2023-03-05: News Headlines

Cleantech Council (2023-03-05). Thursday 4/20: Roundtable on Recycling. indybay.org Honda Innovations | 375 Ravendale Drive, Suite A | Mountain View, CA 94043…

Litquake (2023-03-05). Friday 4/7: The Epicenter: Andrey Kurkov with Olga Zilberbourg. indybay.org Hotel Emblem | 562 Sutter Street | San Francisco, CA 94102…

Revolution Books (2023-03-05). Wednesday 3/8: International Women's Day at Revolution Books, Break All the Chains! indybay.org

Art Visit (2023-03-05). Friday 3/10: Anthony Bianconi: Last of Lions — Exhibition & Artist Talk in Redwood City. indybay.org The Rotunda Gallery | 555 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063…

Hauser, Wirth (2023-03-05). Thursday 5/18: Screening: Cal State LA Community Impact Media Documentaries Spring 2023. indybay.org Hauser & Wirth Downtown Los Angeles 901 East 3rd Street Los Angeles, CA 90013…

Michael webster (2023-03-05). Homeland Security now spying on Americans. indybay.org Homeland Security now spying on Americans. Back by demand. | Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV ¥s) and Space-Based Domestic Spying Surveillance technology the U.S. Government is now watching American citizens under the guise of disaster management and controlling the U.S. Mexican border.

Michael webster (2023-03-05). An outrageous Settlement of HSBC bank shows the Drug War is a Joke. indybay.org This bears repeating: in order to more efficiently move as much illegal money as possible into the "legitimate" banking institution HSBC, drug dealers specifically designed boxes to fit through the bank's teller windows. Tony Montana's henchmen marching duffle bags of cash into the fictional "American City Bank…

DXE (2023-03-05). Protesters Call for Closure of Primate Research Center at UC Davis. indybay.org The California National Primate Research Center's work has included studies with Neuralink, a company founded by Elon Musk that has been accused of violating the Animal Welfare Act…

Craig Louis Stehr (2023-03-05). Spiritually Unified at 1:18PM at the Ukiah Public Library. indybay.org Postmodern America has totally blown out! Please collectively pray for a miracle, so that I have a base to work from.

Mothers on the March+ (2023-03-05). Monday 3/6: Justice for Keita O'Neil! CA Atty General, Rob Bonta: Pursue Charges! indybay.org 350 McAllister, San Francisco…

George Marx (2023-03-05). Sunday 3/12: Men 4 Equity & Rep Justice: Free Screening + Panel Disc: "The Business of Birth Control" indybay.org Zoom Panel Discussion: 11-12: 15 Pacific Time — + from March 9-12 – Free Viewing of The Documentary Film: "The Business of Birth Control" – Men (especially) Welcome – Caring People Desired!

Labor Video Project (2023-03-05). Facebook Unite Here Local 19 Workers Demand Justice From Billionaire Owner Zuckerberg. indybay.org One hundred Facebook service food workers who are members of Unite HERE 19 were layed off at Facebook in Menlo Park. Although engineers and others are getting severance Facebook and it's owner Mark Zuckerberg refuse to give these benefits to these service workers. Workers rallied outside Facebook headquarters on March 1, 2023.

Kirk Off Campus (2023-03-05). Davis to Protest Charlie Kirk Tour After Calls for Trans People to be "Taken Care Of" indybay.org After calling for trans people to be "taken care of the way we used to in the 1950s," Charlie Kirk, the multi-millionaire leader of Turning Point USA, a far-Right, Trump aligned group that has extensive crossover with white supremacists and neo-Nazis, is launching a speaking tour of college campuses. The last TPUSA event at UC Davis saw a gang of Proud Boys attempt to attack a crowd of counter-protesters – but people held the line and the event was shut down. Join us at UC Davis on Tuesday, March 14th, 5pm, at the Credit Union Center / Pavillion.

CA Poor People's Campaign (2023-03-05). Wednesday 3/8: International Women's Day: End Women's Poverty – Invest in Caring, Not Killing w/ PPC. indybay.org Online rally for women's rights…

Kirk Off Campus (2023-03-05). Davis to Protest Charlie Kirk Tour After Calls for Trans People to be "Taken Care Of" indybay.org After calling for trans people to be "taken care of the way we used to in the 1950s," Charlie Kirk, the multi-millionaire leader of Turning Point USA, a far-Right, Trump aligned group that has extensive crossover with white supremacists and neo-Nazis, is launching a speaking tour of college campuses. The last TPUSA event at UC Davis saw a gang of Proud Boys attempt to attack a crowd of counter-protesters – but people held the line and the event was shut down. Join us at UC Davis on Tuesday, March 14th, 5pm, at the Credit Union Center / Pavillion.

CA Poor People's Campaign (2023-03-05). Wednesday 3/8: International Women's Day: End Women's Poverty – Invest in Caring, Not Killing w/ PPC. indybay.org Online rally for women's rights…

Rhythmix Cultural Works (2023-03-05). Thursday 4/27: Love, Drugs, and War: The Obsessions of History's Great Composers. indybay.org 2513 Blanding Ave | Alameda CA 94501…

Rhythmix Cultural Works (2023-03-05). Saturday 4/8: Flamenco a las 8. indybay.org 2513 Blanding Ave | Alameda, CA 94501…

Jurgen Huebschen & Bernhard Trautvetter (2023-03-05). China's peace plan & It's about everything. indybay.org In times of crisis, right-wing populists, with the benevolent support of influential media, play the national card and pit disadvantaged groups of people against each other. Scapegoats, like Jews in the past and refugees today, are made responsible for the collapse of the welfare state and security.

KQED (2023-03-05). Saturday 4/29: KQED Fest: Block Party & Open House at SF Headquarters. indybay.org KQED Headquarters | 2601 Mariposa Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

Angela (2023-03-05). Sunday 3/19: Q&A Discussion of the documentary film "The Law and the Prophets" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2023-03-05). Saturday 3/4: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Since You've Been Gone" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

International Rights of Nature Tribunal (2023-03-05). Saturday 3/11: Rights of Nature Tribunal: Dangers of Tren Maya Mega Project to Ecosystems & Indigenous. indybay.org Online via Zoom globally (in-person in Yucatan, Mexico)…

Workers Strike Back Bay Area (2023-03-05). Saturday 3/4: Workers Strike Back: Bay Area Launch Meeting. indybay.org Berkeley South Branch Library Meeting Room | 1901 Russell St, Berkeley…

Labor Video Project (2023-03-05). Justice For Keita O'Neil! SF DA Jenkin Fronting For POA & Developers In Dropping Charges. indybay.org

DXE (2023-03-05). Activists Call for End of Gas Chambers, Deliver Undercover Pig Slaughter Footage to USDA in Berkeley. indybay.org An investigator journeyed 26 feet underground to hide a camera inside a CA slaughterhouse that kills pigs with CO2 gas.

DXE (2023-03-05). First-Ever Footage Inside a US Slaughterhouse Gas Chamber Obtained at Smithfield Foods. indybay.org Direct Action Everywhere volunteer investigator Raven Deerbrook has obtained never-before-seen, undercover footage from inside the Marel Butina gas chambers in Smithfield Foods' Farmer John slaughterhouse in Vernon, California.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-05). Doing Washington's bidding: Australia's treatment of Daniel Duggan. greenleft.org.au Attorney General Mark Dreyfus has agreed to the US' request to extradite former United States marine Daniel Edmund Duggan. Binoy Kampmark looks at the pattern of Canberra jumping to Washington's request.

Stephen Langford (2023-03-05). End police harassment and support freedom of speech. greenleft.org.au As many others have, I recently endured the brutality and isolation of Goulburn Street lock-up. Stephen Langford recounts what happened after he was arrested for breaching impossible bail conditions.

_____ (2023-03-05). Erdoƒüan does not want to lose the status of a mediator in the settlement of the Ukrainian crisis. journal-neo.org Any conflict and fighting will eventually end in peace, on conditions which will depend on the outcome and the balance of forces on the battlefield. From the very beginning of the Russian SMO in Ukraine, Turkey began to assume the role of an active mediator in the peaceful settlement of the conflict, the cessation of …

Alan MacLeod (2023-03-05). Openly Pro-Israel Tech Group Now Has Control Over UK's Most Sensitive National Security Data. orinocotribune.com

Alex Johnson (2023-03-05). Iowa bill aims to expand child labor practices. liberationnews.org On Jan. 30, Iowa State Sen. Jason Schultz (R-Schleswig), introduced Senate File 167 (SF167). The bill seeks to rollback long established protections governing child labor. This piece of legislation is yet another link in a chain of recent attacks on children and worker's rights occurring across the country.

Consortium News. (2023-03-05). Assange Belmarsh Tribunal In Sydney. popularresistance.org As the pressure mounts on the Australian government to intervene with the U.S. government, the Assange Belmarsh Tribunal in Sydney on Saturday heard some of Australia's most prominent politicians, lawyers, journalists and whistleblowers testify in defense of imprisoned publisher Julian Assange. | Guests include former Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr; Assange lawyer Jennifer Robinson; former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis; Assange's wife Stella Assange; C.I.A. whistleblower John Kiriakou; whistleblower David McBride, as well as journalist Kerry O'Brien, lawyer Bernard Collaery, Kylie Moore-Gilbert, a…

Fight Back (2023-03-05). Chicago: Police District Council elections outcome a historic win in fight to stop police crimes. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Executive Director Frank Chapman of the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, on the results of the Police District Council elections in Chicago. | On the 28th of February, for the first time in the history of this country, the people of Chicago elected Police District Councils in 22 police districts to serve as community representatives with the power to hold police accountable for what they do and don't do. | We have been fighting for years to create the democratic option to say who polices our communities and how they ar…

Fight Back (2023-03-05). Food stamp benefits cut for more than 30 million low-income Americans. fightbacknews.org San José, CA – On Wednesday, March 1, food stamp benefits were cut for more than 30 million low-income Americans. The average loss will be about one-third of the monthly benefits. Hardest hit would be many seniors getting food stamps, who would lose more than 90% of their monthly benefit. | The cuts in food stamps benefits are part of the larger package of cuts to programs that were started during the COVID pandemic in 2020. Those programs – including expanded unemployment benefits to include the self-employed and gig workers, expanding those who qualify for Medicaid (health insurance for low income individuals a…

Fight Back (2023-03-05). MN Cuba car caravan demands 'Hey Biden, here's the gist – take Cuba off the terrorism list!'. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – February 26, the Solidarity Committee on the Americas (SCOTA) and MN Cuba Committee (MNCC) rounded out the month on the theme of "Show Love for Cuba," with their monthly Cuba caravan. The crowd gathered at the South High School parking lot to rally together, demanding the U.S. Government take Cuba off the U.S. State Sponsor of Terrorism list (SSOT). | The rally opened with Jerris Heckler, member of SCOTA, explaining that during this month, "We had a lot of activities which highlighted the need to remove Cuba from the SSOT. We hosted a Coffee Hour featuring Cuban diplomats, they talked about all…

Fight Back (2023-03-05). New Orleans rallies to support ICE detainees on hunger strike. fightbacknews.org New Orleans, LA — On March 3 dozens of protesters gathered in front of the downtown New Orleans Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) field office to express solidarity with 300 ICE detainees at Lasalle Detention Center. The immigrants began a hunger strike on Monday, February 27, and the Detention Watch Network broke the news Thursday evening. Protesters united behind the strikers' demands for their immediate release, transparency from ICE about their court cases, and access to basic hygiene necessities. | The emergency action saw progressive people from multiple organizations mobilize on less than a d…

Fight Back (2023-03-05). Palestine solidarity movement speaks out at MN State Board of Investment meeting. fightbacknews.org St. Paul, MN – On March 2, the Minnesota State Board of Investment (SBI) which includes Governor Walz, Attorney General Ellison, State Auditor Blaha and Secretary of State Simon, met for the first time this year at the state capitol. They meet quarterly to monitor the investments of Minnesota public employees. At the meeting members of the Palestine solidarity movement spoke out. | One of the speakers was Brandon Schorsch, an anti-Zionist Jew and activist with the Anti-War Committee, who stated, "So today, building on our testimony from last August, we bring a list of well over a dozen companies that the SBI is…

Juan Cole (2023-03-05). 250,000 Israelis Rally against Netanyahu, Warn of Dictatorship and 'No Liberty in an Occupation State'. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — WAFA reports that on Saturday evening some 250,000 Israelis are estimated to have come out in numerous cities to protest plans of the government of Binyamin Netanyahu to gut the judiciary. It is the ninth week in a row that rallies have been held, and they appear to be growing …

Liberation Staff (2023-03-05). Far-right Texas judge poised to ban abortion bill nationwide. liberationnews.org A notoriously conservative federal judge in Texas has the opportunity this month to ban access to the abortion pill nationwide, potentially affecting millions of women and other people seeking abortion care.

mforinoco (2023-03-05). Political Repression Under Peruvian Coup Regime. orinocotribune.com By Clau O'Brien Moscoso — Mar 1, 2023 | The people of Peru continue to protest the coup which ousted President Pedro Castillo Terrones. Clau O'Brien Moscoso reports from Peru. | National Strike, Day 52 | As the coup against President Pedro Castillo continues into its third month, the political repression on the ground has been severe and growing. From a single mother who fundraised approximately 2000 soles (roughly under $500) to buy food, medicine, and other necessities for protesters coming to Lima from provincial regions, to community leaders from the FREDEPA (Front for the Defense of the People of Ayacu…

Middle East Monitor (2023-03-05). Who will pay the Price for the Killing of the Palestinian Aid Worker in Huwara? juancole.com Motasem A Dalloul abujomaaGaza ( Middle East Monitor ) — On Wednesday afternoon, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the Israeli people saying: "A short time ago, we apprehended the three terrorists who were responsible for the murder of Elan Ganeles." He bragged about the quick detention of the three Palestinian men for allegedly …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Hospice care: Comfort at the end of life. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It was announced earlier this week that former President Jimmy Carter has entered hospice care. But just what is hospice care and how it can provide comfort and support? Hospice care is for people who are nearing the end of life. The services are provided by a team of health care professionals who maximize comfort for a person who is terminally ill by reducing pain and addressing physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. To help…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Mayo Clinic Minute: Who should be screened for colorectal cancer? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Colorectal cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. Colorectal cancer cannot be totally prevented, but there are ways to lower your risk and that's with regular screening. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and the American Cancer Society encourage patients to start screening for colorectal cancer at age 45. Dr. John Kisiel, a Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist, also says patients should begin screening at 45. He recommends checking with your health care team about your risks, and with your…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Consumer Health: 8 heart-healthy diet strategies. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org February is American Heart Month, which makes this a good time to learn about how your diet affects your heart health. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the U.S., regardless of race or ethnicity, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although you cannot change some risk factors, such as family history, sex or age, you can take some key steps to reduce your risk of heart disease. You can avoid heart…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Science Saturday: Could antidepressants cause treatment-emergent mania? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org In a study published in Molecular Psychiatry, Mark Frye, M.D., a Mayo Clinic researcher and collaborators, investigated the risk of treatment-emergent mania in bipolar disorder when treated with antidepressants. "We found that antidepressants that increase mitochondrial energetics (cells that extract energy from nutrients for sustaining life) may elevate the risk of treatment-emergent mania," says Dr. Frye. The increased energy expenditure of mania associated with impulsivity, poor judgment, psychosis and loss of insight can drive high-risk behaviors, often…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Advances in care for medication-resistant epilepsy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My son is in his 20s and has had epilepsy for years. He had undergone extensive evaluation over a decade ago. Lately, his medication hasn't been effectively preventing seizures. What are some of the innovations available to provide him the chance of seizure freedom and improve his quality of life? ANSWER: An epilepsy diagnosis can be challenging for anyone. Epilepsy can be frustrating because of the unpredictability of seizures and the challenge many people…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). From civil rights to transplant awareness, advocate continues to make a difference. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As America celebrates Black History Month, one civil rights activist is celebrating a new lease on life. Dr. Shirley Green-Reese received a kidney transplant in June 2022 at Mayo Clinic in Florida. Her kidney transplant is only one chapter in an incredible life story. Dr. Green-Reese is no stranger to turning challenges into triumphs. In 1963, at the age of 13, she was one of 15 young African American girls who were arrested for peacefully…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Mayo Clinic Minute: Tips for a heart-healthy sandwich. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Packing a healthy lunch seems like an easy task, but sometimes all the sandwich choices may seem daunting. Many deli, or processed meats, are packed with preservatives, nitrates and sodium that could raise your risk of heart disease and other health issues. So is there a better choice to build a lunch you'll love and feel good about? Kate Zeratsky, a Mayo Clinic registered dietitian nutritionist, says what you pack with your lunch may help…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). What can you do for an overactive bladder? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Overactive bladder, or OAB, is a condition that causes a sudden urge to urinate. It affects both men and women. The urge may be difficult to stop, and overactive bladder may lead to the involuntary loss of urine, known as urge incontinence. If you have overactive bladder, you may feel embarrassed, isolate yourself or limit your work and social life. The good news is that a brief evaluation can determine whether there's a specific cause…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Mayo Clinic Healthcare expert: Artificial intelligence improves colonoscopy accuracy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org LONDON —‚ÄØJames East, M.D., spends his days skillfully examining people's colons, searching for and snaring away suspicious polyps that might one day turn into cancer. A gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London, he says the ability to identify cancer risks and eliminate them on the spot during a colonoscopy is one of the most satisfying parts of his chosen profession. Colonoscopy remains the gold standard in detecting and preventing colorectal cancer. But the procedure…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Avoiding shoulder injuries while shoveling snow. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Last winter, I slipped and fell shoveling snow. I have arthritis in one of my shoulders. I'm concerned about having another injury. How common are shoulder injuries during the winter due to shoveling snow and other activities? What advice do you have for how to avoid injuring my shoulder? ANSWER: Unfortunately, the numbers don't lie. In Mayo Clinic's orthopedics practice, the number of people who need care due to shoulder injuries increases substantially during…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Mayo Clinic Minute: Obesity and heart disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It's long been known that being overweight or obese can make a person more apt to develop conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, which can lead to cardiovascular disease. But experts at Mayo Clinic say obesity also can affect the heart in entirely independent ways. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains the resources available to help patients battling obesity and heart disease. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Winter safety tips from a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Weather Service says a massive winter storm is moving across the U.S., with high winds, icy conditions and up to 2 feet of heavy snow expected in parts of the Upper Midwest. If possible, limit travel or stay off the roads if you live in the affected areas. "If you don't have to go out, it's best not to go. But if you do, plan just in case something bad happens," says Dr….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Mayo Clinic Minute: Tongue-tie in babies. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Up to 10% of newborns are born with ankyloglossia, a condition more commonly known as tongue-tie. The most common symptom for infants is difficulty with breastfeeding or bottlefeeding. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Rebekah Huppert, nurse and lactation consultant at Mayo Clinic, discusses how latching and feeding challenges caused by tongue-tie can be addressed with or without the need for any procedure. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/va4hEEDmNzk Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 10) is in the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Transplant program at Mayo Clinic in Florida celebrates its 25th anniversary with vision for future of transplant. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org JACKSONVILLE, Fla. ‚Äï Twenty-five years ago, the transplant center at Mayo Clinic in Florida performed its first solid organ transplant — a liver transplant. To date, the center has performed nearly 9,000 lifesaving transplants as one of the largest combined solid organ transplant programs in the U.S. The center has provided consistently high-quality patient care before and after organ transplants since its establishment. Based on more than two decades of vast experience in organ transplant,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Black History Month: Dr. Michele Halyard on a lifetime commitment to health equity, inclusion and diversity. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Michele Halyard Black History Month is commemorated every February. It's a month for all people to celebrate and learn about diverse and important contributions of African Americans to American society and culture, as well as to reflect on the ongoing fight against racism, inequity and discrimination. Mayo Clinic News Network is highlighting Mayo Clinic physicians who are focused every day on achieving health equity, inclusion and diversity through their work. Meet Dr. Michele Halyard,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Mayo Clinic discovery leads to life-changing treatment for young girl with ultra-rare disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Rare Disease Day on Feb. 28 raises awareness of the 30 million people in the U.S. who have a rare disease. Months after young Maggie Carmichael started taking an experimental drug for her ultra-rare genetic disease, she was able to trade in her wheelchair for a walker. The 9-year-old Mayo Clinic patient even took a few of her first-ever steps on her own. She also became better at feeding herself, her speech improved and she…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Do prescription opioids impact cognitive function in older adults? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Prescription opioid use could have a negative effect on cognitive function in older adults, according to a recent Mayo Clinic study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. The population-based observational study used data from the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging, a research initiative examining the cognitive decline in older people for nearly 20 years. Findings The study found that 70% of participants received at least one opioid prescription over an average of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Mayo Clinic continues strong performance in 2022 thanks to staff, 'Bold. Forward.' strategy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic is positioned to achieve its vision to transform health care and remains committed to its mission to serve patients and invest in staff. With careful planning and the support of Mayo's dedicated staff, the organization enters 2023 financially strong and focused on leading the transformation of health care through its "Bold. Forward." strategy. In an industry facing significant financial pressures as well as staffing challenges, Mayo Clinic staff have stepped…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-05). Obesity makes it harder to diagnose and treat heart disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Being overweight impacts your heart health in more ways than you might think. A new JACC review paper from Mayo Clinic outlines how obesity affects the common tests used to diagnose heart disease and impacts treatments. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. and globally, yet it is largely preventable. "Excess fat acts as a kind of filter and can skew test readings to under-or overdiagnosis," says senior…

Ociel Ali Lopez (2023-03-05). Ecuador: Between Corruption Scandals and Washington's Hand, Possible Scenarios for Lasso. orinocotribune.com By Ociel Alí López — Feb 28, 2023 | The electoral results of the sectional elections in Ecuador, held on February 5, are still generating an impact. President Guillermo Lasso's government has ended up so weakened that there are clear concerns that he will not make it to the end of his term, constitutionally scheduled to end in 2025. | This weekend, the powerful indigenous movement, accustomed to putting rulers on the ropes and, in many cases, overthrowing them, has declared a break with the dialogue tables it had with Lasso's administration and demanded his resignation. | To add to the tension, on Sunday, th…

OtherWords (2023-03-05). All Communities Must Speak Out Against bigotry toward Jews. juancole.com As far-right violence against Jewish people rises, the Jewish idea of an "eruv" can teach us all to enlarge our humanity. By Svante Myrick | ( Otherwords.org ) — Jewish communities across the country have been targeted with violence or harassment as anti-semitic hate crimes reach record levels. In late January, a man tossed …

Staff (2023-03-05). Diez marzos después: Chávez junto a Fidel despertándonos sonrisas (+Fotos y Video). cubadebate.cu Fidel pensó en las veces que Chávez bromeó con él diciéndole que cuando concluyeran su misión, lo invitaría a pasear por el río Arauca, que le hacía recordar el descanso que nunca tuvo. Hoy andan juntos, allá, aquí, despertándonos sonrisas, salvando revoluciones.

Staff (2023-03-05). La Tira de los Lectores: Mujeres que inspiran. cubadebate.cu Hace unos días la convocamos y hoy regresa La Tira de los Lectores, esta vez dedicada a las mujeres que inspiran y nos dan fortaleza para echarle ganas a la vida cada día. Recuerde que puede comunicarse con nuestro equipo a través del correo comentacubadebate@gmail.com o mediante nuestros perfiles en redes sociales.

Staff (2023-03-05). Bayamo y Habana del Este empatan en Pequeñas Ligas del Béisbol. cubadebate.cu Las selecciones de Bayamo y Habana del Este dividieron este sábado en el terreno Manuel Alarcón, de esta Ciudad Monumento, y tendrán que decidir este domingo el campeón de las Pequeñas Ligas del Béisbol en Cuba. Estos equipos volverán a enfrentarse y el ganador asegurará su boleto para la Serie Mundial de las Pequeñas Ligas 2023.

Staff (2023-03-05). Bolsonaro intentó ingresar a Brasil joyas sin declarar por un valor de casi tres millones de euros. cubadebate.cu El expresidente brasileño Jair Bolsonaro trató de ingresar a Brasil joyas regaladas por Arabia Saudita por un valor de 16.5 millones de reales (casi 3 millones de euros) sin haberlas declarado previamente y sin pagar los impuestos correspondientes. Lo informó la prensa brasileña en las últimas horas.

Staff (2023-03-05). Regresa al escenario con tres estrenos el Ballet Nacional de Cuba. cubadebate.cu El Ballet Nacional de Cuba (BNC), bajo la dirección de la primera bailarina Viengsay Valdés, regresará a la Sala Avellaneda del Teatro Nacional con el estreno de tres obras. La institución cultural anunció en su perfil institucional de Facebook que las funciones están previstas para los próximos días del 17 al 19 y del 23 al 26 de este mes.

Staff (2023-03-05). Salón de Turismo Mahana Lyon, en Francia, acoge a Cuba como invitada de honor. cubadebate.cu Cuba ha sido el foco de atención en el Salón de Turismo Mahana Lyon, que abrió sus puertas este viernes en Francia. Como invitada de honor, la nación caribeña fue destacada por su mezcla de sabores, ritmos y sensaciones, y también por sus ciudades pintorescas, como La Habana, Santiago de Cuba, Cienfuegos y Trinidad, verdaderos museos al aire libre.

Staff (2023-03-05). Abierta convocatoria al evento Enlaces 2023, I Simposio sobre transformación digital. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-03-05). Mbappé se convirtió en el máximo goleador en la historia del París Saint-Germain. cubadebate.cu Kylian Mbappé se convirtió en el máximo goleador en la historia del París Saint-Germain, al marcar en los descuentos del partido que el conjunto capitalino ganó el sábado 4-2 al Nantes en la liga francesa. Al aportar el sexto y último gol del cotejo, Mbappé llegó a 201 dianas con el PSG y superó el récord del uruguayo Edinson Cavani.

Staff (2023-03-05). Colombia's Satena Airline Resumes Commercial Flights Between Bogotá and Caracas. orinocotribune.com On Friday, March 3, more than 40 passengers arrived at the Simón Bolívar de Maiquetía International Airport in Maiquetía, Venezuela, on an EMB145 aircraft belonging to the Colombian airline Satena. This was Satena's first commercial flight from Bogotá to Caracas in over five years. There was a short service disruption that, according to Colombian sources, was caused by aircraft deficiencies despite some analyst speculations that US sanctions were also part of the inconvenience. | Satena will have flights on this route twice a week. On Tuesdays and Fridays at 5 a.m., flights will depart from Bogotá to Caracas, ret…

Staff (2023-03-05). Latin America's Plan Against Inflation 'a New Scenario of Regional Integration'. orinocotribune.com Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Cuba are leading a project to contain and reduce inflation in Latin America. According to experts consulted by Sputnik, the plan is viable and could lead to the region's economic diversification. | According to Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the plan consists of the commercial exchange of food imports and exports, as well as other goods, to reduce the consequences of economic problems in the region. | Producers, distributors and merchants will be invited to participate in the agreement. According to the most recent data, inflation is reported at 5.63% in Bra…

Staff (2023-03-05). World Meeting on the Validity of Hugo Chávez's Bolivarian Thought Begins in Caracas. orinocotribune.com On Friday, March 3, the World Meeting for the Validity of Commander Hugo Chávez's Bolivarian Thought in the 21st century began to commemorate 10 years since Chávez's death. Over 140 international guests from 55 countries and several national intellectuals and writers are attending. From the José Félix Ribas room of the Teresa Carreño Theater in Caracas, a series of conversations were held aimed at extolling Hugo Chávez's historical legacy in the consolidation of socialist Venezuela and his vision of a new multicentric and multipolar world. | Among the invited intellectuals present at the event are Atilio Botón fr…

Editor (2023-03-04). The Arctic is the next frontier in the new cold war. mronline.org Geostrategically located, with profitable natural resources, the Arctic is rapidly becoming a militarized zone of power politics in the new cold war, contested by the U.S. and Europe, Russia and China.

Editor (2023-03-04). Lawfare in the making: Habeas Corpus denied to President Pedro Castillo in Peru. mronline.org On Monday, February 27, the Sixth Constitutional Court of Lima, in Peru, declared the habeas corpus that sought the immediate release of President Pedro Castillo and his reinstatement as president of Peru inadmissible.

Editor (2023-03-04). Africans' message to imperialism: "We are not your flunkies!" mronline.org South Africa's participation in military drills with Russia and China is an indication that the global south are not taking orders from Washington. African nations should continue their tradition as non-aligned states.

Editor (2023-03-04). Why and how to end the war in Ukraine. mronline.org Jacqueline Luqman was a panelist on the February 16, 2023 webinar Why and How to End the War in Ukraine , which was sponsored by Chicago Area Peace Action. These were her remarks.

Prabhat Patnaik (2023-03-04). Treating infrastructure as a Holy Cow. mronline.org THERE is an impression shared by even progressive intellectuals that the entity that goes by the name of "physical infrastructure" is an absolute necessity in each country, and that the actual amount of infrastructure that exists is always less than what is needed.

_____ (2023-03-04). What unites and disunites Indonesia and Malaysia? journal-neo.org Indonesia, a country of 275 million people, and Malaysia, a country of 33 million, are neighbors with many similarities. Malaysia and Indonesia have a shared history, culture, and religion, Islam. Their national languages belong to the same language family, making communication between their citizens simple. Furthermore, both Southeast Asian states are founding members of major …

_____ (2023-03-04). Seymour Hersh: U.S. Bombed Nord Stream to Prolong the Ukraine Proxy War. strategic-culture.org The Pulitzer-winning journalist discusses the fallout from his report exposing how the US blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipelines. | By Aaron MATÉ | Seymour Hersh joins Aaron Maté to discuss his report on how the Biden administration bombed the Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, which blew up not only a vital Russian-German infrastructure project but a key off-ramp to peace in Ukraine.

Alexander Rubinstein (2023-03-04). Top Biden officials address pro-war rally led by Ukrainian Nazi supporters. thegrayzone.com USAID's Samantha Power joined EU and US officials who rallied at the Lincoln Memorial at a pro-war demonstration organized by a clique of Ukrainian activists that have described themselves as "true Banderites" and "Right Sektor's Washington DC branch." High-ranking Biden foreign policy officials including USAID Administrator, Samantha Power, and Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, Karen Donfried, observed the first anniversary of Russia's military operation in Ukraine at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. There, on February …

Allen Forrest (2023-03-04). What Would Charles Bukowski Say Today? dissidentvoice.org The prolific underground writer Charles Bukowski used his pen to illustrate the despair of city life, especially for the down and out in American.

Ambedkar King Study Circle (2023-03-04). Saturday 3/4: India: The Modi Question (BBC documentary). indybay.org Roosevelt Community Center | 901 East Santa Clara Street | San José CA 95116 | Parking accessible from North 21st Street…

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Are These Really the Happiest Cities? americanthinker.com Upon closer inspection, something seems a bit off about this list….

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Beating Democrats on Social Security Reform. americanthinker.com The Republicans' strategies to get reform through the door have failed. This one might work.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). China's Role in Black-Market Money Laundering. americanthinker.com China and its actors have become the world's most dominant ongoing transnational criminal and money laundering enterprise.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Politicized Black History And The Great American Shakedown. americanthinker.com It's appropriate for America to have an honest reckoning with its slave past, but that's not what's happening here, as activists pervert history for money.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). The Passing of Lynette 'Diamond' Hardaway. americanthinker.com Sister Diamond was brave, bodacious, and always a pleasure to watch. She asserted herself and spoke truth to power, while others cowered and fled into the shadows.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Are Republicans Trying to Destroy Social Security? americanthinker.com Social Security is going to put itself on the chopping block.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Biden authorities diddle around without charging illegals who shot a bald eagle for supper. americanthinker.com Apparently, they think the Honduran migrants might end up deported. One set of laws for them…

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Canned Disinformation Governance Board's Nina Jankowicz now wants to stick it to Fox News. americanthinker.com Seeking to sue Fox News, seems she's can't get the censorship bug out of her, even as she laughably insists she hasn't a single censorship bone in her body.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). General Michael Flynn is finally suing for the wrongs against him. americanthinker.com If he wins, as he should, we taxpayers will pay the bill, but he still deserves to be compensated for his suffering.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Groomers: 'Hi, little boy! Would you like to become a little girl?'. americanthinker.com It doesn't matter where you live — there are LGBTQIA+ groomers targeting your children.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Just how unjust is our system of justice? americanthinker.com It has been clear enough since the Obama administration that there is no longer a single and equal system of justice in America. There are two; one for progressive Democrats that ignores the Constitution, and a harsh, Kafkaesque version for conservatives.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Nations' leaders seeing things that aren't there? americanthinker.com It's almost as if Biden and AMLO are living in a sci-fi or fantasy novel instead of the real world.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Nations' leaders seeing things that aren't there? americanthinker.com It's almost like Biden and AMLO are living in a sci-fi or fantasy novel instead of the real world.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Pennsylvania's new governor blows it on the death penalty. americanthinker.com Put plain and simple, some people deserve the death penalty.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Revolting: White children beaten to their knees on the playground to emphasize Black importance. americanthinker.com Disharmony between Americans, even our children, flourishes thanks to revisionist and politicized "history."

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Swarthmore College catalogs LGBTQ+ terminology. americanthinker.com The Alphabet Mafia is on such a roll making up new "words," they'll soon have to make up new letters.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). The ATF's pistol brace ban. americanthinker.com With the creation of the new rule, the ATF essentially usurped the power to create a new law that deviates from existing law and precedent.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). The ATF's pistol brace ban. americanthinker.com With the creation of the new rule, the ATF essentially usurped the power to create a new law that deviates from existing law and precedence.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). The grimly hilarious reason New York is paying BLM rioters over $6M. americanthinker.com You'll never guess.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Tucker Carlson exposes the Democrat proclivity to exploit the disabled for power. americanthinker.com Enfeebled pols such as John Fetterman, Joe Biden, and Dianne Feinstein remain in power no matter how debilitated their condition. Tucker Carlson explores why that is.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Vox journalist wonders why 'free lunch' program had to end. americanthinker.com I don't get what they don't get.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Vox journalist wonders why 'free lunch' program had to end. americanthinker.com I don't get what they don't get.

Anand Naidoo (2023-03-04). The Heat: U.S.-Germany Relations. america.cgtn.com The German Chancellor meets with U.S. President Biden at the White House. What was on the agenda? German Chancellor Olaf Scholz met with President Biden in Washington on Friday. The meeting took place as both leaders are heavily engaged in supporting Ukraine in its conflict …

Ann Brown (2023-03-04). What Is Going On With Black Farmers In Colorado? 5 Things To Know About Battle Over Black Farmers Getting Pushed Out. moguldom.com Courtney and Nicole Mallery are owners and farmers of a 1,000-acre ranch in eastern El Paso County, Colorado. The couple, who is Black, is claiming they are being harassed by white residents who want to push them off of their land. On Feb. 6, Courtney Mallery was arrested. Here are five things to know about …

Antiwar Dot Com (2023-03-04). House overwhelmingly approves resolution to maintain Syria sanctions after earthquake. thegrayzone.com Every member of the progressive Squad voted for the resolution. Only Republican Reps. Thomas Massie and Marjorie Taylor Greene voted against it. This article was originally published by Antiwar.com. The House this week voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution to maintain sanctions on Syria following a devastating earthquake that has killed at least 5,900 people in the country, The Cradle reported on Wednesday. The resolution was introduced by Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) and received 51 cosponsors. It passed in a vote …

Areeba Shah (2023-03-04). Every Domestic Extremist Murder in 2022 Was Committed by Right-Wingers: Report. truthout.org Domestic extremists killed at least 25 people in the United States last year and all of them had ties to forms of right-wing extremism, including white supremacy, anti-government extremism and right-wing conspiracy theorists, according to a new report by the Anti-Defamation League. Domestic extremist-related mass killings have increased in the past 12 years with most of them being tied to right… |

Ben Norton (2023-03-04). US ambassador arrogantly lectures China 'threat': 'We're the leader in this region (Asia)'! geopoliticaleconomy.com In an interview with the Chamber of Commerce, US Ambassador Nicholas Burns referred to China as a "threat", "great challenge", and "very difficult government", stating arrogantly, "The United States is staying in this region. We're the leader in this [Indo-Pacific] region".

Benjamin Wehrmann (2023-03-04). Solar power battery installations increase exponentially in Germany. juancole.com ( Clean Energy Wire ) — The number of household solar power storage installations has grown exponentially over the past four years, with a year-on-year growth of 52 percent in 2022, Germany's Solar Power Association BSW Solar has said. "Half of private home owners say they would consider storing their homemade solar power," a survey …

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-04). India's Education Market: The Next Neo-Colonial Frontier. dissidentvoice.org Over the last week or so, Australian politicians and representatives of the university sector got busy pressing flesh in India, hoping to open avenues that have largely remained aspirational. It was timed to coincide with G20 talks in New Delhi, which has seen a flurry of contentious meetings traversing security, economics and education, all taking …

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-04). Inside the Bunkers — Remembering Wounded Knee. indybay.org Warrior women of Wounded Knee joined a reporter and an attorney to remember the 71 days of Wounded Knee, from the bunkers to the courtroom. Bullets whizzed by their ears as they resisted the heavily armed GOONS and the U.S. militarized assault on the people.

Canadians for Justice, Peace in the Middle East (2023-03-04). Halifax School's Anti-Palestinian Racism. dissidentvoice.org During a cross-cultural activity, a Park West School in Halifax forced Palestinian-Canadian students to remove the Kufiyahs they had worn as part of the activity. The principle justified banning the kufiyah (Palestinian scarf) saying it represented "war colors." Students who did not comply were sent to the principal's office. Such anti-Palestinian racism must be rejected: …

Chris Crass (2023-03-04). Good Analysis Is Not Enough: Jen Angel and Liberation Movement Organizing. truthout.org It's a beautiful moment when you meet a person and quickly realize you are in the presence of someone who is, and will be, making history. Making history because who they are, their ideas, their work, their contributions, are already shaping the present and will help shape the future, in significant, beautiful, meaningful ways. I first met Jen Angel in 2001 at the National Conference on Organized… |

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-03-04). Covid-19 Proved Workers Make The World Run, Not The Bosses. popularresistance.org The start of the COVID-19 pandemic compounded the existing crises of capitalism for workers everywhere. This was most obviously apparent for "frontline" or "essential" workers, who were forced by their need to survive to risk disease, disability, and potential death on a daily basis at their jobs. While lauded in media and culture in the early days of the pandemic, the rewards these workers have actually received have been precarity, damaged health, depressed wages, and for far too many, an early death. As a new ruling class narrative that insists the pandemic is over becomes hegemonic, the stories and ongoing cr…

Colin Todhunter (2023-03-04). What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. "Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy"? globalresearch.ca If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the implications would be? And why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations…

David Starr, Covert Action Magazine. (2023-03-04). Profiting Off Of Death And Suffering Is The American Way. popularresistance.org The United States' imperial foreign policy has been evident since day one, but especially starting with the Gilded Age and the arrogant doctrine of Manifest Destiny of the mid-19th century. The imperial "cause" continued through the decades leading up to today. | And today, the U.S. arms industry and the U.S. Congress have a reciprocal relationship. Because of this relationship, many members of Congress have grown rich off of war and death. | The Russia-Ukraine conflict has presented the latest opportunity for profiteering off of war. The arms industry is certainly making big bucks, with policies that fuel the co…

Dee Knight (2023-03-04). Dr. Strangelove Is No Longer Satire. globalresearch.ca

Dongsheng News (2023-03-04). Local Officials Become Influencers. dissidentvoice.org This week's News on China in 2 minutes. ‚Ä¢ Local officials become influencers ‚Ä¢ Schools strengthen digital education ‚Ä¢ Expanding GM soybean and corn areas ‚Ä¢ Iraq will use yuan in oil trade with China…

Dr. Gilbert Doctorow (2023-03-04). Straws in the Wind as WWIII Blows In. Peace Negotiations are the Only Solution. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-03-04). A 37 Year Old UK Mom Finds a "Lump" After COVID-19 Vaccine. It Turns Out to be a Turbo Cervical Cancer Leaving Her with Months to Live. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Cargo hub for China-Europe freight trains inaugurated in China's Shenyang. ecns.cn A new cargo consolidation hub for the China-Europe freight trains on Saturday was put into operation in Shenyang, capital of northeast China's Liaoning Province.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China's new energy vehicle industry sees further expansion. ecns.cn China's new energy vehicle industry is experiencing a steady drop in production costs and significant improvements in consumer experience, thanks to the continuous market expansion and advancements in technology.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China pledges to enhance legal system regarding opening up: spokesperson. ecns.cn China attaches great importance to enhancing the legal system with regard to further opening up, a spokesperson said Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Agenda for 1st session of 14th National People's Congress. ecns.cn The preparatory meeting of the first session of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) on Saturday adopted the following agenda for the session:…

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Global financial bodies own more Africa debt than China. ecns.cn Multilateral financial institutions and commercial creditors, instead of China, account for the bulk of Africa's debt, said Wang Chao, the spokesman for the first session of the 14th National People's Congress, on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China says Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law 'justifiable and necessary'. ecns.cn China's legislation on anti-foreign sanctions is "justifiable and necessary" in order to uphold its sovereignty, security and development interests.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China's aviation depends on self-reliance and innovation: CPPCC member. ecns.cn The rise of China's aviation industry, in the field of large aircrafts, has depended on the self-reliance and innovation of science and technology, according to a key figure in the sector.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Expert urges China to improve grassroot medical systems. ecns.cn Prompt adjustments to COVID-19 management strategies and effective response of grassroots medical workers are some of the key factors of China's victory over the virus, a political advisor said on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China makes continuous efforts to make education inclusive. ecns.cn China has made continuous efforts in promoting rehabilitation services and inclusive education for people with disabilities to help them live a better life.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China's Belt and Road Initiative paves way for economic development. ecns.cn The Belt and Road Initiative has created new growth points for global economic development and provided fresh opportunities for international cooperation.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Rare orchid species found in China's Yunnan. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have found a rare plant species Paphiopedilum wardii Summerhayes in southwest China's Yunnan Province. It is the only known wild population of such plants in China.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). NPC to provide stronger basis for whole-process democracy. ecns.cn The 14th National People's Congress will provide stronger legal basis for promoting the whole-process of people's democracy by improving relevant work platforms, a spokesman said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Japan postpones H3 rocket launch to Tuesday due to weather. ecns.cn Japan's new flagship H3 rocket is scheduled to be launched for the first time on Tuesday, one day later than planned due to expected thunderstorms, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) said Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Chinese scientists identify cold-resistance mechanism of kiwifruit. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have discovered a molecular mechanism for cold resistance in kiwifruit that provides potential for reducing cold-related crop damage, according to the Wuhan Botanical Garden (WBG) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Scientists make breakthrough in study of Antarctic krill genome. ecns.cn A research group led by Chinese institutes has made a breakthrough in the study of the genome of Antarctic krill, providing insights into the environmental adaptations and population evolution of the marine animal.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Ten perspectives to understand Chinese modernization. ecns.cn Chinese modernization has spurred discussions at home and abroad since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China delves into its love of reading. ecns.cn Promoting nationwide reading has positive implications for both individual progress and national development, said Meng Man, a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, in Beijing on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China's military strength positive for the world. ecns.cn China's military power will not compromise the security of other countries, said a spokesperson for China's annual legislators' meeting.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). No fundamental strategic disagreements or conflicts between China, Europe: spokesperson. ecns.cn There is no fundamental strategic disagreement or conflict between China and Europe, a Chinese spokesperson said Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Xi attends opening meeting of CPPCC annual session. ecns.cn Xi Jinping attended the opening meeting of the first session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China's top political advisory body, Saturday afternoon in Beijing.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Revision of China's Legislation Law embodies whole-process democracy. ecns.cn A Chinese spokesperson said Saturday that the ongoing revision of the Legislation Law embodies whole-process people's democracy and its requirements.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). NPC deputies represent all sections of society. ecns.cn Deputies to the National People's Congress are broadly representative and is a good practice of China's whole-process democracy, said a spokesperson on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China sees promising tourism rebound. ecns.cn China sees a promising tourism rebound as people have demonstrated higher desire and needs to travel as the nation continues optimizing its COVID-19 management policies.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Xi sends congratulatory message to Nigeria's President-elect Tinubu. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a congratulatory message to Bola Tinubu on his election as president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Insights | Digital economy key to common prosperity. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). CPPCC members interviewed before annual session. ecns.cn Members of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) are interviewed ahead of the opening of the first session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 4, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China's top political advisory body starts annual session. ecns.cn The opening meeting of the first session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) is held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 4, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Cambodia welcomes 1st Chinese flight, tourists to Siem Reap. ecns.cn Cambodia has welcomed the resumption of China Eastern Airlines flights to its Siem Reap cultural province, the country's Ministry of Tourism said in a press statement on Saturday.

Ed Holt (2023-03-04). [World Report] Experts warn over potential for measles in Ukraine. thelancet.com Ukraine has a history of large outbreaks, and experts say that the disruptions brought by Russia's invasion could trigger new cases. Ed Holt reports.

F. William Engdahl (2023-03-04). Europe's Energy Armageddon from Berlin and Brussels, Not Moscow. globalresearch.ca

FECFFP (2023-03-04). Monday 3/6: Jewish Fast in Solidarity With Palestinians. indybay.org 456 Montgomery Street between California and Sacramento | Across street from the Israeli Consulate…

Ferry Biedermann (2023-03-04). [World Report] Seeking solutions to global drugs shortages. thelancet.com Many countries are facing shortages of common drugs—from antibiotics to stroke treatments. Ferry Biedermann looks at the causes and potential solutions.

Fight Back (2023-03-04). International anti-imperialist conference begins in Venezuela. fightbacknews.org Caracas, Venezuela — Friday, March 3 was the first day of an international anti-imperialist conference in Venezuela held to commemorate the legacy and continuing struggle of the late Venezuelan President and leader of the Bolivarian Revolution Hugo Chavez. A delegation of Chicano and Latino members of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), led by long time Chicano activist Carlos Montes, were invited to attend by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). | Chavez is not dead | The theme of the conference was carrying on the legacy of Hugo Chavez. The mood in the room was lively, with every se…

Frank Breslin (2023-03-04). Ron DeSantis: Dogmatist Extraordinaire. dissidentvoice.org Certainty closes the minds of those possessing the Truth from on High. These darlings of the gods may even feel sorry for those benighted Unfortunates with the temerity of disagreeing with them and try to persuade them to see reason to save them from themselves. As the blood-stained pages of history amply attest, dogmatists may …

Geoff Watts (2023-03-04). [Obituary] Ralph Lewis Sacco. thelancet.com Neurologist specialising in stroke risk and prevention. He was born in Margate City, NJ, USA, on Aug 27, 1957 and died of a brain tumour in Long Island, NY, USA, on Jan 17, 2023 aged 65 years.

Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War. (2023-03-04). March 4 Demonstrations Against Sanctions. popularresistance.org In solidarity with the Syrian people, suffering the unjust and unilateral coercive economic measures taken by the US and its European allies, the End the Siege Campaign has been established in cooperation between different popular movements and activists in the Arab world, Europe, and North America. | The End The Siege Campaign launches its first international action this Saturday, March 4, 2023, in a series of synchronous protests in Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Canada, Morocco, Lebanon, UK, Slovakia, Ireland, and Germany. The event in Canada will take place at noon this Saturday in front of the US…

Hannah Gais, Creede Newton (2023-03-04). Nick Fuentes Holds Racist Conference Across From CPAC. splcenter.org White nationalist Nick Fuentes booked a hotel across the street from the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the National Harbor for a racist, post-CPAC conference Saturday.

IGD Worldwide, It's Going Down. (2023-03-04). Cities Across The Us Take Part In 'Week Of Action' Against Cop City. popularresistance.org Over the past week, dozens of cities across the so-called US took part in the recent week of action in solidarity with Tortuguita and the ongoing struggle to stop Cop City and defend the Weelaunee Forest. This out-pouring of solidarity has been amazing to see, both from the wider autonomous movement and even mainstream environmental and Left groups. Many towns organized small events, including nights of writing letters to those facing charges, benefit shows, and informational teach-ins and film showings on the struggle itself. Other cities organized mass marches and protests, bringing attention to the various cor…

International People's Tribunal on US Imperialism, Popular Resistance. (2023-03-04). March 4: Libya Hearing Of The International People's Tribunal. popularresistance.org Join the International People's Tribunal on US Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, Coercive Economic Measures for a hearing on the effects and impacts of these policies and practices on the people of Libya. We will hear testimony and reports from expert and direct witnesses, with questions and discussion from our jurors. | Around the world, U.S. sanctions and blockades have had a devastating impact on the lives of everyday people in countries targeted by these kinds of coercive economic measures. More broadly, they have served to push people into poverty and deny them self-determination.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-04). Identity Issues are Class Issues: How the Imperial Center's "Left" Opposes Workers Seizing Power. libya360.wordpress.com Rainer Shea RAWM's organizers are now working to turn their project into a permanent coalition, and that goal will be advanced by ANSWER's rally on the 18th. This rally represents a strengthening of anti-imperialist unity, especially among Marxists… The outcome of these developments could be the full breaking of the monopoly which the ABC left…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-04). Nicaragua: Reconciliation Does Not Mean Forgetting. libya360.wordpress.com Jill Clark-Gollub Opposition sniper firing from behind a roadblock in 2018. Photo by opposition activist Carl David Goette-Luciak. Hybrid warfare tactics, including information warfare and the co-opting of human rights groups, make it hard to tell the good guys from the bad in the US-backed coup attempt in Nicaragua in 2018. But it is important to note…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-04). The Valdai Meeting: Where West Asia Meets Multipolarity. libya360.wordpress.com Pepe Escobar At Russia's Valdai Club meeting — the east's answer to Davos — intellectuals and influencers gathered to frame West Asia's current and future developments. The 12th "Middle East Conference" at the Valdai Club in Moscow offered a more than welcome cornucopia of views on interconnected troubles and tribulations affecting the region. But first, an important…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-04). Ukraine: Bakhmut, Strategic or Not, is Falling. libya360.wordpress.com Moon of AlabamaWagner PMC chief Yevgeny Prigozhin © Concord Press Service. The Wagner Private Military Company has de-facto completely surrounded the key city of Artyomovsk, referred to as Bakhmut in Ukraine, the group's leader Yevgeny Prigozhin announced on Friday. 'Western' media can not decide if Bakhmut is a strategic city or has little strategic value….

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-04). West African People's Movements Call for Greater Unity as France Announces Military 'Reorganization'. libya360.wordpress.com Tanupriya Singh Mass protests held in Mali against the imposition of sanctions by ECOWAS following the military coup (Photo via @abdoulayekn1/Twitter) The West Africa Peoples Organisation has welcomed the proposal for greater collaboration between Burkina Faso, Mali, and Guinea, and has called for coordinating and planning production, trade, infrastructure, economic development, and defense The prime…

Isheka N. Harrison (2023-03-04). Columbia University Becomes First Ivy League School To Throw SAT and ACT Admission Requirement in Trash. moguldom.com Columbia University became the first Ivy League college to drop standardized testing from its undergraduate admissions requirement permanently. The New York-based institution will no longer require SAT or ACT scores from applicants. According to a report by the Columbia Spectator, the school first became "test-optional" at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. It extended its policy through …

Jacob Horwitz (2023-03-04). Garment Workers Take on Wall Street and Wage Theft. truthout.org Dilhani worked for six years in a Sri Lankan factory that makes clothes for Nike. She is one of millions of South and Southeast Asian garment workers in Big Fashion companies' supply chains who saw their income dramatically reduced during the Covid-19 pandemic through layoffs, wage cuts, and wage theft. As an outspoken member of her factory's employee council, Dilhani pushed for repayment of lost… |

JANET (2023-03-04). NYC: Sunday 3/5 Rally 4pm Commemorating Hugo Chávez U.S. Hands off Venezuela! Free Alex Saab! iacenter.org Join us in commemorating 10 years since the passing of Comandante Hugo Chávez. He strove to liberate the Venezuelan masses from poverty and US imperial domination, to serve the people, and to arm them politically & organizationally. Chávez nationalized Venezuela's natural resources to benefit the people and introduced medical and social programs for the poor. As we mourn our fallen hero, we also pledge to redouble our efforts to defend the socialist values that Comrade Hugo Chávez upheld. Comandante Hugo Chávez Presente! Our demands: * U.S. Hands OFF Venezuela! * NO Sanctions on the Venezuelan people! * FREE kidn…

JANET (2023-03-04). Biden's war drive fuels resistance. iacenter.org By John Catalinotto February 28, 2023 President Joe Biden's trip to Kiev, Ukraine, Feb. 20 shocked people living near East Palestine, Ohio, who have been devastated by a Feb. 3 toxic train derailment. The accident involved a 150-car train owned by Norfolk Southern, carrying dangerous and hazardous chemicals, which jackknifed due to a broken axle. On Feb. 6, state authorities slowly released and burned dangerous chemicals, such as the cancer-causing vinyl chloride and others, into the air. Since then, people in the area have faced various health problems ranging from slight headaches and sore throats to coughing u…

JANET (2023-03-04). Nord Stream pipeline attack: an act of war. iacenter.org By Lyn Neeley March 3, 2023 "How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline," a report by Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, was released Feb. 8. Hersh's information comes from an unnamed source, who Hersh wrote had direct knowledge of the operational planning preceding the Sept. 26, 2022, attack and the sophisticated methods used by the U.S. and Norway to destroy Russia's Nord Stream pipeline. (tinyurl.com/2fmvkeps) The Sept. 26, 2022, explosion of the Nord Stream pipelines, which carry natural gas from Russia to Germany. On Feb. 21, the United Nations Security Council met about threat…

JANET (2023-03-04). Ohio/ Community confronts company and politicians after train wreck. iacenter.org By Otis Grotewohl March 2, 2023 President Joe Biden's trip to Kiev, Ukraine, Feb. 20 shocked people living near East Palestine, Ohio, who have been devastated by a Feb. 3 toxic train derailment. The accident involved a 150-car train owned by Norfolk Southern, carrying dangerous and hazardous chemicals, which jackknifed due to a broken axle. On Feb. 6, state authorities slowly released and burned dangerous chemicals, such as the cancer-causing vinyl chloride and others, into the air. Since then, people in the area have faced various health problems ranging from slight headaches and sore throats to coughing up and…

JANET (2023-03-04). Step by step — U.S. tries to justify intervention into Haiti. iacenter.org By G. Dunkel March 1, 2023 Students walk past a burning barricade that was set up by members of the police protesting bad police governance in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023. (AP Photo/Odelyn Joseph) The media attention is focused elsewhere. Ukraine and China are still of prime concern for President Joe Biden's administration and its allies and competitors, the leaders of the world's imperialist powers. But the U.S. has a 220-year history of maintaining its domination and exploitation of Haiti, by destroying any gains and any developments the Haitian people have made, making their living situation…

JANET (2023-03-04). The role of big investors in East Palestine and Ukraine. iacenter.org By Otis Grotewohl March 3, 2023 U.S. President Joe Biden made a surprise visit to Kiev Feb. 20 and met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The trip was purposefully made to focus attention on the one-year anniversary of the U.S.- and NATO-led proxy war against Russia, and Biden promised large amounts of military aid to Zelensky's regime in Kiev. Meanwhile, in the U.S., the Norfolk Southern derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, had become the lead news story. Because the Biden administration had done little to focus on Ohio, the Ukraine trip caused unexpected political problems at home. The train disaster a…

Jared Gans, The Hill. (2023-03-04). Protesters Disrupt House China Panel's First Hearing. popularresistance.org Protesters disrupted the first hearing of a House select committee investigating potential threats that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) poses to the country and U.S.-China competition late Tuesday, arguing that the country should cooperate with China instead of competing with it. | "China is not our enemy," read a sign held by Olivia DiNucci, an organizer for CODEPINK: Women for Peace, which advocates against the United States engaging in wars and "regime change efforts." A CODEPINK release states that DiNucci delivered a message that "The American people need cooperation, not competition with China" before she…

Jason Koslowski, Left Voice. (2023-03-04). Dispatches From The Pickets: Temple Grad Worker Strike Escalates. popularresistance.org The contrast is sharp: dull gray clouds over bleak college buildings versus the bright intensity across TUGSA picketers' faces. It's week five of the grad worker strike. Someone says to me: "We're doing another 'hard picket' today. We did it yesterday and stopped packages getting delivered." I don't know what that means but I'm not going to miss it. | Some background. The UPS Teamsters here in Philly are refusing to cross the pickets and they're not delivering packages. My own union could learn from this. The Teamsters' supervisors are scabbing. They're picking up and delivering packages at the Student Center.

Jeffrey D Stanaway, Simon I Hay, Christopher J L Murray, GBD Risk Factor Collaborators (2023-03-04). [Correspondence] GBD 2019 study informs industry yet crucial questions remain unanswered — Authors' reply. thelancet.com In their letters, Nick Allen (representing the British Meat Processors Association), John Thorley (the Association of Independent Meat Suppliers), and Tim Rycroft (the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board) reiterate concerns previously expressed by Alice V Stanton and colleagues1 and additional opinions regarding our estimates of deaths due to red meat intake in the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019.2 We appreciate the opportunity to respond to their concerns and clarify some misunderstandings.

Jill Clark-Gollub, CounterPunch. (2023-03-04). Reconciliation Does Not Mean Forgetting In Nicaragua. popularresistance.org It is important to note the telltale signs of class oppression and terrorist tactics to understand the truth about the 222 people recently released to the US who were convicted of treason in Nicaragua for savage acts of violence against their people. They had benefited from an amnesty in 2019, but violated its terms by participating in a new coup plot in 2020 and 2021. In releasing the 222 over to the US, the Nicaraguan authorities effectively pardoned them a second time in order to bring further reconciliation to society. But for the sake of historical memory and non-repetition, it is important to remember their…

John Zarocostas (2023-03-04). [World Report] New leadership for Gavi. thelancet.com Muhammad Ali Pate has been appointed to lead the vaccine organisation. John Zarocostas reports from Geneva.

Jon Queally (2023-03-04). Democrats Pressure Biden to Reject Willow Project's Arctic Drilling. truthout.org Nearly two dozen Democratic lawmakers from the U.S. Senate and House — as well as independent Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont — have written to President Joe Biden imploring him to put the last nail in the coffin of an "ill-conceived and misguided" oil and gas drilling project in Alaska that experts say would destroy the president's climate legacy if approved in any form. Led by Rep. Raúl M. |

Juan Cole (2023-03-04). You're all Palestinians Now: How Harsh Apartheid Policing is being Turned on Israeli Protesters. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Israel's Apartheid state, having honed its instruments of repression against its occupied Palestinians, whom it keeps stateless and without rights, is now turning those tools on the Israeli public itself. Yesterday, Friday, buses full of Israeli protesters attempted to head to Huwwara near Nablus in the Palestinian West Bank to …

Julie Lévesque (2023-03-04). From Afghanistan to Syria: Women's Rights, War Propaganda and the CIA. globalresearch.ca Western heads of state, UN officials, military spokespersons will invariably praise the humanitarian dimension of the October 2001 US-NATO led invasion of Afghanistan, which allegedly was to fight religious fundamentalists, help little girls go to school, liberate women subjected to the yoke of the Taliban.

Kevin Gosztola (2023-03-04). March To Iraq War, 20 Years Later: March 4, 2003. thedissenter.org

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-04). California Pan African Global Trade in the wake of 2022 US-Africa Business Summit. indybay.org Our 11th Annual, Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference is poised to bring together key global leaders together with a focused Food and Ag spark to expand California Pan African Global Trade throughout the African Continental Free Trade Area and beyond.

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2023-03-04). Auto Workers Presidential Election A Nail-biter, Reformers Sweep Regionals. popularresistance.org In the first-ever rank-and-file direct election, as opposed to a vote of convention delegates, for the national leadership of the United Auto Workers, the presidential runoff is extremely close, with ballots still being counted. Challenges are expected no matter the outcome. | At stake is the direction of the union. Presidential challenger Shawn Fain and the Members United slate have run on a platform of "No Concessions, No Corruption, No Tiers." The slate was backed by the reform group Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD), which formed in 2019 to fight for members' right to vote on top officers.

Léo Heller (2023-03-04). [Correspondence] The human rights to water and sanitation, gender equality, and the State. thelancet.com Isha Ray authored an interesting Review1 of my book on the human rights to water and sanitation.2 I appreciate her definition of the book's approach as a compelling "moral and political case for water and sanitation rights" and she made me proud when suggesting that it is aligned with Eleanor Roosevelt's idea that human rights begin in places "so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world".

Manlio Dinucci (2023-03-04). Guerre: La Storia Cancellata. globalresearch.ca La presidente Meloni, in visita a Nuova Delhi, ha dichiarato che "l'aggressione russa nei confronti dell'Ucraina" costituisce una "provocazione al cuore della Carta dell'ONU" e mina "l'ordine internazionale fondato sulle regole", concludendo che "non possiamo sottostare alla legge del più …

Marjaan Sirdar, Unicorn Riot. (2023-03-04). Minneapolis Teachers Union, Cops Battle Over Student Recruitment. popularresistance.org Minneapolis, Minnesota — A Minneapolis Public Schools teacher talked to Unicorn Riot about the Minneapolis Police Department's (MPD) newly created PEACE Recruitment Program and the teachers union's recent decision to oppose it. | Minneapolis North High School Special Education teacher and union board member at-large Jessica Garraway brought the idea to the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers (MFT59) to oppose the MPD's PEACE Recruitment Plan targeting high school students. She helped draft a resolution and bring it to the body for a vote. | Garraway, a police abolitionist, participated in the Lake Street pro…

mforinoco (2023-03-04). Internet in Cuba: Waiting For New Underwater Cable and More (I). orinocotribune.com By Eric Caraballoso — Feb 21, 2023 | OnCuba spoke with First Deputy Minister of Communications Wilfredo González Vidal about connectivity and computerization, in the first part of this interview that will continue tomorrow. |

Michael Welch (2023-03-04). Twenty Years after the Start of the War in Iraq, People Around the World are still Raging Against the War Machine. globalresearch.ca

Michelle Begue (2023-03-04). 2023 Our Ocean Conference held in Panama. america.cgtn.com In Panama leaders gather at the Our Ocean Conference to discuss the multiple threats our oceans face and what to do about it.

Middle East Monitor (2023-03-04). No, Discussing Israel's 'Right to Exist' is not Antisemitic; States don't have Rights, People Do. juancole.com By Nasim Ahmed | — ( Middle East Monitor ) — "Israel's right to exist" has been challenged in expert testimonies by leading scholars Professor John Douglas and Professor Avi Shlaim. Dugard is an advocate of the High Court of South Africa. He has served intermittently as Judge of the International Court of Justice. His …

Mike Adams (2023-03-04). The US Meat Supply May Soon be Widely Contaminated with mRNA Proteins From Biotech "Vaccines" globalresearch.ca

Mike Ludwig (2023-03-04). Mississippi Republicans Want Their Own Cops and Judges in Majority-Black Jackson. truthout.org Unable to seize power electorally in a city where more than 80 percent of residents are Black, Republicans in Mississippi are pushing legislation that would put the capital city of Jackson under the thumb of unelected judges and a notoriously aggressive state police force that answers to controversial state officials rather than local leaders. The legislation is part of a package of bills that put… |

Nauman Sadiq (2023-03-04). Who is Volodymyr Zelensky? globalresearch.ca

Nisreen A Alwan (2023-03-04). [Perspectives] Healing Long Covid: a marathon not a sprint. thelancet.com I have been immersed in Long Covid both personally and professionally since the summer of 2020. I experienced the condition myself, wrote and spoke about it on various national and international platforms, and did research trying to understand its features and effects. Now there is a handbook about the condition that I was eager to read, even though it is written mainly from the individual patient's point of view rather than the population-level perspective that I often see things through and advocate for as a public health professional.

Nitish Mondal (2023-03-04). [Correspondence] The resurgence of dengue epidemic and climate change in India. thelancet.com Climate change is influencing the incidence of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquito-borne dengue illnesses. More than half of the world's population is in danger, with an annual estimate of 100—400 million infections,1 96 million clinical symptoms, and 40‚Äà000 fatalities.2 Despite evidence of 30—50-fold increases in occurrences in tropical and subtropical regions in the past 50 years, and the fastest growing risk of dengue infection, an estimated 3 ∑97 billion people (in 129 countries) are vulnerable.

Nitza Soledad Perez (2023-03-04). Florida Governor DeSantis ends Disney's self-governing power. america.cgtn.com Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis has thrown the latest punch in his ongoing battle with entertainment giant Disney. New rules strip the company's self-governing status in the state. This follows the controversy that erupted last year over Disney's opposition to the governor's move to quash …

noreply (2023-03-04). Friday's Guilty Pleasure. . smoothiex12.blogspot.com Sparks' sarcasm is contagious, while incomparable Cate Blanchett does her mesmerizing dance. Love it. Friday, and I need a detox from "KGB style trained" Russian "spy". Still am shaking my head in disbelief.

noreply (2023-03-04). What's Wrong With This Picture Or… smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-04). Tech Layoffs Expose Capitalism. orinocotribune.com By Otis Grotewohl — Feb 20, 2023 | High-tech companies are laying off workers at record levels. More than 93,000 tech positions have been eliminated this year, and it is only the second month. These cuts include 6,650 job losses announced by Dell and the layoff of 1,300 Zoom employees in early February. (crunchbase.com, Feb. 15, 2023) | The abrupt reduction of high-tech positions started last fall. Amazon, Lyft and Meta, the parent company of Facebook, unleashed major cuts against their workforce in November. Twitter slashed several thousand jobs one month prior. Both the app company Robinhood and Snap, the…

Otis Grotewohl, Workers World. (2023-03-04). Ohio Community Confronts Company, Politicians After Train Wreck. popularresistance.org President Joe Biden's trip to Kiev, Ukraine, Feb. 20 shocked people living near East Palestine, Ohio, who have been devastated by a Feb. 3 toxic train derailment. The accident involved a 150-car train owned by Norfolk Southern, carrying dangerous and hazardous chemicals, which jackknifed due to a broken axle. | On Feb. 6, state authorities slowly released and burned dangerous chemicals, such as the cancer-causing vinyl chloride and others, into the air. Since then, people in the area have faced various health problems ranging from slight headaches and sore throats to coughing up and vomiting blood.

Paul Haeder (2023-03-04). Green Death: Love in a Time of Green Pornography. dissidentvoice.org Source: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries I was calling it many variations on the theme, greenwashing, many many propagandistic things, like green-scamming, green-sheening, and eco-porn. Here, a 1992 article, man, so long long ago, almost forgotten : Eco-pornography is the advertising of a product as "environmentally friendly," when in fact, some unmentioned aspect of the product (or …

People's Dispatch. (2023-03-04). G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting Ends Without A Joint Communique. popularresistance.org The G20 foreign ministers' meeting in New Delhi on Thursday, March 2, failed to release a joint statement due to the disagreements over the war in Ukraine, after representatives of both Russia and China objected to the draft. | As per Indian foreign minister S Jaishankar, both Russia and China had strong objections to the two paragraphs of the draft statement borrowed from last year's Bali conference, which demanded the unconditional withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukrainian territory. Jaishankar instead released a 'Chair's Summary and Outcome Document' as an alternative to the joint statement.

People's Dispatch. (2023-03-04). US Renews 'National Emergency' Against Venezuela, Keeping Sanctions. popularresistance.org On Wednesday, March 1, US President Joe Biden renewed a directive declaring a state of national emergency "with respect to the situation in Venezuela." Titled Executive Order 13692, the measure was first implemented by former President Barack Obama in 2015 citing an "unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States." The EO was accompanied by sanctions against seven Venezuelan officials. | EO 13692, which has been renewed for another year, provides an expansive basis for the US to continue to impose illegal and brutal unilateral measures against the Bolivarian Repu…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-04). 700,000 Afghans have lost their jobs since Taliban takeover, says UN expert's report. peoplesdispatch.org US sanctions, job losses, business closures, and the reluctance of foreign investors to engage in Afghanistan have had catastrophic impacts on the lives of millions of Afghans. Two thirds of households are facing difficulties in meeting basic food and non-food needs…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-04). G20 foreign ministers' meeting ends without a joint communique because of disagreements regarding Ukraine war. peoplesdispatch.org Both China and Russia expressed concerns over western countries' attempts to compromise the real objective of the G20 by using the forum to push their geopolitical agenda…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-04). Palestinians rise in protest against Israeli settler violence in Nablus. peoplesdispatch.org Thousands of Palestinians in Israel took to the streets to protest the attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinian homes and properties in Nablus on Sunday, February 26.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-04). Teachers in the UK continue protests demanding pay rises and more resources. peoplesdispatch.org Teachers are also outraged by the contemptuous remarks made by former Education Secretary Gavin Williamson and former Health Secretary Matt Hancock whose WhatsApp chats from 2020 were leaked recently…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-04). US announces fresh sanctions against firms involved in Iranian oil and petrochemical exports. peoplesdispatch.org The list of companies sanctioned include a firm based in Vietnam, two in China, one in the UAE, and two in Iran. The US accused these firms of being "knowingly engaging" in the transport of Iranian oil and petrochemicals in violation of existing sanctions…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-04). Violence in Palestine: The same Zionist agenda, but more vicious and messianic. peoplesdispatch.org Rania Khalek of BreakThrough News talks about the intensification of violence by illegal settlers in the area around Nablus in Palestine. She also talks about the agenda of the Israeli government in supporting these brutal invasaions…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-04). àáevresel Modifikasyon Teknikleri (ENMOD) ve Türkiye-Suriye Depremi: Uzman ƒ∞nceleme Gerekli. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-04). Nuclear War. "90 Seconds to Midnight": The Pentagon's 1945 "Doomsday Blueprint" to "Wipe the Soviet Union off the Map" globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-04). "Economic Warfare" Directed against China? The Shanghai "Covid Zero Tolerance Mandate" globalresearch.ca "Covid Tolerance Zero" has contributed to destabilizing Shanghai's financial sector as well as China's buoyant export economy. It has created social havoc for millions of people. The Chinese Government has now acknowledged that is was based on fake science.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-03-04). The US-NATO War of Aggression against Yugoslavia. globalresearch.ca When Belgrade was bombed, the children's hospital was the object of air attacks. It had been singled out as a strategic target. NATO stated that to "save the lives" of the newly borne, they did not bomb the section of the hospital where the babies were residing, instead they targeted the power generator, which meant no more power for the incubators.

Prof. Claudia von Werlhof (2023-03-04). Heirs of Rosalie Bertell? Her Significance for a Women's Movement, in View of Today's "New War Against All Life and Mother Earth Herself" globalresearch.ca

Rachael Davies (2023-03-04). [Perspectives] Mishal Khan: challenging inequitable status quos in global health. thelancet.com Social epidemiologist Mishal Khan is no stranger to pushing boundaries. As Associate Professor at the UK's London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in 2018, she did an analysis with colleagues that showed stark gender and ethnicity-related disparities in progression to senior positions at the world's top-ranked public health universities, with a "double disadvantage" for minority ethnic women. As Richard Coker, Emeritus Professor of Public Health at the LSHTM, observes: "Showing these uncomfortable truths in a ground-breaking paper published in The Lancet demanded considerable bravery.

Revolution Club (2023-03-04). Wednesday 3/8: International Women's Day. indybay.org 24th and Mission, San Francisco…

Revolution Club (2023-03-04). Wednesday 3/8: Int'l Women'sDay-Break theChains! Unleash theFury ofWomen as a Mighty Force for Revolution. indybay.org Revolution Books 2444 Durant Avenue Berkeley…

Richard Horton (2023-03-04). [Comment] Offline: The willing versus the legitimate. thelancet.com The largest land war in Europe since World War 2. Yet NATO insists that it is not at war with Russia in Ukraine. The evidence suggests otherwise. An expanding supply of missiles, ammunition, tanks, and air defence systems is proof of direct involvement of NATO in the Russia—Ukraine conflict. Make no mistake: western countries are at war with Russia. NATO claims that such a view is Russian disinformation. A correct diagnosis of the true nature of this war matters because of the implications for Ukrainian, European, and global security—and survival.

Robert Parry (2023-03-04). Neocons and the Ukraine Coup. globalresearch.ca Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland. | Of relevance to the ongoing war in Ukraine, this incisive article was first written by the late Robert Parry on February 24, 2014, in the immediate wake of the US Sponsored …

Ross Domoney, The Real News Network. (2023-03-04). United Kingdom Teachers Join Strike Wave. popularresistance.org The strikes in Britain are growing and this time it's the teachers who have come out in force, demanding better wages amongst the cost of living crisis. On Feb. 1 up to 500,000 workers walked out in the UK, in one of the largest coordinated strike actions since the pensions dispute of 2011. It was a cross-union action which also saw train drivers going on strike as well as thousands of the government's own civil servants. The teachers are refusing to back down in their demands and have promised further strike action and disruption in the coming months. TRNN heads to a protest in central London and speaks directly…

Seymour M. Hersh (2023-03-04). From the Gulf of Tonkin to the Baltic Sea. Seymour Hersh. globalresearch.ca

Staff (2023-03-04). Alain Pérez: "La música es una forma de sentir y ser" (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Alain Pérez por sí solo es una academia musical. En el escenario se maneja con total soltura y acapara toda la atención del público. Su maestría como ejecutante y la inquietud por experimentar con nuevos géneros y formas de hacer, son los motivos por los que probablemente muchos artistas y musicólogos lo consideran como el instrumentista más completo que tiene hoy la mayor de las Antillas.

Staff (2023-03-04). El arma secreta de YouTube para volver a conquistar a los creadores: grandes mejoras con inteligencia artificial. cubadebate.cu Google y YouTube, según datos de SimilarWeb, son los dos sitios web más visitados del mundo. Estos auténticos reyes de Internet son escoltados solo por otro gigante de la red como lo es Facebook, de Meta. øQué tienen en común estas tres plataformas? Sus empresas matrices están haciendo lo posible para no perder la posición que han conseguido.

Staff (2023-03-04). El ingeniero automático que arma canciones (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Entre proyectos de desarrollo y soluciones tecnológicas transcurren los días de Mario. Tiene 28 años y trabaja en el equipo Ecosol Eléctrico de Copextel, en La Habana. Pero también está la música. "Te permite acercarte a las personas sin que se sientan invadidas. Te conecta fraternalmente con la gente sin barreras de idioma o cultura. Te permite ser escuchado, incluso, antes de comenzar a cantar".

Staff (2023-03-04). La dramática vida de Aldo Gamba. cubadebate.cu El escultor de la fuente del cabaret Tropicana y el monumento a Máximo Gómez tuvo alegrías y tristezas en Cuba. Escritores y artistas cubanos pidieron que se le retirara el premio por el conjunto escultórico dedicado al Generalísimo, que fue levantado casi dos décadas depués de concebido. Un día, el escultor salió de su casa y no llegó a ninguna parte. Su rastro se perdió para siempre. Esta es su historia.

Staff (2023-03-04). Vea a partir de las 10:00 a.m. en Desde Cuba: øQué podría pasar en el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol? cubadebate.cu El Quinto Clásico, al cual dedicaremos este Desde Cuba, se celebrará del 8 al 21 de marzo en cuatro ciudades de Asia y América. Cuba es parte del grupo A junto a Italia, Taipéi de China, Panamá y Países Bajos. Sobre lo que se espera ver en el evento y la preparación realizada, les informamos en en nuestro espacio audiovisual, a partir de las 10: 00 a.m. de este sábado.

Staff (2023-03-04). Dan a conocer el calendario de la 62 Serie Nacional de Beisbol. cubadebate.cu La Comisión Nacional de Beisbol (CNB) reveló hoy el calendario regular de la 62 Serie Nacional de Beisbol, prevista para comenzar el 22 de marzo venidero. La justa reserva 15 subseries de cinco partidos para cada equipo, sinónimo de jugar un total de 75 hasta el 10 de junio.

Staff (2023-03-04). Desmienten noticias falsas sobre cierre de la oficina de legalización de documentos del Minrex. cubadebate.cu Ernesto Soberón Guzmán, director general de Asuntos Consulares y Atención de Cubanos Residentes en el Exterior, desmintió hoy noticias falsas relacionadas con un supuesto cierre de la oficina de legalización de documentos del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba (Minrex). Según explicó el funcionario en Twitter, el proceso se realiza de manera habitual.

Staff (2023-03-04). Subasta en Festival del Habano recauda la cifra récord de más de 11 millones de euros. cubadebate.cu La subasta de humidores —cajas para guardar puros— de la XXIII edición del Festival del Habano recaudó la cifra récord de 11 220 000 euros que, como es habitual, se destinarán al sistema cubano de Salud Pública. Con la presencia del presidente Díaz-Canel, la tradicional subasta se realizó en el recinto ferial de Pabexpo.

Staff (2023-03-04). Finaliza programa de trabajo de delegación cubana en Azerbaiyán. cubadebate.cu La delegación cubana para la Cumbre del Grupo de Contacto del Movimiento de Países No Alineados (MNOAL) en respuesta a la COVID-19, encabezada por el Vicepresidente Salvador Valdés Mesa, concluyó hoy su programa de trabajo en Azerbaiyán, sede del evento, en el cual se abordaron las acciones conjuntas para la recuperación pospandemia.

Staff (2023-03-04). Garantiza empresa avileña tuberías y conexiones de polietileno para obras hidráulicas y sectores estratégicos. cubadebate.cu Obras hidráulicas en el país y sectores estratégicos, como la agricultura, tendrán garantía este año de tuberías y conexiones de polietileno de alta densidad que fabrican en la Empresa Ciegoplast, de Ciego de àÅvila, la primera de su tipo en Cuba. El plan de materia prima a procesar en este 2023 es de 6000 toneladas, superior a las 4200 del año anterior.

Staff (2023-03-04). Primer ministro cubano recibió al embajador de Singapur. cubadebate.cu En el encuentro trascendió el avance de la cooperación bilateral en sectores como el turismo, la biotecnología y la administración portuaria. El embajador singapurense se refirió a las coincidencias que unen a los dos países, a pesar de la distancia geográfica, y calificó de excelentes las relaciones bilaterales.

Staff (2023-03-04). Recibe Díaz-Canel Medalla de Oro del Comité Olímpico Internacional. cubadebate.cu Tomas Bach, presidente del Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI), entregó hoy al primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel, la Medalla de Oro del COI, como reconocimiento a su respaldo al movimiento olímpico mundial.

Staff (2023-03-04). Conozca mejor a los integrantes de #elCubaClásico: Leyva y Bolaños. cubadebate.cu Cubadebate ya está en tiempo de Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. Te seguimos presentando cada día a 2 de los 30 integrantes de nuestra selección nacional. El Cuba al Clásico es el equipo de todos.

Staff (2023-03-04). EE.UU.: Un camión cisterna explota y arde en llamas en Maryland. cubadebate.cu Un camión cisterna explotó este sábado en la ciudad de Frederick (estado estadounidense de Maryland), quedando envuelto en llamas a muy pocos metros de una zona de casas. En las grabaciones que circulan por redes sociales se aprecia cómo una columna de fuego y humo se eleva entre casas de un barrio residencial.

Staff (2023-03-04). El abridor del Clásico Mundial de Béisbol será Yariel Rodríguez. cubadebate.cu Yariel Rodríguez será el lanzador abridor de Cuba contra Países Bajos en la jornada inaugural del grupo A del V Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. La incógnita se despejó tras el entrenamiento de este sábado, primero compartido por la totalidad del equipo que debuta el próximo día 8 en el Estadio Intercontinental de esta urbe.

Staff (2023-03-04). El tiempo: Calor y escasas lluvias. cubadebate.cu Las temperaturas mínimas estarán entre 19 y 22 grados Celsius en localidades del interior, superiores en zonas costeras. La tarde será calurosa, con temperaturas máximas entre 31 y 34 grados Celsius. En la noche las temperaturas estarán entre 23 y 26 grados Celsius.

Staff (2023-03-04). En Cuba, actor brasileño José de Abreu, el "Nilo" de Avenida Brasil. cubadebate.cu El reconocido actor brasileño José de Abreu está en estos días en Cuba, según ha dado a conocer él mismo a través de sus redes sociales, donde ha colocado algunas fotos de su estancia por La Habana. Jose de Abreu es bien conocido por su participación en las telenovelas brasileñas transmitidas por la televisión cubana…

Staff (2023-03-04). Falleció el gran Julio Batista. cubadebate.cu Este viernes 3 de marzo falleció el destacado periodista, locutor, conductor y guionista cubano Julio Alberto Batista Delgado, a los 87 años de edad. Una de las voces más reconocidas de la radio y la televisión en nuestro país, fue el primero en darle voz al inolvidable Noticiero ICAIC Latinoamericano.

Staff (2023-03-04). Lavrov destaca el papel de Chávez en la construcción de la solidaridad latinoamericana. cubadebate.cu El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia, Serguéi Lavrov, destacó que el expresidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, puso "una de las piedras más importantes en el fundamento de la solidaridad latinoamericana" en un videomensaje grabado con el motivo del décimo aniversario de la muerte del líder sudamericano.

Staff (2023-03-04). Parque Científico y Tecnológico de La Habana lanza concurso "Mi idea 3CE" cubadebate.cu Mi idea 3CE representa una excelente oportunidad para que estudiantes y jóvenes de todo el país desarrollen sus ideas a partir del trabajo en equipo, se apropien de nuevas herramientas de trabajo, creen redes colaborativas y generen soluciones a problemas emergentes con el acompañamiento de expertos de diferentes áreas del conocimiento.

Staff (2023-03-04). Perú declara Estado de Emergencia por intensas lluvias en 56 provincias. cubadebate.cu Debido a las fuertes lluvias en varias regiones del norte del país, el Gobierno peruano decretó el viernes el Estado de Emergencia por al menos 60 días con el objetivo de ejecutar medidas y acciones que garanticen la protección de los ciudadanos ante los intensos aguaceros. La medida regirá en más de 230 distritos pertenecientes a 56 provincias.

Staff (2023-03-04). Presidente del COI concluyó visita a Cuba. cubadebate.cu Los presidentes del Comité Olímpico Internacional, Thomas Bach, y de Panam Sports, Neven Ilic, valoraron de excelentes los resultados de su visita de trabajo a Cuba, donde intercambiaron con autoridades y atletas. Los federativos fueron despedidos este sábado en el aeropuerto José Martí por Roberto León Richards, presidente del Comité Olímpico Cubano.

Staff (2023-03-04). Qué trae la prensa cubana, sábado 4 de marzo de 2023. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-03-04). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este sábado 4 de marzo. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener informados a sus lectores, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este sábado 4 de marzo en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-03-04). Tormenta invernal deja 10 muertos en el sur y medio oeste de Estados Unidos. cubadebate.cu El clima extremo que se experimenta en estos momentos a lo largo de los Estados Unidos ha dejado 10 muertos, así como un poderoso sistema de tormenta que llegó acompañado de granizo del tamaño de una pelota de golf, ráfagas de viento tan fuertes que derriban camiones con remolque, caída de letreros, inundaciones y cortes en el suministro de luz.

Staff (2023-03-04). Trump intenta bloquear testimonio de Pence sobre interferencia electoral de 2020. cubadebate.cu El expresidente Donald Trump solicitó a un tribunal federal que impida al ex vicepresidente Mike Pence hablar ante un gran jurado sobre ciertos asuntos que están cubiertos por el privilegio ejecutivo, en relación con la investigación penal sobre los intentos de anular la derrota electoral de Trump en 2020, dijeron fuentes familiarizadas con la medida a CNN.

Staff (2023-03-04). UNE pronostica una afectación de 166 MW en horario pico de este sábado. cubadebate.cu Para el horario pico se estima la entrada de la unidad de Puerto Escondido con 20 MW, la entrada de la unidad 3 de la CTE Santa Cruz con 80 MW, la entrada de la unidad 5 de la CTE Nuevitas con 90 MW (en proceso de arranque) y la entrada de 2 motores en la patana de Melones (34 MW). Con este pronóstico, se estima para la hora pico una disponibilidad de 2704 MW y una demanda máxima de 2800 MW, para un déficit de 96 MW.

Staff (2023-03-04). La investigación por amenazas contra Messi avanza en "buena dirección" cubadebate.cu La investigación por las amenazas contra el futbolista Lionel Messi y el ataque al local de su familia política en la ciudad argentina de Rosario "va teniendo una buena dirección", según aseguró este viernes el fiscal general de la provincia de Santa Fe, Jorge Baclini. El fiscal general rechazó la concurrencia de fuerzas militares para combatir el narcotráfico en Santa Fe.

Staff (2023-03-04). Recuerdan en Cuba ataque terrorista a vapor La Coubre. cubadebate.cu El primer ministro de Cuba, Manuel Marrero, recordó el aniversario 63 de la explosión del vapor francés La Coubre, debido a un ataque terrorista que costó la vida a cientos de cubanos. Alrededor de las 15: 00 horas del 4 de aquel marzo, una enorme explosión sacudió La Habana y de inmediato la ciudad se llenó con el ruido de las sirenas de ambulancias y policías.

Staff (2023-03-04). Russian Foreign Minister Pays Tribute to Commander Hugo Chávez. orinocotribune.com Within hours for the beginning of a series of activities to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the physical departure of Commander Hugo Chávez, the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, paid him an emotional tribute through a video. | In the message, broadcast by Telesur, Lavrov highlighted the charisma of the revolutionary leader and his firm position in the speeches before the United Nations. | "He was a charismatic personality, a constant defender of equality in international affairs," said the top Russian diplomat. | pic.twitter.com/5Cuhhj66Sg | — teleSUR English (@telesurenglish) Staff (2023-03-04). Venezuela: Jorge Rodríguez Criticizes Inadequate Infrastructure for Disabled People. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, March 2, the president of Venezuela's National Assembly, Deputy Jorge Rodríguez, urged the deputies to exercise the function of comptroller of the laws enacted for the benefit of all the Venezuelan people. | Rodríguez entered the Federal Legislative Palace's session chamber in a wheelchair due to a temporary disability in his left leg. He shared on social media that he was there to "do his job," but no further information was provided about the cause of his temporary disability. | Rodríguez called on the members of the National Assembly in the absence of ramps and other measures and devices that allo…

Staff (2023-03-04). Venezuela's Peasant Movement Demands Justice for Assassination of Carlos Bolívar (+Los Tramojos). orinocotribune.com At approximately 5: 30 a.m. on Thursday, March 2, Carlos Bolívar, a member of the Peasant Platform in Guárico state, was assassinated. Since 2018, he had been fighting to rescue Los Tramojos, a plot of land disputed with a landowner. The Platform for Peasant Struggle and the National Peasant Movement reported in a statement that Bolívar was assassinated while beginning his work in Puerto Carrizalero-Camaguán, Guárico. | "Bolívar was a historic leader in the struggle to rescue the Los Tramojos ranch, an emblematic case of the Admirable Peasant March, national leader of the Platform for Peasant Struggle and the Nati…

Stephen A Hoption Cann (2023-03-04). [Correspondence] When was mpox a public health emergency? thelancet.com Clare Wenham and Mark Eccleston-Turner1 discussed challenges faced by WHO over when to declare an outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). They state the PHEIC declaration for mpox (previously known as monkeypox) could reclaim WHO's "authority in global disease control and demonstrate to states and the global health community that WHO can act in this central role and is not afraid to use the powers it has been endowed with".1 Yet, with the disease now probably endemic in many regions outside of Africa, was an earlier declaration warranted?

Svetlana Savranskaya (2023-03-04). NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard. "Not One Inch Eastward". What Was Agreed Between the Soviets and the West in 1990? globalresearch.ca

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-04). ALBA Movimientos debate crisis sistémica del capitalismo global. telesurtv.net Alba Movimientos es un instrumento de integración que nos ayuda a mirar de forma conjunta para enfrentar esos tiempos de inestabilidad.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-04). Peruanos se movilizan para exigir renuncia de Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net Designan un nuevo fiscal especializado de DD. HH. en Puno, quien será responsable de investigar la masacre perpetrada allí el 9 de enero de 2023.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-04). Rusia destaca impronta de Hugo Chávez en la comunidad global. telesurtv.net Canciller ruso, Serguei Lavrov, expresó que "incluso los opositores de Hugo Chávez reconocían la magnitud de su personalidad".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-04). Fiscalía de Ecuador formula cargos contra expresidente Moreno. telesurtv.net La audiencia se celebra desde las 10H00 (hora local) en la sede de la Corte Nacional de Justicia, en Quito.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-04). Fiscalía de Ecuador pide arresto domiciliario para expresidente Moreno. telesurtv.net Por tener más de 65 años, la fiscal general pidió tanto para Lenín Moreno como para otros 13 sospechosos que se llevara a cabo el arresto domiciliario.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-04). Fuerzas de Israel hieren a dos palestinos en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Los soldados atacaron a los manifestantes con balas recubiertas con goma y gas lacrimógeno.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-04). Continúan combatiendo 21 incendios forestales en Chile. telesurtv.net Se mantiene la alerta roja en las regiones de Biobío y La Araucanía.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-04). Avanza Asamblea debate sobre juicio político al presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net Desde el movimiento Pachakutik (25 asambleístas) también han expresado su respaldo por el juicio político al mandatario.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-04). Asesinan en Filipinas al gobernador de Negro Oriental. telesurtv.net El ataque ocurrió a las 09H35 horas locales de este sábado en frente del domicilio del gobernador y en el mismo otras cinco personas fueron asesinadas.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-04). Marchan en Túnez contra deterioro de las condiciones económicas. telesurtv.net La protesta masiva fue convocada por el sindicato Unión General de Trabajadores de Túnez (UGTT), que ha denunciado varios arrestos contra destacados opositores de l Gobierno.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-04). Presidente Maduro saluda encuentro sobre Hugo Chávez en Venezuela. telesurtv.net El encuentro se desarrolla en el teatro Teresa Carreño hasta el domingo 5 de marzo, fecha en que, una década atrás, falleció el comandante Hugo Chávez.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2023-03-04). Aleida Guevara: mostrar que sí se puede como hacía Chávez. telesurtv.net "La línea clara y limpia de nuestro proceso tiene que mantenerse por encima de todo para que el pueblo siga confiando" dijo Aleida Guevara.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2023-03-04). Filipinas declara el estado de calamidad por derrame petrolero. telesurtv.net La alcaldesa de la ciudad filipina de Pola, Jennifer Cruz, declaró el estado de emergencia a causa del derrame de petróleo.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-04). Bolivia respalda plan de México contra la inflación en Latinoamérica. telesurtv.net Entre los países que diseñará el plan se encuentran Brasil, Colombia, Cuba y Argentina.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-04). Liberan a policías y funcionarios retenidos en Caquetá, Colombia. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado colombiano aseveró que personalmente dialogará con los campesinos sobre sus necesidades, quejas y reclamos.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-04). Presidente Maduro rechaza extensión del decreto de EE.UU. sobre Venezuela. telesurtv.net El mandatario aseguró que gracias a la unión de la clase obrera el país va saliendo adelante y va venciendo las sanciones impuestas.

teleSUR, nbb, JDO (2023-03-04). Explosión de oleoducto en Nigeria deja al menos 12 fallecidos. telesurtv.net Las autoridades trabajan para determinar la cifra exacta de víctimas y el número de heridos, hasta ahora desconocido.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-04). Emiten alerta roja por calor extremo en Buenos Aires, Argentina. telesurtv.net Se tomó la decisión al cumplirse el cuarto día consecutivo con temperaturas superiores a los 35 grados.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-04). Incendio en depósito de combustible deja 17 muertos en Indonesia. telesurtv.net El incidente dejó al menos 17 muertos, 50 heridos y fueron evacuados residentes de áreas cercanas.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-04). Inicia vacunación contra la gripe aviar en Ecuador. telesurtv.net El país recibió las vacunas después de las pérdidas de 1,2 millones de aves entre muertas o sacrificadas por diversos focos infecciosos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-04). Reportan primera muerte por mpox en Costa Rica. telesurtv.net Se trata de un hombre costarricense de 30 años.

teleSUR, RDL (2023-03-04). Corte chilena encarcela a 59 exrepresores de la Junta Militar. telesurtv.net El fallo estableció error de derecho en la sentencia impugnada, dictada por la Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago, al absolver a varios condenados que cumplieron funciones en distintos cuarteles del organismo represor…

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-03-04). ONU preocupada por asesinatos de defensores de DD.HH, en Colombia. telesurtv.net El informe anual sobre la situación de los derechos humanos en la nación sudamericana registra un aumento de los ataques letales contra los activistas humanitarios.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-04). Educadores y universitarios exigen dimisión de Lasso en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Al son de las consignas ¡Fuera, Lasso, fuera! colectivos civiles llevan a cabo acciones de protesta en contra del mandatario ecuatoriano.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-04). Acusan a soldados por masacre en Tamaulipas, México. telesurtv.net La Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos denunció que los soldados acribillaron a los jóvenes cuando se dirigían a sus domicilios.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-04). Presidente de Ecuador decreta estado de excepción en Esmeraldas. telesurtv.net Según datos oficiales desde enero, se han registrado 70 homicidios en la provincia de Esmeraldas.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-04). Fiscalía de Perú cita a Dina Boluarte por muertes en protestas. telesurtv.net La presidenta peruana deberá acudir el próximo 7 de marzo a la sede del Ministerio Público en la capital del país.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-04). Inundaciones dejan casi 35 mil evacuados en el sur de Malasia. telesurtv.net Las autoridades de Malasia indicaron que al menos tres personas han fallecido a causa de las inundaciones en el sur del país.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-04). Sismo de magnitud 6.9 sacude un archipiélago de Nueva Zelanda. telesurtv.net Las autoridades neozelandesas indicaron que el sismo no dejo víctimas ni daños graves a infraestructuras.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-04). Gobierno peruano declara el Estado de Emergencia por lluvias. telesurtv.net El Estado de Emergencia regirá por 60 dias en 56 provincias de las regiones de Áncash, Cajamarca, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima, Piura y Tumbes.

The Lancet (2023-03-04). [Editorial] A decisive moment for The World Bank. thelancet.com The next few months will be vital for The World Bank. In June, David Malpass will step down as President, following his damaging equivocations about whether fossil fuels are driving climate change. Malpass' tenure has undermined the credibility of the Bank as a trusted source of assistance and advice at an important time. The World Bank was established after World War 2 with the initial aim to help rebuild countries devasted by the war. It has since focused on reducing poverty, with a wide portfolio that covers all sectors of development, including health.

Tim Rycroft (2023-03-04). [Correspondence] GBD 2019 study informs industry yet crucial questions remain unanswered. thelancet.com We join respected nutrition and health academics1,2 in requesting clarification from the GBD 2019 Risk Factors Collaborators3 about whether the data used to conclude there had been a 36-fold increase in global deaths attributed to eating red meat had been correctly scrutinised before publication in The Lancet.

TrialSite (2023-03-04). Top Japanese Physician-Scientist Gives Dire Warning About COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: 'Scientifically Misconceived'. globalresearch.ca

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental Institute For Social Research. (2023-03-04). Who Die For Life — Like Hugo Chávez — Cannot Be Called Dead. popularresistance.org On 28 October 2005, a special event was held in Caracas at the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. At this gathering, held on the birthday of Simón Rodríguez (Simón Bolívar's teacher), the Venezuelan government announced that nearly 1.5 million adults had learned to read through Mission Robinson, a mass literacy programme that it initiated two years earlier. The mission was named after Rodríguez (who was also known by the pseudonym Samuel Robinson). | One of those adults, María Eugenia Túa (age 70), stood beside President Hugo Chávez Frías and said, 'We are no longer poor. We are rich in kn…

WorkWeek (2023-03-04). Turkey Earthquake, Corruption & Erdogan, Ballad Of Harry Bridges & ILWU Mumia On WorkWeek. indybay.org WorkWeek covers the Turkey Earthquake, Corruption & Erdogan & Ballad Of Harry Bridges along with the ILWU Local 10 initiated Labor Community March for Mumia Abu-Jamal on 2/16/23.

WSWS (2023-03-04). The return of the "Grand Coalition" in Berlin. wsws.org The return of the Grand Coalition in Berlin reaffirms that it has become impossible to influence political events by means of the ballot box.

WSWS (2023-03-04). German Chancellor Scholz pushes for rearmament and war against Russia. wsws.org On Thursday, on the anniversary of his speech proclaiming a "new era" in foreign policy, Scholz again delivered a government statement in the Bundestag. It lived up to his war speech a year ago, which initiated the massive arms deliveries to Ukraine and the largest German rearmament since Hitler.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Norfolk Southern, rail union floated exchanging sick days for automatic track inspections. wsws.org The talks, which apparently reached an advanced stage, took place in the weeks after the derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Support and build the Caterpillar Workers Rank-and-File Committee! wsws.org The Caterpillar workers are in a fight that has major significance for the whole working class.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Thousands join climate change protests in New Zealand. wsws.org Catastrophic flooding across much of the North Island underscores the urgency of addressing climate change, but the rally organisers promoted illusions that the Labour-Greens government can be pressured to take action.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Sham motorway toll promises in NSW election. wsws.org Sydney residents paid about $2 billion in tolls last year, adding to the unbearable cost of living.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Heavily armed fascist arrested by FBI after threatening to murder "anyone that is Jewish" in Michigan government. wsws.org Multiple Jewish Michigan officials, some of whom were previously targeted in the 2020 fascist assassination plot, confirmed they were recently contacted by the FBI regarding the alleged terrorist plot.

WSWS (2023-03-04). The global significance of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. wsws.org The earthquake that has had such a devastating impact in Turkey and Syria is a global and historic event, that will have political consequences.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Angry residents confront EPA and railroad officials at East Palestine, Ohio town hall. wsws.org The meeting was the first time in the month since the February 3 derailment that an official representative from Norfolk Southern attended a town hall in East Palestine.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Dana workers fired with UAW consent for reporting exploitation, wage theft and sexual harassment. wsws.org The real aim of this ongoing purge is to remove militant workers, lower labor costs, and terrify those remaining to accept worse conditions. This is a lesson in the reality of capitalism.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Official death toll in Turkish-Syrian earthquake exceeds 53,000. wsws.org Erdoğan and Turkish authorities continue to deny their responsibility in this historic catastrophe, which has officially claimed over 45,000 lives in Turkey.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Inequality in Sweden reaches highest level in decades. wsws.org New data from the Swedish government's statistics agency—Statistics Sweden—shows that income inequality in the country is now higher than at any other point in time since the agency began collecting this information in 1975.

WSWS (2023-03-04). German talk show utilises atrocity propaganda to justify expansion of the Ukraine war. wsws.org With the growth of popular opposition to NATO's intensification of the war in Ukraine, war propaganda is assuming hysterical and grotesque forms.

Yves Engler (2023-03-04). To See Real Foreign Influence, Check out Canada's Military. dissidentvoice.org If you believe the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and Conservatives, the Chinese own a backbench Liberal MP, which has been front page news recently. But no one mentions Washington's possession of our military. According to a leak reportedly from CSIS, the Chinese consulate in Toronto assisted Han Dong win the Liberal party nomination for the …

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2023-03-04: News Headlines

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Do prescription opioids impact cognitive function in older adults? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Prescription opioid use could have a negative effect on cognitive function in older adults, according to a recent Mayo Clinic study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. The population-based observational study used data from the Mayo Clinic Study of Aging, a research initiative examining the cognitive decline in older people for nearly 20 years. Findings The study found that 70% of participants received at least one opioid prescription over an average of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Mayo Clinic Minute: Who should be screened for colorectal cancer? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Colorectal cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. Colorectal cancer cannot be totally prevented, but there are ways to lower your risk and that's with regular screening. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and the American Cancer Society encourage patients to start screening for colorectal cancer at age 45. Dr. John Kisiel, a Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist, also says patients should begin screening at 45. He recommends checking with your health care team about your risks, and with your…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Advances in care for medication-resistant epilepsy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My son is in his 20s and has had epilepsy for years. He had undergone extensive evaluation over a decade ago. Lately, his medication hasn't been effectively preventing seizures. What are some of the innovations available to provide him the chance of seizure freedom and improve his quality of life? ANSWER: An epilepsy diagnosis can be challenging for anyone. Epilepsy can be frustrating because of the unpredictability of seizures and the challenge many people…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Mayo Clinic discovery leads to life-changing treatment for young girl with ultra-rare disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Rare Disease Day on Feb. 28 raises awareness of the 30 million people in the U.S. who have a rare disease. Months after young Maggie Carmichael started taking an experimental drug for her ultra-rare genetic disease, she was able to trade in her wheelchair for a walker. The 9-year-old Mayo Clinic patient even took a few of her first-ever steps on her own. She also became better at feeding herself, her speech improved and she…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Obesity makes it harder to diagnose and treat heart disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Being overweight impacts your heart health in more ways than you might think. A new JACC review paper from Mayo Clinic outlines how obesity affects the common tests used to diagnose heart disease and impacts treatments. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. and globally, yet it is largely preventable. "Excess fat acts as a kind of filter and can skew test readings to under-or overdiagnosis," says senior…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Black History Month: Dr. Michele Halyard on a lifetime commitment to health equity, inclusion and diversity. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Michele Halyard Black History Month is commemorated every February. It's a month for all people to celebrate and learn about diverse and important contributions of African Americans to American society and culture, as well as to reflect on the ongoing fight against racism, inequity and discrimination. Mayo Clinic News Network is highlighting Mayo Clinic physicians who are focused every day on achieving health equity, inclusion and diversity through their work. Meet Dr. Michele Halyard,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Mayo Clinic Healthcare expert: Artificial intelligence improves colonoscopy accuracy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org LONDON —‚ÄØJames East, M.D., spends his days skillfully examining people's colons, searching for and snaring away suspicious polyps that might one day turn into cancer. A gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London, he says the ability to identify cancer risks and eliminate them on the spot during a colonoscopy is one of the most satisfying parts of his chosen profession. Colonoscopy remains the gold standard in detecting and preventing colorectal cancer. But the procedure…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Mayo Clinic continues strong performance in 2022 thanks to staff, 'Bold. Forward.' strategy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic is positioned to achieve its vision to transform health care and remains committed to its mission to serve patients and invest in staff. With careful planning and the support of Mayo's dedicated staff, the organization enters 2023 financially strong and focused on leading the transformation of health care through its "Bold. Forward." strategy. In an industry facing significant financial pressures as well as staffing challenges, Mayo Clinic staff have stepped…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Mayo Clinic Minute: Tongue-tie in babies. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Up to 10% of newborns are born with ankyloglossia, a condition more commonly known as tongue-tie. The most common symptom for infants is difficulty with breastfeeding or bottlefeeding. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Rebekah Huppert, nurse and lactation consultant at Mayo Clinic, discusses how latching and feeding challenges caused by tongue-tie can be addressed with or without the need for any procedure. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/va4hEEDmNzk Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 10) is in the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Transplant program at Mayo Clinic in Florida celebrates its 25th anniversary with vision for future of transplant. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org JACKSONVILLE, Fla. ‚Äï Twenty-five years ago, the transplant center at Mayo Clinic in Florida performed its first solid organ transplant — a liver transplant. To date, the center has performed nearly 9,000 lifesaving transplants as one of the largest combined solid organ transplant programs in the U.S. The center has provided consistently high-quality patient care before and after organ transplants since its establishment. Based on more than two decades of vast experience in organ transplant,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). From civil rights to transplant awareness, advocate continues to make a difference. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As America celebrates Black History Month, one civil rights activist is celebrating a new lease on life. Dr. Shirley Green-Reese received a kidney transplant in June 2022 at Mayo Clinic in Florida. Her kidney transplant is only one chapter in an incredible life story. Dr. Green-Reese is no stranger to turning challenges into triumphs. In 1963, at the age of 13, she was one of 15 young African American girls who were arrested for peacefully…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Science Saturday: Could antidepressants cause treatment-emergent mania? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org In a study published in Molecular Psychiatry, Mark Frye, M.D., a Mayo Clinic researcher and collaborators, investigated the risk of treatment-emergent mania in bipolar disorder when treated with antidepressants. "We found that antidepressants that increase mitochondrial energetics (cells that extract energy from nutrients for sustaining life) may elevate the risk of treatment-emergent mania," says Dr. Frye. The increased energy expenditure of mania associated with impulsivity, poor judgment, psychosis and loss of insight can drive high-risk behaviors, often…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Mayo Clinic Minute: Tips for a heart-healthy sandwich. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Packing a healthy lunch seems like an easy task, but sometimes all the sandwich choices may seem daunting. Many deli, or processed meats, are packed with preservatives, nitrates and sodium that could raise your risk of heart disease and other health issues. So is there a better choice to build a lunch you'll love and feel good about? Kate Zeratsky, a Mayo Clinic registered dietitian nutritionist, says what you pack with your lunch may help…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Consumer Health: 8 heart-healthy diet strategies. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org February is American Heart Month, which makes this a good time to learn about how your diet affects your heart health. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the U.S., regardless of race or ethnicity, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although you cannot change some risk factors, such as family history, sex or age, you can take some key steps to reduce your risk of heart disease. You can avoid heart…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). What can you do for an overactive bladder? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Overactive bladder, or OAB, is a condition that causes a sudden urge to urinate. It affects both men and women. The urge may be difficult to stop, and overactive bladder may lead to the involuntary loss of urine, known as urge incontinence. If you have overactive bladder, you may feel embarrassed, isolate yourself or limit your work and social life. The good news is that a brief evaluation can determine whether there's a specific cause…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Mayo Clinic Minute: Obesity and heart disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It's long been known that being overweight or obese can make a person more apt to develop conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, which can lead to cardiovascular disease. But experts at Mayo Clinic say obesity also can affect the heart in entirely independent ways. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains the resources available to help patients battling obesity and heart disease. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Hospice care: Comfort at the end of life. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It was announced earlier this week that former President Jimmy Carter has entered hospice care. But just what is hospice care and how it can provide comfort and support? Hospice care is for people who are nearing the end of life. The services are provided by a team of health care professionals who maximize comfort for a person who is terminally ill by reducing pain and addressing physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. To help…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Avoiding shoulder injuries while shoveling snow. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Last winter, I slipped and fell shoveling snow. I have arthritis in one of my shoulders. I'm concerned about having another injury. How common are shoulder injuries during the winter due to shoveling snow and other activities? What advice do you have for how to avoid injuring my shoulder? ANSWER: Unfortunately, the numbers don't lie. In Mayo Clinic's orthopedics practice, the number of people who need care due to shoulder injuries increases substantially during…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-04). Winter safety tips from a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Weather Service says a massive winter storm is moving across the U.S., with high winds, icy conditions and up to 2 feet of heavy snow expected in parts of the Upper Midwest. If possible, limit travel or stay off the roads if you live in the affected areas. "If you don't have to go out, it's best not to go. But if you do, plan just in case something bad happens," says Dr….

_____ (2023-03-04). What unites and disunites Indonesia and Malaysia? journal-neo.org Indonesia, a country of 275 million people, and Malaysia, a country of 33 million, are neighbors with many similarities. Malaysia and Indonesia have a shared history, culture, and religion, Islam. Their national languages belong to the same language family, making communication between their citizens simple. Furthermore, both Southeast Asian states are founding members of major …

_____ (2023-03-04). Seymour Hersh: U.S. Bombed Nord Stream to Prolong the Ukraine Proxy War. strategic-culture.org The Pulitzer-winning journalist discusses the fallout from his report exposing how the US blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipelines. | By Aaron MATÉ | Seymour Hersh joins Aaron Maté to discuss his report on how the Biden administration bombed the Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, which blew up not only a vital Russian-German infrastructure project but a key off-ramp to peace in Ukraine.

Alexander Rubinstein (2023-03-04). Top Biden officials address pro-war rally led by Ukrainian Nazi supporters. thegrayzone.com USAID's Samantha Power joined EU and US officials rallied at the Lincoln Memorial at a pro-war demonstration organized by a clique of Ukrainian activists that have described themselves as "true Banderites" and "Right Sektor's Washington DC branch." High-ranking Biden foreign policy officials including USAID Administrator Samantha Power and Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried observed the first anniversary of Russia's military operation in Ukraine at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. There, on February 25, …

Ambedkar King Study Circle (2023-03-04). Saturday 3/4: India: The Modi Question (BBC documentary). indybay.org Roosevelt Community Center | 901 East Santa Clara Street | San José CA 95116 | Parking accessible from North 21st Street…

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Are These Really the Happiest Cities? americanthinker.com Upon closer inspection, something seems a bit off about this list….

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Beating Democrats on Social Security Reform. americanthinker.com The Republicans' strategies to get reform through the door have failed. This one might work.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). China's Role in Black-Market Money Laundering. americanthinker.com China and its actors have become the world's most dominant ongoing transnational criminal and money laundering enterprise.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). Politicized Black History And The Great American Shakedown. americanthinker.com It's appropriate for America to have an honest reckoning with its slave past, but that's not what's happening here, as activists pervert history for money.

americanthinker (2023-03-04). The Passing of Lynette 'Diamond' Hardaway. americanthinker.com Sister Diamond was brave, bodacious, and always a pleasure to watch. She asserted herself and spoke truth to power, while others cowered and fled into the shadows.

Anand Naidoo (2023-03-04). The Heat: U.S.-Germany Relations. america.cgtn.com The German Chancellor meets with U.S. President Biden at the White House. What was on the agenda? German Chancellor Olaf Scholz met with President Biden in Washington on Friday. The meeting took place as both leaders are heavily engaged in supporting Ukraine in its conflict …

Angela (2023-03-04). Saturday 3/4: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Since You've Been Gone" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Angela (2023-03-04). Sunday 3/19: Q&A Discussion of the documentary film "The Law and the Prophets" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Antiwar Dot Com (2023-03-04). House overwhelmingly approves resolution to maintain Syria sanctions after earthquake. thegrayzone.com Every member of the progressive Squad voted for the resolution. Only Republican Reps. Thomas Massie and Marjorie Taylor Greene voted against it. This article was originally published by Antiwar.com. The House this week voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution to maintain sanctions on Syria following a devastating earthquake that has killed at least 5,900 people in the country, The Cradle reported on Wednesday. The resolution was introduced by Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) and received 51 cosponsors. It passed in a vote …

Benjamin Wehrmann (2023-03-04). Solar power battery installations increase exponentially in Germany. juancole.com ( Clean Energy Wire ) — The number of household solar power storage installations has grown exponentially over the past four years, with a year-on-year growth of 52 percent in 2022, Germany's Solar Power Association BSW Solar has said. "Half of private home owners say they would consider storing their homemade solar power," a survey …

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-04). Inside the Bunkers — Remembering Wounded Knee. indybay.org Warrior women of Wounded Knee joined a reporter and an attorney to remember the 71 days of Wounded Knee, from the bunkers to the courtroom. Bullets whizzed by their ears as they resisted the heavily armed GOONS and the U.S. militarized assault on the people.

CA Poor People's Campaign (2023-03-04). Wednesday 3/8: International Women's Day: End Women's Poverty – Invest in Caring, Not Killing w/ PPC. indybay.org Online rally for women's rights…

Angela (2023-03-04). Sunday 3/19: Q&A Discussion of the documentary film "The Law and the Prophets" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Antiwar Dot Com (2023-03-04). House overwhelmingly approves resolution to maintain Syria sanctions after earthquake. thegrayzone.com Every member of the progressive Squad voted for the resolution. Only Republican Reps. Thomas Massie and Marjorie Taylor Greene voted against it. This article was originally published by Antiwar.com. The House this week voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution to maintain sanctions on Syria following a devastating earthquake that has killed at least 5,900 people in the country, The Cradle reported on Wednesday. The resolution was introduced by Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) and received 51 cosponsors. It passed in a vote …

Benjamin Wehrmann (2023-03-04). Solar power battery installations increase exponentially in Germany. juancole.com ( Clean Energy Wire ) — The number of household solar power storage installations has grown exponentially over the past four years, with a year-on-year growth of 52 percent in 2022, Germany's Solar Power Association BSW Solar has said. "Half of private home owners say they would consider storing their homemade solar power," a survey …

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-04). Inside the Bunkers — Remembering Wounded Knee. indybay.org Warrior women of Wounded Knee joined a reporter and an attorney to remember the 71 days of Wounded Knee, from the bunkers to the courtroom. Bullets whizzed by their ears as they resisted the heavily armed GOONS and the U.S. militarized assault on the people.

CA Poor People's Campaign (2023-03-04). Wednesday 3/8: International Women's Day: End Women's Poverty – Invest in Caring, Not Killing w/ PPC. indybay.org Online rally for women's rights…

Craig Louis Stehr (2023-03-04). Spiritually Unified at 1:18PM at the Ukiah Public Library. indybay.org Postmodern America has totally blown out! Please collectively pray for a miracle, so that I have a base to work from.

David Starr (2023-03-04). Profiting Off of Death and Suffering is the American Way. covertactionmagazine.com Arms Industry and U.S. Government Have Now Practically Merged The United States's imperial foreign policy has been evident since day one, but especially starting with the Gilded Age and the arrogant doctrine of Manifest Destiny of the mid-19th century. The imperial "cause" continued through the decades leading up to today. And today, the U.S. arms …

Dee Knight (2023-03-04). Dr. Strangelove Is No Longer Satire. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Gilbert Doctorow (2023-03-04). Straws in the Wind as WWIII Blows In. Peace Negotiations are the Only Solution. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-03-04). A 37 Year Old UK Mom Finds a "Lump" After COVID-19 Vaccine. It Turns Out to be a Turbo Cervical Cancer Leaving Her with Months to Live. globalresearch.ca

DXE (2023-03-04). First-Ever Footage Inside a US Slaughterhouse Gas Chamber Obtained at Smithfield Foods. indybay.org Direct Action Everywhere volunteer investigator Raven Deerbrook has obtained never-before-seen, undercover footage from inside the Marel Butina gas chambers in Smithfield Foods' Farmer John slaughterhouse in Vernon, California.

DXE (2023-03-04). Activists Call for End of Gas Chambers, Deliver Undercover Pig Slaughter Footage to USDA in Berkeley. indybay.org An investigator journeyed 26 feet underground to hide a camera inside a CA slaughterhouse that kills pigs with CO2 gas.

DXE (2023-03-04). Protesters Call for Closure of Primate Research Center at UC Davis. indybay.org The California National Primate Research Center's work has included studies with Neuralink, a company founded by Elon Musk that has been accused of violating the Animal Welfare Act…

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Cargo hub for China-Europe freight trains inaugurated in China's Shenyang. ecns.cn A new cargo consolidation hub for the China-Europe freight trains on Saturday was put into operation in Shenyang, capital of northeast China's Liaoning Province.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China pledges to enhance legal system regarding opening up: spokesperson. ecns.cn China attaches great importance to enhancing the legal system with regard to further opening up, a spokesperson said Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Agenda for 1st session of 14th National People's Congress. ecns.cn The preparatory meeting of the first session of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) on Saturday adopted the following agenda for the session:…

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Global financial bodies own more Africa debt than China. ecns.cn Multilateral financial institutions and commercial creditors, instead of China, account for the bulk of Africa's debt, said Wang Chao, the spokesman for the first session of the 14th National People's Congress, on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China says Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law 'justifiable and necessary'. ecns.cn China's legislation on anti-foreign sanctions is "justifiable and necessary" in order to uphold its sovereignty, security and development interests.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China's aviation depends on self-reliance and innovation: CPPCC member. ecns.cn The rise of China's aviation industry, in the field of large aircrafts, has depended on the self-reliance and innovation of science and technology, according to a key figure in the sector.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Expert urges China to improve grassroot medical systems. ecns.cn Prompt adjustments to COVID-19 management strategies and effective response of grassroots medical workers are some of the key factors of China's victory over the virus, a political advisor said on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China makes continuous efforts to make education inclusive. ecns.cn China has made continuous efforts in promoting rehabilitation services and inclusive education for people with disabilities to help them live a better life.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China's Belt and Road Initiative paves way for economic development. ecns.cn The Belt and Road Initiative has created new growth points for global economic development and provided fresh opportunities for international cooperation.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Rare orchid species found in China's Yunnan. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have found a rare plant species Paphiopedilum wardii Summerhayes in southwest China's Yunnan Province. It is the only known wild population of such plants in China.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). NPC to provide stronger basis for whole-process democracy. ecns.cn The 14th National People's Congress will provide stronger legal basis for promoting the whole-process of people's democracy by improving relevant work platforms, a spokesman said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Japan postpones H3 rocket launch to Tuesday due to weather. ecns.cn Japan's new flagship H3 rocket is scheduled to be launched for the first time on Tuesday, one day later than planned due to expected thunderstorms, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) said Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Chinese scientists identify cold-resistance mechanism of kiwifruit. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have discovered a molecular mechanism for cold resistance in kiwifruit that provides potential for reducing cold-related crop damage, according to the Wuhan Botanical Garden (WBG) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China's military strength positive for the world. ecns.cn China's military power will not compromise the security of other countries, said a spokesperson for China's annual legislators' meeting.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). No fundamental strategic disagreements or conflicts between China, Europe: spokesperson. ecns.cn There is no fundamental strategic disagreement or conflict between China and Europe, a Chinese spokesperson said Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Xi attends opening meeting of CPPCC annual session. ecns.cn Xi Jinping attended the opening meeting of the first session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China's top political advisory body, Saturday afternoon in Beijing.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Revision of China's Legislation Law embodies whole-process democracy. ecns.cn A Chinese spokesperson said Saturday that the ongoing revision of the Legislation Law embodies whole-process people's democracy and its requirements.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). NPC deputies represent all sections of society. ecns.cn Deputies to the National People's Congress are broadly representative and is a good practice of China's whole-process democracy, said a spokesperson on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China sees promising tourism rebound. ecns.cn China sees a promising tourism rebound as people have demonstrated higher desire and needs to travel as the nation continues optimizing its COVID-19 management policies.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Xi sends congratulatory message to Nigeria's President-elect Tinubu. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday sent a congratulatory message to Bola Tinubu on his election as president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Insights | Digital economy key to common prosperity. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). CPPCC members interviewed before annual session. ecns.cn Members of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) are interviewed ahead of the opening of the first session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 4, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China's top political advisory body starts annual session. ecns.cn The opening meeting of the first session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) is held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 4, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Cambodia welcomes 1st Chinese flight, tourists to Siem Reap. ecns.cn Cambodia has welcomed the resumption of China Eastern Airlines flights to its Siem Reap cultural province, the country's Ministry of Tourism said in a press statement on Saturday.

Ed Holt (2023-03-04). [World Report] Experts warn over potential for measles in Ukraine. thelancet.com Ukraine has a history of large outbreaks, and experts say that the disruptions brought by Russia's invasion could trigger new cases. Ed Holt reports.

FECFFP (2023-03-04). Monday 3/6: Jewish Fast in Solidarity With Palestinians. indybay.org 456 Montgomery Street between California and Sacramento | Across street from the Israeli Consulate…

Ferry Biedermann (2023-03-04). [World Report] Seeking solutions to global drugs shortages. thelancet.com Many countries are facing shortages of common drugs—from antibiotics to stroke treatments. Ferry Biedermann looks at the causes and potential solutions.

Geoff Watts (2023-03-04). [Obituary] Ralph Lewis Sacco. thelancet.com Neurologist specialising in stroke risk and prevention. He was born in Margate City, NJ, USA, on Aug 27, 1957 and died of a brain tumour in Long Island, NY, USA, on Jan 17, 2023 aged 65 years.

George Marx (2023-03-04). Sunday 3/12: Men 4 Equity & Rep Justice: Free Screening + Panel Disc: "The Business of Birth Control" indybay.org Zoom Panel Discussion: 11-12: 15 Pacific Time — + from March 9-12 – Free Viewing of The Documentary Film: "The Business of Birth Control" – Men (especially) Welcome – Caring People Desired!

International Rights of Nature Tribunal (2023-03-04). Saturday 3/11: Rights of Nature Tribunal: Dangers of Tren Maya Mega Project to Ecosystems & Indigenous. indybay.org Online via Zoom globally (in-person in Yucatan, Mexico)…

JANET (2023-03-04). NYC: Sunday 3/5 Rally 4pm Commemorating Hugo Chávez U.S. Hands off Venezuela! Free Alex Saab! iacenter.org Join us in commemorating 10 years since the passing of Comandante Hugo Chávez. He strove to liberate the Venezuelan masses from poverty and US imperial domination, to serve the people, and to arm them politically & organizationally. Chávez nationalized Venezuela's natural resources to benefit the people and introduced medical and social programs for the poor. As we mourn our fallen hero, we also pledge to redouble our efforts to defend the socialist values that Comrade Hugo Chávez upheld. Comandante Hugo Chávez Presente! Our demands: * U.S. Hands OFF Venezuela! * NO Sanctions on the Venezuelan people! * FREE kidn…

Jeffrey D Stanaway, Simon I Hay, Christopher J L Murray, GBD Risk Factor Collaborators (2023-03-04). [Correspondence] GBD 2019 study informs industry yet crucial questions remain unanswered — Authors' reply. thelancet.com In their letters, Nick Allen (representing the British Meat Processors Association), John Thorley (the Association of Independent Meat Suppliers), and Tim Rycroft (the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board) reiterate concerns previously expressed by Alice V Stanton and colleagues1 and additional opinions regarding our estimates of deaths due to red meat intake in the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019.2 We appreciate the opportunity to respond to their concerns and clarify some misunderstandings.

John Zarocostas (2023-03-04). [World Report] New leadership for Gavi. thelancet.com Muhammad Ali Pate has been appointed to lead the vaccine organisation. John Zarocostas reports from Geneva.

Juan Cole (2023-03-04). You're all Palestinians Now: How Harsh Apartheid Policing is being Turned on Israeli Protesters. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Israel's Apartheid state, having honed its instruments of repression against its occupied Palestinians, whom it keeps stateless and without rights, is now turning those tools on the Israeli public itself. Yesterday, Friday, buses full of Israeli protesters attempted to head to Huwwara near Nablus in the Palestinian West Bank to …

Jurgen Huebschen & Bernhard Trautvetter (2023-03-04). China's peace plan & It's about everything. indybay.org In times of crisis, right-wing populists, with the benevolent support of influential media, play the national card and pit disadvantaged groups of people against each other. Scapegoats, like Jews in the past and refugees today, are made responsible for the collapse of the welfare state and security.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-04). California Pan African Global Trade in the wake of 2022 US-Africa Business Summit. indybay.org Our 11th Annual, Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference is poised to bring together key global leaders together with a focused Food and Ag spark to expand California Pan African Global Trade throughout the African Continental Free Trade Area and beyond.

Kirk Off Campus (2023-03-04). Davis to Protest Charlie Kirk Tour After Calls for Trans People to be "Taken Care Of" indybay.org After calling for trans people to be "taken care of the way we used to in the 1950s," Charlie Kirk, the multi-millionaire leader of Turning Point USA, a far-Right, Trump aligned group that has extensive crossover with white supremacists and neo-Nazis, is launching a speaking tour of college campuses. The last TPUSA event at UC Davis saw a gang of Proud Boys attempt to attack a crowd of counter-protesters – but people held the line and the event was shut down. Join us at UC Davis on Tuesday, March 14th, 5pm, at the Credit Union Center / Pavillion.

KQED (2023-03-04). Saturday 4/29: KQED Fest: Block Party & Open House at SF Headquarters. indybay.org KQED Headquarters | 2601 Mariposa Street | San Francisco, CA 94110…

Labor Video Project (2023-03-04). Justice For Keita O'Neil! SF DA Jenkin Fronting For POA & Developers In Dropping Charges. indybay.org

Labor Video Project (2023-03-04). Facebook Unite Here Local 19 Workers Demand Justice From Billionaire Owner Zuckerberg. indybay.org One hundred Facebook service food workers who are members of Unite HERE 19 were layed off at Facebook in Menlo Park. Although engineers and others are getting severance Facebook and it's owner Mark Zuckerberg refuse to give these benefits to these service workers. Workers rallied outside Facebook headquarters on March 1, 2023.

Léo Heller (2023-03-04). [Correspondence] The human rights to water and sanitation, gender equality, and the State. thelancet.com Isha Ray authored an interesting Review1 of my book on the human rights to water and sanitation.2 I appreciate her definition of the book's approach as a compelling "moral and political case for water and sanitation rights" and she made me proud when suggesting that it is aligned with Eleanor Roosevelt's idea that human rights begin in places "so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any maps of the world".

Michael webster (2023-03-04). An outrageous Settlement of HSBC bank shows the Drug War is a Joke. indybay.org This bears repeating: in order to more efficiently move as much illegal money as possible into the "legitimate" banking institution HSBC, drug dealers specifically designed boxes to fit through the bank's teller windows. Tony Montana's henchmen marching duffle bags of cash into the fictional "American City Bank…

Michael Welch (2023-03-04). Twenty Years after the Start of the War in Iraq, People Around the World are still Raging Against the War Machine. globalresearch.ca

Middle East Monitor (2023-03-04). No, Discussing Israel's 'Right to Exist' is not Antisemitic; States don't have Rights, People Do. juancole.com By Nasim Ahmed | — ( Middle East Monitor ) — "Israel's right to exist" has been challenged in expert testimonies by leading scholars Professor John Douglas and Professor Avi Shlaim. Dugard is an advocate of the High Court of South Africa. He has served intermittently as Judge of the International Court of Justice. His …

Mothers on the March+ (2023-03-04). Monday 3/6: Justice for Keita O'Neil! CA Atty General, Rob Bonta: Pursue Charges! indybay.org 350 McAllister, San Francisco…

Nisreen A Alwan (2023-03-04). [Perspectives] Healing Long Covid: a marathon not a sprint. thelancet.com I have been immersed in Long Covid both personally and professionally since the summer of 2020. I experienced the condition myself, wrote and spoke about it on various national and international platforms, and did research trying to understand its features and effects. Now there is a handbook about the condition that I was eager to read, even though it is written mainly from the individual patient's point of view rather than the population-level perspective that I often see things through and advocate for as a public health professional.

Nitish Mondal (2023-03-04). [Correspondence] The resurgence of dengue epidemic and climate change in India. thelancet.com Climate change is influencing the incidence of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquito-borne dengue illnesses. More than half of the world's population is in danger, with an annual estimate of 100—400 million infections,1 96 million clinical symptoms, and 40‚Äà000 fatalities.2 Despite evidence of 30—50-fold increases in occurrences in tropical and subtropical regions in the past 50 years, and the fastest growing risk of dengue infection, an estimated 3 ∑97 billion people (in 129 countries) are vulnerable.

noreply (2023-03-04). Friday's Guilty Pleasure. . smoothiex12.blogspot.com Sparks' sarcasm is contagious, while incomparable Cate Blanchett does her mesmerizing dance. Love it. Friday, and I need a detox from "KGB style trained" Russian "spy". Still am shaking my head in disbelief.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-04). Tech Layoffs Expose Capitalism. orinocotribune.com By Otis Grotewohl — Feb 20, 2023 | High-tech companies are laying off workers at record levels. More than 93,000 tech positions have been eliminated this year, and it is only the second month. These cuts include 6,650 job losses announced by Dell and the layoff of 1,300 Zoom employees in early February. (crunchbase.com, Feb. 15, 2023) | The abrupt reduction of high-tech positions started last fall. Amazon, Lyft and Meta, the parent company of Facebook, unleashed major cuts against their workforce in November. Twitter slashed several thousand jobs one month prior. Both the app company Robinhood and Snap, the…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-04). 700,000 Afghans have lost their jobs since Taliban takeover, says UN expert's report. peoplesdispatch.org US sanctions, job losses, business closures, and the reluctance of foreign investors to engage in Afghanistan have had catastrophic impacts on the lives of millions of Afghans. Two thirds of households are facing difficulties in meeting basic food and non-food needs…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-04). G20 foreign ministers' meeting ends without a joint communique because of disagreements regarding Ukraine war. peoplesdispatch.org Both China and Russia expressed concerns over western countries' attempts to compromise the real objective of the G20 by using the forum to push their geopolitical agenda…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-04). Palestinians rise in protest against Israeli settler violence in Nablus. peoplesdispatch.org Thousands of Palestinians in Israel took to the streets to protest the attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinian homes and properties in Nablus on Sunday, February 26.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-04). Teachers in the UK continue protests demanding pay rises and more resources. peoplesdispatch.org Teachers are also outraged by the contemptuous remarks made by former Education Secretary Gavin Williamson and former Health Secretary Matt Hancock whose WhatsApp chats from 2020 were leaked recently…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-04). US announces fresh sanctions against firms involved in Iranian oil and petrochemical exports. peoplesdispatch.org The list of companies sanctioned include a firm based in Vietnam, two in China, one in the UAE, and two in Iran. The US accused these firms of being "knowingly engaging" in the transport of Iranian oil and petrochemicals in violation of existing sanctions…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-04). Violence in Palestine: The same Zionist agenda, but more vicious and messianic. peoplesdispatch.org Rania Khalek of BreakThrough News talks about the intensification of violence by illegal settlers in the area around Nablus in Palestine. She also talks about the agenda of the Israeli government in supporting these brutal invasaions…

Rachael Davies (2023-03-04). [Perspectives] Mishal Khan: challenging inequitable status quos in global health. thelancet.com Social epidemiologist Mishal Khan is no stranger to pushing boundaries. As Associate Professor at the UK's London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in 2018, she did an analysis with colleagues that showed stark gender and ethnicity-related disparities in progression to senior positions at the world's top-ranked public health universities, with a "double disadvantage" for minority ethnic women. As Richard Coker, Emeritus Professor of Public Health at the LSHTM, observes: "Showing these uncomfortable truths in a ground-breaking paper published in The Lancet demanded considerable bravery.

Revolution Club (2023-03-04). Wednesday 3/8: International Women's Day. indybay.org 24th and Mission, San Francisco…

Revolution Club (2023-03-04). Wednesday 3/8: Int'l Women'sDay-Break theChains! Unleash theFury ofWomen as a Mighty Force for Revolution. indybay.org Revolution Books 2444 Durant Avenue Berkeley…

Rhythmix Cultural Works (2023-03-04). Saturday 4/8: Flamenco a las 8. indybay.org 2513 Blanding Ave | Alameda, CA 94501…

Rhythmix Cultural Works (2023-03-04). Thursday 4/27: Love, Drugs, and War: The Obsessions of History's Great Composers. indybay.org 2513 Blanding Ave | Alameda CA 94501…

Richard Horton (2023-03-04). [Comment] Offline: The willing versus the legitimate. thelancet.com The largest land war in Europe since World War 2. Yet NATO insists that it is not at war with Russia in Ukraine. The evidence suggests otherwise. An expanding supply of missiles, ammunition, tanks, and air defence systems is proof of direct involvement of NATO in the Russia—Ukraine conflict. Make no mistake: western countries are at war with Russia. NATO claims that such a view is Russian disinformation. A correct diagnosis of the true nature of this war matters because of the implications for Ukrainian, European, and global security—and survival.

Staff (2023-03-04). Alain Pérez: "La música es una forma de sentir y ser" (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Alain Pérez por sí solo es una academia musical. En el escenario se maneja con total soltura y acapara toda la atención del público. Su maestría como ejecutante y la inquietud por experimentar con nuevos géneros y formas de hacer, son los motivos por los que probablemente muchos artistas y musicólogos lo consideran como el instrumentista más completo que tiene hoy la mayor de las Antillas.

Staff (2023-03-04). El arma secreta de YouTube para volver a conquistar a los creadores: grandes mejoras con inteligencia artificial. cubadebate.cu Google y YouTube, según datos de SimilarWeb, son los dos sitios web más visitados del mundo. Estos auténticos reyes de Internet son escoltados solo por otro gigante de la red como lo es Facebook, de Meta. øQué tienen en común estas tres plataformas? Sus empresas matrices están haciendo lo posible para no perder la posición que han conseguido.

Staff (2023-03-04). La dramática vida de Aldo Gamba. cubadebate.cu El escultor de la fuente del cabaret Tropicana y el monumento a Máximo Gómez tuvo alegrías y tristezas en Cuba. Escritores y artistas cubanos pidieron que se le retirara el premio por el conjunto escultórico dedicado al Generalísimo, que fue levantado casi dos décadas depués de concebido. Un día, el escultor salió de su casa y no llegó a ninguna parte. Su rastro se perdió para siempre. Esta es su historia.

Staff (2023-03-04). Vea a partir de las 10:00 a.m. en Desde Cuba: øQué podría pasar en el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol? cubadebate.cu El Quinto Clásico, al cual dedicaremos este Desde Cuba, se celebrará del 8 al 21 de marzo en cuatro ciudades de Asia y América. Cuba es parte del grupo A junto a Italia, Taipéi de China, Panamá y Países Bajos. Sobre lo que se espera ver en el evento y la preparación realizada, les informamos en en nuestro espacio audiovisual, a partir de las 10: 00 a.m. de este sábado.

Staff (2023-03-04). Dan a conocer el calendario de la 62 Serie Nacional de Beisbol. cubadebate.cu La Comisión Nacional de Beisbol (CNB) reveló hoy el calendario regular de la 62 Serie Nacional de Beisbol, prevista para comenzar el 22 de marzo venidero. La justa reserva 15 subseries de cinco partidos para cada equipo, sinónimo de jugar un total de 75 hasta el 10 de junio.

Staff (2023-03-04). Desmienten noticias falsas sobre cierre de la oficina de legalización de documentos del Minrex. cubadebate.cu Ernesto Soberón Guzmán, director general de Asuntos Consulares y Atención de Cubanos Residentes en el Exterior, desmintió hoy noticias falsas relacionadas con un supuesto cierre de la oficina de legalización de documentos del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba (Minrex). Según explicó el funcionario en Twitter, el proceso se realiza de manera habitual.

Staff (2023-03-04). Subasta en Festival del Habano recauda la cifra récord de más de 11 millones de euros. cubadebate.cu La subasta de humidores —cajas para guardar puros— de la XXIII edición del Festival del Habano recaudó la cifra récord de 11 220 000 euros que, como es habitual, se destinarán al sistema cubano de Salud Pública. Con la presencia del presidente Díaz-Canel, la tradicional subasta se realizó en el recinto ferial de Pabexpo.

Staff (2023-03-04). Finaliza programa de trabajo de delegación cubana en Azerbaiyán. cubadebate.cu La delegación cubana para la Cumbre del Grupo de Contacto del Movimiento de Países No Alineados (MNOAL) en respuesta a la COVID-19, encabezada por el Vicepresidente Salvador Valdés Mesa, concluyó hoy su programa de trabajo en Azerbaiyán, sede del evento, en el cual se abordaron las acciones conjuntas para la recuperación pospandemia.

Staff (2023-03-04). Garantiza empresa avileña tuberías y conexiones de polietileno para obras hidráulicas y sectores estratégicos. cubadebate.cu Obras hidráulicas en el país y sectores estratégicos, como la agricultura, tendrán garantía este año de tuberías y conexiones de polietileno de alta densidad que fabrican en la Empresa Ciegoplast, de Ciego de àÅvila, la primera de su tipo en Cuba. El plan de materia prima a procesar en este 2023 es de 6000 toneladas, superior a las 4200 del año anterior.

Staff (2023-03-04). Primer ministro cubano recibió al embajador de Singapur. cubadebate.cu En el encuentro trascendió el avance de la cooperación bilateral en sectores como el turismo, la biotecnología y la administración portuaria. El embajador singapurense se refirió a las coincidencias que unen a los dos países, a pesar de la distancia geográfica, y calificó de excelentes las relaciones bilaterales.

Staff (2023-03-04). Recibe Díaz-Canel Medalla de Oro del Comité Olímpico Internacional. cubadebate.cu Tomas Bach, presidente del Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI), entregó hoy al primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel, la Medalla de Oro del COI, como reconocimiento a su respaldo al movimiento olímpico mundial.

Staff (2023-03-04). Conozca mejor a los integrantes de #elCubaClásico: Leyva y Bolaños. cubadebate.cu Cubadebate ya está en tiempo de Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. Te seguimos presentando cada día a 2 de los 30 integrantes de nuestra selección nacional. El Cuba al Clásico es el equipo de todos.

Staff (2023-03-04). El tiempo: Calor y escasas lluvias. cubadebate.cu Las temperaturas mínimas estarán entre 19 y 22 grados Celsius en localidades del interior, superiores en zonas costeras. La tarde será calurosa, con temperaturas máximas entre 31 y 34 grados Celsius. En la noche las temperaturas estarán entre 23 y 26 grados Celsius.

Staff (2023-03-04). Perú declara Estado de Emergencia por intensas lluvias en 56 provincias. cubadebate.cu Debido a las fuertes lluvias en varias regiones del norte del país, el Gobierno peruano decretó el viernes el Estado de Emergencia por al menos 60 días con el objetivo de ejecutar medidas y acciones que garanticen la protección de los ciudadanos ante los intensos aguaceros. La medida regirá en más de 230 distritos pertenecientes a 56 provincias.

Staff (2023-03-04). Qué trae la prensa cubana, sábado 4 de marzo de 2023. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-03-04). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este sábado 4 de marzo. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener informados a sus lectores, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este sábado 4 de marzo en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-03-04). UNE pronostica una afectación de 166 MW en horario pico de este sábado. cubadebate.cu Para el horario pico se estima la entrada de la unidad de Puerto Escondido con 20 MW, la entrada de la unidad 3 de la CTE Santa Cruz con 80 MW, la entrada de la unidad 5 de la CTE Nuevitas con 90 MW (en proceso de arranque) y la entrada de 2 motores en la patana de Melones (34 MW). Con este pronóstico, se estima para la hora pico una disponibilidad de 2704 MW y una demanda máxima de 2800 MW, para un déficit de 96 MW.

Staff (2023-03-04). Venezuela: Jorge Rodríguez Criticizes Inadequate Infrastructure for Disabled People. orinocotribune.com On Thursday, March 2, the president of Venezuela's National Assembly, Deputy Jorge Rodríguez, urged the deputies to exercise the function of comptroller of the laws enacted for the benefit of all the Venezuelan people. | Rodríguez entered the Federal Legislative Palace's session chamber in a wheelchair due to a temporary disability in his left leg. He shared on social media that he was there to "do his job," but no further information was provided about the cause of his temporary disability. | Rodríguez called on the members of the National Assembly in the absence of ramps and other measures and devices that allo…

Staff (2023-03-04). Venezuela's Peasant Movement Demands Justice for Assassination of Carlos Bolívar (+Los Tramojos). orinocotribune.com At approximately 5: 30 a.m. on Thursday, March 2, Carlos Bolívar, a member of the Peasant Platform in Guárico state, was assassinated. Since 2018, he had been fighting to rescue Los Tramojos, a plot of land disputed with a landowner. The Platform for Peasant Struggle and the National Peasant Movement reported in a statement that Bolívar was assassinated while beginning his work in Puerto Carrizalero-Camaguán, Guárico. | "Bolívar was a historic leader in the struggle to rescue the Los Tramojos ranch, an emblematic case of the Admirable Peasant March, national leader of the Platform for Peasant Struggle and the Nati…

Stephen A Hoption Cann (2023-03-04). [Correspondence] When was mpox a public health emergency? thelancet.com Clare Wenham and Mark Eccleston-Turner1 discussed challenges faced by WHO over when to declare an outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). They state the PHEIC declaration for mpox (previously known as monkeypox) could reclaim WHO's "authority in global disease control and demonstrate to states and the global health community that WHO can act in this central role and is not afraid to use the powers it has been endowed with".1 Yet, with the disease now probably endemic in many regions outside of Africa, was an earlier declaration warranted?

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-04). ALBA Movimientos debate crisis sistémica del capitalismo global. telesurtv.net Alba Movimientos es un instrumento de integración que nos ayuda a mirar de forma conjunta para enfrentar esos tiempos de inestabilidad.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-04). Peruanos se movilizan para exigir renuncia de Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net Designan un nuevo fiscal especializado de DD. HH. en Puno, quien será responsable de investigar la masacre perpetrada allí el 9 de enero de 2023.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-04). Rusia destaca impronta de Hugo Chávez en la comunidad global. telesurtv.net Canciller ruso, Serguei Lavrov, expresó que "incluso los opositores de Hugo Chávez reconocían la magnitud de su personalidad".

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-04). Fiscalía de Ecuador formula cargos contra expresidente Moreno. telesurtv.net La audiencia se celebra desde las 10H00 (hora local) en la sede de la Corte Nacional de Justicia, en Quito.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-04). Fiscalía de Ecuador pide arresto domiciliario para expresidente Moreno. telesurtv.net Por tener más de 65 años, la fiscal general pidió tanto para Lenín Moreno como para otros 13 sospechosos que se llevara a cabo el arresto domiciliario.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-04). Fuerzas de Israel hieren a dos palestinos en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Los soldados atacaron a los manifestantes con balas recubiertas con goma y gas lacrimógeno.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-04). Continúan combatiendo 21 incendios forestales en Chile. telesurtv.net Se mantiene la alerta roja en las regiones de Biobío y La Araucanía.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-04). Asesinan en Filipinas al gobernador de Negro Oriental. telesurtv.net El ataque ocurrió a las 09H35 horas locales de este sábado en frente del domicilio del gobernador y en el mismo otras cinco personas fueron asesinadas.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2023-03-04). Aleida Guevara: mostrar que sí se puede como hacía Chávez. telesurtv.net "La línea clara y limpia de nuestro proceso tiene que mantenerse por encima de todo para que el pueblo siga confiando" dijo Aleida Guevara.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2023-03-04). Filipinas declara el estado de calamidad por derrame petrolero. telesurtv.net La alcaldesa de la ciudad filipina de Pola, Jennifer Cruz, declaró el estado de emergencia a causa del derrame de petróleo.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-04). Bolivia respalda plan de México contra la inflación en Latinoamérica. telesurtv.net Entre los países que diseñará el plan se encuentran Brasil, Colombia, Cuba y Argentina.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-04). Liberan a policías y funcionarios retenidos en Caquetá, Colombia. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado colombiano aseveró que personalmente dialogará con los campesinos sobre sus necesidades, quejas y reclamos.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-04). Presidente Maduro rechaza extensión del decreto de EE.UU. sobre Venezuela. telesurtv.net El mandatario aseguró que gracias a la unión de la clase obrera el país va saliendo adelante y va venciendo las sanciones impuestas.

teleSUR, nbb, JDO (2023-03-04). Explosión de oleoducto en Nigeria deja al menos 12 fallecidos. telesurtv.net Las autoridades trabajan para determinar la cifra exacta de víctimas y el número de heridos, hasta ahora desconocido.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-04). Emiten alerta roja por calor extremo en Buenos Aires, Argentina. telesurtv.net Se tomó la decisión al cumplirse el cuarto día consecutivo con temperaturas superiores a los 35 grados.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-04). Incendio en depósito de combustible deja 17 muertos en Indonesia. telesurtv.net El incidente dejó al menos 17 muertos, 50 heridos y fueron evacuados residentes de áreas cercanas.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-04). Inicia vacunación contra la gripe aviar en Ecuador. telesurtv.net El país recibió las vacunas después de las pérdidas de 1,2 millones de aves entre muertas o sacrificadas por diversos focos infecciosos.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-04). Reportan primera muerte por mpox en Costa Rica. telesurtv.net Se trata de un hombre costarricense de 30 años.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-04). Educadores y universitarios exigen dimisión de Lasso en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Al son de las consignas ¡Fuera, Lasso, fuera! colectivos civiles llevan a cabo acciones de protesta en contra del mandatario ecuatoriano.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-03-04). Acusan a soldados por masacre en Tamaulipas, México. telesurtv.net La Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos denunció que los soldados acribillaron a los jóvenes cuando se dirigían a sus domicilios.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-04). Presidente de Ecuador decreta estado de excepción en Esmeraldas. telesurtv.net Según datos oficiales desde enero, se han registrado 70 homicidios en la provincia de Esmeraldas.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-04). Fiscalía de Perú cita a Dina Boluarte por muertes en protestas. telesurtv.net La presidenta peruana deberá acudir el próximo 7 de marzo a la sede del Ministerio Público en la capital del país.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-04). Inundaciones dejan casi 35 mil evacuados en el sur de Malasia. telesurtv.net Las autoridades de Malasia indicaron que al menos tres personas han fallecido a causa de las inundaciones en el sur del país.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-04). Sismo de magnitud 6.9 sacude un archipiélago de Nueva Zelanda. telesurtv.net Las autoridades neozelandesas indicaron que el sismo no dejo víctimas ni daños graves a infraestructuras.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-04). Gobierno peruano declara el Estado de Emergencia por lluvias. telesurtv.net El Estado de Emergencia regirá por 60 dias en 56 provincias de las regiones de Áncash, Cajamarca, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima, Piura y Tumbes.

The Lancet (2023-03-04). [Editorial] A decisive moment for The World Bank. thelancet.com The next few months will be vital for The World Bank. In June, David Malpass will step down as President, following his damaging equivocations about whether fossil fuels are driving climate change. Malpass' tenure has undermined the credibility of the Bank as a trusted source of assistance and advice at an important time. The World Bank was established after World War 2 with the initial aim to help rebuild countries devasted by the war. It has since focused on reducing poverty, with a wide portfolio that covers all sectors of development, including health.

Tim Rycroft (2023-03-04). [Correspondence] GBD 2019 study informs industry yet crucial questions remain unanswered. thelancet.com We join respected nutrition and health academics1,2 in requesting clarification from the GBD 2019 Risk Factors Collaborators3 about whether the data used to conclude there had been a 36-fold increase in global deaths attributed to eating red meat had been correctly scrutinised before publication in The Lancet.

Workers Strike Back Bay Area (2023-03-04). Saturday 3/4: Workers Strike Back: Bay Area Launch Meeting. indybay.org Berkeley South Branch Library Meeting Room | 1901 Russell St, Berkeley…

WorkWeek (2023-03-04). Turkey Earthquake, Corruption & Erdogan, Ballad Of Harry Bridges & ILWU Mumia On WorkWeek. indybay.org WorkWeek covers the Turkey Earthquake, Corruption & Erdogan & Ballad Of Harry Bridges along with the ILWU Local 10 initiated Labor Community March for Mumia Abu-Jamal on 2/16/23.

WSWS (2023-03-04). The return of the "Grand Coalition" in Berlin. wsws.org The return of the Grand Coalition in Berlin reaffirms that it has become impossible to influence political events by means of the ballot box.

WSWS (2023-03-04). German Chancellor Scholz pushes for rearmament and war against Russia. wsws.org On Thursday, on the anniversary of his speech proclaiming a "new era" in foreign policy, Scholz again delivered a government statement in the Bundestag. It lived up to his war speech a year ago, which initiated the massive arms deliveries to Ukraine and the largest German rearmament since Hitler.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Norfolk Southern, rail union floated exchanging sick days for automatic track inspections. wsws.org The talks, which apparently reached an advanced stage, took place in the weeks after the derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Support and build the Caterpillar Workers Rank-and-File Committee! wsws.org The Caterpillar workers are in a fight that has major significance for the whole working class.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Thousands join climate change protests in New Zealand. wsws.org Catastrophic flooding across much of the North Island underscores the urgency of addressing climate change, but the rally organisers promoted illusions that the Labour-Greens government can be pressured to take action.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Sham motorway toll promises in NSW election. wsws.org Sydney residents paid about $2 billion in tolls last year, adding to the unbearable cost of living.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Heavily armed fascist arrested by FBI after threatening to murder "anyone that is Jewish" in Michigan government. wsws.org Multiple Jewish Michigan officials, some of whom were previously targeted in the 2020 fascist assassination plot, confirmed they were recently contacted by the FBI regarding the alleged terrorist plot.

WSWS (2023-03-04). The global significance of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. wsws.org The earthquake that has had such a devastating impact in Turkey and Syria is a global and historic event, that will have political consequences.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Angry residents confront EPA and railroad officials at East Palestine, Ohio town hall. wsws.org The meeting was the first time in the month since the February 3 derailment that an official representative from Norfolk Southern attended a town hall in East Palestine.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Dana workers fired with UAW consent for reporting exploitation, wage theft and sexual harassment. wsws.org The real aim of this ongoing purge is to remove militant workers, lower labor costs, and terrify those remaining to accept worse conditions. This is a lesson in the reality of capitalism.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Official death toll in Turkish-Syrian earthquake exceeds 53,000. wsws.org Erdoğan and Turkish authorities continue to deny their responsibility in this historic catastrophe, which has officially claimed over 45,000 lives in Turkey.

WSWS (2023-03-04). Inequality in Sweden reaches highest level in decades. wsws.org New data from the Swedish government's statistics agency—Statistics Sweden—shows that income inequality in the country is now higher than at any other point in time since the agency began collecting this information in 1975.

WSWS (2023-03-04). German talk show utilises atrocity propaganda to justify expansion of the Ukraine war. wsws.org With the growth of popular opposition to NATO's intensification of the war in Ukraine, war propaganda is assuming hysterical and grotesque forms.

Yves Engler (2023-03-04). To See Real Foreign Influence, Check out Canada's Military. dissidentvoice.org If you believe the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and Conservatives, the Chinese own a backbench Liberal MP, which has been front page news recently. But no one mentions Washington's possession of our military. According to a leak reportedly from CSIS, the Chinese consulate in Toronto assisted Han Dong win the Liberal party nomination for the …

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China's new energy vehicle industry sees further expansion. ecns.cn China's new energy vehicle industry is experiencing a steady drop in production costs and significant improvements in consumer experience, thanks to the continuous market expansion and advancements in technology.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Scientists make breakthrough in study of Antarctic krill genome. ecns.cn A research group led by Chinese institutes has made a breakthrough in the study of the genome of Antarctic krill, providing insights into the environmental adaptations and population evolution of the marine animal.

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). Ten perspectives to understand Chinese modernization. ecns.cn Chinese modernization has spurred discussions at home and abroad since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

ecns.cn (2023-03-04). China delves into its love of reading. ecns.cn Promoting nationwide reading has positive implications for both individual progress and national development, said Meng Man, a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, in Beijing on Saturday.

Hamilton Coalition To Stop The War. (2023-03-04). March 4 Demonstrations Against Sanctions. popularresistance.org In solidarity with the Syrian people, suffering the unjust and unilateral coercive economic measures taken by the US and its European allies, the End the Siege Campaign has been established in cooperation between different popular movements and activists in the Arab world, Europe, and North America. | The End The Siege Campaign launches its first international action this Saturday, March 4, 2023, in a series of synchronous protests in Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Canada, Morocco, Lebanon, UK, Slovakia, Ireland, and Germany. The event in Canada will take place at noon this Saturday in front of the US…

International People's Tribunal on US Imperialism, Popular Resistance. (2023-03-04). March 4: Libya Hearing Of The International People's Tribunal. popularresistance.org Join the International People's Tribunal on US Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, Coercive Economic Measures for a hearing on the effects and impacts of these policies and practices on the people of Libya. We will hear testimony and reports from expert and direct witnesses, with questions and discussion from our jurors. | Around the world, U.S. sanctions and blockades have had a devastating impact on the lives of everyday people in countries targeted by these kinds of coercive economic measures. More broadly, they have served to push people into poverty and deny them self-determination.

Jared Gans, The Hill. (2023-03-04). Protesters Disrupt House China Panel's First Hearing. popularresistance.org Protesters disrupted the first hearing of a House select committee investigating potential threats that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) poses to the country and U.S.-China competition late Tuesday, arguing that the country should cooperate with China instead of competing with it. | "China is not our enemy," read a sign held by Olivia DiNucci, an organizer for CODEPINK: Women for Peace, which advocates against the United States engaging in wars and "regime change efforts." A CODEPINK release states that DiNucci delivered a message that "The American people need cooperation, not competition with China" before she…

Jason Koslowski, Left Voice. (2023-03-04). Dispatches From The Pickets: Temple Grad Worker Strike Escalates. popularresistance.org The contrast is sharp: dull gray clouds over bleak college buildings versus the bright intensity across TUGSA picketers' faces. It's week five of the grad worker strike. Someone says to me: "We're doing another 'hard picket' today. We did it yesterday and stopped packages getting delivered." I don't know what that means but I'm not going to miss it. | Some background. The UPS Teamsters here in Philly are refusing to cross the pickets and they're not delivering packages. My own union could learn from this. The Teamsters' supervisors are scabbing. They're picking up and delivering packages at the Student Center.

Otis Grotewohl, Workers World. (2023-03-04). Ohio Community Confronts Company, Politicians After Train Wreck. popularresistance.org President Joe Biden's trip to Kiev, Ukraine, Feb. 20 shocked people living near East Palestine, Ohio, who have been devastated by a Feb. 3 toxic train derailment. The accident involved a 150-car train owned by Norfolk Southern, carrying dangerous and hazardous chemicals, which jackknifed due to a broken axle. | On Feb. 6, state authorities slowly released and burned dangerous chemicals, such as the cancer-causing vinyl chloride and others, into the air. Since then, people in the area have faced various health problems ranging from slight headaches and sore throats to coughing up and vomiting blood.

People's Dispatch. (2023-03-04). US Renews 'National Emergency' Against Venezuela, Keeping Sanctions. popularresistance.org On Wednesday, March 1, US President Joe Biden renewed a directive declaring a state of national emergency "with respect to the situation in Venezuela." Titled Executive Order 13692, the measure was first implemented by former President Barack Obama in 2015 citing an "unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States." The EO was accompanied by sanctions against seven Venezuelan officials. | EO 13692, which has been renewed for another year, provides an expansive basis for the US to continue to impose illegal and brutal unilateral measures against the Bolivarian Repu…

Ross Domoney, The Real News Network. (2023-03-04). United Kingdom Teachers Join Strike Wave. popularresistance.org The strikes in Britain are growing and this time it's the teachers who have come out in force, demanding better wages amongst the cost of living crisis. On Feb. 1 up to 500,000 workers walked out in the UK, in one of the largest coordinated strike actions since the pensions dispute of 2011. It was a cross-union action which also saw train drivers going on strike as well as thousands of the government's own civil servants. The teachers are refusing to back down in their demands and have promised further strike action and disruption in the coming months. TRNN heads to a protest in central London and speaks directly…

Vijay Prashad, Tricontinental Institute For Social Research. (2023-03-04). Who Die For Life — Like Hugo Chávez — Cannot Be Called Dead. popularresistance.org On 28 October 2005, a special event was held in Caracas at the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. At this gathering, held on the birthday of Simón Rodríguez (Simón Bolívar's teacher), the Venezuelan government announced that nearly 1.5 million adults had learned to read through Mission Robinson, a mass literacy programme that it initiated two years earlier. The mission was named after Rodríguez (who was also known by the pseudonym Samuel Robinson). | One of those adults, María Eugenia Túa (age 70), stood beside President Hugo Chávez Frías and said, 'We are no longer poor. We are rich in kn…

_____ (2023-03-03). A North Korean connection in Lee Jae-myung case. journal-neo.org The Lee Jae-myung's saga continues, however, today we'll not focus on the developments in his main case, which has resulted in an arrest warrant, but on the fact that after one accusation a second, potentially much more devastating, looms. We are talking about a lingerie company, Ssang bang wool and its manager, Kim Seong-tae. He is …

_____ (2023-03-03). Beware the Tricks and Trickery from the Fools of Foreign Policy. journal-neo.org Before I begin, let me say that we are all tired of rehashing the extent and character of western propaganda via corporate or elite-controlled media and channels. But we must be vigilant in calling them out, and in forcing through the dissenting view on Russia and other key subjects. With that, I give you another …

_____ (2023-03-03). On the geopolitical background to Wang Yi's meeting with Yoshimasa Hayashi, the Japanese Foreign Ministe. journal-neo.org In NEO's recent comments on the visit to a number of European nations by Wang Yi, Director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission of the Chinese Communist Party, which took place between 15 and 23 February this year, the author focused on the certain topical aspects of the relations between China, the …

_____ (2023-03-03). Seismic Diplomacy: Erdogan and the Aftermath of the Turkish Earthquakes. strategic-culture.org President Erdogan may be instrumentalizing what happens in the aftermath to craft his P.R. campaign ahead of the next elections. | The setting: a cosy Ossetian restaurant owned by two Ossetian ladies close to Istiklal street, a very busy central area of Istanbul. | The players: a smatter of Istanbul intelligentsia — academics, media, liberal professionals, lawyers, highly educated, secular, very critical of the AKP ruling party. | The questions: during dinner, I asked the table their analysis of the state's response to the deadly earthquakes in Turkey, and how President Erdogan may be instrumentalizing what…

_____ (2023-03-03). Zelensky's Comic Insults… Gimme HIMARS, Tanks, F-16s and Now America's Sons & Daughters. strategic-culture.org The glib talk of people dying for no good cause, but rather only for a clique of clowns and their imperial circus, is the ultimate sick joke. | Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky sparked indignation and outrage this week with his grim warning that America's sons and daughters will end up fighting and dying if Russia is not defeated in Ukraine. | His presumptuous comments were made at a press conference on February 24 but only gained notoriety this week, provoking howls of derision and disgust. The reckless insanity of the war in Ukraine — and the catastrophe it is leading to — has become unbearable…

A Guest Author (2023-03-03). Desea China solución al conflicto bélico entre Rusia y Ucrania. workers.org Por Redacción Internacional internacionales@granma.cu 24 de febrero de 2023. A un año de iniciarse la guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania, China propuso una estrategia para acabar con el conflicto con doce puntos a seguir por las partes involucradas. El texto, elaborado por la cancillería china expone: Respetar la soberanía . . . |

Adriaan Alsema (2023-03-03). Top paramilitary chief assassinated in northern Colombia: police. colombiareports.com One of the AGC's top commanders was found murdered on Wednesday, spurring rumors about Colombia's largest paramilitary organization and their alleged commitment to demobilize. According to the National Police, the…

Alicja Ptak (2023-03-03). Only 3% of medium and large firms in Poland have diversity management document. notesfrompoland.com Only 3% of large and medium-sized firms in Poland have a specific diversity management strategy document, a The study, which was based on a survey of 800 businesses, noted that only one third reported having taken any action towards diversity management, with the aim of supporting people with disabilities, carers, as well as in relation t…

aljazeera (2023-03-03). US military presence around the world. aljazeera.com The US controls about 750 bases in at least 80 countries.

Allen Forrest (2023-03-03). The Innocence of Justin Trudeau. dissidentvoice.org What to do if you are accused of wrongdoing? Best to have your team in charge of carrying out the investigation.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). A Window for Balancing the Budget. americanthinker.com Will elected Republicans blow this new opportunity, too?>

americanthinker (2023-03-03). Elon Musk: Ukraine's Fair-Weather Friend. americanthinker.com Elon Musk, the world's richest man, is now going AWOL from Ukraine's fight for survival.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). If China Invades America, Will Leftists Rejoice? americanthinker.com Why would a nation whose people have been taught to hate it oppose being conquered?>

americanthinker (2023-03-03). Oh, the Places I Might Go! americanthinker.com Those who must travel while handicapped endure a world of obstacles, including the world's most obnoxious airline staff.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). Canada's Department of Justice promoting Medical Assistance in Dying program. americanthinker.com Trudeau's government peddles state-sponsored murder…again.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). Canada's Department of Justice promoting Medical Assistance in Dying program. americanthinker.com Trudeau's government peddles state-sponsored murder…again.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). Double-standards for Israel in the Washington Post. americanthinker.com For some reason,…

americanthinker (2023-03-03). For Ukraine, maps and money tell a story. americanthinker.com And it's a story that should have Americans demanding more explanations from their government.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). Hawley blasts Garland over FBI raid on pro-lifer's home. americanthinker.com Just because the DOJ happens to repeatedly catch conservatives in snares doesn't mean there's any sort of systemic bias. Don't take my word for it, take Merrick Garland's.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). It begins: NYT and its Democrats launch bid to revamp Kamala Harris into presidential material. americanthinker.com Donna Brazile penned a gushy op-ed for the Times with the headline: "The Excellence of Kamala Harris is Hiding in Plain Sight."

americanthinker (2023-03-03). Kamala's neutered husband gets emotional as he ponders the threatening presence of 'toxic masculinity'. americanthinker.com In a one-on-one interview, Doug Emhoff details his aversion to being a real man.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). Kamala's neutered husband gets emotional as he ponders the threatening presence of 'toxic masculinity'. americanthinker.com In a one-on-one interview, Doug Emhoff details his aversion to being a real man.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). King Charles III is not 'in' with the cool rocker crowd. americanthinker.com It turns out that a messy personal life and an institutional drift into irrelevancy will even override climate change fanaticism.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). Matt Walsh draws wokester criticism for blunt remarks on trans 'influencer'. americanthinker.com Call it 'we need to talk.'

americanthinker (2023-03-03). PNC Bank has dropped Donald Trump Jr's account for his news app. americanthinker.com If this was done for ideological reasons, here's a fun legal theory: It violates a fusion of the Civil Rights Act and the Constitution itself.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). Senate Judiciary hearings reveal more proof of the blatant bias of Biden's DOJ. americanthinker.com Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley were in their best form. Now it's time for action.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). Slow-to-catch-on leftists discover that 'equity-language guides' are empty 'gestures'. americanthinker.com Welcome! We're glad you're here — it's about darn time.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). Slow-to-catch-on leftists discover that 'equity-language guides' are empty 'gestures'. americanthinker.com Welcome! We're glad you're here — it's about darn time.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). The Cuban doctors in Mexico. americanthinker.com It's all about hard currency for Cuba, not health car.e…

americanthinker (2023-03-03). The woman behind bastardizing Roald Dahl's writing explicitly states her values and goals — and you won't like them. americanthinker.com However, if you pay attention to her, you will know exactly what's happening at Disney and other companies creating content for America's kids.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). The woman behind bastardizing Roald Dahl's writing explicitly states her values and goals—and you won't like them. americanthinker.com However, if you pay attention to her, you will know exactly what's happening at Disney and other companies creating content for America's kids.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). Too funny: Resolution would inform the federales that the people have lost all their guns in a 'boating accident'. americanthinker.com Mockery of the highest order from a Texas representative.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). Too funny: resolution would inform the federals that the people have lost all their guns in a 'boating accident'. americanthinker.com Mockery of the highest order from a Texas representative.

americanthinker (2023-03-03). Without a hint of sarcasm, Biden puppet announces 'natural immunity' is unscientific. americanthinker.com Democrats' feelings don't care about facts and they don't care who knows it.

