camagàºey a Guantánamo. cubadebate.cu Estará nublado en zona de la costa norte desde Camagàºey hasta Guantánamo, con la ocurrencia de algunas lluvias, que en el horario de la tarde se extenderán a localidades del interior y sur de esta parte del país. En el resto del país estará parcialmente nublado con la ocurrencia de aisladas lluvias.

Staff (2023-03-22). Encabeza Inés María Chapman delegación cubana que participa en Conferencia sobre el Agua. cubadebate.cu Inés María Chapman, vice primera ministra de Cuba, llegó este lunes a Nueva York, Estados Unidos, al frente de la delegación cubana que participará en la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Agua 2023, del 22 al 24 de marzo, informa hoy la Cancillería. La Conferencia sobre el Agua se celebrará desde hoy, Día Mundial del Agua, y hasta el viernes.

Staff (2023-03-22). Inteligencia artificial: Medio chino estrena a una presentadora virtual de noticias. cubadebate.cu El medio de comunicación estatal chino People's Daily dio a conocer recientemente al nuevo miembro de su equipo de noticias. Se trata de Ren Xiaorong, una presentadora virtual impulsada por inteligencia artificial.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-22). Avanza candidato vacunal contra el dengue en Cuba. telesurtv.net Con el candidato vacunal contra el dengue, Cuba pretende evitar la gravedad, incluso la sintomatología de la enfermedad.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-22). Transportistas paralizan servicio en Guayaquil, Ecuador. telesurtv.net Los transportistas ecuatorianos plantean estar al borde de la quiebra por falta de recursos para cubrir los gastos del combustible.

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-22). Rusia tomará represalias si Ucrania recibe municiones con uranio. telesurtv.net La viceministra de Defensa británica, Annabel Goldie, declaró que Londres transferirá munición de uranio empobrecido a Ucrania.

teleSUR, DRL, JCM (2023-03-22). Terremotos dejan pérdidas de siete mil mdd en Türkiye. twitter.com El 20 % de la producción agrícola de Türkiye se obtiene de la zona del terremoto, lo cual complica las labores de recuperación de la cosecha.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-22). Corte internacional analiza caso de aborto en El Salvador. telesurtv.net En ese país, como en gran parte de la región, está penalizado el aborto en cualquiera de sus causales y no se avizora un cambio en esa política.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-22). Congreso español rechaza moción de censura contra el Gobierno. telesurtv.net Durante todo el debate, el Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez dijo que solo hay dos modelos de país, el de "la derecha y la ultraderecha" y el de la izquierda progresista que "avanza y protege a la mayoría social".

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-22). Al menos 12 fallecidos por terremoto en Afganistán y Pakistán. telesurtv.net En la provincia pakistaní de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa murieron al menos 9 personas y 60 personas resultaron heridas.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-22). Kenia acusa a líder opositor de intentar derrocar al presidente. telesurtv.net La cancillería señaló que el exprimer ministro Odinga buscaba "conseguir que él mismo se estableciese como presidente".

teleSUR, JDO, JGN (2023-03-22). øQué pasaría en el mundo si se acabara el agua?>. telesurtv.net Dado el impacto que tiene la escasez de agua en la vida, se torna un imperativo su ahorro y explotación racional.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-22). Corea del Norte dispara misiles de crucero hacia mar de Japón. telesurtv.net Cancillería norcoreana advierte que exigir a Pyongyang la renuncia a su programa de armas nucleares equivale a una declaración de guerra.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-22). Ayatola iraní responsabiliza a EE.UU. de conflicto en Ucrania. telesurtv.net Seyed Ali Jameneí asegura que Washington provocó las hostilidades por su deseo de expandir la OTAN y beneficiar a su industria militar.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-22). CRK afirma que persecución en su contra es por buscar justicia social. telesurtv.net "Nos persiguen porque igualamos a las sociedades (…) por el derecho de los trabajadores a participar activamente en el producto bruto de lo que producen", dijo la vicepresidenta.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-22). Presidente venezolano designa nuevo ministro de Petróleo. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Comunicación informó en un comunicado que Tellechea también se encuentra a cargo de la estatal Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa).

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-22). Fallece joven que recibió 36 perdigones en protesta en Perú. telesurtv.net La víctima recibió los disparos desde muy cerca, no estaba armado y habría ido a la manifestación a apoyar a los heridos.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-22). ONU revela que 2.000 millones de personas carecen de agua potable. telesurtv.net Cada 22 de marzo se celebra el Día Mundial del Agua para concientizar acerca de la importancia de los recursos hídricos.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-22). Presidente chino concluye visita de Estado a Rusia. telesurtv.net Xi Jinping se reunió en dos ocasiones con Vladímir Putin en una entrevista informal y en negociaciones oficiales.

teleSUR, nbb, JCM (2023-03-22). Flota rusa repele ataque de drones ucranianos en Sebastopol. telesurtv.net Han sido atacados el cuartel general ruso de la Flota del Mar Negro en la ciudad, instalaciones energéticas y aeródromos militares.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-22). Israel ataca aeropuerto en la ciudad siria de Alepo. telesurtv.net Damasco instó al Consejo de Seguridad de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas a condenar las acciones agresivas de Israel.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-22). Nicaragua denuncia a EE.UU. como el peor criminal de guerra. telesurtv.net El Gobierno sandinista exigió respeto a la soberanía de los países y los modelos políticos, sociales y económicos libremente escogidos.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-22). Putin responde a envío de munición con uranio a Ucrania. telesurtv.net La viceministra de Defensa británica, Annabel Goldie, anunció que suministrarán a Ucrania munición incluyendo proyectiles perforantes con uranio empobrecido.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-03-22). Cuba denuncia hostilidad contra equipo de béisbol en EE.UU. telesurtv.net En el encuentro "se produjeron lamentables y peligrosos incidentes en contra del equipo cubano", señaló la cancillería.

The Associated Press (2023-03-22). Bullfighting Ban Faces Critical Legislative Vote in Colombia. latinorebels.com After Colombia's Senate approved a nationwide ban in December, the House of Representatives, which narrowly voted down an earlier ban in November, could take up the latest legislation in the coming weeks when it returns from its three-month recess.

The Green Arcade (2023-03-22). Saturday 4/15: A Celebration of the Life of Poet and Writer Jim Nisbet. indybay.org The 3rd Floor Edward McRoskey Loft | 1687 Market Street | San Francisco, CA 94103…

infobrics (2023-03-21). African Nations Re-iterate Their Request to Join BRICS Amid Ongoing Global Political Woes. infobrics.org According to a top politician in Zimbabwe, the group is seen as a new power in international affairs as the debate around UN reforms and new global order emerge…

infobrics (2023-03-21). BRICS Can Only Start Currency Reform — Russian Executive Director in IMF. infobrics.org "The US as the main stockholder of the Fund has absolutely no desire to discuss reforming of the current international monetary system, its downsides, and prevent such attempts," Aleksey Mozhin said…

infobrics (2023-03-21). Russian Federation Supports Algeria's Intention to Join the BRICS Group. infobrics.org Russian Chairman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko has met with the Chairman of the Algerian Council of the Nation, Salah Goudjil, in Algiers…

infobrics (2023-03-21). Political West doubles down on 'Russia kidnapping children' propaganda narrative. infobrics.org It seems only in Russia "genocide" is conducted by getting the children safely evacuated from an active warzone to a summer camp and then helping the father, an enemy combatant, to pick them up and go wherever he pleases.

infobrics (2023-03-21). Polish diplomat believes Warsaw might join conflict in Ukraine. infobrics.org According to the Polish ambassador to France, his country will send troops to fight the Russians in Ukraine, if Kiev fails to defend its "independence" with its own forces.

infobrics (2023-03-21). Ukraine attempts to blame "Russian fake news" for Koran burning controversy. infobrics.org Kadyrov promises revenge on Ukrainian soldier who burnt the Koran.

Miko Peled (2023-03-21). Indonesia's Betrayal of Palestine: Hosting Israel in Under-20 World Cup. mintpressnews.com As though someone was trying to prove me right, a few days after I published the

Ramzy Baroud (2023-03-21). Cheap Algerian Gas vs Rightwing Ideology: Will Italy Change Its Position on Jerusalem? mintpressnews.com Netanyahu has two main demands from Italy: not to vote against Israel at the United Nations and, more importantly, to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

_____ (2023-03-21). Are Young Soldiers being used as White Rats in Georgia and Ukraine? journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-21). Further aggravation of the domestic political situation in Pakistan. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-21). South Korea at the Ukrainian Crossroads. journal-neo.org A year has passed since Russia launched a special military operation to denazify Ukraine's criminal regime. Against this backdrop, various parties continue to try to draw South Korea into the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. According to the British newspaper The Telegraph, the Republic of Korea is currently ranked 27th out of 57 countries providing […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-21). The United States' New Yemen Strategy. journal-neo.org The US appears to be pursuing an old policy of plundering natural resources in Yemen, where the same Americans have been responsible for the civil war for over a year. This is what the commander of the United States Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT), the United States Fifth Fleet, and the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-21). Bent MEPs Vote to Protect Bent MEPs and Their Graft. What Is the Point of the European Parliament? strategic-culture.org The beating heart of the EU institutions is greed and self-gratification either by hook or by crook, Martin Jay writes. | Just how important would you say the European Parliament is, both on a local (European) level and internationally? In a pro-European Belgian newspaper in around 2001 I remember reading the results of a survey of Europeans with over 70 percent agreeing that the institution was an important body, while almost 80 percent admitting they didn't really know what it did. | The European Parliament's role often comes into question both by the staunch supporters of the EU and those who have lost faith i…

_____ (2023-03-21). Taking Democracy Out of America. strategic-culture.org The last true liberal/progressive Democratic nominee who tried to bring real hope and change to America was George McGovern in 1972. Nixon trounced him, of course, and Democrats at the top abandoned "leftist" notions for a pro-business, pro-banking, pro-military, and pro-money agenda, as implemented by Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Both were two-term presidents, both were good at posing as champions of regular folk while implementing agendas that were old-school Republican. Meanwhile, the real Republicans drifted ever further to the right.

Abigail Leibowitz (2023-03-21). My university is Hosting a Stalwart of the Israeli Settler movement. In response I am protesting Fascism. juancole.com This Sunday, as Israelis studying at Princeton gathered in front of Nassau gate to protest the proposed judicial overhaul act of the Israeli government slated to become law in the next few days, the following quote from Robin Wall Kimmerer's "Braiding Sweetgrass" came to mind: "All powers have two sides, the power to create and …

Agatha Scaggiante, Waging Nonviolence. (2023-03-21). Inside The Underground Network Supporting Asylum Seekers In Scotland. popularresistance.org Every Sunday for the past six weeks, far-right protesters have been gathering in the small Scottish town of Erskine to complain about plans to house some 200 asylum seekers in a local hotel. However, they are not alone. Asylum seekers in Scotland and their local allies have also been protesting the use of these hotels, and for a much longer time. | Scotland takes in thousands of asylum seekers each year: 4,000 in 2019. Normally Scotland is not the first stop for asylum seekers. The Home Office — the arm of the U.K. government that deals with immigration — processes most asylum seekers in England, and…

Ahmed Al-Sammak (2023-03-21). After the great march, the long recovery. electronicintifada.net Israel responded to the Great March of Return with live bullets and sniper fire. In Gaza, people are still dealing with their injuries.

Amy Goodman (2023-03-21). Nationwide Protests Demand End of Big Bank Funding for Fossil Fuel Expansion. truthout.org We speak with Third Act founder Bill McKibben and Sierra Club executive director Ben Jealous about protests they've organized today across the United States to demand the four biggest banks — Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo and Bank of America — stop financing the expansion of fossil fuel projects. This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: The United Nations has issued a… |

Andrew Korybko (2023-03-21). The US' Schizophrenic Approach to the ICC Embodies Its Hypocritical "Rules-Based Order" Concept. globalresearch.ca

Andy Kroll (2023-03-21). A Highway to Peace or a Highway to Hell? tomdispatch.com In April 1953, newly elected President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a retired five-star Army general who had led the landings on D-Day in France in June 1944, gave his most powerful speech. It would become known as his "Cross of Iron" address. In it, Ike warned of the cost humanity would pay if Cold War competition led to a world dominated by wars and weaponry that couldn't be reined in. In the immediate aftermath of the death of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, Ike extended an olive branch to the new leaders of that empire. He sought, he said, to put America and the world on a "highway to peace." It was, of course, never…

Ann Brown (2023-03-21). The International Criminal Court is Illegitimate Because America And Israel Can't Be Prosecuted. moguldom.com Established in 2002, the International Criminal Court is an independent judicial institution that investigates and prosecutes war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and the crime of aggression. Most recently, the ICC said on March 17 it had issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin for war crimes because of his alleged involvement in …

Ann Brown (2023-03-21). Amazon To Lay off Another 9000 Employees As Bond Market Predicts Imminent Recession. moguldom.com Amazon is set to slash 9,000 more workers in addition to earlier cuts the e-commerce giant has already made. In a March 20 memo to staff, Amazon CEO Andy Jassy said the latest round is expected to impact Amazon's cloud computing, advertising, human resources, and Twitch units. This latest round of job cuts follows several …

Ann Brown (2023-03-21). Florida Men Found Guilty Of Murdering Rapper XXXTentacion Face Life In Prison. moguldom.com On the afternoon of June 18, 2018, up-and-coming 20-year-old hip-hop artist XXXTentacion was murdered in an attempted robbery just outside Riva Motorsports, an upscale motorcycle shop in Deerfield Beach, Florida. XXXTentacion, whose real name is Jahseh Onfroy, was shot multiple times in the neck and was in critical condition before being pronounced dead. Now, three …

Anonymous103 (2023-03-21). Back To Spring 2014: Slaviansk Defense, Orban's Claims Amid Biden's Luck (Video). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-21). BREAKING: Explosion Thundered On Zaporozhie Outskirts. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On March 21, an explosion thundered on the outskirts of the city of Zaporozhye which is under Ukrainian control. It was confirmed both by Russian and Ukrainian sources. | According to local reports, the air alert sounded in the city after the explosion occured. Later, sirens were also heard in the neighboring Dnipropetrovsk region. | The explosion thundered in the town of Volyansk located 10 kilometers northeast of Zaporozhie. | According to Russian military resources, the c…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-21). BREAKING: Russian Retaliation Strikes Hit Odessa Region. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On the evening of March 21, sirens sounded in the Ukrainian Odessa and Kharkiv regions. Residents of Odessa reported at least one missile strike on a city infrastructure facility. Clouds of smoke are seen rising on the city outskirts. The explosion was confirmed by the footage from the spot. | The speaker of the Odessa military administration, Sergei Bratchuk, called for "praying for Ukrainian air defense forces." However, his prayer did not help. | One of the targets hit by Russian forces…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-21). In Video: View From Russian Orlan-10 UAV On Ukrainian Attempts To Strike It With MANPADS. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-21). London To Arm Ukrainian Forces With Depleted Uranium Shells. southfront.org Illustrative Image | The UK will transfer depleted uranium ammunition to Ukrainian militants. London's intention to supply the Kiev regime with dangerous radioactive weapons was announced by Deputy Defense Minister Annabelle Goldie on March 20.'Alongside our granting of a squadron of Challenger 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine, we will be providing ammunition including armour piercing rounds which contain depleted uranium. Such rounds are highly effective in defeating modern tanks and armoured vehicles'-…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-21). North Korea Claims 1.4 Million People Just Enlisted To Fight 'Imperialist' US. southfront.org Originally published on ZeroHedge North Korean state media has been touting new claims of mass enlistments amid "an atmosphere of war" and urgent defense…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-21). North Macedonia Confirmed It Sent Four Su-25 To Ukraine. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | North Macedonia officially confirmed that four Su-25 fighters were handed over to Ukraine. According to the report by Three single-seat Su-25s and one double seat Su-25UB were…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-21). The New World Order Crisis and "The Reproduction of Real Life": Food, Water and Energy. Three Fundamental Necessities of Life in Jeopardy. southfront.org An Outright War against all Humanity: the Planet's 8 Billion people Written by Prof Michel Chossudovsky. Originally published on GlobalResearch…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-21). Ukraine Targeted Crimea With Massive Drone Strike. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On the evening of March 20, Ukrainian forces launched massive UAV attack on the Russian Crimea. At least six Mugin-5 type UAVs with explosives simultaneously targeted the town of Dzhankoy located in the north of the peninsula. | The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine declared that the UAV attack resulted in destruction of Russian train with Kalibr cruise missiles. However, no evidence has been provided by the Ukrainian side. Reports from the area also did not con…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-21). US Naval Hegemony Might Come To Its End Soon. southfront.org

Anonymous765 (2023-03-21). Losing Positions On Donbass Front Lines, Kiev Strikes Crimea. southfront.org |

Anonymous765 (2023-03-21). Locations Of US Carrier Strike Groups — March 21, 2023. southfront.org This is the newest update of the 'U.S. Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map' exclusive series showing the approximate locations of U.S. Carrier Strike Groups. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence tracks locations of U.S. aircraft carriers using the available open-source information. No classified information was used in production of the map. | click to see the full-size image | Carrier strike group (CSG) is an operational formation of the United States Navy. It is centered on an aircraft carrier and a carrier air w…

Aram Aharonian (2023-03-21). El dominio de la comunicación y la lucha por su democratización. globalizacion.ca El mundo cambia, la tecnología avanza -hoy hablamos hasta de metaverso y discutimos si la inteligencia artificial sustituirá a los periodistas- pero parece que nos empujan a pelear en campos de batalla equivocados, munidos de herramientas perimidas, mientras las corporaciones…

Arturo Domínguez (2023-03-21). What the Anti-Cuba Protest at the World Baseball Classic Was Really About (OPINION). latinorebels.com On Sunday the U.S. played Cuba in the World Baseball Classic to a crowd of fans of the game and protesters against the Cuban regime. The goal of the demonstrations was presumably to bring awareness to Cuba's totalitarian regime, but it was really about proximity to whiteness.

Asieh Namdar (2023-03-21). Celebrating Nowruz, the Persian New Year. america.cgtn.com Millions of people around the world are celebrating the Persian new year known as "Nowruz." The ancient holiday goes back thousands of years and is celebrated in Iran and dozens of other countries. Asieh Namdar reports on the festivities and why, some say, they don't feel the same …

Autism Action Network (2023-03-21). NY Red Alert: Recently Passed Bill Clears the Way for a Mandatory Adult Vaccine Database. globalresearch.ca

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-03-21). Bailout Of Silicon Valley And Banks Is $300 Billion Gift To Rich Oligarchs. popularresistance.org The US government printed $300 billion in a week to save collapsing banks and bail out Silicon Valley oligarchs and venture capital firms, paying them all of their uninsured deposits. | Meanwhile, some of the very same Silicon Valley tycoons who benefited from this bailout have tried to cynically rebrand themselves as subversive populists, claiming they are fighting against the big Wall Street banks with which they have closely collaborated. | Three banks collapsed in the United States in the span of one week in March 2023: Silvergate Bank, Silicon Valley Bank, and Signature Bank.

Ben Norton (2023-03-21). 'Mexico is not a US colony!': AMLO condemns invasion threats, celebrates nationalization of oil, lithium. geopoliticaleconomy.com Mexico's leftist President AMLO condemned "hypocritical" Republicans who want the US military to invade, declaring "Mexico is an independent and free country, not a US colony or protectorate!" In a massive rally, López Obrador also celebrated the expropriation of oil and lithium, condemning exploitative foreign corporations.

Bill Nevins (2023-03-21). Biography combines 'admiration and dread' of Sinn Fein's leader. greenleft.org.au Mary Lou McDonald, A Republican Riddle is no hagiography, nor is it a glib hatchet-job, writes Bill Nevins.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-21). Trashing asylum: Britain's 'illegal migration' bill. greenleft.org.au Britain's Illegal Migration Bill is bankrupt, unprincipled and modelled on Australia's cruel refugee policy, writes Binoy Kampmark.

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-21). Court: U.S. Failure to Protect Pacific Humpbacks From Deadly Entanglements Was Unlawful. indybay.org SAN FRANCISCO, March 15, 2023 — A federal court ruled in favor of the Center for Biological Diversity yesterday in a lawsuit arguing that the National Marine Fisheries Service failed to protect endangered Pacific humpback whales from deadly entanglements in sablefish pot gear off California, Oregon and Washington.

Chris Walker (2023-03-21). GOP House Chairs Jordan, Comer and Steil Demand Info on Bragg's Trump Inquiry. truthout.org Three GOP committee chairs in the House of Representatives have written a joint letter demanding information from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg about a possible indictment he may issue soon against former President Donald Trump. In spite of knowing few if any details about the specifics of Bragg's investigation of Trump, the three House chairs — Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)… |

Chris Walker (2023-03-21). Philadelphia Aims to Start Guaranteed Income Program for New Parents by 2024. truthout.org Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is aiming to begin a pilot guaranteed payment program next year that targets city neighborhoods with some of the highest infant mortality rates in the country. Among the 10 highest-populated cities in the U.S., Philadelphia has the lowest rates of birth weight for newborns. The city's infant mortality rate is 8.1 deaths per 1,000 live births — a staggeringly high number… |

Clinton Williamson (2023-03-21). Local Efforts to Resist Right-Wing Attacks on Education Need National Support. truthout.org On January 6, 2023, two years after the far right occupation of the U.S. Capitol, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that he was appointing Christopher Rufo to the Board of Trustees of the New College of Florida. Rufo had been one of the key architects of the Republican effort to stir up a public frenzy around "critical race theory" — turning the term into a right-wing dog whistle for any attempt… |

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-21). Famous Short Seller Marc Cohodes: Pro-Bailout VC David Sacks Is A Hypocrite And 'Should Be Looked Into'. moguldom.com Famed short seller and mentor Marc Cohodes got into a Twitter war of words with David Sacks, a tech investor, podcaster and co-founder of the venture fund Craft Ventures, over how much Sacks allegedly profited in the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. A prevailing theory is that some venture capitalists including Sacks "pulled out" …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-21). Four Leading Republicans Urge Biden to Send Cluster Bombs to Ukraine. news.antiwar.com Four leading Republicans in Congress have sent a letter to President Biden urging him to provide Kyiv with cluster bombs, controversial munitions that endanger civilians by spreading small bomblets over large areas. Due to the harm they cause civilians, cluster bombs have been banned by over 100 countries under the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions. …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-21). Pentagon Speeds Up Plans to Get Abrams Tanks to Ukraine. news.antiwar.com The Pentagon is looking to speed up the delivery of the Abrams tank to Ukraine by refurbishing older models instead of manufacturing new ones. US officials told The Associated Press that the new plan is to send Ukraine the older M1A1 version that can be pulled from US Army stockpiles. The officials expect the M1A1s …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-21). Putin Says China's Peace Plan Could Serve as Basis for Settlement in Ukraine. news.antiwar.com Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Moscow on Tuesday that a 12-point peace plan put forward by Beijing could be the "basis" for a peaceful settlement in Ukraine. "We believe in many of the points on the peace plan put forward by China," Putin said. Beijing's proposal …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-21). Russia Says It Downed Ukrainian Drones in Northern Crimea. news.antiwar.com Russian authorities said Ukrainian drones were downed over northern Crimea on Monday night, while Ukraine's Military Intelligence claimed the attacks destroyed Russian Kalibr cruise missiles. "The mysterious series of blasts continues the process of Russia's demilitarization and prepares the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea for de-occupation," Ukrainian Military Intelligence said in a statement without formally taking …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-21). Taiwan Confirms President Tsai Will Stop in US Next Week. news.antiwar.com Taiwan confirmed on Tuesday that President Tsai Ing-wen will visit the US on her way to Central America but did not say if she will hold talks with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). According to media reports, Taiwan convinced McCarthy to meet with Tsai in California instead of in Taipei over concerns his trip would …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-21). UK to Give Ukraine Depleted Uranium Shells Despite Russian Warnings. news.antiwar.com A British official has confirmed that the UK will be providing Ukraine with depleted uranium shells to be used with the British-made Challenger 2 tanks despite warnings from Russia that it would consider the use of the toxic ammunition the same as a dirty bomb. "Alongside our granting of a squadron of Challenger 2 main …

Dean Baker (2023-03-21). Craziness on Copyright at the Washington Post. cepr.net The grant of copyright monopolies is a mechanism the government uses to support creative work. It is far from the only mechanism. The government funds creative work through agencies like the National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and indirectly through its support of colleges and universities. It also provides …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-21). From Balloons to AUKUS: The War Drive Against China. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-03-21). Conflicts of Interest: Pfizer's Secret Collusion with the NIH. Big Pharma Endangers Public Health. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2023-03-21). The Chinese Document, "US Hegemony and Its Perils". The U.S. is a "Paper Tiger". Geopolitical Analysis by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Peter McCullough (2023-03-21). Kidney Failure After Covid mRNA Vaccination. ANCA Positive Vasculitis. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Peter McCullough (2023-03-21). Primary Series and Boosters — No Impact on Maternal COVID-19 Test Positivity. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China launches construction of first offshore CO2 storage project. ecns.cn China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) started drilling on Sunday for its carbon dioxide (CO2) injection well at the Enping 15-1 platform.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Amazon to lay off 9,000 more employees. ecns.cn Amazon announced on Monday the company's plan to cut 9,000 more jobs in a new round of layoffs.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Mills get steeled for healthier demand. ecns.cn China's steel industry is expected to remain stable in 2023, with demand likely to improve as the world's second-largest economy is on track for steady recovery this year, said an industry expert.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). COVID-19 oral meds market good pill to swallow. ecns.cn Eyeing the huge market potential, pharmaceutical enterprises are ramping up efforts to grab a share of the COVID-19 preventative oral medicine market in China and the rest of the world.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China's rail passenger trips, cargo volume rise in February. ecns.cn China's railways saw steady growth in passenger trips and freight volume in February, official data showed.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China's renewable energy capacity expands in Jan-Feb. ecns.cn China's installed renewable energy capacity saw robust growth in the first two months of the year, data from the National Energy Administration showed on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). U.S. must be held accountable for systemic violation of human rights resulting from unilateral sanctions: Chinese FM. ecns.cn The U.S. and some other Western countries must take responsibility and be held accountable for the systemic violation of human rights resulting from their unilateral sanctions, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Monday.‚ÄÇ…

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China's first 500kW hydrogen-powered ship hits water. ecns.cn China Three Gorges Corporation said on Monday that the country's first 500kW hydrogen-powered ship hit water in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province on the same day.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China's expenditure on basic research exceeds 195 billion yuan in 2022. ecns.cn China's expenditure on basic research exceeded 195.1 billion yuan (about $28.35 billion) in 2022, according to a report released by Dalian University of Technology on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Fairs aim to increase jobs for graduates. ecns.cn The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has launched a special recruitment campaign from March 19 to May 26 aimed at achieving fuller employment of college graduates.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Restored classics enjoy screen revival. ecns.cn Every museum has its star attraction. For the China Film Archive, the largest of its kind in the country, its most prized possession is the set of reels of Laborer's Love.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Culture and tourism shows set to draw in the public. ecns.cn The Ministry of Culture and Tourism held a news conference in Beijing, announcing the schedules and preparations of two major events.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Expert pins growth hopes on real estate, consumption. ecns.cn Real estate recovery is a key factor to China's economic rebound this year and should be closely monitored while growth driven by foreign trade, particularly exports, is likely to dim, economists said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Efforts by U.S. to contain China called unrealistic. ecns.cn The United States' containment policy against China isn't realistic and it is not in the U.S.' own interests, a China expert said, adding that the U.S. government must return to diplomacy to address bilateral tensions.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Report details failings in U.S. democracy. ecns.cn Titled "The State of Democracy in the United States: 2022", the report aims to present a real picture of U.S. democracy over the past year based on facts, media coverage and expert opinions, the report said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Taiwan's former head to visit mainland. ecns.cn The Chinese mainland will welcome Ma Ying-jeou, the former leader of Taiwan, who will visit the mainland on March 27 to worship his ancestors and lead young Taiwan students to strengthen exchanges.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Forum shares poverty alleviation experiences. ecns.cn Diplomats, government officials and scholars from 20 countries and a myriad of international organizations gathered in subtropical Yunnan province on Sunday to discuss how China's expertise in poverty reduction is about to benefit rural areas beyond China's borders.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). 20 years on, most Americans say Iraq invasion was wrong decision: Axios. ecns.cn Two decades after the United States invaded Iraq, 61 percent of Americans do not believe the country made the right decision by invading Iraq, according to a new Axios/Ipsos poll.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). New mineral coating helps oral probiotics survive manufacturing, digestion: study. ecns.cn Oral probiotic supplements are gaining increasing popularity as a non-invasive therapy to promote healthy gut microbiomes. However, their efficacy is rather uncertain due to low bacterial survival in the gut.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China releases annual global climate report. ecns.cn China Meteorological Administration has released an annual report on the current state of global climate, according to the China Science Daily on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). U.S. deterrence, pressure increase tension on Korean Peninsula: Chinese envoy. ecns.cn A Chinese envoy said on Monday that the U.S. tactic of deterrence and pressure has led to elevated tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Scientists mull building underwater telescope to detect cosmic rays. ecns.cn Chinese scientists are working on a blueprint for a gigantic telescope to observe neutrinos, one of the most abundant particles in the universe, from deep within the seas or lakes.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Xi says he invites Putin to China for Belt and Road forum. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping said here on Tuesday that he has invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to travel to China for the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation this year.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Learning Chinese becomes increasingly popular among Indonesian officials. ecns.cn "I like Sun Wukong (or Monkey King) and Nezha (a Chinese mythological figure), especially the story of Bai Suzhen (the white snake maiden) in the Legend of the White Snake," said Akumad Ripai, who comes from the village of Semarang in Indonesia. Ripai can fluently name many characters from Chinese mythology and finds learning Chinese very enjoyable.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Insights | Pakistan scholar: I am a follower of the Chinese development path. ecns.cn "China is looking at steady domestic product growth towards the set target of around 5%, and it will have a stimulating effect on the economy for countries like Pakistan," said Hassan Daud Butt, associate professor at Bahria University and former director of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, during an online interview with China News Network.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). (W.E. Talk) How does the China solution to biodiversity protection enlighten the world?>. ecns.cn March 21 this year marks the 11th International Day of Forests. With the awareness of ecological priority and green growth increasing across China, its achievements in environmental protection are making considerable strides.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China's foreign trade off to a good start in 2023: official. ecns.cn China's foreign trade has gotten off to a good start this year, with an upbeat trend to follow, a customs official said on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Xi Jinping arrives in Moscow for state visit to Russia. ecns.cn On the afternoon of March 20 local time, President Xi Jinping arrived in Moscow on a special plane to pay a state visit to Russia at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). President Xi Jinping meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping, upon invitation, met with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin on his arrival in Moscow on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Sandstorm to hit northern China as yellow alert issued across 10 provinces. ecns.cn Sandstorms and high winds will sweep eastward across the north and northeast parts of China from Tuesday, likely to cause the most severe sandstorm weather to hit China in 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Cruise boats equipped with 5G+Beidou launched at Summer Palace. ecns.cn More than 200 cruise boats equipped with 5G+Beidou real-time positioning system were available at the Summer Palace on Monday. Tourists can scan the QR code to make a reservation, pay the deposit, start a cruise boat, and settle the payment through self-service.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Enping 20-4 oilfield platform under construction in S China sea. ecns.cn The "Enping 20-4" deep-water jacket, which is 104 meters high and weighs 11,846 tons, was installed in the Enping Oilfield, about 200 kilometers southwest of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). International Day of Forests: Exploring China's national forest parks. ecns.cn Tuesday marks the International Day of Forests. China has made new strides in advancing afforestation in 2022, with the area of newly planted forests totaling 3.83 million hectares. By February 2019, 897 national forest parks were existence all over the country.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Solar halo observed over Lhasa. ecns.cn A solar halo appears in the sky in Lhasa, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, March 20, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Cherry blossoms enter full bloom in Anhui. ecns.cn Cherry blossoms enter full bloom at Langxi County of Xuancheng City, east China's Anhui Province, March 20, 2023, attracting many tourists.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Two rivers meet with clear boundary in Qinghai. ecns.cn Aerial view shows two rivers meet at the confluence of Hongshui River with two colors at Dulan County, Haixi Mongolian Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Qinghai Province, March 20, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Picturesque scenery of cloud-shrouded tea garden in Sichuan. ecns.cn A 40-hectare tea garden with an altitude of 1,300 to 1,500 meters is shrouded in clouds, forming a beautiful picture at Hongya County, southwest China's Sichuan Province, March 21, 2023.

Editor (2023-03-21). ACTION ALERT: Trump rules remain at FCC as Democrats cave to Big Cable, Fox News. mronline.org Remember Ajit Pai, the former Verizon lawyer Trump put in charge of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)? When he gutted net neutrality rules and kneecapped the agency's ability to regulate telecom monopolies, voters from across the political spectrum were outraged. The internet erupted in protest.

Editor (2023-03-21). Bolivia: Electric powerhouse of Latin America. mronline.org For the first time in Bolivia's history, the country is now an exporter of electricity.

Editor (2023-03-21). The secret of the failure of liberation—a tribute and celebration of Amilcar Cabral fifty years on. mronline.org To mark the fiftieth anniversary of national revolutionary leader Amilcar Cabral's murder in 1973, over the next four weeks, ROAPE will be re-posting a collection of essays paying tribute to Cabral. The collection was first published in the ROAPE journal thirty years ago, and reflects on the extraordinary achievements of Cabral and his organisation PAIGC (the Partido Africano de Indendencia de Guine e Cabo Verde).

Editor (2023-03-21). U.S. government bailout of Silicon Valley and banks is $300B gift to rich oligarchs. mronline.org The U.S. Federal Reserve printed $300 billion in a week to save collapsing banks and bail out Silicon Valley oligarchs. 93% of Silicon Valley Bank's deposits were uninsured, over the FDIC limit of $250,000, but the government still paid them. 56% of SVB's loans went to venture capitalist and private equity firms.

Editor (2023-03-21). Using the right language: The 'incremental genocide' of the Palestinians continues. mronline.org I am writing this op-ed on March 10, 2023. Seventy-five years ago, on this date, the military command of the Zionist leadership publicized Plan Dalet, or Plan D, which, among other guidelines, instructed the Zionist forces on their way to occupy hundreds of Palestinian villages and several towns and neighborhoods in historical Palestine.

Editor (2023-03-21). DeSantis Privately Called for Google to Be 'Broken Up'. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-21). New York Times Tries for Pulitzer Prize in Irresponsible Reporting on Bank Crises. scheerpost.com By The Center for Economic and Policy Research The New York Times seems to think it is a newspaper's job to promote bank panics wherever possible. It would be difficult to explain its reporting on the Silicon Valley Bank's (SVB) collapse any other way. Last week it ran a piece implying that Silicon Valley's tech sector was …

Editor (2023-03-21). Patrick Lawrence: Trump & the Stormy Deep State. scheerpost.com We keep coming face-to-face with the wreckage of the Russiagate years, when the 45th president threatened the national security apparatus for, possibly, the first time since Kennedy fired Allen Dulles as C.I.A. director in 1961.

Emir Sader (2023-03-21). Cómo Brasil derrotó al 'lawfare'. globalizacion.ca En Brasil, el lawfare fue un tema fundamental, porque intervino directamente en la historia reciente del país. Lula y Dilma Rousseff fueron las principales víctimas del lawfare. En este momento están viajando para China. | Él, nuevamente elegido presidente de Brasil….

Eric Zuesse (2023-03-21). Reader-Comments at Russia's RT News and Censorship in America. dissidentvoice.org On March 20, Russia's RT News reported, "The US Department of Defense announced on Monday that it will send Ukraine another $350 million worth of military aid. The further supplies come as Ukraine reportedly gears up for a spring offensive, despite suffering heavy losses in Donbass. The package is the 34th tranche of military aid …

Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni (2023-03-21). øDemocracia, dictadura o qué hay en Perú? globalizacion.ca Un presidente campesino, líder de los docentes peruanos (el "Profe"), apoyado por las rondas campesinas, que estuvieron cuarenta y cinco días en Lima exigiendo que sus votos fueran respetados (la "Keiko" Fujimori quería anularlos), fue destituido sin ser escuchado y…

Fight Back (2023-03-21). Against Trotskyism: The united front. fightbacknews.org Trotskyism disagrees with Marxism-Leninism on a number of important theoretical points. These disagreements aren't limited to the field of theory but have a real practical impact on the movements of working class and oppressed peoples. In our day-to-day struggles, we see them come up again and again. Practically, the question of the united front illustrates very clearly the glaring difference between Marxism-Leninism and Trotskyism. This is a question of extreme theoretical importance, with tremendous practical consequences, so we should examine it closely. | What is the united front? It is the organizational exp…

Fight Back (2023-03-21). Los Angeles: School workers to begin strike. fightbacknews.org Los Angeles, CA – At 4: 30 a.m. on Tuesday March 21, over 30,000 school workers in the Los Angeles Unified School (LAUSD) including food service workers, custodians, special education assistants and many more job titles will walk off the job on a strike. The workers are members of SEIU Local 99, also known as Education Workers United. | LAUSD and SEIU Local 99 have been in contract negotiations since 2020. After three years of bargaining, they decided to call a strike to show the boss they are serious about winning a contract with significant wage increases, expanded health care benefits and sufficient staffing an…

Fight Back (2023-03-21). Milwaukee Anti-war Committee rallies for peace in Ukraine, against U.S. war machine. fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI – In solidarity with the protest in Washington D.C. on March 18 that saw organizers from all over the country descend on the capital, the Milwaukee Anti-War Committee (MAC) hosted a rally downtown to demand peace in Ukraine and reflect on the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Despite the frigid weather, members from the MAC, Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, and Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) came together to speak on the need to end imperialism and touched on the destructive history of U.S. economic and military interventions abroad. | The event o…

Fight Back (2023-03-21). Minneapolis marks the 20th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – To mark 20 years after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, a coalition of Minneapolis anti-war, peace and social justice groups held a protest on Saturday, March 18 as part of a national day of anti-war actions. The protest was held in the very busy Uptown neighborhood of Minneapolis. Hundreds of people driving and walking by and using public transit saw the visible anti-war statement. The Minneapolis event was called in solidarity with a national anti-war protest in Washington DC at the White House on March 18. That day saw protests being held in other U.S. cities as well. | The Minneapolis protest was…

Florence CGTN (2023-03-21). UN chief calls for actions to combat racism and racial discrimination. america.cgtn.com The world is commemorating the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on Tuesday. Racial prejudice remains a serious human rights problem around the world. The UN Secretary General says racism and the legacies of enslavement and colonialism continue to ruin lives.

Frank Scott (2023-03-21). Jesus Belatedly Charged With Sexual Assault. dissidentvoice.org World famous feminist lawyer Gloria Allbucks revealed shocking details contained in previously unread biblical blogs from the Dead Ocean Scrolls which show that Mary Magdaline suffered outrageous sexual abuse from Jesus but was too frightened of his power to say anything at the time. "Now that times have changed and brave people are coming forward …

Global Research News (2023-03-21). Selected Articles: A 10-year-old Canadian Hockey Player From Hamilton, Ontario, Died Suddenly on March 11, 2023. Canada's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Athletes Ages 12+ Are a Serious Crime. globalresearch.ca

Igor Derysh (2023-03-21). Legal Experts Say Trump Witness's Testimony May Backfire on the Ex-President. truthout.org Trump ally Robert Costello said Monday that he attacked the credibility of former Trump fixer Michael Cohen while appearing before a Manhattan grand jury investigating the 2016 hush-money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels. Costello, an attorney who once represented Cohen and Rudy Giuliani and was accused of dangling a pardon to Cohen during the Mueller investigation… |

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-21). Local Council Leader outlines innovation vision for White City at Imperial. imperial.ac.uk Imperial hosted the Leader of Hammersmith & Fulham Council Councillor Stephen Cowan at Scale Space for a briefing event.

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-21). Imperial strengthens its academic and industry links with Japan. imperial.ac.uk Imperial celebrated its growing Japanese ties with a series of events in Tokyo and Osaka.

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-21). Advanced brain imaging study hints at how DMT alters perception of reality. imperial.ac.uk Scientists have gleaned new insights into how psychedelics alter conscious experience via their action on brain activity.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-21). Britain Supplying Depleted Uranium Rounds to Ukraine. libya360.wordpress.com Phil MIller The British army is donating 14 Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine. (Photo: Si Longworth / MOD) British tanks gifted to Ukraine will come equipped with controversial depleted uranium rounds, it has emerged. The UK will send "armour piercing rounds which contain depleted uranium" to Ukraine, for use with the tank squadron donated by…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-21). Colonialism Created Food Insecurity in Haiti. libya360.wordpress.com Victoria Koski-Karell and Elio Dortilus Now Climate Change Compounds It. The U.S. must end its unfair trade practices and stop flooding Haiti's markets with food that can be grown locally. As the planet faces more climate-driven disasters, we must prioritize the safety and wellbeing of populations most vulnerable to their effects. Extreme heat, droughts, floods…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-21). Fascism Drove Ukraine to Civil War. It Could Soon Do the Same to America. libya360.wordpress.com Rainer Shea What happens when a country's internal peace becomes impossible? When the interests of the different peoples within its borders grow so far removed from each other that the disadvantaged group must either fight or lose everything? Best case scenario for the oppressors, the oppressed section merely needs to wage a sustained campaign of…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-21). Free Will Trumps Determinism in Gulf Politics. libya360.wordpress.com M. K. Bhadrakumar UAE President Sheikh Mohammed (R) received Syria's President Assad on official visit at Abu Dhabi airport, March 19, 2023 China's mediation to normalise Saudi-Iranian diplomatic ties has been widely welcomed internationally, especially in the West Asian region. A clutch of unhappy states that do not want to see China stealing a march…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-21). Havana and the World: Al Mayadeen Interviews the Cuban President. libya360.wordpress.com Al Mayadeen In an exclusive interview for Al Mayadeen, the Cuban President talks about Cuba's stance on the war in Ukraine, and his country's relationship with Russia, China, and other countries. Part I: Cuban Revolution, US Embargo: Al Mayadeen Interviews the Cuban President During the second part of Al Mayadeen Media Network Chairman Ghassan Ben Jeddou's interview…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-21). Indian Farmers' Long March Triumphs as State Government Accepts Demands. libya360.wordpress.com Peoples Dispatch Farmers in the Indian State of Maharasthra who held a long march. Photo: Mohit Sauda Thousands of farmers took part in a long march in the Indian State of Maharashtra forcing the government to accept their demands, including an increase in subsidies and loan waivers. The march was led by the left-wing All…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-21). Multiple Agreements Crown Historic Putin-Xi Meeting. libya360.wordpress.com Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin after signing a joint statement on deepening comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation at the Kremlin, in Moscow, Russia. © Sputnik/Vladimir Astapkovich Deals between Russia and China aim to promote trade and multipolarity Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese guest Xi Jinping have signed more than a dozen…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-21). Multipolarity Was Triggered by the 2003 US Invasion of Iraq. libya360.wordpress.com Karin Kneissl Twenty years after the unlawful and destabilizing US-led invasion of Iraq, Washington must face the ultimate consequence of that war: UNSC powers China and Russia laying the foundation for a genuine, UN Charter-based system of multipolarism. On the night of 19-20 March, 2003, the US air force began bombing the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. The…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-21). The Hidden Proxy War Washington Wages against China. libya360.wordpress.com How a US delisted terror organization still threatens China… As US-Chinese tensions rise ahead of a feared conflict, it should be noted that the US has been waging a violent proxy war against China both within its borders and along them for years. This includes direct and indirect support for terrorist organizations including the East…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-21). Ukraine: Putin Lauds Chinese Peace Roadmap. libya360.wordpress.com It can be implemented only when West and Kiev are "ready" for it, Russian president said after talks with his Chinese counterpart Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in the Kremlin for official talks on Tuesday. Speaking after the meeting alongside Xi, the president lauded the 12-point peace roadmap for Ukraine…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-21). US Biolabs in Georgia and Ukraine: Are Young Soldiers Still Being Used as White Rats? libya360.wordpress.com Henry Kamens Once something is denied, and adamantly, you can suspect it is either true or something which raises too many inconvenient questions. Old news, such as US Produced Sarin Gas Used in Syria in Ukraine Lab, is now very current when we see vivid clips of Russian soldiers suffering horrific deaths from canister of poison gas…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-21). War Observations: Ukraine is Winning? libya360.wordpress.com Gordon Hahn Westerners like Joe Biden and Michael McFaul continue to assert that Ukraine is winning the NATO-Russia Ukrainian War. The reality is far different. The war could end this year with a complete collapse of the Ukrainian army and Maidan regime. This is not a certain outcome as yet but is possible if not…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-21). Why Xi Jinping's Visit to Russia Matters. libya360.wordpress.com Wang Wen The key to resolving the Ukrainian crisis is not in the hands of China, but in the hands of the US and the West. China is not the cause of the Ukraine crisis, nor is it a party to the crisis. It is Western countries that are deeply involved in the crisis. However, China has not stood idly by; it has actively promoted peace talks with a responsible attitude, writes Valdai Club…

Jacob Andrewartha (2023-03-21). Iraq invasion marked with calls for peace, truth. greenleft.org.au Events marking the 20th anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq were organised around Australia, with calls to scrap AUKUS and free Julian Assange. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

Jake Johnson (2023-03-21). New Assessments From Federal Agencies Underscore Harm of GOP Budget Cuts. truthout.org The top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee on Monday released letters from federal agencies that together provide a detailed look at the implications of the House GOP's proposed budget cuts, which would take an axe to programs that help millions of people make rent, feed their families, and afford childcare. Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) asked the leaders of major government departments… |

Jake Johnson (2023-03-21). East Palestine Soil Contains Dioxin Levels Hundreds of Times Over Cancer Risk Threshold. globalresearch.ca

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Chronic Pain at Multiple Sites Tied to Increased Dementia Risk. jamanetwork.com Chronic pain, especially at multiple sites in the body, was linked to a higher risk of dementia in a study of more than 350‚ÄØ000 UK Biobank participants aged 39 to 73 years. After adjustments for potential confounders, participants who reported a single site of pain had a 15% higher risk of dementia than those without pain. That risk climbed to 36% for those with multiple pain sites, researchers reported in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). On-Demand Male Contraceptive Compound Promising in Mouse Study. jamanetwork.com A single dose of an experimental compound inactivated sperm in male mice within 30 minutes for up to 2.5 hours and prevented pregnancy in a proof-of-concept study. The researchers also found that the treatment, known as TDI-11861, was safe and did not cause severe adverse effects such as organ damage or changes in behavior. The drug is in development as a potential nonhormonal and on-demand method of contraception.

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Study: Breast Radiotherapy Does Not Improve Survival in Older Patients. jamanetwork.com Treatment with radiotherapy alongside breast-conserving surgery and hormone therapy did not improve overall or breast cancer—specific survival, investigators recently reported. It also did not decrease the incidence of distant recurrence as a first event, according to a phase 3 clinical trial involving 1326 older women with low-risk, hormone receptor—positive early breast cancer.

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Prior COVID-19 Infection Tied to Lasting Lung Abnormalities. jamanetwork.com More than one-third of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 had lung abnormalities including scarring and thickening 2 years later, according to an analysis of chest computed tomographic (CT) scans from 144 participants aged 27 to 80 years.

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Meta-analysis: COVID-19 Infection Protects Against Severe Disease. jamanetwork.com Immunity generated by COVID-19 infection protects against hospitalization and death, according to a meta-analysis of 65 studies representing data from 19 countries. Protection against severe disease remained high after 40 weeks, at 90.2% for ancestral, Alpha, and Delta variants and 88.9% for Omicron BA.1 after 40 weeks.

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Cardiovascular Risk Factor Prevalence, Treatment, and Control in US Adults Aged 20-44 Years. jamanetwork.com This study assesses the prevalence rates of cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity, and tobacco use), treatment, and control among adults aged 20 to 44 years from 2009 through March 2020, overall and by sex and race and ethnicity.

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Refocusing Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Efforts on Young Adults. jamanetwork.com Life expectancy in the US is now the lowest it has been since 1996, with young- and middle-aged adults seeing the most rapid declines. These declines began in 2014 and have accelerated over the past 3 years of the pandemic. While COVID-19 represents a significant proportion, increases in heart disease between 2020 and 2021 explain more than 4% of the most recent shortening in life expectancy. These increases in cardiovascular mortality reflect recent disturbing trends in cardiovascular risk determinants and events in younger adults. Although overall cardiovascular disease mortality declined until 2020, hospitaliz…

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. jamanetwork.com This narrative review discusses the pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and diagnosis, and staging of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and summarizes current treatments.

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Early vs Interval Postpartum Intrauterine Device Placement. jamanetwork.com This randomized clinical trial examines the expulsion rate of intrauterine devices placed between 2 to 4 weeks postpartum compared with standard placement timing at 6 to 8 weeks postpartum.

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Hormone Therapy for the Prevention of Chronic Conditions in Postmenopausal Persons—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply Regarding our systematic review on hormone therapy for the primary prevention of chronic conditions in postmenopausal persons, Dr Anderson and Dr Chlebowski and Mr Aragaki express concern about our assessment of the methodological quality of the WHI, which we rated as fair quality or moderate risk of bias. Bias, in general terms, is a systematic error in study design, conduct, or analysis that can overestimate or underestimate the true intervention effect. However, quantifying bias and assessing the extent of the impact of bias on study results are usually impossible. Therefore, systematic reviews determ…

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Preoperative Hemodialysis Timing and Postoperative Mortality in Patients With ESKD—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply The Letter from Dr Pal and colleagues about our recent study raises several important points. First, we agree that the ideal exposure would have been the number of hours between the last preoperative hemodialysis session and surgery. Unfortunately, this information was not available in our data set. In addition, our study included only outpatient hemodialysis treatments and nonemergent surgeries. Assuming these treatments and procedures occur during normal working hours, the estimated hourly ranges for the interval from hemodialysis to the surgical procedure are unlikely to overlap between different cale…

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Hormone Therapy for the Prevention of Chronic Conditions in Postmenopausal Persons. jamanetwork.com To the Editor We are disappointed that a recent USPSTF Recommendation Statement failed to recommend menopausal hormone therapy for primary prevention of chronic diseases in postmenopausal persons.

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Preoperative Hemodialysis Timing and Postoperative Mortality in Patients With ESKD. jamanetwork.com To the Editor A recent retrospective observational study concluded that longer intervals between hemodialysis and surgery were significantly associated with increased 90-day mortality in Medicare beneficiaries. Although this was a pragmatic analysis of a large cohort, we are concerned that this study's generalizability may be limited for reasons other than those discussed in the article.

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Prevalence and County-Level Distribution of Births in Catholic Hospitals in the US in 2020. jamanetwork.com This study uses American Hospital Association data to examine the volume and distribution of births in Catholic US hospitals and quantify county-level patterns of Catholic and non-Catholic hospital births.

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Ectopic Pregnancy Risk in Users of Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine Systems With 52, 19.5, and 13.5 mg of Hormone. jamanetwork.com This study assesses the association between use of levonorgestrel intrauterine systems containing 52, 19.5, and 13.5 mg of hormone and ectopic pregnancy in a nationwide cohort study.

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Noah Webster as Epidemiologist. jamanetwork.com Oct. 16, 1758, there was born, in the best front room of a farmhouse, in the primitive farming village of West Hartford, Conn., a male infant destined to play a very important part in the intellectual development of "these United States of America." Noah Webster is known today, by name, to every high school student in this land, because no American High School is without a copy of "Webster's Dictionary." But he is known by name alone as the "great lexicographer and philologist"… Yet Webster might well, nay, should, be ranged with the Fathers of this nation, since perhaps no other single individual of Revolution…

jamanetwork (2023-03-21). Incomplete Information in Table. jamanetwork.com In the US Preventive Services Task Force Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review titled "Hormone Therapy for the Primary Prevention of Chronic Conditions in Postmenopausal Persons: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force," published in the November 1, 2022, issue of JAMA, information in a table was incomplete. In Table 2, in the second column of the "Breast cancer mortality" row, the sentence that read "During cumulative follow-up, 63 events in 10‚ÄØ739 persons contributed to effect estimate" should have read "During cumulative follow-up, 63…

Jennifer Gerson (2023-03-21). New Utah Law for Abortion Clinics Effectively Amounts to a Ban, Experts Say. truthout.org Exclusive research provided to The 19th shows that almost all of the abortions in Utah were done in clinics, which will soon no longer be able to perform the procedure. Last week, Utah Gov. Spencer Cox signed a law banning abortions from being provided in specialized clinics. Under the law, Utah will stop renewing or issuing licenses to abortion clinics starting May 2. As of January 2024… |

Jennifer Schroeder (2023-03-21). My Conviction Meant 40 Years Without A Vote. Not Anymore. aclu.org When I was convicted of a felony, I knew I wouldn't be able to vote, but it didn't sink in until I got my sentence: 40 years of probation. That meant 40 years without a vote. I wouldn't get to the ballot box again until I was 71 years old. | The moment it hit me, I felt separated from the world, from my own country. Just cut out of society completely. I didn't even know it was possible to fight back until I became the lead plaintiff in a lawsuit

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-03-21). U.S. Drone Forced Down in Black Sea Was Gathering Intelligence for Ukrainian Forces. Scott Ritter. globalresearch.ca

Jim Spellman (2023-03-21). 10 people charged with murder in the death of Irvo Otieno. america.cgtn.com Once again, an unarmed African American man is dead after interacting with police. Seven sheriff's deputies and three hospital employees have been charged in the death of Irvo Otieno in the U.S. state of Virginia. On Tuesday a grand jury confirmed those charges.

John McCracken, WhoWhatWhy. (2023-03-21). Can You Tell If A 'Bomb Train' Is Coming To Your Town? popularresistance.org In the wake of the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment, Governor Mike DeWine called on Congress to look into why the rural village didn't know ahead of time they had volatile chemicals coming through town. | "We should know when we have trains carrying hazardous materials through the state of Ohio," DeWine said at a press conference. | This information is out there, but it's probably not what the governor had in mind. With the derailment of the Norfolk Southern train receiving international attention, more railroad communities are now asking what is traveling through their backyard.

John Mullen (2023-03-21). France: Revolt against pensions decree, Macron losing his grip. greenleft.org.au French president Emmanuel Macron's government narrowly survived a no-confidence motion on March 20 over his decree enforcing the attack on pensions, reports John Mullen. But the people's revolt against it is escalating.

John Wojcik (2023-03-21). It's a mistake not to take Trump's troubles in New York seriously. peoplesworld.org Donald Trump claiming on his Truth Social Media site that he was going to be arrested Tuesday and charged by the Manhattan district attorney's office on charges related to a 2016 payment to pornographic actor Stormy Daniels is a sign, not of his strength, but of his weakness and total desperation. No one in New …

Jonathan Turley (2023-03-21). "True Stories … Could Fuel Hesitancy": Stanford Project Worked to Censor Even True Stories on Social Media. globalresearch.ca

Jordan Schachtel (2023-03-21). Three Years to Slow the Spread: COVID Hysteria and the Creation of a Never-ending Crisis. globalresearch.ca

Joseph A. McCartin, CounterPunch. (2023-03-21). Making Campuses Platforms For Labor Renewal. popularresistance.org Everywhere you look this spring, you'll find evidence that campuses are becoming sites of labor organizing and struggle. In recent months, faculty at the University of Illinois at Chicago staged recently a successful week-long strike, adjunct faculty at the New School won a three-week strike, 50,000 graduate assistants staged a six-week strike across the entire University of California system, staff at American University struck, and undergraduate workers at a growing number of campuses have begun organizing unions and, in some places, even preparing to strike. And this is just a small sampling of what has been a…

José Luis Granados Ceja (2023-03-21). Venezuela Oil Minister Resigns Amidst Corruption Crackdown. venezuelanalysis.com President Nicolás Maduro said that those engaged in unscrupulous behavior were betraying the values of the Bolivarian Revolution.

Julie Varughese (2023-03-21). Renewed Peace Movement Lauded As Protesters Marched in Washington, D.C., on 20th Anniversary of U.S. Invasion of Iraq. towardfreedom.org

Katie F. (2023-03-21). 6 weeks later: The state of East Palestine, Ohio from the eyes of a local. therealnews.com

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-21). Warren demands probe into bank failures, urges Biden to fire Powell. nationofchange.org Jerome Powell "has failed," said Sen. Elizabeth Warren. "I don't think he should be Chairman of the Federal Reserve."

Kester Kenn Klomegah (2023-03-21). Russia's Politics of Writing Off African Debts, Putin's Strategy of Economic Cooperation. globalresearch.ca

Kim Petersen (2023-03-21). Patriotism and Sinophobia. Scott Ritter and Douglas MacGregor. globalresearch.ca

kwjorinoco (2023-03-21). Official Reveals How Iran Helped Reactivate Key Refinery. orinocotribune.com Iran has supplied some 2.8 million parts to Venezuela for the purpose of restarting the El Palito refinery, which was knocked out of operation by US coercive economic measures—euphemistically referred to as "sanctions". | "The processing [of oil] at the El Palito refinery in Venezuela, which had reached zero after the withdrawal of the United States [from Venezuela], reached 100,000 barrels per day thanks to the supply of 2.8 million parts that they needed from Iranian industries," revealed Iranian Oil Minister Javad Oyi on Monday. | Oil production in El Palito, the Iranian minister added, will increase to…

kwjorinoco (2023-03-21). Xi Jinping Arrives in Russia on State Visit. orinocotribune.com Yesterday, the Chinese president's plane landed on the tarmac of the Vnukovo-2 international airport, reserved for official delegations, reported a journalist from Sputnik. President Xi was received by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Chernishenko and a military band. | According to Flightradar data, more than 100,000 people have been following the itinerary of Xi's plane. | Upon landing in Moscow, the Chinese leader extended his greetings and best wishes to the Russian government and people. | "China and Russia are good neighbors and reliable partners linked by mountains and rivers," said President Xi. "10 y…

Larry Johnson (2023-03-21). Why China Needs Russia — Andrei Martyanov Explains. sonar21.com My friend and new colleague, Andrei Martyanov, is always worth reading, but his piece today regarding Russia and the Chinese Navy is must read and see. The United States is…

Louis Brehony (2023-03-21). The Brouhaha of War: Soundscapes of the Invasion of Iraq, 20 Years On. globalresearch.ca

M. K. Bhadrakumar, People's Dispatch. (2023-03-21). US Paranoid About Russia-China Summit. popularresistance.org The arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Vladimir Putin can only be seen as a publicity stunt by the Anglo-Saxon clique, with the US leading from the rear. Ironically, though, the ICC acted on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Iraq in 2003, which led to horrific war crimes but the "judges" at Hague slept over it. Both Washington and London admit today that the 2003 invasion was illegal—based on trumped up allegations against Saddam Hussein. | There's no chance, of course, that the ICC warrant will ever be taken seriously. ICC has no jurisdictio…

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2023-03-21). Foreign Devils on the Road to Afghanistan. orinocotribune.com By M. K. Bhadrakumar — Mar 12, 2023 | On March 7, the western powers huddled together in Paris for a restricted meeting on Taliban and the Afghanistan situation. It was an exclusive meeting of the Special Representatives and Envoys for Afghanistan of Australia, Canada, the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. | The random pick was striking — on a need-to-know basis — Türkiye out, Norway in. Presumably, the West won't trust the Turks to keep secrets. But Norway makes itself indispensable as a European country with a first-rate…

Marc Steiner (2023-03-21). Before the Black Panther Party, there was the Lowndes County Freedom Organization. therealnews.com Early in 1966, the people of Lowndes County, Alabama formed an all-Black, independent political organization called the Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO). Organized with the support of activists from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the LCFO fought the disenfranchisement of Black voters against the palpable threat of white violence. The LCFO was a crucial chapter in the early history of Black Power, providing not only the blueprint for Kwame Ture's theory of Black Power but also the black panther imagery that would inspire Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale to form the Black Panthe…

Marc Vandepitte (2023-03-21). TikTok bans are part of the new Cold War against China. peoplesworld.org Like Denmark and the European Commission before it, Belgium is the latest government to ban TikTok. Civil servants are no longer allowed to use the app. According to the relevant ministers, the app should even be removed from all mobile phones used professionally in government departments. TikTok is wildly popular among young people. It is …

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-03-21). Twentieth Anniversary Of The Invasion Of Iraq: Witness To The Horrors Of War. popularresistance.org The twentieth anniversary of the US/NATO invasion and occupation of Iraq was March 19th. The day before that, thousands of people in the United States rallied and marched against the current wars/occupations and funding for militarism instead of people's needs. Clearing the FOG spoke to Kathy Kelly, who is currently the board president of World Beyond War. Kelly was in Iraq during the 'Shock and Awe Campaign' and has worked tirelessly with people in Iraq and Afghanistan to raise awareness of the horrors of war and to provide direct support to them. She is also active in campaigns to ban the use of killer drones a…

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2023-03-21). Washington: Manifestantes protestan contra el apoyo de Estados Unidos a la guerra. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON, D.C. — Miles de manifestantes salieron a las calles de Washington este fin de semana para exigir que Estados Unidos abandone el militarismo y el uso de sanciones contra sus supuestos enemigos. La manifestación tuvo lugar mientras el país conmemoraba el vigésimo aniversario de la invasión de Irak en 2003. Según algunas estimaciones, esa …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-21). Trumpites target Atlanta DA in racist push to save ex-president. peoplesworld.org ATLANTA—There's an old court-oriented saying, attributed to writer Carl Sandburg: "If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell." Yelling like hell, in essence, is what the right-wing pro-Trump Republican …

Mark Niu (2023-03-21). Growing worker burnout in the U.S. america.cgtn.com Having trouble staying motivated at work? It may not just be you. Surveys are finding that worker burnout is a growing trend around the globe.

Mary Triny Mena (2023-03-21). How Venezuelans with down syndrome join workforce. america.cgtn.com Living with a disability is twice as hard in a country like Venezuela. And while it's not easy for them to find jobs, some are pulling out all the stops to join the workforce, to prove their strong work ethic and skills. Here's a …

Megan Giovannetti, Jasmin Joseph, In These Times. (2023-03-21). 'If They Strike, We Won't Cross The Picket Line'. popularresistance.org Los Angeles, California – Following weeks of uncharacteristically gloomy days, the weather broke late in the afternoon on Wednesday, March 15, seemingly in preparation for the 4: 30 PM Unite for Los Angeles Schools rally in Grand Park outside City Hall. The gathered crowd buzzed with excitement and righteous indignation. Drums and horns sounded, signs and t-shirts were given out and street vendors peddled everything from cotton candy to tacos, making the event feel more like a music festival than a rally. Our headliners? Leaders from two of the largest unions in Los Angeles County.

Michael Jansen (2023-03-21). Two Decades after the US War on Iraq began, the disastrous Consequences of the Conflict are still being Felt. juancole.com Michael Jansen ( The Irish Times ) — The US war on Iraq, launched 20 years ago on Monday, became a significant turning point for the eastern Arab world due to the fall of a third key country from the regional front designed to secure the sovereignty and independence of the region. …

Michael Snyder (2023-03-21). 186 More Banks "Are at Risk of Failure", and That Could Push Us Into the Next Great Depression. globalresearch.ca

Michelle Begue (2023-03-21). Colombian government pushes for healthcare reforms. america.cgtn.com Colombia's left-wing President Gustavo Petro has an ambitious reform agenda during his first year in office. He seeks to reform pension and labor laws, but his efforts to improve healthcare have been met with opposition.

Miguel Santos García (2023-03-21). Modus operandi del lawfare peruano. globalizacion.ca

Mirko C. Trudeau (2023-03-21). Azotar a los niños, ejemplo del respeto a los derechos humanos en EE.UU. globalizacion.ca En Estados Unidos hay diecinueve estados donde está permitido el castigo físico a niños y niñas en las escuelas. La noticia no es de principios del siglo pasado: azotes, nalgadas, reglazos siguen siendo una práctica aplicada a "estudiantes rebeldes" en…

Misión Verdad (2023-03-21). Venezuela Establishes Expat Protocol for Primary Elections. orinocotribune.com Venezuela's national regulating body for primary elections, the National Primary Commission (CNdP), has confirmed that Venezuelans who reside outside of the country will be able to participate in the upcoming presidential primary elections. For the opposition candidates, in particular, in addition to the deep divisions within the Democratic Unitary Platform, their hopes seem to be tied to the participation of Venezuelans from abroad. | On October 22 of this year, the opposition primaries for the 2024 presidential elections will take place. During an interview, the CNdP president, Jesús María Casal, said that the…

Moon of Alabama. (2023-03-21). Geopolitical Rumblings Leave US Behind. popularresistance.org Over the last month we have seen astonishing geopolitical developments. | In February China publicly lambasted U.S. hegemony, launched a global security initiative and offered a peace plan for Ukraine. | On March 10 China mediated an agreement which restored relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran. | On March 15 Moscow rolled out the red carpet for the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. | Yesterday al-Assad and his wife Asma arrived in the UAE for talks with Sheikh Mohammed | Also yesterday Iran and Iraq signed a security cooperation agreement that will stop the CIA sponsored Kurdish activities against Iran.

noreply (2023-03-21). A Picture Worth A Thousand Words. smoothiex12.blogspot.com Here is a photo from Syria, from Aleppo. Syrians doing their own version of Immortal Regiment carrying photos of Russian servicemen who died fighting for Syria's independence and clearing it from ISIS plague. This is everything one needs to know about new world Russia and China are building. In related news, the names (id…

noreply (2023-03-21). In Order To Not Misread Things. smoothiex12.blogspot.com

noreply (2023-03-21). Same As With "Iranian" Drones. smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Olivia Rosane, Ecowatch. (2023-03-21). IPCC: This Is The Make-Or-Break Decade For Climate Action. popularresistance.org Decisions made this decade will largely determine whether world leaders can limit global warming to 1.5 or two degrees Celsius of warming below pre-industrial levels and avoid the increasingly more drastic impacts of the climate crisis. | That's one key takeaway from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) Synthesis Report of the findings gathered in its Sixth Assessment Cycle. The Summary for Policymakers, released Monday, found that all economic sectors would need to launch "rapid and deep and, in most cases, immediate" cuts in greenhouse gas emissions before 2030 in order to have a more than 50…

Paul Buhle (2023-03-21). The too-large-for-life longshore leader Harry Bridges. peoplesworld.org Bob Cherney, the veteran labor historian at San Francisco State, close to his subject, fell seriously ill a decade ago but happily recovered. Through the process, his new book, Harry Bridges: Labor Radical, Labor Legend, has been more than 20 years in the making. His subject, notorious for smoking cigarettes madly and through some parts …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-21). Daily Round-up Anti-war demonstrations held to reject US warmongering, militarism & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we bring you stories of an anti-war mobilization in the US, negotiations on the transitional government in Sudan, a planned strike by Palestinian prisoners, and a march in Mexico on the anniversary of the nationalization of oil resources…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-21). Protests rage across France as government narrowly survives no-confidence vote. peoplesdispatch.org The French government had a narrow escape on Monday as the no-confidence motion filed by the opposition fell short of just nine votes in the National Assembly. Trade unions and leftist parties are gearing up for more protests against the unpopular pension reforms…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-21). Russian jet intercepts two US B-52 bombers moving towards its borders. peoplesdispatch.org This was third such air incident between Russian and NATO forces since the drowning of the US MQ-9 Reaper drone in the Black Sea on March 14…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-21). Sri Lanka secures its 17th IMF bailout package of USD 3 billion. peoplesdispatch.org The bailout package for Sri Lanka under IMF's Extended Fund Facility (EFF) has been in the pipeline after the country defaulted on its foreign debt last April…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-21). UK fights back against racist immigration bill. peoplesdispatch.org More than 15,000 people marched across the UK in opposition to the Tory government's Illegal Migration Bill as well as to resist racism on March 18. The event organised by Stand Up To Racism was supported by all major trade unions in the country.

Peter Boyle (2023-03-21). Public art invites us to show solidarity with whistleblowers. greenleft.org.au Italian artist Davide Dormino's life-sized bronze sculptures, representing the figures of legendary persecuted truth-tellers Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, invite the public to show solidarity with whistleblowers. Peter Boyle reports.

Philip Giraldi (2023-03-21). Send in the Clowns. Yellen and Garland Perform Back-to-back Surprise Visits to Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-21). ICC Arrest Warrant for Vladimir Putin for "Kidnapping Ukrainian Children" Borders on Ridicule. globalresearch.ca The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued "there are reasonable grounds to believe that each …

Prof Souad N. Al-Azzawi (2023-03-21). Iraq War Remembrance, March 20, 2023: How the U.S. Contaminated Iraq with Depleted Uranium. globalresearch.ca The following text was presented to the Kuala Lumpur International Conference to Criminalise War, Putra World Trade Centre, 28-31 October 2009. | For more than three decades [since 1991], the United States of America and the United Kingdom have been waging …

Prof. Marjorie Cohn (2023-03-21). For 20 Years, Team Bush Has Escaped Prosecution for Their War Crimes in Iraq. globalresearch.ca

Ralph Nader (2023-03-21). Reckless Capitalist Banks Rescued by Government Socialism — Again! dissidentvoice.org Once again, government socialism — ultimately backed by taxpayers — is saving reckless midsized banks and their depositors. Silicon Valley Bank (S.V.B) and Signature Bank in New York greedily mismanaged their risk levels and had to be closed down. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), in return, to avoid a bank panic and a run …

rebekah (2023-03-21). How Investors Accelerate the Affordable Housing Crisis. inequality.org With billions of dollars of cash on hand, and millions of working-class families unable to find affordable housing, corporations are increasing their share of the housing stock and expanding their portfolios. A 2021 report co-authored by the Institute for Policy Studies, Bargaining for the Common Good, and Americans for Financial Reform Education Fund demonstrated how …

Rep. Ron Paul (2023-03-21). Are Bank Failures a Sign of More Trouble Ahead? globalresearch.ca

Richard Javad Heydarian (2023-03-21). AUKUS a Hard Nuke Sale in Next Door Southeast Asia. asia-pacificresearch.com

Richard Kingsford (2023-03-21). How did millions of fish die gasping in the Darling — after three years of rain? greenleft.org.au Unless we tackle the fundamental problem of a lack of water in our rivers, there will be many more to come. This fish kill is not a natural disaster, writes Richard Kingsford.

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Brzezinski presides over launching of new, permanent, U.S. Army headquarters in Poland. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com "This moment is 1939." — Brzezinski ==== Polish RadioMarch 21, 2023 New permanent US Army HQ launched in Poland A new permanent US Army headquarters began operating in Poland on Tuesday following its official launch in the western city of Pozna≈Ñ. Speaking at the Activation Ceremony for US Army Garrison Poland, Polish Defense Minister Mariusz …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). European military super-state: 17 EU members, Norway to buy artillery ammunition for Ukraine — Borrell. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The term European military super-state was used by members of the Irish parliament who opposed the Lisbon Treaty in warning of what it entailed. Irish members of parliament voted against the treaty in 2008, then — as is par for the course in post-Cold War Europe — were compelled to vote the right way the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Georgia: State Department, NGOs/SCOs conspire for government overthrow, second war front. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaMarch 21, 2023 Ruling and Opposition Parties Respond to the US State Department's Report The U.S. Department of State's "2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices" has prompted responses from Georgia's ruling and opposition parties regarding the country's handling of human rights issues. Comments from the Ruling Party Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Garibashvili …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Georgian FM in Brussels to offer his country to EU, NATO. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaMarch 21, 2023 Ilia Darchiashvili Visits Brussels to Meet with EU and NATO Officials Georgian Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili is on a working visit to Brussels from 21 to 23 March. During his visit he will meet with the leaders of the European Union and NATO. According to the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Georgian head of state: The world is facing the threat of a 3rd World War. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaMarch 21, 2023 PM Accuses "Elite NGOs" in Providing "Fabricated Information" for State Department Report on Georgia Speaking to journalists…Georgian Prime Minister Garibashvili…asked about the State Department's 2022 Country Report on Human Rights in Georgia, PM said that the report is mainly based on information provided by "subjective", "biased" and "unfair" conclusions developed by …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Latvia: 40 NATO global strike force commanders, reps prepare for troop, arms influx. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOSupreme Headquarters Allied Powers EuropeMultinational Corps NortheastMarch 21, 2023 NATO Force Integration Unit Latvia provides hands-on expertise for Very High Readiness Joint Task Force On March 13-17, more than 40 representatives from Very High Readiness Joint Task Force's (VJTF) land component for 2023, Multinational Division North and other entities visited different sites in Latvia. Facilitated …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Middle East proxy army: NATO summons Iraqi FM to its headquarters. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMarch 20, 2023 Secretary General welcomes Foreign Minister of Iraq to NATO NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein to NATO Headquarters on Monday (20 March 2023). The Secretary General thanked Iraq for its commitment to its partnership with NATO, particularly…promoting stability in the region. Mr Stoltenberg underscored that NATO continues …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Naval commanders from 4 continents: U.S. Navy, NATO hold 38-nation African Maritime Forces Summit. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Admiral Munsch is simultaneously the commander of the NATO Allied Joint Forces Command, Naples. Cabo Verde is where the NATO Response Force was launched in 2006. See videos below. ==== U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa/U.S. Sixth FleetMarch 21, 2023 NAVAF hosts first African Maritime Forces Summit in Cabo Verde Commander of U.S. Naval Forces …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Norway completes delivery of German tanks to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The Local (Norway)/Agence France-PresseMarch 20, 2023 Norwegian army says delivery of tanks to Ukraine complete Norway on Monday announced that it had delivered eight Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, a contribution that along with those of other countries will be "decisive" for an upcoming Ukrainian counter-offensive. "The eight Leo (Leopard) 2s are all in Ukraine," …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). To Emanuel's applause, Japanese PM makes unprecedented surprise trip to Ukraine, visits Bucha. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Kyodo NewsMarch 21, 2023 Japan PM Kishida visits Ukraine for talks with Zelenskyy Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida arrived in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv on Tuesday in a surprise visit to the Eastern European country to hold talks with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy ahead of a G-7 summit that Tokyo will host in May. The …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). War in Ukraine is arms bonanza for Clinton's home state. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense NewsMarch 21, 2023 How the war in Ukraine is driving growth in Arkansas CAMDEN, Ark. — In downtown Camden, in south-central Arkansas, a large number of storefronts sit dark and empty, offering little insight into what once thrived there. On one block, only a florist and an artisanal soap shop were open on a …

Robert S. Becker (2023-03-21). On MAGA's deceptive fixation: founders 'ordained this Christian nation'. nationofchange.org But when did factual truth matter/ To yahoos seizing forms to shatter?>

Roger McKenzie (2023-03-21). Credit Suisse bank collapse: Thousands of jobs evaporate, but bosses get their bonuses. peoplesworld.org Thousands of jobs look set to go as the Swiss government backed the bailout of troubled Credit Suisse by giant UBS on Sunday amid fears of a global banking crisis. Global stock markets plummeted Monday after it was announced that UBS would be taking over Credit Suisse. On the news of the takeover, Hong Kong's …

Sakura Murakami (2023-03-21). Japan Plans $75B Investment Across Indo-Pacific to Counter China. asia-pacificresearch.com

Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs (2023-03-21). Monday 3/20: Defend Food Not Bombs Right to Share Food & Protest. indybay.org Resource Center for Nonviolence | 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz…

Sasha Abramsky (2023-03-21). BBC Disciplined Commentator Who Spoke Out Against UK's Anti-Immigrant Law. truthout.org For the last week, Britain has been consumed by drama surrounding ex-soccer superstar Gary Lineker's temporary removal from his role as a BBC commentator after he took to twitter to attack the government's new asylum policy. In early March, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's conservative government proposed a new law that would make it impossible for people to claim asylum if they entered the country… |

Sato Díaz, María Artigas (2023-03-21). 60,000 strike in Barcelona for International Women's Day. therealnews.com The degradation of women's labor and social standing is a global feature of capitalism. In Barcelona, Catalonia, 60,000 women took to the streets for a one-day general strike called by Spanish union CGT on International Women's Day, March 8. Women workers united across sectors to demand fair pay, an end to workplace discrimination, and migrant justice—particularly for the case of Spain's domestic workers, more than half of whom are migrant women. In the latest installment of Workers of the World, Sato Díaz and María Artigas report from the streets of Barcelona. This video is part of a special Workers…

Scott Ritter, Consortium News. (2023-03-21). Iraq 20 Years: Disarmament, The Fundamental Lie. popularresistance.org The Establishment has still not reckoned with the essential lie behind the invasion of Iraq that began 20 years ago today, March 19, 2003. | As an example, a New York Times Magazine's puff piece in July 2020, purportedly to come clean on Iraq, instead soft-peddles former Secretary of State Colin Powell's role in selling a war on Iraq to the U.N. Security Council using what turned out to be bad intelligence. "Colin Powell Still Wants Answers" is the title of the article, written by Robert Draper. "The analysts who provided the intelligence," a sub-header to the article declares, "now say it was doubted inside the…

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-21). Idaho Hospital Will Stop Delivering Babies as Providers Flee After Abortion Bans. truthout.org The only hospital in Sandpoint, Idaho, has announced that it will no longer be providing obstetric services for events such as childbirth due in part to Idaho's extremely restrictive abortion bans and an increasingly hostile environment toward medical providers in the state. The hospital, Bonner General Health, announced the decision in a press release last week, as first reported by the Idaho… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-21). Philadelphia Will Pay $9M to Settle George Floyd Protesters' Suit Over Brutality. truthout.org The city of Philadelphia announced on Monday that it will be paying out nearly $10 million to protesters and a community fund to settle a lawsuit brought by demonstrators who were brutalized by police as they rose up in opposition to that same violence in the summer of 2020. Philadelphia has agreed to pay $9.25 million to the roughly 350 protesters who brought suits against the city. |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-21). Warren, Sanders Call for End to Rules Letting Billionaire Dynasties Dodge Taxes. truthout.org Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) are calling on the Biden administration to bring an end to several estate and dynasty trust tax rules that are allowing the richest Americans to hide hundreds of millions of dollars from government tax agents. Dynasty trusts and the estate tax are major sources of tax evasion that stack the U.S. tax system even more in… |

Staff (2023-03-21). Carmen Julia Holguín Chaparro: "La poesía es una manera de canalizar mis sentimientos" cubadebate.cu "Por favor, lea poesía", una frase que se recicla una y otra vez todos los 21 de marzo. El Día Mundial de la Poesía es la excusa perfecta para leer y sumergirse en ese mundo edificado con versos y palabras. En esta jornada sacamos a la luz una entrevista a Carmen Julia Holguín Chaparro, escritora y docente mexicana, que estuvo en Cuba en el marco de la XXXI Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana.

Staff (2023-03-21). Jaime y Bellasoe: El amor nunca deja de ser (+ Video). cubadebate.cu "Aquí hay una luz especial, un aire especial", advirtió Ivette Cepeda y cobraron sentido los versos de Karel García que ella canta: "Y uno de luz y otro de viento fueron cayendo como en la lluvia cae ingenua el agua entre las ramas". Un año y tanto antes lloró por primera vez por dos pineros: Jaime y Bella, el fotógrafo y su modelo, protagonistas de una historia de amor que perdura más allá de su muerte.

Staff (2023-03-21). La vergàºenza del #TeamAsere. cubadebate.cu Me quedo con la vergàºenza de Armando Johnson… con su humildad, con su timidez, con ese nudo en la garganta que le impidió hablar en el recibimiento que les hicieran en el aeropuerto José Martí de La Habana. Me quedo con su imagen escondida en la foto colectiva… Los grandes no necesitan protagonismo. Lo tienen porque sí.

Staff (2023-03-21). Punto Deportivo: Una mirada a la actuación de Cuba en el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol (+Video). cubadebate.cu En esta emisión del Punto Deportivo realizamos un análisis de la actuación de Cuba en el Quinto Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, cita en la que el béisol cubano regresó a planos estelares. øQué elementos fueron fundamentales en la clasificación entre los cuatro grandes?, øQué faltó para llegar al podio? Sobre esto intercambiamos en la sección.

Staff (2023-03-21). øRepresentan bien las empresas de la música en Cuba a sus artistas? (I). cubadebate.cu Cuba cuenta con 14 empresas provinciales y una municipal (Isla de la Juventud), dos centros provinciales, dos nacionales y seis agencias de representación artística. Esta estructura agrupa a 4 081 unidades artísticas (669 subvencionadas y 3 412 no subvencionadas) integradas por 21 335 artistas y personal de apoyo.

Staff (2023-03-21). Mariposas, más que colores volando (+ Galería). cubadebate.cu Por su diversidad cromática y de formas, son divas indiscutidas, desde siempre las más admiradas de la clase Insecta por los humanos. No son solo belleza: como todo en el mundo natural, tienen un papel en el orden de las cosas y son importantes polinizadores junto a otros insectos como las abejas, o las aves.

Staff (2023-03-21). Clásico Mundial de Béisbol: Japón deja al campo a México 6-5 en una semifinal de infarto (+ Tuit y Videos). cubadebate.cu En un emocionante juego de semifinales del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, Japón logró clasificar a la final tras vencer 6-5 a México. En el final del noveno inning, Japón se encontraba en desventaja con un marcador de 4-5. Shohei Ohtani encendió el rally en el noveno inning con un doble, y Munetaka Murakami conectó un poderoso batazo contra la cerca que remolcó dos carreras para la goma y dejó al campo a México.

Staff (2023-03-21). Clásico Mundial de Béisbol: Japón deja al campo a México 6-5 en una semifinal de infarto (+ Video). cubadebate.cu En un emocionante juego de semifinales del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, Japón logró clasificar a la final tras vencer 6-5 a México. En el final del noveno inning, Japón se encontraba en desventaja con un marcador de 4-5. Shohei Ohtani encendió el rally en el noveno inning con un doble, y Munetaka Murakami conectó un poderoso batazo contra la cerca que remolcó dos carreras para la goma y dejó al campo a México.

Staff (2023-03-21). Cuba y España, aliados importantes para el fortalecimiento de la actividad notarial. cubadebate.cu La voluntad de fortalecer las relaciones entre Cuba y España en el ámbito notarial, en particular en materia de capacitación e informatización, distinguió el encuentro del Primer Ministro cubano con miembros del Consejo General del Notariado Español.

Staff (2023-03-21). Las 3 del día: Actuación de Cuba en el Clásico Mundial y las noticias de esta jornada (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Estados Unidos superó ampliamente este domingo a Cuba catorce carreras por dos en el partido semifinal del Quinto Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. Aunque la última imagen que deja el equipo cubano ante la afición es este dispar marcador de 14-2, es de destacar que culminó cuarto en esta edición, y tras 17 años regresó a planos estelares en el béisbol mundial.

Staff (2023-03-21). Venezuela se prepara para los V Juegos Deportivos del Alba. cubadebate.cu Los V Juegos Deportivos de la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (Alba) se celebrarán en 19 instalaciones de los estados de Miranda, La Guaira y Caracas, en Venezuela. En los Juegos participarán 3 mil 500 atletas en 35 deportes, como el beisbol, boxeo, atletismo, ajedrez, taekwondo, natación y esgrima.

Staff (2023-03-21). Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología: Candidato vacunal cubano contra el dengue se basa en plataforma muy segura. cubadebate.cu El candidato vacunal que induce la respuesta inmunológica celular contra los cuatro serotipos del virus del dengue, que desarrollan el Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología y el Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí, está basado en una plataforma tecnológica muy segura, señala una publicación del CIGB en la red social Twitter.

Staff (2023-03-21). Denuncia canciller cubano calumnias de EEUU en informe sobre derechos humanos. cubadebate.cu El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, afirmó este martes que son inaceptables las calumnias contra su país en el informe sobre Derechos Humanos 2022 del Gobierno de Estados Unidos. "Intenta en vano disfrazar su conducta intervencionista e injerencista", denunció el canciller cubano en una publicación en Twitter.

Staff (2023-03-21). Detienen a 19 ex altos funcionarios en República Dominicana por trama de corrupción. cubadebate.cu Durante una operación anticorrupción 19 colaboradores del expresidente de República Dominicana Danilo Medina fueron arrestados por desfalco millonario y lavado de activos. La operación fue llevada a cabo por la Procuraduría especializada de Persecución de la Corrupción Administrativa tras una compleja investigación.

Staff (2023-03-21). Díaz-Canel sobre Día Internacional para la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial: "Debería ser todos los días" cubadebate.cu El Día Internacional para la eliminación de la Discriminación Racial "debería ser todos los días", afirmó este martes el primer secretario del Comité Central del PCC y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel, y recordó que "demasiado grande la deuda del mundo con las víctimas del racismo".

Staff (2023-03-21). El pueblo estadounidense clama por la paz a dos décadas de la invasión a Iraq. cubadebate.cu Un fuerte reclamo de cese del militarismo y de la política de sanciones colmó este lunes las calles de Washington DC, donde miles de personas se congregaron para conmemorar el vigésimo aniversario de la invasión a Iraq liderada por EEUU. Los manifestantes portaron ataúdes envueltos en las banderas de los países invadidos en estas dos décadas de intenso belicismo.

Staff (2023-03-21). Francia: Protestas, más de 200 detenidos y enfrentamientos en ciudades tras aprobarse reforma pensional. cubadebate.cu Fuertes choques entre manifestantes que protestaban por la aprobación de la reforma pensional y agentes de policía se produjeron en París y otras grandes ciudades francesas, donde se reportaron más de 250 detenciones. En uno de los periodos más difíciles de su presidencia, Emmanuel Macron ofrecerá este miércoles 22 de marzo un discurso televisado.

Staff (2023-03-21). Juegos de París 2024 contarán con sistema refrigerante subterráneo. cubadebate.cu Durante los Juegos de París 2024, los deportistas podrán recurrir a un sistema refrigerante subterráneo para mantenerse frescos sin aire acondicionado en la villa olímpica, informaron este martes los organizadores, cuyo objetivo es reducir a la mitad las emisiones de dióxido de carbono y celebrar los juegos olímpicos más sostenibles de la historia.

Staff (2023-03-21). Putin: Plan de paz chino puede ser base para una solución en Ucrania, "cuando Occidente y Kiev estén listos" cubadebate.cu Tras un encuentro en Moscú con su homólogo chino, Xi Jinping, el presidente Vladímir Putin calificó de importante la cooperación económica entre ambos países y consideró que muchas propuestas del plan de paz de Pekín para una solución en Ucrania pueden ser base para un acuerdo pacífico. Ambos firmaron varios acuerdos de cooperación estratégica.

Staff (2023-03-21). "Stop Dirty Banks": Bill McKibben & Ben Jealous on Ending Big Bank Funding for Fossil Fuel Expansion. democracynow.org We speak with Third Act founder Bill McKibben and Sierra Club executive director Ben Jealous about protests they've organized today across the United States to demand the four biggest banks — Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo and Bank of America — stop financing the expansion of fossil fuel projects.

Staff (2023-03-21). U.N. Warns "Climate Time Bomb Is Ticking" as Cyclone Freddy Death Toll Tops 560 in Malawi & Mozambique. democracynow.org In a major new report released Monday, the United Nations is calling for immediate and drastic cuts to greenhouse gas emissions in order to stop global warming. The "final warning" by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change comes as the death toll from Cyclone Freddy just swept through southeast Africa, killing hundreds of people and displacing hundreds of thousands more. Climate justice activist Dipti Bhatnagar with Friends of the Earth Mozambique describes it as "yet another reminder that climate impacts are not in the future but very much happening to our communities right now." W…

Staff (2023-03-21). Headlines for March 21, 2023. democracynow.org U.N. Warns of Climate Catastrophe, Urges Immediate and Dramatic Action, Report Finds Drought Killed 43,000 People in Somalia in 2022, Russia Says Fighter Jet Intercepts U.S. B-52 Bombers Over Baltic Sea, U.S. Claims All Sides Committed War Crimes in Ethiopia's Tigray, Kenyan Opposition Politicians Tear-Gassed at Protests Against President William Ruto, South African Protesters March Against Mass Unemployment and Power Outages, French Government Narrowly Survives No Confidence Vote After Macron Slashes Pensions, Four More Oath Keepers Convicted over Jan. 6 Insurrection, Amazon Announces More Job Cuts, Bringi…

Staff (2023-03-21). War Made Easy: Norman Solomon on How Mainstream Media Helped Pave Way for U.S. Invasion of Iraq. democracynow.org As we continue to mark the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, we look at how the corporate U.S. media helped pave the way for war by uncritically amplifying lies and misrepresentations from the Bush administration while silencing voices of dissent. Longtime media critic Norman Solomon says many of the same media personalities and news outlets that pushed aggressively for the invasion then are now helping to solidify an elite consensus around the Ukraine war. "In the mass media, being pro-war is portrayed as objective. Being antiwar is portrayed as being biased," he says. Solomon is author…

Staff (2023-03-21). Remembering Mozambican Rapper Azagaia: Police Crack Down on Protests After Death of Cultural Icon. democracynow.org We speak with Dipti Bhatnagar, climate justice activist based in Mozambique, about the recent death on March 9 of the popular rapper and cultural icon Azagaia. He was just 38 years old. He inspired many with his music and sang about injustice, including mistreatment of people by the authorities, as well as about poverty and social injustice. Azagaia's death has sparked protests in Mozambique which authorities have violently suppressed.

Staff (2023-03-21). "War Made Easy" Film Panel Discussion Featuring Norman Solomon, Dennis Kucinich, Kathy Kelly & more. davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-03-21). Venezuela's Public Ministry Appoints Prosecutors for New Corruption Investigation, Deputy Hugbel Roa Arrested. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2023-03-21). Venezuela: Public Ministry Appoints Prosecutors for New Anti-Corruption Investigation, Deputy Hugbel Roa Arrested. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2023-03-21). Venezuela's Oil Minister Resigns Amid New Anti-Corruption Investigation. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2023-03-21). Palestinian prisoner leaders launch hunger strike: Battle of Freedom or Martyrdom to begin Thursday, 23 March. samidoun.net Building on over 36 days of escalating protests, the leadership of the Palestinian prisoners' movement announced today, Tuesday 21 March, that they would begin the collective hunger strike today with up to 2,000 prisoners and more to come following on Thursday and the days to come. They are demanding not only an end to the …

Staff (2023-03-21). An Idaho College Censored Their Reproductive Health Care Art, But These Artists Won't be Silenced. aclu.org After the Supreme Court overturned

Susan Price (2023-03-21). Sudan: 'The people will win in the end'. greenleft.org.au Hoyam Abbas, from the United Sudanese Revolutionary Forces Abroad, talks about the current stage of Sudan's democratic revolution against military rule.

Tanjug (2023-03-21). Today Marks 19th Anniversary of Anti-Serb Pogrom in Kosovo-Metohija. globalresearch.ca

Tanupriya Singh (2023-03-21). A warning, and an opportunity to act: UN IPCC publishes report on climate crisis. peoplesdispatch.org The climate crisis has affected food and water security, led to increased rates of morbidity, mortality, and displacement in the world's most vulnerable regions…

Tara Lohan (2023-03-21). PFAS 'forever chemicals' are everywhere: here's what that means for wildlife. nationofchange.org Researchers have found PFAS in the bodies of wild animals everywhere they've looked. Now they're beginning to understand the health effects.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-21). Franceses paralizan transporte contra reforma de pensiones. telesurtv.net Tras el uso de un artículo para saltarse la votación en el parlamento por parte de la jefa del Gobierno francés, Elisabeth Borne, las oposiciones pretenden sancionar al ejecutivo.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-21). Rusia abre caso penal contra jueces de la Corte de La Haya. telesurtv.net A su vez, China calificó la emisión de una orden de arresto contra el presidente ruso por parte de la Corte Penal Internacional como expresión de un doble rasero.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-21). Suman más de 80 detenidos por protestas en Sudáfrica. telesurtv.net Se calcula que varios miles de manifestantes estén en las calles , pidiendo el fin del desabastecimiento y la renuncia del presidente Cyril Ramaphosa.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-03-21). Japón pasa a la final del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023. telesurtv.net En el último inning un largo batazo de Munetaka Murakami dejó al equipo de México tirado en el campo.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-21). Anuncian resultados preliminares de comicios legislativos en Kazajistán. telesurtv.net En estos comicios, el gubernamental partido Anamat consiguió la mayoría parlamentaria con el 53,90 por ciento de los votos emitidos.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-21). Admiten a trámite pedido de juicio político contra presidente Lasso. telesurtv.net El pedido contra Lasso será enviado a la Corte Constitucional para que sea analizada la solicitud y se emita el dictamen previo de su admisibilidad.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-21). Emiten órdenes de evacuación por lluvias en California, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Según el comunicado, esta orden tiene como objetivo que las cerca de 1.400 personas que viven en esas regiones no fueran a quedar aisladas.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-21). Líder norcoreano Kim Jong-un dirige maniobras de ensayo militar. telesurtv.net La maniobra también busca mostrar "la voluntad más firme de responder a la guerra actual y enviar una advertencia más fuerte al enemigo".

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-21). Resulta ileso periodista ecuatoriano tras atentado. telesurtv.net La Fiscalía General del Estado inició una investigación por el atentado que sufrió este lunes el periodista Lenín Artieda, de la televisión Ecuavisa.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-21). Suman 489 los heridos tras terremoto en Ecuador. telesurtv.net El terremoto se convirtió en el movimiento telúrico más fuerte que ha soportado Ecuador desde el terremoto que golpeó Manabí y Esmeraldas el 16 de abril de 2016.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-21). Policía reemplaza a ocho generales por muertes en protestas en Perú. telesurtv.net En los tres meses transcurridos desde que la presidenta Dina Boluarte asumió el poder el 7 de diciembre de 2022, han muerto 60 personas durante las manifestaciones.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-21). øPor qué se celebra el Día de la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial?>. telesurtv.net La Asamblea General de la ONU emitió el 26 de octubre de 1966 la declaratoria para conmemorar el Día de la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-03-21). Asciende a 491 cifra de heridos tras terremoto en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Entre los bienes públicos afectados se encuentran 34 edificaciones.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-21). Gobierno palestino denuncia racismo de ministro de Finanzas israelí. telesurtv.net Mohammad Shtayyeh puntualizó que la postura del ministro israelí potencia la violencia ejercida por las fuerzas de ocupación de Israel contra Palestina.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-21). Madres de Plaza de Mayo ratifican apoyo a vicepresidenta argentina. telesurtv.net "Este 24 de marzo las Madres de Plaza de Mayo marchamos bajo la consigna 'No a la proscripción, Cristina conducción'".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-21). Presidente boliviano resalta combate contra la Covid-19. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado refirió que "prácticamente hemos resuelto el problema de la pandemia de la Covid-19 que la enfrentamos con vacunas gratuitas para todos los bolivianos y bolivianas".

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-21). Presidente venezolano: hemos asumido una posición frontal en lucha contra la corrupción. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado pidió su apoyo al pueblo venezolano en esta batalla contra la corrupción.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-21). Respaldan lucha anticorrupción del Gobierno venezolano. telesurtv.net Diosdado Cabello afirmó que en la Revolución Bolivariana no hay espacio para corruptos.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-21). Argentina recibe III Foro Mundial de Derechos Humanos. telesurtv.net Se prevé un encuentro internacional para apoyar a la vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández, víctima de persecución judicial.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-21). Condenan en Colombia asesinato de líder social en el Cauca. telesurtv.net Según la ONG Indepaz suman 29 los líderes asesinados en lo que va de 2023 en el país suramericano.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-21). Reportan nueva masacre en Barranquilla, Colombia. telesurtv.net El ataque ocurrió en el contexto del enfrentamiento entre las bandas de narcotraficantes Los Rastrojos y Los Costeños.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-21). Rusia condona más de 20.000 millones de dólares a àÅfrica. telesurtv.net Rusia suministrará, gratuitamente, alimentos a los países necesitados de África, si no se prorroga el acuerdo de granos.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-21). Sismo de magnitud 5.3 sacude el este de Taiwán. telesurtv.net Se registraron en total cuatro sismos con magnitudes de entre 3.7 y 5.3 en el oriente de la isla.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-21). Declaran alerta verde por lluvias en cuatro departamentos de Honduras. telesurtv.net La alerta aplica para Santa Bárbara, Cortés, Yoro y Atlántica debido a una cuña de alta presión.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-21). Inauguran III Foro Mundial de Derechos Humanos en Argentina. telesurtv.net El presidente Alberto Fernández destacó que el pueblo argentino ha hecho de los derechos humanos una verdadera política de Estado.

The Associated Press (2023-03-21). Venezuela's Oil Czar Resigns Amid Corruption Investigations. latinorebels.com The man responsible for running Venezuela's oil industry —which pays for virtually everything in the troubled country, from subsidized food to ridiculously cheap gas— has quit amid investigations into alleged corruption among officials in various parts of the government.

The Cradle (2023-03-21). Toxic US Military Burn Pits in Iraq Caused Cancer, Other Illnesses. globalresearch.ca

The Expose (2023-03-21). Member of House of Lords Uses Mainstream Media to Claim That "Antivaxxers are a global menace who must be defeated" globalresearch.ca

The Lever (2023-03-21). üéßMOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Brazil (w/ Melanie Vesey). levernews.com

The US Peace Council Peace Education Fund. (2023-03-21). How To Provide Direct Support To Earthquake Victims In Syria. popularresistance.org The U.S. Peace Council (USPC) and the World Peace Council (WPC) have started a joint international fundraising campaign in support of the victims of the recent catastrophic earthquake in Syria, who are facing the consequences of a destructive earthquake without the much needed supplies of food, medicine and shelter as a result of debilitating economic sanctions. | The purpose of this fund drive is to raise the necessary funds for the purchase and shipment of medical supplies and equipment to the victims of earthquake in Syria, in direct coordination and cooperation with the Syrian Red Crescent, in accordance with…

Tim Gooden (2023-03-21). Tim Gooden: 'The 8-hour day shows there's power in a union'. greenleft.org.au In his speech to a Labour Day dinner, Geelong Trades and Labour Council President Tim Gooden celebrated workers who won the 8-hour working day and proposed five campaigns the union movement must fight for today.

Tom Conway (2023-03-21). How leaders in the Department of Labor are fighting for workers' rights. nationofchange.org "We have an opportunity right now to buy American and build America like never before."

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-21). Behind the #StopCopCity Domestic Terrorism Warrants. unicornriot.ninja

unitedEditor (2023-03-21). New winds are blowing from China. uwidata.com On March 7, during a press conference held within the framework of the first session of the XIV National People's Congress in Beijing, the recently appointed Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang stated: "If the United States does not step on the brakes and instead, keeps accelerating down the wrong path, there will be no barrier …

unitedEditor (2023-03-21). 'Ukrainian soldiers' act of burning the Quran is part of the Atlantic ideology'. uwidata.com On March 16 a video appeared on Tiktok social media platform where Ukrainian soldiers are tearing and burning the pages of the Quran. The video was widely shared and attracted a great deal of public attention. United World International author Dr. Mehmet Perinàßek evaluated the issue to the Sputnik news agency. We present below in …

Vanessa Phipps (2023-03-21). Thousands march in Washington, D.C. to launch new movement against U.S. empire. liberationnews.org Thousands of anti-war protesters gathered in Lafayette Park, in front of the White House.

Vanessa Phipps (2023-03-21). Thousands march in Washington, D.C., to launch new movement against U.S. empire. liberationnews.org Thousands of anti-war protesters gathered in Lafayette Park, in front of the White House.

William Walter Kay (2023-03-21). Breaking: "Second Russia Offensive" (SRO): Vladimir Sharpens the Cleaver; Volodymyr Fattens the Calf. globalresearch.ca

Workers World. (2023-03-21). Phone Zap For Ohio State Penitentiary Hunger Strikers. popularresistance.org Ohio – People incarcerated at the Ohio State Penitentiary began a protest in mid-March and need our support to be successful in getting their demands met. Recently, guards at OSP have been forcing prisoners to stand in the showers for hours on end as a form of retaliation for speaking out. The protest seeks to end this form of punishment, as well as several other injustices inside the prison. | Without outside support and attention, protests like this one are much easier for the prison administration to sweep under the rug. It's imperative that the administration hear from as many people as possible, so that they…

WSWS (2023-03-21). Democrats push reactionary diversion in pending indictment of Trump over sex scandal. wsws.org While no arraignment date has been set, the Manhattan district attorney appears set to proceed with an indictment in a legally flimsy and politically reactionary case that is a diversion from Trump's real crimes.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Anti-AUKUS meeting in Sydney: Fake anti-war movement promotes right-wing militarists. wsws.org The supposedly anti-war meeting was addressed by the American colonel who wrote Colin Powell's infamous speech justifying the US invasion of Iraq and by Bob Carr, who as foreign minister played a key role in Australia's integration into the US-led plans for war with China.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Trade unions support Ford Valencia scheme to lay off 1,144 workers. wsws.org Ford Spain has announced a savage redundancy scheme to lay off 1,144 workers, or 20 percent of its workforce, at its plant in Almussafes, Valencia. Just hours after the announcement, the trade unions signed up their readiness to work with management to impose these attacks in the space of three months.

WSWS (2023-03-21). My Father the Guest Worker, I, Your Mother and Oyoyo: Three documentaries about immigrants in former East and West Germany. wsws.org Several older films featured at this year's Berlinale film provided real insight into the plight of immigrants in the 1970s and 1980s.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Professors at Laval University are in the second week of a strike over pay and other contract issues while negotiations drag on as four Argentine banking business chambers continue to resist workers demands.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Pressure grows on another US bank amid controversy over Credit Suisse takeover. wsws.org The US crisis arises from the fact that many middle-sized banks have invested heavily in what are supposed to be the safest assets of all, Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities, which have fallen in value because of the Fed's interest rate hikes.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Police raid German real estate giant Vonovia. wsws.org The company is being investigated by the public prosecutor's office and state criminal office on suspicion of bribery and corruption, breach of trust and fraud.

WSWS (2023-03-21). The way forward for the strike by 65,000 Los Angeles school workers. wsws.org Having launched a three-day strike, LA educators now confront the need to mobilize ourselves independently in order to expand our struggle and appeal for the widest possible unity and support from workers throughout the city and the world.