AMIRA (2023-03-03). Is it true that these gentle giants are blue? indybay.org the Great Dane Blue has acquired the epithet "Apollo of dogs" for its beautiful stance and smoothly-muscled physique, as its towering height is comparable to that of the Greek deity.

Anand Naidoo (2023-03-03). The Heat: Nord Stream Investigation. america.cgtn.com Did the United States sabotage the Nord Stream gas pipelines connecting Russia and Germany? It's been five months since a series of explosions damaged Russia's Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea. Despite numerous investigations, it's yet to be determined who's responsible. But a report …

Andrew Wright (2023-03-03). Florida's coral reef is basically extinct, but scientists are trying to bring it back. peoplesworld.org Staring into a water-filled tub lined with what looks like several gridded drip trays, it's difficult to see what they see, but it's all there and more. "MC-1 has a different personality," Alicia remarked. Celia agreed and added, "MC-58 is too shy." Each tray has anywhere from a few to several dozen ceramic plugs, all …

Ann Brown (2023-03-03). What Queensbridge Legend Prodigy Said About Dr. York, Jay-Z, and God Before He Died. moguldom.com Prodigy, who was born Albert Johnson, was best known as one-half of the New York City hip-hop duo Mobb Deep. Prodigy, along with his rhyme partner Havoc, repped an area called Queensbridge. In 1993, Mobb Deep released its debut album, "Juvenile Hell" on 4th & B'way/Island/PolyGram Records. Mobb Deep released "The Infamous" in 1995, which was certified Gold …

Anonymous103 (2023-03-03). Assessing Results Of Ukraine's Terrorist Attack In Russian Border Village. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-03). Bitcoin And Digital Identity: Their Relationships. southfront.org SPONSORED: | Illustrative Image | By now, you've heard about Bitcoin. You may even have some on hand. What about your online identity? This essay will examine the connections between Bitcoin and personal identity and how you may use either to enhance your life. To invest in bitcoins, you can visit online trading platforms The Evolution of Digital Identity: | You may have heard of Bitcoin, the recently popular digital mone…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-03). Bitcoin Crypto — Advantages And Risks. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-03). Seymour Hersh Dicusses Nord Stream Bombshell With Gerald Celente … And Much More. southfront.org WATCH Seymour Hersh, the Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist whose report on the Nord Stream pipelines bombings sent a shockwave through Washington, discusses the sabotage with The in-depth interview sheds new light into his original report on the pipeline bombing and when and why it was launched. While the White House has disputed Hersh's report, he provides detail…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-03). Disabled Man, Called By SBU A Russian Spy, Killed In Ukrainian Prison. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On January 17, 2023, SouthFront

Anonymous103 (2023-03-03). Kiev Made Big Mistake By Attacking Bryansk. southfront.org Illustrative ImageThe aim was to provoke Moscow in order to demand more help from the West, but the consequences may be disastrous for the neo-Nazi regime. | Written by Kiev has crossed a new red line in the conflict. On March 2, Ukrainian terrorists invaded the non-militarized territory of the Russian Federation, killing and hurting civilians in Bryansk oblast &#15…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-03). President Of Ukraine: Americans Will Be Dying. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-03). Prigozhin Addressed Zelensky, Calling To Allow Withdrawal From Bakhmut. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-03). Russia Just Announced New Strategy On Deterring NATO Aggression. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-03). Russian Aircraft Shot Down In Russian Rear In DPR. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | A military aircraft was shot down over the town of Yenakiyevo, Gorlovsky district, Donetsk region. The head of the city administration confirmed the incident, calling on the local residents to go out from the streets. | The footage from the area confirmed that the aircraft was shot down, caught fire and fell in the fields near the city. The aircraft was reportedly hit by anti-aircraft missile. The pilots ejected from the aircraft. | Presumably, the downed fighter is a Su-34 of the Russ…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-03). The Top 6 Arguments For Purchasing Ether Today! southfront.org SPONSORED: | | Most likely, you've heard much about Ethereum recently in the headlines. What does it mean, and why is it a topic of conversation? Ethereum is a decentralized platform that enables the creation and execution of smart contracts by programmers. The third most used autonomous coin among

Anonymous669 (2023-03-03). France Is Considering Transferring Mirage 2000C Fighter Jets To Ukraine. southfront.org A Dassault M2000 Mirage, Armee de l'Air (French Air Force), takes off for a mission during Red Flag-Alaska 07-1 here on April 10. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Staff Sgt Joshua Strang) | France is considering the possibility of transferring Dassault Mirage fighter jets to Ukraine and training Ukrainian pilots in Poland, the country's Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu, revealed during a hearing in the French Senate on February 28. | Senator Philippe Follio asked Lecornu whether it is plan…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-03). Iran Is Seeking S-400 Air Defense System From Russia — Report. southfront.org S-400 systems. FILE IMAGE: Alexey Malgavko / Sputnik | Iran is seeking the S-400 air defense system from Russia, The sources said that the possible acquisition of the sophisticated air defense system by Tehran would speed up an Israeli decision on a possible attack on Iranian nuclear sites. Russia ha…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-03). Russian Lancet Drones Take Out Two More Ukrainian M109 Howitzers (Videos). southfront.org MOSCOW REGION, RUSSIA — JUNE 25, 2019: A ZALA Lancet-3 attack drone developed by Kalashnikov Concern on display at the Army 2019 International Military Technical Forum at Patriot Park. Marina Lystseva/TASS | On March 2, news sources released videos documenting recent Russian strikes on two M109 self-propelled 155 mm howitzers of Kiev forces within the special military operation zone in Ukraine. | The howitzers were targeted with Lancet loitering munitions. At least one of the howitzers was repor…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-03). SDF Captured ISIS Financial Operative In Syria's Al-Hasakah. southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Source: the Hawar News Agency. | On March 2, the United States-led coalition announced that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) captured a financial operative of ISIS during a recent operation in the northeastern Syria governorate of al-Hasakah. | In a statement, the coalition said that the unidentified operative was involved in providing "financial and lethal aid" for ISIS operations within the Middle Euphrates River Valley. | SDF comman…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-03). Syrian Security Forces Thwart Terrorist Attack In Daraa City. southfront.org Illustrative image. | On March 3, Syrian security forces thwarted a terrorist attack in the southern city of Daraa without sustaining any losses. | Syrian state television reported that security forces uncovered two improvised explosive devices (IED) which were planted on the side of a road leading to al-Dahiyah neighborhood. The devices were detonated from a safe distance after the road was evacuated. | Just a day earlier, an IED exploded near…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-03). U.S. Forces Are Searching For Drones, Anti-Aircraft Missiles In Syria's Al-Tanf (Photos). southfront.org Green Berets and their partner force, the Maghaweir al-Thowra (MaT), during a joint patrol mission near At-Tanf Garrison, Syria, April 29, 2020. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. William Howard) | The United States-led coalition is searching for drones and anti-aircraft missiles near its garrison in the southeastern Syrian area of al-Tanf. | On March 1, the coalition's proxy in al-Tanf, the Syrian Free Army (SFA), released photos showi…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-03). U.S.-led Coalition Reinforces Large Base In Northeastern Syria. southfront.org ERBIL, Iraq — An AH-64E Apache helicopter from the 4th Squadron, 6th Cavalry Regiment, Task Force Saber, hovers prior to taking off to conduct a mission, July 11,2017, Erbil, Iraq. (U.S. Army photo by Capt. Stephen James) | On March 3, the United States-led coalition reinforced one of its largest bases in northeastern Syria, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. | The London-based monitoring group reported that a convoy, consisting of 30 trucks carrying logistics and…

Anonymous (2023-03-03). Palestine in Pictures: February 2023. electronicintifada.net A monthly roundup of photographs documenting Palestine, Palestinian life, politics and culture, and international solidarity with Palestine.

Answer Coalition (2023-03-03). Atlanta event April 1 featuring Eugene Puryear: Peace in Ukraine – No to Endless U.S. Wars! answercoalition.org Peace in Ukraine – No to Endless U.S. Wars!, Fund People's Needs, Not the War Machine!: | , Featured speaker: Eugene Puryear, journalist and organizer with ANSWER Coalition: | , Atlanta, GA, Saturday, April 1 – 1pm ET, The Neighborhood Church (1561 McLendon Ave NE): | The moment is now to inaugurate a new, multi-national, grassroots movement to demand an end to the war in Ukraine. There is no road to peace if the U.S. government policy remains to obstruct negotiations and send endless weapons into the war zone to escalate its war against Russia. | We must begin to build a peace movem…

Ariadna Eljuri (2023-03-03). Colombia: President Petro Asks Prosecutor's Office to Investigate Brother and Eldest Son. orinocotribune.com This Thursday, March 2, the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, requested that the Prosecutor's Office begin investigations against his brother, Juan Fernando Petro Urrego, and his eldest son, Nicolás Petro Burgos, aimed at examining rumors about an alleged plot in which some lawyers, claiming to speak on behalf of the government, attempt to extort incarcerated citizens seeking to join the Petro government's "total peace" policy. | "Last August 7, I made a commitment to Colombian men and women," Petro said in a statement published via social media. "I have a responsibility to be loyal to the vote that many of y…

Arturo Domínguez (2023-03-03). The Biden-Trump Border Disaster (OPINION). latinorebels.com As major media does an about-face and ignores the cruelty of the Biden administration's immigration policy, voters should remember the promises made by then-candidate Joe Biden during his 2020 presidential campaign.

Arzu Geybullayeva (2023-03-03). Silent no more: Criticism of the state's inadequate earthquake response reaches football stadiums in Turkey. juancole.com Fans also called for the ruling AKP government to resign Written byArzu Geybullayeva Screenshot from Besiktas football club's official YouTube channel video of the stadium. ( Globalvoices.org ) — It was an unforgettable moment as fans of one of Turkey's main football teams, Besiktas, started throwing thousands of plush bear toys onto the Vodafone …

Ashley Curtin (2023-03-03). Map shows chemical-related incidents happen every two days in US. nationofchange.org In the wake of the train derailment in Ohio, a new analysis shows chemical accidents are more common in the United States than previously thought. A map created by the Coalition to Prevent Chemical Disasters shows chemical-related incidents happen at a rate of one every two days. The map, which allows viewers to see chemical-related …

auorinoco (2023-03-03). Africans Protest Against France, Receiving Macron With Photos of Putin. orinocotribune.com French President Macron's tour of Africa has provoked a wave of anger from the African people, confirming the decline of French influence in Africa. | This Wednesday, March 1, French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Libreville, the capital of Gabon, at the beginning of a four-day tour of Africa; a trip that, according to French sources, seeks to establish a new "responsible relationship" with the African continent. | After Gabon, the French president will head to Angola, Congo-Brazzaville (the Republic of Congo), and the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where people took to the streets on Wedne…

auorinoco (2023-03-03). ALBA Movements Prepare for VII Continental Coordination Meeting in Venezuela. orinocotribune.com

Boaventura de sousa Santos (2023-03-03). The deafening silence of intellectuals in the face of growing global conflicts. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in Intellectuals do not have a monopoly on culture, on values, or on truth, much less on the meanings attributed to any one of these "domains of the spirit," as they used to be termed. But intellectuals should also not shrink from denouncing what they see as destructive of culture, values, and tr…

Brittani Banks (2023-03-03). How GOP Lawmakers Are Putting Teen Workers in Harm's Way. independentmediainstitute.org Brad Greve said he and other expedition leaders repeatedly told the group of Boy Scouts to watch out for a section of stream where the water picked up speed and swept over rapids into the lake below. But two of the boys forgot the warnings and let their canoe drift perilously close to the drop-off …

Brittani Banks (2023-03-03). Global News Dispatches: 4 Stories. independentmediainstitute.org Note to Editors: You are welcome to publish any selection of these news dispatches. Headlines in This News Package: In Jammu and Kashmir, Eviction Drive Sparks Anger and Protests From a Cross-Section of Society New International Sanctions Announced on Myanmar's Junta as Airstrikes, Arrests Keep Country on Edge Pakistani Brothers Finally Leave Guantanamo Bay After …

CADTM (2023-03-03). Biden Nominates Ajay Banga as President of the World Bank. globalresearch.ca

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-03-03). It Is the mass media's job to help suppress anti-war movements. johnmenadue.com In a new article titled "European antiwar protests gain strength as NATO's Ukraine proxy war escalates,," The Grayzone's Stavroula Pabst and Max Blumenthal document the many large demonstrations that have been occurring in France, the UK, Germany, Greece, Spain, the Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium and elsewhere opposing the western empire's brinkmanship with Russia and proxy

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-03-03). We're Losing Our Anti-War Heroes Right When We Need Them Most. thealtworld.com Listen to a reading of this article: | "A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in." | ~ Greek proverb | The heroic whistleblower and peace activist Daniel Ellsberg is dying. | In

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-03-03). US Ambassador to China: "We're the Leader" of the Indo-Pacific. asia-pacificresearch.com

cameron orr (2023-03-03). A few of the Communist women who shaped U.S. history. cpusa.org This article is being reprinted from Political Affairs in celebration of Women's History Month. It was first published in April 2010. From its very outset, the struggle for women's liberation has had deep connections to the development of the socialist movement. The utopian socialist Charles Fourier said famously that a society was judged by its …

cameron orr (2023-03-03). U.S. support for violence against Palestinians must end. cpusa.org Since the election of the most fanatical, right-wing government in the history of Israel, the situation in Israel and the Palestinian territories continues to deteriorate. The far-right Netanyahu government is shattering the facade of democracy, even embracing openly fascist figures of this section of the Zionist movement. Since taking office, the newest Israeli regime …

Carl Gibson (2023-03-03). Capitalism's Conclusion, Part I: What the Ohio train derailment exposed. nationofchange.org The recent derailment of trains in East Palestine isn't just a once-in-a-generation environmental disaster, it's what will continue to happen when profit is put above public health.

Carlos Real, Rocío Párraga, Gonzalo Pizarro, Inés García-Lunar, Ernesto González-Calvo, Jesús Martínez-Gómez, Javier Sánchez-González, Patricia Sampedro, Irene Sanmamed, Mercedes De Miguel, Amaya De Cos-Gandoy, Patricia Bodega, Borja Ibanez, Gloria Santos-Beneit, Valentin Fuster, Rodrigo Fernández-Jiménez (2023-03-03). [Articles] Magnetic resonance imaging reference values for cardiac morphology, function and tissue composition in adolescents. thelancet.com This cross-sectional study provides overall and sex-stratified CMR reference values for cardiac dimensions and function, and myocardial tissue properties, in adolescents. This information is useful for clinical practice and may help in the differential diagnosis of cardiac diseases, such as cardiomyopathies and myocarditis, in this population.

Chris Hedges (2023-03-03). COVID-19 proved workers make the world run, not the bosses. therealnews.com The start of the COVID-19 pandemic compounded the existing crises of capitalism for workers everywhere. This was most obviously apparent for "frontline" or "essential" workers, who were forced by their need to survive to risk disease, disability, and potential death on a daily basis at their jobs. While lauded in media and culture in the early days of the pandemic, the rewards these workers have actually received have been precarity, damaged health, depressed wages, and for far too many, an early death. As a new ruling class narrative that insists the pandemic is over becomes hegemonic, the stories and ongo…

Coral Wynter (2023-03-03). Tanya Plibersek told to save Murujuga rock art. greenleft.org.au Murujuga Traditional Custodians escalated their campaign to protect Murujuga rock art in the Pilbara, Western Australia, by protesting outside federal environment minister Tanya Plibersek's office in Sydney. Coral Wynter reports.

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-03). Is Unlimited Nuclear Energy Spook? U.S. Claims Breakthrough Fusion Nuclear Power. moguldom.com The history of nuclear fusion began early in the 20th century as a question about how the sun and stars power themselves and expanded into questions about the nature of energy and matter. Then questions turned to applications for producing energy, propelling rockets and winning wars. To sell the idea, stakeholders hyped nuclear fusion as the promise …

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-03). Are You A Small Business That Needs An Uber-Like Low-Cost Courier? 3 Reasons To Try Roadie, A UPS Company. moguldom.com On-demand last-mile delivery platforms and new last-mile parcel networks were among the top companies attracting investment in 2021, when funding for supply chain startups reached a record $80 billion-plus during the pandemic-fueled e-commerce boom. UPS acquired gig platform Roadie as part of an investment into same-day delivery service in October 2022 for $586 million. Launched in …

Daniel Tilles (2023-03-03). Polish opposition parties call for referendum on abortion law. notesfrompoland.com

Danielle Nista, Miriam Basilio (2023-03-03). A window on 'Fighting Fascism: Visual Culture of the Spanish Civil War' at NYU. peoplesworld.org This spring, New York University's Kimmel Windows—a 13-window exhibition space spanning LaGuardia Place and West 3rd Street—will feature Fighting Fascism: Visual Culture of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), featuring materials from New York University Special Collections, Tamiment-Wagner Collections, Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives. The exhibition originated in a Fall 2019 undergraduate seminar, Art and Propaganda: The …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-03). Israel Says Its Window to Attack Iran Is Closing Due to Russian Support. news.antiwar.com Israeli officials are claiming Russia might provide Iran with S-400 air defense systems, and because of that, Israel's window to launch an attack on Iran is closing, Bloomberg reported on Thursday. The report cited anonymous people in the US and Israel who said the prospect of Iran acquiring the S-400 system could accelerate plans for …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-03). Russia Says It Suspended New START Treaty Because the US Helped Ukraine Attack Strategic Sites. news.antiwar.com Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said Thursday that one of the reasons Moscow suspended its participation in the New START treaty was because the US helped Ukraine attack a facility housing Russian nuclear weapons. New START is the last nuclear arms control treaty between the US and Russia and limits the deployment of warheads …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-03). US Army Secretary Says US Preparing to Win a War With China Over Taiwan. news.antiwar.com US Army Secretary Christine Wormuth said this week that the US must prepare to win a future war with China over Taiwan by beefing up its military deployments in the region. "I personally am not of the view that an amphibious invasion of Taiwan is imminent," Wormuth said at an American Enterprise Institute event, according …

David Giesen (2023-03-03). Saturday 3/4: Why Natalie Baszile has it right with Queen Sugar: a walking tour. indybay.org American Youth Hostel | 312 Mason Street | San Francisco | (meet in the lobby)…

Dr. William Makis (2023-03-03). H5N1 Avian Influenza: What You Need to Know. Wild Rumors and a Look Beyond the Usual Propaganda. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). China-Vietnam cross-border rescue mechanism saves Chinese citizen. ecns.cn A Chinese citizen who suffered a sudden illness in Vietnam was successfully sent back to China for medical treatment through the China-Vietnam cross-border rescue mechanism on Wednesday afternoon, said the Youyi Border Inspection Station in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). China conducts ignition test in Mengtian space lab module. ecns.cn China has successfully performed the first in-orbit ignition test in the Mengtian space lab module's combustion cabinet.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). U.S. railroad company ordered to sample for dioxins at train derailment site in Ohio. ecns.cn The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said on Thursday that it will require railroad company Norfolk Southern to test directly for dioxins in East Palestine, Ohio.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). Hybrid train, a new generation, makes debut. ecns.cn A hybrid light rail train — mainly powered by hydrogen fuel cells — made its debut on Thursday in Baoding, Hebei province, after it was completed by a local company.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). SpaceX Crew-6 spacecraft docks to ISS. ecns.cn SpaceX's Crew-6 Dragon spacecraft autonomously docked to the International Space Station (ISS) on early Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). New Asplenium species discovered on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have discovered a new species of Asplenium in Qinghai province in the northwestern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, according to the Institute of Botany under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). China plans Tianwen-2 mission for asteroid sampling. ecns.cn China plans to launch a new interplanetary mission targeting a small near-Earth asteroid, said the country's space agency.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). Procuratorial agencies' judicial assistance aids 190,000 people in five years. ecns.cn Over the past five years since 2018, procuratorial agencies across China have offered judicial assistance to over 190,000 people, granting more than 2.3 billion yuan (about 333 million U.S. dollars) to those in difficulties.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). Beijing protests latest U.S.' arms sales to Taiwan. ecns.cn China has lodged solemn representations over the latest United States' arms sales to China's Taiwan, the Defense Ministry said on Friday afternoon, expressing "firm opposition and strong dissatisfaction".

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). Production, social life speed up returning to normal in China: spokesperson. ecns.cn China has pulled through the current round of COVID-19 outbreak with production and social life accelerating the pace of returning to normal, a spokesperson said Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). China's economy remains resilient with potential, vigor: spokesperson. ecns.cn China's national political advisors believe that the country's economy remains resilient and is full of potential and vigor, a spokesperson for the first session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) said Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). China to further reduce investment restrictions, ensure 'national treatment' for overseas investors: MOFCOM. ecns.cn China will study and promote the reasonable reduction of the "negative list" for foreign investment, further relax restrictions, while ensuring the "national treatment" for foreign investors amid the nation's pledge to pursue a higher level opening-up.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). Top political advisory body holds press conference ahead of annual session. ecns.cn The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) held a press conference on Friday, one day ahead of the top political advisory body's annual session.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). China's top political advisory body to hold annual session from March 4 to 11. ecns.cn The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the country's top political advisory body, will start its annual session on Saturday in Beijing, a spokesperson said Friday. The first session of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC is scheduled to conclude on March 11, Guo Weimin, spokesperson for the session, told a press conference.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). Wuxi in East China's Jiangsu destroys 1 billion pieces of personal data related to COVID-19. ecns.cn Wuxi city in East China's Jiangsu Province on Thursday destroyed an initial batch of 1 billion pieces of personal data related to COVID-19 information to make efforts to boost citizen privacy.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). 400-year-old saucer magnolia tree in blossom in Shaanxi. ecns.cn A 400-year-old magnolia tree is in full blossom at Wuhou Temple in Mian County of Hanzhong City, northwest China's Shaanxi Province.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). Construction of second historical archives of China completed in Nanjing. ecns.cn The construction of the main building of the second historical archives of China is completed in Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu Province, March 2, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). Lei Feng themed bus unveiled in Inner Mongolia. ecns.cn Lei Feng, a Chinese soldier who died in 1962 is a household name in China. His deeds of selfless service to the needy still resonate with the public.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). Number of Chinese netizens rises to 1.06 billion. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). Insights | They say: China's reopening fuels global market optimism. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). China's Xinjiang sees tourism rebound in first two months. ecns.cn Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has seen a steady recovery in tourism since the beginning of this year, thanks largely to booming ice-and-snow tourism.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). Cherry blossoms help promote tourism in Fujian. ecns.cn It is the peak season for tourism in March at the Yongfu Cherry and Tea Scenic Spot of Zhangping, Fujian Province, an entrepreneurship center for Taiwan people.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). World's only 400-year-old Magnolia Soulangeana blooms in Shaanxi. ecns.cn It is said that the ancient Chinese planted it in memory of Zhuge Liang, a military strategist of the Shu Kingdom (221-263), in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

ecns.cn (2023-03-03). China's Mengtian lab module completes first in-orbit ignition test. ecns.cn The first in-orbit ignition test of China's Mengtian space station lab module was successfully completed in the combustion science laboratory on February 16, the Chinese Academy of Sciences said on Thursday.

Editor (2023-03-03). American Jews who bought 'Jewish democracy' label for apartheid need to wake up. mronline.org We are all trying to wrap our heads around the political events happening in Israel now, and the speed with which they are happening.

Editor (2023-03-03). Free trade? "To Hell with It" mronline.org U.S. President Joe Biden is a self-confessed Catholic. He regularly attends the religious services of his congregation and, like every U.S. president, he has sworn to his office by placing his hand on the bible. Therefore, it is safe to say that he is aware of the negative moral charge that the word "hell" has among his people.

Editor (2023-03-03). Kohei Saito: 'Marx in the Anthropocene: Towards the Idea of Degrowth Communism'. mronline.org In 2017, Japanese Marx scholar Kohei Saito published 'Karl Marx's Ecosocialism', which won the Isaac Deutscher Memorial Prize the following year.

Editor (2023-03-03). Atlanta Activists Say Prosecutors Plan to Indict Them on RICO Charges. scheerpost.com By Ryan Fatica / Unicorn Riot Atlanta, GA — Community organizations involved in the ongoing campaign to defend the South River Forest outside Atlanta, Georgia and 'Stop Cop City' say state prosecutors are planning on releasing indictments in the coming weeks charging them as a "criminal organization" under RICO statutes. The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, …

Editor (2023-03-03). China's Peace Plan for Ukraine. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-03). 'Get Our Grandkids Out': East Palestine Residents Erupt at Norfolk Southern Meeting. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-03-03). On False Hope and Broken Promises: Behind the Scenes of the UN Statement on Palestine. scheerpost.com By Ramzy Baroud / CounterPunch Rarely does the Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations make an official remark expressing happiness over any UN proceeding concerning the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Indeed, the Palestinian Ambassador Riyad Mansour is "very happy that there was a very strong united message from the Security Council against the illegal, unilateral measure" undertaken …

Editor (2023-03-03). Ralph Nader: Prairie Populist, Honest Senator James Abourezk, Fearless Fighter for Justice. scheerpost.com By Ralph Nader Most citizen advocates who work with U.S. senators on a wide variety of issues probably would agree that the late South Dakota Democrat, James Abourezk, was one of a kind. It was not that he was so honest, so down to earth, or so engaging with friend and foe alike. Rather, it …

Editor (2023-03-03). The Nightmare Espionage Act That is Killing Julian Assange and the First Amendment. scheerpost.com The use of the century old Espionage Act in the Julian Assange case continues to set the chilling precedent of a bleak future in American journalism, a precedent that endangers even those outside US borders.

Edward Lozansky (2023-03-03). 10 Steps to the Edge of the Abyss. globalresearch.ca

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-03-03). 'Buildup for War': US Spins COVID Lab Leak Narrative to 'Pin Blame on China'. globalresearch.ca

Eric Zuesse (2023-03-03). Why Russia's Invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 Was Legal. dissidentvoice.org Under international law, "aggression" (or "aggressive war") has never yet been defined so as to separate it clearly from "defensive war" (or "defense"), and this murkiness is the U.N.'s most fundamental failure to-date, because the U.N. was supposed to have been formed in order to prevent a World War Three (WW III), which is impossible …

Fight Back (2023-03-03). FRSO delegation spends day in downtown Caracas. fightbacknews.org Caracas, Venezuela – The Freedom Road Socialist Organization delegation to Venezuela visited downtown Caracas, March 2, and spoke with working-class Venezuelan people. Delegation members include Chicano activist Carlos Montes, student organizer Enya Silva and anti-police crimes activist Omar Flores. | The group visited the home of Simon Bolivar (the Liberator), Bolivar Plaza, and several historic sites.
| Carlos Montes said, "I enjoyed the popular theater performance in the outside plaza with the public of all ages watching, and the displays of Simon Bolivar." | FRSO delegate Omar Flores stated, "The city is…

Gideon Polya (2023-03-03). Zionists attack Palestinian writers, free speech. greenleft.org.au Palestinian writers Susan Abulhawa and Mohammed El-Kurd have been subjected to a storm of false defamation at the Adelaide Writers' Festival in South Australia. Gideon Polya reports.

Gilad Meiri (2023-03-03). 'I've already lived under Stalin!' Anti-government Protests Spread Across Israel. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-03-03). Last Month's Most Popular Articles (February). globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-03-03). Selected Articles: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Are Damaging Immune Systems & Hearts of Canadian Children. Interview with Odessa Orlewicz. globalresearch.ca

Graham Matthews (2023-03-03). Community need triumphs over developer greed. greenleft.org.au Getting traffic lights installed next to a public school was a years-long battle that parents and citizens finally won. Graham Matthews reports.

GUEST (2023-03-03). The extreme sound of Polish heritage. notesfrompoland.com By Jan B?aszczak | Only one Polish band has ever had an album reach the top 50 of the US Billboard 200 chart. But if you asked most Poles who it was, they probably would not know. | The answer is Behemoth, who hail from a Polish extreme metal scene that has achieved great international success despite relatively little mainstream attention and has become one of the most significant ambassadors of Polish culture abroad despite, unlike many other cultural exports, receiving no support from public institutions. | Decades of success: | What is more, their success seems impervious to the changes taking place a…

Gustavo A. Maranges (2023-03-03). Guantanamo: The Meaning of 120 Years of Illegal Occupation. orinocotribune.com By Gustavo A. Maranges — Feb 28, 2023 | To a great many people of the world, the word Guantanamo has become synonymous with torture since the U.S. opened up its military prison center there in 2002. Over 780 people captured by U.S. forces have suffered from massive human rights violations there carried out by the CIA since that time. For the people of Cuba, a society that places human rights and well-being above all else, this is a collective horror carried out on their sovereign soil by a foreign military. | This article hopes to go beyond that because today marks the 120th year of continuous U.S. Naval occ…

Ian McAuley (2023-03-03). Covid killing 500 Australians a month: The Weekly Roundup. johnmenadue.com Will the Albanese government restore Medicare as a universal system? Covid is still killing about 500 Australians a month; and crazies in the Liberal Party branches try to undermine their few remaining sound parliamentarians. Read on for the weekly roundup of links to articles, reports, podcasts and other media on current political and economic issues

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-03-03). The Psychology and Reality of Colonialism, Capitalism and Imperialism. anchor.fm In this episode we begin by sharing our explicit support and solidarity with the revolutionary masses, parties and governments of Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Vietnam, China, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran, Palestine and elsewhere. We then speak about oppression, class society, colonialism and its consequences psychologically, socially, and it's revolutionary conclusions to come.

Indybay (2023-03-03). Davis to Protest Charlie Kirk Tour After CEO Calls for Trans People to Be "Taken Care Of The Way We Used To In the 1950s" itsgoingdown.org After calling for trans people to be "taken care of," Turning Point CEO Charlie Kirk is launching a campus tour. Students and community members in Davis, CA are calling for protests. Originally posted to Indybay. Far-Right multi-millionaire and Trump cheerleader Charlie Kirk, CEO of Turning Point USA, a network of far-Right student groups on college…

infobrics (2023-03-03). Corruption scandals in Ukraine might spill over Biden family and Democratic party. infobrics.org The corruption factor in Ukraine and its American connection is not merely of interest to the police authorities: it has geopolitical and geoeconomic implications.

infobrics (2023-03-03). Borrell boasts how he broke EU's "taboo" of not wanting to send weapons. infobrics.org EU's diplomacy chief equalises assistance to French dairy farmers to sending arms to Ukraine.

infobrics (2023-03-03). S&P Affirms Long-term Credit Rating on New Development Bank at 'AA+'. infobrics.org The agreement on setting up the New Development Bank by BRICS countries was reached on July 15, 2014…

infobrics (2023-03-03). Russia — Africa Relations and the Emerging New World Order. infobrics.org Renaissance of Russian interest vis-à -vis Africa started much earlier than Russia — West relations collapsed due to Ukrainian war. And it was result of the realization that Africa will be increasingly important in decades to come…

infobrics (2023-03-03). Astronauts' Training Over in Russia, India on Track to Launch to Maiden Human Spaceflight Mission in 2024. infobrics.org Indian astronauts, who are a part of the potential team for a human space flight mission in 2024, have returned home after completing required training in Russia…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-03). Medvedev Defines the Red Line for Direct War with NATO. libya360.wordpress.com British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky meet Ukrainian troops being trained on Challenger 2 tanks at Lulworth in Dorset Training Ukrainians on Western weapons qualifies, said Dmitry Medvedev after the Bryansk attack Canadian and German troops teaching Ukrainians how to use Leopard tanks already qualifies as participation in the conflict, but…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-03). Reality Based People Can Fact Check the 'Fact-Checkers'. libya360.wordpress.com Moon of Alabama People wave Russian flags as Vladimir Putin takes the stage to deliver a speech during a patriotic concert. | AFP | FAKTENFINDER Stavroula Pabst, a writer in Greece, has published an interesting piece on the nefarious purpose of fact-checking and 'dis-information' debunking. Guy Debord's Warning of "The Role of the Expert": A…

Isheka N. Harrison (2023-03-03). Black Elders Plead With Evanston To Expand How They Can Use Their Reparations Grants Before The Money Expires. moguldom.com When Evanston, Illinois, became the first city in the nation to give reparations to its Black residents to help atone for decades of racism and discrimination, leadership was praised for the initiative. Now two Black elders who received the reparations grants are appealing to the city council to change the terms of use for the …

Isheka N. Harrison (2023-03-03). Draymond Green Calls For An End To Black History Month: 'Teach My History From Jan. 1 To Dec. 31'. moguldom.com Black History Month ended on Tuesday, but if NBA star Draymond Green has his way, it'll be done away with for good. His reason: Black History should be taught all year. "Black History Month — at some point, can we get rid of it?" Green asked on Feb. 28, the last government-sanctioned day of Black …

Isheka N. Harrison (2023-03-03). Black-Owned Bank Adelphi Opens in Ohio, Will Focus on Developing Black Generational Wealth. moguldom.com A new Black-owned bank has opened in Columbus, Ohio, making history as the only one in the state. Adelphi Bank aims to help Black families build generational wealth by removing common barriers. According to its website, Adelphi's goal "is to improve the lives of our customers by removing the barriers to financial equity." It also says it's …

Jacob G. Hornberger (2023-03-03). Conservative Mental Dichotomy on the Draft. globalresearch.ca

Jafar Ramini (2023-03-03). An open call for genocide in Palestine. johnmenadue.com Some might think that state genocide is a new phenomenon in Israeli occupied Palestine. I can assure you that this is the very essence of Zionism. The point was, and still is, to occupy the land, get rid of the people by any and every means, and change the topography and the demography of Palestine

Jan Schoenmakers, Willy Sabowski (2023-03-03). Journalism is in denial about itself & China's Mediation. indybay.org If you live on a powder keg, you have to avoid sparks. Therefore, especially in crises, truthful, trustworthy communication and respectful communication in society is more important than ever. Thus, the more explosive the situation, the more important the fourth estate in the state becomes. It is failing spectacularly right now – as it has in recent crises.

Jeff Kildea (2023-03-03). The Windsor framework: oven-ready fudge. johnmenadue.com More than three years after Boris Johnson got Brexit done with his 'excellent' and 'oven-ready' deal, his second successor Rishi Sunak may have actually baked it, but only after changing the recipe from cake to fudge. But is there enough fudge to go around? In my previous article, I examined the background to the Windsor

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-03-03). Sinister Agency Created To Do CIA's Dirty Work in Public Has Just Named New Leaders. covertactionmagazine.com New Appointees Picked to Pursue Same Imperialist Goal of Fomenting Disruption and Regime Change in Countries that Won't Toe U.S. Line The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is an innocently named, "wolf-in-sheep's clothing" offshoot of the CIA that funds dissident foreign organizations and media trying to overthrow their own governments in countries targeted by the …

Jessica Buxbaum (2023-03-03). How Israeli cyber weapons are taking over Latin America. mintpressnews.com In January, Salvadoran newspaper El Faro revealed that the country's police have purchased three Israeli surveillance tools. Through the approximately $2.2 million contract, El Salavador's police acquired the Wave Guard Tracer, from Wave Guard Technologies, designed to trace calls, text, and data, the GEOLOC system sold by an unknown Israeli firm, which intercepts signals between …

Joelle Fishman (2023-03-03). Connecticut union health care workers conduct civil disobedience 'die-in'. peoplesworld.org HARTFORD—Holding signs that said "Keep Your Commitment," twelve Personal Care Assistants (PCAs), acting on behalf of themselves and 11,000 union co-workers, laid down on the floor in a civil disobedience action at the state's Legislative Office Building Wednesday to demand that the health care and paid sick days negotiated in their contract last May be …

John Perry (2023-03-03). Nicaragua's 'Political Prisoners' Would be Criminals by US Standards. globalresearch.ca

Juan Cole (2023-03-03). Humanity put out more C02 than Ever Before last Year, but Green Energy Kept the Annual Increase Small. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — This is a bad news, good news story. Cathy Bussewitz at the Associated Press reports that carbon dioxide emissions reached an all-time high in 2022, of 36.8 gigatons. That is more CO2 spewed into the atmosphere by humanity in just one year than ever before. CO2 emissions were up nearly …

Kenny Stancil (2023-03-03). Big Ag Exploiting Carbon Markets to Intensify Grip on Food System: Report. globalresearch.ca

Kerry Smith (2023-03-03). Climate scientist arrested for demanding stronger climate action. greenleft.org.au Five climate activists, including a climate research scientist, were arrested for protesting outside the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association. Kerry Smith reports.

Kevin Gosztola (2023-03-03). March To Iraq War, 20 Years Later: March 3, 2003. thedissenter.org Note: This series is published exclusively for subscribers of The Dissenter. Thanks for your interest in journalism on whistleblowers and related press freedom issues. | The world will mark the 20th anniversary of the United States invasion and occupation of Iraq in about a month. It was the second war waged by the US against Iraq. | To reflect on this history, The Dissenter recounts the timeline of events that led up to the invasion on March 19. Each post encapsulates what took place that day as both political and media elites beat the drums of war. | ***MARCH 3, 2003: Pentagon Secretary Donald Rumsfeld insis…

Kevin Gosztola (2023-03-03). TUNE IN: Belmarsh Tribunal In Sydney, Australia. thedissenter.org About a month and a half after Progressive International is convening a Belmarsh Tribunal in Sydney, Australia, a month and a half after a The event will begin at 7pm Sydney time. Above is the video for the live stream that will archive and can be viewed after the event. | *Delegates at the event include: | Bernard Collaery, attorney targeted in the "Witness K" scandal | Bob Carr, former leader of the Australia Labor Party | Bridget Archer, member of Australia House of Representa…

Kevin Gosztola (2023-03-03). Unauthorized Disclosure: Subscriber Show For March 3. thedissenter.org Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola host the weekly Unauthorized Disclosure podcast. Here's an episode for paid subscribers.

Kurt Nimmo (2023-03-03). Corporate Media Gobsmacked on Crimea. globalresearch.ca

Kurt Nimmo (2023-03-03). Retired U.S. General Advocates Sustained Missile Attack on Crimea. globalresearch.ca

Larry Johnson (2023-03-03). Will China Send Weapons to Russia? sonar21.com Yes. I think they will. But not because Russia is running out of shells and rockets. Nope. I think China wants a chance to field test some of its weaponry…

Lee Camp (2023-03-03). Not Just The China Balloon, the US Has A History of Hysteria. mintpressnews.com This past month has been consumed with the fact that there's something in the sky! By now, you know a lot about the Chinese balloon and its fate. The U.S. sent F-22 fighter jets with F-15s and others in support, to blow it out of the sky with a Sidewinder missile. It's a good thing …

Liberation News Washington, D.C. Staff (2023-03-03). Biden, Bowser, and Democrats betray Washington, D.C. Statehood. liberationnews.org President Joe Biden further undermined D.C. statehood by announcing he would not veto Congress' overreaching votes.

Lyn Neeley (2023-03-03). Nord Stream pipeline attack: an act of war. workers.org "How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline," a report by Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, was released Feb. 8. Hersh's information comes from an unnamed source, who Hersh wrote had direct knowledge of the operational planning preceding the Sept. 26, 2022, attack and the sophisticated methods used by . . . |

Margaret Kimberley (2023-03-03). East Palestine, Ohio and the Oligarchy. globalresearch.ca

Margaux Lopez (2023-03-03). Eastern New Mexico: A frontline in the fight for abortion rights. liberationnews.org The right wing is packing local governing bodies in New Mexico with hardline conservatives, many developed by anti-abortion think tanks.

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-03). Alabama UMWA miners return to Warrior Met jobs, talks to resume. peoplesworld.org BROOKWOOD, Ala.—Twenty-three months and a day after Alabama's Warrior Met coal company forced its 1,100 United Mine Workers to strike, the remaining 800 walked back onto their jobs on March 2, as UMWA and the firm prepared to resume talks on a new contract. The breakthrough came when UMWA President Cecil Roberts offered on Feb. …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-03). Dirigentes sindicales apoyan campaña integral de cuidadores. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—Diciendo que el resto de la fuerza laboral de la nación depende del cuidado de niños y ancianos disponible y asequible, y de salarios dignos para sus cuidadores, los principales líderes sindicales se unieron para instar al Congreso a promulgar una legislación integral para lograr ese objetivo. Haciendo un gesto hacia la cúpula del Capitolio …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-03). Union leaders back comprehensive caregiver campaign. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—Saying the rest of the nation's workforce depends on available, affordable child care and elder care—and living wages for their caregivers—top union leaders rallied behind urging Congress to enact comprehensive legislation to achieve that goal. Gesturing to the U.S. Capitol dome, looming behind them several blocks away, Ai-Jen Poo of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, …

Matt Taibbi (2023-03-03). Twitter Files: GEC, New Knowledge, and State-Sponsored Blacklists. globalresearch.ca

Medea Benjamin, Marcy Winograd, Wei Yu (2023-03-03). Why Biden snubbed China's Ukraine peace plan. nationofchange.org President Biden and his coterie of neo-conservatives have no interest in peace if it means the U.S. concedes hegemonic power to a multi-polar world unbothered from the all-mighty dollar.

Michael Keating (2023-03-03). Superannuation tax changes and budget repair. johnmenadue.com The very modest superannuation changes have been well received by most people, but the worry is the unwillingness of the Government to acknowledge, let alone tackle, the much bigger fiscal challenges that lie ahead. On Tuesday, the Government announced what it termed a "modest change" where from 2025-26 the earnings on superannuation balances above $3

Mike Whitney (2023-03-03). China's Turn. America's Hyper-Financialized Economic System Is No Match for China's Government-Directed Investment Model. globalresearch.ca

Natalia Marques (2023-03-03). The US Supreme Court entertains the idea that student loan forgiveness will "harm" people. peoplesdispatch.org The ultraconservative Supreme Court appears poised to force the burden of USD 1.6 trillion in federal student loan debt back onto tens of millions of workers…

Naureen Shah (2023-03-03). Child Labor Investigation Reveals Immigration Policy Changes We Need Now. aclu.org Children across the nation are working in dangerous, sometimes lethal jobs in American factories, farms and mills — according to a The kids, who are here without their parents, have fled countries rife with violence and poverty. Many are

noreply (2023-03-03). Some Necessary Admissions From People In The Field. smoothiex12.blogspot.com Scott and Judge Napolitano discuss this admission: Of course they didn't expect it, despite numerous warnings from people like Scott Ritter, Douglas Macgregor, Colonel Wilkerson, Daniel Davies and yours truly among very few others. I don't know what it will take to explain it to American politicians, most of who not only never served a day in the uniform, but cannot grasp even basic facts presented to them by Congressional Research Service in an easily digestible middle school book report form. Now, considering the fact, of which I am speaking ad nauseam, that the Russian Army didn't even combat deploy its mobili…

Norman Solomon (2023-03-03). Showdown in Nevada as Democratic Establishment Targets Party Chair. indybay.org

Oakland Institute (2023-03-03). Amidst Chaos of War, a New Report Exposes the Stealth Take-over of Ukrainian Agricultural Land. globalresearch.ca

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-03). Building Unity Against Imperialism in the 21st Century. orinocotribune.com By Abayomi Azikiwe — Feb 28, 2023 | Note: These remarks were prepared for and delivered in part at a panel discussion sponsored by the Michigan Peace Council. The event was held at the Swords into Plowshares Art Gallery located in downtown Detroit. In addition to Abayomi Azikiwe, other presenters were Steve Boyce of the U.S.-China Peoples Friendship Association in Ann Arbor; Dr. Catherine Wilkerson, an activist from Ann Arbor; and Mixx H., a member of Anakbayan USA Detroit chapter, a Filipino mass youth organization. The event was moderated by Bill Meyer, Chair of the MPC and Linda Rayburn, Vice-Chair. | [md…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-03). Iran and Bolivia United Against the Unilateral Hegemony of the US. orinocotribune.com By Sdenka Saavedra Alfaro — Feb 26, 2023 | The fight for a common front framed in the multilateralist vision, which strengthens the peoples with conscience and worldview against the hegemonic American and European terrorism, which only thinks of invasions, interference, looting and exploitation of natural resources at the cost of death, pain, misery; It is the fundamental strategy in the relations between the countries that today face the blows and the inhuman sanctions of the policies and pressures of imperialism, such is the case of the Islamic Republic of Iran that with its 44 years of resistance has been…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-03). When White House Cracks Down on TIKTOK, What Is US Afraid Of? orinocotribune.com By Global Times — Feb 28, 2023 | The US, with around 750 military bases across the globe, warships in most oceans, which is waging a proxy war, stirring up conflicts here and there, is now vehemently making a fuss about so-called "threats" it is confronting: Earlier this month, it was balloons, and now, it is TikTok. | The White House on Monday gave government agencies 30 days to ensure they do not have short-video platform TikTok on federal devices and systems, Reuters reported on the same day. In December last year, US Congress voted to bar federal employees from using the video app on government-owned dev…

Otis Grotewohl (2023-03-03). Ohio/ Community confronts company and politicians after train wreck. workers.org President Joe Biden's trip to Kiev, Ukraine, Feb. 20 shocked people living near East Palestine, Ohio, who have been devastated by a Feb. 3 toxic train derailment. The accident involved a 150-car train owned by Norfolk Southern, carrying dangerous and hazardous chemicals, which jackknifed due to a broken axle. On . . . |

Otis Grotewohl (2023-03-03). The role of big investors in East Palestine and Ukraine. workers.org U.S. President Joe Biden made a surprise visit to Kiev Feb. 20 and met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The trip was purposefully made to focus attention on the one-year anniversary of the U.S.- and NATO-led proxy war against Russia, and Biden promised large amounts of military aid to Zelensky's . . . |

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-03). Daily Round-up | Sri Lankan workers stage strike against economic reforms & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In this episode, we bring you stories of Sri Lankan workers going on strike over the economic crisis, British teachers launching a protest, a vote on a death penalty in Israel, and the US renewing a national emergency against Venezuela…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-03). Exclusion of left-wing candidates from upcoming presidential race in Guatemala raises concerns. peoplesdispatch.org Guatemala is preparing to hold general elections on June 25. Over 9 million Guatemalans will go to the polls to elect the country's next president, vice president, 160 legislators, 20 members of the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN) as well as mayors and councilors for all 340 municipalities in the country for the period of 2024-2028. However, concerns have been raised about the credibility of the electoral process following the decision of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) to bar progressive candidates from running in the presidential elections on dubious grounds. | On January 27, the Directorate General…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-03). Protesters accuse military of custodial killing of daily wager in Kashmir. peoplesdispatch.org The body of Abdul Rashid Dar was recovered from the Zirhama forest of Kupwara district. Dar had been detained in December by security forces who subsequently claimed he had escaped…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-03). US renews "national emergency" against Venezuela, keeping brutal sanctions in place. peoplesdispatch.org President Joe Biden has renewed the Obama-era Executive Order 13692 against Venezuela, citing an "unusual and extraordinary threat" to US national security. The measure has been used to impose an illegal sanctions regime targeting the socialist country, its people, and its economy…

Peter Boyle (2023-03-03). Sydney student climate strike takes to streets. greenleft.org.au Torrential rain did not stop student climate strikers from marching through the streets of Sydney.

Peter Boyle (2023-03-03). Video: Sydney student climate strike takes to streets. greenleft.org.au Torrential rain did not stop student climate strikers from marching through the streets of Sydney. Video by Peter Boyle.

Peter Koenig (2023-03-03). How the President of Peru Was "Removed" by "Outside Forces". WEF's Klaus Schwab at His Best. globalresearch.ca

Pip Hinman (2023-03-03). Socialist candidate: 'NSW is a police state'. greenleft.org.au Activist Stephen Langford has been arrested for failing to adhere to draconian bail conditions, which prevent him from being in the Sydney CBD. Pip Hinman reports.

Pivot to Peace (2023-03-03). Xi Jinping's Report to the 20th Congress of the CPC: Comments and Explications. peacepivot.org Photo: Great Hall of the People, Beijing. By Zheng Zhou — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 This is the first in a series of commentary provided by Pivot to Peace on the documents from the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China General introduction The Communist Party of China (CPC) was founded in July …

Ralph Nader (2023-03-03). Prairie Populist, Honest Senator James Abourezk, Fearless Fighter for Justice. dissidentvoice.org Most citizen advocates who work with U.S. senators on a wide variety of issues probably would agree that the late South Dakota Democrat, James Abourezk, was one of a kind. It was not that he was so honest, so down to earth, or so engaging with friend and foe alike. Rather, it was his willingness …

Rann Miller (2023-03-03). Opinion: Blackness Can't Enter The Transfer Portal. moguldom.com Football Coach Deion Sanders departed Jackson State University (JSU) for "greener" pastures at the University of Colorado (UC). It was his right and prerogative to make that career decision. With him came the players and coaches of his choosing. While coaches can come and go as they please with respect to employment, the players came …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-03). 3/4 of Ukraine's eastern border: Poland, Romania, Turkey discuss defending Ukraine, NATO summit. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish RadioMarch 3, 2023 Polish, Romanian, Turkish national security advisers discuss support for Ukraine National security advisers from Poland, Romania and Turkey have met for talks to discuss support for Ukraine, an upcoming NATO summit and trilateral cooperation, according to officials. Poland's Jacek Siewiera, Romania's Ion Oprisor and Turkey's Seyfullah Hacƒ±màºftàºoƒülu met in Warsaw on …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-03). Arctic, Baltic: Pentagon integrates Finland, Sweden to confront "global and regional challenges" antibellum679354512.wordpress.com U.S. European CommandMarch 3, 2023 USEUCOM, Finland and Sweden sign final report of Enhanced Cooperation Study U.S. European Command Deputy Commander Lt. Gen. Steven Basham hosted Swedish Chief of Joint Operations Lt. Gen. Carl-Johan Edstrà∂m and Finnish Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategy Maj. Gen. Janne Jaakkola in Stuttgart, Germany, Mar. 1 to endorse the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-03). Georgian coup, NATO integration: West drags out CSO, protected group artillery. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Caveat lector: Civil Georgia, as its name might imply, is a Western-funded, anti-government outlet. Also see: Sorosistan: U.S.-backed Georgian president to veto bill limiting Western penetration, subversion ==== Civil GeorgiaMarch 3, 2023 Councils on Religions and Minorities Say the Draft Law on "Agents" "Unacceptable" On March 2, the councils of Religious and of Ethnic Minorities, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-03). Georgian ruling party chairman: Soros Foundation part of the war party. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com InterpressnewsMay 27, 2022 Irakli Kobakhidze: Unfortunately, the Tbilisi office of the Soros Foundation has become a part of the war party "Unfortunately, the Tbilisi office of the Soros Foundation, under its current leadership, has become a part of the war party. Another confirmation of this was the opinion expressed by one of the employees. This …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-03). Moldova: NATO assuming control of civilian as well as military sector. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOMarch 3, 2023 NATO and the Republic of Moldova launch Professional Development Programme for civil servants On Tuesday (28 February 2023), NATO and the Republic of Moldova inaugurated a Professional Development Programme for Moldovan civil servants and institutions in the security and defence sector. The launch event brought together Moldovan officials, the NATO Liaison Office …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-03). Video: presentation from 2014 on Ukraine and Transnistria. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com

Rick Sterling (2023-03-03). US Exceptionalism and the Wars in Syria and Ukraine. dissidentvoice.org Syria has been at war since 2011. The conflict is in a stalemate. US troops control nearly a third of the country. The US finances the operation and a secessionist army with oil and wheat they take from the area. It funds them and deprives the Syrian government from their own resources. In the northern …

Robert Ross (2023-03-03). Call to boycott Team Israel at World Baseball Classic. electronicintifada.net Sport used in effort to divert attention from state's brutality.

Robert S. Becker (2023-03-03). New 1% stock buyback tax better than nothing, but won't fix systemically-broken capitalism. nationofchange.org Right now, inequality is as predictable as another decade of authoritarian Republican politics—banish the thought.

Roger McKenzie (2023-03-03). Greek rail workers stage 24-hour strike after deadly train crash kills 43. peoplesworld.org Rail workers in Greece staged a 24-hour strike Thursday in protest over what they describe as a dangerous failure to modernize the Greek railway system and the lack of public investment in the network. This comes days after the country's deadliest rail crash in northern Greece which killed at least 43 people when a train …

Shahrazad Encinias (2023-03-03). 'No One Is Safe in Nicaragua' (OPINION). latinorebels.com By stripping 316 Nicaraguans of their nationality, the Ortega-Murillo regime borrowed a concept from George Orwell's 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' and put into practice the unpersoning its enemies. They are now non-existent socially, politically and economically within Nicaragua.

Socialist Alliance (2023-03-03). Socialist Alliance: Vote [1] People before profit on March 25. greenleft.org.au The cost of living is going through the roof and the housing crisis means more people cannot afford to rent or buy. Nearly everyone is feeling the pinch. That's why the Socialist Alliance platform for the NSW elections is is 'People before Profit'.

Special to People's World (2023-03-03). International Women's Day Event: Black Women's Struggle for Democracy and Socialism. peoplesworld.org Join us on March 8th for an International Women's Day celebration. Titled "Black Women's Struggle for Democracy and Socialism," the virtual Zoom event will begin at 8: 00 PM Eastern, 7: 00 PM Central, 6: 00 PM Mountain, and 5: 00 PM Pacific time. Register here. Among those whose lives will be highlighted: are Artist Elizabeth Catlett CPUSA leader …

splcenter (2023-03-03). Congresswoman, activists honor John Lewis by laying wreath at Civil Rights Memorial. splcenter.org

splcenter (2023-03-03). 'Good Trouble Quilts': Civil Rights Memorial Center exhibit celebrates John Lewis. splcenter.org

Staff (2023-03-03). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: Cuarto capítulo de la serie documental "El enigma de Cuba" mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu La Mesa Redonda estrenará este viernes en televisión el cuarto capítulo de la Serie documental "El Enigma de Cuba", que recoge la la historia de la nación cubana narrada a profundidad desde sus escenarios fundamentales y a través de mujeres y hombres que la protagonizaron o la han estudiado con denuedo para salvaguardarla y transmitirla a las nuevas generaciones.

Staff (2023-03-03). Embajador José Noé Ríos: "Estamos viviendo una nueva era en las relaciones entre Cuba y Colombia" cubadebate.cu "Bienvenida a la casa de Colombia", dice José Noé Ríos, embajador del país sudamericano en Cuba, mientras pasamos a la terraza para conversar sobre la XXXI Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana —en la que la nación fue el país invitado de honor— y del interés de fortalecer las relaciones diplomáticas entre ambos Estados.

Staff (2023-03-03). Cuba en datos: Incendios forestales, clima y acción humana. cubadebate.cu Según el Departamento de Manejo del Fuego del Cuerpo de Guardabosques, hay seis incendios forestales activos en el país. El de mayores proporciones, en Pinares de Mayarí, avanza en tres frentes y ha afectado más de 3 600 ha. Continúan las operaciones para su extinción. Ante los efectos del cambio climático y la perspectiva de que persista la sequía, son vitales la protección y restauración de bosques y la prevención: la acción humana causa el 90% de los incendios.

Staff (2023-03-03). La 'alimentación rectal' de la CIA suscita una pregunta: øSomos enemigos de toda la humanidad? cubadebate.cu La semana pasada, en una sala del tribunal federal en la Base Naval de los EE. UU. en la Bahía de Guantánamo, Cuba, un médico estadounidense contratado por el Pentágono testificó sobre el uso por parte de la CIA de tubos de "alimentación" rectales en prisioneros que detuvo y torturó en Tailandia entre 2001 y 2006.La médica Sondra S. Crosby, M.D., experta en torturas y otros traumatismos, describió la dolorosa inserción repetida de tubos de plástico en la cavidad anal del acusado en el caso, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, durante un período de cuatro años.

Staff (2023-03-03). Súmate: Una iniciativa por el bienestar social (+ Video). cubadebate.cu "La Escuela Súmate es un espacio distinto de otras academias. Aquí esperamos contribuir a su formación, no solo profesional, sino como seres humanos", comenta a los estudiantes que comienzan el taller de peluquería Danilo Serrano, coordinador de la Campaña Súmate.

Staff (2023-03-03). Vacunas cubanas con amplia presencia mundial. cubadebate.cu "El sector biotecnológico de la isla está bien desarrollado"— aseguraba The New York Times‚àí Cuba fabrica ocho de las 12 vacunas que se administran a los niños en la isla y exporta vacunas a más de 30 países. Según Gail Reed, editora de MEDICC Review, Cuba "es un monstruo de la biotecnología". Hoy Cuba tiene una amplia presencia.

Staff (2023-03-03). Inaugura Thomas Bach tabloncillo multipropósito en la Ciudad Deportiva. cubadebate.cu El presidente del Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI) Thomas Bach inauguró esta tarde en el Coliseo de la Ciudad Deportiva un tabloncillo múltiple, donado por Panam Sports para contribuir al desarrollo del deporte en Cuba. La iniciativa forma parte de las actividades previstas en la breve visita de Bach a nuestro país.

Staff (2023-03-03). Las 3 del día: Remesas a Cuba, Eyeife Women y las noticias del 2 de marzo (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Saludos a todos los seguidores de "Las 3 del día". Este 2 de marzo dedicamos los primeros minutos de nuestro podcast al Festival Eyeife y luego el habitual resumen informativo. "Las 3 del día" es el podcast de Cubadebate que tiene de todo un poco en materia informativa. En la voz de nuestros editores, periodistas y colaboradores escucha un podcast resumen. °Conéctese ya!

Staff (2023-03-03). Regresan a Cuba 128 migrantes irregulares desde Bahamas. cubadebate.cu Como parte del acuerdo migratorio bilateral, un vuelo procedente de Bahamas regresó a Cuba a 128 migrantes irregulares, informó este jueves el Minint. En esta, la octava operación de retorno desde ese país, regresaron a 106 hombres, 20 mujeres y dos menores, para un total de 459 devueltos por esa vía, en lo que va de 2023.

Staff (2023-03-03). AMLO: Gobiernos de América Latina van por esfuerzo conjunto antiinflacionario. cubadebate.cu El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador anunció que diversos gobiernos de América Latina integrarán esfuerzos para enfrentar el fenómeno inflacionario en la región para lo cual se proyecta ya una cumbre virtual para el 5 de abril próximo. En principio participarán los gobiernos de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Bolivia y Honduras.

Staff (2023-03-03). Cancillería rusa: Ucrania planea la toma militar de Crimea. cubadebate.cu Ucrania todavía planea la toma militar de Crimea y Estados Unidos cuenta con ello para sumar puntos adicionales de cara a las elecciones presidenciales que celebrará en 2024, aseguró hoy la Cancillería de Rusia. La subsecretaria de Estado estadounidense, Victoria Nuland, calificó las instalaciones militares de la Crimea rusa como objetivos legítimos para Ucrania.

Staff (2023-03-03). Candidatos a diputados a la Asamblea Nacional continúan recorrido por Santa Clara. cubadebate.cu Los ocho candidatos a diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular por Santa Clara, entre ellos, el Primer Secretario del Partido Comunista de Cuba y Presidente de la República Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, llegaron a la Empresa Industrial "àÅngel Villa Real Bravo", conocida como Ciclos Minerva.

Staff (2023-03-03). En Zona de Arte, primera edición de Eyeife Women (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Entre el 8 y el 9 de marzo—coincidiendo con el Día Internacional de la Mujer —la Fábrica de Arte acogerá la primera edición de Eyeife Women, evento de música electrónica que pondera el papel de las mujeres en la industria de la música. Esta semana en Zona de Arte, un espacio de Cubadebate TV conversamos con Mario Oliva, director ejecutivo de Eyeife.

Staff (2023-03-03). Grupo hotelero portugués anuncia su expansión hacia Cuba. cubadebate.cu La cadena hotelera Vila Galé -radicada en Portugal- ha confirmado su expansión hacia Cuba como parte de su proceso de crecimiento internacional. Gonàßalo Rebelo de Almeida, presidente ejecutivo de Vila Galé, adelantó que un hotel se localizaría en La Habana y el otro en uno de los icónicos cayos que bordean al archipiélago cubano.

Staff (2023-03-03). Lateral del PSG Achraf Hakimi, acusado formalmente de violación por la fiscalía francesa. cubadebate.cu Después de una semana de diligencias en torno al caso que publicó Le Parisien en torno a la denuncia presentada por una joven contra Achraf Hakimi por una presunta violación, el juez de instrucción ha acusado al lateral del Paris Saint Germain y le ha puesto bajo supervisión judicial.

Staff (2023-03-03). Pilotos y técnicos espirituanos ayudan a sofocar incendio forestal en Holguín (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Pilotos y técnicos de la Empresa Nacional de Servicios Aéreos, de Sancti Spíritus, continúan su apoyo por aire a las labores de extinción del incendio forestal de grandes proporciones que ha devorado zonas de la meseta de Pinares de Mayarí, en el este de la provincia de Holguín.

Staff (2023-03-03). Yoán Moncada y Luis Robert emocionados por representar a Cuba en el Clásico de béisbol. cubadebate.cu Ambas estrellas de los Medias Blancas representarán a la selección de Cuba en el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol 2023, marcando la primera vez desde que empezó el WBC en el 2006 que los jugadores de las Grandes Ligas serán elegibles para representar al conjunto cubano.

Staff (2023-03-03). Meet Thelma Cabrera, the Indigenous Leader Barred from Running in Guatemala's Presidential Election. democracynow.org Guatemala's presidential election this year is taking place against a backdrop of worsening repression against journalists, human rights activists and Indigenous environmental defenders. The Guatemalan Constitutional Court on Thursday upheld a decision by the country's electoral tribunal to bar Indigenous human rights defender Thelma Cabrera from running. Cabrera and her running mate, former human rights ombudsman Jordán Rodas, are members of the leftist political party the Movement for the Liberation of the Peoples. They visited the United States in February to meet with the Inter-American Commission…

Staff (2023-03-03). Headlines for March 3, 2023. democracynow.org German Chancellor to Hold Confidential Talks with Biden Amid Tensions over Arming Ukraine, Blinken Presses Russia's Lavrov to Return to New START Nuclear Treaty, Belarus Jails Dissidents Including Nobel Laureate Ales Bialiatski, Cambodian Opposition Leader Kem Sokha Found Guilty of Treason, Sentenced to 27 Years, Israeli Troops Fatally Shoot 15-Year-Old Palestinian, Emmanuel Macron Embarks on African Tour Amid Tensions over French Presence in Ex-Colonies, Walgreens Won't Dispense Abortion Pills in States Where Abortion Is Still Legal After GOP Threats, Eli Lilly Lowers Price of Insulin After Intense P…

Staff (2023-03-03). Meet the Bronx Activists Who Won a Historic Settlement for NYPD's Violent Attack at 2020 BLM Protest. democracynow.org New York City has reached a multimillion-dollar settlement with peaceful protesters who were violently "boxed in" or "kettled" by NYPD officers during a Black Lives Matter demonstration in response to the police murder of George Floyd in 2020. As part of the settlement, over 300 people who were trapped by police and assaulted with batons and pepper spray, then detained or arrested at a June 4, 2020, protest in the neighborhood of Mott Haven, will each receive $21,500 — believed to be the largest class-action settlement in a case of mass arrest. We are joined by three people who were…

Staff (2023-03-03). Opposition Disputes Nigeria's Election Results After Ruling Party's Bola Tinubu Declares Victory. democracynow.org Opposition parties are disputing the results of Saturday's presidential election in Nigeria, where the country's Independent National Electoral Commission has declared the winner to be Bola Tinubu of the ruling All Progressives Congress party. The former governor of Lagos played a key role in helping outgoing Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari win two terms in office and campaigned using the slogan "It's my turn." Tinubu received about 36% of the vote, and turnout was under 30%. Several of Tinubu's challengers have disputed the results, alleging fraud, while election observers…

Staff (2023-03-03). National Cumbe Born After Third Afro-Venezuelan National Congress. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2023-03-03). Washington Extends Executive Sanction Order Against Venezuela, Caracas Responds. orinocotribune.com This Thursday, March 2, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela rejected the Venezuelan minister for foreign affairs, Yván Gil, stated via social media that with the renewal of the Executive Order, Biden's administration ext…

Staff (2023-03-03). 4 March, Online Hearing: Libya hearing of the International People's Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism. samidoun.net Join the International People's Tribunal on US Imperialism: Sanctions, Blockades, Coercive Economic Measures for a hearing on the effects and impacts of these policies and practices on the people of Libya. We will hear testimony and reports from expert and direct witnesses, with questions and discussion from our jurors. The hearing will take place on Saturday, …

Staff (2023-03-03). 9 March, NYC and Online: People's Hearing on Racism and Repression at CUNY. samidoun.net Register here for the People's Hearing on Racism and Repression at CUNY & NYC as spaces are limited! WHEN: Thursday, March 9, 6-9PM WHERE: Proshansky Auditorium, Concourse Level CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Ave We have an amazing list of co-sponsoring organizations (see below) as well as a fantastic line-up of …

Staff (2023-03-03). Take Action: Send a Letter — Tell International Cellars to Stop Profiting off Israeli War Crimes. samidoun.net Join the Canada Palestine Association, Canadian BDS Coalition and Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network to expose and denounce companies and governments complicit in Israeli war crimes — specifically International Cellars. End War Crimes Profiteering! #BoycottIsraeliApartheid Take one minute to send your letter here: actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-international-cellars-to-stop-profiting-off-israeli-war-crimes Send your protest letter today! Bringing the Fruits of Colonization to Your Store Shelves! …

Stephen Alomes (2023-03-03). A time for leadership: winning the pandemic war first. johnmenadue.com In the early 1940s 'phony war', before Pearl Harbour in December 1941, many Australians were not interested in the ongoing European war, even given our troops in Greece and North Africa. In 2023, in reverse, while the Covid-19 war continues, 'pandemic fatigue' has taken over, as if we are 'post-war', that is 'post-Covid'. Numerous 'presenters'

Ted Snider (2023-03-03). The Coming Battle for the Liberation of Cuba. globalresearch.ca

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-03). Valoran como insuficiente anuncio económico de presidente uruguayo. telesurtv.net Denunciaron que en 2022, un total de 66.000 personas cayeron en la pobreza con relación al 2019, de los cuales 21.000 son menores de edad.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-03). México pide a EE.UU. no entrometerse en sus asuntos internos. telesurtv.net La exigencia fue hecha primero por el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador y, por último, por el canciller mexicano Marcerlo Ebrard.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-03). Trabajadores de buses y trenes realizan paro en Alemania. telesurtv.net El sindicato del sector de servicios Ver.di convocó al paro, que detuvo el transporte en casi la mitad de los estados.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-03). Presidente azerí insta al Mnoal a mayor participación global. telesurtv.net Sesiona en Azerbaiyán la Cumbre del Grupo de Contacto del Movimiento de Países No Alineados (Mnoal).

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-03-03). Canciller Lavrov: Rusia no confiará en socios occidentales. telesurtv.net El canciller señaló que "todo lo que está ocurriendo ahora es para convertir a Europa en un actor menor para EE.UU.".

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-03-03). Organizaciones argentinas exigen indulto para Milagro Sala. telesurtv.net La protesta empezó frente a la Casa Rosada, sede del poder Ejecutivo argentino, y se trasladó hacia la Plaza de Mayo.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-03-03). Reportan más de 4.000 hectáreas quemadas por incendio en Cuba. telesurtv.net Los informes preliminares detallan que al menos 15.000 metros de madera se han afectado, así como se reportan daños en plantas en peligro de extinción.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-03). Asciende a 57 cifra de muertos por choque de trenes en Grecia. telesurtv.net Según Leontari, este jueves la morgue recibió 14 cadáveres rescatados de la zona del accidente, en su mayoría carbonizados.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-03). México convoca alianza económica contra inflación en Latinoamérica. telesurtv.net López Obrador adelantó que se comunicará con la presidenta de Honduras Xiomara Castro, y Alberto Fernández dialogará con sus pares de Chile y Bolivia.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-03). Rechazan absolución de militar hondureño que atentó contra indígenas. telesurtv.net Organizaciones de DD.HH. instan a que no quede impune la agresión armada del suboficial Kevin Yasser Saravia contra líderes del pueblo lenca.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-03-03). Sesiona en Venezuela encuentro mundial sobre el legado de Hugo Chávez. telesurtv.net El Encuentro Mundial por la vigencia del Pensamiento Bolivariano del líder revolucionario en el siglo XXI inicia este viernes y concluirá el 5 de marzo.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-03). Presidente de Brasil lanza programa Bolsa Familia para combatir pobreza extrema. telesurtv.net El programa entregará a cada familia 600 reales mensuales (unos 116 dólares) y otros 150 reales (29 dólares) por niño hasta los seis años.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-03). Cuba rechaza política de agresión de EE.UU. contra Venezuela. telesurtv.net El canciller dijo que la decisión de EE.UU. "sirve de pretexto para mantener las medidas coercitivas unilaterales que afectan el bienestar del pueblo venezolano".

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-03). øQué avances existen en el caso del asesinato de Berta Cáceres?>. telesurtv.net Hasta la fecha nueve personas han sido detenidas y juzgadas por el crimen de la ambientalista hondureña. Ocho de ellas fueron encontradas culpables y una fue hallada inocente.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-03-03). Acciones para conservar la vida silvestre. telesurtv.net El Día Mundial de la Vida Silvestre se celebrará esta jornada bajo el lema "Asociaciones para la conservación de la vida silvestre", en honor a las personas que marcan la diferencia.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-03). Argentina pone fin a pacto de 2016 con Reino Unido sobre Malvinas. telesurtv.net Este pacto tuvo lugar durante el mandato del exjefe de Estado Mauricio Macri, quien asumió la presidencia desde 2015 hasta 2019.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-03). Inicia VII reunión de coordinación de ALBA Movimientos en Venezuela. telesurtv.net Participan en el encuentro alrededor de 37 delegados de 18 países como Argentina, Brasil, Cuba, Colombia y Venezuela.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-03). Asesinan a otro firmante de paz en Arauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net Indepaz precisó que la víctima, Eduardo Marlon Mejía Vargas, realizaba su proceso de reincorporación en Arauca.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-03). Reportan dos muertos en protesta de campesinos al sur de Colombia. telesurtv.net Los hechos se produjeron tras enfrentamientos entre los manifestantes y efectivos policiales.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-03). Organizaciones peruanas continúan movilizadas contra el Gobierno de Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net Fueron reportados heridos luego que la policía reprimiera a manifestantes que partieron desde el Gran Mercado Mayorista en Lima.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-03). Venezuela rechaza extensión de política de agresión de EE.UU. telesurtv.net El Gobierno venezolano condenó la afirmación infundada de que supuestamente el país representa algún tipo de amenaza contra EE.UU.

teleSUR, nbb, JDO (2023-03-03). Ejército israelí asesina a otro joven palestino en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Con este crimen, la cifra de palestinos asesinados por las fuerzas israelíes aumentó a 68 desde inicios de año.

teleSUR, nbb, JDO (2023-03-03). Presidente del COI iniciará visita a Cuba. telesurtv.net Entre otras actividades, Thomas Bach se encontrará con atletas cubanos que se preparan para competir en París 2024 y Los Ángeles 2028.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-03). Ciclón Freddy deja 14 muertos en Madagascar y Mozambique. telesurtv.net La OCHA ha señalado que 226.000 personas se vieron afectadas en Madagascar y más de 163.300 en Mozambique.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-03). Desempleo en Uruguay alcanza un 8,5 % en enero. telesurtv.net La cifra implica un aumento de seis décimas porcentuales con respecto a diciembre de 2022, cuando se ubicó en 7,9 por ciento.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-03). Llega a Siria más ayuda humanitaria tras terremoto. telesurtv.net Las autoridades sirias también informaron de la llegada de un barco rumano al puerto de Tartous.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-03). Reportan terremoto de magnitud 6,5 en suroeste de Vanuatu. telesurtv.net El USGS detalló que el temblor se ubicó a una profundidad de 10 kilómetros.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-03-03). EE.UU. descarta ataque en malllamado "síndrome de La Habana" telesurtv.net Cinco de las siete agencias, que revisaron unos 1000 casos, señalaron que son casi nulas las posibilidades de un ataque.

Teri Mattson, WTF is Going on in Latin America, the Caribbean. (2023-03-03). Devastating Effects Of Militarization On Puerto Rico And Her People. popularresistance.org The U.S. has been overtly and covertly intervening in Puerto Rico's internal affairs since 1898. Like the Spanish, British, Dutch, and the French, the U.S. understood the strategic value of the Puerto Rican archipelago, which would give their expanding empire a military advantage toward enforcing the Monroe Doctrine, thereby securing its established intent to dominate the Western Hemisphere. | A new wave of militarization began soon after the change of colonial ownership, the implications of which would devastate the island municipalities of Culebra and Vieques. Culebra was militarized in 1901 and expelled the Na…

The Associated Press (2023-03-03). Gunmen Threaten Messi, Shoot Up Family-Owned Supermarket. latinorebels.com Gunmen threatened Argentine soccer superstar Lionel Messi in a written message left Thursday when they opened fire at a supermarket owned by his in-laws in Argentina, police said.

The Global Research Team (2023-03-03). Global Research March Referral Campaign. globalresearch.ca We will never grow tired of expressing our gratitude to you, our readers, for supporting us in our monthly endeavors. | For the entire month of March, our campaign will revolve around the act of censorship committed against Global Research. | We …

unitedEditor (2023-03-03). Political crisis in Iran and Azerbaijan. uwidata.com Iran and Azerbaijan are currently going through a critical phase in their political relations, with tensions reaching an all-time high. Despite experiencing some political fluctuations over the past thirty years, the two nations have always held a dubious and apprehensive outlook towards each other. However, the past year has witnessed a further deterioration in their …

Vijay Prashad (2023-03-03). Those Who Die for Life — like Hugo Chávez — Cannot Be Called Dead. dissidentvoice.org On 28 October 2005, a special event was held in Caracas at the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. At this gathering, held on the birthday of Simón Rodríguez (Simón Bolívar's teacher), the Venezuelan government announced that nearly 1.5 million adults had learned to read through Mission Robinson, a mass literacy programme that …

Vijay Prashad (2023-03-03). Those who die for life—like Hugo Chávez—cannot be called dead: The Ninth Newsletter (2023). mronline.org On 28 October 2005, a special event was held in Caracas at the National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. At this gathering, held on the birthday of Simón Rodríguez (Simón Bolívar's teacher), the Venezuelan government announced that nearly 1.5 million adults had learned to read through Mission Robinson.

Whitney Webb (2023-03-03). BT/TV 8 Whitney Webb: We're In A Battle For The Fate of Humanity. thealtworld.com Investigative journalist and author of "One Nation Under Blackmail" Whitney Webb joins Mark on Bombthrower TV to discuss her book, the merger between organized crime and global intelligence agencies, the World Economic Forum datamining your brainwaves — taking control over your own mind and the battle for the fate of humanity.

WSWS (2023-03-03). Governments make provocative offer to German public sector workers. wsws.org There is only one way to prevent the biggest real wage cut since the founding of the Federal Republic: The struggle must be organised independently of Verdi and the leadership of the negotiations taken out of the hands of its highly paid union bureaucrats.

WSWS (2023-03-03). Protests and strikes over deadly Greek train crash denounce government and private rail firm. wsws.org All the parties of the ruling class are implicated in the deaths, having overseen an unsafe rail system for years.

WSWS (2023-03-03). Striking teachers from Jewish Community Secondary School in north London: "Teachers are at breaking point" wsws.org WSWS spoke with striking teachers at a rally of over 200 teachers and supportive parents held in Camden, London.

WSWS (2023-03-03). Chicago mayor defeated in municipal elections, challengers Paul Vallas and Brandon Johnson advance to April run-off. wsws.org A leading section of the Democratic Party, assisted by the media, portrayed the election as a referendum on "law and order," in a city where the police are widely hated and feared.

WSWS (2023-03-03). Australian state election: SEP raises critical issues on war and floods in northern NSW. wsws.org The Socialist Equality Party is campaigning in the New South Wales Northern Rivers region, where floodwaters swept through towns and villages a year ago, destroying thousands of homes.

WSWS (2023-03-03). Graphic Packaging International workers in Domino, Texas reject second contract, issue strike notice. wsws.org The struggle by GPI workers is just the latest iteration of growing class struggle across the United States and internationally.

WSWS (2023-03-03). Caterpillar struggle pits rank and file against UAW apparatus. wsws.org In the first of many major industrial struggles to come this year, Caterpillar workers in the US are squaring up against the global mining and construction equipment maker in a battle that will have far-reaching consequences for workers throughout the country and internationally.

WSWS (2023-03-03). UAW negotiates massive wage cut for Caterpillar workers. wsws.org In the first of many major industrial struggles to come this year, Caterpillar workers in the US are squaring up against the global mining and construction equipment maker in a battle that will have far-reaching consequences for workers throughout the country and internationally.

WSWS (2023-03-03). Leaked UK government messages confirm pandemic crimes. wsws.org Former health Secretary Matt Hancock leaked WhatsApp messages provide detail of the decisions which turned care homes into killing fields and the constant efforts of sections of the Tory party to pursue an even more socially murderous policy.

WSWS (2023-03-03). Heavy rain and snow highlight inequality in California. wsws.org The unusually heavy winter storms that battered California recently expose social and economic inequality across the state.

WSWS (2023-03-03). Massive surge in COVID infections across Canada as federal Liberal government suspends dispatch of rapid test kits. wsws.org The response by the ruling elite to the renewed flood of infections is to try and cover it up and remove the limited services they provided earlier in the pandemic. The CBC reported Thursday that the federal Liberal government suspended the shipment of rapid test kits to the provinces at the end of January.

WSWS (2023-03-03). The growing crisis of declining obstetric services in rural America. wsws.org More shutdowns of obstetric services at rural hospitals in the US are leading to growing "maternity care deserts," with serious consequences for the already precarious state of health services for pregnant women in these areas.

WSWS (2023-03-03). Financial markets signal more interest rates hikes to come. wsws.org Wage suppression is the objective of all the central banks with the European Central Bank chief economist Philip Lane making it clear that even if inflationary pressures start to fade it will continue "for the next several years."

WSWS (2023-03-03). Sri Lankan trade unions' treacherous role in suppressing the growing struggles of workers against government austerity. wsws.org The unions are fearful that the rising wave of strikes and protests will lead to a major confrontation with the Wickremesinghe regime and the bourgeois state.

WSWS (2023-03-03). German Foreign Minister Baerbock presents "feminist" war policy. wsws.org The project, as absurd as it is reactionary, has two goals: it is intended to obscure the real character of Germany's war policy and mobilize better-off sections of the middle class, who are fixated on questions of identity politics, for German imperialism.

WSWS (2023-03-03). Biden seeks renewal of warrantless spying powers. wsws.org On Tuesday, the White House launched a campaign to secure congressional reauthorization of the law used to continue mass electronic surveillance of the public that was exposed by Edward Snowden in 2013.

WSWS (2023-03-03). UK University and College Union presides over 10 percent pay cut at Sheffield's private college. wsws.org The UCU sellout at the University of Sheffield International College came as the union suspended the remaining seven days of national strike action over pay, working conditions and pensions.

WSWS (2023-03-03). Publisher agrees to an uncensored edition of Roald Dahl's books, but not before PEN America exposes its own hypocrisy. wsws.org Puffin has announced it will publish another edition of Dahl's books without changes, but not before the writers' advocacy group, PEN America, exposed itself as a phony opponent of censorship, given that it is a purveyor of Ukraine war propaganda and anti-Russian chauvinism.

WSWS (2023-03-03). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and New Zealand. wsws.org India: Karnataka health mission workers demand permanency; Philippines: Jeepney drivers to walk out for seven days; Australian Broadcasting Commission journalists to strike for better pay; New Zealand: Auckland University staff strike…

Amy Goodman (2023-03-03). Indigenous Leader Is Barred From Running in Guatemala's Presidential Election. truthout.org Guatemala's presidential election this year is taking place against a backdrop of worsening repression against journalists, human rights activists and Indigenous environmental defenders. The Guatemalan Constitutional Court on Thursday upheld a decision by the country's electoral tribunal to bar Indigenous human rights defender Thelma Cabrera from running. Cabrera and her running mate… |

Chris Walker (2023-03-03). DOJ Says Trump Can Be Sued for January 6 Speech. truthout.org Lawyers representing the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on Thursday that lawsuits alleging that former President Donald Trump instigated the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol building can move forward, as his immunity claims are not valid. Trump has tried to argue that he cannot be sued because his "Stop the Steal" speech outside the White House the day of the attack was part of… |

Chris Walker (2023-03-03). TX Lawmaker Proposes Tax Cuts for Straight Parents Who Have Never Been Divorced. truthout.org A Republican state legislator in Texas is proposing a bill that would incentivize home-buying, but only for heterosexual parents in the state who have never been divorced and who have four or more children. The bill, authored by Rep. Bryan Slaton (R), would offer a 10 percent discount to parents on their local property taxes for every child they have. Caveats to his proposal, however… |

Julia Conley (2023-03-03). East Palestine Residents Confront Norfolk Southern at Town Hall Meeting. truthout.org At a town hall meeting in East Palestine, Ohio Thursday night, hundreds of residents had their first chance to directly confront the rail company responsible for the train derailment that took place in the town last month, and used the opportunity to share their outrage over Norfolk Southern's failure to keep residents safe following its release of toxic chemicals from the crash site. |

Julia Gledhill (2023-03-03). Lawmakers Quietly Gave Weapons Firms a Bailout for So-Called Inflation Relief. truthout.org The defense industry spent the majority of 2022 exploiting inflation as a justification for more military spending. It succeeded when Congress delivered a budget $45 billion higher than the president requested, but lesser known is how Congress quietly slipped contractors another form of so-called inflation relief in the annual defense policy bill. Lawmakers authorized potential sweeping price… |

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-03). Police Reportedly Shoot and Abduct Swaziland Communist Amid Protests Against Africa's 'Last Absolute Monarchy'. towardfreedom.org Mvuselelo Mkhabela was reportedly shot and dragged into a police van, according to the Communist Party of Swaziland. His current whereabouts are unknown. Mkhabela was tortured earlier this month for protesting elections.

Sasha Abramsky (2023-03-03). GOP Megadonors Are Trying to Pull the Party Away From Trump. It Could Get Ugly. truthout.org Last month, in an extraordinary snub to Donald Trump, the Club for Growth, one of the biggest contributors to conservative political causes, left the ex-president off the list of invitees to its annual donor retreat, held this week in Palm Beach, Florida. Meanwhile, it made sure to invite a "who's who" of Trump's potential rivals in the upcoming GOP primary season: Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-03). Walgreens Restricting Abortion Pill Sales Due to Coordinated GOP Threat. truthout.org Walgreens has said that it will not dispense abortion pills in states where the medications are legal after Republican state officials threatened to take legal action against the company if it began distributing the drugs. In a letter riddled with disinformation about abortions, sent by Republican attorneys general in 20 states to Walgreens last month, the Republicans said they were writing to… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-03). Woman Arrested in South Carolina for Allegedly Taking Abortion Pills in 2021. truthout.org A woman in South Carolina was arrested and charged this week for allegedly taking abortion pills in 2021. As first reported by The State, the woman sought medical care associated with labor pains in October 2021, according to the police report, which was obtained and posted online by Jezebel. She told health care workers that she had taken pills that would end her pregnancy. After the fetus was… |

Simone Chun (2023-03-03). US Is Maintaining Tensions With North Korea to Draw in Allies Against China. truthout.org The U.S. military encirclement of China threatens to escalate into an Asia-Pacific war, with the Korean Peninsula at the focal point of this dangerous path. Garrisoned with nearly 30,000 combat-ready U.S. forces manning the astonishing 73 U.S. military bases dotting its tiny landmass, South Korea is the most critical frontline component of U.S. military escalation in northeast Asia. |

krish-rad_ind (2023-03-03). Seymour Hersh tells Rania Khalek the U.S. is at war against Germany. theduran.com

SAM (2023-03-03). Biden Sides With Republicans And Hangs D.C. Residents Out To Dry. progressivehub.net BRETT SAMUELS AND ALEX GANGITANO | THE HILL…

SAM (2023-03-03). From Syria To Russia To Afghanistan, Sanctions Just Don't Work. progressivehub.net PHYLLIS BENNIS | IN THESE TIMES…

SAM (2023-03-03). The Rust Belt Has Been Flagrantly Polluted For Decades. progressivehub.net EVE ANDREWS | GRIST…

Katie Wilson (2023-03-03). Renters Are Facing More Predatory Junk Fees. progressive.org Around the country, landlords are gouging renters by tacking on unnecessary fees with little fear of repercussion.

Lillian Sing, Julie Tang (2023-03-03). While Florida targets Black history, Texas Republicans plan to make life miserable for Asian Americans. peacepivot.org Photo: Texas State Capitol. By LoneStarMike — Own work, CC BY 3.0 This article has been republished from the San Francisco Chronicle While much of the country is rightfully preoccupied with Florida's efforts to eliminate African American history from schools, a quieter but equally dangerous racist development is happening in Texas and beyond. Texas's proposed …

2023-03-04 15:14:29 | 15:14 EST | jz | 513 | 1 | 333 | 218 | 0 

2023-03-02: News Headlines

≈Ωivadin Jovanoviƒá (2023-03-02). –®–æ–ª—Ü-–ú–∞–∫—Ä–æ–Ω–æ–≤ –ø–ª–∞–Ω: –∑–∞ –¥—Ä–æ–±—ô–µ—ö–µ –°—Ä–±–∏—ò–µ. globalresearch.ca –í—Å–µ —Å—Ç–∞—Ç—å–∏ Global Research –º–æ–∂–Ω–æ —á–∏—Ç–∞—Ç—å –Ω–∞ 51 —è–∑—ã–∫–µ, –∞–∫—Ç–∏–≤–∏—Ä–æ–≤–∞–≤ –∫–Ω–æ–ø–∫—…

Živadin Jovanović (2023-03-02). The Scholz-Macron Plan: How to Crush Serbia with Her Consent. globalresearch.ca

_____ (2023-03-02). Mongolia, South Korea, Rare-Earth Metals: "Bridging the Gap" or "Opening Pandora's Box"? journal-neo.org Mongolian Prime Minister Luvsannamsrain Oyun- Erdene's visit to South Korea was marked by a number of important bilateral meetings and agreements. Especially notable among them is the memorandum of understanding signed on February 15, 2023, on the establishment of a network for supply of rare earth metals from Mongolia to Korea. The agreement calls for …

Adriaan Alsema (2023-03-02). Food insecurity in Colombia more than doubled in 2022: UN. colombiareports.com The number of people in Colombia who lack access to food reached 30% in the last quarter of 2022, according to the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). This…

Adriaan Alsema (2023-03-02). Petro sacks three ministers ahead of Colombia's local elections. colombiareports.com Colombia's President Gustavo Petro sacked three of his ministers ahead local and regional elections in October. Petro announced on Monday that Education Minister Alejandro Gaviria, Culture Minister Patricia Ariza and…

Ahmed Adel (2023-03-02). Blinken Hopes to Derail India's Relationship with Russia Following Scholz's Failure. globalresearch.ca

Allen Forrest (2023-03-02). The Nightmare World of Gill Bates. dissidentvoice.org Is there anything that disturbs the sleep of Bill Gates besides his dinners with Jeffrey Epstein?

Ambedkar King Study Circle (2023-03-02). Saturday 3/4: India: The Modi Question (BBC documentary). indybay.org Roosevelt Community Center | 901 East Santa Clara Street | San José CA 95116 | Parking accessible from North 21st Street…

americanthinker (2023-03-02). A Subtle Way for Establishment Republicans to Sabotage Trump. americanthinker.com The Republican National Committee is prepared to take on a new strategy to keep Trump on the sidelines.

americanthinker (2023-03-02). CNN and Election Disinformation. americanthinker.com CNN is spreading coordinated misinformation concerning the findings of the grand jury investigating Donald Trump and Georgia election fraud.

americanthinker (2023-03-02). Ukraine: Paying for Past Failures. americanthinker.com Ukraine, with a size and population larger than Poland, almost on a par with France, is not just a dot on the map.

Anand Naidoo (2023-03-02). The Heat: Russia-Ukraine Conflict. america.cgtn.com The battle for Bakhmut intensifies as the Russia-Ukraine conflict enters year two. The eastern city of Bakhmut has been a Kyiv stronghold for more than six months, but Russian forces are pushing now to take control. As the fighting continues, the Russian Duma is tightening …

Ann Brown (2023-03-02). MSM Blames Crime For Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Losing Election. moguldom.com On Feb. 28, Lori Lightfoot became Chicago's first incumbent mayor in 40 years to lose re-election. The mainstream media is blaming her loss on the rising crime in the Windy City. Crime did take center stage during the campaign. Chicago experienced a recorded 695 murders at the end of 2022 and 804 in 2021. The …

Ben Bartee (2023-03-02). Why Is Everyone So Messed Up? Carl Jung Explains Neurosis. globalresearch.ca

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-02). Doing Washington's Bidding: Australia's Treatment of Daniel Duggan. dissidentvoice.org The increasingly shabby treatment of former US marine Daniel Edmund Duggan by Australian authorities in the service of their US masters has again shown that the Australian passport is not quite worth the material it's printed on. In January this year, Sydney's Downing Centre Local Court heard that Australian Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus accepted a request …

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-02). The Matriarchs of Wounded Knee: Fourteen Minutes of Power. indybay.org In a powerful 14-minutes, the Matriarchs of Wounded Knee describe how the Occupation of Wounded Knee began during a time of terror for Oglala Lakota on Pine Ridge. The special presentation of oral history by the Warrior Women's Project on Saturday is part of four days of events celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Wounded Knee.

Brenda Norrell (2023-03-02). Inside the Bunkers — Remembering Wounded Knee. indybay.org Warrior women of Wounded Knee joined a reporter and an attorney to remember the 71 days of Wounded Knee, from the bunkers to the courtroom. Bullets whizzed by their ears as they resisted the heavily armed GOONS and the U.S. militarized assault on the people.

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2023-03-02). The Banshees of Inisherin (2022): A Parable of Irrationalism. dissidentvoice.org There will be spoilers.. Pádraic Súilleabháin and Colm Doherty (the fiddle player) are old friends whose meetings are as regular as a clock — literally. They meet at 2 pm in the local pub for drinks every day as the bell tolls twice. However, Colm is getting fed up and feels time is passing. He …

Colin Todhunter (2023-03-02). Food, Dispossession and Dependency. Resisting the New World Order. globalresearch.ca Food, Dispossession and Dependency.: | Resisting the New World Order: | by: | Colin Todhunter: | We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of …

Dan Bacher (2023-03-02). Delta group files opposition to TUCP waiving environmental laws protecting the Bay-Delta Estuary. indybay.org "The TUCP is not in the public interest because it stampedes the State Water Board for water that is meant rightly to serve public trust resources of aquatic estuarine food webs and species in the Delta that further support migratory salmon and steelhead runs that benefits Northern California Indian Tribes (whose cultures are salmon-dependent), commercial and sport fishing interests, and the community of subsistence anglers residing in communities adjacent to Delta rivers and sloughs where they supplement their diets with costless forms of fish protein," the letter states.

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-02). Russia Says It Might Continue Talks With US on New START Treaty. news.antiwar.com Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov on Wednesday left the door open on continued contacts with the US on New START even though Russia has officially suspended its participation in the treaty. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on Tuesday officially suspending Russia's participation in New START, which limits the deployment of nuclear warheads …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-02). US Increases Military Support for Somali Government Against al-Shabaab. news.antiwar.com The US is increasing military assistance to the Mogadishu-based government in Somalia, The Associated Press reported on Wednesday. US airstrikes in Somalia have increased since President Biden ordered the redeployment of troops in May 2022 and the Somali government launched an offensive against al-Shabaab, declaring "total war" on the group. According to AP, the US …

David Cronin (2023-03-02). Absurd and cruel: New evidence on how the EU aims to please Israel. electronicintifada.net Olivér Várhelyi used flimsy excuses to punish cancer patients.

David Giesen (2023-03-02). Saturday 3/4: Why Natalie Baszile has it right with Queen Sugar: a walking tour. indybay.org American Youth Hostel | 312 Mason Street | San Francisco | (meet in the lobby)…

David Killingly (2023-03-02). Climate activist cleared of 'traffic' charges. greenleft.org.au Climate activist Richard Boult was found not guilty of all charges brought by NSW Police for stepping onto a road during a climate protest last June. David Killingly reports.

David Killingly (2023-03-02). Draconian bail conditions removed for housing activist. greenleft.org.au Student activist Cherish Kuehlmann successfully challenged bail conditions arising from a housing action, which prevented her from entering Sydney's CBD. David Killingly reports.

Dee Knight (2023-03-02). Dr. Strangelove is No Longer Satire. covertactionmagazine.com Expansion of U.S. weapons supplies to Ukraine makes nuclear war more conceivable "We are fighting a war against Russia," German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock told the Council of Europe on January 24. The next day German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and U.S. President Joe Biden announced plans to send high-powered tanks to Ukraine, in a major …

Dick Nichols (2023-03-02). Catalonia: Barcelona demonstrations highlight left divisions over Ukraine. greenleft.org.au Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine last February, it soon became clear that there was a gulf between Catalonia's peace movement, writes Dick Nichols. This was still the state of play on the eve of the first anniversary of the Russian invasion.

DLI (2023-03-02). China's 12-point Peace Proposal to end Ukraine war. indybay.org This week, China released a 12-point Peace plan for ending the Ukraine war. It is the first comprehensive Peace proposal by a major power(there has been no Peace plan at all proposed by the G7 nor NATO, who are instead the major arms provider of over $100 Billion of lethal weapons to Ukraine–an amount more than the entire annual war budget of Russia!) Significantly, China's Peace Plan specifically calls for serious consideration of long-term security concerns on BOTH sides.

Dr. William Makis (2023-03-02). COVID-19 Vaccine-Injured Doctors Are Finally Starting to Speak Up… And They Are Shocked that the Medical Establishment Abandons Them. globalresearch.ca

DXE (2023-03-02). First-Ever Footage Inside a US Slaughterhouse Gas Chamber Obtained at Smithfield Foods. indybay.org Direct Action Everywhere volunteer investigator Raven Deerbrook has obtained never-before-seen, undercover footage from inside the Marel Butina gas chambers in Smithfield Foods' Farmer John slaughterhouse in Vernon, California.

DXE (2023-03-02). Activists Call for End of Gas Chambers, Deliver Undercover Pig Slaughter Footage to USDA in Berkeley. indybay.org An investigator journeyed 26 feet underground to hide a camera inside a CA slaughterhouse that kills pigs with CO2 gas.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). NEV sales to rev after Jan speed bump. ecns.cn China's new energy vehicle market, despite a lackluster start, will maintain its rapid growth momentum thanks to rising demand and a cornucopia of new models, said experts and industry executives.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). China remains a popular destination for foreign investment: FM. ecns.cn Facts show that China remains a popular destination for foreign investment, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). China to accelerate research, development of 6G technology: MIIT. ecns.cn China will target the layout of frontier fields such as humanoid robot, metauniverse and quantum technology, to fully accelerate the research and development of 6G technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said at a press conference Wednesday.

DXE (2023-03-02). First-Ever Footage Inside a US Slaughterhouse Gas Chamber Obtained at Smithfield Foods. indybay.org Direct Action Everywhere volunteer investigator Raven Deerbrook has obtained never-before-seen, undercover footage from inside the Marel Butina gas chambers in Smithfield Foods' Farmer John slaughterhouse in Vernon, California.

DXE (2023-03-02). Activists Call for End of Gas Chambers, Deliver Undercover Pig Slaughter Footage to USDA in Berkeley. indybay.org An investigator journeyed 26 feet underground to hide a camera inside a CA slaughterhouse that kills pigs with CO2 gas.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). NEV sales to rev after Jan speed bump. ecns.cn China's new energy vehicle market, despite a lackluster start, will maintain its rapid growth momentum thanks to rising demand and a cornucopia of new models, said experts and industry executives.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). China remains a popular destination for foreign investment: FM. ecns.cn Facts show that China remains a popular destination for foreign investment, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). China to accelerate research, development of 6G technology: MIIT. ecns.cn China will target the layout of frontier fields such as humanoid robot, metauniverse and quantum technology, to fully accelerate the research and development of 6G technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said at a press conference Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). China's industrial added value exceeds $5.81 trillion in 2022. ecns.cn China's industrial added value exceeded 40 trillion yuan ($5.81 trillion) in 2022, accounting for 33.2 percent of GDP, Jin Zhuanglong, minister Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said at a press conference held Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). China's industrial value added exceeds $5.81 trillion in 2022. ecns.cn China's industrial added value exceeded 40 trillion yuan ($5.81 trillion) in 2022, accounting for 33.2 percent of GDP, Jin Zhuanglong, minister Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) said at a press conference held Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Hainan to roll out measures for wider opening-up to Southeast Asian countries. ecns.cn Hainan Province is planning to roll out a package of measures to further open up to countries and regions such as Southeast Asia in 15 aspects, including taxation, import and export management and personnel exchanges.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Japan's military buildup meets strong opposition. ecns.cn Japan's former prime minister Yasuhiro Nakasone once promised Washington that Japan was the U.S.' "unsinkable aircraft carrier", and his present-day counterpart Fumio Kishida is now building it at lightning speed.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). China sure of preempting fiscal risks. ecns.cn China is capable of preempting systemic fiscal risks, Minister of Finance Liu Kun said on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Relocation projects help boost income of residents. ecns.cn An increasing number of people who participated in State-sponsored mass relocation projects, aimed at curbing some of China's most entrenched poverty, have landed jobs near their new homes.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). U.S. handling of balloon's entry violates intl law. ecns.cn The United States' hyping up and politicizing of a Chinese unmanned civilian airship's accidental entry into U.S. airspace is irresponsible and dangerous, aerospace industry observers said.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Rural minors addicted to cellphones, report finds. ecns.cn Mobile phone addiction has become an acute problem among "left-behind children" in China's rural areas.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Nation maintains solid momentum for growth. ecns.cn China's economic activity, including in both the manufacturing and services sectors, expanded for a second straight month in February, offering the latest snapshot of China's solid growth momentum amid signs of recovery.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). MNCs reaffirm commitment to mainland market. ecns.cn Most of the U.S.-based companies operating in China have no plans to relocate their supply chains, even though bilateral tensions continue to pose a significant business challenge for them, a survey released on Wednesday revealed.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Yuan funds heat up among intl PE investors. ecns.cn Anticipating the continuous maturity of the Chinese capital market and the acceleration of technological innovation, leading international private equity firms have sped up to raise first-time yuan funds or made related preparations in the Chinese market.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). CDC breaks ground on research facility. ecns.cn The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday broke ground on a 171,500-square-meter facility in Beijing as part of efforts to improve infrastructure and research capability.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). China's top political advisory body to hold press conference on Friday. ecns.cn The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China's top political advisory body, will hold a press conference on Friday, one day ahead of the opening of its annual session.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). DPRK ruling party convenes meeting to address agricultural production. ecns.cn The ruling party of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea convened an enlarged Central Committee plenary meeting in Pyongyang from Sunday to Wednesday, dedicated to addressing the pressing issue of agricultural production.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Xi, Cote d'Ivoire's president exchange congratulations on 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping and Cote d'Ivoire's President Alassane Ouattara on Thursday exchanged congratulations on the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between their countries.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). More drug procurement programs to be established. ecns.cn The National Healthcare Security Administration said on Wednesday that it will "unswervingly" roll out more bulk procurement programs for drugs and medical consumables this year.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Beijing bourse gov't bond sales top 1.4 trln yuan. ecns.cn The Beijing Stock Exchange (BSE) assisted in issuing government bonds worth of around 1.42 trillion yuan (about 206.4 billion U.S. dollars) by the end of February, data from the bourse showed.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Senior CPC officials report work to CPC Central Committee, Xi. ecns.cn Senior officials of the Communist Party of China (CPC) have recently submitted reports on their work to the CPC Central Committee and Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Chinese researchers develop 4D-printed shape memory polymer for medical devices. ecns.cn Chinese researchers have developed a biodegradable shape memory polymer (SMP) using 4D-printing technology that is suitable for medical devices, according to the Lanzhou University.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). China's GDP forecast to grow 5%. ecns.cn Moody's Investors Service recently shifted its forecast for China's real GDP growth to 5 percent for both 2023 and 2024, up from its previous projection of 4 percent, to incorporate a post-reopening rebound in domestic demand.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Indian PM calls for G20 unity to resolve geopolitical tensions. ecns.cn Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday appealed for unity to resolve prevailing geopolitical tensions at G20 foreign ministers' meeting being held in the Indian capital of New Delhi.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Chinese FM urges stronger G20 cooperation to promote multilateralism, global development. ecns.cn Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang on Thursday called on the Group of 20 (G20) members to conduct closer cooperation in enhancing multilateralism and promoting global development.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Communique of the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. ecns.cn The following is the full text of the communique of the second plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China:…

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Taiwan temple praised for facilitating peaceful cooperation. ecns.cn A Chinese mainland official spoke highly of a temple in Taiwan and its role in building cross-Straits cooperation.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Chinese FM Qin Gang to meet press on March 7. ecns.cn Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang will meet the press on March 7 on the sidelines of the first session of the 14th National People's Congress.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). R&D of 6G, other future tech to get high priority. ecns.cn China will "fully" promote the research and development of 6G as well as other cutting-edge technologies — including humanoid robots, the metaverse and quantum technology — this year so as to better support the construction of a modern industrial system.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). China to build constellation of very-low Earth orbit satellites. ecns.cn China is planning on building up a constellation of very-low Earth orbit satellites, and the first launch will be this September, the Global Times learned from China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation (CASIC) on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Shenzhou XV mission crew completes second spacewalk. ecns.cn The Shenzhou XV mission crew members successfully carried out their second spacewalk recently, according to the China Manned Space Agency.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Chinese cargo ship wrecked in Russia; all 21 crew members safe. ecns.cn The crew of 21 Chinese nationals rescued from a China-flagged cargo ship wrecked from a collision into ice in the Strait of Tartary in Russia on February 23 are all in good condition.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Newly-appointed team China coach Jankovic eyeing 2026 World Cup despite challenges ahead. ecns.cn Newly-appointed Chinese men's football team head coach Aleksandar Jankovic said here on Wednesday that his target was to lead the squad in securing a spot for the 2026 FIFA World Cup.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Xi holds talks with Belarusian president. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping holds a welcoming ceremony for Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in the Northern Hall of the Great Hall of the People prior to their talks in Beijing, capital of China, March 1, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). 600-year-old plum tree blossoms in Nanjing. ecns.cn A 600-year-old plum tree is in full blossom, attracting crowds at Xuanwu Lake Park in Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu Province, March 1, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Wild Asian elephant herd captured napping in forest in Yunnan. ecns.cn The herd of eight wild Asian elephants foraged and rested in a tea garden, marking the first visit in 2023 in Yunnan. After 30 years of rescue and protection, the number of wild Asian elephants increased to more than 300 by the end of 2022.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Hidden stone sculptures appear after water level lowers in Sichuan. ecns.cn Stone sculptures dating back to Tang (618-907) and Song Dynasty (960-1279) emerge after water level lowers at Anyue County, southwest China's Sichuan Province, March 1, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). China strongly opposes any form of political manipulation of COVID origins-tracing issue: FM. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). China remains a popular destination for foreign investment: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). New moai statue found in Easter Island volcano. ecns.cn A 1.60-meter moai, one of Easter Island's iconic statues, is found lying down on its side looking at the sky in the dried bed of a lake inside the crater of the Rano Raraku volcano, Chile, Feb. 21 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Beautiful scenery of Wuyishan National Park. ecns.cn A tea garden in Wuyishan National Park is shrouded by morning mist in east China's Fujian Province, March 1, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Sea of golden cole flowers in full bloom in Jiangxi. ecns.cn Blooming cole flowers attract visitors in Ji'an, east China's Jiangxi Province.

ecns.cn (2023-03-02). Tourism insiders visit HK to explore opportunities. ecns.cn The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on Wednesday welcomed the first large-scale tourism inspection group from the Chinese mainland since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing new hopes for wider and deeper cross-border tourism collaboration.

edited from Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young (2023-03-02). Agriculture in America: Deeply Rooted in Black Culture. indybay.org 2023 California Pan African Food and Ag Pavilion will showcase our 350+ billion-dollar annual California Working Landscape and new opportunities for Black Agriculture to align efforts within the #1 "California Grown" US Ag industries in the global marketplace. Past, present and future pioneers of African Descent continue to light a bright path in today's plethora of opportunities.

FECFFP (2023-03-02). Monday 3/6: Jewish Fast in Solidarity With Palestinians. indybay.org 456 Montgomery Street between California and Sacramento | Across street from the Israeli Consulate…

Fight Back (2023-03-02). On International Women's Day, let's remember Alexandra Kollontai. fightbacknews.org Tallahassee, FL – International Women's Day is an ideal occasion to recognize and honor the accomplishments of women across the globe. Let us use this opportunity to recognize the importance of Alexandra Kollontai, an ardent supporter of gender equality and a pioneering fighter for the rights of women. | Kollontai was a Russian Marxist theorist who, in 1913, authored an article entitled "Women's Day" in Pravda prior to the first International Women's Day celebration in Russia. Her article was and is a revolutionary contribution to the struggle for women's rights and her impactful words continu…

Fight Back (2023-03-02). MN protests upcoming SBI meeting to demand divestment from Israel. fightbacknews.org Saint Paul, MN – In lively spirits backed by a score of endorsing car horns, over 50 Palestine solidarity and anti-war activists demonstrated in front of the Minnesota Governor's Mansion on February 25, demanding that the Minnesota State Board of Investment (SBI) divest from apartheid Israel, as it did from apartheid South Africa. | The action was initiated by the Anti-War Committee in the lead up to the SBI's Thursday meeting, where the Anti-War Committee will deliver this demand to the Board, speaking on behalf of over a thousand Minnesotans who have signed onto their petition to divest. | The Minnesota State B…

Frank Breslin (2023-03-02). Three Reasons Why Public High Schools Don't Teach Critical Thinking. dissidentvoice.org The following warning should be affixed atop every computer in America's schools: Proceed at your own risk. Don't accept as true what you're about to read. Some of it is fact; some of it is opinion masquerading as fact; and the rest is liberal, conservative, or mainstream propaganda. Make sure you know which is which …

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-03-02). Wednesday 3/8: Black Liberation Reading Circle. indybay.org New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk St., San Francisco, near Ellis St. Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or near Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49. Wheelchair Accessible, Also via Zoom…

Global Research News (2023-03-02). Selected Articles: Showdown in Ukraine. Hobbled US Turns to War to Preserve Its Waning Primacy. globalresearch.ca By The future of humanity will be decided on a battlefield in Ukraine. That's no exaggeration. The conflict between the United …

In Contempt (2023-03-02). In Contempt #26: Fight to Free Mumia Continues; Keith LaMar on Hunger Strike; Repression Ramps Up. itsgoingdown.org In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed in as always are updates, fundraisers, and birthdays. There's a lot happening, so let's dive right in! Political Prisoner News In political prisoner news, February 16th was an international day of actions to…

infobrics (2023-03-02). Kiev insists on Artyomovsk's 'meat grinder' to guarantee Western support. infobrics.org If the city is fully liberated by the Russians, the "Ukrainian victory" rhetoric will be discredited, making western support unpopular among public opinion.

infobrics (2023-03-02). Employment and Labour on Worker Rights at BRICS Summit. infobrics.org Worker rights are the cornerstone of a fair, just and prosperous society as they ensure that employees have access to safe working conditions, a BRICS meeting was told in Muldersdrift, west of Johannesburg…

infobrics (2023-03-02). Number of Countries Seeking to Join BRICS, SCO Increased to Nearly 20. infobrics.org The number of countries wishing to join the BRICS group of countries and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has witnessed a sharp increase in recent years, currently reaching up to 20…

infobrics (2023-03-02). Chinese Automakers Gaining Ground in Russia as International Manufacturers Leave. infobrics.org Over the past year, hundreds of global brands have fled Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine. That's forced Russians to find alternatives for everything from smartphones to cars…

infobrics (2023-03-02). West demands South Korea to supply weapons to Ukraine. infobrics.org Russia could respond to any South Korean provocation by boosting ties with North Korea.

infobrics (2023-03-02). Kiev regime flooding black markets with NATO-sourced weapons. infobrics.org US officials claim they're unable to audit Ukraine-bound weapons once they leave Poland, but the real issue is if they even want to know. Considering the nearly mythical status they've given to Zelensky, revealing his involvement in arms smuggling could be rather "uncomfortable" and might even backfire.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-02). War Over U.S. Military Base Quest in Somalia Rages On. libya360.wordpress.com Jamal Abdulahi Berbera, Somalia (Photo: Lakmi00 / Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0)) A conflict between Somali unionists and secessionists was spawned by a U.S. attempt to acquire a military base. War and a humanitarian crisis are the end result. In the February 8th, 2023, edition of Black Agenda Report, I wrote about a brutal war in Northern Somalia…

Isheka N. Harrison (2023-03-02). Diversity Executive Who Faked POC Identity Resigns After Mom Outs Her As White. moguldom.com Rachel Dolezal is not an anomaly. Another white woman who was exposed for lying about her race and culture while advocating for social justice causes has resigned from her role as a diversity executive. Raquel Saraswati is a 39-year-old Muslim activist and writer who led people to believe she was of Latin, South Asian and …

Jan Schoenmakers, Willy Sabowski (2023-03-02). Journalism is in denial about itself & China's Mediation. indybay.org If you live on a powder keg, you have to avoid sparks. Therefore, especially in crises, truthful, trustworthy communication and respectful communication in society is more important than ever. Thus, the more explosive the situation, the more important the fourth estate in the state becomes. It is failing spectacularly right now – as it has in recent crises.

Juan Cole (2023-03-02). Israel's Ahmadinejad: Smotrich calls for Palestinian Town to be Wiped off the Map. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — The Israeli minister of finance, Bezalel Smotrich, who is also the civil administrator of the Palestinian West Bank in the Defense Ministry, called Wednesday for the Palestinian town of Huwwara to be "wiped out of existence." Smotrich was at a conference held by the financial newspaper TheMarker, and was asked …

Justice for Jesús Adolfo "Dopher" Delgado (2023-03-02). Monday 3/6: Jesús Adolfo "Dopher" Delgado Angelversary. indybay.org 626 Capp St., San Francisco…

KATIE (2023-03-02). Apartheid Israel out of AU – PAPSN Statement. bdsmovement.net

Kevin Gosztola (2023-03-02). March To Iraq War, 20 Years Later: March 2, 2003. thedissenter.org The Dissenter Newsletter recalls each day in the timeline of events that led up to the US invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, twenty years ago…

Kevin Gosztola (2023-03-02). The Difficulty of Destiny: 'Ithaka' And A Father's Struggle For His Son's Freedom. thedissenter.org "I don't much like media," mutters John Shipton, the father of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. | During the first minutes of "Ithaka," an Australia documentary that follows John as he campaigns for his son's freedom, it becomes clear that he is not someone who is accustomed to appearing on camera or before groups of people to ask for their support. | John is asked how he got along with Assange, a tedious question that he resents given the harsh circumstances. However, the question is reasonable given the fact that Assange grew up without his father."The story is, I'm attempting in…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-03-02). California Pan African Global Trade in the wake of 2022 US-Africa Business Summit. indybay.org Our 11th Annual, Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference is poised to bring together key global leaders together with a focused Food and Ag spark to expand California Pan African Global Trade throughout the African Continental Free Trade Area and beyond.

Kurt Nimmo (2023-03-02). War Propaganda Media Ignores Rising Antiwar Sentiment in America and Europe. globalresearch.ca

Labor Video Project (2023-03-02). E. Palestine EPA Cover-up & SF Hunters Point/Treasure Island Connection with Greg Schwartz. indybay.org WorkWeek interviews investigative journalist Greg Schwartz about the connection between the East Palestine EPA hiring of Tetra Tech and the connection between Tetra Tech's record of fraud and retaliation of whistleblowers at the supposed clean-up at Hunters Point and Treasure Island. He also exposes that Black Rock and Vanguard Group are the top two shareholders of the Norfolk Southern Railway and Tetra Tech.

Labor Video Project (2023-03-02). Justice For Keita O'Neil! SF DA Jenkin Fronting For POA & Developers In Dropping Charges. indybay.org

Middle East Monitor (2023-03-02). Israeli PM Netanyahu's idea of workable Peace excludes Palestinian Independence. juancole.com By Mohammad Makram Balawi | — ( Middle East Monitor ) — Benjamin Netanyahu has always been an open book. Although the Israeli prime minister is skilled at twisting facts and rewriting history when necessary, he has been very clear on his relations with the Palestinians since day one. The US cannot claim that it …

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Hospice care: Comfort at the end of life. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It was announced earlier this week that former President Jimmy Carter has entered hospice care. But just what is hospice care and how it can provide comfort and support? Hospice care is for people who are nearing the end of life. The services are provided by a team of health care professionals who maximize comfort for a person who is terminally ill by reducing pain and addressing physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. To help…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Consumer Health: 8 heart-healthy diet strategies. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org February is American Heart Month, which makes this a good time to learn about how your diet affects your heart health. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the U.S., regardless of race or ethnicity, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Although you cannot change some risk factors, such as family history, sex or age, you can take some key steps to reduce your risk of heart disease. You can avoid heart…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Consumer Health: What do you know about encephalitis? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org World Encephalitis Day will be observed Wednesday, Feb. 22, which makes this a good time to learn more about this potentially life-threatening disease. Encephalitis affects nearly 500,000 people of all ages worldwide each year, according to the Encephalitis Society. What Causes it Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. The inflammation can be caused by an infection, most often a virus, invading the brain (infectious encephalitis), but it also can be caused by the immune system attacking the brain in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Mayo Clinic Minute: Hope for spontaneous coronary artery dissection, SCAD. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Research on spontaneous coronary artery dissection, or SCAD, has exploded in the last decade, says Dr. Sharonne N. Hayes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist and a leading expert on this rare heart condition. Though there have been many advancements in understanding SCAD, Dr. Hayes says there is still much to learn, including why 90% of these types of heart attacks happen to nonstereotypical heart attack patients — young women. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/HVz5wqWOctA Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 57) is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Black History Month – Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua, helping at-risk patients and increasing diversity in clinical trials. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua Black History Month is a month for all people to celebrate and learn about the diverse and important contributions of Black Americans to American society and culture, as well as to reflect on the ongoing fight against racism, inequity, and discrimination. The Mayo Clinic News Network is profiling several Mayo Clinic physicians who are focused every day on achieving health equity through their work. Meet Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua, an oncologist with…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Science Saturday: Could antidepressants cause treatment-emergent mania? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org In a study published in Molecular Psychiatry, Mark Frye, M.D., a Mayo Clinic researcher and collaborators, investigated the risk of treatment-emergent mania in bipolar disorder when treated with antidepressants. "We found that antidepressants that increase mitochondrial energetics (cells that extract energy from nutrients for sustaining life) may elevate the risk of treatment-emergent mania," says Dr. Frye. The increased energy expenditure of mania associated with impulsivity, poor judgment, psychosis and loss of insight can drive high-risk behaviors, often…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Dementia-related pain: What caregivers need to know. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dementia isn't a specific disease. Instead, it describes a collection of symptoms that affect a person's thinking and social abilities enough to interfere with daily life. There are more than 55 million people worldwide living with dementia. Of these, 50% to 60% have Alzheimer's disease. Dementia is the seventh leading cause of death worldwide. There is a constellation of dementia symptoms, and memory loss is the primary feature. Other common symptoms are physical functional decline…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Mayo Clinic Q and A: What is cholangiocarcinoma and how is it treated? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My mother has been experiencing unusual and persistent fatigue, abdominal pain, and jaundice. After undergoing a CT scan, her doctor diagnosed her with cholangiocarcinoma. What is this type of cancer? And what treatment options are available? ANSWER: Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare cancer that develops from the bile ducts, which are slender tubes that carry the digestive fluid bile and connect the liver to the gallbladder and small intestine. The tumor can occur anywhere along…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). From civil rights to transplant awareness, advocate continues to make a difference. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As America celebrates Black History Month, one civil rights activist is celebrating a new lease on life. Dr. Shirley Green-Reese received a kidney transplant in June 2022 at Mayo Clinic in Florida. Her kidney transplant is only one chapter in an incredible life story. Dr. Green-Reese is no stranger to turning challenges into triumphs. In 1963, at the age of 13, she was one of 15 young African American girls who were arrested for peacefully…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Mayo Clinic Minute: Tips for a heart-healthy sandwich. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Packing a healthy lunch seems like an easy task, but sometimes all the sandwich choices may seem daunting. Many deli, or processed meats, are packed with preservatives, nitrates and sodium that could raise your risk of heart disease and other health issues. So is there a better choice to build a lunch you'll love and feel good about? Kate Zeratsky, a Mayo Clinic registered dietitian nutritionist, says what you pack with your lunch may help…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). What can you do for an overactive bladder? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Overactive bladder, or OAB, is a condition that causes a sudden urge to urinate. It affects both men and women. The urge may be difficult to stop, and overactive bladder may lead to the involuntary loss of urine, known as urge incontinence. If you have overactive bladder, you may feel embarrassed, isolate yourself or limit your work and social life. The good news is that a brief evaluation can determine whether there's a specific cause…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Mayo Clinic Healthcare expert: Artificial intelligence improves colonoscopy accuracy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org LONDON —‚ÄØJames East, M.D., spends his days skillfully examining people's colons, searching for and snaring away suspicious polyps that might one day turn into cancer. A gastroenterologist at Mayo Clinic Healthcare in London, he says the ability to identify cancer risks and eliminate them on the spot during a colonoscopy is one of the most satisfying parts of his chosen profession. Colonoscopy remains the gold standard in detecting and preventing colorectal cancer. But the procedure…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Mayo Clinic remembers Dr. Robert Hattery, former CEO of Mayo Clinic in Rochester. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Robert Hattery, M.D., second from left, at Mayo's 150th anniversary celebration in 2014. Robert R. Hattery, M.D., former CEO of Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and longtime Mayo Clinic advocate, died on Feb. 11, 2023. "Dr. Hattery was a builder of people," says Claire Bender, M.D., emeritus member of the staff in Radiology. "He was a true leader who was highly respected, fair, extremely hard working and always dedicated to Mayo Clinic's patients and staff."…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Avoiding shoulder injuries while shoveling snow. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Last winter, I slipped and fell shoveling snow. I have arthritis in one of my shoulders. I'm concerned about having another injury. How common are shoulder injuries during the winter due to shoveling snow and other activities? What advice do you have for how to avoid injuring my shoulder? ANSWER: Unfortunately, the numbers don't lie. In Mayo Clinic's orthopedics practice, the number of people who need care due to shoulder injuries increases substantially during…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Mayo Clinic Minute: Obesity and heart disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It's long been known that being overweight or obese can make a person more apt to develop conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, which can lead to cardiovascular disease. But experts at Mayo Clinic say obesity also can affect the heart in entirely independent ways. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains the resources available to help patients battling obesity and heart disease. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Winter safety tips from a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Weather Service says a massive winter storm is moving across the U.S., with high winds, icy conditions and up to 2 feet of heavy snow expected in parts of the Upper Midwest. If possible, limit travel or stay off the roads if you live in the affected areas. "If you don't have to go out, it's best not to go. But if you do, plan just in case something bad happens," says Dr….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Mayo Clinic Minute: Snowblower safety. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Much of the nation is bracing for a massive winter storm that is working its way eastward across the country. Over the next few days, the storm is expected to bring heavy snow and blizzard conditions in the North, with sleet, freezing rain and thunderstorms across the South. Portions of the upper Midwest could see close to 2 feet of snow. With that in mind, you might want to get that snowblower fueled up. Dr….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Staying safe during a major winter storm. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As several winter storms are expected to bring freezing rain, sleet and snow across the U.S., the National Weather Service reminds people to be safe and prepare in advance to ensure personal safety and well-being. As hospital emergency rooms have historically seen an influx of weather-related injuries with each winter storm, it is important to be adequately prepared to reduce the risk of medical emergencies. Dr. David Nestler, a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician, says falls are among the most…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Mayo Clinic Minute: Tongue-tie in babies. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Up to 10% of newborns are born with ankyloglossia, a condition more commonly known as tongue-tie. The most common symptom for infants is difficulty with breastfeeding or bottlefeeding. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Rebekah Huppert, nurse and lactation consultant at Mayo Clinic, discusses how latching and feeding challenges caused by tongue-tie can be addressed with or without the need for any procedure. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/va4hEEDmNzk Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 10) is in the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Transplant program at Mayo Clinic in Florida celebrates its 25th anniversary with vision for future of transplant. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org JACKSONVILLE, Fla. ‚Äï Twenty-five years ago, the transplant center at Mayo Clinic in Florida performed its first solid organ transplant — a liver transplant. To date, the center has performed nearly 9,000 lifesaving transplants as one of the largest combined solid organ transplant programs in the U.S. The center has provided consistently high-quality patient care before and after organ transplants since its establishment. Based on more than two decades of vast experience in organ transplant,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Black History Month: Dr. Michele Halyard on a lifetime commitment to health equity, inclusion and diversity. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Michele Halyard Black History Month is commemorated every February. It's a month for all people to celebrate and learn about diverse and important contributions of African Americans to American society and culture, as well as to reflect on the ongoing fight against racism, inequity and discrimination. Mayo Clinic News Network is highlighting Mayo Clinic physicians who are focused every day on achieving health equity, inclusion and diversity through their work. Meet Dr. Michele Halyard,…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Mayo Clinic discovery leads to life-changing treatment for young girl with ultra-rare disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Rare Disease Day on Feb. 28 raises awareness of the 30 million people in the U.S. who have a rare disease. Months after young Maggie Carmichael started taking an experimental drug for her ultra-rare genetic disease, she was able to trade in her wheelchair for a walker. The 9-year-old Mayo Clinic patient even took a few of her first-ever steps on her own. She also became better at feeding herself, her speech improved and she…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Mayo Clinic continues strong performance in 2022 thanks to staff, 'Bold. Forward.' strategy. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Mayo Clinic is positioned to achieve its vision to transform health care and remains committed to its mission to serve patients and invest in staff. With careful planning and the support of Mayo's dedicated staff, the organization enters 2023 financially strong and focused on leading the transformation of health care through its "Bold. Forward." strategy. In an industry facing significant financial pressures as well as staffing challenges, Mayo Clinic staff have stepped…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-03-02). Obesity makes it harder to diagnose and treat heart disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Being overweight impacts your heart health in more ways than you might think. A new JACC review paper from Mayo Clinic outlines how obesity affects the common tests used to diagnose heart disease and impacts treatments. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. and globally, yet it is largely preventable. "Excess fat acts as a kind of filter and can skew test readings to under-or overdiagnosis," says senior…

No Nukes Action (2023-03-02). Saturday 3/11: On 3/11 At Fukushima No Dumping Radioactive Water Into Pacific Ocean & No Restarting Nukes. indybay.org San Francisco Japanese Consulate | 275 Battery St./California St | San Francisco…

Norman Solomon (2023-03-02). Showdown in Nevada as Democratic Establishment Targets Party Chair. indybay.org

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-02). NATO's Growing Military Presence in Latin America and the Caribbean. orinocotribune.com By Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein — Feb 27, 2023 | At present, it has become customary to speak of NATO's expansion "towards Eastern Europe", which, while effective, is a reductionist concept. The truth is that since the end of the bipolar world, the United States, believing itself to be the master of the world, has used NATO to expand throughout the planet. Proof of this is the signing of the AUKUS Treaty (Australia, United Kingdom and United States), the creation of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD) formed by Australia, India, Japan and the United States and the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance (Unit…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-03-02). Swiss Banks Hold at Least $500M in Stolen Lebanese Public Funds: Report. orinocotribune.com

Our Downtown ‚Ä¢ Our Future (2023-03-02). Saturday 3/4: Save Some Lot 4 Trees. indybay.org Lot 4, Cedar Street, Santa Cruz…

Peter Koenig (2023-03-02). Blow-up of Nord Stream I and II: Did the German Chancellor and the President of the European Commission Betray the People of Germany and Europe? globalresearch.ca

Revolution Club (2023-03-02). Wednesday 3/8: International Women's Day. indybay.org 24th and Mission, San Francisco…

Revolution Club (2023-03-02). Wednesday 3/8: Int'l Women'sDay-Break theChains! Unleash theFury ofWomen as a Mighty Force for Revolution. indybay.org Revolution Books 2444 Durant Avenue Berkeley…

Robert Inlakesh (2023-03-02). Israeli Army Helps Settlers Carry Out A Pogrom Against Palestinians In Hawara. thelastamericanvagabond.com On Sunday evening Israeli settlers stormed the town of Hawara, near the West Bank city of Nablus, burning down Palestinian homes, vehicles, killing one and injuring hundreds. The attack has been labelled as a pogrom, which was backed by the Israeli military. Around 64 Palestinians have been killed and thousands injured, so far this year,

Staff (2023-03-02). La opinión gráfica: Ataque sónico, un filme de fake news y ciencia ficción. cubadebate.cu Cinco agencias de inteligencia de Estados Unidos descartaron que las misteriosas dolencias reportadas por diplomáticos del país norteño en Cuba en 2016 se deban a ataques de un adversario extranjero, expuso hoy The Washington Post. Entonces, øel ataque sónico fue un filme de fake news y ciencia ficción? Desde el humor Arístides Hernández nos invita a reflexionar.

Staff (2023-03-02). Para apuntar: øCuáles son los diez países mayores consumidores de petróleo? cubadebate.cu La demanda de petróleo en el mundo crecerá en 2023 hasta un nivel récord, impulsada por el consumo de China, tras acabar con el confinamiento, y por la recuperación del tráfico aéreo, según un informe de la Agencia Internacional de la Energía (AIE) publicado este miércoles. Conozca cuáles son los diez grandes consumidores de petróleo a nivel mundial.

Staff (2023-03-02). Ignacio Ramonet: "Estamos viviendo, aunque no nos demos cuenta, el final de la globalización" cubadebate.cu Hace unos días, el pasado 15 de febrero, Ignacio Ramonet conversó con Randy Alonso en la Mesa Redonda sobre temas diversos: su más reciente libro presentado en La Habana, el avance de las ultraderechas, las crisis múltiples que enfrenta el mundo actual. Cubadebate transcribe para nuestros lectores este ameno y documentado análisis del intelectual francoespañol.

Staff (2023-03-02). Los 42 golpes de Estado de Gran Bretaña desde 1945. cubadebate.cu El Reino Unido ha planeado o ejecutado alrededor de 40 intentos para destituir Gobiernos extranjeros en 27 países desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que incluyen a las agencias de inteligencia, intervenciones militares encubiertas y abiertas, y asesinatos, expresó Declassified UK.

Staff (2023-03-02). Otra victoria y hacia Taichung: El Clásico al doblar la esquina. cubadebate.cu Quizás en el juego de menos calidad en toda la preparación, dado el rival de turno, una selección del Banco Cooperativo de Taiwán, Cuba hizo la tarea justa con victoria 6-0, en la que Yadir Drake cargó con la mejor faena (4-3, par de tubeyes y dos remolques), secundado por Yurisbel Gracial (4-2, un doble y dos impulsadas), mientras nuestros lanzadores volvieron a resultar impecables con 10 ponches y apenas seis jits permitidos.

Staff (2023-03-02). Las 3 del día: Lo que necesitas saber sobre "las enfermedades raras" y las principales noticias del 1 de marzo (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Saludos a todos los seguidores de Las 3 del día. Hoy conduce nuestro podcast la periodista Ana àÅlvarez Guerrero que los invita a que se queden conectados en esta emisión de miércoles.En el presente episodio le estaremos comentando las principales noticias de este 1 de marzo y además, tenemos una exclusiva que nos trae la también periodista Lisandra Fariñas Acosta. Ya comenzamos.

Staff (2023-03-02). Más de la mitad de los beneficiarios de la Seguridad Social cobran con tarjetas magnéticas. cubadebate.cu Casi a un mes de cumplirse el año de entrar en vigor la posibilidad de que los pensionados cubanos pasaran a emplear la tarjeta magnética en sustitución de la nómina electrónica, se informó que más de 50% de los beneficiarios del Sistema de Seguridad, efectúan el cobro de su pensión a través de esta vía digital.

Staff (2023-03-02). Raúl y Díaz-Canel reciben al secretario del Consejo de Seguridad de Rusia. cubadebate.cu El general de Ejército Raúl Castro, y el presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, recibieron hoy al secretario del Consejo de Seguridad de Rusia, Nikolái Pátrushev, quien realiza una visita de trabajo al país caribeño. En el encuentro, los dignatarios dialogaron sobre el excelente estado de las relaciones entre ambas naciones y su desarrollo futuro.

Staff (2023-03-02). Ucrania debe comenzar a pagar las armas suministradas por Estados Unidos. cubadebate.cu La asesora del secretario del Departamento de Defensa de Estados Unidos (EEUU) para Asuntos de Seguridad Internacional, Celeste Wallander, afirmó que Ucrania debe comenzar a pagar, por su cuenta, el suministro de armas que se le realizan desde febrero del año pasado.

Staff (2023-03-02). COI reafirma autoridad sobre sistema de clasificación del boxeo para París 2024. cubadebate.cu "El único sistema de clasificación del boxeo válido para París 2024 es el aprobado por la Comisión Ejecutiva del COI el 8 de septiembre de 2022", aseguró en una carta el Comité Olímpico Internacional a los comités olímpicos nacionales. La reafirmación del COI se produjo después de que la Asociación Internacional de Boxeo desafiara su autoridad sobre el sistema de clasificación.

Staff (2023-03-02). Conozca mejor a los integrantes de #elCubaClásico: Despaigne y Céspedes. cubadebate.cu Cubadebate ya está en tiempo de Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. Te seguimos presentando cada día a 2 de los 30 integrantes de nuestra selección nacional. El Cuba al Clásico es el equipo de todos.

Staff (2023-03-02). El tiempo: Madrugada fresca, tarde cálida con muy escasas lluvias. cubadebate.cu Predominará la poca nubosidad, excepto en localidades de la región oriental donde estará parcialmente nublado en la mañana y las primeras horas de la tarde con muy escasas lluvias.

Staff (2023-03-02). Eligen a nuevo presidente de la República Socialista de Vietnam. cubadebate.cu Vo Van Thuong fue elegido este jueves como presidente de la República Socialista de Vietnam en una sesión extraordinaria de la decimoquinta legislatura de la Asamblea Nacional. El mandato de Van Thuong se extenderá hasta 2026. El nuevo mandatario, de 52 años, fue respaldado por más del 98% del Parlamento.

Staff (2023-03-02). Informa OrbitSA que Western Union reanuda envío de remesas a Cuba desde todo Estados Unidos. cubadebate.cu Orbit S.A comunica que a partir del día de hoy la compañía Norteamérica Western Union dió por terminada la fase de prueba del servicio a Cuba que había comenzado el 4 de enero del presente año en algunas oficinas de Florida y procede a extender el servicio a la totalidad de localidades de su red en EUA.

Staff (2023-03-02). Nuevas reglas en la MLB favorecen a los lanzadores, opina Max Scherzer. cubadebate.cu Max Scherzer describió el lanzamiento bajo las nuevas reglas de las Grandes Ligas como un juego del "gato y el ratón". Los jugadores tendrán 30 segundos para reanudar el juego entre bateadores. Entre lanzamientos, los lanzadores tienen 15 segundos sin nadie y 20 segundos si hay un corredor.

Staff (2023-03-02). øQué tasas están vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este 2 de marzo? cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este jueves 2 de marzo de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-03-02). Qué trae la prensa cubana, jueves 2 de marzo de 2023. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-03-02). UNE pronostica afectación de 195 MW en el horario pico nocturno de este jueves. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica estima para la hora pico nocturna de este jueves una disponibilidad de 2 655 MW y una demanda máxima de 2 780 MW, con un déficit de 125 MW, por lo que si se mantienen los pronósticos, se prevé una afectación de 195 MW en este horario. Las limitaciones en la generación térmica son de 244 MW.

Staff (2023-03-02). øZelenski tiene un doble?: Una televisión polaca ha revelado esta posibilidad. cubadebate.cu Una televisión polaca ha revelado la posibilidad de que el presidente ucraniano, Volodímir Zelenski también use dobles. Fue durante la reciente visita del presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, a Kiev. Una cámara de la televisión polaca apostada sobre una escalera captó el momento en que Biden y Zelenski salen de una estancia y giran para subir las escaleras.

Staff (2023-03-02). Recordar es volver… A mentir. cubadebate.cu El título de este artículo no guarda necesariamente una correspondencia con lo que leerán adelante porque es solo una referencia a la paráfrasis que mi madre repetía cada vez que le preguntaban por qué no había escrito su autobiografía. Ahora, que todavía mi memoria está amueblada y por sugerencia de Alberto Luberta Sr. estoy escribiendo la mía y se llama así.

Staff (2023-03-02). Headlines for March 2, 2023. democracynow.org Top U.S. and Russian Diplomats Meet Briefly at G20 Talks as Ukraine War Rages On, Finland Advances Bid to Join NATO as Turkey Holds Up Sweden's Bid, U.S. Approves $619 Million Sale of High-Tech Weapons to Taiwan, U.S. Air Force Relieves Six Officers over Safety Lapses at North Dakota Nuclear Base, Israeli Protesters Opposed to Judicial Overhaul Met with Police Violence, "Repugnant": U.S. Condemns Israeli Minister's Call to "Erase" Palestinian Town of Huwara, U.S. Spy Agencies Reject Claims That "Havana Syndrome" Was Caused by Foreign Power, Protests Erupt in Greece…

Staff (2023-03-02). Surviving a Pogrom: Palestinian in Huwara Decries Israeli Settler Attack as "Ethnic Cleansing" democracynow.org On Sunday, Israeli settlers ransacked and torched Palestinian homes in Huwara, near the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, killing at least one Palestinian resident and injuring dozens of others. The Israeli human rights group B'Tselem has accused Benjamin Netanyahu's government of backing a pogrom in Huwara. Israeli Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich said Wednesday that Huwara needs to be "wiped out" and that the state of Israel should do it. In response, 22 Israeli international law experts sent a letter to Israel's attorney general demanding an immediate investigation against Sm…

Staff (2023-03-02). "Unwinnable War"? Calls Grow for Negotiated End to Ukraine War. democracynow.org Russia's invasion of Ukraine was at the top of the agenda of a critical meeting of G20 foreign ministers this week in New Delhi. The issue has caused deep divisions within the G20, which includes 19 major economies and the European Union. U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken and his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, spoke briefly on the sidelines of the summit on Thursday, though there was no diplomatic breakthrough between the two countries. The G20 meeting comes a week after China released a 12-point peace plan and as calls grow for a negotiated end to the fighting. To talk more about possible peace tal…

Staff (2023-03-02). Newsweek: Potential Swap Involving Alex Saab Emerges. orinocotribune.com This Tuesday, February 28, a possible agreement has emerged to ensure the release of US citizens detained in Venezuela in exchange for the release of Venezuelan diplomat, Alex Saab, kidnapped by the United States, according to a According to sources, neither the United States nor Venezuela ruled out that a swap would take place. In a letter from Eyvin Hernández, a Salvadoran-US lawyer detained in Venezuela for entering the country illegally, it is suggest…

Staff (2023-03-02). Opposition Deputy José Brito Denounces Obstacles to Run in Primaries (+James Story). orinocotribune.com This Tuesday, February 28, the Venezuelan opposition deputy and presidential candidate for the Primero Venezuela party, José Brito, stated that the National Primary Commission (CNP), belonging to the so-called Unitary Platform, has placed obstacles preventing his participation in the primaries elections, intended to select a candidate that represents a broad sector of the opposition for the 2024 presidential race. | In an interview with Unión Radio network, the opposition deputy said that his party began "a cycle of rapprochement" with the CNP through all possible channels, including social networks, written comm…

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-02). Bola Tinubu gana la elección presidencial en Nigeria. telesurtv.net Los partidos ahora tienen tres semanas para apelar los resultados, pero una elección puede invalidarse solo si se prueba que el organismo electoral nacional en gran medida no cumplió con la ley.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-02). Reportan síntomas inusuales tras desastre ambiental en Ohio, EE.UU. telesurtv.net De acuerdo a los médicos locales, algunos incluso se quejan de que comienzan a sentirse mejor cuando dejan sus hogares por un tiempo, solo para sentirse peor una vez que regresan.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-02). Presidente de Belarús respalda iniciativa china de seguridad. telesurtv.net El mandatario bielorruso afirmó que "debemos prevenir una confrontación global que no tendrá vencedores".

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-02). Cancilleres de Venezuela y Cuba se reúnen en Ginebra. telesurtv.net El titular diplomático cubano señaló que fueron ratificadas las relaciones de "hermandad, solidaridad y cooperación".

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-02). Médicos españoles protestan en Madrid por mejoras laborales. telesurtv.net La huelga se produce luego de que los sindicatos sostuvieran un infructuoso encuentro con el consejero de Sanidad.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-03-02). Irán expulsa a diplomáticos alemanes por injerencia de Berlín. telesurtv.net El vocero de la cancillería persa señaló que si se viola la soberanía es "inevitable identificar opciones alternativas".

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-03-02). Siria recibe ayuda humanitaria de Irán y EAU tras terremotos. telesurtv.net Una aeronave procedente de Irán llegó al Aeropuerto de Alepo cargada con más de 22 toneladas de suministros.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-02). Alertan sobre necesidad de ayuda alimentaria para el Cuerno de àÅfrica. telesurtv.net La portavoz de la organización, Olga Sarrado añadió que esa región, además de la crisis climática, es sede de varios conflictos que han obligado a millones de personas a desplazarse.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-02). Ministro de Transporte de Grecia dimite tras choque de trenes. telesurtv.net Karamanlis ofreció su pésame a las familias de las víctimas y los damnificados del trágico accidente.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-02). Reportan incendio en edificio de Búfalo en Nueva York, EE.UU. telesurtv.net En el siniestro falleció uno de los bomberos que acudió al llamado de emergencia, según el alcalde Byron W. Brown.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-02). Reportan sismo de magnitud 5,6 en suroeste de Sumatra, Indonesia. telesurtv.net Según la Agencia de Meteorología, Climatología y Geofísica del país (BMKG), el movimiento telúrico aconteció a una profundidad estimada de 82 kilómetros.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-02). Presidente argentino inaugura sesiones en el Congreso. telesurtv.net El presidente argentino, Alberto Fernández, demandó este miércoles la profundización de las investigaciones sobre el intento de asesinato a la vicemandataria Cristina Fernández.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-02). Nuevo tiroteo deja tres oficiales heridos en EE.UU. telesurtv.net Tres oficiales terminaron siendo alcanzados por disparos y fueron llevados a University Health con lesiones que no ponen en peligro la vida, según el departamento de policía.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-02). Parlamento aprueba ingreso de Finlandia a la OTAN. telesurtv.net Para la entrada de Finlandia y Suecia en la OTAN se necesita aún la ratificación de Hungría y Türkiye, los dos únicos países miembros que aún no lo han hecho.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-02). Misionero claretiano logra escapar de sus captores en Haití. telesurtv.net El secuestro es el último acto de violencia contra los misioneros católicos en Haití.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-02). Türkiye mantiene fecha del 14 de mayo para comicios presidenciales. t.co El presidente Recep Tayyip Erdogan ha descartado cualquier retraso en las elecciones tras los devastadores terremotos de febrero.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-02). Comisión aprueba informe que recomienda enjuiciar al presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net La titular del comité, Viviana Veloz, afirmó que el mandatario ha tratado de ocultar potenciales conductas ilícitas de su cuñado, Danilo Carrera.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-02). Aumenta a 43 cifra de muertos por choque de trenes en Grecia. telesurtv.net En declaraciones a la radiotelevisión pública griega ERT, Leontari dijo que la mayoría de las víctimas son adultos jóvenes de entre 20 y 30 años.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-03-02). Sismo de magnitud 5.8 sacude el sureste de México. telesurtv.net El sismo fue percibido en varios estados del sur mexicano. En la Ciudad de México, algunos usuarios reportaron que se sintió muy leve.

teleSUR, lvm, SH, JCM (2023-03-02). Número de muertos por colisión de trenes en Grecia sube a 36. telesurtv.net Por su parte, el representante del Servicio de Bomberos, Vassilis Vathrakogiannis subrayó que se reporta 85 heridos.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-02). Cuba rechaza inclusión en lista sobre terrorismo de EE.UU. telesurtv.net Las autoridades cubanas han destacado que la isla ha sido víctima del terrorismo patrocinado por EE.UU.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-02). Federación campesina se movilizará el 30 de marzo en Paraguay. telesurtv.net De acuerdo a la FNC, la concentración de la tierra en Paraguay es la más alta en el mundo.

teleSUR, MER (2023-03-02). Siguen las movilizaciones en Perú contra el Gobierno de Dina Boluarte. telesurtv.net A Lima han arribado las delegaciones provenientes del departamento de Puno para protestar y exigir la renuncia de Dina Boluarte.

teleSUR, nb, JCM (2023-03-02). China denuncia manipulación sobre origen del Covid-19. telesurtv.net Expertos de la OMS junto con especialistas chinos desmintieron la posibilidad de que el coronavirus se filtrara de un laboratorio, tras una visita a las correspondientes en Wuhan.

teleSUR, nbb, DRL (2023-03-02). Muere Just Fontaine, autor del récord de 13 goles en un Mundial. telesurtv.net Entre el 8 y 28 de junio de 1958 jugaba con el equipo francés el Mundial de Futbol, donde implantaría el todavía vigente récord de 13 goles para una sola edición.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-02). Confirman cinco nuevos casos de cólera en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net Los casos corresponden a cuatro personas de sexo masculino con edades de 3, 17, 42 y 66 años, así como una mujer de de 44.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-02). Muere un joven palestino herido por Israel en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net Mahmoud Jamal Hamdan, recibió disparos durante un asalto del Ejército israelí al campo de refugiados donde se encontraba.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-02). Registran incendio en fábrica de metales de Cleveland en Ohio, EE.UU. telesurtv.net El suceso tuvo lugar en un local de A.J. Rose Manufacturing Co. en la cuadra 3100 de W. 38th Street, sobre las 09H15 (hora local).

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-02). Suman 26 los casos de influenza aviar en Argentina. telesurtv.net Al Senasa han llegado 186 casos sospechosos, y se han detectado resultados positivos en aves silvestres (3), de traspatio (22) y en el sector comercial (1).

Workers Strike Back Bay Area (2023-03-02). Saturday 3/4: Workers Strike Back: Bay Area Launch Meeting. indybay.org Berkeley South Branch Library Meeting Room | 1901 Russell St, Berkeley…

WorkWeek (2023-03-02). Turkey Earthquake, Corruption & Erdogan, Ballad Of Harry Bridges & ILWU Mumia On WorkWeek. indybay.org WorkWeek covers the Turkey Earthquake, Corruption & Erdogan & Ballad Of Harry Bridges along with the ILWU Local 10 initiated Labor Community March for Mumia Abu-Jamal on 2/16/23.

WSWS (2023-03-02). New Zealand's flooding disaster and the case for socialism. wsws.org The avoidable devastation caused by Cyclone Gabrielle, which has left thousands of people homeless and threatens to plunge many more into poverty, is an unanswerable indictment of capitalism.

WSWS (2023-03-02). Anger erupts among Caterpillar workers as details of UAW agreement emerge: "We deserve way better" wsws.org Indignation and disbelief were spreading quickly among Caterpillar workers Wednesday, following the announcement of a tentative agreement the previous night.

WSWS (2023-03-02). Union "sets stage" for strike vote by 6,000 FedEx pilots in US. wsws.org Six thousand FedEx pilots are determined to win above-inflation wage increases and end exhausting and dangerous work loads.

WSWS (2023-03-02). White House and US media revive the Wuhan lab lie. wsws.org The US government's renewed promotion of the Wuhan lab conspiracy theory is aimed at demonizing China and preparing public opinion for the Biden administration's escalating trade and military buildup targeting China.

WSWS (2023-03-02). Australia's largest-ever real wage cut highlights need for rank-and-file committees. wsws.org The sharpest decline was in the highly unionised public sector, underscoring the role of Labor governments and the union apparatus in spearheading the slashing of wages.

WSWS (2023-03-02). Stellantis begins indefinite idling of Belvidere Assembly in a major assault on autoworkers. wsws.org Stellantis began to indefinitely idle its Belvidere Assembly Plant on Tuesday and lay off over 1,300 remaining workers, destroying their lives and uprooting families. The emptying out of the plant will also have devastating ripple effects on the already economically ravaged areas surrounding the town of Belvidere, Illinois, and the nearby Rockford metropolitan area.

WSWS (2023-03-02). Support the strike against government austerity! Withdraw draconian essential service orders! Fight for a socialist program to defend workers' social and democratic rights! wsws.org Workers should take the struggle for their social and democratic rights into their own hands. The SEP urges workers to form their own action committees independent of all capitalist parties and trade unions in every workplace, factory, plantation and neighborhood.

WSWS (2023-03-02). The East Palestine disaster: A crime of capitalism. wsws.org The poisoning of East Palestine, Ohio, is not merely an environmental catastrophe. It is a man-made disaster which raises fundamental questions about the structure of the society which produced it.

WSWS (2023-03-02). Body camera footage shows Knoxville, Tennessee, police mocking 60 year-old Lisa Edwards before she died in their custody. wsws.org The Knox County District Attorney's office has stated that the four officers, who have been placed on paid administrative leave, will not be criminally charged for Edwards' death.

WSWS (2023-03-02). Body camera footage shows Knoxville, Tennessee, police mocking 60-year-old Lisa Edwards before she died in their custody. wsws.org The Knox County District Attorney's office has stated that the four officers, who have been placed on paid administrative leave, will not be criminally charged for Edwards' death.

WSWS (2023-03-02). Worker in China in violent clash over unpaid wages. wsws.org Yin, who had worked at an electronics factory and not been paid, killed three people in a clash in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China.

WSWS (2023-03-02). Disco Boy: A remarkable anti-war film from Italian director Giacomo Abbruzzese. wsws.org Abbruzzese's film counters the cruelty of war with an appeal for freedom and joie de vivre.

WSWS (2023-03-02). Sri Lankan workers strike in defiance of government's essential service orders. wsws.org Wednesday's strikes and protests powerfully indicate the determination of workers to fight the government's social attacks. By contrast, the trade unions did everything they could limit to the industrial action.

Aaron Maté (2023-03-02). Seymour Hersh: US bombed Nord Stream to prolong the Ukraine proxy war. thegrayzone.com The Pulitzer-winning journalist discusses the fallout from his report exposing how the US blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipelines. Seymour Hersh joins Aaron Maté to discuss his report on how the Biden administration bombed the Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, which blew up not only a vital Russian-German infrastructure project but a key off-ramp to peace in Ukraine. Guest: Seymour Hersh. Pulitzer-winning journalist who writes at seymourhersh.substack.com/. Video: Audio:…

Global Research News (2023-03-02). Protest Movement Against Pfizer in New York City. globalresearch.ca

David Skripac (2023-03-02). Our Species Is Being Genetically Modified. Are We Witnessing Humanity's March Toward Extinction? Viruses Are Our Friends, Not Our Foes. globalresearch.ca

Catte Black (2023-03-02). "Covid Lab Leaks" and Brick Walls. globalresearch.ca

The Cradle (2023-03-02). US Lawmakers Approve Resolution to Uphold Economic Sanctions on Syria. globalresearch.ca

Mike Adams (2023-03-02). Eight Alarming Cover-ups and Contradictions in the East Palestine Train Wreck Chemical Nightmare Now Spreading Across Multiple States. globalresearch.ca

Gavin Cordon (2023-03-02). "Exterminate All Cats in Britain": Culling Pet Cats at Start of Pandemic, Says Former U.K Minister. globalresearch.ca

Middle East Eye (2023-03-02). Iran: Who Is Poisoning Hundreds of Schoolgirls? globalresearch.ca

Yves Engler (2023-03-02). Understanding the Logic of Canada Giving $2.26 Billion in Arms to Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Connor Freeman (2023-03-02). "Stop the Killing," Major Antiwar Protests Held in Germany, France, and Italy. globalresearch.ca

Ariel Dorfman (2023-03-02). Chile: In Memory of Carlos and Pinochet's Caravan of Death. globalresearch.ca

Michael Jansen (2023-03-02). Zionist Project Has Always Been Colonisation and Exclusion of Indigenous Palestinians. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Joseph Sansone (2023-03-02). Did We Just Start a Revolution? Ban the Jab Resolution. globalresearch.ca

Igor Chudov (2023-03-02). The UN Discusses Darkening the Skies to Combat Climate Change. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović (2023-03-02). Europe's Legalized Narco-State: Kosovo's "Independence" and a Greater Albania. globalresearch.ca

Kurt Nimmo (2023-03-02). The Lies of Neocon Nikki Haley. globalresearch.ca

americanthinker (2023-03-02). A reminder from a past Susan Rice of Democrats' vicious COVID lies. americanthinker.com This column from three years ago, viewed today, reveals a lot more today than Rice probably intended.

americanthinker (2023-03-02). Border surge's boom in child labor forces Biden to go after Ben and Jerry's, Target, and other wokester corporate allies. americanthinker.com Funny what open borders can do to a guy's wokester campaign contributors.

americanthinker (2023-03-02). China flicks John Kerry's greenie pleadings away, barrels ahead on coal plant construction. americanthinker.com Lurch's greenie meetings with China don't seem to have been taken seriously by the Chicoms.

americanthinker (2023-03-02). Guess who the other big loser is from Russia's Ukraine invasion… americanthinker.com Things haven't worked out quite the way China's old gray men in Beijing thought they would.

americanthinker (2023-03-02). Lori out — but will anything change? americanthinker.com Lori Lightfoot was an identity politics choice and did not really understand her job.

americanthinker (2023-03-02). Our out-of-control federal bureaucracy. americanthinker.com Congress has to do something about this crisis before it's too late.

americanthinker (2023-03-02). Pentagon Inspector General unwilling to reveal if rules monitoring Ukraine Aid were followed. americanthinker.com The notoriously corrupt Ukraine couldn't possibly be doing anything unethical with the untracked billions….

americanthinker (2023-03-02). Pete Buttigieg puffs himself up with climate-immortality afflatus. americanthinker.com Pothole Pete says his greenie climate change agenda is what he will be "remembered" for.

americanthinker (2023-03-02). Republican lawmaker in Florida offers an ingenious solution to stop the Democrats. americanthinker.com Senator Blaise Ingoglia is a hero, a comedian, and Florida Man all wrapped into one.

americanthinker (2023-03-02). When Joe Biden fails so hard that he makes Putin look good. americanthinker.com Americans are desperate for a president who loves his country, and they're starting to look for one in unexpected places.

Eva Bartlett (2023-03-01). Dr. Marwa Osman On Recent Developments in Occupied Palestine. ingaza.wordpress.com Following our mid-February conversation, I spoke again with Lebanese journalist and political commentator, Dr. Marwa Osman, about recent developments in occupied Palestine. Among the things discussed were: -The new Israeli law passed in the Knesset that legitimizes the deportation & ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by revoking their citizenship and residency. -The near-daily resistance acts against…

_____ (2023-03-01). Early "Spring Exacerbation" journal-neo.org Those who closely follow the events on the Korean peninsula know that military exercises of the United States and the Republic of Korea take place every spring. The DPRK traditionally perceives them as a rehearsal for an invasion and responds with demonstration of force. Each side declares however that in response to the provocations of …

_____ (2023-03-01). The US wants to Impose a New Economic Paradigm on the World. journal-neo.org It is "Globalization 2.0." Indeed, this is how US officials led by Katharine Tai, the US Trade Representative, define the 'new' US Economic and Trade policy. "Globalization 1.0." is said to have its limitations and that "Globalization 2.0" will overcome these limitations for Washington. In a testimony to the US Senate in March 2022, Tai …

_____ (2023-03-01). Serbia Will Regain Its Soul. strategic-culture.org How much can the dignity of a small, defiant nation that loves freedom above all else cost? | On May 31 last year, the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vuƒçiƒá, began his new five-year mandate by taking the presidential oath in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. While in a solemn atmosphere, he pronounced the text of the oath, which is precisely defined by the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, for a moment almost the whole of Serbia united around him; not only his supporters but even his bitterest political opponents. Those who did not support Vuƒçiƒ&aac…

Adriaan Alsema (2023-03-01). Colombia's army turned Medellin into murder capital of the world: CIA. colombiareports.com Colombia's army was behind the "narco-terrorism" that made Medellin the "murder capital" of the world in the 1980's, according to a declassified CIA report. The 1988 report that has been…

Alberto Medina (2023-03-01). 69 Years After Puerto Ricans Attacked Congress, Colonialism Remains the Most Violent Conspiracy. latinorebels.com Two years ago, U.S. citizens attacked the Capitol, committing a crime against their own government. Sixty-seven years before, Puerto Rican nationalists attacked the same building to denounce a crime —colonialism— committed by a government in which they had no meaningful rights or representation.

Alex Berenson (2023-03-01). mRNAs Jabs May Have Caused Tens of Millions of Serious New Health Problems Worldwide, a Huge Peer-reviewed Study Shows. globalresearch.ca

Ali Abunimah (2023-03-01). Israeli calls for genocide met with shrugs in Washington and Brussels. electronicintifada.net Senior Israeli minister calls for Huwwara to be "wiped out."

americanthinker (2023-03-01). Peculiar Case of George Santos Exhibits the Media Double-Standard. americanthinker.com Suddenly, corporate media personalities and the American left find themselves deeply concerned about lying politicians.

americanthinker (2023-03-01). A Year Later, Ukraine Still Matters. americanthinker.com A small amount to destroy the conventional capabilities of a pariah state, while not placing a single American in harm's way, seems like a wise investment.

americanthinker (2023-03-01). The Derailment of Candace Owens. americanthinker.com Candace Owens has pushed her disagreements with Donald Trump to the point of insult.

americanthinker (2023-03-01). What's the Real Reason Political Anxiety Is So High? americanthinker.com Political anxiety is already high, and it's likely to grow higher from here.

americanthinker (2023-03-01). Are we really gearing up for World War 3? americanthinker.com There's a lot of hyperventilating, but what's truly in store for us?>

americanthinker (2023-03-01). California attorney suspended for calling a male convicted child-molester…a male. americanthinker.com The convicted child-molester started calling himself a woman only after DNA evidence linked him to a previous crime.

americanthinker (2023-03-01). Chicago voters give Lightfoot the boot. americanthinker.com Good riddance to a leftist incompetent. The only question remaining is whether things will get worse or better as the runoff beckons.

americanthinker (2023-03-01). Even the WaPo scuttles 'Trump's fault' Ohio train derailment narrative. americanthinker.com Glenn Kessler,…

americanthinker (2023-03-01). Historical treasure from 1963 uncovered at a small town thrift store in Texas. americanthinker.com Discovery of a never-before-seen photograph makes the case for a traditional curriculum in education.

americanthinker (2023-03-01). In San Francisco, 3 cops serve 130,000 residents in Sunset precinct at night. americanthinker.com Good luck getting a cop in that part of town.

americanthinker (2023-03-01). Janet Yellen says federal treasury will soon take 'extraordinary measures'. americanthinker.com By that she means against the productive citizens of these United States, not our foreign dependents.

americanthinker (2023-03-01). Muslim clerics promote pedophilia over adoption. americanthinker.com A little known, though highly controversial, Islamic teaching is back in the news.

americanthinker (2023-03-01). Prominent YouTuber slammed for ableism after an act of charity cured blindness. americanthinker.com The Pharisee left announces that restorative surgery "erases the humanity" of disabled people.

americanthinker (2023-03-01). Ron DeSantis's important point about ridding ourselves of the Deep State. americanthinker.com Whoever is the next Republican president must act on his suggestion, which originated with President Trump (although I'd go further still).

americanthinker (2023-03-01). South Africa is in freefall. americanthinker.com Its decline wasn't inevitable. It stands as a warning to all Western nations about the speed with which bad (read: leftist) management will destroy a country.

americanthinker (2023-03-01). Trudeau's government calls for euthanasia program to 'treat' children with naysaying parents. americanthinker.com Medical establishments prove time and time again how easily polluted they are by leftism.

americanthinker (2023-03-01). Woke teacher stages racially repugnant exercise. americanthinker.com Ethan Hooper is very, very sorry.

americanthinker (2023-03-01). Zelensky warns skeptical Americans 'if they do not change their opinion' they can expect to send their sons and daughters to die for Ukraine. americanthinker.com He doesn't know us very well, does he?>

Amy Goodman (2023-03-01). Conservative Supreme Court Justices Question Biden's Student Debt Plan. truthout.org The Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in two challenges to the Biden administration's student debt relief plan, which could give tens of millions of federal borrowers up to $20,000 of relief. During arguments, several conservative justices expressed skepticism over the Biden administration's student debt relief plan, while liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor blasted the Republican states who… |

Ana Vraƒçar, People's Dispatch. (2023-03-01). One Year Of Baby Formula Shortage In The United States. popularresistance.org Baby formula supplies in the United States are still fluctuating, a full year after the closure of one of Abbott Nutrition's factories in February 2022. At the beginning of this year, forecasts by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and industry rivals predicted that stocks could reach pre-shortage levels in spring 2023. Yet, while the situation has improved in comparison to May or June 2022, many parents and caregivers continue to report difficulties in finding the right type of infant formula—or any type of formula at all. | According to the US Census Bureau Household Pulse Survey, 1.9 million househol…

Andrew Wright (2023-03-01). Michigan's Song of Ice and Fire: Power failures and toxic waste plagues. peoplesworld.org DETROIT—Last week was an eventful one in the state of Michigan. It all started with a "rare" ice storm that rolled through on Wednesday and left over 700,000 residents without power. Although most of those Michiganders lost power during the storm, the aftershocks were still being felt the morning after when even more people were …

Ann Brown (2023-03-01). Hampton University Alumnus Calvin Butts Jr Is Becoming A Private Equity Mogul: 5 Things to Know. moguldom.com Correction: An earlier version of this article contained errors regarding the father of Calvin Butts Jr. Calvin Butts Jr., a Hampton University alumnus, is well on his way to becoming a private equity and real estate mogul. Butts credits going to Hampton, one of the country's Historically Black College and Universities, for leading him toward …

Ann Brown (2023-03-01). Genealogists: President Joe Biden Is From Slavemaking Family, Has Links To Slave Owners. moguldom.com Since taking office in 2020, President Joe Biden seems to be dodging the issue of reparations for the ancestors of former slaves. Even the revelation in 2021 that he comes from a family of slavemakers hasn't pushed him toward aggressively promoting reparations. In 2021, genealogists reportedly found evidence that Biden's paternal colonial ancestors owned slaves. West Virginia-based …

Ann Brown (2023-03-01). Genealogists: President Joe Biden Is From Slavemaking Family, Has Links To Slaveowners. moguldom.com Since taking office in 2020, President Joe Biden seems to be dodging the issue of reparations for the ancestors of former slaves. Even the revelation in 2021 that he comes from a family of slavemakers hasn't pushed him toward aggressively promoting reparations. In 2021, genealogists reportedly found evidence that Biden's paternal colonial ancestors owned slaves. West Virginia-based …

Ann Brown (2023-03-01). NYC Mayor Cop Eric Adams: I Walk with God, Don't Tell Me About No Church and State. moguldom.com It seems New York City Mayor Eric Adams doesn't like the governmental separation of church and state. On Feb. 28, Adams called out the separation of church and state while also praising prayer in schools at an annual breakfast of faith-based leaders in Manhattan. The Bill of Rights guarantees the separation of church and state, …

Anonymous103 (2023-03-01). Dozens Of Drones Targeted Crimea. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On the night of March 1, ten unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down over the Crimean peninsula. The attempt of a massive UAV attack on Crimea was confirmed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation."An attempt by the Kiev regime to conduct a massive drone attack on the objects of the Crimean Peninsula has been prevented. Six Ukrainian unmanned strike vehicles were shot down by air defense and four more Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were disabled by electronic warfare. The…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-01). Military Situation In Donbass On March 1, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Clashes between Russian forces and the AFU continue in Bakhmut and its outskirts; | Russian troops have expanded the control zone in the north of Bakhmut; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in dachas district near Ugledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in the town of Mariinka; | Artillery duels between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova; | Up to 150 Ukrainian servicemen, 4 armored veh…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-01). Military Situation In Iraq On March 1, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On February 27, Turkish drones targeted a car in the Khana Sor area near Sinjar town. PàÆr àáeko, commander of the PMU 80th Brigade along and two fighters were killed; | On March 1, Turkish drones targeted a car in Sinjar town. A YBS commander reportedly was killed; | On February 28, Iraqi Defense Minister Thabit Mohammad Saeed Reza met with Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, President of Iran, Major General Hossein Salami, Commander of the IRGC in Tehran. | MORE ON THE…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-01). Military Situation In Syria On March 1, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-03-01). Military Situation In Ukraine On March 1, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russian forces destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Kherson with high-precision missiles; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Sinkovka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Nevskoye; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Mariinka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Ugledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army…

Anonymous103 (2023-03-01). Russian A-50U AWACS In Belarus Was Not Damaged. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On February 26, some media reported drone attack on the Machulishchi airfield located near Minsk. Some sources belonging to the Belarusian opposition claimed that as a result of the attack, the AWACS A-50U of the Russian Aerospace Forces was damaged. On February 29, the satellite imagery showing the airfield was released. It showed no damage to the…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-01). In Video: Russian Orion Drone Strikes Command & Control Center Of Kiev Forces. southfront.org Source: mk.ru | On February 28, the Russian Ministry of Defense released video footage documenting a recent attack by an Orion combat drone on a command and control center of Kiev forces in the special military operation zone in Ukraine. | The footage shows the drone being prepared for the mission by ground crews, as well as the aftermath of the pinpoint strike. | The drone targeted the center with a X-BPLA missile, an air-launched version of the Kornet-D anti-tank laser-guided missile. The specifications of the new…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-01). ISIS Landmines Kill Ten Truffle Hunters, Wound 12 Others In Syria's Hama (Photos). southfront.org

Anonymous669 (2023-03-01). Israel Threatens Syria Over Hezbollah Deployment At Former Russian Intelligence Base In Daraa. southfront.org File image. | On February 28, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) warned the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) against allowing Lebanon's Hezbollah to establish a presence on the strategic Tell al-Hara hilltop in leaflets which were dropped over the southern Syrian governorates of Daraa and al-Qunitra. | Tell al-Hara, which is located in the western Daraa countryside, hosts a large signal intelligence base that was once operated by the Russian Main Intelligence Directorate, commonly known by its previous abbreviation GRU,…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-01). Russia's Lavrov Discussed Turkish-Syrian Normalization Process With Cavusoglu In India. southfront.org Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu. Source: the Anadolu Agency. | Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov discussed the Turkish-Syrian normalization process with his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu on the sidelines of the G20 foreign ministers meeting in India's capital New Delhi, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced on March 1. | The normalization process between Ankara and Damascus gained momentum last December, when the defense ministers…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-01). Senior Al-Qaeda Leader Killed In Suspected U.S. Drone Strike On Yemen. southfront.org A MQ-9 Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle prepares to land after a mission in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Brian Ferguson) | A senior Saudi leader of al-Qaeda was killed along with his bodyguard in a recent suspected United States drone strike on Yemen, security and local government sources told AFP on March 1. | A security official identified the leader for the news agency as Hamad bin Hamoud al-Tamimi, who is also known as Abdulaziz al-Adnani. On Fe…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-01). Ten Syrian Soldiers, Three Howitzers Lost In Northern Lattakia HTS Raid (Photos, Videos). southfront.org File image. | Ten soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army were allegedly killed on February 26 when militants of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the de-facto ruler of the Greater Idlib region, raided a military position in the northern countryside of Lattakia. | The position in question is located on Taurus mountain near the town of Rabia. HTS militants, who were armed with thermal sights, raided the position in the early morning hours. The terrorist group claimed that three 152 mm howitzers were als…

Anonymous669 (2023-03-01). Turkish Drone Strike Leaves Two Yazidi Fighters Dead In Northern Iraq. southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Source: fb.com/KURDISTAN.CT | On March 1, two personnel of the Sinjar Resistance Units (YBS), a Yazidi armed faction affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), were killed in a Turkish drone strike on Iraq's northern region. | The deadly drone strike was carried out in the district of Sinjar, one of the few heartlands of the non-Muslim Yazidi minority in Iraq."A Turkish combat drone targeted a car carrying a security official and his bodyguard" in the town o…

Arnold August, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-03-01). The War In Ukraine Is Part Of The Labor Pains Of A World That Will Emerge. popularresistance.org As many heads of state and prime ministers ponder the war in Ukraine, I call attention to one head of state, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. In a January 1, 2023 interview with Franco-Spanish journalist and author Ignacio Ramonet, President Maduro said, "The war in Ukraine is part of the labor pains of a world that will emerge." Here is his full commentary on the international situation. | "The world is undoubtedly in a very difficult situation, we are experiencing the pains of giving birth to a different world. We have always advocated the construction of a pluripolar, multicentric world, with different pol…

Arnold August (2023-03-01). President Maduro: 'The War in Ukraine Is Part of the Labor Pains of a World That Will Emerge,' a Geopolitical and Historical Analysis. orinocotribune.com By Arnold August — Feb 27, 2023 | As many heads of state and prime ministers ponder the war in Ukraine, I call attention to one head of state, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. In a January 1, 2023 interview with Franco-Spanish journalist and author Ignacio Ramonet, President Maduro said, "The war in Ukraine is part of the labor pains of a world that will emerge." Here is his full commentary on the international situation. | "The world is undoubtedly in a very difficult situation, we are experiencing the pains of giving birth to a different world. We have always advocated the construction of a pluripolar,…

Barry Sheppard (2023-03-01). United States ramps up threats against China, Russia. greenleft.org.au What began as an overblown diplomatic response by Washington to a Chinese surveillance balloon that drifted across the continental United States, before being shot down over the Atlantic Ocean, has morphed into a major confrontation, writes Barry Sheppard.