WSWS (2023-03-21). John McDonnell leads support of UK Labour "left" for NATO's war against Russia. wsws.org There is no left-wing or anti-war faction within the Labour Party whatsoever; no one has challenged or will challenge Starmer's "party of NATO".

WSWS (2023-03-21). Video: Workers speak out against war and inequality in NSW election. wsws.org One worker said: "The average person in China, or in America, or here, doesn't want a war. I'm glad this party is talking about it. Nobody else is."

WSWS (2023-03-21). Striking LAUSD teacher: "All the issues we were fighting for in our 2019 strike are the same now" wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site interviewed Chelsea, an adult eduecation teacher in Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) with over 20 years experience, on the eve of the citywide schools strike this week,…

WSWS (2023-03-21). Twenty years since the US invasion of Iraq. wsws.org The conquest and occupation of Iraq is one of the greatest crimes of the 21st century.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Detroit public schools begin cutting educator jobs, services and summer programs, as Covid funding runs out. wsws.org As one-time federal COVID funds are depleted, Detroit like school districts nationally are facing dire budget cuts.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Credit Suisse and the power of money. wsws.org In order to avoid being dragged into the abyss by the country's second-largest bank, the government in Bern pledged Switzerland's fate to the country's largest bank come what may.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Fight for fishing facilities at affordable prices! Reject communal provocations that divide Sri Lankan and Indian fishermen! wsws.org To fight for our rights, we must build action committees of fishing workers, independently of all capitalist parties and the fishermen's associations.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Protests sweep France as National Assembly accepts Macron's pension cuts without a vote. wsws.org The motion of censure against the government for imposing Macron's despised cuts without a vote fell 9 votes short of a majority in the Assembly, allowing them to become law.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Postal workers condemn sweatshop conditions at Royal Mail rubber stamped by Communication Workers Union. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site continues to receive correspondence from postal workers over the back-breaking increases in workloads demanded by Royal Mail and the Communication Workers Union (CWU) enforcing the cost cutting exercise.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Amazon announces 9,000 more job cuts as tech industry jobs massacre builds. wsws.org So far in 2023, tech companies, including giant players such as Meta, Google and Microsoft, have laid off nearly 140,000 employees.

WSWS (2023-03-21). What the SEP was prevented from asking at the anti-AUKUS meeting in Sydney. wsws.org The organisers promoted right-wing militarists, while suppressing discussion from the floor, including questions from the Socialist Equality Party.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Police protect Nazi march in Australia. wsws.org The blatant fascist display, assisted by the police, in the centre of the country's second most populous city, is a shocking political warning.

Yasmin Abusayma (2023-03-21). Newly wed Gaza woman drowns off Greece. electronicintifada.net Sabreen Wael Abu Jazar was hoping to reach her husband in Belgium.

Zero Hedge (2023-03-21). Putin Tells Xi He's "Open to Negotiating Process" on Ukraine as US Says Ceasefire "Unacceptable" globalresearch.ca

_____ (2023-03-21). On Missing Dr. Strangelove. strategic-culture.org Or How Americans Learned to Stop Worrying and Forgot the Bomb | By Andrew BACEVICH | Bosley Crowther, chief film critic for the New York Times, didn't quite know what to make of Dr. Strangelove at the time of its release in January 1964. Stanley Kubrick's dark antiwar satire was "beyond any question the most shattering sick joke I've ever come across," he

Anonymous103 (2023-03-21). Report: US Provided Unprecedented Intelligence to India During Border Clash With Chinese Troops in 2022. southfront.org Click to see full-size imageThe clashes in the Himalayas came a few days after US troops held drills with India in the region | Originally published by The US provided India with unprecedented intelligence-sharing during a clash between Indian and Chinese troops in December 2022 along the disputed border high in the Himalayas, known as the Line of Actua…

Seymour M. Hersh (2023-03-21). Biden, øQuién es tu George Ball? globalizacion.ca

teleSUR, dcdc, JCM (2023-03-21). Ecuador presenta Declaratoria de Denominación de Origen del Miske. telesurtv.net El 6 de octubre de 2022, el Servicio Nacional de Derechos Intelectuales declaró al Miske como la séptima denominación de origen ecuatoriana.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-21). Cinco poetas latinoamericanos con un legado mundial. telesurtv.net Este 21 de marzo se celebra el Día Mundial de la Poesía y la región latinoamericana y caribeña ha sido cuna de poetas y poesía.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-21). ONU cifra más de 530 muertos por violencia pandillera en Haití. telesurtv.net La oficina de derechos humanos de la ONU dijo que le preocupaba que la violencia extrema estuviera fuera de control en Haití.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-21). Convocan a paro contra reforma jubilatoria en Uruguay. telesurtv.net La organización convoca a varias manifestaciones bajo la consigna "Contra la reforma jubilatoria del Gobierno".

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-21). Asciende a 550 los detenidos durante protesta nacional en Sudáfrica. telesurtv.net Miles de personas se manifestaron este lunes en varias ciudades sudafricanas para exigir la renuncia del presidente.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2023-03-21). Reportan pico de casos de dengue, zika y chikungunya en Brasil. telesurtv.net Brasil atraviesa un aumento exponencial de casos de las tres enfermedades transmitidas por el mosquito Aedes aegypti.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-21). Gobierno de Argentina interviene distribuidora de electricidad. telesurtv.net El ministro Massa dijo que la intervención tendrá como objetivo la fiscalización del cumplimiento de las obras y de la mejora en el servicio.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-21). Xi Jinping invita a Putin a visitar China este año. telesurtv.net Xi destacó que China y Rusia son los países vecinos más grandes del mundo, así como "socios en una cooperación estratégica integral", lo que favorecen la "estrecha relación" entre ambas naciones.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-21). Protestas en Francia dejan más de 100 detenidos. telesurtv.net Los oficiales usaron gases lacrimógenos para dispersar a los manifestantes, algunos de los cuales prendieron fuego a botes de basura y lanzaron piedras y botellas hacia los policías.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-21). Legado político y social de Benito Juárez a México. telesurtv.net Este 21 de marzo se cumplen 217 años del nacimiento del político mexicano Benito Juárez en San Pablo Guelatao, estado de Oaxaca.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-03-21). Cuba y Venezuela rechazan informe de EE.UU. sobre DD.HH. telesurtv.net El Departamento de Estado de EE.UU. presentó el lunes su polémico Informe Anual sobre Derechos Humanos en el mundo.

2023-03-22 22:50:26 | 22:50 EST | tr | 602 | 0 | 377 | 288 | 0 

2023-03-21: News Headlines

Miko Peled (2023-03-21). Indonesia's Betrayal of Palestine: Hosting Israel in Under-20 World Cup. mintpressnews.com As though someone was trying to prove me right, a few days after I published the

Ramzy Baroud (2023-03-21). Cheap Algerian Gas vs Rightwing Ideology: Will Italy Change Its Position on Jerusalem? mintpressnews.com Netanyahu has two main demands from Italy: not to vote against Israel at the United Nations and, more importantly, to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Katie F. (2023-03-21). 6 weeks later: The state of East Palestine, Ohio from the eyes of a local. therealnews.com

Marc Steiner (2023-03-21). Before the Black Panther Party, there was the Lowndes County Freedom Organization. therealnews.com Early in 1966, the people of Lowndes County, Alabama formed an all-Black, independent political organization called the Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO). Organized with the support of activists from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), the LCFO fought the disenfranchisement of Black voters against the palpable threat of white violence. The LCFO was a crucial chapter in the early history of Black Power, providing not only the blueprint for Kwame Ture's theory of Black Power but also the black panther imagery that would inspire Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale to form the Black Panthe…

Sato Díaz, María Artigas (2023-03-21). 60,000 strike in Barcelona for International Women's Day. therealnews.com The degradation of women's labor and social standing is a global feature of capitalism. In Barcelona, Catalonia, 60,000 women took to the streets for a one-day general strike called by Spanish union CGT on International Women's Day, March 8. Women workers united across sectors to demand fair pay, an end to workplace discrimination, and migrant justice—particularly for the case of Spain's domestic workers, more than half of whom are migrant women. In the latest installment of Workers of the World, Sato Díaz and María Artigas report from the streets of Barcelona. This video is part of a special Workers…

_____ (2023-03-21). Are Young Soldiers being used as White Rats in Georgia and Ukraine? journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-21). South Korea at the Ukrainian Crossroads. journal-neo.org A year has passed since Russia launched a special military operation to denazify Ukraine's criminal regime. Against this backdrop, various parties continue to try to draw South Korea into the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. According to the British newspaper The Telegraph, the Republic of Korea is currently ranked 27th out of 57 countries providing […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-21). The United States' New Yemen Strategy. journal-neo.org The US appears to be pursuing an old policy of plundering natural resources in Yemen, where the same Americans have been responsible for the civil war for over a year. This is what the commander of the United States Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT), the United States Fifth Fleet, and the Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

Abigail Leibowitz (2023-03-21). My university is Hosting a Stalwart of the Israeli Settler movement. In response I am protesting Fascism. juancole.com This Sunday, as Israelis studying at Princeton gathered in front of Nassau gate to protest the proposed judicial overhaul act of the Israeli government slated to become law in the next few days, the following quote from Robin Wall Kimmerer's "Braiding Sweetgrass" came to mind: "All powers have two sides, the power to create and …

Ahmed Al-Sammak (2023-03-21). After the great march, the long recovery. electronicintifada.net Israel responded to the Great March of Return with live bullets and sniper fire. In Gaza, people are still dealing with their injuries.

Andrew Korybko (2023-03-21). The US' Schizophrenic Approach to the ICC Embodies Its Hypocritical "Rules-Based Order" Concept. globalresearch.ca

Andy Kroll (2023-03-21). A Highway to Peace or a Highway to Hell? tomdispatch.com In April 1953, newly elected President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a retired five-star Army general who had led the landings on D-Day in France in June 1944, gave his most powerful speech. It would become known as his "Cross of Iron" address. In it, Ike warned of the cost humanity would pay if Cold War competition led to a world dominated by wars and weaponry that couldn't be reined in. In the immediate aftermath of the death of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, Ike extended an olive branch to the new leaders of that empire. He sought, he said, to put America and the world on a "highway to peace." It was, of course, never…

Ann Brown (2023-03-21). The International Criminal Court is Illegitimate Because America And Israel Can't Be Prosecuted. moguldom.com Established in 2002, the International Criminal Court is an independent judicial institution that investigates and prosecutes war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and the crime of aggression. Most recently, the ICC said on March 17 it had issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin for war crimes because of his alleged involvement in …

Anonymous765 (2023-03-21). Locations Of US Carrier Strike Groups — March 21, 2023. southfront.org This is the newest update of the 'U.S. Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map' exclusive series showing the approximate locations of U.S. Carrier Strike Groups. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence tracks locations of U.S. aircraft carriers using the available open-source information. No classified information was used in production of the map. | click to see the full-size image | Carrier strike group (CSG) is an operational formation of the United States Navy. It is centered on an aircraft carrier and a carrier air w…

Aram Aharonian (2023-03-21). El dominio de la comunicación y la lucha por su democratización. globalizacion.ca El mundo cambia, la tecnología avanza -hoy hablamos hasta de metaverso y discutimos si la inteligencia artificial sustituirá a los periodistas- pero parece que nos empujan a pelear en campos de batalla equivocados, munidos de herramientas perimidas, mientras las corporaciones…

Art Persyko (2023-03-21). Tuesday 3/21: Pollution in Bayview-Hunters Point, its impact on residents, & what we can do about it. indybay.org Zoom: us02web.zoom.us/j/86465752525?pwd=Tzh1YVh5SE9mdWkzdjI2clZrVEczdz09; Meeting ID: 864 6575 2525; Passcode: 465295; by phone: 1 669 900 9128…

Autism Action Network (2023-03-21). NY Red Alert: Recently Passed Bill Clears the Way for a Mandatory Adult Vaccine Database. globalresearch.ca

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-03-21). Bailout Of Silicon Valley And Banks Is $300 Billion Gift To Rich Oligarchs. popularresistance.org The US government printed $300 billion in a week to save collapsing banks and bail out Silicon Valley oligarchs and venture capital firms, paying them all of their uninsured deposits. | Meanwhile, some of the very same Silicon Valley tycoons who benefited from this bailout have tried to cynically rebrand themselves as subversive populists, claiming they are fighting against the big Wall Street banks with which they have closely collaborated. | Three banks collapsed in the United States in the span of one week in March 2023: Silvergate Bank, Silicon Valley Bank, and Signature Bank.

Bill Nevins (2023-03-21). Biography combines 'admiration and dread' of Sinn Fein's leader. greenleft.org.au Mary Lou McDonald, A Republican Riddle is no hagiography, nor is it a glib hatchet-job, writes Bill Nevins.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-21). Trashing asylum: Britain's 'illegal migration' bill. greenleft.org.au Britain's Illegal Migration Bill is bankrupt, unprincipled and modelled on Australia's cruel refugee policy, writes Binoy Kampmark.

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-21). No Place for Whales: The U.S. Military's Legacy in Indian Country: Reckless Toxic Dumping. indybay.org From the mustard gas pit on Walker River Paiute lands, to the napalm burn site on Fallon Paiute Shoshone lands, to the undetonated bombs in the Lakota Badlands, to the experimental explosives at Fort Wingate in New Mexico and secret radioactive waste dump near the Tohono O'odham Nation capital of Sells, Arizona, to the widespread illegal hazardous waste dumping, and leaking of toxic waste, in many of the Alaskan and Hawaiian islands — there is enough documented cancer-causing waste to fill an encyclopedia.

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-21). Court: U.S. Failure to Protect Pacific Humpbacks From Deadly Entanglements Was Unlawful. indybay.org SAN FRANCISCO, March 15, 2023 — A federal court ruled in favor of the Center for Biological Diversity yesterday in a lawsuit arguing that the National Marine Fisheries Service failed to protect endangered Pacific humpback whales from deadly entanglements in sablefish pot gear off California, Oregon and Washington.

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-21). Lawsuit Launched Over U.S. Delay on Petition to Phase Out Oil Drilling on Public Lands. indybay.org WASHINGTON, March 16, 2023 — Conservation groups today filed a notice of their intent to sue the U.S. Interior Department for failing to respond to a petition to phase out oil and gas extraction on public lands.

Chuck Tripp (2023-03-21). A Message From Utah USA to China With Love. indybay.org March 10, 2023 is the 64th anniversary of the Dalai Lama's flight from Tibet to Nepal to escape imprisonment by Mao Tse Tung's Communist Chinese regime.

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-21). Saturday 3/25: Who Cares Anyway Book Launch. indybay.org ATA Gallery is located on the corner of Valencia and 21st streets in San Francisco's Mission district … 992 Valencia St.

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-21). Saturday 4/1: Alternative Transportation: Freight-Hopping + Biking (+ Green Burials). indybay.org ATA Gallery is located on the corner of Valencia and 21st streets in San Francisco's Mission district … 992 Valencia St.

Demanding an End to War (2023-03-21). Anti War Protest in SF: US Out of Everywhere. indybay.org March 20th marked 20 years since the US criminal invasion of Iraq. It was the perfect time to rally and march in San Francisco.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-21). From Balloons to AUKUS: The War Drive Against China. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-03-21). Conflicts of Interest: Pfizer's Secret Collusion with the NIH. Big Pharma Endangers Public Health. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2023-03-21). The Chinese Document, "US Hegemony and Its Perils". The U.S. is a "Paper Tiger". Geopolitical Analysis by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Peter McCullough (2023-03-21). Kidney Failure After Covid mRNA Vaccination. ANCA Positive Vasculitis. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Peter McCullough (2023-03-21). Primary Series and Boosters — No Impact on Maternal COVID-19 Test Positivity. globalresearch.ca

Drago Bosnic (2023-03-21). Political West Doubles Down on 'Russia Kidnapping Children' Propaganda Narrative. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China launches construction of first offshore CO2 storage project. ecns.cn China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) started drilling on Sunday for its carbon dioxide (CO2) injection well at the Enping 15-1 platform.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Amazon to lay off 9,000 more employees. ecns.cn Amazon announced on Monday the company's plan to cut 9,000 more jobs in a new round of layoffs.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Mills get steeled for healthier demand. ecns.cn China's steel industry is expected to remain stable in 2023, with demand likely to improve as the world's second-largest economy is on track for steady recovery this year, said an industry expert.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). COVID-19 oral meds market good pill to swallow. ecns.cn Eyeing the huge market potential, pharmaceutical enterprises are ramping up efforts to grab a share of the COVID-19 preventative oral medicine market in China and the rest of the world.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China's rail passenger trips, cargo volume rise in February. ecns.cn China's railways saw steady growth in passenger trips and freight volume in February, official data showed.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China's renewable energy capacity expands in Jan-Feb. ecns.cn China's installed renewable energy capacity saw robust growth in the first two months of the year, data from the National Energy Administration showed on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). U.S. must be held accountable for systemic violation of human rights resulting from unilateral sanctions: Chinese FM. ecns.cn The U.S. and some other Western countries must take responsibility and be held accountable for the systemic violation of human rights resulting from their unilateral sanctions, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Monday.‚ÄÇ…

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China's first 500kW hydrogen-powered ship hits water. ecns.cn China Three Gorges Corporation said on Monday that the country's first 500kW hydrogen-powered ship hit water in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province on the same day.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China's expenditure on basic research exceeds 195 billion yuan in 2022. ecns.cn China's expenditure on basic research exceeded 195.1 billion yuan (about $28.35 billion) in 2022, according to a report released by Dalian University of Technology on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). COVID-19 oral meds market good pill to swallow. ecns.cn Eyeing the huge market potential, pharmaceutical enterprises are ramping up efforts to grab a share of the COVID-19 preventative oral medicine market in China and the rest of the world.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China's rail passenger trips, cargo volume rise in February. ecns.cn China's railways saw steady growth in passenger trips and freight volume in February, official data showed.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China's renewable energy capacity expands in Jan-Feb. ecns.cn China's installed renewable energy capacity saw robust growth in the first two months of the year, data from the National Energy Administration showed on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). U.S. must be held accountable for systemic violation of human rights resulting from unilateral sanctions: Chinese FM. ecns.cn The U.S. and some other Western countries must take responsibility and be held accountable for the systemic violation of human rights resulting from their unilateral sanctions, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press conference on Monday.‚ÄÇ…

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China's first 500kW hydrogen-powered ship hits water. ecns.cn China Three Gorges Corporation said on Monday that the country's first 500kW hydrogen-powered ship hit water in Zhongshan, Guangdong Province on the same day.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China's expenditure on basic research exceeds 195 billion yuan in 2022. ecns.cn China's expenditure on basic research exceeded 195.1 billion yuan (about $28.35 billion) in 2022, according to a report released by Dalian University of Technology on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Fairs aim to increase jobs for graduates. ecns.cn The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has launched a special recruitment campaign from March 19 to May 26 aimed at achieving fuller employment of college graduates.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Restored classics enjoy screen revival. ecns.cn Every museum has its star attraction. For the China Film Archive, the largest of its kind in the country, its most prized possession is the set of reels of Laborer's Love.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Culture and tourism shows set to draw in the public. ecns.cn The Ministry of Culture and Tourism held a news conference in Beijing, announcing the schedules and preparations of two major events.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Expert pins growth hopes on real estate, consumption. ecns.cn Real estate recovery is a key factor to China's economic rebound this year and should be closely monitored while growth driven by foreign trade, particularly exports, is likely to dim, economists said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Efforts by U.S. to contain China called unrealistic. ecns.cn The United States' containment policy against China isn't realistic and it is not in the U.S.' own interests, a China expert said, adding that the U.S. government must return to diplomacy to address bilateral tensions.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Report details failings in U.S. democracy. ecns.cn Titled "The State of Democracy in the United States: 2022", the report aims to present a real picture of U.S. democracy over the past year based on facts, media coverage and expert opinions, the report said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Taiwan's former head to visit mainland. ecns.cn The Chinese mainland will welcome Ma Ying-jeou, the former leader of Taiwan, who will visit the mainland on March 27 to worship his ancestors and lead young Taiwan students to strengthen exchanges.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Forum shares poverty alleviation experiences. ecns.cn Diplomats, government officials and scholars from 20 countries and a myriad of international organizations gathered in subtropical Yunnan province on Sunday to discuss how China's expertise in poverty reduction is about to benefit rural areas beyond China's borders.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). 20 years on, most Americans say Iraq invasion was wrong decision: Axios. ecns.cn Two decades after the United States invaded Iraq, 61 percent of Americans do not believe the country made the right decision by invading Iraq, according to a new Axios/Ipsos poll.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). New mineral coating helps oral probiotics survive manufacturing, digestion: study. ecns.cn Oral probiotic supplements are gaining increasing popularity as a non-invasive therapy to promote healthy gut microbiomes. However, their efficacy is rather uncertain due to low bacterial survival in the gut.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China releases annual global climate report. ecns.cn China Meteorological Administration has released an annual report on the current state of global climate, according to the China Science Daily on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). U.S. deterrence, pressure increase tension on Korean Peninsula: Chinese envoy. ecns.cn A Chinese envoy said on Monday that the U.S. tactic of deterrence and pressure has led to elevated tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Scientists mull building underwater telescope to detect cosmic rays. ecns.cn Chinese scientists are working on a blueprint for a gigantic telescope to observe neutrinos, one of the most abundant particles in the universe, from deep within the seas or lakes.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Xi says he invites Putin to China for Belt and Road forum. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping said here on Tuesday that he has invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to travel to China for the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation this year.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Learning Chinese becomes increasingly popular among Indonesian officials. ecns.cn "I like Sun Wukong (or Monkey King) and Nezha (a Chinese mythological figure), especially the story of Bai Suzhen (the white snake maiden) in the Legend of the White Snake," said Akumad Ripai, who comes from the village of Semarang in Indonesia. Ripai can fluently name many characters from Chinese mythology and finds learning Chinese very enjoyable.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Insights | Pakistan scholar: I am a follower of the Chinese development path. ecns.cn "China is looking at steady domestic product growth towards the set target of around 5%, and it will have a stimulating effect on the economy for countries like Pakistan," said Hassan Daud Butt, associate professor at Bahria University and former director of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, during an online interview with China News Network.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). (W.E. Talk) How does the China solution to biodiversity protection enlighten the world?>. ecns.cn March 21 this year marks the 11th International Day of Forests. With the awareness of ecological priority and green growth increasing across China, its achievements in environmental protection are making considerable strides.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). China's foreign trade off to a good start in 2023: official. ecns.cn China's foreign trade has gotten off to a good start this year, with an upbeat trend to follow, a customs official said on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Xi Jinping arrives in Moscow for state visit to Russia. ecns.cn On the afternoon of March 20 local time, President Xi Jinping arrived in Moscow on a special plane to pay a state visit to Russia at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). President Xi Jinping meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping, upon invitation, met with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin on his arrival in Moscow on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Sandstorm to hit northern China as yellow alert issued across 10 provinces. ecns.cn Sandstorms and high winds will sweep eastward across the north and northeast parts of China from Tuesday, likely to cause the most severe sandstorm weather to hit China in 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Cruise boats equipped with 5G+Beidou launched at Summer Palace. ecns.cn More than 200 cruise boats equipped with 5G+Beidou real-time positioning system were available at the Summer Palace on Monday. Tourists can scan the QR code to make a reservation, pay the deposit, start a cruise boat, and settle the payment through self-service.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Enping 20-4 oilfield platform under construction in S China sea. ecns.cn The "Enping 20-4" deep-water jacket, which is 104 meters high and weighs 11,846 tons, was installed in the Enping Oilfield, about 200 kilometers southwest of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). International Day of Forests: Exploring China's national forest parks. ecns.cn Tuesday marks the International Day of Forests. China has made new strides in advancing afforestation in 2022, with the area of newly planted forests totaling 3.83 million hectares. By February 2019, 897 national forest parks were existence all over the country.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Solar halo observed over Lhasa. ecns.cn A solar halo appears in the sky in Lhasa, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, March 20, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Cherry blossoms enter full bloom in Anhui. ecns.cn Cherry blossoms enter full bloom at Langxi County of Xuancheng City, east China's Anhui Province, March 20, 2023, attracting many tourists.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Two rivers meet with clear boundary in Qinghai. ecns.cn Aerial view shows two rivers meet at the confluence of Hongshui River with two colors at Dulan County, Haixi Mongolian Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, northwest China's Qinghai Province, March 20, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-21). Picturesque scenery of cloud-shrouded tea garden in Sichuan. ecns.cn A 40-hectare tea garden with an altitude of 1,300 to 1,500 meters is shrouded in clouds, forming a beautiful picture at Hongya County, southwest China's Sichuan Province, March 21, 2023.

Emir Sader (2023-03-21). Cómo Brasil derrotó al 'lawfare'. globalizacion.ca En Brasil, el lawfare fue un tema fundamental, porque intervino directamente en la historia reciente del país. Lula y Dilma Rousseff fueron las principales víctimas del lawfare. En este momento están viajando para China. | Él, nuevamente elegido presidente de Brasil….

Eric Zuesse (2023-03-21). Reader-Comments at Russia's RT News and Censorship in America. dissidentvoice.org On March 20, Russia's RT News reported, "The US Department of Defense announced on Monday that it will send Ukraine another $350 million worth of military aid. The further supplies come as Ukraine reportedly gears up for a spring offensive, despite suffering heavy losses in Donbass. The package is the 34th tranche of military aid …

Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni (2023-03-21). øDemocracia, dictadura o qué hay en Perú? globalizacion.ca Un presidente campesino, líder de los docentes peruanos (el "Profe"), apoyado por las rondas campesinas, que estuvieron cuarenta y cinco días en Lima exigiendo que sus votos fueran respetados (la "Keiko" Fujimori quería anularlos), fue destituido sin ser escuchado y…

Fight Back (2023-03-21). Against Trotskyism: The united front. fightbacknews.org Trotskyism disagrees with Marxism-Leninism on a number of important theoretical points. These disagreements aren't limited to the field of theory but have a real practical impact on the movements of working class and oppressed peoples. In our day-to-day struggles, we see them come up again and again. Practically, the question of the united front illustrates very clearly the glaring difference between Marxism-Leninism and Trotskyism. This is a question of extreme theoretical importance, with tremendous practical consequences, so we should examine it closely. | What is the united front? It is the organizational exp…

Fight Back (2023-03-21). Los Angeles: School workers to begin strike. fightbacknews.org Los Angeles, CA – At 4: 30 a.m. on Tuesday March 21, over 30,000 school workers in the Los Angeles Unified School (LAUSD) including food service workers, custodians, special education assistants and many more job titles will walk off the job on a strike. The workers are members of SEIU Local 99, also known as Education Workers United. | LAUSD and SEIU Local 99 have been in contract negotiations since 2020. After three years of bargaining, they decided to call a strike to show the boss they are serious about winning a contract with significant wage increases, expanded health care benefits and sufficient staffing an…

Fight Back (2023-03-21). Milwaukee Anti-war Committee rallies for peace in Ukraine, against U.S. war machine. fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI – In solidarity with the protest in Washington D.C. on March 18 that saw organizers from all over the country descend on the capital, the Milwaukee Anti-War Committee (MAC) hosted a rally downtown to demand peace in Ukraine and reflect on the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Despite the frigid weather, members from the MAC, Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, and Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) came together to speak on the need to end imperialism and touched on the destructive history of U.S. economic and military interventions abroad. | The event o…

Fight Back (2023-03-21). Minneapolis marks the 20th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – To mark 20 years after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, a coalition of Minneapolis anti-war, peace and social justice groups held a protest on Saturday, March 18 as part of a national day of anti-war actions. The protest was held in the very busy Uptown neighborhood of Minneapolis. Hundreds of people driving and walking by and using public transit saw the visible anti-war statement. The Minneapolis event was called in solidarity with a national anti-war protest in Washington DC at the White House on March 18. That day saw protests being held in other U.S. cities as well. | The Minneapolis protest was…

Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry (2023-03-21). Food Not Bombs Will Not Be Silenced. indybay.org A global war is boiling in the back kitchen with the noisy rattling of a brass kettle on a gas stove left unattended. Millions of us stand at the register discovering our food stamps have diminished leaving our families with half full bellies as the banks of the exploiters slide into insolvency promising to take us all down with them.

Frank Scott (2023-03-21). Jesus Belatedly Charged With Sexual Assault. dissidentvoice.org World famous feminist lawyer Gloria Allbucks revealed shocking details contained in previously unread biblical blogs from the Dead Ocean Scrolls which show that Mary Magdaline suffered outrageous sexual abuse from Jesus but was too frightened of his power to say anything at the time. "Now that times have changed and brave people are coming forward …

Global Research News (2023-03-21). Selected Articles: A 10-year-old Canadian Hockey Player From Hamilton, Ontario, Died Suddenly on March 11, 2023. Canada's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Athletes Ages 12+ Are a Serious Crime. globalresearch.ca

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-21). Local Council Leader outlines innovation vision for White City at Imperial. imperial.ac.uk Imperial hosted the Leader of Hammersmith & Fulham Council Councillor Stephen Cowan at Scale Space for a briefing event.

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-21). Imperial strengthens its academic and industry links with Japan. imperial.ac.uk Imperial celebrated its growing Japanese ties with a series of events in Tokyo and Osaka.

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-21). Advanced brain imaging study hints at how DMT alters perception of reality. imperial.ac.uk Scientists have gleaned new insights into how psychedelics alter conscious experience via their action on brain activity.

Jacob Andrewartha (2023-03-21). Iraq invasion marked with calls for peace, truth. greenleft.org.au Events marking the 20th anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq were organised around Australia, with calls to scrap AUKUS and free Julian Assange. Jacob Andrewartha reports.

Jake Johnson (2023-03-21). East Palestine Soil Contains Dioxin Levels Hundreds of Times Over Cancer Risk Threshold. globalresearch.ca

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-03-21). U.S. Drone Forced Down in Black Sea Was Gathering Intelligence for Ukrainian Forces. Scott Ritter. globalresearch.ca

John Mullen (2023-03-21). France: Revolt against pensions decree, Macron losing his grip. greenleft.org.au French president Emmanuel Macron's government narrowly survived a no-confidence motion on March 20 over his decree enforcing the attack on pensions, reports John Mullen. But the people's revolt against it is escalating.

Jonathan Turley (2023-03-21). "True Stories … Could Fuel Hesitancy": Stanford Project Worked to Censor Even True Stories on Social Media. globalresearch.ca

Jordan Schachtel (2023-03-21). Three Years to Slow the Spread: COVID Hysteria and the Creation of a Never-ending Crisis. globalresearch.ca

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-21). Warren demands probe into bank failures, urges Biden to fire Powell. nationofchange.org Jerome Powell "has failed," said Sen. Elizabeth Warren. "I don't think he should be Chairman of the Federal Reserve."

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-21). 12th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference returns to Atlanta, Georgia. indybay.org Everyone is welcome to join us in Atlanta, Georgia August 10-14, 2023 in Downtown Atlanta Olympic Village, Morris Brown College and key Agriculture locations.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-21). Friday 3/24: Kickoff Celebration for the 11th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference. indybay.org The Grand Buffet | 1215 J Street | Sacramento, CA. 95814…

Kim Petersen (2023-03-21). Patriotism and Sinophobia. Scott Ritter and Douglas MacGregor. globalresearch.ca

KQED Live (2023-03-21). Tuesday 4/4: Tasty Foods for a Thriving Planet. indybay.org KQED Headquarters | 2601 Mariposa Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

Labor Video Project (2023-03-21). Solidarity With East Palestine/Hunters Point & Nationalize The Railroads: Action in SF. indybay.org

Labor Video Project (2023-03-21). SF Anti-War Protest: Stop The War In Ukraine & WinThe War At Home! indybay.org As part of a national day of protest against the war in Ukraine an anti-war rally was held in San Francisco on March 18, 2023. Speakers talked about the war abroad and the war at home.

Labor Video Project (2023-03-21). The Pajaro Levee Break, Immigrants, Labor & Climate Crisis With PVFT1936's Pamela Sexton. indybay.org PVFT Local 1936 Delegate Pamela Beth Sexton adult education teacher talks about the effect of the broken levee on the immigrant farmworker community, systemic racism and the role these farmworkers play in our economy.

Larry Johnson (2023-03-21). Why China Needs Russia — Andrei Martyanov Explains. sonar21.com My friend and new colleague, Andrei Martyanov, is always worth reading, but his piece today regarding Russia and the Chinese Navy is must read and see. The United States is…

Louis Brehony (2023-03-21). The Brouhaha of War: Soundscapes of the Invasion of Iraq, 20 Years On. globalresearch.ca

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-03-21). Twentieth Anniversary Of The Invasion Of Iraq: Witness To The Horrors Of War. popularresistance.org The twentieth anniversary of the US/NATO invasion and occupation of Iraq was March 19th. The day before that, thousands of people in the United States rallied and marched against the current wars/occupations and funding for militarism instead of people's needs. Clearing the FOG spoke to Kathy Kelly, who is currently the board president of World Beyond War. Kelly was in Iraq during the 'Shock and Awe Campaign' and has worked tirelessly with people in Iraq and Afghanistan to raise awareness of the horrors of war and to provide direct support to them. She is also active in campaigns to ban the use of killer drones a…

Martin Edwin Andersen (2023-03-21). Cathy A. Harris, LGBTQIA2S+ people & the U.S. Merit(less) Systems Protection Board (MSPB). indybay.org As a private attorney in a Washington, D.C. law firm Cathy A. Harris served as the chair of the firm's Sexual Harassment and LGBT Practice sections. As Acting Chair of the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, she refuses to honestly address anti-LGBTQIA2S+ hate at the National Defense University (NDU) and the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA). You be the judge.

Michael Jansen (2023-03-21). Two Decades after the US War on Iraq began, the disastrous Consequences of the Conflict are still being Felt. juancole.com Michael Jansen ( The Irish Times ) — The US war on Iraq, launched 20 years ago on Monday, became a significant turning point for the eastern Arab world due to the fall of a third key country from the regional front designed to secure the sovereignty and independence of the region. …

Michael Snyder (2023-03-21). 186 More Banks "Are at Risk of Failure", and That Could Push Us Into the Next Great Depression. globalresearch.ca

Miguel Santos García (2023-03-21). Modus operandi del lawfare peruano. globalizacion.ca

Mirko C. Trudeau (2023-03-21). Azotar a los niños, ejemplo del respeto a los derechos humanos en EE.UU. globalizacion.ca En Estados Unidos hay diecinueve estados donde está permitido el castigo físico a niños y niñas en las escuelas. La noticia no es de principios del siglo pasado: azotes, nalgadas, reglazos siguen siendo una práctica aplicada a "estudiantes rebeldes" en…

Mothers on the March (2023-03-21). Friday 3/24: POA: Shut It Down! indybay.org On the sidewalk in front of the San Francisco Police Officers Association: 800 Bryant @ 6th Street in San Francisco…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is multiple myeloma? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon form of blood cancer that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, according the American Cancer Society. March is Myeloma Awareness Month. People younger than 45 rarely get the disease, and it occurs more in older men than women. And your risk is doubled if you're African American. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/pShHvj3Y3Nw Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 06) is in the downloads at the end of this post….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is the best sleeping position? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most people spend a third of their lives either asleep or resting, according to the Sleep Foundation. During sleep, the body recharges and repairs itself. And a good night's sleep often can be determined by what position you are lying in bed. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/F_x-SDYUvZk Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 11) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Back-sleepers beware. "I know…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Consumer Health: Are you at risk for MS? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MS Awareness Week will be observed March 12—19, which makes this a good time to learn about who might be at risk of developing this potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis, or MS, affects nearly 1 million people living in the U.S., according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. With MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers, and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Consumer Health: Nutritional needs during pregnancy and breastfeeding. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org March is National Nutrition Month, which makes this a good time to learn about your nutritional needs during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. During pregnancy, the basic principles of healthy eating remain the same — get plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats. However, a few nutrients in a pregnancy diet deserve special attention. The nutrients to pay special attention to while you're pregnant include: CalciumYou and your baby need calcium for strong…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Science Saturday: Expanding regenerative biotherapeutics to new practice areas. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As a physician at the forefront of new cancer therapies, Yi Lin, M.D., Ph.D., understands the highs and lows that patients experience. Will the latest technologies slow or stop disease? If not, is this the last, best option? Dr. Lin, a hematologist, sees the need for a new class of drugs that provides different treatment choices for patients with complex conditions, such as cancer. As the new associate medical director for Mayo Clinic's Center for Regenerative Biotherapeutics, …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How can hospice care provide comfort to those with terminal illnesses? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a loved one who was referred for hospice care. I'm not sure what this means. Can you share more about what hospice care is and how it may help my family member? ANSWER: Hospice care might be an option for people who are nearing the end of life due to a terminal illness and have exhausted all other treatment options. Unlike other medical care, the focus of hospice care is not to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: What's the right colorectal cancer screening option for you? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Colorectal cancer is a cancer of the lower digestive system, which includes the colon and the rectum. If you feel like you are hearing a lot about this topic lately, it's because March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. The goal is to increase awareness and encourage people 45 and over to get screened. And that doesn't just mean a colonoscopy. Did you know that there's more than one option for a colorectal cancer screening? That's…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Science Saturday: New standards and open access can help natural language processing. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Clinical notes in medical records are rich sources of data about human health. But tapping them for medical research can be challenging because these data come from various sources — and they all look different. "There's no standardization in how data is organized and classified across medical records systems," says Sunyang Fu, Ph.D., a Mayo Clinic biomedical informatics researcher. Even the language people use to talk about health can insert discrepancies in how data are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How a heart condition affects the kidneys and causes swelling. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently began experiencing swelling in my legs, feet and hands, as well as fatigue. Testing led to a diagnosis of pericardial constriction. Can you explain what this is and how it's treated? Is there anything I can do to reduce the swelling? ANSWER: Pericardial constriction is a condition with multiple possible causes. It can be due to underlying medical conditions and may even result from certain medical treatments. Swelling, or edema, is one…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Is it allergies or a sinus infection? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have had allergies since childhood, suffering during both the spring and fall seasons. This past month, however, I am experiencing more congestion and mucus, and I even have some facial pain. I'm beginning to wonder if my symptoms are really from allergies or if they may be caused by a sinus infection instead. How can I tell the difference? ANSWER: Allergies and sinus infections often are mistaken for one another. But they are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). 'Deaths of Despair' contribute to 17% rise in Minnesota's death rate during COVID-19 pandemic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — According to a new study published by Mayo Clinic researchers, the COVID-19 pandemic was linked to a 17% increase in the death rate in Minnesota during the first year of the pandemic compared to the two previous years. Deaths were driven by both COVID-19 and other causes linked with preventable "deaths of despair," such as overdose, alcohol use and malnutrition. The study analyzed Minnesota death certificate data available through the Rochester Epidemiology…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Mayo Clinic monitoring rising avian influenza cases, preparing for potential human-to-human outbreak. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The recent death of an 11-year-old girl in Cambodia's Prey Veng province infected with avian influenza has reinvigorated concern over the virus potentially gaining the ability to spread among humans. And while experts maintain the risk of that happening "remains low" at this time, the World Health Organization has said that increasing reports of avian influenza infection in humans are "worrying." Matthew Binnicker, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic's director of Clinical Virology, agrees. "The primary concern is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Pelvic floor issues aren't just a woman's health condition, Kegels can work for men, too. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org LA CROSSE, Wis. — Women often are told about the importance of Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. It turns out that men should think about doing the exercises as well. Statistics show that 32% of women will have at least one pelvic floor disorder (PFD) at one time in their life. However, a recent study suggests that although much attention is directed toward women pelvic floor disorders, 16% of men have also been identified…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Pain in the back: Preventing and treating spinal arthritis. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org EAU CLAIRE, Wis. — Many types of arthritis can affect your musculoskeletal system. Joints are physical points of connection between two bones, and cartilage is the tissue that covers the surface of the bone at the joint. A membrane, called the synovial membrane, lines the joint and is filled with fluid known as synovial fluid. All these components work together to make movement easy. "Over time, the cartilage in joints can break down and cause…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you using a salt substitute? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Salt substitutes can be an effective way to help lower your blood pressure and fight heart disease. But experts warn that overuse of certain salt substitutes or alternatives can be dangerous for some people. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains why you should use caution with using a salt substitute. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/h_cy5G5EBPs Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting a massage from a robot may seem like something out of a science fiction story, but it could be a reality in the not-too-distant future. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is looking into the possibility of robotic massage as an answer for patients' pain relief and alleviating some staffing burdens. Watch: Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic youtu.be/GXEXUCCCGzI Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 17) is in the downloads at the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Mayo Clinic in Rochester top ranked on 'America's Best Fertility Clinics' in Newsweek rankings. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic in Rochester was ranked No. 9 in the nation by Newsweek in its list of "America's Best Fertility Clinics," released in February. This ranking is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the Reproductive endocrinology and infertility team at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. "Our clinic is in the top 10 among the 100 top fertility clinics," says Samir Babayev, M.D., Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, IVF Clinical Director. "This is a recognition of the excellence…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Mayo Clinic opens patient information office in Indonesia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org JAKARTA, Indonesia — Mayo Clinic has opened a patient information office in Jakarta to assist patients, their families, referring physicians and insurance brokers in Indonesia. The office is Mayo Clinic's first in Southeast Asia. The office staff, fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, will help patients, their families and physicians who refer patients to make appointments at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London. "We…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). How does red tide impact beachgoers? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Florida beach along Gulf Coat, 2023 Many people are flocking to the Gulf Coast for spring break. However, toxic red tide algal blooms have put beachgoers and residents on alert. In the Gulf of Mexico, red tide is caused by a microscopic organism called Karenia brevis. The organism was detected in 172 samples along Florida's Gulf Coast earlier this week, according to Florida officials. Dead fish and other marine life are washed ashore on beaches because of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-21). Match Day at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Fourth-year students at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota learned where they will continue their residency training on March 17. Also, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education learned who would be its incoming Mayo residents through the National Resident Matching Program. The medical students opened their envelopes at 11 a.m. CDT discovering their future specialties and residency training locations. Match Day, held on the third Friday in March, is when medical school students and…

noreply (2023-03-21). Same As With "Iranian" Drones. smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-21). Colonialism Created Food Insecurity in Haiti. orinocotribune.com By Victoria Koski-Karell and Elio Dortilus — Mar 12, 2023 | Now Climate Change Compounds It. | The U.S. must end its unfair trade practices and stop flooding Haiti's markets with food that can be grown locally. | As the planet faces more climate-driven disasters, we must prioritize the safety and wellbeing of populations most vulnerable to their effects. Extreme heat, droughts, floods and storms are becoming more frequent and intense worldwide while human industry, resource extraction, consumption and carbon emissions contribute to rapidly warming temperatures and rising seas. Amid this massive and multipron…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-21). Daily Round-up Anti-war demonstrations held to reject US warmongering, militarism & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we bring you stories of an anti-war mobilization in the US, negotiations on the transitional government in Sudan, a planned strike by Palestinian prisoners, and a march in Mexico on the anniversary of the nationalization of oil resources…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-21). Protests rage across France as government narrowly survives no-confidence vote. peoplesdispatch.org The French government had a narrow escape on Monday as the no-confidence motion filed by the opposition fell short of just nine votes in the National Assembly. Trade unions and leftist parties are gearing up for more protests against the unpopular pension reforms…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-21). Russian jet intercepts two US B-52 bombers moving towards its borders. peoplesdispatch.org This was third such air incident between Russian and NATO forces since the drowning of the US MQ-9 Reaper drone in the Black Sea on March 14…

Peter Boyle (2023-03-21). Public art invites us to show solidarity with whistleblowers. greenleft.org.au Italian artist Davide Dormino's life-sized bronze sculptures, representing the figures of legendary persecuted truth-tellers Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, invite the public to show solidarity with whistleblowers. Peter Boyle reports.

Philip Giraldi (2023-03-21). Send in the Clowns. Yellen and Garland Perform Back-to-back Surprise Visits to Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-21). ICC Arrest Warrant for Vladimir Putin for "Kidnapping Ukrainian Children" Borders on Ridicule. globalresearch.ca The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued "there are reasonable grounds to believe that each …

Prof Souad N. Al-Azzawi (2023-03-21). Iraq War Remembrance, March 20, 2023: How the U.S. Contaminated Iraq with Depleted Uranium. globalresearch.ca The following text was presented to the Kuala Lumpur International Conference to Criminalise War, Putra World Trade Centre, 28-31 October 2009. | For more than three decades [since 1991], the United States of America and the United Kingdom have been waging …

Prof. Marjorie Cohn (2023-03-21). For 20 Years, Team Bush Has Escaped Prosecution for Their War Crimes in Iraq. globalresearch.ca

Ralph Nader (2023-03-21). Reckless Capitalist Banks Rescued by Government Socialism — Again! dissidentvoice.org Once again, government socialism — ultimately backed by taxpayers — is saving reckless midsized banks and their depositors. Silicon Valley Bank (S.V.B) and Signature Bank in New York greedily mismanaged their risk levels and had to be closed down. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), in return, to avoid a bank panic and a run …

Rep. Ron Paul (2023-03-21). Are Bank Failures a Sign of More Trouble Ahead? globalresearch.ca

Rescue Pacifica (2023-03-21). Tuesday 3/21: Speak Out At KPFA-Defend Pacifica Bylaws and Stop The Sale Of LA KPFK. indybay.org KPFA | 1929 Martin Luther King Blvd. | Berkeley…

Richard Javad Heydarian (2023-03-21). AUKUS a Hard Nuke Sale in Next Door Southeast Asia. asia-pacificresearch.com

Richard Kingsford (2023-03-21). How did millions of fish die gasping in the Darling — after three years of rain? greenleft.org.au Unless we tackle the fundamental problem of a lack of water in our rivers, there will be many more to come. This fish kill is not a natural disaster, writes Richard Kingsford.

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Brzezinski presides over launching of new, permanent, U.S. Army headquarters in Poland. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com "This moment is 1939." — Brzezinski ==== Polish RadioMarch 21, 2023 New permanent US Army HQ launched in Poland A new permanent US Army headquarters began operating in Poland on Tuesday following its official launch in the western city of Pozna≈Ñ. Speaking at the Activation Ceremony for US Army Garrison Poland, Polish Defense Minister Mariusz …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). European military super-state: 17 EU members, Norway to buy artillery ammunition for Ukraine — Borrell. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The term European military super-state was used by members of the Irish parliament who opposed the Lisbon Treaty in warning of what it entailed. Irish members of parliament voted against the treaty in 2008, then — as is par for the course in post-Cold War Europe — were compelled to vote the right way the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Georgia: State Department, NGOs/SCOs conspire for government overthrow, second war front. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaMarch 21, 2023 Ruling and Opposition Parties Respond to the US State Department's Report The U.S. Department of State's "2022 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices" has prompted responses from Georgia's ruling and opposition parties regarding the country's handling of human rights issues. Comments from the Ruling Party Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Garibashvili …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Georgian FM in Brussels to offer his country to EU, NATO. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaMarch 21, 2023 Ilia Darchiashvili Visits Brussels to Meet with EU and NATO Officials Georgian Foreign Minister Ilia Darchiashvili is on a working visit to Brussels from 21 to 23 March. During his visit he will meet with the leaders of the European Union and NATO. According to the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Georgian head of state: The world is facing the threat of a 3rd World War. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaMarch 21, 2023 PM Accuses "Elite NGOs" in Providing "Fabricated Information" for State Department Report on Georgia Speaking to journalists…Georgian Prime Minister Garibashvili…asked about the State Department's 2022 Country Report on Human Rights in Georgia, PM said that the report is mainly based on information provided by "subjective", "biased" and "unfair" conclusions developed by …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Latvia: 40 NATO global strike force commanders, reps prepare for troop, arms influx. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOSupreme Headquarters Allied Powers EuropeMultinational Corps NortheastMarch 21, 2023 NATO Force Integration Unit Latvia provides hands-on expertise for Very High Readiness Joint Task Force On March 13-17, more than 40 representatives from Very High Readiness Joint Task Force's (VJTF) land component for 2023, Multinational Division North and other entities visited different sites in Latvia. Facilitated …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Middle East proxy army: NATO summons Iraqi FM to its headquarters. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMarch 20, 2023 Secretary General welcomes Foreign Minister of Iraq to NATO NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein to NATO Headquarters on Monday (20 March 2023). The Secretary General thanked Iraq for its commitment to its partnership with NATO, particularly…promoting stability in the region. Mr Stoltenberg underscored that NATO continues …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Naval commanders from 4 continents: U.S. Navy, NATO hold 38-nation African Maritime Forces Summit. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Admiral Munsch is simultaneously the commander of the NATO Allied Joint Forces Command, Naples. Cabo Verde is where the NATO Response Force was launched in 2006. See videos below. ==== U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa/U.S. Sixth FleetMarch 21, 2023 NAVAF hosts first African Maritime Forces Summit in Cabo Verde Commander of U.S. Naval Forces …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). Norway completes delivery of German tanks to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The Local (Norway)/Agence France-PresseMarch 20, 2023 Norwegian army says delivery of tanks to Ukraine complete Norway on Monday announced that it had delivered eight Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, a contribution that along with those of other countries will be "decisive" for an upcoming Ukrainian counter-offensive. "The eight Leo (Leopard) 2s are all in Ukraine," …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). To Emanuel's applause, Japanese PM makes unprecedented surprise trip to Ukraine, visits Bucha. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Kyodo NewsMarch 21, 2023 Japan PM Kishida visits Ukraine for talks with Zelenskyy Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida arrived in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv on Tuesday in a surprise visit to the Eastern European country to hold talks with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy ahead of a G-7 summit that Tokyo will host in May. The …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-21). War in Ukraine is arms bonanza for Clinton's home state. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense NewsMarch 21, 2023 How the war in Ukraine is driving growth in Arkansas CAMDEN, Ark. — In downtown Camden, in south-central Arkansas, a large number of storefronts sit dark and empty, offering little insight into what once thrived there. On one block, only a florist and an artisanal soap shop were open on a …

Robert S. Becker (2023-03-21). On MAGA's deceptive fixation: founders 'ordained this Christian nation'. nationofchange.org But when did factual truth matter/ To yahoos seizing forms to shatter?>

Sakura Murakami (2023-03-21). Japan Plans $75B Investment Across Indo-Pacific to Counter China. asia-pacificresearch.com

Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs (2023-03-21). Monday 3/20: Defend Food Not Bombs Right to Share Food & Protest. indybay.org Resource Center for Nonviolence | 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz…

Santa Cruz News (2023-03-21). Mayor Keeley Targets the Homeless with Surprise Traffic Median Motion. indybay.org At the March 14th meeting of the Santa Cruz City Council, Mayor Fred Keeley introduced a surprise motion targeting homeless residents who panhandle on traffic medians (watch video below). Keeley's motion was not included anywhere in the meeting's agenda packet, he spontaneously inserted it into an unrelated vote on item #15, which concerned bicycle safety improvements and the removal of automobile parking on Laurel Street. Keeley stated the motion as follows: "Add additional direction that the City Manager return at budget hearings with a plan for installing safety devices that prohibit remaining on traffic islan…

Scott Ritter, Consortium News. (2023-03-21). Iraq 20 Years: Disarmament, The Fundamental Lie. popularresistance.org The Establishment has still not reckoned with the essential lie behind the invasion of Iraq that began 20 years ago today, March 19, 2003. | As an example, a New York Times Magazine's puff piece in July 2020, purportedly to come clean on Iraq, instead soft-peddles former Secretary of State Colin Powell's role in selling a war on Iraq to the U.N. Security Council using what turned out to be bad intelligence. "Colin Powell Still Wants Answers" is the title of the article, written by Robert Draper. "The analysts who provided the intelligence," a sub-header to the article declares, "now say it was doubted inside the…

Senior, Disability Action (2023-03-21). Monday 3/20: In Loving Memory of Public Health. indybay.org 1000 Broadway, Oakland. In front of the downtown office of Alameda County Dept. of Public Health…

Staff (2023-03-21). La vergàºenza del #TeamAsere. cubadebate.cu Me quedo con la vergàºenza de Armando Johnson… con su humildad, con su timidez, con ese nudo en la garganta que le impidió hablar en el recibimiento que les hicieran en el aeropuerto José Martí de La Habana. Me quedo con su imagen escondida en la foto colectiva… Los grandes no necesitan protagonismo. Lo tienen porque sí.

Staff (2023-03-21). øRepresentan bien las empresas de la música en Cuba a sus artistas? (I). cubadebate.cu Cuba cuenta con 14 empresas provinciales y una municipal (Isla de la Juventud), dos centros provinciales, dos nacionales y seis agencias de representación artística. Esta estructura agrupa a 4 081 unidades artísticas (669 subvencionadas y 3 412 no subvencionadas) integradas por 21 335 artistas y personal de apoyo.

Staff (2023-03-21). Clásico Mundial de Béisbol: Japón deja al campo a México 6-5 en una semifinal de infarto (+ Tuit y Videos). cubadebate.cu En un emocionante juego de semifinales del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, Japón logró clasificar a la final tras vencer 6-5 a México. En el final del noveno inning, Japón se encontraba en desventaja con un marcador de 4-5. Shohei Ohtani encendió el rally en el noveno inning con un doble, y Munetaka Murakami conectó un poderoso batazo contra la cerca que remolcó dos carreras para la goma y dejó al campo a México.

Staff (2023-03-21). Clásico Mundial de Béisbol: Japón deja al campo a México 6-5 en una semifinal de infarto (+ Video). cubadebate.cu En un emocionante juego de semifinales del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, Japón logró clasificar a la final tras vencer 6-5 a México. En el final del noveno inning, Japón se encontraba en desventaja con un marcador de 4-5. Shohei Ohtani encendió el rally en el noveno inning con un doble, y Munetaka Murakami conectó un poderoso batazo contra la cerca que remolcó dos carreras para la goma y dejó al campo a México.

Staff (2023-03-21). Cuba y España, aliados importantes para el fortalecimiento de la actividad notarial. cubadebate.cu La voluntad de fortalecer las relaciones entre Cuba y España en el ámbito notarial, en particular en materia de capacitación e informatización, distinguió el encuentro del Primer Ministro cubano con miembros del Consejo General del Notariado Español.

Staff (2023-03-21). Las 3 del día: Actuación de Cuba en el Clásico Mundial y las noticias de esta jornada (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Estados Unidos superó ampliamente este domingo a Cuba catorce carreras por dos en el partido semifinal del Quinto Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. Aunque la última imagen que deja el equipo cubano ante la afición es este dispar marcador de 14-2, es de destacar que culminó cuarto en esta edición, y tras 17 años regresó a planos estelares en el béisbol mundial.

Staff (2023-03-21). Venezuela se prepara para los V Juegos Deportivos del Alba. cubadebate.cu Los V Juegos Deportivos de la Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América (Alba) se celebrarán en 19 instalaciones de los estados de Miranda, La Guaira y Caracas, en Venezuela. En los Juegos participarán 3 mil 500 atletas en 35 deportes, como el beisbol, boxeo, atletismo, ajedrez, taekwondo, natación y esgrima.

Staff (2023-03-21). Detienen a 19 ex altos funcionarios en República Dominicana por trama de corrupción. cubadebate.cu Durante una operación anticorrupción 19 colaboradores del expresidente de República Dominicana Danilo Medina fueron arrestados por desfalco millonario y lavado de activos. La operación fue llevada a cabo por la Procuraduría especializada de Persecución de la Corrupción Administrativa tras una compleja investigación.

Staff (2023-03-21). El pueblo estadounidense clama por la paz a dos décadas de la invasión a Iraq. cubadebate.cu Un fuerte reclamo de cese del militarismo y de la política de sanciones colmó este lunes las calles de Washington DC, donde miles de personas se congregaron para conmemorar el vigésimo aniversario de la invasión a Iraq liderada por EEUU. Los manifestantes portaron ataúdes envueltos en las banderas de los países invadidos en estas dos décadas de intenso belicismo.

Staff (2023-03-21). "Stop Dirty Banks": Bill McKibben & Ben Jealous on Ending Big Bank Funding for Fossil Fuel Expansion. democracynow.org We speak with Third Act founder Bill McKibben and Sierra Club executive director Ben Jealous about protests they've organized today across the United States to demand the four biggest banks — Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo and Bank of America — stop financing the expansion of fossil fuel projects.

Staff (2023-03-21). U.N. Warns "Climate Time Bomb Is Ticking" as Cyclone Freddy Death Toll Tops 560 in Malawi & Mozambique. democracynow.org In a major new report released Monday, the United Nations is calling for immediate and drastic cuts to greenhouse gas emissions in order to stop global warming. The "final warning" by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change comes as the death toll from Cyclone Freddy just swept through southeast Africa, killing hundreds of people and displacing hundreds of thousands more. Climate justice activist Dipti Bhatnagar with Friends of the Earth Mozambique describes it as "yet another reminder that climate impacts are not in the future but very much happening to our communities right now." W…

Staff (2023-03-21). Headlines for March 21, 2023. democracynow.org U.N. Warns of Climate Catastrophe, Urges Immediate and Dramatic Action, Report Finds Drought Killed 43,000 People in Somalia in 2022, Russia Says Fighter Jet Intercepts U.S. B-52 Bombers Over Baltic Sea, U.S. Claims All Sides Committed War Crimes in Ethiopia's Tigray, Kenyan Opposition Politicians Tear-Gassed at Protests Against President William Ruto, South African Protesters March Against Mass Unemployment and Power Outages, French Government Narrowly Survives No Confidence Vote After Macron Slashes Pensions, Four More Oath Keepers Convicted over Jan. 6 Insurrection, Amazon Announces More Job Cuts, Bringi…

Staff (2023-03-21). War Made Easy: Norman Solomon on How Mainstream Media Helped Pave Way for U.S. Invasion of Iraq. democracynow.org As we continue to mark the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, we look at how the corporate U.S. media helped pave the way for war by uncritically amplifying lies and misrepresentations from the Bush administration while silencing voices of dissent. Longtime media critic Norman Solomon says many of the same media personalities and news outlets that pushed aggressively for the invasion then are now helping to solidify an elite consensus around the Ukraine war. "In the mass media, being pro-war is portrayed as objective. Being antiwar is portrayed as being biased," he says. Solomon is author…

Staff (2023-03-21). Remembering Mozambican Rapper Azagaia: Police Crack Down on Protests After Death of Cultural Icon. democracynow.org We speak with Dipti Bhatnagar, climate justice activist based in Mozambique, about the recent death on March 9 of the popular rapper and cultural icon Azagaia. He was just 38 years old. He inspired many with his music and sang about injustice, including mistreatment of people by the authorities, as well as about poverty and social injustice. Azagaia's death has sparked protests in Mozambique which authorities have violently suppressed.

Staff (2023-03-21). "War Made Easy" Film Panel Discussion Featuring Norman Solomon, Dennis Kucinich, Kathy Kelly & more. davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-03-21). Venezuela: Public Ministry Appoints Prosecutors for New Anti-Corruption Investigation, Deputy Hugbel Roa Arrested. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2023-03-21). Venezuela's Oil Minister Resigns Amid New Anti-Corruption Investigation. orinocotribune.com

Steven Sahiounie (2023-03-21). The UAE Welcomes Syrian President Assad and the First Lady. globalresearch.ca

Susan Price (2023-03-21). Sudan: 'The people will win in the end'. greenleft.org.au Hoyam Abbas from the United Sudanese Revolutionary Forces Abroad talks about the current stage of Sudan's democratic revolution against military rule.

Tanjug (2023-03-21). Today Marks 19th Anniversary of Anti-Serb Pogrom in Kosovo-Metohija. globalresearch.ca

Tara Lohan (2023-03-21). PFAS 'forever chemicals' are everywhere: here's what that means for wildlife. nationofchange.org Researchers have found PFAS in the bodies of wild animals everywhere they've looked. Now they're beginning to understand the health effects.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-21). Franceses paralizan transporte contra reforma de pensiones. telesurtv.net Tras el uso de un artículo para saltarse la votación en el parlamento por parte de la jefa del Gobierno francés, Elisabeth Borne, las oposiciones pretenden sancionar al ejecutivo.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-21). Rusia abre caso penal contra jueces de la Corte de La Haya. telesurtv.net A su vez, China calificó la emisión de una orden de arresto contra el presidente ruso por parte de la Corte Penal Internacional como expresión de un doble rasero.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-21). Suman más de 80 detenidos por protestas en Sudáfrica. telesurtv.net Se calcula que varios miles de manifestantes estén en las calles , pidiendo el fin del desabastecimiento y la renuncia del presidente Cyril Ramaphosa.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-03-21). Japón pasa a la final del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023. telesurtv.net En el último inning un largo batazo de Munetaka Murakami dejó al equipo de México tirado en el campo.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-21). Anuncian resultados preliminares de comicios legislativos en Kazajistán. telesurtv.net En estos comicios, el gubernamental partido Anamat consiguió la mayoría parlamentaria con el 53,90 por ciento de los votos emitidos.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-21). Admiten a trámite pedido de juicio político contra presidente Lasso. telesurtv.net El pedido contra Lasso será enviado a la Corte Constitucional para que sea analizada la solicitud y se emita el dictamen previo de su admisibilidad.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-21). Emiten órdenes de evacuación por lluvias en California, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Según el comunicado, esta orden tiene como objetivo que las cerca de 1.400 personas que viven en esas regiones no fueran a quedar aisladas.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-21). Líder norcoreano Kim Jong-un dirige maniobras de ensayo militar. telesurtv.net La maniobra también busca mostrar "la voluntad más firme de responder a la guerra actual y enviar una advertencia más fuerte al enemigo".

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-21). Resulta ileso periodista ecuatoriano tras atentado. telesurtv.net La Fiscalía General del Estado inició una investigación por el atentado que sufrió este lunes el periodista Lenín Artieda, de la televisión Ecuavisa.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-21). Suman 489 los heridos tras terremoto en Ecuador. telesurtv.net El terremoto se convirtió en el movimiento telúrico más fuerte que ha soportado Ecuador desde el terremoto que golpeó Manabí y Esmeraldas el 16 de abril de 2016.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-21). Policía reemplaza a ocho generales por muertes en protestas en Perú. telesurtv.net En los tres meses transcurridos desde que la presidenta Dina Boluarte asumió el poder el 7 de diciembre de 2022, han muerto 60 personas durante las manifestaciones.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-21). øPor qué se celebra el Día de la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial?>. telesurtv.net La Asamblea General de la ONU emitió el 26 de octubre de 1966 la declaratoria para conmemorar el Día de la Eliminación de la Discriminación Racial.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-03-21). Asciende a 491 cifra de heridos tras terremoto en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Entre los bienes públicos afectados se encuentran 34 edificaciones.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-21). Gobierno palestino denuncia racismo de ministro de Finanzas israelí. telesurtv.net Mohammad Shtayyeh puntualizó que la postura del ministro israelí potencia la violencia ejercida por las fuerzas de ocupación de Israel contra Palestina.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-21). Madres de Plaza de Mayo ratifican apoyo a vicepresidenta argentina. telesurtv.net "Este 24 de marzo las Madres de Plaza de Mayo marchamos bajo la consigna 'No a la proscripción, Cristina conducción'".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-21). Presidente boliviano resalta combate contra la Covid-19. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado refirió que "prácticamente hemos resuelto el problema de la pandemia de la Covid-19 que la enfrentamos con vacunas gratuitas para todos los bolivianos y bolivianas".

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-21). Presidente venezolano: hemos asumido una posición frontal en lucha contra la corrupción. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado pidió su apoyo al pueblo venezolano en esta batalla contra la corrupción.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-21). Respaldan lucha anticorrupción del Gobierno venezolano. telesurtv.net Diosdado Cabello afirmó que en la Revolución Bolivariana no hay espacio para corruptos.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-21). Argentina recibe III Foro Mundial de Derechos Humanos. telesurtv.net Se prevé un encuentro internacional para apoyar a la vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández, víctima de persecución judicial.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-21). Condenan en Colombia asesinato de líder social en el Cauca. telesurtv.net Según la ONG Indepaz suman 29 los líderes asesinados en lo que va de 2023 en el país suramericano.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-21). Reportan nueva masacre en Barranquilla, Colombia. telesurtv.net El ataque ocurrió en el contexto del enfrentamiento entre las bandas de narcotraficantes Los Rastrojos y Los Costeños.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-21). Rusia condona más de 20.000 millones de dólares a àÅfrica. telesurtv.net Rusia suministrará, gratuitamente, alimentos a los países necesitados de África, si no se prorroga el acuerdo de granos.

teleSUR, nbb, JGN (2023-03-21). Sismo de magnitud 5.3 sacude el este de Taiwán. telesurtv.net Se registraron en total cuatro sismos con magnitudes de entre 3.7 y 5.3 en el oriente de la isla.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-21). Declaran alerta verde por lluvias en cuatro departamentos de Honduras. telesurtv.net La alerta aplica para Santa Bárbara, Cortés, Yoro y Atlántica debido a una cuña de alta presión.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-21). Inauguran III Foro Mundial de Derechos Humanos en Argentina. telesurtv.net El presidente Alberto Fernández destacó que el pueblo argentino ha hecho de los derechos humanos una verdadera política de Estado.

The Cradle (2023-03-21). Toxic US Military Burn Pits in Iraq Caused Cancer, Other Illnesses. globalresearch.ca

The Expose (2023-03-21). Member of House of Lords Uses Mainstream Media to Claim That "Antivaxxers are a global menace who must be defeated" globalresearch.ca

The Lever (2023-03-21). üéßMOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Brazil (w/ Melanie Vesey). levernews.com

Tim Gooden (2023-03-21). Tim Gooden: 'The 8-hour day shows there's power in a union'. greenleft.org.au In his speech to a Labour Day dinner, Geelong Trades and Labour Council President Tim Gooden celebrated workers who won the 8-hour working day and proposed five campaigns the union movement must fight for today.

Tom Conway (2023-03-21). How leaders in the Department of Labor are fighting for workers' rights. nationofchange.org "We have an opportunity right now to buy American and build America like never before."

Uma Thontakudi (2023-03-21). Saturday 6/17: HDSA 2023 San Jose Team Hope 10K Timed Run and 5K Walk. indybay.org Campbell Park at the Los Gatos Creek Trail | Campbell, California…

unitedEditor (2023-03-21). New winds are blowing from China. uwidata.com On March 7, during a press conference held within the framework of the first session of the XIV National People's Congress in Beijing, the recently appointed Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang stated: "If the United States does not step on the brakes and instead, keeps accelerating down the wrong path, there will be no barrier …

unitedEditor (2023-03-21). 'Ukrainian soldiers' act of burning the Quran is part of the Atlantic ideology'. uwidata.com On March 16 a video appeared on Tiktok social media platform where Ukrainian soldiers are tearing and burning the pages of the Quran. The video was widely shared and attracted a great deal of public attention. United World International author Dr. Mehmet Perinàßek evaluated the issue to the Sputnik news agency. We present below in …

UUSF Morning Forum (2023-03-21). Sunday 3/26: Solutions are Already Here: Hope for Ecological Renewal. A workshop with Gregory Stevens. indybay.org Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco | In Person: 1187 Franklin St. @ Geary / TSK Room | On Zoom: | zoom.us/j/95797889329?pwd=YzJUUVFXUzdpeTlUU3FDd296UGg2UT09

Vanessa Phipps (2023-03-21). Thousands march in Washington, D.C. to launch new movement against U.S. empire. liberationnews.org Thousands of anti-war protesters gathered in Lafayette Park, in front of the White House.

via Democracy Now! (2023-03-21). Trump-Appointed Judge in Texas May Restrict Abortion Pill. indybay.org

William Walter Kay (2023-03-21). Breaking: "Second Russia Offensive" (SRO): Vladimir Sharpens the Cleaver; Volodymyr Fattens the Calf. globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2023-03-21). Democrats push reactionary diversion in pending indictment of Trump over sex scandal. wsws.org While no arraignment date has been set, the Manhattan district attorney appears set to proceed with an indictment in a legally flimsy and politically reactionary case that is a diversion from Trump's real crimes.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Anti-AUKUS meeting in Sydney: Fake anti-war movement promotes right-wing militarists. wsws.org The supposedly anti-war meeting was addressed by the American colonel who wrote Colin Powell's infamous speech justifying the US invasion of Iraq and by Bob Carr, who as foreign minister played a key role in Australia's integration into the US-led plans for war with China.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Trade unions support Ford Valencia scheme to lay off 1,144 workers. wsws.org Ford Spain has announced a savage redundancy scheme to lay off 1,144 workers, or 20 percent of its workforce, at its plant in Almussafes, Valencia. Just hours after the announcement, the trade unions signed up their readiness to work with management to impose these attacks in the space of three months.

WSWS (2023-03-21). My Father the Guest Worker, I, Your Mother and Oyoyo: Three documentaries about immigrants in former East and West Germany. wsws.org Several older films featured at this year's Berlinale film provided real insight into the plight of immigrants in the 1970s and 1980s.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Professors at Laval University are in the second week of a strike over pay and other contract issues while negotiations drag on as four Argentine banking business chambers continue to resist workers demands.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Pressure grows on another US bank amid controversy over Credit Suisse takeover. wsws.org The US crisis arises from the fact that many middle-sized banks have invested heavily in what are supposed to be the safest assets of all, Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities, which have fallen in value because of the Fed's interest rate hikes.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Police raid German real estate giant Vonovia. wsws.org The company is being investigated by the public prosecutor's office and state criminal office on suspicion of bribery and corruption, breach of trust and fraud.

WSWS (2023-03-21). The way forward for the strike by 65,000 Los Angeles school workers. wsws.org Having launched a three-day strike, LA educators now confront the need to mobilize ourselves independently in order to expand our struggle and appeal for the widest possible unity and support from workers throughout the city and the world.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Video: Workers speak out against war and inequality in NSW election. wsws.org One worker said: "The average person in China, or in America, or here, doesn't want a war. I'm glad this party is talking about it. Nobody else is."

WSWS (2023-03-21). Striking LAUSD teacher: "All the issues we were fighting for in our 2019 strike are the same now" wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site interviewed Chelsea, an adult eduecation teacher in Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) with over 20 years experience, on the eve of the citywide schools strike this week,…

WSWS (2023-03-21). Twenty years since the US invasion of Iraq. wsws.org The conquest and occupation of Iraq is one of the greatest crimes of the 21st century.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Detroit public schools begin cutting educator jobs, services and summer programs, as Covid funding runs out. wsws.org As one-time federal COVID funds are depleted, Detroit like school districts nationally are facing dire budget cuts.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Credit Suisse and the power of money. wsws.org In order to avoid being dragged into the abyss by the country's second-largest bank, the government in Bern pledged Switzerland's fate to the country's largest bank come what may.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Fight for fishing facilities at affordable prices! Reject communal provocations that divide Sri Lankan and Indian fishermen! wsws.org To fight for our rights, we must build action committees of fishing workers, independently of all capitalist parties and the fishermen's associations.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Protests sweep France as National Assembly accepts Macron's pension cuts without a vote. wsws.org The motion of censure against the government for imposing Macron's despised cuts without a vote fell 9 votes short of a majority in the Assembly, allowing them to become law.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Amazon announces 9,000 more job cuts as tech industry jobs massacre builds. wsws.org So far in 2023, tech companies, including giant players such as Meta, Google and Microsoft, have laid off nearly 140,000 employees.

WSWS (2023-03-21). What the SEP was prevented from asking at the anti-AUKUS meeting in Sydney. wsws.org The organisers promoted right-wing militarists, while suppressing discussion from the floor, including questions from the Socialist Equality Party.

WSWS (2023-03-21). Police protect Nazi march in Australia. wsws.org The blatant fascist display, assisted by the police, in the centre of the country's second most populous city, is a shocking political warning.

Yasmin Abusayma (2023-03-21). Newly wed Gaza woman drowns off Greece. electronicintifada.net Sabreen Wael Abu Jazar was hoping to reach her husband in Belgium.

Zero Hedge (2023-03-21). Putin Tells Xi He's "Open to Negotiating Process" on Ukraine as US Says Ceasefire "Unacceptable" globalresearch.ca

Mansa Musa (2023-03-20). 'The Road to Damascus' uses theater to confront white supremacy. therealnews.com The new one-woman play Pre-Production: Frances Madeson | Studio Production: Cameron Granadino, David Hebden | Post-Production: Cameron Granadino | <...

Roselena Ramirez (2023-03-20). Bitcoin Developers in Guatemala Have the Plan to Rescuing Lake Atitlan. america.cgtn.com One of the most beautiful lakes in the world is Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. But in recent years, it has faced severe environmental threats. It comes from pesticides, inadequate sewage systems in the surrounding communities, and an influx of trash and cooking oil. But a group …

Roselena Ramirez (2023-03-20). US Train System, Moving Bombs? america.cgtn.com The derailment of a train carrying hazardous chemicals in February has caused what many call an environmental disaster. The accident occurred in the US state of Ohio, raising many questions regarding safety. How often do trains transport these toxic materials? And are they adequately supervised? …

Mike Walter (2023-03-20). The Heat: Iraq War 20 Years On. america.cgtn.com Twenty years after the U.S.-led war in Iraq. We look back on the crisis and the chaos that it caused. In March 2003, the U.S. launched a deadly war on Iraq that began with a massive military assault on Baghdad. The attack was followed by …

April Lanuza (2023-03-20). Ecuador enters state of emergency. america.cgtn.com The death toll from Saturday's 6.5-magnitude in Ecuador is now at least 15 people, while hundreds mored suffered injuries.

Nathan King (2023-03-20). U.S. marks 20 years in Iraq. america.cgtn.com Twenty years ago this week, the U.S. launched a punishing military air assault on Iraq.

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-03-20). Interpersonal Relations in Organizing and in Life. anchor.fm In this episode we talk about how institutions and practices of slavery, colonization, and imperialism lead to the necessity for racism, sexism, Islamophobia, Homophobia, Transphobia, and therein effect all interpersonal human relations. Whether you are a socialist, communist, etc. you should, I should, we should, all work on investigating ourselves and our internalized reflections of this society in our own relationships and ways of relating to one another. In organizing, in our friendships, families, and everywhere.

≈Ωivadin Jovanoviƒá (2023-03-20). The 1999 NATO Aggression on Yugoslavia — A Turning Point. globalresearch.ca

_____ (2023-03-20). On the outcome of the ROK's Conservative Party congress and the parliamentary vote against the arrest of Lee Jae-myung. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-20). Peculiarities of the Turkish-Chinese economic cooperation. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-20). Russia and Mongolia: potential economic projects. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-20). USA criticized globally over MQ-9 drone incident. journal-neo.org The crash of an American MQ-9 drone heading for the Russian border in the Black Sea near the Crimean Peninsula on March 14 in the morning is likely one of the most discussed topics in the global media in recent days. According to an official communication from the Russian Defense Ministry, the US UAV's flight […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-20). Multipolarity was triggered by the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq. strategic-culture.org Twenty years after the unlawful and destabilizing US-led invasion of Iraq, Washington must face the ultimate consequence of that war: UNSC powers China and Russia laying the foundation for a genuine, UN Charter-based system of multipolarism. | By Karin KNEISSL | On the night of 19-20 March, 2003, the US air force began bombing the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. The EU and NATO were deeply divided on whether to join the aggression: While newer NATO members from Central and Eastern Europe were in favor of the war, European heavyweights Paris and Berlin opposed it. | The Iraq war also marked the onset of diplomatic coordin…

a guest author (2023-03-20). Soplan vientos nuevos desde China. workers.org By Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein El pasado 7 de marzo, durante una conferencia de prensa celebrada en el marco de la primera sesión de la XIV Asamblea Popular Nacional (APN) en Beijing el recientemente designado Canciller de China Qin Gang afirmó que : "Si Estados Unidos no pisa el freno y . . . |

A Guest Author (2023-03-20). Phone zap for Ohio State Penitentiary hunger strikers. workers.org Ohio prison activists issued the statement below. People incarcerated at the Ohio State Penitentiary began a protest in mid-March and need our support to be successful in getting their demands met. Recently, guards at OSP have been forcing prisoners to stand in the showers for hours on end as a . . . |

A Guest Author (2023-03-20). A call to deepen class struggle in France. workers.org March 18: Faced with President Emmanuel Macron's new anti-democratic use of Article 49.3 of the French Constitution, the following is a joint declaration of the National Association of Communists (ANC), the Pole of Communist Revival in France (PRCF), the Communist Rally (RC) and the Youth for Communist Revival in France . . . |

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-03-20). G20, the Ukraine War and the Global Economic Crisis. globalresearch.ca

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-03-20). Unrest Erupts in France After Macron Imposes Pension Reforms by Decree. globalresearch.ca

Abdul Rahman (2023-03-20). Two decades of criminal invasion in Iraq and its aftermath. peoplesdispatch.org Since the invasion of their country in 2003, Iraqis have not seen respite from its implications, with occupation, sectarian violence, fanaticism, and corrupt and inefficient governments—sustained by persistent imperialist interventions—marking the last two decades…

Adriaan Alsema (2023-03-20). Petro orders Colombia's security forces to end ceasefire with AGC. colombiareports.com Colombia's President Gustavo Petro on Sunday ordered the security forces to resume attacks against paramilitary organization AGC. In a message posted on social media website Twitter, Petro said that "we…

Adrienne Y.L. Chan, Tian-Tian Ma, Wallis C.Y. Lau, Patrick Ip, David Coghill, Le Gao, Yogini H. Jani, Yingfen Hsia, Li Wei, Katja Taxis, Emily Simonoff, David Taylor, Terry Y. Lum, Kenneth K.C. Man, Ian C.K. Wong (2023-03-20). [Articles] Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder medication consumption in 64 countries and regions from 2015 to 2019: A longitudinal study. thelancet.com Current ADHD prevalence estimates and rates of ADHD medication consumption in most middle-income countries are lower than the global epidemiological prevalence. It is therefore imperative to evaluate the potential barriers to diagnosis and treatment in these countries to minimise the risk of negative outcomes from undiagnosed and untreated ADHD.

Alan Lash (2023-03-20). Psyops Are Not New, Just More Dangerous. globalresearch.ca

Ali Abunimah (2023-03-20). Smotrich unmasks Israel's truly genocidal face. electronicintifada.net Ultra-far-right minister's claim Palestinian people do not exist reflects Israeli consensus.

Alissa Pavia, Giorgio Cafiero (2023-03-20). What's Behind Spain's About-Face on Western Sahara? fpif.org Known as Africa's " By the 1960s, Spain — the colonial ruler of Western Sahara beginning in the 19th century — came under growing international pressure to relinquish control of the territory. The Polisario Front, a Sahrawi nationalist liberation mo…

Allan Fisher (2023-03-20). Saturday 3/18: Protest nonstop war and militarism – demand negotiations! indybay.org Town Clock (Water Street) Santa Cruz…

Alliyah Lusuegro (2023-03-20). Immigration Policy Doesn't Have To Be This Way. fpif.org For 20 years, the Department of Homeland Security has made life a nightmare for millions — but Dreamers like me have seen that there's another way.

Amy Goodman (2023-03-20). Iraqi Writers Reflect on US Invasion 20 Years Later. truthout.org At around 5: 30 a.m. local time in Baghdad on March 20, 2003, air raid sirens were heard in Baghdad as the U.S. invasion began. Within the hour, President George W. Bush gave a nationally televised speech from the Oval Office announcing the war had begun. The attack came on the false pretext that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction, and despite worldwide protest… |

Andrew J. Bacevich (2023-03-20). On Missing Dr. Strangelove: Or how Americans learned to Stop Worrying and forgot the Bomb. juancole.com ( Tomdispatch.com) — Bosley Crowther, chief film critic for the New York Times, didn't quite know what to make of Dr. Strangelove at the time of its release in January 1964. Stanley Kubrick's dark antiwar satire was "beyond any question the most shattering sick joke I've ever come across," he wrote. But if the film …

Ann Brown (2023-03-20). US Surgeon General: 13-Year-Olds Shouldn't Be On Social Media, Here's Why. moguldom.com U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy wants parents to keep their teenagers off of social media. Murthy said he feels 13-year-olds shouldn't have access to social media. According to Murthy, social media can have damaging effects on the mental health of young people. Most social media platforms require users to be 13 or older to make …

Ann Brown (2023-03-20). Burna Boy: I Support Black Americans Getting Reparations From US Government, You Deserve It. moguldom.com Nigerian Afrobeats singer Burna Boy set off a debate over the relationship African-Americans have with Africa. But in all of the brouhaha over his comments, Burna Boy came out for reparations for Black Americans. Burna Boy rose to stardom in 2012 after releasing the song "Like to Party," the lead single from his debut studio …

Ann Brown (2023-03-20). Bodies Found Of 3 Detroit Hip-Hop Artists Who Were Missing: 3 Things To Know About Murders. moguldom.com When the story was first reported in January about three hip-hop artists in the Detroit area who mysteriously went missing after their Jan. 21 show was canceled, it left many with questions. Why did all three go missing? Why would three out-of-town artists be targeted? They lived in other parts of Michigan and had traveled …

Anonymous103 (2023-03-20). China's Success In Reconciling Saudi Arabia And Iran Huge Blow To US Hegemony. southfront.org Illustrative ImageReconciliation opens the path for Saudi Arabia and Iran to join BRICS. | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | After agreeing with Saudi Arabia in December to buy its oil for Chinese yuan instead of just US dollars, while at the same time Russia is successfully cooperating with Saudi Arabia and Iran in the oil sector, Beijing is helping a historic reconciliation between the two major Muslim countries. Chinese efforts are all the more impressive when…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-20). How Nations' Citizens Rate Their Own Government. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Written by Though individuals who have been heavily propagandized to think that they are better-able to rate foreign Governments than the people who live under them are (and this helps 'justify' what their Government is doing to foreign countries, such as invading them and overthrowing their Government, and doing other things that their own nation's billiona…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-20). ICC's Putin Arrest Warrant Signals Long Overdue Unraveling Of So-Called 'Rules-Based World Order'. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-20). Kherson Region To Become The Second Front Of Upcoming Ukrainian Offensive (Photos 18+, Video). southfront.org Ukrainian servicemen killed during the assault operation on March 19 | Amid the ongoing combat reconnaissance operations of the Ukrainian military in

Anonymous103 (2023-03-20). Military Overview: Russian Forces Pincer Ukrainian Garrison In Avdeevka (Video 18+). southfront.org Ukrainian serviceman in Avdeevka | The Russian military is developing its advance in the north of the town of Avdeevka located on the north-western outskirts of Donetsk. | On March 17, Russian military sources reported Russian control of the village of Krasnogorovka located 3 kilometers north of Avdeevka. Since then, Russian forces preserved the military initiative and continued their advance westwards in order to encircle Avdeevka from the north and cut the strategically important railway used for transfer of militar…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-20). Military Situation In Avdeevka On March 20, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-20). Military Situation In Bakhmut On March 20, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-20). Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On March 20, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near the village of Novodanilovka. 25 Ukrainian servicemen were reportedly killed; | The Russian Army thwarted the assault operation of the AFU near the Kakhovka reservoir; | Russian forces destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU in Otradokamenka; | Artillery duels between the AFU and Russian forces continue in the area of Gulyaipole; | Artillery duels between the AFU and Russian forces continue in the area o…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-20). Military Situation In Syria On March 20, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-20). Moscow Confirms Readiness For Negotiations, While Washington And Brussels Declare More Military Supplies. southfront.org Illustrative Image | March 20 marked significant political developments which once again revealed the true goals of the states involved in the Ukrainian war. While Moscow confirmed its readiness to launch the negotiation process, Washington and Brussels declared new military supplies to the Kiev regime. | The United States will provide Ukraine with the new 34th package of military assistance. The new military package will contain ammunition for HIMARS MLRS and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, artillery shel…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-20). Polish Embassy In France Denies Words Of Its Own Ambassador. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On March 19, the Polish Ambassador to France, Jan Emeryk Ro≈õciszewski, claimed that Warsaw would come into conflict with Russia if Kiev is defeated. | In his opinion, the Ukrainian crisis is a battle for the basic values and culture of the West, which is why "it is so important to win.""If Ukraine fails to defend its independence, we will have no choice but to enter into conflict," he said. | On March 20, the Polish Embassy in France denied the statement of its own ambassador…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-20). Russia and China: A Future-Bound Partnership — By Vladimir Putin. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-20). Russia Turned To Creative Diplomacy To Stabilize The Global Food Market. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Experts are predicting a global food crisis, and the imposition of sanctions on various countries is only making the problem worse. | "The world is moving away from achieving the goals of eliminating hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition, in all its forms," says the report of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). | Sanctions imposed on Russia have a particularly serious impact on global food supplies, with Russia being one of the primary suppliers on the world market. For one example, in…

Anonymous765 (2023-03-20). NATO Prepares Ukrainian Army For Offensive. southfront.org |

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). A Sane Voice amidst the Madness. transcend.org 17 Mar 2023 – Former Australian PM Paul Keating has eviscerated Australia's deal to buy nuclear submarines from the U.K. and U.S., saying there is no Chinese threat to defend against, despite the war hysteria stirring in Australia.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). Anything to Say? Assange, Snowden & Manning in Sydney. transcend.org 11 Mar 2023 – The three bronze statues that have been touring the world have arrived in Assange's home country, Australia.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). Atrocity Fabrication and Its Consequences: How Fake News Shapes World Order. transcend.org Atrocity fabrication, the invention and reporting of atrocities committed by an adversary, has a long history in propaganda and power politics as an effective means of moving public opinion. It provides pretext for hostile measures against targets, transforming wars of aggression into wars of liberation of the oppressed.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). Billionaires Shouldn't Exist. transcend.org 13 Mar 2023 – FORBES Has a New List of the World's Richest People…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). Eight Contradictions of the Imperialist 'Rules-Based Order'. transcend.org 9 Mar 2023 – This is a qualitatively new phase of world history with significant global changes since the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, which can be seen in a new phase of imperialism. We hope to stimulate debate and discussion in our broader Battle of Ideas against toxic social philosophies that seek to suffocate rational thought about our world.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). Food Inglorious Food: Children's Health Defense Attack on Food Summit. transcend.org 5 Mar 2023 – Yesterday Dr. Meryl Nass–with assistance, comments and summaries by Alexis Baden-Mayer–convened a magnificent, important 7-hour Attack on Food Symposium + Solutions to Fight Back…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). Forever Wars vs. Armageddon. transcend.org 15 Mar 2023 – The call for the U.S. to end military involvements is often made in order to advocate for new wars against more powerful countries. It appears that the only choices are forever wars or the end of the world.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). Frankfurt Undermines Human Rights by Canceling a Concert by Roger Waters. transcend.org Roger Waters will take his "This Is Not a Drill" tour to Europe. But on 24 Feb, Frankfurt's city council cancelled the concert for "persistent anti-Israel behavior" calling Waters an antisemite. In response, Peter Gabriel, Julie Christie, Noam Chomsky, Susan Sarandon, Alia Shawkat, Glenn Greenwald and others signed a petition calling on the German government to uncancel the concert.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). G20, the Ukraine War, and the Global Economic Crisis. transcend.org 18 Mar 2023 – United States and Its Allies Accused of Hampering Progress within the Global South…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). Haiti: "The Truth Speaks for Itself" transcend.org With a defunded health care system, Haiti is once again confronting a cholera epidemic. Food insecurity threatens 5 million people, including 2.4 million children, in a country of 12 million. Government-supported paramilitary groups continue to terrorize opposition neighborhoods, with kidnappings at an all time high. These crises have their roots in the 2004 coup and the subsequent imposition of foreign occupation, coordinated through the UN.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). Iraq Plus 20 (Part 1): Lies as Weapons of Mass Destruction. transcend.org 15 Mar 2023 – The Script for the Lead-Up to War…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). Jeffrey Sachs Testimony on COVID Origins. transcend.org 6 Mar 2023 – My reasons to believe that SARS-CoV-2 may have emerged from a laboratory are straightforward. If indeed that is the case, it reveals the remarkable danger of ongoing gain-of-function research unknown to the Congress and public. Key questions include the following.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). 'Outright Hatred' towards Muslims, Has Risen to 'Epidemic Proportions'. transcend.org 15 Mar 2023 – "Terrorism and violent extremism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization, or ethnic group."

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). Peace and Conflict Resolution: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Seems More Intelligent Than Human Political Intelligence (PI). transcend.org I got the idea of checking what the AI-based ChatGPT had to say about the war in Ukraine and its answers were a pleasant surprise from the perspective that I hold dear: peace. Here is what I asked and what it answered within a couple of seconds.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). Peace Conference: A World without Militarism. transcend.org Sat, 25 Mar: 9am to 5pm, University of London, In-person & Online, Free Entry…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). Providing Education to Handicapped Students. transcend.org Mahatma Gandhi contributed to the freedom of India in diverse ways including in the field of education. He stressed the role of learning appropriate skills along with formal education; simple tasks such as electrical fittings, repair work, housekeeping (for girls), animal care, etc.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). The Looming Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Tsunami. transcend.org On10 March Silicon Valley Bank, the 16th largest in the country, collapsed. This was the second largest bankruptcy in U.S. history, following Washington Mutual in 2008. Despite its size, SVB was not a "systemically important financial institution" as defined in the Dodd-Frank Act, which requires insolvent SIFIs to "bail in" the money of their creditors to recapitalize themselves.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). The Pentagon's B-Movie: Looking Closely at the Sep 2001 Attacks. transcend.org 15 Mar 2023 – Graeme MacQueen: The Indispensable 9/11 Writer's Latest Book – Leftists, no matter what they say in their defense, bear great moral responsibility for the so-called War on Terror, the Patriot Act, the invasion of Iraq, the deaths of Muslims, etc., all of which emanate from the insider attacks of September 11 and the subsequent anthrax attacks.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). The Saudi-Iran Détente and Its Regional Implications. transcend.org 12 Mar 2023 – What the normalisation between two regional powers means and does not mean.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). The US/UK Submarine Deal Crosses Nuclear Red Lines with Australia. transcend.org 17 Mar 2023 – If submarine nuclear reactor technology and weapons-grade (highly enriched) uranium are shared with Australia, it is a breach of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) to which Australia is a signatory as a non-nuclear power. Even the supplying of such nuclear reactors by the U.S. and the UK would constitute a breach of the NPT.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). To the Brahmin Sela: Sela Sutta. transcend.org I heard thus: At one time the Blessed One was touring the country of Anguttaraapa with a large community of Bhikkhus, about one thousand two hundred and fifty and entered a hamlet named Aapana. The matted hair ascetic Keniya heard "The good recluse Gotama, son of the Saakyas touring the country of Anguttaraapa."

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). U.S. and NATO Allies Were Responsible for Nearly 65% of Global Arms Exports in 2018-22. transcend.org 14 Mar 2023 – The US share in global arms exports increased from 33% to 40% in 2018-22, and its ally France, the third-largest exporter of weapons, had its share increasing from roughly 7.1% to 11%.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-03-20). Why the Banking System Is Breaking Up. transcend.org 15 Mar 2023 – The collapses of the Silvergate and Silicon Valley Banks are like icebergs calving off from the Antarctic glacier. The financial analogy to the global warming causing this collapse is the rising temperature of interest rates. Most media reports reflect a prayer that the bank runs will be localized, as if there is no context or environmental cause.

Anya Parampil (2023-03-20). I am the "US-based Kremlin intermediary" that tried to help Tucker Carlson book an interview with Putin. thegrayzone.com Tucker Carlson accused the NSA of spying on his personal communications when he tried to schedule an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. I can corroborate his story. On March 10, Fox News host Tucker Carlson told the Full Send podcast that the US government "broke into [his] text messages" in the summer of 2021, just months before the launch of Russia's February 2022 invasion of Ukraine. Carlson claimed the spying occurred as he was planning a trip to Russia, …

Atlanta Community Press Collective (2023-03-20). "We are Not in the Least Afraid of Ruins": Food Autonomy in the Weelaunee Forest. itsgoingdown.org Report on the Weelaunee Food Autonomy Festival in so-called Atlanta, GA during the recent week of action in defense of the Weelaunee forest. On Friday March 10th, the first annual Weelaunee Food Autonomy Festival began in the Weelaunee (South River) Forest. The festival was a practical experiment in food production and distribution outside of, and…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-03-20). China's Iran-Saudi Peace Deal Is Big Blow To Petrodollar. popularresistance.org China surprised the world on March 10, announcing that it had successfully sponsored peace talks between rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran. | Four days of secret negotiations in Beijing led to a historic agreement in which the two West Asian nations normalized relations, following seven tense years without any official diplomatic ties. | Iraq had previously hosted peace talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran, but these were sabotaged in January 2020 when US President Donald Trump ordered a drone strike to assassinate top Iranian official Qasem Soleimani, who had been involved in the negotiations.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-20). Criminals at Large: The Iraq War Twenty Years On. dissidentvoice.org The arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court for Russian President Vladimir Putin came at an opportune moment. It was, if nothing else, a feeble distraction over the misdeeds and crimes of other leaders current and former. Russia, not being an ICC member country, does not acknowledge that court's jurisdiction. Nor, for that matter, does …

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-20). Lithium Americas and Biden Violating Sacred: Digging into Paiute Massacre Site for Lithium. indybay.org Breaking News: "I cried seeing this yesterday," said Dorece Sam, Fort McDermitt Paiute, seeing the destruction of the earth on the Paiute Massacre Site at Thacker Pass for a lithium mine, in northern Nevada. "To see this shattered my heart," Sam said of the violation of the sacred. "There are no cultural monitors."

Canadians for Justice, Peace in the Middle East (2023-03-20). CJPME Appalled by Minister Joly's Meeting with Far-Right Israeli Government. globalresearch.ca

Carlos Edill Berríos Polanco (2023-03-20). Reforesting Mangrove Trees Could Prove Key to Storm Defense in Puerto Rico. latinorebels.com During the last few decades, illegal construction projects have encroached on Puerto Rico's beautiful beaches, leading to the destruction of mangrove forests that protect the coastline from storms and rising sea levels.

Charles Tiefer, The Conversation. (2023-03-20). 'Holman Rule' Allows The House To Fast-Track Government Program Cuts. popularresistance.org The slim Republican majority in the House of Representatives has just voted to give itself a streamlined way to fire civil servants and shut down federal programs it doesn't like — outside the standard process of review and debate. | This method, known as the Holman rule, has been used in the past by both parties to cloak political decisions in the language and process of saving taxpayers money. It was included in a package of rules approved as the House began its business in January. | As a former acting general counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives and the author of a treatise on congressional proc…

Chris Walker (2023-03-20). Trump Calls for Protests Over His Impending Arrest, Echoing Jan. 6 Rhetoric. truthout.org In a Truth Social post on Saturday, former President Donald Trump urged his followers to protest his potential arrest by the Manhattan District Attorney's office, which he predicted would happen sometime this week. In his post, Trump wrote that he expects to be "ARRESTED ON TUESDAY," and instructed his followers to "PROTEST" and "TAKE OUR NATION BACK" if that is the case. |

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes (2023-03-20). Global freshwater demand will exceed supply 40% by 2030, experts warn. nationofchange.org "The scientific evidence is that we have a water crisis. We are misusing water, polluting water, and changing the whole global hydrological cycle, through what we are doing to the climate. It's a triple crisis."

Danny Haiphong, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-20). China's Example Of Leadership Injects Hope Into A World Of Uncertainty. popularresistance.org On the one-year anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, China released a position paper on the path forward to peace. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed that the peace proposal lacked credibility and questioned China's commitment to the sovereignty and international law. Just weeks after China released its position on peace in Ukraine, Blinken was proven wrong. Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to reestablish relations on March 10 after a round of successful talks that took place in Beijing. | Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Centra…

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-20). China, Cambodia Hold First-Ever Joint Naval Drills. news.antiwar.com China and Cambodia have launched their first-ever joint naval drills as the two Asian nations continue to forge stronger ties despite objections from Washington. The drills, named China-Cambodia Golden Dragon 2023, began on March 20 and will be held through April 8. About 3,000 military personnel from both nations will participate in the exercises. Last …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-20). Former Taiwanese President to Make Historic Visit to Mainland China. news.antiwar.com Former Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou will lead a delegation to mainland China next week in an effort to improve cross-strait relations as tensions are soaring in the region. The trip will be historic as no Taiwanese president, whether former or sitting, has visited China since Chiang Kai-shek and his Kuomintang (KMT) forces fled to Taiwan …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-20). Putin Tells Xi He Will Discuss China's Peace Proposal for Ukraine. news.antiwar.com Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed Chinese President Xi Jinping in Moscow on Monday and said they would discuss a 12-point peace proposal for the Ukraine war that Beijing has put forward. "We have thoroughly studied your proposals for resolving the acute crisis in Ukraine," Putin told Xi, according to the Russian news agency TASS. "Of …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-20). Report: US Provided Unprecedented Intelligence to India During Border Clash With Chinese Troops in 2022. news.antiwar.com

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-20). Taiwan's Military Shelves Law That Would Criminalize Spreading Rumors. news.antiwar.com Taiwan's military has agreed to temporarily put on hold controversial proposed amendments to a law that would criminalize the spread of rumors during times of war, The South China Morning Post reported Monday. The changes the Taiwanese Defense Ministry has proposed to the All-out Defense Mobilization Readiness Act would put "government controls" on all media …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-20). US Announces $350 Million Weapons Package for Ukraine. news.antiwar.com The US on Monday announced a new $350 million arms package for Ukraine that includes ammunition for the HIMARS rocket launchers, artillery rounds, and High-speed Anti-radiation missiles (HARMs). The arms are being sent to Ukraine via the Presidential Drawdown Authority, which allows President Biden to ship Kyiv weapons and equipment directly from Pentagon stockpiles. The …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-20). Warring Sides in Yemen Agree on Prisoner Swap to Release Over 800 Detainees. news.antiwar.com The Houthis and the Saudi-backed Yemeni government have agreed on a major prisoner swap that will release over 800 detainees after the two sides held 10 days of talks in Geneva, Switzerland. The Houthis said they agreed to release 181 prisoners, including 15 Saudis and three Sudanese. In exchange, the Saudi-backed government will release 706 …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-20). White House Says It Opposes a Ceasefire in Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

David Sirota (2023-03-20). Document Shows Regulators Knew Of SVB Risk Five Years Ago. levernews.com

Declartion for American Democracy (2023-03-20). Tuesday 3/28: American Democracy: A Way Forward for Voting Freedom. indybay.org Online event…

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-20). Criminals at Large: The Iraq War 20 Years On. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Jack Rasmus (2023-03-20). Banking Crisis 2023: Deep Origins and Future Directions. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2023-03-20). The US Has the World Setup for a Worse Financial Crisis Than in 2008. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Peter McCullough (2023-03-20). Central Venous Thrombosis of the Brain After SARS-CoV-2 Infection and mRNA Vaccination. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Vietnam's flag carrier conducts 1st regular flight from Beijing in 3 years. ecns.cn Vietnam Airlines flew more than 100 passengers from the Chinese capital Beijing to Hanoi on Sunday, marking its first regular service between the two capitals in three years, Vietnam News Agency reported.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Chilled salmon from Chile arrives in Changsha. ecns.cn A cargo aircraft carrying chilled salmon from Santiago, Chile, arrived recently at Changsha, Hunan province, ready to tease the taste buds of Chinese diners.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). China's economic recovery affords world opportunities: global asset management institutions. ecns.cn The 2023 GAMF annual conference was held in Beijing over the weekend. Global asset management institutions believe that China's economy is gradually recovering, which will bring the world more opportunities.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Innovative design helps protect rare fish in SW China high-speed railway construction. ecns.cn Rare fish in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River are well protected during the construction of a bridge on the Chongqing-Kunming High-speed Railway because of the innovative pier-less design.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Chinese mainland tourists to Hong Kong reach 100,000 again after border reopening. ecns.cn The number of tourists to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from the Chinese mainland has steadily increased since the customs clearance resumed on Jan. 8, with the single-day number reaching a record high of 102,458 Saturday, according to the Hong Kong Immigration Department.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). U.S. beach city issues state of emergency, curfew after deadly shootings. ecns.cn The City of Miami Beach, in the U.S. state of Florida, issued a state of emergency and a curfew on Sunday after two deadly shootings.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). China's foreign ministry releases report on state of democracy in U.S. in 2022. ecns.cn China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday released a report on its website titled "The State of Democracy in the United States: 2022."