Bill Scheuerman, Sid Plotkin (2023-03-01). Class and Diversity in the Left. dissidentvoice.org A recent expose in the New York Times documenting how U.S. corporations exploit migrant children sheds light on a crucial issue facing the American Left. Nowadays, many left activists rightly focus on identity politics. To them, diversity is the order of the day. No argument here. Years ago, Richard Penniman, aka Little Richard, put it clearly: diversity is …

Binoy Kampmark (2023-03-01). Corrupt and fraudulent: Laying bare the Adani Group. greenleft.org.au A two-year investigation by Hindenbug Research found evidence that Indian conglomerate Adani Group had engaged in a brazen stock manipulation and accounting fraud scheme over decades. Binoy Kampmark reports.

Birrion Sondahl (2023-03-01). Socialism Works and History Proves It. realprogressives.org If capitalism were so successful at eliminating poverty, the United States today should be a paradise on earth.

Brandon Jourdan (2023-03-01). The people vs. capital: French strikes against Macron's pension reforms continue. therealnews.com

Brenda Ryan (2023-03-01). New York City: Brigadistas report on inspiring experiences in Cuba. workers.org Members of the New York/New Jersey Committee of the Venceremos Brigade gave moving accounts of their experiences on the 51st Venceremos Brigade in Cuba at a Feb. 26 hybrid meeting at the Solidarity Center in New York. Yohana Beyene said one of the highlights was learning about Cuba's new Family . . . |

Britni Cuington (2023-03-01). Let's Get Broadband Done the Right Way. otherwords.org I'm a proud Air Force veteran. But in the service, I had little to no say over the decisions made for myself or my team. I knew that when I left the military, my next job would be a union job. | Now I've worked as a union broadband technician for seven years. I get a voice at work and everything I need to provide the best service on every assignment. And I'm paid a quality wage for the education, training, and skill that I bring to do each job correctly and safely. | However, more and more of my job has become cleaning up the messes of untrained, low-wage contractors. | Telecommunications companies are hiring mor…

Brittani Banks (2023-03-01). The Deafening Silence of Intellectuals in the Face of Growing Global Conflicts. independentmediainstitute.org This article was produced by Globetrotter. Boaventura de Sousa Santos is the emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Coimbra in Portugal. His most recent book is Decolonizing the University: The Challenge of Deep Cognitive Justice. Intellectuals do not have a monopoly on culture, on values, or on truth, much less on the meanings attributed to …

cameron orr (2023-03-01). Don't miss March 8th International Women's Day event. cpusa.org As the Supreme Court embraces a false "color blind" approach to addressing systemic and individual racism— including attacks on affirmative action in schools and the workplace, and while 35 states are attempting to legislate reality out of how Black history, race, gender, and other aspects of Black folks' lives are taught, African American women …

Chris Walker (2023-03-01). Critics Decry "Fascist" GOP Bill That Would Dismantle Florida Democratic Party. truthout.org A Republican lawmaker in Florida has proposed a bill that would effectively dismantle the Democratic Party, a move that would disenfranchise millions of voters in the state. Senate Bill 1248, sponsored by Republican state Senator Blaise Ingoglia, is titled "The Ultimate Cancel Act," a reference to right-wing grievances about so-called cancel culture. The bill doesn't mention the Democratic Party… |

Chris Walker (2023-03-01). Iowa Republicans Propose Amendment That Would Ban Same-Sex Marriages. truthout.org Republican lawmakers in Iowa have submitted a proposal for a constitutional amendment in the state that would bar the recognition of marriage rights for same-sex couples. The amendment, which was submitted this week, would only affect marriage rights in the state of Iowa and would not supersede federal marriage equality protections that have been in place since the Obergefell v. |

Chris Walker (2023-03-01). Trump Supporters Reportedly Banned from DeSantis Book Signing. truthout.org Supporters of former President Donald Trump are accusing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) of being anti-free speech after security at a mall where DeSantis was doing a book signing instructed them to disperse. DeSantis, who is seen as a potential challenger to Trump for the Republican nomination for president in 2024, signed autographs for his new book at a mall in Leesburg, Florida, on Tuesday. |

Clive Stafford Smith (2023-03-01). Guantanamo: Freed After 20 Years Without Charge. A Beautiful Moment, a New Start. globalresearch.ca

Damien de Pyle (2023-03-01). Australian army's torture resistance course breaches human rights. greenleft.org.au Elite soldiers in the Australian army are still asked to participate in a "Conduct After Capture" course, which uses torture, sexual assault and dehumanisation techniques. Damien de Pyle argues it breaches human rights and must be abandoned.

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-01). The Wealthy Are Buying Up Properties, Profiting From Housing Recession And Shortages. moguldom.com As labor continued its shift to remote work and property prices crashed in the covid bust, wealthy investors in 2022 were the most active buyers of commercial property and they paid cash for almost a third of U.S. homes purchased. The housing market is in a recession, and all-cash offers continue as a way to sidestep …

Dana Sanchez (2023-03-01). After Mass Layoffs, Goldman Sachs Plans To Staff Up For Its Blockchain Platform. moguldom.com Goldman Sachs, the second-largest investment bank in the world by revenue, laid off about 3,200 people in January but is ready to hire more staff this year in its digital asset division to explore blockchain applications. Mathew McDermott, head of Goldman's digital asset division, said in a Bloomberg interview his team is open to growing …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-01). Moscow Blames Ukraine for a Series of Drone Attacks Inside Russia. news.antiwar.com Russian authorities on Tuesday reported a series of Ukrainian drone attacks across the country, including one that fell within 60 miles southeast of Moscow, hundreds of miles from the Ukrainian border. A Russian official said the Ukrainian drone near Moscow attempted to target a gas facility. According to pictures of the wreckage, it was a …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-01). Stoltenberg Reaffirms Pledge That Ukraine Will Eventually Join NATO. news.antiwar.com NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg reaffirmed on Tuesday that the alliance wants to eventually admit Ukraine, a promise first made in 2008 that was a major motive in Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to launch the war. "NATO allies have agreed that Ukraine will become a member of our alliance, but at the same time that …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-01). House Overwhelmingly Approves Resolution to Maintain Syria Sanctions After Earthquake. news.antiwar.com The House this week voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution to maintain sanctions on Syria following a devastating earthquake that has killed at least 5,900 people in the country, The Cradle reported on Wednesday. The resolution was introduced by Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) and received 51 cosponsors. It passed in a vote of 414-2. …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-01). US Airstrike Against al-Qaeda Reported in Yemen. news.antiwar.com A suspected US airstrike hit Yemen's Maarib province, AFP reported Wednesday, citing sources in the Saudi-backed Yemeni government. The sources claimed the strike hit a house in Maarib and killed a senior leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), Hamad bin Hamoud al-Tamimi, and his Yemeni bodyguard. The sources said Tamimi, also known as …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-01). US Intel Report Says 'Havana Syndrome' Not Caused By Foreign Weapon. news.antiwar.com A US intelligence report has concluded that headaches and other symptoms US diplomats have said they experienced, known as "Havana Syndrome," is not the work of a hostile foreign power using a mysterious energy weapon. US diplomats in Cuba first reported the symptoms, but other US government employees deployed in other countries later said they …

Dave DeCamp (2023-03-01). Zelensky Advisor Says Ukrainian Forces Might Pull Out of Bakhmut. news.antiwar.com An economic advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Wednesday that Ukrainian forces might pull out of the eastern city of Bakhmut, where they have been taking heavy losses. "Our military is obviously going to weigh all of the options. So far, they've held the city, but if need be, they will strategically pull back," …

Dave Welsh (2023-03-01). Transatlantic labor solidarity with Mumia Abu-Jamal. workers.org Credit: NUMSA A South Africa labor meeting to build solidarity for Mumia Abu-Jamal was held in Durban, South Africa, during the last week of January 2023. This picture was taken in Johannesburg at the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) headquarters during the meeting. South Africa's largest union . . . |

David Giesen (2023-03-01). Saturday 3/4: Why Natalie Baszile has it right with Sugar Queen: a walking tour. indybay.org American Youth Hostel | 312 Mason Street | San Francisco | (meet in the lobby)…

Dennis Broe (2023-03-01). Diana Dors v. Marilyn Monroe: Class, crime, and the 'Blonde Bombshell'. peoplesworld.org She was called "The British Marilyn Monroe," but in fact, in very telling ways, their paths and personas were quite diverse. The difference conveys some important truths about Diana Dors's society of Britain, one that was more class-based, and Marilyn's America, hell-bent in the 1950s on erasing any traces of class consciousness. Both came to …

Domenica Ghanem (2023-03-01). This Women's History Month, We Won't Renegotiate Our Place in the Economy. otherwords.org A lot has changed since 2011, the year I graduated high school. Tiktok was invented, there are now 12 Kardashian grandchildren, and I'm about to turn 30. But some things never change. | Back then, at the height of the Tea Party era, conservative Republicans

Drago Bosnic (2023-03-01). Serbia Dangerously Close to Capitulation. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). Carriers flying more planes to tap demand surge. ecns.cn With China's easing of entry restrictions, the global air travel market is on track to further recovery and more carriers plan to resume flights or boost frequencies.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). Canton Fair ready to go back offline after 3 years. ecns.cn Businesses and government organizations are increasingly confident of boosting trade and commercial activities during the upcoming China Import and Export Fair, as the trade event is scheduled to fully resume its offline activities in April.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). China-Myanmar cross-border trade through Nongdao checkpoint reaches $21.66 mln. ecns.cn In January and February of 2023, the import and export volume at the Nongdao passage on the China-Myanmar border in Ruili, south China's Yunnan Province, reached 80,000 tons, with the total trade volume hitting 150 million yuan (about $21.66 mln), said the Ruili entry-exit frontier inspection station on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). Thai students study high-speed rail technologies in Guangxi. ecns.cn A batch of Thai students started their training courses on high-speed rail technologies such as mechanical maintenance and gauge measurement at Liuzhou Railway Vocational Technical College in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, hoping to contribute to Thailand's railway construction.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). Xi congratulates Christodoulides on assuming Cypriot presidency. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday congratulated Nikos Christodoulides on assuming office as the president of Cyprus.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). Australian tourism head departs on China visit. ecns.cn Tourism Australia (TA) has launched a campaign for the growth of the country's number one tourism market — China.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). Digital China seen spurring economy. ecns.cn China's latest efforts to promote the country's digital development are expected to lay a solid foundation for long-term economic growth, bolster digital transformation and upgrade of industries, and enhance the country's core global competitiveness.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). Survey shows mainland market attractive to international citizens. ecns.cn This proportion ranks among the highest across the nine host locations surveyed, demonstrating that the Chinese mainland market is attractive to international citizens.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). Chinese scientists provide new method to monitor CO2 emissions from power plants. ecns.cn Chinese scientists have developed a new approach to estimate carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants, which offers further insight on carbon reduction, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). China's economic activity continues to improve. ecns.cn China's economic activity expanded for a second straight month in February, data from the National Bureau of Statistic showed on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). China fiscal revenue set to improve. ecns.cn China's fiscal revenue is expected to improve as the economy will rebound this year, laying a good foundation for fiscal revenue growth, China's Finance Minister Liu Kun said at a news conference in Beijing, on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). China to launch large-scale model systems amid ChatGPT boom. ecns.cn China launched FlagOpen, one of the first large-scale model open-source systems, on Tuesday amid a boom in popularity of ChatGPT, with an aim of driving the country's artificial intelligence development for more "phenomenal" applications.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). China's local government debt remains low. ecns.cn China's overall local government debt ratio remains relatively low and faces no problem of defusing systematic risks, China's Finance Minister Liu Kun said at a news conference in Beijing, on Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). China's non-manufacturing PMI up in February. ecns.cn The purchasing managers' index (PMI) for China's non-manufacturing sector came in at 56.3 in February, up from 54.4 in January, the National Bureau of Statistics said Wednesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). Death toll from train collision in central Greece rises to 26. ecns.cn At least 26 people were killed and 85 others injured when a passenger and cargo train collided in central Greece late Tuesday night, national broadcaster ERT reported.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). Hong Kong lifts mask mandate from March 1. ecns.cn Hong Kong lifted a mask mandate from March 1, bracing for normal life and boosting economic recovery in the city.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). Beijing records zero mother-to-child AIDS transmission for 5 years. ecns.cn There have been no mother-to-child AIDS transmission in Beijing for five years, the local health authority announced with the expectation that this trend will continue into 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). World's largest tower crane put into construction in Jiangsu. ecns.cn The world's largest tower crane, XFT15000-600S, has a maximum lifting height of 400 meters and a maximum lifting weight of 600 ton.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). U.S. urged to stop sowing confusion, trying to mislead the world on Taiwan. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). Intoxicating scenery of tea garden with blooming peach blossoms. ecns.cn Intoxicating scenery of tea garden with blooming peach blossoms in Zhaoping County of Hezhou City, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). Train collision in Greece kills at least 26. ecns.cn At least 26 people were killed and 85 others injured when a passenger and a cargo train collided in central Greece late Tuesday night.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). China-Laos Railway operator asked to prepare for influx of tourists. ecns.cn Lao Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone has asked the Laos-China Railway Co., Ltd. (LCRC) to improve facilities and other services offered by the railway, to get ready to embrace an influx of tourists.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). China-built luxury cruise ship to set sail. ecns.cn The world's first large-capacity battery hybrid propulsion and two-way navigation luxury Ropax ship was delivered in Guangzhou, capital of the southern province of Guangdong on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-03-01). New record in Asia! 53-day-old baby girl in China undergoes heart transplant successfully. ecns.cn The multidisciplinary team of Wuhan Union Hospital successfully performed a heart transplant on a baby girl who was only 53 days old and weighed 3.9 kilograms, Wuhan Union Hospital announced on Tuesday.

Ed Rampell (2023-03-01). Film Review: 'Ithaka' Makes a Personal Appeal to Free Assange. progressive.org Produced by the WikiLeaks founder's half brother, the documentary offers a close-up look at one of the world's most famous political prisoners.

Esther Schrader (2023-03-01). 'Day of Reckoning': Nikole Hannah-Jones among speakers at Alabama conference on Black women's health disparities. splcenter.org

F. Douglas Stephenson (2023-03-01). End the "Citizens United" Ruling with a "Democracy for All Amendment" juancole.com Gainesville, Fl. (Special to Informed Comment) — In the United States government has been privatized by the Citizens United ruling of the SCOTUS. Government is now really up for sale and auctioned off to the highest campaign contributors.The Supreme Court 'Citizen's United' decision opened the floodgates for big money in our politics, allowing giant corporations …

Fayha Shalash (2023-03-01). After Helping Earthquake Victims, This Palestinian Was Killed by an Israeli Rampage. globalresearch.ca

Fight Back (2023-03-01). Join your local International Women's Day event! fightbacknews.org Fight Back! has collected a partial list of International Women's Day marches, events and celebrations that members of Freedom Road Socialist Organization are helping to build and lead. We encourage you to find the event nearest to you and attend. | | Eastern Time Zone | New York City, NY | Sturday, March 11, 3: 00pm | Barclays Center, 620 Atlantic, Ave, Brooklyn, NY | A demonstration against sexual assault and mistreatment of women by the NYPD. Organized by New York Community Action Project (NYCAP)…

Franc Contreras (2023-03-01). China ramps up investment in Mexico. america.cgtn.com In the wake of renewed tensions between the U.S. and China, Chinese and American companies are adjusting their delivery strategies. Mexico has looked at how it can set up more business opportunities with Mexico. Here's more.

G. Dunkel (2023-03-01). Step by step — U.S. tries to justify intervention into Haiti. workers.org Students make their way past a police barricade of burning tires in Port-au-Prince this year. The media attention is focused elsewhere. Ukraine and China are still of prime concern for President Joe Biden's administration and its allies and competitors, the leaders of the world's imperialist powers. But the U.S. has . . . |

Gabriel Vera Lopes (2023-03-01). Understand Cuba's upcoming National Assembly elections. peoplesdispatch.org On March 26, 470 deputies will be elected to Cuba's National Assembly of People's Power, the country's highest political body, for a five-year term. These elections will see record participation of young, black and women candidates. | The election campaigns on the island are not in the form of propaganda, as in capitalist countries. There are no smiling billboards in the streets, no advertising full of promises. In the weeks leading up to the elections, the candidates visit neighborhoods, workplaces, and student centers, where assemblies are called and organized for exchange with the population. In these public m…

Gideon Polya (2023-03-01). Zionists Attack Palestinian Writers and Australian Free Speech. dissidentvoice.org The acclaimed Palestinian writers Susan Abulhawa and Mohammed El-Kurd were invited to the Adelaide Writers' Festival, South Australia, but have encountered a storm of false defamation from Zionists, pro-Zionist Mainstream media and pro-Zionist politicians. Susan Abulhawa has also been falsely defamed for her humane, pro-peace views on the appalling Ukraine War. The eminent anti-racist Jewish …

Gord Parks (2023-03-01). CBC Building in Toronto Plastered with Suspected Vaccine Injuries and Deaths. globalresearch.ca

hrupdateadmin (2023-03-01). Law Pod UK latest episode: The Environmental Minimum with Dr Stefan Theil. ukhumanrightsblog.com In episode 180 of Law Pod UK, Lucy McCann speaks to Dr Stefan Theil, the John Thornley Fellow and Director of Studies in Law at Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge, about what role the law can play in tackling the climate crisis. Dr Theil discusses the framework and central argument in his recent book …

imperial.ac.uk (2023-03-01). Woodcocks have the brightest white feathers ever measured. imperial.ac.uk The mainly brown woodcock uses its bright white tail feathers to communicate in semi-darkness, reflecting 30% more light than any other known bird.

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-03-01). International Women's Month and the importance of study and revolution. anchor.fm In this episode, we talk about the sham holiday known as women's month or whatever bullshit it is called in the states, and the difference between this and international working women's day that was established in the Soviet union. We also talk about the importance of study and understanding history as an active force in our daily struggle, as well as the importance of organizing with education for the sake of taking practical and realistic steps towards revolution. Please let me know what you think!

infobrics (2023-03-01). BRICS Looks to Bring in Iran and Saudi Arabia. infobrics.org BRICS group of nations has started to debate the inclusion of two new nations, Iran and Saudi Arabia, into their global bloc…

infobrics (2023-03-01). China-South Africa People-to-People Exchanges on Fast Track. infobrics.org People-to-people exchanges between South Africa and China have gained new momentum as the two countries have recently co-hosted the third meeting of the South Africa-China High-level People-To-People Exchange Mechanism, during which new cooperation agreements have been signed…

infobrics (2023-03-01). India Steel Imports from Russia Rise to Eight-year High. infobrics.org India's imports of Russian steel rose to an eight-year high during the first 10 months of the financial year that began in April 2022, government data compiled by Reuters showed…

infobrics (2023-03-01). Ukraine might stage false flag operation using chemical weapons. infobrics.org The objective would be to blame the Russian side, thus damaging Moscow's image among public opinion.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-01). A Strong, Fair and Sovereign Brazil is an Essential Force for World Peace. libya360.wordpress.com Fiona EdwardsThe recent election of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva at the end of 2022 represents a significant victory for the people of Brazil and for progressive forces throughout Latin America and across the world. What are the prospects for Lula's Presidency domestically and internationally? What changes can we expect? I interviewed Elias Jabbour, Professor…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-01). African Union Under Western Pressure. libya360.wordpress.com Oleg Pavlov On February 23, the UN General Assembly voted on another anti-Russian resolution on Ukraine, which was pathetically titled "Principles of the Charter of the United Nations underlying a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine." Russia, as in the spring of last year, was condemned by 141 states. However, 24 African countries out…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-01). Does it Have to Take a War? libya360.wordpress.com Seymour Hersh President John F. Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in Vienna, 1961. / NATIONAL ARCHIVES There is an inevitable gap between what a president tells us about a war—even a proxy war—and the reality on the ground. It is true today as Joe Biden struggles for public support for the war in Ukraine,…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-01). Fred M'membe: It's the US, Not China, that Threatens African Sovereignty. libya360.wordpress.com In this powerful interview on BreakThrough News, Fred M'membe (leader of the Socialist Party of Zambia) explodes the myth of Chinese colonialism in Zambia. He states: "China has never threatened our independence. We've never been subjected to any form of mistreatment or exploitation by China, but we can't say the same about the US." M'membe recalls…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-01). Lessons Not Learned from the Pentagon Papers. libya360.wordpress.com Alfred de Zayas In June 1971, at the height of the Vietnam War, a US government military analyst with the Rand Corporation and senior research associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr. Daniel Ellsberg[1], released to the New York Times and Washington Post what became known as the "Pentagon Papers", 47 volumes of confidential…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-01). No, the Latin American Map is Not Dyed in Red. libya360.wordpress.com Katu Arkonada After Lula's victory in the second round on October 30 in Brazil, social networks were flooded with maps showing almost all of Latin America dyed red, in a sort of second wave of the Latin American progressive cycle that began in 1999 with the inauguration of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, followed by Lula…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-01). Signs of Political Evolution: A Refreshing Post-Partisan "Rage Against the War Machine" Rally. libya360.wordpress.com Diane Perlman, PhD It's not about right and left. It's about life and death. Author's Comment: For a video of these ideas go here rumble.com/v2b68ws-rage-against-the-war-machine-diane-perlman-report.html. My presentation on "The New View," a group of Baby Boomer, lifelong activist women who meet regularly and present our work. "We are evolving out of immature partisan divisions and going to…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-01). The Ukraine Conflict: The Responsibility of the Rulers. libya360.wordpress.com Thierry Meyssan Before coming to Kiev, President Joe Biden sought assurances from Russia that it would not bomb his special train. The Atlantic Alliance magnifies Ukraine on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Russian military intervention on its territory. Before our very eyes, we see it resorting to the most deceptive propaganda, handling…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-03-01). The West Papua Independence Movement is Making Itself Heard. libya360.wordpress.com Petr Konovalov On February 8, 2023 a plane belonging to the Indonesian airline Susi Air landed in the mountainous province of Papua Pegunungan, which is located in the Indonesian part of the New Guinea island. Soon, the six passengers of the plane and its pilot, New Zealander Philip Mertens, were taken hostage by members of…

Isheka N. Harrison (2023-03-01). Highlights from Southern California Faith Leaders Reparations Roundtable. moguldom.com Over 100 faith leaders, reparations activists and community leaders from across California converged at Loveland Church — Fontana for the inaugural "Southern California Faith Leaders Reparations Roundtable" on Feb. 11. Attendees and speakers alike spoke highly of the event organized by the Freedmen Ignited Reparations Project. Juanita Watson, affectionately known as Nita, is the president of Freedmen …

It's Going Down (2023-03-01). Cities Across the US Take Part in 'Week of Action' Against Cop City. itsgoingdown.org Over the past week, dozens of cities across the so-called US took part in the recent week of action in solidarity with Tortuguita and the ongoing struggle to stop Cop City and defend the Weelaunee Forest. This out-pouring of solidarity has been amazing to see, both from the wider autonomous movement and even mainstream environmental…

It's Going Down (2023-03-01). In Memory of the Unyielding Anarchist Rebel, Librado Rivera. itsgoingdown.org

J.D. Tuccille (2023-03-01). SCOTUS Says Domestic Spying Is Too Secret to be Challenged in Court. globalresearch.ca

Jake Johnson (2023-03-01). Chicago Picks Progressive to Take On School Privatizer in Mayoral Runoff. truthout.org Chicago voters rejected Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot's bid for a second term on Tuesday, elevating progressive Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson to face conservative candidate Paul Vallas — an ardent school privatization advocate — in an April 4 runoff. Johnson, a longtime educator and organizer, advanced to the runoff with roughly 20% of the vote after a grassroots campaign centered on… |

Jamie Gorman (2023-03-01). How to beat the 'fracking frenzy'—lessons from the campaign that ended fracking in Ireland. nationofchange.org "We want to make the government listen to the community, who for over a decade now have been saying that fracking is not safe, not trusted, not wanted in the territory."

Jason Ditz (2023-03-01). IAEA Iran Report: Inspectors Find Some 83.7% Enriched Uranium Particles. news.antiwar.com A new International Atomic Energy Agency report was leaked on Tuesday, stating that IAEA inspectors That last part is important, as the weapons grade enrichment level is 90%, meaning there is still no weapons threat. | Efforts are being made to explain the new particles. Iran has suggested they accidentall…

Jason Ditz (2023-03-01). US Official Falsely Claims Iran Is 12 Days From Nuke Material Production. news.antiwar.com Speaking to the US House Armed Services Committee, Undersecretary of Defense Kahl claims that Iran's enrichment capacity has increased sufficiently over the course of the past five years — since the US abandoned the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, aka the "Iran nuclear deal" — to reduce that timeline from more like a year, and regrets that the JCP…

Jennifer Sherer, Margaret Poydock, Economic Policy Institute. (2023-03-01). Flexible Work Without Exploitation. popularresistance.org Digital platform companies like Uber, Lyft, Instacart, and DoorDash are waging increasingly aggressive campaigns to erode long-standing labor rights and consumer protections in states across the country. Though they rely on the labor of millions of workers to provide their services, platform companies have established a business model on the premise that they employ no one. This business model has been built by denying workers fundamental rights and protections through outright refusal to follow existing laws, widespread misclassification of workers as "independent contractors," payment of subminimum wages, and s…

Jim Hightower (2023-03-01). Before Norfolk Southern Poisoned Ohio, It Poisoned the Statehouse. otherwords.org "The Wreck of the Old 97" is a classic bluegrass song recounting Fully 120 years later we have the "Wreck of the Norfolk Southern" — a devastating crash caused by the company's demand that it be allowed to run an ill-equipped, understaffed, largely unregulated, 1.7 mile train carrying flammable, cancer-causing toxins through communities, putting profit over people and public safety. | This rolling bomb of…

John Bachtell (2023-03-01). Chicago mayoral runoff: Choice between progress or racial division. peoplesworld.org The Chicago mayoral race heads to an April 4 runoff between Cook County Commissioner and former Chicago Teachers Union leader Brandon Johnson and former Chicago Public Schools (CPS) CEO Paul Vallas. The contest offers voters a clear choice between two vastly different visions for the city. One is of a people-centered equitable democratic city and …

John Catalinotto (2023-03-01). Biden's war drive fuels resistance. workers.org In the week of the first anniversary of the U.S./NATO proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, the Biden administration has taken or announced steps to prolong that war and risk its escalation. The corporate media has parroted and amplified every government announcement. And the antiwar movement began to respond. 'Peace,' . . . |

John Feffer (2023-03-01). Can the World Save the World? fpif.org The United Nations has convened 27 conferences on climate change. For nearly three decades, the international community has come together at a different location every year to pool its collective wisdom, resources, and resolve to address this global threat. These Conferences of Parties (COPs) have produced important agreements, such as the Paris Accords of 2015 on the reduction of carbon emissions and most recently at Sharm el-Sheikh a Loss & Damage Fund to help countries currently experiencing the most impact from climate change. | And yet the threat of climate change has only grown larger. In 2022, carbon emiss…

Jonathan Cook (2023-03-01). How Social Networks Became a 'Subsidiary' of the FBI and CIA. globalresearch.ca

Jordan Schachtel (2023-03-01). Zelensky, Not Putin, Is Increasingly Threatened by the Prospect of a Palace Coup. globalresearch.ca

Joshua Frank (2023-03-01). Nuclear Armageddon Games in Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Justin Podur (2023-03-01). Asking the Oppressed To Be Nonviolent Is an Impossible Standard That Ignores History. orinocotribune.com By Justin Podur — Feb 17, 2023 | In January 2023, after five police officers

Kathy Durkin (2023-03-01). Right-wing attack blocks donations to solidarity groups. workers.org The statement below was issued by Alliance for Global Justice Feb. 14. This is an emergency! Alliance for Global Justice and our fiscally sponsored projects are under attack by right-wing media. They're doing their best to intimidate and silence us in order to neutralize our effectiveness in growing and supporting . . . |

Kerry Smith (2023-03-01). Macquarie's statue must tell the truth, activist says. greenleft.org.au Activist Stephen Langford has been banned from the Sydney CBD after placing an A4 sheet, with blue tack, quoting Governor Lachlan Macquarie onto his statue in Hyde Park. Kerry Smith reports.

Kevin Gosztola (2023-03-01). March To Iraq War, 20 Years Later: March 1, 2003. thedissenter.org The Dissenter Newsletter recalls each day in the timeline of events that led up to the US invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, twenty years ago…

Khalil Bendib (2023-03-01). Cartoon: The Other Palestinians. otherwords.org

Leanna First-Arai (2023-03-01). Billions Are Available to Tackle Environmental Racism. Where Is the Money Going? truthout.org Two years after President Biden's bold commitment to center under-resourced communities and racial justice in curbing the climate crisis, the funding capable of doing so is materializing — millions at a time — and on an almost daily basis. The record level of public money is intended for projects that address structural racism, such as the disproportionate concentration of high-emitting power… |

Lee Camp, Mintpress News. (2023-03-01). Defending The Venezuelan Embassy, Organizing Peace For Ukraine. popularresistance.org In today's world, it can be difficult to find inspiring figures to look up to, especially in a time of division and uncertainty. Fortunately, there are still individuals like Margaret Flowers who embody the ideals of progress, justice, and compassion. Margaret Flowers is a leading activist, doctor, teacher, and co-founder of PopularResistance.org, a website that aims to inform and inspire grassroots movements around the world. | Margaret has spent her life fighting for social justice and equality. As a physician, she has been a vocal advocate for a single-payer healthcare system that would provide affordable and…

Lee Camp (2023-03-01). Defending The Venezuelan Embassy, Organizing Peace for Ukraine with Margaret Flowers. mintpressnews.com In today's world, it can be difficult to find inspiring figures to look up to, especially in a time of division and uncertainty. Fortunately, there are still individuals like Margaret Flowers who embody the ideals of progress, justice, and compassion. Margaret Flowers is a leading activist, doctor, teacher, and co-founder of PopularResistance.org, a website that …

Leslie Stebbins (2023-03-01). How to get to the root of the social media crisis. nationofchange.org

Lisa Chiu (2023-03-01). Behind the photo: Arrest of Rosa Parks. america.cgtn.com The story behind the photograph of Rosa Parks' arrest for not giving up her bus seat to a white bus rider which prompted the 1955-1956 Montgomery bus boycott.

Lisa Chiu (2023-03-01). Behind the photo: Little Rock desegregation. america.cgtn.com The story behind the photograph of one of the first Black students to desegregate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957.

manager (2023-03-01). California Coastal Commission Public Comment on March 2023 Agenda Item Wednesday 6e — Draft Sustainability Principles. cepr.net In the Future Actions section of the California Coastal Commission's Draft Sustainability Principles, the commission needs to consider the housing crisis contained within its purview and beyond the coastal regions. Researchers at Arizona State University estimate between 4.3 million and 8.7 million Californians live in areas threatened by sea level rise. A managed retreat of …

Mark Gruenberg, John Wojcik (2023-03-01). Protests at SCOTUS as justices move to kill debt relief for 26,000,000. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—The Trump-appointed right wingers on the Court questioned the legality of President Biden's plan to wipe out more than $400 billion in student debt, making it likely that the Supreme Court will kill his plan to forgive the loans of tens of millions of borrowers. The Chief Justice accused the president of acting without congressional …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-03-01). Union leaders hail Su nomination as new Labor Secretary. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—Union leaders hailed Democratic President Joe Biden's nomination of Deputy Labor Secretary Julie Su, the aggressive former California Labor Commissioner, to succeed her boss, Laborers Local 223 member Marty Walsh, in the U.S. Labor Department's top job. So did Senate Labor Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders, Ind-Vt., whose panel will schedule a confirmation hearing for Su, …

Mark P. Fancher, Black Agenda Report. (2023-03-01). Africans' Message To Imperialism: 'We Are Not Your Flunkies!'. popularresistance.org In a remarkable display of independence, South Africa defied NATO on February 24th when it conducted naval drills with Russia and China on the first anniversary of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. | Writer and analyst Steven Gruzd, sensing the anger of the imperialists, speculates: "I don't think Western nations are going to let this one slide." | But to date, South Africa has not been intimidated. Obbey Mabena, a veteran of the ANC's armed wing, while not speaking for the South African government, told CNN: "By default, we are on the side of Russia. And to us Ukraine [is] what we call a sell-out. It is s…

Matthew Ehret (2023-03-01). Why Do George Soros and Steve Bannon Agree that the CPC Must be Destroyed? (A New Documentary). thelastamericanvagabond.com Modern Americans have become much more malleable than many would like to admit. Despite those powerful founding documents that enshrine freedom, inalienable rights and the general welfare as driving moral principles of law, economics and politics, very few living Americans fully seem to have a living connection to that powerful tradition which saw eight presidents

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-03-01). Rail workers of the world, unite! therealnews.com From unions in the United States fighting to save our supply chain from the destruction wrought by corporate tycoons, Wall Street vampires, and bought-off politicians, to the National Union of Rail, Maritime, and Transport Workers (RMT) leading the fight against austerity politics and ruling-class union busting in the United Kingdom, to rail workers with the General Confederation of Labour (CGT) in France joining their compatriots in the streets in a general strike against President Emmanuel Macron's neoliberal attack on the country's beloved pension system, rail workers around the world are fighting differ…

Michael Sainato, The Real News Network. (2023-03-01). 'It's Disrupted All Of My Lesson Plans': Florida Ramps Up Censorship. popularresistance.org As the new semester began, teachers throughout Florida were faced with new state laws strictly limiting curricula—prompting schools to remove droves of books from their classrooms and libraries for fear of being in violation of the draconian but opaque new laws. An already-chilling reality gripping the third most populous state is getting even chillier in the wake of controversial legislation such as the "Don't Say Gay" bill and the Stop Woke Act, which both went into effect in July 2022. | The DeSantis administration rolled out several initiatives in January 2023 aimed at eliminating broad swathes of the e…

Michelle Begue (2023-03-01). Colombian remittance from U.S grows over a billion. america.cgtn.com Between January and December of 2022, Colombia received $9.4 billion worth of remittances.

Mike Whitney (2023-03-01). Showdown in Ukraine. Hobbled US Turns to War to Preserve Its Waning Primacy. globalresearch.ca

Miko Peled (2023-03-01). Miko Peled: Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir have all but guaranteed a new Intifada will soon erupt. greenleft.org.au Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, will be remembered as the reckless politician who gave Itamar Ben-Gvir the green light to set a fire that will consume Palestine and cause death and destruction, the scale of which has never been seen before, writes Miko Peled.

Miko Peled (2023-03-01). By Recognizing Israel, Muslim Countries Are Betraying the Palestinian Cause. mintpressnews.com KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA — The Arab, Muslim and many of the "Non-Aligned" member countries were once staunch supporters of the Palestinian cause. However, in the world that exists today, this is no longer the case. One after the other, the Arab states are falling into the trap of normalizing relations with Israel. Many African nations …

Mohammed Samaana (2023-03-01). Violence will continue in the Mideast as Long as the US runs interference for Israeli Squatting and its Pogroms against Palestinians. juancole.com Belfast (Special to Informed Comment) — I was horrified to watch the February 22 Israeli army assault on Nablus where I was born. I grew up on its outskirts and completed my secondary education there. I yearn for its beautiful old city, renowned for Turkish baths, a traditional olive-oil soap industry and old markets filled …

Moon of Alabama. (2023-03-01). The Context Of The New Anti-China Campaign. popularresistance.org The reactions to yesterday's Moon of Alabama post have demonstrated how easy it is for government propagandists to yank the leash of their subjects. | More than half of comments are about barely informed Covid conspiracies theories. Only few recognized the propaganda item for what it was. The starting point of a new China hate campaign that will divert the public from mass casualties in Ukraine and other issues. | After the Wall Street Journal launched its Sunday leak the New York Times and the Washington Post also jumped onto the train. The Times thankfully does better than the WSJ given the 'low confidence' exp…

National Network on Cuba. (2023-03-01). National Network On Cuba Condemns Biden's Country Report. popularresistance.org There is no mistake about it. With the February 27 release of the State Department Country Report on Terrorism 2021, President Biden accepted ownership of the illegal U.S. economic war on Cuba, following suit with Donald Trump, George Bush, and Ronald Reagan's hawkishness with the false designation of Cuba as a so-called "State Sponsor of Terror." | Unbelievably Biden's Secretary of State asserts that "Cuba had repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism since its State Sponsor of Terrorism designation had been rescinded in 2015." Despite this untrue report, Pres. Biden need only review the pa…

noreply (2023-03-01). Roundtable With Mike Krupa. smoothiex12.blogspot.com Here is the stream. Starts Soon.

Norman Markowitz (2023-03-01). A few of the Communist women who shaped U.S. history. peoplesworld.org For Women's History Month, People's World presents this article from the Political Affairs archives. It was first published in April 2010. From its very outset, the struggle for women's liberation has had deep connections to the development of the socialist movement. The utopian socialist Charles Fourier said famously that a society was judged by its …

oliviaalperstein (2023-03-01). 77 Global and National Human Rights and Environmental Groups in Six Countries Expose OceanaGold as an Irresponsible Mining Company and Oppose its Expansion. ips-dc.org The groups stand together against the abusive practices of one of the world's major global mining corporations, OceanaGold, and issue an urgent appeal to the governments of the Philippines, Aotearoa New Zealand, El Salvador, the United States, Canada, and Australia calling for them to halt, shut down, or support or uphold bans impacting OceanaGold mines in their respective countries.

Paige Bennett (2023-03-01). US averages one chemical accident every two days, analysis finds. nationofchange.org Increasing numbers of incidents have increased concern over safety and public health for communities across the country.

Paul Gregoire (2023-03-01). UN detainee torture prevention committee cancels recalcitrant Australia. greenleft.org.au The United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture has again had to pull out of a planned inspection after NSW and Queensland refused it access to facilities. Paul Gregoire reports.

People's Dispatch. (2023-03-01). Thousands Of Palestinians March To Protest Settler Violence. popularresistance.org Thousands of Palestinians in Israel took to the streets on Tuesday, February 28, to denounce the attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinian homes and properties in Nablus on Sunday. At least one person was killed in the attacks and around 400 others were wounded. | Palestinian gathered in the north Israeli town of Sakhnin following a call by the Arab Higher Follow Up Committee, an umbrella organization of Arab groups in Israel. | They called the attack on Palestinians a "pogrom" and accused Israeli occupation forces of being participants in the attack. A similar protest held in solidarity with the Palestinian vic…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-01). Daily Round-up: CONAIE says govt responsible for leader's murder in Ecuador & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we look at France-Africa relations, CONAIE says govt responsible for leader's murder in Ecuador, Amazon workers strike in UK warehouse and school teachers' in Portugal.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-01). Most "progressive" police force in the US is slammed for response to police killing. peoplesdispatch.org Cambridge police shot and killed Arif Sayed Faisal just four days into 2023, and officials are no closer to releasing the names of the officers responsible…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-01). One year of Ukraine war: The world demands peace. peoplesdispatch.org To mark one year of the war in Ukraine, people across Europe took to the streets demanding an end to the conflict and NATO's destructive and expansionist policies. Prabir Purkayastha and Eugene Puryear look back at the year and the strengthening anti-war movement.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-03-01). Thousands of Palestinians march to protest settler violence in the occupied territories. peoplesdispatch.org Israel released all eight settlers accused of the violence in Nablus on Sunday within hours of their arrest. At least one Palestinian died and close to 400 were wounded in the Israeli settler violence…

Pepe Escobar (2023-03-01). Putin's 'Civilizational' Speech Frames Conflict Between East and West. orinocotribune.com By Pepe Escobar — Feb 22, 2023 | Russian President Vladimir Putin's much awaited address to the Russian Federal Assembly on Tuesday should be interpreted as a tour de force of sovereignty. | The address, significantly, marked the first anniversary of Russia's official recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, only a few hours before 22 February, 2022. In myriad ways, what happened a year ago also marked the birth of the real, 21st century multipolar world. | Then two days later, Moscow launched the Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine to defend said republics. | Cool, calm, collected,…

Peter Boyle (2023-03-01). Forum highlights ongoing LGBTIQ+ struggles at World Pride. greenleft.org.au A forum hosted by Green Left highlighted ongoing struggles by LGBTIQ+ radical activists in a highly corporatised Sydney World Pride.

Phyllis Bennis, In These Times. (2023-03-01). We Need To Cut The Military Budget, But Don't Trust The Far Right To Do It. popularresistance.org Since Republicans took control of the House of Representatives earlier this year, the so-called "Freedom Caucus"‚Äâ—‚Äâthe badly misnamed right-fringe of the congressional GOP‚Äâ—‚Äâhas been flexing its influence. | Caucus members are deeply invested in an agenda that would increase inequality and enrich corporations and billionaires, strip hard-won rights from people of color, immigrants, women, and the LGBTQ community, destroy the environment to enrich fossil fuel companies and slash social investment for the po…

Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-03-01). The Rise Of US Dollar Imperialism, And Why It Failed. popularresistance.org Today we are continuing our discussion of de-dollarization. As many of you know we have structured our discussion around some ten questions, and last time we dealt with the first five. | What is money? What is the relation between money and debt? Is money a commodity? What is the theory of how the dollar serves as world money? | And then because this theory so much relies on the sterling system we discussed the sterling system. What is it? What was this real basis not gold but actually empire etcetera. | And then we decided that in this show we will discuss the next five questions which are, how did the sterling…

Rajaa Salah (2023-03-01). A life interrupted at 18 begins again. electronicintifada.net After nearly 20 years in Israeli detention, Ahmed Abu Jazar wants to make up for lost time.

Renate Bridenthal (2023-03-01). The Arctic is the next frontier in the new cold war. geopoliticaleconomy.com Geostrategically located, with profitable natural resources, the Arctic is rapidly becoming a militarized zone of power politics in the new cold war, contested by the US and Europe, Russia and China.

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-01). "Clear choice of Georgian people": U.S. viceroy wields "Euro-Atlantic" club. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The "clear choice" of the Georgian people is what the Atlanticists/globalists in Washington and Brussels say it is. If the people themselves persist in voting the wrong way (as in the past 25 years they have in nations like Yugoslavia, Slovakia, Macedonia, Lithuania, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine and elsewhere), they will shortly become acquainted with Euro-Atlantic …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-01). Germany "ramps up ammunition production" for Ukraine war. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Interfax-UkraineMarch 1, 2023 Germany to increase ammunition production to support Ukraine — Scholz Germany will ramp up its ammunition production as well as weapon repair capacity to better support Ukraine's fight against Russia's invasion, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said…. "The now one-year lasting support of Ukraine has also brought us the knowledge that enables …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-01). Pentagon leads 37 African nations in air force exercise. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The government of Cà¥te d'Ivoire was violently overthrown in 2011 by the armed forces of France and the United Nations with the active connivance of the Barack Obama-Hillary Clinton regime….U.S. Air Forces in Europe — Air Forces Africa commander General James Hecker is also commander of NATO's Allied Air Command. Also see on the other …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-01). RAF, Luftwaffe warplanes integrated for action near Russian border. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOAllied Air CommandMarch 1, 2023 Royal Air Force and German Luftwaffe conduct joint NATO Air Policing mission in Estonia Royal Air Force (RAF) and German Air Force personnel are training to conduct integrated NATO Air Policing mission in Estonia starting first of March. Prior to the handover of the NATO mission, elements of the RAF …

Rick Rozoff (2023-03-01). State Department's next Ukraine? Blinken in Kazakhstan. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Kazakhstan and Ukraine have the longest borders with Russia of all former Soviet republics, roughly 4,700 and 1,227 miles, respectively. Only China, 2,600 miles, and Mongolia, 2,200 miles, are close among other countries. Kazakhstan and Ukraine have the largest ethnic Russian populations — far and away — of any country other than Russia itself (several …

Robert Freeman (2023-03-01). Ukraine and The Tunnel at the End of the Light. globalresearch.ca

Robert S. Becker (2023-03-01). How detested abortion bans can abort the right. nationofchange.org Reproduction isn't unilateral/ And sex delivers huge collateral.

Ryan Cristián (2023-03-01). The Pirate Stream: Dialectical Dissidents — Episode 10. thelastamericanvagabond.com Join us on today's episode of The Pirate Stream — Dialectical Dissidents. Pirate Stream Media is a new platform of dedicated content creators focused on circumventing the tightly controlled, manipulated, and outright censored media space of today (both corporate and independent media) with a commitment to objectivity, integrity, and a stark awareness of the two

Sam Husseini (2023-03-01). State Dept: Israel in Charge of When We'll Enforce US Bans on Foreign Aid Over Its Nuclear Weapons Program. globalresearch.ca

SAM (2023-03-01). Workers, Machines, and 'Bonus Depreciation'. inequality.org

SAM (2023-03-01). Fox News Admits That It Knew Trump's Elections Claims Were Lies. progressivehub.net JOAN WALSH | THE NATION…

SAM (2023-03-01). New Biden Immigration Rule Echoes Trump-Era Racist Policies. progressivehub.net IMANI STEPHENS | PRISM…

SAM (2023-03-01). When Will Congress Vote To Condemn The Horrors Of Capitalism? progressivehub.net ROB LARSON | CURRENT AFFAIRS…

SAM (2023-03-01). Why Won't The Media Cover The Killings Of More Black Men? progressivehub.net KAT SEWON OH | FAIR…

Samidoun Deutschland (2023-03-01). Announcing the launch of the International Campaign to Liberate the Remains of Palestinian Martyrs. samidoun.net Announcing the launch of the international campaign to liberate the remains of Palestinian martyrs held in the morgues and "cemeteries of numbers" of the Zionist occupation Call to action, 11 March through 18 March 2023 "We will not abandon the last duty we owe our sons, to bury them with dignity" — Azhar Abu Srour, …

Scott Ferguson (2023-03-01). Gramatneusiedl's Job Guarantee w/ Thomas Schwab. mronline.org This month, Money on the Left is joined by Thomas Schwab who, as mayor of Gramatneusiedl in Lower Austria, oversees a promising Job Guarantee pilot program. Seeking to eliminate long-term unemployment, the program guarantees public jobs to anyone in the community who seeks them. In our conversation, we explore the philosophy and structure of Gramatneusiedl's municipal employment service.

Scott Ritter, Consortium News. (2023-03-01). Scott Ritter: Reimagining Arms Control After Ukraine. popularresistance.org The U.S. withdrawal from the foundational Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty in 2002 undid the functional and theoretical premise of mutually assured destruction (MAD) that provided logical equilibrium to the fundamentals of nuclear deterrence theory. | Similarly, the Trump administration's precipitous termination of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty in 2019 attacked both elements of the "trust but verify" maxim that governed issues of compliance verification that made arms control viable in the first place. | The last remaining arms control agreement that places limits on the strategic nuclear arsena…

Sean Callebs (2023-03-01). The Heat: Nigeria Elections. america.cgtn.com The two major opposition parties are calling for a new presidential vote in Nigeria, amid allegations of fraud and violence. We will take a look at the challenges for the largest democracy in Africa. Nigeria is a country thirsty for change. Young voters mobilized in …

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-01). A 4-Day Work Week Bill Is Being Reintroduced in the House as Idea Gains Speed. truthout.org Rep. Mark Takano is planning to introduce a proposal that would shorten the standard work week in the U.S. to four days as the idea gains traction in Washington. Takano, a Democrat from California, is planning to reintroduce a bill that would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act to establish a standard work week that is 32 hours rather than 40, amounting to four eight-hour workdays. |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-01). Ocasio-Cortez Blasts GOP Energy Bill as "Fossil Fuel Industry Wishlist" truthout.org Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) has condemned two new Republican energy bills that environmental groups have said would severely undermine environmental and climate protections and uphold the fossil fuel and mining industries. On Tuesday, the House Committee on Natural Resources held a hearing about two proposed bills: a fossil fuel leasing and permitting expansion bill known as the… |

Sharon Zhang (2023-03-01). Sanders Moves to Subpoena Starbucks CEO Over Rampant Union Busting. truthout.org Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee Chair Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) announced on Wednesday that he is setting up a vote on subpoenaing Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz after Schultz refused Sanders's request to testify about the company's rampant union busting last month. Sanders said that Schultz's avoidance of the request has "given us no choice but to subpoena him" and… |

Staff (2023-03-01). Longest Alabama Strike Ends as Warrior Met Coal Miners Return. Record Coal Prices Help Break Strike. democracynow.org In Alabama, hundreds of striking miners are set to return to work Thursday after nearly two years spent on picket lines in the so-called right-to-work state. This was the longest strike in Alabama history. Its end comes after the Warrior Met Coal company successfully used replacement workers to keep its mines running, reporting large profits to shareholders due to the skyrocketing price of coal. At the same time, the company told miners they would only retain their jobs if they agreed to a 20% pay cut and to relinquish various benefits relating to weekend pay and healthcare. We go to Birmingham, Alabama, for an u…

Staff (2023-03-01). Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Loses Election; Candidates Backed by Police & Teacher Unions Head to Runoff. democracynow.org Chicago-based Democracy Now! co-host Juan González gives an update on the Chicago mayoral race after incumbent Mayor Lori Lightfoot failed to advance to a runoff election. The two top candidates are now Paul Vallas, the former head of Chicago Public Schools, who has been endorsed by the local police union, and Brandon Johnson, an organizer with the Chicago Teachers Union. González says the race pits progressives in the city against centrist and conservative forces and could be a bellwether of where the Democratic Party goes.

Staff (2023-03-01). Death Toll from Migrant Shipwreck Reaches 67 While Italy Cracks Down on MSF & Other Rescue Groups. democracynow.org At least 67 people, including children, died in a shipwreck Sunday off the coast of southern Italy, and rescue workers fear the death toll could climb above 100 as they recover more bodies from the sea. It is believed to be the deadliest migrant shipwreck of its kind in almost a decade. Almost 26,000 people have died or gone missing in the Mediterranean since 2014, but many governments have responded by criminalizing rescue efforts by humanitarian groups. Just days before this latest shipwreck off the coast of Italy, the Italian government of far-right leader Giorgia Meloni approved a new law making it harder for…

Staff (2023-03-01). Student Debt Relief in Jeopardy as Conservative Supreme Court Justices Question Biden's Plan. democracynow.org The Supreme Court heard oral arguments Tuesday in two challenges to the Biden administration's student debt relief plan, which could give tens of millions of federal borrowers up to $20,000 of relief. During arguments, several conservative justices expressed skepticism over the Biden administration's student debt relief plan, while liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor blasted the Republican states who brought one of the lawsuits. We're joined by Eleni Schirmer, who organizes with the Debt Collective and is a writer and postdoctoral fellow at Concordia University's Social Justice Centre in Montr…

Staff (2023-03-01). Video: I Discussed Yemen Today on The TV Network That Must Not Be Named. davidswanson.org Watch video.

Staff (2023-03-01). Lawfare in the Making: Habeas Corpus Denied to President Pedro Castillo in Peru. orinocotribune.com On Monday, February 27, the Sixth Constitutional Court of Lima, in Peru, declared the habeas corpus that sought the immediate release of President Pedro Castillo and his reinstatement as president of Peru inadmissible. | The National Federation of Lawyers of Peru also filed an appeal in favor of Castillo's former prime minister, Aníbal Torres. Judge Gisela Haydee Ocaña declared the appeal inadmissible in a new move by the Peruvian establishment to consolidate the parliamentary coup d'etat against President Castillo. Castillo was democratically elected by the Peruvian people, who have been protesting in the street…

Staff (2023-03-01). President Petro Shuffles Cabinet Seeking Parliamentary Alliances. orinocotribune.com Colombian President Gustavo Petro has announced the departure of three cabinet ministers: Alejandro Gaviria in education, Patricia Ariza in culture and María Isabel Urrutia in sports. This change happens six months after his inauguration as president and has been exaggerated by mainstream media. Most analysts agree it is a maneuver that aims to secure parliamentary alliances to advance Petro's legislative projects. | In an address to the nation, President Petro thanked the ministers for their service. However, no details were provided about the reasons for the changes. Sociologist Aurora Vergara, who was vice min…

Staff (2023-03-01). Russia's Patrushev Meets President Maduro in Caracas. orinocotribune.com Caracas, February 28, 2023 (OrinocoTribune.com)—Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of Russia's Security Council and one of the top-ranked Russian officials, arrived this Tuesday to Caracas in order to strengthen security ties with Venezuela and meet with President Nicolas Maduro. | In his previous stopover, Patrushev, met with the president of Algeria, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, with whom he discussed a series of mutual cooperation issues. In Caracas, Patrushev will hold consultations with his Venezuelan counterparts on security issues with the participation of representatives from various ministries of both countries…

Staff (2023-03-01). Venezuelan Foreign Minister at UN: Blockades Continue Colonialism. orinocotribune.com This Tuesday, February 28, Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Yván Gil, during his speech at the Human Rights Council of the United Nations (UN), said that blockades represent the "continuity of neocolonialism, and now they are implemented as political and economic weapons by the hegemonic countries against the peoples of the south." | The top Venezuelan diplomat reiterated that the 928 coercive measures issued against Venezuela are crimes against humanity. In the same way, he reviewed the most serious of the illegal coercive economic measures—euphemistically referred to as "sanctions"—that the Venez…

Staff (2023-03-01). What Ukraine Needs to Learn From Afghanistan. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2023-03-01). Over 30 Years: Pre-Oslo Prisoners — profiles of Mohammed Adel Daoud, Mahmoud Abu Kharabish and Bashir Abdullah al-Khatib. samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is providing the materials for the third week of the educational campaign, Over 30 Years: Pre-Oslo Prisoners. Read the previous two sets of materials: Week 2: Ibrahim Bayadseh, Ahmad Abu Jaber, Samir Abu Nima Week 1: Mohammed Al-Tus, Ibrahim Abu Mokh, Walid Daqqa This week, we will highlight the Palestinian …

Staff (2023-03-01). Israeli Minister Calls For Genocidal Violence Against Palestinians of Nablus. youtube.com "The village of Huwara [Nablus, Palestine] should be wiped out." Earlier today, Israel's Minister of Finance, Bezalel Smotrich called for genocidal violence against Palestinians of Nablus.

Staff (2023-03-01). Israeli Military Uses Baby and Father as Human Shields in Palestine Raid. youtube.com Footage has emerged of the Israeli military using a baby and father as human shields during their raid of Aqabat Jabr refugee camp in Jericho, Palestine.

Stavroula Pabst, Max Blumenthal, The Grayzone. (2023-03-01). European Antiwar Protests Strengthen As NATO's Ukraine Proxy War Escalates. popularresistance.org Athens, Greece —— This February 21, several thousand Greeks filled Athens' streets to denounce NATO and the United States in the wake of Antony Blinken's Greece visit, where the US Secretary of State applauded the Mediterranean country for being amongst the first European countries to support Ukraine, thus leading to way for "the support of democracy." | It was just one action among many protest actions across the continent as the NATO proxy conflict in Ukraine approached its first anniversary. European citizens are growing agitated as their leaders appear set on extending the war at least another yea…

Svante Myrick (2023-03-01). All Communities Must Speak Out Against Anti-Semitism. otherwords.org

Taya Graham, Stephen Janis, Jayne Miller (2023-03-01). Leaked memo reveals Baltimore officials' alarm over costs of obscure tax break for corporate developers. therealnews.com The online sales pitch for the condominiums atop The Four Seasons Hotel in Baltimore's swanky Harbor East development touts a plethora of amenities: a private sauna, rooftop pool, and balconies with panoramic views of the city. But one particularly pricey perk is overlooked: a lucrative five-year property tax break that has saved the project millions of dollars in payments. | To procure the abatement, the project developers made use of an incentive program that seems far removed from the condos perched high above the city's Inner Harbor. The tax break in question was designed to incentivize the reclamation of…

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-01). Asesinan a lideresa social en departamento de Bolívar, Colombia. telesurtv.net La Mesa Municipal de Participación Efectiva para las víctimas de Santa Rosa del Sur en Bolívar denunció la amenaza a la integridad y seguridad de los liderazgos sociales.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-01). Cuba reclama fin de trato politizado de los Derechos Humanos. telesurtv.net Anunció que Cuba aspirará a la reelección por un puesto en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos para el período 2024-2026.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-01). Rusia denuncia posible provocación de armas químicas en Ucrania. telesurtv.net Además, a principios de 2023, el Centro Euroatlántico de Coordinación de Respuesta a Desastres planeó suministrar a Ucrania un gran lote de equipos de protección química.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-03-01). Venezuela denuncia papel de EE.UU. en violación de los DD.HH. telesurtv.net Adelantó que la Cancillería local trabaja en la preparación de los informes para la nueva ronda del Examen Periódico Universal de los Derechos Humanos.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-03-01). Reportan descarrilamiento tren con propano en Florida, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Con este suman varios incidentes de descarrilamientos de trenes con sustancias peligrosas registrados este mes en los Estados Unidos.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-01). Presidente López Obrador: hay más democracia actualmente en México que en EE.UU. telesurtv.net El presidente criticó la hipocresía del sistema de EE.UU. para señalar e inmiscuirse en los problemas de naciones soberanas.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-03-01). Putin firma ley que suspende participación rusa en tratado START III. telesurtv.net El pacto se rubricó por Rusia y Estados Unidos en Praga, capital de República Checa, el 8 de abril del 2010 y se prorrogó por cinco años en febrero del 2021.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-01). Comisión legislativa pedirá enjuiciar a presidente de Ecuador. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con el borrador del documento, que todavía puede ser cambiado, el mandatario incurrió el "delitos contra la seguridad del Estado".

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-01). México anuncia que Tesla instalará una planta en el norte del país. telesurtv.net El presidente López Obrador indicó que su Gobierno busca que las empresas contribuyan en pagar buenos sueldos a sus trabajadores, se cuide el medio ambiente y se paguen los impuestos.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-01). Movimiento indígena peruano continúa movilización hacia Lima. telesurtv.net Estas movilizaciones dan continuidad a las protestas masivas que iniciaron en diciembre y continuaron en enero para exigir la dimisión de la presidenta Dina Boluarte.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-01). Rusia denuncia ataques con drones en diferentes ciudades. telesurtv.net El Aeropuerto Pulkovo de San Petersburgo se paralizó cuando las autoridades cerraron el espacio aéreo circundante.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-01). Venezuela rechaza acusaciones sobre DD.HH. en la CPI. telesurtv.net El Gobierno venezolano denunció ante la CPI la agresión mediática y geopolítca contra el país para acusar a la nación de supuestos crímenes de lesa humanidad que nunca han ocurrido.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-03-01). Suman dos muertos y varios heridos tras sismo en Malatya, Türkiye. t.co El sismo de 567 de magnitud se registró la víspera en el distrito de Ye≈üilyurt tres semanas después de los terremotos del 6 de febrero en la región.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2023-03-01). Accidente de trenes deja un saldo preliminar de 32 muertos en Grecia. telesurtv.net Por su parte, el representante del Servicio de Bomberos, Vassilis Vathrakogiannis subrayó que se reporta 85 heridos.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-01). Educadores presentan pliego de peticiones al Gobierno colombiano. telesurtv.net Dicho gremio subrayó que quedó abierta la puerta al diálogo con el gobierno nacional pero con el compromiso de materialización de los acuerdos y cumplimiento.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-03-01). Lula reinstala el Consejo de Seguridad Alimentaria en Brasil. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado agradeció a las organizaciones que "nunca desistieron de esta lucha", para construir Brasil.

teleSUR, odr, SH (2023-03-01). Cuba condena otorgamiento de asilo a secuestrador de aeronave. telesurtv.net En cuatro ocasiones, Cuba había solicitado la devolución del autor de este acto de piratería aérea y de la aeronave. | Cuba condena otorgamiento de asilo a autor del secuestro de aeronave…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-01). Aumentan a 26 los muertos por incendios forestales en Chile. telesurtv.net Se trata de un ciudadano extranjero que estaba en la comuna de Santa Juana, en la Región del Biobío.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-01). Inflación en España sube al 6,1 % en febrero de 2023. telesurtv.net El incremento responde a que los precios de la electricidad se han elevado con respecto a febrero de 2022.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-01). Presidente Maduro recibe al secretario del Consejo de Seguridad ruso. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado dio la bienvenida formal al excelentísimo general del Ejército de Rusia, Nikolái Pátrushev.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-03-01). Siria recibe nueva ayuda humanitaria de Rusia tras terremoto. telesurtv.net El barco llegó cargado con seis contenedores de 52 toneladas de alimentos y ayuda humanitaria.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-01). Denuncian el asesinato de una activista trans en Cali, Colombia. telesurtv.net Allegados a la defensora de la comunidad LGBTIQA+ destacaron su trabajo a favor de las mujeres afro y trans.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-01). Independiente del Valle conquista la Recopa Sudamericana. telesurtv.net Independiente del Valle se suma a la Liga de Quito como únicos representantes de Ecuador en ganar el torneo continental.

teleSUR, SH (2023-03-01). Fiscalía peruana pide 36 meses de prisión para Pedro Castillo. telesurtv.net El pedido contra Pedro Castillo y otros dos ministros de su administración será evaluado en una audiencia el próximo 3 de marzo.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-03-01). Registran sismo de magnitud 5,7 en Guatemala. telesurtv.net El movimiento telúrico se produjo sobre las 13H44 (hora local) con una profundidad de 25 kilómetros.

teleSUR (2023-03-01). Brazil Frees Over 100 Prisoners for Jan 8 Coup Attacks. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, Brazil's Federal Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes ordered the provisional release of more than 100 people who had been detained following the January 8 coup attacks in Brasília against the three branches of government. | RELATED: | The decision concerns 102 people who will be able to return to their hometowns with some conditions upon their release with charges. | They will have to wear electro…

The Associated Press (2023-03-01). Latino Republicans Push Back on Party's Immigration Agenda. latinorebels.com The GOP has made inroads with Latino voters in recent years in much of the U.S. and especially in Florida. That strong showing, however, is leading to some tension as the newly emboldened Republicans in Washington aim to launch an aggressive agenda around immigration policy.

The Lever (2023-03-01). üéß LEVER TIME: How to Derail the Anti-Safety Train Lobby (w/ Rep. Chris Deluzio). levernews.com

The Tricontinental (2023-03-01). Dossier No. 61: The Strategic Revolutionary Thought and Legacy of Hugo Chávez Ten Years After His Death. mronline.org Hugo Chávez emerged in the history of Venezuela, the Global South, and the international revolutionary movement when the thesis that ideological disputes throughout the world had ended was most entrenched. Far from being over, history had an important task for the Venezuelan people, who rose up against neoliberalism in 1989 and who continue to build a project of twenty-first-century socialism today.

Tina Vásquez (2023-03-01). DeSantis Targets Immigrants in Lead-Up to Likely Presidential Run. truthout.org Ahead of his anticipated announcement of a 2024 presidential run, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis spent the month of February targeting immigrant communities with draconian and dangerous policies — a strategy that proved successful for former President Donald Trump. On Feb. 24, DeSantis announced an extensive legislative proposal that would target a wide array of immigrant communities and grant… |

Tom Conway, In These Times. (2023-03-01). Unions Safeguard Workers' Sweat Equity. popularresistance.org Last year, Mark Glyptis and dozens of other union leaders went into contract negotiations with the Cleveland-Cliffs mining company determined not only to win wage and benefit enhancements for their coworkers, but also to protect thousands of family-sustaining steel mill jobs for years to come. | The United Steelworkers (USW) negotiating team ultimately delivered a historic contract requiring the company to invest $4 billion in 13 union-represented facilities, including about $100 million at the Weirton, West Virginia mill where Glyptis and his colleagues rely on ever more sophisticated equipment to make precision…

Tomdispatch (2023-03-01). How a Nuclear Power Plant Became a Tool of War: Nuclear Armageddon Games in Ukraine. juancole.com By Joshua Frank | — ( Tomdispatch.com) — In 1946, Albert Einstein shot off a telegram to several hundred American leaders and politicians warning that the "unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe." Einstein's forecast remains prescient. Nuclear calamity still knocks. Even …

Victor Grossman (2023-03-01). Despair and Joy: Berlin Bulletin 208, February 28, 2023. mronline.org Were any flags of sympathy displayed when the people of Serbia, Iraq or Afghanistan were bombed? When drones exploded on hospitals and wedding processions—were there also calls for tribunals against Bush—or Obama?>

Victor Grossman (2023-03-01). Amidst despair of war, biggest Berlin peace rally in many years. peoplesworld.org BERLIN — In conflicts, I know, neither side can be trusted. Both sides twist and distort, magnify and minimize in support of their cause. But the daily, almost hourly pictures from Ukraine — of hardship, suffering, of death, destruction and flight, all too genuine, cause me the despair I have always felt on hearing — …

WSWS (2023-03-01). Vote NO on the UAW-Caterpillar concessions contract! Organize now to defeat the sellout and prepare a strike! wsws.org After withholding information from workers on the most important things being said in the contract talks, union officials are now trying to stampede us into voting on an agreement, just as they did in 2017 and earlier.

WSWS (2023-03-01). Greece's worst train disaster kills at least 40. wsws.org Basic services and infrastructure has been degraded or destroyed over the past 15 years of scorched-earth austerity demanded by the European Union and International Monetary Fund and imposed by successive governments, including SYRIZA (Coalition of the Radical Left).

WSWS (2023-03-01). The international significance of the developing revolutionary confrontation in Sri Lanka. wsws.org Eight months after a mass uprising chased Sri Lanka's hated President Gotabhaya Rajapakse from power, the working class is coming into headlong confrontation with his successor, the notorious IMF-enforcer and pro-US imperialist stooge, Ranil Wickremesinghe.

WSWS (2023-03-01). US demands for "existential struggle" threaten war with China. wsws.org As the United States surged troops, ships and weapons to the Pacific, Congress held a prime-time hearing Tuesday aimed at promoting public hostility toward China to justify the United States' belligerent military actions on the other side of the world.

WSWS (2023-03-01). Musician Marilyn Manson accuser repudiates earlier #MeToo accusations. wsws.org Smithline asserts that she was pressured by actress Evan Rachel Wood and Wood's associates "to make accusations of rape and assault … that were not true."

WSWS (2023-03-01). Child and youth poverty in Germany rises sharply. wsws.org According to a report by the Bertelsmann Foundation, 2.88 million children under the age of 18 and 1.55 million young adults under the age of 25 were considered poor or "at risk of poverty" in 2021.

WSWS (2023-03-01). Fake concern about gambling addiction emerges in Australian state election. wsws.org Under the guise of curbing problem gambling, Labor and the Coalition are proposing policies that will do nothing to limit its impact, let alone address the social crisis driving the growth of gambling in working-class areas.

WSWS (2023-03-01). Ford to pay near-poverty wages at new Michigan battery plant. wsws.org A document submitted by Ford reveals the the company plans to pay most workers at its planned battery plant in Marshall, Michigan $20 an hour, barely above the minimum wage level required to purchase basic necessities.

WSWS (2023-03-01). UAW announces tentative agreement with Caterpillar shortly after midnight, defying calls by workers for strike action. wsws.org Workers who spoke to the WSWS responded with immediate anger and suspicion to the announcement.

WSWS (2023-03-01). US Supreme Court poised to overturn Biden administration's limited student debt relief plan. wsws.org Currently, some 43 million borrowers in the United States owe over $1.7 trillion in student federal loan debt representing a massive and looming financial burden for a significant section of the working class.

WSWS (2023-03-01). UC academic workers report major cuts to departments in the aftermath of six-week strike. wsws.org At least 89 departments have reported plans to implement cuts, while significantly reducing graduate enrollment and teaching assistant positions.

WSWS (2023-03-01). Second storm in one week knocks out power for tens of thousands again in Michigan. wsws.org The Democratic Party administration of Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel have responded to the collapse of the power infrastructure by calling on the energy monopolies to give customers a pathetic $35 credit on an upcoming electric bill.

WSWS (2023-03-01). Voting ends in UAW runoff election, with less than 13 percent of rank-and-file workers casting ballots. wsws.org The large abstention in the second round of voting reflects the mass alienation of workers from the UAW apparatus.

WSWS (2023-03-01). German government ends masking requirement in health and care facilities. wsws.org At the beginning of February, the obligation to wear a mask in buses and trains was ended throughout Germany, along with the Coronavirus Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance.

WSWS (2023-03-01). Intelligence agency-incited furor over lurid claims China interfered in Canada's 2019 and 2021 elections. wsws.org Workers must decisively reject this filthy pro-war, anti-China campaign. which has been orchestrated by high-placed leaks from CSIS, Canadian imperialism's premier intelligence agency.

WSWS (2023-03-01). Temple University undergraduates rally in support of grad students as strike continues into second month. wsws.org Hundreds of students and community members rallied for the striking workers as the university has sought to punish and threaten any acts of support…

WSWS (2023-03-01). UK teachers speak from picket lines during latest three days of strikes. wsws.org Roughly 200,000 teachers represented by the National Education Union (NEU) are taking strike action this week. World Socialist Web Site reporters attended pickets and spoke with those taking action.

àÅlvaro Rodriguez (2023-03-01). El presidente de México está bajo el ataque de los neoliberales en casa y en los EE. UU. peoplesworld.org La clase dominante de México está contra las cuerdas y está recurriendo a algunas tácticas desesperadas. Recientemente, realizaron una protesta multipartidista protagonizada por una mujer blanca, la madre del principal líder opositor Claudio X. Gonzales (ex empleado de la corporación estadounidense Kimberly Clark en México), llamó a los partidarios del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador …

2023-03-02 21:45:40 | 21:45 EST | tr | 529 | 2 | 305 | 281 | 0 

2023-02-28: News Headlines

unitedEditor (2023-02-28). Is the bill of the earthquake beyond calculations? unitedworldint.com By Recep Eràßin / Economics journalist After two major earthquakes in Kahramanmara≈ü and Hatay, 11 provinces of Türkiye were declared disaster areas. The provinces represent 9-10 percent of Türkiye's gross domestic product (as of 2021), according to official data. Türkiye's national income was 7.2 trillion dollars as of 2021. According to TUIK data, the contribution …

unitedEditor (2023-02-28). The West's unpreparedness for peace should bring Moscow and Beijing closer to each other. unitedworldint.com The visit of Wang Yi, Director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, to Moscow on February 21 was one of the most discussed diplomatic meetings of the month. In addition to stepping up Chinese diplomacy in general, Beijing showed a clearer stance on the Ukrainian conflict and even …

Larry Johnson (2023-02-28). Treating Putin as an Irredeemable Imperialist has Painted the West into a Dangerous Corner. sonar21.com When it comes to imperialism — i.e., "the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect…

Fight Back (2023-02-28). Philippines: Resist US-Marcos regime's plan to turn Samar to howling wilderness. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines. | The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) denounces the US-Marcos regime and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for the deployment of an excessive number of counterinsurgency troops in Samar over the past weeks. | The fascist surge aims to turn the Samar island back into a "howling wilderness," in the same manner that US colonial forces sought to crush the patriotic resistance of the people of Samar at the turn of the century. This excessive deployment of combat troops will not solve the socioe…

Fight Back (2023-02-28). Tampa: The Andrew Joseph Memorial Weekend. fightbacknews.org Tampa, FL – The Tampa community, Black Lives Matter activists, and impacted families from across the country gathered in Tampa for the Andrew Joseph Memorial Weekend. The family-hosted event took place from Friday, February 17 to February 19. The weekend commemorates the ninth anniversary of his death with a vigil, a workshop to promote youth leadership, a fundraiser and a church service. | Andrew Joseph was a 14-year-old boy who was left by the side of the road after being unjustly ejected from the Florida State Fair by the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office on what was known as "student day," where chil…

Staff (2023-02-28). Incendios: øQué nos dicen las imágenes satelitales? cubadebate.cu Tras la noticia en días recientes del incendio forestal en la zona de Pinares de Mayarí en la provincia de Holguín, han aparecido en las redes múltiples imágenes satelitales en las que se pueden ver las emanaciones de humo, que se extienden por varios kilómetros.

Staff (2023-02-28). Solos y explotados, los niños migrantes realizan trabajos brutales en los EE. UU. (I). cubadebate.cu El número de menores no acompañados que ingresaron a los Estados Unidos subió a un máximo de 130,000 el año pasado, tres veces más que cinco años antes, y se espera que este verano traiga otra ola. Al llegar en números récord, terminan en trabajos peligrosos que violan las leyes de trabajo infantil, incluso en fábricas que fabrican productos para marcas conocidas como Cheetos y Fruit of the Loom.

Staff (2023-02-28). Año de la Sostenibilidad 2023: Cuba en la Hoja de Ruta de Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos. cubadebate.cu Este lunes el personal diplomático de la embajada de Cuba en Emiratos àÅrabes Unidos, participó en el taller "Hoja de Ruta Global en el Año de la Sostenibilidad 2023", coordinado por la oficina de enlace diplomático de la Expo City Dubai, organización sede de la próxima Conferencia de las Partes de las Naciones Unidas para el Cambio Climático COP 28, en noviembre próximo.

Staff (2023-02-28). Cuba y Vietnam realizan preparativos para celebrar el aniversario de la visita de Fidel a la Zona Liberada. cubadebate.cu El embajador cubano Orlando Nicolás Hernández Guillén intercambió hoy con las autoridades de la provincia central de Quang Tri sobre la organización del aniversario 50 de la histórica visita del líder de la Revolución Cubana, Fidel Castro, a la Zona de Liberación de Vietnam del Sur. Apreció los esfuerzos de la provincia en la preparación para el evento.

Staff (2023-02-28). Ejecutarán inversiones en talleres ferroviarios cubanos. cubadebate.cu Los talleres de Ciénaga y Luyanó, en La Habana, y el de San Luis, en Santiago de Cuba, serán los primeros en incorporarse a la estrategia de la Unión de Ferrocarriles de Cuba (UFC) que pretende modernizar un grupo de talleres que brindarán servicios de mantenimiento y reparación, tanto de coches de pasajeros como de locomotoras en distintas provincias del país.

Staff (2023-02-28). El tiempo: Calor y escasas lluvias. cubadebate.cu Amanecerá parcialmente nublado en zonas de la costa norte oriental y con poca nubosidad en el resto del país. Desde el final de la mañana estará parcialmente nublado en gran parte del territorio nacional con escasas lluvias.

Staff (2023-02-28). Equipo Cuba al Clásico Mundial vence 4-0 a Dragones de Wei Chuan. cubadebate.cu El equipo Cuba que se alista para intervenir en el venidero V Clásico Mundial de Béisbol venció 4-0 al club Dragones de Wei Chuan. La tropa de Armando Jhonson funcionó cual reloj suizo en los tres renglones de juego, pues entre los cuatro lanzadores que escalaron a la lomita maniataron a la ofensiva rival, apenas aceptaron dos sencillos y propinaron la friolera de 16 ponches.

Staff (2023-02-28). øQué tasas están vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este 28 de febrero? cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este martes 28 de febrero de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-02-28). Unión Eléctrica pronostica una afectación de 485 MW para el horario pico nocturno. cubadebate.cu En el día de ayer se afectó el servicio por déficit de capacidad desde las 17: 25 horas hasta las 20: 19 horas (02: 54 horas). La máxima afectación en el horario de la noche fue 399 MW a las 18: 50 horas, coincidiendo con la hora pico. La disponibilidad del Sistema Eléctrico Nacional a las 07: 00 horas es de 2068 MW y la demanda 1970 MW, con todo el sistema con servicio.

Anand Naidoo (2023-02-28). The Heat: China-Europe Relations. america.cgtn.com After Wang Yi's recent visit to Europe, what is the state of the China-European relationship? Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi visited Europe this month and sought to build a stronger relationship with the European Union, its largest trading partner. He met with German Chancellor Scholz, …

Anonymous765 (2023-02-28). Locations Of US Carrier Strike Groups — February 28, 2023. southfront.org This is the newest update of the 'U.S. Carrier Strike Groups Locations Map' exclusive series showing the approximate locations of U.S. Carrier Strike Groups. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence tracks locations of U.S. aircraft carriers using the available open-source information. No classified information was used in production of the map. | click to see the full-size image | Carrier strike group (CSG) is an operational formation of the United States Navy. It is centered on an aircraft carrier and a carrier air w…

Chris Hudson (2023-02-28). Cleveland tenants demand fair treatment, compensation after displacement by burst water pipe. liberationnews.org "I came home from the store and saw water coming out the ceiling," one resident described.

Dan Bacher (2023-02-28). Delta group files opposition to TUCP waiving environmental laws protecting the Bay-Delta Estuary. indybay.org "The TUCP is not in the public interest because it stampedes the State Water Board for water that is meant rightly to serve public trust resources of aquatic estuarine food webs and species in the Delta that further support migratory salmon and steelhead runs that benefits Northern California Indian Tribes (whose cultures are salmon-dependent), commercial and sport fishing interests, and the community of subsistence anglers residing in communities adjacent to Delta rivers and sloughs where they supplement their diets with costless forms of fish protein," the letter states.

DLI (2023-02-28). China's 12-point Peace Proposal to end Ukraine war. indybay.org This week, China released a 12-point Peace plan for ending the Ukraine war. It is the first comprehensive Peace proposal by a major power(there has been no Peace plan at all proposed by the G7 nor NATO, who are instead the major arms provider of over $100 Billion of lethal weapons to Ukraine–an amount more than the entire annual war budget of Russia!) Significantly, China's Peace Plan specifically calls for serious consideration of long-term security concerns on BOTH sides.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). SOEs' restructuring set to advance. ecns.cn China plans to advance the strategic restructuring and professional integration of its State-owned enterprises in 2023, especially in the areas of medical and health care, equipment manufacturing and mineral resources.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Chinese enterprises to expand global presence. ecns.cn China's State-owned enterprises are forecast to post higher revenues and expand their world market presence this year as the government encourages them to advance in "going global", said experts and business executives.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Fuzhou helps Taiwan people settle on mainland. ecns.cn In 2021, Fuzhou planned to offer 1,050 apartments with favorable rents to people from Taiwan, and so far more than 300 Taiwan residents in 206 households have moved into the community.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). China fully capable to overcome challenges this year. ecns.cn China has the confidence and capabilities to ward off multiple risks and challenges this year, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Russia welcomes China's peace proposal. ecns.cn A position paper that China has issued setting out a possible path to peace in Ukraine needs to be analyzed in detail, the Russian government said on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Messi wins 2022 Best FIFA Men's Player Award. ecns.cn Lionel Messi of Argentina won the Best FIFA Men's Player Award 2022 and Argentina was the biggest winner of the Best FIFA Football Awards 2022 on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Belarusian president's visit expected to cement ties. ecns.cn Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko is due to start his three-day state visit to China on Tuesday, with expectations high that cooperation between the two countries on post-pandemic economic recovery and the Russia-Ukraine conflict will top the agenda of talks.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). China telcos, gadget plays roar onstage. ecns.cn Banking on 5G and other cutting-edge technologies to explore new business opportunities and offset COVID-19 disruptions, Chinese tech companies are making a big splash at the Mobile World Congress 2023, which kicked off in Barcelona, Spain on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). China's transport network now covers over 6 million km. ecns.cn As of last year, China's transportation network has grown to cover more than 6 million kilometers, the minister of transport said recently.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Messi wins 2022 Best FIFA Men's Player Award. ecns.cn Lionel Messi of Argentina won the Best FIFA Men's Player Award 2022 and Argentina was the biggest winner of the Best FIFA Football Awards 2022 on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Belarusian president's visit expected to cement ties. ecns.cn Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko is due to start his three-day state visit to China on Tuesday, with expectations high that cooperation between the two countries on post-pandemic economic recovery and the Russia-Ukraine conflict will top the agenda of talks.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). China telcos, gadget plays roar onstage. ecns.cn Banking on 5G and other cutting-edge technologies to explore new business opportunities and offset COVID-19 disruptions, Chinese tech companies are making a big splash at the Mobile World Congress 2023, which kicked off in Barcelona, Spain on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). China's transport network now covers over 6 million km. ecns.cn As of last year, China's transportation network has grown to cover more than 6 million kilometers, the minister of transport said recently.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Capital submits bid for world heritage status. ecns.cn Beijing is applying for the city's Central Axis to become a World Heritage Site, with the application text officially submitted to the UNESCO World Heritage Center in January.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). China's GDP records a 3% increase in 2022, recoding multiple new highs: NBS. ecns.cn China's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2022 was 121.02 trillion yuan ($17.45 trillion) in 2022, an increase of 3.0 percent over 2021 at constant prices, with multiple figures reaching historical highs.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Chinese scientists use GE technology to create 3 Bama miniature pig breeds for experiment use. ecns.cn A Chinese team of scientists have created three Bama miniature pig breeds for experiment use.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). 4 suspects in murder of HK model remanded in custody without bail. ecns.cn Four former family members of Hong Kong socialite and model were remanded in custody without bail after appearing before the court on Monday on charges of murder and perverting the course of justice.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). China to strengthen management of short videos to prevent addiction among minors. ecns.cn The National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) will strengthen management of short online videos, aiming to prevent minors from becoming addicted, it said on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Hong Kong to lift mask mandate from March 1. ecns.cn John Lee, chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), announced on Tuesday that the mask mandate in Hong Kong will be cancelled from March 1.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Insights | Australian expert lauds China's covid vaccine efforts. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Emergency medical response system to be upgraded. ecns.cn China will build major medical centers and increase the number of teams to handle health emergencies and contagious diseases following its experiences battling COVID-19, officials said on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). China's population fell by 850,000 in 2022 but 'labor resources still abundant'. ecns.cn China's population had fallen by 850,000 in the year of 2022, with the national population growth rate being minus 0.6 per thousand, the country's National Statistics Bureau announced on Tuesday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). China slams U.S. sanctions against Chinese firms related to Russia. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). People experience metaverse technology at Shougang Park in Beijing. ecns.cn People view exhibits during a metaverse exhibition at Shougang Park in Beijing, Feb. 27, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Two-color waters meet in Han River in Hubei. ecns.cn Aerial view shows the green-yellow Han River in Xiangyang, central China's Hubei Province, Feb. 27, 2023. The Yangtze River meets the clear Han River in Xiangyang, creating a clear boundary along their confluence with the distinct yellow and green.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). 20,000 plum trees in full blossom at Hangzhou wetland park. ecns.cn 20,000 plum trees are in full blossoms in Xixi National Wetland Park in Hangzhou, east China's Zhejiang Province, Feb. 27, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Culture Fact: Chinese Valentine's Days. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Starry sky over Bars Snow Mountain in Gansu. ecns.cn Photo shows a starry sky over Bars Snow Mountain in Yugur Autonomous County, northwest China's Gansu Province. The mountain is 5,118 meters above sea level and a sacred mountain in Yugur ethnic minority.

ecns.cn (2023-02-28). Mobile World Congress 2023 sees strong return of Asian participants. ecns.cn The 2023 edition of the Mobile World Congress (MWC) kicking off Monday in Barcelona saw a strong return of Asian participants, according to the organiser of the city's largest annual event.

Freedom Socialist Party (2023-02-28). Wednesday 3/8: Black Liberation Reading Circle. indybay.org New Valencia Hall, 747 Polk St., San Francisco, near Ellis St. Seven blocks from Civic Center BART, on or near Muni bus lines #5, 19, 27, 31, 38, 49. Wheelchair Accessible, Also via Zoom…

Juan Cole (2023-02-28). Arctic and Antarctic Ice Sheets in Danger if we blow Past Paris Limit of 1.5 ∞ C. (2.7 ∞ F) extra Heating. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Jun-Young Park et al. write in Nature Communications that the collapse of the Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets may come sooner than climate scientists had expected if humanity misses the Paris Climate Treaty goal of keeping extra global heating to 2.7 ∞ F. (1.5 ∞ C ) above the pre-industrial average. Humanity …

Leon Kunstenaar (2023-02-28). Ukrainians Rally and March in "Unite for Ukraine" at SF Embarcadero. indybay.org Thousands of traumatized Ukrainians ask for help. Russians and Iranians were there in support.

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-02-28). To End War, We Must Fight Against Racism And Capitalism. popularresistance.org On March 18, the twentieth anniversary of the US/NATO invasion of Iraq, major antiwar organizations and social movements from across the United States will rally in Washington, DC to demand an end to wars and austerity. Clearing the FOG speaks with Jacqueline Luqman of the Black Alliance for Peace about the current state of the antiwar movement in the US and the long history of opposition to war within the black radical tradition. Luqman explains why it is critical to understand that struggles against racism and capitalism and for people's-centered human rights are inseparable from the work to end wars and the ri…

Michael Arria (2023-02-28). US-Based Human Rights Group Loses Fundraising Platform Over Association With Palestinian NGO. orinocotribune.com By Michael Arria — Feb 23, 2023 | The Alliance for Global Justice's had its online fundraising platform shut down after complaints from a Zionist lawfare group. Is Israel's war on human rights groups coming to the U.S.? | The group Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) announced that its ability to fundraise has been impeded over its connection to a Palestinian NGO. | AfGJ serves as a fiscal sponsor for nearly 150 non-profit organizations across the United States, including some that work in Palestine. One of those groups is

Middle East Monitor (2023-02-28). Haaretz: Israel has erected 'a formal, full-fledged apartheid regime'. juancole.com ( Middle East Monitor ) — Israel has erected "a formal, full-fledged apartheid regime," the editorial of Haaretz newspaper said yesterday, in a stark warning about the direction of the occupation state. Drawing attention to measures introduced by the far-right government led by Benjamin Netanyahu, Haaretz's editorial said that they include the contentious decision to …

Our Downtown ‚Ä¢ Our Future (2023-02-28). Saturday 3/4: Save Some Lot 4 Trees. indybay.org Lot 4, Cedar Street, Santa Cruz…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-28). Daily Round-up | One Palestinian dead, hundreds injured in Israeli settlers' attack & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we bring you stories of a Palestinian being killed in attacks by settlers, thousands taking part in anti-war protests in Italy, Tunisians condemning the statement of their President on migrants, and Cuba and the UN welcoming developments in Colombia's peace talks…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-28). Majority of Peruvians disapprove of the Dina Boluarte regime, says survey. peoplesdispatch.org The disapproval rating of Peru's de-facto President Dina Boluarte has risen from 71% in January to 77% in February, while that of the right-wing dominated Congress has increased from 88% to 90%, according to a new

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-28). School teachers in Portugal demand increase in wages and time-bound promotions. peoplesdispatch.org The Portuguese working class has been organizing protests titled Vida Justa ('Fair Life') to demand an increase in wages and pensions and better job security…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-28). Thousands of Pashtuns gather in Pakistan demanding an end to police harassment and militarization. peoplesdispatch.org Pashtun Tahafuz Movement leaders have warned the authorities against carrying out military operations in tribal areas, saying that the Pashtuns have suffered tremendously and will not tolerate it any longer…

Shannon Dawson (2023-02-28). What Is The Rap Music On Trial Bill And Why Is It Important To Hip-Hop? newsone.com Source: Prince Williams / Getty | A new documentary, The documentary, which features Fat Joe, Killer Mike,

Staff (2023-02-28). Canadá prohíbe el uso de TikTok en los dispositivos móviles oficiales. cubadebate.cu El gobierno canadiense prohibió el uso de la popular red china de videos cortos TikTok en todos los dispositivos móviles oficiales, anunció el lunes la presidenta del Consejo del Tesoro, Mona Fortier.

Staff (2023-02-28). Las 3 del día: øQué fue noticia este 27 de febrero? (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu El penúltimo día de febrero hemos preparado un podcast cargadito de infomación. En la presente emisión de Las 3 del día podrá encontrar novedades medio ambientales, culturales, económicas, internacionales, deportivas… Y mucho más. Manténgase conectado.

Staff (2023-02-28). øQué sucedió un 27 de febrero en la historia de la Isla de la Juventud? cubadebate.cu En 1954, llegó a Isla de Pinos, el cura párroco Guillermo Sardiñas Menéndez, quien fue designado el párroco de la Iglesia Católica de Nueva Gerona, "Nuestra Señora de los Dolores".El padre Sardiñas rápidamente se identificó con los revolucionarios del pueblo. Tan pronto se organizó la célula del Movimiento Revolucionario 26 de Julio, en Nueva Gerona.

Staff (2023-02-28). Estela del lanzamiento del cohete Falcon 9 de la agencia SpaceX se divisa en el occidente de Cuba (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Usuarios de redes sociales de diferentes localidades del occidente del país reportan el avistamiento de "objetos raros" en el cielo nocturno. Según aclara el meteorólogo matancero Henry Delgado Manzor se trata del lanzamiento del cohete Falcon 9 de la agencia SpaceX desde Cabo Cañaveral, Florida.

Staff (2023-02-28). Celebran los 30 años de la reconocida película cubana "Fresa y Chocolate" (+Video). cubadebate.cu Como una película necesaria y de todos los tiempos describieron Mirta Ibarra y Jorge Perugorría a Fresa y Chocolate, en intercambio con el público en la Isla de la Juventud, a propósito de iniciar aquí la celebración por los 30 años de tan importante cinta cinematográfica cubana. Constituyó un homenaje a Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, Titón, y Juan Carlos Tabío.

Staff (2023-02-28). Desde las redes: Ovni sobre La Habana. cubadebate.cu No es el título de una novela de ciencia ficción. Estamos en un Febrero de Globos Chinos y Objetos Voladores No Identificados en los cielos del Planeta.Y ahora, ahora mismo, acabo de presenciar un extraño fenómeno sobre el caribeño cielo de La Habana.Eran las 7.50 pm. Sobre los hoteles Tritón y Neptuno y el Centro de Negocios sobrevoló una especie de haz de luz.

Staff (2023-02-28). Omara Durand vuelve a las pistas con una victoria en los 200 metros del Grand Prix Mundial de Dubái. cubadebate.cu La cubana Omara Durand retornó a las pistas con triunfo en los 200 metros del Grand Prix Mundial de Paratletismo de Dubái 2023.Acompañada por su guía, Yuniol Kindelán, la santiaguera marcó 24.96 segundos en una carrera de la categoría T12 (débiles visuales profundos) en que el reloj volvió a resultar su único rival.

Staff (2023-02-28). Ricardo Cabrisas sostiene encuentro con el viceministro primero de Relaciones Exteriores de Canadá. cubadebate.cu El vice primer ministro, Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz, sostuvo este lunes un encuentro, en el Palacio de la Revolución, con el viceministro primero de Relaciones Exteriores de Canadá, David Morrison, como parte de su visita a La Habana para presidir la delegación canadiense que participará en la V Sesión de Consultas Políticas Intercancillerías, a celebrarse este 28 de febrero.

Staff (2023-02-28). Maquillando el cadáver del capitalismo. cubadebate.cu Ya nadie habla de capitalismo. Capitalismo implica capital, que posee otro y tú no tienes. Capitalista es dueño, patrono, tipo que impone hacer lo que a él le da la gana. Ahora se habla del Mercado. Mercado suena impersonal, como el destino o las leyes naturales. Quien dice Mercado casi dice Supermercado, tan abarrotado de bienes que casi olvidamos que hay que pagar la factura.

Staff (2023-02-28). AMLO Calls Boluarte 'Puppet of the Oligarchy'. orinocotribune.com Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) accused the de facto president of Peru, Dina Boluarte, of being a "puppet" of the oligarchy that loots the country's natural resources. | In his daily press conference on Monday, February 27, the Mexican president stated, "a national oligarchy, but above all, a foreign one is plundering Peru's natural resources. They need a puppet… a ruler to suit them, and a congress as well." | López Obrador has compared the current crisis in Peru to what happened in Mexico during "the neoliberal period," when constitutional reforms were carried out in favor of a rapacious…

Staff (2023-02-28). Colombia: Peace Talks Progress as Government Recognizes ELN as 'Political Organization'. orinocotribune.com This Saturday, February 25, the Colombian government announced that it would recognize the National Liberation Army (ELN) as a "rebel armed political organization," marking a step forward in peace negotiations aimed at concluding six decades of civil war in the South American country. | The announcement was issued through a statement after the second cycle of dialogues between the Colombian government and the ELN in Mexico. The statement also shows the achievements made to this date between the involved parties. | "The delegations came to an agreement on an issue without which it would be impossible to clearly an…

Staff (2023-02-28). Delcy Rodríguez: There Will Be No Neoliberal Restoration in Venezuela (+Caracazo). orinocotribune.com

Stansfield Smith (2023-02-28). Behind the Self-Defeating Approach Toward the National Protest Against US War on Russia in Ukraine. orinocotribune.com By Stansfield Smith — Feb 26, 2023 | The

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-28). Delegación de Caricom viaja a Haití para analizar crisis. telesurtv.net La delegación del Caribe también se reunirá con los líderes de la Policía Nacional de Haití, que ha estado luchando contra las deserciones y las muertes de sus miembros.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-28). Oposición protesta contra reforma electoral en México. telesurtv.net La concentración opositora se hizo simultánea en 115 ciudades del país norteamericano, así como en el extranjero de acuerdo a datos de los convocantes.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-28). Movimientos sociales anuncian nuevas protestas en Lima, Perú. telesurtv.net Desde Puno, una de las regiones más activa en las protestas contra el Gobierno desde diciembre pasado, se prepara la llamada segunda toma de Lima.

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-02-28). Lionel Messi y Alexia Putellas ganan premio The Best de la FIFA. telesurtv.net Messi se impuso en la votación a Kylian Mbappé y Karim Benzema, mientras que la española Putellas, derrotó a Alex Morgan y Beth Mead.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-28). Diez muertos por explosión de minas de terroristas en Hama, Siria. telesurtv.net Según detallaron medios locales, los artefactos explosivos pertenecían a terroristas del autodenominado Estado Islámico (Daesh en árabe).

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-28). Palestina responsabiliza a Israel por crímenes en Nablus. telesurtv.net El premier elogió al pueblo palestino de la ciudad de Huwara y demás barrios atacados por su firmeza frente a los colonos.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-28). Sigue monitoreo tras emisión de ceniza del volcán Cotopaxi en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Según los datos de IGE, la nube de un kilómetro de altura sobre el nivel del cráter avanza en dirección sureste y afecta varias regiones cercanas al coloso.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-28). Trabajadores paralizan transporte en Buenos Aires. telesurtv.net Los trabajadores denuncian que la empresa "no pagó un acuerdo salarial" y prometen mantener la medida de fuerza hasta que se acrediten los pagos.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-28). Conaie anuncia radicalización de su movimiento en Ecuador. telesurtv.net La medida es respuesta al asesinato de Eduardo Mendúa, dirigente de Relaciones Internacionales, perteneciente a la nacionalidad Kofán de Sucumbíos.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2023-02-28). Alertan sobre más lluvia y nieve en California, EE.UU. telesurtv.net De acuerdo a las proyecciones podría caer hasta 7 pies (213 centímetros) de nieve en la Sierra Nevada de California.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-02-28). Gobierno de Brasil lanza Movimiento Nacional por la Vacunación. telesurtv.net "Vacúnate, protege a quien amas", fue otro de los mensajes compartidos por el jefe de Estado.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-02-28). Presidente de Bolivia resalta estrategia soberana para industrializar el litio. telesurtv.net Los ingresos, de acuerdo al jefe de Estado ascendieron a 556 millones de pesos bolivianos en 2022.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-28). Venezuela conmemora 34 años de la rebelión popular del Caracazo. telesurtv.net Durante el Caracazo los venezolanos protestaron, entre otras razones, contra la corrupción, el alza del precio del combustible, así como del valor del pasaje del transporte público.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-28). Declaran contenido incendio forestal en Biobío, Chile. telesurtv.net La cartera informó que es el segundo siniestro más grande en la historia de Chile, y dejó más de 74.000 hectáreas quemadas.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-28). Disminuyen casos de Covid-19 por novena semana consecutiva en Bolivia. telesurtv.net Según el informe referido por Auza, se detectaron 727 nuevos casos, lo que representa una reducción del 32 por ciento.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-28). Ferroviarios franceses convocan huelga contra reforma de pensiones. telesurtv.net Los ocho principales sindicatos de Francia agrupados en la Intersindical llaman a paralizar el país.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-28). Condenan a represores chilenos por desaparición de comunistas. telesurtv.net La Segunda Sala de la Corte Suprema dictó sentencia a miembros del Comando Conjunto, organización paramilitar clandestina al servicio del régimen pinochetista.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-28). Concluye visita de delegación de Caricom y asociados a Haití. telesurtv.net Tras reuniones con organizaciones privadas, públicas, religiosas y políticas quedó clara la urgencia de proteger a la población de Haití de la acción de las bandas criminales.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-28). Supremo brasileño juzgará a militares por atentado golpistas. telesurtv.net El magistrado Alexandre de Moares, autorizó a la Policía Federal a iniciar una investigación por "eventuales delitos" cometidos por militares.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-28). Nueva masacre deja al menos tres muertos en Boyacá, Colombia. telesurtv.net Según el balance de Indepaz, en los dos primeros meses del 2023 han ocurrido 21 masacres en Colombia.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-28). Justicia peruana rechaza recurso a favor de Pedro Castillo. telesurtv.net El hábeas corpus a favor del expresidente, sostiene que para ser detenido y juzgado se debía levantar la inmunidad que pesaba sobre Pedro Castillo.

teleSUR, YSM (2023-02-28). Registran un sismo de magnitud 5,7 en El Salvador. telesurtv.net El movimiento telúrico se produjo a las 12H46 (hora local) a unos 55 kilómetros al sur de la playa Las Tunas.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-02-28). Suman 62 migrantes muertos tras naufragio en costas italianas. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento se han rescatado a 81 personas que conformaban los 200 migrantes procedentes de Irak, Irán, Afganistán y Siria.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-02-28). El 58 por ciento de los peruanos se identifica con las protestas. telesurtv.net En las macrozonas del sur del país latinoamericana la identificación con las manifestaciones alcanza el 71 por ciento.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-02-28). Reino Unido y la UE alcanzan acuerdo sobre Irlanda del Norte. telesurtv.net "Juntos hemos modificado el protocolo original y hoy anunciamos el nuevo marco de Windsor", afirmó el primer ministro británico.

teleSUR (2023-02-28). Chile Declares 'Santa Ana' Forest Fire in Biobío Under Control. telesurenglish.net Chile's National Forestry Corporation (Conaf) declared the forest fire, known as "Santa Ana" which affected several communities in the Biobío Region for 25 days, under control. | RELATED: | "After overflight of sectors 1 to 6 only hot spots are observed within the burned area," Conaf said through its official Twitter account. The hot spots are far from the perimeter of the fire. | According to the agency, the "Santa Ana" fire started on February 2 and swept thro…

WSWS (2023-02-28). Caterpillar workers have a right to know what's being said in the contract talks! Prepare to launch a counteroffensive of Cat workers and autoworkers! wsws.org With only hours remaining until the March 1 contract expiration between Caterpillar and the UAW, workers are being kept in the dark over what is really being discussed between management and UAW officials.

WSWS (2023-02-28). Orion 23: France holds its largest-ever military exercise for war with Russia. wsws.org The war games come as millions protest Macron's pension reform, and broader attacks on wages and social spending, designed to fund the state's rearmament campaign.

WSWS (2023-02-28). Ontario Federation of Labour's "Enough is enough" campaign: a trap for the working class. wsws.org "Enough is enough" is a fraud that aims to ensnare workers in a toothless protest campaign confined to Ontario's provincial borders, and led by the very same unions that are propping up the Trudeau Liberal government at the federal level as it spends billions on war and takes the axe to public spending.

WSWS (2023-02-28). Biden's program for mass hunger: Food stamps being cut back for 42 million. wsws.org On March 1, the emergency allocation of food stamp benefits provided during the COVID-19 pandemic will expire in every state, reducing food stamp recipients to an average benefit of $6.10 a day, about $2 a meal.

WSWS (2023-02-28). SEP/IYSSE (Sri Lanka) online public meeting this Sunday: Oppose the president's scuttling of local elections! Mobilise the working class to defend democratic and social rights! wsws.org The SEP/IYSSE meeting will discuss President Ranil Wickremesinghe's cancellation of the March 9 local government elections and his government's escalating attacks on democratic and social rights.

WSWS (2023-02-28). Frankfurt city authorities censor Roger Waters concert under false accusation of anti-Semitism. wsws.org In a disgraceful act of political and artistic censorship, the Frankfurt City Council decided on Friday to stop Roger Waters' concert scheduled for May 28.

WSWS (2023-02-28). Oppose University of Sydney's suspension of students who protested former prime minister! wsws.org The university management is setting a precedent for far-reaching attacks on freedom of speech and other core democratic rights, amid growing opposition to war.

WSWS (2023-02-28). Left Party politician Sahra Wagenknecht's "Revolt for Peace": German nationalism instead of a fight against war. wsws.org The "Revolt for Peace" rally was not a call to fight war, but an appeal to the government to protect German interests more consistently.

WSWS (2023-02-28). Young Guard of Bolshevik Leninists celebrates 5-year anniversary. wsws.org The meeting to celebrate the anniversary of the youth organization in Russia and the former Soviet Union was marked by a high level of consciousness of the historical and political tasks confronting workers and young people in the fight to build sections of the ICFI.

WSWS (2023-02-28). Class struggles mount in Turkey after earthquake disaster. wsws.org As aftershocks continue and millions struggle to survive without basic necessities in Turkey, corporations insist that production and profit flows cannot stop.

WSWS (2023-02-28). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Over 64,000 bank workers in Argentina took part in a one-day strike last week to demand pay raises that keep pace with soaring inflation.

WSWS (2023-02-28). Australian military analysts warn against a US-led war with China. wsws.org The analysts are not in any sense anti-war, but rather represent a dissident faction of the ruling class deeply concerned about the implications for Australian imperialism of a US-led war against its largest trading partner, China.

WSWS (2023-02-28). Video: Residents of East Palestine speak out on poisoning of their town by Norfolk Southern. wsws.org "I have a 14 year old, she goes to school here. She has no future. You don't know what the long-term effects are," one resident told the WSWS.

WSWS (2023-02-28). One year on—Australia's floods: An indictment of capitalism. wsws.org None of the basic failures exposed by last year's floods crisis has been resolved, and the contemptuous and inadequate response of governments continues, underscoring the need for a social program.

WSWS (2023-02-28). The Wuhan lab lie: "Weapons of mass destruction" redux. wsws.org In an uncanny instance of history repeating itself, the lies used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq based on false claims about "weapons of mass destruction" are being used to promote the United States' unprecedented military buildup around China.

WSWS (2023-02-28). Vengeance: B.J. Novak's directorial debut. wsws.org Novak, best known for his role as the scheming temp Ryan on the television series The Office, wrote and makes his directorial debut with Vengeance.

WSWS (2023-02-28). Sri Lankan SEP denounces police attack on Sunday protest against cancellation of local elections. wsws.org The massive police assault on the Sunday protest makes clear that the Wickremesinghe government will not tolerate any opposition to its reactionary political, economic and social policies.

Ann Brown (2023-02-28). Whatever Happened To 'Bangin' On Wax' Rappers from '90s? 5 Things To Know. moguldom.com In the 1990s, there was a short-lived hip-hop group called Bloods & Crips. It was a group of real-life rival gang members from Los Angeles, who were also rappers. One of the collective's albums was "Bangin' On Wax." The group had members from the Bloods and Cribs. The Bloods are a primarily African-American street gang …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-28). Medvedev Says West Pumping Weapons Into Ukraine Could Bring 'Apocalypse'. news.antiwar.com Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev warned in an op-ed published on Sunday that the Western policy of pouring weapons into Ukraine could lead to "apocalypse." "One could continue to pump weapons into the neo-fascist Kiev regime and block any opportunity to revive negotiations," Medvedev wrote in the Russian newspaper Izvestiya. "Our enemies are doing just …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-28). Taiwan to Criminalize Spreading Rumors During Wartime. news.antiwar.com Taiwan is expected to pass a new law that would criminalize spreading rumors or "disinformation" during wartime as the island takes more steps to prepare for a potential future conflict with China. Taiwan's Defense Ministry has submitted a revised version of the island's All-out Defense Mobilization Readiness Act, a law that outlines rules during mobilization …

news.un (2023-02-28). INTERVIEW: Turn the tide on water crisis with game-changing commitments, urge co-hosts of UN conference. news.un.org Water is life, yet this vital natural resource is being depleted, polluted and mismanaged. Disruption to the hydrological cycle is also causing more water-related disasters. To tackle the challenges, the United Nations will convene in March one of the most important water events in history at its Headquarters in New York.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-02-28). Avalon Airshow a display of militarism. greenleft.org.au The arms manufacturers are salivating that Australia's military policy is finally moving in the right direction. Binony Kampmark reports on Deputy PM Richard Marles' enthusiasm.

Jim McIlroy (2023-02-28). Socialist Alliance calls for rent freeze, end to no-grounds evictions. greenleft.org.au Housing has become a significant election issue as rents skyrocket and tenants can be thrown out of their homes at the whim of a landlord. Jim McIlroy report.

Bill Nevins (2023-02-28). Rupture and radical yearning. greenleft.org.au Bill Nevins reviews British author China Miéville's very readable book, A Spectre Haunting, about the concept of alternative world-creation in Karl Marx' and Friedrich Engels' Communist Manifesto.

John McDonnell (2023-02-28). British Labour MP John McDonnell: 'Ukrainians must be allowed to decide their future'. greenleft.org.au British Labour MP John McDonnell argues that to force a negotiated settlement to Russia's war on Ukraine, the left should support Ukrainians' right to defend themselves.

Jonathan Strauss (2023-02-28). The movement for refugee rights must continue. greenleft.org.au Refugees and their supporters have called a major rally in Canberra on March 6 and around the country on April 2. Labor's "resolution of status" permanent visa does not go far enough, argues Jonathan Strauss.

It's Going Down (2023-02-28). It's Going Down Takes Over "It Could Happen Here" itsgoingdown.org In case you missed it, It's Going Down has released a series of shows on the popular podcast It Could Happen Here, part of Cool Zone Media. Here's a roundup of the five episodes we've produced so far: Episode #1: A General Strike Might Be Closer Than You Think: Pt #1, the Class War Explodes…

_____ (2023-02-28). Don't Believe Anything — But Recognize the Verge of a New Dark Age. journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-02-28). Sudan to normalize relations with Israel, will Sudan succeed? journal-neo.org According to the Sudanese Foreign Ministry, Khartoum is bolstering its lines of communication with Tel Aviv in order to fully normalize relations. After meeting with the head of the Sovereignty Council and other Sudanese officials in February, Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen made the announcement. The goal of the talks, according to a spokesman for Sudan's …

_____ (2023-02-28). Bangladesh: Balancing Act between Beijing, Washington and New Delhi. journal-neo.org The People's Republic of Bangladesh seeks to maintain a special status in the global geopolitical arena by refusing to join any defense alliances and attempting to remain neutral. This trend can be explained by the fact that China and India account for approximately 35% of all Bangladeshi imports, primarily machinery and energy resources, while the West …

unitedEditor (2023-02-27). State intervention can solve the housing problem after earthquake in Türkiye. uwidata.com United World International author Mehmet Perinàßek gave two different interviews to the Russian RIA Novosti news agency about the housing problem after the earthquake in Türkiye. We present the two interviews, dated February 14 and February 23, published in Russian, to our readers together translated into English. ————- The placement of earthquake victims in the …

unitedEditor (2023-02-27). Syria after the earthquake. unitedworldint.com The earthquake of February 6 did not care about borders and shook Türkiye and Syria similarly. But the two countries presented a quite different capacity to respond the disaster. We spoke with Firas Alshoufi, Journalist in the Syrian daily newspaper Al Akhbar on the reasons for that difference, the current situation in Syria and political …

Larry Johnson (2023-02-27). When it Comes to Ukraine and Russia, the United States Intel Community is Confusing Pyrite with Genuine Gold. sonar21.com I am following up on my previous posts about the failure of the U.S. intelligence community, the CIA in particular, in providing an accurate, objective assessment of the war in…

Mansa Musa (2023-02-27). Mass incarceration has lasted for 50 years now. therealnews.com The growth of the US prison population under a system of mass incarceration has now gone on for 50 years, according to

Middle East Monitor (2023-02-27). Eyewitness: 'Settlers carried out new Nakba' in Huwara. therealnews.com An eyewitness to extreme settler violence near the city of Nablus in the occupied West Bank describes the worst attack on his village of Huwara 'since the First Intifada'. The attacks by illegal Israeli settlers and soldiers left one Palestinian dead as well as Palestinian cars, homes and businesses burnt to the ground.

Alexander Morris, Julia Schà∂nheit (2023-02-27). UK nurses join Britain's cost of living strike wave to save NHS. therealnews.com After decades of targeted underfunding, the UK's National Health Service is on the verge of collapse. Spiking inflation as a result of corporate profiteering in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine War have only worsened the situation, as the UK's 300,000 nurses face staffing shortages on top of a cost of living crisis. All these conditions have driven the Royal College of Nurses to strike. This video is part of an ongoing Workers of the World series about the cost of living crisis in Europe. | Producer: Alexander Morris | Videographer: Julia Schà∂nheit, Alexander Morris | Video editor: L…

Fight Back (2023-02-27). University of South Florida students defend affirmative action, demand increased Black enrollment. fightbacknews.org Tampa, FL – On Tuesday, February 21, around 20 students at the University of South Florida gathered outside of the Marshall Student Center to show their support for affirmative action and diversity programs, and to demand increased Black enrollment at their university. Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) called this protest alongside other SDS chapters to bring attention to two U.S. Supreme Court cases which might overturn affirmative action measures, one against Harvard University and one against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. | Speakers made references to the racist Florida gover…

Fight Back (2023-02-27). Milwaukee: Justice for Keishon Thomas! Indict all officers involved! fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the statement from the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (MAARPR). | On February 24, 2023, two Milwaukee police officers were criminally charged for their involvement in the in-custody death of Keishon Thomas. Thomas died on February 23, 2022 from acute mixed drug intoxication due to staff neglect and abuse while being held in Police District 5. | The officers involved were Donald Krueger and Marco Lopez. Krueger is charged with one felony count of abuse of a resident in a penal facility. Lopez is charged with one felony count of misconduct in public…

Fight Back (2023-02-27). Against Trotskyism: Trotsky and the Soviet Union. fightbacknews.org Trotsky argued, before and after the revolution of 1917, that building socialism in one country was impossible, and that the success of the revolution was dependent on the immediate expansion of the revolution to Western Europe. Once this didn't happen, Trotsky's only way to persist in this theory was to say that the Soviet Union wasn't truly building socialism. | Despite Trotsky's protests to the contrary, the Soviet Union, in fact, accomplished a great deal. By putting the means of production under the control of the proletarian dictatorship, the Soviet Union, in just a few decades, went from a backwards count…

Fight Back (2023-02-27). Minneapolis: East Phillips fight to stop Roof Depot demolition continues with legal win. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – This week has been eventful in the East Phillips fight to stop the demolition of the arsenic-contaminated site of the Roof Depot building in south Minneapolis. | At dawn on Tuesday, February 22, defenders set up encampment at the site. That evening, Minneapolis cops On Thursday, February 24, Little Earth – a mostly native housing complex bordering the Roof Depot site – residents had a caravan to the Minneapolis city council meeting. Despite over a foot of s…

_____ (2023-02-27). Britain to Mongolia: more than just a partner? journal-neo.org The United Kingdom is one of Mongolia's main "third neighbors," according to Mongolia's current foreign policy concept. Neither its limited participation in global political and economic processes, nor its extreme geographical distance from Mongolia in comparison to Japan and South Korea, removes it from the list of Mongolia's key "third neighbor" partners. The United Kingdom …

_____ (2023-02-27). How and why is Pakistan assisting Ukraine? journal-neo.org Recently, reports that Pakistan, which previously attempted to portray itself as a supporter of Russia, started to provide assistance to Ukraine, including weapons, against the backdrop of the special operation carried out by Moscow against the neo-fascist regime of Kyiv, have been increasingly published by media outlets other than Ukrainian and Indian media. Islamabad's "political …

_____ (2023-02-27). Tbilisi Georgia: An Earthquake Disaster Waiting to Happen? journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-02-27). Democrats Praise Bush, Want More Small-Business War Profiteers. strategic-culture.org At a Friday event commemorating the 20th anniversary of the President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) hosted by the George W Bush Institute, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke glowingly of the president who instituted the program in 2003 at the same time he was preparing to launch an invasion which would inflict unfathomable horrors upon our world which continue to unfold to this day.

_____ (2023-02-27). East Palestine, Ohio and the Oblivious Democrats. strategic-culture.org The train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio on February 3rd that led to a "controlled" explosion of toxic chemicals that's now causing sickness among residents there was preventable. Both the Obama and Trump administrations made compromises driven by rail industry lobbyists that contributed to the disaster, which isn't surprising, given the corporate capture of the U.S. government. The disaster represents a bipartisan failure, yet somehow it's the Democrats who've emerged as the party most out of touch with the suffering of the people of East Palestine.

_____ (2023-02-27). Some Basic Calculus in the EU Wouldn't Go Amiss. strategic-culture.org Voluntary departure of the Western producers from Russia has enabled the Chinese producers to size up the European market in all its entirety and fill up the vacancies soon enough. | The Council of the EU has passed a new resolution on the

Abidemi I. Otaiku (2023-02-27). [Articles] Distressing dreams in childhood and risk of cognitive impairment or Parkinson's disease in adulthood: a national birth cohort study. thelancet.com Having persistent distressing dreams during childhood may be associated with an increased risk of developing cognitive impairment or PD in adulthood. Future studies are needed to confirm these findings and to determine whether treating distressing dreams during early life may lower the risk of dementia and PD.

acTVism Munich (2023-02-27). Former CIA Officer McGovern on Ukraine, NATO and Nord Stream at UN Security Council. dissidentvoice.org On February 22, 2023, former CIA analyst turned political activist Ray McGovern addresses the United Nations Security Council on Russia-U.S. relations. McGovern emphasizes the need to understand Russia's security concerns and to push forward with diplomacy. McGovern was a CIA analyst from 1963 to 1990 and in the 1980s directed the National Intelligence Estimates and …

Alastair Crooke (2023-02-27). Manichaeism and 'An Ideology of Liberal Empire' — Biden's Forever Cosmic War Against Russian 'Evil'. thealtworld.com When the U.S. begins its pivot away from Ukraine, and looks fully to Europeanise the war, the political class won't be seen 'for the dust'. | "Appetites of the autocrat cannot be appeased. They must be opposed. Autocrats only understand one word: "No." "No." "No." (Applause.). "No, you will not take my country." "No, you will not take my freedom." "No, you will not take my future … A dictator bent on rebuilding an empire will never be able to ease [erase] the people's love of liberty. Brutality will never grind down the will of the free. And Ukraine — Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia. Never". (A…

americanthinker (2023-02-27). A farewell to Jon N. Hall. americanthinker.com Time has claimed yet another AT contributor.

americanthinker (2023-02-27). About that big march in Mexico. americanthinker.com Many people marched south of the border rejecting President Lopez-Obrador's changes to the electoral process.

americanthinker (2023-02-27). Biden must go gentle into that good night. americanthinker.com For it to be "morning again in America," Joe Biden must ignore Dylan Thomas exhortation, and go gentle into that good night.

americanthinker (2023-02-27). Speciesism': A grave threat to life on Earth? americanthinker.com William Shakespeare was no more important than a tarantula, say pomo academics.

americanthinker (2023-02-27). What's behind the push for electric vehicles? americanthinker.com Why the huge push by the U.S. government to convert to electric vehicles?

Aminah Sheikh, The Real News Network. (2023-02-27). The Right Wing Is Organizing In Canada; Can The Left Stop Them? popularresistance.org Since the start of COVID-19, workers have coupled innovative new organizing models with traditional "ground game" to gain incredible wins at worksites around the world. These have ranged from Amazon to Trader Joe's in the United States, Indigo Chapters Bookstores to Second City (AICE Union) in Canada, and of course the historic farmers strike in India. Each of these campaigns amplified their voices through the use of social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram and, YouTube. These workers also had something else on their side—a captive audience.

Ana Vraƒçar (2023-02-27). One year of baby formula shortage in the US. peoplesdispatch.org Families in the US are struggling with the effects of an infant formula shortage caused by over-reliance on commercial milk formula producers and absence of support for breastfeeding and human milk banks…

Angela (2023-02-27). Saturday 2/25: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Haifawi" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Ann Brown (2023-02-27). After Being Accused of Satanic Theme At Super Bowl, Rihanna Reported To FCC Over Sexual Performance. moguldom.com Rihanna's Super Bowl halftime spectacular on Feb. 12 drew all kinds of reactions. Some loved the 13-minute performance, complete with a multitude of dancers. Some complained that Rhianna's performance was low-energy. It even caused viewer complaints to the Federal Communications Commission. But the color of her outfit—-red—-seems to have sparked a rumor that the show …

Anonymous103 (2023-02-27). Airstrikes On Taliban Positions In Afghanistan Since 2021 — Infographics. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-02-27). Head Of CIA Enters Media War With Russia. southfront.org Illustrative Image | The meeting of the head of the US CIA William Burns and the head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Sergei Naryshkin on the possible use of nuclear weapons took place in November 2022 in Istanbul, but it turned out that the counterparts evaluated its results differently. | In his interview with CBS News, CIA Director Bill Burns claimed that the meeting was "pretty dispiriting.""There was a very defiant attitude on the part of Mr. Naryshkin as well. A sense of cockiness and hubris,…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-27). In Video: Nazi Tanks On Their Way Back To Russian Soil. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-02-27). In Video: Russian Marines Storming The City Of Ugledar. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-02-27). Making History With "Meat Ramparts" — C'est Bakhmut. southfront.org Ukrainian soldiers after a battle near Bakhmut | It is safe to say that Kiev has accepted the inevitable loss of Bakhmut. | Now the main task of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) is to contain the assault units of the Wagner PMC in the city area as long as possible, buying time to prepare other defensive lines. Once the Russians have cleared the Bakhmut area, they will inevitably pose a direct threat to Seversk and Slavyansk, the last Ukrainian strongholds remaining in the Donbass. | That is why Gener…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-27). Military Situation In Bakhmut On February 27, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-02-27). Military Situation In Southern Ukraine On February 27, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russian forces destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Nikolayev with high-precision missiles; | Russian forces destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Zaporozhye with high-precision missiles; | Artillery duels continue between the AFU and Russian forces in the area of Kakhovka; | Artillery duels between the AFU and Russian forces continue in the area of Gulyaipole; | Artillery duels between the AFU and Russian forces continue in the area of…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-27). Military Situation In Syria On February 27, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On February 27, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 2 times: 1 — in Idlib province, 2 — in Latakia province, 1 in Hama province; | On February 27, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces near Banin village; | On February 27, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces near Kafariya village; | On February 27, Turkish artillery shelled SDF positions near Ain Issa; | On February 27, a…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-27). Military Situation In Ukraine On February 27, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russian forces destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Bakhmut with high-precision missiles; | Russian forces destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Zaporozhye with high-precision missiles; | Russian forces destroyed an electronic intelligence centre near Brovary with high-precision missiles; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Kupyansk; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Nevskoye; | Clashes between the Russian Army a…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-27). Russian Long-Range Radar Detection And Control Aircraft Targeted At Airfield In Belarus — Reports. southfront.org Illustrative Image: Russian A-50U | On the morning of February 26, a military airfield located on the outskirts of the capital of Belarus reportedly came under attack. This military facility hosted Russian military aircraft. | According to some Belarusian news sources, at least two explosions thundered on the territory of the military airfield in the village of Machulishchi. Some sources claimed that three explosions were heard in the area. One of them thundered at night and two others were reportedly heard in the mornin…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-27). The Invisible Victims Of The War In Ukraine. southfront.org Click to see full-size image"It is the writer's duty to tell the terrible truth, and it is a reader's civic duty to learn this truth. To turn away, to close one's eyes and walk past is to insult the memory of those who have perished." | ‚Äï Vasily Grossman, Written by Dr. Leon Tressell | On 20 February Didier Reynders,the European Commissioner for Justice, announced that a new international centre…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-27). The West Severely Miscalculated The Geopolitical Ramifications Of The War In Ukraine. southfront.org Illustrative Image: Russian President Vladimir Putin gestures as he speaks at the 10th business forum "Business Russia" in 2015. Putin has encouraged businesses to expand domestically before Western nations lift economic sanctionsThe EU, and not Russia, has weakened since the start of the special military operation | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | Although many remember February 24 as the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine, Russia's special military operation is act…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-27). West Tells Global South 'You Can't be Neutral' in Ukraine War: You Are Either with Us, or Against Us. southfront.org Written by Ben Norton. Originally published by Geopolitical Economy Report The foreign ministers of the United States, Germany, and Ukraine have…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-27). Western Leaders Privately Admit Ukraine Can't Win The War. southfront.org Élysée Palace where Macron and Scholz told Zelensky to seek peace. (U.S. State Dept.) | Written by Western leaders privately told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that Ukraine can not win the war against Russia and that it should begin peace talks with Moscow this year in exchange for closer ties with NATO. | The private communications are at odds wit…

Anonymous765 (2023-02-27). After Public Scandal Solved, Wagner's Advance Steams Ahead In Bakhmut. southfront.org |

Answer Coalition (2023-02-27). Join the Artists & Cultural Workers contingent on March 18! answercoalition.org

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Can Public Comments Penetrate FDA's Illusory Parallel Universe? transcend.org On 26 Jan 2023, the 178th Meeting of Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee met to pretend to have a process before unanimously "voting" to authorize a simplified annual Covid shot in order to not confuse the public.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). China Report Excoriates 'US Hegemony', War Crimes, CIA Coups, 400 Foreign Interventions. transcend.org 23 Feb 2023 – China's Foreign Ministry published a lengthy report condemning "US hegemony" and its crimes around the world, including wars with millions of victims, coups and "regime change" against elected leaders, and 400 foreign military interventions.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Free Speech Is for Fighting the Empire. transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 – My research has led me to conclude that there's an elite conspiracy to enslave us all and turn us all into brainwashed automatons mindlessly enacting the wishes of our rulers in a cruel dystopia built by the powerful, for the powerful. Haha, just kidding. That already happened.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). From South Africa to Israel, the Three Pillars of Apartheid. transcend.org How does a South African and former anti-apartheid activist feel about visiting Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories? Classification of the population, freedom of choice of residence and movement, importance of security: based on the three central drivers of separation, Israeli apartheid is worse than South Africa's.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Hasta Siempre Comandante Che Guevara (Music Video of the Week). transcend.org Song in honor of the great revolutionary leader, Ernesto Che Guevara, by Cuban composer Pablo Cuebras. Viva Che !!!

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). In Homage to David Ray Griffin: Indispensable Public Intellectual. transcend.org I think it was the successful branding of the 9/11 skeptics as 'wacky' that proved more useful in squelching their influence than by labeling them as 'dangerous,' 'subversive,' and 'radical' or 'socialist.' It might be understood as the advent of a more advanced, more sophisticated version of McCarthyism, a discrediting ploy that George Orwell would have immediately understood.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). International Investigative Commission into the Terrorist Attacks on Nord Stream. transcend.org German Lawmaker Calls for Nord Stream Probe on a 10 Feb 2023 Speech to the Bundestag – MP Sevim Dagdelen takes the Scholz government to task for its lack of "strength and will" in responding to Seymour Hersh's reporting on the U.S. sabotage of the Russian pipeline.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Malcolm X: His Struggle Continues. transcend.org Malcolm X was assassinated 58 years ago, on 21 Feb 1965, standing at the podium before a crowd in Harlem's Audubon Ballroom. His wife Betty Shabazz, pregnant with twins, and his four daughters were in the ballroom looking on.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). One Humanity and the Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 – Reflections on the Aftermath of Earthquakes and Human Survival…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Provocation of "Unprovoked Aggression" by Varieties of Encroachment. transcend.org Challenge of Insensitivity to Collective Historical Amnesia – Expression of alternative perspectives on the USA/NATO-Russia-Ukraine armed conflict has been limited–and actively suppressed as "disinformation" whenever possible. Those articulating such perspectives have been discredited and personally condemned, if not actively sanctioned in some manner.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Putin Suspends START Nuclear Pact with USA. transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 – Vladimir Putin suspended Moscow's participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control pact with the US, announcing the move yesterday in a bitter speech in which he made clear he would not change his strategy in the war in Ukraine.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Seymour Hersh on "How the US Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline": Exclusive TV Interview. transcend.org 15 Feb 2023 – When the Nord Stream pipelines carrying natural gas from Russia to Germany were damaged last September, U.S. officials were quick to suggest Russia had bombed its own pipelines. But according to a new report by the legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, it was the U.S. Navy that carried out the sabotage, with help from Norway. "The fear was Europe would walk away from the war," he says.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). The 20th Anniversary of the Sociocide of Iraq by Bush/Cheney. transcend.org 23 Feb 2023 – Will President Biden, Congress and other North Americans recognize the massive war crimes committed against the Iraqi people with appropriate declarations and actions on 19 Mar 2023?>

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). The Security Apparati: Tentacles of Global Peace Disruptors (Part 1). transcend.org 25 Feb 2023 – This publication discusses the global strategies, after the two world wars, when the great powers, suspicious of foreign ones, entered into a phase of Cold War using subterfuge, covert operations, and secret, double or triple agents, to gain access to strategic information.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). The Ukraine War Viewed from the Global South. transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 — In October 2022, about eight months after the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the University of Cambridge harmonized surveys that asked the inhabitants of 137 countries about their views of the West, Russia, and China: different perspectives.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). 'Ticking Time Bombs' for the Most Defenceless: The Children (I). transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 – Today, there are more children in need of desperate humanitarian assistance than at any other time since World War II.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). 'Ticking Time Bombs' for the Most Defenceless: The Children (II). transcend.org 23 Feb 2023 – While the world's biggest powers and their giant private corporations continue to attach high priority to their military —and commercial— dominance, both of them being shockingly profitable, entire generations are being lost to deadly armed conflicts, devastating climate catastrophes, diseases, hunger and more imposed impoverishment.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). U.S. Hegemony: At War with China's Global Security Initiative. transcend.org 24 Feb 2023 – Over the last week China released a flurry of papers and statements accusing the U.S. of hegemony while contrasting it with China's peace initiatives. As 'western' media rarely communicate what the Chinese say I find it necessary to give the Chinese standpoint some extended space.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Ukraine: 1 Year of War on Top of 30 Years of Conflict Escalation. transcend.org 23 Feb 2023 – The Only Re-Armament Needed Is Intellectual and Moral — on All Sides – Beyond Russia, NATO/EU policies will prove morally wrong, unrealistic, dangerous and self-destructive.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). US Power Alliance Says It's Preparing an "Information War" against China. transcend.org 24 Feb 2023 – In an article published last week titled "US working with 'Five Eyes' nations, Japan on information warfare" C4ISRNET, a military intelligence and communications publication, reports that the US and its allies are collaborating "to share and sharpen information-warfare techniques in the Indo-Pacific" with the goal of "countering" the "increasingly aggressive China."

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite's 'Great Reset': Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively? transcend.org 21 Feb 2023 – Since the dawn of human civilization 5,000 years ago, ordinary people like you and me have been engaged in an endless struggle to resist efforts by elites, whether local, national, international or global, to assert complete control over us and the resources around us.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Who Really Started the Ukraine Wars? transcend.org 16 Feb 2023 – The Four Interrelated Wars in Ukraine…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Who's Winning and Losing the Economic War over Ukraine? transcend.org 21 Feb 2023 – After a year of war, Western expectations have gone up in smoke (and methane). The winners are the opportunists and war profiteers; the losers are the people of Ukraine, working/poor people everywhere, and hopes of halting the climate crisis, as half a million tons of methane rose from the sabotaged Nord Stream pipeline.

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-02-27). Study: West Is Out Of Touch With Rest Of World Politically. popularresistance.org A study by an elite European government-funded think tank found that, while the United States and Europe are growing closer together, the West is increasingly out of touch politically with the rest of the world. | The report, from the EU member state-financed European Council on Foreign Relations, conceded that the system of "American global supremacy" is in rapid decline, and many people in the Global South want a new "multipolar world". | The series of polls concluded that NATO's proxy war in "Ukraine confirmed the renewed centrality of American power to Europe", uniting the West under Washington's leadership.

Bertram Burian (2023-02-27). The final system question Parts 1 and 2. indybay.org The enrichment elites of the West in particular have been trying for decades to extend their influence to the whole world. That is their declared concept. The worldwide "final victory", the "end of history" (4), the elimination of all competitors for raw materials and markets, have been part of capitalism and imperialism from the very beginning.

Bilal G. Morris (2023-02-27). Black Leaders Condemn Mississippi White Republicans For Creating Rogue Court System. newsone.com

Bilal G. Morris (2023-02-27). The NBA Has A History Of Drug Testing Players After Big Games. newsone.com Source: Alika Jenner / Getty | The NBA seems to have a thing for drug testing its athletes after they have big performances on the court. | Sunday night, Portland Trail Blazers guard

Bill Astore (2023-02-27). Magical Weapons for Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Binoy Kampmark (2023-02-27). Sensitivity Rewrites: The Cultural Purging of Roald Dahl. dissidentvoice.org Censorship is never innocent, made worse for its strained good intentions. For those responsible for setting and policing such policies, the inner judge comes out, stomping on assumed meanings, interpreting and removing things to ensure the masses are not corrupted. Children's stories and tales have not been exempted from this train of revision, expurgation and …

Brenda Norrell (2023-02-27). The Matriarchs of Wounded Knee: Fourteen Minutes of Power. indybay.org In a powerful 14-minutes, the Matriarchs of Wounded Knee describe how the Occupation of Wounded Knee began during a time of terror for Oglala Lakota on Pine Ridge. The special presentation of oral history by the Warrior Women's Project on Saturday is part of four days of events celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Wounded Knee.

Bruce C.T. Wright (2023-02-27). 'Dilbert': Racist Comments Draw Attention To Comic Strip's First Black Character. newsone.com Scott Adams, cartoonist and author and creator of "Dilbert", poses for a portrait in his home office on January 6, 2014, in Pleasanton, California. | Source: San Francisco Chronicle/Hearst Newspapers via Getty Images / Getty | Amid Could it be an uncanny coincidence that Adams' famed comic str…

C.J. Atkins, John Wojcik (2023-02-27). China calls for Ukraine ceasefire and issues 12-point peace plan. peoplesworld.org China on Friday called for a comprehensive ceasefire and negotiations to end the war in Ukraine and issued a 12-point plan to achieve peace. China rolled out its plan at the United Nations and in the international press over the weekend. "Conflict and war benefit no one," declared a statement from the Ministry of Foreign …

C.J. Atkins, John Wojcik (2023-02-27). China pide cese al fuego en Ucrania y emite plan de paz de 12 puntos. peoplesworld.org China pidió el viernes un alto el fuego integral y negociaciones para poner fin a la guerra en Ucrania y emitió un plan de 12 puntos para lograr la paz. China presentó su plan en las Naciones Unidas y en la prensa internacional durante el fin de semana. "El conflicto y la guerra no benefician …

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-02-27). There Has Never In History Been A Greater Need For A Large Anti-War Movement. thealtworld.com

Carlos Edill Berríos Polanco (2023-02-27). Eco-Anxiety Motivates Puerto Rico Activists to Defend Environment. latinorebels.com With miles of beaches and lush rainforest, Puerto Rico is often touted as a paradise for vacationers. But for the people who live there, rampant development and the worsening effects of climate change have bred a sense of ecological anxiety that drives many to fight for the environment.

Cartie Werthman, DeSmog. (2023-02-27). The Natural Gas Industry Sees Cow Manure Gas As The Key To Net Zero. popularresistance.org Chevron has been talking a lot about cows lately. Alongside POLITICO articles about clean energy, in D.C. newsletters, on Facebook and LinkedIn, are Chevron's recent ads featuring taglines like "We're looking to turn the methane from cow üí© into the fuels of the future." Each ad links to a page on Chevron's website which explains how methane captured from manure is actually "renewable natural gas." | But Chevron isn't the only one talking cow manure. As world leaders convened in Egypt last November to negotiate climate action at the United Nations COP27 summit, a dairy industry trade ass…

ceasefire (2023-02-27). Pursuing peace in Ukraine, new nuke risks and more. ceasefire.ca Most Western analysts foresee a continued "war of attrition" with no end in sight.

Charlotte Hazard (2023-02-27). After Backpedaling on Gas Stove Ban, Administration Plans to Raise Costs Via New Efficiency Regs. globalresearch.ca

Chauncey K. Robinson (2023-02-27). People's World on the front line battling right-wing thought control. peoplesworld.org There is a war being waged against truth and legitimate information in our country. The far-right wants to obscure real history, making it something that caters to values that fly in the face of inclusivity, progress, and diversity. These culture wars not only push bigoted rhetoric but are used as a tool to distract from …

Chris Hedges, The Chris Hedges Report. (2023-02-27). The Trump-Russia Saga And The Death Spiral Of American Journalism. popularresistance.org Reporters make mistakes. It is the nature of the trade. There are always a few stories we wish were reported more carefully. Writing on deadline with often only a few hours before publication is an imperfect art. But when mistakes occur, they must be acknowledged and publicized. To cover them up, to pretend they did not happen, destroys our credibility. Once this credibility is gone, the press becomes nothing more than an echo chamber for a selected demographic. This, unfortunately, is the model that now defines the commerical media. | The failure to report accurately on the Trump-Russia saga for the four years o…

CIIS Public Programs (2023-02-27). Thursday 3/30: On Social Justice and the Enneagram. indybay.org

CIIS Public Programs (2023-02-27). Thursday 4/20: On the Racism of People Who Love You. indybay.org California Institute of Integral Studies | 1453 Mission St. | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Conor Smyth (2023-02-27). Social Security Full Retirement Age Increased by 2 Years While Life Expectancy Decreased 0.4 Years. peoplespolicyproject.org

Daniella Heminghaus, Next City. (2023-02-27). One Philly Neighborhood Fights Gentrification — Block By Block. popularresistance.org Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Walking around the blocks near the University City Townhomes in West Philadelphia, resident Rasheda Alexander, a single mom who works with the city's unhoused community, pointed out the changes that had been made. | "There used to be a hair store on the corner. And [there] was a cafe…they tore it down. They sold it, they tore it down" Alexander to the Capital-Star during a recent interview. "That used to be a corner store over there. Then somebody bought that. That was a lounge, like a bar and grill that we used to go to. They bought that."

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-27). Putin Says Russia Cannot Ignore NATO's Nuclear Capabilities. news.antiwar.com Russian President Vladimir Putin said Sunday that Moscow can't ignore all of NATO's nuclear capabilities since NATO leaders have been calling for Russia's defeat. "In today's conditions, when all the leading NATO countries have declared their main goal as inflicting a strategic defeat on us, so that our people suffer as they say, how can …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-27). Report: Macron, Scholz Told Zelensky to Start Thinking About Peace Talks. news.antiwar.com German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron told Ukrainian President Vodlymyr Zelensky that he should start thinking about peace talks with Moscow, The Wall Street Journal reported. The message was delivered to Zelensky when he had dinner with Scholz and Macron in Paris earlier this month. According to people familiar with the meeting, …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-27). US Announces $2 Billion Arms Package for Ukraine, New Sanctions on Russia. news.antiwar.com The Biden administration marked the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Friday by announcing a $2 billion arms package for Ukraine and new sanctions targeting Russia. Sanctions failed to have the impact on Russia that the US hoped for, but the Biden administration has continued to impose them throughout the war. According to …

Dr. Suzanne Burdick (2023-02-27). Human 6G Antennas? 'One of the Worst Ideas Ever,' Critic Says. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Chinese premier meets renowned mathematician Shing-Tung Yau. ecns.cn Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with world-renowned mathematician Shing-Tung Yau in Beijing on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Health insurance reforms to cover more outpatient expense. ecns.cn The recent reforms to the employee health insurance policy are aimed at easing the financial strain on outpatients and reducing unnecessary hospitalizations of patients with mild conditions, a National Healthcare Security Administration official said on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Cities roll out incentives to boost birthrates. ecns.cn Major cities have ramped up subsidies and nursery care services to encourage families to have more children as senior health officials said "bold and innovative" measures should be taken to address low birthrates.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Selection of foreign space crew to start. ecns.cn China will start the selection and training process soon for foreign astronauts to participate in joint flights to the country's Tiangong space station, according to a high-ranking space official.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region's coordinated development generates new growth driver. ecns.cn The coordinated development in Beijing and neighboring regions is now in full swing and has grown into a new driving force for China's development, nine years after China launched a key strategy to build the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional city cluster.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Demonstrators in Brussels call for peaceful solution to Ukraine crisis. ecns.cn Several thousand demonstrators called for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, and a peaceful solution to the Ukraine crisis here on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). 5.1-magnitude quake hits Xinjiang: CENC. ecns.cn A 5.1-magnitude earthquake jolted Wensu County of Aksu Prefecture in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region at 7: 58 a.m. Monday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC).

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). 3,500-year-old bone ice skates unearthed in Xinjiang tomb. ecns.cn Archaeologists have found 3,500-year-old ice skates made of animal bone in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, experts announced at a Xinjiang archaeological press conference on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). HKEX to allow tech firms with no revenue, no profit to list in Mar: report. ecns.cn The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) will allow tech companies with no revenue or profit to list after a rule change in March, amid broad reforms taken to consolidate its position as an international financial center.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Visits will enhance Sino-European ties. ecns.cn An upcoming series of visits to Beijing by European leaders will send signals of solidarity and cooperation between China and the European Union, adding positive energy to world peace, stability and sustainable development.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China to strengthen system of TCM health services. ecns.cn China will implement measures to strengthen the health services system involving Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and enhance the grassroots capacity of providing TCM health services, according to an industry watchdog on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Tourism recovering faster than predicted. ecns.cn China's tourism market will return to normal and embrace high-quality development this year, a matter of importance to the recovery of global tourism, experts and tourism insiders said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Livestreamers flow overseas for sales, profits. ecns.cn "Foreign livestreaming e-commerce is at the level of China in 2018 or 2019," said Ma, whose company has recently started livestreaming in the United Kingdom, the US and Vietnam.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). New market confidence bolsters commercial real estate demand. ecns.cn As China's response to COVID-19 enters a new phase and market confidence recovers, the nascent economic recovery is expected to boost demand for all types of commercial properties in China, industry experts said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). 100,000-tonne lithium salt project launches in southern Xinjiang. ecns.cn A 100,000-tonne lithium salt project commenced on Sunday in southern Xinjiang's Hotan Prefecture, said the Xinjiang Nonferrous Metals Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). 5.1-magnitude quake hits Xinjiang, no casualties reported. ecns.cn A 5.1-magnitude earthquake jolted Wensu County of Aksu Prefecture in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region at 7: 58 a.m. Monday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC).

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Sci-tech cooperation key for BRI partners. ecns.cn China's scientific community will expand cooperation with countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative in the name of high-quality development and improving livelihoods.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Satellite to deliver stellar internet. ecns.cn People in China and neighboring regions will soon have faster, more convenient access to the internet when traveling by air and sea, and even in the middle of the desert, thanks to a newly launched satellite.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Bird flu also taking economic toll. ecns.cn American consumers aren't happy paying more than twice as much as last year to buy eggs in grocery stores, but the major reason besides inflation behind the increase may point to a potential bird flu pandemic, according to scientists.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Nations urged to join efforts for energy security. ecns.cn As the changing geopolitical landscape continues to threaten energy security, countries need to work together to secure energy supplies and promote new energy, experts said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Cardiac disease likely cause of panda death. ecns.cn Le Le, the giant panda that died early this month at Memphis Zoo, may have succumbed to cardiac disease, according to an autopsy by zoologists from China and the United States.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Four held over killing of model in HK. ecns.cn Four people have been arrested over the killing of 28-year-old Hong Kong model Abby Choi Tin-fung, including her former father-in-law and former brother-in-law from her first marriage, both of whom were charged with murder on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). New technology keeps waste facilities odor under control. ecns.cn A new approach developed by Chinese researchers has been proven effective in controlling the odor of waste transfer stations.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). (W. E. Talk)Teng Jinguang: How to Propel Growth of International I&T Hub in Hong Kong?>. ecns.cn Promoting innovation and development has always been the top priority of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR) government. The 14th Five-Year Plan clearly supports Hong Kong in building an international innovation and technology (I&T) hub.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Socioeconomic growth goals high on meetings' agenda. ecns.cn The spotlight will be on Beijing as the two sessions, China's biggest annual political event and a window to observe the country's development, get underway on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). China's first ChatGPT-like software to be made open source. ecns.cn MOSS, the first large-scale conversational language model in China, will be made open source by the end of March, said the research and developing team on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Coordinated development improves lives, environment. ecns.cn At 6: 15 one Friday morning, He Peng stood in line at Zhuozhou East Railway Station in Zhuozhou, Hebei province.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). HK requires criminal record for talent scheme applicants. ecns.cn A "clear criminal record" has become a mandatory document in the application of visas for future talent admission schemes in Hong Kong, the Immigration Department (ImmD) of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region announced on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Health insurance reform to better meet needs of patients: NHSA. ecns.cn The ongoing health insurance reform process is being conducted in response to the people's growing demand for reimbursing outpatient medical bills, said healthcare authorities.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Contaminated water still found in Ohio after train derailment. ecns.cn A train carrying toxic chemicals derailed, causing an environmental disaster. Thousands of residents were ordered to evacuate after the area was placed under a state of emergency on Feb.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). 'Colorful dragons' drift on river in Guangxi. ecns.cn Thirty bamboo rafts decorated with colorful dragons drift in line on Luxi River in the Longhu Mountain (Dragon and Tiger Mountain) Scenic Spot in east China's Jiangxi Province, attracting many tourists, Feb. 26, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Longest cross-see bridge in Guangxi under construction. ecns.cn Longmen Bridge is 7.6-kilometer-long, with a stunning 1,098-meter-long main span. It is the longest cross-sea bridge in Guangxi, serves as a part of an expressway connecting coastal cities along the Beibu Gulf.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). At least 59 dead after boat breaks off in Italian coast. ecns.cn A wooden boat with 140 to 150 people aboard crowded with migrants smashed into rocky reefs and broke apart before dawn Sunday off the Italian coast. At least 59 migrants died and 80 were save.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Cradle of Civilization: Huangshan Mountain. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Pre-Inca era graves found in Peru. ecns.cn Some 30, 800-year-old, pre-Inca era graves belonging to the Chancay people, a group who inhabited valleys of Peru's central coast from 1000 to 1500, were discovered in a cemetery in the Huaral valley.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Plum blossoms enter best viewing season in Nanjing. ecns.cn More than 35,000 plum trees, covering an area of 102 hectares on Nanjing Plum Blossom Mountain of the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, enter the best viewing season, Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu Province, Feb. 26, 2023.

edited from Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young (2023-02-27). Agriculture in America: Deeply Rooted in Black Culture. indybay.org 2023 California Pan African Food and Ag Pavilion will showcase our 350+ billion-dollar annual California Working Landscape and new opportunities for Black Agriculture to align efforts within the #1 "California Grown" US Ag industries in the global marketplace. Past, present and future pioneers of African Descent continue to light a bright path in today's plethora of opportunities.

Editor at NewsOne (2023-02-27). Families Displaced By 'Reprehensible' LAPD Fireworks Explosion That Left Black Man Dead Face Eviction. newsone.com

Editor (2023-02-27). Chris Hedges: The Trump-Russia Saga and the Death Spiral of American Journalism. scheerpost.com The media caters to a particular demographic, telling that demographic what it already believes — even when it is unverified or false. This pandering defines the coverage of the Trump-Russia saga.

Editor (2023-02-27). Arkansas's Anti-BDS Law Remains in Effect Because SCOTUS Refused to Review It. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-02-27). Welcome to the Predator State, Where the Scorpions on the Corner Just Might Kill You. scheerpost.com With the police ever better funded (just as the U.S. military is), war has come home to roost in our streets, no less disastrously than it did abroad in the years of this country's war on terror.

Editor (2023-02-27). Lo que condujo a una larga guerra. workers.org Los políticos imperialistas y los medios de comunicación están inundando al público con las mismas mentiras que han estado exagerando durante todo el año sobre la guerra proxy de Estados Unidos y la OTAN en Ucrania. La provocadora visita del presidente Joe Biden a Kiev el 20 de febrero, llevando . . . |

Editor (2023-02-27). Yet another attack on Black women in sports. workers.org If you listen to sportscasters covering men's professional and college basketball, you often hear words like "athleticism" and "physicality" used to complement star players. Or a team is praised for being "aggressive." But it's a different story when it's women, especially women of color, shooting the hoops. Coach Geno Auriemma . . . |

Fabian Lehr & Volker Mosler (2023-02-27). Total victory over a nuclear power is not possible without nuclear war. indybay.org Neither side in this war represents any forward-looking political idea. It is not a war for freedom and democracy, but an imperialist war over whether Ukraine will remain a semi-colony of the US and EU or become a semi-colony of Russia again. Even if Ukraine or NATO wins this war without turning Ukraine into a nuclear-contaminated desert, a victorious Ukrainian state would not be free…

Fra Hughes (2023-02-27). Russian Roulette: The Ruble Rises as European Economies Crumble. orinocotribune.com By Fra Hughes — Feb 23, 2023 | Has Biden bitten off more than he and NATO can swallow? |

| Did anyone say it would be over by Christmas like they did in 1914? Well, Christmas has come and gone, and very much like the trenches of the First World War, the ground lost and won can sometimes be measured in single-digit meters and kilometers. To be fair, Russia is doing most of the winning and Ukraine is doing much of the losing. | How did this ever come to pass? Well, context and history will show that American leaders promised Russian leaders that NATO would not expand one inch east toward the Russian…

Hal McNulty (2023-02-27). The Weekly Round-up: Shamima Begum, UN resolution against Russia, and new law on Child marriages. ukhumanrightsblog.com In the news The UN General Assembly backed a resolution condemning Russia's actions and calling for an end to the war on Thursday, the eve of the anniversary of the invasion. With 141 supporters, 32 abstentions and seven voting against, the resolution reiterated the UN's support for Ukraine and called for a "comprehensive, just and …

Headlands Center for the Arts (2023-02-27). Wednesday 3/8: Open Studio with Omid Mokri. indybay.org Headlands Center for the Arts | 944 Fort Barry | Sausalito, CA 94965…

Housing Matters (2023-02-27). Saturday 4/1: March to End Homelessness. indybay.org Meet at Cedar Street & Cathcart Street, Santa Cruz…

imperial.ac.uk (2023-02-27). Reproductive factors in women contribute to risk of cardiovascular disease. imperial.ac.uk An earlier first birth, a higher number of live births, and starting periods at a younger age may be linked to higher risk of cardiovascular problems.

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-02-27). Intro into Groundings with my Brothers by Walter Rodney. anchor.fm Who is Walter Rodney? We go over his famous work, "Groundings with my Brothers" and some of his history, the different chapters and what they discuss and why this work is so important. This is ONLY an intro, please check out other content, YouTube videos, Rodney's speeches and writings, and the Walter Rodney Foundation!

Inder Singh Bisht (2023-02-27). UK Trialed 3D-Printed 'Suicide' Drones Under Secret Ukraine Program. globalresearch.ca

infobrics (2023-02-27). Russia expands its partners as special military operation progresses. infobrics.org Contrary to what Westerners predicted, Moscow is gradually looking like an attractive alternative for emerging countries.

infobrics (2023-02-27). West severely miscalculated geopolitical ramifications of conflict in Ukraine. infobrics.org The EU, and not Russia, has weakened since the start of the special military operation.

infobrics (2023-02-27). Russia's special military operation – one year on. infobrics.org Regardless of whether the reports about the upcoming major Russian offensive are true, at worst, Moscow certainly has the capacity to continue and maintain its special military operation.

infobrics (2023-02-27). Historic' Translocation of Cheetah to India a Measure of 'Goodwill' Between BRICS Partners. infobrics.org The "historic" relocation of 12 cheetahs from South Africa to India is a measure of "goodwill" between the two BRICS partners to share the gene pool to ensure the survival of a species, senior officials from both countries have said…

infobrics (2023-02-27). Cabinet Approves Signing of the MoU Between the India and South Africa for Cooperation in Disability Sector. infobrics.org The Union Cabinet approved the signing of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the India and Republic of South Africa for cooperation in the 'disability sector'

infobrics (2023-02-27). Rising Flow of Russian Oil Products to China, India and the Middle East. infobrics.org Similar to what has already happened with Russian crude oil, there are signs that the country's refined fuels are finding new buyers outside Europe, with Asia and the Middle East the leading new customers…

International Kadampa Retreat Center, GC (2023-02-27). Saturday 3/4: Open House – International Kadampa Retreat Center in Arizona. indybay.org International Kadampa Retreat Center – Grand Canyon | 6701 East Mountain Ranch Road, Williams, AZ 86046…

Jacob Goodwin (2023-02-27). Want to Fix the Teacher Shortage? Just Pay Them More, Already. progressive.org Bernie Sanders's 'Pay Teachers Act' would increase teacher base pay to $60,000 a year, a much-needed boost to strengthen the profession.

James Chikomborero Paradza (2023-02-27). Will Beyoncé's World Tour Include Africa? Global Concerts Keep Snubbing The Motherland. newsone.com Beyoncé including African stops on her world tour would be a nod to both the African elements in her music and her large fanbase in Africa.

Jason Ditz (2023-02-27). CIA Chief: Iran Not Resuming Nuclear Weapons Program. news.antiwar.com In a CBS The US has long been vague on whether or not Iran is reall…

Jay Stanley (2023-02-27). Firestorm Over Green Bay City Hall Surveillance Microphones is a Reminder of Country We Don't Want to Live In. aclu.org A heated controversy over audio recording in Green Bay, Wisconsin has resurfaced an important privacy issue that we have been

Jenna Bettencourt (2023-02-27). Childhood Social Media Usage and Impacts on Identity Formulation in Emerging Adults. indybay.org

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-02-27). Was the Pentagon and CIA Behind the COVID-19 Pandemic? covertactionmagazine.com Bioterrorism expert and whistleblower alleges that CIA secretly collaborated in supporting unethical gain of function research that resulted in the manufacture of the COVID-19 virus, which was then leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Dr. Andrew G. Huff is an Iraq War veteran and infectious disease epidemiologist with a Ph.D. from the University of …

Jim McMahan (2023-02-27). Palestinians strike and march against Israeli repression. workers.org On Feb. 23, 2023, a general strike organized by Palestinians spread throughout the Occupied West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza to denounce to the world the massacre perpetrated by 150 Israeli soldiers in Nablus the previous day. The siege resulted in the death of 11 Palestinians and the wounding of . . . |

John Quelch (2023-02-27). Protesters tell Richard Marles to scrap AUKUS. greenleft.org.au Protesters told Minister for Defence Richard Marles to scrap AUKUS and spend the money on health, education and welfare. John Quelch reports.

Juan Cole (2023-02-27). Israeli Squatter Terrorists Fire Guns, Set dozens of Fires in Palestinian Town, Killing One and Wounding 100. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Israeli squatters on land owned by Palestinian families went berserk on Sunday, after two squatters were shot by a Palestinian guerrilla in Huwwara, a small town of several thousand residents in the Nablus district. The shooter appears to have been from Nablus and was a member of the "Lion's Den" …

Julia Conley (2023-02-27). Progressives urge Senate dems to ditch tradition that's allowing GOP to veto Biden judges. nationofchange.org "Senate Democrats should eliminate every barrier possible" to confirm President Joe Biden's judicial nominees, said Indivisible.

Justice for Jesús Adolfo "Dopher" Delgado (2023-02-27). Monday 3/6: Jesús Adolfo "Dopher" Delgado Angelversary. indybay.org 626 Capp St., San Francisco…

Kayenat Kabir, Purdue University (2023-02-27). Niger Could Deteriorate Further As The Fastest Growing African Country Confronts A 'Perfect Storm'. newsone.com

Kerry Smith (2023-02-27). Ballengarra tree-sit stops logging. greenleft.org.au Forest protector and soil scientist Tim Evans stopped logging crews in Ballengarra State Forest, saying destruction of public native forests must end. Kerry Smith reports.

Kevin Gosztola (2023-02-27). March To Iraq War, 20 Years Later: February 27, 2003. thedissenter.org The Dissenter Newsletter recalls each day in the timeline of events that led up to the US invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, twenty years ago…

krish-rad_ind (2023-02-27). Calling the overthrow of Yanukovych a U.S. coup is true, and extremely important. theduran.com

Labor Video Project (2023-02-27). The NTSC, E.Palestine Railroad Wreck, Rail Safety & Nationalization With RWU's Hugh Sawyer. indybay.org WorkWeek looks at the NTSB report on the toxic railway wreck in East Palestine and the causes of it with railroad engineer Hugh Sawyer who is with Railroad Workers United. He reports on the systemic issues that have led to this and many other derailments, the dangers that the East Palestine community are faced with and the need for nationalization of the railroads.

Labor Video Project (2023-02-27). SF Rally To Stop The War In Ukraine On The First Year Anniversary. indybay.org On the one year anniversary of the Ukraine war a rally was held against US intervention.

Laith Fadel (2023-02-27). Brazil provides tiny homes for its homeless. america.cgtn.com The Sao Paulo authorities are providing tiny homes for homeless families living in their densely-populated city. Known as the "Vila Reencontro Program", this program began during the Covid-19 pandemic and has since been used to help homeless families struggling in Sao Paulo. CGTN'S Paulo Cabral …

Laith Fadel (2023-02-27). El Salvador becomes first nation to offer bonds backed by Bitcoin. america.cgtn.com Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele's administration announced that the Central American nation will begin offering bonds backed by Bitcoin, making El Salvador the first nation to do so. Previously in 2021, El Salvador shocked the world when the Bukele administration announced they would recognize Bitcoin as …

Laith Fadel (2023-02-27). Hungarian FM discusses Ukraine conflict with CGTN. america.cgtn.com Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó recently sat down for an exclusive interview to discuss the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the refugee crisis that has greatly affected his country. Szijjártó answered a series of questions related to the humanitarian impact caused by the conflict, along with his …

Lee Siu Hin, China-US Solidarity Network (2023-02-27). "Vaccine and Sactions" "疫苗与制裁" A New China-US Joint Production Documentary by Lee Siu Hin. indybay.org

Leon Kunstenaar (2023-02-27). Multiple Actions in Bay Area Feb. 24 as Ukraine War Enters Second Year. indybay.org Peace Actions in downtown San Francisco and Israeli consulate on Montgomery Street protested…

Leonid Savin (2023-02-27). Le tremblement de terre en Turquie dans un contexte géopolitique. thealtworld.com Toute catastrophe, qu'elle soit d'origine naturelle ou humaine, constitue toujours un défi pour les autorités au pouvoir — les victimes et le grand public attendent de leur gouvernement une action immédiate et, surtout, correcte, en surveillant de près tant les déclarations que les actions des autorités. Une situation similaire existe aujourd'hui en Turquie. L'énorme tragédie qui a fait des centaines de milliers de victimes (quelque 40.000 morts) a non seulement mis à l'épreuve l'ensemble du peuple turc, mais est également devenue un catalyseur de batailles politiques. Ce faisant, l'opposition a été proactiv…

Lowkey, Mintpress News. (2023-02-27). No2NATO: New Efforts To Free Britain From NATO. popularresistance.org NATO's war has led to the death of 100,000 soldiers on each side and at least 6,900 Ukrainian civilians, the displacement of over 14 million and the destruction of at least eight percent of its houses and 50 percent of the country's energy infrastructure. | Despite the staggering loss of life, the United States and at least 27 other countries continue to transfer weapons to Ukraine, increasing the likelihood of sparking a nuclear war. | With talks of sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, it's no surprise that we have "seen massive jumps of value in the shares of companies like Lockheed Martin and BAE Systems."

manager (2023-02-27). Biden Should Reverse Trump's Designation of Cuba as a "State Sponsor of Terrorism" cepr.net The Nation See article on original site That's the first step of many he can take toward normalizing US/Cuban relations. Last month, Havana was the seat of the first high-level talks between Cuba and the United States since 2018, fueling speculation that the Biden administration may be contemplating removing Cuba from the State Department's list …

Mark Gruenberg (2023-02-27). April 4 judgeship election in Wisconsin can determine the fate of the nation. peoplesworld.org MADISON, Wis.—If the election for a judgeship in Wisconsin on April 4 goes the wrong way right wing tinkering with the election procedures in that state could well tip the entire national election in favor of either Trump or whatever MAGA fascist runs for the presidency under the Republican banner. Trump carried Wisconsin by a …

Maureen Clare Murphy (2023-02-27). US hands lit torch to Israeli arsonists. electronicintifada.net Washington's enabling hastens the end of Tel Aviv's impunity.

Monet Bailey (2023-02-27). Are reproductive factors contributing to cardiovascular disease in women? healtheuropa.com A new study by Imperial College London has found multiple reproductive factors are linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease in women. Researchers have provided evidence to show a causal relationship between sex-specific factors and cardiovascular disease in women. This study has identified potential ways to mitigate this increased risk. The study is the …

Monet Bailey (2023-02-27). One in five would use a high-street pharmacy for a minor illness. healtheuropa.com Only one in five people aged 18-40 would use their local pharmacy first for expert advice about a minor illness, according to an NHS poll. Minor illnesses include minor aches, cystitis and colds, and local pharmacies are equipped to help patients with minor health problems. More people are using GP services for minor illnesses, causing …

Monet Bailey (2023-02-27). Research into modified RNA could revolutionise Lewy body dementia treatment. healtheuropa.com New research suggests how toxic proteins in the brain could be used to develop targeted Parkinson's disease and Lewy body dementia treatments. Experts from the University of Nottingham have discovered that modifications of Ribonucleic acid (RNA) in human brain tissue are disrupted in neurodegenerative diseases, including Lewy body dementia and Parkinson's disease. These findings could …

Mothers on the March + (2023-02-27). Wednesday 3/1: Justice for Keita O'Neil. indybay.org Hall of "Justice" | 850 Bryant Street | San Francisco…

Mothers on the March (2023-02-27). Friday 3/3: POA: Shut It Down! indybay.org On the sidewalk in front of the San Francisco Police Officers Association: 800 Bryant @ 6th Street in San Francisco…

News One Staff (2023-02-27). Fact Check: Were Ancient Egyptians Black? Kevin Hart Debate Rages. newsone.com

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Hospice care: Comfort at the end of life. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It was announced earlier this week that former President Jimmy Carter has entered hospice care. But just what is hospice care and how it can provide comfort and support? Hospice care is for people who are nearing the end of life. The services are provided by a team of health care professionals who maximize comfort for a person who is terminally ill by reducing pain and addressing physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. To help…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Heart disease in African American women. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in women in the U.S. And African American women have an even higher risk of dying from heart disease ‚Äï and at a younger age ‚Äï than white women, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. LaPrincess Brewer, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says this serious issue is compounded by the fact that many African American women are not…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Consumer Health: Pregnancy and the heart. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Pregnancy can be an exciting, happy time. It also can be an anxious time, especially if you have an underlying health problem, such as heart disease. February is American Heart Month, which makes this a good time to learn about heart conditions and pregnancy. Pregnancy stresses your heart and circulatory system. During pregnancy, your blood volume increases by 30% to 50% to nourish your growing baby. This makes your heart pump more blood each minute and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Consumer Health: What do you know about encephalitis? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org World Encephalitis Day will be observed Wednesday, Feb. 22, which makes this a good time to learn more about this potentially life-threatening disease. Encephalitis affects nearly 500,000 people of all ages worldwide each year, according to the Encephalitis Society. What Causes it Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. The inflammation can be caused by an infection, most often a virus, invading the brain (infectious encephalitis), but it also can be caused by the immune system attacking the brain in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Hope for spontaneous coronary artery dissection, SCAD. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Research on spontaneous coronary artery dissection, or SCAD, has exploded in the last decade, says Dr. Sharonne N. Hayes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist and a leading expert on this rare heart condition. Though there have been many advancements in understanding SCAD, Dr. Hayes says there is still much to learn, including why 90% of these types of heart attacks happen to nonstereotypical heart attack patients — young women. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/HVz5wqWOctA Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 57) is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Black History Month – Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua, helping at-risk patients and increasing diversity in clinical trials. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua Black History Month is a month for all people to celebrate and learn about the diverse and important contributions of Black Americans to American society and culture, as well as to reflect on the ongoing fight against racism, inequity, and discrimination. The Mayo Clinic News Network is profiling several Mayo Clinic physicians who are focused every day on achieving health equity through their work. Meet Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua, an oncologist with…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Science Saturday: Bioengineering vocal cords. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Tissue engineering techniques discovered at Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University created a humanlike vocal cord (fold) structure with the potential to produce a natural-sounding voice. The bioengineered scaffold mimics human vocal folds, with ability to vibrate and make sound. The study team reported the tissue-engineered vocal fold structure suggests potential for growing cells capable of healing scar tissue that impair speech. This research is published in Biomacromolecules. "Tissue engineering is a promising approach that combines…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Tips to keep stress from hurting your heart. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Everyone reacts to stress differently, and how you react can impact the chance of developing serious health issues, including heart disease. Your body's response to stress may include muscle aches and headaches, back strain, stomach pains, and other physical symptoms. Stress also can make you tired, disturb normal sleep patterns, and leave you irritable, forgetful and out of control. When stress is constant, your body remains in high gear for days or weeks, which can lead…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Dementia-related pain: What caregivers need to know. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dementia isn't a specific disease. Instead, it describes a collection of symptoms that affect a person's thinking and social abilities enough to interfere with daily life. There are more than 55 million people worldwide living with dementia. Of these, 50% to 60% have Alzheimer's disease. Dementia is the seventh leading cause of death worldwide. There is a constellation of dementia symptoms, and memory loss is the primary feature. Other common symptoms are physical functional decline…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Q and A: What is cholangiocarcinoma and how is it treated? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My mother has been experiencing unusual and persistent fatigue, abdominal pain, and jaundice. After undergoing a CT scan, her doctor diagnosed her with cholangiocarcinoma. What is this type of cancer? And what treatment options are available? ANSWER: Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare cancer that develops from the bile ducts, which are slender tubes that carry the digestive fluid bile and connect the liver to the gallbladder and small intestine. The tumor can occur anywhere along…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you getting enough sleep for your best heart health? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting a good night's sleep is important. But exactly how much sleep do you need? Recently, the American Heart Association added sleep to its checklist for improving and maintaining your heart health. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains how many hours of sleep people need for optimal heart health. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/qeoBv7lye4I Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 06) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic ranked No. 3 on Forbes list of 'America's Best Large Employers'. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic was ranked No. 3 by Forbes in its 2023 list of "America's Best Large Employers," which was released today. Mayo Clinic was ranked No. 7 on the list in 2022. Mayo Clinic was ranked No. 3 on the Forbes list of "America's Best Large Employers," which was released this week. Mayo was ranked No. 7 on the list in 2022. As in 2022, hospital systems and medical centers were prominently featured on the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Davis, Dunn to join Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Jed Davis, president and CEO of DDI Inc., which operates the Davis Family Office headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, and AJ Dunn, chief administrative officer of Mayo Clinic in Florida, were elected to the Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees at its quarterly meeting on Feb. 17. "Jed Davis and AJ Dunn are insightful, dedicated and accomplished leaders with a strong background in executive governance and a firm commitment to Mayo Clinic's mission and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Dr. Prathibha Varkey recognized as one of Modern Healthcare's 'Top 25 Women Leaders'. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Prathibha Varkey, M.B.B.S., president of Mayo Clinic Health System, was recognized by Modern Healthcare as one of the "Top 25 Women Leaders" for 2023. The profiles of all the honorees are featured in the Feb. 20 issue of Modern Healthcare magazine and online at ModernHealthcare.com/topwomenexecs. This prestigious recognition program acknowledges and honors women executives from all sectors of the health care industry for their leadership in care delivery improvement, health equity, policy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic remembers Dr. Robert Hattery, former CEO of Mayo Clinic in Rochester. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Robert Hattery, M.D., second from left, at Mayo's 150th anniversary celebration in 2014. Robert R. Hattery, M.D., former CEO of Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and longtime Mayo Clinic advocate, died on Feb. 11, 2023. "Dr. Hattery was a builder of people," says Claire Bender, M.D., emeritus member of the staff in Radiology. "He was a true leader who was highly respected, fair, extremely hard working and always dedicated to Mayo Clinic's patients and staff."…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Avoiding shoulder injuries while shoveling snow. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Last winter, I slipped and fell shoveling snow. I have arthritis in one of my shoulders. I'm concerned about having another injury. How common are shoulder injuries during the winter due to shoveling snow and other activities? What advice do you have for how to avoid injuring my shoulder? ANSWER: Unfortunately, the numbers don't lie. In Mayo Clinic's orthopedics practice, the number of people who need care due to shoulder injuries increases substantially during…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Obesity and heart disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It's long been known that being overweight or obese can make a person more apt to develop conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, which can lead to cardiovascular disease. But experts at Mayo Clinic say obesity also can affect the heart in entirely independent ways. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains the resources available to help patients battling obesity and heart disease. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Winter safety tips from a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Weather Service says a massive winter storm is moving across the U.S., with high winds, icy conditions and up to 2 feet of heavy snow expected in parts of the Upper Midwest. If possible, limit travel or stay off the roads if you live in the affected areas. "If you don't have to go out, it's best not to go. But if you do, plan just in case something bad happens," says Dr….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Snowblower safety. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Much of the nation is bracing for a massive winter storm that is working its way eastward across the country. Over the next few days, the storm is expected to bring heavy snow and blizzard conditions in the North, with sleet, freezing rain and thunderstorms across the South. Portions of the upper Midwest could see close to 2 feet of snow. With that in mind, you might want to get that snowblower fueled up. Dr….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Staying safe during a major winter storm. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As several winter storms are expected to bring freezing rain, sleet and snow across the U.S., the National Weather Service reminds people to be safe and prepare in advance to ensure personal safety and well-being. As hospital emergency rooms have historically seen an influx of weather-related injuries with each winter storm, it is important to be adequately prepared to reduce the risk of medical emergencies. Dr. David Nestler, a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician, says falls are among the most…

NewsOne Staff (2023-02-27). Rest In Power: Notable Black People Who Have Died In 2023. newsone.com Glória Maria, a pioneering broadcast journalist in Brazil who is widely believed to be the country's first Black TV reporter of African descent, died on Feb. 2 at the age of 73.

No Nukes Action (2023-02-27). Saturday 3/11: On 3/11 At Fukushima No Dumping Radioactive Water Into Pacific Ocean & No Restarting Nukes. indybay.org San Francisco Japanese Consulate | 275 Battery St./California St | San Francisco…

Noah Palm (2023-02-27). Heart and soul of every library are the workers. peoplesworld.org PEORIA, Ill. — "I love my job. I love seeing kids light up when we have that book his friend told him about or seeing the proud smile of a patron that comes in and tells me they got the job they were applying for on one of our computers," said a librarian in a …

noreply (2023-02-27). 50 Times! Pepe Escobar In Moscow. smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Olivia Rosane (2023-02-27). PFAS 'forever chemicals' disrupt biological processes in developing adolescents, first-of-its-kind study discovers. nationofchange.org "Together, our findings raise the possibility that increased risk of metabolic disorders associated with PFAS exposure are caused by alterations in thyroid hormones and mediated by changes in lipid metabolism."

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-02-27). China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis. orinocotribune.com By Friends of Socialist China — Feb 24, 2023 | On February 23, with the first anniversary of Russia's launch of its Special Military Operation in Ukraine, China issued a 12-point document, setting out its official position on the conflict. | The 12 points are: | 1- Respecting the sovereignty of all countries | 2- Abandoning the Cold War mentality | 3- Ceasing hostilities | 4- Resuming peace talks | 5- Resolving the humanitarian crisis | 6- Protecting civilians and prisoners of war (POWs) | 7- Keeping nuclear power plants safe | 8- Reducing strategic risks | 9- Facilitating grain exports | 10- Stopping unilat…

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-02-27). Putin Went to War but Refuses to Fight. thealtworld.com "Russia's elites have no stomach for this fight and a deal is being worked out through backroom channels." | As I have pointed out again and again and now again, Putin's idiotic—indeed mindless—way of conducting war has destroyed the credibility of the Russian military. I am becoming convinced that the outcome of the nonsensical "limited military operation" will be either Russian surrender or nuclear…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-27). Anger grows over anti-asylum measures after shipwreck kills 62 off Italian coast. peoplesdispatch.org Dozens are still missing after a boat believed to be carrying up to 200 asylum seekers sank near the region of Calabria on February 26. As the death toll rose on Monday, NGOs slammed Europe's harsh anti-asylum policies for endangering people who were already vulnerable…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-27). At World Health Organization, the future of health care is being decided, and contested. peoplesdispatch.org Jyotsna Singh of the People's Health Movement talks about the key debates at the World Health Organization that will frame the future of health care policy and the concerns raised by countries of the Global South…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-27). Israeli settlers attack Palestinian towns in West Bank, at least one dead and hundreds injured. peoplesdispatch.org More than 65 Palestinians, including 13 children, have been killed by Israeli forces in the first 59 days of this year in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-27). Massive rally in Berlin demands peace in Ukraine. peoplesdispatch.org On Saturday February 25, tens of thousands of people rallied at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin demanding that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz take an active role in encouraging negotiations to end the ongoing war in Ukraine. The mobilization with the slogan 'Uprising for Peace' was called for by Left party MP Sahra Wagenknecht, journalist Alice Schwarzer, retired Brigadier General Erich Vad, economist Jeffrey Sachs and others. It called for negotiations, diplomacy and peace, instead of the ongoing escalation of the war by delivering sophisticated arms and ammunition to Ukraine. | Sahra Wagenknecht MP and Alice Schw…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-27). Port workers in Italy demand wage hike, safer jobs, and an end to fueling the war in Ukraine. peoplesdispatch.org Port workers, along with trade unionists from other sectors, have been resisting the transfer of arms and ammunition destined for imperialist wars through Italian ports and airstrips…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-27). Tunisian Workers' Party condemns President Kais Saied's racist remarks against African migrants. peoplesdispatch.org Last week, Tunisian President Kais Saied blamed migrants from Sub-Saharan African countries for causing disturbances in Tunisia and being part of a "plot" to change the country's demographics…

Princess Harmony (2023-02-27). Important win in the opioid crisis. workers.org Opioid addiction — opioid-use disorder — is a disease, a mental illness, a medical condition that can be treated by medical means. There exist three medications that can treat this condition: two narcotic opioid agonists and one non-narcotic opioid antagonist. An opioid agonist acts on the opioid receptors and causes . . . |

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-02-27). Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and the Turkey-Syria Earthquake: An Expert Investigation is Required. globalresearch.ca

r u 18 vote (2023-02-27). The Official White House Website Should Have A Photo Of The WHITE HOUSE, Not Ukraine! indybay.org The official WHITE HOUSE website should have a photograph of the WHITE HOUSE, not Ukraine. February 23 and February 24, 2023…

Ramzy Baroud (2023-02-27). The Words the US and European Press are too Cowardly to Use about Israel's Occupation of Palestinians: War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity, Apartheid. juancole.com ( Middle East Monitor ) — On 20 February, the United Nations Security Council approved a statement, described in the media as a 'watered-down' version of an earlier draft resolution which would have demanded that Israel "immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory." The intrigues that led to the scrapping of what was meant …

Rebekah Entralgo (2023-02-27). The rail unions warned us. Greed is dangerous.Ôøº. nationofchange.org Following multiple, dangerous derailments across the country, those working the railroad have a solution to the nation's rail crisis: public ownership.

Rhythmix Cultural Works (2023-02-27). Saturday 3/4: Art Of The African Diaspora Satellite Exhibit. indybay.org Rhythmix Cultural Works | 2513 Blanding Ave, Alameda CA 94501…

Rian Overy (2023-02-27). Defence advances to phase I clinical trials of the Accum technology. healtheuropa.com Defence Therapeutics Inc. is pleased to update its stakeholders on its completed achievements and outline the future milestones for AccumTM set for 2023. Over the last three years, Defence has been active in developing its AccumTM-based platform pipeline. The Defence strategy and priority is to prove and exploit the versatility of the AccumTM technology, demonstrating …

Rian Overy (2023-02-27). Genetic link discovered between Duchenne muscular dystrophy and cancer. healtheuropa.com Researchers from the University of Portsmouth have identified a novel genetic link between Duchenne muscular dystrophy and cancer. The muscle-wasting disease Duchenne muscular dystrophy is known to be caused by mutations in the gene encoding of dystrophins. The diseaseaffects one in every 5,000 boys born, and people with the disease are typically expected to live …

Rian Overy (2023-02-27). Improving healthcare AI with patient-reported outcomes. healtheuropa.com According to a new review from the University of Birmingham, patient-reported outcomes are slowly being integrated into healthcare Artificial Intelligence (AI). Researchers from the University of Birmingham and University Hospitals Birmingham examined over 600 interventional studies on healthcare AI technologies. The team found that only 24% of studies included a patient-reported outcome element in their …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-27). EU issues unanimous condemnation of Georgian government over Sakaashvili. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Rustavi2February 27, 2023 On behalf of the 27 EU member states, Pawel Herczynski handed over a demarche to the Minister of Justice regarding Mikheil Saakashvili Together with the ambassador of Sweden, handed over the official EU demarche to the Minister of Justice of Georgia, which concerns Mikheil Saakashvili. Such a statement made today the Ambassador …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-27). Georgia: U.S. ambassador intensifies pre-coup rhetoric. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaFebruary 27, 2023 U.S. Ambassador Speaks to Media about Draft Laws on Foreign Agents and NBG The U.S. Ambassador Kelly Degnan attended the event taking stock of the activities of the President of the National Bank. In her remarks to the media, she once again spoke of the draft laws on Foreign Agents as …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-27). Horn of Africa/Indian Ocean: U.S., NATO allies to conduct naval exercises. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa/U.S. Sixth FleetFebruary 26, 2023 Multinational Maritime Exercise Cutlass Express 2023 Set to Begin Multinational forces from East Africa, Europe, and North America will come together for exercise Cutlass Express 2023 (CE23), beginning with an opening ceremony in Djibouti on Mar. 5, 2023. Conducted by U.S. Naval Forces Africa (NAVAF) …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-27). Invoking NATO, Ukraine military threatens Russia over Transnistria. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Ukrainian News AgencyFebruary 27, 2023 Landing Of Russian Troops In Transnistria Impossible — Operational Command South Landing of Russian troops in Transnistria is impossible, as Ukraine will never allow Russian aircraft to cross its airspace. Nataliya Humeniuk, head of the Joint Press Center of the Operational Command South, announced this on the air of a …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-27). Only matter of time before Biden delivers F-16s to Ukraine: MP. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Ukrainian News AgencyFebruary 27, 2023 F-16 Aircraft Delivery To Ukraine Only Matter Of Time — Merezhko Member of the Verkhovna Rada from the Servant of the People faction, chairman of the parliamentary committee on foreign policy and inter-parliamentary cooperation, Oleksandr Merezhko, is confident that the United States will provide Ukraine with F-16 aircraft…. "We're being …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-27). Swedish warplanes, pilots headed to Ukraine? antibellum679354512.wordpress.com The LocalFebruary 21, 2023 Could Sweden's 'unique' Gripen fighters help Ukraine? Earlier this month Volodymyr Zelensky said that, after tanks, fighter planes are "the next level of our cooperation." Some commentators have said that Sweden's own fighters are the best option, since they are tougher and easier to operate than other western jets. Two proponents …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-27). Trudeau sends more German tanks to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense PostFebruary 27, 2023 Canada Sending Four More Leopard Tanks to Ukraine Canada is sending four additional battle tanks to Ukraine — doubling its commitment — and sanctioning an additional 192 Russian individuals and entities, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Friday. "Canada has stood in solidarity with Ukraine since the beginning of the conflict," Trudeau …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-27). Message to Moscow: U.S., Germany mull joint war games in Poland. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Polish RadioFebruary 27, 2023 Poland in talks with US, Germany on joint military drills: German defence minister The German defence minister has said that Poland, the United States and Germany are in discussions to hold joint military manoeuvres in Poland…. Boris Pistorius made the statement in an interview with German state broadcaster ARD on Sunday…. …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-27). Was This Week the Worst in American Foreign Policy This Century? antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Was This Week the Worst in American Foreign Policy This Century?Andy Corbley FULL ARTICLE VARESE, Italy. February 24th, 2023. As the last full week of February draws to a close, it's possible that looking at the big picture, the White House concluded and sustained the single most disastrous week in American foreign policy of the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-27). Yellen says U.S. has poured $50 billion into Ukraine in past year. Threatens China. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Interfax-UkraineFebruary 27, 2023 Since start of the full-scale war, U.S. aid to Ukraine in various areas amounts to about $50 bln — Treasury Secretary Yellen Since the beginning of the full-scale war, U.S. assistance to Ukraine in the field of security, economy, humanitarian and social support has amounted to about $50 billion, Treasury Secretary Janet …

rqorinoco (2023-02-27). Poisoning America for Profit: A Brief History of Norfolk Southern's Greed. orinocotribune.com

Ryan Fatica, Unicorn Riot. (2023-02-27). Atlanta Activists Say Prosecutors Plan To Indict Them On RICO Charges. popularresistance.org Atlanta, Georgia — Community organizations involved in the ongoing campaign to defend the South River Forest outside Atlanta, Georgia and 'Stop Cop City' say state prosecutors are planning on releasing indictments in the coming weeks charging them as a "criminal organization" under RICO statutes. | The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO, targets organized criminal enterprises and was created in the 1970s to more effectively prosecute the mafia. Since then, RICO statutes have been used against participants in the 2019 college admissions scandal, anti-abortion groups, insider traders,…

SAM (2023-02-27). DeSantis Knows History. Can He Say When Systemic Racism Ended? progressivehub.net JEFF COHEN…

SAM (2023-02-27). How Did Joe Biden Let Donald Trump Beat Him To East Palestine? progressivehub.net LUKE SAVAGE | JACOBIN…

SAM (2023-02-27). Israel's Government Begins "De Jure" Annexation Of West Bank. progressivehub.net OSCAR RICKETT | MIDDLE EAST EYE…

SAM (2023-02-27). Will Student Debt Cancellation Survive The Supreme Court? progressivehub.net NATALIA ABRAMS AND CODY HOUNANIAN | THE NATION…

Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History (2023-02-27). Saturday 3/4: Extreme Weather Resource Fair: Small Talk, Big Topics. indybay.org Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History | 1305 E Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, CA 95062…

Scott Ritter (2023-02-27). Give Peace a Chance. Scott Ritter Goes to Washington. globalresearch.ca

Sharde Gillam (2023-02-27). At NAACP Image Awards, Gabrielle Union And Dwyane Wade Honor Their Daughter Zaya. newsone.com Source: Amy Sussman / Getty | All eyes were on During the heartfelt speech, Dwyane Wade looked directly into the camera and spoke to his daug…

Siegfried Hecker (2023-02-27). Siegfried Hecker on Two Decades of Missed Chances to Deal with North Korea's Nuclear Program. globalresearch.ca

slingshot collective (2023-02-27). Sunday 3/12: Party to Celebrate Slingshot collective's 35th birthday. indybay.org Long Haul Infoshop – 3124 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley – 510-540-0751 – corner of Woolsey – 2 blocks from Ashby BART – across from La Pena.

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-02-27). How Howard Schultz made Starbucks the poster child of corporate abuse. nationofchange.org The billionaire CEO returned to Starbucks to curb union activity. His union busting has been so egregious that the company's already poor reputation is now in tatters.

splcenter (2023-02-27). 'Justice Prevailed': Federal court approves settlement of lawsuit challenging immigration raid. splcenter.org

Staff (2023-02-27). Camino a las elecciones de diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. cubadebate.cu Hoy respondemos interrogantes que abundan en la población interrogantes como: øEn qué momento del proceso eleccionario nos encontramos? øDe dónde salen los candidatos a diputados? øCuáles son los sujetos del sistema político que intervienen en cada etapa? øEn qué consiste su participación? øCuáles son las consecuencias políticas y jurídicas de cada una de las fases por las que se transita? øLa ciudadanía solo interviene en el momento del voto?

Staff (2023-02-27). El chat GPT plantea, por ahora, más dudas que certezas. cubadebate.cu El ChatGPT irrumpió en la escena pública como una sensación a fines de 2022 y en enero superó los 100 millones de usuarios activos. La inteligencia artificial, desarrollada por OpenAI (de Elon Musk), en su esencia no es nada nuevo: consiste en un chatbot como cualquier otro que, a diario, es utilizado por instituciones privadas y públicas.

Staff (2023-02-27). Barcelona cayó 0-1 ante Almería por LaLiga Santander. cubadebate.cu Luego de quedar eliminado de la UEFA Europa League, FC Barcelona volvió a perder, esta vez fue 0-1 ante Almería por la jornada 23 de LaLiga Santander en el Power Horse Stadium. El único gol del partido lo hizo El Bilal Toure a los 24 minutos.

Staff (2023-02-27). Carlos Daniel Ramos: Campeón Panamericano de Clavados. cubadebate.cu El jovencito Carlos Daniel Ramos se proclamó este domingo como nuevo campeón panamericano en la plataforma a diez metros, un resultado que lo confirma en la élite continental de la especialidad y le asegura un boleto a los próximos juegos multideportivos de Santiago de Chile 2023. La Mayor de Las Antillas también ganó otras tres medallas de bronce en el torneo.

Staff (2023-02-27). Solidaridad con Cuba por el cese del bloqueo se hizo patente en varias ciudades del mundo. cubadebate.cu Como ya es habitual, en el último domingo de cada mes se realizan caravanas y otras acciones para denunciar los efectos de la guerra económica, comercial y financiera contra Cuba, agudizados por la inclusión arbitraria de Cuba por Washington en una lista de naciones que presuntamente promueven el terrorismo.

Staff (2023-02-27). Sube a 60 el número de migrantes muertos en naufragio cerca de Italia. cubadebate.cu Durante la jornada ha ido aumentando el trágico cómputo y no se descarta que más cuerpos sean recuperados en las próximas horas. Unos 80 supervivientes lograron llegar a la playa de Steccato, localidad de Cutro (provincia de Crotone), donde están siendo atendidos por equipos de emergencia desde primera hora de la mañana.

Staff (2023-02-27). Vladimir Putin: Rusia no puede ignorar las "capacidades nucleares" de la OTAN. cubadebate.cu El presidente Vladimir Putin afirmó que Rusia no tiene más remedio que tener en cuenta las "capacidades nucleares" de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN), mientras que esta alianza siga deseando la derrota de Moscú.

Staff (2023-02-27). China protesta contra sanciones de EEUU: Nunca aceptaremos la presión de Washington. cubadebate.cu La portavoz del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores del país asiático Mao Ning calificó las recientes sanciones de EE.UU. contra China como las medidas coercitivas unilaterales típicas y "jurisdicciones de brazo largo" ilegales y perjudiciales para los intereses chinos. Deploramos y rechazamos este movimiento y hemos hecho gestiones serias del lado estadounidense, dijo.

Staff (2023-02-27). Comienza este lunes en Cuba campaña de vacunación antipoliomielítica oral. cubadebate.cu De acuerdo con el Ministerio de Salud Pública, la primera etapa de la vacunación antipoliomielítica oral se realizará entre el lunes 27 de febrero y el sábado 4 de marzo de 2023, con una semana de recuperación del 6 al 11 de marzo para niños enfermos, o que por otra causa no hayan podido vacunarse en la semana de la campaña.

Staff (2023-02-27). Delegación de Caricom visitará Haití para evaluar la crisis política y social que vive el país. cubadebate.cu Una delegación de la Comunidad del Caribe (Caricom) presidida por el primer ministro jamaicano, Andrew Holness, llegará hoy a Haití para analizar la crisis nacional con integrantes del Gobierno y la sociedad civil. El grupo intercambiará criterios con el primer ministro Ariel Henry los miembros del Alto Consejo de Transición y dirigentes políticos, entre otros.

Staff (2023-02-27). Desde las redes: "El aliento solidario, humanismo puro" cubadebate.cu Tras el dramático desenlace, los cocodrilitos quedaron literalmente al campo, tendidos, llorando sin consuelo. En eso quedo atónito, cuando comenzando a celebrar, los tiburoncitos fueron a buscar a sus rivales, para intentar aliviar su dolor.

Staff (2023-02-27). El 90% de los peruanos desaprueban al Congreso y el 77% a Boluarte, según sondeo. cubadebate.cu La desaprobación al Congreso peruano llegó en febrero al 90%, el nivel más alto desde que inició el mandato, mientras que el rechazo ciudadano a la presidenta Dina Boluarte subió del 76% al 77%, según una encuesta del Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (IEP) divulgada este domingo por el diario La República.

Staff (2023-02-27). El uso de las cabinas de uñas podría causar cáncer de piel, según expertos. cubadebate.cu En un trabajo publicado por investigadores estadounidenses en la revista Nature en enero de 2023, un grupo de científicos encontró que la irradiación de un secador de esmalte de uñas UV causa altos niveles de especies reactivas de oxígeno y disfunción mitocondrial. Estos efectos incrementan las chances de contraer melanoma, una de las formas del cáncer.

Staff (2023-02-27). Fuerzas del Cuerpo de Guardabosques controlan incendio forestal en Pinar del Río (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Fuerzas del Cuerpo de Guardabosques (CGB) y de empresas del sistema de la Agricultura de Pinar del Río controlaron el incendio forestal de medianas proporciones ocurrido el pasado viernes en la tarde en el consejo popular Pilotos, en el municipio de Consolación del Sur.

Staff (2023-02-27). Japón y Unicef donan a Cuba ambulancia para atención a gestante crítica. cubadebate.cu El gobierno de Japón en conjunto con el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (Unicef) entregó este lunes una ambulancia de última generación para la asistencia de las gestantes en estado crítico. Se trata de una unidad de terapia intensiva móvil compuesta por equipamiento para ventilación mecánica, para el manejo de las gestantes politraumatizadas.

Staff (2023-02-27). Messi se apodera del premio The Best al mejor jugador del mundo. cubadebate.cu El delantero argentino Lionel Messi fue elegido este lunes como el mejor futbolista de 2022 en la premiación The Best, organizada por la Federación Internacional de Fútbol Asociación (FIFA), en una ceremonia celebrada en París, Francia. Messi se impuso en la terna sobre los franceses Karim Benzema y Kilian Mbappé, y sumó su segundo galardón tras lograrlo en 2019.

Staff (2023-02-27). Nuevo sismo en Turquía deja al menos un muerto y decenas de heridos (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Un sismo de magnitud 5,2 se produjo este lunes en el este de Turquía, comunicó el Centro Sismológico Euromediterráneo (EMSC por sus siglas en inglés). El foco del temblor se localizó a 11 kilómetros de la ciudad de Malatya, en la provincia homónima, a 5 km de profundidad. Se reporta que al menos una persona murió y otras 69 resultaron heridas.

Staff (2023-02-27). Reconoce presidente Díaz-Canel labores de mitigación de incendio en Cuba. cubadebate.cu El presidente de Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, reconoció hoy la labor de bomberos, guardabosques y pobladores que trabajan en la mitigación del incendio en la zona montañosa Pinares de Mayarí, de la oriental provincia de Holguín. El jefe de Estado destacó el coraje y sacrificio de las fuerzas involucradas para evitar la propagación del siniestro.

Staff (2023-02-27). Servicio de Guardacostas de Estados Unidos devuelve a 64 migrantes irregulares. cubadebate.cu El Servicio de Guardacostas de Estados Unidos devolvió este domingo a 64 migrantes irregulares por el puerto de Orozco, Bahía Honda, en la provincia de Artemisa, anunció hoy el Ministerio del Interior en una información oficial. Se trata de la operación 37 en lo que va de 2023, con la devolución de 2 431 personas desde varios países de la región.

Staff (2023-02-27). Tercera derrota en línea… øDespaigne culpable? cubadebate.cu Mucho se habló antes del partido cuando se anunció el debut de Alfredo Despaigne en la inicial. Y con toda razón la preocupación era lógica, pero la derrota 2-1 contra los Guardianes de Fubon en Taipei de China trasciende al toletero granmense, por demás el único autor de nuestra carrera con su primer jonrón en estos partidos de preparación para el Clásico Mundial.

Staff (2023-02-27). Ecuador: CONAIE Breaks up Talks with Lasso Government. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2023-02-27). Pete Buttigieg Fails At His Job AGAIN. trofire.com Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is in over his head, and a recent string of train derailments has shown that he can't handle the job. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more. Transcript: *This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos. Mike Papantonio: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is over his head. And we've been …

Staff (2023-02-27). Biden Officials: Chip Makers Wanting Federal Subsidies Must Provide Child Care. truthout.org The Biden administration is slated to unveil a rule this week that would grant access to child care to a small slice of the U.S. workforce in an effort to advance the administration's goal of expanding and supporting the "care economy." On Tuesday, the Commerce Department is expected to announce a rule that will essentially require computer chip manufacturers seeking to access federal funding from… |

Staff (2023-02-27). Exposure to Chevron's "Climate-Friendly" Fuel May Pose Severe Risk of Cancer. truthout.org The Environmental Protection Agency recently gave a Chevron refinery the green light to create fuel from discarded plastics as part of a "climate-friendly" initiative to boost alternatives to petroleum. But, according to agency records obtained by ProPublica and The Guardian, the production of one of the fuels could emit air pollution that is so toxic, 1 out of 4 people exposed to it over a… |

Staff (2023-02-27). Former Watergate Prosecutor: Trump Should Have Been Charged Upon Exiting Office. truthout.org A former Watergate prosecutor has said that former President Donald Trump — who is currently the subject of numerous state and federal investigations — should have been issued criminal charges the moment he left the White House. "I think we need to hold the former president responsible for all of his crimes," Jill Wine-Banks, who is also a legal commentator for MSNBC, said on Sunday, citing Trump'… |

Staff (2023-02-27). Human Rights Groups Condemn Settler Pogrom Against Palestinians in West Bank. truthout.org Israeli settlers tore through the occupied West Bank on Sunday, violently attacking Palestinians and setting fire to their cars, houses, and businesses in what one rights group called a "pogrom" sanctioned by the far-right government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The settlers, who killed at least one Palestinian and injured hundreds more, launched their assault after a suspected… |

Staff (2023-02-27). Media Orgs Demand McCarthy Hand Over Jan. 6 Footage He Gave to Tucker Carlson. truthout.org Two separate groups of media organizations sent letters to Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-California) over the weekend, demanding access to thousands of hours of surveillance footage from the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack, which have so far only been released to Fox News host Tucker Carlson. McCarthy gave Carlson access to more than 44,000 hours of security footage from the January 6… |

Staff (2023-02-27). Millions Face Financial Disaster If Supreme Court Ends Student Debt Relief. truthout.org Striking down President Joe Biden's student debt relief plan would have devastating impacts on millions of borrowers, advocacy groups warned in a report released Monday, one day before the U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments over the White House's cancellation bid. "Denying student debt cancellation would cause financial disaster for millions of Americans," says the report… |

Staff (2023-02-27). Rail Workers Demand "Immediate Action" From Lawmakers to Rein In Rail Industry. truthout.org Railroad workers are warning that, if policymakers don't act soon to rein in the rail industry with better regulations and protections for workers, there will be far more crashes like this month's disaster in East Palestine, Ohio. In a statement on Friday, rail reform group Railroad Workers United (RWU) pointed out that the government has determined that the Ohio crash was "100 percent preventable. |

Staff (2023-02-27). Russian War Crimes Have Hardened Ukrainians Against Peace Talks, Activist Says. truthout.org The world held its breath when Russia invaded Ukraine one year ago. Would Kyiv fall to Russian forces, as President Vladimir Putin and a small inner circle had planned? Would the Kremlin install a puppet dictatorship and brutally crush dissent, just as Putin does at home? We soon learned Putin seriously underestimated his neighbor and its allies to the West, but today there is no end to the war in… |

Staff (2023-02-27). Supreme Court Takes Up Case That Could Kill Consumer Finance Protection Agency. truthout.org The Supreme Court has agreed to take up a case brought against a consumer protection agency that could unleash a deluge of abusive financial practices onto the public, and threaten to end entire welfare programs like Social Security and Medicare. On Monday, the Supreme Court took up a case brought by payday lender lobbyists after conservatives on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with the… |

Staff (2023-02-27). Will the Equal Rights Amendment Finally Be Added to the US Constitution? truthout.org The Equal Rights Amendment, which would codify gender equality in the U.S. Constitution, has been introduced in every session of Congress since 1923. It was finally passed in 1972, and yet never ratified. This week, the ERA will get its first hearing in 40 years when, on Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee meets to discuss a joint resolution to finally affirm the ERA. We speak to Zakiya Thomas… |

Staff (2023-02-27). 'Tortuguita Vive': A No-Compromise Movement Responds to Police Killing a Forest Defender. unicornriot.ninja DeKalb County, GA — The anonymous communique issued in May 2021 was written in romantic prose. Its author describes a nighttime walk through the South River Forest, just south of Atlanta, where "a couple of queers" had discovered seven unattended pieces of heavy machinery parked in the woods. The equipment was staged near the proposed …

Staff (2023-02-27). Ofgem cuts energy price cap by nearly a quarter, but bills will still rise. thecanary.co UK regulator Ofgem has announced a lower cap on sky-high energy bills from April. However, buyers will still pay more for gas and electricity because the government is also reducing financial assistance. Ofgem said the annual amount suppliers are able to charge an average household would be cut by nearly a quarter. It will fall …

Staff (2023-02-27). A Palestinian Child Recounts Settler Pogrom. youtube.com

Suds, Snacks,, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-02-27). Saturday 3/4: The Global Struggle for Women's Rights. indybay.org The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705…

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-27). Al menos una persona muerta deja nuevo terremoto en Türkiye. twitter.com La región aún se encuentra en reconstrucción tras los devastadores terremotos de hace menos de un mes que dejaron 44.000 muertos.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-02-27). Palestinos e israelíes acuerdan evitar actos de violencia. telesurtv.net Según medios árabes, la delegación palestina insistirá a Israel en la necesidad de cesar cualquier acción unilateral.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-02-27). Hondureños incrementan denuncias de violaciones de DD.HH. telesurtv.net Entre los grupos más vulnerables que interpusieron denuncias se encuentran las mujeres, con 3.290 denuncias.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-02-27). Panamá suspende temporalmente el traslado de migrantes. telesurtv.net El Servicio Nacional de Migración detuvo los traslados hasta que se certifique que los buses están en buen estado.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-02-27). Rechazo a Dina Boluarte sube a casi un 80 por ciento en Perú. telesurtv.net La insatisfacción con la gestión de Boluarte aumenta al 86 por ciento en la región sureña del territorio peruano.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-02-27). Conozca sobre la vida del escritor francés Victor Hugo. telesurtv.net El escritor Victor Hugo es reconocido como uno de los mayores exponentes de la literatura universal.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-27). Masacre deja cuatro muertos en Valle del Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net El Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Paz (Indepaz) reportó que este matanza es la número 20 en el país suramericano durante el curso de 2023.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-27). Asciende a 60 cifra de migrantes muertos en costas de Italia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con las autoridades se teme que se puedan alcanzar más de 100 víctimas, luego que el número de migrantes que viajaban está entre 180 y 250.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-27). Comicios presidenciales se extienden en varias regiones de Nigeria. telesurtv.net A partir de las 18H00 horas de este domingo, comenzará el conteo final de votos de la elección presidencial, de acuerdo con autoridades electorales.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-27). Presidente Putin afirma que Occidente pretende eliminar a Rusia. telesurtv.net El presidente ruso acusó a los países de la OTAN de ser cómplices, aunque indirectos, de los crímenes del régimen de Ucrania por suministrarle armamento.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-27). Cifra de muertos por terremotos en Türkiye se sitúa en 44.374. twitter.com En Siria, el número de muertos se situó en 5.914 con lo cual el balance de decesos en ambas naciones se ubicó más allá de los 50 mil tras los terremotos del 6 de febrero.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-27). Ascienden a 65 las muertes por temporal en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Finaliza la búsqueda de desaparecidos. Ya se ha identificado a 55 víctimas. Se prioriza la atención a familias que perdieron sus casas o debieron abandonarlas.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-27). Gobierno colombiano y ELN informan avances en diálogos de paz. telesurtv.net Las partes manifiestan que han avanzado en la definición de una visión compartida del proceso de paz y una metodología para tratar la agenda de diálogos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-27). Colonos israelíes atacan poblados de Cisjordania ocupada. telesurtv.net Un palestino muere por disparos durante el asalto. Colonos atacaron a residentes, quemaron viviendas y destruyeron vehículos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-27). Ataque con bomba en Pakistán provoca al menos cuatro fallecidos. telesurtv.net Se reportan entre ocho y 14 heridos. Fueron llevados a un hospital local. Hasta el momento ningún grupo se atribuyó el hecho.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-27). Reportan daños por lluvias en departamento peruano de Piura. telesurtv.net Precipitaciones provocaron deslizamientos, derrumbes y huaicos con sensibles afectaciones en diversos ámbitos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-27). Policía de Perú reprime protesta contra la impunidad. telesurtv.net Lanzan gas lacrimógeno en Lima a participantes en la marcha nacional contra la impunidad. Se reportan al menos dos heridos.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Sube a 59 cifra de muertos por las lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net El gobernador de Sao Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, anunció que será creada una oficina estatal para acompañar de cerca las obras de reconstrucción en Sao Sebastiao.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Daños por incendios forestales rebasarían los 600 mdd en Chile. telesurtv.net El Servicio Nacional de Prevención y Respuesta ante Desastres anotó que 458.157 hectáreas han sido consumidas por las llamas, que han provocado 25 muertos.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Saludan avances en mesa de diálogo de paz entre Gobierno de Colombia y ELN. telesurtv.net "Confió en que las partes den pasos significativos sobre la agenda acordada, incluyendo temas de participación y cese al fuego", anotó el representante de la ONU.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Cuba asiste a cumbre sobre recuperación postpandemia en Azerbaiyán. telesurtv.net Valdés Mesa arribará este lunes a la ciudad de Bakú, en la República de Azerbaiyán, sede de la reunión de las naciones no alineadas.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Asesinan a dirigente del mayor movimiento indígena en Ecuador. telesurtv.net El presidente de la Conaie, Leónidas Iza, denunció que "existe seguimiento y vigilancia a dirigentes indígenas".

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Lluvias dejan al menos 4.000 familias damnificadas en Paraguay. telesurtv.net "Es desesperante la situación que estamos atravesando. Estamos en una inundación total de la ciudad, estamos bajo agua", dijo la alcaldesa de San Lázaro.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Rechazan a nivel global el bloqueo de EE.UU. contra Cuba. telesurtv.net El presidente cubano Miguel Díaz-Canel escribió: "Conmueven y alientan tantas demostraciones de solidaridad con Cuba y de condena al bloqueo económico".

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). ALBA Movimientos celebrará reunión en Venezuela a inicios de marzo. telesurtv.net La VII Reunión de Coordinación Continental de ALBA Movimientos se llevará a cabo los próximos 2 y 3 de marzo en la capital venezolana.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Venezuela anuncia reapertura de tránsito con Aruba, Bonaire y Curazao. telesurtv.net "luego de finalizadas las mesas técnicas de negociación con el Reino de los Países Bajos, reiteramos el cronograma de apertura del tránsito", dijo el canciller.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-02-27). Ascienden a 64 los fallecidos por lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Las autoridades de la región señalaron que las últimas cinco víctimas fueron encontradas en la ciudad de Sao Sebastiao.

teleSUR- hvh (2023-02-27). Palestina condena proyecto de ley israelí sobre pena de muerte. telesurtv.net La Cancillería rechaza "la bárbara reinstauración de la pena de muerte como pretexto para legitimar su anexión".

teleSUR (2023-02-27). Massive Domestic Migration in Wake of Earthquakes in Türkiye. t.co On Monday, a new 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck the province of Malatya, leaving one citizen dead and 69 people injured. The problems that Türkiye is going through, however, are not reduced to aftershocks. | RELATED: | The devastating earthquakes which hit southern Türkiye earlier this month caused major internal displacement, resulting in a significant strain on resources in major cities. | Not only did the Feb. 6 twin earthquakes kill 44,374 p…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). American Activists & Inmigrants Reject US Blockade Against Cuba. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, U.S. citizens and Cuban inmigrants took to the streets of Miami, Seattle, New York, and Minneapolis to reject the U.S. blockade against Cuba. | RELATED: | "So many demonstrations of solidarity with Cuba are moving and encouraging. We are grateful to the friends and fellow countrymen abroad who demand a better world without blockade," Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel. | In Miami, far-right individuals shouted obsessions a…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). Belarus-China Friendship to Continue for Decades – Lukashenko. telesurenglish.net Speaking to Chinese media, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said, "Let's admit it: Belarus is the only place in the center of Europe that maintains a friendly – or I could say fraternal – attitude towards China." | RELATED: | According to the President, the two nations have forged a comprehensive strategic partnership. The friendship of the two countries will continue for decades, Lukashenko said, noting that "not only as long…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). Chile Deploys Military On Border Points To Halt Migrants' Entry. telesurenglish.net On Monday, Chile began a military deployment on the northern border with Peru and Bolivia for 90 days to counteract the entry of undocumented migrants. | RELATED: | "Chile has long failed to do what it must to have good immigration control," Interior Minister Carola Toha said, recalling that customs officers had little equipment, the checkpoints of border police officers were in terrible condition, and the national migrant service presented an enormous waiting l…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). China Slams US Sanctions on Chinese Firms Related to Russia. telesurenglish.net On Monday, China slammed the United States for sanctioning Chinese companies for alleged involvement with Russia, saying the illegal, unilateral sanctions, if not revoked, would be met with countermeasures from China. | RELATED: | Mao Ning, a spokesperson for the Chinese foreign ministry, told a press briefing that the U.S. actions lack both the basis in international law and UN Security Council mandate. | "They are typi…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). Colombia To Reopen 4 Consulates In Venezuela. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, the Colombian Foreign Affairs Ministry announced that it will reopen its consulates in Caracas, Maracaibo, Tachira, and San Cristobal in Venezuela within a maximum of four months. | RELATED: | Colombians who reside in Venezuela had previously complained about the consulates' closure, which former Colombia's President Ivan Duque approved after both nations broke diplomatic relations. His decision forced th…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). Death Toll From Brazil Landslides Rises to 65. telesurenglish.net As of Sunday, the death toll had climbed to 65 a week after heavy rains sparked deadly floods and landslides along the coast of Brazil's Sao Paulo state. | RELATED: | Among the fatal victims were 19 minors, the state government said, adding "the priority continues to be relief for the victims." Army troops, firefighters, volunteers and rescue workers are still digging to recover the bodies of the victims and search…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). Hitmen Assassinate Indigenous Leader in Ecuadorian Oil Zone. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) held the administration of President Guillermo Lasso responsible for the shooting of Eduardo Mendua, who died in an Amazon area where Indigenous communities are fighting with oil companies. | RELATED: | "It is with great sadness that I receive the news of the vile murder of brother Eduardo Mendua, CONAIE's international relations leader… I…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). Hungary Welcomes Chinese Plan for Peace in Ukraine. telesurenglish.net On Monday, during the opening of the Parliament's spring session, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban showed his support for the Chinese plan to peacefully resolve the current conflict in Ukraine, considering it "important." | RELATED: | "We need a ceasefire and the start of peace talks; Hungary calls for peace in all international forums; I see that most states support peace and Hungary cannot isolate itself from most of the world (…) there…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). Israeli Settlers Set Fire to Houses in the West Bank. telesurenglish.net On Sunday night, around 400 Israeli settlers launched violent attacks in the West Bank, killing at least one Palestinian, injuring 390 people, and burning down 75 homes, shops, 25 cars, and farmlands. | RELATED: | The Palestinian Health Ministry said that Sameh Al-Aqtash died after he was shot by Israeli soldiers during clashes with settlers in the village of Zatara. News agency WAFA reported that rampage assaul…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). Mexican Opposition Protests Against AMLOS's Electoral Reform. telesurenglish.net On Sunday, Mexican conservative citizens held a protest against the "Plan B", an electoral reform promoted by President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) ahead of the 2024 presidential elections. | RELATED: | Convened by some 80 opposition organizations, thousands of citizens gathered in Mexico City's Zocalo square to ask the Supreme Court to reverse the latest electoral reform. | According to Marko Cortes, the leader of the opposition Na…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). Mexican President Opposes Boluarte's Government in Peru. telesurenglish.net During his morning press conference on Monday, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador expressed his opposition to the current government of Peru, which he called "an authoritarian and repressive de facto government." | RELATED: | "We do not accept the whole farce that has meant the removal of President Pedro Castillo because the will of the Peruvian people was not respected, democracy was trampled on," said A…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). Over 60 Dead After Migrant Ship Rips Apart Near Italy's Shores. telesurenglish.net On Sunday morning, Italian authorities began collecting the bodies of over 60 migrants who died when their boat broke up off the coast of Italy. | RELATED: | The dead bodies washed up on or near to the shores of Steccato di Cutro, a seaside resort town in the southern Italian region of Calabria. | Vigili del Fuoco, Italy's national fire and rescue brigades, said searches were ongoing via boat, jet ski and helicopter. T…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). Scientists Predict Disastrous Rains in Rwanda in Coming Months. telesurenglish.net Rwanda Meteorology Agency (RMA) warned that torrential rains could trigger potential disasters in different parts of this African country. | RELATED: | The RMA scientists said in their latest forecast that heavy rains of between 500 mm and 600 mm were forecast in parts across the country from March to May. | The forecast rainfall could potentially lead to disasters such as flooding, landslides, strong winds and othe…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). Transnistria Denies Being Under Ukrainian Military Threat. telesurenglish.net On Monday, the self-proclaimed Republic of Transnistria President Vadim Krasnoselski said that there is no an inminent military security threat against his country, which shares a border with Ukraine and where over 250,000 Russian citizens live. | RELATED: | "If our country is threatened by real danger, we will quickly inform our citizens. The important issue is not to panic," Krasnoselski pointed out. Nevertheless, he a…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). UK, EU Reach Deal for N. Ireland, Eyeing New Chapter in Ties. telesurenglish.net The agreement delivers the smooth flow of trade within the UK, as goods destined for Northern Ireland will travel through a new Green Lane, with a separate Red Lane for goods at risk of moving on to the EU. | UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (L, Rear) and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (R, Rear) attend a joint press conference in Windsor, Britain, on Feb. 27, 2023.

teleSUR (2023-02-27). UK Household Energy Bills to Rise Despite Price Cap Drop. telesurenglish.net

teleSUR (2023-02-27). US Plagued by Gun Violence: Geopolitics. telesurenglish.net The United States is troubled by one gun attack after another — schools, hospitals, churches, shopping malls, Muslim communities and Black people are not spared from gun attacks, reported The Geopolitics on Sunday. | RELATED: | The government allows its citizens to legally own 390 million guns, and "that is why all such incidents are happening," said the report. | According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention…

teleSUR (2023-02-27). Venezuela: Security Forces Arrest 188 Members of Crime Groups. telesurenglish.net Venezuela's Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, said on Monday that a total of 188 members of criminal groups have been arrested to date, including three involved in last week's attacks on commercial premises in Zulia state. | RELATED: | Within the framework of the fight against organized crime groups, the Public Prosecutor's Office together with the security forces have arrested "to date 188 members of 13 organized crime groups," said the Attorne…

The Associated Press (2023-02-27). Mexican States in Hot Competition Over Possible Tesla Plant. latinorebels.com Mexico is undergoing a fevered competition among states to win a potential Tesla facility in jostling reminiscent of what happens among U.S. cities and states vying to win investments from tech companies.

The Conversation (2023-02-27). Biden's Border Crackdown Explained: A Refugee Law Expert Looks at the Legality and Impact of New Asylum Rule. latinorebels.com The Conversation asked Karen Musalo, an expert on refugee law at the University of California College of the Law, San Francisco, to explain what the Biden administration's new asylum rule change entails, what its impact will be and why it is so controversial.

Tomdispatch (2023-02-27). Police gone Wild: When the Scorpions on the Corner Just Might Kill You. juancole.com By Michael Gould-Wartofsky | — ( Tomdispatch.com ) — To residents of Memphis's resource-poor, predominantly nonwhite neighborhoods, the Scorpions were easy to spot. The plainclothes patrols were known for driving their unmarked Dodge Chargers through the streets, often all too recklessly, sowing fear as they went, spitting venom from their windows, jumping out with guns …

Toward increased Networking (2023-02-27). From Today (Thu), 3 pm ("Stop Cop City"): Online events w) Vandana Shiva, Chomsky, etc. indybay.org Here are about 9 online events taking place over the next week+ (and starting at 3: 00 pm today, Thursday, 2/23), featuring people such as Dário Votório Kopenawa Yanomami, Paul Watson, adrienne maree brown, Vandana Shiva, Noam Chomsky, and many others. | These events are hosted from various locations all across the country, as well from Canada, Australia, and the UK (however, the listed times are all for our "Pacific time zone"). Of course, feel free to share this info with others who might be interested in it.

un.org (2023-02-27). Palestinian Rights Committee Bureau Condemns Extreme Violence by Israeli Forces in Nablus. un.org The Bureau is deeply concerned by the deadly cycles of violence and the senseless loss of civilian lives, mainly Palestinians, which keep growing.

Unicorn Riot (2023-02-27). FBI Harasses Activists in Florida; Two Indicted on Federal Charges for Jane's Revenge Actions. unicornriot.ninja

Wilson Criscione (2023-02-27). Newly revealed records reveal how the EPA sided with polluters in a small Montana mining town. peoplesworld.org As she drove into Butte, Montana, six years ago to visit her son, environmental epidemiologist Suzanne McDermott couldn't ignore the gouged-out mountain that loomed over the town. It's the result of decades of open-pit mining that continues to this day in Butte. McDermott was stunned at how close the mining pits were to homes and …

WSWS (2023-02-27). Amazon workers mount further strikes at Coventry warehouse, posing need for rank-and-file committees. wsws.org Amazon opposes any form of workers' organisation or representation and refuses to recognise or negotiate pay with the GMB. This has lent the union an oppositional standing it does not deserve.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Democrats place policing and "public safety" at center of Chicago municipal elections. wsws.org None of the four "major" candidates or any of the also-rans offers any way forward for the working class.

WSWS (2023-02-27). At least 59 migrants drown off Italian coast, including newborn baby and 19 other children. wsws.org Responsibility for this terrible crime lies with all the governments of Europe, who have conspired to turn the continent into a "fortress" against desperate people, and with the United States and its allies whose imperialist violence has dismembered societies across the Middle East and Africa.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Moldova's President Sandu tightens grip on power, as the country is being drawn into the maelstrom of the NATO-Russia war. wsws.org Moldova is in the grips of a severe political crisis as its government prepares to drag it into the NATO war against Russia.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Fascists stage provocation at Broadway show Parade about 1915 lynching of Leo Frank. wsws.org A group of neo-Nazis protested at a preview of Parade in New York City last week, a musical about the trial and 1915 lynching of Leo Frank, a Jewish manager of a factory in Atlanta.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Turkish Red Crescent's sale of tents after the earthquake revealed as "government resign" chants rise from stadiums. wsws.org Three weeks after devastating earthquakes caused massive destruction and mass deaths in Turkey and Syria, anger at the government's response is growing.

WSWS (2023-02-27). SEP (Australia) candidates hold speak out in southwest Sydney ahead of NSW election. wsws.org SEP candidates Oscar Grenfell and Max Boddy, along with other party members, spoke to people in working-class Liverpool about the need for a socialist alternative to the program of war and austerity put forward by all other parties in the election.

WSWS (2023-02-27). The war in Ukraine and how to stop it: Online meeting advances a socialist anti-war strategy for the international working class. wsws.org Saturday's meeting, which was attended by a worldwide audience, presented a powerful case for a unified movement of the international working class for socialist revolution as the only realistic strategy to stop World War III.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Junior doctors in England set to strike for three days from March 13. wsws.org What the health union bureaucracy wants is a co-ordinated sell-out not a fightback.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Retired Detroit nurse: "When you have CEOs at 'not-for-profit' hospitals making millions a year … something is wrong with the whole system" wsws.org Pat Cason-Merenda is a retired nurse in Detroit who spoke to the WSWS in support of nurses and health care workers around the world who are facing horrific working conditions.

WSWS (2023-02-27). More than 300,000 in Michigan with no power five days after ice storm. wsws.org Hundreds of thousands of people across southern Michigan from Detroit to Kalamazoo were still without power for a fifth day on Sunday as the energy monopolies continued making excuses about why nothing has been done to prepare the infrastructure for increasingly intense weather events.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Will Lehman demands UAW monitor investigate appointment of Vail Kohnert-Yount to leadership post after $25,000 donation to Shawn Fain. wsws.org In this letter to the court-appointed Monitor, Lehman calls for a "full and transparent investigation into the circumstances behind this appointment… conducted publicly in the view of the rank and file."

WSWS (2023-02-27). Sri Lankan SEP election campaign wins support from plantation workers. wsws.org SEP and Plantation Workers Action Committee members campaigned at the Alton, Fairlawn, Glenugie, Strathspey and Gartmore estates in Maskeliya prior to Wickremesinghe's cancelation of the local government polls.

WSWS (2023-02-27). "They have upended people's lives": East Palestine residents speak out at Erin Brockovich town hall meeting. wsws.org Residents of East Palestine and surrounding areas packed a town hall meeting hosted by environmental advocate Erin Brockovich Friday evening to hear presentations on the dangers posed by the train derailment and subsequent release and burn of toxic chemicals.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Norway emerges as key staging ground for US military provocations against Russia. wsws.org Norway's location on the northwest of the Scandinavian Peninsula, with a 196-kilometre border with Russia, makes it a key ally for US imperialism to wage war on Russia.

WSWS (2023-02-27). The Wuhan Lab Leak slander being resurrected to bolster US war drive against China. wsws.org The Wall Street Journal disclosed that the Department of Energy has shifted its opinion on the origin of the coronavirus to it being most likely a result of a lab leak. However, unnamed sources who have read the report indicate the evidence is of low confidence.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Anti-Defamation League: All "extremist" mass killings in the US in 2022 linked to the far right. wsws.org The ADL report concealed the fact that the three largest mass shootings last year were directly linked to the Republican Party, making the GOP the number one driver of fascist terrorist violence in the United States.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Lula government ends daily COVID-19 tracking in Brazil. wsws.org The announcement of the end of daily pandemic data came just before the PT government completely ignored the threat that Carnival represented for the worsening of the pandemic in Brazil.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Der Spiegel asks: "Is the CIA hunting Assange's supporters?" wsws.org The material in the German newspaper further substantiates claims that the US government has waged an illegal global campaign against Julian Assange, WikiLeaks and their supporters.

WSWS (2023-02-27). UK government agrees deal with European Union on Northern Ireland trade. wsws.org The "Windsor framework" deal was secured Monday, after hundreds of hours of negotiations, and announced in a joint press conference by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

WSWS (2023-02-27). This week in history: February 27-March 5. wsws.org This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago.

Zack Linly (2023-02-27). Elon Musk Defends 'Dilbert' Creator's Racism As More Newspapers Dump Comic Strip. newsone.com Scott Adams, cartoonist and author and creator of "Dilbert," poses for a portrait in his home office with his new book "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life" on January 6, 2014, in Pleasanton, California. | Source: San Francisco Chronicle/Hearst Newspapers via Getty Images / Getty | Let's talk about the audacity of whiteness (or "caucasity," if you will). White people who have spent their entire lives oblivious to systemic racism and how it benefits them at the expense of Black people and people of color are suddenly hyper-aware of racial animosity in America and across…

Zack Linly (2023-02-27). White Student Sues Howard University For Racial Discrimination After He Was Expelled. newsone.com Source: Jeff Greenberg / Getty | You know—there's a reason why some Black people prefer to exclude white people from Black spaces. It's not so much about anti-whiteness as much as it is about Black people needing to be able to discuss issues within the Black community away from the white gaze and without the input of white people who have not had the lived experience of being Black in America. | So, what are we to make of a white man who makes the decision to attend an

Zero Hedge (2023-02-27). US Military Aid to Ukraine Exceeds the Costs of Afghanistan. globalresearch.ca

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-27). The Stage is Set for Hybrid World War III. libya360.wordpress.com Pepe Escobar A powerful feeling rhythms your skin and drums up your soul as you're immersed in a long walk under persistent snow flurries, pinpointed by selected stops and enlightening conversations, crystallizing disparate vectors one year after the start of the accelerated phase of the proxy war between US/NATO and Russia. That's how Moscow welcomes…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-27). NATO's Growing Military Presence in Latin America and the Caribbean. libya360.wordpress.com Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein At present, it has become customary to speak of NATO's expansion "towards Eastern Europe", which, while effective, is a reductionist concept. The truth is that since the end of the bipolar world, the United States, believing itself to be the master of the world, has used NATO to expand throughout the planet….

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-27). East Palestine: American Chernobyl. libya360.wordpress.com Reporter Jeremy Loffredo joins The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal to discuss his reporting from East Palestine, Ohio, where private police and corporate-controlled environmental groups are controlling the response to a massive detonation of chemicals that has polluted the small town's waterways and air. East Palestinian and small business owner, Bob Figley is worried about the health…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-27). European Antiwar Protests Gain Strength as NATO's Ukraine Proxy War Escalates. libya360.wordpress.com Stavroula Pabst and Max Blumenthal Europeans are storming the streets in unprecedented numbers to protest NATO's proxy war in Ukraine and their own declining living standards. The Grayzone has covered demonstrations and interviewed protest leaders in several countries since the war erupted. Athens, Greece —— This February 21, several thousand Greeks filled Athens' streets to denounce NATO and…

Ann Brown (2023-02-27). Woman Finds Roach In Chicken, Has To Fight With Manager Of Slim Chickens To Get Refund. moguldom.com A patron at a popular fast food franchise Slim Chickens restaurant in Pensacola, Florida, found a roach in her husband's chicken tender. But when she complained to a manager, she said it was a battle to get a refund. The customer, Haile Kirkland, 30, posted about her experience on Facebook, and…

Isheka N. Harrison (2023-02-27). Renita Ward Is Running for 5th Ward Alderman, Wants To Lead With Inclusion, Collaboration And Compassion. moguldom.com When Renita Ward moved to Chicago in 2007, she fell in love with the city and decided to make it her forever home. Now the healthcare attorney and pastor wants to serve her community differently by running for the 5th Ward Alderman seat. Election day is Tuesday, Feb. 28. When people go to the polls …

Ann Brown (2023-02-27). Famous Dilbert Cartoon Writer Scott Adams Tells Whites Get the Hell Away From Black Americans, They Can't Be Fixed. moguldom.com The creator of the popular "Dilbert" cartoon, which is syndicated in newspapers nationwide, has just canceled himself. Scott Adams went to his YouTube channel, "Real Coffee with Scott Adams," to express his dislike and mistrust of Black people in a racist rant on Feb. 22. Adams created the workplace-focused "Dilbert" comic strip in 1989. During …

Dana Sanchez (2023-02-27). Core PCE Price Index Inflation Report Higher Than Expected: How Inflation Can Break America. moguldom.com Despite U.S. Federal Reserve efforts to slow inflation, the PCE or personal consumption expenditure index — the Fed's preferred measure of inflation — rose a higher-than-expected 5.4 percent in January, reflecting an accelerating pace of spending and rising prices after a few months of trending down. Even after adjusting for inflation, spending rose 1.1 percent …

Ann Brown (2023-02-27). Hollywood Prophet Harvey Weinstein To Spend Rest Of Life In Prison After Sentencing For Sexual Assault. moguldom.com Disgraced film producer and media mogul Harvey Weinstein, 70, has been sentenced to 16 years for an L.A. rape conviction. He was previously convicted of sex crimes in New York, for which he was sentenced to 23 years in prison. His new sentence will run consecutively, giving him a total of 39 years behind bars …

Ann Brown (2023-02-27). After Being Accused of Satanic Theme At Super Bowl, Rihanna Reported To FCC Over Alleged Sexual Performance. moguldom.com Rihanna's Super Bowl halftime spectacular on Feb. 12 drew all kinds of reactions. Some loved the 13-minute performance, complete with a multitude of dancers. Some complained that Rhianna's performance was low-energy. It even caused viewer complaints to the Federal Communications Commission. But the color of her outfit—-red—-seems to have sparked a rumor that the show …

Eds. (2023-02-27). Chile: in memory of Carlos and Pinochet's caravan of death. mronline.org Every dawn, during my daily walk to the foothills of the Andes, I pass by the Tobalaba Aerodrome, a facility that caters to a wide variety of private aircraft. In a year marking the 50th anniversary of the coup against the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende, that airport arouses less affable feelings.

Eds. (2023-02-27). Nearly half of Canadians aged 18 to 34 support socialism. mronline.org Fewer (32%) said income taxes should be raised on all citizens except those with low income to finance socialism, and the fewest (20%) said a purchase tax on goods and services should be imposed to fund socialism.

Eds. (2023-02-27). How degrowth can help reduce global conflict. mronline.org Defined as an equitable and democratic reduction of energy and material throughput targeted at rich nations and the globally wealthy, degrowth has grown in popularity over the last few years with growing political support.

Eds. (2023-02-27). The forest in the city: two years of forest defense in Atlanta, Georgia. mronline.org The campaign to

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-27). Japan's PM Says Tokyo Will Buy 400 US-Made Tomahawk Missiles. news.antiwar.com Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Monday that his country plans to purchase 400 Tomahawk missiles from the US, a deal that will break from Tokyo's post-World War II policy of only having weapons for self-defense purposes. It was first revealed in December that Japan planned to purchase Tomahawks, which have a range of over 1,000 …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-27). Yellen Visits Ukraine to Discuss $10 Billion in New Budgetary Aid. news.antiwar.com Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen visited Ukraine on Monday to discuss an additional $10 billion in new budgetary aid for the country, assistance that goes directly to the government to pay for things like government services and pensions. While in Kyiv, Yellen announced that Ukraine would be receiving $1.2 billion as the first tranche of the …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-27). China Protests After US Spy Plane Flies Through Taiwan Strait. news.antiwar.com A US Navy surveillance plane flew through the Taiwan Strait on Monday amid heightened tensions between the US and China, drawing a rebuke from China's People's Liberation Army (PLA). The PLA's Eastern Theater Command said in a press release that China "opposes the US's action, which has deliberately disrupted the regional situation and jeopardized the …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-27). Egypt's Foreign Minister Visits Syria for First Time Since 2011. news.antiwar.com Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus on Monday, making him the highest-level Egyptian official to visit Syria since war broke out in the country in 2011. Shoukry visited Syria to express Egypt's support following a devastating earthquake that killed at least 5,900 people in Syria and 44,000 in …

news.un (2023-02-27). Human Rights Council: Russia responsible for 'widespread death and destruction' in Ukraine. news.un.org UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday once again added his voice to international condemnation of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, telling the Human Rights Council that it had "triggered the most massive violations of human rights we are living today".

news.un (2023-02-27). UN and partners appeal for $4.3 billion for aid operations in Yemen. news.un.org Donors are meeting in Geneva on Monday to raise $4.3 billion to provide support and protection for 17.3 million people in war-torn Yemen, which remains among the world's most severe humanitarian crises.

news.un (2023-02-27). Israel-Palestine: UN envoy gravely concerned over killings and retaliatory attacks. news.un.org Following the latest wave of violence between Israelis and Palestinians, UN Middle East envoy Tor Wennesland on Monday appealed for both sides to take action towards addressing core issues fuelling their conflict.

news.un (2023-02-27). 'No words' to explain people's suffering in Türkiye: A UN Resident Coordinator blog. news.un.org There are "no words" to explain the level of suffering of people in Türkiye following the hugely destructive earthquake which hit the country – as well as Syria – in early February, says Alvaro Rodriguez, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Türkiye.

news.un (2023-02-27). Libya: Bathily proposes election support body, as public frustration mounts. news.un.org Twelve years after its revolution, political tensions in Libya remain high, and its leaders face a "major legitimacy crisis" amid widespread public frustration, the UN's senior official in the country told the Security Council on Monday, announcing plans to create a new mechanism in support of crucial elections.

news.un (2023-02-27). Armenia: Rights experts commend laws to curb use of mercenaries. news.un.org Independent experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council on Monday welcomed Armenia's commitment to combat the use of mercenaries and private security companies, following an eight-day mission to the country.

Dick Nichols (2023-02-27). Spain: Pedro Sánchez launches 'class war' election campaign. greenleft.org.au With elections due in the next 12 months, Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) prime minister Pedro Sánchez is hoping his pro-worker posture will be enough to secure victory over the right and keep the independence movement at bay, writes Dick Nichols.

Susan Price (2023-02-27). Green Left News podcast launched. greenleft.org.au Green Left journalists Ben Radford and Isaac Nellist round up the latest news from Australia and around the world in this new podcast.

Sarah Anderson (2023-02-27). Garment Workers Take on Wage Theft and Wall Street. inequality.org

Anonymous Contributor (2023-02-27). Report Back from Jordan Peterson Protest in Seattle, WA. itsgoingdown.org Report back from recent demonstration against far-Right guru Jordan Peterson in so-called Seattle, WA. On February 16th and February 17th the Paramount Theater, one of several theaters owned and operated by the Seattle Theater Group (STG), played host to pseudo-scientist, transphobic, misogynist Jordan Peterson. This was a rescheduled engagement from Peterson's tour in spring 2022,…

Puget Sound Anarchists (2023-02-27). Experiences in Thurston County Jail and Thoughts Towards Tearing It All Down. itsgoingdown.org

_____ (2023-02-27). China's Lithium Empire and the New Spheres of Sino-American Conflict. journal-neo.org For a long time, the world has been gripped by a rivalry between the two major superpowers, the People's Republic of China and the United States, which is primarily economic in nature but inevitably affects science and technology. Any significant technological advancement becomes a field of Sino-American competition. Lithium-ion batteries (LIB), for example, are now …

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2023-02-27: News Headlines

_____ (2023-02-27). Britain to Mongolia: more than just a partner? journal-neo.org The United Kingdom is one of Mongolia's main "third neighbors," according to Mongolia's current foreign policy concept. Neither its limited participation in global political and economic processes, nor its extreme geographical distance from Mongolia in comparison to Japan and South Korea, removes it from the list of Mongolia's key "third neighbor" partners. The United Kingdom …

_____ (2023-02-27). How and why is Pakistan assisting Ukraine? journal-neo.org Recently, reports that Pakistan, which previously attempted to portray itself as a supporter of Russia, started to provide assistance to Ukraine, including weapons, against the backdrop of the special operation carried out by Moscow against the neo-fascist regime of Kyiv, have been increasingly published by media outlets other than Ukrainian and Indian media. Islamabad's "political …

_____ (2023-02-27). Tbilisi Georgia: An Earthquake Disaster Waiting to Happen? journal-neo.org

Abidemi I. Otaiku (2023-02-27). [Articles] Distressing dreams in childhood and risk of cognitive impairment or Parkinson's disease in adulthood: a national birth cohort study. thelancet.com Having persistent distressing dreams during childhood may be associated with an increased risk of developing cognitive impairment or PD in adulthood. Future studies are needed to confirm these findings and to determine whether treating distressing dreams during early life may lower the risk of dementia and PD.

acTVism Munich (2023-02-27). Former CIA Officer McGovern on Ukraine, NATO and Nord Stream at UN Security Council. dissidentvoice.org On February 22, 2023, former CIA analyst turned political activist Ray McGovern addresses the United Nations Security Council on Russia-U.S. relations. McGovern emphasizes the need to understand Russia's security concerns and to push forward with diplomacy. McGovern was a CIA analyst from 1963 to 1990 and in the 1980s directed the National Intelligence Estimates and …

americanthinker (2023-02-27). A farewell to Jon N. Hall. americanthinker.com Time has claimed yet another AT contributor.

americanthinker (2023-02-27). About that big march in Mexico. americanthinker.com Many people marched south of the border rejecting President Lopez-Obrador's changes to the electoral process.

americanthinker (2023-02-27). Biden must go gentle into that good night. americanthinker.com For it to be "morning again in America," Joe Biden must ignore Dylan Thomas exhortation, and go gentle into that good night.

americanthinker (2023-02-27). Speciesism': A grave threat to life on Earth? americanthinker.com William Shakespeare was no more important than a tarantula, say pomo academics.

americanthinker (2023-02-27). What's behind the push for electric vehicles? americanthinker.com Why the huge push by the U.S. government to convert to electric vehicles?

Angela (2023-02-27). Saturday 2/25: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Haifawi" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Ann Brown (2023-02-27). After Being Accused of Satanic Theme At Super Bowl, Rihanna Reported To FCC Over Sexual Performance. moguldom.com Rihanna's Super Bowl halftime spectacular on Feb. 12 drew all kinds of reactions. Some loved the 13-minute performance, complete with a multitude of dancers. Some complained that Rhianna's performance was low-energy. It even caused viewer complaints to the Federal Communications Commission. But the color of her outfit—-red—-seems to have sparked a rumor that the show …

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Can Public Comments Penetrate FDA's Illusory Parallel Universe? transcend.org On 26 Jan 2023, the 178th Meeting of Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee met to pretend to have a process before unanimously "voting" to authorize a simplified annual Covid shot in order to not confuse the public.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). China Report Excoriates 'US Hegemony', War Crimes, CIA Coups, 400 Foreign Interventions. transcend.org 23 Feb 2023 – China's Foreign Ministry published a lengthy report condemning "US hegemony" and its crimes around the world, including wars with millions of victims, coups and "regime change" against elected leaders, and 400 foreign military interventions.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Free Speech Is for Fighting the Empire. transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 – My research has led me to conclude that there's an elite conspiracy to enslave us all and turn us all into brainwashed automatons mindlessly enacting the wishes of our rulers in a cruel dystopia built by the powerful, for the powerful. Haha, just kidding. That already happened.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). From South Africa to Israel, the Three Pillars of Apartheid. transcend.org How does a South African and former anti-apartheid activist feel about visiting Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories? Classification of the population, freedom of choice of residence and movement, importance of security: based on the three central drivers of separation, Israeli apartheid is worse than South Africa's.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Hasta Siempre Comandante Che Guevara (Music Video of the Week). transcend.org Song in honor of the great revolutionary leader, Ernesto Che Guevara, by Cuban composer Pablo Cuebras. Viva Che !!!

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). In Homage to David Ray Griffin: Indispensable Public Intellectual. transcend.org I think it was the successful branding of the 9/11 skeptics as 'wacky' that proved more useful in squelching their influence than by labeling them as 'dangerous,' 'subversive,' and 'radical' or 'socialist.' It might be understood as the advent of a more advanced, more sophisticated version of McCarthyism, a discrediting ploy that George Orwell would have immediately understood.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). International Investigative Commission into the Terrorist Attacks on Nord Stream. transcend.org German Lawmaker Calls for Nord Stream Probe on a 10 Feb 2023 Speech to the Bundestag – MP Sevim Dagdelen takes the Scholz government to task for its lack of "strength and will" in responding to Seymour Hersh's reporting on the U.S. sabotage of the Russian pipeline.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Malcolm X: His Struggle Continues. transcend.org Malcolm X was assassinated 58 years ago, on 21 Feb 1965, standing at the podium before a crowd in Harlem's Audubon Ballroom. His wife Betty Shabazz, pregnant with twins, and his four daughters were in the ballroom looking on.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). One Humanity and the Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 – Reflections on the Aftermath of Earthquakes and Human Survival…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). International Investigative Commission into the Terrorist Attacks on Nord Stream. transcend.org German Lawmaker Calls for Nord Stream Probe on a 10 Feb 2023 Speech to the Bundestag – MP Sevim Dagdelen takes the Scholz government to task for its lack of "strength and will" in responding to Seymour Hersh's reporting on the U.S. sabotage of the Russian pipeline.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Malcolm X: His Struggle Continues. transcend.org Malcolm X was assassinated 58 years ago, on 21 Feb 1965, standing at the podium before a crowd in Harlem's Audubon Ballroom. His wife Betty Shabazz, pregnant with twins, and his four daughters were in the ballroom looking on.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). One Humanity and the Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 – Reflections on the Aftermath of Earthquakes and Human Survival…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Provocation of "Unprovoked Aggression" by Varieties of Encroachment. transcend.org Challenge of Insensitivity to Collective Historical Amnesia – Expression of alternative perspectives on the USA/NATO-Russia-Ukraine armed conflict has been limited–and actively suppressed as "disinformation" whenever possible. Those articulating such perspectives have been discredited and personally condemned, if not actively sanctioned in some manner.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Putin Suspends START Nuclear Pact with USA. transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 – Vladimir Putin suspended Moscow's participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control pact with the US, announcing the move yesterday in a bitter speech in which he made clear he would not change his strategy in the war in Ukraine.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Seymour Hersh on "How the US Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline": Exclusive TV Interview. transcend.org 15 Feb 2023 – When the Nord Stream pipelines carrying natural gas from Russia to Germany were damaged last September, U.S. officials were quick to suggest Russia had bombed its own pipelines. But according to a new report by the legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, it was the U.S. Navy that carried out the sabotage, with help from Norway. "The fear was Europe would walk away from the war," he says.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). The 20th Anniversary of the Sociocide of Iraq by Bush/Cheney. transcend.org 23 Feb 2023 – Will President Biden, Congress and other North Americans recognize the massive war crimes committed against the Iraqi people with appropriate declarations and actions on 19 Mar 2023?>

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). The Security Apparati: Tentacles of Global Peace Disruptors (Part 1). transcend.org 25 Feb 2023 – This publication discusses the global strategies, after the two world wars, when the great powers, suspicious of foreign ones, entered into a phase of Cold War using subterfuge, covert operations, and secret, double or triple agents, to gain access to strategic information.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). The Ukraine War Viewed from the Global South. transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 — In October 2022, about eight months after the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the University of Cambridge harmonized surveys that asked the inhabitants of 137 countries about their views of the West, Russia, and China: different perspectives.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). 'Ticking Time Bombs' for the Most Defenceless: The Children (I). transcend.org 22 Feb 2023 – Today, there are more children in need of desperate humanitarian assistance than at any other time since World War II.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). 'Ticking Time Bombs' for the Most Defenceless: The Children (II). transcend.org 23 Feb 2023 – While the world's biggest powers and their giant private corporations continue to attach high priority to their military —and commercial— dominance, both of them being shockingly profitable, entire generations are being lost to deadly armed conflicts, devastating climate catastrophes, diseases, hunger and more imposed impoverishment.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). U.S. Hegemony: At War with China's Global Security Initiative. transcend.org 24 Feb 2023 – Over the last week China released a flurry of papers and statements accusing the U.S. of hegemony while contrasting it with China's peace initiatives. As 'western' media rarely communicate what the Chinese say I find it necessary to give the Chinese standpoint some extended space.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Ukraine: 1 Year of War on Top of 30 Years of Conflict Escalation. transcend.org 23 Feb 2023 – The Only Re-Armament Needed Is Intellectual and Moral — on All Sides – Beyond Russia, NATO/EU policies will prove morally wrong, unrealistic, dangerous and self-destructive.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). US Power Alliance Says It's Preparing an "Information War" against China. transcend.org 24 Feb 2023 – In an article published last week titled "US working with 'Five Eyes' nations, Japan on information warfare" C4ISRNET, a military intelligence and communications publication, reports that the US and its allies are collaborating "to share and sharpen information-warfare techniques in the Indo-Pacific" with the goal of "countering" the "increasingly aggressive China."

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite's 'Great Reset': Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively? transcend.org 21 Feb 2023 – Since the dawn of human civilization 5,000 years ago, ordinary people like you and me have been engaged in an endless struggle to resist efforts by elites, whether local, national, international or global, to assert complete control over us and the resources around us.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Who Really Started the Ukraine Wars? transcend.org 16 Feb 2023 – The Four Interrelated Wars in Ukraine…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-27). Who's Winning and Losing the Economic War over Ukraine? transcend.org 21 Feb 2023 – After a year of war, Western expectations have gone up in smoke (and methane). The winners are the opportunists and war profiteers; the losers are the people of Ukraine, working/poor people everywhere, and hopes of halting the climate crisis, as half a million tons of methane rose from the sabotaged Nord Stream pipeline.

Bertram Burian (2023-02-27). The final system question Parts 1 and 2. indybay.org The enrichment elites of the West in particular have been trying for decades to extend their influence to the whole world. That is their declared concept. The worldwide "final victory", the "end of history" (4), the elimination of all competitors for raw materials and markets, have been part of capitalism and imperialism from the very beginning.

Bill Astore (2023-02-27). Magical Weapons for Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Binoy Kampmark (2023-02-27). Sensitivity Rewrites: The Cultural Purging of Roald Dahl. dissidentvoice.org Censorship is never innocent, made worse for its strained good intentions. For those responsible for setting and policing such policies, the inner judge comes out, stomping on assumed meanings, interpreting and removing things to ensure the masses are not corrupted. Children's stories and tales have not been exempted from this train of revision, expurgation and …

Brenda Norrell (2023-02-27). The Matriarchs of Wounded Knee: Fourteen Minutes of Power. indybay.org In a powerful 14-minutes, the Matriarchs of Wounded Knee describe how the Occupation of Wounded Knee began during a time of terror for Oglala Lakota on Pine Ridge. The special presentation of oral history by the Warrior Women's Project on Saturday is part of four days of events celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Wounded Knee.

Charlotte Hazard (2023-02-27). After Backpedaling on Gas Stove Ban, Administration Plans to Raise Costs Via New Efficiency Regs. globalresearch.ca

CIIS Public Programs (2023-02-27). Thursday 3/30: On Social Justice and the Enneagram. indybay.org

CIIS Public Programs (2023-02-27). Thursday 4/20: On the Racism of People Who Love You. indybay.org California Institute of Integral Studies | 1453 Mission St. | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-27). Putin Says Russia Cannot Ignore NATO's Nuclear Capabilities. news.antiwar.com Russian President Vladimir Putin said Sunday that Moscow can't ignore all of NATO's nuclear capabilities since NATO leaders have been calling for Russia's defeat. "In today's conditions, when all the leading NATO countries have declared their main goal as inflicting a strategic defeat on us, so that our people suffer as they say, how can …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-27). Report: Macron, Scholz Told Zelensky to Start Thinking About Peace Talks. news.antiwar.com German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron told Ukrainian President Vodlymyr Zelensky that he should start thinking about peace talks with Moscow, The Wall Street Journal reported. The message was delivered to Zelensky when he had dinner with Scholz and Macron in Paris earlier this month. According to people familiar with the meeting, …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-27). US Announces $2 Billion Arms Package for Ukraine, New Sanctions on Russia. news.antiwar.com The Biden administration marked the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Friday by announcing a $2 billion arms package for Ukraine and new sanctions targeting Russia. Sanctions failed to have the impact on Russia that the US hoped for, but the Biden administration has continued to impose them throughout the war. According to …

Dr. Suzanne Burdick (2023-02-27). Human 6G Antennas? 'One of the Worst Ideas Ever,' Critic Says. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Chinese premier meets renowned mathematician Shing-Tung Yau. ecns.cn Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with world-renowned mathematician Shing-Tung Yau in Beijing on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Health insurance reforms to cover more outpatient expense. ecns.cn The recent reforms to the employee health insurance policy are aimed at easing the financial strain on outpatients and reducing unnecessary hospitalizations of patients with mild conditions, a National Healthcare Security Administration official said on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Cities roll out incentives to boost birthrates. ecns.cn Major cities have ramped up subsidies and nursery care services to encourage families to have more children as senior health officials said "bold and innovative" measures should be taken to address low birthrates.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Selection of foreign space crew to start. ecns.cn China will start the selection and training process soon for foreign astronauts to participate in joint flights to the country's Tiangong space station, according to a high-ranking space official.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region's coordinated development generates new growth driver. ecns.cn The coordinated development in Beijing and neighboring regions is now in full swing and has grown into a new driving force for China's development, nine years after China launched a key strategy to build the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional city cluster.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Demonstrators in Brussels call for peaceful solution to Ukraine crisis. ecns.cn Several thousand demonstrators called for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, and a peaceful solution to the Ukraine crisis here on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). 5.1-magnitude quake hits Xinjiang: CENC. ecns.cn A 5.1-magnitude earthquake jolted Wensu County of Aksu Prefecture in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region at 7: 58 a.m. Monday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC).

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). 3,500-year-old bone ice skates unearthed in Xinjiang tomb. ecns.cn Archaeologists have found 3,500-year-old ice skates made of animal bone in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, experts announced at a Xinjiang archaeological press conference on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). HKEX to allow tech firms with no revenue, no profit to list in Mar: report. ecns.cn The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) will allow tech companies with no revenue or profit to list after a rule change in March, amid broad reforms taken to consolidate its position as an international financial center.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Visits will enhance Sino-European ties. ecns.cn An upcoming series of visits to Beijing by European leaders will send signals of solidarity and cooperation between China and the European Union, adding positive energy to world peace, stability and sustainable development.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China to strengthen system of TCM health services. ecns.cn China will implement measures to strengthen the health services system involving Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and enhance the grassroots capacity of providing TCM health services, according to an industry watchdog on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Tourism recovering faster than predicted. ecns.cn China's tourism market will return to normal and embrace high-quality development this year, a matter of importance to the recovery of global tourism, experts and tourism insiders said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Livestreamers flow overseas for sales, profits. ecns.cn "Foreign livestreaming e-commerce is at the level of China in 2018 or 2019," said Ma, whose company has recently started livestreaming in the United Kingdom, the US and Vietnam.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). New market confidence bolsters commercial real estate demand. ecns.cn As China's response to COVID-19 enters a new phase and market confidence recovers, the nascent economic recovery is expected to boost demand for all types of commercial properties in China, industry experts said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). 100,000-tonne lithium salt project launches in southern Xinjiang. ecns.cn A 100,000-tonne lithium salt project commenced on Sunday in southern Xinjiang's Hotan Prefecture, said the Xinjiang Nonferrous Metals Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). 5.1-magnitude quake hits Xinjiang, no casualties reported. ecns.cn A 5.1-magnitude earthquake jolted Wensu County of Aksu Prefecture in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region at 7: 58 a.m. Monday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC).

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Sci-tech cooperation key for BRI partners. ecns.cn China's scientific community will expand cooperation with countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative in the name of high-quality development and improving livelihoods.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Satellite to deliver stellar internet. ecns.cn People in China and neighboring regions will soon have faster, more convenient access to the internet when traveling by air and sea, and even in the middle of the desert, thanks to a newly launched satellite.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Bird flu also taking economic toll. ecns.cn American consumers aren't happy paying more than twice as much as last year to buy eggs in grocery stores, but the major reason besides inflation behind the increase may point to a potential bird flu pandemic, according to scientists.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Nations urged to join efforts for energy security. ecns.cn As the changing geopolitical landscape continues to threaten energy security, countries need to work together to secure energy supplies and promote new energy, experts said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Cardiac disease likely cause of panda death. ecns.cn Le Le, the giant panda that died early this month at Memphis Zoo, may have succumbed to cardiac disease, according to an autopsy by zoologists from China and the United States.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Four held over killing of model in HK. ecns.cn Four people have been arrested over the killing of 28-year-old Hong Kong model Abby Choi Tin-fung, including her former father-in-law and former brother-in-law from her first marriage, both of whom were charged with murder on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). New technology keeps waste facilities odor under control. ecns.cn A new approach developed by Chinese researchers has been proven effective in controlling the odor of waste transfer stations.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). (W. E. Talk)Teng Jinguang: How to Propel Growth of International I&T Hub in Hong Kong?>. ecns.cn Promoting innovation and development has always been the top priority of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR) government. The 14th Five-Year Plan clearly supports Hong Kong in building an international innovation and technology (I&T) hub.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Socioeconomic growth goals high on meetings' agenda. ecns.cn The spotlight will be on Beijing as the two sessions, China's biggest annual political event and a window to observe the country's development, get underway on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). China's first ChatGPT-like software to be made open source. ecns.cn MOSS, the first large-scale conversational language model in China, will be made open source by the end of March, said the research and developing team on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Coordinated development improves lives, environment. ecns.cn At 6: 15 one Friday morning, He Peng stood in line at Zhuozhou East Railway Station in Zhuozhou, Hebei province.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). HK requires criminal record for talent scheme applicants. ecns.cn A "clear criminal record" has become a mandatory document in the application of visas for future talent admission schemes in Hong Kong, the Immigration Department (ImmD) of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region announced on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Health insurance reform to better meet needs of patients: NHSA. ecns.cn The ongoing health insurance reform process is being conducted in response to the people's growing demand for reimbursing outpatient medical bills, said healthcare authorities.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Contaminated water still found in Ohio after train derailment. ecns.cn A train carrying toxic chemicals derailed, causing an environmental disaster. Thousands of residents were ordered to evacuate after the area was placed under a state of emergency on Feb.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). 'Colorful dragons' drift on river in Guangxi. ecns.cn Thirty bamboo rafts decorated with colorful dragons drift in line on Luxi River in the Longhu Mountain (Dragon and Tiger Mountain) Scenic Spot in east China's Jiangxi Province, attracting many tourists, Feb. 26, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Longest cross-see bridge in Guangxi under construction. ecns.cn Longmen Bridge is 7.6-kilometer-long, with a stunning 1,098-meter-long main span. It is the longest cross-sea bridge in Guangxi, serves as a part of an expressway connecting coastal cities along the Beibu Gulf.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). At least 59 dead after boat breaks off in Italian coast. ecns.cn A wooden boat with 140 to 150 people aboard crowded with migrants smashed into rocky reefs and broke apart before dawn Sunday off the Italian coast. At least 59 migrants died and 80 were save.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Cradle of Civilization: Huangshan Mountain. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Pre-Inca era graves found in Peru. ecns.cn Some 30, 800-year-old, pre-Inca era graves belonging to the Chancay people, a group who inhabited valleys of Peru's central coast from 1000 to 1500, were discovered in a cemetery in the Huaral valley.

ecns.cn (2023-02-27). Plum blossoms enter best viewing season in Nanjing. ecns.cn More than 35,000 plum trees, covering an area of 102 hectares on Nanjing Plum Blossom Mountain of the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, enter the best viewing season, Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu Province, Feb. 26, 2023.

edited from Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young (2023-02-27). Agriculture in America: Deeply Rooted in Black Culture. indybay.org 2023 California Pan African Food and Ag Pavilion will showcase our 350+ billion-dollar annual California Working Landscape and new opportunities for Black Agriculture to align efforts within the #1 "California Grown" US Ag industries in the global marketplace. Past, present and future pioneers of African Descent continue to light a bright path in today's plethora of opportunities.

Editor (2023-02-27). Chris Hedges: The Trump-Russia Saga and the Death Spiral of American Journalism. scheerpost.com The media caters to a particular demographic, telling that demographic what it already believes — even when it is unverified or false. This pandering defines the coverage of the Trump-Russia saga.

Editor (2023-02-27). Welcome to the Predator State, Where the Scorpions on the Corner Just Might Kill You. scheerpost.com With the police ever better funded (just as the U.S. military is), war has come home to roost in our streets, no less disastrously than it did abroad in the years of this country's war on terror.

Fabian Lehr & Volker Mosler (2023-02-27). Total victory over a nuclear power is not possible without nuclear war. indybay.org Neither side in this war represents any forward-looking political idea. It is not a war for freedom and democracy, but an imperialist war over whether Ukraine will remain a semi-colony of the US and EU or become a semi-colony of Russia again. Even if Ukraine or NATO wins this war without turning Ukraine into a nuclear-contaminated desert, a victorious Ukrainian state would not be free…

Fight Back (2023-02-27). Against Trotskyism: Trotsky and the Soviet Union. fightbacknews.org Trotsky argued, before and after the revolution of 1917, that building socialism in one country was impossible, and that the success of the revolution was dependent on the immediate expansion of the revolution to Western Europe. Once this didn't happen, Trotsky's only way to persist in this theory was to say that the Soviet Union wasn't truly building socialism. | Despite Trotsky's protests to the contrary, the Soviet Union, in fact, accomplished a great deal. By putting the means of production under the control of the proletarian dictatorship, the Soviet Union, in just a few decades, went from a backwards count…

Fight Back (2023-02-27). Milwaukee: Justice for Keishon Thomas! Indict all officers involved! fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the statement from the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (MAARPR). | On February 24, 2023, two Milwaukee police officers were criminally charged for their involvement in the in-custody death of Keishon Thomas. Thomas died on February 23, 2022 from acute mixed drug intoxication due to staff neglect and abuse while being held in Police District 5. | The officers involved were Donald Krueger and Marco Lopez. Krueger is charged with one felony count of abuse of a resident in a penal facility. Lopez is charged with one felony count of misconduct in public…

Fight Back (2023-02-27). Minneapolis: East Phillips fight to stop Roof Depot demolition continues with legal win. fightbacknews.org Minneapolis, MN – This week has been eventful in the East Phillips fight to stop the demolition of the arsenic-contaminated site of the Roof Depot building in south Minneapolis. | At dawn on Tuesday, February 22, defenders set up encampment at the site. That evening, Minneapolis cops On Thursday, February 24, Little Earth – a mostly native housing complex bordering the Roof Depot site – residents had a caravan to the Minneapolis city council meeting. Despite over a foot of s…

Fra Hughes (2023-02-27). Russian Roulette: The Ruble Rises as European Economies Crumble. orinocotribune.com By Fra Hughes — Feb 23, 2023 | Has Biden bitten off more than he and NATO can swallow? |

| Did anyone say it would be over by Christmas like they did in 1914? Well, Christmas has come and gone, and very much like the trenches of the First World War, the ground lost and won can sometimes be measured in single-digit meters and kilometers. To be fair, Russia is doing most of the winning and Ukraine is doing much of the losing. | How did this ever come to pass? Well, context and history will show that American leaders promised Russian leaders that NATO would not expand one inch east toward the Russian…

Hal McNulty (2023-02-27). The Weekly Round-up: Shamima Begum, UN resolution against Russia, and new law on Child marriages. ukhumanrightsblog.com In the news The UN General Assembly backed a resolution condemning Russia's actions and calling for an end to the war on Thursday, the eve of the anniversary of the invasion. With 141 supporters, 32 abstentions and seven voting against, the resolution reiterated the UN's support for Ukraine and called for a "comprehensive, just and …

Headlands Center for the Arts (2023-02-27). Wednesday 3/8: Open Studio with Omid Mokri. indybay.org Headlands Center for the Arts | 944 Fort Barry | Sausalito, CA 94965…

Housing Matters (2023-02-27). Saturday 4/1: March to End Homelessness. indybay.org Meet at Cedar Street & Cathcart Street, Santa Cruz…

Inder Singh Bisht (2023-02-27). UK Trialed 3D-Printed 'Suicide' Drones Under Secret Ukraine Program. globalresearch.ca

infobrics (2023-02-27). Russia expands its partners as special military operation progresses. infobrics.org Contrary to what Westerners predicted, Moscow is gradually looking like an attractive alternative for emerging countries.

infobrics (2023-02-27). West severely miscalculated geopolitical ramifications of conflict in Ukraine. infobrics.org The EU, and not Russia, has weakened since the start of the special military operation.

infobrics (2023-02-27). Russia's special military operation – one year on. infobrics.org Regardless of whether the reports about the upcoming major Russian offensive are true, at worst, Moscow certainly has the capacity to continue and maintain its special military operation.

International Kadampa Retreat Center, GC (2023-02-27). Saturday 3/4: Open House – International Kadampa Retreat Center in Arizona. indybay.org International Kadampa Retreat Center – Grand Canyon | 6701 East Mountain Ranch Road, Williams, AZ 86046…

James Chikomborero Paradza (2023-02-27). Will Beyoncé's World Tour Include Africa? Global Concerts Keep Snubbing The Motherland. newsone.com Beyoncé including African stops on her world tour would be a nod to both the African elements in her music and her large fanbase in Africa.

Jason Ditz (2023-02-27). CIA Chief: Iran Not Resuming Nuclear Weapons Program. news.antiwar.com In a CBS The US has long been vague on whether or not Iran is reall…

Jenna Bettencourt (2023-02-27). Childhood Social Media Usage and Impacts on Identity Formulation in Emerging Adults. indybay.org

John Quelch (2023-02-27). Protesters tell Richard Marles to scrap AUKUS. greenleft.org.au Protesters told Minister for Defence Richard Marles to scrap AUKUS and spend the money on health, education and welfare. John Quelch reports.

Juan Cole (2023-02-27). Israeli Squatter Terrorists Fire Guns, Set dozens of Fires in Palestinian Town, Killing One and Wounding 100. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Israeli squatters on land owned by Palestinian families went berserk on Sunday, after two squatters were shot by a Palestinian guerrilla in Huwwara, a small town of several thousand residents in the Nablus district. The shooter appears to have been from Nablus and was a member of the "Lion's Den" …

Justice for Jesús Adolfo "Dopher" Delgado (2023-02-27). Monday 3/6: Jesús Adolfo "Dopher" Delgado Angelversary. indybay.org 626 Capp St., San Francisco…

Kerry Smith (2023-02-27). Ballengarra tree-sit stops logging. greenleft.org.au Forest protector and soil scientist Tim Evans stopped logging crews in Ballengarra State Forest, saying destruction of public native forests must end. Kerry Smith reports.

Labor Video Project (2023-02-27). The NTSC, E.Palestine Railroad Wreck, Rail Safety & Nationalization With RWU's Hugh Sawyer. indybay.org WorkWeek looks at the NTSB report on the toxic railway wreck in East Palestine and the causes of it with railroad engineer Hugh Sawyer who is with Railroad Workers United. He reports on the systemic issues that have led to this and many other derailments, the dangers that the East Palestine community are faced with and the need for nationalization of the railroads.

Labor Video Project (2023-02-27). SF Rally To Stop The War In Ukraine On The First Year Anniversary. indybay.org On the one year anniversary of the Ukraine war a rally was held against US intervention.

Larry Johnson (2023-02-27). When it Comes to Ukraine and Russia, the United States Intel Community is Confusing Pyrite with Genuine Gold. sonar21.com I am following up on my previous posts about the failure of the U.S. intelligence community, the CIA in particular, in providing an accurate, objective assessment of the war in…

Lee Siu Hin, China-US Solidarity Network (2023-02-27). "Vaccine and Sactions" "疫苗与制裁" A New China-US Joint Production Documentary by Lee Siu Hin. indybay.org

Leon Kunstenaar (2023-02-27). Multiple Actions in Bay Area Feb. 24 as Ukraine War Enters Second Year. indybay.org Peace Actions in downtown San Francisco and Israeli consulate on Montgomery Street protested…

Maureen Clare Murphy (2023-02-27). US hands lit torch to Israeli arsonists. electronicintifada.net Washington's enabling hastens the end of Tel Aviv's impunity.

Mothers on the March + (2023-02-27). Wednesday 3/1: Justice for Keita O'Neil. indybay.org Hall of "Justice" | 850 Bryant Street | San Francisco…

Mothers on the March (2023-02-27). Friday 3/3: POA: Shut It Down! indybay.org On the sidewalk in front of the San Francisco Police Officers Association: 800 Bryant @ 6th Street in San Francisco…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Hospice care: Comfort at the end of life. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It was announced earlier this week that former President Jimmy Carter has entered hospice care. But just what is hospice care and how it can provide comfort and support? Hospice care is for people who are nearing the end of life. The services are provided by a team of health care professionals who maximize comfort for a person who is terminally ill by reducing pain and addressing physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. To help…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Heart disease in African American women. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in women in the U.S. And African American women have an even higher risk of dying from heart disease ‚Äï and at a younger age ‚Äï than white women, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. LaPrincess Brewer, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says this serious issue is compounded by the fact that many African American women are not…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Consumer Health: Pregnancy and the heart. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Pregnancy can be an exciting, happy time. It also can be an anxious time, especially if you have an underlying health problem, such as heart disease. February is American Heart Month, which makes this a good time to learn about heart conditions and pregnancy. Pregnancy stresses your heart and circulatory system. During pregnancy, your blood volume increases by 30% to 50% to nourish your growing baby. This makes your heart pump more blood each minute and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Consumer Health: What do you know about encephalitis? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org World Encephalitis Day will be observed Wednesday, Feb. 22, which makes this a good time to learn more about this potentially life-threatening disease. Encephalitis affects nearly 500,000 people of all ages worldwide each year, according to the Encephalitis Society. What Causes it Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. The inflammation can be caused by an infection, most often a virus, invading the brain (infectious encephalitis), but it also can be caused by the immune system attacking the brain in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Hope for spontaneous coronary artery dissection, SCAD. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Research on spontaneous coronary artery dissection, or SCAD, has exploded in the last decade, says Dr. Sharonne N. Hayes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist and a leading expert on this rare heart condition. Though there have been many advancements in understanding SCAD, Dr. Hayes says there is still much to learn, including why 90% of these types of heart attacks happen to nonstereotypical heart attack patients — young women. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/HVz5wqWOctA Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 57) is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Black History Month – Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua, helping at-risk patients and increasing diversity in clinical trials. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua Black History Month is a month for all people to celebrate and learn about the diverse and important contributions of Black Americans to American society and culture, as well as to reflect on the ongoing fight against racism, inequity, and discrimination. The Mayo Clinic News Network is profiling several Mayo Clinic physicians who are focused every day on achieving health equity through their work. Meet Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua, an oncologist with…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Science Saturday: Bioengineering vocal cords. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Tissue engineering techniques discovered at Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University created a humanlike vocal cord (fold) structure with the potential to produce a natural-sounding voice. The bioengineered scaffold mimics human vocal folds, with ability to vibrate and make sound. The study team reported the tissue-engineered vocal fold structure suggests potential for growing cells capable of healing scar tissue that impair speech. This research is published in Biomacromolecules. "Tissue engineering is a promising approach that combines…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Tips to keep stress from hurting your heart. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Everyone reacts to stress differently, and how you react can impact the chance of developing serious health issues, including heart disease. Your body's response to stress may include muscle aches and headaches, back strain, stomach pains, and other physical symptoms. Stress also can make you tired, disturb normal sleep patterns, and leave you irritable, forgetful and out of control. When stress is constant, your body remains in high gear for days or weeks, which can lead…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Dementia-related pain: What caregivers need to know. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dementia isn't a specific disease. Instead, it describes a collection of symptoms that affect a person's thinking and social abilities enough to interfere with daily life. There are more than 55 million people worldwide living with dementia. Of these, 50% to 60% have Alzheimer's disease. Dementia is the seventh leading cause of death worldwide. There is a constellation of dementia symptoms, and memory loss is the primary feature. Other common symptoms are physical functional decline…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Q and A: What is cholangiocarcinoma and how is it treated? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My mother has been experiencing unusual and persistent fatigue, abdominal pain, and jaundice. After undergoing a CT scan, her doctor diagnosed her with cholangiocarcinoma. What is this type of cancer? And what treatment options are available? ANSWER: Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare cancer that develops from the bile ducts, which are slender tubes that carry the digestive fluid bile and connect the liver to the gallbladder and small intestine. The tumor can occur anywhere along…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you getting enough sleep for your best heart health? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting a good night's sleep is important. But exactly how much sleep do you need? Recently, the American Heart Association added sleep to its checklist for improving and maintaining your heart health. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains how many hours of sleep people need for optimal heart health. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/qeoBv7lye4I Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 06) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic ranked No. 3 on Forbes list of 'America's Best Large Employers'. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic was ranked No. 3 by Forbes in its 2023 list of "America's Best Large Employers," which was released today. Mayo Clinic was ranked No. 7 on the list in 2022. Mayo Clinic was ranked No. 3 on the Forbes list of "America's Best Large Employers," which was released this week. Mayo was ranked No. 7 on the list in 2022. As in 2022, hospital systems and medical centers were prominently featured on the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Davis, Dunn to join Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Jed Davis, president and CEO of DDI Inc., which operates the Davis Family Office headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, and AJ Dunn, chief administrative officer of Mayo Clinic in Florida, were elected to the Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees at its quarterly meeting on Feb. 17. "Jed Davis and AJ Dunn are insightful, dedicated and accomplished leaders with a strong background in executive governance and a firm commitment to Mayo Clinic's mission and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Dr. Prathibha Varkey recognized as one of Modern Healthcare's 'Top 25 Women Leaders'. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Prathibha Varkey, M.B.B.S., president of Mayo Clinic Health System, was recognized by Modern Healthcare as one of the "Top 25 Women Leaders" for 2023. The profiles of all the honorees are featured in the Feb. 20 issue of Modern Healthcare magazine and online at ModernHealthcare.com/topwomenexecs. This prestigious recognition program acknowledges and honors women executives from all sectors of the health care industry for their leadership in care delivery improvement, health equity, policy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic remembers Dr. Robert Hattery, former CEO of Mayo Clinic in Rochester. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Robert Hattery, M.D., second from left, at Mayo's 150th anniversary celebration in 2014. Robert R. Hattery, M.D., former CEO of Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and longtime Mayo Clinic advocate, died on Feb. 11, 2023. "Dr. Hattery was a builder of people," says Claire Bender, M.D., emeritus member of the staff in Radiology. "He was a true leader who was highly respected, fair, extremely hard working and always dedicated to Mayo Clinic's patients and staff."…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Avoiding shoulder injuries while shoveling snow. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Last winter, I slipped and fell shoveling snow. I have arthritis in one of my shoulders. I'm concerned about having another injury. How common are shoulder injuries during the winter due to shoveling snow and other activities? What advice do you have for how to avoid injuring my shoulder? ANSWER: Unfortunately, the numbers don't lie. In Mayo Clinic's orthopedics practice, the number of people who need care due to shoulder injuries increases substantially during…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Obesity and heart disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It's long been known that being overweight or obese can make a person more apt to develop conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, which can lead to cardiovascular disease. But experts at Mayo Clinic say obesity also can affect the heart in entirely independent ways. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains the resources available to help patients battling obesity and heart disease. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Winter safety tips from a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Weather Service says a massive winter storm is moving across the U.S., with high winds, icy conditions and up to 2 feet of heavy snow expected in parts of the Upper Midwest. If possible, limit travel or stay off the roads if you live in the affected areas. "If you don't have to go out, it's best not to go. But if you do, plan just in case something bad happens," says Dr….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Mayo Clinic Minute: Snowblower safety. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Much of the nation is bracing for a massive winter storm that is working its way eastward across the country. Over the next few days, the storm is expected to bring heavy snow and blizzard conditions in the North, with sleet, freezing rain and thunderstorms across the South. Portions of the upper Midwest could see close to 2 feet of snow. With that in mind, you might want to get that snowblower fueled up. Dr….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-27). Staying safe during a major winter storm. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As several winter storms are expected to bring freezing rain, sleet and snow across the U.S., the National Weather Service reminds people to be safe and prepare in advance to ensure personal safety and well-being. As hospital emergency rooms have historically seen an influx of weather-related injuries with each winter storm, it is important to be adequately prepared to reduce the risk of medical emergencies. Dr. David Nestler, a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician, says falls are among the most…

NewsOne Staff (2023-02-27). Rest In Power: Notable Black People Who Have Died In 2023. newsone.com Glória Maria, a pioneering broadcast journalist in Brazil who is widely believed to be the country's first Black TV reporter of African descent, died on Feb. 2 at the age of 73.

No Nukes Action (2023-02-27). Saturday 3/11: On 3/11 At Fukushima No Dumping Radioactive Water Into Pacific Ocean & No Restarting Nukes. indybay.org San Francisco Japanese Consulate | 275 Battery St./California St | San Francisco…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-27). Massive rally in Berlin demands peace in Ukraine. peoplesdispatch.org On Saturday February 25, tens of thousands of people rallied at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin demanding that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz take an active role in encouraging negotiations to end the ongoing war in Ukraine. The mobilization with the slogan 'Uprising for Peace' was called for by Left party MP Sahra Wagenknecht, journalist Alice Schwarzer, retired Brigadier General Erich Vad, economist Jeffrey Sachs and others. It called for negotiations, diplomacy and peace, instead of the ongoing escalation of the war by delivering sophisticated arms and ammunition to Ukraine. | Sahra Wagenknecht MP and Alice Schw…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-02-27). Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and the Turkey-Syria Earthquake: An Expert Investigation is Required. globalresearch.ca

r u 18 vote (2023-02-27). The Official White House Website Should Have A Photo Of The WHITE HOUSE, Not Ukraine! indybay.org The official WHITE HOUSE website should have a photograph of the WHITE HOUSE, not Ukraine. February 23 and February 24, 2023…

Ramzy Baroud (2023-02-27). The Words the US and European Press are too Cowardly to Use about Israel's Occupation of Palestinians: War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity, Apartheid. juancole.com ( Middle East Monitor ) — On 20 February, the United Nations Security Council approved a statement, described in the media as a 'watered-down' version of an earlier draft resolution which would have demanded that Israel "immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory." The intrigues that led to the scrapping of what was meant …

Rhythmix Cultural Works (2023-02-27). Saturday 3/4: Art Of The African Diaspora Satellite Exhibit. indybay.org Rhythmix Cultural Works | 2513 Blanding Ave, Alameda CA 94501…

rqorinoco (2023-02-27). Poisoning America for Profit: A Brief History of Norfolk Southern's Greed. orinocotribune.com

Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History (2023-02-27). Saturday 3/4: Extreme Weather Resource Fair: Small Talk, Big Topics. indybay.org Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History | 1305 E Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, CA 95062…

Scott Ritter (2023-02-27). Give Peace a Chance. Scott Ritter Goes to Washington. globalresearch.ca

Sharde Gillam (2023-02-27). At NAACP Image Awards, Gabrielle Union And Dwyane Wade Honor Their Daughter Zaya. newsone.com Source: Amy Sussman / Getty | All eyes were on During the heartfelt speech, Dwyane Wade looked directly into the camera and spoke to his daug…

Siegfried Hecker (2023-02-27). Siegfried Hecker on Two Decades of Missed Chances to Deal with North Korea's Nuclear Program. globalresearch.ca

slingshot collective (2023-02-27). Sunday 3/12: Party to Celebrate Slingshot collective's 35th birthday. indybay.org Long Haul Infoshop – 3124 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley – 510-540-0751 – corner of Woolsey – 2 blocks from Ashby BART – across from La Pena.

Staff (2023-02-27). Camino a las elecciones de diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. cubadebate.cu Hoy respondemos interrogantes que abundan en la población interrogantes como: øEn qué momento del proceso eleccionario nos encontramos? øDe dónde salen los candidatos a diputados? øCuáles son los sujetos del sistema político que intervienen en cada etapa? øEn qué consiste su participación? øCuáles son las consecuencias políticas y jurídicas de cada una de las fases por las que se transita? øLa ciudadanía solo interviene en el momento del voto?

Staff (2023-02-27). Barcelona cayó 0-1 ante Almería por LaLiga Santander. cubadebate.cu Luego de quedar eliminado de la UEFA Europa League, FC Barcelona volvió a perder, esta vez fue 0-1 ante Almería por la jornada 23 de LaLiga Santander en el Power Horse Stadium. El único gol del partido lo hizo El Bilal Toure a los 24 minutos.

Staff (2023-02-27). Carlos Daniel Ramos: Campeón Panamericano de Clavados. cubadebate.cu El jovencito Carlos Daniel Ramos se proclamó este domingo como nuevo campeón panamericano en la plataforma a diez metros, un resultado que lo confirma en la élite continental de la especialidad y le asegura un boleto a los próximos juegos multideportivos de Santiago de Chile 2023. La Mayor de Las Antillas también ganó otras tres medallas de bronce en el torneo.

Staff (2023-02-27). Solidaridad con Cuba por el cese del bloqueo se hizo patente en varias ciudades del mundo. cubadebate.cu Como ya es habitual, en el último domingo de cada mes se realizan caravanas y otras acciones para denunciar los efectos de la guerra económica, comercial y financiera contra Cuba, agudizados por la inclusión arbitraria de Cuba por Washington en una lista de naciones que presuntamente promueven el terrorismo.

Staff (2023-02-27). Sube a 60 el número de migrantes muertos en naufragio cerca de Italia. cubadebate.cu Durante la jornada ha ido aumentando el trágico cómputo y no se descarta que más cuerpos sean recuperados en las próximas horas. Unos 80 supervivientes lograron llegar a la playa de Steccato, localidad de Cutro (provincia de Crotone), donde están siendo atendidos por equipos de emergencia desde primera hora de la mañana.

Staff (2023-02-27). Vladimir Putin: Rusia no puede ignorar las "capacidades nucleares" de la OTAN. cubadebate.cu El presidente Vladimir Putin afirmó que Rusia no tiene más remedio que tener en cuenta las "capacidades nucleares" de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN), mientras que esta alianza siga deseando la derrota de Moscú.

Staff (2023-02-27). Ecuador: CONAIE Breaks up Talks with Lasso Government. orinocotribune.com

Suds, Snacks,, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-02-27). Saturday 3/4: The Global Struggle for Women's Rights. indybay.org The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705…

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-27). Al menos una persona muerta deja nuevo terremoto en Türkiye. twitter.com La región aún se encuentra en reconstrucción tras los devastadores terremotos de hace menos de un mes que dejaron 44.000 muertos.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-02-27). Palestinos e israelíes acuerdan evitar actos de violencia. telesurtv.net Según medios árabes, la delegación palestina insistirá a Israel en la necesidad de cesar cualquier acción unilateral.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-02-27). Hondureños incrementan denuncias de violaciones de DD.HH. telesurtv.net Entre los grupos más vulnerables que interpusieron denuncias se encuentran las mujeres, con 3.290 denuncias.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-02-27). Panamá suspende temporalmente el traslado de migrantes. telesurtv.net El Servicio Nacional de Migración detuvo los traslados hasta que se certifique que los buses están en buen estado.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-02-27). Rechazo a Dina Boluarte sube a casi un 80 por ciento en Perú. telesurtv.net La insatisfacción con la gestión de Boluarte aumenta al 86 por ciento en la región sureña del territorio peruano.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-02-27). Conozca sobre la vida del escritor francés Victor Hugo. telesurtv.net El escritor Victor Hugo es reconocido como uno de los mayores exponentes de la literatura universal.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-27). Masacre deja cuatro muertos en Valle del Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net El Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Paz (Indepaz) reportó que este matanza es la número 20 en el país suramericano durante el curso de 2023.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-27). Asciende a 60 cifra de migrantes muertos en costas de Italia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con las autoridades se teme que se puedan alcanzar más de 100 víctimas, luego que el número de migrantes que viajaban está entre 180 y 250.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-27). Comicios presidenciales se extienden en varias regiones de Nigeria. telesurtv.net A partir de las 18H00 horas de este domingo, comenzará el conteo final de votos de la elección presidencial, de acuerdo con autoridades electorales.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-27). Presidente Putin afirma que Occidente pretende eliminar a Rusia. telesurtv.net El presidente ruso acusó a los países de la OTAN de ser cómplices, aunque indirectos, de los crímenes del régimen de Ucrania por suministrarle armamento.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-27). Cifra de muertos por terremotos en Türkiye se sitúa en 44.374. twitter.com En Siria, el número de muertos se situó en 5.914 con lo cual el balance de decesos en ambas naciones se ubicó más allá de los 50 mil tras los terremotos del 6 de febrero.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-27). Ascienden a 65 las muertes por temporal en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Finaliza la búsqueda de desaparecidos. Ya se ha identificado a 55 víctimas. Se prioriza la atención a familias que perdieron sus casas o debieron abandonarlas.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-27). Gobierno colombiano y ELN informan avances en diálogos de paz. telesurtv.net Las partes manifiestan que han avanzado en la definición de una visión compartida del proceso de paz y una metodología para tratar la agenda de diálogos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-27). Colonos israelíes atacan poblados de Cisjordania ocupada. telesurtv.net Un palestino muere por disparos durante el asalto. Colonos atacaron a residentes, quemaron viviendas y destruyeron vehículos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-27). Ataque con bomba en Pakistán provoca al menos cuatro fallecidos. telesurtv.net Se reportan entre ocho y 14 heridos. Fueron llevados a un hospital local. Hasta el momento ningún grupo se atribuyó el hecho.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-27). Reportan daños por lluvias en departamento peruano de Piura. telesurtv.net Precipitaciones provocaron deslizamientos, derrumbes y huaicos con sensibles afectaciones en diversos ámbitos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-27). Policía de Perú reprime protesta contra la impunidad. telesurtv.net Lanzan gas lacrimógeno en Lima a participantes en la marcha nacional contra la impunidad. Se reportan al menos dos heridos.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Sube a 59 cifra de muertos por las lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net El gobernador de Sao Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, anunció que será creada una oficina estatal para acompañar de cerca las obras de reconstrucción en Sao Sebastiao.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Daños por incendios forestales rebasarían los 600 mdd en Chile. telesurtv.net El Servicio Nacional de Prevención y Respuesta ante Desastres anotó que 458.157 hectáreas han sido consumidas por las llamas, que han provocado 25 muertos.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Saludan avances en mesa de diálogo de paz entre Gobierno de Colombia y ELN. telesurtv.net "Confió en que las partes den pasos significativos sobre la agenda acordada, incluyendo temas de participación y cese al fuego", anotó el representante de la ONU.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Cuba asiste a cumbre sobre recuperación postpandemia en Azerbaiyán. telesurtv.net Valdés Mesa arribará este lunes a la ciudad de Bakú, en la República de Azerbaiyán, sede de la reunión de las naciones no alineadas.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Asesinan a dirigente del mayor movimiento indígena en Ecuador. telesurtv.net El presidente de la Conaie, Leónidas Iza, denunció que "existe seguimiento y vigilancia a dirigentes indígenas".

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Lluvias dejan al menos 4.000 familias damnificadas en Paraguay. telesurtv.net "Es desesperante la situación que estamos atravesando. Estamos en una inundación total de la ciudad, estamos bajo agua", dijo la alcaldesa de San Lázaro.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Rechazan a nivel global el bloqueo de EE.UU. contra Cuba. telesurtv.net El presidente cubano Miguel Díaz-Canel escribió: "Conmueven y alientan tantas demostraciones de solidaridad con Cuba y de condena al bloqueo económico".

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). ALBA Movimientos celebrará reunión en Venezuela a inicios de marzo. telesurtv.net La VII Reunión de Coordinación Continental de ALBA Movimientos se llevará a cabo los próximos 2 y 3 de marzo en la capital venezolana.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-27). Venezuela anuncia reapertura de tránsito con Aruba, Bonaire y Curazao. telesurtv.net "luego de finalizadas las mesas técnicas de negociación con el Reino de los Países Bajos, reiteramos el cronograma de apertura del tránsito", dijo el canciller.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-02-27). Ascienden a 64 los fallecidos por lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Las autoridades de la región señalaron que las últimas cinco víctimas fueron encontradas en la ciudad de Sao Sebastiao.

teleSUR- hvh (2023-02-27). Palestina condena proyecto de ley israelí sobre pena de muerte. telesurtv.net La Cancillería rechaza "la bárbara reinstauración de la pena de muerte como pretexto para legitimar su anexión".

Tomdispatch (2023-02-27). Police gone Wild: When the Scorpions on the Corner Just Might Kill You. juancole.com By Michael Gould-Wartofsky | — ( Tomdispatch.com ) — To residents of Memphis's resource-poor, predominantly nonwhite neighborhoods, the Scorpions were easy to spot. The plainclothes patrols were known for driving their unmarked Dodge Chargers through the streets, often all too recklessly, sowing fear as they went, spitting venom from their windows, jumping out with guns …

Toward increased Networking (2023-02-27). From Today (Thu), 3 pm ("Stop Cop City"): Online events w) Vandana Shiva, Chomsky, etc. indybay.org Here are about 9 online events taking place over the next week+ (and starting at 3: 00 pm today, Thursday, 2/23), featuring people such as Dário Votório Kopenawa Yanomami, Paul Watson, adrienne maree brown, Vandana Shiva, Noam Chomsky, and many others. | These events are hosted from various locations all across the country, as well from Canada, Australia, and the UK (however, the listed times are all for our "Pacific time zone"). Of course, feel free to share this info with others who might be interested in it.

Unicorn Riot (2023-02-27). FBI Harasses Activists in Florida; Two Indicted on Federal Charges for Jane's Revenge Actions. unicornriot.ninja

WSWS (2023-02-27). Democrats place policing and "public safety" at center of Chicago municipal elections. wsws.org None of the four "major" candidates or any of the also-rans offers any way forward for the working class.

WSWS (2023-02-27). At least 59 migrants drown off Italian coast, including newborn baby and 19 other children. wsws.org Responsibility for this terrible crime lies with all the governments of Europe, who have conspired to turn the continent into a "fortress" against desperate people, and with the United States and its allies whose imperialist violence has dismembered societies across the Middle East and Africa.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Moldova's President Sandu tightens grip on power, as the country is being drawn into the maelstrom of the NATO-Russia war. wsws.org Moldova is in the grips of a severe political crisis as its government prepares to drag it into the NATO war against Russia.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Fascists stage provocation at Broadway show Parade about 1915 lynching of Leo Frank. wsws.org A group of neo-Nazis protested at a preview of Parade in New York City last week, a musical about the trial and 1915 lynching of Leo Frank, a Jewish manager of a factory in Atlanta.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Turkish Red Crescent's sale of tents after the earthquake revealed as "government resign" chants rise from stadiums. wsws.org Three weeks after devastating earthquakes caused massive destruction and mass deaths in Turkey and Syria, anger at the government's response is growing.

WSWS (2023-02-27). SEP (Australia) candidates hold speak out in southwest Sydney ahead of NSW election. wsws.org SEP candidates Oscar Grenfell and Max Boddy, along with other party members, spoke to people in working-class Liverpool about the need for a socialist alternative to the program of war and austerity put forward by all other parties in the election.

WSWS (2023-02-27). The war in Ukraine and how to stop it: Online meeting advances a socialist anti-war strategy for the international working class. wsws.org Saturday's meeting, which was attended by a worldwide audience, presented a powerful case for a unified movement of the international working class for socialist revolution as the only realistic strategy to stop World War III.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Retired Detroit nurse: "When you have CEOs at 'not-for-profit' hospitals making millions a year … something is wrong with the whole system" wsws.org Pat Cason-Merenda is a retired nurse in Detroit who spoke to the WSWS in support of nurses and health care workers around the world who are facing horrific working conditions.

WSWS (2023-02-27). More than 300,000 in Michigan with no power five days after ice storm. wsws.org Hundreds of thousands of people across southern Michigan from Detroit to Kalamazoo were still without power for a fifth day on Sunday as the energy monopolies continued making excuses about why nothing has been done to prepare the infrastructure for increasingly intense weather events.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Sri Lankan SEP election campaign wins support from plantation workers. wsws.org SEP and Plantation Workers Action Committee members campaigned at the Alton, Fairlawn, Glenugie, Strathspey and Gartmore estates in Maskeliya prior to Wickremesinghe's cancelation of the local government polls.

WSWS (2023-02-27). "They have upended people's lives": East Palestine residents speak out at Erin Brockovich town hall meeting. wsws.org Residents of East Palestine and surrounding areas packed a town hall meeting hosted by environmental advocate Erin Brockovich Friday evening to hear presentations on the dangers posed by the train derailment and subsequent release and burn of toxic chemicals.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Norway emerges as key staging ground for US military provocations against Russia. wsws.org Norway's location on the northwest of the Scandinavian Peninsula, with a 196-kilometre border with Russia, makes it a key ally for US imperialism to wage war on Russia.

WSWS (2023-02-27). The Wuhan Lab Leak slander being resurrected to bolster US war drive against China. wsws.org The Wall Street Journal disclosed that the Department of Energy has shifted its opinion on the origin of the coronavirus to it being most likely a result of a lab leak. However, unnamed sources who have read the report indicate the evidence is of low confidence.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Anti-Defamation League: All "extremist" mass killings in the US in 2022 linked to the far right. wsws.org The ADL report concealed the fact that the three largest mass shootings last year were directly linked to the Republican Party, making the GOP the number one driver of fascist terrorist violence in the United States.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Lula government ends daily COVID-19 tracking in Brazil. wsws.org The announcement of the end of daily pandemic data came just before the PT government completely ignored the threat that Carnival represented for the worsening of the pandemic in Brazil.

WSWS (2023-02-27). Der Spiegel asks: "Is the CIA hunting Assange's supporters?" wsws.org The material in the German newspaper further substantiates claims that the US government has waged an illegal global campaign against Julian Assange, WikiLeaks and their supporters.

WSWS (2023-02-27). This week in history: February 27-March 5. wsws.org This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago.

Zero Hedge (2023-02-27). US Military Aid to Ukraine Exceeds the Costs of Afghanistan. globalresearch.ca

Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report. (2023-02-26). Why The Russian Federation Recognized Independence Movements In Donbas. popularresistance.org "Minsk, Minsk, Minsk," they cried after Russia recognized Donetsk and Luhansk. But those Western diplomats and pundits did not hear those of us in the anti-war, pro-peace and anti-imperialist movements who insisted that Minsk II was the only conceivable way out of the crisis! | There will be reams of words attempting to provide a coherent analysis of the manufactured crisis dramatically unfolding in Ukraine, which took another unanticipated turn when Russia extended recognition to the Peoples' Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in the territory referred to as the Donbas in Eastern Ukraine.

_____ (2023-02-26). US Ambassador Concerned About LGBT Community in Japan. journal-neo.org The leaders of the "generalized West" have recently demonstrated their cavalier behavior, even with their own key allies. It is sufficient to refer to everything that surrounds one of the most significant terrorist attacks of this century, which occurred in the Baltic Sea. Against this backdrop, US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel stated at a …

_____ (2023-02-26). Munich's Bacchanal of Beery Bathos. strategic-culture.org

_____ (2023-02-26). The Empire Gives People the Illusion of Fighting the Power Without Ever Endangering Real Power. strategic-culture.org

_____ (2023-02-26). The West's Narrative of the 'Russian Threat': A Tool for Destabilization and Hegemonic Control. strategic-culture.org The Western world's threat narrative seeks to disrupt the concept of multipolarity by imposing sanctions and military deterrence. | On February 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech at the Federal Assembly, which received significant attention, particularly from Western media, as the first anniversary of the Ukrainian war approached. | Although Western analysts anticipated an aggressive tone from Putin's speech, it did not materialize. Their expectation was primarily that Putin would make statements about "shifting gears" in Ukraine and declaring the beginning of a new phase in the operation.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). America Cannot Survive If Its Citizens Lack Pride. americanthinker.com The LGBTQ+ cohort has coopted the word "pride," but it's a remarkably important concept that must exist in America as a whole.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). COVID Aftermath: When Science Fiction Becomes Reality. americanthinker.com Dystopian seemingly "futuristic" events are not part of a science fiction plot; they are occurring and have already occurred.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Homily For Straying Lambs. americanthinker.com The Bible's timeless wisdom is an antidote to the nihilism and other ugliness to which our children are routinely exposed.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). The Duke is in the Altogether. americanthinker.com Daily life in the 21st century continues to outcrazy the satirists.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). The Man Who Saved the Second Amendment. americanthinker.com A dive into Justice Clarence Thomas' formational years provides us with a renewed spirit for our America.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Another bad day for the Inflation Reduction Act. americanthinker.com And one wonders if Joe Manchin and Jon Tester are squirming.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Another conservative pastor canceled by Big Tech. americanthinker.com Google needs to give these well-meaning, patriotic people a break.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Delusional Democrat Kamala Harris strikes again, this time on the cost of living crisis. americanthinker.com We all know Harris loves herself some California grass, but what is she smoking?>

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Dumbing down America with DEI. americanthinker.com An agenda against minority certainly Americans exists, but it's not conservatives perpetrating the oppression.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). High school students raise $260,000 for an elderly janitor forced out of retirement due to rising costs. americanthinker.com Bidenflation has destroyed the savings of many elderly retired people, forcing them to return to work. Students helped an elderly custodian at their school out of the goodness of their hearts.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). In Iran, mass demonstrations in Baluchestan — and beyond. americanthinker.com Day 163 of the Iranian national uprising for democracy was eventful in Iran's provinces.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Left-wing activism, too, obeys the laws of supply and demand. americanthinker.com Why woke progressive activism paradoxically intensifies as true social injustices decline.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). People, publishers speaking out against 'insane' censorship of Roald Dahl. americanthinker.com This latest woke assault to common sense and freedom of expression might just be turning against those who launched it.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Sequoia Capital executive admits 'even Democrats like me are fed up with San Francisco'. americanthinker.com Imagine that….

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Stairlift company mocks Biden falling up the stairs in their latest advertisement. americanthinker.com Bumbling Joe's losing battle with stairs makes him the perfect cannon fodder for witty marketers.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). The cancel-culture wood chipper goes for 'Dilbert'. americanthinker.com Scott Adams finally ran afoul of the woke left. The results were predictable, but still creepy.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Vermont once embraced eugenics; now it embraces puberty-blockers. americanthinker.com The Green Mountain State has gone insane.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). With the J6 footage release, the mainstream media begin to panic. americanthinker.com The great thing about their panic attacks is that they become intemperate and begin to tell the truth—which is that they believe only they may control the narrative.

Andrei P. Tsygankov (2023-02-26). One year at war: no winners, but all are losers. canadiandimension.com Ukrainian soldier stands watch in Kyiv. Photo courtesy the Armed Forces of Ukraine/ In Neville Chamberlain's

Andy Kroll (2023-02-26). Welcome to the Predator State. tomdispatch.com To residents of Memphis's resource-poor, predominantly nonwhite neighborhoods, the Scorpions were easy to spot. The plainclothes patrols were known for driving their unmarked Dodge Chargers through the streets, often all too recklessly, sowing fear as they went, spitting venom from their windows, jumping out with guns drawn at the slightest sign of an infraction. On the night of January 7th, Tyre Nichols was two minutes from home when members of that squad pulled him over. Probable cause: reckless driving (if you believe the official story). Five Scorpions, all of them trained use-of-force specialists, proceeded…

Ann Brown (2023-02-26). Legacy Of The Father Of Five Percenters Clarence 13X Going After Black Youth In NYC Gangs. moguldom.com The Five Percenter Nation of Gods and Earths was founded by former Nation of Islam member Clarence 13X back in 1964. Similar to the Nation of Islam, one of the lures of the Five Percent Nation was that it offered refuge and hope for troubled youth. It provided much-needed structure to individuals and an alternative lifestyle to New York City gang …

Anonymous Contributor (2023-02-26). Mexico: Feminist Political Prisoners Magda Soberanes and Karla Tello Released from Prison. itsgoingdown.org

Anonymous103 (2023-02-26). Black Is Bad, The Latest Madness Of Kais Saied. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Piero Messina | What can you do if you have just realized that you have destroyed the nation you govern and you realize that popular protest threatens to become revolution? It's simple: you have to shout conspiracy. Tunisian plenipotentiary president Kais Saied knows this old rule. Thus, while on the one hand he continues to order arrest warrants against his political opponents, Saied cries of conspirac…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-26). Military Situation In Bakhmut Region On February 26, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-02-26). Military Situation In Donbass On February 26, 2023 9Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russian forces took control of Dubovo-Vasylivka village; | Russian forces took control of Yagidne village; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Ugledar; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Avdiivka; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bakhmut and its outskirts; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in the town of Mariinka; | Artillery duels betwe…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-26). Military Situation In Iraq On February 26, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-02-26). Military Situation In Syria On February 26, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On February 26, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded 1 case of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Latakia region in the past 24 hours; | On February 26, unknown gunmen attacked the house of an oil well investor in Hawaij Diban; | On February 26, two young men were killed by unknown gunmen in the Hayt town in Daraa province; | The Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union, in the final statement in its 34th conference, announced the formation of a delegation to visit…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-26). Russia's Special Military Operation — One Year On. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Gavin O'Reilly | On the 24th of February last year, with Covid having disappeared from news headlines following the coincidental timing of the previous month's World Economic Forum's Davos Agenda 'Unprovoked invasion' and 'Russian aggression'

Anonymous103 (2023-02-26). Why Harry Truman Was America's Worst-Ever President. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by The White House Website opens

Anonymous669 (2023-02-26). Croatia Will Supply 14 Military Helicopters To Kiev Forces — Report. southfront.org A Croatian Air Force transport helicopter, MI-17, prepares to land at Camp | Bondsteel, Kosovo, Aug. 6, 2019. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) | Croatia is preparing to supply Ukraine with 14 Soviet-made Mi-8 military transport helicopters, Jutarnji list reported on February 26. | The Croatian daily said that 12 Mi-8MTB-1 and two Mi-8T helicopters, which were recently taken out from service with the Croatian Armed Forces, could be supplied to Ukraine in around ten days. Croatian markings are currently being removed fr…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-26). Egyptian Air Force Training Aircraft Crashed In Faiyum Governorate (Video). southfront.org The flag of the Egyptian Air Force. | On February 25, a training aircraft of the Egyptian Air Force (EAF) crashed during an exercise in the central Egyptian governorate of Faiyum. | In a brief statement, Egyptian military spokesperson Colonel Gharib Abdel Hafez said that a "technical malfunction" was responsible for the crash."While implementing the training activities of the air force today, Saturday 25/2/2023, a technical malfunction occurred in a training aircraft causing it to crash, while the…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-26). Egypt's Foreign Minister To Make Breakthrough Visit To Syria. southfront.org Syria flag (flickr). | Egypt's foreign minister Sameh Shoukry will pay a visit to the Syrian capital, Damascus, on February 27, the ministry announced. | The ministry's spokesman, Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, said that Shoukry will also visit Turkey on the same day to convey a message of solidarity to both countries following the February 6 earthquake, which claimed the lives of some 50,000 people. | Egypt has already provided aid to earthquake victims in both countries. In the last few day…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-26). Iran Releases First Flight Footage Of New Shahed-149 'Gaza' Combat Drone. southfront.org File image. | On February 25, the Aerospace Force of the Iranian The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) released first flight footage of its new Shahed-149 "Gaza" drone. | The Shahed-149, which was developed by the Shahed Aviation Industries, is a high-altitude long-endurance combat drone similar in size, shape and role to the American MQ-9 Reaper. The drone was unveiled and named after the Gaza Strip in honor of the Palestinians' struggle against Israel amid the May 2021 Palestinian-Israeli crisis.

Anonymous669 (2023-02-26). Iraqi CTS Eliminated 17 ISIS Terrorists In Al-Anbar Special Operation. southfront.org Illustrative image. Source: the Iraqi Ministry of Defense. | The Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service (CTS) has eliminated 17 terrorists of ISIS during a special operation in the western province of al-Anbar, Major General Yahya Rasool, a spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces, announced on February 26. | In a statement, Maj. Gen. Rasool said that the operation took place near the town of Akashat in the northwestern countryside of al-Anbar. One of the terrorists killed in t…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-26). Two Israelis Killed In New West Bank Shooting Attack (Video). southfront.org Illustrative image. Source: the Israeli Defense Forces. | On February 26, two Israelis were killed in a shooting attack that took place near the northern West Bank town of Huwara. | In a statement, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said that a Palestinian gunman opened fire at an Israeli car on the Route 60 highway, before fleeing the scene. Both casualties were identified as residents of the nearby Israeli settlement of Har Bracha. | The IDF has launched a manhunt for the gunman, wh…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-26). U.S. Supply Convoy Hit By Roadside Bomb In Southern Iraq. southfront.org Illustrative image. (Photo Credit: U.S. Army) | On February 26, a convoy carrying logistic supplies for the United States-led coalition came under attack in the southern Iraqi province of al-Qadisiyyah. | The convoy was reportedly targeted with an improvised explosive device as it was moving on a highway leading to the city of al-Diwaniyah. Material losses were reported. However, there were no casualties. | The attack was claimed by the so-called International Resistance, one of several shadowy p…

Austin Autonomedia (2023-02-26). Report Back from #StopCopCity Solidarity Demo in Austin, TX. itsgoingdown.org Report back from solidarity rally in so-called Austin, Texas with the movement against Cop City in Atlanta. Originally published on Austin Autonomedia. Greetings from central Texas. This Thursday a few forest freaks made their way over to the Atlas headquarters for a noise demo. Atlas is a billion dollar company whose subsidiary Long engineering has…

C.J. Polychroniou (2023-02-26). We Face a Climate Abyss, But There Are Sparks of Hope, Robert Pollin Says. truthout.org The energy transition from fossil-based systems of energy production and consumption to renewable energy sources is moving slowly, and scores of global conferences on climate change over the past few decades have failed to produce the desired results. From the look of things, fossil fuels are going to be around for a long time to come, even though there is undeniable evidence that humanity is… |

Chris Hedges, The Real News Network. (2023-02-26). How The Press Misled The Public On Russiagate. popularresistance.org A new four-part investigation for the Columbia Journalism Review by Jeff Gertz examines the role of the media in pushing the "Russiagate" narrative that dominated headlines during the Trump administration. Doubts about the veracity of claims of Russian interference from the FBI and even the CIA were repeatedly ignored and pushed aside by mainstream media outlets in their push to hold the narrative together. Jeff Gertz joins The Chris Hedges Report for a deep dive into the role of the Hillary Clinton campaign and individual press outlets in the media show we've come to know as "Russiagate."

Common Dreams Staff (2023-02-26). At Least 58 Dead After Migrant Boat Breaks Apart Near Italian Coast. truthout.org At least 58 migrants died when their overcrowded wooden boat smashed into rocky reefs and broke apart off southern Italy before dawn on Sunday, the Italian coast guard said. Survivors reportedly indicated that dozens more could be missing. "All of the survivors are adults,″ AP quoted Red Cross volunteer Ignazio Mangione. "Unfortunately, all the children are among the missing or were found dead on… |

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-26). Biden Says Ruling Out Sending Ukraine F-16 Fighter Jets 'for Now'. news.antiwar.com President Biden said in an interview that aired Friday that he has ruled out sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine "for now," suggesting he could be open to the idea in the future. "No, he doesn't need F-16s now," Biden told ABC News, referring to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. When asked if that meant he …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-26). China Releases 12-Point Peace for Ukraine. news.antiwar.com China on Friday released a 12-point peace plan as a potential settlement for the war in Ukraine as US officials are still claiming Beijing is considering arming Russia. The plan was released on the Chinese Foreign Ministry's website and calls for the cessation of hostilities and the resumption of peace talks between the warring sides. …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-26). Ship Carrying General Cargo Enters Yemen's Hodeidah Port for the First Time in Years. news.antiwar.com A container ship carrying general cargo goods entered Yemen's Red Sea port of Hodeidah for the first time since 2016 as the port has been under a blockade imposed by the US-backed Saudi-led coalition, Reuters reported on Sunday. The ship entered Hodeidah on Saturday, and its arrival comes as the Houthis are in talks with …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-26). Zelensky Says Ukraine Is Preparing to Attack Crimea. news.antiwar.com Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Friday that Ukraine is preparing to launch attacks to recapture Crimea by forming new military units and sending troops to train in other countries. "There are military steps, and we are preparing for them. We are ready mentally. We are preparing technically: with weapons, reinforcements, the formation of brigades, in …

David Rosen, Progressive. (2023-02-26). Lessons From Majid Khan's Release From Guantánamo. popularresistance.org On February 2, U.S. prisoner and former al Qaeda courier Majid Khan was released from the Guantánamo Bay Detention Camp in Cuba after more than sixteen years of imprisonment. "We are very pleased with Majid's release," says J. Wells Dixon, a senior staff attorney at the New York City-based Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR). | "Majid's transfer to Belize is the culmination of nearly twenty years of work by the CCR and the law firm Jenner & Block," Dixon tells The Progressive "Our only regret is that he was not released sooner." | On October 7, 2001, in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the United States, tog…

David Sirota (2023-02-26). Shadowbanning An Inconvenient Truth. levernews.com This is a column from Lever Weekly, our once-a-week review of what happened over the last week, exclusively for our paid subscribers. When The Lever's rail safety reporting suddenly dominated the national news cycle, I thought we had found an elusive glitch in the matrix — a story so powerful, so rooted in indisputable evidence, and so widely amplified that its most important facts could not be manipulated or suppressed.This, I imagined, could be a rare moment in which politicians, corporate media, and people of all political persuasions would have to fess up to all the truths that we reported — th…

Dean Baker (2023-02-26). Is Inflation Out of Control, Again? cepr.net The January data on consumer expenditures released yesterday had many people freaking out. The story is that the Fed is going to have to get out the big guns to really shoot inflation down. For those of us hoping that inflation would come down, without a big jump in unemployment, the report was definitely bad …

Dean Baker (2023-02-26). Savings, Taxes, Share Buybacks: Fun with National Income Accounts. cepr.net Many people who should know better have been saying silly things about households running down their savings and being forced to cut back consumption. The problem with these sorts of comments is that savings in our national income accounts have little to do with how most of us think about savings in our lives. Less …

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2023-02-26). Washington Egged On by Its Neoconservatives Has Concluded that Putin Has No Stomach for War Beyond a Limited Police Action. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-02-26). Der Mensch ist nur darum unglàºcklich, weil er die Natur verkennt. globalresearch.ca Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb des Namens des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Folgen Sie …

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-02-26). "System of Nature": Man Is Only Unhappy Because He Misjudges Nature. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-02-26). A 14-year Old Canadian Hockey Player Died Suddenly on Feb. 14, 2023. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China's int'l trade in services hits 459.5 bln yuan in January. ecns.cn China's international trade in services stood at 459.5 billion yuan, or 67.6 billion U.S. dollars, in January, official data showed on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Chinese balloon maker rejects role in military production. ecns.cn Zhuzhou Rubber Research &Design Institute Co Ltd, a Hunan-based subsidiary of State-owned China National Chemical Corp (Sinochem), has denied recent allegations that "it is involved in military production", said its parent group in an online statement.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Russia halts oil supply to Poland: Polish refiner. ecns.cn Russia has halted oil supplies to Poland via the Druzhba pipeline, Poland's leading oil and gas conglomerate PKN Orlen said Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). World's first GST membrane LNG storage tank enters operation in China. ecns.cn A project with the world's first on-land GST membrane full containment liquid natural gas (LNG) storage tank located in Hejian, North China's Hebei Province, was officially delivered after 100 days of trial operation.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China sees strong labor demand as economy recovers after pandemic. ecns.cn After Spring Festival, with the resumption of work and production, job demand has greatly increased across China.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). U.S. needs to offer clear explanation about its 'plan for destruction of Taiwan': Chinese FM. ecns.cn The U.S. needs to offer a clear explanation about the "plan for the destruction of Taiwan," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin at a press conference on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Beijing Zoo ready to welcome back giant panda from U.S. ecns.cn The Beijing Zoo has began preparation work to welcome Yaya, a 23-year-old giant panda living in Memphis Zoo in the United States for 20 years, back home, reported the Beijing News Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Jankovic appointed head coach of Chinese national football team. ecns.cn The Chinese Football Association (CFA) announced on Friday that 50-year-old Serbian Aleksandar Jankovic has been appointed as the head coach of China's men's national team.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). EU agrees on 10th package of sanctions against Russia. ecns.cn The European Union (EU) has agreed on the 10th package of sanctions against Russia, said the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU on Twitter Friday night."ÄÄ"ÄÄ"The package includes, e.g.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Chinese medical team trains Zambian doctors to remove brain tumors. ecns.cn Zambian doctors have successfully conducted four surgeries to remove tumors from the brain following a training conducted by the 23rd batch of the Chinese medical team, a senior neurosurgeon at the country's biggest hospital said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Banks in GBA to feel boom with new measures. ecns.cn Financial institutions expect a boom in the cross-border capital market of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with the deepening of the financial sector's opening-up and reform in the area.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Aussie businesses upbeat about opportunities in west China. ecns.cn Representatives from Australian businesses expressed their anticipation and interest in opportunities in west China, as the latter is eyeing more investment and trade cooperation with foreign countries.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China initiates nationwide effort to protect bird migration passages. ecns.cn China on Friday kicked off a nationwide effort to protect bird migration passages. | Launched in Zhuhai, south China's Guangdong Province, the effort is part of the promotion campaign for World Wildlife Day, which falls on March 3 this year.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Chinese police arrest 90,000 for wildlife crimes. ecns.cn Chinese police handled more than 70,000 wildlife-related criminal cases from 2020 to 2022, arresting over 90,000 suspects, a public security official told a press conference Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Guangdong's co-op zones to boost financial opening up. ecns.cn China's central bank and four other authorities have released measures to deepen financial reforms and opening up in Qianhai and Hengqin in southern Guangdong Province.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Deputies to 14th NPC broadly representative. ecns.cn The deputies to the 14th National People's Congress (NPC), China's national legislature, make up a broad cross-section of people, with every region, ethnic group and sector of society having an appropriate number of representatives.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Heart disease likely cause of giant panda's death. ecns.cn Giant panda Le Le, who died early this month in the Memphis Zoo in the United States, may have succumbed to heart disease, a joint autopsy by Chinese and US experts has showed.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China to install new optical telescope on Pamirs. ecns.cn China will install a new optical telescope on the Pamirs, which will be the third largest in the country, according to Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Recruitment process for foreign astronauts due to start. ecns.cn China will soon start the selection and training process for foreign astronauts for joint flights to the country's Tiangong space station, according to a high-ranking space official.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). 20th CPC Central Committee starts 2nd plenary session in Beijing. ecns.cn The 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) started its second plenary session in Beijing Sunday afternoon.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Tibet sees increasing green coverage year by year. ecns.cn More trees and expanding grasslands have covered southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region over the years, thanks to central and local government's afforestation efforts, official figures showed.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). U.S. fabrication on China's airship violates international obligations: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn "Without any evidence, the U.S. wrongly called the airship a 'spy balloon' and responded with abuse of force. That was a flagrant violation of the Chicago Convention and multiple basic principles of international law," Wang said.‚ÄÇ…

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China to continue to provide strong driving force for building green Silk Road: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn Chin will continue to provide a strong driving force for building a green Silk Road, and work with the rest of the international community to build a planet which enjoys harmony between man and nature and between the economy and environment, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Rising Economic Polarization in the United States: Truth and Facts. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China to strengthen international sci-tech cooperation: official. ecns.cn China will continue to strengthen opening-up and cooperation in science and technology, and push for progress in bilateral and multilateral inter-governmental sci-tech cooperation for mutual benefit.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China launches Horus 1 remote sensing satellite. ecns.cn A Long March -2C carrier rocket carrying with Horus 1 remote sensing satellite blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, Feb. 24, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Six dead in mine collapse in Inner Mongolia. ecns.cn Rescue work is underway at the site of a collapsed mine in Alxa League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Feb. 23, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). The charm of traditional Tibetan clothing. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Cradle of Civilization: Potala Palace. ecns.cn The Potala Palace, a well-known cultural and historical landmark, has stood atop a craggy hill, overlooking Tibet's regional capital of Lhasa for 1,300 years. Built in the 7th century, the palace is a treasure trove of Tibetan history, culture, and art. | The palace was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). More than 50 Tang tri-colored glazed pottery figures unearthed. ecns.cn More than 50 tri-colored glazed pottery figures of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and rare such pottery ware were unearthed from a tomb in east China's Shandong Province on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). 3D-printed statue replica displayed in Qingdao. ecns.cn A 3D-printed Buddha statue, which is 10 meters tall, has been on display at a media plaza in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Qingtuan: Tastes of spring set mouths watering. ecns.cn With Qingming, or Tomb-Sweeping Day, approaching, customers in Shanghai have rushed to buy Qingtuan, a green glutinous rice ball that is a popular spring dessert for Shanghainese and those from the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

Editor (2023-02-26). A Dangerous Fishing Expedition: The Select Committee on China. scheerpost.com By Eve Ottenberg / CounterPunch Riled up against China, GOP congressmembers have long felt that Washington's new cold war needed a special venue. So as soon as the baton passed to Republicans in the House, they set up a select committee on China. This is majority leader Kevin "Trump's the Man" McCarthy's baby, and if …

Editor (2023-02-26). The Washington Post Is Coming for Your Retirement Benefits. scheerpost.com

Elliott Wallace (2023-02-26). Palestine, Israel holds security talks in Jordan. america.cgtn.com A wave of unrest and violence in the West Bank has only grown worse in the last year. Jordan invited the sides to Aqaba ahead of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in order to quell the violence.

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-02-26). The Importance of the Humanities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. globalresearch.ca

F. William Engdahl (2023-02-26). The "Great Zero Carbon" Conspiracy and the WEF's "Great Reset" globalresearch.ca The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of "net zero carbon" by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.

Fight Back (2023-02-26). Bus operator fights Chicago Transit Authority transphobia. fightbacknews.org Chicago, IL – The Chicago Transit Authority fired trans bus operator and Amalgamated Transit Union Local 241 member Russia T. Brown for waging a struggle for his right to healthcare while refusing to address rampant transphobia that culminated in death threats. | Brown began his job at CTA in May 2016 at Chicago garage on the city's West Side. He was promoted to full time in under two years. However, when he began transitioning, verbal altercations about his gender identity became increasingly frequent. The "jokes" and verbal harassment onto social media platforms. | Brown spoke to CTA management about the h…

Frank Breslin (2023-02-26). Why America Demonizes its Public-School Teachers. dissidentvoice.org Evaluating teachers on their students' performance is an issue that has elicited much comment over more than a decade. In essence, this view assumes that if students aren't learning, the fault lies squarely with their teachers alone. While the logic of this view seems compelling at first, a moment's reflection shows that it ignores several …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-26). Behind the Self-Defeating Approach Toward the National Protest against the US War on Russia in Ukraine. libya360.wordpress.com Stansfield Smith Those who brought us Rage Against the War Machine recognized if we are to defeat the non-stop imperial war machine that rules over our lives, we must work with all people possible under its boot. Until we all do, we defeat ourselves. The Rage Against the War Machine, which stood up against the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-26). Donbass: A Story of Defiance. libya360.wordpress.com Simes Dimitri Russell Bentley is no stranger to facing death. In December 2014, the Texas-native arrived in the Donbass region to help the newly-formed local militias defend against Ukrainian government forces. During his very first battle, Bentley narrowly dodged an enemy sniper bullet headed his way. Not long afterwards, Bentley was sleeping in a basement…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-26). Iran and Bolivia United against the Unilateral Hegemony of the US. libya360.wordpress.com Sdenka Saavedra Alfaro The fight for a common front framed in the multilateralist vision, which strengthens the peoples with conscience and worldview against the hegemonic American and European terrorism, which only thinks of invasions, interference, looting and exploitation of natural resources at the cost of death, pain, misery; It is the fundamental strategy in the…

Jacob Dallas (2023-02-26). Child labor in Alabama's Hyundai supply plants. liberationnews.org Laborers at the factory and community members confirmed that the Hyundai-owned plant has employed a large force of child labor through the years.

Jan Oberg (2023-02-26). Ukraine: One Year of War on Top of 30 Years of Conflict Escalation. The Only Re-armament Needed Is Intellectual and Moral — On All Sides. globalresearch.ca

Jazmin Orozco Rodriguez (2023-02-26). Upcoming Cuts to Emergency SNAP Benefits Threaten Food Security in Rural America. truthout.org ELKO, Nev. — On a cold morning in early February, Tammy King prepared and loaded boxes and bags of vegetables, fruits, milk, frozen meat, and snacks into cars lined up outside the Friends in Service Helping food pantry, known in rural northeastern Nevada as FISH. The beginning of the month is busy for the food pantry, King said, because people who receive benefits from the federal Supplemental… |

Joe Lauria, Consortium News. (2023-02-26). More Evidence Emerges That US Wanted Russia To Invade. popularresistance.org The U.S. got its war in Ukraine. Without it, Washington could not attempt to destroy Russia's economy, orchestrate worldwide condemnation and lead an insurgency to bleed Russia, all part of an attempt to bring down its government. Joe Biden has now left no doubt that it's true. | The president of the United States has confirmed what Consortium News and others have been reporting since the beginnings of Russsiagate in 2016, that the ultimate U.S. aim is to overthrow the government of Vladimir Putin.

Joe Lauria, Consortium News. (2023-02-26). Western Leaders Privately Say Ukraine Can't Win The War. popularresistance.org Western leaders privately told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that Ukraine can not win the war against Russia and that it should begin peace talks with Moscow this year in exchange for closer ties with NATO. | The private communications are at odds with public statements from Western leaders who routinely say they will continue to support Ukraine for as long as it takes until it achieves victory on the battlefield. | The Wall Street Journal, which reported on the private remarks to Zelenksy, said: | "The public rhetoric masks deepening private doubts among politicians in the U.K., France and Germany that…

Juan Cole (2023-02-26). Climate Emergency: Extreme Heat Waves will increase 600% in Israel, Middle East, over 80 years, as 70% of Youth consider Emigrating. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Ruth Schuster at Haaretz reports on a new study led by Assaf Hochmann at Hebrew University, finding that extreme heat waves in Israel will increase 600% over the next 80 years. Not only will this change strike Israel but also Egypt, Syria, Jordan and southern Türkiye, with the potential for …

Kate Yoder (2023-02-26). A Looming El Niño Could Give Us a Preview of Life at 1.5C of Warming. truthout.org The last three years were objectively hot, numbering among the warmest since records began in 1880. But the scorch factor of recent years was actually tempered by a climate pattern that slightly cools the globe, "La Niña." This year and next, La Niña might give way to its hotter counterpart, El Niño. Distinguished by warm surface waters in the tropical Pacific Ocean, the weather pattern has… |

Kawsachun News, Orinoco Tribune. (2023-02-26). Undefeated Revolutions And The Peculiar Character Of Gabriel Boric. popularresistance.org The United States was able to actually overthrow, oust and defeat electorally, as a result of this pressure, several countries in the region, several left-wing governments, starting from the one in Honduras in 2009, then Fernando Lugo in Paraguay in 2012. Tried, nearly successfully, a coup d'etat in Ecuador in 2010 and then everybody knows who was behind the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff in 2016 and obviously was training, Sergio Moro, the judge that managed to imprison Lula and even was involved in many ways in the 2019 coup d'etat against Evo Morales in Bolivia. | So by 2019-2020, it looked like the United Stat…

Kevin Gosztola (2023-02-26). March To Iraq War, 20 Years Later: February 26, 2003. thedissenter.org The Dissenter Newsletter recalls each day in the timeline of events that led up to the US invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, twenty years ago…

Kite Line (2023-02-26). Kite Line: Keith LaMar on Hunger Strike, Rolling Back Repression in Atlanta. itsgoingdown.org Long-running abolitionist radio show and podcast Kite Line brings us news about Keith LaMar on hunger strike and the fight against repression in Atlanta. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Earlier this week, Keith LaMar went on hunger strike at the Ohio State Penitentiary. He has faced escalating harassment from administrators and…

Kurt Nimmo (2023-02-26). Biden, Supreme Court Move to Make It Difficult to Sue Norfolk Southern. globalresearch.ca

Labor Video Project (2023-02-26). "Nuking A Town With Chemicals To Get A Railroad Open" & Railroad Labor With SMART. indybay.org The nuking of Palestine, Ohio to remove the toxic waste has exposed the serious and dangerous health and safety conditions in the rail industry and the failure of the government to have oversight and control in this catastrophic disaster. WorkWeek interviews Jerad Cassity who is SMART-TD National Safety Team (NST) Chief of | Safety about this incident and the working conditions and health and safety of railroad workers.

Larry Johnson (2023-02-26). Is Russia Closing the Cauldron Around Bakhmut? sonar21.com Here are a couple of big picture maps showing the current position of Russian and Ukrainian forces in Bakhmut and the surrounding area. As you can see the Russians (i.e.,…

Linda Benesch (2023-02-26). It's Time for the Wealthy to Pay Their Fair Share Into Social Security. truthout.org Is your salary less than $160,200? If so, you're among the 94 percent of American workers who pay into Social Security all year long. But there's a privileged group that's about to stop paying into Social Security for the rest of 2023: People who make $1,000,000 a year. Their last day of contributing to Social Security is February 28. That's not even the worst of it. Tucker Carlson… |

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2023-02-26). Restaurant Workers at Rockefeller Center's Lodi Confront Union-Buster Ahead of Vote. popularresistance.org Lodi, an Italian-style fine dining cafe in Rockefeller Center, has what the New York Times calls "a captive audience" given its central location in a Manhattan tourist magnet. Workers at the restaurant say they're a captive audience of another kind—for the anti-union diatribes of a highly paid consultant. They are demanding that the cafe improve working conditions, benefits, staffing, scheduling, and training—but the major sticking point is wages. Kitchen workers earn between $18 and $21 an hour, while cashiers earn $25, and there's no discernible reason for the discrepancy.

Marjorie Cohn, Truthout. (2023-02-26). Anti-BDS Law Remains In Effect Because SCOTUS Refused To Review It. popularresistance.org While the far right Israeli regime escalates its repression of Palestinians, the U.S. Supreme Court has refused to disturb an Arkansas law that requires government contractors to certify they are not boycotting Israel or "Israeli-controlled territories." | The high court didn't specifically uphold Arkansas's anti-boycott law. However, the court declined to review the case because there were not four "justices" who agreed to hear it. So Arkansas's anti-Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) law remains in effect. | The BDS movement was launched in 2005, when 170 Palestinian civil society organizations called for boy…

Mat Ward (2023-02-26). 10 new albums to put the world to rights. greenleft.org.au Mat Ward looks back at February's political news and the best new music that related to it.

mforinoco (2023-02-26). Anti-Democratic Violence Won't Stop Bolivia's Path of Social Progress — Interview with Camila Escalante. orinocotribune.com Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America activist Logan Williams speaks to Bolivia-based journalist Camila Escalante on the recent destabilization attempts and violent anti-democratic actions from the far-right. | LW: Hi Camila, thank you for agreeing to answer some questions on the current situation in Bolivia. | Much of the global left, including here in the UK, is increasingly concerned about the efforts to destabilize the MAS (Movement Towards Socialism) government led by President Arce perpetrated by right-wing activists in the Santa Cruz region. Could you explain a little more about these events and thei…

mforinoco (2023-02-26). UK: 14 Questions for John McDonnell (and others) on Ukraine. orinocotribune.com By Paul Atkin — Feb 22, 2023 | John McDonnell's John's judgement on the war is oddly flat, missing whole dimensions of the conflict and lacking any sense of causation beyond a kind of moralism, the 21st century equivalent of WW1 "German War G…

Middle East Monitor (2023-02-26). Israel submits Plans for 7,000 new Squatter-Settlement Units in Palestinian West Bank. juancole.com ( Middle East Monitor) — Israeli occupation authorities have submitted plans to build 7,157 new settlement units in the E1 area that would bisect Palestinian contiguity in the occupied West Bank, Israeli media reported on Thursday. This is part of the annexation pledges made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to his far-right partners in …

Mike Gonzalez (2023-02-26). As US Reengages Maduro, Oil Giants Earn Deals — and Venezuelans Protest. truthout.org In late November 2022, an article in The Economist reported that "things have changed in Caracas" with the new availability of luxury consumer goods, a new generation of high-end restaurants and the return of traffic jams. Add to that a new Ferrari dealership and it becomes clear what sections of the population are the beneficiaries of the changes — a tiny minority of wealthy Venezuelans. |

Mike Whitney (2023-02-26). The Plan to Wreck America. "The Globalist Billionaires" globalresearch.ca

Miko Peled, Mintpress News. (2023-02-26). Netanyahu And Ben-Gvir Have All But Guaranteed A New Intifada. popularresistance.org There is a story about the Roman Emperor Nero, according to which he set Rome on fire just so that he could see the flames. The story may or may not be true, but when Palestine is in flames, history will remember who lit the match. | Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime minister of Israel, will be remembered as the reckless politician who gave Itamar Ben-Gvir the green light to set a fire that will consume Palestine and cause death and destruction, the scale of which has never been seen before.

Mojmir Babacek (2023-02-26). Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System. globalresearch.ca Note to readers: please click the share buttons above | This incisive article by Mojmir Babajek predicted more than 10 years ago, what is happening today, namely the development of informational weapons and the remote control of the human brain. | It …

news.un (2023-02-26). First Person: Hatching a plan for success in rural Gambia. news.un.org In rural areas of The Gambia, job opportunities are scarce, but villagers like Guidom Sabally are benefiting from practical training, gaining recognized qualifications, and setting up successful small businesses in their communities.

news.un (2023-02-26). Deadly shipwreck in Italy must trigger action to save lives, UN officials say. news.un.org The UN chief and agencies serving refugees and migrants urgently called for safer travel routes and bolstered rescue operations following a deadly shipwreck that left at least 45 dead on Sunday off the coast of Crotone, Italy.

news.un (2023-02-26). Avian flu reappears in Cambodia, UN health agency warns. news.un.org Cambodian authorities reported two cases of avian flu, including an 11-year-old girl who died of the virus, the UN health agency said on Sunday.

noreply (2023-02-26). Larry On Bakhmut (Artemovsk)… smoothiex12.blogspot.com Yesterday a good sitrep from Larry with, finally, proper map with the scale. Larry asks the question:

OtherWords (2023-02-26). Derailments across the Country: Rail Workers Warned Us that Greed Is Dangerous. juancole.com By Rebekah Entralgo | — ( Otherwords.org ) — The toxic clouds that billowed up from a derailed freight train in Ohio this February are a chilling metaphor for the toxic greed that has infected so many of our big corporations. After having to evacuate, residents of East Palestine, Ohio are cautiously going back home, …

Pavan Kulkarni (2023-02-26). La izquierda sudanesa advierte de que las elecciones en virtud del acuerdo entre la junta militar y la derecha legitimaría el golpe de Estado. peoplesdispatch.org La junta militar que gobierna Sudán y los partidos políticos de derechas han firmado un acuerdo marco para establecer un gobierno de transición y celebrar nuevas elecciones. El Partido Comunista de Sudán ha afirmado que este acuerdo excluirá a millones de personas y legitimará el régimen golpista.