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). HK financial regulators welcome UBS' acquisition of Credit Suisse. ecns.cn The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) on Monday welcomed the acquisition of Credit Suisse AG by UBS AG.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Yellow Sea to see live-fire exercises. ecns.cn Live-fire exercises would be conducted in parts of the southern Yellow Sea from Monday to Tuesday, according to a navigation warning released by China's Maritime Safety Administration on Sunday afternoon.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Trump slams impending 'arrest', calls for protests. ecns.cn Former U.S. president Donald Trump said he expects to be "arrested" on Tuesday over an alleged hush-money payment to an adult film star in 2016 and urged his supporters to protest, as prosecutors gave signs of moving closer to an indictment.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Bamboo slips unearthed in China's Yunnan bear high historical value: experts. ecns.cn A trove of bamboo slips uncovered recently in Yunnan Province in southwest China would help decipher the administrative power of the central government of the Western Han Dynasty (202 BC-25 AD) over the Yunnan region, experts said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). China moves to bolster economic recovery with RRR cut. ecns.cn China has announced its first cut in the amount of cash that banks must hold as reserves this year to bolster the economic growth momentum after investment stabilized and consumption rebounded in the first two months.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). China an active participant in global poverty reduction: experts. ecns.cn The 2023 International Forum on Poverty Governance and Global Development was held in the Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, south China's Yunnan Province on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). China springs to action after attack kills 9, injures 2 in Central African Republic: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn Chinese Foreign Ministry immediately activated the consular emergency response mechanism and put teams on duty around the clock after an attack on a Chinese private company happened in the Central African Republic, a spokesperson said on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Chinese customs continues severe crackdown on smuggling: official. ecns.cn China will continue to maintain a high-pressure stance in cracking down on smuggling, especially that of finished oil, foreign garbage, firearms, and drugs, said Yu Jianhua, director-general of China's General Administration of Customs.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). China's tax refunds, cuts for foreign trade companies in 2022 hit over $40 billion. ecns.cn China supports all enterprises to enjoy various types of tax preferential policies and tax reduction and tax refund for foreign trade companies last year reached 285 billion yuan(around $41.35 billion), said Yu Jianhua, director-general of China's General Administration of Customs, on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). 20 years after U.S. invasion, tragedy of Haditha massacre not forgotten by Iraqis. ecns.cn Twenty years after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the residents of Haditha, a city located on the banks of the Euphrates River in Iraq's western province of Anbar, still recall with great pain and anger the massacre committed by U.S. soldiers against innocent civilians.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). New Zealand FM to visit China. ecns.cn At the invitation of Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang, New Zealand Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta will visit China from March 22 to 25, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin announced on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Seasonal livestock transfer starts in Xinjiang. ecns.cn A total of 1.016-million livestock have been moved from winter pastures to spring pastures, marking the official start of annual spring migration.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Reshui graveyard site in Qinghai. ecns.cn Xuewei No. 1, discovered in 1982, is the most complete and high standard tomb with clear structures, providing important evidence about Tuyuhun-tubo Period (6th to 8th centuries)…

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). World's largest span arch bridge under construction in Guangxi. ecns.cn With a total length of 2,488.55 meters and a main span of 600 meters, Tian'e Longtan Bridge is the world's largest span arch bridge, connecting Nandan to Tian'e Xialao expressway.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). World's largest containership sets sail for sea trial. ecns.cn With a total length of 399.99 meters, a width of 61.3 meters and a maximum height of 78.1 meters above the keel, "Xinfu 103" has a deck area of 24,000 square meters, equivalent to 3.3 standard football fields.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Squirrel monkey appreciates blooming flowers in Chongqing. ecns.cn A squirrel monkey appreciates blooming peach flowers on a tree at a zoo in Chongqing.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Flying egrets, golden dry reeds creat beautiful ecological picture. ecns.cn Hundreds of egrets fly over golden dry reeds, creating a beautiful ecological picture at Hongze Lake Wetland in Sihong County, east China's Jiangsu Province, March 19, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Starry night over sea of clouds on Qinling Mountain. ecns.cn Magnificent scenery of a sea of clouds and starry sky over Zhuque National Forest Park in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province.

Editor (2023-03-20). Biden approves huge oil extraction project in Alaska. mronline.org In an action that is a flat reversal of his election campaign pledge of "no more drilling on federal lands," President Joe Biden decided Monday to approve an $8 billion oil drilling project on Alaska's North Slope, to be operated by ConocoPhillips.

Editor (2023-03-20). It's a new day in the United Auto Workers. mronline.org The machine will churn no more. Nearly 80 years of top-down one-party rule in the United Auto Workers are coming to an end. Reformer Shawn Fain is set to be the winner in the runoff for the UAW presidency.

Editor (2023-03-20). Peace rallies held in Washington DC to protest U.S. militarism. mronline.org The rally coincides with the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq.

Editor (2023-03-20). War buildup: Biden's $1 trillion military budget. mronline.org The White House released its budget request for 2024. For the Pentagon, there is $824 billion. Adding armaments for military operations in Ukraine takes that figure to more than $950 billion.

Editor (2023-03-20). Chris Hedges: The Lord of Chaos. scheerpost.com The politicians and shills in the media who orchestrated 20 years of military debacles in the Middle East, and who seek a world dominated by U.S. power, must be held accountable for their crimes.

Editor (2023-03-20). Iraq 20 Years: Scott Ritter—Disarmament, the Fundamental Lie. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-20). Iraq War 20 Years: Ray McGovern—The Uses and Abuses of National Intelligence Estimates. scheerpost.com The case to invade Iraq on March 19, 2003 was based on an NIE that was prepared not to determine the truth, but rather to "justify" preemptive war, when there was nothing to preempt.

Editor (2023-03-20). On Missing Dr. Strangelove. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-20). US Media's Iraq War Pushers 20 Years On: Where Are They Now? Rich and Influential. scheerpost.com It's not just that media figures who sold the most devastating war crime of the 21st century never faced any professional consequences—they're more powerful and influential now than ever.

Editor (2023-03-20). Cyclone Freddy underscores inequalities — reparations for Africa! workers.org The United States has 5% of the world's population but is responsible for 28% of annual carbon emissions in the world — about 15 tons per capita. For the wealthiest 10%, it is closer to 55 tons per capita! In contrast, the second-largest and second-most populous continent — Africa — . . . |

Eduardo Aliverti (2023-03-20). Argentina: El Frente de Todos, en una interna casi inentendible. globalizacion.ca Hay una imagen de panorama político descompuesto, con alcances muy difíciles de precisar. Pero, para el Gobierno y lo que quede de su alianza intersectorial, sería más grave aún caer en el tremendismo y en un espíritu derrotista. | Una de…

Eric A. Gordon (2023-03-20). Dalí, Brathwaite, Soin: Dialogues about change at the Art Institute of Chicago. peoplesworld.org CHICAGO — Salvador Dalí: The Image Disappears is the high-powered draw at the Art Institute these days, attracting large crowds, through June 12, to examine the surrealist's work of the 1930s, the critical decade of the Spanish Civil War. He had already become celebrated enough as an iconic representative of his age, and of a …

Felicity Arbuthnot (2023-03-20). Commemorating Iraq's Three Wars (1991, 2003, 2014): Looking Back : 'Internationally Sponsored Genocide'. Felicity Arbuthnot. globalresearch.ca Editors have a mantra, do not look back, move on, write what is current. But sometimes looking back is vital. Those who ignore even the recent past are doomed to understand nothing, sink deeper into quagmires — and bleat again …

Fight Back (2023-03-20). Detroit holds rally in solidarity with DC anti-war demonstration. fightbacknews.org Detroit, MI – In the early afternoon of March 18, braving the sub-freezing temperatures and biting wind, 40 activists gathered at Hart Plaza, in the heart of Detroit, to demonstrate against the U.S. escalation of its war against Russia in the Ukraine. The rally was in solidarity with the historic DC march occurring at the same date. | Several speakers tied the brutal U.S. invasion of Iraq, which began on this day 20 years ago, to the U.S. war in Ukraine, noting the chilling parallels between the two. | Movement elder Bill Meyer, representing the Michigan Peace Council, added his perspective to the event, saying…

Fight Back (2023-03-20). Students, community demands U of MN expand tuition program for native students. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – On Friday, March 17, over 50 students and community members gathered outside the Humphrey School of Public Affairs and braved the bitter winds to demand the University of Minnesota expand the Native American Promise Tuition Program and fund the American Indian Studies department. University of Minnesota Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) collaborated with the American Indian Student Cultural Center (AISCC) to organize this protest to fight for native students' rights. | Emcees from AISCC and SDS led chants and introduced the first speakers of the action. "The U of M is a land-grant institu…

Fight Back (2023-03-20). New York celebrates International Women's Day. fightbacknews.org Brooklyn, NY — The New York Community Action Project (NYCAP) hosted an International Women's Day rally outside of the Barclay Center on Sunday, March 19. | The Barclay Center is not only well-known as a venue for basketball games and concerts, but it's a gathering spot in Brooklyn for anti-police protests. Throughout 2020, thousands upon thousands gathered at the awning of the famous venue to demand justice for George Floyd. | On this afternoon, NYCAP gathered as hundreds walked into a basketball game to demand justice for the women harmed by the NYPD, defend women's rights, and fight for reproductive jus…

Final Straw (2023-03-20). Final Straw: Felony Littering Trials Under Way in Asheville. itsgoingdown.org Long-time anarchist radio show and podcast The Final Straw speaks on the upcoming felony trial of mutual aid organizers in Asheville, NC. Listen and Download HERE This week: a chat with Pip, a defendant in, and Grace, a supporter of, the Aston Park Defendants case which led to the arrest of 16 people, including 2…

Franklin Ramírez Gallegos (2023-03-20). Ecuador — El rey está desnudo. globalizacion.ca La posibilidad de juicio político que pende sobre Guillermo Lasso es una de las manifestaciones de la crisis múltiple que vive el país sudamericano. | A solo dos años de mandato, el presidente ecuatoriano se encuentra cada vez más aislado y…

Free Alex Saab, Popular Resistance. (2023-03-20). Urgent: Imprisoned Diplomat Alex Saab's Life Is In Danger. popularresistance.org Today the Free Alex Saab Movement makes an urgent call to the world to denounce the alarming health condition of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, which endangers his life. | In July 2021, the Working Group against Torture and several UN rapporteurs expressed their concern about the irreparable deterioration of Alex Saab's health condition. | Let us recall that in Cape Verde, on July 7, 2021, after many refusals, Alex Saab was visited by his family doctor, who in his report detected a worrying health condition of the Venezuelan official, especially because Saab is a stomach cancer survivor.

Geoff Dembicki, DeSmog. (2023-03-20). Indigenous Group Fighting Emissions Cap Supported By Oil Company. popularresistance.org A national Indigenous group is fighting a proposed federal limit on oil and gas sector emissions by arguing it will harm First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities. | But the group has a powerful non-Indigenous ally, according to corporate documents from Canada's second-largest oil and gas producer. | Cenovus, a Calgary-based oil sands company that last year had net earnings of $6.5 billion, says in those documents that it has paid for membership with the Indigenous Resource Network (IRN). Yet a spokesperson for the network called that a "misrepresentation."

Gideon Polya (2023-03-20). Iraq Invasion 20th Anniversary: Five Million Dead in Iraqi Holocaust 1990 Onwards. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-03-20). Selected Articles: 20 Lies About the Iraq War. globalresearch.ca By A supposed meeting in Prague between Mohammed Atta, leader of the 11 September hijackers, and an Iraqi intelligence official was the main basis for …

Hal McNulty (2023-03-20). The Weekly Round-up: Putin's arrest warrant, "Increasingly authoritarian" UK, Murderer sentencing. ukhumanrightsblog.com In the news The ICC has issued an arrest warrant against Vladimir Putin for the war crime of the unlawful deportation and transference of children. The Russian commissioner for children's rights, Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova, has also been issued an arrest warrant. According to Ukrainian government figures, 16,266 children have been deported to Russia since the …

Hedelberto López Blanch (2023-03-20). Las "sanciones" no han podido con Rusia. globalizacion.ca Contrario al objetivo que espera Occidente, que es el de destruir la economía rusa y debilitar a su gobierno mediante las cientos de "sanciones" que le ha impuesto, hoy el gigante euroasiático las ha ido esquivando y muestra índices de…

Igor Derysh (2023-03-20). Legal Experts Unimpressed as Trump's Mystery Witness Is Revealed. truthout.org Legal experts raised doubts about the value of former President Donald Trump's surprise mystery witness in the Manhattan DA probe after he was revealed to be a former Rudy Giuliani attorney. Trump on Sunday teased that "the most important witness" was set to appear before the Manhattan grand jury investigating the 2016 hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels. Trump did not name the… |

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-20). Imperial launches new scholarship for sub-Saharan Africa PhD students. imperial.ac.uk Imperial has launched a new scholarship programme to support PhD students from sub-Saharan Africa.

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-20). Toxic pet flea and tick treatments are polluting UK freshwaters. imperial.ac.uk Parasite treatments and preventatives we put on our pets are finding their way into UK waters in concentrations that are toxic to aquatic species.

infobrics (2023-03-20). South Africa Has Developed Strong Working Relationship with Russia, China. infobrics.org South Africa continues to integrate more closely into the structure of BRICS while developing stronger cooperation with Moscow and Beijing within the framework of the organization…

infobrics (2023-03-20). China's RMB Yuan Usage Spreads Across Russia's Financial Portfolios. infobrics.org Against the backdrop of the Russian Central Bank's devaluation of bank balance sheets, the volume of corporate loans in China's RMB Yuan in Russia is growing; and are offered by an increasing range of players…

infobrics (2023-03-20). India's Reliance Shifts Traders to Russian Commodities Hub Dubai. infobrics.org India's Reliance Industries Ltd. has shifted most of its oil traders from Mumbai to Dubai, executing a plan announced in 2021, but which now coincides with the city's growing stature as a commodities hub…

infobrics (2023-03-20). US naval hegemony might come to its end soon. infobrics.org Can an overburdened and overextended America maintain its sea hegemony while engaging in land wars?>

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-20). Cuban Revolution, US Embargo: Al Mayadeen Interviews the Cuban President. libya360.wordpress.com Al Mayadeen In an exclusive interview for Al Mayadeen, the Cuban President touches on the Cuban Revolution, its challenges, and achievements, as well as US manipulations. Part I Al Mayadeen Media Network Chairman Ghassan Ben Jeddou conducted an exclusive interview with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel, during which the latter discussed the Cuban Revolution and its challenges,…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-20). Dilemmas of the World Majority. libya360.wordpress.com Timofei Bordachev We are dealing with a rather unique example of a struggle in which the forces of the opponents are approximately comparable, although the superiority of the West is significant. We absolutely do not know how the countries of the World Majority would behave in conditions where the USA and Europe launched an offensive…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-20). Documents Reveal True Motives Behind Canada's Support for Saudi Arabia. libya360.wordpress.com Owen Schalk Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman Canada's relationship with the kingdom is based solely on cold economic calculations On March 11, online media outlet The Breach published a document that shines a light on Ottawa's usually secretive policies toward Saudi Arabia and the wider West Asian region. The document illustrates that Canada's cozy relationship with the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-20). Ecuador: "CONAIE Supports the Impeachment of Lasso" libya360.wordpress.com ALAILeonidas Iza Salazar, top leader of the Confederation of Indigenous Nations of Ecuador (CONAIE) The prestige of Leonidas Iza, president of CONAIE, far exceeds the indigenous peoples of Ecuador. We had a conversation with him about the struggles of the indigenous nations and nationalities, the current political situation in Ecuador, regional integration and the democratization…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-20). Press Conference: Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya on the 20th Anniversary of the US Invasion of Iraq. libya360.wordpress.com Press Conference by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia on the 20th anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq Vassily Nebenzia: Good afternoon everyone. As you might have noticed, initially in today's program of work we had briefing on 1591 Committee and briefing and consultations on UNITAMS. Then there came a request from Western delegations to schedule…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-20). The State of Democracy in the United States: 2022. libya360.wordpress.com On the day that marked the 20th anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq, the Chinese Foreign Ministry released a report on Monday further unveiling the decline of American democracy and the chaos it has brought to the world under its disguise. Contents I.‚ÄÇPreamble II.‚ÄÇAmerican democracy in chronic ills 1.‚ÄÇAmerican democracy in further decline 2.‚ÄÇPolitical…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-20). Xi's Moscow Visit is a Key Moment in the Struggle to End US Hegemony. libya360.wordpress.com Dmitry Trenin Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Moscow is not just symbolic as his first foreign excursion after being re-elected to an unprecedented third term. The trip is particularly important because of the wider context in which it is taking place. The global situation calls for a further upgrade in Sino-Russian relations to address the external…

Isabella Arria (2023-03-20). El neoliberalismo y autoritarismo de Macron disparan una nueva revuelta en Francia. globalizacion.ca La reforma de las pensiones propuesta por el presidente Emmanuel Macron no cuenta con el respaldo de los franceses. Y, ante la falta de apoyos, el mandatario decidió este jueves aprobar la nueva norma por decreto, es decir, sin someterla…

Jake Johnson (2023-03-20). UN IPCC Climate Report to Sound Most Dire Warning Yet. truthout.org A United Nations panel composed of the world's top scientists is set to release its latest climate assessment on Monday as governments fail to heed repeated, increasingly urgent warnings that the window for action to prevent catastrophic global heating is nearly shut. The landmark report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will come after a year in which planet-warming CO2… |

Janet Phelan (2023-03-20). Arrest Warrant Issued for Putin for War Crimes? Hold on a Minute! globalresearch.ca

Jeremy Earp (2023-03-20). 20 Years After the Invasion of Iraq, Will the Media's Complicity be Flushed Down the Memory Hole? globalresearch.ca

Jeremy Earp (2023-03-20). Who's in control of how we remember the Iraq War? nationofchange.org "All wars are fought twice, the first time on the battlefield, the second time in memory." –Viet Thanh Nguyen…

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-03-20). Former UN Weapons Inspector Reports that U.S. Drone Forced Down in Black Sea Was Gathering Intelligence for Ukrainian Forces. covertactionmagazine.com In a "2-minute topic" posted on Twitter, former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter reported that the U.S. MQ-9 drone that was forced down into the Black Sea on March 14 was not innocently transiting international airspace when it was intercepted by two Russian Su-27 fighters. Rather, it was on an intelligence-gathering mission, peering into Crimea, to gather …

Jessica Buxbaum, Mintpress News. (2023-03-20). Title VI Complaint Filed Against George Washington University. popularresistance.org Last month, a Palestinian rights group filed a federal complaint against George Washington University (GW), alleging the institution allows discrimination against Palestinians to persist unabated on campus. | Palestine Legal filed a federal complaint with the United States Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, demanding it investigates what the organization describes as a "years-long, hostile environment of anti-Palestinian racism." | The legal rights group is representing three students who say they have experienced anti-Palestinian discrimination from fellow classmates, professors, administrators,…

Jim McIlroy (2023-03-20). NSW rail unions break through public sector pay gap. greenleft.org.au The two unions covering rail workers in New South Wales have welcomed the federal Fair Work Commission's decision to grant a pay rise for rail staff over 2022—2023. Jim McIlroy reports.

Jim McIlroy (2023-03-20). NSW rail unions bust through public sector pay gap. greenleft.org.au The two unions covering rail workers in New South Wales have welcomed the federal Fair Work Commission's decision to grant a pay rise for rail staff over 2022-2023. Jim McIlroy reports.

John Leake (2023-03-20). Young Pilot's Heart Damaged Right After COVID-19 Vax. globalresearch.ca

Karl Kramer (2023-03-20). Friday 3/24: State of Repression in El Salvador. indybay.org Redstone Labor Temple, | 2940 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | (between Mission and South Van Ness, | half block from 16th St. BART)…

Kester Kenn Klomegah (2023-03-20). Does ICC's Arrest Warrant Limit Putin's External Visits? "The West is Hysterical" globalresearch.ca

Kim Petersen (2023-03-20). Patriotism and Sinophobia. dissidentvoice.org People such as former US military men like Scott Ritter and Douglas MacGregor provide excellent analysis on the geopolitics and warring in Ukraine. Ritter and McGregor are two Americans apparently able to relay a perspective based on their own take of a situation, a take independent of government pronouncements and home media reports. Nonetheless, despite …

Kit Klarenberg, TheGrayzone. (2023-03-20). 'Rigorous' Maidan Massacre Exposé Suppressed By Top Academic Journal. popularresistance.org The massacre by snipers of anti-government activists and police officers in Kiev's Maidan Square in late February 2014 was a defining moment in the US-orchestrated overthrow of Ukraine's elected government. The death of 70 protesters triggered an avalanche of international outrage that made President Viktor Yanukovych's downfall a fait accompli. Yet today these killings remain unsolved. | Enter Ivan Katchanovski, a Ukrainian-Canadian political scientist at the University of Ottawa. For years, he marshaled overwhelming evidence demonstrating that the snipers were not affiliated with Yanukovych's government, but pr…

Kurt Nimmo (2023-03-20). International Criminal Court Wants to Arrest Putin for Sheltering Child Refugees. globalresearch.ca

Lee Camp, Mintpress News. (2023-03-20). The United States Is Literally Sucking The Blood Of The Poor. popularresistance.org You already know things are not good for a lot of people in the United States. | As of two months ago, 64% of the country said they're living paycheck to paycheck. Even if we exclude the million or so homeless across the U.S., recent data shows that approximately 5.3 million households are behind on their home mortgage payments. | Another report from 2018 showed that around 130 million people in the U.S. admitted an inability to pay for basic needs like food, health care, housing, or utilities. And those numbers are before the pandemic began, which is like saying it felt hot in here before a fire burned down the…

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2023-03-20). US Decides Whether or Not Kiev Should Negotiate Peace. globalresearch.ca

M.K. Bhadrakumar (2023-03-20). US paranoid about Russia-China summit. peoplesdispatch.org The Anglo-Saxon clique is watching with dismay the talks in Moscow between Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin. To be sure, Moscow and Beijing have decided to stand together to bury the US hegemony…

Manlio Dinucci (2023-03-20). Endless Wars: US Escalation to the East. Manlio Dinucci. globalresearch.ca

Marc Vandepitte (2023-03-20). China facilita un acuerdo entre Irán y Arabia Saudí. globalizacion.ca Aunque apenas haya aparecido en los principales medios de comunicación, Irán y Arabia Saudí han alcanzado un importante acuerdo con implicaciones de largo alcance no solo en la región, sino mucho más allá. Es un importante paso en la alineación…

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2023-03-20). Protesters rally in Washington against U.S. support for war. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON, D.C. — Thousands of protesters hit the streets of Washington this weekend to demand that the United States abandon militarism and the use of sanctions against its perceived enemies. The demonstration took place as the country marked the 20th anniversary of the Iraq invasion in 2003. By some estimates, that war went on to …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-20). Riding wave of reform and renewal, Shawn Fain wins UAW presidency. peoplesworld.org DETROIT —Riding a wave of reform after a massive corruption scandal and resentment of a two-tier wage system at the Detroit 3, Shawn Fain, nominee of the Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAW-D) movement, narrowly defeated incumbent Ray Curry for the United Auto Workers presidency. His win completes a UAW-D/UAW Members United sweep of contested …

Mev Dominguez-Valentin, Saskia Haupt, Toni T. Seppà§là§, Julian R. Sampson, Lone Sunde, Inge Bernstein, Mark A. Jenkins, Christoph Engel, Stefan Aretz, Maartje Nielsen, Gabriel Capella, Francesc Balaguer, Dafydd Gareth Evans, John Burn, Elke Holinski-Feder, Lucio Bertario, Bernardo Bonanni, Annika Lindblom, Zohar Levi, Finlay Macrae, Ingrid Winship, John-Paul Plazzer, Rolf Sijmons, Luigi Laghi, Adriana Della Valle, Karl Heinimann, Tadeusz Dƒôbniak, Robert Fruscio, Francisco Lopez-Koestner, Karin Alvarez-Valenzuela, Lior H. Katz, Ido Laish, Elez Vainer, Carlos Vaccaro, Dirce Maria Carraro, Kevin Monahan, Elizabeth Half, Aine Stakelum, Des Winter, Rory Kennelly, Nathan Gluck, Harsh Sheth, Naim Abu-Freha, Marc Greenblatt, Benedito Mauro Rossi, Mabel Bohorquez, Giulia Martina Cavestro, Leonardo S. Lino-Silva, Karoline Horisberger, Maria Grazia Tibiletti, Ivana do Nascimento, Huw Thomas, Norma Teresa Rossi, Leandro Apolinário da Silva, Attila Zaránd, Juan Ruiz-Bañobre, Vincent Heuveline, Jukka-Pekka Mecklin, Kirsi Pylvà§nà§inen, Laura Renkonen-Sinisalo, Anna Lepistà∂, Pà§ivi Peltomà§ki, Christina Therkildsen, Mia Gebauer Madsen, Stefan Kobbelgaard Burgdorf, John L. Hopper, Aung Ko Win, Robert W. Haile, Noralane Lindor, Steven Gallinger, LoàØc Le Marchand, Polly A. Newcomb, Jane Figueiredo, Daniel D. Buchanan, Stephen N. Thibodeau, Magnus von Knebel Doeberitz, Markus Loeffler, Nils Rahner, Evelin Schrà∂ck, Verena Steinke-Lange, Wolff Schmiegel, Deepak Vangala, Claudia Perne, Robert Hàºneburg, Silke Redler, Reinhard Bàºttner, Jàºrgen Weitz, Marta Pineda, Nuria Duenas, Joan Brunet Vidal, Leticia Moreira, Ariadna Sánchez, Eivind Hovig, Sigve Nakken, Kate Green, Fiona Lalloo, James Hill, Emma Crosbie, Miriam Mints, Yael Goldberg, Douglas Tjandra, Sanne W. ten Broeke, Revital Kariv, Guy Rosner, Suresh H. Advani, Lidiya Thomas, Pankaj Shah, Mithun Shah, Florencia Neffa, Patricia Esperon, Walter Pavicic, Giovana Tardin Torrezan, Thiago Bassaneze, Claudia Alejandra Martin, Gabriela Moslein, Pà•l Moller (2023-03-20). [Articles] Mortality by age, gene and gender in carriers of pathogenic mismatch repair gene variants receiving surveillance for early cancer diagnosis and treatment: a report from the prospective Lynch syndrome database. thelancet.com In path_MMR carriers undergoing colonoscopy surveillance, non-colorectal Lynch syndrome cancers were associated with more deaths than were colorectal cancers. Reducing deaths from non-colorectal cancers presents a key challenge in contemporary medical care in Lynch syndrome.

Mickey Z (2023-03-20). My Lai, 'Killing Ideology' & Disobeying Orders: 55 Years Ago Today. globalresearch.ca

Mike Ludwig (2023-03-20). 20 Years After US Invasion, Iraq Faces Cascading Climate and Water Crises. truthout.org Twenty years after a United States-led coalition invaded and occupied Iraq, the country is facing cascading environmental crises and was recently declared the fifth-most vulnerable country to climate disruption. Plagued by instability and corruption fueled by religious divisions and various militias competing for influence and revenue, the Iraqi government is weak and unable to tackle these… |

Natalia Marques, People's Dispatch. (2023-03-20). 20 Years After Start Of The Iraq War, Peace Movement Protests Another War. popularresistance.org Today, some organizers are too young to remember the outbreak of the Iraq War, representing an entirely new generation of the anti-war movement. Delaney Leonard, a 19-year-old in her first year of college and a member of the Howard University Dissenters, an anti-war group at a historically Black university, cannot recall a time in her life when the US wasn't at war. She will be part of the demonstration Saturday because "the effects of billions of dollars being taken away from crucial sectors of our country such as education, healthcare, or housing has been intrinsic to my youth."

Natalia Marques (2023-03-20). Thousands demonstrate in front of White House to demand an end to the US war machine. peoplesdispatch.org Over 200 organizations participated in a rally and march this weekend to fight for peace in Ukraine and an end to US escalation…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Consumer Health: Don't let the time change get you down. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org For much of the U.S. and many places around the world, daylight saving time begins Sunday, March 12, when clocks are turned forward one hour. Sleep provides the foundation for all your daily habits and decisions. Getting enough quality rest each night is essential for optimal health. Regularly sleeping less than seven hours per night is associated with weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and depression. Lack of sleep also can affect your immune system and heart health. But a time shift ‚Äï…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Shame and guilt eating: Tackling binge-eating disorders. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most people occasionally eat too much. They may fill up an extra plate with seconds at a special event, enjoy another piece of pie at a holiday gathering or eat popcorn until stuffed at the movies. But for some people, overeating becomes excessive. It crosses the line from an occasional indulgence to a binge-eating disorder when overeating feels out of control and happens on a regular basis. It's the most common eating disorder in the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). 5 ways to get better sleep. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You're not alone if you have trouble falling or staying asleep. Many people struggle with sleep — and that's a problem, since sleep plays a crucial role in your health, energy levels and ability to function at your best. Most adults require seven to eight hours of sleep each night to feel well-rested and energized each day. If restless nights have become the norm for you or you find that your sleep is not refreshing,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Mayo Clinic Minute: Does one moldy berry spoil the whole bunch? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Spring is around the corner, which means the beginning of berry season. Berries can be a great source of potassium and vitamins C and K, and can also promote a healthy gut. While berries are among the healthiest foods to eat, if not stored properly, they can get mushy and grow mold. But a little bit of mold doesn't necessarily mean the whole batch goes to waste. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse,…

Nicolas J. S. Davies (2023-03-20). How Many Millions Have Been Killed in America's Post-9/11 Wars? globalresearch.ca

Nicolas J. S. Davies (2023-03-20). Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen: How Many Millions Have Been Killed in America's Post-9/11 Wars? globalresearch.ca

Nicolas J. S. Davies (2023-03-20). How Many Millions of People Have Been Killed in America's Post-9/11 Wars? globalresearch.ca

Nicolas J. S. Davies (2023-03-20). The Iraq War Death Toll. "War Crimes Prosecutions of Senior U.S. and U.K. Officials" globalresearch.ca

Nicolas J. S. Davies (2023-03-20). Afghanistan and Pakistan: How Many People Has the U.S. Killed in Its Post-9/11 Wars? globalresearch.ca

Nicolas J. S. Davies (2023-03-20). How Many People Has the U.S. Killed in Its Post-9/11 Wars? globalresearch.ca

Olivia Wood, Left Voice. (2023-03-20). CUNY Administration Cracks Down On Student And Worker-Run Food Pantry. popularresistance.org Three years ago this month, the City University of New York (CUNY) pivoted to remote operations during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic. When the university began to gradually reopen in-person operations after vaccines were widely available, dining services on many campuses — which students rely on for affordable meals — remained closed. At the same time, wages have not kept up with inflation, and budget cuts from the city and the state are gutting many of CUNY's other services. Not only are affordable campus dining options important, but students and workers are struggling more than ever to…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-20). US Says More Drones as a Fed-Up World Shakes Its Head. orinocotribune.com By Daniel Patrick Welch — Mar 16, 2023 | The US is completely unashamed by the depth and audacity of the evil plans it is revealed to have organized. No matter what you catch them doing, there is zero chance they will take the high road, admit responsibility, and adjust their course. Backing Right Sector heroes they agreed were terrorists a short while ago? Never happened. Nordstream bombers? Naaaaah. | Now, getting its drones as close to Crimea as they can without getting caught [oops!] is just another set up for a sketch on the mock news of Saturday Night Live. The US-sponsored headline is that "Russia is…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-20). Washington Imposes Economic Sanctions on Black Community Projects Inside the US. orinocotribune.com In March 2023, Regions Bank notified the black nonprofit African People's Education and Defense Fund (APEDF) that the bank was "exiting" their 20-year relationship, closing accounts, withdrawing lines of credit and canceling mortgage loans. | This assault on the ability of African people to build economic self-reliance was the latest in a series of actions revealing government and corporate cooperation targeting the black community programs of the Uhuru (Freedom) Movement including its popular Women's Health Center, Black Power Vanguard Basketball Court, "One Africa! One Nation!" Marketplaces, Gary Brooks Communi…

Patrick Wood (2023-03-20). Boom: Trilateral Commission Declares "2023 Is Year One of This New Global Order" globalresearch.ca

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-20). A government for and of the banks in the US. peoplesdispatch.org Eugene Puryear of BreakThrough News explains the latest US banking crisis, the role of the US Federal Reserve, and how only the rich seem to be worthy of bailouts and rescue packages…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-20). Daily Round-Up | Indian farmers' protest concludes with victory and other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In this episode, we bring you stories of a victorious farmers' march in India, a protest over energy sovereignty in Mexico, and journalists condemning repression in Bangladesh…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-20). Doctors in the UK strike for pay restoration. peoplesdispatch.org Tens of thousands of junior doctors in the UK concluded their 72-hour strike on Wednesday, March 15. Junior doctors are demanding full pay restoration, an approximately 26% salary increase to make up for the income lost since 2008.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-20). Freedom or martyrdom: Palestinian prisoners to launch hunger strike against Israeli repression. peoplesdispatch.org The hunger strike set to begin on March 22 is part of broader resistance efforts by Palestinian prisoners, including ongoing civil disobedience, against the Israel's inhumane punitive measures…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-20). "Mexico is a free and independent country": AMLO leads rally in defense of sovereignty. peoplesdispatch.org The mobilization on the anniversary of the nationalization of the oil industry was also in support of the AMLO government and its decision to nationalize the country's lithium…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-20). "Never forget, never forgive!": Massive mobilizations across Greece denounce Tempi train disaster. peoplesdispatch.org The Greek working class has accused that the underfunding, privatization, and criminal negligence by the government and railway authorities had resulted in the deadly train accident in Tempi on February 28, in which 57 people were killed and 85 injured…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-20). New Zealand's teachers demand better pay and working conditions. peoplesdispatch.org Teachers had rejected the recent government offer on pay rise, arguing that it neither accounts for the decline in real wages, nor offers solutions to the understaffing and underfunding of schools…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-20). Remember Iraq: People's movements march in Washington DC calling for end to the war machine. peoplesdispatch.org Thousands of activists from nearly 200 organizations took to the streets of Washington DC on March 18 to mark 20 years of the brutal and criminal Iraq war.

Peter Boyle (2023-03-20). Video: Packed Marrickville Town Hall meeting calls on Labor not to repeat Iraq war mistake. greenleft.org.au A packed town hall meeting in Marrickville, at the heart of the Prime Minister's electorate, called on Labor not to repeat Iraq war mistake by joining the United States-led war drive against China. Peter Boyle reports.

Peter Certo (2023-03-20). 20 Years On, What Did the Iraq War Truly Cost? fpif.org The war claimed more than lives and treasure — it claimed a future's worth of lost opportunities. Now, younger generations are demanding them back.

Peter Certo (2023-03-20). 20 years and trillions of dollars later, what did the Iraq War cost? peoplesworld.org Most of us who were alive then remember where we were on the morning of the 9/11 attacks. As we mark the 20th anniversary of the Iraq War, I wonder how many also remember where we were that day. On 9/11, I was a Catholic school eighth grader. I'll never forget my teacher, Mrs. Anderson, …

Peter Koenig (2023-03-20). Russia's Economy Is Booming — Despite or Because of Sanctions? globalresearch.ca

Prof. Abdul Jabbar (2023-03-20). To Prevent a Civil War That Is About to Happen in Pakistan. globalresearch.ca

Ray McGovern, Consortium News. (2023-03-20). Iraq 20 Years: The Uses And Abuses Of National Intelligence Estimates. popularresistance.org A New York Times Magazine article in July 2020 focused on then Secretary of State Powell and his U.N. speech of Feb. 5, 2003 and the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) upon which it is largely based. A lot of the detail in the article may have been new to many readers, but not to Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, which had been established a month before. VIPS watched the speech, dissected it, and sent their verdict to President George W. Bush before close of business that same afternoon | We gave Powell a charitable grade of "C", faulting him for, inter alia, not providing needed context and persp…

Renfrey Clarke (2023-03-20). SA Labor blasted about its lack of public, affordable housing. greenleft.org.au A protest about soaring rents and a lack of housing affordability was organised outside Parliament House. Renfrey Clarke reports.

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-20). Browder orders EU to move against Georgia over Saakashvili. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The MessengerMarch 20, 2023 Bill Browder Calls on EU to Impose Sanctions on Those Responsible for Mikheil Saakashvili's Case Bill Browder, the author of the Magnitsky Act, called on the European Union to impose sanctions on those people who are responsible for the condition of Mikheil Saakashvili in prison in an interview with POLITICO. Browder …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-20). Combat training for Persian Gulf: NATO 40-partner nation Military Strategic Partnership Conference held in Qatar. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com In addition to thirty NATO members, that is. ==== NATOSupreme Headquarters Allied Powers EuropeMarch 20, 2023 DSACEUR attends Military Strategic Partnership Conference in Qatar NATO's Military Strategic Partnership Conference 2023 wrapped up on Friday, Mar. 17, 2023 in Doha, Qatar with nearly 40 Partner Nations in attendance. The conference, which began on Mar. 13, encompassed …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-20). EU to ship $2 billion more in shells, other ammunition to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Deutsche WelleMarch 20, 2023 Ukraine updates: EU agrees ‚Ǩ2 billion ammo plan for Kyiv European Union ministers signed off on a plan to supply ‚Ǩ2 billion ($2.1 billion) worth of ammunition to Ukraine on Monday. The bloc aims to deliver 1 million 155-millimeter artillery shells to Ukraine in the next 12 months as well as …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-20). Georgia: British foreign secretary evokes Thatcher, USSR collapse, "occupied territories" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The MessengerMarch 20, 2023 UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly calls on Russia to Fulfill 2008 Ceasefire Agreement Obligations The UK Foreign Secretary, James Cleverly, stated at a briefing held together with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Ilia Darchiashvili that the UK continues to support Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity and called on Russia …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-20). Georgia: NATO trains allied, partner troops in winter warfare. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Georgian Ministry of DefenseMarch 20, 2023 The winter basic course of mining training has been completed Within the framework of NATO's "Partnership for Peace" program (PFP), the basic winter training course for mining has been completed. 25 military personnel from 6 NATO member and non-member countries underwent mining training for three weeks in Bakuriani….During the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-20). NATO's 1999 Aggression Against Yugoslavia: Global Turning Point. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Belgrade Forum for a World of EqualsMarch 19, 2023 NATO's 1999 Aggression Against Yugoslavia: Turning Point (Edited by RR) This March 24th, the Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, Generals and Admirals Association of Serbia, Veterans Association SUBNOR of Serbia and some other independent associations and think tanks, will mark the 24th anniversary of …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-20). Video: NATO led 30-nation warfare interoperability drills in West Africa. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Ivory Coast would never have hosted such an event if France and its NATO ally in Washington had not intervened militarily to overthrow the government of President Laurent Gbagbo in 2011 — RR ==== NATOSupreme Headquarters Allied Powers EuropeMarch 20, 2023 Video: United Against Terrorism — Exercise Flintlock 2023 What are NATO Allies doing about …

Roger McKenzie (2023-03-20). French Communists: 'We can definitely win' no confidence vote against Macron on pensions. peoplesworld.org French Communists said Saturday that they "can definitely win" a vote of no confidence in the government of President Emmanuel Macron. Monday's confidence vote was tabled after Macron decided to force through his unpopular pensions legislation rather than risk defeat in the National Assembly last Thursday. The bill, which raises the retirement age from 62 …

Rubén Sierra, Council on Hemispheric Affairs. (2023-03-20). México-Tesla Agreement: Mutually Beneficial Or One-sided? popularresistance.org On March 1, 2023, México's President Andres Lopéz Obrador confirmed an agreement with Tesla that allows the electric vehicle company to build the "biggest electric vehicle plant in the world." The plant, or maquiladora, will be located in the border state of Nuevo León within the industrial hub of Monterrey, México." The plant will specifically be located in the Santa Catarina municipality. The agreement is governed by the United States-México-Canada Agreement (USMCA), previously known as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The México-Tesla partnership was announced just 10 days after the Mexican pre…

Sarah Varney (2023-03-20). Judge Could Rule to Halt Nationwide Sales of Common Abortion Pill. truthout.org During a four-hour hearing last week that could eliminate nationwide access to a common and widely used abortion pill, federal Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, of the Northern District of Texas, signaled his conservative Christian beliefs early and often. Speaking from the bench in a courtroom in Amarillo, Texas, Kacsmaryk repeatedly used language that mimicked the vocabulary of anti-abortion activists. |

scorinoco (2023-03-20). President Maduro: Venezuela Produces 95% of Products Distributed in CLAP Program. orinocotribune.com On Friday, March 17, during an event celebrating the seventh anniversary of the founding of the CLAP program held at the Oasis Food Packaging Center, located in the Industrial Zone of Guatire in Miranda state, President Nicolás Maduro announced that Venezuela now produces 95% of the products that are distributed through its Local Supply and Production Committees (CLAP) program. | He added that 7.5 million families receive food and other daily commodities at least once a month from this plan. | President Maduro also spoke about the persecution carried out by the US against countries that have provided products to…

Seymour Hersh (2023-03-20). Biden, øQuién es tu George Ball? globalizacion.ca Este es el relato sobre otro estadounidense que, al igual que Daniel Ellsberg [filtrador de los Papeles del Pentágono], hizo lo correcto en el momento indicado en medio de una guerra. Sin embargo, a diferencia de Ellsberg, su acto de…

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-20). Alex Jones Is Allegedly Giving Away Millions to Avoid $1.4B Sandy Hook Payout. truthout.org Far right conspiracist and Infowars founder Alex Jones made the lives of the families of the child victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting a "living hell" for a decade — and now, he is reportedly hiding and giving away his wealth to avoid an over $1 billion legal bill that he has been ordered to pay the families. According to a new report by The New York Times, as Jones has faced… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-20). Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz Steps Down Early, Just Days Before Senate Hearing. truthout.org Howard Schultz announced on Tuesday that he is stepping down from his post as Starbucks CEO two weeks earlier than his scheduled departure date, resigning just before a hearing led by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) about the company's union busting next week. Schultz began his third stint as CEO of the company last year when, as workers said, the company brought him back to lead the fight against… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-20). Warren Says Trump-Picked Jerome Powell Has "Failed" as Chair of Federal Reserve. truthout.org Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) is intensifying her scrutiny of federal financial regulators in the wake of the second- and third-largest bank failures in U.S. history, calling for an independent investigation into agencies that she says contributed to the collapses and saying that Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell especially deserves blame. On Saturday, Warren called on the inspectors… |

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-03-20). Michigan opens the door to restoring union power. nationofchange.org For the first time in nearly 60 years, a state is poised to reverse its "right to work" law and begin to undo the damage of a corporate-driven anti-union trend.

splcenter (2023-03-20). Civil rights groups urge US Department of Education to investigate children's rights violations at Louisiana's Angola prison. splcenter.org

Staff (2023-03-20). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: La memorable actuación de Cuba en el Clásico. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu Directivos, peloteros y periodistas presentes en el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol comparecerán este lunes en la Mesa Redonda para valorar el resultado cubano en este importante evento y la entereza y alegría del equipo nacional frente al odio que entorpeció su accionar en Miami.

Staff (2023-03-20). María Cabrales: Una mujer con historia propia. cubadebate.cu Un día como hoy de 1842, nació la patriota cubana María Magdalena Cabrales Fernández. María Cabrales es un ejemplo de mujer y patriota cubana. No ha trascendido a la historia solo por ser solo la esposa del lugarteniente general Antonio Maceo Grajales, sino por sus altos valores independentistas contra la metrópolis española en el siglo XIX.

Staff (2023-03-20). Thalía Fuentes Puebla: "El periodismo es un privilegio" cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-03-20). El pueblo recibió a sus Campeones. cubadebate.cu Luego de un recorrido por calles principales de La Habana, como G y 23 y M, el Team Asere llegó a un abarrotado Coliseo de la Ciudad Deportiva, donde las iniciativas no se hicieron esperar.En medio de coloridas olas desde las gradas y fuertes coros "Oye, yo soy Team Asere", los peloteros cubanos recibieron el agasajo del público.

Staff (2023-03-20). Cuba cae en semifinales del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol y concluye cuarta. cubadebate.cu Estados Unidos superó ampliamente a Cuba catorce carreras por dos en el partido semifinal del Quinto Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, para convertirse así en el primer finalista del evento beisbolero, a la espera del ganador del encuentro entre Japón y México. El equipo cubano culminó cuarto en esta edición y este lunes se le organizará un cálido recibimiento, en la Ciudad Deportiva.

Staff (2023-03-20). Prueba dinámica realizada este domingo arroja resultados satisfactorios. cubadebate.cu Autoridades del Consejo Electoral Nacional (CEN) evaluaron de muy positivos los resultados de la prueba dinámica realizada este domingo, en todo el país, como paso previo a las elecciones de los diputados a las Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, a celebrarse el próximo 26 de marzo. Explicó que el proceso corroboró también los aseguramientos y las comunicaciones.

Staff (2023-03-20). Pueblo cubano recibirá al equipo Cuba que participó en Clásico Mundial de Beisbol. cubadebate.cu Luego de ubicarse entre los cuatro grandes del V Clásico Mundial de Beisbol, el equipo cubano regresará este lunes a la patria.Se espera que la aeronave aterrice en el Aeropuerto Internacional José Martí al filo de las 6: 30 a. m., y que sobre las 8: 30 a. m. inicie un recorrido por la ciudad. El trayecto culminará en la Ciudad Deportiva, donde a las 10: 00 a. m. se producirá el recibimiento.

Staff (2023-03-20). Cuatro medallas para las judocas cubanas en el Abierto Panamericano de Medellín. cubadebate.cu Las cuatro mujeres presentes este fin de semana por Cuba en el Abierto Panamericano de Judo de Medellín ganaron medallas de todos los colores, encabezadas por el título de Maylín del Toro en los 63 kg. Zamarit Gregorio, Yurisleidy Hernández y Nairelis Fuentes también subieron al podio.

Staff (2023-03-20). Estados Unidos: Decretan toque de queda en Miami Beach tras dos noches de tiroteos. cubadebate.cu Este domingo, autoridades de Miami Beach en condado de Miami Dade, al sureste de la Florida, Estados Unidos, decretaron estado de emergencia y toque de queda en tras dos noches de tiroteos con un saldo de dos fallecidos y dos heridos. Durante la noche del viernes ocurrió un intercambio de disparos, que provocó la muerte de una persona y a otra gravemente herida.

Staff (2023-03-20). Falcón Jr. gana oro en natación de aguas abiertas. cubadebate.cu El cubano Rodolfo Falcón Jr. redondeó su destacado desempeño al conquistar medalla de oro en los 10 kilómetros durante la segunda parada de la Serie Panamericana de Aguas Abiertas de 2023, con sede en Puerto Rico. Falcón Jr. marcó dos horas y dos minutos luego de liderar todo el tiempo. A pesar de la lesión en un hombro. A unos 10 segundos pasaron sus más cercanos rivales.

Staff (2023-03-20). Gobierno de Lula relanza programa "Más Médicos" en Brasil. cubadebate.cu El gobierno de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva relanzó este lunes "Mais Médicos", un programa creado en la gestión de Dilma Rousseff para paliar la carencia de profesionales sanitarios en zonas pobres y aisladas, y que fue desatendido por el expresidente ultraderechista Jair Bolsonaro. Lula da Silva anunció recursos adicionales para este programa.

Staff (2023-03-20). La matemática no abandona al V Clásico Mundial que está cerrando. cubadebate.cu Cuando se publique este acertijo ya sabremos si el equipo Cuba terminó entre los cuatro mejores del mundo, o sigue en la lucha para ser campeón. Pondremos a prueba conocimientos y habilidades matemáticas y también sobre el béisbol.

Staff (2023-03-20). Ministerio del Transporte analiza proyecciones de trabajo para 2023. cubadebate.cu Entre las prioridades para el presente año se encuentran detener el deterioro del parque automotor e incrementar paulatinamente la transportación de pasajeros y cargas, así como elevar la calidad de los servicios. También se prevé consolidar el trabajo de las transitarias para eliminar las inconformidades en estos servicios.

Staff (2023-03-20). Presidentes de China y Rusia se reúnen en Moscú. cubadebate.cu El presidente de China, Xi Jinping, llegó este lunes a Moscú, donde se esperaba que insistiera en el papel de Beijing como un potencial pacificador en el conflicto de Ucrania, mientras que el presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, esperaba apoyo contra la presión occidental. Según el mandatario ruso, China sigue "los principios de la justicia y los principios fundamentales del derecho internacional".

Staff (2023-03-20). øQué tasas están vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este 20 de marzo? cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este lunes 20 de marzo de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-03-20). Díaz-Canel sobre el Team Asere: "El sueño no se ha acabado, comienza ahora" cubadebate.cu El presidente cubano, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, recibió en la mañana de este lunes en el Aeropuerto Internacional José Martí al equipo cubano que participó en el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. Junto al mandatario cubano estaban el presidente de la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, Esteban Lazo, y el primer ministro, Manuel Marrero.

Staff (2023-03-20). Rusia abre caso penal contra jueces y fiscales de la Corte Penal Internacional. cubadebate.cu El Comité de Investigación de Rusia abrió un caso penal contra el fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) Karim Ahmad Khan y los jueces Tomoko Akane, Rosario Salvatore Aitala y Sergio Gerardo Ugalde Godínez, que emitieron una orden de detención contra Vladímir Putin citando su responsabilidad en presuntos crímenes de guerra cometidos en Ucrania.

Staff (2023-03-20). Sorprendente: Imagen del universo si pudiéramos observar los rayos gamma. cubadebate.cu Un equipo internacional de astrónomos elaboró una animación que muestra la explosiva y fugaz manifestación de los rayos gamma en el universo desde febrero de 2022 hasta febrero 2023. Los científicos emplearon al Telescopio de área grande (LAT, por sus siglas en inglés) a bordo del telescopio espacial de rayos gamma Fermi de la NASA.

Staff (2023-03-20). Unión Eléctrica no pronostica afectaciones por déficit de generación para este lunes. cubadebate.cu En el día de ayer no se afectó el servicio por déficit de capacidad de generación en el Sistema Eléctrico Nacional. La disponibilidad del SEN a las 07: 00 horas es de 2540 MW y la demanda 1840 MW, con todo el sistema con servicio. Se estima que en el horario diurno no ocurran afectaciones al servicio por déficit de capacidad de generación.

Staff (2023-03-20). øEl legado del Clásico?: Un cuarto lugar gigante. cubadebate.cu Para muchos, la última imagen de la selección cubana en el V Clásico Mundial de Béisbol fue una derrota 14-2 sobre Estados Unidos en un repleto LoanDepot Park de Miami. Para la mayoría, la huella mayor de esos peloteros en el evento había quedado sellada antes de salir al terreno. Habían vuelto a ilusionar a un pueblo con sus pasión más querida. Su cuarto lugar es gigante, sin que signifique complacencia.

Staff (2023-03-20). Headlines for March 20, 2023. democracynow.org Xi Jinping Visits Moscow Following ICC Arrest Warrant Against Putin, Defiant Visit to Mariupol, Protesters Call for End to U.S. Wars on 20th Anniversary of Iraq Invasion, Protests in Gaza as Israeli, Palestinian Officials Pledge to Deescalate Ahead of Ramadan, Turkish and Egyptian Foreign Ministers Meet as Countries Relaunch Diplomatic Relations, UBS Buys Credit Suisse Amid Turmoil, Consumer Fears in Global Banking, Collapsed Signature Bank Acquired as Sen. Warren Calls for Bank Crisis Probe, Firing of Fed Chair, French Protests Continue, Hundreds Arrested, as Macron Faces No-Confidence Vote over Pension Law, Bel…

Staff (2023-03-20). "Catastrophic": Iraqi Writers Sinan Antoon & Feurat Alani Reflect on U.S. Invasion 20 Years Later. democracynow.org At around 5: 30 a.m. local time in Baghdad on March 20, 2003, air raid sirens were heard in Baghdad as the U.S. invasion began. Within the hour, President George W. Bush gave a nationally televised speech from the Oval Office announcing the war had begun. The attack came on the false pretext that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction, and despite worldwide protest and a lack of authorization from the United Nations Security Council. We spend today's show with two Iraqis looking back at how the unprovoked U.S. invasion devastated Iraq and helped destabilize much of the Middle E…

Staff (2023-03-20). 'Mexico Is Not a US Colony': AMLO Speaks at a Packed Rally Celebrating Oil Nationalization. orinocotribune.com Thousands of people gathered this Saturday afternoon, packing the streets of the Plaza de la Constitución—also known as El Zócalo—in Mexico City, to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the expropriation of the oil industry in Mexico, promoted by then President Lázaro Cárdenas. AMLO's speech at the March 18 rally highlighted the accomplishments and continued self-sufficiency of Mexican oil refineries. | "The general's [Lázaro Cárdenas] strategy can be summed up in three important and consecutive actions: first, he handed over the land to the peasants and helped the workers; then, he supported their org…

Staff (2023-03-20). Sahrawi President Ghali Arrives in Venezuela on Official Visit. orinocotribune.com Venezuela and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic will carry out agreements of common interest and will defend the self-determination of the peoples with the official visit of the president of the African nation, Brahim Ghali, who arrived this Sunday in Venezuela. | The information was released through social media by Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil, in which he explained that on behalf of the President of the Republic Nicolás Maduro, he received this Sunday, March 19, President Ghali of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, who is making an official visit to Venezuela in order to seal cooperation agreement…

Staff (2023-03-20). World Classic: Team Venezuela Says Goodbye With Heads Held High. orinocotribune.com At the World Baseball Classic quarterfinals, yesterday's match between Venezuela and the United States had an unfavorable ending for the Venezuelan team, which had to say goodbye to the international baseball tournament. | The match, that was the most anticipated of the quarterfinals, did not disappoint the fans. Both teams put on a show from the first pitch to the last out in the ninth inning. | °Gracias a todos! | Estamos muy orgullosos de ustedes y agradecidos por todo lo que hicieron por Gracias por esta ilusión…

Staff (2023-03-20). 25 March, Brooklyn, NY: Screening of "Fedayin: Georges Abdallah's Fight" samidoun.net Join Samidoun NY/NJ, Cinemovil NYC, Palestinian Youth Movement and Within Our Lifetime for a screening of "Fedayin: Georges Abdallah's Fight" at Haven Cycles at 1581 Dekalb Ave, BK Saturday Mar. 25, 2023 at 7: 30pm. Screening will be followed by a post-screening discussion and prison letter-writing workshop! $10 suggested donation, funds will go to @cinemovil.nyc and …

Staff (2023-03-20). Over 1,000 people march in Toulouse against state racism and violence. samidoun.net Since 2011, families of murdered, injured and mutilated victims have been marching against state violence on 18 March, in response to a call from Montreal in 1997 by the Collective Opposed to Police Brutality (COBP) for an International Day Against Police Brutality. As part of this mobilization, over 1,000 people demonstrated in Toulouse, France, at …

Susan Maas, Progressive. (2023-03-20). 'Tiny Ripples Of Change': An Interview With Tara Houska. popularresistance.org Minnesota – Through her kitchen window, just outside of Ranier, Minnesota—a tiny town east of International Falls—water protector Tara Houska gazes out at Rainy Lake. Called Gojijiing in Ojibwe, the 360-square-mile lake straddles the border between Minnesota and Ontario, Canada. Among the many islands, capes, and peninsulas around the lake is Bald Rock Point, the site of a sixteen-acre former resort built almost a century ago. | Bald Rock Point is also now home to a longtime dream for Houska, a member of Couchiching First Nation. It's the future location of a "long-term resistance camp" where she inte…

Taylor C. Noakes (2023-03-20). Canada's 'China Syndrome'. globalresearch.ca

Ted Snider (2023-03-20). Does Canada Support Regime Change in Russia? globalresearch.ca

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-20). Presidente Xi Jinping llega a Rusia para reunirse con Vladímir Putin. telesurtv.net China ha rechazado repetidamente las acusaciones occidentales de que planea armar a Rusia, pero dice que quiere una asociación energética más estrecha.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-20). Asciende a 446 la cifra de heridos por terremoto en Ecuador. telesurtv.net De los 446 heridos registrados, 415 se contabilizan en la provincia El Oro mientras que 29 fueron reportados en Guayas.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-20). Presidente Putin: Rusia buscó una salida pacífica en Ucrania. telesurtv.net El mandatario señaló que "nos engañaron, ninguno de nuestros supuestos socios iba a resolver nada pacíficamente".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-20). Lula ratifica apoyo a la paz tras actos criminales en nordeste de Brasil. telesurtv.net El Presidente brasileño afirmó que a través del Ministerio de Justicia "estamos ayudando al gobierno de Río Grande do Norte".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-20). Asciende a 447 la cifra de muertos por ciclón Freddy en Malaui. telesurtv.net El Departamento de Asuntos para la Gestión de Desastres (DoDMA, por sus siglas en inglés) reportó 918 personas heridas.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-20). Declaran estado de emergencia por lluvias en distritos peruanos. telesurtv.net El Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Nacional (COEN) reportó en su más reciente actualización un total de 9.423 damnificados.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-20). Protestas contra reforma de pensiones continúan en Francia. telesurtv.net El presidente Emmanuel Macron registra el peor índice de aprobación desde las protestas de los chalecos amarillos en 2019.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-20). Kazajistán realiza elecciones anticipadas para elegir parlamento. telesurtv.net Kazajistán votó este domingo en unas elecciones anticipadas en las que podrían elegirse candidatos independientes como diputados, una señal de apertura democrática.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-20). Montenegro acude a las urnas para elegir a su nuevo presidente. telesurtv.net El presidente de Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, busca un tercer mandato en los presentes comicios, cuya primera vuelta se celebra este domingo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-20). República Dominicana realiza operación anticorrupción. telesurtv.net Al menos 15 ministros del Gobierno del expresidente Danilo Medina fueron arrestados por corrupción.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-20). PSUV apoya lucha contra corrupción del Gobierno de Venezuela. telesurtv.net "Nuestra lucha contra la corrupción tiene que ser un sello inalterable de la conducta política que debe regir la acción cotidiana de los hombres y mujeres de la Revolución Bolivariana", indica el texto.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-20). Decretan toque de queda tras tiroteos en Miami Beach, al sur de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Los incidentes violentos dejaron un saldo de dos fallecidos y dos heridos. La Policía investiga los asesinatos y detuvo a dos sospechosos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-20). Gobierno de Colombia suspende cese al fuego con Clan del Golfo. telesurtv.net Presidente Petro ordena reanudar operaciones militares contra ese grupo armado ilegal, responsable de actos violentos en el Bajo Cauca.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-20). Presidente de México se reúne con congresistas de EE.UU. telesurtv.net López Obrador valoró que durante el encuentro se trataron varios temas con respeto mutuo y en beneficio de ambos pueblos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-20). Presidente saharaui inicia visita oficial a Venezuela. telesurtv.net Se trata de la primera visita a la nación bolivariana de un jefe de Estado de la RASD. Prevé reunirse con su homólogo venezolano, Nicolás Maduro.

teleSUR, rp, SB, JGN (2023-03-20). Conoce varios consejos para ser feliz. telesurtv.net Este 20 de marzo se celebra el Día Internacional de la Felicidad, el cual fue instituido por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) el 20 de marzo de 2012.

teleSUR, rzr, DRL (2023-03-20). Presidente Lula impulsará programa "Más Salud" para Brasil. telesurtv.net La iniciativa es una continuación del programa Más Médicos, proyecto impulsado en 2013 por el Gobierno de la expresidenta Dilma Rousseff.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-20). Cuatro militares colombianos mueren al estrellarse helicóptero. telesurtv.net El accidente pudo ser provocado por una falla mecánica en el motor del helicóptero que transportaba ayuda humanitaria a la región del Baudó.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-20). Detienen a 19 exfuncionarios dominicanos por corrupción. telesurtv.net A los acusados se les imputan los delitos de desfalco, coalición de funcionarios, falsificación de documentos públicos y privados, soborno entre otros.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-20). Hallan los restos de 10 personas en fosa clandestina en México. telesurtv.net Los restos humanos fueron enviados a la sede del Servicio Médico Forense en Michoacán para determinar la fecha y la causa de las muertes.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-20). Comisión analizará pedido de juicio a presidente ecuatoriano. telesurtv.net La Unidad Técnica Legislativa de Ecuador recomendó al CAL, admitir la solicitud de juicio político contra el presidente Lasso.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-20). EE.UU. avanza a la final del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. telesurtv.net EE.UU. jugará el martes la final del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol contra el ganador del partido entre Japón y México.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-20). Asesinan a tiros a un periodista digital en Guatemala. telesurtv.net La Fiscalía de Guatemala maneja varias hipótesis las cuales serán confirmadas conforme avancen las investigación sobre el asesinato del periodista digital.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-20). Presidente Xi Jinping viaja a Rusia en visita oficial. telesurtv.net Se trata de la primera salida al exterior de Xi jinping tras ser reelecto como presidente de China para un tercer mandato.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-20). Presidente de Ecuador declara el estado de excepción tras sismo. telesurtv.net El sismo que afectó la zona fronteriza entre Ecuador y Perú dejó, según las cifras oficiales hasta el momento, 14 personas fallecidas…

The Associated Press (2023-03-20). Strong Earthquake Kills at Least 14 in Ecuador, 1 in Peru. latinorebels.com A strong earthquake shook southern Ecuador and northern Peru on Saturday, killing at least 15 people, trapping others under rubble, and sending rescue teams out into streets littered with debris and fallen power lines.

Tina Landis (2023-03-20). Despite record rainfall, California drought is far from over. liberationnews.org You may get the impression from corporate media headlines that the decades-long megadrought in California is over. Unfortunately those headlines are misleading.

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-20). The Case of Marvin Haynes — Part Three: The Framing of Marvin Haynes. unicornriot.ninja

unitedEditor (2023-03-20). Putin and Xi's mutual writings on the future of bilateral and global relations. unitedworldint.com The world's eyes are on this trip: China's President Xi Jinping is going to travel to Russia this week to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. Ahead of this bilateral meeting of global importance, both leaders have published articles in the counterpart's media. Xi's article titled "Forging Ahead to Open a New Chapter of China-Russia Friendship, …

unitedEditor (2023-03-20). Portraits of politicians -1: Recep Tayyip Erdoƒüan. unitedworldint.com The common opinion across the political spectrum is that on May 14 2023, Türkiye will hold the most important election in the history of the 100-year Republic. This is the prevailing opinion in the world too. In a country of 85 million inhabitants, although the exact number has not yet been announced, more than 60 …

unitedEditor (2023-03-20). President of European Central Bank: "Maybe Türkiye can be put under pressure through NATO" uwidata.com Russian pranksters Vladimir Stolyarov (Vovan) and Alexei Kuznetsov (Lexus) held a conversation with the head of he European Central Bank Christine Lagarde on behalf of the Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. The recording of the prank was published on Wednesday, March 15. During the conversation, Lagarde told the pranksters who called on behalf of Zelensky about …

WSWS (2023-03-20). Credit Suisse taken over amid fears of financial meltdown. wsws.org Announcing the decision, Swiss president Alain Berset warned that an "uncontrollable collapse of Credit Suisse would lead to incalculable consequences for the country and the international financial system."

WSWS (2023-03-20). Drastic closures and job cuts at Germany's biggest department store chain. wsws.org Workers at the company confront a conspiracy in which the Verdi union works closely with management, insolvency administrators, politicians and real estate speculator René Benko.

WSWS (2023-03-20). French police step up crackdown on protests vs Macron's imposition of pension cuts. wsws.org The unions and pseudo-left parties are desperately trying to prevent the growth of protests and strikes by promoting illusions that parliament will vote no confidence in the government.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Economic devastation worsens as Sri Lankan government imposes IMF austerity. wsws.org Wickremesinghe says the country will have to repay an average $7 billion in foreign loan debts annually until 2029, making clear that the regime functions as a direct agent of global finance capital.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Musicians, actors, artists sign petition demanding Roger Waters be allowed to perform in Frankfurt. wsws.org The campaign defends Waters' criticism of Israel's treatment of Palestinians as "part of his long-term advocacy on behalf of human rights across the globe."

WSWS (2023-03-20). GM Lansing workers launch the GM Lansing Workers Rank-and-File Committee. wsws.org Workers at General Motors plants in Lansing, Michigan have launched a rank-and-file committee ahead of the 2023 contract expiration.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Kroger-Albertsons grocery chain merger in US threatens job cuts as Wall Street eyes payday. wsws.org The $25 billion sale of Albertsons is driven by the financial interests of Cerberus Capital Management, a major investor firm hoping to cash in on a sale that will threaten thousands of jobs.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Tyson announces plant closures in Arkansas and Virginia, impacting nearly 1,700 workers. wsws.org The company's announcement follows its report of a record drop in profits for the fourth quarter of last year.

WSWS (2023-03-20). The class struggle against Macron and the lessons of the Paris Commune. wsws.org Macron's decision to impose pension cuts on the French people without a vote has torn the democratic mask off the capitalist state, exposing it as instrument of class rule.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Updated report shows poverty in Germany is higher than previously thought. wsws.org The updated report shows that due to the coronavirus pandemic and inflation, poverty in Germany in 2021 afflicted almost 17 percent of the population, or just over 14 million people.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Staffing crisis and declining wages after sellout of New Zealand rail workers. wsws.org The WSWS spoke with a worker about conditions on commuter trains in the capital city, where COVID-19 is out of control and the Rail and Maritime Transport Union recently imposed significant wage cuts.

WSWS (2023-03-20). This week in history: March 20-26. wsws.org This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago.

WSWS (2023-03-20). UAW election crisis continues after Curry acknowledges "rampant disenfranchisement" wsws.org Despite its self-serving character, the ill-fated protest by the incumbent UAW president confirms everything Will Lehman said about the UAW election farce.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Workers object to Australian SEP candidate being barred from speaking to flood victims. wsws.org Flood victims and WSWS readers denounce the ban on the Socialist Equality Party holding discussions with residents of government "pod" accommodation.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Newfound DNA data indicates wild animals at Wuhan market were infected with SARS-Cov-2. wsws.org The data, uncovered by a French researcher and evolutionary biologist, is a major blow to the "lab leak" conspiracy theory of the origins of COVID-19.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Los Angeles County report confirms that deputy gangs are rampant in Sheriff's Department. wsws.org According to a recent County Commission report, violent deputy gangs remain rampant in the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department…

WSWS (2023-03-20). African protests met with savage repression. wsws.org Regimes in four geopolitical and economic nodal points of the continent, with a combined population of 343 million, have launched mass arrests, teargassed protestors, arrested major opposition leaders, and killed at least two protestors.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Killing prompts call for federal investigation of Paterson, New Jersey, police department. wsws.org Residents of the state's third-largest city widely hate the police, who are notorious for their violence and corruption.

WSWS (2023-03-20). UK Home Secretary Braverman pushes forward policy of mass deportations of asylum seekers. wsws.org The Rwanda deportation policy is now widened to affect almost any migrant entering Britain, with the Home Office announcing a "memorandum of understanding, expanding the partnership further to all categories of people who pass through safe countries and make illegal and dangerous journeys to the UK."

Yves Engler (2023-03-20). Pro-Israel and Ukraine Groups Use Identity Politics to Attack Free Speech. dissidentvoice.org Questioning Canada's contribution to NATO's proxy war is "hate" that must be shut down according to some Ukrainian groups mimicking Zionist organizations by promoting an identity politics laced cancel culture. A Ukrainian student group sought to cancel my talk at Kings College in London, Ontario, on Thursday. In "Western Ukrainian Students' Association Statement on The …

Zach Farber (2023-03-20). Revolutionary socialist Chicago City Council candidate makes waves in election. liberationnews.org Rather than running for her own personal political career, Santoyo made it clear from the start that she aimed to build a movement that demands justice and dignity for the working class.

Zane McNeill (2023-03-20). Kids Found to Be Working Overnight Shifts at Minnesota Meat Processing Plant. truthout.org The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) has asked a district court for a temporary restraining order and injunction against Tony Downs Food Company, a meat processing company in Madelia, following allegations that the business violated child labor laws. In a 16-page complaint, the DLI requested that the court file an order declaring that Tony Downs violated the Child Labor Standards… |

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2023-03-20: News Headlines

Natalia Marques, People's Dispatch. (2023-03-20). 20 Years After Start Of The Iraq War, Peace Movement Protests Another War. popularresistance.org Today, some organizers are too young to remember the outbreak of the Iraq War, representing an entirely new generation of the anti-war movement. Delaney Leonard, a 19-year-old in her first year of college and a member of the Howard University Dissenters, an anti-war group at a historically Black university, cannot recall a time in her life when the US wasn't at war. She will be part of the demonstration Saturday because "the effects of billions of dollars being taken away from crucial sectors of our country such as education, healthcare, or housing has been intrinsic to my youth."

Ray McGovern, Consortium News. (2023-03-20). Iraq 20 Years: The Uses And Abuses Of National Intelligence Estimates. popularresistance.org A New York Times Magazine article in July 2020 focused on then Secretary of State Powell and his U.N. speech of Feb. 5, 2003 and the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) upon which it is largely based. A lot of the detail in the article may have been new to many readers, but not to Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, which had been established a month before. VIPS watched the speech, dissected it, and sent their verdict to President George W. Bush before close of business that same afternoon | We gave Powell a charitable grade of "C", faulting him for, inter alia, not providing needed context and persp…

Free Alex Saab, Popular Resistance. (2023-03-20). Urgent: Imprisoned Diplomat Alex Saab's Life Is In Danger. popularresistance.org Today the Free Alex Saab Movement makes an urgent call to the world to denounce the alarming health condition of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, which endangers his life. | In July 2021, the Working Group against Torture and several UN rapporteurs expressed their concern about the irreparable deterioration of Alex Saab's health condition. | Let us recall that in Cape Verde, on July 7, 2021, after many refusals, Alex Saab was visited by his family doctor, who in his report detected a worrying health condition of the Venezuelan official, especially because Saab is a stomach cancer survivor.

Lee Camp, Mintpress News. (2023-03-20). The United States Is Literally Sucking The Blood Of The Poor. popularresistance.org You already know things are not good for a lot of people in the United States. | As of two months ago, 64% of the country said they're living paycheck to paycheck. Even if we exclude the million or so homeless across the U.S., recent data shows that approximately 5.3 million households are behind on their home mortgage payments. | Another report from 2018 showed that around 130 million people in the U.S. admitted an inability to pay for basic needs like food, health care, housing, or utilities. And those numbers are before the pandemic began, which is like saying it felt hot in here before a fire burned down the…

Kit Klarenberg, TheGrayzone. (2023-03-20). 'Rigorous' Maidan Massacre Exposé Suppressed By Top Academic Journal. popularresistance.org The massacre by snipers of anti-government activists and police officers in Kiev's Maidan Square in late February 2014 was a defining moment in the US-orchestrated overthrow of Ukraine's elected government. The death of 70 protesters triggered an avalanche of international outrage that made President Viktor Yanukovych's downfall a fait accompli. Yet today these killings remain unsolved. | Enter Ivan Katchanovski, a Ukrainian-Canadian political scientist at the University of Ottawa. For years, he marshaled overwhelming evidence demonstrating that the snipers were not affiliated with Yanukovych's government, but pr…

Danny Haiphong, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-20). China's Example Of Leadership Injects Hope Into A World Of Uncertainty. popularresistance.org On the one-year anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, China released a position paper on the path forward to peace. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed that the peace proposal lacked credibility and questioned China's commitment to the sovereignty and international law. Just weeks after China released its position on peace in Ukraine, Blinken was proven wrong. Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to reestablish relations on March 10 after a round of successful talks that took place in Beijing. | Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Centra…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-03-20). China's Iran-Saudi Peace Deal Is Big Blow To Petrodollar. popularresistance.org China surprised the world on March 10, announcing that it had successfully sponsored peace talks between rivals Saudi Arabia and Iran. | Four days of secret negotiations in Beijing led to a historic agreement in which the two West Asian nations normalized relations, following seven tense years without any official diplomatic ties. | Iraq had previously hosted peace talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran, but these were sabotaged in January 2020 when US President Donald Trump ordered a drone strike to assassinate top Iranian official Qasem Soleimani, who had been involved in the negotiations.

Staff (2023-03-20). 25 March, Brooklyn, NY: Screening of "Fedayin: Georges Abdallah's Fight" samidoun.net Join Samidoun NY/NJ, Cinemovil NYC, Palestinian Youth Movement and Within Our Lifetime for a screening of "Fedayin: Georges Abdallah's Fight" at Haven Cycles at 1581 Dekalb Ave, BK Saturday Mar. 25, 2023 at 7: 30pm. Screening will be followed by a post-screening discussion and prison letter-writing workshop! $10 suggested donation, funds will go to @cinemovil.nyc and …

Editor (2023-03-20). Chris Hedges: The Lord of Chaos. scheerpost.com The politicians and shills in the media who orchestrated 20 years of military debacles in the Middle East, and who seek a world dominated by U.S. power, must be held accountable for their crimes.

Allan Fisher (2023-03-20). Saturday 3/18: Protest nonstop war and militarism – demand negotiations! indybay.org Town Clock (Water Street) Santa Cruz…

Andrew J. Bacevich (2023-03-20). On Missing Dr. Strangelove: Or how Americans learned to Stop Worrying and forgot the Bomb. juancole.com ( Tomdispatch.com) — Bosley Crowther, chief film critic for the New York Times, didn't quite know what to make of Dr. Strangelove at the time of its release in January 1964. Stanley Kubrick's dark antiwar satire was "beyond any question the most shattering sick joke I've ever come across," he wrote. But if the film …

Angela (2023-03-20). Saturday 3/18: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Stitching Palestine" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Art Persyko (2023-03-20). Tuesday 3/21: Pollution in Bayview-Hunters Point, its impact on residents, & what we can do about it. indybay.org Zoom: us02web.zoom.us/j/86465752525?pwd=Tzh1YVh5SE9mdWkzdjI2clZrVEczdz09; Meeting ID: 864 6575 2525; Passcode: 465295; by phone: 1 669 900 9128…

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-20). Lithium Americas and Biden Violating Sacred: Digging into Paiute Massacre Site for Lithium. indybay.org Breaking News: "I cried seeing this yesterday," said Dorece Sam, Fort McDermitt Paiute, seeing the destruction of the earth on the Paiute Massacre Site at Thacker Pass for a lithium mine, in northern Nevada. "To see this shattered my heart," Sam said of the violation of the sacred. "There are no cultural monitors."

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-20). Court: U.S. Failure to Protect Pacific Humpbacks From Deadly Entanglements Was Unlawful. indybay.org SAN FRANCISCO, March 15, 2023 — A federal court ruled in favor of the Center for Biological Diversity yesterday in a lawsuit arguing that the National Marine Fisheries Service failed to protect endangered Pacific humpback whales from deadly entanglements in sablefish pot gear off California, Oregon and Washington.

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-20). Lawsuit Launched Over U.S. Delay on Petition to Phase Out Oil Drilling on Public Lands. indybay.org WASHINGTON, March 16, 2023 — Conservation groups today filed a notice of their intent to sue the U.S. Interior Department for failing to respond to a petition to phase out oil and gas extraction on public lands.

Chuck Tripp (2023-03-20). A Message From Utah USA to China With Love. indybay.org March 10, 2023 is the 64th anniversary of the Dalai Lama's flight from Tibet to Nepal to escape imprisonment by Mao Tse Tung's Communist Chinese regime.

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-20). Saturday 3/25: Who Cares Anyway Book Launch. indybay.org ATA Gallery is located on the corner of Valencia and 21st streets in San Francisco's Mission district … 992 Valencia St.

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-20). Saturday 4/1: Alternative Transportation: Freight-Hopping + Biking (+ Green Burials). indybay.org ATA Gallery is located on the corner of Valencia and 21st streets in San Francisco's Mission district … 992 Valencia St.

Declartion for American Democracy (2023-03-20). Tuesday 3/28: American Democracy: A Way Forward for Voting Freedom. indybay.org Online event…

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Under pressure, Chinese chipmakers pull socks up. ecns.cn China's chip sector is under pressure to grow up fast in the face of the US government's crackdown and sweeping restrictions.

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-20). Saturday 4/1: Alternative Transportation: Freight-Hopping + Biking (+ Green Burials). indybay.org ATA Gallery is located on the corner of Valencia and 21st streets in San Francisco's Mission district … 992 Valencia St.

Declartion for American Democracy (2023-03-20). Tuesday 3/28: American Democracy: A Way Forward for Voting Freedom. indybay.org Online event…

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Under pressure, Chinese chipmakers pull socks up. ecns.cn China's chip sector is under pressure to grow up fast in the face of the US government's crackdown and sweeping restrictions.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Spring flowers boosts tourism in Xinjiang. ecns.cn A series of floral activities are being held in northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region as spring arrives. The blooming flowers have attracted tourists from all over China, which plays an important role in promoting the local economy.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Delegation of foreign consular corps, business communities in HK starts GBA tour. ecns.cn A delegation of foreign consular corps and business communities in China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) started a tour of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) on Sunday to seek business and investment opportunities.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Iranian president receives invitation from Saudi king to visit Riyadh: official. ecns.cn A senior Iranian political official said on Sunday that Saudi Arabia's king has invited Iran's president to visit Riyadh.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Iranian FM says to meet Saudi counterpart soon. ecns.cn Iranian foreign minister said on Sunday that he will meet his Saudi counterpart Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud in the near future.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). China's fiscal spending remains strong in first two months. ecns.cn China's fiscal revenue dropped 1.2 percent year on year in the first two months of 2023, while its fiscal spending expanded 7 percent year on year, according to the Ministry of Finance.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Countries called on to pool strengths in science, tech. ecns.cn China and Russia can leverage their complementary strengths in science and technology to help each other fulfill their strategic needs, improve the well-being of their peoples and jointly tackle regional and global challenges with more innovative solutions.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Graduates told enough jobs if they aren't 'picky'. ecns.cn National lawmakers and political advisers have suggested that university graduates find employment at grassroots levels and make the most use of their skills in China's vast rural hinterlands.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Nation in big drive for core tech in key fields. ecns.cn One of the ministry's top priorities during the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period is to advance the modernization of industrial chains and encourage companies to develop core technologies, such as high-end semiconductor equipment.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Envoy: China-Russia trade ties advancing. ecns.cn Economic and trade cooperation between China and Russia is continuing to advance despite multiple challenges and pressures, Chinese Ambassador to Moscow Zhang Hanhui said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Prosecutions for telecoms, online fraudsters skyrocket. ecns.cn The number of people prosecuted for cybercrime-related offenses has shot up in recent years, marking important progress in the fight against telecom and online fraud, according to the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Hainan resumes visa-free travel policy. ecns.cn The policy, which covers tourists from 59 countries, was implemented in 2018 but had been suspended due to the pandemic since March 28, 2020.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Huawei calls on partners to promote 5.5G tech. ecns.cn Huawei Technologies Co is calling on partners to promote industry consensus and commercial deployments for the era of 5.5G, an evolution of 5G technology.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Initiative on global civilization praised. ecns.cn The Global Civilization Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping is regarded as not only highly relevant in this world fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but also critical for the pursuit of common peace and development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Giant structures win praise and awards. ecns.cn Recognized as the world's highest bridge by Guinness World Records, it was awarded the Gustav Lindenthal Medal.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Nation to expand financial sector's opening-up. ecns.cn China will further expand the high-level opening-up of its financial sector and advance institutional opening-up with regard to rules, regulations, management and standards, officials and financial experts said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). China starts to implement registration-based IPO system. ecns.cn China's registration-based IPO system is progressing at an accelerated pace, about one month after the country announced detailed mechanisms and regulations for institutional reform.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Chinese experts assess Ya Ya's health and breeding conditions in U.S.' Memphis Zoo. ecns.cn Experts from China arrived in the U.S. and visited the Memphis Zoo on Saturday, where giant panda Ya Ya lives, to carefully assess the living and breeding conditions of Ya Ya, following the giant panda's health condition that has sparked concerns among Chinese netizens.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Palestinians, Israelis agree to de-escalate tension, advance peace, stability. ecns.cn The Palestinian National Authority and Israel reaffirmed their commitment on Sunday to advancing security, stability and peace for both Palestinians and Israelis.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Full text of Vladimir Putin's article for People's Daily Newspaper — Russia and China: A Future-Bound Partnership. ecns.cn A signed article titled "Russia and China: A Future-Oriented Strategic Partnership" by Russian President Vladimir Putin was published on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Pterocymbium macranthum found for first time in China. ecns.cn A research team in southwest China's Yunnan Province said they had found a tropical monsoon forest community of Pterocymbium macranthum, a member of the genus "Pterocymbium," marking the first time this genus has ever been found in China.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). 1 dead, 5 trapped after SW China coal mine accident. ecns.cn One person died and five others were trapped after a coal mine accident happened in Qianxi City, southwest China's Guizhou Province, on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). First individual infected by two Omicron subvariants reported on Chinese mainland. ecns.cn China reported its first domestic COVID-19 case of an individual co-infected by two Omicron subvariants in the country's Southwest Chongqing Municipality, stressing the increasing importance of monitoring COVID-19 variants amid the rising risk of various variants co-circulation.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Community health centers in Beijing begin to offer influenza testing services. ecns.cn Many community health centers in Beijing have started to provide influenza testing services for local residents amid the flu season, the Global Times learned from local health centers on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-20). Anti-war rallies take place in southern California 20 years after U.S. invasion of Iraq. ecns.cn Anti-war organizations held rallies in Los Angeles and San Diego on Saturday in the run-up to the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, which started on March 20, 2003.

Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry (2023-03-20). Food Not Bombs Will Not Be Silenced. indybay.org

Jeremy Earp (2023-03-20). Who's in Control of How We Remember the Iraq War? indybay.org Orwell and newspeak vs. history and democracy…

Karl Kramer (2023-03-20). Friday 3/24: State of Repression in El Salvador. indybay.org Redstone Labor Temple, | 2940 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | (between Mission and South Van Ness, | half block from 16th St. BART)…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-20). 12th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference returns to Atlanta, Georgia. indybay.org Everyone is welcome to join us in Atlanta, Georgia August 10-14, 2023 in Downtown Atlanta Olympic Village, Morris Brown College and key Agriculture locations.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-20). Friday 3/24: Kickoff Celebration for the 11th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference. indybay.org The Grand Buffet | 1215 J Street | Sacramento, CA. 95814…

Labor Video Project (2023-03-20). Solidarity With East Palestine/Hunters Point & Nationalize The Railroads: Action in SF. indybay.org

Martin Edwin Andersen (2023-03-20). Cathy A. Harris, LGBTQIA2S+ people & the U.S. Merit(less) Systems Protection Board (MSPB). indybay.org As a private attorney in a Washington, D.C. law firm Cathy A. Harris served as the chair of the firm's Sexual Harassment and LGBT Practice sections. As Acting Chair of the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, she refuses to honestly address anti-LGBTQIA2S+ hate at the National Defense University (NDU) and the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA). You be the judge.

Mothers on the March (2023-03-20). Friday 3/24: POA: Shut It Down! indybay.org On the sidewalk in front of the San Francisco Police Officers Association: 800 Bryant @ 6th Street in San Francisco…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is multiple myeloma? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon form of blood cancer that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, according the American Cancer Society. March is Myeloma Awareness Month. People younger than 45 rarely get the disease, and it occurs more in older men than women. And your risk is doubled if you're African American. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/pShHvj3Y3Nw Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 06) is in the downloads at the end of this post….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is the best sleeping position? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most people spend a third of their lives either asleep or resting, according to the Sleep Foundation. During sleep, the body recharges and repairs itself. And a good night's sleep often can be determined by what position you are lying in bed. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/F_x-SDYUvZk Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 11) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Back-sleepers beware. "I know…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Consumer Health: Are you at risk for MS? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MS Awareness Week will be observed March 12—19, which makes this a good time to learn about who might be at risk of developing this potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis, or MS, affects nearly 1 million people living in the U.S., according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. With MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers, and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Consumer Health: Don't let the time change get you down. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org For much of the U.S. and many places around the world, daylight saving time begins Sunday, March 12, when clocks are turned forward one hour. Sleep provides the foundation for all your daily habits and decisions. Getting enough quality rest each night is essential for optimal health. Regularly sleeping less than seven hours per night is associated with weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and depression. Lack of sleep also can affect your immune system and heart health. But a time shift ‚Äï…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Shame and guilt eating: Tackling binge-eating disorders. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most people occasionally eat too much. They may fill up an extra plate with seconds at a special event, enjoy another piece of pie at a holiday gathering or eat popcorn until stuffed at the movies. But for some people, overeating becomes excessive. It crosses the line from an occasional indulgence to a binge-eating disorder when overeating feels out of control and happens on a regular basis. It's the most common eating disorder in the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Science Saturday: Expanding regenerative biotherapeutics to new practice areas. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As a physician at the forefront of new cancer therapies, Yi Lin, M.D., Ph.D., understands the highs and lows that patients experience. Will the latest technologies slow or stop disease? If not, is this the last, best option? Dr. Lin, a hematologist, sees the need for a new class of drugs that provides different treatment choices for patients with complex conditions, such as cancer. As the new associate medical director for Mayo Clinic's Center for Regenerative Biotherapeutics, …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How can hospice care provide comfort to those with terminal illnesses? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a loved one who was referred for hospice care. I'm not sure what this means. Can you share more about what hospice care is and how it may help my family member? ANSWER: Hospice care might be an option for people who are nearing the end of life due to a terminal illness and have exhausted all other treatment options. Unlike other medical care, the focus of hospice care is not to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Mayo Clinic Minute: What's the right colorectal cancer screening option for you? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Colorectal cancer is a cancer of the lower digestive system, which includes the colon and the rectum. If you feel like you are hearing a lot about this topic lately, it's because March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. The goal is to increase awareness and encourage people 45 and over to get screened. And that doesn't just mean a colonoscopy. Did you know that there's more than one option for a colorectal cancer screening? That's…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). 5 ways to get better sleep. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You're not alone if you have trouble falling or staying asleep. Many people struggle with sleep — and that's a problem, since sleep plays a crucial role in your health, energy levels and ability to function at your best. Most adults require seven to eight hours of sleep each night to feel well-rested and energized each day. If restless nights have become the norm for you or you find that your sleep is not refreshing,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How a heart condition affects the kidneys and causes swelling. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently began experiencing swelling in my legs, feet and hands, as well as fatigue. Testing led to a diagnosis of pericardial constriction. Can you explain what this is and how it's treated? Is there anything I can do to reduce the swelling? ANSWER: Pericardial constriction is a condition with multiple possible causes. It can be due to underlying medical conditions and may even result from certain medical treatments. Swelling, or edema, is one…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Is it allergies or a sinus infection? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have had allergies since childhood, suffering during both the spring and fall seasons. This past month, however, I am experiencing more congestion and mucus, and I even have some facial pain. I'm beginning to wonder if my symptoms are really from allergies or if they may be caused by a sinus infection instead. How can I tell the difference? ANSWER: Allergies and sinus infections often are mistaken for one another. But they are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Mayo Clinic Minute: Does one moldy berry spoil the whole bunch? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Spring is around the corner, which means the beginning of berry season. Berries can be a great source of potassium and vitamins C and K, and can also promote a healthy gut. While berries are among the healthiest foods to eat, if not stored properly, they can get mushy and grow mold. But a little bit of mold doesn't necessarily mean the whole batch goes to waste. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). 'Deaths of Despair' contribute to 17% rise in Minnesota's death rate during COVID-19 pandemic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — According to a new study published by Mayo Clinic researchers, the COVID-19 pandemic was linked to a 17% increase in the death rate in Minnesota during the first year of the pandemic compared to the two previous years. Deaths were driven by both COVID-19 and other causes linked with preventable "deaths of despair," such as overdose, alcohol use and malnutrition. The study analyzed Minnesota death certificate data available through the Rochester Epidemiology…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Mayo Clinic monitoring rising avian influenza cases, preparing for potential human-to-human outbreak. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The recent death of an 11-year-old girl in Cambodia's Prey Veng province infected with avian influenza has reinvigorated concern over the virus potentially gaining the ability to spread among humans. And while experts maintain the risk of that happening "remains low" at this time, the World Health Organization has said that increasing reports of avian influenza infection in humans are "worrying." Matthew Binnicker, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic's director of Clinical Virology, agrees. "The primary concern is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Pelvic floor issues aren't just a woman's health condition, Kegels can work for men, too. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org LA CROSSE, Wis. — Women often are told about the importance of Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. It turns out that men should think about doing the exercises as well. Statistics show that 32% of women will have at least one pelvic floor disorder (PFD) at one time in their life. However, a recent study suggests that although much attention is directed toward women pelvic floor disorders, 16% of men have also been identified…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Pain in the back: Preventing and treating spinal arthritis. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org EAU CLAIRE, Wis. — Many types of arthritis can affect your musculoskeletal system. Joints are physical points of connection between two bones, and cartilage is the tissue that covers the surface of the bone at the joint. A membrane, called the synovial membrane, lines the joint and is filled with fluid known as synovial fluid. All these components work together to make movement easy. "Over time, the cartilage in joints can break down and cause…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you using a salt substitute? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Salt substitutes can be an effective way to help lower your blood pressure and fight heart disease. But experts warn that overuse of certain salt substitutes or alternatives can be dangerous for some people. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains why you should use caution with using a salt substitute. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/h_cy5G5EBPs Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting a massage from a robot may seem like something out of a science fiction story, but it could be a reality in the not-too-distant future. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is looking into the possibility of robotic massage as an answer for patients' pain relief and alleviating some staffing burdens. Watch: Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic youtu.be/GXEXUCCCGzI Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 17) is in the downloads at the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Mayo Clinic in Rochester top ranked on 'America's Best Fertility Clinics' in Newsweek rankings. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic in Rochester was ranked No. 9 in the nation by Newsweek in its list of "America's Best Fertility Clinics," released in February. This ranking is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the Reproductive endocrinology and infertility team at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. "Our clinic is in the top 10 among the 100 top fertility clinics," says Samir Babayev, M.D., Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, IVF Clinical Director. "This is a recognition of the excellence…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-20). Mayo Clinic opens patient information office in Indonesia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org JAKARTA, Indonesia — Mayo Clinic has opened a patient information office in Jakarta to assist patients, their families, referring physicians and insurance brokers in Indonesia. The office is Mayo Clinic's first in Southeast Asia. The office staff, fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, will help patients, their families and physicians who refer patients to make appointments at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London. "We…

Oakland Privacy (2023-03-20). Wednesday 4/12: Oakland Privacy: Fighting Against the Surveillance State. indybay.org Please email contact@oaklandprivacy.org a few days before the meeting to get up-to-date location information or obtain Zoom meeting access info.

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-03-20). Colombia_Río Sogamoso de Santander: °Aguas para la vida…! indybay.org

Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs (2023-03-20). Monday 3/20: Defend Food Not Bombs Right to Share Food & Protest. indybay.org Resource Center for Nonviolence | 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz…

Senior, Disability Action (2023-03-20). Monday 3/20: In Loving Memory of Public Health. indybay.org 1000 Broadway, Oakland. In front of the downtown office of Alameda County Dept. of Public Health…

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-20). Asciende a 446 la cifra de heridos por terremoto en Ecuador. telesurtv.net De los 446 heridos registrados, 415 se contabilizan en la provincia El Oro mientras que 29 fueron reportados en Guayas.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-20). Presidente Putin: Rusia buscó una salida pacífica en Ucrania. telesurtv.net El mandatario señaló que "nos engañaron, ninguno de nuestros supuestos socios iba a resolver nada pacíficamente".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-20). Lula ratifica apoyo a la paz tras actos criminales en nordeste de Brasil. telesurtv.net El Presidente brasileño afirmó que a través del Ministerio de Justicia "estamos ayudando al gobierno de Río Grande do Norte".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-20). Asciende a 447 la cifra de muertos por ciclón Freddy en Malaui. telesurtv.net El Departamento de Asuntos para la Gestión de Desastres (DoDMA, por sus siglas en inglés) reportó 918 personas heridas.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-20). Declaran estado de emergencia por lluvias en distritos peruanos. telesurtv.net El Centro de Operaciones de Emergencia Nacional (COEN) reportó en su más reciente actualización un total de 9.423 damnificados.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-20). Protestas contra reforma de pensiones continúan en Francia. telesurtv.net El presidente Emmanuel Macron registra el peor índice de aprobación desde las protestas de los chalecos amarillos en 2019.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-20). Kazajistán realiza elecciones anticipadas para elegir parlamento. telesurtv.net Kazajistán votó este domingo en unas elecciones anticipadas en las que podrían elegirse candidatos independientes como diputados, una señal de apertura democrática.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-20). Montenegro acude a las urnas para elegir a su nuevo presidente. telesurtv.net El presidente de Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, busca un tercer mandato en los presentes comicios, cuya primera vuelta se celebra este domingo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-20). Nigeria inicia recuento de votos de elecciones regionales. telesurtv.net Más de 93 millones de votantes registrados estuvieron llamados a depositar su sufragio en los más de 170.000 colegios electorales.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-20). República Dominicana realiza operación anticorrupción. telesurtv.net Al menos 15 ministros del Gobierno del expresidente Danilo Medina fueron arrestados por corrupción.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-20). Serbia y Kosovo avanzan sobre normalizar sus relaciones. telesurtv.net La Unión Europea, mediante el Alto Representantes de la Política Exterior del bloque, Josep Borrell, hace trabajados de mediación entre las partes…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-20). Presidente de Siria cumple visita en Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos. telesurtv.net El presidente sirio Bashar al Assad busca reanudar los contactos de alto nivel después de años de ostracismo por la guerra en el país árabe.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-20). PSUV apoya lucha contra corrupción del Gobierno de Venezuela. telesurtv.net "Nuestra lucha contra la corrupción tiene que ser un sello inalterable de la conducta política que debe regir la acción cotidiana de los hombres y mujeres de la Revolución Bolivariana", indica el texto.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-20). Decretan toque de queda tras tiroteos en Miami Beach, al sur de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Los incidentes violentos dejaron un saldo de dos fallecidos y dos heridos. La Policía investiga los asesinatos y detuvo a dos sospechosos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-20). Gobierno de Colombia suspende cese al fuego con Clan del Golfo. telesurtv.net Presidente Petro ordena reanudar operaciones militares contra ese grupo armado ilegal, responsable de actos violentos en el Bajo Cauca.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-20). Presidente de México se reúne con congresistas de EE.UU. telesurtv.net López Obrador valoró que durante el encuentro se trataron varios temas con respeto mutuo y en beneficio de ambos pueblos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-20). Presidente saharaui inicia visita oficial a Venezuela. telesurtv.net Se trata de la primera visita a la nación bolivariana de un jefe de Estado de la RASD. Prevé reunirse con su homólogo venezolano, Nicolás Maduro.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-20). Operaciones de bandera falsa que EE.UU. promovió para atacar Libia. telesurtv.net La invasión militar de EE.UU. y sus aliados llevaron al derrocamiento del Gobierno de Gadafi y a su posterior asesinato en octubre de ese mismo año.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-03-20). Corea del Norte lanza un misil balístico hacia el mar de Japón. telesurtv.net El lanzamiento se efectuó desde el área de Tongchang-ri, en la costa oeste de Corea del Norte, un sitio clave de lanzamiento de cohetes de largo alcance.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-20). Ascienden a 438 los muertos por ciclón Freddy en Malaui. telesurtv.net El número de heridos se ubicó en 918, mientras que 282 personas se encuentran desaparecidas a causa del meteoro en el país africano.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-20). Millones de haitianos padecen inseguridad alimentaria. telesurtv.net Según las autoridades nacionales, "los hogares están sumidos en un déficit alimentario extremo, a pesar de recurrir a estrategias de supervivencia".

teleSUR, rzr (2023-03-20). Gobierno de Bolivia trabaja para controlar brote de dengue. telesurtv.net El ministro de Salud de Bolivia subrayó que el número de casos de dengue disminuyó en las últimas semanas gracias a las acciones realizadas por el Gobierno boliviano.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-20). Accidente de transito deja al menos 17 muertos en Bangladesh. telesurtv.net La Policía local indicó que 14 personas fallecieron en el sitió del accidente del bus.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-20). EE.UU. avanza a la final del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. telesurtv.net EE.UU. jugará el martes la final del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol contra el ganador del partido entre Japón y México.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-20). Presidente de Ecuador declara el estado de excepción tras sismo. telesurtv.net El sismo que afectó la zona fronteriza entre Ecuador y Perú dejó, según las cifras oficiales hasta el momento, 14 personas fallecidas…

Tina Landis (2023-03-20). Despite record rainfall, California drought is far from over. liberationnews.org You may get the impression from corporate media headlines that the decades-long megadrought in California is over. Unfortunately those headlines are misleading.

Uma Thontakudi (2023-03-20). Saturday 6/17: HDSA 2023 San Jose Team Hope 10K Timed Run and 5K Walk. indybay.org Campbell Park at the Los Gatos Creek Trail | Campbell, California…

WSWS (2023-03-20). Drastic closures and job cuts at Germany's biggest department store chain. wsws.org Workers at the company confront a conspiracy in which the Verdi union works closely with management, insolvency administrators, politicians and real estate speculator René Benko.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Economic devastation worsens as Sri Lankan government imposes IMF austerity. wsws.org Wickremesinghe says the country will have to repay an average $7 billion in foreign loan debts annually until 2029, making clear that the regime functions as a direct agent of global finance capital.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Musicians, actors, artists sign petition demanding Roger Waters be allowed to perform in Frankfurt. wsws.org The campaign defends Waters' criticism of Israel's treatment of Palestinians as "part of his long-term advocacy on behalf of human rights across the globe."

WSWS (2023-03-20). GM Lansing workers launch the GM Lansing Workers Rank-and-File Committee. wsws.org Workers at General Motors plants in Lansing, Michigan have launched a rank-and-file committee ahead of the 2023 contract expiration.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Kroger-Albertsons grocery chain merger in US threatens job cuts as Wall Street eyes payday. wsws.org The $25 billion sale of Albertsons is driven by the financial interests of Cerberus Capital Management, a major investor firm hoping to cash in on a sale that will threaten thousands of jobs.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Tyson announces plant closures in Arkansas and Virginia, impacting nearly 1,700 workers. wsws.org The company's announcement follows its report of a record drop in profits for the fourth quarter of last year.

WSWS (2023-03-20). The class struggle against Macron and the lessons of the Paris Commune. wsws.org Macron's decision to impose pension cuts on the French people without a vote has torn the democratic mask off the capitalist state, exposing it as instrument of class rule.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Updated report shows poverty in Germany is higher than previously thought. wsws.org The updated report shows that due to the coronavirus pandemic and inflation, poverty in Germany in 2021 afflicted almost 17 percent of the population, or just over 14 million people.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Staffing crisis and declining wages after sellout of New Zealand rail workers. wsws.org The WSWS spoke with a worker about conditions on commuter trains in the capital city, where COVID-19 is out of control and the Rail and Maritime Transport Union recently imposed significant wage cuts.

WSWS (2023-03-20). This week in history: March 20-26. wsws.org This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago.

WSWS (2023-03-20). UAW election crisis continues after Curry acknowledges "rampant disenfranchisement" wsws.org Despite its self-serving character, the ill-fated protest by the incumbent UAW president confirms everything Will Lehman said about the UAW election farce.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Workers object to Australian SEP candidate being barred from speaking to flood victims. wsws.org Flood victims and WSWS readers denounce the ban on the Socialist Equality Party holding discussions with residents of government "pod" accommodation.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Newfound DNA data indicates wild animals at Wuhan market were infected with SARS-Cov-2. wsws.org The data, uncovered by a French researcher and evolutionary biologist, is a major blow to the "lab leak" conspiracy theory of the origins of COVID-19.

WSWS (2023-03-20). Los Angeles County Commission report confirms that deputy gangs rampant in Sheriff's Department. wsws.org According to a recent County Commission report, violent deputy gangs remain rampant in the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department…

WSWS (2023-03-20). Killing prompts call for federal investigation of Paterson, New Jersey, police department. wsws.org Residents of the state's third-largest city widely hate the police, who are notorious for their violence and corruption.

Zach Farber (2023-03-20). Revolutionary socialist Chicago City Council candidate makes waves in election. liberationnews.org Rather than running for her own personal political career, Santoyo made it clear from the start that she aimed to build a movement that demands justice and dignity for the working class.

Atlanta Community Press Collective (2023-03-20). "We are Not in the Least Afraid of Ruins": Food Autonomy in the Weelaunee Forest. itsgoingdown.org Report on the Weelaunee Food Autonomy Festival in so-called Atlanta, GA during the recent week of action in defense of the Weelaunee forest. On Friday March 10th, the first annual Weelaunee Food Autonomy Festival began in the Weelaunee (South River) Forest. The festival was a practical experiment in food production and distribution outside of, and…

Final Straw (2023-03-20). Final Straw: Felony Littering Trials Under Way in Asheville. itsgoingdown.org Long-time anarchist radio show and podcast The Final Straw speaks on the upcoming felony trial of mutual aid organizers in Asheville, NC. Listen and Download HERE This week: a chat with Pip, a defendant in, and Grace, a supporter of, the Aston Park Defendants case which led to the arrest of 16 people, including 2…

Jim McIlroy (2023-03-20). NSW rail unions bust through public sector pay gap. greenleft.org.au The two unions covering rail workers in New South Wales have welcomed the federal Fair Work Commission's decision to grant a pay rise for rail staff over 2022-2023. Jim McIlroy reports.

Peter Boyle (2023-03-20). Video: Packed Marrickville Town Hall meeting calls on Labor not to repeat Iraq war mistake. greenleft.org.au A packed town hall meeting in Marrickville, at the heart of the Prime Minister's electorate, called on Labor not to repeat Iraq war mistake by joining the United States-led war drive against China. Peter Boyle reports.

Renfrey Clarke (2023-03-20). SA Labor blasted about its lack of public, affordable housing. greenleft.org.au A protest about soaring rents and a lack of housing affordability was organised outside Parliament House. Renfrey Clarke reports.

Global Research News (2023-03-20). Selected Articles: 20 Lies About the Iraq War. globalresearch.ca By A supposed meeting in Prague between Mohammed Atta, leader of the 11 September hijackers, and an Iraqi intelligence official was the main basis for …

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-20). Criminals at Large: The Iraq War 20 Years On. globalresearch.ca

Nicolas J. S. Davies (2023-03-20). How Many Millions Have Been Killed in America's Post-9/11 Wars? globalresearch.ca

Nicolas J. S. Davies (2023-03-20). How Many People Has the U.S. Killed in Its Post-9/11 Wars? globalresearch.ca

Nicolas J. S. Davies (2023-03-20). How Many Millions of People Have Been Killed in America's Post-9/11 Wars? globalresearch.ca

Mickey Z (2023-03-20). My Lai, 'Killing Ideology' & Disobeying Orders: 55 Years Ago Today. globalresearch.ca

Ted Snider (2023-03-20). Does Canada Support Regime Change in Russia? globalresearch.ca

Alan Lash (2023-03-20). Psyops Are Not New, Just More Dangerous. globalresearch.ca

Taylor C. Noakes (2023-03-20). Canada's 'China Syndrome'. globalresearch.ca

Patrick Wood (2023-03-20). Boom: Trilateral Commission Declares "2023 Is Year One of This New Global Order" globalresearch.ca

Janet Phelan (2023-03-20). Arrest Warrant Issued for Putin for War Crimes? Hold on a Minute! globalresearch.ca

Isabella Arria (2023-03-20). El neoliberalismo y autoritarismo de Macron disparan una nueva revuelta en Francia. globalizacion.ca La reforma de las pensiones propuesta por el presidente Emmanuel Macron no cuenta con el respaldo de los franceses. Y, ante la falta de apoyos, el mandatario decidió este jueves aprobar la nueva norma por decreto, es decir, sin someterla…

Eduardo Aliverti (2023-03-20). Argentina: El Frente de Todos, en una interna casi inentendible. globalizacion.ca Hay una imagen de panorama político descompuesto, con alcances muy difíciles de precisar. Pero, para el Gobierno y lo que quede de su alianza intersectorial, sería más grave aún caer en el tremendismo y en un espíritu derrotista. | Una de…

Fight Back (2023-03-20). Students, community demands U of MN expand tuition program for native students. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – On Friday, March 17, over 50 students and community members gathered outside the Humphrey School of Public Affairs and braved the bitter winds to demand the University of Minnesota expand the Native American Promise Tuition Program and fund the American Indian Studies department. University of Minnesota Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) collaborated with the American Indian Student Cultural Center (AISCC) to organize this protest to fight for native students' rights. | Emcees from AISCC and SDS led chants and introduced the first speakers of the action. "The U of M is a land-grant institu…

Fight Back (2023-03-20). Detroit holds rally in solidarity with DC anti-war demonstration. fightbacknews.org Detroit, MI – In the early afternoon of March 18, braving the sub-freezing temperatures and biting wind, 40 activists gathered at Hart Plaza, in the heart of Detroit, to demonstrate against the U.S. escalation of its war against Russia in the Ukraine. The rally was in solidarity with the historic DC march occurring at the same date. | Several speakers tied the brutal U.S. invasion of Iraq, which began on this day 20 years ago, to the U.S. war in Ukraine, noting the chilling parallels between the two. | Movement elder Bill Meyer, representing the Michigan Peace Council, added his perspective to the event, saying…

Staff (2023-03-20). Thalía Fuentes Puebla: "El periodismo es un privilegio" cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-03-20). Cuba cae en semifinales del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol y concluye cuarta. cubadebate.cu Estados Unidos superó ampliamente a Cuba catorce carreras por dos en el partido semifinal del Quinto Clásico Mundial de Béisbol, para convertirse así en el primer finalista del evento beisbolero, a la espera del ganador del encuentro entre Japón y México. El equipo cubano culminó cuarto en esta edición y este lunes se le organizará un cálido recibimiento, en la Ciudad Deportiva.

Staff (2023-03-20). Prueba dinámica realizada este domingo arroja resultados satisfactorios. cubadebate.cu Autoridades del Consejo Electoral Nacional (CEN) evaluaron de muy positivos los resultados de la prueba dinámica realizada este domingo, en todo el país, como paso previo a las elecciones de los diputados a las Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular, a celebrarse el próximo 26 de marzo. Explicó que el proceso corroboró también los aseguramientos y las comunicaciones.

Staff (2023-03-20). Pueblo cubano recibirá al equipo Cuba que participó en Clásico Mundial de Beisbol. cubadebate.cu Luego de ubicarse entre los cuatro grandes del V Clásico Mundial de Beisbol, el equipo cubano regresará este lunes a la patria.Se espera que la aeronave aterrice en el Aeropuerto Internacional José Martí al filo de las 6: 30 a. m., y que sobre las 8: 30 a. m. inicie un recorrido por la ciudad. El trayecto culminará en la Ciudad Deportiva, donde a las 10: 00 a. m. se producirá el recibimiento.

Staff (2023-03-20). Falcón Jr. gana oro en natación de aguas abiertas. cubadebate.cu El cubano Rodolfo Falcón Jr. redondeó su destacado desempeño al conquistar medalla de oro en los 10 kilómetros durante la segunda parada de la Serie Panamericana de Aguas Abiertas de 2023, con sede en Puerto Rico. Falcón Jr. marcó dos horas y dos minutos luego de liderar todo el tiempo. A pesar de la lesión en un hombro. A unos 10 segundos pasaron sus más cercanos rivales.

Newsclick (2023-03-19). Startups stuck as mega US bank fails | With Aunindyo Chakravarty. peoplesdispatch.org Senior journalist Aunindyo Chakravarty analyzes the fall of Silicon Valley Bank in the US and the reasons banks which cater to the tech sector are facing a crisis…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-19). Five years since the assassination of Marielle Franco. peoplesdispatch.org On March 14th, 2018, Marielle Franco was assassinated. All over Brazil on Tuesday, people gathered to pay tribute to the slain activist and leader on her 5th death anniversary.

Ana Vraƒçar (2023-03-19). Health reforms in Croatia unlikely to address glaring gaps in coverage, staff shortage. peoplesdispatch.org Health workers have warned that the latest reforms proposed by Croatian minister Vili Bero≈° will do nothing to reduce the workforce shortage and burnout, or increase access to care…

Prabir Purkayastha, Struggle La Lucha. (2023-03-19). US And Britain's Submarine Deal Crosses Nuclear Red Lines. popularresistance.org The recent Australia, U.S., and UK $368 billion deal on buying nuclear submarines has been termed by Paul Keating, a former Australian prime minister, as the "worst deal in all history." It commits Australia to buy conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarines that will be delivered in the early 2040s. These will be based on new nuclear reactor designs yet to be developed by the UK. Meanwhile, starting from the 2030s, "pending approval from the U.S. Congress, the United States intends to sell Australia three Virginia class submarines, with the potential to sell up to two more if needed".

Unicorn Riot. (2023-03-19). An Historic Direct Action In A Forest Outside Atlanta. popularresistance.org DeKalb County, Georgia — In broad daylight Sunday, March 5, a group of about three hundred masked people wearing mostly camouflage and black clothing stormed the main police security outpost within the Weelaunee Forest at the proposed construction site of the 'Cop City' project. Demonstrators tore up silt fencing, and set an office trailer, two UTVs, a mobile surveillance tower, and a front end loader afire as police ran for cover. The group hurled rocks and fireworks at the retreating police, who repositioned to a smaller outpost across Key Road SE and worked furiously to close a gate behind them to establ…

Candice Norwood, The 19th. (2023-03-19). Report On Incarceration And Women Outlines The Gender Disparities. popularresistance.org Women represent about 9 percent of all incarcerated people in the United States, but data about their circumstances is spotty at best. We do know that in recent decades, imprisonment rates for women have increased dramatically, growing at twice the pace of men's incarceration. A report published this month by the nonprofit think tank Prison Policy Initiative (PPI) provides one of the most comprehensive recent assessments of the realities facing women and girls held in the country's prisons and jails. | PPI teamed up with the American Civil Liberties Union to pull data from several government agencies, which can o…

Editor (2023-03-19). A Comprehensive Report on Incarceration and Women Outlines the Gender Disparities. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-19). Taiwan Separatists Lose Key Ally, Honduras Recognizes China—Just 12 Small Countries Remain. scheerpost.com Honduras' leftist President Xiomara Castro announced her government will recognize China. Now only 12 UN member states have formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan separatists. They have a combined population of less than 39 million, or 0.49% of the planet.

Editor (2023-03-19). Israel Protests Should Not Be Confused With the Palestinian Struggle for Equality. scheerpost.com Ramzy Baroud sheds light on the ongoing protests in Israel and their limited impact on the country's inherently racist institutions and ongoing military occupation and apartheid in Palestine.

Editor (2023-03-19). War Made Easy: Will US Media Finally Admit Its Craven Complicity in Iraq War? scheerpost.com

noreply (2023-03-19). Boy, The Guy Is A Sore Loser. smoothiex12.blogspot.com

_____ (2023-03-19). US Terrorist Attack on Nord Stream Pipelines and Tectonic Weapons in Turkey. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-19). Fahrenheit 11/9: Rewatching the Michael Moore Movie From 2018. strategic-culture.org I rewatched Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 11/9. The 2018 film is mainly a screed about all the bad things Trump was going to do as president. Time is a cold mistress: basically nothing Moore said four years ago about what was going to happen actually happened. Moore was wrong about Trump's ties to Russia, Moore was wrong about Trump being the last elected president because he would seize total power, and Moore was wrong about the lasting impact of the progressive heroes of that year, the Parkland High School survivors.

_____ (2023-03-19). In the War Between Judaism and Democracy in Israel, Anything Is Possible. strategic-culture.org Bibi is by nature cautious — even timid. His radical ministers, however, are not, Alastair Crooke writes. | Michael Omer-Man

_____ (2023-03-19). U.S. and Allies Seek Regime-Change in Russia. strategic-culture.org The U.S. and its allies are bringing this case as a propaganda-vehicle, but the Court itself, by 'investigating' this case that falls outside its jurisdiction, is destroying whatever pitiful international credibility that it had. Any court that ever serves a purely-propaganda function cannot ever again be taken seriously by any serious person. It is groveling to someone. It is simply embarrassing itself. The U.S. and its allies are contemptuous not only of the public but of this Court, to do this.

Andy Kroll (2023-03-19). On Missing Dr. Strangelove. tomdispatch.com Bosley Crowther, chief film critic for the New York Times, didn't quite know what to make of Dr. Strangelove at the time of its release in January 1964. Stanley Kubrick's dark antiwar satire was "beyond any question the most shattering sick joke I've ever come across," he wrote. But if the film had its hilarious moments, Crowther found its overall effect distinctly unnerving. What exactly was Kubrick's point? "When virtually everybody turns up stupid or insane — or, what is worse, psychopathic — I want to know what this picture proves." We may find it odd for an influential critic to expect a movie to…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-19). Car Explosion Killed Police Officer In Russian Kherson Region. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Another car explosion killed a police officer in the Kherson region which is under Russian control. According to the investigation, on March 17, an unknown person planted a special device under the left wing of his car. | The device exploded when the man, who was a platoon commander of the patrol and inspection service, was driving with his family in the village of Yubileyny in Aleksinsky district. |

Anonymous349 (2023-03-19). Military Situation In Bakhmut On March 19, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see the full-size image | Russian units advanced in the Samolet and Budenivka districts and reached the outskirts of the Bakhmut stadium | Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in the south of AZOM plant | Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near the village of Orikhovo-Vasylivka | Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue near Khromove | Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in southern districts of Bakhmut | MORE ON THE TOPIC: <...

Anonymous349 (2023-03-19). Military Situation In Donbass On March 19, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see the full-size image | Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in south of Krasnohorivka | Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Bakhmut and its outskirts | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Ugledar | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Mariinka | Up to 100 Ukrainian servicemen, 1 howitzer and 2 armored vehicles were destroyed by Russian artillery on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the Ru…

Anonymous349 (2023-03-19). Military Situation In Syria On March 19, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous349 (2023-03-19). Military Situation In Ukraine On March 19, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see the full-size image | Russian forces destroyed three motor vehicles near Kupyansk | Russian forces destroyed four motor vehicles and two D-30 howitzers near Kherson | Russian forces destroyed two armoured vehicles and a Gvozdika howitzer near Liman | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Kupyansk | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Mariinka | Clashes between the Russian Army and…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-19). Iran's Raisi Welcomes Invitation To Saudi Arabia In New Breakthrough. southfront.org File image. | Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has "welcomed" an invitation from King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia to visit the kingdom following the reconciliation agreement between the two countries, an Iranian official announced on March 19. | Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed on

Anonymous669 (2023-03-19). Israeli Weapons Instructor Seriously Wounded In West Bank Shooting Attack. southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Source: the Israeli Defense Forces. | On March 19, an Israeli man was seriously wounded after being shot by a Palestinian gunman while driving through the northern West Bank town of Huwara. | An official photo from the scene of the attack on the Route 60 highway showed the windshield of the car riddled with bullets. | The wounded man was identified as David Stern from the settlement of Itamar, a former United States Marines soldier who works in Israel as a weapons in…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-19). Palestinian Islamic Jihad Says One Of Its Commanders Was Assassinated In Syria, Blames Israel. southfront.org Palestinian commander Ali Ramzi al-Aswad as seen in a poster released by the PIJ. | On March 19, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) said that one of its senior commanders was assassinated in Syria by Israel. | In a statement, the military wing of the Gaza-based group, the al-Quds Brigades, said that 31-year-old Ali Ramzi al-Aswad was gunned down by "agents of the Zionist enemy" in the countryside of Damascus. | The al-Quds Brigades described the killing of al-Aswad as a "cowardly…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-19). Russian President Putin Pays Surprise Visit To Mariupol City (Videos). southfront.org Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit to Mariupol city. © RT / RT | On March 19, Russian President Vladimir Putin paid an unannounced working visit to Mariupol to inspect a number of locations in the city and talk to local residents. | The president arrived in Mariupol by helicopter, accompanied by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin. The surprise visit marked the first time Putin has been to the Donbass region, since it de facto broke away from Ukraine nine years ago. | According…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-19). Syria's Assad Pays Official Visit To United Arab Emirates. southfront.org Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with the President of the UAE Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Source: the Syrian Presidency office. | On March 19, Syrian President Bashar al Assad arrived in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on an official visit, accompanied by his wife Asma al Assad. | Assad was greeted by UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan on arrival in Abu Dhabi and received a canon salute as his convoy entered the royal palace, Qasr Al Watan. Assad's plane was g…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-19). Turkey Unveils Stealth Combat Drone. southfront.org The Anka-3 drone. Source: Turkish Aerospace Industries. | On March 18, the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) shared the first photo of the stealth Anka-3 jet-powered combat drone. | In the photo, the Anka-3, which features a flying-wing design, can be seen carrying two TAI ≈ûƒ∞M≈ûEK target drones on external hardpoints most likely for tests. The drone was developed in light of the experience gained from the ANKA-1 and 2, Aksungur, combat drones which have more…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-19). Turkish Intelligence "Neutralized" Kurdish Commander In Syria's Aleppo City. southfront.org Mehmet Yƒ±ldƒ±rƒ±m, aka "Hamza Kobani". Source: the Anadolu Agency. | The Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) "neutralized" a senior commander of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and its Syrian affiliate, the People's Protection Units (YPG), in a recent special operation in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo, Turkish security sources told the Anadolu Agency on March 19. | The sources told the state-run news agency that the Kurdish commander, Mehm…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-03-19). Taiwan Separatists Lose Key Ally, Honduras Recognizes China. popularresistance.org The government of Honduras has announced that it is breaking formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan and recognizing the People's Republic of China. | Honduras' leftist President Xiomara Castro had pledged during her 2021 campaign that, if she won the election, she would recognize China. This March, she fulfilled that promise. | This means that just 12 United Nations member states have formal diplomatic relations with the so-called "Republic of China" on the island of Taiwan. | The other 99.51% of the global population live in countries that formally recognize that there is only one China, and that Taiwan is a pr…

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-19). Spent Matters: The AUKUS Nuclear Waste Problem. dissidentvoice.org When Australia — vassal be thy name — assumed responsibilities for not only throwing money at both US and British shipbuilders, lending up territory and naval facilities for war like a gambling drunk, and essentially asking its officials to commit seppuku for the Imperium, another task was given. While the ditzy and dunderheaded wonders in …

Charles Pierce (2023-03-19). Attack on Antiwar Activists Exemplifies Russophobia Among "Leftist" Apologists for Western Imperialism and a Fascist-Loving Regime. covertactionmagazine.com CounterPunch podcaster Eric Draitser has published a hit piece attacking veteran anti-war activists Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies in the form of a review of their new book, War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless War. His review, published on January 27 by an obscure avowedly socialist online magazine named Tempest, and …

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-03-19). Chris Hedges Report: Did The US Navy Destroy The Nord Stream Pipelines? popularresistance.org On Sept. 26, 2022, a series of explosions rocked the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Denmark. Danish and Swedish authorities quickly determined that the damage done to the pipelines was not caused by earthquakes or other seismic activity, but by "blasts." The pipelines were a crucial part of Europe's energy infrastructure, delivering billions of cubic meters of gas from Russia. Over 500,000 tons of methane, a greenhouse gas 80x more damaging for the climate than carbon dioxide, were released from the explosions in the largest ever recorded single methane leak in human history.

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-19). Saturday 3/25: MAR. 25: "WHO CARES ANYWAY": BOOK LAUNCH AND TOILING MIDGETS PERFORMANCE. indybay.org ATA Gallery is located on the corner of Valencia and 21st streets in San Francisco's Mission district … 992 Valencia St.

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes, Ecowatch. (2023-03-19). Global Freshwater Demand Will Exceed Supply 40% By 2030, Experts Warn. popularresistance.org Today, the planet is facing an unprecedented water crisis, with global freshwater demand predicted to exceed supply by 40 percent by 2030, President of the 77th United Nations General Assembly Csaba K≈ërà∂si said at a press conference on the upcoming UN Water Conference, as Down to Earth reported. | "The scientific evidence is that we have a water crisis. We are misusing water, polluting water, and changing the whole global hydrological cycle, through what we are doing to the climate. It's a triple crisis," Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Johan Rockstrom, who is co-ch…

Derek Seidman (2023-03-19). 20 Years After Illegal US Invasion of Iraq, Its Architects Are Still Cashing In. truthout.org It had been 15 years since the U.S. invaded Iraq when, on March 19, 2018, the celebrated Iraqi novelist and poet Sinan Antoon published a blistering op-ed in The New York Times. He took readers through his observations of the steady deterioration of Iraqi society since the war began, but the most scathing words came toward the end. "No one knows for certain how many Iraqis have died as a result of… |

Dr. C. Stephen Frost (2023-03-19). Iraq War Based on Fake Intelligence: "Sexed up" Report on the Death of Weapons Inspector Dr. David Kelly: Lord Hutton Findings challenged by Medical Doctors. globalresearch.ca It was not only the intelligence which had been "sexed up", the Hutton Report, which assumed suicide without proof, had "sexed up" its findings to implement a coverup.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). AUKUS partnership aims to create a NATO replica in Asia-Pacific region: Chinese FM. ecns.cn The U.S., the UK and Australia are putting up an Anglo-Saxon clique and creating the so-called AUKUS trilateral security partnership to advance nuclear submarine cooperation and other cutting-edge military technology cooperation, which is typical Cold War mentality and a move that opens a Pandora's box, which will seriously impact regional and global peace and security, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Comicomment: 'Democracy Summit' masks hegemony under the guise of democracy. ecns.cn The United States itself has a notorious reputation in the field of democracy and is not qualified to act as a "lecturer" on human rights. The so-called "Democracy Summit"is using "democracy" as a cover to maintain hegemony, where the preservation of hegemony is the true goal and the promotion of democracy is false.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Insights | Swaran Singh: Chinese modernization unique and has global significance. ecns.cn China's modernization has become a popular topic in recent years., Dduring an exclusive interview with China News Network, Professor Swaran Singh, who teaches International Relations at Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi) and currently a visiting professor with University of British Columbia (Vancouver), gave his ideas on this topic, as well as topics on the global economy and China's roles in global governance.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Chinese FM meets Pakistani foreign secretary on bilateral ties. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang on Friday met with Pakistani Foreign Secretary Asad Majeed Khan in Beijing, saying that China will advance and deepen friendly cooperation with Pakistan.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). HKSAR, Macao SAR chief executives support formation of Hong Kong and Macao work office of CPC Central Committee. ecns.cn Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) John Lee and Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Ho Iat Seng on Thursday expressed firm support for the formation of the Hong Kong and Macao work office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). China's ministry releases top 10 scientific advances. ecns.cn China's Ministry of Science and Technology Friday released the top 10 domestic scientific advances of 2022.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). 400,000 gallons of radioactive water leaked from U.S. nuclear power plant. ecns.cn About 400,000 gallons of radioactive water has leaked from a nuclear power plant in Monticello, the midwestern U.S.The MPCA said in a news release that the leak has been stopped and has not reached the Mississippi River or contaminated drinking water sources.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Chinese researchers develop biodegradable, recyclable glass to promote sustainable economy. ecns.cn A group of Chinese material scientists created a biodegradable and recyclable form of glass with a minimal environmental footprint, which may contribute to the sustainable economy if commercialized in the future.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). China-built high-speed railway in Serbia off to roaring start. ecns.cn A total of 2.93 million passenger trips were made along the China-built high-speed railway in Serbia during the first year of its operation, according to China Railway International.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). He Jie renews Chinese men's marathon national record. ecns.cn China's He Jie improved the Chinese men's marathon national record by 46 seconds at the 2023 Wuxi Marathon on Sunday.The 24-year-old clocked two hours, seven minutes and 30 seconds to finish second in the men's race, cutting more than three minutes off his personal best and lagging 11 seconds behind winner Enock Onchari of Kenya.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Winners of China's top industry awards unveiled. ecns.cn The seventh China Grand Awards for Industry were announced on Sunday, with 19 Chinese enterprises and 19 projects named as winners.Li Yizhong, chairman of the federation, said that these enterprises and projects are expected to help drive the formation of an innovative industrial system in the country.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). (W.E. Talk ∑ In-depth) Pang Jun: How Does China's Road to Carbon Emission Reduction Avoid the "Climate Change Trap"?>. ecns.cn Is climate change a trap for western countries to restrict developing countries? Under the current technological level, carbon emission reduction surely hurts economic growth. In recent years, the United States withdrew from the Paris Agreement with the excuse of "severe finance and economic burdens".

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). China's finance ministry imposes penalty on China Huarong, Deloitte. ecns.cn China's Ministry of Finance has imposed an administrative penalty on China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd. (China Huarong) and its auditor Deloitte for severe distortion of accounting information and serious auditing defects, respectively.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). DPRK warns against U.S.-South Korea war drills with missile launch. ecns.cn The strategic forces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has conducted an intercontinental ballistic missile launch drill as a gesture of warning against the ongoing U.S.-South Korea war drills, said a state media report Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Chinese FM spokesperson addresses questions including on Brazilian president's upcoming visit. ecns.cn The following is the full text of Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin's regular press conference on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). China releases amended charter of political advisory body. ecns.cn The amendment to the charter of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the amended charter were released Saturday via Xinhua News Agency.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Trump suggests he will be arrested next week. ecns.cn Former U.S. President Donald Trump suggested on Saturday that he will be arrested next week.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). China to launch Einstein Probe to observe changing universe. ecns.cn China plans to launch a new X-ray astronomical satellite, Einstein Probe (EP), at the end of this year, said Yuan Weimin, principal investigator of the satellite project.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Two new plant species discovered in SW China. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have discovered two new plant species in a giant panda habitat in southwest China's Sichuan Province, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) said Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). 14 killed in 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador. ecns.cn The death toll from the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that hit the Ecuadorian province of Guayas has risen to 14, Ecuadorian authorities said Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Beijing greenlights operation of unmanned self-driving vehicles. ecns.cn Beijing greenlighted the commercial operation of autonomous driving service without in-car safety supervisors for the first time on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Representatives from China's Xinjiang, HKSAR share own region's stories of human rights devt at UN Human Rights Council. ecns.cn Representatives from China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) appeared at the ongoing 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council to share their own stories and human rights situation to debunk disinformation.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Cradle of Civilization: Mount Emei. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Stranded Panamanian cargo ship rescued in South China Sea. ecns.cn A Panamanian cargo ship that broke down while sailing across the South China Sea has been towed to an area off the coast of South China's Guangdong Province, according to the Ministry of Transport.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Beijing subway pilots AI inspection robot. ecns.cn The Beijing MTR Corporation has introduced an intelligent inspection robot for train maintainence. Compared with traditional inspection, the efficiency of the robot is expected to increase by over 30 percent.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Cross-sea subway starts operation in NE China's Liaoning. ecns.cn Dalian Metro Line 5, the first cross-sea subway line in northeast China's Liaoning province, opened to traffic on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Car boot sale boosts night economy in NE China. ecns.cn Hundreds of people and cars decorated with colorful lights and eye-catching shop signs swarmed a local car boot sale bazaar in Shenyang, capital of northeast China's Liaoning Province on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Chengdu to resume flight to Tashkent. ecns.cn Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province, will resume direct flights to Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan on March 27. By then, the flight time from Chengdu to Tashkent will be shortened to less than 6 hours. Cultural exchanges and trade cooperation between Uzbekistan and Sichuan will be more convenient.

Evan Greer, Fairness, Accuracy in Reporting. (2023-03-19). Action Alert: Trump Rules Remain At FCC As Democrats Cave To Big Cable. popularresistance.org Remember Ajit Pai, the former Verizon lawyer Trump put in charge of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)? When he gutted net neutrality rules and kneecapped the agency's ability to regulate telecom monopolies, voters from across the political spectrum were outraged. The internet erupted in protest. | Millions of people from across the political spectrum called their elected officials and submitted comments to the FCC, and thousands took to the streets. It was a rare moment of genuinely popular public revolt that defied partisan DC logic. If there's one thing everyone can agree on, it's that we don't want o…

Fight Back (2023-03-19). UTLA and SEIU Local 99 hold mass rally and call for 3-day strike. fightbacknews.org Los Angeles, CA — On March 15, the United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) and SEIU Local 99, which represents cafeteria workers, bus drivers, custodians, teacher assistants and other education workers, held a massive rally at Grand Park in Downtown Los Angeles. The action culminated with the announcement that UTLA and SEIU Local 99 would go on a joint three-day strike, the first in the two unions' history, from March 21-23. | Enthusiastic delegations of union members arrived from all over the LA area carrying their schools' banners or posters. Members of Centro CSO, a longtime ally of UTLA, joined the mass r…

Florida Phoenix (2023-03-19). Appellate Ruling means, Despite DeSantis, Florida Professors are free to Teach about Race, Sexism, as they see Fit. juancole.com By Michael Moline | — ( Florida Phoenix) — College professors can continue to teach hard lessons about race and sexism notwithstanding Gov. Ron DeSantis' "Stop Woke" act, his attempt to dictate how educators handle these topics. In a terse order issued Thursday, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh …

Gardens of Golden Gate Park (2023-03-19). Saturday 5/20: Gala for the Gardens. indybay.org San Francisco Botanical Garden | 1199 9th Ave | San Francisco, CA 94122…

Institute for the Critical Study of Society (2023-03-19). Sunday 3/19: War in Ukraine: One Year On: The Root Causes of Conflict. indybay.org Zoom meeting ID: 811 3335 0622 | Passcode: ICSS2717rs | us02web.zoom.us/j/81133350622?pwd=dUUyUWppbWt6djVTaElISUhocXpSUT09

Jamie Gorman, Waging Nonviolence. (2023-03-19). How To Beat The 'Fracking Frenzy'. popularresistance.org The reality of the climate crisis makes it clear that we must leave the "oil in the soil" and the "gas under the grass," as the Oilwatch International slogan goes. The fossil fuel industry knew this before anyone else. Yet the industry continues to seek new extractive frontiers on all continents in what has been labeled a "fracking frenzy" by campaigners. | In Australia, unconventional fossil gas exploration has been on the rise over the last two decades. Coal seam gas wells have been in production since 2013, while community resistance has so far prevented the threat of shale gas fracking.

Juan Cole (2023-03-19). 20 Years Ago Today, the Bush Administration Launched the Iraq War: Juan Cole: "I Have a Bad Feeling About This" juancole.com To mark the 20th anniversary of the Iraq War, here are some brief blog entries Juan Cole made in the run-up to the war expressing caution and pessimism about the triumphalist rhetoric issuing from the White House and my US news organizations. Juan Cole 01/28/2003 (Remarks delivered in late 2002). The Journal of the International …

Juan Cole (2023-03-19). 20 Years Ago, the Bush Administration Launched the Iraq War: Juan Cole: "I Have a Bad Feeling About This" juancole.com To mark the 20th anniversary of the Iraq War, here are some brief blog entries Juan Cole made in the run-up to the war expressing caution and pessimism about the triumphalist rhetoric issuing from the White House and many US news organizations. Juan Cole 01/28/2003 (Remarks delivered in late 2002). The Journal of the International …

Julia Wallace, Left Voice. (2023-03-19). Teachers And Education Workers Set To Strike! popularresistance.org Los Angeles, California – On Wednesday March 15, tens of thousands of teachers and education workers rallied at the steps of Los Angeles City Hall. The joint rally of K-12 teachers (UTLA) and education support staff (SEIU 99) was organized to announce plans for both unions to go on strike, with SEIU 99 taking the lead in the fight for better wages, improved staff to student ratios, and an end to harassment by administrators. The mood was lively, with a mariachi band made up of teachers playing for the crowd, teachers and support staff dancing to the music, and pockets of teachers and education workers striking up…

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-19). Minnesota Becomes 4th State to Provide Free Meals to All Kids at Public Schools. truthout.org Surrounded by students, teachers, and advocates, Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz on Friday afternoon signed into law a bill to provide breakfast and lunch at no cost to all of the state's roughly 820,000 K-12 pupils regardless of their household income. The move to make Minnesota the fourth U.S. state to guarantee universal free school meals — joining California, Maine… |

Kerbie Joseph (2023-03-19). The continued silent invasion of Haiti. liberationnews.org In coordination with Washington, Canada has begun a "significant military deployment in Haiti."

Kevin Gosztola (2023-03-19). The Beginning Of The Iraq War: March 19, 2003. thedissenter.org The Dissenter Newsletter concludes its project recounting what happened in the month leading up to the US invasion of Iraq, 20 years ago.

Khury Petersen-Smith (2023-03-19). We Need to Talk About Gun Manufacturers. truthout.org There is a familiar pattern after the mass shootings that have become a well-known feature of American life. The initial shock and grief gives way to demands for greater regulation of gun ownership by Democrats, while Republicans dismiss such measures and blame mental illness instead. But if we actually want to do something about it, we need to have new conversations. We often talk about where and… |

Luis Feliz Leon, Jane Slaughter, Labor Notes. (2023-03-19). It's A New Day In The United Auto Workers. popularresistance.org The machine will churn no more. Nearly 80 years of top-down one-party rule in the United Auto Workers are coming to an end. Reformer Shawn Fain is set to be the winner in the runoff for the UAW presidency. | As of Thursday night, Fain had a 505-vote edge, 69,386 to 68,881, over incumbent Ray Curry of the Administration Caucus. Curry was appointed by the union's executive board in 2021. There are around 600 unresolved challenged ballots. (This story will be updated with the final vote tally when we have it.) | "By now, the writing is on the wall: change is coming to the UAW," said Fain. "You, the members, have alr…

Maurizio Guerrero (2023-03-19). Advocates Call for Regulatory Change After Blocking Deportation of Woman in Coma. truthout.org This story was originally published at Prism. After community members and nonprofit organizations forced a hospital in Allentown, Pennsylvania, to halt the deportation of an immigrant woman in a coma to the Dominican Republic, advocates are now pushing local and state elected officials to regulate so-called medical deportations: the involuntary removal of undocumented immigrants unable to pay for… |

Patrick Lawrence, Scheer Post. (2023-03-19). China's Great Leap In The Middle East. popularresistance.org History's wheel turned last Friday, when Iranian and Saudi Arabian officials agreed in Beijing to re-establish their bilateral diplomatic relations, which Riyadh severed seven years ago. Reflecting on this momentous development over the weekend, I'll put it up there with the American defeat in Vietnam, April 1975, for its magnitude. The world we live in this week is not the same as the world we lived in last week. | With the stroke of a pen—three pens, actually—China, the Islamic Republic, and the Saudi kingdom have altered the fundamental dynamic of global politics. The two Middle Eastern powers have…

Pink Knight Press (2023-03-19). Protest: Charlie Kirk at UC Davis. indybay.org On March 14, U.C. Davis hosted Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk to around 300 attendees and a fierce student-led resistance of the same number.

Ramzy Baroud, Mintpress News. (2023-03-19). Israel Protests Should Not Be Confused With Palestinian Struggle For Equality. popularresistance.org As hundreds of thousands throughout Israel joined anti-government protests, questions began to arise regarding how this movement would affect, or possibly merge, into the broader struggle against the Israeli military occupation and apartheid in Palestine. | Pro-Palestine media outlets shared, with obvious excitement, news about statements made by Hollywood celebrities, like Mark Ruffalo, about the need to "sanction the new hard rightwing government of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu." | Netanyahu, who sits at the heart of the current controversy and mass protests, struggled to find a single pilot for…

Rebecca Burns (2023-03-19). LEVER WEEKLY: Too Small To Regulate, Now Too Big To Fail. levernews.com

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-19). Strategic Partnership: British foreign secretary follows Blinken to Kazakhstan. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Astana TimesMarch 18, 2023 UK Foreign Secretary Visits Kazakhstan, Meets President Tokayev Also see: State Department's next Ukraine? Blinken in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is the United Kingdom's primary trading partner in Central Asia, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the UK James Cleverly said during his meeting with President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in …

Ryan Cristián (2023-03-19). The Pirate Stream: Dialectical Dissidents — Episode 11. thelastamericanvagabond.com Join us on today's episode of The Pirate Stream — Dialectical Dissidents. Pirate Stream Media is a new platform of dedicated content creators focused on circumventing the tightly controlled, manipulated, and outright censored media space of today (both corporate and independent media) with a commitment to objectivity, integrity, and a stark awareness of the two

San José May Day Coalition (2023-03-19). Saturday 3/25: May Day 2023 Community Screen Printing Event. indybay.org San José Peace & Justice Center | 48 South 7th Street | San José, CA 95112…

Shane Burley (2023-03-19). Fascists Are Attempting to Win Followers by Rebranding as Antiwar. truthout.org The idea of a political coalition that mixes self-identified communists with neo-Nazis may seem implausible at first. However, a February 19 rally in Washington, D.C., branded as an effort to "Rage Against the War Machine," brought together dissident parts of the left and the right into common opposition to the U.S. and North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) role in Russia's war on Ukraine. |

Staff (2023-03-19). Tarek William sobre Cuba: "Uno aquí siente la energía poderosa de una Revolución, de un pueblo que tiene una historia mundial" cubadebate.cu "Para mí es muy grato, es un gran honor que el Presidente, el Jefe del Estado cubano nos haya recibido y hayamos podido intercambiar sobre todos los temas que están en la mesa, diría yo", afirmó en entrevista con la prensa Tarek William Saab, actual Fiscal General de Venezuela, cuyo rostro resulta familiar a los cubanos desde hace mucho tiempo.

Staff (2023-03-19). El desafío de mantener la luz en Cuba (+ Fotos y Video). cubadebate.cu Al limpiar los condensadores, tenemos que abrir una tapa enorme y meternos ahí dentro con una peste horrible a pescado podrido y escaramujo. Y además, con un calor insoportable de 40 grados o más. La gente entra y sale cada diez minutos para aguantar y se turna con los demás compañeros. Y todo eso, mojados con agua salada y vapor condensado. Eso no se paga con nada.

Staff (2023-03-19). Estados Unidos vence a Venezuela y avanza a semifinales del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023. cubadebate.cu Estados Unidos se impuso a Venezuela por 9 carreras a 7 en un partido de cuartos de final del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023. Con este triunfo, Estados Unidos clasificó a las semifinales del torneo y se enfrentará a Cuba, que avanzó como primero del grupo A y derrotó en cuartos a Australia por 4-3.

Staff (2023-03-19). La imagen del día: A seguir luchando y soñando con la victoria. cubadebate.cu El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, compartió en su cuenta de la red social Twitter un mensaje de apoyo al equipo cubano en el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol que desde el edificio de la Cancillería puede leerse esta noche gracias a la técnica del video mapping. A seguir luchando y soñando con la victoria, escibió Rodríguez Parrilla.

Staff (2023-03-19). Mipyme Marca Billy: Avalancha de gorras con la etiqueta #TeamAsere (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Alexei Batte Medina es dueño de la mipyme Marca Billy, dedicada a la confección de gorras y camisas personalizadas. A raíz del éxito del equipo Cuba en el Clásico Mundial, se decidió a comenzar a elaborar productos con la etiqueta #TeamAsere, pero nunca imaginó que fuera tanta la demanda y la popularidad. El periodista Luis de Jesús conversó con él.

Staff (2023-03-19). Para apuntar: øCuáles son los países que reconocen a la Corte Penal Internacional y cuáles no? cubadebate.cu La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) es una organización con sede en La Haya (Países Bajos), cuya misión declarada es juzgar por crímenes de lesa humanidad. No obstante, a diferencia de la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ), el órgano judicial de la ONU, la CPI no cuenta con reconocimiento internacional, como tampoco de China, Rusia ni EEUU.

Staff (2023-03-19). Para apuntar: Detalles del equipo de Cuba en el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023. cubadebate.cu Estados Unidos clasificó a las semifinales del torneo y se enfrentará a Cuba, que avanzó como primero del grupo A y derrotó en cuartos a Australia por 4-3. El duelo se realizará mañana domingo en Miami. El ganador disputará la final contra el vencedor del choque entre Japón y México. Conozca algunos detalles técnicos sobre el equipo cubano.

Staff (2023-03-19). Presidente de Serbia advierte que orden de tribunal penal internacional contra Putin complica negociaciones con Kosovo. cubadebate.cu El presidente de Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, ha advertido que la orden de arresto emitida por el Tribunal Penal Internacional contra el presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, iba a dificultar las conversaciones de alto nivel previstas para este sábado en Ohrid para normalizar las relaciones con Kosovo. La posición de Serbia en Ohrid será más difícil, dijo.

Staff (2023-03-19). Voleibol de playa: Noslen Díaz y Jorge Luis Alayo terminan novenos en el Beach Pro Tour Challenge de La Paz. cubadebate.cu La mejor pareja cubana de voleibol de playa del momento, Noslen Díaz y Jorge Luis Alayo, cedieron en la ronda de octavos de final del Beach Pro Tour Challenge que acoge la ciudad mexicana de La Paz y terminaron en el noveno puesto del torneo. Esa actuación representa el mejor rendimiento de los antillanos en torneos de primer nivel internacional.

Staff (2023-03-19). Bashar Al-Assad inicia su segunda visita a Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos desde 2011. cubadebate.cu El presidente de Siria, Bashar Al-Assad, inició este domingo una visita oficial a Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos (EAU), durante la cual sostendrá conversaciones con las máximas autoridades de esta nación del Golfo Arábigo. Se trata de la segunda visita de su tipo del mandatario sirio a EAU desde el estallido de la guerra en 2011.

Staff (2023-03-19). Colombia, Cuba y México avanzan en iniciativa de la Agencia de Medicamentos de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. cubadebate.cu Colombia, Cuba y México avanzan en iniciativa de la Agencia de Medicamentos de Latinoamérica y el Caribe., un proyecto anunciado en enero de 2023, durante la VII Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac) y será un modelo regional para mostrar la eficacia en el desempeño de las funciones reguladoras.

Staff (2023-03-19). øCómo el sistema ruso de pagos Mir implementado en Cuba "escapa" a sanciones y bloqueos? cubadebate.cu El sistema de pagos ruso comenzó a implementarse en cajeros de La Habana el 13 de marzo. Expertos consideran que la iniciativa favorecerá las transacciones de turistas o empresarios de Rusia en la isla, sorteará las implicaciones de bloqueos y sanciones, y consolidará sus vínculos comerciales en sectores como la energía.

Staff (2023-03-19). ETECSA informa sobre marcha del mantenimiento en sus redes. cubadebate.cu Las acciones ejecutadas hasta el momento se han cumplido según el cronograma previsto. La próxima acción de alta importancia se realizará en la madrugada del 20 de marzo (00: 00-06: 00), en esta oportunidad se trabajará en equipos de la red que soportan los servicios móviles a través del APN nauta.

Staff (2023-03-19). Lasso declara en estado de emergencia a la provincia de Azuay tras terremoto. cubadebate.cu El gobierno de Ecuador declaró este domingo el estado de emergencia a la provincia de Azuay, tras las consecuencias del sismo de 6.5 grados en la escala de Richter que provocó 13 deslizamientos en ese territorio. El presidente Guillermo Lasso indicó que es una prioridad intervenir de manera inmediata las principales vías que conectan con esta zona del país andino.

Staff (2023-03-19). Tasas están vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este 19 de marzo. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este domingo 19 de marzo de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-03-19). Tekashi 6ix9ine protagonizó pelea en el Clásico Mundial Béisbol y policías lo sacaron ebrio del estadio (+ Video y Tuit). cubadebate.cu Tekashi 6ix9ine protagoniza pelea con aficionados de Puerto Rico en partido de beisbol. Mediante redes sociales el rapero fue criticado por su comportamiento en las tribunas. En las que de acuerdo con testigos se burló de los fanáticos boricuas y generó problemas por 'malacopa', mientras sostenía la bandera de México. En un vídeo compartido en redes sociales y que rápidamente se hizo viral se puede ver al famoso artistas ser retirado del inmueble por la seguridad del campeonato, lo que desató muchos comentarios negativos.

Staff (2023-03-19). The Financial Times: El suizo UBS pagará 2 mil millones por la compra de su rival Credit Suisse. cubadebate.cu El acuerdo se podría firmar este mismo domingo por la noche, antes de que abran los mercados asiáticos. Ni UBS ni Credit Suisse ni las autoridades suizas han confirmado esta información por el momento. El principal banco suizo habría presentado una oferta inicial de 1.000 millones de dólares que habría sido rechazada por considerarla demasiado baja.

Staff (2023-03-19). Tras un histórico reinicio de relaciones, rey saudita invita a Riad al presidente iraní. cubadebate.cu El rey de Arabia Saudita, Salmán bin Abdulaziz al Saud, ha invitado al presidente de la República Islámica de Irán, Ebrahim Raisi, a realizar una visita de Estado a Riad, comunicó el subjefe de gabinete de la presidencia iraní para asuntos políticos, Mohammad Jamshidi.

Staff (2023-03-19). Unión Eléctrica no prevé afectaciones al servicio este domingo 19 de marzo. cubadebate.cu Para el horario pico se estima una disponibilidad de 2800 MW y una demanda máxima de 2450 MW, para una reserva de 350 MW. Se prevé el completamiento y la entrada de varias unidades que aportarán más capacidad al sistema. De mantenerse las condiciones previstas, no se pronostica afectaciones al servicio eléctrico en este horario.

Staff (2023-03-19). La golosina del Clásico Mundial: Cuba-Estados Unidos. cubadebate.cu Hasta bien entrada la noche de este sábado no conocimos el adversario de nuestra selección, salido del encuentro de cuartos de final entre Venezuela y los norteños, quienes decidieron en el octavo capítulo por un Grand Slam de Trea Turner, que puso el marcador 9-7 sin poderlo remontar los morochos. Esa es la magia de la pelota. Que nadie está seguro de la victoria hasta el último swing o lanzamiento. Los venezolanos jugaron quizás el mejor Clásico desde el 2006.

Staff (2023-03-19). World BEYOND War: What the United Nations Should Be. davidswanson.org

Steve Melendez (2023-03-19). American Indian Genocide Museum at Austin Expo. indybay.org We are here today at the SXSW Conference and Expo here in Austin, Texas telling our story because we know if we don't, no one else will. We are here today to bring awareness that past injustices are still being experienced today. We are here today to bring awareness that the racism of the past is still the cornerstone of American laws. Gone perhaps are the scalp bounties paid for Indian men, women, and children but, on the other hand, not one treaty has ever been honored.

teleSUR, jaa, JCM (2023-03-19). China lanza nuevo satélite de observación de la Tierra. telesurtv.net El envío del satélite denominado Gaofen-13 02 fue realizado desde el Centro de Lanzamientos de Xinchang, sito en la provincia de Sichuan.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). Reportan masacre en club nocturno en el norte de Quito, Ecuador. telesurtv.net El Ministerio del Interior y la Policía Nacional hasta las 11H00 horas no habían dado información oficial sobre el suceso.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). México jugará semifinales en Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. telesurtv.net La novena mexicana remontó un marcador adverso cuando los boricuas metieron cuatro carreras en la primera entrada.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). Franceses protestan contra reforma de pensiones tras su aprobación. telesurtv.net Manifestantes contra la reforma de pensiones lanzan papel higiénico a una prefectura en Francia.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). Sismo de magnitud 7.0 sacude norte de Perú y el sur de Ecuador. telesurtv.net Al momento no se reportan daños personales, pero en Tumbes, situada al extremo noroeste del país, ya se reportaron los primeras consecuencias materiales.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). Putin realiza visita a Crimea, territorio reunificado con Rusia. telesurtv.net El mandatario ruso ha estado en la Escuela de Arte y en el centro infantil Korsun en Quersoneso, en las afueras del puerto de Sebastopol-…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). Türkiye y Egipto elevarán relaciones diplomáticas al más alto nivel. twitter.com Cavusoglu es el primer ministro de Relaciones Exteriores en visitar Egipto desde Türkiye después de 11 años.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). Türkiye anuncia la prórroga del acuerdo de granos del Mar Negro. telesurtv.net "Como resultado de nuestras negociaciones, hemos conseguido una prórroga del acuerdo sobre el corredor de granos", informó el presidente turco.

teleSUR, JDO, SH (2023-03-19). Aumenta a 14 la cifra de fallecidos por sismo en Ecuador. telesurtv.net De acuerdo al último balance ofrecido por el Gobierno de Ecuador, se reportaron 12 fallecidos en El Oro y dos en Azuay.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-19). Estadounidenses rechazan guerras y medidas de presión de la Casa Blanca. telesurtv.net Masiva movilización en Washington contra el belicismo del Gobierno de EE.UU. y la OTAN. Recuerdan los 20 años de la invasión de EE.UU. a Iraq.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-19). Mexicanos conmemoran aniversario de la expropiación petrolera. telesurtv.net El presidente López Obrador dejó claro que México "es un país independiente y libre, no una colonia, no un protectorado de Estados Unidos.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2023-03-19). Unicef: 10 millones de niños en Sahel central necesitan ayuda. telesurtv.net La ONU advirtió que en los nueve primeros meses del año 2022, se confirmaron tres veces más muertes de niños en Burkina Faso, que en el mismo periodo de 2021.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-19). Decomisan mayor arsenal en la historia de Río de Janeiro. telesurtv.net El armamento era comercializado, de forma irregular, en dos tiendas ubicadas en la Baixada Fluminense.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-19). Haití movilizaría sus fuerzas armadas contra las pandillas. telesurtv.net Autoridades haitianas y funcionarios de la ONU presionan para que se despliegue una fuerza extranjera en el país.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-19). Actos violentos estremecen por quinto día nordeste de Brasil. telesurtv.net El Ministerio Público del estado asevera que los ataques son responsabilidad de líderes criminales privados de libertad.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-19). Prosiguen en Israel protestas contra reforma judicial. telesurtv.net Los manifestantes temen que el proyecto socave la democracia y la independencia de la justicia en Israel.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-19). Cifran en casi 50.000 los muertos por terremotos en Türkiye. t.co 1.9 millones de personas sobreviven en tiendas de campaña o casetas prefabricadas en las provincias turcas afectadas.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-03-19). Grupo de Puebla promueve evento en apoyo a Cristina Fernández. telesurtv.net El cónclave está destinado a denunciar la persecución judicial y política de la que está siendo víctima la exmandataria argentina.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). Comisión pospone discusión sobre juicio a presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net La aprobación del Consejo de la Administración Legislativa sería el primer filtro del procedimiento para enjuiciar políticamente al presidente ecuatoriano.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). Movimiento indígena respalda juicio político contra presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net El líder de la Conaie anunció una movilización para exigir el enjuiciamiento político del mandatario Guillermo Lasso.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). EE.UU. avanza a semifinales del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. telesurtv.net EE.UU. jugará este domingo ante el equipo de Cuba para intentar llegar a la final del torneo.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). Confirman el asesinato de cinco mujeres desaparecidas en México. telesurtv.net El fiscal del estado mexicano de Guanajuato dió a conocer de la detención de seis personas por la desaparición de seis mujeres.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). Perú sigue en alerta por lluvias en varias zonas del país. telesurtv.net Al menos 409 distritos de la costa norte y sierra de Perú se encuentran en riesgo por crecidas de ríos y deslizamientos de tierras.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). Ordenan evacuación de una playa por peligro de aluvión en Perú. telesurtv.net La Municipalidad de Punta Hermosa advirtió que el aluvión seria de gran magnitud por lo que podría generar grandes daños en la zona.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). Ataque armado deja al menos nueve muertos en el río Congo. telesurtv.net Alrededor de 22 personas fueron rescatadas con vida del ataque armado.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). Putin arriba a la ciudad de Mariupol en la región del Donbás. telesurtv.net El presidente Vladimir Putin visitó varias zonas de la ciudad portuaria de Mariupol y se entere de las labores de reconstrucción de la localidad.

Travis Ross, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-19). Renewed Calls For International Solidarity From Haiti. popularresistance.org A coalition of trade unions in Haiti recently published the "Ouanaminthe Declaration." This followed a two-day gathering by members of The Confederation of Haitian Workers (La Confédération des travailleurs haàØtiens – CTH) and the Confederation of Public and Private Sector Workers (la Confédération des travailleurs et travailleuses des secteurs public et privé – CTSP). | The gathering was held in Ouanaminthe, Haiti. Located near the Dominican-Haitian border, on January 25 and 26, 2023. | The declaration was drafted a few days after the announcement of de facto PM Ariel Henry's "December 21 Accord" – the N…

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-19). #FeesMustFall — South Africa's Student Movement for Free Education. unicornriot.ninja

WSWS (2023-03-19). Kenyan government threatens crackdown against cost-of-living demonstration, as protests erupt across Africa. wsws.org Across Africa, mass protests are being held in South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, and Senegal, as well as Kenya.

WSWS (2023-03-19). Rough sleeping rises in UK amid tidal wave of homelessness. wsws.org The homeless charity Shelter described the private sector as like the wild west, with people gazumped and tenants evicted and replaced with higher paying tenants.

WSWS (2023-03-19). UK Royal Mail posties contact WSWS to describe brutal conditions and collusion of Communication Workers Union with management. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site received further correspondence over the weekend from postal workers around the country. They are speaking out against the crushing increase in workloads facilitated by the collusion of the Communication Workers Union with Royal Mail.

Zoya Teirstein (2023-03-19). The Questionable Economic Calculus Behind the Willow Project. truthout.org This story was originally published by Grist. You can subscribe to its weekly newsletter here. President Joe Biden's decision to approve the massive Willow oil project earlier this week infuriated climate advocates and environmentalists while drawing praise from Alaska politicians and oil industry figures. As the Biden administration weighed the benefits and drawbacks of the project over the past… |

JANET (2023-03-19). International Working Women'S Day March 8 in pictures. iacenter.org By Kathy Durkin March 18, 2023 European socialists established this special day in 1910 to build solidarity among women workers around the world. They knew that in order to achieve real liberation for women workers and oppressed people that an anti-capitalist struggle must be waged, and that only socialism could ensure their rights would be upheld and expanded. During this International Women's History Month, Workers World sends solidarity to women workers, people of all genders and oppressed people around the world. Click to view slideshow. [* FULL CAPTION: Women in Manila, the Philippines fight for workers' rig…

JANET (2023-03-19). NYC — March 25: Women speak out for human needs, not war/25 de marzo: Mujeres hablan por las necesidades humanas, no por la guerra. iacenter.org

Prof. Bill Willers (2023-03-19). America's New "Angels of Death": Inject Humanity with a Gene-altering Death-dealing Technology. Medical Professionals Cannot Claim Ignorance. globalresearch.ca

≈Ωivadin Jovanoviƒá (2023-03-19). –û –°–ê–ù–ö–¶–ò–à–ê–ú–ê –ò –î–ò–à–ê–õ–û–ì–£. globalresearch.ca –°–≤–∏ —á–ª–∞–Ω—Ü–∏ –ì–ª–æ–±–∞–ª–Ω–æ–≥ –∏—Å—Ç—Ä–∞–∂–∏–≤–∞—ö–∞ –º–æ–≥—É —Å–µ —á–∏—Ç–∞—Ç–∏ –Ω–∞ 51 —ò–&micr…

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-03-19). Die gute Nachricht: Die Welt scheint sich trotz anhaltender Probleme langsam aber sicher zum Besseren zu verà§ndern. globalresearch.ca Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb des Namens des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Folgen Sie …

Neil Clark (2023-03-19). The War on Yugoslavia 24 years Ago: Milosevic Exonerated by the ICTY, as the NATO War Machine Moves on. globalresearch.ca On the 24th of March 2023, the people of Serbia will be commemorating NATO's illegal and criminal invasion of Yugoslavia. | . | Twenty-four years ago in the early hours of March 24, 1999, NATO began the bombing of the Federal Socialist …

Junaid S. Ahmad (2023-03-19). Chaos in Pakistan: Imran Khan Takes on America and Its "Comprador Elites" globalresearch.ca

Glen Rangwala (2023-03-19). 20 Lies About the Iraq War. globalresearch.ca

Peter Koenig (2023-03-19). Credit Suisse: Down the Drain, or Converting Into a Bank for the People. globalresearch.ca

Asa Winstanley (2023-03-19). Martin Forde interview makes UK's fake media left squirm. electronicintifada.net Lawyer found racism in Labour was not treated seriously — apart from alleged anti-Semitism.

Staff (2023-03-19). On April 2nd, Let's Take Peace into Our Own Hands. davidswanson.org

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-19). Nineteenth anniversary of Kosovo Kristallnacht perpetrated on NATO's watch. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Tanjug News AgencyMarch 17, 2023 Today marks 19th anniversary of anti-Serb pogrom in Kosovo-Metohija Kosovo-Metohija Serbs were targeted by a pogrom 19 years ago, on March 17-19, 2004. It was the second large pogrom Serbs in the province suffered at the hands of ethnic Albanians after the end of the 1999 NATO aggression on Serbia, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-19). Stoltenberg, von der Leyen inspect sea floor off Norway as part of war with Russia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMarch 17, 2023 Secretary General off the coast of Norway: NATO is stepping up protection of critical infrastructure NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg visited the Troll A offshore natural gas platform off the west coast of Norway on Friday (17 March 2023), together with Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Stà∏re, European Commission President Ursula von …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-19). NATO chieftain meets DM, FM of sixth NATO member to border Russia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMarch 20, 2023 NATO Secretary General meets the Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Defence of Finland On Monday, 20 March 2023, the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, will receive Finland's Foreign Affairs Minister, Pekka Haavisto, and Defence Minister, Antti Kaikkonen, at NATO Headquarters. NATOMarch 17, 2023 Statement by Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Finland …

Michelle Begue (2023-03-19). Grounded fleet at Viva Air worsens Colombia air transport. america.cgtn.com Colombian low-cost airline Viva Air has shut down due to financial difficulties and delays in its merger with Avianca, leaving passengers stranded in airports across the country.

Joel Richards (2023-03-19). Argentine inflation skyrockets over 100%. america.cgtn.com Argentina is used to high inflation. But the latest figures show that prices rose by over 100% in the past 12 months. That's the highest inflation in more than three decades.

Xiaolu Sun (2023-03-19). Check out the coolest gadgets at SXSW 2023. america.cgtn.com Toni Waterman explored the latest innovative gadgets and technologies showcased at the SXSW 2023 in Austin, Texas.

Xiaolu Sun (2023-03-19). Cuba experiences extreme lack of rain. america.cgtn.com Cuba is experiencing extreme drought conditions affecting over 400,000 people with depleted water supplies and spreading wildfires.

Staff (2023-03-19). A pesar de la lluvia, cubanos siguen en plazas y parques el juego semifinal del Clásico Mundial (+ Videos). cubadebate.cu El juego semifinal entre Estados Unidos y Cuba en el Quinto Clásico Mundial de Béisbol ha generado amplia expectativa a lo largo de todo el país, por lo que se han habilitado pantallas gigantes en parques, estadios y otras instalaciones. El béisbol aviva las pasiones en Cuba, donde hace años se necesitaba seguir un equipo como el team Asere. Por eso, esta tarde aunque la lluvia se torne caprichos no falta el apoyo a los dirigidos por Armando Johnson.

Staff (2023-03-19). Equipo cubano UH Top clasifica para la Final Mundial del Concurso Internacional de Programación. cubadebate.cu El equipo cubano UH Top de la Facultad de Matemática y Computación de la Universidad de La Habana clasificó a la Final Mundial del Concurso Internacional de Programación (ICPC) al resolver 9 problemas y ocupar el primer lugar de la región del Caribe y 47 de 309 equipos latinoamericanos.

Staff (2023-03-19). López Obrador: Hagan lo que hagan no regresarán al poder los oligarcas. cubadebate.cu Al encabezar la conmemoración por el 85 aniversario de la expropiación petrolera, ante un Zócalo y sus inmediaciones a tope, el mandatario aseveró que con el apoyo de los ciudadanos y la conciencia colectiva que hoy tiene el pueblo de México, se podrá contrarrestar la guerra sucia, las campañas de calumnias y los intentos de manipulación de sus opositores.

Staff (2023-03-19). Turoperador alemán premia a dos hoteles cubanos gestionados por Iberostar. cubadebate.cu El prestigioso galardón se adjudicó a Iberostar Selection Varadero e Iberostar Tainos, ambos situados en la península de Hicacos, en el mayor destino vacacional de Cuba. Estos resorts familiares son preferidos por huéspedes de Alemania y otros países, gracias a su excelente posición en Varadero y la variedad de alojamientos.

Staff (2023-03-19). Cuba, elecciones, calculadores y cálculos. cubadebate.cu Están entusiasmados con la idea de que el pueblo cubano, al que bombardean con la seguidilla de un sistema socialista ineficaz, elitista e incapaz y de una revolución traicionada, se lance a una ´insurrección ª silenciosa de ausencia a las urnas, o de boletas anuladas o en blanco. Se les hace la boca agua con el despropósito de que acabe de ocurrir en Cuba, cuya irredencia y resistencia histórica los tiene hasta la coronilla, lo que es una regularidad en otros procesos electorales en el mundo: un voto de castigo.

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2023-03-19: News Headlines

Renfrey Clarke (2023-03-20). SA Labor blasted about its lack of public, affordable housing. greenleft.org.au A protest about soaring rents and a lack of housing affordability was organised outside Parliament House. Renfrey Clarke reports.

Ryan Cristián (2023-03-19). The Pirate Stream: Dialectical Dissidents — Episode 11. thelastamericanvagabond.com Join us on today's episode of The Pirate Stream — Dialectical Dissidents. Pirate Stream Media is a new platform of dedicated content creators focused on circumventing the tightly controlled, manipulated, and outright censored media space of today (both corporate and independent media) with a commitment to objectivity, integrity, and a stark awareness of the two

Charles Pierce (2023-03-19). Attack on Antiwar Activists Exemplifies Russophobia Among "Leftist" Apologists for Western Imperialism and a Fascist-Loving Regime. covertactionmagazine.com CounterPunch podcaster Eric Draitser has published a hit piece attacking veteran anti-war activists Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies in the form of a review of their new book, War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless War. His review, published on January 27 by an obscure avowedly socialist online magazine named Tempest, and …

Staff (2023-03-19). Tekashi 6ix9ine protagonizó pelea en el Clásico Mundial Béisbol y policías lo sacaron ebrio del estadio (+ Video y Tuit). cubadebate.cu Tekashi 6ix9ine protagoniza pelea con aficionados de Puerto Rico en partido de beisbol. Mediante redes sociales el rapero fue criticado por su comportamiento en las tribunas. En las que de acuerdo con testigos se burló de los fanáticos boricuas y generó problemas por 'malacopa', mientras sostenía la bandera de México. En un vídeo compartido en redes sociales y que rápidamente se hizo viral se puede ver al famoso artistas ser retirado del inmueble por la seguridad del campeonato, lo que desató muchos comentarios negativos.

Staff (2023-03-19). ETECSA informa sobre marcha del mantenimiento en sus redes. cubadebate.cu Las acciones ejecutadas hasta el momento se han cumplido según el cronograma previsto. La próxima acción de alta importancia se realizará en la madrugada del 20 de marzo (00: 00-06: 00), en esta oportunidad se trabajará en equipos de la red que soportan los servicios móviles a través del APN nauta.

Staff (2023-03-19). Lasso declara en estado de emergencia a la provincia de Azuay tras terremoto. cubadebate.cu El gobierno de Ecuador declaró este domingo el estado de emergencia a la provincia de Azuay, tras las consecuencias del sismo de 6.5 grados en la escala de Richter que provocó 13 deslizamientos en ese territorio. El presidente Guillermo Lasso indicó que es una prioridad intervenir de manera inmediata las principales vías que conectan con esta zona del país andino.

Staff (2023-03-19). The Financial Times: El suizo UBS pagará 2 mil millones por la compra de su rival Credit Suisse. cubadebate.cu El acuerdo se podría firmar este mismo domingo por la noche, antes de que abran los mercados asiáticos. Ni UBS ni Credit Suisse ni las autoridades suizas han confirmado esta información por el momento. El principal banco suizo habría presentado una oferta inicial de 1.000 millones de dólares que habría sido rechazada por considerarla demasiado baja.

Staff (2023-03-19). Tras un histórico reinicio de relaciones, rey saudita invita a Riad al presidente iraní. cubadebate.cu El rey de Arabia Saudita, Salmán bin Abdulaziz al Saud, ha invitado al presidente de la República Islámica de Irán, Ebrahim Raisi, a realizar una visita de Estado a Riad, comunicó el subjefe de gabinete de la presidencia iraní para asuntos políticos, Mohammad Jamshidi.

Staff (2023-03-19). Bashar Al-Assad inicia su segunda visita a Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos desde 2011. cubadebate.cu El presidente de Siria, Bashar Al-Assad, inició este domingo una visita oficial a Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos (EAU), durante la cual sostendrá conversaciones con las máximas autoridades de esta nación del Golfo Arábigo. Se trata de la segunda visita de su tipo del mandatario sirio a EAU desde el estallido de la guerra en 2011.

Staff (2023-03-19). Unión Eléctrica no prevé afectaciones al servicio este domingo 19 de marzo. cubadebate.cu Para el horario pico se estima una disponibilidad de 2800 MW y una demanda máxima de 2450 MW, para una reserva de 350 MW. Se prevé el completamiento y la entrada de varias unidades que aportarán más capacidad al sistema. De mantenerse las condiciones previstas, no se pronostica afectaciones al servicio eléctrico en este horario.

Staff (2023-03-19). øCómo el sistema ruso de pagos Mir implementado en Cuba "escapa" a sanciones y bloqueos? cubadebate.cu El sistema de pagos ruso comenzó a implementarse en cajeros de La Habana el 13 de marzo. Expertos consideran que la iniciativa favorecerá las transacciones de turistas o empresarios de Rusia en la isla, sorteará las implicaciones de bloqueos y sanciones, y consolidará sus vínculos comerciales en sectores como la energía.

Staff (2023-03-19). Tasas están vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este 19 de marzo. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este domingo 19 de marzo de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-03-19). La golosina del Clásico Mundial: Cuba-Estados Unidos. cubadebate.cu Hasta bien entrada la noche de este sábado no conocimos el adversario de nuestra selección, salido del encuentro de cuartos de final entre Venezuela y los norteños, quienes decidieron en el octavo capítulo por un Grand Slam de Trea Turner, que puso el marcador 9-7 sin poderlo remontar los morochos. Esa es la magia de la pelota. Que nadie está seguro de la victoria hasta el último swing o lanzamiento. Los venezolanos jugaron quizás el mejor Clásico desde el 2006.

Fight Back (2023-03-19). UTLA and SEIU Local 99 hold mass rally and call for 3-day strike. fightbacknews.org Los Angeles, CA — On March 15, the United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) and SEIU Local 99, which represents cafeteria workers, bus drivers, custodians, teacher assistants and other education workers, held a massive rally at Grand Park in Downtown Los Angeles. The action culminated with the announcement that UTLA and SEIU Local 99 would go on a joint three-day strike, the first in the two unions' history, from March 21-23. | Enthusiastic delegations of union members arrived from all over the LA area carrying their schools' banners or posters. Members of Centro CSO, a longtime ally of UTLA, joined the mass r…

_____ (2023-03-19). US Terrorist Attack on Nord Stream Pipelines and Tectonic Weapons in Turkey. journal-neo.org

Allan Fisher (2023-03-19). Saturday 3/18: Protest nonstop war and militarism – demand negotiations! indybay.org Town Clock (Water Street) Santa Cruz…

Angela (2023-03-19). Saturday 3/18: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Stitching Palestine" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-03-19). Taiwan Separatists Lose Key Ally, Honduras Recognizes China. popularresistance.org The government of Honduras has announced that it is breaking formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan and recognizing the People's Republic of China. | Honduras' leftist President Xiomara Castro had pledged during her 2021 campaign that, if she won the election, she would recognize China. This March, she fulfilled that promise. | This means that just 12 United Nations member states have formal diplomatic relations with the so-called "Republic of China" on the island of Taiwan. | The other 99.51% of the global population live in countries that formally recognize that there is only one China, and that Taiwan is a pr…

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-19). Spent Matters: The AUKUS Nuclear Waste Problem. dissidentvoice.org When Australia — vassal be thy name — assumed responsibilities for not only throwing money at both US and British shipbuilders, lending up territory and naval facilities for war like a gambling drunk, and essentially asking its officials to commit seppuku for the Imperium, another task was given. While the ditzy and dunderheaded wonders in …

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-19). Lithium Americas and Biden Violating Sacred: Digging into Paiute Massacre Site for Lithium. indybay.org Breaking News: "I cried seeing this yesterday," said Dorece Sam, Fort McDermitt Paiute, seeing the destruction of the earth on the Paiute Massacre Site at Thacker Pass for a lithium mine, in northern Nevada. "To see this shattered my heart," Sam said of the violation of the sacred. "There are no cultural monitors."

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-19). Court: U.S. Failure to Protect Pacific Humpbacks From Deadly Entanglements Was Unlawful. indybay.org SAN FRANCISCO, March 15, 2023 — A federal court ruled in favor of the Center for Biological Diversity yesterday in a lawsuit arguing that the National Marine Fisheries Service failed to protect endangered Pacific humpback whales from deadly entanglements in sablefish pot gear off California, Oregon and Washington.

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-19). Lawsuit Launched Over U.S. Delay on Petition to Phase Out Oil Drilling on Public Lands. indybay.org WASHINGTON, March 16, 2023 — Conservation groups today filed a notice of their intent to sue the U.S. Interior Department for failing to respond to a petition to phase out oil and gas extraction on public lands.

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-03-19). Chris Hedges Report: Did The US Navy Destroy The Nord Stream Pipelines? popularresistance.org On Sept. 26, 2022, a series of explosions rocked the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Denmark. Danish and Swedish authorities quickly determined that the damage done to the pipelines was not caused by earthquakes or other seismic activity, but by "blasts." The pipelines were a crucial part of Europe's energy infrastructure, delivering billions of cubic meters of gas from Russia. Over 500,000 tons of methane, a greenhouse gas 80x more damaging for the climate than carbon dioxide, were released from the explosions in the largest ever recorded single methane leak in human history.

Chuck Tripp (2023-03-19). A Message From Utah USA to China With Love. indybay.org March 10, 2023 is the 64th anniversary of the Dalai Lama's flight from Tibet to Nepal to escape imprisonment by Mao Tse Tung's Communist Chinese regime.

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-19). Saturday 3/25: MAR. 25: "WHO CARES ANYWAY": BOOK LAUNCH AND TOILING MIDGETS PERFORMANCE. indybay.org ATA Gallery is located on the corner of Valencia and 21st streets in San Francisco's Mission district … 992 Valencia St.

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-19). Saturday 4/1: ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION: FREIGHT-HOPPING + BIKING (+ GREEN BURIALS). indybay.org ATA Gallery is located on the corner of Valencia and 21st streets in San Francisco's Mission district … 992 Valencia St.

Cristen Hemingway Jaynes, Ecowatch. (2023-03-19). Global Freshwater Demand Will Exceed Supply 40% By 2030, Experts Warn. popularresistance.org Today, the planet is facing an unprecedented water crisis, with global freshwater demand predicted to exceed supply by 40 percent by 2030, President of the 77th United Nations General Assembly Csaba K≈ërà∂si said at a press conference on the upcoming UN Water Conference, as Down to Earth reported. | "The scientific evidence is that we have a water crisis. We are misusing water, polluting water, and changing the whole global hydrological cycle, through what we are doing to the climate. It's a triple crisis," Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Johan Rockstrom, who is co-ch…

Declartion for American Democracy (2023-03-19). Tuesday 3/28: American Democracy: A Way Forward for Voting Freedom. indybay.org Online event…

Dr. C. Stephen Frost (2023-03-19). Iraq War Based on Fake Intelligence: "Sexed up" Report on the Death of Weapons Inspector Dr. David Kelly: Lord Hutton Findings challenged by Medical Doctors. globalresearch.ca It was not only the intelligence which had been "sexed up", the Hutton Report, which assumed suicide without proof, had "sexed up" its findings to implement a coverup.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). AUKUS partnership aims to create a NATO replica in Asia-Pacific region: Chinese FM. ecns.cn The U.S., the UK and Australia are putting up an Anglo-Saxon clique and creating the so-called AUKUS trilateral security partnership to advance nuclear submarine cooperation and other cutting-edge military technology cooperation, which is typical Cold War mentality and a move that opens a Pandora's box, which will seriously impact regional and global peace and security, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Comicomment: 'Democracy Summit' masks hegemony under the guise of democracy. ecns.cn The United States itself has a notorious reputation in the field of democracy and is not qualified to act as a "lecturer" on human rights. The so-called "Democracy Summit"is using "democracy" as a cover to maintain hegemony, where the preservation of hegemony is the true goal and the promotion of democracy is false.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Insights | Swaran Singh: Chinese modernization unique and has global significance. ecns.cn China's modernization has become a popular topic in recent years., Dduring an exclusive interview with China News Network, Professor Swaran Singh, who teaches International Relations at Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi) and currently a visiting professor with University of British Columbia (Vancouver), gave his ideas on this topic, as well as topics on the global economy and China's roles in global governance.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Chinese FM meets Pakistani foreign secretary on bilateral ties. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang on Friday met with Pakistani Foreign Secretary Asad Majeed Khan in Beijing, saying that China will advance and deepen friendly cooperation with Pakistan.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). HKSAR, Macao SAR chief executives support formation of Hong Kong and Macao work office of CPC Central Committee. ecns.cn Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) John Lee and Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Ho Iat Seng on Thursday expressed firm support for the formation of the Hong Kong and Macao work office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). China's ministry releases top 10 scientific advances. ecns.cn China's Ministry of Science and Technology Friday released the top 10 domestic scientific advances of 2022.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). 400,000 gallons of radioactive water leaked from U.S. nuclear power plant. ecns.cn About 400,000 gallons of radioactive water has leaked from a nuclear power plant in Monticello, the midwestern U.S.The MPCA said in a news release that the leak has been stopped and has not reached the Mississippi River or contaminated drinking water sources.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Chinese researchers develop biodegradable, recyclable glass to promote sustainable economy. ecns.cn A group of Chinese material scientists created a biodegradable and recyclable form of glass with a minimal environmental footprint, which may contribute to the sustainable economy if commercialized in the future.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). China-built high-speed railway in Serbia off to roaring start. ecns.cn A total of 2.93 million passenger trips were made along the China-built high-speed railway in Serbia during the first year of its operation, according to China Railway International.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). He Jie renews Chinese men's marathon national record. ecns.cn China's He Jie improved the Chinese men's marathon national record by 46 seconds at the 2023 Wuxi Marathon on Sunday.The 24-year-old clocked two hours, seven minutes and 30 seconds to finish second in the men's race, cutting more than three minutes off his personal best and lagging 11 seconds behind winner Enock Onchari of Kenya.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Winners of China's top industry awards unveiled. ecns.cn The seventh China Grand Awards for Industry were announced on Sunday, with 19 Chinese enterprises and 19 projects named as winners.Li Yizhong, chairman of the federation, said that these enterprises and projects are expected to help drive the formation of an innovative industrial system in the country.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). (W.E. Talk ∑ In-depth) Pang Jun: How Does China's Road to Carbon Emission Reduction Avoid the "Climate Change Trap"?>. ecns.cn Is climate change a trap for western countries to restrict developing countries? Under the current technological level, carbon emission reduction surely hurts economic growth. In recent years, the United States withdrew from the Paris Agreement with the excuse of "severe finance and economic burdens".

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). China's finance ministry imposes penalty on China Huarong, Deloitte. ecns.cn China's Ministry of Finance has imposed an administrative penalty on China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd. (China Huarong) and its auditor Deloitte for severe distortion of accounting information and serious auditing defects, respectively.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Chinese researchers develop biodegradable, recyclable glass to promote sustainable economy. ecns.cn A group of Chinese material scientists created a biodegradable and recyclable form of glass with a minimal environmental footprint, which may contribute to the sustainable economy if commercialized in the future.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). China-built high-speed railway in Serbia off to roaring start. ecns.cn A total of 2.93 million passenger trips were made along the China-built high-speed railway in Serbia during the first year of its operation, according to China Railway International.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). He Jie renews Chinese men's marathon national record. ecns.cn China's He Jie improved the Chinese men's marathon national record by 46 seconds at the 2023 Wuxi Marathon on Sunday.The 24-year-old clocked two hours, seven minutes and 30 seconds to finish second in the men's race, cutting more than three minutes off his personal best and lagging 11 seconds behind winner Enock Onchari of Kenya.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Winners of China's top industry awards unveiled. ecns.cn The seventh China Grand Awards for Industry were announced on Sunday, with 19 Chinese enterprises and 19 projects named as winners.Li Yizhong, chairman of the federation, said that these enterprises and projects are expected to help drive the formation of an innovative industrial system in the country.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). (W.E. Talk ∑ In-depth) Pang Jun: How Does China's Road to Carbon Emission Reduction Avoid the "Climate Change Trap"?>. ecns.cn Is climate change a trap for western countries to restrict developing countries? Under the current technological level, carbon emission reduction surely hurts economic growth. In recent years, the United States withdrew from the Paris Agreement with the excuse of "severe finance and economic burdens".

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). China's finance ministry imposes penalty on China Huarong, Deloitte. ecns.cn China's Ministry of Finance has imposed an administrative penalty on China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd. (China Huarong) and its auditor Deloitte for severe distortion of accounting information and serious auditing defects, respectively.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). DPRK warns against U.S.-South Korea war drills with missile launch. ecns.cn The strategic forces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has conducted an intercontinental ballistic missile launch drill as a gesture of warning against the ongoing U.S.-South Korea war drills, said a state media report Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Chinese FM spokesperson addresses questions including on Brazilian president's upcoming visit. ecns.cn The following is the full text of Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin's regular press conference on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). China releases amended charter of political advisory body. ecns.cn The amendment to the charter of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the amended charter were released Saturday via Xinhua News Agency.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Trump suggests he will be arrested next week. ecns.cn Former U.S. President Donald Trump suggested on Saturday that he will be arrested next week.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). China to launch Einstein Probe to observe changing universe. ecns.cn China plans to launch a new X-ray astronomical satellite, Einstein Probe (EP), at the end of this year, said Yuan Weimin, principal investigator of the satellite project.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Two new plant species discovered in SW China. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have discovered two new plant species in a giant panda habitat in southwest China's Sichuan Province, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) said Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). 14 killed in 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Ecuador. ecns.cn The death toll from the 6.5-magnitude earthquake that hit the Ecuadorian province of Guayas has risen to 14, Ecuadorian authorities said Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Beijing greenlights operation of unmanned self-driving vehicles. ecns.cn Beijing greenlighted the commercial operation of autonomous driving service without in-car safety supervisors for the first time on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Representatives from China's Xinjiang, HKSAR share own region's stories of human rights devt at UN Human Rights Council. ecns.cn Representatives from China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) appeared at the ongoing 52nd session of the UN Human Rights Council to share their own stories and human rights situation to debunk disinformation.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). First individual infected by two Omicron subvariants reported on Chinese mainland. ecns.cn China reported its first domestic COVID-19 case of an individual co-infected by two Omicron subvariants in the country's Southwest Chongqing Municipality, stressing the increasing importance of monitoring COVID-19 variants amid the rising risk of various variants co-circulation.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Cradle of Civilization: Mount Emei. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Stranded Panamanian cargo ship rescued in South China Sea. ecns.cn A Panamanian cargo ship that broke down while sailing across the South China Sea has been towed to an area off the coast of South China's Guangdong Province, according to the Ministry of Transport.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Beijing subway pilots AI inspection robot. ecns.cn The Beijing MTR Corporation has introduced an intelligent inspection robot for train maintainence. Compared with traditional inspection, the efficiency of the robot is expected to increase by over 30 percent.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Cross-sea subway starts operation in NE China's Liaoning. ecns.cn Dalian Metro Line 5, the first cross-sea subway line in northeast China's Liaoning province, opened to traffic on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Car boot sale boosts night economy in NE China. ecns.cn Hundreds of people and cars decorated with colorful lights and eye-catching shop signs swarmed a local car boot sale bazaar in Shenyang, capital of northeast China's Liaoning Province on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-19). Chengdu to resume flight to Tashkent. ecns.cn Chengdu, capital of Sichuan Province, will resume direct flights to Tashkent, capital of Uzbekistan on March 27. By then, the flight time from Chengdu to Tashkent will be shortened to less than 6 hours. Cultural exchanges and trade cooperation between Uzbekistan and Sichuan will be more convenient.

Evan Greer, Fairness, Accuracy in Reporting. (2023-03-19). Action Alert: Trump Rules Remain At FCC As Democrats Cave To Big Cable. popularresistance.org Remember Ajit Pai, the former Verizon lawyer Trump put in charge of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)? When he gutted net neutrality rules and kneecapped the agency's ability to regulate telecom monopolies, voters from across the political spectrum were outraged. The internet erupted in protest. | Millions of people from across the political spectrum called their elected officials and submitted comments to the FCC, and thousands took to the streets. It was a rare moment of genuinely popular public revolt that defied partisan DC logic. If there's one thing everyone can agree on, it's that we don't want o…

Florida Phoenix (2023-03-19). Appellate Ruling means, Despite DeSantis, Florida Professors are free to Teach about Race, Sexism, as they see Fit. juancole.com By Michael Moline | — ( Florida Phoenix) — College professors can continue to teach hard lessons about race and sexism notwithstanding Gov. Ron DeSantis' "Stop Woke" act, his attempt to dictate how educators handle these topics. In a terse order issued Thursday, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh …

Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry (2023-03-19). Food Not Bombs Will Not Be Silenced. indybay.org

Gardens of Golden Gate Park (2023-03-19). Saturday 5/20: Gala for the Gardens. indybay.org San Francisco Botanical Garden | 1199 9th Ave | San Francisco, CA 94122…

Institute for the Critical Study of Society (2023-03-19). Sunday 3/19: War in Ukraine: One Year On: The Root Causes of Conflict. indybay.org Zoom meeting ID: 811 3335 0622 | Passcode: ICSS2717rs | us02web.zoom.us/j/81133350622?pwd=dUUyUWppbWt6djVTaElISUhocXpSUT09

Jamie Gorman, Waging Nonviolence. (2023-03-19). How To Beat The 'Fracking Frenzy'. popularresistance.org The reality of the climate crisis makes it clear that we must leave the "oil in the soil" and the "gas under the grass," as the Oilwatch International slogan goes. The fossil fuel industry knew this before anyone else. Yet the industry continues to seek new extractive frontiers on all continents in what has been labeled a "fracking frenzy" by campaigners. | In Australia, unconventional fossil gas exploration has been on the rise over the last two decades. Coal seam gas wells have been in production since 2013, while community resistance has so far prevented the threat of shale gas fracking.

Jeremy Earp (2023-03-19). Who's in Control of How We Remember the Iraq War? indybay.org Orwell and newspeak vs. history and democracy…

Juan Cole (2023-03-19). 20 Years Ago Today, the Bush Administration Launched the Iraq War: Juan Cole: "I Have a Bad Feeling About This" juancole.com To mark the 20th anniversary of the Iraq War, here are some brief blog entries Juan Cole made in the run-up to the war expressing caution and pessimism about the triumphalist rhetoric issuing from the White House and my US news organizations. Juan Cole 01/28/2003 (Remarks delivered in late 2002). The Journal of the International …

Julia Wallace, Left Voice. (2023-03-19). Teachers And Education Workers Set To Strike! popularresistance.org Los Angeles, California – On Wednesday March 15, tens of thousands of teachers and education workers rallied at the steps of Los Angeles City Hall. The joint rally of K-12 teachers (UTLA) and education support staff (SEIU 99) was organized to announce plans for both unions to go on strike, with SEIU 99 taking the lead in the fight for better wages, improved staff to student ratios, and an end to harassment by administrators. The mood was lively, with a mariachi band made up of teachers playing for the crowd, teachers and support staff dancing to the music, and pockets of teachers and education workers striking up…

Karl Kramer (2023-03-19). Friday 3/24: State of Repression in El Salvador. indybay.org Redstone Labor Temple, | 2940 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | (between Mission and South Van Ness, | half block from 16th St. BART)…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-19). 12th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference returns to Atlanta, Georgia. indybay.org Everyone is welcome to join us in Atlanta, Georgia August 10-14, 2023 in Downtown Atlanta Olympic Village, Morris Brown College and key Agriculture locations.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-19). Friday 3/24: Kickoff Celebration for the 11th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference. indybay.org The Grand Buffet | 1215 J Street | Sacramento, CA. 95814…

Labor Video Project (2023-03-19). Solidarity With East Palestine/Hunters Point & Nationalize The Railroads: Action in SF. indybay.org

Luis Feliz Leon, Jane Slaughter, Labor Notes. (2023-03-19). It's A New Day In The United Auto Workers. popularresistance.org The machine will churn no more. Nearly 80 years of top-down one-party rule in the United Auto Workers are coming to an end. Reformer Shawn Fain is set to be the winner in the runoff for the UAW presidency. | As of Thursday night, Fain had a 505-vote edge, 69,386 to 68,881, over incumbent Ray Curry of the Administration Caucus. Curry was appointed by the union's executive board in 2021. There are around 600 unresolved challenged ballots. (This story will be updated with the final vote tally when we have it.) | "By now, the writing is on the wall: change is coming to the UAW," said Fain. "You, the members, have alr…

Martin Edwin Andersen (2023-03-19). Cathy A. Harris, LGBTQIA2S+ people & the U.S. Merit(less) Systems Protection Board (MSPB). indybay.org As a private attorney in a Washington, D.C. law firm Cathy A. Harris served as the chair of the firm's Sexual Harassment and LGBT Practice sections. As Acting Chair of the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, she refuses to honestly address anti-LGBTQIA2S+ hate at the National Defense University (NDU) and the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA). You be the judge.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is multiple myeloma? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon form of blood cancer that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, according the American Cancer Society. March is Myeloma Awareness Month. People younger than 45 rarely get the disease, and it occurs more in older men than women. And your risk is doubled if you're African American. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/pShHvj3Y3Nw Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 06) is in the downloads at the end of this post….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is the best sleeping position? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most people spend a third of their lives either asleep or resting, according to the Sleep Foundation. During sleep, the body recharges and repairs itself. And a good night's sleep often can be determined by what position you are lying in bed. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/F_x-SDYUvZk Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 11) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Back-sleepers beware. "I know…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Consumer Health: Are you at risk for MS? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MS Awareness Week will be observed March 12—19, which makes this a good time to learn about who might be at risk of developing this potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis, or MS, affects nearly 1 million people living in the U.S., according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. With MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers, and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Consumer Health: Don't let the time change get you down. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org For much of the U.S. and many places around the world, daylight saving time begins Sunday, March 12, when clocks are turned forward one hour. Sleep provides the foundation for all your daily habits and decisions. Getting enough quality rest each night is essential for optimal health. Regularly sleeping less than seven hours per night is associated with weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and depression. Lack of sleep also can affect your immune system and heart health. But a time shift ‚Äï…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Shame and guilt eating: Tackling binge-eating disorders. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most people occasionally eat too much. They may fill up an extra plate with seconds at a special event, enjoy another piece of pie at a holiday gathering or eat popcorn until stuffed at the movies. But for some people, overeating becomes excessive. It crosses the line from an occasional indulgence to a binge-eating disorder when overeating feels out of control and happens on a regular basis. It's the most common eating disorder in the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Science Saturday: Expanding regenerative biotherapeutics to new practice areas. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As a physician at the forefront of new cancer therapies, Yi Lin, M.D., Ph.D., understands the highs and lows that patients experience. Will the latest technologies slow or stop disease? If not, is this the last, best option? Dr. Lin, a hematologist, sees the need for a new class of drugs that provides different treatment choices for patients with complex conditions, such as cancer. As the new associate medical director for Mayo Clinic's Center for Regenerative Biotherapeutics, …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How can hospice care provide comfort to those with terminal illnesses? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a loved one who was referred for hospice care. I'm not sure what this means. Can you share more about what hospice care is and how it may help my family member? ANSWER: Hospice care might be an option for people who are nearing the end of life due to a terminal illness and have exhausted all other treatment options. Unlike other medical care, the focus of hospice care is not to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Mayo Clinic Minute: What's the right colorectal cancer screening option for you? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Colorectal cancer is a cancer of the lower digestive system, which includes the colon and the rectum. If you feel like you are hearing a lot about this topic lately, it's because March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. The goal is to increase awareness and encourage people 45 and over to get screened. And that doesn't just mean a colonoscopy. Did you know that there's more than one option for a colorectal cancer screening? That's…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). 5 ways to get better sleep. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You're not alone if you have trouble falling or staying asleep. Many people struggle with sleep — and that's a problem, since sleep plays a crucial role in your health, energy levels and ability to function at your best. Most adults require seven to eight hours of sleep each night to feel well-rested and energized each day. If restless nights have become the norm for you or you find that your sleep is not refreshing,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How a heart condition affects the kidneys and causes swelling. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently began experiencing swelling in my legs, feet and hands, as well as fatigue. Testing led to a diagnosis of pericardial constriction. Can you explain what this is and how it's treated? Is there anything I can do to reduce the swelling? ANSWER: Pericardial constriction is a condition with multiple possible causes. It can be due to underlying medical conditions and may even result from certain medical treatments. Swelling, or edema, is one…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Is it allergies or a sinus infection? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have had allergies since childhood, suffering during both the spring and fall seasons. This past month, however, I am experiencing more congestion and mucus, and I even have some facial pain. I'm beginning to wonder if my symptoms are really from allergies or if they may be caused by a sinus infection instead. How can I tell the difference? ANSWER: Allergies and sinus infections often are mistaken for one another. But they are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Mayo Clinic Minute: Does one moldy berry spoil the whole bunch? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Spring is around the corner, which means the beginning of berry season. Berries can be a great source of potassium and vitamins C and K, and can also promote a healthy gut. While berries are among the healthiest foods to eat, if not stored properly, they can get mushy and grow mold. But a little bit of mold doesn't necessarily mean the whole batch goes to waste. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). 'Deaths of Despair' contribute to 17% rise in Minnesota's death rate during COVID-19 pandemic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — According to a new study published by Mayo Clinic researchers, the COVID-19 pandemic was linked to a 17% increase in the death rate in Minnesota during the first year of the pandemic compared to the two previous years. Deaths were driven by both COVID-19 and other causes linked with preventable "deaths of despair," such as overdose, alcohol use and malnutrition. The study analyzed Minnesota death certificate data available through the Rochester Epidemiology…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Mayo Clinic monitoring rising avian influenza cases, preparing for potential human-to-human outbreak. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The recent death of an 11-year-old girl in Cambodia's Prey Veng province infected with avian influenza has reinvigorated concern over the virus potentially gaining the ability to spread among humans. And while experts maintain the risk of that happening "remains low" at this time, the World Health Organization has said that increasing reports of avian influenza infection in humans are "worrying." Matthew Binnicker, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic's director of Clinical Virology, agrees. "The primary concern is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Pelvic floor issues aren't just a woman's health condition, Kegels can work for men, too. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org LA CROSSE, Wis. — Women often are told about the importance of Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. It turns out that men should think about doing the exercises as well. Statistics show that 32% of women will have at least one pelvic floor disorder (PFD) at one time in their life. However, a recent study suggests that although much attention is directed toward women pelvic floor disorders, 16% of men have also been identified…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Pain in the back: Preventing and treating spinal arthritis. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org EAU CLAIRE, Wis. — Many types of arthritis can affect your musculoskeletal system. Joints are physical points of connection between two bones, and cartilage is the tissue that covers the surface of the bone at the joint. A membrane, called the synovial membrane, lines the joint and is filled with fluid known as synovial fluid. All these components work together to make movement easy. "Over time, the cartilage in joints can break down and cause…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you using a salt substitute? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Salt substitutes can be an effective way to help lower your blood pressure and fight heart disease. But experts warn that overuse of certain salt substitutes or alternatives can be dangerous for some people. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains why you should use caution with using a salt substitute. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/h_cy5G5EBPs Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting a massage from a robot may seem like something out of a science fiction story, but it could be a reality in the not-too-distant future. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is looking into the possibility of robotic massage as an answer for patients' pain relief and alleviating some staffing burdens. Watch: Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic youtu.be/GXEXUCCCGzI Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 17) is in the downloads at the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Mayo Clinic in Rochester top ranked on 'America's Best Fertility Clinics' in Newsweek rankings. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic in Rochester was ranked No. 9 in the nation by Newsweek in its list of "America's Best Fertility Clinics," released in February. This ranking is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the Reproductive endocrinology and infertility team at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. "Our clinic is in the top 10 among the 100 top fertility clinics," says Samir Babayev, M.D., Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, IVF Clinical Director. "This is a recognition of the excellence…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-19). Mayo Clinic opens patient information office in Indonesia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org JAKARTA, Indonesia — Mayo Clinic has opened a patient information office in Jakarta to assist patients, their families, referring physicians and insurance brokers in Indonesia. The office is Mayo Clinic's first in Southeast Asia. The office staff, fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, will help patients, their families and physicians who refer patients to make appointments at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London. "We…

Oakland Privacy (2023-03-19). Wednesday 4/12: Oakland Privacy: Fighting Against the Surveillance State. indybay.org Please email contact@oaklandprivacy.org a few days before the meeting to get up-to-date location information or obtain Zoom meeting access info.

Patrick Lawrence, Scheer Post. (2023-03-19). China's Great Leap In The Middle East. popularresistance.org History's wheel turned last Friday, when Iranian and Saudi Arabian officials agreed in Beijing to re-establish their bilateral diplomatic relations, which Riyadh severed seven years ago. Reflecting on this momentous development over the weekend, I'll put it up there with the American defeat in Vietnam, April 1975, for its magnitude. The world we live in this week is not the same as the world we lived in last week. | With the stroke of a pen—three pens, actually—China, the Islamic Republic, and the Saudi kingdom have altered the fundamental dynamic of global politics. The two Middle Eastern powers have…

Pink Knight Press (2023-03-19). Protest: Charlie Kirk at UC Davis. indybay.org On March 14, U.C. Davis hosted Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk to around 300 attendees and a fierce student-led resistance of the same number.

Ramzy Baroud, Mintpress News. (2023-03-19). Israel Protests Should Not Be Confused With Palestinian Struggle For Equality. popularresistance.org As hundreds of thousands throughout Israel joined anti-government protests, questions began to arise regarding how this movement would affect, or possibly merge, into the broader struggle against the Israeli military occupation and apartheid in Palestine. | Pro-Palestine media outlets shared, with obvious excitement, news about statements made by Hollywood celebrities, like Mark Ruffalo, about the need to "sanction the new hard rightwing government of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu." | Netanyahu, who sits at the heart of the current controversy and mass protests, struggled to find a single pilot for…

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-03-19). Colombia_Río Sogamoso de Santander: °Aguas para la vida…! indybay.org

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-19). Strategic Partnership: British foreign secretary follows Blinken to Kazakhstan. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Astana TimesMarch 18, 2023 UK Foreign Secretary Visits Kazakhstan, Meets President Tokayev Also see: State Department's next Ukraine? Blinken in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is the United Kingdom's primary trading partner in Central Asia, Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the UK James Cleverly said during his meeting with President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in …

San José May Day Coalition (2023-03-19). Saturday 3/25: May Day 2023 Community Screen Printing Event. indybay.org San José Peace & Justice Center | 48 South 7th Street | San José, CA 95112…

Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs (2023-03-19). Monday 3/20: Defend Food Not Bombs Right to Share Food & Protest. indybay.org Resource Center for Nonviolence | 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz…

Senior, Disability Action (2023-03-19). Monday 3/20: In Loving Memory of Public Health. indybay.org 1000 Broadway, Oakland. In front of the downtown office of Alameda County Dept. of Public Health…

Staff (2023-03-19). Tarek William sobre Cuba: "Uno aquí siente la energía poderosa de una Revolución, de un pueblo que tiene una historia mundial" cubadebate.cu "Para mí es muy grato, es un gran honor que el Presidente, el Jefe del Estado cubano nos haya recibido y hayamos podido intercambiar sobre todos los temas que están en la mesa, diría yo", afirmó en entrevista con la prensa Tarek William Saab, actual Fiscal General de Venezuela, cuyo rostro resulta familiar a los cubanos desde hace mucho tiempo.

Staff (2023-03-19). El desafío de mantener la luz en Cuba (+ Fotos y Video). cubadebate.cu Al limpiar los condensadores, tenemos que abrir una tapa enorme y meternos ahí dentro con una peste horrible a pescado podrido y escaramujo. Y además, con un calor insoportable de 40 grados o más. La gente entra y sale cada diez minutos para aguantar y se turna con los demás compañeros. Y todo eso, mojados con agua salada y vapor condensado. Eso no se paga con nada.

Staff (2023-03-19). Estados Unidos vence a Venezuela y avanza a semifinales del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023. cubadebate.cu Estados Unidos se impuso a Venezuela por 9 carreras a 7 en un partido de cuartos de final del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023. Con este triunfo, Estados Unidos clasificó a las semifinales del torneo y se enfrentará a Cuba, que avanzó como primero del grupo A y derrotó en cuartos a Australia por 4-3.

Staff (2023-03-19). La imagen del día: A seguir luchando y soñando con la victoria. cubadebate.cu El ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, compartió en su cuenta de la red social Twitter un mensaje de apoyo al equipo cubano en el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol que desde el edificio de la Cancillería puede leerse esta noche gracias a la técnica del video mapping. A seguir luchando y soñando con la victoria, escibió Rodríguez Parrilla.

Staff (2023-03-19). Mipyme Marca Billy: Avalancha de gorras con la etiqueta #TeamAsere (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Alexei Batte Medina es dueño de la mipyme Marca Billy, dedicada a la confección de gorras y camisas personalizadas. A raíz del éxito del equipo Cuba en el Clásico Mundial, se decidió a comenzar a elaborar productos con la etiqueta #TeamAsere, pero nunca imaginó que fuera tanta la demanda y la popularidad. El periodista Luis de Jesús conversó con él.

Staff (2023-03-19). Para apuntar: øCuáles son los países que reconocen a la Corte Penal Internacional y cuáles no? cubadebate.cu La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) es una organización con sede en La Haya (Países Bajos), cuya misión declarada es juzgar por crímenes de lesa humanidad. No obstante, a diferencia de la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ), el órgano judicial de la ONU, la CPI no cuenta con reconocimiento internacional, como tampoco de China, Rusia ni EEUU.

Staff (2023-03-19). Para apuntar: Detalles del equipo de Cuba en el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023. cubadebate.cu Estados Unidos clasificó a las semifinales del torneo y se enfrentará a Cuba, que avanzó como primero del grupo A y derrotó en cuartos a Australia por 4-3. El duelo se realizará mañana domingo en Miami. El ganador disputará la final contra el vencedor del choque entre Japón y México. Conozca algunos detalles técnicos sobre el equipo cubano.

Staff (2023-03-19). Presidente de Serbia advierte que orden de tribunal penal internacional contra Putin complica negociaciones con Kosovo. cubadebate.cu El presidente de Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, ha advertido que la orden de arresto emitida por el Tribunal Penal Internacional contra el presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, iba a dificultar las conversaciones de alto nivel previstas para este sábado en Ohrid para normalizar las relaciones con Kosovo. La posición de Serbia en Ohrid será más difícil, dijo.

Staff (2023-03-19). Voleibol de playa: Noslen Díaz y Jorge Luis Alayo terminan novenos en el Beach Pro Tour Challenge de La Paz. cubadebate.cu La mejor pareja cubana de voleibol de playa del momento, Noslen Díaz y Jorge Luis Alayo, cedieron en la ronda de octavos de final del Beach Pro Tour Challenge que acoge la ciudad mexicana de La Paz y terminaron en el noveno puesto del torneo. Esa actuación representa el mejor rendimiento de los antillanos en torneos de primer nivel internacional.

Staff (2023-03-19). Colombia, Cuba y México avanzan en iniciativa de la Agencia de Medicamentos de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. cubadebate.cu Colombia, Cuba y México avanzan en iniciativa de la Agencia de Medicamentos de Latinoamérica y el Caribe., un proyecto anunciado en enero de 2023, durante la VII Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac) y será un modelo regional para mostrar la eficacia en el desempeño de las funciones reguladoras.

Staff (2023-03-19). World BEYOND War: What the United Nations Should Be. davidswanson.org

Steve Melendez (2023-03-19). American Indian Genocide Museum at Austin Expo. indybay.org We are here today at the SXSW Conference and Expo here in Austin, Texas telling our story because we know if we don't, no one else will. We are here today to bring awareness that past injustices are still being experienced today. We are here today to bring awareness that the racism of the past is still the cornerstone of American laws. Gone perhaps are the scalp bounties paid for Indian men, women, and children but, on the other hand, not one treaty has ever been honored.

teleSUR, jaa, JCM (2023-03-19). China lanza nuevo satélite de observación de la Tierra. telesurtv.net El envío del satélite denominado Gaofen-13 02 fue realizado desde el Centro de Lanzamientos de Xinchang, sito en la provincia de Sichuan.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). Reportan masacre en club nocturno en el norte de Quito, Ecuador. telesurtv.net El Ministerio del Interior y la Policía Nacional hasta las 11H00 horas no habían dado información oficial sobre el suceso.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). México jugará semifinales en Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. telesurtv.net La novena mexicana remontó un marcador adverso cuando los boricuas metieron cuatro carreras en la primera entrada.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). Franceses protestan contra reforma de pensiones tras su aprobación. telesurtv.net Manifestantes contra la reforma de pensiones lanzan papel higiénico a una prefectura en Francia.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). Nigeria inicia recuento de votos de elecciones regionales. telesurtv.net Más de 93 millones de votantes registrados estuvieron llamados a depositar su sufragio en los más de 170.000 colegios electorales.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). Sismo de magnitud 7.0 sacude norte de Perú y el sur de Ecuador. telesurtv.net Al momento no se reportan daños personales, pero en Tumbes, situada al extremo noroeste del país, ya se reportaron los primeras consecuencias materiales.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). Putin realiza visita a Crimea, territorio reunificado con Rusia. telesurtv.net El mandatario ruso ha estado en la Escuela de Arte y en el centro infantil Korsun en Quersoneso, en las afueras del puerto de Sebastopol-…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). Serbia y Kosovo avanzan sobre normalizar sus relaciones. telesurtv.net La Unión Europea, mediante el Alto Representantes de la Política Exterior del bloque, Josep Borrell, hace trabajados de mediación entre las partes…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). Türkiye y Egipto elevarán relaciones diplomáticas al más alto nivel. twitter.com Cavusoglu es el primer ministro de Relaciones Exteriores en visitar Egipto desde Türkiye después de 11 años.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-19). Türkiye anuncia la prórroga del acuerdo de granos del Mar Negro. telesurtv.net "Como resultado de nuestras negociaciones, hemos conseguido una prórroga del acuerdo sobre el corredor de granos", informó el presidente turco.

teleSUR, JDO, SH (2023-03-19). Aumenta a 14 la cifra de fallecidos por sismo en Ecuador. telesurtv.net De acuerdo al último balance ofrecido por el Gobierno de Ecuador, se reportaron 12 fallecidos en El Oro y dos en Azuay.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-19). Estadounidenses rechazan guerras y medidas de presión de la Casa Blanca. telesurtv.net Masiva movilización en Washington contra el belicismo del Gobierno de EE.UU. y la OTAN. Recuerdan los 20 años de la invasión de EE.UU. a Iraq.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-19). Mexicanos conmemoran aniversario de la expropiación petrolera. telesurtv.net El presidente López Obrador dejó claro que México "es un país independiente y libre, no una colonia, no un protectorado de Estados Unidos.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-19). Operaciones de bandera falsa que EE.UU. promovió para atacar Libia. telesurtv.net La invasión militar de EE.UU. y sus aliados llevaron al derrocamiento del Gobierno de Gadafi y a su posterior asesinato en octubre de ese mismo año.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2023-03-19). Unicef: 10 millones de niños en Sahel central necesitan ayuda. telesurtv.net La ONU advirtió que en los nueve primeros meses del año 2022, se confirmaron tres veces más muertes de niños en Burkina Faso, que en el mismo periodo de 2021.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-19). Decomisan mayor arsenal en la historia de Río de Janeiro. telesurtv.net El armamento era comercializado, de forma irregular, en dos tiendas ubicadas en la Baixada Fluminense.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-19). Haití movilizaría sus fuerzas armadas contra las pandillas. telesurtv.net Autoridades haitianas y funcionarios de la ONU presionan para que se despliegue una fuerza extranjera en el país.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-19). Actos violentos estremecen por quinto día nordeste de Brasil. telesurtv.net El Ministerio Público del estado asevera que los ataques son responsabilidad de líderes criminales privados de libertad.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-19). Prosiguen en Israel protestas contra reforma judicial. telesurtv.net Los manifestantes temen que el proyecto socave la democracia y la independencia de la justicia en Israel.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-19). Cifran en casi 50.000 los muertos por terremotos en Türkiye. t.co 1.9 millones de personas sobreviven en tiendas de campaña o casetas prefabricadas en las provincias turcas afectadas.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-03-19). Corea del Norte lanza un misil balístico hacia el mar de Japón. telesurtv.net El lanzamiento se efectuó desde el área de Tongchang-ri, en la costa oeste de Corea del Norte, un sitio clave de lanzamiento de cohetes de largo alcance.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-03-19). Grupo de Puebla promueve evento en apoyo a Cristina Fernández. telesurtv.net El cónclave está destinado a denunciar la persecución judicial y política de la que está siendo víctima la exmandataria argentina.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-19). Ascienden a 438 los muertos por ciclón Freddy en Malaui. telesurtv.net El número de heridos se ubicó en 918, mientras que 282 personas se encuentran desaparecidas a causa del meteoro en el país africano.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-19). Millones de haitianos padecen inseguridad alimentaria. telesurtv.net Según las autoridades nacionales, "los hogares están sumidos en un déficit alimentario extremo, a pesar de recurrir a estrategias de supervivencia".

teleSUR, rzr (2023-03-19). Gobierno de Bolivia trabaja para controlar brote de dengue. telesurtv.net El ministro de Salud de Bolivia subrayó que el número de casos de dengue disminuyó en las últimas semanas gracias a las acciones realizadas por el Gobierno boliviano.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). Accidente de transito deja al menos 17 muertos en Bangladesh. telesurtv.net La Policía local indicó que 14 personas fallecieron en el sitió del accidente del bus.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). Comisión pospone discusión sobre juicio a presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net La aprobación del Consejo de la Administración Legislativa sería el primer filtro del procedimiento para enjuiciar políticamente al presidente ecuatoriano.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). Movimiento indígena respalda juicio político contra presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net El líder de la Conaie anunció una movilización para exigir el enjuiciamiento político del mandatario Guillermo Lasso.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). EE.UU. avanza a semifinales del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. telesurtv.net EE.UU. jugará este domingo ante el equipo de Cuba para intentar llegar a la final del torneo.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). Confirman el asesinato de cinco mujeres desaparecidas en México. telesurtv.net El fiscal del estado mexicano de Guanajuato dió a conocer de la detención de seis personas por la desaparición de seis mujeres.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). Perú sigue en alerta por lluvias en varias zonas del país. telesurtv.net Al menos 409 distritos de la costa norte y sierra de Perú se encuentran en riesgo por crecidas de ríos y deslizamientos de tierras.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). Ordenan evacuación de una playa por peligro de aluvión en Perú. telesurtv.net La Municipalidad de Punta Hermosa advirtió que el aluvión seria de gran magnitud por lo que podría generar grandes daños en la zona.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). Ataque armado deja al menos nueve muertos en el río Congo. telesurtv.net Alrededor de 22 personas fueron rescatadas con vida del ataque armado.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-19). Putin arriba a la ciudad de Mariupol en la región del Donbás. telesurtv.net El presidente Vladimir Putin visitó varias zonas de la ciudad portuaria de Mariupol y se entere de las labores de reconstrucción de la localidad.