People's Dispatch. (2023-02-26). US Funneled Billions To Ukraine While Cutting Health And Education. popularresistance.org February 24 marks the one-year anniversary of the Russia—Ukraine war, and in the past year, the US Congress has approved $113 billion in aid to Ukraine. Meanwhile, working people in the US are in dire economic straits, and desperately need relief from their government. When US President Joe Biden delivered his State of the Union Address in early February, over 160 million people—almost half of the nation's population—reported having trouble paying weekly expenses. The cost of living had jumped by 8% while wages had only increased by 4% in the past year.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-26). Daily Round-up | UN report reveals major setbacks in maternal health & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we bring you stories of alarming numbers from a UN report on maternal health indicators, the findings of a committee on the 2020 Delhi violence, and the release of two Pakistani men from Guantanamo Bay…

Philly Anti-Cap (2023-02-26). Report Back Philadelphia Demonstration Outside of Law Firm Supporting Cop City. itsgoingdown.org Report back from demonstration in solidarity with fight against Cop City outside of law firm connected to the project which threatens the Weelaunee forest in so-called Atlanta, GA. Originally published on Philly Anti-Capitalist. On Tuesday, February 21st, there was a demonstration in solidarity with the defense of the Weelaunee forest and the fight to stop…

PressTV. (2023-02-26). Anti-war Protesters In Europe Demand West Stop Arming Ukraine. popularresistance.org The demonstrations took place in the major European capitals on Saturday, a day after an ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine entered its second year. | The Saturday rally in London was organized by Stop the War Coalition. It was held at Portland Place in the city's central area, from which the participants marched towards the Trafalgar Square. | The London rally was attended by Jeremy Corbyn, a former Labour Party leader and a current member of the parliament. | The protesters in London also chanted anti-war slogans, while holding banners calling for an end to the West's incessant campaign of pumping weapons i…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-02-26). The Pentagon's "Ides of March 2021": Best Month to Go to War? globalresearch.ca or the Romans, the month of March (Martius) marked "the time to start new military campaigns." As in the heyday of the Roman Empire, the Pentagon has a mandate to plan and implement a precise "timeline" of military operations.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-02-26). The Pfizer Vaccine: A Tale of Two Reports. "Money vs. Mortality" globalresearch.ca

Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson (2023-02-26). The rise of US dollar imperialism, and why it failed — with Radhika Desai & Michael Hudson. geopoliticaleconomy.com Economists Radhika Desai and Michael Hudson explain the end of the British empire's sterling area with the rise of the US dollar system, its central role in imperialism, and why it ultimately failed.

Ramzy Baroud (2023-02-26). Why Watering Down Palestinian Reality is a Crime. dissidentvoice.org On February 20, the United Nations Security Council approved a statement, described in the media as a 'watered-down' version of an earlier draft resolution which would have demanded that Israel "immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory." The intrigues that led to the scrapping of what was meant to be a binding …

Renee Parsons (2023-02-26). Munich Security Conference: "Intensifying Authoritarian Revisionism" globalresearch.ca

Renfrey Clarke (2023-02-26). Palestine activists campaign for 'Sydney statement'. greenleft.org.au Well over 100 academics and other educators, many of them Jewish, have signed an open letter to vice-chancellors opposing the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's Working Definition of Antisemitism. Renfrey Clarke reports.

Ryan Cristián (2023-02-26). Dioxins: The Ohio Cover Up & The Overwhelming (Intentional?) Incompetence/Malfeasance Of The US Gov. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/26/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

SAM (2023-02-26). The EPA Helped Mining Companies Pollute A Small Montana Town. progressivehub.net WILSON CRISCIONE | INVESTIGATEWEST…

scorinoco (2023-02-26). Boluarte Withdraws Peru's Ambassador to Mexico, Accuses AMLO of Interference. orinocotribune.com On Friday, February 24, the de facto president of Peru, Dina Boluarte, announced her decision to withdraw the ambassador of Peru to Mexico and to instead issue a chargé d'affaires, demoting the two countries' bilateral relations. She accused the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, of "privileg[ing] his ideological affinity over diplomatic relationship." | Boluarte stated in an official message on Friday, "I have ordered the definitive withdrawal of our ambassador to Mexico, and thus the diplomatic relations between Peru and Mexico will formally be assigned to our chargé d'affaires." | Boluarte accus…

Scott Ritter (2023-02-26). Arms Control or Ukraine? Scott Ritter. globalresearch.ca

Sharde Gillam (2023-02-26). At NAACP Image Awards, Serena Williams Accepts The Jackie Robinson Sports Award. newsone.com Serena Williams arrives at the 54th Annual NAACP Image Awards at Pasadena Civic Auditorium on February 25, 2023, in Pasadena, California. | Source: Aaron J. Thornton / Getty | Congratulations to The award recognizes individuals in sports for their achievements in athletics as well as for their work in social justice, civil rights, and community involvement. With her accepting this award, Wi…

Staff (2023-02-26). Cristina recordó a Néstor Kirchner en el día de su cumpleaños con un emotivo video. cubadebate.cu La vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner recordó a Néstor Kirchner en las primeras horas de este sábado 25 de febrero, cuando el expresidente hubiera cumplido 73 años. Lo hizo compartiendo el emotivo video que eligió su hija Florencia como íntima muestra de amor para su padre. "Recuerdos del amor", dijo vía Twitter.

Staff (2023-02-26). 📨 Modo Avión: Seguimos facturando; la saga continúa (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Hoy empezamos con una duda existencial: øPor qué los únicos que tienen derecho a ser invadidos por los extraterrestres son los estadounidenses? Es broma. Y hablando de cosas supernaturales, la loba y la bichota se unieron para tirarle con to' a Piqué y a Anuel AA. En menos de 24 horas TQG de Karol G y Shakira superó las 40 millones de reproducciones en Youtube.

Staff (2023-02-26). La Tira de los Lectores: øQué veo desde mi ventana? cubadebate.cu Hace unos días la convocamos y hoy regresa La Tira de los Lectores, sobre la realidad que se ve más allá de las ventanas y forman parte de nuestra cotidianidad. Nos llegaron fotos desde Cuba y varios países, que compartimos con los seguidores de esta columna.

Staff (2023-02-26). Cuba suma otros dos bronces en el Campeonato Panamericano de Clavados. cubadebate.cu Cuba sumó otras dos medallas de bronce durante el segundo día del Campeonato Panamericano de Clavados, una cita organizada por la ciudad mexicana de León y donde este sábado Prisis Ruiz y Laydel Domínguez subieron a un podio de premiaciones para prácticamente asegurar presencia en los cercanos juegos continentales de Santiago de Chile 2023.

Staff (2023-02-26). Duplantis establece nuevo récord del mundo de salto con pértiga por sexta vez: 6,22 metros. cubadebate.cu Armand Duplantis estableció este sábado, con un registro de 6,22 metros, un nuevo récord del mundo de salto con pértiga al imponerse en la reunión All Star Perche de Clermont-Ferrand, Francia.

Staff (2023-02-26). Más de 23 000 vehículos eléctricos producidos en Cuba entre 2020 y 2022 (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-02-26). Omara Durand regresa a las pistas: Compite este domingo en el Grand Prix Mundial de Dubái. cubadebate.cu La multilaureada Omara Durand estará de nuevo en las pistas desde este domingo, cuando inicie el Grand Prix Mundial de Paratletismo de Dubái 2023. En ese certamen se asegurarán plazas directas para los Juegos Paralímpicos de París 2024, en que Omara tiene previsto defender sus reinados en 100, 200 y 400 metros.

Staff (2023-02-26). Retiran estatua de Maradona del estadio del Napoli. cubadebate.cu Una estatua de la leyenda del fútbol Diego Armando Maradona, ubicada en el estadio del Napoli, en la ciudad italiana de Nápoles, fue retirada y devuelta a su autor, el escultor Domenico Sepe, quien la había donado. En diciembre de 2020 el estadio San Paolo del Napoli fue oficialmente rebautizado como Diego Armando Maradona.

Staff (2023-02-26). Alumno golpea brutalmente a su maestra por haberle quitado el Nintendo. cubadebate.cu Una empleada de una escuela secundaria de la ciudad de Palm Coast, en el condado de Flager (Florida, EE.UU.), resultó gravemente herida a manos de un estudiante que la golpeó porque le había confiscado su consola portátil de videojuegos Nintendo Switch. La agresión tuvo lugar este martes y quedó registrada por una cámara de vigilancia del recinto educativo.

Staff (2023-02-26). El tiempo: Tarde cálida con muy escasas lluvias. cubadebate.cu Amanecerá con poca nubosidad y se incrementará a parcialmente nublado en la tarde principalmente hacia localidades del interior con muy escasas lluvias. La tarde será cálida, con temperaturas que alcanzarán máximas entre los 30 y 33 grados Celsius.

Staff (2023-02-26). Examina Ramiro Valdés condiciones de termoeléctrica y Fábrica de Cemento en Nuevitas. cubadebate.cu El Comandante de la Revolución y vice primer ministro cubano, Ramiro Valdés Menéndez, analizó durante una visita a la norteña ciudad de Nuevitas la situación de la generación en la Central Termoeléctrica 10 de Octubre y el estado de la Fábrica de Cemento, esta última donde se ejecuta una de las obras de mayor impacto del país.

Staff (2023-02-26). Mal manejo del desastre hace que suspendan retirada de residuos tóxicos en Ohio. cubadebate.cu La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EE.UU. ordenó la suspensión temporal de la retirada de los residuos tóxicos en East Palestine, Ohio, donde se descarriló un tren con un cargamento químico. La decisión responde al temor de que se propague la contaminación hacia otras áreas. Las autoridades emitieron una orden de confinamiento para 5 000 personas.

Staff (2023-02-26). Miles de manifestantes protestan en Berlín contra envío de armas a Ucrania. cubadebate.cu En Berlín se ha celebrado este sábado una concentración de miles de personas contra el suministro de armas a Kiev y la escalada del conflicto y a favor de las conversaciones de paz. Según los medios, 25 000 ciudadanos se congregaron en el centro de la capital alemana.

Staff (2023-02-26). Nokia cambia su icónico logotipo después de 60 años. cubadebate.cu La compañía finlandesa de telecomunicaciones Nokia ha decidido modificar su icónico logotipo luego de 60 años con el objetivo de cambiar su estrategia empresarial. El nuevo diseño consta de cinco formas y sentidos diferentes que forman la palabra NOKIA, dejando atrás el famoso color azul, que será reemplazado por una gama de colores que variará dependiendo del uso.

Staff (2023-02-26). Nueva jornada de protestas en Perú es reprimida con gases lacrimógenos. cubadebate.cu Las calles de la capital peruana, Lima, han vuelto a llenarse de manifestantes que respondieron a la convocatoria popular de una marcha nacional dirigida contra el Gobierno de Dina Boluarte, al que se responsabiliza de la muerte de al menos 60 personas por represión de la fuerza pública. "Dina, Policía y FF.AA. °Asesinos! Justicia y reparación para asesinados y heridos", se podía leer en las pancartas que se vieron durante la protesta.

Staff (2023-02-26). Pierde Cuba contra el club profesional Guardianes de Fubon. cubadebate.cu El equipo Cuba de béisbol abrió con derrota los partidos amistosos en territorio taiwanés al perder dos carreras por una contra el club profesional Guardianes de Fubon. Aunque la ofensiva antillana marcó nueve indiscutibles frente a los escasos cuatro de los rivales, otra vez evidenció sus dificultades para concretar anotaciones.

Staff (2023-02-26). Real Madrid rescató el empate ante Atlético. cubadebate.cu Un gol del canterano àÅlvaro Rodríguez evitó la derrota de Real Madrid en el derbi frente al Atlético que salió con un punto del Bernabéu con 10 hombres, el conjunto rojiblanco tuvo contra las cuerdas al campeón que revivió en la recta final con el empate que de poco le sirve porque Barcelona se escapa. Atlético de Madrid se quedó con la miel en los labios.

Staff (2023-02-26). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este domingo 26 de febrero. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este domingo 26 de febrero de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-02-26). Thomas Bach, titular del Comité Olímpico Internacional visitará Cuba. cubadebate.cu El presidente del Comité Olímpico Internacional, Thomas Bach, visitará Cuba los días 2 y 3 de marzo, como parte de una gira por Centroamérica y el Caribe, y en respuesta a una invitación cursada por el Comité Olímpico Cubano. La delegación está integrada además por el chileno Neven Ilic, presidente de la Organización Deportiva Panamericana (Panam Sport).

Staff (2023-02-26). UNE pronostica afectación de 324 MW en el pico nocturno de este domingo. cubadebate.cu En el día de ayer se afectó el servicio por déficit de capacidad en dos momentos, desde las 08: 23 horas hasta las 12: 58 horas con un máximo de 267 MW y en el horario pico a partir de las 16: 45 horas y hasta las 20: 51 horas. Para la hora pico se estima una disponibilidad de 2376 MW y una demanda máxima de 2700 MW, para un déficit de 324 MW.

Staff (2023-02-26). Vicepresidente de Cuba asiste a cumbre sobre recuperación pospandemia. cubadebate.cu El vicepresidente Salvador Valdés encabeza la delegación de Cuba a la Cumbre del Grupo de Contacto del Movimiento de Países No Alineados (Mnoal) sobre recuperación postpandémica. La representación de la isla arribará este lunes a Bakú, capital de Azerbaiyán, donde se celebrará esa importante reunión que dará seguimiento a la efectuada el 4 de mayo de 2020.

Staff (2023-02-26). Vuelve renovado el Triatlón Internacional de La Habana. cubadebate.cu El Triatlón Internacional de La Habana regresó luego de tres años de ausencia, con una atractiva pugna entre competidores élites y desde 15 hasta más de 70 años de América, Europa y Asia en las distancias olímpica y sprint. María Carolina Velásquez, de Colombia, con 1: 59: 26 horas, se alzó campeona en la primera categoría, seguida por la eslovaca Ivana Kuriackova (1: 59: 27) y la turca Xisca Tous (1: 59: 36).

Staff (2023-02-26). Malcolm X, su lucha continúa. cubadebate.cu Hace 58 años, el 21 de febrero de 1965, Malcolm X se encontraba de pie frente a una audiencia multitudinaria en el escenario del Audubon Ballroom de Harlem, cuando fue asesinado. Su esposa, Betty Shabazz, embarazada de mellizos, y sus cuatro hijas, de 6, 4 y 2 años y la menor, de cinco meses, estaban en el salón de baile y lo presenciaron todo.

Staff (2023-02-26). David Swanson on Ukraine with Jimmy Durchslag at KMUD. davidswanson.org From Friday Night Talk February 24, 2023 at archive.kmudfm.org

Staff (2023-02-26). What Did the Peace Movement Do During the Destruction of Iraq? davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-02-26). What to Replace the Monroe Doctrine With. davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-02-26). Venezuela Ratifies Border Reopening Schedule with Aruba, Bonaire and Curaàßao (+Brazil). orinocotribune.com Venezuela's Foreign Affairs Minister Yván Gil ratified the schedule of restarting maritime transit with Aruba, Curaàßao and Bonaire, on Saturday, February 25. This reopening of maritime borders comes as a result of the technical negotiations between Venezuela and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, an initiative that promoted the reestablishment of diplomatic and commercial relations, long awaited by business sectors in the three Dutch colonies in the Caribbean. | The information was announced by Minister Gil, who clarified that the transit with Curaàßao and Bonaire will restart on April 3, while for Arub…

Staff (2023-02-26). Seven years on, injustice remains: Remembering Omar Nayef Zayed. samidoun.net 26 February 2023 marks the seventh anniversary of the death of Omar Nayef Zayed, former Palestinian prisoner who escaped from occupation prisons, in the Palestinian Authority embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria, where he sought refuge after the Israeli occupation demanded his extradition 28 years after he liberated himself. The self-liberation of six Palestinian prisoners in the …

Steven D. Grumbine (2023-02-26). Taxes Don't Fund Federal Spending. realprogressives.org Our federal government doesn't need revenue. So why the chatter about how will the government get money to fund its operations?>

Tanya Wadhwa (2023-02-26). Bribery charges to be filed against former Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno. peoplesdispatch.org In addition to Moreno, his wife, one of their daughters, as well as two brothers and two sisters-in-law are among those investigated in the Sinohydro case, formerly known as the INA Papers case…

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2023-02-26). Presidente de Belarús visitará China a finales de febrero. telesurtv.net Comunicado de la Cancillería china detalla que Alexander Lukashenko estará de visita de Estado en la nación asiática entre el 28 de febrero y el 2 de marzo.

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2023-02-26). Unión Interparlamentaria àÅrabe ratifica solidaridad con pueblo de Siria. telesurtv.net La Campaña Árabe e Internacional contra el Bloqueo a Siria promueve la iniciativa de enviar un convoy popular a esa nación para romper con el bloqueo impuesto por Occidente.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Cristina Fernández pide investigar a la policía de Buenos Aires. telesurtv.net En la querella presentada ante la autoridad judicial se pide que se investigue la responsabilidad de la policía bonarense en el atentado contra Cristina Fernández.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). G20 fracasa en aprobar una resolución contra Rusia. telesurtv.net Los ministros de de China, Rusia, México y Türkiye no participaron en persona en la reunión de ministros de Finanzas del G20, pero estuvieron presentes en reuniones virtuales.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Al menos 40 migrantes mueren tras naufragio en costas de Italia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con las autoridades se teme que se puedan alcanzar más de 100 víctimas, luego que el número de migrantes que viajaban está entre 180 y 250.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Terremoto de magnitud 6.1 se registra al norte de Japón. telesurtv.net No se ha emitido ninguna alerta de tsunami. No hubo informes inmediatos de heridos o daños importantes a la propiedad.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Gobierno de México lamenta retiro de embajador de Perú. telesurtv.net El Gobierno de México reitera su convicción de mantener abiertos los canales de comunicación diplomáticos en beneficio de ambas sociedades.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Inicia recuento de votos de elecciones generales en Nigeria. telesurtv.net Para garantizar la seguridad de las elecciones, la Policía nigeriana informó del despliegue de más de 301.900 agentes de seguridad por toda la nación.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Autoridades dominicanas detienen a 404 migrantes haitianos. telesurtv.net En los operativos fueron apresados 378 hombres y 26 mujeres en los sectores Friusa, Mata Mosquitos, El Ejecutivo, Cabeza de Toro, Villa La Fe y Kosovo, entre otros.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-26). Exigen en Berlín y Londres detener envío de armas a Ucrania. telesurtv.net Miles de manifestantes se pronuncian a favor de la paz y de una solución negociada al conflicto entre Moscú y Kiev.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-26). Autoridades de Chile reportan reducción de incendios en combate. telesurtv.net Descendieron de 33 a 21, cifra más baja del año. Se localizan en las regiones Bío Bío, La Araucanía, Ñuble y Los Ríos.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-26). Conaie convoca a movilización contra Gobierno de Ecuador. telesurtv.net La máxima organización indígena del país, asimismo, exhortó a la Asamblea Nacional a impulsar un juicio político en contra de Lasso.

teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2023-02-26). Autoridades turcas detienen al alcalde de la ciudad de Nurdagi. twitter.com Las cifras más recientes subrayan que se han inculpado a 131 sospechosos y se han ordenado 113 arrestos.

The Cradle. (2023-02-26). Pan-Arab Convoy Aims To Break Blockade, Provide Aid To Syria. popularresistance.org The Arab and International Campaign to Break Siege on Syria announced plans on 24 February to launch a popular, pan-Arab campaign to confront the western-led blockade against Syria through an aid convoy in light of the devastating earthquake that killed over 50,000 people in Türkiye and Syria. | On Saturday, the Syrian news agency SANA reported that the preparations to participate in the Arab Youth Forum in Solidarity with Syria in March are already underway. | The campaign, titled "The Arab Unity Convoy to Break the Embargo Imposed on Syria," is headed by Magdi al Masrawi, former secretary-general of the Ar…

The ILR School. (2023-02-26). Strikes Up 52% In 2022: Labor Action Tracker. popularresistance.org The Cornell-ILR Labor Action Tracker is a comprehensive database of work stoppages. The project began in 2021 and is led by Johnnie Kallas, Ph.D. '23, to provide a fuller picture of worker activity to inform policymakers, the public and others about workplace conflict. The data collection is unique to the ILR School, he said. Due to funding cuts by the Reagan Administration in the 1980s, the Bureau of Labor Statistics excludes work stoppages of fewer than 1,000 workers from its database. | It is imperative to have reliable data on strike activity, by union and non-union workers in stoppages of all sizes, to keep…

Tings Chak (2023-02-26). Looking back at Bolsonarismo and its project of cultural and national destruction. peoplesdispatch.org During the riots in Brasília on January 8, Bolsonaristas caused irreparable damage to the country's cultural patrimony, destroying art that represents everything they are against…

TRNN (2023-02-26). Apply now: Baltimore Pipeline of Working and Emerging Reporters (P.O.W.E.R.) Fellowship. therealnews.com Just Media and The Real News Network are joining forces to create more opportunities for emerging journalists in Baltimore, especially young Baltimoreans of color, to report on the local criminal justice system, informed by the experience of this system's impact on their own communities. | Who should report stories on policing and mass incarceration? Who gets a platform to cover the impacts of this carceral system on Baltimore's Black communities, and the alternatives these communities envision? | This…

unitedEditor (2023-02-26). The Munich Security Conference. uwidata.com By Fikret Akfƒ±rat The Munich Security Conference, one of the most prominent events of the Atlantic Alliance, was held this year on February 17-19. Around 40 leaders, ministers, diplomats and experts from more than 100 countries attended the Conference, which is now in its 59th year. Despite convening in Munich, the main objective of the …

Vijay Prashad, People's Dispatch. (2023-02-26). The Global South Refuses Pressure To Side With The West On Russia. popularresistance.org At the G20 meeting in Bengaluru, India, the United States arrived with a simple brief. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said at the February 2023 summit that the G20 countries must condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and they must adhere to US sanctions against Russia. However, it became clear that India, the chair of the G20, was not willing to conform to the US agenda. Indian officials said that the G20 is not a political meeting, but a meeting to discuss economic issues.

Vijay Prashad (2023-02-26). The French Are Leaving, But the War in the Sahel Continues. orinocotribune.com

WSWS (2023-02-26). Jacobin's lionization of Lula: A pseudo-left cover for war and reaction. wsws.org The latest fraud promoted by Jacobin in Latin America is that the return of Lula and the Workers Party (PT) to power in Brazil represents "a huge win for the global left."

WSWS (2023-02-26). UK regional teachers strike to begin as National Education Union prepares a sell-out. wsws.org Every union, including the NEU, has been desperate to dissipate the anger and opposition amongst public sector workers to the devastating impact of austerity and rising inflation producing a collapse in living standards and a funding crisis to essential public services.

WSWS (2023-02-26). UK regional teachers strikes to begin as National Education Union prepares a sell-out. wsws.org Every union, including the NEU, has been desperate to dissipate the anger and opposition amongst public sector workers to the devastating impact of austerity and rising inflation producing a collapse in living standards and a funding crisis to essential public services.

WSWS (2023-02-26). Britain's Stop the War Coalition holds London rally against Ukraine war sparsely attended. wsws.org STWC was unable to enlist the support of a single prominent "left" figure in the Labour Party or trade union bureaucracy to speak from the stage, such as been the lurch to the right of these layers.

WSWS (2023-02-26). Britain's Stop the War Coalition holds sparsely attended London rally against Ukraine war. wsws.org STWC was unable to enlist the support of a single prominent "left" figure in the Labour Party or trade union bureaucracy to speak from the stage, such as been the lurch to the right of these layers.

2023-02-27 11:05:05 | 11:05 EST | tr | 426 | 16 | 222 | 237 | 0 

2023-02-26: News Headlines

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Chinese premier meets renowned mathematician Shing-Tung Yau. ecns.cn Chinese Premier Li Keqiang met with world-renowned mathematician Shing-Tung Yau in Beijing on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Health insurance reforms to cover more outpatient expense. ecns.cn The recent reforms to the employee health insurance policy are aimed at easing the financial strain on outpatients and reducing unnecessary hospitalizations of patients with mild conditions, a National Healthcare Security Administration official said on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Cities roll out incentives to boost birthrates. ecns.cn Major cities have ramped up subsidies and nursery care services to encourage families to have more children as senior health officials said "bold and innovative" measures should be taken to address low birthrates.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Selection of foreign space crew to start. ecns.cn China will start the selection and training process soon for foreign astronauts to participate in joint flights to the country's Tiangong space station, according to a high-ranking space official.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region's coordinated development generates new growth driver. ecns.cn The coordinated development in Beijing and neighboring regions is now in full swing and has grown into a new driving force for China's development, nine years after China launched a key strategy to build the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei regional city cluster.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Demonstrators in Brussels call for peaceful solution to Ukraine crisis. ecns.cn Several thousand demonstrators called for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, and a peaceful solution to the Ukraine crisis here on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). 5.1-magnitude quake hits Xinjiang: CENC. ecns.cn A 5.1-magnitude earthquake jolted Wensu County of Aksu Prefecture in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region at 7: 58 a.m. Monday, according to the China Earthquake Networks Center (CENC).

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). (W. E. Talk)Teng Jinguang: How to Propel Growth of International I&T Hub in Hong Kong?>. ecns.cn Promoting innovation and development has always been the top priority of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSAR) government. The 14th Five-Year Plan clearly supports Hong Kong in building an international innovation and technology (I&T) hub.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). 3,500-year-old bone ice skates unearthed in Xinjiang tomb. ecns.cn Archaeologists have found 3,500-year-old ice skates made of animal bone in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, experts announced at a Xinjiang archaeological press conference on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). HKEX to allow tech firms with no revenue, no profit to list in Mar: report. ecns.cn The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX) will allow tech companies with no revenue or profit to list after a rule change in March, amid broad reforms taken to consolidate its position as an international financial center.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Visits will enhance Sino-European ties. ecns.cn An upcoming series of visits to Beijing by European leaders will send signals of solidarity and cooperation between China and the European Union, adding positive energy to world peace, stability and sustainable development.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China to strengthen system of TCM health services. ecns.cn China will implement measures to strengthen the health services system involving Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and enhance the grassroots capacity of providing TCM health services, according to an industry watchdog on Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Coordinated development improves lives, environment. ecns.cn At 6: 15 one Friday morning, He Peng stood in line at Zhuozhou East Railway Station in Zhuozhou, Hebei province.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). HK requires criminal record for talent scheme applicants. ecns.cn A "clear criminal record" has become a mandatory document in the application of visas for future talent admission schemes in Hong Kong, the Immigration Department (ImmD) of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region announced on Sunday.

Kerry Smith (2023-02-27). Ballengarra tree-sit stops logging. greenleft.org.au Forest protector and soil scientist Tim Evans stopped logging crews in Ballengarra State Forest, saying destruction of public native forests must end. Kerry Smith reports.

Tanya Wadhwa (2023-02-26). Bribery charges to be filed against former Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno. peoplesdispatch.org In addition to Moreno, his wife, one of their daughters, as well as two brothers and two sisters-in-law are among those investigated in the Sinohydro case, formerly known as the INA Papers case…

Pavan Kulkarni (2023-02-26). La izquierda sudanesa advierte de que las elecciones en virtud del acuerdo entre la junta militar y la derecha legitimaría el golpe de Estado. peoplesdispatch.org La junta militar que gobierna Sudán y los partidos políticos de derechas han firmado un acuerdo marco para establecer un gobierno de transición y celebrar nuevas elecciones. El Partido Comunista de Sudán ha afirmado que este acuerdo excluirá a millones de personas y legitimará el régimen golpista.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-26). Daily Round-up | UN report reveals major setbacks in maternal health & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we bring you stories of alarming numbers from a UN report on maternal health indicators, the findings of a committee on the 2020 Delhi violence, and the release of two Pakistani men from Guantanamo Bay…

Tings Chak (2023-02-26). Looking back at Bolsonarismo and its project of cultural and national destruction. peoplesdispatch.org During the riots in Brasília on January 8, Bolsonaristas caused irreparable damage to the country's cultural patrimony, destroying art that represents everything they are against…

Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report. (2023-02-26). Why The Russian Federation Recognized Independence Movements In Donbas. popularresistance.org "Minsk, Minsk, Minsk," they cried after Russia recognized Donetsk and Luhansk. But those Western diplomats and pundits did not hear those of us in the anti-war, pro-peace and anti-imperialist movements who insisted that Minsk II was the only conceivable way out of the crisis! | There will be reams of words attempting to provide a coherent analysis of the manufactured crisis dramatically unfolding in Ukraine, which took another unanticipated turn when Russia extended recognition to the Peoples' Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in the territory referred to as the Donbas in Eastern Ukraine.

Andrei P. Tsygankov (2023-02-26). One year at war: no winners, but all are losers. canadiandimension.com Ukrainian soldier stands watch in Kyiv. Photo courtesy the Armed Forces of Ukraine/ In Neville Chamberlain's

Angela (2023-02-26). Saturday 2/25: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Haifawi" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Ann Brown (2023-02-26). Legacy Of The Father Of Five Percenters Clarence 13X Going After Black Youth In NYC Gangs. moguldom.com The Five Percenter Nation of Gods and Earths was founded by former Nation of Islam member Clarence 13X back in 1964. Similar to the Nation of Islam, one of the lures of the Five Percent Nation was that it offered refuge and hope for troubled youth. It provided much-needed structure to individuals and an alternative lifestyle to New York City gang …

Austin Autonomedia (2023-02-26). Report Back from #StopCopCity Solidarity Demo in Austin, TX. itsgoingdown.org Report back from solidarity rally in so-called Austin, Texas with the movement against Cop City in Atlanta. Originally published on Austin Autonomedia. Greetings from central Texas. This Thursday a few forest freaks made their way over to the Atlas headquarters for a noise demo. Atlas is a billion dollar company whose subsidiary Long engineering has…

Bertram Burian (2023-02-26). The final system question Parts 1 and 2. indybay.org The enrichment elites of the West in particular have been trying for decades to extend their influence to the whole world. That is their declared concept. The worldwide "final victory", the "end of history" (4), the elimination of all competitors for raw materials and markets, have been part of capitalism and imperialism from the very beginning.

C.J. Polychroniou (2023-02-26). We Face a Climate Abyss, But There Are Sparks of Hope, Robert Pollin Says. truthout.org The energy transition from fossil-based systems of energy production and consumption to renewable energy sources is moving slowly, and scores of global conferences on climate change over the past few decades have failed to produce the desired results. From the look of things, fossil fuels are going to be around for a long time to come, even though there is undeniable evidence that humanity is… |

CIIS Public Programs (2023-02-26). Thursday 3/30: On Social Justice and the Enneagram. indybay.org

CIIS Public Programs (2023-02-26). Thursday 4/20: On the Racism of People Who Love You. indybay.org California Institute of Integral Studies | 1453 Mission St. | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Common Dreams Staff (2023-02-26). At Least 58 Dead After Migrant Boat Breaks Apart Near Italian Coast. truthout.org At least 58 migrants died when their overcrowded wooden boat smashed into rocky reefs and broke apart off southern Italy before dawn on Sunday, the Italian coast guard said. Survivors reportedly indicated that dozens more could be missing. "All of the survivors are adults,″ AP quoted Red Cross volunteer Ignazio Mangione. "Unfortunately, all the children are among the missing or were found dead on… |

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China's int'l trade in services hits 459.5 bln yuan in January. ecns.cn China's international trade in services stood at 459.5 billion yuan, or 67.6 billion U.S. dollars, in January, official data showed on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Chinese balloon maker rejects role in military production. ecns.cn Zhuzhou Rubber Research &Design Institute Co Ltd, a Hunan-based subsidiary of State-owned China National Chemical Corp (Sinochem), has denied recent allegations that "it is involved in military production", said its parent group in an online statement.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Russia halts oil supply to Poland: Polish refiner. ecns.cn Russia has halted oil supplies to Poland via the Druzhba pipeline, Poland's leading oil and gas conglomerate PKN Orlen said Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). World's first GST membrane LNG storage tank enters operation in China. ecns.cn A project with the world's first on-land GST membrane full containment liquid natural gas (LNG) storage tank located in Hejian, North China's Hebei Province, was officially delivered after 100 days of trial operation.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China sees strong labor demand as economy recovers after pandemic. ecns.cn After Spring Festival, with the resumption of work and production, job demand has greatly increased across China.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). U.S. needs to offer clear explanation about its 'plan for destruction of Taiwan': Chinese FM. ecns.cn The U.S. needs to offer a clear explanation about the "plan for the destruction of Taiwan," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin at a press conference on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Chinese balloon maker rejects role in military production. ecns.cn Zhuzhou Rubber Research &Design Institute Co Ltd, a Hunan-based subsidiary of State-owned China National Chemical Corp (Sinochem), has denied recent allegations that "it is involved in military production", said its parent group in an online statement.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Russia halts oil supply to Poland: Polish refiner. ecns.cn Russia has halted oil supplies to Poland via the Druzhba pipeline, Poland's leading oil and gas conglomerate PKN Orlen said Saturday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). World's first GST membrane LNG storage tank enters operation in China. ecns.cn A project with the world's first on-land GST membrane full containment liquid natural gas (LNG) storage tank located in Hejian, North China's Hebei Province, was officially delivered after 100 days of trial operation.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China sees strong labor demand as economy recovers after pandemic. ecns.cn After Spring Festival, with the resumption of work and production, job demand has greatly increased across China.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). U.S. needs to offer clear explanation about its 'plan for destruction of Taiwan': Chinese FM. ecns.cn The U.S. needs to offer a clear explanation about the "plan for the destruction of Taiwan," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin at a press conference on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Beijing Zoo ready to welcome back giant panda from U.S. ecns.cn The Beijing Zoo has began preparation work to welcome Yaya, a 23-year-old giant panda living in Memphis Zoo in the United States for 20 years, back home, reported the Beijing News Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Jankovic appointed head coach of Chinese national football team. ecns.cn The Chinese Football Association (CFA) announced on Friday that 50-year-old Serbian Aleksandar Jankovic has been appointed as the head coach of China's men's national team.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). EU agrees on 10th package of sanctions against Russia. ecns.cn The European Union (EU) has agreed on the 10th package of sanctions against Russia, said the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU on Twitter Friday night."ÄÄ"ÄÄ"The package includes, e.g.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Chinese medical team trains Zambian doctors to remove brain tumors. ecns.cn Zambian doctors have successfully conducted four surgeries to remove tumors from the brain following a training conducted by the 23rd batch of the Chinese medical team, a senior neurosurgeon at the country's biggest hospital said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Banks in GBA to feel boom with new measures. ecns.cn Financial institutions expect a boom in the cross-border capital market of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with the deepening of the financial sector's opening-up and reform in the area.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Aussie businesses upbeat about opportunities in west China. ecns.cn Representatives from Australian businesses expressed their anticipation and interest in opportunities in west China, as the latter is eyeing more investment and trade cooperation with foreign countries.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China initiates nationwide effort to protect bird migration passages. ecns.cn China on Friday kicked off a nationwide effort to protect bird migration passages. | Launched in Zhuhai, south China's Guangdong Province, the effort is part of the promotion campaign for World Wildlife Day, which falls on March 3 this year.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Chinese police arrest 90,000 for wildlife crimes. ecns.cn Chinese police handled more than 70,000 wildlife-related criminal cases from 2020 to 2022, arresting over 90,000 suspects, a public security official told a press conference Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Guangdong's co-op zones to boost financial opening up. ecns.cn China's central bank and four other authorities have released measures to deepen financial reforms and opening up in Qianhai and Hengqin in southern Guangdong Province.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Deputies to 14th NPC broadly representative. ecns.cn The deputies to the 14th National People's Congress (NPC), China's national legislature, make up a broad cross-section of people, with every region, ethnic group and sector of society having an appropriate number of representatives.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Heart disease likely cause of giant panda's death. ecns.cn Giant panda Le Le, who died early this month in the Memphis Zoo in the United States, may have succumbed to heart disease, a joint autopsy by Chinese and US experts has showed.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China to install new optical telescope on Pamirs. ecns.cn China will install a new optical telescope on the Pamirs, which will be the third largest in the country, according to Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Recruitment process for foreign astronauts due to start. ecns.cn China will soon start the selection and training process for foreign astronauts for joint flights to the country's Tiangong space station, according to a high-ranking space official.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). 20th CPC Central Committee starts 2nd plenary session in Beijing. ecns.cn The 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) started its second plenary session in Beijing Sunday afternoon.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Tibet sees increasing green coverage year by year. ecns.cn More trees and expanding grasslands have covered southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region over the years, thanks to central and local government's afforestation efforts, official figures showed.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). U.S. fabrication on China's airship violates international obligations: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn "Without any evidence, the U.S. wrongly called the airship a 'spy balloon' and responded with abuse of force. That was a flagrant violation of the Chicago Convention and multiple basic principles of international law," Wang said.‚ÄÇ…

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China to continue to provide strong driving force for building green Silk Road: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn Chin will continue to provide a strong driving force for building a green Silk Road, and work with the rest of the international community to build a planet which enjoys harmony between man and nature and between the economy and environment, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Rising Economic Polarization in the United States: Truth and Facts. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China to strengthen international sci-tech cooperation: official. ecns.cn China will continue to strengthen opening-up and cooperation in science and technology, and push for progress in bilateral and multilateral inter-governmental sci-tech cooperation for mutual benefit.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). China launches Horus 1 remote sensing satellite. ecns.cn A Long March -2C carrier rocket carrying with Horus 1 remote sensing satellite blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, Feb. 24, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Six dead in mine collapse in Inner Mongolia. ecns.cn Rescue work is underway at the site of a collapsed mine in Alxa League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Feb. 23, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). The charm of traditional Tibetan clothing. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Cradle of Civilization: Potala Palace. ecns.cn The Potala Palace, a well-known cultural and historical landmark, has stood atop a craggy hill, overlooking Tibet's regional capital of Lhasa for 1,300 years. Built in the 7th century, the palace is a treasure trove of Tibetan history, culture, and art. | The palace was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). More than 50 Tang tri-colored glazed pottery figures unearthed. ecns.cn More than 50 tri-colored glazed pottery figures of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and rare such pottery ware were unearthed from a tomb in east China's Shandong Province on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). 3D-printed statue replica displayed in Qingdao. ecns.cn A 3D-printed Buddha statue, which is 10 meters tall, has been on display at a media plaza in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province.

ecns.cn (2023-02-26). Qingtuan: Tastes of spring set mouths watering. ecns.cn With Qingming, or Tomb-Sweeping Day, approaching, customers in Shanghai have rushed to buy Qingtuan, a green glutinous rice ball that is a popular spring dessert for Shanghainese and those from the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

edited from Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young (2023-02-26). Agriculture in America: Deeply Rooted in Black Culture. indybay.org 2023 California Pan African Food and Ag Pavilion will showcase our 350+ billion-dollar annual California Working Landscape and new opportunities for Black Agriculture to align efforts within the #1 "California Grown" US Ag industries in the global marketplace. Past, present and future pioneers of African Descent continue to light a bright path in today's plethora of opportunities.

Editor (2023-02-26). A Dangerous Fishing Expedition: The Select Committee on China. scheerpost.com By Eve Ottenberg / CounterPunch Riled up against China, GOP congressmembers have long felt that Washington's new cold war needed a special venue. So as soon as the baton passed to Republicans in the House, they set up a select committee on China. This is majority leader Kevin "Trump's the Man" McCarthy's baby, and if …

Editor (2023-02-26). The Washington Post Is Coming for Your Retirement Benefits. scheerpost.com

Headlands Center for the Arts (2023-02-26). Wednesday 3/8: Open Studio with Omid Mokri. indybay.org Headlands Center for the Arts | 944 Fort Barry | Sausalito, CA 94965…

Housing Matters (2023-02-26). Saturday 4/1: March to End Homelessness. indybay.org Meet at Cedar Street & Cathcart Street, Santa Cruz…

International Kadampa Retreat Center, GC (2023-02-26). Saturday 3/4: Open House – International Kadampa Retreat Center in Arizona. indybay.org International Kadampa Retreat Center – Grand Canyon | 6701 East Mountain Ranch Road, Williams, AZ 86046…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-26). Behind the Self-Defeating Approach Toward the National Protest against the US War on Russia in Ukraine. libya360.wordpress.com Stansfield Smith Those who brought us Rage Against the War Machine recognized if we are to defeat the non-stop imperial war machine that rules over our lives, we must work with all people possible under its boot. Until we all do, we defeat ourselves. The Rage Against the War Machine, which stood up against the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-26). Donbass: A Story of Defiance. libya360.wordpress.com Simes Dimitri Russell Bentley is no stranger to facing death. In December 2014, the Texas-native arrived in the Donbass region to help the newly-formed local militias defend against Ukrainian government forces. During his very first battle, Bentley narrowly dodged an enemy sniper bullet headed his way. Not long afterwards, Bentley was sleeping in a basement…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-26). Iran and Bolivia United against the Unilateral Hegemony of the US. libya360.wordpress.com Sdenka Saavedra Alfaro The fight for a common front framed in the multilateralist vision, which strengthens the peoples with conscience and worldview against the hegemonic American and European terrorism, which only thinks of invasions, interference, looting and exploitation of natural resources at the cost of death, pain, misery; It is the fundamental strategy in the…

Jazmin Orozco Rodriguez (2023-02-26). Upcoming Cuts to Emergency SNAP Benefits Threaten Food Security in Rural America. truthout.org ELKO, Nev. — On a cold morning in early February, Tammy King prepared and loaded boxes and bags of vegetables, fruits, milk, frozen meat, and snacks into cars lined up outside the Friends in Service Helping food pantry, known in rural northeastern Nevada as FISH. The beginning of the month is busy for the food pantry, King said, because people who receive benefits from the federal Supplemental… |

Jenna Bettencourt (2023-02-26). Childhood Social Media Usage and Impacts on Identity Formulation in Emerging Adults. indybay.org

Joe Lauria, Consortium News. (2023-02-26). More Evidence Emerges That US Wanted Russia To Invade. popularresistance.org The U.S. got its war in Ukraine. Without it, Washington could not attempt to destroy Russia's economy, orchestrate worldwide condemnation and lead an insurgency to bleed Russia, all part of an attempt to bring down its government. Joe Biden has now left no doubt that it's true. | The president of the United States has confirmed what Consortium News and others have been reporting since the beginnings of Russsiagate in 2016, that the ultimate U.S. aim is to overthrow the government of Vladimir Putin.

Juan Cole (2023-02-26). Climate Emergency: Extreme Heat Waves will increase 600% in Israel, Middle East, over 80 years, as 70% of Youth consider Emigrating. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Ruth Schuster at Haaretz reports on a new study led by Assaf Hochmann at Hebrew University, finding that extreme heat waves in Israel will increase 600% over the next 80 years. Not only will this change strike Israel but also Egypt, Syria, Jordan and southern Türkiye, with the potential for …

Kate Yoder (2023-02-26). A Looming El Niño Could Give Us a Preview of Life at 1.5C of Warming. truthout.org The last three years were objectively hot, numbering among the warmest since records began in 1880. But the scorch factor of recent years was actually tempered by a climate pattern that slightly cools the globe, "La Niña." This year and next, La Niña might give way to its hotter counterpart, El Niño. Distinguished by warm surface waters in the tropical Pacific Ocean, the weather pattern has… |

Kevin Gosztola (2023-02-26). March To Iraq War, 20 Years Later: February 26, 2003. thedissenter.org The Dissenter Newsletter recalls each day in the timeline of events that led up to the US invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, twenty years ago…

Kite Line (2023-02-26). Kite Line: Keith LaMar on Hunger Strike, Rolling Back Repression in Atlanta. itsgoingdown.org Long-running abolitionist radio show and podcast Kite Line brings us news about Keith LaMar on hunger strike and the fight against repression in Atlanta. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Earlier this week, Keith LaMar went on hunger strike at the Ohio State Penitentiary. He has faced escalating harassment from administrators and…

Labor Video Project (2023-02-26). "Nuking A Town With Chemicals To Get A Railroad Open" & Railroad Labor With SMART. indybay.org The nuking of Palestine, Ohio to remove the toxic waste has exposed the serious and dangerous health and safety conditions in the rail industry and the failure of the government to have oversight and control in this catastrophic disaster. WorkWeek interviews Jerad Cassity who is SMART-TD National Safety Team (NST) Chief of | Safety about this incident and the working conditions and health and safety of railroad workers.

Labor Video Project (2023-02-26). The NTSC, E.Palestine Railroad Wreck, Rail Safety & Nationalization With RWU's Hugh Sawyer. indybay.org WorkWeek looks at the NTSB report on the toxic railway wreck in East Palestine and the causes of it with railroad engineer Hugh Sawyer who is with Railroad Workers United. He reports on the systemic issues that have led to this and many other derailments, the dangers that the East Palestine community are faced with and the need for nationalization of the railroads.

Labor Video Project (2023-02-26). SF Rally To STOP The War In Ukraine On The First Year Anniversary. indybay.org On the one year anniversary of the Ukraine war a rally was held against US intervention.

Lee Siu Hin, China-US Solidarity Network (2023-02-26). "Vaccine and Sactions" "疫苗与制裁" A New China-US Joint Production Documentary by Lee Siu Hin. indybay.org

Leon Kunstenaar (2023-02-26). Multiple Actions in Bay Area Feb. 24 as Ukraine War Enters Second Year. indybay.org Peace Actions in downtown San Francisco and Israeli consulate on Montgomery Street protested…

Linda Benesch (2023-02-26). It's Time for the Wealthy to Pay Their Fair Share Into Social Security. truthout.org Is your salary less than $160,200? If so, you're among the 94 percent of American workers who pay into Social Security all year long. But there's a privileged group that's about to stop paying into Social Security for the rest of 2023: People who make $1,000,000 a year. Their last day of contributing to Social Security is February 28. That's not even the worst of it. Tucker Carlson… |

Luis Feliz Leon, Labor Notes. (2023-02-26). Restaurant Workers at Rockefeller Center's Lodi Confront Union-Buster Ahead of Vote. popularresistance.org Lodi, an Italian-style fine dining cafe in Rockefeller Center, has what the New York Times calls "a captive audience" given its central location in a Manhattan tourist magnet. Workers at the restaurant say they're a captive audience of another kind—for the anti-union diatribes of a highly paid consultant. They are demanding that the cafe improve working conditions, benefits, staffing, scheduling, and training—but the major sticking point is wages. Kitchen workers earn between $18 and $21 an hour, while cashiers earn $25, and there's no discernible reason for the discrepancy.

Mat Ward (2023-02-26). 10 new albums to put the world to rights. greenleft.org.au Mat Ward looks back at February's political news and the best new music that related to it.

mforinoco (2023-02-26). Anti-Democratic Violence Won't Stop Bolivia's Path of Social Progress — Interview with Camila Escalante. orinocotribune.com Labour Friends of Progressive Latin America activist Logan Williams speaks to Bolivia-based journalist Camila Escalante on the recent destabilization attempts and violent anti-democratic actions from the far-right. | LW: Hi Camila, thank you for agreeing to answer some questions on the current situation in Bolivia. | Much of the global left, including here in the UK, is increasingly concerned about the efforts to destabilize the MAS (Movement Towards Socialism) government led by President Arce perpetrated by right-wing activists in the Santa Cruz region. Could you explain a little more about these events and thei…

mforinoco (2023-02-26). UK: 14 Questions for John McDonnell (and others) on Ukraine. orinocotribune.com By Paul Atkin — Feb 22, 2023 | John McDonnell's John's judgement on the war is oddly flat, missing whole dimensions of the conflict and lacking any sense of causation beyond a kind of moralism, the 21st century equivalent of WW1 "German War G…

Middle East Monitor (2023-02-26). Israel submits Plans for 7,000 new Squatter-Settlement Units in Palestinian West Bank. juancole.com ( Middle East Monitor) — Israeli occupation authorities have submitted plans to build 7,157 new settlement units in the E1 area that would bisect Palestinian contiguity in the occupied West Bank, Israeli media reported on Thursday. This is part of the annexation pledges made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to his far-right partners in …

Mike Gonzalez (2023-02-26). As US Reengages Maduro, Oil Giants Earn Deals — and Venezuelans Protest. truthout.org In late November 2022, an article in The Economist reported that "things have changed in Caracas" with the new availability of luxury consumer goods, a new generation of high-end restaurants and the return of traffic jams. Add to that a new Ferrari dealership and it becomes clear what sections of the population are the beneficiaries of the changes — a tiny minority of wealthy Venezuelans. |

Miko Peled, Mintpress News. (2023-02-26). Netanyahu And Ben-Gvir Have All But Guaranteed A New Intifada. popularresistance.org There is a story about the Roman Emperor Nero, according to which he set Rome on fire just so that he could see the flames. The story may or may not be true, but when Palestine is in flames, history will remember who lit the match. | Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime minister of Israel, will be remembered as the reckless politician who gave Itamar Ben-Gvir the green light to set a fire that will consume Palestine and cause death and destruction, the scale of which has never been seen before.

Mothers on the March + (2023-02-26). Wednesday 3/1: Justice for Keita O'Neil. indybay.org Hall of "Justice" | 850 Bryant Street | San Francisco…

Mothers on the March (2023-02-26). Friday 3/3: POA: SHUT IT DOWN! indybay.org On the sidewalk in front of the San Francisco Police Officers Association: 800 Bryant @ 6th Street in San Francisco…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Hospice care: Comfort at the end of life. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It was announced earlier this week that former President Jimmy Carter has entered hospice care. But just what is hospice care and how it can provide comfort and support? Hospice care is for people who are nearing the end of life. The services are provided by a team of health care professionals who maximize comfort for a person who is terminally ill by reducing pain and addressing physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. To help…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Mayo Clinic Minute: Heart disease in African American women. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in women in the U.S. And African American women have an even higher risk of dying from heart disease ‚Äï and at a younger age ‚Äï than white women, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. LaPrincess Brewer, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says this serious issue is compounded by the fact that many African American women are not…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Consumer Health: Pregnancy and the heart. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Pregnancy can be an exciting, happy time. It also can be an anxious time, especially if you have an underlying health problem, such as heart disease. February is American Heart Month, which makes this a good time to learn about heart conditions and pregnancy. Pregnancy stresses your heart and circulatory system. During pregnancy, your blood volume increases by 30% to 50% to nourish your growing baby. This makes your heart pump more blood each minute and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Consumer Health: What do you know about encephalitis? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org World Encephalitis Day will be observed Wednesday, Feb. 22, which makes this a good time to learn more about this potentially life-threatening disease. Encephalitis affects nearly 500,000 people of all ages worldwide each year, according to the Encephalitis Society. What Causes it Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. The inflammation can be caused by an infection, most often a virus, invading the brain (infectious encephalitis), but it also can be caused by the immune system attacking the brain in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Mayo Clinic Minute: Hope for spontaneous coronary artery dissection, SCAD. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Research on spontaneous coronary artery dissection, or SCAD, has exploded in the last decade, says Dr. Sharonne N. Hayes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist and a leading expert on this rare heart condition. Though there have been many advancements in understanding SCAD, Dr. Hayes says there is still much to learn, including why 90% of these types of heart attacks happen to nonstereotypical heart attack patients — young women. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/HVz5wqWOctA Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 57) is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Black History Month – Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua, helping at-risk patients and increasing diversity in clinical trials. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua Black History Month is a month for all people to celebrate and learn about the diverse and important contributions of Black Americans to American society and culture, as well as to reflect on the ongoing fight against racism, inequity, and discrimination. The Mayo Clinic News Network is profiling several Mayo Clinic physicians who are focused every day on achieving health equity through their work. Meet Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua, an oncologist with…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Science Saturday: Bioengineering vocal cords. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Tissue engineering techniques discovered at Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University created a humanlike vocal cord (fold) structure with the potential to produce a natural-sounding voice. The bioengineered scaffold mimics human vocal folds, with ability to vibrate and make sound. The study team reported the tissue-engineered vocal fold structure suggests potential for growing cells capable of healing scar tissue that impair speech. This research is published in Biomacromolecules. "Tissue engineering is a promising approach that combines…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Tips to keep stress from hurting your heart. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Everyone reacts to stress differently, and how you react can impact the chance of developing serious health issues, including heart disease. Your body's response to stress may include muscle aches and headaches, back strain, stomach pains, and other physical symptoms. Stress also can make you tired, disturb normal sleep patterns, and leave you irritable, forgetful and out of control. When stress is constant, your body remains in high gear for days or weeks, which can lead…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Dementia-related pain: What caregivers need to know. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dementia isn't a specific disease. Instead, it describes a collection of symptoms that affect a person's thinking and social abilities enough to interfere with daily life. There are more than 55 million people worldwide living with dementia. Of these, 50% to 60% have Alzheimer's disease. Dementia is the seventh leading cause of death worldwide. There is a constellation of dementia symptoms, and memory loss is the primary feature. Other common symptoms are physical functional decline…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Mayo Clinic Q and A: What is cholangiocarcinoma and how is it treated? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My mother has been experiencing unusual and persistent fatigue, abdominal pain, and jaundice. After undergoing a CT scan, her doctor diagnosed her with cholangiocarcinoma. What is this type of cancer? And what treatment options are available? ANSWER: Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare cancer that develops from the bile ducts, which are slender tubes that carry the digestive fluid bile and connect the liver to the gallbladder and small intestine. The tumor can occur anywhere along…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you getting enough sleep for your best heart health? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting a good night's sleep is important. But exactly how much sleep do you need? Recently, the American Heart Association added sleep to its checklist for improving and maintaining your heart health. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains how many hours of sleep people need for optimal heart health. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/qeoBv7lye4I Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 06) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Mayo Clinic ranked No. 3 on Forbes list of 'America's Best Large Employers'. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic was ranked No. 3 by Forbes in its 2023 list of "America's Best Large Employers," which was released today. Mayo Clinic was ranked No. 7 on the list in 2022. Mayo Clinic was ranked No. 3 on the Forbes list of "America's Best Large Employers," which was released this week. Mayo was ranked No. 7 on the list in 2022. As in 2022, hospital systems and medical centers were prominently featured on the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Davis, Dunn to join Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Jed Davis, president and CEO of DDI Inc., which operates the Davis Family Office headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, and AJ Dunn, chief administrative officer of Mayo Clinic in Florida, were elected to the Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees at its quarterly meeting on Feb. 17. "Jed Davis and AJ Dunn are insightful, dedicated and accomplished leaders with a strong background in executive governance and a firm commitment to Mayo Clinic's mission and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Dr. Prathibha Varkey recognized as one of Modern Healthcare's 'Top 25 Women Leaders'. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Prathibha Varkey, M.B.B.S., president of Mayo Clinic Health System, was recognized by Modern Healthcare as one of the "Top 25 Women Leaders" for 2023. The profiles of all the honorees are featured in the Feb. 20 issue of Modern Healthcare magazine and online at ModernHealthcare.com/topwomenexecs. This prestigious recognition program acknowledges and honors women executives from all sectors of the health care industry for their leadership in care delivery improvement, health equity, policy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Mayo Clinic remembers Dr. Robert Hattery, former CEO of Mayo Clinic in Rochester. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Robert Hattery, M.D., second from left, at Mayo's 150th anniversary celebration in 2014. Robert R. Hattery, M.D., former CEO of Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and longtime Mayo Clinic advocate, died on Feb. 11, 2023. "Dr. Hattery was a builder of people," says Claire Bender, M.D., emeritus member of the staff in Radiology. "He was a true leader who was highly respected, fair, extremely hard working and always dedicated to Mayo Clinic's patients and staff."…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Avoiding shoulder injuries while shoveling snow. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Last winter, I slipped and fell shoveling snow. I have arthritis in one of my shoulders. I'm concerned about having another injury. How common are shoulder injuries during the winter due to shoveling snow and other activities? What advice do you have for how to avoid injuring my shoulder? ANSWER: Unfortunately, the numbers don't lie. In Mayo Clinic's orthopedics practice, the number of people who need care due to shoulder injuries increases substantially during…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Mayo Clinic Minute: Obesity and heart disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It's long been known that being overweight or obese can make a person more apt to develop conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, which can lead to cardiovascular disease. But experts at Mayo Clinic say obesity also can affect the heart in entirely independent ways. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains the resources available to help patients battling obesity and heart disease. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Winter safety tips from a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Weather Service says a massive winter storm is moving across the U.S., with high winds, icy conditions and up to 2 feet of heavy snow expected in parts of the Upper Midwest. If possible, limit travel or stay off the roads if you live in the affected areas. "If you don't have to go out, it's best not to go. But if you do, plan just in case something bad happens," says Dr….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Mayo Clinic Minute: Snowblower safety. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Much of the nation is bracing for a massive winter storm that is working its way eastward across the country. Over the next few days, the storm is expected to bring heavy snow and blizzard conditions in the North, with sleet, freezing rain and thunderstorms across the South. Portions of the upper Midwest could see close to 2 feet of snow. With that in mind, you might want to get that snowblower fueled up. Dr….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-26). Staying safe during a major winter storm. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As several winter storms are expected to bring freezing rain, sleet and snow across the U.S., the National Weather Service reminds people to be safe and prepare in advance to ensure personal safety and well-being. As hospital emergency rooms have historically seen an influx of weather-related injuries with each winter storm, it is important to be adequately prepared to reduce the risk of medical emergencies. Dr. David Nestler, a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician, says falls are among the most…

No Nukes Action (2023-02-26). Saturday 3/11: On 3/11 At Fukushima No Dumping Radioactive Water Into Pacific Ocean & No Restarting Nukes. indybay.org San Francisco Japanese Consulate | 275 Battery St./California St | San Francisco…

OtherWords (2023-02-26). Derailments across the Country: Rail Workers Warned Us that Greed Is Dangerous. juancole.com By Rebekah Entralgo | — ( Otherwords.org ) — The toxic clouds that billowed up from a derailed freight train in Ohio this February are a chilling metaphor for the toxic greed that has infected so many of our big corporations. After having to evacuate, residents of East Palestine, Ohio are cautiously going back home, …

Philly Anti-Cap (2023-02-26). Report Back Philadelphia Demonstration Outside of Law Firm Supporting Cop City. itsgoingdown.org Report back from demonstration in solidarity with fight against Cop City outside of law firm connected to the project which threatens the Weelaunee forest in so-called Atlanta, GA. Originally published on Philly Anti-Capitalist. On Tuesday, February 21st, there was a demonstration in solidarity with the defense of the Weelaunee forest and the fight to stop…

r u 18 vote (2023-02-26). The Official White House Website Should Have A Photo Of The WHITE HOUSE, Not Ukraine! indybay.org The official WHITE HOUSE website should have a photograph of the WHITE HOUSE, not Ukraine. February 23 and February 24, 2023…

Renfrey Clarke (2023-02-26). Palestine activists campaign for 'Sydney statement'. greenleft.org.au Well over 100 academics and other educators, many of them Jewish, have signed an open letter to vice-chancellors opposing the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's Working Definition of Antisemitism. Renfrey Clarke reports.

Rhythmix Cultural Works (2023-02-26). Saturday 3/4: Art Of The African Diaspora Satellite Exhibit. indybay.org Rhythmix Cultural Works | 2513 Blanding Ave, Alameda CA 94501…

Ryan Cristián (2023-02-26). Dioxins: The Ohio Cover Up & The Overwhelming (Intentional?) Incompetence/Malfeasance Of The US Gov. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/26/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History (2023-02-26). Saturday 3/4: Extreme Weather Resource Fair: Small Talk, Big Topics. indybay.org Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History | 1305 E Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, CA 95062…

slingshot collective (2023-02-26). Sunday 3/12: Party to Celebrate Slingshot collective's 35th birthday. indybay.org Long Haul Infoshop – 3124 Shattuck Avenue Berkeley – 510-540-0751 – corner of Woolsey – 2 blocks from Ashby BART – across from La Pena.

Staff (2023-02-26). Cristina recordó a Néstor Kirchner en el día de su cumpleaños con un emotivo video. cubadebate.cu La vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner recordó a Néstor Kirchner en las primeras horas de este sábado 25 de febrero, cuando el expresidente hubiera cumplido 73 años. Lo hizo compartiendo el emotivo video que eligió su hija Florencia como íntima muestra de amor para su padre. "Recuerdos del amor", dijo vía Twitter.

Staff (2023-02-26). 📨 Modo Avión: Seguimos facturando; la saga continúa (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Hoy empezamos con una duda existencial: øPor qué los únicos que tienen derecho a ser invadidos por los extraterrestres son los estadounidenses? Es broma. Y hablando de cosas supernaturales, la loba y la bichota se unieron para tirarle con to' a Piqué y a Anuel AA. En menos de 24 horas TQG de Karol G y Shakira superó las 40 millones de reproducciones en Youtube.

Staff (2023-02-26). La Tira de los Lectores: øQué veo desde mi ventana? cubadebate.cu Hace unos días la convocamos y hoy regresa La Tira de los Lectores, sobre la realidad que se ve más allá de las ventanas y forman parte de nuestra cotidianidad. Nos llegaron fotos desde Cuba y varios países, que compartimos con los seguidores de esta columna.

Staff (2023-02-26). Cuba suma otros dos bronces en el Campeonato Panamericano de Clavados. cubadebate.cu Cuba sumó otras dos medallas de bronce durante el segundo día del Campeonato Panamericano de Clavados, una cita organizada por la ciudad mexicana de León y donde este sábado Prisis Ruiz y Laydel Domínguez subieron a un podio de premiaciones para prácticamente asegurar presencia en los cercanos juegos continentales de Santiago de Chile 2023.

Staff (2023-02-26). Duplantis establece nuevo récord del mundo de salto con pértiga por sexta vez: 6,22 metros. cubadebate.cu Armand Duplantis estableció este sábado, con un registro de 6,22 metros, un nuevo récord del mundo de salto con pértiga al imponerse en la reunión All Star Perche de Clermont-Ferrand, Francia.

Staff (2023-02-26). Más de 23 000 vehículos eléctricos producidos en Cuba entre 2020 y 2022 (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-02-26). Omara Durand regresa a las pistas: Compite este domingo en el Grand Prix Mundial de Dubái. cubadebate.cu La multilaureada Omara Durand estará de nuevo en las pistas desde este domingo, cuando inicie el Grand Prix Mundial de Paratletismo de Dubái 2023. En ese certamen se asegurarán plazas directas para los Juegos Paralímpicos de París 2024, en que Omara tiene previsto defender sus reinados en 100, 200 y 400 metros.

Staff (2023-02-26). Retiran estatua de Maradona del estadio del Napoli. cubadebate.cu Una estatua de la leyenda del fútbol Diego Armando Maradona, ubicada en el estadio del Napoli, en la ciudad italiana de Nápoles, fue retirada y devuelta a su autor, el escultor Domenico Sepe, quien la había donado. En diciembre de 2020 el estadio San Paolo del Napoli fue oficialmente rebautizado como Diego Armando Maradona.

Staff (2023-02-26). El tiempo: Tarde cálida con muy escasas lluvias. cubadebate.cu Amanecerá con poca nubosidad y se incrementará a parcialmente nublado en la tarde principalmente hacia localidades del interior con muy escasas lluvias. La tarde será cálida, con temperaturas que alcanzarán máximas entre los 30 y 33 grados Celsius.

Staff (2023-02-26). Examina Ramiro Valdés condiciones de termoeléctrica y Fábrica de Cemento en Nuevitas. cubadebate.cu El Comandante de la Revolución y vice primer ministro cubano, Ramiro Valdés Menéndez, analizó durante una visita a la norteña ciudad de Nuevitas la situación de la generación en la Central Termoeléctrica 10 de Octubre y el estado de la Fábrica de Cemento, esta última donde se ejecuta una de las obras de mayor impacto del país.

Staff (2023-02-26). Miles de manifestantes protestan en Berlín contra envío de armas a Ucrania. cubadebate.cu En Berlín se ha celebrado este sábado una concentración de miles de personas contra el suministro de armas a Kiev y la escalada del conflicto y a favor de las conversaciones de paz. Según los medios, 25 000 ciudadanos se congregaron en el centro de la capital alemana.

Staff (2023-02-26). Nueva jornada de protestas en Perú es reprimida con gases lacrimógenos. cubadebate.cu Las calles de la capital peruana, Lima, han vuelto a llenarse de manifestantes que respondieron a la convocatoria popular de una marcha nacional dirigida contra el Gobierno de Dina Boluarte, al que se responsabiliza de la muerte de al menos 60 personas por represión de la fuerza pública. "Dina, Policía y FF.AA. °Asesinos! Justicia y reparación para asesinados y heridos", se podía leer en las pancartas que se vieron durante la protesta.

Staff (2023-02-26). Pierde Cuba contra el club profesional Guardianes de Fubon. cubadebate.cu El equipo Cuba de béisbol abrió con derrota los partidos amistosos en territorio taiwanés al perder dos carreras por una contra el club profesional Guardianes de Fubon. Aunque la ofensiva antillana marcó nueve indiscutibles frente a los escasos cuatro de los rivales, otra vez evidenció sus dificultades para concretar anotaciones.

Staff (2023-02-26). Real Madrid rescató el empate ante Atlético. cubadebate.cu Un gol del canterano àÅlvaro Rodríguez evitó la derrota de Real Madrid en el derbi frente al Atlético que salió con un punto del Bernabéu con 10 hombres, el conjunto rojiblanco tuvo contra las cuerdas al campeón que revivió en la recta final con el empate que de poco le sirve porque Barcelona se escapa. Atlético de Madrid se quedó con la miel en los labios.

Staff (2023-02-26). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este domingo 26 de febrero. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este domingo 26 de febrero de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-02-26). Thomas Bach, titular del Comité Olímpico Internacional visitará Cuba. cubadebate.cu El presidente del Comité Olímpico Internacional, Thomas Bach, visitará Cuba los días 2 y 3 de marzo, como parte de una gira por Centroamérica y el Caribe, y en respuesta a una invitación cursada por el Comité Olímpico Cubano. La delegación está integrada además por el chileno Neven Ilic, presidente de la Organización Deportiva Panamericana (Panam Sport).

Staff (2023-02-26). UNE pronostica afectación de 324 MW en el pico nocturno de este domingo. cubadebate.cu En el día de ayer se afectó el servicio por déficit de capacidad en dos momentos, desde las 08: 23 horas hasta las 12: 58 horas con un máximo de 267 MW y en el horario pico a partir de las 16: 45 horas y hasta las 20: 51 horas. Para la hora pico se estima una disponibilidad de 2376 MW y una demanda máxima de 2700 MW, para un déficit de 324 MW.

Staff (2023-02-26). Malcolm X, su lucha continúa. cubadebate.cu Hace 58 años, el 21 de febrero de 1965, Malcolm X se encontraba de pie frente a una audiencia multitudinaria en el escenario del Audubon Ballroom de Harlem, cuando fue asesinado. Su esposa, Betty Shabazz, embarazada de mellizos, y sus cuatro hijas, de 6, 4 y 2 años y la menor, de cinco meses, estaban en el salón de baile y lo presenciaron todo.

Staff (2023-02-26). Venezuela Ratifies Border Reopening Schedule with Aruba, Bonaire and Curaàßao (+Brazil). orinocotribune.com Venezuela's Foreign Affairs Minister Yván Gil ratified the schedule of restarting maritime transit with Aruba, Curaàßao and Bonaire, on Saturday, February 25. This reopening of maritime borders comes as a result of the technical negotiations between Venezuela and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, an initiative that promoted the reestablishment of diplomatic and commercial relations, long awaited by business sectors in the three Dutch colonies in the Caribbean. | The information was announced by Minister Gil, who clarified that the transit with Curaàßao and Bonaire will restart on April 3, while for Arub…

Suds, Snacks,, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-02-26). Saturday 3/4: The Global Struggle for Women's Rights. indybay.org The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705…

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-02-26). Palestinos e israelíes acuerdan evitar actos de violencia. telesurtv.net Según medios árabes, la delegación palestina insistirá a Israel en la necesidad de cesar cualquier acción unilateral.

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2023-02-26). Presidente de Belarús visitará China a finales de febrero. telesurtv.net Comunicado de la Cancillería china detalla que Alexander Lukashenko estará de visita de Estado en la nación asiática entre el 28 de febrero y el 2 de marzo.

teleSUR, jaa, JDO (2023-02-26). Unión Interparlamentaria àÅrabe ratifica solidaridad con pueblo de Siria. telesurtv.net La Campaña Árabe e Internacional contra el Bloqueo a Siria promueve la iniciativa de enviar un convoy popular a esa nación para romper con el bloqueo impuesto por Occidente.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-02-26). Conozca sobre la vida del escritor francés Victor Hugo. telesurtv.net El escritor Victor Hugo es reconocido como uno de los mayores exponentes de la literatura universal.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Cristina Fernández pide investigar a la policía de Buenos Aires. telesurtv.net En la querella presentada ante la autoridad judicial se pide que se investigue la responsabilidad de la policía bonarense en el atentado contra Cristina Fernández.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Masacre deja cuatro muertos en Valle del Cauca, Colombia. telesurtv.net El Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Paz (Indepaz) reportó que este matanza es la número 20 en el país suramericano durante el curso de 2023.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). G20 fracasa en aprobar una resolución contra Rusia. telesurtv.net Los ministros de de China, Rusia, México y Türkiye no participaron en persona en la reunión de ministros de Finanzas del G20, pero estuvieron presentes en reuniones virtuales.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Al menos 40 migrantes mueren tras naufragio en costas de Italia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con las autoridades se teme que se puedan alcanzar más de 100 víctimas, luego que el número de migrantes que viajaban está entre 180 y 250.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Asciende a 60 cifra de migrantes muertos en costas de Italia. telesurtv.net De acuerdo con las autoridades se teme que se puedan alcanzar más de 100 víctimas, luego que el número de migrantes que viajaban está entre 180 y 250.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Terremoto de magnitud 6.1 se registra al norte de Japón. telesurtv.net No se ha emitido ninguna alerta de tsunami. No hubo informes inmediatos de heridos o daños importantes a la propiedad.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Gobierno de México lamenta retiro de embajador de Perú. telesurtv.net El Gobierno de México reitera su convicción de mantener abiertos los canales de comunicación diplomáticos en beneficio de ambas sociedades.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Comicios presidenciales se extienden en varias regiones de Nigeria. telesurtv.net A partir de las 18H00 horas de este domingo, comenzará el conteo final de votos de la elección presidencial, de acuerdo con autoridades electorales.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Inicia recuento de votos de elecciones generales en Nigeria. telesurtv.net Para garantizar la seguridad de las elecciones, la Policía nigeriana informó del despliegue de más de 301.900 agentes de seguridad por toda la nación.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Autoridades dominicanas detienen a 404 migrantes haitianos. telesurtv.net En los operativos fueron apresados 378 hombres y 26 mujeres en los sectores Friusa, Mata Mosquitos, El Ejecutivo, Cabeza de Toro, Villa La Fe y Kosovo, entre otros.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Presidente Putin afirma que Occidente pretende eliminar a Rusia. telesurtv.net El presidente ruso acusó a los países de la OTAN de ser cómplices, aunque indirectos, de los crímenes del régimen de Ucrania por suministrarle armamento.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-26). Cifra de muertos por terremotos en Türkiye se sitúa en 44.374. twitter.com En Siria, el número de muertos se situó en 5.914 con lo cual el balance de decesos en ambas naciones se ubicó más allá de los 50 mil tras los terremotos del 6 de febrero.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-26). Gobierno colombiano y ELN informan avances en diálogos de paz. telesurtv.net Las partes manifiestan que han avanzado en la definición de una visión compartida del proceso de paz y una metodología para tratar la agenda de diálogos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-26). Exigen en Berlín y Londres detener envío de armas a Ucrania. telesurtv.net Miles de manifestantes se pronuncian a favor de la paz y de una solución negociada al conflicto entre Moscú y Kiev.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-26). Autoridades de Chile reportan reducción de incendios en combate. telesurtv.net Descendieron de 33 a 21, cifra más baja del año. Se localizan en las regiones Bío Bío, La Araucanía, Ñuble y Los Ríos.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-26). Policía de Perú reprime protesta contra la impunidad. telesurtv.net Lanzan gas lacrimógeno en Lima a participantes en la marcha nacional contra la impunidad. Se reportan al menos dos heridos.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-26). Sube a 59 cifra de muertos por las lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net El gobernador de Sao Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, anunció que será creada una oficina estatal para acompañar de cerca las obras de reconstrucción en Sao Sebastiao.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-26). Daños por incendios forestales rebasarían los 600 mdd en Chile. telesurtv.net El Servicio Nacional de Prevención y Respuesta ante Desastres anotó que 458.157 hectáreas han sido consumidas por las llamas, que han provocado 25 muertos.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-26). Saludan avances en mesa de diálogo de paz entre Gobierno de Colombia y ELN. telesurtv.net "Confió en que las partes den pasos significativos sobre la agenda acordada, incluyendo temas de participación y cese al fuego", anotó el representante de la ONU.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-26). Conaie convoca a movilización contra Gobierno de Ecuador. telesurtv.net La máxima organización indígena del país, asimismo, exhortó a la Asamblea Nacional a impulsar un juicio político en contra de Lasso.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-26). Venezuela anuncia reapertura de tránsito con Aruba, Bonaire y Curazao. telesurtv.net "luego de finalizadas las mesas técnicas de negociación con el Reino de los Países Bajos, reiteramos el cronograma de apertura del tránsito", dijo el canciller.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-02-26). Ascienden a 64 los fallecidos por lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Las autoridades de la región señalaron que las últimas cinco víctimas fueron encontradas en la ciudad de Sao Sebastiao.

teleSUR- jaa, JCM (2023-02-26). Autoridades turcas detienen al alcalde de la ciudad de Nurdagi. twitter.com Las cifras más recientes subrayan que se han inculpado a 131 sospechosos y se han ordenado 113 arrestos.

Toward increased Networking (2023-02-26). From Today (Thu), 3 pm ("Stop Cop City"): Online events w) Vandana Shiva, Chomsky, etc. indybay.org Here are about 9 online events taking place over the next week+ (and starting at 3: 00 pm today, Thursday, 2/23), featuring people such as Dário Votório Kopenawa Yanomami, Paul Watson, adrienne maree brown, Vandana Shiva, Noam Chomsky, and many others. | These events are hosted from various locations all across the country, as well from Canada, Australia, and the UK (however, the listed times are all for our "Pacific time zone"). Of course, feel free to share this info with others who might be interested in it.

Vijay Prashad (2023-02-26). The French Are Leaving, But the War in the Sahel Continues. orinocotribune.com

WSWS (2023-02-26). Jacobin's lionization of Lula: a pseudo-left cover for war and reaction. wsws.org The latest fraud promoted by Jacobin in Latin America is that the return of Lula and the Workers Party (PT) to power in Brazil represents "a huge win for the global left."

WSWS (2023-02-26). UK regional teachers strike to begin as National Education Union prepares a sell-out. wsws.org Every union, including the NEU, has been desperate to dissipate the anger and opposition amongst public sector workers to the devastating impact of austerity and rising inflation producing a collapse in living standards and a funding crisis to essential public services.

WSWS (2023-02-26). Britain's Stop the War Coalition holds London rally against Ukraine war sparsely attended. wsws.org STWC was unable to enlist the support of a single prominent "left" figure in the Labour Party or trade union bureaucracy to speak from the stage, such as been the lurch to the right of these layers.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-02-26). The Pfizer Vaccine: A Tale of Two Reports. "Money vs. Mortality" globalresearch.ca

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-02-26). Der Mensch ist nur darum unglàºcklich, weil er die Natur verkennt. globalresearch.ca Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb des Namens des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Folgen Sie …

F. William Engdahl (2023-02-26). The "Great Zero Carbon" Conspiracy and the WEF's "Great Reset" globalresearch.ca The globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of "net zero carbon" by 2050. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, are setting the stage for creation of what is called the New Word Order. In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse.

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-02-26). The Importance of the Humanities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-02-26). "System of Nature": Man Is Only Unhappy Because He Misjudges Nature. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2023-02-26). Washington Egged On by Its Neoconservatives Has Concluded that Putin Has No Stomach for War Beyond a Limited Police Action. globalresearch.ca

Renee Parsons (2023-02-26). Munich Security Conference: "Intensifying Authoritarian Revisionism" globalresearch.ca

Jan Oberg (2023-02-26). Ukraine: One Year of War on Top of 30 Years of Conflict Escalation. The Only Re-armament Needed Is Intellectual and Moral — On All Sides. globalresearch.ca

Scott Ritter (2023-02-26). Arms Control or Ukraine? Scott Ritter. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-02-26). A 14-year Old Canadian Hockey Player Died Suddenly on Feb. 14, 2023. globalresearch.ca

Kurt Nimmo (2023-02-26). Biden, Supreme Court Move to Make It Difficult to Sue Norfolk Southern. globalresearch.ca

Mike Whitney (2023-02-26). The Plan to Wreck America. "The Globalist Billionaires" globalresearch.ca

Mojmir Babacek (2023-02-26). Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System. globalresearch.ca Note to readers: please click the share buttons above | This incisive article by Mojmir Babajek predicted more than 10 years ago, what is happening today, namely the development of informational weapons and the remote control of the human brain. | It …

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-02-26). The Pentagon's "Ides of March 2021": Best Month to Go to War? globalresearch.ca or the Romans, the month of March (Martius) marked "the time to start new military campaigns." As in the heyday of the Roman Empire, the Pentagon has a mandate to plan and implement a precise "timeline" of military operations.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). With the J6 footage release, the mainstream media begin to panic. americanthinker.com The great thing about their panic attacks is that they become intemperate and begin to tell the truth—which is that they believe only they may control the narrative.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Sequoia Capital executive admits 'even Democrats like me are fed up with San Francisco'. americanthinker.com Imagine that….

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Delusional Democrat Kamala Harris strikes again, this time on the cost of living crisis. americanthinker.com We all know Harris loves herself some California grass, but what is she smoking?>

americanthinker (2023-02-26). In Iran, mass demonstrations in Baluchestan — and beyond. americanthinker.com Day 163 of the Iranian national uprising for democracy was eventful in Iran's provinces.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Dumbing down America with DEI. americanthinker.com An agenda against minority certainly Americans exists, but it's not conservatives perpetrating the oppression.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Left-wing activism, too, obeys the laws of supply and demand. americanthinker.com Why woke progressive activism paradoxically intensifies as true social injustices decline.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). High school students raise $260,000 for an elderly janitor forced out of retirement due to rising costs. americanthinker.com Bidenflation has destroyed the savings of many elderly retired people, forcing them to return to work. Students helped an elderly custodian at their school out of the goodness of their hearts.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Stairlift company mocks Biden falling up the stairs in their latest advertisement. americanthinker.com Bumbling Joe's losing battle with stairs makes him the perfect cannon fodder for witty marketers.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Another bad day for the Inflation Reduction Act. americanthinker.com And one wonders if Joe Manchin and Jon Tester are squirming.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Vermont once embraced eugenics; now it embraces puberty-blockers. americanthinker.com The Green Mountain State has gone insane.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). The cancel-culture wood chipper goes for 'Dilbert'. americanthinker.com Scott Adams finally ran afoul of the woke left. The results were predictable, but still creepy.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Another conservative pastor canceled by Big Tech. americanthinker.com Google needs to give these well-meaning, patriotic people a break.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). People, publishers speaking out against 'insane' censorship of Roald Dahl. americanthinker.com This latest woke assault to common sense and freedom of expression might just be turning against those who launched it.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). America Cannot Survive If Its Citizens Lack Pride. americanthinker.com The LGBTQ+ cohort has coopted the word "pride," but it's a remarkably important concept that must exist in America as a whole.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). COVID Aftermath: When Science Fiction Becomes Reality. americanthinker.com Dystopian seemingly "futuristic" events are not part of a science fiction plot; they are occurring and have already occurred.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). Homily For Straying Lambs. americanthinker.com The Bible's timeless wisdom is an antidote to the nihilism and other ugliness to which our children are routinely exposed.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). The Duke is in the Altogether. americanthinker.com Daily life in the 21st century continues to outcrazy the satirists.

americanthinker (2023-02-26). The Man Who Saved the Second Amendment. americanthinker.com A dive into Justice Clarence Thomas' formational years provides us with a renewed spirit for our America.

Dean Baker (2023-02-26). Is Inflation Out of Control, Again? cepr.net The January data on consumer expenditures released yesterday had many people freaking out. The story is that the Fed is going to have to get out the big guns to really shoot inflation down. For those of us hoping that inflation would come down, without a big jump in unemployment, the report was definitely bad …

Dean Baker (2023-02-26). Savings, Taxes, Share Buybacks: Fun with National Income Accounts. cepr.net Many people who should know better have been saying silly things about households running down their savings and being forced to cut back consumption. The problem with these sorts of comments is that savings in our national income accounts have little to do with how most of us think about savings in our lives. Less …

Elliott Wallace (2023-02-26). Palestine, Israel holds security talks in Jordan. america.cgtn.com A wave of unrest and violence in the West Bank has only grown worse in the last year. Jordan invited the sides to Aqaba ahead of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in order to quell the violence.

Frank Breslin (2023-02-26). Why America Demonizes its Public-School Teachers. dissidentvoice.org Evaluating teachers on their students' performance is an issue that has elicited much comment over more than a decade. In essence, this view assumes that if students aren't learning, the fault lies squarely with their teachers alone. While the logic of this view seems compelling at first, a moment's reflection shows that it ignores several …

Ramzy Baroud (2023-02-26). Why Watering Down Palestinian Reality is a Crime. dissidentvoice.org On February 20, the United Nations Security Council approved a statement, described in the media as a 'watered-down' version of an earlier draft resolution which would have demanded that Israel "immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory." The intrigues that led to the scrapping of what was meant to be a binding …

Staff (2023-02-26). Mal manejo del desastre hace que suspendan retirada de residuos tóxicos en Ohio. cubadebate.cu La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EE.UU. ordenó la suspensión temporal de la retirada de los residuos tóxicos en East Palestine, Ohio, donde se descarriló un tren con un cargamento químico. La decisión responde al temor de que se propague la contaminación hacia otras áreas. Las autoridades emitieron una orden de confinamiento para 5 000 personas.

Staff (2023-02-26). David Swanson on Ukraine with Jimmy Durchslag at KMUD. davidswanson.org From Friday Night Talk February 24, 2023 at archive.kmudfm.org

Staff (2023-02-26). What Did the Peace Movement Do During the Destruction of Iraq? davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-02-26). What to Replace the Monroe Doctrine With. davidswanson.org

TRNN (2023-02-26). Apply now: Baltimore Pipeline of Working and Emerging Reporters (P.O.W.E.R.) Fellowship. therealnews.com Just Media and The Real News Network are joining forces to create more opportunities for emerging journalists in Baltimore, especially young Baltimoreans of color, to report on the local criminal justice system, informed by the experience of this system's impact on their own communities. | Who should report stories on policing and mass incarceration? Who gets a platform to cover the impacts of this carceral system on Baltimore's Black communities, and the alternatives these communities envision? | This…

Vijay Prashad, People's Dispatch. (2023-02-26). The Global South Refuses Pressure To Side With The West On Russia. popularresistance.org At the G20 meeting in Bengaluru, India, the United States arrived with a simple brief. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said at the February 2023 summit that the G20 countries must condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and they must adhere to US sanctions against Russia. However, it became clear that India, the chair of the G20, was not willing to conform to the US agenda. Indian officials said that the G20 is not a political meeting, but a meeting to discuss economic issues.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-25). In Jammu and Kashmir, 'eviction drive' sparks anger and protests from a cross-section of society. peoplesdispatch.org The administration of Jammu and Kashmir, which is directly under the Central government, launched an eviction drive in January, many of whose victims were farmers, workers and marginalized sections. Political parties and people's movements have slammed the drive with many critics calling it an attempt to bring about demographic change…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-25). Daily Round-up | China lays out plan for peaceful end to Ukraine conflict & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In this episode, we bring you stories of a Chinese peace plan for the Ukraine war, Israel approving over 7,000 settlements, two Yemeni men suing energy company Total over their detention and torture, and former Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno facing prosecution…

Pavan Kulkarni (2023-02-25). As Nigeria goes to the polls, Labor Party backed by the trade unions, emerges as strong third force. peoplesdispatch.org Africa's most populous country, Nigeria, is going to the polls on February 25. Key trade unions and progressive forces have backed the Labour Party and its presidential candidate Peter Obi to provide a break from the policies of the mainstream APC and PDP parties…

_____ (2023-02-25). Egypt: problems of the population. journal-neo.org According to a World Bank report, with proper policies to slow population growth, Egypt could have 141 million by 2050 instead of the expected 160 million. Egypt's current population is nearly 105 million. A report published in Cairo, "Achieving the Demographic Dividend in the Arab Republic of Egypt: Choice, Not Destiny," argues that slowing population growth …

_____ (2023-02-25). Demanding Transparency in East Palestine, Ohio. strategic-culture.org

_____ (2023-02-25). Russia Takes Another Step Back From the West. strategic-culture.org By Patrick LAWRENCE | News that Russia will suspend its participation in the New START nuclear arms pact, which arrived Tuesday via Vladimir Putin's annual address to the Federal Assembly, had to land hard. This suspension is not a withdrawal, as various Western media reports initially described it, and it is temporary, as the Russian president described it. It is a carefully attenuated move, then. But it is a big deal nonetheless, although it is not a big deal in the way Western officials encourage us to think it is. It is a big deal in ways that Western officials do not want us to think about. | "With today's d…

Aarathi Prasad (2023-02-25). [Perspectives] Rajat Khosla: shifting power structures in global health. thelancet.com Rajat Khosla was born in Old Delhi, India, where his grandparents, who were freedom fighters in the Indian independence movement, had migrated from Punjab before Partition. "There was a fair degree of critical consciousness in the family", Khosla recalls, "even if their means were little. The inspiration to do what I do came from the context in which I was growing up against a backdrop of deepening inequalities, economic crisis, communal strife and tensions, at a time when the anti-Sikh riots were taking place in Delhi.

Airiel B. | (2023-02-25). The Season Of Lent And What To Keep In Mind As Christians Observe The Global Ritual. newsone.com Christians across the globe are observing Lent, the 40-day period of prayer, self-sacrifice and fasting ahead of Holy Week and Easter. Here are three things to remember this year.

American Indian Resource Center at UCSC (2023-02-25). Monday 3/13: Architects of Abundance: Indigenous Regenerative Food Systems and the Excavation of Hidden History. indybay.org Merrill Cultural Center, UC Santa Cruz | Directions: goo.gl/maps/Z18NZ9XyVJREK1f89 | This is a hybrid event, presented both in-person and virtually.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Biden Denies the Russians a Choice. americanthinker.com It is not the case that the only alternatives in an American confrontation with another nuclear-armed power is either a "humiliating retreat" or nuclear war.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). COVID Immunization and Surveillance. americanthinker.com Vaccine passports are one of the major vehicles to create an international digital ID.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Election-Rigging from Abroad? I Am Shocked, Shocked! americanthinker.com The Guardian thinks it got a big scoop from a big bad Israeli tech company about its supposed involvement in election-rigging. Not exactly. The lefty news organization beclowned itself with its lack of tech knowledge.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Gun Law and the MSU Shooting. americanthinker.com Arguing that a mandatory jail term would have prevented the MSU shooter plays into the progressive war on gun rights.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). How to Write a Fake Medical Paper on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. americanthinker.com Five steps toward producing a scholarly paper that accuses… well, everybody of racism.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). The Real Meaning of Equity. americanthinker.com The Biden administration has perverted a perfectly good and just concept. Here is the real meaning of equity.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Can Vivek Ramaswamy fix Washington? americanthinker.com A new Republican presidential contender shows promise.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Children deserve to be taught accurate, unbiased history. americanthinker.com Leftists, however, are determined to pervert the historical truth about slavery in America to destroy race relations in modern America.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Democrats introduce resolution to ban Trump from US Capitol. americanthinker.com Eric Swalwell leads the way.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Dilbert creator Scott Adams is the latest to be canceled. americanthinker.com Newspapers pulled Adams's 'Dilbert' comics, and the left thundered its umbrage, after Adams reacted to a poll suggesting significant bigotry among black respondents.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Feminism 2023 is all about doublethink and 'doing whatever you wanna do' sans judgment. americanthinker.com After a young woman works herself up into a tizzy when asked to explain her views, we can glean one important bit of information.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Feminism 2023 is all about doublethink and 'doing whatever you wanna do' sans judgment. americanthinker.com After a young woman works herself up into a tizzy when asked to explain her views, we can glean one very important bit of information.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Like Shakespeare? You might be a right-wing terrorist! americanthinker.com The U.K. goes all-out in scouring the Western canon of great works.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). More lousy news from Biden's money-analyzing people. americanthinker.com A key Fed inflation measure rose more than expected…always more than expected.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). One, two, many Sri Lankas — the World Bank becomes Joe Biden's global greenie slush fund. americanthinker.com Biden's sleazy operatives have forced David Malpass out at the Bank and stuck in a "great reset" promoter with big greenie conversion plans for the developing world in his place.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Power grid attacks up 71% and Biden acolytes tell us it's all those white supremacists. americanthinker.com Pay no attention to those Russians or Chinese as America's power grid undergoes a barrage of attacks.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). The Democrats' dilemma: even Californians don't want Kamala Harris. americanthinker.com The same Democrats who rejected her during the primaries haven't warmed to her during the first two years of the Biden administration.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). The Founders' triple test. americanthinker.com The Founders were ordinary men who carried out extraordinary acts while serving the people and not the government they represented.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). The next state to legalize constitutional carry? americanthinker.com Look out, leftists!

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Ukraine's Zelensky has some accurate and arrogant words for Americans. americanthinker.com He knows that a specific segment of America backs him, but he threatens all Americans who fail to support his war.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Virginia politician wants to bring DIE inequality to Congress. americanthinker.com Just when you thought Democrats had finally hit the bottom of the stupid barrel….

Anand Naidoo (2023-02-25). The Heat: Russia-Ukraine Conflict: One Year On. america.cgtn.com A somber ceremony in Kyiv marks the one-year anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. With no end in sight, China issues a 12-point peace plan. Commemorations were held around the world to mark the one-year anniversary of the Russian-Ukraine conflict. The human toll is staggering. Tens of …

Andrea Mazzarino (2023-02-25). Children of War: The War on Terror and the Battle for Young Minds. juancole.com ( Tomdispatch.com ) — During a Veterans Day celebration in my small Maryland community, a teacher clicked through a slideshow of smiling men and women in military uniforms. "Girls and boys, can anyone tell me what courage is?" she asked the crowd, mostly children from local elementary schools, including my two young kids. A boy …

Anmol Arora, Ananya Arora (2023-02-25). [Correspondence] The promise of large language models in health care. thelancet.com The past few months have seen a rapid acceleration of innovation in the field of generative artificial intelligence with large language models (LLMs), capturing academic, media, and public attention. GPT-3, BERT, and ChatGPT are examples of LLMs that have been trained on swathes of the internet to produce impressive responses to human queries. The ability of these generalised LLMs to write fiction, develop computer code, and speculate on the future has prompted recognition that we are approaching artificial general intelligence for the first time.

Anonymous669 (2023-02-25). Greater Idlib: HTS Militants Killed, Another Wounded In Syrian Missile Strike. southfront.org Illustrative image. | On February 25, a guided missile strike by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) killed a militant of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and wounded another in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib. | The strike targeted an engineering vehicle of the terrorist group that was building fortifications near the town of Fleifel in the southern Idlib countryside. The SAA artillery shelled the town with heavy artillery after the strike. However, no additional casualties were reported…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-25). Hezbollah Mourns Fighter Days After Israeli Strikes On Syria, Shelling On Lebanon. southfront.org Ali Yahya al-Zein, AKA "Karbala". Source: Hezbollah Central Media. | On February 24, Hezbollah mourned one of its fighters without clarifying where or how he lost his life, which led to many speculations. | In a statement, the Lebanese group said that Ali Yahya al-Zein, also known as "Karbala," from the southern town of Chehour "martyred" while carrying out "his jihadi duty." A large formal funeral for the fighter was held in his hometown a day after the statement. | The announceme…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-25). In Video: Iran's Revolutionary Guards Unveil Long-Range Cruise Missile. southfront.org File image. | The Aerospace Force of the Iranian The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has fielded a new long-range cruise missile, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh announced on February 24. | Speaking on Iranian state television, the senior commander said that the ground-launched cruise missile has a range of 1,650 kilometers. The missile was named Paveh to commemorate Iranian troops who died while fighting in Iran's Kurdistan province during the war with Iraq. | The tele…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-25). Jordanian Army Intercepts Drone Carrying Weapons From Syria. southfront.org File image. | On February 25, the Eastern Military District of the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) thwarted an attempt to smuggle weapons from Syria into the Kingdom on a drone. | An official from the JAF's General Command said in a statement that the drone was intercepted by border guards while attempting to illegally cross the Jordanian border. An American-made M4-type assault rifle and four hand grenades were recovered from the quadcopter drone, which was booby-trapped."JAF will continue to deal firmly with any threat on…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-25). Kalashnikov Sent Modified AK-12 Rifles To Special Military Operation Zone For Evaluation. southfront.org The AK-12 assault rifle. | A batch of modified AK-12 assault rifles has been delivered to Russians troops in the special military operation zone in Ukraine for evaluation, Sergey Urzhumtsev, chief designer of Russian defense giant Kalashnikov, revealed in an interview with TASS that was published on February 25. "From the very beginning of the special military operation, we have been actively cooperating with the Defense Ministry and with those units that were first supplied with these samples. Based on this feedback, a…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-25). Russian Army Destroyed First ARTHUR Counter-Battery Radar Of Kiev Forces (Video). southfront.org File image. | The Russian military has destroyed an ARTHUR counter-battery radar of Kiev forces within the special military operation zone. | On February 25, video footage documenting the destruction of the advanced radar surfaced online. The radar was reportedly deployed on the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic. It's still unclear how exactly the radar was destroyed, although footage suggests that it was targeted with artillery. | The ARTHUR radar was developed by the Swedish company Ericsson…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-25). Russian Geran-2 Drones Wreak Ukrainian Positions In Special Military Operation Zone (Videos). southfront.org Illustrative image. | The Russian military continues to use Geran-2 suicide drones, which were allegedly supplied by Iran, in the ongoing special operation in Ukraine. | On February 25, video footage surfaced online documenting six recent Geran-2 drone strikes on positions of Kiev forces on different fronts within the special military operation zone. The drones hit their targets with pinpoint accuracy. | The Geran-2 is reportedly a derivative from the Shahed-136 suicide drone which was develope…

Anonymous767 (2023-02-25). Another War Crime: Kiev's Forces Strike Ambulance In Donetsk. southfront.org Click to see the full-size image | Forces of the Kiev regime published a video of intentional strike on an ambulance in Donetsk. The war crime took place on February 23. The strike, which was filmed by UAV, reportedly killed 4 medical workers. | Pro-Kiev forces commit such war crimes on a regular basis. Furthermore, the fact that the Ukrainian military released this video on its own demonstrates that the Ukrainian leadership sees nothing wrong in this kind of actions. |

Anonymous767 (2023-02-25). Military Situation In Bakhmut On February 25, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous767 (2023-02-25). Military Situation In Syria On February 25, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see the full-size image | On February 25, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded no case of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours | On February 25, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in Kafr Taal village | On February 24, several SAA servicemen reportedly were injured and killed by an IED explosion near Jassim town | On February 25, a Hurras al-Din commander namely Abu Abada al-Araqi was killed by a drone strike in the Qah are…

Anonymous767 (2023-02-25). Military Situation In Ukraine On February 25, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see the full-size image | Russian forces destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Avdeyevka with high-precision missiles | Russian forces destroyed an ammo depot of the AFU near Zaporozhye with high-precision missiles | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Kupyansk | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Nevskoye | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Mariinka…

Anonymous767 (2023-02-25). Military Situation In Yemen On February 25, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see the full-size image | The Liaison and Coordination Officers' Operations Room (loyal to Ansar Allah) reported 96 ceasefire violations in al-Hudaydah in the past 24 hours | On February 24, people in various cities under the control of Ansar Allah, held a mass rally and march under the title of "loyalty to martyr al-Sammad, solidarity with Palestine and warning to the aggressor coalition" on the occasion of the anniversary of the martyrdom of Saleh Ali al-Sammad, the former head of the Su…

Answer Coalition (2023-02-25). Join the Climate Crisis & Militarism contingent on March 18! answercoalition.org , The U.S. military is the world's largest institutional polluter, and beyond its unchecked massive release of carbon emissions its bases, weapons and vehicles leave a toxic legacy wherever they are. The health of many millions of people, and the future of the planet, is jeopardized everyday by the existence of the monstrous U.S. war machine. Join environmental activists and impacted communities on March 18 to help bring U.S. militarism front-and-center in the climate movement. | The Biden administration is determined to escalate the Ukraine war. The real goal of the massive arming and training of Ukrainian force…

Answer Coalition (2023-02-25). Join the Veterans' and GIs contingent on March 18! answercoalition.org , Continuing the long tradition of U.S. veterans and service members standing with the anti-war movement, we will stand together on March 18 to show veterans say NO to war! With continuing U.S. occupations in combat zones of Iraq, Syria and across Africa — and potential new conflicts with Russia, China and Iran — we will be making loud and clear that U.S. troops have the right to refuse to fight. | The Biden administration is determined to escalate the Ukraine war. The real goal of the massive arming and training of Ukrainian forces has nothing to do with the interests of Ukrainian, Russian or America…

Argentina Indymedia (2023-02-25). El Manifiesto Comunista 175 Años Después. indybay.org (February 21, 2023) 175 years ago Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published The Communist Manifesto. Rebelión reports from the bookstore, en Español…

Ben Norton (2023-02-25). Ukraine conflict 'caused by Europeans' love of war, hegemony', says Malaysia's ex leader. geopoliticaleconomy.com Malaysia's longest-serving Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said "the present war between Ukraine and Russia is caused by the Europeans' love of war, of hegemony, of dominance". He warned it "can be interpreted as the start of the Third World War".

Ben Norton (2023-02-25). West is out of touch with rest of world politically, EU-funded study admits. geopoliticaleconomy.com A study by the elite EU-funded European Council on Foreign Relations found the West is out of touch politically with the rest of the world. Most people in China, India, and Türkiye see Russia as an important ally, and they want multipolarity, not continued "American global supremacy".

Brandon Caldwell (2023-02-25). With 2nd Season, 'Bel-Air' Finds An Identity Far Beyond Its Beloved Predecessor. newsone.com

Brittani Banks (2023-02-25). How Howard Schultz Made Starbucks the Poster Child of Corporate Abuse. independentmediainstitute.org

Bruce C.T. Wright (2023-02-25). Should Brandon Miller Be Allowed To Play? Debate Rages Over College Hoops Star Embroiled In Gun Controversy. newsone.com University of Alabama basketball star Brandon Miller allegedly delivered a gun used in a murder and has kept playing uninterrupted, sparking a debate over whether he should be allowed to keep playing.

Caitlin A. Johnstone (2023-02-25). Russia and China draw 'red lines' on their borders; U.S. draws them on the other side of the Planet. mronline.org Reacting to China's announcement that it will be putting forward a proposal for a political settlement to end the war in Ukraine, the US ambassador to the United Nations said that if China begins arming Russia in that conflict this will be a "red line" for the United States.

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-02-25). Democrats Praise Bush, Want More Small-Business War Profiteers. thealtworld.com Listen to a reading of this article: | Well it's another big day for Democrats doing Democraty things. | At "I'll just say this honest…

Caoimhghin àì Croidheáin (2023-02-25). Living and Learning Against the Odds. dissidentvoice.org Samira is a young Zanzibari woman who had a big dream. To leave home, have a family and study for a career. In many countries this is done as a matter of course. However, in some places there are many struggles and difficulties, both social and financial, that must be faced. In Samira's Dream, we …

Carl LeVan (2023-02-25). Why The Nigerian Presidential Election Is So Unique And Critical This Year. newsone.com Polling clerks start to count the votes at a polling station after completing the voting process of the general election in Abuja, Nigeria on February 25, 2023. Nigeria will elect the President and Vice President and members of the Senate and House of Representatives. | Source: Anadolu Agency / Getty | Voters in Africa's largest democracy will While

Carlos Meneses Reyes (2023-02-25). La concepción del presidente Petro sobre el movimiento de masas. globalizacion.ca Asistí a la concentración en la Plaza de Bolívar en Bogotá.DC, a la 1 pm el martes 14 de febrero de 2.023. Miles de asistentes copaban una tercera parte del ágora, como se mencionaba en la antigua Grecia a la…

Carol Góis Leandro, Conrado Rodrigues, Pedro Carelli, Charles Morphy D Santos (2023-02-25). [Correspondence] Rebuilding an agenda for Brazilian science and technology. thelancet.com Brazil has had ongoing political crises and instability in the past 6 years, and federal funding for science and technology has reached an all-time low.

Cindy Hahamovitch, William P. Jones, Joseph A. McCartin, In These Times. (2023-02-25). In 1996, There Was Union Summer; This Year, There's 'Labor Spring'. popularresistance.org Something is stirring this spring. People in the U.S. are becoming increasingly interested in what commentators once called "the labor question," following recent organizing victories at Starbucks, Amazon and Apple stores; well-publicized strikes of teachers, nurses and railway workers; and the unionization of staff, graduate assistants and even faculty at scores of campuses, including the recent successful strike of nearly 50,000 academic workers on the campuses of the University of California. | Evidence of this mood shift is unmistakable this spring as students, campus staff and faculty, t…

Colin Todhunter (2023-02-25). What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. "Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy"? globalresearch.ca If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the implications would be? And why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations…

David Giesen (2023-02-25). Wednesday 2/22: SF Black Reparations Committee meets "40 acres and a mule" indybay.org SF Black Reparations | Wednesday, February 22 ∑ 7: 00 — 8: 00pm | Google Meet joining info | Video call link: meet.google.com/pgb-qrmy-hfu

Derek Seidman (2023-02-25). Buffalo Community Shows Support to Fired Tesla Workers Seeking Union. truthout.org "Hi everyone. We are Tesla Workers United." So began the press conference on Saturday, February 18, when a dozen Buffalo Tesla workers stood behind a makeshift podium to introduce their new union to the world. The workers at the press conference all worked in the Autopilot department at Tesla's massive Gigafactory 2 in South Buffalo, New York, labeling data for the company's self-driving program. |

DJ Mouse (2023-02-25). Ray McGovern on pipeline story…from Sunday's SF antiwar rally. indybay.org Undersea pipeline vanishes as UFO news balloon eclipses NATO attack!

Dr. Naomi Wolf (2023-02-25). Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide: Dr. Naomi Wolf on the Pfizer "Confidential Report" globalresearch.ca The truth is: I've been rendered almost speechless because recently I've had the unenviable task of trying to announce to the world that indeed, a genocide — or what I've called, clumsily but urgently, a "baby die-off" — is underway.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2023-02-25). America's Proxy War against Russia Started Nine Years Ago: The Minsk Peace Deal: Farce Or Sellout? globalresearch.ca With foresight, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts predicted in February 2015 that the Minsk Peace Agreement would lead us no where, with both Francois Hollande and Angela Merkel under the control of Washington. | First published on February 13, 2015 | *** | Judging …

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-02-25). Der Mensch ist gut, aber irritiert. Die Natur des Menschen ist friedlich. globalresearch.ca Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb des Namens des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Folgen Sie …

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-02-25). Man Is Good, But Irritated: :"The Nature of Human Beings is Peaceful" globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-02-25). Midazolam Murders: Were the Elderly in U.K Long Term Care Homes killed with Euthanasia Drugs and Labeled as COVID-19 deaths? globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). Xi meets Cambodian King, Queen Mother. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan on Friday had a cordial meeting with Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni and Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

Editor at Global Grind (2023-02-25). 'A Thousand And One': Teyana Taylor Stars In Sundance's Grand Jury Prize Award-Winning Film. newsone.com Source: Courtesy of Focus Features / Focus Features | The official trailer for Sundance award-winning film A Thousand and One, starring A Thousand and One follows unapologetic and free-spirited Inez (Taylor), who kidnaps her six-year-old son Terry from the foster care system. Holding onto their secret and each other, mother and son set out to reclaim their se…

Editor (2023-02-25). Poisoning America for profit: A brief history of Norfolk Southern's greed. mronline.org On Feb. 3, a Norfolk Southern train carrying vinyl chloride and other hazardous materials derailed in East Palestine, Ohio.

Editor (2023-02-25). U.S. sends troops to Taiwan after general threatens war with China by 2025. mronline.org The United States will quadruple the number of US forces stationed on Taiwan, which China claims as its own territory, in an effort to provoke a war with Beijing along the lines of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Editor (2023-02-25). From Russiagate With Love. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-02-25). How Can the Peace Movement Be More Effective? scheerpost.com By Tom Valovic / Mass Peace Action I'm probably not your typical peace activist. Over the last 15 years or so, I've been involved in a variety of volunteer and activist work in environmentalism, healthcare, and the best use of emerging technology. As a relative newcomer, I've found that the level of fierce dedication and …

Editor (2023-02-25). Rep. Gaetz Introduces War Powers Resolution To Pull US Troops Out of Syria. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-02-25). The Case for Diplomacy in Ukraine. scheerpost.com By Katrina vanden Heuvel and James Carden / CounterPunch As 2023 unfolds, we fear that American policy will continue to be characterized by both mission creep and the absence of any sort of diplomatic engagement with Russia. Throughout the course of the war, the Biden administration has slowly, steadily, even stealthily increased America's involvement. Calls …

Editor (2023-02-25). The Chris Hedges Report: How the Press Misled the Public on Russiagate. scheerpost.com Veteran New York Times reporter Jeff Gertz dissects the role of the media in concocting a false narrative portraying Trump as a 'Russian asset' rather than a homegrown horror.

Editor (2023-02-25). The True Test of a Civilization Is the Absence of Anxiety About Health. scheerpost.com By Vijay Prashad / Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research A few years ago, a minor medical problem took me to the Hospital Alemán-Nicaragàºense in Nicaragua's capital, Managua. While I was being treated, I asked the doctor, a kindly older man, if the hospital had been built in association with a German missionary organisation, given its …

El Comercio (2023-02-25). Ecuador: Former President Moreno Among 37 To Be Indicted. indybay.org The Ina Papers, not mentioned in our corporate media, revealed bribery related to the Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric project. Lenin Moreno was involved long before he was President of Ecuador, if these allegations are prove true.

Ellen Brown (2023-02-25). What Will Happen When Banks Go Bust? dissidentvoice.org Financial podcasts have been featuring ominous headlines lately along the lines of "Your Bank Can Legally Seize Your Money" and "Banks Can STEAL Your Money?! Here's How!" The reference is to "bail-ins: " the provision under the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act allowing Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFIs, basically the biggest banks) to bail in or expropriate their …

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-02-25). How the Super-Rich Destroy Our Minds. globalresearch.ca

ERA Coalition (2023-02-25). Tuesday 2/28: #ERANow: Equal Rights Amendment Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings Livestream. indybay.org

F. William Engdahl (2023-02-25). Global Planned Financial Tsunami Has Just Begun. globalresearch.ca Green Energy mandates are driving this inflation crisis: global shortages of fertilizers, soaring prices of natural gas, grain supply losses, coupled with the global snowballing of defaults, bankruptcies, amid a soaring inflation.

Geoff Watts (2023-02-25). [Obituary] Kenneth Dawson Bagshawe. thelancet.com Pioneer of treatment for choriocarcinoma. He was born in Marple near Manchester, UK, on Aug 17, 1925 and died in London, UK, on Dec 27, 2022 aged 97 years.

Global Research News (2023-02-25). Video: Massive Protests in France, Italy and Spain. globalresearch.ca

Grace van Deelen (2023-02-25). At Least 330 Species Are Contaminated With Cancer-Causing "Forever Chemicals" truthout.org A class of chemicals linked to multiple health hazards in humans have been detected in hundreds of wildlife species across the United States, according to a report issued Wednesday. The report was released by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) along with a map demonstrating that per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known as PFAS, are contaminating wildlife on every continent except… |

Hartwig Hohnsbein, Georg Rammer (2023-02-25). January 30, 1933 and Media make politics. indybay.org Edward Bernays, one of the most important developers of modern propaganda, wrote almost a hundred years ago: "The manipulation of the opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate the unseen mechanisms of society form an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country."

Hendrik Sybrandy (2023-02-25). Turkish-American seismologist leads U.S. relief effort after Türkiye earthquakes. america.cgtn.com The devastating earthquake in Türkiye and Syria has killed over 50,000 and displaced 1.7 million people. See how one Turkish-American seismologist is leading a major relief effort in the U.S.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-25). Going Underground Interview with Seymour Hersh. libya360.wordpress.com On this special episode of Going Underground, we speak to legendary journalist Seymour Hersh who sent shockwaves around the world when he released an article detailing how the US blew up the Nordstream pipelines. He discusses the motivations for Biden to blow up the pipelines, the evolution of the Russia-Ukraine war into a Russia vs…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-25). Russell 'Texas' Bentley: Russia Must End NATO Aggression in Ukraine Sooner Than Later. libya360.wordpress.com Russell Bentley is a former U.S. soldier who has been living in the Donbass since 2014 fighting against the NATO-backed Kiev regime. He claims that NATO troops are on the ground as mercenaries, shelling the Donbass region which is now part of the Russian Federation. He testifies that the NATO-sponsored aggression and war crimes have…

Isheka N. Harrison (2023-02-25). Egyptians Cancel Kevin Hart Show After Reported Reference to Black Ancient Egyptians: Inside Arab Whitewashing of African History. moguldom.com Kevin Hart was supposed to do a show in Cairo, Egypt, on Feb. 21, but it was canceled before the superstar comedian could take the stage. In a Facebook post, the promoters said the show was called off due to "local logistical issues." However, many believe it was actually because of the backlash Hart received …

James A. Lucas (2023-02-25). The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 "Victim Nations" Since World War II. globalresearch.ca

James Heddle (2023-02-25). The Nuclear Armed Madhouse. globalresearch.ca

JANET (2023-02-25). Double standard for Black NFL quarterbacks. iacenter.org By Olujimi Alade February 22, 2023 Lamar Jackson Quarterback Lamar Jackson's row with the NFL franchise Baltimore Ravens has been making the rounds as of late. Recently, the Ravens' public relations most likely leaked a story that the superstar quarterback turned down a $133 million contract. As soon as this news got out to the public, the slander commenced. All the stock insults that are leveled at Black athletes applied to Lamar Jackson and his contract situation such as: Why is he begging for so much to play a game? He should be grateful for an organization like the Baltimore Ravens! The NFL needs to stop cate…

Janine Jackson, Fairness, Accuracy in Reporting. (2023-02-25). Punitive Enforcement Does Not Save Lives, Or Reduce Drug Supply. popularresistance.org When it comes to drugs—that is to say, when it comes to drugs whose use by some people in some contexts is officially deemed illicit—to suggest any other approach than criminalization is to be told you aren't "taking the issue seriously." That any response not involving jail, prison, loss of livelihood, family separation, is widely deemed, essentially, a non-response is indication of an impoverished state of conversation. | But is that changing? Some pushback to the White House policy addressing fentanyl suggests that there is space for a new way to talk about drugs, and harm, and ways forward. | Mari…

Jasmine Gurley, Morehouse College Faculty. (2023-02-25). There Is No Cop City In The Beloved Community. popularresistance.org Atlanta, Georgia – As members of the Morehouse College faculty, we have grown accustomed to consoling and counseling our students as they attempt to grapple with cycles of police brutality. Year after year, as Black people continue to be abused and killed at the hands of the police, jailed and surveilled in barbaric ways, we struggle to make sense of it all. We struggle to help our students determine where we go from here. | But events that have transpired in Atlanta in recent months—specifically, the City's initiative to build a $90 million police training facility, commonly known as "Cop City"—give…

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-02-25). Did Legendary "Gonzo" Journalist Hunter Thompson Frighten Those in the Deep State So Much, He Had to Be Taken Out? covertactionmagazine.com Hunter S. Thompson's death 18 years ago remains suspicious. He left no suicide note and, according to the official story, supposedly shot himself while on the phone with his wife in mid-conversation—though she never heard any gunshots. The night before his death, Hunter told a friend: "They're gonna make it look like suicide. I know …

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-02-25). Corrupt Mexican drug czar "had a very close relationship for many years with U.S. intelligence," says Mexican security analyst. mronline.org CIA has a 15-20,000-page dossier on Genaro García Luna that, if ever released, would cause a political scandal bigger than Watergate, according to former CIA contract pilot.

John Zarocostas (2023-02-25). [World Report] Global maternal mortality rates stagnating. thelancet.com A new UN report shows that progress in reducing deaths of mothers plateaued between 2016 and 2020. John Zarocostas reports from Geneva.

Jonathan Watts (2023-02-25). [World Report] Health emergency over Brazil's Yanomami people. thelancet.com Infant mortality and disease among the Yanomami Indigenous People have soared following the encouragement of illegal mining. Jonathan Watts reports from Altamira, Brazil.

Juan Cole (2023-02-25). Top 6 Exciting Wind Power Developments in US, as investment in Offshore Wind Triples and Wind Generates 10% of US Electricity. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Renewable energy continues to burgeon rapidly in the United States. Here are some of the signs of a major transformation that may not always be apparent on the surface: 1. The US tripled that amount of money invested in offshore wind in 2022 to $9.8 billion, according to Kassia Micek …

Julian Rose (2023-02-25). Engineering a Cult of Chaos to Undermine Rational Thinking. globalresearch.ca

Kenny Stancil (2023-02-25). Locals Alarmed Over Plan to Inject Toxic Ohio Wastewater Underground in Texas. truthout.org Residents and officials in Harris County, Texas have expressed alarm since learning that contaminated water used to extinguish a fiery train crash in East Palestine, Ohio has been transported more than 1,300 miles to a Houston suburb for disposal. Houston's Coalition for Environment, Equity, and Resilience tweeted Thursday: "We are disturbed to learn that toxic wastewater from East Palestine… |

Kevin Gosztola (2023-02-25). March To Iraq War, 20 Years Later: February 25, 2003. thedissenter.org The Dissenter Newsletter recalls each day in the timeline of events that led up to the US invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, twenty years ago…

Kevin Gosztola (2023-02-25). Whistleblowers In Film: 'Three Days Of The Condor' (1975). thedissenter.org By September 1975, when "Three Days of the Condor" was released, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had been exposed for spying on thousands of antiwar and Black liberation activists. | The CIA had been implicated in the coup in Chile that resulted in the assassination of socialist President Salvador Allende. CIA plots to murder Congo President Patrice Lumumba, Dominican Republic President Rafael Trujillo, and Cuban President Fidel Castro were revealed two months later. | Senator Frank Church, who chaired the intelligence committee investigation into the CIA, described covert action as a "sem…

krish-rad_ind (2023-02-25). Bill Would Cut Pentagon By $100 Billion & China Comes Out w/ Peace Plan. rumble.com

Kyle Anzalone (2023-02-25). White House Believed 'Economic Nuclear Weapon' Would End Russian War in Ukraine. news.antiwar.com In the days after the invasion of Ukraine, the White House assessed President Vladimir Putin would end the attack if the US froze over $300 billion owned by the Russian central bank. However, the Washington-led economic war on Moscow has failed to have a major impact on the Russian economy. According to Bloomberg, in the …

Larry Johnson (2023-02-25). America's Delusional Military Fantasy. sonar21.com Seven years ago General David Petraeus and analyst Michael O'Hanlon wrote this paean to the U.S. military: The United States has the best military in the world today, by far….

Lyn Neeley, Workers World. (2023-02-25). Portland Supports Postal Workers. popularresistance.org Portland, Oregon – Dozens of Portland postal union members, union and community leaders rallied Feb. 20 in support of postal workers, demanding "good service, good jobs and a good contract." Drivers passing by honked and showed support. | "Our U.S. Postal Service is under attack," read one of the rally leaflets. Signs and chants called for dumping Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, who is trying to privatize…

Manlio Dinucci (2023-02-25). Il Nono Anniversario della Guerra in Ucraina. globalresearch.ca Siamo non al primo ma al nono anniversario della guerra in Ucraina, scatenata nel febbraio 2014 con il colpo di stato sotto regia USA-NATO. Parlando da Varsavia, il presidente Biden promette di "essere a fianco del presidente Zelensky qualunque cosa …

Manlio Dinucci (2023-02-25). How to Destroy Russia. 2019 Rand Corporation Report: "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia" globalresearch.ca Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.

Manlio Dinucci (2023-02-25). The Ninth Anniversary of The War in Ukraine. globalresearch.ca We are not on the first but on the ninth anniversary of the war in Ukraine, which was unleashed in February 2014 with the coup d'état under US-NATO direction. Speaking from Warsaw, President Biden promised to "stand by President Zelensky …

Mariam Barghouti (2023-02-25). Nablus Mourns Following Israeli Invasion That Tore City Apart and Killed 11. truthout.org On Thursday, February 23, city streets in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip were silent. Palestinians had declared a general strike and a day of mourning in light of the Israeli invasion of one of the West Bank's most ancient cities the day before, which left 11 Palestinians dead and over 102 people injured. On the morning of February 22, Israeli forces invaded Nablus. |

Marjorie Cohn (2023-02-25). Arkansas's Anti-BDS Law Remains in Effect Because SCOTUS Refused to Review It. truthout.org While the far right Israeli regime escalates its repression of Palestinians, the U.S. Supreme Court has refused to disturb an Arkansas law that requires government contractors to certify they are not boycotting Israel or "Israeli-controlled territories." The high court didn't specifically uphold Arkansas's anti-boycott law. However, the court declined to review the case because there were not four… |

Melissa Garriga (2023-02-25). While We're Laughing About a Balloon, Biden Paves a Path to War. globalresearch.ca

mforinoco (2023-02-25). Analyst: US Destroyed Nord Stream Pipelines to Subjugate the Economy of Germany. orinocotribune.com An American political analyst has said that the Europeans have got to wake up to the fact that the United States destroyed Nord Stream pipelines "in order to subjugate the economy of Germany and keep them in line." | Daniel Patrick Welch made the remarks on Saturday while commenting on anti-war protests in Germany on the sidelines of the annual Munich Security Conference, and a war of words between the US and Russia over the destruction of Nord Stream pipelines in September last year. | The Russian embassy to the United States said on Thursday said the United States should try to prove it was not behind the destr…

Michael Marmot (2023-02-25). [Perspectives] Reinventing public purpose. thelancet.com Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico in 2017. Entire neighbourhoods were razed to the ground and hundreds of thousands of people were displaced. An estimated 3000 people died—ie, excess deaths over those expected based on non-hurricane years. The risk of death was 45% higher in areas of low socioeconomic development. A hurricane, like a pandemic, exposes underlying inequalities in society and amplifies them.

Michael Welch (2023-02-25). Mobilizing Against War. The Criminalization of War. Endorse and Support CKUW and the GRNH. globalresearch.ca

Miguel Enrique Stedile (2023-02-25). Lula y la segunda ola progresista en América Latina. globalizacion.ca En un siglo que ha estado -y seguirá estando por mucho tiempo— marcado por la disputa geopolítica entre el intento de Estados Unidos por mantener su hegemonía y el ascenso chino, acompañado por Rusia, América Latina y el Sur Global…

Misión Verdad (2023-02-25). UK Supermarkets Ration Vegetables for Supply Shortages. orinocotribune.com Supermarkets in the United Kingdom are imposing limits on purchases of salad vegetables due to supply shortages. Tesco, the largest supermarket in the UK, announced in a statement on Wednesday, February 22, that it was joining other grocery chains like Asda, Morrisons, and Aldi in implementing this rationing measure. | Tesco has decided to limit the sales of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers to three per person as a precautionary measure, "in order to ensure that more people get the goods they need." | The budget supermarket chain Aldi imposed a "temporary" limit of three units per buyer for these vegetables. Asda…

Montreal Autonomous Tenants Union (2023-02-25). Tenants' Union March into Offices of Transport Québec to Demand End to Evictions. itsgoingdown.org Report and video from the Montreal Autonomous Tenants' Union (SLAM-MATU) on recent anti-eviction action. Monday, February 20th, members of the Montreal Autonomous Tenants' Union (SLAM-MATU) stormed into the offices of Transport Quebec. Any plans for a future eviction of the Ville-marie encampment must be cancelled, and encampment members need to be given housing that fits…

Nauman Sadiq (2023-02-25). Who is Volodymyr Zelensky? globalresearch.ca

news.un (2023-02-25). From the Field: Weathering climate change in Sudan. news.un.org Women in arid parts of rural Sudan, where water is becoming increasingly scarce due to climate change, are learning techniques to adapt to new weather patterns which will build their resilience for the future, thanks to support from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

news.un (2023-02-25). WHO: Nations step closer to global guides on pandemics, disease outbreaks. news.un.org Governments agreed on a way forward to update disease outbreak regulations ahead of meetings to draft new global guidelines for tackling pandemics, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Saturday.

news.un (2023-02-25). WFP chief describes 'apocalyptic' post-quake landscape in Syria, Türkiye. news.un.org The head of the UN World Food Programme (WFP) concluded a visit on Saturday to devastated Syrian and Turkish communities and aid supply routes, calling on authorities to open more border crossings to help survivors of the earthquakes that hit both countries in early February.

news.un (2023-02-25). Over 1 billion in 43 nations at risk amid cholera outbreaks, WHO says. news.un.org A global surge of cholera cases has put one billion people in 43 countries at risk, the World Health Organization (WHO) cautioned this week.

news.un (2023-02-25). UN special adviser denounces genocide denial in Bosnia. news.un.org The UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, Alice Wairimu Nderitu, said on Thursday that genocide denial and the glorification of war criminals continues to present a "serious challenge" to reconciliation efforts in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). What is frontotemporal degeneration? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org An uncommon group of disorders may cause changes in personality, behavior, language, movement Frontotemporal degeneration (FTD) is a group of neurologic disorders associated with changes in personality, behavior, language or movement. Some FTD forms are inherited, and some are not. Typically, people develop FTD symptoms before age 60. While there is no cure for this progressive decline, FTD research has made significant strides in the past two decades, says Dr. Bradley Boeve (boh-VAY), a Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Black History Month: Dr. Floyd Willis on the importance of inclusive Alzheimer's Disease research. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Floyd Willis Black History Month is a month for all people to celebrate and learn about the diverse and important contributions of Black Americans to American society and culture, as well as to reflect on the ongoing fight against racism, inequity and discrimination. Mayo Clinic News Network is profiling Mayo Clinic physicians who are focused every day on achieving health equity through their work. Meet Dr. Floyd Willis, a family medicine physician and investigator…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). What is naloxone and should everyone have access to it? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Naloxone opioid overdose kit Two panels that advise the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are recommending that naloxone nasal spray be approved for over-the-counter sale for emergency treatment of opioid overdoses. The Joint Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee and the Anesthetic and Analgesic Drug Products Advisory Committee voted unanimously to approve the measure. The FDA will make a final decision on March 29 if naloxone will become a nonprescription drug. "This access for everyone is so needed," says Dr….

Nick Black (2023-02-25). [Correspondence] Celebration of 200 years. thelancet.com The Lancet's extensive coverage of its achievements is a timely reminder of the great contribution this journal has made to advance medical care. Although the timeline highlights many substantial scientific contributions, the extraordinary role The Lancet played in the reform of the medical profession, hospitals, and increasing the public accountability for health care deserves more attention.

Nick Harper (2023-02-25). Toxic train derailment in Ohio sparks anger and concern over preventable disaster. america.cgtn.com A preliminary federal safety reports that the toxic train derailment in Ohio was a preventable disaster, that's causing concern and anger beyond the state.

noreply (2023-02-25). It Is Happening In Education! smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-02-25). Protests in Cuba vs. Peru: A Case Study in Canadian Hypocrisy. orinocotribune.com By Owen Schalk — Feb 21, 2023 | Canada's economic interests appear to influence our diplomatic and media response to protests and uprisings in the Global South | Canada's foreign policy record is stained with countless examples of hypocrisy, opportunism, and aversion to democracy, especially when it leads down the road of left-wing reforms. Ottawa's hypocrisy is a result of its often pro-corporate international agenda. In countries where Canadian companies have many lucrative investments, state violence is allowed to occur without comment, while in countries which don't serve as significant reservoirs of Can…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-02-25). Ten Palestinians Killed, Over 100 Injured as Israeli Forces Storm Nablus. orinocotribune.com At least ten Palestinians were killed on Tuesday, including an elderly man and a child, while more than 100 were injured by live bullets, as Israeli forces stormed Nablus, the official news agency WAFA reported. | According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the victims were identified as: | ‚Ä¢ Adnan Saabe Baara, 72, | ‚Ä¢ Abdul Hadi Abdul Aziz Ashqar, 61, | ‚Ä¢ Mohammad Farid Shaaban, 16, | ‚Ä¢ Tamer Nimr Minawi, 33, | ‚Ä¢ Mohammad Khaled Anbousi, 25, | ‚Ä¢ Musab Munir Awais, 26, | ‚Ä¢ Hussam Bass…

peacenow.org.il (2023-02-25). Israel will advance over 6,000 housing units in settlements. peacenow.org.il Among the plans, five illegal outposts will be authorized.

Peter Boyle (2023-02-25). Protest against AUKUS nuclear submarine deal outside PM Anthony Albanese's office. greenleft.org.au A protest outside PM Anthony Albanese's electorate office was one of several protests around the country demanding that the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal be scrapped. Video by Peter Boyle.

Peter Boyle (2023-02-25). (Video) Protest against AUKUS nuclear submarine deal outside PM Anthony Albanese's office. greenleft.org.au A protest outside PM Anthony Albanese's electorate office was one of several protests around the country demanding that the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal be scrapped. Video by Peter Boyle.

Phebe Eckfeldt (2023-02-25). Resistance behind bars : Walpole prisoner strike 50 years on. workers.org March 15 will mark the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Walpole Prison takeover in Massachusetts by incarcerated workers. It ended May 18, 65 days later. What led to this stupendous, courageous event by captured workers? Walpole, Massachusetts, prisoners on strike, 1973. Bobby Dellelo, a leader of the takeover, spent 40 . . . |

Philip Weiss (2023-02-25). Sanders calls for cutting U.S. 'billions' to Israel over 'racist' moves. mronline.org Israel's humiliation of the Biden administration over further settlements is causing Israel supporters to call for government action against the country.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-02-25). Donald Trump, The Manchurian Candidate: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Campaign to Destabilize the Trump Presidency. Regime Change in America. globalresearch.ca We are dealing with a carefully planned operation, a "conspiracy" in the true sense of the word. In recent developments, the FBI investigation is being quoted by the media as evidence that Trump is "wittingly or unwittingly" an agent of the Kremlin…

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-02-25). Video: NATO-Exit, Closure of Military Bases: Massive Protests against NATO. globalresearch.ca More than 70 years ago NATO was born. In April 1949, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established what was designated as the doctrine of "Collective Security" under Art. 5 of the Washington Treaty. | NATO has a sordid

Raymond Williams, Waging Nonviolence. (2023-02-25). Prisoners Reignite Movement To End Mass Incarceration. popularresistance.org On Dec. 5, I sat in a circle with 30 prisoners at the Washington Correction Center in Shelton, Washington. As we looked around the room, anticipation, resolve and relief reflected in our eyes — yet we were all eager for this moment. | Unable to meet due to COVID restrictions, we watched the world change around us for nearly three years. During this time tragedies like the murder of George Floyd, Brianna Taylor and countless others took place, and justice reform became a dinner-table conversation for many Americans. As incarcerated activists, we sat silenced, unable to convene — even though, as stakeho…

Richard Horton (2023-02-25). [Comment] Offline: ACT-A—àßa suffit. thelancet.com The Access To COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) was the largest and most ambitious global effort to ensure equitable availability for anti-SARS-CoV-2 technologies—vaccines, treatments, and diagnostics. The intent deserves high praise. But the result fell far short of expectations. As Suerie Moon and colleagues pointed out in 2021, the roles of organisations constituting ACT-A were unclear. Accountability was almost non-existent. The exclusion of low-income and middle-income countries from the creation of ACT-A was an egregious mistake.

Roberto Regalado (2023-02-25). El trabajo político de Cuba hacia los Estados Unidos. globalizacion.ca Tercera entrega de la serie ´El internacionalismo de Manuel Piñeiro en las relaciones exteriores de Cuba ª | A diferencia de los Estados Unidos que, mediante el genocidio de la población autóctona y de guerras de despojo, impusieron el ´destino manifiesto ª de…

SAM (2023-02-25). Biden Is Playing Favorites With Megadonors In A Patent Dispute. progressivehub.net DAVID MOORE | SLUDGE…

SAM (2023-02-25). The Ukraine War Has Been A Boon For Defense Stocks, Of Course. progressivehub.net ELI CLIFTON | RESPONSIBLE STATECRAFT…

Sarah Varney (2023-02-25). Texas Decision Could Remove Abortion Pills From Pharmacies Nationwide. truthout.org Amarillo, Texas — Federal judges in Texas have delivered time and again for abortion opponents. They upheld a state law that allows for $10,000 bounties to be placed on anyone who helps a woman get an abortion; ruled that someone opposed to abortion based on religious beliefs can block a federal program from providing birth control to teens; and determined that emergency room doctors must equally… |

scorinoco (2023-02-25). FANB Destroys Illegal Mining Camps in Protected Forests of Venezuela. orinocotribune.com Members of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB) of Venezuela destroyed illegal mining camps in the Yapacana National Park in Amazonas state. | On Friday, February 24, the commander of the Comprehensive Defense Operative Zone (ZODI) of Amazonas, Johan Hernández Lárez, reported that the FANB personnel found and seized four motor pumps, two turbines for water projection, 600 meters of high pressure hose, 180 liters of gasoline and other logistical materials in the illegal camps. | En el Parque Nacional Yapacana, la

scorinoco (2023-02-25). Venezuela's Gas Sale to Colombia Not Possible in the Short Term. orinocotribune.com Colombian Finance Minister José Antonio Ocampo stated in an interview that there exists a possibility of Colombia importing gas from Venezuela. However, Rafael Quiroz, a Venezuelan economist and oil and gas expert, said in an interview with Sputnik that the project may be feasible "only in the medium and long term." | On February 17, Colombian Finance Minister José Antonio Ocampo

Shannon Dawson (2023-02-25). 'Lift Me Up': Rihanna Slated Perform 'Wakanda Forever' Ballad At 2023 Oscars. newsone.com Source: Mike Coppola / Getty | @rihanna will be performing live at The 95th

Shujie Huang, Zhen Gao, Sichao Wang (2023-02-25). [Correspondence] China's COVID-19 reopening measures—warriors and weapons. thelancet.com On Dec 7, 2022, the Chinese Government issued the New 10 epidemic prevention policy1 and announced that China's dynamic zero-COVID policy, which had been adhered to for nearly 3 years, has officially moved towards reopening. However, in the face of the omicron variant with an average basic reproduction number of 9 ∑5,2 a new COVID-19 pandemic in China was inevitable. In Henan province, with a population approaching 100 million people, the provincial government announced on Jan 9, 2023, that 89% of the province population was infected.

Staff (2023-02-25). Diálogos genuinos que aportan soluciones. cubadebate.cu Con representantes del movimiento deportivo villaclareño y trabajadores de la Industria del Lácteo en esta provincia continuaron este viernes los intercambios de los ocho candidatos a diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular por el municipio de Santa Clara.

Staff (2023-02-25). Alejandro Padrón lleva música en las venas (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Si alguien tiene dudas de si un artista nace o se hace solo tiene que escuchar la tímbrica de la voz de Alejandro Padrón. Recorre las notas graves con total soltura, como si toda la vida hubiese estado sobre un escenario. Pero no, el talento de Alejandro estaba oculto tras su inclinación por los deportes.

Staff (2023-02-25). De King a Nichols: Memphis, el racismo y la violencia en la sociedad estadounidense. cubadebate.cu Tyre Nichols era demasiado joven para morir. Tenía apenas 29 años cuando fue asesinado por la policía de Memphis, Tennessee, a inicios de este 2023. Falleció tras la brutal paliza que le propinaron 6 agentes del orden en esa ciudad el 7 de enero de este año. Vivió apenas tres días más después del suceso. La violencia y el racismo sistémico contra la gente negra está en las entrañas mismas del imperio.

Staff (2023-02-25). El podcast de Cubadebate: Los preparativos de las elecciones nacionales (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Sobre cómo marcha el proceso electoral en la mayor de las Antillas hablaremos en el podcast de Cubadebate. Tendremos declaraciones de Alina Balseiro, presidenta del Consejo Electoral Nacional y un reporte de la participación del presidente cubano Miguel Díaz-Canel en este proceso. Conéctese con nosotros y escuche hasta al final.

Staff (2023-02-25). Félix Varela y Morales: "Un hijo de la libertad, un alma americana" (II). cubadebate.cu Lo primero que caracteriza a la filosofía vareliana es su ruptura epistemológica con el pasado teórico y la ubicación de su gnoseo ≠logía como búsqueda del instrumental teórico, metodológico y conceptual para interpretar su realidad física, social y humana.

Staff (2023-02-25). Bronce de Anisley García abre el medallero para Cuba en el Campeonato Panamericano de Clavados. cubadebate.cu La clavadista cubana Anisley García ganó la medalla de bronce en la prueba de plataforma y le dio a Cuba la primera presea en el Campeonato Panamericano de ese deporte, un evento que tiene por sede a la ciudad mexicana de León y que reparte cupos directos a Santiago de Chile 2023. Laydel Domínguez terminó séptimo en el trampolín a un metro.

Staff (2023-02-25). Cuba entre los destinos "cool" para 2023, según estudio de compañía especializada en "travel millenials" cubadebate.cu La revista de actualidades Hola -radicada en España- incluyó a Cuba entre los destinos más "cool" del 2023 para viajeros jóvenes que buscan "una verdadera inmersión cultural y en la vida local". La selección, publicada en el sitio web de Hola, se basa en un estudio de la compañía Weromad, especializada en el sector "travel millenial".

Staff (2023-02-25). Las 3 del día: Resumen semanal (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Saludos a todos los seguidores de "Las 3 del día". Este viernes 24 de febrero de 2023 hacemos un resumen de lo más importante ocurrido en la semana en nuestro país y en el contexto internacional. "Las 3 del día" es el podcast de Cubadebate que tiene de todo un poco en materia informativa con la voz de nuestros editores, periodistas y colaboradores. °Conéctese ya!

Staff (2023-02-25). Destacan medios de prensa turcos labor de médicos cubanos de brigada Henry Reeve. cubadebate.cu Este sábado, medios de prensa de Turquía destacaron la labor que realiza la brigada del contingente médico cubano Henry Reeve en la provincia de Kahramanmaras. El equipo de 32 galenos trabaja desde su arribo a la provincia Kahramanmaras, el pasado día 12, seis días después de los devastadores sismos que golpearon el sur de Turquía.

Staff (2023-02-25). Ensayo clínico con NeuralCIM Æ (NeuroEPO) para alzhéimer leve o moderado comienza en Cuba el próximo lunes (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Con el desarrollo este viernes del taller de inicio del ensayo clínico fase III promovido por el Centro de Inmunología Molecular (CIM), para la evaluación de la eficacia y seguridad del fármaco neuroprotector NeuralCIM (nombre comercial de la molécula NeuroEPO) en pacientes de alzhéimer leve o moderado, todo está listo para comenzar el lunes 27 de febrero una nueva etapa en la investigación clínica del producto.

Staff (2023-02-25). Investigación prueba que accidente de tren con sustancias tóxicas en Ohio era ciento por ciento evitable. cubadebate.cu Las primeras conclusiones de la investigación federal sobre el descarrilamiento masivo en Ohio, Estados Unidos, determinó que el siniestro era por completo evitable. Los sensores que detectaron el sobrecalentamiento de los rodamientos de las ruedas del tren, causa principal del incidente, estaban calibrados a una temperatura excesivamente elevada.

Staff (2023-02-25). Marrero Cruz intercambia con pobladores de Gibara, Holguín (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu El primer ministro, Manuel Marrero Cruz, durante un recorrido este viernes por Gibara, Holguín, conoció sobre los resultados, dificultades e inquietudes acerca de la actividad pesquera, como parte de los encuentros con el pueblo de los candidatos a diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular. Recorrió las instalaciones de la Fábrica de Tabaco Hilda Torres Bacallao.

Staff (2023-02-25). Recuerdan a Félix Varela, "el que nos enseñó primero en pensar", en el aniversario 170 de su fallecimiento. cubadebate.cu Académicos, historiadores, autoridades gubernamentales y eclesiásticas recordaron este sábado a Félix Varela, "el que nos enseñó primero en pensar", según Luz y Caballero, en un acto por el aniversario 170 de su fallecimiento, celebrado en el Aula Magna de la Universidad de La Habana.

Staff (2023-02-25). Registran terremoto de 6.1 al norte de Japón. cubadebate.cu Un terremoto con una magnitud preliminar de 6.1 sacudió la costa de Kushiro en Hokkaido, la isla norteña principal de Japón. Según la Agencia Meteorológica de ese país (JMA), el epicentro del temblor se ubicó a una latitud de 42.8 grados norte y una longitud de 145.1 grados este, y se produjo a una profundidad de 60 kilómetros.

Staff (2023-02-25). Sancti Spíritus: Eriel no dirigirá a los Gallos. cubadebate.cu En menos de un mes y con un calendario atípico, la Serie Nacional de Béisbol en su versión 62 será un hecho. En ese lapso, los Gallos deberán encontrar "otra cabeza", después que su director por tres años, Eriel Sánchez León, pidió la liberación. Lo que fue rumor en días se concretará en horas. Vuelve a rondar la especulación pero Ariel comenta otros motivos.

Staff (2023-02-25). Unión Europea anuncia nuevo paquete de sanciones contra Rusia. cubadebate.cu La Unión Europea ha adoptado un nuevo paquete de sanciones contra Rusia por su operativo militar en Ucrania."Se adopta el décimo paquete de sanciones: 121 personas y entidades enumeradas, nuevas restricciones significativas de importación/exportación, prohibición de los medios de propaganda rusos", anunció el alto representante de la Unión Europea.

Staff (2023-02-25). Usain Bolt cumple su sueño e incursiona en la música como compositor y productor. cubadebate.cu El hombre más rápido del planeta disfruta la posibilidad que le ha regalado la vida de hacer realidad otro de sus grandes sueños. El plusmarquista mundial jamaicano Usain Bolt incursiona en la música como compositor y productor. "Quiero estar en lo más alto. Conseguir Grammys y discos de platino con mi música, y en eso estamos enfocados", dijo Bolt.

Staff (2023-02-25). øPuede Europa sobrevivir a este momento? cubadebate.cu Las fuerzas de derecha y ultraderecha dominan el discurso sobre Ucrania. Como en la década de 1930, la apología del fascismo se hace en nombre de la democracia y la apología de la guerra se hace en nombre de la paz.

Staff (2023-02-25). 3rd Afro-Venezuelan National Congress Begins in Caracas. orinocotribune.com The 3rd Afro-Venezuelan National Congress began in Caracas on Friday, February 24, and will end on Sunday, February 26. The event, held in the Venezuelan School of Planning, will also be a tribute to the Cimarrón Mayor, the late Chavista leader Aristóbulo Istúriz. The main objective of the meeting is to consolidate a united Afro-Venezuelan platform, which, with the spirit of the Bolivarian Revolution, will work towards dismantling 530 years of colonialism, slavery, racism and discrimination. | The programe started on Friday with the accreditation of the 17 participating delegations from different regions of the c…

Staff (2023-02-25). President Maduro Instructs Security Forces to Fight and End Criminal Gangs in Venezuela. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2023-02-25). Debunking Zionist Disinformation: Attacks on Samidoun and the Palestinian prisoners' battle for freedom. samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network has recently been subjected to a series of attacks by Zionist and far-right publications, particularly in the United States. Part of these attacks has been an all-out assault on our fiscal sponsor, the Alliance for Global Justice, a grassroots, internationalist and progressive organization that provides fiscal sponsorship to over 140 …

Suman Seth (2023-02-25). [Perspectives] 19th-century medicine and The Races of Men. thelancet.com At the beginning of October, 1857, The Lancet published a letter by the Scottish anatomist, Robert Knox, entitled "New Theory of Race: Celt vs Saxon". Knox was responding to the work of the Irish physician and nationalist, John M'Elheran, who wished to celebrate the contributions of those of Celtic descent to modern culture. William Shakespeare and the Duke of Wellington, M'Elheran insisted, were of the "Celtic type" and Americans were "not a hybrid Anglo-Saxon, but a pure bred Celtic race". Knox rejected a Celtic history of America, using his letter to offer up egregiously long quotations from his book, The Race…

Talha Burki (2023-02-25). [World Report] "Things have gone seriously wrong": global cholera surges. thelancet.com A series of complex health emergencies has seen a surge in cholera cases, with outbreaks in 30 countries. Talha Burki reports.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-25). Gobierno brasileño anuncia ayudas a agricultores en Rio Grande. telesurtv.net La región de Hulha Negra, en la frontera con Uruguay, es una de las zonas más golpeadas por la falta de agua en el estado.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-25). Se dispara la pobreza energética oculta en España. telesurtv.net La investigación detectó un menor confort en los hogares por temperatura inadecuada, así como el aumento del indicador de la pobreza energética oculta.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-25). Indonesia refuerza seguridad en Papúa tras muertes en disturbios. telesurtv.net La situación era "manejable" pero estaba siendo monitoreada, dijo en un comunicado el portavoz de la policía de la provincia de Papúa, Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-02-25). Ascienden a 54 los muertos por lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Se han identificado 38 cuerpos, entre los cuales se precisan 13 hombres adultos, 12 mujeres adultas y 13 niños.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-02-25). Advierten a países africanos ante arribo de ciclón Freddy. telesurtv.net Los pronósticos apuntan que tocará territorio de África continental por algún punto entre las ciudades de Beira e Inhambane, en Mozambique.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-02-25). Rusia denuncia posible agresión de Ucrania contra Transnistria. telesurtv.net El mando ruso ha registrado una acumulación significativa de fuerzas ucranianas en las cercanías de Transnistria.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-02-25). Emiten alertas por tormenta invernal en California, EE.UU. telesurtv.net El ente subrayó que pueden ocurrir inundaciones debido a las fuertes lluvias en varias regiones del estado, como los condados de Ventura y Los Ángeles.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-25). Continúan labores para combatir incendio forestal en Holguín, Cuba. telesurtv.net En la zona existe alto volumen de material combustible debido a la intensa sequía que la afecta, pues no llueve hace más de cuatro meses.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-25). Regresan 233 venezolanos desde Perú con Plan Vuelta a la Patria. telesurtv.net Los 233 venezolanos fueron recibidos en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Maiquetia en La Guaira por varios funcionarios del Gobierno nacional.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-25). Nigerianos acuden a las urnas para elegir al nuevo presidente. telesurtv.net Para garantizar la seguridad de las elecciones, la Policía nigeriana informó del despliegue de más de 301.900 agentes de seguridad por toda la nación.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-25). Sismo de 5.3 de magnitud sacude el centro de Türkiye. twitter.com En los reportes de distintas fuentes gubernamentales se informó que el nuevo sismo no provocó graves daños ni víctimas.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-25). Rechazan en Cuba bases militares de EE.UU. y la OTAN. telesurtv.net Denuncian que Washington y el bloque militar mantienen más de 800 bases militares en todo el mundo, de ellas 76 en América Latina.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-25). Movimiento indígena acusa a Gobierno de Ecuador de romper acuerdos. telesurtv.net Denuncian que Ejecutivo viola el principio de consultar a las comunidades sobre actividades mineras y emplea a la fuerza pública contra comuneros.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-25). ONU pide investigar asesinatos de campesinos en Bajo Aguán, Honduras. telesurtv.net Cinco defensores de derechos humanos, vinculados con el conflicto agrario en esa región, fueron asesinados desde febrero de 2022 a la fecha.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-25). Confederación indígena ecuatoriana convoca a movilización contra Gobierno de Lasso. telesurtv.net La máxima organización indígena del país, asimismo, exhortó a la Asamblea Nacional a impulsar un juicio político en contra de Lasso.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-25). Embajador de Venezuela ante Brasil entrega copias de estilo. telesurtv.net "Celebro la nueva etapa de hermandad y cooperación entre dos pueblos hermanos", externó el jefe de Estado venezolano.

teleSUR, lvm -.JGN (2023-02-25). Reportan que disminuye cantidad de incendios en Chile. telesurtv.net El subsecretario del Interior reportó que hay dos nuevos detenidos, ambos en la Región de Ñuble, por la realización de quemas ilegales.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-02-25). Responsabilizan al Estado ecuatoriano en feminicidio de María Belén Bernal. telesurtv.net El 11 de septiembre de 2022 fue asesinada María Belén Bernal por Germán Cáceres en la Escuela Superior de la Policía, en Quito.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-02-25). Elevan a 12 los casos de gripe aviar en Argentina. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento, suman siete casos de gripe aviar reportados en el estado argentino de Córdoba.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-02-25). OMS advierte sobre aumento de la tasa de mortalidad por cólera. telesurtv.net República Dominicana, Malaui, Zambia, Burundi, Nigeria son algunos de los países que reportan casos de la enfermedad.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-25). Aumentan a 57 los decesos por lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net El Gobierno de Sao Paulo precisó que la mayoría de los fallecidos fueron reportados en el municipio de Sao Sebastiao.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-25). Sube a 44.218 la cifra de muertos por los terremotos en Türkiye. twitter.com La AFAD indicó que se han reportado 9.136 réplicas de los terremotos que tuvieron su epicentro en la provincia de Kahramanmara≈ü.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-25). Condecoran a brigadistas venezolanos tras labores en Türkiye y Siria. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó el desempeño de los integrantes de la Fuerza de Tarea Humanitaria "Simón Bolívar".

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2023-02-25). Perú anuncia retiro de su embajador en México. telesurtv.net Con la decisión, las relaciones entre ambas naciones quedarán formalmente a nivel de encargados de Negocios.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-25). Camboya reporta el segundo contagio de gripe aviar en humanos. telesurtv.net Según se informó, se trata del padre de una niña de 11 años que falleció el miércoles a causa de esta enfermedad.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-25). Costa Rica registra 5.109 casos de Covid-19 en la última semana. telesurtv.net De acuerdo al Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, 16 personas fallecieron en la última semana por causas asociadas a la Covid-19.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-25). Paraguay acumula 12.189 nuevos casos de chikungunya. telesurtv.net El ministerio reportó un total de 29.362 casos de chikungunya desde octubre, cuando inició la epidemia.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-25). Presidente de México reitera apoyo a Pedro Castillo. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado apoyó calificó de injusta e ilegal la destitución del expresidente peruano.

The Green Arcade (2023-02-25). Thursday 3/9: What Would It Take To Topple Amazon? Author Reading Discusses How To Do It! indybay.org The Green Arcade | 1680 Market Street | San Francisco, CA 94102…

The Huerta Center (2023-02-25). Thursday 3/9: International Women's Day: Celebrating Feminist Scholarship from the Americas. indybay.org Merrill Cultural Center, UC Santa Cruz | Driving and Parking Directions: | maps.ucsc.edu/detailed-directions/

The Lancet (2023-02-25). [Editorial] Russia's invasion of Ukraine: an attack on health. thelancet.com Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which began 1 year ago on Feb 24, has wrought huge suffering and devastation. As of Feb 6, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has recorded 7155 civilian fatalities and 11‚Äâ662 injuries in Ukraine, although the actual figures are likely to be higher. 200‚Äâ000 soldiers from both sides have been killed or wounded. At least 6 million Ukrainians are internally displaced, and over 8 million Ukrainian refugees have been registered across Europe. Acts of murder, torture, rape, and deportation have been described as crimes against human…

transform-network.net (2023-02-25). Imagining the World from the Perspective of Peace — Not War. transform-network.net The downward spiral of war from the perspective of feminist causal research.

Unicorn Riot (2023-02-25). Atlanta Activists Say Prosecutors Plan to Indict them on RICO Charges. unicornriot.ninja

Unicorn Riot (2023-02-25). 'Community' Committee Cheers Police Violence as Authorities Repress Resistance to 'Cop City'. unicornriot.ninja

unitedEditor (2023-02-25). Using the earthquake as an opportunity to increase support for terrorism. uwidata.com By Ceyhun Bozkurt* Due to the earthquake, which has been tearing at all of our hearts, we have focused on the cities hit by the disaster and the search and rescue and relief activities there for a long time. The destruction is huge. Our pain and anger are great… We will talk and write about it …

WSWS (2023-02-25). Pueblo, Colorado, family file lawsuit over 2022 police killing of Richard Ward. wsws.org Body camera footage of the incident shows that the official police report of the incident was a lie and that deputies murdered Ward without reason.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Letter from a Caterpillar worker: "We are done messing around" wsws.org With the March 1 contract expiration for over 6,000 UAW members at Caterpillar fast approaching, workers are increasingly calling for a counter-offensive to win back major improvements in wages, benefits and working conditions.

WSWS (2023-02-25). 1619 Project creator Nikole Hannah-Jones was paid over $1 million to speak about race at colleges in 2022. wsws.org The race-obsessed middle class layers which Hannah-Jones epitomizes are fundamentally fearful of and hostile to the growing movement of the working class. The last thing they want is for the party to end when there is yet so much money to be made.

WSWS (2023-02-25). In last words, Florida death row inmate denounces Governor Ron DeSantis. wsws.org The Florida governor signed Donald Dillbeck's death warrant on the same day that he floated a change to state law that would allow a person to be sentenced to death after a non-unanimous vote of a jury.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Twelve years after Christchurch earthquake, building collapse victims denied justice. wsws.org The WSWS spoke with Maan Alkaisi, a spokesman for the families of some of the 115 people who died in the collapse of the poorly constructed CTV building. Twelve years on, no one has been held accountable for this avoidable tragedy.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Living: A "sort of dead" civil servant comes to life. wsws.org The film is a "reimagining" of Akira Kurosawa's 1952 masterpiece Ikiru (To Live), which in turn was originally inspired by Leo Tolstoy's novella The Death of Ivan Ilyich (1886).

WSWS (2023-02-25). SEP demands billions for health and education, not for war. wsws.org While virtually limitless funds are being allocated to the war machine, governments proclaim that there is no money for essential social services such as healthcare and education.

WSWS (2023-02-25). SEP (Sri Lanka) holds open-air election meeting in Jaffna district. wsws.org About 60 people, including fishermen, farmers, daily wage workers, youth and housewives listened to SEP candidates outline the party's socialist program.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Sri Lankan workers protest against tax increases. wsws.org The unions are attempting to hoodwink workers with demagogic denunciations of President Wickremesinghe and appeals for cosmetic changes to his government's austerity measures.

WSWS (2023-02-25). University of Michigan graduate student workers move closer to strike. wsws.org All the demands by University of Michigan graduate student workers have been rejected by the campus administration as a May 1 contract deadline approaches.

WSWS (2023-02-25). The COVID cover-up, or how the ruling class learned to stop worrying and love the virus. wsws.org The fact that millions of people continue to be infected with COVID-19 and thousands die each week is now met with total indifference by the ruling elites, with virtually no reporting on this deepening world crisis.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Hydrologist warns of long-term consequences of catastrophic US train derailment. wsws.org In a town hall meeting, a hydrologist warned residents, "You're in a situation where you're going to be dealing with this for the rest of your lives if you stay here."

WSWS (2023-02-25). Open letter to undergraduates of Temple University: Support striking Temple grad students! Fight back against tuition increases! wsws.org The struggle must be expanded through the formation of rank-and-file committees representing all sections of the campus workforce and the students.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Open letter to undergraduates of Temple University: Support striking Temple TAs! Fight back against tuition increases! wsws.org The struggle must be expanded through the formation of rank-and-file committees representing all sections of the campus workforce and the students.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Scores of immigrants die in bus crashes trying to reach locked-down US border. wsws.org The tragedies in Panama and Mexico are not mere "traffic accidents" but part and parcel of monstrous social crimes committed by US imperialism.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Australian study shows inflation the result of profit gouging, not wages. wsws.org According to a report by the Australia Institute, Australian businesses increased their prices by a total of $160 billion a year over and above their higher expenses for labour, taxes, and other inputs.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Health authorities in Cambodia report a young girl has died from bird flu. wsws.org The first human death from the current bird flu raises concern among health authorities about the potential of human-to-human transmission.

Yian Fang (2023-02-25). [Correspondence] Insurance pools' merging in China needs careful design. thelancet.com Chen Xinxin and colleagues' call for healthy ageing in China is encouraging.1 To address equity concerns and mobility difficulties, the policy recommendation of "establishing a unified national insurance system that encompasses all citizens, regardless of occupation, resident status, or place of residence"1 is justifiable. However, it deserves further considerations.

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-02-25). Eine friedliche Welt entsteht einzig und allein durch menschliche Entschlàºsse. globalresearch.ca Alle Artikel von Global Research kà∂nnen in 51 Sprachen gelesen werden, indem Sie die Schaltflà§che Website àºbersetzen unterhalb des Namens des Autors aktivieren. | Um den tà§glichen Newsletter von Global Research (ausgewà§hlte Artikel) zu erhalten, Folgen Sie …

Dr. Rudolf Hà§nsel (2023-02-25). A Peaceful World Is Created Solely Through Human Decisions. globalresearch.ca

2023-02-26 22:01:16 | 22:01 EST | jz | 472 | 11 | 252 | 237 | 15 

2023-02-25: News Headlines

The Lancet (2023-02-25). [Editorial] Russia's invasion of Ukraine: an attack on health. thelancet.com Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which began 1 year ago on Feb 24, has wrought huge suffering and devastation. As of Feb 6, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has recorded 7155 civilian fatalities and 11‚Äâ662 injuries in Ukraine, although the actual figures are likely to be higher. 200‚Äâ000 soldiers from both sides have been killed or wounded. At least 6 million Ukrainians are internally displaced, and over 8 million Ukrainian refugees have been registered across Europe. Acts of murder, torture, rape, and deportation have been described as crimes against human…

Richard Horton (2023-02-25). [Comment] Offline: ACT-A—àßa suffit. thelancet.com The Access To COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) was the largest and most ambitious global effort to ensure equitable availability for anti-SARS-CoV-2 technologies—vaccines, treatments, and diagnostics. The intent deserves high praise. But the result fell far short of expectations. As Suerie Moon and colleagues pointed out in 2021, the roles of organisations constituting ACT-A were unclear. Accountability was almost non-existent. The exclusion of low-income and middle-income countries from the creation of ACT-A was an egregious mistake.

Jonathan Watts (2023-02-25). [World Report] Health emergency over Brazil's Yanomami people. thelancet.com Infant mortality and disease among the Yanomami Indigenous People have soared following the encouragement of illegal mining. Jonathan Watts reports from Altamira, Brazil.

John Zarocostas (2023-02-25). [World Report] Global maternal mortality rates stagnating. thelancet.com A new UN report shows that progress in reducing deaths of mothers plateaued between 2016 and 2020. John Zarocostas reports from Geneva.

Talha Burki (2023-02-25). [World Report] "Things have gone seriously wrong": global cholera surges. thelancet.com A series of complex health emergencies has seen a surge in cholera cases, with outbreaks in 30 countries. Talha Burki reports.

Aarathi Prasad (2023-02-25). [Perspectives] Rajat Khosla: shifting power structures in global health. thelancet.com Rajat Khosla was born in Old Delhi, India, where his grandparents, who were freedom fighters in the Indian independence movement, had migrated from Punjab before Partition. "There was a fair degree of critical consciousness in the family", Khosla recalls, "even if their means were little. The inspiration to do what I do came from the context in which I was growing up against a backdrop of deepening inequalities, economic crisis, communal strife and tensions, at a time when the anti-Sikh riots were taking place in Delhi.

Michael Marmot (2023-02-25). [Perspectives] Reinventing public purpose. thelancet.com Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico in 2017. Entire neighbourhoods were razed to the ground and hundreds of thousands of people were displaced. An estimated 3000 people died—ie, excess deaths over those expected based on non-hurricane years. The risk of death was 45% higher in areas of low socioeconomic development. A hurricane, like a pandemic, exposes underlying inequalities in society and amplifies them.

Suman Seth (2023-02-25). [Perspectives] 19th-century medicine and The Races of Men. thelancet.com At the beginning of October, 1857, The Lancet published a letter by the Scottish anatomist, Robert Knox, entitled "New Theory of Race: Celt vs Saxon". Knox was responding to the work of the Irish physician and nationalist, John M'Elheran, who wished to celebrate the contributions of those of Celtic descent to modern culture. William Shakespeare and the Duke of Wellington, M'Elheran insisted, were of the "Celtic type" and Americans were "not a hybrid Anglo-Saxon, but a pure bred Celtic race". Knox rejected a Celtic history of America, using his letter to offer up egregiously long quotations from his book, The Race…

Geoff Watts (2023-02-25). [Obituary] Kenneth Dawson Bagshawe. thelancet.com Pioneer of treatment for choriocarcinoma. He was born in Marple near Manchester, UK, on Aug 17, 1925 and died in London, UK, on Dec 27, 2022 aged 97 years.

Anmol Arora, Ananya Arora (2023-02-25). [Correspondence] The promise of large language models in health care. thelancet.com The past few months have seen a rapid acceleration of innovation in the field of generative artificial intelligence with large language models (LLMs), capturing academic, media, and public attention. GPT-3, BERT, and ChatGPT are examples of LLMs that have been trained on swathes of the internet to produce impressive responses to human queries. The ability of these generalised LLMs to write fiction, develop computer code, and speculate on the future has prompted recognition that we are approaching artificial general intelligence for the first time.

Yian Fang (2023-02-25). [Correspondence] Insurance pools' merging in China needs careful design. thelancet.com Chen Xinxin and colleagues' call for healthy ageing in China is encouraging.1 To address equity concerns and mobility difficulties, the policy recommendation of "establishing a unified national insurance system that encompasses all citizens, regardless of occupation, resident status, or place of residence"1 is justifiable. However, it deserves further considerations.

Carol Góis Leandro, Conrado Rodrigues, Pedro Carelli, Charles Morphy D Santos (2023-02-25). [Correspondence] Rebuilding an agenda for Brazilian science and technology. thelancet.com Brazil has had ongoing political crises and instability in the past 6 years, and federal funding for science and technology has reached an all-time low.

Shujie Huang, Zhen Gao, Sichao Wang (2023-02-25). [Correspondence] China's COVID-19 reopening measures—warriors and weapons. thelancet.com On Dec 7, 2022, the Chinese Government issued the New 10 epidemic prevention policy1 and announced that China's dynamic zero-COVID policy, which had been adhered to for nearly 3 years, has officially moved towards reopening. However, in the face of the omicron variant with an average basic reproduction number of 9 ∑5,2 a new COVID-19 pandemic in China was inevitable. In Henan province, with a population approaching 100 million people, the provincial government announced on Jan 9, 2023, that 89% of the province population was infected.

Nick Black (2023-02-25). [Correspondence] Celebration of 200 years. thelancet.com The Lancet's extensive coverage of its achievements is a timely reminder of the great contribution this journal has made to advance medical care. Although the timeline highlights many substantial scientific contributions, the extraordinary role The Lancet played in the reform of the medical profession, hospitals, and increasing the public accountability for health care deserves more attention.

American Indian Resource Center at UCSC (2023-02-25). Monday 3/13: Architects of Abundance: Indigenous Regenerative Food Systems and the Excavation of Hidden History. indybay.org Merrill Cultural Center, UC Santa Cruz | Directions: goo.gl/maps/Z18NZ9XyVJREK1f89 | This is a hybrid event, presented both in-person and virtually.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Children deserve to be taught accurate, unbiased history. americanthinker.com Leftists, however, are determined to pervert the historical truth about slavery in America to destroy race relations in modern America.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Dilbert creator Scott Adams is the latest to be canceled. americanthinker.com Newspapers pulled Adams's 'Dilbert' comics and the left thundered its umbrage after Adams reacted to a poll suggesting significant bigotry among black respondents.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Feminism 2023 is all about doublethink and 'doing whatever you wanna do' sans judgment. americanthinker.com After a young woman works herself up into a tizzy when asked to explain her views, we can glean one very important bit of information.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). Power grid attacks up 71% and Biden acolytes tell us it's all those white supremacists. americanthinker.com Pay no attention to those Russians or Chinese as America's power grid undergoes a barrage of attacks.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). The Founders' triple test. americanthinker.com The Founders were ordinary men who carried out extraordinary acts while serving the people and not the government they represented.

americanthinker (2023-02-25). The next state to legalize constitutional carry? americanthinker.com Look out, leftists!