Travis Ross, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-19). Renewed Calls For International Solidarity From Haiti. popularresistance.org A coalition of trade unions in Haiti recently published the "Ouanaminthe Declaration." This followed a two-day gathering by members of The Confederation of Haitian Workers (La Confédération des travailleurs haàØtiens – CTH) and the Confederation of Public and Private Sector Workers (la Confédération des travailleurs et travailleuses des secteurs public et privé – CTSP). | The gathering was held in Ouanaminthe, Haiti. Located near the Dominican-Haitian border, on January 25 and 26, 2023. | The declaration was drafted a few days after the announcement of de facto PM Ariel Henry's "December 21 Accord" – the N…

JANET (2023-03-19). International Working Women'S Day March 8 in pictures. iacenter.org By Kathy Durkin March 18, 2023 European socialists established this special day in 1910 to build solidarity among women workers around the world. They knew that in order to achieve real liberation for women workers and oppressed people that an anti-capitalist struggle must be waged, and that only socialism could ensure their rights would be upheld and expanded. During this International Women's History Month, Workers World sends solidarity to women workers, people of all genders and oppressed people around the world. Click to view slideshow. [* FULL CAPTION: Women in Manila, the Philippines fight for workers' rig…

JANET (2023-03-19). NYC — March 25: Women speak out for human needs, not war/25 de marzo: Mujeres hablan por las necesidades humanas, no por la guerra. iacenter.org

Prof. Bill Willers (2023-03-19). America's New "Angels of Death": Inject Humanity with a Gene-altering Death-dealing Technology. Medical Professionals Cannot Claim Ignorance. globalresearch.ca

≈Ωivadin Jovanoviƒá (2023-03-19). –û –°–ê–ù–ö–¶–ò–à–ê–ú–ê –ò –î–ò–à–ê–õ–û–ì–£. globalresearch.ca –°–≤–∏ —á–ª–∞–Ω—Ü–∏ –ì–ª–æ–±–∞–ª–Ω–æ–≥ –∏—Å—Ç—Ä–∞–∂–∏–≤–∞—ö–∞ –º–æ–≥—É —Å–µ —á–∏—Ç–∞—Ç–∏ –Ω–∞ 51 —ò–&micr…

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-03-19). Die gute Nachricht: Die Welt scheint sich trotz anhaltender Probleme langsam aber sicher zum Besseren zu verà§ndern. globalresearch.ca Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb des Namens des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Folgen Sie …

Neil Clark (2023-03-19). The War on Yugoslavia 24 years Ago: Milosevic Exonerated by the ICTY, as the NATO War Machine Moves on. globalresearch.ca On the 24th of March 2023, the people of Serbia will be commemorating NATO's illegal and criminal invasion of Yugoslavia. | . | Twenty-four years ago in the early hours of March 24, 1999, NATO began the bombing of the Federal Republic …

Junaid S. Ahmad (2023-03-19). Chaos in Pakistan: Imran Khan Takes on America and Its "Comprador Elites" globalresearch.ca

Glen Rangwala (2023-03-19). 20 Lies About the Iraq War. globalresearch.ca

Peter Koenig (2023-03-19). Credit Suisse: Down the Drain, or Converting Into a Bank for the People. globalresearch.ca

Asa Winstanley (2023-03-19). Martin Forde interview makes UK's fake media left squirm. electronicintifada.net Lawyer found racism in Labour was not treated seriously — apart from alleged anti-Semitism.

Joel Richards (2023-03-19). Argentine inflation skyrockets over 100%. america.cgtn.com Argentina is used to high inflation. But the latest figures show that prices rose by over 100% in the past 12 months. That's the highest inflation in more than three decades.

Michelle Begue (2023-03-19). Grounded fleet at Viva Air worsens Colombia air transport. america.cgtn.com Colombian low-cost airline Viva Air has shut down due to financial difficulties and delays in its merger with Avianca, leaving passengers stranded in airports across the country.

Staff (2023-03-19). Equipo cubano UH Top clasifica para la Final Mundial del Concurso Internacional de Programación. cubadebate.cu El equipo cubano UH Top de la Facultad de Matemática y Computación de la Universidad de La Habana clasificó a la Final Mundial del Concurso Internacional de Programación (ICPC) al resolver 9 problemas y ocupar el primer lugar de la región del Caribe y 47 de 309 equipos latinoamericanos.

Staff (2023-03-19). López Obrador: Hagan lo que hagan no regresarán al poder los oligarcas. cubadebate.cu Al encabezar la conmemoración por el 85 aniversario de la expropiación petrolera, ante un Zócalo y sus inmediaciones a tope, el mandatario aseveró que con el apoyo de los ciudadanos y la conciencia colectiva que hoy tiene el pueblo de México, se podrá contrarrestar la guerra sucia, las campañas de calumnias y los intentos de manipulación de sus opositores.

Staff (2023-03-19). Turoperador alemán premia a dos hoteles cubanos gestionados por Iberostar. cubadebate.cu El prestigioso galardón se adjudicó a Iberostar Selection Varadero e Iberostar Tainos, ambos situados en la península de Hicacos, en el mayor destino vacacional de Cuba. Estos resorts familiares son preferidos por huéspedes de Alemania y otros países, gracias a su excelente posición en Varadero y la variedad de alojamientos.

Staff (2023-03-19). Cuba, elecciones, calculadores y cálculos. cubadebate.cu Están entusiasmados con la idea de que el pueblo cubano, al que bombardean con la seguidilla de un sistema socialista ineficaz, elitista e incapaz y de una revolución traicionada, se lance a una ´insurrección ª silenciosa de ausencia a las urnas, o de boletas anuladas o en blanco. Se les hace la boca agua con el despropósito de que acabe de ocurrir en Cuba, cuya irredencia y resistencia histórica los tiene hasta la coronilla, lo que es una regularidad en otros procesos electorales en el mundo: un voto de castigo.

Staff (2023-03-19). On April 2nd, Let's Take Peace into Our Own Hands. davidswanson.org

Xiaolu Sun (2023-03-19). Check out the coolest gadgets at SXSW 2023. america.cgtn.com Toni Waterman explored the latest innovative gadgets and technologies showcased at the SXSW 2023 in Austin, Texas.

Xiaolu Sun (2023-03-19). Cuba experiences extreme lack of rain. america.cgtn.com Cuba is experiencing extreme drought conditions affecting over 400,000 people with depleted water supplies and spreading wildfires.

The Lancet (2023-03-18). [Editorial] Human genome editing: ensuring responsible research. thelancet.com In 2018, during the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing in Hong Kong, Jiankui He shocked the world by announcing the birth of two children whose genomes he had edited using CRISPR technology. Following widespread condemnation and a criminal investigation, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison. The case caused international outcry and brought to the fore the need to reconsider the serious ethical, scientific, and social issues of heritable human genome editing. As science advances, especially in non-heritable, somatic gene editing for treatment of previously incurable diseases, regulatory gaps are…

Richard Horton (2023-03-18). [Comment] Offline: The silencing of the South. thelancet.com League tables are addictive. From football to motorsport, tennis to golf, we relish following who is up and who is down. Understandably so, given that sport is fiercely competitive between individuals and teams. But universities? Provosts and Presidents of our greatest higher education institutions obsess over their rankings. Three dominate—the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings, and the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). These metrics of achievement should be challenged.

John Zarocostas (2023-03-18). [World Report] Global health experts welcome Kasai dismissal. thelancet.com WHO's dismissal of Takeshi Kasai, Regional Director for the Western Pacific, could pressure WHO leadership to take decisive action in other misconduct cases. John Zarocostas reports from Geneva.

Shawn Yuan (2023-03-18). [World Report] Health and the invasion of Iraq: 20 years later. thelancet.com The legacy of the US-led invasion is still being felt across Iraqi society. Shawn Yuan reports from Baghdad.

John Zarocostas (2023-03-18). [World Report] "Impunity" enabling South Sudan human rights violations. thelancet.com A new report to the UN Human Rights Council outlines how violence is worsening health and humanitarian programmes. John Zarocostas reports from Geneva.

Danielle Villasana (2023-03-18). [Perspectives] Aftermath of the Türkiye—Syria earthquake. thelancet.com The earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria on Feb 6, 2023, will have lasting health and humanitarian impacts. Current estimates indicate more than 50‚Äà000 people have died and over 100‚Äà000 people have been injured. Thousands of buildings and much infrastructure are destroyed, with millions of people displaced, including vulnerable populations such as children, pregnant women, people living with chronic health conditions or disabilities, and older people. In Türkiye—a country grappling with a flailing economy and the impacts of the conflict in neighbouring Syria[mda…

Geoff Watts (2023-03-18). [Obituary] Samuel Lawrence Katz. thelancet.com Paediatrician, virologist, and co-developer of measles vaccine. Born in Manchester, NH, USA, on May 29, 1927, he died in Chapel Hill, NC, USA, on Oct 31, 2022 aged 95 years.

Mouna Khaity, Mervat Alhaffar, Natasha Howard (2023-03-18). [Correspondence] We cannot erase Syrians' suffering with "solidarity" and political infighting. thelancet.com "The UN's failure to act quickly to save Syrian lives in the face of a humanitarian catastrophe is utterly shameful and should be a stain on its conscience."1 | Raed Al Saleh, The White Helmets…

Stuart W Flint (2023-03-18). [Correspondence] Error in NHS England's BMI calculator and daily calorie recommendations. thelancet.com BMI is a calculation of height and weight to identify a person's weight status.1 BMI is calculated by a person's weight in kilograms (or pounds) divided by the square of height in metres (or feet).1 The BMI ranges are underweight (<18 ∑5 kg/m2), healthy weight (18 ∑5—24 ∑9 kg/m2), overweight (25 ∑0—29 ∑9 kg/m2), and obese (‚â•30 kg/m2).1...

Jeremy W Jacobs, Laura D Stephens, Jennifer S Woo, Elizabeth S Allen, Garrett S Booth (2023-03-18). [Correspondence] Firearms and blood transfusion: an inescapable disentanglement. thelancet.com The incidence of mass shootings in the USA continues to increase; more than 45‚Äà000 total gun deaths occurred in 2020 alone, the most on record for years with full data available.1 These statistics highlight increasing gun violence, one of the primary contributors to blood shortages. Patients with gunshot wounds are 5 times more likely to require a blood transfusion and receive 10 times more blood components than patients with traumatic injuries that are not gunshot wounds, equating to millions of US dollars in blood acquisition costs.

Dabor Resiere, Jonathan Florentin, Hatem Kallel, Rishika Banydeen, Ruddy Valentino, Moustapha Dramé, José-Louis Barnay, Papa Gueye, Bruno Mégarbane, Hossein Mehdaoui, Rémi Neviere, Toxicological Research Group on chlordecone at the University Hospital of Martinique (2023-03-18). [Correspondence] Chlordecone (Kepone) poisoning in the French Territories in the Americas. thelancet.com For more than 40 years, two French territories in the Americas, Martinique and Guadeloupe, have been confronted with one of the biggest environmental scandals in Caribbean history due to the use of an organochlorine pesticide, chlordecone (also known under the brand name Kepone), in banana plantations. Although banned from use in the USA since the 1970s, this pesticide was intensively applied in the banana fields of these two French Caribbean territories from 1972 to 1993 to combat the banana weevil, a serious insect pest for banana crops.

Federica Quarata, Diana Lelli, Davide Maria Biancone, Giovanni Gherardi, Raffaele Antonelli Incalzi (2023-03-18). [Clinical Picture] A urinary tract infection caused by Escherichia coli mucoid phenotype progresses to a pneumonia and respiratory failure. thelancet.com A 69-year-old woman was admitted to our ward with fever and respiratory failure. 3 weeks earlier she had been treated with ciprofloxacin for a urinary tract infection, caused by Escherichia coli; she had a history of diabetes.

Ryan Cristián (2023-03-18). Dioxins In East Palestine "Hundreds Of Times Greater" Than Safe Level & Trump/Putin To Be Arrested? thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (3/18/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Ryan Cristián (2023-03-18). Richard Grove Interview — Today's Education System Is Just Indoctrination, Time To Retake The Reins. thelastamericanvagabond.com

Kathy Durkin (2023-03-18). International Working Women's Day on March 8 in pictures. workers.org European socialists established this special day in 1910 to build solidarity among women workers around the world. They knew that in order to achieve real liberation for women workers and oppressed people that an anti-capitalist struggle must be waged, and that only socialism could ensure their rights would be upheld . . . |

Nigel Bouvart (2023-03-18). Hundreds protest transphobe Michael Knowles in Buffalo. workers.org Buffalo, New York Hundreds of people turned out to demonstrate against Michael Knowles' speaking engagement at the University of Buffalo (UB) on March 9, greatly outnumbering those who attended the event, which included some who went inside to disrupt it. Credit: Buffalo WW bureau Knowles, a right-wing pundit for the . . . |

Stephanie Hedgecoke (2023-03-18). Socialist Cuba and mosquitos: humanity calls, Cuba answers. workers.org Mosquito-carried disease vectors have plagued humanity for millennia. Mosquitos carry dengue, yellow fever, malaria, West Nile fever, Zika fever, several varieties of encephalitis, Rift Valley fever, Chikungunya and Lymphatic filariasis, as well as Dog heartworm. Aedes mosquitos transmit dengue fever to cause 96 million symptomatic cases a year, resulting in . . . |

Princess Harmony (2023-03-18). Drugs and the 'War on Drugs': Weapons against workers and oppressed. workers.org The history of the use of drugs — legal and illicit — against the working class and its movement is a long one. The "War on Drugs" — officially declared on June 17, 1971, but a staple of U.S. policy since the 1950s and amplified in 1973 — really acts . . . |

Victor Rodriguez (2023-03-18). Uruguay's Right-Wing President Threatens to Turn Back Clock to the Dark Age of Early Cold War. covertactionmagazine.com Teachers' Unions Have Become Target of Illegal Surveillance Since Luis Lacalle Pou became President of Uruguay in early 2020 as the first self-proclaimed non-leftist president in Uruguay since his father, Luis Alberto Lacalle in the 1990s, he has used his platform to vocally condemn socialist regimes in the Americas, particularly feuding with the Castro regime in …

Fight Back (2023-03-18). Denver students continue push for campus demilitarization with speakout. fightbacknews.org Denver, CO — On March 15, students at Auraria Campus in Denver gathered to voice support for a resolution that would prohibit their campus police from obtaining military weapons from the Pentagon's 1033 Program. The resolution comes after a yearlong fight led by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) to pressure administration to agree to the ban. | The Pentagon 1033 Program is a way for police departments to acquire military equipment from the Pentagon at low prices. While Auraria Campus Police Department (ACPD) claims they only use the program to acquire items such as office supplies, they notably did at…

Fight Back (2023-03-18). Family of Chicano elder murdered by East LA Sheriffs demands justice. fightbacknews.org Los Angeles, CA — On March 11, about 30 people gathered in front of the East LA Sheriff's Station to protest the recent murder of Miguel Angel Lopez, a 70-year-old Chicano man, during an early morning raid in his Maywood home while his wife, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were present. | On January 26 at 5: 45 a.m., two LA Sheriff deputies from East LA station murdered Miguel Lopez, shooting him seven times while conducting a search warrant; claiming he had a gun in his hand. Miguel's wife Luz Lopez was getting ready for work when the two deputies were at their home and thought they were burglars. The…

Fight Back (2023-03-18). 36 newly elected Police District Councilors endorse Brandon Johnson. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – After celebrating their victories in the Chicago municipal elections on February 28, 36 of the 66 newly elected Police District Councilors voiced their support of the Brandon Johnson mayoral campaign. At a press conference with Johnson outside City Hall on Monday, March 13, many councilors explained why they would rather work under a Johnson administration than a Vallas one. | "I think Paul Vallas should go back to Palos Heights and run for mayor there. We need someone who is deeply rooted like Brandon Johnson," said Arewa Karen Winters, 15th District Councilor. "Brandon Johnson is the only candida…

Norman Solomon (2023-03-18). 'War Made Easy' — The Iraq War 20 years later. therealnews.com

Paulo Cabral (2023-03-18). Brazil cracks down on illegal gold mining that has impacted indigenous groups. america.cgtn.com Images released earlier this year showed Brazil's Yanomami Indigenous community suffering from malnutrition and other health problems. Brazil President Lula has taken a tough stand on the gold miners invading Indigenous lands and promised full assistance to the Yanomami.

Ediz Tiyansan (2023-03-18). Over 170 trillion plastic particles found in oceans. america.cgtn.com New research shows 170 trillion plastic particles weighing 2 million metric tons litter the oceans, with a possible tripling by 2040 without action. Find out more.

Lucrecia Franco (2023-03-18). Brazilian waste pickers play vital role. america.cgtn.com See how women waste pickers contribute to environmental sustainability efforts in Brazil.

_____ (2023-03-18). Britain and France unsuccessfully attempt to force Russia out of Central Asia. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-18). Arresting Putin — Or Arresting All-Out Western Public Revolt? strategic-culture.org If there were any genuine principles of justice, Biden should be in the dock facing war crime charges in connection with America's illegal wars. | Western propaganda outlets (also known as "news media") are suddenly full of reports that The Hague-based International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin. The over-the-top coverage (that is, orchestration) is intended to give the ridiculous legal ploy an impression of gravitas and significance when in reality the so-called arrest warrant is meaningless and oozes with kitsch politicized theater. | Along with Putin, the Russ…

_____ (2023-03-18). Stop Calling The Iraq War A 'Mistake': Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix. strategic-culture.org Stop calling the Iraq War a "mistake". When you make a mistake, you make changes to ensure that mistake is not repeated. Nobody responsible for that invasion suffered any consequences of any kind, zero policy changes were made, and the unipolarist ideology which led to it has become more entrenched than ever.

Agatha Scaggiante (2023-03-18). Inside the Underground Network Fighting for Asylum Seekers in Scotland. truthout.org This article was originally published by Waging Nonviolence. Every Sunday for the past six weeks, far-right protesters have been gathering in the small Scottish town of Erskine to complain about plans to house some 200 asylum seekers in a local hotel. However, they are not alone. Asylum seekers in Scotland and their local allies have also been protesting the use of these hotels, and for a much… |

Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-18). The US Is The Greatest Threat To World Peace And Collective Humanity. popularresistance.org As anti-imperialist and Anti-war activists are preparing to mobilize in Washington D.C. on the 20th anniversary of the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq by the U.S. and its Western colonial allies, it is imperative that authentic anti-imperialist forces and those earnestly committed to an Anti-war principle recognize two things: the U.S. based transnational ruling class is fully invested in the doctrine of U.S. "Full Spectrum Dominance," and as a consequence the U.S. state has become an existential threat to collective humanity on our planet. | The recognition of these two "facts" are the only basis of a polit…

Alexandra Martinez (2023-03-18). Tribal Nations Seek Regional Food Trade Hubs as SNAP Benefits Expire. truthout.org This story was originally published at Prism. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) emergency allotments officially expired at the end of February for the remaining 32 states that had continued providing COVID-19-era supplemental benefits to qualifying residents. Now, millions of residents are expected to lose at least $95 a month in food budget assistance, with average monthly losses… |

Ann Brown (2023-03-18). Attorney And CA Reparations Task Force Member Kamilah Moore: Specific Reparations Amount Is Misinformation By MSM. moguldom.com As the California Reparations Task Force gets closer to its one-year deadline of July, there seems to be more pushback on the idea of reparations. Task force chair, attorney Kamilah Moore, blames some of that on misinformation being spread by the mainstream media over proposed amount of cash payouts. Problem is the task force, the …

Ann Wright, Popular Resistance. (2023-03-18). Don't Let The Media Cheerlead Us Into More Wars Like It Did in Iraq. popularresistance.org Twenty years ago on this coming weekend, I was in Mongolia as the Deputy US Ambassador. After writing a Dissent Cable in early March 2003 on the pending U.S. war on Iraq to my boss Secretary of State Colin Powell, I made the decision to resign from the U.S. government as it was poised to invade, occupy and destroy the sovereign state of Iraq. I was one of three U.S. diplomats who resigned—Brady Kiesling and John Brown resigned before me. | For months, the Bush administration attempted to get the U.S. public to believe that Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction and therefore was a threat to t…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-18). In Video 18+: Brave Russian Soldier Captured Ukraine Trench Alone In Unequal Battle. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-18). Military Situation In Bakhmut On March 18, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-18). Military Situation In Syria On March 18, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On March 18, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no cases of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours; | On March 18, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in Afes; | On March 17, the SDF announced that nine of its fighters were killed in two helicopter crashes while on their way to the Iraq's Kurdistan region; | Commander of the IRGC's Quds Force reportedly visited Syria's Aleppo and Latakia for the second tim…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-18). Military Situation In Ukraine On March 18, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russian UAV reportedly destroyed a large fuel depot in Novomoskovsk in Dnepropetrovsk region; | Explosions were reported in Kiev, Zhytomyr, Rivne, Khmelnytsky and Volyn regions; | Russian Army shot down a Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter near Zaporozhye; | Russian forces destroyed a 36D6 low-flying air target detection radar near Kharkiv; | Russian forces destroyed an AN/TPQ-37 counterbattery radar station near Redkodub; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue n…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-18). Military Situation In Yemen On March 18, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-18). New Wave Of Russian Strikes Hit Ukraine. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On the night of March 18, Ukraine was awakened by another wave of Russian strikes on military and energy infrastructure facilities throughout the country. | The locals reported that the explosions sounded in the Dnipropetrovsk, Kiev, Lviv, Zhytomyr, Rivne, Khmelnytsky and Volyn regions. Air alert was sounded in a dozen regions, including the Cherkasy, Kirovograd, Kharkiv, Poltava, and those listed above. | So far, Ukrainian officials only confirmed that the Russian UAVs had reached their tar…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-18). U.S. & Allies Seek Regime-Change in Russia. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by On March 10th, Canada's National Post headlined

Anonymous669 (2023-03-18). HTS Launches Second Attack Against Syrian Army In Less Than 24 Hours. southfront.org File image. | Militants of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the de-facto ruler of the Syrian region of Greater Idlib, attacked positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the northern Lattakia countryside late on March 17, less than 24 hours after a similar attack that targeted a government-held town in the southern countryside of Idlib. | The terrorist group claimed that its militants killed six soldiers of the SAA during the attack that targeted Nahshabba mount. However, a source in the army…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-18). Iraqi Tribal Fighters Kill Four ISIS Terrorists In Al-Anbar (Photos). southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Via Facebook. | On March 17, the Iraqi Security Media Cell announced that fighters from the Tribal Mobilization had killed four terrorists of ISIS during a "preemptive special operation" in the area of al-K'ara in the western province of al-Anbar. | The Tribal Mobilization was formed by the sons of Sunni Arab tribes in Iraq to fight ISIS after the rise of the terrorist group in 2014. | The force responsible for the successful operat…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-18). Israeli Army Says No Losses After Rocket Launch From Gaza. southfront.org File image. | Late on March 18, at least one rocket was launched from the Palestinian Gaza Strip at the southern Israeli settlement of Nahal Oz. | Sirens were sounded in the settlement, which is located just a kilometer to the east of Gaza. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement that the rocket landed in an open field, without causing any casualties or material losses. | According to the statement, the Iron Dome air defense system was not activated as the rocket was predicted to land in an unpopulated area. | The…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-18). Russian Drones Hit Three M777, Two M109 Howitzers & RM-70 MRL Of Kiev Forces (Videos). southfront.org MOSCOW REGION, RUSSIA — JUNE 25, 2019: A ZALA Lancet-3 attack drone developed by Kalashnikov Concern on display at the Army 2019 International Military Technical Forum at Patriot Park. Marina Lystseva/TASS | The Russian military has destroyed more of Ukraine's newly-acquired artillery systems with its advanced loitering munitions. | Between March 15 and 18, Russian sources shared videos documenting six recent strikes with Lancet and KUB-BLA loitering munitions against artillery systems of Kiev f…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-18). Russian MoD Shares First Footage Of Typhoon-VDV MRAP In Special Operation Zone. southfront.org K-4386 Typhoon-VDV airborne infantry fighting vehicle | © Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS | On March 17, the Russian Ministry of Defense released video footage of the new KAMAZ Typhoon-VDV MRAP [Mine Resistant Ambush Protected] vehicle in the special military operation zone in Ukraine for the first time. | The footage shows the vehicle transporting a reconnaissance unit of the elite Russian Airborne Troops during an assault against Kiev forces on an unspecified front, then providing the unit with direct fire supp…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-18). Turkey's Ruling Party Says No Withdrawal From Syria. southfront.org

Anonymous669 (2023-03-18). Ukraine Sanctions Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad. southfront.org Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during an interview with RT. Photo by RT, via al-Mayadeen TV. | On March 18, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky imposed sanctions against Syrian President Bashar Assad, a close ally of Russia. | In addition to President Assad, the sanctions targeted Syrian Prime Minister Hussein Arnous and Foreign Minister Faisal Miqdad. A document released by the Ukrainian Presidency clarifies that Assad and the two senior Syrian officials are now subject to the blocking of assets an…

Caitlin A. Johnstone (2023-03-18). Bush-era neocons should shut the fuck up about Iraq (and everything else). mronline.org David Frum and Max Boot, two neoconservatives who helped grease the wheels for the invasion of Iraq, have some thoughts they'd like to share with us as we approach the 20th anniversary of that horrific and unforgivable war.

China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2023-03-18). "US Hegemony and Its Perils": China Document. globalresearch.ca

City of Sunnyvale (2023-03-18). Wednesday 4/5: EV Financial Incentives Clinic. indybay.org Online Webinar…

Claire Edwards (2023-03-18). 5G Wireless Technology Is War against Humanity. globalresearch.ca This phoney war is also silent, but this time shots are being fired — in the form of laser-like beams of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from banks of thousands of tiny antennas[1] — and almost no one in the firing line knows that they are being silently, seriously and irreparably injured.

Colin Todhunter (2023-03-18). Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order. globalresearch.ca Food, Dispossession and Dependency.: | Resisting the New World Order: | by: | Colin Todhunter: | We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of …

Danielle Villasana (2023-03-18). [Perspectives] Aftermath of the Türkiye—Syria earthquake. thelancet.com The earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria on Feb 6, 2023, will have lasting health and humanitarian impacts. Current estimates indicate more than ‚Äà000 people have died and over 100‚Äà000 people have been injured. Thousands of buildings and much infrastructure are destroyed, with millions of people displaced, including vulnerable populations such as children, pregnant women, people living with chronic health conditions or disabilities, and older people. In Türkiye—a country grappling with a flailing economy and the impacts of the conflict in neighbouring Syria[md…

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). 38 Chinese warmly welcomed in Vietnam as cross-border tourism resumes. ecns.cn A tour group left China via the Dongxing Port in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Wednesday and was warmly welcomed by the MongCai Port in Vietnam.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Scientist reveals goals for future lunar research station. ecns.cn Scientists have proposed several objectives for a future international lunar research station, including moon-based Earth observation and lunar resource utilization.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). China's FDI inflow up 6.1 pct in first two months. ecns.cn Foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese mainland, in actual use, expanded 6.1 percent year on year to 268.44 billion yuan in the first two months of 2023, the Ministry of Commerce said Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Canada removes COVID-19 testing requirements for Chinese travelers. ecns.cn Canada will remove mandatory COVID-19 testing requirements for air travelers arriving from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions starting Friday, the Canadian government announced on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Chinese president to pay state visit to Russia. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to Russia from March 20 to 22 at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying announced on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Xi's Russia trip to advance friendship, cooperation, peace: spokesperson. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to Russia will be a trip of friendship, cooperation and peace, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Brazilian President to visit China. ecns.cn At the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of the Federative Republic of Brazil will pay a state visit to China from March 26 to 31, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying announced on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Tsinghua launches "International Joint Mission on Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality" ecns.cn Tsinghua University held the launch ceremony of the "International Joint Mission on Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality" on Mar 14, demonstrating its commitment to environmental protection.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Culture Fact: Kunqu Opera. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Artifacts featuring Gandhara culture on show at Beijing's Palace Museum. ecns.cn A visitor takes photos of an ancient Buddhist statue of standing Buddha (1st?2nd century) during an exhibition.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Aerial view of cole flower scenery in Jiangxi. ecns.cn A high-speed train runs through a sea of blooming cole flowers in east China's Jiangxi Province, March 16, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Five bridges over Wujiang River in Guizhou. ecns.cn Five bridges built over the Wujiang River, form a spectacular view of bridge flying over the Wujiang River in Guizhou.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). In numbers: China issues white paper on law-based cyberspace governance in new era. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Panda Pavilion at Beijing Zoo under renovation. ecns.cn The Panda Pavilion at Beijing Zoo has been renovated so that the pandas here can have a better living environment.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). China launches new Earth observation satellite. ecns.cn China on Friday sent a new Earth observation satellite into space from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Province.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Insights | Pakistani scholar: China strikes a balance between economy and COVID containment. ecns.cn Hannan Hussain, Assistant Research Associate at the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) and Author, said that in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, there's a common understanding that countries need to strike a balance between economic growth and COVID containment.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Insights | Pakistani scholar: High level of trust between citizens and government is key to China's success in fighting COVID-19. ecns.cn Hannan Hussain, Assistant Research Associate at the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) and Author, said that Chinese citizens have a high level of trust in the government, which made China successful in fighting COVID-19.

Editor (2023-03-18). A sane voice amidst the madness. mronline.org Former Australian PM Paul Keating has eviscerated Australia's deal to buy nuclear submarines from the U.K. and U.S., saying there is no Chinese threat to defend against, despite the war hysteria stirring in Australia, writes Joe Lauria.

Editor (2023-03-18). Remembering Rachel Corrie twenty years on. mronline.org Rachel Corrie, an American Palestine-solidarity activist, was crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer twenty years ago this month. She was murdered by the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) while attempting to defend a Palestinian home from demolition in Rafah, a city in the blockaded Gaza Strip.

Editor (2023-03-18). FBI Bookstore Spying in Chicago Eyes Abortion Rights, Cop City, Anti-Development Activists. scheerpost.com Nearly 30 pages of FBI documents obtained by Unicorn Riot reveal a pattern of monitoring of Pilsen Community Books, a worker-owned and collectively managed bookstore in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago.

Editor (2023-03-18). 'Rigorous' Maidan Massacre Exposé Suppressed By Top Academic Journal. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-18). 'Rigorous' Maidan Massacre Exposé Suppressed By Top Academic Journal? scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-18). The Roots of the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse (w/ Matt Stoller). scheerpost.com Briahna Joy Gray and Matt Stoller discuss the collapse of SVB, and anti-trust in relation to East Palestine and the prospective merger between Jet Blue and Spirit Airlines.

Eleanor J. Bader (2023-03-18). New College of Florida Is DeSantis's Launchpad for Attack on Higher Education. truthout.org Florida's colleges and universities are in Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis's crosshairs as he pushes to follow through on his January 23 inaugural promise to make the Sunshine State the place "where woke goes to die." The state's 40 public colleges and universities — 10 of which allow students to pursue degrees in African American studies, Latinx studies, ethnic studies and gender studies — are facing… |

Eric Zuesse (2023-03-18). U.S. and Allies Seek Regime-Change in Russia. dissidentvoice.org On 10 March, Canada's National Post headlined "Regime change in Moscow 'definitely' the goal, Joly says," and reported that "Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly raises the possibility of regime change in Moscow. … 'The goal is definitely to do that, is to weaken Russia's ability to launch very difficult attacks against Ukraine. We want also …

Igor Chudov (2023-03-18). Bill Gates "Solution: Lab-Grown Meat Is Made of Cancer Cells. Would You Like It Rare or Medium? globalresearch.ca

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-18). 12 Years Ago NATO Bombed Libya to "Protect Civilians", Leaving Tens of Thousands Dead and a Country in Ruins. libya360.wordpress.com Moussa Ibrahim The Western war machine only served its own interests in destroying a nation that could liberate Africa On the 19th of March 2011, the NATO bloc began a violent 8-month long military onslaught of Libya, a sovereign African-Union founding member state, which had enjoyed four decades of stability, prosperity and one of the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-18). Chaos in Pakistan: Imran Khan Takes on America and its Comprador Elites. libya360.wordpress.com Junaid S AhmadWith staunch US support, Pakistan's unelected "imported government" is trying to arrest former Prime Minister Imran Khan, the most popular politician in the country, to prevent him from running in elections. But protesters are protecting him. "There is great chaos under heaven; [hence] the situation is excellent." -Mao Zadong If 2022 was the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-18). Italy's Fascist Government Accuses the Wagner Group in Libya of Waging Hybrid War, Flooding Europe with African Migrants. libya360.wordpress.com Martin Jay The duplicitous role of western media in assisting NATO in its dark endeavours is nothing new. But Reuters may well have broken a world record in partisan journalism with its latest efforts to implicate Russia in the Libyan immigrants crisis. Reuters is not the news legend it used to be. Gone are the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-18). The West's Battle for African Hearts and Minds. libya360.wordpress.com George Trenin Protesters stand atop a Unitend Nation armored vehicle as they demonstrate carrying a Russian flag in Ouagadougou on October 2, 2022. © AFP On Sunday, March 19, the 2nd International Parliamentary Conference "Russia — Africa" will start in Moscow. Over 40 official delegations from all over the continent will participate in the event, with discussions ranging…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-18). Uruguay: Right-Wing President Threatens to Turn Back Clock to the Dark Age of Early Cold War. libya360.wordpress.com Victor Rodriguez Teachers' Unions Have Become Target of Illegal Surveillance Since Luis Lacalle Pou became President of Uruguay in early 2020 as the first self-proclaimed non-leftist president in Uruguay since his father, Luis Alberto Lacalle in the 1990s, he has used his platform to vocally condemn socialist regimes in the Americas, particularly feuding with the Castro government…

Isaac Nellist (2023-03-18). Young people want real change, not empty promises. greenleft.org.au Young people are moving away from the major parties in search of real political change. Isaac Nellist reports.

Jacques Baud (2023-03-18). The Military Situation In The Ukraine. Jacques Baud. globalresearch.ca

James A. Lucas (2023-03-18). U.S. Regime Has Killed 20-30 Million People Since World War II. globalresearch.ca Originally published on March 22, 2018. March 19-20, 2023 Commemorates the Illegal Invasion of Iraq | Introduction: | After the catastrophic attacks of September 11 2001 monumental sorrow and a feeling of desperate and understandable anger began to permeate the American psyche. …

John Leake (2023-03-18). Covid-19: "A Vaccine in Record Speed" globalresearch.ca

John Mullen (2023-03-18). Authoritarian Macron on the back foot: Could France explode? greenleft.org.au Having spent the past few days begging MPs from the traditional right-wing Republican Party to abstain rather than vote against his pensions bill, French President Emmanuel Macron decided at the last moment to impose the bill by decree, reports John Mullen.

Jorge Majfud (2023-03-18). øCuándo se decidió la guerra en Ucrania? globalizacion.ca El 22 de noviembre de 2021 Washington anunció el fin de la guerra en Afganistán. Luego de veinte años de ocupación continua, de cientos de miles de muertos, del incremento del tráfico de opio; luego de once años de la…

Kite Line (2023-03-18). Kite Line: We Have to Stick Together. itsgoingdown.org Long-running abolitionist radio show and podcast Kite Line reports on the recent 'week of action' against Cop City in so-called Atlanta, GA. Listen and Download HERE During a dramatic week of action in the Atlanta forest this past week, hundreds of forest defenders sabotaged a construction site for the unpopular "Cop City" development. Police responded…

Leonid Savin (2023-03-18). Bill Gates, Vaccinations, Microchips, and Patent 060606. globalresearch.ca

Louis Brehony (2023-03-18). The brouhaha of war: soundscapes of the invasion of Iraq, twenty years on. mronline.org Musicians around the world depicted and resisted the 2003 invasion of Iraq in other ways, yet others scraped the barrel of base, chauvinistic interests to sing for the imperialists. Sound was a partisan weapon.

Makia Freeman (2023-03-18). Implementation of Agenda 2030: "Personal Carbon Allowances". Study. globalresearch.ca

Manlio Dinucci (2023-03-18). La guerra del 2003 contro l'Iraq. Escalation USA verso Oriente. globalresearch.ca MARZO 2003 — Vent'anni fa, il 20 marzo 2003, gli USA e la Coalizione sotto loro comando attaccavano e invadevano l'Iraq, accusato di possedere armi di distruzione di massa in base a "prove" poi risultate false. Lo stesso Segretario di …

Marc Martorell Junyent (2023-03-18). A Crucial Year: Turkey at a Turning Point. juancole.com Reviews of Gönül Tol, Erdoƒüan's War: A Strongman's Struggle at Home and in Syria (London: Hurst and Co., 2022) and Dimitar Bechev, Turkey Under Erdoƒüan: How a Country Turned from Democracy and the West (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2022). Augsburg, Germany (Feature: Special to Informed Comment) — At the beginning of …

Mickey Z. (2023-03-18). My Lai, "Killing Ideology," and Disobeying Orders. dissidentvoice.org "We weren't there to kill human beings, really. We were there to kill ideology." (Lt. William Calley) Officially termed an "incident" (as opposed to a "massacre"), the events of March 16, 1968, at My Lai — a hamlet in South Vietnam — are widely portrayed and accepted to this day as an aberration. While the …

Middle East Monitor (2023-03-18). Number of demolitions by Israel of Palestinian property doubles. juancole.com ( Middle East Monitor ) — Seventy-seven Palestinian-owned buildings have been destroyed since the extreme far-right government led by Benjamin Netanyahu took office, according to UN figures. The figure is nearly double the number of demolitions imposed by Israel during the same period last year. Ministers such as Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich publicly advocate …

Mojmir Babacek (2023-03-18). Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System. globalresearch.ca Note to readers: please click the share buttons above | This incisive article by Mojmir Babajek predicted more than 10 years ago, what is happening today, namely the development of informational weapons and the remote control of the human brain. | It …

Morgan Artyukhina (2023-03-18). New attacks on trans rights, as struggle to protect trans youth broadens. liberationnews.org A far-right media figure has openly called for trans people to be "eradicated."

NARAL Pro-Choice America (2023-03-18). Tuesday 3/21: Medication Abortion Teach-in w/ NARAL. indybay.org Online event…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Minute: Help with hot flashes due to menopause. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Vasomotor symptoms — the medical term for hot flashes — are among the most common menopause symptoms women experience. Hot flashes, along with night sweats, can be uncomfortable and disruptive. Dr. Suneela Vegunta, a Mayo Clinic women's health physician, explains what happens to the body and offers ways to find relief. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/eRzYfnKjqzg Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Minute: How losing an hour of sleep can affect your body. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 12. Clocks are turned an hour forward, which means you'll be losing an hour of sleep. And Mayo Clinic experts say that missing out on that shut-eye time can affect your body. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/V10gPhowQKQ Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. When daylight saving time…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Science Saturday: Researchers elucidate details about the role of inflammation in liver regeneration. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The liver has the greatest regenerative capacity of any organ in the body, making it possible for surgeons to treat cancerous and noncancerous diseases with extensive surgical approaches. However, underlying chronic liver diseases, like cirrhosis or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, are known to inhibit the liver's ability to regenerate after surgery. Without regeneration, the liver cannot function, and patients can develop postoperative liver failure — often a lethal complication. In a recent paper published in JHEP Reports, Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Minute: Why millennials should know colon cancer symptoms. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org More younger adults are being diagnosed with colon cancer — also known as colorectal cancer — and at more advanced stages of the disease, says the American Cancer Society. It's a trend experts have seen over the last decade. Colon cancer symptoms usually don't appear in early stages of the disease and when they do, they are often at an advanced stage. Dr. Johanna Chan, a Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist, says it's important to recognize colon cancer symptoms and to seek…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Minute: Game-changing treatment for chronic kidney disease could slow down progression of the disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org About 15% of adults in the U.S. are estimated to have chronic kidney disease — that's about 37 million people. What if those people could be treated with medication that could slow the progression of their disease, and help avoid the need for dialysis and kidney transplantation altogether? Dr. Naim Issa, a Mayo Clinic transplant nephrologist says there is a class of medications to help people with chronic kidney disease that does just that. He says Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Consumer Health: What's the difference between kidney cysts and polycystic kidney disease? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org March is National Kidney Month, which makes this a good time to learn more about the difference between two kidney disorders — kidney cysts and polycystic kidney disease. Your kidneys are situated in the back of your abdomen under your lower ribs, one on each side of your spine. One of the important jobs of the kidneys is to clean the blood. As blood moves through the body, it picks up extra fluid, chemicals and waste….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Metabolic syndrome and lifestyle changes. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I just turned 40 and had my annual physical, which included a large panel of blood tests. I was told that I have metabolic syndrome and could develop diabetes. I was told to limit my sugar intake. Can you explain more about the condition and how I can avoid diabetes? ANSWER: When a person is diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, it means he or she has several conditions that, if left untreated, significantly raise the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Q and A: What is bariatric surgery? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I've struggled with obesity for many years and have tried to lose weight through a healthy diet and exercise. My doctor recently told me that I could be a good candidate for bariatric surgery. What is bariatric surgery? And are there different types of procedures available? ANSWER: Obesity is a disease, and overcoming it often is not easy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines overweight or obesity as a "weight that is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Cauliflower: A versatile nutrition superstar. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Like many consumers, you may be on a quest for healthier food options and willing to try something new or a new take on a familiar food. If you're diagnosed with celiac disease, you may be looking for gluten-free alternatives. Or maybe you're on the hunt for lower carbohydrate choices. Cauliflower may be just what you're searching for. This versatile veggie can be eaten raw, cooked, roasted, grilled, baked into a pizza crust, or cooked…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Consumer Health: Do you check the Nutrition Facts label? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org March is National Nutrition Month, which makes this a good time to learn about using the Nutrition Facts label to make healthy choices. Most people in the U.S. don't eat a healthy diet, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most consume too much sodium, saturated fat and sugar, increasing their risk of chronic diseases. The Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods is a tool created by the Food and Drug Administration to help…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Early Mayo Clinic research finds hope in stem cell therapy for perianal fistulas in patients with Crohn's disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — A dissolvable plug delivered stem cell therapy with few side effects in patients with single tract perianal fistulas, Mayo Clinic researchers discovered. Perianal fistulas are painful tunnels between the intestine and the skin that often do not go away with standard medical or surgical care. People with Crohn's disease or other inflammatory bowel conditions are most at risk for this condition. In a prospective, phase 1 clinical trial, researchers loaded stem cells…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic again recognized as 'World's Best Hospital' in Newsweek rankings. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic in Rochester is again ranked No. 1 in the world by Newsweek in its list of the "World's Best Hospitals." The ranking is a tribute to the work of staff across Mayo Clinic. "Among the hallmarks of great hospitals … are not just first-class care, first-class research and first-class innovation. The very best institutions also share another quality: consistency," Newsweek states. "The world's best hospitals consistently attract the best people and provide the best outcomes…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). How to get the most out of napping. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org While closing your eyes for a few minutes during your busy day may seem like a good idea, it's important to consider the effects napping may bring. The time of day and length of time you nap can provide benefits or create problems. Knowing when to nap and providing yourself with a suitable napping environment will produce the greatest benefits. Consider why you're napping Before lying down to take a daily nap, you may want…

noreply (2023-03-18). How The World At Large Sees Things. smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-18). Brutal military raid in Accra suburb spurs calls for accountability in Ghana. peoplesdispatch.org One person is reported to have died days after Ghanaian soldiers invaded Taifa, brutalizing residents and arresting 184 people. The military claimed that the raid was an "intelligence-led operation" in response to the alleged killing of a soldier in the area…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-18). Daily Round-Up | Protests across France as Macron bypass parliament for pension reforms, and other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In this episode, we take a look at the latest round of protests in France, a raid in Jenin by Israeli occupation forces, a strike by New Zealand's teachers, and an impeachment motion against Guillermo Lasso…

Peter Boyle (2023-03-18). Video: NSW's housing crisis election'. greenleft.org.au Green Left accompanied housing activist and Socialist Alliance candidate Rachel Evans on a visit to the Waterloo and Glebe public housing estates to speak to public housing tenants and fellow housing activists about solutions to the housing crisis that overshadows the coming NSW election..

Peter Certo (2023-03-18). 20 Years On, What Did the Iraq War Truly Cost? juancole.com By Peter Certo | — ( Otherwords.org) — The war claimed more than lives and treasure — it claimed a future's worth of lost opportunities. Now, younger generations are demanding them back. By Peter Certo | Most of us who were alive then remember where we were on the morning of the 9/11 attacks. As …

Peter Koenig (2023-03-18). Blow-up of Nord Stream I and II: Did the German Chancellor and the President of the European Commission Betray the People of Germany and Europe? globalresearch.ca

Peter Koenig (2023-03-18). "Electronic Money" under "The One World Order" (OWO): Are We Becoming "Money Slaves"? globalresearch.ca With foresight, this timely article was written by Peter Koenig almost six years ago in July 2017. | "Electronic Money" is currently on the One World Order agenda (OWO) | *** | Electronic money, a cashless society, is perhaps the ultimate and most …

Pink Knight Press (2023-03-18). Charlie Kirk and Proud Boys Confronted at UC Davis. itsgoingdown.org Report from Pink Knight Press on recent antifascist mobilization against Turning Point USA event at UC Davis that brought out members of the Proud Boys. photo: Black Zebra Students began protesting at Kirk's planned venue at 5 PM, a small group that doubled in size every few minutes. Right-wing event attendees and streamers prodded the…

Prabir Purkayastha (2023-03-18). The West no longer World leaders in 84% of critical technologies. mronline.org Kailath, originally from Kerala but settled in the U.S., is one of the foremost names in the world in communications, control and signal processing. I remembered his words while reading the recent startling headlines that China has become the world leader in 37 of 44 critical technologies evaluated by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI).

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-18). Colin Powell and the "The Sloppy Dossier": Plagiarism and "Fake Intelligence" Used to Justify the 2003 War on Iraq: Copied and Pasted from the Internet into an "Official" British Intel Report. globalresearch.ca Fake intelligence as well as plagiarized quotations had been slipped into an official intelligence report on Iraq's WMD presented to the UN Security Council by Secretary of State Colin Powell in February 2003.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-18). The Covid "Killer Vaccine". People Are Dying All Over the World. It's A Criminal Undertaking. globalresearch.ca First published on November 26, 2022 | *** | We are being accused of "spreading disinformation" regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. | The Reuters and AP media "trackers" and "fact checkers" will be out to smear the testimonies of parents who have lost their …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-18). The New World Order Crisis and "The Reproduction of Real Life": Food, Water and Energy. Three Fundamental Necessities of Life in Jeopardy. globalresearch.ca The provision of food, water and fuel is a precondition of civilized society: they are necessary factors for the survival of the human species…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-18). The Pfizer Vaccine: A Tale of Two Reports. "Money vs. Mortality" globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-18). Justification to Wage War on Iraq based on "Fake Intelligence". Whistleblower Dr. David Kelly: Who Ordered his Assassination? globalresearch.ca Our thoughts today are with the people of Iraq, whose country was invaded twenty years on March 19, 2003. The destruction and loss of life are beyond description. | The architects of this illegal invasion are "war criminals". Amply documented the …

Prof. John Ryan (2023-03-18). Long History of US-Russia Confrontation. Analysis of Ukraine-Russia Relations. globalresearch.ca

Rachel Knopp (2023-03-18). Decarceration Advocates Call for Rikers to Be Transformed Into Green Energy Hub. truthout.org In February 2022, a 31-year-old woman named Mary Yehudah arrived at the Rose M. Singer Center, the women's facility at one of the nation's most notorious jail complexes, Rikers Island. Located in the East River, between the New York City boroughs of the Bronx and Queens, Rikers houses thousands of detainees on any given day, the majority of whom are awaiting trial and presumed innocent. |

Richard Sanders (2023-03-18). History of the Rockefeller Family: John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937), the World's First Billionaire. globalresearch.ca

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-18). Aliyev in Karabakh thumps chest over last Caucasus war, warns of another. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Trend News AgencyMarch 18, 2023 No one should forget results of Second Karabakh War — President Ilham Aliyev No one should forget results of the Second Karabakh War, said President Ilham Aliyev as he addressed the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the Novruz holiday in the Talish village of the Tartar district. "We …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-18). Once slandered by Western-backed fascists, Georgian oppostion leader goes over to Global War Party. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The MessengerMarch 27 2023 Irakli Kobakhidze Calls President Salome Zourabichvili's Recent Statements 'Incomprehensible' Georgian Dream Chairman Irakli Kobakhidze criticized President Salome Zourabichvili's recent statements and called it 'incomprehensible'. Kobakhidze named three factors that led to the support of the Georgian Dream for Zourabichvili's candidacy in the presidential elections. "One of the main criteria was that …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-18). Strasbourg: EU rallies Georgian opposition forces for coup, second war front. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The MessengerMarch 27 2023 Four Opposition Parties Hold Meetings in Strasbourg The leaders of Girchi — More Freedom, Droa, Strategy Aghmasheneli and the United National Movement held meetings with members of various political groups of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The representatives of the parties held several meetings in the European Parliament, where the main …

scorinoco (2023-03-18). General Elections in Argentina Scheduled for October, Cristina Fernández Disqualified by Court. orinocotribune.com General elections in Argentina will take place on October 22 of this year, the National Electoral Chamber (CNE) announced after approving the electoral schedule for the year. On that date, Argentinians will vote to elect the president and the vice president of the country, the chief of government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, the governors of the 21 provinces, the 130 deputies of the Chamber of Deputies and the 24 senators, as well as provincial legislators, mayors, and municipal councilors. | The electoral authority announced that the provisional electoral roll will be published on May 5, and the deadl…

scorinoco (2023-03-18). Studies: Use of Bolívars Increasing in Daily Transactions in Venezuela. orinocotribune.com Daily transactions in dollars in Venezuela are experiencing a decline of around 21% this year, after a rebound in 2022. Specialists attribute this drop to the efforts of the government to popularize the use of the national currency, bolívar, or rather to stop the de facto dollarization, according to the Spanish media EFE. | A survey carried out by the firm Ecoanalítica in ten of the largest cities of Venezuela showed that the US dollar was used in about 66% of all transactions at the end of 2021, but dropped to 45% in the same period of 2022, while transactions in bolívars rose from 34% to 55% during the same per…

scorinoco (2023-03-18). US Congresswoman: It is Time to Withdraw US Troops From Syria. orinocotribune.com US intervention in Syria is part of the "flawed status quo" of US foreign policy instigated by warmongers, US Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna said. | "Frankly I'm tired of hearing, 'if we don't fight them there, they'll come here,'" Florida Republican Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna wrote in an

scorinoco (2023-03-18). Yemen: Fragile Truce May End at Any Moment as Saudi Aggression, Siege Rage. orinocotribune.com Tofiq al-Hamiri, a senior adviser to the Yemeni Information Ministry, said that a de facto ceasefire between the country's fighters and the invading Saudi-led coalition "may end at any moment" due to the continuation of the aggression and siege against the impoverished nation. | "As long as the aggression and blockade continue against Yemen, the ceasefire in this country may end at any moment," he added. | "Some people claim that the resolution of rifts between Saudi Arabia and Iran means the end of the war on Yemen," al-Hamiri commented. "This perception is wrong… [as] the war situation in Yemen still persists…

Sergio Ferrari (2023-03-18). De California a Zúrich: Un tsunami financiero que crea pánico global. globalizacion.ca La quiebra inesperada del Silicom Valley Bank (SVB) en Estados Unidos produjo un tsunami que se extiende, aceleradamente, por el planeta financiero, causando pánico en Europa. Las olas más grandes ahogan ya al banco helvético Credit Suisse. | Se trata de…

Staff (2023-03-18). Proyecto Puentes de Amor realiza declaración sobre la participación del equipo cubano de béisbol en Miami. cubadebate.cu El movimiento Puentes de Amor aplaude las victorias del equipo de pelota cubano en la Copa Mundial de Béisbol. Ese equipo, compuesto por cubanos que residen en Cuba, en los Estados Unidos y en otros países del mundo, es un monumento a la diversidad, la inclusión y un bello ejemplo de lo que podemos lograr juntos.

Staff (2023-03-18). El diputado de Manuel Tames o un médico que vive para ayudar a los demás (+ Podcast y Fotos). cubadebate.cu Por los pasillos del Hospital General Docente Dr Agostinho Neto, en Guantánamo, siempre está el doctor Luis Alberto Ramírez Díaz haciendo malabares entre el ejercicio de la medicina y la subdirección quirúrgica del centro. Ambas responsabilidades las lleva con dedicación, bajo la premisa que ha primado en su vida: dedicarse a ayudar sin esperar una moneda de cambio.

Staff (2023-03-18). Protesta de los Trece: La joven intelectualidad en la vanguardia. cubadebate.cu La Protesta de los Trece marcó un camino de inserción en la sociedad y sus problemas para aquel grupo, pero que impactó mucho más allá de los trece jóvenes. Era la asunción del deber social de los intelectuales, que rebasaría las limitaciones de miradas elitistas de algunos o de compromisos con espacios de poder en otros. La Protesta de los Trece fue el momento de irrupción, desde un movimiento cívico, para plantearse el gran propósito de cumplir el sueño de mármol de Martí.

Staff (2023-03-18). Trinidad y su Cadena Azul. cubadebate.cu El 11 de agosto de 1955 una noticia de última hora acaparaba espacio en todos los noticieros radiales. Amado Trinidad Velasco, exmonarca de la radio cubana, había aparecido ahorcado en su finca San José, en las afueras de Guanajay. En ruina, triste, solo y olvidado, el otrora poderoso dueño de la RHC Cadena Azul decidía privarse de la vida.

Staff (2023-03-18). Cuba sigue siendo un faro para América Latina y el mundo. cubadebate.cu La noche del 17 de marzo fue mágica. Música, colores, patriotismo. Cientos de personas se aglomeraron en torno a la escalinata de la Univerisdad de La Habana. Así fue el cierre del Coloquio Internacional "Patria" que reunió a decenas de especialistas de la comunicación política de otros pueblos hermanos y de Cuba.

Staff (2023-03-18). øCómo se ve la escalinata de la Universidad de La Habana esta noche? (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Cientos de jóvenes llegaron a la escalinata de la Universidad de La Habana para participar en el acto de clausura del Coloquio Internacional "Patria" y el concierto de Buena Fe. El espectáculo político-cultural ha sido organizado con la participación de realizadores audiovisuales, músicos, artistas del video mapping y expertos nacionales e internacionales.

Staff (2023-03-18). Cuba: Consejo de Estado examina agenda legislativa y preparativos para elecciones nacionales. cubadebate.cu Sobre la agenda legislativa del país y los preparativos para las elecciones nacionales del próximo 26 de marzo debatieron los miembros del Consejo de Estado en su sesión de este viernes encabezada por el Presidente de este órgano, Esteban Lazo Hernández. Como primer punto de la agenda, fue aprobado el decreto ley modificativo del decreto ley no. 56 "De la Maternidad de la Trabajadora y la Responsabilidad de las Familias".

Staff (2023-03-18). Las 3 del día: La canción del Team Asere y más noticias de la semana que termina (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Ya llega un nuevo resumen semanal de Las 3 del día, hoy conducido por Karina Rodríguez y Claudia Fonseca. Terminamos estos siete días con la grata noticia de que el trompetista Alexander Abreu y su grupo Havana D' Primera estrenaron la canción y el video de #TeamAsere. Esta y otras informaciones aquí en Las 3 del día.

Staff (2023-03-18). México le roba la victoria a Puerto Rico en Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. cubadebate.cu México y Puerto Rico, dos de las grandes sorpresas del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol se enfrentaron este viernes en el LoanDepot Park, de Miami, Fla, por un boleto a las semifinales del torneo. Tras un apretado juego, México consiguió la victoria por 5 carreras frente a 4 de su contrincante. Ahora le queda la "pelea" frente al equipo de Japón.

Staff (2023-03-18). Anuncian alta probabilidad de lluvias y tormentas eléctricas para la región occidental de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Desde el final de la tarde del sábado y durante el transcurso del domingo se incrementarán las áreas de chubascos, lluvias y tormentas eléctricas en la región occidental de Cuba, situación asociada a la cercanía y tránsito sobre ese territorio del frente frío número 13, de la temporada invernal 2022-2023. Así lo notificó el Centro de Pronósticos del Instituto de Meteorología,…

Staff (2023-03-18). Derrumbe en Centro Habana deja al menos dos personas lesionadas, incluyendo un menor. cubadebate.cu Usuarios en redes sociales han publicado sobre un derrumbe en la calle San Miguel entre Campanario y Manrique en Centro Habana. Hasta el momento se han reportado dos personas lesionadas debido al incidente, incluyendo un menor de entre 4 y 5 años de edad. Los bomberos y los servicios médicos trabajan para atender a los afectados.

Staff (2023-03-18). Ecuador: Sismo de magnitud 6,7 deja varios muertos y daños materiales. cubadebate.cu Varias personas han muerto en distintas ciudades afectadas por un sismo de magnitud 6,7 que se registró este sábado cerca de la urbe de Balao, en la provincia de Guayas (Ecuador), según datos del Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés).

Staff (2023-03-18). Equipo de Cuba entrena para duelo semifinal del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. cubadebate.cu Con espíritu de unidad y orgullo nacional, el equipo de béisbol de Cuba realizó hoy aquí su segundo entrenamiento de cara al duelo semifinal de mañana en Clásico Mundial, con el regreso de Yoenis Céspedes. Regresar entre los cuatro grandes del orbe ya es un triunfo histórico para el deporte más popular en el país caribeño.

Staff (2023-03-18). Renuevan acuerdo para la exportación de cereales y fertilizantes desde Rusia y Ucrania. cubadebate.cu El presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, anunció hoy la renovación del acuerdo para la exportación de granos y fertilizantes a través del Mar Negro desde Ucrania y Rusia, que expiraba esta noche.El llamado pacto del corredor de cereales fue renovado como resultado de negociaciones con las dos partes, según dijo Erdogan, en un discurso pronunciado en la ciudad turca de Canakkale.

Staff (2023-03-18). Trump convoca a sus seguidores a protestar, ante la posibilidad de ser acusado y detenido por corrupción. cubadebate.cu El expresidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, ha asegurado esta jornada en su red social Truth Social que será arrestado el martes y ha llamado a sus seguidores a protestar. Mientras tanto, las agencias policiales del país norteamericano están discutiendo preparativos de seguridad adicional para la Corte Penal de Nueva York y sus alrededores.

Staff (2023-03-18). Russia Responds to ICC Arrest Warrant Against Putin: It Is Legally Null and Void. orinocotribune.com The arrest warrants issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Russian President Vladimir Putin and Children's Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova are "null and void" and "carry no legal weight," Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova announced on Friday, March 1. Earlier on Friday, the ICC

Staff (2023-03-18). US Federal Reserve Makes Unprecedented Move to 'Save' Banks (+Bailout). orinocotribune.com The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, injected around The Federal Reserve set the dollar printing machine to full capacity after the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank and the Signature Bank. Another US bank, the First Republic Bank managed to…

Staff (2023-03-18). Panama detains and deports head of Brazil-Palestine Institute (Ibraspal). samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network expresses its solidarity with Dr. Ahmed Shehadeh after Panamanian immigration authorities at Tocumen International Airport detained and deported Shehadeh, the head of the Brazilian-Palestinian Institute (Ibraspal), on Thursday, March 16. The Panamanian officials confiscated and held his Brazilian passport while he was transiting at the airport on his way to …

Stephanie Hedgecoke (2023-03-18). End the blockade: Socialist Cuba and mosquitos — humanity calls; Cuba answers. workers.org Mosquito-carried disease vectors have plagued humanity for millennia. Mosquitos carry dengue, yellow fever, malaria, West Nile fever, Zika fever, several varieties of encephalitis, Rift Valley fever, Chikungunya and Lymphatic filariasis, as well as Dog heartworm. Aedes mosquitos transmit dengue fever to cause 96 million symptomatic cases a year, resulting in . . . |

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-18). Parlamento salvadoreño cambia reglas previo a año de elecciones. telesurtv.net En adición, un error y la falta de debate por parte de los diputados oficialistas, hizo que en realidad, la Asamblea Legislativa haya derogado todo el código electoral por completo y no solo un artículo.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-18). Movimiento indígena exige participar en elecciones en Guatemala. telesurtv.net Misión de Observación Electoral Guatemala (MOE-GT) insta a las cortes de justicia a dictar sentencias definitivas a la mayor brevedad en los casos que son tramitados.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-18). Presidente mexicano confirma cumbre regional sobre la inflación. telesurtv.net Entre ellos estarán los mandatarios de Chile, Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Cuba, Honduras, Belice, Bolivia y San Vicente.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-18). Sociedad civil cubana se prepara para Examen Periódico de DDHH. telesurtv.net En un coloquio se ratificó el acompañamiento al Estado para continuar avanzando en la promoción y protección de todos los Derechos Humanos para todos en Cuba.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-18). Gobierno de Bolivia ratifica transparencia en industrialización de litio. telesurtv.net La viceministra de Comunicación señala que el Gobierno tiene participación y soberanía en todo el proceso de producción y comercialización de ese recurso.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-18). Movimiento indígena busca salidas a crisis política de Ecuador. telesurtv.net A la reunión están citados organizaciones de indígenas, campesinos, estudiantes, trabajadores, entre otros gremios.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-18). Acciones de First Republic Bank caen pese a rescate financiero de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Los títulos de First Republic cayeron un 30 por ciento este jueves y luego subieron 9,8 por ciento al cerrar el día. Entidades financieras le inyectaron 30.000 millones de dólares.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-18). Tropas israelíes asesinan a cuatro palestinos en Jenin. telesurtv.net Según medios locales, una fuerza israelí encubierta se internó en la ciudad a bordo de dos vehículos civiles.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-18). Confirman visita a Rusia de presidente chino Xi Jinping. telesurtv.net La Presidencia rusa señaló que se examinará el desarrollo de la asociación integral y la cooperación estratégica entre ambas naciones.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-18). Bolivia y Rusia expresan compromiso de ampliar cooperación bilateral. telesurtv.net En un intercambio telefónico, coincidieron en ampliar sus lazos en el comercio, el sector energético, la ciencia y la educación.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-18). Declaran alerta por fenómeno de El Niño Costero en Perú. telesurtv.net Los expertos han detectado anomalías en los vientos, asociados con la alteración de patrones de circulación atmosférica.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-18). Fuerzas de Israel asesinan a joven palestino en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Los soldados, ante su estado crítico, negaron el acceso de ambulancias y personal médico palestino.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-18). Oposición en Francia presenta moción de censura contra el Gobierno. telesurtv.net La coalición de los partidos de izquierda Nueva Unión Popular Ecológica y Social (Nupes) apoyó la declaratoria del grupo Liot.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-18). Rusia califica de nula decisión de CPI contra presidente Putin. telesurtv.net Además de la orden emitida contra el mandatario, la CPI también dictó otra contra la comisionada presidencial para los Derechos del Niño en Rusia.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-18). Celebran el 7 ∞ aniversario de los CLAP en Venezuela. telesurtv.net El mandatario venezolano destacó que el 95 por ciento de los alimentos de los CLAP son de producción nacional.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-18). Policía federal prosigue operativo contra golpistas en Brasil. telesurtv.net El Supremo Tribunal Federal rechazó solicitudes de libertad de 86 mujeres y 208 hombres con las conductas más graves.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-18). Ciclón Freddy provoca más de 400 fallecidos en àÅfrica austral. telesurtv.net La ONU envía materiales de asistencia a la zona como agua, comida, tiendas de campaña, mantas y productos sanitarios.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-18). Comunidad indígena denuncia afectación a sitios en Amazonía ecuatoriana. telesurtv.net Los Waorani refieren que el Gobierno violó el derecho al consentimiento previo y se provocaron daños irreversibles a ecosistemas del área.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-18). Lluvias provocan un muerto y daños materiales en Perú. telesurtv.net El Gobierno declaró estado de emergencia en seis distritos de Lima, entre ellos Ancón, Pucusana y San Bartolo.

teleSUR, nbb, JDO (2023-03-18). MST realiza la mayor cosecha de arroz orgánico en Brasil. telesurtv.net En el encuentro participan representantes del Gobierno brasileño, parlamentarios de partidos progresistas y delegaciones de países como Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba y Venezuela.

teleSUR, nbb, JDO (2023-03-18). Fuerzas de seguridad detienen a cientos de manifestantes tras protestas en Francia. telesurtv.net Miles de personas se reunieron en París y otras ciudades. Convocan a nuevas movilizaciones, bloquear el país y cambiar al actual Gobierno.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-18). Caída de helicóptero deja cuatro muertos en Sà£o Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Se desconoce la identidad de los accidentados y las posibles causas del siniestro.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-18). Designan a Lázaro Cárdenas Batel secretario permanente de la Celac. telesurtv.net Un secretariado permanente en la comunidad que dé seguimiento a los acuerdos y políticas adoptadas por los países miembros.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-18). Trabajadores convocan huelga por mejoras salariales en Reino Unido. telesurtv.net Se prevé que la huelga tenga lugar por cinco semanas, desde el 3 de abril hasta el 5 de mayo.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-18). Clausuran Coloquio Internacional Patria en La Habana, Cuba. telesurtv.net La actividad contó con la intervención de intelectuales, pensadores y políticos de diversos países, así como con un concierto del grupo Buena Fe.

The Dissenter (2023-03-18). March To Iraq War, 20 Years Later: March 18, 2003. thedissenter.org The Dissenter Newsletter recalls each day in the timeline of events that led up to the US invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, twenty years ago…

Thinkers Forum (2023-03-18). African Scholar: Only China Can Deter America from Hegemony. dissidentvoice.org Kyeretwie Opoku, convener of the Socialist Movement of Ghana, speaks to why China presents a peaceful path for the future co-prosperity of the world.

Third Act SF Bay Area (2023-03-18). Tuesday 3/21: Stop Dirty Banking at Wells Fargo HQ in San Francisco. indybay.org Wells Fargo Corporate Headquarters | 420 Montgomery St | San Francisco, CA 94104…

Trinity Tran (2023-03-18). The SVB and Signature Bank Crashes Show Why We Need Public Banking. truthout.org The recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank — the second and third largest bank failures in U.S. history respectively — has laid bare the vulnerability of the private banking sector. With over 563 federally insured banks toppling between 2001 and 2023, it's impossible to ignore: The status quo is unsustainable. Amid this financial turbulence, the need for public banking has… |

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-18). An Historic Direct Action in a Forest Outside Atlanta. unicornriot.ninja

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute For Social Research. (2023-03-18). Again The Dream Of Global Peace And Mutual Respect. popularresistance.org On 24 February 2023, the Chinese Foreign Ministry released a twelve-point plan entitled 'China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis'. This 'peace plan', as it has been called, is anchored in the concept of sovereignty, building upon the well-established principles of the United Nations Charter (1945) and the Ten Principles from the Bandung Conference of African and Asian states held in 1955. The plan was released two days after China's senior diplomat Wang Yi visited Moscow, where he met with Russia's President Vladimir Putin.

WSWS (2023-03-18). After nuclear-capable B-52 flies near Russian airspace, British and German warplanes intercept Russian jet over Baltic. wsws.org The dangerous escalation of tensions in the Baltic and High North comes as Washington and its European allies prepare the ground for a further expansion of their involvement in the Ukraine war.

WSWS (2023-03-18). After Microsoft announces 10,000 layoffs, CWA union endorses tech giant's multibillion-dollar bid for video game publisher ABK. wsws.org The support for the merger is almost certainly part of a deal which exchanged Microsoft's neutrality in union elections for the union bureaucracy's backing.

WSWS (2023-03-18). Australian IYSSE holds meetings against war in Ukraine and preparations for war with China. wsws.org The Australian meetings—in Melbourne and Newcastle—attracted youth, students and workers, both in person and watching live online from around the country.

WSWS (2023-03-18). Chicago mayoral forums mark Democratic Party's sharp shift to the right. wsws.org At three recent forums, candidates Vallas and Johnson agreed on opening up the city's infrastructure and working class youth to exploitation by corporate interests but differ primarily on how to contain growing social discontent.

WSWS (2023-03-18). Australian PM promotes AUKUS as platform for a total war economy. wsws.org Albanese equated the creation of a civilian auto industry following the last world war with the building of an economy based on the production of weaponry for a third world war that could wipe out humanity.

WSWS (2023-03-18). Norfolk Southern alleges defective railcars may have contributed to recent derailment. wsws.org The railcars in question are manufactured by National Steel Car (NSC), a company located in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Norfolk Southern's aim with the press release is to imply that these alleged defects could be the reason for the massive derailment in East Palestine.

WSWS (2023-03-18). The German chancellor and government intensify their pro-war policies. wsws.org Chancellor Scholz's government statement on Thursday centred on the NATO war offensive against Russia.

WSWS (2023-03-18). ICC issues arrest warrant against Putin as part of US-NATO propaganda campaign for regime change. wsws.org The transparently political action by the International Criminal Court takes place amidst ever more open statements from US and NATO officials that the aim of the war is regime change in Moscow.

WSWS (2023-03-18). French students speak out after 5 arrested at protest to defend garbage workers striking against Macron's pension cut. wsws.org Protests are erupting cross France after Macron announced plans to ram through his widely despised pension cuts without even a parliamentary vote.

WSWS (2023-03-18). Honduras cuts ties to Taiwan in favor of China. wsws.org The decision reduces Taiwan's diplomatic allies to just 13—a measure of Washington's falling economic and political influence in Latin America in relation to China.

WSWS (2023-03-18). My Lost Country: The fate of Iraqi culture and society. wsws.org A piece of autobiography and a tribute to the filmmaker's theater director father, the work is intended, above all, as "an act of resistance" against the imperialist devastation of Iraqi culture and society.

WSWS (2023-03-18). California UPS worker speaks out ahead of contract talks: "Now is the time for action" wsws.org UPS worker Gerardo explained what conditions at UPS are like and what he and other workers are demanding in the next contract.

WSWS (2023-03-18). Paris police assault garbage workers striking against Macron's cuts. wsws.org On Thursday morning, in a signal that Macron is preparing brutal repression of continuing protests against pension cuts, police assaulted garbage workers' pickets in the Paris suburb of Ivry.

WSWS (2023-03-18). Rank-and-file candidate Will Lehman's statement on the UAW election crisis. wsws.org The conclusion of the second round of the UAW national officers' election has proven definitively that the election was a fraud conducted with contempt for the rights of the rank-and-file membership.

Yao Fei (2023-03-18). El bloqueo de chips de EE.UU. no puede detener el progreso tecnológico de China. globalizacion.ca Desde que el gobierno de Biden llegó al poder, considera a China como su mayor ´competidor estratégico ª, promueve sanciones y ´desacoplamiento ª contra China en el campo de la alta tecnología, en un intento de sofocar la innovación y la competitividad…

Yasmin Cader (2023-03-18). Celebrating 60 Years of Gideon v. Wainwright. aclu.org Sixty years ago today, the Supreme Court issued its landmark decision in In the deca…

Zoe Alexandra (2023-03-18). Mexico is charting its own path towards energy sovereignty. peoplesdispatch.org On March 18, Mexicans are marking 85 years since the decision to expropriate oil resources from foreign companies. This comes at a time when Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has nationalized the country's lithium and has promised energy self-sufficiency by 2024…

David Swanson (2023-03-18). Iraq and 15 Lessons We Never Learned. globalresearch.ca

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2023-03-18: News Headlines

Victor Rodriguez (2023-03-18). Uruguay's Right-Wing President Threatens to Turn Back Clock to the Dark Age of Early Cold War. covertactionmagazine.com Teachers' Unions Have Become Target of Illegal Surveillance Since Luis Lacalle Pou became President of Uruguay in early 2020 as the first self-proclaimed non-leftist president in Uruguay since his father, Luis Alberto Lacalle in the 1990s, he has used his platform to vocally condemn socialist regimes in the Americas, particularly feuding with the Castro regime in …

Staff (2023-03-18). El diputado de Manuel Tames o un médico que vive para ayudar a los demás (+ Podcast y Fotos). cubadebate.cu Por los pasillos del Hospital General Docente Dr Agostinho Neto, en Guantánamo, siempre está el doctor Luis Alberto Ramírez Díaz haciendo malabares entre el ejercicio de la medicina y la subdirección quirúrgica del centro. Ambas responsabilidades las lleva con dedicación, bajo la premisa que ha primado en su vida: dedicarse a ayudar sin esperar una moneda de cambio.

Staff (2023-03-18). Trinidad y su Cadena Azul. cubadebate.cu El 11 de agosto de 1955 una noticia de última hora acaparaba espacio en todos los noticieros radiales. Amado Trinidad Velasco, exmonarca de la radio cubana, había aparecido ahorcado en su finca San José, en las afueras de Guanajay. En ruina, triste, solo y olvidado, el otrora poderoso dueño de la RHC Cadena Azul decidía privarse de la vida.

Staff (2023-03-18). Cuba sigue siendo un faro para América Latina y el mundo. cubadebate.cu La noche del 17 de marzo fue mágica. Música, colores, patriotismo. Cientos de personas se aglomeraron en torno a la escalinata de la Univerisdad de La Habana. Así fue el cierre del Coloquio Internacional "Patria" que reunió a decenas de especialistas de la comunicación política de otros pueblos hermanos y de Cuba.

Staff (2023-03-18). Anuncian alta probabilidad de lluvias y tormentas eléctricas para la región occidental de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Desde el final de la tarde del sábado y durante el transcurso del domingo se incrementarán las áreas de chubascos, lluvias y tormentas eléctricas en la región occidental de Cuba, situación asociada a la cercanía y tránsito sobre ese territorio del frente frío número 13, de la temporada invernal 2022-2023. Así lo notificó el Centro de Pronósticos del Instituto de Meteorología,…

Staff (2023-03-18). Derrumbe en Centro Habana deja al menos dos personas lesionadas, incluyendo un menor. cubadebate.cu Usuarios en redes sociales han publicado sobre un derrumbe en la calle San Miguel entre Campanario y Manrique en Centro Habana. Hasta el momento se han reportado dos personas lesionadas debido al incidente, incluyendo un menor de entre 4 y 5 años de edad. Los bomberos y los servicios médicos trabajan para atender a los afectados.

Staff (2023-03-18). Ecuador: Sismo de magnitud 6,7 deja varios muertos y daños materiales. cubadebate.cu Varias personas han muerto en distintas ciudades afectadas por un sismo de magnitud 6,7 que se registró este sábado cerca de la urbe de Balao, en la provincia de Guayas (Ecuador), según datos del Servicio Geológico de EE.UU. (USGS, por sus siglas en inglés).

Staff (2023-03-18). Equipo de Cuba entrena para duelo semifinal del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. cubadebate.cu Con espíritu de unidad y orgullo nacional, el equipo de béisbol de Cuba realizó hoy aquí su segundo entrenamiento de cara al duelo semifinal de mañana en Clásico Mundial, con el regreso de Yoenis Céspedes. Regresar entre los cuatro grandes del orbe ya es un triunfo histórico para el deporte más popular en el país caribeño.

Staff (2023-03-18). Renuevan acuerdo para la exportación de cereales y fertilizantes desde Rusia y Ucrania. cubadebate.cu El presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, anunció hoy la renovación del acuerdo para la exportación de granos y fertilizantes a través del Mar Negro desde Ucrania y Rusia, que expiraba esta noche.El llamado pacto del corredor de cereales fue renovado como resultado de negociaciones con las dos partes, según dijo Erdogan, en un discurso pronunciado en la ciudad turca de Canakkale.

Staff (2023-03-18). Trump convoca a sus seguidores a protestar, ante la posibilidad de ser acusado y detenido por corrupción. cubadebate.cu El expresidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, ha asegurado esta jornada en su red social Truth Social que será arrestado el martes y ha llamado a sus seguidores a protestar. Mientras tanto, las agencias policiales del país norteamericano están discutiendo preparativos de seguridad adicional para la Corte Penal de Nueva York y sus alrededores.

Fight Back (2023-03-18). 36 newly elected Police District Councilors endorse Brandon Johnson. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – After celebrating their victories in the Chicago municipal elections on February 28, 36 of the 66 newly elected Police District Councilors voiced their support of the Brandon Johnson mayoral campaign. At a press conference with Johnson outside City Hall on Monday, March 13, many councilors explained why they would rather work under a Johnson administration than a Vallas one. | "I think Paul Vallas should go back to Palos Heights and run for mayor there. We need someone who is deeply rooted like Brandon Johnson," said Arewa Karen Winters, 15th District Councilor. "Brandon Johnson is the only candida…

Fight Back (2023-03-18). Denver students continue push for campus demilitarization with speakout. fightbacknews.org Denver, CO — On March 15, students at Auraria Campus in Denver gathered to voice support for a resolution that would prohibit their campus police from obtaining military weapons from the Pentagon's 1033 Program. The resolution comes after a yearlong fight led by Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) to pressure administration to agree to the ban. | The Pentagon 1033 Program is a way for police departments to acquire military equipment from the Pentagon at low prices. While Auraria Campus Police Department (ACPD) claims they only use the program to acquire items such as office supplies, they notably did at…

Fight Back (2023-03-18). Family of Chicano elder murdered by East LA Sheriffs demands justice. fightbacknews.org Los Angeles, CA — On March 11, about 30 people gathered in front of the East LA Sheriff's Station to protest the recent murder of Miguel Angel Lopez, a 70-year-old Chicano man, during an early morning raid in his Maywood home while his wife, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were present. | On January 26 at 5: 45 a.m., two LA Sheriff deputies from East LA station murdered Miguel Lopez, shooting him seven times while conducting a search warrant; claiming he had a gun in his hand. Miguel's wife Luz Lopez was getting ready for work when the two deputies were at their home and thought they were burglars. The…

Norman Solomon (2023-03-18). 'War Made Easy' — The Iraq War 20 years later. therealnews.com

_____ (2023-03-18). Britain and France unsuccessfully attempt to force Russia out of Central Asia. journal-neo.org

Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-18). The US Is The Greatest Threat To World Peace And Collective Humanity. popularresistance.org As anti-imperialist and Anti-war activists are preparing to mobilize in Washington D.C. on the 20th anniversary of the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq by the U.S. and its Western colonial allies, it is imperative that authentic anti-imperialist forces and those earnestly committed to an Anti-war principle recognize two things: the U.S. based transnational ruling class is fully invested in the doctrine of U.S. "Full Spectrum Dominance," and as a consequence the U.S. state has become an existential threat to collective humanity on our planet. | The recognition of these two "facts" are the only basis of a polit…

Allan Fisher (2023-03-18). Saturday 3/18: Protest nonstop war and militarism – demand negotiations! indybay.org Town Clock (Water Street) Santa Cruz…

Angela (2023-03-18). Saturday 3/18: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Stitching Palestine" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Ann Wright, Popular Resistance. (2023-03-18). Don't Let The Media Cheerlead Us Into More Wars Like It Did in Iraq. popularresistance.org Twenty years ago on this coming weekend, I was in Mongolia as the Deputy US Ambassador. After writing a Dissent Cable in early March 2003 on the pending U.S. war on Iraq to my boss Secretary of State Colin Powell, I made the decision to resign from the U.S. government as it was poised to invade, occupy and destroy the sovereign state of Iraq. I was one of three U.S. diplomats who resigned—Brady Kiesling and John Brown resigned before me. | For months, the Bush administration attempted to get the U.S. public to believe that Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction and therefore was a threat to t…

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-18). Lithium Americas and Biden Violating Sacred: Digging into Paiute Massacre Site for Lithium. indybay.org Breaking News: "I cried seeing this yesterday," said Dorece Sam, Fort McDermitt Paiute, seeing the destruction of the earth on the Paiute Massacre Site at Thacker Pass for a lithium mine, in northern Nevada. "To see this shattered my heart," Sam said of the violation of the sacred. "There are no cultural monitors."

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-18). Court: U.S. Failure to Protect Pacific Humpbacks From Deadly Entanglements Was Unlawful. indybay.org SAN FRANCISCO, March 15, 2023 — A federal court ruled in favor of the Center for Biological Diversity yesterday in a lawsuit arguing that the National Marine Fisheries Service failed to protect endangered Pacific humpback whales from deadly entanglements in sablefish pot gear off California, Oregon and Washington.

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-18). Lawsuit Launched Over U.S. Delay on Petition to Phase Out Oil Drilling on Public Lands. indybay.org WASHINGTON, March 16, 2023 — Conservation groups today filed a notice of their intent to sue the U.S. Interior Department for failing to respond to a petition to phase out oil and gas extraction on public lands.

City of Sunnyvale (2023-03-18). Wednesday 4/5: EV Financial Incentives Clinic. indybay.org Online Webinar…

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-18). Saturday 3/25: MAR. 25: "WHO CARES ANYWAY": BOOK LAUNCH AND TOILING MIDGETS PERFORMANCE. indybay.org ATA Gallery is located on the corner of Valencia and 21st streets in San Francisco's Mission district … 992 Valencia St.

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-18). Saturday 4/1: ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION: FREIGHT-HOPPING + BIKING (+ GREEN BURIALS). indybay.org ATA Gallery is located on the corner of Valencia and 21st streets in San Francisco's Mission district … 992 Valencia St.

Dabor Resiere, Jonathan Florentin, Hatem Kallel, Rishika Banydeen, Ruddy Valentino, Moustapha Dramé, José-Louis Barnay, Papa Gueye, Bruno Mégarbane, Hossein Mehdaoui, Rémi Neviere, Toxicological Research Group on chlordecone at the University Hospital of Martinique (2023-03-18). [Correspondence] Chlordecone (Kepone) poisoning in the French Territories in the Americas. thelancet.com For more than 40 years, two French territories in the Americas, Martinique and Guadeloupe, have been confronted with one of the biggest environmental scandals in Caribbean history due to the use of an organochlorine pesticide, chlordecone (also known under the brand name Kepone), in banana plantations. Although banned from use in the USA since the 1970s, this pesticide was intensively applied in the banana fields of these two French Caribbean territories from 1972 to 1993 to combat the banana weevil, a serious insect pest for banana crops.

Danielle Villasana (2023-03-18). [Perspectives] Aftermath of the Türkiye—Syria earthquake. thelancet.com The earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria on Feb 6, 2023, will have lasting health and humanitarian impacts. Current estimates indicate more than 50‚Äà000 people have died and over 100‚Äà000 people have been injured. Thousands of buildings and much infrastructure are destroyed, with millions of people displaced, including vulnerable populations such as children, pregnant women, people living with chronic health conditions or disabilities, and older people. In Türkiye—a country grappling with a flailing economy and the impacts of the conflict in neighbouring Syria[mda…

Danielle Villasana (2023-03-18). [Perspectives] Aftermath of the Türkiye—Syria earthquake. thelancet.com The earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria on Feb 6, 2023, will have lasting health and humanitarian impacts. Current estimates indicate more than ‚Äà000 people have died and over 100‚Äà000 people have been injured. Thousands of buildings and much infrastructure are destroyed, with millions of people displaced, including vulnerable populations such as children, pregnant women, people living with chronic health conditions or disabilities, and older people. In Türkiye—a country grappling with a flailing economy and the impacts of the conflict in neighbouring Syria[md…

Declartion for American Democracy (2023-03-18). Tuesday 3/28: American Democracy: A Way Forward for Voting Freedom. indybay.org Online event…

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). 38 Chinese warmly welcomed in Vietnam as cross-border tourism resumes. ecns.cn A tour group left China via the Dongxing Port in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Wednesday and was warmly welcomed by the MongCai Port in Vietnam.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). AUKUS partnership aims to create a NATO replica in Asia-Pacific region: Chinese FM. ecns.cn The U.S., the UK and Australia are putting up an Anglo-Saxon clique and creating the so-called AUKUS trilateral security partnership to advance nuclear submarine cooperation and other cutting-edge military technology cooperation, which is typical Cold War mentality and a move that opens a Pandora's box, which will seriously impact regional and global peace and security, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Comicomment: 'Democracy Summit' masks hegemony under the guise of democracy. ecns.cn The United States itself has a notorious reputation in the field of democracy and is not qualified to act as a "lecturer" on human rights. The so-called "Democracy Summit"is using "democracy" as a cover to maintain hegemony, where the preservation of hegemony is the true goal and the promotion of democracy is false.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Insights | Swaran Singh: Chinese modernization unique and has global significance. ecns.cn China's modernization has become a popular topic in recent years., Dduring an exclusive interview with China News Network, Professor Swaran Singh, who teaches International Relations at Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi) and currently a visiting professor with University of British Columbia (Vancouver), gave his ideas on this topic, as well as topics on the global economy and China's roles in global governance.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Scientist reveals goals for future lunar research station. ecns.cn Scientists have proposed several objectives for a future international lunar research station, including moon-based Earth observation and lunar resource utilization.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). China's FDI inflow up 6.1 pct in first two months. ecns.cn Foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese mainland, in actual use, expanded 6.1 percent year on year to 268.44 billion yuan in the first two months of 2023, the Ministry of Commerce said Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Chinese FM meets Pakistani foreign secretary on bilateral ties. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang on Friday met with Pakistani Foreign Secretary Asad Majeed Khan in Beijing, saying that China will advance and deepen friendly cooperation with Pakistan.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Two new plant species discovered in SW China. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have discovered two new plant species in a giant panda habitat in southwest China's Sichuan Province, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) said Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). HKSAR, Macao SAR chief executives support formation of Hong Kong and Macao work office of CPC Central Committee. ecns.cn Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) John Lee and Chief Executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) Ho Iat Seng on Thursday expressed firm support for the formation of the Hong Kong and Macao work office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). China's ministry releases top 10 scientific advances. ecns.cn China's Ministry of Science and Technology Friday released the top 10 domestic scientific advances of 2022.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Canada removes COVID-19 testing requirements for Chinese travelers. ecns.cn Canada will remove mandatory COVID-19 testing requirements for air travelers arriving from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions starting Friday, the Canadian government announced on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). China's finance ministry imposes penalty on China Huarong, Deloitte. ecns.cn China's Ministry of Finance has imposed an administrative penalty on China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd. (China Huarong) and its auditor Deloitte for severe distortion of accounting information and serious auditing defects, respectively.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Chinese president to pay state visit to Russia. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to Russia from March 20 to 22 at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying announced on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Xi's Russia trip to advance friendship, cooperation, peace: spokesperson. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping's upcoming visit to Russia will be a trip of friendship, cooperation and peace, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Brazilian President to visit China. ecns.cn At the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of the Federative Republic of Brazil will pay a state visit to China from March 26 to 31, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying announced on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Chinese FM spokesperson addresses questions including on Brazilian president's upcoming visit. ecns.cn The following is the full text of Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin's regular press conference on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Tsinghua launches "International Joint Mission on Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality" ecns.cn Tsinghua University held the launch ceremony of the "International Joint Mission on Climate Change and Carbon Neutrality" on Mar 14, demonstrating its commitment to environmental protection.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Culture Fact: Kunqu Opera. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Artifacts featuring Gandhara culture on show at Beijing's Palace Museum. ecns.cn A visitor takes photos of an ancient Buddhist statue of standing Buddha (1st?2nd century) during an exhibition.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Aerial view of cole flower scenery in Jiangxi. ecns.cn A high-speed train runs through a sea of blooming cole flowers in east China's Jiangxi Province, March 16, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Five bridges over Wujiang River in Guizhou. ecns.cn Five bridges built over the Wujiang River, form a spectacular view of bridge flying over the Wujiang River in Guizhou.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). In numbers: China issues white paper on law-based cyberspace governance in new era. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Cradle of Civilization: Mount Emei. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Panda Pavilion at Beijing Zoo under renovation. ecns.cn The Panda Pavilion at Beijing Zoo has been renovated so that the pandas here can have a better living environment.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). China launches new Earth observation satellite. ecns.cn China on Friday sent a new Earth observation satellite into space from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Province.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Insights | Pakistani scholar: China strikes a balance between economy and COVID containment. ecns.cn Hannan Hussain, Assistant Research Associate at the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) and Author, said that in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, there's a common understanding that countries need to strike a balance between economic growth and COVID containment.

ecns.cn (2023-03-18). Insights | Pakistani scholar: High level of trust between citizens and government is key to China's success in fighting COVID-19. ecns.cn Hannan Hussain, Assistant Research Associate at the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) and Author, said that Chinese citizens have a high level of trust in the government, which made China successful in fighting COVID-19.

Editor (2023-03-18). A sane voice amidst the madness. mronline.org Former Australian PM Paul Keating has eviscerated Australia's deal to buy nuclear submarines from the U.K. and U.S., saying there is no Chinese threat to defend against, despite the war hysteria stirring in Australia, writes Joe Lauria.

Editor (2023-03-18). FBI Bookstore Spying in Chicago Eyes Abortion Rights, Cop City, Anti-Development Activists. scheerpost.com Nearly 30 pages of FBI documents obtained by Unicorn Riot reveal a pattern of monitoring of Pilsen Community Books, a worker-owned and collectively managed bookstore in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago.

Editor (2023-03-18). 'Rigorous' Maidan Massacre Exposé Suppressed By Top Academic Journal. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-18). The Roots of the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse (w/ Matt Stoller). scheerpost.com Briahna Joy Gray and Matt Stoller discuss the collapse of SVB, and anti-trust in relation to East Palestine and the prospective merger between Jet Blue and Spirit Airlines.

Federica Quarata, Diana Lelli, Davide Maria Biancone, Giovanni Gherardi, Raffaele Antonelli Incalzi (2023-03-18). [Clinical Picture] A urinary tract infection caused by Escherichia coli mucoid phenotype progresses to a pneumonia and respiratory failure. thelancet.com A 69-year-old woman was admitted to our ward with fever and respiratory failure. 3 weeks earlier she had been treated with ciprofloxacin for a urinary tract infection, caused by Escherichia coli; she had a history of diabetes.

Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry (2023-03-18). Food Not Bombs Will Not Be Silenced. indybay.org

Geoff Watts (2023-03-18). [Obituary] Samuel Lawrence Katz. thelancet.com Paediatrician, virologist, and co-developer of measles vaccine. Born in Manchester, NH, USA, on May 29, 1927, he died in Chapel Hill, NC, USA, on Oct 31, 2022 aged 95 years.

Institute for the Critical Study of Society (2023-03-18). Sunday 3/19: War in Ukraine: One Year On: The Root Causes of Conflict. indybay.org Zoom meeting ID: 811 3335 0622 | Passcode: ICSS2717rs | us02web.zoom.us/j/81133350622?pwd=dUUyUWppbWt6djVTaElISUhocXpSUT09

Isaac Nellist (2023-03-18). Young people want real change, not empty promises. greenleft.org.au Young people are moving away from the major parties in search of real political change. Isaac Nellist reports.

Jeremy Earp (2023-03-18). Who's in Control of How We Remember the Iraq War? indybay.org Orwell and newspeak vs. history and democracy…

Jeremy W Jacobs, Laura D Stephens, Jennifer S Woo, Elizabeth S Allen, Garrett S Booth (2023-03-18). [Correspondence] Firearms and blood transfusion: an inescapable disentanglement. thelancet.com The incidence of mass shootings in the USA continues to increase; more than 45‚Äà000 total gun deaths occurred in 2020 alone, the most on record for years with full data available.1 These statistics highlight increasing gun violence, one of the primary contributors to blood shortages. Patients with gunshot wounds are 5 times more likely to require a blood transfusion and receive 10 times more blood components than patients with traumatic injuries that are not gunshot wounds, equating to millions of US dollars in blood acquisition costs.

John Mullen (2023-03-18). Authoritarian Macron on the back foot: Could France explode? greenleft.org.au Having spent the past few days begging MPs from the traditional right-wing Republican Party to abstain rather than vote against his pensions bill, French President Emmanuel Macron decided at the last moment to impose the bill by decree, reports John Mullen.

John Zarocostas (2023-03-18). [World Report] Global health experts welcome Kasai dismissal. thelancet.com WHO's dismissal of Takeshi Kasai, Regional Director for the Western Pacific, could pressure WHO leadership to take decisive action in other misconduct cases. John Zarocostas reports from Geneva.

John Zarocostas (2023-03-18). [World Report] "Impunity" enabling South Sudan human rights violations. thelancet.com A new report to the UN Human Rights Council outlines how violence is worsening health and humanitarian programmes. John Zarocostas reports from Geneva.