Anand Naidoo (2023-02-25). The Heat: Russia-Ukraine Conflict: One Year On. america.cgtn.com A somber ceremony in Kyiv marks the one-year anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. With no end in sight, China issues a 12-point peace plan. Commemorations were held around the world to mark the one-year anniversary of the Russian-Ukraine conflict. The human toll is staggering. Tens of …

Andrea Mazzarino (2023-02-25). Children of War: The War on Terror and the Battle for Young Minds. juancole.com ( Tomdispatch.com ) — During a Veterans Day celebration in my small Maryland community, a teacher clicked through a slideshow of smiling men and women in military uniforms. "Girls and boys, can anyone tell me what courage is?" she asked the crowd, mostly children from local elementary schools, including my two young kids. A boy …

Angela (2023-02-25). Saturday 2/25: Free virtual screening of the documentary film "Haifawi" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Argentina Indymedia (2023-02-25). El Manifiesto Comunista 175 Años Después. indybay.org (February 21, 2023) 175 years ago Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published The Communist Manifesto. Rebelión reports from the bookstore, en Español…

Brittani Banks (2023-02-25). How Howard Schultz Made Starbucks the Poster Child of Corporate Abuse. independentmediainstitute.org

Carlos Meneses Reyes (2023-02-25). La concepción del presidente Petro sobre el movimiento de masas. globalizacion.ca Asistí a la concentración en la Plaza de Bolívar en Bogotá.DC, a la 1 pm el martes 14 de febrero de 2.023. Miles de asistentes copaban una tercera parte del ágora, como se mencionaba en la antigua Grecia a la…

CIIS Public Programs (2023-02-25). Thursday 3/30: On Social Justice and the Enneagram. indybay.org

Argentina Indymedia (2023-02-25). El Manifiesto Comunista 175 Años Después. indybay.org (February 21, 2023) 175 years ago Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published The Communist Manifesto. Rebelión reports from the bookstore, en Español…

Brittani Banks (2023-02-25). How Howard Schultz Made Starbucks the Poster Child of Corporate Abuse. independentmediainstitute.org

Carlos Meneses Reyes (2023-02-25). La concepción del presidente Petro sobre el movimiento de masas. globalizacion.ca Asistí a la concentración en la Plaza de Bolívar en Bogotá.DC, a la 1 pm el martes 14 de febrero de 2.023. Miles de asistentes copaban una tercera parte del ágora, como se mencionaba en la antigua Grecia a la…

CIIS Public Programs (2023-02-25). Thursday 3/30: On Social Justice and the Enneagram. indybay.org

CIIS Public Programs (2023-02-25). Thursday 4/20: On the Racism of People Who Love You. indybay.org California Institute of Integral Studies | 1453 Mission St. | San Francisco, CA 94103…

Colin Todhunter (2023-02-25). What Was Covid Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. "Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy"? globalresearch.ca If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the implications would be? And why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations…

David Giesen (2023-02-25). Wednesday 2/22: SF Black Reparations Committee meets "40 acres and a mule" indybay.org SF Black Reparations | Wednesday, February 22 ∑ 7: 00 — 8: 00pm | Google Meet joining info | Video call link: meet.google.com/pgb-qrmy-hfu

DJ Mouse (2023-02-25). Ray McGovern on pipeline story…from Sunday's SF antiwar rally. indybay.org Undersea pipeline vanishes as UFO news balloon eclipses NATO attack!

Dr. Naomi Wolf (2023-02-25). Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide: Dr. Naomi Wolf on the Pfizer "Confidential Report" globalresearch.ca The truth is: I've been rendered almost speechless because recently I've had the unenviable task of trying to announce to the world that indeed, a genocide — or what I've called, clumsily but urgently, a "baby die-off" — is underway.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (2023-02-25). America's Proxy War against Russia Started Nine Years Ago: The Minsk Peace Deal: Farce Or Sellout? globalresearch.ca With foresight, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts predicted in February 2015 that the Minsk Peace Agreement would lead us no where, with both Francois Hollande and Angela Merkel under the control of Washington. | First published on February 13, 2015 | *** | Judging …

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). China's int'l trade in services hits 459.5 bln yuan in January. ecns.cn China's international trade in services stood at 459.5 billion yuan, or 67.6 billion U.S. dollars, in January, official data showed on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). China sees strong labor demand as economy recovers after pandemic. ecns.cn After Spring Festival, with the resumption of work and production, job demand has greatly increased across China.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). U.S. needs to offer clear explanation about its 'plan for destruction of Taiwan': Chinese FM. ecns.cn The U.S. needs to offer a clear explanation about the "plan for the destruction of Taiwan," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin at a press conference on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). Xi meets Cambodian King, Queen Mother. ecns.cn Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan on Friday had a cordial meeting with Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni and Queen Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). Beijing Zoo ready to welcome back giant panda from U.S. ecns.cn The Beijing Zoo has began preparation work to welcome Yaya, a 23-year-old giant panda living in Memphis Zoo in the United States for 20 years, back home, reported the Beijing News Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). Jankovic appointed head coach of Chinese national football team. ecns.cn The Chinese Football Association (CFA) announced on Friday that 50-year-old Serbian Aleksandar Jankovic has been appointed as the head coach of China's men's national team.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). EU agrees on 10th package of sanctions against Russia. ecns.cn The European Union (EU) has agreed on the 10th package of sanctions against Russia, said the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU on Twitter Friday night."ÄÄ"ÄÄ"The package includes, e.g.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). Chinese medical team trains Zambian doctors to remove brain tumors. ecns.cn Zambian doctors have successfully conducted four surgeries to remove tumors from the brain following a training conducted by the 23rd batch of the Chinese medical team, a senior neurosurgeon at the country's biggest hospital said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). Banks in GBA to feel boom with new measures. ecns.cn Financial institutions expect a boom in the cross-border capital market of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area with the deepening of the financial sector's opening-up and reform in the area.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). Aussie businesses upbeat about opportunities in west China. ecns.cn Representatives from Australian businesses expressed their anticipation and interest in opportunities in west China, as the latter is eyeing more investment and trade cooperation with foreign countries.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). China initiates nationwide effort to protect bird migration passages. ecns.cn China on Friday kicked off a nationwide effort to protect bird migration passages. | Launched in Zhuhai, south China's Guangdong Province, the effort is part of the promotion campaign for World Wildlife Day, which falls on March 3 this year.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). Chinese police arrest 90,000 for wildlife crimes. ecns.cn Chinese police handled more than 70,000 wildlife-related criminal cases from 2020 to 2022, arresting over 90,000 suspects, a public security official told a press conference Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). Guangdong's co-op zones to boost financial opening up. ecns.cn China's central bank and four other authorities have released measures to deepen financial reforms and opening up in Qianhai and Hengqin in southern Guangdong Province.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). Deputies to 14th NPC broadly representative. ecns.cn The deputies to the 14th National People's Congress (NPC), China's national legislature, make up a broad cross-section of people, with every region, ethnic group and sector of society having an appropriate number of representatives.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). U.S. fabrication on China's airship violates international obligations: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn "Without any evidence, the U.S. wrongly called the airship a 'spy balloon' and responded with abuse of force. That was a flagrant violation of the Chicago Convention and multiple basic principles of international law," Wang said.‚ÄÇ…

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). China to continue to provide strong driving force for building green Silk Road: FM spokesperson. ecns.cn Chin will continue to provide a strong driving force for building a green Silk Road, and work with the rest of the international community to build a planet which enjoys harmony between man and nature and between the economy and environment, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). Rising Economic Polarization in the United States: Truth and Facts. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). China to strengthen international sci-tech cooperation: official. ecns.cn China will continue to strengthen opening-up and cooperation in science and technology, and push for progress in bilateral and multilateral inter-governmental sci-tech cooperation for mutual benefit.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). China launches Horus 1 remote sensing satellite. ecns.cn A Long March -2C carrier rocket carrying with Horus 1 remote sensing satellite blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, Feb. 24, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). Six dead in mine collapse in Inner Mongolia. ecns.cn Rescue work is underway at the site of a collapsed mine in Alxa League, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Feb. 23, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). The charm of traditional Tibetan clothing. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). Cradle of Civilization: Potala Palace. ecns.cn The Potala Palace, a well-known cultural and historical landmark, has stood atop a craggy hill, overlooking Tibet's regional capital of Lhasa for 1,300 years. Built in the 7th century, the palace is a treasure trove of Tibetan history, culture, and art. | The palace was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). More than 50 Tang tri-colored glazed pottery figures unearthed. ecns.cn More than 50 tri-colored glazed pottery figures of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and rare such pottery ware were unearthed from a tomb in east China's Shandong Province on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). 3D-printed statue replica displayed in Qingdao. ecns.cn A 3D-printed Buddha statue, which is 10 meters tall, has been on display at a media plaza in Qingdao, east China's Shandong Province.

ecns.cn (2023-02-25). Qingtuan: Tastes of spring set mouths watering. ecns.cn With Qingming, or Tomb-Sweeping Day, approaching, customers in Shanghai have rushed to buy Qingtuan, a green glutinous rice ball that is a popular spring dessert for Shanghainese and those from the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

El Comercio (2023-02-25). Ecuador: Former President Moreno Among 37 To Be Indicted. indybay.org The Ina Papers, not mentioned in our corporate media, revealed bribery related to the Coca Codo Sinclair hydroelectric project. Lenin Moreno was involved long before he was President of Ecuador, if these allegations are prove true.

ERA Coalition (2023-02-25). Tuesday 2/28: #ERANow: Equal Rights Amendment Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings Livestream. indybay.org

F. William Engdahl (2023-02-25). Global Planned Financial Tsunami Has Just Begun. globalresearch.ca Green Energy mandates are driving this inflation crisis: global shortages of fertilizers, soaring prices of natural gas, grain supply losses, coupled with the global snowballing of defaults, bankruptcies, amid a soaring inflation.

Fabian Lehr & Volker Mosler (2023-02-25). Total victory over a nuclear power is not possible without nuclear war. indybay.org Neither side in this war represents any forward-looking political idea. It is not a war for freedom and democracy, but an imperialist war over whether Ukraine will remain a semi-colony of the US and EU or become a semi-colony of Russia again. Even if Ukraine or NATO wins this war without turning Ukraine into a nuclear-contaminated desert, a victorious Ukrainian state would not be free…

Global Research News (2023-02-25). Video: Massive Protests in France, Italy and Spain. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-02-25). Video: NATO-Exit, Closure of Military Bases: Massive Protests against NATO. globalresearch.ca More than 70 years ago NATO was born. In April 1949, The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established what was designated as the doctrine of "Collective Security" under Art. 5 of the Washington Treaty. | NATO has a sordid history of …

Hartwig Hohnsbein, Georg Rammer (2023-02-25). January 30, 1933 and Media make politics. indybay.org Edward Bernays, one of the most important developers of modern propaganda, wrote almost a hundred years ago: "The manipulation of the opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate the unseen mechanisms of society form an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country."

Headlands Center for the Arts (2023-02-25). Wednesday 3/8: Open Studio with Omid Mokri. indybay.org Headlands Center for the Arts | 944 Fort Barry | Sausalito, CA 94965…

Housing Matters (2023-02-25). Saturday 4/1: March to End Homelessness. indybay.org Meet at Cedar Street & Cathcart Street, Santa Cruz…

International Kadampa Retreat Center, GC (2023-02-25). Saturday 3/4: Open House – International Kadampa Retreat Center in Arizona. indybay.org International Kadampa Retreat Center – Grand Canyon | 6701 East Mountain Ranch Road, Williams, AZ 86046…

James A. Lucas (2023-02-25). The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 "Victim Nations" Since World War II. globalresearch.ca

James Heddle (2023-02-25). The Nuclear Armed Madhouse. globalresearch.ca

Jenna Bettencourt (2023-02-25). Childhood Social Media Usage and Impacts on Identity Formulation in Emerging Adults. indybay.org

Juan Cole (2023-02-25). Top 6 Exciting Wind Power Developments in US, as investment in Offshore Wind Triples and Wind Generates 10% of US Electricity. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Renewable energy continues to burgeon rapidly in the United States. Here are some of the signs of a major transformation that may not always be apparent on the surface: 1. The US tripled that amount of money invested in offshore wind in 2022 to $9.8 billion, according to Kassia Micek …

Kevin Gosztola (2023-02-25). March To Iraq War, 20 Years Later: February 25, 2003. thedissenter.org Note: This series is published exclusively for paid subscribers of The Dissenter. | The world will mark the 20th anniversary of the United States invasion and occupation of Iraq in about a month. It was the second war waged by the US against Iraq. | To reflect on this history, The Dissenter recounts the timeline of events that led up to the invasion on March 20. Each post encapsulates what took place that day as both political and media elites beat the drums of war. | *** | FEBRUARY 25, 2003: MSNBC cancels Phil Donahue's show and expands "Countdown: Iraq" to two hours, a program hosted by Lester Hol…

Kyle Anzalone (2023-02-25). White House Believed 'Economic Nuclear Weapon' Would End Russian War in Ukraine. news.antiwar.com In the days after the invasion of Ukraine, the White House assessed President Vladimir Putin would end the attack if the US froze over $300 billion owned by the Russian central bank. However, the Washington-led economic war on Moscow has failed to have a major impact on the Russian economy. According to Bloomberg, in the …

Labor Video Project (2023-02-25). "Nuking A Town With Chemicals To Get A Railroad Open" & Railroad Labor With SMART. indybay.org The nuking of Palestine, Ohio to remove the toxic waste has exposed the serious and dangerous health and safety conditions in the rail industry and the failure of the government to have oversight and control in this catastrophic disaster. WorkWeek interviews Jerad Cassity who is SMART-TD National Safety Team (NST) Chief of | Safety about this incident and the working conditions and health and safety of railroad workers.

Labor Video Project (2023-02-25). The NTSC, E.Palestine Railroad Wreck, Rail Safety & Nationalization With RWU's Hugh Sawyer. indybay.org WorkWeek looks at the NTSB report on the toxic railway wreck in East Palestine and the causes of it with railroad engineer Hugh Sawyer who is with Railroad Workers United. He reports on the systemic issues that have led to this and many other derailments, the dangers that the East Palestine community are faced with and the need for nationalization of the railroads.

Larry Johnson (2023-02-25). America's Delusional Military Fantasy. sonar21.com Seven years ago General David Petraeus and analyst Michael O'Hanlon wrote this paean to the U.S. military: The United States has the best military in the world today, by far….

Lee Siu Hin, China-US Solidarity Network (2023-02-25). "Vaccine and Sactions" "疫苗与制裁" A New China-US Joint Production Documentary by Lee Siu Hin. indybay.org

Lyn Neeley (2023-02-25). Portland supports postal workers. workers.org Portland, Oregon Dozens of Portland postal union members, union and community leaders rallied Feb. 20 in support of postal workers, demanding "good service, good jobs and a good contract." Drivers passing by honked and showed support. "Our U.S. Postal Service is under attack," read one of the rally leaflets. Signs . . . |

Manlio Dinucci (2023-02-25). Il Nono Anniversario della Guerra in Ucraina. globalresearch.ca Siamo non al primo ma al nono anniversario della guerra in Ucraina, scatenata nel febbraio 2014 con il colpo di stato sotto regia USA-NATO. Parlando da Varsavia, il presidente Biden promette di "essere a fianco del presidente Zelensky qualunque cosa …

Manlio Dinucci (2023-02-25). How to Destroy Russia. 2019 Rand Corporation Report: "Overextending and Unbalancing Russia" globalresearch.ca Force the adversary to expand recklessly in order to unbalance him, and then destroy him. This is not the description of a judo hold, but a plan against Russia elaborated by the Rand Corporation, the most influential think tank in the USA.

Melissa Garriga (2023-02-25). While We're Laughing About a Balloon, Biden Paves a Path to War. globalresearch.ca

Miguel Enrique Stedile (2023-02-25). Lula y la segunda ola progresista en América Latina. globalizacion.ca En un siglo que ha estado -y seguirá estando por mucho tiempo— marcado por la disputa geopolítica entre el intento de Estados Unidos por mantener su hegemonía y el ascenso chino, acompañado por Rusia, América Latina y el Sur Global…

Montreal Autonomous Tenants Union (2023-02-25). Tenants' Union March into Offices of Transport Québec to Demand End to Evictions. itsgoingdown.org Report and video from the Montreal Autonomous Tenants' Union (SLAM-MATU) on recent anti-eviction action. Monday, February 20th, members of the Montreal Autonomous Tenants' Union (SLAM-MATU) stormed into the offices of Transport Quebec. Any plans for a future eviction of the Ville-marie encampment must be cancelled, and encampment members need to be given housing that fits…

Nauman Sadiq (2023-02-25). Who is Volodymyr Zelensky? globalresearch.ca

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Hospice care: Comfort at the end of life. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It was announced earlier this week that former President Jimmy Carter has entered hospice care. But just what is hospice care and how it can provide comfort and support? Hospice care is for people who are nearing the end of life. The services are provided by a team of health care professionals who maximize comfort for a person who is terminally ill by reducing pain and addressing physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. To help…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Mayo Clinic Minute: Heart disease in African American women. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in women in the U.S. And African American women have an even higher risk of dying from heart disease ‚Äï and at a younger age ‚Äï than white women, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. LaPrincess Brewer, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says this serious issue is compounded by the fact that many African American women are not…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Consumer Health: Pregnancy and the heart. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Pregnancy can be an exciting, happy time. It also can be an anxious time, especially if you have an underlying health problem, such as heart disease. February is American Heart Month, which makes this a good time to learn about heart conditions and pregnancy. Pregnancy stresses your heart and circulatory system. During pregnancy, your blood volume increases by 30% to 50% to nourish your growing baby. This makes your heart pump more blood each minute and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Consumer Health: What do you know about encephalitis? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org World Encephalitis Day will be observed Wednesday, Feb. 22, which makes this a good time to learn more about this potentially life-threatening disease. Encephalitis affects nearly 500,000 people of all ages worldwide each year, according to the Encephalitis Society. What Causes it Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. The inflammation can be caused by an infection, most often a virus, invading the brain (infectious encephalitis), but it also can be caused by the immune system attacking the brain in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Mayo Clinic Minute: Hope for spontaneous coronary artery dissection, SCAD. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Research on spontaneous coronary artery dissection, or SCAD, has exploded in the last decade, says Dr. Sharonne N. Hayes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist and a leading expert on this rare heart condition. Though there have been many advancements in understanding SCAD, Dr. Hayes says there is still much to learn, including why 90% of these types of heart attacks happen to nonstereotypical heart attack patients — young women. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/HVz5wqWOctA Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (0: 57) is…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Black History Month – Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua, helping at-risk patients and increasing diversity in clinical trials. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua Black History Month is a month for all people to celebrate and learn about the diverse and important contributions of Black Americans to American society and culture, as well as to reflect on the ongoing fight against racism, inequity, and discrimination. The Mayo Clinic News Network is profiling several Mayo Clinic physicians who are focused every day on achieving health equity through their work. Meet Dr. Lionel Kankeu Fonkoua, an oncologist with…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). What is frontotemporal degeneration? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org An uncommon group of disorders may cause changes in personality, behavior, language, movement Frontotemporal degeneration (FTD) is a group of neurologic disorders associated with changes in personality, behavior, language or movement. Some FTD forms are inherited, and some are not. Typically, people develop FTD symptoms before age 60. While there is no cure for this progressive decline, FTD research has made significant strides in the past two decades, says Dr. Bradley Boeve (boh-VAY), a Mayo…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Science Saturday: Bioengineering vocal cords. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Tissue engineering techniques discovered at Mayo Clinic and Arizona State University created a humanlike vocal cord (fold) structure with the potential to produce a natural-sounding voice. The bioengineered scaffold mimics human vocal folds, with ability to vibrate and make sound. The study team reported the tissue-engineered vocal fold structure suggests potential for growing cells capable of healing scar tissue that impair speech. This research is published in Biomacromolecules. "Tissue engineering is a promising approach that combines…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Tips to keep stress from hurting your heart. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Everyone reacts to stress differently, and how you react can impact the chance of developing serious health issues, including heart disease. Your body's response to stress may include muscle aches and headaches, back strain, stomach pains, and other physical symptoms. Stress also can make you tired, disturb normal sleep patterns, and leave you irritable, forgetful and out of control. When stress is constant, your body remains in high gear for days or weeks, which can lead…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Dementia-related pain: What caregivers need to know. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dementia isn't a specific disease. Instead, it describes a collection of symptoms that affect a person's thinking and social abilities enough to interfere with daily life. There are more than 55 million people worldwide living with dementia. Of these, 50% to 60% have Alzheimer's disease. Dementia is the seventh leading cause of death worldwide. There is a constellation of dementia symptoms, and memory loss is the primary feature. Other common symptoms are physical functional decline…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Mayo Clinic Q and A: What is cholangiocarcinoma and how is it treated? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My mother has been experiencing unusual and persistent fatigue, abdominal pain, and jaundice. After undergoing a CT scan, her doctor diagnosed her with cholangiocarcinoma. What is this type of cancer? And what treatment options are available? ANSWER: Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare cancer that develops from the bile ducts, which are slender tubes that carry the digestive fluid bile and connect the liver to the gallbladder and small intestine. The tumor can occur anywhere along…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Mayo Clinic Minute: Are you getting enough sleep for your best heart health? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Getting a good night's sleep is important. But exactly how much sleep do you need? Recently, the American Heart Association added sleep to its checklist for improving and maintaining your heart health. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains how many hours of sleep people need for optimal heart health. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/qeoBv7lye4I Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 06) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Black History Month: Dr. Floyd Willis on the importance of inclusive Alzheimer's Disease research. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Dr. Floyd Willis Black History Month is a month for all people to celebrate and learn about the diverse and important contributions of Black Americans to American society and culture, as well as to reflect on the ongoing fight against racism, inequity and discrimination. Mayo Clinic News Network is profiling Mayo Clinic physicians who are focused every day on achieving health equity through their work. Meet Dr. Floyd Willis, a family medicine physician and investigator…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). What is naloxone and should everyone have access to it? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Naloxone opioid overdose kit Two panels that advise the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are recommending that naloxone nasal spray be approved for over-the-counter sale for emergency treatment of opioid overdoses. The Joint Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee and the Anesthetic and Analgesic Drug Products Advisory Committee voted unanimously to approve the measure. The FDA will make a final decision on March 29 if naloxone will become a nonprescription drug. "This access for everyone is so needed," says Dr….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Mayo Clinic ranked No. 3 on Forbes list of 'America's Best Large Employers'. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mayo Clinic was ranked No. 3 by Forbes in its 2023 list of "America's Best Large Employers," which was released today. Mayo Clinic was ranked No. 7 on the list in 2022. Mayo Clinic was ranked No. 3 on the Forbes list of "America's Best Large Employers," which was released this week. Mayo was ranked No. 7 on the list in 2022. As in 2022, hospital systems and medical centers were prominently featured on the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Davis, Dunn to join Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Jed Davis, president and CEO of DDI Inc., which operates the Davis Family Office headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, and AJ Dunn, chief administrative officer of Mayo Clinic in Florida, were elected to the Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees at its quarterly meeting on Feb. 17. "Jed Davis and AJ Dunn are insightful, dedicated and accomplished leaders with a strong background in executive governance and a firm commitment to Mayo Clinic's mission and…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Dr. Prathibha Varkey recognized as one of Modern Healthcare's 'Top 25 Women Leaders'. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org ROCHESTER, Minn. — Prathibha Varkey, M.B.B.S., president of Mayo Clinic Health System, was recognized by Modern Healthcare as one of the "Top 25 Women Leaders" for 2023. The profiles of all the honorees are featured in the Feb. 20 issue of Modern Healthcare magazine and online at ModernHealthcare.com/topwomenexecs. This prestigious recognition program acknowledges and honors women executives from all sectors of the health care industry for their leadership in care delivery improvement, health equity, policy…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Mayo Clinic remembers Dr. Robert Hattery, former CEO of Mayo Clinic in Rochester. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Robert Hattery, M.D., second from left, at Mayo's 150th anniversary celebration in 2014. Robert R. Hattery, M.D., former CEO of Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, and longtime Mayo Clinic advocate, died on Feb. 11, 2023. "Dr. Hattery was a builder of people," says Claire Bender, M.D., emeritus member of the staff in Radiology. "He was a true leader who was highly respected, fair, extremely hard working and always dedicated to Mayo Clinic's patients and staff."…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Avoiding shoulder injuries while shoveling snow. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: Last winter, I slipped and fell shoveling snow. I have arthritis in one of my shoulders. I'm concerned about having another injury. How common are shoulder injuries during the winter due to shoveling snow and other activities? What advice do you have for how to avoid injuring my shoulder? ANSWER: Unfortunately, the numbers don't lie. In Mayo Clinic's orthopedics practice, the number of people who need care due to shoulder injuries increases substantially during…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Mayo Clinic Minute: Obesity and heart disease. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org It's long been known that being overweight or obese can make a person more apt to develop conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, which can lead to cardiovascular disease. But experts at Mayo Clinic say obesity also can affect the heart in entirely independent ways. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains the resources available to help patients battling obesity and heart disease. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Winter safety tips from a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org The National Weather Service says a massive winter storm is moving across the U.S., with high winds, icy conditions and up to 2 feet of heavy snow expected in parts of the Upper Midwest. If possible, limit travel or stay off the roads if you live in the affected areas. "If you don't have to go out, it's best not to go. But if you do, plan just in case something bad happens," says Dr….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Mayo Clinic Minute: Snowblower safety. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Much of the nation is bracing for a massive winter storm that is working its way eastward across the country. Over the next few days, the storm is expected to bring heavy snow and blizzard conditions in the North, with sleet, freezing rain and thunderstorms across the South. Portions of the upper Midwest could see close to 2 feet of snow. With that in mind, you might want to get that snowblower fueled up. Dr….

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-25). Staying safe during a major winter storm. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org As several winter storms are expected to bring freezing rain, sleet and snow across the U.S., the National Weather Service reminds people to be safe and prepare in advance to ensure personal safety and well-being. As hospital emergency rooms have historically seen an influx of weather-related injuries with each winter storm, it is important to be adequately prepared to reduce the risk of medical emergencies. Dr. David Nestler, a Mayo Clinic emergency medicine physician, says falls are among the most…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-02-25). Ten Palestinians Killed, Over 100 Injured as Israeli Forces Storm Nablus. orinocotribune.com At least ten Palestinians were killed on Tuesday, including an elderly man and a child, while more than 100 were injured by live bullets, as Israeli forces stormed Nablus, the official news agency WAFA reported. | According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the victims were identified as: | ‚Ä¢ Adnan Saabe Baara, 72, | ‚Ä¢ Abdul Hadi Abdul Aziz Ashqar, 61, | ‚Ä¢ Mohammad Farid Shaaban, 16, | ‚Ä¢ Tamer Nimr Minawi, 33, | ‚Ä¢ Mohammad Khaled Anbousi, 25, | ‚Ä¢ Musab Munir Awais, 26, | ‚Ä¢ Hussam Bass…

Pavan Kulkarni (2023-02-25). As Nigeria goes to the polls, Labor Party backed by the trade unions, emerges as strong third force. peoplesdispatch.org Africa's most populous country, Nigeria, is going to the polls on February 25. Key trade unions and progressive forces have backed the Labour Party and its presidential candidate Peter Obi to provide a break from the policies of the mainstream APC and PDP parties…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-25). Daily Round-up | China lays out plan for peaceful end to Ukraine conflict & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In this episode, we bring you stories of a Chinese peace plan for the Ukraine war, Israel approving over 7,000 settlements, two Yemeni men suing energy company Total over their detention and torture, and former Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno facing prosecution…

Peter Boyle (2023-02-25). Protest against AUKUS nuclear submarine deal outside PM Anthony Albanese's office. greenleft.org.au A protest outside PM Anthony Albanese's electorate office was one of several protests around the country demanding that the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal be scrapped. Video by Peter Boyle.

Phebe Eckfeldt (2023-02-25). Resistance behind bars : Walpole prisoner strike 50 years on. workers.org March 15 will mark the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Walpole Prison takeover in Massachusetts by incarcerated workers. It ended May 18, 65 days later. What led to this stupendous, courageous event by captured workers? Walpole, Massachusetts, prisoners on strike, 1973. Bobby Dellelo, a leader of the takeover, spent 40 . . . |

r u 18 vote (2023-02-25). The Official White House Website Should Have A Photo Of The WHITE HOUSE, Not Ukraine! indybay.org The official WHITE HOUSE website should have a photograph of the WHITE HOUSE, not Ukraine. February 23 and February 24, 2023…

Rhythmix Cultural Works (2023-02-25). Saturday 3/4: Art Of The African Diaspora Satellite Exhibit. indybay.org Rhythmix Cultural Works | 2513 Blanding Ave, Alameda CA 94501…

Roberto Regalado (2023-02-25). El trabajo político de Cuba hacia los Estados Unidos. globalizacion.ca Tercera entrega de la serie ´El internacionalismo de Manuel Piñeiro en las relaciones exteriores de Cuba ª | A diferencia de los Estados Unidos que, mediante el genocidio de la población autóctona y de guerras de despojo, impusieron el ´destino manifiesto ª de…

Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History (2023-02-25). Saturday 3/4: Extreme Weather Resource Fair: Small Talk, Big Topics. indybay.org Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History | 1305 E Cliff Dr, Santa Cruz, CA 95062…

Staff (2023-02-25). Diálogos genuinos que aportan soluciones. cubadebate.cu Con representantes del movimiento deportivo villaclareño y trabajadores de la Industria del Lácteo en esta provincia continuaron este viernes los intercambios de los ocho candidatos a diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular por el municipio de Santa Clara.

Staff (2023-02-25). De King a Nichols: Memphis, el racismo y la violencia en la sociedad estadounidense. cubadebate.cu Tyre Nichols era demasiado joven para morir. Tenía apenas 29 años cuando fue asesinado por la policía de Memphis, Tennessee, a inicios de este 2023. Falleció tras la brutal paliza que le propinaron 6 agentes del orden en esa ciudad el 7 de enero de este año. Vivió apenas tres días más después del suceso. La violencia y el racismo sistémico contra la gente negra está en las entrañas mismas del imperio.

Staff (2023-02-25). El podcast de Cubadebate: Los preparativos de las elecciones nacionales (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Sobre cómo marcha el proceso electoral en la mayor de las Antillas hablaremos en el podcast de Cubadebate. Tendremos declaraciones de Alina Balseiro, presidenta del Consejo Electoral Nacional y un reporte de la participación del presidente cubano Miguel Díaz-Canel en este proceso. Conéctese con nosotros y escuche hasta al final.

Staff (2023-02-25). Félix Varela y Morales: "Un hijo de la libertad, un alma americana" (II). cubadebate.cu Lo primero que caracteriza a la filosofía vareliana es su ruptura epistemológica con el pasado teórico y la ubicación de su gnoseo ≠logía como búsqueda del instrumental teórico, metodológico y conceptual para interpretar su realidad física, social y humana.

Staff (2023-02-25). Bronce de Anisley García abre el medallero para Cuba en el Campeonato Panamericano de Clavados. cubadebate.cu La clavadista cubana Anisley García ganó la medalla de bronce en la prueba de plataforma y le dio a Cuba la primera presea en el Campeonato Panamericano de ese deporte, un evento que tiene por sede a la ciudad mexicana de León y que reparte cupos directos a Santiago de Chile 2023. Laydel Domínguez terminó séptimo en el trampolín a un metro.

Staff (2023-02-25). Cuba entre los destinos "cool" para 2023, según estudio de compañía especializada en "travel millenials" cubadebate.cu La revista de actualidades Hola -radicada en España- incluyó a Cuba entre los destinos más "cool" del 2023 para viajeros jóvenes que buscan "una verdadera inmersión cultural y en la vida local". La selección, publicada en el sitio web de Hola, se basa en un estudio de la compañía Weromad, especializada en el sector "travel millenial".

Staff (2023-02-25). Las 3 del día: Resumen semanal (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Saludos a todos los seguidores de "Las 3 del día". Este viernes 24 de febrero de 2023 hacemos un resumen de lo más importante ocurrido en la semana en nuestro país y en el contexto internacional. "Las 3 del día" es el podcast de Cubadebate que tiene de todo un poco en materia informativa con la voz de nuestros editores, periodistas y colaboradores. °Conéctese ya!

Staff (2023-02-25). øPuede Europa sobrevivir a este momento? cubadebate.cu Las fuerzas de derecha y ultraderecha dominan el discurso sobre Ucrania. Como en la década de 1930, la apología del fascismo se hace en nombre de la democracia y la apología de la guerra se hace en nombre de la paz.

Staff (2023-02-25). 3rd Afro-Venezuelan National Congress Begins in Caracas. orinocotribune.com The 3rd Afro-Venezuelan National Congress began in Caracas on Friday, February 24, and will end on Sunday, February 26. The event, held in the Venezuelan School of Planning, will also be a tribute to the Cimarrón Mayor, the late Chavista leader Aristóbulo Istúriz. The main objective of the meeting is to consolidate a united Afro-Venezuelan platform, which, with the spirit of the Bolivarian Revolution, will work towards dismantling 530 years of colonialism, slavery, racism and discrimination. | The programe started on Friday with the accreditation of the 17 participating delegations from different regions of the c…

Staff (2023-02-25). Debunking Zionist Disinformation: Attacks on Samidoun and the Palestinian prisoners' battle for freedom. samidoun.net Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network has recently been subjected to a series of attacks by Zionist and far-right publications, particularly in the United States. Part of these attacks has been an all-out assault on our fiscal sponsor, the Alliance for Global Justice, a grassroots, internationalist and progressive organization that provides fiscal sponsorship to over 140 …

Suds, Snacks,, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-02-25). Saturday 3/4: The Global Struggle for Women's Rights. indybay.org The Starry Plough Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705…

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-25). Gobierno brasileño anuncia ayudas a agricultores en Rio Grande. telesurtv.net La región de Hulha Negra, en la frontera con Uruguay, es una de las zonas más golpeadas por la falta de agua en el estado.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-25). Se dispara la pobreza energética oculta en España. telesurtv.net La investigación detectó un menor confort en los hogares por temperatura inadecuada, así como el aumento del indicador de la pobreza energética oculta.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-25). Indonesia refuerza seguridad en Papúa tras muertes en disturbios. telesurtv.net La situación era "manejable" pero estaba siendo monitoreada, dijo en un comunicado el portavoz de la policía de la provincia de Papúa, Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-02-25). Ascienden a 54 los muertos por lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Se han identificado 38 cuerpos, entre los cuales se precisan 13 hombres adultos, 12 mujeres adultas y 13 niños.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-02-25). Advierten a países africanos ante arribo de ciclón Freddy. telesurtv.net Los pronósticos apuntan que tocará territorio de África continental por algún punto entre las ciudades de Beira e Inhambane, en Mozambique.

teleSUR, hvh, JDO (2023-02-25). Rusia denuncia posible agresión de Ucrania contra Transnistria. telesurtv.net El mando ruso ha registrado una acumulación significativa de fuerzas ucranianas en las cercanías de Transnistria.

teleSUR, jaa, JGN (2023-02-25). Emiten alertas por tormenta invernal en California, EE.UU. telesurtv.net El ente subrayó que pueden ocurrir inundaciones debido a las fuertes lluvias en varias regiones del estado, como los condados de Ventura y Los Ángeles.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-25). Continúan labores para combatir incendio forestal en Holguín, Cuba. telesurtv.net En la zona existe alto volumen de material combustible debido a la intensa sequía que la afecta, pues no llueve hace más de cuatro meses.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-25). Regresan 233 venezolanos desde Perú con Plan Vuelta a la Patria. telesurtv.net Los 233 venezolanos fueron recibidos en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Maiquetia en La Guaira por varios funcionarios del Gobierno nacional.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-25). Cristina Fernández pide investigar a la policía de Buenos Aires. telesurtv.net En la querella presentada ante la autoridad judicial se pide que se investigue la responsabilidad de la policía bonarense en el atentado contra Cristina Fernández.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-25). Terremoto de magnitud 6.1 se registra al norte de Japón. telesurtv.net No se ha emitido ninguna alerta de tsunami. No hubo informes inmediatos de heridos o daños importantes a la propiedad.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-25). Nigerianos acuden a las urnas para elegir al nuevo presidente. telesurtv.net Para garantizar la seguridad de las elecciones, la Policía nigeriana informó del despliegue de más de 301.900 agentes de seguridad por toda la nación.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-25). Autoridades dominicanas detienen a 404 migrantes haitianos. telesurtv.net En los operativos fueron apresados 378 hombres y 26 mujeres en los sectores Friusa, Mata Mosquitos, El Ejecutivo, Cabeza de Toro, Villa La Fe y Kosovo, entre otros.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-25). Sismo de 5.3 de magnitud sacude el centro de Türkiye. twitter.com En los reportes de distintas fuentes gubernamentales se informó que el nuevo sismo no provocó graves daños ni víctimas.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-25). Rechazan en Cuba bases militares de EE.UU. y la OTAN. telesurtv.net Denuncian que Washington y el bloque militar mantienen más de 800 bases militares en todo el mundo, de ellas 76 en América Latina.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-25). Movimiento indígena acusa a Gobierno de Ecuador de romper acuerdos. telesurtv.net Denuncian que Ejecutivo viola el principio de consultar a las comunidades sobre actividades mineras y emplea a la fuerza pública contra comuneros.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-25). ONU pide investigar asesinatos de campesinos en Bajo Aguán, Honduras. telesurtv.net Cinco defensores de derechos humanos, vinculados con el conflicto agrario en esa región, fueron asesinados desde febrero de 2022 a la fecha.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-25). Confederación indígena ecuatoriana convoca a movilización contra Gobierno de Lasso. telesurtv.net La máxima organización indígena del país, asimismo, exhortó a la Asamblea Nacional a impulsar un juicio político en contra de Lasso.

teleSUR, JGN (2023-02-25). Embajador de Venezuela ante Brasil entrega copias de estilo. telesurtv.net "Celebro la nueva etapa de hermandad y cooperación entre dos pueblos hermanos", externó el jefe de Estado venezolano.

teleSUR, lvm -.JGN (2023-02-25). Reportan que disminuye cantidad de incendios en Chile. telesurtv.net El subsecretario del Interior reportó que hay dos nuevos detenidos, ambos en la Región de Ñuble, por la realización de quemas ilegales.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-02-25). Responsabilizan al Estado ecuatoriano en feminicidio de María Belén Bernal. telesurtv.net El 11 de septiembre de 2022 fue asesinada María Belén Bernal por Germán Cáceres en la Escuela Superior de la Policía, en Quito.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-02-25). Elevan a 12 los casos de gripe aviar en Argentina. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento, suman siete casos de gripe aviar reportados en el estado argentino de Córdoba.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-02-25). OMS advierte sobre aumento de la tasa de mortalidad por cólera. telesurtv.net República Dominicana, Malaui, Zambia, Burundi, Nigeria son algunos de los países que reportan casos de la enfermedad.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-25). Aumentan a 57 los decesos por lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net El Gobierno de Sao Paulo precisó que la mayoría de los fallecidos fueron reportados en el municipio de Sao Sebastiao.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-25). Sube a 44.218 la cifra de muertos por los terremotos en Türkiye. twitter.com La AFAD indicó que se han reportado 9.136 réplicas de los terremotos que tuvieron su epicentro en la provincia de Kahramanmara≈ü.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-25). Condecoran a brigadistas venezolanos tras labores en Türkiye y Siria. telesurtv.net El mandatario destacó el desempeño de los integrantes de la Fuerza de Tarea Humanitaria "Simón Bolívar".

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2023-02-25). Perú anuncia retiro de su embajador en México. telesurtv.net Con la decisión, las relaciones entre ambas naciones quedarán formalmente a nivel de encargados de Negocios.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-25). Camboya reporta el segundo contagio de gripe aviar en humanos. telesurtv.net Según se informó, se trata del padre de una niña de 11 años que falleció el miércoles a causa de esta enfermedad.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-25). Costa Rica registra 5.109 casos de Covid-19 en la última semana. telesurtv.net De acuerdo al Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, 16 personas fallecieron en la última semana por causas asociadas a la Covid-19.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-25). Paraguay acumula 12.189 nuevos casos de chikungunya. telesurtv.net El ministerio reportó un total de 29.362 casos de chikungunya desde octubre, cuando inició la epidemia.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-25). Presidente de México reitera apoyo a Pedro Castillo. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado apoyó calificó de injusta e ilegal la destitución del expresidente peruano.

The Green Arcade (2023-02-25). Thursday 3/9: What Would It Take To Topple Amazon? Author Reading Discusses How To Do It! indybay.org The Green Arcade | 1680 Market Street | San Francisco, CA 94102…

The Huerta Center (2023-02-25). Thursday 3/9: International Women's Day: Celebrating Feminist Scholarship from the Americas. indybay.org Merrill Cultural Center, UC Santa Cruz | Driving and Parking Directions: | maps.ucsc.edu/detailed-directions/

Toward increased Networking (2023-02-25). From Today (Thu), 3 pm ("Stop Cop City"): Online events w) Vandana Shiva, Chomsky, etc. indybay.org Here are about 9 online events taking place over the next week+ (and starting at 3: 00 pm today, Thursday, 2/23), featuring people such as Dário Votório Kopenawa Yanomami, Paul Watson, adrienne maree brown, Vandana Shiva, Noam Chomsky, and many others. | These events are hosted from various locations all across the country, as well from Canada, Australia, and the UK (however, the listed times are all for our "Pacific time zone"). Of course, feel free to share this info with others who might be interested in it.

Unicorn Riot (2023-02-25). 'Community' Committee Cheers Police Violence as Authorities Repress Resistance to 'Cop City'. unicornriot.ninja

unitedEditor (2023-02-25). Using the earthquake as an opportunity to increase support for terrorism. uwidata.com By Ceyhun Bozkurt* Due to the earthquake, which has been tearing at all of our hearts, we have focused on the cities hit by the disaster and the search and rescue and relief activities there for a long time. The destruction is huge. Our pain and anger are great… We will talk and write about it …

WSWS (2023-02-25). Pueblo, Colorado, family file lawsuit over 2022 police killing of Richard Ward. wsws.org Body camera footage of the incident shows that the official police report of the incident was a lie and that deputies murdered Ward without reason.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Letter from a Caterpillar worker: "We are done messing around" wsws.org With the March 1 contract expiration for over 6,000 UAW members at Caterpillar fast approaching, workers are increasingly calling for a counter-offensive to win back major improvements in wages, benefits and working conditions.

WSWS (2023-02-25). 1619 Project creator Nikole Hannah-Jones was paid over $1 million to speak about race at colleges in 2022. wsws.org The race-obsessed middle class layers which Hannah-Jones epitomizes are fundamentally fearful of and hostile to the growing movement of the working class. The last thing they want is for the party to end when there is yet so much money to be made.

WSWS (2023-02-25). In last words, Florida death row inmate denounces Governor Ron DeSantis. wsws.org The Florida governor signed Donald Dillbeck's death warrant on the same day that he floated a change to state law that would allow a person to be sentenced to death after a non-unanimous vote of a jury.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Twelve years after Christchurch earthquake, building collapse victims denied justice. wsws.org The WSWS spoke with Maan Alkaisi, a spokesman for the families of some of the 115 people who died in the collapse of the poorly constructed CTV building. Twelve years on, no one has been held accountable for this avoidable tragedy.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Living: A "sort of dead" civil servant comes to life. wsws.org The film is a "reimagining" of Akira Kurosawa's 1952 masterpiece Ikiru (To Live), which in turn was originally inspired by Leo Tolstoy's novella The Death of Ivan Ilyich (1886).

WSWS (2023-02-25). SEP demands billions for health and education, not for war. wsws.org While virtually limitless funds are being allocated to the war machine, governments proclaim that there is no money for essential social services such as healthcare and education.

WSWS (2023-02-25). SEP (Sri Lanka) holds open-air election meeting in Jaffna district. wsws.org About 60 people, including fishermen, farmers, daily wage workers, youth and housewives listened to SEP candidates outline the party's socialist program.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Sri Lankan workers protest against tax increases. wsws.org The unions are attempting to hoodwink workers with demagogic denunciations of President Wickremesinghe and appeals for cosmetic changes to his government's austerity measures.

WSWS (2023-02-25). University of Michigan graduate student workers move closer to strike. wsws.org All the demands by University of Michigan graduate student workers have been rejected by the campus administration as a May 1 contract deadline approaches.

WSWS (2023-02-25). The COVID cover-up, or how the ruling class learned to stop worrying and love the virus. wsws.org The fact that millions of people continue to be infected with COVID-19 and thousands die each week is now met with total indifference by the ruling elites, with virtually no reporting on this deepening world crisis.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Hydrologist warns of long-term consequences of catastrophic US train derailment. wsws.org In a town hall meeting, a hydrologist warned residents, "You're in a situation where you're going to be dealing with this for the rest of your lives if you stay here."

WSWS (2023-02-25). Open letter to undergraduates of Temple University: Support striking Temple TAs! Fight back against tuition increases! wsws.org The struggle must be expanded through the formation of rank-and-file committees representing all sections of the campus workforce and the students.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Scores of immigrants die in bus crashes trying to reach locked-down US border. wsws.org The tragedies in Panama and Mexico are not mere "traffic accidents" but part and parcel of monstrous social crimes committed by US imperialism.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Australian study shows inflation the result of profit gouging, not wages. wsws.org According to a report by the Australia Institute, Australian businesses increased their prices by a total of $160 billion a year over and above their higher expenses for labour, taxes, and other inputs.

WSWS (2023-02-25). Health authorities in Cambodia report a young girl has died from bird flu. wsws.org The first human death from the current bird flu raises concern among health authorities about the potential of human-to-human transmission.

_____ (2023-02-24). Why are no sanctions imposed on the perpetrators of the Ukrainian conflict? journal-neo.org

_____ (2023-02-24). Why F-16 Fighter Jets to Ukraine Exposes NATO's Weak Hand. journal-neo.org In recent weeks, the United States and its NATO allies have begun discussions about providing Ukraine with a wider array of weaponry ranging from Western main battle tanks and longer-range munitions, to even Western warplanes. The "doubling down" by the West comes at a time when NATO's stockpiles of Soviet-era equipment runs dry and even …

_____ (2023-02-24). Glenn Diesen: One Year On… Why the Ukraine War Spells Doom For U.S. Hegemony and the NATO Alliance. strategic-culture.org Russia is not backing down, but it can't be said for the U.S. and its allies who are increasingly looking at a weakened geopolitical position. | After one year of war in Ukraine, Russia has not collapsed in the dramatic way that the United States and its European NATO allies were confidently predicting. | U.S. President Joe Biden in visits to Ukraine and Poland this week hailed the "unity" of NATO and the transatlantic alliance. | The reality is the Western transatlantic alliance is showing signs of fragmenting because of the immense strain on Europe's economy due to European governments following Washington's…

_____ (2023-02-24). Historic Year… Ukraine War Exposes U.S. Imperialism as Foremost Global Threat. strategic-culture.org Most people realize that the United States and its capitalist impoverishing-war-system must be defeated if the world is to ever live in peace. | The war in Ukraine is now entering its second year, having reached its first anniversary this week. On February 24 last year, Russian forces entered Ukrainian territory. The conflict has taken many twists and turns over the past 12 months. But there seems to be one inescapable, paramount development. The contours of hostility have emerged to identify the primary global threat — the United States and its zero-sum obsession with imperialist hegemony. | Strictly speak…

_____ (2023-02-24). NATO Powers Intensify Offensive Against Russia After Munich Security Conference. strategic-culture.org By Johannes STERN | One year after the reactionary invasion of Ukraine by the Putin regime, the imperialist powers are organizing a massive escalation of the war, which increasingly raises the threat of a nuclear world war. | On Monday, US President Joe Biden paid a "surprise visit" to Kiev and announced further arms deliveries, including missiles designed to enable Ukraine to attack targets in Crimea and the Russian heartland. The other far-reaching decisions taken behind the scenes are not known, but demands in the US media range from the delivery of F-16 fighter jets to NATO ground troops. | The visit showed h…

_____ (2023-02-24). Why Arms Control Won't Be Bilateral Business Anymore. strategic-culture.org On February 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow was suspending participation in the U.S.-Russian New START Treaty, stressing that the country was not withdrawing from the treaty. "Before we come back to discussing this issue, we must have a clear idea of what NATO countries such as France or Great Britain have at stake, and how we will account for their strategic arsenals, that is, the Alliance's combined offensive capabilities," he said.

_____ (2023-02-24). Why Putin Went to War — One Year Later. strategic-culture.org On Feb. 24, 2022 Vladimir Putin explained his country's intentions in Ukraine in a televised speech. How has what he said then measured up to today? Joe Lauria reports. | It is instructive to compare Russia's war aims expressed on Feb. 24, 2022 to the state of the conflict today — a year long war of attrition that Russia is slowing winning on the ground. | But what was unleashed a year ago today is far from settled and is fraught with supreme danger for all of humanity. | The West's economic war, intended to spur Russians to overthrow their government, has failed spectacularly. The ruble did not collapse d…

A Guest Author (2023-02-24). From Texas death row: a salute to Sam Marcy. workers.org There are comrades, living and deceased, who make the heart beat "love" at the mere thought of them. And one such comrade is Sam Marcy. Before leaving us behind to carry on the unfinished work of the party, Comrade Marcy taught me two very important lessons that are closely related: . . . |

Abayomi Azikiwe, Black Agenda Report. (2023-02-24). African American Resistance In The Rural South. popularresistance.org As Wall Street collapsed the United States was faced with the threat of yet another social and political crisis which could have prompted a national uprising against capitalism. | During October 1929, the United States economic system was plunged into an unprecedented depression where tens of millions were thrown out of work and their homes. | In the South, the African American people living in major cities, small towns and rural areas were impacted more than any other demographic inside the country. | The Great Depression began under the leadership of Republican President Herbert Hoover who refused to initiate a…

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-02-24). Civil Rights and the Transformation from Tenant to Mechanized Agriculture. globalresearch.ca

Adriaan Alsema (2023-02-24). Colombia's prosecution all but collapsed, statistics suggest. colombiareports.com Government statistics suggest that Colombia's Prosecutor General's Office has all but collapsed since chief prosecutor Francisco Barbosa took office. According to the statistics, the Prosecutor General's Office successfully prosecuted 11,816…

Adriaan Alsema (2023-02-24). Think tanks propose new court to combat corruption in Colombia. colombiareports.com Two prominent think tanks have proposed a constitutional reform that would allow an independent judicial body to investigate widespread corruption in Colombia. According to the Anti-Corruption Institute (IAC) and the…

African Stream (2023-02-24). Buhari Warns About Foreign Meddling As Nigeria Heads to Polls to Decide on Next President. towardfreedom.org Nigeria's president has scolded Western diplomats for their comments about the way the February 25 presidential election is being run, warning against foreign meddling. Countries across Africa are up against Western-backed coup attempts and Western-supported disinformation campaigns. African Stream reports.

Ahmed Adel (2023-02-24). The West Severely Miscalculated the Geopolitical Ramifications of the War in Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Ajamu Baraka (2023-02-24). Why embracing anti-colonialism made Malcolm a marked man. mronline.org Malcolm X was a legendary revolutionary who is still loved by millions of people. The anniversary of his assassination is an opportunity to reflect on his impact.

Alasdair Baverstock (2023-02-24). China's Belt and Road Initiative changes El Salvador landscape. america.cgtn.com China's Belt and Road Initiative is placing infrastructure across the developing world, not least in Latin America, where a number of countries have joined the initiative in recent years. CGTN's Alasdair Baverstock takes a look at how this engagement is changing the landscape in El …

Alexandra Bruce (2023-02-24). RFK Jr :138 Companies Involved in COVID Vaccine. "They're all military contractors." globalresearch.ca

Allen Forrest (2023-02-24). The Utility of Distractions. dissidentvoice.org

americanthinker (2023-02-24). A Sober View Of The Russo-Ukrainian War. americanthinker.com Until our politicians and pundits understand the Russian approach to war, they will misread the situation in ways terribly damaging for Ukraine.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Biden Administration's New Equity Atlas: An Unconstitutional Equity Redistribution Scheme. americanthinker.com Biden's $1.2 trillion American Rescue Plan Act gives cities a blank check for billions in federal grants in a data-driven scheme to force racial equity justice outcomes. Check out what's happening in your city.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). China's Spying Goes Far Beyond Balloons. americanthinker.com When adversarial nations fly unidentified objects over our borders, we're paralyzed by the threat. Meanwhile, most of us whitewash the daily micro-intrusions we accept at a much more frequent pace. Check out what's going on with your robovac.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Facebook: Where Jihadist Hate Thrives. americanthinker.com It's astounding to see how much terror-promoting content goes unchallenged on social media.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Some Helpful Advice For Donald Trump To Sharpen His Candidacy. americanthinker.com The man who once had his finger on America's pulse seems a bit adrift, but there are ways he can refocus his campaign.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). TIA: This Is Africa? No, This Is America. americanthinker.com A phrase once used to describe shoddy aspects of African life, now applies to America. Thank you progressives!

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Biden is establishing radical leftist, anti-Constitution control over the federal judiciary. americanthinker.com His latest pick for the Second Circuit shows exactly what's coming down the pike when it comes to our all-too-powerful Article III judges.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Biden's costly miscalculation makes Ukraine a lost cause. americanthinker.com If Biden wants to support Ukraine, so be it — but the fundamental flaw with America's position is being overlooked.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). ChatGPT bot pens a poem à la Dr. Seuss about a hypothetical war against tyranny. americanthinker.com Bing's AI goes from 'dark' and 'obsessive' to… anti-Biden and based?>

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Cloward and Piven are laughing all the way to the welfare agency. americanthinker.com One of the most insidious strategies ever devised to destroy the United States is coming to foul fruition.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Did Andrea Mitchell just apologize for defaming Ron DeSantis? americanthinker.com Kind of? Sort of? Did pigs fly past MSNBC's headquarters?>

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Habitual liars: Democrats and the media blame Trump for Ohio train carnage. americanthinker.com Last time I checked, a Democrat coup ousted President Trump and Biden and Mayor Pete took charge over the nation's transportation and infrastructure.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Have you heard about the proposed $1.7 million toilet in San Francisco? americanthinker.com Seems the public has, which has prompted some closer looks at cronyism and corruption that drive costs higher.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Have you heard about the proposed $1.7-million toilet in San Francisco? americanthinker.com Seems the public has, which has prompted some closer looks at cronyism and corruption that drive costs higher.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Is this how we can expect Biden to handle environmental disasters in red states? americanthinker.com Ignoring the crisis in East Palestine didn't make it go away.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). My COVID confrontation with my doctor. americanthinker.com The stakes were high — too high for an interaction like this. But that's the world we live in now.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Newsom cites statistics against federal pro-gun bill and gets fried alive on Twitter. americanthinker.com Now do abortion, or fentanyl overdoses.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Pfizer's unpunished confession. americanthinker.com Has Pfizer succeeded in burying the Jordan Walker Veritas video?>

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Pfizer's unpunished confession. americanthinker.com Has Pfizer succeeded in burying the Jordan Walker Veritas video?>

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Taxing rounds to punish gun owners. americanthinker.com Law-abiding gun owners aren't running around shooting people.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). Taxing rounds to punish gun-owners. americanthinker.com Law-abiding gun-owners aren't running around shooting people.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). That Biden bid to blame Trump for the Ohio train wreck is falling apart. americanthinker.com The blame-Trump-first spin narrative gets old and stale fast.

americanthinker (2023-02-24). The Equal Protection Project may be the most important organization in America. americanthinker.com As the Biden administration, with almost two years left to go, brings racial discrimination back to the American government, the EPP is stepping up to stop it.

Amy Goodman (2023-02-24). Calls Grow for Rail Safety Laws as Officials Deem Ohio Derailment Preventable. truthout.org Residents of East Palestine, Ohio, continue to demand answers about how a Norfolk Southern train carrying toxic chemicals derailed February 3, releasing hazardous materials into the air, water and soil. The National Transportation Safety Board has released a preliminary report on the accident, blaming a wheel bearing failure for the crash and saying the derailment was "100% preventable."… |

Andrew Wright (2023-02-24). Who's checking on the cops' mental health? peoplesworld.org The murders of Tyre Nichols in Memphis and Atlanta activist Tortuguita were not the first deaths at the hands of the police in 2023, and they certainly will not be the last. Last year, in 2022, we saw the highest incidence of police killings on record, and it appears this year is already trending in …

Ann Brown (2023-02-24). These 7 Films Put Spike Lee In The Cultural Guts Of Black America, Permanently. moguldom.com Filmmaker Spike Lee, born Shelton Jackson Lee, burst on the Hollywood scene in the late 1980s aggressively and unabashedly showcased Blackness. His first series of films highlighted Black life In Brooklyn, New York, but somehow still reflected the overall expense of being Black in America. He released his debut feature film—"She's Gotta Have It" in …

Anonymous103 (2023-02-24). Rejected Before Published: Chinese Plan And Its Consequences. southfront.org Illustrative image | On February 24, Beijing shared its plan of the settlement of the military conflict in Ukraine. The Chinese Foreign Ministry published it on its website on the year anniversary of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.The plan included 12 points : | 1. Respecting the sovereignty of all countries. Universally recognized international law, including the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, must be strictly observed. The sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-24). Wagner Fighters Took Control Of Berkhovka Near Bakhmut. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Wagner fighters took control of the village of Barkhovka located on the north-western outskirts of Bakhmut. | Before the outbreak of hostilities, about a hundred people lived in Berkhovka. The village is located north of Artemovsk (also known as Bakhmut) and is adjacent to the previously liberated Paraskovievka. | The control of the village was claimed by the head if Wagner Yevgeny Prigozhin on February 24: "Berkhovka is completely under our control. The units of the Wagner PMCs fully co…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-24). 'International Resistance' Attacked Two More U.S. Supply Convoys In Iraq. southfront.org Illustrative image. | On February 23, the so-called International Resistance announced that its fighters had attacked two convoys moving logistic supplies for the United States-led coalition in Iraq. | In a statement, the shadowy group said that both supply convoys were attacked near the town of Tarmiyah which is located some 50 kilometers to the north of Bahadad. Iraqi news sources didn't report any casualties as a result of the dual attack. | These were the fifth and sixth supply convoys of the U.S.-led coalition…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-24). Iran Will Likely Sell Air Defense Systems To Syria — Iranian State TV. southfront.org File image. | Iran is likely to sell air defense systems to Syria to boost its defenses in the face of frequent Israeli attacks, Iranian state TV said on February 24. "Syria needs to rebuild its air defense network and requires precision bombs for its fighter planes," the state broadcaster said."It is very likely that we will witness the supply by Iran of radars and defense missiles, such as the 15 Khordad system, to reinforce Syria's air defenses," the TV said, adding that only parts of a recent defense agreement with…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-24). Iraqi Pinpoint Airstrikes Kill Five ISIS Terrorists In Saladin (Videos). southfront.org File image. | On February 24, several airstrikes by the Iraqi Air Force (IQAF) targeted a hideout of ISIS terrorists in the area of Hawi al-Uzym in the northern Iraqi province of Saladin. | The IQAF released footage of the pinpoint airstrikes, which were carried out by F-16IQ fighter jets armed with 227-kg GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided bombs. | A day after the strikes, the Iraqi military dispatched a unit from the Salah al-Din Commando Brigade to conduct a search operation in Hawi al-Uzym. The dead bodies of five…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-24). Poland Delivers First Batch Of Leopard 2 Tanks To Ukraine. southfront.org Polish Soldiers, assigned to the 1st Warsaw Armored Brigade operate a Leopard 2 tank during a multinational training scenario in Bemowo Piskie, Poland, Feb. 6, 2020.(U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Timothy Hamlin) | On February 24, Poland delivered the first batch of German-made Leopard 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine as Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki visited Kiev. | The delivery came on the one-year anniversary of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, which was launched to "denazi…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-24). Suspected U.S. Drone Strike Kills Jihadist In Syria's Greater Idlib (Photos). southfront.org

Anonymous669 (2023-02-24). Turkey Says Its Intelligence 'Neutralized' Mastermind Behind Istanbul Bombing In Syria. southfront.org Alleged PKK/YPG commander Halil Menci, via Twitter. | The Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) has "neutralized" a senior commander of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and its Syrian affiliate the People's Protection Units (YPG) who played a key role in the planning and implementation of the last year bombing in Istanbul, the Anadolu Agency reported on February 24, citing security sources. | According to the sources, the commander, Halil Menci, was "neutralized" in a special operation that took place n…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-24). U.S. To Supply Altius-600, Jump 20 Drones To Ukraine In New Military Aid Package. southfront.org An Area-I Air-Launched, Tube-Integrated, Unmanned System, or ALTIUS, sails through the skies at Yuma Proving Ground, Ariz., March 4. (Jose Mejia-Betancourth/CCDC AvMC Technology Development Directorate) | The United States Department of Defense announced on February 24, the one-year anniversary of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, that it will be supplying more drones to Kiev forces as part of a new $2 billion military aid package. | The new weapons will be provided under the Ukra…

Anonymous765 (2023-02-24). Year Of Russian Special Military Operation: China Proposes Peace, West Imposes War. southfront.org |

Arzu Geybullayeva (2023-02-24). As another two Earthquakes hit Turkey, Anger continues to grow. juancole.com According to latest reports, six are dead and 294 injured Written byArzu Geybullayeva Image by Meydan TV. Used with permission. ( Globalvoices.org) — #Bölgeyeçadƒ±ryollayƒ±n (send tents to the area) was trending on Twitter on February 20, as two new earthquakes this time, with 6.4 and 5.8 magnitudes respectively, hit Hatay, Turkey — one of …

Ashley Curtin (2023-02-24). EPA orders Norfolk Southern to conduct cleanup and cover costs of trail derailment in Ohio. nationofchange.org "Let me be clear: Norfolk Southern will pay for cleaning up the mess they created and for the trauma they've inflicted on this community."

Brittani Banks (2023-02-24). 5 Reasons Why Much of the Global South Isn't Automatically Supporting the West in Ukraine. independentmediainstitute.org Krishen Mehta is a member of the Board of the American Committee for U.S.-Russia Accord (ACURA), and a Senior Global Justice Fellow at Yale University. This article is distributed by Globetrotter in partnership with ACURA. In October 2022, about eight months after the war in Ukraine started, the University of Cambridge in the UK harmonized surveys conducted in …

Brittani Banks (2023-02-24). The Foreign Fighters on the Front Lines of the Russia-Ukraine War. independentmediainstitute.org On February 2, 2023, former U.S. Marine Peter Reed was killed in Ukraine while evacuating civilians in the front-line city of Bakhmut. Two days later on February 4, the bodies of two British volunteers, Christopher Perry and Andrew Bagshaw, were returned as part of a prisoner swap deal with Russian forces. Their deaths mark some …

Brittani Banks (2023-02-24). The Global South Refuses Pressure to Side With the West on Russia. independentmediainstitute.org At the G20 meeting in Bengaluru, India, the United States arrived with a simple brief. U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said at the February 2023 summit that the G20 countries must condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and they must adhere to U.S. sanctions against Russia. However, it became clear that India, the chair …

Brittani Banks (2023-02-24). How to Get to the Root of the Social Media Crisis. independentmediainstitute.org As a research librarian, my professional life has focused on connecting people to reliable information. In the last thirty years, I have been stunned to watch as the rise in digital information that initially held so much promise in providing people with diverse and trustworthy content has instead spiraled into vast wastelands of clickbait, advertising, …

C. D. Carlson (2023-02-24). Cap the Rent: Connecticut coalition unites tenants to curb out-of-control landlords. peoplesworld.org HARTFORD, Conn.—A local united front is mobilizing around the powerful idea that housing is a human right. Testifying before the state legislature's Housing Committee for over 20 hours, a diverse coalition of tenants and allies demanded limits on a corporate landlords' unchecked power to aggressively increase rents and gut communities with profit-driven evictions. Cap the Rent …

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-02-24). US Power Alliance Says It's Coordinating An "Information War" Against China. thealtworld.com Listen to a reading of this article: | ‚ùñ | In an article published last week titled " Here's an excerpt: D…

Candice Bernd, Truthout. (2023-02-24). Forest Defenders Vow Resistance After Court Okays Phase I Of 'Cop City'. popularresistance.org Georgia – The Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia, issued an order last week denying three plaintiffs' request for a temporary restraining order to halt clearing and construction work at the forested site of a planned police training facility that activists in Atlanta have dubbed "Cop City." The ruling paves the way for construction activity even as the DeKalb County Zoning Board of Appeals considers the merits of the plaintiffs' legal appeal of the project's land disturbance permit. | The 85-acre, $90 million police militarization and training complex is being spearheaded by the Atlanta Police Foundation.

Carly Graf, In These Times. (2023-02-24). A Looming Court Case Threatens Native Sovereignty. popularresistance.org In mid-January, Montana state Senator Keith Regier floated the idea of a bill that would call on federal lawmakers to investigate alternatives to the tribal reservation system, created by federal legislation in 1851 in an effort to silo Native American people, remove them from their traditional way of life and create space for white settlers. Regier claimed he was motivated by genuine concern for the "lives and well-being" of Native Americans and all Montanans, asserting the system was built on race and that reservations are not "in the best interests of either the Indian…

Catherine Crockett (2023-02-24). Sunday 4/23: Seaside Earth Day Celebration & Electric Vehicle Fair. indybay.org Seaside City Hall Lawn, 440 Harcourt Ave., Seaside, CA…

Chabeli Carrazana (2023-02-24). From Formula to Medications and Child Care, Parents Feel Strain of Shortages. truthout.org Last summer, when her daughter was still drinking formula, Brittani Roberts often drove from store to store trying to find enough to feed her. When her daughter was teething last month, Roberts repeated the exercise — this time driving to five stores while her friend tried an additional four to find Tylenol or Motrin for children. Neither of them was successful. "It's so stressful… |

Chris Hedges (2023-02-24). How the press misled the public on Russiagate. therealnews.com A new

Chris Walker (2023-02-24). GOP Lawmaker Uses Racist Trope, Calls Chinese American Colleague Disloyal. truthout.org A far right Republican is being called out for suggesting the first Chinese American lawmaker in the House of Representatives is disloyal to the United States. Last week, Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas) suggested an individual named Dominic Ng, who was appointed as the U.S. member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Advisory Council last year, harbored anti-U.S. |

Chris Walker (2023-02-24). Social Media Users Could Be Sued for Defamation Under Florida's Anti-Press Bill. truthout.org A bill proposed in the Florida Republican-controlled state legislature that aims to make it easier for public figures, including lawmakers, to sue news media for coverage they dislike would also have severe repercussions for anyone (not just those in the news industry) who use social media to point out someone else's bigoted behavior. In addition to granting greater leeways for defamation lawsuits… |

Chris Walker (2023-02-24). South Carolina Bill Would Subject Those Obtaining Abortions to Death Penalty. truthout.org Republican lawmakers in the South Carolina state legislature have introduced a bill that would equate an abortion of a fetus or an embryo to the murder of a living, already-born person, allowing the state, if passed into law, to convict and possibly execute a person if they obtain abortion services. House Bill 3549 would amend a proposed bill, entitled the South Carolina Prenatal Equal Protection… |

Christal James (2023-02-24). Big Corporate Leadership Will Not Save Us. actionaidusa.org I was disappointed, on multiple levels, to hear about the Biden administration's nomination of Ajay Banga, a private equity executive with no experience in public service, to head the World Bank. First, the U.S. should have no real right to unilaterally name the World Bank President — it does so through an archaic "gentleman's agreement"…

CounterSpin (2023-02-24). Ellen Schrecker on the New McCarthyism. fair.org CounterSpin230224.mp3 Tucker Carlson on Fox News ( This week on CounterSpin: If you care about free expression, and freedom generally, there is much to talk about right now. It is good to anchor ourselves in that conversation when we talk about books being banned and efforts to erase entire concepts, and then folks trying to inoculate themselves by saying they weren't even talking about those concepts, until they learn that actually running away from those ideas doesn't make you safe. These are not entirely new conversations or strugg…

Cynthia Papermaster (2023-02-24). Friday 2/24: Representative Barbara Lee: End War in Ukraine. indybay.org Representative Barbara Lee's Oakland Office, 1 Kaiser Plaza, Oakland. Google map and directions: www.google.com/maps/place/Ordway+Building,+1+Kaiser+Plaza,+Oakland,+CA+94612

Dan Collyns (2023-02-24). World's largest avian flu outbreak spreads to sea lions. america.cgtn.com Over the past 18 months, the world has seen the largest-ever avian influenza outbreak. Now the disease has spread to South America and has switched from mostly domestic birds to wild ones. But there's a new concern for scientists, the spread of the deadly virus …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-24). China Says Sending Weapons Into Ukraine War Won't Bring Peace. news.antiwar.com China's representative to the UN on Thursday said that sending weapons to be used in the Ukraine war will not bring peace as the US is claiming Beijing is considering providing Moscow with military aid for the conflict. "One year into the Ukraine crisis, brutal facts have offered ample proof that sending weapons will not …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-24). Hungary to Send Delegation to Sweden, Finland Over NATO Bids. news.antiwar.com The head of Hungary's ruling party in parliament said Thursday that Budapest is sending a delegation to Sweden and Finland to discuss their NATO bids. Hungary and Turkey are the only two NATO countries that have yet to approve of the two Nordic nations joining. Prime Minister Viktor Orban previously said his country supports Sweden …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-24). Rep. Gaetz Introduces War Powers Resolution to Pull US Troops Out of Syria. news.antiwar.com Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has introduced a War Powers Resolution that would order President Biden to pull all US troops out of Syria, a move that came after four US troops were reported injured in a raid against ISIS in the country. "Congress has never authorized the use of military force in Syria. The United …

David Sant (2023-02-24). "An Existential Threat". President Putin's "Legal Case against NATO". The Danger of Nuclear War. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Binoy Kampmark (2023-02-24). The Rise of the Consultant Governing Class. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Joseph Mercola (2023-02-24). Toxic Ohio Train Derailment. globalresearch.ca

Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović (2023-02-24). The Historical Origins and Essence of European Imperialism and Colonization. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-02-24). Alberta Government Deleted Data on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries, Canadian Children Are Now Dying Suddenly. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). SASAC charts higher growth target for SOEs. ecns.cn Centrally administered State-owned enterprises will strive to achieve a profit growth target higher than the national GDP this year and realize better results, said the country's top State assets regulator.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). MNC execs share optimism in Chinese market. ecns.cn Senior executives of multinational corporations based in Shanghai share an optimistic view of the world's second-largest economy and believe the China market will play a greater role in their global business.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). Photovoltaic industry to get further policy boost. ecns.cn More supportive policies to maximize solar power use and promote healthier photovoltaic development are in the pipeline, with sanguine forecasts of record growth in PV capacity this year, officials and experts said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). People under arrest for coal mine collapse in Inner Mongolia. ecns.cn Investigations into Xinjing coal mine collapse in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is underway and people who hold liability for the accident have been controlled by police, according to the press conference held Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). Comicomment: U.S. hegemony wreaks havoc on the world. ecns.cn As the world's most powerful country, the U.S. has long been interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, pursuing, maintaining, and abusing hegemony under the guise of promoting freedom, democracy, and human rights.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). Chinese officials increasingly creative in promoting tourism. ecns.cn Du Bo, director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Tahe, northeast China's Heilongjiang, has become popular on the internet for a short video in which she wears traditional costume of the Oroqen ethnic group to promote local scenery in a snow-capped forest.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). (W.E. Talk) How can China Space Station serve interest of all of mankind?>. ecns.cn What will the China space station bring to the world? How will it serve the interest of all mankind? In the latest W.E. Talk, Yang Yuguang, vice-chair of Space Transportation Committee at International Astronautical Federation and Anu Ojha, director of the UK's National Space Academy and director of the National Space Center were invited to share their views.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). Investment in transport assets will continue. ecns.cn China will continue to invest in fixed transportation assets this year to contribute to economic development, the transport minister said on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). CIIE role expands to global growth stimulus. ecns.cn The sixth China International Import Expo, which will be held in Shanghai in November, is expected to continue to help multinational corporations gain more access to the vast Chinese market and bolster global openness and cooperation.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). Regulators give massive fillip to biz ties among GBA regions. ecns.cn China is actively paving the way for closer economic and business relations among various regions of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, experts said after a quick review of two key documents unveiled on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). China dismisses smear over Russia ties. ecns.cn Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin on Wednesday pushed back against Washington's so-called concern over China-Russia ties after a senior Chinese diplomat visited Moscow.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). Putin: Army guarantor of stability. ecns.cn Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday called Russia's army a guarantor of national stability, promising to boost arms production.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). Despite bogus reports, nation will not engage in arms race. ecns.cn China has always pursued the policy of no-first-use of nuclear weapons and will not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones, said Ministry of National Defense on Thursday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). Maternal mortality rates are 'unacceptable', says WHO. ecns.cn Political will is needed to make changes to the "unacceptable" number of women who die in pregnancy and childbirth, a senior United Nations figure has said, after newly published data from the World Health Organization revealed the continued extent of the problem.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). DPRK fires strategic cruise missiles. ecns.cn The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) conducted a strategic cruise missile launching drill Thursday, a move aimed at examining the rapid response posture of its strategic cruise missile units.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). Russia launches Soyuz MS-23 spacecraft into orbit. ecns.cn Russia's state space corporation Roscosmos announced that its Soyuz MS-23 spacecraft was successfully launched into the planned orbit on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). China develops three-photon microscope, capturing deep-brain images. ecns.cn A research team at Peking University has made a new breakthrough in multiphoton microscopy by developing a miniature three-photon microscope that has successfully captured deep-brain images of freely moving mice.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). China calls for resuming peace talks to resolve Ukraine crisis. ecns.cn China has called for international efforts to create conditions for the resumption of peace talks to resolve the Ukraine crisis.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). Pakistan proud of friendship with China: Pakistani Foreign Ministry. ecns.cn Pakistan considers China as an all-weather strategic cooperative partner and is proud of its friendship with China, spokesperson for the Pakistani Foreign Ministry Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said in Thursday's weekly press briefing.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). China launches new remote sensing satellite. ecns.cn China successfully sent a new remote sensing satellite into space from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). China invests nearly 28.3 bln USD in basic research in 2022. ecns.cn China invested about 195.1 billion yuan (about 28.3 billion U.S. dollars) in basic research in 2022, accounting for 6.3 percent of the total R&D spending, the Minister of Science and Technology said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). Full text: China's position on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. ecns.cn China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday released China's position on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). Clean-up efforts continue on site of toxic train derailment in Ohio. ecns.cn The five derailed cars carrying 115,580 gallons of vinyl chloride. Residents have reported a growing number of ailments — from rashes to nausea to trouble breathing.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). Horse racing held to celebrate Tibetan New Year. ecns.cn A rider demonstrates equestrian skills during a horse racing event to celebrate the Tibetan New Year in Lhasa, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, Feb. 23, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). Monorail train runs through blooming flowers in Chongqing. ecns.cn A monorail train runs through blooming plum blossoms in the Fotuguan section of light rail line 2, Chongqing, Feb. 23, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-24). 'ChinaSet 26' satellite sent into space. ecns.cn The satellite will mainly provide high-speed broadband access services for fixed terminals as well as vehicle-mounted, shipborne and airborne terminals.

Editor at Global Grind (2023-02-24). Mo'Nique Is Back And She's Sharing Her Deepest, Darkest Secrets. newsone.com Source: Variety / Getty | Work, work don't stop! Mo'Nique has starre…

Editor (2023-02-24). Fidel Castro's legacy lives on as Cuba keeps sending 'Doctors, not Bombs' all across the World. mronline.org In the immediate aftermath of the recent devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, Cuba dispatched medical teams to the affected areas to provide care to victims. Their departure was marked by a farewell ceremony, which featured a large photo of Fidel Castro.

Editor (2023-02-24). Paresh Chattopadhyay and his time. mronline.org Paresh Chattopadhyay/Pareshda was born in Rudrakar of undivided Bengal. That place is now located within the Shariatpur district of Bangladesh. He died in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Editor (2023-02-24). The Ukraine War viewed from the Global South. mronline.org In October 2022, about eight months after the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the University of Cambridge in the UK harmonized surveys that asked the inhabitants of 137 countries about their views of the West, Russia, and China. The findings in the combined study are robust enough to demand our serious attention.

Editor (2023-02-24). Biden's Border Crackdown Explained — A Refugee Law Expert Looks at the Legality and Impact of New Asylum Rule. scheerpost.com This rule will deny thousands of migrants fleeing persecution their right to seek asylum at the United States' southern border.

Editor (2023-02-24). Forest Defenders Vow Resistance After Court Green-Lights Phase I of "Cop City" scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-02-24). John Kiriakou: Covid & the Way of Death in US Prisons. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-02-24). Ralph Nader: The 20th Anniversary of the Sociocide of Iraq by Bush/Cheney. scheerpost.com Will President Biden, Congress and other Americans recognize the massive war crimes committed against the Iraqi people with appropriate declarations and actions on March 19, 2023?

Editor (2023-02-24). Ray McGovern: The Last Chance to Avoid World War III? scheerpost.com The CIA expert and Russia specialist who served seven presidents under risks of nuclear war is alarmed that the war in Ukraine has brought us to the most dangerous moment yet.

Editor (2023-02-24). The Lesson We Need to Teach Our Nation's Rich. scheerpost.com

Eleanor J. Bader (2023-02-24). Ukrainian Refugees Struggle to Access Housing and Resources in the US. truthout.org As soon as Russia's war on Ukraine began last February, Jo Ann Radioli, a retired librarian living in Brooklyn, New York, knew that she wanted to help people who were being displaced. She quickly reached out to a number of agencies including Catholic Charities USA (a nonprofit national network), a Ukrainian church and a social welfare organization that serves immigrants, and asked what she could… |

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-02-24). Does "Capitalism" Fully Explain the Ruthless Extraction and Consumption We Witness? globalresearch.ca

Eric A. Gordon (2023-02-24). 'The Lifespan of a Fact' explores the world of true-ish journalism. peoplesworld.org LOS ANGELES — I read a manual on memoir writing where the author made the point that for the sake of a coherent story it really doesn't matter to anyone, least of all to the reader, whether the sofa on which, 40 years ago, you experienced your first kiss at your neighbors' house was gray …

Esther Schrader (2023-02-24). Railroaded: Residents of predominantly Black Georgia community fight back against train proposal. splcenter.org

February 24 for Peace (2023-02-24). Friday 2/24: Take Action for Peace In Ukraine. indybay.org 1 Post St, San Francisco, (Senator Feinstein's Office) | Post and Market; Montgomery Street BART…

Fight Back (2023-02-24). Greece: Militant actions by public healthcare workers and doctors. fightbacknews.org Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the influential Greek labor organization, the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME). | Workers and doctors in Public Hospitals of Greece organized militant actions and strikes all over the country on Wednesday, February 22 demanding the strengthening of the public health care system with permanent staff and state funding, the tenure of contract workers, the inclusion of health workers in the Unhealthy and Hazardous category and more. | The workers of "Evangelismos" Hospital in Athens specifically gave a fierce welcome to the government and the Prime…

Fight Back (2023-02-24). Tallahassee students say 'Down with DeSantis!'. fightbacknews.org By staff | Tallahassee, FL – On February 22, about 35 students, community members and faculty rallied on the front steps of the Student Union at Florida State University. The rally was organized by FSU's chapter of Students for a Democratic Society (FSUSDS) in response to Governor Ron DeSantis' recent attacks on diversity programs and multicultural studies. | Attendees chanted "Money for schools and education, not for racist legislation!" "Education is liberation!" and "Black education matters!" | According to their official statement, FSUSDS has four primary demands for Florida State: One, the protection and…

Free West Media (2023-02-24). UK Anti-terror Outfit Warns Against Tolkien and Shakespeare. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-02-24). This Week's Most Popular Articles. globalresearch.ca

Golden Thread Productions & Brava for Women (2023-02-24). Wednesday 3/8: International Women's Day: What Do the Women Say? 2023 Fighters for Freedom. indybay.org Brava Theater Center | 2781 24th Street | San Francisco, CA 94110 | Or join the event virtually…

H. Scott Prosterman (2023-02-24). Jimmy Carter was Pilloried for Worrying about Israeli Apartheid, but he has Been Amply Vindicated by History. juancole.com Oakland, Ca. (Special to Informed Comment) — As President Jimmy Carter nears the end in hospice care, we are prompted to revisit his accomplishments and contributions. Carter's prescient 2006 book Palestine: Peace, Not Apartheid elicited a storm of criticism from many Jewish organizations and leaders. It prompted condemnation from the powerful lobby, the American Israel …

Helen Yaffe (2023-02-24). What's Driving 'Irregular' Cuban Emigration to the United States? orinocotribune.com By Helen Yaffe — Feb 2, 2023 | In 2022, an unprecedented number of Cubans arrived in the United States through irregular, or 'illegal' channels. Historically the United States has encouraged and weaponised Cuban emigration. Cuban migrants fuel US propaganda about the failure of socialism and about political persecution and the lack of freedom and human rights on the island. However, it is an issue which can spiral out of control, forcing US administrations into dialogue with the Cuban government in the past. The current surge is creating political problems for President Biden as his opponents exploit the iss…

hrupdateadmin (2023-02-24). Law Pod UK latest episode: Safe as Houses: Depriving children of their liberty. ukhumanrightsblog.com Restricting the liberty of a child is a serious step only to be taken in the most difficult of circumstances. Children may require secure accommodation by the Local Authority in a variety of circumstances. A child could require urgent mental health treatment in a secure hospital. A child may require strict supervision with a high …

Ian Angus (2023-02-24). Ecosocialist Bookshelf — February 2023. greenleft.org.au Ian Angus presents seven new books on how the world works, from cells to imperialism.

Igor Chudov (2023-02-24). Bill Gates "Solution: Lab-Grown Meat Is Made of Cancer Cells. Would You Like It Rare or Medium? globalresearch.ca

Igor Chudov (2023-02-24). Lab-Grown Meat Is Made of Cancer Cells. Would You Like It Rare or Medium? globalresearch.ca

imperial.ac.uk (2023-02-24). Imperial remembers victims of the Ukraine invasion on first anniversary. imperial.ac.uk Staff and students at Imperial College Business School gathered to mark the first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-02-24). African Liberation NOT simply "Black History" anchor.fm In this episode we discuss how February and "Black History Month" distracts from the ongoing African liberation struggles, their revolutionary character, action, and ideology, and enforces individualism, wealth accumulation, private property, capitalism and imperialism.

Inci Sayki (2023-02-24). Oil and Gas Industry Spent $124.4 Million Lobbying Amid Record Profits in 2022. truthout.org The oil and gas industry spent about $124.4 million lobbying the federal government in 2022, according to an OpenSecrets analysis of lobbying disclosures. The industry's 2022 lobbying spending is a nominal increase from 2021 but down slightly when adjusted for inflation. Industry-wide spending on lobbying dipped during the COVID-19 pandemic but increased gradually as fossil fuel companies sought… |

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-24). Anti-Democratic Violence Won't Stop Bolivia's Path of Social Progress. libya360.wordpress.com Logan Williams and Camila Escalante Kawsachun News: journalist and editor Camila Escalante attends a rally in support of Lula in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Photo credit: Camila Escalante "The projects and progress initiated under Evo Morales' government beginning in 2006 continue today, despite all efforts to sabotage the sovereign model." Camila Escalante, Kawsachun News Labour Friends of…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-24). Consolidating Brazil's Status as a Geopolitical Dwarf. libya360.wordpress.com Quantum Bird The so-called "Vigorous and Proud" Foreign Policy — slogan repeated ad nauseum by Celso Amorim during the years of the first Lula administration — never really convinced anyone with an IQ above room temperature (in degrees Celsius), but at least it allowed Brazil to gain some international prestige and a certain protagonism as…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-24). In a US-China Confrontation, West Asia Will Bow Out. libya360.wordpress.com F.M. Shakil A significant increase in geopolitical and economic ties with China has offered West Asian states an alternative to the US, which has traditionally been the region's security guarantor. The prospect of a US-China war has entered the realm of reality. Increased provocations from US military and political officials regarding the status of Taiwan —…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-24). The War in Ukraine One Year After: A Geopolitical Balance. libya360.wordpress.com Diego Sequera and Ernesto Cazal Today, February 24, marks the first anniversary of the Special Military Operation (SMO) launched by the Russian Federation in Ukraine, announced by its president, Vladimir Putin. There is hardly any geopolitical event of greater magnitude so far this century, which has been nurtured by major events and tectonic movements that…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-24). Ukraine: China's 12 Point Peace Plan. libya360.wordpress.com China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis 1. Respecting the sovereignty of all countries. Universally recognized international law, including the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, must be strictly observed. The sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries must be effectively upheld. All countries, big or small, strong or weak,…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-24). Where Lula's Foreign Policy is Headed. libya360.wordpress.com Mision Verdad Yesterday, February 23, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) passed a resolution condemning Russia for its Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine, a few hours after the first anniversary of its launch due to Washington's systematic disregard of President Vladimir Putin's demands regarding NATO's threatening eastward expansion and Kiev's increasingly belligerent…

isabella (2023-02-24). Inequality is Weakening Social Security. Here's How We Fix That. inequality.org

Isheka N. Harrison (2023-02-24). HBCU Johnson C. Smith Gets $5.7M Tech Grant, Largest Ever, To Upgrade Systems And Internet. moguldom.com Johnson C. Smith University has received a $5.7 million federal grant to shore up its technology systems and provide 5G internet service to its campus and neighboring community. It is the largest federal grant in the school's 156-year history. "Not only is it imperative that we provide stable, highspeed internet access for our students, staff, …

Isheka N. Harrison (2023-02-24). Study: Black Net Worth Grew Since The Pandemic While All Other Racial Groups Dropped. moguldom.com The net worth of Black households increased more than other racial groups during the pandemic, according to a report by CNBC that cites a recent study. "The average net worth among Black households rose to more than $340,000 through the third quarter of last year from the end of 2019, marking an increase of 32% over just …

Jake Bittle (2023-02-24). As Louisiana's coast erodes, its historic communities are disappearing too. peoplesworld.org It was March 2021, and Sheri Neil was throwing together po'boys for the lunch crowd at her namesake Sheri's Snack Shack, the only restaurant in the small bayou village of Pointe-aux-Chenes, Louisiana. The counter-service sandwich joint stands elevated about 12 feet off the ground, with a big red deck where people can sit as they enjoy …

Jake Johnson (2023-02-24). Moderna's 2022 Windfall a 'Scandalous' Result of Pandemic Profiteering, Campaigners Say. globalresearch.ca

Jan Oberg (2023-02-24). Ukraine: One Year of War on Top of 30 Years of Conflict Escalation. dissidentvoice.org Introduction: 1 year of violence on top of 30 years of conflict: Too much wrong thinking The world's focus is on the war. On February 24, it is one year since Russia launched its so-called special military operation. Much more important is to focus on the underlying conflicts — because there exists no war or …

JANET (2023-02-24). Portrait of the eco-defender as a young man. iacenter.org February 23, 2023 By Julia Wright The one is an elder behind bars. The other is a young man who lives thousands of miles away. Perhaps he had heard of the elder, who is also known as the "voice of the voiceless." Perhaps he had seen his photograph or heard from his mother, Madly Etile, about the details of his 42-year ordeal in prison as an innocent man, framed for his political opinions. Keziah Nuissier The one is African American and speaks the language of the English colonizer. The other hails from the French colony of Martinique and speaks the language of the French colonizer. Both Black, both militant, they…

Jessica Priest, Perla Trevizo (2023-02-24). Texas governor says most gun crimes involve illegally owned weapons. That's not true for mass shootings. nationofchange.org According to an investigation by ProPublica and The Texas Tribune, the majority of the state's 19 mass shootings over the past six decades were carried out by men who legally possessed firearms.

John Kiriakou, Consortium News. (2023-02-24). Covid And The Way Of Death In US Prisons. popularresistance.org The first comprehensive study of prisoner deaths during the Covid era shows that deaths in federal and state prisons rose nearly 50 percent during the first year of the pandemic, and in six states, they more than doubled. | The New York Times reports that deaths in America's prisons during 2020 showed more than twice the increase compared to deaths in the United States overall, and they even exceeded deaths in nursing homes, which were among the hardest hit sectors across the country. | The Times found that it was not just the fact that Covid swept through already overcrowded prisons.

Judy Greenspan (2023-02-24). From Striketober to Revolutiontobe. workers.org Based on a talk given at the Feb. 5 webinar "Global Class War: Lessons from Sam Marcy for workers struggles today." Go to youtu.be/5Arb33Q8SN0 to view the webinar. One of Comrade Sam's most important messages to us as revolutionaries in Workers World Party, and in the overall U.S. communist movement, . . . |

Karin Brothers (2023-02-24). The 1993 Bombing of the World Trade Center: The Betrayal 30 Years Later. globalresearch.ca

KATIE (2023-02-24). Jewish Groups Across the Globe Applaud Barcelona Mayor Colau. bdsmovement.net

Kester Kenn Klomegah (2023-02-24). Understanding the Concept of African Solutions to African Problems. globalresearch.ca

Kevin Gosztola (2023-02-24). March To Iraq War, 20 Years Later: February 24, 2003. thedissenter.org The Dissenter Newsletter recalls each day in the timeline of events that led up to the US invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, twenty years ago…

Kevin Gosztola (2023-02-24). Unauthorized Disclosure: Kari Lydersen. thedissenter.org Thanks for supporting the Unauthorized Disclosure podcast. We could do not do this show without you. | Kari Lydersen, a Chicago-based reporter, author, and journalist instructor, joins the Unauthorized Disclosure podcast to discuss her Lydersen has covered labor in Chicago and throughout the United States for many years. In this interview, she shares the experiences of railroad workers who united around a strike to help them win paid…

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-02-24). 40 Mile Walk to White House to Call for President Biden Action on Reparations. indybay.org From Sea to Shining Sea and beyond, the call for Reparations Study and Redress is growing. President Joe Biden and the Office of Executive Branch of the United States of America can demonstrate one standard for global citizenship via Executive Order to create a Reparations Study and Redress Commission. From Historic Negro Bar, Mormon Island and Negro Bar Gold Mining District we join the journey towards justice.

Laith Fadel (2023-02-24). One Year Later: The Cost of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict. america.cgtn.com At dawn on February 24, 2022, the Russian armed forces launched what they called a special military operation seeking to "demilitarize and denazify Ukraine." The Russian military began an offensive with heavy ground assaults in several regions of the country, seizing a number of areas north …

Larisa Redins (2023-02-24). Air Canada Launches Face Biometrics for Passenger ID. globalresearch.ca

Larry Johnson (2023-02-24). Growing Friction Between Beijing and Washington Likely to Escalate. sonar21.com If you think the deterioration in relations between America and China is just a temporary situation that will be reversed in the near term, think again. Just because Chinese leaders…

Lee Camp, Mintpress News. (2023-02-24). Two Peace Advocates Work To End Israel's Occupation Of Palestine. popularresistance.org Lee Camp, the host of "Behind the Headlines," interviews two prominent — and very different — peace activists working to end Israel's occupation of Palestine. Adam Bloomberg and Issa Amro could not have grown up more differently. Amro in the embattled occupied Palestinian city of Hebron and Bloomberg in a prominent Jewish family during the troubled years of South Africa's apartheid regime. So how did they both find themselves working so vociferously towards the same goal? Host Lee Camp finds out in this thought-provoking and wide-ranging interview with the two activists.

Lee Camp (2023-02-24). Lee Camp: Here's How To Get Rid of Police and Not Have Everything Fall Apart. I'm Not Kidding. mintpressnews.com In this episode of The Most Censored News, Lee Camp takes on the police state with facts, figures and, most importantly, proven solutions actually solve the problem.

Leon Kunstenaar (2023-02-24). Rage Against the War Machine in San Francisco. indybay.org Anti-War Rally in Justin Herman Plaza and Street Theater in Front of Lockheed Offices.

Liberation Staff (2023-02-24). PSL Editorial — U.S./NATO responsible for one year of needless war in Ukraine. liberationnews.org Without constant U.S./NATO escalation, the war could have ended long ago…

Lindsay Koshgarian (2023-02-24). Seven Things We Could Do If We Cut the Pentagon by $100 Billion. globalresearch.ca

Lowkey (2023-02-24). No2NATO: Former UK MP Chris Williamson on New Efforts To Free Britain From NATO. mintpressnews.com Lowkey speaks to former MP and Shadow Minister Chris Williamson about the new campaign to pull Britain out of the NATO military alliance.

Mansoor Adayfi (2023-02-24). I Was a Prisoner in Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp, But Who Is Its Biggest Captive? globalresearch.ca

Marco I. Dávila C. (2023-02-24). Inmigración, ignorar las causas y culpar a las víctimas. globalizacion.ca Se busca culpar a las víctimas y se ignoran las causas de la problemática. Estos días anda circulando un estudio realizado por Gallup, donde se realizó una pregunta a los ciudadanos estadounidenses sobre qué tan satisfechos están con la inmigración….

Marie Kelly (2023-02-24). Pennsylvania nurses call a penalty on hospital giant. workers.org Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals (PASNAP), the union representing nurses across the state, launched a scathing social-media campaign to blow the whistle on Jefferson/Einstein Hospital for unnecessary spending. The Philadelphia nonprofit hospital corporation paid for an advertisement to air during this year's Super Bowl game. A 30-second . . . |

Mark Gruenberg (2023-02-24). Feds: No evidence crew did anything wrong in Ohio rail wreck. peoplesworld.org WASHINGTON—The engineer, the conductor and the trainee on the Norfolk Southern freight train that derailed and wrecked on Feb. 3, releasing vinyl chloride and other hazardous chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio, did nothing wrong, the head of the federal government's independent safety agency says. "This was 100% preventable," National Transportation Safety Board Chair Jennifer Homendy, …

Mark Keenan (2023-02-24). 1500 Scientists Say 'There Is No Climate Emergency' — The Real Environment Movement Was Hijacked. globalresearch.ca

Mary Triny Mena (2023-02-24). Venezuela's teacher shortage risks leaving the next generation adrift. america.cgtn.com It's become increasingly difficult to retain, attract, and keep teachers in Venezuela, as fewer students are choosing teaching as a profession amid low salaries and a lack of incentives. This has put the country's education system at risk, and is also is leaving the next …

Maysie Dee (2023-02-24). Understanding Social Engineering. globalresearch.ca

Miko Peled (2023-02-24). Miko Peled: Netanyahu and Ben-Gvir Have All but Guaranteed a New Intifada Will Soon Erupt. mintpressnews.com Renowned Israeli peace advocate and author Miko Peled cautions that recent actions of Israel's besieged leaders may spark an unprecedented wave of turmoil in the Holy Land.

Misión Verdad (2023-02-24). US, Norway's Joint Covert Operations During Vietnam War. orinocotribune.com US journalist Seymour Hersh revealed in a February 22 The article comes days after Hersh's article on US involvement in the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines. Hersh, who exposed the US's role in the sabotage through a journalistic investigation, stated that most of the secret planning and training for the attack took place on Norwegian soil. | "And why were highly s…

noreply (2023-02-24). Plastinkin Brothers. Friday. . smoothiex12.blogspot.com I used to know Oleg, Igor's brother, and I still have some of his recordings very few people have, both covers and originals, such as his mind-boggling Do-Re-Mi-Do-Re-Do. They are two guitar virtuosos and, arguably, best blues guitar players in Russia. They are also prolific composers. Here is Igor showing what guitar playing is: Enjoy.

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-02-24). Black People Seven Times More Likely To Die Following Police Restraint. orinocotribune.com By Bethany Rielly Monday — Feb 20, 2023 | New report by Inquest disputes government's claim that there is no evidence more black people die than white people following police contact | Black people are seven times more likely to die following police restraint, according to a new report that disputes government claims on racial disparities for state-related deaths. | The report by charity Inquest, published yesterday, found that racial disproportionality is higher than previously made public. | It says that the system for investigating the potential role of racism in deaths of black people following police re…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-02-24). The Illusion of Israeli Democracy Has Been Shattered. orinocotribune.com By Haim Bresheeth-≈Ωabner — Feb 20, 2023 | People across the world have watched the thousands of Israelis demonstrating against their government with at least some bemusement. After 75 years of Israel denying its own agency in the terrible catastrophe it has inflicted on the Palestinians, its new government is now blamed for doing something most Israeli governments have never done — openly discussing the aim of controlling the whole of Palestine through an exclusive Jewish apartheid state. | That this aim requires a less-than-democratic society seems obvious, and arguably Israel has never b…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-02-24). Undefeated Revolutions and the Peculiar Character of Gabriel Boric. orinocotribune.com On Latin America Review, Kawsachun News spoke to Francisco Dominguez, a researcher at the Middlesex University and the secretary of the Venezuelan Solidarity Campaign, who has long been a pillar of the movements in solidarity of Latin America, in the UK. Francisco, who is Chilean, spoke to Ollie about how Venezuela has managed to survive through the last period of intense attacks and regime sanctions and grades Chilean president Gabriel Boric. Below is a transcript of Fancisco's analysis. The interview can be Nicaragua, Ven…

Owen Fairclough (2023-02-24). Western weapons and Ukraine, one year into crisis. america.cgtn.com When Russia sent its troops into Ukraine a year ago, authorities in Kyiv were so desperate they were urging civilians to defend themselves with homemade explosives. Twelve months on, Ukraine's army is receiving some of the world's most sophisticated weapons, courtesy of NATO allies who …

Pacifica's Covid, Race & Democracy (2023-02-24). ILWU for Mumia and Tyre; Rage Against the War Machine; US behind Somaliland Secessionism. indybay.org Pacifica's Covid, Race & Democracy: Rage Against the War Machine; ILWU for Mumia and Tyre; US behind Somaliland Secessionism; Death Penalty Abolition…

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-02-24). Can China Be Suckered Like Putin? thealtworld.com Now that the Biden regime's provocation strategy of two little steps forward then two bigger steps has succeeded with Putin, the Biden regime is now going to try it on China. | The US has 30 military personnel in Taiwan and has just announced that the numbers will be raised to 100, possibly 200. This makes for misleading headlines such as "US to Quadruple Troop Presence in Taiwan." Of course whether the number is 30 or 200 it is a meaningless number in the event of a conflict. | Washington knows China is not going to invade Taiwan over such a small number, and China knows Washington won't attack China if a Chines…

Paul Craig Roberts (2023-02-24). Washington Egged on by Its Neoconservatives Has Concluded that Putin Has No Stomach for War beyond a Limited Police Action. thealtworld.com The Kremlin's demonstrated inability to take proactive and decisive action has convinced Washington there is nothing to …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-24). China reiterates need for talks, negotiated settlement to Ukrainian crisis. peoplesdispatch.org In a 12-point proposal, China criticized Western sanctions on Russia and asked the world community to shed its "cold war mentality" and address the "security interests and concerns" of all countries involved…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-24). Daily Round up | 10 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in West Bank city of Nablus & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we take a look at the killing of 10 Palestinians by Israel, a former security chief being convicted of ties to a cartel in Mexico, a fresh investigation into the death of an activist in Brazil, and the Finnish Communist Party preparing for elections…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-24). Hazardous manual scavenging kills two more workers in India. peoplesdispatch.org

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-24). More international sanctions on Myanmar's junta, as airstrikes, arrests keep country on edge. peoplesdispatch.org The European Union has now imposed its sixth round of sanctions on at least 16 individuals and entities for carrying out grave human rights violation in Myanmar…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-24). Pakistani brothers finally leave Guantanamo Bay after 20 years without charge or trial. peoplesdispatch.org Hundreds of detainees have been incarcerated for years in the notorious American detention center in Cuba without any formal charges, and allegedly faced various forms of mental and physical torture…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-24). The US funneled billions towards Ukraine while cutting corners on health and education. peoplesdispatch.org

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-24). At least 10 Palestinians Killed in Israeli Raid on Nablus in Occupied West Bank. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) killed at least 10 Palestinians in a raid in the city of Nablus in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday, February 22. | Wafa

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-02-24). New UN report shows major setbacks in maternal health. peoplesdispatch.org The numbers from a report by UN agencies indicate that after progress had been made in the period from 2000 to 2015, maternal mortality indicators stagnated in the four years that followed…

Pip Hinman (2023-02-24). Protesters say 'no' to AUKUS, nuclear-powered submarines. greenleft.org.au Anti-war protests outside MPs' offices demanded that AUKUS be scrapped and the $170 billion allocated to nuclear-powered submarines be instead spent on human need, reports Pip Hinman.

Press TV (2023-02-24). An Ever-More Fractured World: The Russia-China Relationship Contributes to Stabilizing The International Order. Peter Koenig. globalresearch.ca

Prof. Joseph H. Chung (2023-02-24). Power and Primacy: A History of Western Intervention in the Asia-Pacific. globalresearch.ca

Rachel Heaton, Last Real Indians. (2023-02-24). My People Don't Need To Be Saved, We Want To Be Respected! popularresistance.org I believe that if one is going to work or volunteer in American Indian communities, then 1. You must have the heart for it, not everyone from the outside can handle Indian Country. My people have suffered hundreds of years of trauma and still live the effects of it in our communities. So if you aren't coming to our lands with a genuine heart and the want to really understand our people, then you aren't ready to help us. 2. If you have never lived among us, been around us, learned our ways or even aware of them… then as outsiders you must learn or have value in it enough to respect it.

Ralph Nader (2023-02-24). The 20th Anniversary of the Sociocide of Iraq by Bush-Cheney. dissidentvoice.org I wrote the following column ten years ago. Note the absence of any accountability or regret by Bush, Cheney and their co-war criminals. Ten years ago [now 20 years ago, on March 19, 2003] George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, as war criminals, launched the sociocide of the people of Iraq — replete with embedded …

Ramzy Baroud (2023-02-24). "America is Not a Racist Country" dissidentvoice.org Though it has been argued that the so-called American dream is long dead, Nikki Haley is proof that the dream is still alive. Unfortunately, the 'dream' is hers alone. Until recently, a close confidante of former US President Donald Trump and his pro-Israel circle, Haley wants to be the next United States president. On February …

Ramzy Baroud (2023-02-24). How Nikki Haley Became Israel's Candidate for the White House. mintpressnews.com Nikki Haley hopes to cash in – quite literally – on her dedication to Israel while serving in the Trump administration and her hawkish foreign policy in the Middle East.

Rann Miller (2023-02-24). Opinion: If DeSantis Knew History, He'd Know His Crusade Won't Work. moguldom.com If Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis knew history, he'd realize that his crusade against teaching Black history in schools won't work. However, since he is ignorant of it, he'll continue working to fight against Black humanity. Failure to learn Black history has DeSantis unaware of the reality that where there is oppression, there is resistance. And …

Rebecca Burns (2023-02-24). Ohio East Palestine Disaster: Biden DOJ Backing Norfolk Southern's Bid to Block Lawsuits. globalresearch.ca

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (2023-02-24). Dr. Martin Luther King on the legacy of W.E.B. Du Bois. peoplesworld.org Below is one of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s least-known speeches. It is one of those, along with his Vietnam speech, that the capitalist ruling class does not want anybody to remember. What follows is the text of his Carnegie Hall Tribute to Dr. W.E.B Du Bois, delivered on Feb. 23, 1968, the the 100th …

Ricardo Vaz (2023-02-24). Venezuela: Sugar Cane Producers Demonstrate, Demand Fuel Access. venezuelanalysis.com Rural collectives have voiced concern over high production costs and an influx of imports.

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-24). Georgia: U.S. envoy heats up rhetoric for coup, second front. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaFebruary 24, 2023 Ambassadors Degnan and Herczynski: it's up to Georgian People What Future They Want US Ambassador to Georgia Kelly Degnan said in a conversation with journalists on February 24, after attending the GFSIS event dedicated to Russia's war in Ukraine…. The ambassador said that the U.S. greatly appreciates what the people of …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-24). NATO: Azerbaijan plays key role in connecting East and West. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Azeri Press AgencyFebruary 24, 2023 Head of Azerbaijan's Delegation to NATO met with Stoltenberg's assistant The head of Azerbaijan's Delegation to NATO, Jafar Huseynzade, met with Wendy Gilmour, assistant to NATO Secretary General for defense investments, Jafar Huseynzade wrote on Twitter…. "We had good discussions about NATO-Azerbaijan partnership, Azerbaijan's role in connecting East and West, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-24). NATO war video: We will not back down in Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOSupreme Headquarters Allied Powers EuropeFebruary 24, 2023…

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-24). Nuclear-capable U.S. B-52s join allied warplanes over Estonia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces AfricaFebruary 23, 2023 B-52 Stratofortresses to flyby part of Estonia Independence Day celebration events Two B-52 aircraft assigned to 5th Bomb Wing from Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota are, scheduled to conduct a low approach flyby to help celebrate Estonia's Independence Day February 24. "…We remain steadfastly committed …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-24). Poland delivers first Leopard tanks to Ukraine, Sweden to follow. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Breaking DefenseFebruary 24, 2023 Polish Leopard 2 tanks arrive in Ukraine as Sweden announces more to come On the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion, Poland has officially delivered its first tranche of Leopard 2 main battle tanks to Ukraine — just as the Swedish government announced plants to supply up to 10 of the same …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-24). Three Brothers: Azeri-Turkish military merger model for pan-Turkic takeover of Caspian Sea region. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Azeri Press AgencyFebruary 22, 2023 Türkiye-Azerbaijan alliance is a significant model on the line to Turkic Union — Historian PHOTO from APA Türkiye-Azerbaijan alliance is a model, tested example to the line to future Turkic Union, says historian scholar Ramin Sadik to the "Krƒ±m" news agency…. According to him, the Shusha Declaration signed in June …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-24). Three Brothers: Nuclear Pakistan denounces "genocide" by Armenians. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com As distinct from genocide against Armenians. Azeri Press AgencyFebruary 23, 2023 Pakistani minister: Khojaly genocide committed by Armenia is a crime against humanity The Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan organized a seminar and photo exhibition dedicated to the 31st anniversary of the Khojaly Genocide together with SZABIST University, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-24). U.S.-controlled Georgian opposition leader blasts government over Ukraine war. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaFebruary 24, 2023 President Slams Government at Ukraine War Anniversary Event On February 24, Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili hosted foreign diplomats at an event marking the anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, reiterating support and solidarity with the friendly country. President Zurabishvili slammed the Georgian government for its "pseudo-neutral and balanced" position, saying …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-24). U.S. floods Ukraine with $2 billion more in arms, ammunition for second year of war. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Defense NewsFebruary 24, 2023 US vows to send more drones, aid to Ukraine on war's anniversary The Pentagon announced Friday morning it would send more drones to Ukraine as part of a new $2 billion package… The new $2 billion in aid includes more ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, more ammunition for 155mm …

Robert Hunziker (2023-02-24). Climate Code Red Analysis and Sea Level Warnings. dissidentvoice.org Climate Code Red, a very thorough and well-respected source on climate change/global warming, recently issued a three-part study on where things stand with the climate system via looking through the rearview mirror at 2022 and reflecting that charred image into the future: "Faster, Higher, Hotter: What We Learned About the Climate System" in 2022 by …

Robert M. Schwartz, Labor Notes. (2023-02-24). NLRB Punches Holes In No-Recording Policies. popularresistance.org Anderson, South Carolina – A February 13, 2023 ruling by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) clarifies whether employees can be disciplined for recording conversations with management officials. | The ruling (372 NLRB No. 50) involved two Starbucks stores in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and members of a rank-and-file group called Baristas United. Two leaders of the group were fired for ostensibly violating established store policy by secretly recording conversations with supervisors on their cell phones. During the conversations, the employees were illegally warned about making negative statements about Starb…

Robert S. Becker (2023-02-24). Facile answer to made-up MAGA blight. nationofchange.org Bottomless is this vicious pit —/ No lunacy they won't commit.

Rosita Johnson (2023-02-24). Pennsylvania's method of funding schools ruled unconstitutional. peoplesworld.org PHILADELPHIA—The students of Philadelphia and their supporters won a landmark victory last week. On February 7, 2023 Commonwealth Court President, Judge Renee Cohn Jubelirer, ruled that the constitutional rights of Pennsylvania children have been violated under the current education funding system. The Pennsylvania constitution calls for the "maintenance and support of a through and efficient …

Ryan Cristián (2023-02-24). Ohio Disaster Is Worse Than Admitted, Evidence Of "COVID" Foreknowledge & It's All Happening Again. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/24/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

Sam Davis (2023-02-24). How bioenergy causes air pollution: The dark side of renewable energy. nationofchange.org On the ground, burning biomass contributes to many air pollution impacts.

scorinoco (2023-02-24). Chile's Social Movements Support Nicaragua Against US Intervention. orinocotribune.com Chilean social movements, trade unions, and political organizations came together to express their support for the Nicaraguan government headed by President Daniel Ortega, and to honor the 89th anniversary of the assassination of Nicaraguan revolutionary Augusto César Sandino. | It has been 89 years since Nicaraguan revolutionary hero General Sandino was assassinated by the dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza, backed by the United States. | "Sandino vive, siempre más allá," translated to "Sandino lives, always beyond" was the motto that resonated throughout the event, held at the trade union Workers' United Center h…

scorinoco (2023-02-24). Peru: Lima Mayor Designates Prominent Districts as No-Protest Zones. orinocotribune.com The Historic Centre of Lima, located primarily in the Cercado de Lima and Rímac areas, has been designated as a no-protest zone by the Lima government, implying that limitations will be imposed on public gatherings and marches in the district. | This was announced by the Metropolitan Council of Lima, which approved the initiative put forth by Lima's mayor, Rafael López Aliaga. López Aliaga, leader of ultra-right wing party Renovación Popular, has stated on various locations that he does not support the protests against the government of de facto President Dina Boluarte and the Congress. This time, he justified th…

Scott Ritter (2023-02-24). Scott Ritter, HistoryLegends & Sanya Florida — 1 Year of War in Ukraine. thealtworld.com

Sharon Zhang (2023-02-24). Republicans Unveil Bill to Make AR-15-Style Rifle the "National Gun" truthout.org A House Republican has introduced a bill that would make the AR-15, which has been used in many of the nation's most horrific mass shootings, the "National Gun of the United States," positioning it alongside official symbols like the bald eagle and Francis Scott Key's "Star Spangled Banner" in representing the U.S. The bill was unveiled this week by gun store owner Rep. Barry Moore of Alabama. |

Sharon Zhang (2023-02-24). There Isn't a State in Which a Majority Think Abortion Should Be Totally Illegal. truthout.org A huge new poll of people in every state and Washington, D.C., finds that making abortion illegal in all cases is extremely unpopular across the U.S. According to the results of a 2022 survey of nearly 23,000 adults by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) released Thursday, there isn't a single state in the U.S. in which a majority of people think that abortion should be totally outlawed… |

Sibylle Kaczorek (2023-02-24). Germany: Critical left support for 'Peace Manifesto'. greenleft.org.au Two controversial German figures, Sarah Wagenknecht and Alice Schwarzer, released a Peace Manifesto on change.org on February 10, which gathered close to half a million of signatures in less than a week, reports Sibylle Kaczorek.

Staff (2023-02-24). Brasil: Se eleva a 50 la cifra de muertos por lluvias en Sao Paulo. cubadebate.cu El Gobierno del estado brasileño de Sao Paulo informó este jueves que aumentó a 50 la cifra de fallecidos como consecuencia de las lluvias que han afectado al territorio.

Staff (2023-02-24). Enkaz, el gato rescatado en Turquía que no se despega de su salvador. cubadebate.cu Los terremotos registrados en Turquía y Siria el pasado 6 de febrero han dejado hasta la fecha más de 45.000 víctimas mortales y 13 millones de personas afectadas. Se calcula que, en total, el seísmo ha derrumbado unos 139.000 edificios. Precisamente entre los escombros ha aparecido con vida Enkaz, el protagonista de esta entrañable historia.

Staff (2023-02-24). Chapeando: El explote (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Nada está nunca totalmente bien ni nada está totalmente mal. Los mensajes de un solo color siempre deberán recibirse con justa duda. Del mensaje negativo como práctica y estilo se habló en nuestro podcast.

Staff (2023-02-24). Con Filo: øQué pasa con la conexión? (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Hay una campaña sobre la conexión en Cuba: que el Internet está muy malo, que la conexión está muy lenta… cosa que no está lejos de la verdad, pero ha sido objeto del típico sensacionalismo con el cual se aborda la realidad cubana por los medios de siempre. Sobre el tema se habló este jueves en Con Filo.

Staff (2023-02-24). Félix Varela y Morales: "Un hijo de la libertad, un alma americana" (I). cubadebate.cu Si alguna personalidad marca los inicios de la historia de las ideas en Cuba, a comienzos del siglo XIX, esa es la de Félix Varela y Morales. Unió la exquisita sensibilidad, identificada con valores éticos y morales católicos, con la formación de un pensamiento propio y moderno.

Staff (2023-02-24). Fidel Castro sobre Radio Rebelde: Se convirtió en nuestro medio de divulgación masivo (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Hace 65 años, el 24 de febrero de 1958 se escuchaba por primera vez una emisora que se convirtió en un centro de comunicación sumamente importante para la Revolución Cubana y llegó a convertirse en una estación con alto rating. Dos meses después, el 14 de abril de 1958, Fidel Castro, realiza su primera intervención en la emisora.

Staff (2023-02-24). La "locomotora" de la radio en Cuba y sus 65 febreros (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Alrededor de 20 minutos duró la transmisión inicial de aquella emisora insurgente. Hace hoy 65 años de la hazaña, desde la Sierra Maestra y para el pueblo cubano. No se escuchó entonces el estremecedor "Aquí, Radio Rebelde…". Lo primero que salió al aire fueron las notas del Himno Invasor, un parte de guerra del combate Pino del Agua y un editorial relacionado con las efemérides del 24 de febrero y la fundación de la emisora.

Staff (2023-02-24). Revelan imágenes aéreas de las áreas afectadas por el incendio forestal de Pinares de Mayarí. cubadebate.cu El fotógrafo de la Agencia Cubana de Noticias, Juan Pablo Carreras reveló imágenes aéreas de zonas afectadas por el incendio forestal de grandes proporciones que afecta la meseta de Pinares de Mayarí, en el municipio de Mayarí, provincia de Holguín.

Staff (2023-02-24). Las 3 del Día: Programa de Implantes Cocleares en Cuba y las noticias del 23 de febrero (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Saludos a todos los seguidores de "Las 3 del día". Este 23 de febrero dedicamos los primeros minutos de nuestro podcast al Programa del Implante Coclear en Cuba y luego el habitual resumen informativo. En la voz de nuestros editores, periodistas y colaboradores escucha las principales noticias de la jornada. °Conéctese ya!

Staff (2023-02-24). øQué debe saber sobre el curso académico 2023 en la Educación Superior cubana? cubadebate.cu El pasado 6 de febrero comenzó el curso académico 2023 en la Educación Superior cubana para los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso y el 20 para los continuantes de los diferentes programas de formación y todas las modalidades de estudios.

Staff (2023-02-24). Registran sismo perceptible a 33 kilómetros al sureste de Caimanera, Guantánamo. cubadebate.cu El sismo perceptible número 3 del año en Cuba fue registrado a las 08: 20 pm hora local, informa el periódico Venceremos en su página de Facebook. A una profundidad de 10 km y con una magnitud de 3.5; su epicentro estuvo situado a 33 kilómetros al sureste de la localidad de Caimanera, provincia de Guantánamo.

Staff (2023-02-24). Abres sus puertas la octava edición de la Feria Tecnológica La Guayabera 5.0. cubadebate.cu Exponentes de los sectores de la cultura y las comunicaciones convergen hasta el venidero 25 de febrero en la Feria Tecnológica La Guayabera 5.0, uno de los eventos más importantes de Sancti Spíritus.

Staff (2023-02-24). Celebrada en Camagàºey gala cultural por aniversario del Inder. cubadebate.cu Con una gala cultural concluyeron este 23 de febrero las actividades organizadas por los camagàºeyanos en ocasión del aniversario 62 de la fundación del Inder. La actividad, presidida por Vento Montiller, resultó oportuna para honrar al eminente Dr. Cs. Iván Román Suárez como hijo ilustre de la ciudad de Camagàºey.

Staff (2023-02-24). Cerca de 45 000 animales han muerto tras derrame tóxico por descarrilamiento de un tren en Ohio. cubadebate.cu Funcionarios ambientales dijeron que cerca de 45.000 animales murieron como resultado del descarrilamiento de un tren que transportaba químicos tóxicos este mes en una ciudad de Ohio, en EE.UU. La cifra del Departamento de Recursos Naturales de Ohio (ODNR, por sus siglas en inglés) actualiza la estimación inicial de 3.500 animales muertos.

Staff (2023-02-24). China anuncia plan de paz para Ucrania. cubadebate.cu China ha publicado este viernes un documento respecto a su posición sobre la solución política de la crisis ucraniana, según ha informado el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores chino.En el documento, Pekín expone 12 puntos que las partes involucradas podrían seguir para retomar las negociaciones y poner fin a las hostilidades.

Staff (2023-02-24). El tiempo: Calor y escasas lluvias. cubadebate.cu Amanecerá parcialmente nublado en zonas de la costa norte oriental y con poca nubosidad en el resto del país. Desde el final de la mañana estará parcialmente nublado en gran parte del territorio nacional con escasas lluvias.

Staff (2023-02-24). Ir siempre allí donde están los problemas del pueblo. cubadebate.cu En la noche de este jueves, los ocho candidatos a diputados a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular por el villaclareño municipio de Santa Clara sostuvieron un distendido diálogo con pobladores del consejo popular Vigía-Escambray. La escuela secundaria básica Fe del Valle fue el escenario escogido para el intercambio.

Staff (2023-02-24). Otorgan premios nacionales de periodismo José Martí y Juan Gualberto Gómez. cubadebate.cu Esta tarde, por videoconferencia, fueron dados a conocer en La Habana los Premios Nacionales de Periodismo José Martí por la obra de la vida. Igualmente, fue concedido en las diversas categorías el premio Juan Gualberto Gómez por la obra del año. La periodista Thalía Fuentes Puebla, de Cubadebate, obtuvo el lauro en hipermedia.

Staff (2023-02-24). øQué tasas están vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este 24 de febrero? cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este viernes 24 de febrero de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-02-24). Qué trae la prensa cubana, viernes 24 de febrero de 2023. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-02-24). Recuerdan aniversario 128 del Grito de Baire en Santiago de Cuba. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-02-24). Unión Eléctrica estima una afectación de 598 MW para el horario pico nocturno. cubadebate.cu Para el horario pico se estima el completamiento de la unidad 6 de Energas Boca de Jaruco con 20 MW. Se pronostica para la hora pico nocturna una disponibilidad de 2322 MW y una demanda máxima de 2850 MW, para un déficit de 528 MW, por lo que de mantenerse las condiciones habrá una afectación de 598 MW.

Staff (2023-02-24). El 24 de febrero de 1895: Otro salto hacia el futuro. cubadebate.cu Muy relevantes son los acontecimientos históricos de nuestro proceso revolucionario que marcan el 24 de febrero como un día de especial simbolismo para todos los cubanos, fecha de homenaje y recordación patriótica.

Staff (2023-02-24). Bomb Train: Calls Grow for New Laws on Rail Safety After Toxic Disaster in East Palestine, Ohio. democracynow.org Residents of East Palestine, Ohio, continue to demand answers about how a Norfolk Southern train carrying toxic chemicals derailed February 3, releasing hazardous materials into the air, water and soil. The National Transportation Safety Board has released a preliminary report on the accident, blaming a wheel bearing failure for the crash and saying the derailment was "100% preventable." Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who has faced widespread criticism over his response to the disaster, visited the village on Thursday for the first time since the derailment, a day after former President Trum…

Staff (2023-02-24). Headlines for February 24, 2023. democracynow.org U.N. Votes Overwhelmingly to Condemn Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Ahead of Anniversary, Putin Vows to Strengthen Russia's Nuclear Arsenal, U.S., South Korea and Japan Hold Nuclear War Drill as North Korea Test-Fires Missiles, U.S. to Quadruple Troop Presence in Taiwan, Iran Acknowledges Enriching Uranium to Near Weapons-Grade Purity, Iranian Court Sentences German-Iranian Journalist to Death, U.S. Frees Two Guantánamo Prisoners Who Faced Torture and 20 Years of Arbitrary Detention, U.N. Resumes Talks on Treaty to Protect Ocean Biodiversity, Winter Storms Blanket Midwest and SoCal with Snow as Southern…

Staff (2023-02-24). Outrage Soars in Occupied West Bank After Israel Kills 11, Injures 500 Palestinians in Nablus Raid. democracynow.org Palestinians held a general strike in the West Bank Thursday after Israeli forces killed 11 Palestinians and injured nearly 500 in a military raid in the city of Nablus. So far this year, Israel has killed at least 65 Palestinians, including 13 children, drawing concern and criticism from supranational actors including the U.N. and Amnesty International. We speak to Amira Hass, a correspondent for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, and Issa Amro, a prominent Palestinian human rights defender from Hebron in the West Bank. Amro was recently beaten by an Israeli soldier while bein…

Staff (2023-02-24). Chavismo Commemorates 4th Anniversary of Anti-Imperial Victory at Battle of the Bridges. orinocotribune.com This Thursday, February 23, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced that it had been four years since the civic-military union defeated the invasion plans of the US and allied countries on the border of Venezuela and Colombia, commemorating the victory of the so-called "Battle of the Bridges." | "We commemorate four years of the revolutionary action of the people in the Battle of the Bridges," wrote Maduro via social media, "where the imperial invasion plans and the powerful global media campaign were defeated. An exemplary victory that showcases the strength of the civic-military-police union." | C…

Staff (2023-02-24). Russia: Biden Did Not Dare Visit Kiev Without First Telling Russia. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, February 22, the spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, stated during a press briefing that US President Joe Biden would not have dared to visit Ukraine without first asking Moscow for security guarantees. | "Biden did not dare to visit Kiev without warning Russia," Zakharova said during the briefing, "and without asking the Russian side to guarantee his safety." | The US president arrived in Ukraine on Monday on a surprise visit in the days leading up to the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine—February 24—to express his "support" for Kiev. In fact, he offe…

Staff (2023-02-24). Russia: Biden Did Not Dare Visit Kyiv Without First Telling Russia. orinocotribune.com This Wednesday, February 22, the spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, stated during a press briefing that US President Joe Biden would not have dared to visit Ukraine without first asking Moscow for security guarantees. | "Biden did not dare to visit Kyiv without warning Russia," Zakharova said during the briefing, "and without asking the Russian side to guarantee his safety." | The US president arrived in Ukraine on Monday on a surprise visit in the days leading up to the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine—February 24—to express his "support" for Kyiv. In fact, he offe…

Staff (2023-02-24). Samidoun in Berlin: The battle of "Freedom or Martyrdom" will not remain within the prison walls. samidoun.net The battle of "volcano of freedom or martyrdom" will not remain within the prison walls We heard the call of the prisoners movement, and we will follow the decisions taken by their leadership. The Palestinian people in the diaspora stand with the prisoners movement and the valiant resistance and will not abandon their responsibilities. The …

Stephen Janis, Taya Graham (2023-02-24). Police tried to stop a copwatcher from filming them, this is what happened when he pushed back | PAR. therealnews.com Texas cop watcher Manuel Mata has been jailed again after he confronted a Ft. Worth officer on sidewalk while he was making arrest. The charges of interfering with public duties Mata is facing raise serious questions about the right to film police, and if law enforcement is ratcheting up the pressure on 1st amendment activists. | Studio: Stephen Janis | Post-Production: Stephen Janis, Adam Coley |
| Transcript: | Taya Graham: Hello, my name is Taya Graham, and welcome to the Police Accountability Report. As I always make clear, this show has a single purpose: holding the politically powerful i…

Steven Sahiounie (2023-02-24). International Aid to Idlib, Syria Is Controlled by the Terrorists. globalresearch.ca

Ted Snider (2023-02-24). When Biden Says 'As Long As It Takes,' What Does Ukraine Hear? globalresearch.ca

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-24). Entierran restos del líder histórico burkinés, Thomas Sankara. telesurtv.net El carismático líder destacó como un panafricanista y un revolucionario, inspirado por figuras como los cubanos, Fidel Castro, y Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-24). Familiares de víctimas de masacre en Juliaca exigen justicia. telesurtv.net El abogado de la Asociación de Mártires y Víctimas del 9 de enero, Armando Halire Mamani, denunció los intentos de criminalización de las manifestaciones.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-24). Inflación en México baja a 7,76 % en primera quincena de febrero. telesurtv.net Se frena la tendencia al ascenso registrada durante dos meses consecutivos.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-24). Reportan incendio en ducto de Pemex en Veracruz, México. telesurtv.net El siniestro fue registrado en el Centro de Almacenamiento Estratégico Tuzandépetl, el mayor almacén de crudo de Pemex en la nación latinoamericano, sito en el municipio de Ixhuatlán.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-24). Bancarios argentinos van al paro en reclamo de mejores salarios. telesurtv.net Exigen que el empresariado haga una propuesta salarial superior a la inflación y que asuma el pago del impuesto sobre ganancias.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-24). Movimiento indígena de Ecuador no descarta otras movilizaciones. telesurtv.net Desde la Conaie instan al Gobierno de Guillermo Lasso a ponerse a un lado y permitir que otras personas dirijan el país.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-24). República Dominicana prosigue con deportaciones de haitianos. telesurtv.net Detienen a un centenar de migrantes en varios puntos al este de Quisqueya, como Bávaro, Higüey, Bayahíbe, Nisibon, Verón y La Romana.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2023-02-24). Fiscalía de Ecuador acusa a expolicía de feminicidio. telesurtv.net El organismo puntualizó que presentó más de 100 elementos de convicción contra los procesados por el asesinato de la abogada ecuatoriana.

teleSUR, lvm, SH (2023-02-24). Llega nueva ayuda humanitaria a Siria tras terremoto. telesurtv.net La autoridades sirias informaron de la llegada de varios vuelos humanitarios a Damasco y a la localidad de Latakia en el norte del país.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-02-24). Ciclón Freddy deja siete muertos en Madagascar. telesurtv.net Se reportaron 79 centros educativos perjudicados, 37 afectados parcialmente y seis fueron destruidos.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-02-24). Fijan fecha para formulación de cargos contra Lenín Moreno en Ecuador. telesurtv.net Representantes chinos de la empresa Sinohydro están presuntamente implicados en el caso que se abrió el 28 de marzo de 2019.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-24). Aumenta a 50 cifra de muertos por lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Del total de decesos, 49 ocurrieron en el municipio de São Sebastião y uno en el de Ubatuba.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-24). Destacan importancia de la unión en Batalla de los Puentes en Venezuela. telesurtv.net El jefe de Estado recordó que el 23 de febrero de 2019 se pretendió invadir a Venezuela con una supuesta ayuda humanitaria.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-24). Registran sismo de magnitud 5,0 en Hatay, Türkiye. twitter.com El movimiento telúrico se registró en el distrito de Defne a las 18H53 (hora local) y tuvo una profundidad de 9,76 kilómetros.

teleSUR, odr, SH (2023-02-24). Asamblea Nacional de Ecuador censura a exministro del Interior. telesurtv.net La Asamblea ecuatoriana decidió censurar al exministro Carrillo con votos de la Revolución Ciudadana, Pachakutik, Partido Social Cristiano y algunos independientes…

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-24). Diputados aprueban extender estado de excepción en Macrozona Sur, Chile. telesurtv.net El decreto se adoptó por 89 votos a favor, 15 en contra y siete abstenciones en una sesión especial.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-24). Registran incremento de violencia homicida en Guatemala en enero. telesurtv.net El informe contabilizó un total de 374 cadáveres con señales de violencia 329 son masculinos y 45 femeninos.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-24). Marchan sindicatos en Costa Rica en favor del seguro social. telesurtv.net Los obreros hicieron patente su rechazo a lo que calificaron de medidas autoritarias por parte del gobierno y en defensa de la autonomía de la entidad.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-24). Cuatro muertos durante un tiroteo de pandilleros en Haití. telesurtv.net Testigos declararon que los criminales abrieron fuego contra los residentes de la localidad sin causa aparente.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-24). Asesinan a periodista mexicano en el estado de Baja California. telesurtv.net Las autoridades declararon en un comunicado de prensa que los sospechosos, de 16 y 17 años respectivamente, ya estaban siendo instruidos de cargos.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-24). Ministra de Bolivia descarta amnistía para delincuentes. telesurtv.net La ministra María Nela Prada, subrayó que en Bolivia no hay presos políticos y reiteró que quienes hayan cometido delitos deben responder ante la justicia.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-24). China expone su postura sobre solución a conflicto en Ucrania. telesurtv.net China llamó a resolver la crisis humanitaria en las regiones más afectadas por el conflicto, por ello pidió que las operaciones humanitarias no deben ser politizadas.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-24). China expone su postura sobre solución a la guerra en Ucrania. telesurtv.net China llamó a resolver la crisis humanitaria en las regiones más afectadas por el conflicto, por ello pidió que las operaciones humanitarias no deben ser politizadas.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-02-24). Distribuyen material electoral en Nigeria de cara a comicios. telesurtv.net El Comisionado Electoral Residente del INEC señaló que la recolección de las boletas es uno de los etapas más críticas.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-02-24). Mayoría valora leve condena a exescolta presidencial uruguayo. telesurtv.net El 27 por ciento de los 400 encuestados señaló que fue bueno el accionar de la fiscal Gabriela Fossati.

teleSUR- hvh, DRL (2023-02-24). Gobierno brasileño destina fondo millonario a Sà£o Sebastià£o. telesurtv.net El fondo se destinará para comprar alimentos, kits de limpieza, higiene y dormitorio, así como colchones y combustible.

Teri Mattson, WTF is Going on in Latin America, the Caribbean. (2023-02-24). Peru — More Than Statistics. popularresistance.org In today's episode, WTF host Teri Mattson shares some of the key findings of the Preliminary Report of the International Mission of Solidarity and Human Rights Delegation which arrived in Peru on February 7, 2023 and deployed its work in the country until the 13th of the same month. Teri was one of 19 human rights observers comprising the delegation.

The Global Research Team (2023-02-24). Global Research February Fundraising Drive: Endorse Peace Negotiations. globalresearch.ca Global Research would like to extend our thanks to everyone who supported our January donation drive. | We will persist in our efforts to exposing COVID-related crimes and the dangers of the experimental vaccines. We need to understand that the booster …

The Lever (2023-02-24). TODAY AT 1:45PM ET: Here's The Private Link To Join Today's Callin Show (Exclusive for Supporting Subscribers). levernews.com Read the full story: | Sign up now to read the full story and get access to all paid posts. | Already have an account? |

The Stand. (2023-02-24). ILWU, ITF Secure Wages, Safety Of Burmese Seafarers In Tacoma. popularresistance.org The actions of the Puget Sound Inspector from the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) with support from members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 23 helped to protect a group of vulnerable seafarers who were being grossly underpaid and who feared for their safety after receiving threats for standing up for their rights. | On Feb. 7, seafarers aboard the ASL Uranus (IMO: 9317511), an ocean-going grain ship docked at an export grain facility in the Port of Tacoma, contacted ITF Inspector Jeff Engels to report that they were not being paid the proper wages.

theconversation (2023-02-24). Russia suspends last nuclear arms agreement with the US. theconversation.com In the same speech, Putin threatened to resume nuclear testing if the US does the same.

Unicorn Riot (2023-02-24). Supporters of 'Cop City' Opponents Rally in Philly. unicornriot.ninja

unitedEditor (2023-02-24). Liberals in Russia will lose influence in economy policy in the coming period. uwidata.com United World International author Mehmet Perinàßek gave an interview to the Russian RIA Novosti news agency about Vladimir Putin's Presidential Address to Federal Assembly. We present the interview, published in Russian, to our readers translated into English. ———————————— Statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin in a message to the Federal Assembly are providing morale and …

unitedEditor (2023-02-24). China challenges U.S. hegemony and advances own claim on global leadership. uwidata.com The month of February 2023 might in future get a special chapter in the history of China and global politics. The Foreign Ministry of the People's Republic of China presented a number of official texts and declarations. They seem to follow a planned schedule. When considered together, these texts, accompanied by diplomatic action, present China's …

Vijay Prashad (2023-02-24). The true test of a civilisation is the absence of anxiety about health: The Eighth Newsletter (2023). mronline.org I was reminded of the Carlos Marx Hospital by the newest edition in our series Studies on the DDR, jointly produced by Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and the Internationale Forschungsstelle DDR (IFDDR) and entitled 'Socialism Is the Best Prophylaxis': The German Democratic Republic's Health Care System.

WSWS (2023-02-24). Michigan firefighter dies from downed power line as massive winter storm hits continental US. wsws.org Michigan volunteer firefighter Ethan Quillen lost his life on Wednesday evening, when he contacted a high-voltage power line during a massive winter storm that stretched across the country.

WSWS (2023-02-24). Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and New Zealand. wsws.org 60,000 Indian contract teachers demonstrate for higher pay; Australia: Spotless/Downer workers strike; NSW ambulance paramedics impose bans for a pay rise.

WSWS (2023-02-24). LAUSD school district workers angry at SEIU for delaying strike action, as district begins hiring scabs. wsws.org More than 30,000 Los Angeles school district (LAUSD) workers voted by 96 percent in favor of strike authorization two months after an impasse was declared in negotiations between the district and SEIU Local 99. The district has begun hiring scabs in the event of a strike while the union does everything to stifle strike action.

WSWS (2023-02-24). US Fed interest rate hikes far from over. wsws.org The central bank's monetary policy regime, advanced in the name of fighting inflation, is above all directed to the suppression of wage demands as it continually refers to a "tight" labour market.

WSWS (2023-02-24). Israel's murderous assault on Nablus a deliberate provocation, but armed struggle offers no way forward. wsws.org These extra-judicial killings in broad daylight by the Middle East's strongest war machine in a busy downtown area are nothing short of a war crime by the newly installed coalition government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

WSWS (2023-02-24). Israel's murderous assault on Nablus a deliberate provocation. wsws.org These extra-judicial killings in broad daylight by the Middle East's strongest war machine in a busy downtown area are nothing short of a war crime by the newly installed coalition government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

WSWS (2023-02-24). Why the German media deny US responsibility for the destruction of Nord Stream. wsws.org Award-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has shown through meticulous research that the US government was responsible for planning, preparing and executing the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines.

WSWS (2023-02-24). US sends troops to Taiwan after general threatens war with China by 2025. wsws.org The United States will quadruple the number of US forces stationed on Taiwan, which China claims as its own territory, in an effort to provoke a war with Beijing along the lines of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.

WSWS (2023-02-24). Youth in Ukraine speak on one year of the NATO-Russia war. wsws.org The World Socialist Web Site has spoken with youth in different parts of Ukraine who oppose both the Zelensky government and the NATO powers, and the Russian oligarchic regime of Vladimir Putin, about their experiences since the beginning of the war.

WSWS (2023-02-24). Company plans to dump a million gallons of radioactive water into the Hudson River. wsws.org As part of the decommissioning of the Indian Point nuclear generating station, the company doing the work intends to dispose of tritium-laced cooling water into the Hudson River, 30 miles upstream from New York City.

WSWS (2023-02-24). Turkey, hit by earthquake, conceals mass COVID-19 pandemic deaths. wsws.org Newly released mortality statistics reveal that Turkey's government, implicated in tens of thousands of deaths by its handling of long-predicted earthquakes, has covered up mass deaths from COVID-19.

WSWS (2023-02-24). Department of Labor imposes token $1.5 million fine for flagrant child labor violations at US meatpacking plants. wsws.org US Department of Labor (DOL) reports that Packers Sanitation Services Inc. committed 102 violations of child labor regulations involving underage youth working overnight and in hazardous conditions during cleaning operations.

WSWS (2023-02-24). The NATO-Russia War in Ukraine enters its second year. wsws.org As it enters its second year, the conflict has evolved into a war of US and European imperialism, with its NATO satellites, against Russia. The lies are being stripped away.

WSWS (2023-02-24). Unions reject Quebec government's wage-cutting offer to half a million public sector workers. wsws.org The CAQ government is proposing wage "increases" totalling 9 percent spread over five years, although prices rose 6.8 percent last year and continue to rise at an annual rate of close to 6 percent in 2023.

WSWS (2023-02-24). Transportation Secretary Buttigieg visits East Palestine for photo-op, as more details emerge of derailment and its aftermath. wsws.org Both parties have engaged in mutual finger-pointing to deflect from their own responsibility for the disaster.

WSWS (2023-02-24). SEP (Australia) candidate for NSW election Max Boddy campaigns at Sydney university. wsws.org "I think students should do whatever they can to fight against war."

WSWS (2023-02-24). Interview with Michael Anderegg, author of Lincoln and Shakespeare and Orson Welles, Shakespeare and Popular Culture: "Shakespeare in the 19th century could be seen simultaneously as popular as well as elite" wsws.org As a whole, Voodoo Macbeth, Anderegg concluded in his comment, was unable "to reconcile the complexities and contradictions into a fully satisfactory, coherent drama."

WSWS (2023-02-24). The devil in the detail of the UCU's "breakthrough" for university workers. wsws.org The rosy picture painted by the UCU of "real progress" is at odds with what details have been made public by the universities and other unions.

WSWS (2023-02-24). UAW official appointed to $174,000/year leadership position after donating $25,000 to Shawn Fain's campaign. wsws.org As voting in the second round of the UAW national officers election comes to an end, a scandal has broken out that exposes both the fraudulent character of the election and the ongoing rampant corruption and patronage within the UAW bureaucracy.

WSWS (2023-02-24). Amid mounting mass protests against IMF austerity, Sri Lanka's autocratic president cancels local elections. wsws.org In flagrant violation of the country's constitution and basic democratic rights, Sri Lanka's unelected president, Ranil Wickremesinghe, has cancelled the island-wide local elections to be held March 9.

WSWS (2023-02-24). Retired German General Erich Vad and the militarist agenda behind the "Revolt for Peace" of the Left Party's Sahra Wagenknecht. wsws.org The extreme right-wing agenda of the leading political figures behind the "peace petition" in Germany is a warning: A movement for peace cannot be built with militarists, nationalists and right-wing extremists.

WSWS (2023-02-24). Arizona attorney general suppressed his agents' reports refuting "stolen election" claims. wsws.org Republican Mark Brnovich had initially acknowledged Trump's defeat in the state in 2020, but began to collaborate with the election deniers when he sought the Republican nomination for US Senate in 2022.

àÅlvaro Verzi Rangel (2023-02-24). Argentina: La proscripción de Cristina y el sueño de la reelección de Alberto Fernández. globalizacion.ca La primera mesa política del oficialista Frente de Todos (FDT) argentino llamó a tomar acciones necesarias para impedir la proscripción de la dos veces presidenta y ahora vicepresidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, y enfatizó en que su liderazgo y potencia…

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2023-02-22: News Headlines

Ryan Black (2023-02-22). Judge Rules Billions US Stole from Afghanistan's Central Bank Can't Be Used To Satisfy 9/11 Judgments. progressivehub.net CENTER FOR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS…

Paul Von Blum (2023-02-22). Remembering Samella Lewis on Her One Hundredth Birthday. progressive.org The

Vijay Prashad (2023-02-22). The French are going, but the war in the Sahel continues. peoplesdispatch.org On February 9, 2023, around 100 armed men

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-22). Ahead of the one year anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine war, Putin condemns NATO aggression. peoplesdispatch.org

Staff (2023-02-22). Caracas Celebrates Carnival With Great Parade (Photos). orinocotribune.com This Monday, February 20, the Great Parade of Caracas was held in the El Valle parish as part of festival programming organized by the Mayor's Office of Caracas and the government of the Capital District. | "This Monday, February 20, and Tuesday, February 21, in Caracas, we will experience the Great Parade, beginning at one in the afternoon, starting from Avenida Intercomunal de El Valle and touring Los Próceres," said previously the mayor of the Liberator municipality, Carmen Meléndez. "The ingenuity of our people is evident." | The tour began at Avenida Intercomunal del Valle and continued to the La Bandera Dis…

Joe Emersberger (2023-02-22). Elections in Ecuador Unmask Western Media Dishonesty. orinocotribune.com By Joe Emersberger — Feb 16, 2023 | On February 5, Revolución Ciudadana (

Davonta Herring (2023-02-22). 2023 'Roots Picnic' Full Lineup Announced. newsone.com Source: Courtesy / Live Nation | Grammy Award-winning multiplatinum hip-hop luminaries

_____ (2023-02-22). Russian-Turkish gas hub has become an object of US concern. journal-neo.org Following the collapse of the USSR, the United States is considering its role in the status of a global world leader. In relations with its NATO allies, Washington, moreover, continues the previous course of the flagship, which does not tolerate any deviations of its satellites from the strategy of the White House. And during the …

_____ (2023-02-22). The attempt of the US to build a secret biolab in Kyrgyzstan is failing. journal-neo.org Russia's special military operation to denazify the criminal Kiev regime allowed it to collect and receive more than 20 thousand documents on the US bioweapon program at the captured Ukrainian military facilities. This program, as it turns out, does not only include Ukraine. Relevant reference and analytical materials on this aspect of US criminal activity …

_____ (2023-02-22). With Billions Wasted NATO Still Doesn't Have the Juice to Beat Russia. journal-neo.org In every mainstream media outlet from Berlin to Los Angeles, Vladimir Putin and Russia are losing in the conflict with Ukraine. The NATO proxy warriors and western think tank experts are endlessly reassuring citizens of the U.S. and other allied countries that Russia is on the ropes and ready for the knockout punch from the …

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-02-22). African American Resistance in the Rural South from the Sharecroppers Union to the New Farmers of America. globalresearch.ca

Ahmed Adel (2023-02-22). Scholz Hardens His Position Against Russia to Preserve His Political Power. globalresearch.ca

americanthinker (2023-02-22). A Portrait of Black Americans and the 2nd Amendment. americanthinker.com Black Americans can reconcile history by getting behind Second Amendment rights.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). America Errs In Viewing Ukraine As A Template For Taiwan. americanthinker.com The situation in Taiwan could not be more different, but there is a simple, bloodless solution if only the parties would be open to it.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). Gun Banning and Social Contempt. americanthinker.com A ranting partisan sometimes gives the game away by thoughtlessly blurting out the cynical thinking behind their own lousy ideas.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). Is it DEI, IED or DIE? Yes, it is! americanthinker.com Capsizing a culture that valued equal opportunity was no easy feat; the wokesters needed a good PR campaign.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). Social Security is Broke, but American Taxpayers Just Gave Ukrainian Pensioners a Double-Digit Raise. americanthinker.com Zelensky knows firsthand: the welfare life is one of overflowing coffers when you've got the U.S. taxpayer footing your bills.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). AMLO stands by his lefties. americanthinker.com AMLO's nonsense could end up destroying the Pacific Alliance.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). Fifty years too late, white men are figuring out they're in trouble. americanthinker.com The left's relentless push to marginalize white men through affirmative action is reaching a crescendo under Biden.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). Social Security should be in the spotlight. americanthinker.com Doing nothing is more destructive to Social Security than the passage of time.

Anand Naidoo (2023-02-22). The Heat: Ohio Train Derailment. america.cgtn.com Residents in East Palestine, Ohio say they need help more than two weeks after a freight train derailed spilling dangerous chemicals. Ahead, why authorities say the air and drinking water are now safe. A health clinic opened Tuesday in East Palestine, Ohio in response to …

americanthinker (2023-02-22). Fifty years too late, white men are figuring out they're in trouble. americanthinker.com The left's relentless push to marginalize white men through affirmative action is reaching a crescendo under Biden.

americanthinker (2023-02-22). Social Security should be in the spotlight. americanthinker.com Doing nothing is more destructive to Social Security than the passage of time.

Anand Naidoo (2023-02-22). The Heat: Ohio Train Derailment. america.cgtn.com Residents in East Palestine, Ohio say they need help more than two weeks after a freight train derailed spilling dangerous chemicals. Ahead, why authorities say the air and drinking water are now safe. A health clinic opened Tuesday in East Palestine, Ohio in response to …

Ben Norton (2023-02-22). German lawmaker denounces Ukraine 'proxy war' and US 'terrorist attack' on Nord Stream pipelines. geopoliticaleconomy.com In this interview, German Member of Parliament Sevim Dağdelen, of the Left Party, Die Linke, condemned the NATO "proxy war" in Ukraine, saying the EU is acting as US "vassals". She also denounced the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines as a "terrorist attack" that "should have resulted in a huge outcry".

Binoy Kampmark (2023-02-22). Energy wars: Outing the Nord Stream saboteurs. greenleft.org.au Seymour Hersch's allegations of United States Navy involvement in the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines has been denied by US officialdom, but questions still remain, writes Binoy Kampmark.

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-22). Ukraine Worries the Biden Administration Might Use Congress as an Excuse to Wind Down Aid. news.antiwar.com An advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told POLITICO on Tuesday that Kyiv is worried that some members of the Biden administration might use Congress as an excuse to start winding down military aid and push for Ukraine to pursue more realistic war goals. "I think both on Capitol Hill and in the administration, there …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-22). US Judge Says Families of 9/11 Victims Not Entitled to Afghan Central Bank Funds. news.antiwar.com A US judge has determined that families of the victims of the September 11, 2001, attacks are not entitled to Afghan central bank funds that the Biden administration has seized. During the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and the US withdrawal in 2021, the Biden administration froze $7 billion in Afghan central bank reserves that are …

Editor (2023-02-22). On Michael Lebowitz's 'Beyond Capital: Marx's Political Economy Of The Working Class'. mronline.org 'Beyond Capital' helps us to understand why capitalism continues to persist despite endless crises, by drawing our attention to the messiness of human beings and the multiple circuits that reproduce capitalism as a complex and contradictory totality.

Editor (2023-02-22). Review of "Organising Responses to Climate Change: The Politics of Mitigation, Adaptation and Suffering" mronline.org Much has been written about climate change or, to use a more truthful term, global warming. But not much has been written about "Organising Responses to Climate Change," which is the title of Daniel Nyberg, Christopher Wright and Vanessa Bowden's new book.

Eva Bartlett (2023-02-22). Tamara Lorincz: Canada's Support For Ukraine's War on the Donbass & Canada's Anti-Russia Policies. ingaza.wordpress.com I spoke with Canadian researcher and writer, Tamara Lorincz, about Canada's militaristic foreign and defence policies, Canada's belligerent NATO role in bombing sovereign nations, Canada's role in fomenting the Maidan protests which preceded the (2014) illegal coup in Ukraine, and, among other things, Canada's support to Ukraine's war on the Donbass. Tamara has a Masters…

Global Research News (2023-02-22). Selected Articles: How Do You Know When COVID-19 Is Over? globalresearch.ca By Mainstream newspapers, the television news, and the alternative news blogs that we are forced to rely on for information have decayed into unstable and shifting …

Kerry Smith (2023-02-22). Student activist arrested at midnight after housing protest. greenleft.org.au NSW Police arrested a housing activist at midnight on February 18 after a housing protest the day before. Kerry Smith reports.

Larry Johnson (2023-02-22). Russia's Declaration of Independence — A Review of Putin's Speech to Russia's National Assembly. sonar21.com Reflecting on Putin's long awaited speech to Russia's national assembly I was struck by some similarities with Jefferson's Declaration of Independence. What do I mean? Jefferson started with his iconic…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-22). Syria just suffered a devastating earthquake but Israeli bombing does not stop. mronline.org Israeli attacks on Syria continue even as Syria struggles with the aftermath of the February 6 earthquake, in which over 5,800 were killed.

Peter Boyle (2023-02-22). Community democracy under scrutiny at Balmain candidate forum. greenleft.org.au Community groups will host a candidate forum in the Balmain electorate in the lead-up to the New South Wales elections with a focus on how local democracy is best served. Peter Boyle reports.

Puget Sound Anarchists (2023-02-22). Community Notice Regarding FBI Harassment and Indictment. itsgoingdown.org Report from Puget Sound Prisoner Support on recent FBI harassment and indictment against a Washington state activist. Originally posted to Puget Sound Anarchists. Puget Sound Prisoner Support issues this notice regarding a Washington state based activist who was recently indicted for Interstate Riot at the federal level from a Portland April 2021 arrest. This case…

Ramzy Baroud (2023-02-22). True Champions of Humanity in Türkiye and Syria. dissidentvoice.org On February 7, a funeral was held in the northern Syrian town of Jinderis. It was one of numerous such funerals to be held on that day across Syria and Türkiye, following a devastating earthquake that killed and injured thousands. Each one of these funerals represented two seemingly opposite notions: collective grief and collective hope. …

Staff (2023-02-22). Chapeando: Mientras el vecino va por el cielo engullendo mundos (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Las redes en Cuba arden promoviendo divisiones entre cubanos, mientras el vecino está jugando a un juego muy peligroso. A qué juega Biden, a propósito de todo el teatro de un viaje secreto a Kiev, en vísperas del primer aniversario del conflicto con Rusia.

Staff (2023-02-22). Oleiny Linares, feliz como reina del ajedrez. cubadebate.cu Próxima a cumplir 40 años de edad, madre de dos hijas y con responsabilidades que ni soñaba cuando reinó por primera vez en 2010, Oleiny disfruta el nuevo triunfo desde la madurez y el agradecimiento a quienes aportaron algo a su regreso a la cima.

Staff (2023-02-22). Fidel hace 60 años: La fuerza de Cuba es la fuerza de sus ideas revolucionarias, la fuerza de su ejemplo. cubadebate.cu øQué es Cuba? Cuba es el ejemplo, Cuba es la idea. La fuerza de Cuba es la fuerza de sus ideas revolucionarias, la fuerza de su ejemplo (Aplausos). Y, desde luego, øcómo se pueden aislar las ideas?. Discurso pronunciado por el Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz ante los miembros del PURS de las provincias de Pinar del Río, La Habana y Matanzas.

Staff (2023-02-22). Luis Britto García: La realidad, Venezuela y sus mundos imaginarios. cubadebate.cu Luis Britto García entró por la puerta grande de la creación. En la década de 1970 lanzó "Rajatabla", una serie de 73 relatos breves, satíricos, burlones, centrados en la situación política venezolana. El valor de ese título lo hizo merecer el Premio de Cuento Casa de las Américas. Después ha venido otras veces a Cuba como miembro del jurado del certamen que convoca la institución cultural.

Staff (2023-02-22). Conozca los ganadores de un bate de béisbol al participar en el concurso de Cubadebate. cubadebate.cu El pasado 26 de enero lanzamos el concurso sobre la Serie del Caribe. En esta ocasión fueron recibidos 2056 SMS. La pregunta a responder consistía en decir: øCuál fue la última vez que Cuba ganó la Serie del Caribe? La respuesta correcta era la opción C (2015). Los dos ganadores de los grande premios recibirán un bate Pro Maple Bat cortesía de Cubadebate y la Federación Cubana de Béisbol.

Staff (2023-02-22). Envejecer con más salud es posible y Cuba hace para ello. cubadebate.cu La dinámica demográfica, y como parte de ella el envejecimiento poblacional, son asuntos del presente y del futuro, enfatizó el primer secretario del Comité Central del Partido y presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, en el intercambio de esta semana con expertos y científicos para temas de salud.

Staff (2023-02-22). Las 3 del día: El monedero móvil de ETECSA y más noticias del 21 de febrero (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Saludos a nuestros lectores. Sean todos bienvenidos a Las 3 del Día, el podcast de Cubadebate que los mantiene informados sobre lo más importante del acontecer nacional y extranjero. En esta oportunidad llegamos a ustedes con las voces de los periodistas Darío Extremera y Yilena Héctor que nos traen un episodio cargado de información. Quédate en sintonía. Acompáñanos.

Staff (2023-02-22). OTAN apoyará a Ucrania para un sistema de adquisición de armas más efectivo. cubadebate.cu La OTAN asistirá a Ucrania para crear un sistema de adquisición de armas más afectivo en la guerra con Rusia, trascendió en rueda de prensa ofrecida en Bruselas por el secretario general de la alianza, Jens Stoltenberg; el alto representante de la Unión Europea para Asuntos Exteriores, Josep Borrell, y el ministro ucraniano de Exteriores, Dmitro Kuleba.

Tamara Pearson (2023-02-22). Mexican groups call for global protests against corporate water plundering. greenleft.org.au More than 500 people from 18 states around Mexico, representing 125 different movements, organisations and Indigenous communities, gathered on February 18—19 in the Assembly for Water and For Life, reports Tamara Pearson.

unitedEditor (2023-02-22). Latin America faces "bright prospect" to develop own model. uwidata.com While the eruption of the clashes in Ukraine nears its first anniversary, the global public opinion debates the emergence of a new world order. The West has imposed sanctions on Russia — which the so-called Global South openly opposes. This has lead to questioning the given order and fuelled debates on the emergence of a …

krish-rad_ind (2023-02-21). A Good Example of Why Putin Has Always Had Very High Approval Ratings by Russia's Voters. theduran.com

Staff (2023-02-21). Amid Rubble and Tears, a Glimmer of Hope: The Real Heroes in Syria and Türkiye. radindiemedia.com/feed/ On February 7, a funeral was held in the northern Syrian town of Jinderis. It was one of numerous such funerals to be held on that day across Syria and Türkiye following a devastating earthquake that killed and injured thousands. Each of these funerals represented two seemingly opposite notions: collective grief and collective hope. The …

Staff (2023-02-21). Six workers in the South are standing up to a billion-dollar hotel chain. peoplesdispatch.org Six Cambria hotel workers went on strike yesterday morning, February 20, in Morrisville, North Carolina. Workers rallied among a crowd of 50 in front of the hotel, joined by fellow members of the Union of Southern Service Workers, as well as supporters. The workers, all of whom are Black, are demanding an end to racist …

Staff (2023-02-21). Progressives in the Philippines reject move to overhaul 1987 Constitution. peoplesdispatch.org The amendments panel of the Philippines House of Representatives approved a proposal to form a constitutional convention later this year. The proposal, aimed at overhauling economic provisions of the Philippines 1987 constitution, was strongly opposed by progressive opposition lawmakers, who argued that these neoliberal 'reforms' would not solve the problems that the Philippines was facing. …

SAM (2023-02-21). The Pandemic Increased Inequalities Among College Students. progressivehub.net ELENA G. VAN STEE | THE CONVERSATION…

SAM (2023-02-21). Bosses Drag Out Contract Talks With Newly Unionized Workers. progressivehub.net SARAH JAFFE | THE PROGRESSIVE…

Ryan Black (2023-02-21). Enviros Threaten Legal Action If Buttigieg Doesn't Act. progressivehub.net REBECCA BURNS | THE LEVER…

Ryan Black (2023-02-21). War In Ukraine And ICBMs: The Untold Story Of How They Could Blow Up The World. progressivehub.net NORMAN SOLOMON…

Melissa Ditmore (2023-02-21). Labor Trafficking Happens Here, Too. progressive.org Meat-packing and chicken-processing plants have been sites of extreme exploitation that may meet the definition of trafficking.

progressive (2023-02-21). Smart Ass Cripple: Returning to the (Terrible) Old Normal. progressive.org As the United States' COVID-19 public health emergency ends, so will pandemic era benefits that made life more livable for many.

Phil Wilayto, Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice, Equality. (2023-02-21). Report On The Rage Against The War Machine Rally. popularresistance.org The crowd was about 95% white, with the largest demographic being white men between the ages of 25 and 50, many of whom wore clothing with libertarian slogans. A lot of the older people in the crowd wore peace signs. Most people seemed to have come as individuals, not in groups. There were a few African-Americans, some Middle-Easterners and a few women wearing scarves in the hijab custom. Interestingly for a "coalition," there were very few signs or banners from organizations other than the Libertarian Party and the Schiller Institute, a project of the right-wing LaRouche cult, which had a speaker, Diane Sare.

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-02-21). West Tells Global South 'You Can't Be Neutral' In Ukraine War. popularresistance.org In doing so, these Western officials are implicitly criticizing the vast majority of the countries on Earth, which are in the Global South, and which have maintained strict neutrality over the war. | In a joint event at the Munich Security Conference on February 18, Germany's Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock declared, "Neutrality is not an option, because then you are standing on the side of the aggressor". | Baerbock emphasized that "this is a plea we are also giving next week to the world again: Please take a side, a side for peace, a side for Ukraine, a side for the humanitarian international law, and these…

Sevim Dagdelen, Consortium News. (2023-02-21). German Lawmaker Calls For Nord Stream Probe. popularresistance.org Madam President! Ladies and gentlemen! At the time of war, journalism in our country is often carried out under the motto of "The American president declared, the federal government announced, the police inform." | Throughout his entire career, internationally-renowned investigative reporter Seymour Hersh has always positioned himself against "press release"-style journalism that attempts to peddle government standpoints and rattle the credibility of any criticism of government actions. | Today, this goes as far as having privately-financed so-called fact checkers work on undermining war policy opposition and all…

Matt Remle (2023-02-21). Black History — Native History: Shared Connections. popularresistance.org A number of years ago, following an undoing racism workshop I was a panelist on, a participant approached me to further discuss a point I had made regarding the importance of maintaining cultural identity and reclaiming traditional languages in our decolonization efforts. The individual stated that as a person of African descent they wished they could know who they were and where they truly came from and that they deeply desired to know the traditional songs, ceremonies, and languages of their ancestors. He went on to say that we, Native peoples, were blessed to be able to have access to knowing who we are and wh…

Mansa Musa, The Real News Network. (2023-02-21). We Lost Malcolm X, But We Can't Lose The Dream Of International Revolution. popularresistance.org Feb. 21, 2023, marks the 58th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X. We honor his life and legacy by recalling his revolutionary message to the downtrodden peoples of the world and committing to carrying on his fight for liberation. In this special commemorative episode of Rattling the Bars, Mansa Musa speaks with freedom fighters Paulette Dauteuil and Ashanti Alston about how Malcolm X shaped their own politics, why the dream of international revolution was so essential to Malcolm's vision, and how we can keep that dream alive today. | Paulette Dauteuil is the former Co-chair (2010-2012) and National Sec…

Dave DeCamp, Antiwar. (2023-02-21). Biden Makes Surprise Visit To Ukraine. popularresistance.org President Biden on Monday made a surprise visit to Ukraine, marking his first visit to the country since Russia invaded last year, a highly symbolic move that demonstrates Washington's deep involvement in the war. | The visit came just days ahead of February 24, which will mark the one-year anniversary of the current conflict in Ukraine. In a statement, Biden said the purpose of his trip to the war zone was to "reaffirm our unwavering and unflagging commitment" to Ukraine. | While in Kyiv and meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, President Biden announced a new weapons package for Kyiv worth nearly…

People's Dispatch. (2023-02-21). Rabat: Protestors Condemn Retailer For Links With Israeli War Crimes. popularresistance.org On Sunday, February 19, security personnel repressed a sit-in organized by progressive forces and the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement's national campaign in Morocco's capital city of Rabat. The protest was called against French multinational retail corporation Carrefour and its complicity in Israel's settler-colonial apartheid regime. | Protestors gathered outside a Carrefour building in Rabat, waiving the Palestinian flag and raising slogans of solidarity. However, they were soon violently shoved back by uniformed guards and a non-uniformed man carrying a walkie talkie.

Brian Callaci, Labor Notes. (2023-02-21). Baseball Players Defeated Non-Competes To Build Union. popularresistance.org The Federal Trade Commission has proposed to ban the non-compete clause—a type of coercive labor contract that prevents workers from leaving their employer to work for a competitor. | One in five workers labors under a non-compete agreement, costing workers $300 billion annually. The AFL-CIO was part of a large coalition of organizations petitioning the FTC for a ban on non-competes in 2019. Now the FTC is considering banning them. | The long struggle of Major League Baseball players shows how the fight against non-competes can be linked with increasing union strength.