Karl Kramer (2023-03-18). Friday 3/24: State of Repression in El Salvador. indybay.org Redstone Labor Temple, | 2940 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | (between Mission and South Van Ness, | half block from 16th St. BART)…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-18). 12th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference returns to Atlanta, Georgia. indybay.org Everyone is welcome to join us in Atlanta, Georgia August 10-14, 2023 in Downtown Atlanta Olympic Village, Morris Brown College and key Agriculture locations.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-18). Friday 3/24: Kickoff Celebration for the 11th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference. indybay.org The Grand Buffet | 1215 J Street | Sacramento, CA. 95814…

Kite Line (2023-03-18). Kite Line: We Have to Stick Together. itsgoingdown.org Long-running abolitionist radio show and podcast Kite Line reports on the recent 'week of action' against Cop City in so-called Atlanta, GA. Listen and Download HERE During a dramatic week of action in the Atlanta forest this past week, hundreds of forest defenders sabotaged a construction site for the unpopular "Cop City" development. Police responded…

Labor Video Project (2023-03-18). Solidarity With East Palestine/Hunters Point & Nationalize The Railroads: Action in SF. indybay.org

Marc Martorell Junyent (2023-03-18). A Crucial Year: Turkey at a Turning Point. juancole.com Reviews of Gönül Tol, Erdoƒüan's War: A Strongman's Struggle at Home and in Syria (London: Hurst and Co., 2022) and Dimitar Bechev, Turkey Under Erdoƒüan: How a Country Turned from Democracy and the West (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2022). Augsburg, Germany (Feature: Special to Informed Comment) — At the beginning of …

Mickey Z. (2023-03-18). My Lai, "Killing Ideology," and Disobeying Orders. dissidentvoice.org "We weren't there to kill human beings, really. We were there to kill ideology." (Lt. William Calley) Officially termed an "incident" (as opposed to a "massacre"), the events of March 16, 1968, at My Lai — a hamlet in South Vietnam — are widely portrayed and accepted to this day as an aberration. While the …

Middle East Monitor (2023-03-18). Number of demolitions by Israel of Palestinian property doubles. juancole.com ( Middle East Monitor ) — Seventy-seven Palestinian-owned buildings have been destroyed since the extreme far-right government led by Benjamin Netanyahu took office, according to UN figures. The figure is nearly double the number of demolitions imposed by Israel during the same period last year. Ministers such as Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich publicly advocate …

Mouna Khaity, Mervat Alhaffar, Natasha Howard (2023-03-18). [Correspondence] We cannot erase Syrians' suffering with "solidarity" and political infighting. thelancet.com "The UN's failure to act quickly to save Syrian lives in the face of a humanitarian catastrophe is utterly shameful and should be a stain on its conscience."1 | Raed Al Saleh, The White Helmets…

NARAL Pro-Choice America (2023-03-18). Tuesday 3/21: Medication Abortion Teach-in w/ NARAL. indybay.org Online event…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Minute: Help with hot flashes due to menopause. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Vasomotor symptoms — the medical term for hot flashes — are among the most common menopause symptoms women experience. Hot flashes, along with night sweats, can be uncomfortable and disruptive. Dr. Suneela Vegunta, a Mayo Clinic women's health physician, explains what happens to the body and offers ways to find relief. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/eRzYfnKjqzg Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is multiple myeloma? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon form of blood cancer that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, according the American Cancer Society. March is Myeloma Awareness Month. People younger than 45 rarely get the disease, and it occurs more in older men than women. And your risk is doubled if you're African American. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/pShHvj3Y3Nw Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 06) is in the downloads at the end of this post….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Minute: How losing an hour of sleep can affect your body. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 12. Clocks are turned an hour forward, which means you'll be losing an hour of sleep. And Mayo Clinic experts say that missing out on that shut-eye time can affect your body. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/V10gPhowQKQ Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. When daylight saving time…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is the best sleeping position? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most people spend a third of their lives either asleep or resting, according to the Sleep Foundation. During sleep, the body recharges and repairs itself. And a good night's sleep often can be determined by what position you are lying in bed. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/F_x-SDYUvZk Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 11) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. Back-sleepers beware. "I know…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Consumer Health: Are you at risk for MS? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MS Awareness Week will be observed March 12—19, which makes this a good time to learn about who might be at risk of developing this potentially disabling disease of the brain and spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis, or MS, affects nearly 1 million people living in the U.S., according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. With MS, the immune system attacks the protective sheath that covers nerve fibers, and causes communication problems between your brain and the rest of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Science Saturday: Researchers elucidate details about the role of inflammation in liver regeneration. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The liver has the greatest regenerative capacity of any organ in the body, making it possible for surgeons to treat cancerous and noncancerous diseases with extensive surgical approaches. However, underlying chronic liver diseases, like cirrhosis or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, are known to inhibit the liver's ability to regenerate after surgery. Without regeneration, the liver cannot function, and patients can develop postoperative liver failure — often a lethal complication. In a recent paper published in JHEP Reports, Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Consumer Health: Don't let the time change get you down. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org For much of the U.S. and many places around the world, daylight saving time begins Sunday, March 12, when clocks are turned forward one hour. Sleep provides the foundation for all your daily habits and decisions. Getting enough quality rest each night is essential for optimal health. Regularly sleeping less than seven hours per night is associated with weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and depression. Lack of sleep also can affect your immune system and heart health. But a time shift ‚Äï…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Minute: Why millennials should know colon cancer symptoms. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org More younger adults are being diagnosed with colon cancer — also known as colorectal cancer — and at more advanced stages of the disease, says the American Cancer Society. It's a trend experts have seen over the last decade. Colon cancer symptoms usually don't appear in early stages of the disease and when they do, they are often at an advanced stage. Dr. Johanna Chan, a Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist, says it's important to recognize colon cancer symptoms and to seek…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Minute: Game-changing treatment for chronic kidney disease could slow down progression of the disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org About 15% of adults in the U.S. are estimated to have chronic kidney disease — that's about 37 million people. What if those people could be treated with medication that could slow the progression of their disease, and help avoid the need for dialysis and kidney transplantation altogether? Dr. Naim Issa, a Mayo Clinic transplant nephrologist says there is a class of medications to help people with chronic kidney disease that does just that. He says Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Consumer Health: What's the difference between kidney cysts and polycystic kidney disease? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org March is National Kidney Month, which makes this a good time to learn more about the difference between two kidney disorders — kidney cysts and polycystic kidney disease. Your kidneys are situated in the back of your abdomen under your lower ribs, one on each side of your spine. One of the important jobs of the kidneys is to clean the blood. As blood moves through the body, it picks up extra fluid, chemicals and waste….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Metabolic syndrome and lifestyle changes. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I just turned 40 and had my annual physical, which included a large panel of blood tests. I was told that I have metabolic syndrome and could develop diabetes. I was told to limit my sugar intake. Can you explain more about the condition and how I can avoid diabetes? ANSWER: When a person is diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, it means he or she has several conditions that, if left untreated, significantly raise the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Q and A: What is bariatric surgery? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I've struggled with obesity for many years and have tried to lose weight through a healthy diet and exercise. My doctor recently told me that I could be a good candidate for bariatric surgery. What is bariatric surgery? And are there different types of procedures available? ANSWER: Obesity is a disease, and overcoming it often is not easy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines overweight or obesity as a "weight that is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Shame and guilt eating: Tackling binge-eating disorders. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most people occasionally eat too much. They may fill up an extra plate with seconds at a special event, enjoy another piece of pie at a holiday gathering or eat popcorn until stuffed at the movies. But for some people, overeating becomes excessive. It crosses the line from an occasional indulgence to a binge-eating disorder when overeating feels out of control and happens on a regular basis. It's the most common eating disorder in the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Cauliflower: A versatile nutrition superstar. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Like many consumers, you may be on a quest for healthier food options and willing to try something new or a new take on a familiar food. If you're diagnosed with celiac disease, you may be looking for gluten-free alternatives. Or maybe you're on the hunt for lower carbohydrate choices. Cauliflower may be just what you're searching for. This versatile veggie can be eaten raw, cooked, roasted, grilled, baked into a pizza crust, or cooked…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Consumer Health: Do you check the Nutrition Facts label? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org March is National Nutrition Month, which makes this a good time to learn about using the Nutrition Facts label to make healthy choices. Most people in the U.S. don't eat a healthy diet, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most consume too much sodium, saturated fat and sugar, increasing their risk of chronic diseases. The Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods is a tool created by the Food and Drug Administration to help…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Science Saturday: Expanding regenerative biotherapeutics to new practice areas. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As a physician at the forefront of new cancer therapies, Yi Lin, M.D., Ph.D., understands the highs and lows that patients experience. Will the latest technologies slow or stop disease? If not, is this the last, best option? Dr. Lin, a hematologist, sees the need for a new class of drugs that provides different treatment choices for patients with complex conditions, such as cancer. As the new associate medical director for Mayo Clinic's Center for Regenerative Biotherapeutics, …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How can hospice care provide comfort to those with terminal illnesses? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a loved one who was referred for hospice care. I'm not sure what this means. Can you share more about what hospice care is and how it may help my family member? ANSWER: Hospice care might be an option for people who are nearing the end of life due to a terminal illness and have exhausted all other treatment options. Unlike other medical care, the focus of hospice care is not to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Minute: What's the right colorectal cancer screening option for you? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Colorectal cancer is a cancer of the lower digestive system, which includes the colon and the rectum. If you feel like you are hearing a lot about this topic lately, it's because March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. The goal is to increase awareness and encourage people 45 and over to get screened. And that doesn't just mean a colonoscopy. Did you know that there's more than one option for a colorectal cancer screening? That's…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Early Mayo Clinic research finds hope in stem cell therapy for perianal fistulas in patients with Crohn's disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — A dissolvable plug delivered stem cell therapy with few side effects in patients with single tract perianal fistulas, Mayo Clinic researchers discovered. Perianal fistulas are painful tunnels between the intestine and the skin that often do not go away with standard medical or surgical care. People with Crohn's disease or other inflammatory bowel conditions are most at risk for this condition. In a prospective, phase 1 clinical trial, researchers loaded stem cells…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic again recognized as 'World's Best Hospital' in Newsweek rankings. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic in Rochester is again ranked No. 1 in the world by Newsweek in its list of the "World's Best Hospitals." The ranking is a tribute to the work of staff across Mayo Clinic. "Among the hallmarks of great hospitals … are not just first-class care, first-class research and first-class innovation. The very best institutions also share another quality: consistency," Newsweek states. "The world's best hospitals consistently attract the best people and provide the best outcomes…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). How to get the most out of napping. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org While closing your eyes for a few minutes during your busy day may seem like a good idea, it's important to consider the effects napping may bring. The time of day and length of time you nap can provide benefits or create problems. Knowing when to nap and providing yourself with a suitable napping environment will produce the greatest benefits. Consider why you're napping Before lying down to take a daily nap, you may want…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). 5 ways to get better sleep. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You're not alone if you have trouble falling or staying asleep. Many people struggle with sleep — and that's a problem, since sleep plays a crucial role in your health, energy levels and ability to function at your best. Most adults require seven to eight hours of sleep each night to feel well-rested and energized each day. If restless nights have become the norm for you or you find that your sleep is not refreshing,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How a heart condition affects the kidneys and causes swelling. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently began experiencing swelling in my legs, feet and hands, as well as fatigue. Testing led to a diagnosis of pericardial constriction. Can you explain what this is and how it's treated? Is there anything I can do to reduce the swelling? ANSWER: Pericardial constriction is a condition with multiple possible causes. It can be due to underlying medical conditions and may even result from certain medical treatments. Swelling, or edema, is one…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Is it allergies or a sinus infection? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have had allergies since childhood, suffering during both the spring and fall seasons. This past month, however, I am experiencing more congestion and mucus, and I even have some facial pain. I'm beginning to wonder if my symptoms are really from allergies or if they may be caused by a sinus infection instead. How can I tell the difference? ANSWER: Allergies and sinus infections often are mistaken for one another. But they are…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Minute: Does one moldy berry spoil the whole bunch? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Spring is around the corner, which means the beginning of berry season. Berries can be a great source of potassium and vitamins C and K, and can also promote a healthy gut. While berries are among the healthiest foods to eat, if not stored properly, they can get mushy and grow mold. But a little bit of mold doesn't necessarily mean the whole batch goes to waste. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). 'Deaths of Despair' contribute to 17% rise in Minnesota's death rate during COVID-19 pandemic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — According to a new study published by Mayo Clinic researchers, the COVID-19 pandemic was linked to a 17% increase in the death rate in Minnesota during the first year of the pandemic compared to the two previous years. Deaths were driven by both COVID-19 and other causes linked with preventable "deaths of despair," such as overdose, alcohol use and malnutrition. The study analyzed Minnesota death certificate data available through the Rochester Epidemiology…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic monitoring rising avian influenza cases, preparing for potential human-to-human outbreak. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The recent death of an 11-year-old girl in Cambodia's Prey Veng province infected with avian influenza has reinvigorated concern over the virus potentially gaining the ability to spread among humans. And while experts maintain the risk of that happening "remains low" at this time, the World Health Organization has said that increasing reports of avian influenza infection in humans are "worrying." Matthew Binnicker, Ph.D., Mayo Clinic's director of Clinical Virology, agrees. "The primary concern is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Pelvic floor issues aren't just a woman's health condition, Kegels can work for men, too. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org LA CROSSE, Wis. — Women often are told about the importance of Kegel exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles. It turns out that men should think about doing the exercises as well. Statistics show that 32% of women will have at least one pelvic floor disorder (PFD) at one time in their life. However, a recent study suggests that although much attention is directed toward women pelvic floor disorders, 16% of men have also been identified…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Pain in the back: Preventing and treating spinal arthritis. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org EAU CLAIRE, Wis. — Many types of arthritis can affect your musculoskeletal system. Joints are physical points of connection between two bones, and cartilage is the tissue that covers the surface of the bone at the joint. A membrane, called the synovial membrane, lines the joint and is filled with fluid known as synovial fluid. All these components work together to make movement easy. "Over time, the cartilage in joints can break down and cause…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you using a salt substitute? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Salt substitutes can be an effective way to help lower your blood pressure and fight heart disease. But experts warn that overuse of certain salt substitutes or alternatives can be dangerous for some people. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains why you should use caution with using a salt substitute. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/h_cy5G5EBPs Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting a massage from a robot may seem like something out of a science fiction story, but it could be a reality in the not-too-distant future. Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is looking into the possibility of robotic massage as an answer for patients' pain relief and alleviating some staffing burdens. Watch: Artificial intelligence massage therapy? Meet the robot being studied by Mayo Clinic youtu.be/GXEXUCCCGzI Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 17) is in the downloads at the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic in Rochester top ranked on 'America's Best Fertility Clinics' in Newsweek rankings. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic in Rochester was ranked No. 9 in the nation by Newsweek in its list of "America's Best Fertility Clinics," released in February. This ranking is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the Reproductive endocrinology and infertility team at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. "Our clinic is in the top 10 among the 100 top fertility clinics," says Samir Babayev, M.D., Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility, IVF Clinical Director. "This is a recognition of the excellence…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-18). Mayo Clinic opens patient information office in Indonesia. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org JAKARTA, Indonesia — Mayo Clinic has opened a patient information office in Jakarta to assist patients, their families, referring physicians and insurance brokers in Indonesia. The office is Mayo Clinic's first in Southeast Asia. The office staff, fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English, will help patients, their families and physicians who refer patients to make appointments at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota; Phoenix and Scottsdale, Arizona; Jacksonville, Florida; and Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London. "We…

Nigel Bouvart (2023-03-18). Hundreds protest transphobe Michael Knowles in Buffalo. workers.org Buffalo, New York Hundreds of people turned out to demonstrate against Michael Knowles' speaking engagement at the University of Buffalo (UB) on March 9, greatly outnumbering those who attended the event, which included some who went inside to disrupt it. Credit: Buffalo WW bureau Knowles, a right-wing pundit for the . . . |

Oakland Privacy (2023-03-18). Wednesday 4/12: Oakland Privacy: Fighting Against the Surveillance State. indybay.org Please email contact@oaklandprivacy.org a few days before the meeting to get up-to-date location information or obtain Zoom meeting access info.

Peter Boyle (2023-03-18). Video: NSW's housing crisis election'. greenleft.org.au Green Left accompanied housing activist and Socialist Alliance candidate Rachel Evans on a visit to the Waterloo and Glebe public housing estates to speak to public housing tenants and fellow housing activists about solutions to the housing crisis that overshadows the coming NSW election..

Peter Certo (2023-03-18). 20 Years On, What Did the Iraq War Truly Cost? juancole.com By Peter Certo | — ( Otherwords.org) — The war claimed more than lives and treasure — it claimed a future's worth of lost opportunities. Now, younger generations are demanding them back. By Peter Certo | Most of us who were alive then remember where we were on the morning of the 9/11 attacks. As …

Pink Knight Press (2023-03-18). Charlie Kirk and Proud Boys Confronted at UC Davis. itsgoingdown.org Report from Pink Knight Press on recent antifascist mobilization against Turning Point USA event at UC Davis that brought out members of the Proud Boys. photo: Black Zebra Students began protesting at Kirk's planned venue at 5 PM, a small group that doubled in size every few minutes. Right-wing event attendees and streamers prodded the…

Pink Knight Press (2023-03-18). Protest: Charlie Kirk at UC Davis. indybay.org On March 14, U.C. Davis hosted Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk to around 300 attendees and a fierce student-led resistance of the same number.

Prabir Purkayastha (2023-03-18). The West no longer World leaders in 84% of critical technologies. mronline.org Kailath, originally from Kerala but settled in the U.S., is one of the foremost names in the world in communications, control and signal processing. I remembered his words while reading the recent startling headlines that China has become the world leader in 37 of 44 critical technologies evaluated by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI).

Princess Harmony (2023-03-18). Drugs and the 'War on Drugs': Weapons against workers and oppressed. workers.org The history of the use of drugs — legal and illicit — against the working class and its movement is a long one. The "War on Drugs" — officially declared on June 17, 1971, but a staple of U.S. policy since the 1950s and amplified in 1973 — really acts . . . |

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-18). Colin Powell and the "The Sloppy Dossier": Plagiarism and "Fake Intelligence" Used to Justify the 2003 War on Iraq: Copied and Pasted from the Internet into an "Official" British Intel Report. globalresearch.ca Fake intelligence as well as plagiarized quotations had been slipped into an official intelligence report on Iraq's WMD presented to the UN Security Council by Secretary of State Colin Powell in February 2003.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-18). The New World Order Crisis and "The Reproduction of Real Life": Food, Water and Energy. Three Fundamental Necessities of Life in Jeopardy. globalresearch.ca The provision of food, water and fuel is a precondition of civilized society: they are necessary factors for the survival of the human species…

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-03-18). Colombia_Río Sogamoso de Santander: °Aguas para la vida…! indybay.org

Richard Horton (2023-03-18). [Comment] Offline: The silencing of the South. thelancet.com League tables are addictive. From football to motorsport, tennis to golf, we relish following who is up and who is down. Understandably so, given that sport is fiercely competitive between individuals and teams. But universities? Provosts and Presidents of our greatest higher education institutions obsess over their rankings. Three dominate—the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings, and the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). These metrics of achievement should be challenged.

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-18). Aliyev in Karabakh thumps chest over last Caucasus war, warns of another. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Trend News AgencyMarch 18, 2023 No one should forget results of Second Karabakh War — President Ilham Aliyev No one should forget results of the Second Karabakh War, said President Ilham Aliyev as he addressed the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of the Novruz holiday in the Talish village of the Tartar district. "We …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-18). Once slandered by Western-backed fascists, Georgian oppostion leader goes over to Global War Party. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The MessengerMarch 27 2023 Irakli Kobakhidze Calls President Salome Zourabichvili's Recent Statements 'Incomprehensible' Georgian Dream Chairman Irakli Kobakhidze criticized President Salome Zourabichvili's recent statements and called it 'incomprehensible'. Kobakhidze named three factors that led to the support of the Georgian Dream for Zourabichvili's candidacy in the presidential elections. "One of the main criteria was that …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-18). Strasbourg: EU rallies Georgian opposition forces for coup, second war front. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The MessengerMarch 27 2023 Four Opposition Parties Hold Meetings in Strasbourg The leaders of Girchi — More Freedom, Droa, Strategy Aghmasheneli and the United National Movement held meetings with members of various political groups of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The representatives of the parties held several meetings in the European Parliament, where the main …

San José May Day Coalition (2023-03-18). Saturday 3/25: May Day 2023 Community Screen Printing Event. indybay.org San José Peace & Justice Center | 48 South 7th Street | San José, CA 95112…

Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs (2023-03-18). Monday 3/20: Defend Food Not Bombs Right to Share Food & Protest. indybay.org Resource Center for Nonviolence | 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz…

Shawn Yuan (2023-03-18). [World Report] Health and the invasion of Iraq: 20 years later. thelancet.com The legacy of the US-led invasion is still being felt across Iraqi society. Shawn Yuan reports from Baghdad.

Staff (2023-03-18). Proyecto Puentes de Amor realiza declaración sobre la participación del equipo cubano de béisbol en Miami. cubadebate.cu El movimiento Puentes de Amor aplaude las victorias del equipo de pelota cubano en la Copa Mundial de Béisbol. Ese equipo, compuesto por cubanos que residen en Cuba, en los Estados Unidos y en otros países del mundo, es un monumento a la diversidad, la inclusión y un bello ejemplo de lo que podemos lograr juntos.

Staff (2023-03-18). Protesta de los Trece: La joven intelectualidad en la vanguardia. cubadebate.cu La Protesta de los Trece marcó un camino de inserción en la sociedad y sus problemas para aquel grupo, pero que impactó mucho más allá de los trece jóvenes. Era la asunción del deber social de los intelectuales, que rebasaría las limitaciones de miradas elitistas de algunos o de compromisos con espacios de poder en otros. La Protesta de los Trece fue el momento de irrupción, desde un movimiento cívico, para plantearse el gran propósito de cumplir el sueño de mármol de Martí.

Staff (2023-03-18). øCómo se ve la escalinata de la Universidad de La Habana esta noche? (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Cientos de jóvenes llegaron a la escalinata de la Universidad de La Habana para participar en el acto de clausura del Coloquio Internacional "Patria" y el concierto de Buena Fe. El espectáculo político-cultural ha sido organizado con la participación de realizadores audiovisuales, músicos, artistas del video mapping y expertos nacionales e internacionales.

Staff (2023-03-18). Cuba: Consejo de Estado examina agenda legislativa y preparativos para elecciones nacionales. cubadebate.cu Sobre la agenda legislativa del país y los preparativos para las elecciones nacionales del próximo 26 de marzo debatieron los miembros del Consejo de Estado en su sesión de este viernes encabezada por el Presidente de este órgano, Esteban Lazo Hernández. Como primer punto de la agenda, fue aprobado el decreto ley modificativo del decreto ley no. 56 "De la Maternidad de la Trabajadora y la Responsabilidad de las Familias".

Staff (2023-03-18). Las 3 del día: La canción del Team Asere y más noticias de la semana que termina (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Ya llega un nuevo resumen semanal de Las 3 del día, hoy conducido por Karina Rodríguez y Claudia Fonseca. Terminamos estos siete días con la grata noticia de que el trompetista Alexander Abreu y su grupo Havana D' Primera estrenaron la canción y el video de #TeamAsere. Esta y otras informaciones aquí en Las 3 del día.

Staff (2023-03-18). México le roba la victoria a Puerto Rico en Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. cubadebate.cu México y Puerto Rico, dos de las grandes sorpresas del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol se enfrentaron este viernes en el LoanDepot Park, de Miami, Fla, por un boleto a las semifinales del torneo. Tras un apretado juego, México consiguió la victoria por 5 carreras frente a 4 de su contrincante. Ahora le queda la "pelea" frente al equipo de Japón.

Staff (2023-03-18). US Federal Reserve Makes Unprecedented Move to 'Save' Banks (+Bailout). orinocotribune.com The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, injected around The Federal Reserve set the dollar printing machine to full capacity after the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank and the Signature Bank. Another US bank, the First Republic Bank managed to…

Stephanie Hedgecoke (2023-03-18). End the blockade: Socialist Cuba and mosquitos — humanity calls; Cuba answers. workers.org Mosquito-carried disease vectors have plagued humanity for millennia. Mosquitos carry dengue, yellow fever, malaria, West Nile fever, Zika fever, several varieties of encephalitis, Rift Valley fever, Chikungunya and Lymphatic filariasis, as well as Dog heartworm. Aedes mosquitos transmit dengue fever to cause 96 million symptomatic cases a year, resulting in . . . |

Steve Melendez (2023-03-18). American Indian Genocide Museum at Austin Expo. indybay.org We are here today at the SXSW Conference and Expo here in Austin, Texas telling our story because we know if we don't, no one else will. We are here today to bring awareness that past injustices are still being experienced today. We are here today to bring awareness that the racism of the past is still the cornerstone of American laws. Gone perhaps are the scalp bounties paid for Indian men, women, and children but, on the other hand, not one treaty has ever been honored.

Stuart W Flint (2023-03-18). [Correspondence] Error in NHS England's BMI calculator and daily calorie recommendations. thelancet.com BMI is a calculation of height and weight to identify a person's weight status.1 BMI is calculated by a person's weight in kilograms (or pounds) divided by the square of height in metres (or feet).1 The BMI ranges are underweight (<18 ∑5 kg/m2), healthy weight (18 ∑5—24 ∑9 kg/m2), overweight (25 ∑0—29 ∑9 kg/m2), and obese (‚â•30 kg/m2).1...

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-18). Parlamento salvadoreño cambia reglas previo a año de elecciones. telesurtv.net En adición, un error y la falta de debate por parte de los diputados oficialistas, hizo que en realidad, la Asamblea Legislativa haya derogado todo el código electoral por completo y no solo un artículo.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-18). Movimiento indígena exige participar en elecciones en Guatemala. telesurtv.net Misión de Observación Electoral Guatemala (MOE-GT) insta a las cortes de justicia a dictar sentencias definitivas a la mayor brevedad en los casos que son tramitados.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-18). Presidente mexicano confirma cumbre regional sobre la inflación. telesurtv.net Entre ellos estarán los mandatarios de Chile, Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Cuba, Honduras, Belice, Bolivia y San Vicente.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-18). Sociedad civil cubana se prepara para Examen Periódico de DDHH. telesurtv.net En un coloquio se ratificó el acompañamiento al Estado para continuar avanzando en la promoción y protección de todos los Derechos Humanos para todos en Cuba.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-18). Gobierno de Bolivia ratifica transparencia en industrialización de litio. telesurtv.net La viceministra de Comunicación señala que el Gobierno tiene participación y soberanía en todo el proceso de producción y comercialización de ese recurso.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-18). Movimiento indígena busca salidas a crisis política de Ecuador. telesurtv.net A la reunión están citados organizaciones de indígenas, campesinos, estudiantes, trabajadores, entre otros gremios.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-18). Acciones de First Republic Bank caen pese a rescate financiero de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Los títulos de First Republic cayeron un 30 por ciento este jueves y luego subieron 9,8 por ciento al cerrar el día. Entidades financieras le inyectaron 30.000 millones de dólares.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-18). Tropas israelíes asesinan a cuatro palestinos en Jenin. telesurtv.net Según medios locales, una fuerza israelí encubierta se internó en la ciudad a bordo de dos vehículos civiles.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-18). Confirman visita a Rusia de presidente chino Xi Jinping. telesurtv.net La Presidencia rusa señaló que se examinará el desarrollo de la asociación integral y la cooperación estratégica entre ambas naciones.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-18). Bolivia y Rusia expresan compromiso de ampliar cooperación bilateral. telesurtv.net En un intercambio telefónico, coincidieron en ampliar sus lazos en el comercio, el sector energético, la ciencia y la educación.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-18). Declaran alerta por fenómeno de El Niño Costero en Perú. telesurtv.net Los expertos han detectado anomalías en los vientos, asociados con la alteración de patrones de circulación atmosférica.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-18). Fuerzas de Israel asesinan a joven palestino en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Los soldados, ante su estado crítico, negaron el acceso de ambulancias y personal médico palestino.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-18). Oposición en Francia presenta moción de censura contra el Gobierno. telesurtv.net La coalición de los partidos de izquierda Nueva Unión Popular Ecológica y Social (Nupes) apoyó la declaratoria del grupo Liot.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-18). Rusia califica de nula decisión de CPI contra presidente Putin. telesurtv.net Además de la orden emitida contra el mandatario, la CPI también dictó otra contra la comisionada presidencial para los Derechos del Niño en Rusia.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-18). Celebran el 7 ∞ aniversario de los CLAP en Venezuela. telesurtv.net El mandatario venezolano destacó que el 95 por ciento de los alimentos de los CLAP son de producción nacional.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-18). Policía federal prosigue operativo contra golpistas en Brasil. telesurtv.net El Supremo Tribunal Federal rechazó solicitudes de libertad de 86 mujeres y 208 hombres con las conductas más graves.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-18). Ciclón Freddy provoca más de 400 fallecidos en àÅfrica austral. telesurtv.net La ONU envía materiales de asistencia a la zona como agua, comida, tiendas de campaña, mantas y productos sanitarios.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-18). Comunidad indígena denuncia afectación a sitios en Amazonía ecuatoriana. telesurtv.net Los Waorani refieren que el Gobierno violó el derecho al consentimiento previo y se provocaron daños irreversibles a ecosistemas del área.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-18). Lluvias provocan un muerto y daños materiales en Perú. telesurtv.net El Gobierno declaró estado de emergencia en seis distritos de Lima, entre ellos Ancón, Pucusana y San Bartolo.

teleSUR, nbb, JDO (2023-03-18). MST realiza la mayor cosecha de arroz orgánico en Brasil. telesurtv.net En el encuentro participan representantes del Gobierno brasileño, parlamentarios de partidos progresistas y delegaciones de países como Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba y Venezuela.

teleSUR, nbb, JDO (2023-03-18). Fuerzas de seguridad detienen a cientos de manifestantes tras protestas en Francia. telesurtv.net Miles de personas se reunieron en París y otras ciudades. Convocan a nuevas movilizaciones, bloquear el país y cambiar al actual Gobierno.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-18). Caída de helicóptero deja cuatro muertos en Sà£o Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Se desconoce la identidad de los accidentados y las posibles causas del siniestro.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-18). Designan a Lázaro Cárdenas Batel secretario permanente de la Celac. telesurtv.net Un secretariado permanente en la comunidad que dé seguimiento a los acuerdos y políticas adoptadas por los países miembros.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-18). Trabajadores convocan huelga por mejoras salariales en Reino Unido. telesurtv.net Se prevé que la huelga tenga lugar por cinco semanas, desde el 3 de abril hasta el 5 de mayo.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-18). Clausuran Coloquio Internacional Patria en La Habana, Cuba. telesurtv.net La actividad contó con la intervención de intelectuales, pensadores y políticos de diversos países, así como con un concierto del grupo Buena Fe.

The Lancet (2023-03-18). [Editorial] Human genome editing: ensuring responsible research. thelancet.com In 2018, during the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing in Hong Kong, Jiankui He shocked the world by announcing the birth of two children whose genomes he had edited using CRISPR technology. Following widespread condemnation and a criminal investigation, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison. The case caused international outcry and brought to the fore the need to reconsider the serious ethical, scientific, and social issues of heritable human genome editing. As science advances, especially in non-heritable, somatic gene editing for treatment of previously incurable diseases, regulatory gaps are…

Third Act SF Bay Area (2023-03-18). Tuesday 3/21: Stop Dirty Banking at Wells Fargo HQ in San Francisco. indybay.org Wells Fargo Corporate Headquarters | 420 Montgomery St | San Francisco, CA 94104…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental: Institute For Social Research. (2023-03-18). Again The Dream Of Global Peace And Mutual Respect. popularresistance.org On 24 February 2023, the Chinese Foreign Ministry released a twelve-point plan entitled 'China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis'. This 'peace plan', as it has been called, is anchored in the concept of sovereignty, building upon the well-established principles of the United Nations Charter (1945) and the Ten Principles from the Bandung Conference of African and Asian states held in 1955. The plan was released two days after China's senior diplomat Wang Yi visited Moscow, where he met with Russia's President Vladimir Putin.

WSWS (2023-03-18). After nuclear-capable B-52 flies near Russian airspace, British and German warplanes intercept Russian jet over Baltic. wsws.org The dangerous escalation of tensions in the Baltic and High North comes as Washington and its European allies prepare the ground for a further expansion of their involvement in the Ukraine war.

WSWS (2023-03-18). After Microsoft announces 10,000 layoffs, CWA union endorses tech giant's multibillion-dollar bid for video game publisher ABK. wsws.org The support for the merger is almost certainly part of a deal which exchanged Microsoft's neutrality in union elections for the union bureaucracy's backing.

WSWS (2023-03-18). Australian IYSSE holds meetings against war in Ukraine and preparations for war with China. wsws.org The Australian meetings—in Melbourne and Newcastle—attracted youth, students and workers, both in person and watching live online from around the country.

WSWS (2023-03-18). Chicago mayoral forums mark Democratic Party's sharp shift to the right. wsws.org At three recent forums, candidates Vallas and Johnson agreed on opening up the city's infrastructure and working class youth to exploitation by corporate interests but differ primarily on how to contain growing social discontent.

WSWS (2023-03-18). Australian PM promotes AUKUS as platform for a total war economy. wsws.org Albanese equated the creation of a civilian auto industry following the last world war with the building of an economy based on the production of weaponry for a third world war that could wipe out humanity.

WSWS (2023-03-18). Norfolk Southern alleges defective railcars may have contributed to recent derailment. wsws.org The railcars in question are manufactured by National Steel Car (NSC), a company located in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Norfolk Southern's aim with the press release is to imply that these alleged defects could be the reason for the massive derailment in East Palestine.

WSWS (2023-03-18). The German chancellor and government intensify their pro-war policies. wsws.org Chancellor Scholz's government statement on Thursday centred on the NATO war offensive against Russia.

WSWS (2023-03-18). ICC issues arrest warrant against Putin as part of US-NATO propaganda campaign for regime change. wsws.org The transparently political action by the International Criminal Court takes place amidst ever more open statements from US and NATO officials that the aim of the war is regime change in Moscow.

WSWS (2023-03-18). French students speak out after 5 arrested at protest to defend garbage workers striking against Macron's pension cut. wsws.org Protests are erupting cross France after Macron announced plans to ram through his widely despised pension cuts without even a parliamentary vote.

WSWS (2023-03-18). Honduras cuts ties to Taiwan in favor of China. wsws.org The decision reduces Taiwan's diplomatic allies to just 13—a measure of Washington's falling economic and political influence in Latin America in relation to China.

WSWS (2023-03-18). My Lost Country: The fate of Iraqi culture and society. wsws.org A piece of autobiography and a tribute to the filmmaker's theater director father, the work is intended, above all, as "an act of resistance" against the imperialist devastation of Iraqi culture and society.

WSWS (2023-03-18). California UPS worker speaks out ahead of contract talks: "Now is the time for action" wsws.org UPS worker Gerardo explained what conditions at UPS are like and what he and other workers are demanding in the next contract.

WSWS (2023-03-18). Paris police assault garbage workers striking against Macron's cuts. wsws.org On Thursday morning, in a signal that Macron is preparing brutal repression of continuing protests against pension cuts, police assaulted garbage workers' pickets in the Paris suburb of Ivry.

WSWS (2023-03-18). Rank-and-file candidate Will Lehman's statement on the UAW election crisis. wsws.org The conclusion of the second round of the UAW national officers' election has proven definitively that the election was a fraud conducted with contempt for the rights of the rank-and-file membership.

Zoe Alexandra (2023-03-18). Mexico is charting its own path towards energy sovereignty. peoplesdispatch.org On March 18, Mexicans are marking 85 years since the decision to expropriate oil resources from foreign companies. This comes at a time when Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has nationalized the country's lithium and has promised energy self-sufficiency by 2024…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-18). México jugará semifinales en Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. telesurtv.net La novena mexicana remontó un marcador adverso cuando los boricuas metieron cuatro carreras en la primera entrada.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-18). Putin realiza visita a Crimea, territorio reunificado con Rusia. telesurtv.net El mandatario ruso ha estado en la Escuela de Arte y en el centro infantil Korsun en Quersoneso, en las afueras del puerto de Sebastopol-…

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-18). Confirman el asesinato de cinco mujeres desaparecidas en México. telesurtv.net El fiscal del estado mexicano de Guanajuato dió a conocer de la detención de seis personas por la desaparición de seis mujeres.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-03-18). Ataque armado deja al menos nueve muertos en el río Congo. telesurtv.net Alrededor de 22 personas fueron rescatadas con vida del ataque armado.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-03-18). Comisión pospone discusión sobre juicio a presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net La aprobación del Consejo de la Administración Legislativa sería el primer filtro del procedimiento para enjuiciar políticamente al presidente ecuatoriano.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-03-18). Perú sigue en alerta por lluvias en varias zonas del país. telesurtv.net Al menos 409 distritos de la costa norte y sierra de Perú se encuentran en riesgo por crecidas de ríos y deslizamientos de tierras.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-18). Movimiento indígena respalda juicio político contra presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net El líder de la Conaie anunció una movilización para exigir el enjuiciamiento político del mandatario Guillermo Lasso.

Bernie Holland (2023-03-17). British Lords Shed Crocodile Tears About Imprisonment of Corrupt Former Georgian President and Ukraine War Booster Mikheil Saakashvili as Another Color Revolution Looks to Be Afoot. covertactionmagazine.com Saakashvili promotes NATO expansion into Georgia which is a clear "red line" for Russia The Georgian capital of Tbilisi has been engulfed in protests over the last weeks that have the appearance of a color revolution backed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA offshoot that finances civil society groups in countries targeted …

infobrics (2023-03-17). NATO fighter jet deliveries to Kiev — point of no return?>. infobrics.org As the political West pledges more support for the Neo-Nazi junta, it's making it increasingly difficult (if possible at all) to come to a peace settlement with Moscow. This undermines the emergence of a new security architecture in Europe.

infobrics (2023-03-17). US blackmails Switzerland to boost military support to Ukraine. infobrics.org US authorities violate Switzerland's principle of neutrality and insist that all countries should send their weapons to Ukraine.

infobrics (2023-03-17). Beijing Launches First China-Europe Freight Train. infobrics.org Beijing became one of the latest places in China to adopt the China-Europe freight train platform, as localities vie to participate in the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative…

infobrics (2023-03-17). Russia Set to Operate More Passenger Flights to India. infobrics.org Currently, Aeroflot is operating seven weekly flights to India while no Indian airline is flying to Russia…

infobrics (2023-03-17). The Arctic: Eurasia's Final Pivot. infobrics.org Realpolitik and the lessons of history might prompt the world's major powers to lay down their weapons in some regions and/or in some sectors, preferring to join forces for the good of humanity. One of these regions is undoubtedly the Arctic, where cooperation over competition might lead, one day, to make the long-dreamed-of Bering Strait crossing a reality, writes Valdai Club expert Emanuel Pietrobon…

infobrics (2023-03-17). Trump warns US-Russia nuclear war "absolutely" a risk under Biden. infobrics.org The former president says it's "very unfair" for the US to foot the bill for Ukraine and not Europe.

Fight Back (2023-03-17). Chicago students rally for women's rights. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – On March 15, protesters rallied at the University of Illinois at Chicago to commemorate International Women's Month. Over a dozen students and activists listened to speakers from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization and Students for a Democratic Society. Speakers denounced both the recent attacks on women's and reproductive rights nationwide, and rampant sexual violence on college campuses. | As students gathered, SDSers led the crowd in chants of, "We will not give up this fight, abortion is a human right!" "Dare to struggle! Dare to win!" and "Abortion is healthcare, healthcare is a right!" | F…

Fight Back (2023-03-17). Minnesota: Chased by police, body of Khalil Azad found severely bruised in suburban lake. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – The family of Khalil Ahmad Azad, a 24-year-old Black man who was found dead in Crystal Lake in Robbinsdale, Minnesota on July 5, 2022, still had many unanswered questions on March 10, after Robbinsdale police released some body camera footage. The footage was released months after Khalil's family said they requested it in September of last year. Azad was chased on foot by police in July after he was pulled over, and his body was discovered in Crystal Lake two days later. | Azad's case gained attention after his family shared autopsy photos of his body online, showing severe bruising on his face,…

Fight Back (2023-03-17). Which uninsured bank depositors get saved by the federal government? fightbacknews.org San José, CA – After the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, headquartered in the city of Santa Clara, just north of San José, the local news was full of interviews with technology entrepreneurs talking about the "importance to the community" to have all of the uninsured depositors get their money back. With the closing of Signature Bank in New York, which had large numbers of crypto-investment related depositors, over the weekend, federal regulators tried and failed to find buyers for the two banks. This made these two banks the biggest ever – with about $200 and $100 billion in deposits, respectively – to have to…

Fight Back (2023-03-17). On International Women's Day, Milwaukee says, "Hands off our bodies, hands off our families" fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI – Neither the snow nor the rekindled Saint Patrick's Day parade was enough to keep 100 people from celebrating International Women's Day with the Milwaukee International Women's Day (IWD) Coalition this past Saturday, March 11. Attendees gathered at Dontre Hamilton Park and marched through the streets towards Village Church, where endorsing organizations tabled and delivered speeches. | The theme of this year's International Women's Day was "Hands Off Our Bodies, Hands Off Our Families." It sought to highlight the connection between the struggles around reproductive rights and against police crimes.

Adam Johnson (2023-03-17). US Media's Iraq War Pushers 20 Years On: Where Are They Now? Rich and Influential. therealnews.com Recently, the Pentagon

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-17). US and NATO allies were responsible for nearly 65% of global arms exports in 2018-22. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has released data showing that NATO members US and France were responsible for more than half of all heavy weapons supplied worldwide in the period between 2018 and 2022. The data was released by SIPRI on Monday, March 13. | As…

Chris Hedges (2023-03-17). Did the US Navy destroy the Nord Stream pipelines? therealnews.com On Sept. 26, 2022, a series of explosions rocked the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines in the Baltic Sea off the coast of Denmark. Danish and Swedish authorities quickly

Taya Graham, Stephen Janis (2023-03-17). Cops illegally raided his house. This is what happened when he fought back. therealnews.com On Sept. 30, 2020, a SWAT team burst into the Henderson County, Indiana home of Chris Reiter under a falsely obtained warrant. Reiter's girlfriend, Tiffany Napier, was severely injured as police ransacked the house, ultimately finding nothing before departing without acknowledging any wrongdoing on their part. Reiter has since filed a lawsuit alleging violations of his constitutional rights, and dedicated himself to helping others hold police accountable. Reiter's efforts recently led to another arrest when he attempted to help the father of a victim of abuse by Clarksville police. Chris Reiter and Tiffany…

Sean Callebs (2023-03-17). The Heat: UN High Seas Treaty. america.cgtn.com After marathon negotiations, The United Nations announced a historic agreement to protect the world's oceans. It's called the UN High Seas Treaty and establishes protections for international waters. That's the area beyond national jurisdictions which makes up two-thirds of the Earth's ocean surface. 193 countries …

_____ (2023-03-17). A positive new milestone in Saudi-Iranian relations. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-17). Bashar al-Assad's visit to Moscow and the changing face of the Middle East. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-17). 'New' Bipartisan Consensus in the US Against China Aims Total War. journal-neo.org There are very few issues in the US politics, both domestic and foreign, that can draw the Republicans and the Democrats into a bi-partisan consensus. Russia has been one of them in the wake of the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine. More recently, China has also made it to the list of issues. This is […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-17). Russian gas hub in Turkey, a profitable reality. journal-neo.org Given the high dependence of today's energy-intensive economy on gas supplies, it can be argued that any proposals to optimize the transit and sale of the blue fuel are of high interest in world markets. Before the aggravation of Russian-Ukrainian relations, the European Union was the main buyer of Russian gas, with export volumes reaching […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-17). Mexico's Fourth Transformation And Why The US Wants To Stop It. popularresistance.org It is this democracy that must be defended now: not, as media outlets would have you believe, from AMLO, but from those who would weaponize the electoral issue to justify a disastrous foreign intervention, in whatever form it might ultimately take. Although the 4T has not fulfilled everyone's expectations, it has, in four years, created a governing movement that is taking control of its energy resources (including the nationalization of lithium) and is adopting a role of regional leadership in Latin America: two sins the United States has not historically forgiven anywhere.

_____ (2023-03-17). Monroe Doctrine Plays Out In Perú. popularresistance.org March 7th marked three months of the congressional coup that ousted democratically elected President Pedro Castillo and claimed the lives of over 70 people during daily anti-government protests. Despite Western media 's attempt to whitewash the illegal ouster (which failed to reach the prerequisite 104 votes by 3), a resounding majority of the Peruvian people blame either coup leader Dina Boluarte, Fujimorismo, or the coup Congress for the political crisis facing the Andean country rich in vast minerals and resources. Despite this week's sentencing of Castillo to another 36 months of pre-trial detention, people o…

_____ (2023-03-17). The Government Bailed Out The Banks; How About A People's Bailout? popularresistance.org The March 10 collapse of Silicon Valley Bank sent shockwaves throughout the world economy. Since then, the US government moved quickly and decisively to bailout the bank's depositors to the tune of USD 151 billion. The collapse of SVB, a bank utilized heavily by the tech industry and venture capitalists, is the second largest bank failure in US history. Signature Bank, based out of New York, also failed quickly afterwards as SVB's crash triggered distrust in the banking system across the nation. The US government also bailed out Signature, spending USD 70 billion to ensure that the bank's depositors had access to…

_____ (2023-03-17). Reuters' Assistance With Italy's Take on African Immigrants Represents a New Watershed. strategic-culture.org Reuters may well have broken a world record in partisan journalism with its latest efforts to implicate Russia in the Libyan immigrants crisis. | The duplicitous role of western media in assisting NATO in its dark endeavours is nothing new. But Reuters may well have broken a world record in partisan journalism with its latest efforts to implicate Russia in the Libyan immigrants crisis. | Reuters is not the news legend it used to be. Gone are the days when it had armies of clever young people fact checking polemic statements made by world leaders to be even faintly accurate. Case in point the recent incendiary cla…

_____ (2023-03-17). Troubling Questions Over U.S. Drone Crash Near Crimea… An Inevitable Collision Made in Washington. strategic-culture.org

_____ (2023-03-17). What Follows U.S. Hegemony. strategic-culture.org On Feb. 24, the Chinese Foreign Ministry released a 12-point plan entitled "China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis." This "peace plan," as it has been called, is anchored in the concept of sovereignty, building upon the well-established principles of the 1945 United Nations Charter and the Ten Principles from the Bandung Conference of African and Asian states held in 1955.

Ajamu Baraka (2023-03-17). On the 20th Anniversary of Invasion of Iraq It Must be Clear: The U.S. Is the Greatest Threat to World Peace and Collective Humanity. globalresearch.ca

Alasdair Baverstock (2023-03-17). Drought management in Arizona. america.cgtn.com Lake Mead, the largest man-made water reservoir in the United States, is currently at its lowest levels ever recorded. Regions downstream of the Colorado River reservoir, are seeing hard times on the horizon. CGTN's Alasdair Baverstock reports. For more, check out our exclusive content on …

Alex Salmon (2023-03-17). Remembering the 'Workers' Wimbledon'. greenleft.org.au Writer, journalist, filmmaker and tennis enthusiast David Berry shows that tennis has a secret radical history, writes Alex Salmon.

Alexander Rubinstein, The Grayzone. (2023-03-17). US: Destroy Taiwan Semiconductor Factories If China Invades. popularresistance.org Former White House National Security Advisor Robert C. O'Brien has hinted at a sinister US contingency plan in the event of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Rather than see Taiwan's semiconductor factories fall into the hands of the Communist Party of China, the US and its allies would simply pull a Nordstream. | "The United States and its allies are never going to let those factories fall into Chinese hands," O'Brien told Semafor, a news outlet that has been funded by jailed Democratic financier Sam Bankman-Fried and his brother. O'Brien went on to compare the destruction of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Compa…

Ali Abunimah (2023-03-17). French court throws out Israel-instigated ban on Palestine event. electronicintifada.net Ruling is a blow to French government's effort to silence Salah Hammouri.

Allen Forrest (2023-03-17). Is Vindication Coming for COVID Skeptics? dissidentvoice.org

Amy Goodman (2023-03-17). Human Rights Groups Call on Biden Not to Revive Migrant Family Detention. truthout.org This week nearly 400 human rights groups urged the Biden administration not to revive the controversial practice of migrant family detention by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Biden ended family detention when he took office two years ago but is now reportedly reconsidering it as part of a wider crackdown as his administration prepares to phase out the contested Trump-era Title 42 pandemic… |

Ann Brown (2023-03-17). Pentagon UFO Chief Says Mothership And Baby Planes Probing Solar System Possible. moguldom.com The government has become surprisingly more open about the possible existence of unidentified flying objects. Most recently, Pentagon officials stated in a draft document that aliens could actually be exploring our solar system. The officials also said alien beings could be releasing smaller probes to study planets. In fact, the head of the Pentagon's unidentified aerial …

Anonymous103 (2023-03-17). In Video: Ukrainian POW Shares His Experience Of Serving In Ukrainian Army. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-17). NATO Fighter Jet Deliveries To Kiev — Point Of No Return? southfront.org Illustrative ImageAs the political West pledges more support for the Neo-Nazi junta, it's making it increasingly difficult (if possible at all) to come to a peace settlement with Moscow. This undermines the emergence of a new security architecture in Europe. | Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst | Air dominance is one of the key aspects of modern warfare, particularly for the political West and its numerous vassals and satellite states. At present, the Kiev regime is still not very relia…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-17). 15 Syrian Soldiers Allegedly Killed In New Attack Near Greater Idlib (Photos). southfront.org File image. | Late on March 16, al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) launched an attack from the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in yet another violation of a ceasefire agreement that was brokered by Russia and Turkey more than two years ago. | The attack targeted several positions of the SAA in the outskirts of the town of al-Fatatra in the southern countryside of Idlib. | HTS claimed that its militants blew up two fortified posts and killed 15 soldiers before retreating with…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-17). Missing Uranium Brings Libya Back To News Headlines. southfront.org Anonymous669 | Fri, 17 Mar 2023 13:20:54 +0000 | #LIBYA | Editor's choice | Hot | Security | southfront.org/?p=180260 | The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General's announcement on March 14 about the loss in Libya of 2.5 tons… | The post

Anonymous669 (2023-03-17). SDF Says Commander Of Its Anti-Terror Unit Was Killed In Northern Iraq Helicopter Crash. southfront.org The SDF's YAT commander Sherfan Kobani. Via Twitter. | On March 17, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said that the commander of its Anti-Terror Unit, known as the YAT, was killed along with eight of the unit's fighters when two helicopters crashed earlier this week in Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region. | According to a statement by the Kurdish-led group, the helicopters crashed on March 15 during bad weather while en route to the city of Suleimaniyah. | The group added that its fig…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-17). Slovakia To Hand Over MiG-29 Fighter Jets, Kub Air Defense Systems To Ukraine. southfront.org MiG-29AS '0921' at Kecskeméti Nemzetkà∂zi Repàºl≈ënap 2010, flown by Lt. Col Marian 'Buker' Bukovsky, 7 August 2010. By Wikimedia user KGyST. | The Slovak government has approved the delivery of its Soviet-made MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, Prime Minister Eduard Heger announced on March 17. | Slovakia retired its nine MiG-29AS fighter jets and a single MiG-29UBS trainer last summer. The fighter jets were upgraded by Russia's RAC MiG and Western firms in the past. They were eq…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-17). Three ISIS Operatives Captured By SDF During Recent Operations In Raqqa. southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Source: the Hawar News Agency. | On March 17, the United States-led coalition announced that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) captured and detained three operatives of ISIS during recent operations in the northern Syrian governorate of Raqqa. | In a statement, the Combined Special Ops Joint Task Force-Levant said that the SDF was "assessed, advised and enabled" by the coalition during the operations, which took place on March 10. | The detained indiv…

Anonymous765 (2023-03-17). Another Step Towards A Global War. southfront.org |

Arturo Domínguez (2023-03-17). US State Department Announces More Aid for Venezuelan Migrants. latinorebels.com the U.S. Department of State is allocating more than $140 million in additional humanitarian aid and $31 million in development assistance to "respond to the needs of vulnerable Venezuelans in Venezuela, Venezuelan refugees and migrants, and their generous host communities across the region," according to a press release by Secretary Antony Blinken.

Ben Norton (2023-03-17). Geopolitical game changer: China-sponsored Iran-Saudi peace deal is big blow to petrodollar and US economic hegemony. geopoliticaleconomy.com China's peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran is a big blow to the petrodollar that undergirds US economic hegemony. Both countries are top oil producers that are discussing selling energy in other currencies. They also applied to join BRICS, and are members of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Ben Radford (2023-03-17). Podcast: AUKUS subs, Britain strikes, bigots protested. greenleft.org.au Episode 4: March 17, 2023. Green Left journalists Ben Radford and Isaac Nellist take you through the latest news from Australia and around the world.

Bill Bigelow (2023-03-17). Saint Patrick's Day: The Real Irish American Story Not Taught in Schools. globalresearch.ca "Wear green on St. Patrick's Day or get pinched." That pretty much sums up the Irish-American "curriculum" that I learned when I was in school. Yes, I recall a nod to the so-called Potato Famine, but it was mentioned only …

Bob Muehlenkamp, Portside. (2023-03-17). Retired Union Members Across The US Join 'Third Act'. popularresistance.org Over the last 6 months retired members from over 30 International Unions have joined Third Act, and are planning, and in some cases leading, rallies, marches, and demonstrations on 3/21/23—the Day of Action Against the Dirty Banks. | Bill McKibben recently formed Third Act, an organization designed as a vehicle for "elders" to engage directly in the two great existential issues of our time: the fight to save democracy and the climate crisis. Here's how he describes Third Act's mission: | "My generation should more actively join the climate movement following in the footsteps of a galvanized youth …. Peopl…

Brittani Banks (2023-03-17). A Donbas Diary: Looking Back at the Early Stages of the Conflict in Ukraine. independentmediainstitute.org It is evening in Bucharest, the capital of Romania, one of NATO's easternmost members. I am waiting at the edge of Izvor Park in the city center to meet with a young friend who has fled Ukraine. In the backdrop of the park is the Palace of the Parliament, the brutalist architectural crown jewel of …

Brittani Banks (2023-03-17). The U.S. and UK's Submarine Deal Crosses Nuclear Red Lines with Australia. independentmediainstitute.org The recent Australia, U.S., and UK $368 billion deal on buying nuclear submarines has been termed by Paul Keating, a former Australian prime minister, as the "worst deal in all history." It commits Australia to buy conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarines that will be delivered in the early 2040s. These will be based on new nuclear …

Brittani Banks (2023-03-17). How Leaders in the Department of Labor Are Fighting for Workers' Rights. independentmediainstitute.org Hundreds of Boston school bus drivers stood to lose their jobs when COVID-19 closed the city's schools in 2020. But instead of giving up on drivers, André Franàßois and other leaders of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 8751 collaborated with Marty Walsh, then the mayor of Boston, to not only avoid layoffs but also empower the …

Brittani Banks (2023-03-17). Michigan Opens the Door to Restoring Union Power. independentmediainstitute.org Michigan is expected very soon to reverse its so-called "right-to-work" (RTW) law. The repeal, led by Democrats and passing along strictly partisan lines, is a concrete outcome of the liberal party winning a narrow majority of seats in the state's House and Senate last November and Democratic governor Gretchen Whitmer winning reelection. Democrats managed to …

cameron orr (2023-03-17). Hands off Social Security! cpusa.org Social Security protects all generations. We need a multi-generational movement to protect and expand it! Don't fall for the Republicans' lies and the caving in to those lies on the part of right-wing Democrats. The Social Security Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Trust Funds had more than $2.8 trillion in reserves at the beginning …

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2023-03-17). Every St Patrick's Day, Everywhere, All at Once. dissidentvoice.org Patrick banishing the snakesMarch 17 is traditionally St Patrick's Day, a day when 'Irishness' is celebrated all over the world. This date is traditionally held to be the date of the death of St Patrick (c.‚Äâ385 — c.‚Äâ461), the patron saint of Ireland. It is marked by parades through the main cities and towns of …

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2023-03-17). Every St. Patrick's Day, Everywhere, All at Once: A Disaster for Ireland. globalresearch.ca

Chris Walker (2023-03-17). Dozens of Mar-a-Lago Staffers Subpoenaed by DOJ as Part of Trump Docs Probe. truthout.org The Department of Justice (DOJ) has subpoenaed at least two dozen staffers at Mar-a-Lago, former President Donald Trump's residence in Palm Beach, Florida, in relation to the grand jury investigation into his removal of government records from the White House, including hundreds of materials that were marked classified. Staffers affected by the department's orders include restaurant servers… |

Chris Walker (2023-03-17). Texas Regulators Plan Takeover of Houston Independent School District. truthout.org Texas state officials are planning to transfer control of the Houston Independent School District (HISD) from democratically elected leaders to a commission appointed by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Officials will transfer management of the district — the largest in the state and the eighth-largest in the nation — to the commission starting on June 1. HISD previously blocked TEA efforts to… |

Connor Freeman (2023-03-17). International Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrants for Putin and Other Russian Official. news.antiwar.com

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-17). Saturday 3/18: SisPix: Reproductive Rights. indybay.org ATA Gallery, 992 Valencia Street, San Francisco…

Dana Drugmand (2023-03-17). US Justice Department tells Supreme Court to reject Big Oil petition in Colorado climate lawsuit. nationofchange.org The Justice Department is siding with communities in Colorado and across the U.S. that are fighting to hold Big Oil companies accountable for their climate lies.

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-17). Opinion: Is There Anyone Ready For Prime Time? moguldom.com When Deion Sanders departed Jackson State University for the University of Colorado, it engendered strong reactions amongst Black folk. Some believed Sanders should have remained at JSU to finish what he started while others asserted Sanders' right to determine the best course for his career. At the heart of this debate was the HBCU and …

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-17). MAGA Claims Silicon Valley Bank Failed From Woke Diversity: What About Bad Interest Rate Hedging And Risky Startup Deposit Base? moguldom.com Conservative politicians and commentators are blaming the failure of Silicon Valley Bank on its "woke" diversity policies and socially and environmentally conscious investments. Jay Ersapah, a former chief risk analyst and financial risk manager at Silicon Valley Bank, has become a lightning rod for the finger-pointing. A woman of color who identified as queer, Ersapah …

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-17). Wedbush Analyst Says First Republic Equity Could Be Wiped Out On Takeover, Stock Worth $5. moguldom.com Share prices in First Republic Bank continued to fall Friday despite a $30 billion rescue plan put together by the U.S. Treasury, the Federal Reserve and 11 of the largest U.S. banks that may have failed to overcome investor fears of an imminent collapse. First Republic's stock has lost about 75 percent of its value …

Daniel Larison (2023-03-17). Constructive Diplomacy Isn't Possible When We Are Demanding Capitulation. globalresearch.ca

Derrick Broze (2023-03-17). Newly Released Review of Fluoride's Toxicity Highlights NTP Scientist's Battle to Follow the Science. thelastamericanvagabond.com Newly released documents reveal how scientists at the U.S. National Toxicology Program fought to preserve their conclusion that fluoride can reduce IQ in children. On Wednesday the U.S. National Toxicology Program released a previously suppressed report which concluded that high exposure to fluoride can reduce IQ for children. The NTP's drafts from May and September

Dr. Peter McCullough (2023-03-17). Synthetic mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. The Critical Role of Pseudouridine. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Susan Rosenthal, Consortium News. (2023-03-17). How Canadians Are Losing Medicare. popularresistance.org Ontario's Bill 60 has delivered a potential death blow to public Medicare. If it becomes law, the provincial medical system will no longer operate as a public service but as a profit-taking business managed by the private sector. | While defenders of public Medicare blame Conservative Premier Doug Ford, British Columbia, Quebec and Saskatchewan are going down the same road. | If we hope to reverse this disaster, we need to know how Canadians won Medicare in the first place, and why they are losing it. | World War II saw a global upsurge of labor protest.

Duncan McFarland (2023-03-17). China's legislature maps out post-COVID recovery, resists pressure for a new Cold War. peoplesworld.org The Western corporate press was filled with the news last week of Chinese President Xi Jinping's election to a third term and the country's increased military spending, but the annual meeting of the Chinese legislature focused on topics that went well beyond just those two issues. Some 3,000 delegates to China's National People's Congress (NPC) …

East Meadow Action Committee (2023-03-17). East Meadow Update 3/12/23. indybay.org There is a major new development in the long and tangled story of Student Housing West with its reckless proposal to develop the East Meadow. The University has just asked the UC Regents for approval of a new approach to building and financing the project. SHW would now no longer be a public-private partnership and would be funded with bonds issued by the University. Most distressing, the East Meadow would be placed on a fast track, constructed and financed independently of the rest. If the Regents vote to approve at their March 15th meeting, construction could begin this year.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Cruise tours sail smooth waters. ecns.cn China's cruise tourism market is expected to revive this year, supported by the country's optimized COVID-19 measures.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Two Chinese experts sent to Memphis Zoo to take care of giant panda Ya Ya. ecns.cn Two Chinese experts have been sent to the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee, the U.S., to take care of giant panda Ya Ya, said the Beijing Municipal Administration Center of Park on Thursday night.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Over 30 million Chinese sexagenarians engage in primary industry. ecns.cn According to data from the seventh population census and that from the National Bureau of Statistics, there are about 51.04 million sexagenarians in China, of whom more than 60 percent are engaged in primary industry, including agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Beijing calls for dialogue on Ukraine crisis. ecns.cn China is concerned over the escalation and possible loss of control of the Ukraine crisis, and urges all parties to remain calm and restrained, resume peace talks at an early date and return to the track of political settlement.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Feb sustains housing recovery. ecns.cn The property market recovery continued in February as more Chinese cities reported a month-on-month growth while the year-on-year decline narrowed in lower-tier cities, official data showed on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Nation's aging demographic to be well protected. ecns.cn China should make more significant efforts to push forward the country's senior care system in a market-oriented manner, expand the pilot scope of the personal pension system and better utilize both State-owned and private capital to ease pressure facing the country's current pension benefits.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Freight train derails in US Arizona. ecns.cn A freight train carrying corn syrup derailed in western US state of Arizona on Wednesday night, the rail provider said, after initial reports said the train may have hazardous materials onboard.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Train derails in U.S. state of Washington, no injuries reported. ecns.cn A train derailed early Thursday on the Swinomish Reservation in the Anacortes area, in the northwestern U.S. state of Washington, according to the state Department of Ecology.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Reform plan to boost efficiency, mitigate risks. ecns.cn China has released a plan on reforming Party and State institutions, a move that will help improve national governance efficiency and tackle risks and challenges in order to promote high-quality development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Decision to set up new HK, Macao work office receives wide support. ecns.cn Central government departments and the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions expressed firm support for a decision to establish a new Hong Kong and Macao work office under the Communist Party of China Central Committee.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). TikTok ban out of political motive rather than facts: embassy spokesperson. ecns.cn A Chinese defense spokesperson on Thursday urged the United States to immediately cease making irresponsible comments about and slandering the Chinese military.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Infant care takes more than baby steps. ecns.cn China's maternal and infant care market is expected to embrace rapid development thanks to the rising consumption power of new parents.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Aggressive U.S. rate hikes blamed for Silicon Valley Bank collapse. ecns.cn The demise of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is partly due to aggressive interest rate hikes by the U.S. Federal Reserve, experts have said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Officials call for improved health system. ecns.cn Central government officials on Thursday called for efforts to ramp up the detection capability for COVID-19 infections, fix the "short planks" in the country's health system and wage a patriotic health movement to improve hygiene.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Freight train to Europe links Beijing to BRI. ecns.cn The very first freight train from Beijing destined for Europe set off on Thursday, marking the latest milestone for the Chinese capital in its participation in the Belt and Road Initiative, according to a senior local official.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Opening-up experience inspires foreign officials in Hainan FTP. ecns.cn With further preferential policies, Hainan Free Trade Port is expected to draw more global attention and play a larger role in the country's opening-up, foreign business officials said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Canada to drop mandatory COVID-19 tests for travelers from China. ecns.cn Canada on Friday will remove mandatory COVID-19 testing requirements for air travelers arriving from China.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Hong Kong's 'new industrialization' drive sees more support. ecns.cn The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government is seeing more support for its "new industrialization" initiative, with medical equipment providers scaling up investments in the city.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Artificial bacterial 'factory' created to synthesize proteins more efficiently. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have created a kind of artificial bacterial "factory" that uses solar power and airborne carbon dioxide and nitrogen to synthesize proteins essential for applications in agriculture, medicine and the environment.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). China intensifies high-quality development in border, cross-border zones. ecns.cn China will intensify efforts to promote high-quality development in border and cross-border economic cooperation zones, according to the Ministry of Commerce on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Chinese scientists develop intelligent robotic mobile CT. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have devised an intelligent robotic mobile computed tomography (CT) that can provide great convenience for patients in critical condition.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Half of Chinese adults not getting 8 hours of sleep, report shows. ecns.cn About half of Chinese adults sleep less than eight hours every night, a new report said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Stranded Panamanian cargo ship rescued in South China Sea. ecns.cn A Panamanian cargo ship that broke down while sailing across the South China Sea has been towed to an area off the coast of South China's Guangdong province, according to the Ministry of Transport.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). China's housing market rebounds with favorable policies: expert. ecns.cn Data released by China's National Bureau of Statistics on Thursday showed that in February 2023, the number of cities with a month-on-month increase in sales prices of commercial residential properties among the 70 large and medium-sized cities in China continued to rise.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). We hope to strengthen cooperation with Chinese provinces: El Salvador Ambassador to China. ecns.cn "On this visit to Sichuan Province, I did not expect that Salvadoran coffee would be so popular in Chengdu. I am very happy," said Aldo Alvarez, Salvadoran ambassador to China, during a media interview at a coffee shop in Chengdu city on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). China refutes claims of 'trade curbs' on Australian coal, says permits can be applied for normally. ecns.cn MOFCOM on Thursday pushed back against foreign media claims of Chinese "trade curbs" against Australian coal imports, saying such misleading claims are inappropriate and China's automatic permit management system for coal imports is functioning normally.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). China urges U.S. to cease slandering Chinese military. ecns.cn A Chinese defense spokesperson on Thursday urged the United States to immediately cease making irresponsible comments about and slandering the Chinese military.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). China's defense ministry vows to leave no room for 'Taiwan independence' separatist activities. ecns.cn A Chinese defense spokesperson on Thursday said the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) will resolutely safeguard the country's national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and will leave no room for "Taiwan independence" separatist activities in any form.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). HK chief executive visits Beijing to promote cooperation with mainland, attracting netizens' attention by posting classic local breakfasts. ecns.cn Sugar pancakes, Tofu Pudding with Gravy … Lee shared these classic Beijing breakfasts on social media, "I have tasted local cuisine in Beijing.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). U.S. government urged to stop suppressing TikTok. ecns.cn The U.S. has failed to provide any evidence that TikTok poses a threat to U.S. national security, and it should stop spreading misinformation and unreasonably suppressing relevant firms, the Chinese Foreign Ministry urged on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Japanese, S.Korean leaders meet in Tokyo amid raging opposition. ecns.cn Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida met with visiting South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol here on Thursday, amid waves of opposition and criticism over ignoring history.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Iran says to send ambassador to UAE soon. ecns.cn A senior Iranian diplomat said on Thursday that Iran will soon send its ambassador to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). U.S. urged to stop slandering TikTok. ecns.cn China urged the United States on Thursday to stop spreading false information on data security issues and unreasonably suppressing related companies, as Washington had yet to provide evidence that Chinese-owned short video platform TikTok threatened U.S. national security.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). China develops vacuum storage cabinet to keep quantum chips 'fresh'. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have developed a vacuum storage cabinet to keep quantum chips "fresh," and used it in the country's first quantum chip production line, according to a Science and Technology Daily report.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Expert says COVID lab leak theory 'purely politically motivated'. ecns.cn A zoonoses expert said that a laboratory leak as the possible origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is "purely politically motivated", and political power games are behind the theory.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). China International Jewelry Fair opens in Beijing. ecns.cn China International Jewelry Fair opened at the China International Exhibition Center on Thursday, covering an area of over 30,000 square meters, with more than 1,000 companies.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Manufacturer busy with producing mascot toys for Hangzhou Asian Games. ecns.cn The mascots, "Memories of Jiangnan" consist of three figures, Chen Chen, Cong Cong and Lian Lian, featuring Hangzhou's three World Heritage sites, the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu Culture, the West Lake and the Grand Canal.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Tibetans celebrate spring plowing in Lhasa. ecns.cn Villagers gathered in the fields, singing and dancing, to mark the beginning of spring plowing on Thursday.

Editor (2023-03-17). Canada's 'China syndrome'. mronline.org The obsession with foreign plots to undermine our institutions is a hallmark of the erosion of political discourse in Canada.

Editor (2023-03-17). Karl Marx: Before all else a revolutionist. mronline.org On the 140th anniversary of Karl Marx's death, Katherine Connelly discusses his revolutionary contribution.

Editor (2023-03-17). This is how police and courts steal from poor people. mronline.org I need to report a theft. Nassau County law enforcement stole $500 from my friend, Sylvester "Sonny" Jackson.

Editor (2023-03-17). Dennis Kucinich and Michael Hudson on the Anatomy of Bank Failures. scheerpost.com This is a wide-ranging discussion about the anatomy of bank failures. Dave Kelley, the moderator, is a pension actuarial expert, headquartered in Ohio. Chairman of the Domestic Policy subcommittee of the Govt Oversight Committee, Kucinich, as a senior member of Congress, investigated the subprime meltdown (see you tube videos), grilling Wall Street titans. Michael Hudson …

Editor (2023-03-17). Biden Announces Support for Senate's Iraq War Authorization Repeal. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-17). Even Peace Is Made in China. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-17). Former US NatSec Advisor: Destroy Taiwan Semiconductor Factories if China Invades. scheerpost.com Rather than see Taiwan's semiconductor factories fall into the hands of the Communist Party of China, the US and its allies would simply pull a Nordstream.

Editor (2023-03-17). Sen. Graham Calls for US to Start Shooting Down Russian Planes. scheerpost.com By Dave DeCamp / Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Graham told Fox News host Sean Hannity that the US should tell Russia if "you ever get near another US asset flying in international waters, your airplane will be shot down." | "What would Ronald Reagan do…

Editor (2023-03-17). The Chris Hedges Report: How America Destroyed the Nord Stream Pipelines w/ Seymour Hersh. scheerpost.com Who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines? In February, veteran journalist and Pulitzer Prize-winner Seymour Hersh dropped a bombshell report detailing how President Joe Biden ordered the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines.

Enric Bonet (2023-03-17). Crisis de régimen en la Francia de Macron. globalizacion.ca El Gobierno francés se obstina en sacar adelante la reforma de las pensiones pese a las multitudinarias protestas en contra, agravando así el déficit democrático en el país. El colaborador habitual de CTXT Rafael Poch ya lo había pronosticado en…

Eric Zuesse (2023-03-17). How and Why Obama Downed the MH17 Passenger Plane on 17 July 2014. dissidentvoice.org Before the MH17 passenger plane was shot down over the civil-war zone in Ukraine on 17 July 2014, U.S. President Barack Obama needed to persuade 9 EU countries that were opposed to adding more sanctions against Russia — needed to force them to approve adding those sanctions. He needed to supply them with 'evidence' that …

Fernando Dorado (2023-03-17). Colombia Ofensiva democrática frente al bloqueo jurídico y a la guerra mediática. globalizacion.ca Como afirmamos en anterior artículo, se desató la confrontación abierta entre el gobierno que encabeza Gustavo Petro y los sectores más parasitarios de la oligarquía financiera. Con ocasión de la presentación de la reforma al sistema de Salud, de los…

Fernando Dorado (2023-03-17). Colombia — Ofensiva democrática frente al bloqueo jurídico y a la guerra mediática. globalizacion.ca Como afirmamos en anterior artículo, se desató la confrontación abierta entre el gobierno que encabeza Gustavo Petro y los sectores más parasitarios de la oligarquía financiera. Con ocasión de la presentación de la reforma al sistema de Salud, de los…

Global Research News (2023-03-17). Selected Articles: On the 20th Anniversary of Invasion of Iraq, It Must be Clear: The U.S. Is the Greatest Threat to World Peace and Collective Humanity. globalresearch.ca By History teaches that the greatest threa…

Global Research News (2023-03-17). This Week's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca

Griffin Ritze (2023-03-17). Kentucky Workers Fight for a Union at Amazon's Biggest Air Hub. truthout.org I work as a tug driver at Amazon's global air hub in Northern Kentucky (KCVG). My co-workers and I are taking on one of the largest corporations in the world to get what we deserve. Our main demands are for a $30-an-hour starting wage, 180 hours a year of paid time off, and union representation at disciplinary meetings to end favoritism and retaliation. This $1.5 billion facility is a flagship for… |

Ian Angus (2023-03-17). Insect Apocalypse in the Anthropocene, Part 2. mronline.org The world's insects are among the principal victims of capitalist agricultural concentration.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-17). Borderless Africa: Free Movement in Africa is a Step Towards Complete Decolonisation. libya360.wordpress.com Hardi Yakubu Les Ethnies De La Cote D'ivoire Et D'afrique From 29th to 31st August 2022, Africans Rising held the All-African Movement Assembly (AAMA), a hybrid gathering of more than 600 movement leaders, activists, Pan-Africanists and change agents. I was leading the coordination and organising of the whole event under the supervision of then movement co-coordinators, Mohammed Lamin Saidykhan…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-17). Canada: Multiculturalism is Over as Sinophobia Returns. libya360.wordpress.com Justin Podur How a rogue spy and two reporters are breaking the fragile system for integrating immigrants Breaking Canada-China science connections as prologue The death throes of Canadian multiculturalism began on February 2023 over China-Canada science connections. Canada's Innovation Minister said Canadian universities shouldn't do research with China's military, as 50 of them have since…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-17). CIA Front Threatens Color Revolution in Georgia. libya360.wordpress.com Kit Klarenberg In the second week of March, thousands took to the streets of Tbilisi, Georgia, to vent their fiery indignation over a draft law requiring any NGO operating in the country that receives over 20% of its revenue from overseas to register as a "foreign agent." Violently clashing with police, daubing anti-Russian graffiti on virtually…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-17). Kremlin Declares ICC Warrant 'Null and Void'. libya360.wordpress.com The International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia's Children's Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova, the court said in a statement on Friday. MOSCOW, March 17. /TASS/. Russia does not recognize the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and considers its decisions null and void, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-17). National and International Groups Call for Governments to Take Action Against OceanaGold. libya360.wordpress.com Owen Schalk Land defenders erect a barricade against OceanaGold mining operations in Barangay Didipio, the Philippines. Photo courtesy J. Bonifacio/Kalikasan People's Network for the Environment. "We make this urgent appeal in the name of present and future generations" On March 1, seventy-seven national and international human rights and environmental groups from the Philippines, New Zealand,…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-17). Russian Forces Block Ukrainian Army from Leaving Artyomovsk (Bakhmut). libya360.wordpress.com It is noted that fierce fighting for control of the city is underway MOSCOW, March 17. /TASS/. Russian forces are steadily advancing in Artyomovsk (known as Bakhmut in Ukraine) having thwarted the attempted withdrawal of several Ukrainian army units, acting head of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Denis Pushilin said on Friday. "We saw that…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-17). The US MQ-9 Drone Was a Legitimate Target. libya360.wordpress.com Scott Ritter An MQ-9 Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle MQ-9 Drone Incident: Biden's Dangerous Escalation A US surveillance drone crashed off the coast of Crimea after an encounter with a Russian fighter aircraft. What does this incident say about the current state of the war in Ukraine and where Russia and the US might go from…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-17). Venezuela-US Relations: When 'Maximum Pressure' Fails. libya360.wordpress.com Carlos Ron President Maduro has shown two firm convictions. The first is that he will not cede the nation's sovereignty to the pressure of illegal sanctions. But he has also indicated that dialogue and diplomacy is the way; that Venezuela is willing and ready to re-establish relations as long as they are based on mutual respect and an equal footing, writes Valdai Club expert Carlos Ron. The strategy…

isabella (2023-03-17). Labor Celebrates as Michigan Senate Votes to Overturn "Right-to-Work" Law. inequality.org Just over a decade after union members and labor advocates from across the United States rallied at the Michigan State Capitol to protest state Republicans' passage of a so-called "right-to-work" law, many of the same people were present in Lansing on Tuesday as the Democratic-led state Senate voted to end what one lawmaker called "the failed experiment …

Isheka N. Harrison (2023-03-17). 7 Takeaways From The Ja Morant Interview With Jalen Rose. moguldom.com Superstar Memphis Grizzlies player Ja Morant recently seemed to be making headlines for all the wrong reasons. Things escalated when he was suspended by the National Basketball Association for eight games without pay after video footage surfaced on Instagram Live of Morant in a strip club with a gun. "Ja's conduct was irresponsible, reckless and potentially very …

It's Going Down (2023-03-17). This Is America #183: Report from Atlanta During 'Week of Action' Against Cop City. itsgoingdown.org Welcome, to This is America, March 16th, 2023. In this episode, we sit down with Clark, a member of the Atlanta Community Press Collective, who joins us to discuss the past week of action in Atlanta as the fight against Cop City continues, following the arrest of concert goers on trumped up 'domestic terrorism' charges….

Jacob Andrewathwa (2023-03-17). Build the movement to oppose AUKUS nuclear submarines. greenleft.org.au We need a foreign policy that is based on justice and peace, not more militarism to prepare the country for a new cold war against China, argues Jacob Andrewartha.

Jake Johnson (2023-03-17). Two Trains Derail in Arizona and Washington as Congress Sits on Safety Bill. truthout.org Two trains operated by BNSF derailed in Washington state and Arizona on Thursday as the rail industry and its Republican allies in Congress fight bipartisan safety legislation introduced in the wake of the toxic crash in East Palestine, Ohio. The Associated Press reported that the Washington derailment spilled 5,000 gallons of diesel fuel on tribal lands along Padilla Bay. |

Jan Oberg (2023-03-17). It's Your Human Right to Access Russian News and Analysis Sites in English if You Want. dissidentvoice.org Collage © Jan Oberg 2023 The human right to freely seek information is laid down in the American Convention on Human Rights from 1968. Article 13 states that "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and expression. This right includes freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas of all kinds." The Universal …

Janna Corredor (2023-03-17). Hugo Chávez Foundation Launches Web Portal Aimed at Publicizing His Legacy. orinocotribune.com The Eternal Commander Hugo Chávez Foundation launched its web portal on Wednesday, March 15, in an event held at the Historic Military Museum of Caracas (Cuartel de la Montaña 4F), in the 23 de Enero parish, Caracas. | During the unveiling of the portal She explained that the web portal is…

Jessica Buxbaum (2023-03-17). Jerusalem's Christians Attribute Rise in Violence to Israel's New Government. towardfreedom.org Violence against Christians isn't a new phenomenon in Jerusalem. But since Israel's most far-right government in its history has taken over, the problem has significantly swelled. Jessica Buxbaum reports from East Jerusalem.

Jim McIlroy (2023-03-17). Richard Denniss: 'Safeguard Mechanism protects fossil fuel industry'. greenleft.org.au The new Safeguard Mechanism protects the fossil fuel industry and does nothing to save our climate from disaster, Richard Denniss said. Jim McIlroy reports.

John Feffer (2023-03-17). Corporations are using Trade Treaties to handcuff Efforts to save the Planet from Climate Emergency. juancole.com ( Foreign Policy in Focus) — The global economy hit a new milestone in 2022 by surpassing $100 trillion. This expansion, which has experienced only the occasional setback such as the 2020 COVID shutdowns, has been accelerated by trade. The world trade volume experienced 4,300 percent growth from 1950 to 2021, an average 4 percent …

John Pilger (2023-03-17). The betrayers of Julian Assange. peoplesdispatch.org I have known Julian Assange since I first interviewed him in London in 2010. I immediately liked his dry, dark sense of humor, often dispensed with an infectious giggle. He is a proud outsider: sharp and thoughtful. We have become friends, and I have sat in many courtrooms listening to the tribunes of the state try to silence him and his moral revolution in journalism. | My own high point was when a judge in the Royal Courts of Justice leaned across his bench and growled at me: 'You are just a peripatetic Australian like Assange.' My name was on a list of volunteers to stand bail for Julian, and this judge spotte…

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano (2023-03-17). Spying on Americans in Plain Sight. globalresearch.ca

Konrad Rƒôkas (2023-03-17). US Terrorism Against Nord Stream: A Polish Perspective. globalresearch.ca

Kyle Anzalone (2023-03-17). Turkey Announces Plans To Approve Finland's NATO Bid. news.antiwar.com Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Ankara would approve Finland's NATO application before the country's May election. Erdoğan made the announcement after meeting with Finnish President Sauli Niinisto in Ankara. Finland submitted a joint application with Sweden to join the North Atlantic alliance last May. While most members of the alliance wanted to expedite membership …

Liz Vinson (2023-03-17). 'Make Things Right': Florida activists grapple with revelations about Klan leader. splcenter.org

Luis Feliz Leon (2023-03-17). Reform Candidate Wins United Auto Workers Presidency in Stunning Upset. truthout.org The machine will churn no more. Nearly 80 years of top-down one-party rule in the United Auto Workers are coming to an end. Reformer Shawn Fain is set to be the winner in the runoff for the UAW presidency. As of Thursday night, Fain had a 505-vote edge, 69,386 to 68,881, over incumbent Ray Curry of the Administration Caucus. Curry was appointed by the union's executive board in 2021. |

Margaret Anna Alice (2023-03-17). The Weaponization of "Anti-Semitism". Requiem for a Smear Victim: Clemens Arvay. globalresearch.ca

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-17). Parents, teachers, NAACP oppose Texas right-wing Gov. Abbott's 'hostile takeover' of Houston schools. peoplesworld.org HOUSTON—Right-wing Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has escalated his war against the people of color in his state's largest city, Houston. And its Black and brown residents, in this battle led by its teachers union and the NAACP, are fighting back. Abbott's not content with his multitude of measures to prevent the city's adults of …

Matthew Ehret (2023-03-17). Bail-ins, Bail-outs and Other forms of Self-Mutilation: Lobotomized Economists Clash on the Deck of the Titanic. thelastamericanvagabond.com As the geniuses running the western financial bubble (sometimes called an "economy") continue to double down on their obsession to pump a dead financial system with ever more trillions in stimulus spending, arguments are raging among brainwashed economists living in denial over the oncoming systemic collapse. The failure of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and

Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News. (2023-03-17). Unintimidated, Amazon Workers Unionize Their Workplaces. popularresistance.org The historic union election victory at the JFK8 Amazon warehouse on Staten Island sent shockwaves throughout the US and beyond, but New York is not the only place Amazon workers are organizing. In Moreno Valley, California, workers at the ONT8 warehouse have been doing the painstaking work of organizing for years, and now they are attempting to unionize with the independent Amazon Labor Union, facing the same union-busting playbook from Amazon management that workers in Staten Island, Bessemer, Chicago, etc. have faced.

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J.S. Davies (2023-03-17). The Not-So-Winding Road from Iraq to Ukraine. dissidentvoice.org U.S. soldiers breaking into a home in Baquba, Iraq, in 2008 Photo: Reuters March 19 marks the 20th anniversary of the U.S. and British invasion of Iraq. This seminal event in the short history of the 21st century not only continues to plague Iraqi society to this day, but it also looms large …

Melanie Barnes (2023-03-17). Port Kembla rejects nuclear submarine base. greenleft.org.au Three weeks before the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal was announced, the Port Authority of NSW unveiled a new plan to build a large renewable energy hub at Port Kembla. Melanie Barnes reports the choice is clear: wind or nuclear.

Michael F. Brown (2023-03-17). Fascism grips Israel yet US clings to two-state fantasy. electronicintifada.net New York keeps investment in Israel Bonds as a State Department spokesperson confirms an Israeli settler attacked a US citizen.

Michael Welch (2023-03-17). Free Speech for Peace not Supported by "Stand With Ukraine" globalresearch.ca

Monica Moorehead (2023-03-17). Statue honoring Harriet Tubman unveiled in Newark, New Jersey. workers.org Artist Nina Cooke John stands next to the Harriet Tubman statue she designed in Newark, New Jersey, March 9, 2023. Credit: AP The unveiling of a monument honoring the legacy of the great Black abolitionist, Harriet Tubman, took place in the Black-majority city of Newark, New Jersey, on March 9. . . . |

Monica Moorehead (2023-03-17). Food cuts show women bear brunt of deepening economic crisis — a WW commentary. workers.org No matter how large or small, no class struggle can be put into its social context without understanding the current global capitalist economic crisis. Neoliberal policies flow from long-term and short-term fluctuations within the capitalist system, which no ruling class can ultimately control. Migrant mother and her children receive food . . . |

Monica Moorehead (2023-03-17). Food cuts show women bear brunt of deepening economic crisis. workers.org No matter how large or small, no class struggle can be put into its social context without understanding the current global capitalist economic crisis. Neoliberal policies flow from long-term and short-term fluctuations within the capitalist system, which no ruling class can ultimately control. Migrant mother and her children receive food . . . |

Mumia Abu-Jamal (2023-03-17). The wages of deregulation. workers.org Note: This lightly edited commentary first appeared on Prison Radio on March 3: A train races through the cool wintry air, its wheels turning on iron rails until sparks burst into flames, and in the blink of an eye, a city in eastern Ohio becomes the latest scene of a . . . |

Natalia Marques (2023-03-17). 20 years after the start of the Iraq War, US peace movement will protest yet another war. peoplesdispatch.org The people of the US are building an intergenerational anti-war movement from the ground up in protest of the billions sent to war and destruction abroad…

Ngakiya Camara (2023-03-17). People Affected by Toxic Fuel Leak in Hawaii Now Face Taxes on Emergency Aid. truthout.org It's been nearly 16 months since 14,000 gallons of fuel and water leaked from the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility in Honolulu, Hawaii. Located merely 100 feet above the Southern O'ahu Basal Aquifer, the military fuel storage facility's leaking drain line poisoned the main fresh water source for 100,000 people, causing oral chemical burns, stomach pain, sore throats, rashes… |

Nitza Soledad Perez (2023-03-17). Further restrictions on abortion rights in the U.S. america.cgtn.com State battles over abortion rights in the U.S. show no sign of let-up – following last year's ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court overturning a woman's constitutional right to abortion.

Nitza Soledad Perez (2023-03-17). Gerrymandering in Jacksonville, Florida. america.cgtn.com Jacksonville, Florida, is like a tale of two cities. One is the shiny view of development, upscale restaurants and white sand beaches, while a few blocks away, the scenes tell a story of abandonment and neglect. CGTN's Nitza Soledad Perez reports from Jacksonville. For more, …

noreply (2023-03-17). Larry Saved Me From Torture… smoothiex12.blogspot.com of seeing and listening to these two guys and I am eternally grateful to him for that.

noreply (2023-03-17). Well, Start Stop-watches, Gentlemen. smoothiex12.blogspot.com

noreply (2023-03-17). Why They Are "More Adequate". smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-17). Gaza Reacts To Israeli West Bank Onslaught and Palestinian Authority Complicity. orinocotribune.com

Owen Fairclough (2023-03-17). Global banking under pressure. america.cgtn.com Silicon Valley Bank's collapse triggered a global financial meltdown. U.S. and European central bank leaders are trying to calm the panic, there are now urgent questions about how their inflation-fighting policies contributed to the crisis. Owen Fairclough has the latest. For more, check out our …

PAI (2023-03-17). 30,000 L.A. school support staffers to strike; teachers refuse to cross picket line. peoplesworld.org LOS ANGELES (PAI)—At least 30,000 support staffers toiling for the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) will stage a three-day strike March 21-23 to protest low pay, lack of respect, and their bosses' labor law-breaking refusal to bargain. With support from the United Teachers of Los Angeles, an AFT affiliate, the cafeteria workers, bus drivers, …

Peer Boyle (2023-03-17). Video: Protests planned for Burma Revolution Day. greenleft.org.au Peter Boyle spoke to Maung Maung Than, the ecretary of the Australian Coalition for Democracy in Burma and veteran of the 1988 student uprising about upcoming actions on Burma Revolution Day (March 27) and the state of the people's resistance to the military coup regime in Burma/Myanmar.

People's Dispatch. (2023-03-17). French Government Bypasses Parliamentary Vote; Passes Pension Reform. popularresistance.org On March 16, the French government invoked the emergency provision Article 49.3 of the Constitution in the parliament and passed a controversial pension reform, bypassing the parliamentary vote. The decision announced by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne to avoid voting on the pension reforms envisaged in the 'law of amending financing of Social Security for 2023', provoked ire from progressive legislators of the New Ecological and Social People's Union (NUPES) coalition as well as large sections of civil society. Spontaneous protests have already broken out across the country condemning the forced approval of the b…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-17). Yes, the U.S. gov't did bailout the banks. What would a people's bailout look like? mronline.org The U.S. is divesting from working people and investing in banks and venture capitalists, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-17). Hundreds in UK protest against discriminatory immigration bill. peoplesdispatch.org The Illegal Migration Bill has been proposed by Home Secretary Suella Braverman who herself admits that she is unable to say if the bill complies with the European Convention on Human Rights…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-17). Israeli occupation forces kill four Palestinians, including one minor, in Jenin. peoplesdispatch.org On Thursday, a number of undercover agents of the Israeli occupation forces stormed Jenin city center, killing four Palestinians and injuring at least 20 others. In the first 75 days of the current year, Israeli occupation forces have killed at least 88 Palestinians in different parts of the occupied territories…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-17). Unions condemn assault on journalists inside Bangladesh's Supreme Court. peoplesdispatch.org At least 10 journalists were injured during police action at the Supreme Court in Bangladesh on March 15. The journalists were covering the Bar Association Election…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-17). Working class slams the 'anti-worker' budget in the UK. peoplesdispatch.org Trade unions, left parties, and civil society organizations in the UK have denounced the Spring Budget 2023, delivered by Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt on Wednesday, March 15. The Chancellor and the Tory party have claimed that the Budget sets forth a growth plan for the country that will help avoid recession and halve the soaring inflation this year. However, trade unions have condemned that it fails to tackle the ongoing public sector pay disputes and neglects the overwhelming demand for an increase in wages at par with inflation. | It has been further criticized on the grounds that it calls for an in…

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-03-17). Health workers in South Africa end strike after 10 days. peoplesdispatch.org The National Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union in South Africa ended a strike launched earlier this month over concerns about salaries and inflation. The announcement came as the government agreed to revisit the salary increase for the current year and signaled it was willing to reconsider its approach to collective bargaining with the union…

Prof Michael Hudson (2023-03-17). Why Three US Banks Collapsed in One Week: Economist Michael Hudson Explains. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michael Hudson (2023-03-17). Why the Bank Crisis Is Not Over. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-17). Global Financial Meltdown: Sweeping Deregulation of the US Banking System. globalresearch.ca The financial sector reforms of the late 1999s had set the stage for the current financial crisis…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-17). The Israeli Protest Movement against Netanyahu. Does It Include the Rights of Palestinians? globalresearch.ca

Prof. Carlos L. Garrido (2023-03-17). The US Blockade and Its Effects on Cuban Medicine. globalresearch.ca

RAYE (2023-03-17). Wednesday 3/15: From the Bay Area to Atlanta: Stop Cop City. indybay.org Meets at GI Partners / 4 Embarcadero Ctr, SF…

Reiner Fuellmich (2023-03-17). Video: Imminent 5G Induced Genocide: Vaccinated Vulnerable To 5G Kill Grid's Deadly Tech! — Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. globalresearch.ca

Renato Villavicencio Garzón (2023-03-17). Las horas más bajas del discurso anticorreísta. globalizacion.ca El 5 de febrero pasado puede considerarse el cierre de un ciclo que se abrió hace 5 años, coincidentemente con otra consulta popular, pero que terminó con resultados distintos en febrero de 2018. El ciclo al que me refiero es…

Ria Tabacco Mar (2023-03-17). Trans Rights Are Women's Rights. aclu.org March is Women's History Month, which means I'm often asked to name the most pressing issue facing women in America. Answers spring to mind, sometimes faster than I can form the words. The fall of Roe and the Black maternal mortality crisis. The persistence of the gender wage gap and on-the-job sexual harassment, more than five years after #MeToo. Barriers to safe, affordable housing. Policing of Black and Brown mothers, leading to needless family separation. The lack of universal paid family leave coupled with the skyrocketing cost of childcare. The list goes on. | None of these ills, however, is the subject…

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-17). 70th anniversary: NATO trains U.S. high school students for "really cool" war with Russia in Arctic. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Command TransformationMarch 17, 2023 Ambassadors, Global Diplomacy, and NATO — High School Students from Around the Hampton Roads Lead the Way NORFOLK, VA. — On March 15th 2023, NATO's Allied Command Transformation kicked off the Model NATO Challenge, bringing together students, military officials, and diplomats to participate in a strategic problem-solving challenge. Student Diplomats …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-17). Azerbaijan, Dagestan: Turkic bloc eyes control of Russian Caucasus, Caspian. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com AzertagMarch 17, 2023 Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Ali Asadov met with the Chairman of the People's Assembly of Dagestan On March 17, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ali Asadov met with the Chairman of the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan of the Russian Federation Zaur Askenderov. AZERTAC reports that during …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-17). Europe: NATO holds layered, integrated interceptor missile drills. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Air CommandMarch 17, 2023 NATO Surface-based Air defence community trains interoperability in major exercise Two major NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD) exercises are combined with the largest European air defence exercise l from March 6 to April 1, 2023 providing for interoperability among Allied forces. NATO's exercises Steadfast Armour 23 (STAR23) and …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-17). Germany, Japan renew historic military pact aimed at Russia, China. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Deutsche WelleMarch 17, 2023 Germany's Olaf Scholz visits Japan to ramp up security ties AUDIO: "Our common focus is currently on Ukraine. Germany and Japan stand side by side in defending the rules-based international order." — Chancellor Scholz Chancellor Scholz and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will look at ways to deepen bilateral security relations …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-17). Joint Pentagon/NATO commanders preside over air/space power integration. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Air CommandMarch 17, 2023 General Christopher Cavoli is top commander of U.S. European Command and NATO's Supreme Allied Commander, Europe. General James Hecker is simultaneously commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe/U.S. Air Forces Africa and NATO's Allied Air Command. ==== NATO Air Chiefs discuss how to further accelerate Air and Space Power integration …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-17). Turkey delivers Bayraktar drones for war in Mali, region. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Turkish Bayraktar TB2 combat drones have been employed with deadly efficiency against Russia and Russian allies in Ukraine, Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia, Libya, Syria, Iraq and Tajikistan and have been sold to Ethiopia and Morocco for use against Tigray and Western Sahara, respectively. — RR ==== Hàºrriyet Daily NewsMarch 17, 2023 Mali gets new batch of drones …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-17). Turkey pushes enhanced global role for NATO, okays Finland's bid, blackmails Sweden. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Hàºrriyet Daily NewsMarch 17, 2023 Türkiye OKs Finland's NATO bid, delays Sweden's Türkiye has announced its decision to ratify Finland's bid to join NATO as a result of the latter's concrete and sincere measures against terror organizations while delaying the bid of Sweden. "We have observed concrete and sincere steps from Finland in recent times. …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-17). Turkic gene: militarized Turkic superstate from Great Wall of China to gates of Vienna. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The Organization of Turkic States currently includes Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan as full members and Hungary, the (unrecognized) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Turkmenistan as observers, with nations as far afield as Finland, Ukraine (particularly with its claims on Crimea) and Mongolia mentioned as future affiliates. All the above are NATO members …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-17). U.S. Army launches new headquarters in Poland. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish RadioMarch 27, 2023 US Army Garrison Poland to be established this month: Pentagon The US Army will this month establish a new headquarters in Poland, called US Army Garrison Poland, the Pentagon has announced. "In order to meet U.S. Army in Europe and Africa mission requirements, improved command and control capabilities and manage foreign, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-17). U.S. European, Central Commands consolidate Azerbaijan as military outpost on Caspian. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com U.S. European CommandMarch 17, 2023 USEUCOM, Azerbaijan officials engage to discuss partnership, regional security U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Edward Vaughan, the U.S. European Command strategy, plans and capabilities deputy director, traveled to Baku, Azerbaijan, March 14-16, 2023. His visit included engagements with government officials from Azerbaijan's ministry of defense, ministry of emergency situations and …

Robert E. West (2023-03-17). Saint Patrick's Day 2023 Remembrance: England's "Irish Slaves" globalresearch.ca Global Research Editor's Note | In 2008 (reposted in 2015), Global Research posted a short Oped article entitled

Robert Hunziker (2023-03-17). Destruction of the Amazon Rainforest Destabilizes the World. dissidentvoice.org A new 40-year study discovered the eye-opening fact that what happens in the Amazon Rainforest impacts the entire Earth system. This puts an exclamation point on the fact that the Amazon Rainforest, the planet's most crucial source of life support [NASA and NOAA attribute about half of the oxygen production on Earth to the ocean, …

Robert S. Becker (2023-03-17). Global problems are far-reaching, permanent & inter-connected. Nationalistic responses are political, tribal, religious & myopic. nationofchange.org The Age of Nationalism (the last few centuries) must now for the health of all shift to the Age of One World.

Roger McKenzie (2023-03-17). Dictator? French Communists slam Macron for imposing pensions bill without a vote. peoplesworld.org French communists have slammed the decision of President Emmanuel Macron to impose his highly unpopular bill that would raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. Macron shunned parliament Thursday by opting to push through his controversial plans by triggering a special constitutional power known as Section 49.3. The rarely-used maneuver will likely spark a …

Sam Rosenthal (2023-03-17). In Chicago and Denver, Progressives Face New Challenges — and Opportunities. truthout.org For most of the media establishment, the year may as well already be 2024. Intrigue among the Republican Party's emerging field of presidential contenders, and ongoing mixed signals from the Joe Biden camp about his intentions next year dominate political coverage. But, while this may be an "off" year for national politics, 2023 is rife with electoral opportunities for progressive candidates… |

scorinoco (2023-03-17). Colombia and Venezuela Sign Agreements on Binational Air Traffic. orinocotribune.com On Tuesday, March 14, at a meeting between the civil aviation authorities of Colombia and Venezuela held at the Center for Aeronautical Studies (CEA) in Bogota, Colombia and Venezuela signed five agreements aimed at formally reestablishing air traffic and unifying procedures in search and rescue operations. The meeting was chaired by the president of the National Institute of Civil Aviation of Venezuela, Juan Manuel Teixeira Diaz, and Sergio París Mendoza, director general of the Civil Aeronautics of Colombia. |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-17). Nearly 8 in 10 Voters Support Sanders Bill to Raise Minimum Teacher Pay to $60k. truthout.org New polling finds that a proposal by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) to set a minimum salary for teachers and raise the wages of over a million teachers nationwide is overwhelmingly popular among voters. According to a recent survey of 1,254 likely voters by Data for Progress, 77 percent of voters support the proposal to set a nationwide minimum salary of $60,000 for public school teachers… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-17). Sanders Calls for All Drug Prices to Be Cut After Third Insulin Maker Cuts Price. truthout.org After a third major pharmaceutical company in as many weeks announced that it is joining the wave of price cuts for insulin products on Thursday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) said that the current momentum must not be wasted and that the movement for price cuts should be spread to prescription drugs across the board. Sanofi is the latest to jump on the public relations trend… |

Special to People's World (2023-03-17). People's World reader: 'I look for your stories every day'. peoplesworld.org Mark Gruenberg, our Washington Bureau Chief and labor correspondent received the following letter from Peter Freitag, a reader from Colorado. Peter reads People's World every day and is a financial contributor to the newspaper. If you, like Peter, appreciate the alternative to the mainstream corporate media provided by People's World, won't you consider becoming a …

Staff (2023-03-17). La imagen del día: Amor y apoyo en la ciudad de Nueva York para el equipo de béisbol de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Amor y apoyo en la ciudad de Nueva York para el equipo de béisbol de Cuba en el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023. " °Estamos con Cuba hasta la final! #TeamAsere", se puede leer en un cartel ubicado en esta ciudad. Cuba consiguió el pase a semifinales en el certamen y este viernes tiene su próximo juego.

Staff (2023-03-17). Abel Rojas: El fotoperiodismo es la adrenalina que me impulsa. cubadebate.cu Tener una cámara fotográfica y deseos de hacer, no es suficiente para llegar a fotorreportero. Eso lo supo Abel Rojas desde muy temprano, por eso, matriculó en disímiles cursos de superación profesional y gracias a ello creció técnica y culturalmente. En su labor, va dejando una huella en el periodismo y aportando una y otra imagen al patrimonio visual del país.

Staff (2023-03-17). Cuba en datos: Coordenadas de los nuevos actores económicos. cubadebate.cu Las preguntas serían: øCuándo generarán mayor disponibilidad de alimentos en el mediano plazo estos actores? øQué obstáculos tienen hoy en la producción y venta de sus producciones y servicios? øQué transformar o modificar para que estos actores puedan incrementar sus resultados productivos?

Staff (2023-03-17). øEn qué consiste el Aukus?: El pacto con el que EEUU, Reino Unido y Australia planean "hacerle frente" a China. cubadebate.cu Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y Australia planean contrarrestar la influencia de China con la creación de una nueva flota de submarinos de propulsión nuclear. El pacto estratégico, anunciado en septiembre de 2021 y bautizado como Aukus pretende "defender los intereses compartidos" de las tres potencias anglosajonas en el Indopacífico.

Staff (2023-03-17). Jóvenes graduados: El sueño de La Habana y la odisea del alquiler. cubadebate.cu Este tema parece cíclico: "Casi ningún alquiler baja de 5 000 pesos. No sé qué voy a hacer. Sigo buscando pero me estoy quedando sin tiempo porque antes del día 7 debo salir de donde vivo y no tengo donde quedarme. Estoy volviéndome loco". Al revisar los mensajes de WhatsApp me encuentro este audio de Alejandro, un compañero de estudios en la universidad que ahora está en serios problemas.

Staff (2023-03-17). Cultura y tradición en un lugar llamado Remedios. cubadebate.cu Hay muchos lugares icónicos de Cuba que reflejan su idiosincrasia y esencia cultural. Al noroeste de Villa Clara se emplaza Remedios, que a sus casi 510 años, sigue impactando por la confluencia de estilos arquitectónicos que recuerdan a la España del siglo XVII.

Staff (2023-03-17). Con el voto del 26 de marzo vamos a defender la Revolución. cubadebate.cu Candidatos a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular por Santa Clara retomaron este jueves sus intercambios con los electores. En todos se habló de asistencia a las urnas y el voto unido, y también de problemas, con la confianza de que la próxima legislatura continuará contribuyendo a su solución.

Staff (2023-03-17). París: Más de 200 detenciones tras protestas contra reforma de pensiones. cubadebate.cu Más de 200 personas han sido detenidas este jueves 16 de marzo en París al término de una manifestación espontánea contra la impopular reforma de las pensiones del gobierno de Emmanuel Macron, aprobada unas horas antes por decreto y sin voto en la Asamblea Nacional.

Staff (2023-03-17). Voleibol de Playa: Noslen Díaz y Jorge Luis Alayo avanzan al cuadro principal en su debut en el Circuito Mundial. cubadebate.cu La dupla cubana de Noslen Díaz y Jorge Luis Alayo avanzó este viernes al cuadro principal en el torneo de voleibol de playa organizado en la ciudad mexicana de La Paz, con categoría Challenge del Beach World Pro. En la ronda de preliminares del evento, el primero de los antillanos en el circuito internacional de este deporte, los caribeños consiguieron par de éxitos.

Staff (2023-03-17). Altos cargos militares de Estados Unidos y Rusia discuten sobre incidente con dron cerca de Crimea. cubadebate.cu El Ministerio de Defensa ruso reveló detalles de las conversaciones entre el ministro de Defensa ruso, Serguéi Shoigú, y su par estadounidense, Lloyd Austin, que discutieron el tema de la caída del dron estadounidense que se acercó peligrosamente a la península rusa de Crimea.

Staff (2023-03-17). Corte Penal Internacional emite orden de arresto para Putin y Rusia asegura que "esta decisión no significa nada" cubadebate.cu La Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) ha emitido una orden de detención contra el presidente ruso Vladímir Putin citando su responsabilidad en presuntos crímenes de guerra cometidos en Ucrania. "Las decisiones de la CPI no tienen ninguna importancia para nuestro país, ni siquiera en términos jurídicos", ha comentado la portavoz de la cancillería rusa.

Staff (2023-03-17). °Duerme bien! Hoy se celebra el Día Mundial del Sueño. cubadebate.cu Hoy se celebra el Día Mundial del Sueño, con la finalidad de sensibilizar a la población acerca de la importancia de dormir bien. Además, se pretende tratar las causas y síntomas de la falta de sueño, un problema que si no es tratado a tiempo puede ocasionar serios problemas de salud. El lema de 2023 es "El sueño es esencial para la salud".

Staff (2023-03-17). El tiempo: Escasas lluvias en la tarde. cubadebate.cu Amanecerá parcialmente nublado en zonas de la costa norte oriental y con poca nubosidad en el resto. En tarde estará parcialmente nublado en gran parte del país, con escasas lluvias.

Staff (2023-03-17). Etecsa informa sobre labores técnicas en las redes de telecomunicaciones. cubadebate.cu Durante los próximos días se realizarán varios trabajos en las redes de telecomunicaciones, informó Etecsa y precisó que mientras se estén ejecutando estas acciones técnicas, podrá percibirse afectación en el funcionamiento de los servicios, por lo que los trabajos se realizarán en los horarios de menor tráfico de voz y datos.

Staff (2023-03-17). Festival de la Trova "Pepe Sánchez" celebra su edición 60 en Santiago de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Con una gala artística en el Salón de los grandes, ubicado muy cerca del céntrico parque de Céspedes de la ciudad de Santiago de Cuba, se inauguró en la noche de este jueves la edición número 60 del Festival de la Trova "Pepe Sánchez", cita extendida hasta el próximo lunes 20 de marzo.

Staff (2023-03-17). Havana D'Primera estrena canción y video #TeamAsere. cubadebate.cu El trompetista Alexander Abreu y su grupo Havana D' Primera estrenaron este viernes la canción y el video de #TeamAsere, una producción que enaltece la actuación del equipo cubano de béisbol en el V Clásico Mundial de la disciplina. "Háganle saber a esos hombres que estamos agradecidos por la historia que hoy están haciendo", destacó Alexander Abreu.

Staff (2023-03-17). Llega a la bahía de Santiago de Cuba central flotante para la generación eléctrica. cubadebate.cu La central eléctrica flotante de origen turco Karadeniz Poweship Irem Sultan arribó este viernes a la bahía de Santiago de Cuba para dotar de energía adicional al Sistema Eléctrico Nacional (SEN) en la zona oriental.

Staff (2023-03-17). Mánager del equipo Cuba: "En la mente de todos está el propósito de hacer historia" cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-03-17). Nuevo Festival Zona Quinta este fin de semana: Inclusión y esparcimiento ecológico para todas las familias. cubadebate.cu El Jardín Botánico de La Habana Quinta de los Molinos abrirá sus puertas con un nuevo Festival Zona Quinta Inclusión, esparcimiento ecológico y aprendizaje para todas las familias, el sábado 18 y el domingo 19 de marzo, de 10: 00 a.m. a 3: 00 p.m. La nueva edición del festival se realiza en el contexto del Día Mundial de las Personas con Síndrome de Down.

Staff (2023-03-17). Once de los bancos más grandes de Estados Unidos inyectarán treinta mil millones de dólares para rescatar al First Republic Bank. cubadebate.cu Once de los bancos más grandes de EE.UU. inyectarán un total de 30.000 millones de dólares para rescatar al First Republic Bank (FRB), según lo anuncian en un comunicado conjunto difundido este jueves por Business Wire.

Staff (2023-03-17). Presentan programa para celebrar el aniversario 55 del Jardín Botánico Nacional de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Con la presencia de directivos de los jardines botánicos de Cuba y centros afines de otros países, abierto al público e inmerso en importantes proyectos, el equipo del Jardín Botánico Nacional de Cuba celebra el 55 aniversario del complejo científico, educativo y recreativo ubicado en la periferia habanera.

Staff (2023-03-17). Qué trae la prensa cubana, viernes 17 de marzo de 2023. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-03-17). Reelegido Gianni Infantino como presidente de la FIFA. cubadebate.cu Gianni Infantino comienza desde hoy y hasta el año 2027 su tercer mandato al frente de la FIFA, luego de conseguir su reelección para el cargo. El ítalo-suizo resultó aclamado en el 73 congreso celebrado Kigali, Ruanda, por las 211 federaciones miembro.

Staff (2023-03-17). Unión Eléctrica no pronostica afectaciones por déficit de generación para este viernes. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica informó que el Sistema Electroenergético Nacional no presentó afectaciones en el día de ayer y que se espera que hoy tampoco ocurran interrupciones del servicio por falta de capacidad de generación. A las 07: 00 horas de este viernes la disponibilidad del SEN era de 2 450 megavatios (MW) y la demanda de 1 820 MW, con todo el país electrificado.

Staff (2023-03-17). Never Again: Human Rights Groups & Japanese Americans Warn Biden Against Jailing Migrant Families. democracynow.org This week nearly 400 human rights groups urged the Biden administration not to revive the controversial practice of migrant family detention by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Biden ended family detention when he took office two years ago but is now reportedly reconsidering it as part of a wider crackdown as his administration prepares to phase out the contested Trump-era Title 42 pandemic policy used to expel over 2 million migrants without due process at the southern border. We speak with Silky Shah, executive director of Detention Watch Network, who says "the Biden administration has faltered and is…

Staff (2023-03-17). Headlines for March 17, 2023. democracynow.org Yellen Declares, "Our Banking System Is Sound," as Wall Street Props Up First Republic Bank, Iran Agrees to Stop Arming Yemen's Houthis in Pact with Saudi Arabia, Poland and Slovakia Will Send Fighter Jets to Ukraine, U.N. Inquiry on Ukraine Finds Wide Evidence of Russian War Crimes, China Urges Diplomatic End to War in Ukraine as Xi Jinping Plans Trip to Kremlin, Biden Approves Sale of 220 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles to Australia , White House Threatens to Ban TikTok Unless Chinese Owners Sell Stakes, Israeli Forces Kill 4 More Palestinians in Jenin Ahead of Security Talks in Egypt, Macron Pushes…

Staff (2023-03-17). Julian Assange's Father & Brother Speak Out on His Jailing, Press Freedom & New Documentary "Ithaka" democracynow.org We continue our coverage of the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq by looking at the imprisonment of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has been jailed for exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. One video released by WikiLeaks showed a U.S. helicopter gunship in Baghdad slaughtering a dozen civilians, including a Reuters journalist. Assange has been held in London's Belmarsh prison since 2019 as he fights the U.S. campaign to extradite him to face espionage charges. If convicted, the publisher faces as much as 175 years behind bars. His legal fight is documented in the new film Itha…

Staff (2023-03-17). Blood and Treasure: Documenting the Costs of Iraq War from Civilian Casualties to Trillions Spent. democracynow.org With the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq on March 20, we speak with Oxford University international relations professor Neta Crawford, who says the region is still reeling from the impact of the war. "The story continues. It's not over," she says. Crawford is co-director of the Costs of War Project at Brown University, where her latest report pegs the cost of U.S. wars in Iraq and Syria since 2003 at nearly $2.9 trillion. Since the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 under the false pretext of preventing Saddam Hussein from developing weapons of mass destruction, more than half a million peo…

Staff (2023-03-17). Iraq and 15 Lessons We Never Learned. davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-03-17). Ecuador's Former Minister Flees for Caracas from Asylum in Argentina's Embassy in Quito. orinocotribune.com Caracas, March 15, 2023 ( The incident came to light on Monday night through a statement issued by the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry noting that Argentina's Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero informed his Ecuadorian counterpart that day of Duarte's escape "without the knowledg…

Staff (2023-03-17). President Maduro: 'Revolution is Alternative to Rottenness of Capitalism'. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, March 15, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, stated that the Bolivarian Revolution is an alternative to the decadent capitalist system of the world, during a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the death of Commander Hugo Chávez. The president led a massive popular march that carried Hugo Chávez's cadet saber from the Military Academy to Barracks 4F (El Cuartel de la Montaña), where the remains of the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution rest. | "Let us show that ethically and morally, the Bolivarian Revolution is an alternative to the rottenness of savage neol…

Staff (2023-03-17). Venezuela Makes Fun of White House and Fantasy 'Narnia' Government Ties. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, March 15, the Venezuelan minister of foreign affairs, Yván Gil, said, sarcastically, that he wishes the "best of luck" to the US government in its relationship with the leader of the "parallel" parliament of the South American country, in reference to the fictional "interim government" upheld by members of the Venezuelan opposition. | The minister for foreign affairs highlighted that the US government maintains a "childish effort" to promote an erratic diplomacy far from political reality, by trying to continue recognizing a non-existent "interim government" that does not hold any power in Venezue…

Staff (2023-03-17). Toulouse mobilization for the liberation of Palestinian martyrs' remains imprisoned by the occupation. samidoun.net On Friday, 17 March, the Collectif Palestine Vaincra — a member organization of the Samidoun Network — organized a Palestine Stand at the Bagatelle metro station in Toulouse, France. The Stand came as part of the week of mobilization organized as part of the International Campaign to Liberate the Remains of Palestinian Martyrs detained in …

Staff (2023-03-17). Surge in Global Weapons Sales: Top Ten Exporters of Major Arms. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2023-03-17). French President Macron Approves the Pension Reform by Decree. globalresearch.ca

Susan Price (2023-03-17). Turkey: Erdoğan attempts to ban pro-Kurdish party ahead of snap poll. greenleft.org.au Turkey will go to election on May 14, after President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called a snap poll, reports Susan Price, and the pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party (HDP) will likely be forced to participate in the election under a different party name, due to a politically-motivated trial against it.

Tanupriya Singh (2023-03-17). 'This is class war': Tech companies and US Federal Reserve oversee major job losses. peoplesdispatch.org Meta has announced plans to cut 10,000 jobs this year amid a wave of mass layoffs by other US-based tech firms since 2022. Meanwhile, the US Federal Reserve has warned of a rise in unemployment due to a further hike in interest rates…

teleSUR -nama, DRL (2023-03-17). Ciclón Freddy provoca al menos 58 muertos en Mozambique. telesurtv.net El fenómeno hidrometereológico ha dejado unos 282 heridos y cerca de 20.250 viviendas destruidas.

teleSUR, ats, JGN (2023-03-17). Conoce algunas curiosidades del poeta peruano César Vallejo. telesurtv.net César Vallejo abarcó a lo largo de su vida varios géneros literarios, entre ellos: el ensayo, la novela, la poesía y el cuento.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-17). Denuncian "limbo jurídico" de líderes comunitarios salvadoreños. telesurtv.net Entre los detenidos está Antonio Pacheco, director ejecutivo de ADES, una organización clave en la lucha contra el extractivismo minero en El Salvador.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-03-17). Argentina anuncia comicios generales para el 22 de octubre. telesurtv.net La CNE destacó que el próximo 5 de mayo se publicará el padrón previsto y el 15 de mayo se convocará a elecciones primarias abiertas, simultáneas y obligatorias (PASO).

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-17). Miles de maestros protestan por aumento salarial en Nueva Zelanda. telesurtv.net Los docentes se congregaron frente al Parlamento de Wellington (capital) y llamaron al Gobierno a tomar medidas urgentes.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-17). Organizaciones realizan movilización en apoyo a las reformas del Gobierno colombiano. telesurtv.net Las organizaciones que apoyan al Ejecutivo decidieron que este es un buen marco para mostrar su respaldo a las reformas.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-17). Denuncian carácter político de marchas de magisterio en Bolivia. telesurtv.net Invitan al magisterio urbano a aprovechar el diálogo convocado por el Ministerio de Educación y presentar propuestas positivas para optimizar el proceso docente.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-17). Japón derrota a Italia y llega a semifinales del Clásico Mundial. telesurtv.net Japón es el único equipo que ha llegado a semifinales en los cinco Clásicos celebrados y fue campeón en 2006 y 2009.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-17). øQué podemos hacer para proteger las especies marinas?>. telesurtv.net La actividad humana genera impactos negativos en los océanos y en las especies marinas, pero también puede influir en su cuidado y preservación.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-17). Reportan leve repunte de banca europea tras jornada incierta. telesurtv.net Presidente de Banco Nacional Saudí considera injustificado el pánico generado por el desplome bursátil del Credit Suisse.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-17). Gobierno de Colombia presenta proyecto de ley de reforma laboral. telesurtv.net El presidente colombiano Gustavo Petro reafirmó que "con esta (iniciativa de) ley lo que se busca es dignificar el trabajo".

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-17). Denuncian asesinato de líder social en el Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Indepaz detalló que con este crimen, suman 27 líderes asesinados en el país en lo que va del año y 1.436 desde la firma del acuerdo de paz de 2016.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-17). Reprimen protestas en rechazo a reforma de pensiones en Francia. telesurtv.net Una coalición de sindicatos convocó a nuevas manifestaciones para el próximo jueves 23 de marzo, para pedir la derogación de la reforma pensional.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-17). Presidente sirio afirma que tercera guerra mundial ya está en curso. telesurtv.net Al Assad dijo que "por eso las guerras tienden a ser subsidiarias; por eso hoy en día Zelenski está librando una guerra en nombre de Occidente con su ejército de nazis".

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-03-17). Establecen alerta verde en República Dominicana por lluvias. telesurtv.net El subdirector del COE, Carlos Paulino, instó a cumplir los protocolos emitidos por Protección Civil.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-17). Gobierno de Francia aprueba por decreto la reforma de pensiones. telesurtv.net El Senado había respaldado este jueves por la mañana la reforma impulsada por Emmanuel Macron.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-17). Presidente Putin: comercio exterior de Rusia creció un 8,1 % en 2022. telesurtv.net Al analizar la caída máxima del PIB de Rusia el año pasado, Vladimir Putin mencionó un registro de 4,7 por ciento.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-17). Tren de carga se descarrilla en Washington, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Reportan que 5.000 galones de diésel se han filtrado hasta el momento.

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-03-17). ONU alerta sobre criminalidad por cocaína en América Latina. telesurtv.net El "Informe Mundial sobre Cocaína 2023" cataloga la situación como una red de alianzas cambiantes que cooperan entre sí.

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-03-17). ONU pide más ayuda para hacer frente a las pandillas en Haití. telesurtv.net Grupos cada vez más violentas se han infiltrado en comunidades de Puerto Príncipe, la capital haitiana, y sus alrededores.

teleSUR, nbb -DRL (2023-03-17). Estudiantes protestan por Reforma de Enseñanza Media en Brasil. telesurtv.net En junio del año pasado, una carta abierta firmada por más de 300 entidades relacionadas a la educación pedía la derogación de la norma.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2023-03-17). Apagón en México deja más de 270.000 personas sin energía. telesurtv.net Mediante la publicación de videos y fotos en las redes sociales, miles de usuarios comenzaron a avisar sobre apagones en distintos puntos de la Ciudad de México.

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2023-03-17). Oficializan pedido de juicio político contra presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net La solicitud fue dirigida al presidente de la Asamblea Nacional, Virgilio Saquicela, y el pedido ingresó a Gestión documental cerca de las 18H00 (hora local).

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-17). Aprueban nueva prórroga del estado de excepción en El Salvador. telesurtv.net Según autoridades de seguridad pública, esta herramienta legal ha permitido encarcelar a no menos de 65. 000 pandilleros.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-17). Reportan 4.752 nuevos casos de Covid-19 en Chile. telesurtv.net Chile acumula 5.218.933 casos confirmados desde el inicio de la pandemia y 64.353 fallecidos a causa del coronavirus.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-17). Malawi decreta 14 días de luto por víctimas de ciclón Freddy. telesurtv.net El Gobierno declaró 14 días de luto nacional en homenaje a las víctimas mortales del ciclón Freddy.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-17). Responsabilizan al Estado peruano por violaciones de DD.HH. telesurtv.net La organización señaló que es "indubitable la responsabilidad internacional del Estado peruano por las violaciones".

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-17). Descarrila tren con presunto material tóxico en Arizona, EE.UU. telesurtv.net La portavoz de la Oficina del Sheriff de Mohave señaló que el suceso le fue notificado sobre las 20.00 (hora local).

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-17). Israelíes protestan contra la reforma judicial del Gobierno. telesurtv.net Las protestas de esta jornada se llevan a cabo en el denominado "Día de Resistencia a la Dictadura".

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-17). Asciende a 21 los muertos por explosión en una mina en Colombia. telesurtv.net El gobernador de Cundinamarca, Nicolás García, señaló que "desafortunadamente son 10 personas más fallecidas".

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-17). Gobierno surcoreano duda ampliar jornada semanal tras protestas. telesurtv.net El Ejecutivo promovía un proyecto, a petición de las empresas, que ampliaría de 52 a 69 horas la jornada tope semanal.

The Associated Press (2023-03-17). Top Court Ruling Unleashes Permit Upheaval in Puerto Rico. latinorebels.com A ruling by Puerto Rico's Supreme Court has thrown into limbo hundreds of thousands of business and construction permits issued by a U.S. territory already struggling to attract investors amid an economic crisis.

The Dissenter (2023-03-17). March To Iraq War, 20 Years Later: March 17, 2003. thedissenter.org The Dissenter Newsletter recalls each day in the timeline of events that led up to the US invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, twenty years ago…

thecommunists (2023-03-17). Why I left my first teaching job: 'No support, no training, no care for the kids'. thecommunists.org The following interview was conducted by one of our members with a young teacher who left her first job within months of starting it. ***** When did you graduate from your teaching course? July 2022. How did you get your first job as a teacher? Through an education agency. Why did you have to leave …

Thomas Kennedy (2023-03-17). The Legislative Attack on Immigrant Communities in Florida (OPINION). latinorebels.com In late February, Gov. Ron DeSantis unveiled a series of extreme anti-immigrant proposals for the upcoming legislative session, including repealing previous state laws that offered legal rights and protections to undocumented people…

Travis Ross, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-03-17). The US And Canada Woo Latin America And The Caribbean To Invade Haiti. popularresistance.org At the behest of Washington, Canada has begun a "significant military deployment in Haiti," according to Canadian Ambassador to Haiti Sébastien Carrière. | Despite US pressure since last October, Canada played hard to get in accepting the responsibility for leading the third foreign invasion of Haiti in the past three decades. But now, it has relented. | "We took over," Carrière told journalist Madeleine Blais-Morin on the program Les Coulisses du Pouvoir on February 19. "We delivered armor. There have been two deliveries since October. There would be a third delivery in the next few days, and another one later i…

Tyler Torrez (2023-03-17). How Denmark is Financing the Israeli Occupation. indybay.org The Danes are turning their backs on human rights. In 2015, they refused to buy Elbit System's Israeli guns, because the manufacturer continues to supply almost all of the IDF's equipment, which is used against the Palestinians, military or not, with the resultant widely reported collateral damage. Now, the government is negotiating the purchase of the ATMOS howitzer without a second thought, and seems to have the approval of the very people who were opposed to it in 2015!

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-17). 'Anti-Protest' Measure Passes Minneapolis City Council. unicornriot.ninja

Victoria Torres (2023-03-17). Free Alex Saab Movement Makes Urgent Call for Help Regarding Diplomat's Alarming Health Condition. orinocotribune.com The Free Alex Saab Movement requested urgent help from the international community due to the alarming state of health of Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab, illegally imprisoned in a US federal prison. As of Thursday, March 16, Saab has spent one year and five months in a Florida prison after his illegal extraction from Cape Verde on October 16, 2021 by US authorities. | The Free Alex Saab Movement, through a

Vijay Prashad (2023-03-17). East Germany & the True Test of a Civilization. orinocotribune.com By Vijay Prashad — Mar 2, 2023 | Vijay Prashad recalls the DDR's efforts to create a humane and just health care system, with few resources available, in a country devastated by World War II. | A few years ago, a minor medical problem took me to the Hospital Alemán-Nicaragàºense in Nicaragua's capital, Managua. While I was being treated, I asked the doctor, a kindly older man, if the hospital had been built in association with a German missionary organisation, given its name (in Spanish, alemán means 'German'). | No, he said: this hospital used to be called the Carlos Marx Hospital, and it was built in…

Vijay Prashad (2023-03-17). Eight Contradictions of the Imperialist 'Rules-Based Order'. orinocotribune.com By Vijay Prashad — Mar 9, 2023 | The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has now

Watson Institute for International, Public Affairs (2023-03-17). Blood and Treasure: United States Budgetary Costs and Human Costs of 20 Years of War in Iraq and Syria, 2003-2023. globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2023-03-17). Biden green-lights bipartisan attack on Washington DC criminal code revision. wsws.org In an attempt to appear "tough on crime" and bolster flagging Republican support for the ongoing war in Ukraine against Russia, President Biden said he would sign the Republican resolution over the objections of the Democratic Party-dominated D.C. City Council.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Immunocompromised mother in Manhattan speaks to Global Workers' Inquest into the COVID-19 Pandemic. wsws.org Melanie, whose children attend public schools in New York City, spoke to the WSWS about the toll the "let it rip" policy toward the pandemic has taken on her and her family.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Striking hospital workers across Germany call for all-out action against cuts in real wages and excessive workloads. wsws.org Outrage over disastrous working conditions and cuts in real wages in the public sector is boiling over, but Verdi is trying every means at its disposal to prevent an all-out strike.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Clashes erupt across France as Macron imposes pension cuts without parliamentary vote. wsws.org An objectively revolutionary situation is emerging across Europe, as the class struggle erupts amid a bloody NATO-Russia war in Ukraine.

WSWS (2023-03-17). US maternal mortality rate soars: An example of capitalist barbarism. wsws.org The richest country in the world has the worst showing for maternal mortality among all major industrialized nations.

WSWS (2023-03-17). 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed in war with Russia. wsws.org The US and NATO powers are determined to fight to the last Ukrainian, as reports emerge of devastating losses in the course of one year of the war.

WSWS (2023-03-17). As casualties mount in Ukraine war, US presses for major new offensive. wsws.org The US and NATO powers are determined to fight to the last Ukrainian, as reports emerge of devastating losses in the course of one year of the war.

WSWS (2023-03-17). The Grammys, the Super Bowl and the crisis in popular music. wsws.org An artistic medium with its share of creativity and insight into daily life has all too often become a stew of ugliness, bombast, money-worship and backwardness.

WSWS (2023-03-17). More than half a million Sri Lankan workers participated in Wednesday's national strike. wsws.org Striking workers have voiced their anger with the Wickremesinghe government and the unions, insisting on the necessity for a unified working-class struggle to fight the escalating social attacks.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Striking teachers and junior doctors in the UK speak on their struggle. wsws.org World Socialist Web Site reporters spoke to striking workers in different sectors this week in Britain. Among them were junior doctors employed by the National Health Service and teachers.

WSWS (2023-03-17). UK National Health Service workers must organise to defeat the Tory-union sellout deal! wsws.org The union bureaucracy has decades of experience in pushing through sellouts with intimidation and lies. Health workers must organise to fight back with their own plan of action.

WSWS (2023-03-17). UK postal workers continue to speak out against punishing workloads and CWU collusion with Royal Mail. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site has continued to receive correspondence from postal workers around the country speaking out against the crushing increase in workloads facilitated by the collusion of the Communication Workers Union with Royal Mail.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Wisconsin man pleads guilty to state charges in plot to kidnap governor of Michigan. wsws.org Brian Higgins pleaded guilty on Wednesday, setting the stage for the upcoming jury trial of the last four defendants accused of plotting to kidnap the governor of Michigan prior to the 2020 presidential elections.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Oppose University of Washington's censorship of Code Pink's Medea Benjamin! wsws.org The cancellation of the event with Medea Benjamin is an attempt to suppress antiwar sentiments among workers and young people and constitutes an attack on the democratic rights of the entire working class.

WSWS (2023-03-17). US federal judge hears anti-abortion zealots' arguments for nationwide ban on abortion pill. wsws.org Federal Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk attempted to keep the hearing from becoming public knowledge out of concern about the eruption of protests over the last attack on abortion rights.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Australian SEP candidate blocked from speaking to flood victims. wsws.org A Socialist Equality Party election candidate was prevented from holding discussions with flood victims in a government "pods" accommodation village, a clear violation of basic democratic rights, both of the SEP and the residents themselves.

WSWS (2023-03-17). 1.7 million Maharashtra state government employees on indefinite strike in defence of pension rights. wsws.org The strike by well over a million Indian government workers is part of a growing wave of class struggles in India and across the world.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Wall Street banks organise a bailout operation as financial crisis deepens. wsws.org Yesterday saw a major intervention by the largest US banks to deposit a total of $30 billion with the First Republic Bank, which has come under considerable pressure in the wake of the demise of the Silicon Valley Bank.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Teachers strike across New Zealand over crisis in schools. wsws.org Striking teachers booed the Labour government's Education Minister Jan Tinetti, who is pushing for a deal that significantly cuts real wages.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Police assault protests across France against anti-democratic attack on pensions. wsws.org French police violently repressed spontaneous protests against the president's use of the anti-democratic Article 49.3 to pass his widely-hated pension reform on Thursday.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Former Australian prime minister says AUKUS submarine deal about ensuring US hegemony in Asia. wsws.org Keating made the basic point that the US and its allies are preparing for an aggressive war against China to ensure American imperialist hegemony.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Zelensky government steps up persecution of Russian-affiliated Orthodox Church amid mounting military losses. wsws.org The move against the Russian-affiliated church is a clear attempt to ramp up religious and ethnic conflicts in the war-torn country, as the death toll from the conflict is reaching staggering levels.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Workers Struggles: Asia and Australia. wsws.org India: One million West Bengal government workers demand higher dearness allowance; Offshore helicopter engineers strike in Western Australia; 1,700 Australian Broadcasting Corporation staff to strike for higher pay.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Michigan hospital worker with Long COVID speaks about the destruction of health care in the US. wsws.org A health care worker in Michigan spoke to the WSWS about his own health and the impact of Long COVID on his ability to work and the way the condition is being dismissed by the health care industry.

Yasmin Cader (2023-03-17). Celebrating 60 Years of Gideon v. Wainwright. aclu.org Sixty years ago today, the Supreme Court issued its landmark decision in In the deca…

Zane McNeill (2023-03-17). "A Huge Loss for Workers": CA Court Rules that Gig Workers Are Contractors. truthout.org On Monday, California's First District Court of Appeals ruled that a 2020 ballot initiative classifying drivers for gig companies as independent contractors rather than employees was largely constitutional. The ballot initiative, Proposition 22, passed with 59% of the vote and has been critiqued by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) as having been financed and lobbied for by gig… |

2023-03-18 20:47:44 | 20:47 EST | tr | 503 | 1 | 369 | 199 | 0 

2023-03-17: News Headlines

Dabor Resiere, Jonathan Florentin, Hatem Kallel, Rishika Banydeen, Ruddy Valentino, Moustapha Dramé, José-Louis Barnay, Papa Gueye, Bruno Mégarbane, Hossein Mehdaoui, Rémi Neviere, Toxicological Research Group on chlordecone at the University Hospital of Martinique (2023-03-18). [Correspondence] Chlordecone (Kepone) poisoning in the French Territories in the Americas. thelancet.com For more than 40 years, two French territories in the Americas, Martinique and Guadeloupe, have been confronted with one of the biggest environmental scandals in Caribbean history due to the use of an organochlorine pesticide, chlordecone (also known under the brand name Kepone), in banana plantations. Although banned from use in the USA since the 1970s, this pesticide was intensively applied in the banana fields of these two French Caribbean territories from 1972 to 1993 to combat the banana weevil, a serious insect pest for banana crops.

Danielle Villasana (2023-03-18). [Perspectives] Aftermath of the Türkiye—Syria earthquake. thelancet.com The earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria on Feb 6, 2023, will have lasting health and humanitarian impacts. Current estimates indicate more than 50‚Äà000 people have died and over 100‚Äà000 people have been injured. Thousands of buildings and much infrastructure are destroyed, with millions of people displaced, including vulnerable populations such as children, pregnant women, people living with chronic health conditions or disabilities, and older people. In Türkiye—a country grappling with a flailing economy and the impacts of the conflict in neighbouring Syria[mda…

Danielle Villasana (2023-03-18). [Perspectives] Aftermath of the Türkiye—Syria earthquake. thelancet.com The earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria on Feb 6, 2023, will have lasting health and humanitarian impacts. Current estimates indicate more than ‚Äà000 people have died and over 100‚Äà000 people have been injured. Thousands of buildings and much infrastructure are destroyed, with millions of people displaced, including vulnerable populations such as children, pregnant women, people living with chronic health conditions or disabilities, and older people. In Türkiye—a country grappling with a flailing economy and the impacts of the conflict in neighbouring Syria[md…

Federica Quarata, Diana Lelli, Davide Maria Biancone, Giovanni Gherardi, Raffaele Antonelli Incalzi (2023-03-18). [Clinical Picture] A urinary tract infection caused by Escherichia coli mucoid phenotype progresses to a pneumonia and respiratory failure. thelancet.com A 69-year-old woman was admitted to our ward with fever and respiratory failure. 3 weeks earlier she had been treated with ciprofloxacin for a urinary tract infection, caused by Escherichia coli; she had a history of diabetes.

Geoff Watts (2023-03-18). [Obituary] Samuel Lawrence Katz. thelancet.com Paediatrician, virologist, and co-developer of measles vaccine. Born in Manchester, NH, USA, on May 29, 1927, he died in Chapel Hill, NC, USA, on Oct 31, 2022 aged 95 years.

Jeremy W Jacobs, Laura D Stephens, Jennifer S Woo, Elizabeth S Allen, Garrett S Booth (2023-03-18). [Correspondence] Firearms and blood transfusion: an inescapable disentanglement. thelancet.com The incidence of mass shootings in the USA continues to increase; more than 45‚Äà000 total gun deaths occurred in 2020 alone, the most on record for years with full data available.1 These statistics highlight increasing gun violence, one of the primary contributors to blood shortages. Patients with gunshot wounds are 5 times more likely to require a blood transfusion and receive 10 times more blood components than patients with traumatic injuries that are not gunshot wounds, equating to millions of US dollars in blood acquisition costs.

John Zarocostas (2023-03-18). [World Report] Global health experts welcome Kasai dismissal. thelancet.com WHO's dismissal of Takeshi Kasai, Regional Director for the Western Pacific, could pressure WHO leadership to take decisive action in other misconduct cases. John Zarocostas reports from Geneva.

John Zarocostas (2023-03-18). [World Report] "Impunity" enabling South Sudan human rights violations. thelancet.com A new report to the UN Human Rights Council outlines how violence is worsening health and humanitarian programmes. John Zarocostas reports from Geneva.

Mouna Khaity, Mervat Alhaffar, Natasha Howard (2023-03-18). [Correspondence] We cannot erase Syrians' suffering with "solidarity" and political infighting. thelancet.com "The UN's failure to act quickly to save Syrian lives in the face of a humanitarian catastrophe is utterly shameful and should be a stain on its conscience."1 | Raed Al Saleh, The White Helmets…

Richard Horton (2023-03-18). [Comment] Offline: The silencing of the South. thelancet.com League tables are addictive. From football to motorsport, tennis to golf, we relish following who is up and who is down. Understandably so, given that sport is fiercely competitive between individuals and teams. But universities? Provosts and Presidents of our greatest higher education institutions obsess over their rankings. Three dominate—the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings, and the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). These metrics of achievement should be challenged.

Shawn Yuan (2023-03-18). [World Report] Health and the invasion of Iraq: 20 years later. thelancet.com The legacy of the US-led invasion is still being felt across Iraqi society. Shawn Yuan reports from Baghdad.

Stuart W Flint (2023-03-18). [Correspondence] Error in NHS England's BMI calculator and daily calorie recommendations. thelancet.com BMI is a calculation of height and weight to identify a person's weight status.1 BMI is calculated by a person's weight in kilograms (or pounds) divided by the square of height in metres (or feet).1 The BMI ranges are underweight (<18 ∑5 kg/m2), healthy weight (18 ∑5—24 ∑9 kg/m2), overweight (25 ∑0—29 ∑9 kg/m2), and obese (‚â•30 kg/m2).1...

The Lancet (2023-03-18). [Editorial] Human genome editing: ensuring responsible research. thelancet.com In 2018, during the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing in Hong Kong, Jiankui He shocked the world by announcing the birth of two children whose genomes he had edited using CRISPR technology. Following widespread condemnation and a criminal investigation, he was sentenced to 3 years in prison. The case caused international outcry and brought to the fore the need to reconsider the serious ethical, scientific, and social issues of heritable human genome editing. As science advances, especially in non-heritable, somatic gene editing for treatment of previously incurable diseases, regulatory gaps are…

WSWS (2023-03-18). The German chancellor and government intensify their pro-war policies. wsws.org Chancellor Scholz's government statement on Thursday centred on the NATO war offensive against Russia.

WSWS (2023-03-18). Rank-and-file candidate Will Lehman's statement on the UAW election crisis. wsws.org The conclusion of the second round of the UAW national officers' election has proven definitively that the election was a fraud conducted with contempt for the rights of the rank-and-file membership.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Science Saturday: Expanding regenerative biotherapeutics to new practice areas. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As a physician at the forefront of new cancer therapies, Yi Lin, M.D., Ph.D., understands the highs and lows that patients experience. Will the latest technologies slow or stop disease? If not, is this the last, best option? Dr. Lin, a hematologist, sees the need for a new class of drugs that provides different treatment choices for patients with complex conditions, such as cancer. As the new associate medical director for Mayo Clinic's Center for Regenerative Biotherapeutics, …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is multiple myeloma? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Multiple myeloma is a relatively uncommon form of blood cancer that affects less than 1% of the U.S. population, according the American Cancer Society. March is Myeloma Awareness Month. People younger than 45 rarely get the disease, and it occurs more in older men than women. And your risk is doubled if you're African American. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/pShHvj3Y3Nw Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 06) is in the downloads at the end of this post….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Mayo Clinic Q and A: How can hospice care provide comfort to those with terminal illnesses? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I have a loved one who was referred for hospice care. I'm not sure what this means. Can you share more about what hospice care is and how it may help my family member? ANSWER: Hospice care might be an option for people who are nearing the end of life due to a terminal illness and have exhausted all other treatment options. Unlike other medical care, the focus of hospice care is not to…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Consumer Health: Don't let the time change get you down. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org For much of the U.S. and many places around the world, daylight saving time begins Sunday, March 12, when clocks are turned forward one hour. Sleep provides the foundation for all your daily habits and decisions. Getting enough quality rest each night is essential for optimal health. Regularly sleeping less than seven hours per night is associated with weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and depression. Lack of sleep also can affect your immune system and heart health. But a time shift ‚Äï…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). 5 ways to get better sleep. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You're not alone if you have trouble falling or staying asleep. Many people struggle with sleep — and that's a problem, since sleep plays a crucial role in your health, energy levels and ability to function at your best. Most adults require seven to eight hours of sleep each night to feel well-rested and energized each day. If restless nights have become the norm for you or you find that your sleep is not refreshing,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Mayo Clinic Minute: Does one moldy berry spoil the whole bunch? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Spring is around the corner, which means the beginning of berry season. Berries can be a great source of potassium and vitamins C and K, and can also promote a healthy gut. While berries are among the healthiest foods to eat, if not stored properly, they can get mushy and grow mold. But a little bit of mold doesn't necessarily mean the whole batch goes to waste. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Shame and guilt eating: Tackling binge-eating disorders. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Most people occasionally eat too much. They may fill up an extra plate with seconds at a special event, enjoy another piece of pie at a holiday gathering or eat popcorn until stuffed at the movies. But for some people, overeating becomes excessive. It crosses the line from an occasional indulgence to a binge-eating disorder when overeating feels out of control and happens on a regular basis. It's the most common eating disorder in the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Mayo Clinic Q and A: What is bariatric surgery? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I've struggled with obesity for many years and have tried to lose weight through a healthy diet and exercise. My doctor recently told me that I could be a good candidate for bariatric surgery. What is bariatric surgery? And are there different types of procedures available? ANSWER: Obesity is a disease, and overcoming it often is not easy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines overweight or obesity as a "weight that is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Mayo Clinic Minute: How losing an hour of sleep can affect your body. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 12. Clocks are turned an hour forward, which means you'll be losing an hour of sleep. And Mayo Clinic experts say that missing out on that shut-eye time can affect your body. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/V10gPhowQKQ Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 59) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic News Network." Read the script. When daylight saving time…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). How to get the most out of napping. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org While closing your eyes for a few minutes during your busy day may seem like a good idea, it's important to consider the effects napping may bring. The time of day and length of time you nap can provide benefits or create problems. Knowing when to nap and providing yourself with a suitable napping environment will produce the greatest benefits. Consider why you're napping Before lying down to take a daily nap, you may want…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Mayo Clinic Minute: Help with hot flashes due to menopause. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Vasomotor symptoms — the medical term for hot flashes — are among the most common menopause symptoms women experience. Hot flashes, along with night sweats, can be uncomfortable and disruptive. Dr. Suneela Vegunta, a Mayo Clinic women's health physician, explains what happens to the body and offers ways to find relief. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/eRzYfnKjqzg Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 00) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Consumer Health: Do you check the Nutrition Facts label? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org March is National Nutrition Month, which makes this a good time to learn about using the Nutrition Facts label to make healthy choices. Most people in the U.S. don't eat a healthy diet, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most consume too much sodium, saturated fat and sugar, increasing their risk of chronic diseases. The Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods is a tool created by the Food and Drug Administration to help…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Metabolic syndrome and lifestyle changes. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I just turned 40 and had my annual physical, which included a large panel of blood tests. I was told that I have metabolic syndrome and could develop diabetes. I was told to limit my sugar intake. Can you explain more about the condition and how I can avoid diabetes? ANSWER: When a person is diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, it means he or she has several conditions that, if left untreated, significantly raise the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Mayo Clinic Minute: Game-changing treatment for chronic kidney disease could slow down progression of the disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org About 15% of adults in the U.S. are estimated to have chronic kidney disease — that's about 37 million people. What if those people could be treated with medication that could slow the progression of their disease, and help avoid the need for dialysis and kidney transplantation altogether? Dr. Naim Issa, a Mayo Clinic transplant nephrologist says there is a class of medications to help people with chronic kidney disease that does just that. He says Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Cauliflower: A versatile nutrition superstar. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Like many consumers, you may be on a quest for healthier food options and willing to try something new or a new take on a familiar food. If you're diagnosed with celiac disease, you may be looking for gluten-free alternatives. Or maybe you're on the hunt for lower carbohydrate choices. Cauliflower may be just what you're searching for. This versatile veggie can be eaten raw, cooked, roasted, grilled, baked into a pizza crust, or cooked…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Science Saturday: Researchers elucidate details about the role of inflammation in liver regeneration. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The liver has the greatest regenerative capacity of any organ in the body, making it possible for surgeons to treat cancerous and noncancerous diseases with extensive surgical approaches. However, underlying chronic liver diseases, like cirrhosis or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, are known to inhibit the liver's ability to regenerate after surgery. Without regeneration, the liver cannot function, and patients can develop postoperative liver failure — often a lethal complication. In a recent paper published in JHEP Reports, Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Mayo Clinic again recognized as 'World's Best Hospital' in Newsweek rankings. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic in Rochester is again ranked No. 1 in the world by Newsweek in its list of the "World's Best Hospitals." The ranking is a tribute to the work of staff across Mayo Clinic. "Among the hallmarks of great hospitals … are not just first-class care, first-class research and first-class innovation. The very best institutions also share another quality: consistency," Newsweek states. "The world's best hospitals consistently attract the best people and provide the best outcomes…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Mayo Clinic Minute: Why millennials should know colon cancer symptoms. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org More younger adults are being diagnosed with colon cancer — also known as colorectal cancer — and at more advanced stages of the disease, says the American Cancer Society. It's a trend experts have seen over the last decade. Colon cancer symptoms usually don't appear in early stages of the disease and when they do, they are often at an advanced stage. Dr. Johanna Chan, a Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist, says it's important to recognize colon cancer symptoms and to seek…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Consumer Health: What's the difference between kidney cysts and polycystic kidney disease? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org March is National Kidney Month, which makes this a good time to learn more about the difference between two kidney disorders — kidney cysts and polycystic kidney disease. Your kidneys are situated in the back of your abdomen under your lower ribs, one on each side of your spine. One of the important jobs of the kidneys is to clean the blood. As blood moves through the body, it picks up extra fluid, chemicals and waste….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-17). Early Mayo Clinic research finds hope in stem cell therapy for perianal fistulas in patients with Crohn's disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — A dissolvable plug delivered stem cell therapy with few side effects in patients with single tract perianal fistulas, Mayo Clinic researchers discovered. Perianal fistulas are painful tunnels between the intestine and the skin that often do not go away with standard medical or surgical care. People with Crohn's disease or other inflammatory bowel conditions are most at risk for this condition. In a prospective, phase 1 clinical trial, researchers loaded stem cells…

Medea Benjamin, Nicolas J. S. Davies (2023-03-17). The not-so-winding road from Iraq to Ukraine. nationofchange.org The continuing influence of the neocons, who were the architects of U.S. aggression against Iraq, in the ever-escalating Western military response to Russian aggression against Ukraine.

Robert S. Becker (2023-03-17). Global problems are far-reaching, permanent & inter-connected. Nationalistic responses are political, tribal, religious & myopic. nationofchange.org The Age of Nationalism (the last few centuries) must now for the health of all shift to the Age of One World.

Dana Drugmand (2023-03-17). US Justice Department tells Supreme Court to reject Big Oil petition in Colorado climate lawsuit. nationofchange.org The Justice Department is siding with communities in Colorado and across the U.S. that are fighting to hold Big Oil companies accountable for their climate lies.

Duncan McFarland (2023-03-17). China's legislature maps out post-COVID recovery, resists pressure for a new Cold War. peoplesworld.org The Western corporate press was filled with the news last week of Chinese President Xi Jinping's election to a third term and the country's increased military spending, but the annual meeting of the Chinese legislature focused on topics that went well beyond just those two issues. Some 3,000 delegates to China's National People's Congress (NPC) …

Special to People's World (2023-03-17). People's World reader: 'I look for your stories every day'. peoplesworld.org Mark Gruenberg, our Washington Bureau Chief and labor correspondent received the following letter from Peter Freitag, a reader from Colorado. Peter reads People's World every day and is a financial contributor to the newspaper. If you, like Peter, appreciate the alternative to the mainstream corporate media provided by People's World, won't you consider becoming a …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-17). Parents, teachers, NAACP oppose Texas right-wing Gov. Abbott's 'hostile takeover' of Houston schools. peoplesworld.org HOUSTON—Right-wing Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has escalated his war against the people of color in his state's largest city, Houston. And its Black and brown residents, in this battle led by its teachers union and the NAACP, are fighting back. Abbott's not content with his multitude of measures to prevent the city's adults of …

Roger McKenzie (2023-03-17). Dictator? French Communists slam Macron for imposing pensions bill without a vote. peoplesworld.org French communists have slammed the decision of President Emmanuel Macron to impose his highly unpopular bill that would raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. Macron shunned parliament Thursday by opting to push through his controversial plans by triggering a special constitutional power known as Section 49.3. The rarely-used maneuver will likely spark a …

Robert S. Becker (2023-03-17). Global problems are far-reaching, permanent & inter-connected. Nationalistic responses are political, tribal, religious & myopic. nationofchange.org The Age of Nationalism (the last few centuries) must now for the health of all shift to the Age of One World.

Dana Drugmand (2023-03-17). US Justice Department tells Supreme Court to reject Big Oil petition in Colorado climate lawsuit. nationofchange.org The Justice Department is siding with communities in Colorado and across the U.S. that are fighting to hold Big Oil companies accountable for their climate lies.

Duncan McFarland (2023-03-17). China's legislature maps out post-COVID recovery, resists pressure for a new Cold War. peoplesworld.org The Western corporate press was filled with the news last week of Chinese President Xi Jinping's election to a third term and the country's increased military spending, but the annual meeting of the Chinese legislature focused on topics that went well beyond just those two issues. Some 3,000 delegates to China's National People's Congress (NPC) …

Special to People's World (2023-03-17). People's World reader: 'I look for your stories every day'. peoplesworld.org Mark Gruenberg, our Washington Bureau Chief and labor correspondent received the following letter from Peter Freitag, a reader from Colorado. Peter reads People's World every day and is a financial contributor to the newspaper. If you, like Peter, appreciate the alternative to the mainstream corporate media provided by People's World, won't you consider becoming a …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-17). Parents, teachers, NAACP oppose Texas right-wing Gov. Abbott's 'hostile takeover' of Houston schools. peoplesworld.org HOUSTON—Right-wing Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has escalated his war against the people of color in his state's largest city, Houston. And its Black and brown residents, in this battle led by its teachers union and the NAACP, are fighting back. Abbott's not content with his multitude of measures to prevent the city's adults of …

Roger McKenzie (2023-03-17). Dictator? French Communists slam Macron for imposing pensions bill without a vote. peoplesworld.org French communists have slammed the decision of President Emmanuel Macron to impose his highly unpopular bill that would raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. Macron shunned parliament Thursday by opting to push through his controversial plans by triggering a special constitutional power known as Section 49.3. The rarely-used maneuver will likely spark a …

PAI (2023-03-17). 30,000 L.A. school support staffers to strike; teachers refuse to cross picket line. peoplesworld.org LOS ANGELES (PAI)—At least 30,000 support staffers toiling for the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) will stage a three-day strike March 21-23 to protest low pay, lack of respect, and their bosses' labor law-breaking refusal to bargain. With support from the United Teachers of Los Angeles, an AFT affiliate, the cafeteria workers, bus drivers, …

Liz Vinson (2023-03-17). 'Make Things Right': Florida activists grapple with revelations about Klan leader. splcenter.org

_____ (2023-03-17). Troubling Questions Over U.S. Drone Crash Near Crimea… An Inevitable Collision Made in Washington. strategic-culture.org

_____ (2023-03-17). Reuters' Assistance With Italy's Take on African Immigrants Represents a New Watershed. strategic-culture.org Reuters may well have broken a world record in partisan journalism with its latest efforts to implicate Russia in the Libyan immigrants crisis. | The duplicitous role of western media in assisting NATO in its dark endeavours is nothing new. But Reuters may well have broken a world record in partisan journalism with its latest efforts to implicate Russia in the Libyan immigrants crisis. | Reuters is not the news legend it used to be. Gone are the days when it had armies of clever young people fact checking polemic statements made by world leaders to be even faintly accurate. Case in point the recent incendiary cla…

_____ (2023-03-17). How Covid Lockdowns Primed the Current Financial Crisis. strategic-culture.org The lockdowns and the stimulus required to keep the economy alive helped drive inflation. Then the Fed jacked up interest rates. And all hell broke loose. | By Christian PARENTI | On Friday March 10th, 2023, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) died of Covid. Alright, it's a little more complicated than that, but Covid lockdowns followed by massive government stimulus were a critical — and massively under-acknowledged — factor in propelling the bank's demise. | At the heart of the crisis is the gigantic pile of low-interest debt that was issued during the height of the pandemic. While private-sector pandemic-era…

_____ (2023-03-17). What Follows U.S. Hegemony. strategic-culture.org On Feb. 24, the Chinese Foreign Ministry released a 12-point plan entitled "China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis." This "peace plan," as it has been called, is anchored in the concept of sovereignty, building upon the well-established principles of the 1945 United Nations Charter and the Ten Principles from the Bandung Conference of African and Asian states held in 1955.

_____ (2023-03-17). A positive new milestone in Saudi-Iranian relations. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-17). Bashar al-Assad's visit to Moscow and the changing face of the Middle East. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-17). 'New' Bipartisan Consensus in the US Against China Aims Total War. journal-neo.org There are very few issues in the US politics, both domestic and foreign, that can draw the Republicans and the Democrats into a bi-partisan consensus. Russia has been one of them in the wake of the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine. More recently, China has also made it to the list of issues. This is […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-17). Russian gas hub in Turkey, a profitable reality. journal-neo.org Given the high dependence of today's energy-intensive economy on gas supplies, it can be argued that any proposals to optimize the transit and sale of the blue fuel are of high interest in world markets. Before the aggravation of Russian-Ukrainian relations, the European Union was the main buyer of Russian gas, with export volumes reaching […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-17). Mexico's Fourth Transformation And Why The US Wants To Stop It. popularresistance.org It is this democracy that must be defended now: not, as media outlets would have you believe, from AMLO, but from those who would weaponize the electoral issue to justify a disastrous foreign intervention, in whatever form it might ultimately take. Although the 4T has not fulfilled everyone's expectations, it has, in four years, created a governing movement that is taking control of its energy resources (including the nationalization of lithium) and is adopting a role of regional leadership in Latin America: two sins the United States has not historically forgiven anywhere.

_____ (2023-03-17). Monroe Doctrine Plays Out In Perú. popularresistance.org March 7th marked three months of the congressional coup that ousted democratically elected President Pedro Castillo and claimed the lives of over 70 people during daily anti-government protests. Despite Western media 's attempt to whitewash the illegal ouster (which failed to reach the prerequisite 104 votes by 3), a resounding majority of the Peruvian people blame either coup leader Dina Boluarte, Fujimorismo, or the coup Congress for the political crisis facing the Andean country rich in vast minerals and resources. Despite this week's sentencing of Castillo to another 36 months of pre-trial detention, people o…

_____ (2023-03-17). The Government Bailed Out The Banks; How About A People's Bailout? popularresistance.org The March 10 collapse of Silicon Valley Bank sent shockwaves throughout the world economy. Since then, the US government moved quickly and decisively to bailout the bank's depositors to the tune of USD 151 billion. The collapse of SVB, a bank utilized heavily by the tech industry and venture capitalists, is the second largest bank failure in US history. Signature Bank, based out of New York, also failed quickly afterwards as SVB's crash triggered distrust in the banking system across the nation. The US government also bailed out Signature, spending USD 70 billion to ensure that the bank's depositors had access to…

Ajamu Baraka (2023-03-17). On the 20th Anniversary of Invasion of Iraq It Must be Clear: The U.S. Is the Greatest Threat to World Peace and Collective Humanity. globalresearch.ca

Alex Salmon (2023-03-17). Remembering the 'Workers' Wimbledon'. greenleft.org.au Writer, journalist, filmmaker and tennis enthusiast David Berry shows that tennis has a secret radical history, writes Alex Salmon.

Allan Fisher (2023-03-17). Saturday 3/18: Protest nonstop war and militarism – demand negotiations! indybay.org Town Clock (Water Street) Santa Cruz…

Allen Forrest (2023-03-17). Is Vindication Coming for COVID Skeptics? dissidentvoice.org

Angela (2023-03-17). Saturday 3/18: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Stitching Palestine" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Ann Brown (2023-03-17). Pentagon UFO Chief Says Mothership And Baby Planes Probing Solar System Possible. moguldom.com The government has become surprisingly more open about the possible existence of unidentified flying objects. Most recently, Pentagon officials stated in a draft document that aliens could actually be exploring our solar system. The officials also said alien beings could be releasing smaller probes to study planets. In fact, the head of the Pentagon's unidentified aerial …

Ben Radford (2023-03-17). Podcast: AUKUS subs, Britain strikes, bigots protested. greenleft.org.au Episode 4: March 17, 2023. Green Left journalists Ben Radford and Isaac Nellist take you through the latest news from Australia and around the world.

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-17). Lithium Americas and Biden Violating Sacred: Digging into Paiute Massacre Site for Lithium. indybay.org Breaking News: "I cried seeing this yesterday," said Dorece Sam, Fort McDermitt Paiute, seeing the destruction of the earth on the Paiute Massacre Site at Thacker Pass for a lithium mine, in northern Nevada. "To see this shattered my heart," Sam said of the violation of the sacred. "There are no cultural monitors."

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2023-03-17). Every St Patrick's Day, Everywhere, All at Once. dissidentvoice.org Patrick banishing the snakesMarch 17 is traditionally St Patrick's Day, a day when 'Irishness' is celebrated all over the world. This date is traditionally held to be the date of the death of St Patrick (c.‚Äâ385 — c.‚Äâ461), the patron saint of Ireland. It is marked by parades through the main cities and towns of …

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2023-03-17). Every St. Patrick's Day, Everywhere, All at Once: A Disaster for Ireland. globalresearch.ca

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-17). Court: U.S. Failure to Protect Pacific Humpbacks From Deadly Entanglements Was Unlawful. indybay.org SAN FRANCISCO, March 15, 2023 — A federal court ruled in favor of the Center for Biological Diversity yesterday in a lawsuit arguing that the National Marine Fisheries Service failed to protect endangered Pacific humpback whales from deadly entanglements in sablefish pot gear off California, Oregon and Washington.

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-17). Lawsuit Launched Over U.S. Delay on Petition to Phase Out Oil Drilling on Public Lands. indybay.org WASHINGTON, March 16, 2023 — Conservation groups today filed a notice of their intent to sue the U.S. Interior Department for failing to respond to a petition to phase out oil and gas extraction on public lands.

City of Sunnyvale (2023-03-17). Wednesday 4/5: EV Financial Incentives Clinic. indybay.org Online Webinar…

Craig Baldwin (2023-03-17). Saturday 3/18: SisPix: Reproductive Rights. indybay.org ATA Gallery, 992 Valencia Street, San Francisco…

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-17). Opinion: Is There Anyone Ready For Prime Time? moguldom.com When Deion Sanders departed Jackson State University for the University of Colorado, it engendered strong reactions amongst Black folk. Some believed Sanders should have remained at JSU to finish what he started while others asserted Sanders' right to determine the best course for his career. At the heart of this debate was the HBCU and …

Daniel Larison (2023-03-17). Constructive Diplomacy Isn't Possible When We Are Demanding Capitulation. globalresearch.ca

Declartion for American Democracy (2023-03-17). Tuesday 3/28: American Democracy: A Way Forward for Voting Freedom. indybay.org Online event…

Derrick Broze (2023-03-17). Newly Released Review of Fluoride's Toxicity Highlights NTP Scientist's Battle to Follow the Science. thelastamericanvagabond.com Newly released documents reveal how scientists at the U.S. National Toxicology Program fought to preserve their conclusion that fluoride can reduce IQ in children. On Wednesday the U.S. National Toxicology Program released a previously suppressed report which concluded that high exposure to fluoride can reduce IQ for children. The NTP's drafts from May and September

Dr. Peter McCullough (2023-03-17). Synthetic mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines. The Critical Role of Pseudouridine. globalresearch.ca

East Meadow Action Committee (2023-03-17). East Meadow Update 3/12/23. indybay.org There is a major new development in the long and tangled story of Student Housing West with its reckless proposal to develop the East Meadow. The University has just asked the UC Regents for approval of a new approach to building and financing the project. SHW would now no longer be a public-private partnership and would be funded with bonds issued by the University. Most distressing, the East Meadow would be placed on a fast track, constructed and financed independently of the rest. If the Regents vote to approve at their March 15th meeting, construction could begin this year.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Cruise tours sail smooth waters. ecns.cn China's cruise tourism market is expected to revive this year, supported by the country's optimized COVID-19 measures.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). 38 Chinese warmly welcomed in Vietnam as cross-border tourism resumes. ecns.cn A tour group left China via the Dongxing Port in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Wednesday and was warmly welcomed by the MongCai Port in Vietnam.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Two Chinese experts sent to Memphis Zoo to take care of giant panda Ya Ya. ecns.cn Two Chinese experts have been sent to the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee, the U.S., to take care of giant panda Ya Ya, said the Beijing Municipal Administration Center of Park on Thursday night.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Over 30 million Chinese sexagenarians engage in primary industry. ecns.cn According to data from the seventh population census and that from the National Bureau of Statistics, there are about 51.04 million sexagenarians in China, of whom more than 60 percent are engaged in primary industry, including agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Beijing calls for dialogue on Ukraine crisis. ecns.cn China is concerned over the escalation and possible loss of control of the Ukraine crisis, and urges all parties to remain calm and restrained, resume peace talks at an early date and return to the track of political settlement.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Feb sustains housing recovery. ecns.cn The property market recovery continued in February as more Chinese cities reported a month-on-month growth while the year-on-year decline narrowed in lower-tier cities, official data showed on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Nation's aging demographic to be well protected. ecns.cn China should make more significant efforts to push forward the country's senior care system in a market-oriented manner, expand the pilot scope of the personal pension system and better utilize both State-owned and private capital to ease pressure facing the country's current pension benefits.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Freight train derails in US Arizona. ecns.cn A freight train carrying corn syrup derailed in western US state of Arizona on Wednesday night, the rail provider said, after initial reports said the train may have hazardous materials onboard.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Train derails in U.S. state of Washington, no injuries reported. ecns.cn A train derailed early Thursday on the Swinomish Reservation in the Anacortes area, in the northwestern U.S. state of Washington, according to the state Department of Ecology.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Reform plan to boost efficiency, mitigate risks. ecns.cn China has released a plan on reforming Party and State institutions, a move that will help improve national governance efficiency and tackle risks and challenges in order to promote high-quality development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Decision to set up new HK, Macao work office receives wide support. ecns.cn Central government departments and the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions expressed firm support for a decision to establish a new Hong Kong and Macao work office under the Communist Party of China Central Committee.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). TikTok ban out of political motive rather than facts: embassy spokesperson. ecns.cn A Chinese defense spokesperson on Thursday urged the United States to immediately cease making irresponsible comments about and slandering the Chinese military.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Infant care takes more than baby steps. ecns.cn China's maternal and infant care market is expected to embrace rapid development thanks to the rising consumption power of new parents.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Aggressive U.S. rate hikes blamed for Silicon Valley Bank collapse. ecns.cn The demise of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is partly due to aggressive interest rate hikes by the U.S. Federal Reserve, experts have said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Officials call for improved health system. ecns.cn Central government officials on Thursday called for efforts to ramp up the detection capability for COVID-19 infections, fix the "short planks" in the country's health system and wage a patriotic health movement to improve hygiene.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Freight train to Europe links Beijing to BRI. ecns.cn The very first freight train from Beijing destined for Europe set off on Thursday, marking the latest milestone for the Chinese capital in its participation in the Belt and Road Initiative, according to a senior local official.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Opening-up experience inspires foreign officials in Hainan FTP. ecns.cn With further preferential policies, Hainan Free Trade Port is expected to draw more global attention and play a larger role in the country's opening-up, foreign business officials said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Canada to drop mandatory COVID-19 tests for travelers from China. ecns.cn Canada on Friday will remove mandatory COVID-19 testing requirements for air travelers arriving from China.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Hong Kong's 'new industrialization' drive sees more support. ecns.cn The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government is seeing more support for its "new industrialization" initiative, with medical equipment providers scaling up investments in the city.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Artificial bacterial 'factory' created to synthesize proteins more efficiently. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have created a kind of artificial bacterial "factory" that uses solar power and airborne carbon dioxide and nitrogen to synthesize proteins essential for applications in agriculture, medicine and the environment.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). China intensifies high-quality development in border, cross-border zones. ecns.cn China will intensify efforts to promote high-quality development in border and cross-border economic cooperation zones, according to the Ministry of Commerce on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Chinese scientists develop intelligent robotic mobile CT. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have devised an intelligent robotic mobile computed tomography (CT) that can provide great convenience for patients in critical condition.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Half of Chinese adults not getting 8 hours of sleep, report shows. ecns.cn About half of Chinese adults sleep less than eight hours every night, a new report said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Stranded Panamanian cargo ship rescued in South China Sea. ecns.cn A Panamanian cargo ship that broke down while sailing across the South China Sea has been towed to an area off the coast of South China's Guangdong province, according to the Ministry of Transport.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Scientist reveals goals for future lunar research station. ecns.cn Scientists have proposed several objectives for a future international lunar research station, including moon-based Earth observation and lunar resource utilization.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). China's housing market rebounds with favorable policies: expert. ecns.cn Data released by China's National Bureau of Statistics on Thursday showed that in February 2023, the number of cities with a month-on-month increase in sales prices of commercial residential properties among the 70 large and medium-sized cities in China continued to rise.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). We hope to strengthen cooperation with Chinese provinces: El Salvador Ambassador to China. ecns.cn "On this visit to Sichuan Province, I did not expect that Salvadoran coffee would be so popular in Chengdu. I am very happy," said Aldo Alvarez, Salvadoran ambassador to China, during a media interview at a coffee shop in Chengdu city on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). China refutes claims of 'trade curbs' on Australian coal, says permits can be applied for normally. ecns.cn MOFCOM on Thursday pushed back against foreign media claims of Chinese "trade curbs" against Australian coal imports, saying such misleading claims are inappropriate and China's automatic permit management system for coal imports is functioning normally.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). China urges U.S. to cease slandering Chinese military. ecns.cn A Chinese defense spokesperson on Thursday urged the United States to immediately cease making irresponsible comments about and slandering the Chinese military.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). China's defense ministry vows to leave no room for 'Taiwan independence' separatist activities. ecns.cn A Chinese defense spokesperson on Thursday said the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) will resolutely safeguard the country's national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and will leave no room for "Taiwan independence" separatist activities in any form.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). HK chief executive visits Beijing to promote cooperation with mainland, attracting netizens' attention by posting classic local breakfasts. ecns.cn Sugar pancakes, Tofu Pudding with Gravy … Lee shared these classic Beijing breakfasts on social media, "I have tasted local cuisine in Beijing.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). U.S. government urged to stop suppressing TikTok. ecns.cn The U.S. has failed to provide any evidence that TikTok poses a threat to U.S. national security, and it should stop spreading misinformation and unreasonably suppressing relevant firms, the Chinese Foreign Ministry urged on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Japanese, S.Korean leaders meet in Tokyo amid raging opposition. ecns.cn Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida met with visiting South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol here on Thursday, amid waves of opposition and criticism over ignoring history.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Iran says to send ambassador to UAE soon. ecns.cn A senior Iranian diplomat said on Thursday that Iran will soon send its ambassador to the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). U.S. urged to stop slandering TikTok. ecns.cn China urged the United States on Thursday to stop spreading false information on data security issues and unreasonably suppressing related companies, as Washington had yet to provide evidence that Chinese-owned short video platform TikTok threatened U.S. national security.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Chinese president to pay state visit to Russia. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to Russia from March 20 to 22 at the invitation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying announced on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). China develops vacuum storage cabinet to keep quantum chips 'fresh'. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have developed a vacuum storage cabinet to keep quantum chips "fresh," and used it in the country's first quantum chip production line, according to a Science and Technology Daily report.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Expert says COVID lab leak theory 'purely politically motivated'. ecns.cn A zoonoses expert said that a laboratory leak as the possible origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is "purely politically motivated", and political power games are behind the theory.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). China International Jewelry Fair opens in Beijing. ecns.cn China International Jewelry Fair opened at the China International Exhibition Center on Thursday, covering an area of over 30,000 square meters, with more than 1,000 companies.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Manufacturer busy with producing mascot toys for Hangzhou Asian Games. ecns.cn The mascots, "Memories of Jiangnan" consist of three figures, Chen Chen, Cong Cong and Lian Lian, featuring Hangzhou's three World Heritage sites, the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu Culture, the West Lake and the Grand Canal.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Tibetans celebrate spring plowing in Lhasa. ecns.cn Villagers gathered in the fields, singing and dancing, to mark the beginning of spring plowing on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-17). Culture Fact: Kunqu Opera. ecns.cn

Editor (2023-03-17). Canada's 'China syndrome'. mronline.org The obsession with foreign plots to undermine our institutions is a hallmark of the erosion of political discourse in Canada.

Editor (2023-03-17). Karl Marx: Before all else a revolutionist. mronline.org On the 140th anniversary of Karl Marx's death, Katherine Connelly discusses his revolutionary contribution.

Editor (2023-03-17). This is how police and courts steal from poor people. mronline.org I need to report a theft. Nassau County law enforcement stole $500 from my friend, Sylvester "Sonny" Jackson.

Editor (2023-03-17). Dennis Kucinich and Michael Hudson on the Anatomy of Bank Failures. scheerpost.com This is a wide-ranging discussion about the anatomy of bank failures. Dave Kelley, the moderator, is a pension actuarial expert, headquartered in Ohio. Chairman of the Domestic Policy subcommittee of the Govt Oversight Committee, Kucinich, as a senior member of Congress, investigated the subprime meltdown (see you tube videos), grilling Wall Street titans. Michael Hudson …

Editor (2023-03-17). Even Peace Is Made in China. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-17). Former US NatSec Advisor: Destroy Taiwan Semiconductor Factories if China Invades. scheerpost.com Rather than see Taiwan's semiconductor factories fall into the hands of the Communist Party of China, the US and its allies would simply pull a Nordstream.

Editor (2023-03-17). Sen. Graham Calls for US to Start Shooting Down Russian Planes. scheerpost.com By Dave DeCamp / Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Graham told Fox News host Sean Hannity that the US should tell Russia if "you ever get near another US asset flying in international waters, your airplane will be shot down." | "What would Ronald Reagan do…

Enric Bonet (2023-03-17). Crisis de régimen en la Francia de Macron. globalizacion.ca El Gobierno francés se obstina en sacar adelante la reforma de las pensiones pese a las multitudinarias protestas en contra, agravando así el déficit democrático en el país. El colaborador habitual de CTXT Rafael Poch ya lo había pronosticado en…

Eric Zuesse (2023-03-17). How and Why Obama Downed the MH17 Passenger Plane on 17 July 2014. dissidentvoice.org Before the MH17 passenger plane was shot down over the civil-war zone in Ukraine on 17 July 2014, U.S. President Barack Obama needed to persuade 9 EU countries that were opposed to adding more sanctions against Russia — needed to force them to approve adding those sanctions. He needed to supply them with 'evidence' that …

Fernando Dorado (2023-03-17). Colombia Ofensiva democrática frente al bloqueo jurídico y a la guerra mediática. globalizacion.ca Como afirmamos en anterior artículo, se desató la confrontación abierta entre el gobierno que encabeza Gustavo Petro y los sectores más parasitarios de la oligarquía financiera. Con ocasión de la presentación de la reforma al sistema de Salud, de los…

Fight Back (2023-03-17). On International Women's Day, Milwaukee says, "Hands off our bodies, hands off our families" fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI – Neither the snow nor the rekindled Saint Patrick's Day parade was enough to keep 100 people from celebrating International Women's Day with the Milwaukee International Women's Day (IWD) Coalition this past Saturday, March 11. Attendees gathered at Dontre Hamilton Park and marched through the streets towards Village Church, where endorsing organizations tabled and delivered speeches. | The theme of this year's International Women's Day was "Hands Off Our Bodies, Hands Off Our Families." It sought to highlight the connection between the struggles around reproductive rights and against police crimes.

Global Research News (2023-03-17). Selected Articles: On the 20th Anniversary of Invasion of Iraq, It Must be Clear: The U.S. Is the Greatest Threat to World Peace and Collective Humanity. globalresearch.ca By History teaches that the greatest threa…

Global Research News (2023-03-17). This Week's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca

infobrics (2023-03-17). Trump warns US-Russia nuclear war "absolutely" a risk under Biden. infobrics.org The former president says it's "very unfair" for the US to foot the bill for Ukraine and not Europe.

infobrics (2023-03-17). The Arctic: Eurasia's Final Pivot. infobrics.org Realpolitik and the lessons of history might prompt the world's major powers to lay down their weapons in some regions and/or in some sectors, preferring to join forces for the good of humanity. One of these regions is undoubtedly the Arctic, where cooperation over competition might lead, one day, to make the long-dreamed-of Bering Strait crossing a reality, writes Valdai Club expert Emanuel Pietrobon…

infobrics (2023-03-17). Russia Set to Operate More Passenger Flights to India. infobrics.org Currently, Aeroflot is operating seven weekly flights to India while no Indian airline is flying to Russia…

infobrics (2023-03-17). Beijing Launches First China-Europe Freight Train. infobrics.org Beijing became one of the latest places in China to adopt the China-Europe freight train platform, as localities vie to participate in the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative…

Institute for the Critical Study of Society (2023-03-17). Sunday 3/19: War in Ukraine: One Year On: The Root Causes of Conflict. indybay.org Zoom meeting ID: 811 3335 0622 | Passcode: ICSS2717rs | us02web.zoom.us/j/81133350622?pwd=dUUyUWppbWt6djVTaElISUhocXpSUT09

It's Going Down (2023-03-17). This Is America #183: Report from Atlanta During 'Week of Action' Against Cop City. itsgoingdown.org Welcome, to This is America, March 16th, 2023. In this episode, we sit down with Clark, a member of the Atlanta Community Press Collective, who joins us to discuss the past week of action in Atlanta as the fight against Cop City continues, following the arrest of concert goers on trumped up 'domestic terrorism' charges….

Jacob Andrewathwa (2023-03-17). Build the movement to oppose AUKUS nuclear submarines. greenleft.org.au We need a foreign policy that is based on justice and peace, not more militarism to prepare the country for a new cold war against China, argues Jacob Andrewartha.

Jan Oberg (2023-03-17). It's Your Human Right to Access Russian News and Analysis Sites in English if You Want. dissidentvoice.org Collage © Jan Oberg 2023 The human right to freely seek information is laid down in the American Convention on Human Rights from 1968. Article 13 states that "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and expression. This right includes freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas of all kinds." The Universal …

Jeremy Earp (2023-03-17). Who's in Control of How We Remember the Iraq War? indybay.org Orwell and newspeak vs. history and democracy…

Jim McIlroy (2023-03-17). Richard Denniss: 'Safeguard Mechanism protects fossil fuel industry'. greenleft.org.au The new Safeguard Mechanism protects the fossil fuel industry and does nothing to save our climate from disaster, Richard Denniss said. Jim McIlroy reports.

John Feffer (2023-03-17). Corporations are using Trade Treaties to handcuff Efforts to save the Planet from Climate Emergency. juancole.com ( Foreign Policy in Focus) — The global economy hit a new milestone in 2022 by surpassing $100 trillion. This expansion, which has experienced only the occasional setback such as the 2020 COVID shutdowns, has been accelerated by trade. The world trade volume experienced 4,300 percent growth from 1950 to 2021, an average 4 percent …

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano (2023-03-17). Spying on Americans in Plain Sight. globalresearch.ca

Karl Kramer (2023-03-17). Friday 3/24: State of Repression in El Salvador. indybay.org Redstone Labor Temple, | 2940 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94103 | (between Mission and South Van Ness, | half block from 16th St. BART)…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-17). 12th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference returns to Atlanta, Georgia. indybay.org Everyone is welcome to join us in Atlanta, Georgia August 10-14, 2023 in Downtown Atlanta Olympic Village, Morris Brown College and key Agriculture locations.

Konrad Rƒôkas (2023-03-17). US Terrorism Against Nord Stream: A Polish Perspective. globalresearch.ca

Labor Video Project (2023-03-17). After 3 Years Namibian Miners Fight Continues Against Chinese National Nuclear Corp Firing. indybay.org Three years ago, the leadership of the Namibia Rossing mine workers union were fired by the new owner the state owned Chinese National Nuclear Corporation CNNC. The company through corruption and collusion with the SWAPO government has stalled the arbitrations and stalled the labor process to keep the workers unemployed. There will be a hearing on March 28th and actions will take place at the San Francisco Chinese Consulate and other consulates and embassies around the world in solidarity with the miners.

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2023-03-17). US Blackmails Switzerland to Boost Military Support to Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Margaret Anna Alice (2023-03-17). The Weaponization of "Anti-Semitism". Requiem for a Smear Victim: Clemens Arvay. globalresearch.ca

Matthew Ehret (2023-03-17). Bail-ins, Bail-outs and Other forms of Self-Mutilation: Lobotomized Economists Clash on the Deck of the Titanic. thelastamericanvagabond.com As the geniuses running the western financial bubble (sometimes called an "economy") continue to double down on their obsession to pump a dead financial system with ever more trillions in stimulus spending, arguments are raging among brainwashed economists living in denial over the oncoming systemic collapse. The failure of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and

Melanie Barnes (2023-03-17). Port Kembla rejects nuclear submarine base. greenleft.org.au Three weeks before the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal was announced, the Port Authority of NSW unveiled a new plan to build a large renewable energy hub at Port Kembla. Melanie Barnes reports the choice is clear: wind or nuclear.

Michael F. Brown (2023-03-17). Fascism grips Israel yet US clings to two-state fantasy. electronicintifada.net New York keeps investment in Israel Bonds as a State Department spokesperson confirms an Israeli settler attacked a US citizen.

Michael Welch (2023-03-17). Free Speech for Peace not Supported by "Stand With Ukraine" globalresearch.ca

Monica Moorehead (2023-03-17). Statue honoring Harriet Tubman unveiled in Newark, New Jersey. workers.org Artist Nina Cooke John stands next to the Harriet Tubman statue she designed in Newark, New Jersey, March 9, 2023. Credit: AP The unveiling of a monument honoring the legacy of the great Black abolitionist, Harriet Tubman, took place in the Black-majority city of Newark, New Jersey, on March 9. . . . |

Monica Moorehead (2023-03-17). Food cuts show women bear brunt of deepening economic crisis — a WW commentary. workers.org No matter how large or small, no class struggle can be put into its social context without understanding the current global capitalist economic crisis. Neoliberal policies flow from long-term and short-term fluctuations within the capitalist system, which no ruling class can ultimately control. Migrant mother and her children receive food . . . |

Monica Moorehead (2023-03-17). Food cuts show women bear brunt of deepening economic crisis. workers.org No matter how large or small, no class struggle can be put into its social context without understanding the current global capitalist economic crisis. Neoliberal policies flow from long-term and short-term fluctuations within the capitalist system, which no ruling class can ultimately control. Migrant mother and her children receive food . . . |

Mumia Abu-Jamal (2023-03-17). The wages of deregulation. workers.org Note: This lightly edited commentary first appeared on Prison Radio on March 3: A train races through the cool wintry air, its wheels turning on iron rails until sparks burst into flames, and in the blink of an eye, a city in eastern Ohio becomes the latest scene of a . . . |

NARAL Pro-Choice America (2023-03-17). Tuesday 3/21: Medication Abortion Teach-in w/ NARAL. indybay.org Online event…

noreply (2023-03-17). Larry Saved Me From Torture… smoothiex12.blogspot.com of seeing and listening to these two guys and I am eternally grateful to him for that.

noreply (2023-03-17). Well, Start Stop-watches, Gentlemen. smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Oakland Privacy (2023-03-17). Wednesday 4/12: Oakland Privacy: Fighting Against the Surveillance State. indybay.org Please email contact@oaklandprivacy.org a few days before the meeting to get up-to-date location information or obtain Zoom meeting access info.

Peer Boyle (2023-03-17). Video: Protests planned for Burma Revolution Day. greenleft.org.au Peter Boyle spoke to Maung Maung Than, the ecretary of the Australian Coalition for Democracy in Burma and veteran of the 1988 student uprising about upcoming actions on Burma Revolution Day (March 27) and the state of the people's resistance to the military coup regime in Burma/Myanmar.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-17). Yes, the U.S. gov't did bailout the banks. What would a people's bailout look like? mronline.org The U.S. is divesting from working people and investing in banks and venture capitalists, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-17). Hundreds in UK protest against discriminatory immigration bill. peoplesdispatch.org The Illegal Migration Bill has been proposed by Home Secretary Suella Braverman who herself admits that she is unable to say if the bill complies with the European Convention on Human Rights…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-17). Working class slams the 'anti-worker' budget in the UK. peoplesdispatch.org Trade unions, left parties, and civil society organizations in the UK have denounced the Spring Budget 2023, delivered by Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt on Wednesday, March 15. The Chancellor and the Tory party have claimed that the Budget sets forth a growth plan for the country that will help avoid recession and halve the soaring inflation this year. However, trade unions have condemned that it fails to tackle the ongoing public sector pay disputes and neglects the overwhelming demand for an increase in wages at par with inflation. | It has been further criticized on the grounds that it calls for an in…

Pink Knight Press (2023-03-17). Protest: Charlie Kirk at UC Davis. indybay.org On March 14, U.C. Davis hosted Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk to around 300 attendees and a fierce student-led resistance of the same number.

Prof Michael Hudson (2023-03-17). Why Three US Banks Collapsed in One Week: Economist Michael Hudson Explains. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michael Hudson (2023-03-17). Why the Bank Crisis Is Not Over. globalresearch.ca

Prof. Carlos L. Garrido (2023-03-17). The US Blockade and Its Effects on Cuban Medicine. globalresearch.ca

RAYE (2023-03-17). Wednesday 3/15: From the Bay Area to Atlanta: Stop Cop City. indybay.org Meets at GI Partners / 4 Embarcadero Ctr, SF…

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-03-17). Colombia_Río Sogamoso de Santander: °Aguas para la vida…! indybay.org

Reiner Fuellmich (2023-03-17). Video: Imminent 5G Induced Genocide: Vaccinated Vulnerable To 5G Kill Grid's Deadly Tech! — Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. globalresearch.ca

Renato Villavicencio Garzón (2023-03-17). Las horas más bajas del discurso anticorreísta. globalizacion.ca El 5 de febrero pasado puede considerarse el cierre de un ciclo que se abrió hace 5 años, coincidentemente con otra consulta popular, pero que terminó con resultados distintos en febrero de 2018. El ciclo al que me refiero es…

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-17). 70th anniversary: NATO trains U.S. high school students for "really cool" war with Russia in Arctic. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Command TransformationMarch 17, 2023 Ambassadors, Global Diplomacy, and NATO — High School Students from Around the Hampton Roads Lead the Way NORFOLK, VA. — On March 15th 2023, NATO's Allied Command Transformation kicked off the Model NATO Challenge, bringing together students, military officials, and diplomats to participate in a strategic problem-solving challenge. Student Diplomats …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-17). Europe: NATO holds layered, integrated interceptor missile drills. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Air CommandMarch 17, 2023 NATO Surface-based Air defence community trains interoperability in major exercise Two major NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD) exercises are combined with the largest European air defence exercise l from March 6 to April 1, 2023 providing for interoperability among Allied forces. NATO's exercises Steadfast Armour 23 (STAR23) and …

Robert Hunziker (2023-03-17). Destruction of the Amazon Rainforest Destabilizes the World. dissidentvoice.org A new 40-year study discovered the eye-opening fact that what happens in the Amazon Rainforest impacts the entire Earth system. This puts an exclamation point on the fact that the Amazon Rainforest, the planet's most crucial source of life support [NASA and NOAA attribute about half of the oxygen production on Earth to the ocean, …

San José May Day Coalition (2023-03-17). Saturday 3/25: May Day 2023 Community Screen Printing Event. indybay.org San José Peace & Justice Center | 48 South 7th Street | San José, CA 95112…

Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs (2023-03-17). Monday 3/20: Defend Food Not Bombs Right to Share Food & Protest. indybay.org Resource Center for Nonviolence | 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz…

Sean Callebs (2023-03-17). The Heat: UN High Seas Treaty. america.cgtn.com After marathon negotiations, The United Nations announced a historic agreement to protect the world's oceans. It's called the UN High Seas Treaty and establishes protections for international waters. That's the area beyond national jurisdictions which makes up two-thirds of the Earth's ocean surface. 193 countries …

Staff (2023-03-17). La imagen del día: Amor y apoyo en la ciudad de Nueva York para el equipo de béisbol de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Amor y apoyo en la ciudad de Nueva York para el equipo de béisbol de Cuba en el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023. " °Estamos con Cuba hasta la final! #TeamAsere", se puede leer en un cartel ubicado en esta ciudad. Cuba consiguió el pase a semifinales en el certamen y este viernes tiene su próximo juego.

Staff (2023-03-17). Cuba en datos: Coordenadas de los nuevos actores económicos. cubadebate.cu Las preguntas serían: øCuándo generarán mayor disponibilidad de alimentos en el mediano plazo estos actores? øQué obstáculos tienen hoy en la producción y venta de sus producciones y servicios? øQué transformar o modificar para que estos actores puedan incrementar sus resultados productivos?

Staff (2023-03-17). øEn qué consiste el Aukus?: El pacto con el que EEUU, Reino Unido y Australia planean "hacerle frente" a China. cubadebate.cu Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y Australia planean contrarrestar la influencia de China con la creación de una nueva flota de submarinos de propulsión nuclear. El pacto estratégico, anunciado en septiembre de 2021 y bautizado como Aukus pretende "defender los intereses compartidos" de las tres potencias anglosajonas en el Indopacífico.

Staff (2023-03-17). Jóvenes graduados: El sueño de La Habana y la odisea del alquiler. cubadebate.cu Este tema parece cíclico: "Casi ningún alquiler baja de 5 000 pesos. No sé qué voy a hacer. Sigo buscando pero me estoy quedando sin tiempo porque antes del día 7 debo salir de donde vivo y no tengo donde quedarme. Estoy volviéndome loco". Al revisar los mensajes de WhatsApp me encuentro este audio de Alejandro, un compañero de estudios en la universidad que ahora está en serios problemas.

Staff (2023-03-17). Con el voto del 26 de marzo vamos a defender la Revolución. cubadebate.cu Candidatos a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular por Santa Clara retomaron este jueves sus intercambios con los electores. En todos se habló de asistencia a las urnas y el voto unido, y también de problemas, con la confianza de que la próxima legislatura continuará contribuyendo a su solución.

Staff (2023-03-17). París: Más de 200 detenciones tras protestas contra reforma de pensiones. cubadebate.cu Más de 200 personas han sido detenidas este jueves 16 de marzo en París al término de una manifestación espontánea contra la impopular reforma de las pensiones del gobierno de Emmanuel Macron, aprobada unas horas antes por decreto y sin voto en la Asamblea Nacional.

Staff (2023-03-17). Voleibol de Playa: Noslen Díaz y Jorge Luis Alayo avanzan al cuadro principal en su debut en el Circuito Mundial. cubadebate.cu La dupla cubana de Noslen Díaz y Jorge Luis Alayo avanzó este viernes al cuadro principal en el torneo de voleibol de playa organizado en la ciudad mexicana de La Paz, con categoría Challenge del Beach World Pro. En la ronda de preliminares del evento, el primero de los antillanos en el circuito internacional de este deporte, los caribeños consiguieron par de éxitos.

Staff (2023-03-17). Altos cargos militares de Estados Unidos y Rusia discuten sobre incidente con dron cerca de Crimea. cubadebate.cu El Ministerio de Defensa ruso reveló detalles de las conversaciones entre el ministro de Defensa ruso, Serguéi Shoigú, y su par estadounidense, Lloyd Austin, que discutieron el tema de la caída del dron estadounidense que se acercó peligrosamente a la península rusa de Crimea.

Staff (2023-03-17). El tiempo: Escasas lluvias en la tarde. cubadebate.cu Amanecerá parcialmente nublado en zonas de la costa norte oriental y con poca nubosidad en el resto. En tarde estará parcialmente nublado en gran parte del país, con escasas lluvias.

Staff (2023-03-17). Havana D'Primera estrena canción y video #TeamAsere. cubadebate.cu El trompetista Alexander Abreu y su grupo Havana D' Primera estrenaron este viernes la canción y el video de #TeamAsere, una producción que enaltece la actuación del equipo cubano de béisbol en el V Clásico Mundial de la disciplina. "Háganle saber a esos hombres que estamos agradecidos por la historia que hoy están haciendo", destacó Alexander Abreu.

Staff (2023-03-17). Once de los bancos más grandes de Estados Unidos inyectarán treinta mil millones de dólares para rescatar al First Republic Bank. cubadebate.cu Once de los bancos más grandes de EE.UU. inyectarán un total de 30.000 millones de dólares para rescatar al First Republic Bank (FRB), según lo anuncian en un comunicado conjunto difundido este jueves por Business Wire.

Staff (2023-03-17). Presentan programa para celebrar el aniversario 55 del Jardín Botánico Nacional de Cuba. cubadebate.cu Con la presencia de directivos de los jardines botánicos de Cuba y centros afines de otros países, abierto al público e inmerso en importantes proyectos, el equipo del Jardín Botánico Nacional de Cuba celebra el 55 aniversario del complejo científico, educativo y recreativo ubicado en la periferia habanera.

Staff (2023-03-17). Qué trae la prensa cubana, viernes 17 de marzo de 2023. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-03-17). Unión Eléctrica no pronostica afectaciones por déficit de generación para este viernes. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica informó que el Sistema Electroenergético Nacional no presentó afectaciones en el día de ayer y que se espera que hoy tampoco ocurran interrupciones del servicio por falta de capacidad de generación. A las 07: 00 horas de este viernes la disponibilidad del SEN era de 2 450 megavatios (MW) y la demanda de 1 820 MW, con todo el país electrificado.

Staff (2023-03-17). Never Again: Human Rights Groups & Japanese Americans Warn Biden Against Jailing Migrant Families. democracynow.org This week nearly 400 human rights groups urged the Biden administration not to revive the controversial practice of migrant family detention by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Biden ended family detention when he took office two years ago but is now reportedly reconsidering it as part of a wider crackdown as his administration prepares to phase out the contested Trump-era Title 42 pandemic policy used to expel over 2 million migrants without due process at the southern border. We speak with Silky Shah, executive director of Detention Watch Network, who says "the Biden administration has faltered and is…

Staff (2023-03-17). Headlines for March 17, 2023. democracynow.org Yellen Declares, "Our Banking System Is Sound," as Wall Street Props Up First Republic Bank, Iran Agrees to Stop Arming Yemen's Houthis in Pact with Saudi Arabia, Poland and Slovakia Will Send Fighter Jets to Ukraine, U.N. Inquiry on Ukraine Finds Wide Evidence of Russian War Crimes, China Urges Diplomatic End to War in Ukraine as Xi Jinping Plans Trip to Kremlin, Biden Approves Sale of 220 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles to Australia , White House Threatens to Ban TikTok Unless Chinese Owners Sell Stakes, Israeli Forces Kill 4 More Palestinians in Jenin Ahead of Security Talks in Egypt, Macron Pushes…

Staff (2023-03-17). Julian Assange's Father & Brother Speak Out on His Jailing, Press Freedom & New Documentary "Ithaka" democracynow.org We continue our coverage of the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq by looking at the imprisonment of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has been jailed for exposing U.S. war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. One video released by WikiLeaks showed a U.S. helicopter gunship in Baghdad slaughtering a dozen civilians, including a Reuters journalist. Assange has been held in London's Belmarsh prison since 2019 as he fights the U.S. campaign to extradite him to face espionage charges. If convicted, the publisher faces as much as 175 years behind bars. His legal fight is documented in the new film Itha…

Staff (2023-03-17). Blood and Treasure: Documenting the Costs of Iraq War from Civilian Casualties to Trillions Spent. democracynow.org With the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq on March 20, we speak with Oxford University international relations professor Neta Crawford, who says the region is still reeling from the impact of the war. "The story continues. It's not over," she says. Crawford is co-director of the Costs of War Project at Brown University, where her latest report pegs the cost of U.S. wars in Iraq and Syria since 2003 at nearly $2.9 trillion. Since the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003 under the false pretext of preventing Saddam Hussein from developing weapons of mass destruction, more than half a million peo…

Staff (2023-03-17). Iraq and 15 Lessons We Never Learned. davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-03-17). Ecuador's Former Minister Flees for Caracas from Asylum in Argentina's Embassy in Quito. orinocotribune.com Caracas, March 15, 2023 ( The incident came to light on Monday night through a statement issued by the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry noting that Argentina's Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero informed his Ecuadorian counterpart that day of Duarte's escape "without the knowledg…

Staff (2023-03-17). President Maduro: 'Revolution is Alternative to Rottenness of Capitalism'. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, March 15, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, stated that the Bolivarian Revolution is an alternative to the decadent capitalist system of the world, during a ceremony as part of the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the death of Commander Hugo Chávez. The president led a massive popular march that carried Hugo Chávez's cadet saber from the Military Academy to Barracks 4F (El Cuartel de la Montaña), where the remains of the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution rest. | "Let us show that ethically and morally, the Bolivarian Revolution is an alternative to the rottenness of savage neol…

Staff (2023-03-17). Venezuela Makes Fun of White House and Fantasy 'Narnia' Government Ties. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, March 15, the Venezuelan minister of foreign affairs, Yván Gil, said, sarcastically, that he wishes the "best of luck" to the US government in its relationship with the leader of the "parallel" parliament of the South American country, in reference to the fictional "interim government" upheld by members of the Venezuelan opposition. | The minister for foreign affairs highlighted that the US government maintains a "childish effort" to promote an erratic diplomacy far from political reality, by trying to continue recognizing a non-existent "interim government" that does not hold any power in Venezue…

Staff (2023-03-17). Surge in Global Weapons Sales: Top Ten Exporters of Major Arms. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2023-03-17). French President Macron Approves the Pension Reform by Decree. globalresearch.ca

Steve Melendez (2023-03-17). American Indian Genocide Museum at Austin Expo. indybay.org We are here today at the SXSW Conference and Expo here in Austin, Texas telling our story because we know if we don't, no one else will. We are here today to bring awareness that past injustices are still being experienced today. We are here today to bring awareness that the racism of the past is still the cornerstone of American laws. Gone perhaps are the scalp bounties paid for Indian men, women, and children but, on the other hand, not one treaty has ever been honored.

Susan Price (2023-03-17). Turkey: Erdoğan attempts to ban pro-Kurdish party ahead of snap poll. greenleft.org.au Turkey will go to election on May 14, after President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called a snap poll, reports Susan Price, and the pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party (HDP) will likely be forced to participate in the election under a different party name, due to a politically-motivated trial against it.

Taya Graham, Stephen Janis (2023-03-17). Cops illegally raided his house. This is what happened when he fought back. therealnews.com On Sept. 30, 2020, a SWAT team burst into the Henderson County, Indiana home of Chris Reiter under a falsely obtained warrant. Reiter's girlfriend, Tiffany Napier, was severely injured as police ransacked the house, ultimately finding nothing before departing without acknowledging any wrongdoing on their part. Reiter has since filed a lawsuit alleging violations of his constitutional rights, and dedicated himself to helping others hold police accountable. Reiter's efforts recently led to another arrest when he attempted to help the father of a victim of abuse by Clarksville police. Chris Reiter and Tiffany…

teleSUR -nama, DRL (2023-03-17). Ciclón Freddy provoca al menos 58 muertos en Mozambique. telesurtv.net El fenómeno hidrometereológico ha dejado unos 282 heridos y cerca de 20.250 viviendas destruidas.

teleSUR, ats, JGN (2023-03-17). Conoce algunas curiosidades del poeta peruano César Vallejo. telesurtv.net César Vallejo abarcó a lo largo de su vida varios géneros literarios, entre ellos: el ensayo, la novela, la poesía y el cuento.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-17). Parlamento salvadoreño cambia reglas previo a año de elecciones. telesurtv.net En adición, un error y la falta de debate por parte de los diputados oficialistas, hizo que en realidad, la Asamblea Legislativa haya derogado todo el código electoral por completo y no solo un artículo.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-17). Denuncian "limbo jurídico" de líderes comunitarios salvadoreños. telesurtv.net Entre los detenidos está Antonio Pacheco, director ejecutivo de ADES, una organización clave en la lucha contra el extractivismo minero en El Salvador.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-17). Movimiento indígena exige participar en elecciones en Guatemala. telesurtv.net Misión de Observación Electoral Guatemala (MOE-GT) insta a las cortes de justicia a dictar sentencias definitivas a la mayor brevedad en los casos que son tramitados.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-17). Presidente mexicano confirma cumbre regional sobre la inflación. telesurtv.net Entre ellos estarán los mandatarios de Chile, Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Cuba, Honduras, Belice, Bolivia y San Vicente.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-17). Sociedad civil cubana se prepara para Examen Periódico de DDHH. telesurtv.net En un coloquio se ratificó el acompañamiento al Estado para continuar avanzando en la promoción y protección de todos los Derechos Humanos para todos en Cuba.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-17). Gobierno de Bolivia ratifica transparencia en industrialización de litio. telesurtv.net La viceministra de Comunicación señala que el Gobierno tiene participación y soberanía en todo el proceso de producción y comercialización de ese recurso.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-17). Movimiento indígena busca salidas a crisis política de Ecuador. telesurtv.net A la reunión están citados organizaciones de indígenas, campesinos, estudiantes, trabajadores, entre otros gremios.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-17). Acciones de First Republic Bank caen pese a rescate financiero de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Los títulos de First Republic cayeron un 30 por ciento este jueves y luego subieron 9,8 por ciento al cerrar el día. Entidades financieras le inyectaron 30.000 millones de dólares.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-17). Tropas israelíes asesinan a cuatro palestinos en Jenin. telesurtv.net Según medios locales, una fuerza israelí encubierta se internó en la ciudad a bordo de dos vehículos civiles.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-17). Confirman visita a Rusia de presidente chino Xi Jinping. telesurtv.net La Presidencia rusa señaló que se examinará el desarrollo de la asociación integral y la cooperación estratégica entre ambas naciones.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-03-17). Argentina anuncia comicios generales para el 22 de octubre. telesurtv.net La CNE destacó que el próximo 5 de mayo se publicará el padrón previsto y el 15 de mayo se convocará a elecciones primarias abiertas, simultáneas y obligatorias (PASO).

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-17). Declaran alerta por fenómeno de El Niño Costero en Perú. telesurtv.net Los expertos han detectado anomalías en los vientos, asociados con la alteración de patrones de circulación atmosférica.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-17). Miles de maestros protestan por aumento salarial en Nueva Zelanda. telesurtv.net Los docentes se congregaron frente al Parlamento de Wellington (capital) y llamaron al Gobierno a tomar medidas urgentes.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-17). Organizaciones realizan movilización en apoyo a las reformas del Gobierno colombiano. telesurtv.net Las organizaciones que apoyan al Ejecutivo decidieron que este es un buen marco para mostrar su respaldo a las reformas.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-17). Denuncian carácter político de marchas de magisterio en Bolivia. telesurtv.net Invitan al magisterio urbano a aprovechar el diálogo convocado por el Ministerio de Educación y presentar propuestas positivas para optimizar el proceso docente.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-17). Japón derrota a Italia y llega a semifinales del Clásico Mundial. telesurtv.net Japón es el único equipo que ha llegado a semifinales en los cinco Clásicos celebrados y fue campeón en 2006 y 2009.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-17). øQué podemos hacer para proteger las especies marinas?>. telesurtv.net La actividad humana genera impactos negativos en los océanos y en las especies marinas, pero también puede influir en su cuidado y preservación.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-17). Reportan leve repunte de banca europea tras jornada incierta. telesurtv.net Presidente de Banco Nacional Saudí considera injustificado el pánico generado por el desplome bursátil del Credit Suisse.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-17). Gobierno de Colombia presenta proyecto de ley de reforma laboral. telesurtv.net El presidente colombiano Gustavo Petro reafirmó que "con esta (iniciativa de) ley lo que se busca es dignificar el trabajo".

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-17). Denuncian asesinato de líder social en el Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Indepaz detalló que con este crimen, suman 27 líderes asesinados en el país en lo que va del año y 1.436 desde la firma del acuerdo de paz de 2016.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-17). Reprimen protestas en rechazo a reforma de pensiones en Francia. telesurtv.net Una coalición de sindicatos convocó a nuevas manifestaciones para el próximo jueves 23 de marzo, para pedir la derogación de la reforma pensional.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-17). Presidente sirio afirma que tercera guerra mundial ya está en curso. telesurtv.net Al Assad dijo que "por eso las guerras tienden a ser subsidiarias; por eso hoy en día Zelenski está librando una guerra en nombre de Occidente con su ejército de nazis".

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-03-17). Establecen alerta verde en República Dominicana por lluvias. telesurtv.net El subdirector del COE, Carlos Paulino, instó a cumplir los protocolos emitidos por Protección Civil.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-17). Gobierno de Francia aprueba por decreto la reforma de pensiones. telesurtv.net El Senado había respaldado este jueves por la mañana la reforma impulsada por Emmanuel Macron.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-17). Presidente Putin: comercio exterior de Rusia creció un 8,1 % en 2022. telesurtv.net Al analizar la caída máxima del PIB de Rusia el año pasado, Vladimir Putin mencionó un registro de 4,7 por ciento.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-17). Rusia califica de nula decisión de CPI contra presidente Putin. telesurtv.net Además de la orden emitida contra el mandatario, la CPI también dictó otra contra la comisionada presidencial para los Derechos del Niño en Rusia.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-17). Tren de carga se descarrilla en Washington, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Reportan que 5.000 galones de diésel se han filtrado hasta el momento.

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-03-17). ONU alerta sobre criminalidad por cocaína en América Latina. telesurtv.net El "Informe Mundial sobre Cocaína 2023" cataloga la situación como una red de alianzas cambiantes que cooperan entre sí.

teleSUR, nama, DRL (2023-03-17). ONU pide más ayuda para hacer frente a las pandillas en Haití. telesurtv.net Grupos cada vez más violentas se han infiltrado en comunidades de Puerto Príncipe, la capital haitiana, y sus alrededores.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-17). Policía federal prosigue operativo contra golpistas en Brasil. telesurtv.net El Supremo Tribunal Federal rechazó solicitudes de libertad de 86 mujeres y 208 hombres con las conductas más graves.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-17). Ciclón Freddy provoca más de 400 fallecidos en àÅfrica austral. telesurtv.net La ONU envía materiales de asistencia a la zona como agua, comida, tiendas de campaña, mantas y productos sanitarios.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-17). Comunidad indígena denuncia afectación a sitios en Amazonía ecuatoriana. telesurtv.net Los Waorani refieren que el Gobierno violó el derecho al consentimiento previo y se provocaron daños irreversibles a ecosistemas del área.

teleSUR, nama, JDO (2023-03-17). Lluvias provocan un muerto y daños materiales en Perú. telesurtv.net El Gobierno declaró estado de emergencia en seis distritos de Lima, entre ellos Ancón, Pucusana y San Bartolo.

teleSUR, nbb -DRL (2023-03-17). Estudiantes protestan por Reforma de Enseñanza Media en Brasil. telesurtv.net En junio del año pasado, una carta abierta firmada por más de 300 entidades relacionadas a la educación pedía la derogación de la norma.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2023-03-17). Apagón en México deja más de 270.000 personas sin energía. telesurtv.net Mediante la publicación de videos y fotos en las redes sociales, miles de usuarios comenzaron a avisar sobre apagones en distintos puntos de la Ciudad de México.

teleSUR, nbb, JDO (2023-03-17). MST realiza la mayor cosecha de arroz orgánico en Brasil. telesurtv.net En el encuentro participan representantes del Gobierno brasileño, parlamentarios de partidos progresistas y delegaciones de países como Argentina, Uruguay, Cuba y Venezuela.

teleSUR, nbb, JDO (2023-03-17). Fuerzas de seguridad detienen a cientos de manifestantes tras protestas en Francia. telesurtv.net Miles de personas se reunieron en París y otras ciudades. Convocan a nuevas movilizaciones, bloquear el país y cambiar al actual Gobierno.

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2023-03-17). Oficializan pedido de juicio político contra presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net La solicitud fue dirigida al presidente de la Asamblea Nacional, Virgilio Saquicela, y el pedido ingresó a Gestión documental cerca de las 18H00 (hora local).

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-17). Aprueban nueva prórroga del estado de excepción en El Salvador. telesurtv.net Según autoridades de seguridad pública, esta herramienta legal ha permitido encarcelar a no menos de 65. 000 pandilleros.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-17). Caída de helicóptero deja cuatro muertos en Sà£o Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Se desconoce la identidad de los accidentados y las posibles causas del siniestro.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-17). Reportan 4.752 nuevos casos de Covid-19 en Chile. telesurtv.net Chile acumula 5.218.933 casos confirmados desde el inicio de la pandemia y 64.353 fallecidos a causa del coronavirus.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-17). Malawi decreta 14 días de luto por víctimas de ciclón Freddy. telesurtv.net El Gobierno declaró 14 días de luto nacional en homenaje a las víctimas mortales del ciclón Freddy.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-17). Trabajadores convocan huelga por mejoras salariales en Reino Unido. telesurtv.net Se prevé que la huelga tenga lugar por cinco semanas, desde el 3 de abril hasta el 5 de mayo.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-17). Responsabilizan al Estado peruano por violaciones de DD.HH. telesurtv.net La organización señaló que es "indubitable la responsabilidad internacional del Estado peruano por las violaciones".

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-17). Descarrila tren con presunto material tóxico en Arizona, EE.UU. telesurtv.net La portavoz de la Oficina del Sheriff de Mohave señaló que el suceso le fue notificado sobre las 20.00 (hora local).

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-17). Israelíes protestan contra la reforma judicial del Gobierno. telesurtv.net Las protestas de esta jornada se llevan a cabo en el denominado "Día de Resistencia a la Dictadura".

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-17). Asciende a 21 los muertos por explosión en una mina en Colombia. telesurtv.net El gobernador de Cundinamarca, Nicolás García, señaló que "desafortunadamente son 10 personas más fallecidas".

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-17). Gobierno surcoreano duda ampliar jornada semanal tras protestas. telesurtv.net El Ejecutivo promovía un proyecto, a petición de las empresas, que ampliaría de 52 a 69 horas la jornada tope semanal.

The Associated Press (2023-03-17). Top Court Ruling Unleashes Permit Upheaval in Puerto Rico. latinorebels.com A ruling by Puerto Rico's Supreme Court has thrown into limbo hundreds of thousands of business and construction permits issued by a U.S. territory already struggling to attract investors amid an economic crisis.

thecommunists (2023-03-17). Why I left my first teaching job: 'No support, no training, no care for the kids'. thecommunists.org The following interview was conducted by one of our members with a young teacher who left her first job within months of starting it. ***** When did you graduate from your teaching course? July 2022. How did you get your first job as a teacher? Through an education agency. Why did you have to leave …

Third Act SF Bay Area (2023-03-17). Tuesday 3/21: Stop Dirty Banking at Wells Fargo HQ in San Francisco. indybay.org Wells Fargo Corporate Headquarters | 420 Montgomery St | San Francisco, CA 94104…

Tyler Torrez (2023-03-17). How Denmark is Financing the Israeli Occupation. indybay.org The Danes are turning their backs on human rights. In 2015, they refused to buy Elbit System's Israeli guns, because the manufacturer continues to supply almost all of the IDF's equipment, which is used against the Palestinians, military or not, with the resultant widely reported collateral damage. Now, the government is negotiating the purchase of the ATMOS howitzer without a second thought, and seems to have the approval of the very people who were opposed to it in 2015!

Vijay Prashad (2023-03-17). East Germany & the True Test of a Civilization. orinocotribune.com By Vijay Prashad Mar 2, 2023 | Vijay Prashad recalls the DDR's efforts to create a humane and just health care system, with few resources available, in a country devastated by World War II. | A few years ago, a minor medical problem took me to the Hospital Alemán-Nicaragàºense in Nicaragua's capital, Managua. While I was being treated, I asked the doctor, a kindly older man, if the hospital had been built in association with a German missionary organisation, given its name (in Spanish, alemán means 'German'). | No, he said: this hospital used to be called the Carlos Marx Hospital, and it was built in c…

Watson Institute for International, Public Affairs (2023-03-17). Blood and Treasure: United States Budgetary Costs and Human Costs of 20 Years of War in Iraq and Syria, 2003-2023. globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2023-03-17). Biden green-lights bipartisan attack on Washington DC criminal code revision. wsws.org In an attempt to appear "tough on crime" and bolster flagging Republican support for the ongoing war in Ukraine against Russia, President Biden said he would sign the Republican resolution over the objections of the Democratic Party-dominated D.C. City Council.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Immunocompromised mother in Manhattan speaks to Global Workers' Inquest into the COVID-19 Pandemic. wsws.org Melanie, whose children attend public schools in New York City, spoke to the WSWS about the toll the "let it rip" policy toward the pandemic has taken on her and her family.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Striking hospital workers across Germany call for all-out action against cuts in real wages and excessive workloads. wsws.org Outrage over disastrous working conditions and cuts in real wages in the public sector is boiling over, but Verdi is trying every means at its disposal to prevent an all-out strike.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Clashes erupt across France as Macron imposes pension cuts without parliamentary vote. wsws.org An objectively revolutionary situation is emerging across Europe, as the class struggle erupts amid a bloody NATO-Russia war in Ukraine.

WSWS (2023-03-17). US maternal mortality rate soars: An example of capitalist barbarism. wsws.org The richest country in the world has the worst showing for maternal mortality among all major industrialized nations.

WSWS (2023-03-17). 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed in war with Russia. wsws.org The US and NATO powers are determined to fight to the last Ukrainian, as reports emerge of devastating losses in the course of one year of the war.

WSWS (2023-03-17). As casualties mount in Ukraine war, US presses for major new offensive. wsws.org The US and NATO powers are determined to fight to the last Ukrainian, as reports emerge of devastating losses in the course of one year of the war.

WSWS (2023-03-17). The Grammys, the Super Bowl and the crisis in popular music. wsws.org An artistic medium with its share of creativity and insight into daily life has all too often become a stew of ugliness, bombast, money-worship and backwardness.

WSWS (2023-03-17). More than half a million Sri Lankan workers participated in Wednesday's national strike. wsws.org Striking workers have voiced their anger with the Wickremesinghe government and the unions, insisting on the necessity for a unified working-class struggle to fight the escalating social attacks.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Striking teachers and junior doctors in the UK speak on their struggle. wsws.org World Socialist Web Site reporters spoke to striking workers in different sectors this week in Britain. Among them were junior doctors employed by the National Health Service and teachers.

WSWS (2023-03-17). UK National Health Service workers must organise to defeat the Tory-union sellout deal! wsws.org The union bureaucracy has decades of experience in pushing through sellouts with intimidation and lies. Health workers must organise to fight back with their own plan of action.

WSWS (2023-03-17). UK postal workers continue to speak out against punishing workloads and CWU collusion with Royal Mail. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site has continued to receive correspondence from postal workers around the country speaking out against the crushing increase in workloads facilitated by the collusion of the Communication Workers Union with Royal Mail.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Wisconsin man pleads guilty to state charges in plot to kidnap governor of Michigan. wsws.org Brian Higgins pleaded guilty on Wednesday, setting the stage for the upcoming jury trial of the last four defendants accused of plotting to kidnap the governor of Michigan prior to the 2020 presidential elections.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Oppose University of Washington's censorship of Code Pink's Medea Benjamin! wsws.org The cancellation of the event with Medea Benjamin is an attempt to suppress antiwar sentiments among workers and young people and constitutes an attack on the democratic rights of the entire working class.

WSWS (2023-03-17). US federal judge hears anti-abortion zealots' arguments for nationwide ban on abortion pill. wsws.org Federal Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk attempted to keep the hearing from becoming public knowledge out of concern about the eruption of protests over the last attack on abortion rights.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Australian SEP candidate blocked from speaking to flood victims. wsws.org A Socialist Equality Party election candidate was prevented from holding discussions with flood victims in a government "pods" accommodation village, a clear violation of basic democratic rights, both of the SEP and the residents themselves.