Graduate Student Workers At USC, Portside. (2023-02-21). USC Grad Workers Win Their Union, Join UAW. popularresistance.org By a 93% margin, graduate workers at the University of Southern California have voted 1,599 to 122 in favor of joining the Graduate Student Workers Organizing Committee-United Auto Workers (GSWOC-UAW), according to ballots tallied today by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The victory caps a multi-year effort, with workers standing strong against USC administrators' anti-union campaign. GSWOC-UAW will represent 3,000 Teaching Assistants, Research Assistants and Assistant Lecturers at USC. | "We are so energized by this resounding vote in favor of our union," said Stepp Mayes, a Graduate Student Worker in…

Carly Graf, Next City. (2023-02-21). Tired Of Being Told To 'Adapt,' An Indigenous Community Wrote Its Own Climate Action Plan. popularresistance.org The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes live among some of the most spectacular landscapes in the country. Their home, the Flathead Reservation, covers 1.2 million acres dotted with soaring mountains, sweeping valleys, and lush forests. Flathead River bisects the land and drains into Flathead Lake, the largest body of fresh water west of the Mississippi River. | Long before anyone called this place northwest Montana or considered it a tourist destination, it sustained the tribes and they sustained it. "We have a proven track record of sustainability," says Shelly Fyant, former chair of the CSKT Tribal Council…

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-02-21). Health workers' actions in UK escalate as junior doctors announce strike. peoplesdispatch.org

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-21). UNSC statement condemns Israeli settlement activities in occupied Palestinian territories. peoplesdispatch.org The statement was adopted as an alternative to a strongly-worded resolution drafted by Palestine and the UAE that was reportedly rejected due to pressure exerted by the US…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-21). On anniversary of uprising, Moroccans continue to demand political freedom and economic security. peoplesdispatch.org Thousands of people across Morocco participated in mass protests on February 19 and 20 to demand immediate action to address the cost of living crisis in the country and deteriorating political freedoms. | The protests were held to coincide with the 12th anniversary of the February 20th movement which erupted in 2011 amid the Arab Spring to demand political reform in the country still ruled by a constitutional monarchy. | The Moroccan Social Front, which brings together human rights groups and leftist organizations, was one of the key convenors of the protests and has been mobilizing for the past year demanding e…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-21). Syria-Turkey border rocked by earthquake. peoplesdispatch.org On Monday, February 20, areas along the Syria-Turkey border were hit by another earthquake, of magnitude 6.4. So far, eight people have been reported dead and another 294 wounded. | Monday's tremors come two weeks after a devastating series of earthquakes that hit the region, killing roughly 47,000 people, on February 6. | Monday's earthquake hit Defne city in Turkey's Hatay province late evening and was strongly felt in the provincial capital Antakya. It was shortly followed by another 5.8 magnitude earthquake, according to Turkey's Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD). | Tremors from the quake we…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-21). Daily Round-up Mass anti-government protests in Morocco & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episodewe look at Moroccans protesting against high costs of living, UN security council denounces Israeli settlements in Palestine, Peru anti-government demonstrations continue and UK ambulance workers and doctors' strike.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-21). Red Books Day 2023: Fight the rise of the right, read a red book. peoplesdispatch.org The day is celebrated in dozens of countries to mark the anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto and to collectively stand up against the rise of the right…

Dan Cohen (2023-02-21). Busted: Canadian Troll Farm Manufactures Consent for Haiti Invasion. orinocotribune.com By Dan Cohen — Feb 12, 2023 | As Canada deployed military aircraft over Haiti, a private military contractor operated a troll farm to give the appearance of popular support for foreign military intervention. | On Monday, February 6, I reported for Redacted on how multiple mainstream media outlets, after months of uninterest in Jimmy 'Barbecue' Cherizier, the leader of Haiti's G9 federation, suddenly bombarded him with interviews requests. He declined to be interviewed by the AP, which has run propagandistic hit pieces on him before, yet they showed up at the entrance to his neighborhood, demanding he grant t…

Yves Engler (2023-02-21). Last Thing Haiti Needs Is More Canadian Gunboat Diplomacy. orinocotribune.com By Yves Engler — Feb 17, 2023 | Yesterday at a Caribbean Community summit in the Bahamas Justin Trudeau announced that Canada would deploy two naval vessels to Haiti. Canada's prime minister made the announcement to please Washington and prod the small, largely Black, Caribbean nations to dispatch their forces to a nation born in a revolt against racial slavery. | As an antidote to the inevitable mainstream media sugar-coated reports praising the mission to "help" Haiti here's a quick history of Canadian naval interventions in the neighbourhood: | ‚Ä¢ "Since 1960, Canada has used its military…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-02-21). The Political Crisis and Popular Explosión in Peru — Former Women's Minister Anahi Durand Guevara. orinocotribune.com By Anahi Durand Guevara — Feb 17, 2023 | "While the elite are trying to regain power with the force of bullets, the popular camp continues to mobilise, generating support and solidarity." | In the midst of massive mobilisations, Peru is experiencing the collapse of the political regime imposed by Alberto Fujimori's self-coup in 1992 and renewed in the 2001 transition. The decomposition of the regime became more evident in 2016 when "Fujimorism" lost the presidency, but gained a large majority in Congress that allowed it to manipulate legality and increasingly turn to parliamentarism. | The string of six pres…

kwjorinoco (2023-02-21). 'Pinochet Was Responsible for the Death of Neruda,' Says Nephew of Chilean Poet. orinocotribune.com In an interview with Página 12, Rodolfo Reyes Neruda insisted that his uncle was murdered because he was a threat to the government of Augusto Pinochet. Last Wednesday, scientists investigating the likelihood of Neruda having been poisoned delivered their final report. | Last Wednesday, the report produced by international experts for the judge in charge of the case investigating the death of the poet Pablo Neruda was released to the public. Now, the court must decide whether the death of the Chilean poet, on September 23, 1973, was due to illness or poisoning. | The family, represented by Rodolfo Reyes Neruda, t…

kwjorinoco (2023-02-21). Heavy Rains in Brazil Leave 36 Dead. orinocotribune.com Following heavy rains in Brazil, at least 36 people lost their lives and another 220 had to be evacuated. So far, the number of missing persons has not been revealed. | Among the victims is a seven-year-old boy who was buried by a landslide in the municipality of Ubatuba. The heavy rainfall, which began last Saturday night, has resulted in great human and material losses. In Sao Sebastiao, some 50 houses were washed away by the water. | Local media stated that the volume of water exceeded, in only 24 hours, that which fell in the entire month of February. A state of public emergency was decreed in the cities of U…

Staff (2023-02-21). Venezuela Mobilizes Over 1,000 Buses for Carnival. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan Minister for Transport Ramón Velásquez Araguayán announced that more than 1,000 buses will be deployed throughout Venezuela during the Happy Carnivals 2023. The buses will guarantee Venezuelans transportation and enjoyment during these holidays. Like many other countries in the region, Venezuela celebrates Carnival on Monday, February 20, and Tuesday, February 21. | On Friday, February 17, Velásquez Araguayán explained via social media that this deployment will cover road safety and beach routes. | "From the Eastern Bus Terminal [Caracas], we begin the deployment of Happy Carnivals 2023 with more than…

Pepe Escobar (2023-02-21). Raisi in Beijing: Iran-China Strategic Plans Go Full Throttle. orinocotribune.com By Pepe Escobar — Feb 17, 2023 | Raisi's visit to Beijing, the first for an Iranian president in 20 years, represents Tehran's wholesale 'Pivot to the East' and China's recognition of Iran's centrality to its BRI plans. | The visit of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to Beijing and his face-to- face meeting with counterpart Xi Jinping is a groundbreaking affair in more ways than one. | Raisi, the first Iranian president to officially visit China in 20 years, led an ultra high-level political and economic delegation, which included the new Central Bank governor and the Ministers of Economy, Oil, Foreign Affair…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-02-21). Burkina Faso, Guinea, and Mali Propose Strategic Axis Amid French Military Ouster. orinocotribune.com By Tanupriya Singh — Feb 15, 2023 | The three West African countries, all of whom have recently undergone military takeovers amid rising public anger against France, have agreed to a Bamako-Conakry -Ouagadougou axis, with enhanced cooperation on matters ranging from trade to the fight against insecurity | As France is getting ready to withdraw its troops from Burkina Faso by the end of the month, signs of a possible realignment in the region are emerging with a tripartite meeting between the foreign ministers of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Guinea—Olivia Ragnaghnewendé, Morissanda Kouyate, and Abdoulaye Dio…

Davonta Herring (2023-02-21). Black Thought Pens Heartfelt Love Letter To Hip-Hop. newsone.com BET continues its year-long celebration of the 50th anniversary of hip-hop with an exclusive letter to the art form penned by the legendary Black Thought. Click inside to check it out!

Zack Linly (2023-02-21). Ben Stein's 'Aunt Jemima' Rant Is A Master Class On White Privilege. newsone.com

Shannon Dawson (2023-02-21). The Black Girl Magic Museum In Dallas Will Honor Black Women Who Made History. newsone.com Source: Gado / Getty | A new museum celebrating Black women and their rich history is opening in Dallas. In March, The Black Girl Magic Museum will open at the city's Southwest Center Mall. The exciting exhibit will honor and commemorate the extraordinary contributions that Black women have made in history both past and present. | "

Bilal G. Morris (2023-02-21). What Was Malcolm X Working On When He Was Assassinated? newsone.com Source: Express Newspapers / Getty | UPDATED: 2 p.m. ET, Feb. 21, 2023 | It's heartbreaking to think about the pain his pregnant wife and four daughters must have felt as they took cover from bullets aimed at the man they a…

Zack Linly (2023-02-21). Rachel Dolezal 2.0? 'White Woman' Is Pretending To Be Person Of Color, Mom Says. newsone.com Raquel Evita Saraswati, aka Rachel Elizabeth Seidel, is a white woman pretending to be a woman of color, according to her mother. Saraswati is the chief equity, inclusion and culture officer for a Quaker organization.

Bilal G. Morris (2023-02-21). What Happened To DeAndre Matthews? Family Seeks Answers After Gay Teen's Brutal Death. newsone.com Source: Matthews family / abc | There is nothing more devastating than a mother losing her son. | This was the reality for Danielle Matthews, whose 19-year-old son DeAndre Matthews MORE: Danielle was determined to find her son, so she used her SUV's tracking function to try to locate her son. When she loc…

Bruce C.T. Wright (2023-02-21). Justice For Malcolm X: Ben Crump Plans To Sue NYPD Over Assassination Of Civil Rights Icon. newsone.com An imminent lawsuit will claim the NYPD and other government agencies conspired around the murder of Malcolm X, Ben Crump announced ahead of the 58th anniversary of the civil rights icon's assassination.

NewsOne Staff (2023-02-21). Exonerated! Wrongly Convicted Black Folks Whose Names Have Been Cleared. newsone.com Source: youtube / WBNS 10TV | UPDATED: 8: 00 a.m. ET, Feb 21, 2023 | Thankfully, in recent years more wrongly convicted

_____ (2023-02-21). Georgia and Turkey: "Productive Partners" in More than Crime. journal-neo.org In Tbilisi, as in any other European capital, you will see Turkish restaurants. There has always been a Turkish community in Georgia, and neighbouring Azerbaijan is a Turkic state, speaking a similar language. So there is nothing unusual about Georgia being like everywhere else in this regard. However Georgia is a very nationalistic country, regardless …

_____ (2023-02-21). Syrian Tragedy and US inhuman sanctions. journal-neo.org Unfortunately, the death toll from the devastating earthquake that struck southwest Turkey and northwest Syria continues to rise. According to the latest figures, the number of those killed in both regions has reached a staggering 36,000, more than 100,000 inhabitants were injured. An unknown number of victims are still under the rubble. The evacuation will take time …

A Guest Author (2023-02-21). On the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq: National March on Washington Saturday, March 18. workers.org The United National AntiWar Coalition emailed the message below to its supporters. No War in Ukraine! No to NATO! No Weapons, No Money for the Ukraine War! Protest in Times Square, New York City, Jan. 14, 2023, part of international week of actions during MLK birthday week. WW Photo: Brenda . . . |

Allen Forrest (2023-02-21). Gill Bates Press Conference. dissidentvoice.org

americanthinker (2023-02-21). A Tribute to Rev. Dr. George Coyne, S.J. americanthinker.com Dr. Coyne, who died three years ago, brought traits to science that are sadly missing today, such as clarity and imagination.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Healthcare Job Growth Brings Death-by-Queueing to U.S. americanthinker.com The cost of "free" healthcare? Human collateral.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). On the Brink of Judicial Reform, Israel's Leftists Grow Panicked. americanthinker.com Transforming the courts spells out demise for Israel's leftists, and anti-Semitism erupts.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). The Dead End of Reparations. americanthinker.com More important than a thriving American black middle class is maintaining the power of the Anointed educated ruling class.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). The EPA Has No Credibility. americanthinker.com Remember what they said about ground zero after 9/11?>

americanthinker (2023-02-21). A Heaphy-handed Jan. 6 lead investigator tells all, or at least too much. americanthinker.com So much for preserving democracy…

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Al Gore's greenie investment fund caught buying stock in polluters. americanthinker.com Gore's kind of a fraud, isn't he?>

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Another reason for school choice. americanthinker.com School choice is gaining because the public schools are not performing.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Biden preparing to relinquish national sovereignty to WHO globalists. americanthinker.com "Pandemic treaty" likely to be signed this month.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). California lost over 500,000 residents in the last two years. americanthinker.com But it's definitely not because of the Democrats and their ideas….

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Hey, big spender: Swalwell spent more campaign cash on luxuries than even Nancy Pelosi. americanthinker.com The news about his love for luxuries paid for with campaign cash been exposed before, but it hasn't stopped him. He just keeps spending.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Indiana public schools announce partnership with a state university, and objectivity has gone out the window. americanthinker.com The temple of climate change finds new worshippers.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Kristina Karamo becomes Michigan's first Black GOP Chair, and media mockery ensues. americanthinker.com So much for being champions of diversity and applauding historic firsts….

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Migrant hotels fatten Manhattan's real estate interests — and crush its small businesses. americanthinker.com Big money is at stake in the migrant surge and in New York, with the migrant hotels, we learn the fatcats are getting richer at the expense of the small fry.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Overcoming pronoun madness. americanthinker.com There is an easy way to provide a pronoun already in existence that cannot be argued.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). The classics, edited for the sensitive reader. americanthinker.com The woke "re-imagining" of Roald Dahl's work invites the discerning reader to decide how best to wreck other classic works.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). The collapse of civilization on the altar of equity and diversity. americanthinker.com Forcing equal representation of skin tones in professional environments is suffocating excellence and innovation. Restoring meritocracy ought to be of the utmost importance.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). The future of 'progressivism'. americanthinker.com Will the chaos of woke progressivism usher in the end of the progressive era?>

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Where are the toxicologists for East Palestine? americanthinker.com An environmental catastrophe occurs, and the people responsible for getting to the bottom of it can't stop worrying about how white everyone is.

Andrew Korybko (2023-02-21). Biden's Visit to Kiev: Distract Public Opinion From "Disadvantageous Developments". Tough Days Ahead for US-NATO? globalresearch.ca

Ann Brown (2023-02-21). Inside The Record HBCU Enrollment Growth After The George Floyd Murder: 5 Things To Know. moguldom.com Historically Black colleges and universities saw a major jump in enrollments following the police killing of George Floyd in May 2020. Floyd, a 46-year-old unarmed Black man, was killed by police in Minneapolis. His death sparked global social justice protests and a renewed interest in supporting Black-owned businesses and institutions, such as HBCUs. Inside the …

Ann Brown (2023-02-21). Fact Check: Mega Church Pastor Makes $54 Million A Year And Drives a $270K Ferrari 458 Italia. moguldom.com There always seem to be rumors swirling about prosperity pastor Joel Osteen and his mega Houston church, Lakewood Church. After all, the church is one of the largest in the country and rakes in more than $90 million a year from donations, as of December 2021, according to Click 2 Houston. Osteen's "prosperity gospel" has rubbed …

Ann Brown (2023-02-21). Why Kwame Ture Hated Political Reactionaries And Why Bill Clinton Hated Him. moguldom.com Kwame Ture was one of the most prominent and outspoken organizers in the civil rights movement and the global pan-African movement. Born in Trinidad, Ture, whose birth name was Stokely Carmichael, came with his family to the U.S. when he was 11. He became an activist as a teenager, while attending the Bronx High School …

Anonymous Contributor (2023-02-21). Georgia Tech Students Rally and March Against Cop City in Atlanta, GA. itsgoingdown.org Report back from recent march against Cop City organized on the Georgia Tech campus in so-called Atlanta, GA. For more info about the ongoing week of action, go here. photo: @atldemsoc On February 10th 2023, a demonstration was held at Georgia Tech against Cop City and in remembrance of Tyre Nichols, Manuel "Tortuguita" Paez-Teran, and…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-21). Straightening-Out Ideological Labels. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Because political 'science' hasn't yet understood, and therefore cannot scientifically (that is, in a 100% historically truthful way) define, ideological labels, such as "leftist" "rightist" "progressive" "liberal" "conservative" "socialist" "communist" and "fascist", these labels are normally handled propagandistically, instead of accurately; and, so…

Anonymous767 (2023-02-21). Lackey Of United States. Photos Of Biden's Visit To Ukraine Highlight Real Status Of Zelensky. southfront.org The leader of the 'democratic world' and his puppet | The recent visit of US President Joe Biden to Ukraine has become another visual confirmation of the real place of the Kiev regime within the so-called US-led international community. | In this case, it is useful to point out the behavior of Volodymyr Zelensky in front of US President Biden. The MSM-proclaimed 'leader of Ukraine' clearly acts as a lackey of his foreign master that has arrived to inspect his puppets. Zelenksy, who thanks to his acting practice is promote…

Bradley Devlin (2023-02-21). Ukraine Gets Another Angel Investor. JP Morgan "Will Assist Ukraine in Its Reconstruction" globalresearch.ca

Brian Berletic (2023-02-21). How China Is Helping the Solomon Islands Fight Against US Encroachment. asia-pacificresearch.com

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-02-21). Murdoch Propaganda Pushes Australia to Double Its Military Budget for War with China. asia-pacificresearch.com

Catherine Crockett (2023-02-21). Sunday 4/23: Seaside Earth Day Celebration & Electric Vehicle Fair. indybay.org Seaside City Hall Lawn, 440 Harcourt Ave., Seaside, CA…

CIIS Public Programs (2023-02-21). Thursday 3/23: Indigenous Voices on Our Changing Earth. indybay.org

Dan Bacher (2023-02-21). State Senator David Min Introduces Bill to Ban Offshore Drilling in California Waters. indybay.org Senator Dave Min announced the introduction of SB 559, legislation that would end offshore oil drilling under existing leases in California state waters.

Dana Sanchez (2023-02-21). Cracks Appear In America's Commercial Real Estate Market: Top Vornado REIT Defaults On $450 Million Loan. moguldom.com Some of the largest commercial real estate companies are starting to show cracks as rising interest rates exacerbate industry challenges set off by the covid pandemic when the labor market started shifting from office work to work-from-home. The New York office vacancy rate is at a record high of 12.7 percent, according to CoStar data. …

Dana Sanchez (2023-02-21). DocuSign Drops Hammer On 700 Employees, Puts 10% Of Workforce In Unemployment Line. moguldom.com DocuSign, the electronic signature provider that dominates the market, said it plans to cut about 10 percent of its workforce in its second round of layoffs in five months, sending shares of the company plunging nearly 8 percent on Feb. 21. With business booming during the pandemic, the company doubled its headcount by 2021. Last …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). China Rejects US Claim That It's Considering Arming Russia. news.antiwar.com China on Monday rejected a claim from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that Beijing was considering providing Russia with weapons to use in its war in Ukraine. "It is the US, not China, that has been pouring weapons into the battlefield. The US is in no position to tell China what to do. We …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). Victoria Nuland Says US Supports Ukrainian Attacks on Crimea. news.antiwar.com Victoria Nuland, the undersecretary of state for political affairs, said last week that the US is "supporting" Ukrainian attacks on Crimea and called Russian military installations on the peninsula "legitimate targets." Nuland made the comments when asked about a report from The New York Times that was published in January and said the Biden administration …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). Zelensky Says Ukraine Will Defend Bakhmut But 'Not at Any Price'. news.antiwar.com Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that Ukraine would continue to defend the eastern Donetsk city of Bakmut but "not at any price," signaling that Ukrainian forces might be considering a withdrawal. "Yes, it is not a particularly big town. In fact, like many others in Donbas, (it's been) devastated by the Russians. It is …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). In Kyiv, Rep. McCaul Says Ukraine More Likely to Get ATACMS, F-16s. news.antiwar.com Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), the head of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, visited Ukraine on Tuesday and said he sensed a shift in Washington that could lead to arming Kyiv with F-16 fighter jets and longer-range missiles. According to Reuters, McCaul said the Biden administration was still split on "how fast and what weapons" to …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). Israel, Saudi Arabia Hold Talks on Increasing Military Ties. news.antiwar.com Israel's new government under Benjamin Netanyahu has stepped up US-backed talks with Saudi Arabia on forging stronger military and intelligence ties, Bloomberg reported on Friday. The talks are part of an effort to forge a NATO-style anti-Iran alliance in the region between Israel and Washington's Gulf Arab allies. While Saudi Arabia has not normalized with …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). Putin Announces Suspension of the New START Treaty. news.antiwar.com Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday announced that Moscow is suspending its participation in New START, the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty between the US and Russia. "In this regard, I am forced to announce today that Russia is suspending its participation in the strategic offensive arms treaty," Putin said in a state of …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). Tsai Ing-wen Tells Rep. Ro Khanna Taiwan Is Increasing Military Exchanges With US. news.antiwar.com Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen on Tuesday met with a US bipartisan congressional delegation in Taipei led by Rep. Ro Khanna (R-CA) and told the American lawmakers that Taiwan is boosting military exchanges with the US. "Taiwan and the United States continue to bolster military exchanges, and going forward Taiwan will cooperate even more actively with …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). Victoria Nuland Confirms: US Supports Ukrainian Attacks on Crimea. globalresearch.ca

David Henderson (2023-02-21). How Much Is U.S. Aid to Ukraine Costing You? globalresearch.ca

Dean Baker (2023-02-21). Does Being Balanced at the New York Times Mean Giving the Right Space to Lie? cepr.net Guess so, since it gave the Brian Riedl, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, plenty of space to say things that are extremely deceptive, if not outright lies. The gist of Riedl's piece is that it will not be possible to sustain Social Security and Medicare without tax increases on the middle class. Much …

Derrick Broze (2023-02-21). #FluorideLawsuit: Censored Review on Fluoride's Toxicity Will Soon be Made Public. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-02-21). "Turbo Cancer" Post COVID-19 Vaccination? 21-Year Old Evan Fishel Died of Leukemia Only Four Days After Diagnosis. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Solar, wind projects to accelerate. ecns.cn China will further accelerate the construction of solar and wind power generation facilities in the Gobi Desert and other arid regions, as growth of renewable energies in the country has been gaining momentum in recent years.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Xinjiang port spearheading opening-up. ecns.cn The Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region plans to further unleash the potential of the Urumqi International Land Port Area this year after it witnessed fast growth in trade volume last year, local officials said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Supplies donated by Chinese public to be airlifted to earthquake-stricken Syria. ecns.cn A material collection station in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province set up by the Syrian Embassy in China has received over 75 tons of relief supplies donated by enterprises and the public from China.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Mengkang Port on China-Laos border resumes service for passengers. ecns.cn The Mengkang Port on China-Laos border resumed passenger clearance service on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Former president of Slovenia delivers speech at Lanting Forum on Global Security Initiative. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Top academic expects education sector to bounce back quickly. ecns.cn The three years of the COVID-19 epidemic resulted in a major hit to the international education program at Beijing Jiaotong University's College of International Education, according to Liu Yanqing, the school's dean.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Tibet residents welcome New Year with yak stew, mask dance performances. ecns.cn The atmosphere is festive in Lhasa, Tibet autonomous region, as residents gear up to celebrate Losar and usher in the Year of the Rabbit with religious rituals, lavish feasts and family reunions.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Friendship with China cherished. ecns.cn Claims made in Western media that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has led Pakistan into a "debt trap" are "rubbish and all incorrect", Pakistan's Ambassador to China Moin ul Haque said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Room for mortgage rate cuts seen. ecns.cn China's benchmark for mortgage interest rates, which has stayed unchanged at 4.3 percent for six consecutive months, may fall if the recovery in housing demand proves inadequate, potentially leading to supportive measures like lower rates.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Full text: The Global Security Initiative Concept Paper. ecns.cn China on Tuesday released "The Global Security Initiative Concept Paper."

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Talent flow made easier in bay area. ecns.cn Promoting cross-border practices in more professional fields and mutual recognition of professional qualifications would be of great importance to increasing the flow of talent in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). COVID in Hangzhou limited to a few cases. ecns.cn Fifteen school students in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province have tested positive for COVID-19, said the city's health authorities on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Firms punished for damaging environment. ecns.cn Almost 150 officials from two centrally administered State-owned enterprises have been held accountable for environmental violations exposed in the country's high-profile central environmental inspections.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Country's investment industry grows, matures. ecns.cn The maturation of China's venture capital and private equity industries is widely expected amid the implementation of the registration-based initial public offering system throughout the A-share market.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). 1 killed, 13 injured in explosion at U.S. metal manufacturing plant. ecns.cn One person died and 13 others were injured after an explosion rocked a metal manufacturing plant on Monday in Bedford, the U.S. state of Ohio.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). New capital oversight system to raise bank standards. ecns.cn China will build a differentiated capital regulatory system for commercial banks to further improve bank capital regulations, better manage financial risk and help lenders align with international standards, experts said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Beloved Japan-born giant panda Xiang Xiang returns to China. ecns.cn Female giant panda Xiang Xiang on Tuesday morning left Tokyo's Ueno Zoo to fly back to China, her home country.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Chinese envoy voices concern over Palestinian-Israeli tensions. ecns.cn A Chinese envoy on Monday voiced concern over Palestinian-Israeli tensions and called on the UN Security Council to take meaningful actions toward a solution.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). China rebuts U.S. claims over providing 'lethal support' to Russia. ecns.cn China has urged the U.S. to reflect on its own deeds and stop shifting blame and spreading false information over U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's remarks suggesting China is considering providing "lethal support" to Russia.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). 163 herb species newly identified in China's TCM census. ecns.cn Chinese researchers identified 163 new herb species during the fourth national census of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) resources, authorities have said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Spring scenery across China. ecns.cn More than 100,000 cherry trees blossom in a tea garden at Yongfu town of Zhangping City, east China's Fujian Province, attracting visitors to enjoy spring scenery.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Surface ruptures caused by earthquake in Türkiye. ecns.cn Aerial view shows land surface ruptures caused by devastating earthquakes that struck Karramanmarach, Türkiye, Feb. 20, 2022.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Various fork activities held to celebrate Dragon Head Raising Day. ecns.cn Er Yue Er, which falls on the second day of the second month on Chinese Lunar calendar, is regarded by the Chinese people as the day when the "dragon raises its head," which means the spring awakens after winter hibernation.

Editor (2023-02-21). Methane is 80 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2. mronline.org The #NordStream sabotage released 300,000 metric tonnes of this gas into our atmosphere—a climate and environmental crime.

Ediz Tiyansan (2023-02-21). California exodus reaches half a million. america.cgtn.com Once a popular state for migrants within the United States and abroad, California has been through a population decline over the past two years.

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-02-21). Cómo los súper ricos destruyen nuestras mentes. globalizacion.ca Las corporaciones, los bancos de inversión multinacionales y los súper ricos que se esconden detrás de ellos han lanzado este año la etapa final de una guerra despiadada de unos pocos contra la gran mayoría de la humanidad. | Aunque pagan…

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-02-21). How Do You Know When COVID-19 Is Over? globalresearch.ca

Emir Sader (2023-02-21). La desdolarización avanza en el mundo. globalizacion.ca El acuerdo entre los bancos centrales de Rusia e Irán es un paso más en el proceso de desdolarización de la economía mundial. Por ese acuerdo, 52 bancos iraníes se conectarán con 106 bancos rusos. El uso del rublo y…

Eye Zen Presents (2023-02-21). Sunday 2/26: FabLab: Per Sia. indybay.org STUDIO A.C.T.

Farooque Chowdhury (2023-02-21). Work: Slavery in an Exploiting Economy. dissidentvoice.org Work is easy. Work is difficult. Work shows a lot. Work hides a lot. Work creates. Work destroys. Work is painless. Work is dreadful. Work brings victory. Work is slavish. Work is like creating a poem or a picture with joy. Work is hellish. A poet or a philosopher may define work differently than a …

February 24 for Peace (2023-02-21). Friday 2/24: Take Action for Peace In Ukraine. indybay.org 1 Post St, San Francisco, (Senator Feinstein's Office) | Post and Market; Montgomery Street BART…

Fight Back (2023-02-21). Eight days into strike, Hastings, MN school food service workers stand strong. fightbacknews.org Hastings, MN — On day eight of the SEIU Local 284 food service worker strike against the Hastings Public Schools, workers gathered at McNamara Stadium here for a rally demanding a decent contract. | Although they've been battered by rain, bitter winds and cold temperatures over the last week on the winter picket line, the workers say they are resolute and will keep fighting until they win the contract they deserve. | Laurie Pottoff is a worker in the kitchen of Hastings High School. Pottoff said, "I am still pumped! We deserve more than the crumbs the district is offering. I am not ready to give up." | On…

Fight Back (2023-02-21). San Jose Day of Remembrance resumes in-person after 3-year break. fightbacknews.org San José, CA – On Sunday, February 19, more than 350 people from the Japanese American community gathered at the San José Buddhist Church Betsuin Hall for the 43rd annual Day of Remembrance. The San José Day of Remembrance was organized the Nihonmachi Outreach Committee. The event commemorates the signing of Executive Order 9066 by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1942. Executive Order 9066 laid the basis for the incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans in concentration camps during World War II. | With the theme "Reparative Justice: Together We Rise", the program stressed the unity of the Japanese American com…

Free West Media (2023-02-21). Ohio Disaster: When Hedge Funds Manage Rail Traffic. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-02-21). Selected Articles: The Antiwar Movement. Demonstrate Together. globalresearch.ca By If the Feb. 19 rally to end the war in Ukraine fails it will not be a success for other antiwar organizations that disagree with the Libertarian Party. …

Global Research (2023-02-21). Biden en Kiev no busca la paz, 460 millones de dólares más en ayuda militar. globalizacion.ca La sorpresiva visita sorpresa del presidente estadounidense Joe Biden a Kiev y su anuncio de 460 millones de dólares más en ayuda militar es una bofetada a Moscú en vísperas del primer aniversario de la invasión a Ucrania. | Le avisaron…

Global Voices (2023-02-21). Amid Massive Natural Disaster, Turkey's Erdogan Wields Censorship and Prepares for Dicey Polls. juancole.com Written byCivic Media Observatory This story is part of Undertones, Global Voices' Civic Media Observatory's newsletter. It features a summary of a year-long research on media ecosystems from Turkey and what we can expect in 2023. Whenever you click on a hyperlink in the text, you will see the narrative and media posts upholding it. …

Golden Thread Productions & Brava for Women (2023-02-21). Wednesday 3/8: International Women's Day: What Do the Women Say? 2023 Fighters for Freedom. indybay.org Brava Theater Center | 2781 24th Street | San Francisco, CA 94110 | Or join the event virtually…

Herb Boyd, Don Rojas (2023-02-21). Was Malcolm X Betrayed By an African American CIA Agent Posing as a Mozambican Freedom Fighter? covertactionmagazine.com New revelations breed suspicion that a campaign of CIA surveillance and attempted assassination of Malcolm during his travels in Africa was orchestrated by a member of the Liberation Front of Mozambique (FRELIMO) named Leo Milas. [On the 58th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X, Herb Boyd and Don Rojas provide CAM readers a peak …

INDYRADIO (2023-02-21). Friend of Assange Found Innocent of False Charges in Ecuador. indybay.org Privacy advocate Ola Bini was finally found innocent of nebulous charges that kept him under control of the legal system for 3 years. Today we share his story as he told it on social media at the end of last month. This morning, he clarified the status of his case. Though the verdict will be appealed, Ola is still smiling, now certain he will prevail.

infobrics (2023-02-21). Moldova acts in destabilizing way in Transnistria. infobrics.org For Transnistria to be "demilitarized", Moldova must stop threatening the region and start respecting the local people's right to political autonomy.

infobrics (2023-02-21). Raisi Sees China's Willingness to Help Iran Join BRICS. infobrics.org The Iranian president assessed his visit to the PRC as successful and fruitful…

infobrics (2023-02-21). Brazil's Arctic Council Dialogue Is a Game Changer. infobrics.org The South American nation is now eyeing North to increase it geopolitical influence…

infobrics (2023-02-21). Russia Explores Joint Production of 100-Seater Sukhoi Superjet in India. infobrics.org Russia has offered to jointly produce the 100-seater Sukhoi Superjet airliner in India…

infobrics (2023-02-21). Biden posing in Kiev as problems at home pile up. infobrics.org Since Biden took office, the US has been experiencing a plethora of issues, but instead of tackling the problems, America keeps trying to divert attention by inciting wars and destabilization around the globe.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). AUKUS Alliance Members to Strengthen Presence in the Pacific. libya360.wordpress.com Petr Konovalov China, which continues to step up its military and economic power year after year, is becoming increasingly concerning and alarming for the United States and its allies, who are aware that Beijing may soon surpass Washington in terms of the volume of its geopolitical influence. Western leaders are taking a variety of steps…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). Facts are Subversive: How Canada's Mainstream Media Spreads Disinformation about the Conflict in Ukraine. libya360.wordpress.com Peter Biesterfeld This is part one of Biesterfeld's TCF series: A Case for anti-war and anti-imperialist journalism. Read before you write Once asked to explain his role as reporter preeminent investigative journalist I.F. Stone (1907-1989) answered: "To write the truth as I see it; to defend the weak against the strong; to fight for justice;…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). India: Legal Proceedings against British Communications Network Unveils Geopolitical Positions. libya360.wordpress.com Yoselina Guevara L. George Soros and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi On February 14, Indian authorities carried out a procedure at the headquarters of the British broadcaster BBC in New Delhi. The operation is part of a tax audit, however it came after the publication of a documentary in which the BBC gave a biased…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). Iran's Pursuit of Soft Power in the Balkans. libya360.wordpress.com Mohammad Salami The Balkans presents a crucial junction for Tehran as an access point to Western Europe and an avenue for advancing its regional political and economic interests. The Balkan region is strategically important for western countries as a geographic bloc through which they can increase their influence in former Soviet Eastern European states, including Russia….

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at the UNSC Meeting on the Destruction of Nord Stream. libya360.wordpress.com Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on threats to international peace and security (sabotage of Nord Stream gas pipeline) Mme.President, Today we have gathered here for a very remarkable meeting. It is somewhat assonant with the previous meeting regarding the act of sabotage against the Nord Stream pipe that we called on…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). The Defeat of Ukraine is Becoming Clearer, but Does Not Mean the End of War. libya360.wordpress.com Thierry Meyssan President Zelensky, who mocked the way Ukrainians came to Brussels to beg when he was a comedian, came to Brussels to beg as president. It is an open secret: the government of Kiyv is losing militarily to the Russian army. The latter is advancing without hurrying and is building the defense of the…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). Under Siege: How Has Donbass Lived Through its First Year of Official Separation from Ukraine? libya360.wordpress.com Vladislav Ugolny Residents celebrate the signing of documents on the recognition by the Russian Federation of the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) and the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) in Donetsk, DPR, Ukraine. © Sputnik / Ilya Pitalev On the evening of February 21 of last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a speech officially recognizing the independence of…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-21). Where is Russia's Winter Offensive? President Biden Empty-Handed in Kiev. libya360.wordpress.com Update on Russian military operations in Ukraine for February 22, 2023: — Russian forces continue encircling Bakhmut, moving outward from Kremenna, and pressuring Vugladar; — US President Joe Biden arrived in Kiev, Ukraine with little else but rhetoric; — the most recent US military assistance package to Ukraine is meager with many items omitting the…

It's Going Down (2023-02-21). This Is America #182: Report from East Palestine; Week of Action Kicks off to Stop Cop City. itsgoingdown.org Welcome, to This Is America, February 21st, 2023. On this episode, we speak with someone who is involved in a coalition of various anti-capitalist and autonomous groups that is organizing to support people in East Palestine, Ohio and beyond, who have been impacted by the recent Norfolk Southern disaster. We talk about what's been happening…

Jacob G. Hornberger (2023-02-21). What About the Unprovoked U.S. Aggression Against Iraq? globalresearch.ca

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Both High- and Low-Dose Exercise Therapy Help Knee Osteoarthritis. jamanetwork.com For patients with pain and decreased knee function from osteoarthritis, high-dose exercise therapy is not superior to low-dose therapy for most outcomes, according to the results of a randomized trial.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Nearly 500‚ÄØ000 in UK May Have Missed Blood Pressure Drugs. jamanetwork.com An estimated 491‚ÄØ000 fewer people than expected began antihypertensive medications in the UK between March 2020 and July 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic. The decline, reported in Nature Medicine, could result in more than 13‚ÄØ000 additional cardiovascular disease events, including nearly 2300 myocardial infarctions and 3500 strokes, should these patients remain untreated over their lifetimes, the authors predicted.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). New Report on Mpox Cases Leading Up to 2022 Global Outbreak. jamanetwork.com From January 1, 2022, through January 27, 2023, more than 85‚ÄØ000 confirmed human mpox (monkeypox) cases in 110 countries and 86 deaths were reported to the World Health Organization.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Hybrid Immunity More Protective Than Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection Alone. jamanetwork.com A recent systematic review of studies found that people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and have had a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection, known as having hybrid immunity, have better protection against the Omicron variant than those with only a previous infection.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Agent Slows Glioblastoma Tumors in Mice by Blocking Fat Metabolism. jamanetwork.com An investigational drug slowed glioblastoma tumor growth in a mouse model, researchers reported in Science Translational Medicine.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). High COVID-19 Rates Prompt Call for Better Nursing Home Protections. jamanetwork.com Better nursing home protections are needed for future health emergencies, says a data brief from the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG).

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). National Academies: Expand US Wastewater Disease Surveillance. jamanetwork.com Continued development of and investment in a national wastewater infectious disease surveillance system could help improve public health responses to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and future infectious disease outbreaks, according to a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Patient Information: Guillain-Barré Syndrome. jamanetwork.com This JAMA Patient Page describes the autoimmune disease Guillain-Barré syndrome and its risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Glioblastoma and Other Primary Brain Malignancies in Adults. jamanetwork.com This review summarizes current evidence regarding diagnosis and treatment of primary malignant brain tumors in adults.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Notice of Retraction and Replacement. Ellison-Barnes et al. Trends in Obesity Prevalence Among Adults Aged 18 Through 25 Years, 1976-2018. JAMA . 2021;326(20):2073-2074. jamanetwork.com To the Editor We write to explain an analytical error in our Research Letter titled "Trends in Obesity Prevalence Among Adults Aged 18 Through 25 Years, 1976-2018," published in the November 23/30, 2021, issue of JAMA. This study looked at trends in body mass index (BMI) among young adults aged 18 to 25 years using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Aspirin Discontinuation at 24 to 28 Weeks' Gestation in Pregnancies at High Risk of Preterm Preeclampsia. jamanetwork.com This randomized clinical trial aims to determine whether aspirin discontinuation in pregnant individuals with normal soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase—1 to placental growth factor (sFlt-1: PlGF) ratio between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation was noninferior to aspirin continuation to prevent preterm preeclampsia.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). History of Low Hourly Wage and All-Cause Mortality. jamanetwork.com This longitudinal study involving US workers collected wage information during a portion of peak earning years and examined whether a history of low-wage earning was associated with mortality risk.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Association of African Ancestry—Specific APOE Missense Variant R145C With Risk of Alzheimer Disease. jamanetwork.com This exploratory case-control study assesses the association of APOE missense variants with risk of Alzheimer disease among individuals of African ancestry with the APOE Œµ3/Œµ4 genotype.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Roflumilast Cream vs Vehicle Cream and Chronic Plaque Psoriasis—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply In response to the Letter by Mr Smith and colleagues, we agree that studies of representative patient populations are important, but we challenge the notion that our results cannot be applied to a general population of individuals with psoriasis because only 36.3% of patients were female. The consideration when assessing the applicability of the results should be whether the sample size is sufficient to make precise determinations of efficacy and safety rather than if the percentage of females in the trials match the general psoriasis population, although the latter is also important. Our study included…

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Review of Pulmonary Embolism—Reply. jamanetwork.com In Reply In response to our recent Review, Dr Porres-Aguilar and colleagues highlight the potential benefits of PERTs for the management and diagnosis of PE. Although these teams may have potential to improve the prognosis of patients with diagnosed PE, data are currently scarce to support the implementation of PERTs, and the generalizability of preliminary studies to different settings and countries remains to be assessed.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Roflumilast Cream vs Vehicle Cream and Chronic Plaque Psoriasis. jamanetwork.com To the Editor A recent study evaluating the safety and efficacy of roflumilast cream, 0.3%, for chronic plaque psoriasis involving 2% to 20% of body surface area concluded that daily use of roflumilast cream for 8 weeks was more effective than vehicle cream. We would like to point out some limitations of this study that decrease its generalizability.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Review of Pulmonary Embolism. jamanetwork.com To the Editor I am writing to address several issues in the recent Review on PE. First, the authors stated that smoking is not associated with higher rates of venous thromboembolism (VTE). However, in a meta-analysis that included 3‚ÄØ966‚ÄØ184 people and 35‚ÄØ151 VTE events, the VTE risk increased by 10.2% for every additional 10 cigarettes per day or by 6.1% for every additional 10 pack-years of smoking.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Dissemination of the Results of Pediatric Clinical Trials Funded by the US National Institutes of Health. jamanetwork.com This study examines practices related to trial registration and results submission in ClinicalTrials.gov and publication of pediatric clinical trials funded by the National Institutes of Health.

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Seasonal Variability of Disease. jamanetwork.com It is well known that the frequency, severity and mortality of many diseases vary with different seasons of the year. That acute respiratory infections reach a peak in the late winter months, with a minor peak in the late autumn, is attributed to a lowered local resistance to infection with the unknown virus of "common colds" and the known pathogenic cocci, although as yet we have no satisfactory explanation as to why the exposure to cold lowers the resistance. To be sure, a physical chemist, Schade, would attribute to a decreased dispersion of the tissue colloids on cooling the increased vulnerability to bacteri…

jamanetwork (2023-02-21). Biomarkers and the Risk of Preeclampsia. jamanetwork.com Over the past few decades, while the global incidence of preeclampsia has risen, the number of maternal and perinatal deaths due to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy has declined. In 2011, international agencies, including the World Health Organization and the UK's National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, issued recommendations for daily low-dose aspirin to reduce the incidence of preeclampsia based on maternal demographics and medical history (collectively termed maternal factors). By 2013, similar recommendations were adopted in the US based on guidance from the US Preventive Services Task Force (US…

Jason Ditz (2023-02-21). IAEA, Iran in Talks Over Highly-Enriched Uranium Finding. news.antiwar.com The IAEA is turning up its latest concerns about Iran's civilian nuclear program with media reports of a discovery of Iran is known to be producing uranium of up to 60% purity, and it should be noted that weapons grade is in excess of 90%. Thus, neither the 60% stockpile, nor these 84% particles, are actually a proliferation risk for atomic weapons. | The expected spin is that this newer top-line enrich…

Jeffrey D. Sachs (2023-02-21). Lo que Ucrania necesita aprender de Afganistán sobre las guerras de poder. globalizacion.ca Lo que los europeos necesitan aprender es que la UE no es sino un Protectorado de EEUU. Muchos discursos sobre la ´democracia ª, pero las decisiones se toman en Washington. Lo sorprendente es la pasividad y la docilidad de los dirigentes…

Jim McIlroy (2023-02-21). Farmers protest silver, lead, zinc mine threat in Lue. greenleft.org.au Residents of Mudgee and farmers protested outside the Independent Planning Commission against Bowdens Silver's plan to mine silver, lead and zinc, near the village of Lue. Jim McIlroy reports.

Jim Spellman (2023-02-21). East Palestine residents concerned about health risks from derailed train. america.cgtn.com Residents in East Palestine, Ohio are still looking for answers nearly three weeks after a freight train derailed, spilling dangerous chemicals.

John Bellamy Foster (2023-02-21). The New Irrationalism: a conversation with John Bellamy Foster. mronline.org Daniel Tutt of Study Groups on Psychoanalysis and Politics interviews John Bellamy Foster on his new article, "

John Klar (2023-02-21). Solution to the World's Carbon Problems: Compel Children to Eat Unhealthy Processed Vegetarian Alternatives to Wholesome Grass-fed Meats or Fresh Local Foods. globalresearch.ca

Jonathan Turley (2023-02-21). The Global Disinformation Index (GDI): Government-Funded Group Targets "Riskiest Online News Outlets" globalresearch.ca

Juan Cole (2023-02-21). Sen. Bernie Sanders, "Embarrassed" by "racist" Israeli Government, Threatens to Withhold Aid. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) came on Face the Nation Sunday. In the course of the interview, Sanders lashed out at the new, extremist government in Israel, which includes a minister once convicted of incitement to racial violence and more than one figure belonging to Kahanist organizations of a sort that …

Julia Conley (2023-02-21). Sanders proposes 'New Deal for journalism' to ensure media serves public interest. mronline.org Nonpartisan, publicly funded media is "an idea that we should explore," said the senator.

Kerry Smith (2023-02-21). Neo-Nazi sentenced to jail for attack on anti-racists' home. greenleft.org.au Neo-Nazi extremist Desmond Liddington has been sentenced for his part in an attack on the home of anti-racists. Kerry Smith reports.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-02-21). 40 Mile Walk to White House to Call for President Biden Action on Reparations. indybay.org From Sea to Shining Sea and beyond, the call for Reparations Study and Redress is growing. President Joe Biden and the Office of Executive Branch of the United States of America can demonstrate one standard for global citizenship via Executive Order to create a Reparations Study and Redress Commission. From Historic Negro Bar, Mormon Island and Negro Bar Gold Mining District we join the journey towards justice.

Kim Petersen (2023-02-21). Enabling the Warmaking of Empire. dissidentvoice.org It is understood by all that at least two sides are required in a war scenario. One side must be waging war on another side. It is not required that the aggressed side fight back. To surrender to a warmaker, however, means coming under the suzerainty of the warmaker. That is almost always anathema to …

Labor Video Project (2023-02-21). ILWU Local 10 Stops Work & Rallies For Mumia With Tyre Nichols Family In San Francisco. indybay.org ILWU Local 10 held a stop work action and held a march and rally to demand the freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal. The family of Tyre Nichols also attended and spoke out.

Larry Johnson (2023-02-21). An unexpected insight (for the élite): The US may be the biggest loser in the war on Russia by Alastair Crooke. sonar21.com [NOTE FROM LARRY — The following was written by Alastair Crooke and I have been given permission to publish here. Enjoy.] "NATO has never been stronger; Russia is a global…

Larry Johnson (2023-02-21). Dr. Michael Vlahos, Gonzalo Lira and I talk Ukraine and Russia. sonar21.com A delightful, fruitful conversation hosted by Gonzalo Lira with the esteemed Michael Vlahos. It was my first virtual introduction to Michael, but I have been aware of his scholarship and…

Larry Johnson (2023-02-21). Will Putin Announce the Beginning of a Russian-Chinese Defense Pact? sonar21.com Joe Biden made a semi-coherent speech in Kiev and may do an encore on Tuesday in Poland. I am confident he will display the same muddled thoughts and tangled syntax…

Lee Camp (2023-02-21). EXPOSED: The Dirty Boning Between Big Oil and Think Tanks. mintpressnews.com As these massive global corporations reap record profits, Lee Camp exposes the corruption and massive amounts of corporate welfare given to oil companies through public funds and tax breaks.

Leon Kunstenaar (2023-02-21). International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) March and Rally to Free Mumia. indybay.org Hundreds of ILWU members and supporters demand freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal as part of ongoing campaign…

Lucrecia Franco (2023-02-21). Scores dead, many displaced in Brazilian flood. america.cgtn.com In Brazil, heavy rains triggered flooding and landslides, killing at least 44 people on the coast of Brazil's southern state of Sao Paulo.

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2023-02-21). Blinken Gets Bibi to Bend on Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Marcelo Colussi (2023-02-21). Las falacias de la democracia. globalizacion.ca En cualquier país "libre", no "autocrático" -según la terminología en uso por el globalizado discurso de la derecha, por supuesto totalmente rebatible- la democracia aparece como el bien supremo. Las penurias de las poblaciones se deben -según esa estrecha, muy…

Martha Grevatt (2023-02-21). Class struggle is our very essence. workers.org Based on a talk given at the Feb. 5 webinar "Global Class War: Lessons from Sam Marcy for workers struggles today." "Struggle is the very essence of a revolutionary party." So true. When Sam wrote those words in 1972, it was at a critical juncture for our Party. Our young . . . |

Michael J. Talmo (2023-02-21). To Those Still Wearing Masks: Throw Them Away. They Don't Work. globalresearch.ca

Mike Whitney (2023-02-21). Biden's Power Grab: Executive Order Installs "Equity" Commissars to Rule the Bureaucracy and Centralize Power. globalresearch.ca

Mothers on the March (2023-02-21). Friday 2/24: Free Palestine! indybay.org Israeli Consulate | 456 Montgomery | San Francisco…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: Heart disease in African American women. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in women in the U.S. And African American women have an even higher risk of dying from heart disease ‚Äï and at a younger age ‚Äï than white women, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. LaPrincess Brewer, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says this serious issue is compounded by the fact that many African American women are not…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: What to do when sick with norovirus or 'stomach flu'. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org If you went out for the evening and woke up with a sudden bad stomach, chances are you might be experiencing viral gastroenteritis. That's the broad term for an infection in the intestines. Some call it "stomach flu." Gastroenteritis can be brought on by norovirus — a highly contagious viral infection most often spread through person-to-person contact or contaminated food or water, or by touching contaminated surfaces. It can be quite severe for some people, but for…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Consumer Health: Reduce your risk of the 4 most common cancers. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org February is National Cancer Prevention Month, which makes this a good time to learn what you can do to reduce your risk of the top four most common cancers diagnosed in the U.S. One in 2 men and 1 in 3 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society. The most common types of cancer diagnosed in the U.S. are skin cancer, breast cancer, prostate…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Science Saturday: Can AI-enhanced heart screening address health disparities? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Clinicians and researchers around the world are combining artificial intelligence, known as AI, with health care to help identify patients at greater risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke and heart failure. However, as use of these AI-enhanced tools grows, researchers at Mayo Clinic are asking, "Do these tools work reliably for people of color?" and "Are they accessible in community health care settings?" "AI-based health interventions are frequently developed and deployed without race-specific data analysis or…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: Learn about advances in cataract surgery. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cataracts are one of the most common eye conditions in the world. Chances are most people are going to develop cataracts at some point in their lives. Thanks to advances in cataract surgery, Dr. Dave Patel, a Mayo Clinic ophthalmologist, says many patients are able to say goodbye to their cataracts and reduce or eliminate their need for glasses. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLdagXOdlI8 Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 10) is in the downloads at the end of the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). MEDIA ADVISORY: Mayo physician creates industry runway for students of color. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MEDIA ADVISORY: Mayo physician creates industry runway for students of color February is Black History Month, and Dr. Alyx Porter, a neuro-oncologist at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, is committed to increasing diversity in medicine. There are less than five black women practicing neuro oncology in the U.S., and Dr. Porter is one of them. She formed the nonprofit ElevateMeD along with her husband to provide scholarships and support to medical students from backgrounds underrepresented in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is cardiogenic shock? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cardiogenic shock is a condition where the heart is too weak to pump blood and oxygen to the brain and organs. Fatal if not treated immediately, the condition affects approximately 50,000 people in the U.S. Dr. Parag Patel, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains what cardiogenic shock is and how it's treated. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0sTu9uIbSQ Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 56) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mushrooms make healthy meal magic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mushrooms can be found in so many dishes, from omelets to stir-fries, that they're often overlooked. But mushrooms not only are versatile, they also provide a variety of health benefits ranging from brain health to cancer prevention. They're naturally low in sodium and fat, two things that can affect heart health by raising blood pressure. There are more health-related reasons for eating these almost-magical fungi, including: Cancer preventionResearchers have found that incorporating any variety of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Are over-the-counter hearing devices a fit for you? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I've heard about the new over-the-counter hearing devices, but I'm not sure if they'll work for me. What do I need to know? And what should I consider as I make my decision? ANSWER: Hearing loss can be a significant quality of life issue for people. There are certainly many benefits to visiting with an audiology practice or specialist. People with moderate hearing loss are good candidates for hearing aids bought over the counter…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Minimally invasive, robotic spine surgery helps man with lower back pain. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Employer-sponsored benefit brought him to Mayo Clinic For James "Sonny" Rivera, his back was so painful that walking more than 200 yards or even standing was impossible at times. Over the years, the 58-year-old Fort Dodge, Iowa, man experienced lower back pain that continued to increase in intensity. "The pain got so extreme that it limited the time I could be on my feet," Sonny says. After a 2021 ATV accident, Sonny's back pain became…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo study uses electronic health record data to assess metformin failure risk, optimize care. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org A recent Mayo Clinic study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism has found that using machine learning and electronic health record (EHR) data can help pinpoint patients with Type 2 diabetes who are at high-risk of experiencing metformin failure. Metformin is a widely used medication for treating diabetes; however, it is not always effective in controlling blood sugar levels. Although it is the first line of therapy used for treatment, metformin has…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Are energy drinks a healthy option? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My husband has swapped out his regular morning coffee for an energy drink. Are these healthy options for getting his daily dose of caffeine? Do energy drinks have more caffeine than regular coffee? And how much caffeine is too much? ANSWER: People love their caffeine, whether it's coffee, tea, soda or energy drinks like your husband. It's the most common stimulant in the world, and about 90% of all adults consume caffeine in some…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: Success in reducing heart disease deaths, except for young women. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cardiovascular disease is still the No. 1 killer in the world. The good news is that, generally, the numbers are getting better, with one surprising exception. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Sharonne N. Hayes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, discusses how treatment bias for younger women may be a contributing factor. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/b5XjmSOeeBI Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 02) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please "Courtesy: Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Do you know who to talk to about your child's routine vaccinations? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), routine vaccinations for kindergarten in the U.S. fell to 93% during the 2021-2022 school year. That's the second year in a row routine vaccination rates decreased. The vaccines help prevent potentially fatal or severe illnesses, including diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis) and others. The CDC says there are several reasons for the decline, including the possibility that misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines may have played…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). MEDIA ADVISORY: Mayo physician seeks to help young adults with congenital heart failure before it's too late. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org February is American Heart Month, and a largely unaddressed condition affecting thousands of young people is at the center of a Mayo Clinic cardiologist's practice. Dr. Luke Burchill is the link between what young adults with congenital heart disease need to survive and thrive. Did you know a whopping 40,000 babies each year are born with congenital heart disease in the U.S.? But many of those same babies survive, only to unnecessarily risk premature death…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: Is salt sneaking into your diet? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Too much salt is not good for your health. This is especially true for people who have high blood pressure. Cutting back on how much you reach for the saltshaker is a good start. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says beware of other places salt may be hiding. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSA14AWD6Io Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 01) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Share your love this Valentine's Day by giving blood. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than by giving the gift of life? Every year on Feb. 14, National Donor Day is dedicated to spreading awareness about organ, eye and tissue donation. One way to celebrate, that will have an impact on your community, is by donating blood at your local blood donor center. Dr. Justin Juskewitch, associate medical director of the Blood Donor Center at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, says the need…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). On pins and needles: Just what is dry needling? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You may have heard of a treatment called dry needling and wondered what it is or if it's right for you. While the name of the procedure may sound intimidating, dry needling is an accessible and commonly offered therapy for people with muscle, ligament or tendon pain. Dry needling basics During a dry needling treatment, one or more thin, monofilament needles are inserted into a muscle trigger point. A trigger point is a local band…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Health System in Austin redesignated a level 4 trauma hospital. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org AUSTIN, Minn. ‚Äï The Minnesota Department of Health has redesignated Mayo Clinic Health System in Austin as a level 4 trauma hospital. The recertification process included an outside review of the hospital's resources and capabilities to care for trauma patients. To qualify for level 4 designation, the trauma hospital must have an established trauma program within its facility that meets the required criteria set forth by the state and a site visit that focuses on…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic to begin offering early ECMO to certain cardiac arrest patients. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Only about 8% of patients who have sudden cardiac arrest outside of a hospital survive. That rate is even lower for certain patients who don't respond to defibrillation. A new service being launched this month by Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is hoping to improve outcomes and save more lives by getting patients faster access to potentially life-saving equipment. Watch: Mayo Clinic to begin offering early ECMO to certain cardiac arrest patients youtu.be/HJPNae9njUw Journalists: Broadcast-quality…

Nora Barrows-Friedman (2023-02-21). Federal complaint takes on anti-Palestinian racism at US college. electronicintifada.net Israel lobby fuels pervasive attacks, bogus anti-Semitism accusations against students and George Washington University professor Lara Sheehi.

Olive Enokido-Lineham (2023-02-21). Vladimir Putin Blames West for Starting War in Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Oregon Capital Chronicle (2023-02-21). Is the new AP African American Studies course Dangerous? Students don't think so. juancole.com Naseem Rakha Maurice Cowley is teaching college-level African American Studies at McDaniel High School. ( Oregon Capital Chronicle ) — Three days after the nation honored Martin Luther King Jr.'s leadership in the Civil Rights Movement, a spokeswoman for the Florida Department of Education announced that no Florida public high school would be …

Oskar Lafontaine & Christian Zehenter (2023-02-21). No nuclear war in Europe! and Glorification of violence. indybay.org The well-read do not believe in Russia's sole guilt anyway. They remember the promise made to Gorbachev not to expand NATO eastward. They know that the U.S. organized and financed a coup on the Maidan in 2014 to install a puppet government that would push for Ukraine's eventual admission into NATO.

Pacifica's Covid, Race & Democracy (2023-02-21). Rage Against the War Machine; ILWU for Mumia and Tyre; US behind Somaliland Secessionism;. indybay.org Pacifica's Covid, Race & Democracy: Rage Against the War Machine; ILWU for Mumia and Tyre; US behind Somaliland Secessionism; Death Penalty Abolition…

Peter Boyle (2023-02-21). Exhibition to raise funds for earthquake victims in Rojava. greenleft.org.au An exhibition of photographs in the Stirrup Gallery at the Addison Road Community Centre will raise funds for earthquake relief in Rojava. Peter Boyle reports.

Philip Giraldi (2023-02-21). America the Feckless. Lies and Hypocrisy Are at the Heart of the Biden Foreign Policy. globalresearch.ca

Phyllis Bennis (2023-02-21). 20 Years Ago, the World Said No to War. globalresearch.ca

Prabir Purkayastha (2023-02-21). Mapping Faultlines: The planning, execution, and aftermath of Nord Stream sabotage. mronline.org In this episode of Mapping Faultlines, NewsClick's Prabir Purkayastha explains the details of the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines as revealed by journalist Seymour Hersh. He also talks about how benefited from this sabotage.

Prabir Purkayastha (2023-02-21). Why do we have a balloon hysteria in the U.S.? mronline.org THE newsfeeds from the US seem to be completely insane. First, an F22 Raptor, the most expensive U.S. military aircraft, is used to shoot down a Chinese balloon over the Atlantic ocean.

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-02-21). Video: The Worldwide Corona Crisis. Michel Chossudovsky. globalresearch.ca

Prof. Siddharth Kara (2023-02-21). Your Smartphone Has a Human Cost. globalresearch.ca

Protect Thacker Pass (2023-02-21). Three Tribes File New Lawsuit Challenging Thacker Pass Lithium Mine. indybay.org Late yesterday, three Native American Tribes — the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, Burns Paiute Tribe, and Summit Lake Paiute Tribe — launched a major new lawsuit against the Thacker Pass lithium mine. | This new case contains major allegations that were not heard in the prior court case, and may be a significant roadblock for the mine.

r u 18? vote! (2023-02-21). Why is Putin's name not on this list? indybay.org Why is Putin's name not on this list? | What do we mean by "equal treatment under the law"? | What has Putin done to violate laws and human rights?>

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-02-21). Perú y nuestros otros mundos: ´Lucha Indígena ª Febr2023. indybay.org Perú y nuestros otros mundos: ´Lucha Indígena ª | Hablan lxs que siempre lucharán! | Febrero 2023…

Renee Parsons (2023-02-21). Biden's Surprise Visit to Kiev: "Stand with Ukraine as Long as It Takes" globalresearch.ca

Revolution Books (2023-02-21). Sunday 2/19: Livestream: Bigger, More Revolutionary and More Participatory Than Ever! indybay.org Revolution Books | 2444 Durant Avenue ,Berkeley…

Revolution Books (2023-02-21). Saturday 2/25: Film Showing: COUP 53-Old Secrets Cast Long Shadows, A benefit for Revolution Books. indybay.org Revolution Books | 2444 Durant Avenue | Berkeley, CA…

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Britain trains over 10,000 Ukrainian recruits for war with Russia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com UkrinformFebruary 20, 2023 More than 10,000 Ukrainian recruits have gone through training in Britain More than 10,000 Ukrainian military recruits have gone through training in the United Kingdom under the leadership of the British Land Forces and the armed forces of international partners. "So far, over 10,000 Ukrainians have gone through the training [which] includes …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Intermarium project: NATO chieftain to officiate at eastern flank meeting. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOFebruary 20, 2023 NATO Secretary General attends B-9 Summit in Poland Also see: New Intermarium: Biden, NATO pledge support to NATO's nine-nation Eastern Flank Ukraine is linchpin in new Intermarium project to drive Russia out of Europe, Caucasus — FM On Wednesday, 22 February 2023, the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg will travel to …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Munich: NATO co-hosts initiative for eco-friendly warfare. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOFebruary 17, 2023 NATO co-hosts side event at Munich Security Conference focused on military energy transition NATO co-hosted a roundtable discussion on Saturday (17 February 2023) at the Munich Security Conference focused on opportunities to support NATO militaries' transition to clean energy…while ensuring military effectiveness in a deteriorated security environment. The side event "Cleaner and …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). NATO, Finland, Sweden launch largest space project in bloc's history. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOFebruary 16, 2023 16 Allies, Finland and Sweden launch largest space project in NATO's history On Wednesday (15 February 2023), 16 Allies, together with invitees Finland and Sweden, launched a new initiative that will transform the way NATO gathers and uses data from space, significantly improve NATO's intelligence and surveillance, and provide essential support to …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Numbers on NATO's provision of lethal aid to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Prensa LatinaFebruary 20, 2023 NATO delivers weapons to Ukraine since 2021 Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service reported on Monday that since December 2021, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member countries have delivered weapons to Ukraine. According to the organization, NATO transferred 1,170 anti-aircraft defense systems, 440 tanks, 1,150 infantry vehicles, and 655 artillery pieces to …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Abkhazia, South Ossetia: NATO incorporates Georgian border police. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Agenda.geFebruary 21, 2023 Interior Minister hails approval of NATO Operational Partner status for Georgian Border Police as "key achievement" of 2022 Georgian Interior Minister Vakhtang Gomelauri on Tuesday told the Parliament the granting of the NATO Operational Partner status to the country's Border Police units had been a "major achievement" of the past year. In …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). German troops learn about "real combat experience" as they train Ukrainian combat forces. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com UkrinformFebruary 20, 2023 Over 3,000 Ukrainian troops to complete training in Germany by year-end By the end of the year, Germany will have trained some 3,000 Ukrainian soldiers. This was stated by Germany's Defense Minister Boris Pistorius during a visit to Munster, where Ukrainian tankers are on a training course…. "Since the outset of the …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). NATO Response Force, Very High Readiness Joint Task Force, high-intensity warfare: NATO naval drills off Norway. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOFebruary 21, 2023 Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 kicks off exercise Dynamic Guard 23-I in Norway Standing NATO Maritime Group (SNMG) 1 kicks off annual NATO Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) exercise Dynamic Guard off the coast of Bergen, Feb. 20. Dynamic Guard 23-I is the first serial of a bi-annual, multi-national NATO electronic warfare exercise …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Real brothers in arms: German military trains Ukrainian tank crews. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com UkrinformFebruary 21, 2023 Ambassador Makeiev shares impressions of visit to tank training ground in Germany Ukrainian crews of main battle tanks and IFVs [infantry fighting vehicles] are currently mastering in Germany the equipment…. Ambassador of Ukraine to Germany, Oleksiy Makeiev, shared with Ukrinform his impressions of visiting the tank training ground in Munster on Monday, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Swedish PM pleased with Turkey's NATO-membership-for-anti-Kurd offer. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Daily SabahFebruary 20, 2023 Swedish PM welcomes Türkiye's message on NATO bid resumption The Swedish prime minister welcomed Foreign Minister Mevlàºt àáavu≈üoƒülu's statement on his country's NATO bid talks, which was suspended by Türkiye due to the former's failure to abide by terms of a trilateral agreement. "I of course welcome Turkey's announcement that they …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Top Azerbaijani, Georgian military officials plan joint participation in international NATO exercises. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Agenda.geFebruary 21, 2023 Georgian, Azerbaijani top military officials review cooperation, regional security The Security environment in the South Caucasus region [was] discussed on Tuesday in a meeting between Major General Giorgi Matiashvili, the Chief of the Georgian Defence Forces, and Colonel General Zakir Hasanov, the Azerbaijani Defence Minister. The officials underlined the "close" partnership and …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). U.S. senators meet Georgian opposition chief, leaders, "CSOs" to expedite coup, second front. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Civil GeorgiaFebruary 21, 2023 U.S. Senators Meet with Prime Minister, Opposition, CSOs Following the meeting with Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, visiting U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Dick Durbin met with Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili, opposition politicians and representatives of civil society organizations on February 20. After the official part of the visit, the U.S. Senators …

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-02-21). We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite's 'Great Reset': Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively? globalresearch.ca

San Francisco Public Library (2023-02-21). Saturday 3/4: Night of Ideas. indybay.org San Francisco Main Library | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

San José Peace & Justice Center (2023-02-21). Friday 2/24: War in Ukraine: One Year On. indybay.org San José Peace & Justice Center | 48 South 7th Street | San José, CA 95112…

Santa Cruz Children's Museum of Discovery (2023-02-21). Saturday 3/18: Summer Camp Board Game Festival. indybay.org Inside the Capitola Mall near the food court.

Santa Cruz Children's Museum of Discovery (2023-02-21). Saturday 3/11: Teddy Bear Clinic. indybay.org Inside the Capitola Mall near the food court.

Sean Callebs (2023-02-21). The Heat: Russia-Ukraine Conflict. america.cgtn.com U.S. President Biden makes a surprise visit to Ukraine as the conflict with Russia nears the one-year mark. And, a global security conference is held in Munich. U.S. President Joe Biden met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv on Monday. Biden pledged more military …

Staff (2023-02-21). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: Segundo capítulo de la serie documental "El enigma de Cuba. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu La Mesa Redonda estrenará este martes en televisión el segundo capítulo de la Serie documental "El Enigma de Cuba", que recoge la la historia de la nación cubana narrada a profundidad desde sus escenarios fundamentales y a través de mujeres y hombres que la protagonizaron o la han estudiado con denuedo para salvaguardarla y transmitirla a las nuevas generaciones.

Staff (2023-02-21). El español nuestro (II): "Que aquéllos que allí se parecen no son gigantes, sino molinos de viento" cubadebate.cu øInfluyen las nuevas tecnologías y la ola de estímulos visuales? øLos juegos digitales? øEl sino de nativos digitales, el vértigo de la vida en el siglo XXI? øEl escaso tiempo y muchas preocupaciones, limitaciones de tiempo y vicisitudes de los padres en época de crisis, cambios drásticos y precariedad? øLa desprofesionalización en no pocos ámbitos? øSon las tecnologías, el cambio de época y paradigma, o somos los humanos?

Staff (2023-02-21). Esos "seres normativos" olvidados: Los deberes constitucionales. cubadebate.cu Generalmente las personas piensan más en sus derechos que en sus deberes, se proyectan más en exigir los primeros frente al Estado o a los otros ciudadanos, que a reflexionar y cumplir con los segundos, para así llevar una conducta cívica o ciudadana conteste con estos, lo cual puede ser "entendible" porque la persona humana es un ser de libertad y se concibe como tal.

Staff (2023-02-21). Quizás lo has visto sin saber qué es: Conoce al satélite artificial más grande del sistema solar. cubadebate.cu Durante los minutos anteriores y posteriores al amanecer y anochecer, respectivamente, es posible ver en el cielo desplazándose muy despacio algunos objetos brillantes, como si las estrellas estuvieran moviéndose. Pero no son estrellas, son satélites artificiales, mucho más cercanos y pequeños, en relación a otros cuerpos celestes que vemos en las noches.

Staff (2023-02-21). Dan a conocer detalles de la 62 Serie Nacional de Beisbol. cubadebate.cu La Comisión Nacional de Beisbol (CNB) reiteró hoy que la próxima serie nacional comenzará el 22 de marzo con inauguración oficial en el estadio Mártires de Barbados y actividad en otros siete parques del país. Será un evento atípico, pues su etapa regular debe enmarcarse entre el V Clásico Mundial de Beisbol y los Juegos Centrocaribes de San Salvador 2023.

Staff (2023-02-21). Díaz-Canel sostuvo encuentro con el eurodiputado Massimiliano Smeriglio. cubadebate.cu El Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, sostuvo un encuentro este lunes con el diputado al Parlamento Europeo, Massimiliano Smeriglio, quien visita nuestro país con motivo de la presentación de su libro "Se bruciasse la città " (Se quema la ciudad), en la Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana.

Staff (2023-02-21). En tiempo récord, deportistas rusos cruzan el estrecho de Yucatán en tablas de kitesurf. cubadebate.cu Un grupo de deportistas rusos ha marcado un nuevo récord tras ser los primeros en atravesar el golfo de Yucatán navegando en tablas de kitesurf. Los kitesurfistas realizaron la travesía, de más de 230 kilómetros, partiendo desde un muelle en el cabo de San Antonio en Cuba. Tardaron en llegar a las costas de México 11 horas y 19 minutos.

Staff (2023-02-21). Las 3 del día: Sirenas momificadas, incendio en Mayarí y las noticias del 20 de febrero (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Saludos a todos los seguidores de "Las 3 del día". Este lunes 20 de febrero de 2023 hacemos un resumen de lo más importante ocurrido en la jornada en nuestro país y en el contexto internacional. "Las 3 del día" es el podcast de Cubadebate que tiene de todo un poco en materia informativa. °Conéctese ya!

Staff (2023-02-21). Bolsa MiTransfer amplía su alcance con nuevas opciones de pago. cubadebate.cu Directivos de la Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba (Etecsa) informaron que próximamente quedarán habilitadas nuevas opciones de pago a través de la Bolsa MiTransfer de Transfermóvil con la habilitación del monedero móvil o billetera virtual.

Staff (2023-02-21). Conozca mejor a los integrantes de #elCubaClásico: Moncada y Roel. cubadebate.cu Cubadebate ya está en tiempo de Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. Te iremos presentando cada día a 2 de los 30 integrantes de nuestra selección nacional. El Cuba al Clásico es el equipo de todos.

Staff (2023-02-21). Este 21 de febrero convoca la poesía: Un libro rojo para Roque Dalton. cubadebate.cu Este 21 de febrero les invitamos a recordar a uno de "nuestros rojos", el poeta y revolucionario salvadoreño Roque Dalton. El encuentro se realizará a las tres de la tarde en la Sala de Lectura de la Biblioteca José Antonio Echeverría, como parte de la cuarta edición del Día de los Libros Rojos, convocatoria que surgió desde la Unión Internacional de Editoriales de Izquierda.

Staff (2023-02-21). Incendio en Pinares de Mayarí: Día decisivo para evitar avance del fuego al parque natural Mensura Piloto (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu Luego de una noche intensa, este martes será decisivo para evitar el avance del incendio hacia las profundidades del parque natural Mensura Piloto, en especial hacia las zonas de Pinalito, rica en plantaciones de pinos y café, informó a través de su cuenta de Facebook el periodista de la Radio de Mayarí, Emilio Rodríguez Pupo.

Staff (2023-02-21). Más de 30 vagones de un tren de carga con carbón descarrilan en el estado de Nebraska, Estados Unidos (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Se informa que nadie resultó herido tras el accidente, que está siendo investigado. Además, un vocero de UP dijo que una de las tres vías principales en el lugar del siniestro fue reabierta para el tráfico ferroviario.

Staff (2023-02-21). Mincin informa sobre afectaciones en la distribución de la canasta familiar normada. cubadebate.cu Las empresas mayoristas del sistema del Comercio Interior, realizan la distribución de 2 090 toneladas de arroz de las más de 36 000 que corresponden a la cuota del mes. Se estima demora en la entrega en las provincias de Matanzas, Ciego de àÅvila, Las Tunas, Holguín, Santiago de Cuba y Guantánamo.

Staff (2023-02-21). Segunda victoria de Cuba en topes amistosos de béisbol en Japón. cubadebate.cu El equipo cubano de béisbol logró en Japón su segunda victoria en topes amistosos contra clubes profesionales locales, al imponerse 10 carreras por cuatro frente a las Golondrinas de Yakult.

Staff (2023-02-21). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este 21 de febrero. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este lunes 21 de febrero de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-02-21). Terremoto en Turquía: Al menos seis muertos y cientos de heridos tras réplicas. cubadebate.cu Al menos seis personas murieron y cientos resultaron heridas después de que las réplicas de magnitud 6.4 y 5.8 azotaran la provincia de Hatay, en el sur de Turquía, cerca de la frontera con Siria, dijo este martes el Centro de Coordinación de Emergencias de Turquía, SAKOM.

Staff (2023-02-21). Unión Eléctrica prevé una afectación de 567 MW en horario nocturno de este martes. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica informó que en el día de ayer se afectó el servicio por déficit de capacidad fundamentalmente en la zona centro oriental del país, por altas transferencias de energía. De mantenerse las condiciones previstas se pronostica una afectación de 567 MW en el horario pico nocturno.

Staff (2023-02-21). Angela Davis on Assassination & Legacy of Malcolm X, Her Exclusion from AP Black Studies and More. democracynow.org We speak with renowned scholar and activist Angela Davis on the 58th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X. Davis is delivering a keynote address Tuesday at the Shabazz Center in New York, formerly the Audubon Ballroom, where the iconic Black leader was killed on February 21, 1965. Davis says Malcolm is still vital to understanding racism, power and justice in the United States and beyond. "Malcolm always placed these issues in a larger context, and I think that we can learn a great deal from that legacy today," says Davis. She also responds to recent moves by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and…

Staff (2023-02-21). Police Murders of Fred Hampton to Laquan McDonald: Chicago Police Council Elections Are a First. democracynow.org The police murder of Fred Hampton in Chicago in 1969 helped launch a movement more than 50 years ago for community-led police accountability. In a culmination of this campaign, Chicago voters next Tuesday will elect 22 local police councils tasked with community control of the police. Seven members of the councils will be part of a Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability, a new model of police oversight. We speak with Frank Chapman, longtime activist and field organizer with the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, about the initiative and how it aims to empower Black and Br…

Staff (2023-02-21). Chicago Mayoral Race: Policing, Housing, Education Are Key Issues for 9 Dem. Candidates on Feb. 28. democracynow.org A pivotal Chicago mayoral race, just a week away, on February 28, is an off-cycle election, and voter turnout could be low, as nine Democratic candidates court their vote and face pressure to address public safety and crime. Candidates include incumbent Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Congressmember Chuy García, Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson and former Superintendent of Chicago Public Schools Paul Vallas, who is endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police. This comes as Republican Governor Ron DeSantis spoke Monday in Chicago in support of police. We discuss the race with Democracy Now! co-host Juan González in Ch…

Staff (2023-02-21). Headlines for February 21, 2023. democracynow.org New Tremors Add to Misery of Earthquake Survivors in Turkey and Syria, Vladimir Putin to Suspend New START Nuclear Arms Treaty, Biden Travels to Warsaw for Major Speech on Ukraine and Talks with NATO Leaders, France Officially Withdraws Army from Burkina Faso, 17 Asylum Seekers Killed as Bus Crashes in Southern Mexico , Cambodia Shutters "Voice of Democracy" Broadcaster in Latest Crackdown on Dissent, Iraqi Environmentalist Jassim Al-Asadi Freed from Kidnappers, One Person Killed, 12 Others Injured in Ohio Metal Factory Explosion , Ohio Opens Health Clinic for Residents Near Site of Toxic Train Crash,…

Staff (2023-02-21). Talk World Radio: Chas Freeman on Making Peace with China. davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-02-21). 27 February, Vancouver: Art and Banner Making Party for Palestine. samidoun.net Monday, 27 February 6: 00 pm Grandview Church 1803 E 1st Ave Vancouver Join Samidoun Vancouver on Monday, 27 February for a banner and art-making party for Palestine! Our banner drops, mural events, demonstrations and actions all involve eye-catching images. Join us to make banners to drop and leave, permanent banners for use in multiple events, …

Staff (2023-02-21). Vancouver banner drops, public interventions highlight Palestinian struggle for liberation. samidoun.net Samidoun Vancouver joined in the Days of Rage and Resistance — organized by the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement — with a banner drop in a busy area of the city on Sunday, 12 February 2023. Participants carried and waved Palestinian flags and hung banners with slogans including "Free All Palestinian Prisoners," …

Staff (2023-02-21). For the Texas Environmental Workers Union, the fight is against fossil fuels and the bosses. therealnews.com

Staff (2023-02-21). 'Justice must prevail': a global call for freedom of US political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. therealnews.com This story originally appeared in The decades-long struggle for the freedom of revolutionary leader, journalist, and US political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal received another boost of solidarity this week as a global campaign against his unjust incarceration was launched on Thursday, February 16. From the National Union…

Staff (2023-02-21). 'We will die for our motherland' Peruvians take the streets against Boluarte coup government. therealnews.com On Dec. 7, 2022, democratically-elected President Pedro Castillo was ousted in a congressional coup and replaced by his Vice President, Dina Boluarte. Since Castillo's ouster, millions of Peruvians have taken to the streets to denounce the coup, and demand new elections and a new constitution. Police and military repression have killed more than 50 people thus far, but the resistance shows no signs of abating. TRNN reports live from the ground in Peru. | This story, with the support of the

Steven Sahiounie (2023-02-21). Canada's Role in the War in Syria. globalresearch.ca

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-02-21). Rusia toma control de localidad al norte de Bajmut, Donetsk. telesurtv.net Autoridades de Donetsk aseguraron que este avance permitiría bloquear a las tropas ucranianas de Bajmut.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-02-21). Türkiye avanza el ingreso a la OTAN de Suecia y Finlandia. twitter.com Cavusoglu anunció que "en un futuro próximo, la reunión tendrá lugar en la sede de la OTAN en Bruselas".

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-02-21). øPor qué conmemorar el Día Mundial de la Justicia Social?>. telesurtv.net La justicia social hace que sociedades y economías funcionen mejor y la pobreza, las desigualdades y los males sociales se reduzcan considerablemente.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-21). Elevan a 40 los muertos por lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Se contabilizan 40 desaparecidos y más de 1.700 personas tuvieron que abandonar sus hogares por las inundaciones y deslaves.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-21). Explosión en fábrica de metal deja 13 heridos en Ohio, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento se desconocen las causas del incidente y dos de los heridos están en estado crítico.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-21). Realizan nuevas protestas contra reforma judicial en Israel. telesurtv.net Los participantes se manifiestan contra la aprobación de una reforma afectaría a la democracia, la separación de poderes y otorgará más poder al Ejecutivo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-21). Presidente de Brasil visita zona afectada por lluvias en Sao Paulo. telesurtv.net Imágenes difundidas en redes sociales mostraban ríos de lodo y escombros, carreteras inundadas, entre otras evidencias de los daños dejados por los deslaves en Sao Paulo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-21). China niega que vaya a vender armas a Rusia. telesurtv.net El vocero de la cancillería Wang Webin aseguró: "Nunca aceptaremos que EE.UU. imponga cómo deben ser las relaciones chino-rusas" .

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-21). Una serie de tiroteos en EE.UU. dejan al menos dos muertos. telesurtv.net En Nueva Orleans, en el estado de Luisiana, sureste de EE.UU., al menos una persona murió y cuatro más resultaron heridas.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-21). Más de 47 mil muertos tras los terremotos en Türkiye y Siria. t.co El nuevo balance de decesos por los terremotos que se registraron hace dos semanas se produce cuando el rescate de personas con vida disminuye en forma dramática.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-21). Terremoto de magnitud 6,4 sacude el sur de Türkiye. twitter.com Hatay es una de las zonas más devastadas por los terremotos y la única donde prosigue la búsqueda de supervivientes de las 11 provincias afectadas.

teleSUR, JDO, SH (2023-02-21). Aumenta a 36 la cifra de fallecidos por lluvias en el estado brasileño de Sao Paulo. telesurtv.net Debido a la gravedad de las inundaciones el gobernador del estado de Sao Paulo, declaró el estado de calamidad en cinco ciudades.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-02-21). Fallece un adolescente palestino herido por Israel en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El pasado 14 de febrero también las fuerzas de ocupación asesinaron al adolescente Mahmoud Al-Aydi, de 17 años.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-02-21). Promulgan Ley Orgánica de Régimen Electoral en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net La Ley Orgánica de Régimen Electoral establece una pena de hasta 10 años de prisión para quienes incurran en el delito contra la integridad de las elecciones.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-21). Siguen las movilizaciones contra el Gobierno de Perú. telesurtv.net Delegaciones de las provincias de Puno se están organizando para enviar nuevas comitivas a Lima y seguir las protestas.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-21). Nuevo terremoto deja tres muertos y más de 200 heridos en Türkiye. twitter.com Los decesos fueron reportados en Antakya, Defne y Samandaƒü, precisó el ministro del Interior de Türkiye.

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2023-02-21). Brigadistas retornan a Venezuela tras prestar ayuda en Siria. telesurtv.net Los brigadistas pertenecientes a la Fuerza de Tarea Humanitaria Simón Bolívar participaron en acciones de rescate y salvamento al pueblo de la nación árabe.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-21). Continúa arribando ayuda humanitaria a Siria tras terremoto. telesurtv.net Países como Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Omán, Irak y la Organización Mundial de la Salud han enviado ayuda a Siria por distintas vías.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-02-21). Mantienen emergencia por incendios forestales en Chile. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento, las llamas consumieron 429.000 hectáreas, destruyeron 1.987 viviendas y dejaron más de 7.000 damnificados.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-02-21). ONU estima en 8.8 millones los afectados en Siria por terremotos. telesurtv.net La representante especial adjunta de la ONU en Siria, Najat Rochdi, realizó su estimación sobre los damnificados por los terremotos de hace dos semanas.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-21). Al menos 15 personas mueren al volcarse autobús en México. telesurtv.net El hecho ocurrió en una zona limítrofe entre los estados de Puebla y Oaxaca, desde donde posiblemente partió el vehículo.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-21). Gremios del norte peruano marcharán contra presidenta Boluarte. telesurtv.net En la nueva jornada de movilizaciones en Arequipa también participarán estudiantes, comerciantes y gremios de construcción civil de la región.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-21). Presidente de Surinam llama a la calma tras protestas sociales. telesurtv.net Ante la posibilidad de nuevas movilizaciones, el Gobierno de Surinam prevé un alto despliegue policial para evitar nuevos desmanes.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-02-21). Corea del Norte lanza misiles de corto alcance al mar de Japón. telesurtv.net Fuentes oficiales norcoreanas señalaron que la unidad empleada es un poderoso medio de "ataque nuclear táctico".

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-02-21). Reabren escuelas y tiendas tras protestas en Surinam. telesurtv.net El presidente surinamés señaló que "tomamos esta decisión porque no se puede permitir que nuestra economía siga parada".

teleSUR- hvh (2023-02-21). Presidente Biden arriba a Ucrania cuando afronta protestas en EE.UU. telesurtv.net Miles de estadounidenses se manifestaron en la vispera contra el financiamiento del Gobierno de EE.UU. a Ucrania.

The Green Arcade (2023-02-21). Tuesday 3/7: The Long History of Black Power through One Family's Journey with author Dan Berger. indybay.org The Green Arcade | 1680 Market Street | SF, CA 94110…

Tom-Oliver Regenauer (2023-02-21). A terribly powerful family. indybay.org The unbelievable to outrageous story of the Bush clan not only illustrates the neo-feudalistic beliefs and networks we are dealing with in the ruling caste, it also proves that the power structures often referred to as the "Deep State" are real behind the faàßade of official government business and are mostly the actual political force in the country.

Uhuru Solidarity Movement (2023-02-21). Saturday 3/11: White People: Say NO to the FBI War on Black Liberation! indybay.org 4101 W. Florissant Ave St. Louis, MO 63115…

Unicorn Riot (2023-02-21). Minneapolis March Connects Roof Depot Demolition Resistance to the Atlanta Forest. unicornriot.ninja

unitedEditor (2023-02-21). Normalization between the Gulf states and Syria. uwidata.com Gulf states were the spearhead in efforts to overthrow the regime of President Bashar al-Assad following the outbreak of an uprising against it within the so-called Arab Spring revolutions in 2011. These states played the largest role in supporting opposition groups such as the Free Syrian Army with weapons and isolating the regime in the …

unitedEditor (2023-02-21). Elections in Türkiye: Postponement or not? uwidata.com By ƒ∞smet àñzàßelik * President Erdoƒüan had made a statement before the earthquake. On March 10, he would announce his decision on candidacy. He also had declared the election date: May 14th. Then Türkiye suffered two major earthquakes. The death toll has now exceeded 40,000 and certainly will increase. Cities have almost entirely been destroyed. …

WSWS (2023-02-21). Intriguing discovery of ancient tools, butchery, and hominin teeth in Kenya. wsws.org The discoveries include evidence that Oldowan tools were used to cut and pound animal flesh far earlier than previously known.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Tentative Agreements reached between AT&T and the CWA in lead-up to contract votes. wsws.org The tentative agreement negotiated by the CWA for DirecTV and AT&T Mobility workers in the southeast offers workers below-inflation pay raises.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Turkish official says earthquake death toll could reach 150,000 as aftershocks shake region. wsws.org As two aftershocks of magnitude 6.4 and 5.8 struck southern Turkey yesterday, a Turkish governor said that the actual death toll could be five times higher than the official toll which is well over 30,000.

WSWS (2023-02-21). One year on, Australian flood victims still left abandoned. wsws.org As a result of the contemptuous government response, people remain camping out in wrecked homes or caravans, while others are paying exorbitant rents because of the wider housing, interest rates and cost-of-living crisis.

WSWS (2023-02-21). US prisoner deaths rose more than 60 percent from 2019 to 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic. wsws.org Data acquired by the the UCLA School of Law's Behind Bars Data Project indicates that 6,182 imprisoned people died behind bars in 2020 compared to 4,240 in 2019, a 62 percent increase despite a 10 percent decline in the US prison population.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Modi orders raids on BBC offices after documentary points to his role in 2002 Gujarat anti-Muslim pogrom. wsws.org Based on trumped-up charges of tax irregularities, the raids on BBC India were intended to intimidate the press or anyone who dares shed light on the crimes perpetrated by Modi and his Hindu-supremacist BJP government.

WSWS (2023-02-21). German interior minister to tighten up "radicalism decree" wsws.org A bill introduced by Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (Social Democratic Party, SPD) is intended to make it easier in the future to "remove" civil servants for "extremist misconduct."

WSWS (2023-02-21). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Workers walked off the job after Aeromar said Feburary 15 that it is ceasing operation after 35 years in business, while Canada's Liberal government is seeking cuts in real pay in stalled contract negotiations with government workers.

WSWS (2023-02-21). US exploits North Korea's missile test to flex military muscle. wsws.org Pyongyang's launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile on Saturday is in response to the resumption of large scale US-South Korean military exercises that amount to rehearsals for war with North Korea.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Thousands still isolated one week after devastating floods in New Zealand. wsws.org Questions are being raised about why Cyclone Gabrielle caused so much damage to homes and infrastructure, and whether some flood-prone areas could have been evacuated before the disaster.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Australia: Queensland Police exploit right-wing terror attack to target socialism and Marxism. wsws.org After denying that a shoot-out between police and right-wing individuals last December was a "terror event," the Queensland Police have done an abrupt about-face and issued sweeping directives against "extremists," especially socialists.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Biden's Kiev visit threatens direct US war with Russia. wsws.org Coming a few days before the one-year anniversary of the war and on the eve of a major speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Biden's visit is intended to convey the message: The United States is all in.

WSWS (2023-02-21). The answer to the East Palestine disaster: Railroad workers' control over safety and working conditions. wsws.org If workers had control of the situation, the outcome in East Palestine, Ohio, would have been entirely different.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Strong opposition by striking Temple grad students to tentative agreement as voting begins. wsws.org Temple University graduate students and researchers spoke out publicly in opposition to the tentative agreement being forced on them by the campus and their union.

WSWS (2023-02-21). SEP (Australia) candidate for NSW election exposes fraud of indigenous Voice. wsws.org Tanya Plibersek, one of the most senior representatives of the federal government, responded with anger and censorship to an exposure of the reactionary character of the Voice and a call for a unified socialist movement of the working class.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Oppose the Sri Lankan government's moves to block local elections! Mobilise the working class to defend democratic rights! wsws.org The government's move is part of its broader attacks on the democratic rights of the masses in preparation for suppressing opposition to its savage austerity measures dictated by the IMF.

Zane Alcorn (2023-02-21). Fight inflation by taxing the rich. greenleft.org.au The Reserve Bank of Australia claims it is "fighting inflation" by hiking up interest rates. But, as Zane Alcorn argues, it has never been independent of the capitalist class and is dutifully carrying out its interests.

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2023-02-21: News Headlines

infobrics (2023-02-21). Biden posing in Kiev as problems at home pile up. infobrics.org Since Biden took office, the US has been experiencing a plethora of issues, but instead of tackling the problems, America keeps trying to divert attention by inciting wars and destabilization around the globe.

infobrics (2023-02-21). Russia Explores Joint Production of 100-Seater Sukhoi Superjet in India. infobrics.org Russia has offered to jointly produce the 100-seater Sukhoi Superjet airliner in India…

infobrics (2023-02-21). Brazil's Arctic Council Dialogue Is a Game Changer. infobrics.org The South American nation is now eyeing North to increase it geopolitical influence…

infobrics (2023-02-21). Raisi Sees China's Willingness to Help Iran Join BRICS. infobrics.org The Iranian president assessed his visit to the PRC as successful and fruitful…

infobrics (2023-02-21). Scholz hardens his position against Russia to preserve his political power. infobrics.org Germany's ruling coalition is at risk of collapse.

infobrics (2023-02-21). Moldova acts in destabilizing way in Transnistria. infobrics.org For Transnistria to be "demilitarized", Moldova must stop threatening the region and start respecting the local people's right to political autonomy.

Lee Camp (2023-02-21). EXPOSED: The Dirty Boning Between Big Oil and Think Tanks. mintpressnews.com As these massive global corporations reap record profits, Lee Camp exposes the corruption and massive amounts of corporate welfare given to oil companies through public funds and tax breaks.

_____ (2023-02-21). Georgia and Turkey: "Productive Partners" in More than Crime. journal-neo.org In Tbilisi, as in any other European capital, you will see Turkish restaurants. There has always been a Turkish community in Georgia, and neighbouring Azerbaijan is a Turkic state, speaking a similar language. So there is nothing unusual about Georgia being like everywhere else in this regard. However Georgia is a very nationalistic country, regardless …

_____ (2023-02-21). Syrian Tragedy and US inhuman sanctions. journal-neo.org Unfortunately, the death toll from the devastating earthquake that struck southwest Turkey and northwest Syria continues to rise. According to the latest figures, the number of those killed in both regions has reached a staggering 36,000, more than 100,000 inhabitants were injured. An unknown number of victims are still under the rubble. The evacuation will take time …

A Guest Author (2023-02-21). On the 20th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq: National March on Washington Saturday, March 18. workers.org The United National AntiWar Coalition emailed the message below to its supporters. No War in Ukraine! No to NATO! No Weapons, No Money for the Ukraine War! Protest in Times Square, New York City, Jan. 14, 2023, part of international week of actions during MLK birthday week. WW Photo: Brenda . . . |

americanthinker (2023-02-21). A Tribute to Rev. Dr. George Coyne, S.J. americanthinker.com Dr. Coyne, who died three years ago, brought traits to science that are sadly missing today, such as clarity and imagination.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Healthcare Job Growth Brings Death-by-Queueing to U.S. americanthinker.com The cost of "free" healthcare? Human collateral.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). On the Brink of Judicial Reform, Israel's Leftists Grow Panicked. americanthinker.com Transforming the courts spells out demise for Israel's leftists, and anti-Semitism erupts.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). The Dead End of Reparations. americanthinker.com More important than a thriving American black middle class is maintaining the power of the Anointed educated ruling class.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). The EPA Has No Credibility. americanthinker.com Remember what they said about ground zero after 9/11?>

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Another reason for school choice. americanthinker.com School choice is gaining because the public schools are not performing.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). California lost over 500,000 residents in the last two years. americanthinker.com But it's definitely not because of the Democrats and their ideas….

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Indiana public schools announce partnership with a state university, and objectivity has gone out the window. americanthinker.com The temple of climate change finds new worshippers.

americanthinker (2023-02-21). Overcoming pronoun madness. americanthinker.com There is an easy way to provide a pronoun already in existence that cannot be argued.

Andrew Korybko (2023-02-21). Biden's Visit to Kiev: Distract Public Opinion From "Disadvantageous Developments". Tough Days Ahead for US-NATO? globalresearch.ca

Anonymous Contributor (2023-02-21). Georgia Tech Students Rally and March Against Cop City in Atlanta, GA. itsgoingdown.org Report back from recent march against Cop City organized on the Georgia Tech campus in so-called Atlanta, GA. For more info about the ongoing week of action, go here. photo: @atldemsoc On February 10th 2023, a demonstration was held at Georgia Tech against Cop City and in remembrance of Tyre Nichols, Manuel "Tortuguita" Paez-Teran, and…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-21). Straightening-Out Ideological Labels. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Because political 'science' hasn't yet understood, and therefore cannot scientifically (that is, in a 100% historically truthful way) define, ideological labels, such as "leftist" "rightist" "progressive" "liberal" "conservative" "socialist" "communist" and "fascist", these labels are normally handled propagandistically, instead of accurately; and, so…

Anonymous767 (2023-02-21). Lackey Of United States. Photos Of Biden's Visit To Ukraine Highlight Real Status Of Zelensky. southfront.org The leader of the 'democratic world' and his puppet | The recent visit of US President Joe Biden to Ukraine has become another visual confirmation of the real place of the Kiev regime within the so-called US-led international community. | In this case, it is useful to point out the behavior of Volodymyr Zelensky in front of US President Biden. The MSM-proclaimed 'leader of Ukraine' clearly acts as a lackey of his foreign master that has arrived to inspect his puppets. Zelenksy, who thanks to his acting practice is promote…

Brian Berletic (2023-02-21). How China Is Helping the Solomon Islands Fight Against US Encroachment. asia-pacificresearch.com

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-02-21). Murdoch Propaganda Pushes Australia to Double Its Military Budget for War with China. asia-pacificresearch.com

Catherine Crockett (2023-02-21). Sunday 4/23: Seaside Earth Day Celebration & Electric Vehicle Fair. indybay.org Seaside City Hall Lawn, 440 Harcourt Ave., Seaside, CA…

CIIS Public Programs (2023-02-21). Thursday 3/23: Indigenous Voices on Our Changing Earth. indybay.org

Dan Bacher (2023-02-21). State Senator David Min Introduces Bill to Ban Offshore Drilling in California Waters. indybay.org Senator Dave Min announced the introduction of SB 559, legislation that would end offshore oil drilling under existing leases in California state waters.

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-02-21). Murdoch Propaganda Pushes Australia to Double Its Military Budget for War with China. asia-pacificresearch.com

Catherine Crockett (2023-02-21). Sunday 4/23: Seaside Earth Day Celebration & Electric Vehicle Fair. indybay.org Seaside City Hall Lawn, 440 Harcourt Ave., Seaside, CA…

CIIS Public Programs (2023-02-21). Thursday 3/23: Indigenous Voices on Our Changing Earth. indybay.org

Dan Bacher (2023-02-21). State Senator David Min Introduces Bill to Ban Offshore Drilling in California Waters. indybay.org Senator Dave Min announced the introduction of SB 559, legislation that would end offshore oil drilling under existing leases in California state waters.

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). China Rejects US Claim That It's Considering Arming Russia. news.antiwar.com China on Monday rejected a claim from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that Beijing was considering providing Russia with weapons to use in its war in Ukraine. "It is the US, not China, that has been pouring weapons into the battlefield. The US is in no position to tell China what to do. We …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). Victoria Nuland Says US Supports Ukrainian Attacks on Crimea. news.antiwar.com Victoria Nuland, the undersecretary of state for political affairs, said last week that the US is "supporting" Ukrainian attacks on Crimea and called Russian military installations on the peninsula "legitimate targets." Nuland made the comments when asked about a report from The New York Times that was published in January and said the Biden administration …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-21). Zelensky Says Ukraine Will Defend Bakhmut But 'Not at Any Price'. news.antiwar.com Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that Ukraine would continue to defend the eastern Donetsk city of Bakmut but "not at any price," signaling that Ukrainian forces might be considering a withdrawal. "Yes, it is not a particularly big town. In fact, like many others in Donbas, (it's been) devastated by the Russians. It is …

Dr. William Makis (2023-02-21). "Turbo Cancer" Post COVID-19 Vaccination? 21-Year Old Evan Fishel Died of Leukemia Only Four Days After Diagnosis. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Solar, wind projects to accelerate. ecns.cn China will further accelerate the construction of solar and wind power generation facilities in the Gobi Desert and other arid regions, as growth of renewable energies in the country has been gaining momentum in recent years.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Xinjiang port spearheading opening-up. ecns.cn The Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region plans to further unleash the potential of the Urumqi International Land Port Area this year after it witnessed fast growth in trade volume last year, local officials said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Supplies donated by Chinese public to be airlifted to earthquake-stricken Syria. ecns.cn A material collection station in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province set up by the Syrian Embassy in China has received over 75 tons of relief supplies donated by enterprises and the public from China.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Mengkang Port on China-Laos border resumes service for passengers. ecns.cn The Mengkang Port on China-Laos border resumed passenger clearance service on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Former president of Slovenia delivers speech at Lanting Forum on Global Security Initiative. ecns.cn

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Top academic expects education sector to bounce back quickly. ecns.cn The three years of the COVID-19 epidemic resulted in a major hit to the international education program at Beijing Jiaotong University's College of International Education, according to Liu Yanqing, the school's dean.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Tibet residents welcome New Year with yak stew, mask dance performances. ecns.cn The atmosphere is festive in Lhasa, Tibet autonomous region, as residents gear up to celebrate Losar and usher in the Year of the Rabbit with religious rituals, lavish feasts and family reunions.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Friendship with China cherished. ecns.cn Claims made in Western media that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has led Pakistan into a "debt trap" are "rubbish and all incorrect", Pakistan's Ambassador to China Moin ul Haque said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Room for mortgage rate cuts seen. ecns.cn China's benchmark for mortgage interest rates, which has stayed unchanged at 4.3 percent for six consecutive months, may fall if the recovery in housing demand proves inadequate, potentially leading to supportive measures like lower rates.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Full text: The Global Security Initiative Concept Paper. ecns.cn China on Tuesday released "The Global Security Initiative Concept Paper."

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Talent flow made easier in bay area. ecns.cn Promoting cross-border practices in more professional fields and mutual recognition of professional qualifications would be of great importance to increasing the flow of talent in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). COVID in Hangzhou limited to a few cases. ecns.cn Fifteen school students in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province have tested positive for COVID-19, said the city's health authorities on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Firms punished for damaging environment. ecns.cn Almost 150 officials from two centrally administered State-owned enterprises have been held accountable for environmental violations exposed in the country's high-profile central environmental inspections.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Country's investment industry grows, matures. ecns.cn The maturation of China's venture capital and private equity industries is widely expected amid the implementation of the registration-based initial public offering system throughout the A-share market.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). 1 killed, 13 injured in explosion at U.S. metal manufacturing plant. ecns.cn One person died and 13 others were injured after an explosion rocked a metal manufacturing plant on Monday in Bedford, the U.S. state of Ohio.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). New capital oversight system to raise bank standards. ecns.cn China will build a differentiated capital regulatory system for commercial banks to further improve bank capital regulations, better manage financial risk and help lenders align with international standards, experts said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Beloved Japan-born giant panda Xiang Xiang returns to China. ecns.cn Female giant panda Xiang Xiang on Tuesday morning left Tokyo's Ueno Zoo to fly back to China, her home country.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Chinese envoy voices concern over Palestinian-Israeli tensions. ecns.cn A Chinese envoy on Monday voiced concern over Palestinian-Israeli tensions and called on the UN Security Council to take meaningful actions toward a solution.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). China rebuts U.S. claims over providing 'lethal support' to Russia. ecns.cn China has urged the U.S. to reflect on its own deeds and stop shifting blame and spreading false information over U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's remarks suggesting China is considering providing "lethal support" to Russia.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). 163 herb species newly identified in China's TCM census. ecns.cn Chinese researchers identified 163 new herb species during the fourth national census of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) resources, authorities have said.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Spring scenery across China. ecns.cn More than 100,000 cherry trees blossom in a tea garden at Yongfu town of Zhangping City, east China's Fujian Province, attracting visitors to enjoy spring scenery.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Surface ruptures caused by earthquake in Türkiye. ecns.cn Aerial view shows land surface ruptures caused by devastating earthquakes that struck Karramanmarach, Türkiye, Feb. 20, 2022.

ecns.cn (2023-02-21). Various fork activities held to celebrate Dragon Head Raising Day. ecns.cn Er Yue Er, which falls on the second day of the second month on Chinese Lunar calendar, is regarded by the Chinese people as the day when the "dragon raises its head," which means the spring awakens after winter hibernation.

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-02-21). Cómo los súper ricos destruyen nuestras mentes. globalizacion.ca Las corporaciones, los bancos de inversión multinacionales y los súper ricos que se esconden detrás de ellos han lanzado este año la etapa final de una guerra despiadada de unos pocos contra la gran mayoría de la humanidad. | Aunque pagan…

Emir Sader (2023-02-21). La desdolarización avanza en el mundo. globalizacion.ca El acuerdo entre los bancos centrales de Rusia e Irán es un paso más en el proceso de desdolarización de la economía mundial. Por ese acuerdo, 52 bancos iraníes se conectarán con 106 bancos rusos. El uso del rublo y…

Eye Zen Presents (2023-02-21). Sunday 2/26: FabLab: Per Sia. indybay.org STUDIO A.C.T.

February 24 for Peace (2023-02-21). Friday 2/24: Take Action for Peace In Ukraine. indybay.org 1 Post St, San Francisco, (Senator Feinstein's Office) | Post and Market; Montgomery Street BART…

Fight Back (2023-02-21). Eight days into strike, Hastings, MN school food service workers stand strong. fightbacknews.org Hastings, MN — On day eight of the SEIU Local 284 food service worker strike against the Hastings Public Schools, workers gathered at McNamara Stadium here for a rally demanding a decent contract. | Although they've been battered by rain, bitter winds and cold temperatures over the last week on the winter picket line, the workers say they are resolute and will keep fighting until they win the contract they deserve. | Laurie Pottoff is a worker in the kitchen of Hastings High School. Pottoff said, "I am still pumped! We deserve more than the crumbs the district is offering. I am not ready to give up." | On…

Free West Media (2023-02-21). Ohio Disaster: When Hedge Funds Manage Rail Traffic. globalresearch.ca

Global Research News (2023-02-21). Selected Articles: The Antiwar Movement. Demonstrate Together. globalresearch.ca By If the Feb. 19 rally to end the war in Ukraine fails it will not be a success for other antiwar organizations that disagree with the Libertarian Party. …

Global Voices (2023-02-21). Amid Massive Natural Disaster, Turkey's Erdogan Wields Censorship and Prepares for Dicey Polls. juancole.com Written byCivic Media Observatory This story is part of Undertones, Global Voices' Civic Media Observatory's newsletter. It features a summary of a year-long research on media ecosystems from Turkey and what we can expect in 2023. Whenever you click on a hyperlink in the text, you will see the narrative and media posts upholding it. …

Golden Thread Productions & Brava for Women (2023-02-21). Wednesday 3/8: International Women's Day: What Do the Women Say? 2023 Fighters for Freedom. indybay.org Brava Theater Center | 2781 24th Street | San Francisco, CA 94110 | Or join the event virtually…

INDYRADIO (2023-02-21). Friend of Assange Found Innocent of False Charges in Ecuador. indybay.org Privacy advocate Ola Bini was finally found innocent of nebulous charges that kept him under control of the legal system for 3 years. Today we share his story as he told it on social media at the end of last month. This morning, he clarified the status of his case. Though the verdict will be appealed, Ola is still smiling, now certain he will prevail.

Jacob G. Hornberger (2023-02-21). What About the Unprovoked U.S. Aggression Against Iraq? globalresearch.ca

Jason Ditz (2023-02-21). IAEA, Iran in Talks Over Highly-Enriched Uranium Finding. news.antiwar.com The IAEA is turning up its latest concerns about Iran's civilian nuclear program with media reports of a discovery of Iran is known to be producing uranium of up to 60% purity, and it should be noted that weapons grade is in excess of 90%. Thus, neither the 60% stockpile, nor these 84% particles, are actually a proliferation risk for atomic weapons. | The expected spin is that this newer top-line enrich…

Jeffrey D. Sachs (2023-02-21). Lo que Ucrania necesita aprender de Afganistán sobre las guerras de poder. globalizacion.ca Lo que los europeos necesitan aprender es que la UE no es sino un Protectorado de EEUU. Muchos discursos sobre la ´democracia ª, pero las decisiones se toman en Washington. Lo sorprendente es la pasividad y la docilidad de los dirigentes…

Jim McIlroy (2023-02-21). Farmers protest silver, lead, zinc mine threat in Lue. greenleft.org.au Residents of Mudgee and farmers protested outside the Independent Planning Commission against Bowdens Silver's plan to mine silver, lead and zinc, near Lue. Jim McIlroy reports.

John Klar (2023-02-21). Solution to the World's Carbon Problems: Compel Children to Eat Unhealthy Processed Vegetarian Alternatives to Wholesome Grass-fed Meats or Fresh Local Foods. globalresearch.ca

Juan Cole (2023-02-21). Sen. Bernie Sanders, "Embarrassed" by "racist" Israeli Government, Threatens to Withhold Aid. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) came on Face the Nation Sunday. In the course of the interview, Sanders lashed out at the new, extremist government in Israel, which includes a minister once convicted of incitement to racial violence and more than one figure belonging to Kahanist organizations of a sort that …

Kerry Smith (2023-02-21). Neo-Nazi sentenced to jail for attack on anti-racists' home. greenleft.org.au Neo-Nazi extremist Desmond Liddington has been sentenced for his part in an attack on the home of anti-racists. Kerry Smith reports.

Khubaka, Michael Harris (2023-02-21). 40 Mile Walk to White House to Call for President Biden Action on Reparations. indybay.org From Sea to Shining Sea and beyond, the call for Reparations Study and Redress is growing. President Joe Biden and the Office of Executive Branch of the United States of America can demonstrate one standard for global citizenship via Executive Order to create a Reparations Study and Redress Commission. From Historic Negro Bar, Mormon Island and Negro Bar Gold Mining District we join the journey towards justice.

Labor Video Project (2023-02-21). ILWU Local 10 Stops Work & Rallies For Mumia With Tyre Nichols Family In San Francisco. indybay.org ILWU Local 10 held a stop work action and held a march and rally to demand the freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal. The family of Tyre Nichols also attended and spoke out.

Larry Johnson (2023-02-21). Will Putin Announce the Beginning of a Russian-Chinese Defense Pact? sonar21.com Joe Biden made a semi-coherent speech in Kiev and may do an encore on Tuesday in Poland. I am confident he will display the same muddled thoughts and tangled syntax…

Leon Kunstenaar (2023-02-21). International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) March and Rally to Free Mumia. indybay.org Hundreds of ILWU members and supporters demand freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal as part of ongoing campaign…

M. K. Bhadrakumar (2023-02-21). Blinken Gets Bibi to Bend on Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Marcelo Colussi (2023-02-21). Las falacias de la democracia. globalizacion.ca En cualquier país "libre", no "autocrático" -según la terminología en uso por el globalizado discurso de la derecha, por supuesto totalmente rebatible- la democracia aparece como el bien supremo. Las penurias de las poblaciones se deben -según esa estrecha, muy…

Martha Grevatt (2023-02-21). Class struggle is our very essence. workers.org Based on a talk given at the Feb. 5 webinar "Global Class War: Lessons from Sam Marcy for workers struggles today." "Struggle is the very essence of a revolutionary party." So true. When Sam wrote those words in 1972, it was at a critical juncture for our Party. Our young . . . |

Martin Varese (2023-02-21). 'We will die for our motherland' Peruvians take the streets against Boluarte coup government. therealnews.com On Dec. 7, 2022, democratically-elected President Pedro Castillo was ousted in a congressional coup and replaced by his Vice President, Dina Boluarte. Since Castillo's ouster, millions of Peruvians have taken to the streets to denounce the coup, and demand new elections and a new constitution. Police and military repression have killed more than 50 people thus far, but the resistance shows no signs of abating. TRNN reports live from the ground in Peru. | This story, with the support of the

Mike Whitney (2023-02-21). Biden's Power Grab: Executive Order Installs "Equity" Commissars to Rule the Bureaucracy and Centralize Power. globalresearch.ca

Mothers on the March (2023-02-21). Friday 2/24: Free Palestine! indybay.org Israeli Consulate | 456 Montgomery | San Francisco…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: Heart disease in African American women. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in women in the U.S. And African American women have an even higher risk of dying from heart disease ‚Äï and at a younger age ‚Äï than white women, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. LaPrincess Brewer, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says this serious issue is compounded by the fact that many African American women are not…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: What to do when sick with norovirus or 'stomach flu'. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org If you went out for the evening and woke up with a sudden bad stomach, chances are you might be experiencing viral gastroenteritis. That's the broad term for an infection in the intestines. Some call it "stomach flu." Gastroenteritis can be brought on by norovirus — a highly contagious viral infection most often spread through person-to-person contact or contaminated food or water, or by touching contaminated surfaces. It can be quite severe for some people, but for…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Consumer Health: Reduce your risk of the 4 most common cancers. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org February is National Cancer Prevention Month, which makes this a good time to learn what you can do to reduce your risk of the top four most common cancers diagnosed in the U.S. One in 2 men and 1 in 3 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society. The most common types of cancer diagnosed in the U.S. are skin cancer, breast cancer, prostate…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Science Saturday: Can AI-enhanced heart screening address health disparities? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Clinicians and researchers around the world are combining artificial intelligence, known as AI, with health care to help identify patients at greater risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke and heart failure. However, as use of these AI-enhanced tools grows, researchers at Mayo Clinic are asking, "Do these tools work reliably for people of color?" and "Are they accessible in community health care settings?" "AI-based health interventions are frequently developed and deployed without race-specific data analysis or…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: Learn about advances in cataract surgery. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cataracts are one of the most common eye conditions in the world. Chances are most people are going to develop cataracts at some point in their lives. Thanks to advances in cataract surgery, Dr. Dave Patel, a Mayo Clinic ophthalmologist, says many patients are able to say goodbye to their cataracts and reduce or eliminate their need for glasses. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLdagXOdlI8 Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 10) is in the downloads at the end of the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). MEDIA ADVISORY: Mayo physician creates industry runway for students of color. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MEDIA ADVISORY: Mayo physician creates industry runway for students of color February is Black History Month, and Dr. Alyx Porter, a neuro-oncologist at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, is committed to increasing diversity in medicine. There are less than five black women practicing neuro oncology in the U.S., and Dr. Porter is one of them. She formed the nonprofit ElevateMeD along with her husband to provide scholarships and support to medical students from backgrounds underrepresented in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is cardiogenic shock? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cardiogenic shock is a condition where the heart is too weak to pump blood and oxygen to the brain and organs. Fatal if not treated immediately, the condition affects approximately 50,000 people in the U.S. Dr. Parag Patel, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains what cardiogenic shock is and how it's treated. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0sTu9uIbSQ Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 56) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mushrooms make healthy meal magic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mushrooms can be found in so many dishes, from omelets to stir-fries, that they're often overlooked. But mushrooms not only are versatile, they also provide a variety of health benefits ranging from brain health to cancer prevention. They're naturally low in sodium and fat, two things that can affect heart health by raising blood pressure. There are more health-related reasons for eating these almost-magical fungi, including: Cancer preventionResearchers have found that incorporating any variety of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Are over-the-counter hearing devices a fit for you? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I've heard about the new over-the-counter hearing devices, but I'm not sure if they'll work for me. What do I need to know? And what should I consider as I make my decision? ANSWER: Hearing loss can be a significant quality of life issue for people. There are certainly many benefits to visiting with an audiology practice or specialist. People with moderate hearing loss are good candidates for hearing aids bought over the counter…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Minimally invasive, robotic spine surgery helps man with lower back pain. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Employer-sponsored benefit brought him to Mayo Clinic For James "Sonny" Rivera, his back was so painful that walking more than 200 yards or even standing was impossible at times. Over the years, the 58-year-old Fort Dodge, Iowa, man experienced lower back pain that continued to increase in intensity. "The pain got so extreme that it limited the time I could be on my feet," Sonny says. After a 2021 ATV accident, Sonny's back pain became…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo study uses electronic health record data to assess metformin failure risk, optimize care. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org A recent Mayo Clinic study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism has found that using machine learning and electronic health record (EHR) data can help pinpoint patients with Type 2 diabetes who are at high-risk of experiencing metformin failure. Metformin is a widely used medication for treating diabetes; however, it is not always effective in controlling blood sugar levels. Although it is the first line of therapy used for treatment, metformin has…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Are energy drinks a healthy option? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My husband has swapped out his regular morning coffee for an energy drink. Are these healthy options for getting his daily dose of caffeine? Do energy drinks have more caffeine than regular coffee? And how much caffeine is too much? ANSWER: People love their caffeine, whether it's coffee, tea, soda or energy drinks like your husband. It's the most common stimulant in the world, and about 90% of all adults consume caffeine in some…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: Success in reducing heart disease deaths, except for young women. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cardiovascular disease is still the No. 1 killer in the world. The good news is that, generally, the numbers are getting better, with one surprising exception. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Sharonne N. Hayes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, discusses how treatment bias for younger women may be a contributing factor. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/b5XjmSOeeBI Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 02) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please "Courtesy: Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Do you know who to talk to about your child's routine vaccinations? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), routine vaccinations for kindergarten in the U.S. fell to 93% during the 2021-2022 school year. That's the second year in a row routine vaccination rates decreased. The vaccines help prevent potentially fatal or severe illnesses, including diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis) and others. The CDC says there are several reasons for the decline, including the possibility that misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines may have played…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). MEDIA ADVISORY: Mayo physician seeks to help young adults with congenital heart failure before it's too late. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org February is American Heart Month, and a largely unaddressed condition affecting thousands of young people is at the center of a Mayo Clinic cardiologist's practice. Dr. Luke Burchill is the link between what young adults with congenital heart disease need to survive and thrive. Did you know a whopping 40,000 babies each year are born with congenital heart disease in the U.S.? But many of those same babies survive, only to unnecessarily risk premature death…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Minute: Is salt sneaking into your diet? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Too much salt is not good for your health. This is especially true for people who have high blood pressure. Cutting back on how much you reach for the saltshaker is a good start. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says beware of other places salt may be hiding. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSA14AWD6Io Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 01) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Share your love this Valentine's Day by giving blood. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than by giving the gift of life? Every year on Feb. 14, National Donor Day is dedicated to spreading awareness about organ, eye and tissue donation. One way to celebrate, that will have an impact on your community, is by donating blood at your local blood donor center. Dr. Justin Juskewitch, associate medical director of the Blood Donor Center at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, says the need…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). On pins and needles: Just what is dry needling? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You may have heard of a treatment called dry needling and wondered what it is or if it's right for you. While the name of the procedure may sound intimidating, dry needling is an accessible and commonly offered therapy for people with muscle, ligament or tendon pain. Dry needling basics During a dry needling treatment, one or more thin, monofilament needles are inserted into a muscle trigger point. A trigger point is a local band…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic Health System in Austin redesignated a level 4 trauma hospital. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org AUSTIN, Minn. ‚Äï The Minnesota Department of Health has redesignated Mayo Clinic Health System in Austin as a level 4 trauma hospital. The recertification process included an outside review of the hospital's resources and capabilities to care for trauma patients. To qualify for level 4 designation, the trauma hospital must have an established trauma program within its facility that meets the required criteria set forth by the state and a site visit that focuses on…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-21). Mayo Clinic to begin offering early ECMO to certain cardiac arrest patients. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Only about 8% of patients who have sudden cardiac arrest outside of a hospital survive. That rate is even lower for certain patients who don't respond to defibrillation. A new service being launched this month by Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is hoping to improve outcomes and save more lives by getting patients faster access to potentially life-saving equipment. Watch: Mayo Clinic to begin offering early ECMO to certain cardiac arrest patients youtu.be/HJPNae9njUw Journalists: Broadcast-quality…

Olive Enokido-Lineham (2023-02-21). Vladimir Putin Blames West for Starting War in Ukraine. globalresearch.ca

Oregon Capital Chronicle (2023-02-21). Is the new AP African American Studies course Dangerous? Students don't think so. juancole.com Naseem Rakha Maurice Cowley is teaching college-level African American Studies at McDaniel High School. ( Oregon Capital Chronicle ) — Three days after the nation honored Martin Luther King Jr.'s leadership in the Civil Rights Movement, a spokeswoman for the Florida Department of Education announced that no Florida public high school would be …

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-02-21). Burkina Faso, Guinea, and Mali Propose Strategic Axis Amid French Military Ouster. orinocotribune.com By Tanupriya Singh — Feb 15, 2023 | The three West African countries, all of whom have recently undergone military takeovers amid rising public anger against France, have agreed to a Bamako-Conakry -Ouagadougou axis, with enhanced cooperation on matters ranging from trade to the fight against insecurity | As France is getting ready to withdraw its troops from Burkina Faso by the end of the month, signs of a possible realignment in the region are emerging with a tripartite meeting between the foreign ministers of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Guinea—Olivia Ragnaghnewendé, Morissanda Kouyate, and Abdoulaye Dio…

Oskar Lafontaine & Christian Zehenter (2023-02-21). No nuclear war in Europe! and Glorification of violence. indybay.org The well-read do not believe in Russia's sole guilt anyway. They remember the promise made to Gorbachev not to expand NATO eastward. They know that the U.S. organized and financed a coup on the Maidan in 2014 to install a puppet government that would push for Ukraine's eventual admission into NATO.

Pacifica's Covid, Race & Democracy (2023-02-21). Rage Against the War Machine; ILWU for Mumia and Tyre; US behind Somaliland Secessionism;. indybay.org Pacifica's Covid, Race & Democracy: Rage Against the War Machine; ILWU for Mumia and Tyre; US behind Somaliland Secessionism; Death Penalty Abolition…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-21). Red Books Day 2023: Fight the rise of the right, read a red book. peoplesdispatch.org The day is celebrated in dozens of countries to mark the anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto and to collectively stand up against the rise of the right…

Pepe Escobar (2023-02-21). Raisi in Beijing: Iran-China Strategic Plans Go Full Throttle. orinocotribune.com By Pepe Escobar — Feb 17, 2023 | Raisi's visit to Beijing, the first for an Iranian president in 20 years, represents Tehran's wholesale 'Pivot to the East' and China's recognition of Iran's centrality to its BRI plans. | The visit of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to Beijing and his face-to- face meeting with counterpart Xi Jinping is a groundbreaking affair in more ways than one. | Raisi, the first Iranian president to officially visit China in 20 years, led an ultra high-level political and economic delegation, which included the new Central Bank governor and the Ministers of Economy, Oil, Foreign Affair…

Peter Boyle (2023-02-21). Exhibition to raise funds for earthquake victims in Rojava. greenleft.org.au An exhibition of photographs in the Stirrup Gallery at the Addison Road Community Centre will raise funds for earthquake relief in Rojava. Peter Boyle reports.

Phyllis Bennis (2023-02-21). 20 Years Ago, the World Said No to War. globalresearch.ca

Prabir Purkayastha (2023-02-21). Why do we have a balloon hysteria in the U.S.? mronline.org THE newsfeeds from the US seem to be completely insane. First, an F22 Raptor, the most expensive U.S. military aircraft, is used to shoot down a Chinese balloon over the Atlantic ocean.

Prof. Siddharth Kara (2023-02-21). Your Smartphone Has a Human Cost. globalresearch.ca

Protect Thacker Pass (2023-02-21). Three Tribes File New Lawsuit Challenging Thacker Pass Lithium Mine. indybay.org Late yesterday, three Native American Tribes — the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, Burns Paiute Tribe, and Summit Lake Paiute Tribe — launched a major new lawsuit against the Thacker Pass lithium mine. | This new case contains major allegations that were not heard in the prior court case, and may be a significant roadblock for the mine.

r u 18? vote! (2023-02-21). Why is Putin's name not on this list? indybay.org Why is Putin's name not on this list? | What do we mean by "equal treatment under the law"? | What has Putin done to violate laws and human rights?>

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-02-21). Perú y nuestros otros mundos: ´Lucha Indígena ª Febr2023. indybay.org Perú y nuestros otros mundos: ´Lucha Indígena ª | Hablan lxs que siempre lucharán! | Febrero 2023…

Renee Parsons (2023-02-21). Biden's Surprise Visit to Kiev: "Stand with Ukraine as Long as It Takes" globalresearch.ca

Revolution Books (2023-02-21). Sunday 2/19: Livestream: Bigger, More Revolutionary and More Participatory Than Ever! indybay.org Revolution Books | 2444 Durant Avenue ,Berkeley…

Revolution Books (2023-02-21). Saturday 2/25: Film Showing: COUP 53-Old Secrets Cast Long Shadows, A benefit for Revolution Books. indybay.org Revolution Books | 2444 Durant Avenue | Berkeley, CA…

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Britain trains over 10,000 Ukrainian recruits for war with Russia. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com UkrinformFebruary 20, 2023 More than 10,000 Ukrainian recruits have gone through training in Britain More than 10,000 Ukrainian military recruits have gone through training in the United Kingdom under the leadership of the British Land Forces and the armed forces of international partners. "So far, over 10,000 Ukrainians have gone through the training [which] includes …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Intermarium project: NATO chieftain to officiate at eastern flank meeting. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOFebruary 20, 2023 NATO Secretary General attends B-9 Summit in Poland Also see: New Intermarium: Biden, NATO pledge support to NATO's nine-nation Eastern Flank Ukraine is linchpin in new Intermarium project to drive Russia out of Europe, Caucasus — FM On Wednesday, 22 February 2023, the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg will travel to …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Munich: NATO co-hosts initiative for eco-friendly warfare. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOFebruary 17, 2023 NATO co-hosts side event at Munich Security Conference focused on military energy transition NATO co-hosted a roundtable discussion on Saturday (17 February 2023) at the Munich Security Conference focused on opportunities to support NATO militaries' transition to clean energy…while ensuring military effectiveness in a deteriorated security environment. The side event "Cleaner and …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). NATO, Finland, Sweden launch largest space project in bloc's history. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com NATOFebruary 16, 2023 16 Allies, Finland and Sweden launch largest space project in NATO's history On Wednesday (15 February 2023), 16 Allies, together with invitees Finland and Sweden, launched a new initiative that will transform the way NATO gathers and uses data from space, significantly improve NATO's intelligence and surveillance, and provide essential support to …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-21). Numbers on NATO's provision of lethal aid to Ukraine. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Prensa LatinaFebruary 20, 2023 NATO delivers weapons to Ukraine since 2021 Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service reported on Monday that since December 2021, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member countries have delivered weapons to Ukraine. According to the organization, NATO transferred 1,170 anti-aircraft defense systems, 440 tanks, 1,150 infantry vehicles, and 655 artillery pieces to …

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-02-21). We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite's 'Great Reset': Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively? globalresearch.ca

San Francisco Public Library (2023-02-21). Saturday 3/4: Night of Ideas. indybay.org San Francisco Main Library | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

San José Peace & Justice Center (2023-02-21). Friday 2/24: War in Ukraine: One Year On. indybay.org San José Peace & Justice Center | 48 South 7th Street | San José, CA 95112…

Santa Cruz Children's Museum of Discovery (2023-02-21). Saturday 3/18: Summer Camp Board Game Festival. indybay.org Inside the Capitola Mall near the food court.

Santa Cruz Children's Museum of Discovery (2023-02-21). Saturday 3/11: Teddy Bear Clinic. indybay.org Inside the Capitola Mall near the food court.

Sean Callebs (2023-02-21). The Heat: Russia-Ukraine Conflict. america.cgtn.com U.S. President Biden makes a surprise visit to Ukraine as the conflict with Russia nears the one-year mark. And, a global security conference is held in Munich. U.S. President Joe Biden met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv on Monday. Biden pledged more military …

Staff (2023-02-21). Hoy en la Mesa Redonda: Segundo capítulo de la serie documental "El enigma de Cuba. mesaredonda.cubadebate.cu La Mesa Redonda estrenará este martes en televisión el segundo capítulo de la Serie documental "El Enigma de Cuba", que recoge la la historia de la nación cubana narrada a profundidad desde sus escenarios fundamentales y a través de mujeres y hombres que la protagonizaron o la han estudiado con denuedo para salvaguardarla y transmitirla a las nuevas generaciones.

Staff (2023-02-21). El español nuestro (II): "Que aquéllos que allí se parecen no son gigantes, sino molinos de viento" cubadebate.cu øInfluyen las nuevas tecnologías y la ola de estímulos visuales? øLos juegos digitales? øEl sino de nativos digitales, el vértigo de la vida en el siglo XXI? øEl escaso tiempo y muchas preocupaciones, limitaciones de tiempo y vicisitudes de los padres en época de crisis, cambios drásticos y precariedad? øLa desprofesionalización en no pocos ámbitos? øSon las tecnologías, el cambio de época y paradigma, o somos los humanos?

Staff (2023-02-21). Esos "seres normativos" olvidados: Los deberes constitucionales. cubadebate.cu Generalmente las personas piensan más en sus derechos que en sus deberes, se proyectan más en exigir los primeros frente al Estado o a los otros ciudadanos, que a reflexionar y cumplir con los segundos, para así llevar una conducta cívica o ciudadana conteste con estos, lo cual puede ser "entendible" porque la persona humana es un ser de libertad y se concibe como tal.

Staff (2023-02-21). Quizás lo has visto sin saber qué es: Conoce al satélite artificial más grande del sistema solar. cubadebate.cu Durante los minutos anteriores y posteriores al amanecer y anochecer, respectivamente, es posible ver en el cielo desplazándose muy despacio algunos objetos brillantes, como si las estrellas estuvieran moviéndose. Pero no son estrellas, son satélites artificiales, mucho más cercanos y pequeños, en relación a otros cuerpos celestes que vemos en las noches.

Staff (2023-02-21). Dan a conocer detalles de la 62 Serie Nacional de Beisbol. cubadebate.cu La Comisión Nacional de Beisbol (CNB) reiteró hoy que la próxima serie nacional comenzará el 22 de marzo con inauguración oficial en el estadio Mártires de Barbados y actividad en otros siete parques del país. Será un evento atípico, pues su etapa regular debe enmarcarse entre el V Clásico Mundial de Beisbol y los Juegos Centrocaribes de San Salvador 2023.

Staff (2023-02-21). Díaz-Canel sostuvo encuentro con el eurodiputado Massimiliano Smeriglio. cubadebate.cu El Presidente de la República, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, sostuvo un encuentro este lunes con el diputado al Parlamento Europeo, Massimiliano Smeriglio, quien visita nuestro país con motivo de la presentación de su libro "Se bruciasse la città " (Se quema la ciudad), en la Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana.

Staff (2023-02-21). En tiempo récord, deportistas rusos cruzan el estrecho de Yucatán en tablas de kitesurf. cubadebate.cu Un grupo de deportistas rusos ha marcado un nuevo récord tras ser los primeros en atravesar el golfo de Yucatán navegando en tablas de kitesurf. Los kitesurfistas realizaron la travesía, de más de 230 kilómetros, partiendo desde un muelle en el cabo de San Antonio en Cuba. Tardaron en llegar a las costas de México 11 horas y 19 minutos.

Staff (2023-02-21). Las 3 del día: Sirenas momificadas, incendio en Mayarí y las noticias del 20 de febrero (+ Podcast). cubadebate.cu Saludos a todos los seguidores de "Las 3 del día". Este lunes 20 de febrero de 2023 hacemos un resumen de lo más importante ocurrido en la jornada en nuestro país y en el contexto internacional. "Las 3 del día" es el podcast de Cubadebate que tiene de todo un poco en materia informativa. °Conéctese ya!

Staff (2023-02-21). Bolsa MiTransfer amplía su alcance con nuevas opciones de pago. cubadebate.cu Directivos de la Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba (Etecsa) informaron que próximamente quedarán habilitadas nuevas opciones de pago a través de la Bolsa MiTransfer de Transfermóvil con la habilitación del monedero móvil o billetera virtual.

Staff (2023-02-21). Conozca mejor a los integrantes de #elCubaClásico: Moncada y Roel. cubadebate.cu Cubadebate ya está en tiempo de Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. Te iremos presentando cada día a 2 de los 30 integrantes de nuestra selección nacional. El Cuba al Clásico es el equipo de todos.

Staff (2023-02-21). Este 21 de febrero convoca la poesía: Un libro rojo para Roque Dalton. cubadebate.cu Este 21 de febrero les invitamos a recordar a uno de "nuestros rojos", el poeta y revolucionario salvadoreño Roque Dalton. El encuentro se realizará a las tres de la tarde en la Sala de Lectura de la Biblioteca José Antonio Echeverría, como parte de la cuarta edición del Día de los Libros Rojos, convocatoria que surgió desde la Unión Internacional de Editoriales de Izquierda.

Staff (2023-02-21). Incendio en Pinares de Mayarí: Día decisivo para evitar avance del fuego al parque natural Mensura Piloto (+ Fotos). cubadebate.cu Luego de una noche intensa, este martes será decisivo para evitar el avance del incendio hacia las profundidades del parque natural Mensura Piloto, en especial hacia las zonas de Pinalito, rica en plantaciones de pinos y café, informó a través de su cuenta de Facebook el periodista de la Radio de Mayarí, Emilio Rodríguez Pupo.

Staff (2023-02-21). Mincin informa sobre afectaciones en la distribución de la canasta familiar normada. cubadebate.cu Las empresas mayoristas del sistema del Comercio Interior, realizan la distribución de 2 090 toneladas de arroz de las más de 36 000 que corresponden a la cuota del mes. Se estima demora en la entrega en las provincias de Matanzas, Ciego de àÅvila, Las Tunas, Holguín, Santiago de Cuba y Guantánamo.

Staff (2023-02-21). Segunda victoria de Cuba en topes amistosos de béisbol en Japón. cubadebate.cu El equipo cubano de béisbol logró en Japón su segunda victoria en topes amistosos contra clubes profesionales locales, al imponerse 10 carreras por cuatro frente a las Golondrinas de Yakult.

Staff (2023-02-21). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este 21 de febrero. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este lunes 21 de febrero de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-02-21). Terremoto en Turquía: Al menos seis muertos y cientos de heridos tras réplicas. cubadebate.cu Al menos seis personas murieron y cientos resultaron heridas después de que las réplicas de magnitud 6.4 y 5.8 azotaran la provincia de Hatay, en el sur de Turquía, cerca de la frontera con Siria, dijo este martes el Centro de Coordinación de Emergencias de Turquía, SAKOM.

Staff (2023-02-21). Unión Eléctrica prevé una afectación de 567 MW en horario nocturno de este martes. cubadebate.cu La Unión Eléctrica informó que en el día de ayer se afectó el servicio por déficit de capacidad fundamentalmente en la zona centro oriental del país, por altas transferencias de energía. De mantenerse las condiciones previstas se pronostica una afectación de 567 MW en el horario pico nocturno.

Staff (2023-02-21). Talk World Radio: Chas Freeman on Making Peace with China. davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-02-21). Venezuela Mobilizes Over 1,000 Buses for Carnival. orinocotribune.com Venezuelan Minister for Transport Ramón Velásquez Araguayán announced that more than 1,000 buses will be deployed throughout Venezuela during the Happy Carnivals 2023. The buses will guarantee Venezuelans transportation and enjoyment during these holidays. Like many other countries in the region, Venezuela celebrates Carnival on Monday, February 20, and Tuesday, February 21. | On Friday, February 17, Velásquez Araguayán explained via social media that this deployment will cover road safety and beach routes. | "From the Eastern Bus Terminal [Caracas], we begin the deployment of Happy Carnivals 2023 with more than…

Staff (2023-02-21). 27 February, Vancouver: Art and Banner Making Party for Palestine. samidoun.net Monday, 27 February 6: 00 pm Grandview Church 1803 E 1st Ave Vancouver Join Samidoun Vancouver on Monday, 27 February for a banner and art-making party for Palestine! Our banner drops, mural events, demonstrations and actions all involve eye-catching images. Join us to make banners to drop and leave, permanent banners for use in multiple events, …

Staff (2023-02-21). Vancouver banner drops, public interventions highlight Palestinian struggle for liberation. samidoun.net Samidoun Vancouver joined in the Days of Rage and Resistance — organized by the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement — with a banner drop in a busy area of the city on Sunday, 12 February 2023. Participants carried and waved Palestinian flags and hung banners with slogans including "Free All Palestinian Prisoners," …

Steven Sahiounie (2023-02-21). Canada's Role in the War in Syria. globalresearch.ca

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-02-21). Rusia toma control de localidad al norte de Bajmut, Donetsk. telesurtv.net Autoridades de Donetsk aseguraron que este avance permitiría bloquear a las tropas ucranianas de Bajmut.

teleSUR, hvh, JCM (2023-02-21). Türkiye avanza el ingreso a la OTAN de Suecia y Finlandia. twitter.com Cavusoglu anunció que "en un futuro próximo, la reunión tendrá lugar en la sede de la OTAN en Bruselas".

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-02-21). øPor qué conmemorar el Día Mundial de la Justicia Social?>. telesurtv.net La justicia social hace que sociedades y economías funcionen mejor y la pobreza, las desigualdades y los males sociales se reduzcan considerablemente.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-21). Elevan a 40 los muertos por lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Se contabilizan 40 desaparecidos y más de 1.700 personas tuvieron que abandonar sus hogares por las inundaciones y deslaves.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-21). Explosión en fábrica de metal deja 13 heridos en Ohio, EE.UU. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento se desconocen las causas del incidente y dos de los heridos están en estado crítico.

teleSUR, jaa, YSM (2023-02-21). Realizan nuevas protestas contra reforma judicial en Israel. telesurtv.net Los participantes se manifiestan contra la aprobación de una reforma afectaría a la democracia, la separación de poderes y otorgará más poder al Ejecutivo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-21). Presidente de Brasil visita zona afectada por lluvias en Sao Paulo. telesurtv.net Imágenes difundidas en redes sociales mostraban ríos de lodo y escombros, carreteras inundadas, entre otras evidencias de los daños dejados por los deslaves en Sao Paulo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-21). China niega que vaya a vender armas a Rusia. telesurtv.net El vocero de la cancillería Wang Webin aseguró: "Nunca aceptaremos que EE.UU. imponga cómo deben ser las relaciones chino-rusas" .

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-21). Una serie de tiroteos en EE.UU. dejan al menos dos muertos. telesurtv.net En Nueva Orleans, en el estado de Luisiana, sureste de EE.UU., al menos una persona murió y cuatro más resultaron heridas.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-21). Más de 47 mil muertos tras los terremotos en Türkiye y Siria. t.co El nuevo balance de decesos por los terremotos que se registraron hace dos semanas se produce cuando el rescate de personas con vida disminuye en forma dramática.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-21). Terremoto de magnitud 6,4 sacude el sur de Türkiye. twitter.com Hatay es una de las zonas más devastadas por los terremotos y la única donde prosigue la búsqueda de supervivientes de las 11 provincias afectadas.

teleSUR, JDO, SH (2023-02-21). Aumenta a 36 la cifra de fallecidos por lluvias en el estado brasileño de Sao Paulo. telesurtv.net Debido a la gravedad de las inundaciones el gobernador del estado de Sao Paulo, declaró el estado de calamidad en cinco ciudades.

teleSUR, lvm, JGN (2023-02-21). Fallece un adolescente palestino herido por Israel en Cisjordania. telesurtv.net El pasado 14 de febrero también las fuerzas de ocupación asesinaron al adolescente Mahmoud Al-Aydi, de 17 años.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-02-21). Promulgan Ley Orgánica de Régimen Electoral en República Dominicana. telesurtv.net La Ley Orgánica de Régimen Electoral establece una pena de hasta 10 años de prisión para quienes incurran en el delito contra la integridad de las elecciones.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-21). Siguen las movilizaciones contra el Gobierno de Perú. telesurtv.net Delegaciones de las provincias de Puno se están organizando para enviar nuevas comitivas a Lima y seguir las protestas.

teleSUR, MER (2023-02-21). Nuevo terremoto deja tres muertos y más de 200 heridos en Türkiye. twitter.com Los decesos fueron reportados en Antakya, Defne y Samandaƒü, precisó el ministro del Interior de Türkiye.

teleSUR, odr, JGN (2023-02-21). Brigadistas retornan a Venezuela tras prestar ayuda en Siria. telesurtv.net Los brigadistas pertenecientes a la Fuerza de Tarea Humanitaria Simón Bolívar participaron en acciones de rescate y salvamento al pueblo de la nación árabe.

teleSUR, odr, YSM (2023-02-21). Continúa arribando ayuda humanitaria a Siria tras terremoto. telesurtv.net Países como Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Omán, Irak y la Organización Mundial de la Salud han enviado ayuda a Siria por distintas vías.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-02-21). Mantienen emergencia por incendios forestales en Chile. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento, las llamas consumieron 429.000 hectáreas, destruyeron 1.987 viviendas y dejaron más de 7.000 damnificados.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-02-21). ONU estima en 8.8 millones los afectados en Siria por terremotos. telesurtv.net La representante especial adjunta de la ONU en Siria, Najat Rochdi, realizó su estimación sobre los damnificados por los terremotos de hace dos semanas.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-21). Al menos 15 personas mueren al volcarse autobús en México. telesurtv.net El hecho ocurrió en una zona limítrofe entre los estados de Puebla y Oaxaca, desde donde posiblemente partió el vehículo.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-21). Gremios del norte peruano marcharán contra presidenta Boluarte. telesurtv.net En la nueva jornada de movilizaciones en Arequipa también participarán estudiantes, comerciantes y gremios de construcción civil de la región.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-21). Presidente de Surinam llama a la calma tras protestas sociales. telesurtv.net Ante la posibilidad de nuevas movilizaciones, el Gobierno de Surinam prevé un alto despliegue policial para evitar nuevos desmanes.

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-02-21). Corea del Norte lanza misiles de corto alcance al mar de Japón. telesurtv.net Fuentes oficiales norcoreanas señalaron que la unidad empleada es un poderoso medio de "ataque nuclear táctico".

teleSUR- hvh, JCM (2023-02-21). Reabren escuelas y tiendas tras protestas en Surinam. telesurtv.net El presidente surinamés señaló que "tomamos esta decisión porque no se puede permitir que nuestra economía siga parada".

teleSUR- hvh (2023-02-21). Presidente Biden arriba a Ucrania cuando afronta protestas en EE.UU. telesurtv.net Miles de estadounidenses se manifestaron en la vispera contra el financiamiento del Gobierno de EE.UU. a Ucrania.

The Green Arcade (2023-02-21). Tuesday 3/7: The Long History of Black Power through One Family's Journey with author Dan Berger. indybay.org The Green Arcade | 1680 Market Street | SF, CA 94110…

Tom-Oliver Regenauer (2023-02-21). A terribly powerful family. indybay.org The unbelievable to outrageous story of the Bush clan not only illustrates the neo-feudalistic beliefs and networks we are dealing with in the ruling caste, it also proves that the power structures often referred to as the "Deep State" are real behind the faàßade of official government business and are mostly the actual political force in the country.

Uhuru Solidarity Movement (2023-02-21). Saturday 3/11: White People: Say NO to the FBI War on Black Liberation! indybay.org 4101 W. Florissant Ave St. Louis, MO 63115…

Unicorn Riot (2023-02-21). Minneapolis March Connects Roof Depot Demolition Resistance to the Atlanta Forest. unicornriot.ninja

WSWS (2023-02-21). Intriguing discovery of ancient tools, butchery, and hominin teeth in Kenya. wsws.org The discoveries include evidence that Oldowan tools were used to cut and pound animal flesh far earlier than previously known.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Tentative Agreements reached between AT&T and the CWA in lead-up to contract votes. wsws.org The tentative agreement negotiated by the CWA for DirecTV and AT&T Mobility workers in the southeast offers workers below-inflation pay raises.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Turkish official says earthquake death toll could reach 150,000 as aftershocks shake region. wsws.org As two aftershocks of magnitude 6.4 and 5.8 struck southern Turkey yesterday, a Turkish governor said that the actual death toll could be five times higher than the official toll which is well over 30,000.

WSWS (2023-02-21). One year on, Australian flood victims still left abandoned. wsws.org As a result of the contemptuous government response, people remain camping out in wrecked homes or caravans, while others are paying exorbitant rents because of the wider housing, interest rates and cost-of-living crisis.

WSWS (2023-02-21). US prisoner deaths rose more than 60 percent from 2019 to 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic. wsws.org Data acquired by the the UCLA School of Law's Behind Bars Data Project indicates that 6,182 imprisoned people died behind bars in 2020 compared to 4,240 in 2019, a 62 percent increase despite a 10 percent decline in the US prison population.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Modi orders raids on BBC offices after documentary points to his role in 2002 Gujarat anti-Muslim pogrom. wsws.org Based on trumped-up charges of tax irregularities, the raids on BBC India were intended to intimidate the press or anyone who dares shed light on the crimes perpetrated by Modi and his Hindu-supremacist BJP government.

WSWS (2023-02-21). German interior minister to tighten up "radicalism decree" wsws.org A bill introduced by Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (Social Democratic Party, SPD) is intended to make it easier in the future to "remove" civil servants for "extremist misconduct."

WSWS (2023-02-21). Workers Struggles: The Americas. wsws.org Workers walked off the job after Aeromar said Feburary 15 that it is ceasing operation after 35 years in business, while Canada's Liberal government is seeking cuts in real pay in stalled contract negotiations with government workers.

WSWS (2023-02-21). US exploits North Korea's missile test to flex military muscle. wsws.org Pyongyang's launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile on Saturday is in response to the resumption of large scale US-South Korean military exercises that amount to rehearsals for war with North Korea.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Thousands still isolated one week after devastating floods in New Zealand. wsws.org Questions are being raised about why Cyclone Gabrielle caused so much damage to homes and infrastructure, and whether some flood-prone areas could have been evacuated before the disaster.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Australia: Queensland Police exploit right-wing terror attack to target socialism and Marxism. wsws.org After denying that a shoot-out between police and right-wing individuals last December was a "terror event," the Queensland Police have done an abrupt about-face and issued sweeping directives against "extremists," especially socialists.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Biden's Kiev visit threatens direct US war with Russia. wsws.org Coming a few days before the one-year anniversary of the war and on the eve of a major speech by Russian President Vladimir Putin, Biden's visit is intended to convey the message: The United States is all in.

WSWS (2023-02-21). The answer to the East Palestine disaster: Railroad workers' control over safety and working conditions. wsws.org If workers had control of the situation, the outcome in East Palestine, Ohio, would have been entirely different.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Strong opposition by striking Temple grad students to tentative agreement as voting begins. wsws.org Temple University graduate students and researchers spoke out publicly in opposition to the tentative agreement being forced on them by the campus and their union.

WSWS (2023-02-21). SEP (Australia) candidate for NSW election exposes fraud of indigenous Voice. wsws.org Tanya Plibersek, one of the most senior representatives of the federal government, responded with anger and censorship to an exposure of the reactionary character of the Voice and a call for a unified socialist movement of the working class.

WSWS (2023-02-21). Oppose the Sri Lankan government's moves to block local elections! Mobilise the working class to defend democratic rights! wsws.org The government's move is part of its broader attacks on the democratic rights of the masses in preparation for suppressing opposition to its savage austerity measures dictated by the IMF.

infobrics (2023-02-20). Russia, China and South Africa engage in joint naval exercises. infobrics.org The measure shows that there is an interest in raising BRICS partnership into military cooperation, but India and Brazil seem hesitant.

infobrics (2023-02-20). BRICS Inclusion of Saudi Arabia and Argentina Will Shift Traditional Geopolitics. infobrics.org Argentina and Saudi Arabia may soon join the BRICS group, which would bolster the multipolar world order…

infobrics (2023-02-20). Just After a Month in Office, Brazil's Lula Looks at Russia with Hope. infobrics.org The Brazilian ambassador to Russia, Rodrigo de Lima Baena Soares has announced that the nation is looking to receive investments in its energy sector from the Russian gas giant Gazprom…

infobrics (2023-02-20). Tensions between Poland and Belarus on the rise. infobrics.org Despite it, Lukashenko's offer to act as a mediator in Ukrainian conflict should be taken seriously by Washington.

infobrics (2023-02-20). Munich Conference signals Western isolation, advent of multipolarity. infobrics.org The Munich Conference not only failed to produce the desired results (Russia supposedly isolated), but it even strengthened the multipolar world, as neither India nor China proved malleable in any way, showing their sovereignty is untouched by the political West's pressure.

infobrics (2023-02-20). BRICS Summit to Discuss Restructuring Global Political, Economic Architecture: S. African Official. infobrics.org

infobrics (2023-02-20). US gives Ukraine false hope that it can recapture Crimea. infobrics.org Nuland encourages Ukrainian terrorism against Crimea.

Chris Hedges (2023-02-20). Chris Hedges: Rage Against The War Machine Speech. mintpressnews.com On Feb. 19, 2023, Chris Hedges spoke at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC at a bipartisan anti-war rally called "Rage Against the War Machine." Hedges was joined by prominent anti-war figures on the political left and right, drawing ire from some on both sides and making apparent the ever-growing schism that has come to characterize modern Americana. Here is the text of his speech in its entirety.

Lee Camp (2023-02-20). The Most Censored Stories of The Year, with Andy Lee Roth. mintpressnews.com Andy Lee Roth joins Lee Camp to cover Project Censored's annual Top 25 Most Censored Stories of the past year that are underreported or neglected by mainstream media.

Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report. (2023-02-20). Colombian Peace Caravan: Bringing the Hope of "Total Peace" to Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Territories. popularresistance.org Ajamu Baraka representing BAP's Haiti/Americas Team was invited to serve as part of an international delegation of human rights defenders that would accompany the activists, community leaders, government officials and representatives of the National Liberation Army (ELN) on an historic "humanitarian Caravan" between January 17 and the 21st to the Indigenous and Afro-Colombian areas of the Pacific coast of Colombia as part of the peace process initiated by the new government in Colombia. Ajamu was also an observer and international guarantor in Havana, Cuba during the last round of the Peace Process that produced…

Ajamu Baraka, Black Agenda Report. (2023-02-20). Colombian Peace Caravan: Bringing The Hope Of 'Total Peace'. popularresistance.org Ajamu Baraka was invited to serve as part of an international delegation of human rights defenders that would accompany the activists, community leaders, government officials and representatives of the National Liberation Army on an historic "humanitarian Caravan" in January to the Indigenous and Afro-Colombian areas of the Pacific coast of Colombia as part of the peace process initiated by the new government. Ajamu was also an observer and international guarantor in Havana, Cuba during the last round of the Peace Process that produced the Ethnic Chapter of the peace agreement between the government and the FARC…

_____ (2023-02-20). Iran is developing an active foreign policy. journal-neo.org In their assessments of Iran's foreign policy after the 1979 February Revolution, experts often tend to have a one-sided and biased perception of Tehran's diplomacy. In particular, a certain stereotype has emerged, according to which Iran, as the main Shiite Islamic state by religion, is the flagship of world Shiism, strives for absolute hegemony in …

_____ (2023-02-20). Third impeachment in North Korea's history. journal-neo.org On several occasions in his recent articles dealing with the political consequences of the disaster in Itaewon on October 29, 2022, the author has referred to the attempts of the Together Democratic Party (the Democrats) to secure the "dismissal" of Lee Sang-min, Minister of the Interior and Safety (a post that is the equivalent of …

_____ (2023-02-20). Why is Washington replacing Georgia's overseer Kelly Degnan? journal-neo.org In the rapidly changing situation around Russia's successful special operation to denazify the criminal Ukrainian regime, the Biden administration decided to urgently replace its "overseer" in Ukraine — Ambassador Kelly Degnan. After all, against the background of the outright failure of the Russophobic adventure of the White House using the revival of neo-Nazism in opposition …

_____ (2023-02-20). An Unexpected Insight (for the Élite): The U.S. May Be the Biggest Loser in the War on Russia. strategic-culture.org Where does Europe go in the wake of the Nord Stream allegations? It is hard to see a Germany-dominated Europe diverging far from Washington. | "NATO has never been stronger; Russia is a global Pariah; and the world remains inspired by Ukrainian bravery and resilience; in short, Russia has lost, Russia has lost strategically, operationally and tactically — and they are paying an enormous price on the battlefield". | He, (General Mark Milley, U.S. Chief of Defence Staff) doesn't believe a word of that. We know that he doesn't believe it because, two months ago, he said the exact opposite — until he was…

_____ (2023-02-20). Canada Has Blood on Its Hands: Ottawa's Role in the Syria War Exposed. strategic-culture.org

_____ (2023-02-20). Narrative Is Used to Override Healthy Human Self-Interest. strategic-culture.org By Caitlin JOHNSTONE | Take violence, for example. Predator animals survive by attacking and killing other animals for their own benefit, but as soon as a prey animal makes it clear that it's not worth the effort, the predator will back off in its own self-interest. The predator understands instinctually that attacking a healthy bull elephant isn't worth the risk to its own physical wellbeing, and even a wildebeest that proves stronger than expected will be backed off from. A broken bone or a nasty wound can mean the death of the predator, and even a prey animal that forces a predator to expend too much energy wo…

_____ (2023-02-20). U.S. Pressure on Japan to Free Jailed Naval Officer Is Misplaced. strategic-culture.org Stephen Givens is a corporate lawyer and an adjunct professor at Keio University Law School in Tokyo. | By Stephen GIVENS | U.S. Senator Mike Lee is threatening Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida that he will put Tokyo's security arrangements with Washington under congressional review unless an imprisoned Navy officer is released and allowed to return home by the end of the month. | Put aside the recklessness of a threat, by Twitter post no less, to upset security arrangements with America's strongest Asian ally over the alleged mistreatment of an individual citizen. Ignore the arrogance of assuming it is in t…

Abayomi Azikiwe (2023-02-20). African American Resistance in the Rural South from the Great Depression to World War II. globalresearch.ca

Al Mayadeen (2023-02-20). NYT: US Intelligence Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals. globalresearch.ca

Alan MacLeod (2023-02-20). Media Ignore Seymour Hersch Bombshell Report of US Destroying Nord Stream 2. orinocotribune.com By Alan Macleod — Feb 15, 2023 | It has now been one week since Seymour Hersh published an Based on interviews with national security insiders, Hersh—the journalist who broke the stories of the My Lai Massacre, the CIA spying program and the Abu Ghraib torture scandal[m…

americanthinker (2023-02-20). Nationalism Is the Antidote to One-World Government. americanthinker.com When the goal is to obliterate national loyalties, all the madness makes perfect sense.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). Presidents' Day is About Patriotic Love and Freedom. americanthinker.com The two most consequential presidents are the ones whom the woke despise most.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). When Stuff Happens — Blame it on Climate Change! americanthinker.com Lupus, headaches, cancer, is there nothing the left won't blame on climate change?>

americanthinker (2023-02-20). A literary lion roars against wokesterism. americanthinker.com Salman Rushdie's blast against the wokester censorship of Roald Dahl's literary work is particularly powerful.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). An Arizona teacher claims her credentials mean she outranks parents. americanthinker.com What she said is what many teachers think, and it's a concept that needs to be destroyed to protect America's children.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). Brave, brave, brave, brave Joe Biden turns up in Kyiv for anniversary of Ukraine war. americanthinker.com What does toxics-ravaged Ohio have to do to get a visit from Joe Biden?>

americanthinker (2023-02-20). Business professors are wrong about the future of work. americanthinker.com Most university professors continue to misunderstand the economy and what it actually consists of.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). CEO at one of the largest energy companies details the need for 'automated' restrictions. americanthinker.com PG&E executive Patricia Poppe expresses her annoyance that in 2023, the government still has to politely request that citizens do its bidding; she'd prefer totalitarian control.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). Don didn't warn us about Kamala being past her prime. americanthinker.com Don Lemon could have saved us from "the word salads" and passion for school buses.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his fellow countrymen. americanthinker.com Remembering George Washington on this President's Day.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). SCOTUS will reconsider the Brunson case. americanthinker.com After declining to hear Brunson v. Adams, SCOTUS decides to reconsider.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). Smackdown: Elon Musk reminds the Pentagon what its job is. americanthinker.com The Pentagon, in its quest for wokesterism, seems to have forgotten that its job is to win wars.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). Thanks to rampant leftism, Austin, Texas, heads for Mad Max territory. americanthinker.com All semblance of law and order is breaking down in what was once a safe and vibrant city in the heart of Texas.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). The Biden administration continues to 'transify' the American military. americanthinker.com It's amazing how quickly we went from "let gays serve their country" to "boys will be girls, and girls will be boys."

americanthinker (2023-02-20). Ukraine's security chief boasts about new plan to 'park' tanks in Red Square. americanthinker.com The pro-war cacophony has always been about "defending" Ukraine's borders; now it's about Ukrainian conquest.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). White House plagiarizes Marx and releases its 'blueprint' to address the housing crisis. americanthinker.com Biden and his troupe flaunt their economic illiteracy and take steps to cripple the middle class.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). Why was the East Palestine tank car blown up? americanthinker.com Why were standard procedures not followed?>

Ana Zorita (2023-02-20). Ecuador: Progressive forces sweep local elections, dealing blow to right-wing national gov't. greenleft.org.au Progressive forces swept Ecuador's local elections on February 5 as opposition grows to the right-wing Guillermo Lasso government, reports Ana Zorita.

Angela (2023-02-20). Saturday 2/18: Free virtual screening of the film "Jerusalem… the East Side Story" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Ann Brown (2023-02-20). Mother Says Diversity Executive Is A Fake Person of Color, Really A White Woman Named Rachel. moguldom.com There is another race imposter named Rachel. Like the infamous Rachel Dolezal, who claimed to be a Black person and resigned as an NAACP chapter leader after her parents outed her to the media that she was white in 2015, a diversity executive at a major organization has been passing as a woman of color. …

Ann Brown (2023-02-20). America's Token Chief Diversity Officers: Change Agents Or Protectors Of Institutions And Optical PR? moguldom.com A chief diversity officer is an upper-level manager whose focus is on inclusion and equality at their company or educational institution. Chief diversity officers must usually have years of diversity training and experience and an advanced degree, according to the job recruitment platform Indeed. It's considered a vital position to further inclusion, but some chief diversity …

Ann Brown (2023-02-20). After $250,000 Funding, Atlanta's Fulton County Follows California With 1st Reparations Task Force Meeting. moguldom.com Georgia's most-populous county, Fulton County, has followed California by approving $250,000 to study reparations and held its first reparations task force meeting on Feb. 2. The task force is scheduled to meet on the first Thursday of every month. Fulton is Georgia's only county with more than 1 million inhabitants and Atlanta is the state …

Anonymous Contributor (2023-02-20). Tree-sit Blockade and Hunger Strike Launched in Defense of Redwoods in Humboldt. itsgoingdown.org Action report on recent tree-sit and hunger-strike in defense of redwoods in Humboldt County, CA. On February 19th, forest defenders set up a sky-pod blockade, occupied by a protester commencing a hunger strike (statement below). In January 2023 Humboldt Redwood Company (HRC) filed commencement to begin logging in Freshwater, California. The forest that is being…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-20). Battle For Bakhmut: Military Overview On February 20, 2023 (Video 18+). southfront.org Wagner fighters in Paraskovievka | On February 20, the Russian Ministry of Defence confirmed Russian control of the town of Paraskovievka located on the north-western outskirts of the city of Bakhmut (originally called Artyomovsk). The report of the Russian Defence Ministry indicates the end of the mop up operation in the settlement. Head of the Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed control of Paraskovievka on February 17."The settlement of Paraskovievka is under full control of the units of the PMC "Wagner". Desp…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-20). Expired Foreign Weapons In Service With Ukrainian Forces Not A Problem For Corrupt Kiev Regime. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russian military sources revealed that the Ukrainian military was supplied with expired ammunition from the United States. Newly shared photo of a servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) showed a US-made 120-mm shell. Its marking confirmed that it was already decommissioned by the US military. | Russian sources revealed that according to the marking of the ammunition, Washington supplied decommissioned weapons for the AFU. | Moreover, according to the Pentagon sources, these munition…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-20). How China Banned Soros in 1989 — A Canadian Patriot Press Film. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-02-20). In Video: Interviews With Ukrainian Prisoners Of War. southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-02-20). Military Situation In Bakhmut On February 20, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On February 20, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 2 times: 1 — in Idlib province, 1 — in Latakia province; | More than 5,800 people were killed as a result of the earthquake in northwestern Syria, according to Syrian officials; | More than 40,600 people were killed as a result of the earthquake in southern Turkey, according to Turkish officials; | On February 20, SAA artillery shelled positions of Tur…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-20). Military Situation In Donbass On February 20, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | The AFU launched a counteroffensive near Ugledar and reportedly pushed back the Russian-led forces from the southern countryside of the village; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bakhmut and its outskirts; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Mariinka village; | Artillery duels between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova; | Up to 100 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 armored vehicles and 2 h…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-20). Military Situation In Syria On February 20, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On February 20, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 2 times: 1 — in Idlib province, 1 — in Latakia province; | More than 5,800 people were killed as a result of the earthquake in northwestern Syria, according to Syrian officials; | More than 40,600 people were killed as a result of the earthquake in southern Turkey, according to Turkish officials; | On February 20, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-bac…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-20). Military Situation In Ukraine On February 20, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russia destroyed an AFU AN/TPQ-37 radar near Stelmakhovka with high-precision missiles; | Russia destroyed an AFU ammo depot near Ugledar with high-precision missiles; | Russia destroyed an AFU ammo depot near Kherson city; | The Russian Army shot down a Su-27 warplane near Izyum; | On an unannounced visit to Ukraine, US President Joseph Biden met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at Mariinsky Palace in Kyiv; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU cont…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-20). More Than 120 Thousand Residents Of Donbass Became Victims Of Kiev Regime. southfront.org Click to see full-size image | About 5 thousand residents of Donbass were killed by Ukrainian security forces, almost 9 thousand more were injured since 2014, Chairman of the Russian Investigative Committee of Russia claimed in his interview on February 20. | The investigation of Kiev's crimes confirmed that more than 120 thousand residents of Donbass were recognized as victims, i.e. their health and property were damaged as a result of the criminal actions of the Ukrainian side. | The Russian official claimed that, ac…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-20). US, France, and UK Divided on Support for Ukraine. southfront.org Illustrative ImageThe three nuclear powers in NATO have different views on how to address the war in Ukraine. | Originally published by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said London would be the first country to send long-range missiles to Kiev. Meanwhile, statements from top American and French officials indicate support for Ukraine in Washington and Paris may be weakening. | At the Munich Security Confe…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-20). US-UK Just Came To The End Of WWII Paradigm: WWIII Loading. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Written by Simon Chege Ndiritu | Context : | It is less than a week before the first Anniversary of Russia's Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine and just over a week after award-winning Journalist, Seymour Hersh revealed details of implicating the US for bombing Nord Stream gas Pipelines. In comparison with Hersh's earlier work, his latest piece entails a US intelligence operative revealing what happened as opposed Hersh digging through piles of documents or footage t…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-20). Washington Gives Ukraine False Hope That It Can Recapture Crimea. southfront.org Russian and Crimean flagsNuland encourages Ukrainian terrorism against Crimea. | Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher | By stating that the US will support Ukrainian attacks on Crimea, Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland confirms beyond doubt that Washington encourages Kiev's aggression and escalation of war. However, a possible attack on Crimea will not only fail because the peninsula is well protected, but it will lead to a more devastating retaliation by Russia against the…

Anonymous765 (2023-02-20). Washington Pushes Kiev On Risky Counter-Offensive. southfront.org |

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). Barcelona Mayor Cuts City's Ties with Israel over 'Crime of Apartheid'. transcend.org 9 Feb 2023 – Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau yesterday announced her city is cutting ties with Israel and ending its symbolic 25-year-old "twin cities" relationship with Tel Aviv over the Israeli government's violent anti-Palestinian policies. "We cannot be silent," said Colau.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). Biden's Misplaced Optimism: 2023 State of the Union Address. transcend.org 18 Feb 2023 – The national situation is far too deeply challenged for us to be content with presidential bromides. What is most needed are policies and practices that embody compassion, and are dedicated with the fullness of being to responding to the imperatives of human security at all levels of social interaction.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). (Castellano) Comunicación y Paz—Homenaje a Johan Galtung: Call for Papers CIC 28. transcend.org En homenaje a la trayectoria y aportaciones de Johan Galtung, la revista Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación (CIC) hace una llamada a contribuciones para su número 28, que incluirá un monográfico sobre "Comunicación y paz", enfocado a difundir investigaciones y aportaciones teóricas centradas en el papel de la producción social de comunicación, tanto en la reproducción de los conflictos sociales como en la promoción de los procesos de paz.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). Feeding the Beast That Feeds on You. transcend.org

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). Gabriel of Peace or Lucifer of War: Generative Artificial Intelligence. transcend.org Artificial Intelligence, a Protagonist of Global Peace or a Peace Disruptor?>

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). Gods, Goddesses and Their Tales. transcend.org As many of us would know, India is a country with several different religious faiths. Apart from well known Christianity and Islam, India is home to various forms of Hinduism and many other beliefs and faiths–Jains, Sikhs, etc. We gave birth to Buddhism.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). Harold Pinter's Acceptance of Nobel Literature 2005. transcend.org Art, Truth & Politics: The truth is to do with how the US understands its role in the world and how it chooses to embody it. I believe it is obligatory upon us some kind of scrutiny. [TMS republishes Pinter's speech due to its relevance and immediacy in 2023.]…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). How the US Crushed the Struggle for a Somali Nation. transcend.org 14 Feb 2023 – As Somalia struggled to hold its first real national elections since the country collapsed in 1991, the US and its allies pushed separatism and undermined democracy so as to militarily dominate the country and plunder its resources.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). How to Be Less Harsh with Yourself (and Others): Ram Dass on the Spiritual Lessons of Trees. transcend.org

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). Israeli Security Forces Carry Out Massacre in Jenin, Palestine. transcend.org 13 Feb 2023 – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir have vowed to make it easier for Israelis to carry guns. Ben-Gvir: "I want weapons on the streets, I want Israeli citizens to be able to protect themselves." It follows the Zionist narrative of demonizing the victim and sanctifying the aggressor [remember Hitler & Nazism?>.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). Media Ignore Seymour Hersh Bombshell Report of US Destroying Nord Stream II. transcend.org 15 Feb 2023 – Hersh, the journalist who broke the stories of the My Lai Massacre, the CIA spying program and the Abu Ghraib torture scandal, reports that U.S. Navy divers attached C4 explosive charges to the pipeline and President Biden himself ordered its destruction, an operation that began planning long before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Despite this, corporate media have overwhelmingly ignored the Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter's bombshell.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). NATO's Aggressive Militarism. transcend.org The Illegality of NATO: Violation of the UN Charter and the Nuremberg Principles…

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). Nord Stream: What Hersh Got Wrong. transcend.org 13 Feb 2023 – There's something not-quite-right about Sy Hersh's report on the destruction of Nord Stream 2. There are a number of inconsistencies in the piece that lead me to believe that Hersh was less interested in presenting 'the unvarnished truth' than relaying a version of events that advance a particular agenda.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). (Norsk-Norwegian) USA — et militarisert samfunn. transcend.org I regnskapsà•ret 2021 gikk 11 prosent av USAs statsbudsjett til milità¶re formà•l, litt mindre enn fà∏r koronaepidemien. Milità¶rbudsjettet utgjorde $754 milliarder (omkring 7 500 milliarder kroner) og foreslà•s à∏kt til $773 milliarder i 2023. I 2022 var utgiftene stà∏rre enn totalen for de neste ni landene i verden, og i 2020 var milità¶rbudsjettet drà∏yt 20 prosent av alle fà∏derale inntekter.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). Over the Rainbow (Music Video of the Week). transcend.org 6 Feb 2023 – The First World Dignity University Initiative Workshop, "For People and the Planet: Learning for a Future of Dignity," has been hosted online on 9 Dec 2022.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). Rage against the War Machine Rally. transcend.org This is the text of a talk I gave in Washington, D.C. on Sunday 19 Feb at the Rage Against The War Machine rally.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). Story Killers: Inside the Deadly Disinformation-for-Hire Industry. transcend.org 14 Feb 2023 – Journalists investigating disinformation are threatened, jailed and in extreme cases, like that of Indian journalist Gauri Lankesh, killed. Forbidden Stories gathered more than 100 journalists from 30 media outlets to expose the inner workings of the global, secretive world of disinformation mercenaries.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). Story Killers (Part 1): In the Age of False News—A Journalist, a Murder, and the Pursuit of an Unfinished Investigation in India. transcend.org In 2017, journalist Gauri Lankesh was assassinated in Bangalore days before she planned to publish an article about disinformation. Over five years later, Forbidden Stories pursued Lankesh's work on fake news and explored new leads in her murder case.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). Story Killers (Part 2): "Team Jorge"—In the Heart of a Global Disinformation Machine. transcend.org 15 Feb 2023 – In Part 2 of the "Story Killers" project, the Forbidden Stories consortium investigated an ultra-secret Israeli company involved in manipulating elections and hacking African politicians. We took an unprecedented dive into a world where troll armies, cyber espionage and influencers are intertwined.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). Sy Hersh & the Way We Live Now. transcend.org 9 Feb 2023 – It is a clear indicator of the disappearance of freedom from our so-called Western democracies that Sy Hersh cannot get the monumental revelation of US destruction of the Nordstream pipelines on the front page of The Washington Post or The New York Times, but has to self-publish on the net.