WSWS (2023-03-17). 1.7 million Maharashtra state government employees on indefinite strike in defence of pension rights. wsws.org The strike by well over a million Indian government workers is part of a growing wave of class struggles in India and across the world.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Wall Street banks organise a bailout operation as financial crisis deepens. wsws.org Yesterday saw a major intervention by the largest US banks to deposit a total of $30 billion with the First Republic Bank, which has come under considerable pressure in the wake of the demise of the Silicon Valley Bank.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Teachers strike across New Zealand over crisis in schools. wsws.org Striking teachers booed the Labour government's Education Minister Jan Tinetti, who is pushing for a deal that significantly cuts real wages.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Police assault protests across France against anti-democratic attack on pensions. wsws.org French police violently repressed spontaneous protests against the president's use of the anti-democratic Article 49.3 to pass his widely-hated pension reform on Thursday.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Former Australian prime minister says AUKUS submarine deal about ensuring US hegemony in Asia. wsws.org Keating made the basic point that the US and its allies are preparing for an aggressive war against China to ensure American imperialist hegemony.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Zelensky government steps up persecution of Russian-affiliated Orthodox Church amid mounting military losses. wsws.org The move against the Russian-affiliated church is a clear attempt to ramp up religious and ethnic conflicts in the war-torn country, as the death toll from the conflict is reaching staggering levels.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Workers Struggles: Asia and Australia. wsws.org India: One million West Bengal government workers demand higher dearness allowance; Offshore helicopter engineers strike in Western Australia; 1,700 Australian Broadcasting Corporation staff to strike this week for higher pay.

WSWS (2023-03-17). Michigan hospital worker with Long COVID speaks about the destruction of health care in the US. wsws.org A health care worker in Michigan spoke to the WSWS about his own health and the impact of Long COVID on his ability to work and the way the condition is being dismissed by the health care industry.

Brianna Griffith (2023-03-16). Texas man sues ex-wife's friends for helping her to obtain an abortion. liberationnews.org Under Texas' extreme and layered anti-abortion laws, domestic abusers, anti-abortion activists and even complete strangers have a full legal arsenal at their disposal to attack abortion rights.

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-16). El presupuesto de Biden: licencia familiar pagada para todos, aumento de impuestos para los ricos. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—Los planos presupuestarios son documentos políticos, como dijo Joe Biden hace varios años. Así que emitió su documento político de 1,7 billones de dólares el 9 de marzo, que incluía licencias familiares pagadas para todos y aumentos de impuestos para los ricos. Entonces Biden desafió a los republicanos gobernantes de la Cámara a responder. El …

Erica Meade (2023-03-16). Resistance mounts to Atlanta's Cop City, but is the city government listening? peoplesworld.org In the southeast corner of the city of Atlanta, one of Dekalb County's majority Black neighborhoods is cradled by a peaceful forest. While the piece of land is officially titled South River Forest, a new name has emerged through struggle: Weelaunee Forest. The explanation can be found in the history of the land. Weelaunee was …

Taylor Sisk (2023-03-16). Black lung is back: Disease's deadliest form sees ten-fold increase among Appalachian miners. peoplesworld.org McROBERTS, Ky.—Like most coal miners' loved ones, Liz Williams has endured many days and nights of worry. Throughout the four decades her husband, Michael, worked in underground Appalachian mines, Liz was aware of the risks: collapse, explosions, asphyxiation. But black lung—a chronic condition caused by breathing in coal dust—wasn't on her mind. That's because the …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-16). Michigan makes history, first state to repeal Right-to-Work (for less) in 60 years. peoplesworld.org LANSING, Mich.—Michigan's pro-worker Democratic sweep last November swept out the Wolverine State's corporate Republican-passed right-to-work (for less) laws in March. Democratic legislative leaders, who took "trifecta" power in the election, made RTW repeal their #1 priority and won it 56-53 in the state House and 20-17 in the Senate on party-line votes. Then lawmakers, also …

Lydia Bates (2023-03-16). Centering community healing on second anniversary of Atlanta spa shootings. splcenter.org

_____ (2023-03-16). EU Efforts to Reduce Russian Ruble to Rubble Have Made a Baerbock-ean 360 Degrees Twist. strategic-culture.org The Collective West on their steep downward civilization trend are doing their best to get their nanny state-addicted, complacent populations slowly used to the new age of a dysfunctional society. | EU (and the USA) have repeatedly tried bulldozing anti-Russia sanctions in the past year but all the attempts at reducing the Russian ruble to rubble have made a Baerbockean 360 degrees twist and turn with Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping not even raising an eyebrow. | Those who run the EU either overtly or behind the diplomatic curtains seem to have had one more indecent intention to score yet another more or less meani…

_____ (2023-03-16). It's Good To Be Mean To War Propagandists. strategic-culture.org By Caitlin JOHNSTONE | We are not above criticism but these attacks go too far", tearfully rending his garments over criticisms his paper's three-part war-with-China propaganda series "Red Alert" has received from former Prime Minister Paul Keating and from

_____ (2023-03-16). If Companies Were Countries, How Would They Compare? strategic-culture.org This infographic shows nominal GDPs of the top countries and market capitalization of comparable corporations. As you see, some companies are worth more than many G20 countries. | (Click on the image to enlarge)…

_____ (2023-03-16). Is the DPRK still a sponsor of terrorism? Well… journal-neo.org On February 27, 2023, the US State Department released a report in which the US left North Korea on the 2021 list of countries sponsoring terrorism. The other two were Iran and Syria. As noted in the report, North Korea has repeatedly supported acts of international terrorism. In particular, Pyongyang harbors four members of the […] | –°–æ–æ–±—â–µ–Ω–∏–µ

_____ (2023-03-16). US Meddling in Thai Elections: Seeking to Create an Anti-China Proxy. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-16). Why is the White House urgently changing US ambassadors to Central Asia? journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-03-16). Daniel Ellsberg Is Calling On All Of Us To Work To Avert Nuclear War. popularresistance.org The legendary Daniel Ellsberg has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. In a March 1 email to friends, Dan wrote, "I'm sorry to report to you that my doctors have given me three to six months to live … it might be more, or less." He will turn 92 on April 7. | Dan displayed uncommon courage in 1971 when he publicized the 7,000-page top-secret Pentagon Papers while working at the Rand Corporation. As a consultant to the Department of Defense, Dan drafted Defense Secretary Robert McNamara's plans for nuclear war. | In his book, Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers, Dan wrote that the Pentagon Pape…

_____ (2023-03-16). Environmentalists, Indigenous Groups Blast Approval Of Willow Oil Project. popularresistance.org Indigenous people and environmental groups on Monday swiftly slammed the Biden administration's approval of the controversial Willow oil drilling project along Alaska's North Slope. They say the ConocoPhillips plan—which would be the largest oil development on federal land in US history—conflicts with the president's promise that no new oil and gas drilling would happen on public lands under his leadership and that the move keeps the country tethered to toxic fossil fuels at a time when scientists say the nation needs to be moving away from carbon pollution.

_____ (2023-03-16). Operation Lone Star Has Cost Texans Nearly $4.5 Billion. popularresistance.org Gov. Greg Abbott's misguided Operation Lone Star is costing Texans $2.5 million a week‚Äâ—‚Äâthat's about $4.5 billion since it began in March 2021. The money being misspent on Operation Lone Star could instead be going to more urgent needs for Texans‚Äâ—‚Äâan updated power grid, infrastructure in rural communities, and it could even be invested in improving the lives of those in custody of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ). | Operation Lone Star was ostensibly created to deter migration through arresting, jailing and pr…

_____ (2023-03-16). Pakistan's Coup Regime Tries To Arrest Imran Khan. popularresistance.org If 2022 was the year of popular uprisings in Pakistan, raising hope for protesters fed up with a thoroughly corrupt and repressive civil-military regime, 2023 seems to be the year when the government is trying every dirty trick in the book to kill that hope. | After a US-backed regime-change operation removed elected Prime Minister Imran Khan from power in April 2022, Pakistan witnessed an unprecedented phenomenon in the nation's history: For the first time, a civilian politician who was ousted from power didn't simply end up in the dustbin of history, alongside interchangeable corrupt politicians who for decades…

_____ (2023-03-16). San Francisco Considers $5 Million Reparations Payouts. popularresistance.org San Francisco, California – These were some of the more than 100 recommendations made by a city-appointed reparations committee tasked with the thorny question of how to atone for centuries of slavery and systemic racism. And the San Francisco Board of Supervisors hearing the report for the first time Tuesday voiced enthusiastic support for the ideas listed, with some saying money should not stop the city from doing the right thing. | Several supervisors said they were surprised to hear pushback from politically liberal San Franciscans apparently unaware that the legacy of slavery and racist policies continues to…

_____ (2023-03-16). SNAP Benefits For African Mothers Are Gone While Ukraine Eats Good. popularresistance.org As the country ushers in commemorations for 'International Women's Month', 42 million households have been hit with a significant reduction in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits impacting the ability of millions of mothers to feed their children. In December 2022, Congress voted to end the pandemic emergency allotments after passing the government funding package the previous year. After nearly three years, the program that temporarily increased federal SNAP benefits for low-income families came to an end on March 1st.

_____ (2023-03-16). Sodexo Workers Authorize Strike At Nine NYC And NJ Locations. popularresistance.org Five hundred food service workers in the New York Metropolitan area authorized strikes on Thursday, March 9, for livable wages and against subcontracting. The workers, who are represented by New York City's largest food service union, UNITE HERE Local 100, are employed by food service and facilities management behemoth Sodexo in nine cafeterias in New York and New Jersey. | Strike authorizations at each of the Sodexo shops were announced at a rally outside the Bloomberg L.P. headquarters in Manhattan. The contracts of most of the Sodexo employees, who are cashiers, cooks, and other service workers in the swanky c…

Adriaan Alsema (2023-03-16). Central Colombia mining disaster kills 21, rescue attempts ended. colombiareports.com Rescue workers ended rescue efforts in central Colombia after recovering the bodies of 21 miners who were killed in underground explosions. Two miners were rescued alive on Wednesday in an…

Ahmed Dremly (2023-03-16). Hollywood Beach, the photo studio Israel keeps bombing. electronicintifada.net Three times, Israel has bombed Muhammad Hajjaj's photography studio. Three times he has rebuilt.

Alan MacLeod, Mintpress News. (2023-03-16). From Georgetown To Langley. popularresistance.org If you have ever wondered, "where do America's spies come from?" the answer is quite possibly the Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS) at Georgetown University. It is only a modestly-seized institution, yet the school provides the backbone for the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, State Department, and other organs of the national security state. | From overthrowing foreign governments and conducting worldwide psychological operations to overseeing drug and gun smuggling and a global torture network, the CIA is perhaps the world's most controversial and dangerous organization.

Alan MacLeod (2023-03-16). From Georgetown to Langley: The controversial connection between a prestigious university and the CIA. mronline.org If you have ever wondered, "where do America's spies come from?" the answer is quite possibly the Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS) at Georgetown University.

Alex Binder, Unicorn Riot. (2023-03-16). Manuel 'Tortuguita' Terán's Independent Autopsy Report Released. popularresistance.org The family of Manuel 'Tortuguita' Esteban Paez Terán held a press conference Monday morning outside the Historic DeKalb Courthouse to release the full autopsy of Tortuguita and to discuss the lawsuit the family filed this week against the City of Atlanta under the Georgia Open Records Act. Tortuguita was shot and killed by Georgia State Patrol on January 18 in the South River Forest as they were dedicating their time to the diverse 'Stop Cop City' movement. | The autopsy conducted of Tortuguita at the request of their family by Dr. Kris Sperry has found that when Tortuguita was shot and killed, their hands were r…

Ali Abunimah (2023-03-16). Egged on by Israel, France bans Salah Hammouri from speaking. electronicintifada.net Rights groups condemn government harassment aimed at stopping human rights lawyer from speaking out.

Allen Forrest (2023-03-16). Tuning in to the Monopoly Media. dissidentvoice.org

Amy Goodman (2023-03-16). Blinken Visits Niger as Biden Moves to Counter China and Russia in Africa. truthout.org Secretary of State Antony Blinken is visiting Niger and Ethiopia as part of the Biden administration's growing competition with China and Russia for influence across Africa. Niger has become a critical U.S. ally in the Sahel region, and the U.S. opened a new drone base in the city of Agadez in 2019. The U.S. has about 800 military personnel in Niger, and Blinken's trip marks the first visit… |

Anand Naidoo (2023-03-16). The Heat: U.S. Banking Crisis. america.cgtn.com Financial markets are reeling from the aftermath of two U.S. banks collapsing. Is this a sign of a larger economic crisis? In less than a week, Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank folded, sending shockwaves through international markets. Sparked by a social media frenzy, customers …

Andrew Korybko (2023-03-16). Lula Is Lying: The NATO-Russian Proxy War Isn't Being Fought "Over Small Things" globalresearch.ca

Ann Brown (2023-03-16). Idris Elba: Don't Call Me A Black Actor, Don't Put Me in Box. moguldom.com Hollywood star Idris Elba sparked a major debate last month when he said he no longer describes himself as a "Black actor." The British actor, whose fans rallied for him to be the next "James Bond," said in an interview with Esquire UK, "Of course, I'm a member of the Black community. You say a prominent …

Ann Brown (2023-03-16). Reverend Dr. Amos Brown Sets Record Straight: I Support Direct Cash Payment Reparations But Number Needs to Be Realistic. moguldom.com Many reparations activists are up in arms about a recent letter posted by Amos Brown, the president of the San Francisco branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The statement, for some, seems to indicate that Brown is against the proposed cash reparations plan in San Francisco, which would hand …

Ann Brown (2023-03-16). The $10 Trillion Dollar Man, Larry Fink: Expect Slow Rolling Crisis to Hit America, More Bank Seizures and Shutdowns Possible. moguldom.com BlackRock's Larry Fink is warning of the U.S. experiencing a "slow-rolling crisis" as Fed's inflation fight roars on. Fink, known as the $10 trillion man, recently made this prediction in a letter to investors. Given his financial successes, Fink might be on to something with this prediction. "Larry Fink is managing more money ($10 Trillion+) …

Annelise Whitley (2023-03-16). Don't Try to Find a Home in Washington, D.C. tomdispatch.com In 1937, the American folklorist Alan Lomax invited Louisiana folksinger Huddie Ledbetter (better known as Lead Belly) to record some of his songs for the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Lead Belly and his wife Martha searched in vain for a place to spend a few nights nearby. But they were Black and no hotel would give them shelter, nor would any Black landlord let them in, because they were accompanied by Lomax, who was white. A white friend of Lomax's finally agreed to put them up, although his landlord screamed abuse at him and threatened to call the police. In response to this encounter with D.C.'s Ji…

Anonymous Contributor (2023-03-16). Art Campaign for the Freedom of Manuel Gómez Vázquez. itsgoingdown.org Call for artwork in solidarity with Indigenous Zapatista political prisoner Manuel Gómez Vázquez To all the compañerxs who are artists, painters, graphic designers, and others who express their hearts through the visual arts: We want to extend this invitation to an art campaign demanding freedom for our compañero Manuel Gómez Vázquez. Manuel is a member…

Anonymous Contributor (2023-03-16). Report from NYC Rally in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito. itsgoingdown.org Action report on solidarity demonstration with anarchist political prisoner, Alfredo Cospito. For more information on the case, see here. Anarchist comrades rallied in support of Italian political prisoner, Alfredo Cospito, outside of the Italian embassy in New York City. From their report: Solidarity demo with Alfredo Cospito in so-called NYC, we made Alfredo's voice heard…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-16). Downing US Drones Saves Thousands Of Lives. southfront.org Illustrative Image. Photo made in Donetsk after Ukrainian killed civiliansOnly a few days before the downing, Kiev regime forces conducted numerous attacks on civilian settlements in the Donbass. Apart from the regular indiscriminate shelling, the Neo-Nazi junta is using US-made PGMs (precision-guided munitions) to attack the people of Donbass, with NATO drones providing the targeting data. | Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst | As we all know now, on March 14, a United States Air…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-16). Military Situation In Bakhmut On March 16, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-16). Military Situation In Donbass On March 16, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | The Russian Army secured the town of Krasnohorivka in the north of Avdiivka; | Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Bakhmut and its outskirts; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Ugledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Mariinka; | Up to 235 Ukrainian servicemen, 4 pickups and 2 armored vehicles were destroyed by Russian artillery on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the Russi…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-16). Military Situation In Iraq On March 16, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-16). Military Situation In Syria On March 16, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-16). Rumors Swirl Over Which Biden Family Member Got Cut Of $3M CCP-Linked Wire. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Originally published by Washington DC is abuzz with speculation over which Biden family member got a cut of a $3 million wire transfer to Hunter Biden associate John "Rob" Walker, just weeks after Joe Biden was no longer Vice President in 2017. | According to House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) who last week said that evidence of CCP m…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-16). Strikes In Germany: Is There An Alternative To The Strike? southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Written by Emma Brown exclusively for SouthFront | The willingness to resist is growing, as shown by the recent airport strikes in Germany. Warning strikes, protest actions and even indefinite strikes are becoming more frequent. Earlier in February, the strikes at seven German airports affected almost 300,000 passengers and forced airlines to cancel more than 2,300 flights. In addition, around 8,000 Deutsche Post employees went on strike again in 10 cities, including Berlin, Munic…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-16). Sunak Grants £5 Billion Boost To The Military Despite Growing Issues Of Poverty And Inflation. southfront.org Illustrative ImageBritain's updated defence and foreign policy prioritises confrontation with Russia and China. | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | Britain's updated defence and foreign policy strategy envisages an additional £5 billion for armaments and is a demonstration that London's priority is confrontation with Russia and China. Although UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak promised this considerable appropriation for the military over two years, it is unlikely to…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-16). The Transformative Present Moment in History. southfront.org Illustrative Image: US Capitol. (John Sonderman/Flickr cc 2.0) | Written by The present moment in world history is the transformation to replace the era that has extended from 1945 till now (2023), during which America is and has been intentionally growing its empire with the ultimate aim being to replace the U.N. as the authoritative source for establishing and validating international laws, and s…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-16). Elite Undercover Israeli Force Kills Four Palestinians In New Jenin Raid (18+ Videos). southfront.org Screengrab, via Twitter. | On March 16, four Palestinians, including a teenager, were killed by undercover Israeli officers during a raid in the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. | The Israel Defense Forces, Shin Bet security service and police said in a joint statement that members of the elite Yamam counter-terrorism unit "neutralized" two wanted Palestinian gunmen inside Jenin after receiving intelligence about their whereabouts. | The gunmen were identified as Yusuf…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-16). Israeli Defense Minister Vows Perpetrators of Megiddo Junction Bombing 'Will Regret It'. southfront.org Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is seen with IDF Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi (right) during a briefing at the 91st territorial division base, at the Biranit camp on the Lebanon border, March 16, 2023. (Elad Malka/Israeli Defense Ministry) | On March 16, Israeli Defense Minister Defense Minister Yoav Gallant issued a warning to "whoever is responsible" for the recent northern Israeli highway bombing without mentioning the prime suspect, Lebanon's Hezbollah. | The bombing too…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-16). New Russian Anti-Drone System Passes Tests. southfront.org Serp-VS5 anti-drone system. © ruselectronics.ru | The new Serp-VS5 [Russian for Sickle] anti-drone system has passed tests and is ready for supplies, Andrey Sorokin, deputy CEO for Business Development at the Vektor Research Institute told The Vektor Research Institute is a part of the Ruselectronics Group, a subsidiary of the Russian state-owned tech corporation Rostec"All the tests are over. The system is ready for supplies…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-16). Poland Will Send MiG-29 Fighter Jets To Ukraine In Coming Days: Duda. southfront.org POZNAN, Poland — A Polish air force MiG-29 taxis in with parachute in tow after finishing a mission here. (U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. John E. Lasky) | Poland will send four of its MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine in the coming days, Polish President Andrzej Duda announced during a press conference after a meeting with his Czech counterpart Petr Pavel in Warsaw on March 16. "This is about MiG-29s, which are still an active aircraft in the air defense of our country. We ar…

Anonymous765 (2023-03-16). NATO Still Looking For Tanks For Ukraine. southfront.org |

Aqib Sattar (2023-03-16). China's Breakthrough in the MIddle East. globalresearch.ca

Aseel Mousa (2023-03-16). Undocumented in Gaza struggle without Israeli-issued IDs. electronicintifada.net Without official IDs, Palestinians in Gaza find their lives restricted.

Ashley Curtin (2023-03-16). Governments of California and Japan announce new collaboration to clean up pollution at seaports. nationofchange.org The U.S.-Japan Competitiveness and Resilience Partnership will make "common and concrete efforts to decarbonize operations."

Ben Norton (2023-03-16). Taiwan separatists lose key ally, Honduras recognizes China just 12 small countries remain. geopoliticaleconomy.com Honduras' leftist President Xiomara Castro announced her government will recognize China. Now only 12 UN member states have formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan separatists. They have a combined population of less than 39 million, or 0.49% of the planet.

Ben Radford (2023-03-16). Climate activist Violet Coco's jail sentence overturned. greenleft.org.au Climate activist Violet Coco has been released, after a successful appeal of her 15-month jail sentence for blocking one lane of traffic for about 30 minutes on the Sydney Harbour Bridge last April. Ben Radford reports.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-16). Trashing Asylum: The UK's Illegal Migration Bill. dissidentvoice.org He was standing before a lectern at Downing Street. The words on the support looked eerily similar to those used by the politicians of another country. According to UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Stop the Boats was the way to go. It harked back to the same approach used by Australia's Tony Abbott, who won …

Brett Wilkins (2023-03-16). Opponents Slam Government Approval of $31 Billion Railroad Merger. truthout.org federal regulators on Wednesday approved the first major railroad merger in more than two decades, a move that follows the East Palestine rail disaster and that critics warned would reduce competition, raise prices, cost jobs, and threaten safety. The Surface Transportation Board (STB) approved Canadian Pacific Railway Limited's proposed $31 billion acquisition of Kansas City Southern Railway… |

Brittani Banks (2023-03-16). Global News Dispatches: 4 Stories. independentmediainstitute.org Headlines in This News Package: Questions Grow About Tunisian Government Response to Yet Another Migrant Boat Tragedy South African Trade Unionists Demand Freedom for U.S. Political Prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal Swaziland's Anti-monarchy Activists Face Increasing Repression Ahead of Elections Former Peruvian President Pedro Castillo is Sentenced for Three More Years in Prison [NEWS ITEM TEXT] …

Brittani Banks (2023-03-16). Why China's Actions Toward Ukraine and Russia Could Shape the Course of Future Geopolitics. independentmediainstitute.org Days before the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2023, U.S. officials claimed that China was considering providing Russia with lethal weaponry to support its military campaign. China denied the accusations, and on the anniversary of the invasion instead put forth its 12-point peace plan to end the conflict. These …

Camilo Rengifo Marín (2023-03-16). EE.UU. presiona para que Colombia mantenga el fracasado plan antidrogas de Washington. globalizacion.ca En otro acto tendiente a la desestabilización del gobierno progresista de Colombia, el jefe de la diplomacia estadounidense para América Latina y el Caribe, Brian Nichols, consideró "muy difícil" que el plan antidroga del presidente Gustavo Petro tenga éxito si…

Candice Bernd (2023-03-16). Atlanta was a Constitution-free zone during "Stop Cop City" week of action. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in Southeast Dekalb County, Georgia—Belkis Terán raised her arms wide to welcome the rain now pounding hard over the newly thatched pavilion in the parking lot of the "Weelaunee People's Park," a space once known to residents of Atlanta and Southeast DeKalb County as Intrenchment Creek Par…

Center for Biological Diversity (2023-03-16). Nevada Bill Would Let State Wildlife Agency Conserve Monarchs, Other Pollinators. indybay.org RENO, Nev., March 13, 2023 — Nevada's Assembly Natural Resources Committee will consider a bill today that would give the state's Department of Wildlife authority to manage pollinators and other insects that need conservation.

Chris Walker (2023-03-16). DeSantis Aims to Revoke Liquor License for Hotel That Hosted Drag Show Last Year. truthout.org In Gov. Ron DeSantis's (R) latest action targeting LGBTQ people in Florida, his administration has filed a complaint with a popular hotel in Miami, alleging that the establishment hosted an unlawful drag show. The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation filed its complaint on Tuesday against Hyatt Regency Miami, seeking to have the hotel's liquor license revoked over a holiday… |

Chris Walker (2023-03-16). Judge in Abortion Medication Case Appears Sympathetic to Calls for Ban. truthout.org On Wednesday, a federal judge in the case on the widely used abortion medication mifepristone indicated to courtroom observers that he was sympathetic to arguments for banning the drug, which is used in more than half of abortions nationwide. A coalition of anti-abortion groups called the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine is seeking to have mifepristone deemed illegal for use on the grounds that… |

Chris Walker (2023-03-16). Report: "Dysfunction" in Congress Can Be Remedied by Proportional Representation. truthout.org A new report from a nonprofit organization dedicated to making Congress more representative of the American people suggests that the lack of competition in congressional races can be remedied through a different electoral system — proportional representation. "At the heart of the dysfunction in Congress is America's redistricting process and the fundamentally broken way we elect representatives,"… |

Cristina Escobar (2023-03-16). Puerto Rican Director Kris Mercado Premieres First Feature Film, 'If You Were the Last,' at SXSW (INTERVIEW). latinorebels.com Puerto Rican director Kristian Mercado calls his sci-fi rom-com 'If You Were the Last,' which premiered at this year's South by Southwest festival in Austin, a rare opportunity for a Latino filmmaker "to do things that are really outside the box."

Dan Bacher (2023-03-16). Nearly 200 oil drilling permits approved in CA since Jan. 1, bringing total to over 13,900. indybay.org "CalGEM issuing hundreds of permits to negligent oil companies so they can continue drilling in our communities just months after they released an emergency rule to block neighborhood drilling is exactly why we don't trust them," said Cesar Aguirre, organizer with Central California Environmental Justice Network. "This is exactly the free-for-all that California's oil industry wanted when they bought their way onto the ballot and forced the stay of SB 1137."

Dan Bacher (2023-03-16). State Water Board Reverses Emergency Order As Feds Cancel Salmon Season Openers. indybay.org Fish advocates note that because of the poor management of Sacramento and Klamath rivers by the state and federal governments during the recent drought, fall-run Chinook, spring-run Chinook and Sacramento River winter-run Chinook populations have collapsed, prompting the closure of ocean and river salmon fisheries this year.

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-16). Bipartisan Group of Senators Pushing for US to Give Ukraine F-16s. news.antiwar.com A bipartisan group of senators sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin urging that the US should take a "hard look" at sending F-16 fighter jets to Kyiv. "After speaking with US, Ukrainian, and foreign leaders working to support Ukraine at the Munich Security Conference last month, we believe the US needs to …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-16). Japan, South Korea Work to Rebuild Military Ties, With US Backing. news.antiwar.com South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol met with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Japan on Thursday as Tokyo and Seoul seek to thaw relations, an initiative backed by the US as it seeks to rally its allies in the region against China. According to Nikkei Asia, the two leaders agreed to bolster cooperation against North Korea …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-16). Poland to Be First NATO Member to Provide Ukraine With Fighter Jets. news.antiwar.com Poland will become the first NATO member to supply Ukraine with fighter jets as Polish President Andrzej Duda said Thursday that his country plans to give Kyiv four Soviet-made MiG-29 fighter jets in the coming days. "In the coming days, we are handing over four aircraft to Ukraine in full working order," Duda said at …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-16). Report: Arab Nations Look to Make Deal on Syria Reconstruction, Normalization. news.antiwar.com The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that Arab countries are offering a deal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that would restore ties between Damascus and most countries in the region. The report, which cited unnamed Arab and European officials, said in talks initially led by Jordan, the Arab nations have proposed billions worth in aid …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-16). US Officials Think Ukraine's Ammunition Use Is Unsustainable. news.antiwar.com Ukraine is firing thousands of artillery shells each day in its battle to defend the Donbas city of Bakhmut, a pace that US and European officials don't think is sustainable, The New York Times reported Thursday. Two unnamed US officials told the Times that the Pentagon has raised the issue of Ukraine's ammunition use in …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-16). US Releases Video of Drone Encounter With Russian Fighters. news.antiwar.com The Pentagon on Thursday released a video that it said showed the encounter a US MQ-9 Reaper drone had with two Russian fighters before being downed over the Black Sea. The video appears to show a Russian Su-27 flying near the drone and dumping fuel as it passed. The video shows what is either the …

David J. Harris (2023-03-16). Will Harvard's New President Act to Confront the University's Legacy of Slavery? truthout.org Standin' at the crossroad, I tried to flag a ride Didn't nobody seem to know me, everybody pass me by — Cross Road Blues (Take 2), Robert Johnson Harvard University is recognized as one of the world's leading academic institutions and alma mater to renowned figures in virtually every aspect of American life. Founded in 1636, the school's official website proudly declares itself "the oldest… |

Derrick Broze (2023-03-16). US Government Releases Censored Documents Detailing Fluoride's Impact on Childhood IQ. thelastamericanvagabond.com The U.S. government has been forced to release a controversial draft review that confirms previous studies which found exposure to fluoride at high levels can reduce IQ in children. The U.S. National Toxicology Program has released a long-delayed controversial review of the science behind claims that fluoride reduces IQ in children. The NTP review from

Douglas Kolberg (2023-03-16). Saturday 4/22: Earth Day San Francisco. indybay.org San Francisco County Fair Bldg. 1199 9th Avenue, San Francisco, CA, 94122…

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Tech firms' role in innovation push underlined. ecns.cn China's drive to achieve greater self-reliance and bolster its strength in science and technology is expected to safeguard industrial and supply chains and foster new growth drivers, according to national legislators, political advisers and experts.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Experts pin bigger green hope on CCUS. ecns.cn CCUS technology will play an essential role in helping achieve the national dual carbon targets.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). High-end ships transforming maritime biz. ecns.cn Shanghai-based shipbuilders have been accelerating the development of specialized areas and setting ambitious targets for 2023.Those moves are expected to help the nation's shipbuilding industry as it becomes a world powerhouse in the field through high-quality development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Large cruise vessel building seen as milestone. ecns.cn China has built enormous cargo vessels among other types of oceangoing ships. But if there were one area in which it had not yet made its mark, it would be large cruise ships. That is about to change.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). China's manufacturers embrace transition to green, smart construction equipment. ecns.cn Chinese manufacturers of construction equipment are ready to embrace a greener and more intelligent future, presenting electric versions of multiple vehicles and the application of smart technologies at North America's largest construction trade show opened here on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Outbound Chinese travel picks up speed. ecns.cn Outbound Chinese travel is recovering rapidly, with 40 more countries added to the list of foreign destinations, including Nepal, Vietnam, Iran, France, Spain, Italy, Greece and Brazil.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Online consumers' rights better protected. ecns.cn Consumers have been given stronger protection in cyberspace, thanks to judicial efforts made by courts over the past five years.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Yasukuni Shrine on book cover no trivial matter. ecns.cn Dalian University of Technology Press issued a statement on Tuesday acknowledging its mistake while selecting the cover of a tourism book on Japan. They said the book will be recalled and the editor held responsible.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Institutional reform set to advance rural vitalization. ecns.cn The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has taken on more duties in the latest State Council institutional reform, including overseeing strategic agricultural research and earmarking funds to finance the country's rural vitalization drive.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). U.S., Russia trade blows over drone downing near Crimea. ecns.cn Russia and the United States on Wednesday offered different accounts of the downing of a U.S. intelligence drone in the Black Sea, as the incident added to tensions between Moscow and Washington over the Ukraine crisis.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Xi: Diversity key to modernization. ecns.cn Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, proposed the Global Civilization Initiative on Wednesday, calling for respect for the diversity of civilizations.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). A-share bull run likely to continue. ecns.cn Recently released macroeconomic data showing more signs of economic recovery have also helped boost market confidence..

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Cross-border e-commerce injects stronger impetus into foreign trade. ecns.cn Cross-border e-commerce has played an increasingly important role in stabilizing China's foreign trade and provided a new way for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurs to expand their footprint in overseas markets, experts said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). 7.0-magnitude quake hits Kermadec Islands, New Zealand: CENC. ecns.cn A 7.0-magnitude earthquake jolted the Kermadec Islands of New Zealand at 8: 56 a.m. Thursday (Beijing Time), according to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC).

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Chinese envoy blasts U.S. for its handling of Security Council draft resolution on S. Sudan. ecns.cn China's envoy to the United Nations called the United States irresponsible and ignorant for its handling of a Security Council draft resolution on South Sudan.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). China targets mobile apps to protect personal information: white paper. ecns.cn Chinese authorities have inspected 3.22 million mobile applications since 2019 to protect personal information, issuing notices of criticism to or removing about 3,000 applications that violated laws and regulations.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). China's cyber legislation framework basically formed: white paper. ecns.cn China has formed a cyber legislation framework with the Constitution as the foundation, supported by laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules, local regulations and local administrative rules, said a white paper published Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). China's Long March-11 rocket conducts 16 consecutive successful launches. ecns.cn China's Long March-11 carrier rocket has successfully carried out 16 consecutive launches as of Wednesday, according to the developer.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). China issues white paper on law-based cyberspace governance in new era. ecns.cn China's State Council Information Office on Thursday released a white paper titled "China's Law-Based Cyberspace Governance in the New Era."

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). China actively explores new models of cyber justice: white paper. ecns.cn China has been actively exploring new channels, domains and models for further integrating internet technology with judicial activities, according to a white paper published Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Two dead in shooting at hotel near U.S. Portland International Airport. ecns.cn Two people were killed on Wednesday in a shooting at a hotel in Portland in the U.S. state of Oregon, police said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). China takes gold in women's team sprint at UCI Track Nations Cup. ecns.cn China bagged the women's team sprint gold medal on Wednesday at the 2023 International Cycling Union (UCI) Track Nations Cup in Cairo.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Chinese astronomers discover nearest, lightest neutron star candidate. ecns.cn A group of Chinese astronomers identified a peculiar neutron star candidate in a binary system, 385 light years away from the Earth, which could be the nearest and lightest neutron star ever known if confirmed.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Beijing launches first direct China-Europe freight train service. ecns.cn A cargo train loaded with 55 containers left Beijing Thursday morning for the Russian capital Moscow, marking the launch of the first direct China-Europe freight train service from the Chinese capital.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). China ready to continue efforts toward resolving Yemeni issue: envoy. ecns.cn China stands ready to continue its unwavering efforts toward resolving the Yemeni issue, hoping the Saudi-Iranian agreement to resume ties can help mitigate the situation in Yemen, a Chinese envoy said on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). S. Korea to withdraw WTO complaint against Japan's export curbs. ecns.cn South Korea's trade ministry said Thursday that it will withdraw its complaint at the World Trade Organization (WTO) against Japan's export curbs which Tokyo has agreed to lift.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Hainan gives financial support to talents worldwide. ecns.cn South China's Hainan Province has decided to give financial support to outstanding young talents engaged in applied basic research, engineering technology R&D, scientific research achievements transformation and entrepreneurship, without nationality restrictions.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Chinese mainland resumes entry of chilled largehead hairtail, frozen horse mackerel from Taiwan. ecns.cn The Chinese mainland resumes the entry of chilled largehead hairtail and frozen horse mackerel from the Taiwan region starting from Wednesday, said a mainland spokesperson.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Beijing launches its first China-Europe freight train, connecting the two capitals. ecns.cn Beijing has become one of the latest localities in China to adopt the China-Europe freight train platform on Thursday, as localities vie to participate in the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Russia seeks to retrieve remains of U.S. drone from Black Sea. ecns.cn Russia will try to retrieve the wreckage of a U.S. surveillance drone that crashed into the Black Sea on Tuesday, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev said Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). China, Iran, Russia hold joint naval drills in Gulf of Oman, safeguarding maritime security. ecns.cn The navies of China, Iran and Russia are holding a joint maritime exercise starting Wednesday in a move to enhance cooperation as well as to safeguard maritime security and regional peace.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Putin alleges U.S. behind 'terrorist attack' on Nord Stream pipelines. ecns.cn Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday said the theory that Ukrainian activists were involved in the Nord Stream pipelines blast last year is "complete nonsense," alleging the United States is behind what he called a "terrorist attack."

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Chinese FM meets with HKSAR chief executive in Beijing. ecns.cn Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang met with Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) John Lee in Beijing to exchange views on the diplomatic work related to Hong Kong on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). State Councilor meets with HKSAR chief executive. ecns.cn State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs Qin Gang on Thursday met with John Lee, chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), in Beijing to exchange their views on diplomatic work related to the HKSAR.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). New blood biomarkers identify early Alzheimer's disease. ecns.cn Researchers at Shanghai-based Huashan Hospital of Fudan University have identified a new blood biomarker that may help doctors diagnose Alzheimer's disease (AD) in its early stage.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). China plans to allow home nursery services in latest move to encourage childbirth. ecns.cn China's top health authority has announced plans to allow for the establishment of childcare facilities in private homes. This move is aimed at encouraging childbirth, particularly as the country recorded negative population growth for the first time last year.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Peach flowers bloom at Summer Palace. ecns.cn Peach blossoms are in full bloom beside the Seventeen-Arch Bridge at the Summer Palace, Beijing, March 15, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). China launches Shiyan-19 satellite. ecns.cn A Long March-11 carrier rocket carrying the Shiyan-19 satellite blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, March 15, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Visitors flock to Wuhan University to admire cherry blossoms. ecns.cn Visitors flock to Wuhan University to enjoy the cherry blossoms in central China's Hubei Province, March 15, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). NASA unveils moon mission spacesuits. ecns.cn NASA selected Axiom Space to design the spacesuits that its moon walking astronauts will wear when they step onto the lunar surface later this decade.

ecns.cn (2023-03-16). Wild animals spotted in Qinghai. ecns.cn Tianjun County has monitored an increasing population of wild animals in the area in recent years, as the local government has stepped up protection efforts.

Editor (2023-03-16). International Women's Alliance uplifts militant grassroots struggles in first U.S.-based conference. mronline.org Hundreds of mostly women gathered at Catholic University's Maloney Hall during the first weekend of March to convene the first U.S.-based conference of a worldwide grassroots women's network called the International Women's Alliance, as well as help strengthen its fledgling U.S. chapter.

Editor (2023-03-16). Russia denies downing U.S. Reaper, Pentagon declines disclosing if armed. mronline.org The U.S. summons the Russian ambassador to Washington to protest the crash of a U.S. MQ-9 drone into the Black Sea.

Editor (2023-03-16). The U.S. blockade and its effects on Cuban medicine. mronline.org The Cuban socialist healthcare system is internationally recognized as one of the best in the world.

Ediz Tiyansan (2023-03-16). Construction trade show takes place in Las Vegas. america.cgtn.com CONEXPO, North America's largest construction trade show takes place in Las Vegas this week, brings together some of the top construction firms and industry leaders from around the world.

Edward Curtin (2023-03-16). Graeme MacQueen: The Indispensable 9/11 Writer's Latest Book. dissidentvoice.org This free eBook — The Pentagon's B-Movie: Looking Closely at the September 2001 Attacks (rat haus reality press, 15 March 2023) — by Graeme MacQueen contains a collection of his articles and essays on the attacks of September 11, 2001, the subsequent anthrax attacks, and analyses of other false flag operations. They are profoundly important and …

Edward Curtin (2023-03-16). The Pentagon's B-Movie. Looking Closely at the September 2001 Attacks. globalresearch.ca

Emir Sader (2023-03-16). La era del capital improductivo. globalizacion.ca Con ese título, Ladislau Dowbor, uno de los mejores analistas económicos contemporáneos de Brasil, publicó un libro que es una referencia indispensable para entender el país en su era neoliberal. (Editora Outras Palavras/Autonomia Literaria) "La nueva arquitectura del poder: dominación…

Eye Zen Presents, Latinx Mafia (2023-03-16). Friday 3/24: FabLab Playshop – Per Sia and Francis. indybay.org ACT Studios | 30 Grant Ave | SF, CA…

Felicity Arbuthnot (2023-03-16). The War on Iraq : Five US Presidents, Five British Prime Ministers, More than Thirty Years of Duplicity, and Counting…. globalresearch.ca Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. He had walked into possibly the biggest trap in modern history…

Fight Back (2023-03-16). Caracas struggles for food sovereignty against the U.S. blockade. fightbacknews.org Caracas, Venezuela – On March 4 a member of the Minnesota Anti-War Committee visited the Feria Conuquera Agroecológico (Agroecological Small Farmer's Market) in Caracas' Caobos Park and interviewed activist and biologist Giselle Perdomo. Perdomo, who organizes the farmer's market, detailed how U.S. sanctions have impacted both the struggle for food sovereignty and her own family. | The market is run by Chavistas but is not itself a government program. It works to bring farmers from in and around Caracas to sell in the city. Under the weight of U.S. sanctions, food is very difficult to import into the country…

Fight Back (2023-03-16). March 16 National General Strike in Greece. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the influential Greek labor organization, the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME). | Thursday 16 March, ALL ON STRIKE!
| All at the strike rallies of the unions across the country!
| In Athens 11: 30am at the Propylaea! | OUR LIVES ARE NOT A COST — OUR LIVES HAVE VALUE! | We demand the life we deserve, a life with modern rights based on our time, a better future for us and our children. | Two weeks have passed since the crime in Tempe, Larissa and the country is shaking with anger and daily struggle. The strike on March 8 that shook ev…

Fight Back (2023-03-16). Orlando LGBTQ community rallies against anti-trans legislation. fightbacknews.org Orlando, FL – On Saturday, March 11, multiple organizations rallied together in support of LGBTQ rights outside the Orlando City Hall. The event responded to the growing attacks that LGBTQ people face every day and the recent anti-trans legislation moving through the Florida legislature. The rally was attended by around 250 people. | This rally and its speakers singled out specific bills. This includes Florida Senate Bill 254, which allows the state to take away children seeking gender-affirming care and to ban health care providers from giving gender-affirming care to minors. It also includes Florida House Bill…

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-03-16). Sunday 3/26: Women, Life, Freedom–Learning from the Revolutionary Tenacity of Iranian Women. indybay.org New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk St. (at Ellis), San Francisco or via zoom at bit.ly/RevTenacityIranianWomen…

Friends of 36 MLK (2023-03-16). 36 MLK Village Being Evicted By Sanjay and Guarav Khanna [Oakland]. indybay.org All the details on the Khanna parasites:…

G. Dunkel (2023-03-16). France on strike as millions of workers walk out, block streets. workers.org A contingent from a student union during a February protest in Paris. Some 3.5 million workers in 270 locations in France demonstrated March 7, called out by the coalition of trade unions leading the struggle. This was the largest of seven actions since Jan. 19, as millions of French workers . . . |

Gerardo Villagrán del Corral (2023-03-16). México, drogas y seguridad: La desestabilización de la DEA. globalizacion.ca El presidente mexicano Andrés Manuel López Obrador aseveró que la Administración de Control de Drogas (DEA) del gobierno de Estados Unidos debe una explicación a México por su actuación y colaboración con Genaro García Luna, titular de Seguridad Pública en…

Global Research News (2023-03-16). Selected Articles: Financial Failure in America: The Cover-up Begins. globalresearch.ca By The disinformation service, Bloomberg, takes the lead. Bloomberg points its finger at Donald Trump and "Trump era deregulation." In Bloomberg's rewriting of history, Trump …

greensocialthought (2023-03-16). Meeting the urgent need for revolutionary political renewal. greensocialthought.org Multipolarity is an essential strategic perspective, undermining hegemonic ambitions.

Greg Guma (2023-03-16). False Narrative: How the Vermont Trial of an Alleged "Terrorist" Revealed the Danger of Guilt by Association, and the Way Disinformation Creates a False Narrative. globalresearch.ca

Hirofumi Yanagase (2023-03-16). Video: Japan Is Waking Up to the Facts. The COVID-19 Injections Are Causing Harm. globalresearch.ca

Igor Derysh (2023-03-16). Report Reveals Tape of Trump Pressuring Georgia Official to Overturn Election. truthout.org A Fulton County grand jury heard a previously unreported recording of former President Donald Trump pressuring a top Georgia Republican to help overturn his election loss in the state, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The special grand jury investigated Trump's efforts to overturn his election in the state after District Attorney Fani Willis launched a probe into the former president'… |

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-03-16). Censorship, Left/Right Alliances and the Confusion of the Western Left. anchor.fm In this episode we begin by discussing some of the international news stories of the week, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran committing to a path towards re-establishing diplomatic ties through the negotiations held in Beijing with the help of China; the 10 year anniversary of the passing of Hugo Chavez, who took on the mantle of leading the Bolivarian Revolution along with his people; the recent US-Cuba Normalization conference held at Fordham University March 10-11; the upcoming Call to Action on March 15+16 to call the White House incessantly to demand Cuba be removed from the State Sponsor of Terrorism List; the…

infobrics (2023-03-16). SA to Work with BRICS Countries to Advance African Agenda. infobrics.org Through its chairship, South Africa will work with its BRICS partners to advance the African agenda for growth, development and integration and to advocate for the needs and concerns of the Global South…

infobrics (2023-03-16). How Is India Viewed in China?>. infobrics.org Chinese views of India are very complicated — but generally based on a sense of superiority and self-confidence…

infobrics (2023-03-16). Yuan's Share in Russia's Import Settlements Jumped to 23% in 2022. infobrics.org The share of China's yuan in Russia's import settlements in 2022 jumped to 23% from 4%, Russia's central bank said, also noting a rise in the yuan's share in exchange trading in February…

infobrics (2023-03-16). Canada's Foreign Minister proposes regime change operation in Russia. infobrics.org Russian authorities want clarification from the Ministry on whether this is the guidelines given to Canadian diplomats in Moscow.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-16). Brazil: Life Inside an MST Landless Workers' Settlement. libya360.wordpress.com Michael Fox 'Out there they call us riff raff. But we are really organized. And we are able to build much more than people out there believe.' For nearly 40 years, Brazil's Landless Workers' Movement (MST) has been fighting the concentration of landownership among the country's elite through the direct occupation and settlement of fallow…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-16). Enver León: "The Majority of Peruvians Want a Change in the Constitution" libya360.wordpress.com Zoe Alexandra Banner from December 23, 2022 in Lima, Peru reads "No more deaths, Dina resign, the people demand it!". Photo: Zoe Alexandra The Peruvian people have remained in the streets three months since Pedro Castillo was overthrown in a coup d'état The coup d'état against Peruvian President Pedro Castillo on December 7, sparked a…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-16). In Haiti, the Failed Political Class Has Had its Day. libya360.wordpress.com Berthony Dupont The failures of the political class are lamentable. The traditional political parties have proved once again not only their complete disarray, but also their enormous responsibility in the bankruptcy of the country. Therefore, they cannot offer any solution. It is a total fiasco on all the line; an unparalleled bankruptcy at all political…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-16). Xi Proposes Global Civilization Initiative. libya360.wordpress.com Global Times Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese president, attends the CPC in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-Level Meeting via video link and delivers a keynote address in Beijing, capital of China, March 15, 2023.(Photo: Xinhua) Just two days after the closing of the annual…

Isabela Escalona (2023-03-16). High injury rates push Minnesota's Amazon workers to organize for safety. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in In January 2021, Khali Jama says she began working her second job at Amazon's MSP1 fulfillment center in Shakopee, Minn., an outer suburb south of Minneapolis. As a single mother of two, she says she's always had two jobs. While working as a mental health professional and as a nurse, it was important for Jama to find something that could accommodate her schedule, she explai…

Isheka N. Harrison (2023-03-16). 10 Facts About Top Actor Jonathan Majors. moguldom.com Jonathan Majors has a fitting name because the multi-faceted actor has become a 'major' deal in Hollywood as one of the industry's most sought-after leading men and a fan favorite. Though it may seem like the stars aligned, Majors' ascension to the A-List wasn't by luck or happenstance. Since his onscreen six years ago, Majors …

Jemima Pierre, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-16). Farewell, Senior Brother: In Memory Of Kevin Alexander Gray. popularresistance.org I met Kevin Alexander Gray the only way I could have: through his writing. It was 2008. It was election year, the U.S. presidential race was in full swing, and Barack Obama was all the rage. On June 15th, soon after the first-term Illinois Senator had just secured enough delegates to clinch the Democratic Party nomination to run for president, Obama delivered his infamous "Father's Day Speech." In this speech, as the New York Times put it, Obama "Sharply Assail[ed] Absent Black Fathers." He did more than that: Obama conjured up some of the most invidious, insidious, and racist stereotypes about Black people in th…

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-03-16). Secret COINTELPRO plot to infiltrate and destroy the American Indian Movement: "We wanted them to kill each other"—FBI agent admits after 5 decades of silence. mronline.org February 27 through May 8 marks the 50th anniversary of the occupation by the American Indian Movement (AIM) of Wounded Knee on the Oglala Lakota Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota, the site of the last great massacre of the Indian Wars in December, 1890.

Jessica Buxbaum (2023-03-16). Title VI Complaint Filed Against George Washington University Over "Hostile Environment of Anti-Palestinian Racism" mintpressnews.com Discrimination against Palestinians at George Washington University is an institutional problem deeply rooted in the administration and powerful entities that support it.

John Leake (2023-03-16). New York Gov. Hochul Wants Her Quarantine Camps. globalresearch.ca

John Pilger (2023-03-16). John Pilger: The betrayers of Julian Assange. greenleft.org.au The campaign to free Julian Assange is about our most precious human right: to be free, writes John Pilger.

John Rachel (2023-03-16). January 6 gave revolution a bad name. nationofchange.org Even John F. Kennedy recognized that when confronted with extreme abuse of power, we are left with no alternative.

John W. Whitehead (2023-03-16). Geofence Surveillance: First, They Spied on Protesters. Then Churches. You're Next. globalresearch.ca

Juan Cole (2023-03-16). Israeli President cautions against Complacency and Warns of Real Possibility of Civil War. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — All of a sudden, civil war is on the minds of prominent Israeli politicians, who warn that if the current impasse between the government of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and the Israeli people is not resolved, it could come to that. Last Sunday an estimated half a million demonstrators came …

Judy Greenspan (2023-03-16). Youth lead protest supporting Palestinian resistance. workers.org Palestinian youth and their supporters demonstrate in front of the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco. Photo credit: Savannah Kuang It felt like the very bricks of the building housing the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco shook with the anger and ferocity of Palestinian youth who blocked traffic, chanting in support . . . |

Junaid S. Ahmad (2023-03-16). Pakistan's Coup Regime Tries to Arrest Imran Khan — But Faces Massive Popular Resistance. globalresearch.ca

Keith McHenry (2023-03-16). Forcing the Homeless of Santa Cruz into the Harsh Torrents of the Atmospheric River. indybay.org

Kevin Gosztola (2023-03-16). March To Iraq War, 20 Years Later: March 16, 2003. thedissenter.org The Dissenter Newsletter recalls each day in the timeline of events that led up to the US invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, twenty years ago…

krish-rad_ind (2023-03-16). 'Our Jobs Are Killing Us': Firefighters Are Facing A Cancer Epidemic. popularresistance.org

krish-rad_ind (2023-03-16). Underpaid And Insulted, Maximus Call Center Workers Organize. popularresistance.org

Larry Johnson (2023-03-16). Can We Stop Playing Make Believe? Where are the Adults When It Comes to Ukraine? sonar21.com There are still a number of unanswered questions about the incident that downed the MQ9 Predator off the coast of Crimea on Tuesday. Let us start with the facts: So…

Latino Rebels (2023-03-16). Migrant Child Labor Exposed. latinorebels.com Following a series of reports on migrant children being exploited in the meatpacking industry, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Rose Godinez, legal and policy counsel for the Nebraska chapter of the ACLU and the child of meatpacking workers herself, to break down an industry rife with exploitation and retaliation under unsafe conditions.

Lee Camp (2023-03-16). The United States Is Literally Sucking the Blood of the Poor. mintpressnews.com Are you aware that the United States is now exporting more blood than corn or soybeans? Learn about the shocking truth behind the booming business of blood collection and how it's sucking the life out of the poor.

Long time listener supporter (2023-03-16). See video of Rescue Pacifica press conference at KPFA. indybay.org KPFA/KPFK/Pacifica Issues. – The seizure of KPFA funds was abetted by KPFA "Protectors".et al. | 2 – The sale of KPFK's building, was set up without input from listeners and staff, | 3 – In the absence of .new elections,the vote to have the current occupants keep their places,even if termed out, is illegal..

Lucas Leiroz de Almeida (2023-03-16). Canada's Foreign Minister Proposes "Regime Change" in Russia. globalresearch.ca

M.K. Bhadrakumar (2023-03-16). Sabotage of Nord Stream won't go unpunished. peoplesdispatch.org Next Monday, an uneasy anniversary arrives. It will be 20 years since the invasion of Iraq by the United States. Britain was a pillar of the US-led 'coalition of the willing.' The The Iraq War caused endless violence and huge levels o…

Marcel de Graaff MEP (2023-03-16). The COVID Scam and the Lockdown Files: "Biggest Scandal of the Century?" Does It Qualify as a Crime Against Humanity? globalresearch.ca

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-16). Biden budget blueprint features paid family leave for all, tax hikes on rich. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—Budget blueprints are political documents, as Joe Biden said several years ago. So he issued his $1.7 trillion political document on March 9, featuring paid family leave for all and tax hikes on the rich. Then Biden dared the House's ruling Republicans to respond. Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., hasn't yet. But in bits and pieces, …

Mary Merkenich (2023-03-16). Opposition grows to Victoria's anti-protest laws. greenleft.org.au Environment, union and left groups are pushing back against anti-protest laws that target environmentalists. Mary Merkenich reports.

Maureen Clare Murphy (2023-03-16). Israeli death squad kills four in Jenin. electronicintifada.net Video shows undercover forces shooting man's head at close range.

Maximillian Alvarez, The Real News Network. (2023-03-16). Farmworkers In Florida Are Marching Against Slave Conditions. popularresistance.org In December of 2016, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), based out of Immokalee, Florida, received a phone call from two men who had just escaped captivity near the town of Pahokee by hiding in the trunk of a car. The two men were migrant farmworkers, working on H-2A visas, who had been harvesting watermelons for Bladimir Moreno, owner of the farm labor contracting business Los Villatoros Harvesting LLC—a business that, in reality, was little more than a modern-day slave camp. "They told of being held against their will on a labor camp surrounded by barbed wire," the CIW notes, "working and living und…

Michael Hudson, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-03-16). Why The US Bank Crisis Is Not Over. popularresistance.org President Biden has done everything that he could to confuse the public as to what is happening. His March 13 speech assured voters that the SVB "rescue" was not a bailout. But of course it was a bailout. | Uninsured SVB depositors who did not qualify for safety from losing a penny were rescued without losing a penny. | What Biden implied, correctly, was that it was not a taxpayer bailout. But then what was it? | It was a demonstration of how powerful Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is. The banking assets sufficient to "make depositors whole" was simply created by the banking authorities.

Mickey Z. (2023-03-16). Never Trust a Member of the Parasite Class‚Ñ¢. dissidentvoice.org One of my favorite New Testament stories can be found in John 2: 13-16: When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the Temple courts, he found men selling cattle, sheep, and doves and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords and …

Middle East Monitor (2023-03-16). Over half of Syria Population is going Hungry, says the World Food Programme. juancole.com ( Middle East Monitor ) — Over half of Syria's population is going hungry as the war-torn and divided country continues to deal with the ongoing 12-year-long civil war and recent earthquakes, the World Food Programme (WFP) has announced. The FAO explains, "A person is food insecure when they lack regular access to enough safe …

Miles Hamberg (2023-03-16). Strike at The New School Spawned a Radical Coalition That's Still Going Strong. truthout.org Though the 25-day labor strike of part-time faculty at The New School, a private university in New York City, ended three months ago, the university administration's hardball approach has not been forgotten. A student-led coalition that emerged in solidarity with the striking adjunct faculty is still going strong. And with the school's graduate students set to begin their own contract negotiations… |

Monica Moorehead (2023-03-16). March 25 in Bronx, New York: Commemorate Women's History Month in the streets. workers.org Paying homage to Women's History Month, the International Working Women's Day Coalition is organizing a day of outdoor speak-outs and a march, followed by an indoor discussion on Saturday, March 25, starting at 2 p.m. in the Bronx, New York. The first speak-out will be held in front of the . . . |

Mumia Abu-Jamal (2023-03-16). La paga de la desregulación. workers.org Un tren corre por el aire fresco invernal una noche, sus ruedas girando sobre rieles de hierro hasta que pequeñas chispas estallan en llamas, provocando un descarrilamiento. Y en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, un pueblo en el oeste de Ohio se vuelve la más reciente escena de un . . . |

Niko Leka (2023-03-16). Join the movement to shut down the world's biggest coal port. greenleft.org.au The Rising Tide climate camp, from April 14-17, will launch the campaign to shut down the world's biggest coal port by 2030. Niko Leka reports.

noreply (2023-03-16). Assad's Visit To Moscow… smoothiex12.blogspot.com is not a routine event. In some sense it is extraordinary since Assad went "full Monty", asked for "more cowbell", went out of his way by… insisting that if Russia has military bases in Syria it is only natural to have there all latest toys, especially hypersonic missiles. He

Norman Solomon (2023-03-16). The urbanity of evil: 20 years after the invasion of Iraq. nationofchange.org What propelled the United States to start the war on Iraq in March 2003 were dynamics of media and politics that are still very much with us today.

Nyla Samee, Khury Petersen-Smith (2023-03-16). We Need to Broaden Our Conversation About Guns. otherwords.org There is a familiar pattern after the mass shootings that have become a well-known feature of American life. | The initial shock and grief gives way to demands for greater regulation of gun ownership by Democrats, while Republicans dismiss such measures and blame mental illness instead. But if we actually want to do something about it, we need to have new conversations. | We often talk about where and how weapons are purchased — but rarely where and how they are manufactured. These realities challenge the conventional way we talk about guns in terms of a "culture war" between red and blue states. | For exam…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-16). Colombian Government and ELN Guerrillas Agree to Ceasefire. orinocotribune.com The Colombian government and the National Liberation Army (ELN) reached a bilateral ceasefire agreement on Friday, signed at the end of the second cycle of peace talks in Mexico. | "The bilateral ceasefire and the cessation of hostilities in order to create the conditions for overcoming the armed conflict" is one of the points of the agreement, which also includes the recognition by the government of the political status of the ELN as an "armed rebel organization." | Among the points is the construction of a political and social alliance that will lead to a national agreement, as well as the recognition of the…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-16). Honduras To Resume Diplomatic Ties With China. orinocotribune.com

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-16). US, EU Do Not Condemn Israeli Crimes: Imran Khan to Al Mayadeen. orinocotribune.com In an exclusive interview for Al Mayadeen, Imran Khan touches on the situation in Pakistan, his assassination attempt, Western interference, and several other files. | Al Mayadeen Media Network conducted an interview with the former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan as part of Zeinab Al Saffar's The Proximate Aspect program. | The interview comes a few days after the Islamabad police in Lahore showed up at the former premier's residence in Lahore and

PACBI (2023-03-16). Palestinians Urge Dan David Prize Recipients To Help Dismantle Israeli Apartheid by Rejecting Complicit Award. bdsmovement.net

Paige Bennett (2023-03-16). Floating solar panels could power thousands of cities entirely, new study finds. nationofchange.org Floating solar panels could theoretically provide enough energy to meet electricity demands of 6,256 cities in 124 countries.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-16). French government bypasses parliamentary vote and passes unpopular pension reform. peoplesdispatch.org On March 16, the French government invoked the emergency provision Article 49.3 of the Constitution in the parliament and passed a controversial pension reform, bypassing the parliamentary vote. The decision announced by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne to avoid voting on the pension reforms envisaged in the 'law of amending financing of Social Security for 2023', provoked ire from progressive legislators of the New Ecological and Social People's Union (NUPES) coalition as well as large sections of civil society. Spontaneous protests have already broken out across the country condemning the forced approval of the b…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-16). Junta forces kill at least 28 individuals in a monastery in Myanmar. peoplesdispatch.org The situation in Myanmar continues to be volatile after junta forces allegedly killed 28 individuals at a monastery in southern Shan State on March 11. | "They (the military) made them line up in front of the monastery and brutally shot them all, including the monks," the According to the Karenni Nationalities Defence Forces, regime reinforcements entered Nan Nein village in P…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-16). Thousands of workers observe nationwide strike against increased taxation in Sri Lanka. peoplesdispatch.org Over 40 trade unions have announced a nationwide strike against the new income tax policy that has doubled taxation and increased the cost of living in Sri Lanka…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-16). Xiomara Castro ditches Cold War legacy, Honduras to establish relations with China. peoplesdispatch.org Honduras was one of the 13 remaining nations that recognized the Republic of China in Taiwan. The switch marks further reinforcement of the One-China consensus…

Peter Certo (2023-03-16). In OtherWords: March 16, 2023. otherwords.org The Iraq War was turns 20 years old on March 19. | This week in OtherWords, I write about March marks another 20th anniversary that's no less significant. Two decades ago this month, the Department of Homeland Security opened its doors and…

Peter Koenig (2023-03-16). Warning! Silicon Valley Bank Collapse — A Prelude of Much Worse to Come? Derivatives: "Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction". globalresearch.ca

Philip Marcelo (2023-03-16). A 'woke' bank failure? Conservatives blame women, Blacks, and gays for SVB collapse. peoplesworld.org AP—As Wall Street reels from the swift demise of Silicon Valley Bank—the biggest American bank failure since the 2008 financial meltdown—some social media users and conservative journalists are honing in on a single culprit: its socially aware, or "woke," agenda. But the Santa Clara-based institution's professed commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI, wasn't a driver of the bank's …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-16). Global Financial Meltdown: Sweeping Deregulation of the US Banking System. globalresearch.ca The financial sector reforms of the late 1999s had set the stage for the current financial crisis…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-16). The Engineered Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq. "America's Third War against Iraq" initiated by Obama. globalresearch.ca The objective is to engineer a civil war in Iraq, in which both sides are controlled indirectly by US-NATO. The scenario is to arm and equip them, on both sides, finance them with advanced weapons systems and then "let them fight".

Prof. Anthony J. Hall (2023-03-16). Financial Meltdown and the Bailouts: The Role of Speculative Trade. Wall Street Criminality on Display. globalresearch.ca Of relevance to the recent bank crisis. Firer published on August 26, 2020 | The Role of Bailouts and Speculative trade | The elimination of the Glass-Steagall Act in November 1999 was essential to the process of dramatically cutting back the government's …

Prof. John Ryan (2023-03-16). The Deplorable State of Affairs in Canada's Federal New Democratic Party (NDP). globalresearch.ca

Rachel Evans (2023-03-16). World Pride, rainbow washing and tolerance. greenleft.org.au Broadly speaking, World Pride showcased how accepted the LGBTIQ community really is. However, rights still need to be legislated, argues Rachel Evans.

Rainer Sonnberg & Byorn Blach (2023-03-16). The sacred cow and The propaganda machine. indybay.org These campaigns by politics and the media, which prescribe an extremely narrow framework of what can be said, narrow freedom of expression to the Western narrative. Other opinions are not just open to being shot down. Those who dare to express them are grabbed by their livelihoods.

Ramzy Baroud (2023-03-16). Israel's Supreme Court is No Friend of the Palestinian People. dissidentvoice.org As hundreds of thousands, throughout Israel, joined anti-government protests, questions began to arise regarding how this movement would affect, or possibly merge, into the wider struggle against the Israeli military occupation and apartheid in Palestine. Pro-Palestine media outlets shared, with obvious excitement, news about statements made by Hollywood celebrities, the likes of Mark Ruffalo, about …

Ramzy Baroud (2023-03-16). Israel Protests Should Not Be Confused With the Palestinian Struggle for Equality. mintpressnews.com Ramzy Baroud sheds light on the ongoing protests in Israel and their limited impact on the country's inherently racist institutions and ongoing military occupation and apartheid in Palestine.

rebekah (2023-03-16). Biden's Budget Would Level the Playing Field and Reduce the Deficit. inequality.org How can we measure what our leaders value? One way is to look at their budgets. On March 9, President Biden rolled out a budget proposal that he'll ask Congress to consider. Presidential budget proposals seldom pass in the form they're presented, but they offer clues about what the White House is willing to fight for. By …

Ricardo Vaz (2023-03-16). Venezuela Looks to Russian, Mideast Partners to Jumpstart Stagnant Oil Output. venezuelanalysis.com The sanctions-hit industry has been further hurt by restrictive licenses and unreliable intermediaries.

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-16). Pan-Turkic path from Central Asia to EU: Trans-Caspian International East-West Corridor. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Azeri Press AgencyMarch 15, 2023 Action plan along Middle corridor was adopted Today multilateral meeting on project of simplifying transit customs procedures through the "Single window" principle along the Trans-Caspian International East-West Corridor has been held…. The heads and representatives of the customs services of Azerbaijan, Türkiye, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Georgia, the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-16). Pentagon chief praises ties with fellow NATO powerhouse Turkey. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Anadolu AgencyMarch 15, 2023 US strives to strengthen relations with Türkiye: Austin U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin highlighted Washington's intention to strengthen relations with Türkiye. "We intend to do everything possible to keep it that way," Austin told reporters in response to a question about Ankara's request to purchase F-16 fighter jets and modernization kits …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-16). Turkmenistan to assist turning Caspian over to "big Turkic family" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com As for Turkmenistan being neutral, it was dragged into NATO's Partnership for Peace in 1994, but has never been a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. ==== Anadolu AgencyMarch 15, 2023 'Turkmenistan aims to share prosperity with Turkic family' Turkmenistan aims to share its wealth with the "Turkic family," the chairman of the country's …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-16). America's special advisor to Ukraine's commander-in-chief. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com UkrinformMarch 16, 2023 Zaluzhnyi's special advisor Dan Rice believes China not to join Russia's aggression Daniel Rice, a special advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Valeriy Zaluzhnyi of Ukraine, believes that China will not supply Russia with weapons because Bejing has seen every mistake made by Vladimir Putin. The official spoke with journalists …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-16). EU/European Parliament behind Ukrainian-backed coup in Georgia: parliamentary chair. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The MessengerMarch 16, 2023 Chairman of Parliament of Georgia Shalva Papuashvili Accuses MEPs of Attempting to 'Separate' Georgians and Their Government The Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia, Shalva Papauashvili, told reporters that some European politicians are using 'Russian propaganda tools' [fighting fire with fire] towards Georgia to separate Georgian people and the government elected …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-16). EU, NATO complete all-encompassing military-civilian merger. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMarch 16, 2023 NATO and European Union launch task force on resilience of critical infrastructure Senior officials from NATO and the European Union met on Thursday (16 March 2023) to launch a new NATO-EU Task Force on Resilience of Critical Infrastructure. Cooperation to strengthen critical infrastructure has become even more important in light of the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-16). Expanding pan-Turkic empire to control energy flow to Europe: Erdoƒüan. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com After U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken earlier this month traveled to Central Asia to meet with the leaders of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to "reduce their reliance on Russia."Are we to suppose these events and developments don't occur in tandem? And that the Kremlin's resident Turkologist, Dmitry Peskov, is not aware of …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-16). Germany delivers new military assistance tranche to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com UkrinformMarch 16, 2023 Germany delivers another defense aid package to Ukraine The new batch includes 155mm artillery rounds, MLRS munitions, handguns, generators, tents, and other items. *** In the latest package, Germany delivered 5,000 artillery rounds (155mm), bringing a total to 23,500, and an unnamed amount of 155mm high-precision projectiles. Munitions for MARS II multiple …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-16). NATO chief joins U.S. defense, military counterparts in -nation Ukraine war council. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMarch 15, 2023 NATO Secretary General takes part in virtual Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg participated in a virtual meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group on Wednesday (15 March 2023), chaired by U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-16). NATO chief joins U.S. defense, military counterparts in 50-nation Ukraine war council. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMarch 15, 2023 NATO Secretary General takes part in virtual Ukraine Defense Contact Group meeting NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg participated in a virtual meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group on Wednesday (15 March 2023), chaired by U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-16). Turkey: Crimea belongs to Ukraine and then to us. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Hàºrriyet Daily NewsMarch 16, 2023 Türkiye does not recognize Russian annexation of Crimea: Ministry The Turkish Foreign Ministry reiterated once again on March 16 Türkiye's position that Ankara does not recognize the "illegal annexation" of Crimea by Russia. "The Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which is affiliated to Ukraine, was annexed by the Russian Federation nine …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-16). Turkey: Crimea belongs to Ukraine — and then to us. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Hàºrriyet Daily NewsMarch 16, 2023 Türkiye does not recognize Russian annexation of Crimea: Ministry The Turkish Foreign Ministry reiterated once again on March 16 Türkiye's position that Ankara does not recognize the "illegal annexation" of Crimea by Russia. "The Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which is affiliated to Ukraine, was annexed by the Russian Federation nine …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-16). U.S., S. Korean warplanes to replace Polish fighter jets sent to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Deutsche WelleMarch 16, 2023 Poland to transfer MiG-29 jets to Ukraine within days Polish President Andrzej Duda said the nation is set to hand over Soviet-made MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine in coming days. "In the coming days we will first transfer, if I remember correctly, four fully operational planes to Ukraine," Duda told a …

Robert Skvarla (2023-03-16). The U.S. is spending millions on 'Havana Syndrome' research but it's not clear if it exists. geopoliticaleconomy.com U.S. government agencies have spent more than $2 million researching Havana Syndrome, but medical experts and internal reports suggest it is psychological, not physical. Similar investigations into the "Moscow signal" during the Cold War found nothing.

Roger McKenzie (2023-03-16). Garbage piles up in Paris streets as Macron prepares to trash workers' retirement. peoplesworld.org France was brought to a standstill again Wednesday as the country saw its eighth day of strikes against controversial plans by the government of President Emmanuel Macron to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. Opinion polls show that the legislation is opposed by around two-thirds of the French people, including a staggering 74% …

Sarah Varney (2023-03-16). Abortion Bans Could Exacerbate the US's Already High Rate of Preterm Births. truthout.org Tamara Etienne's second pregnancy was freighted with risk and worry from its earliest days — exacerbated by a first pregnancy that had ended in miscarriage. A third-grade teacher at an overcrowded Miami-Dade County public school, she spent harried days on her feet. Financial worries weighed heavy, even with health insurance and some paid time off through her job. And as a Black woman… |

Scott Ritter (2023-03-16). The Nord Stream-Andromeda Cover Up. Scott Ritter. globalresearch.ca

Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein (2023-03-16). Soplan vientos nuevos desde China. globalizacion.ca El pasado 7 de octubre, durante una conferencia de prensa celebrada en el marco de la primera sesión de la XIV Asamblea Popular Nacional (APN) en Beijing el recientemente designado Canciller de China Qin Gang afirmó que: | ´Si Estados Unidos…

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-16). Axios Fires Reporter for Calling DeSantis Press Release "Propaganda" in Email. truthout.org News outlet Axios fired a reporter in Tampa, Florida, this week after he called a press release from the Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) administration "propaganda" in an email that DeSantis officials posted online to smear the reporter. In a reply to a press release about a DeSantis event called "Exposing the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Scam in Higher Education" from the Florida Department of Education… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-16). Biden Announces Support for Senate's Iraq War Authorization Repeal. truthout.org In a statement on Thursday, the White House threw its weight behind an ongoing effort in the Senate to repeal the 1991 and 2002 Iraq war authorizations over ten years after the U.S. supposedly officially ended combat operations under the already heavily criticized resolutions. The Statement of Administration Policy, a stronger form of a statement that emphasizes a presidential administration's… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-16). Poll: Democrats Sympathize With Palestine Over Israel For the First Time. truthout.org For the first time in Gallup's history of polling on Israel's violent occupation of Palestine, Democrats now sympathize more with Palestine than they do with Israel, new polling finds. In a poll released Thursday, Gallup found that Palestinians now hold an 11-point lead in Democrats' sympathies over Israelis, with 49 percent of respondents sympathizing with Palestine and 38 percent with Israel. |

Shawgi Tell (2023-03-16). North Carolina Strives To Extend and Increase Low-Performing Virtual Charter Schools. dissidentvoice.org Brick-and-mortar charter schools are notorious for being low-performing schools, even though they often cherry-pick their students to get the "best test results." Poor academic performance is one of the three main reasons charter schools, which are privately-operated, close every week, leaving many parents, students, and teachers high and dry. Mismanagement and financial malfeasance are the …

Shenali D Waduge (2023-03-16). OXFAM Criticizes IMF Loans. IMF Creates Poverty & Inequality in Developing Nations. globalresearch.ca

SLATE (2023-03-16). The Incredible Tantrum Venture Capitalists Threw Over Silicon Valley Bank. slate.com The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank late last week may have resulted from a perfect storm of ugly events.

Staff (2023-03-16). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: Clásico Mundial de Béisbol (II). mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu Glorias del béisbol y periodistas deportivos analizarán este jueves en la Mesa Redonda las posibilidades de Cuba en el Clásico Mundial tras su clasificación a las semifinales. Cubavisión, Cubavisión Internacional y Canal Caribe, transmitirán en vivo este programa a las 7: 00 pm.

Staff (2023-03-16). Chapeando: Se calentó La Peña del Titán con el #TeamAsere (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu No hay modo de separar el patriotismo cubano de lo que está sucediendo con el equipo Cuba en el Clásico Mundial, el #TeamAsere, pero hay que esperar el domingo con emoción serena. El odio no podrá contra el amor, ni en Miami. Porque, incluso allí, hay más cubanos dignos que indignos.

Staff (2023-03-16). El TeamAsere ha sido un bálsamo para el alma. cubadebate.cu Dentro de unos días, el TeamAsere será tildado de héroe o decepción, dependiendo únicamente de sus resultados. Por eso, para no verme víctima del resultadismo, para que los números no empañen el juicio, creo que es hoy el momento de escribir estas líneas. En estos días no se habla de las colas, no se habla del transporte, no se habla de apagones; se habla de pelota.

Staff (2023-03-16). Mirtha Lilia Pedro Capo: "Me gusta ponerme en la piel de otros personajes y divertir a las personas (+ Fotos y Podcast). cubadebate.cu Mirtha Lilia Pedro Capo no necesita un rol protagónico para acaparar la atención del espectador en cada producto audiovisual en el que participa. Su fórmula parte de la cubanía, y en no pocas de sus interpretaciones las dotes histriónicas de la actriz coquetean con el humor. Esa fórmula la ha repetido con éxito en Destino Prohibido y la carismática Iluminada o Reyna, la servicial, en el Rostro de los días.

Staff (2023-03-16). Mirtha Lilia Pedro Capó: "Me gusta ponerme en la piel de otros personajes y divertir a las personas (+ Fotos y Podcast). cubadebate.cu Mirtha Lilia Pedro Capo no necesita un rol protagónico para acaparar la atención del espectador en cada producto audiovisual en el que participa. Su fórmula parte de la cubanía, y en no pocas de sus interpretaciones las dotes histriónicas de la actriz coquetean con el humor. Esa técnica la ha repetido con éxito en Destino Prohibido y la carismática Iluminada o Reyna, la servicial, en el Rostro de los días.

Staff (2023-03-16). Verdaderas razones de la histeria acerca de TikTok. cubadebate.cu Bélgica, Dinamarca y la Comisión Europea prohíben a los funcionarios usar TikTok, diguiendo el ejemplo de Estados Unidos. Esta prohibición carece de todo fundamento, pero dista mucho de ser inocua. Se impone en el marco de la nueva Guerra Fría contra China. øSe está apoderando de nosotros la fiebre de la guerra?

Staff (2023-03-16). Falleció el Premio Nacional de Periodismo 2023 Héctor Ochoa (+ Video). cubadebate.cu El camarógrafo y documentalista cubano Héctor Ochoa falleció en La Habana en la tarde de este 15 de marzo, a la edad de 92 años. Fue merecedor del premio nacional de Periodismo José Martí 2023 por la obra de la vida, a cuya entrega, acontecida el 14 de marzo, no pudo asistir debido a su delicado estado de salud.

Staff (2023-03-16). Las 3 del día: La victoria de Cuba y las noticias del 15 de marzo (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Sean bienvenidos a Las 3 del Día, el podcast de Cubadebate que tiene de todo en materia informativa. Hoy contamos con la conducción de las periodistas de nuestro medio Ana àÅlvarez Guerrero y Angélica Arce Montero. Sobre la victoria de Cuba ante Australia en el Clásico y otras noticias se estará comentando en nuestro podcast resumen de la jornada del 15 de marzo de 2023.

Staff (2023-03-16). Puerto Rico deja a Dominicana fuera del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. cubadebate.cu Puerto Rico avanzó este miércoles a los cuartos de final del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol y se quedó con el segundo lugar del grupo D al vencer por 5-2 a República Dominicana, que terminó eliminada. El sábado en la ronda de los ocho mejores y por un cupo a la semifinal, Puerto Rico se medirá con México…

Staff (2023-03-16). A buen ritmo mantenimiento en termoeléctrica de Cienfuegos. cubadebate.cu El mantenimiento programado a la Unidad cuatro de la Central Termoeléctrica (CTE) Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, de la provincia de Cienfuegos, avanza con buen paso, luego de más de 20 días de su puesta en marcha.

Staff (2023-03-16). Aplazan inicio de la Serie Nacional: Arrancará el 29 de marzo. cubadebate.cu La Comisión Nacional de Beisbol informa que la temporada 62 del clásico doméstico comenzará el 28 de marzo venidero. El aplazamiento de la fecha de inicio, del 22 al 28 de marzo, se debe al interés de colocar todo el énfasis en la actuación cubana en el V Clásico Mundial de Beisbol, incluida la lógica bienvenida al elenco.

Staff (2023-03-16). Convocan a huelga masiva de maestros en Los àÅngeles. cubadebate.cu Una huelga de tres días que cerraría las escuelas públicas de Los àÅngeles está programada para comenzar el martes, anunciaron los líderes sindicales durante una manifestación masiva en el centro de los dos grupos de empleados más grandes del distrito.

Staff (2023-03-16). Equipo Cuba al Clásico Mundial ya está en Miami (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Tras celebrar en el propio Tokyo Dome el éxito devenido avance a la semifinal, otras muestras de alegría signaron el inicio del largo vuelo desde la capital nipona, al tiempo que atletas, entrenadores y directivos daban seguimiento a los mensajes de felicitación generados por su desempeño.

Staff (2023-03-16). Japón vence a Italia y avanza a semifinales del Clásico Mundial. cubadebate.cu Con faena monticular de Shohei Ohtani y ataque de ocho hits, Japón desapareció cualquier posibilidad de sorpresa y venció hoy a Italia (9-3) para convertirse en el segundo clasificado a las semifinales del V Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. La escuadra nipona, monarca en los años 2006 y 2009, fabricó racimo de cuatro carreras en el tercer capítulo.

Staff (2023-03-16). Ministerio de Economía y Planificación aprobó 116 nuevos actores económicos (+ PDF). cubadebate.cu El Ministerio de Economía y Planificación aprobó hoy 116 nuevos actores económicos, de los que 115 son micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas privadas y una estatal.

Staff (2023-03-16). Muere àÅngel Fournier, el mejor remero cubano de la historia. cubadebate.cu El deportista cubano àÅngel Fournier falleció el 16 de marzo de 2023 a causa de un infarto. Fournier tenía 34 años y era considerado como el mejor remero cubano de la historia y una gloria del deporte nacional.

Staff (2023-03-16). Proseguirá por La Habana la transición parcial a la televisión digital. cubadebate.cu La Habana será el próximo territorio del país en implementar, a partir del segundo trimestre del año, el proceso de transición parcial a la Televisión Digital Terrestre (TDT).

Staff (2023-03-16). Respuesta a "Matemática y creatividad. El V Clásico Mundial y el día de Pi" cubadebate.cu Este acertijo ha estado candente y emocionante como el juego que Cuba le ganó a Australia. Hubo derroche de buenos análisis y de pensamiento creativo. Gracias a RARJ, a los que están regresando, a Orlando y Regla que están fidelizando su participación. Seguimos extrañando a Charlie y a PROA.

Staff (2023-03-16). Trenes cubanos contarán con servicio Wi-Fi. cubadebate.cu La Empresa de Soluciones Integrales de Telecomunicaciones S.A. (Solintel), trabaja en un proyecto para instalar el servicio Wi-Fi a los pasajeros que viajan en trenes como parte del proceso de informatización de la sociedad. El ingeniero Robelis Lambert Matos, presidente de la entidad, explicó a la prensa que este proyecto representa un valor agregado para el ferrocarril.

Staff (2023-03-16). La "crisis de los globos": Aumenta la retórica agresiva de Estados Unidos contra China. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-03-16). Will Peace Hold in Tigray? Blinken Visits Ethiopia Four Months After Truce Reached to End War. democracynow.org U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met Wednesday with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and other top officials, including leaders from the northern Tigray region. Blinken praised the four-month-old peace deal that ended two years of fighting between government troops and forces in Tigray, and called for accountability for war crimes committed during the conflict without casting blame on either side. Blinken also announced $331 million in new U.S. humanitarian assistance for Ethiopia. "It's an important trip by the secretary of state, because the U.S. is one of the major brokers of the peace dea…

Staff (2023-03-16). Blinken Visits Niger, Home to U.S. Drone Base, as Biden Moves to Counter China & Russia in Africa. democracynow.org U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is visiting Niger and Ethiopia as part of the Biden administration's growing competition with China and Russia for influence across Africa. Niger has become a critical U.S. ally in the Sahel region, and the U.S. opened a new drone base in the city of Agadez in 2019. The U.S. has about 800 military personnel in Niger, and Blinken's trip marks the first visit to the country by a U.S. secretary of state. "Niger is one of the last strongholds of U.S. security partnerships in the region," says Stephanie Savell, co-director of the Costs of War Project at Br…

Staff (2023-03-16). Headlines for March 16, 2023. democracynow.org U.S. Tells Russia It Will Fly "Wherever International Law Allows" After Downing of Drone, Assad Welcomes New Russian Bases in Syria, Recognizes Russian Annexations in Ukraine, Swiss Central Bank Bails Out Credit Suisse Bank Amid Market Jitters, Democratic Senators Press for Criminal Probe of Silicon Valley Bank Executives, Federal Judge in Texas Hears Arguments in Case That Could Disrupt Abortion Access Nationwide, Massive Protests Continue in Israel as President Isaac Herzog Warns of "Civil War", Construction of New Indonesian Capital in Borneo Threatens Indigenous Lives, Rainforest and W…

Staff (2023-03-16). Death, Destruction & Resilience: Nadje Al-Ali on the 20th Anniversary of U.S. Invasion of Iraq. democracynow.org As the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq approaches next week, Democracy Now! begins our look at the Iraq War's lasting after-effects on Iraqi society and the shape of global politics today. "The story of the past 20 years is a story of destruction, devastation, corruption, incompetence, but also a story of resilience," says Nadje Al-Ali, director of the Center for Middle East Studies at Brown University and author of several award-winning books on the U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq, including What Kind of Liberation? Women and the Occupation of Iraq.

Staff (2023-03-16). President Maduro to China's Communist Party: 'The Times of The Empires Are Over'. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, March 15, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced, "The times of the empires are over, the times of the peoples have arrived for now and forever," speaking at the High-Level Dialogue between the Communist Party of China and World Political Parties, the main theme of which is: The Road to Modernization: Responsibility of Political Parties. | In a virtual conference, President Maduro proposed "building a community with a common destiny" that restores world balance, in reference to Chinese President Xi Jinping's strategy of building an international environment on the basis of cooperation. "Let…

Staff (2023-03-16). Suspected Assassins of Peasant Leader Carlos Bolívar Captured and Charged. orinocotribune.com This Tuesday, March 14, the Attorney General of the Republic of Venezuela, Tarek William Saab, announced via social media that four people were presented before the Second Court of Calabozo, Guárico state, for their alleged responsibility in the murder of peasant leader Carlos Bolívar Cedeño. | Carlos Rivero and Mariangélica Mujica were presented for the crimes of assassination in the degree of necessary accomplices, criminal association, and use of an adolescent to commit the crime that occurred on Thursday, March 2, around 6 a.m. Alexis Silva and José Mujica were the other two suspects, presented for the crimes…

Staff (2023-03-16). Venezuela Demands Respect for Human Rights of Migrants Deported from Chile. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, the government of Venezuela demanded that Chile "respect the human rights" of Venezuelan migrants who are being deported from the southern cone nation whose authorities announced a reinforcement of security measures to halt the irregular entry of people through clandestine means. | Through social media, Venezuela's Minister of Foreign Relations, Yván Gil, wrote that there has been "a national outcry" for Chile "to demand respect for human rights," and called for coordination between the governments of Chile and Venezuela. | Despite the fact that the Chilean government said that it is dealing with…

Staff (2023-03-16). Venezuela Unbeaten in World Baseball Classic, Heads to Quarterfinals. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2023-03-16). 1 April, Vancouver: Boycott Israeli Wines/Commemorate Palestine Land Day. samidoun.net Saturday, April 1, 2 pm BC Liquor Store 1108 Pacific Blvd. (Yaletown) Vancouver FB event page: Boycott Israeli Wines/Commemorate Palestinian Land Day (Cover photo by Michael YC Tseng) Join us to mark Palestinian Land Day and call out the BC Government and corporations complicit in war crimes profiteering off Israeli apartheid wines. Major international and …

Staff (2023-03-16). 17 March, NYC: Demonstration: Condemn massacres in Jenin and Nablus and Honor the Martyrs! samidoun.net Friday, 17 March 5: 30 pm Outside the United Nations NYC Info: www.instagram.com/p/CptWkyIO5p0/ Join us this Friday March 17th as we take to the streets to condemn the latest massacres in Jenin and Nablus, honor our martyrs, defend the Palestinian right to resist & mobilize as part of the International Week of Action to Liberate the …

Staff (2023-03-16). FL Republicans Try To Out Crazy Each Other With Insane Legislation. trofire.com The Democratic Party could become illegal in the state of Florida if a Republican lawmaker has his way. A state Representative has introduced legislation banning the Party and forcibly switching voter registration of any registered Democrat. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more. Transcript: *This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos. …

Staff (2023-03-16). FLA Citizens ABUSED By DeSantis — You'll Be Abused Too! trofire.com America's Lawyer E44: George Santos's lies might have finally caught up to him, as his former roommate has told authorities that Santos was the mastermind behind a massive credit card fraud scheme. More young children will be put to work under a new law in Arkansas — and corporations couldn't be happier about this cheap source …

Staff (2023-03-16). Russian Fighter Jet Collides with MQ-9 Reaper Drone. youtube.com

Staff (2023-03-16). Israeli Forces Kill 4 Palestinians in Jenin Raid. youtube.com Israeli occupation forces killed 4 Palestinians in a raid on Jenin today. • Youssef Shreim, 29 (Hamas) • Nidal Amin Khazem, 28 (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) • Omar Awadin, 16 • Louay Al-Zughair, 37 Six more were wounded. VIDEO (sensitive content blurred): Israeli soldiers shoot the corpse of Nidal Amin Khazem. Support independent watchdog journalism! www.patreon.com/MintPressNews

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-16). Accidente de tránsito deja 2 muertos y 18 heridos en El Salvador. telesurtv.net Una de las personas murió en el lugar, mientras que la otra en el hospital. La causa del accidente, dijeron las autoridades, fue desperfectos mecánicos, una falla en los frenos.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-16). Caen acciones del banco Credit Suisse en medio de incertidumbre. telesurtv.net El mayor patrocinador de Credit Suisse, el Saudi National Bank, ha dicho que no proporcionará más ayuda financiera al banco.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-16). China y Venezuela coinciden en reformar gobernanza global. telesurtv.net Xi Jinping inauguró más temprano la Reunión de Alto Nivel del PCCh en Diálogo con los Partidos Políticos Mundiales, la cual sesiona en línea.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-16). Nueva matanza deja tres muertos en Meta, Colombia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo al Indepaz se trata de la masacre número 22 de este año, donde actúan los llamados Puntilleros, las Autodefensas Gaitanistas de Colombia, entre otros.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-16). Reportan asesinato de un firmante y un líder social en Colombia. telesurtv.net El firmante Wilson Llanos Sarria se encontraba desaparecido desde la semana pasada tras ser secuestrado.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-16). Reportan al menos 14 muertos por inundaciones en Türkiye. twitter.com Dos personas, incluidos un bebé de año y medio, murieron en Adiyaman mientras el resto de los decesos fue en Sanliurfa.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-03-16). Venezuela derrota a Israel y avanza invicta en Clásico Mundial. telesurtv.net México avanzó con victoria ante Canadá. Puerto Rico continúa su paso a cuartos de final y elimina a República Dominicana.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-16). Elevan a 93 los casos de cólera en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net El funcionario detalló que se trata de dos jóvenes de Santo Domingo, uno de 25 años y una muchacha de 22 los cuales son familia que conviven en la misma residencia.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-16). Emiten aviso por altas temperaturas en varias regiones de Chile. telesurtv.net El informe asegura que las mayores variaciones serán experimentadas en las regiones ubicadas al sur de la nación como Bio Bío.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-16). Ejército hace frente a ataques narcos en el noreste de Brasil. telesurtv.net Los ataques se concentraron en un plazo de dos horas, sorprendieron a la Policía y obligaron a suspender las actividades docentes y comerciales.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-16). Cuba vence a Australia y va a semifinales del Clásico de Béisbol. telesurtv.net La nación caribeña logra el triunfo 4-3. Regresa nuevamente a esa instancia, algo que no lograba desde 2006, cuando fue subcampeona del I Clásico Mundial.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-16). Presidente de Nicaragua asegura agotamiento del modelo neoliberal. telesurtv.net Daniel Ortega manifiesta que la rebeldía de los pueblos deviene valladar ante las pretensiones de sometimiento del imperialismo.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-16). Siria respalda lucha de Rusia contra el nazismo. telesurtv.net Se reúnen los presidentes Bashar al Assad y Vladimir Putin. Ambas naciones mantendrán cooperación técnico-militar.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-16). Mundial de fútbol de 2026 será el primero con un formato de 48 equipos. telesurtv.net Las 48 selecciones participantes en el máximo certamen del balompié quedarán repartidas en 12 grupos de cuatro equipos.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-03-16). Bolivia exporta electricidad hacia Argentina. telesurtv.net El viceministro de Electricidad y Energías Renovables, Édgar Caero, dijo que "cada jueves el mercado argentino y la parte boliviana podrá realizar los despachos".

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-16). Confirman presencia del virus de la gripe aviar en Uruguay. telesurtv.net En el departamento de Canelones, murieron a causa del virus en días pasados cinco cisnes de cuello negro.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-16). Presidente venezolano destaca legado del comandante Hugo Chávez. telesurtv.net Este homenaje acompañado de una caravana de venezolanas y venezolanos recuerda el legado del líder histórico de la Revolución Bolivariana.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-16). Parlamento francés acuerda texto de reforma de las pensiones. telesurtv.net La reunión aconteció en el contexto de la octava jornada de huelgas y manifestaciones en contra de la reforma.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-16). Lluvias provocan deslizamientos e inundaciones en Lima, Perú. telesurtv.net El Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología pronosticó precipitaciones moderadas e intensas hasta el viernes.

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-03-16). Rusia aceptaría diálogo constructivo con EE.UU. telesurtv.net Según el vocero ruso las relaciones entre Moscú y Washington presentan un estado muy deplorable.

teleSUR, nbb, JCM (2023-03-16). China elimina restricciones impuestas por la pandemia. telesurtv.net El Ministerio de Exteriores anunció que las áreas que no requerían visado antes de la pandemia volverán a ser de libre acceso.

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2023-03-16). Italia reporta ligera alza de hospitalizaciones por la Covid-19. telesurtv.net En la semana del 7 al 13 de marzo se incrementó en 7.9 por ciento la cifra de hospitalizaciones por la Covid-19.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-16). Declaran alerta verde por intensas lluvias en zonas de Costa Rica. telesurtv.net Se prevé la caída de 15 a 19 milímetros de lluvias en un periodo de 12 horas en las zonas del Pacífico Central y Sur.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-16). Tres muertos tras embestida de camión contra salón de clases en Uganda. telesurtv.net Según medios locales, alrededor de 18 estudiantes resultaron heridos siendo conducidos de inmediato a los servicios médicos para ser atendidos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-16). OMS: pandemia de Covid-19 terminará en algún momento de 2023. telesurtv.net El representante del organismo internacional destacó que el pasado sábado se cumplieron tres años desde la declaración del brote de la Covid-19 como pandemia.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-16). Presidente de México propone sustituir el fentanilo con fines médicos. telesurtv.net El mandatario propuso que sea sustituido por otros medicamentos, de forma que será combatido todo el que entre de manera ilegal y por contrabando a la nación.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-16). Asciende a 21 los muertos por explosión de minas en Colombia. telesurtv.net El gobernador de Cundinamarca, Nicolás García, señaló que "desafortunadamente son 10 personas más fallecidas".

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-03-16). Asciende a 225 el número de muertos por ciclón Freddy en Malawi. telesurtv.net El Departamento de Gestión de Desastres reportó 88.000 personas desplazadas por las inundaciones y los deslizamientos.

The Associated Press (2023-03-16). Indigenous Farmworker Leader Bids for Guatemala Presidency. latinorebels.com An Indigenous female farmworker leader hopes to become Guatemala's next president. But Thelma Cabrera faces an uphill fight after the country's Electoral Tribunal refused to allow her to register her candidacy.

The Lever (2023-03-16). 3/17 LIVE EVENT: The Bank Panic Of 2023 — With Ro Khanna, Saule Omarova, and Matt Stoller. levernews.com Tomorrow, Friday, March 17 at 4 pm ET (1 pm PT), The Lever's paid supporting subscribers will get exclusive access to a live discussion about the Silicon Valley Bank collapse with U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.); Cornell Law School Professor Saule Omarova, a Biden nominee blocked by the Senate because she has supported financial regulation; and Matt Stoller, director of research at the American Economic Liberties Project and a former Senate budget analyst.The group will discuss the industry lobbying and deregulation that led to this development, the state of financial markets moving forward, and what reforms can…

The Lever (2023-03-16). 📽️ WATCH NOW: Meet The Champions Of Banking Deregulation. levernews.com

thecommunists (2023-03-16). Israel elections — even more racism and even nastier fascists. thecommunists.org It is a truism that the inhumanity of zionism knows no bounds. The inhumanity of its adherents is matched only by their immense stupidity, and by the unflinching certainty that their Israel project will fail and fall. Before the most recent Israeli elections, many people assumed that the zionist government could not get any more …

Toward increased Networking (2023-03-16). Online events w) Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Rob Hopkins, Margaret Atwood, Noam Chomsky, etc. indybay.org Here are about 12 online events taking place over the next 2 weeks (and starting at 11: 30 am tomorrow, Tuesday, 3/14), featuring people such as John and Gabriel Shipton (Julian Assange's father and brother, respectively), India Walton, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Rahwa Ghirmatzion, Peter Linebaugh, Rob Hopkins, Margaret Atwood, Noam Chomsky, and many others. | These events are hosted from various locations all across the country, as well from Canada and the UK (however, the listed times are all for our "Pacific time zone"). Of course, feel free to share this info with others who might be interested in it.

UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute (2023-03-16). Friday 4/21: DNA Day 2023. indybay.org Baskin Engineering Courtyard, 606 Engineering Loop, Santa Cruz, CA 95064…

Unicorn Riot (2023-03-16). Dancing Revolution: How '90s Protests Used Rave Culture to Reclaim the Streets. unicornriot.ninja

UUSF Women's Rights, Forum (2023-03-16). Sunday 3/19: Conversation with a legislative protector of reproductive rights, Anna Moeller of Illinois. indybay.org Unitarian Universalist Society of San Francisco | 1187 Franklin St. S.F. TSK Room | and Zoom: zoom.us/j/93421729076?pwd=dXpCQldNN0h4TlZlRXczS3diQVU3dz09

Victor Grossman (2023-03-16). Despair and Joy. The Protest Movement against War. Manifesto Calling for Cease-Fire in Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Vijay Prashad (2023-03-16). Birth Again the Dream of Global Peace and Mutual Respect. dissidentvoice.org On 24 February 2023, the Chinese Foreign Ministry released a twelve-point plan entitled 'China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis'. This 'peace plan', as it has been called, is anchored in the concept of sovereignty, building upon the well-established principles of the United Nations Charter (1945) and the Ten Principles from the …

William Pesek (2023-03-16). In Silicon Valley Bank Collapse, Asia Sees 1997 All Over Again. asia-pacificresearch.com

WSWS (2023-03-16). The international significance of the earthquake disaster in Turkey and Syria. wsws.org These remarks were delivered by Ula≈ü Ate≈üàßi, a leading member of the Socialist Equality Group in Turkey, to a meeting of the International Youth and Students for Social Equality at New York University on March 11, 2023.

WSWS (2023-03-16). Australia: Sydney rail network brought to a standstill by failure of "obsolete" system. wsws.org Around 250,000 workers and students were stranded for hours last Wednesday afternoon in Australia's most populous city due to a fault in the network's outmoded communications system.

WSWS (2023-03-16). Market turmoil and threat of Credit Suisse collapse, as fallout from SVB's demise spreads. wsws.org The decision by US financial authorities and the Biden administration to bail out wealthy uninsured depositors at SVB and the failed Signature Bank, citing "systemic risk," and the Fed's decision to provide increased liquidity staunched one crisis, at least temporarily, only to create another.

WSWS (2023-03-16). Sharp lurch of official Canadian politics to the right expressed in increasing use of anti-democratic "notwithstanding clause" wsws.org Regardless of any tactical differences over the use of the "notwithstanding clause," all sections of the Canadian ruling class—Quebec sovereignists as well as federalists—defend this provision as they increasingly resort to authoritarian methods to suppress growing working class resistance.

WSWS (2023-03-16). Postal workers express anger at Verdi union as it recommends below-inflation pay offer at Deutsche Post. wsws.org The strike ballot organised by Verdi is a fraud designed to deceive and disarm postal workers since the union has no intention of organising industrial action.

WSWS (2023-03-16). General strike and protests in Greece, three weeks after Tempi train crash. wsws.org SYRIZA has been unable to win support in the aftermath of the crash. Millions understand that Alexis Tsipras's party bears as much responsibility as the other pro-austerity parties for the deaths.

WSWS (2023-03-16). Kenyan playwright Francis Imbuga's Betrayal in the City returns: A drama of post-colonial violence. wsws.org Betrayal in the City (1976) is one of Imbuga's most popular plays, long required reading in Kenya's secondary education system.

WSWS (2023-03-16). UK postal workers describe brutal exploitation by Royal Mail and complicity of Communication Workers Union. wsws.org Postal workers wrote in from mail centres and delivery offices in Hemel Hempstead, Peterborough, Coventry, Brighton, Southampton, Birmingham, Blackpool and Dumfries (Scotland)…

WSWS (2023-03-16). New Zealand government barely acknowledges anniversary of Christchurch far-right terror attack. wsws.org The government has sought to suppress public discussion about the country's worst mass shooting and the connection between shooter Brenton Tarrant's fascist ideology and the positions promoted by the political establishment.

WSWS (2023-03-16). Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa. wsws.org Workers in Greece join further general strike and rallies after cutbacks lead to deadly train crash; UK workers walk out across different sectors as government announces budget increasing defence spending, cuts for workers; Palestinian Authority reneges on promised pay increase prompts walkout by teachers…

WSWS (2023-03-16). Former Fiji PM Bainimarama arrested, charged with abuse of office. wsws.org With Fiji's ruling elite sharply divided, Bainimarama's arrest is part of an ongoing power struggle between two former coup leaders amid an escalating social crisis.

WSWS (2023-03-16). UAW imposes massive real wage cuts at Caterpillar. wsws.org The move to keep wage increases below inflation is part of a broader ruling class strategy, both in the US and internationally, as the bourgeoisie seeks to offload the costs of the economic crisis and war onto workers.

WSWS (2023-03-16). Massive flooding as storms drench California, continue dumping snow. wsws.org The combination of heavy rain, floods, mudslides and intense snowfall have killed 18 people so far this year in California.

WSWS (2023-03-16). Kentucky autoworker says Dana Inc. forced him out of job for going to hospital for severe injuries sustained at Dry Ridge plant. wsws.org While working at Dana, Jim Kaelin says he lost nearly everything he had built up over a half-century of labor.

WSWS (2023-03-16). Hundreds of thousands Sri Lankan workers join one-day strike against government austerity. wsws.org While workers fight the government's attacks, the unions are doing everything they can to keep this movement chained to the parliamentary opposition parties that endorse the IMF's austerity measures.

WSWS (2023-03-16). UK budget deepens social catastrophe for workers. wsws.org The Office for Budget Responsibility predicts a cumulative 5.7 percent fall in real household disposable income per head by 2024. On average, each person will be £1,200 poorer and the population £81 billion poorer.

Xiaolu Sun (2023-03-16). See how AI is revolutionizing the beauty industry. america.cgtn.com Toni Waterman spoke with Unilever's chief scientist at the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas, to learn how they're using AI to better understand the body's microbiome and changing the beauty industry.

Zane McNeill (2023-03-16). Arizona Governor Vetoes Bill Banning Critical Race Theory. truthout.org Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) recently vetoed a Republican-backed education bill that would ban public K-12 schools from teaching critical race theory (CRT) to students. CRT is a legal academic discipline that began in the 1980s. In 2020, the far right co-opted the term CRT, weaponizing it as a boogeyman in the latest culture war pushed by Republicans. Currently, more than 18 states have enacted… |

Zoe Alexandra (2023-03-16). Enver León: "La mayoría de los peruanos quieren un cambio de Constitución" peoplesdispatch.org Lee en inglés El golpe de estado del 7 de diciembre contra el presidente democráticamente electo, Pedro Castillo, desató en Perú una fuerte movilización popular y prolongada que sigue hasta el día de hoy. Centenares de miles de personas han salido a las calles a lo largo y ancho del país para manifestar su rechazo al gobierno de facto de Dina Boluarte y al Congreso Nacional, así como para exigir nuevas elecciones y una Asamblea Constituyente para reemplazar la constitución de 1993 es…

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