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). US 'Neo-Imperialist' Dollar Scheme Explained by Economist Yanis Varoufakis. transcend.org 3 Feb 2023 – Greece's former Finance Minister explains the US system of "neo-imperialism" based on the dollar, which finances a huge trade deficit by letting foreign capitalists "extract colossal surplus value from their workers and then stash it away in US's rentier economy".

Antonio C.S. Rosa (2023-02-20). What We Know about the US Air Force's Balloon Party So Far. transcend.org 18 Feb 2023 – The US military only kill foreigners for resource and profits for the military-industrial complex. Turns out it is also used for shooting down party balloons.

Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy Report. (2023-02-20). Ukraine War Is Frozen, Says Council On Foreign Relations Chief. popularresistance.org The president of the powerful US government-linked Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass, has argued that the proxy war in Ukraine is frozen. | He said he expects no territorial changes in the next year of fighting between Russia and NATO-backed Ukrainian forces. | At the same time, he dismissed the possibility of peace negotiations to end the frozen conflict, insisting, "There is no desire in Ukraine to compromise. If anything, they're escalating their demands". | Haass is a former US diplomat who served as director of policy planning for the State Department in the George W. Bush administration, during th…

Ben Norton (2023-02-20). West tells Global South 'you can't be neutral' in Ukraine war: You are either with us, or against us. geopoliticaleconomy.com The foreign ministers of the US, Germany, and Ukraine told the world at the Munich Security Conference, "Neutrality is not an option" in the West's proxy war against Russia, implicitly criticizing the vast majority of Global South countries, which are independent.

Ben Norton (2023-02-20). US Admits Weather Pushed Chinese Balloon Off Course, US Shot Down Hobbyists' $12 Balloon in $2M Missile Attack. globalresearch.ca

Bill Scheuerman, Sid Plotkin (2023-02-20). Republican Attacks on Education and Critical Thinking. dissidentvoice.org Have you ever been grilled by little kids asking the question, "Why?" Why is the sky blue? Why does Heather have two moms? Why are you going to work? Why do you need money? Before you know it they have you questioning basic social values you never even thought about. That's why right-wing Americans attack …

Bob Bishop (2023-02-20). At the Munich Security Conference, demagogue Nancy Pelosi supports F-16s for Ukraine. sonar21.com The 58th Munich Security Conference (MSC) convened last week. It was the coven of globalists of over four hundred high-profile and senior decision-makers. The MSC is a forum to discuss and debate…

Brandee Sanders (2023-02-20). California-Based HBCU Cultivates Its First Independent Medical Degree Program. newsone.com

Canadian Patriot Press (2023-02-20). How China Banned Soros in 1989. dissidentvoice.org Do you think that both George Soros and China represent threats to your freedom and democratic values? Do you think that the US government suffered a regime change in 2020, but don't understand how Anglo-American intelligence agencies orchestrated it? Did you know that China kicked out George Soros in 1989 and purged his minions of …

Chris D'Angelo, HuffPost. (2023-02-20). Water Testing After Ohio Derailment — Led By Rail Company Itself — Condemned As 'Sloppy'. popularresistance.org The state used preliminary results from railroad-funded sampling to declare that East Palestine's drinking water was safe in the wake of the toxic spill.

Chris D'Angelo, HuffPost. (2023-02-20). Water Testing After Ohio Derailment Led By Rail Company Itself. popularresistance.org East Palestine, Ohio – The testing that Ohio authorities relied on to declare the municipal water in East Palestine safe to drink after a disastrous train derailment was funded by the railroad operator itself and did not initially comply with federal standards, HuffPost has learned. | Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) on Wednesday afternoon announced that new testing from five wells that supply the town's municipal drinking water "showed no evidence of contamination" after a Norfolk Southern freight train loaded with tons of hazardous materials derailed in the area on Feb. 3. | "With these tests results, Ohio EPA is conf…

Connor Freeman (2023-02-20). North Korea Launches Ballistic Missiles in Response to War Drills. news.antiwar.com North Korea fired off ballistic missiles as a response to war drills carried out by the United States, Japan, and South Korea this weekend. On Monday, Japan's Coast Guard announced that North Korea launched two ballistic missiles. Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, warned against the increased presence of …

Connor Freeman (2023-02-20). Washington Plans Fresh Sanctions on Russia, Key Industries Targeted. news.antiwar.com The White House is readying a raft of new sanctions and export controls to impose on Russia, as the war in Ukraine turns one year old, according to Bloomberg. The coming new penalties are said to be focused on targeting key Russian industries as well as so called sanctions circumvention or business conducted with Russian …

Craig Murray (2023-02-20). Nicola Sturgeon — Used and Discarded. globalresearch.ca

Dana E. Abizaid (2023-02-20). US Is Pushing Olympics to Exclude Russia, But What About Its Own War Crimes? truthout.org Ministers from 35 countries recently met to discuss a proposed ban on Russian athletes in the 2024 Olympic games. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky joined the meeting and dramatically stated, "If there's an Olympic sport with killings and missile strikes, you know which team would take first place." The Russian military has indeed inflicted tragedy on Ukraine. However, Zelensky's remarks also… |

Dana Sanchez (2023-02-20). The Science Of Incentive Buydowns To Reduce Your Mortgage Rate: How This Trend Is Supporting America's Real Estate Industry. moguldom.com Would-be home buyers who took a wait-and-see approach have watched in shock as mortgage interest rates almost doubled in the past year. An option to manage higher mortgage rates if you have some extra cash on hand is interest rate buydowns. Borrowers entering the market are leaning heavily toward buying down their interest rates by …

Dana Sanchez (2023-02-20). OpenAI Is Using Media Websites To Train ChatGPT But CNN Says The Bot Needs A Paid License. moguldom.com Computational journalist Francesco Marconi asked the interactive chatbot and viral sensation ChatPT for a list of news sources it was trained on and ChatGPT replied with the names of 20 news outlets including Bloomberg, TechCrunch and Forbes. The Wall Street Journal, CNN and others among the named media outlets believe OpenAI and its ChatGPT chatbot …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-20). Finland Reverses Course, Says It Will Join NATO Without Sweden. news.antiwar.com Finnish officials have said they would join NATO without Sweden if Turkey only approves their membership, reversing their previous position that they would only join together with Stockholm. The comments came after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Sweden wouldn't receive support from Ankara over a Quran-burning protest that was held in front of the …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-20). Biden Makes Suprise Visit to Ukraine. news.antiwar.com President Biden on Monday made a surprise visit to Ukraine, marking his first visit to the country since Russia invaded last year, a highly symbolic move that demonstrates Washington's deep involvement in the war. The visit came just days ahead of February 24, which will mark the one-year anniversary of the current conflict in Ukraine. …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-20). Rep. Ro Khanna Leads Congressional Delegation to Taiwan Amid Simmering US-China Tensions. news.antiwar.com Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) is leading a bipartisan congressional delegation in Taiwan, a visit that comes amid soaring tensions between the US and China. Khanna and Reps. Tony Gonzales (R-TX), Jake Auchincloss (D-MA), and Jonathan Jackson (D-IL) arrived in Taiwan on Sunday. According to The Associated Press, the lawmakers will be in Taiwan for five …

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-20). US Ambassador Says Israel Can Do 'Whatever They Need' Against Iran. news.antiwar.com Tom Nides, the US ambassador to Israel, said Sunday that Israel could do "whatever they need" against Iran and said the US has no plans to pursue a revival of the Iran nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA. "As President Biden has said, we will not stand by and watch Iran get a nuclear weapon, …

Derrick Broze (2023-02-20). #FluorideLawsuit: Censored Review on Fluoride's Toxicity Will Soon Be Made Public. thelastamericanvagabond.com Attorneys with the Fluoride Action Network and the U.S. government have agreed to the release of a censored report on the toxicity of fluoride, the latest development in the ongoing Fluoride lawsuit. After numerous delays, and intervention by Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine, the U.S. National Toxicology Program's review of Fluoride's toxicity will soon be

Diana Johnstone (2023-02-20). The Antiwar Movement. Demonstrate Together. globalresearch.ca

Dick Nichols (2023-02-20). Spain: Barcelona cuts ties with Israel. greenleft.org.au Barcelona has suspended official ties with Israel over its violation of Palestinian rights, reports Dick Nichols.

Doro-Chiba International Solidarity Committee (2023-02-20). International Solidarity Action In Tokyo To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Blocked By Police. indybay.org Hoshino Defense Committee, Osaka Defense Committee and Doro-Chiba the railway workers union went to the US embassy to deliver a statement of soldiarity for the freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal. US embassy officials called on the Japanese police to block the statement from being delivered and mobilized the Tokyo police.

Dr. Gary G. Kohls (2023-02-20). The US Corporation as Psychopath. globalresearch.ca

Dr. William Makis (2023-02-20). 132 Canadian Doctors Have Died Suddenly or Unexpectedly Since COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout. globalresearch.ca

Drago Bosnic (2023-02-20). "Balloon Diplomacy" at Munich Security Conference: U.S. Accuses China For Supporting Russia, Confronts India. globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Local gov'ts urged investment restraint over NEV startups. ecns.cn A former top industry official has cautioned local governments against rushing blindly into China's burgeoning new energy vehicle sector, saying that they should refrain from becoming investors in startups.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). 10 primary students test positive for COVID-19 in Hangzhou. ecns.cn Ten primary students from Xihu District in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, tested positive for COVID-19 on Sunday, leading to a four-day school suspension of the class they are in, said the district's education authorities on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Daily common-sense content brings fame to 28-year-old vlogger. ecns.cn Vlogger Zhang Mengzhen, 28, from Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, has become popular online for her videos depicting daily common sense.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). 20,000 runners hit the road for Shenzhen Marathon. ecns.cn The much-anticipated Shenzhen Marathon featured 20,000 runners on Sunday morning as the annual event finally returned to the subtropical city in Guangdong province after being suspended for three years due to the COVID-19 epidemic.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Jimmy Carter to receive hospice care. ecns.cn Jimmy Carter, 98, the oldest living former US president, has opted to spend his final days at his Georgia home, receiving hospice care, his namesake nonprofit foundation says.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Chinese scientists design battery concept to tame heat with pressure. ecns.cn A team of Chinese researchers has designed a new battery concept that can extract thermal energy from low-temperature waste heat sources and reuse it on demand simply by controlling the pressure.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Beijing bourse launches stock market-making trading business. ecns.cn The Beijing Stock Exchange (BSE) officially launched market-making trading business on its stock market on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). DPRK fires rocket shells in response to U.S.-South Korea air drill. ecns.cn The armed forces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) conducted a multiple-rocket launching drill Monday morning, the official Korean Central News Agency reported, in response to the U.S.-South Korea combined air drill a day earlier.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Chinese mainland, Macao to mutually recognize driving licenses. ecns.cn The Ministry of Public Security (MPS) and the government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) have signed an agreement to enable mutual recognition and exchanges of driving licenses between the Chinese mainland and the Macao SAR.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). U.S. Hegemony and Its Perils. ecns.cn The United States has acted more boldly to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, pursue, maintain and abuse hegemony, advance subversion and infiltration, and willfully wage wars, bringing harm to the international community.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Former head of China's state railway indicted for bribery. ecns.cn Sheng Guangzu, former secretary of the leading Party members group and general manager of the formerly-named China Railway Corp., has been indicted on charges of taking bribes, the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) said Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). China's space-tracking ship sets sail for new missions. ecns.cn China's space-tracking ship Yuanwang-5 departed from a port in east China's Jiangsu Province on Monday to conduct spacecraft monitoring missions.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Chinese online mapping platform Amap makes over 300b positioning calls/day using BeiDou satellites. ecns.cn Chinese online mapping platform Amap revealed on Saturday that its daily usage of the domestically developed BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) to make positioning calls had exceeded 300 billion times as of January, and it vowed to expand the application of BDS in the transportation sector.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). China's health insurance reform: What is changing?>. ecns.cn As many places in China have rolled out the health insurance reform, some residents noticed their monthly health insurance income was cut less.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). 1 dead, 10 wounded in U.S. shootings. ecns.cn One person was killed and 10 others wounded Sunday in a pair of shootings in Memphis, Tennessee, said local police.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). NW China's Xinjiang clears another three border ports for passenger traffic. ecns.cn Northwest China's Xinjiang region resumed passenger traffic at three of its land border ports with Central Asian countries on Monday to meet the need of people-to-people exchange.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). China's first domestically produced antidepressant approved for market sale. ecns.cn China's first domestically produced antidepressant recently received approval for market sale, making a major innovative breakthrough for domestic drugs in treating depression.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Rehabilitation for children underway in quake-hit Türkiye. ecns.cn Children attend an activity to entertain and support the mental health of children affected by the deadly earthquake, at a camp for survivors in Adiyaman, Türkiye, Feb. 18, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Japanese bid farewell to giant panda Xiang Xiang. ecns.cn Thousands of Japanese fans bade farewell to the beloved giant panda, who was born in June 2017, the first giant panda to be born and raised naturally at the zoo in nearly three decades on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). One more cross-Strait ferry service line resumes operation. ecns.cn A ferry "Jishun 9" with 59 passengers on board arrived at Lianjiang, marking the resumption of the last passenger route between Fuzhou and Matsu on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Migratory birds flock to wetland in east China. ecns.cn A flock of pied avocet forage at the coastal wetland in Lianyungang, east China's Jiangsu Province, Feb. 19, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Monks perform Cham dance to greet Tibetan New Year. ecns.cn Cham dance is a masked and costumed ritual performed by Tibetan Buddhist monks to exorcise evils and pray for blessings.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Plum blossoms burst into bloom in Nanjing. ecns.cn As an indicator of Spring setting in, plum blossoms enter best viewing season in Nanjing.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Parrots 'enjoy' plum blossoms in Nanjing. ecns.cn A parrot raised by a Nanjing citizen perches on a branch of blossoming plum tree at the Meihuashan (Plum Blossom Hill) scenic area in Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu Province, becoming part of the beautiful scenes.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Canadian International Auto Show is back. ecns.cn After a two-year hiatus, one of Canada's largest auto shows, the Canadian International Auto Show, will run from February 17 to 26 at the Metro Toronto Convention Center (MTCC).

Editor (2023-02-20). European parliament member Clare Daly on Nordstream pipeline attack. mronline.org European parliament member Clare Daly on Nord stream pipeline attack | February 20, 2023 | Newswire…

Editor (2023-02-20). Germany: Reactions to peace manifesto. mronline.org What happened? Even Gregor Gysi has now signed the "Manifesto for Peace" by Sahra Wagenknecht and Alice Schwarzer.

Editor (2023-02-20). The agony of liberal Zionism. mronline.org Among my Israeli friends there used to be many liberal Zionists. They sought social justice, supported peace initiatives with the Palestinians, and otherwise believed in Israel's progressive roots. Indeed, in its pioneer years, Zionism, while engaged in colonization of Palestine, was associated with ideas of collective endeavour and equality.

Editor (2023-02-20). U.S. admits weather pushed Chinese balloon off course, U.S. shot down hobbyists' $12 balloon in $2M missile attack. mronline.org U.S. officials acknowledged the Chinese balloon they shot down on February 4 had likely been blown off course by unexpected weather. The U.S. Air Force later spent $2 million using missiles to blow up what appeared to be a $12 hobbyist balloon.

Editor (2023-02-20). [Rewind] Eddie Conway: Prisons Enable America's Obscene Wealth. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-02-20). Our Freedoms Shrink as Our Military Expands. scheerpost.com By Brad Wolf / CounterPunch The Merchants of Death even own our sidewalks. That's what we were told when we arrived at Raytheon Technologies in Arlington, Virginia, on Valentine's Day, February 14th, to issue a "Contempt Citation" for Raytheon's failure to comply with a subpoena issued last November by the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal, a People's Tribunal scheduled …

Editor (2023-02-20). Rage Against the War Machine Speeches. scheerpost.com At the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday, February 19th, on the anniversary of the Ukraine War, protestors from the Right and the Left gathered to demand an end to the American funding of the war in Ukraine and an end to the War State.

Editor (2023-02-20). Sanders Proposes 'New Deal for Journalism' To Ensure Media Serves Public Interest. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-02-20). The Rail Unions Warned Us. Greed Is Dangerous. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-02-20). US Admits Weather Pushed Chinese Balloon Off Course, US Shot Down Hobbyist's $12 Balloon in $2 Million Attack. scheerpost.com US officials acknowledged the Chinese balloon they shot down on February 4 had likely been blown off course by unexpected weather. The US Air Force later spent $2 million using missiles to blow up what appeared to be a $12 hobbyist balloon.

F. William Engdahl (2023-02-20). Washington Is Out to Topple India's Modi. globalresearch.ca

Fight Back (2023-02-20). Against Trotskyism: Socialism in one country. fightbacknews.org One of the main pillars of Trotskyism is the denial of the possibility of building socialism in a single country. This is an outgrowth of Trotsky's permanent revolution theory, which argued that the revolution in Russia depended on the immediate success of revolution in western Europe to avoid defeat. Nevertheless, the Soviet Union did indeed build socialism in one country, so we should look at the disagreements between Marxism-Leninism and Trotskyism on this point and try to understand where they come from. | Trotsky's permanent revolution theory was, from the beginning, opposed to the idea that socialism could…

Fight Back (2023-02-20). Minneapolis: Stop the demolition! Stop polluting native communities! fightbacknews.org Minneapolis MN – On February 19, around 100 protesters and community members gathered at the Roof Depot site in the East Phillips neighborhood to protest the impending demolition of the building. The Climate Justice Committee organized the protest as part of the week of action for the Defend the Atlanta Forest, connecting the struggles against environmental racism and police terror in Atlanta to the local struggle against the pollution of oppressed nationality and working-class communities like East Phillips. The Twin Cities Coalition for Justice for Jamar also joined the protest, demanding justice for Manuel "To…

Fight Back (2023-02-20). How an unelected review board enables the NYPD's abuse. fightbacknews.org New York, NY – Nearly three years after the George Floyd uprising of 2020, New York City's Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) has released the findings of its investigations into the New York Police Department's misconduct during the protests. But rather than addressing the increasing brutality of the cops, the results of the investigations show how an unelected, ineffective review board becomes a tool of the state that harms communities and activists while empowering the police. | From the very beginning, the CCRB's ability to investigate complaints of police misconduct during the 2020 protests was severely…

Fight Back (2023-02-20). Milwaukee demands district attorney sign pledge to not prosecute abortion cases. fightbacknews.org Milwaukee, WI – On Saturday, February 18, Reproductive Justice Action Milwaukee (RJA-M) held a march in downtown Milwaukee with a rally outside the Safety Building. Milwaukee County District Attorney John T. Chisholm's office is located in the Safety Building and Chisholm was the target of the event. | Chisholm previously made a statement that he would not prosecute abortion cases in Milwaukee County. RJA-M is calling on Chisholm to put that statement into writing. | Exactly a month earlier on January 18, RJA-M reached out to Chisholm requesting he sign a pledge to not prosecute any person in Milwaukee assisting,…

Fra Hughes (2023-02-20). Is Iran About to Come Under Further Attack? orinocotribune.com By Fra Hughes — Feb 16, 2023 | Recently, we have been witnessing an uptick of western-inspired violence on the streets of Iran, the latest excuse put forward by rioters being the death of a young woman while in police custody. While those promoting the riots claim she had been beaten while detained, the official cause of her death was actually related to complications arising from a brain surgery she had undergone as a child. | The riots were then used as cover, much like how Ukraine's 2014 Euromaidan protests were used to attack the legitimate government in power at the time, eventually leading to a regime…

Free West Media (2023-02-20). Australia Hides Information on Child Deaths. globalresearch.ca

Gabriela Aoun Angueira, Next City. (2023-02-20). How To Build A Better Bike-Share Program. popularresistance.org Blue Bikes, which New Orleans launched in 2017 to reduce emissions and offer reliable transportation to low-income residents, was flourishing before COVID shut down the city. It had recently converted all its pedal bikes to electric and was in the process of doubling its fleet. But Uber paused the program when the pandemic hit, then spun it off to the micromobility company Lime as part of its investment in that company. Lime wanted to bring electric scooters to New Orleans. The city wasn't interested in scooters and eventually canceled the contract. Seemingly overnight, the bikes were gone.

Global Research News (2023-02-20). Selected Articles: Medical Marvel or the Second Coming of Al Capone? Pfizer's Sins and Crimes. "We have a vaccine which is killing people" globalresearch.ca

Grace Storrie (2023-02-20). The Weekly Round-up: Earthquake aftermath, crimes against humanity, and Ukraine. ukhumanrightsblog.com In the news The United States has formally determined that Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine. Speaking at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, US Vice-President Kamala Harris accused Russia of 'gruesome acts of murder, torture, rape and deportation' and said those who had committed crimes would be held to account. UK Prime Minister …

Igor Chudov (2023-02-20). German Media Discusses Pfizer Vaccine Trial Fraud. Will "COVID Reckoning" Follow? globalresearch.ca

imperial.ac.uk (2023-02-20). Imperial launches new Impact Fellowship programme. imperial.ac.uk Imperial Policy Forum has launched a new Fellowship for civil servants. Fellows will work on policy challenges with support from Imperial academics.

imperial.ac.uk (2023-02-20). Imperial and King's students explore the wonders of science communication. imperial.ac.uk Imperial students are leading a science communication education programme at King's College London.

Informed Consent Action Network (2023-02-20). ICAN Confronts CDC and FDA About Hiding Important Vaccine Adverse Event Reports From Public View. globalresearch.ca

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-20). China Supports Russia's Draft Resolution on Nord Stream Blasts. libya360.wordpress.com UNITED NATIONS, February 20. /TASS/. China supports Russia's draft resolution submitted to the UN Security Council to investigate the terrorist attack on Russia's Nord Stream gas system, Zhang Jun, China's Permanent Representative to the UN, told reporters on Monday. The document may be put to the vote this week, Russia has requested a UN Security…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-20). Munich Security Conference 2023: An Exercise in Western Self-Delusion. libya360.wordpress.com Scott Ritter Delegates from around the world assembled in Munich, Germany on February 17, 2023, to convene an eponymously named security conference that has, since its inception in 1963, operated under the motto "Peace through Dialogue." For three days, world leaders participated in what has become known as "the Davos of Defense" (a reference to…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-20). NATO Ukraine Decree: 'This is Not the Time for Dialogue'. libya360.wordpress.com Feb. 18 — The last week has meant minimal changes on the front. The slight Russian advances on the Artyomovsk front, although slow, costly, and few, are the only ones of note at a time of fierce positional battles in the fortified areas of Donbass. Possibly seeking more air coverage and munitions, Yevgeny Prigozhin complained…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-20). Recognizing the War is Lost the 'West' Seeks an Exit. libya360.wordpress.com Moon of Alabama U.S. President Joe Biden is in Kiev today to rescue his lunatic project of destroying Russia by proxy war. But there is no good way to do that. A review of 'western' media shows that the inevitable outcome of the war is now recognized. The only still open alternatives are to risk…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-20). The "Azov" Nazi Units in the Ukrainian National Guard and Army are Being Greatly Expanded. libya360.wordpress.com The Ukrainian military is recruiting forces for new offensive brigades. In addition to a police unit and a border guard unit, six brigades of the National Guard are said to belong to them. These assault units will be made up entirely of volunteers, most of whom have "been through hell" and "driven by patriotism," Interior…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-20). The Sky is Torn Down: How the "Liberation" of the Soviet Union Ended the Liberation of Soviet Women. libya360.wordpress.com Evan Reif Night Witches: The female pilots who struck fear into Nazi troops Not long ago, the women of Eastern Europe were free to live their lives to their full potential. They broke boundaries in science, started new trends in art, and even explored the stars as cosmonauts. In the so-called repressive dictatorship of the USSR,…

Iowa Capital Dispatch (2023-02-20). You can't be for Liberty if you're for banning Books. juancole.com By Bill Tubbs | — ( Iowa Capital Dispatch) — Two years ago in my column in the North Scott Press, I introduced "Signs that the Apocalypse is Upon Us," to call attention to items which, though they are actually happening, are so surreal that it seems the end of time must be near. Gov. …

Iron Snowflake (2023-02-20). Cop City Protesters Rally Outside Homes of Georgia Senators in DC. itsgoingdown.org Action report from DC on recent march and protest against Cop City. For more information on the week of action, go here. On February 18th, outraged activists descended on the DC homes of both of Georgia's Senators Warnock and Ossoff, demanding they break their silence on the murder of Tortuguita and stop the construction of…

Isaac Nellist (2023-02-20). Happier and healthier: Why we need a four-day work week. greenleft.org.au As wages stagnate and the cost-of-living crisis worsens, it's time to re-evaluate the role of work in our lives and the economic system, argues Isaac Nellist.

Jake Johnson (2023-02-20). Trump's Former Budget Director Is Advising GOP to Cut Medicaid by $2 Trillion. truthout.org The right-wing official who served as budget director for the Trump administration is reportedly playing a significant advisory role for House Republicans as they seek to leverage a fast-approaching debt ceiling crisis to enact spending cuts that would disproportionately impact low-income households. According to The Washington Post, former Office of Management and Budget chief Russ Vought "has… |

Javier Sierra (2023-02-20). El Administrador de la EPA visita el descarrilamiento en Ohio. peoplesworld.org EAST PALESTINE, OHIO — El administrador de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental, Michael Regan, visitó hoy esta localidad por primera vez tras el catastrófico descarrilamiento ocurrido este mes. Se espera que se reúna con residentes y rescatistas, y visitar el lugar del siniestro. Los residentes de East Palestine han urgido a que se aumente la protección a la …

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-02-20). Left and Right Join Together to Rage Against Ukraine War on Its One Year Anniversary. covertactionmagazine.com Several thousand people gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., on Sunday, February 19, to protest U.S. support for the war in Ukraine around the time of its one-year anniversary. The protest was organized by the People's Party and Libertarian Party. It brought together groups on the left and libertarian right which were unified …

Juan Cole (2023-02-20). Jimmy Carter's Greatest Triumph: Guinea Worm on Verge of Extinction, with only 13 Cases in 2022. juancole.com Former President Jimmy Carter's family has announced that he is moving into hospice care, a sign of his imminent passing. In his honor, I am reprinting this column with some updates. The guinea worm may be the second major human disease after small pox to be completely eradicated. It is a parasite that you get …

Kevin Gosztola (2023-02-20). Swedish Prosecutors Destroyed Assange Documents. globalresearch.ca

Kyle Anzalone (2023-02-20). Russian Diplomats Issue Dire Warnings that War with US Is Close. globalresearch.ca

Kyle K. Moore, Economic Policy Institute. (2023-02-20). Five Principles For Making State And Local Reparations Plans Reparative. popularresistance.org We are still living in the aftermath of 2020's overlapping crises of racial injustice, our nation's polycrisis. Between the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ensuing economic recession, and the public police murder of George Floyd, we saw a harsh truth about the structure of American political economy: White supremacy has shaped our institutions such that their outcome is consistent Black precarity and premature death. | This confluence of tragedies brought awareness of the Black American condition to a new generation. It also reinvigorated interest among academics and policymakers to finally do something a…

Laith Fadel (2023-02-20). Brazil's Samba parade electrifies Rio de Janeiro crowd. america.cgtn.com It's back after a brief hiatus due to Covid-19. Brazil's famous Samba Schools parade kicked off in full-scale on Sunday, as the country welcomed its yearly Carnival Festival. In 2022, the parade was postponed for two months because of the coronavirus pandemic but this year …

Laith Fadel (2023-02-20). California residents are not prepared for extreme weather conditions. america.cgtn.com The state of California is facing an ongoing battle with extreme weather conditions that have left its residents unprepared for the aftermath of these natural disasters caused by climate change. The U.S. state has endured widespread wildfires and a record amount of rainfall only months …

Laith Fadel (2023-02-20). East Palestine residents search for answers after train derailment. america.cgtn.com The local authorities in the city of East Palestine, Ohio say that the water, air and soil are safe for its residents after a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed more than two weeks ago. But residents there worry they aren't being told the whole truth …

Laith Fadel (2023-02-20). Migrants seek social justice through education in Colombia. america.cgtn.com Monday is the United Nations' World Day for Social Justice, a day to recognize the worldwide efforts to tackle imperative issues like poverty, exclusion, human rights and social protections.For many migrants, education can serve as the foundation for achieving greater social justice. With nearly 2.5 …

Laith Fadel (2023-02-20). Team Giannis ends Lebron James' NBA All-Star Game win streak. america.cgtn.com It was a weekend to remember in the NBA, as the league concluded its star-studded All-Star Game in Salt Lake City, Utah. The All-Star Game pinned two teams captained by NBA superstars Lebron James and Giannis Antetokounmpo. It was a weekend-long celebration of the sport, …

Laith Fadel (2023-02-20). Toxic chemical spill in East Palestine raises questions among locals. america.cgtn.com It's been more than two weeks since a freight train derailment in the U.S. state of Ohio caused a massive toxic chemical spill. The local authorities are trying to persuade fearful residents that the environment is now safe, even opening up a special clinic to …

Laith Fadel (2023-02-20). UN warns rising sea levels threaten international peace and security. america.cgtn.com Member states of the United Nations are working on an international treaty to conserve seas beyond national borders, as climate change impacts the globe. Security Council members are warning the effects of the rise in global sea levels could also impact international peace and security. …

Larry Johnson (2023-02-20). A Pivotal Week for Russia and Ukraine. sonar21.com Take a good look at this map. From Kherson in the south to Yanshulivka in the north covers a distance of approximately 1000 miles. That is akin to the distance…

Mansa Musa (2023-02-20). We lost Malcolm X, but we can't lose the dream of international revolution. therealnews.com Feb. 21, 2023, marks the 58th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X. We honor his life and legacy by recalling his revolutionary message to the downtrodden peoples of the world and committing to carrying on his fight for liberation. In this special commemorative episode of Rattling the Bars, Mansa Musa speaks with freedom fighters Paulette Dauteuil and Ashanti Alston about how Malcolm X shaped their own politics, why the dream of international revolution was so essential to Malcolm's vision, and how we can keep that dream alive today. | Paulette Dauteuil is the former Co-chair (2010-2012) and Nation…

March on Police Station in Menlo Park (2023-02-20). San Mateo County as Vulnerable to Police Violence as Memphis. indybay.org February 11 near downtown Menlo Park, California in the San Francisco Bay Area. Protesters rallied for justice for Tyre Nichols and said the same police tactics are used here.

Marcos Salgado (2023-02-20). Petro y Maduro juntos en la frontera, avanzan en acuerdos comerciales. globalizacion.ca Los presidentes de Colombia y de Venezuela, Gustavo Petro y Nicolás Maduro, tuvieron su tercer encuentro oficial en siete meses, esta vez en el Puente Binacional Atanasio Girardot, que se abrió por primera vez al tránsito de vehículos y camiones…

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG, (2023-02-20). Julian Assange's Family Members Are Touring The United States With Ithaka. popularresistance.org This April will mark four years since Julian Assange was forcefully removed from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he had been granted asylum, and jailed in Belmarsh Prison. Assange, whose health is declining, is being persecuted for being a publisher who made leaked material available to the public through Wikileaks. The materials, which exposed war crimes and corruption, were reported on by major media outlets around the world. The Biden administration could free Assange immediately by dropping the charges made by the Trump administration. Clearing the FOG speaks with Gabriel Shipton, Assange's brother, w…

Margaret Kimberley (2023-02-20). Did the US Blow Up Nord Stream If There Is No Media to Report It? globalresearch.ca

Michael Snyder (2023-02-20). A Cover-up of Epic Proportions Is Happening in East Palestine, Ohio. globalresearch.ca

Muhammed Shabeer (2023-02-20). Anti-fascists expose neo-Nazi 'mourning' over Dresden bombing. peoplesdispatch.org Far-right political parties and neo-Nazi groups have been trying to hijack the commemoration of the Allied bombing of the city of Dresden during World War II by suggesting it was morally equivalent to the Holocaust…

Newsclick (2023-02-20). Decoding India's Economy | With Prof. Prabhat Patnaik. peoplesdispatch.org Senior journalist Aunindyo Chakravarty and noted economist Prabhat Patnaik discuss the economic structure of India, the support base of the current dispensation, questions around capitalism and socialism, and what gives us hope in these difficult times…

Nihonmachi Outreach Committee (2023-02-20). Sunday 2/19: "Reparatory Justice: Together We Rise": SJ Vigil for Japanese American Imprisonment WW2. indybay.org San Jose Buddhist Church | 632 N. Fifth Street | San Jose CA 95112 US…

Oakland Privacy (2023-02-20). Wednesday 3/15: Oakland Privacy: Fighting Against the Surveillance State. indybay.org Please email contact@oaklandprivacy.org a few days before the meeting to get up-to-date location information or obtain Zoom meeting access info…

Orion Rummler (2023-02-20). Legislative "War Against LGBTQ People" Is Underway, New Report Warns. truthout.org

Otis Grotewohl (2023-02-20). Tech layoffs expose capitalism. workers.org High-tech companies are laying off workers at record levels. More than 93,000 tech positions have been eliminated this year, and it is only the second month. These cuts include 6,650 job losses announced by Dell and the layoff of 1,300 Zoom employees in early February. (crunchbase.com, Feb. 15, 2023) The . . . |

Paige Bennett (2023-02-20). Electric 'wallpaper' could warm homes with radiant heat. nationofchange.org Offering a more sustainable heating solution could help more homes transition away from gas-powered heat sources and help the UK move toward its climate goals.

Patrick Lawrence, Scheer Post. (2023-02-20). Munich As Propaganda Fest. popularresistance.org I love Wang Yi's response when The New York Times's Michael Crowley caught him in a hallway at the Munich Security Conference Saturday and asked the Chinese foreign minister if he planned to meet Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the sidelines. | "He simply chuckled," Crowley wrote of Wang at the conclusion of his report. | Chuckled. I am reminded of that moment last year when Blinken, after formal talks in Moscow, pulled Sergei Lavrov into a private room at the Kremlin and asked Russia's foreign minister if it was true Moscow's plan was to reconstruct the Russian Empire. Lavrov stared, turned, and left the ro…

People's Dispatch. (2023-02-20). Syria Suffered An Earthquake But Israel Is Still Bombing. popularresistance.org Thousands of Syrians took to the streets on Monday, February 20, to protest against repeated Israeli aggression directed at the country. Protesters also chanted slogans against the unilateral coercive measures (sanctions) imposed against Syria by the US and its allies, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported. | At least five Syrians were killed and 15 wounded when missiles fired by Israeli warplanes landed inside the densely populated Kafr Sousa neighborhood in capital Damascus on Sunday, February 19. According to SANA, all but one of those killed were civilians.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-20). Death toll from earthquake may touch 100,000. peoplesdispatch.org Dr. Vedat Bulut of Turkish Medical Association explains the situation following the massive earthquake in Turkey and Syria, concerns over public health as well as the role of people's movements and organizations in relief activities.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-20). Protestors in Rabat condemn multinational retailer for links with firms complicit in Israeli war crimes. peoplesdispatch.org BDS Morocco and other progressive forces held a protest outside French retail multinational Carrefour over its franchising deal with Israeli companies involved in illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-20). Senior Israeli diplomat expelled from African Union's annual summit. peoplesdispatch.org Israel's deputy director for Africa Sharon Bar Li was asked to leave the inaugural meeting of the African Union summit in Addis Ababa. South Africa later said that Israel's status as observer had not yet been finalized and hence, the expulsion was justified…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-20). Syria just suffered a devastating earthquake but Israeli bombing does not stop. peoplesdispatch.org Thousands of Syrians took to the streets on Monday, February 20, to protest against repeated Israeli aggression directed at the country. Protesters also chanted slogans against the unilateral coercive measures (sanctions) imposed against Syria by the US and its allies, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) At least five Syrians were killed and 15 wounded when missiles fired by Israeli warplanes landed inside the densely populated Kafr Sousa neighborhood in capital Damascus on Sunday, February 19. According to

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-20). The revolutionary life of former Black Panther and political prisoner Eddie Conway. peoplesdispatch.org On February 13, former Black Panther and political prisoner Marshall Eddie Conway passed away. Conway dedicated his life to the cause of Black freedom struggle and the fight against racism and inequality.

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-02-20). Cuban medical brigades bring relief to earthquake-hit areas of Turkey. peoplesdispatch.org Since their arrival in Turkey, 32 Cuban health workers from the Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade have worked to deliver essential care in parts of the country affected by the two strong earthquakes on February 6. Between February 12 and 19, the health workers had

Pepe Escobar (2023-02-20). President Raisi in Beijing: Iran-China Strategic Plans Go Full Throttle. globalresearch.ca

Peter Koenig (2023-02-20). The End of Excesses. The Collapse of Everything. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-02-20). The Pfizer Vaccine: A Tale of Two Reports. "Money vs. Mortality" globalresearch.ca

Rachel Evans (2023-02-20). First Nations activists call for an end to the racist practice of stealing Black children. greenleft.org.au The practice of stealing Aboriginal children from their families has continued since Kevin Rudd's apology and it needs to stop, a Sorry Day protest was told. Rachel Evans reports.

Rebekah Entralgo (2023-02-20). Calls Grow for Public Ownership of Rail System Following Ohio Train Derailment. truthout.org The toxic clouds that billowed up from a derailed freight train in Ohio earlier this month are a chilling metaphor for the toxic greed that has infected so many of our big corporations. After having to evacuate, residents of the town near the derailment are cautiously going back home, but they still don't know the full extent of the damage to the area's environment and public health. |

Richard Heinberg (2023-02-20). A realistic 'energy transition' is to get better at using less of it. nationofchange.org Being an early adopter of solar technology has given me personal insight into some of the practical limitations and difficulties of the energy transition.

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-20). Georgia: unique NATO Partnership for Peace training center marks anniversary. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Georgian Ministry of DefenseFebruary 185, 2023 Sachkheri Mining Training School is celebrating its 17th anniversary The Sachkheri Mining Training School named after Colonel Besik Kutateladze is celebrating its anniversary. The anniversary of the school was preceded by the winter intermediate course of mountain training held within the framework of the NATO Partnership for Peace program, …

Rick Rozoff (2023-02-20). Raising the fighting spirit: wounded Georgian soldiers participate in U.S. Air Force games. antibellum679354512.wordpress.com Georgian Ministry of DefenseFebruary 20, 2023 Wounded and injured Georgian servicemen will compete in the "Air Force Games" in the USA The injured Georgian servicemen went to the United States of America to participate in the Air Force Games. The International Air Games at Las Vegas Air Base will start on February 24 and continue …

Robert Inlakesh (2023-02-20). Deadliest Israeli Attack Against Syria In Years — A Failed Assassination Attempt. thelastamericanvagabond.com At least five Syrians were killed in a series of unprovoked Israeli airstrikes against Damascus, Syria, at a time when rescue teams are still digging victims of the recent Syria-Turkey earthquake out of the rubble. Despite this being such a major attack on a defenseless country, suffering the aftermath of a natural disaster, no major

Robert S. Becker (2023-02-20). Comic relief from Mike Pence, as if delusion, deflection, and cowardice will redeem lost star power. nationofchange.org Pence looks more like the walking, even staggering dead, having now neutralized his one and only courageous Senate action.

Ryan Cristián (2023-02-20). The Pirate Stream: Dialectical Dissidents — Episode 9. thelastamericanvagabond.com Join us on today's episode of The Pirate Stream — Dialectical Dissidents. Pirate Stream Media is a new platform of dedicated content creators focused on circumventing the tightly controlled, manipulated, and outright censored media space of today (both corporate and independent media) with a commitment to objectivity, integrity, and a stark awareness of the two

Sahra Wagenknecht & Christoph Habermann (2023-02-20). Stumbling into world war and Ukraine War. indybay.org We are on a slippery slope that could end in a world war and a nuclear apocalypse. And it is also clear that for going to war, the West would have to sacrifice those "values" that have so far been used to justify war, first and foremost freedom of speech and democracy. For such a step into the abyss could hardly be made palatable to the population, even with continued propaganda.

Staff (2023-02-20). Calendario: El corazón de una isla (II y final). cubadebate.cu Para optimizar el poco tiempo que tenían para nosotros los muchachos que conforman el 11no 3, les hicimos casi las mismas preguntas, pero sus respuestas fueron diversas y cargadas de profundidad. Primeramente, les preguntamos a todos los que pudimos interceptar cómo había sido para ellos reencontrarse con sus personajes y el elenco.

Staff (2023-02-20). Sancti Spíritus: Natalidad en picada, ømaternidad en pausa? cubadebate.cu Con el paquete de pampers entre las manos después de pagarle al merolico los 700 pesos a que los vende, aunque no sea lo que oficialmente valen, la muchacha masculló la impotencia para sus adentros. "Un hijo no pesa", dijo en voz en alta, acaso, para contrastar la mueca tan expresiva de su cara. No pesa jamás, pensé, lo que agobia son los extras que gravitan sobre ellos.

Staff (2023-02-20). Trámites que aún se tramitan en Ciego de àÅvila. cubadebate.cu La demora en la legalización de viviendas en el municipio de Ciego de àÅvila suele estar asociada a varios factores, pero el principal es la falta de técnicos. De unos 1000 expedientes procesados en el 2022, todavía quedan pendientes 234. Y la cifra sigue creciendo.

Staff (2023-02-20). Veva y la niña que cayó del cielo. cubadebate.cu Un soldado etíope que iba rumbo al frente con fusil y todo, había traído a una bebé que se encontró en un basurero. "Era sábado, un día de limpieza y de fiesta. Por la tarde me trajeron a la criatura. Cuando le pregunté a la enfermera que la llevaba en sus brazos cuántos días tenía, me contestó: ' °Mírela usted misma, le acabaron de cortar el cordón umbilical!' Parecía no tener más de 24 horas de vida. Yo no tenía ninguna experiencia como madre, pero sabía que debía salvar a la niña".

Staff (2023-02-20). Con un golazo de Messi en tiempo de descuento, el PSG le ganó 4-3 al Lille. cubadebate.cu El PSG ganó 4-3 al Lille en un partido loco que tuvo absolutamente de todo, dentro y fuera del campo. Mbappé se inventó un gol casi antológico, el PSG se dejó remontar para después ganar el partido en el minuto 95 con un lanzamiento de falta de Leo Messi. Antes, Neymar se había lesionado y Luis Campos saltó al campo desde el palco para "reemplazar" a Galtier.

Staff (2023-02-20). Concluyó XXXI Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana: Participaron 411 representantes de 54 países. cubadebate.cu La XXXI Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana concluyó este domingo luego de 10 días en los que confluyeron distintas manifestaciones artísticas, homenajes a personalidades de las letras e intercambios culturales con la República de Colombia, país invitado de honor. Participaron 411 representantes de 54 países, 19 más que en la edición de 2022.

Staff (2023-02-20). Aumentan los niveles de angustia y violencia sexual en adolescentes estadounidenses. cubadebate.cu Casi tres de cada cinco adolescentes estadounidenses declararon sentirse tristes o desesperanzadas en 2021, el nivel más alto registrado en una década y casi el doble de la tasa entre los varones. Las tasas de denuncias de violencia sexual y riesgo de suicidio aumentaron entre las adolescentes durante el mismo año, para un alza del 27% desde la última encuesta.

Staff (2023-02-20). Biden visita sorpresivamente a Ucrania, tras recibir garantías de seguridad desde Moscú (+ Video). cubadebate.cu "Biden, tras haber recibido previamente garantías de seguridad, llegó por fin a Kiev. Prometió muchas armas y le juró lealtad al régimen neonazi hasta la tumba", escribió Dmitri Medvédev, subjefe del Consejo de Seguridad de Rusia y expresidente del país en su canal de Telegram.

Staff (2023-02-20). Brasil: Intensas lluvias en Sao Paulo dejan saldo preliminar de 36 fallecidos. cubadebate.cu Las intensas lluvias registradas en las últimas horas en el estado brasileño de Sao Paulo han dejado un saldo preliminar de 36 fallecidos, cientos de damnificados y evacuados. Debido a la gravedad de las inundaciones el gobernador del estado de Sao Paulo, Tarcísio Gomes de Freitas, declaró el domingo estado de calamidad pública en cinco ciudades.

Staff (2023-02-20). Conozca mejor a los integrantes de #elCubaClásico: Gracial y Mujica. cubadebate.cu Cubadebate ya está en tiempo de Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. Te iremos presentando cada día a 2 de los 30 integrantes de nuestra selección nacional. El Cuba al Clásico es el equipo de todos.

Staff (2023-02-20). Continúa enfrentamiento a incendio forestal en Mayarí (+ Video). cubadebate.cu Fuerzas de los cuerpos de Bomberos y Guardabosques, empresas agroforestales y pobladores participan en la extinción de un incendio forestal en Pinares de Mayarí que amenaza a los asentamientos de Vivero 2, Pueblo Nuevo y La Mensura, en el municipio holguinero de Mayarí.

Staff (2023-02-20). Develan misterio de "momia de sirena" hallada en Japón. cubadebate.cu Una extraña momia encontrada en una red de pesca en el siglo XIX en Japón ha sido venerada durante décadas en el templo Enjuin, pues se consideraba una reliquia sagrada, y aunque se pensaba que era una combinación de mono y pez, científicos ya pudieron revelar de qué está hecha la criatura.

Staff (2023-02-20). El tiempo: Día cálido y escasas lluvias. cubadebate.cu Amanecerá con poca nubosidad en gran parte del país. Desde el final de la mañana estará parcialmente nublado con escasas lluvias. Las temperaturas máximas en la tarde estarán entre 29 y 32 grados Celsius, hasta 33 grados Celsius en el sur oriental.

Staff (2023-02-20). Embajador egipcio manifiesta interés por establecer proyectos de cooperación en Sancti Spíritus. cubadebate.cu El embajador de Egipto en Cuba, Maher El-Adawy, visitó hoy Sancti Spíritus, donde manifestó su interés por establecer proyectos de colaboración en áreas como recursos hidráulicos, turismo y agricultura. Esta es la segunda ocasión que el diplomático llega hasta esa provincia central del país y recorre las ciudades de Sancti Spíritus y Trinidad.

Staff (2023-02-20). Hallan por casualidad fármaco capaz de combatir las bacterias más resistentes. cubadebate.cu Un grupo de investigadores de instituciones científicas estadounidenses creó un nuevo antibiótico que actúa contra una amplia gama de microorganismos patógenos "intratables" sin provocar resistencia bacteriana, por lo que su uso reduciría el riesgo de propagación de enfermedades infecciosas que son difíciles de tratar con los fármacos existentes.

Staff (2023-02-20). José Ramón Rodríguez abrirá este martes por #elCubaClásico el tercer partido preparatorio del equipo (+ Video). cubadebate.cu José Ramón Rodríguez hará realidad un sueño pospuesto cuando abra este martes ante Golondrinas de Yakult el tercero de los partidos programados por Cuba como preparación para el V Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. El derecho camagàºeyano asumirá un reto que le fue esquivo cuando una molestia en la región lumbar le impidió hacerlo ante Luchadores de Nippon Ham.

Staff (2023-02-20). La santiaguera Oleiny Linares se corona en la cima del ajedrez nacional por cuarta ocasión. cubadebate.cu La santiaguera Oleiny Linares consiguió hoy el triunfo que necesitaba para coronarse en el Campeonato Nacional Femenino de Ajedrez de Camagàºey 2023, que tuvo un final de suspense. Al forzar la rendición de la capitalina Yoana González en 39 jugadas de una Apertura Inglesa, Linares llegó a 8.5 puntos y alzó por cuarta ocasión el cetro de la Isla.

Staff (2023-02-20). Líbano y Cuba abogan por el fortalecimiento de sus vínculos tras 63 años de relaciones bilaterales. cubadebate.cu Líbano y Cuba abogaron hoy por el fortalecimiento de los vínculos bilaterales, en el contexto del aniversario 63 del establecimiento de sus relaciones. Hani Chimayteli, secretario general del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Emigrados de Líbano, abordó con el jefe de la misión diplomática de La Habana ese país, Jorge León, el excelente nivel de los lazos bilaterales.

Staff (2023-02-20). Matemática en un cumpleaños colectivo; y también en el campo a lo RARJ. cubadebate.cu En este acertijo estamos a cuatro manos y dos mentes RARJ y yo; con nuevos retos en el maravilloso mundo de la Matemática, con ejercicios al alcance de la gran mayoría y otros para los que reclaman mayor grado de dificultad.

Staff (2023-02-20). Qué trae la prensa cubana, lunes 20 de febrero de 2023. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-02-20). Retornan a 31 cubanos que salieron ilegalmente del país. cubadebate.cu Este 20 de febrero en horas de la mañana el Servicio de Guardacostas de Estados Unidos devolvió 31 migrantes irregulares por el Puerto de Orozco, Bahía Honda, Artemisa. Los 29 hombres y dos mujeres habían participado, indistintamente, en tres salidas ilegales del país y la mayoría son de Matanzas y Cienfuegos.

Staff (2023-02-20). Rodrigo Malmierca desarrollará amplia agenda de trabajo en Colombia. cubadebate.cu El ministro de Comercio Exterior de Cuba, Rodrigo Malmierca, sostendrá hoy un encuentro oficial con el ministro de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, de Colombia, Germán Umaña, para afianzar los nexos bilaterales. En la cita participarán otras autoridades de esa cartera y del Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos (Invima).

Staff (2023-02-20). Se registra sismo de magnitud 6.4 en la frontera entre Turquía y Siria. cubadebate.cu Un sismo de magnitud 6.4 sacudió hoy la frontera entre Siria y Turquía. Su epicentro se registró a 75 kilómetros al norte de la ciudad siria de Latakia, según informó el Centro Sismológico Euromediterráneo. El foco del sismo se ubicó a una profundidad de 10 kilómetros. Minutos después se produjo un terremoto de magnitud 5.8 en la provincia de Hatay.

Staff (2023-02-20). Tasas vigentes en el mercado cambiario cubano este 20 de febrero. cubadebate.cu Con el objetivo de mantener a sus lectores informados, Cubadebate comparte las tasas de cambio para diferentes divisas extranjeras vigentes este lunes 20 de febrero de 2023 en el mercado cambiario del país.

Staff (2023-02-20). El reto de Cuba en el Clásico: Se oye clarito, clarito… cubadebate.cu Queda tiempo para pulir detalles, no para enseñar. Estamos llenos de optimismo y esperanzas, pero clavamos los pies en la tierra si decimos que lo visto hasta este domingo no convence a plenitud. A los aspectos técnicos hay que ponerle disfrute y alegría. Quienes emplean esa fórmula son mejores y complacen a sus más fieles seguidores, ganen o no las medallas.

Staff (2023-02-20). Esta sigue siendo una batalla de ideas. cubadebate.cu Es una guerra y como tal se comporta. No habrá un empate en su resultado para dos bandos ganadores, sino solo uno victorioso: el del decoro y el humanismo, o el de la estupidez y la mercantilización.

Staff (2023-02-20). Biden in Ukraine on War Anniversary: Matt Duss, Medea Benjamin Debate U.S. Involvement, Hopes for Peace. democracynow.org President Biden made a surprise visit to Ukraine ahead of this week's first anniversary of Russia's invasion and announced another $500 million in military aid to Ukraine and more sanctions on Russia. The visit underlines what Biden called his "unwavering support" for Ukrainian independence at a time when growing numbers of people in the United States and other countries are pushing for a negotiated end to the fighting. "For an American president to make a trip like this is enormously symbolic," says Matt Duss, visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace…

Staff (2023-02-20). "Log Off": 1 in 3 U.S. Girls Weighs Suicide. Will Congress Restrict Big Tech? democracynow.org As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns teen girls face record levels of depression and hopelessness, we host a roundtable on the role of social media and a bipartisan push against Big Tech in Congress. Several child safety-focused bills to curtail children's exposure to harmful online interactions are being proposed this session. Critics say the measures may not actually help children while limiting speech and privacy rights. We are joined by three people who testified last week before the Senate Judiciary Committee: Emma Lembke, a college student and founder of the LOG OFF movement, which…

Staff (2023-02-20). Headlines for February 20, 2023. democracynow.org Biden Visits Ukraine, Pledges More Weapons Ahead of First Anniversary of Russian Invasion, Europe to Increase Flow of Weapons to Ukraine as Peace Protesters Call for Diplomacy Over War, Kamala Harris Accuses Russia of Crimes Against Humanity, Warns Beijing Against Supporting Russia, Japan, U.S., South Korea Threaten More Sanctions After N. Korea Ballistic Missile Drills, Turkey Winding Down Earthquake Rescue Operations as Anger Grows over Scale of Deaths & Destruction, Thousands Protest as Extreme-Right Israeli Gov't Presses Ahead with Attack on Judiciary, Israeli Airstrikes Kill 15 in Damascus; U.S. Says I…

Staff (2023-02-20). Latin America Is Working to End the Monroe Doctrine. davidswanson.org

Staff (2023-02-20). The Far Right Sets a Trap for the Antiwar Movement. orinocotribune.com By Melinda Butterfield — Feb 9, 2023 | The history of the working class and oppressed peoples is full of positive and negative lessons about the intertwined struggles against war and fascism. Unfortunately, since the destruction of the USSR and the socialist camp 30 years ago, many of these lessons have been lost to new generations and forgotten by older ones. | At this critical juncture of an unfolding global war crisis unleashed by U.S. imperialism in Ukraine, the destruction of people's basic rights and livelihoods at home, and the growing climate catastrophe, it is crucial to the success of working-class…

Staff (2023-02-20). Venezuela Rejects Guyana's Accusations of 'Venezuelan Imperialism' Regarding Essequibo Dispute. orinocotribune.com This week marks the 57th anniversary of the Geneva Agreement signed in 1966 between Venezuela, the United Kingdom, and the then British colony of Guyana. | The government of Venezuela has "categorically" rejected a On Friday, February 17, on the 5…

Staff (2023-02-20). Gothenburg stands in solidarity with Palestine. samidoun.net Samidoun Gà∂teborg joined fellow Palestine organizations in Gothenburg, Sweden, on Friday, 10 February for a stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people. The action came as part of the Days of Rage and Resistance organized by the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement. Participants also expressed their solidarity with the peoples living, struggling …

Staff (2023-02-20). Rotterdam marches for Palestine on the Days of Rage and Resistance. samidoun.net Samidoun Netherlands and the Masar Badil — the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path — held a march and rally in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, on Friday, 11 February, as part of the Days of Rage and Resistance. Protesters rallied against the massacres in Palestine, including the recent massacre in Jenin, against the crimes of the occupation and …

Staff (2023-02-20). Samidoun Brussels event highlights Palestinian liberation from the river to the sea. samidoun.net On Saturday, 11 February, Samidoun Brussels organized a symposium, "From the River to the Sea: Visions of Palestinian Liberation," with a discussion about the future of the Palestinian liberation struggle starting from the point of the necessity of the total liberation of Palestine. A full room greeted speakers at DK, where activists and organizers from …

Suheir Sheikh (2023-02-20). The chemical spill from the Ohio train derailment. america.cgtn.com On February 3, a 9,300-foot-long freight train transporting hazardous chemicals owned by freight rail operator Norfolk Southern derailed in East Palestine, Ohio. With the potential for some of those hazardous materials to explode, authorities let the train operator conduct a "controlled explosion" on Feb. 6 that released …

Ted Snider (2023-02-20). Who Really Started the Ukraine Wars? globalresearch.ca

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-20). Alertan de persistencia de fuertes lluvias en Sà£o Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Tormentas eléctricas causaron al menos tres muertes. Las precipitaciones dejaron familias sin hogar, varias carreteras bloqueadas y el carnaval fue suspendido en la ciudad.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-20). Palestinos declaran desobediencia civil en Jerusalén Este. telesurtv.net Los organizadores dicen que la huelga es en respuesta a las medidas punitivas impuestas por el ministro de extrema derecha Itamar Ben-Gvir…

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-20). Recuerdan aniversario de movimiento comunista dominicano. telesurtv.net Se trata de una organización fundada el 20 de febrero del año 1956 por un grupo de exiliados dominicanos en Cuba, liderados por Máximo Antonio López.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-20). Rusia denuncia que EE.UU. escala conflicto ucraniano. telesurtv.net Rusia dio por zanjado el problema de la incorporación de Crimea en 2014, tras un plebiscito en el cual se aprobó la unión de ese territorio a la Federación.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-20). Rusia denuncia ataque de Ucrania en la región de Donestk. telesurtv.net El ataque se produjo horas después que un alto representante del Gobierno ucraniano dijera que Rusia sería "destruida en meses".

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-20). Presidente Lula visita zona afectada por lluvias en Sao Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Imágenes difundidas en redes sociales mostraban ríos de lodo y escombros, carreteras inundadas, entre otras evidencias de los daños dejados por los deslaves en Sao Paulo.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-20). Corea del Sur y EE.UU. realizan maniobras aéreas conjuntas. telesurtv.net Estas prácticas se realizan un día después que Corea del Norte lanzó un misil balístico de largo alcance.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-20). Grupos sociales califican de dictadura al Gobierno de Guatemala. telesurtv.net Tras la negativa de las autoridades electorales para inscribir a la fórmula presidencial de un partido indígena, movimientos sociales nacionales e internacionales criticaron al Gobierno.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-20). Realizan consulta sobre privatización de carretera en Guatemala. telesurtv.net Vecinos en el municipio de San José, Escuintla decidirán sobre una concesión del proyecto de la autopista Escuintla al Puerto San José, ya concesionada al Convía.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-20). Presidente López Obrador nacionaliza el litio en México. telesurtv.net López Obrador subrayó que EE.UU., Canadá y México tienen el compromiso de que se avance la transición a energías limpias en la construcción de vehículos.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-20). Venezuela rechaza declaraciones de Guyana sobre el Acuerdo de Ginebra. telesurtv.net El Acuerdo de Ginebra , que cumplioÃÅ hace cuatro diÃÅas 57 anÃÉos, admite la existencia de un problema limítrofe Venezuela-Guyana y fija los medios paciÃÅficos para su solucioÃÅn.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-20). Cifra de muertos por sismos supera 46.000 en Siria y Türkiye. t.co A medida que los esfuerzos de rescate de sobrevivientes de los terremotos comenzaron a disminuir en Türkiye, los equipos de demolición comenzaron a limpiar los montículos de escombros.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-20). Türkiye suspende labores de rescate en la mayoría de las zonas afectadas por los terremotos. twitter.com Los esfuerzos de búsqueda y rescate se han completado en la zona del terremoto, excepto en las provincias sureñas de Kahramanmaras y Hatay.

teleSUR, JDO, SH (2023-02-20). Aumenta a 26 la cifra de fallecidos por lluvias en el estado brasileño de Sao Paulo. telesurtv.net Debido a la gravedad de las inundaciones el gobernador del estado de Sao Paulo, declaró el estado de calamidad en cinco ciudades.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-20). Estadounidenses rechazan envío de armas a Ejército ucraniano. telesurtv.net Demandan el inicio de conversaciones de paz, la desescalada militar, recortes presupuestarios al Pentágono y la disolución de la OTAN, entre otras.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-20). ONU insta a extender acuerdo de exportación de granos ante hambruna. telesurtv.net Solicita su prórroga por Rusia y Ucrania. Precisó que es crucial para África, con 50 millones de seres en crisis alimentaria.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-20). Rusia alerta que Europa envió sustancias radiactivas a Ucrania. telesurtv.net Denuncia que Kiev empleará dichas sustancias para montar un falso ataque a gran escala y luego culpar a Rusia de contaminación radiactiva.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-02-20). Restauran Sistema Eléctrico Nacional cubano afectado por una avería. telesurtv.net Ante la falla, localizada como un error humano, funcionaron los microsistemas instalados en todo el país, que permitieron mantener el servicio.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-20). Más de 800 damnificados por intensas lluvias en Paraguay. telesurtv.net Las autoridades paraguayas indicaron que no se han registrado decesos ni personas desaparecidas en las zonas afectadas por las inundaciones.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-20). Detectan nuevos casos de gripe aviar en Argentina. telesurtv.net El Gobierno argentino había decidido reforzar la vigilancia epidemiológica en su frontera norte, luego de que se detectara un foco de influencia aviar en Bolivia.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-20). ONU emplea 250 millones de dólares para evitar hambruna. telesurtv.net Según António Guterres alrededor de 339 millones de personas necesitan ayuda humanitaria.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-20). Asesinan a otro líder social y campesino en Magdalena, Colombia. telesurtv.net Al momento de su asesinato, el líder social y campesino se encontraba al frente de casi 300 familias campesinas de la región.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-20). Israelíes protestan contra reforma judicial de Netanyahu. telesurtv.net Los manifestantes sostienen que la reforma defendida por el primer ministro israelí socavaría la independencia del poder judicial.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-20). Naufragio deja al menos cinco muertos en Panamá. telesurtv.net Agentes de la unidad de Botes Especiales de la Policía de fronteras de Panamá rescataron a 13 personas con vida del naufragio.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-20). Presidente ecuatoriano falta a comparecencia por Caso Encuentro. telesurtv.net La presidenta de la comisión parlamentaria que investiga la trama de corrupción denunció que con esta acción Guillermo Lasso le da la espalda al país.

The Cradle (2023-02-20). African Union renews full support for Palestine, confirms Israel not invited to summit. popularresistance.org In the closing statement of the 36th ordinary Session of the African Union (AU) Assembly held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the regional bloc confirmed its "complete support" for the State of Palestine. | The AU condemned ongoing Israeli crimes against Palestinians, including forced evictions, extrajudicial detentions, illegal settlement expansion, and apartheid. | This statement came just one day after an Israeli delegation was unceremoniously booted from the summit's opening ceremony.

The Cradle (2023-02-20). African Union Renews Full Support For Palestine, Israel Not Invited To Summit. popularresistance.org In the closing statement of the 36th ordinary Session of the African Union (AU) Assembly held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the regional bloc confirmed its "complete support" for the State of Palestine. | The AU condemned ongoing Israeli crimes against Palestinians, including forced evictions, extrajudicial detentions, illegal settlement expansion, and apartheid. | This statement came just one day after an Israeli delegation was unceremoniously booted from the summit's opening ceremony. On Sunday, AU commission chief Moussa Faki Mahamat confirmed that Israel's observer status has been suspended since last year and th…

The Dissenter (2023-02-20). March to War In Iraq, 20 Years Later: February 20, 2003. thedissenter.org The Dissenter Newsletter recalls each day in the timeline of events that led up to the US invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, twenty years ago…

The Lever (2023-02-20). LEVER WEEKLY: Driving The Narrative. levernews.com

Tyler Walicek (2023-02-20). Lawsuit Uncovers Chicago's Failure to Provide Disability Protections in Housing. truthout.org A discovery process in an ongoing federal lawsuit against the City of Chicago has revealed what appears to be an enormous abdication of the city and its Department of Housing's duties to both the disabled community and federal law. Documents turned over in the suit, which was filed by disability rights organization Access Living in 2018, have revealed across-the-board failures in inspecting… |

Unicorn Riot (2023-02-20). Over 100 Families Occupy Abandoned Apartment Complex in Brazil. unicornriot.ninja

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-02-20). Free Mumia & Stop Racist Police Murders! For General Strikes To Stop Racist Terror & Murders. indybay.org The UFCLP calls for mass worker/labor actions including general strikes to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal and racist police terror and murder. We also protest the San Francisco Labor Council bureaucrats who opposed supporting the ILWU Local 10 initiated march and rally. These bureaucrats like the national AFL-CIO leadership continue to support the Democrats and Republicans who support more funding for the police along with their militarization. The AFL-CIO, SEIU, IBT, CWA and other unions continue to allow police in their ranks.

Vera Sharav (2023-02-20). Video: Never Again Is Now Global. Part 3: Breaking the Veil of the Real Conspirators. globalresearch.ca

WSWS (2023-02-20). Sri Lankan Socialist Equality Party to hold election meetings at Kolonnawa and Masakeliya. wsws.org The SEP is fielding candidates for three local government bodies—the Kolonnawa Urban Council in Colombo, the Maskeliya Pradeshiya Sabha in Nuwara Eliya and the Karainagar Pradeshiya in Jaffna.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Cincinnati-area water districts shut off intake from Ohio River due to contamination from East Palestine derailment. wsws.org The decision to close the intake exposes attempts by the government and the Norfolk Southern railroad to convince residents that there is no longer any danger to the public.

WSWS (2023-02-20). US menaces China over balloon, arms for Russia. wsws.org US Secretary of State Antony Blinken bluntly warned top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi of "the implications and consequences if China provides material support to Russia or assistance with systemic sanctions evasion."

WSWS (2023-02-20). Union executive orders end to strike by Newfoundland's Memorial University faculty although contract yet to be finalized. wsws.org In a February 16 announcement, the Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association said that its executive committee had voted to approve a new contract, then went on to explain that union officials were still working to finalize its terms with the university.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Why are 42 percent of US high school students experiencing persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness? wsws.org While the CDC offers no explanation for the mental health crisis gripping US high school students in the second year of the pandemic, it can be found in the life experiences of young people in a society already wracked by poverty, social inequality, police violence and war.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Fiji's ex-PM Bainimarama suspended from parliament for sedition. wsws.org The installation of Fiji's new government has seen an ongoing power struggle between two former coup leaders and the contesting factions of the ruling elite backing them—with the threat of another coup ever present.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Fascist election denier wins race to be chair of Michigan Republican Party. wsws.org Election denier and QAnon sympathizer Kristina Karamo won the leadership of the Michigan Republican Party during the party's convention in Lansing over the weekend, defeating Matt DePerno, who had the backing of Donald Trump.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Mississippi House Republicans back controversial white-run court system for heavily black capital city. wsws.org The Mississippi state House has passed a bill creating a new court system in Jackson allowing white state officials to appoint judges and prosecutors in the majority black city.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Fox News emails, messages show its role in instigating January 6 attack. wsws.org One of the key revelations from a lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems is that Trump tried to call the network and go on the air as the attack on the Capitol was ending, but Fox executives decided that to offer him a live television audience would be "irresponsible."

WSWS (2023-02-20). This week in history: February 20-26. wsws.org This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Oakland public schools face drastic cuts in the face of massive budget deficit. wsws.org With the district seeking to close a $79 million deficit, the right to a public education is under threat.

WSWS (2023-02-20). University and College Union sells out UK higher education strike. wsws.org

WSWS (2023-02-20). Spanish Amazon workers launch indefinite strike against closure of Martorelles facility. wsws.org The 30,000 square meters plant at Martorelles, opened in October 2017, is set to close on April 22.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Washington accuses Russia of "crimes against humanity" to justify escalation of Ukraine war. wsws.org As with previous US proclamations about human rights abuses by Russia, Harris' comments were meant to provide cover for the major escalation of US involvement in the war in Ukraine.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Why educators should support the SEP in Australia's NSW state election. wsws.org After decades of underfunding by Liberal-National Coalition and Labor-led governments alike, the conditions in schools have reached a crisis point.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Anti-Netanyahu protests continue, but their Zionist agenda cannot combat fascist threat. wsws.org The leaders of the demonstrations are hostile to any appeal to Israel's Palestinian citizens, turning away Palestinians in earlier demonstrations and enthusiastically and often violently enforcing the ban on Palestinian flags.

WSWS (2023-02-20). In Leopoldstadt, playwright Tom Stoppard looks to his past and the fate of Europe's Jews. wsws.org Stoppard's latest play benefits from some of his customary charm, but also suffers from his typical limitations.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Temple University administration, corporate press and union bureaucrats falsely claim sellout agreement means "end" of grad student strike. wsws.org Striking Temple graduate students denounce the false narrative announced by Temple University, the Democratic Party-aligned press and union bureaucrats that the three-week strike is over without a ratified tentative agreement.

WSWS (2023-02-20). VIDEO: NSW election candidate Oscar Grenfell interviewed on SEP (Australia) fight against war. wsws.org Amid the greatest danger of a catastrophic world war in decades, the SEP is the only party in the NSW state election sounding the alarm and advancing a socialist alternative to militarism.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Warmonger Alexander Vindman to speak at University of Michigan. wsws.org Vindman is one of the central military-political figures involved in promoting, entrenching and escalating a prolonged and bloody US-NATO war with Russia in Ukraine.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Health care workers' protests and strikes mount across Spain. wsws.org Last week, as many as 1 million people joined a rally in support of doctors and in defence of public health in Madird.

Zero Hedge (2023-02-20). China Hits Lockheed Martin, Raytheon with Retaliatory Sanctions Amid Balloon Saga. globalresearch.ca

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2023-02-20: News Headlines

Staff (2023-02-20). Venezuela Rejects Guyana's Accusations of 'Venezuelan Imperialism' Regarding Essequibo Dispute. orinocotribune.com This week marks the 57th anniversary of the Geneva Agreement signed in 1966 between Venezuela, the United Kingdom, and the then British colony of Guyana. | The government of Venezuela has "categorically" rejected a On Friday, February 17, on the 5…

Jeremy Kuzmarov (2023-02-20). Left and Right Join Together to Rage Against Ukraine War on Its One Year Anniversary. covertactionmagazine.com Several thousand people gathered at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., on Sunday, February 19, to protest U.S. support for the war in Ukraine around the time of its one-year anniversary. The protest was organized by the People's Party and Libertarian Party. It brought together groups on the left and libertarian right which were unified …

_____ (2023-02-20). Third impeachment in North Korea's history. journal-neo.org On several occasions in his recent articles dealing with the political consequences of the disaster in Itaewon on October 29, 2022, the author has referred to the attempts of the Together Democratic Party (the Democrats) to secure the "dismissal" of Lee Sang-min, Minister of the Interior and Safety (a post that is the equivalent of …

_____ (2023-02-20). Why is Washington replacing Georgia's overseer Kelly Degnan? journal-neo.org In the rapidly changing situation around Russia's successful special operation to denazify the criminal Ukrainian regime, the Biden administration decided to urgently replace its "overseer" in Ukraine — Ambassador Kelly Degnan. After all, against the background of the outright failure of the Russophobic adventure of the White House using the revival of neo-Nazism in opposition …

americanthinker (2023-02-20). Business professors are wrong about the future of work. americanthinker.com Most university professors continue to misunderstand the economy and what it actually consists of.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). Don didn't warn us about Kamala being past her prime. americanthinker.com Don Lemon could have saved us from "the word salads" and passion for school buses.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his fellow countrymen. americanthinker.com Remembering George Washington on this President's Day.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). SCOTUS will reconsider the Brunson case. americanthinker.com After declining to hear Brunson v. Adams, SCOTUS decides to reconsider.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). Why was the East Palestine tank car blown up? americanthinker.com Why were standard procedures not followed?>

Angela (2023-02-20). Saturday 2/18: Free virtual screening of the film "Jerusalem… the East Side Story" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

americanthinker (2023-02-20). Don didn't warn us about Kamala being past her prime. americanthinker.com Don Lemon could have saved us from "the word salads" and passion for school buses.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his fellow countrymen. americanthinker.com Remembering George Washington on this President's Day.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). SCOTUS will reconsider the Brunson case. americanthinker.com After declining to hear Brunson v. Adams, SCOTUS decides to reconsider.

americanthinker (2023-02-20). Why was the East Palestine tank car blown up? americanthinker.com Why were standard procedures not followed?>

Angela (2023-02-20). Saturday 2/18: Free virtual screening of the film "Jerusalem… the East Side Story" indybay.org Zoom (Registration link is below)…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-20). Battle For Bakhmut: Military Overview On February 20, 2023 (Video 18+). southfront.org Wagner fighters in Paraskovievka | On February 20, the Russian Ministry of Defence confirmed Russian control of the town of Paraskovievka located on the north-western outskirts of the city of Bakhmut (originally called Artyomovsk). The report of the Russian Defence Ministry indicates the end of the mop up operation in the settlement. Head of the Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed control of Paraskovievka on February 17."The settlement of Paraskovievka is under full control of the units of the PMC "Wagner". Desp…

Brandee Sanders (2023-02-20). California-Based HBCU Cultivates Its First Independent Medical Degree Program. newsone.com

CIIS Public Programs (2023-02-20). Thursday 3/23: Indigenous Voices on Our Changing Earth. indybay.org

Connor Freeman (2023-02-20). North Korea Launches Ballistic Missiles in Response to War Drills. news.antiwar.com North Korea fired off ballistic missiles as a response to war drills carried out by the United States, Japan, and South Korea this weekend. On Monday, Japan's Coast Guard announced that North Korea launched two ballistic missiles. Kim Yo Jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, warned against the increased presence of …

Connor Freeman (2023-02-20). Washington Plans Fresh Sanctions on Russia, Key Industries Targeted. news.antiwar.com The White House is readying a raft of new sanctions and export controls to impose on Russia, as the war in Ukraine turns one year old, according to Bloomberg. The coming new penalties are said to be focused on targeting key Russian industries as well as so called sanctions circumvention or business conducted with Russian …

Craig Murray (2023-02-20). Nicola Sturgeon — Used and Discarded. globalresearch.ca

Dan Bacher (2023-02-20). State Senator David Min Introduces Bill to Ban Offshore Drilling in California Waters. indybay.org Senator Dave Min announced the introduction of SB 559, legislation that would end offshore oil drilling under existing leases in California state waters.

Dave DeCamp (2023-02-20). Finland Reverses Course, Says It Will Join NATO Without Sweden. news.antiwar.com Finnish officials have said they would join NATO without Sweden if Turkey only approves their membership, reversing their previous position that they would only join together with Stockholm. The comments came after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Sweden wouldn't receive support from Ankara over a Quran-burning protest that was held in front of the …

Dick Nichols (2023-02-20). Spain: Barcelona cuts ties with Israel. greenleft.org.au Barcelona has suspended official ties with Israel over its violation of Palestinian rights, reports Dick Nichols.

Doro-Chiba International Solidarity Committee (2023-02-20). International Solidarity Action In Tokyo To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Blocked By Police. indybay.org Hoshino Defense Committee, Osaka Defense Committee and Doro-Chiba the railway workers union went to the US embassy to deliver a statement of soldiarity for the freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal. US embassy officials called on the Japanese police to block the statement from being delivered and mobilized the Tokyo police.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Local gov'ts urged investment restraint over NEV startups. ecns.cn A former top industry official has cautioned local governments against rushing blindly into China's burgeoning new energy vehicle sector, saying that they should refrain from becoming investors in startups.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). 10 primary students test positive for COVID-19 in Hangzhou. ecns.cn Ten primary students from Xihu District in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, tested positive for COVID-19 on Sunday, leading to a four-day school suspension of the class they are in, said the district's education authorities on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Daily common-sense content brings fame to 28-year-old vlogger. ecns.cn Vlogger Zhang Mengzhen, 28, from Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, has become popular online for her videos depicting daily common sense.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). 20,000 runners hit the road for Shenzhen Marathon. ecns.cn The much-anticipated Shenzhen Marathon featured 20,000 runners on Sunday morning as the annual event finally returned to the subtropical city in Guangdong province after being suspended for three years due to the COVID-19 epidemic.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Jimmy Carter to receive hospice care. ecns.cn Jimmy Carter, 98, the oldest living former US president, has opted to spend his final days at his Georgia home, receiving hospice care, his namesake nonprofit foundation says.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Chinese scientists design battery concept to tame heat with pressure. ecns.cn A team of Chinese researchers has designed a new battery concept that can extract thermal energy from low-temperature waste heat sources and reuse it on demand simply by controlling the pressure.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Beijing bourse launches stock market-making trading business. ecns.cn The Beijing Stock Exchange (BSE) officially launched market-making trading business on its stock market on Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). DPRK fires rocket shells in response to U.S.-South Korea air drill. ecns.cn The armed forces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) conducted a multiple-rocket launching drill Monday morning, the official Korean Central News Agency reported, in response to the U.S.-South Korea combined air drill a day earlier.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Chinese mainland, Macao to mutually recognize driving licenses. ecns.cn The Ministry of Public Security (MPS) and the government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) have signed an agreement to enable mutual recognition and exchanges of driving licenses between the Chinese mainland and the Macao SAR.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). U.S. Hegemony and Its Perils. ecns.cn The United States has acted more boldly to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, pursue, maintain and abuse hegemony, advance subversion and infiltration, and willfully wage wars, bringing harm to the international community.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Former head of China's state railway indicted for bribery. ecns.cn Sheng Guangzu, former secretary of the leading Party members group and general manager of the formerly-named China Railway Corp., has been indicted on charges of taking bribes, the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) said Monday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). China's space-tracking ship sets sail for new missions. ecns.cn China's space-tracking ship Yuanwang-5 departed from a port in east China's Jiangsu Province on Monday to conduct spacecraft monitoring missions.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Chinese online mapping platform Amap makes over 300b positioning calls/day using BeiDou satellites. ecns.cn Chinese online mapping platform Amap revealed on Saturday that its daily usage of the domestically developed BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) to make positioning calls had exceeded 300 billion times as of January, and it vowed to expand the application of BDS in the transportation sector.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). China's health insurance reform: What is changing?>. ecns.cn As many places in China have rolled out the health insurance reform, some residents noticed their monthly health insurance income was cut less.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). 1 dead, 10 wounded in U.S. shootings. ecns.cn One person was killed and 10 others wounded Sunday in a pair of shootings in Memphis, Tennessee, said local police.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). NW China's Xinjiang clears another three border ports for passenger traffic. ecns.cn Northwest China's Xinjiang region resumed passenger traffic at three of its land border ports with Central Asian countries on Monday to meet the need of people-to-people exchange.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). China's first domestically produced antidepressant approved for market sale. ecns.cn China's first domestically produced antidepressant recently received approval for market sale, making a major innovative breakthrough for domestic drugs in treating depression.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Rehabilitation for children underway in quake-hit Türkiye. ecns.cn Children attend an activity to entertain and support the mental health of children affected by the deadly earthquake, at a camp for survivors in Adiyaman, Türkiye, Feb. 18, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Japanese bid farewell to giant panda Xiang Xiang. ecns.cn Thousands of Japanese fans bade farewell to the beloved giant panda, who was born in June 2017, the first giant panda to be born and raised naturally at the zoo in nearly three decades on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). One more cross-Strait ferry service line resumes operation. ecns.cn A ferry "Jishun 9" with 59 passengers on board arrived at Lianjiang, marking the resumption of the last passenger route between Fuzhou and Matsu on Sunday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Migratory birds flock to wetland in east China. ecns.cn A flock of pied avocet forage at the coastal wetland in Lianyungang, east China's Jiangsu Province, Feb. 19, 2023.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Monks perform Cham dance to greet Tibetan New Year. ecns.cn Cham dance is a masked and costumed ritual performed by Tibetan Buddhist monks to exorcise evils and pray for blessings.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Plum blossoms burst into bloom in Nanjing. ecns.cn As an indicator of Spring setting in, plum blossoms enter best viewing season in Nanjing.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Parrots 'enjoy' plum blossoms in Nanjing. ecns.cn A parrot raised by a Nanjing citizen perches on a branch of blossoming plum tree at the Meihuashan (Plum Blossom Hill) scenic area in Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu Province, becoming part of the beautiful scenes.

ecns.cn (2023-02-20). Canadian International Auto Show is back. ecns.cn After a two-year hiatus, one of Canada's largest auto shows, the Canadian International Auto Show, will run from February 17 to 26 at the Metro Toronto Convention Center (MTCC).

Editor (2023-02-20). Chris Hedges: Rage Against The War Machine Speech. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-02-20). [Rewind] Eddie Conway: Prisons Enable America's Obscene Wealth. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-02-20). Our Freedoms Shrink as Our Military Expands. scheerpost.com By Brad Wolf / CounterPunch The Merchants of Death even own our sidewalks. That's what we were told when we arrived at Raytheon Technologies in Arlington, Virginia, on Valentine's Day, February 14th, to issue a "Contempt Citation" for Raytheon's failure to comply with a subpoena issued last November by the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal, a People's Tribunal scheduled …

Editor (2023-02-20). Sanders Proposes 'New Deal for Journalism' To Ensure Media Serves Public Interest. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-02-20). The Rail Unions Warned Us. Greed Is Dangerous. scheerpost.com

Editor (2023-02-20). US Admits Weather Pushed Chinese Balloon Off Course, US Shot Down Hobbyist's $12 Balloon in $2 Million Attack. scheerpost.com US officials acknowledged the Chinese balloon they shot down on February 4 had likely been blown off course by unexpected weather. The US Air Force later spent $2 million using missiles to blow up what appeared to be a $12 hobbyist balloon.

Fight Back (2023-02-20). Against Trotskyism: Socialism in one country. fightbacknews.org One of the main pillars of Trotskyism is the denial of the possibility of building socialism in a single country. This is an outgrowth of Trotsky's permanent revolution theory, which argued that the revolution in Russia depended on the immediate success of revolution in western Europe to avoid defeat. Nevertheless, the Soviet Union did indeed build socialism in one country, so we should look at the disagreements between Marxism-Leninism and Trotskyism on this point and try to understand where they come from. | Trotsky's permanent revolution theory was, from the beginning, opposed to the idea that socialism could…

Fight Back (2023-02-20). Minneapolis: Stop the demolition! Stop polluting native communities! fightbacknews.org Minneapolis MN – On February 19, around 100 protesters and community members gathered at the Roof Depot site in the East Phillips neighborhood to protest the impending demolition of the building. The Climate Justice Committee organized the protest as part of the week of action for the Defend the Atlanta Forest, connecting the struggles against environmental racism and police terror in Atlanta to the local struggle against the pollution of oppressed nationality and working-class communities like East Phillips. The Twin Cities Coalition for Justice for Jamar also joined the protest, demanding justice for Manuel "To…

Global Research News (2023-02-20). Selected Articles: Medical Marvel or the Second Coming of Al Capone? Pfizer's Sins and Crimes. "We have a vaccine which is killing people" globalresearch.ca

imperial.ac.uk (2023-02-20). Imperial launches new Impact Fellowship programme. imperial.ac.uk Imperial Policy Forum has launched a new Fellowship for civil servants. Fellows will work on policy challenges with support from Imperial academics.

INDYRADIO (2023-02-20). Friend of Assange Found Innocent of False Charges in Ecuador. indybay.org Privacy advocate Ola Bini was finally found innocent of nebulous charges that kept him under control of the legal system for 3 years. Today we share his story as he told it on social media at the end of last month. This morning, he clarified the status of his case. Though the verdict will be appealed, Ola is still smiling, now certain he will prevail.

Informed Consent Action Network (2023-02-20). ICAN Confronts CDC and FDA About Hiding Important Vaccine Adverse Event Reports From Public View. globalresearch.ca

Iowa Capital Dispatch (2023-02-20). You can't be for Liberty if you're for banning Books. juancole.com By Bill Tubbs | — ( Iowa Capital Dispatch) — Two years ago in my column in the North Scott Press, I introduced "Signs that the Apocalypse is Upon Us," to call attention to items which, though they are actually happening, are so surreal that it seems the end of time must be near. Gov. …

Isaac Nellist (2023-02-20). Happier and healthier: Why we need a four-day work week. greenleft.org.au As wages stagnate and the cost-of-living crisis worsens, it's time to re-evaluate the role of work in our lives and the economic system, argues Isaac Nellist.

Juan Cole (2023-02-20). Jimmy Carter's Greatest Triumph: Guinea Worm on Verge of Extinction, with only 13 Cases in 2022. juancole.com Former President Jimmy Carter's family has announced that he is moving into hospice care, a sign of his imminent passing. In his honor, I am reprinting this column with some updates. The guinea worm may be the second major human disease after small pox to be completely eradicated. It is a parasite that you get …

Labor Video Project (2023-02-20). ILWU Local 10 Stops Work & Rallies For Mumia With Tyre Nichols Family In San Francisco. indybay.org ILWU Local 10 held a stop work action and held a march and rally to demand the freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal. The family of Tyre Nichols also attended and spoke out.

Leon Kunstenaar (2023-02-20). International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) March and Rally to Free Mumia. indybay.org Hundreds of ILWU members and supporters demand freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal as part of ongoing campaign…

March on Police Station in Menlo Park (2023-02-20). San Mateo County as Vulnerable to Police Violence as Memphis. indybay.org February 11 near downtown Menlo Park, California in the San Francisco Bay Area. Protesters rallied for justice for Tyre Nichols and said the same police tactics are used here.

Marcos Salgado (2023-02-20). Petro y Maduro juntos en la frontera, avanzan en acuerdos comerciales. globalizacion.ca Los presidentes de Colombia y de Venezuela, Gustavo Petro y Nicolás Maduro, tuvieron su tercer encuentro oficial en siete meses, esta vez en el Puente Binacional Atanasio Girardot, que se abrió por primera vez al tránsito de vehículos y camiones…

Margaret Kimberley (2023-02-20). Did the US Blow Up Nord Stream If There Is No Media to Report It? globalresearch.ca

Michael Snyder (2023-02-20). A Cover-up of Epic Proportions Is Happening in East Palestine, Ohio. globalresearch.ca

Mothers on the March (2023-02-20). Friday 2/24: Free Palestine! indybay.org Israeli Consulate | 456 Montgomery | San Francisco…

Muhammed Shabeer (2023-02-20). Anti-fascists expose neo-Nazi 'mourning' over Dresden bombing. peoplesdispatch.org Far-right political parties and neo-Nazi groups have been trying to hijack the commemoration of the Allied bombing of the city of Dresden during World War II by suggesting it was morally equivalent to the Holocaust…

Newsclick (2023-02-20). Decoding India's Economy | With Prof. Prabhat Patnaik. peoplesdispatch.org Senior journalist Aunindyo Chakravarty and noted economist Prabhat Patnaik discuss the economic structure of India, the support base of the current dispensation, questions around capitalism and socialism, and what gives us hope in these difficult times…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Mayo Clinic Minute: Heart disease in African American women. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in women in the U.S. And African American women have an even higher risk of dying from heart disease ‚Äï and at a younger age ‚Äï than white women, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. LaPrincess Brewer, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says this serious issue is compounded by the fact that many African American women are not…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Mayo Clinic Minute: What to do when sick with norovirus or 'stomach flu'. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org If you went out for the evening and woke up with a sudden bad stomach, chances are you might be experiencing viral gastroenteritis. That's the broad term for an infection in the intestines. Some call it "stomach flu." Gastroenteritis can be brought on by norovirus — a highly contagious viral infection most often spread through person-to-person contact or contaminated food or water, or by touching contaminated surfaces. It can be quite severe for some people, but for…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Consumer Health: Reduce your risk of the 4 most common cancers. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org February is National Cancer Prevention Month, which makes this a good time to learn what you can do to reduce your risk of the top four most common cancers diagnosed in the U.S. One in 2 men and 1 in 3 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society. The most common types of cancer diagnosed in the U.S. are skin cancer, breast cancer, prostate…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Science Saturday: Can AI-enhanced heart screening address health disparities? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Clinicians and researchers around the world are combining artificial intelligence, known as AI, with health care to help identify patients at greater risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke and heart failure. However, as use of these AI-enhanced tools grows, researchers at Mayo Clinic are asking, "Do these tools work reliably for people of color?" and "Are they accessible in community health care settings?" "AI-based health interventions are frequently developed and deployed without race-specific data analysis or…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Mayo Clinic Minute: Learn about advances in cataract surgery. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cataracts are one of the most common eye conditions in the world. Chances are most people are going to develop cataracts at some point in their lives. Thanks to advances in cataract surgery, Dr. Dave Patel, a Mayo Clinic ophthalmologist, says many patients are able to say goodbye to their cataracts and reduce or eliminate their need for glasses. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLdagXOdlI8 Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 10) is in the downloads at the end of the…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). MEDIA ADVISORY: Mayo physician creates industry runway for students of color. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org MEDIA ADVISORY: Mayo physician creates industry runway for students of color February is Black History Month, and Dr. Alyx Porter, a neuro-oncologist at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, is committed to increasing diversity in medicine. There are less than five black women practicing neuro oncology in the U.S., and Dr. Porter is one of them. She formed the nonprofit ElevateMeD along with her husband to provide scholarships and support to medical students from backgrounds underrepresented in…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Mayo Clinic Minute: What is cardiogenic shock? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cardiogenic shock is a condition where the heart is too weak to pump blood and oxygen to the brain and organs. Fatal if not treated immediately, the condition affects approximately 50,000 people in the U.S. Dr. Parag Patel, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains what cardiogenic shock is and how it's treated. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0sTu9uIbSQ Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (0: 56) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please courtesy: "Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Mushrooms make healthy meal magic. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Mushrooms can be found in so many dishes, from omelets to stir-fries, that they're often overlooked. But mushrooms not only are versatile, they also provide a variety of health benefits ranging from brain health to cancer prevention. They're naturally low in sodium and fat, two things that can affect heart health by raising blood pressure. There are more health-related reasons for eating these almost-magical fungi, including: Cancer preventionResearchers have found that incorporating any variety of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Are over-the-counter hearing devices a fit for you? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I've heard about the new over-the-counter hearing devices, but I'm not sure if they'll work for me. What do I need to know? And what should I consider as I make my decision? ANSWER: Hearing loss can be a significant quality of life issue for people. There are certainly many benefits to visiting with an audiology practice or specialist. People with moderate hearing loss are good candidates for hearing aids bought over the counter…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Minimally invasive, robotic spine surgery helps man with lower back pain. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Employer-sponsored benefit brought him to Mayo Clinic For James "Sonny" Rivera, his back was so painful that walking more than 200 yards or even standing was impossible at times. Over the years, the 58-year-old Fort Dodge, Iowa, man experienced lower back pain that continued to increase in intensity. "The pain got so extreme that it limited the time I could be on my feet," Sonny says. After a 2021 ATV accident, Sonny's back pain became…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Mayo study uses electronic health record data to assess metformin failure risk, optimize care. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org A recent Mayo Clinic study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism has found that using machine learning and electronic health record (EHR) data can help pinpoint patients with Type 2 diabetes who are at high-risk of experiencing metformin failure. Metformin is a widely used medication for treating diabetes; however, it is not always effective in controlling blood sugar levels. Although it is the first line of therapy used for treatment, metformin has…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Mayo Clinic Q and A: Are energy drinks a healthy option? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My husband has swapped out his regular morning coffee for an energy drink. Are these healthy options for getting his daily dose of caffeine? Do energy drinks have more caffeine than regular coffee? And how much caffeine is too much? ANSWER: People love their caffeine, whether it's coffee, tea, soda or energy drinks like your husband. It's the most common stimulant in the world, and about 90% of all adults consume caffeine in some…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Mayo Clinic Minute: Success in reducing heart disease deaths, except for young women. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Cardiovascular disease is still the No. 1 killer in the world. The good news is that, generally, the numbers are getting better, with one surprising exception. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Sharonne N. Hayes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, discusses how treatment bias for younger women may be a contributing factor. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute youtu.be/b5XjmSOeeBI Journalists: Broadcast-quality video (1: 02) is in the downloads at the end of this post. Please "Courtesy: Mayo Clinic…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Do you know who to talk to about your child's routine vaccinations? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), routine vaccinations for kindergarten in the U.S. fell to 93% during the 2021-2022 school year. That's the second year in a row routine vaccination rates decreased. The vaccines help prevent potentially fatal or severe illnesses, including diphtheria, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis) and others. The CDC says there are several reasons for the decline, including the possibility that misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines may have played…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). MEDIA ADVISORY: Mayo physician seeks to help young adults with congenital heart failure before it's too late. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org February is American Heart Month, and a largely unaddressed condition affecting thousands of young people is at the center of a Mayo Clinic cardiologist's practice. Dr. Luke Burchill is the link between what young adults with congenital heart disease need to survive and thrive. Did you know a whopping 40,000 babies each year are born with congenital heart disease in the U.S.? But many of those same babies survive, only to unnecessarily risk premature death…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Mayo Clinic Minute: Is salt sneaking into your diet? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Too much salt is not good for your health. This is especially true for people who have high blood pressure. Cutting back on how much you reach for the saltshaker is a good start. Dr. Regis Fernandes, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, says beware of other places salt may be hiding. Watch: The Mayo Clinic Minute www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSA14AWD6Io Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1: 01) is in the downloads at the end of…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Share your love this Valentine's Day by giving blood. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org What better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than by giving the gift of life? Every year on Feb. 14, National Donor Day is dedicated to spreading awareness about organ, eye and tissue donation. One way to celebrate, that will have an impact on your community, is by donating blood at your local blood donor center. Dr. Justin Juskewitch, associate medical director of the Blood Donor Center at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, says the need…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). On pins and needles: Just what is dry needling? newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org You may have heard of a treatment called dry needling and wondered what it is or if it's right for you. While the name of the procedure may sound intimidating, dry needling is an accessible and commonly offered therapy for people with muscle, ligament or tendon pain. Dry needling basics During a dry needling treatment, one or more thin, monofilament needles are inserted into a muscle trigger point. A trigger point is a local band…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Mayo Clinic Health System in Austin redesignated a level 4 trauma hospital. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org AUSTIN, Minn. ‚Äï The Minnesota Department of Health has redesignated Mayo Clinic Health System in Austin as a level 4 trauma hospital. The recertification process included an outside review of the hospital's resources and capabilities to care for trauma patients. To qualify for level 4 designation, the trauma hospital must have an established trauma program within its facility that meets the required criteria set forth by the state and a site visit that focuses on…

newsnetwork.mayoclinic (2023-02-20). Mayo Clinic to begin offering early ECMO to certain cardiac arrest patients. newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org Only about 8% of patients who have sudden cardiac arrest outside of a hospital survive. That rate is even lower for certain patients who don't respond to defibrillation. A new service being launched this month by Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is hoping to improve outcomes and save more lives by getting patients faster access to potentially life-saving equipment. Watch: Mayo Clinic to begin offering early ECMO to certain cardiac arrest patients youtu.be/HJPNae9njUw Journalists: Broadcast-quality…

Nihonmachi Outreach Committee (2023-02-20). Sunday 2/19: "Reparatory Justice: Together We Rise": SJ Vigil for Japanese American Imprisonment WW2. indybay.org San Jose Buddhist Church | 632 N. Fifth Street | San Jose CA 95112 US…

Oakland Privacy (2023-02-20). Wednesday 3/15: Oakland Privacy: Fighting Against the Surveillance State. indybay.org Please email contact@oaklandprivacy.org a few days before the meeting to get up-to-date location information or obtain Zoom meeting access info…

Oskar Lafontaine & Christian Zehenter (2023-02-20). No nuclear war in Europe! and Glorification of violence. indybay.org The well-read do not believe in Russia's sole guilt anyway. They remember the promise made to Gorbachev not to expand NATO eastward. They know that the U.S. organized and financed a coup on the Maidan in 2014 to install a puppet government that would push for Ukraine's eventual admission into NATO.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-20). Senior Israeli diplomat expelled from African Union's annual summit. peoplesdispatch.org Israel's deputy director for Africa Sharon Bar Li was asked to leave the inaugural meeting of the African Union summit in Addis Ababa. South Africa later said that Israel's status as observer had not yet been finalized and hence, the expulsion was justified…

Peter Koenig (2023-02-20). The End of Excesses. The Collapse of Everything. globalresearch.ca

Protect Thacker Pass (2023-02-20). Three Tribes File New Lawsuit Challenging Thacker Pass Lithium Mine. indybay.org Late yesterday, three Native American Tribes — the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, Burns Paiute Tribe, and Summit Lake Paiute Tribe — launched a major new lawsuit against the Thacker Pass lithium mine. | This new case contains major allegations that were not heard in the prior court case, and may be a significant roadblock for the mine.

Rachel Evans (2023-02-20). First Nations activists call for an end to the racist practice of stealing Black children. greenleft.org.au The practice of stealing Aboriginal children from their families has continued since Kevin Rudd's apology and it needs to stop, a Sorry Day protest was told. Rachel Evans reports.

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-02-20). Perú y nuestros otros mundos: ´Lucha Indígena ª Febr2023. indybay.org Perú y nuestros otros mundos: ´Lucha Indígena ª | Hablan lxs que siempre lucharán! | Febrero 2023…

Revolution Books (2023-02-20). Sunday 2/19: Livestream: Bigger, More Revolutionary and More Participatory Than Ever! indybay.org Revolution Books | 2444 Durant Avenue ,Berkeley…

Revolution Books (2023-02-20). Saturday 2/25: Film Showing: COUP 53-Old Secrets Cast Long Shadows, A benefit for Revolution Books. indybay.org Revolution Books | 2444 Durant Avenue | Berkeley, CA…

Sahra Wagenknecht & Christoph Habermann (2023-02-20). Stumbling into world war and Ukraine War. indybay.org We are on a slippery slope that could end in a world war and a nuclear apocalypse. And it is also clear that for going to war, the West would have to sacrifice those "values" that have so far been used to justify war, first and foremost freedom of speech and democracy. For such a step into the abyss could hardly be made palatable to the population, even with continued propaganda.

San Francisco Public Library (2023-02-20). Saturday 3/4: Night of Ideas. indybay.org San Francisco Main Library | 100 Larkin St | San Francisco, CA 94102…

San José Peace & Justice Center (2023-02-20). Friday 2/24: War in Ukraine: One Year On. indybay.org San José Peace & Justice Center | 48 South 7th Street | San José, CA 95112…

Santa Cruz Children's Museum of Discovery (2023-02-20). Saturday 3/18: Summer Camp Board Game Festival. indybay.org Inside the Capitola Mall near the food court.

Santa Cruz Children's Museum of Discovery (2023-02-20). Saturday 3/11: Teddy Bear Clinic. indybay.org Inside the Capitola Mall near the food court.

Staff (2023-02-20). Trámites que aún se tramitan en Ciego de àÅvila. cubadebate.cu La demora en la legalización de viviendas en el municipio de Ciego de àÅvila suele estar asociada a varios factores, pero el principal es la falta de técnicos. De unos 1000 expedientes procesados en el 2022, todavía quedan pendientes 234. Y la cifra sigue creciendo.

Staff (2023-02-20). Veva y la niña que cayó del cielo. cubadebate.cu Un soldado etíope que iba rumbo al frente con fusil y todo, había traído a una bebé que se encontró en un basurero. "Era sábado, un día de limpieza y de fiesta. Por la tarde me trajeron a la criatura. Cuando le pregunté a la enfermera que la llevaba en sus brazos cuántos días tenía, me contestó: ' °Mírela usted misma, le acabaron de cortar el cordón umbilical!' Parecía no tener más de 24 horas de vida. Yo no tenía ninguna experiencia como madre, pero sabía que debía salvar a la niña".

Staff (2023-02-20). Con un golazo de Messi en tiempo de descuento, el PSG le ganó 4-3 al Lille. cubadebate.cu El PSG ganó 4-3 al Lille en un partido loco que tuvo absolutamente de todo, dentro y fuera del campo. Mbappé se inventó un gol casi antológico, el PSG se dejó remontar para después ganar el partido en el minuto 95 con un lanzamiento de falta de Leo Messi. Antes, Neymar se había lesionado y Luis Campos saltó al campo desde el palco para "reemplazar" a Galtier.

Staff (2023-02-20). Concluyó XXXI Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana: Participaron 411 representantes de 54 países. cubadebate.cu La XXXI Feria Internacional del Libro de La Habana concluyó este domingo luego de 10 días en los que confluyeron distintas manifestaciones artísticas, homenajes a personalidades de las letras e intercambios culturales con la República de Colombia, país invitado de honor. Participaron 411 representantes de 54 países, 19 más que en la edición de 2022.

Staff (2023-02-20). Conozca mejor a los integrantes de #elCubaClásico: Gracial y Mujica. cubadebate.cu Cubadebate ya está en tiempo de Clásico Mundial de Béisbol. Te iremos presentando cada día a 2 de los 30 integrantes de nuestra selección nacional. El Cuba al Clásico es el equipo de todos.

Staff (2023-02-20). El tiempo: Día cálido y escasas lluvias. cubadebate.cu Amanecerá con poca nubosidad en gran parte del país. Desde el final de la mañana estará parcialmente nublado con escasas lluvias. Las temperaturas máximas en la tarde estarán entre 29 y 32 grados Celsius, hasta 33 grados Celsius en el sur oriental.

Staff (2023-02-20). Matemática en un cumpleaños colectivo; y también en el campo a lo RARJ. cubadebate.cu En este acertijo estamos a cuatro manos y dos mentes RARJ y yo; con nuevos retos en el maravilloso mundo de la Matemática, con ejercicios al alcance de la gran mayoría y otros para los que reclaman mayor grado de dificultad.

Staff (2023-02-20). Qué trae la prensa cubana, lunes 20 de febrero de 2023. cubadebate.cu

Staff (2023-02-20). El reto de Cuba en el Clásico: Se oye clarito, clarito… cubadebate.cu Queda tiempo para pulir detalles, no para enseñar. Estamos llenos de optimismo y esperanzas, pero clavamos los pies en la tierra si decimos que lo visto hasta este domingo no convence a plenitud. A los aspectos técnicos hay que ponerle disfrute y alegría. Quienes emplean esa fórmula son mejores y complacen a sus más fieles seguidores, ganen o no las medallas.

Staff (2023-02-20). Esta sigue siendo una batalla de ideas. cubadebate.cu Es una guerra y como tal se comporta. No habrá un empate en su resultado para dos bandos ganadores, sino solo uno victorioso: el del decoro y el humanismo, o el de la estupidez y la mercantilización.

Staff (2023-02-20). Latin America Is Working to End the Monroe Doctrine. davidswanson.org

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-20). Alertan de persistencia de fuertes lluvias en Sà£o Paulo, Brasil. telesurtv.net Tormentas eléctricas causaron al menos tres muertes. Las precipitaciones dejaron familias sin hogar, varias carreteras bloqueadas y el carnaval fue suspendido en la ciudad.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-20). Palestinos declaran desobediencia civil en Jerusalén Este. telesurtv.net Los organizadores dicen que la huelga es en respuesta a las medidas punitivas impuestas por el ministro de extrema derecha Itamar Ben-Gvir…

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-20). Recuerdan aniversario de movimiento comunista dominicano. telesurtv.net Se trata de una organización fundada el 20 de febrero del año 1956 por un grupo de exiliados dominicanos en Cuba, liderados por Máximo Antonio López.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-20). Rusia denuncia que EE.UU. escala conflicto ucraniano. telesurtv.net Rusia dio por zanjado el problema de la incorporación de Crimea en 2014, tras un plebiscito en el cual se aprobó la unión de ese territorio a la Federación.

teleSUR, DRL (2023-02-20). Rusia denuncia ataque de Ucrania en la región de Donestk. telesurtv.net El ataque se produjo horas después que un alto representante del Gobierno ucraniano dijera que Rusia sería "destruida en meses".

teleSUR, jaa, SH (2023-02-20). øPor qué conmemorar el día mundial de la justicia social?>. telesurtv.net La justicia social hace que sociedades y economías funcionen mejor y la pobreza, las desigualdades y los males sociales se reduzcan considerablemente.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-20). Corea del Sur y EE.UU. realizan maniobras aéreas conjuntas. telesurtv.net Estas prácticas se realizan un día después que Corea del Norte lanzó un misil balístico de largo alcance.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-20). Grupos sociales califican de dictadura al Gobierno de Guatemala. telesurtv.net Tras la negativa de las autoridades electorales para inscribir a la fórmula presidencial de un partido indígena, movimientos sociales nacionales e internacionales criticaron al Gobierno.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-20). Realizan consulta sobre privatización de carretera en Guatemala. telesurtv.net Vecinos en el municipio de San José, Escuintla decidirán sobre una concesión del proyecto de la autopista Escuintla al Puerto San José, ya concesionada al Convía.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-20). Presidente López Obrador nacionaliza el litio en México. telesurtv.net López Obrador subrayó que EE.UU., Canadá y México tienen el compromiso de que se avance la transición a energías limpias en la construcción de vehículos.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-20). Venezuela rechaza declaraciones de Guyana sobre el Acuerdo de Ginebra. telesurtv.net El Acuerdo de Ginebra , que cumplioÃÅ hace cuatro diÃÅas 57 anÃÉos, admite la existencia de un problema limítrofe Venezuela-Guyana y fija los medios paciÃÅficos para su solucioÃÅn.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-20). Cifra de muertos por sismos supera 46.000 en Siria y Türkiye. t.co A medida que los esfuerzos de rescate de sobrevivientes de los terremotos comenzaron a disminuir en Türkiye, los equipos de demolición comenzaron a limpiar los montículos de escombros.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-20). Türkiye suspende labores de rescate en la mayoría de las zonas afectadas por los terremotos. twitter.com Los esfuerzos de búsqueda y rescate se han completado en la zona del terremoto, excepto en las provincias sureñas de Kahramanmaras y Hatay.

teleSUR, JDO, SH (2023-02-20). Aumenta a 26 la cifra de fallecidos por lluvias en el estado brasileño de Sao Paulo. telesurtv.net Debido a la gravedad de las inundaciones el gobernador del estado de Sao Paulo, declaró el estado de calamidad en cinco ciudades.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-20). Estadounidenses rechazan envío de armas a Ejército ucraniano. telesurtv.net Demandan el inicio de conversaciones de paz, la desescalada militar, recortes presupuestarios al Pentágono y la disolución de la OTAN, entre otras.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-20). ONU insta a extender acuerdo de exportación de granos ante hambruna. telesurtv.net Solicita su prórroga por Rusia y Ucrania. Precisó que es crucial para África, con 50 millones de seres en crisis alimentaria.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-20). Rusia alerta que Europa envió sustancias radiactivas a Ucrania. telesurtv.net Denuncia que Kiev empleará dichas sustancias para montar un falso ataque a gran escala y luego culpar a Rusia de contaminación radiactiva.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-02-20). Restauran Sistema Eléctrico Nacional cubano afectado por una avería. telesurtv.net Ante la falla, localizada como un error humano, funcionaron los microsistemas instalados en todo el país, que permitieron mantener el servicio.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-20). Más de 800 damnificados por intensas lluvias en Paraguay. telesurtv.net Las autoridades paraguayas indicaron que no se han registrado decesos ni personas desaparecidas en las zonas afectadas por las inundaciones.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-20). Detectan nuevos casos de gripe aviar en Argentina. telesurtv.net El Gobierno argentino había decidido reforzar la vigilancia epidemiológica en su frontera norte, luego de que se detectara un foco de influencia aviar en Bolivia.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-20). ONU emplea 250 millones de dólares para evitar hambruna. telesurtv.net Según António Guterres alrededor de 339 millones de personas necesitan ayuda humanitaria.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-20). Asesinan a otro líder social y campesino en Magdalena, Colombia. telesurtv.net Al momento de su asesinato, el líder social y campesino se encontraba al frente de casi 300 familias campesinas de la región.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-20). Israelíes protestan contra reforma judicial de Netanyahu. telesurtv.net Los manifestantes sostienen que la reforma defendida por el primer ministro israelí socavaría la independencia del poder judicial.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-20). Naufragio deja al menos cinco muertos en Panamá. telesurtv.net Agentes de la unidad de Botes Especiales de la Policía de fronteras de Panamá rescataron a 13 personas con vida del naufragio.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-20). Presidente ecuatoriano falta a comparecencia por Caso Encuentro. telesurtv.net La presidenta de la comisión parlamentaria que investiga la trama de corrupción denunció que con esta acción Guillermo Lasso le da la espalda al país.

The Green Arcade (2023-02-20). Tuesday 3/7: The Long History of Black Power through One Family's Journey with author Dan Berger. indybay.org The Green Arcade | 1680 Market Street | SF, CA 94110…

The Lever (2023-02-20). LEVER WEEKLY: Driving The Narrative. levernews.com

Uhuru Solidarity Movement (2023-02-20). Saturday 3/11: White People: Say NO to the FBI War on Black Liberation! indybay.org 4101 W. Florissant Ave St. Louis, MO 63115…

United Front Committee For A Labor Party (2023-02-20). Free Mumia & Stop Racist Police Murders! For General Strikes To Stop Racist Terror & Murders. indybay.org The UFCLP calls for mass worker/labor actions including general strikes to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal and racist police terror and murder. We also protest the San Francisco Labor Council bureaucrats who opposed supporting the ILWU Local 10 initiated march and rally. These bureaucrats like the national AFL-CIO leadership continue to support the Democrats and Republicans who support more funding for the police along with their militarization. The AFL-CIO, SEIU, IBT, CWA and other unions continue to allow police in their ranks.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Sri Lankan Socialist Equality Party to hold election meetings at Kolonnawa and Masakeliya. wsws.org The SEP is fielding candidates for three local government bodies—the Kolonnawa Urban Council in Colombo, the Maskeliya Pradeshiya Sabha in Nuwara Eliya and the Karainagar Pradeshiya in Jaffna.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Cincinnati-area water districts shut off intake from Ohio River due to contamination from East Palestine derailment. wsws.org The decision to close the intake exposes attempts by the government and the Norfolk Southern railroad to convince residents that there is no longer any danger to the public.

WSWS (2023-02-20). US menaces China over balloon, arms for Russia. wsws.org US Secretary of State Antony Blinken bluntly warned top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi of "the implications and consequences if China provides material support to Russia or assistance with systemic sanctions evasion."

WSWS (2023-02-20). Union executive orders end to strike by Newfoundland's Memorial University faculty although contract yet to be finalized. wsws.org In a February 16 announcement, the Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association said that its executive committee had voted to approve a new contract, then went on to explain that union officials were still working to finalize its terms with the university.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Why are 42 percent of US high school students experiencing persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness? wsws.org While the CDC offers no explanation for the mental health crisis gripping US high school students in the second year of the pandemic, it can be found in the life experiences of young people in a society already wracked by poverty, social inequality, police violence and war.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Fiji's ex-PM Bainimarama suspended from parliament for sedition. wsws.org The installation of Fiji's new government has seen an ongoing power struggle between two former coup leaders and the contesting factions of the ruling elite backing them—with the threat of another coup ever present.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Fascist election denier wins race to be chair of Michigan Republican Party. wsws.org Election denier and QAnon sympathizer Kristina Karamo won the leadership of the Michigan Republican Party during the party's convention in Lansing over the weekend, defeating Matt DePerno, who had the backing of Donald Trump.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Mississippi House Republicans back controversial white-run court system for heavily black capital city. wsws.org The Mississippi state House has passed a bill creating a new court system in Jackson allowing white state officials to appoint judges and prosecutors in the majority black city.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Fox News emails, messages show its role in instigating January 6 attack. wsws.org One of the key revelations from a lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems is that Trump tried to call the network and go on the air as the attack on the Capitol was ending, but Fox executives decided that to offer him a live television audience would be "irresponsible."

WSWS (2023-02-20). This week in history: February 20-26. wsws.org This column profiles important historical events which took place during this week, 25 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago and 100 years ago.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Oakland public schools face drastic cuts in the face of massive budget deficit. wsws.org With the district seeking to close a $79 million deficit, the right to a public education is under threat.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Spanish Amazon workers launch indefinite strike against closure of Martorelles facility. wsws.org The 30,000 square meters plant at Martorelles, opened in October 2017, is set to close on April 22.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Washington accuses Russia of "crimes against humanity" to justify escalation of Ukraine war. wsws.org As with previous US proclamations about human rights abuses by Russia, Harris' comments were meant to provide cover for the major escalation of US involvement in the war in Ukraine.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Why educators should support the SEP in Australia's NSW state election. wsws.org After decades of underfunding by Liberal-National Coalition and Labor-led governments alike, the conditions in schools have reached a crisis point.

WSWS (2023-02-20). In Leopoldstadt, playwright Tom Stoppard looks to his past and the fate of Europe's Jews. wsws.org Stoppard's latest play benefits from some of his customary charm, but also suffers from his typical limitations.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Temple University administration, corporate press and union bureaucrats falsely claim sellout agreement means "end" of grad student strike. wsws.org Striking Temple graduate students denounce the false narrative announced by Temple University, the Democratic Party-aligned press and union bureaucrats that the three-week strike is over without a ratified tentative agreement.

WSWS (2023-02-20). VIDEO: NSW election candidate Oscar Grenfell interviewed on SEP (Australia) fight against war. wsws.org Amid the greatest danger of a catastrophic world war in decades, the SEP is the only party in the NSW state election sounding the alarm and advancing a socialist alternative to militarism.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Warmonger Alexander Vindman to speak at University of Michigan. wsws.org Vindman is one of the central military-political figures involved in promoting, entrenching and escalating a prolonged and bloody US-NATO war with Russia in Ukraine.

WSWS (2023-02-20). Health care workers' protests and strikes mount across Spain. wsws.org Last week, as many as 1 million people joined a rally in support of doctors and in defence of public health in Madird.

Saheli Chowdhury (2023-02-19). Canada to Send Navy Ships to Haiti, Trudeau Announces at CARICOM Summit. orinocotribune.com

Staff (2023-02-19). CARICOM Urges Greater Leadership Role to Address Haiti Crisis. orinocotribune.com The Caribbean Community (CARICOM), at its 44th Meeting of Heads of Government, reiterated that the Community must play a leadership role in addressing the deteriorating situation in Haiti, a member state of CARICOM. The declaration was made through a The final declaration of the summit addressed the securit…

Staff (2023-02-19). Chevron to Increase Shipment of Venezuelan Oil to US (+OPEC). orinocotribune.com Chevron has announced that it will raise its shipments of Venezuelan oil to the United States to 100,000 barrels per day in the month of February. In January, Chevron's oil shipment from Venezuela to the US was 75,000 barrels of crude per day. | According to a report

Arnaud Develay (2023-02-19). Eyewitness to War: Escaping the Meat Grinder—My Encounters with Refugees from Soledar in Eastern Ukraine. covertactionmagazine.com As is usually the norm in this conflict zone, we had not received prior notice as to the day's schedule. Our vehicle worked its way to a district outside Donetsk called Shakhtersk, which bore the stigmata of nine years of shelling. The grim landscape of desolation stretched for miles on end until suddenly our convoy …

_____ (2023-02-19). Regarding the visit of the Filipino President to Japan. journal-neo.org In the period from February 8 to 12 this year, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the son of one of the country's most prominent politicians of the second half of the last century (and also President) Ferdinand Marcos Sr., was on an official visit to Japan. What was the third event of regional significance in …

_____ (2023-02-19). An American Lie by Any Other Name Would Smell as Dirty. strategic-culture.org The cost of all this is not only financial but the simple math can be worked out in terms of the distrust of the U.S. general public and loss of confidence in the U.S. institutions and the President's credibility. | Washington DC is viewed by many as sending us terribly patronizing cancel culture messages along the lines of "Don't you dare listen to what Vladimir Putin says", but this is where a truth bombshell by Seymore Hersh, a seasoned professional in journalism who exposed the M·ªπ Lai massacre in Vietnam, comes from. The 86-year old Seymore Hersh referred to the anonymous but genuine source w…

_____ (2023-02-19). Trump Against Empire: Is That Why They Hate Him? strategic-culture.org Trump was ideologically incoherent and crassly transactional. But the threat he posed to American empire and thus the gargantuan security state helps establish a motive for why US intelligence intervened in both the 2016 and 2020 elections. | By Christian PARENTI | As president, Donald Trump lavished the rich with tax cuts and deregulation. Yet, contradictorily, he also threatened the structure of American global hegemony that does so much to keep the American one percent tremendously wealthy. In fact, Trump undertook the most momentous rollback of American military and diplomatic power since the current architec…

Aaron Mendelson (2023-02-19). How One Delaware City Ended Prison Gerrymandering. truthout.org This article was originally published by the Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit investigative news organization based in Washington, D.C. The Howard R. Young Correctional Institution sits between a creek and Interstate 495 in Wilmington, Delaware. For the last ten years, the prison's 1,281 residents were counted as constituents of Wilmington's third city council district. |

Alexandra Martinez (2023-02-19). Over 85 People Incarcerated at Washington Detention Center Go on Hunger Strike. truthout.org This story was originally published by Prism. Earlier this month, over 85 people incarcerated at Northwest Detention Center (NWDC) in Tacoma, Washington, went on a five-day hunger strike to protest worsening living conditions. According to advocates, the strike started on Feb. 1 when guards accused detainees of having contraband materials during an inspection. When detainees across units joined in… |

americanthinker (2023-02-19). Break Away from the Woke Herd. americanthinker.com Never have so few tried to control so many. Don't fall for it.

americanthinker (2023-02-19). Eating Their Own in the Golden State. americanthinker.com Can the pencil-neck vote outweigh the DEI Left on behalf of Adam Schiff?>

americanthinker (2023-02-19). The Anti-Freedom Far-Left is Nothing More Than a Squawking Minority. americanthinker.com Cultural Guerrilla Warfare: modern fascists have co-opted our culture, under the illusion of being "the majority"… but they are only the tyrannical ten percent.

americanthinker (2023-02-19). The Bright Line between Inflation and Spending. americanthinker.com This level of spending, and debt, is coming to an end. Either we exhibit the fiscal discipline to reduce spending, or the world will force it on us.

americanthinker (2023-02-19). What Kind of Military Does Our Country Need? americanthinker.com Exactly how woke do we want to make the people who defend our freedom?>

americanthinker (2023-02-19). A trip to Huntsville was an eye-opening experience, but left me with questions. americanthinker.com She was rude and shockingly mindless; surprise, surprise, she was a Democrat!

americanthinker (2023-02-19). Betrayal: leftist organization discovers they accidentally hired a White lady. americanthinker.com Even when intentionally being "anti-racist," the left can't seem to free themselves from the albatross of race politics.

americanthinker (2023-02-19). GDI labels conservative websites "false/misleading" in false/misleading attempt to libel/slander. americanthinker.com A media source marked "trusted" by fact-checkers and big government is basically a scarlet letter in journalism.

americanthinker (2023-02-19). How the creation of the administrative state led to today's political crisis. americanthinker.com A new book explains how we got to the state we're in.

americanthinker (2023-02-19). Now we are to be afraid of the no-vaccine Marburg virus. americanthinker.com Sound the alarm, because the media, the WHO, and Big Pharma said so.

americanthinker (2023-02-19). One trip to the border and Kevin McCarthy can only say 'no amnesty'. americanthinker.com The House Speaker learned a lot from his border trip.

americanthinker (2023-02-19). San Diego's Catholic leadership must be getting an earful from the faithful on its illegal migrant-enabling operations. americanthinker.com The Church is suddenly emphasizing that it helps "legal" immigrants, even though it's pretty clear from its video that they are enabling illegal border surgers.

americanthinker (2023-02-19). The buck stops…with the previous guy. americanthinker.com How much more can Biden blame Trump for everything?>

americanthinker (2023-02-19). The Defense Department tries to circumvent the Hyde Amendment. americanthinker.com Its workaround is exactly the same as the Democrats' getting around the First Amendment by giving censorship duties to tech tyrants.

americanthinker (2023-02-19). The lies government will tell to force green energy. americanthinker.com Is it any wonder that the people have so little trust in big government?>

americanthinker (2023-02-19). The U.S. Navy lowers its standards yet again. americanthinker.com Its focus is clearly on keeping a leftist base happy rather than on protecting America.

americanthinker (2023-02-19). Trump announces trip to East Palestine, FEMA reverses course. americanthinker.com Curious timing for the disaster agency that was previously downplaying the chemical spill that rocked Ohio.

americanthinker (2023-02-19). We lost two great sports broadcasters in February. americanthinker.com Tim McCarver and Billy Packer knew what they were talking about and were always interesting, entertaining, and respectful of both cohosts and fans.

Andy Kroll (2023-02-19). The U.S. Military is Winning. No, Really, It Is! tomdispatch.com 4,000,000,029,057. Remember that number. It's going to come up again later. But let's begin with another number entirely: 145,000 — as in, 145,000 uniformed soldiers striding down Washington's Pennsylvania Avenue. That's the number of troops who marched down that very street in May 1865 after the United States defeated the Confederate States of America. Similar legions of rifle-toting troops did the same after World War I ended with the defeat of Germany and its allies in 1918. And Sherman tanks rolling through the urban canyons of midtown Manhattan? That followed the triumph over the Axis in 1945. That's w…

Ann Brown (2023-02-19). Fact Check: Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley is a Punjabi Born in India Who Passes as White, Listed White on Voter Registration. moguldom.com There is much discussion centered around the newly announced GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley. Is she white? Is she Indian, passing for white? Was she born in India? Haley, 51, is the two-term Governor of South Carolina and the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Haley, a former President Donald Trump supporter, was born …

Anonymous103 (2023-02-19). Military Situation In Bakhmut On February 19, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org

Anonymous103 (2023-02-19). Military Situation In Donbass On February 19, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bakhmut and its outskirts; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Mariinka village; | Artillery duels between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova; | Artillery duels between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Ugledar; | Up to 200 Ukrainian servicemen, 4 armored vehicles and 2 howitzers were destroyed by Russian artillery on Krasniy-Liman front,…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-19). Military Situation In Kharkiv Region, Ukraine, On February 19, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | Russian forces took control of Gryanykivka village; | Ukrainian forces struck Russian positions in Kuzemivka village with HIMARS MLRS; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova; | Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Synkivka; | Up to 70 Ukrainian personnel, 2 armoured vehicles and 1 vehicle were destroyed by Russian artillery shelling in the Kupyansk region, according to the Russian MOD. | MORE ON TH…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-19). Military Situation In Syria On February 19, 2023 (Map Update). southfront.org Click to see full-size image | On February 19, the Russian Ministry of Defense recorded 1 case of hostilities and ceasefire violations in the Idlib region in the past 24 hours; | More than 5,800 people died as a result of the earthquake in northwestern Syria, according to Syrian officials; | More than 40,600 people died as a result of the earthquake in southern Turkey, according to Turkish officials; | On February 19, Israeli warplanes attacked Damascus city with several missiles. Five people were…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-19). Taibbi: US Senator Wanted ZeroHedge Banned From Twitter. southfront.org Illustrative Image | Originally published by Since Elon Musk took over Twitter in October 2022, he has continued to keep his promise of transparency with regard to the company's past behavior | Thanks to the revelations in the so-called 'Twitter Files', we have seen clear evidence that the FBI and other three-letter agencies worked directly with various social media entities to suppress perfectly "lawful sp…

Anonymous103 (2023-02-19). Video: Has Germany Become a Colony of the United States? southfront.org

Anonymous669 (2023-02-19). Explosions Reported At Another U.S. Base In Syria's Deir Ezzor. southfront.org Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter. | On February 19, at least three blasts rocked the United States-led coalition's Mission Support Site Conoco in Syria's northeastern region. | Mission Support Site Conoco is located within a large gas plant in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor. It is unknown how many of the some 900 U.S. troops present in Syria are currently deployed at the site. | Some Syrian news sources reported that Mission Support Site Conoco was attacked with several mortar she…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-19). Five Killed In Israeli Strikes On Civilian, Military Targets In Syria (Videos). southfront.org Illustrative image. Source: the Israeli Air Force. | On February 19, five people were killed and at least 15 others were wounded when Israeli strikes hit a building in the highly-secured Kafar Sousah neighborhood in the Syrian capital, Damascus. | Citing a military source, the Syrian Arab News Agency said that Israel also attacked several bases around Damascus. One of the bases was reportedly a radar site near the village of Tall al-Masyah in the northeastern countryside of the neighboring al-…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-19). Saudi FM Says Arab States Need New Syria Approach. southfront.org Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud via Twitter. | Consensus is building in the Arab world that isolating Syria is not working and that dialogue with Damascus is needed "at some point," Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud said at the Munich Security Conference on February 18. "You will see not just among the GCC [Gulf Cooperation Council] but in the Arab world there is a consensus growing that the status quo is not workable," the minister said, signaling a s…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-19). U.S. Avenger Air Defense Systems Destined To Ukraine Spotted In Poland (Videos). southfront.org The Army Avenger's turret rotates as the vehicle drives down an Eglin Air Force Base range road April 20. (U.S. Air Force photo/Samuel King Jr.) | AN/TWQ-1 Avenger air defense systems donated by the United States to Ukraine have already arrived in Poland, according to videos that surfaced online on February 19. | The U.S. first promised to arm Kiev forces with Avenger systems last year. In November, four systems were included as part of a $400 million military aid package. Eight were included in…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-19). U.S. Confirms Attack On Northeastern Syria Base. southfront.org U.S. Marines with Weapons Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment provide security support during mission on Sept. 9, 2018, at an undisclosed location in Syria. (Cpl. Gabino Perez/Marine Corps) | The United States Central Command (CENTCOM) has confirmed that one of its bases in Syria's northeastern Syrian region came under attack on February 18. | In a statement that was released a day after the attack, the command said that the Green Village base, which is located within al-Omar oil fields in the s…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-19). U.S. Says It Captured ISIS Official In New Syria Operation. southfront.org ERBIL, Iraq — An AH-64E Apache helicopter from the 4th Squadron, 6th Cavalry Regiment, Task Force Saber, hovers prior to taking off to conduct a mission, July 11,2017, Erbil, Iraq. (U.S. Army photo by Capt. Stephen James) | On February 19, the United States Central Command announced that coalition forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) captured an ISIS official during a joint operation in Syria's northeastern region that took place a day earlier. | The command said in a statem…

Anonymous669 (2023-02-19). U.S. Supply Convoy Attacked In Iraq's Saladin. southfront.org File image. | On February 19, a convoy moving logistic supplies for the United States-led coalition came under attack in the northern Iraqi province of Saladin. | The convoy was targeted with an improvised explosive device as it was passing near the town of Balad. No casualties were reported as a result of the attack. | An armed faction calling itself the Islamic Resistance — al-Muhandis Revenge Brigade claimed responsibility for the attack. The faction is one of several pro-Iranian armed factio…

Ben Norton (2023-02-19). Ukraine war is frozen, no territorial changes expected, says Council on Foreign Relations chief, while dismissing peace talks. geopoliticaleconomy.com The president of the US government-linked Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass, said the proxy war in Ukraine is frozen and he expects no territorial changes in the next year of fighting. At the same time, he dismissed the possibility of peace negotations.

Brandee Sanders (2023-02-19). Tyler Perry To Donate $2.75M To Atlanta's Low-Income Senior Citizens. newsone.com Source: Gilbert Flores / Getty | Entertainment mogul and philanthropist Tyler Perry to donate $2.5M to help older Atlanta homeowners — KTAL NB…

Brandee Sanders (2023-02-19). Nike Donates $8.9M To Grassroots Nonprofits Advancing Social Justice. newsone.com Source: SOPA Images / Getty | Nike is furthering its commitment to support grassroots nonprofits dedicated to uplifting and empowering Black and brown communities. The brand As a grantee of

Brandee Sanders (2023-02-19). Basketball Legend Michael Jordan Makes Historic Contribution To Make-A-Wish Foundation. newsone.com

Cecosesola, Grassroots Economic Organizing. (2023-02-19). Building, Here and Now, The World We Yearn For. popularresistance.org Cecosesola was established in Barquisimeto, capital of the State of Lara, in the central western region of Venezuela, as a cooperative integration organization on December 17, 1967. It is a meeting place where more than 50 community organizations are active, integrated in a network of production of goods and services that brings together more than 23,000 members from the popular sectors. Through this network, we develop a wide variety of activities such as: agricultural production, small-scale agro-industrial production, funeral services, transportation, health services, financial services, mutual aid funds, dist…

Connor Freeman (2023-02-19). Blinken Warns Chinese FM Against Providing Military Support to Russia. news.antiwar.com Amid simmering tensions between Washington and Beijing, Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday. After the White House ordered the military to shoot down a Chinese balloon which floated over the continental United States, there was a major breakdown in diplomacy. Previously, US …

Danny Haiphong, Black Agenda Report. (2023-02-19). The American Empire Is A Sore Loser That Will Get Us All Killed. popularresistance.org The American Empire is unmatched in its warmongering and its propaganda alike. This process occurs by design. The endless streams of misinformation pouring out of U.S.-dominated corporate media manufacture consent for the American Empire's endless wars. However, seeds of desperation are beginning to bloom in the U.S. and the Collective West's imperial garden. The ruling elite, generally so confident in the inherent truths of American exceptionalism and the West's imperial superiority, are now being confronted with an uncomfortable reality: the American empire is losing.

Dr. William Makis (2023-02-19). Trudeau Government Stopped Reporting COVID-19 First & Second Booster Vaccination Data and Deleted It. Are They Preparing for a Digital ID? globalresearch.ca

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). China's AG600 amphibious aircraft expected to enter market in 2025. ecns.cn 17 (Xinhua) — China's indigenously-developed AG600 large amphibious aircraft is expected to enter the market in 2025, according to the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC).

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). China's top banking regulator fines 5 banks over irregularities. ecns.cn Five financial institutions were fined a total of 387.9 million yuan (about 56.5 million U.S. dollars) for irregularities in their businesses, China's top banking regulator said on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). China to contribute around 1/3 of growth. ecns.cn China will likely become the largest contributor to global growth in 2023 as the nation expects its consumption-led rebound to help boost economic activity in other economies, according to an official at the International Monetary Fund.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). IOMed to provide a new platform for peaceful settlement of international disputes: Chinese FM. ecns.cn The IOMed will be an inter-governmental, treaty-based international legal organization established through consultations among all parties, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at the press conference on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). Senior diplomat calls for sound, stable development of China-Germany relations. ecns.cn A senior Chinese diplomat said here on Friday that China is willing to enhance communication and deepen understanding with Germany to promote the sound and stable development of China-Germany relations and improve global governance.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). China to expand mutually beneficial cooperation with Germany: senior diplomat. ecns.cn China is ready to fully restart exchanges with Germany and Europe in various fields, expand mutually beneficial cooperation and enhance mutual understanding, a senior Chinese diplomat said here on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). China's medical insurance reforms offer greater security: experts. ecns.cn A slew of experts have hailed China's recent medical insurance reforms as a necessary means to provide more security for the public, responding to public concerns that the reforms have cut people's deposits under the medical insurance system.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). Biden says American communities being torn apart by gun violence. ecns.cn U.S. President Joe Biden said in a statement on Friday that American communities are "being torn apart by gun violence."

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). China-U.S. relations should not be led astray by a wandering balloon: Chinese envoy. ecns.cn A Chinese envoy said Friday that Washington's response to a Chinese unmanned civilian airship unexpectedly entering U.S. airspace was an overreaction, urging the U.S. side not to let bilateral relations go astray as a result of this isolated incident.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). Senior Chinese diplomat urges U.S. to correct mistakes in airship incident. ecns.cn A senior Chinese diplomat on Saturday urged the United States to show sincerity, correct its mistakes, acknowledge and repair the damage it has done to the China-U.S. relations over the Chinese civilian unmanned airship incident.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). Visa-waiver agreement between China, Maldives takes effect. ecns.cn The visa-waiver agreement between China and Maldives has taken effect, according to Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). Comicomment: Hysteria rises in balloon farce. ecns.cn On February 17, Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, said China demands that the U.S. show sincerity in resolving the problem and stop doing such absurd things out of domestic political needs.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). China rolls out registration-based IPO system across the board. ecns.cn China has officially rolled out the across-the-board registration-based initial public offering (IPO) system with relevant rules coming into effect on Friday, according to the country's securities regulator.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). China, Vietnam vow to bolster economic cooperation. ecns.cn A conference was held between China's Yunnan provincial department of commerce and the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency under the Ministry of Industry and Trade on Friday to strengthen cooperation in a wide range of economic, investment and trade issues.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). China rolls out registration-based IPO system across the board in milestone reform. ecns.cn China has officially rolled out its across-the-board registration-based initial public offering (IPO) system, with relevant rules coming into effect on Friday, according to the country's securities regulator.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). Xi Jinping delivers speech at meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on COVID-19 prevention and control work. ecns.cn The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee held a meeting on Feb. 16 to hear a report on the recent COVID-19 prevention and control work. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting and delivered an important speech.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). Chinese envoy urges NATO to contribute positively to world peace, stability. ecns.cn China's permanent representative to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, said on Friday that NATO should contribute positively to world peace and stability, instead of merely being a troublemaker.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). Vice premier Hu Chunhua inspects spring farming. ecns.cn Vice Premier Hu Chunhua has called for a good job to be done in spring farming, with good preparations made on ploughing and sowing, to lay a solid foundation for the year's grain production.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). Culture Fact | Solar term: Rain Water. ecns.cn The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Rain Water, the second solar term, starts on February 19 this year.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). Made-in-Chengdu relief supplies sent to aid Syria. ecns.cn On Thursday, a truck carrying 200 disaster relief tents and 200 sets of thickened down sleeping bags sped out of Dacheng Industrial Park in Qingbaijiang District of Chengdu, capital of China's Sichuan Province.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). Camel races kick off in China's Inner Mongolia. ecns.cn Hundreds of camels with jockeys on their backs have competed in a series of races at minus 20 degrees Celsius in Hulun Buir City, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). Insights | UN expert believes a strong recovery in China's tourism. ecns.cn Sandra Carvao, expert from the United Nations World Tourism Organization, thinks that China has an immense youth population eager to travel and middle class with capacity to do it. The future development of mountain tourism and wellness tourism in China is promising, hence a strong recovery in China's tourism.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). 'Sera Bengqin Festival' celebrated ahead of Tibetan New Year. ecns.cn Tibetan Buddhism believers gathered at the Sera Monastery in Lhasa, capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region on Friday, to celebrate a traditional religious festival ahead of the Tibetan New Year.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). 58 ancient tombs discovered in Shanxi. ecns.cn A total of 58 tombs of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) have been discovered at a cemetery site in Datong City, north China's Shanxi Province, announced by Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology on Friday.

ecns.cn (2023-02-19). (W. E. Talk) SHENG Kai: Is Sinicization the Secularization of Buddhism?>. ecns.cn SHENG Kai, vice president of Tsinghua University's Institute of Ethics and Religion and deputy director of the Institute of Buddhist Culture of China, explored these topics in an exclusive interview with China News Service's "W. E. Talk".

Editor at Global Grind (2023-02-19). Must See Black History Month TV: Shows To Watch During February. newsone.com Today's streaming companies offer countless shows to keep you and the family entertained. Historically, Black stories have not always been uplifted positively in media. Storytelling has since evolved into a variety of impactful series and films that represent th…

Editor (2023-02-19). Patrick Lawrence: Munich as Propaganda Fest. scheerpost.com By Patrick Lawrence / Original to ScheerPost I love Wang Yi's response when The New York Times's Michael Crowley caught him in a hallway at the Munich Security Conference Saturday and asked the Chinese foreign minister if he planned to meet Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the sidelines. "He simply chuckled," Crowley wrote of …

Edward Curtin (2023-02-19). The World Wants to be Deceived. globalresearch.ca

Eleanor J. Bader (2023-02-19). NYC's Austerity Budget Is Leaving Asylum-Seeking Students With Few Resources. truthout.org In late December, Joana, her husband and 6- and 8-year-old daughters were put on a bus in Laredo, Texas, and sent to New York City. The family was part of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott's transfer of Central and South American asylum seekers to sanctuary cities including Chicago, Philadelphia, New York and Washington, D.C. that began in the summer of 2022. Joana told Truthout that it took the family… |

Emanuel Pastreich (2023-02-19). Crisis in Intelligence and the Way Forward. globalresearch.ca

Farrah Hassen (2023-02-19). Syrian Earthquake Victims Desperately Need Aid — and an End to US Sanctions. truthout.org The devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria has killed over 40,000 people, a number the United Nations has warned may escalate. The destruction is unfathomable. According to the UN, at least 870,000 people across Turkey and Syria are in urgent need of hot meals. In Syria, around 5.3 million people are in need of shelter. Over 1 million people in Turkey are living in temporary shelters. |

Fight Back (2023-02-19). Black Is Back Coalition holds webinar on FBI Repression. fightbacknews.org New York City, NY – On Saturday, February 18, the Black Is Back Coalition hosted an all-day webinar, focusing on the FBI's history of attacking Black and African people as well as radical social justice organizers. Speakers included noted figures including Ward Churchill, Ajamu Baraka and Omali Yeshitela. The conference was also endorsed by groups including Union del Barrio, Friends of the Congo, the Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition, and the International People's Democratic Uhuru Movement. | The speeches mostly provided historical context about the role the FBI has played in trying to destroy people's movemen…

Frank Breslin (2023-02-19). Christian Nationalism vs. the Separation of Church and State. dissidentvoice.org We have a long tradition in Am ≠erica of Separation of Church and State that prohi ≠bits government's promotion of religion on the one hand, and interference with its free exercise on the other. In their refusal to establish a state church or to favor one religion over another, the Founding Fathers didn't think that religion was …

INDYRADIO (2023-02-19). Greenpeace occupation of Shell Oil Platform Ends with no Arrests. indybay.org Shell Oil wants US$130,000 for the use of their drilling platform by Greenpeace: | Press release includes occupation timeline.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-19). Eyewitness to War: My Encounters with Refugees from Soledar in Eastern Ukraine. libya360.wordpress.com Arnaud Develay War refugees from Soledar in eastern Ukraine. [Source: Photo courtesy of Arnaud Develay] As is usually the norm in this conflict zone, we had not received prior notice as to the day's schedule. Our vehicle worked its way to a district outside Donetsk called Shakhtersk, which bore the stigmata of nine years of…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-19). Fidel Castro's Legacy Lives on as Cuba Keeps Sending 'Doctors, not Bombs' All Across the World. libya360.wordpress.com Daniel Kovalik Cuba's leader Fidel Castro speaks on International Workers Day in Revolution Plaza in Havana, Cuba. © AP Photo/Javier Galeano In the immediate aftermath of the recent devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria, Cuba dispatched medical teams to the affected areas to provide care to victims. Their departure was marked by a farewell ceremony, which featured…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-19). Russia's Special Military Operation 1 Year On: How the US Started this War & Where it's Heading… libya360.wordpress.com NATO's War on Russia Beforehand: @15: 31 US-NATO's Proxy War with China: @42: 33 — As Russia's special military operation reaches the one year mark, we wonder what is happening now and what will happen next; — Equally important is what started this conflict; — NATO has repeatedly attacked and destroyed allies of Russia around the globe…

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-02-19). Ursula von der Leyen's Nazi Pedigree. libya360.wordpress.com Evan Reif Ursula von der Leyen with Ukrainian President Volodymyr ZelenskyI Her father Ernst Albrecht, President of the German state of Lower Saxony from 1978 to 1990, brought unrehabilitated Nazis into his administration and carried out a black-flag terrorist operation designed to discredit the left-wing Red Army Faction. In the wake of the Russo-Ukrainian war,…

Israel Shahak (2023-02-19). "Greater Israel": The Zionist Plan for the Middle East. globalresearch.ca When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing wars on Syria and Iraq, the war on Yemen, must be understood in relation to the Zionist Plan for the Middle East…

It's Going Down (2023-02-19). Neo-Nazis Who Organized Deadly 'Unite the Right' Rally Claim They're In "Communication" with 'Anti-War' Protest Leaders in DC. itsgoingdown.org Several neo-Nazis that attended and helped organize the deadly 'Unite the Right' rally in Charlottesville, VA, claim they are in communication with the organizers of the 'Rage Against the War Machine,' rally in Washington DC, which is bringing together various pro-Putin trolls, far-Right grifters, and conspiracy theorists. According to a livestream from the "Patriotic Socialist…

Jason Ditz (2023-02-19). Syria: Israeli Missile Strike Hits Damascus Housing Complex, Killing 15. news.antiwar.com

Jim McIlroy (2023-02-19). Mascot Towers residents demand real action on housing defects. greenleft.org.au Residents of the defect-plagued Mascot Towers building say solutions proposed by the major parties do not go far enough. Jim McIlroy reports.

Juan Cole (2023-02-19). Israeli Delegate Expelled from African Union Summit, in what may be First Global South Reaction to new Extremist Netanyahu Government. juancole.com Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) — On Saturday at the opening of the African Union summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the Israeli delegate was asked to leave. Sharon Bar-Li, the deputy director of the African desk at the Israeli foreign ministry, was escorted out of the opening session by security guards, according to the Al Jazeera …

Julie Dermansky, Desmog. (2023-02-19). The Battle To Stop Air Products' Carbon Capture Project Grows. popularresistance.org Where the Tickfaw River leads into Lake Maurepas in South Louisiana, a coffin containing a plastic skeleton is fastened to pilings rising out of the water. "Save Lake Maurepas From Impending Death by Air Products," a sign above it states. This arresting visual captures the sentiments of opponents of a plan to develop the world's largest carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) project under the lake. | Air Products, a global hydrogen manufacturing company, is proposing to build a $4.5 billion "Clean Energy Complex" to manufacture blue hydrogen and an accompanying carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) project, that…

Kari Jaquesson (2023-02-19). "Terrorist groups in Syria receiving earthquake aid from the US and EU," Interview with Kari Jaquesson. globalresearch.ca

Katya Beltran, Friends Of The ATC . (2023-02-19). How Nicaragua Tackles Climate Change and Hunger. popularresistance.org A group of ten students and two faculty members from the University of Maryland met with the Marlen Sanchez, Director of the Latin American Institute of Agroecology (IALA Ixim Ulew), and Erika Takeo, Coordinator of the Friends of ATC in a conference room at the Francisco Morazán School in Managua. | Sanchez spoke about climate change and its impact on Nicaragua. There have been more droughts, floods, earthquakes, and hurricanes damaging Nicaragua making it 1 of the 10 countries of the world most affected by climate change. Many countries try to mitigate the consequences but do not attack the base of the problem.

Keenan "HIGz" Higgins (2023-02-19). Black History: Howard University Swim & Dive Team Covers 'Sports Illustrated' In HBCU First. newsone.com Howard University made HBCUs proud yet again when its swim and dive team made Black history on a recent 'Sports Illustrated' Daily Cover.

Kyle Anzalone (2023-02-19). Top Republicans Press Biden To Increase Military Aid to Taiwan. news.antiwar.com Four high-ranking Republicans in Congress sent a letter to President Joe Biden demanding more military aid for Taiwan. In their letter, the legislators claimed the White House is not doing enough to respond to the growing threat from Beijing. The four Congressmen who signed on to the letter hold powerful committee appointments: Representatives Mike Rogers …

Kyle Anzalone (2023-02-19). US, France, and UK Divided on Support for Ukraine. news.antiwar.com British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said London would be the first country to send long-range missiles to Kiev. Meanwhile, statements from top American and French officials indicate support for Ukraine in Washington and Paris may be weakening. At the Munich Security Conference, Sunak said Ukraine "must win the war." During his speech, the British leader …

Labor Video Project (2023-02-19). Angela Davis Speaks For The Freedom of Mumia & ILWU Local 10 Stop Work Action To Free Him. indybay.org Angela Davis spoke out for the freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal and also for ILWU Local 10 which is having a stop work meeting on 2/16/23 with a rally from their union hall to Harry Bridges Plaza to support the freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal…

Liberation Staff (2023-02-19). Tacoma Art Museum workers win free parking as they fight for union recognition. liberationnews.org Since starting to organize, the museum board has already granted a major concession to make parking free for workers at the museum.

M.K. Bhadrakumar (2023-02-19). China-Iran ties are on the right side of history. peoplesdispatch.org The three-day state visit by Iran's president Ebrahim Raisi to China on February 14-16 is a landmark event affecting regional politics and international security. The red carpet welcome accorded to Raisi signified the high importance attached by Beijing to the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Iran in the prevailing international milieu. | In a 'curtain-raiser' on Monday,

Manlio Dinucci (2023-02-19). The Great Western Crusade Against "Evil" globalresearch.ca

Michael Welch (2023-02-19). From Indigenous Colonial Struggles to the Freedom Convoy. Raising Funds for Global Research News Hour. globalresearch.ca

Mike Whitney (2023-02-19). A US-Led 'Coalition of the Willing' Foreshadows the Splintering of NATO. globalresearch.ca

noreply (2023-02-19). Bernhard Gives… So Does Brian. smoothiex12.blogspot.com

Orinico Tribune. (2023-02-19). SOS — Alliance For Global Justice Has Been Attacked! popularresistance.org Alliance for Global Justice and our fiscally-sponsored projects are under attack by right-wing media. They're doing their best to intimidate and silence us in order to neutralize our effectiveness in growing and supporting movements for liberation and justice worldwide. They have convinced the company that handles our credit card donations to block AfGJ and our projects from use of this critical fundraising tool. | This isn't the first time they've come at us. In the 1980s, the Young Republicans claimed that the Nicaragua Network, our founding organization, was taking college students to Nicaragua to train in gue…

Palestine Action. (2023-02-19). Palestine Action Declares A Siege On Leicester's Israeli Arms Factory. popularresistance.org From May 1st, Palestine Action will lay siege to Leicester's Israeli arms factory, UAV Tactical Systems. The mass action will include hundreds staying put for weeks on end, through day and night, refusing to leave until Elbit does. Drawing parallels with the decades-long siege of Gaza [1], Palestine Action's siege will symbolically turn this process on its head and cut off Leicester's link to Israel's military supply chain. | The direct action campaign against Elbit to date has forced Israel's largest arms firm to lose their London Headquarters, Oldham arms factory, and over £280million in contracts with th…

People's Dispatch. (2023-02-19). Anti-War Groups Protest Against Munich Security Conference. popularresistance.org Munich, Germany – On February 18, Saturday, anti-imperialist, leftist groups protested in Munich, Germany against the ongoing 59th annual Munich Security Conference (MSC) which began on Friday February 17. Left-wing groups including the German Communist Party (DKP), Socialist German Workers Youth (SDAJ), and others marched in the city and slammed MSC as the conference of warmongers. The mobilization saw the participation of tens of thousands of people who condemned the conference and called for peace. Anti-fascist groups also denounced the far-right groups who also organized protests in Munich on Saturday.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-02-19). Daily Round-up | Tesla vehicle recall and 'retaliatory' firings & other stories. peoplesdispatch.org In today's episode, we bring you stories of Tesla being forced to withdraw vehicles and cracking down on unionizing, anti-fascist actions in Germany, and the latest European Union bid to prevent Russian athletes from competing in international events…

Pepe Escobar (2023-02-19). Iran-China Strategic Partnership. dissidentvoice.org The national flags of China and Iran fly in Tiananmen Square during Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi's visit to Beijing, China, February 14, 2023. (Photo by Reuters) The key takeaway of President Ebrahim Raeisi's state visit to Beijing goes way beyond the signing of 20 bilateral cooperation agreements. This is a crucial inflexion point in an …

Peter Koenig (2023-02-19). Megalomania — Privilege of the Rich and Powerful? The World Government Summit. globalresearch.ca

Peter Koenig (2023-02-19). Tavistock Et Al, Black Cars, Torn Jeans and LGBTQ: Social Engineering, Mind Manipulation. globalresearch.ca

Prof Michel Chossudovsky (2023-02-19). The Pfizer Vaccine: A Tale of Two Reports. "Money vs. Mortality" globalresearch.ca

Renee Parsons (2023-02-19). American Presidents Renege on Agreements with Russia Opening Its Border to NATO. globalresearch.ca

Robert J. Burrowes (2023-02-19). Historical Analysis of the Global Elite: Ransacking the World Economy Until 'You'll Own Nothing.'. globalresearch.ca

Ryan Cristián (2023-02-19). Ohio Cover Up: Vinyl Chloride Poisoning, Dioxin Byproducts, Hydrochloric Acid Rain, myID & HHS Docs. thelastamericanvagabond.com Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/19/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth

slingshot collective (2023-02-19). Sunday 2/19: Help Mail slingshot issue #137 – Day 2 of 2. indybay.org Long Haul Infoshop – 3124 Shattuck Ave Berkeley – corner of Woolsey and Shattuck – 2 blocks from Ashby BART…

Staff (2023-02-19). Darién Peña y su romance con la poesía. cubadebate.cu "Hay que perder la costumbre y dejar de concebir la cultura como saber enciclopédico", así comienza un texto de Gramsci que nos habla de la importancia de qué es cultura y que no, de la inteligencia y del hombre. Entre texto del filósofo marxista, canciones de trova y libros de Martí me imagino Darién Peña Prada, un joven escritor cubano quien con Bestia contextual ganó el Premio Calendario 2022.

Staff (2023-02-19). La Tira de los Lectores: Mi foto del mar. cubadebate.cu Cual postales, las imágenes del mar que llegaron esta semana denotan la belleza de las costas cubanas y traen paz al espectador. Agradecemos la participación de los lectores en esta convocatoria y los invitamos a comunicarse con nuestro equipo a través del correo comentacubadebate@gmail.com o mediante nuestros perfiles en redes sociales.

Staff (2023-02-19). Lisandra Ordaz continúa en el primer puesto en Campeonato Nacional Femenino de Ajedrez. cubadebate.cu Durante la novena ronda del Campeonato Nacional Femenino de Ajedrez de Camagàºey 2023, Lisandra Ordaz, única mujer en Cuba con título de Maestro Internacional, consigue en cada ronda un paso firme hacia su nuevo reinado nacional. Este sábado lo hizo con tablas. La también ganadora en la edición de 2020, firmó la paz con la habanera Karen Gutiérrez.

Staff (2023-02-19). Periodista estadounidense sobre conflicto en Ucrania: "Encendimos la mecha y la tiramos allí" cubadebate.cu Seymour Hersh, destacado periodista estadounidense y ganador de un premio Pulitzer, expresó durante una entrevista este sábado, que al crear condiciones para el conflicto, EE.UU. ofreció al presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, un argumento que llevó al pueblo ruso a consolidarse detrás de su líder."Encendimos la mecha y la tiramos allí", expresó Hersh.

Staff (2023-02-19). Cuba derrota 3-2 a Dragones de Chunichi en juego de preparación. cubadebate.cu El equipo Cuba al V Clásico Mundial obtuvo su primera victoria en su actual gira de preparación por Japón al vencer a los Dragones de Chunichi por 3 carreras a 2.

Staff (2023-02-19). Misil impactó en región de Siria y dejó al menos cinco muertos y 15 heridos. cubadebate.cu Un misil, presuntamente lanzado por el Ejército israelí, alcanzó la víspera una zona residencial de Kafersuseh, distrito municipal de Damasco, Siria, y dañó gravemente varios edificios y dejó al menos cinco muertos y 15 heridos, según el Ministerio de Defensa del país. Ocurrió exactamente a las 22: 00 hora local del sábado.

Staff (2023-02-19). Recuperar la vida colectiva leyendo un libro rojo. cubadebate.cu En el mundo actual, en un lado están los libros rojos y el impulso de ampliar los límites de la humanidad y la cultura de izquierda; en el otro lado están la violencia y el derramamiento de sangre, el lado espantoso de la barbarie. El Día de los Libros Rojos afirma la cultura del futuro, la cultura de la humanidad. Es un frente crucial en la batalla de ideas.

Stephanie Masterman, Last Real Indians. (2023-02-19). How Tribes of the North Are Taking Climate Matters into Their Own Hands. popularresistance.org It can be difficult to understand the true impacts of climate change when you are not directly facing its harsh effects. We see that communities in different regions and terrains around the world are experiencing different rates of global warming with different consequences. We also know that the Arctic, in particular, is experiencing climate change more rapidly and more severely than other parts of the world. In order to understand the diverse impact climate change has on different communities, it is also important to understand what community-based solutions are in place for adaptation and mitigation of climate…

Steve Watson (2023-02-19). Video: Klaus Schwab Calls for Global Government to "Master" AI Technologies. globalresearch.ca

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-19). Corea del Norte lanza misil balístico al mar de Japón. telesurtv.net La Guardia Costera de Japón también confirmó el lanzamiento del misil.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-19). Regiones del norte inician paro en contra del Gobierno de Perú. telesurtv.net En este marco, pudo conocerse que organizaciones sociales en las provincias de San Martín, Piura, Trujillo y Lambayeque ya confirmaron su participación en el paro.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-19). Caricom pide regreso a la normalidad en Surinam. telesurtv.net Los líderes del bloque recibieron un informe del Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Negocios Internacionales y Cooperación Internacional de Surinam sobre los disturbios en curso en ese país.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-19). Encuentran cuerpo de futbolista ghanés entre los escombros en Türkiye. t.co Este sábado el equipo Hatayspor dio a conocer que su jugador, Christian Atsu, falleció en los terremotos que azotaron Türkiye y Siria el pasado 6 de febrero.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-19). Türkiye eleva a más de 40.000 los muertos a causa de los terremotos. t.co "Los esfuerzos de búsqueda y rescate terminarán en gran medida a partir de mañana (domingo) por la noche", indicó la Autoridad de Gestión de Catástrofes y Emergencias.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-02-19). Rescatan a tres personas con vida bajo los escombros en Türkiye. t.co Otro rescatado, un hombre de 45 años, había sido encontrado el viernes en la misma provincia, 278 horas después del sismo.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-19). Nicaragàºenses evocan legado revolucionario de Sandino. telesurtv.net Homenaje al General de Hombres Libres, Augusto César Sandino, a 89 años de su tránsito a la inmortalidad.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-19). Organizaciones sociales denuncian represión en Lima, Perú. telesurtv.net La Policía Nacional de Perú atacó con bombas lacrimógenas en diversos puntos de la capital peruana a grupos de manifestantes, para forzarlos a dispersarse.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-19). Al menos cinco fallecidos tras ataque israelí contra Siria. telesurtv.net Hasta el momento se reportan 15 heridos, varios en estado crítico. Los misiles israelíes se lanzaron desde Altos del Golán.

teleSUR, JDO (2023-02-19). Autoridades de Surinam detienen a participantes en protestas. telesurtv.net Se reportan 119 arrestos, de ellos 83 personas que participaron en saqueos. Se presentaron cargos a 37 sospechosos.

teleSUR, odr, JCM (2023-02-19). Protestan en Múnich contra la Conferencia de Seguridad. telesurtv.net La Alianza para la Acción contra MSC reacciona contra " el militarismo, el nacionalismo, el antisemitismo y el racismo"

teleSUR, odr, JCM (2023-02-19). Militares rusos donan 2.5 toneladas de medicamentos a Siria. telesurtv.net La asistencia fue recibida principalmente por el hospital militar sirio y el Hospital Universitario Estatal, donde se presta servicio a damnificados del terremoto.

teleSUR, odr, JDO (2023-02-19). Argentina confirma segundo caso de gripe aviar. telesurtv.net La cartera sanitaria confirmó la enfermedad en análisis efectuados por el Laboratorio Nacional del Senasa.

teleSUR, odr, JDO (2023-02-19). Tiroteo provoca un muerto y un herido en Arizona, EE.UU. telesurtv.net La Policía informó que mantiene a una persona bajo custodia y que el individuo lesionado no corre peligro.

teleSUR, odr, JDO (2023-02-19). OMS pide más fondos de ayuda para víctimas en Türkiye y Siria. telesurtv.net La Organización Mundial de la Salud informó este sábado la recaudación de 84.5 millones de dólares para atender a víctimas de los terremotos en Türkiye y Siria.

teleSUR, rzr, JCM (2023-02-19). Avioneta desaparece en pleno vuelo en Filipinas. telesurtv.net La aeronave, con cuatro personas a bordo despegó desde el aeropuerto internacional de Bicol.

teleSUR, rzr, SH (2023-02-19). Líderes de Caricom piden fortalecer fuerzas policiales de Haití. telesurtv.net El primer ministro haitiano, Ariel Henry, solicitó a la comunidad internacional que apoye los esfuerzos para salir de la grave crisis que atraviesa Haití.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-19). Incendios forestales se reactivan con fuerza en el sur de Chile. telesurtv.net De acuerdo a datos oficiales alrededor de un 25 por ciento de los incendios forestales en Chile registrados en el 2023 han sido intencionados.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-19). Presidente boliviano llama a la unidad por el proceso de cambio. telesurtv.net El presidente Luis Arce señaló que su gobierno respalda a las organizaciones sociales que cimentaron las bases del proceso de cambio.

teleSUR, SH (2023-02-19). Casi 85.000 edificios quedaron destruidos por sismos en Türkiye. twitter.com El ministro de Medio Ambiente y Urbanismo de Türkiye, afirmó que han examinado alrededor de 684.000 edificios tras los sismos que se registraron en el país.

The Dissenter (2023-02-19). March to War In Iraq, 20 Years Later: February 19, 2003. thedissenter.org The Dissenter Newsletter recalls each day in the timeline of events that led up to the US invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003, twenty years ago…

Tim Kràºger (2023-02-19). Kurdish Activists Offer a Beacon to the World. Erdoƒüan Wants to Crush Them. truthout.org Detonations jolted people out of their sleep. Firelight illuminated the skies of northern and eastern Syria, and from time to time it glared brightly. The silence of the night was shattered by the engine noise of Turkish fighter jets and the loud explosions of their deadly cargo, which made the windowpanes and walls of nearby houses tremble. In wave after wave, dozens of Turkish fighter jets took… |

TRNN (2023-02-19). A celebration of life for Marshall "Eddie" Conway. therealnews.com Date: | Saturday, February 25th | Viewing and service: | Location: | Homewood Friends Meeting House | 3107 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218 | Time: | Viewing Noon to 1pm, Service 1pm to 3pm | Repast to follow at The Real News: | Location: | 235 Holliday Street, Baltimore, MD 21202 | Time: | 3: 30pm to 7: 30pm | Please RSVP using this

Waging Nonviolence (2023-02-19). Northwest Climate Activists, including Native Americans, Target new Oil Pipeline to stop Fossil Fuels. juancole.com Climate groups and Indigenous nations are working to add the GTN Xpress pipeline expansion to a long list of defeated fossil fuel transportation projects in the Northwest. By Nick Engelfried | — Climate protesters gathered at the State Capitol in Portland, Oregon in 2019 to protest the later canceled Jordan Cove LNG export terminal. (Facebook/Rogue …

WSWS (2023-02-19). RMT union postpones further strikes for a month and divides action by 40,000 rail workers against UK Tory government. wsws.org The four days of action covers rail workers at the train operating companies, while those at Network Rail will only participate on March 16.

Yuri Rubtsov (2023-02-19). History: Hitler was Financed by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England. globalresearch.ca Note to readers: please click the share buttons above | feature image: Hitler, Schacht and Prescott Bush | First published by Global Research in May 2016, Minor edits by Global Research. Title as in the original. | Incisive historical analysis. | From World War …

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